T H E H E A R T B E AT AUGUST 2012 PREZ SEZ Inside This Issue: Club Business Schnauzapalooza 2 2&3 Wags & Brags 4 HSSC Specialty & Show Pics 511 SSCA National Report 12 RDOD Correction 13 Sweeps & Show Results ‘Bone’ Appetit 14 18 19 BY KARA MAYTAG -KASZAS The year is passing quickly and I am happy to say that the Heartland Standard Schnauzer Club put together a successful Specialty that was held in conjunction with the St Croix Valley Kennel Club on August 24th. We had a respectable turnout of 9 entrants in the Specialty Classes and 28 in the Regular classes. Thanks to all that helped make this event run smoothly this year. We will be looking for your help again next spring when we have a Specialty in conjunction with Schnauzapalooza on May 12th in Gray Summit, MO. We are looking for individuals to help serve on the committees so if you are interested, contact an HSSC board member! Watch the calendar as we still have several fun and exciting events this fall. Responsible Dog Ownership Days on Sept 8th (email me if you want to volunteer), the HSSC garage sale, the Annual walk in Oct and a grooming day in November. Our club is successful because of you, the members. Thanks to each of you for supporting the club and events. We have taken on a big task next year with the additional Specialty and I want to thank those in advance who will help make that event successful. A weekend dedicated to all three sizes of Schnauzers…Standard, Miniature and Giant. Mark your calendars as this may be a once in a lifetime experience! Best Regards, Kara Maytag-Kaszas president@heartlandstandardschnauzer.org SCVKC Show Videos HEAR YE, HEAR YE! Go to the following web URLs to view video clips of the Standard Schnauzers showing at the St. Croix Valley Kennel Club show in Lake Elmo on Saturday, August 25, 2012. http://youtu.be/cq64D1tgwJc and/or http://youtu.be/jlGX2HJ7mOU The predicted rains held off until most dogs had taken their turn in the ring. When the sprinkles did increase, it was very light and the anticipated sporadic thunderstorms never appeared to cause a halt to the show. We hope you had the chance to enjoy yourself and the companionship with other schnauzer lovers. We certainly enjoyed the company of friends and the opportunity to make new acquaintances as well. All contents of this publication are copyrighted and are not to be used in any manner without the consent of the respective copyright owners. 2012 Board of Directors, etc. President: Kara Maytag-Kaszas Vice President: Kelli Mullett Secretary: Marjana Callery Treasurer: Pam Ziegenhagen s Director: Laura Lindenfelser Director: Sunny Lambert Newsletter Editor: Roger Eriksen Web Graphics: Kara Maytag-Kaszas Visit our Website: www.heartlandstandardschnauzer.org Please contact any or all officers with your comments or suggestions. Be a Great Club Ambassador Club tee shirts are now available. An assortment of sizes in blue and grey, 100% preshrunk ultra-cotton with black screen printed graphics are available for purchase. Contact any club officer for pricing and size availability. HSSC Business Club Meeting Minutes are not available at this time. SSCA 2013 National Specialty Schnauzapalooza Mark your calendars for May 8-12, 2013 to attend Schnauzapalooza at Purina Farms near St Louis, Missouri!! It is an all Schnauzer (Miniature, Standard, Giant) event which will offer 3 days of Agility, Conformation, Obedience and Rally as well as one day of Herding. It will be an event not to miss! The Heartland Standard Schnauzer Club will be holding a regional Conformation Specialty on Sunday May 12 as well as sponsoring prizes for Agility/Obedience/Rally on Saturday for the Standard Schnauzers. Please contact Kara at president@heartlandstandardschnauzer.org if you are interested in serving on one of the National committees (they are especially in need of people to help with Hospitality and Advertising) or to help with the HSSC planning. An all Schnauzer Nationals has never been attempted before, so make sure you are a part of it!! Check out www.ssca2013national.com for details as they become available. All contents of this publication are copyrighted and are not to be used in any manner without the consent of the respective copyright owners. Wednesday, May 8 ♥ SSCA Board Meeting ♥ Herding (outdoors) ♥ All Schnauzer Educational Seminars (Purina Center) ♥ Demo Events and Fun Activities Thursday, May 9 ♥ SSCA Sweepstakes – Puppies & Veterans ♥ All Schnauzer National Agility/Obedience/Rally ♥ All Schnauzer Combined Judges Education Seminar ♥ Combined Informal Welcome/Meet & Greet Gathering (Purina Center) ♥ Breeders Tournament Friday, May 10 ♥ Prairieland SSC Specialty and Sweepstakes ♥ AMSC & GSCA Regional Specialties ♥ All Schnauzer Agility/Obedience/Rally ♥ SSCA Annual Membership Meeting (Checkerboard Café – Purina Center) Saturday, May 11 ♥ SSCA, AMSC & GSCA National Specialties ♥ "Best Schnauzer" Competition ♥ All Schnauzer Agility/Obedience/Rally ♥ SSCA Annual Awards Banquet (Founder's Room - Purina Center) Sunday, May 12 ♥ Heartland SSC Specialty ♥ Gateway MSC Specialty ♥ GSCA Supported Regional Specialty KNOSHERBOCKER Knickerbocker Standard Schnauzer Club Newsletter . . . published recognition of CH JORDAN FAEA-DANU' OF WINDTREE CD RE, Owner: Sondra J Lambert & Mary Ann Lambert and JORDAN GRADY OF WINDTREE RN, Owner: Michele Ann Zarinelli in the latest edition. On page 2, “the awesome standard schnauzers that competed and most took home ribbons and placements” caption under the photos gave ‘props’ to the participants of the 2012 Obedience/Rally competitions at Nationals. Congratulations to Sunny and Michele!!! For further details go to www.KNICKERBOCKERSSC.com All contents of this publication are copyrighted and are not to be used in any manner without the consent of the respective copyright owners. Von Rose Wins! Great dog show in Winona MN for our club members at Von Rose Standard Schnauzers. The Coulee Kennel Club, Inc. AKC Conformation Show was held at the MN Equestrian Center, Winona, MN, Saturday, August 4 and Sunday, August 5, 2012. GCh Himmlisch Furst Magic Moment “Magic” got select on Saturday and breed on Sunday. They also finished Von Rose Hazy Shade of Winter “Shade” on Saturday. He then went breed over 2 specials. Now he can take his place as one of the other Champions in the house. Good friends, good times . . . . Per SuzAnne, ”You are looking at Von Rose Rising from the Ashes ‘Odin.’ He went Best In Show at the Iowa State Fair on Sunday! Up against some tough competition and seasoned handlers. We are very proud of Odin and Linda, great job!” A Real Blast at Soccer Blast! According to Kara, “Another fun weekend of AKC agility! Baylee went 5 for 6 and is closing in on points for her MACH. (I think we only have 25 to go) Not to be outdone, Harper got her 3rd qualifying leg for her Novice Standard title in addition to her 1st Open Jumpers leg! Not bad considering the little one has only had 6 days of trianing in her career so far!” Faea-Danu’ Shows Her Stuff Sunny reports that on Sunday, August 19, “Faea-Danu' completed her Open Jumpers w/Weaves title in agility and qualified in her second Open Std run. She'll move to Excellent JWW and only 1 leg to go in std before she's in excellent for that. I'm really proud of what a fantastic job she's done in agility this summer!” All contents of this publication are copyrighted and are not to be used in any manner without the consent of the respective copyright owners. Again this year, the turnout of great looking, wonderfully well-bred handsomely groomed standard schnauzers were amazing. In addition to the ‘regulars’ and others, we were treated to several new junior handlers and some new or novice handlers and their dogs. What great fun to see the interest in our breed grow and doing so well. We were treated to some very nice dogs in the ring. All contents of this publication are copyrighted and are not to be used in any manner without the consent of the respective copyright owners. All contents of this publication are copyrighted and are not to be used in any manner without the consent of the respective copyright owners. All contents of this publication are copyrighted and are not to be used in any manner without the consent of the respective copyright owners. All contents of this publication are copyrighted and are not to be used in any manner without the consent of the respective copyright owners. All contents of this publication are copyrighted and are not to be used in any manner without the consent of the respective copyright owners. All contents of this publication are copyrighted and are not to be used in any manner without the consent of the respective copyright owners. Which one do you think Bob is impersonating? ‘Bashful’ or ‘Sleepy’? This year the winner of the Grand Prize drawing is George Huddle All contents of this publication are copyrighted and are not to be used in any manner without the consent of the respective copyright owners. HSSC Director Sunny Lambert reports that her Jordy went to the Rainbow Bridge on Saturday, July 14th. According to her Jordan Standard Schnauzers web site, “Jordy, was my very first Standard Schnauzer and the dog I honor with the name, Jordan Standard Schnauzers. I've never had a dog with such a sense of humor nor one so silly. She even showed her teeth to mimic the human smile; laughter was chomping her teeth and shaking her head simultaneously. Jordy earned her AKC Championship with four majors in between her silly antics in the ring. She then went on to earn the AKC Companion Dog title with a standing ovation at her title. Most everywhere she goes she inspired laughter with her clowning... the sport she loved most! Jordy and I worked for a short while on herding sheep. She was very good at it and passed her Herding Capability Test with American Herding Breed Association. She turned 16 on Feb 13, 2012. She had a good long life. Thanks to Susan and Steve Geiss for taking such wonderful care and loving her so much!!” We are saddened by your loss Sunny, but take comfort knowing you have such wonderful memories. 2012 SSCA NATIONAL SPECIALTY By Thomas Chan This year's Nationals were quite the experience for us. We drove up on Wednesday and had Dexter (Jordan Iyn of Windtree) entered for Sweepstakes and Class Friday - Sunday. Seeing so many Standard Schnauzers was precious; learning how many were related to each other was amazing! It was humbling to see many of the "big names" in Standard Schnauzer breeding and advocacy and how much work they've put in to preserving and promoting the breed we love. Sunny and Mary Ann Lambert were helpful as always for us as we've been learning to groom and prepare Dex for the show ring. Of special note, it was incredibly heartwarming seeing Dexter reunited with his two litter-mates, Idgy and Izzy, for the long weekend. Dexter won his class in Sweepstakes each day he was entered and placed 2nd in his Class on Friday. Given the competition, we were overjoyed! Oh Sure. Give a guy a little success in the ring and he “cops an attitude”!!! All contents of this publication are copyrighted and are not to be used in any manner without the consent of the respective copyright owners. So you have not missed it this year. The HSSC will be participating and are in need of more folks to come out with their dogs and spend a little time at our booth talking with the public about how great our breed is to us. This is a great opportunity to “show off” why we know standard schnauzers are such wonderful athletes, companions and competitors. This will be the fourth annual Minnesota Responsible Dog Ownership event for this group of 43 All-breed, Group, and Specialty Clubs from across Minnesota. The event offers the opportunity to watch or participate in a variety of dog activities including, AKC Meet the Breeds, meet the groomer, agility, obedience, rally, weight pull, earth dog tunnels, and free conformation handling lessons from experienced trainers. A new attraction this year will be the Croix Valley Tracking Club who will provide insight into the world of tracking. We will again offer free Canine Good Citizen testing and low cost TDI evaluation at this event. A microchip clinic (ID your dog) is available on-site for $25.00 including registration and $5.00 from each chip sold is donated to the Three Day Breast Cancer Walk. Food will be available on the grounds provided by the Animal Inn Junior Handlers group and all net proceeds from the sales will be donated to the Junior Scholarship Fund. An AKC Canine Experience match for conformation, obedience, and rally will be held starting at noon and is open to all recognized breeds including Foundation Stock Services. This match is to encourage new dog owners to try these venues and there is no charge for entry in this event. Please consider joining us at this event and all well behaved dogs on leash with proof of vaccination are welcome. Also try to ‘spread the word’ as this day is for and warmly welcomes the general public. The Governor has declared September 8th, 2012 to be Minnesota Responsible Dog Ownership Day (RDOD) in Minnesota. The press inquiries about the event have been very solid again this year and we are hoping for an even larger crowd at the RDOD. Free parking and admission so see you there! All contents of this publication are copyrighted and are not to be used in any manner without the consent of the respective copyright owners. HEARTLAND STD SCHNAUZER CLUB OF THE GREATER TWIN CITIES 8/24/2012 SWEEPSTAKES - STANDARD SCHNAUZERS JUDGE: Mrs Jane Haefner 4 (937) (939) 1/BSP/OSS 2 (941) (943) 3 1 1 STANDARD SCHNAUZERS, Puppy Dogs 6 Mos & Under 9 Mos . VONROSE ODIN RISING FROM THE ASHES. WS395695/01. 01/06/2012. BREEDER: Jon Rosenberg & Cecelia Link. By GCh Ch Himmlisch Furst Magic Moment-Ch Von Link's Cinderlady Von Rose. OWNER: Linda K Shedd & Suzanne Garcia & Jon Rosenberg. SKETCHBOOK WINTER SOLSTICE. WS401219/01. 12/21/2011. BREEDER: Liz Hansen. By Ch Sketchbook Red Corvette-Ch Sketchbook Spring Breeze. OWNER: Julie Fogarty & Liz Hansen. SKETCHBOOK SLEIGH RIDE. WS401219/03. 12/21/2011. BREEDER: Liz Hansen & Martha Crawford. By Ch Sketchbook Red Corvette-Ch Sketchbook Spring Breeze. OWNER: Martha Crawford & Liz Hansen. VON ROSE COMMANDER SPARKS. WS395695/08. 01/06/2012. BREEDER: Jon Rosenberg. By Ch GCH CH Himmlisch Furst Magic Moment-Ch CH Von Link's Cinder Lady Von Rose. OWNER: Sylvia Habermehl. (949) STANDARD SCHNAUZERS, Junior Dogs 15 Mos & Under 18 Mos . SKETCHBOOK NO DEDUCTIONS. WS376416/02. 04/09/2011. BREEDER: Liz Hansen. By CH Dinsdale-Chimera Man In Black-CH Sketchbook Spring Serenade. OWNER: Terri Rothwell & Liz Hansen. (936) STANDARD SCHNAUZERS, Junior Bitches 12 Mos & Under 15 Mos . SKETCHBOOK AUTUMN WIND. WS386115/01. 06/28/2011. BREEDER: Liz Hansen. By Ch Halcyon's Samuel Adams-Ch Sketchbook Harvest Moon. OWNER: Liz Hansen. (944) STANDARD SCHNAUZERS, Junior Bitches 15 Mos & Under 18 Mos . SKETCHBOOK NO DOUBT. WS376416/04. 04/09/2011. BREEDER: Owner. By Ch DinsdaleChimera Man-In_Black-Ch Sketchbook Springtime Serenade. OWNER: Liz Hansen. 1/BSJ/BSS VETERANS SWEEPSTAKES STANDARD SCHNAUZERS JUDGE: Mrs Deborah J Wilkins (957) STANDARD SCHNAUZERS, Veteran Sweepstakes Dogs 7 Yrs & Under 9 Yrs . GCH SKETCHBOOK NEON LIGHTS. WS136701/06. 06/02/2005. BREEDER: Julie Fogarty & Owner. By Ch Scarlights Seasar TD NA-GCh Sketchbook Moonlit Madness. OWNER: Liz Hansen. (952) STANDARD SCHNAUZERS, Veteran Sweepstakes Bitches 9 Yrs & Under 10 Yrs . GCH CH SKETCHBOOK HARVEST MOON. WR077743/02. 10/16/2002. BREEDER: Liz Hansen. By Ch Shana's Love From Canada-Ch Sketchbook Some Like It Hot. OWNER: Liz Hansen. 1/BSV 1/OSV All contents of this publication are copyrighted and are not to be used in any manner without the consent of the respective copyright owners. REGULAR CLASSES STANDARD SCHNAUZERS JUDGE: Mrs Patricia (Pat) Hastings 4 937 2 939 3 941 1/R 943 1 945 2 947 1/W/BW 949 1 1 1/R STANDARD SCHNAUZERS, Puppy Dogs 6 Mos & Under 9 Mos. VONROSE ODIN RISING FROM THE ASHES. WS395695/01. 01/06/2012. BREEDER: Jon Rosenberg & Cecelia Link. By GCh Ch Himmlisch Furst Magic Moment-Ch Von Link's Cinderlady Von Rose. OWNER: Linda K Shedd & Suzanne Garcia & Jon Rosenberg. SKETCHBOOK WINTER SOLSTICE. WS401219/01. 12/21/2011. BREEDER: Liz Hansen. By Ch Sketchbook Red Corvette-Ch Sketchbook Spring Breeze. OWNER: Julie Fogarty & Liz Hansen. SKETCHBOOK SLEIGH RIDE. WS401219/03. 12/21/2011. BREEDER: Liz Hansen & Martha Crawford. By Ch Sketchbook Red Corvette-Ch Sketchbook Spring Breeze. OWNER: Martha Crawford & Liz Hansen. VON ROSE COMMANDER SPARKS. WS395695/08. 01/06/2012. BREEDER: Jon Rosenberg. By Ch GCH CH Himmlisch Furst Magic Moment-Ch CH Von Link's Cinder Lady Von Rose. OWNER: Sylvia Habermehl. STANDARD SCHNAUZERS, Amateur-Owner-Handler Dogs. ASGARD VIKING LEGACY. WS366075/01. 12/12/2010. BREEDER: Georgia Sabean & Jean Gillen. By Ch Legacy Lord Of The Vines-Ch Asgard Queen Of Diamonds. OWNER: Robert Smith & Cheryl Smith. STANDARD SCHNAUZERS, Bred-By-Exhibitor Dogs . VON LIMPERT DARING DAGWOOD. WS371190/02. 01/22/2011. BREEDER: Linda & John & Jennifer Limpert. By Gch Ch Von Hoedl's King Koehl-CH Von Limpert Chaltenge Within Me AX AXJ. OWNER: Lynn Tonkin & Linda & John & Jennifer Limpert. SKETCHBOOK NO DEDUCTIONS. WS376416/02. 04/09/2011. BREEDER: Liz Hansen. By CH Dinsdale-Chimera Man In Black-CH Sketchbook Spring Serenade. OWNER: Terri Rothwell & Liz Hansen. 951 STANDARD SCHNAUZERS, Open Dogs . SKETCHBOOK SHARP DRESSED MAN. WS334681/03. 10/27/2009. BREEDER: Liz Hansen & Martha Crawford. By Ch Dinsdale-Chimera Man-In-Black-Ch Sketchbook Spring Breeze. OWNER: Denise Wuori. 936 STANDARD SCHNAUZERS, Twelve To Eighteen Month Bitches . SKETCHBOOK AUTUMN WIND. WS386115/01. 06/28/2011. BREEDER: Liz Hansen. By Ch Halcyon's Samuel Adams-Ch Sketchbook Harvest Moon. OWNER: Liz Hansen. 938 STANDARD SCHNAUZERS, Amateur-Owner-Handler Bitches. JORDAN ISIS OF WINDTREE. WS366755/03. 01/20/2011. BREEDER: Mary Ann Lambert & Sondra J Lambert. By Ch Geistvoll Yarden V Diamant-Gch Ch Jordan Envoy Of Windtree RN. OWNER: Alain & Michele Zarinelli & Sondra J Lambert. 1/W 940 3 942 2 944 STANDARD SCHNAUZERS, Bred-By-Exhibitor Bitches. KATON'S EYE OF THE TIGER V MORGNWALD. WS354576/01. 09/25/2010. BREEDER: Owners. By Ch Irondogs Space Travler OA OAJ NF-Gch Ch Morgenwald Prim'n Proper v Katon. OWNER: Kathy Koehler & Penny Duffee & Connie Reidner. JORDAN IMOGENE OF WINDTREE. WS366755/01. 01/20/2011. BREEDER: Sondra J Lambert & Mary Ann Lambert. By Ch Geistvoll Yardan V Diamant-GCh Ch Jordan Envoy of Windtree BN RA. OWNER: Sondra J Lambert. SKETCHBOOK NO DOUBT. WS376416/04. 04/09/2011. BREEDER: Owner. By Ch DinsdaleChimera Man-In_Black-Ch Sketchbook Springtime Serenade. OWNER: Liz Hansen. STANDARD SCHNAUZERS, Open Bitches. All contents of this publication are copyrighted and are not to be used in any manner without the consent of the respective copyright owners. 3 946 2 948 1 950 1 SEL 952 953 955 BB 957 OS 960 962 964 966 968 970 SEL 1 972 (955) PIP TALES ALL HALLOWS EVE. WS326745/01. 10/28/2009. BREEDER: Carol J Ronyak & Stephen Scholesser. By Ch Sketchbook Neon Lights-Ch Pip Tales Constitution Connie CD. OWNER: Carol J Ronyak & Stephen Scholesser. DINSDALE CHIMERA BUMBLE BEA. WS381786/01. 08/22/2010. BREEDER: Lori Elvin. By Dinsdale Champagne Irish Stout-Dinsdale Devil's Bow. OWNER: Brooke Thomas. VON LIMPERT DARLING BELLE. WS371190/03. 01/22/2011. BREEDER: Linda & John & Jennifer Limpert. By GCh Von Hoedl's King Koehl-Ch Vonlimpert Challenge Within Me AX AXJ. OWNER: James Kurle & George Huddle. STANDARD SCHNAUZERS, Veteran Bitches. GCH CH SKETCHBOOK HARVEST MOON. WR077743/02. 10/16/2002. BREEDER: Liz Hansen. By Ch Shana's Love From Canada-Ch Sketchbook Some Like It Hot. OWNER: Liz Hansen. STANDARD SCHNAUZERS, Best of Breed Competition. GCH CH JORDAN GABLE OF WINDTREE CD RE BN. WS297871/02. 04/06/2009. Dog. BREEDER: Owners. By Ch Argenta Zeck Zentara-Ch Centara Uptown Girl CD RA NAJ RA. OWNER: Sondra J & Mary Ann Lambert. GCH CH HIMMLISCH FURST MAGIC MOMENT. WS151668/03. 11/14/2005. Dog. BREEDER: Kathi & Roy Dvorak. By Ch Giestvoll Beat The Odds-Ch Giestvoll Yesterdays Dream NA NAJ. OWNER: Jon Rosenberg & Luis Garcia. GCH SKETCHBOOK NEON LIGHTS. WS136701/06. 06/02/2005. Dog. BREEDER: Julie Fogarty & Owner. By Ch Scarlights Seasar TD NA-GCh Sketchbook Moonlit Madness. OWNER: Liz Hansen. GCH CH MORGENWALD PRIM 'N PROPER V KATON. WS172217/01. 03/02/2006. Bitch. BREEDER: Owners. By Ch Pepper Tree Yakima Jack AX OAJ-Ch Morgenwald's Olivia V Coron. OWNER: Kathy Koehler & Penny Duffee & Connie Reidner. CH PIP TALES CONSTITUTION CONNIE CD. WS226408/02. 07/05/2007. Bitch. BREEDER: Stephen Schloesser. By Ch Jordan Bentley of Windtree-Ch Centara Via Rosa CD. OWNER: Carol J Ronyak/Stephen Schloesser. CH SKETCHBOOK SWEET ADELINE. WS360606/02. 07/12/2010. Bitch. BREEDER: Liz Hansen. By Ch Argenta's Zeck Zentara-Ch Sketchbook Springtime Serenade. OWNER: Liz Hansen. CH CRIVITZ RAINY DAY WOMEN. WS377187/02. 06/08/2011. Bitch. BREEDER: Owner. By Ch Charisma Syncopation V Rocky-Ch Crivitz Ale Alsylum Brewery. OWNER: Amy E Shaffer. AGENT: Scott Kipp, AKC Reg. Handler. CH VON HOEDL'S MADISON. WS246574/03. 11/08/2007. Bitch. BREEDER: George P Huddle. By Ch Von Hoedl's King Koehl-Ch Von Hoedl's Gibson Girl. OWNER: Jim & Gretchen Castle. CH GCH SKETCHBOOK SPRING WILLOW. WS169642/04. 03/04/2006. Bitch. BREEDER: Liz Hansen & Liz Holle. By Ch Scarlights Seasar TD NA-Ch GCH Sketchbook Harvest Moon. OWNER: Julie Fogarty & Liz Hansen. CH CEDAR HILLS ENCHANTED YELLOW ROSE. WS239950/07. 11/08/2007. Bitch. BREEDER: Jodi Moline & Debbie Casey. By Gch Ch V Schonhaven-Himmlisch Preston-Ch Cedar Hills Pajama Game NA NAJ. OWNER: Jon & Suzanne Rosenberg & J Moline & Kathi Dvorak. STANDARD SCHNAUZERS, Stud Dog . GCH CH HIMMLISCH FURST MAGIC MOMENT. WS151668/03. 11/14/2005. Dog. BREEDER: Kathi & Roy Dvorak. By Ch Giestvoll Beat The Odds-Ch Giestvoll Yesterdays Dream NA NAJ. OWNER: Jon Rosenberg & Luis Garcia. ST CROIX VALLEY KENNEL CLUB INC. 8/25/2012 All contents of this publication are copyrighted and are not to be used in any manner without the consent of the respective copyright owners. 2/R 7 3 9 4 19 1/W 25 1 1 1 STANDARD SCHNAUZERS JUDGE: Mrs Kimberly Meredith-Cavanna STANDARD SCHNAUZERS, Puppy Dogs 6 Mos & Under 9 Mos . SKETCHBOOK WINTER SOLSTICE. WS401219/01. 12/21/2011. BREEDER: Liz Hansen. By Ch Sketchbook Red Corvette-Ch Sketchbook Spring Breeze. OWNER: Julie Fogarty & Liz Hansen. VONROSE ODIN RISING FROM THE ASHES. WS395695/01. 01/06/2012. BREEDER: Jon Rosenberg & Cecelia Link. By GCh Ch Himmlisch Furst Magic Moment-Ch Von Link's Cinderlady Von Rose. OWNER: Linda K Shedd & Suzanne Garcia & Jon Rosenberg. VON ROSE COMMANDER SPARKS. WS395695/08. 01/06/2012. BREEDER: Jon Rosenberg. By Ch GCH CH Himmlisch Furst Magic Moment-Ch CH Von Link's Cinder Lady Von Rose. OWNER: Sylvia Habermehl. SKETCHBOOK SLEIGH RIDE. WS401219/03. 12/21/2011. BREEDER: Liz Hansen & Martha Crawford. By Ch Sketchbook Red Corvette-Ch Sketchbook Spring Breeze. OWNER: Martha Crawford & Liz Hansen. 11 STANDARD SCHNAUZERS, Amateur-Owner-Handler Dogs. ASGARD VIKING LEGACY. WS366075/01. 12/12/2010. BREEDER: Georgia Sabean & Jean Gillen. By Ch Legacy Lord Of The Vines-Ch Asgard Queen Of Diamonds. OWNER: Robert Smith & Cheryl Smith. 27 STANDARD SCHNAUZERS, Open Dogs . SKETCHBOOK SHARP DRESSED MAN. WS334681/03. 10/27/2009. BREEDER: Liz Hansen & Martha Crawford. By Ch Dinsdale-Chimera Man-In-Black-Ch Sketchbook Spring Breeze. OWNER: Denise Buckley. 40 STANDARD SCHNAUZERS, Amateur-Owner-Handler Bitches. JORDAN ISIS OF WINDTREE. WS366755/03. 01/20/2011. BREEDER: Mary Ann Lambert & Sondra J Lambert. By Ch Geistvoll Yarden V Diamant-Gch Ch Jordan Envoy Of Windtree RN. OWNER: Alain & Michele Zarinelli & Sondra J Lambert. 1/R 22 2 32 1/W/BW 16 2 20 3 26 4 36 SEL 5 STANDARD SCHNAUZERS, Bred-By-Exhibitor Bitches. JORDAN IMOGENE OF WINDTREE. WS366755/01. 01/20/2011. BREEDER: Sondra J Lambert & Mary Ann Lambert. By Ch Geistvoll Yardan V Diamant-GCh Ch Jordan Envoy of Windtree BN RA. OWNER: Sondra J Lambert. SKETCHBOOK NO DOUBT. WS376416/04. 04/09/2011. BREEDER: Owner. By Ch DinsdaleChimera Man-In_Black-Ch Sketchbook Springtime Serenade. OWNER: Liz Hansen. STANDARD SCHNAUZERS, Open Bitches. AHRENFELDS JUSST WHISTLE. WS244916/01. 12/25/2007. BREEDER: Owner. By Ch Morgenwald's Knockout V Skico-Ch All That Jazz Von Der Rose Garten. OWNER: Shelly Wiggins. PIP TALES ALL HALLOWS EVE. WS326745/01. 10/28/2009. BREEDER: Carol J Ronyak & Stephen Scholesser. By Ch Sketchbook Neon Lights-Ch Pip Tales Constitution Connie CD. OWNER: Carol J Ronyak & Stephen Scholesser. VON LIMPERT DARLING BELLE. WS371190/03. 01/22/2011. BREEDER: Linda & John & Jennifer Limpert. By GCh Von Hoedl's King Koehl-Ch Vonlimpert Challenge Within Me AX AXJ. OWNER: James Kurle & George Huddle. DINSDALE CHIMERA BUMBLE BEA. WS381786/01. 08/22/2010. BREEDER: Lori Elvin. By Dinsdale Champagne Irish Stout-Dinsdale Devil's Bow. OWNER: Brooke Thomas. STANDARD SCHNAUZERS, Best of Breed Competition. SKETCHBOOK NO DEDUCTIONS. WS376416/02. 04/09/2011. Dog. BREEDER: Liz Hansen. By CH Dinsdale-Chimera Man In Black-CH Sketchbook Spring Serenade. OWNER: Terri Rothwell & Liz Hansen. All contents of this publication are copyrighted and are not to be used in any manner without the consent of the respective copyright owners. 6 SEL 8 OS 12 14 15 17 BB 23 30 38 CH GCH SKETCHBOOK SPRING WILLOW. WS169642/04. 03/04/2006. Bitch. BREEDER: Liz Hansen & Liz Holle. By Ch Scarlights Seasar TD NA-Ch GCH Sketchbook Harvest Moon. OWNER: Julie Fogarty & Liz Hansen. CH VON HOEDL'S MADISON. WS246574/03. 11/08/2007. Bitch. BREEDER: George P Huddle. By Ch Von Hoedl's King Koehl-Ch Von Hoedl's Gibson Girl. OWNER: Jim & Gretchen Castle. GCH CH MORGENWALD PRIM 'N PROPER V KATON. WS172217/01. 03/02/2006. Bitch. BREEDER: Owners. By Ch Pepper Tree Yakima Jack AX OAJ-Ch Morgenwald's Olivia V Coron. OWNER: Kathy Koehler & Penny Duffee & Connie Reidner. CH MORGENWALD' PAY IT FORWARD V KATON. WS172217/04. 03/02/2006. Bitch. BREEDER: Owners. By Ch Pepper Tree Yakima Jack AX OAJ-Ch Morgenwald's Olivia V Coron. OWNER: Penny Duffee & Kathy Koehler & Connie Reidner. GCH CH JORDAN GABLE OF WINDTREE CD RE BN. WS297871/02. 04/06/2009. Dog. BREEDER: Owners. By Ch Argenta Zeck Zentara-Ch Centara Uptown Girl CD RA NAJ RA. OWNER: Sondra J & Mary Ann Lambert. GCH CH HIMMLISCH FURST MAGIC MOMENT. WS151668/03. 11/14/2005. Dog. BREEDER: Kathi & Roy Dvorak. By Ch Giestvoll Beat The Odds-Ch Giestvoll Yesterdays Dream NA NAJ. OWNER: Jon Rosenberg & Luis Garcia. GCH SKETCHBOOK NEON LIGHTS. WS136701/06. 06/02/2005. Dog. BREEDER: Julie Fogarty & Owner. By Ch Scarlights Seasar TD NA-GCh Sketchbook Moonlit Madness. OWNER: Liz Hansen. CH SKETCHBOOK SWEET ADELINE. WS360606/02. 07/12/2010. Bitch. BREEDER: Liz Hansen. By Ch Argenta's Zeck Zentara-Ch Sketchbook Springtime Serenade. OWNER: Liz Hansen. CH CRIVITZ RAINY DAY WOMEN. WS377187/02. 06/08/2011. Bitch. BREEDER: Owner. By Ch Charisma Syncopation V Rocky-Ch Crivitz Ale Alsylum Brewery. OWNER: Amy E Shaffer. AGENT: Scott Kipp, AKC Reg. Handler. STANDARD SCHNAUZERS, Brace 1st Dog Brace. 1/BBR/G1/BS (12) GCH CH MORGENWALD PRIM 'N PROPER V KATON. WS172217/01. 03/02/2006. Bitch. BREEDER: Owners. By Ch Pepper Tree Yakima Jack AX OAJ-Ch Morgenwald's Olivia V Coron. OWNER: Kathy Koehler & Penny Duffee & Connie Reidner. STANDARD SCHNAUZERS, Brace 2nd Dog Brace. 1/BBR/G1/BS (14) CH MORGENWALD' PAY IT FORWARD V KATON. WS172217/04. 03/02/2006. Bitch. BREEDER: Owners. By Ch Pepper Tree Yakima Jack AX OAJ-Ch Morgenwald's Olivia V Coron. OWNER: Penny Duffee & Kathy Koehler & Connie Reidner. RALLY, Novice B Class CH JORDAN GLORI OF WINDTREE BN RN. WS297871/07. 04/06/2009. Bitch. Standard Schnauzers. Breeder: Sunny J Lambert and Mary Ann Lambert. By Ch Argenta's Zeck Zentara-Ch Centara Uptown Girl RA CD NA NAJ. Owner: Linda K Shedd. RALLY Excellent A Class JORDAN GRADY OF WINDTREE RN. WS297871/05. 04/06/2009. Dog. Standard Schnauzer. Breeder: Sondra J Lambert & Mary Ann Lambert. By Argentas Zeck ZentaraCentara Uptown Girl CD RA NA NAJ. Owner: Michele Ann Zarinelli. CH JORDAN HARPER of KINGSVIEW NA NAJ... achieved her AKC Novice Standard and Novice JWW agility titles! All contents of this publication are copyrighted and are not to be used in any manner without the consent of the respective copyright owners. ‘Bone’ Appetit Recipe courtesy of www.bullwrinkle.com Tempting Training Treats Ingredients: 2 1/3 cups flour -- all-purpose or whole wheat 1/4 cup olive oil 1/4 cup applesauce 1/2 cup grated cheese -- like parmesan 1 large egg 1 teaspoon garlic powder 1/4 cup powdered milk -- non-fat Instructions: Combine all ingredients in a large bowl; mix well; Roll the dough out to size of a cookie sheet; Pat the dough onto a lightly greased cookie sheet, bringing it to the edges. Using a sharp knife or a pizza cutter, cut desired sizes into dough (just score through). If you're using as training treats, cut them into small pieces; Sprinkle a little extra cheese and garlic powder if desired on dough for flavor. Bake in a 350 degree oven about 15 minutes until golden brown. Turn off the oven and let cool for a few hours; they will keep hardening the longer you leave them. Break them apart; store tightly covered or in the freezer. Each issue of The Heartbeat newsletter is a means for the club to communicate, inform and hopefully, entertain the readership. All readers are invited to submit articles, photos, editorials or simply your comments on the dog related news items and happenings that you wish to share. "Letters to the editor" and op-ed pieces are also appreciated which are your 'take' on what is important to you that you feel the club members might like to be aware. All contents of this publication are copyrighted and are not to be used in any manner without the consent of the respective copyright owners.