321st Bombardment Group Squadron War Diaries
321st Bombardment Group Squadron War Diaries
12th Air Force, 57th Bombardment Wing (M) 321st Bombardment Group (M) History: December 1944 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ For my dad, Colonel John “Jack” Fitzgerald, U.S. Army (deceased) “Lil Butch” John T. Fitzgerald, SMSgt, U.S. Air Force (retired) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12th Air Force, 57th Bombardment Wing (M) 321st Bombardment Group (M) History: December 1944 The following is a compilation of the 321st Bomb Group’s Headquarters and individual Squadron War Diaries. They have been transcribed word for word, from the Squadron Histories provided by the Air Force Historical Research Agency (AFHRA), Maxwell Air Force Base Alabama. At the end of each Squadron’s daily entry, the individuals cited in the entry are identified by full name, rank and duty, in alphabetical order. The day’s entry begins with the Tactical Operations Statement, from the United States Army Air Forces (USAAF) Chronology, for the Mediterranean Theater of Operations (MTO). The history also includes mission reports, mission crew rosters, Missing Air Crew Reports (MACR), personal mission logs, journals, and diaries made available by various sources. Invitation Anyone who has documentation pertaining to the 321st Bomb Group or its members, and would like to have it included in this history, is welcome to participate. Copies of: photos (official or personal); orders (promotion, decoration, travel, etc.); Mission Reports; Missing Air Crew Reports; personal diaries, logs, journals, etc; other documentation; or information that will help identify hi-lited individuals will be greatly appreciated, as one of my goals is to correctly identify every man and plane assigned to the 321st Bomb Group. My only interest in this project is to honor those who served by perpetuating their story, and making it available for future generations, particularly the families and friends of our Great Heroes. If you are interested in helping, or if I may be of assistance in finding information about your 321st BG Hero, please contact me at: Lil-Butch@nc.rr.com Special Thanks to Very Special Folks Agostino Alberti: Professor - historian (Soncino, Italy) Michele Becchi: aviation history - archaeologist (Reggio Emilia, Italy) Jack Brellenthin, great nephew of: Harold Ray Brellenthin, 2Lt, pilot, 446th BS Cecile Burandt, daughter of: Charles Lawson “Chuck” Burandt, Capt, pilot, 446th BS Sally Brown, daughter of: Barnard H. Seegmiller, Sgt, armament, 445th BS Dave Charville, grandson of: Leighton Daniel “Danny” Charville, 1Lt, pilot, 445th BS Barbara Connolly, daughter of: Edward Charles “Salvo” Ennis, T/Sgt, radar-radiogunner, 447th BS 1Lt Robert S. Crouse: pilot, 379BS Ralph “Monguse” Gimenez: Software Architect, IL2-FB Skinner Bob Haney, son of: Vincent M. Haney, M/Sgt, flight engineer, 341st BG Ed Haney, cousin of: Gale Monroe Dickson, Capt, pilot, 446th BS Special Thanks to Very Special Folks (continued) Jim Hawkins, son of: Frank B. “Pancho” Hawkins, 2Lt, pilot, 381st BS John Hughes, son of: John Jerome “Jack” Hughes, 1Lt, bombardier, 446th BS Patti Johnson: genealogist, proofer, and family friend of: James Raymond Orechia, T/Sgt, radio-gunner, 446th BS Don Kaiser, son of: Quentin C. Kaiser, T/Sgt, radio-gunner, 489th BS John Lanza, nephew of: William A. Lanza, Sgt, gunner, 446th BS Stephanie Lile, daughter of: Keith B. Lile, S/Sgt, gunner, 445th BS st 1 Lt Joseph A. Malec: bombardier, 448th BS and friend of: Vernon Curtis Dossey, Capt, pilot, 448th BS Vince Mango, son of: Vincent A. “Vince” Mango, S/Sgt, aerial gunner, 447th BS John J. McCarthy: Sgt, engineer-gunner, bombardier, 447th BS Lorraine McRae, daughter of: James Arrington McRae, 1Lt, bombardier, 446th BS T/Sgt Rocco F. “Rocky” Milano & daughter Peggy Chatham: Crew Chief of Peg O' My Heart, Lil Butch, and Haulin' Ass, 446th BS Bob Ritger, nephew of: Frederic Charles Ritger, 1Lt, pilot, 446th BS Irving J. Schaffer: T/Sgt, radio-gunner, photographer, 448th BS 1st Lt Frederick H. Smith: pilot, 447th BS Marsha Gurnee Suszan, daughter of: Clarence E. “Shine” Gurnee, S/Sgt, gunner, 448thBS Dominique Taddei: author, U.S.S. Corsica (Corsica) S/Sgt George B. Underwood: gunner, 381st BS David Waldrip, nephew of: Robert Laseter Waldrip, T/Sgt, radio-gunner, 447th BS Vinny J. White, son of: Joseph P. White, T/Sgt, radio-gunner, 381st BS S/Sgt, Harry (NMI) Yoa: engineer-gunner, 445th BS Crew lists P CP N B E R G F CL O Aircraft information - serial #, name, etc Pilot Co-pilot Navigator Bombardier Engineer-gunner Radio-gunner Gunner Photographer Cannon Loader (on B-25G) Observer Sometimes used Bomb/Nav Bombardier-Navigator BN Bombardier-Navigator EG Engineer-gunner RG Radio-gunner TG Turret gunner AG Aerial gunner PH Photographer AP Aerial photographer CC Crew Chief Acronyms & Abbreviations A/C: Aircraft A/D: Aerodrome AE: Aerial Engineer A/F: Air Field, also Anti-Flak AA or AAA: Anti-Aircraft (Artillery) abs: absent AGL: Above Ground Level ALO: Allied Liaison Officer ALW: Alive and Well AMGOT: Allied Military Government for Occupied Territories A.R.C.: American Red Cross ASC: Air Support Command ASN: Army Serial Number (personnel) Assg: Assigned ASV: Anti-Surface Vessel (radar) ATA: Actual Time of Arrival ATC: Air Transportation Command ATS: Air Transport Service - also Army Telegraph Service Azon: Azimuth only (guided bomb) BC: Bomber Command BIC: Bruised in Crash Bmb: Bombardier Bn: Battalion B.R.L.: Ballistic Research Laboratory BSM: Bomb System Maintenance CA: Heavy Cruiser CAVU: Ceiling and Visibility Unlimited C.B.I.: China-Burma-India Theater C/D: Coastal Defense CE: Circular Error CEP: Circular Error Probable Chaff (US term): Radar countermeasure: tiny strips of aluminum, metalized glass fiber, or plastic. See Window CL: Cannon Loader CO: Commanding Officer CG: Commanding General CP: Command Post M/G: Machine Gun MIA: Missing In Action M/T: Motor Transport (Truck) MTB: Motor Torpedo Boat M/V: Military Vessel, Maritime Vessel M/Y: Marshalling Yards MC: Maintenance Crew NARA: National Archives and Records Administration NASAF: Northwest African Strategic Air Force NATC - Northwest African Training Command NATOUSA: North Atlantic Theater of Operations USA Nav: Navigator N.B.S.: National Bureau of Standards NC: Nurse Corps. NCO: Non-Commissioned Officer Nickels: propaganda Leaflets (NMI): No Middle Initial NOK: Next Of Kin NRO: National Reconnaissance Office OAF: Occupation Air Forces OD: Officer of the day, also Olive Drab OLC: Oak Leaf Cluster OTU: Operational Training Unit PAX: Passengers PDI: Pilot Direction Indicator POE: Point of Embarkation POW: Prisoner of War (also PW) PRO-Kit: Individual Chemical Prophylactic packet PW: Prisoner of War (also POW) PWB: Psychological Warfare Branch PX: Post Exchange QBB: Base of cloud QDM: Course to steer QM: Quarter Master R/B: Road Bridge RC: Red Cross CQ: Charge of Quarters C/S: Call Sign CWS: Chemical Warfare Service D/H: Direct Hit DD: Destroyer DED: Declared Dead - no body or remains found Demo: Demolition DL: Dead List DNB: Died Non-Battle / Died Not-Battle DOW: Died Of Wounds. DOWRIA: Died of Wounds Received in Action DS: Detached Service E/A: Enemy Aircraft E/F: Enemy Fighter EM or E/M: Enlisted Men ETA: Estimated Time of Arrival ETIR: Estimated Time In Route EUS: Evacuated to the United States E/V: Enemy Vessel F Boat: Flying Boat F/L: Formation Leader - also Flight Leader FO or F/O: Flying Officer FOD: Finding Of Death Frag: Fragmentation F.S.: Flight Section GLO: Ground Liaison Officer (UK) GO: General Order GP: General Purpose/Gun Position GTC: General Time Convention (railroad) HE: High Explosive IAS: Indicated Air Speed I & E: Information & Education I.F.F.: Identification, Friend or Foe (i. o.): Initials Only (initial is the name) IP: Initial Point KNB: Killed Not Battle KIA: Killed In Action L/A: Landing Area LC: Landing Craft L/G: Landing Ground Lox: Liquid Oxygen L/S: Landing Strip R/J: Road Junction R/Y: Railroad Yards Repl: Replacement RMC: Returned to Military Control RON: Remain OverNight RR/B: Railroad Bridge RR/J: Railroad Junction RR: Railroad RTD: Returned To Duty R/V: Rendezvous S-1: Administration S-2: Intelligence S-3: Operations S-4: Supply SAP: Semi-Armor Piercing SD: Special Duty S/E: Single Engine (plane) S.E.: Special Equipment (Shoran) S/F: Siebel Ferry sk: sick S/M: Submarine SO: Special Order SOI: Standard Operating Instructions? S/P: Sea Plane Sq: Squadron Sqdn: Squadron SWA: Seriously Wounded in Action T/A: Target Area T/C: Troop Concentration T/E: Twin Engine (plane) TAC: Theater Allied Command TBF: Tactical Bomber Force TD: Temporary Duty TDY: Temporary Duty TLC: Tactical Landing Craft TO: Take-Off (time), also Technical Order, and Transportation Officer T/O: Table of Organization TOT: Time Over Target/Time On Target Trfd: Transferred TWX: Teletypewriter Message u/i: Unidentified, also unit of issue UNRRA: United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration L/V: Large Vehicle LST: Landing Ship Tank Ltr: Letter LWA: Lightly Wounded in Action MACR: Missing Air Crew Report MATS: Military Air Transport Service Very Pistol or Verey Pistol: Flare gun VOCO: Verbal Order of the Commanding Officer WC: Water closet W.O.: Warrant Officer WIA: Wounded In Action Window (British term): Radar countermeasure: tiny strips of aluminum, metalized glass fiber, or plastic. See Chaff WP: White Phosphorus (bombs) WT, W/T: Watch Tower XC: Cross Country ZI: Zone of Interior (U.S.A.) Friday, 1 December 1944 321st Bomb Group Headlines: Friday, 1 December 1944 (continued) USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF): In Italy, B-25s attack 4 railroad bridges in the W Po Valley, damaging the bridges at Voghera and Torre Beretti; the XXII Tactical Air Command hits motor transport and train cars at several points in N Italy and hits rail lines over a widespread area N of the Apennines Mountains, including the Brenner Pass where lines are cut at 3 points; the 524th Fighter Squadron, 27th Fighter Group, moves from Tarquinia to Pontedera with P-47s. HQ 321st BG War Diary: With P-47’s and two chaff ships to take care of the anticipated flak, 24 aircraft scored good concentrations on the Po/Torreberretti road and railroad bridge. The anti-flak devices evidently were successful as only eight planes were slightly holed, none lost and no one injured from the heavy, intense, inaccurate antiaircraft fire. HQ 321st BG Mission Summary (Ops Order 624/mission 624) Group Mission # 624: Po-Torreberretti Bridge, Italy (Group mission report not available at this time) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------445th BS War Diary: There was the usual training program in effect. Two ships went to the bombing range; there was instrument and transition flying while one test hop was flown. Capt. Farrell – pilot in the first replacement crew to reach this squadron in Africa – held court in the operations-intelligence hut this evening where he spun some interesting tales about his experiences in Cairo and rails to delight his listeners who are content to listen to him by the hour. “Bono”, Capt. Jeffery’s usually-meek dog, became disgusted at the “ribbing” given him by two other dogs and proceeded to whip them in a short but spirited battle in the officers’ area. Farrell, Robert A., Capt, pilot Jeffery, James C., Capt, pilot 445th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 624/mission 624) Group Mission # 624: The squadron supplied 12 ships to bomb the Po-Torreberretti bridge, Italy with 62.5 percent bombing accuracy achieved. A/C No. 43-27741 “Val” (previously “Modern Design”) P Jeffery, James C., Capt CP Glasford, Loren G., 1Lt N Mitchell, Robert F., 1Lt B Emery, Ben D., 1Lt E Poirier, Andre (NMI), S/Sgt R DeLaune, William P., T/Sgt G Baker, Max E., Cpl F None A/C No. 43-27534 (standing lady) Coale, Julian R., Jr., 1Lt McFatter, Joe H., 2Lt None Krause, Richard E. “Dick”, 1Lt Chambers, Jimmie (NMI), S/Sgt Nuttall, John H., Cpl Bierly, Glenn E., Cpl None Friday, 1 December 1944 (continued) A/C No. 43-27899 “Flo” P Rigler, Edward J., 1Lt CP Shutters, Paul E., 2Lt N None B Wren, Frank J., 1Lt E Carruthers, John (NMI), II, S/Sgt R Kavan, Lester D., T/Sgt G Bates, Leonard H., S/Sgt F None A/C No. 43-27733 “Porky’s Baby” P CP N B E R G F Spencer, Charles F., 1Lt McMahon, Bernard J. “Mac”, Jr., 2Lt None Barrett, Ray E., S/Sgt Cubley, Harold B., T/Sgt Heckman, Kenneth W., Cpl Henry, William W., S/Sgt None A/C No. 43-27748 “Mama!” Bowling, Dan Parker, 1Lt Miron, Leno L., 2Lt Starczewski, Phillip R., 2Lt Silnutzer, Joseph A., 1Lt Gum, Paul V., Cpl Krober, Raymond D., Jr., Cpl Morisi, David D., S/Sgt None A/C No. 44-28722 “Spirit of Portchester” P Mogren, Edward G., 1Lt CP Curry, Arthur L. “Art”, 2Lt N None B Weiner, Irving B., 2Lt E Larson, Richard A., Cpl R Otterness, William B., Sgt G Slodden, Henry M. “Kip”, Sgt F None P CP N B E R G F A/C No. 43-27545 “Maggie” Dentoni, Louis M., 2Lt Doe, Norman H., 2Lt None Vaughan, Fred W., 2Lt Woody, Louie M., S/Sgt Kneisel, Charles W., T/Sgt Abrams, Samuel (NMI) “Sam”, S/Sgt None A/C No. 43-27502 “Pretty Kitty Blue Eyes” (previously “What’s Cookin’?”) Lewis, Max E., 2Lt DeBoer, Jay (NMI), Jr., 2Lt None Gifford, Robert H., 1Lt Hope, Amos (NMI), S/Sgt Chauncey, Martin E. “Marty”, T/Sgt Jacobs, Harry E., S/Sgt None A/C No. 43-27716 “Shit House Mouse” Emler, Richard S. “Dick”, 2Lt Buckham, John K., 2Lt None Jackson, William H., 2Lt Hagains, John R., Cpl Reagin, Charles T., Cpl Edwards, Jack M., Cpl None A/C No. 43-27509 Moore, William H., Jr., 1Lt White, Edward A., 2Lt None Carney, Robert J., T/Sgt Cavanaugh, Thomas J., Jr., S/Sgt Ott, James V., Cpl Jones, Harvey J., Cpl None Friday, 1 December 1944 (continued) A/C No. 43-4008 “Spirit of St Louis” P Monger, Samuel A. “Sam”, Jr., 1Lt CP Kourafas, James (NMI) “Jim”, 2Lt N None B Larkin, Francis C. “Charley”, S/Sgt E Taylor, Marion R., Sgt R Matter, Dean R., Cpl G Smith, Francis L. “Smitty”, S/Sgt F None A/C No. 43-27698 “Peggy Lou” (Lead spare – did not fill in) P Webb, Allen W. “Pete”, 1Lt CP Brown, Cecil A., 2Lt N None B Beck, Robert B. “Bob”, 2Lt E Watts, Joseph T., Jr., S/Sgt R Engleman, Bud (NMI), S/Sgt G Moorehead, Lewis E., S/Sgt F None A/C No. 43-27714 “Blonde Beauty” McKay, Donald I., 1Lt Middleton, Donald M., 2Lt None Salch, Raymond F., Sgt Bertling, Gerald M., S/Sgt Smith, William F., S/Sgt Walburn, John A., S/Sgt None 446th BS War Diary: No missions. Sergeant Nagy rejoins the squadron after coming through enemy lines in northern Italy. Lieutenant Clausen gets orders to return to the states, as does Lieut. Nagel and Lieut. Reilly and Sergeant Henry. Clausen, Lawrence A., 1Lt, bombardier Henry, Scott G., S/Sgt, gunner Nagel, Charles E., 1Lt, pilot Nagy, Julius L., T/Sgt, gunner Reilly, John A., 2Lt, pilot 446th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 624/mission 624) Group Mission # 624: (446th BS did not participate) 447th BS War Diary: The following men were assigned to this squadron: S/Sgt. Robert G. Jones, Sgt. Bernard A. Flanigan, Sgt. John A. Harvey, Robert A. Jones, Sgt. Robert E. Loux, Sgt. Ernest R. Lussier, Sgt. Silas A. Barrett, Sgt. Neil F. Gary, Sgt. Dewy D. Jones, Sgt. Ernest J. Longnecker, Sgt. Norman B. Lubinsky, Sgt. Paul C. Mullis, Cpl. Joseph H. Cruse, Cpl. Emigdio Ruiz, Cpl. Edgar M. West, Cpl. Camille J. Merlino, Cpl, Robert A. Stroupe, Pvt. Robert P. Rulard. Barrett, Silas Alfred, Sgt, gunner Cruse, Joseph H., Cpl, gunner Flanigan, Bernard A., Sgt, gunner Gary, Neil F., Sgt, personnel Harvey, John A., Sgt, gunner Jones, Dewey D., Jr., Sgt, gunner Jones, Robert A., Sgt, gunner Jones, Robert G., S/Sgt, gunner Longnecker, Ernest J., Sgt, gunner Loux, Robert E., Sgt, gunner Lubinsky, Norman B., Sgt, gunner Lussier, Ernest R., Sgt, gunner Friday, 1 December 1944 (continued) Merlino, Camille J., Cpl, gunner Ruiz, Emigdio (NMI), Cpl, gunner Stroupe, Robert A., Cpl, gunner Mullis, Paul C., Sgt, gunner Rulard, Robert P., Pvt, gunner West, Edgar M., Cpl, gunner 447th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 624/mission 624) Group Mission # 624: Twelve of our planes participated in an attack on the Torreberretti Bridge in the Po Valley. All bombs dropped and all were in target area thereby starting the squadron off this month with 100% accuracy. All planes returned safely. A/C No. 43-27730 “Katie” Grimse, Ralph T., 1Lt Appenzeller, Richard D., 2Lt None Miller, Dale G., S/Sgt Dulaney, Earl W., Sgt Bartram, Roy H., Cpl Klimkowicz, Zigmond (NMI), Cpl None A/C No. 43-27785 P Wakeley, Charles G., III, 1Lt CP Rose, Norman I., 2Lt N None B Smith, William L., S/Sgt E Engels, Robert W., S/Sgt R Poulin, Gaston G., S/Sgt G Bowman, John (NMI) “Red”, S/Sgt F None A/C No. 43-27718 P Gillis, John R., 1Lt CP Briggs, Richard G. “Dick”, 2Lt N None B Perl, Richard H., Sgt E Quintenz, Robert P., S/Sgt R Fiocca, Theodore Aurelio, S/Sgt G Goldman, Marvin S., Cpl F None P CP N B E R G F A/C No. 43-27542 “Superstitious Aloysius” Krafka, Edward (NMI), Capt Neumann, Robert H., Maj, HQ 321st BG Olsen, Svend P., 1Lt Gould, Joe W., 1Lt McMenamin, Daniel P., Jr., Sgt Schnaars, George D., S/Sgt Hagan, Richard E., Cpl None A/C No. 43-27492 “Reddie Teddie” Remmel, Earl Howard “The Fox”, 1Lt Highsmith, John R., 2Lt None Bokum, John B., F/O Ifshin, Isidore (NMI) “Sonny”, S/Sgt Maslyar, Michael M., Sgt Bauder, Harold R., S/Sgt None A/C No. 43-4069 “Ruptured Duck” Walker, Marion E., 1Lt Gies, Donald W., F/O None Barksdale, Phillip L., Cpl Dimondstein, Herbert (NMI), S/Sgt Guild, Bernard Robert, S/Sgt Young, Robert E., S/Sgt None Friday, 1 December 1944 (continued) A/C No. 43-27636 P Yerger, John W., 2Lt CP Wallis, Shelby D., F/O N None B Torrey, Francis S., T/Sgt E Citarelli, James E., Sgt R Stocker, Harvey (NMI), Cpl G Fromm, Samuel E., Cpl F None A/C No. 43-27473 “Paper Doll” P Hennessey, Ralph E., 1Lt CP Smith, Frederick H., 2Lt N None B Caflisch, Leonard P. “Lenny”, Jr., 2Lt E Daniels, Carl (NMI), Sgt R Finnegan, Paul W., Cpl G Gorden, Robert L., Cpl F None A/C No. 43-4040 “Fearless Fosdick” P CP N B E R G F Loewus, Frederick E. “Fred”, 2Lt Peck, Paul R., 2Lt None Balboni, Robert A., 2Lt Freeman, Millard C., S/Sgt Jones, LeRoy (NMI), Cpl Williams, James H., Sgt None A/C No. 43-27779 (Window Ship) P CP N B E R G F Murchland, Robert Keith, 2Lt Buckley, Paul I., 2Lt None Boyle, Joseph G., Jr., 1Lt Netzel, Carl F., Sgt Hourahan, William F., Jr., Cpl Drew, Horace E., Cpl None A/C No. 43-27498 “Ave Maria” Marchant, Wendell E., 1Lt Dodson, Jackson R., 2Lt Hiller, Frederick J., 2Lt Colgan, Donald J., 2Lt Huntley, Bruce H., Cpl Appleman, Carroll G., Cpl May, Frederick J., S/Sgt None A/C No. 43-4029 “Mike Hunt” Hutson, Ernest G. “Hod”, 1Lt Haage, Frederick W., F/O None Schmoke, Vernon L., 2Lt Stokes, Robert C., Sgt See, Russell K., S/Sgt Staub, Edward C., Sgt None A/C No. 43-27751 “MMR” (Meet Mrs. Runyon) Fairchild, George S., 2Lt Brown, Lyle N., Jr., 2Lt None Stroupe, Burton Elwood “Woody”, 2Lt Dubbs, Andrew C., Sgt Phares, Harold (NMI) “Harry”, Jr., Cpl Hunsaker, Frank W., Jr., Cpl None A/C No. 43-36240 “May Be” (Wing spare – returned early – did not fill in on mission) Morton, William C. “Mort”, Jr., 1Lt Speer, Leslie Thomas, 1Lt None Lankester, Hugh H. “Lank”, 2Lt O’Neil, James R., S/Sgt Keefe, John A., T/Sgt Sims, James W., Cpl None Friday, 1 December 1944 (continued) 448th BS War Diary: (No non-mission information) 448th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 624/mission 624) Group Mission # 624: The 448th Squadron’s one aircraft for today’s mission, the target being the Torreberretti railroad and road bridge, Italy, played tag with flak for slightly over three hours before returning safely to base. Flying as chaff plane with the formation that attacked the bridge, and equipped with phosphorous bombs, the airplane dropped its load on gun positions near the target to prepare the way for the remainder of the formation. Bomb strike photos reveal many of the gun positions silenced, this facilitating the safe return of all the bombers. A/C No. 43-4037 “Cherry Fizz” (Window Ship) P Garrett, Thaddeus D., 1Lt CP Autrey, W. F. (i.o.), 2Lt N Bartlett, J. E., 2Lt B Gardner, Philip K., 2Lt E Weese, Charles F., Cpl R Seward, Richard F., T/Sgt G Hawthorne, Ralph C., S/Sgt F None 448th BS: War Diary of: Schaffer, Irving J., S/Sgt, radio-gunner: “Awoke 7:00AM. Didn't fall asleep until almost 1:00AM. Excited about Rome boxing bouts. Fair morning. Scrambled eggs, oatmeal, stewed prunes, grapefruit juice, coffee. GI Joe LaBella, Hojnacki, Escobar and yours truly went by jeep to the 57th to use ring. I fought two rounds with Escobar, two with Hojnacki, one with LaBella. Wind fair, endurance fair. Took sulfa bath (10 francs). Huge stove tubs with hot and cold running sulfa water. Complete rub down. Meatloaf, peas, tomato soup, fruit salad, coffee. Went down to "Prune Faces" with Abby to have my OD's cleaned. Had a couple of 3 ounce glasses of Cap-Corse. Whenever I exercise that old stiffness about the left side of my chest arises. Slight headache. Stand-down on A. Roast beef, gravy, string beans, diced beets, bread, jelly, beans, coffee. Williams who went down with Capt Dossey over Po Valley returned today. Sent $160 to Merriam. Clear evening. On "Weather Ship" tomorrow. Retired 11:00PM.” Abiecunas, Joseph P. “Abby”, S/Sgt, gunner Dossey, Vernon Curtis, Capt, pilot Escobar, Catarino H., PFC, cook Hojnacki, Adam A., Cpl, cook LaBella, Dante (NMI) “GI Joe”, S/Sgt, radio-gunner, bombardier Schaffer, Merriam, Irving Schaffer’s sister Williams, Griffith E., Sgt, engineer-gunner Saturday, 2 December 1944 USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF): In Italy, medium bombers hit several bridges in N and NE Italy, scoring effective hits on 2 bridges across the Piave and Brenta Rivers and 4 on the Brenner line; fighters and fighter-bombers attack communications in the Po Valley and support US Fifth Army forces in the battle area S of Bologna; on the night of 1/2 Dec, A20s hit Ghedi Airfield and targets of opportunity in the NC Po Valley and trains on the Brenner line; HQ 350th Fighter Group and the 347th Fighter Squadron move from Tarquinia to Pisa with P-47s. HQ 321st BG War Diary: Two more highly successful missions chalked up today – spans were down after eighteen plane formations left the Cismon and the Praduro bridges. Won’t go back to those for a while. The thirty-six aircraft mission to Canale was abortive due to weather. The Padua North Railroad Diversion was missed by eighteen aircraft. HQ 321st BG Mission Summary (Ops Order xxx/mission xxx) Group Mission # 624W (A) - redesignated # 660 on 1 Jan 45: TARGET: Weather Recce SQUADRON: 448 NO A/C: 1 TIME OFF: 0700 TIME D0WN: 0945 ROUTE: Base to Elba to Rimini to H-0030, to Rimini to base. WEATHER: 2/10 stratocumulus over sea; bases 1500’, tops--2000’; over Italy no clouds until eastern side--5/10 stratocumulus, tops at 5000’. Over Adriatic 3/10 stratocumulus, tops 5000’. Venice area CAVU; no clouds visible to north, northeast, or northwest. Vis: 30 miles. FLIGHT LEADER: Lt. Tetlow NUMBER OF SORTIES: 1 NO PHOTOS TAKEN. R. G. LIND, 1st Lt., Air Corps, Ass’t S-2 Officer. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------HQ 321st BG Mission Summary (Ops Order 625/mission 625) Group Mission # 625: Enego Rail Bridge, Italy (Group mission report not available at this time) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saturday, 2 December 1944 (continued) HQ 321st BG Mission Summary (Ops Order 626/mission 626) Group Mission # 626: Praduro Road Bridge, Italy. (Group mission report not available at this time) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------445th BS War Diary: Capt. “Doc” Smith and his Mitchell-Aires went to the new Wing rest camp at El Rousse to entertain there. They were transported in two ships. Smith, William C. "Doc", Capt, surgeon Saturday, 2 December 1944 (continued) 445th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order xxx/mission xxx) Group Mission # 624W (A) - redesignated # 660 on 1 Jan 45: (445th BS did not participate) 445th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 625/mission 625) Group Mission # 625: (445th BS did not participate) 445th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 626/mission 626) Group Mission # 626: Ten crews went along on the mission to bomb the Praduro road bridge, Italy. Led by Capt. Wagner, this squadron scored 100 percent bombing accuracy. Lt. Col. Cameron flew with Lt. Cox in the anti-flak ship. A/C No. 43-27899 “Flo” Wagner, Gerald W., Capt Galny, Gerhard Henry “Hank”, Jr., 2Lt Napple, Francis L., 1Lt Finkhouse, Lloyd L., 1Lt Carruthers, John (NMI), II, S/Sgt DeLaune, William P., T/Sgt Walburn, John A., S/Sgt Little, G. S., Capt, (observer) A/C No. 43-27741 “Val” (previously “Modern Design”) (Lead spare - filled in) P Mogren, Edward G., 1Lt CP Doris, Robert E., 2Lt N None B Weiner, Irving B., 2Lt E Larson, Richard A., Cpl R Otterness, William B., Sgt G Slodden, Henry M. “Kip”, Sgt F None A/C No. 43-4008 “Spirit of St Louis” P Ottinger, Warren F., 1Lt CP Doe, Norman H., 2Lt N None B Salch, Raymond F., Sgt E Krauk, Edward J., Sgt R Matter, Dean R., Cpl G Osborn, Jack R., Sgt F None P CP N B E R G F A/C No. 43-27502 “Pretty Kitty Blue Eyes” (previously “What’s Cookin’?”) Rung, Raymond F. “Red”, Jr., 2Lt Glasford, Loren G., 1Lt None Chauncey, Martin E. “Marty”, T/Sgt Sycylo, Theodore W., Sgt None listed Heintz, Edward R., Jr., Cpl None A/C No. 43-27714 “Blonde Beauty” McKay, Donald I., 1Lt Sprankle, Floyd H., 2Lt None Larkin, Francis C. “Charley”, S/Sgt Freiler, Walter C., S/Sgt Heckman, Kenneth W., Cpl Bates, Leonard H., S/Sgt None A/C No. 43-27545 “Maggie” Moore, William H., Jr., 1Lt Miron, Leno L., 2Lt None Gifford, Robert H., 1Lt Mitchell, Robert D. “Bob”, Cpl Krober, Raymond D., Jr., Cpl Jones, Harvey J., Cpl None Saturday, 2 December 1944 (continued) P CP N B E R G F A/C No. 43-27680 “Stuff” Webb, Allen W. “Pete”, 1Lt Kourafas, James (NMI) “Jim”, 2Lt None Beck, Robert B. “Bob”, 2Lt Watts, Joseph T., Jr., S/Sgt Engleman, Bud (NMI), S/Sgt Moorehead, Lewis E., S/Sgt None A/C No. 43-27733 “Porky’s Baby” P Spencer, Charles F., 1Lt CP Young, William J. “Dusty”, 2Lt None Jackson, William H., 2Lt Cubley, Harold B., T/Sgt Reagin, Charles T., Cpl Henry, William W., S/Sgt None A/C No. 43-27698 “Peggy Lou” (returned early) P Poteete, Max W., 1Lt CP Young, Paul L., 2Lt N None B Emery, Ben D., 1Lt E Hunsberger, William R., Sgt R Ott, James V., Cpl G Haynes, Irving L., Sgt F None N B E R G F A/C No. 43-27534 (standing lady) Lewis, Max E., 2Lt Brown, Cecil A., 2Lt None Barrett, Ray E., S/Sgt Bertling, Gerald M., S/Sgt Kavan, Lester D., T/Sgt Jacobs, Harry E., S/Sgt Abrams, Samuel (NMI) “Sam”, S/Sgt A/C No. 43-27742 “Vicious Vera” (later “Winnie Mae”) (AntiFlak/Incendiary Ship - loaded with Phosphorous Bombs) Cox, Harold L., 1Lt Cameron, William D. “Bill”, Jr., Lt Col, HQ 321st BG None Starczewski, Phillip R., 2Lt Smith, William F., S/Sgt Nuttall, John H., Cpl Clayton, Ross W., Cpl None 446th BS War Diary: Promotions are posted for the following lucky enlisted men as regular duties are performed in the area. To Technical Sergeant, Amspacker, to Staff Cornelius, and to Sergeant J.F. Maguire. Amspacker, Arthur A., T/Sgt, armament Cornelius, Wilbur G., S/Sgt, gunner Maguire, Joseph F., Sgt, communications 446th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order xxx/mission xxx) Group Mission # 624W (A) - redesignated # 660 on 1 Jan 45: (446th BS did not participate) Saturday, 2 December 1944 (continued) 446th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 625/mission 625) Group Mission # 625: Squadron Mission 436 TARGET: Enego Rail Bridge, Italy DATE: 2 Dec.1944 Type of Bombs: 1000 lb. 446th Planes: 9 Lt Pietrowski led the formation. Two passes made but some planes dropped on first pass. Hits claimed on S half of bridge as well as middle. Direct hits observed both on overwater and dry positions of bridge on second pass. No flak, no fighters. Major Ziglar the spare, returned early. A/C No. 43-36224 probably ”Hauling Ass II” P Pietrowski, Stanley J., 1Lt CP Cooper, Paul T., Lt Col, Commander N Ottem, Earl R., 1Lt B Kiernan, Noble J., 1Lt E Utz, James W., Sgt R Bundy, Garland A., T/Sgt G Bryan, Dwight L., S/Sgt F None A/C No. 43-27501 “Sweet Sue Kathy Jeanne” (unnamed to Nov 44. In 45 “Kathy Jeanne” dropped) P Kimble, Arnold P., 2Lt CP Ratliff, James Ernest, Jr., 2Lt N None B Gale, Benjamin H., Jr., 1Lt E Karuzas, Alexander W., Cpl R Cubbage, Robert (NMI), Sgt G Alberico, Camillo A., Sgt F None A/C No. 43-4074 (picture of seated lady - no name/lettering) P Ingram, William T., 1Lt CP Heaberlin, Paul L., 2Lt N None B Murch, George M., Jr., Sgt E Knapp, Walter E., S/Sgt R Koos, Walter V., S/Sgt G South, William R., S/Sgt F None A/C No. 43-4097 “Tiny?” (later Darlene) Doyle, John D., 1Lt Manolis, Ronald J., 2Lt None Law, John B., Cpl Taylor, Tullis (NMI), Cpl Wilking, Robert L., S/Sgt Cassidy, Warren J., S/Sgt None A/C No. 43-27496 “PRINCESS” (previously PRINCESS PAOLA II) Chandler, Warren W., 2Lt Everhart, Herman E., 2Lt None Yarbrough, George L., 1Lt Cornelius, Wilbur G., S/Sgt Huntoon, Stuart Layne, S/Sgt Haxby, William H., Jr., S/Sgt None A/C No. 43-27477 “Boots” Fisher, Carl D., 2Lt Jackson, Roland B., 2Lt None DeSorbo, John S., Sgt Kelly, Thomas J., Cpl Dobrow, Edgar J., Cpl Beavers, Marqus F., Cpl None Saturday, 2 December 1944 (continued) A/C No. 44-28926 “Merrily We Bob Along” P Smedley, Robert Redmond, Capt CP Sheetinger, Dan A., 2Lt N Codd, Russell G., F/O B Derringer, Albert J., 1Lt E Davis, Virgil F., S/Sgt R Luitjens, Harvey J., Sgt G Bruner, Edward (NMI), S/Sgt F None A/C No. 43-4020 “Bourbon Baby” P CP N B E R G F DiNorma, Joseph S., 2Lt Hahn, Melvin G., 2Lt None Horlen, Aubrey B., Cpl Lamm, Earl D., Cpl McFarland, Charles W., T/Sgt Knopp, Von C., Cpl None A/C No. 43-27660 “Shooting Bull” Perlman, Jacob L., 2Lt Crinnion, Edward V., 2Lt None Epstein, Joseph H., 1Lt Lundtoft, Hans G., S/Sgt McKearin, William Jerome, T/Sgt Beets, Frank T., S/Sgt None A/C No. 43-27497 “Barbara” (spare did not fill in) Ziglar, Frank C., Maj Gallagher, Andrew Paul, 2Lt None Paulson, Ronald A., 1Lt Shettleworth, William E., Cpl Rousos, Milton P., T/Sgt Broderick, Emmett P., Cpl None 446th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 626/mission 626) Group Mission # 626: (446th BS did not participate) 446th BS: War Diary of: Luitjens, Harvey J., Sgt, radio-gunner: (mission 18) “No. 18) Hit Enego Rail Bridge way up in the Alps. 4x1000. Milk Run. Smedley.” Smedley, Robert Redmond, Capt, pilot 447th BS War Diary: The following officers and enlisted men assigned and joined organization: 2nd Lt. Henry D. Radel, 2nd Lt. Edmund R. Carlin, F/O Emil R. Nyman, Cpl. Sam M. Cohen, Cpl. John E. McCredy, Cpl. Vincent E. Theiss. Carlin, Edmund R., 2Lt, pilot Cohen, Sam M., Cpl, gunner McCredy, John E., Jr., Cpl, gunner Nyman, Emil R., F/O, pilot Radel, Henry D., 2Lt, bombardier Theiss, Vincent E., Cpl, gunner 447th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order xxx/mission xxx) Group Mission # 624W (A) - redesignated # 660 on 1 Jan 45: (447th BS did not participate) 447th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 625/mission 625) Group Mission # 625: (447th BS did not participate) Saturday, 2 December 1944 (continued) 447th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 626/mission 626) Group Mission # 626: Eleven of our planes flew on a mission over Praduro Rail Bridge in the Po Valley. The target area was well covered and squadron received 100% bombing accuracy. A/C No. 43-36108 Wakeley, Charles G., III, 1Lt Buckley, Paul I., 2Lt None Stroupe, Burton Elwood “Woody”, 2Lt Dimondstein, Herbert (NMI), S/Sgt Jones, LeRoy (NMI), Cpl Hunsaker, Frank W., Jr., Cpl None A/C No. 43-27473 “Paper Doll” P Hennessey, Ralph E., 1Lt CP Smith, Frederick H., 2Lt N None B Caflisch, Leonard P. “Lenny”, Jr., 2Lt E Engels, Robert W., S/Sgt R Finnegan, Paul W., Cpl G Gorden, Robert L., Cpl F None A/C No. 43-27506 “Rebel Devil” P Gillis, John R., 1Lt CP Wallis, Shelby D., F/O N None B Miller, Dale G., S/Sgt E Quintenz, Robert P., S/Sgt R Fiocca, Theodore Aurelio, S/Sgt G Goldman, Marvin S., Cpl F None A/C No. 43-4040 “Fearless Fosdick” P Loewus, Frederick E. “Fred”, 2Lt CP Dodson, Jackson, R., 2Lt N None B Dubbs, Andrew C., Sgt E Freeman, Millard C., S/Sgt R Stocker, Harvey (NMI), Cpl G Williams, James H., Sgt F None P CP N B E R G F A/C No. 43-36240 “May Be” Rice, Ernest C., 1Lt Peck, Paul R., 2Lt Lindell, Harold N., Capt Gould, Joe W., 1Lt Huntley, Bruce H., Cpl Guild, Bernard Robert, S/Sgt Bowman, John (NMI) “Red”, S/Sgt None A/C No. 43-4029 “Mike Hunt” Remmel, Earl Howard “The Fox”, 1Lt Gies, Donald W., F/O None Boyle, John R., 1Lt Ifshin, Isidore (NMI) “Sonny”, S/Sgt Phares, Harold (NMI) “Harry”, Jr., Cpl Bauder, Harold R., S/Sgt None A/C No. 43-27779 Yerger, John W., 2Lt Appenzeller, Richard D., 2Lt None Applegarth, Smith B., S/Sgt Smith, William L., S/Sgt Barksdale, Phillip L., Cpl Sims, James W., Cpl None A/C No. 43-27492 “Reddie Teddie” Morton, William C. “Mort”, Jr., 1Lt Brown, Lyle N., Jr., 2Lt Hiller, Frederick J., 2Lt Lankester, Hugh H. “Lank”, 2Lt O’Neil, James R., S/Sgt Keefe, John A., T/Sgt Young, Robert E., Sgt None Saturday, 2 December 1944 (continued) A/C No. 43-27730 “Katie” Grimse, Ralph T., 1Lt Haage, Frederick W., F/O None Torrey, Francis S., T/Sgt Dulaney, Earl W., Sgt Bartram, Roy H., Cpl Klimkowicz, Zigmond (NMI), Cpl None A/C No. 43-27542 “Superstitious Aloysius” (Lead spare - returned early did not fill in) P Marchant, Wendell E., 1Lt CP Briggs, Richard G. “Dick”, 2Lt N None B Colgan, Donald J., 2Lt E Hopp, Charles J., Sgt R Appleman, Carroll G., Cpl G Citarelli, James E., Sgt F None P CP N B E R G F A/C No. 43-27498 “Ave Maria” (Window Ship - Incendiary Load) Walker, Marion E., 1Lt Highsmith, John R., 2Lt None Balboni, Robert A., 2Lt Perl, Richard H., Sgt Poulin, Gaston G., S/Sgt Fromm, Samuel E., Cpl None 448th BS War Diary: Lieutenants Shear, Ovard, and Martin, and Sergeants Sampson, Haack, Doughty, Carrick, and Wald left for the Flight Control School at Cairo, Egypt, today. The following three officers and eighteen enlisted men were assigned to the Squadron this afternoon: Second Lieutenants Pruitt, Styers, and Wuest, Sergeants Head, Ederer, Foote, Harageones, Lasskow, Martin, McTaggart, Mientkiewicz, Mitchem, and Powell, Corporals Biersdorff, DiSalvo, Oliver, Fletcher, Parham, and Vandenberg, Privates Gill, and Petix. The 448th Squadron football team played the 447th Squadron team this afternoon, and lost by the heart-breaking score of 20-19. This put the 448th team in a tie with Ordnance for the league lead. Biersdorff, Charles J., Cpl, gunner Carrick, Kenneth M., Sgt, gunner DiSalvo, Alfred J., Cpl, gunner Doughty, Paul V., Sgt, gunner Ederer, Robert J., Sgt, gunner Fletcher, William H., Cpl, gunner Foote, Lancel H., Jr., Sgt, gunner Gill, Thomas T., Pvt, ordnance Haack, Cecil J., Sgt, gunner Harageones, George J., Sgt, gunner Head, Guthrie H., Sgt, gunner Lasskow, Maxwell J. “Max”, Sgt, gunner Martin, James M., Jr., Lt, bombardier Martin, Lewis E. “Lew”, Sgt, gunner McTaggart, Leonard A., Sgt, gunner Mientkiewicz, Casmier (NMI), Sgt, gunner Mitchem, Dewey A., Sgt, gunner Oliver, Walter A., Cpl, gunner Saturday, 2 December 1944 (continued) Ovard, Glen S., 2Lt, pilot Parham, Ralph E., Sgt, gunner Petix, Ignatius D., Pvt, gunner Powell, Neil J., Sgt, gunner Pruitt, Henry L., 2Lt, pilot Sampson, Donald A., Sgt, engineering Shear, Meyer (NMI), 2Lt, pilot Styers, Charles W., 2Lt, pilot Vandenberg, Edward V. “Van”, Cpl, gunner Wald, Douglas A., Sgt, gunner Wuest, Robert F., 2Lt, pilot 448th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order xxx/mission xxx) Group Mission # 624W (A) - redesignated # 660 on 1 Jan 45: The Squadron flew two missions today, one a weather recce flight over Italy, and the other against the Enego railroad bridge, Italy. P CP N B E R G F A/C No. 43-27481 Tetlow, John S., 1Lt Russell, John D., 2Lt Bartlett, J. E., 2Lt None Turner, James H., Cpl Schaffer, Irving J., T/Sgt Edwards, Jesse R., Sgt Griffing, George W., Capt, HQ 321st BG (Weather Officer) 448th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 625/mission 625) Group Mission # 625: For the Enego mission nine planes of the 448th Squadron participated, flying in good weather to lay some more eggs on another vital Kraut bridge. Despite difficulty in finding the target due to overcast, the 1000 lb. GP bombs were dropped, scoring hits on the center span and southern approaches. All planes returned safely at 1530. P CP N B E R G F A/C No. 43-27706 “Silver Belle” Rogers, Harry (NMI), Jr., 1Lt Sheffield, Woodrow W., 2Lt Freund, John F., 2Lt Brink, Richard E., 2Lt Donaud, Earl J., S/Sgt Morefield, James Carl, T/Sgt Holloway, Garland (NMI), S/Sgt None A/C No. 43-27528 Matthews, Thomas W., 1Lt Bechtle, Robert M., 2Lt Sheppard, John W., 2Lt Cannon, John L., 2Lt Bell, Flavious J., S/Sgt Hallman, Robert L., T/Sgt Magyar, Steven J., S/Sgt None Saturday, 2 December 1944 (continued) P CP N B E R G F P CP N B E R G F P CP N B E R G F P CP N B E R G F A/C No. 44-28721 “Shug” Cooper, Richard J., 2Lt Churchill, Duane W., 2Lt None Armstrong, Sherman T., Jr., 2Lt Reves, Louis E., Sgt None listed Sharp, Samuel I., Jr., S/Sgt None A/C No. 43-27538 “Down But Not Out” Reedy, Walter W., 1Lt Cook, Don W., 2Lt None Langley, Edmund P., Jr., Sgt Magers, Marshall P., T/Sgt Brusa, Robert P., T/Sgt Gage, Robert L., Sgt None A/C No. 43-27668 Riley, Robert L., 1Lt Lee, Howard M., 1Lt None Pealer, Woodward D., S/Sgt Qualls, Thomas B., S/Sgt Mardeuse, Alfred K., S/Sgt Enderle, Melvin J., Sgt None A/C No. 43-27652 “Out of Bounds” Norris, Grafton R., 1Lt Sculley, Thomas S., 2Lt None Poteet, Edward J., T/Sgt Gutierrez, Ralph (NMI), Cpl Randall, Charles R., Jr., T/Sgt Ferrell, Bruce M., Cpl None A/C No. 43-4076 Cherry, Raymond (NMI), Jr., 2Lt Birkhead, Charles F., Jr., 2Lt None Rockwell, Stewart R. “Rockwell”, T/Sgt Perillo, Anthony L., S/Sgt Hulse, Donald W., S/Sgt Markiewicz, Edward B., S/Sgt None A/C No. 44-28940 Copes, Wilson R., 2Lt Kirk, Theodore (NMI) “Ted”, 1Lt None Berman, Samuel (NMI), T/Sgt Pineda, Nico M., S/Sgt None listed Ward, Paul D., Cpl None A/C No. 43-27720 Swanson, Erle G. “Swanny”, Jr., 1Lt Kuoni, Charles F., Jr., 2Lt Stout, Charles S. “Chuck”, 2Lt Allendorph, John B., 2Lt Veeck, Richard W., S/Sgt Sullivan, Timothy V., S/Sgt Justice, Conway J., Jr., Sgt None 448th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 626/mission 626) Group Mission # 626: (448th BS did not participate) Saturday, 2 December 1944 (continued) 448th BS: War Diary of: Schaffer, Irving J., S/Sgt, radio-gunner: “Sgt of guard awoke me at 4:30AM. Breakfast in kitchen. Coffee and fried eggs, bread. Taking pack lunch. Take off 6:25AM. Purely a radio operator's mission. Flew to Venice staying over Adriatic. Fair contacts. No side tone. No RF on trailing wire. All CW operation. Weather OK. Landed 10:15AM. Stew, peas, bread, butter, canned tomatoes, fruit salad, coffee. James Royce (radio) and I installed new transmitter in #481 (4327481). Clear, warm day. Mission successful, milk run. Creamed spaghetti, Vienna sausage, coffee. Clear evening. Retired 8:30AM.” Royce, James R., T/Sgt, communications Sunday, 3 December 1944 USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF): In Italy, weather hampers operations; many missions are aborted; medium bombers score effective hits only on a bridge E of Mantua; the 57th and 350th fighter Groups fly 60 sorties against targets in the US Fifth Army battle area S of Bologna and against communications in N Italy; during the night of 2/3 Dec, A-20s bomb lights throughout the Po Valley; the 345th Fighter Squadron, 350th Fighter Group moves from Tarquinia to Pisa with P-47s; the 522nd and 523rd Fighter Squadrons, 27th Fighter Group, moves from Tarquinia to Pontedera, Italy with P-47s. HQ 321st BG War Diary: Missions to Bologna Barracks and the Faenza # 5 Defense Area were abortive due to weather. HQ 321st BG Mission Summary (Ops Order 627/mission 627) Group Mission # 627: Faenza Defense Area “A”, and barracks at Bologna, Italy - Abortive (Group mission report not available at this time) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------445th BS War Diary: The squadron was shocked when tragedy was enacted on the flight line today. While aiding in the bore-sighting of turret guns of aircraft 680, Sgt. Richard W. Dexter was fatally wounded when a live round was discharged from one of the guns after he had requested another armorer to test the firing solenoids of the turret guns. He died almost instantly. A quiet and conscientious worker, Sgt. Dexter was respected and well-liked by all the men. Capt. Jeffery and crew left for Cairo while Lts. Bowling and Silnutzer were sent to the rest camp at Capri. Lt. Lowery gave a gun maintenance lecture to 5 new gunners; Lt. Finkhouse gave a lecture on bombing to 2 bombardiers; and Sgt Wendell J. Bell lectured 11 engineer-gunners on the B-25 aircraft. Bell, Wendell J., Sgt, engineering Bowling, Dan Parker, 1Lt, pilot Dexter, Richard W. “Dex”, Sgt, armament Finkhouse, Lloyd L., 1Lt, bombardier Jeffery, James C., Capt, pilot Lowery, Bruce (NMI), 2Lt, armament Silnutzer, Joseph A., 2Lt, bombardier 445th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 627/mission 627) Group Mission # 627: P CP N B E R G F A/C No. 43-27698 “Peggy Lou” Weld, Willis R., Capt Sprankle, Floyd H., 2Lt Mitchell, Robert F., 1Lt Palmer, Richard W., 1Lt Watts, Joseph T., Jr., S/Sgt Engleman, Bud (NMI), S/Sgt Moorehead, Lewis E., S/Sgt None A/C No. 43-27733 “Porky’s Baby” Spencer, Charles F., 1Lt McFatter, Joe H., 2Lt None Murphy, John P., 2Lt Cubley, Harold B., T/Sgt Lowrey, James S., Cpl Henry, William W., S/Sgt None Sunday, 3 December 1944 (continued) A/C No. 43-27680 “Stuff” Webb, Allen W. “Pete”, 1Lt DeBoer, Jay (NMI), Jr., 2Lt None Beck, Robert B. “Bob”, 2Lt Bertling, Gerald M., S/Sgt Matter, Dean R., Cpl Jones, Harold G., Cpl None A/C No. 43-27509 P Monger, Samuel A. “Sam”, Jr., 1Lt CP Buckham, John K., 2Lt N None B Larkin, Francis C. “Charley”, S/Sgt E Carruthers, John (NMI), II, S/Sgt R Ross, Reginald J., T/Sgt G Morisi, David D., S/Sgt F None P CP N B E R G F A/C No. 44-28948 “Miss Belle Fontaine” Lewis, Max E., 2Lt Brown, Cecil A., 2Lt None Carney, Robert J., T/Sgt Sycylo, Theodore W., Sgt Reagin, Charles T., Cpl Heintz, Edward R., Jr., Cpl None A/C No. 43-27545 “Maggie” Ottinger, Warren F., 1Lt Kourafas, James (NMI) “Jim”, 2Lt None Jackson, William H., 2Lt Larson, Richard A., Cpl Johnson, John E., T/Sgt Andrews, Lamar C., S/Sgt None 446th BS War Diary: Poor weather over the target prevents dropping of bombs on the mission. 446th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 627/mission 627) Group Mission # 627: Squadron Mission 437 TARGET: Bologna Barracks, Italy DATE: 3 Dec.1944 Type of Bombs: 500 lb. 446th Planes: 6 Capt. Weld led the formation. Did not bomb due to 10/10 cloud cover. No flak, no fighters. Weld, Willis R., Capt, pilot, 445th BS A/C No. 43-27501 “Sweet Sue Kathy Jeanne” (unnamed to Nov 44. In 45 “Kathy Jeanne” dropped) P Wozniak, Stanley E., 1Lt CP Jordan, Henry L., Capt N Gambino, Samuel F., 1Lt B Hogman, Frans H., 1Lt E Karuzas, Alexander W., Cpl R Cohen, Irwin (NMI), T/Sgt G Springer, Walter H., Cpl F None A/C No. 43-27895 “Haulin’ Ass” Hurley, John R., 1Lt Bogan, Floyd W., 2Lt None Yarbrough, George L., 1Lt Kelly, Thomas J., Cpl Leary, Edward M., T/Sgt Haxby, William H., Jr., S/Sgt None Sunday, 3 December 1944 (continued) A/C No. 43-36224 probably ”Hauling Ass II” P Kimble, Arnold P., 2Lt CP Ratliff, James Ernest, Jr., 2Lt N None B Gale, Benjamin H., Jr., 1Lt E Lamm, Earl D., Cpl R Wimert, Donald A., Cpl G Knopp, Von C., Cpl F None A/C No. 43-4021 “The Little Admiral” (later Lady Jane) P Fisher, Carl D., 2Lt CP Sloan, Thomas M., 2Lt N None B DeSorbo, John S., Sgt E Shettleworth, William E., Cpl R Rousos, Milton P., T/Sgt G Broderick, Emmett P., Cpl F None A/C No. 43-27678 “Lemmon Lu” Ramsay, Lamar E., 2Lt Berge, Gail B., 2Lt None Vannah, Harold P., Jr., F/O Davis, Virgil F., S/Sgt McFarland, Charles W., T/Sgt Beavers, Marqus F., Cpl None A/C No. 43-27747 “Spider’s Frolic Pad” Perlman, Jacob L., 2Lt Heaberlin, Paul L., 2Lt None Murch, George M., Jr., Sgt Taylor, Tullis (NMI), Cpl Freeman, Cecil O., T/Sgt Slezak, Alex E., S/Sgt None 447th BS War Diary: S/Sgt. M.H. Beckhart trfd. To United States on combat rotation. Sgt. Beckhart had completed 70 combat missions. 1st Lt. William E. Kibler returned to squadron from TD with 320th Service Group. 1st Lt. Robert T. Cunningham TD to 320th Service Group. A discussion hour was held at 1900 today in the enlisted men mess. The discussion leader was Sgt. Jarrold S. Oransky and the subject was the GI Bill of Rights. There was a total of 73 men present. These discussions programs are under the direction of 1st Lt. George G. VenJohn. From all reports it was a very profitable evening and solved many problems for the men as to the Bill. Morning report for week ending December 3rd, Officers: 82, enlisted men 364. Beckhart, Maurice H., S/Sgt, engineer-gunner Cunningham, Robert T., 1Lt, pilot Kibler, William E. “Kib”, 1Lt, pilot Oransky, Jarrold S., Sgt, communications VenJohn, George G., 1Lt, intelligence 447th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 627/mission 627) Group Mission # 627: A mission of 6 planes went over northern Italy but due to bad weather no bombs were dropped. Sunday, 3 December 1944 (continued) A/C No. 43-27506 “Rebel Devil” P Loewus, Frederick E. “Fred”, 2Lt CP Dodson, Jackson R., 2Lt N None B Radel, Henry D., 2Lt E Freeman, Millard C., S/Sgt R Poulin, Gaston G., S/Sgt G Williams, James H., Sgt F None A/C No. 43-27779 P Hennessey, Ralph E., 1Lt CP Smith, Frederick H., 2Lt N None B Dimondstein, Herbert (NMI), S/Sgt E Daniels, Carl (NMI), Sgt R Finnegan, Paul W., Cpl G Gorden, Robert L., Cpl F None A/C No. 443-27751 “MMR” (Meet Mrs. Runyon) P Yerger, John W., 2Lt CP Wallis, Shelby D., F/O N None B Dulaney, Earl W., Sgt E McMenamin, Daniel P., Jr., Sgt R Maslyar, Michael M., Sgt G Fromm, Samuel E., Cpl F None A/C No. 43-36240 “May Be” Morton, William C. “Mort”, Jr., 1Lt Buckley, Paul I., 2Lt Hiller, Frederick J., 2Lt Lankester, Hugh H. “Lank”, 2Lt Ifshin, Isidore (NMI) “Sonny”, S/Sgt Keefe, John A., T/Sgt Young, Robert E., Sgt None A/C No. 43-27498 “Ave Maria” Walker, Marion E., 1Lt Haage, Frederick W., F/O None McDermott, James W., 1Lt Applegarth, Smith B., S/Sgt Fiocca, Theodore Aurelio, S/Sgt Sims, James W., Cpl None A/C No. 43-27492 “Reddie Teddie” Marchant, Wendell E., 2Lt Buechner, Helmut K., 2Lt Tulley, Harlan Norval, 2Lt Colgan, Donald J., 2Lt Huntley, Bruce H., Cpl Guild, Bernard Robert, S/Sgt Drew, Horace E., Cpl None 448th BS War Diary: Lieutenant Holcombe and Sergeants Bixler and Weyeneth left for the good old United States on combat crew rotation. The following three enlisted men were assigned to the Squadron this afternoon: Corporals Wolfe, Shields, and Atherton. Captain Dossey and Lieutenant McKinley who had recently returned from MIA in Italy, conducted a lecture for the Enlisted Combat Crews in the Enlisted Men’s Club this afternoon on “Escape and Evasion” from their experiences with the Partisans in Northern Italy. Atherton, Robert C., Cpl, gunner Bixler, Frederick F., Sgt, gunner Dossey, Vernon Curtis, Capt, pilot Holcombe, Dewey R., 1Lt, pilot McKinley, Robert H., 1Lt, bombardier Shields, Robert L., Cpl, gunner Weyeneth, Carl H., Sgt, engineer Wolfe, Bernard M., Cpl, gunner Sunday, 3 December 1944 (continued) 448th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 627/mission 627) Group Mission # 627: Two missions were again scheduled for today. The targets were the Faenza Defense Area “A”, and barracks at Bologna, Italy. The planes departed on schedule, but returned early because of bad weather over the target area. No bombs were dropped. A/C No. 44-28918 (AntiFlak/Incendiary Ship) P Lyons, John B., 1Lt CP Kuoni, Charles F., Jr., 2Lt N None B Sheppard, John W., 2Lt E Donaud, Earl J., S/Sgt R Mardeuse, Alfred K., S/Sgt G Justice, Conway J., Jr., Sgt F None A/C No. 43-27726 (AntiFlak/Incendiary Ship) P Reedy, Walter W., 1Lt CP Sculley, Thomas S., 2Lt N None B Gardner, Philip K., 2Lt E Langley, Edmund P., Jr., Sgt R Vandenberg, Edward V. “Van”, Cpl G Moleski, Benny M. “Ben”, S/Sgt F None A/C No. 43-4076 (Anti-Flak/Incendiary Ship) Tetlow, John S., 1Lt Russell, John D., 2Lt None Allendorph, John B., 2Lt Pineda, Nico M., S/Sgt Schaffer, Irving J., S/Sgt Ferrell, Bruce M., Cpl None 448th BS: War Diary of: Schaffer, Irving J., S/Sgt, radio-gunner: “Awoke 6:30AM. CQ blowing whistle. Still dark. Cold. On mission. Carrying 500 lb incendiaries. Briefing 8:50AM. Lt Tetlow, pilot. Flying four ships, evasive action. Headquarters and barracks at Bologna. Defended target. Take off 10:15AM. Target 10/10 coverage. Did not drop. Milk run. Landed 12:50. Very nervous on mission. Carried "chaff". Really beginning to sweat them out. Ed Vanderberg pulled his first mission today. Creamed chicken, peas, boiled cabbage, mashed potatoes, cherry pie, coffee, bread, butter. Applied for driving license. Expect to leave for Rome tomorrow. Clear, warm day. Stew, string beans, peas, bread, butter, coffee. Attended "Information and Education" meeting at club. Cpl Opitz, chairman, S/Sgt Waldo, speaker. General discussion on deciding on topic for next week. On incendiary mission tomorrow. Retired 10:30PM.” Tetlow, John S., 1Lt, pilot Opitz, Fred E., Cpl, communications Vandenberg, Edward V. “Van”, Cpl, gunner Waldo, Charles E., S/Sgt, communications Monday, 4 December 1944 USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF): In Italy, B-25s hit defenses in the Bagnaeavallo and Faenza areas and an ammunition dump at Tortona; XXII Tactical Air Command aircraft hit targets in the US Fifth Army battle area S of Bologna in the Apennines Mountains and communications to the N of the battle zone. During the night of 3/4 Dec, A-20s again bomb targets of opportunity in the Po River Valley; the 7th Troop Carrier Squadron, 62nd Troop Carrier Group, moves from Tarquinia to Brindisi with C-47s. HQ 321st BG War Diary: Despite three separate runs on the Faenza # 6 C Defense area, haze prevented absolute identification of the target and all bombs were returned by 27 aircraft. The primary for eighteen more planes at the Bologna Barracks was also “socked in” and the nine planes which dropped on the alternate of Tortona Ammo Storage missed due to difficult target identification. HQ 321st BG Mission Summary (Ops Order 628/mission 628) Group Mission # 628: Faenza defense area (Group mission report not available at this time) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------HQ 321st BG Mission Summary (Ops Order 629/mission 629) Group Mission # 629: Bologna Barracks (primary). Bombed alternate - Tortona Ammo. Storage, Italy (Group mission report not available at this time) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------445th BS War Diary: The entire armament department attended the military funeral given to Sgt. Richard W. Dexter near Bastia today. He was buried in an Allied cemetery with full military honors. Sgt Haynes, armorer-gunner, failed to clear his guns upon return from today’s mission and he was recommended for disciplinary action. The squadron is clamping down on carelessness in this respect following the unfortunate accident that cost Sgt. Dexter his life. Capt Daniel P. Collins was appointed investigation officer to report on the fatal gun accident. Pvt. Robert D Knapp, Jr., son of the Commanding General of the 57th Wing, was assigned to this squadron today. Cpl. Naughton went on flying status today. Sgt. Bell again lectured new engineer-gunners; three new enlisted bombardiers were given lectures on B-25 bombing equipment; two radio-gunners were lectured on B-25 radio equipment; while the 17 newly-assigned gunners reported to Lt. Lowery for gunnery instruction. There was a good mail call today. Bell, Wendell J., Sgt, engineering Collins, Daniel P., Capt, pilot Dexter, Richard W. “Dex”, Sgt, armament Haynes, Irving L., Sgt, armorer-gunner Knapp, Robert Duane, Jr., Pvt, gunner Lowery, Bruce (NMI), 2Lt, armament Naughton, John J., Jr., Cpl, gunner Monday, 4 December 1944 (continued) 445th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 628/mission 628) Group Mission # 628: A/C No. 43-27899 “Flo” Poteete, Max W., 1Lt Middleton, Donald M., 2Lt None Vaughan, Fred W., 2Lt Mitchell, Robert D. “Bob”, Cpl Kavan, Lester D., T/Sgt Smith, Francis L. “Smitty”, S/Sgt None A/C No. 44-28722 “Spirit of Portchester” P Farrell, Robert A. “Baldy”, Capt CP Curry, Arthur L. “Art”, 2Lt N None B Wren, Frank J., 1Lt E Chambers, Jimmie (NMI), S/Sgt R Otterness, William B., Sgt G Slodden, Henry M. “Kip”, Sgt F None A/C No. 43-27572 “Babs” P McKay, Donald I., 1Lt CP Shutters, Paul E., 2Lt N None B Chauncey, Martin E. “Marty”, T/Sgt E Smith, William F., S/Sgt R Heckman, Kenneth W., Cpl G Baker, Max E., Cpl F None A/C No. 43-27742 “Vicious Vera” (later “Winnie Mae”) (Lead spare - did not fill in) P Mogren, Edward G., 1Lt CP Galny, Gerhard Henry “Hank”, Jr., 2Lt N None B Starczewski, Phillip R., 2Lt E Hunsberger, William R., Sgt R Ott, James V., Cpl G Haynes, Irving L., Sgt F None P CP N B E R G F A/C No. 44-28928 “Heaven Can Wait” Coale, Julian R., Jr., 1Lt Doris, Robert E., 2Lt None Gifford, Robert H., 1Lt Gum, Paul V., Cpl Nuttall, John H., Cpl Bierly, Glenn E., Cpl None A/C No. 43-27716 “Shit House Mouse” Emler, Richard S. “Dick”, 2Lt White, Edward A., 2Lt None Salch, Raymond F., Sgt Hagains, John R., Cpl None listed Edwards, Jack M., Cpl Abrams, Samuel (NMI) “Sam”, S/Sgt A/C No. 43-27769 “Miss Fancy Pants” Dentoni, Louis M., 2Lt Young, Paul L., 2Lt None Barrett, Ray E., S/Sgt Woody, Louie M., S/Sgt Krober, Raymond D., Jr., Cpl Clayton, Ross W., Cpl None Monday, 4 December 1944 (continued) 445th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 629/mission 629) Group Mission # 629: A/C No. 43-27698 “Peggy Lou” P Weld, Willis R., Capt CP Sprankle, Floyd H., 2Lt N Mitchell, Robert F., 1Lt B Palmer, Richard W., 1Lt E Watts, Joseph T., JR., S/Sgt R Engleman, Bud (NMI), S/Sgt G Moorehead, Lewis E., S/Sgt F None A/C No. 43-27680 “Stuff” Webb, Allen W. “Pete”, 1Lt DeBoer, Jay (NMI), Jr., 2Lt None Beck, Robert B. “Bob”, 2Lt Krauk, Edward J., Sgt Matter, Dean R., Cpl Jones, Harvey J., Cpl None A/C No. 43-27509 P Monger, Samuel A. “Sam”, Jr., 1Lt CP Buckham, John K., 2Lt N None B Larkin, Francis C. “Charley”, S/Sgt E Carruthers, John (NMI), II, S/Sgt R Ross, Reginald J., T/Sgt G Morisi, David D., S/Sgt F None P CP N B E R G F A/C No. 43-27733 “Porky’s Baby” Spencer, Charles F., 1Lt McFatter, Joe H., 2Lt None Murphy, John P., 2Lt Cubley, Harold B., T/Sgt Lowrey, James S., Cpl Henry, William W., S/Sgt None A/C No. 44-28948 “Miss Belle Fontaine” Lewis, Max E., 2Lt Brown, Cecil A., 2Lt None Carney, Robert J., T/Sgt Sycylo, Theodore W., Sgt Reagin, Charles T., Cpl Heintz, Edward R., Jr., Cpl None A/C No. 43-27545 “Maggie” Santone, Michael A., 1Lt Kourafas, James (NMI) “Jim”, 2Lt None Jackson, William H., 2Lt Larson, Richard A., Cpl Johnson, John E., T/Sgt Andrews, Lamar C., S/Sgt None 446th BS War Diary: Captain Goff, Lieutenants Johnson, Hively and Ivankovig plus EM McCarty, DeAngelo, Kaufman, Leeper and Nagy head for the good old U.S.A. DeAngelo, Ralph J., S/Sgt, gunner Goff, Leroy Robert, Jr., Capt, pilot Hively, Harold Henry, 1Lt, pilot Ivankovig, Paul J., 1Lt, pilot Johnson, Henry W., 1Lt, bombardier Kaufman, Sanders S., S/Sgt, gunner Leeper, Kenneth E., S/Sgt, gunner McCarty, Lyle (NMI), T/Sgt, radio-gunner Nagy, Julius L., T/Sgt, gunner Monday, 4 December 1944 (continued) 446th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 628/mission 628) Group Mission # 628: Squadron Mission 438 TARGET: Faenza, Italy DATE: 4 Dec.1944 Type of Bombs: Fragmentation 446th Planes: 6 Capt. Muzinich led the formation. Due to bad weather both the primary and alternate targets could not be picked up. Flak was heavy, scant, inaccurate. No fighters. Muzinich, Anthony L. “Tony”, Capt, pilot, 447th BS A/C No. 44-28926 “Merrily We Bob Along” P Matthews, John Walker, Jr., 1Lt CP Barbee, Harvey C., Jr., 2Lt N Clark, Samuel E., Jr., 2Lt B Lippy, Harvey W., 1Lt E Reeves, Charles F., M/Sgt R Luitjens, Harvey J., Sgt G Bruner, Edward (NMI), S/Sgt F None A/C No. 43-4074 (picture of seated lady - no name/lettering) P Ingram, William T., 1Lt CP Sheetinger, Dan A., 2Lt N None B Kaenzig, Charles Leslie, 1Lt E Knapp, Walter E., S/Sgt R Koos, Walter V., S/Sgt G South, William R., S/Sgt F None A/C No. 43-4097 “Tiny?” (later Darlene) P Doyle, John D., 1Lt CP Manolis, Ronald J., 2Lt N None B Law, John B., Cpl E Utz, James W., Sgt R Wilking, Robert L., S/Sgt G Cassidy, Warren J., S/Sgt F None A/C No. 43-4020 “Bourbon Baby” Panning, Robert F., 2Lt Maki, Allan A., 2Lt None McGann, Edom K., 2Lt Demmitt, Henry H., Cpl Flasher, Henry F., Sgt Wagner, William M., Cpl None A/C No. 43-27660 “Shooting Bull” Crinnion, Edward V., 2Lt Jackson, Roland B., 2Lt None Epstein, Joseph H., 1Lt Lundtoft, Hans G., S/Sgt Bundy, Garland A., T/Sgt Bryan, Dwight L., S/Sgt None A/C No. 43-27496 “PRINCESS” (previously PRINCESS PAOLA II) DiNorma, Joseph S., 2Lt Hahn, Melvin G., 2Lt None Horlen, Aubrey B., Cpl Nigrelli, Ernest J., Cpl Cubbage, Robert (NMI), Sgt Alberico, Camillo A., Sgt None Monday, 4 December 1944 (continued) 446th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 629/mission 629) Group Mission # 629: Squadron Mission 439 TARGET: Tortona Ammo. Storage, Italy DATE: 4 Dec.1944 Type of Bombs: 500 lb. 446th Planes: 6 Capt. Weld led the formation. Due to cloud cover at primary target, alternate was attacked. First flight made one pass at alternate but did not bomb due to haze. Second flight dropped on second pass and reported hits on N and S ends of building in target area. Two reports of building N of target being hit. No flak, no fighters. Weld, Willis R., 2Lt, pilot, 445th BS A/C No. 43-27501 “Sweet Sue Kathy Jeanne” (unnamed to Nov 44. In 45 “Kathy Jeanne” dropped) P Wozniak, Stanley E., 1Lt CP Cooper, Paul T., Lt Col, Commander N Gambino, Samuel F., 1Lt B Hogman, Frans H., 1Lt E Karuzas, Alexander W., Cpl R Cohen, Irwin (NMI), T/Sgt G Springer, Walter H., Cpl F None A/C No. 43-36224 probably ”Hauling Ass II” P Kimble, Arnold P., 2Lt CP Ratliff, James Ernest, Jr., 2Lt N None B Gale, Benjamin H., Jr., 1Lt E Lamm, Earl D., Cpl R Wimert, Donald A., Cpl G Knopp, Von C., Cpl F None A/C No. 43-4021 “The Little Admiral” (later Lady Jane) P Fisher, Carl D., 2Lt CP Sloan, Thomas M., 2Lt N None B DeSorbo, John S., Sgt E Shettleworth, William E., Cpl R Rousos, Milton P., T/Sgt G Broderick, Emmett P., Cpl F None A/C No. 43-27895 “Haulin’ Ass” Hurley, John R., 1Lt Bogan, Floyd W., 2Lt None Yarbrough, George L., 1Lt Kelly, Thomas J., Cpl Leary, Edward M., T/Sgt Haxby, William H., Jr., S/Sgt None A/C No. 43-27678 “Lemmon Lu” Ramsay, Lamar E., 2Lt Berge, Gail B., 2Lt None Vannah, Harold P., Jr., F/O Davis, Virgil F., S/Sgt McFarland, Charles W., T/Sgt Beavers, Marqus F., Cpl None A/C No. 43-27747 “Spider’s Frolic Pad” Perlman, Jacob L., 2Lt Heaberlin, Paul L., 2Lt None Murch, George M., Jr., Sgt Taylor, Tullis (NMI), Cpl Freeman, Cecil O., T/Sgt Slezak, Alex E., S/Sgt None Monday, 4 December 1944 (continued) 446th BS: War Diary of: Luitjens, Harvey J., Sgt, radio-gunner: (mission 19) “No. 19) Faenza troop concentration. Didn’t drop because of smoke pots. Carried Frags. Matthews.” Matthews, John Walker, Jr., 1Lt 447th BS War Diary: The following officers and enlisted men were relieved from rotation to 7th Replacement Depot for transshipment to U.S.; 1st Lt. Robert J. Burns; 1st Lt. Guy M. Washburn; 1st Lt. Stanley J. Wiechert; T/Sgt. Joseph W. MacNeil; T/Sgt. Andrew Pelak; T/Sgt. Alvin L. Simberg; F/O Erwin E.W. Heist; 2nd Lt Robert C. King Jr. Corporal Walter F. Meiborg; Cpl. James R. Newton; Cpl. Paul W. Cunningham; Cpl. Charles J. Price; S/Sgt. Albert Dolezal; Cpl. Stanley E. Teutsch; Cpl Charles W. Hardage. Burns, Robert J., 1Lt, pilot Cunningham, Paul W., Cpl, gunner Dolezal, Albert (NMI), S/Sgt, gunner Hardage, Charles W., Cpl, gunner Heist, Erwin William “Butch”, F/O, bombardier King, Robert C., Jr., 2Lt, pilot MacNeil, Joseph W., T/Sgt, radio-gunner Meiborg, Walter F., Cpl, gunner Newton, James R., Cpl, gunner Pelak, Andrew (NMI), T/Sgt, radio-gunner Price, Charles J., S/Sgt, gunner Simberg, Alvin L., T/Sgt, radio-gunner Teutsch, Stanley E., Cpl, gunner Washburn, Guy M. “Pappy”, 1Lt, pilot Wiechert, Stanley J., 1Lt, pilot 447th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 628/mission 628) Group Mission # 628: Fifteen planes were over northern Italy but did not drop bombs due to heavy overcast. (9 ships on mission # 628 and 6 ships on mission # 629) A/C No. 43-27636 Grimse, Ralph T., 1Lt Breckenridge, Louis C., 2Lt None Balboni, Robert A., 2Lt Quintenz, Robert P., S/Sgt Jones, LeRoy (NMI), S/Sgt Klimkowicz, Zigmond (NMI), Cpl None A/C No. 43-27785 P Wakely, Charles G., III, 1Lt CP Briggs, Richard G. “Dick”, 2Lt N None B Caflisch, Leonard P. “Lenny”, Jr., 2Lt E Hopp, Charles J., Sgt R Bartram, Roy H., Sgt G Smith, Kenneth C., Sgt F None P CP N B E R G F A/C No. 43-36108 Muzinich, Anthony L. “Tony”, Capt Amundson, Donald A., 2Lt Olsen, Svend P., 1Lt Mesna, Leeland A. “Lee”, 1Lt Keenan, Harry A., Sgt Schnaars, George D., S/Sgt Miller, Dale G., S/Sgt None A/C No. 43-4009 “Double-O-Nine” Hutson, Ernest G. “Hod”, 1Lt Highsmith, John R., 2Lt None Schmoke, Vernon L., 2Lt Stokes, Robert C., Sgt See, Russell K., T/Sgt Goldman, Marvin S., Cpl None Monday, 4 December 1944 (continued) A/C No. 43-4069 “Ruptured Duck” P Murchland, Robert Keith, 1Lt CP Rose, Norman I., 2Lt N None B McDermott, James W., 1Lt E Netzel, Carl F., Sgt R Stroupe, Robert A., Cpl G McKnight, John A., Jr., Cpl F None A/C No. 43-4040 “Fearless Fosdick” P Yerger, John W., 2Lt CP Wallis, Shelby D., F/O N None B Freeman, Millard C., S/Sgt E McMenamin, Daniel P., Jr., Sgt R Barksdale, Phillip L., Cpl G Fromm, Samuel E., Cpl F None A/C No. 43-4009 “Double-O-Nine” P Dodson, Jackson R., 2Lt CP Haage, Frederick W., F/O N None B Radel, Henry D., 2Lt E Applegarth, Smith B., S/Sgt R Fiocca, Theodore Aurelio, S/Sgt G Sims, James W., Cpl F None A/C No. 43-27718 Fairchild, George S., 2Lt Dickson, John L., Jr., 2Lt None Stroupe, Burton Elwood “Woody”, 2Lt Citarelli, James E., Sgt Phares, Harold (NMI) “Harry”, Jr., Cpl Bowman, John (NMI) “Red”, S/Sgt None A/C No. 43-27473 “Paper Doll” Remmel, Earl Howard “The Fox”, 1Lt Cammack, Elmore (NMI), 2Lt None Boyle, Joseph G., Jr., 1Lt Jones, Robert G., S/Sgt Maslyar, Michael M., Sgt Bauder, Harold R., S/Sgt None 447th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 629/mission 629) Group Mission # 629: A/C No. 43-27751 “MMR” (Meet Mrs. Runyon) P Gies, Donald W., F/O CP Bullion, Roland G. “Rollo”, 2Lt N None B Jones, Dewey D., Jr., Sgt E Cohen, Sam M., Cpl R Appleman, Carrol G., Cpl G Hunsaker, Frank W., Jr., Cpl F None A/C No. 43-27492 “Reddie Teddie” Marchant, Wendell E., 1Lt Buechner, Helmut K., 2Lt Tulley, Harlan Norval, 2Lt Colgan, Donald J., 2Lt Huntley, Bruce H., Cpl Guild, Bernard Robert, S/Sgt Ochs, Dan (NMI), Jr., Cpl None Monday, 4 December 1944 (continued) A/C No. 43-27506 “Rebel Devil” P Loewus, Frederick E. “Fred”, 2Lt CP Autry, Aaron E., 2Lt N None B Gary, Neil F., Sgt E Dulaney, Earl W., Sgt R Poulin, Gaston G., S/Sgt G Williams, James H., Sgt F None A/C No. 43-27498 “Ave Maria” P Brown, Lyle N., Jr., 2Lt CP Buckley, Paul I., 2Lt N None B Lubinsky, Norman B., Sgt E Lussier, Ernest R., Sgt R Hourahan, William F., Jr., Cpl G Harvey, John A., Sgt F None A/C No. 43-36240 “May Be” Morton, William C. “Mort”, Jr., 1Lt Brice, David W., 2Lt Hiller, Frederick J., 2Lt Lankester, Hugh H. “Lank”, 2Lt Ifshin, Isidore (NMI) “Sonny”, S/Sgt Keefe, John A., T/Sgt Young, Robert E., Sgt None A/C No. 43-27779 Hennessey, Ralph E., 1Lt Smith, Frederick H., 2Lt None Dimondstein, Herbert (NMI), S/Sgt Daniels, Carl (NMI), Sgt Finnegan, Paul W., Cpl Gorden, Robert L., Cpl None 448th BS War Diary: The same two missions were scheduled once again today. Technical Sergeant Steinberg was assigned to the unit this afternoon. Notification of a change in the Table of Organization of the Squadron received this afternoon. The Squadron is now authorized ninety (90) officers and three hundred and thirty-five (335) enlisted men. Steinberg, Reuben H., T/Sgt, personnel 448th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 628/mission 628) Group Mission # 628: Once again the planes failed to drop their bombs on the Faenza defense area, because of bad weather over the target. They were unable to reach the alternate target because of bad weather also. P CP N B E R G F A/C No. 43-27720 Swanson, Erle G. “Swanny”, 1Lt Wilson, James M., 2Lt Bongiovanni, Michael (NMI), 1Lt Brink, Richard E., 2Lt Perillo, Anthony L., S/Sgt Rockwell, Stewart R. “Rockwell”, S/Sgt Holloway, Garland (NMI), S/Sgt None A/C No. 43-27706 “Silver Belle” Fleming, George B., 2Lt Rubin, Julius W., 2Lt Steely, Ralph K., 2Lt Bottom, James W., 2Lt Goethals, Camiel A., S/Sgt Seward, Richard F., T/Sgt Abiecunas, Joseph P. “Abby”, S/Sgt None Monday, 4 December 1944 (continued) A/C No. 43-27538 “Down But Not Out” P Cooper, James W., 2Lt CP Zakopcsan, John S., 2Lt N None B Baird, James (NMI), Jr., S/Sgt E Reves, Louis E., Sgt R Hallman, Robert L., T/Sgt G Knauss, Charles F., S/Sgt F None A/C No. 43-27481 P Norris, Grafton R., 1Lt CP Russell, Harold H., 2Lt N None B Poteet, Edward J., T/Sgt E Turner, James H., Cpl R Brusa, Robert P., T/Sgt G Markiewicz, Edward B., S/Sgt F None A/C No. 44-28940 Copes, Wilson R., 2Lt Schwartz, Theodore (NMI), 2Lt None Pealer, Woodward D., S/Sgt Weese, Charles F., Cpl None listed Hawthorne, Ralph C., S/Sgt None A/C No. 43-27668 Riley, Robert L., 1Lt West, Alden A. “Bud”, 2Lt None Bass, Bernard G., S/Sgt Qualls, Thomas B., S/Sgt Randall, Charles R., Jr., T/Sgt Enderle, Melvin J., Sgt None 448th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 629/mission 629) Group Mission # 629: The second mission met with somewhat better success. The 448th Squadron had four planes for this mission, loaded with incendiary bombs, and although they were unable to bomb the Bologna barracks, the alternate target of Tortona Storage dump was attacked. Fires and explosions were observed on the breakaway by the crew members. All planes returned safely at 1620. A/C No. 43-4037 “Cherry Fizz” (AntiFlak/Incendiary Ship) P Garrett, Thaddeus D., 1Lt CP Neumann, Robert H., Maj, HQ 321st BG N None B Lesser, Robert (NMI) “Bob”, 2Lt E Gutierrez, Ralph (NMI), Cpl R Hulse, Donald W., S/Sgt G Magyar, Steven J., S/Sgt F Silver, George A., III, Maj, HQ 321st BG (observer) A/C No. 43-27652 “Out of Bounds” (Anti-Flak/Incendiary Ship) Ivory, Daniel J., Jr., 2Lt Russell, John D, 2Lt None Allendorph, John B., 2Lt Pineda, Nico M., S/Sgt Schaffer, Irving J., S/Sgt Ferrell, Bruce M., Cpl None Monday, 4 December 1944 (continued) A/C No. 43-27726 (AntiFlak/Incendiary Ship) P Reedy, Walter W., 1Lt CP Sculley, Thomas S., 2Lt N None B Gardner, Philip K., 2Lt E Langley, Edmund P., Jr., S/Sgt R Vandenberg, Edward V. “Van”, Cpl G Moleski, Benny M. “Ben”, S/Sgt F None A/C No. 44-28918 (AntiFlak/Incendiary Ship) Lyons, John B., 1Lt Kuoni, Charles F., Jr., 2Lt None Sheppard, John W., 2Lt Donaud, Earl J., S/Sgt Mardeuse, Alfred K., S/Sgt Justice, Conway J., Jr., Sgt None 448th BS: War Diary of: Schaffer, Irving J., S/Sgt, radio-gunner: “Awoke 7:30AM. Clear day. Fresh fried eggs, sausage, oatmeal, bread, hard-tack, 1/2 grapefruit, coffee. Fought three rounds with Hojnacki. Ran 1 mile. Fair shape. Early chow 11:00AM. Creamed macaroni, string beans, soup, bread, potatoes, coffee, cauliflower, butter. Take off 1:10PM. Same target as yesterday. Lt Ivory, pilot. Target closed in. A bit air sick. Did not drop. 25th mission. Landed 3:50PM. No developments on Rome trip. Nice day. Roast beef, mashed potatoes, peas, gravy, vanilla pudding, coffee. Fair evening. Retired 9:00PM.” Hojnacki, Adam A., Cpl, cook Ivory, Daniel J., Jr., 2Lt, pilot Tuesday, 5 December 1944 USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF): In Italy, bad weather severely restricts operations; medium bomber missions are cancelled except for a weather reconnaissance flight; fighters and fighterbombers hit a few rail lines and other communications targets in the E Po River Valley but devote a major effort to closely support the US Fifth Army in the battle area S of Bologna; HQ 79th Fighter Group and the 85th and 86th Fighter Squadrons move from Iesi to Fano with P-47s. HQ 321st BG War Diary: No mission – weather. 445th BS War Diary: A total of 16 crews were scheduled for two missions but they were cancelled. The Red Cross girl served doughnuts and coffee this morning. During the noon meal, a drawing was conducted to determine the lucky man to receive orders authorizing a 30-day leave in the USA. Tetla, communications man on DS to group, was the fortunate individual. Lt. Lower checked out 3 crews on dry ditching, 7 enlisted bombardiers were lectured on the use of the navigational computer by Capt Franklin at group while the 17 new gunners again were given a gunnery lecture by Lt. Lowery. Franklin, Arthur E., Capt, navigator, HQ 321st BG Lower, William C., 2Lt, personal equipment Lowery, Bruce (NMI), 2Lt, armament Nordlinger, Jacqueline, Miss, American Red Cross (321st BG "Red Cross girl") Tetla, Stephen S., Sgt, communications 446th BS War Diary: December 5 and 6: Regular duties as there is no flying because of bad weather. 447th BS War Diary: The following enlisted men trfd on rotation to 7th replacement depot for shipment to U.S.: S/Sgt. Ernest E. Byrn; S/Sgt. Paul B. Connolly; S/Sgt. Hughie L. Curry; S/Sgt. George Mercea; S/Sgt. Harold W. Scarberry; S/Sgt. Joseph Veid, T/Sgt. Eugene C. Cowart. Pfc. Robert E. Kracher is back from TD with 57th Bombardment Wing. Sgt. George T. Lejman assigned and joined squadron from 7th Repl. Depot. Byrn, Ernest E., S/Sgt, engineer-gunner Connolly, Paul B., S/Sgt, aerial gunner Cowart, Eugene C., T/Sgt, radio-gunner Curry, Hughie L., S/Sgt, gunner Kracher, Robert E., PFC, engineering Lejman, George T., Sgt, armorer-gunner Mercea, George (NMI), S/Sgt, engineer-gunner Scarberry, Harold W., S/Sgt, gunner Veid, Joseph (NMI), S/Sgt, aerial gunner Tuesday, 5 December 1944 (continued) 448th BS War Diary: Weather conditions prevented the mission scheduled for today from leaving the ground. Lieutenants Kirk, Cherry, and Freund, and Sergeants Ratcliffe and Veeck left this morning for a pleasant stay at the AAF Rest Camp at Capri. Cherry, Raymond (NMI), Jr., 2Lt, pilot Freund, John F., 2Lt, bombardier Kirk, Theodore (NMI), 2Lt, pilot Ratcliffe, James E., Jr., Sgt, gunner Veeck, Richard W., Sgt, gunner 448th BS: War Diary of: Schaffer, Irving J., S/Sgt, radio-gunner: “Awoke 7:30AM. Cloudy, warm AM. On incendiary mission. Briefing at 12:00PM. Hard boiled eggs, oatmeal, bacon, hard tack. Sending out laundry with "Teddie" to mountains. Stand-down on all three missions. Goofed off detail. Wondering about Shyrle and the folks at home. God, how I'd like to be home. Hash, fresh sweet potatoes, string beans, cake, bread, butter, tea. Clear, windy day. Van, Lewis, George and I gathered wood for tent in weapons carrier. Roast beef, fresh boiled potatoes, peas and carrots, sliced peaches, bread, butter, coffee. Received a package from #19 dated Sept. 8th. Attended "Barbary Coast Gent." Beaucoup laughs. Very clear, but windy evening. On tomorrow's mission. Retired 10:15PM.” Huha, George (NMI), Sgt, communications Lanningham, Theodore R. "Teddie", S/Sgt, engineering Martin, Lewis E. “Lew”, Sgt, engineer-gunner Shyrle, Irving Schaffer’s future wife Vandenberg, Edward V. “Van”, Cpl, gunner Wednesday, 6 December 1944 USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF): In Italy, heavy cloud cover, increasing in density throughout the day, severely restricts operations; medium bombers are grounded except for 1 reconnaissance sortie; XXII Tactical Air Command fighters and fighter-bombers fly less than 100 sorties, attacking communications in the Brescia, Verona, and Mantua areas; the 87th Fighter Squadron, 79th Fighter Group, moves from Iesi to Fano with P-47s; the 97th Bombardment Squadron (Light), 47th Bombardment Group (Light), moves from Rosignano Airfield to Grossetto with A-20s. HQ 321st BG War Diary: No mission – weather. 445th BS War Diary: The operational mission for today was cancelled. Lt. E. A. Miller returned from the USA today. He left the squadron in June. Sgt. Irving L. Haynes was reduced to the grade of Private for inefficiency and taken off flying status for his carelessness in leaving a live round in his gun following repeated warning about this evil that had cost a life in the squadron. Lt. Starczewski was transferred to the 446th Squadron. He completed 10 missions for this squadron. Seven officers and 5 enlisted men combat crews were assigned today. There was a large number of packages arriving today. A dance was held at the enlisted men’s club tonight with Doc Smith and the Mitchell-Aires supplying the music. Only a few French girls made an appearance. Haynes, Irving L., Pvt, armorer-gunner Miller, Edward A., 2Lt, bombardier/Navigator Smith, William C. "Doc", Capt, surgeon Starczewski, Phillip R., 2Lt, bombardier 446th BS War Diary: December 5 and 6: Regular duties as there is no flying because of bad weather. 447th BS War Diary: Mission scheduled but did not take off because of bad weather. Usual camp duties with the new combat men being checked out on the different things so they will be prepared for combat missions. They received instructions on ditching, aircraft recognition, guns, navigation, bombing. They were also briefed on escape and security by Capt. Levine of the Intelligence Section. Levine, William E., Capt, intelligence 448th BS War Diary: The same mission was scheduled once again today, but it too was stand down, due to weather conditions. No change in the status of the unit was effected during the day, nor nothing happened other than the usual camp duties. Wednesday, 6 December 1944 (continued) 448th BS: War Diary of: Schaffer, Irving J., S/Sgt, radio-gunner: “Awoke 7:30AM. Drizzling. Oatmeal, pancakes and apple butter, 1/2 grapefruit, coffee. Briefing at 12:00PM. Stand-down on all missions. Attended aircraft rec. class. Dull, cloudy AM. Hash paddies, string beans, mashed potatoes (fresh), tomato soup, sliced pineapple, bread, butter. Briefed new radio operator. About 5 new crews came in this past week. Pork chops, lima beans, peas, fruit salad, bread, apple jelly, coffee. Since the truck generator has been removed, our lighting system hasn't been too good. Cloudy evening. Christmas parcels beginning to come through. At 7:00PM I was unexpectedly called for guard. 1st shift. Holloway sick. More parcels came in. Picked up telegraph set from Bruce to practice code. Retired 11:00PM.” Ferrell, Bruce M., Cpl, gunner Holloway, Garland (NMI), S/Sgt, gunner Thursday, 7 December 1944 USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF): In Italy, weather grounds medium bombers; fighters and fighterbombers, despite the weather, attack railroads, roads, bridges, rolling stock, and other targets over widespread areas of N Italy, from La Spezia to N of the Po River Valley; bad weather obscures most primary targets but alternate targets are fairly successfully hit. HQ 321st BG War Diary: No mission – weather. 445th BS War Diary: The operational mission for this date was cancelled. Pvt. Manuel Garza was promoted to corporal today and placed on flying status. He was grounded several months ago due to the fact that he was a private and therefore ineligible to fly. He has about the longest overseas service in the squadron – about 3 years of it. The weather was moderate today, very pleasant indeed. There were two separate package calls as Christmas bundles began arriving. This was the 3rd anniversary of Pearl Harbor, a fact which many of the men overlooked – indicating that the men had become accustomed to war and the tendency is now not so much looking at the past as it is hoping for the future. There was quite a bit of flight training today. Garza, Manuel (NMI), Cpl, gunner 445th BS: War Diary of: Seegmiller, Barnard H., Sgt, armament: 12/07/44: “On the evening of the 5th I returned from watching conference in Foggia. Bro. Knutson and I came over from Naples in a wing plane and landed at the 310th field in a treacherous crosswind. On the morning of December 2nd, eight of us LDS had gathered at Bro. Parkins squadron in the 340th Group where we boarded one of their planes for the trip to Foggia. We passed directly over Rome which presented a beautiful sight as the bright sunlight reflected from the pastel-colored buildings. I tried to get a picture, but something was not right with my camera. The flight over the snowcovered mountains was also very interesting. We came out over a solid overcast about 7000 feet above the Foggia plain and had to circle quite a while before we finally found an opening. I was surprised when we got out of the plane at Foggia Main to find the temperature so mild. It was certainly unlike what we experienced there a year ago. However, the sky was gray and dismal and any plane ascending much over ten thousand feet left behind it a wide path of vapor just as last year. Parkins, Stanley (NMI), 1st Sgt, 487th BS, 340th BG We arranged for rooms at the Red Cross and then got in touch with Chaplain Cooley. At first he impressed me as a rather doleful person, but I soon learned to admire the quiet and effectual way he went about getting things done. A dance had been arranged for the evening and everyone seemed to have a very good time. Several Red Cross girls and a WAC of our faith were present and these were supplemented by several native girls. Cake and ice cream were served. The dance was closed by prayer Saturday evening. At the conference session Sunday morning, approximately 135 members were present. There were several speakers of whom Chaplain Gibbons gave the best talk. We Thursday, 7 December 1944 (continued) reconvened at 14:00 for Testimony meeting. The time was well used, but I was not particularly impressed. Perhaps that was my fault. At the evening session the girls (Red Cross and WAC) presided and presented the program. It went over big and everyone had a good time. (A native Italian girl, very pretty, was baptized and confirmed a member of the Church). Cooley, Marion L., Jr., Chaplain, 486th BS, 340th BG Gibbons, Chaplain, Monday morning after much hand-shaking and good-byes, we took off from Foggia main for Bari where we landed to pick up a fellow and proceeded from there to Naples. I left the boys who were going to Corsica there and went into Naples. My intentions were to catch a plane to Florence and to proceed from there to Corsica. At the Red Cross shower I ran into Eric Johnson whom I had left in Foggia. (There were four fellows from the Central States Mission besides myself; Carl T. Rhodes, Elder Gunnel, Al Summerhays, and Eric Johnson. It was good to see them all again.) Eric had a dinner engagement with Bro. Ayelette who works with ATC as a passenger control agent with civilian status, so I joined him. We had a good meal and after contacting Chaplain Irons and Don Blackmore, we visited at Bro. Ayelette’s sumptuous apartment for an hour before going to a movie, “Arsenic and Old Lace.” I slept that night at the ATC Lodge under one blanket and nearly froze. Ayelette, Aggie, CID Irons, V. E., 1Lt, pilot, 380th BS, 310th BG Johnson, Eric A., 1Lt, pilot, 447th BS After chow the next morning I went to ATC booking office for a priority to Florence but was told it was unlikely that I would get a ride even though they would give me a priority, so I headed toward the Red Cross club again. On the way I met Bro. Irons and Ayelette again. While resting at the Red Cross I was accosted by a GI who asked my blood type. When I told him it was Type O he asked me to give a pint to the blood bank. I agreed and soon the deed was done. I felt OK until the afternoon when I had to walk from the Transient Mess to Field Operations, a distance of about a mile. I became so weak I had to lie down for an hour and decided then to go back to Corsica on a wing plane that was soon to leave. Upon arriving home, Tom direfully told me of an accident in which Richard Dexter had been killed Sunday evening. He and Pleva had been harmonizing the upper turret guns and as Dex asked Steve to energize the solenoid, a live round left in the chamber by a careless gunner was discharged. It passed through Dexter’s middle and caused death almost immediately. Of all the men in our squadron, Dexter least deserved to die if living is any reward for goodness. He was strictly moral, industrious, studious and cheerful. He was also the best prepared for death of anyone. I have had several talks with him on religion and though he did not readily take to the doctrine of Mormonism, he believed and lived its fundamentals. Davies, Thomas C. Jr. "Tom", Sgt, armament Dexter, Richard W. “Dex”, Sgt, armament Irons, V. E., 1Lt, pilot, 380th BS, 310th BG Pleva, Stephen P., Sgt, armament The evening before leaving for conference, my prolonged concern over the absence of word from Margaret was ended by a very casual note stating that she was married. I was not greatly affected. For want of something else, I had allowed myself to Thursday, 7 December 1944 (continued) believe in her somewhat and so was surprised at her stark perfidy but whether I loved her or not is hard to discern from my reaction. “C’est la Guerre” seems to be all there is any need of saying and I chose not to even write her, though I hold no enmity whatsoever.” 446th BS War Diary: The war is three years old today and the ground men of the group left home for foreign duty 22 months ago today. Lieutenant Peterson gets orders to go home and Technical Sergeant McClain is made a Master Sergeant. McClain, Richard E., M/Sgt, engineering Peterson, Frederick I., 1Lt, pilot 447th BS War Diary: There has been no break in adverse weather conditions therefore no flying and no missions. Record of events. Usual camp duties. 448th BS War Diary: The mission was stand down once again today. The crew members did reach the group briefing hut, however, before the sad news reached them. The following five officers and seven enlisted men were assigned to the Squadron today: First Lieutenant Williams, Second Lieutenants Akers, Arnold, and Beckman, Flight Officer Rutz, Sergeants Hunter, and Brentar, Corporals Hovorka, Sevier, Tangren, and Varga, and Private Morian. Akers, Harold B., Jr., 2Lt, pilot Arnold, Harold L., 2Lt, bombardier Beckman, Harold Christoph, 2Lt, pilot Brentar, Joseph C., Sgt, gunner Hovorka, Leo F., Jr., Cpl, gunner Hunter, Dewey G., Sgt, gunner Morian, Charles R., Pvt, gunner Rutz, Victor H., F/O, bombardier Sevier, Fred L., Cpl, gunner Tangren, Donald E., Cpl, gunner Varga, Frank K., Cpl, gunner Williams, Peter G., 1Lt, pilot 448th BS: War Diary of: Schaffer, Irving J., S/Sgt, radio-gunner: “Awoke 7:00AM. Partly cloudy sky. Feeling great. Fried eggs, oatmeal, bacon, 1/2 grapefruit, coffee, bread, marmalade. On incendiary mission. Briefing 11:45AM. Boxing trip to Rome canceled. All missions stand-down. Prepared parcel to send home. Gifts for all. Baked beans, string beans, fruit salad, bread, butter, coffee. Very warm PM. Attended Aircraft Recog. Commenced building punching bag rack. Had supper with Taylor and Smitty at 445th. Doctor (Captain) Smith, flight surgeon of 445th spoke on first aid. Attended "The Merry Monahans". Waldo asked me to speak at I and E program this Sunday evening. Clear evening. Huha and Vanderberg always like the tent extremely hot. Retired 10:30PM.” Huha, George (NMI), Sgt, communications Smith, Francis L. "Smitty", S/Sgt, gunner, 445th BS Smith, William C. "Doc", Capt, Flight Surgeon, 445th BS Taylor, Marion R., Sgt, engineer-gunner, 445th BS Vandenberg, Edward V. “Van”, Cpl, gunner Waldo, Charles E., S/Sgt, communications Friday, 8 December 1944 USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF): In Italy, weather again greatly curtails operations; 4 P-47s on weather reconnaissance of the W Po River Valley attack trains, claiming the destruction of 4 locomotives and damage of almost 100 train cars. During the night of 7/8 Dec 3 A-20s bomb targets of opportunity in Po River Valley. HQ 321st BG War Diary: No mission – weather. 445th BS War Diary: It was a stand-down order for both missions today. Only a few non-operational flights were made as the weather was a bit inclement – windy, cloudy with a few raindrops falling. Hamburgers highlighted the supper meal today and were very much enjoyed. Some Christmas packages arrived in the squadron after supper. 446th BS War Diary: Staff Sergeant Walter Knapp, veteran of 100 combat missions and one of the original members of the group, is promoted to Technical Sergeant. Usual routine as there is no flying. Knapp, Walter E., T/Sgt, engineer-gunner 447th BS War Diary: No mission was scheduled for today. Pvt. Robert P. Rulard promoted to grade of corporal. The following officers and enlisted men assigned from 57th Bomb Wing: 1st Lt. George R. Morrison, F/O William T. Atkins, 2nd Lt. James J. Stephens, 2nd Lt. Albert C. Tarquinio, F/O Erwin E. W. Heist, 2nd Lt. Robert C. King Jr., Cpl. Walter F. Meiborg, Cpl. James R. Newton, Cpl. Paul W. Cunningham, Cpl. Charles J. Price, S/Sgt. Albert Dolezal, Cpl. Stanley E. Teutsch, Cpl Charles W. Hardage. Atkins, William T. “Bill”, F/O, bombardier Cunningham, Paul W., Cpl, gunner Dolezal, Albert (NMI), S/Sgt, gunner Hardage, Charles W., Cpl, gunner Heist, Erwin William “Butch”, F/O, bombardier King, Robert C., Jr., 2Lt, pilot Meiborg, Walter F., Cpl, gunner Morrison, George R., Jr., 1Lt, pilot Newton, James R., Cpl, gunner Price, Charles J., Cpl, gunner Rulard, Robert P., Cpl, gunner Stephens, James J., 2Lt, pilot Tarquinio, Albert C., 2Lt, pilot Teutsch, Stanley E., Cpl, gunner 448th BS War Diary: Yesterday’s mission was cancelled and three missions were scheduled for today. The crews reached the briefing hut once again only to have the stand down news reach them. Lieutenants Bard, Grady, Kiska, and Sergeants Walker, and Trigler returned today from the AAF Capri Rest Camp after somewhat of an extenuated stay, feeling none the worse from the effects. Lieutenant Gladwell reported for DS to the 57th Bomb Wing Headquarters, and Lieutenant Sculley left for TD to Headquarters of the 57th Bomb Wing. Lieutenant Valenti and Private First Class Rogers were assigned to the unit today. Bard, John A., 1Lt, pilot Gladwell, James G., 1Lt, pilot Grady, John R., 1Lt, pilot Friday, 8 December 1944 (continued) Kiska, George P., 2Lt, bombardier Sculley, Thomas S., 2Lt, pilot Valenti, Jack J., 2Lt, pilot Rogers, John J., Pvt, communications Trigler, Louis E., S/Sgt, gunner Walker, Jack L., T/Sgt, gunner 448th BS: War Diary of: Schaffer, Irving J., S/Sgt, radio-gunner: “Awoke 7:35AM. Very windy, slight rain. Pancakes, oatmeal, marmalade, grapefruit, coffee. The chow line is longer at 8:00AM than it is at 7:30AM. Everyone waits until the last minute. Briefing at 11:45AM. Doubt this mission will take off. Stand-down. Hash paddies, string beans, mashed potatoes, tomato sauce, fruit salad, bread, butter, coffee. Attended aircraft recog class. Finished backboard for punching bag. Getting colder. Left over pork chops, sweet potatoes (fresh) string beans, vanilla pudding, coffee. Visited Lt Wyman. Visited new combat men. Chilly night. Retired 10:30PM.” Wyman, 2Lt, S-2, I & E Officer Saturday, 9 December 1944 USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF): In Italy, bad weather grounds medium bombers; fighters and fighterbombers attack communications in the C and NE Po River Valley. HQ 321st BG War Diary: With no mission due to target weather, the Ordnance and 448th Enlisted men took advantage of the excellent local weather to play off the championship of the touch football league which has been progressing for the past two months. Before a large enthusiastic crowd, the Ordnance boys squeezed out a 19-14 verdict in a hard, well-played game which bristled with good blocking and dazzling interceptions. By winning, the “bomb loaders” avenged an earlier defeat at the hands of today’s loser. 445th BS War Diary: Both operational missions were cancelled as weather conditions continued to be unfavorable. The older men in the squadron listened with no small amusement to the various stories related by the new gunners who arrived here from England where they participated in some missions over Europe flying in Forts and Liberators. Some of the stories, the men insist, could gain considerable favor in the Tall Story Club. Sgts. Gray, Leach, McDonald, Hafner, Miller, Valley and Cummings left the squadron today on rotation orders sending them to the States. They are all aerial gunners. Lts. Rung, Young and Weiner went to Capri’s rest camp for a week. Luxury rations were distributed this afternoon. Roast pork was served at supper. Later in the evening, there were brilliant flashes of lightning and loud claps of thunder but there was no rain. Cummings, Walter T., S/Sgt, engineer-gunner Gray, John H., T/Sgt, gunner Hafner, Duane H., Sgt, gunner Leach, Earl V., Sgt, gunner McDonald, Thomas E., Sgt, gunner Miller, Robert J., Jr., S/Sgt, bombardier Rung, Raymond F., Jr., 2Lt, pilot Valley, Arnold, Sgt, gunner Weiner, Irving B., 2Lt, bombardier Young, William G., 2Lt, pilot 446th BS War Diary: New corporals are J. Andrews and T.J. Martin. Lieutenants Fontaine and Schmid leave for home. Andrews, James Robert, Cpl, gunner Fontaine, Eugene A., Jr., 1Lt, pilot Martin, Thomas J., Jr., Cpl, gunner Schmid, Kenneth L., 1Lt, pilot 447th BS War Diary: No mission was scheduled for today. Usual camp duties. Morning report for week ending December 9th. Officers- 85, Enlisted Men – 362. 448th BS War Diary: The same three missions were scheduled once again today. The Incendiary and GP missions were stand down for the day, but the Nickeling mission took off on schedule. The 448th Squadron furnished four planes for this mission, which reached 19,000 feet in the Florence area before being forced to return due to bad weather over the target area. This afternoon the 448th Squadron football team played the Saturday, 9 December 1944 Ordnance section’s team for the league championship. It was a thrill-packed game from start to finish with the Ordnance lads finally winning 19-14, but only after a fourth period touchdown, that lead which the 448th boys threatened to overcome in the fading seconds of the game. It was a fitting climax to a season jammed with football thrills. 448th BS: War Diary of: Schaffer, Irving J., S/Sgt, radio-gunner: “Awoke 7:30AM. George pulled last shift of guard and had fire started when I awoke. Clear, cold AM. Mountains are heavily covered with snow. Pancakes, whole wheat cereal, Marmalade, orange-grapefruit juice. Briefing for mission 11:35. Same as yesterday. Edward Vanderberg, 8233-255th Street, Long Island, NY (Floral Park), a new combat man who I knew in the states is OK. Likes to kid about, but does his share of work. Stand-down on mission, but nickeling. Corn beef hash, tomato sauce, string beans, potatoes, apple pie, coffee. Received rations this PM. - cost $2.80. 14 pkgs cigarettes, 6 bottles beer, 2 cokes, 1 can juice, 3 Hershey's, 3 pkg Necco wafers, 1 can peanuts, 3 cigars, 3 chicken dinners, 1 bar soap. Fair day, chilly. Taylor cut my hair at 445th. Took over John Gray's job as barber. 20 francs. Disposed of light carton of cigarettes at - per carton. Nickeling mission flew at 19,000 feet. No credit. Peas, beans, Vienna sausage, tartar sauce, diced beets, bread, apple jelly, coffee. Energizer out of commission. No lights, burning candles. Met Ben Moleski's brother, Joe. Joe Moleski is with the UNRRA. Retired 10:20PM.” Gray, John H., S/Sgt, radio-gunner, 445 BS Huha, George (NMI), Sgt, communications Moleski, Benny M. “Ben”, S/Sgt, gunner Moleski, Joe, UNRRA Taylor, Marion R., Sgt, engineer-gunner, 445th BS Vandenberg, Edward V. “Van”, Cpl, gunner Sunday, 10 December 1944 USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF): In Italy, medium bombers bomb bridges, fills, and a tunnel in the Brenner Pass area, hit the Fidenza bridge and barracks at Bologna, and support the British Eighth Army in the Faenza area, bombing defensive positions; XXII Tactical Air Command targets are again predominantly communications N of the US Fifth Army battle zone; the 85th Bombardment Squadron (Light), 47th Bombardment Group (Light), moves from Rosignano Airfield to Grosseto with A-20s. HQ 321st BG War Diary: After a five day lay off because of poor weather over Italy, two missions were sent to the Bologna area with excellent results. The barracks north of Bologna was smothered by a 100 percent concentration in spite of the intense flak barrage thrown up by the Germans which shot down one of our planes and holed eight others. The Castel Bolognese Defense Area was also well covered by frags – ten aircraft holed by the heavy, intense, accurate flak. Twelve plane nickeling mission to the Bologna area also successful. HQ 321st BG Mission Summary (Ops Order 630/mission 630) Group Mission # 630: Faenza Troop and Supply Area, Italy (Group mission report not available at this time) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------HQ 321st BG Mission Summary (Ops Order 631/mission 631) Group Mission # 631: Castel Bolognese Defense Area, Italy (Group mission report not available at this time) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------HQ 321st BG Mission Summary (Ops Order 632/mission 632) Group Mission # 632: Twelve plane nickeling mission to the Bologna area (Group mission report not available at this time) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------445th BS War Diary: The squadron finally took off and participated in two missions, one of which attacked Faenza troop concentrations while the other hit the Bologna barracks in two tactical raids. The latter attack, led by Lt. Dyer, resulted in 100 percent bombing accuracy. In a 6-man touch football game, the 445th enlisted men and the 447th enlisted men played to a hard-fought 13-13 tie at the latter’s field. Staff Sergeant John Arcuri, gunner, was ordered to appear before the Medical Disposition Board. Trips to Catania were cancelled until further notice, the chief complaint being the purchases of foodstuffs. This purchase of rations which ordinarily would be sold to civilians has aggravated the black market conditions. There is no complaint about the purchase of liquor. Arcuri, John, S/Sgt, gunner Dyer, Robert H., 1Lt, pilot Sunday, 10 December 1944 (continued) 445th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 630/mission 630) Group Mission # 630: P CP N B E R G F P CP N B E R G F P CP N B E R G F P CP N B E R G F A/C No. 43-27899 “Flo” Poteete, Max W., 1Lt Middleton, Donald M., 2Lt None Vaughan, Fred W., 2Lt Mitchell, Robert D. “Bob”, Cpl Krober, Raymond D., Jr., Cpl Smith, Francis L. “Smitty”, S/Sgt None A/C No. 44-28722 “Spirit of Portchester” Farrell, Robert A. “Baldy”, Capt Curry, Arthur L. “Art”, 2Lt None Wren, Frank J., 1Lt Chambers, Jimmie (NMI), S/Sgt Otterness, William B., Sgt Slodden, Henry M. “Kip”, S/Sgt None A/C No. 44-28928 “Heaven Can Wait” Rung, Raymond F. “Red”, Jr., 2Lt Shutters, Paul E., 2Lt None Chauncey, Martin E. “Marty”, T/Sgt Smith, William F., S/Sgt Ohm, Morton D., S/Sgt Baker, Max E., Cpl None A/C No. 43-27742 “Vicious Vera” (later “Winnie Mae”) (Window Ship) Mogren, Edward G., 1Lt Galny, Gerhard Henry “Hank”, Jr., 2Lt None Weiner, Irving B., 2Lt Hunsberger, William R., Sgt Ott, James V., Cpl Kabrich, Harry Lee, S/Sgt None A/C No. 43-27572 “Babs” Coale, Julian R., Jr., 1Lt Doris, Robert E., 2Lt None Gifford, Robert H., 1Lt Gum, Paul V., Cpl Nuttall, John H., Cpl Bierly, Glenn E., Cpl None A/C No. 43-27716 “Shit House Mouse” Emler, Richard S. “Dick”, 2Lt White, Edward A., 2Lt None Salch, Raymond F., Sgt Hagains, John R., Cpl Abrams, Samuel (NMI) “Sam”, S/Sgt Smith, Warren B. “Smitty”, T/Sgt None A/C No. 43-27769 “Miss Fancy Pants” Dentoni, Louis M., 2Lt Young, Paul L., 2Lt None Barrett, Ray E., S/Sgt Woody, Louie M., S/Sgt Vaseleski, Andrew C., Cpl Clayton, Ross W., Cpl None Sunday, 10 December 1944 (continued) 445th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 631/mission 631) Group Mission # 631: A/C No. 43-27698 “Peggy Lou” P Dyer, Robert H., 1Lt CP McMahon, Bernard J. “Mac”, Jr., 2Lt N Napple, Francis L., 1Lt B Palmer, Richard W., 1Lt E Carruthers, John (NMI), II, S/Sgt R Engleman, Bud (NMI), S/Sgt G Morisi, David D., S/Sgt F None A/C No. 43-27748 “Mama!” P CP N B E R G F Rigler, Edward J., 1Lt Miron, Leno L., 2Lt None Jackson, William H., 2Lt Pearson, George E., S/Sgt Johnson, John E., T/Sgt Andrews, Lamar C., S/Sgt None A/C No. 43-27545 “Maggie” Santone, Michael A., 1Lt Sprankle, Floyd H., 2Lt None Carney, Robert J., T/Sgt Krauk, Edward J., Sgt Nelson, Jacob M., S/Sgt Jones, Harvey J., Cpl None A/C No. 43-27680 “Stuff” P Webb, Allen W. “Pete”, 1Lt CP Doe, Norman H., 2Lt N None B Beck, Robert B. “Bob”, 2Lt E Watts, Joseph T., Jr., S/Sgt R Matter, Dean R., Cpl G Moorehead, Lewis E., S/Sgt F None P CP N B E R G F A/C No. 43-27534 (standing lady) Elliott, James R., Jr., 1Lt Young, William J. “Dusty”, 2Lt None Barton, Samuel V., 2Lt Sycylo, Theodore W., Sgt Ross, Reginald J., T/Sgt Heintz, Edward R., Jr., Cpl None A/C No. 44-28948 Miss Belle Fontaine” Lewis, Max E., 2Lt Brown, Cecil A., 2Lt None Murphy, John P., 2Lt Freiler, Walter C., S/Sgt Russo, Paul A., Cpl Jacobs, Harry E., S/Sgt Naughton, John J., Jr., Cpl A/C No. 43-27502 “Pretty Kitty Blue Eyes” (previously “What’s Cookin’?”) Cox, Harold L., 1Lt DeBoer, Jay (NMI), Jr., 2Lt None Cravey, Robert P., 2Lt Carney, Daniel (NMI), Cpl Heckman, Kenneth W., Cpl Osborn, Jack R., Sgt None A/C No. 43-27733 “Porky’s Baby” Spencer, Charles F., 1Lt McFatter, Joe H., 2Lt None Brooks, William F., 2Lt Cubley, Harold B., T/Sgt Lowrey, James S., Cpl Henry, William W., S/Sgt None Sunday, 10 December 1944 (continued) A/C No. 43-4008 “Spirit of St Louis” P Monger, Samuel A. “Sam”, Jr., 1Lt CP Buckham, John K., 2Lt N None B Larkin, Francis C. “Charley”, S/Sgt E Stanley, Harold Gene “Gene”, Sgt R Reagin, Charles T., Cpl G Lile, Keith B., Cpl F None 445th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 632/mission 632) Group Mission # 632: (445th BS did not participate) 445th BS: War Diary of: Seegmiller, Barnard H., Sgt, armament: 12/10/44: “I was thinking today of how little human life has come to mean as a result of the war. Several years ago, death caused by such carelessness as contributed to Dexter’s would bring the most extreme censure on the offender. One fellow, guilty of not properly clearing his gun, since the fatal accident was reduced to a Private and grounded for a month, scarcely mentionable compared to the gravity of the accident caused by similar misbehavior. Dex is gone and his family and friends are most severely grieved, while here it is simply “C’est la Guerre” with respect, of course, to the deceased. Yesterday word came that Bucky Harris who has been on DS to Wing Headquarters was killed when a courier plane crashed into a mountain near Florence in bad weather. There were only four of us at church this morning and we plan to do some missionary work to increase our attendance. Loaded 13 planes tonight. Following the storm we are experiencing a cold snap.” Dexter, Richard W. "Dex", Sgt, armament Harris, Johnnie D. "Bucky", Cpl, gunner 446th BS War Diary: The squadron loses a ship over Bologna, Italy, piloted by Lieut. Kaenzig (2Lt Kaenzig actually bombardier). Other crewmen were Lieut. Ritger, Lieut. Rondel, Staff Sergeants Hermanson and Huntoon, and Corporal E. M. Allen. Sergeant Hermanson, an original member of the squadron, had flown 50 combat missions with us in Africa, returned to the states for over a year, then rejoined the squadron. This was his first mission upon his return overseas. T/Sergeant McKearin received a serious wound in the face on the mission and is hospitalized. Allen, Emmitt Madison, Cpl, gunner Hermanson, Ingwal J., Sgt, gunner Huntoon, Stuart L., S/Sgt, turret gunner Kaenzig, Charles Leslie, 2Lt, bombardier McKearin, William Jerome, T/Sgt, radio-gunner Ritger, Frederic Charles, 1Lt, pilot Rondel, Albert Oliver, 2Lt, pilot Sunday, 10 December 1944 (continued) 446th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 630/mission 630) Group Mission # 630: Squadron Mission 440 TARGET: Castel Bolognese Defense Area, Italy DATE: 10 Dec.1944 Type of Bombs: Fragmentations 446th Planes: 6 Capt. Murray led the formation. Target area N of main highway well covered. Several explosions in target area. Flak was heavy, moderate, fairly accurate becoming intense, accurate. Ten planes holed. No fighters. Murray, Richard E., Capt, pilot, 447th BS A/C No. 43-3989 “My Georgia Peach” (on co-pilot side - “The Leading Lady”, previously “Miss Dallas”) P Matthews, John Walker, Jr., 1Lt CP Barbee, Harvey C., Jr., 2Lt N Clark, Samuel E., Jr., 2Lt B Lippy, Harvey W., 1Lt E Shettleworth, William E., Cpl R Cohen, Irwin (NMI), T/Sgt G Broderick, Emmett P., Cpl F None A/C No. 44-28926 “Merrily We Bob Along” P Smedley, Robert Redmond, Capt CP Sheetinger, Dan A., 2Lt N None B Yarbrough, George L., 2Lt E Boylan, James P., Cpl R Luitjens, Harvey J., Sgt G Bruner, Edward (NMI), S/Sgt F None A/C No. 43-4097 “Tiny?” (later Darlene) P Doyle, John D., 1Lt CP Manolis, Ronald J., 2Lt N None B Law, John B., Cpl E Freeman, Harold W., Cpl R Wilking, Robert L., S/Sgt G Cassidy, Warren J., S/Sgt F None A/C No. 43-4020 “Bourbon Baby” Panning, Robert F., 2Lt Maki, Allan A., 2Lt None McGann, Edom K., 2Lt Nigrelli, Ernest J., Cpl Cubbage, Robert (NMI), Sgt Alberico, Camillo A., Sgt None A/C No. 43-27660 “Shooting Bull” Crinnion, Edward V., 2Lt Jackson, Roland B., 2Lt None Epstein, Joseph H., 1Lt Kelly, Thomas J., Cpl Dobrow, Edgar J., Cpl Beavers, Marqus F., Cpl None A/C No. 43-27496 “PRINCESS” (previously PRINCESS PAOLA II) DiNorma, Joseph S., 2Lt Hahn, Melvin G., 2Lt None Horlen, Aubrey B., Cpl Taylor, Tullis (NMI), Cpl Freeman, Cecil O., T/Sgt Fitzgerald, George L., Sgt None Sunday, 10 December 1944 (continued) 446th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 631/mission 631) Group Mission # 631: Squadron Mission 441 TARGET: Bologna Barracks, Italy DATE: 10 Dec.1944 Type of Bombs: 500 lb. 446th Planes: 9 Lt. Dyer led the formation. Excellent concentration in target area. All but SW corner of target covered. One report of large fire and explosion. Incendiary planes report good coverage of three gun positions in target area. Flak was heavy, intense and accurate. Eight planes holed. Airplane piloted by Lt. Ritger was hit badly and was last seen in the Modena area heading S. Capt. Jordan, Lt. Kiernan, Lt. Williams and T/Sgt McKearin were wounded. No fighters. Dyer, Robert H., 1Lt, pilot, 445th BS A/C No. 43-27699 “Jessie” (later name dropped from nose art) P Pietrowski, Stanley J., 1Lt CP Jordan, Henry L., Capt N Ottem, Earl R., 1Lt B Kiernan, Noble J., 1Lt E Utz, James W., Sgt R Bundy, Garland A., T/Sgt G Bryan, Dwight L., S/Sgt F None A/C No. 43-27895 “Haulin’ Ass” (MACR-10385 - Down over target) P Ritger, Frederic Charles, 1Lt CP Rondel, Albert Oliver, 2Lt N None B Kaenzig, Charles Leslie, 2Lt E Allen, Emmitt Madison, Cpl R Huntoon, Stuart L., S/Sgt G Hermanson, Ingwal J., Sgt F None A/C No. 43-27477 “Boots” P CP N B E R G F Kimble, Arnold P., 2Lt Holt, Noel P., Jr., 2Lt None McCullough, John E., Jr., 1Lt Lamm, Earl D., Cpl Wimert, Donald A., Cpl Popovich, Chris (NMI), Sgt None A/C No. 43-4074 (picture of seated lady - no name/lettering) Ingram, William T., 1Lt Berge, Gail B., 2Lt None Fox, David (NMI), 2Lt Knapp, Walter E., T/Sgt Koos, Walter V., S/Sgt South, William R., S/Sgt None A/C No. 43-27497 “Barbara” Crisp, Glenn S., Jr., 2Lt Ratliff, James Ernest, Jr., 2Lt None Williams, Thomas A., 2Lt Demmitt, Henry H., Cpl Flasher, Henry F., Sgt Wagner, William M., Cpl None A/C No. 43-27747 “Spider’s Frolic Pad” Perlman, Jacob L., 2Lt Heaberlin, Paul L., 2Lt None Murch, George M., Jr., Sgt Winegarden, Leslie R., T/Sgt McKearin, William Jerome, T/Sgt Springer, Walter H., Cpl None Sunday, 10 December 1944 (continued) A/C No. 43-27501 “Sweet Sue Kathy Jeanne” (unnamed to Nov 44. In 45 “Kathy Jeanne” dropped) P Wozniak, Stanley E., 1Lt CP McCloud, Ray L., 2Lt N Codd, Russell G., F/O B Derringer, Albert J., 1Lt E Karuzas, Alexander W., Cpl R Nichols, Henry J., III, Cpl G Slezak, Alex E., S/Sgt F None A/C No. 43-27490 “Mrs C” P Fisher, Carl D., 2Lt CP Sloan, Thomas M., 2Lt N None B DeSorbo, John S., Sgt E Davis, Virgil F., S/Sgt R McFarland, Charles W., T/Sgt G Nehls, Clayton R., S/Sgt F None A/C No. 43-36224 probably ”Hauling Ass II” Carlson, Lowell A., 2Lt Ramsay, Lamar E., 2Lt None Vannah, Harold P., Jr., F/O Edwards, David R., T/Sgt Johnson, Carl W., S/Sgt Haxby, William H., Jr., S/Sgt None 446th BS: Extracts from Missing Air Crew Report # 10385: Lt. Col Paul T. Cooper, ASN 0-392981, checked with the “Blue” Sector Control at Pisa and, through the “Blue” Sector Control, with the “White” Sector Control, the 338th Wing (British Coastal Patrol – west coast Italy on 11 December 1944, for information concerning the missing aircraft. No information was available. Statements of eye witnesses were conflicting and details were meager. For that reason a critique of all the crewman who participated in the mission was held and a summation of the statements made is enclosed. A/C No. 43-27895 “Haulin’ Ass” (MACR-10385 - shot down) P Ritger, Frederic Charles, 1Lt – MIA, escaped, returned before 22 Dec 44 CP Rondel, Albert Oliver, 2Lt – MIA, POW, returned N None B Kaenzig, Charles Leslie, 2Lt – MIA, POW, returned E Hermanson, Ingwal J., Sgt – KIA, buried in churchyard at Montecuccolo, Italy R Allen, Emmitt Madison, Cpl – MIA, POW, returned G Huntoon, Stuart L., S/Sgt – KIA, buried in churchyard at Montecuccolo, Italy F None Sunday, 10 December 1944 (continued) Statements from INDIVIDUAL CASUALTY QUESTIONNAIRE completed by 1Lt Frederic Charles Ritger: Hearsay information: 1. By an Italian Farmer who heard it from a German Soldier: Two men were killed when their parachutes either opened too late or did not open at all. 2. By an Italian Farmer: Two unidentified Americans were buried in a churchyard at Montecuccolo, Italy. Note: I recently heard from a relative of the Italian who aided me. The relative gave me this mans name. It was Baruffi Renati of Pavullo Italy. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Eyewitness Account: Ritger, Frederic Charles, 1Lt, pilot, 446th BS CERTIFICATE XAG-LHG-jap-30 23 December 1944 I, 1st Lt. Frederic C. Ritger, 0-524496, do hereby certify that I was pilot of B-25 J type aircraft number 43-27895, 446th Bomb Sq, 321st Bomb Group, which was shot down by enemy aircraft fire near Bologna, Italy, on 10 Dec 44. I parachuted successfully and after landing, evaded capture and remained in enemy territory until I returned to Allied military control on 22 Dec 44. I have read the Missing Air Crew Report on file at Hq, Twelfth Air Force, and can confirm the date contained therein, and can furnish the following additional information. After being hit by flak altitude was maintained during the bomb run but shortly after leaving the target we began to lose altitude. When south of Modena flying on a 230° heading, I called the crew to stand by to bail out and received response from all members. Later, when at about 4000 ft, just northeast of Pavullo I gave the order to bail out. The interphone was then out and no reply was received from the tail of the ship. The order was repeated by the co-pilot whose interphone was still working. I can confirm the fact that Lts. Rondel and Kaenzig and Cpl Allen bailed out before I left the ship and believe that crew members in the rear had also bailed out. After landing, I was informed by partisans that two men were killed when their parachutes either did not open or opened too late. I was further informed that one crew member was taken prisoner by the Germans and that the remaining two crew members were hiding out in the hills. I received no information whatsoever which would allow me to determine which of the crew members were killed. FREDERIC C. RITGER, 1st Lt., Air Corps. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sunday, 10 December 1944 (continued) Sunday, 10 December 1944 (continued) 446th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 632/mission 632) Group Mission # 632: Squadron Mission 442 TARGET: Canto, San Giovanni in Persiceto, DATE: 10 Dec.1944 San Georgio di Piano, Modena, Italy Type of Bombs: Pamphlets (Front Post) 446th Planes: 2 Capt. Wiginton led the formation. Mission accomplished. Flak was heavy, scant and out of range. No fighters. Wiginton, J. Maurice "Wig", Capt, pilot, 447th BS A/C No. 43-4077 “Stormy Weather” (Previously 447th ship “Ann’s Little Boy Val”) P Hurley, John R., 1Lt CP Bogan, Floyd W., 2Lt N Gale, Benjamin H., Jr., 1Lt B None E Englehaupt, Russell L., Sgt R Leary, Edward M., T/Sgt G Falls, Robert H., Sgt F None A/C No. 43-27503 “Miss Arabella” Capalety, Thomas A., 2Lt DuBois, Lionel F., F/O None Beecher, Everett F., Sgt Lundtoft, Hans G., S/Sgt Rousos, Milton P., T/Sgt Holdridge, John F., Sgt None 446th BS: War Diary of: Luitjens, Harvey J., Sgt, radio-gunner: (mission 20) “No. 20) Hit troops at Castel Bolognese. Carried Frags. Great deal of flak. Lost one ship. Ritger only one that got out. Maj. Smedley.” Smedley, Robert Redmond, Capt, pilot 447th BS War Diary: 1st Lt. Marion E. Walker and Henry J. Magne TD to Hq. 12th Air Force. A discussion was held in the enlisted men’s club at 1900 hours. Discussion leader was Sgt. Verlin B. Rowley and subject was educational opportunity in the armed forces. Attendance average. Magne, Henry J. “Joe”, 1Lt, pilot Rowley, Verlin B., Sgt, intelligence Walker, Marion E., 1Lt, pilot 447th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 630/mission 630) Group Mission # 630: Mission of 15 planes flew in group formation to bomb Castel Bolognese troop concentration and gun positions in northern Italy. All crew members report excellent bombing, the pictures prove their statement and indicate that all the squadron bombs were in the target area thereby giving the squadron 100% bombing accuracy. Flak was heavy intense and accurate but our planes returned safely. However the 446 squadron was hit and one plane is missing. Sunday, 10 December 1944 (continued) P CP N B E R G F P CP N B E R G F P CP N B E R G F P CP N B E R G F A/C No. 43-27636 Grimse, Ralph T., 1Lt Breckenridge, Louis C., 2Lt None Bokum, John B., F/O Dulaney, Earl W., S/Sgt Finnegan, Paul W. Cpl Bowman, John (NMI) “Red”, S/Sgt None A/C No. 43-27718 Fairchild, George S., 2Lt Rose, Norman I., 2Lt None Stroupe, Burton Elwood “Woody”, 2Lt Freeman, Millard C., S/Sgt Maslyar, Michael M., Sgt Citarelli, James E., Sgt None A/C No. 43-4060 “Cover Girl” Murchland, Robert Keith, 2Lt Speer, Leslie Thomas, 2Lt None None listed - likely the gunner McKnight, John A., Jr., Cpl Netzel, Carl F., Sgt Hourahan, William F., Jr., Cpl McKnight, John A., Jr., Cpl None A/C No. 43-4029 “Mike Hunt” Dodson, Jackson R., 2Lt Haage, Frederick W., F/O None Radel, Henry D., 2Lt Applegarth, Smith B., S/Sgt Fiocca, Theodore Aurelio, S/Sgt Sims, James W., Cpl None A/C No. 43-36108 Murray, Richard E., Capt Briggs, Richard G. “Dick”, 2Lt Lindell, Harold N., Capt Huffman, William C., Capt Perl, Richard H., Sgt Poulin, Gaston G., S/Sgt Ochs, Dan (NMI), Jr., Cpl None A/C No. 43-4009 “Double-O-Nine” Hutson, Ernest G. “Hod”, 1Lt Dickson, John L., Jr., 2Lt None Schmoke, Vernon L., 2Lt Huntley, Bruce H., Cpl See, Russell K., T/Sgt Staub, Edward C., Cpl None A/C No. 43-27785 Yerger, John W., 2Lt Wallis, Shelby D., F/O None Heist, Erwin William “Butch”, F/O McMenamin, Daniel P., Jr., Sgt Stocker, Harvey (NMI), Cpl Fromm, Samuel E., Cpl None A/C No. 43-27473 “Paper Doll” Marchant, Wendell E., 1Lt Cahoon, Carl W., 2Lt Miller, Frederick J., 2Lt Colgan, Donald J., 2Lt Hopp, Charles J., Sgt Appleman, Carroll G., Cpl Smith, Kenneth C., Sgt None Sunday, 10 December 1944 (continued) P CP N B E R G F A/C No. 43-4040 “Fearless Fosdick” Loewus, Frederick E. “Fred”, 2Lt Buechner, Helmut K., 2Lt None Balboni, Robert A., 2Lt Mullis, Paul C., Sgt Schnaars, George D., S/Sgt Williams, James H., Sgt None 447th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 631/mission 631) Group Mission # 631: (447th BS did not participate) 447th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 632/mission 632) Group Mission # 632: P CP N B E R G F A/C No. 43-27492 “Reddie Teddie” Wiginton, J. Maurice “Wigs”, Capt Peck, Paul R., 2Lt Olsen, Svend P., 1Lt Mesna, Leeland A. “Lee”, 1Lt Stokes, Robert C., Sgt Guild, Bernard Robert, S/Sgt Klimkowicz, Zigmond (NMI), Cpl None A/C No. 43-27779 Hennessey, Ralph E., 1Lt Smith, Frederick H., 2Lt None McDermott, James W., 1Lt Daniels, Carl (NMI), Cpl Meiborg, Walter F., Cpl Gorden, Robert L., Cpl None A/C No. 43-27730 “Katie” P Gies, Donald W., F/O CP Bullion, Roland G. “Rollo”, 2Lt N None B Jones, Dewey D., Jr., Sgt E Cohen, Sam M., Cpl R Ruiz, Emigdio (NMI), Cpl G Hunsaker, Frank W., Jr., Cpl F None P CP N B E R G F A/C No. 43-27506 “Rebel Devil” Kibler, William E. “Kib”, 1Lt Brown, Lyle N., Jr., 2Lt None Lubinsky, Norman B., Sgt Lussier, Ernest R., Sgt Stroupe, Robert A., Cpl Drew, Horace E., Cpl None A/C No. 43-27542 “Superstitious Aloysius” Brice, David W., 2Lt Amundson, Donald A., 2Lt None Dimondstein, Herbert (NMI), S/Sgt Quintenz, Robert P., S/Sgt Newton, James R., Cpl Barrett, Silas Alfred, Sgt None A/C No. 43-36240 “May Be” Remmel, Earl Howard “The Fox”, 1Lt Cammack, Elmore (NMI), 2Lt None Boyle, Joseph G., Jr., 1Lt Ifshin, Isidore (NMI) “Sonny”, Sgt Teutsch, Stanley E., Cpl Hagan, Richard E., Sgt None Sunday, 10 December 1944 (continued) 448th BS War Diary: The weekly I & E discussion was held in the Enlisted Men’s Club this evening at 1930. It was the second in this series of discussions, and the subject for the evening was the “E.I. Bill of Rights.” From indications, the organization of these discussions is beginning to take effect, and increasing interest is being shown. It is not only the topic of discussion at the weekly meetings, but sources of discussions and arguments in the tents and places of work, which is one of the primary desires of the plan originally. Lieutenant Wyman is the I & E Officer, but Lieutenant Moose did the pinchhitting for him this evening while he is away on a much needed rest at the 57th Bomb Wing rest camp at Ille Rousse, Corsica. Moose, Roy C., 2Lt, intelligence Wyman, 1Lt, S-2, I & E Officer 448th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 630/mission 630) Group Mission # 630: The three missions scheduled for today took off this morning on time, but once again bad weather over the target halted the flight and they were forced to return early. A/C No. 43-27720 Swanson, Erle G. “Swanny”, Jr., 1Lt Wilson, James M., 2Lt Bongiovanni, Michael (NMI), 1Lt Brink, Richard E., 2Lt Perillo, Anthony L., S/Sgt Walker, Jack L., S/Sgt DiSalvo, Alfred J., Cpl None A/C No. 43-27791 P Myers, Harold C. “Casey”, 1Lt CP Rubin, Julius W., 2Lt N Steely, Ralph K., 2Lt B Bottom, James W., 2Lt E Pineda, Nico M., S/Sgt R Hallman, Robert L., T/Sgt G Markiewicz, Edward B., S/Sgt F None A/C No. 43-27668 P Riley, Robert L., 1Lt CP Lee, Howard M., 1Lt N None B Bass, Bernard G., S/Sgt E Qualls, Thomas B., S/Sgt R Randall, Charles R., Jr., T/Sgt G Enderle, Melvin J., Sgt F None P CP N B E R G F A/C No. 43-27706 “Silver Belle” Matthews, Thomas W., 1Lt Schweitzer, Robert E., 2Lt Stout, Charles S. “Chuck”, 2Lt Sutton, Norman J., S/Sgt Bell, Flavious J., 2Lt Hulse, Donald W., S/Sgt Moleski, Benny M., S/Sgt None A/C No. 44-28940 Smith, Milford A., 2Lt Churchill, Duane W., 2Lt None Pealer, Woodward D., S/Sgt Wright, Melvin M., Sgt Mardeuse, Alfred K., S/Sgt Edwards, Jesse R., Sgt None A/C No. 43-27481 Ivory, Daniel J., Jr., 2Lt Stromberg, Carl K., 2Lt None Berman, Samuel (NMI), T/Sgt Goethals, Camiel A., S/Sgt Morefield, James Carl, T/Sgt Sharp, Samuel I., Jr., S/Sgt None Sunday, 10 December 1944 (continued) 448th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 631/mission 631) Group Mission # 631: A/C No. 43-4037 “Cherry Fizz” P Garrett, Thaddeus D., 1Lt CP Autrey, W. F. (i.o.), 2Lt N None B Lesser, Robert (NMI) “Bob”, 2Lt E Weese, Charles F., Cpl R Seward, Richard F., T/Sgt G Hawthorne, Ralph C., S/Sgt F None A/C No. 43-27726 P Bard, John A., 1Lt CP Sheffield, Woodrow W., 2Lt N None B Gardner, Philip K., 2Lt E Mitchem, Dewey A., Sgt R Brusa, Robert P., T/Sgt G Gage, Robert L., Sgt F None A/C No. 44-28918 Lyons, John B., 1Lt Russell, Harold H., 2Lt None Sheppard, John W., 2Lt Parham, Ralph E., Cpl Schaffer, Irving J., S/Sgt Holloway, Garland (NMI), S/Sgt None A/C No. 43-27652 “Out of Bounds” Tetlow, John S., 1Lt Birkhead, Charles F., Jr., 2Lt None Allendorph, John B., 2Lt Turner, James H., Cpl Vandenberg, Edward V. “Van”, Cpl Magyar, Steven J., S/Sgt None 448th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 632/mission 632) Group Mission # 632: A/C No. 44-28927 Fleming, George B., 2Lt Brown, Royden (NMI), 1Lt None McRee, Malcolm B., 1Lt Gutierrez, Ralph (NMI), Cpl Sullivan, Timothy V., T/Sgt Ward, Paul D., Cpl None A/C No. 43-4067 “The Big Swing” P Copes, Wilson R., 2Lt CP Schwartz, Theodore (NMI), 1Lt N None B Reves, Louis E., Sgt E Oliver, Walter A., Cpl R None listed G Abiecunas, Joseph P. “Abby” S/Sgt F None P CP N B E R G F A/C No. 43-28081 Norris, Grafton R., 1Lt Russell, John D., 2Lt None Baird, James (NMI), Jr., S/Sgt Wolfe, Bernard M., Cpl Fletcher, William H., Cpl Dembrowski, Henry J., S/Sgt None A/C No. 44-28721 “Shug” Cooper, Richard J., 2Lt Cook, Don W., 2Lt None Rockwell, Stewart R. “Rockwell”, T/Sgt Donaud, Earl J., S/Sgt Petix, Ignatius D., Pvt Justice, Conway J., Jr., S/Sgt None Sunday, 10 December 1944 (continued) 448th BS: War Diary of: Schaffer, Irving J., S/Sgt, radio-gunner: “CQ blowing whistle at 6:30AM for first mission. Up at 7:30AM. Briefing 8:25AM. French toast, wheatena, syrup, coffee. Very cold, clear AM. On incendiary mission. Take off 9:50. Very cold. Over target 11:30. Dive-bombed gun emplacements. Could see 500 lb GI mission catching hell. Our target was at Bologna. Yours truly threw out chaff. Milk run. Landed 12:50. Hit target. Boiled chicken, string beans, gravy, bread, sliced pineapple, coffee. Van and I are saving combat liquor together. Punching bag. Roast beef, gravy, peas, fruit salad, bread, butter, coffee. Yours truly was main speaker at I and E program this evening. Spoke on GI bill of rights. Joe Moleski, Ben's brother, spoke about the UNRRA. Meeting a success, well accepted. Clear evening. Retired 10:15PM.” Moleski, Benny M. “Ben”, S/Sgt, gunner Moleski, Joe, UNRRA Vandenberg, Edward V. “Van”, Cpl, gunner Monday, 11 December 1944 USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF): In Italy, medium bombers hit the Motta di Livenza bridge; fighters and fighter-bombers hit occupied areas, houses, guns, and defensive positions S of Bologna and attack railroad targets in the C Po River Valley; during the night of 10/11 Dec, A-20s attack vehicles, lights, railway lines, roads, river ferries, and pontoon bridges in the Po River Valley; HQ 47th Bombardment Group (Light) moves from Rosignano Airfield to Grosseto. HQ 321st BG War Diary: No mission – weather. 445th BS War Diary: The crews were already at briefing today when the “stand-down” order came in on the mission. The crew which went to Cairo on the 3rd returned today. Lts. Eatherly, Hagerman and Baker left the squadron today on their way home on rotation. More packages arrived today around noon. The day was very cold and a brisk rain made conditions very damp at night. After a delicious roast beef supper, the men were treated to a mail call which made the evening more or less successful. Baker, Thomas J., 2Lt, pilot Eatherly, Joseph A., 2Lt, pilot Hagerman, Millard W., 1Lt, bombardier 446th BS War Diary: Squadron duties as there is no flying due to inclement weather. 447th BS War Diary: Mission of 15 planes scheduled for today. The crews were briefed at 0720 hours and went out to the line. However due to heavy overcast they did not takeoff. The following 2nd Lts. were promoted to the rank of 1st Lt.: Donald J. Colgan, Franklin L. Darrell, Frederick J. Hiller, Robert K. Murchland, Harlan N. Tulley. Colgan, Donald J., 1Lt, bombardier Darrell, Franklin L., Jr., 1Lt, bombardier Hiller, Frederick J., 1Lt, bombardier Murchland, Robert Keith, 1Lt, pilot Tulley, Harlan N., 1Lt, navigator 448th BS War Diary: The mission for today was stand down, as the crew members found out upon arrival at the briefing hut. Lieutenants Cook, Cooper, and Smith, and Sergeants Holloway and Hulse left for the Capri rest camp, and Lieutenants Kirk, Cherry, and Freund, and Sergeants Ratcliffe and Veeck returned from the Capri rest camp today. Today was one of the “black” days of the Squadron as far as non-combat injuries are concerned. First, Lieutenant Bongiovanni breaks his nose playing football, then Captain Burks injures his wrist attempting to hurdle a fence, and this afternoon Lieutenant Lesser came limping in with a sprained ankle. At a formation in the Enlisted Men’s mess hall this afternoon Major Kneivel instructed the men as to what to expect on the coming administrative inspection by a Wing Inspector. At 1800 this evening Lieutenant Moose read the Articles of War to the Enlisted Men in their mess hall. Bongiovanni, Michael (NMI), 1Lt, navigator Burks, Richard W., Capt, pilot Monday, 11 December 1944 (continued) Cherry, Raymond (NMI), Jr., 2Lt, pilot Cooper, James W., 2Lt, pilot Holloway, Garland (NMI), S/Sgt, gunner Kirk, Theodore (NMI), 2Lt, pilot Lesser, Robert (NMI) “Bob”, 2Lt, bombardier Ratcliffe, James E., Jr., Sgt, gunner Veeck, Richard W., Sgt, gunner Cook, Don W., 2Lt, pilot Freund, John F., 2Lt, bombardier Hulse, Donald W., Sgt, gunner Kneivel, Arthur W., Maj, executive Moose, Roy C., 2Lt, intelligence Smith, Milford A., 2Lt, pilot 448th BS: War Diary of: Schaffer, Irving J., S/Sgt, radio-gunner: “Awoke 7:55AM. Very cold. Powdered eggs, whole-wheat cereal, bacon, coffee. Standdown of mission. Attended aircraft recog. Class. Cloudy AM. Received a swell package from home. Canned pork, string beans, fresh boiled potatoes, fruit salad, soup, bread, butter. Completed shelf for radio and books. Yesterday's pictures I took came out fine. Feeling OK. Spoke with Lt Bechtle. Jim Herod's arm is going to be OK. Articles of War read by Lt Moose at OM club. Retired 9:20PM.” Bechtle, Robert M., 2Lt, pilot Herod, James E. “Jim”, Sgt, radio-gunner Moose, Roy C., 2Lt, intelligence Tuesday, 12 December 1944 USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF): In Italy, bad weather cancels all except 11 weather reconnaissance sorties. HQ 321st BG War Diary: No mission – weather. HQ 321st BG Mission Summary (Ops Order xxx/mission xxx) Group Mission # 630W (A) - redesignated # 661 on 1 Jan 45: Weather Reconnaissance (Group mission report not available at this time) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------445th BS War Diary: The operational mission for this date was cancelled. Lt. Dyer was enroute to Naples today on a cross-country but was forced to return to this base due to unfavorable weather conditions. Lt. Dyer received his captaincy today along with Lt. Napple, Squadron Navigation Officer. 2nd Lt. Beck, a bombardier, was promoted to 1st Lieutenant. Brig. Gen Knapp made a trip to the group today to award a number of squadron personnel both air and ground at special ceremonies at the 446th area. The day was unusually warm and some packages and mail arrived. Roast beef again for supper. The drinks were on Captains Napple and Dyer at the officers club tonight. Beck, Robert B. “Bob”, 1Lt, bombardier Dyer, Robert H., Capt, pilot Knapp, Robert Duane, Brigadier General, 57th BW Commander Napple, Francis L., Capt, navigator 445th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order xxx/mission xxx) Group Mission # 630W (A) - redesignated # 661 on 1 Jan 45: (445th BS did not participate) 446th BS War Diary: Promotions to First Lieutenant come for: Capalety, Crisp, Carlson, Chandler, Cressman, Crinnion, DiNorma Fisher and Kimble. Capalety, Thomas A., 1Lt, pilot Carlson, Lowell A., 1Lt, pilot Chandler, Warren W., 1Lt, pilot Cressman, Jack E., 1Lt, pilot Crinnion, Edward V., 1Lt, pilot Crisp, Glenn S., Jr., 1Lt, pilot DiNorma, Joseph S., 1Lt, pilot Fisher, Carl D., 1Lt, pilot Kimble, Arnold P., 1Lt, pilot 446th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order xxx/mission xxx) Group Mission # 630W (A) - redesignated # 661 on 1 Jan 45: Squadron Mission 443 TARGET: Weather Reconnaissance DATE: 12 Dec.1944 Type of Bombs: None 446th Planes: 1 Lt. Hurley was the pilot. Mission accomplished. No flak, no fighters. Tuesday, 12 December 1944 (continued) A/C No. 43-27678 “Lemmon Lu” (Weather ship) P Hurley, John R., 1Lt CP Bogan, Floyd W., 2Lt N Gale, Benjamin H., Jr., 1Lt B None E Englehaupt, Russell L., Sgt R Leary, Edward M., T/Sgt G Jakielek, Ernest F., Cpl F None 447th BS War Diary: Mission of 15 planes scheduled but did not take off due to bad weather. A formation was held in the 448th area at 1400 hours where a large number of medals were presented to men in both the 447th and 448th squadrons by Brig. Gen. Robert Knapp. Outstanding awards were the Legion of Merit presented to M/Sgt. Lloyd L. Blount, 447 line chief and Silver Star presented to 1st Lt. Gates of 447th pilot. Blount, Lloyd L., M/Sgt, engineering Gates, Ralph (NMI), 1Lt, pilot Knapp, Robert Duane, Brigadier General, 57th BW Commander 447th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order xxx/mission xxx) Group Mission # 630W (A) - redesignated # 661 on 1 Jan 45: (447th BS did not participate) 448th BS War Diary: The mission was stand down once again today due to weather conditions. Lieutenant Moose left this morning for the Ile Rousse rest camp for a much needed rest. Lieutenants Bongiovanni, Grady, Swanson, Rogers, and Shear received their orders for promotion to Captain. Lieutenant Bongiovanni is the Squadron Navigator. In an impressive ceremony this afternoon General Knapp presented the following awards to personnel of the Squadron: DFC: Captains Joyce and Grady, Lieutenants Bard, Carrington, Kirk, Kiska, Leonard, Mallin, Martin, McRee, Norris, Riley, Rosenau, Tetlow, Young, and Zinkand, Sergeants Poteete, Bowman, Pealer, and Schaffer. SOLDIER’S MEDAL: Lieutenants Duggan and Sergeant Wilson. BRONZE STAR MEDAL: Sergeants Lund, Ruggere, Lange, Petruzelli, Rauch, Reiser, and Armock. AIR MEDAL: Captains Burks, Farwell, Lieutenants Garrett, Lyons, Myers, Norris, Tetlow, Autrey, Bechtle, Birkhead, Brink, Cherry, Churchill, Cook, Cooper, Copes, Freund, Ivory, Lesser, Schweitzer, Sheffield, Smith and Stromberg. Sergeants Berman, Brusa, Morefield, Randall, Abiecunas, Baird, Bass, Bell, Goethals, Haack, Hawthorne, Hulse, Knauss, LaBella, Mardeuse, Moleski, Pealer, Qualls, Ratcliffe, Schaffer, Sharp, Edwards, Enderle, Gage, Justice, Langley, Reves, Wright. PURPLE HEART: Lieutenants Young, Churchill, Sergeants Pealer, and Schaffer. Abiecunas, Joseph P. “Abby”, Sgt, gunner Armock, James R., Sgt, engineering Autrey, W. F. (i.o.), 2Lt, pilot Baird, James (NMI), Jr., Sgt, gunner Bard, John A., 1Lt, pilot Bass, Bernard G., Sgt, gunner Bechtle, Robert M., 2Lt, pilot Bell, Flavious J., S/Sgt, gunner Berman, Samuel (NMI), T/Sgt, gunner Birkhead, Charles F., Jr., 2Lt, pilot Tuesday, 12 December 1944 (continued) Bongiovanni, Michael (NMI), Capt, navigator Bowman, Wilmer E., S/Sgt, gunner Brink, Richard E., 2Lt, bombardier Brusa, Robert P., T/Sgt, gunner Burks, Richard W., Capt, pilot Carrington, Charles C., 1Lt, pilot Cherry, Raymond (NMI), Jr., 2Lt, pilot Churchill, Duane W., 2Lt, pilot Cook, Don W., 2Lt, pilot Cooper, James W., 2Lt, pilot Copes, Wilson R., 2Lt, pilot Duggan, Raymond E., 2Lt, pilot Edwards, Jesse R., Sgt, photographer Enderle, Melvin J., Sgt, gunner Farwell, Harold S., Capt, pilot, Commander Freund, John F., 2Lt, bombardier Gage, Robert L., Sgt, gunner Garrett, Thaddeus D., 1Lt, pilot Goethals, Camiel A., S/Sgt, gunner Grady, John R., Capt, pilot Haack, Cecil J., Sgt, gunner Hawthorne, Ralph C., S/Sgt, gunner Hulse, Donald W., Sgt, gunner Ivory, Daniel J., Jr., 2Lt, pilot Joyce, Robert W., Capt, bombardier Justice, Conway J., Jr., Sgt, gunner Kirk, Theodore (NMI), 2Lt, pilot Kiska, George P., 2Lt, bombardier Knapp, Robert Duane, Brigadier General, 57th BW Commander Knauss, Charles F., Sgt, gunner LaBella, Dante (NMI) “GI Joe”, S/Sgt, radio-gunner, bombardier Lange, Clayton V., Sgt, armament Langley, Edmund P., Jr., Sgt, gunner Leonard, Lee V., 1Lt, pilot Lesser, Robert (NMI) “Bob”, 2Lt, bombardier Lord, Wilson E., Sgt, gunner Lund, John L., Sgt, engineering Lyons, John B., 1Lt, pilot Mallin, Theodore (NMI), 1Lt, bombardier Mardeuse, Alfred K., Sgt, gunner Martin, James M., Jr., 2Lt, bombardier McRee, Malcolm B., 2Lt, bombardier Moleski, Benny M., Sgt, gunner Moose, Roy C., 2Lt, intelligence Morefield, James Carl, T/Sgt, gunner Myers, Harold C. “Casey”, 1Lt, pilot Norris, Grafton R., 2Lt, pilot Norris, Grafton R., 2Lt, pilot Pealer, Woodward D., S/Sgt, gunner Petruzelli, Biagio (NMI), Sgt, engineering Poteete, Edward J., Sgt, gunner Qualls, Thomas B., Sgt, gunner Randall, Charles R., Jr., T/Sgt, gunner Ratcliffe, James E., Jr., Sgt, gunner Rauch, Charles M., Sgt, engineering Reiser, Albert (NMI), Sgt, engineering Reves, Louis E., Sgt, gunner Riley, Robert L., 1Lt, pilot Rogers, Harry (NMI), Jr., Capt, pilot Rosenau, Gustave D., 2Lt, pilot Ruggere, Orlando (NMI), Sgt, tech supply Schaffer, Irving J., S/Sgt, gunner Schweitzer, Robert E., 2Lt, pilot Sharp, Russell L., Jr., Sgt, gunner Shear, Meyer (NMI), Capt, pilot Sheffield, Woodrow W., 2Lt, pilot Smith, Milford A., 2Lt, pilot Stromberg, Carl K., 2Lt, pilot Swanson, Erle G. “Swanny”, Jr., Capt, pilot Tetlow, John S., 2Lt, pilot Tuesday, 12 December 1944 (continued) Wilson, Elrod C., T/Sgt, ordnance Young, Robert B., 1Lt, bombardier Zinkand, Willard T., 1Lt, bombardier Wright, Melvin M., Sgt, gunner Young, Robert B., 1Lt, bombardier 448th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order xxx/mission xxx) Group Mission # 630W (A) - redesignated # 661 on 1 Jan 45: (448th BS did not participate) 448th BS: War Diary of: Schaffer, Irving J., S/Sgt, radio-gunner: “Awoke 6:45AM. Raining, cloudy, but warm. Pancakes, oatmeal, bacon, apple-butter. Stand-down on mission. Went on detail to Ghisonaccia to pick up logs for orderly room stove. Macaroni, string beans, beets, canned apricots, bread, butter, tea. Stood 321st group formation and presentation at 448th football field. General Knapp presented me with the DFC, Purple Heart and Air Metal. Quite a thrill. Fair PM. Roast beef, potatoes, peas, gravy, bread, butter, coffee, fruit salad. Pulled 1st shift of guard. Clear, starry night. Kibitzed with Negro runway guards. Retired 11:00PM.” Knapp, Robert Duane, Brigadier General, pilot, 57th BW Commander Wednesday, 13 December 1944 USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF): In Italy, weather again hampers operations; the only B-25 bombing mission of the day aborts; fighters and fighter-bombers attack mainly occupied areas and buildings in the battle area S of Bologna, communications throughout the C Po River Valley, and coastal defense and AA guns S of La Spezia. HQ 321st BG War Diary: No mission - weather Note: In mid-Dec 44, the group changed its tail scheme (“fin flash”) to a 2 digit number. Known numbers are noted after the ship’s serial number, i.e., Tail # xx. When a plane was lost, the 2 digit # was assigned to the replacement ship, therefore more than one ship may have a particular number - those cases are noted, i.e., (first # xx) and (second # xx) HQ 321st BG Mission Summary (Ops Order xxx/mission xxx) Group Mission # 631W (A) - redesignated # 662 on 1 Jan 45: Weather Reconnaissance (Group mission report not available at this time) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------445th BS War Diary: The combat crews had already been briefed, had proceeded to their ships and were taxiing out to the runway when the belated order to “stand down” was forwarded. Six ships flew some practice formations today. Sgt. Lavine helped roll up the gas barrel to its perch this morning and received a great ovation from his audience in the intelligence-operations hut. The day was cloudier and the weather was a bit cool. Capt. Hatcher was stranded out on the line today when the trucks passed him up after the mission was cancelled. Lean, tall Texans have their own particular way of registering discontent. Latest innovation at the enlisted men’s club is a library of various books which the men may take out, read and then return. Hatcher, Leon F., Jr., Capt, pilot Lavine, Leonard, Sgt, intelligence 445th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order xxx/mission xxx) Group Mission # 631W (A) - redesignated # 662 on 1 Jan 45: (445th BS did not participate) 445th BS: War Diary of: Seegmiller, Barnard H., Sgt, armament: 12/13/44: “Yesterday our squadron and the 446th met in a joint formation at which many awards were given. General Knapp presented me with the Soldier’s Medal. I admire the General as a true figure of a soldier.” Knapp, Robert Duane, Brigadier General, pilot, 57th BW Commander 446th BS War Diary: The usual life about the area and on the line as there is no flying due to more poor flying weather. Some Christmas mail comes in and our thoughts turn homeward as the Big Day approaches. Wednesday, 13 December 1944 (continued) 446th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order xxx/mission xxx) Group Mission # 631W (A) - redesignated # 662 on 1 Jan 45: Squadron Mission 444 TARGET: Weather Reconnaissance. DATE: 13 Dec.1944 Type of Bombs: None 446th Planes: 1 Lt. Hurley was the pilot. Mission accomplished. No flak, no fighters. A/C No. 43-27678 Tail # 40 “Lemmon Lu” (Weather ship) P Hurley, John R., 1Lt CP Bogan, Floyd W., 2Lt N Gale, Benjamin H., Jr., 1Lt B None E Englehaupt, Russell L., Sgt R Leary, Edward M., T/Sgt G Jakielek, Ernest F., Cpl F Shaw, C. M., 1Lt (weather officer) 447th BS War Diary: No mission because of weather conditions. Usual camp duties throughout the day. 447th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order xxx/mission xxx) Group Mission # 631W (A) - redesignated # 662 on 1 Jan 45: (447th BS did not participate) 448th BS War Diary: Two missions were scheduled this morning. One was cancelled before it left the ground, the other was airborne twenty minutes when it was called back because weather conditions over the target area were too bad. Lieutenant Wyman returned from the Ille Rousse rest camp looking refreshed and eager to take up where he left off. First Lieutenant Thomas L. Blake, now DS to the United States attending flexible gunnery school, was assigned to the Squadron from the 445th Squadron today. Lieutenant Duggan left for TD with Headquarters 57th Bomb Wing. Staff Sergeants Bell Carter, Donaud, Haack, Perillo, Pineda, and Veeck were promoted to Technical Sergeants today, and Corporal Ferrell was promoted to Sergeant today. Bell, Flavious J., T/Sgt, gunner Blake, Thomas L., 1Lt, bombardier Carter, Eugene F., T/Sgt, engineer-gunner Donaud, Earl J., T/Sgt, gunner Duggan, Raymond E., 2Lt, pilot Ferrel, Bruce M., Sgt, gunner Haack, Cecil J., T/Sgt, gunner Perillo, Anthony L., T/Sgt, gunner Pineda, Nico M., T/Sgt, gunner Veeck, Richard W., T/Sgt, gunner Wyman, 1Lt, S-2, I & E Officer 448th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order xxx/mission xxx) Group Mission # 631W (A) - redesignated # 662 on 1 Jan 45: (448th BS did not participate) Wednesday, 13 December 1944 (continued) 448th BS: War Diary of: Schaffer, Irving J., S/Sgt, radio-gunner: “Awoke 7:20. Clear AM. Briefing 8:15AM. Fried eggs, bacon, whole-wheat cereal, bread, apple butter, coffee, orange-grapefruit juice. Target is in Brenner Pass. Take off 9:30. Mission called back. Land 10:00AM. Immediate standby. Early chow. Fried chicken, string beans, boiled potatoes, bread, butter, tea, peach roll cake. Briefing for another mission at 11:20AM. Stand-down. Langley, Atherton (new man) and yours truly cleaned guns this PM. Attended first aid lecture by Capt Marshall at EM club. Indirectly pointed out yours truly for doing a good job on Bergstrom. Took final test in aircraft recognition. Enderle and I sort of pulled together. Slight rain. Macaroni and chicken, string beans, bread, butter, coffee. Ben Moleski returns from Bari and Naples, where he went for several days with his brother Joe. He brought back beaucoup whiskey and a swell sweater for me. Yours truly has quit smoking. Feeling great. Had a bit of cognac at Ben's tent. Clear evening. Retired 10:30PM.” Atherton, Robert C., Cpl, gunner Bergstrom, Donald P., S/Sgt, engineer-gunner Enderle, Melvin J., Sgt, gunner Langley, Edmund P., Jr., Sgt, engineer-gunner, bombardier Marshall, Ulysses, S. "Doc", Capt, medical Moleski, Benny M. “Ben”, S/Sgt, gunner Moleski, Joe, UNRRA Thursday, 14 December 1944 USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF): In Italy, medium bombers score effective hits on railroad bridges at Parma and Chivasso; fighters and fighter-bombers attack rail lines N of the immediate battle area and in the Po River Valley and hit guns and occupied areas on the US Fifth Army front S of Bologna. HQ 321st BG War Diary: A 48 plane mission to the Avisio Viaduct was abortive due to weather. HQ 321st BG Mission Summary (Ops Order xxx/mission xxx) Group Mission # 632W (A) - redesignated # 663 on 1 Jan 45: Weather Reconnaissance, Northern Italy (Group mission report not available at this time) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------HQ 321st BG Mission Summary (Ops Order 633/mission 633) Group Mission # 633: Avisio Viaduct - Abortive (Group mission report not available at this time) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------445th BS War Diary: The men took time out in the afternoon to attend a USO show at the group’s theater. Khaki clothing was turned in today at supply. Chicken was main course at supper tonight. There was limited training today. 445th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order xxx/mission xxx) Group Mission # 632W (A) - redesignated # 663 on 1 Jan 45: (445th BS did not participate) 445th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 633/mission 633) Group Mission # 633: Operational mission for today was abortive due to weather although the crews received credit for a mission since they were in the vicinity of their target. A/C No. 43-27748 Tail # 02 “Mama!” P CP N B E R G F Kendall, Wayne E., 1Lt Hatcher, Leon F., Jr., Capt Mitchell, Robert F., 1Lt Skebey, Robert J., 1Lt Carruthers, John (NMI), II, S/Sgt Kneisel, Charles W., T/Sgt Smith, Francis L. “Smitty”, S/Sgt None A/C No. 44-28948 Tail # 09 “Miss Belle Fontaine” Miron, Leno L., 2Lt Kourafas, James (NMI) “Jim”, 2Lt None Brooks, William F., F/O Krauk, Edward J., Sgt Ross, Reginald J., T/Sgt Osborn, Jack R., Sgt None Thursday, 14 December 1944 (continued) A/C No. 43-27680 Tail # 07 “Stuff” Farrell, Robert A. “Baldy”, Capt Curry, Arthur L. “Art”, 2Lt None Wren, Frank J., 1Lt Chambers, Jimmie (NMI), S/Sgt Johnson, John E., T/Sgt Andrews, Lamar C., S/Sgt None A/C No. 44-28928 Tail # 03 “Heaven Can Wait” P Monger, Samuel A. “Sam”, Jr., 1Lt CP Buckham, John K., 2Lt N None B Larkin, Francis C. “Charley”, S/Sgt E Rousso, Ralph L., Sgt R Krober, Raymond D., Jr., Cpl G Jones, Harvey J., Cpl F None A/C No. 43-27698 Tail # 13 “Peggy Lou” P CP N B E R G F Webb, Allen W. “Pete”, 1Lt Knauss, Roger Reid “Reid”, 2Lt Cravey, Robert P., 2Lt Beck, Robert B. “Bob”, 2Lt Watts, Joseph T., Jr., S/Sgt Engleman, Bud (NMI), S/Sgt Moorehead, Lewis E., S/Sgt None A/C No. 44-28722 Tail # 18 “Spirit of Portchester” P Mogren, Edward G., 1Lt CP O’Keefe, John H., 2Lt N None B Jackson, William H., 2Lt E Freiler, Walter C., S/Sgt R Otterness, William B., Sgt G Slodden, Henry M. “Kip”, Sgt F None P CP N B E R G F A/C No. 43-27733 Tail # 00 “Porky’s Baby” Spencer, Charles F., 1Lt McFatter, Joe H., 2Lt None Gifford, Robert H., 1Lt Cubley, Harold B., T/Sgt Lowrey, James S., Cpl Henry, William W., S/Sgt None A/C No. 43-27714 Tail # 16 “Blonde Beauty” Ottinger, Warren F., 1Lt Brown, Cecil A., 2Lt None Barrett, Ray E., S/Sgt Kuykendall, Ben (NMI), Cpl Ott, James V., Cpl Jacobs, Harry E., S/Sgt None A/C No. 43-27502 Tail # 10 “Pretty Kitty Blue Eyes” (previously “What’s Cookin’?”) Coale, Julian R., Jr., 1Lt Young, Paul L., 2Lt None Chauncey, Martin E. “Marty”, T/Sgt Smith, William F., S/Sgt Russo, Paul A., Cpl Bates, Leonard H., S/Sgt None A/C No. 43-27534 Tail # 11 (standing lady) Elliott, James R., Jr., 1Lt Shutters, Paul E., 2Lt None Carney, Robert J., T/Sgt Woody, Louie M., S/Sgt Nuttall, John H., Cpl Abrams, Samuel (NMI) “Sam”, S/Sgt None Thursday, 14 December 1944 (continued) A/C No. 43-27716 Tail # 17 “Shit House Mouse” P Emler, Richard S. “Dick”, 2Lt CP White, Edward A., 2Lt N None B Barton, Samuel V., 1Lt E Hagains, John R., Cpl R Reagin, Charles T., Cpl G Edwards, Jack M., Cpl F None A/C No. 43-27899 Tail # 08 “Flo” (Lead spare - filled in 4th element, second flight of twelve) P Poteete, Max W., 1Lt CP Amundson, Fred K., 2Lt N None B Vaughan, Fred W., 2Lt E Carney, Daniel (NMI), Cpl R Heckman, Kenneth W., Cpl G Baker, Max E., Cpl F None A/C No. 43-4008 Tail # ? “Spirit of St Louis” (did not take off) Santone, Michael A., 1Lt Middleton, Donald M., 2Lt None Salch, Raymond F., Sgt Hunsberger, William R., Sgt Matter, Dean R., Cpl Clayton, Ross W., Cpl None 446th BS War Diary: Bad bombing weather as the mission does not drop because of overcast at the target. 446th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order xxx/mission xxx) Group Mission # 632W (A) - redesignated # 663 on 1 Jan 45: Squadron Mission 445 TARGET: Weather Reconnaissance, Northern Italy DATE: 14 Dec.1944 Type of Bombs: None 446th Planes: 1 Lt. Hurley was the pilot. Mission accomplished, no flak, no fighters. A/C No. 43-27678 Tail # 40 “Lemmon Lu” (Weather ship) P Hurley, John R., 1Lt CP Bogan, Floyd W., 2Lt N Gale, Benjamin H., Jr., 1Lt B None E Knapp, Walter E., T/Sgt R Leary, Edward M., T/Sgt G South, William R., S/Sgt F None Thursday, 14 December 1944 (continued) 446th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 633/mission 633) Group Mission # 633: Squadron Mission 446 TARGET: Lavis Rail Bridge, Italy DATE: 14 Dec.1944 Type of Bombs: 1000 lb., 3 diversionary ships with 500 lb. 446th Planes: 15 Lt. Leonard led the formation. Abortive mission due to bad weather. No flak, no fighters. Lt. DiNorma the spare returned early. Leonard, Lee V., 1Lt, pilot, 448th BS A/C No. 43-27501 Tail # 39 “Sweet Sue Kathy Jeanne” (unnamed to Nov 44. In 45 “Kathy Jeanne” dropped) P Wozniak, Stanley E., 1Lt CP McCloud, Ray L., 2Lt N Gambino, Samuel F., 1Lt B Derringer, Albert J., 1Lt Karuzas, Alexander W., Cpl Nichols, Henry J., III, Cpl Fitzgerald, George L., Sgt None A/C No. 43-4021 Tail # 31 “The Little Admiral” (later Lady Jane) (first # 31) P Grove, Russell V., 1Lt CP Hahn, Melvin G., 2Lt N None B Hogman, Frans H., 1Lt E Shettleworth, William E., Cpl R Moncure, James D., Jr., Cpl G Broderick, Emmett P., Cpl F None A/C No. 43-27496 Tail # ? “PRINCESS” (previously PRINCESS PAOLA II) P Gittings, Raymond W., 1Lt CP Jackson, Roland B., 2Lt N None B Murch, George M., Jr., Sgt E Boylan, James P., Cpl R Beck, Junior D., Cpl G Haxby, William H., Jr., S/Sgt F None E R G F A/C No. 43-4097 Tail # 28 “Tiny?” (later Darlene) Doyle, John D., 1Lt Manolis, Ronald J., 2Lt None None listed - likely the gunner Andrews, James Robert, Cpl Freeman, Harold W., Cpl Wilking, Robert L., S/Sgt Andrews, James Robert, Cpl None A/C No. 43-27660 Tail # 30 “Shooting Bull” Perlman, Jacob L., 2Lt Anderson, William H., F/O None Epstein, Joseph H., 1Lt Winegarden, Leslie R., T/Sgt Ross, Harry K., S/Sgt Cassidy, Warren J., S/Sgt None A/C No. 43-27503 Tail # 46 “Miss Arabella” Kimble, Arnold P., 1Lt Treadwell, Joseph (NMI), 2Lt None Yarbrough, George L., 1Lt Lamm, Earl D., Cpl Wimert, Donald A., Cpl Chapin, Correll C., Cpl None Thursday, 14 December 1944 (continued) A/C No. 43-27745 Tail # 47 Ziglar, Frank C., Maj Gallagher, Andrew Paul, 2Lt Codd, Russell G., F/O Paulson, Ronald A., 1Lt Brady, Walter (NMI), Cpl McEuen, Richard W., Cpl Cifuni, Robert J., S/Sgt None A/C No. 43-3989 Tail # 37 “My Georgia Peach” (on co-pilot side - “The Leading Lady”, previously “Miss Dallas”) P Ingram, William T., 1Lt CP Maki, Allan A., 2Lt N None B Leith, William V., 1Lt E Lundtoft, Hans G., S/Sgt R Koos, Walter V., S/Sgt G Dickey, Jack F., Jr., S/Sgt F None A/C No. 43-4020 Tail # 26 “Bourbon Baby” P Crinnion, Edward V., 1Lt CP Alward, Charles W., 2Lt N None B Williams, Thomas A., 2Lt E Dalpos, Joseph N., S/Sgt R McFarland, Charles W., T/Sgt G Holdridge, John F., Sgt F None A/C No. 43-4074 Tail # 27 (picture of seated lady - no name/lettering) (AntiFlak/Incendiary Ship) P Pietrowski, Stanley J., 1Lt CP Heaberlin, Paul L., 2Lt N Clark, Samuel E., Jr., 2Lt B Farber, Joseph L., 1Lt E Utz, James W., Sgt R Bundy, Garland A., T/Sgt G Bryan, Dwight L., S/Sgt F None P CP N B E R G F A/C No. 43-36224 Tail # 34 probably “Hauling Ass II” Capalety, Thomas A., 1Lt DuBois, Lionel F., F/O None Fodor, Joseph M., 2Lt Henry, Clark H., S/Sgt Johnson, Carl W., S/Sgt Falls, Robert H., Sgt None A/C No. 43-27490 Tail # 45 “Mrs C” Taylor, Raymond F., 2Lt Barbee, Harvey C., Jr., 2Lt None Gahm, Edward L., 2Lt, Scheetz, Elvin N., Sgt Freeman, Cecil O., T/Sgt Freck, Byron P., Sgt None A/C No. 43-27480 Tail # 44 “Yankee Girl” “Yankee Girl” Berge, Gail B., 2Lt Ramsay, Lamar E., 2Lt None Beecher, Everett F., Sgt Reinartsen, Charles R., Jr., Sgt Carl, Edgar W., Sgt Beavers, Marqus F., Cpl None A/C No. 43-27747 Tail # 42 “Spider’s Frolic Pad” (first # 42) Carlson, Lowell A., 1Lt Atkins, Richard A., Jr., F/O None DeSorbo, John S., Sgt Lind, Kenneth H., Cpl Rousos, Milton P., T/Sgt Anderson, Chester S., Cpl None Thursday, 14 December 1944 (continued) A/C No. 43-27477 Tail # 32 “Boots” P CP N B E R G F Fisher, Carl D., 1Lt Sloan, Thomas M., 2Lt None Fox, David (NMI), 2Lt Davis, Virgil F., S/Sgt Martin, Thomas J., Jr., Cpl Popovich, Chris (NMI), Sgt None A/C No. 43-4077 Tail # 43 “Stormy Weather” (Previously 447th ship “Ann’s Little Boy Val”) (returned early - prop oil low) DiNorma, Joseph S., 1Lt Holt, Noel P., Jr., 2Lt None Law, John B., Cpl Taylor, Tullis (NMI), Cpl Ransom, Gerald H., S/Sgt Springer, Walter H., Cpl None 447th BS War Diary: Mission scheduled and crews briefed but failed to take off due to unfavorable weather. The following officers and enlisted men departed for Cairo, Egypt: 1st Lt. Joe W. Gould; 1st Lt. Ralph E. Hennessey; 1st Lt. Ernest C. Rice; 1st Lt. Earl H. Remmel; M/Sgt. John Ostrowski; S/Sgt. Smith B. Applegarth; S/Sgt. Harold R. Bauder; S/Sgt. Lucian J. Repczynski; S/Sgt. George D. Schnaars; S/Sgt. Francis X. Burke. Applegarth, Smith B., S/Sgt, gunner Bauder, Harold R., S/Sgt, aerial gunner Burke, Francis X., S/Sgt, supply Gould, Joe W., 1Lt, bombardier, navigator Hennessey, Ralph E., 1Lt, pilot Ostrowski, John (NMI), M/Sgt, engineering Remmel, Earl Howard “The Fox”, 1Lt, pilot Repczynski, Lucien J., S/Sgt, personnel Rice, Ernest C., 1Lt, pilot Schnaars, George D., S/Sgt, gunner 447th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order xxx/mission xxx) Group Mission # 632W (A) - redesignated # 663 on 1 Jan 45: (445th BS did not participate) 447th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 633/mission 633) Group Mission # 633: A/C No. 43-4060 Tail # ? “Cover Girl” P Yerger, John W., 2Lt CP Stephens, James J., 2Lt N None B Gary, Neil F., Sgt E Jones, Robert G., S/Sgt R Theiss, Vincent E., Cpl G Fromm, Samuel E., Cpl F None A/C No. 43-36240 Tail # ? “May Be” Gates, Edward (NMI), 1Lt Haage, Frederick W., F/O Tulley, Harlan Norval, 2Lt Gargiulo, Vincent J. “Vince”, 1Lt Cohen, Sam M., Cpl Jones, LeRoy (NMI), Sgt Loux, Robert E., Cpl None Thursday, 14 December 1944 (continued) A/C No. 43-27636 Tail # 74 (did not take off - engine trouble) Appenzeller, Richard D., 2Lt Hutson, Ernest G. “Hod”, 1Lt Cahoon, Carl W., 2Lt Morrison, George R., Jr., 1Lt None None Heist, Erwin William “Butch”, F/O Schmoke, Vernon L., 2Lt Daniels, Carl (NMI), S/Sgt Stokes, Robert C., Sgt Finnegan, Paul W., Cpl See, Russell K., T/Sgt Ochs, Dan (NMI), Jr., Cpl Staub, Edward C., Cpl None None A/C No. 43-27718 Tail # (never A/C No. 43-27730 Tail # ? “Katie” assigned a 2 digit Tail #) Amundson, Donald A., 2Lt Kibler, William E. “Kib”, 1Lt Brice, David W., 2Lt King, Robert C., 2Lt None None McDermott, James W., 1Lt Jones, Dewey D., Jr., Sgt Cruce, Joseph H., Cpl Quintenz, Robert P., S/Sgt Bartram, Roy H., Cpl Fiocca, Theodore Aurelio, S/Sgt Klimkowicz, Zigmond (NMI), Cpl Goldman, Marvin S., Cpl None None A/C No. 43-4029 Tail # ? “Mike Hunt” A/C No. 43-36108 Tail # 70 Fairchild, George S., 2Lt Marchant, Wendell E., 1Lt Rose, Norman I., 2Lt Cammack, Elmore (NMI), 2Lt None Hiller, Frederick J., 1Lt Atkins, William T. “Bill”, F/O Colgan, Donald J., 1Lt Dubbs, Andrew C., Sgt Hopp, Charles J., Sgt Phares, Harold (NMI) “Harry”, Jr., Cpl Barksdale, Phillip L., Cpl Merlino, Camille J., Cpl Smith, Kenneth C., Sgt None None A/C No. 43-4040 Tail # 56 “Fearless A/C No. 43-4069 Tail # ? “Ruptured Duck” (spare - did not fill in - returned Fosdick” 1:20 - Bomb release broken) Loewus, Frederick E. “Fred”, 2Lt Murchland, Robert Keith, 1Lt Carlin, Edmund R., 2Lt Murray, Richard E., Capt None None Perl, Richard H., Sgt Bokum, John B., F/O Keenan, Harry A., Sgt Netzel, Carl F., Sgt Ruiz, Emigdio (NMI), Cpl Maslyar, Michael M., Sgt Williams, James H., Sgt Lejman, George T., Sgt None None A/C No. 43-27779 Tail # 62 P CP N B E R G F P CP N B E R G F P CP N B E R G F P CP N B E R G F Thursday, 14 December 1944 (continued) A/C No. 43-27473 Tail # 73 “Paper Doll” P Bullion, Roland G. “Rollo”, 2Lt CP Gies, Donald W., 2Lt N None B Radel, Henry D., 2Lt E Dimondstein, Herbert (NMI), S/Sgt R Hourahan, William F., Jr., Cpl G Gorden, Robert L., Cpl F None A/C No. 43-27506 Tail # ? “Rebel Devil” P Breckenridge, Louis C., 2Lt CP Autry, Aaron E., 2Lt N None B Balboni, Robert A., 2Lt E Price, Charles J., Cpl R Newton, James R., Cpl G Sims, James W., Cpl F None A/C No. 43-27498 Tail # 71 “Ave Maria” P Buckley, Paul I., 2Lt CP Brown, Lyle N., Jr., 2Lt N None B Stroupe, Burton Elwood “Woody”, 2Lt E Hardage, Charles W., Cpl R Teutsch, Stanley E., Cpl G Dolezal, Albert (NMI), S/Sgt F None A/C No. 43-27785 Tail # 58 Dodson, Jackson R., 2Lt Tarquinio, Albert C., 2Lt None Lubinsky, Norman B., Sgt McMenamin, Daniel P., Jr., Sgt Poulin, Gaston G., S/Sgt McCready, John E., Jr., Cpl None A/C No. 43-27492 Tail # 57 “Reddie Teddie” Morton, William C. “Mort”, Jr., 1Lt Buechner, Helmut K., 2Lt None Lankester, Hugh H. “Lank”, 2Lt Huntley, Bruce H., Cpl Guild, Bernard Robert, S/Sgt Young, Robert E., Sgt None 448th BS War Diary: The USO Camp Show No. 14 visited the Group theater this afternoon for a performance. With Billie Burks and others, the performance was generally liked by everyone, as the theater was packed without even standing room. Lieutenant Carrington left this morning on combat rotation to the good old United States. Captain Shear, Lieutenants Ovard and Martin, and Sergeants Sampson, Haack, Carter, Doughty, Carrick, and Wald returned from the Flight Control School at Cairo, Egypt this afternoon. Carrick, Kenneth M., Sgt, gunner Carrington, Charles C., 1Lt, pilot Carter, Eugene F., T/Sgt, engineer-gunner Doughty, Paul V., Sgt, gunner Haack, Cecil J., T/Sgt, gunner Martin, James M., Jr., Lt, bombardier Ovard, Glen S., 2Lt, pilot Sampson, Donald A., Sgt, engineering Shear, Meyer (NMI), Capt, pilot Wald, Douglas A., Sgt, gunner Thursday, 14 December 1944 (continued) 448th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order xxx/mission xxx) Group Mission # 632W (A) - redesignated # 663 on 1 Jan 45: (448th BS did not participate) 448th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 633/mission 633) Group Mission # 633: The 448th Squadron had 13 planes on the mission today which took-off on schedule. They arrived in the target area, but heavy cloud formations prevented them from identifying the target, and the bombs were not dropped. All planes returned safely. However, credit was given for the mission because the flight was over enemy territory. A/C No. 43-27720 Tail # 86 P Leonard, Lee V., 1Lt CP Furey, Frank M. “Mickey”, Capt N Freund, John F., 2Lt B Joyce, Robert W. “Dead-eye”, Capt E Oliver, Walter A., Sgt R Morefield, James Carl, T/Sgt G Magyar, Steven J., S/Sgt F None A/C No. 43-4037 Tail # 78 “Cherry Fizz” P Rosenau, Gustave D., 1Lt CP Wuest, Robert F., 2Lt N None B Styers, Charles W., 2Lt E Langley, Edward P., Jr., Sgt R Schaffer, Irving J., S/Sgt G Atherton, Robert C., Cpl F None A/C No. 44-28940 Tail # 92 P CP N B E R G F Churchill, Duane W., 2Lt Gladwill, James G., 1Lt None McRee, Malcolm B., 1Lt Head, Guthrie H., S/Sgt Bass, Bernard G., S/Sgt Gill, Clarence (NMI), Pvt None A/C No. 44-28918 Tail # 82 (first # 82) Garrett, Thaddeus D., 1Lt Schwartz, Theodore (NMI), 1Lt None Sheppard, John W., 2Lt Weese, Charles F., Cpl Seward, Richard F., T/Sgt Hawthorne, Ralph C., S/Sgt None A/C No. 43-27668 Tail # 83 Riley, Robert L., 1Lt Bechtle, Robert M., 2Lt None Armstrong, Sherman T., Jr., 2Lt Qualls, Thomas B., S/Sgt Randall, Charles R., Jr., T/Sgt Enderle, Melvin J., Sgt None A/C No. 43-4067 Tail # 76 “The Big Swing” (first # 76) Copes, Wilson R., 2Lt Kuoni, Charles F., Jr., 2Lt None Poteet, Edward J., T/Sgt Magers, Marshall P., S/Sgt Walker, Jack L., T/Sgt Foote, Lancel H., Jr., Sgt None Thursday, 14 December 1944 (continued) A/C No. 43-28081 Tail # 81 P Rogers, Harry (NMI), JR., Capt CP Wilson, James M., 2Lt N Bartlett, J. E., 2Lt B Allendorph, John B., 2Lt E Bell, Flavious J., T/Sgt R Shields, Robert L., S/Sgt G Abiecunas, Joseph P. “Abby”, S/Sgt F None A/C No. 43-27508 Tail # ? P CP N B E R G F Myers, Harold C. “Casey”, 1Lt Schweitzer, Robert E., 2Lt None Pealer, Woodward D., S/Sgt Pineda, Nico M., T/Sgt Mardeuse, Alfred K., S/Sgt Markiewicz, Edward B., S/Sgt None A/C No. 43-27481 Tail # 77 Kirk, Theodore (NMI) “Ted”, 1Lt Valenti, Jack J., 2Lt None Rutz, Victor H., F/O Turner, James H., Cpl Rockwell, Stewart R. “Rockwell”, T/Sgt Knauss, Charles F., S/Sgt None A/C No. 43-4076 Tail # 88 (first # 88) (Wing spare - filled in) P Ivory, Daniel J., JR., 2Lt CP Brown, Royden (NMI), 1Lt N None B Veeck, Richard W., S/Sgt E Goethals, Camiel A., S/Sgt R Vandenberg, Edward V. “Van”, Cpl G Sharp, Samuel I., S/Sgt F None P CP N B E R G F A/C No. 43-27791 Tail # 84 Fleming, George B., 2Lt Autrey, W. F. (i.o.), 2Lt None Bottom, James W., 2Lt Gutierrez, Ralph (NMI), Cpl Sullivan, Timothy V., T/Sgt Ward, Paul D., Cpl None A/C No. 43-27530 Tail # 79 “Twin Engine Sadie” Lyons, John B., 1Lt Stromberg, Carl K., 2Lt None Reves, Louis E., Sgt Perillo, Anthony L., S/Sgt Sevier, Fred L., Cpl Biersdorff, Charles J., Cpl None A/C No. 43-27652 Tail # ? “Out of Bounds” Norris, Grafton R., 1Lt Williams, Peter G., 1Lt None Arnold, Harold L., 2Lt Parham, Ralph E., Cpl Petix, Ignatius D., Pvt Ferrell, Bruce M., Sgt None Thursday, 14 December 1944 (continued) 448th BS: War Diary of: Schaffer, Irving J., S/Sgt, radio-gunner: “Awoke 7:10AM. Clear, cold AM. Fresh fried eggs, oatmeal, 1/2 grapefruit, coffee, bread, apple butter. Briefing at 10:05AM. Carry 1000 lb GP's. Target bridge at Brenner Pass. B17's snafu-ed so we are out to get the bridge. Take off 11:30. Flying at 10,500 feet. Not too cold, about 0 degrees. In vicinity of target at 1:25. 10/10 coverage. Returned to base. Landed 2:50PM. Pilot Lt Rosenau. I am now assigned to 037 (434037 “Cherry Fizz”). Flew left wing lead today. Chow at 3:15PM. Creamed chicken and noodles, string beans, canned tomatoes, canned pineapple, bread, jelly. Attended USO show at group theater. Good show. Clear, warm day. Did not go to evening chow. Had toasted cheese sandwiches and hot chocolate in tent. Same mission for tomorrow. Retired 8:45.” Rosenau, Gustave D., 1Lt, pilot Friday, 15 December 1944 USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF): In Italy, B-25s, attack ammunition dumps at Cremona, Bologna, and Pavia, a fuel dump at Castellar Guidobono, and severely damage railway bridges S of Asti and at Voghera; fighters and fighter-bombers again hit targets in the US Fifth Army battle area S of Bologna and communications in the C Po River Valley and make numerous rail cuts throughout the area (especially on the vital Brenner Line) destroying many vehicles and train cars; several bridges are hit, 3 being left impassable. HQ 321st BG War Diary: The 24 aircraft flight to Torreberretti Rail Bridge was abortive due to weather. However the twenty-four planes which were weathered out of their primary at Vigevano destroyed the road and railroad bridges at Asti – targets of opportunity. This raid, led by one of our bombardiers Captain Joyce of the 448th Squadron, received a commendation from General Knapp, the Wing Commander. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------FROM: TO : 57th BOMB WING COMMANDING OFFICER 321ST BOMB GROUP (M) CONGRATULATIONS FOR THE GOOD BOMBING OF THE ASTI ROAD AND RAILROAD BRIDGE ON 15 DECEMBER. KNAPP -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------HQ 321st BG Mission Summary (Ops Order xxx/mission xxx) Group Mission # 633W (A) - redesignated # 664 on 1 Jan 45: TARGET: Weather Recce SQUADRON: 446th NO A/C: 1 TIME OFF: 0730 TIME D0WN: 1115 ESCORT: None HEIGHT: 11,000’ ROUTE: Base to Elba to Rimini, Venice, Rimini, Florence, Leghorn, Levante, P-2193, P-9182 (approx.), Levante, to base. WEATHER: Over Italy: Scattered stratocumulus, bases--2000’, tops---4000’, increasing to overcast by Rimini and tops to 6000’. Large break in Faenza, Forli, Ravenna area no clouds. Venice area complete overcast. Back across Italy clear south of Apennines from Florence west with complete overcast in Po. La Spezia clear and clear into Western Po with overcast to west to north and east. Visibility: 12 miles, light haze. Temp.--minus 4 at 11,000’. Winds---360° 10 to 12 MPH. RESULTS: Mission accomplished without incident. OBSERVATIONS: None. FLIGHT LEADER: Lt. Hurley Friday, 15 December 1944 (continued) WEATHER OBERVER: Lt. Shaw. NUMBER OF SORTIES: 1 R. G. LIND, 1st Lt., Air Corps, Ass’t Group S-2 Officer. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------HQ 321st BG Mission Summary (Ops Order 634/mission 634) Group Mission # 634: Vigevano (primary). Bombed alternate - Asti Road and Railroad Bridge in northern Italy. (Group mission report not available at this time) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------HQ 321st BG Mission Summary (Ops Order 635/mission 635) Group Mission # 635: Torreberretti Rail Bridge, Italy (Group mission report not available at this time) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------445th BS War Diary: There were a few non-operational flights made. T/Sgt. Sidney Lestz may well be proud over the maintenance he has achieved. The two ships that he has crewed have flown an aggregate number of 150 straight missions without an early return due to a mechanical failure. A new type field jacket was issued to the men today to replace the older ones. This new type doesn’t appear to be any warmer but does have a better appearance. The news that closed-order drill would soon be in effect in the squadron was received with a notable lack of enthusiasm. The movie “Hail the Conquering Hero” with Eddie Bracken and Ella Rains was especially enjoyed tonight. Lestz, Sidney (NMI) “Lefty”, T/Sgt, engineering 445th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order xxx/mission xxx) Group Mission # 633W (A) - redesignated # 664 on 1 Jan 45: (445th BS did not participate) 445th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 634/mission 634) Group Mission # 634: A/C No. 43-27742 Tail # 01 “Winnie Mae” (previously “Vicious Vera”) P Jeffery, James C., Capt CP White, Edward A., 2Lt N None B Emery, Ben D., 1Lt E Poirier, Andre (NMI), S/Sgt R Chauncey, Martin E. “Marty”, T/Sgt G Walburn, John A., S/Sgt F None A/C No. 43-27572 Tail # 12 Curry, Arthur L. “Art”, 2Lt Wilson, Charles B. “Charlee”, 2Lt None Barton, Samuel V., 1Lt Sycylo, Theodore W., Sgt Vaseleski, Andrew C., Cpl Lile, Keith B., Cpl None Friday, 15 December 1944 (continued) 445th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 635/mission 635) Group Mission # 635: Crews took off on another mission which was abortive due to weather. A/C No. 43-27748 Tail # 02 “Mama!” P CP N B E R G F Kendall, Wayne E., 1Lt Glasford, Loren G., 1Lt Mitchell, Robert F., 1Lt Skebey, Robert J., 1Lt Carruthers, John (NMI), II, S/Sgt Kneisel, Charles W., T/Sgt Smith, Francis L. “Smitty”, S/Sgt None A/C No. 43-27680 Tail # 07 “Stuff” Farrell, Robert A. “Baldy”, Capt Lawrence, Edward C., 2Lt None Wren, Frank J., 1Lt Chambers, Jimmie (NMI), S/Sgt Johnson, John E., T/Sgt Andrews, Lamar C., S/Sgt None A/C No. 44-28928 Tail # 03 “Heaven Can Wait” P Lewis, Max E., 2Lt CP Buckham, John K., 2Lt N None B Larkin, Francis C. “Charley”, S/Sgt E Rousso, Ralph L., Sgt R Krober, Raymond D., Jr., Cpl G Jones, Harvey J., Cpl F None A/C No. 43-27698 Tail # 13 “Peggy Lou” P CP N B E R G F P CP N B E R G F Bowling, Dan Parker, 1Lt Knauss, Roger Reid “Reid”, 2Lt Cravey, Robert P., 2Lt Silnutzer, Joseph A., 1Lt Watts, Joseph T., Jr., S/Sgt Engleman, Bud (NMI), S/Sgt Moorehead, Lewis E., T/Sgt None A/C No. 44-28948 Tail # 09 “Miss Belle Fontaine” Miron, Leno L., 2Lt Kourafas, James (NMI) “Jim”, 2Lt None Brooks, William F., F/O Krauk, Edward J., Sgt DeLaune, William P., T/Sgt Osborn, Jack R., Sgt None A/C No. 43-27733 “Porky’s Baby” Tail # 00 Shutters, Paul E., 2Lt McFatter, Joe H., 2Lt None Brown, Thomas M., 2Lt Cubley, Harold B., T/Sgt Lowrey, James S., Cpl Henry, William W., S/Sgt None A/C No. 43-27714 Tail # 16 “Blonde Beauty” Ottinger, Warren F., 1Lt Brown, Cecil A., 2Lt None Barrett, Ray E., S/Sgt Kuykendall, Ben (NMI), Cpl Ott, James V., Cpl Garza, Manuel (NMI), Cpl None A/C No. 43-27502 Tail # 10 “Pretty Kitty Blue Eyes” (previously “What’s Cookin’?”) Coale, Julian R., Jr., 1Lt Doris, Robert E., 2Lt None Ohm, Merton D., S/Sgt Smith, William F., S/Sgt Russo, Paul A., Cpl Bates, Leonard H., S/Sgt None Friday, 15 December 1944 (continued) A/C No. 44-28722 Tail # 18 “Spirit of Portchester” P Mogren, Edward G., 1Lt CP O’Keefe, John H., 2Lt N None B Jackson, William H., 2Lt E Freiler, Walter C., S/Sgt R Otterness, William B., Sgt G Slodden, Henry M. “Kip”, Sgt F None A/C No. 43-27716 Tail # 17 “Shit House Mouse” P Payne, Lawrence J., 1Lt CP Doe, Norman H., 2Lt N None B Doherty, Charles S., S/Sgt E Hagains, John R., Cpl R Reagin, Charles T., Cpl G Edwards, Jack M., Cpl F None A/C No. 43-27899 Tail # 08 “Flo” (Lead spare - did not fill in) P Poteete, Max W., 1Lt CP Amundson, Fred K., 2Lt N None B Vaughan, Fred W., 2Lt E Carney, Daniel (NMI), Cpl R Heckman, Kenneth W., Cpl G Baker, Max E., Cpl F None A/C No. 43-27534 Tail # 11 (standing lady) Elliott, James R., Jr., 1Lt Young, Paul L., 2Lt None Carney, Robert J., T/Sgt Woody, Louie M., S/Sgt Nuttall, John H., Cpl Abrams, Samuel (NMI) “Sam”, S/Sgt None A/C No. 43-4008 Tail # ? “Spirit of St Louis” (returned early - engine trouble) Santone, Michael A., 1Lt Middleton, Donald M., 2Lt None Salch, Raymond F., Sgt Hunsberger, William R., Sgt Matter, Dean R., Cpl Clayton, Ross W., Cpl None A/C No. 43-27509 Tail # ? (AntiFlak/Incendiary Ship) DeBoer, Jay (NMI), Jr., 2Lt Hughes, Richard C., 2Lt None Murphy, John P., 2Lt Gum, Paul V., Cpl Ross, Reginald J., T/Sgt Heintz, Edward R., Jr., Cpl None 446th BS War Diary: December 15 and 16: More inclement weather permits the ground crew to catch up on maintenance on all equipment. 446th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order xxx/mission xxx) Group Mission # 633W (A) - redesignated # 664 on 1 Jan 45: Squadron Mission 447 TARGET: Weather Reconnaissance. DATE: 15 Dec.1944 Type of Bombs: None 446th Planes: 1 Lt. Hurley was the pilot. Mission accomplished. No flak, no fighters. Friday, 15 December 1944 (continued) A/C No. 43-27678 Tail # 40 “Lemmon Lu” (Weather ship) P Hurley, John R., 1Lt CP Bogan, Floyd W., 2Lt N Gale, Benjamin H., Jr., 1Lt B None E Knapp, Walter E., T/Sgt R Leary, Edward M., T/Sgt G South, William R., S/Sgt F Shaw, C. M., 1Lt (weather officer) 446th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 634/mission 634) Group Mission # 634: (446th BS did not participate) 446th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 635/mission 635) Group Mission # 635: Squadron Mission 448 TARGET: Torreberretti Rail Bridge, Italy DATE: 15 Dec.1944 Type of Bombs: 1000 and 500 lb. 446th Planes: 12 Lt. Wozniak led the formation. Did not bomb due to cloud cover. No flak, no fighters. A/C No. 43-27501 Tail # 39 “Sweet Sue Kathy Jeanne” (unnamed to Nov 44. In 45 “Kathy Jeanne” dropped) P Wozniak, Stanley E., 1Lt CP McCloud, Ray L., 2Lt N Gambino, Samuel F., 1Lt B Derringer, Albert J., 1Lt Karuzas, Alexander W., Cpl Nichols, Henry J., III, Cpl Fitzgerald, George L., Sgt None A/C No. 43-4021 Tail # 31 “The Little Admiral” (later Lady Jane) (first # 31) P Grove, Russell V., 1Lt CP Hahn, Melvin G., 2Lt N None B Hogman, Frans H., 1Lt E Shettleworth, William E., Cpl R Moncure, James D., Jr., Cpl G Broderick, Emmett P., Cpl F None E R G F A/C No. 43-4097 Tail # 28 “Tiny?” (later Darlene) Doyle, John D., 1Lt Manolis, Ronald J., 2Lt None None listed - likely the gunner Andrews, James Robert, Cpl Freeman, Harold W., Cpl Wilking, Robert L., S/Sgt Andrews, James Robert, Cpl None A/C No. 43-27660 Tail # 30 “Shooting Bull” Perlman, Jacob L., 2Lt Anderson, William H., F/O None Epstein, Joseph H., 1Lt Winegarden, Leslie R., T/Sgt Ross, Harry K., S/Sgt Cassidy, Warren J., S/Sgt None Friday, 15 December 1944 (continued) A/C No. 43-27496 Tail # ? “PRINCESS” (previously PRINCESS PAOLA II) P Gittings, Raymond W., 1Lt CP Jackson, Roland B., 2Lt N None B Murch, George M., Jr., Sgt E Boylan, James P., Cpl R Beck, Junior D., Cpl G Haxby, William H., Jr., S/Sgt F None A/C No. 43-27745 Tail # 47 Ziglar, Frank C., Maj Gallagher, Andrew Paul, 2Lt Codd, Russell G., 1Lt Paulson, Ronald A., 1Lt Brady, Walter (NMI), Cpl McEuen, Richard W., Cpl Cifuni, Robert J., S/Sgt None A/C No. 43-27497 Tail # 29 “Barbara” P Crisp, Glenn S., Jr., 1Lt CP Ratliff, James Ernest, Jr., 2Lt N None B Starczewski, Phillip R., 2Lt E Nigrelli, Ernest J., Cpl R Cubbage, Robert (NMI), Sgt G Alberico, Camillo, A., Sgt F None A/C No. 43-4020 Tail # 26 “Bourbon Baby” P Crinnion, Edward V., 1Lt CP Alward, Charles W., 2Lt N None B Williams, Thomas A., 2Lt E Dalpos, Joseph N., S/Sgt R McFarland, Charles W., T/Sgt G Holdridge, John F., Sgt F None P CP N B E R G F A/C No. 43-27503 Tail # 46 “Miss Arabella” Kimble, Arnold P., 1Lt Treadwell, Joseph (NMI), 2Lt None Yarbrough, George L., 1Lt Lamm, Earl D., Cpl Wimert, Donald A., Cpl Chapin, Correll C., Cpl None A/C No. 43-4077 Tail # 43 “Stormy Weather” (Previously 447th ship “Ann’s Little Boy Val”) DiNorma, Joseph S., 1Lt Holt, Noel P., Jr., 2Lt None Law, John B., Cpl Taylor, Tullis (NMI), Cpl Ransom, Gerald H., S/Sgt Springer, Walter H., Cpl None A/C No. 43-27490 Tail # 45 “Mrs C” Taylor, Richard E., 2Lt Barbee, Harvey C., Jr., 2Lt None Gahm, Edward L., 2Lt Scheetz, Elvin N., Sgt Freeman, Cecil O., T/Sgt Freck, Byron P., Sgt None A/C No. 43-27480 Tail # 44 “Yankee Girl” Berge, Gail B., 2Lt Ramsay, Lamar E., 2Lt None Beecher, Everett F., Sgt Reinartsen, Charles R., Jr., Sgt Carl, Edgar W., Cpl Beavers, Marqus F., Cpl None Friday, 15 December 1944 (continued) A/C No. 43-36224 Tail # 34 probably ”Hauling Ass II” (Wing spare - did not fill in) P Capalety, Thomas A., 1Lt CP DuBois, Lionel F., 2Lt N None B Fodor, Joseph M., 2Lt E Henry, Clark H., S/Sgt R Johnson, Carl W., S/Sgt G Falls, Robert H., Sgt F None 447th BS War Diary: 1st Lt. Marion E. Walker returned from TD at Hq 12th Air Force. F/O Donald W. Gies has been appointed to grade of 2nd Lt., SO 314, Hq. 12th AF. Gies, Donald W., 2Lt, pilot Walker, Marion E., 1Lt, pilot 447th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order xxx/mission xxx) Group Mission # 633W (A) - redesignated # 664 on 1 Jan 45: (447th BS did not participate) 447th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 634/mission 634) Group Mission # 634: Mission of 13 aircraft bombed Asti Road and Railroad Bridge in northern Italy. Results were good as the target area was blasted with 100% accuracy. A/C No. 43-27730 Tail # ? “Katie” Dodson, Jackson R., 2Lt Nyman, Emil R., F/O None Lubinsky, Norman B., Sgt Cohen, Sam M., Cpl Theiss, Vincent E., Cpl McCready, John E., Jr., Cpl None A/C No. 43-27473 Tail # 73 “Paper Doll” P Gies, Donald W., 2Lt CP Bullion, Ronald G. “Rollo”, 2Lt N None B Radel, Henry D., 2Lt E Dimondstein, Herbert (NMI), S/Sgt R Ruiz, Emigdio (NMI), Cpl G Hunsaker, Frank W., Jr., Cpl F None P CP N B E R G F A/C No. 43-36240 Tail # ? “May Be” Gates, Edward (NMI), 1Lt Tarquinio, Albert C., 2Lt Tulley, Harlan Norval, 1Lt Gargiulo, Vincent J. “Vince”, 1Lt Jones, Robert G., S/Sgt Poulin, Gaston G., S/Sgt Hagan, Richard E., Cpl None A/C No. 43-27751 Tail # 50 “MMR” (Meet Mrs. Runyon) Hutson, Ernest G. “Hod”, 1Lt Morrison, George R., 1Lt None Schmoke, Vernon L., 2Lt Lussier, Ernest R., Sgt See, Russell K., T/Sgt Staub, Edward C., Cpl None Friday, 15 December 1944 (continued) A/C No. 43-4040 Tail # 56 P Loewus, Frederick E. “Fred”, 2Lt CP Speer, Leslie Thomas, 2Lt N None B Balboni, Robert A., 2Lt E Freeman, Millard C., S/Sgt R Stroupe, Robert A., Cpl G Williams, James H., Sgt F None A/C No. 43-27718 Tail # (never assigned a 2 digit Tail #) P Kibler, William E. “Kib”, 1Lt CP Smith, Frederick H., 2Lt N None B Jones, Dewey D., Jr., Sgt E Quintenz, Robert P., S/Sgt R Fiocca, Theodore Aurelio, S/Sgt G Goldman, Marvin S., Cpl F None A/C No. 43-27785 Tail # 58 Brice, David W., 2Lt Amundson, Donald A., 2Lt None McDermott, James W., 1Lt Dulaney, Earl W., Sgt Bartram, Roy H., Cpl Klimkowicz, Zigmond (NMI), Cpl None A/C No. 43-4060 Tail # ? “Cover Girl” P Yerger, John W., 2Lt CP Wallis, Shelby D., F/O N None B Gary, Neil F., Sgt E McMenamin, Daniel P., Jr., Sgt R Stocker, Harvey (NMI), Cpl G Fromm, Samuel E., Cpl F None P CP N B E R G F A/C No. 43-27779 Tail # 62 Cahoon, Carl W., 2Lt Appenzeller, Richard D., 2Lt None Heist, Erwin William “Butch”, F/O Daniels, Carl (NMI), Sgt Finnegan, Paul W., Cpl Ochs, Dan (NMI), Jr., Cpl None A/C No. 43-36108 Tail # 70 Marchant, Wendell E., 1Lt Stephens, James J., 2Lt Hiller, Frederick J., 1Lt Colgan, Donald J., 1Lt Hopp, Charles J., Sgt Appleman, Carroll G., Cpl Smith, Kenneth C., Sgt None A/C No. 43-4069 Tail # ? “Ruptured Duck” Murchland, Robert Keith, 1Lt Murray, Richard E., Capt None Bokum, John B., F/O Netzel, Carl F., Sgt Hourahan, William F., Jr., Cpl McKnight, John A., Jr., Cpl None A/C No. 43-4029 Tail # ? “Mike Hunt” Fairchild, George S., 2Lt Haage, Frederick W., F/O None Stroupe, Burton Elwood “Woody”, 2Lt Dubbs, Andrew C., Sgt Phares, Harold (NMI) “Harry”, Jr., Cpl Citarelli, James E., Sgt None Friday, 15 December 1944 (continued) A/C No. 43-27636 Tail # 74 (Lead spare) P Morton, William C. “Mort”, Jr., 1Lt CP King, Robert C., Jr., 2Lt N None B Lankester, Hugh H. “Lank”, 2Lt E Huntley, Bruce H., Cpl R Guild, Bernard Robert, S/Sgt G Young, Robert E., Sgt F None 447th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 635/mission 635) Group Mission # 635: (447th BS did not participate) 448th BS War Diary: The Wing administrative inspector visited the Squadron this afternoon. From all indications everything was in readiness for this inspection, and no discrepancies were found. 448th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order xxx/mission xxx) Group Mission # 633W (A) - redesignated # 664 on 1 Jan 45: (448th BS did not participate) 448th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 634/mission 634) Group Mission # 634: The mission took off on schedule this morning with the target as the Lavis railroad bridge in Italy. The 448th Squadron had 12 planes loaded with 1000 lb. GP bombs and two planes with incendiary clusters for the mission. They were unable to reach the target once again, but this time the bombs were dropped on a target of opportunity, the road and railroad bridge at Asti, Italy. Explosions were observed at the north end of the bridge and direct hits were scored in the center causing large gaps. Another of Kraut’s vital communications links was made useless. All the planes returned safely at 1530. Lieutenant Leonard was leader of the First Flight in the mission. P CP N B E R G F A/C No. 43-27720 Tail # 86 Leonard, Lee V., 1Lt Russell, John D., 2Lt Freund, John F., 2Lt Joyce, Robert W. “Dead-eye”, Capt Oliver, Walter A., Sgt Morefield, James Carl, T/Sgt Magyar, Steven J., S/Sgt None A/C No. 44-28918 Tail # 82 (first # 82) Garrett, Thaddeus D., 1Lt Schwartz, Theodore (NMI), 2Lt None Sheppard, John W., 2Lt Weese, Charles F., Cpl Seward, Richard F., T/Sgt Hawthorne, Ralph C., S/Sgt None Friday, 15 December 1944 (continued) A/C No. 43-4037 Tail # 78 “Cherry Fizz” P Rosenau, Gustave D., 1Lt CP Wuest, Robert F., 2Lt N None B Styers, Charles W., 2Lt E Langley, Edmund P., Jr., Sgt R Schaffer, Irving J., S/Sgt G Atherton, Robert C., Cpl F None A/C No. 43-27508 Tail # ? Myers, Harold C. “Casey”, 1Lt Schweitzer, Robert E., 2Lt None Pealer, Woodward D., S/Sgt Pineda, Nico M., T/Sgt Mardeuse, Alfred K., S/Sgt Markiewicz, Edward B., S/Sgt None A/C No. 43-28081 Tail # 81 P Rogers, Harry (NMI), Jr., Capt CP Wilson, James M., 2Lt N Bartlett, J. E., 2Lt B Allendorph, John B., 2Lt E Baird, James (NMI), Jr., S/Sgt R Shields, Robert L., S/Sgt G Abiecunas, Joseph P. “Abby”, S/Sgt F None A/C No. 43-27481 Tail # 77 P CP N B E R G F P CP N B E R G F Kirk, Theodore (NMI) “Ted”, 1Lt Valenti, Jack J., 2Lt None Rutz, Victor H., F/O Turner, James H., Cpl Rockwell, Stewart R. “Rockwell”, T/Sgt Knauss, Charles F., S/Sgt None A/C No. 43-27523 Tail # 95 Riley, Robert L., 1Lt Russell, Harold H., 2Lt None Armstrong, Sherman T., Jr., 2Lt Qualls, Thomas B., S/Sgt Randall, Charles R., Jr., T/Sgt Enderle, Melvin J., Sgt Hartman, H. A., Capt, HQ 12th AF (observer) A/C No. 43-4067 Tail # 76 “The Big Swing” (first # 76) (returned early - oil leak) Copes, Wilson R., 2Lt Kuoni, Charles F., Jr., 2Lt None Poteet, Edward J., T/Sgt Magers, Marshall P., S/Sgt Walker, Jack L., T/Sgt Foote, Lancel H., Jr., Sgt None A/C No. 43-27791 Tail # 84 Fleming, George B., 2Lt Autrey, W. F. (i.o.), 2Lt None Bottom, James W., 2Lt Gutierrez, Ralph (NMI), Cpl Sullivan, Timothy V., T/Sgt Ward, Paul D., Cpl None A/C No. 43-27530 Tail # 79 “Twin Engine Sadie” Cherry, Raymond (NMI), Jr., 2Lt Birkhead, Charles F., Jr., 2Lt None Reves, Louis E., Sgt Perillo, Anthony L., T/Sgt Sevier, Fred L., Cpl Biersdorff, Charles J., Cpl None Friday, 15 December 1944 (continued) P CP N B E R G F A/C No. 43-4076 Tail # 88 (first # 88) Ivory, Daniel J., Jr., 2Lt Brown, Royden (NMI), 1Lt None Veeck, Richard W., T/Sgt Goethals, Camiel A., S/Sgt Vandenberg, Edward V. “Van”, Cpl Sharp, Samuel I., Jr., S/Sgt None A/C No. 43-27726 Tail # 80 P CP N B E R G F Shear, Myers (NMI), Capt Lee, Howard M., 1Lt None Gardner, Philip K., 2Lt Haack, Cecil J., T/Sgt LaBella, Dante (NMI) “GI Joe”, S/Sgt Wald, Douglas A., S/Sgt None A/C No. 43-27528 Tail # 85 Matthews, Thomas W., 1Lt Sheffield, Woodrow W., 2Lt None Sutton, Norman J., 2Lt Bell, Flavious J., T/Sgt Berman, Samuel (NMI), T/Sgt Carrick, Kenneth M., S/Sgt None A/C No. 43-27652 Tail # ? (returned early - landing gear would not come up) unidentified crew 448th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 635/mission 635) Group Mission # 635: A/C No. 43-27538 Tail # 87 “Down But Not Out” (first # 87) P Bard, John A., 1Lt CP Stromberg, Carl K., 2Lt N None B Lesser, Robert (NMI) “Bob”, 2Lt E Wright, Melvin M., Sgt R Brusa, Robert P., T/Sgt G Gage, Robert L., Sgt F None 448th BS: War Diary of: Schaffer, Irving J., S/Sgt, radio-gunner: “Awoke 6:10AM. George coming off second shift of guard. Very cold AM. Heavy frost. Briefing on mission changed from 8:10AM to 10:10AM. Fresh fried eggs, bacon, oatmeal, bread, jelly, orange-grapefruit juice, coffee. Clear AM. Lt Rosenau, pilot. Same crew as yesterday. Take off 12:10PM. Weather clear, Weather over primary target 9/10. Flew at 10,500 feet. Some ground activity. Target of opportunity bombed. Hit a bridge and blew up oil storage. Landed 3:30PM. No dinner. Waited until supper. Roast beef, gravy, sweet potatoes, string beans, ice cream, bread coffee. Warm, fair. Friday, 15 December 1944 (continued) 067 (43-4067 “The Big Swing) fell out of formation with oil leak, right engine. 652 (4327652) fell out, could not bring up landing gear. "Gerry" had flak guns in Red Cross area. Made toasted cheese sandwiches and drank tomato juice and orange-grapefruit juice. Retired 10:30PM.” Huha, George (NMI), Sgt, communications Rosenau, Gustave D., 1Lt, pilot Saturday, 16 December 1944 USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF): In Italy, bad weather grounds medium bombers; XXII Tactical Air Command fighter-bombers hit occupied buildings and guns in the battle zone S of Bologna, continue attacks on the Brenner rail line effecting 16 rail cuts, hit and set aflame 3 vessels in La Spezia drydock, and blast several railroad bridges N of the battle area HQ 321st BG War Diary: 16 to 25 Dec: No missions due to target or local weather. Most of the extra curricular activities were directed toward Christmas decorations for the various clubs throughout the camp. Captain “Doc” Smith and his Mitchell Aires played for quite a few dances and parties for the occasion. 445th BS War Diary: Due to bad weather, the mission was cancelled. However, eight aircraft flew a mock mission, three other ships went to the bombing range, two ships were test hopped and there was one cross-country flight. In a thrilling, see-saw struggle, the 445th enlisted men’s 6-man touch football team edged out the enlisted men of headquarters, 35-31 at the 447th football field. Followers of this squadron’s team continue to marvel at the success Sgt. Hunsberger has with his “sleeper” play. It worked several times in today’s game. Capt. Jeffery did a swell job of refereeing. Capt. Smith posted a notice on the operations bulletin board warning all combat crew members to report to the dispensary whenever they experience trouble with their ears. He listed a number of complications that could arise from faulty ears. Hunsberger, William R., Sgt, gunner Jeffery, James C., Capt, pilot Smith, William C. "Doc", Capt, surgeon 446th BS War Diary: December 15 and 16: More inclement weather permits the ground crew to catch up on maintenance on all equipment. 447th BS War Diary: Stand down on the mission due to weather. Squadron flew a 11 plane mock mission over Sardinia. Morning report for week ending 16th. Officers- 85; Enlisted Men – 362. Usual squadron duties. 448th BS War Diary: The mission was stand down today before it took off, due to weather conditions over the target area. The Wing Inspector was in the Squadron area once again this morning. So far as is known, nothing to his dislike has been found within the Squadron. Other than this nothing other than the usual camp duties was done during the day. 448th BS: War Diary of: Schaffer, Irving J., S/Sgt, radio-gunner: “Awoke 7:20AM. Restless night. Snafu slept in the large pocket at the front of my bedroll. Hard and soft boiled eggs, oatmeal, bread, coffee, orange juice. Briefing at 8:10AM. Stand-down on mission. As a rule we are almost finished at the briefing but at Saturday, 16 December 1944 (continued) group and dressed. Then they stand-down the mission. Fairly cloudy. Mailed parcel to Shyrle today. The administrative inspector from wing highly commended on our squadron area. George brought in another load of roots for firewood. Baked beans, peas and carrots, sliced pineapple, bread, butter, tea. George, Van and I dug roots in airfield area for another load of firewood. The water for the showers is heated and there is a stove in the shower shack. 721 (44-28721 “Shug”) returned from Catania today. Turned in khaki class A's today (2 shirts, 2 pants). Received wool pullover sweater with collar. Cloudy PM. Abiecunas and Hawthorne are grounded for one month for leaving their guns loaded in the ship. Corned beef hash, tomato sauce, fresh sweet potatoes, peas, sliced lettuce and vinegar, coffee, bread, jam. Slight rain. Retired 10:30PM.” Abiecunas, Joseph P. “Abby”, S/Sgt, gunner Hawthorne, Ralph C., S/Sgt, gunner Huha, George (NMI), Sgt, communications Shyrle, Irving Schaffer’s future wife "Snafu" - Sgt George Huha’s dog Vandenberg, Edward V. “Van”, Cpl, gunner Sunday, 17 December 1944 USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF): In Italy, bad weather again cancels medium bomber operations; the XXII Tactical Air Command hits communications in the Po River Valley and attacks the Trento marshalling yard on the rail line running N to the Brenner Pass. HQ 321st BG War Diary: 16 to 25 Dec: No missions due to target or local weather. Most of the extra curricular activities were directed toward Christmas decorations for the various clubs throughout the camp. Captain “Doc” Smith and his Mitchell Aires played for quite a few dances and parties for the occasion. 445th BS War Diary: Thirteen crews were standing by for the mission but it was cancelled. The non-operational flights covered many phases of training. The men were informed that the close-order drill sessions would begin tomorrow. A notice on the bulletin board today disclosed the fact that gas stoves were now authorized providing the men used the semi-combustion stove. The men who were eagerly awaiting such an order initiated preparations to obtain the necessary materials to erect these stoves in the tents. Chicken was enjoyed for supper and coincidentally enough, Sgt. Lorton Wellnitz was on K.P. It is hardly necessary to add that the squadron’s leading chowhound got his share of the spoils. Wellnitz, Lorton A., Sgt, statistical 446th BS War Diary: More lucky air crewmen get orders to go home, this time Lieut. Dickerson, Lieut. Sitts, Lieut. Trosky and Sergeant Gwynn Leary. Dickerson, Claude M., 2Lt, bombardier Leary, Gwynn M., S/Sgt, gunner Sitts, Lonnie C., 1Lt, bombardier Trosky, Chester J., 1Lt, pilot 447th BS War Diary: The following officers and enlisted men are relieved from assignment and assigned on combat rotation to 7th Replacement Depot for transshipment to United States: 1st Lt. Grover C. Brown Jr.; 1st Lt. John R. Gillis; 1st Lt. Marion E. Walker; T/Sgt. Francis S. Torrey; S/Sgt. Robert W. Engels; S/Sgt. Frank J. Flowers; S/Sgt. Frederick J. May; S/Sgt. James R. O’Neil; S/Sgt. William L. Smith. T/Sgt. William A. Koen; duty to TD to U.S., for 30 days furlough. The following enlisted men promoted to grade of sergeant: Cpl. Zigmond Klimkowicz; Cpl. John A. McKnight; Cpl. Dan Ochs; Cpl. James W. Sims. No mission due to weather conditions. Brown, Grover C., Jr., 1Lt, pilot Engels, Robert W., S/Sgt, gunner Flowers, Frank J., S/Sgt, aerial gunner Gillis, John R., 1Lt, pilot Klimkowicz, Zigmond (NMI), Sgt, gunner Koen, William A., T/Sgt, engineering May, Frederick J., S/Sgt, aerial gunner McKnight, John A., Jr., Sgt, gunner Ochs, Dan (NMI), Jr., Sgt, gunner O'Neil, James R., S/Sgt, engineer-gunner Sims, James W., Sgt, gunner Smith, William L., S/Sgt, engineer-gunner Torrey, Francis S., T/Sgt, radio-gunner Walker, Marion E., 1Lt, pilot Sunday, 17 December 1944 (continued) 448th BS War Diary: Once again weather conditions hampered operations from this base as the mission scheduled for today was stand down. Lieutenant Young left for the Zone of Interior. Sergeants Sink and Taylor and Corporal Wiles were assigned to Headquarters 321st Bomb Group today, both were attached to the Squadron temporarily. This evening the third in the series of I & E discussions was held in the Enlisted Men’s mess. Captain Hargrave, the Group GLO, discussed war trends on the various war fronts for the Enlisted Men. His talk was extremely interesting, and enlightened many on various topics about the war in general. Hargrave, Frederick M., Capt, Allied Liaison Officer Sink, Dennis L., Sgt, medical Taylor, Allan J., Sgt, gunner Wiles, Marvin R., Cpl, medical Young, Robert B., 1Lt, bombardier 448th BS: War Diary of: Schaffer, Irving J., S/Sgt, radio-gunner: “Awoke 7:20AM. Briefing 10:05AM. Cloudy AM. Foggy. Fresh fried eggs, bacon, whole-wheat cereal, coffee, bread, jam. Stand-down on mission. Mock mission. Stew in hash form, tomato sauce, string beans, cauliflower, sweet potatoes, sliced pineapple, bread, jelly, coffee. Were unable to have target practice as group requests a permit to carry firearms off squadron area. This came about as a result of a landmine exploding on the beach killing and injuring several officers. Clear, sunny PM. Did a bit of bag punching. Mailed parcel to Merriam, including handkerchief. Boiled chicken, gravy, sweet potatoes, string beans, cauliflower, bread, butter, coffee. Capt Hargrave, infantry GLO attached to 321st GP spoke at the I and E meeting tonight. He spoke about our present war fronts. Well received. As a rule we have a bull session before retiring at night. It's best to read around 10:30PM as everyone has retired and the lights become brighter as there isn't so much pulling on the energizer. Retired 11:00PM.” Hargrave, Frederick M., Capt, Allied Liaison Officer, HQ 321st BG Schaffer, Merriam, Irving Schaffer’s sister Monday, 18 December 1944 USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF): In Italy, weather again curtails operations; the XXII Tactical Air Command fighters and fighter-bombers hit communications in the E Po River Valley, scoring particular success against lines in the N part of the Valley in the Padua region, and support US Fifth Army operations in the battle area S of Bologna. HQ 321st BG War Diary: 16 to 25 Dec: No missions due to target or local weather. Most of the extra curricular activities were directed toward Christmas decorations for the various clubs throughout the camp. Captain “Doc” Smith and his Mitchell Aires played for quite a few dances and parties for the occasion. 445th BS War Diary: The mission was cancelled due to bad weather. Rain fell most of the day, turning the area into a veritable sea of mud. About the only good point in the rain was the fact that it postponed drill for at least another day. Extra luxury rations were distributed today. The men in the squadron are displaying quite a bit of consternation concerning the big Nazi counter-offensive on the western front. 446th BS War Diary: December 18, 19 and 20: More bad weather brightened only by a fairly large mail call of Xmas packages. 447th BS War Diary: Rain again today and mission cancelled. The following enlisted men are transferred in grade to Hq. 321st Bomb. Gp. And placed on DS with this organization: All are medics: Cpl Salvatore Stagnitta; Pfc. Lloyd B. Altherr; Pfc. Eldon F. Johnson. The latest poop has it that starting immediately each enlisted man in the squadron will receive two hours of drill per week. This probably will bring back happy or unhappy memories of when we were back in the States taking Basic Training. Altherr, Lloyd B., PFC, medical Johnson, Eldon F., PFC, medical Stagnitta, Salvatore (NMI), Cpl, medical 448th BS War Diary: Rain on Corsica today made the mission scheduled to be stand down once again. It’s weather like this that makes everyone want to be enjoying sleep in a horizontal position in his tent, which is just what most of the men did, while the rain pattered on the tents. It was a stand down on all Squadron activities, other than the essentials, and of course the movie for tonight. 448th BS: War Diary of: Schaffer, Irving J., S/Sgt, radio-gunner: “Awoke 6:45AM. Had to go. A bit of the GI. Dark, cloudy AM. Briefing 9:25AM. Fresh fried eggs, sausage, whole-wheat cereal, hard tack, coffee, ½ grapefruit. Stand-down of mission. Raining. Stew, peas, cauliflower, fruit salad, bread, jelly, coffee. Raining. Raining. Read "The Robe" by Lloyd Douglas. John and Ryan left for Ajaccio. Roast beef, gravy, string beans, cauliflower, fruit salad, bread, butter, tea. Worked on Lison’s radio and wiring in tent. Retired 10:30PM.” Lison, George C., Sgt, bomb system maintenance (BSM) Nelson, John F. “Chief”, Cpl, engineer-gunner Ryan, Joseph C. "Joe", Sgt, personnel, (detail Sgt) Tuesday, 19 December 1944 USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF): In Italy, weather grounds the medium bombers; XXII Tactical Air Command fighters and fighter-bombers, unable to reach the primary targets further N, hit communications N of the battle area but concentrate mainly on gun positions in the La Spezia area. HQ 321st BG War Diary: 16 to 25 Dec: No missions due to target or local weather. Most of the extra curricular activities were directed toward Christmas decorations for the various clubs throughout the camp. Captain “Doc” Smith and his Mitchell Aires played for quite a few dances and parties for the occasion. 445th BS War Diary: The mission was again cancelled due to weather. Thirteen crews were standing by for the mission. The bad weather and muddy condition of the area again postponed drilling. New sleeping bags were issued to the first 90 men on the roster today. Opinion was divided as their effectiveness. There was a meeting at group special service today for all members of the athletic councils in the group. Schedules for basketball among other subjects were discussed while the councils procured some sports supplies. Chicken was the main course for supper tonight. Some mail arrived today. 445th BS: War Diary of: Seegmiller, Barnard H., Sgt, armament: 12/19/44: “This morning, in a persistent drizzle of rain I went searching for an empty 40 mm shell case from which to make a burner for a projected gas stove (by official order we are permitted to use gasoline for heating living quarters). I followed a trail through the dense brush to where an ack-ack position had been set up near our original camping area, and became very wet from the rain that had collected on the underbrush. Unsuccessful in my mission, I decided to walk up to the town of Pont du Travo and from there follow the road back to the air base. I soon came upon an elderly Frenchman in a brush goat pen skinning a couple of kid goats so I stopped to watch and visit with him. He was a typical Corsican, short, thick set, mustached, dressed in dark trousers, wool shirt and sweater, topped with a dark green corduroy vest, beneath which I could see the edge of a bright red sash. (This item of apparel is worn by many Corsican men and I believe has some significance, though I have never learned just what it is). On a peg hung a coat of the same material as his vest. I inquired about the kid he was skinning and he told me it was to be sent to Bastia for the holiday season where it seems to be a sort of traditional dish. The kid goat, he said, was 20 days old and weighed about 3 kilos (6 1/2 pounds). The price he would get was 70F @ kilo or about 70 cents per pound. He dressed it very carefully and washed his hands often in a pail of water he had for the purpose. After removing the paunch and intestines, leaving the heart, lungs, and liver, he carefully covered the opening with the leaf-lard. Apparently the kid had been allowed to suck just prior to slaughtering for the paunch was full of fresh milk. This the Tuesday, 19 December 1944 (continued) old gent tied on each end with a string and hung on the fence with an explanation that it would turn to cheese. I waited to see him begin the second kid. His first act was to cut the skin and insert a peeled willow a little larger than a pencil which he thrust all the way to the coupling. Then to my amazement, disregarding the manure on the leg, he placed his mouth on the opening and began to blow. The animal inflated like a balloon. He then opened the hide to the naval and proceeded to remove the skin without further aid of his knife. The blowing was a new one on me and I am still wondering if, with mechanical pressure, the principle could be used in skinning larger animals. Certainly it would help. The old boy told me about his dogs and that with their help he had shot a wild boar on the previous Sunday near our camp. The morning was gone and I made my way back to the ‘line.’” 446th BS War Diary: December 18, 19 and 20: More bad weather brightened only by a fairly large mail call of Xmas packages. 447th BS War Diary: You don’t have to be in the weather section to know that the rainy season in on us at present. More rain and no mission flown. Usual camp duties as many as could be attended to were the order of the day. 448th BS War Diary: The rains continued, and of course the mission scheduled for today was stand down. The following three officers and three enlisted men were assigned and joined the Squadron today: Second Lieutenant Sanders, Flight Officers Lang and Nolkemper, Corporals Smith, White, and Chase. Needless to say, Squadron activities were at a standstill again with more “sack time” for the men. Chase, Harry M., Jr., Cpl, gunner Lang, Robert H., F/O, bombardier Nolkemper, Harold J., F/O, pilot Sanders, William A., 2Lt, pilot Smith, Norman L., Cpl, gunner White, Frank H., Cpl, gunner 448th BS: War Diary of: Schaffer, Irving J., S/Sgt, radio-gunner: “Awoke 7:20AM. Cloudy, drizzly AM. Briefing for mission at 9:25AM. Fresh fried eggs, whole-wheat cereal, bread, jam, grapefruit juice, coffee. Danny Hurley came in last night and we shot the bull until lights went out at night. Pfeiffer and Gallagher came after keys for club last night. In fact they made a second trip about 1:00AM. Celebrating at Ike's tent. Mike Green leaving for states. Snafu is now off limits in our tent. He watered the pocket of my bedroll where I usually let him sleep. Stand-down on mission. Boiled, creamed chicken, fresh boiled potatoes, string beans, bread, butter, coffee. Boys are doing a lot of drinking this PM as weather is halting all operations. Finished "The Robe". Commenced reading from the bible. Roast beef, diced beets, string beans, lima beans, gravy, bread, jam, coffee. Still raining. Energizer very weak. Have to use Tuesday, 19 December 1944 (continued) candles in addition. Van, Lewis and I had a few at the bar. Feeling a bit tipsy. Retired 10:30PM.” Hurley, Daniel J. "Danny", S/Sgt, personnel Gallagher, Leo (NMI), Pvt, engineering Greene, Michael J., Sgt, engineering Iseldyke, LeRoy J. "Ike", Sgt, gunner, personnel, 1st Sgt Martin, Lewis E. “Lew”, Sgt, engineer-gunner Pfeiffer, Robert C. “Bob”, Sgt, engineering "Snafu" - Sgt George Huha’s dog Vandenberg, Edward V. “Van”, Cpl, gunner Wednesday, 20 December 1944 USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF): In Italy, continued bad weather limits operations; medium bombers are grounded and overcast prevents fighters and fighter-bombers to reach many targets in the C and E Po Valley however, the Brenner rail line is cut S of Trento and trains are successfully attacked near Padua and Treviso; armed reconnaissance in the W Po Valley accounts for several locomotives, vehicles, and other targets of opportunity, and railroads, bridges, and targets of opportunity are hit in the La Spezia and Genoa areas; during the night of 19/20 Dec, A-20s attack lights at 5 locations in the E Po Valley. HQ 321st BG War Diary: 16 to 25 Dec: No missions due to target or local weather. Most of the extra curricular activities were directed toward Christmas decorations for the various clubs throughout the camp. Captain “Doc” Smith and his Mitchell Aires played for quite a few dances and parties for the occasion. 445th BS War Diary: Rained hard most of the day and the mission was cancelled. The area in which the 445th has settled is poorly drained. This fact is greatly in evidence after only a few hours of rain which is sure to turn the area into a huge quagmire. Out on the line, the weather also stops operations with the various taxi strips and hardstands turned into slippery fields of mud. During this rainy weather, many of the men manage to get out to the line in search of materials necessary to construct gas stoves. 446th BS War Diary: December 18, 19 and 20: More bad weather brightened only by a fairly large mail call of Xmas packages. 447th BS War Diary: No mission – that night rain. 1st Lt. Jesse J. Craddock assigned and joined this organization. We had an unusual accident happen in the squadron during the night. T/Sgt. Harry Niemann the squadron CQ while on an errand fell in a water filled fox hole and broke his arm. He was taken to the 40th Station Hospital. Craddock, Jesse J., 1Lt, pilot Niemann, Harry C., T/Sgt, engineering 448th BS War Diary: It is the same story today, that is more rain with no further change in the Squadron status. It looks like the rain has set in for several days more at least. Needless to say the mission was stand down once again, as was all other Squadron activities. More sack time and good letter-writing weather also. 448th BS: War Diary of: Schaffer, Irving J., S/Sgt, radio-gunner: “Lights awoke me at 6:20AM. Raining. Rained hard all through the night. Briefing 9:45AM. Pancakes, bacon, oatmeal, syrup, coffee, tomato juice. OD caught guard asleep Wednesday, 20 December 1944 last night. Stand-down on mission. Raining. Roast beef, gravy beans, tomato soup, canned tomatoes, bread, jam, coffee, fruit salad. VanOrden gave me a wet cell this PM. Cut into Cunningham's energizer. Lison’s radio working swell. Meeting of combat crews. Volunteer crew to go on DS to 12th Airforce headquarters. No dice for yours truly. Canned pork, kidney beans, bread, butter, coffee, sliced pineapple. Enjoying the radio. Van, Lewis and I had a couple of drinks at club. Retired 10:30PM.” Cunningham, Burlin C., M/Sgt, engineer-gunner Lison, George C., Sgt, bomb system maintenance (BSM) Martin, Lewis E. “Lew”, Sgt, engineer-gunner Vandenberg, Edward V. “Van”, Cpl, gunner VanOrden, Lester E., Sgt, engineering Thursday, 21 December 1944 USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF): In Italy, during the night of 20/21 Dec, A-20s attack highways, secondary roads, and targets of opportunity in the N and C Po Valley. During the day, bad weather grounds the medium bombers and reduces fighter and fighter-bomber operations of the XXII Tactical Air Command however, aircraft are effective against railroad targets in the Treviso area and damage Ghedi Airfield; trains, vehicles, guns, and buildings are attacked in or near Mantua, Milan, Turin, La Spezia, Padua, and Mestre. HQ 321st BG War Diary: 16 to 25 Dec: No missions due to target or local weather. Most of the extra curricular activities were directed toward Christmas decorations for the various clubs throughout the camp. Captain “Doc” Smith and his Mitchell Aires played for quite a few dances and parties for the occasion. 445th BS War Diary: More rain cancelled the mission again today but the rain didn’t last long enough to postpone the drill session. These sessions opened up today at 11:15 A.M. Lt. Lowman drilled the area personnel while Capt. Jeffery drilled the combat crews. The line personnel will drill out on the line. The men were a bit rusty at first – for most of them it was the first drill in about 2 years – but soon came around and showed some fancy steps in time. During these days of rain and mud, there is plenty of “sack time” to be had. Jeffery, James C., Capt, pilot Lowman, Robert S., 2Lt, intelligence 446th BS War Diary: December 21 and 22: Regular duties. An abundance of mail reaches the squadron and more is rumored on the way. 447th BS War Diary: Stand down on mission. There has been a continuous down pour of rain all day. The movie “The Hairy Ape” was shown in the officers club at 1300 hours and in the enlisted mens club at 1500 hours. This was the one bright spot in a very dark and dreary day. 448th BS War Diary: The rain continued with unabated fury today and the mission was stand down again. At a meeting of all the enlisted personnel in the Mess hall this evening, Captain Farwell, the CO informed the men once again of the drastic measures that will be taken if anyone is caught stealing. Promotions for ground men were received today. Sergeants Ingraham, Lanningham, Manning, Smith, P.M., Wist, King, Law, Schaeffer, and Wilcox were promoted to Staff Sergeant. Corporals Emerson, Kubel, Myall, Posnansky, Whaley, Fuocco, Lashock, Opitz, and StLaurent were promoted to Sergeant. Private First Class Sebek was promoted to Corporal. Sergeant Hill was transferred to Hq & Hq Sq, 57th Bomb Wing and left this afternoon. The movie for tonight was shown for the Enlisted men in their mess hall, and for the officers in their club at 2130. Emerson, John W., Sgt, BSM Farwell, Harold S., Capt, pilot, Commander Fuocco, Frank (NMI), Sgt, gunner Hill, William R., T/Sgt, engineering Thursday, 21 December 1944 (continued) Ingraham, Herman R., S/Sgt, engineering King, Martin A., Jr., S/Sgt, gunner Kubel, Francis W., Sgt, engineering Lanningham, Theodore R., S/Sgt, engineering Lashock, Ray A., Sgt, engineering Law, Richard L., S/Sgt, engineering Manning, James F., S/Sgt, communication Myall, William D., Sgt, armament Opitz, Fred E., Sgt, communications Posnansky, Frederick H., Sgt, communications Schaeffer, John H., S/Sgt, armament Sebek, Raymond C., Cpl, transportation Smith, Paul M., S/Sgt, engineering StLaurent, Raymond M., Sgt, gunner Whaley, Peter W., Sgt, Wilcox, John F., III, S/Sgt, armament Wist, Charles G., S/Sgt, intelligence 448th BS: War Diary of: Schaffer, Irving J., S/Sgt, radio-gunner: “Awoke 8:00AM. Rained hard all night. Still raining. Stand-down on mission. Fried eggs, oatmeal, bacon, grapefruit juice, coffee, bread, apple butter. Beaucoup drunks as there is nothing to do during rainy weather. Hamburgers, string beans, fruit salad, bread, butter, cake, coffee. For the past four days it has rained almost continually. The mud is terrific. Lights burn all day on such days. Rivers, creeks are swollen. Roads and farms are under water. Eating early chow. On 6 to 10 guard shift. Stew, gravy, string beans, beans, beets, bread, jelly, coffee, fruit salad. Raining all the time on guard. Very miserable night. Retired 11:00PM.” Friday, 22 December 1944 USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF): In Italy, during the night of 21/22 Dec, A-20s hit scattered targets in the Po Valley; clearing weather during the day enables medium bombers to hit bridges at Torre Beretti, Pontetidone, and at Chiari; fighter-bombers concentrate on railway targets, destroying 5 bridges in N Italy and making numerous cuts in rail lines, several on the important Brenner Pass line; motor transport and guns N of the battle area are also successfully attacked. HQ 321st BG War Diary: 16 to 25 Dec: No missions due to target or local weather. Most of the extra curricular activities were directed toward Christmas decorations for the various clubs throughout the camp. Captain “Doc” Smith and his Mitchell Aires played for quite a few dances and parties for the occasion. 445th BS War Diary: More rain. If you think yesterday was rainy and muddy, you should see today. 446th BS War Diary: December 21 and 22: Regular duties. An abundance of mail reaches the squadron and more is rumored on the way. 447th BS War Diary: Mission stood down again because of rain. A plane was scheduled to go to Tripoli today for food and drink but was unable to get off the field. Cpl. George D. Hardy assigned and joined Sq. Cpl. Hardy is a C.W.S. man sent to replace Cpl. McGinty who was rotated last July and reported back to Sq. in October. Something seems to be amiss in the rotation setup. Hardy, George D., Cpl, Chemical Warfare Service McGinty, James T., Jr., Cpl, Chemical Warfare Service 448th BS War Diary: Although clear weather dawned bright this morning over Corsica, weather conditions over the target area for today’s mission would not permit the flight taking off here. So the news was stand down once again. After the rain siege of the last few days, the clear weather was welcome today. Nothing of any particular importance happened other than the usual camp routine. 448th BS: War Diary of: Schaffer, Irving J., S/Sgt, radio-gunner: “Awoke 7:40AM. Turned cold during night. Pancakes, syrup, bacon, coffee, grapefruit juice. Stand-down on mission. Attended meeting at EM club on gun malfunctions. Richard Fogwell featured. Rice and canned chicken, string beans, bread, butter, fruit salad, coffee. Clear, cold day. Rockwell and I worked on heavy punching bag stand. Frank Varga (185 lb) and I fought four rounds with the gloves. Martin and Vanderberg argued about sex. Roast beef, gravy, mashed potatoes, fruit salad, coffee. Clear night. Van, Len and I had drinks at club. Club smartly decorated for Christmas. Cold. Retired 9:00PM.” Fogwell, Richard E., Jr., T/Sgt, armament Friday, 22 December 1944 (continued) Martin, Lewis E. “Lew”, Sgt, engineer-gunner McTaggart, Leonard A., Sgt, engineer-gunner Rockwell, Stewart R. “Rockwell”, S/Sgt, gunner Vandenberg, Edward V. “Van”, Cpl, gunner Varga, Frank K., Cpl, gunner Saturday, 23 December 1944 USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF): In Italy, during the night of 22/23 Dec, A-20s on intruder patrols hit Po River crossings and targets of opportunity; bad weather during the day grounds the medium bombers; fighter-bombers operate in the W Po Valley, mainly against railway communications; an airfield near Milan is attacked, and several enemy airplanes destroyed. HQ 321st BG War Diary: 16 to 25 Dec: No missions due to target or local weather. Most of the extra curricular activities were directed toward Christmas decorations for the various clubs throughout the camp. Captain “Doc” Smith and his Mitchell Aires played for quite a few dances and parties for the occasion. 445th BS War Diary: The mission was again cancelled but the first plane in 5 days managed to take off for Tripoli for foodstuffs. Chris “Galom” Beccarelli made the trip. With the Christmas session almost in full bloom, the area is taking on an appropriate appearance. Both the officers and enlisted mens clubs are decorated with Christmas trees, spruce and holly. Chaff has been used for tinsel to decorate the trees while some of the men managed to procure lights to add to the gala appearance at night. Several trees in the area have sprung up and have been decorated. The men may be far from home but that “Christmas spirit” is still there. Beccarelli, Christopher (NMI) "Galom", Cpl, engineering 446th BS War Diary: Three new Technical Sergeants are: Clickner, Lundtoft and Petrella as Alberico and Popovich make Staff. Beavers, Demmitt, Karuzas, Kelly, Lamm, Law and Nigrelli are made Sergeants. Alberico, Camillo A., S/Sgt, gunner Beavers, Marqus F., Sgt, gunner Clickner, Albert H., T/Sgt, engineer-gunner Demmitt, Henry H., Sgt, gunner Karuzas, Alexander W., Sgt, gunner Kelly, Thomas J., Sgt, gunner Lamm, Earl D., Sgt, gunner Law, John B., Sgt, gunner Lundtoft, Hans G., T/Sgt, gunner Nigrelli, Ernest J., Sgt, gunner Petrella, Luigi C., T/Sgt, gunner Popovich, Chris (NMI), S/Sgt, gunner 447th BS War Diary: 18 plane formation scheduled for mission but after being briefed at 0805 the crews were sent back to Squadrons and mission cancelled due to rain. The following officers and enlisted men returned from T.D., Cairo, Egypt. 1st Lts. Joe W. Gould, Ralph E. Hennessey, Ernest C. Rice, Earl H. Remmel, M/Sgt. John Ostrowski, S/Sgts. Smith B. Applegarth, Harold R. Bauder, Lucian J. Repczynski, George D. Schnaars and Francis X. Burke. Lt. Grimes who also made the trip is confined to a hospital in Cairo with an internal disorder. Applegarth, Smith B., S/Sgt, gunner Bauder, Harold R., S/Sgt, aerial gunner Burke, Francis X., S/Sgt, supply Gould, Joe W., 1Lt, bombardier, navigator Saturday, 23 December 1944 (continued) Grimes, Ralph T., 1Lt, pilot Ostrowski, John (NMI), M/Sgt, engineering Remmel, Earl Howard “The Fox”, 1Lt, pilot Repczynski, Lucien J., S/Sgt, personnel Schnaars, George D., S/Sgt, gunner Hennessey, Ralph E., 1Lt, pilot Rice, Ernest C., 1Lt, pilot 448th BS War Diary: The weather took a turn for the worse again today after yesterday’s change, and with rain this morning, the mission was stand down. Lieutenants Cook, Cooper, and Smith and Sergeants Holloway and Hulse returned this afternoon from a pleasant rest at the AAF Capri rest camp. Evidence is conspicuous everywhere of plans for the forthcoming Yule celebrations, as both the Officer’s and Enlisted Men’s Clubs as well as some tents are being gaily decorated with holly wreaths, Christmas trees, and various other trimmings in anticipation of parties and guests. Cook, Don W., 2Lt, pilot Cooper, James W., 2Lt, pilot Holloway, Garland (NMI), S/Sgt, gunner Hulse, Donald W., Sgt, gunner Smith, Milford A., 2Lt, pilot 448th BS: War Diary of: Schaffer, Irving J., S/Sgt, radio-gunner: “Awoke 6:40AM. Still dark. Built fire. Briefing 8:00AM. Corn fritters, bacon, jelly, coffee, orange-grapefruit juice. Raining. Standby for two hours on mission. Capt Neprash gave me about ten (10) shots of Corsica. Stand-down on mission. Macaroni and tomato sauce, string beans, beets, fruit salad, bread, butter, tea. Cloudy, cold day. Haven't received mail in some time. Van and I cut legs 6" off metal stool supporting stove and added another piece of stovepipe. Powering the stove provides more warmth. Van constructed a speaker for the radio. As a rule on days of stand-down, we hang around, read, sleep, kibitz, clean guns, work on details, etc. Usually I work out about 1/2 hour every other day. Still burning roots. Safe and cleaner than gas. Corn beef hash, rice, hot tomatoes and sauce, kidney beans, fruit salad, bread, jam, coffee. Over at club for a few drinks. Spoke with Lew awhile, trying to straighten him out a bit. Very miserly and overcautious. Retired 10:00PM.” Neprash, Sergius P., Capt, intelligence, HQ 321st BG Martin, Lewis E. “Lew”, Sgt, engineer-gunner Vandenberg, Edward V. “Van”, Cpl, gunner Sunday, 24 December 1944 USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF): In Italy, weather again holds operations to a minimum however, P47s carry out very successful raid on Thiene Airfield, causing considerable damage and destroying several enemy airplanes; other missions find little activity and result in the destruction of only a few trucks and trains. HQ 321st BG War Diary: 16 to 25 Dec: No missions due to target or local weather. Most of the extra curricular activities were directed toward Christmas decorations for the various clubs throughout the camp. Captain “Doc” Smith and his Mitchell Aires played for quite a few dances and parties for the occasion. 445th BS War Diary: Christmas Eve brought promotions to five officers, four of them combat crew members. 2nd Lieutenants Vaughan, Weiner, Dentoni and Lewis all polished the silver bar while 1st Lieutenant Bruce Lowery scrapped his silver bar for the “railroad tracks” of captaincy. Capt. Lowery, a former enlisted man who flew as turret gunner with Gen. Knapp in North Africa, is affectionately called “Field Marshall” by the armorers out on the line. Free drinks were served at the enlisted mens club today, drinks being “on Major Bounds”. The cooks worked most of the night preparing the big Christmas dinner. The Eve was very gloomy with a hard rain falling most of the night. Worth Wagers and his carolers were reported to have serenaded a number of personnel at 2 A.M. Thus far, there have been no favorable reports on the singing. Bounds, Thomas C., Capt, pilot, Commander Dentoni, Louis M., 1Lt, pilot Knapp, Robert Duane, Brigadier General, 57th BW Commander Lewis, Max E., 1Lt, pilot Lowery, Bruce (NMI), Capt, armament Vaughan, Fred W., 1Lt, bombardier Wagers, Worth L., Sgt, communication Weiner, Irving B., 1Lt, bombardier 446th BS War Diary: A very large mail call is held and most everyone gets a big Xmas package or two or three from home. Much fruitcake is in evidence along with many prized items from the states. 447th BS War Diary: No mission because of bad weather. Everyone preparing for Christmas, hoping they will have time for a little celebrating. Usual Squadron Duties. 448th BS War Diary: Cloudy and rainy weather once again cause the mission scheduled for today to be stand down. This afternoon in the Enlisted Men’s club, about 50 of the local Corsican kiddies were assembled there for a party given by the Enlisted Men of the Squadron for them. Candy and cookies that the fellows got in packages from home were donated to the committee for making packages for the kids. Good old American candy is a rare treat for the kids here, and they really enjoyed the gesture of friendship on the Sunday, 24 December 1944 (continued) Squadron’s part. Proud mama and papa who accompanied some of the kids really enjoyed seeing their kids having such a good time. Some of the fellows had special kids in the neighborhood here, and they went out after them for the party. It made some of the men feel like a Christmas at home almost, with the wife and kiddies, when they came in with a couple of the little ones in their arms. All in all, it was really something to write home about. 448th BS: War Diary of: Schaffer, Irving J., S/Sgt, radio-gunner: “Awoke 7:30AM. Briefing 8:35AM. Powdered egg pancakes, oatmeal, orange juice, coffee, bread, jam. Raining. Stand-down on mission. Rations - 3 beers (canned) 2 cokes, 12 pkg cigarettes, 3 Hersheys, 3 cigars, 3 gum drop packages, 1 carton gum drops, 2 pkg cheese tidbits ($2.20). Meat loaf, fried onions, beets, bread, jelly, tea, fruit salad. Had quite a party for about 50 Corsican children in the club. Everybody contributed part of their rations. Roast beef, gravy, rice, fruit salad, coffee, bread. Boys are commencing to drink heavily. Atherton, my tail gunner went berserk, drew his 45 pistol, but was quelled by the boys. "Doc" gave him a shot of morphine and a couple of the medics put him in a straight jacket. Drunks all over the area. Van and I went over to club about 8:00PM. Captain Farwell donated a case of cognac to the EM club as a Christmas gift. Yaw bought $10 worth and Lawless bought $25 - for the boys at the bar. Van and I took Joe Crider back to his tent as he was just about ready to pass. Up he pops back to the club. Mike Kocsis staggered about. Van and George supporting him. Bob Pfeiffer did a swell job in decorating the club and mess hall. His brother a 1st lieut. with the 338th infantry of the 85th division with the 5th Army is visiting him at the present. Trigler, Marrich, helping John at bar. Glasses are being broken on a wholesale scale. Several of the young Italian KP's are drunk. Crider and Iseldyke are both out. Yours truly is having a few but with moderation. My pilot Lt Rosenau, Lt Riley, Copes and Norris came over to club, all plastered. Cooks are preparing all night for a big Christmas dinner tomorrow. Singing GI's are all over the club. John is mixing special drinks for George, Van and me. Retired 11:30PM. Raining - stand-down for tomorrow. At 12:30AM, John came in and cleared up day's business at bar. About 12:45AM Leo Gallagher, bartender at officer's club, staggered in with two bottles of cognac. At 1:00AM, Kocsis wobbled in after Van and George thought they put him to bed. Mike bunked himself on George's cot and dozed off. Bob Pfeiffer came in with quite a load, but his brother is sober. Gallagher popped the cognac and the boys had a few. After 3:00AM, the boys finally left. Mike was a special case. Finally dozed off at 3:30AM.” Atherton, Robert C., Cpl, gunner Copes, Wilson R., 2Lt, pilot Crider, Eugene W. “Joe”, M/Sgt, engineering Farwell, Harold S., Capt, pilot, Commander Gallagher, Leo (NMI), Pvt, engineering Huha, George (NMI), Sgt, communications Iseldyke, LeRoy J. “Ike”, Sgt, gunner, personnel, 1st Sgt Kocsis, Michael (NMI) “Mike”, Jr., Sgt, cook, Mess Sgt Lawless, Frank E., T/Sgt, transportation Sunday, 24 December 1944 (continued) Marrich, Martin K., Capt, adjutant Marshall, Ulysses, S. "Doc", Capt, medical Nelson, John F. “Chief”, Cpl, engineer-gunner Norris, Grafton R., 1Lt, pilot Pfeiffer, Robert C. “Bob”, Sgt, engineering Riley, Robert L., 1Lt, pilot Rosenau, Gustave D., 1Lt, pilot Trigler, Louis E., S/Sgt, gunner Vandenberg, Edward V. “Van”, Cpl, gunner Yaw, Philip C., Cpl, engineering Monday, 25 December 1944 USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF): In Italy, clearing weather in the Po Valley permits fighter-bombers to successfully cut numerous rail lines running N to the Brenner Pass, and lines in the E Po Valley, destroying or damaging several locomotives; HQ 87th Fighter Wing moves from Caserta to Florence. HQ 321st BG War Diary: 16 to 25 Dec: No missions due to target or local weather. Most of the extra curricular activities were directed toward Christmas decorations for the various clubs throughout the camp. Captain “Doc” Smith and his Mitchell Aires played for quite a few dances and parties for the occasion. It rained on Christmas Day but with the supply of excellent food, good liquor and good cheer quite adequate things went along smoothly. 445th BS War Diary: Christmas Day and there was very little activity in the squadron with a stand down order issued in respect of the mission. There were no flights made today. Major Bounds paid for all drinks consumed today. There were but two meals served today with the big Christmas dinner starting at 2:30 P.M. Roast turkey and all the trimmings were enjoyed by one and all. Colonel Smith dropped in on the men for a few minutes. In the evening, the men enjoyed some fine Christmas shows on the radio. It was a quiet but enjoyable Christmas, 1944. Bounds, Thomas C., Capt, pilot, Commander Smith, Richard H., Col, pilot, 321st BG Commander 445th BS: War Diary of: Seegmiller, Barnard H., Sgt, armament: 12/25/44: 07:45 hours “As I am the only one in the tent who is awake, there is no one to wish a Merry Christmas. Due probably to bad weather, we have no Christmas packages to enliven the occasion, and the sole reminder that today is an extraordinary day is the sprig of holly Louie pinned on the outside of our door. (It is beautiful holly, fresh from the mountains.) Except for the necessary chores such as obtaining water, gas for the fire, and a trip to the showers, I spent all of yesterday reading. Late last night I began Dickens’ Christmas Carol but fell asleep before finishing it. I went to services at Ghisonaccia despite a cold wind and rain. There were three boys from the 340th Group present, making a total of eight and we had a very good service, after the order of a Christmas program. Last evening I attended the Chaplain’s service which I thought very appropriate. Joe Beresh has a Christmas tree and a revolving star rigged up in his tent and it is the cause of much interest. Very ingenious, Joe. Beresh, Joseph (NMI) “Joe”, S/Sgt, armorer Bell, Louis E. "Louie", Sgt, armament The rain, which has continued for a week, making this place a veritable swamp, began in fury last evening and I was forced to put a shelter half over my bed to turn the water from leaks in the tent, but fortunately it did not last long. I am fully appreciative of the situation of ground forces who are forced to fight in Belgium. We have no mission for today, probably due to bad weather.” Monday, 25 December 1944 (continued) 446th BS War Diary: Christmas Day. One of the best holiday meals served in a long, long time is put out by a very busy group of cooks and volunteer helpers. Turkey and all the trimmin’s assures everyone of that satisfied “stuffed” feeling. We have a movie in the EM Club after dark and the bar gives the men a chance to get that added holiday spirit. 447th BS War Diary: No mission was scheduled for today. After celebrating at the club on Christmas Eve, everyone was a little slow in getting up for breakfast. Church services at 9:00 and 11:00 had exceptionally large attendance in spite of the rainy weather. The chapel was decorated for the occasion and the Christmas Spirit was extended to all. The Christmas dinner was a meal long to be remembered. The Mess Staff deserve much credit for their extra work and effort. There were “seconds” for everyone but the first time through the line was enough for the majority. The dinner was served at 1300 for those in tents #32 to 59 and at 1400 for those in tents 1 to 31 inclusive. Due to the magnificent dinner the evening meal was a cafeteria affair with turkey and cheese sandwiches, salad and coffee being served. Morning Report: 83 Officers and 357. 448th BS War Diary: Christmas day on Corsica, the first for the Squadron here. Most of the men were still feeling the effects of parties of the night before, but despite this the dinner of turkey with all the trimmings was enjoyed by almost everyone. It was a rather quiet day, with of course some of the fellows feeling happy from their Christmas cheer. Lieutenant Wyman received a nice Christmas gift today, his promotion to First Lieutenant. And the new silver bars hurriedly replace the old gold ones when he received the news. Wyman, 1Lt, S-2, I & E Officer 448th BS: War Diary of: Schaffer, Irving J., S/Sgt, radio-gunner: “Awoke 7:20AM to let Snafu out. Hit the sack again until 9:30AM. Showered in ice cold water. Boys are at it again. Drunk. Everybody wishing everybody else a Merry Christmas. Kocsis brought over a dozen eggs, a loaf of bread and Van made scrambled eggs and yours truly made toast. Dull, cloudy AM. No mission. Big dinner at 3:00PM. Roast turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes, string beans, cinnamon rolls, cranberry sauce, mince pie, coffee, bread, butter. Van, Lew and I brought our meal over to tent. Everybody getting drunker. Colonel Smith and his dame (Janie of the Red Cross) came over to the club. Taylor and Smitty came over. Got Crisp and Fisher to come over to 448th. Drinks were on the house. Got a half bottle of rum and made drinks at the tent. Looked for Danny Ivory. Had beaucoup food and guys at our tent, then we roamed from tent to tent. About midnight, things broke up. Someone broke in club. Ike has three bottles from a suspect. Nelson and Ike located thief. A fellow recently arrived here from the 8th did the job. Also drunk. Ike hit him several times. Sgt of guard put him under Monday, 25 December 1944 (continued) arrest. Removed his pistol from hook just in case. Woke him out of a sound sleep. This incident spoiled my whole Christmas. Finally hit the sack. Retired 1:30AM.” Crisp, Glenn S., Jr., Capt, pilot, 446th BS Fisher, Carl D., 2Lt, pilot, 446th BS Iseldyke, LeRoy J. “Ike”, Sgt, gunner, personnel, 1st Sgt Ivory, Daniel J. “Danny”, Jr., 2Lt, pilot Kocsis, Michael (NMI) “Mike”, Jr., Sgt, cook, Mess Sgt Martin, Lewis E. “Lew”, Sgt, engineer-gunner Nelson, John F. “Chief”, Cpl, engineer-gunner Smith, Francis L. "Smitty", S/Sgt, gunner, 445th BS Smith, Richard H. "Red", Col, pilot, 321st BG Commander "Snafu" - Sgt George Huha’s dog Taylor, Marion R., Sgt, engineer-gunner, 445th BS Vandenberg, Edward V. “Van”, Cpl, gunner Tuesday, 26 December 1944 USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF): In Italy, good weather permits operations in force for the first time in several days; during the night of 25/26 Dec, A-20s bomb the area between the battleline and Bologna, attack lights, motor transport, and railroads in the Po Valley, and hit Vicenza Airfield; during the day medium bombers concentrate on the Brenner Pass and hit Padua, San Ambrogio di Valpolicella, Ponte di Piave, Dolce, the Pordenone railroad bridge, and 2 dumps in the Bologna area; fighter-bombers bomb railways, especially the Brenner line, bridges in the Po Valley, and NE Italy, support US Fifth Army forces S of Bologna and in the Serchio River Valley where the Germans begin a series of counterattacks, and hit shipping at La Spezia and Genoa. HQ 321st BG War Diary: Maximum effort today sent 66 planes against three railroad bridges at Padua North; Ponte di Piave Diversion and San Michele. The first two bridges were well hit believed out but San Michele was not bombed due to adverse weather conditions. HQ 321st BG Mission Summary (Ops Order 636/mission 636) Group Mission # 636: Ponte di Piave Rail Bridge, Italy (Group mission report not available at this time) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------HQ 321st BG Mission Summary (Ops Order 637/mission 637) Group Mission # 637: Padua N Rail Bridge, Italy (Group mission report not available at this time) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------HQ 321st BG Mission Summary (Ops Order 638/mission 638) Group Mission # 638: San Michele Rail Bridge, Italy (Group mission report not available at this time) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------445th BS War Diary: Bomb release equipment is being placed in the cockpits of aircraft 714 and 545 as a measure against the expected bombardier shortage in the near future. 1st Lt. Donald I. McKay, veteran of 65 missions, was transferred to the 57th Bomb Wing. Lt. Coale was sent to the Ille Rousse rest camp. Several representatives of special service in the squadron were sent to a soldier show conference being held at Caserta for three days starting tomorrow. Coale, Julian R., 2Lt, pilot McKay, Donald I., 1Lt, pilot 445th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 636/mission 636) Group Mission # 636: The squadron finally participated in a mission, its first since December 10. Two separate targets were attacked. In one attack, the Ponte di Piave diversionary bridge, Italy was hit with 100 percent bombing accuracy resulting. Tuesday, 26 December 1944 (continued) A/C No. 43-27680 Tail # 07 “Stuff” P CP N B E R G F Mogren, Edward G., 1Lt Brown, Cecil A., F/O Cravey, Robert P., 2Lt Jackson, William H., 2Lt Koski, Paul J., S/Sgt Carney, Robert J., T/Sgt Smith, Francis L. “Smitty”, S/Sgt None A/C No. 43-27572 Tail # 12 “Babs” P CP N B E R G F Lewis, Max E., 1Lt Knauss, Roger Reid “Reid”, 2Lt None Ohm, Merton D., S/Sgt Sycylo, Theodore W., S/Sgt Lowrey, James S., Cpl Heintz, Edward R., Jr., Cpl None A/C No. 43-27698 Tail # 13 “Peggy Lou” Curry, Arthur L. “Art”, 2Lt Young, Paul L., 2Lt None Doherty, Charles S., S/Sgt Larson, Richard A., Cpl Russo, Paul A., Cpl Moorehead, Lewis E., S/Sgt None A/C No. 43-27509 Tail # ? (Wing spare - did not fill in) Miron, Leno L., 2Lt Doris, Robert E., 2Lt None Davis, Morton A., S/Sgt Hagains, John R., Cpl Barnett, Frank E., Sgt Lile, Keith B., Cpl None 445th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 637/mission 637) Group Mission # 637: In the other mission, the squadron scored 50 percent bombing when they attacked the Padua north railroad bridge, Italy. A/C No. 43-27899 Tail # 08 “Flo” Jeffery, James C., Capt McFatter, Joe H., 2Lt Mitchell, Robert F., 1Lt Emery, Ben D., 1Lt Carruthers, John (NMI), II, S/Sgt Engleman, Bud (NMI), S/Sgt Bates, Leonard H., S/Sgt None A/C No. 44-28722 Tail # 18 “Spirit of Portchester” P Farrell, Robert A. “Baldy”, Capt CP Galny, Gerhard Henry “Hank”, Jr., 2Lt N None B Wren, Frank J., 1Lt E Freiler, Walter C., S/Sgt R Otterness, William B., S/Sgt G Slodden, Henry M. “Kip”, S/Sgt F None P CP N B E R G F A/C No. 44-28928 Tail # 03 “Heaven Can Wait” Rung, Raymond F., Jr., 2Lt Brown, Cecil A., 2Lt None Barrett, Ray E., S/Sgt Poirier, Andre (NMI), T/Sgt DeLaune, William P., T/Sgt Jones, Harvey J., Sgt None A/C No. 43-27769 Tail # 19 “Miss Fancy Pants” Cox, Harold L., 1Lt Lawrence, Edward C., 2Lt None Larkin, Francis C. “Charley”, S/Sgt Smith, William F., T/Sgt Ott, James V., Cpl Garza, Manuel (NMI), Cpl None Tuesday, 26 December 1944 (continued) A/C No. 44-28948 Tail # 09 “Miss Belle Fontaine” P Santone, Michael A., 1Lt CP Amundson, Fred K., 2Lt N None B Barton, Samuel D., 1Lt E Krauk, Edward J., S/Sgt R Vaseleski, Andrew C., Cpl G Osborn, Jack R., Sgt F None A/C No. 43-27748 Tail # 02 “Mama!” P CP N B E R G F Bowling, Dan Parker, 1Lt Kourafas, James (NMI) “Jim”, 2Lt None Silnutzer, Joseph A., 1Lt Cum, Paul V., Cpl Kneisel, Charles W., T/Sgt Stanley, Harold Gene “Gene”, S/Sgt None A/C No. 43-27741 Tail # 14 “Val” (previously “Modern Design”) P CP N B E R G F Poteete, Max W., 1Lt O’Keefe, John H., 2Lt None Murphy, John P., 2Lt Chambers, Jimmie (NMI), S/Sgt Johnson, John E., T/Sgt Andrews, Lamar C., S/Sgt None A/C No. 43-27545 Tail # ? “Maggie” P CP N B E R G F Elliott, James R., Jr., 1Lt Doe, Norman H., 2Lt None Woody, Louie M., S/Sgt None listed Krober, Raymond D., Jr., Sgt Henry, William W., S/Sgt None A/C No. 43-27733 Tail # 00 “Porky’s Baby” Shutters, Paul E., 2Lt McMahon, Bernard J. “Mac”, Jr., 2Lt None Salch, Raymond F., S/Sgt Carney, Daniel (NMI), Cpl Matter, Dean R., Sgt Clayton, Ross W., Cpl None A/C No. 43-27716 Tail # 17 “Shit House Mouse” Ottinger, Warren F., 1Lt Stolberg, Frederick R., 2Lt None Chauncey, Martin E. “Marty”, T/Sgt Taylor, Marion R., S/Sgt Reagin, Charles T., Sgt Bierly, Glenn E., Cpl None A/C No. 43-27502 Tail # 10 “Pretty Kitty Blue Eyes” (previously “What’s Cookin’?”) DeBoer, Jay (NMI), Jr., 2Lt Hughes, Richard C., 2Lt None Brown, Thomas M., 2Lt Mitchell, Robert D. “Bob”, Cpl Ross, Reginald J., T/Sgt Parker, Harold L., Cpl Naughton, John J., Jr., Cpl A/C No. 43-27714 Tail # 16 “Blonde Beauty” Payne, Lawrence J., 1Lt Sprankle, Floyd H., 2Lt None None listed Hunsberger, William R., S/Sgt Heckman, Kenneth W., Cpl Walburn, John A., S/Sgt None Tuesday, 26 December 1944 (continued) A/C No. 43-27534 Tail # 11 (standing lady) (Wing spare – did not fill in) P Dentoni, Louis M., 1Lt CP Wilson, Charles B. “Charlee”, 2Lt N None B Brooks, William F., F/O E Palermo, Antonio (NMI), Sgt R Nuttall, John H., Sgt G Edwards, Jack M., Cpl F None 445th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 638/mission 638) Group Mission # 638: (445th BS did not participate) 446th BS War Diary: We fly an 18 plane mission to northern Italy. Mail comes in again. 446th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 636/mission 636) Group Mission # 636: Squadron Mission 449 TARGET: Ponte di Piave Rail Bridge, Italy DATE: 26 Dec.1944 Type of Bombs: 1000 lb. 446th Planes: 6 Capt. Farwell led the formation. Bridge was reported well hit with bombs walking through the center. Flak was scant, inaccurate. No fighters. Farwell, Harold S., Capt, pilot, Commander, 447th BS A/C No. 43-27699 Tail # 33 “Jessie” (later name dropped from nose art) P CP N B E R G F Pietrowski, Stanley J., 1Lt Atkins, Richard A., Jr., 2Lt Ottem, Earl R., 1Lt Kiernan, Noble J., 1Lt Utz, James W., Sgt Bundy, Garland A., T/Sgt Bryan, Dwight L., S/Sgt None A/C No. 43-27496 Tail # ? “PRINCESS” (previously PRINCESS PAOLA II) Gittings, Raymond W., 1Lt Treadwell, Joseph (NMI), 2Lt None Fox, David (NMI), 2Lt Boylan, James P., Cpl Rousos, Milton P., T/Sgt Jakielek, Ernest F., Cpl None Tuesday, 26 December 1944 (continued) A/C No. 43-4077 Tail # 43 “Stormy Weather” (Previously 447th ship “Ann’s Little Boy Val”) P DiNorma, Joseph S., 1Lt CP Holt, Noel P., Jr., 2Lt N None B Law, John B., Sgt E Clickner, Albert H., S/Sgt R Ransom, Gerald H., S/Sgt G Springer, Walter H., Cpl F None A/C No. 44-28926 Tail # 35 “Merrily We Bob Along” P Smedley, Robert Redmond, Capt CP Sheetinger, Dan A., 2Lt N None B Yarbrough, George L., 1Lt E Lundtoft, Hans G., T/Sgt R McEuen, Richard W., Cpl G Bruner, Edward (NMI), S/Sgt F None A/C No. 43-27745 Tail # 47 Berge, Gail B., 2Lt Jackson, Roland B., 2Lt None Gahm, Edward L., 2Lt Krider, Emanuel (NMI), Cpl Freeman, Cecil O., T/Sgt Anderson, Chester S., Cpl None A/C No. 43-27678 Tail # 40 “Lemmon Lu” Cressman, Jack E., 1Lt Long, Emmett N., 2Lt None Vannah, Harold P., Jr., F/O Reda, John J., Sgt Ross, Harry K., S/Sgt Dickey, Jack F., Jr., S/Sgt None 446th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 637/mission 637) Group Mission # 637: Squadron Mission 450 TARGET: Padua N Rail Bridge, Italy DATE: 26 Dec.1944 Type of Bombs: 100 lb. 446th Planes: 12 Capt. Jeffery led the formation. First flight N and W of bridge. Second flight concentrated bombs on S end and approach. Flak was light, moderate, inaccurate. No fighters. Jeffery, James C., Capt, pilot, 445th BS A/C No. 43-3989 Tail # 37 “My Georgia Peach” (on co-pilot side - “The Leading Lady”, previously “Miss Dallas”) P Matthews, John Walker, Jr., 1Lt CP Barbee, Harvey C., Jr., 2Lt N Codd, Russell G., F/O B Lippy, Harvey W., 1Lt E Codd, Russell G., F/O R Petrella, Luigi C., T/Sgt G Cohen, George (NMI), T/Sgt F None A/C No. 43-27696 Tail # 41 “Baby Blue Eyes” Panning, Robert F., 2Lt Heaberlin, Paul L., 2Lt None McGann, Edom K., 2Lt Demmitt, Henry H., Sgt Flasher, Henry F., Sgt Wagner, William M., Sgt None Tuesday, 26 December 1944 (continued) P CP N B E R G F P CP N B E R G F P CP N B E R G F P CP N B E R G F A/C No. 43-4074 Tail # 27 (picture of seated lady - no name/lettering) Ingram, William T., 1Lt Maki, Allan A., 2Lt None Hogman, Frans H., 1Lt Englehaupt, Russell L., Sgt Wimert, Donald A., Cpl Andrews, James Robert, Cpl None A/C No. 43-4020 Tail # 26 “Bourbon Baby” Chandler, Warren W., 1Lt Haynes, Allan C., 2Lt None McCullough, John E., Jr., 1Lt Kelly, Thomas J., Sgt Dobrow, Edgar J., Cpl Beavers, Marqus F., Sgt None A/C No. 43-4021 Tail # 31 “The Little Admiral” (later Lady Jane) Grove, Russell V., 1Lt Hahn, Melvin G., 2Lt Clark, Samuel E., Jr., 2Lt Leith, William V., 1Lt Shettleworth, William E., Cpl Moncure, James D., Jr., Cpl Broderick, Emmett P., Cpl None A/C No. 43-27497 Tail # 29 “Barbara” Crisp, Glenn S., Jr., 1Lt Ratliff, James Ernest, Jr., 2Lt None Starczewski, Phillip R., 2Lt Nigrelli, Ernest J., Sgt Cubbage, Robert (NMI), Sgt Chapin, Correll C., Cpl None A/C No. 43-27747 Tail # 42 “Spider’s Frolic Pad” (first # 42) Capalety, Thomas A., 1Lt DuBois, Lionel F., F/O None Fodor, Joseph M., 2Lt Henry, Clark H., S/Sgt Johnson, Carl W., S/Sgt Nehls, Clayton R., S/Sgt None A/C No. 43-4097 Tail # 28 “Tiny?” (later Darlene) Manolis, Roland J., 2Lt Everhart, Herman E., 2Lt None Murch, George M., Jr., Sgt Freeman, Harold W., Cpl Wilking, Robert L., S/Sgt Cassidy, Warren J., S/Sgt None A/C No. 43-27490 Tail # 45 “Mrs C” Carlson, Lowell A., 1Lt Anderson, William H., F/O None DeSorbo, John S., Sgt Lind, Kenneth H., Cpl Martin, Thomas J., Jr., Cpl Freck, Byron P., Sgt None A/C No. 43-27503 Tail # 46 “Miss Arabella” Ramsay, Lamar E., 2Lt Alward, Charles W., 2Lt None Williams, Thomas A., 2Lt Reinartsen, Charles R., Jr., Sgt Carl, Edgar W., Cpl Rubin, Herbert L., S/Sgt None Tuesday, 26 December 1944 (continued) A/C No. 43-27477 Tail # 32 “Boots” Fisher, Carl D., 1Lt Sloan, Thomas M., 2Lt None None listed Cornelius, Wilbur G., S/Sgt McFarland, Charles W., T/Sgt Popovich, Chris (NMI), S/Sgt None A/C No. 43-36224 Tail # 34 probably ”Hauling Ass II” (Lead spare - did not fill in - returned early) P Wozniak, Stanley E., 1Lt CP McCloud, Ray L., 2Lt N None B Paulson, Ronald A., 1Lt E Karuzas, Alexander W., Sgt R Nichols, Henry J., III, Cpl G Fitzgerald, George L., Sgt F None P CP N B E R G F A/C No. 43-27660 Tail # 30 “Shooting Bull” Perlman, Jacob L., 2Lt Bogan, Floyd W., 2Lt None Fein, William F., 2Lt Edwards, David R., T/Sgt Beck, Junior D., Cpl Beets, Frank T., S/Sgt None 446th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 638/mission 638) Group Mission # 638: (446th BS did not participate) 447th BS War Diary: (No non-mission information) 447th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 636/mission 636) Group Mission # 636: 12 of our planes participated in a mission to destroy the Ponte Di Piave Diversion Bridge in northern Italy, with Capt. Krafka leading our squadron. Compact pattern on center of bridge and direct hits were observed. Bombing accuracy 25%. A/C No. 43-27718 Tail # (never assigned a 2 digit Tail #) P Kibler, William E. “Kib”, 1Lt CP Peck, Paul R., 2Lt N None B McDermott, James W., 1Lt E Quintenz, Robert P., S/Sgt R Fiocca, Theodore Aurelio, S/Sgt G Goldman, Marvin S., Cpl F None A/C No. 43-36240 Tail # ? “May Be” Krafka, Edward (NMI), Capt Nyman, Emil R., F/O Olsen, Svend P., 1Lt Gargiulo, Vincent J. “Vince”, 1Lt Jones, Robert G., S/Sgt Poulin, Gaston G., S/Sgt Hagan, Richard E., Cpl None Tuesday, 26 December 1944 (continued) A/C No. 43-27779 Tail # 62 P Hennessey, Ralph E., 1Lt CP Smith, Frederick H., 2Lt N None B Darrell, Franklin Lloyd, Jr., 1Lt E Keenan, Harry A., Sgt R Schnaars, George D., S/Sgt G Gorden, Robert L., Cpl F None A/C No. 43-4040 Tail # 56 A/C No. 43-27636 Tail # 74 Hutson, Ernest G. “Hod”, 1Lt Morrison, George R., Jr., 1Lt None Schmoke, Vernon L., 2Lt Lussier, Ernest R., Sgt See, Russell K., T/Sgt Staub, Edward C., Cpl None A/C No. 43-27473 Tail # 73 “Paper Doll” Bullion, Roland G. “Rollo”, 2Lt P Loewus, Frederick E. “Fred”, 2Lt Haage, Frederick W., F/O CP Speer, Leslie Thomas, 2Lt None N None Radel, Henry D., 2Lt B Balboni, Robert A., 2Lt Cruce, Joseph H., Cpl E Hardage, Charles W., Cpl Ruiz, Emigdio (NMI), Cpl R Stroupe, Robert A., Cpl Hunsaker, Frank W., Jr., Cpl G Cunningham, Paul W., Cpl None F None A/C No. 43-4029 Tail # ? “Mike Hunt” A/C No. 43-36108 Tail # 70 Morton, William C. “Mort”, Jr., 1Lt P Dodson, Jackson R., 2Lt King, Robert C., Jr., 2Lt CP Tarquinio, Albert C., 2Lt Hiller, Frederick J., 2Lt N None Lankester, Hugh H. “Lank”, 2Lt B Lubinsky, Norman B., Sgt Flanigan, Bernard A., Sgt E Cohen, Sam M., Cpl Keefe, John A., T/Sgt R Finnegan, Paul W., Cpl Young, Robert E., Sgt G McCready, John E., Jr., Cpl None F None A/C No. 43-27785 Tail # 58 A/C No. 43-4069 Tail # ? “Ruptured Duck” Murchland, Robert Keith, 1Lt P Fairchild, George S., 2Lt Stephens, James J., 2Lt CP Rose, Norman I., 2Lt None N None Bokum, John B., F/O B Caflisch, Leonard P. “Lenny”, Jr., 2Lt Huntley, Bruce H., Cpl E Dubbs, Andrew C., Sgt Hourahan, William F., Jr., Cpl R Guild, Bernard Robert, S/Sgt Klimkowicz, Zigmond (NMI), Sgt G Lejman, George T., Sgt None F None Tuesday, 26 December 1944 (continued) A/C No. 43-4060 Tail # ? “Cover Girl” P Yerger, John W., 2Lt CP Wallis, Shelby D., F/O N None B Gary, Neil F., Sgt E McMenamin, Daniel P., Sgt R Stocker, Harvey (NMI), Cpl G Fromm, Samuel E., Cpl F None A/C No. 43-4009 Tail # 69 “Double-ONine” (Wing spare – filled in) P Amundson, Donald A., 2Lt CP Brice, David W., 2Lt N None B Jones, Dewey D., Jr., Sgt E Dulaney, Earl W., Sgt R Jones, LeRoy (NMI), Cpl G Merlino, Camille J., Cpl F None A/C No. 43-27730 Tail # ? “Katie” (returned – did not fill in) Appenzeller, Richard D., 2Lt Cahoon, Carl W., 2Lt None Atkins, William T. “Bill”, F/O Applegarth, Smith B., S/Sgt Barksdale, Phillip L., Cpl Ochs, Dan (NMI), Jr., Cpl None 447th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 637/mission 637) Group Mission # 637: On the second mission of the day 3 of our planes were on a mission to the Padua N Railroad Bridge in northern Italy but due to cloud coverage no bombs were dropped. A/C No. 43-27492 Tail # 57 “Reddie Teddie” P Marchant, Wendell E., 1Lt CP Carlin, Edmund R., 2Lt N Heist, Erwin William “Butch”, F/O B Colgan, Donald J., 1Lt E Hopp, Charles J., Sgt R Appleman, Carroll G., Cpl G Smith, Kenneth C., Sgt F None A/C No. 43-27751 Tail # 50 “MMR” (Meet Mrs. Runyon) Cammack, Elmore (NMI), 2Lt Buechner, Helmut K., 2Lt None Perl, Richard H., Sgt Mullis, Paul C., Sgt Meiborg, Walter F., Cpl Dolezal Albert (NMI), S/Sgt None Tuesday, 26 December 1944 (continued) A/C No. 43-27498 Tail # 71 “Ave Maria” P Autry, Aaron E., 2Lt CP Breckenridge, Louis C., 2Lt N None B McKnight, John A., Jr., Sgt E Price, Charles J., Cpl R Newton, James R., Cpl G Mango, Vincent A. “Vince”, S/Sgt F None 447th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 638/mission 638) Group Mission # 638: (447th BS did not participate) 447th BS: War Diary of: Mango, Vincent A. "Vince”, S/Sgt, aerial gunner (Mission 57) “Target: Ponte di Piave RR Bridge Flak: None Combat: 3:15 Bombs: 1,000 lbs Escorts: P-47’s & Spits Plane # 498 (43-27498 Tail # 71“Ave Maria”) Crew: P-Lt Autry CP-Lt Breckenridge B-Sgt McKnight E-Cpl Price R-Cpl Newton GSSG Mango Good concentration of hits on bridge. Bridge reported well hit w/bombs walking through center” Autry, Aaron E., 2Lt, pilot Breckenridge, Louis C., 2Lt, pilot McKnight, John A., Jr., Sgt, bombardier Newton, James R., Cpl, radio-gunner Price, Charles J., Cpl, engineer-gunner 448th BS War Diary: After yesterday’s temporary armistice in bad weather, for Christmas day, the rains began again today. The two missions scheduled for today were postponed for a few hours and despite the threatening weather got off late for an afternoon mission. Captain Wonnacott, the Squadron Engineering Officer, and Sergeants Greene and Lawther left, transferred to the 7th Replacement Depot, for the United States this morning. Private First Class Gillespie was assigned to the Squadron this morning from the 19th Replacement Battalion. The 310th Bomb Group band played for a dance in the Enlisted Men’s Club this evening. Several of the local Corsican belles were present in their best party dresses for the affair, and generally everyone had a good time before it broke up about midnight. Gillespie, Delmar B., PFC, duty soldier Greene, Michael J., Sgt, engineering Lawther, Robert G., Sgt, engineering Wonnacott, Robert C., Capt, engineering Tuesday, 26 December 1944 (continued) 448th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 636/mission 636) Group Mission # 636: For the first mission, the 448th, led by Captain Farwell, had six planes in the formation that bombed the Ponte di Piave bridge in Italy. Only light flak was encountered, and all the planes returned safely at 1635. A/C No. 43-27720 Tail # 86 P Farwell, Harold S., Capt CP Cook, Don W., 2Lt N Bongiovanni, Michael (NMI), Capt B Joyce, Robert W. “Dead-eye”, Capt E Perillo, Anthony L., T/Sgt R Doughty, Paul V., T/Sgt G Magyar, Steven J., S/Sgt F None A/C No. 43-27648 Tail # 75 “Sweetie” Rubin, Julius W., 2Lt Rogers, Harry (NMI), Jr., Capt None Sheppard, John W., 2Lt Martin, Lewis E. “Lew”, Sgt Shields, Robert L., Cpl Trigler, Louis E., S/Sgt None A/C No. 44-28918 Tail # 82 (first # 82) P Kuoni, Charles F., Jr., 2Lt CP Gladwill, James G., 1Lt N None B Carter, Eugene F., T/Sgt E Weese, Charles F., Cpl R Seward, Richard F., T/Sgt G Justice, Conway J., Jr., S/Sgt F None P CP N B E R G F A/C No. 43-27528 Tail # 85 Matthews, Thomas W., 1Lt Schweitzer, Robert E., 2Lt Lang, Robert H., 2Lt McRee, Malcolm B., 1Lt Bell, Flavious J., T/Sgt Poteet, Edward J., T/Sgt Carrick, Kenneth M., S/Sgt None A/C No. 43-27530 Tail # 79 “Twin Engine Sadie” Riley, Robert L., 1Lt Bruhn, Charles A., 2Lt None Cannon, John L., 2Lt Mientkiewicz, Casmier (NMI), Sgt Randall, Charles R., Jr., T/Sgt Enderle, Melvin J., Sgt None A/C No. 44-28927 Tail # 91 Autrey, W. F. (i.o.), 2Lt Burks, Richard W., Capt None Qualls, Thomas B., S/Sgt Lasskow, Maxwell J. “Max”, Sgt Hunter, Dewey G., Sgt Edwards, Jesse R., Sgt None 448th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 637/mission 637) Group Mission # 637: (448th BS did not participate) Tuesday, 26 December 1944 (continued) 448th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 638/mission 638) Group Mission # 638: For the second mission the 448th had 12 planes with Captain Grady as the flight leader. The target was the San Michele railroad bridge in Italy, but the 1000 lb GP bombs were not dropped. On making the bomb run glare from the snow below prevented the formation from identifying the target. Heavy and accurate flak greeted the formation at the target causing some damage to a number of the aircraft, but no casualties were suffered and the formation returned to base at 1720. A/C No. 43-27706 Tail # 89 “Silver Belle” P Grady, John R., Capt CP Lee, Howard M., 1Lt N Steely, Ralph K., 2Lt B Brink, Richard E., 2Lt E Ratcliffe, James E., Jr., S/Sgt R Walker, Jack L., T/Sgt G Moleski, Benny M. “Ben”, S/Sgt F None A/C No. 43-27668 Tail # 83 Kirk, Theodore (NMI) “Ted”, 1Lt Valenti, Jack J., 2Lt None Rutz, Victor H., 2Lt Baird, James (NMI), Jr., S/Sgt Hulse, Donald W., S/Sgt Brentar, Joseph C., Cpl None A/C No. 44-28940 Tail # 92 P Cherry, Raymond (NMI), Jr., 2Lt CP Wilson, James M., 2Lt N None B Bass, Bernard G., S/Sgt E Wolfe, Bernard M., Cpl R Brusa, Robert P., T/Sgt G Biersdorff, Charles J., T/Sgt F None P CP N B E R G F A/C No. 43-27523 Tail # 95 Garrett, Thaddeus D., 1Lt Russell, Harold H., 2Lt None Gardner, Philip K., 2Lt McTaggart, Leonard A., Sgt Rockwell, Stewart R. “Rockwell”, T/Sgt Ward, Paul D., Cpl None A/C No. 43-27538 Tail # 87 “Down But Not Out” (first # 87) Churchill, Duane W., 2Lt Zakopcsan, John S., 2Lt None Berman, Samuel (NMI), S/Sgt Mitchem, Dewey A., Sgt Fletcher, William H., Cpl Tangren, Donald E., Cpl None A/C No. 43-27481 Tail # 77 Smith, Milford A., 2Lt Wuest, Robert F., 2Lt None Styers, Charles W., 2Lt Head, Guthrie H., S/Sgt Varga, Frank K., Cpl Ederer, Robert J., Sgt None Tuesday, 26 December 1944 (continued) A/C No. 43-28081 Tail # 81 P Bard, John A., 1Lt CP Brown, Royden (NMI), 1Lt N Stout, Charles S. “Chuck”, 2Lt B Allendorph, John B., 2Lt E Reves, Louis E., Sgt R Morefield, James Carl, T/Sgt G Knauss, Charles F., Sgt F None A/C No. 43-27791 Tail # 84 P Copes, Wilson R., 2Lt CP Birkhead, Charles F., Jr., 2Lt N None B Armstrong, Sherman T., Jr., 2Lt E Harageones, George J., Sgt R Sevier, Fred L., Cpl G Foote, Lancel H., Jr., Sgt F None A/C No. 43-4037 Tail # 78 “Cherry Fizz” P Rosenau, Gustave D., 1Lt CP Sheffield, Woodrow W., 2Lt N None B Pealer, Woodward D., S/Sgt E Langley, Edmund P., Jr., Sgt R Schaffer, Irving J., S/Sgt G Atherton, Robert C., Cpl F None A/C No. 43-27508 Tail # ? Myers, Harold C. “Casey”, 1Lt Schwartz, Theodore (NMI), 2Lt None Sutton, Norman J., 2Lt Pineda, Nico M., T/Sgt Hallman, Robert L., T/Sgt Markiewicz, Edward B., S/Sgt None A/C No. 43-4076 Tail # 88 (first # 88) Ivory, Daniel J., Jr., 2Lt Russell, John D., 2Lt None Wald, Douglas A., T/Sgt Goethals, Camiel A., T/Sgt Vandenberg, Edward V. “Van”, Cpl Sharp, Samuel I., Jr., S/Sgt None 448th BS: War Diary of: Schaffer, Irving J., S/Sgt, radio-gunner: “Awoke 7:50AM. Feeling tired. Partly cloudy AM. Cold. Briefing 9:55AM. Pancakes, oatmeal, jelly, tomato juice, coffee. Jim Herod, radio operator, who had a severe wound from flak over Ostiglia, came to the outfit for a visit. Arm still in a sling. Still swollen. Pfeiffer’s brother returned to his outfit with the 5th Army. Briefing pushed ahead to 11:40AM. Ate early chow - macaroni, kidney beans, tea, bread, butter, fruit salad. Take off 1:00PM. Lt Rosenau pilot. Mission in Northern Brenner Pass. Heavy intense and accurate flak. Very nervous. Did not bomb. Flew as cameraman. Ran into flak three different times. Terrific evasive action - landed 5:40PM. 1 hole in tail. Muffins, kidney beans, gravy, fruit salad, coffee. 310th band playing at our dance at EM club tonight. Females coming from surrounding country. Retired 10:00PM. No mission up.” Herod, James E. “Jim”, Sgt, radio-gunner Pfeiffer, Robert C. “Bob”, Sgt, engineering Rosenau, Gustave D., 1Lt, pilot Wednesday, 27 December 1944 USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF): In Italy, on the night of 26/27 Dec, A-20s bomb pontoon bridges at Ficarolo, road bridges at Ostiglia and Castel Maggiore, San Benedetto Po crossing, Turin Airfield, and several Po Valley roads; medium bombers blast 3 Brenner area routes leading into Austria and Yugoslavia, and bomb 2 supply dumps in the Bologna area; fighter-bombers devote their main effort to support the US Fifth Army in the Serchio Valley area where counterattacks are being successfully halted; other fighter-bombers hit communications in the Po Valley and escort medium bombers and C-47s dropping supplies to Italian partisans. HQ 321st BG War Diary: Unusual target today – we were to block a tunnel and create a landslide in the Brenner Pass at San Ambrogio with thirty-six aircraft. Excellent concentrations at all four aiming points produced the desired results. The Canale D’Isonzo Railroad Bridge proved extremely difficult for twenty-four aircraft to identify and as a result was missed. HQ 321st BG Mission Summary (Ops Order 639/mission 639) Group Mission # 639: Canale D’Isonzo railroad bridge in Italy (Group mission report not available at this time) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday, 27 December 1944 (continued) HQ 321st BG Mission Summary (Ops Order 640/mission 640) Group Mission # 640: N entrance Tunnel, S. Ambroglio, Italy (Group mission report not available at this time) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HQ 321st BG Mission Summary (Ops Order 641/mission 641) Group Mission # 641: S. entrance Tunnel, S. Ambroglio, Italy (Group mission report not available at this time) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday, 27 December 1944 (continued) 445th BS War Diary: This squadron participated in two missions, the first of which attacked the Canale d’Isonzo railroad bridge with 63 percent bombing accuracy and the second of which attacked the South Ambroglio tunnel, Italy with a bombing accuracy of 91.6 percent. Four officers and four enlisted men went to the Rome rest camp. Lt. Sides was ordered to appear before the Medical Disposition Board at Florence. A plane left for Tripoli to obtain foodstuffs and beer. Sides, Harry F., 1Lt, bombardier 445th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 639/mission 639) Group Mission # 639: Attacked the Canale d’Isonzo railroad bridge with 63 percent bombing accuracy A/C No. 43-27899 Tail # 08 “Flo” Kendall, Wayne E., 1Lt Sprankle, Floyd H., 2Lt Cravey, Robert P., 2Lt Skebey, Robert J., 1Lt Taylor, Marion R., S/Sgt Kavan, Lester D., T/Sgt Smith, Francis L. “Smitty”, S/Sgt None A/C No. 43-27698 Tail # 13 “Peggy Lou” P Rigler, Edward J., 1Lt CP Galny, Gerhard Henry “Hank”, Jr., 2Lt N None B Miller, Edward A., 1Lt E Krauk, Edward J., S/Sgt R Barnett, Frank E., Sgt G Bierly, Glenn E., Cpl F Naughton, John J., Jr., Cpl A/C No. 43-27714 Tail # 16 “Blonde Beauty” P Payne, Lawrence J., 1Lt CP Young, William J. “Dusty”, 2Lt N None B None listed E Carney, Daniel (NMI), Cpl R Heckman, Kenneth W., S/Sgt G Walburn, John A., S/Sgt F None P CP N B E R G F A/C No. 43-27534 Tail # 11 (standing lady) Kourafas, James (NMI) “Jim”, 2Lt Young, Paul L., 2Lt None Doherty, Charles S., S/Sgt Gum, Paul V., Cpl Lowrey, James S., Cpl Henry, William W., S/Sgt None A/C No. 43-27716 Tail # 17 “Shit House Mouse” Santone, Michael A., 1Lt Wilson, Charles B. “Charlee”, 2Lt None Carney, Robert J., T/Sgt Mitchell, Robert D. “Bob”, Cpl Matter, Dean R., Sgt Stanley, Harold Gene “Gene”, S/Sgt None A/C No. 43-27572 Tail # 12 “Babs” Lewis, Max E., 1Lt Brown, Cecil A., 2Lt None Josephson, Sanford L., S/Sgt Smith, Warren B. “Smitty”, T/Sgt Nuttall, John H., Sgt Osborn, Jack R., Sgt None Wednesday, 27 December 1944 (continued) A/C No. 43-27748 Tail # 02 “Mama!” P CP N B Bowling, Dan Parker, 1Lt Stolberg, Frederick R., 2Lt Murphy, John P., 2Lt Silnutzer, Joseph A., 1Lt Hagains, John R., Cpl Russo, Paul A., Cpl Lile, Keith B., Cpl None A/C No. 44-28948 Tail # 09 “Miss Belle Fontaine” P DeBoer, Jay (NMI), Jr., 2Lt CP Doris, Robert E., 2Lt N None B Chauncey, Martin E. “Marty”, T/Sgt E Kuykendall, Ben (NMI), Cpl R Otterness, William B., S/Sgt G Kabrich, Harry Lee, S/Sgt F None A/C No. 44-28722 Tail # 18 “Spirit of Portchester” (RON Fano A/D) P Mogren, Edward G., 1Lt CP Amundson, Fred K., 2Lt N None B Jackson, William H., 2Lt E Watts, Joseph T., Jr., S/Sgt R Krober, Raymond D., Jr., Sgt G Clayton, Ross W., Cpl F None E R G F A/C No. 43-27545 Tail # 06 “Maggie” (first # 06) (returned due to engine trouble) Shutters, Paul E., 2Lt O’Keefe, John H., 2Lt None None listed - likely the gunner - Jones, Harvey J., Sgt Freiler, Walter C., S/Sgt Reagin, Charles T., Sgt Jones, Harvey J., Sgt None A/C No. 43-27769 Tail # 19 “Miss Fancy Pants” (RON Fano A/D) Miron, Leno L., 2Lt Hughes, Richard C., 2Lt None Brown, Thomas M., 2Lt Miller, Morris M., S/Sgt Salch, Raymond F., S/Sgt Slodden, Henry M. “Kip”, S/Sgt None A/C No. 43-27680 Tail # 07 “Stuff” (RON Fano A/D) Curry, Arthur L. “Art”, 2Lt Buckham, John K., 2Lt None Ohm, Merton D., S/Sgt Cavanaugh, Thomas J., Jr., S/Sgt Barrett, Ray E., S/Sgt Moorehead, Lewis E., S/Sgt None 445th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 640/mission 640) Group Mission # 640: (445th BS did not participate) Wednesday, 27 December 1944 (continued) 445th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 641/mission 641) Group Mission # 641: Attacked the South Ambroglio tunnel, Italy with a bombing accuracy of 91.6 percent. A/C No. 43-27742 Tail # 01 “Winnie Mae” (previously “Vicious Vera”) Wagner, Gerald W., Capt Brown, William G., 2Lt Napple, Francis L., Capt Finkhouse, Lloyd L., 1Lt Carruthers, John (NMI), II, S/Sgt Johnson, John E., T/Sgt Andrews, Lamar C., S/Sgt None A/C No. 43-27741 Tail # 14 “Val” (previously “Modern Design”) P Farrell, Robert A. “Baldy”, Capt CP Middleton, Donald M., 2Lt N None B Wren, Frank J., 1Lt E Poirier, Andre (NMI), T/Sgt R DeLaune, William P., T/Sgt G Baker, Max E., Cpl F None A/C No. 44-28928 Tail # 03 “Heaven Can Wait” P Rung, Raymond F. “Red”, 2Lt CP Doe, Norman H., 2Lt N None B Davis, Marion A., S/Sgt E Sycylo, Theodore W., Cpl R Ott, James V., Cpl G Heintz, Edward R., Jr., Cpl F None P CP N B E R G F A/C No. 43-27502 Tail # 10 “Pretty Kitty Blue Eyes” (previously “What’s Cookin’?”) Glasford, Loren G., 1Lt McFatter, Joe H., 2Lt None Weiner, Irving B., 1Lt Woody, Louie M., S/Sgt Kneisel, Charles W., T/Sgt Bates, Leonard H., S/Sgt None A/C No. 43-27509 Tail # ? Ottinger, Warren F., 1Lt McMahon, Bernard J., Jr., 2Lt None Brooks, William F., 2Lt Larson, Richard A., Cpl Ross, Reginald, J., T/Sgt Edwards, Jack M., Cpl None A/C No. 43-27733 Tail # 00 “Porky’s Baby” Dentoni, Louis M., 2Lt Lawrence, Edward C., 2Lt None Epstein, Philip (NMI), 2Lt Nelson, Jacob M., Sgt Vaseleski, Andrew C., Cpl Garza, Manuel (NMI), Cpl None 446th BS War Diary: A 16-plane mission attacks a tunnel at Brenner Pass with good results. 446th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 639/mission 639) Group Mission # 639: (446th BS did not participate) Wednesday, 27 December 1944 (continued) 446th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 640/mission 640) Group Mission # 640: Squadron Mission 451 TARGET: N entrance Tunnel, S. Ambroglio, Italy DATE: 27 Dec.1944 Type of Bombs: 1000 lb. 446th Planes: 6 Capt. Wagner led the formation. Good concentration in target area. Shadow from mountain prevented exact observation. Flak was heavy, moderate to intense, inaccurate. Two planes holed. No fighters. Wagner, Gerald W., Capt, pilot, 445th BS A/C No. 43-36224 Tail # 34 probably ”Hauling Ass II” P Wozniak, Stanley E., 1Lt CP McCloud, Ray L., 2Lt N Clark, B Kiernan, Noble J., 1Lt E Clark, Samuel E., Jr., 2Lt R Karuzas, Alexander W., Sgt G Nichols, Henry J., III, Cpl F Fitzgerald, George L., Sgt A/C No. 43-27503 Tail # 46 “Miss Arabella” Ingram, William T., 1Lt Maki, Allan A., 2Lt None Hogman, Frans H., 1Lt Dalpos, Joseph N., S/Sgt Rousos, Milton P., S/Sgt Falls, Robert H., Sgt None A/C No. 43-4020 Tail # 26 “Bourbon Baby” P Chandler, Warren W., 1Lt CP Bogan, Floyd W., 2Lt N None B Williams, Thomas A., 2Lt E Kelly, Thomas J., Sgt R Dobrow, Edgar J., Sgt G Beavers, Marqus F., Sgt F None P CP N B E R G F A/C No. 43-27490 Tail # 45 “Mrs C” Carlson, Lowell A., 1Lt Haynes, Allan C., 2Lt None DeSorbo, John S., Sgt Lind, Kenneth H., Cpl Martin, Thomas J., Jr., Cpl Anderson, Chester S., Cpl None A/C No. 43-4077 Tail # 43 “Stormy Weather” (Previously 447th ship “Ann’s Little Boy Val”) DiNorma, Joseph S., 1Lt Holt, Noel P., Jr., 2Lt None Law, John B., Sgt Scheetz, Elvin N., Sgt Ransom, Gerald H., S/Sgt Springer, Walter H., Cpl None A/C No. 43-27747 Tail # 42 “Spider’s Frolic Pad” (first # 42) Cressman, Jack E., 1Lt Alward, Charles W., 2Lt None Vannah, Harold P., F/O Lamm, Earl D., Sgt Freeman, Cecil O., T/Sgt Beets, Frank T., S/Sgt None Wednesday, 27 December 1944 (continued) A/C No. 43-4021 Tail # 31 “The Little Admiral” (later Lady Jane) (first # 31) (spare - returned early) P Grove, Russell V., 1Lt CP Hahn, Melvin G., 2Lt N None B Leith, William V., 1Lt E Shettleworth, William E., Cpl R Moncure, James D., Jr., Cpl G Broderick, Emmett P., Cpl F None 446th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 641/mission 641) Group Mission # 641: Squadron Mission 452 TARGET: S. entrance Tunnel, S. Ambroglio, Italy DATE: 27 Dec.1944 Type of Bombs: 1000 lb. 446th Planes: 10 Lt. Matthews led the formation. Bombs concentrated on over-hang just above S tunnel mouth. Some bombs on W bank of river. Incendiary planes report good coverage on flak batteries S of tunnel. Flak was heavy, moderate to intense, fairly accurate. No fighters. Matthews, John Walker, Jr., 1Lt, pilot A/C No. 43-3989 Tail # 37 “My Georgia Peach” (on co-pilot side - “The Leading Lady”, previously “Miss Dallas”) P Matthews, John Walker, Jr., 1Lt CP Barbee, Harvey C., Jr., 2Lt N Ottem, Earl R., 1Lt B Lippy, Harvey W., 1Lt E Petrella, Luigi C., T/Sgt R Cohen, Irwin (NMI), T/Sgt G Cifuni, Robert J., S/Sgt F None A/C No. 43-27497 Tail # 29 “Barbara” P Crisp, Glenn S., Jr., 1Lt CP Ratliff, James Ernest, Jr., 2Lt N None B Starczewski, Phillip R., 2Lt E Nigrelli, Ernest J., Sgt R Wilking, Robert L., S/Sgt G Cassidy, Warren J., S/Sgt F None A/C No. 43-27496 Tail # ? “PRINCESS” (previously PRINCESS PAOLA II) Gittings, Raymond W., 1Lt Jackson, Roland B., 2Lt None Murch, George M., Jr., Sgt Boylan, James P., Cpl Beck, Junior D., Cpl Jakielek, Ernest F., Cpl None A/C No. 43-4097 Tail # 28 “Tiny?” (later Darlene) Panning, Robert F., 2Lt Heaberlin, Paul L., 2Lt None McCullough, John E., Jr., 1Lt Brady, Walter (NMI), Cpl Flasher, Henry F., Sgt Wagner, William M., Sgt None Wednesday, 27 December 1944 (continued) A/C No. 43-27480 Tail # 44 “Yankee Girl” P Ramsay, Lamar E., 2Lt CP Berge, Gail B., 2Lt N None B Beecher, Everett F., Sgt E Reinartsen, Charles R., Jr., Sgt R Carl, Edgar W., Cpl G Rubin, Herbert L., S/Sgt F None A/C No. 44-28926 Tail # 35 “Merrily We Bob Along” P Smedley, Robert Redmond, Capt CP Sheetinger, Dan A., 2Lt N Codd, Russell G., F/O B McGann, Edom K., 2Lt E Clickner, Albert H., T/Sgt R McEuen, Richard W., Cpl G Bruner, Edward (NMI), S/Sgt F None A/C No. 43-27660 Tail # 30 “Shooting Bull” P Perlman, Jacob L., 2Lt CP Anderson, William H., F/O N None B Corra, Andrew J., 2Lt E Winegarden, Leslie R., T/Sgt R Ross, Harry K., S/Sgt G Dickey, Jack F., Jr., S/Sgt F None A/C No. 43-27477 Tail # 32 “Boots” Fisher, Carl D., 1Lt Sloan, Thomas M., 2Lt None None listed Taylor, Tullis (NMI), Cpl McFarland, Charles W., T/Sgt Popovich, Chris (NMI), S/Sgt None A/C No. 43-27745 Tail # 47 Capalety, Thomas A., 1Lt Treadwell, Joseph (NMI), 2Lt None Fodor, Joseph M., 2Lt Henry, Clark H., S/Sgt Johnson, Carl W., S/Sgt Nehls, Clayton R., S/Sgt None A/C No. 43-27699 Tail # 33 “Jessie” (later name dropped from nose art) Pietrowski, Stanley J., 1Lt Atkins, Richard A., Jr., F/O None Farber, Joseph L., 1Lt Utz, James W., Sgt Bundy, Garland A., T/Sgt Bryan, Dwight L., S/Sgt None 447th BS War Diary: Cpl. Patrick Holland transferred to 57th Bomb Wing, SO 205, Hq. 57th Bomb Wing. Holland, Patrick H., Cpl, engineering 447th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 639/mission 639) Group Mission # 639: (447th BS did not participate) 447th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 640/mission 640) Group Mission # 640: 8 of our ships participated in a mission to destroy the S. Ambroglio Tunnel in northern Italy. Direct hits were observed and many bombs in target area. Bombing accuracy 100%. Capt. Muzinich was leading our squadron. Wednesday, 27 December 1944 (continued) A/C No. 443-27473 Tail # 73 “Paper Doll” (returned early - did not fill in on mission) P Bullion, Roland G. “Rollo”, 2Lt CP Haage, Frederick W., F/O N None B Radel, Henry D., 2Lt E Cruce, Joseph H., Cpl R Ruiz, Emigdio (NMI), Cpl G Ochs, Dan (NMI), Jr., Cpl F None A/C No. 43-27492 Tail # 57 “Reddie Teddie” Brice, David W., 2Lt Breckenridge, Louis C., 2Lt None Atkins, William T. “Bill”, F/O Rinard, Robert P., Cpl Teutsch, Stanley E., Cpl Loux, Robert E., Sgt None A/C No. 43-27730 Tail # ? “Katie” P Satterwhite, Henry C., 1Lt CP Appenzeller, Richard D., 2Lt N None B McDermott, James W., 1Lt E Applegarth, Smith B., S/Sgt R Barksdale, Phillip L., Cpl G Cunningham, Paul W., Cpl F None A/C No. 43-27779 Tail # 62 P CP N B E R G F P CP N B E R G F Hennessey, Ralph E., 1Lt Smith, Frederick H., 2Lt None Caflisch, Leonard P. “Lenny”, Jr., 2Lt Perl, Richard H., Sgt Bartram, Roy H., Cpl Klimkowicz, Zigmond (NMI), Sgt None A/C No. 43-36240 Tail # ? “May Be” Muzinich, Anthony L. “Tony”, Capt Morrison, George R., 1Lt Tulley, Harlan Norval, 1Lt Mesna, Leeland A. “Lee”, 1Lt Keenan, Harry A., Sgt Schnaars, George D., Sgt Lejman, George T., Sgt None A/C No. 43-4079 Tail # 51 “Little David” (returned early - did not fill in on mission) Remmel, Earl Howard “The Fox”, 1Lt Cammack, Elmore (NMI), 2Lt None Darrell, Franklin Lloyd Jr., 1Lt Ifshin, Isidore (NMI) “Sonny”, S/Sgt Maslyar, Michael M., S/Sgt Bauder, Harold R., S/Sgt None A/C No. 43-4069 Tail # ? Buckley, Paul I., 2Lt Brown, Lyle N., Jr., 2Lt None Jones, Dewey D., Jr., Sgt Price, Charles J., Cpl Newton, James R., Cpl Jones, Robert A., Sgt None A/C No. 43-27751 Tail # 50 “MMR” (Meet Mrs. Runyon) (returned early - did not fill in on mission) Morton, William C. “Mort”, Jr., 1Lt Craddock, Jesse J., 1Lt Hiller, Frederick J., 1Lt Lankester, Hugh H. “Lank”, 1Lt Flanigan, Bernard A., Sgt Keefe, John A., T/Sgt Young, Robert E., Sgt None Wednesday, 27 December 1944 (continued) A/C No. 43-27542 Tail # ? “Superstitious Aloysius” P Murchland, Robert Keith, 1Lt CP Rose, Norman I., 2Lt N None B Bokum, John B., F/O E Huntley, Bruce H., Cpl R Guild, Bernard Robert, S/Sgt G Hagan, Richard E., Cpl F None A/C No. 43-27506 Tail # ? “Rebel Devil” P Fairchild, George S., 2Lt CP King, Robert C., Jr., 2Lt N None B McKnight, John A., Jr., Sgt E Dubbs, Andrew C., Sgt R Meiborg, Walter F., Cpl G Goldman, Marvin S., Cpl F None A/C No. 43-36108 Tail # 70 (Lead spare) Hutson, Ernest G. “Hod”, 1Lt Dickson, John L., Jr., 2Lt None Schmoke, Vernon L., 2Lt Lussier, Ernest R., Sgt See, Russell K., T/Sgt Staub, Edward C., Cpl None 447th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 641/mission 641) Group Mission # 641: On the second mission of the day three of our planes participated in an attack on the S. Ambroglio Tunnel with Lt. Marchant leading our squadron. Good concentration in target area with direct hits on target. A/C No. 43-27636 Tail # 74 P CP N B E R G F Yerger, John W., 2Lt Wallis, Shelby D., F/O None Stokes, Robert C., Sgt McMenamin, Daniel P., Jr., Sgt Stocker, Harvey (NMI), Cpl Fromm, Samuel E., Cpl None A/C No. 43-27498 Tail # 71 “Ave Maria” Marchant, Wendell E., 1Lt Cahoon, Carl W., 2Lt Heist, Erwin William “Butch”, F/O Colgan, Donald J., 1Lt Hopp, Charles J., Sgt Phares, Harold (NMI) “Harry”, Jr., Cpl Smith, Kenneth C., Sgt None Wednesday, 27 December 1944 (continued) A/C No. 43-4040 Tail # 56 “Fearless Fosdick” P Loewus, Frederick E. “Fred”, 2Lt CP Speer, Leslie Thomas, 2Lt N None B Balboni, Robert A., 2Lt E Hardage, Charles W., Cpl R Stroupe, Robert A., Cpl G West, Edgar M., Cpl F None 448th BS War Diary: Three missions scheduled for today were off on time this morning. First Lieutenants Brink, Fleming and Freund were promoted to First Lieutenants today. Brink, Richard E., 1Lt, bombardier Fleming, George B., 1Lt, pilot Freund, John F., 1Lt, bombardier 448th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 639/mission 639) Group Mission # 639: The target for the first mission was the Canale D’Isonzo railroad bridge in Italy, for which the 448th had 13 planes airborne. Captain Furey led the mission, but due to gusty winds the bridge was missed, except for a few hits on the west approach. No anti-aircraft fire was encountered, and the formation returned safely to base at 1300. A/C No. 43-27720 Tail # 86 P Furey, Frank M. “Mickey”, Capt CP Zakopcsan, John S., 2Lt N Freund, John F., 2Lt B Martin, James M., Jr., 1Lt E Perillo, Anthony L., T/Sgt R Doughty, Paul V., T/Sgt G Holloway, Garland (NMI), S/Sgt F None A/C No. 43-27530 Tail # 79 “Twin Engine Sadie” P Ivory, Daniel J., Jr., 2Lt CP Bechtle, Robert M., 2Lt N None B Styers, Charles W., 2Lt E Goethals, Camiel A., T/Sgt R Vandenberg, Edward V. “Van”, Cpl G Sharp, Samuel I., Jr., T/Sgt F None A/C No. 43-27791 Tail # 84 Fleming, George B., 2Lt Smith, Milford A., 2Lt None Cannon, John L., 2Lt Gutierrez, Ralph (NMI), Cpl Sullivan, Timothy V., T/Sgt Edwards, Jesse R., Sgt None A/C No. 44-28927 Tail # 91 Norris, Grafton R., 1Lt Bruhn, Charles A., 2Lt None Arnold, Harold L., 2Lt Parham, Ralph E., Cpl Petix, Ignatius D., Pvt Farrell, Bruce M., Sgt None Wednesday, 27 December 1944 (continued) P CP N B E R G F P CP N B E R G F P CP N B E R G F P CP N B E R G F A/C No. 43-27668 Tail # 83 Stromberg, Carl K., 2Lt Riley, Robert L., 1Lt None Qualls, Thomas B., S/Sgt Morian, Charles R., Pvt Randall, Charles R., Jr., T/Sgt Enderle, Melvin J., Sgt None A/C No. 43-4076 Tail # 88 (first # 88) Rubin, Julius W., 2Lt Birkhead, Charles F., Jr., 2Lt None Ratcliffe, James E., Jr., S/Sgt Lasskow, Maxwell J. “Max”, Sgt Mardeuse, Alfred K., S/Sgt Markiewicz, Edward B., S/Sgt None A/C No. 43-27523 Tail # 95 Ovard, Glen S., 1Lt Lee, Howard M., 1Lt Steely, Ralph K., 2Lt Allendorph, John B., 2Lt Veeck, Richard W., S/Sgt Fletcher, William H., Cpl Justice, Conway J., Jr., Sgt None A/C No. 43-27538 Tail # 87 “Down But Not Out” (first # 87) Gladwill, James G., 1Lt Barile, Sam (NMI), 2Lt None Varga, Frank K., Cpl Head, Guthrie H., S/Sgt Walker, Jack L., T/Sgt Ederer, Robert J., Sgt None A/C No. 44-28721 Tail # 90 “Shug” Kirk, Theodore (NMI) “Ted”, 1Lt West, Alden A. “Bud”, 2Lt None Bass, Bernard G., S/Sgt Baird, James (NMI), Jr., S/Sgt Hallman, Robert L., T/Sgt Tangren, Donald E., Cpl None A/C No. 43-27481 Tail # 77 Kuoni, Charles F., Jr., 2Lt Sheffield, Woodrow W., 2Lt None Rockwell, Stewart R. “Rockwell”, T/Sgt Wright, Melvin M., Sgt Hulse, Donald W., S/Sgt Brentar, Joseph C., Cpl None A/C No. 43-27528 Tail # 85 Matthews, Thomas W., 1Lt Russell, John D., 2Lt None Armstrong, Sherman T., Jr., 2Lt Bell, Flavious J., T/Sgt Poteet, Edward J., T/Sgt Carrick, Kenneth M., S/Sgt None A/C No. 43-4067 Tail # 76 “The Big Swing” (first # 76) Cherry, Raymond (NMI), Jr., 2Lt Cook, Don W., 2Lt None Wald, Douglas A., S/Sgt Wolfe, Bernard M., Cpl Hunter, Dewey G., Sgt Biersdorff, Charles J., Cpl None Wednesday, 27 December 1944 (continued) A/C No. 43-27648 Tail # 75 “Sweetie” (Filled in with another squadron) P Copes, Wilson R., 2Lt CP Wuest, Robert F., 2Lt N None B Langley, Edmund P., Jr., Sgt E Mientkiewicz, Casmier (NMI), Sgt R Sevier, Fred L., Cpl G Foote, Lancel H., Jr., Sgt F None 448th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 640/mission 640) Group Mission # 640: The target for the second mission was the south entrance to the S. Ambroglio tunnel in Italy, for which the 448th had four planes loaded with 1000 lb GP bombs. Lieutenant Matthews led the flight, and the bomb concentration was on an overhang just above the tunnel mouth, which is believed to have effectively blocked the tunnel. Four ME-109’s were seen on the breakaway, the first enemy aircraft encountered in several months, but they were chased away before they made any passes at the formation by the P-47 escort. Heavy flak was also encountered, but all the planes returned safely to base at 1330. A/C No. 44-28918 Tail # 82 (first # 82) Lyons, John B., 1Lt Russell, Harold H., 2Lt Bartlett, J. E., 2Lt Lesser, Robert (NMI) “Bob”, 2Lt Hovorka, Leo F., Jr., Cpl Schaffer, Irving J., S/Sgt DiSalvo, Alfred J., Cpl None A/C No. 43-27508 Tail # ? P Churchill, Duane W., 2Lt CP Pruitt, Henry L., 2Lt N None B Reves, Louis E., Sgt E Martin, Lewis E. “Lew”, Sgt R Morefield, James Carl, T/Sgt G Magyar, Steven J., S/Sgt F None P CP N B E R G F A/C No. 43-27706 Tail # 89 “Silver Belle” (filled in on wing) Rogers, Harry (NMI), Jr., Capt Wilson, James M., 2Lt Stout, Charles S. “Chuck”, 2Lt Sheppard, John W., 2Lt Powell, Neil J., Sgt Shields, Robert L., Cpl Trigler, Louis E., S/Sgt None A/C No. 44-28940 Tail # 92 Cooper, Richard J., 2Lt Schweitzer, Robert E., 2Lt None Ward, Paul D., Cpl Magers, Marshall P., S/Sgt Brusa, Robert P., T/Sgt Gage, Robert L., Sgt None Wednesday, 27 December 1944 (continued) 448th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 641/mission 641) Group Mission # 641: The target for the third mission was the North entrance to the S. Ambroglio tunnel. The 448th had one plane on this mission loaded with 1000 lb GP bombs. A good bomb concentration was scored on the assigned areas, but shadow over entrance prevented observation of results. The 448th’s lone plane returned safely without damage or casualties, despite the heavy flak encountered, at 1335. A/C No. unidentified plane & crew (crew list is unreadable) P CP N None B E R G F None 448th BS: War Diary of: Schaffer, Irving J., S/Sgt, radio-gunner: “CQ blowing whistle at 6:20AM. Thought I might get up and investigate mission board. Woke Van who is first mission. Yours truly on second mission. Briefing 9:10AM. Cameraman. Lt Lyons pilot (44-28918). Fresh fried eggs, oatmeal, bread, jam coffee. Target is San Ambroglio - north end of Brenner Pass Tunnel. Take off 10:20AM. Over target 12:15PM. Lesser, bombardier, did not drop. Glass clouded up on bombsight. Medium flak. Very cold. Incendiary ship went in first to knock out guns and disperse chaff to throw off radar. Didn't feel a bit nervous today. Landed 1:50PM. Pork chops, soup, applesauce, bread, butter. Very tired. Roast beef, mashed potatoes, beets, bread, jelly, coffee. Cloudy warm PM. Meeting in EM club of all EM combat men. Capt Burks and Farwell chewed us out. Piss poor bombing and formations. One ship lost formation and landed in Marseilles. Retired 11:00PM.” Burks, Richard W., Capt, pilot Farwell, Harold S., Capt, pilot, Commander Lesser, Robert (NMI) "Bob", 2Lt, bombardier Lyons, John B., 1Lt, pilot Vandenberg, Edward V. “Van”, Cpl, gunner Thursday, 28 December 1944 USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF): In Italy, medium bombers attack troop concentration at Aulla, a dump at Mirabello Monferrato, 3 rail lines from Austria and Yugoslavia into NE Italy by hitting bridges at Chiusaforte and Bodrez, Yugoslavia, and the viaduct at Borovnica; XXII Tactical Air Command planes support the US Fifth Army in the Serchio Valley, where counterattacks are repulsed, hit roads and bridges, and destroy a number of vehicles, many at a motor transport depot near Aulla which the fighters bomb and strafe; during the night of 27/28 Dec, A-20s bomb lights and motor transport at almost 50 places throughout the Po Valley and Brenner area. HQ 321st BG War Diary: Full day’s effort directed at the Canale D’Isonzo reported fair results with hits on both approaches. HQ 321st BG Mission Summary (Ops Order xxx/mission xxx) Group Mission # 641W (A) - redesignated # 665 on 1 Jan 45: Weather Reconnaissance (Group mission report not available at this time) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------HQ 321st BG Mission Summary (Ops Order 642/mission 642) Group Mission # 642: Canale d’Isonzo Rail Bridge (Group mission report not available at this time) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------HQ 321st BG Mission Summary (Ops Order 643/mission 643) Group Mission # 643: Canale d’Isonzo Rail Bridge, Italy (Group mission report not available at this time) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------445th BS War Diary: The planes that landed at Fano airdrome near Rimini yesterday following the long mission, returned to base today. A plane left for Catania in order to obtain New Year cheer, liquid form. Christmas mail and packages, principally the latter, arrived in full force today as mail orderly “Buck” Sergeant was snowed under by a postal landslide. Sergeant, William A. "Buck", Sgt, mail clerk 445th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order xxx/mission xxx) Group Mission # 641W (A) - redesignated # 665 on 1 Jan 45: (445th BS did not participate) 445th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 642/mission 642) Group Mission # 642: (445th BS did not participate) Thursday, 28 December 1944 (continued) 445th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 643/mission 643) Group Mission # 643: This squadron scored a slim 55.5 percent bombing accuracy in today’s attack on the Canale d’Isonzo railroad bridge, Italy. A/C No. 43-27742 Tail # 01 “Winnie Mae” (previously “Vicious Vera”) P Kendall, Wayne E., 1Lt CP McFatter, Joe H., 2Lt N Mitchell, Robert F., 1Lt B Skebey, Robert J., 1Lt E Taylor, Marion R., S/Sgt R Kavan, Lester D., T/Sgt G Smith, Francis L. “Smitty”, S/Sgt F None A/C No. 43-27899 Tail # 08 “Flo” Rigler, Edward J., 1Lt Galny, Gerhard Henry “Hank”, Jr., 1Lt None Miller, Edward A., 1Lt Freiler, Walter C., S/Sgt Otterness, William B., S/Sgt Walburn, John A., S/Sgt None A/C No. 43-27534 Tail # 11 (standing lady) P Lewis, Max E., 1Lt CP Brown, Cecil A., 2Lt N None B Carney, Robert J., T/Sgt E Smith, Warren B. “Smitty”, T/Sgt R Barnett, Frank E., Sgt G Teague, Phillip B., Cpl F None A/C No. 43-27748 Tail # 02 “Mama!” P CP N B E R G F P CP N B E R G F Bowling, Dan Parker, 1Lt Brown, William G., F/O None Silnutzer, Joseph A., 1Lt Poirier, Andre (NMI), S/Sgt DeLaune, William P., T/Sgt Baker, Max E., Cpl None A/C No. 43-4008 Tail # ? “Spirit of St Louis” Ottinger, Warren F., 1Lt McMahon, Bernard J., Jr., 2Lt None Davis, Morton A., S/Sgt Woody, Louie M., S/Sgt Lowrey, James S., Cpl Jones, Harvey J., Sgt None A/C No. 43-27733 Tail # 00 “Porky’s Baby” DeBoer, Jay (NMI), Jr., 2Lt Doris, Robert E., 2Lt None Chauncey, Martin E. “Marty”, T/Sgt Kuykendall, Ben (NMI), Cpl Russo, Paul A., Cpl Grovenburg, Frank Andrew, Cpl None A/C No. 43-27716 Tail # 17 “Shit House Mouse” Shutters, Paul E., 2Lt O’Keefe, John H., 2Lt None Doherty, Charles S., S/Sgt Koski, Paul J., S/Sgt Ott, James V., Cpl Henry, William W., S/Sgt None A/C No. 44-28948 Tail # 09 “Miss Belle Fontaine” Dentoni, Louis M., 2Lt Lawrence, Edward C., 2Lt None Epstein, Philip (NMI), 2Lt Nelson, Jacob M., Sgt Vaseleski, Andrew C., Cpl Hickman, Jefferson M. “Jeff”, Cpl None Thursday, 28 December 1944 (continued) A/C No. 44-28928 Tail # 03 “Heaven Can Wait” P Rung, Raymond F. “Red”, Jr., 2Lt CP Doe, Norman H., 2Lt N None B Murphy, John P., 2Lt E Sycylo, Theodore W., S/Sgt R Nuttall, John H., Sgt G Heintz, Edward R., Jr., Cpl F None A/C No. 43-27741 Tail # 14 “Val” (previously “Modern Design”) (Lead spare - did not fill in) P Farrell, Robert A. “Baldy”, Capt CP Stolberg, Frederick R., 2Lt N None B Wren, Frank J., 1Lt E Larson, Richard A., Cpl R Reagin, Charles T., Sgt G Andrews, Lamar C., S/Sgt F None A/C No. 43-27509 Tail # ? (Wing spare - did not fill in) Santone, Michael A., 1Lt Wilson, Charles B. “Charlee”, 2Lt None Brooks, William F., F/O Mitchell, Robert D. “Bob”, Cpl Matter, Dean R., Sgt Bierly, Glenn E., Cpl None A/C No. 43-27502 Tail # 10 “Pretty Kitty Blue Eyes” (previously “What’s Cookin’?”) (Wing spare - did not fill in) Kourafas, James (NMI) “Jim”, 2Lt Young, Paul L., 2Lt None Josephson, Sanford L., S/Sgt Carney, Daniel (NMI), Cpl Heckman, Kenneth W., Cpl Emberton, Daniel P., Jr., S/Sgt None 445th BS: War Diary of: Seegmiller, Barnard H., Sgt, armament: 12/28/44: “All day has been cloudy and somewhat cold. On guard last night. Rucker and I made a trip to the Group showers. Tonight we went to see the movie, “Sensations of 1945” starring Eleanor Powell. About the time the show began, the clouds dispersed and revealed a full moon. The stars could be counted on one’s fingers. The snow on the mountain gleamed. It is one of those perfect nights I want always to remember. Some more packages came today and we are swamped with candy, nuts, cookies, and reading material. I have many wonderful friends whom I appreciate.” Rucker, Elbert A., Sgt, armament 446th BS War Diary: Fifteen planes go as part of the mission flown today. 446th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order xxx/mission xxx) Group Mission # 641W (A) - redesignated # 665 on 1 Jan 45: Squadron Mission 455 TARGET: Weather Reconnaissance DATE: 28 Dec.1944 Type of Bombs: None 446th Planes: 1 Lt. Hurley was the pilot. Mission accomplished. No flak, no fighters. Thursday, 28 December 1944 (continued) A/C No. 43-27678 Tail # 40 “Lemmon Lu” (Weather Ship) P Hurley, John R., 1Lt CP Smith, Clarence J. H., F/O N None B Gale, Benjamin H., Jr., 1Lt E Cornelius, Wilbur G., S/Sgt R Leary, Edward M., T/Sgt G Holdridge, John F., Sgt F None 446th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 642/mission 642) Group Mission # 642: Squadron Mission 453 TARGET: Canale d’Isonzo Rail Bridge, Italy DATE: 28 Dec.1944 Type of Bombs: 1000 lb 446th Planes: 12 Capt. Furey led the formation. W approach and W end of bridge covered by good concentration. Some strings fell across center of bridge with a number of direct hits observed. First box of six in the third flight made second run. No flak, no fighters. Lt. Matthews the spare, returned early. Furey, Frank M. “Mickey”, Capt, pilot. 448th BS A/C No. 43-3989 Tail # 37 “My Georgia Peach” (on co-pilot side - “The Leading Lady”, previously “Miss Dallas”) P Wozniak, Stanley E., 1Lt CP McCloud, Ray L., 2Lt N Codd, Russell G., F/O B Derringer, Albert J., 1Lt E Karuzas, Alexander W., Sgt R Nichols, Henry J., III, Cpl G Fitzgerald, George L., Sgt F None A/C No. 43-27699 Tail # 33 “Jessie” (later name dropped from nose art) P Ingram, William T., 1Lt CP Maki, Allan A., 2Lt N None B Hogman, Frans H., 1Lt E Englehaupt, Russell L., Sgt R Koos, Walter V., S/Sgt G Slezak, Alex E., S/Sgt F None A/C No. 43-4097 Tail # 28 “Tiny?” (later Darlene) Doyle, John D., 1Lt Manolis, Ronald J., 2Lt None None listed Freeman, Harold W., Cpl Wilking, Robert L., S/Sgt Cassidy, Warren J., S/Sgt None A/C No. 43-27696 Tail # 41 “Baby Blue Eyes” Panning, Robert F., 2Lt Alward, Charles W., 2Lt None Fein, William F., 2Lt Taylor, Tullis (NMI), Cpl Flasher, Henry F., Sgt Wagner, William M., Sgt None Thursday, 28 December 1944 (continued) A/C No. 43-27477 Tail # 32 “Boots” Fisher, Carl D., 1Lt Sloan, Thomas M., 2Lt None None listed Krider, Emanuel (NMI), Cpl McFarland, Charles W., T/Sgt Popovich, Chris (NMI), S/Sgt None A/C No. 43-4021 Tail # 31 “The Little Admiral” (later Lady Jane) (first # 31) P Grove, Russell V., 1Lt CP Hahn, Melvin G., 2Lt N Clark, Samuel E., Jr., 2Lt B Leith, William V., 1Lt E Shettleworth, William E., Cpl R Moncure, James D., Jr., Cpl G Broderick, Emmett P., Cpl F None A/C No. 43-27745 Tail # 47 P CP N B E R G F Ziglar, Frank C., Maj Gallagher, Andrew Paul, 2Lt None Farber, Joseph L., 1Lt Brady, Walter (NMI), Cpl McEuen, Richard W., Cpl Freck, Byron P., Sgt None A/C No. 43-27496 Tail # ? “PRINCESS” (previously PRINCESS PAOLA II) P Capalety, Thomas A., 1Lt CP Treadwell, Joseph (NMI), 2Lt N None B Fodor, Joseph M., 2Lt E Henry, Clark H., S/Sgt R Bundy, Garland A., T/Sgt G Bryan, Dwight L., S/Sgt F None P CP N B E R G F A/C No. 43-27503 Tail # 46 “Miss Arabella” Carlson, Lowell A., 1Lt Haynes, Allan C., 2Lt None DeSorbo, John S., Sgt Edwards, David R., T/Sgt Freeman, Cecil O., T/Sgt Beets, Frank T., S/Sgt None A/C No. 43-27660 Tail # 30 “Shooting Bull” Perlman, Jacob L., 2Lt Heaberlin, Paul L., 2Lt None Corra, Andrew J., 2Lt Winegarden, Leslie R., T/Sgt Ross, Harry K., S/Sgt Dickey, Jack F., Jr., S/Sgt None A/C No. 43-4077 Tail # 43 “Stormy Weather” (Previously 447th ship “Ann’s Little Boy Val”) DiNorma, Joseph S., 1Lt Holt, Noel P., Jr., 2Lt None Law, John B., Sgt Scheetz, Elvin N., Sgt Ransom, Gerald H., S/Sgt Chapin, Correll C., Cpl None A/C No. 43-27747 Tail # 42 “Spider’s Frolic Pad” (first # 42) Cressman, Jack E., 1Lt Anderson, William H., F/O None Fox, David (NMI), 2Lt Lamm, Earl D., Sgt Wimert, Donald A., Cpl Haxby, William H., Jr., Cpl None Thursday, 28 December 1944 (continued) A/C No. 43-36224 Tail # 34 probably ”Hauling Ass II” (Spare - returned early - did not fill in) P Matthews, John Walker, Jr., 1Lt CP Barbee, Harvey C., Jr., 2Lt N None B Lippy, Harvey W., 1Lt E Petrella, Luigi C., T/Sgt R Cohen, Irwin (NMI), T/Sgt G Cifuni, Robert J., S/Sgt F None 446th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 643/mission 643) Group Mission # 643: Squadron Mission 454 TARGET: Canale d’Isonzo Rail Bridge DATE: 28 Dec.1944 Type of Bombs: 1000 lb. 446th Planes: 3 Lt. Kendall led the formation. Bombs on both approaches, with possible hits on SW end of bridge. No flak, no fighters. Kendall, Wayne E., 1Lt, pilot, 445th BS A/C No. 43-27497 Tail # 29 “Barbara” P Crisp, Glenn S., Jr., 1Lt CP Ratliff, James Ernest, Jr., 2Lt N Anderson, Melvin Anders “Andy”, Capt, HQ 321st BG B Starczewski, Phillip R., 2Lt, 445th BS E Nigrelli, Ernest J., Sgt R Rousos, Milton P., T/Sgt G Alberico, Camillo A., S/Sgt F None A/C No. 43-4020 Tail # 26 “Bourbon Baby” P Chandler, Warren W., 1Lt CP Everhart, Herman E., 2Lt N None B Williams, Thomas A., 2Lt E Kelly, Thomas J., Sgt R Dobrow, Edgar J., Cpl G Beavers, Marqus F., Sgt F None A/C No. 43-27480 Tail # 44 “Yankee Girl” Ramsay, Lamar E., 2Lt Berge, Gail B., 2Lt None Beecher, Everett F., Sgt Utz, James W., S/Sgt Carl, Edgar W., Cpl Bruner, Edward (NMI), S/Sgt None 447th BS War Diary: 1st Lt. Henry C. Satterwhite, TD Capri Rest Camp to duty. Satterwhite, Henry C., 1Lt, pilot Thursday, 28 December 1944 (continued) 447th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order xxx/mission xxx) Group Mission # 641W (A) - redesignated # 665 on 1 Jan 45: (447th BS did not participate) 447th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 642/mission 642) Group Mission # 642: 12 of our planes participated in a mission to destroy the Canale d’Isonzo Rail Bridge with Lt. Edward Gates leading our squadron. Crews report west approach and west end of bridge receiving good concentration. A/C No. 43-4040 Tail # 56 “Fearless Fosdick” P Loewus, Frederick E. “Fred”, 2Lt CP Speer, Leslie Thomas, 2Lt N None B Balboni, Robert A., 2Lt E Hardage, Charles W., Cpl R Stroupe, Robert A., Cpl G Williams, James H., Sgt F None A/C No. 43-27718 Tail # (never assigned a 2 digit Tail #) P Kibler, William E. “Kib”, 1Lt CP Craddock, Jesse J., 1Lt N None B Jones, Dewey D., Jr., Sgt E Mullis, Paul C., Sgt R Fiocca, Theodore Aurelio, S/Sgt G Goldman, Marvin S., Cpl F None A/C No. 43-4069 Tail # ? “Ruptured Duck” P Fairchild, George S., 2Lt CP Brown, Lyle N., Jr., 2Lt N None B McDermott, James W., 1Lt E Dubbs, Andrew C., Sgt R Phares, Harold (NMI) “Harry”, Jr., Cpl G Citarelli, James E., Sgt F None A/C No. 43-36240 Tail # ? “May Be” Gates, Edward (NMI), 1Lt Haage, Frederick W., F/O Olsen, Svend P., 1Lt Gould, Joe W., 1Lt Huntley, Bruce H., Cpl Jones, LeRoy (NMI), Cpl Drew, Horace E., Cpl None A/C No. 43-4079 Tail # 51 “Little David” Remmel, Earl Howard “The Fox”, 1Lt Cammack, Elmore (NMI), 2Lt None Darrell, Franklin Lloyd, Jr., 1Lt Ifshin, Isidore (NMI) “Sonny”, S/Sgt Maslyar, Michael M., S/Sgt Barrett, Silas Alfred, Sgt None A/C No. 43-27506 Tail # ? “Rebel Devil” Dodson, Jackson R., 2Lt Rose, Norman I., 2Lt None Lubinsky, Norman B., Sgt Cohen, Sam M., Cpl Theiss, Vincent E., Cpl McCready, John E., Jr., Sgt None Thursday, 28 December 1944 (continued) A/C No. 43-27785 Tail # 58 Yerger, John W., 2Lt Wallis, Shelby D., F/O None Dulaney, Earl W., Sgt McMenamin, Daniel P., Jr., Sgt Stocker, Harvey (NMI), Cpl Fromm, Samuel E., Cpl None A/C No. 43-27730 Tail # ? “Katie” P Breckenridge, Louis C., 2Lt CP Brice, David W., 2Lt N None B Perl, Richard H., Sgt E Rinard, Robert P., Cpl R Teutsch, Stanley E., Cpl G Loux, Robert E., Sgt F None A/C No. 43-27473 Tail # 73 “Paper Doll” P Bullion, Roland G. “Rollo”, 2Lt CP Briggs, Richard G. “Dick”, 2Lt N None B Radel, Henry D., 2Lt E Cruce, Joseph H., Cpl R Ruiz, Emigdio (NMI), Cpl G Hunsaker, Frank W., Jr., Cpl F None P CP N B E R G F A/C No. 43-27492 Tail # 57 “Reddie Teddie” Morton, William C. “Mort”, Jr., 1Lt Peck, Paul R., 2Lt Hiller, Frederick J., 1Lt Lankester, Hugh H. “Lank”, 1Lt Flanigan, Bernard A., Sgt Keefe, John A., T/Sgt Young, Robert E., Sgt None A/C No. 43-36108 Tail # 70 Murchland, Robert Keith, 1Lt Buckley, Paul I., 2Lt None Bokum, John B., F/O Lussier, Ernest R., Sgt Hourahan, William F., Jr., Cpl Harvey, John A., Sgt None A/C No. 43-4009 Tail # 69 “Double-ONine” Amundson, Donald A., 2Lt Highsmith, John R., 2Lt None Stokes, Robert C., Sgt Jones, Robert G., S/Sgt Meiborg, Walter F., Cpl West, Edgar M., Cpl None 447th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 643/mission 643) Group Mission # 643: On the second mission of the day 3 of our ships participating in a mission to destroy the Canale Rail Bridge in northern Italy with Lt. Marchant leading the squadron. Bombs across both approaches, possible hits on southwest end of bridge. A/C No. 43-27779 Tail # 62 P CP N B E R G F Hennessey, Ralph E., 1Lt Smith, Frederick H., 2Lt None Keenan, Harry A., Sgt Price, Charles J., Cpl Finnegan, Paul W., Cpl Gorden, Robert L., Cpl None A/C No. 43-27498 Tail # 71 “Ave Maria” Marchant, Wendell E., 1Lt Muzinich, Anthony L. “Tony”, Capt Tulley, Harlan Norval, 1Lt Colgan, Donald J., 1Lt Hopp, Charles J., Sgt Appleman, Carroll G., Cpl Smith, Kenneth C., Sgt None Thursday, 28 December 1944 (continued) A/C No. 43-27542 Tail # ? “Superstitious Aloysius” P Smith, Richard H. “Red”, Col, HQ 321st BG Commander CP Neumann, Robert H., Maj, HQ 321st BG N None B Caflisch, Leonard P. “Lenny”, Jr., 2Lt E Applegarth, Smith B., Sgt R Barksdale, Phillip L., Sgt G Sims, James W., Cpl F None 448th BS War Diary: This morning Corporals Nash and Julio were transferred to Hq Sq of the 57th Bomb Wing. This afternoon Lieutenants Cameron, Spaur and Meyers, Flight Officers Carr and Mann, Sergeant Codd and Corporals Sadofsky, Sidoti, Murray, Petruzzi, and Hudson were assigned to the Squadron. Sergeant Manning left for TD with the 6660 Signal Company. The Officers had their Christmas dance in the Officer’s Club this evening with “Doc” Smith’s band furnishing the musical entertainment as Squadron rug-cutters danced with the local hospital nurses. Everyone enjoyed the evening and the excellent musical arrangements of Doc Smith. Cameron, Alexander G., 2Lt, bombardier Carr, Robert E., F/O, pilot Codd, James P., Sgt, gunner Hudson, Willie H., Jr., Cpl, gunner Julio, Frank J., Cpl, engineering Mann, James R., F/O, pilot Manning, James F., S/Sgt, communication Meyers, Kenneth F., 2Lt, pilot Murray, Francis J., Cpl, gunner Nash, Sidney E., Cpl, engineering Petruzzi, Evo J., Cpl, gunner Sadofsky, John (NMI), Cpl, gunner Sidoti, Nick S., Cpl, gunner Smith, William C. "Doc", Capt, surgeon Spaur, Melvin J., 2Lt, pilot 448th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order xxx/mission xxx) Group Mission # 641W (A) - redesignated # 665 on 1 Jan 45: (448th BS did not participate) 448th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 642/mission 642) Group Mission # 642: Captain Furey led his formation back to the Canale d’Isonzo railroad bridge today on the first mission today. The 448th had twelve planes in the formation of thirty-six loaded with 1000 lb GP bombs, which met no opposition as it came over the target. Bombs were well concentrated on the west end of the bridge, and some bombs fell in the center causing heavy damage and the possible collapse of one span. All planes returned safely at 1320. Thursday, 28 December 1944 (continued) A/C No. 43-27720 Tail # 86 P Furey, Frank M. “Mickey”, Capt CP Russell, Harold H., 2Lt N Freund, John F., 1Lt B Martin, James M., Jr., 1Lt E Carter, Eugene F., T/Sgt R Doughty, Paul V., T/Sgt G Holloway, Garland (NMI), S/Sgt F None A/C No. 43-27668 Tail # 83 P Riley, Andrew J., 1Lt CP Bruhn, Charles A., 2Lt N None B Poteet, Edward J., T/Sgt E Qualls, Thomas B., S/Sgt R Randall, Charles R., Jr., T/Sgt G Enderle, Melvin J., Sgt F None A/C No. 44-28918 Tail # 82 (first # 82) Autrey, W. F. (i.o.), 2Lt West Alden A. “Bud”, 2Lt None Ward, Paul D., Cpl McTaggart, Leonard A., Sgt Petix, Ignatius D., Pvt Trigler, Louis E., S/Sgt None A/C No. 43-28081 Tail # 81 P Churchill, Duane W., 2Lt CP Williams, Peter G., 1Lt N None B Berman, Samuel (NMI), T/Sgt E Martin, James M., Jr., Sgt R Walker, Jack L., T/Sgt G Tangren, Donald E., Cpl F None P CP N B E R G F A/C No. 43-27791 Tail # 84 Fleming, George B., 1Lt Schweitzer, Robert E., 2Lt None Styers, Charles W., 2Lt Gutierrez, Ralph (NMI), Cpl Sullivan, Timothy V., T/Sgt Moleski, Benny M. “Ben”, S/Sgt None A/C No. 44-28721 Tail # 90 “Shug” Kirk, Theodore (NMI) “Ted”, 1Lt Barile, Sam (NMI), 2Lt None Arnold, Harold L., 2Lt Baird, James (NMI), Jr., S/Sgt Bass, Bernard G., S/Sgt DiSalvo, Alfred J., Cpl None A/C No. 43-27530 Tail # 79 “Twin Engine Sadie” Copes, Wilson R., 2Lt Brown, Royden (NMI), 1Lt None Pealer, Woodward D., S/Sgt Mientkiewicz, Casmier (NMI), Sgt Sevier, Fred L., Cpl Foote, Lancel H., Jr., Sgt None A/C No. 43-27508 Tail # ? Gladwill, James G., 1Lt Pruitt, Henry L., 2Lt None Varga, Frank K., Cpl Head, Guthrie H., S/Sgt Hallman, Robert L., T/Sgt Ederer, Robert J., T/Sgt None Thursday, 28 December 1944 (continued) A/C No. 43-27523 Tail # 95 P Ovard, Glen S., Capt CP Valenti, Jack J., 2Lt N Allendorph, John B., 2Lt B Steely, Ralph K., 2Lt E Turner, James H., Cpl R Fletcher, William H., Cpl G Justice, Conway J., Jr., Sgt F None A/C No. 43-4076 Tail # 88 (first # 88) P Ivory, Daniel J., Jr., 2Lt CP Akers, Harold B., Jr., 2Lt N None B Ratcliffe, James E., Jr., S/Sgt E Goethals, Camiel A., S/Sgt R Vandenberg, Edward V. “Van”, Cpl G Sharp, Samuel I., Jr., S/Sgt F None A/C No. 43-27528 Tail # 85 Matthews, Thomas W., 1Lt Cook, Don W., 2Lt Lang, Robert H., 2Lt Armstrong, Sherman T., Jr., 2Lt Bell, Flavious J., T/Sgt Shields, Robert L., Cpl Carrick, Kenneth M., S/Sgt None A/C No. 44-28927 Tail # 91 Smith, Milford A., 2Lt Bechtle, Robert M., 2Lt None Langley, Edmund P., Jr., Sgt Wright, Melvin M., Sgt Mardeuse, Alfred K., S/Sgt Edwards, Jesse R., Sgt None 448th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 643/mission 643) Group Mission # 643: For the second mission the 448th had three planes in the formation led by Colonel Smith, the Group Commander. It also attacked the Canale d’Isonzo rail bridge which is known now as the “Yugoslavian bomb range”. They also scored hits on both approaches and also some bombs fell on the west end of the bridge. Damage to the bridge was believed heavy. No enemy opposition was encountered, and Colonel Smith brought the formation back safely at 1350. P CP N B E R G F A/C No. 43-27726 Tail # 80 Shear, Meyer (NMI), Capt Zakopcsan, John S., 2Lt Stout, Charles S. “Chuck”, 2Lt Lesser, Robert (NMI) “Bob”, 2Lt Haack, Cecil J., T/Sgt Morefield, James Carl, T/Sgt Knauss, Charles F., S/Sgt None A/C No. 44-28940 Tail # 92 Cooper, Richard J., 2Lt Birkhead, Charles F., Jr., 2Lt None Ferrell, Bruce M., Sgt Magers, Marshall P., S/Sgt Brusa, Robert P., T/Sgt Gage, Robert L., Sgt None Thursday, 28 December 1944 (continued) A/C No. 43-27481 Tail # 77 P Stromberg, Carl K., 2Lt CP Lee, Howard M., 1Lt N None B Rockwell, Stewart R. “Rockwell”, T/Sgt E Harageones, George J., Sgt R Hulse, Donald W., S/Sgt G Brentar, Joseph C., Cpl F None 448th BS: War Diary of: Schaffer, Irving J., S/Sgt, radio-gunner: “Awoke 7:55AM. First thought that struck my mind was Elliott's 32nd birthday. Not on mission. 2 missions going up. Fresh fried eggs, wheatena, bread, jelly, orangegrapefruit juice, tangerines. Cloudy, damp AM. Lew and Van on mission. La Bella returned from Rome. Went on group ship. Biscuits, cheese, stew, beets and onion, jelly, coffee, white radishes. 10 new officers, 10 new EM's came in this AM. Corn beef hash, tomato sauce, boiled cabbage, fruit salad, bread butter, coffee. Attended "Sensations of 1945" Received box of cigars and book from the folks. Clear, starry night. Snowcovered mountains show up picturesquely in moonlight. Commenced "Porgy" by DuBose Heyward. Retired 9:30 PM.” LaBella, Dante (NMI) “GI Joe”, S/Sgt, radio-gunner, bombardier Martin, Lewis E. “Lew”, Sgt, engineer-gunner Schaffer, Elliott, Irving Schaffer’s brother Vandenberg, Edward V. “Van”, Cpl, gunner Friday, 29 December 1944 USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF): In Italy, during the night of 28/29 Dec, A-20s pound motor transports, ferry crossings, road bridges, rail line, and targets of opportunity throughout NW and NC Po Valley; medium bombers during the day blast the Rovereto bridge and Lavis viaduct, attack several bridges in NE Italy destroying the center span of the bridge at Pordenone, and severely damage the bridge at Motta di Livenza; fighter-bombers concentrate on communications targets in the extreme W end of the battle area, with excellent results on bridges in the Massa Lombarda area and destroy numerous vehicles and several locomotives. HQ 321st BG War Diary: The elusive Canale Railroad Bridge was again our target today and still the bridge was missed – 24 planes. A 100 percent concentration on the Rovereto Railroad bridge despite the heavy, intense, accurate flak was scored by eighteen aircraft. HQ 321st BG Mission Summary (Ops Order xxx/mission xxx) Group Mission # 643W (A) - redesignated # 666 on 1 Jan 45: Weather Reconnaissance (Group mission report not available at this time) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------HQ 321st BG Mission Summary (Ops Order 644/mission 644) Group Mission # 644: Canale d’Isonzo Rail Bridge, Italy. (Group mission report not available at this time) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------HQ 321st BG Mission Summary (Ops Order 645/mission 645) Group Mission # 645: Rovereto Rail Road Bridge, Italy (Group mission report not available at this time) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------445th BS War Diary: Nine gunners received some training on the new “Jam Handy” gunnery trainer at group today. 1st Lieutenant William H. Moore left the squadron today on his way to the USA on rotation orders. There were a few training flights made today. Tripoli plane arrived home today. Moore, William H., Jr., 1Lt, pilot 445th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order xxx/mission xxx) Group Mission # 643W (A) - redesignated # 666 on 1 Jan 45: (445th BS did not participate) 445th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 644/mission 644) Group Mission # 644: (445th BS did not participate) Friday, 29 December 1944 (continued) 445th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 645/mission 645) Group Mission # 645: The squadron attacked the Rovereto railroad bridge, Italy with 94 percent bombing accuracy resulting. A ship – 714 – which was equipped in such a manner as to allow the pilot to drop bombs from the cockpit went along on the mission today and results were reported to be “very satisfactory”. A/C No. 43-27742 Tail # 01 “Winnie A/C No. 43-27716 Tail # 17 “Shit Mae” (previously “Vicious Vera”) House Mouse” Emler, Richard S. “Dick”, 2Lt P Wagner, Gerald W., Capt CP Galny, Gerhard Henry “Hank”, Jr., 2Lt Hughes, Richard C., 2Lt None N Mitchell, Robert F., 1Lt Weiner, Irving B., 1Lt B Finkhouse, Lloyd L., 1Lt Freiler, Walter C., S/Sgt E Carruthers, John (NMI), II, S/Sgt Ross, Reginald J., T/Sgt R DeLaune, William P., T/Sgt Moorehead, Lewis E., S/Sgt G Bates, Leonard H., S/Sgt None F None A/C No. 44-28722 Tail # 18 “Spirit of A/C No. 43-27741 Tail # 14 “Val” (previously “Modern Design”) Portchester” Payne, Lawrence J., 1Lt P Mogren, Edward G., 1Lt Young, William J. “Dusty”, 2Lt CP Middleton, Donald M., 2Lt None N None None listed B Jackson, William H., 2Lt Hagains, John R., Cpl E Poirier, Andre (NMI), T/Sgt Krober, Raymond D., Jr., Sgt R Kavan, Lester D., T/Sgt Edwards, Jack M., Cpl G Stanley, Harold Gene “Gene”, S/Sgt None F None A/C No. 43-27733 Tail # 00 “Porky’s A/C No. 43-27572 Tail # 12 “Babs” Baby” Lewis, Max E., 1Lt P Santone, Michael A., 1Lt Brown, Cecil A., 2Lt CP Wilson, Charles B. “Charlee”, 2Lt None N None Brown, Thomas M., 2Lt B Carney, Robert J., T/Sgt Smith, Warren B. “Smitty”, T/Sgt E Woody, Louie M., S/Sgt Lowrey, James S., Cpl R Barnett, Frank E., Sgt Lile, Keith B., Cpl G Slodden, Henry M. “Kip”, S/Sgt None F None A/C No. 43-27748 Tail # 02 “Mama!” A/C No. 43-27509 Tail # ? Kourafas, James (NMI) “Jim”, 2Lt P Bowling, Dan Parker, 1Lt Young, Paul L., 2Lt CP Doe, Norman H., 2Lt None N None Josephson, Sanford L., S/Sgt B Silnutzer, Joseph A., 1Lt Carney, Daniel (NMI), Cpl E Gum, Paul V., Cpl Heckman, Kenneth W., Cpl R Otterness, William B., S/Sgt Emberton, Daniel P., Jr., S/Sgt G Freidli, William M., Cpl None F None Friday, 29 December 1944 (continued) A/C No. 43-27502 Tail # 10 “Pretty Kitty Blue Eyes” (previously “What’s Cookin’?”) P Ottinger, Warren F., 1Lt CP McFatter, Joe H., 2Lt N None B Salch, Raymond F., S/Sgt E Pearson, George E., Sgt R Matter, Dean R., Sgt G Garza, Manuel (NMI), Cpl F None A/C No. 44-28928 Tail # 03 “Heaven Can Wait” (Wing spare - did not fill in) P Rung, Raymond F. “Red”, Jr., 2Lt CP Amundson, Fred K., 2Lt N None B Epstein, Philip (NMI), 2Lt E Krauk, Edward J., S/Sgt R Ott, James V., Cpl G Kabrich, Harry Lee, S/Sgt F None A/C No. 43-27899 Tail # 08 (Anti Flak Plane - loaded with 500 lb incendiaries) Farrell, Robert A. “Baldy”, Capt Stolberg, Frederick R., 2Lt None Wren, Frank J., 1Lt Larson, Richard A., Cpl Reagin, Charles T., Sgt Andrews, Lamar C., Sgt Johnson, Stanton W., Capt (observer) 446th BS War Diary: December 29 and 30: A mission is flown each day. 446th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order xxx/mission xxx) Group Mission # 643W (A) - redesignated # 666 on 1 Jan 45: Squadron Mission 456 TARGET: Weather Reconnaissance DATE: 29 Dec.1944 Type of Bombs: None 446th Planes: 1 Lt. Hurley was the pilot. Mission accomplished. No flak, no fighters. A/C No. 43-27678 Tail # 40 (Weather Ship) P Hurley, John R., 1Lt CP Alward, Charles W., 2Lt N None B Gale, Benjamin H., Jr., 1Lt E Cornelius, Wilbur G., S/Sgt R Leary, Edward M., T/Sgt G Holdridge, John F., Sgt F None Friday, 29 December 1944 (continued) 446th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 644/mission 644) Group Mission # 644: Squadron Mission 457 TARGET: Canale d’Isonzo Rail Bridge, Italy. DATE: 29 Dec.1944 Type of Bombs: 1000 lb. 446th Planes: 12 Lt. Gates led the formation. W approach hit at road overpass. Second flight made two runs before bombing. No flak, no fighters. Lt. Berge, spare, returned early. Gates, Edward, 1Lt, pilot, 447th BS A/C No. 43-27501 Tail # 39 “Sweet Sue Kathy Jeanne” (unnamed to Nov 44. In 45 “Kathy Jeanne” dropped) P Wozniak, Stanley E., 1Lt CP McCloud, Ray L., 2Lt N Codd, Russell G., F/O B Derringer, Albert J., 1Lt E Karuzas, Alexander W., Sgt R Nichols, Henry J., III, Cpl G Fitzgerald, George L., Sgt F None A/C No. 43-27503 Tail # 46 “Miss Arabella” P Ingram, William T., 1Lt CP Maki, Allan A., 2Lt N None B Hogman, Frans H., 1Lt E Englehaupt, Russell L., Sgt R Koos, Walter V., S/Sgt G Slezak, Alex E., S/Sgt F None A/C No. 43-27699 Tail # 33 “Jessie” (later name dropped from nose art) P Panning, Robert F., 2Lt CP Anderson, William H., F/O N None B McCullough, John E., Jr., 1Lt E Shettleworth, William E., Cpl R Flasher, Henry F., Sgt G Wagner, William M., Sgt F None A/C No. 43-27477 Tail # 32 “Boots” Fisher, Carl D., 1Lt Atkins, Richard A., Jr., F/O None None listed Davis, Virgil F., S/Sgt McFarland, Charles W., T/Sgt Popovich, Chris (NMI), S/Sgt None A/C No. 43-36224 Tail # 34 probably ”Hauling Ass II” Carlson, Lowell A., 1Lt Haynes, Allan C., 2Lt None DeSorbo, John S., Sgt Lind, Kenneth H., Cpl Martin, Thomas J., Jr., Cpl Anderson, Chester S., Cpl None A/C No. 43-27747 Tail # 42 “Spider’s Frolic Pad” (first # 42) Chandler, Warren W., 1Lt Barbee, Harvey C., Jr., 2Lt None Gahm, Edward L., 2Lt Kelly, Thomas J., Sgt Dobrow, Edgar J., Cpl Beavers, Marqus F., Sgt None Friday, 29 December 1944 (continued) A/C No. 44-28926 Tail # 35 “Merrily We Bob Along” P CP N B E R G F Smedley, Robert Redmond, Capt Sheetinger, Dan A., 2Lt Clark, Samuel E., Jr., 2Lt Leith, William V., 1Lt Petrella, Luigi C., T/Sgt Luitjens, Harvey J., Sgt Bruner, Edward (NMI), S/Sgt None A/C No. 43-4021 Tail # 31 “The Little Admiral” (later Lady Jane) (first # 31) Ziglar, Frank C., Maj Treadwell, Joseph (NMI), 2Lt None Farber, Joseph L., 1Lt Brady, Walter (NMI), Cpl McEuen, Richard W., Cpl Falls, Robert H., Sgt None A/C No. 43-4097 Tail # 28 “Tiny?” (later Darlene) P Doyle, John D., 1Lt CP Ratliff, James Ernest, Jr., 2Lt N None B None listed E Freeman, Harold W., Cpl R Wilking, Robert L., S/Sgt G Cassidy, Warren J., S/Sgt F None A/C No. 43-3989 Tail # 37 “My Georgia Peach” (on co-pilot side - “The Leading Lady”, previously “Miss Dallas”) (wing spare - did not fill in returned early) P Berge, Gail B., 2Lt CP Bogan, Floyd W., 2Lt N None B Beecher, Everett F., Cpl E Reinartsen, Charles R., Jr., Sgt R Carl, Edgar W., Sgt G Rubin, Herbert L., S/Sgt F None P CP N B E R G F A/C No. 43-27496 Tail # ? “PRINCESS” (previously PRINCESS PAOLA II) Capalety, Thomas A., 1Lt Jackson, Roland B., 2Lt None Fodor, Joseph M., 2Lt Boylan, James P., Cpl Beck, Junior D., Cpl Jakielek, Ernest F., Cpl None A/C No. 43-4077 Tail # 43 “Stormy Weather” (Previously 447th ship “Ann’s Little Boy Val”) DiNorma, Joseph S., 1Lt Holt, Noel P., Jr., 2Lt None Law, John B., Sgt Scheetz, Elvin N., Sgt Ransom, Gerald H., S/Sgt Springer, Walter H., Cpl None A/C No. 43-27660 Tail # 30 “Shooting Bull” Perlman, Jacob L., 2Lt Heaberlin, Paul L., 2Lt None Fein, William F., 2Lt Winegarden, Leslie R., T/Sgt Ross, Harry K., S/Sgt Dickey, Jack F., Jr., S/Sgt None Friday, 29 December 1944 (continued) 446th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 645/mission 645) Group Mission # 645: (446th BS did not participate) 446th BS: War Diary of: Luitjens, Harvey J., Sgt, radio-gunner: (mission 21) “No. 21) Milk-Run on Yugoslavia - Bridge at Zagreb. Five Hr. mission. 24° below. 4X1000. Smedley.” Smedley, Robert Redmond, Capt, pilot 447th BS War Diary: 2nd Lt. Hugh H. Lankester was promoted to the rank of 1st Lt. S/Sgt. Bernard R. Guild reclassified from 612 to 757. Guild, Bernard Robert, S/Sgt, aerial gunner Lankester, Hugh H. “Lank”, 1Lt, bombardier 447th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order xxx/mission xxx) Group Mission # 643W (A) - redesignated # 666 on 1 Jan 45: (447th BS did not participate) 447th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 644/mission 644) Group Mission # 644: 12 of our planes participated in an attack on the Canale Rail Bridge in Northern Italy with Lt. Gates Leading our squadron. West approach hit. Lt. Hennessey in plane #636 landed in Italy to refuel. Bombing accuracy 100%. A/C No. 43-27718 Tail # (never assigned a 2 digit Tail #) P Kibler, William E. “Kib”, 1Lt CP Stephens, James J., 2Lt N None B McKnight, John A., Jr., Sgt E Quintenz, Robert P., S/Sgt R Poulin, Gaston G., S/Sgt G Williams, James H., Sgt F None A/C No. 43-4029 Tail # ? “Mike Hunt” P CP N B E R G F Fairchild, George S., 2Lt Tarquinio, Albert C., 2Lt None McDermott, James W., 1Lt Dubbs, Andrew C., Sgt Phares, Harold (NMI) “Harry”, Jr., Cpl Citarelli, James E., Sgt None A/C No. 43-27492 Tail # 57 “Reddie Teddie” Gates, Edward (NMI), 1Lt Wiginton, J. Maurice “Wigs”, Capt Olsen, Svend P., 1Lt Gould, Joe W., 1Lt Mullis, Paul C., Sgt Jones, LeRoy (NMI), Cpl Mango, Vincent A. “Vince”, S/Sgt None A/C No. 43-4009 Tail # 69 “Double-ONine” Hutson, Ernest G. “Hod”, 1Lt Morrison, George R., Jr., 1Lt None Schmoke, Vernon L., 2Lt Ifshin, Isidore (NMI) “Sonny”, S/Sgt See, Russell K., T/Sgt Staub, Edward C., Cpl None Friday, 29 December 1944 (continued) A/C No. 43-36108 Tail # 70 P CP N B E R G F Brice, David W., 2Lt Breckenridge, Louis C., 2Lt None Perl, Richard H., Sgt Rinard, Robert P., Cpl Teutsch, Stanley E., Cpl Loux, Robert E., Sgt None A/C No. 43-27730 Tail # ? “Katie” Dodson, Jackson R., 2Lt Rose, Norman I., 2Lt None Hopp, Charles J., Sgt Cohen, Sam M., Cpl Theiss, Vincent E., Cpl McCready, John E., Jr., Cpl None A/C No. 43-27473 Tail # 73 “Paper Doll” P Bullion, Roland G. “Rollo”, 2Lt CP King, Robert C., Jr., 2Lt N None B Radel, Henry D., 2Lt E Appleman, Carroll G., Cpl R None listed G Hunsaker, Frank W., Jr., Cpl F None A/C No. 43-27636 Tail # 74 P CP N B E R G F P CP N B E R G F Hennessey, Ralph E., 1Lt Smith, Frederick H., 2Lt None Caflisch, Leonard P. “Lenny”, Jr., 2Lt Huntley, Bruce H., Cpl Finnegan, Paul W., Cpl Gorden, Robert L., Cpl None A/C No. 43-4069 Tail # ? “Ruptured Duck” Brown, Lyle N., Jr., 2Lt Buckley, Paul I., 2Lt None Atkins, William T. “Bill”, F/O Price, Charles J., Cpl Newton, James R., Cpl Jones, Robert A., Cpl None A/C No. 43-27751 Tail # 50 “MMR” (Meet Mrs. Runyon) Morton, William C. “Mort”, Jr., 1Lt Peck, Paul R., 2Lt None Lankester, Hugh H. “Lank”, 1Lt Flanigan, Bernard A., Sgt Keefe, John A., T/Sgt Young, Robert E., Sgt None A/C No. 43-27498 Tail # 71 “Ave Maria” Satterwhite, Henry C., 1Lt Muzinich, Anthony L. “Tony”, Capt None Balboni, Robert A., 2Lt Applegarth, Smith B., S/Sgt Guild, Bernard Robert, S/Sgt Ochs, Dan (NMI), Jr., Sgt None A/C No. 43-4079 Tail # 51 “Little David” Buechner, Helmut K., 2Lt Cammack, Elmore (NMI), 2Lt None Stokes, Robert C., Sgt Cruce, Joseph H., Cpl Bartram, Roy H., Cpl Klimkowicz, Zigmond (NMI), Sgt None Friday, 29 December 1944 (continued) 447th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 645/mission 645) Group Mission # 645: (447th BS did not participate) 447th BS: War Diary of: Mango, Vincent A. "Vince”, S/Sgt, aerial gunner (Mission 58) “Target: Canale d’Isonzo RR Br Flak: None Combat: 4:29 Bombs: 1,000 lbs Escorts: P-47’s Plane #492 (43-27492 Tail # 57 “Reddie Teddie) Crew: P-Lt Gates CP-Lt Wiginton B-Lt Gould N-Lt Olson E-SGT Mullis R-Cpl L. Jones G-SSG Mango W approach hit at road overpass.” Gates, Edward (NMI), 1Lt, pilot Gould, Joe W., 1Lt, bombardier Jones, LeRoy (NMI), Cpl, radio-gunner Mullis, Paul C., Sgt, engineer-gunner Olsen, Svend P., 1Lt, navigator Wiginton, J. Maurice “Wigs”, Capt, pilot 448th BS War Diary: Sergeant Donaud left this morning, transferred to the 7th Replacement Depot, for the good old United States after having flown 61 combat missions for the Squadron. Sergeant Emerson was transferred to the detachment of patients at the 40th Station Hospital this morning. The 41st Engineers (Negro) band played for another dance in the Enlisted Men’s club this evening. A few of the local belles were there for the dance, but most of the music was of the concert type. The music was really enjoyable for everyone. Donaud, Earl J., T/Sgt, gunner Emerson, John W., Sgt, BSM 448th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order xxx/mission xxx) Group Mission # 643W (A) - redesignated # 666 on 1 Jan 45: (448th BS did not participate) 448th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 644/mission 644) Group Mission # 644: (448th BS did not participate) 448th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 645/mission 645) Group Mission # 645: The target for today’s mission was the Rovereto rail bridge in Italy. The 448th had nine planes loaded with 1000 lb GP bombs and one with 500 lb incendiary bombs. Captain Shear led the flight over the target. Enemy anti-aircraft batteries put up determined opposition but despite the heavy flak encountered the formation dropped their bombs on the target with good concentrations observed on the north end and approach. Three of the Squadron’s planes received holes from bursting anti-aircraft shells, but no one was injured and the formation returned safely to base at 1340. Friday, 29 December 1944 (continued) A/C No. 43-27726 Tail # 80 P Shear, Meyer (NMI), Capt CP Schwartz, Theodore (NMI), 2Lt N Steely, Ralph K., 2Lt B Allendorph, John B., 2Lt E Haack, Cecil J., T/Sgt R LaBella, Dante (NMI) “GI Joe”, S/Sgt G Magyar, Steven J., S/Sgt F None A/C No. 43-27652 Tail # ? “Out of Bounds” P Churchill, Duane W., 2Lt CP Pruitt, Henry L., 2Lt N None B Berman, Samuel (NMI), T/Sgt E Martin, Lewis E. “Lew”, Sgt R Sevier, Fred L., Cpl G Carrick, Kenneth M., S/Sgt F None A/C No. 43-4037 Tail # 78 “Cherry Fizz” P Cherry, Raymond (NMI), Jr., 2Lt CP Sheffield, Woodrow W., 2Lt N None B Varga, Frank K., Cpl E Wolfe, Bernard M., Cpl R Hunter, Dewey G., Sgt G Biersdorff, Charles J., Sgt F None A/C No. 43-27508 Tail # ? P CP N B E R G F Myers, Harold C. “Casey”, 1Lt Schweitzer, Robert E., 2Lt Bartlett, J. E., 2Lt McRee, Malcolm B., 1Lt Pineda, Nico M., T/Sgt Hallman, Robert L., T/Sgt Markiewicz, Edward B., S/Sgt None A/C No. 43-27791 Tail # 84 Fleming, George B., 1Lt Barile, Sam (NMI), 2Lt Stout, Charles S. “Chuck”, 2Lt Armstrong, Sherman T., 2Lt Gutierrez, Ralph (NMI), Cpl Sullivan, Timothy V., T/Sgt DiSalvo, Alfred J., Cpl None A/C No. 44-28927 Tail # 91 Autrey, W. F. (i.o.), 2Lt Williams, Peter G., 1Lt None Pealer, Woodward D., S/Sgt Parham, Ralph E., Cpl Schaffer, Irving J., S/Sgt Atherton, Robert C., Cpl None A/C No. 43-27523 Tail # 95 Kuoni, Charles F., Jr., 2Lt Wilson, James M., 2Lt None Poteet, Edward J., T/Sgt Harageones, George J., Sgt Vandenberg, Edward V. “Van”, Cpl Brentar, Joseph C., Cpl None A/C No. 43-27668 Tail # 83 (Anti Flak Plane - loaded with 500 lb incendiaries) Riley, Robert L., 1Lt Wuest, Robert F., 2Lt None Sheppard, John W., 2Lt Qualls, Thomas B., S/Sgt Randall, Charles R., Jr., T/Sgt Enderle, Melvin J., Sgt None Friday, 29 December 1944 (continued) A/C No. 43-27481 Tail # 77 P Gladwill, James G., 1Lt CP Akers, Harold B., Jr., 2Lt N None B Ward, Paul D., Cpl E Head, Charles F., Jr., S/Sgt R Shields, Robert L., Cpl G Ederer, Robert J., Sgt F None A/C No. 44-28940 Tail # 92 Rubin, Julius W., 2Lt Lee, Howard M., 1Lt None Ferrell, Bruce M., Sgt Lasskow, Maxwell J. “Max”, Sgt Petix, Ignatius D., Pvt Foote, Lancel H., Jr., Sgt None 448th BS: War Diary of: Schaffer, Irving J., S/Sgt, radio-gunner: “Awoke 7:30AM. Clear, cold AM. Briefing at 9:10AM. Fresh fried eggs, whole-wheat cereal, bread, apple-butter, coffee, orange-grapefruit juice. Feeling tired. Carrying 1000 lb GP's. Bridge at Brenner Pass. Flying right wing lead element. 2nd flight. Take off 10:12AM. Clear weather. Over target 12:10PM. Flak, heavy, intense and accurate. No holes. Slight chills. Lt Autrey, pilot. Little nervous. Gunner in 445th wounded. John Carruthers parachute saved his life. Landed 2:00PM. Meat loaf, peas, tomato sauce, bread, butter, coffee, oranges. Colored band from 41st engineers arrived by plane from Bastia. S/Sgt Dave Crowley Jr took photos of Seward and myself for Yank magazine. Pork, Boiled cabbage, fruit salad, kidney beans, coffee. Called a meeting of all newly arrived combat radio operators. Flew 31st mission. Band sounded swell tonight. Very windy. Retired 10:20PM.” Autrey, W. F. (i.o.), 2Lt, pilot Carruthers, John (NMI), II, S/Sgt, engineer-gunner Crowley, David F., Jr., S/Sgt, photo lab, 448th BS Seward, Richard F., T/Sgt, radio-gunner, photographer Saturday, 30 December 1944 USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF): In Italy, medium bombers concentrate a major effort on rail line running N to the Brenner Pass, hitting a fill at Dolce and bridges at Calliano, Ala, and Santa Margherita d'Adige, and ammunition dump at Bologna; fighter-bombers blast road bridges, support the US Fifth Army SE of La Spezia, and hit bridges in the Mantua and Modena areas; during the night of 29/30 Dec, A-20s hit targets of opportunity at numerous N Italian locations, including Ghedi Airfield, and a train S of Mantua. HQ 321st BG War Diary: Photo reconnaissance showed that the Rovereto Bridge needed some more hitting before the line would be severed so twenty-one aircraft went back again and reported walking bombs through that vital link. Oft-hit Crema Railroad Bridge, having been rebuilt by the Jerry again had three spans knocked down by our bombing today by twenty-four aircraft. HQ 321st BG Mission Summary (Ops Order xxx/mission xxx) Group Mission # 645W (A) - redesignated # 667 on 1 Jan 45: Weather Reconnaissance (Group mission report not available at this time) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------HQ 321st BG Mission Summary (Ops Order 646/mission 646) Group Mission # 646: Crema Rail Bridge, Italy (Group mission report not available at this time) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saturday, 30 December 1944 (continued) Saturday, 30 December 1944 (continued) Saturday, 30 December 1944 (continued) HQ 321st BG Mission Summary (Ops Order 647/mission 647) Group Mission # 647: Rovereto Rail Bridge, Italy (Group mission report not available at this time) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------445th BS War Diary: Capt. Lord called a meeting for all enlisted men tonight and warned them that “no fireworks would be tolerated on New Year’s Eve”. The men well recall last New Years when many guns were discharged in celebration of the new year. The plane which went to Catania returned today with plenty of liquor. Three crew members of this ship were left behind when their parachutes were stolen. Lts Webb, Beck; Sgts. Watts, Moorehead and Kavan went to the Rome rest camp. Beck, Robert B. “Bob”, 1Lt, bombardier Kavan, Lester D., Sgt, gunner Lord, Robert O. Jr., Capt, Engineering Officer, Executive Officer Moorehead, Lewis E., Sgt, gunner Watts, Joseph T., Jr., Sgt, gunner Webb, Allen W., 1Lt, pilot 445th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order xxx/mission xxx) Group Mission # 645W (A) - redesignated # 667 on 1 Jan 45: (445th BS did not participate) 445th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 646/mission 646) Group Mission # 646: (445th BS did not participate) 445th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 647/mission 647) Group Mission # 647: A/C No. 43-27680 Tail # 07 “Stuff” P CP N B E R G F Rigler, Edward J., 1Lt Hughes, Richard C., 2Lt None Miller, Edward A., 1Lt Freiler, Walter C., S/Sgt Matter, Dean R., Sgt Stanley, Harold Gene “Gene”, S/Sgt None A/C No. 43-27698 Tail # 13 “Peggy Lou” Mogren, Edward G., 1Lt Buckham, John K., 2Lt None Jackson, William H., 2Lt Palermo, Antonio (NMI), Sgt Otterness, William B., S/Sgt Bierly, Glenn E., Sgt None Saturday, 30 December 1944 (continued) A/C No. 44-28722 Tail # 18 “Spirit of Portchester” P Shutters, Paul E., 2Lt CP Middleton, Donald M., 2Lt N None B Murphy, John P., 2Lt E Taylor, Marion R., S/Sgt R Lowrey, James S., Cpl G Smith, Francis L. “Smitty”, S/Sgt F None 446th BS War Diary: December 29 and 30: A mission is flown each day. 446th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order xxx/mission xxx) Group Mission # 645W (A) - redesignated # 667 on 1 Jan 45: Squadron Mission 458 TARGET: Weather reconnaissance DATE: 30 Dec.1944 Type of Bombs: None 446th Planes: 1 Lt. Hurley was the pilot. Mission accomplished. No flak, no fighters. A/C No. 43-27678 Tail # 40 “Lemmon Lu” (Weather Ship) P Hurley, John R., 1Lt CP Treadwell, Joseph (NMI), 2Lt N None B Gale, Benjamin H., Jr., 1Lt E Cornelius, Wilbur G., S/Sgt R Leary, Edward M., T/Sgt G Holdridge, John F., Sgt F None 446th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 646/mission 646) Group Mission # 646: Squadron Mission 459 TARGET: Crema Rail Bridge, Italy DATE: 30 Dec.1944 Type of Bombs: 1000 lb. 446th Planes: 11 Lt. Wozniak led the formation. Eighteen aircraft dropped on first pass and reported excellent concentration, with several direct hits. Six aircraft dropped on second pass. Flak was heavy, slight, inaccurate. No fighters. Capt. Smedley returned early because of nose wheel malfunction. Saturday, 30 December 1944 (continued) A/C No. 43-27501 Tail # 39 “Sweet Sue Kathy Jeanne” (unnamed to Nov 44. In 45 “Kathy Jeanne” dropped) P Wozniak, Stanley E., 1Lt CP McCloud, Ray L., 2Lt N Franklin, Arthur E., Capt B Derringer, Albert J., 1Lt E Karuzas, Alexander W., Sgt R Nichols, Henry J., III, Cpl G Fitzgerald, George L., Sgt F None A/C No. 43-27660 Tail # 30 “Shooting Bull” P Ziglar, Frank C., Maj CP Gallagher, Andrew Paul, 2Lt N None B Vannah, Harold P., Jr., F/O E Brady, Walter (NMI), Cpl R McEuen, Richard W., Cpl G Falls, Robert H., Sgt F None A/C No. 43-27477 Tail # 32 “Boots” A/C No. 43-27497 Tail # 29 “Barbara” Chandler, Warren W., 1Lt Barbee, Harvey C., Jr., 2Lt None Williams, Thomas A., 2Lt Kelly, Thomas J., Sgt Dobrow, Edgar J., Cpl Beavers, Marqus F., Sgt None A/C No. 43-4097 Tail # 29 “Tiny?” (later Darlene) Doyle, John D., 1Lt Everhart, Herman E., 2Lt None None listed Freeman, Harold W., Cpl Wilking, Robert L., S/Sgt Cassidy, Warren J., S/Sgt None A/C No. 43-27696 Tail # 41 “Baby Blue Eyes” Panning, Robert F., 2Lt P Carlson, Lowell A., 1Lt Anderson, William H., F/O CP Haynes, Allan C., 2Lt None N None McCullough, John E., Jr., 1Lt B DeSorbo, John S., Sgt Utz, James W., Sgt E Lind, Kenneth H., Cpl Bundy, Garland A., T/Sgt R Martin, Thomas J., Jr., Cpl Bryan, Dwight L., S/Sgt G Anderson, Chester S., Cpl None F None A/C No. 44-28926 Tail # 35 “Merrily A/C No. 43-4077 Tail # 43 “Stormy We Bob Along” (early return - hydraulic Weather” (Previously 447th ship “Ann’s trouble) Little Boy Val”) DiNorma, Joseph S., 1Lt P Smedley, Robert Redmond, Capt Holt, Noel P., Jr., 2Lt CP Sheetinger, Dan A., 2Lt None N Codd, Russell G., F/O Murch, George M., Jr., Sgt B McGann, Edom K., 2Lt Scheetz, Elvin N., Sgt E Taylor, Tullis (NMI), Cpl Vanderpool, Ralph M., Cpl R Luitjens, Harvey J., Sgt Springer, Walter H., Cpl G Bruner, Edward (NMI), S/Sgt None F None Saturday, 30 December 1944 (continued) A/C No. 43-3989 Tail # 37 “My Georgia Peach” (on co-pilot side - “The Leading Lady”, previously “Miss Dallas”) P Ingram, William T., 1Lt CP Maki, Allan A., 2Lt N None B Farber, Joseph L., 1Lt E Englehaupt, Russell L., Sgt R Koos, Walter V., S/Sgt G Cifuni, Robert J., S/Sgt F None A/C No. 43-27480 Tail # 44 “Yankee Girl” P CP N B E R G F Berge, Gail B., 2Lt Atkins, Richard A., Jr., 2Lt None Beecher, Everett F., Sgt Reinartsen, Charles R., Jr., Sgt Carl, Edgar W., Cpl Rubin, Herbert L., Sgt None A/C No. 43-27503 Tail # 46 “Miss Arabella” Sloan, Thomas M., 2Lt Hahn, Melvin G., 2Lt None Fox, David (NMI), 2Lt Krider, Emanuel (NMI), Cpl Ransom, Gerald H., S/Sgt Freck, Byron P., Sgt None A/C No. 43-27496 Tail # ? “PRINCESS” (previously PRINCESS PAOLA II) Capalety, Thomas A., 1Lt Jackson, Roland B., 2Lt None Fodor, Joseph M., 2Lt Boylan, James P., Cpl Beck, Junior D., Cpl Jakielek, Ernest F., Cpl None 446th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 647/mission 647) Group Mission # 647: Squadron Mission 460 TARGET: Rovereto Rail Bridge, Italy DATE: 30 Dec.1944 Type of Bombs: 1000 lb. 446th Planes: 3 Lt. Leonard led the formation. First flight hit S approach. Second flight walked its bombs across S end of bridge. Ineffective smoke pots in Target area. Gun area hit by incendiary aircraft. Flak was heavy, moderate, fairly accurate. Lt. Perlman, spare, returned early. A/C No. 43-4021 Tail # 31 “The Little Admiral” (later Lady Jane) (first # 31) P Grove, Russell V., 1Lt CP Ratliff, James Ernest, Jr., 2Lt N Clark, Samuel E., Jr., 2Lt B Leith, William V., 1Lt E Nigrelli, Ernest J., Sgt R Cohen, Irwin (NMI), T/Sgt G Alberico, Camillo A., S/Sgt F None A/C No. 43-27477 Tail # 32 “Boots” Fisher, Carl D., 1Lt Alward, Charles W., 2Lt None None listed Davis, Virgil F., S/Sgt McFarland, Charles W., T/Sgt Popovich, Chris (NMI), S/Sgt None Saturday, 30 December 1944 (continued) A/C No. 43-27699 Tail # 33 “Jessie” (later name dropped from nose art) P Cressman, Jack E., 1Lt CP Manolis, Ronald J., 2Lt N None B Gahm, Edward L., 2Lt E Edwards, David R., T/Sgt R Freeman, Cecil O., T/Sgt G Beets, Frank T., S/Sgt F None A/C No. 43-27660 Tail # 30 (Wing spare - did not fill in, so returned early) Perlman, Jacob L., 2Lt Heaberlin, Paul L., 2Lt None Corra, Andrew J., 2Lt Winegarden, Leslie R., T/Sgt Ross, Harry K., S/Sgt Dickey, Jack F., Jr., S/Sgt None 446th BS: War Diary of: Ritger, Frederic Charles., 2Lt, pilot: “WESTERN UNION 1944 DEC 30 AM 1254 VNU49 43 GOVT=WASHINGTON DC DEC 29 1127P FREDERICK C RITGER= 69 DOVER ST NEWARK NJER= THE SECRETARY OF WAR DESIRES ME TO EXPRESS HIS DEEP REGRET THAT YOUR SON FIRST LIEUTENANT FREDERIC C RITGER HAS BEEN REPORTED MISSING IN ACTION SINCE TEN DECEMBER OVER ITALY IF FURTHER DETAILS OR OTHER INFORMATION ARE RECEIVED YOU WILL BE PROMPTLY NOTIFIED= DUNLOP ACTING THE ADJUTANT GENERAL.” ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------447th BS War Diary: The following officers and enlisted men were assigned to our squadron from 57th Bomb Wing per SO 224: 1st Lt. John V. Davies, 2nd Lts. Thomas P. Elliott, Vernon E. Janssen, Jack B. Antry, F/O Frank J. Blankemeyer, F/O Homer L. Greene, Jr., Cpls. Clarence C. MacMullen, Hazen A Thomas, Charles E. Hawthorne, Karl N. Mindlin, Raymond S. Cassidy, Joe F. Householder, Edward H. Hemple. Antry, Jack B., 2Lt, pilot Blankemeyer, Frank J., F/O, bombardier Cassidy, Raymond S., Jr., Cpl, gunner Davies, John V., 1Lt, bombardier Elliott, Thomas P., 2Lt, pilot Greene, Homer L., Jr., F/O, pilot Hawthorne, Charles E., Cpl, gunner Hemple, Edward H., Cpl, gunner Householder, Joe F., Cpl, gunner Janssen, Vernon E., 1Lt, pilot MacMullen, Clarence C., Cpl, gunner Mindlin, Karl N., Cpl, gunner Thomas, Hazen A., Cpl, gunner 447th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order xxx/mission xxx) Group Mission # 645W (A) - redesignated # 667 on 1 Jan 45: (447th BS did not participate) Saturday, 30 December 1944 (continued) 447th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 646/mission 646) Group Mission # 646: On the second mission of the day 6 of our planes participated in a mission to destroy the Crema Rail Bridge in N. Italy with Lt. Remmel leading our squadron. Direct hits on target with bombs to North and south of bridge. Bombing accuracy 100%. A/C No. 43-4069 Tail # ? “Ruptured Duck” P Cahoon, Carl W., 2Lt CP Appenzeller, Richard D., 2Lt N None B Heist, Erwin William “Butch”, F/O E Mindlin, Karl N., Cpl R Bartram, Roy H., Cpl G Merlino, Camille J., Cpl F None A/C No. 43-4029 Tail # ? “Mike Hunt” Breckenridge, Louis C., 2Lt Brice, David W., 2Lt None Blankemeyer, Frank J., F/O Henkler, Edward H., Cpl Teutsch, Stanley E., Cpl Loux, Robert E., Sgt None A/C No. 43-27636 Tail # 74 P Loewus, Frederick E. “Fred”, 2Lt CP Speer, Leslie Thomas, 2Lt N None B McDermott, James W., 1Lt E Hardage, Charles W., Cpl R Stroupe, Robert A., Cpl G Williams, James H., Sgt F None P CP N B E R G F A/C No. 43-4079 Tail # 51 “Little David” Remmel, Earl Howard “The Fox”, 1Lt Highsmith, John R., 2Lt Tulley, Harlan Norval, 1Lt Darrell, Franklin Lloyd, Jr., 1Lt Ifshin, Isidore (NMI) “Sonny”, S/Sgt Maslyar, Michael M., S/Sgt Barrett, Silas Alfred, Sgt None A/C No. 43-27498 Tail # 71 “Ave Maria” Satterwhite, Henry C., 1Lt Janssen, Vernon E., 2Lt None Balboni, Robert A., 2Lt Applegarth, Smith B., S/Sgt Schnaars, George D., S/Sgt Sims, James W., Sgt None A/C No. 43-27779 Tail # 62 Fairchild, George S., 2Lt Tarquinio, Albert C., 2Lt None Davies, John V., 1Lt Dubbs, Andrew C., Sgt Phares, Harold (NMI) “Harry”, Jr., Cpl Citarelli, James E., Sgt None 447th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 647/mission 647) Group Mission # 647: 6 of our planes participated in a mission to destroy the Rovereto Railroad Bridge in Northern Italy with Lt. Rice leading the squadron. Good concentration of bombs on target with some bombs to east and northeast of target. Bombing accuracy 100%. Saturday, 30 December 1944 (continued) A/C No. 43-27730 Tail # ? “Katie” P Bullion, Roland G. “Rollo”, 2Lt CP King, Robert C., Jr., 2Lt N None B Stokes, Robert C., Sgt E MacMullen, Clarence C., Cpl R Ruiz, Emigdio (NMI), Cpl G Hunsaker, Frank W., Jr., Cpl F None A/C No. 43-27718 Tail # (never assigned a 2 digit Tail #) P Kibler, William E. “Kib”, 1Lt CP Stephens, James J., 2Lt N None B Jones, Dewey D., Jr., Sgt E Price, Charles J., Cpl R Fiocca, Theodore Aurelio, S/Sgt G Goldman, Marvin S., Cpl F None A/C No. 43-27506 Tail # ? “Rebel Devil” P Dodson, Jackson R., 2Lt CP Rose, Norman I., 2Lt N None B Lubinsky, Norman B., Sgt E Cohen, Sam M., Cpl R Theiss, Vincent E., Cpl G McCready, John E., Jr., Cpl F None A/C No. 43-36240 Tail # ? “May Be” Rice, Ernest C., 1Lt Haage, Frederick W., F/O Olsen, Svend P., 1Lt Gargiulo, Vincent J. “Vince”, 1Lt Perl, Richard H., Sgt Jones, LeRoy (NMI), Cpl Mango, Vincent A. “Vince”, S/Sgt None A/C No. 43-27542 Tail # ? “Superstitious Aloysius” Murchland, Robert Keith, 1Lt Morrison, George R., Jr., 1Lt None Bokum, John B., F/O Jones, Robert G., S/Sgt Hourahan, William F., Jr., Cpl McKnight, John A., Jr., Sgt None A/C No. 43-4009 Tail # 69 “Double-ONine” Amundson, Donald A., 2Lt Carlin, Edmund R., 2Lt None Atkins, William T. “Bill”, F/O Huntley, Bruce H., Cpl Meiborg, Walter F., Cpl West, Edgar M., Cpl None 447th BS: War Diary of: Mango, Vincent A. "Vince”, S/Sgt, aerial gunner (Mission 59) “Target: Rovereto RR Br (Brenner Pass) Flak: None Combat: 3:15 Bombs: 1,000 lbs Escorts: Area Cover P-47’s Plane #240 (43-36240 “May Be”) Crew: P-Lt Rice CP-FO Haage B-Lt Gargiulo N-Lt Olson E-Sgt Perl R-Cpl L. Jones G-SSG Mango 1st Flight hit S approach. 2nd Flight walked its bombs across S end of bridge. Results unobserved. 1 Plane made single engine landing” Gargiulo, Vincent J. “Vince”, 1Lt, bombardier Haage, Frederick W., F/O, pilot Jones, LeRoy (NMI), Cpl, radio-gunner Olsen, Svend P., 1Lt, navigator Perl, Richard H., Sgt, engineer-gunner Rice, Ernest C., 1Lt, pilot Saturday, 30 December 1944 (continued) 448th BS War Diary: Cloudy weather prevented the missions scheduled for today from taking off on time this morning. However, at 1155 the first mission took off to attack the Rovereto railroad bridge in Italy. Another of the I & E meetings was held in the Enlisted Men’s Club this evening. The topic of discussion was Japan and what would be done about it after we finish the Germans. Increasing interest is being created among the men for these meetings. 448th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order xxx/mission xxx) Group Mission # 645W (A) - redesignated # 667 on 1 Jan 45: (448th BS did not participate) 448th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 646/mission 646) Group Mission # 646: On the second mission the 448th had seven planes loaded with 1000 lb GP bombs that attacked the Crema railway bridge in Italy. Lieutenant Bard led the second flight. No enemy opposition was met by the formation and the bombs were dropped in an excellent pattern across the bridge. Several direct hits were scored. All the planes returned safely at 1400. A/C No. 43-28081 Tail # 81 Bard, John A., 1Lt Schwartz, Theodore (NMI), 2Lt Bartlett, J. E., 2Lt Brink, Richard E., 1Lt Bell, Flavious J., T/Sgt Schaffer, Irving J., S/Sgt Knauss, Charles F., S/Sgt None A/C No. 44-28927 Tail # 91 P Autrey, W. F. (i.o.), 2Lt CP Barile, Sam (NMI), 2Lt N None B Reves, Louis E., Sgt E Hovorka, Leo F., Jr., Cpl R Mardeuse, Alfred K., S/Sgt G Edwards, Jesse R., Sgt F None P CP N B E R G F A/C No. 43-27508 Tail # ? Garrett, Thaddeus D., 1Lt Williams, Peter G., 1Lt None Styers, Charles W., 2Lt Weese, Charles F., Cpl Seward, Richard F., T/Sgt Moleski, Benny M. “Ben”, S/Sgt None A/C No. 44-28721 Tail # 90 “Shug” Kirk, Theodore (NMI) “Ted”, 1Lt Cook, Don W., 2Lt None Wolfe, Bernard M., Cpl Baird, James (NMI), Jr., S/Sgt Hallman, Robert L., T/Sgt Markiewicz, Edward B., S/Sgt None Saturday, 30 December 1944 (continued) A/C No. 43-27631 Tail # ? Copes, Wilson R., 2Lt Wuest, Robert F., 2Lt None Rockwell, Stewart R. “Rockwell”, T/Sgt Mientkiewicz, Casmier (NMI), Sgt Sevier, Fred L., Cpl Foote, Lancel H., Jr., Sgt None A/C No. 43-27791 Tail # 84 P Fleming, George B., 1Lt CP Russell, Harold H., 2Lt N Long, Robert H., 2Lt B Connor, John L., 2Lt E Gutierrez, Ralph (NMI), Cpl R Sullivan, Timothy V., T/Sgt G Tangren, Donald E., Cpl F None P CP N B E R G F A/C No. 43-4067 Tail # 76 “The Big Swing” (first 76) Cherry, Raymond (NMI), Jr., 2Lt Russell, John D., 2Lt None Poteet, Edward J., T/Sgt Oliver, Walter A., Cpl Hunter, Dewey G., Sgt Biersdorff, Charles J., Cpl None 448th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 647/mission 647) Group Mission # 647: The 448th had nine planes for this mission with Lieutenant Leonard as flight leader. The Krauts threw up heavy and accurate anti-aircraft fire and attempted to hide the target with smoke pots. Despite this, Lieutenant Leonard brought the flight over the target area, and the bombs were dropped with an excellent pattern on the South end and approach to the bridge. The anti-aircraft fire holed several of the aircraft, but no casualties were sustained and all the planes returned safely at 1510. A/C No. 43-27720 Tail # 86 P CP N B E R G F Leonard, Lee V., Capt Lee, Howard M., 1Lt Freund, John F., 1Lt Joyce, Robert W. “Dead-eye”, Capt Carter, Eugene F., T/Sgt Morefield, James Carl, T/Sgt Holloway, Garland (NMI), S/Sgt None A/C No. 43-27706 Tail # 89 “Silver Belle” Burks, Richard W., Capt Smith, Milford A., 2Lt None Bottom, James W., 2Lt Powell, Neil J., Sgt Hulse, Donald W., S/Sgt Trigler, Louis E., S/Sgt None Saturday, 30 December 1944 (continued) A/C No. 43-4076 Tail # 88 (first # 88) Ivory, Daniel J., Jr., 2Lt Valenti, Jack J., 2Lt None Berman, Samuel (NMI), T/Sgt Goethals, Camiel A., S/Sgt Vandenberg, Edward V. “Van”, Cpl Sharp, Samuel I., Jr., S/Sgt None A/C No. 44-28940 Tail # 92 P Cooper, Richard J., 2Lt CP Schweitzer, Robert E., 2Lt N None B Qualls, Thomas B., S/Sgt E Magers, Marshall P., S/Sgt R Brusa, Robert P., T/Sgt G Gage, Robert L., Sgt F None A/C No. 43-27538 Tail # 87 “Down But Not Out” (first 87) P Rubin, Julius W., 2Lt CP Wilson, James M., 2Lt N None B Langley, Edmund P., Jr., Sgt E Lasskow, Maxwell J. “Max”, Sgt R LaBella, Dante (NMI) “GI Joe”, S/Sgt G Magyar, Steven J., S/Sgt F None A/C No. 43-27726 Tail # 80 P Ovard, Glen S., Capt CP Birkhead, Charles F., Jr., 2Lt N Steely, Ralph K., 2Lt B Allendorph, John B., Sgt E McTaggart, Leonard A., Sgt R Fletcher, William H., Cpl G Justice, Conway J., Jr., Sgt F None P CP N B E R G F A/C No. 43-4037 Tail # 78 “Cherry Fizz” Gladwill, James G., 1Lt Bruhn, Charles A., 2Lt None Pealer, Woodward D., S/Sgt Head, Guthrie H., S/Sgt Varga, Frank K., Cpl Ederer, Robert J., Sgt None A/C No. 43-27648 Tail # 75 “Sweetie” Stromberg, Carl K., 2Lt Sheffield, Woodrow W., 2Lt None Ferrell, Bruce M., Sgt Morian, Charles R., Sgt Shields, Robert L., Cpl Atherton, Robert C., Cpl None A/C No. 43-27528 Tail # 85 Kuoni, Charles F., Jr., 2Lt West, Alden A. “Bud”, 2Lt None Bass, Bernard G., S/Sgt Harageones, George J., Sgt Walker, Jack L., T/Sgt Brentar, Joseph C., Cpl None Saturday, 30 December 1944 (continued) 448th BS: War Diary of: Schaffer, Irving J., S/Sgt, radio-gunner: “Awoke 7:50AM. Very cold. Van and Lew leaving for briefing on first mission. Yours truly on second mission. Scrambled eggs, whole-wheat cereal, bread, apple-butter, orange-grapefruit juice, coffee. Colored band stayed overnight in squadron. Just a handful of girls were at dance. Briefing postponed to 11:40AM. 1st mission postponed until 10:30AM. Early chow for our mission. Hash diced beets, rice pudding and fruit salad, mixed bread, butter, coffee. Lt Bard, pilot. Flying lead - 081 (43-28081). Take off 12:45PM. Target is RR bridge at Crema, Italy. Over target 2:42PM - 100%. Milk run. Landed 4:00PM. Lead crew is always escorted in by command car. Colonel spoke with me. Weather is cold and cloudy on Corsica. Ate early chow as on 1st shift of guard. 6 to 10PM. Stew, boiled cabbage, chocolate pudding, bread, butter. Very cold on guard (tech supply). Received letter from Gerry with clipping from paper awarding DFC to yours truly. Retired 11:00PM.” Bard, John A., 1Lt, pilot Martin, Lewis E. “Lew”, Sgt, engineer-gunner Smith, Richard H. "Red", Col, pilot, 321st BG Commander Vandenberg, Edward V. “Van”, Cpl, gunner Sunday, 31 December 1944 USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF): In Italy, during the night of 30/31 Dec, A-20s again fly intruder missions, bombing a variety of targets, including motor transport, bridges, and railroads in the Po Valley; during the day medium bombers hit the bridge at Bodrez, railroads at Piazzola Sul Brenta and near Padua, and a dump; the XXII Tactical Air Command fighter-bombers destroy 5 and damage 2 railway bridges in the Po Valley, cut rail lines at numerous places, destroy several locomotives, and destroy or damage 200+ railway cars. HQ 321st BG Mission Summary (Ops Order xxx/mission xxx) Group Mission # 647W (A) - redesignated # 668 on 1 Jan 45: Weather Recce (Group mission report not available at this time) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------HQ 321st BG Mission Summary (Ops Order 648/mission 648) Group Mission # 648: Canale d’Isonzo, Italy Rail Bridge (Group mission report not available at this time) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------HQ 321st BG Mission Summary (Ops Order 649/mission 649) Group Mission # 649: Padua N. Railroad Diversion, Italy (Group mission report not available at this time) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------445th BS War Diary: It was a comparatively quiet New Year’s Eve. Once again free drinks were served, including Tripoli beer. There were no fireworks and only the usual drunks plus a few more celebrants. Lts. Monger and Spencer and Sgt. Hope went home on rotation. Three officers went to the rest camp at Capri. Plenty of men spent their first sober New Year’s Eve in a long time. Hope, Amos (NMI), Sgt, gunner Monger, Samuel A. “Sam”, Jr., 1Lt, pilot Spencer, Charles F., 1Lt, pilot 445th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order xxx/mission xxx) Group Mission # 647W (A) - redesignated # 668 on 1 Jan 45: (445th BS did not participate) Sunday, 31 December 1944 (continued) 445th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 648/mission 648) Group Mission # 648: A/C No. 43-27899 Tail # 08 “Flo” Kendall, Wayne E., 1Lt Jeffery, James C., Capt Mitchell, Robert F., 1Lt Skebey, Robert J., 1Lt Cavanaugh, Thomas J., Jr., S/Sgt DeLaune, William P., T/Sgt Andrews, Lamar C., S/Sgt None A/C No. 43-27698 Tail # 13 “Peggy Lou” P Farrell, Robert A. “Baldy”, Capt CP Wilson, Charles B. “Charlee”, 2Lt N None B Wren, Frank J., 1Lt E Hunsberger, William R., S/Sgt R Krober, Raymond D., Jr., Sgt G Clayton, Ross W., Cpl F None A/C No. 44-28928 Tail # 03 “Heaven Can Wait” P Kourafas, James (NMI) “Jim”, 2Lt CP White, Edward A., 2Lt N None B Carney, Robert J., T/Sgt E Rousso, Ralph L., Sgt R Ross, Reginald J., T/Sgt G Kimmel, Edwin B., S/Sgt F None A/C No. 44-28722 Tail # 18 “Spirit of Portchester” P Bowling, Dan Parker, 1Lt CP Buckham, John K., 2Lt N None B Silnutzer, Joseph A., 1Lt E Chambers, Jimmie (NMI), S/Sgt R Otterness, William B., S/Sgt G Bierly, Glenn E., Cpl F None P CP N B E R G F A/C No. 43-27733 Tail # 00 “Porky’s Baby” Dentoni, Louis M., 1Lt Lawrence, Edward C., 2Lt None Ohm, Merton D., S/Sgt Nelson, Jacob M., Sgt Heckman, Kenneth W., Cpl Osborn, Jack R., Sgt None A/C No. 43-27534 Tail # 11 (standing lady) Ottinger, Warren F., 1Lt McMahon, Bernard J., Jr., 2Lt None Krause, Richard E. “Dick”, 1Lt Mitchell, Robert D. “Bob”, Cpl Russo, Paul A., Cpl Teague, Phillip B., Cpl None A/C No. 44-28948 Tail # 09 “Miss Belle Fontaine” Curry, Arthur L. “Art”, 2Lt Doris, Robert E., 2Lt None Doherty, Charles S., S/Sgt Pearson, George E., Sgt Vaseleski, Andrew C., Cpl Lile, Keith B., Cpl None A/C No. 43-27714 Tail # 16 “Blonde Beauty” Payne, Lawrence J., 1Lt O’Keefe, John H., 2Lt None None listed Miller, Morris M., S/Sgt Nuttall, John H., Sgt Walburn, John A., S/Sgt None Sunday, 31 December 1944 (continued) A/C No. 43-27748 Tail # 02 “Mama!” Rigler, Edward J., 1Lt Hughes, Richard C., 2Lt None Miller, Edward A., 1Lt Freiler, Walter C., S/Sgt Matter, Dean R., Sgt Stanley, Harold Gene “Gene”, S/Sgt None A/C No. 43-4008 Tail # ? “Spirit of St Louis” P Emler, Richard S. “Dick”, 2Lt CP Brown, William G., F/O N None B Brooks, William F., F/O E Woody, Louie M., S/Sgt R Ott, James V., Cpl G Garza, Manuel (NMI), Cpl F None P CP N B E R G F A/C No. 43-27769 Tail # 19 “Miss Fancy Pants” Miron, Leno L., 2Lt Amundson, Fred K., 2Lt None Epstein, Philip (NMI), 2Lt Krauk, Edward J., S/Sgt Reagin, Charles T., Sgt Kabrich, Harry Lee, S/Sgt None A/C No. 43-27509 Tail # ? Shutters, Paul E., 2Lt Middleton, Donald M., 2Lt None Chauncey, Martin E. “Marty”, T/Sgt Taylor, Marion R., S/Sgt Lowrey, James S., Cpl Smith, Francis L. “Smitty”, S/Sgt None 445th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 649/mission 649) Group Mission # 649: A/C No. 43-27680 Tail # 07 “Stuff” P CP N B E R G F Poteete, Max W., 1Lt Stolberg, Frederick R., 2Lt None Murphy, John P., 2Lt Carruthers, John (NMI), II, S/Sgt Johnson, John E., T/Sgt Henry, William W., S/Sgt None A/C No. 43-27502 Tail # 10 “Pretty Kitty Blue Eyes” (previously “What’s Cookin’?”) Cox, Harold L., 1Lt Galny, Gerhard Henry “Hank”, Jr., 2Lt None Barrett, Ray E., S/Sgt Sycylo, Theodore W., S/Sgt Barnett, Frank E., Sgt Edwards, Jack M., Cpl Naughton, John J., Jr., Cpl 445th BS: War Diary of: Seegmiller, Barnard H., Sgt, armament: 12/31/44: “This last day of the year is a fabulously perfect one. The sky is cloudless and there is not the least perceptible stir of air. The placid sea reflects the depthless sky and the snow-covered mountains stand out gloriously and still behind the dark green foreground of evergreens that clothe the lower elevation. Cares vanish in the presence of such beauty. This morning I went to church and this afternoon to the line where I climbed to Beasley’s tree top observation post and viewed the country as the planes came in and landed. Tried to get Beasley interested in going to Ghisoni but no go.” Beasley, John B. “Jack”, Jr., Sgt, armament Sunday, 31 December 1944 (continued) 446th BS War Diary: New Year’s Eve and there is no flying. Regular duties are performed as we prepare to celebrate the arrival of 1945. The bar attracts a number of men after supper and everyone enjoys himself with much fun. The new year comes in with most of the squadron tucked soundly in bed and there is little disturbance to denote January 1 has arrived. 446th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order xxx/mission xxx) Group Mission # 647W (A) - redesignated # 668 on 1 Jan 45: Squadron Mission 461 TARGET: Weather Reconnaissance DATE: 31 Dec.1944 Type of Bombs: None 446th Planes: 1 Lt. Hurley was the pilot. Mission accomplished. No flak, no fighters. A/C No. 43-27503 Tail # 46 “Miss Arabella” (Weather Ship) P Hurley, John R., 1Lt CP Atkins, Richard A., Jr., F/O N Gale, Benjamin H., Jr., 1Lt B None E Cornelius, Wilbur G., S/Sgt R Leary, Edward M., T/Sgt G Haxby, William H., Jr., S/Sgt F None 446th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 648/mission 648) Group Mission # 648: Squadron Mission 462 TARGET: Canale d’Isonzo, Italy Rail Bridge. DATE: 31 Dec.1944 Type of Bombs: 1000 lb. 446th Planes: 12 Lt. Kendall led the formation. Returned without bombing due to weather. No flak, no fighters. Lt. Carlson returned early as spare. Kendall, Wayne E., 1Lt, pilot, 445th BS A/C No. 43-27501 Tail # 39 “Sweet Sue Kathy Jeanne” (unnamed to Nov 44. In 45 “Kathy Jeanne” dropped) P Wozniak, Stanley E., 1Lt CP McCloud, Ray L., 2Lt N Clark, Samuel E., Jr., 2Lt B Derringer, Albert J., 1Lt E Karuzas, Alexander W., Sgt R Nichols, Henry J., III, Cpl G Fitzgerald, George L., Sgt F None A/C No. 43-27480 Tail # 44 “Yankee Girl” Berge, Gail B., 2Lt Anderson, William H., 2Lt None Williams, Thomas A., 2Lt Reinartsen, Charles R., Jr., Sgt Carl, Edgar W., Sgt Rubin, Herbert L., S/Sgt None Sunday, 31 December 1944 (continued) A/C No. 43-27745 Tail # 47 P CP N B E R G F Ziglar, Frank C., Maj Smith, Clarence J. H., F/O None McCullough, John E., Jr., 1Lt Brady, Walter (NMI), Cpl McEuen, Richard W., Cpl Falls, Robert H., Sgt None A/C No. 43-27699 Tail # 33 “Jessie” (later name dropped from nose art) Chandler, Warren W., 1Lt Bogan, Floyd W., 2Lt None Corra, Andrew J., 2Lt Kelly, Thomas J., Sgt Freeman, Cecil O., T/Sgt Beavers, Marqus F., Sgt None A/C No. 43-4021 Tail # 31 “The Little Admiral” (later Lady Jane) (first 31) P Grove, Russell V., 1Lt CP Sheetinger, Dan A., 2Lt N Codd, Russell G., F/O B Leith, William V., 1Lt E Taylor, Tullis (NMI), Cpl R Luitjens, Harvey J., Sgt G Bruner, Edward (NMI), S/Sgt F None A/C No. 43-27696 Tail # 41 “Baby Blue Eyes” P Fisher, Carl D., 1Lt CP Treadwell, Joseph (NMI), 2Lt N None B Farber, Joseph L., 1Lt E Davis, Virgil F., S/Sgt R McFarland, Charles W., T/Sgt G Popovich, Chris (NMI), S/Sgt F None P CP N B E R G F A/C No. 43-4097 Tail # 28 “Tiny?” (later Darlene) Doyle, John D., 1Lt Maki, Allan A., 2Lt None Murch, George M., Jr., Sgt Freeman, Harold W., Cpl Wilking, Robert L., S/Sgt Cassidy, Warren J., S/Sgt None A/C No. 43-4077 Tail # 43 “Stormy Weather” (Previously 447th ship “Ann’s Little Boy Val”) DiNorma, Joseph S., 1Lt Holt, Noel P., Jr., 2Lt None Beecher, Everett F., Sgt Scheetz, Elvin N., Sgt Ransom, Gerald H., S/Sgt Springer, Walter H., Cpl None A/C No. 43-27477 Tail # 32 “Boots” Hahn, Melvin G., 2Lt Alward, Charles W., 2Lt None Cimino, William C., 2Lt Reda, John J., Sgt Vanderpool, Ralph M., Cpl Freck, Byron P., Sgt None A/C No. 43-27678 Tail # 40 “Lemmon Lu” Sloan, Thomas M., 2Lt Barbee, Harvey C., Jr., 2Lt None Fox, David (NMI), 2Lt Dalpos, Joseph N., S/Sgt Koos, Walter V., S/Sgt Chapin, Correll C., Cpl None Sunday, 31 December 1944 (continued) A/C No. 43-27660 Tail # 30 “Shooting Bull” P Perlman, Jacob L., 2Lt CP Heaberlin, Paul L., 2Lt N None B Gahm, Edward L., 2Lt E Winegarden, Leslie R., T/Sgt R Ross, Harry K., S/Sgt G Dickey, Jack F., Jr., S/Sgt F None A/C No. 43-3989 Tail # 37 “My Georgia Peach” (on co-pilot side - “The Leading Lady”, previously “Miss Dallas”) (Wing spare - returned early without filling in) P Carlson, Lowell A., 1Lt CP Haynes, Allan C., 2Lt N None B DeSorbo, John S., Sgt E Lind, Kenneth H., Cpl R Martin, Thomas J., Jr., Cpl G Anderson, Chester S., Cpl F None A/C No. 43-36224 Tail # 34 probably ”Hauling Ass II” Cressman, Jack E., 1Lt Long, Emmett N., 2Lt None Fein, William F., 2Lt Edwards, David R., T/Sgt Bundy, Garland A., T/Sgt Slezak, Alex E., S/Sgt None 446th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 649/mission 649) Group Mission # 649: Squadron Mission 463 TARGET: Padua N. Railroad Diversion, Italy DATE: 31 Dec.1944 Type of Bombs: 1000 lb. 446th Planes: 3 Capt. Muzinich led the formation. First flight hit on N river bank, some bombs carrying into a group of factory buildings, starting a large fire. Second flight hit N approach with possible hits on the bridge. Flak was meager, fairly accurate, heavy. No fighters. Muzinich, Anthony L. “Tony”, Capt, pilot, 447th BS A/C No. 43-27497 Tail # 29 “Barbara” P Crisp, Glenn S., Jr., 1Lt CP Ratliff, James Ernest, Jr., 2Lt N O’Connor, Richard W., 2Lt B Starczewski, Phillip R., 2Lt E Nigrelli, Ernest J., Sgt R Cubbage, Robert (NMI), Sgt G Alberico, Camillo A., S/Sgt F None A/C No. 43-27747 Tail # 42 “Spider’s Frolic Pad” (first 42) Gallagher, Andrew Paul, 2Lt Everhart, Herman E., 2Lt None Vannah, Harold P., Jr., F/O Henry, Clark H., S/Sgt Johnson, Carl W., S/Sgt Nehls, Clayton R., S/Sgt None Sunday, 31 December 1944 (continued) A/C No. 43-27496 Tail # ? “PRINCESS” (previously PRINCESS PAOLA II) P Capalety, Thomas A., 1Lt CP Jackson, Roland B., 2Lt N None B Fodor, Joseph M., 2Lt E Boylan, James P., Cpl R Beck, Junior D., Cpl G Jakielek, Ernest F., Cpl F None 446th BS: War Diary of: Luitjens, Harvey J., Sgt, radio-gunner: (mission 22) “No. 22) Tried to get into Yugoslavia again But WX wouldn’t let us get in. Lt. Grove.” Grove, Russell V., 1Lt, pilot 447th BS War Diary: Lt. Grimes returned form hospital in Cairo. F/O Volkmann relieved of assignment and transferred to Det. of Pat. 33rd Gen Hospital. 1st Lt. S.P. Olsen promoted to rank of Capt. The following officers were promoted to the rank of 1st Lt. SO 339: 2nd Lts. Roland G. Bullion, John W. Yerger. 1st Lt. Charles G. Wakeley rotated to U.S. The following enlisted men on T.D. Rest Camp Capri: Pfc Robert P. Biscailus, Cpls. Frank P. Bauer, Ernest E. Fischinger, James B. Shields. Bauer, Frank P., Cpl, intelligence Biscailus, Robert P., PFC, armament Bullion, Roland G., 1Lt, pilot Fischinger, Ernest E., Cpl, engineering Grimes, Ralph T., 1Lt, pilot Olsen, Svend P., Capt, navigator Shields, James B., Pvt, radio-gunner Volkmann, Lester W., F/O, bombardier Wakeley, Charles G., III, 1Lt, pilot Yerger, John W., 1Lt, pilot 447th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order xxx/mission xxx) Group Mission # 647W (A) - redesignated # 668 on 1 Jan 45: (447th BS did not participate) 447th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 648/mission 648) Group Mission # 648: (447th BS did not participate) 447th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 649/mission 649) Group Mission # 649: 10 of our planes participated in a mission to destroy the Padua N. Rail Diversion Bridge in Northern Italy with Capt. Muzinich leading our squadron. Results not observed. Sunday, 31 December 1944 (continued) P CP N B E R G F P CP N B E R G F P CP N B E R G F P CP N B E R G F A/C No. 43-27498 Tail # 71 “Ave Maria” Buckley, Paul I., 2Lt Brown, Lyle N., Jr., 2Lt None McDermott, James W., 1Lt Price, Charles J., Cpl Newton, James R., Cpl Jones, Robert A., Sgt None A/C No. 43-4009 Tail # 69 “Double-ONine” Amundson, Donald A., 2Lt Carlin, Edmund R., 2Lt None Atkins, William T. “Bill”, F/O Jones, Robert G., S/Sgt Meiborg, Walter F., Cpl West, Edgar M., Cpl None A/C No. 43-27636 Tail # 74 Appenzeller, Richard D., 2Lt Cahoon, Carl W., 2Lt None Caflisch, Leonard P. “Lenny”, Jr., 2Lt Ifshin, Isidore (NMI) “Sonny”, S/Sgt Finnegan, Paul W., Cpl Merlino, Camille J., Cpl None A/C No. 43-27718 Tail # (never assigned a 2 digit Tail #) Cammack, Elmore (NMI), 2Lt Buechner, Helmut K., 2Lt None Blankemeyer, Frank J., F/O Dubbs, Andrew C., Sgt Bartram, Roy H., Cpl Dolezal, Albert (NMI), S/Sgt None A/C No. 43-27492 Tail # 57 “Reddie Teddie” Muzinich, Anthony L. “Tony”, Capt Stephens, James J., 2Lt Tulley, Harlan Norval, 1Lt Mesna, Leeland A. “Lee”, 1Lt Keenan, Harry A., Sgt Schnaars, George D., Sgt Mango, Vincent A. “Vince”, Sgt None A/C No. 43-27542 Tail # ? “Superstitious Aloysius” Satterwhite, Henry C., 1Lt Craddock, Jesse J., 1Lt None Balboni, Robert A., 2Lt Applegarth, Smith B., S/Sgt Poulin, Gaston G., S/Sgt Sims, James W., Sgt None A/C No. 43-27730 Tail # ? “Katie” Dodson, Jackson R., 2Lt Dickson, John L., Jr., 2Lt None Lubinsky, Norman B., Sgt Cohen, Sam M., Cpl Theiss, Vincent E., Cpl McCready, John E., Jr., Cpl None A/C No. 43-27751 Tail # 50 “MMR” (Meet Mrs. Runyon) Morton, William C. “Mort”, Jr., 1Lt Morrison, George R., Jr., 1Lt Heist, Erwin William “Butch”, F/O Lankester, Hugh H. “Lank”, 1Lt Flanigan, Bernard A., Sgt Keefe, John A., T/Sgt Young, Robert E., Sgt None Sunday, 31 December 1944 (continued) A/C No. 43-4029 Tail # ? “Mike Hunt” P CP N B E R G F Brice, David W., 2Lt Breckenridge, Louis C., 2Lt None Davies, John V., 1Lt Rinard, Robert P., Cpl Teutsch, Stanley E., Cpl Loux, Robert E., Sgt None A/C No. 43-27473 Tail # 73 “Paper Doll” (Wing spare - filled in - flew with 445th BS) Bullion, Roland G. “Rollo”, 2Lt King, Robert C., Jr., 2Lt None Radel, Henry D., 2Lt Cruce, Joseph H., Cpl Ruiz, Emigdio (NMI), Cpl Hunsaker, Frank W., Jr., Cpl None 447th BS: War Diary of: Mango, Vincent A. "Vince”, S/Sgt, aerial gunner (Mission 60) “Target: Padua N RR Br (Venice) Flak: None Combat: 3:40 Bombs: 1,000 lbs Escorts: None Plane # 492 (43-27492 Tail # 57 “Reddie Teddie”) Crew: P-CPT Muzinich CP-Lt Stephens B-Lt Mesna N-Lt Tully E-Cpl Keenan R-SSG Schnaars G-SSG Mango 1st Flight hit on N river bank some bombs carrying into a group of factory buildings starting a large fire. 1st flight hit N approach w/possible hits on bridge. Received heavy, moderate and accurate flak from La Spezia area.” Keenan, Harry A., Sgt, engineer-gunner Mesna, Leeland A. “Lee”, 1Lt, bombardier Muzinich, Anthony L. “Tony”, Capt, pilot Schnaars, George D., Sgt, radio-gunner Stephens, James J., 2Lt, pilot Tulley, Harlan Norval, 1Lt, navigator 448th BS War Diary: Two missions were scheduled once again today. New Year’s Eve celebrations were generally in order for the night, and plans have been made individually for welcoming in the New Year at midnight. Although no plans for any Squadron parties have been made, cheer will be in evidence a plenty as the evening wears on to a fitting climax. But the year 1944 has seen numerous records rise and fall in both the Group and Squadron. It has seen many changes in personnel of the organization. Combat men have come, flown their required missions and returned to the United States. But one thing is certain, no one knows just exactly what is in store for the Squadron in the coming new year. Maybe many more months of hard work blasting the Krauts from their stubbornly defended fox holes in northern Italy – maybe not. 448th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order xxx/mission xxx) Group Mission # 647W (A) - redesignated # 668 on 1 Jan 45: (448th BS did not participate) Sunday, 31 December 1944 (continued) 448th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 648/mission 648) Group Mission # 648: Captain Furey led twelve more of his Squadron’s B-25s back to the “Yugoslavian bomb range” once again. However, they were unable to reach the target because of weather enroute to and over the area. No bombs were dropped and all planes returned safely. A/C No. 1 unidentified plane & crew (page 1 of crew list is missing) Furey, Frank M. “Mickey”, Capt P CP N B E R G F None P CP N B E R G F A/C No. 43-27668 Tail # 83 Riley, Robert L., 1Lt Beckman, Harold Christoph, 2Lt None Rutz, Victor H., F/O Oliver, Walter A., Cpl Randall, Charles R., Jr., T/Sgt Enderle, Melvin J., Sgt None A/C No. 2 unidentified plane & crew (page 1 of crew list is missing) P CP N None B E R G F None A/C No. 4 unidentified plane & crew (page 1 of crew list is missing) P CP N None B E R G F None A/C No. 44-28927 Tail # 91 Kirk, Theodore (NMI) “Ted”, 1Lt Akers, Harold B., Jr., 2Lt None Varga, Frank K., Cpl Baird, James (NMI), Jr., S/Sgt Mardeuse, Alfred K., S/Sgt Edwards, Jesse R., Sgt None A/C No. 43-27528 Tail # 85 Churchill, Duane W., 2Lt Birkhead, Charles F., Jr., 2Lt None Arnold, Harold L., 2Lt Martin, Lewis E. “Lew”, Sgt Morefield, James Carl, T/Sgt Carrick, Kenneth M., S/Sgt None A/C No. 3 unidentified plane & crew (page 1 of crew list is missing) None None A/C No. 5 unidentified plane & crew (page 1 of crew list is missing) None None Sunday, 31 December 1944 (continued) A/C No. 6 unidentified plane & crew (page 1 of crew list is missing) P CP N None B E R G F None A/C No. 8 unidentified plane & crew (page 1 of crew list is missing) P CP N None B E R G F None A/C No. 7 unidentified plane & crew (page 1 of crew list is missing) None None A/C No. 9 unidentified plane & crew (page 1 of crew list is missing) None None 448th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 649/mission 649) Group Mission # 649: The target for the second mission was the Padua railroad bridge in Italy, for which the 448th furnished four planes. Captain Grady led the second flight on this mission which encountered no enemy opposition. Hits were scored on the target, and photographs reveal that the bridge is once again impassable. All planes returned safely. (The crew list identifies only 3 planes - if actually 4, the 4th most likely did not complete the mission)) A/C No. 43-4067 Tail # 76 “The Big Swing” (first 76) P Grady, John R., Capt CP Lee, Howard M., 1Lt N Steely, Ralph K., 2Lt B Kiska, George P., 1Lt E Ratcliffe, James E., Jr., S/Sgt R Hulse, Donald W., S/Sgt G Moleski, Benny M. “Ben”, S/Sgt F None A/C No. 43-27508 Tail # ? Ivory, Daniel J., Jr., 2Lt Russell, Harold H., 2Lt None Wolfe, Bernard M., Cpl Goethals, Camiel A., S/Sgt Vandenberg, Edward V. “Van”, Cpl Sharp, Samuel I., Jr., S/Sgt None Sunday, 31 December 1944 (continued) A/C No. 43-27530 Tail # 79 “Twin Engine Sadie” P Autrey, W. F. (i.o.), 2Lt CP Schwartz, Theodore (NMI), 2Lt N None B Langley, Edmund P., Jr., Sgt E Pineda, Nico M., T/Sgt R Schaffer, Irving J., S/Sgt G Atherton, Robert C., Cpl F None 448th BS: War Diary of: Schaffer, Irving J., S/Sgt, radio-gunner: “Awoke 7:25AM. Very cold night. Ice in the lowlands for the first time. Clear, cold AM. George had fire built as he was on 2 to 6 guard shift. On 2nd mission. Briefing 9:40AM. Hard-boiled eggs, bacon, whole-wheat cereal, bread, marmalade, coffee, orangegrapefruit juice. Martin on 1st mission. Carrying 1000 lb GP's. Right wing of 1st element. Lt Autrey, pilot. Ship 530 (43-27530 “Twin Engine Sadie”). Target is RR bridge at Padua north. Take off 10:43AM. Over target 12:45. 100%. No flak. Very cold. Gunner shot out antenna on lead ship. Yours truly took over radio traffic. Landed 2:30PM. Fried chicken, bread, butter, fruit salad, coffee. Paid $116.00. Abiecunas and Huebel paid off. Lew and Vanderberg did also. Didn't go to chow. Wrote letters. Kibitzed. Received my first letter from Dad while overseas. Retired 10:00PM.” Abiecunas, Joseph P. “Abby”, S/Sgt, gunner Autrey, W. F. (i.o.), 2Lt, pilot Huebel, Leo E., Sgt, engineering Martin, Lewis E. “Lew”, Sgt, engineer-gunner Vandenberg, Edward V. “Van”, Cpl, gunner December 1944 HQ 321st BG War Diary: Additional Narrative for December 1944 HEADQUARTERS 321ST BOMBARDMENT GROUP (M) APO 650 1 January 1945 SUBJECT: Historical Records. TO : Commanding General, 57th Bomb Wing, APO 650, US Army, Attention: Historian. 1. Outline History of Headquarters, 321st Bombardment Group (M), for the period 1 December 1944 to 31 December 1944. a Original unit. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) 321st Bombardment Group (M) Barksdale Field, Louisiana. June 26, 1942. War Department Letter. Personnel received from transfer from other units, voluntary enlistments, selective service, National Guard. b Changes in Organization. (1) None (2) None (3) None (4) Addition of Air Inspector to Headquarters Staff, Major Damon I. McLain. (5) Change in T/O. Authorization for Air Inspector. Change #2, T/O & E 1-112, 21 September 1944. c Strength (1) 1 December: (2) 31 December: 66 Enlisted Men 76 Enlisted Men d Station (1) Solenzara Air Field, Solenzara, Corsica (2) 25 April 1944 e Movements of Unit or Echelons. (1) None 29 Officers 29 Officers December 1944 (continued) f Campaigns: (1) Present campaign: Italy – North of Arno River (2) January 22, 1944 g Operations. (1) Predominately bridges in North Italy. For details see War Diary (inclosed) (2) Group flew 35 missions totaling 645 sorties. (3) Seven bridges were destroyed by the group during the month of December. This figure has been obtained from photo reconnaissance. The following have been destroyed: a. Po/Torreberretti Railroad Bridge b. Enego Railroad Bridge c. Praduro Road Bridge d. Asti Road and Railroad Bridge. e. Ponte di Piave Railroad Diversion f. Padua Railroad Bridge g. Crema Railroad Bridge 14 attacks – 7 destroyed h Colonel Richard H. Smith led the Group on Mission number 643 to the Canale d’Isonzo Rail Bridge. Major Robert H. Neumann led the Group on Mission number 624 against the Torreberretti Railroad Bridge. i No losses in action. j Personnel who have distinguished themselves in action. Colonel Richard H. Smith, Distinguished Flying Cross Cluster, G. O. No.279, 12th Air Force, 24 December. Lt. Colonel Charles F. Cassidy Jr., Eighth Oak Leaf Cluster, G. O. No. 269, 12th Air Force, 15 December. Major Robert H. Neumann, sixth cluster Air Medal, G. O. No. 261, 12th Air Force, 7 December. Major George A. Silver, Bronze Star, G. O. No. 271, 12th Air Force, 17 December. Captain Arthur E. Franklin, seventh Oak Leaf Cluster, G. O. No. 269, 12th Air Force, 15 December. M/Sergeant James E. Toohey, Bronze Star, G. O. No. 271, 12th Air Force, 17 December. M/Sergeant Frank M. Kees Jr., Bronze Star, G. O. No. 283, 12th Air Force, 29 December. k Photograph: Bomb Fall Plot for raid of the month. December 1944 (continued) 2. Inclosed are War Diary, Headquarters, 321st Bombardment Group, for the period 1 December to 31 December 1944; copies of commendation from General Knapp; Raid of the month. For the Commanding Officer: Incl: War Diary Raid of the Month. Commendation. S. P. NEPRASH, Capt., Air Corps, Group Historian. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------THE RAID OF THE MONTH December, 1944 This month the Group Intelligence Officer, Captain Robert W. Manly, selects the one raid that from photo coverage and interpretation and relative importance has been outstanding during the month. This month’s selection: ROVERETO RAILROAD BRIDGE Attacked: 30 December 1944 FLIGHT LEADERS: Lt. Leonard, 448th Squadron Lt. Rice, 447th Squadron NO. OF PLANES: 21---one lead element of anti-flak planes, plus two flights of nine aircraft each. SITUATION: We flew no missions for 14 straight days during which time the Germans had ample time to repair the cuts inflicted on the vital Brenner Pass. With fair weather present, interdictions were again in order and the 321st was called upon to destroy the bridge at Rovereto. RESULTS: First flight hit south approach. Second flight walked its bombs across south end of bridge. Photos showed a 100% concentration in the target area. The gun area was hit by the incendiary planes. FLAK: Heavy, moderate, accurate on bomb run and breakaway. Ten planes holed. December 1944 (continued) December 1944 (continued) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------FROM: TO : 57th BOMB WING COMMANDING OFFICER 321ST BOMB GROUP (M) CONGRATULATIONS FOR THE GOOD BOMBING OF THE ASTI ROAD AND RAILROAD BRIDGE ON 15 DECEMBER. KNAPP ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ December 1944 (continued) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------OFFICE OF PUBLIC RELATIONS OFFICER – 321 BOMB GP (Following is a reprint of a press-release circulated among members of the Associated Press, and which is appearing in newspapers throughout the United States.) ROME, Nov. 28. – (Delayed)-(AP) – A group of eager young men whose leader had convinced them that bombing “is just like football—you have to practice all week to play on Saturday”—chalked up an unprecedented record of 93.5 per cent accuracy in placing their missiles on German targets in October. Now it is shooting to better that mark. The sharpshooters comprise the veteran 321st Bomb Group of the U. S. 12th Air Force, flying B-25 Mitchell medium bombers, and they’re commanded by 34-year old Col. Richard H. Smith of Bellomeade Park, Nashville, Tenn. Smith’s fliers believe that 93.5 per figure probably establishes them as the most accurate precision bombing group in the world. So far their claim is unchallenged. Record Held Marvelous The report said: “A 90 per cent bombing accuracy record is something which was hardly thought possible six or seven months ago. The outstanding group in the theatre during February, March and April was bombing in the 60’s. This accuracy then was considered so remarkable that the group received a presidential citation for it. It remained for Capt. Melvin A. Anderson of 2120 North 44th Street, Seattle, Wash., a former reporter for the Seattle Times and now group bombardier, to tell the group’s success secret. “We’ve just got to hand it to the old man”, he said. “Colonel Smith gets the guys all steamed up. Our main job for months has been on German bridges and the Germans are not dumb. They know that when we miss a bridge the first time, we probably will keep coming back until we bust it.” “That’s been the Colonel’s best training plan. The guys have convinced themselves through him that they must practice so they won’t have to keep going back to the same target.” Bombing accuracy is calculated on the basis of an imaginary circle with a 600 foot radius. Its center is the heart of the objective. An Air Force announcement explains: “When bombers of a large formation all place their loads within this area, the score is 100.” Although Anderson placed unceasing practice first among the factors contributing to the 321st record, he cited others: December 1944 (continued) “You know it sounds like college ‘rah-rah’ but competition really works with these kids. The colonel builds up that idea too. It gets so hot they begin betting on their targets. Then they can’t afford to miss.” “Another thing. Our bombardiers navigate all the way out to the target. That gives us a double check. Our group never yet has had a formation bomb the wrong target.” Got Grouches Off Chest “There’s another thing. There are 10 clubs on our field. Every one of them has a bar. That helps a helluva lot. If you think the other guy is a bum, you can get a drink and tell him to his face. They get their grudges off their chests and don’t worry about them.” “Again there’s Colonel Smith. We used to be able to come back and tell a commanding officer a lot of malarkey about why we missed or could not finish a bomb run, but you simply can’t kid Colonel Smith, he knows all about it.” Like most of the group’s top officers, Smith is a combat veteran with 67 missions to his credit.” His deputy group commander, Lt. Col. Charles F. Cassidy of 1249 Fillmore Street, Denver, Colo., has 57 combat missions. Other group officers are Lt. Col. William D. Cameron of 22401 Shaker Bldg., Shaker Heights, Ohio, once a track and football ace who now is an operations officer with 64 missions; Maj. Robert H. Neumann of Cliffside Park, N. J., a one-time Seton Hall basketball, football and boxing star, who is the assistant operations officer with 72 missions; and Capt. Arthur E. Franklin of 1045 Indiana Ave., Glassport, Pa., the group navigator with 51 missions. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(Following is another Associated Press release to all member-newspapers, and this too has appeared in State-side papers.) BOMB BLOW DEALT TO BRENNER PASS Mediterranean Allied Air Force Headquarters, Rome, Nov. 17-(AP)- Bent on closing the Brenner Pass permanently to enemy supplies, a large formation of Mitchell bombers from the veteran 321st Bomb Group, this week raided a huge transformer station at Ala and photographs showed today that every bomb hit the target area. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ December 1944 (continued) MEDICAL HISTORY 321ST BOMBARDMENT GROUP (M) APO #650, US Army 31 December 1944 Supplemental Report No. 2 for period 1 October 1944 to 31 December 1944. 1. Previous History. The 321st Bombardment Group (M) was activated 1 August 1942, at Columbia, South Carolina, by War Department Letter dated 26 June 1942. Personnel was obtained from transfers from other units, reserves, National Guard, and inductees. Overseas operations began 15 March 1943 and the group served with an admirable record through the North African, Sicilian, Italian, Balkan, and Southern France campaigns. The Medical Section of the Group performed its duties efficiently, and effectively solved the multitudinous problems in respect to various phases of the campaigns, new locations, rotations, changes in personnel, training, examinations, evacuations, etc. 2. Present History. a. During this period, as in the previous quarterly period, this group led all other groups of comparable type of aircraft in this theatre (and as far as is known, in any other theatre) in bombing. The previous all high record of September 1944 was surpassed during this period. In some respects, the continued drive to maintain the high level of bombing, necessitating at times a long bomb run, or a repeated passage over a target, and, of course, emphasis on training has increased the medical problems attendant to combat aviation, but no insurmountably so. Combat losses, in spite of fewer missions flown (due to weather) were higher during this period, as shown in the statistical section. 3. Administrative History. a. Personnel Matters. (Roster of Medical Personnel, 1 October 1944 is shown on page 1A) During the quarterly period the following changes took place. (1). S/Sgt William E. Brooks, 35109331, Hqs Medical Section transferred to Air Corps, auth., par. 5, S. O. #153, Hqs. 57th Bomb Wing, 13 October 1944. (2). Sgt. Walter F. Hagen, 37041943, Hqs Medical Section, promoted to S/Sgt., 2 October 1944. (3). PFC. Salvatore (NMI) Stagnitta, 32234666, 447th Squadron Medical Section, promoted to Corporal, 7 October 1944. December 1944 (continued) (4). Pvt. Joseph Schaffer, 32177574, assigned to 446th Squadron Medical Section, 21 October 1944. ROSTER OF MEDICAL PERSONNEL IN 321st BOMBARDMENT GROUP (M), APO 650, 1 October 1944. NAME Silver, George A. McMechen, Charles R. NAME Meskimen, Hershel C. Zeliff, Gerald (NMI) Hagen, Walter F. Fidell, John W., NAME Smith, William C. NAME Beeler, Howard N. Nickell, John B. Porter, Harland G. Matthews, Clifford K. Bass, Ralph I. Prince, John T. Dupre, Walter J. NAME Warren, Joseph E. NAME Ballway, John L. Mattioli, Elio R. Doyle, Charles F. Markel, Lawrence E. RANK ASN Major Capt 0-360264 0-477528 ASN 37110272 32301321 37041943 33161377 DATE OF RANK 3/8/44 1/23/43 Yes No Group Surgeon Dental Surgeon CLASSIFICATION 673 855 501 855 FLIGHT SURGEON Yes RATING S/Sgt Sgt Cpl Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt 446th SQUADRON RANK ASN DATE OF RANK Capt 0-487220 9/27/43 ASN 15090268 36232219 36231995 36166754 DUTY RATING T/Sgt Sgt Sgt Cpl 445th SQUADRON RANK ASN DATE OF RANK Capt 0-381441 9/30/42 ASN 17056578 39386261 37145476 36232323 34178676 37134379 14025146 FLIGHT SURGEON Sq. Surgeon CLASSIFICATION 673 501 861 861 409 699 699 FLIGHT SURGEON RATING S/Sgt Sgt Cpl Cpl DUTY Yes DUTY Sq. Surgeon CLASSIFICATION 673 861 501 861 December 1944 (continued) Barritt, Wayne W. Lowrey, Newland (NMI) Spooner, Lawrence M. NAME Hamilton, John M. 36232177 35265797 36162728 447th SQUADRON RANK ASN DATE OF RANK Capt 0-481410 7/13/42 NAME Morton, James M. Whipple, James H. Korenich, Joseph B. Johnson, Eldon F. O’Donnell, Lester D. Stagnitta, Salvatore (NMI) Sarberg, George F. NAME Marshall, Ulysses S. Pfc Pfc Pfc ASN 17052589 36108988 36232284 36166113 36232211 32234666 36232321 699 409 409 FLIGHT SURGEON Yes RATING S/Sgt Sgt Cpl Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc 448th SQUADRON RANK ASN DATE OF RANK Capt 0-492553 12/20/43 DUTY Sq. Surgeon CLASSIFICATION 673 861 501 861 409 669 409 FLIGHT SURGEON No DUTY Sq. Surgeon NAME Lind, Clarence F. Konczak, Louis A. Webb, Ernest F. ASN 36318717 36166384 36168730 RATING S/Sgt Sgt Cpl CLASSIFICATION 673 861 409 Taylor, Grover A. Wiles, Marvin R. Dahl, Jack A. Wade, Avery (NMI) Sink, Dennis L. Taylor, Grover A. 37015255 36165776 36232204 35254490 33062583 37015255 Sgt Cpl Pfc Pfc Sgt Sgt 861 409 861 669 661 861 ROSTER OF MEDICAL PERSONNEL IN 321st BOMBARDMENT GROUP (M), APO 650, 31 December 1944. NAME RANK ASN DATE FLIGHT DUTY OF SURGEON RANK Silver, George A. Major 0-360264 3/6/44 Yes Group Surgeon McMechen, Charles R. Capt 0-477528 1/23/43 No Dental Surgeon October 1944 (continued) NAME Meskimen, Hershel C. Hagen, Walter F. Sink, Dennis L. Smyth, Edward A. Taylor, Grover A. Zeliff, Gerald (NMI) Fidell, John W., Markel, Lawrence E. Porter, Harland G. Stagnitta, Salvatore (NMI) Wiles, Marvin R. Altherr, Lloyd B. Dupre, Walter J. Johnson, Eldon F. Lowrey, Newland (NMI) Maniotis, James (NMI) Holloman, Wilbert L. Schaffer, Joseph (NMI) ASN 37110272 37041943 33061583 32212926 37015255 32301321 33161377 36166754 37145476 32234666 36165776 39014604 14025146 36166113 35265797 32322971 06965013 32177574 Smith, William C. 445th SQUADRON 0-381441 9/30/42 NAME Beeler, Howard N. Nickell, John B. Matthews, Clifford K. Bass, Ralph I. Prince, John T. Rizk, Paul F. NAME Warren, Joseph E. NAME Ballway, John L. Mattioli, Elio R. Doyle, Charles F. Barritt, Wayne W. Spooner, Lawrence M. Capt ASN 17056578 39386261 36232323 34178676 37134379 11131198 RATING T/Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Sgt Cpl Cpl Cpl Cpl Cpl Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt Pvt Yes RATING S/Sgt Sgt Pfc Pfc Pfc Pvt 446th SQUADRON RANK ASN DATE OF RANK Capt 0-487220 9/27/43 ASN 15090268 36232219 36231995 36232177 36162728 CLASSIFICATION 673 501 861 409 861 067 055 345 861 409 409 409 345 861 409 409 067 861 Sq. Surgeon CLASSIFICATION 673 4051 861 409 345 409 FLIGHT SURGEON RATING S/Sgt Sgt Cpl Pfc Pfc Yes DUTY Sq. Surgeon CLASSIFICATION 673 861 405 345 409 October 1944 (continued) NAME Hamilton, John M. NAME Morton, James M. Whipple, James H. Korenich, Joseph B. O’Donnell, Lester D. Sarberg, George F. NAME Marshall, Ulysses S. NAME Lind, Clarence F. Konczak, Louis A. Webb, Ernest F. Dahl, Jack A. Wade, Avery (NMI) 447th SQUADRON RANK ASN DATE OF RANK Capt 0-481410 7/13/42 ASN 17052589 36108988 36232284 36232211 36232321 Yes RATING S/Sgt Sgt Cpl Pfc Pfc 448th SQUADRON RANK ASN DATE OF RANK Capt 0-492553 12/20/43 ASN 36318717 36166384 36168730 36232204 35254490 FLIGHT SURGEON Sq. Surgeon CLASSIFICATION 673 861 405 345 409 FLIGHT SURGEON RATING S/Sgt Sgt Cpl Pfc Pfc DUTY No DUTY Sq. Surgeon CLASSIFICATION 673 861 405 405 345 (5). Edward H. Smyth, Sgt., 32212926, (409), Lloyd B. Altherr, PFC., 39014604, (409), and Wilburt L. Holloman, Pvt., 6965013, (067), assigned to this group per S. O. #173, Hqs. 57th Bomb Wing, 15 November 1944. (6). James (NMI) Maniotis, PFC., 32329271, assigned 445th Squadron Medical Section per par. 2, S. O. #188, 57th Bomb Wing, 2 Dec 1944. (7). Paul F. Rizk, Pvt., 11131198, assigned 445th Squadron Medical Section per S. O. #326, Hqs. 19th Replacement Bn., 19 December 1944. (8). Conforming with change 3, of T/O & E 1-112, dated 29 June 1944, thirteen enlisted men were transferred from the Squadrons to Group Hqs. Medical Section, 13 October 1944. October 1944 (continued) (9). Capt. William C. Smith received the Legion of Merit reward for activities relating to maintaining and increasing the morale of the group. (Roster of Medical Personnel, 31 December 1944 is shown on page 1B) b. There was no change in station during the quarterly period. The present location at Vix, north of Solenzara, proved satisfactory from the angles of comfort, health, and convenience, and the permanent buildings used as clubs, winterized, were comfortable. All tents and living quarters, as well as administrative buildings and dispensaries were also winterized. c. Functional activities of the Medical Department. (1). Headquarters and each squadron maintained and operated a dispensary and prophylactic station, in each area, during this period. Quarters tents were available but seldom used due to proximity of a field hospital. All equipment and supplies according to T/O & E 1-112, dated 29 June 1944, and equipment lists as modified during the period, were not received by this group. Consequently the reorganization was not affected in toto. (2). All regular functions of the Medical Department as previously detailed in former histories were scrupulously carried out, throughout this period. (3). The malaria season was finished in October by having all personnel take one atabrine tablet three times daily for five days followed by a three day period of quinine – 1 tablet three times a day. The occurrence of malaria, recurrent and otherwise, over the latter portion of the period was gratifyingly low in comparison to other groups which did not engage in such a program. 4. Environmental History. There was no change in the location of the bivouac area, throughout the quarterly period. The situation remained as previously reported with outside activities somewhat curtailed due to weather but with a corresponding increase in the use of the clubs for indoor activities. 5. Operational History. a. No major problems were presented to this group during the period, regarding hospitalization, disease epidemiology, medical equipment or supplies. One unusual thing noted, however, was the increasing frequency of minor respiratory and skin infections that occurred in personnel previously with a high resistance. Believing this due to an avitaminosis, appropriate steps were taken to correct the condition. October 1944 (continued) b. No unusual problems were experienced by the dental department and the statistical figures show no great departure from those reported in other periods. c. The average number of combat missions of combat personnel rotated was 64.3 for the period. d. Six injuries of combat personnel were sustained, for the period, in the area of the body covered by body armor. Two, due to explosive missile, were fatal. The other four were saved from serious injury by the protective clothing. 6. Statistical Historical Data. Statistical data on Care of Flier report is shown on page 3A. Other statistical shows so little variation from other periods, it is omitted from this history. 7. Special Items of Historical Value. (Summary of the Year 1944). The group moved from Amendola, east of Foggia, to Vincenzo, southwest of Foggia on 15 January 1944; to Gaudo, south of Battipaglia, on 19 February 1944; and to Vix, north of Solenzara, on Corsica, 20 April 1944. The latter location was made permanent and as comfortable and pleasant as possible by the construction of clubs, recreational facilities, showers, theatre, etc., made possible by the local operation also of a sawmill, which in turn was considered recreational. The bivouac area, in a considered highly malarious area, due to draining, ditching, antimalarial measures of the control commission, and local antimalarial discipline, yielded a surprisingly low malarial infection rate. Summary of Care of Flier Reports for Quarter. A. Strength of Flying personnel Officers Enlisted Men Flight Surgeon’s (not indl. In strength) OCTOBER 655 NOVEMBER 561 DECEMBER 714 TOTAL --- 335 315 5 302 254 5 346 363 5 ------- October 1944 (continued) B. Aircraft Accidents Due to Combat Not Due to Combat K.I.A. M.I.A. W.I.A. Disorders Due to Flying Functional Nervous Aerotitis Aero Sinusitis D. Disorders not due to flying Functional Nervous Nasopharyngitis Cystitis V.D. Others E. Flying personnel on Rest Leave. F. Operational Information Total Individual Sorties for Month Total Individual Operational hrs. for mo. Total Individual NonOperational hrs. for mo. Total Flying Personnel Transferred out Total Flying Personnel Assigned Men departing for Zone of the Int. Men returning from Zone of the Int. OCTOBER NOVEMBER 0 0 1 0 1 5 14 14 Pati- Days ents Lost P DL 11 151 14 170 DECEMBER 0 0 0 6 TOTAL 0 1 6 34 P 5 DL 110 P 30 DL 431 C. 11 3 0 299 111 0 1 6 0 35 77 0 2 11 0 4 111 0 14 20 0 338 299 0 0 0 1 12 105 7 0 11 144 678 3 0 1 6 61 16 0 9 180 549 3 1 1 13 70 11 11 6 247 596 6 1 3 31 236 34 11 26 571 1823 OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER TOTAL 3107 3111 3482 9700 2989:15 10309:10 12078:45 31677:00 3993:40 5082:25 7107:25 16179:30 63 207 88 358 41 112 241 394 0 0 0 0 2 12 1 15 Flak suits were received in February, and after a few injuries occurred that could have been prevented had the suits been worn, all combat personnel wore the protective clothing with a total of 19 men hit by missiles in an area protected by the armor with 14 men receiving no injuries or only minor injuries as a result. October 1944 (continued) Changes in personal equipment were also made which increased the safety and comfort of combat personnel, such as kapok lined jackets, improved goggles, new bailout equipment, differently designed parachute harness, safety straps, etc. Changes in the aircraft also aided toward more efficient combat service and safety and comfort of the crews, as the built-in armor plating, rearrangement of equipment, installations of ball turrets, etc. Changes also in type of formation flying and in training tended to keep combat losses low, as did the development of procedures to disorient enemy radar and gun positions by the use of chaff, or window, and use of a few ships ahead of the formation, to drop bombs on gun positions. Throughout the year various modifications in the rotation policy were effected. At the close of the year combat personnel were rotated at seventy (70) missions or a year overseas and ground personnel were rotated on a small quota administratively and for 30 days D. S. to the Zone of the Interior. GEORGE A. SILVER, Major, Medical Corps, Group Surgeon. December 1944 445th BS War Diary: Additional Narrative for December 1944 HEADQUARTERS 321st Bomb Group (M) APO 650 1 January 1944 SUBJECT: Historical Records TO : Commanding General, 57th Bombardment Wing Attentions: Historian 1. Outline History of the 445th Squadron for the period December 1 to December 31, 1944. a Original unit (1) 445th Bombardment Squadron, 321st Bombardment Group (M), 57th Bombardment Wing, 12th Air Force. (2) Columbia Army Air Base, S.C. was place of activation (3) June 23, 1942 was date of activation (4) GO #145, Hq. 3rd Air Force, 23 June 1942 was authority for activation (5) National guard, selective service and regular army were sources of personnel b Changes in organization (1) No changes in designation, no transfer, unit was not placed on DS or TS nor was it attached to other headquarters for operational control (2) There was no change of commanding officers. (3) There were no changes of staff officers (4) On December 3, T/O 1-127 dated 18 August 1944 superseded the former 1127 dated 26 March 1944. c Strength, commissioned and enlisted (1) Month of December 1944 (a) At beginning – 433 (b) Net increase - 33 (c) Net decrease (d) At end - 466 d Stations of units or echelons (1) Name of station – Solenzara Airfield, Corsica (a) Date of arrival – April 24, 1944 (b) Still present at this base e Movements of unit (1) There was no movement during the month December 1944 (continued) f Campaigns (1) Italy (2) From December 1, 1944 to December 31, 1944 (still in progress) g Operations (1) Campaign – Italian (2) Nature of operations – objective bombing (3) 19 missions and 151 sorties flown during the month (4) Results of an important mission (a) Mission: December 29th attack on Rovereto railroad bridge, Italy 1. Target was important because it was vital bridge along the main Brenner Pass railroad extending from the famed Pass to the battlefront – the shortest and best route to the front. Rovereto is located about 30 miles north of Verona and spans line entering the big city, a key diffusion point for supplies. 2. Despite known flak positions – which were numerous – there was a good probability of a successful mission. 3. The successful completion of this mission would indirectly aid the ground forces since it would deny temporarily and important flow of supplies to the enemy opposing Allied troops. 4. Aerial photographs disclosed the damage done to this target. 5. The 445th Squadron achieved 94 percent bombing accuracy on this mission despite a furious anti-aircraft barrage that holed 12 ships and seriously wounded one gunner. Heavy damage was caused to the target area and the attack must certainly have resulted in a let-down in the flow of supplies to enemy troops on the front. h Command Officers in important missions 1. On December 2, Capt. Wagner (Gerald W., pilot) – Assistant Operations Officer – led a mission against the Praduro road bridge, Italy and scored 100 percent bombing accuracy. 2. On December 27, Capt. Wagner (Gerald W., pilot) led a mission sent out to bomb the South Ambroglio tunnel. Despite an accurate flak barrage, the formation achieved 91.6 percent bombing accuracy. 3. Capt. Wagner (Gerald W., pilot) also led the December 29th attack on the Rovereto railroad bridge as described above. i Losses in action (1) December 29, Rovereto railroad bridge, Italy (a) None killed (b) Wounded 1. S/Sgt. Henry M. Slodden (gunner) (c) None missing (d) None taken prisoner December 1944 (continued) j Personnel who have distinguished themselves in action: GO #258, Headquarters 12th Air Force, 4 December 1944 listed the following awards: Oak leaf Cluster to Distinguished Flying Cross “For extraordinary achievement in aerial flight” Capt. James C. Jeffery (pilot) – Galliate road bridge, Italy, Oct 20 GO #261, Headquarters 12th Air Force, 7 December 1944 listed the following awards: Air Medal (meritorious achievement in aerial flight) 2nd Lt. Cecil A. Brown (pilot), Ostiglia, Italy, November 10 Cpl. Glenn E. Bierly (gunner), Ostiglia, Italy, November 10 1st Oak Leaf Cluster 2nd Lt. John K. Buckham (pilot), Ostiglia, Italy, November 10 2nd Lt. Jay (NMI) DeBoer (Jr., pilot), Ostiglia, Italy, November 10 2nd Lt. James (NMI) Kourafas (pilot), Ostiglia, Italy, November 10 S/Sgt. Jimmie (NMI) Chambers (engineer-gunner), Ostiglia, Italy, November 10 Cpl. Max E. Baker (gunner), Ostiglia, Italy, November 10 Cpl. Raymond A. Krober (gunner), Ostiglia, Italy, November 10 Cpl, Richard A. Larson (gunner), Ostiglia, Italy, November 10 2nd Oak Leaf Cluster (Ostiglia, Italy, November 10) Sgt. Edward A. Krauk (gunner) Cpl. Dean R. Matter (gunner) 3rd Oak Leaf Cluster (Ostiglia, Italy, November 10) 2nd Lt. Lane L. Miron (pilot) T/Sgt. Harold B. Cubley (gunner) S/Sgt. Samuel (NMI) Abrams (gunner, photographer) Air Medal (Ostiglia, Italy, November 10) 2nd Lt. Phillip R. Starczewski (bombardier) 1st Oak Leaf Cluster (Ostiglia, Italy, November 10) 2nd Lt. Paul E. Shutters (pilot) 2nd Lt. Paul L. Young (pilot) Cpl. John H. Nuttal (gunner) Cpl. Charles T. Reagin (gunner) December 1944 (continued) GO #268, Headquarters 12th Air Force, 14 December 1944 listed the following awards: Distinguished Flying Cross (Extraordinary achievement in aerial flight) Capt. Joseph A. Paduana (Navigator), Littorio M/Y, Italy, March 10 1st Lt. Frank (NMI) Gifford (pilot), Abbey di Monte Cassino, Italy, Feb 15 1st Lt. Warren G. Schutte (bombardier), Viterbo, Italy, April 14 1st Lt. Walter E. Souders (bombardier), Littorio, M/Y, Italy, March 10 1st Oak Leaf Cluster to Distinguished Flying Cross Capt. Samuel M. Dickerson (Pilot), Mira, Italy, August 31 Capt. Leon F. Hatcher, Jr. (pilot), Viterbo, Italy, June 6 Soldiers Medal (Heroism) 1st Lt. Lloyd L. Finkhouse (bombardier), Faenza, Italy, November 22 GO #272, Headquarters 12th Air Force, 19 December 1944 listed the following awards: 6th Oak Leaf Cluster to Air Medal (Meritorious achievement, etc) Cpl. William R. Hunsberger (gunner), Nervesa, Italy, November 5 9th Oak Leaf Cluster to Air Medal 2nd Lt. Michael A. Santone (pilot), Ala, Italy, November 6 10th Oak Leaf Cluster to Air Medal 2nd Lt. Harold L. Cox (pilot), Ala, Italy, November 6 GO #275, Headquarters 12th Air Force, 21 December 1944 listed the following awards: Bronze Star (Meritorious achievement in direct support of combat operations) S/Sgt. Howard N. Beeler (medical), Feb. 1, 1943 to November 8, 1944 GO #278, Headquarters 12th Air Force, 23 December 1944 listed the following awards: Air Medal (Meritorious achievement in aerial flight) T/Sgt. James C. Heinbaugh (radio-gunner), Littorio, Italy, March 10 Cpl. Manuel (NMI) Garza (gunner), Orte, Italy, March 14 GO #279, Headquarters 12th Air Force, 24 December 1944 listed the following awards: Bronze Star (Meritorious service in direct support of combat operations) S/Sgt. Russell W. Lawton (engineering), September 15, 1944 to Nov. 10, ‘44 T/Sgt. Robert R. Logan (intelligence), April 23, 1943 to May 3, 1943 December 1944 (continued) GO #280, Headquarters 12th Air Force, 26 December 1944 listed the following awards Bronze Star (Meritorious service in direct support of combat operations) T/Sgt. James A. Jacobi (communications), June 1, 1943 to July 15, 1943 k No photographs submitted 2. Enclosed is War Diary, 445th Bombardment Squadron for the period December 1, 1944 to December 31, 1944 For the Commanding Officer: Incl: War Diary. THOMAS W. ASHTON, 1st Lt., Air Corps, Squadron Historian. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------MEDICAL HISTORY 445 BOMBARDMENT SQUADRON (M) APO 650, U. S. Army th 22 January 1945 Period 1 October 1944 to 31 December 1944. 1. Administrative History. a. Personnel Matters. Changes in personnel during this period are as follows: Assigned per SO 211 Hqs 321st Bomb Gp dtd 4 December 1944; Pfc James (NMI) Maniotis, 32329271 Assigned per SO 326 Hqs 19th Repl Bn dtd 19 December 1944; Pvt Paul F. Rizk, 11131198 Transferred per par 2 SO Hqs 57th Bomb Wg dtd 8 January 1945, to Signal Warning Platoon: Pvt Paul F. Rizk, 11131198 Transferred to Hqs 321st Bomb Gp and placed on DS with this orgn, per SO 217 Hqs 321st Bomb Gp dtd 14 December 1944: Cpl Harland G. Porter, 37145476 Pfc Walter J. Dupre, 14025146 Pfc James (NMI) Maniotis, 32329271 December 1944 (continued) b. Functional Activities of the Medical Department. (1.) Training program for enlisted personnel was maintained throughout the period. Classes were included in first aid and venereal disease control, nursing care, management of sick call, pharmacy, and other pertinent subjects. (2.) Aeronautical and vehicle first aid kits were checked weekly and replaced and sealed as necessary. (3.) Immunization records were carefully checked and maintained. Immunization of personnel was brought up to date, as per instructions in Memorandum No. 25-3, Hqs XII AF dtd 8 December 1944. (4.) Lectures and discussions were held on treatment of casualties while in the air. (5.) Sex films were shown to all personnel. (6.) Physical inspections were held on the entire personnel twice monthly and kitchen personnel weekly. Sanitary inspections of the area were made weekly. 2. Environmental History. 1. The location has remained the same. Outdoor exercise has been greatly curtailed due to climatic conditions. Most of the recreational time has been spent in the clubs, with card games, reading, group singing, and parties. 3. Operational History. a. Analysis of Wound Resultants in Combat Crew Personnel of 445th Bombardment Squadron: ANOTOMIC LOCATION Head Neck Body Extremities WIA 1 0 0 _2_ 3 KIA 0 0 0 _0_ 0 b. Number of individuals wearing body armor who were struck by missiles in the area covered by the armor. Two (2) December 1944 (continued) c. Number of those uninjured because of protection afforded by the armor. One (1) (1.) In the remaining case severe injury was prevented. d. Number of individuals wounded who may have escaped injury had they worn body armor. None. e. The one (1) wound the area covered by armor was a penetrating flak wound of the scalp in the region of the vertex. The individual was a tail-gunner and would probably have been severely injured had he not worn the helmet. 4. Evacuation. a. There has been very little battle casualty evacuation from our own airbase. 5. Medical Supplies. a. Medical supplies on the whole have been adequate and punctually obtained. There has been a shortage of several items, such as adhesive tape, mineral oil, sulfadiazine ointment. Most of these items are now available, however. 6. Miscellaneous. a. There has been a very obvious increase in the number of cases of aerotitis media and sinus disease. It is our opinion that this is due both to the climatic conditions and to the increasing number of replacements whose nasopharyngeal anatomy is unsuited to flying. b. There has been an obvious increase in the number of cases of conjunctivitis, fungus infections, nasopharyngitis, cellulitis of the extremities, and other minor infections. This is most noticeable in the original members of this organization, who were known previously to have had a high degree of physical resistance. It is suggested that Multi-vitamin capsules be made available for purchase along with P. X. rations, as it has been the experience of the undersigned that a considerable number of man-days can be saved by the administration of vitamin capsules to augment the diets. This particularly applies to personnel with a tour of duty more than a year. W. C. SMITH, Captain, MC, Squadron Surgeon December 1944 (continued) 446th BS War Diary: Additional Narrative for December 1944 HEADQUARTERS 321st Bomb Group (M) APO 650 January 1944 SUBJECT: Historical Records TO : Commanding General, 57th Bomb Wing, APO 650 U.S. Army 1. Outline History of the 446th Squadron for the period 1 December 1944 to 31 December 1944: a Original unit (1) 446th Bomb Sqdn (M), 321st Bomb Group (M), AAF. (2) Organized 1 August 1942 (3) Columbia Army Air Base, Columbia, S.C. (4) Activated at Barksdale Field, La., 23 June 1942 (5) Personnel obtained by transfer from other units, training schools and replacement centers b Changes in organization (1) No change c Strength, commissioned and enlisted (1) 1 December 1944 82 Officers, 323 Enlisted Men (2) Net Increase 13 Officers, 37 Enlisted Men (3) Net Decrease None None (4) 31 December 1944 95 Officers, 360 Enlisted Men d Stations of units or echelons (1) None e Movements of unit (1) None f Campaigns (1) Rome-Arno (2) From 21 January 1944 to: Still in progress. g Operations (1) Rome-Arno Campaign (2) Bombing missions in support of the Allied Armies in Northern Italy. Attacks against enemy communications predominated. (3) Missions- 28, Sorties- 169 December 1944 (continued) (4) Results of the important missions. (a) Canale d’Isonzo Rail Bridge, Italy, 28 December. (b) Cismon Rail Bridge, Italy, 2 December. (c) Crema Rail Bridge, Italy, 30 December. (d) Rovereto Rail Bridge, Italy, 30 December. 1. These bridges were on vital enemy lines of communication, and their destruction would be a hard blow to the enemy’s supply lines. 2. To Knock out or damage these bridges would deprive the enemy of much needed supplies and thus be of great aid to the Allied Ground Forces. 3. 100% bombing accuracy was registered on these four targets. h Command Officers in important missions 1. Lt. Colonel Paul T. Cooper (pilot) i Losses in action (1) The following men are missing, having been shot down while attacking the Bologna Barracks Area, Italy, 10 December 194. (a) 1st Lt. Albert O. Rondel (pilot) (b) 1st Lt. Charles L. Kaenzig (bombardier) (c) S/Sgt Ingwal J. Hermanson (gunner) (d) S/Sgt Stuart L. Huntoon (turret gunner) (e) Cpl. Emmitt M. Allen (gunner) j Personnel who have distinguished themselves in action: (1) Silver Star was awarded to: (a) Lt. Colonel Paul T. Cooper (pilot), GO #271, XII Air Force. (b) 2nd Lt. Robert L. Davis (pilot), GO #268, XII Air Force. (c) 2nd Lt. David M. Sherline (pilot), GO #268, XII Air Force. (2) Distinguished Flying Cross was awarded to: (a) Captain Robert R. Smedley (pilot), GO #268, XII AF. (b) 1st Lt. Samuel F. Gambino (bombardier), GO #255, XII Air Force. (c) 1st Lt. John W. Goodrich (pilot), GO #271, XII Air Force. (d) S/Sgt Virgil F. Davis (gunner), GO #268, XII Air Force. (3) Bronze Star Medal was awarded to: (a) Captain Frederick W. Northrup (armament), GO #271, XII Air Force. (b) 1st Sergeant John I. Mabe (T/Sgt, personnel), GO #271, XII Air Force. (c) M/Sgt Albert W. Elwell (communications), GO #271, XII Air Force. (d) T/Sgt John D. Taylor (communications), GO #271, XII Air Force. (e) Sgt David L. Williams (engineering), GO #271, XII Air Force. (f) Cpl. Lisker B. Franklin (transportation), GO #271, XII Air Force. December 1944 (continued) (4) Air Medal was awarded to: (a) 2nd Lt. Lamar E. Ramsay (pilot), GO #247, XII Air Force. (b) 2nd Lt. Phillip R. Starczewski (bombardier), GO #261, XII Air Force. (c) Sgt. Marque F. Beavers (gunner), GO #261, XII Air Force. (d) Sgt. Everett F. Beecher (gunner), GO #247, XII Air Force. (e) Sgt Harry C. Spoerl (communications), GO #278, XII Air Force. (f) Sgt Edward J. Miller (gunner), GO #278, XII Air Force. (g) Sgt John B. Law (gunner), GO #252, XII Air Force. 2. War Diary enclosed. PAUL T. COOPER, Lt. Colonel, Air Corps, Commanding. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------446th BOMBARDMENT SQUADRON (M) AAF 321st BOMBARDMENT GROUP (M) AAF Office of the Surgeon APO #650, U. S. Army 24 January 1945 Subject: Squadron Medical History--30 September 1944 to 31 December 1944. To : Group Surgeon, 321st Bombardment Group (M) AAF, APO 650, United States Army. 1. Environmental History. a. Mess installations essentially same as in original report. Few diarrheas and no specific dysenteries during this period. b. Two cases of Malaria were observed during this period, both falciparum. One of these was recurrent from original infection in India and the other was an original infection. c. Individual tents have been winterized and respiratory diseases have been minimal. Incidence was highest at beginning of period. 2. Operational History. a. Decreasing bombing accuracy, poor weather, and changing personnel have lowered morale. Weather conditions have prevented recreational activities. December 1944 (continued) b. There were eight cases of new gonorrhea treated with penicillin on a duty status. There were two recurrences which were treated with 200,000 units of penicillin and “cleared up” satisfactorily. All cases of V.D. were contracted in either Rome, Naples, or Catania. Free prophylaxis and lectures have begun to lower this rate. Prophylactics are now issued to all personnel leaving the island. c. First Aid lectures for combat crew members have been given shortly after their arrival and are coordinated with lectures by Personal Equipment Officer. Three planes were lost on operational missions and one plane on routine cross country flight during this period. Two planes went down over the target and one ditched off the coast of Corsica. The plane on cross country also ditched in Tyrrhenian Sea with loss of three aboard. A total of thirteen were hospitalized from these accidents and three others injured. This high attrition rate has lowered the morale and operational effort. Five cases were referred to M.D.B. during this period. One of these was an anxiety reaction and the remainder injuries. Four of these were returned to the Z of I and remaining one has resumed flying. d. Ground personnel morale has steadily declined with inclement weather. Diet has been adequate, recreation minimal. Inactivity and lack of definite goal has been detrimental. Ground rotations are inadequate. J. E. WARREN, Captain, M. C. Squadron Surgeon. December 1944 (continued) 447th BS War Diary: Additional Narrative for December 1944 447TH BOMBARDMENT SQUADRON (M) 321ST BOMBARDMENT GROUP (M) APO 65 2 January 1944 SUBJECT: Historical Records. TO : Commanding General, 57th Bombardment Wing. Attention: Historian. 1. Outline History of the 447th Bombardment Squadron for the period 1 December 1944 to 31 December 1944. a. 447th Bombardment Squadron (M), 321st bombardment Group (M). (1) 447th Bombardment Squadron (M), 321st Bombardment Group (M), 57th Bombardment Wing, 12th Air Force. (2) Columbia Army Air Base, Columbia, South Carolina. (3) 23 June 1942 (4) G.O. 145, Hq. 11 AF, 23 June 1942 (5) Transferred from other units and Selective Service. b. Changes in Organization. (1) No Change (2) Echelons or units. (a) Transferred. Or DS, TD. 4 Officers; 6 enlisted men, TD Cairo, Egypt. 2 Officers TD Hq, 12th Air Force 1 Officer TD 320th Service Group 2 Officers and 4 enlisted men TD rest camp Capri (b) 1 enlisted man trfd. To 57th Bomb Wing. 3 enlisted men trfd. To 321st Bomb. Gp. Hq. (c) No Change. (3) No change in commanding officers during the month (4) No Change in staff officers during the month (5) No Change in T/O during the month. c. Strength, Commission and enlisted. (1) Month of December 1944. (a) At Beginning. 79 Officers; 362 Enlisted-men (b) Net increase. 9 Officers; 1 Enlisted-man (c) Net decrease. (d) At end: 88 Officers; 363 Enlisted-men December 1944 (continued) d. Stations of units or echelons. (1) Name of station (a) Solenzara Air Field, Corsica. May 3, 1944 (b) Still at the same station. e. Movement of units or echelons. (1) No movements during the month of December 1944. f. Campaigns. (1) Italian Campaign. (2) Duration: From 1 December to present date. g. Operations. (1) Italian campaign. (2) Objective Bombing (3) 19 missions, 160 sorties (4) Results of the most important missions. (a) Mission: Po Torreberretti Bridge. 1. The Torreberretti Bridge was important because it was a vital link in the supply and communication system of the German Army. 2. The bridge was rendered impassable to all kinds of traffic 3. This bridge was on the rail line between Novara and Alessandria across the Sesia River, and in its destruction kept the Germans from reinforcing their troops opposing the 5th Army. 4. Aerial photographs showed direct hits on the target. 5. In the destruction of this bridge the enemy suffered the loss of an important rail line and therefore much needed supplies could not be brought down to the front line troops. On this mission the 447th Bomb. Sq. scored 100% bombing accuracy and 100% mission efficiency. h. Col. Richard H. Smith (pilot, 321st BG Commander) flew on the Canale d’Isonzo mission, December 28, 1944 i. Losses in action The 447th Bombardment Squadron suffered no casualties during the month of December 1944, killed or wounded. j. Personnel who have distinguished themselves in action. Listed according to name, order number, headquarters and award with the date: (1) (a) (b) (c). On General Order No. 254 from 12th Air Force Headquarters, dated 1 December 1944: Sergeant Daniel P. McMenamin Jr. (engineer-gunner) received the Air Medal. F/O Shelby D. Wallis (pilot), First Oak Leaf Cluster to Air Medal. Sgt. Richard H. Perl (gunner), 1st Oak Leaf Cluster to Air Medal. 2nd Lt. David B. Brice (pilot), 2nd OLC to the Air Medal. December 1944 (continued) 2nd Lt. Hugh (NMI) Lankester (bombardier), 2nd OLC to the Air Medal. Sgt. Earl W. Dulaney (gunner), 2nd OLC to the Air Medal. Sgt. Charles J. Hopp (gunner), 2nd OLC to the Air Medal. Cpl. Richard E. Hagan (gunner), 2nd OLC to the Air Medal. S/Sgt. Dan (NMI) Ochs (gunner), 2nd OLC to the Air Medal. 2nd Lt. Harlan N. Tulley (navigator), 3rd OLC to the Air Medal Sgt. James E. Citarelli (gunner), 3rd OLC to the Air Medal. 2nd Lt. Frederick J. Hiller (bombardier), 4th OLC to the Air Medal Sgt. Carl F. Netzel (gunner), 4th OLC to the Air Medal. Cpl. Roy H. Bartram (gunner), 4th OLC to the Air Medal S/Sgt. Joseph A. Fiocca (radio-gunner), 8th OLC to the Air Medal. On General Order No. 258, from 12th Air Force Headquarters dated 4 December 1944 1st Lt. John L. Denman (pilot) received the Distinguished Flying Cross. 2nd Lt. William C. Morton (pilot) received the Distinguished Flying Cross. On General Order No. 261 from 12th Air Force Headquarters Dated 7 December 1944 the following wards were given: S/Sgt. Carl S. Escher (gunner), 5th OLC to the Air Medal. S/Sgt. Robert H. Gillies (gunner), 6th OLC to the Air Medal. S/Sgt. Leonard T. Payne (gunner), 6th OLC to the Air Medal S/Sgt. Edmund (NMI) Rogowski (gunner), 6th OLC to the Air Medal S/Sgt. Harry B. Burns (photographer), 7th OLC to the Air Medal. T/Sgt. John F. McFarland (gunner), 8th OLC to the Air Medal. S/Sgt. Robert W. Koecher (engineer-gunner), 3rd OLC to the Air Medal. 1st Lt. Roland A. Paulson (bombardier), 4th OLC to the Air Medal. T/Sgt. John F. McFarland (gunner), 4th OLC to the Air Medal. T/Sgt. John F. Toole (gunner), 4th OLC to the Air Medal T/Sgt. Myles O. Williamson (radio-gunner), 4th OLC to the Air Medal. S/Sgt. Harry B. Burns (photographer), 4th OLC to the Air Medal. S/Sgt. Everett H. Clyne (armament-gunner), 4th OLC to the Air Medal S/Sgt. Carl S. Escher (gunner), 4th OLC to the Air Medal. S/Sgt. Robert H. Gillies (gunner), 4th OLC to the Air Medal. S/Sgt Rennie Mitchell (gunner), 4th OLC to the Air Medal. S/Sgt. Leonard T. Payne (gunner), 4th OLC to the Air Medal. S/Sgt. Edmund (NMI) Rogowski (gunner), 4th OLC to the Air Medal. T/Sgt. John F. McFarland (gunner), 5th OLC to the Air Medal. T/Sgt. John F. Toole (gunner), 5th OLC to the Air Medal. S/Sgt. Harry B. Burns (photographer), 5th OLC to the Air Medal. S/Sgt. Everett H. Clyne (armament-gunner), 5th OLC to the Air Medal. S/Sgt. Robert H. Gillies (gunner), 5th OLC to the Air Medal. S/Sgt. Robert W. Koecher (engineer-gunner), 5th OLC to the Air Medal. S/Sgt. Rennie Mitchell (gunner), 5th OLC to the Air Medal. S/Sgt. Leonard T. Payne (gunner), 5th OLC to the Air Medal. December 1944 (continued) S/Sgt. Edmund (NMI) Rogowski (gunner), 5th OLC to the Air Medal. T/Sgt. John F. McFarland (gunner), 5th OLC to the Air Medal. T/Sgt. John F. Toole (gunner), 6th OLC to the Air Medal. S/Sgt. Harry B. Burns (photographer), 6th OLC to the Air Medal. S/Sgt. Everett H. Clyne (armament-gunner), 6th OLC to the Air Medal. S/Sgt. Carl S. Escher (gunner), 6th OLC to the Air Medal. S/Sgt. Rennie Mitchell (gunner), 6th OLC to the Air Medal. T/Sgt. John F. McFarland (gunner), 7th OLC to the Air Medal. T/Sgt. John F. Toole (gunner), 7th OLC to the Air Medal. S/Sgt. Everett H. Clyne (armament-gunner), 7th OLC to the Air Medal. S/Sgt. Carl S. Escher (gunner), 7th OLC to the Air Medal. S/Sgt. Robert H. Gillies (gunner), 7th OLC to the Air Medal. S/Sgt. Edmund (NMI) Rogowski (gunner), 7th OLC to the Air Medal. T/Sgt. John F. Toole (gunner), 8th OLC to the Air Medal. S/Sgt. Harry B. Burns (photographer), 8th OLC to the Air Medal. S/Sgt. Everett H. Clyne (armament-gunner), 8th OLC to the Air Medal. S/Sgt. Carl S. Escher (gunner), 8th OLC to the Air Medal. S/Sgt. Robert H. Gillies (gunner), 8th OLC to the Air Medal. S/Sgt. Edmund (NMI) Rogowski (gunner), 8th OLC to the Air Medal. S/Sgt. Edmund (NMI) Rogowski (gunner), 9th OLC to the Air Medal. On General Order No. 268, 12th Air Force Headquarters, dated 14 December 1944, the following awards were given: 1st Lt. Ralph T. Grimes (pilot), rec. Distinguished Flying Cross S/Sgt. Smith B. Applegarth (gunner), rec, Soldier’s Medal. Cpl. James W. Sims (gunner), rec, the Soldier’s Medal. On General Order No. 269 from 12th Air Force Headquarters dated 15 December 1944. 2nd Lt. Robert A. Balboni (bombardier), Air Medal. 2nd Lt. Leonard P. Caflissch (bombardier), Air Medal. 2nd Lt. Jackson R. Dodson (pilot), Air Medal. 2nd Lt. George S. Fairchild (pilot), Air Medal. 2nd Lt. John R. Highsmith (pilot), Air Medal. 2nd Lt. Leslie T. Speer (pilot), Air Medal. 2nd Lt. Burton E. Stroupe (bombardier), Air Medal. Cpl. Bruce H. Huntley (gunner), Air Medal. 2nd Lt. Paul R. Peck (pilot), 1st OLC to the Air Medal. 2nd Lt. Frederick H. Smith (pilot), 1st OLC to the Air Medal. Sgt. Paul W. Finnegan (gunner), 1st OLC to the Air Medal. Sgt. Robert C. Stokes (gunner), 1st OLC to the Air Medal. 2nd Lt. Vernon L. Schmoke (bombardier), 2nd OLC to the Air Medal. Sgt. Richard H. Perl (gunner), 2nd OLC to the Air Medal. Cpl. Edward C. Staub (gunner), 2nd OLC to the Air Medal. 2nd Lt. Hugh (NMI) Lankester (bombardier), 3rd OLC to the Air Medal. December 1944 (continued) Cpl. Richard E. Hagan (gunner), 3rd OLC to the Air Medal. 1st Lt. Ralph T. Grimes (pilot), 4th OLC to the Air Medal. 2nd Lt. Louis C. Breckenridge (pilot), 4th OLC to the Air Medal. F/O Donald W. Gies (pilot), 4th OLC to the Air Medal. 1st Lt. William C. Morton (pilot), 5th OLC to the Air Medal. 2nd Lt. Frederick J. Hiller (bombardier), 5th OLC to the Air Medal. Sgt. Robert E. Young (gunner), 6th OLC to the Air Medal. 1st Lt. Ralph E. Hennessey (pilot), 7th OLC to the Air Medal. 1st Lt. James W. McDermott (bombardier), 2nd OLC to the Air Medal. Capt. Wayne R. Martin (bombardier), 4th OLC to the Air Medal. Capt. Marvin L. Speer (pilot), 4th OLC to the Air Medal. Capt. Eugene E. Stocking (pilot), 4th OLC to the Air Medal. Capt. Robert E. Thomas (navigator), 4th OLC to the Air Medal. 1st Lt. Gordon L. Brule (bombardier), 4th OLC to the Air Medal. 1st Lt. Ward E. Manley (pilot), 4th OLC to the Air Medal. 1st Lt. James W. McDermott (bombardier), 4th OLC to the Air Medal. 1st Lt. Leroy C. Runyon (pilot), 4th OLC to the Air Medal. S/Sgt. Roy C. Dawson (engineer-gunner), 4th OLC to the Air Medal. Capt. Wayne R. Martin (bombardier), 5th OLC to the Air Medal. Capt. Marvin L. Speer (pilot), 5th OLC to the Air Medal. Capt. Eugene E. Stocking (pilot), 5th OLC to the Air Medal. Capt. Robert E. Thomas (navigator), 5th OLC to the Air Medal. 1st Lt. Gordon J. Brule (bombardier), 5th OLC to the Air Medal. 1st Lt. Calvin B. Christian (pilot), 5th OLC to the Air Medal. 1st Lt. Ward E. Manley (pilot), 5th OLC to the Air Medal. 1st Lt. LeRoy C. Runyon (pilot), 5th OLC to the Air Medal. 1st Lt. Edwin E. Wallace (pilot), 5th OLC to the Air Medal. S/Sgt. Roy C. Dawson (engineer-gunner), 5th OLC to the Air Medal. Capt. Wayne R. Martin (bombardier), 6th OLC to the Air Medal. Capt. Marvin L. Speer (pilot), 6th OLC to the Air Medal. Capt. Eugene E. Stocking (pilot), 6th OLC to the Air Medal. Capt. Robert E. Thomas (navigator), 6th OLC to the Air Medal. 1st Lt. Gordon J. Brule (bombardier), 6th OLC to the Air Medal. 1st Lt. Calvin B. Christian (pilot), 6th OLC to the Air Medal. 1st Lt. Eric A. Johnson (pilot), 6th OLC to the Air Medal. 1st Lt. Ward E. Manley (pilot), 6th OLC to the Air Medal. 1st Lt. LeRoy C. Runyon (pilot), 6th OLC to the Air Medal. 1st Lt. Edwin E. Wallace (pilot), 6th OLC to the Air Medal. S/Sgt. Roy C. Dawson (engineer-gunner), 6th OLC to the Air Medal. Capt. Robert E. Thomas (navigator), 7th OLC to the Air Medal. 1st Lt. Gordon J. Brule (bombardier), 7th OLC to the Air Medal. 1st Lt. Calvin B. Christian (pilot), 7th OLC to the Air Medal. 1st Lt. Eric A. Johnson (pilot), 7th OLC to the Air Medal. 1st Lt. Ward E. Manley (pilot), 7th OLC to the Air Medal. December 1944 (continued) 1st Lt. LeRoy (NMI) Runyon (pilot), 7th OLC to the Air Medal. 1st Lt. Edwin E. Wallace (pilot), 7th OLC to the Air Medal. S/Sgt. Roy C. Dawson (engineer-gunner), 7th OLC to the Air Medal. Capt. Robert E. Thomas (navigator), 8th OLC to the Air Medal. 1st Lt. Calvin E. Christian (pilot), 8th OLC to the Air Medal. 1st Lt. Ward E. Manley (pilot), 8th OLC to the Air Medal. 1st Lt. Edwin E. Wallace (pilot), 8th OLC to the Air Medal. S/Sgt. Roy C. Dawson (engineer-gunner), 8th OLC to the Air Medal. On General Order No. 270, 12th Air Force Headquarters dated 16 December 1941, the following awards were given: Capt. Richard E. Murray (pilot), 3rd OLC to the Air Medal. Capt. Richard E. Murray (pilot), 4th OLC to the Air Medal. Capt. Richard E. Murray (pilot), 5th OLC to the Air Medal. Capt. Richard E. Murray (pilot), 6th OLC to the Air Medal. On General Order No. 278 from 12th Air Force Headquarters dated 23 December 1944 the following awards were presented: S/Sgt. Grant W. Baldridge (gunner), 4th OLC to the Air Medal. S/Sgt. Ernest E. Byrn (engineer-gunner), 4th OLC to the Air Medal. S/Sgt. Paul B. Connolly (aerial-gunner), 4th OLC to the Air Medal. S/Sgt. Grant W. Baldridge (gunner), 5th OLC to the Air Medal. S/Sgt. Ernest E. Byrn (engineer-gunner), 5th OLC to the Air Medal. S/Sgt. Paul B. Connolly (aerial-gunner), 5th OLC to the Air Medal. S/Sgt. Grant W. Baldridge (gunner), 6th OLC to the Air Medal. S/Sgt. Ernest E. Byrn (engineer-gunner), 6th OLC to the Air Medal. S/Sgt. Paul B. Connolly (aerial-gunner), 6th OLC to the Air Medal. S/Sgt. Grant W. Baldridge (gunner), 7th OLC to the Air Medal. S/Sgt. Ernest E. Byrn (engineer-gunner), 7th OLC to the Air Medal. S/Sgt. Paul B. Connolly (aerial-gunner), 7th OLC to the Air Medal. On General Order No 279 from 12th Air Force Headquarters dated 24 December 1944 the following awards were given: Capt. Richard E. Murray (pilot), 1st OLC to the DFC. T/Sgt. Michael P. Freisen (supply), rec. Bronze Star Medal. Sgt. Charles A. Munstein (engineering), rec. Bronze Star Medal. On General Order No 280 from 12th Air Force Headquarters dated 26 December 1944 T/Sgt Harry (NMI) Nalesnik (engineering) received the Bronze Star Medal. On General Order No 282 from 12th Air Force Headquarters dated 28 December 1944 the following awards were given: T/Sgt. Eugene C. Cowart (radio-gunner), 4th OLC to the Air Medal. December 1944 (continued) T/Sgt. Ned F. LaFountain (gunner), 4th OLC to the Air Medal. S/Sgt. Harold W. Scarberry (gunner), 4th OLC to the Air Medal. S/Sgt. Joseph (NMI) Veid (aerial-gunner), 4th OLC to the Air Medal. T/Sgt. Eugene C. Cowart (radio-gunner), 5th OLC to the Air Medal. T/Sgt. Ned F. LaFountain (gunner), 5th OLC to the Air Medal. T/Sgt. Andrew (NMI) Pelak (radio-gunner), 5th OLC to the Air Medal. S/Sgt. Hughie (NMI) Curry (gunner), 5th OLC to the Air Medal. S/Sgt. George (NMI) Mercea (engineer-gunner), 5th OLC to the Air Medal. S/Sgt. Harold W. Scarberry (gunner), 5th OLC to the Air Medal. S/Sgt. Joseph (NMI) Veid (aerial-gunner), 5th OLC to the Air Medal. Capt. J. Maurice Wiginton (pilot), 6th OLC to the Air Medal. T/Sgt. Eugene C. Cowart (radio-gunner), 6th OLC to the Air Medal. T/Sgt. Ned F. LaFountain (gunner), 6th OLC to the Air Medal. T/Sgt. Joseph W. MacNeil (radio-gunner), 6th OLC to the Air Medal. S/Sgt. Hughie (NMI) Curry (gunner), 6th OLC to the Air Medal. S/Sgt. George(NMI) Mercea (engineer-gunner), 6th OLC to the Air Medal. S/Sgt. Harold W. Scarberry (gunner), 6th OLC to the Air Medal. S/Sgt. Joseph (NMI) Veid (aerial-gunner), 6th OLC to the Air Medal. On General Order No 283 from 12th Air Force Headquarters dated 29 December 1944 Master Sergeant Walter M. Baldridge (engineering) was awarded the Bronze Star Medal. k. No photographs were submitted. 2. Enclosed is War Diary, 447th Bombardment Squadron, for the period 1 December 1944 to 31 December 1944. No special accounts for the month. Squadron Statistics for the month of December 1944. For the Commanding Officer: 2 Incl: Incl – 1 War Diary. Incl – 2 Squadron Statistics Incl – Missions Flown: 19 Bombs dropped (weight): 371,600 Planes lost: None Enemy Aircraft Damaged (in air): None GEORGE G. VEN JOHN 1ST Lt. Air Corps, Historian. Sorties Flown: 160 Nickels: 48 packages Enemy Aircraft Destroyed: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ December 1944 (continued) OFFICE OF THE SURGEON 447th BOMB SQUADRON 321st BOMBARDMENT GROUP (M) APO 650, US Army, 1 October 1944 Subject: Quarterly Medical History Report. To : Group Surgeon, Headquarters, 321st Bombardment Group. 1. Quarterly report for October, November and December 1944. 2. GENERAL: The operational record of the squadron has been excellent during the quarter. Attrition has been low and strength has been well maintained. 3. ENVIRONMENT: The squadron location, the same for the past nine (9) months, has been generally favorable. Climate has been healthful, precipitation moderate. 4. INSPECTIONS: Monthly inspections of sanitation and health conditions were made by the Group Surgeon. 5. MALARIA SUPPRESSION: Suppressive therapy was terminated in the following manner: One (1) tablet of Atabrine was administered three (3) times a day from 10 November to 15 November inclusive. From 16 to 18 November Quinine was administered daily. One case of malaria developed two (2) weeks after the cessation of suppressive therapy. 6. MEDICAL AND SURGICAL: There was only one (1) noteworthy surgical case, that of a radio-gunner who sustained a penetrating flak wound of the chest and abdomen with multiple visceral perforations. The wound was fatal thirty-six (36) hours after it was sustained. He was wearing a flak suit; the missile passed between the front and back sections of the suit. One case of lobar pneumonia, diagnosed by X-Ray. 7. MEDICAL DEPARTMENT PERSONNEL: Medical Enlisted Men received monthly instruction in first-aid, administration of venereal prophylaxis, care of gas casualties. Combat personnel were instructed in the care of combat casualties. December 1944 (continued) 8. Average number of mission flown by combat men completing their tours in the quarter. October Officers Enlisted Men November 64.9 62.3 Officers Enlisted Men December 61.4 62.1 Officers Enlisted Men JOHN M. HAMILTON Capt., M. C. Squadron Surgeon 66.1 63.7 December 1944 (continued) 448th BS War Diary: Additional Narrative for December 1944: HEADQUARTERS 448th Bombardment Squadron (M) APO 650, US ARMY 4 January 1944 SUBJECT: Historical Records TO : Commanding General, 12th Air Force, A-2 Section, Attention: Historian 1. Outline History of the 448th Bombardment Squadron for the period 1 December to 31 December 1944. a Original unit (1) 448th Bombardment Squadron, 321st Bombardment Group (M), 57th Bombardment Wing (M). (2) Columbia Army Air Base, Columbia, S.C. (3) August 1, 1942 (4) General Order #143, Headquarters 3rd Air Force, Tampa, Florida, 23 June 1942. (5) Personnel received transfer from other units, voluntary enlistment, selective service, National Guard. b Changes in organization (1) No changes. (2) No changes. (3) No changes. (4) Captain Wonnacott (Robert C.), Engineering Officer, departed on 30 day TD to United States. Lieutenant Bennett (Samuel J.) appointed acting Engineering Off. (5) Change in TO – old TO, 1-127, dated 26 March 1943. New TO, 1-127, dated 18 August, 1944 c Strength, commissioned and enlisted (1) Month of December 1944 (a) 86 Officers, 329 Enlisted Men at beginning of period (b) 9 Officers, 33 Enlisted Men increase. (c) No decrease (d) 95 Officers, 359 Enlisted Men assigned, 3 Enlisted Men attached at end of period. d Stations of units or echelons (1) Solenzara Air Field, Solenzara, Corsica (a) April 21, 1944 (b) None December 1944 (continued) e Movements of unit or echelons. (1) No change. f Campaigns (1) Rome – Arno Campaign. (2) Duration: from January 22, 1944 - still in progress. g Operations (See enclosure #2) h Command Officers in important missions (1) Lieutenant Leonard (Lee V.) as first pilot, Lieutenant Freund (John F.) as Navigator and Captain Joyce (Robert W.) as Bombardier led group mission against target of opportunity, storage dumps at Asti, Italy. Captain Joyce is Sqdn. Bombardier. (2) Lieutenant Leonard (Lee V.), Lieutenant Freund (John F.) and Captain Joyce (Robert W.) led group on mission against railroad bridge at Rovereto, Italy. i Losses in action (1) None. j Personnel who have distinguished themselves in action: (See enclosure #3) k Number of photographs being submitted. (1) None. 2. Enclosed are War Diary, 448th Bombardment Squadron for the period 1 December to 31 December 1944; Account of important missions for month of December 1944; Account of personnel who have distinguished themselves for month of December 1944. For the Commanding Officer: ROY C. MOOSE, 1st Lt., Air Corps, Squadron Historian. Incl. 1. War Diary (4cps) 2. Account of important missions (4 cps) 3. Account of pers disting themselves (4cps). December 1944 (continued) ACCOUNT OF IMPORTANT MISSIONS FOR DECEMBER 1944 One of the two outstanding missions for December 1944, that the 448th Squadron participated in was the attack on the railroad bridge and storage dumps at Asti, Italy, 15 December 1944, when twelve (12) of the Squadron’s aircraft left the Kraut target in a mass of ruin and devastation. To the crew members this was perhaps, another routine mission in the systematic destruction of enemy tactical targets in Northern Italy, but to ground men who had occasion to observe otherwise came to realize that the Squadron had once again displayed its versatility and ability to think and act quickly. This target was not the assigned target but one of opportunity. Lieutenant Leonard, who led the Group formation of twenty-four (24) Mitchell bombers, came over the briefed target but his bombardier, Captain Joyce, was unable, due to heavy cloud formations, to pick it up in his bombsight. Realizing that releasing the bombs here would be useless and perhaps cause unnecessary death and destruction to Italian civilian population below, Lieutenant Leonard turned the formation about and started for home base. Joyce, Robert W., Capt, bombardier Leonard, Lee V., 1Lt, pilot Previously having been briefed that a possible enemy storage dump existed at a pin-point location near a railroad bridge at Asti, Italy, Lieutenant Leonard quickly decided and turned his formation toward Asti. Playing tag with the fleecy cloud formations for about twenty minutes, Lieutenant Freund, displaying his navigational ability, brought the lead ship through a hole in the clouds and over the target area. Freund, John F., 1Lt, bombardier Leonard, Lee V., 1Lt, pilot In a matter of seconds Captain Joyce had the bridge in his bombsights, and before the Krauts knew what was in store for them, another fine piece of Italian bridge work was no longer in existence for their use. But the bridge was not the only thing hit. Other bombs dropped in some buildings near the northern end of the bridge that the Krauts were using for storage purposes. Destruction once again greeted the enemy. Joyce, Robert W., Capt, bombardier Breaking away from the target, the Krauts began their belated attempt to stop the formation with anti-aircraft fire. But this was entirely ineffective, with none of the planes being holed or any casualties being suffered. Smoke and fires from the storage dump were still burning furiously and apparently out of control as the Mitchell formation crossed the Italian shore and headed for the home base on Corsica. Photographs the next day revealed that the center span of the bridge was down, and the entire area around the north end gutted by the raging fires from the razed buildings. December 1944 (continued) Thus another chapter to the “finis” of the Krauts in Italy was added to the already long list. Insignificant as it may seem to some, it is just one more example of what can be done with Allied air supremacy, and one less Kraut bridge that can be used. December 30, saw the same team of Leonard, Joyce, and Freund leading another formation toward Kraut-infested Northern Italy. It was the same play of Leonard to Joyce once again as the bombs were “passed” to the bridge below. Freund, John F., 1Lt, bombardier Leonard, Lee V., 1Lt, pilot Joyce, Robert W., Capt, bombardier Flying as pilot of the lead plane in the twenty-one (21) plane formation, Lieutenant Leonard took the Mitchell bombers across Italy, then into the Po Valley toward the railroad bridge at Rovereto, Italy. The Krauts quickly picked up the formation and began tracking it with anti-aircraft fire, but Lieutenant Leonard maneuvered his planes through the bursting flak with only a few holes in several of his planes. Leonard, Lee V., 1Lt, pilot Pulling away after the bomb run, they left another Kraut bridge down and useless to the enemy. After the smoke had cleared away, photographs revealed direct hits on the south approach and end, with another 100% bombing accuracy mission scored for the record books. The Krauts were using the bridge to bring much of their sorely needed supplies into Northern Italy, but now another route will have to be used which, of course will doubtless be useless to them soon when the Mitchell bombers team up to blast one of the bridges off the route. Missions flown by the Squadron during the month of December were in tactical support of Allied ground troops now fighting their way north in the Rome-Arno campaign. From a medium altitude the Mitchell bombers were engaged in bombing enemy installations behind the lines. On twenty-four (24) missions and one hundred fifty-seven (157) sorties 368,800 lbs of bombs were dropped on German targets. PERSONNEL WHO HAVE DISTINGUISHED THEMSELVES IN ACTION GO #252, 29 Nov. ’44 12th Air Force For Meritorious Achievement Sgt. Robert (NMI) Brusa, gunner Nervesa, Italy 5 Nov ’44 Capt. Bongiovanni, Michael, navigator Ala, Italy 6 Nov ’44 Sgt. Ferrell, Bruce, gunner Sacile, Italy 16 Nov ’44 Cpl. Turner, James, gunner Sacile, Italy 16 Nov ’44 Lt. Freund, John, bombardier Sacile, Italy 16 Nov ’44 Lt. Brink, Richard, bombardier Sacile, Italy 16 Nov ’44 S/Sgt. Ratcliffe, James Jr., gunner Sacile, Italy 16 Nov ’44 4th OLC to AM 7th OLC to AM Air Medal Air Medal 1st OLC to AM 2nd OLC to AM 3rd OLC to AM December 1944 (continued) S/Sgt Markiewicz, Edward B., gunner S/Sgt Qualls, Thomas, gunner Capt. Joyce, Robert, bombardier Capt. Bongiovanni, Michael, navigator Capt. Grady, John, pilot Lt. Reedy, Walter, pilot Lt. Tetlow, John, pilot Pvt. Hochron, Manuel, communications Lt. Kirk, Theodore, pilot Capt Farwell, Harold, pilot Lt. Kirk, Theodore, pilot Capt Rogers, Harry Jr., pilot Sgt Jacobson, Fred, gunner Sgt Bowman, Wilmer, gunner Sgt White, E. T., photographer Capt Annear, Warren, pilot Capt Farwell, Harold, pilot Lt. Bard, John, pilot Lt. Gladwell, James, pilot Lt. Kirk, Theodore, pilot Lt. Leonard, Lee V., pilot Lt. Martin, James Jr., bombardier Lt. Matthews, Thomas, pilot Lt. Norris, Grafton, pilot Lt. Riley, Robert, pilot Capt Rogers, Harry Jr., pilot Lt. Young, Robert, bombardier Lt. Duggan, Raymond, pilot Sgt. Jacobson, Fred, gunner Sgt. Bowman, Wilmer, gunner Sgt. Gage, Robert, gunner Sgt White, E. T., photographer Capt. Farwell, Harold, pilot Lt. Bard, John, pilot Capt. Grady, John, pilot Lt. Holcombe, Dewey, pilot Lt. Kiska, George, bombardier Lt. Kruse, Milford, pilot Lt. Matthews, Thomas, pilot Lt. Moyer, Emerson, pilot Lt. Ovard, Glen, pilot Lt. Reedy, Walter, pilot Lt. Riley, Robert, pilot Lt. Rosenau, Gustave, pilot Sacile, Italy 16 Nov ’44 4th OLC to AM Sacile, Italy 16 Nov ’44 4th OLC to AM Sacile, Italy 16 Nov ’44 6th OLC to AM Sacile, Italy 16 Nov ’44 6th OLC to AM Sacile, Italy 16 Nov ’44 6th OLC to AM Sacile, Italy 16 Nov ’44 6th OLC to AM Sacile, Italy 16 Nov ’44 6th OLC to AM Sassaferrato, Italy 13 June ’44 Air Medal Bois Dieu, France 28 Aug ’44 4th OLC to AM Casalecchio, Italy 16 Sep ’44 5th OLC to AM Rimini, Italy 17 Sep ’44 5th OLC to AM Sassaferrato, Italy13 June ’44 5th OLC to AM Ostiglia, Italy 13 July ’44 5th OLC to AM Torreberretti, Italy 11 Oct ’44 5th OLC to AM Marseilles, France 25 Aug ’44 5th OLC to AM Longeavous, France 20 Aug ’44 6thOLC to AM Rimini, Italy 18 Sep ’44 6th OLC to AM Mt. Oggioli, Italy 13 Sep ’44 6th OLC to AM Casalecchio, Italy 16 Sep ’44 6th OLC to AM Casalecchio, Italy 16 Sep ’44 6th OLC to AM Casalecchio, Italy 16 Sep ’44 6th OLC to AM Rimini, Italy 14 Sep ’44 6th OLC to AM Sermide, Italy 15 July ’44 6th OLC to AM Mt. Oggioli, Italy 13 Sep ’44 6th OLC to AM Pont D’Ain, France 25 Aug ’44 6th OLC to AM Leghorn, Italy 21 June ’44 6th OLC to AM Mt. Oggioli, Italy 13 Sep ’44 6th OLC to AM Mt. Oggioli, Italy 13 Sep ’44 6th OLC to AM Montfaucon, France25 Aug ’44 6th OLC to AM Leghorn, Italy 21 June ’44 6th OLC to AM Rimini, Italy 14 Sep ’44 6th OLC to AM Longeavous, France 20 Aug ’44 6thOLC to AM Padua, Italy 23 Sep ’44 7th OLC to AM Rimini, Italy 17 Sep ’44 7th OLC to AM Pavia, Italy 5 Sep ’44 7th OLC to AM Rimini, Italy 14 Sep ’44 7th OLC to AM Rimini, Italy 14 Sep ’44 7th OLC to AM Rimini, Italy 17 Sep ’44 7th OLC to AM Cogoleto, Italy 22 July ’44 7th OLC to AM Rimini, Italy 17 Sep ’44 7th OLC to AM Sassaferrato, Italy 13 June ’44 7th OLC to AM Casalecchio, Italy 16 Sep ’44 7th OLC to AM Pavia, Italy 4 Sep ’44 7th OLC to AM Mt. Oggioli, Italy 13 Sep ’44 7th OLC to AM December 1944 (continued) Lt. Smith, R., Raymond, navigator Lt. Tetlow, John, pilot Lt. Warren, William, pilot Lt. Young, Robert, bombardier Lt. Zinkand, Willard, bombardier Lt. Duggan, Raymond, pilot Sgt. Jacobson, Fred, gunner Sgt. Gage, Robert, gunner Sgt White, E. T., photographer Capt. Grady, John pilot Lt. Holcombe, Dewey, pilot Lt. Matthews, Thomas Walker, Jr., pilot Lt. Ovard, Glen, pilot Lt. Zinkand, Willard, bombardier Sgt White, E. T., photographer Lt. Holcombe, Dewey, pilot Lt. Matthews, Thomas Walker Jr., pilot Lt. Ovard, Glen, pilot Rimini, Italy 18 Sep ’44 7th OLC to AM Mt. Oggioli, Italy 13 Sep ’44 7th OLC to AM Mt. Oggioli, Italy 13 Sep ’44 7th OLC to AM Rimini, Italy 17 Sep ’44 7th OLC to AM Mt. Oggioli, Italy 13 Sep ’44 7th OLC to AM Legnago, Italy 13 Sep ’44 7th OLC to AM Marseilles, France 25 Aug ’44 7th OLC to AM Torreberretti, Italy 11 Oct ’44 7th OLC to AM Pont D’Ain, France 25 Aug ’44 7th OLC to AM Rimini, Italy 17 Sep ’44 8th OLC to AM Piacenza, Italy 30 Sep ’44 8th OLC to AM Verona, Italy 26 July ’44 8th OLC to AM Bois Dieu, France 28 Aug ’44 8th OLC to AM Rimini, Italy 17 Sep ’44 8th OLC to AM Legnago, Italy 5 Sep ’44 8th OLC to AM Vercelli, Italy 4 Nov ’44 9th OLC to AM Padua, Italy 23 Sep ’44 9th OLC to AM Pavia, Italy 4 Sep ’44 9th OLC to AM GO # 253, 30 Nov ’44, 12th Air Force For extraordinary achievement Capt. Furey, Frank, pilot Rimini, Italy Lt. Reedy, Walter, pilot Verona, Italy 14 Sep ’44 26 July ’44 DFC DFC GO # 254, 1 Dec ’44, 12th Air Force For meritorious achievement Lt. Carrington, Charles, pilot Sacile, Italy 16 Nov ’44 7th OLC to AM GO # 255, 2 Dec ’44, 12th Air Force For extraordinary achievement Captain Farwell, Harold, pilot Mestre, Italy 11 Nov ’44 DFC 17 Aug ’44 10 Nov ’44 DFC DFC GO # 256, 3 Dec ’44, 12th Air Force None GO # 258, 4 Dec ’44, 12th Air Force For extraordinary achievement Lt. Kruse, Milford, pilot Montfaucon, France Lt. Duggan, Raymond, pilot Ostiglia, Italy GO # 261, 7 Dec ’44, 12th Air Force For meritorious achievement Lt. Luckhaupt, Robert, bombardier Rimini, Italy 14 Sept ’44 6th OLC to AM Lt. Kirk, Theodore, pilot Rimini, Italy 14 Sept ’44 7th OLC to AM December 1944 (continued) Lt. Mallin, Theodore, bombardier Capt. Shear, Meyer, pilot Capt. Joyce, Robert, bombardier Lt. Allendorph , John, bombardier Lt. Bottom, James, bombardier Lt. Cannon, John, bombardier Lt. Sheppard, John, bombardier Lt. Steely, Ralph, bombardier Lt. Stout, Charles, bombardier Lt. West, Alden, pilot Lt. Zakopcsan, John, pilot Sgt. Magers, Marshall, gunner Sgt. Weese, Charles, gunner Sgt. Ferrel, Bruce, gunner Lt. Freund, John, bombardier Sgt. Mardeuse, Alfred, gunner Sgt. Justice, Conway, gunner Sgt. Wright, Melvin, gunner Lt. Smith, M.A., Milford, pilot Sgt. Goethals, Camiel, gunner Sgt. Enderle, Melvin, gunner Sgt. Gage, Robert, gunner Sgt. Morefield, James, gunner Sgt. Seward, Richard F., gunner Sgt. Hawthorne, Ralph, gunner Sgt. Haack, Cecil, gunner Sgt. Trigler, Louis, gunner Sgt. Veeck, Richard, gunner Sgt. Bixler, Frederick, gunner Sgt. Weyeneth, Carl, engineer Capt. Dossey, Vernon, pilot Capt. Dossey, Vernon, pilot Lt. McKinley, Robert, bombardier Capt. Annear, Warren, pilot Capt. Dossey, Vernon, pilot Lt. Gladwell, James, pilot Lt. Leonard, Lee, pilot Lt. Luckhaupt, Robert, bombardier Lt. Martin, James, bombardier Lt. McKinley, Robert, bombardier Lt. Norris, Grafton, pilot Capt. Rogers, Harry Jr., pilot Rimini, Italy Rimini, Italy Ala, Italy Padua, Italy Padua, Italy Padua, Italy Padua, Italy Padua, Italy Padua, Italy Padua, Italy Padua, Italy Padua, Italy Padua, Italy Padua, Italy Padua, Italy Padua, Italy Padua, Italy Padua, Italy Padua, Italy Padua, Italy Padua, Italy Padua, Italy Padua, Italy Padua, Italy Padua, Italy Padua, Italy Padua, Italy Padua, Italy Padua, Italy Padua, Italy Cogoleto, Italy Anzio, Italy Montfaucon, France Mt. Oggioli, Italy Castrocielo, Italy Pavia, Italy Rimini, Italy Padua, Italy Padua, Italy Mira, Italy Rimini, Italy Viterbo, Italy 14 Sept ’44 14 Sept ’44 6 Nov ’44 17 Nov ’44 17 Nov ’44 17 Nov ’44 17 Nov ’44 17 Nov ’44 17 Nov ’44 17 Nov ’44 17 Nov ’44 17 Nov ’44 17 Nov ’44 17 Nov ’44 17 Nov ’44 17 Nov ’44 17 Nov ’44 17 Nov ’44 17 Nov ’44 17 Nov ’44 17 Nov ’44 17 Nov ’44 17 Nov ’44 17 Nov ’44 17 Nov ’44 17 Nov ’44 17 Nov ’44 17 Nov ’44 17 Nov ’44 17 Nov ’44 22 July ’44 19 Feb. ’44 17 Aug ’44 13 Sep ’44 24 Mar ’44 4 Sep ’44 17 Sep ’44 23 Sep ’44 23 Sep ’44 31 Aug ’44 18 Sep ’44 14 Apr ’44 7th OLC to AM 7th OLC to AM 7th OLC to AM Air Medal Air Medal Air Medal Air Medal Air Medal Air Medal Air Medal Air Medal Air Medal Air Medal 1st OLC to AM 2nd OLC to AM 2nd OLC to AM 2nd OLC to AM 2nd OLC to AM 3rd OLC to AM 3rd OLC to AM 3rd OLC to AM 3rd OLC to AM 4th OLC to AM 4th OLC to AM 5th OLC to AM 6th OLC to AM 6th OLC to AM 6th OLC to AM 7th OLC to AM 7th OLC to AM 5th OLC to AM 6th OLC to AM 6th OLC to AM 7th OLC to AM 7th OLC to AM 7th OLC to AM 7th OLC to AM 7th OLC to AM 7th OLC to AM 7th OLC to AM 7th OLC to AM 7th OLC to AM December 1944 (continued) GO # 268, 14 Dec ’44, 12th Air Force For extraordinary achievement Capt. Hoffman, Albert, pilot Montfaucon, France 17 Aug ’44 DFC GO # 269, 15 Dec ’44, 12th Air Force For meritorious achievement (Posthumous) Lt. Olszewski, Henry, navigator Orvieto, Italy 12 Apr ’44 Lt. Petit, Rene, bombardier Perugia, Italy 14 Feb ’44 Pfc Feagans, Kenneth, gunner, photo Castrocielo, Italy 24 Mar ’44 Lt. Olszewski, Henry, navigator Orvieto, Italy 30 Apr ’44 Lt. Petit, Rene, bombardier Castrocielo, Italy 17 Mar ’44 Lt. Kukorowski, Albert, bombardier Viterbo, Italy 14 Apr ’44 Pfc Feagans, Kenneth, gunner, photo Perugia, Italy 28 Mar ’44 Lt. Olszewski, Henry, navigator Montepescali, Italy 8 June ’44 Lt. Petit, Rene, bombardier Montepescali, Italy 8 June ’44 Lt. Kukorowski, Albert, bombardier Subiaco, Italy 1 June ’44 Sgt. Davis, Jimmie, gunner Sassaferrato, Italy 13 June ’44 Lt. Kukorowski, Albert, bombardier Sassaferrato, Italy 13 June ’44 Sgt. Davis, Jimmie, gunner Montfaucon, France 17 Aug ’44 Lt. Kukorowski, Albert, bombardier Ostiglia, Italy 13 July ’44 Sgt. Davis, Jimmie, gunner Pont D’Ain, France 25 Aug ’44 Sgt. Davis, Jimmie, gunner Bois Dieu, France 28 Aug ’44 Air Medal Air Medal Air Medal 1st OLC to AM 1st OLC to AM 1st OLC to AM 1st OLC to AM 2nd OLC to AM 2nd OLC to AM 2nd OLC to AM 2nd OLC to AM 3rd OLC to AM 3rd OLC to AM 4th OLC to AM 4th OLC to AM 5th OLC to AM (MIA) Lt. Elliott, Floyd, pilot Spoleto, Italy Lt. Kreutz, Alfred, bombardier Spoleto, Italy Sgt. Doss, Charles, engineer-gunner Spoleto, Italy Sgt. Johnson, Joseph, gunner Spoleto, Italy Capt. Crowell, Weymouth, pilot Spoleto, Italy Lt. Goff, Melvin, bombardier Sassaferrato, Italy Sgt. Mitchell, William, gunner Sassaferrato, Italy Lt. Brown, Wyndham III, pilot Sassaferrato, Italy Lt. Frazier, Leland, pilot Sassaferrato, Italy Lt. Quartuccio, Anthony, bombardier Sassaferrato, Italy Sgt. Montoro, John, gunner Sassaferrato, Italy Sgt. Tracy, William, engineer-gunnerSassaferrato, Italy Sgt. Sullivan, Timothy, gunner Sassaferrato, Italy Lt. Olsen, Orin, pilot Sassaferrato, Italy Sgt. Benton, Thomas, gunner Sassaferrato, Italy Sgt. Mitchell, William, gunner Leghorn, Italy Lt. Brown, Wyndham III, pilot Leghorn, Italy Lt. Quartuccio, Anthony, bombardier Leghorn, Italy Air Medal 1st OLC to AM 1st OLC to AM 1st OLC to AM 2nd OLC to AM 1st OLC to AM 1st OLC to AM 2nd OLC to AM 2nd OLC to AM 2nd OLC to AM 2nd OLC to AM 2nd OLC to AM 2nd OLC to AM 3rd OLC to AM 3rd OLC to AM 2nd OLC to AM 3rd OLC to AM 3rd OLC to AM 13 Mar ’44 13 Mar ’44 13 Mar ’44 13 Mar ’44 13 Mar ’44 13 June ’44 13 June ’44 13 June ’44 13 June ’44 13 June ’44 13 June ’44 13 June ’44 13 June ’44 13 June ’44 13 June ’44 21 June ’44 21 June ’44 21 June ’44 December 1944 (continued) Lt. Fraser, Leland, pilot Leghorn, Italy 21 June ’44 3rd OLC to AM Sgt. Holtzendorf, Henry, gunner Leghorn, Italy 21 June ’44 3rd OLC to AM Sgt. Sullivan, Timothy, gunner Leghorn, Italy 21 June ’44 3rd OLC to AM Lt. Olsen, Orin, pilot Leghorn, Italy 21 June ’44 4th OLC to AM Sgt. Doss, Charles, engineer-gunner Anzio, Italy 19 Feb ’44 Air Medal Sgt. Johnson, Joseph, gunner Anzio, Italy 19 Feb ’44 Air Medal Capt. Crowell, Weymouth, pilot Genzano, Italy 30 Jan ’44 1st OLC to AM Lt. Quartuccio, Anthony, bombardier Montepescali, Italy 8 June ’44 1st OLC to AM Lt. Elliott, Floyd, pilot Viterbo, Italy 14 Apr ’44 1st OLC to AM Sgt. Doss, Charles, engineer-gunner Subiaco, Italy 1 June ’44 1st OLC to AM Sgt. Montoro, John, gunner Montepescali, Italy 8 June ’44 1st OLC to AM Sgt. Sullivan, Timothy, gunner Subiaco, Italy 1 June ’44 1st OLC to AM Lt. Kreutz, Alfred, bombardier Perugia, Italy 28 Mar ’44 2nd OLC to AM Lt. Goff, Melvin, bombardier Mantua, Italy 16 July ’44 2nd OLC to AM Lt. Olsen, Orin, pilot Montepescali, Italy 8 June ’44 2nd OLC to AM Sgt. Holtzendorf, Henry, gunner Montepescali, Italy 8 June ’44 3rd OLC to AM Sgt. Johnson, Joseph, gunner Castrocielo, Italy 24 Mar ’44 2nd OLC to AM Capt. Crowell, Weymouth, pilot Castrocielo, Italy 24 Mar ’44 3rd OLC to AM Capt. Crowell, Weymouth, pilot Perugia, Italy 28 Mar ’44 4th OLC to AM Lt. Quartuccio, Anthony, bombardier Cogoleto, Italy 22 July ’44 4th OLC to AM Sgt. Holtzendorf, Henry, gunner Cogoleto, Italy 22 July ’44 4th OLC to AM Sgt. Benton, Thomas, gunner Montepescali, Italy 8 June ’44 4th OLC to AM Sgt. Sullivan, Timothy, gunner Ostiglia, Italy 13 July ’44 4th OLC to AM End (MIA) Lt. Hough, William, navigator Lt. Gilbert, Stewart, pilot Sgt. Anglin, Paul, radio-gunner Lt. Bell, Robert, bombardier Lt. Jones, Truman, pilot Sgt. Gately, Joseph, turret-gunner Sgt. Currie, James, engineer-gunner Sgt. Robert, Maurice, gunner Lt. Hough, William, navigator Sgt. Anglin, Paul, radio-gunner Lt. Bell, Robert, bombardier Lt. Jones, Truman, pilot Sgt. Gately, Joseph, turret-gunner Sgt. Currie, James, engineer-gunner Lt. Gardner, Philip, bombardier Sgt Williams, Griffith, gunner Sgt. Corrigan, James, radio-gunner Sgt. Robert, Maurice, gunner Sgt. Tudor, Goldburn, gunner Spoleto, Italy Spoleto, Italy Spoleto, Italy Spoleto, Italy Spoleto, Italy Spoleto, Italy Spoleto, Italy Spoleto, Italy Perugia, Italy Perugia, Italy Perugia, Italy Perugia, Italy Perugia, Italy Perugia, Italy Vercelli, Italy Ala, Italy Sassaferrato, Italy Genzano, Italy Anzio, Italy 13 Mar ’44 13 Mar ’44 13 Mar ’44 13 Mar ’44 13 Mar ’44 13 Mar ’44 13 Mar ’44 13 Mar ’44 28 Mar ’44 28 Mar ’44 28 Mar ’44 28 Mar ’44 28 Mar ’44 28 Mar ’44 4 Nov ’44 6 Nov ’44 13 June ’44 30 Jan ’44 19 Feb ’44 Air Medal Air Medal Air Medal 1st OLC to AM 1st OLC to AM 1st OLC to AM 1st OLC to AM 3rd OLC to AM 1st OLC to AM 1st OLC to AM 2nd OLC to AM 2nd OLC to AM 2nd OLC to AM 2nd OLC to AM Air Medal Air Medal 1st OLC to AM 3rd OLC to AM 1st OLC to AM December 1944 (continued) Sgt. Carr, Randal, gunner Sgt. Corrigan, James, radio-gunner Sgt. Robert, Maurice, gunner Lt. Autrey, W.F. (i.o.), pilot Lt. Brink, Richard, bombardier Lt. Churchill, Duane, pilot Lt. Cook, Don, pilot Lt. Schweitzer, Robert, pilot Lt. Sheffield, Woodrow, pilot Sgt. Carr, Randal, gunner Sgt. France, Charles, gunner Lt. Ivory, Daniel, pilot Sgt. Carr, Randal, gunner Sgt. France, Charles, gunner Sgt. Robert, Maurice, gunner Lt. Mitchell, Robert, pilot Sgt. Clark, R.S., Raymond, gunner Castrocielo, Italy Leghorn, Italy Anzio, Italy Nervesa, Italy Padua, Italy Vercelli, Italy Vercelli, Italy Padua, Italy Vercelli, Italy Viterbo, Italy Genzano, Italy Sacile, Italy Sassaferrato, Italy Sassaferrato, Italy Leghorn, Italy Rimini, Italy Vercelli, Italy 24 Mar ’44 21 June ’44 19 Feb ’44 5 Nov ’44 17 Nov ’44 4 Nov ’44 4 Nov ’44 17 Nov ’44 4 Nov ’44 14 Apr’44 30 Jan ’44 16 Nov ’44 13 June ’44 13 June ’44 21 June ’44 14 Sep ’44 4 Nov ’44 2nd OLC to AM 2nd OLC to AM 2nd OLC to AM 3rd OLC to AM 3rd OLC to AM 3rd OLC to AM 3rd OLC to AM 3rd OLC to AM 3rd OLC to AM 3rd OLC to AM 3rd OLC to AM 4th OLC to AM 4th OLC to AM 4th OLC to AM 4th OLC to AM 7th OLC to AM 7th OLC to AM GO # 270, 16 Dec ’44, 12th Air Force For meritorious achievement Sgt. Reeves, Louis, gunner Nervesa, Italy Sgt. Baird, James, gunner Sacile, Italy Sgt. Bass, Bernard, gunner Vercelli, Italy Sgt. Mardeuse, Alfred, gunner Vercelli, Italy Sgt. Pealer, Woodward, gunner Nervesa, Italy Sgt. Sharp, Russell, gunner Sacile, Italy Sgt. Edwards, Clarence, gunner Vercelli, Italy Sgt. Justice, Conway, gunner Vercelli, Italy Sgt. Langley, Edmund, gunner Vercelli, Italy Sgt. Berman, Samuel, gunner Nervesa, Italy Sgt. Randall, Charles, gunner Sacile, Italy Sgt. Carter, Eugene, engineer-gunner Sacile, Italy Sgt. Knauss, Charles, gunner Vercelli, Italy Sgt. Doughty, Paul, gunner Vercelli, Italy Sgt. Wald, Douglas, gunner Padua, Italy 5 Nov ’44 16 Nov ’44 4 Nov ’44 4 Nov ’44 5 Nov ’44 16 Nov ’44 4 Nov ’44 4 Nov ’44 4 Nov ’44 5 Nov ’44 16 Nov ’44 16 Nov ’44 4 Nov ’44 4 Nov ’44 17 Nov ’44 2nd OLC to AM 3rd OLC to AM 3rd OLC to AM 3rd OLC to AM 3rd OLC to AM 3rd OLC to AM 3rd OLC to AM 3rd OLC to AM 3rd OLC to AM 4th OLC to AM 4th OLC to AM 6th OLC to AM 6th OLC to AM 7th OLC to AM 7th OLC to AM GO # 270, 16 Dec ’44, 12th Air Force For Gallantry in Action Lt. Anderson, Douglas, pilot Ostiglia, Italy 10 Nov ’44 Silver Star (MIA) For extraordinary achievement Lt. McKinley, Robert, bombardier Ostiglia, Italy 10 Nov ’44 1st OLC to DFC December 1944 (continued) GO # 272, 19 Dec ’44, 12th Air Force For Meritorious Achievement Lt. Malec, Joseph, bombardier Piacenza, Italy 1 Oct ’44 7th OLC to AM GO # 278, 23 Dec ’44, 12th Air Force For Meritorious Achievement Lt. Sutton, Norman, bombardier Lt. Steely, Ralph, bombardier St. Stromberg, Carl, pilot Capt. Swanson, Erle, pilot Sgt. Hulse, Donald, gunner Sgt. Moleski, Benny, gunner Sgt. Wright, Melvin, gunner Sgt. Walker, Jack, gunner Sgt. Bell, Flavious, gunner Sgt. Perillo, Anthony, gunner Sgt. Pineda, Nico, gunner Lt. Russell, H.H., Harold, pilot Lt. Allendorph, John, bombardier Lt. Gardner, Philip, bombardier Cpl. Turner, James, gunner Cpl. Weese, Charles, gunner Lt. Birkhead, Charles Jr., pilot Sgt. Schaffer, Irving, gunner Sgt. Holloway, Garland, gunner Lt. Cooper, James W., pilot Sgt. Abiecunas, Joseph, gunner Capt. Swanson, Erle, pilot Capt. Swanson, Erle, pilot Sgt. Poteete, Edward, gunner Sgt. Hassenbein, Sam, gunner Sgt. DeGeorge , Herman, gunner Sgt. Campbell, James, gunner Sgt. Hassenbein, Sam, gunner Sgt. Blassingame, Emery, gunner Sgt. Carrick, Kenneth, gunner Sgt. DeGeorge , Herman, gunner Sgt. Dembrowski, Henry, gunner Sgt. Donaud, Earl, gunner Sgt. Haack, Cecil, gunner Sgt. Knauss, Charles, gunner Sgt. Roberts, C.J., Charles, gunner Castel Bolognese, Italy 10 Dec ’44 Castel Bolognese, Italy 10 Dec ’44 Castel Bolognese, Italy 10 Dec ’44 Castel Bolognese, Italy 10 Dec ’44 Castel Bolognese, Italy 10 Dec ’44 Castel Bolognese, Italy 10 Dec ’44 Castel Bolognese, Italy 10 Dec ’44 Castel Bolognese, Italy 10 Dec ’44 Castel Bolognese, Italy 10 Dec ’44 Castel Bolognese, Italy 10 Dec ’44 Castel Bolognese, Italy 10 Dec ’44 Bologna, Italy 10 Dec ’44 Bologna, Italy 10 Dec ’44 Bologna, Italy 10 Dec ’44 Bologna, Italy 10 Dec ’44 Bologna, Italy 10 Dec ’44 Bologna, Italy 10 Dec ’44 Bologna, Italy 10 Dec ’44 Bologna, Italy 10 Dec ’44 Ala, Italy 6 Nov ’44 Bois Dieu, France 28 Aug’44 Casalecchio, Italy 16 Sep ’44 Rimini, Italy 17 Sep ’44 Pavia, Italy 5 Sep ’44 Mt. Oggioli, Italy 13 Sep ’44 Longeavous, France 20 Aug ’44 Padua, Italy 23 Sep ’44 Casalecchio, Italy 16 Sep ’44 Padua, Italy 23 Sep ’44 Legnago, Italy 5 Sep ’44 Pont D’Ain, France 25 Aug ’44 Pavia, Italy 4 Sep ’44 Ala, Italy 6 Nov ’44 Casalecchio, Italy 16 Sep ’44 Piacenza, Italy 30 Sep ’44 Padua, Italy 23 Sep ’44 Air Medal 1st OLC to AM 2nd OLC to AM 3rd OLC to AM 3rd OLC to AM 3rd OLC to AM 3rd OLC to AM 6th OLC to AM 7th OLC to AM 7th OLC to AM 7th OLC to AM Air Medal 1st OLC to AM 1st OLC to AM 1st OLC to AM 1st OLC to AM 2nd OLC to AM 3rd OLC to AM 4th OLC to AM 3rd OLC to AM 3rd OLC to AM 4th OLC to AM 5th OLC to AM 6th OLC to AM 6th OLC to AM 6th OLC to AM 7th OLC to AM 7th OLC to AM 7th OLC to AM 7th OLC to AM 7th OLC to AM 7th OLC to AM 7th OLC to AM 7th OLC to AM 7th OLC to AM 7th OLC to AM December 1944 (continued) GO # 279, 24 Dec ’44, 12th Air Force For Performance of Meritorious Service Maj. Kneivel, Arthur, executive Sgt. Courtney, Howard, armament Sgt. Libero, Victor, armament Sgt. Schaffer, J.H., John, armament Sgt. Wilcox, John, armament 8 Feb ’43 to 1 Dec ’44 15 Jan ’44 to 1 Aug ’44 10 Jun ’44 to 25 Jun’44 15 Jul ’43 to 1 Sep ’43 1 Jun ’43 to 31 Dec ’43 Bronze Star Medal Bronze Star Medal Bronze Star Medal Bronze Star Medal Bronze Star Medal -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------MEDICAL HISTORY th 448 BOMB SQUADRON (M) Apo 650, US Army 31 December 1944 Period 1 October to 31 December 1944. 1. ADMINISTRATIVE HISTORY. a. Personnel Matters. Three (3) medical enlisted men were transferred from the squadron to Hqs., 321st Bomb Group and placed on DS back to this squadron. b. Functional Activities of the Medical Department. 1. Physical examinations on all squadron members were held twice monthly and food handlers weekly. Sanitation and tent inspections were made weekly. 2. Monthly immunization records were maintained and kept up to date. 3. Medical first aid packets and kits are checked and refilled bi-monthly in combat planes and replacements are also made where injured have been carried aboard. 4. First aid lectures and informal discussions were held to officers and enlisted men monthly especially as concerns emergency care while in the air. Examples were taken of existing cases when possible. 5. Inspection of the area as to general cleanliness, mess halls, kitchens, mess washing equipment, urinals and latrines are made semi-weekly and recommendations made to the command. December 1944 (continued) 2. ENVIRONMENTAL HISTORY. a. Location for the last eight (8) months has been the same. Tents have been fully winterized. A new squadron shower has been constructed as well as two (2) adequate latrines. Over the last three (3) months the weather has been cold and rainy with the average daily temperature from forty (40) to fifty (50) degrees. Some grading has been done about the area to afford proper drainage. 3. OPERATIONAL HISTORY. a. Body Armor Report. ANALYSIS OF WOUND RESULTANTS IN COMBAT CREW PERSONNEL OF 448th BOMB SQUADRON. ANATOMIC LOCATION Head Neck Body Extremities STRUCK BY MISSILES 3 0 2 _3_ 8 WOUNDED IN ACTION 3 0 1 _3_ 7 KILLED IN ACTION 0 0 1 _0_ 1 a. Number of individuals wearing body armor who were struck by missiles in the area covered by the armor. Two (2) b. Number uninjured because of protection afforded by the armor. One (1) Photo of piece of flak suit hung near head of a turret gunner-(photo “C” inclosed). c. Number of slightly wounded and who escaped serious injury or even death because of this protection. One (1) d. Number killed because of penetration of missiles through the body armor. Penetrating wound left chest and pressing through both sides of flak suit - (Photos “A” and “B” – front and back of flak suit inclosed) e. Number of individuals killed that may have been saved had they worn body armor. None. f. Number of individuals wounded who may have escaped injury had they worn body armor. None. December 1944 (continued) 4. EVACUATION. a. If possible, pilots land at home field for immediate evacuation of injured personnel aboard. We are prepared and expecting them. 5. MEDICAL SUPPLIES. a. In general have been adequate. U. S. MARSHALL, Capt., M. C., Squadron Surgeon. A December 1944 (continued) B C