321st Bombardment Group Squadron War Diaries


321st Bombardment Group Squadron War Diaries
12th Air Force, 57th Bombardment Wing (M)
321st Bombardment Group (M)
History: November 1944
For my dad,
Colonel John “Jack” Fitzgerald, U.S. Army (deceased)
“Lil Butch”
John T. Fitzgerald, SMSgt, U.S. Air Force (retired)
12th Air Force, 57th Bombardment Wing (M)
321st Bombardment Group (M)
History: November 1944
The following is a compilation of the 321 st Bomb Group’s Headquarters and individual
Squadron War Diaries. They have been transcribed word for word, from the Squadron
Histories provided by the Air Force Historical Research Agency (AFHRA), Maxwell Air
Force Base Alabama. At the end of each Squadron’s daily entry, the individuals cited in
the entry are identified by full name, rank and duty, in alphabetical order. The day’s
entry begins with the Tactical Operations Statement, from the United States Army Air
Forces (USAAF) Chronology, for the Mediterranean Theater of Operations (MTO). The
history also includes mission reports, mission crew rosters, Missing Air Crew Reports
(MACR), personal mission logs, journals, and diaries made available by various sources.
Anyone who has documentation pertaining to the 321st Bomb Group or its members, and
would like to have it included in this history, is welcome to participate. Copies of:
photos (official or personal); orders (promotion, decoration, travel, etc.); Mission
Reports; Missing Air Crew Reports; personal diaries, logs, journals, etc; other
documentation; or information that will help identify hi-lited individuals will be greatly
appreciated, as one of my goals is to correctly identify every man and plane assigned to
the 321st Bomb Group.
My only interest in this project is to honor those who served by perpetuating their story,
and making it available for future generations, particularly the families and friends of
our Great Heroes. If you are interested in helping, or if I may be of assistance in finding
information about your 321st BG Hero, please contact me at: Lil-Butch@nc.rr.com
Special Thanks to Very Special Folks
Agostino Alberti: Professor - historian (Soncino, Italy)
Michele Becchi: aviation history - archaeologist (Reggio Emilia, Italy)
Jack Brellenthin, great nephew of: Harold Ray Brellenthin, 2Lt, pilot, 446th BS
Cecile Burandt, daughter of: Charles Lawson “Chuck” Burandt, Capt, pilot, 446th BS
Sally Brown, daughter of: Barnard H. Seegmiller, Sgt, armament, 445th BS
Dave Charville, grandson of: Leighton Daniel “Danny” Charville, 1Lt, pilot, 445th BS
Barbara Connolly, daughter of: Edward Charles “Salvo” Ennis, T/Sgt, radar-radiogunner, 447th BS
1Lt Robert S. Crouse: pilot, 379BS
Ralph “Monguse” Gimenez: Software Architect, IL2-FB Skinner
Bob Haney, son of: Vincent M. Haney, M/Sgt, flight engineer, 341st BG
Ed Haney, cousin of: Gale Monroe Dickson, Capt, pilot, 446th BS
Special Thanks to Very Special Folks (continued)
Jim Hawkins, son of: Frank B. “Pancho” Hawkins, 2Lt, pilot, 381st BS
John Hughes, son of: John Jerome “Jack” Hughes, 1Lt, bombardier, 446th BS
Patti Johnson: genealogist, proofer, and family friend of: James Raymond Orechia,
T/Sgt, radio-gunner, 446th BS
Don Kaiser, son of: Quentin C. Kaiser, T/Sgt, radio-gunner, 489th BS
John Lanza, nephew of: William A. Lanza, Sgt, gunner, 446th BS
Stephanie Lile, daughter of: Keith B. Lile, S/Sgt, gunner, 445th BS
1 Lt Joseph A. Malec: bombardier, 448th BS and friend of: Vernon Curtis Dossey, Capt,
pilot, 448th BS
Vince Mango, son of: Vincent A. “Vince” Mango, S/Sgt, aerial gunner, 447th BS
John J. McCarthy: Sgt, engineer-gunner, bombardier, 447th BS
Lorraine McRae, daughter of: James Arrington McRae, 1Lt, bombardier, 446th BS
T/Sgt Rocco F. “Rocky” Milano & daughter Peggy Chatham: Crew Chief of Peg O' My
Heart, Lil Butch, and Haulin' Ass, 446th BS
Bob Ritger, nephew of: Frederic Charles Ritger, 1Lt, pilot, 446th BS
Irving J. Schaffer: T/Sgt, radio-gunner, photographer, 448th BS
1st Lt Frederick H. Smith: pilot, 447th BS
Marsha Gurnee Suszan, daughter of: Clarence E. “Shine” Gurnee, S/Sgt, gunner,
Dominique Taddei: author, U.S.S. Corsica (Corsica)
S/Sgt George B. Underwood: gunner, 381st BS
David Waldrip, nephew of: Robert Laseter Waldrip, T/Sgt, radio-gunner, 447th BS
Vinny J. White, son of: Joseph P. White, T/Sgt, radio-gunner, 381st BS
S/Sgt, Harry (NMI) Yoa: engineer-gunner, 445th BS
Crew lists
Aircraft information - serial #, name, etc
Cannon Loader (on B-25G)
Sometimes used
Bomb/Nav Bombardier-Navigator
BN Bombardier-Navigator
EG Engineer-gunner
RG Radio-gunner
TG Turret gunner
AG Aerial gunner
PH Photographer
AP Aerial photographer
CC Crew Chief
Acronyms & Abbreviations
A/C: Aircraft
A/D: Aerodrome
AE: Aerial Engineer
A/F: Air Field, also Anti-Flak
AA or AAA: Anti-Aircraft (Artillery)
abs: absent
AGL: Above Ground Level
ALO: Allied Liaison Officer
ALW: Alive and Well
AMGOT: Allied Military Government for
Occupied Territories
A.R.C.: American Red Cross
ASC: Air Support Command
ASN: Army Serial Number (personnel)
Assg: Assigned
ASV: Anti-Surface Vessel (radar)
ATA: Actual Time of Arrival
ATC: Air Transportation Command
ATS: Air Transport Service - also Army
Telegraph Service
Azon: Azimuth only (guided bomb)
BC: Bomber Command
BIC: Bruised in Crash
Bmb: Bombardier
Bn: Battalion
B.R.L.: Ballistic Research Laboratory
BSM: Bomb System Maintenance
CA: Heavy Cruiser
CAVU: Ceiling and Visibility Unlimited
C.B.I.: China-Burma-India Theater
C/D: Coastal Defense
CE: Circular Error
CEP: Circular Error Probable
Chaff (US term): Radar countermeasure:
tiny strips of aluminum, metalized glass
fiber, or plastic. See Window
CL: Cannon Loader
CO: Commanding Officer
CG: Commanding General
CP: Command Post
M/G: Machine Gun
MIA: Missing In Action
M/T: Motor Transport (Truck)
MTB: Motor Torpedo Boat
M/V: Military Vessel, Maritime Vessel
M/Y: Marshalling Yards
MC: Maintenance Crew
NARA: National Archives and Records
NASAF: Northwest African Strategic Air
NATC - Northwest African Training
NATOUSA: North Atlantic Theater of
Operations USA
Nav: Navigator
N.B.S.: National Bureau of Standards
NC: Nurse Corps.
NCO: Non-Commissioned Officer
Nickels: propaganda Leaflets
(NMI): No Middle Initial
NOK: Next Of Kin
NRO: National Reconnaissance Office
OAF: Occupation Air Forces
OD: Officer of the day, also Olive Drab
OLC: Oak Leaf Cluster
OTU: Operational Training Unit
PAX: Passengers
PDI: Pilot Direction Indicator
POE: Point of Embarkation
POW: Prisoner of War (also PW)
PRO-Kit: Individual Chemical
Prophylactic packet
PW: Prisoner of War (also POW)
PWB: Psychological Warfare Branch
PX: Post Exchange
QBB: Base of cloud
QDM: Course to steer
QM: Quarter Master
R/B: Road Bridge
RC: Red Cross
CQ: Charge of Quarters
C/S: Call Sign
CWS: Chemical Warfare Service
D/H: Direct Hit
DD: Destroyer
DED: Declared Dead - no body or remains
Demo: Demolition
DL: Dead List
DNB: Died Non-Battle / Died Not-Battle
DOW: Died Of Wounds.
DOWRIA: Died of Wounds Received in
DS: Detached Service
E/A: Enemy Aircraft
E/F: Enemy Fighter
EM or E/M: Enlisted Men
ETA: Estimated Time of Arrival
ETIR: Estimated Time In Route
EUS: Evacuated to the United States
E/V: Enemy Vessel
F Boat: Flying Boat
F/L: Formation Leader - also Flight Leader
FO or F/O: Flying Officer
FOD: Finding Of Death
Frag: Fragmentation
F.S.: Flight Section
GLO: Ground Liaison Officer (UK)
GO: General Order
GP: General Purpose/Gun Position
GTC: General Time Convention (railroad)
HE: High Explosive
IAS: Indicated Air Speed
I & E: Information & Education
I.F.F.: Identification, Friend or Foe
(i. o.): Initials Only (initial is the name)
IP: Initial Point
KNB: Killed Not Battle
KIA: Killed In Action
L/A: Landing Area
LC: Landing Craft
L/G: Landing Ground
Lox: Liquid Oxygen
L/S: Landing Strip
R/J: Road Junction
R/Y: Railroad Yards
Repl: Replacement
RMC: Returned to Military Control
RON: Remain OverNight
RR/B: Railroad Bridge
RR/J: Railroad Junction
RR: Railroad
RTD: Returned To Duty
R/V: Rendezvous
S-1: Administration
S-2: Intelligence
S-3: Operations
S-4: Supply
SAP: Semi-Armor Piercing
SD: Special Duty
S/E: Single Engine (plane)
S.E.: Special Equipment (Shoran)
S/F: Siebel Ferry
sk: sick
S/M: Submarine
SO: Special Order
SOI: Standard Operating Instructions?
S/P: Sea Plane
Sq: Squadron
Sqdn: Squadron
SWA: Seriously Wounded in Action
T/A: Target Area
T/C: Troop Concentration
T/E: Twin Engine (plane)
TAC: Theater Allied Command
TBF: Tactical Bomber Force
TD: Temporary Duty
TDY: Temporary Duty
TLC: Tactical Landing Craft
TO: Take-Off (time), also Technical
Order, and Transportation Officer
T/O: Table of Organization
TOT: Time Over Target/Time On Target
Trfd: Transferred
TWX: Teletypewriter Message
u/i: Unidentified, also unit of issue
UNRRA: United Nations Relief and
Rehabilitation Administration
L/V: Large Vehicle
LST: Landing Ship Tank
Ltr: Letter
LWA: Lightly Wounded in Action
MACR: Missing Air Crew Report
MATS: Military Air Transport Service
Very Pistol or Verey Pistol: Flare gun
VOCO: Verbal Order of the Commanding
WC: Water closet
W.O.: Warrant Officer
WIA: Wounded In Action
Window (British term): Radar
countermeasure: tiny strips of aluminum,
metalized glass fiber, or plastic. See Chaff
WP: White Phosphorus (bombs)
WT, W/T: Watch Tower
XC: Cross Country
ZI: Zone of Interior (U.S.A.)
Wednesday, 1 November 1944
USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF):
In Italy, operations are again curtailed by bad weather; however, fighters and
fighter-bombers successfully attack bridges, rail lines, roads, vehicles, and trains in the C
Po Valley and hit scattered targets elsewhere in N Italy; the 525th Fighter Squadron, 86th
Fighter Group, moves from Grosseto to Pisa with P-47s.
HQ 321st BG War Diary: No mission – weather.
445th BS War Diary: The operational mission was cancelled while the crews were at
briefing. 1st Lt. J.C. Jeffery was promoted to Captain today while Flight Officers Emler,
Rung, Young and Cravey shined up their 2 nd Lt’s bars following their promotions. Capt.
Hargrave, Group ALO, gave a lecture today to the officers on “Current News and
General Situation of the War”. There were two transition flights and two cross-country
flights while four bombardiers received two hours training each on the bomb trainer.
Some rain fell today. The S-2 office installed a gas stove in their office and it afforded
welcome heat to the men on these cold days. Chicken was on the menu for supper and a
whole fowl was presented to every fourth man in the line. He was to share the chicken
with three others.
Cravey, Robert P., 2Lt, bombardier
Emler, Richard S. “Dick”, 2Lt, pilot
Hargrave, Frederick M., Capt, 321 BG, Allied Liaison Officer
Jeffery, James C., Capt, pilot
Rung, Raymond F. “Red”, Jr., 2Lt, pilot
Young, William G, 2Lt, pilot
446th BS War Diary: regular squadron duties are carried out as no mission is flown.
447th BS War Diary: 1st Lt James W. McDermott returned from D.S. to U.S. to duty
with this Squadron. Due to bad weather no mission was flown. Usual camp duties were
the Order of the day.
McDermott, James W., 1Lt, bombardier
448th BS War Diary: The Squadron got off to a big start by a change of Commanding
Officers. Captain Harold S. Farwell was appointed per par. 1, SO 193, Hq 321 st Bomb
Group (M), dated 1 November 1944, to succeed Major D.I. McLain. Major McLain was
placed on TD with Hq. 321st Bombardment Group (M). The squadron strength when
Captain Farwell’s capable hands took over was 102 officers and 351 enlisted men. Prior
to taking command of the unit Captain Farwell was Assistant Operations Officer, which
position was filled by Captain Richard Burks on this Date. Under the sterling leadership
of Captain Farwell the unit took on a very progressive air, promising to maintain its
Wednesday, 1 November 1944 (continued)
enviable record. Lieutenant Harry S. Tilton was transferred to the 47th Bomb. Group.
Second Lieutenant Thaddeus D. Garrett was promoted to First Lieutenant.
Burks, Richard W., Capt, pilot
Farwell, Harold S., Capt, pilot, Commander
Garrett, Thaddeus D., 1Lt, pilot
McLain, Damon I., Maj, pilot, Commander
Tilton, Harvey S., 1Lt, pilot
448th BS: War Diary of: Schaffer, Irving J., S/Sgt, radio-gunner:
“Awoke 7:15AM. Fair morning. Interrupted night caused by our pup's spasmodic
crying. Today is John Nelson's birthday. Congratulated Bob Lesser for making 2nd Lt
from F/O. Rather a difficult advancement overseas. Pancakes, oatmeal, bacon, stewed
prunes, jelly, grapefruit juice. Stand-down on Rome trip. Received fourteen pkg
cigarettes (40 francs) as part of rations. Fried chicken, fresh fried potatoes, peas, bread,
butter, chicken rice soup, fruit salad. Dismal day. Played touch football. 448 th played
447th. We won 32-0. Played on our field. Picked up negatives from group photo. Boiled
beef, mashed potatoes, peas, bread, jelly, coffee. Cloudy evening. Had some hot rum
and tea at Mike's tent. Retired 10:00PM. (As a rule I read in bed).”
Kocsis, Michael (NMI) “Mike”, Jr., Sgt, cook, Mess Sgt
Lesser, Robert (NMI) "Bob", 2Lt, bombardier
Nelson, John F. “Chief”, Cpl, engineer-gunner
"Snafu" - Sgt George Huha’s dog
Thursday, 2 November 1944
USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF):
In Italy, clouds over the Po Valley prevent medium bomber
operations; XXII Tactical Air Command aircraft are also grounded due to unserviceable
fields and bad weather over Italian battle areas.
HQ 321st BG War Diary: No mission – weather.
445th BS War Diary: 15 crews were scheduled for a mission but it was cancelled. This
marks the 13th consecutive day of operational inactivity and the crews are very restless.
They would much rather fly a mission every day rather than lay around in their “sacks”
for such a prolonged period. The area is very muddy today but it didn’t stop T/Sgt. John
Gray who continues to cut hair in front of his tent. There was no flight training today.
Staff Sergeant Sauer, who was wounded on the September 18 th mission, was promoted to
Technical sergeant and ordered to report before the Medical Disposition Board. There
was a lecture on “German Interrogation” held at the group briefing hall for all the combat
Gray, John H., T/Sgt, gunner
Sauer, Carlton F., T/Sgt, radio-gunner
445th BS: War Diary of: Seegmiller, Barnard H., Sgt, armament:
“Our planned trip to Tunis resulted in adding Tripoli to my list of
interesting places visited. We took off at about 07:50 and arrived at Alouina airport
some two hours later, only to learn that the city of Tunis is off limits to all troops on
account of the eastward spread of the epidemic of Bubonic Plague that started in Algeria
about a month ago. Capt. Farrell’s business was in Tripoli and having no other reason
for remaining at Alouina than to visit the Gaston family, we decided to go with him. (I
was amazed at the building program in progress at Alouina airport, where a beautiful
new operations building is being completed. There were many new planes of all types on
the fields.) The flight to Tripoli was mostly over water and not at all interesting.
Suddenly we dropped out of the murky sky on to an airfield that was bounded on all sides
by the cloud of dust and haze caused by the desert wind. Here and there one saw a patch
of green surrounding a well, and some areas were covered with a bushy sand willow tree.
Neither approaching or leaving, did I get even a glimpse of the city from the air. The
field at which we landed is called Castel Benito air base and is the overnight stop for
ATC planes flying down from Casablanca to Cairo. There seems to be a continuous
circulation of C-46s about the place, the first I had seen. There are two large hangars
and some pretty nice administration buildings. I was told, however, that ATC is moving
to a new U. S. Army base that is not quite finished, a tremendous place, and the British
are taking over Castel Benito. Our first stop was at the snack bar where we had difficulty
finding enough acceptable money for a hamburger, coke and cup of ice cream fresh from
the States. The present Corsican currency is not acceptable even by Army Finance
offices off the island, because of which fact we ran into considerable difficulty.
Farrell, Robert A. "Baldy", Capt, pilot
Thursday, 2 November 1944
Somehow losing contact with the other boys, Beasley and I went by bus to Tripoli,
hoping to find them there, as Ginsberg was acquainted with the procedure of finding a
place to stay. Consequently we found ourselves in the midst of a beautiful city, eager to
take advantage of the market, but without funds. In my knapsack I carried several
articles I had planned to give to the Gaston’s, such as candy, four packages of cigarettes,
etc. and I decided to make some trades for a few things I needed most badly, namely for
me, a padlock. This we did with a great deal of enjoyment, as I always get a kick out of
trading with the natives. We arranged some pretty shrewd bargains, but I slipped
horribly when I asked only 100 lira for my face towel.
Beasley, John B. "Jack", Jr., Sgt, armament
Ginsbeg, Bernard (NMI), Sgt, mess, HQ 321st BG
About the city itself; Tripoli is undoubtedly the most beautiful city in North Africa,
and one of the cleanest I have seen anywhere. There is a striking comparison in the
“old” native and the “new” city where the European (Italian) influence is strong, but by
no means crowds out the Oriental style. The Grande Hotel is strictly Mohammedan
design and is truly a house of amazing beauty with its irregular roof and ornamental
design. There are many other very nice buildings, for the most part undamaged, and the
streets and parks are exquisitely laid out and carefully looked after. Along the waterfront
is a promenade from which the entire circular harbor can be studied. At present there
are many charred and half-sunken vessels, including a large hospital ship, lying in the
harbor. Along this promenade we loitered and rested until nine o’clock, when we
returned to the base. I will never forget lying on the stone railing as the moon rose over
the harbor and glistened off the white alabaster buildings and the breeze waved the
palms in the park behind us causing the waves to lap against the stones at our feet with a
delightful murmur.
Along the highway between the base and the city we passed several camel
caravans in various stages of their romantic journeys, some rocking and swaying over
the sand with their masters leading or driving either on foot or riding on extremely small
donkeys, others being stirred from rest and prepared for the journey. One large caravan
was preparing to halt and the great dumb beasts were seen dropping to the ground with
their burden so they could be unloaded. The loads they carried were sundry, varying
from huge stacks of straw to watermelons in net pouches. Here and there along the way
were Arab huts built of every kind of material imaginable, predominately tins from gas
cans and sheet metal, hardly large enough to turn around in and seemingly situated with
no thought whatsoever of shade, water or the usual conditions that attract the builder of
a home. At less frequent intervals were patches of palm trees, ripe with dates, and a
small garden surrounding an oasis from which the water was drawn by donkeys. The
foliage of the land consists mostly of eucalyptus trees, castor beans, mulberries, palms,
sand willows, some vineyards, figs, a bush similar, but less thorny than mesquite and
without bean pods, oleander bushes, and a few chrysanthemums. The ever-glorious
bougainvillea presented its usual picturesque effect. We slept at the base in British India
style tents on GI cots with a sheet and two blankets. We were comfortable.
Thursday, 2 November 1944 (continued)
This morning we arranged for some money with some fellows at the base who
were from the squadron and went back to town for some more trading and shopping. We
had a very good meal of beef and eggs and purchased several leather coin purses. The
people, predominantly Arab, but many Italian, Maltese and Jews are not attractive at all,
but most of them speak English. We took off with a heavy load of beer and Coca-Cola at
13:00 hours and landed on Corsica at 16:10 hours. We flew on a course of 330° until we
struck Sardinia, and 359° from there on.”
446th BS War Diary: Lieut. Ingram is promoted to 1st.
Ingram, William T., 1Lt, pilot
447th BS War Diary: The following officers and enlisted-men returned from Capri Rest
Camp: Lts Wendell E. Marchant, Robert W. Mulholland, Albert Condit, S/Sgt Jack
Yates and Robert Engels. The following Officers and EM departed for Capri Rest Camp:
Lt George J. Schweda, F/O Donald W. Gies, T/Sgt Edward G. Holm, Sgt Joseph A.
Jonutis. No mission due to inclement weather. Usual camp duties. The following EM,
were reld fr assgmt and asgd to 7th Repl Depot for transshipment to U.S. per 12th AFHQ,
SO, APO 650, dtd 26 Oct 1944: T/Sgt Leo J. Martin, S/Sgt Robert R. Plutchak, S/Sgt
George D. Merrill.
Condit, Albert K., 2Lt, pilot
Engels, Robert W., S/Sgt, gunner
Gies, Donald W., F/O, pilot
Holm, Edward G., T/Sgt, engineering
Jonutis, Joseph A., Jr., Sgt, engineering
Marchant, Wendell E., 1Lt, pilot
Martin, Leo J., T/Sgt, radio-gunner
Merrill, George D., S/Sgt, aerial gunner
Mulholland, Robert W., 1Lt, bombardier
Plutchak, Robert R., S/Sgt, engineer-gunner
Schweda, George J., 1Lt, pilot
Yates, Jack (NMI), S/Sgt, intelligence
448th BS War Diary: Lieutenants Kruse and Reedy, T/Sgt. Hill and S/Sgt. Bell returned
from Capri rest camp with a definite refreshed appearance. Captain Kneisle, Lieutenant
Lesser, T/Sgt Hallman and Cpl. Littier beamingly departed for seven (7) days of luxury at
Bell, Flavious J., S/Sgt, gunner
Hallman, Robert I., T/Sgt, gunner
Hill, William R., T/Sgt, engineering
Kneisle, Herman M., Capt, communication
Kruse, Milford E., 1Lt, pilot
Lesser, Robert (NMI) "Bob", 2Lt, bombardier
Littier, Joseph L. J., Cpl, cook
Reedy, Walter W., 1Lt, pilot
448th BS: War Diary of: Schaffer, Irving J., S/Sgt, radio-gunner:
“Awoke 5:50AM to the tune of GI Joe's helping. Huha came off guard at 6:15AM.
Played with the pup. Fed him, but didn't do any good. Egg pancakes, oatmeal, bread,
bacon, marmalade, orange-grapefruit juice. Cloudy AM. Fairly warm. Stand-down on
Rome trip. This group has not flown a mission in two weeks due to bad weather over
target area. Boys that went to Rome rest camp have been there for two weeks, due to
weather. Only supposed to stay 3 days. Baked beans, fresh boiled potatoes, diced
carrots, fruit salad, hot tea, bread, butter. Doughnuts were served by a Red Cross
maiden. Had a meeting in mess hall. Captain Farwell, one of our lead pilots, is our new
Thursday, 2 November 1944 (continued)
CO. Spoke to Captain Hargrave, liaison officer of infantry. Sized up the war with huge
maps. Clear, warm day. Played touch football. Working out some of the stiffness from
yesterday. Hash, lima beans, spinach, vanilla pudding, bread, peanut butter, coffee. As a
rule the spinach is sour. The hash just doesn't seem to click with me. Attended a special
training film at group theater dealing with enemy interrogation of our forces. Moonlit,
cloudy evening. Very stiff from playing football. Raining. Retired 10:00PM.”
Farwell, Harold S., Capt, pilot, Commander
Hargrave, Frederick M., Capt, Allied Liaison Officer, HQ 321st BG
Huha, George (NMI), Sgt, communications
LaBella, Dante (NMI) “GI Joe”, S/Sgt, radio-gunner, bombardier
"Snafu" - Sgt George Huha’s dog
Friday, 3 November 1944
USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF): Heavy clouds over most
of N Italy begin to disperse; medium bombers are still grounded but fighter-bombers
manage to fly 8 sorties against gun positions in mountains S of Bologna, Italy.
HQ 321st BG War Diary: No mission – weather.
445th BS War Diary: Operational mission was again cancelled. Rain fell this morning
accompanied by high winds that floored a large tree in the engineering area. The tree fell
to earth with a crash directly on Cpl Ekelund’s tent. Luckily no one was present when
the incident occurred. The strong winds kept the aircraft on the ground and aircraft 195,
returning from Tripoli, was forced to land at Ghisonaccia due to the terrific cross-winds
at this base. The small tent next to operations-intelligence is being used as a rate machine
tent. A shower room is now under construction for the enlisted men with old reliable Sgt.
Stanford as head carpenter. A bulb has been placed on the outside bulletin board at
operations so that the combat crews may read the schedules at night. There was some
ground training for bombardiers and radio gunners.
Ekelund, Nils J., Cpl, armament
Stanford, Hirman P., Sgt, Carpenter
446th BS War Diary: Nov. 3 and 4: Squadron duties.
447th BS War Diary: The following named EM were asgd to this Squadron as Combat
Men: Pvt William F. Hourahan Jr., Cpl Robert L. Gorden. The following EM were
promoted to Sgt: Edward S. Florio, Peter P. Michelau, John C. Jablonsky, Wayne A.
Rickey Jr. Frank H Dorrel, Richard N. Helwig, Dwight D. Isaacs and Julius Sabo were
promoted to Corporal. No mission was scheduled because of weather conditions. The
Group now has set a new record for non-operational days – 14, the old record was 11
days. The Officers of the 447th Bomb Sq displayed their superior athletic ability by
trouncing the 446th Officers to a score of 18 - 0.
Dorrel, Frank H., Cpl, intelligence
Florio, Edward S., Sgt, armament
Gorden, Robert L., Cpl, gunner
Helwig, Richard N., Cpl, engineering
Hourahan, William F., Jr., Pvt, gunner
Issacs, Dwight D., Cpl, turret gunner
Jablonsky, John C., Sgt, engineering
Michelau, Peter P., Sgt, communications
Rickey, Wayne A., Jr., Sgt, armament
Sabo, Julius (NMI), Cpl, gunner
448th BS War Diary: Cpl. J.A. Holt and Pvt. B. M. Ferrell were assigned and joined.
Cpl. R.L. Gorden and Pvt. W.F. Hourahan were transferred to the 447 th Bombardment
Ferrell, Bruce M., Pvt, gunner
Gorden, Robert L., Cpl, gunner
Holt, John A., Cpl, gunner
Hourahan, William F., Jr., Pvt, gunner
Friday, 3 November 1944 (continued)
448th BS: War Diary of: Schaffer, Irving J., S/Sgt, radio-gunner:
“Awoke 7:30AM. Raining. Whole-wheat cereal, pancakes, bacon, marmalade, coffee,
tomato juice. Very windy. 35MPH. Cross wind on runway. Stand-down on all flying.
On detail to mountains to get stove for fireplace in club. Boiled chicken, gravy, string
beans, mashed potatoes, bread, butter, fruit salad, coffee. Frenchman killed American
Negro guard at QM depot last night. Two white GI's stabbed by Negroes in Bastia.
Unless the guilty parties are brought to justice soon, there may be trouble on the island
between the whites and Negroes. Ate a pork chop sandwich at 4:30PM. Captain Burks
gave me jeep to visit Bergstrom who has been moved to 40th field hospital several miles
north of the 340th. Bill Bishop, Charles Knauss and yours truly went. Charles Wimberly
went along as far as hospital as he is going to Bastia. Bergstrom is in good condition.
They intend to leave flak in. Is about the size of two 45 caliber bullets. Cement floors,
tents and rest of hospital set up is bad. Visited Lozowski and Usher, had coffee and
doughnuts at Red Cross. Returned base 9:25PM. Clear, windy eve. Bruno newly hired
Iti who is building fireplace in club and is sleeping in our tent. Retired 10:30PM.”
Bergstrom, Donald P., S/Sgt, engineer-gunner
Bishop, William (NMI) "Bill", S/Sgt, gunner
Bruno Antonio Perri, of Calabria, Italy, Italian mason
Burks, Richard W., Capt, pilot
Knauss, Charles F., Sgt, gunner
Lozowski, Leonard J., T/Sgt, radio-gunner, 486th BS, 340th BG
Usher, Cecil C., Sgt, tail gunner, 486th BS, 340th BG
Wimberly, Charles G., Sgt, intelligence
Saturday, 4 November 1944
USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF):
In Italy, 200+ B-25s and B-26s of the 42nd Bombardment Wing
(Medium) hit railway and road bridges in the Brenner Pass; 130+ B-25s of the 57th
Bombardment Wing strike communications in the W Po Valley, cutting at least 4 bridges;
fighters and fighter-bombers of XXII Tactical Air Command concentrate on
communications targets and trains in the Po Valley and defenses in the battle area S of
Bologna; some XXII Tactical Air Command aircraft hit guns on the N Italian coast, some
hit a rocket launching site and communications N of battle area, and 4 P-47s bomb a
Milan hotel where Adolf Hitler is rumored to be staying.
HQ 321st BG War Diary: Back in the saddle again after a two week lay-off, the Group
sent 24 aircraft to Vercelli and 12 to Pontetidone – both rail bridges. The primary at
Vercelli was well hit – recce shows two spans down. The Firenzuola D’Arda Railroad
bridge (alternate to Pontetidone) was also rendered impassable.
HQ 321st BG Mission Summary (Ops Order xxx/mission xxx) Group Mission #
594W(C) - redesignated # 654 on 1 Jan 45:
TARGET: Weather Recce
NO A/C: 1
TIME OFF: 0630
TIME D0WN: 0805
ROUTE: Base to Moneglia, 5 minutes inland and return.
WEATHER: Fog in Po Valley – tops at 4000’.
Mission weather O. K.
Capt., Air Corps,
Ass’t Group S-2 Officer.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------HQ 321st BG Mission Summary (Ops Order 595/mission 595) Group Mission # 595:
Vercelli railroad bridge in Northern Italy.
(Group mission report not available at this time)
Saturday, 4 November 1944 (continued)
Saturday, 4 November 1944 (continued)
HQ 321st BG Mission Summary (Ops Order 596/mission 596) Group Mission # 596:
Pontetidone Railroad Bridge
Bombed Alternate: Firenzuola D’Arda Railroad Bridge
(Group mission report not available at this time)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------445th BS War Diary: For the first time since October 20, the squadron participated in a
mission. The crews welcomed the work after a 15 day layoff. Bombing accuracy for the
mission was 81.8 percent. Lts. Lyons and Gunder; Sgts. Pate, Kramer, O’Leary,
Bellendir, Malloy, Scott, Hawkins and D.W. Weaver left today enroute to the U.S.A. on
rotation. Sgt. Kintly, who is stranded in Rome will also leave when he returns to the
squadron. S/Sgt. R.J. Butler was taken off flying status and reduced to grade of private
for misconduct. Capt. Yepez stayed in the sulfur baths for about an hour and was just
about “pooped” when he staggered out. He made it back to camp okay.
Bellinder, John C., Sgt, gunner
Butler, Russell J., Pvt, radio-gunner
Gunder, William H., 1Lt, pilot
Hawkins, Vernon L., Sgt, engineer-gunner
Kintly, James E., T/Sgt, radio-gunner
Kramer, Henry P., Sgt, gunner
Lyons, Lawrence L., 1Lt, pilot
Malloy, Edward J., Sgt, gunner
O'Leary, John D., T/Sgt, radio-gunner
Pate, Harris B., Jr., S/Sgt, radio-gunner
Scott, Auralias M., Sgt, gunner
Weaver, Dale W., Cpl, engineer-gunner
Yepez, Oscar W., Capt, bombardier/navigator
445th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order xxx/mission xxx) Group Mission # 594W(C)
- redesignated # 654 on 1 Jan 45: (445th BS did not participate)
445th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 595/mission 595) Group Mission # 595:
(445th BS did not participate)
445th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 596/mission 596) Group Mission # 596:
Group Mission # 596
Squadron Mission # 385
Lt. Jeffery led 12 ships from this squadron to bomb the Pontetidone railroad bridge but a
stratus layer at 2000 feet force the mission to bomb the alternate target, the Firenzuola
D’Arda railroad bridge, Italy. Weather was CAVU at the latter target. There was no
escort. No flak was experienced nor were any fighter attacks. The B-25s used 1000
pound bombs and dropped them from 11,000 feet. RESULTS: First box of 6 hit just
short, mouth of bridge; 2 nd box of 6 had center of impact on center of bridge – several
direct hits seen.
Saturday, 4 November 1944 (continued)
A/C No. 43-27742 “Vicious Vera”
(later “Winnie Mae”)
Jeffery, James C., Capt
McFatter, Joe H., 2Lt
Napple, Francis L., 1Lt
Finkhouse, Lloyd L., 1Lt
Poirier, Andre (NMI), S/Sgt
Leach, Earl V., T/Sgt
Miller, Robert Ryal, S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27748 “Mama!”
Poteete, Max W., 2Lt
Young, William J. “Dusty”, 2Lt
Hagerman, Millard W., 1Lt
Carruthers, John (NMI), II, Sgt
DeLaune, William P., S/Sgt
Moorehead, Lewis E., Sgt
A/C No. 43-27502 “Pretty Kitty Blue
Eyes” (previously “What’s Cookin’?”)
Eatherly, Joseph A., 1Lt
Couch, Thomas (NMI), Jr., 2Lt
Chauncey, Martin E. “Marty”, T/Sgt
Freiler, Walter C., S/Sgt
McDonald, Thomas E., T/Sgt
Bates, Leonard H., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27741 “Val” (previously
“Modern Design”)
Bowling, Dan Parker, 1Lt
McMahon, Bernard J. “Mac”, Jr., 2Lt
Rehrig, Earl E., 1Lt
Silnutzer, Joseph A., 1Lt
Cummings, Walter T., S/Sgt
Gray, John H., T/Sgt
Stanley, Harold Gene “Gene”, Cpl
A/C No. 43-27680
McLaughlin, Elwood F., Jr., 1Lt
Lewis, Max E., 2Lt
Vaughan, Fred W., 2Lt
Sycylo, Theodore W., Cpl
Rockett, James J., T/Sgt
Jacobs, Harry E., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-28948
Monger, Samuel A. “Sam”, Jr., 1Lt
Mogren, Edward G., 2Lt
Doherty, Charles S., S/Sgt
Cavanaugh, Thomas J., Jr., S/Sgt
Nuttall, John H., Cpl
Henry, William W., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27769 “Miss Fancy Pants”
Elliott, James R., Jr., 1Lt
Curry, Arthur L. “Art”, 2Lt
Carney, Robert J., T/Sgt
Hunsberger, William R., Cpl
Engleman, Bud (NMI), Cpl
Morisi, David D., Cpl
A/C No. 43-27714 “Blonde Beauty”
Glasford, Loren G., 1Lt
Rung, Raymond F. “Red”, Jr., 2Lt
Weiner, Irving B., 2Lt
Kofmehl, James J., S/Sgt
Giorgio, John B., T/Sgt
Hafner, Duane H., S/Sgt
Saturday, 4 November 1944 (continued)
A/C No. 43-27899 “Flo”
Webb, Allen W. “Pete”, 1Lt
Cox, Harold L., 2Lt
Emery, Ben D., 1Lt
Taylor, Marion R., Cpl
Kavan, Lester D., S/Sgt
Slodden, Henry M. “Kip”, Sgt
A/C No. 43-27733 “Porky’s Baby”
P Spencer, Charles F., 1Lt
CP Miron, Leno L., 2Lt
N None
B Barrett, Ray E., S/Sgt
E Smith, William F., S/Sgt
R Salch, Raymond F., Cpl
G Edwards, Jack M., Cpl
F None
A/C No. 43-4008 “Spirit of St Louis”
(spare – did not fill in)
P Santone, Michael A., 1Lt
CP Shutters, Paul E., 2Lt
N None
B Beck, Robert B. “Bob”, 2Lt
E Watts, Joseph T., Jr., Sgt
R Reagin, Charles T., Cpl
G Haynes, Irving L., Cpl
F None
A/C No. 44-28722 “Spirit of
Thompson, Henry C., Jr., 1Lt
Dentoni, Louis M., 2Lt
Cravey, Robert P., 2Lt
Woody, Louie M., S/Sgt
Kneisel, Charles W., T/Sgt
Valley, Arnold E., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27545
McKay, Donald I., 1Lt
Emler, Richard S. “Dick”, 2Lt
Gifford, Robert H., 1Lt
Larkin, Francis C. “Charley”, S/Sgt
Otterness, William B., Cpl
Decker, Robert J., S/Sgt
446th BS War Diary: Nov. 3 and 4: Squadron duties.
446th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order xxx/mission xxx) Group Mission # 594W(C)
- redesignated # 654 on 1 Jan 45:
Mission Number 418
TARGET: Weather Reconnaissance
DATE: 4 Nov.1944
Type of Bombs: None
446th Planes: 1
Led by Lt. Nagel. Fog in Po Valley. Mission weather O.K.
Saturday, 4 November 1944 (continued)
A/C No. 43-27660 “Shooting Bull”
(Weather ship)
P Nagel, Charles E., 1Lt
CP Crisp, Glenn S., Jr., 2Lt
N Chapman, John Edward, 1Lt
B None
E Stapleton, Carl B., S/Sgt
R Luitjens, Harvey J., Cpl
G Lorentson, Edward H., S/Sgt
F Dimiceli, Alphonse G., 1Lt, (weather
446th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 595/mission 595) Group Mission # 595:
(446th BS did not participate)
446th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 596/mission 596) Group Mission # 596:
(446th BS did not participate)
446th BS: War Diary of: Luitjens, Harvey J., Cpl, radio-gunner: (mission 8)
“No. 8) Had a WX mission to Milan - Milk Run - Saw a few fighters But no pass. Nagle
Nagel, Charles E., 1Lt, pilot
447th BS War Diary: The following named EM were asgd and jd fr 57th Bomb Wg: Cpl
Bruce H. Huntley, Cpl Harvey Stocker, Cpl Marvin S. Goldman. The fol named EM
were rotated to the United States: S/Sgt Leonard T. Payne. 1 st Lt Merlin Hueppchen, 1 st
Lt John L. Denman, and 1 st Lt William Wiley, who were listed as missing in action
escaped from behind enemy lines and were rotated to the Zone of Interior. Morning
Report for week ending 4 Nov 1944: Officers: 91, Enlisted Men 335.
Denman, John L., 1Lt, pilot
Goldman, Marvin S., Cpl, gunner
Hueppchen, Merlin O., 1Lt, pilot
Huntley, Bruce H., Cpl, gunner
Payne, Leonard T., S/Sgt, gunner
Stocker, Harvey (NMI), Cpl, gunner
Wiley, William D., 1Lt, bombardier
447th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order xxx/mission xxx) Group Mission # 594W(C)
- redesignated # 654 on 1 Jan 45: (447th BS did not participate)
Saturday, 4 November 1944 (continued)
447th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 595/mission 595) Group Mission # 595: 13
ships of this Squadron participated in a Raid over Vercelli Railroad Bridge, in Italy. All
ships and crews returned in excellent fashion with another 100% bombing accuracy.
A/C No. 43-4009 “Double-O-Nine”
Murchland, Robert Keith, 1Lt
Buckley, Paul I., 2Lt
Schmoke, Vernon L., 2Lt
Netzel, Carl F., Sgt
Guild, Bernard Robert, Sgt
McKnight, John A., Jr., Cpl
A/C No. 43-27506 “Rebel Devil”
Hennessey, Ralph E., 1Lt
Autry, Aaron E., 2Lt
Bokum, John B., F/O
Dimondstein, Herbert (NMI), S/Sgt
Phares, Harold (NMI) “Harry”, Jr., Cpl
Harris, Jack J., Sgt
A/C No. 43-4069 “Ruptured Duck”
P Hutson, Ernest G. “Hod”, 1Lt
CP Dickson, John L., Jr., 2Lt
N None
B Hiller, Frederick J., 2Lt
E Baldridge, Grant W., S/Sgt
R Simberg, Alvin L., T/Sgt
G Staub, Edward C., Cpl
F None
A/C No. 43-4029 “Mike Hunt”
Richard J., 1Lt
CP Yerger, John W., 2Lt
N None
B Lankester, Hugh H. “Lank”, 2Lt
E Byrn, Ernest E., S/Sgt
R Torrey, Francis S., T/Sgt
G Drew, Horace E., Cpl
F None
A/C No. 43-28082 “Traveling
Comedy” (later “Modern Maiden”)
Muzinich, Anthony L. “Tony”, Capt
Amundson, Donald A., 2Lt
Lindell, Harold N., 1Lt
Mesna, Leeland A. “Lee”, 1Lt
Beckhart, Maurice H., S/Sgt
Cowart, Eugene C., T/Sgt
May, Frederick J., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27542 “Superstitious
Morton, William C. “Mort”, Jr., 1Lt
Gates, Edward (NMI), 1Lt
Bardy, Edward E., Jr., 2Lt
O’Neil, James R., S/Sgt
Keefe, John A., T/Sgt
Ochs, Dan (NMI), Jr., Cpl
A/C No. 43-27779
Wiechert, Stanley J., 1Lt
Brown, Lyle N., Jr., 2Lt
Dawson, Roy C., S/Sgt
Smith, William L, S/Sgt
None listed
Citarelli, James E., Sgt
A/C No. 43-4079 “Little David”
Remmel, Earl Howard “The Fox”, 1Lt
Cammack, Elmore (NMI), 2Lt
Tulley, Harlan Norval, 2Lt
Darrell, Franklin Lloyd, Jr.,
Ifshin, Isidore (NMI) “Sonny”, Sgt
Maslyar, Michael M., Sgt
Bauder, Harold R., S/Sgt
Saturday, 4 November 1944 (continued)
A/C No. 43-27730 “Katie”
P Hall, Earl W., 1Lt
CP Buechner, Helmut K., 2Lt
N None
B Flowers, Frank J., S/Sgt
E Freeman, Millard C., Cpl
R Barksdale, Phillip L., Cpl
G Williams, James H., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27718
P Burns, Robert J., 1Lt
CP Breckenridge, Louis C., 2Lt
N None
B Toole, John F., T/Sgt
E Dulaney, Earl W., Sgt
R Bartram, Roy H., Cpl
G Klimkowicz, Zigmond (NMI), Cpl
F None
A/C No. 13 unidentified plane & crew –
likely a spare
N None
F None
A/C No. 43-27498 “Ave Maria”
Marchant, Wendell E., 1Lt
Cahoon, Carl W., 2Lt
Colgan, Donald J., 2Lt
Hopp, Charles J., Sgt
Pelak, Andrew (NMI), T/Sgt
Kipp, Robert T., Cpl
A/C No. 43-27636
Satterwhite, Henry C., 1Lt
Appenzeller, Richard D., 2Lt
Schnaars, George D., S/Sgt
Currey, Hughie L., S/Sgt
MacNeil, Joseph W., T/Sgt
Connolly, Paul B, S/Sgt
Burns, Harry B., S/Sgt
447th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 596/mission 596) Group Mission # 596:
(447th BS did not participate)
448th BS War Diary: (No non-mission information)
448th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order xxx/mission xxx) Group Mission # 594W(C)
- redesignated # 654 on 1 Jan 45: (448th BS did not participate)
Saturday, 4 November 1944 (continued)
448th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 595/mission 595) Group Mission # 595: Back
in operation after a two weeks lay-off the squadron went 12 planes against the Vercelli
railroad bridge in Northern Italy. Led by Captain Farwell the 448 th spearheaded the
attack upon this prize objective. Showing that the lay-off had not made them rusty the
boys scored a demolishing 100% bombing accuracy, resulting in two spans of the bridge
being knocked out. All personnel returned safely.
A/C No. 43-27648 “Sweetie”
Blackwell, Robert G., 1Lt
Cook, Don W., 2Lt
Comfort, Edward P., 1Lt
Roberts, Charles J., S/Sgt
None listed
Magyar, Steven J., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27805 “Desirable”
P Farwell, Harold S., Capt, Commander
CP Churchill, Duane W., 2Lt
N Bongiovanni, Michael (NMI), 1Lt
B Joyce, Robert W. “Dead-eye”, Capt
E Langley, Edmund P., Jr., S/Sgt
R Doughty, Paul V., T/Sgt
G Dembrowski, Henry J., S/Sgt,
F None
A/C No. 43-27530 “Twin Engine
P Mitchell, Robert E., 1Lt
CP Garrett, Thaddeus D., 1Lt
N None
B Berman, Samuel (NMI), S/Sgt
E Pineda, Nico M., S/Sgt
R None listed
G Markiewicz, Edward B., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27791
P Tetlow, John S., 1Lt
CP Ivory, Daniel J., Jr., 2Lt
N None
B Ratcliffe, James E., Jr., S/Sgt
E Clark, Raymond S., S/Sgt
R Brusa, Robert P., S/Sgt
G Trigler, Louis E., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27668
Holcombe, Dewey R., 1Lt
Stromberg, Carl K., 2Lt
Pealer, Woodward D., Sgt
Wright, Melvin M., Cpl
Mardeuse, Alfred K., S/Sgt
Edwards, Jesse R., Cpl
A/C No. 43-27523
Ovard, Glen S., 1Lt
Burks, Richard W., Capt
Allendorph, John B., 2Lt
Martin, James M., Jr., 2Lt
Veeck, Richard W., S/Sgt
Blackard, James R. “Jim”, T/Sgt
Justice, Conway J., Jr., Cpl
A/C No. 43-27538 “Down But Not
Carrington, Charles C., 1Lt
Autrey, W. F. (i.o.), 2Lt
Bass, Bernard G., S/Sgt
Goethals, Camiel A., Sgt
None listed
Sharp, Samuel I., Jr., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27528
Stevens, Ray B., 1Lt
Sheffield, Woodrow W., 2Lt
Qualls, Thomas B., S/Sgt
Haack, Cecil J., S/Sgt
Seward, Richard F., S/Sgt
Hawthorne, Ralph C., S/Sgt
Saturday, 4 November 1944 (continued)
A/C No. 43-27726
P Anderson, Douglas R., 1Lt
CP Rubin, Julius W., 2Lt
N Steely, Ralph K., 2Lt
B Brink, Richard E., 2Lt
E Perillo, Anthony L., S/Sgt
R Campbell, James R., T/Sgt
G Enderle, Melvin J., Cpl
F None
A/C No. 43-28081
P Bard, John A., 1Lt
CP Smith, Milford A., 2Lt
N Gardner, Philip K., 2Lt
B Young, Robert B., 1Lt
E Reves, Louis E., Cpl
R Herod, James E. “Jim”, Cpl
G Knauss, Charles F., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-4037 “Cherry Fizz”
Norris, Grafton R., 1Lt
Kuoni, Charles F., Jr., 2Lt
Baird, James (NMI), Jr., S/Sgt
Donaud, Earl J., S/Sgt
None listed
Gage, Robert L., Sgt
448th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 596/mission 596) Group Mission # 596:
(448th BS did not participate)
448th BS: War Diary of: Schaffer, Irving J., S/Sgt, radio-gunner:
“Awoke 7:40AM. Clear, sunny morning. French toast, oatmeal, tomato juice, coffee.
Stand-down on Rome trip. Briefing for mission at 10:35AM. Put in cellophane front
window for reading during the day. Creamed macaroni, fresh tomatoes, string beans,
bread, butter, water. Went with Mike to 124th QM Bakery. Showered outside. Roast
beef, fresh mashed potatoes, peas, gravy, chocolate pudding, bread, coffee. Conversed
with Bruno Antonio Perri, Calabria, Italy, our Italian mason. Fair evening. Retired
Bruno Antonio Perri, of Calabria, Italy, Italian mason
Kocsis, Michael (NMI) “Mike”, Jr., Sgt, cook, Mess Sgt
Sunday, 5 November 1944
USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF):
In Italy, medium bombers, flying 300+ sorties, bomb bridges in the
Brenner Pass and in the NE Po Valley to interdict the Germans' 2 main supply routes
from the N; fighters and fighter-bombers hit defenses and forces in the battle areas in the
N Apennines S of Bologna and attack communications targets to the N as well as in battle
HQ 321st BG War Diary: This date, Majors Cameron (Group Operations Officer) and
Cooper (446th Commanding Officer) received “battlefield promotions” to Lt. Colonel
from General Cannon.
Cameron, William D. “Bill”, Jr., Lt Col, operations, HQ 321st BG
Cooper, Paul T., Lt Col, pilot, Commander, 446th BS
HQ 321st BG Mission Summary (Ops Order 597/mission 597) Group Mission # 597:
Paradoxically enough, the “milk run” for the day, the Sacile Railroad Bridge was missed
completely although both approaches were severed.
(Group mission report not available at this time)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------HQ 321st BG Mission Summary (Ops Order 598/mission 598) Group Mission # 598:
In spite of the heavy, intense, accurate flak at the target, the Nervesa Railroad bridge
received the impact of a beautiful 100 percent concentration of bombs and photos showed
at least one span knocked down.
(Group mission report not available at this time)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------445th BS War Diary: This squadron participated in a mission against the Piave
Susegana railroad bridge, Italy, smashing it with 100 percent bombing accuracy. A plane
finally got through to Rome for the first time in two weeks and the men over there
returned after a long vacation. Bob Testa was welcomed home. A “war situation” lecture
was given at the enlisted men’s club this evening. There was a meeting of all
bombardiers in the squadron. The bombardiers were given a general lecture and “chewed
out” for yesterday’s bombing. When bombardiers get a “chewing” for achieving better
than 81 percent bombing accuracy, then you realize you are in fast company. There was
plenty of drinking at the enlisted men’s club tonight and Doc Smith and the MitchellAires furnished the music.
Smith, William C. "Doc", Capt, Flight Surgeon
Testa, Robert W., Sgt, intelligence
445th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 597/mission 597) Group Mission # 597:
(445th BS did not participate)
Sunday, 5 November 1944 (continued)
445th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 598/mission 598) Group Mission # 598:
Group Mission # 598
Squadron Mission # 386
Capt. Wagner led 12 ships of this squadron in an 18 plane formation sent out to bomb the
Nervesa railroad bridge without escort although 2 chaff ships were used. No fighters
were seen but the flak was heavy, moderate to intense, and fairly accurate. 7 aircraft
were holed by the flak, 1 man being wounded by flying plexiglass. The planes dropped
1000 pound GP bombs from 10/10,500 feet. RESULTS: Major concentration on center
with several direct hits. Cluster west of center and on both ends of bridge.
A/C No. 43-27742 “Vicious Vera”
(later “Winnie Mae”)
P Wagner, Gerald W., Capt
CP Kourafas, James (NMI) “Jim”, 2Lt
N Fisher, Sigmund M., 1Lt
B Finkhouse, Lloyd L., 1Lt
E Walther, Henry W., S/Sgt
R Giorgio, John B., T/Sgt
G Hafner, Duane H., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27899 “Flo”
P Webb, Allen W. “Pete”, 1Lt
CP Sprankle, Floyd H., 2Lt
N None
B Beck, Robert B. “Bob”, 2Lt
E Kofmehl, James J., S/Sgt
R Reagin, Charles T., Cpl
G Slodden, Henry M. “Kip”, Sgt
F None
A/C No. 44-28722 “Spirit of
P Payne, Lawrence J., 1Lt
CP Young, William G., 2Lt
N None
B Gifford, Robert H., 1Lt
E Cummings, Walter T., S/Sgt
R McDonald, Thomas E., T/Sgt
G Henry, William W., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27714 “Blonde Beauty”
Moore, William H., Jr., 1Lt
Miron, Leno L., 2Lt
Chauncey, Martin E. “Marty”, T/Sgt
Sycylo, Theodore W., Cpl
Matter, Dean R., Cpl
Bates, Leonard H., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27509
Santone, Michael A., 1Lt
Middleton, Donald M., 2Lt
Carney, Robert J., T/Sgt
Cubley, Harold B., T/Sgt
Leach, Earl V., T/Sgt
Clayton, Ross W., Cpl
A/C No. 43-27716 “Shit House
Baker, Thomas J., 1Lt
McMahon, Bernard J. “Mac”, Jr., 2Lt
Salch, Raymond F., Cpl
Watts, Joseph T., Jr., Cpl
Engleman, Bud (NMI), Cpl
Moorehead, Lewis E., Sgt
Sunday, 5 November 1944 (continued)
A/C No. 43-27741 “Val” (previously
“Modern Design”)
Kendall, Wayne E., 1Lt
Shutters, Paul E., 2Lt
Skebey, Robert J., 2Lt
Taylor, Marion R., Cpl
Kavan, Lester D., S/Sgt
Smith, Francis L. “Smitty”, Sgt
A/C No. 43-27698 “Peggy Lou”
Bowling, Dan Parker, 1Lt
DeBoer, Jay (NMI), Jr., 2Lt
Silnutzer, Joseph A., 1Lt
Larson, Richard A., Cpl
Otterness, William B., Cpl
Valley, Arnold E., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27534 (standing lady)
Hadsell, Donald M., 1Lt
White, Edward A., 2Lt
Doherty, Charles S., S/Sgt
Carruthers, John (NMI), II, Sgt
Kneisel, Charles W., T/Sgt
Decker, Robert J., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27745 (borrowed from
446th BS)(Wing spare - did not fill in)
Poteete, Max W., 2Lt
Young, Paul L., 2Lt
Hagerman, Millard W., 1Lt
Gum, Paul V., Cpl
Krober, Raymond D., Jr., Cpl
Stanley, Harold Gene “Gene”, Cpl
A/C No. 43-27502 “Pretty Kitty Blue
Eyes” (previously “What’s Cookin’?”)
Born, Walter E., 1Lt
Curry, Arthur L. “Art”, 2Lt
Larkin, Francis C. “Charley”, S/Sgt
Hunsberger, William R., Cpl
DeLaune, William P., S/Sgt
Haynes, Irving L., Cpl
A/C No. 43-27545 “Maggie”
Place, Winston R., 1Lt
Emler, Richard S. “Dick”, 2Lt
Cravey, Robert P., 2Lt
Krauk, Edward J., Sgt
Cray, John H., T/Sgt
Morisi, David D., Cpl
A/C No. 43-27572 “Babs”
McLaughlin, Ellwood F., Jr., 1Lt
Lewis, Max E., 2Lt
Barrett, Ray E., S/Sgt
Cavanaugh, Thomas J., Jr., S/Sgt
Rockett, James J., T/Sgt
Jacobs, Harry E., S/Sgt
Sunday, 5 November 1944 (continued)
446th BS War Diary: The squadron sends up 12 planes in the mission flown today.
446th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 597/mission 597) Group Mission # 597:
Squadron Mission 419
TARGET: Sacile R.R. Bridge, Italy
DATE: 5 Nov.1944
Type of Bombs: 1000 lb.
446th Planes: 12
Lt. Grady led the formation. Bridge missed. Bombs concentrated N and E of target, may
have cut E approach. No flak, no fighters. Lt. Ligon was a spare and returned early.
Grady, John R., 1Lt, pilot, 448th BS
A/C No. 43-27699 “Jessie” (later name
dropped from nose art)
P Pietrowski, Stanley J., 1Lt
CP Panning, Robert F., 2Lt
N Gambino, Samuel F., 1Lt
B Farber, Joseph L., 1Lt
E DeAngelo, Ralph J., S/Sgt
R McCarty, Lyle (NMI), S/Sgt
G Bryan, Dwight L., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-4021 “The Little
Admiral” (later Lady Jane)
P Grove, Russell V., 1Lt
CP Ramsay, Lamar E., 2Lt
N None
B Derringer, Albert J., 2Lt
E Henry, Scott G., S/Sgt
R Nagy, Julius L., S/Sgt
G Leeper, Kenneth E., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27496 “PRINCESS”
(previously PRINCESS PAOLA II)
P Briles, Connolly O., 1Lt
CP Berge, Gail B., 2Lt
N None
B Horlen, Aubrey B., Cpl
E Kreider, John L., S/Sgt
R Freeman, Cecil O., S/Sgt
G Haxby, William H., Jr., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27696 “Baby Blue Eyes”
Smedley, Robert Redmond, Capt
Fisher, Carl D., 2Lt
McGann, Edom K., 2Lt
Knapp, Walter E., S/Sgt
Sweedler, Max (NMI), T/Sgt
South, William R., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-4074 (picture of seated
lady - no name/lettering)
Wojcik, Walter (NMI), 1Lt
Chandler, Warren W., 2Lt
Law, John B., Cpl
Aderholt, William J., Jr., S/Sgt
Kaufman, Sanders S., S/Sgt
Wiacek, Emil J., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27477 “Boots”
Trosky, Chester J., 1Lt
DiNorma, Joseph S., 2Lt
Yarbrough, George L., 1Lt
Alexander, Preston S., S/Sgt
Cubbage, Robert (NMI), Cpl
Glendening, George F., Jr., S/Sgt
Sunday, 5 November 1944 (continued)
A/C No. 43-27747 “Spider’s Frolic
P Gittings, Raymond W., 1Lt
CP Sloan, Thomas M., 2Lt
N None
B Clausen, Lawrence A., 1Lt
E Nigrelli, Ernest J., Cpl
R Koos, Walter V., S/Sgt
G Alberico, Camillo A., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27501 “Sweet Sue Kathy
Jeanne” (unnamed to Nov 44. In 45
“Kathy Jeanne” dropped)
P Ivankovig, Paul J., 1Lt
CP Perlman, Jacob L., 2Lt
N None
B Leith, William V., 1Lt
E Cornelius, Wilbur G., Sgt
R Poorman, William H., T/Sgt
G Thornton, Edward P., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27497 “Barbara”
Goodrich, John W., 1Lt
Manolis, Ronald J., 2Lt
Pettit, Robert H., 1Lt
Demmitt, Henry H., Cpl
Flasher, Henry F., Cpl
Wagner, William M., Cpl
A/C No. 43-27732 “LEYDALE” (spare
– did not fill in)
P Ligon, Walton M., 1Lt
CP Kimble, Arnold P., 2Lt
N Dunn, Thomas B., 1Lt
B Sitts, Lonnie C., 1Lt
E Leonard, Malcolm B., S/Sgt
R Luitjens, Harvey J., Cpl
G Bruner, Edward (NMI), S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-4020 “Bourbon Baby”
Reilly, John A., 1Lt
Schmid, Kenneth L., 2Lt
Gilligan, John W., 1Lt
Petrella, Luigi C., S/Sgt
Cohen, George (NMI), S/Sgt
Cifuni, Robert J., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-3989 “My Georgia Peach”
(on co-pilot side - “The Leading Lady”,
previously “Miss Dallas”)
Rackley, Donald D., 1Lt
Everhart, Herman E., F/O
Codd, Russell G., F/O
Stapleton, Carl B., S/Sgt
McKearin, William Jerome, S/Sgt
Beavers, Marqus F., Cpl
A/C No. 43-4097 “Tiny?” (later
Ziglar, Frank C., Maj
Davis, Robert L., 2Lt
Gale, Benjamin H., Jr., 1Lt
Davis, Virgil F., S/Sgt
McFarland, Charles W., S/Sgt
Popovich, Chris (NMI), Sgt
Sunday, 5 November 1944 (continued)
446th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 598/mission 598) Group Mission # 598:
(446th BS did not participate)
447th BS War Diary: T/Sgt Myron R. Small was promoted to Master Sergeant, per SO
194, Hq 321st Bomb Gp. Usual Squadron Duties prevailed throughout the day.
Small, Myron R., M/Sgt, communication
447th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 597/mission 597) Group Mission # 597:
(447th BS did not participate)
447th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 598/mission 598) Group Mission # 598: Two
of our planes participated in a window mission heading the other Squadrons. Both planes
returned safely.
A/C No. 43-27492 “Reddie Teddie”
Guy M. “Pappy”, 1Lt
CP Bullion, Roland G. “Rollo”, 2Lt
N None
B Boyle, Joseph G., Jr., 1Lt
E Applegarth, Smith B., S/Sgt
R Balling, Robert J., T/Sgt
G Sims, James W., Cpl
F None
A/C No. 43-27473 “Paper Doll”
Walker, Marion E., 1Lt
Wallis, Shelby D., F/O
Volkmann, Lester W., F/O
Byrn, Ernest E., S/Sgt
Torrey, Francis S., S/Sgt
Bowman, John (NMI) “Red”, S/Sgt
448th BS War Diary: Captain VanRaam, Lieutenant Lyons and Lieutenant McRee
returned from a pleasant Sojourn in the good ole United States. Lieutenant J.T. Hicks
returned from DS at 57th Bomb Wing. All personnel returned safely from both missions.
Brink, Richard E., 2Lt, bombardier
Hicks, John T., 2Lt, pilot
Lyons, John B., 1Lt, pilot
McRee, Malcolm B., 2Lt, bombardier
VanRaam, Rudolph (NMI), Capt, pilot
448th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 597/mission 597) Group Mission # 597: The
other mission for the day consisted of six 448th ships leading the group attack against the
Sacile railroad bridge, Italy. Both approaches of the tiny bridge were cut.
A/C No. 44-28918
Ready, Walter W., 1Lt
Cherry, Raymond (NMI), Jr., 2Lt
Poteet, Edward J., T/Sgt
Weyeneth, Carl H., S/Sgt
Bixler, Frederick F., T/Sgt
Hersh, Bertram (NMI), S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27791
Duggan, Raymond E., 2Lt
Bechtle, Robert M., 2Lt
Carter, Eugene F., S/Sgt
Williams, Griffith E., S/Sgt
None listed
Holloway, Garland (NMI), S/Sgt
Sunday, 5 November 1944 (continued)
A/C No. 43-4067 “The Big Swing”
P Grady, John R., 1Lt
CP Birkhead, Charles F., Jr., 2Lt
N Freund, John F., 2Lt
B Mallin, Theodore (NMI), 1Lt
E Ratcliffe, James E., Jr., S/Sgt
R Randall, Charles R., Jr., S/Sgt
G Bishop, William (NMI), S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-4037 “Cherry Fizz”
P Rosenau, Gustave D., 1Lt
CP Cook, Don W., 2Lt
N None
B Bass, Bernard G., S/Sgt
E Bell, Flavious J., S/Sgt
R None listed
G Carrick, Kenneth M., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27528
Ovard, Glen S., 1Lt
Cooper, Richard J., 2Lt
Bartlett, J. E., 2Lt
Comfort, Edward P., 1Lt
Qualls, Thomas B., S/Sgt
Hulse, Donald W., S/Sgt
Ferrell, Bruce M., Pvt
A/C No. 43-27508
Carrington, Charles C., 1Lt
Schweitzer, Robert E., 2Lt
Wald, Douglas A., S/Sgt
Veeck, Richard W., S/Sgt
Sullivan, Timothy V., T/Sgt
Dembrowski, Henry J., S/Sgt
448th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 598/mission 598) Group Mission # 598: The
unit continued the assault against the enemy by pulling two missions today. One,
consisting of six planes from the 448th, was directed against the Nervesa rail bridge on
the Italian mainland. With our promising fledgling bombardier, Lt. Brink, over the
bombsight the formation dealt another 100% accurate blow against the enemy. The
heavy, moderate to intense and accurate anti-aircraft fire desperately thrown up by the
ground batteries failed to discourage the determined bombers.
A/C No. 43-27530 “Twin Engine
P Mitchell, Robert E., 1Lt
CP Rubin, Julius W., 2Lt
N None
B Sutton, Norman J., 2Lt
E Turner, James H., Pvt
R Seward, Richard F., S/Sgt
G Markiewicz, Edward B., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-4076
Holcombe, Dewey R., 1Lt
Ivory, Daniel J., Jr., 2Lt
Berman, Samuel (NMI), S/Sgt
Pineda, Nico M., S/Sgt
None listed
Enderle, Melvin J., Cpl
Sunday, 5 November 1944 (continued)
A/C No. 43-27720
Leonard, Lee V., 1Lt
Autrey, W. F. (i.o.), 2Lt
Smith, Raymond (NMI), 1Lt
Brink, Richard E., 2Lt
Magers, Marshall P., S/Sgt
Walker, Jack L., T/Sgt
Magyar, Steven J., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-4068 “The Dutchess”
P Kruse, Milford E., 1Lt
CP West, Alden A. “Bud”, 2Lt
N None
B Rockwell, Stewart R. “Rockwell”, S/Sgt
E Roberts, Charles J., S/Sgt
R None listed
G Pealer, Woodward D., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27706 “Silver Belle”
Rogers, Harry (NMI), Jr., 1Lt
Fleming, George B., 2Lt
Steely, Ralph K., 2Lt
Young, Robert B., 1Lt
Perillo, Anthony L., S/Sgt
Brusa, Robert P., S/Sgt
Trigler, Louis E., S/Sgt
A/C No. 44-28721 “Shug”
Kirk, Theodore (NMI) “Ted”, 1Lt
Wilson, James M., 2Lt
Reves, Louis E., Cpl
Weese, Charles F., Cpl
Herod, James E. “Jim”, Cpl
Hammerschmiedt, Harry E., S/Sgt
448th BS: War Diary of: Schaffer, Irving J., S/Sgt, radio-gunner:
“Sun shining in cellophane window awoke me at 6:30AM. Played with "Snafu".
Pancakes, stewed prunes, bacon, marmalade. Rome trip canceled. Took off to bring
back those stranded in Rome. Two missions today. 100% on yesterday's Vercelli RR
bridge. Milk run. Spaghetti and sauce, lima beans, spinach, fresh vegetables, salad,
bread, butter, water. Went over to Red Cross and special service HQ for 321st GP.
Helped crack stone for fireplace with sledgehammer. Vienna sausage, tarter sauce, fresh
boiled potatoes, string beans, fresh tomatoes, fruit salad, coffee, bread. Drank Marsala
at Morefield’s tent. He brought it back from Rome. Partly cloudy sky. Conversed with
Bruno in Italian. Retired 9:30PM.”
Bruno Antonio Perri of Calabria, Italy, Italian mason
Morefield, James Carl, T/Sgt, radio-gunner
"Snafu" - Sgt George Huha’s dog
Monday, 6 November 1944
USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF):
In Italy, medium bombers strike electric transformers and converters,
railway bridges and railway fills on the rail line through the Brenner Pass; fighterbombers and fighters again hit troops and gun positions in the battlelines S of Bologna
and communications targets N of the battle area.
HQ 321st BG War Diary: A different type of target today failed to confuse anyone and
the target, the Ala Transformer Station in the Brenner Pass, was as usual smothered with
high explosives and rendered completely useless to anyone for a considerable length of
time. 36 aircraft did the job as the Group flew its 600 th combat mission.
HQ 321st BG Mission Summary (Ops Order 599/mission 599) Group Mission # 599:
Ala Transformer Station in the Brenner Pass,
(Group mission report not available at this time)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------HQ 321st BG Mission Summary (Ops Order 600/mission 600) Group Mission # 600:
Ala Transformer Station in the Brenner Pass,
(Group mission report not available at this time)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------445th BS War Diary: Capt. Wagner led the 445 th in a perfect mission against the Ala
Transformer Station, Italy. It was the group’s 600 th attack. Lt. Denman, escaped prisoner
of war from another squadron, gave a lecture this afternoon to the combat crews on
escape procedure. Gen. Knapp presented some DFCs and Air Medals this afternoon at
the officers club. Spaghetti and meat balls was served for supper. A good amount of
packages arrived after supper.
Denman, John L., 2Lt, pilot, 447th BS
Wagner, Gerald W., Capt, pilot
Knapp, Robert Duane, Brigadier General, 57th BW Commander
445th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 599/mission 599) Group Mission # 599:
(445th BS did not participate)
445th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 600/mission 600) Group Mission # 600:
Group Mission # 600
Squadron Mission # 387
Again Capt. Wagner led the formation which included 9 ships of the 445 th. The
formation had area cover without experiencing any flak or fighters. The target was the
Ala transformer station, Italy. Going up to 12/12,500 feet, the bombers dropped 500
pound bombs on the target. RESULTS: Good concentration with all bombs in the target
area. Several direct hits reported on buildings. Concentration of bombs on east half of
target area.
Monday, 6 November 1944 (continued)
A/C No. 43-27742 “Vicious Vera”
(later “Winnie Mae”)
Wagner, Gerald W., Capt
Buckingham, Richard P., 2Lt
Napple, Francis L., 1Lt
Finkhouse, Lloyd L., 1Lt
Cummings, Walter T., S/Sgt
Leach, Earl V., T/Sgt
Miller, Robert J., Jr., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27741 “Val” (previously
“Modern Design”)
Poteete, Max W., 2Lt
Young, Paul L., 2Lt
Hagerman, Millard W., 1Lt
Cavanaugh, Thomas J., Jr., S/Sgt
DeLaune, William P., S/Sgt
Baker, Max E., Cpl
A/C No. 44-28722 “Spirit of
Thompson, Henry C., Jr., 1Lt
Dentoni, Louis M., 2Lt
Weiner, Irving B., 2Lt
Woody, Louis M., Sgt
Kneisel, Charles W., T/Sgt
Valley, Arnold E., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27899 “Flo”
Dyer, Robert H., 1Lt
Mogren, Edward G., 2Lt
Palmer, Richard W., 1Lt
Carruthers, John (NMI), II, Sgt
Kavan, Lester D., S/Sgt
Arcuri, John (NMI), S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27509
Eatherly, Joseph A., 1Lt
Couch, Thomas (NMI), Jr., 2Lt
Salch, Raymond F., Cpl
Freiler, Walter C., S/Sgt
McDonald, Thomas E., T/Sgt
Bates, Leonard H., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27545 “Maggie”
Payne, Lawrence J., 1Lt
Curry, Arthur L. “Art”, 2Lt
Cravey, Robert P., 2Lt
Mitchell, Robert D. “Bob”, Cpl
Nuttall, John H., Cpl
Clayton, Ross W., Cpl
A/C No. 43-27534 (standing lady)
Monger, Samuel A. “Sam”, Jr., 1Lt
Emler, Richard S. “Dick”, 2Lt
Larkin, Francis C. “Charley”, S/Sgt
Cubley, Harold B., T/Sgt
Matter, Dean R., Cpl
Henry, William W., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27572 “Babs”
Glasford, Loren G., 1Lt
Rung, Raymond F. “Red”, Jr., 2Lt
Gonzales, Alfred R., T/Sgt
Gum, Paul V., Cpl
Engleman, Bud (NMI), Sgt
Hafner, Duane H., S/Sgt
Monday, 6 November 1944 (continued)
A/C No. 43-27502 “Pretty Kitty Blue
Eyes” (previously “What’s Cookin’?”)
Elliott, James R., Jr., 1Lt
Cox, Harold L., 2Lt
Barrett, Ray E., S/Sgt
Sycylo, Theodore W., Cpl
Krober, Raymond D., Jr., Cpl
Morisi, David D., Cpl
A/C No. 43-27733 “Porky’s Baby”
(scheduled # 5 position – failed to take
Spencer, Charles F., 1Lt
McFatter, Joe H., 2Lt
Jackson, William H., 2Lt
Chambers, Jimmie (NMI), S/Sgt
Reagin, Charles T., Cpl
Stanley, Harold Gene “Gene”, Cpl
446th BS War Diary: Lieut. Hipson and Finney, Heery and Mowry get those longawaited orders to return to the states. A good mission to Ala transformer station, Italy.
Finney, Preston N., S/Sgt, radio-gunner, bombardier
Heery, Philip M., S/Sgt, gunner
Hipson, Robert Graham, 1Lt, pilot
Mowry, Michael L. S., S/Sgt, engineer-gunner
446th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 599/mission 599) Group Mission # 599:
Squadron Mission 420
TARGET: Ala Transformer Station, Italy
DATE: 6 Nov.1944
Type of Bombs: 500 lb.
446th Planes: 9
Lt. Colonel Cooper led the formation. Good concentration, with all bombs in target area.
A number of direct hits observed with large flashes coming from N building. No flak, no
fighters. Lt. Trosky, a spare, returned early.
A/C No. 43-27678
A/C No. 43-27497 “Barbara”
Nagel, Charles E., 1Lt
P Cooper, Paul T., Lt Col, Commander
Crisp, Glenn S., Jr., 2Lt
CP Cassidy, Charles F., Jr., Lt Col, HQ
321 BG
N Franklin, Arthur E., Capt
Paulson, Ronald A., 1Lt
B Mayo, Jack D., Capt
Kreider, John L., S/Sgt
E Leonard, Malcolm B., S/Sgt
Wilking, Robert L., Sgt
R Luitjens, Harvey J., Cpl
Haxby, William H., Jr., Sgt
G Ritger, Frederic Charles, 1Lt X(P)
F None
A/C No. 43-4074 (picture of seated
A/C No. 43-27747 “Spider’s Frolic
lady - no name/lettering)
Ingram, William T, 1Lt
P Ivankovig, Paul J., 1Lt
Cressman, Jack E., 2Lt
CP Perlman, Jacob L., 2Lt
N None
Beecher, Everett F., S/Sgt
B Leith, William V., 1Lt
Knapp, Walter E., S/Sgt
E Cornelius, Wilbur G., Sgt
Koos, Walter V., S/Sgt
R Poorman, William H., T/Sgt
South, William R., S/Sgt
G Thornton, Lotus Moody, S/Sgt
F None
Monday, 6 November 1944 (continued)
A/C No. 43-4097 “Tiny?” (later
P Doyle, John D., 1Lt
CP Manolis, Ronald J., 2Lt
N None
B Vannah, Harold P., Jr., F/O
E Henry, Scott G., S/Sgt
R Bundy, Garland A., S/Sgt
G Cassidy, Warren J., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-3989 “My Georgia Peach”
(on co-pilot side - “The Leading Lady”,
previously “Miss Dallas”)
P Matthews, John Walker, Jr., 1Lt
CP Panning, Robert F., 2Lt
N Gambino, Samuel F., 1Lt
B Lippy, Harvey W., 1Lt
E Petrella, Luigi C., S/Sgt
R Cohen, Irwin (NMI), S/Sgt
G Cifuni, Robert J., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27477 “Boots”
Goodrich, John W., 1Lt
Carlson, Lowell A., 2Lt
Pettit, Robert H., 1Lt
Davis, Virgil F., S/Sgt
McFarland, Charles W., S/Sgt
Popovich, Chris (NMI), Sgt
A/C No. 43-27696
Smedley, Robert Redmond, Capt
Fisher, Carl D., 2Lt
McGann, Edom K., 2Lt
Bender, Vernon I., S/Sgt
Nagy, Julius L., S/Sgt
Glendening, George F., Jr., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-4021 “The Little
Admiral” (later Lady Jane)
Rackley, Donald D., 1Lt
Everhart, Herman E., F/O
Gale, Benjamin H., Jr., 1Lt
Stapleton, Carl B., S/Sgt
McKearin, William Jerome, S/Sgt
Beavers, Marqus F., Cpl
A/C No. 43-4020 (Wing spare – did not
complete mission)
Trosky, Chester J., 1Lt
DiNorma, Joseph S., 2Lt
Kaenzig, Charles Leslie, 1Lt
Alexander, Preston S., S/Sgt
Cubbage, Robert (NMI), Cpl
Wiacek, Emil J., S/Sgt
446th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 600/mission 600) Group Mission # 600:
(446th BS did not participate)
446th BS: War Diary of: Luitjens, Harvey J., Cpl, radio-gunner: (mission 9)
“No. 9) Ala Electric transformer station. 4x1000. FW got 4 B-26's. Flew with Lt. Col.
Cooper, Paul T., Lt Col, pilot, Commander
Monday, 6 November 1944 (continued)
447th BS War Diary: 1st Lt William F. Heitman, S/Sgt Robert W. Koecher, and 1 st Lt
Calvin B. Christian were reld from asgmt and asgd to 7th Repl Depot for transshipment to
the United States.
Christian, Calvin B., 1Lt, pilot
Heitman, William F., 1Lt, pilot
Koecher, Robert W., S/Sgt, engineer-gunner
447th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 599/mission 599) Group Mission # 599:
(447th BS did not participate)
447th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 600/mission 600) Group Mission # 600: Nine
of our planes participated in a mission attacking the Power House at Ala, in Italy. The
Squadron scored another 100% bombing accuracy mission. Looks as though this
Squadron again will have an excellent month of bombing.
A/C No. 43-4060 “Cover Girl”
Walker, Marion E., 1Lt
Wallis, Shelby D., F/O
Schmoke, Vernon L., 2Lt
Byrn, Ernest E., S/Sgt
Torrey, Francis S., T/Sgt
Bowman, John (NMI) “Red”, S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27779
P Woods, Richard J., 1Lt
CP Yerger, John W., 2Lt
N None
B Bokum, John B., F/O
E Perl, Richard H., Sgt
R Appleman, Carroll G., Cpl
G Gorden, Robert L., Cpl
F Burns, Harry B., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-4040 “Fearless Fosdick”
P Satterwhite, Henry C., 1Lt
CP Appenzeller, Richard D., 2Lt
N None
B Volkmann, Lester W., F/O
E Curry, Hughie L., S/Sgt
R Schnaars, George D., S/Sgt
G Connolly, Paul B., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27492 “Reddie Teddie”
Murray, Richard E., Capt
Bullion, Ronald G. “Rollo”, 2Lt
Lindell, Harold N., 1Lt
Huffman, William C., 1Lt
Beckhart, Maurice H., S/Sgt
Toole, John F., T/Sgt
Ochs, Dan (NMI), Jr., Cpl
A/C No. 43-27636
Ramey, Gordon A. “Gordy”, 1Lt
Condit, Albert K., 2Lt
Bardy, Edmund E., Jr., 2Lt
Baldridge, Grant W., S/Sgt
Simberg, Alvin L., T/Sgt
Smith, Kenneth C., Sgt
A/C No. 43-27506 “Rebel Devil”
Burns, Robert J., 1Lt
Breckenridge, Louis C., 2Lt
Lankester, Hugh H. “Lank”, 2Lt
Dulaney, Earl W., Sgt
Bartram, Roy H., Cpl
Klimkowicz, Zigmond (NMI), Cpl
Monday, 6 November 1944 (continued)
A/C No. 43-4009 “Double-O-Nine”
Murchland, Robert Keith, 2Lt
Buckley, Paul I., 2Lt
Boyle, Joseph G., Jr., 1Lt
Dimondstein, Herbert (NMI), S/Sgt
Hourahan, William F., Jr., Pvt
McKnight, John A., Jr., Cpl
A/C No. 43-27751 “MMR” (Meet Mrs.
P Hutson, Ernest G. “Hod”, 2Lt
CP Dickson, John L., Jr., 2Lt
N None
B Hiller, Frederick J., 2Lt
E Mercea, George (NMI), S/Sgt
R See, Russell K., T/Sgt
G Staub, Edward C., Cpl
F Balling, Robert J., T/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27542 “Superstitious
Gates, Edward (NMI), 1Lt
Grimse, Ralph T., 1Lt
Gargiulo, Vincent J. “Vince”, 1Lt
Smith, William L., S/Sgt
Pelak, Andrew (NMI), T/Sgt
Drew, Horace E., Cpl
448th BS War Diary: (No non-mission information)
448th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 599/mission 599) Group Mission # 599: The
unit reached the pinnacle of precision bombing today against the Ala transformer station
in Northern Italy. Nine planes were airborne for this flight led by Captain Farwell, with
Captain Joyce, the Squadron Bombardier, on the sight. The boys were not fooled by this
different type of target and attacked it with the utmost skill. Such an excellent
concentration was scored that it was termed “pickle barrel bombing”. And pickle barrel
bombing it was for not a single bomb landed outside the uncommonly small target area.
This 100% mission literally “wiped the target off the map”.
A/C No. 43-27652 “Out of Bounds”
Harold S., Capt
CP Burks, Richard W., Capt
N Bongiovanni, Michael (NMI), 1Lt
B Joyce, Robert W. “Dead-eye”, Capt
E Perillo, Anthony L., S/Sgt
R Doughty, Paul V., S/Sgt
G Holloway, Garland (NMI), S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-37523
Ovard, Glen S., 1Lt
Churchill, Duane W., 2Lt
Martin, James M., Jr., 2Lt
Veeck, Richard W., S/Sgt
Herod, James E. “Jim”, Cpl
Justice, Conway J., Jr., Cpl
Monday, 6 November 1944 (continued)
A/C No. 43-4037 “Cherry Fizz”
Kirk, Theodore (NMI) “Ted”, 1Lt
Rubin, Julius W., 2Lt
Wald, Douglas A., S/Sgt
Weyeneth, Carl H., S/Sgt
Bixler, Frederick F., T/Sgt
Hersh, Bertram (NMI), S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-4067 “The Big Swing”
Tetlow, John S., 1Lt
Schweitzer, Robert E., 2Lt
Pealer, Woodward D., Sgt
Williams, Griffith E., Sgt
Hulse, Donald W., S/Sgt
Carrick, Kenneth M., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27530 “Twin Engine
Duggan, Raymond E., 2Lt
Kuoni, Charles F., Jr., 2Lt
Goethals, Camiel A., Sgt
Reeves, Louis E., Cpl
Mardeuse, Alfred K., S/Sgt
Knauss, Charles F., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27726
Shear, Meyer (NMI), 1Lt
Cooper, Richard J., 2Lt
McKinley, Robert H., 1Lt
Shaw, Charles W., 1Lt
Donaud, Earl J., S/Sgt
Campbell, James R., T/Sgt
Trigler, Louis E., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-4076
Holcombe, Dewey R., 1Lt
Birkhead, Charles F., Jr., 2Lt
Poteet, Edward J., T/Sgt
Wright, Melvin M., Cpl
Bass, Bernard G., S/Sgt
Edwards, Jesse R., Cpl
A/C No. 43-27508
Carrington, Charles C., 1Lt
Cherry, Raymond (NMI), Jr., 2Lt
Berman, Samuel (NMI), S/Sgt
Bell, Flavious J., S/Sgt
Sullivan, Timothy V., T/Sgt
Sharp, Samuel I., Jr., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27791
Garrett, Thaddeus D., 1Lt
Smith, Milford A., 2Lt
Baird, James (NMI), Jr., S/Sgt
Weese, Charles F., Cpl
Seward, Richard F., S/Sgt
Hawthorne, Ralph C., S/Sgt
448th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 600/mission 600) Group Mission # 600:
(448th BS did not participate)
Monday, 6 November 1944 (continued)
448th BS: War Diary of: Schaffer, Irving J., S/Sgt, radio-gunner:
“Awoke 6:30AM. Read in bed awhile. Raisin pancakes, oatmeal, coffee, grapefruit
juice. Very clear and warm. Tried to be taken off of Rome rest camp trip. No dice.
Commencing to housebreak "Snafu". Visited at 340th and Cecil Usher said Rudy's wife
knows about his fate. God, how I feel for her. The baby was born the same week the
telegram from the State Dept arrived. Every time I think of him, I fill up inside. Mail is
coming through constantly. Meat loaf, gravy, mashed potatoes, fresh vegetables, salad,
bread, butter, hot tea. Went up in mountains for more rocks for fireplace. Ate early
chow as I am on first shift of guard. Roast beef, mashed potatoes, peas, fried onions and
peppers, coffee. Clear evening. Snafu fed meat for first time. Sick at first. Bass and I
pulled first taxi strip guard. He spoke about Hawthorne's dislike for the Jews. Knowing
Bernard Bass as I do, I believe he agitates, very argumentative. Very starry evening.
Flying lead operator on tomorrow's mission. Retired 10:30PM.”
Bass, Bernard G., S/Sgt, radio-gunner, bombardier
DiFulvio, Rudolph A. "Rudy", 2Lt, bombardier
Hawthorne, Ralph C., S/Sgt, gunner
"Snafu" - Sgt George Huha’s dog
Usher, Cecil C., Sgt, tail gunner, 486th BS, 340th BG
Tuesday, 7 November 1944
USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF): The Adjutant General
officially orders the de facto action of 19 Oct redesignating HQ XII Fighter Command to
HQ XXII Tactical Air Command. In Italy, medium bombers of the 42 nd Bombardment
Wing (Medium) aid the Royal Air Force's (RAF's) Desert Air Force (DAF) in supporting
the British Eighth Army's attack on Forli; the 57th Bombardment Wing continues an
interdiction campaign against railway supply lines in NE Italy; fighter-bombers closely
support US Fifth Army forces astride the Idice River in the mountains S of Bologna and
bomb communications N of the Apennines, scoring many hits on bridges between
Piacenza and Bologna.
HQ 321st BG War Diary: Two Bombing missions and one nickeling were on the
schedule for today. 18 aircraft had a little better luck on the Sacile Railroad bridge and
laid a string right through the center to chalk up a 97.2 percent mission. The Motta di
Livenza Rail bridge recorded a 75 percent job and the bridge was believed down on
breakaway. The 12 aircraft nickeling dropped their missiles without incident other than
four planes damaged by “bombs” failing to clear slipstream readily.
HQ 321st BG Mission Summary (Ops Order xxx/mission xxx) Group Mission #
600W (A) - redesignated # 655 on 1 Jan 45:
TARGET: Weather Recce
SQUADRON: 445 NO A/C: 1 TIME OFF: 0615 TIME D0WN: 0910
Route out & back: Base to Rimini, due N. to E. of Venice, right turn, retrace to base.
Escort: None.
Bomb Load: None.
Signals: Drybeef.
Lt. Colonel, Air Corps,
Operations Officer.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------HQ 321st BG Mission Summary (Ops Order 601/mission 601) Group Mission # 601:
Sacile railroad bridge, Italy
(Group mission report not available at this time)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------HQ 321st BG Mission Summary (Ops Order 602/mission 602) Group Mission # 602:
Motta di Livenza, R.R. Bridge, Italy
(Group mission report not available at this time)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------HQ 321st BG Mission Summary (Ops Order 603/mission 603) Group Mission # 603:
Nickeling mission to Firenzuola, D’Arda, Mantua, and Bologna, Italy
(Group mission report not available at this time)
Tuesday, 7 November 1944 (continued)
445th BS War Diary: The 445th went out to hit the Sacile railroad bridge, Italy and Lt.
Robson, the lead bombardier, put his bombs in the dead center. Navigation classes for 6
enlisted bombardiers were held at the 446th squadron. Navigation instruments and their
uses were discussed. Lt. Lowery held a class on aerial gunnery for 12 gunners in the
squadron. There were 9 promotions for enlisted combat crew members.
Lowery, Bruce, 2Lt, armament
Robson, Herbert E., 2Lt, bombardier
445th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order xxx/mission xxx) Group Mission # 600W (A)
- redesignated # 655 on 1 Jan 45:
Group Mission # 600 W (A)
Squadron Mission # 388
Lt. Place flew a weather reconnaissance mission without experiencing flak or fighters.
He reported the weather good for a mission.
A/C No. 44-28722 “Spirit of
P Place, Winston R., 1Lt
CP Rung, Raymond F. “Red”, Jr., 2Lt
N Emery, Ben D., 1Lt
B Navigator filling both B & N positions
E Cummings, Walter T., S/Sgt
R Gonzales, Alfred R., T/Sgt
G Haynes, Irving L., Cpl
F Shaw, Charles W., 1Lt (observer)
445th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 601/mission 601) Group Mission # 601
Group Mission # 601
Squadron Mission # 389
Capt Weld led 9 bombers in the second flight of a formation sent out to bomb the Sacile
railroad bridge, Italy. Area cover was furnished but no fighters were seen and no flak
was reported. The planes dropped 1000 lb bombs from 10/10,500 feet. RESULTS: All
bombs in target area. Concentration on center and east end of bridge.
A/C No. 43-27698 “Peggy Lou”
P Weld, Willis R., Capt
CP Cox, Harold L., 2Lt
N Mitchell, Robert F., 1Lt
B Robson, Herbert E., 1Lt
E Larkin, Francis C. “Charley”, S/Sgt
R McDonald, Thomas E., T/Sgt
G Arcuri, John (NMI), S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27680 “Stuff”
McLaughlin, Elwood F., Jr., 1Lt
Couch, Thomas (NMI), Jr., 2Lt
Gifford, Robert H., 1Lt
Hope, Amos (NMI), S/Sgt
Rockett, James J., T/Sgt
Jacobs, Harry E., S/Sgt
Tuesday, 7 November 1944 (continued)
A/C No. 43-27741 “Val” (previously
“Modern Design”)
Poteete, Max W., 2Lt
Sprankle, Floyd H., 2Lt
Hagerman, Millard W., 1Lt
Cavanaugh, Thomas J., Jr., S/Sgt
Gray, John H., T/Sgt
Baker, Max E., Cpl
A/C No. 43-27714 “Blonde Beauty”
Born, Walter E., 1Lt
Shutters, Paul E., 2Lt
Doherty, Charles S., Sgt
Krauk, Edward J., Sgt
Krober, Raymond D., Jr., Cpl
Morisi, David D., Cpl
A/C No. 43-27748 “Mama”
Bowling, Dan Parker, 1Lt
White, Edward A., 2Lt
Starczewski, Phillip R., 2Lt
Silnutzer, Joseph A., 1Lt
Kofmehl, James J., S/Sgt
DeLaune, William P., S/Sgt
Slodden, Henry M. “Kip”, Sgt
A/C No. 43-4008 “Spirit of St Louis”
Santone, Michael A., 1Lt
Middleton, Donald M., 2Lt
Carney, Robert J., T/Sgt
Gum, Paul V., Cpl
Otterness, William B., Cpl
Hafner, Duane H., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27534 (standing lady)
McKay, Donald I., 1Lt
Brown, Cecil A., 2Lt
Chauncey, Martin E. “Marty”, T/Sgt
Smith, William F., S/Sgt
None listed
Bierly, Glenn E., Cpl
A/C No. 44-28948
Spencer, Charles F., 1Lt
McFatter, Joe H., 2Lt
Jackson, William H., 2Lt
Chambers, Jimmie (NMI), S/Sgt
Reagin, Charles T., Cpl
Stanley, Harold Gene “Gene”, Cpl
A/C No. 43-27716
Baker, Thomas J., 1Lt
McMahon, Bernard J. “Mac”, Jr., 2Lt
Cravey, Robert P., 2Lt
Watts, Joseph T., Jr., Cpl
Engleman, Bud (NMI), Cpl
Moorehead, Lewis E., Sgt
445th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 602/mission 602) Group Mission # 602:
(445th BS did not participate)
Tuesday, 7 November 1944 (continued)
445th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 603/mission 603) Group Mission # 603:
Group Mission # 603
Squadron Mission # 390
Three ships from this squadron joined 3 from the other squadrons to carry out a nickeling
mission, dropping leaflets in the Firenzuola, Mantua and Bologna areas. No escort was
furnished, no flak or fighters were reported. RESULTS: Dropped according to plan.
A/C No. 43-27899 “Flo”
P Webb, Allen W. “Pete”, 1Lt
CP Miron, Leno L., 2Lt
N None
B Beck, Robert B. “Bob”, 2Lt
E Woody, Louie M., S/Sgt
R Kneisel, Charles W., T/Sgt
G Valley, Arnold E., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27545 “Maggie”
P Moore, William H., Jr., 1Lt
CP DeBoer, Jay (NMI), Jr., 2Lt
N None
B Salch, Raymond F., Cpl
E Taylor, Marion R., Cpl
R Matter, Dean R., Cpl
G Smith, Francis L. “Smitty”, Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27509
Eatherly, Joseph A., 1Lt
Curry, Arthur L. “Art”, 2Lt
Barrett, Ray E., S/Sgt
Freiler, Walter C., S/Sgt
Nuttall, John H., Cpl
Bates, Leonard H., S/Sgt
446th BS War Diary: Another mission is flown today as the weather lets up.
446th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order xxx/mission xxx) Group Mission # 600W (A)
- redesignated # 655 on 1 Jan 45: (446th BS did not participate)
446th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 601/mission 601) Group Mission # 601:
(446th BS did not participate)
446th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 602/mission 602) Group Mission # 602:
Squadron Mission 421
TARGET: Motta di Livenza, R.R. Bridge, Italy
DATE: 7 Nov.1944
Type of Bombs: 1000 lb.
446th Planes: 9
Captain Dossey led the formation. Lead box of six ships had concentration on center of
bridge, to NW bank. Remaining three ship element hit on E end. Several bombs over to
SW of target. Second flight of nine did not drop due to cloud cover. No flak, no fighters.
Lt. Ivankovig returned early, spare.
Dossey, Vernon Curtis, Capt, pilot, 448th BS
Tuesday, 7 November 1944 (continued)
A/C No. 43-27678 “Lemmon Lu”
P Dickson, Gale Monroe, Capt
CP Crinnion, Edward V., 2Lt
N Dunn, Thomas B., 1Lt
B Farber, Joseph L., 1Lt
E Davis, Virgil F., S/Sgt
R McFarland, Charles W., T/Sgt
G Popovich, Chris (NMI), Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-4021 “The Little
Admiral” (later Lady Jane)
P Grove, Russell V., 1Lt
CP Ramsay, Lamar E., 2Lt
N None
B Derringer, Albert J., 2Lt
E Henry, Scott G., S/Sgt
R Poorman, William H., T/Sgt
G Keeper, Kenneth E., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27497 “Barbara”
A/C No. 43-27732 “LEYDALE”
Smedley, Robert Redmond, Capt
Fisher, Carl D., 2Lt
McGann, Edom K., 2Lt
Leonard, Malcolm B., S/Sgt
Cohen, Irwin (NMI), S/Sgt
Bruner, Edward (NMI), S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27747 “Spider’s Frolic
Trosky, Chester J., 1Lt
DiNorma, Joseph S., 2Lt
Kaenzig, Charles Leslie, 1Lt
Alexander, Preston S., S/Sgt
Cubbage, Robert (NMI), Cpl
Wiacek, Emil J., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-4097 “Tiny?” (later
Rackley, Donald D., 1Lt
P Nagel, Charles E., 1Lt
Everhart, Herman E., F/O
CP Crisp, Glenn S., Jr., 2Lt
Gale, Benjamin H., Jr., 1Lt
B Horlen, Aubrey B., Cpl
Stapleton, Carl B., S/Sgt
E Bender, Vernon I., S/Sgt
McKearin, William Jerome, S/Sgt
R Wilking, Robert L., Sgt
Beavers, Marqus F., Cpl
G Haxby, William H., Jr., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27699 “Jessie” (later name
A/C No. 43-27477 “Boots”
dropped from nose art)
Goodrich, John W., 1Lt
P Pietrowski, Stanley J., 1Lt
Carlson, Lowell A., 2Lt
CP Chandler, Warren W., 2Lt
N Codd, Russell G., F/O
Pettit, Robert H., 1Lt
Nigrelli, Ernest J., Cpl
E DeAngelo, Ralph J., S/Sgt
Luitjens, Harvey J., Cpl
R McCarty, Lyle (NMI), T/Sgt
Thornton, Lotus Moody, S/Sgt
G Bryan, Dwight L., S/Sgt
F None
Tuesday, 7 November 1944 (continued)
A/C No. 43-4074 (picture of seated
lady - no name/lettering)
Ingram, William T., 1Lt
Cressman, Jack E., 2Lt
Clark, Samuel E., Jr., 2Lt
Knapp, Walter E., S/Sgt
Koos, Walter V., S/Sgt
South, William R., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27496 “PRINCESS”
(previously PRINCESS PAOLA II)
(Lead spare – did not complete mission)
Ivankovig, Paul J., 1Lt
Perlman, Jacob L., 2Lt
Vannah, Harold P., Jr., F/O
Cornelius, Wilbur G., Sgt
Beecher, Everett F., Sgt
Knopp, Von C., Cpl
446th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 603/mission 603) Group Mission # 603:
Squadron Mission 422
TARGET: Firenzuola, D’Arda, Mantua, and Bologna, Italy
DATE: 7 Nov.1944
Type of Bombs: “Front Post” Leaflets.
446th Planes: 3
Lt. Ramey led the formation. Dropped according to plan. No flak, no fighters.
Ramey, Gordon, A., 1Lt, pilot, 447th BS
A/C No. 43-36224 probably ”Hauling
Ass II”
Jordan, Henry L., Capt
Kimble, Arnold P., 2Lt
Sitts, Lonnie C., 1Lt
Demmitt, Henry H., Cpl
Flasher, Henry F., Cpl
Wagner, William M., Cpl
A/C No. 43-3989 “My Georgia Peach”
(on co-pilot side - “The Leading Lady”,
previously “Miss Dallas”)
P Schmid, Kenneth L, 1Lt
CP Reilly, John A., 1Lt
N None
B Law, John B., Cpl
E Kreider, John L., S/Sgt
R Freeman, Cecil O., S/Sgt
G Murch, George M., Jr., Cpl
F None
A/C No. 43-27501 “Sweet Sue Kathy
Jeanne” (unnamed to Nov 44. In 45
“Kathy Jeanne” dropped)
Wojcik, Walter (NMI), 1Lt
Gallagher, Andrew Paul, 2Lt
Gilligan, John W., 1Lt
Aderholt, William J., Jr., S/Sgt
Kaufman, Sanders S., S/Sgt
DeSorbo, John S., Sgt
Tuesday, 7 November 1944 (continued)
446th BS: War Diary of: Luitjens, Harvey J., Cpl, radio-gunner: (mission 10)
“No. 10) Went to Motta Di Livenza R.R. Bridge. Couldn’t drop due to wx.
Goodrich, John W., 1Lt, pilot
447th BS War Diary: The Bar in the EM club was reopened last night. The Bar-room is
heated by a new stone built fire-place, the room now has a homelike appearance. The
following EM were asgd and jd fr 57th Bomb Wg: Sgt Luke Roberts Jr., Cpl Stephen
Sarnoski, Pfc Francis L. Olsen, Pfc John B. Wise, Pvt Andrew Mayo Jr., Pvt William R.
Mulford, Pvt Charles T. Morrison, Pvt Preston Pendarvis.
Mayo, Andrew (NMI), Jr., Pvt, transportation
Morrison, Charles T., Pvt, transportation
Mulford, William R., Pvt, mess
Olsen, Francis L., PFC, engineering
Pendarvis, Preston (NMI), Pvt, mess
Roberts, Luke (NMI), Jr., Sgt, transportation
Sarnoski, Stephen (NMI), Cpl, transportation
Wise, John B., PFC, transportation
447th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order xxx/mission xxx) Group Mission # 600W (A)
- redesignated # 655 on 1 Jan 45: (447th BS did not participate)
447th BG Mission Summary (Ops Order 601/mission 601) Group Mission # 601: 12
of our ships participated in a mission over Sacile Railroad Bridge, in Northern Italy. The
Bridge was rendered impassable and the Squadron scored 100% bombing accuracy.
(Actually, 9 ships were in the Sacile Railroad Bridge mission and 3 on the nickeling
mission to Firenzuola, D’Arda, Mantua, and Bologna, Italy)
A/C No. 43-4029 “Mike Hunt”
Walker, Marion E., 1Lt
Wallis, Shelby D., F/O
See, Russell K., T/Sgt
Byrn, Ernest E., S/Sgt
Torrey, Francis S., T/Sgt
Bowman, John (NMI) “Red”, S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-4009 “Double-O-Nine”
Wiechert, Stanley J., 1Lt
Brown, Lyle N., Jr. 2Lt
Lankester, Hugh H. “Lank”, 2Lt
Dubbs, Andrew C., Sgt
Phares, Harold (NMI) “Harry”, Jr., Cpl
Young, Robert E., Sgt
A/C No. 43-27492 “Reddie Teddie”
Rice, Ernest C., 1Lt
Muzinich, Anthony L. “Tony”, Capt
Olsen, Svend P., 1Lt
Gould, Joe W., 1Lt
Scarberry, Harold W., S/Sgt
Guild, Bernard Robert, Sgt
Fromm, Samuel E., Cpl
A/C No. 43-27542 “Superstitious
Remmel, Earl Howard “The Fox”, 1Lt
Cammack, Elmore (NMI), 2Lt
Darrell, Franklin Lloyd Jr., 2Lt
Ifshin, Isidore (NMI) “Sonny”, Sgt
Maslyar, Michael M., Sgt
Bauder, Harold R., S/Sgt
Tuesday, 7 November 1944 (continued)
A/C No. 43-27779
Hennessey, Ralph E., 2Lt
Smith, Frederick H., 2Lt
Volkmann, Lester W., F/O
Daniels, Carl (NMI), Sgt
Finnegan, Paul W., Cpl
Veid, Joseph (NMI), S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-4040 “Fearless Fosdick”
P Satterwhite, Henry C., 1Lt
CP Appenzeller, Richard D., 2Lt
N None
B Hiller, Frederick J., 2Lt
E Curry, Hughie L., S/Sgt
R Schnaars, George D., S/Sgt
G Connolly, Paul B., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27718
P Woods, Richard J., 1Lt
CP Yerger, John W., 2Lt
N None
B Boyle, Joseph G., Jr., 1Lt
E Perl, Richard H., Sgt
R Appleman, Carroll G., Cpl
G Gorden, Robert L., Cpl
F None
A/C No. 43-27751 “MMR” (Meet Mrs.
Washburn, Guy M. “Pappy”, 1Lt
Peck, Paul R., 2Lt
Schmoke, Vernon L., 2Lt
Applegarth, Smith B., S/Sgt
Balling, Robert J., T/Sgt
Sims, James W., Cpl
A/C No. 43-27636
Marchant, Wendell E., 1Lt
Cahoon, Carl W., 2Lt
Tulley, Harlan Norval, 2Lt
Colgan, Donald J., 2Lt
Hopp, Charles J., Sgt
Fiocca, Theodore Aurelio, Sgt
May, Frederick J., S/Sgt
447th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 602/mission 602) Group Mission # 602:
(447th BS did not participate)
447th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 603/mission 603) Group Mission # 603:
A/C No. 43-27473 Paper Doll”
Murchland, Robert Keith, 2Lt
Briggs, Richard G. “Dick”, 2Lt
Cowart, Eugene C., T/Sgt
Netzel, Carl F., Sgt
Pelak, Andrew (NMI), T/Sgt
McKnight, John A., Jr., Cpl
A/C No. 43-28082 “Traveling
Comedy” (later “Modern Maiden”)
Ramey, Gordon A. “Gordy”, 1Lt
Condit, Albert K., 2Lt
Lindell, Harold N., 1Lt
Bardy, Edmund E., Jr., 2Lt
Baldridge, Grant W., S/Sgt
Simberg, Alvin L., S/Sgt
Smith, Kenneth C., Sgt
Tuesday, 7 November 1944 (continued)
A/C No. 43-27730 “Katie”
P Burns, Robert J., 1Lt
CP Fairchild, George S., 2Lt
N None
B MacNeil, Joseph W., T/Sgt
E Dimondstein, Herbert (NMI), S/Sgt
R Bartram, Roy H., Cpl
G Klimkowicz, Zigmond (NMI), Cpl
F None
448th BS War Diary: T/Sgt. Jacobson and S/Sgt. White returned to the United States.
Today the squadron again participated in two missions against the enemy.
Jacobson, Fred (NMI), T/Sgt, gunner
White, Joseph John, S/Sgt, engineer-gunner
448th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order xxx/mission xxx) Group Mission # 600W (A)
- redesignated # 655 on 1 Jan 45: (448th BS did not participate)
448th BG Mission Summary (Ops Order 601/mission 601) Group Mission # 601:
(448th BS did not participate)
448th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 602/mission 602) Group Mission # 602:
Nine (9) ships from the 448th led the eighteen (18) plane group attack against the Motta di
Livenza railroad bridge, Italy. Despite 5/10 cloud coverage and poor visibility that
prevented the other squadrons from dropping, the 448 th scored a good concentration.
Three other ships from this unit participated in a nickeling mission over North Italy. All
personnel returned safely from both flights.
A/C No. 43-27805
Dossey, Vernon Curtis, Capt
Fleming, George B., 2Lt
McKinley, Robert H., 1Lt
Joyce, Robert W. “Dead-eye”, Capt
Perillo, Anthony L., S/Sgt
Schaffer, Irving J., S/Sgt
Dembrowski, Henry J., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27707
Rogers, Harry (NMI), Jr., 1Lt
Cook, Don W., 2Lt
Sutton, Norman J., 2Lt
Allendorph, John B., 2Lt
Donaud, Earl J., S/Sgt
Morefield, James Carl, S/Sgt
Trigler, Louis E., S/Sgt
Tuesday, 7 November 1944 (continued)
A/C No. 43-27481
Tetlow, John S., 1Lt
Copes, Wilson R., 2Lt
Bartlett, J. E., 2Lt
Bell, Flavious J., S/Sgt
None listed
Ferrell, Bruce M., Pvt
A/C No. 43-27668
Riley, Robert L., 1Lt
Ivory, Daniel J., Jr., 2Lt
Poteet, Edward J., S/Sgt
Magers, Marshall P., S/Sgt
Bixler, Frederick F., T/Sgt
Moleski, Benny M. “Ben”, S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27652
Norris, Grafton R., 1Lt
Sheffield, Woodrow W., 2Lt
Pealer, Woodward D., Sgt
Weyeneth, Carl H., S/Sgt
None listed
Hersh, Bertram (NMI), S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27523
Swanson, Erle G. “Swanny”, Jr., 1Lt
Smith, Milford A., 2Lt
Smith, Raymond (NMI), 1Lt
Brink, Richard E., 2Lt
Ratcliffe, James E., Jr., S/Sgt
Walker, Jack L., T/Sgt
Justice, Conway J., Jr., Cpl
A/C No. 43-27720
Garrett, Thaddeus D., 1Lt
Autrey, W. F. (i.o.), 2Lt
Gardner, Philip K., 2Lt
Weese, Charles F., Cpl
Seward, Richard F., S/Sgt
Hawthorne, Ralph C., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-4068
Kruse, Milford E., 1Lt
Bechtle, Robert M., 2Lt
Bass, Bernard G., S/Sgt
Haack, Cecil J., S/Sgt
None listed
Hammerschmiedt, Harry E., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-4067
Mitchell, Robert E., 1Lt
Kuoni, Charles F., Jr., 2Lt
Wald, Douglas A., S/Sgt
Pineda, Nico M., S/Sgt
Holt, John A., Cpl
Markiewicz, Edward B., S/Sgt
Tuesday, 7 November 1944 (continued)
448th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 603/mission 603) Group Mission # 603:
Three other ships from this unit participated in a nickeling mission over North Italy. All
personnel returned safely from both flights.
A/C No. 43-27648 “Sweetie”
Rosenau, Gustave D., 1Lt
Wilson, James M., 2Lt
Carter, Eugene F., S/Sgt
Turner, James H., Pvt
Rockwell, Stewart R. “Rockwell”, S/Sgt
Magyar, Steven J., S/Sgt
Bullard, William H., Maj, HQ 57th BW
A/C No. 43-27538 “Down But Not
CP Stromberg, Carl K., 2Lt
N Freund, John F., 2Lt
B Young, Robert B., S/Sgt
E Qualls, Thomas B., S/Sgt
R Randall, Charles R., Jr., S/Sgt
G Enderle, Melvin J., Cpl
F None
A/C No. 43-27528
Reedy, Walter W., 1Lt
West, Alden A. “Bud”, 2Lt
Langley, Edward P., Jr., Cpl
Clark, Raymond S., S/Sgt
Brusa, Robert P., S/Sgt
Gage, Robert L., Cpl
448th BS: War Diary of: Schaffer, Irving J., S/Sgt, radio-gunner:
“Awoke 6:45AM. Very restless night. Excited about mission. Slightly cloudy AM.
French toast, oatmeal, tomato juice, coffee. Briefing for mission at 8:30AM. Pilot Capt
Dossey, navigator Lt McKinley, Capt Joyce, bombardier. Only lead ship of formation
has such, as the rest follow the lead and drop off him. Wearing complete heavy
equipment. Take off 9:30AM. Target is RR bridge 25 miles NW of Venice. Cloudy and
hazy. Path of IP covered. Changed axis of attack twice. Hit target 100%. Milk run.
Made perfect contact with ground station (nice girl #2). Landed 1:30PM. We are fed
upon returning. Beans, hash, string beans, bread, marmalade, water. They don't
prepare anything special for us --just leftovers. Anxiously awaiting presidential election
returns. Dull, cloudy PM. Watched ordnance and 448th touch football game. 448th won
19-27. Very rough game. Fried spam, spinach beans, vanilla pudding, coffee. Windy
evening. Drank a couple of glasses of Marsala at club. Not on tomorrow's mission.
Retired 9:30PM.”
Dossey, Vernon Curtis, Capt, pilot
Joyce, Robert W. "Dead-eye", Capt, bombardier
McKinley, Robert H., 1Lt, bombardier, navigator
Wednesday, 8 November 1944
USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF):
In Italy, medium bombers strike the rail line in the Brenner Pass and
other lines running into Italy from the NE and bomb bridges in the C and W Po Valley,
damaging several and destroying the bridge at Mantua; fighters and fighter-bombers hit
communications in the Bologna area, but concentrate most of their operations against
bridges and rail lines in the Parma area in an effort to disrupt battle area supply lines.
HQ 321st BG War Diary: No mission – weather.
445th BS War Diary: The operational mission for this date was cancelled. There were
13 crews standing by for 2 missions. High winds whipped the area today but it was
comparatively warm. The winds died down at night. 8 bombardiers in the squadron
logged an aggregate time of 4 hours on the bombsight rate machine.
446th BS War Diary: Major Cooper, Squadron CO is given a battlefield promotion to
Lieut. Col., by Gen. Cannon. F/O Everhart is made a Second Lieut.
Cannon, John K., General, 12th AF Commander
Cooper, Paul T., Lt Col, pilot, Commander
Everhart, Herman E., 2Lt, pilot
447th BS War Diary: No Mission To-day due to a very high wind, the ships were unable
to take off. Several tents were blown down during the day. Usual camp duties prevailed
throughout the day.
448th BS War Diary: S/Sgt. Zane R. Hinton transferred to 1010th AAF Base Unit. Pfc.
Robert E. Geyer and Pvt. David B. Aguilear were assigned and joined the unit. Weather
interfered with flying operations.
Aguilear, David B., Pvt, transportation
Geyer, Robert E., PFC, transportation
Hinton, Zane R., S/Sgt, engineer-gunner
448th BS: War Diary of: Schaffer, Irving J., S/Sgt, radio-gunner:
“Awoke 7:30AM. Extremely windy. Slept little throughout the night. Terrific winds
from Tyrolean Sea. Threatened to blow tents during the night. Pancakes, grapefruit
juice, marmalade, coffee. Roof on mess hall torn up. Gathered detail and commenced
repair. Mission briefed and at ships, awaiting wind to die down as cross wind is too
strong. Roasted chicken, gravy, mashed potatoes, fresh onions, beets, fruit salad, hot tea.
Finished roof repair. Boiled beef, mashed potatoes, string beans, cauliflower, bread,
marmalade, coffee. Wind died down. Retired 10:30PM.”
Thursday, 9 November 1944
USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF):
In Italy, bad weather hampers medium bombers operations in the Po
Valley as 7 of 9 missions abort; in the 2 others, bridges in the Valley are hit; fighters and
fighter-bombers fly less than 100 sorties, but successfully strike road and railroad bridges
in the Bologna-Modena areas.
HQ 321st BG War Diary: Missions to the Forli Troop Concentration and the Mestre
Fuel Dump were both abortive due to weather in the target area.
HQ 321st BG Mission Summary (Ops Order 604/mission 604) Group Mission # 604:
Forli Troop Concentrations, Italy
(Group mission report not available at this time)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------HQ 321st BG Mission Summary (Ops Order 605/mission 605) Group Mission # 605:
Mestre fuel dump, Italy.
(Group mission report not available at this time)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------445th BS War Diary: Strong winds prevailed today but didn’t prevent the mission from
taking off. However, the mission became abortive because of weather and when the
ships returned, they were unable to land at this base due to extremely violent wind
conditions including a mean cross-wind. They landed at Ghisonaccia. The plane arriving
from Catania was also compelled to land at the 310 th base. A navigational lecture was
held for 6 enlisted bombardiers this afternoon. 9 bombardiers spent a total of 4 hours, 45
minutes on the rate machine. A large amount of packages arrive today.
445th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 604/mission 604) Group Mission # 604:
Group Mission # 604
Squadron Mission # 391
Capt. Jeffery led 12 ships from this squadron in a 27 ship formation sent out despite bad
weather. They tried their best to penetrate the front but reported 10/10 coverage over the
target and were forced to return without dropping their bombs.
A/C No. 43-27741 “Val” (previously
“Modern Design”)
C., Capt
CP Miron, Leno L., 2Lt
N Sides, Harry F., 1Lt
B Finkhouse, Lloyd L., 1Lt
E Poirier, Andre (NMI), S/Sgt
R DeLaune, William P., T/Sgt
G Smith, Francis L. “Smitty”, Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27545 “Maggie”
McLaughlin, Ellwood F., Jr., 1Lt
Emler, Richard S. “Dick”, 2Lt
Cravey, Robert P., 2Lt
Krauk, Edward J., Sgt
Krober, Raymond D., Jr., Cpl
Morisi, David D., Sgt
Thursday, 9 November 1944 (continued)
A/C No. 43-27698 “Peggy Lou”
P Poteete, Max W., 2Lt
CP Shutters, Paul E., 2Lt
N None
B Emery, Ben D., 1Lt
E Cavanaugh, Thomas J., Jr., S/Sgt
R Leach, Earl V., T/Sgt
G Stanley, Harold Gene “Gene”, Cpl
F None
A/C No. 43-27769 “Miss Fancy Pants”
P Elliott, James R., Jr., 1Lt
CP Kourafas, James (NMI) “Jim”, 2Lt
N None
B Vaughn, Fred W., 2Lt
E Sycylo, Theodore W., Cpl
R McDonald, Thomas E., T/Sgt
G Abrams, Samuel (NMI) “Sam”, Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27748 “Mama!”
Bowling, Dan Parker, 1Lt
DeBoer, Jay (NMI), Jr., 2Lt
Starczewski, Phillip R., 2Lt
Silnutzer, Joseph A., 1Lt
Mitchell, Robert D. “Bob”, Cpl
Gray, John H., T/Sgt
Walburn, John A., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27680 “Stuff”
Dyer, Robert H., 1Lt
Brown, Cecil A., 2Lt
Mitchell, Robert F., 1Lt
Palmer, Richard W., 1Lt
Kofmehl, James J., S/Sgt
Kavan, Lester D., T/Sgt
Edwards, Jack M., Cpl
A/C No. 43-27733 “Porky’s Baby”
Cox, Harold L., 2Lt
McMahon, Bernard J. “Mac”, Jr., 2Lt
Gonzales, Alfred R., T/Sgt
Hope, Amos (NMI), S/Sgt
Rockett, James J., T/Sgt
Jacobs, Harry E., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27714 “Blonde Beauty”
Glasford, Loren G., 1Lt
Rung, Raymond F. “Red”, Jr., 2Lt
Larkin, Francis C. “Charley”, S/Sgt
Cummings, Walter T., S/Sgt
Reagin, Charles T., Cpl
Hafner, Duane H., S/Sgt
A/C No. 44-28948 “Miss Belle
Monger, Samuel A. “Sam”, Jr., 1Lt
Young, Paul L., 2Lt
Doherty, Charles S., S/Sgt
Cubley, Harold B., T/Sgt
Nuttall, John H., Cpl
Henry, William W., S/Sgt
A/C No. 44-28722 “Spirit of
Thompson, Henry C., Jr., 1Lt
Dentoni, Louis M., 2Lt
Chauncey, Martin E. “Marty”, T/Sgt
Woody, Louie M., S/Sgt
Kneisel, Charles W., T/Sgt
Valley, Arnold E., S/Sgt
Thursday, 9 November 1944 (continued)
A/C No. 43-27716 “Shit House
P Payne, Lawrence J., 1Lt
CP Couch, Thomas (NMI), Jr., 2Lt
N None
B Barton, Samuel V., 1Lt
E Hunsberger, William R., Cpl
R Otterness, William B., Cpl
G Clayton, Ross W., Cpl
F None
A/C No. 43-27534 (standing lady)
(Wing spare – did not fill in)
P Moore, William H., Jr., 1Lt
CP Buckham, John K., 2Lt
N None
B Salch, Raymond F., Cpl
E Freiler, Walter C., S/Sgt
R Matter, Dean R., Cpl
G Bates, Leonard H., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27572 “Babs”
Mogren, Edward G., 2Lt
Lewis, Max E., 2Lt
Weiner, Irving B., 2Lt
Watts, Joseph T., Jr., Cpl
Engleman, Bud (NMI), Sgt
Moorehead, Lewis E., Sgt
445th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 605/mission 605) Group Mission # 605:
(445th BS did not participate)
445th BS: War Diary of: Seegmiller, Barnard H., Sgt, armament:
“The election is over and everyone seems pretty well satisfied. For my
part, I believe it is best for the war effort and especially for the peace settlements to
follow, that Roosevelt was re-elected. Otherwise, much hard-earned political ground
would have been lost among the United Nations. For the past several days a terrific
wind has annoyed us almost constantly. One night I hardly closed my eyes until 03:00
hours for fear the tent would come down on us. At the present time it is rattling and
flapping like a loose sail. Oh, for a solid roof once more! Despite the wind, a westerly
from off the mountains, the weather is very warm. I did not put on a coat all day today. A
huge pine tree blew down on the Ekelund’s tent the other day while everyone was at
chow. If the Swede had been in his “sack” it would have got him for sure. They called
the service Group wrecker to pull it off the tent and the wrecker, foolishly, became stuck
in a bog of foxholes. A small cat was summoned and right away they got it stuck. Finally
the D-8 came up and pulled everything out. Paul, the Motor Pool demon has been
shivering around barefooted all fall so we decided to buy him some shoes. Louie went to
Catania and brought back a pair that cost $9.00. You have never seen such a pleased kid
as Paul is now. Two tents of us chipped in to pay for them.
Bell, Louis E. "Lew", Sgt, armament
Ekelund, Nils J. "Snyder", Cpl, armament
Thursday, 9 November 1944 (continued)
Today our planes flew a mission that was not completed on account of clouds.
They had to land at the 310th field on account of a cross wind. We are sweating out
going up there to change the bomb load.”
446th BS War Diary: Sgt. Mygrant gets orders to return to the states as more
promotions are announced. Bundy, Cohen, McFarland and Nagy are made Techs,
Huntoon goes to Staff, Murch and Orio to Sergeant. Lt. Col. Cooper goes to Cairo.
Bundy, Garland A., T/Sgt, gunner
Cohen, Irwin (NMI), T/Sgt, gunner
Cooper, Paul T., Lt Col, pilot, Commander Huntoon, Stuart L., S/Sgt, turret gunner
McFarland, Charles W., T/Sgt, gunner
Murch, George M., Jr., Sgt, gunner
Mygrant, Robert F., T/Sgt, radio-gunner
Nagy, Julius L., T/Sgt, gunner
Orio, Salvatore A., Jr., Sgt, personnel
446th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 604/mission 604) Group Mission # 604:
Squadron Mission 423
TARGET: Forli Troop Concentrations, Italy
DATE: 9 Nov.1944
Type of Bombs: 500 lb and Frags.
446th Planes: 12
Captain Jeffery led the formation. Did not drop. Weather was 10/10 overcast over target.
Two planes returned early due to bombs being shaken loose in bomb bay by turbulent air.
Jeffery, James C., Capt, pilot, 445th BS
A/C No. 43-27732 “LEYDALE”
P Ligon, Walter M., 1Lt
CP Panning, Robert F., 2Lt
N Chapman, John Edward, 1Lt
B Clausen, Lawrence A., 1Lt
E Bender, Vernon I., S/Sgt
R Nagy, Julius L., S/Sgt
G Glendening, George F., Jr., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-4021 “The Little
Admiral” (later Lady Jane)
P Grove, Russell V., 1Lt
CP Ramsay, Lamar E., 2Lt
N Codd, Russell G., F/O
B Derringer, Albert J., 2Lt
E Henry, Scott G., S/Sgt
R Cohen, Irwin (NMI), T/Sgt
G Leeper, Kenneth E., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27477 “Boots”
Doyle, John D., 1Lt
Manolis, Ronald J., 2Lt
Kaenzig, Charles Leslie, 1Lt
DeAngelo, Ralph J., S/Sgt
Kaufman, Sanders S., S/Sgt
Cassidy, Warren J., Sgt
A/C No. 43-4020 “Bourbon Baby”
Reilly, John A., 1Lt
Schmid, Kenneth L., 1Lt
Law, John B., Cpl
Demmitt, Henry H., Cpl
Flasher, Henry F., Cpl
Murch, George M., Jr., Cpl
Thursday, 9 November 1944 (continued)
A/C No. 43-4074 (picture of seated
lady - no name/lettering)
Ingram, William T., 1Lt
Cressman, Jack E., 2Lt
Clark, Samuel E., Jr., 2Lt
Knapp, Walter E., S/Sgt
Koos, Walter V., S/Sgt
South, William R., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27699 “Jessie” (later name
dropped from nose art)
Ivankovig, Paul J., 1Lt
Perlman, Jacob L., 2Lt
Kiernan, Noble J., 1Lt
Cornelius, Wilbur G., Sgt
Poorman, William H., T/Sgt
Thornton, Lotus Moody, S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27496 “PRINCESS”
(previously PRINCESS PAOLA II)
Gittings, Raymond W., 1Lt
Capalety, Thomas A., 2Lt
Paulson, Ronald A., 1Lt
Kelly, Thomas J., Cpl
McCarty, Lyle (NMI), T/Sgt
Alberico, Camillo A., Sgt
A/C No. 43-3989 “My Georgia Peach”
(on co-pilot side - “The Leading Lady”,
previously “Miss Dallas”)
Matthews, John Walker, Jr., 1Lt
Taylor, Richard E., 2Lt
Gambino, Samuel F., 1Lt
Lippy, Harvey W., 1Lt
Petrella, Luigi C., S/Sgt
Cubbage, Robert (NMI), Cpl
Cifuni, Robert J., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27747 “Spider’s Frolic
Trosky, Chester J., 1Lt
Di Norma, Joseph S., 2Lt
Yarbrough, George L., 1Lt
Alexander, Preston S., S/Sgt
Dobrow, Edgar J., Cpl
Wagner, William M., Cpl
A/C No. 43-27497 “Barbara”
Crisp, Glenn S., Jr., 2Lt
Sloan, Thomas M., 2Lt
McGann, Edom K., 2Lt
Lamm, Earl D., Cpl
Wilking, Robert L., Sgt
Haxby, William H., Jr., Sgt
A/C No. 42-64549
Gallagher, Andrew Paul, 2Lt
Everhart, Herman E., F/O
DeSorbo, John S., Sgt
Kreider, John L., S/Sgt
Wimert, Donald A., Cpl
Beets, Frank T., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27696 “Baby Blue Eyes”
Goodrich, John W., 1Lt
Carlson, Lowell A., 2Lt
Gale, Benjamin H., Jr., 1Lt
Karuzas, Alexander W., Cpl
McKearin, William Jerome, T/Sgt
Beavers, Marqus F., Cpl
Thursday, 9 November 1944 (continued)
A/C No. 43-27660 “Shooting Bull”
(did not complete mission – spare filled
P Smedley, Robert Redmond, Capt
CP Fisher, Carl D., 2Lt
N None
B Sitts, Lonnie C., 1Lt
E Nigrelli, Ernest J., Cpl
R Luitjens, Harvey J., Cpl
G Bruner, Edward (NMI), S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27678 “Lemmon Lu” (did
not complete mission – wing spare filled
Sherline, David M., 2Lt
Davis, Robert L., 2Lt
Beecher, Everett F., Sgt
Davis, Virgil F., S/Sgt
McFarland, Charles W., S/Sgt
Popovich, Chris (NMI), Sgt
446th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 605/mission 605) Group Mission # 605:
(446th BS did not participate)
447th BS War Diary: No Mission to-day. Cpl George O. Weatherly was asgd to this Sq
fr 57th Bomb Wg. The following Officers and Enlisted Men left for Rest Camp at Capri:
Lt Louis C. Breckenridge, Lt Paul I. Buckley, Lt Lyle N. Brown, S/Sgt Jack Bowman,
S/Sgt Frederick J. May. Pvt William F. Hourahan was promoted to Corporal.
Bowman, John (NMI) “Red”, S/Sgt, aerial gunner
Breckenridge, Louis C., 2Lt, pilot
Brown, Lyle N., Jr., 2Lt, pilot
Buckley, Paul I., 2Lt, pilot
Hourahan, William F., Jr., Cpl, gunner
May, Frederick J., S/Sgt, aerial gunner
Weatherly, George O., Cpl, armament
447th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 604/mission 604) Group Mission # 604:
(447th BS did not participate)
447th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 605/mission 605) Group Mission # 605:
A/C No. 43-4009 “Double-O-Nine”
Hutson, Ernest G. “Hod”, 2Lt
Dickson, John L., Jr., 2Lt
Hiller, Frederick J., 2Lt
Mercea, George (NMI), S/Sgt
See, Russell K., T/Sgt
Drew, Horace E., Cpl
A/C No. 43-28082 “Traveling
Comedy” (later “Modern Maiden”)
Remmel, Earl Howard “The Fox”, 1Lt
Cammack, Elmore (NMI), 2Lt
Darrell, Franklin Lloyd, Jr., 2Lt
Olsen, Svend P., 1Lt
Ifshin, Isidore (NMI) “Sonny”, Sgt
Fiocca, Theodore Aurelio, Sgt
Bauder, Harold R., S/Sgt
Thursday, 9 November 1944 (continued)
A/C No. 43-27718
Hennessey, Ralph E., 2Lt
Smith, Frederick H., 2Lt
Volkmann, Lester W., F/O
Daniels, Carl (NMI), Sgt
Finnegan, Paul W., Cpl
Veid, Joseph (NMI), S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-4060 “Cover Girl”
Walker, Marion E., 1Lt
Wallis, Shelby D., F/O
O’Neil, James R., S/Sgt
Byrn, Ernest E., S/Sgt
Torrey, Francis S., T/Sgt
Mango, Vincent A. “Vince”, S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27785
Hall, Earl W., 1Lt
Loewus, Frederick E. “Fred”, 2Lt
Harris, Jack J., Sgt
Keenan, Harry A., Sgt
MacNeil, Joseph W., T/Sgt
Williams, James H., Sgt
A/C No. 43-27779
Murchland, Robert Keith, 2Lt
Fairchild, George S., 2Lt
Flowers, Frank J., S/Sgt
Netzel, Carl F., Sgt
Guild, Bernard Robert, Sgt
Ochs, Dan (NMI), Jr., Cpl
A/C No. 43-4040 “Fearless Fosdick”
Satterwhite, Henry C., 1Lt
Appenzeller, Richard D., 2Lt
Bokum, John B., F/O
Curry, Hughie L., S/Sgt
Appleman, Carroll G., Cpl
Connolly, Paul B., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27492 “Reddie Teddie”
Wiginton, J. Maurice “Wigs”, Capt
Briggs, Richard G. “Dick”, 2Lt
Lindell, Harold N., 1Lt
Mesna, Leeland A. “Lee”, 1Lt
Dimondstein, Herbert (NMI), S/Sgt
Pelak, Andrew (NMI), T/Sgt
Kipp, Robert T., Cpl
A/C No. 43-4029 “Mike Hunt”
Morton, William C. “Mort”, Jr., 2Lt
Brice, David W., 2Lt
Lankester, Hugh H. “Lank”, 2Lt
Perl, Richard H., Sgt
Keefe, John A., T/Sgt
Hagan, Richard E., Cpl
A/C No. 43-27636
Ramey, Gordon A. “Gordy”, 1Lt
Condit, Albert K., 2Lt
Tulley, Harlan Norval, 2Lt
Bardy, Edmund E., Jr., 2Lt
Scarberry, Harold W., S/Sgt
Simberg, Alvin L., T/Sgt
Sims, James W., Cpl
Thursday, 9 November 1944 (continued)
A/C No. 43-27751 “MMR” (Meet Mrs.
P Wiechert, Stanley J., 1Lt
CP Brown, Lyle N., Jr., 2Lt
N None
B Schmoke, Vernon L., 2Lt
E Dubbs, Andrew C., Sgt
R Phares, Harold (NMI) “Harry”, Jr., Cpl
G Citarelli, James E., Sgt
F None
447th BS: War Diary of: Mango, Vincent A. "Vince”, S/Sgt, aerial gunner (Mission 55)
“Target: Mestre Fuel Dump (Venice) Flak: None Combat: 3:55 Bombs: 500 lbs
Escorts: None
Plane #060 (43-4060 “Cover Girl”)
Crew: P-Lt Walker
CP-FO Wallis B-SSG O’Neill E-SSG Burns R-TSG Torrey G-SSG Mango
Weather prevented formation from reaching target.”
Byrn, Ernest E., S/Sgt, engineer-gunner
O’Neil, James R., S/Sgt, bombardier
Torrey, Francis S., T/Sgt, radio-gunner
Walker, Marion E., 1Lt, pilot
Wallis, Shelby D., F/O, pilot
448th BS War Diary: (No non-mission information)
448th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 604/mission 604) Group Mission # 604:
(448th BS did not participate)
448th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 605/mission 605) Group Mission # 605:
Taking advantage of a break in the weather today, nine (9) ships were airborne to attack
the Mestre fuel dump, Italy. However, 10/10 cloud coverage over both the primary and
alternate targets prevented bombing. All planes returned with bombs.
A/C No. 43-27706 “Silver Belle”
P Grady, John R., 1Lt
CP Cherry, Raymond (NMI), Jr., 2Lt
N Freund, John F., 2Lt
B Kiska, George P., 1Lt
E Ratcliffe, James E., Jr., 2Lt
R Hulse, Donald W., S/Sgt
G Moleski, Benny M. “Ben”, S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-28081
Bard, John A., 1Lt
Cooper, Richard J., 2Lt
Sutton, Norman J., 2Lt
Carter, Eugene F., S/Sgt
Randall, Charles R., Jr., S/Sgt
Carrick, Kenneth M., S/Sgt
Thursday, 9 November 1944 (continued)
A/C No. 43-27668
P Norris, Grafton R., 1Lt
CP Zakopcsan, John S., 2Lt
N None
B Reves, Louis E., Cpl
E Langley, Edmund P., Jr., Cpl
R None listed
G Holloway, Garland (NMI), S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27530 “Twin Engine
P Mitchell, Robert E., 1Lt
CP Schweitzer, Robert E., 2Lt
N None
B Mallin, Theodore (NMI), 1Lt
E Pineda, Nico M., S/Sgt
R Herod, James E. “Jim”, Cpl
G Markiewicz, Edward B., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-4076
P Holcombe, Dewey R., 1Lt
CP Copes, Wilson R., 2Lt
N None
B Baird, James (NMI), S/Sgt
E Wright, Melvin M., Cpl
R None listed
G Edwards, Jesse R., Cpl
F None
A/C No. 43-27726
Shear, Meyer (NMI), 1Lt
Birkhead, Charles F., Jr., 2Lt
Steely, Ralph K., 2Lt
Martin, James M., Jr., 2Lt
Haack, Cecil J., S/Sgt
Doughty, Paul V., T/Sgt
Wald, Douglas A., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27720
Duggan, Raymond E., 2Lt
Churchill, Duane W., 2Lt
Gardner, Philip K., 2Lt
Weyeneth, Carl H., S/Sgt
Bixler, Frederick F., T/Sgt
Ferrell, Bruce M., Pvt
A/C No. 43-27508
Carrington, Charles C., 1Lt
Rubin, Julius W., 2Lt
Berman, Samuel (NMI), S/Sgt
Goethals, Camiel A., Sgt
None listed
Sharp, Samuel I., Jr., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27528
Kirk, Theodore (NMI) “Ted”, 1Lt
Sheffield, Woodrow W., 2Lt
Veeck, Richard W., S/Sgt
Williams, Griffith E., Sgt
Mardeuse, Alfred K., S/Sgt
Abiecunas, Joseph P. "Abby", S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-4037 “Cherry Fizz” (Wing
Reedy, Walter W., 1Lt
Autrey, W. F. (i.o.), 1Lt
Qualls, Thomas B., S/Sgt
Magers, Marshall P., S/Sgt
Brusa, Robert P., S/Sgt
Gage, Robert L., Sgt
Thursday, 9 November 1944 (continued)
448th BS: War Diary of: Schaffer, Irving J., S/Sgt, radio-gunner:
“Awoke 7:15AM. Snafu wanted to go outside. Very windy. Pancakes, oatmeal, orangegrapefruit juice, coffee. Mission took off. Corn beef hash, boiled onions, bread, butter,
coffee. Mission had to land at 310th due to 50MPH crosswinds on our runway. No
bombing. Taylor and Smitty over for supper. Roast beef, mashed potatoes, string beans,
boiled onions and potatoes, bread, peanut butter, coffee. Attended "Gildersleeve's
Ghost". Good laugh. George and I made security preparations on tent. Wind severe.
Ordered to put out all stoves. Received "The Prophet" from Shyrle and a swell package
from #19. Retired 11:55PM.”
"Snafu" - Sgt George Huha’s dog
Huha, George (NMI), Sgt, communications
Shyrle, Irving Schaffer’s future wife
Smith, Francis L. "Smitty", Sgt, gunner, 445th BS
Taylor, Marion R., Cpl, engineer-gunner, 445th BS
Friday, 10 November 1944
USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF): HQ and HQ Squadron,
XII Tactical Air Command; HQ and HQ Squadron, 64th Fighter Wing; 324th Fighter
Group; 415th Night Fighter Squadron; 11th Tactical Reconnaissance Squadron; and
several signal, fighter control, and service units are relieved from duty with the Twelfth
AF and assigned to the European Theater of Operations, US Army (ETOUSA) and the
First Tactical Air Force (Provisional).
In Italy, medium bombers continue the interdiction campaign against
railways in NE Italy, principally the Brenner Pass, Brenta River and Po River bridges,
rail ferry at Ostiglia, and several dumps; fighter-bombers hit rail targets and guns at
several points in Po Valley.
HQ 321st BG War Diary: 44 aircraft were sent to the Ostiglia area to destroy the
temporary rail bridge and a ferry terminal there. Much credit is reflected on the combat
crews who participated in that raid for in spite of the intense anti-aircraft which shot
down two leaders’ planes plus two other aircraft and holed a total of 30 planes, the targets
were well hit with over 90 percent totals on both the bridge and terminal. At least 10
spans were already out of the bridge before our planes got there and we knocked out
seven more. A total of 32 casualties were sustained one of Group’s largest tolls on any
one mission.
HQ 321st BG Mission Summary (Ops Order 606/mission 606) Group Mission # 606:
Ostiglia Railroad Bridge over the Po River.
(Group mission report not available at this time)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------HQ 321st BG Mission Summary (Ops Order 607/mission 607) Group Mission # 607:
Ostiglia ferry terminal, Italy.
(Group mission report not available at this time)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------445th BS War Diary: Capt. Jeffery led the formation today out to bomb the Ostiglia
ferry terminal. Bombing accuracy – despite a terrific flak barrage – was 98.7 percent.
The snow-capped mountains in the distance this morning looked mighty picturesque but
there was an unpleasant flavor to that cold breeze that came off those pretty mountains.
The planes took off from Ghisonaccia on the mission today and landed back at their
home base afterward. Jackie the Red Cross girl was around this morning with coffee and
doughnuts. Two popular combat crew men, Sgts. Yoa and Smith, left the squadron for
the U.S.A. today. Both men had an excellent sense of humor coupled with a great gift of
gab. Smith will be remembered for his comic Air Corps interpretations in the
“Cornzapoppin” show while Yoa will be remembered as the only man who battered
Angelo Kangas in a verbal duel.
Jeffery, James C., Capt, pilot
Kangas, Angelo J., Cpl, operations
Nordlinger, Jacqueline, Miss, American Red Cross (321st BG "Red Cross girl")
Smith, P. F., S/Sgt, bombardier
Yoa, Harry (NMI), Sgt, gunner
Friday, 10 November 1944 (continued)
445th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 606/mission 606) Group Mission # 606:
(445th BS did not participate)
445th Mission Summary (Ops Order 607/mission 607) Group Mission # 607:
Group Mission # 607
Squadron Mission # 392
Capt. Jeffery led 12 ships from this squadron together with 12 from another squadron to
bomb the Ostiglia ferry terminal, Italy. No escort was furnished. 3 unidentified aircraft
were reported in the target area but did not attack. The flak was terrific, heavy, intense
and accurate with 13 or 14 ships Holed and 3 men wounded. One aircraft from the 446 th
was lost. The bombers went to 12/12,500 feet to drop 500 pound bombs on the target
area. RESULTS: Report good concentration in target area but accurate pinpointing of
hits impossible because of smoke of first mission’s bombing.
A/C No. 43-27741 “Val” (previously
“Modern Design”)
C., Capt
CP Moron, Leno L., 2Lt
N Sides, Harry F., 1Lt
B Finkhouse, Lloyd L., 1Lt
E Poirier, Andre (NMI), S/Sgt
R DeLaune, William P., T/Sgt
G Miller, Robert Ryal, S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27698 “Peggy Lou”
Max W., 2Lt
CP Shutters, Paul E., 2Lt
N None
B Emery, Ben D., 1Lt
E Chambers, Jimmie (NMI), S/Sgt
R Leach, Earl V., T/Sgt
G Stanley, Harold Gene “Gene”, Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27769 “Miss Fancy Pants”
Elliott, James R., Jr., 1Lt
Kourafas, James (NMI) “Jim”, 2Lt
Vaughan, Fred W., 2Lt
Sycylo, Theodore W., Cpl
McDonald, Thomas E., T/Sgt
Abrams, Samuel (NMI) “Sam”, Sgt
A/C No. 43-27545 “Maggie”
Couch, Thomas (NMI), Jr., 2Lt
Eatherly, Joseph A., 1Lt
Cravey, Robert P., 2Lt
Krauk, Edward J., Sgt
Krober, Raymond D., Jr., Cpl
Morisi, David D., Sgt
A/C No. 43-27733 “Porky’s Baby”
Cox, Harold L., 2Lt
McMahon, Bernard J. “Mac”, Jr., 2Lt
Gonzales, Alfred R., T/Sgt
Hope, Amos (NMI), S/Sgt
Rockett, James J., T/Sgt
Jacobs, Harry E., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27502 “Pretty Kitty Blue
Eyes” (previously “What’s Cookin’?”)
Glasford, Loren G., 1Lt
Rung, Raymond F. “Red”, Jr., 2Lt
Larkin, Francis C. “Charlie”, S/Sgt
Cummings, Walter T., S/Sgt
Reagin, Charles T., Cpl
Hafner, Duane H., S/Sgt
Friday, 10 November 1944 (continued)
A/C No. 43-27748 Mama!”
Bowling, Dan Parker, 1Lt
DeBoer, Jay (NMI), Jr., 2Lt
Starczewski, Phillip R., 2Lt
Silnutzer, Joseph A., 1Ltl
Larson, Richard A., Cpl
Gray, John H., T/Sgt
Walburn, John A., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27680 “Stuff”
P Webb, Allen W. “Pete”, 1Lt
CP Brown, Cecil A., 2Lt
N None
B Beck, Robert B. “Bob”, 2Lt
E Kofmehl, James J., S/Sgt
R Kavan, Lester D., T/Sgt
G Bierly, Glenn E., Cpl
F None
A/C No. 43-27716 “Shit House
P Payne, Lawrence J., 1Lt
CP Sprankle, Floyd H., 2Lt
N None
B Barton, Samuel V., 1Lt
E Otterness, William B., Cpl
R Hunsberger, William R., Cpl
G Baker, Max E., Cpl
F None
A/C No. 44-28722 “Spirit of
Mogren, Edward G., 2Lt
Buckham, John K.,, 2Lt
Weiner, Irving B., 2Lt
Freiler, Walter C., S/Sgt
Matter, Dean R., Cpl
Bates, Leonard H., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27509
Moore, William H., Jr., 1Lt
Emler, Richard S. “Dick”, 2Lt
Salch, Raymond F., Cpl
Woody, Louie M., S/Sgt
Kneisel, Charles W., T/Sgt
Valley, Arnold E., S/Sgt
A/C No. 44-28948 “Miss Belle
Monger, Samuel A. “Sam”, Jr., 1Lt
Young, Paul L., 2Lt
Doherty, Charles S., S/Sgt
Cubley, Harold B., T/Sgt
Nuttall, John H., Cpl
Henry, William W., S/Sgt
445th BS: War Diary of: Seegmiller, Barnard H., Sgt, armament:
“Everything moves rather slowly. Last night a great deal of rain was
accompanied by a high wind and the flying was “stand-down” all day. Tonight at chow
Bob Logan told me the award of the Soldier’s Medal to me for assisting the pilot (1Lt
George F. Walsh, 446th BS) of a burning plane came through on orders. Art Hanna also
received the award for which I am glad, as it appeared to me when I was interviewed that
his part in the matter had been overlooked. I have known for a couple of weeks that a
recommendation for something (some award) had been sent in but I did not expect
anything to come from it. We have begun holding a study class in bookkeeping and hope
soon to start an economics course. There seems to be considerable interest in the
squadron. Lt. McMahon, a pilot and graduate of Harvard is teaching the course. He has
a sincere interest and much knowledge of the subject.”
Hanna, Arthur M. "Art", Sgt, engineering Logan, Robert R. "Bob", T/Sgt, intelligence
McMahon, Bernard J. “Mac”, Jr., 2Lt, pilot
Friday, 10 November 1944 (continued)
446th BS War Diary: The squadron loses a ship over Ostiglia. Captain Dickson was the
pilot with other crewmen being Lts Chapman, Clausen and Ligon and Ems Nagy, V.
Bender, Glendening. Captain Smedley assumes command of the squadron.
Bender, Vernon I., S/Sgt, gunner
Chapman, John Edward, 1Lt, navigator
Clausen, Lawrence A., 1Lt, bombardier
Dickson, Gale Monroe, Capt, pilot
Glendening, George F. Jr., S/Sgt, gunner
Ligon, Walton M., 1Lt, pilot
Nagy, Julius L., T/Sgt, gunner
Smedley, Robert Redmond, Capt, pilot
446th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 606/mission 606) Group Mission # 606:
(446th BS did not participate)
446th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 607/mission 607) Group Mission # 607:
Squadron Mission 424
TARGET: Ostiglia Ferry Terminal, Italy
DATE: 10 Nov.1944
Type of Bombs: 500 lb.
446th Planes: 12
Captain Jeffery led the formation. Report good concentration in target area but accurate
pin-pointing impossible because of smoke of first mission’s bombing. Flak was heavy,
moderate and accurate, becoming intense at bomb release point. Eleven planes holed,
one lost.
Jeffery, James C., Capt, pilot, 445th BS
A/C No. 43-27732 “LEYDALE”
(MACR 9962 – hit by flak, down over
CP Dickson, Gale Monroe, Capt
N Chapman, John Edward, 1Lt
B Clausen, Lawrence A., 1Lt
E Bender, Vernon I., S/Sgt
R Nagy, Julius L., T/Sgt
G Glendening, George F. Jr., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27696 “Baby Blue Eyes”
Smedley, Robert Redmond, Capt
Fisher, Carl D., 2Lt
Sitts, Lonnie C., 1Lt
Nigrelli, Ernest J., Cpl
Luitjens, Harvey J., Cpl
Bruner, Edward (NMI), S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-4020 “Bourbon Baby”
Schmid, Kenneth L., 1Lt
Reilly, John A., 1Lt
Law, John B., Cpl
Demmitt, Henry H., Cpl
Flasher, Henry F., Cpl
Wagner, William M., Cpl
A/C No. 43-4074 (picture of seated
lady - no name/lettering)
Ingram, William T., 1Lt
Cressman, Jack E., 2Lt
Clark, Samuel E., Jr., 2Lt
Knapp, Walter E., S/Sgt
Koos, Walter V., S/Sgt
South, William R., S/Sgt
Friday, 10 November 1944 (continued)
A/C No. 43-27747 “Spider’s Frolic
Trosky, Chester J., 1Lt
DiNorma, Joseph S., 2Lt
Yarbrough, George L., 1Lt
Alexander, Preston S., S/Sgt
Dobrow, Edgar J., Cpl
Murch, George M., Jr., Sgt
A/C No. 43-3989 “My Georgia Peach”
(on co-pilot side - “The Leading Lady”,
previously “Miss Dallas”)
Matthews, John Walker, Jr., 1Lt
Panning, Robert F., 2Lt
Gambino, Samuel F., 1Lt
Kiernan, Noble J., 1Lt
Petrella, Luigi C., S/Sgt
Cohen, Irwin (NMI), T/Sgt
Cifuni, Robert J., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27699 “Jessie” (later name
dropped from nose art)
Ivankovig, Paul J., 1Lt
Perlman, Jacob L., 2Lt
Leith, William V., 1Lt
Cornelius, Wilbur G., Sgt
Freeman, Cecil O., S/Sgt
Leeper, Kenneth E., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27497 “Barbara” (landed
at 319th Field)
Sherline, David M., 2Lt
Davis, Robert L., 2Lt
Beecher, Everett F., Sgt
Davis, Virgil F., S/Sgt
McFarland, Charles W., T/Sgt
Popovich, Chris (NMI), Sgt
A/C No. 43-27477 “Boots”
Doyle, John D., 1Lt
Manolis, Ronald J., 2Lt
Kaenzig, Charles Leslie, 1Lt
DeAngelo, Ralph J., S/Sgt
Kaufman, Sanders S., S/Sgt
Cassidy, Warren J., Sgt
A/C No. 43-27496 “PRINCESS”
(previously PRINCESS PAOLA II)
Gittings, Raymond W., 1Lt
Capalety, Thomas A., 2Lt
Paulson, Ronald A., 1Lt
Kelly, Thomas J., Cpl
McCarty, Lyle (NMI), T/Sgt
Alberico, Camillo A., Sgt
A/C No. 43-4021 “The Little
Admiral” (later Lady Jane)
Goodrich, John W., 1Lt
Maki, Allan A., 2Lt
Gale, Benjamin H., Jr., 1Lt
Karuzas, Alexander W., Cpl
McKearin, William Jerome, T/Sgt
Beavers, Marqus F., Cpl
A/C No. 42-64549
Crisp, Glenn S., Jr., 2Lt
Ratliff, James Ernest, Jr., 2Lt
McGann, Edom K., 2Lt
Henry, Scott G., S/Sgt
Wilking, Robert L., Sgt
Haxby, William H., Jr., Sgt
Friday, 10 November 1944 (continued)
446th BS: Extracts from Missing Air Crew Report # 9962:
A/C No. 43-27732, “LEYDALE” (MACR 9962 – hit by flak, down over target)
P Ligon, Walton M., 1Lt – injured - bailed out – KIA
CP Dickson, Gale Monroe, Capt – went down in plane - KIA
N Chapman, John Edward, 1Lt – bailed out – POW – RMC 29Apr 45
B Clausen, Lawrence A., 1Lt – bailed out – evaded Germans & RTD 23 Nov 44
E Bender, Vernon I., S/Sgt – bailed out – KIA
R Nagy, Julius L., T/Sgt – bailed out – injured – evaded Germans & RTD 23 Nov 44
G Glendening, George F. Jr., S/Sgt – bailed out –POW – RMC 6 May 45
F None
Friday, 10 November 1944 (continued)
Eyewitness Account: Smedley, Robert Redmond, Capt, pilot, 446th BS
446th Bombardment Squadron (M) AAF
321st Bombardment Group (M) AAF
APO 650
US Army
11 November 1944
SUBJECT: Missing Air Crew Report.
1. The undersigned was pilot on airplane No. 43-27696 in position 2-1, fourth
flight, on the mission of 10 November 1944. Airplane No. 43-27732 was leading the
element directly in front of mine.
2. Lt. Ligon’s airplane was hit and lurched to the right with smoke pouring out of
the right engine just before the bombs were dropped. For thirty or forty seconds the flak
continued to burst around and track his airplane. The airplane made a wide circle to the
right, leveled out on about a 240° heading, and then began losing altitude steadily.
Almost immediately one man, the radio-gunner, bailed out through the rear escape hatch.
Then the armorer-gunner bailed out through the rear-gunner’s escape hatch. After an
interval three (3) men bailed out through the forward escape hatch in rather quick
succession. Shortly afterwards the airplane, at about 6,500 feet altitude, made a sharp
turn to the left and headed in a southerly direction toward a dry river bed. It was under
control but had very little power and was losing about five hundred (500) feet a minute.
Just before the airplane crash-landed it went out of my vision.
3. I saw all five (5) parachutists jump and their parachutes open but did not
follow their descent to the ground. My bombardier, 1 st Lt. Lonnie C. Sitts plotted the
positions on the map and estimated that the first parachutist landed just south of Pilastri,
Italy, and the other four (4) parachutists landed in or very near Reggio, Italy.
Captain, Air Corps.
(Attachment to MAC Rpt dtd 11 Nov 44,
446th Bomb Sq (M)
Pilot: 1st Lt. Walton M. Ligon, 0-755974
B-25J A/C No. 43-27732).
Incl 3.
Friday, 10 November 1944 (continued)
Eyewitness Account: Clausen, Lawrence A., 1Lt, bombardier, 446th BS
26 November 1944
I, 1st Lt Lawrence A. Clausen, , hereby certify that I was the Bombardier of a B25J type aircraft, piloted by 1 st Lt Walton M. Ligon, 0-755974, which was shot down by
flak near Reggio, Italy, on 10 November 1944. I was able to parachute successfully. I,
after remaining in enemy-occupied territory until 26 November, was returned to allied
military control. While in enemy-occupied territory, I was informed by Partisans that the
body of Captain Dickson had been found in the wreckage of the aircraft and had been
buried by the Partisans. I was not informed as to the location of the grave. I am certain
that the identification of the deceased crew member as Captain Dickson is correct
because Partisans returned to me a name tag taken from the flying jacket found with the
body, and also some photographs of Captain Dickson’s wife which they also found. I
was further informed that the deceased wore Captain’s bars, and Captain Dickson was the
only crew member with the rank of Captain.
As regards the remaining crew members, I received no definite information.
When the aircraft was hit I was in the Navigator’s compartment and know that Lt
Chapman and S/Sgt Bender bailed out before me but cannot say whether or not the chutes
opened. When I jumped Lt Ligon and Captain Dickson were still in the plane. Lt Ligon
was preparing to jump and Captain Dickson was flying the ship. As regards the crew
members in the rear, I believe they all cleared the ship. After landing, I received
information that one chute failed to open. The Partisans thought that this crew member
was an enlisted man but were not sure since Fascists recovered the body. T/Sgt Julius L.
Nagy was injured, and returned to allied military control with me.
1st Lt., Air Corps.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Eyewitness Account: Chapman, John Edward, 1Lt, navigator, 446th BS
(undated -written sometime after his Return to Military Control on 29 April 1945)
There was a fifty mile PH wind blowing when we bailed out. The wind was
blowing from 295°. Our route in was directly between Reggio and Parma Italy to about
halfway between Reggio and the Po River then to about 90° and hit Ostiglia heading
about 360°
breakaway away to the right. The flak was very heavy and intense and
accurate. We were hit on the left side and right engine on the breakaway. A piece of flak
tore into Ligon’s Arm between his flak suit and in his arm about cutting it off. The CoPilot took over. I helped Ligon out of his seat and took off his flak suit. Cut his sleeve
off at the shoulder and applied a tourniquet. He told the Engineer to tell the Bombardier
to navigate out. Just getting the Morphine ready to give him (the Pilot) when the
bombardier came back to our compartment and told us the Co-Pilot was telling us to get
Friday, 10 November 1944 (continued)
out. I then asked the Co-Pilot he yelled “Yes Get Out. Get Everyone Out” while
immediately put the chute on Ligon and fastened the harness for him. There was a piece
of sheet metal over the escape hatch where it came from I don’t know because the
Bombardier and Engineer had already left and I just jumped on it to get it out of the way
and went out with it. The Pilot “Ligon” followed and then I lost sight of him and the
plane when I saw I was drifting toward a large town. I landed in an orchard on the West
Side of Reggio above a large river.
John E. Chapman
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------10 Nov 44
446th BS: Pilot Log of: Fitzgerald, John (NMI) “Jack”, 1Lt, pilot (Pilot)
Co-Pilot: unknown B-25J
Mission: unspecified.
Flying Time: 3:00 (149th mission in MTO)
446th BS: War Diary of: Luitjens, Harvey J., Cpl, radio-gunner: (mission 11)
“No. 11) Ostiglia Ferry terminal. Lost 4 ships - most of men bailed. We picked up 50
holes. Single engine and pilots controls shot out. One 88 went through the wing and
didn’t explode. Capt. Smedley.”
Smedley, Robert Redmond, Capt, pilot
447th BS War Diary: The following Officers and Enlisted Men returned for duty from
Capri Rest Camp: Lt George J. Schweda, F/O Donald W. Gies, T/Sgt Edward G. Holm,
Sgt Joseph A. Jonutis Jr.
Gies, Donald W., F/O, pilot
Holm, Edward G., T/Sgt, engineering
Jonutis, Joseph A., Jr., Sgt, engineering
Schweda, George J., 1Lt, pilot
447th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 606/mission 606) Group Mission # 606:
Mission to-day was over the Ostiglia Railroad Bridge. 11 of our ships took part in the
raid. The formation was met by intense and very accurate anti-aircraft fire. Lt Gordon
Ramey’s plane was severely damaged and made a crash landing near Pisa, Italy. Lt
Ramey, Lt Albert K. Condit, Lt Edmond E. Bardy Jr., and Cpl Robert Kipp were killed.
S/Sgt Harold W. Scarberry jumped behind the enemy lines and has not been heard from.
It is reported that his chute opened. F/O Lester Volkmann was taken from the crashed
plane and rushed to the hospital in a serious condition. T/Sgt Alvin L. Simberg jumped
from the plane just before the crash, his chute opened just in time and he escaped with
minor injuries. He is now in a hospital in Italy recovering from shock. S/Sgt Vincent A.
Mango received a slight flak wound in the foot and is now recovering in the 15 th Fld
Hosp. He was flying with Captain Wiginton. T/Sgt Robert J. Balling received a very
serious flak wound in his side. He was taken to the 40 th Sta Hosp after his plane landed
with a flat tire at the 34th Field. The mission was led by Captain Wiginton and recorded
100% bombing accuracy.
Friday, 10 November 1944 (continued)
A/C No. 43-28082 “Traveling
Comedy” (later “Modern Maiden”)
(MACR-15275 – severely damaged –
crashed landed near Pisa)
P Ramey, Gordon, A., 1Lt
CP Condit, Albert K., 2Lt
N Bardy, Edmund E., Jr., 1Lt
B Volkmann, Lester W., F/O
E Scarberry, Harold W., S/Sgt
R Simberg, Alvin L., T/Sgt
G Kipp, Robert T., Cpl
F None
A/C No. 43-27492 “Reddie Teddie”
J. Maurice “Wigs”, Capt
CP Briggs, Richard G. “Dick”, 2Lt
N Olsen, Svend P., 1Lt
B Mesna, Leeland A. “Lee”, 1Lt
E Stokes, Robert C., Sgt
R Pelak, Andrew (NMI), T/Sgt
G Mango, Vincent A. “Vince”, S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-4029 “Mike Hunt” (landed
at Pisa)
P Morton, William C. “Mort”, Jr., 2Lt
CP Brice, David W., 2Lt
N None
B Lankester, Hugh H. “Lank”, 2Lt
E Perl, Richard H., Sgt
R Keefe, John A., T/Sgt
G Goldman, Marvin S., Cpl
F None
A/C No. 43-27779
P Hennessey, Ralph E., 2Lt
CP Smith, Frederick H., 2Lt
N None
B Hiller, Frederick J., 2Lt
E Daniels, Carl (NMI), Sgt
R Finnegan, Paul W., Cpl
G Veid, Joseph (NMI), S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27751 “MMR” (Meet Mrs.
Walker, Marion E., 1Lt
Cahoon, Carl W., 2Lt
O’Neil, James R., S/Sgt
Byrn, Ernest E., S/Sgt
Torrey, Francis S., T/Sgt
Hunsaker, Frank W., Jr., Cpl
A/C No. 43-4040 “Fearless Fosdick”
Washburn, Guy M. “Pappy”, 1Lt
Buechner, Helmut K., 2Lt
Schmoke, Vernon L., 2Lt
Applegarth, Smith B., S/Sgt
Ballling, Robert J., T/Sgt
Sims, James W., Cpl
A/C No. 43-27785
Hall, Earl W., 1Lt
Loewus, Frederick E. “Fred”, 2Lt
Harris, Jack J., Sgt
Keenan, Harry A., Sgt
MacNeil, Joseph W., T/Sgt
Williams, James H., Sgt
A/C No. 43-4009 “Double-O-Nine”
Murchland, Robert Keith, 2Lt
Yerger, John W., 2Lt
Boyle, Joseph G., Jr., 1Lt
Netzel, Carl F., Sgt
Appleman, Carroll G., Cpl
McKnight, John A., Jr., Cpl
Friday, 10 November 1944 (continued)
A/C No. 43-4079 “Little David”
(Window Ship)
Satterwhite, Henry C., 1Lt
Appenzeller, Richard D., 2Lt
None listed
Curry, Hughie L., S/Sgt
See, Russell K., S/Sgt
Connolly, Paul B., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27730 “Katie” (did not
take off)
(only A/C identified)
447th BS: Extracts from Missing Air Crew Report # 15275:
A/C No. 43-28082 “Traveling Comedy” (later “Modern Maiden”) (MACR15275 – severely damaged – crash landed near Pisa)
P Ramey, Gordon, A., 1Lt – KIA
CP Condit, Albert K., 2Lt – KIA
N Bardy, Edmund E., Jr., 1Lt – KIA
B Volkmann, Lester W., F/O – WIA - taken to hospital in serious condition
E Scarberry, Harold W., S/Sgt – bailed out behind enemy lines - MIA
R Simberg, Alvin L., T/Sgt – bailed out – escaped with minor injuries
G Kipp, Robert T., Cpl – KIA
F None
AG 201-Bardy, Edmond E. Jr., (O) 5th Ind.
447th Bombardment Sq (M), 321st Bombardment Gp (M), APO 650, US Army, 8 Feb 45.
CO, 321st Bombardment Group (M), APO 650, US Army.
1. In compliance with basic communication, the following is submitted:
a The aircraft, in which Lt. Bardy was bombardier, was damaged by enemy
anti-aircraft fire on bombing mission on Ostiglia Railroad Bridge, Italy, 10 November
1944. One engine was shot out and plane attempted to make an emergency landing on
the emergency landing field at Pisa, Italy. When the first attempt to land failed, the pilot
tried to make another landing. At this time, the other engine cut out and plane crashed
into a canal ditch beyond the field. Before the crash, three members bailed out from
approximately 300 feet and only two survived the jump.
Friday, 10 November 1944 (continued)
b Lt. Hardy’s left arm was severed from his body, a moment after bombs were
dropped. Lt. Bardy, the pilot and co-pilot were killed in the crash, but the navigator
received serious injuries and is hospitalized in the Zone of Interior.
c The crew members of this plane were as follows:
1st Lt. Gordon A. Ramey, 0-753547, Pilot
2 Lt. Albert K. Condit, 0-816054, Co-pilot
2nd Lt. Edmond B. Bardy, Jr. 0-763046, Bombardier
F/O Lester W. Volkmann, T-124334, Navigator Hospitalized in U. S.
S/Sgt. Alvin E. Simberg, 15127089, Radio-Operator gunner, returned to US.
S/Sgt. Harold W. Scarberry, 19142416, Engineer-Gunner, returned to US.
Cpl. Robert T. Kipp, 38457646, Armorer-Gunner, KIA
For the Commanding Officer
James F. McGill
1st Lt., Air Corps.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------447th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 607/mission 607) Group Mission # 607:
(447th BS did not participate)
447th BS: War Diary of: Mango, Vincent A. "Vince”, S/Sgt, aerial gunner (Mission 56)
“Target: Ostiglia RR Bridge
Flak: HIA
Combat: 3:30
Bombs: 1,000 lbs
Escorts: None
Plane # 492 (43-27492 “Reddie Teddie)
Crew: P-CPT, Wiginton
CP-Lt Briggs B-Lt Mesna N-Lt Olson E-Sgt Stokes R-TSG Pelak G-SSG Mango
Lt Ramey, Lt Condit, Lt Bardy, TSG Balling and Cpl Kipp KIA. SSG Mango SWA &
hospitalized. SSG O'Neill and Cpl Hunsaker LWA and not hospitalized. TSG Simberg
and SSG Scarberry, F/O Volkmann SIA and hospitalized. All planes were hit by flak and
082 (43-28082 “Traveling Comedy” - later “Modern Maiden”) was destroyed in crash
landing near Pisa. 1 plane made emergency landing at Rimini. CPT Wiginton’s (4327492 “Reddie Teddie”) ship was hit in both main gas tanks but only one sealed. Also
did not drop electrically due to malfunction and could not drop manually because of
fumes. Plane returned to base 4 w/bomb load and plane full of gas fumes. 2nd flight lost
2 planes. 3rd & 4th flights each lost 1 plane. N end of bridge appeared out before
bombing. Bombs scattered when leaders of 3rd element of 1st flight and 1st element of 2nd
flight were hit by flak on bomb run. Concentration on center and S end approach of
bridge. Received Purple Heart”
Ballling, Robert J., T/Sgt, radio-gunner
Bardy, Edmund E., Jr., 1Lt, navigator
Briggs, Richard G. “Dick”, 2Lt, pilot
Condit, Albert K., 2Lt, pilot
Hunsaker, Frank W., Jr., Cpl, gunner
Kipp, Robert T., Cpl, gunner
Mesna, Leeland A. “Lee”, 1Lt, bombardier
Friday, 10 November 1944 (continued)
O’Neil, James R., S/Sgt, engineer-gunner, bombardier
Olsen, Svend P., 1Lt, navigator
Pelak, Andrew (NMI), T/Sgt, radio-gunner
Ramey, Gordon, A., 1Lt, pilot
Scarberry, Harold W., S/Sgt, engineer-gunner
Simberg, Alvin L., T/Sgt, radio-gunner
Stokes, Robert C., Sgt, engineer-gunner
Volkmann, Lester W., F/O, bombardier
Wiginton, J. Maurice “Wigs”, Capt, pilot
448th BS War Diary: Captain William O. Hickey, 1 st Lts. Edward N. Bond, Stephen C.
Farris, Joseph A. Malec, Emile D. Verkruysse, T/Sgts Sam Hassenbein, Clarence C.
Edwards, Henry J. Kielich, James E. Parham, Robert M. Wilkinson, S/Sgts Emory J.
Blassingame, Herman DeGeorge, Nat Rippel, and Robert F. Sommer departed for the
United States, their tour of duty done.
Blassingame, Emory J., S/Sgt, gunner
Bond, Edward N., 1Lt, bombardier
DeGeorge, Herman (NMI), S/Sgt, gunner Edwards, Clarence C., T/Sgt, gunner
Farris, Stephen C., 1Lt, bombardier
Hassenbein, Sam (NMI), T/Sgt, gunner
Hickey, William O., Capt, navigator
Kielich, Henry J., T/Sgt, gunner
Malec, Joseph A., 1Lt, bombardier
Parham, James E., T/Sgt, gunner
Rippel, Nat (NMI), S/Sgt, gunner
Sommer, Robert F., Sgt, gunner
Verkruysse, Emile D., 1Lt, pilot
Wilkenson, Robert M., T/Sgt, radio-gunner
448th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 606/mission 606) Group Mission # 606: The
mission for the day was the heavily defended Ostiglia railroad bridge over the Po River.
Eleven planes led by Lt. Douglas R. Anderson flew as Group lead flight. The desperate
and intense opposition over the target downed four (4) planes, holed twenty-six (26) other
aircraft, killed four men at their posts and wounded twelve (12) other crew members in
the formation of forty-four (44) aircraft but could not discourage the gallant crews.
Despite the fact that his left engine was shot out at the beginning of the bomb run, Lt.
Anderson courageously bore on to the bomb release point. Other 105 M.M. bursts
knocked out his hydraulic system, lowering both the wheels and flaps. Still other shells
destroyed the compass, shattered the crew with plexiglass, and cut one of the ruder
control cables. Even though everything was against his remaining airborne he
maintained the crippled ship in flight for over twenty minutes. Tall mountains in his path
home necessitated the abandoning of the plane. Through Lt. Anderson’s great skill and
leadership the crew parachuted to safety in the hills below Bologna. Lt. Kruse’s ship also
received many hits which wounded one of the gunners and shot out the hydraulic system,
half way lowering the wheels. A precision belly landing was affected at a field and all
members of the crew were safely returned to the unit. Lt. Carrington also displayed his
superior flying ability on this mission by bring his damaged ship back on single engine
despite the painful injuries to his face. The intensity and accuracy of the enemy defenses
made this one of the costliest missions flown by the squadron. Lt. Douglas R. Anderson,
Captain Vernon C. Dossey, Lt. Robert W. Luckhaupt, Lt. Robert H. McKinley, Cpl. John
A. Holt, Sgt. Griffith E. Williams and S/Sgt Harry E. Hammerschmiedt are MIA near
Bologna. 1st Lt. Charles C. Carrington, 2nd Lt. Duane Churchill, S/Sgt. Irving J. Schaffer,
Sgt. Woodward D. Pealer and S/Sgt. Nico M. Pineda were wounded in the attack.
Friday, 10 November 1944 (continued)
A/C No. 43-27805 “Desirable”
(ditched due to immense flak damage)
Anderson, Douglas R., 1Lt
Dossey, Vernon Curtis, Capt
Luckhaupt, Robert W., 1Lt
McKinley, Robert H., 1Lt
Williams, Griffith E., Sgt
Holt, John A., Cpl
Hammerschmiedt, Harry E., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-4068 “The Dutchess”
(belly-landed at home base)
Kruse, Milford E., 1Lt
Zakopcsan, John S., 2Lt
Pealer, Woodward D., S/Sgt
Pineda, Nico M., S/Sgt
Schaffer, Irving J., S/Sgt
Markiewicz, Edward B., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27523
Tetlow, John S., 1Lt
Rubin, Julius W., 2Lt
Poteet, Edward J., T/Sgt
Turner, James H., Pvt
None listed
Carrick, Kenneth M., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-4076
Holcombe, Dewey R., 1Lt
Kuoni, Charles F., Jr., 2Lt
Bass, Bernard G., S/Sgt
Wright, Melvin M., Cpl
Mardeuse, Alfred K., S/Sgt
Edwards, Jesse R., Cpl
A/C No. 43-4081 “Dixie Girl”
Burks, Richard W., Capt
Smith, Milford A., 2Lt
Bartlett, J. E., 2Lt
Perillo, Anthony L., S/Sgt
Doughty, Paul V., S/Sgt
Knauss, Charles F., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27720
Rosenau, Gustave D., 1Lt
Stromberg, Carl K., 2Lt
Wald, Douglas A., S/Sgt
Langley, Edmund P., Jr., Cpl
None listed
Dembrowski, Henry J., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27508
Carrington, Charles C., 1Lt
Churchill, Duane W., 2Lt
Berman, Samuel (NMI), S/Sgt
Goethals, Camiel A., S/Sgt
Herod, James E. “Jim”, S/Sgt
Sharp, Samuel I. Jr., Cpl
A/C No. 43-27528
Duggan, Raymond E., 2Lt
Ivory, Daniel J., Jr., 2Lt
LaBella, Dante (NMI) “GI Joe”, S/Sgt
Bell, Flavious J., S/Sgt
None listed
Hawthorne, Ralph C., S/Sgt
Friday, 10 November 1944 (continued)
A/C No. 43-27652 “Out of Bonds”
(Chaff Ship)
P Riley, Robert L., 1Lt
CP Sheffield, Woodrow W., 2Lt
N None
B Rockwell, Stewart R. “Rockwell”, S/Sgt
E Qualls, Thomas B., S/Sgt
R Randall, Charles R., Jr., S/Sgt
G Enderle, Melvin J., Cpl,
F None
A/C No. 43-27726
P Leonard, Lee V., 1Lt
CP Cooper, Richard J., 2Lt
N Steely, Ralph K., 2Lt
B Martin, James M., Jr., 1Lt
E Roberts, Charles J., S/Sgt
R Morefield, James Carl, S/Sgt
G Magyar, Steven J., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 44-28721 “Shug”
Kirk, Theodore (NMI) “Ted”, 1Lt
Wilson, James M., 2Lt
Ratcliffe, James E., Jr., S/Sgt
Baird, James (NMI), Jr., S/Sgt
Brusa, Robert P., S/Sgt
Abiecunas, Joseph P. "Abby", S/Sgt
448th BS: Extracts from Missing Air Crew Report # 9852:
A/C No. 43-27805 “Desirable” (MACR-9852 – severely damaged – crashed
landed near Pisa)
P Anderson, Douglas R., 1Lt – MIA, POW, returned
CP Dossey, Vernon Curtis, Capt – MIA, returned 3 Dec 44
N Luckhaupt, Robert W., 1Lt – MIA, returned
B McKinley, Robert H., 1Lt – MIA, returned 3 Dec 44
E Williams, Griffith E., Sgt – MIA, returned
R Holt, John A., Cpl – MIA, returned
G Hammerschmiedt, Harry E., S/Sgt – MIA, POW, returned
F None
Eyewitness Account: Holcombe, Dewey R., 1Lt, pilot, 448th BS
448th Bombardment Squadron (M) AAF
321st Bombardment Group (M) AAF
APO # 650
10 November 1944
Friday, 10 November 1944 (continued)
Upon pealing off the target, Lieutenant Kuoni and I saw Lieutenant Anderson’s
ship leaving formation with wheels and flaps in down position. The ship was losing
altitude, but apparently under control. We flew with them in a general southwest
heading, just west of Bologna.
Before the rest of crew bailed out, I had radio contact with Captain Dossey, who
assured us that they were all okay and preparing to jump. Lieutenant Kuoni received
Lieutenants Anderson’s message just before the latter left the aircraft on the last man.
We are sure the airplane was empty and landed in general area twenty to thirty miles
west-south-west of Bologna, and just west of the river Reno.
Our navigation was extremely difficult due to our own constantly changing
direction in attempt to stay with the slow flying aircraft, because we weren’t positive of
the heading of the ship when the crew left. Their altitude was about three to four
thousand feet indicated.
1st Lieut., Air Corps,
(Attachment to MAC Report, Anderson
Douglas R. (O) and crew, dated
10 November 1944.)
Incl 2.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Eyewitness Account: Kuoni, Charles F., Jr., 2Lt, pilot, 448th BS
448th Bombardment Squadron (M) AAF
321st Bombardment Group (M) AAF
10 November 1944
I had the last radio contact with ship #43-27805, piloted by Lieutenant Anderson.
He made certain that all crew members had left the ship, and then contacted me by radio
stating same, and that he was about to bail.
2nd Lieut., Air Corps,
(Attachment to MAC Report, Anderson
Douglas R. (O) and crew, dated
10 November 1944.)
Incl 3.
Friday, 10 November 1944 (continued)
Friday, 10 November 1944 (continued)
448th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 607/mission 607) Group Mission # 607:
(448th BS did not participate)
448th BS: War Diary of: Schaffer, Irving J., S/Sgt, radio-gunner:
“Awoke 7:30AM. Very cold but clear. Stewed prunes, fresh 1/2 grapefruit, fresh fried
eggs, bread, coffee. Standby on mission 9:00AM. Latrines blew over during night.
Briefing at 10:00AM. Some ship at 310th damaged from wind at our field. Target RR
bridge at Ostiglia. Defended. Lt Kruse pilot. Carrying 500 lb. Take off. 11:50AM.
Very cold. Fair weather. Over target at 2:00PM. Intense accurate flak. Lead ship with
Capt Dossey went down. Yours truly, Pealer (bombardier) Pineda (engineer) hit. Left
engine shot out. Came back on single engine. Hydraulic system out. Radio out. Made
crash landing at 310th. Beautiful. Everyone OK. Ship a complete wreck. Dossey and
boys bailed out over Po valley. Crashed at 3:25PM. Ambulance took us back to 321 st.
Wounds dressed. Two other ships crash landed. Despite the shock, everybody is OK. I
received a flak face laceration. Vienna sausage, sauerkraut, tomato soup, bread, upon
arriving at squadron 4:30PM. Everyone inquisitive about mission. God it's good to be
back. Retired 10:30PM.”
Dossey, Vernon Curtis, Capt, pilot
Kruse, Milford E., 1Lt, pilot
Pealer, Woodward D., S/Sgt, gunner-bombardier
Pineda, Nico M., S/Sgt, engineer-gunner
Saturday, 11 November 1944
USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF):
In Italy, medium bombers strike at railroad bridges in NC and NE
Italy, damaging a bridge at Piazzola sul Brenta and knocking out 2 spans of a bridge at
Latisana; fighter-bombers continue support of ground forces S of Bologna, attack
vehicles, trains, and communications in the Genoa-Alessandria area, bomb Villafranca di
Verona Airfield and set most of the area aflame; during the night of 10/11 Nov A-20s
bomb Ghedi Airfield and targets of opportunity in the Po Valley. The 17 th and 18th Troop
Carrier Squadrons, 64th Troop Carrier Group, cease operating from Istres, France and
return to base at Ciampino, Italy with C-47s.
HQ 321st BG War Diary: 18 aircraft laid a 100 percent pattern on the Porte Negara Oil
Storage Dump scoring several direct hits on the tanks there. Only six aircraft dropped on
the Mestre Dump and reported good coverage particularly on the eastern section of the
target, with smoke rising to 2000 feet. The lead ship of the other flight had his
instrument panel shot out and they did not bomb.
HQ 321st BG Mission Summary (Ops Order 608/mission 608) Group Mission # 608:
Mestre Fuel Dump
(Group mission report not available at this time)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------HQ 321st BG Mission Summary (Ops Order 609/mission 609) Group Mission # 609:
Porte Negara Oil Storage Dump
(Group mission report not available at this time)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------445th BS War Diary: Lt. Dyer led the 445th to hit the Mestre fuel dump, Italy but due to
a direct hit from flak, the squadron’s flight returned without dropping. Navigation class
for the enlisted bombardiers was held at the 448th today. Capt. Dickerson, Lts Hardman
and Klein; Sgts. Plunk, Stephens, Kintly, Knight and Hall all left the squadron to go to
Naples, enroute to the States on rotation. Lt. K.E. Ireland, Assistant Armament Officer,
left the squadron for the 86th Fighter Group today. Capt. Stanton W. Johnson returned to
the squadron today. He was on DS in the States attending a gunnery school. Lt. John W.
Martin, co-pilot who went down behind enemy lines with Capt. Russell and crew,
returned to the squadron today and informed the men that the remainder of the crew had
bailed out safely and were prisoners of war. The weather was very cold today. Luxury
rations were distributed with plenty of candy and beer on hand.
Dickerson, Samuel M., Capt, pilot
Dyer, Robert H., 1Lt, pilot
Hall, Warren Francis, T/Sgt, radio-gunner Hardman, Albert F. “Al”, Jr., 1Lt, pilot
Ireland, Kenneth E., 2Lt, armament
Johnson, Stanton W., Capt, Armament Officer
Kintly, James E., T/Sgt, radio-gunner
Klein, Robert J., 1Lt, bombardier
Knight, Arnold K., Sgt, radio-gunner
Martin, John W., 2Lt, pilot
Plunk, Charles B., S/Sgt, radio-gunner Russell, Lawrence Lee "Scrap Iron", Capt, pilot
Stephens, Robert T., Sgt, gunner
Saturday, 11 November 1944 (continued)
445th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 608/mission 608) Group Mission # 608:
Group Mission # 608
Squadron Mission # 393
Lt. Dyer led 9 ships as another squadron supplied 9 ships to lead the formation sent out to
bomb the Mestre fuel dump, Italy. No escort was furnished. 10 unidentified aircraft
were reported in the area but did not attack. The flak was heavy, moderate and accurate
with 10 ships being holed, one of which made a successful emergency landing in Italy.
The bombers went to 10,500/11,000 feet to drop 500 pound bombs on the target.
RESULTS: Box of 6 ships had good pattern, probably walking through east side of area,
resulting in a column of smoke (black) up to 2000 feet. No explosions observed. 9 ships
failed to drop because of flak damage to lead ship on bomb run. 3 ships failed to drop
through failure to identify target.
A/C No. 43-27698 “Peggy Lou”
P Dyer, Robert H., 1Lt
CP Middleton, Donald M., 2Lt
N Mitchell, Robert F., 1Lt
B Palmer, Richard W., 1Lt
E Carruthers, John (NMI), II, S/Sgt
R Gonzales, Alfred R., T/Sgt
G Valley, Arnold E., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27742 “Vicious Vera”
(later “Winnie Mae”)
P Mogren, Edward G., 2Lt
CP Miron, Leno L., 2Lt
N None
B Hagerman, Millard W., 1Lt
E Poirier, Andre (NMI), S/Sgt
R DeLaune, William P., T/Sgt
G Miller, Robert Ryal, S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27680 “Stuff”
P Spencer, Charles F., 1Lt
CP McFatter, Joe H., 2Lt
N None
B Jackson, William H., 2Lt
E Cavanaugh, Thomas J., Jr., S/Sgt
R Leach, Earl V., T/Sgt
G Walburn, John A., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27714 “Blonde Beauty”
Dentoni, Louis M., 2Lt
Shutters, Paul E., 2Lt
Doherty, Charles S., S/Sgt
Taylor, Marion R., Cpl
Kavan, Lester D., T/Sgt
Hafner, Duane H., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27716 “Shit House
Baker, Thomas J., 1Lt
McMahon, Bernard J. “Mac”, Jr., 2Lt
Krause, Richard E. “Dick”, 1Lt
Watts, Joseph T., Jr., Cpl
Engleman, Bud (NMI), Sgt
Moorehead, Lewis E., Sgt
A/C No. 43-27572 “Babs”
Moore, William H., Jr., 1Lt
Buckham, John K., 2Lt
Gifford, Robert H., 1Lt
Gum, Paul V., Cpl
Gray, John H., T/Sgt
Morisi, David D., Sgt
Saturday, 11 November 1944 (continued)
A/C No. 43-27741 “Val” (previously
“Modern Design”)
P Webb, Allen W. “Pete”, 1Lt
CP Lewis, Max E., 2Lt
N Starczewski, Phillip R., 2Lt
B Beck, Robert B. “Bob”, 2Lt
E Kofmehl, James J., S/Sgt
R McDonald, Thomas E., T/Sgt
G Slodden, Henry M. “Kip”, Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27509
Emler, Richard S. “Dick”, 2Lt
Curry, Arthur L. “Art”, 2Lt
Salch, Raymond F., Cpl
Larkin, Francis C. “Charley”, S/Sgt
Rockett, James J., T/Sgt
Abrams, Samuel (NMI) “Sam”, Sgt
A/C No. 43-27534 (standing lady)
McKay, Donald I., 1Lt
White, Edward A., 2Lt
Chauncey, Martin E. “Marty”, T/Sgt
Smith, William F., S/Sgt
Otterness, William B., Cpl
Edwards, Jack M., Cpl
A/C No. 43-27502 “Pretty Kitty Blue
Eyes” (previously “What’s Cookin’?”)
(Wing spare – did not fill in)
Monger, Samuel A. “Sam”, Jr., 1Lt
Brown, Cecil A., 2Lt
Cravey, Robert P., 2Lt
Cubley, Harold B., T/Sgt
Kneisel, Charles W., T/Sgt
Henry, William W., S/Sgt
445th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 609/mission 609) Group Mission # 609:
(445th BS did not participate)
446th BS War Diary: More men get those orders to report to the good old U.S. Lts.
Fitzgerald, Hughes, Jaksic, Werner and White, Ems Felmer, Harrison, Holder, Maddox,
Miles, Bender, T., Helgert, McArdle, Smetana, Smith and Wlodyka leave.
Bender, Thomas J., S/Sgt, gunner
Felmer, Carl M., T/Sgt, gunner
Fitzgerald, John (NMI) "Jack", 1Lt, pilot
Harrison, Hoyt V., T/Sgt, radio-gunner
Helgert, Claude George, S/Sgt, gunner
Holder, Paul T., T/Sgt, gunner
Hughes, John Jerome “Jack”, 1Lt, bombardier
Jaksic, Francis R., 1Lt, bombardier
Maddox, Everett R., T/Sgt, radio-gunner
McArdle, John R., S/Sgt, engineer-gunner
Miles, Walter J., Jr., T/Sgt, radio-gunner
Smetana, Frank C., Jr., S/Sgt, gunner
Smith, Cephus M., Jr., S/Sgt, engineer-gunner
Werner, Samuel (NMI), 2Lt, bombardier
White, Frank B., 1Lt, pilot
Wlodyka, Andrew J., S/Sgt, gunner
446th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 608/mission 608) Group Mission # 608:
(447th BS did not participate)
Saturday, 11 November 1944 (continued)
446th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 609/mission 609) Group Mission # 609:
Squadron Mission 425
TARGET: Porto Negara Oil Storage, Italy
DATE: 11 Nov.1944
Type of Bombs: 500 lb.
446th Planes: 9
Captain Jordan led the formation. All bombs in target area. Concentration in center, S
and E sections of target. Lead six ships made second run. One large fire seen on breakaway. No flak, no fighters.
A/C No. 43-27678 “Lemmon Lu”
Jordan, Henry L., Capt
Kimble, Arnold P., 2Lt
Sitts, Lonnie C., 1Lt
Gambino, Samuel F., 1Lt
DeAngelo, Ralph J., S/Sgt
Luitjens, Harvey J., Cpl
Beets, Frank T., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-4021 “The Little
Admiral” (later Lady Jane)
P Grove, Russell V., 1Lt
CP Ramsay, Lamar E., 2Lt
N None
B Lippy, Harvey W., 1Lt
E Henry, Scott G., S/Sgt
R Freeman, Cecil O., S/Sgt
G Leeper, Kenneth E., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27660 “Shooting Bull”
Ingram, William T., 1Lt
Sloan, Thomas M., 2Lt
Clark, Samuel E., Jr., 2Lt
Knapp, Walter E., S/Sgt
Koos, Walter V., S/Sgt
South, William R., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-4097 “Tiny?” (later
Trosky, Chester J., 1Lt
DiNorma, Joseph S., 2Lt
Horlen, Aubrey B., Cpl
Alexander, Preston S., S/Sgt
Cubbage, Robert (NMI), Cpl
Beavers, Marqus F., Cpl
A/C No. 42-64549
Doyle, John D., 1Lt
Manolis, Ronald J., 2Lt
Kaenzig, Charles Leslie, 1Lt
Lamm, Earl D., Cpl
McKearin, William Jerome, T/Sgt
Cassidy, Warren J., Sgt
A/C No. 43-27501 “Sweet Sue Kathy
Jeanne” (unnamed to Nov 44. In 45
“Kathy Jeanne” dropped)
Goodrich, John W., 1Lt
Jackson, Roland B., 2Lt
DeSorbo, John S., Sgt
Demmitt, Henry H., Cpl
Flasher, Henry F., Cpl
Wagner, William M., Cpl
Saturday, 11 November 1944 (continued)
A/C No. 43-27747 “Spider’s Frolic
P Ritger, Frederic Charles, 1Lt
CP Cressman, Jack E., 2Lt
N Codd, Russell G., F/O
B Kiernan, Noble J., 1Lt
E Petrella, Luigi C., S/Sgt
R Cohen, George (NMI), T/Sgt
G Cifuni, Robert J., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-3989 “My Georgia Peach”
(on co-pilot side - “The Leading Lady”,
previously “Miss Dallas”)
P Gallagher, Andrew Paul, 2Lt
CP Ratliff, James Ernest, Jr., 2Lt
N None
B McGann, Edom K., 2Lt
E Shettleworth, William E., Cpl
R Wilking, Robert L., Sgt
G Haxby, William H., Jr., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-4020 “Bourbon Baby”
Reilly, John A., 1Lt
Schmid, Kenneth L., 1Lt
Law, John B., Cpl
Nigrelli, Ernest J., Cpl
Wimert, Donald A., Cpl
Murch, George M., Jr., Sgt
446th BS: War Diary of: Luitjens, Harvey J., Cpl, radio-gunner: (mission 12)
“No. 12) Porto Negara fuel dump - Milk Run. 8x500 - Milk Run but a few fighters.
Capt. Jordan.”
Jordan, Henry L., Capt, pilot
447th BS War Diary: (No non-mission information)
447th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 608/mission 608) Group Mission # 608:
(447th BS did not participate)
447th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 609/mission 609) Group Mission # 609: 9
planes participated in a raid over Porto Negara Oil Storage, in Italy. All Planes returned
safely. The Squadron again scored 100% bombing accuracy.
A/C No. 43-27730 “Katie”
Burns, Robert J., 1Lt
Autry, Aaron E., 2Lt
Bokum, John B., F/O
Dulaney, Earl W., Sgt
Bartram, Roy H., Cpl
Klimkowicz, Zigmond (NMI), Cpl
A/C No. 43-27473 “Paper Doll”
Gates, Edward (NMI), 1Lt
Murray, Richard E., Capt
Tulley, Harlan Norval, 2Lt
Gargiulo, Vincent J. “Vince”, 1Lt
Smith, William L., S/Sgt
LaFountain, Ned F., T/Sgt
Hagan, Richard E., Cpl
Saturday, 11 November 1944 (continued)
A/C No. 43-4060 “Cover Girl”
Hutson, Ernest G. “Hod”, 2Lt
Walker, Marion E., 1Lt
Cowart, Eugene C., T/Sgt
Byrn, Ernest E., S/Sgt
Torrey, Francis S., T/Sgt
Goldman, Marvin S., Cpl
A/C No. 43-27542 “Superstitious
Satterwhite, Henry C., 1Lt
Appenzeller, Richard D., 2Lt
Hiller, Frederick J., 2Lt
Curry, Hughie L., S/Sgt
Stocker, Harvey (NMI), Cpl
Connolly, Paul B., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27718
Hall, Earl W., 1Lt
Loewus, Frederick E. “Fred”, 2Lt
Fiocca, Theodore Aurelio, Sgt
Freeman, Millard C., S/Sgt
Barksdale, Phillip L., Cpl
Williams, James H., Sgt
A/C No. 43-4009 “Double-O-Nine”
Murchland, Robert Keith, 2Lt
Yerger, John W., 2Lt
Schmoke, Vernon L., 2Lt
Perl, Richard H., Sgt
Schnaars, George D., S/Sgt
McKnight, John A., Jr., Cpl
A/C No. 43-4079 “Little David”
Remmel, Earl Howard “The Fox”, 1Lt
Cammack, Elmore (NMI), 2Lt
Darrell, Franklin Lloyd, Jr., 2Lt
Ifshin, Isidore (NMI) “Sonny”, Sgt
Poulin, Gaston G., S/Sgt
Bauder, Harold R., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27506 “Rebel Devil”
Wiechert, Stanley J., 1Lt
Amundson, Donald A., 2Lt
MacNeil, Joseph W., T/Sgt
Dubbs, Andrew C., Sgt
Phares, Harold (NMI) “Harry”, Jr., Cpl
Citarelli, James E., Sgt
A/C No. 43-27498 “Ave Maria”
Marchant, Wendell E., 1Lt
Grimse, Ralph T., 1Lt
Boyle, Joseph G., Jr, 1Lt
Colgan, Donald J., 2Lt
Hopp, Charles J., Sgt
Pelak, Andrew (NMI), T/Sgt
Ochs, Dan (NMI), Jr., Cpl
Saturday, 11 November 1944 (continued)
448th BS War Diary: (No non-mission information)
448th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 608/mission 608) Group Mission # 608:
Undaunted by yesterday’s casualties, nine ships took to the air today as lead flight of
eighteen (18) planes against the Mestre fuel dump, Italy. Led by Captain Farwell the first
box of six scored a good pattern despite heavy, moderate and accurate anti-aircraft fire
and excellent target concealment. Flak damage to lead plane prevented other squadrons
from dropping. All personnel returned safely.
A/C No. 43-28081
Farwell, Harold S., Capt, Commander
Fleming, George B., 2Lt
Bongiovanni, Michael (NMI), 1Lt
Zinkand, Willard T., 1Lt
Haack, Cecil J., S/Sgt
Doughty, Paul V., T/Sgt
Magyar, Steven J., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27668
P Riley, Robert L., 1Lt
CP West, Alden A. “Bud”, 2Lt
N None
B Wald, Douglas A., S/Sgt
E Qualls, Thomas B., S/Sgt
R None listed
G Enderle, Melvin J., Cpl
F None
A/C No. 43-27652 “Out of Bounds”
P Norris, Grafton R., 1Lt
CP Sheffield, Woodrow W., 2Lt
N None
B Carter, Eugene F., S/Sgt
E Weyeneth, Carl H., S/Sgt
R Bixler, Frederick F., T/Sgt
G Ferrell, Bruce M., Pvt
F None
A/C No. 43-27528
Matthews, Thomas W., 1Lt
Cook, Don W., 2Lt
Allendorph, John B., 2Lt
Bell, Flavious J., S/Sgt
Hulse, Donald W., S/Sgt
Carrick, Kenneth M., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27481
Garrett, Thaddeus D., 1Lt
Bechtle, Robert M., 2Lt
Poteet, Edward J., T/Sgt
Weese, Charles F., Cpl
Sullivan, Timothy V., T/Sgt
Hawthorne, Ralph C., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27648 “Sweetie”
Reedy, Walter W., 1Lt
Schweitzer, Robert E., 2Lt
Rockwell, Stewart R. “Rockwell”, S/Sgt
Magers, Marshall P., S/Sgt
None listed
Gage, Robert L., Sgt
Saturday, 11 November 1944 (continued)
A/C No. 43-4037 “Cherry Fizz”
P Rosenau, Gustave D., 1Lt
CP Ivory, Daniel J., Jr., 2Lt
N None
B Veeck, Richard W., S/Sgt
E Langley, Edmund P., Jr., Cpl
R None listed
G Edwards, Jesse R., Cpl
F None
A/C No. 43-27523
P Ovard, Glen S., 1Lt
CP Smith, Milford A., 2Lt
N Steely, Ralph K., 2Lt
B Brink, Richard E., 2Lt
E Perillo, Anthony L., S/Sgt
R Seward, Richard F., S/Sgt
G Justice, Conway J., Jr., Cpl
F None
A/C No. 43-4067 “The Big Swing”
Tetlow, John S., 1Lt
Kuoni, Charles F., Jr., 2Lt
Reves, Louis E., Cpl
Turner, James H., Pvt
Brusa, Robert P., S/Sgt
Holloway, Garland (NMI), S/Sgt
448th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 609/mission 609) Group Mission # 609:
(448th BS did not participate)
448th BS: War Diary of: Schaffer, Irving J., S/Sgt, radio-gunner:
“Awoke 6:00AM. Very cold. Very restless night due to crash landing. Clear. Grounded
for a couple of days. Fresh fried eggs, whole-wheat cereal, grapefruit juice, coffee,
bread. Markiewicz borrowed jeep from Mr. Snyder, Red Cross field director. Lt
Churchill, Lt Zakopcsan, Pineda and yours truly went to 340th field hospital to visit
James Herod. Herod was hit by flak in three places in right arm. Double compound
fracture. His flying days are finished. Returned squadron 12:30PM. 9 purple hearts
were issued on yesterday's raid. 100% hit. Group lost 5 ships. Met Gen Knapp
yesterday. Brought liaison receiver back from our ship yesterday. Boiled chicken, gravy,
string beans, lima beans, leaf lettuce, canned peaches, bread, butter. Teaching Jerry
Kurs to box. Walters and Griffin busted to privates for overstaying Rome rest camp.
Feeling punk. Corn beef paddies, roasted sweet potatoes, peas, fruit salad, bread, coffee.
Made a bookshelf. Very clear and cold evening. Retired 10:00PM. (Armistice Day)”
Churchill, Duane W., 2Lt, pilot
Herod, James E. “Jim”, Sgt, radio-gunner
Knapp, Robert Duane, Brigadier General, pilot, 57th BW Commander
Kurs, Jerome H. "Jerry", T/Sgt, operations
Markiewicz, Edward B., S/Sgt, gunner
Pineda, Nico M., S/Sgt, engineer-gunner
Snyder, Mr., American Red Cross
Zakopcsan, John S., 1Lt, pilot
Sunday, 12 November 1944
USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF):
In Italy, bad weather grounds medium bombers; fighter-bombers
support ground forces in the N Apennines and hit railway targets in the Po Valley, cut rail
lines in 18 places and destroy or seriously damage 8 bridges; during the night of 11/12
Nov A-20s hit motor transport, Bergamo Airfield, and the Po River crossing at San
Benedetto Po.
HQ 321st BG War Diary: No mission – weather.
HQ 321st BG Mission Summary (Ops Order xxx/mission xxx) Group Mission #
609W (A) - redesignated # 656 on 1 Jan 45:
Weather Reconnaissance
(Group mission report not available at this time)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------445th BS War Diary: Lt. Eatherly flew a weather recon today and reported bad weather.
Combat mission was cancelled. The day was cloudy and cold with some rain falling. Lt.
Lowery gave an hour lecture today to 12 gunners. Lts. Groose and Wolfe and Sgt.
Swingholm left for the States today. 12 bombardiers chalked up a total of 7 hours on the
rate machine. One ship went to the bombing range to test racks, one plane was out on
transition, one plane was test hopped and another went up to wing the compass.
Eatherly, Joseph A., 2Lt, pilot
Groose, William R., 2Lt, pilot
Lowery, Bruce (NMI), 2Lt, armament
Swingholm, Raymond J., Sgt, engineer-gunner
Wolfe, Robert A., 1Lt, pilot
445th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order xxx/mission xxx) Group Mission # 609W (A)
- redesignated # 656 on 1 Jan 45:
Group Mission # 609 W (A) Squadron Mission # 394
Lt. Eatherly flew a weather reconnaissance mission. He received some light tracer fire
over Italy but no serious flak opposition. He advised against flying a mission. Weather
A/C No. 43-27523
P Eatherly, Joseph A., 1Lt
CP Brown, Cecil A., 2Lt
N Barton, Samuel V., 1Lt
B None
E Cavanaugh, Thomas J., Jr., S/Sgt
R Leach, Earl V., T/Sgt
G Miller, Robert Ryal, S/Sgt
F Turay, Norman Ambrose, T/Sgt (weather
Sunday, 12 November 1944 (continued)
446th BS War Diary: No Missions. More returnees to the states: Capt. Phillips, Lts
Gibbons, Mickel, Wallace, and Ems Jupin and Mittman.
Gibbons, George H., 1Lt, pilot
Jupin, John, Jr., S/Sgt, engineer-gunner
Mickel Alan T., 1Lt, pilot
Mittman, Milton M., S/Sgt, gunner
Phillips, Lowell G., Capt, navigator
Wallace, Robert D., 1Lt, pilot
446th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order xxx/mission xxx) Group Mission # 609W (A)
- redesignated # 656 on 1 Jan 45: (446th BS did not participate)
447th BS War Diary: The fol named EM, asgd and jd: Cpl Frank P. Bauer, Cpl Merle
L. Bunch. The following named O and EM, (COMBAT) were rotated to the zone of
Interior: Capt Wayne R. Martin, Capt Marvin L. Speer, Capt Eugene E. Stocking, Capt
Robert E. Thomas, Lt Ward E. Manley, Lt LeRoy C. Runyon, Lt Edwin E. Wallace,
S/Sgt Carl S. Escher, S/Sgt Robert H. Gillies, S/Sgt Edmund Rogowski, and Lt Myer G.
Melamed. No mission to-day. Usual camp duties.
Bauer, Frank P., Cpl, intelligence
Bunch, Merle L., Cpl, armament
Escher, Carl S., S/Sgt, gunner
Gillies, Robert H., S/Sgt, gunner
Manley, Ward E., 1Lt, pilot
Martin, Wayne R., Capt, bombardier
Melamed, Meyer G., 1Lt, bombardier
Rogowski, Edmund (NMI) “Butch”, S/Sgt, gunner
Runyon, Leroy C., 1Lt, pilot
Speer, Marvin L, Capt, pilot
Stocking, Eugene, E., Capt, pilot
Thomas, Robert E., Capt, navigator
Wallace, Edwin E., 1Lt, pilot
447th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order xxx/mission xxx) Group Mission # 609W (A)
- redesignated # 656 on 1 Jan 45: (447th BS did not participate)
448th BS War Diary: Captain Herman M. Kneisle, 2nd Lt. Robert Lesser, T/Sgt. Robert
L. Hallman, Cpl. Joseph L. Littier beamingly returned from Capri rest camp. Mission
stand-down today.
Hallman, Robert L., T/Sgt, gunner
Kneisle, Herman M., Capt, communication
Lesser, Robert (NMI) "Bob", 2Lt, bombardier
Littier, Joseph L. J., Cpl, cook
448th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order xxx/mission xxx) Group Mission # 609W (A)
- redesignated # 656 on 1 Jan 45: (448th BS did not participate)
448th BS: War Diary of: Schaffer, Irving J., S/Sgt, radio-gunner:
“Awoke 7:45AM. Very cold and clear. Pancakes, oatmeal, coffee, tomato juice. John
leaving for mountains again. Probably Bruno going with them to his home at Pietrapola
15 kilometers past 57th wing. Stand-down on today's mission. Rations $2.90, 10 bottles
beer, 2 cokes, 3 packages gum, 1 bar soap, 5 Hershey's, 3 cigars, 8 bars candy, 15
packages cigarettes. Hamburgers, tomato sauce, string beans, mashed potatoes, fruit
Sunday, 12 November 1944 (continued)
salad, bread, tea. Picked up sleeping bag at Tech supply. Gave it to Mike as I have one.
Raining. John and fireplace workers went to Papas for dinner. Roast beef, string beans,
mashed potatoes, fruit salad, bread, coffee. Visited Taylor, Smitty and Fisher. On Rome
rest camp trip tomorrow. Retired 10:30PM.”
Bruno Antonio Perri, of Calabria, Italy, Italian mason
Fisher, Carl D., 2Lt, pilot, 446th BS
Kocsis, Michael (NMI) “Mike”, Jr., Sgt, cook, Mess Sgt
Nelson, John F. “Chief”, Cpl, engineer-gunner
Smith, Francis L. "Smitty", Sgt, gunner, 445th BS
Taylor, Marion R., Cpl, engineer-gunner, 445th BS
Monday, 13 November 1944
USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF):
In Italy, during the night of 12/13 Nov A-20s bomb ammunition
dumps, pontoon bridge, and targets of opportunity in the Po Valley; a thick overcast
covering N Italy the following morning vastly curtails medium bombers which attack
only a railway bridge at Padua; fighter-bombers continue to hit communications N of the
battle area and also the oil pipeline across the Po River at Ostiglia.
HQ 321st BG War Diary: The missions to the Sacile and Tombe Bridges were both
abortive due to weather; the formations turned back at the I. P.
HQ 321st BG Mission Summary (Ops Order 610/mission 610) Group Mission # 610:
Tombe S R.R. Bridge, Italy
(Group mission report not available at this time)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------HQ 321st BG Mission Summary (Ops Order 611/mission 611) Group Mission # 611:
Sacile Railroad Bridge (Group mission report not available at this time)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------445th BS War Diary: Poor weather prevented completion of the combat mission. The
planes got off but could not reach their target. Capt. “Doc” Smith and the Mitchell-Aires
together with Lt. Jeffrey Lynn and his radio cast left by plane for Rome today to
broadcast their half-hour musical variety show tomorrow night over the American
Expeditionary Station in the Italian capital. Capt. Farrell and Lt. Rigler left for a bit of
DS to a ferrying squadron for approximately 15 days. Lt. Martin left for the States today.
Farrell, Robert A., 1Lt, pilot
Lind, Ragnar G. "Jeffery Lynn", 1Lt, intelligence, HQ 321st BG
Martin, John W., 2Lt, pilot
Rigler, Edward J., 2Lt, pilot
Smith, William C. "Doc", Capt, surgeon
445th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 610/mission 610) Group Mission # 610:
Group Mission # 610
Squadron Mission # 395
Capt Weld led 9 ships from this squadron following another squadron of 9 ships. Bad
weather prevented the completion of the mission.
A/C No. 4 43-27680 “Stuff”
A/C No. 43-27733 “Porky’s Baby”
Richard S. “Dick”, 2Lt
White, Edward A., 2Lt
CP Shutters, Paul E., 2Lt
N Sides, Harry F., 1Lt
Gonzales, Alfred R., T/Sgt
B Palmer, Richard W.1Lt
Hope, Amos (NMI), S/Sgt
E Kofmehl, James J., S/Sgt
Nuttall, John H., Cpl
R Kavan, Lester D., T/Sgt
Jacobs, Harry E., S/Sgt
G Slodden, Henry M. “Kip”, Sgt
F None
Monday, 13 November 1944 (continued)
A/C No. 43-27698 “Peggy Lou”
Poteete, Max W., 2Lt
Brown, Cecil A., 2Lt
Emery, Ben D., 1Lt
Chambers, Jimmie (NMI), S/Sgt
Krober, Raymond D., Jr., Cpl
Baker, Max E., Cpl
A/C No. 43-27509
P Payne, Lawrence J., 1Lt
CP DeBoer, Jay (NMI), Jr., 2Lt
N None
B Salch, Raymond F., Cpl
E Freiler, Walter C., S/Sgt
R Matter, Dean R., Cpl
G Bates, Leonard H., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 44-28722 “Spirit of
P Bowling, Dan Parker, 1Lt
CP McFatter, Joe H., 2Lt
N Starczewski, Phillip R., 2Lt
B Silnutzer, Joseph A., 1Lt
E Krauk, Edward J., Sgt
R Otterness, William B., Cpl
G Haynes, Irving L., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27716 “Shit House
Glasford, Loren G., 1Lt
Buckham, John K., 2Lt
Doherty, Charles S., S/Sgt
Mitchell, Robert D. “Bob”, Cpl
Engleman, Bud (NMI), S/Sgt
Clayton, Ross W., Cpl
A/C No. 43-27545 “Maggie”
Dentoni, Louis M., 2Lt
Miron, Leno L., 2Lt
Barrett, Ray E., S/Sgt
Hunsberger, William R., Cpl
Kneisel, Charles W., T/Sgt
Hafner, Duane H., S/Sgt
Abrams, Samuel (NMI) “Sam”, Sgt
A/C No. 43-27769 “Miss Fancy Pants”
Elliott, James R., Jr., 1Lt
Young, Paul L., 2Lt
Vaughan, Fred W., 2Lt
Sycylo, Theodore W., Cpl
Gray, John H., T/Sgt
Stanley, Harold Gene “Gene”, Sgt
A/C No. 44-28928 “Heaven Can
Monger, Samuel A. “Sam”, Jr., 1Lt
Curry, Arthur L. “Art”, 2Lt
Cravey, Robert P., 2Lt
Cubley, Harold B., T/Sgt
DeLaune, William P., T/Sgt
Henry, William W., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27742 “Vicious Vera”
(later “Winnie Mae”) (Lead spare – did
not fill in)
Webb, Allen W. “Pete”, 1Lt
Young, William J. “Dusty”, 2Lt
Beck, Robert B. “Bob”, 2Lt
Larson, Richard A., Cpl
Reagin, Charles T., Cpl
Bierly, Glen E., Cpl
445th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 611/mission 611) Group Mission # 611:
(445th BS did not participate)
446th BS War Diary: Squadron duties.
Monday, 13 November 1944 (continued)
446th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 610/mission 610) Group Mission # 610:
Squadron Mission 426
TARGET: Tombe S R.R. Bridge, Italy
DATE: 13 Nov.1944
Type of Bombs: 1000 lb.
446th Planes: 9
Lt. Matthews led the formation. Did not drop due to weather. Lt. Matthews was forced
to feather an engine, salvo his bombs and return on single engine because of mechanical
failure. (Entire crew list is unreadable)
A/C No. 1 (returned due to mechanical
A/C No. 2 unidentified plane & crew
failure) unidentified plane & crew
Jordan, Henry L., Capt
P Matthews, John Walker, Jr., 1Lt
N None
Luitjens, Harvey J., Cpl
F None
A/C No. 3 unidentified plane & crew
A/C No. 4 unidentified plane & crew
N None
F None
A/C No. 5 unidentified plane & crew
A/C No. 6 unidentified plane & crew
N None
F None
A/C No. 7 unidentified plane & crew
A/C No. 8 unidentified plane & crew
N None
F None
Monday, 13 November 1944 (continued)
A/C No. 9 unidentified plane & crew
N None
F None
446th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 611/mission 611) Group Mission # 611:
(446th BS did not participate)
446th BS: War Diary of: Luitjens, Harvey J., Cpl, radio-gunner: (mission 13)
“No. 13) Made a good run on Tombe R.R. Bridge but target was closed due to smoke
pots. 4x1000. Capt Jordan.”
Jordan, Henry L., Capt, pilot
447th BS War Diary: S/Sgt Robert J. Balling who was wounded on the mission of the
10th passed away last night in the 40th Sta Hosp. His loss is deeply regretted by his many
friends in the Squadron.
Balling, Robert J., T/Sgt, radio-gunner, photographer
447th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 610/mission 610) Group Mission # 610:
(447th BS did not participate)
447th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 611/mission 611) Group Mission # 611: A
mission of 9 planes took off but were unable to reach the target because of bad weather.
A/C No. 43-27506 “Rebel Devil”
P Wiechert, Stanley J., 1Lt
CP Fairchild, George S., 2Lt
N None
B Bokum, John B., F/O
E Dubbs, Andrew C., Sgt
R Phares, Harold (NMI) “Harry”, Jr., Cpl
G Citarelli, James E., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27498 “Ave Maria”
Muzinich, Anthony L. “Tony”, Capt
Amundson, Donald A., 2Lt
Olsen, Svend P., 1Lt
Mesna, Leeland A. “Lee”, 1Lt
Keenan, Harry A., Sgt
Cowart, Eugene C., T/Sgt
Ochs, Dan (NMI), Jr., Cpl
Monday, 13 November 1944 (continued)
A/C No. 43-27730 “Katie”
Morton, William C. “Mort”, Jr., 2Lt
Walker, Marion E., 1Lt
Lankester, Hugh H. “Lank”, 2Lt
O’Neil, James R., S/Sgt
Bartram, Roy H., Cpl
Flowers, Frank J., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27542 “Superstitious
Murchland, Robert Keith, 2Lt
Wallis, Shelby D., F/O
Pelak, Andrew (NMI), T/Sgt
Netzel, Carl F., Sgt
Poulin, Gaston G., S/Sgt
McKnight, John A., Jr., Cpl
A/C No. 43-27718
Satterwhite, Henry C., 1Lt
Gies, Donald W., F/O
Curry, Hughie L., S/Sgt
Fiocca, Theodore Aurelio, Sgt
Schnaars, George D., S/Sgt
Young, Robert E., Sgt
A/C No. 43-27636
Hennessey, Ralph E., 2Lt
Yerger, John W., 2Lt
MacNeil, Joseph W., T/Sgt
Daniels, Carl (NMI), Sgt
Finnegan, Paul W., Cpl
Veid, Joseph (NMI), S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-4060 “Cover Girl”
Hutson, Ernest G. “Hod”, 2Lt
Marchant, Wendell E., 1Lt
Hiller, Frederick J., 2Lt
Mercea, George (NMI), S/Sgt
See, Russell K., T/Sgt
Staub, Edward C., Cpl
A/C No. 43-27779
Burns, Robert J., 1Lt
Rose, Norman I., 2Lt
Schmoke, Vernon L., 2Lt
Dulaney, Earl W., Sgt
Keefe, John A., T/Sgt
Klimkowicz, Zigmond (NMI), Cpl
A/C No. 43-4079 “Little David”
Remmel, Earl Howard “The Fox”, 1Lt
Cammack, Elmore (NMI), 2Lt
Boyle, Joseph G., Jr., 1Lt
Darrell, Franklin Lloyd, Jr., 2Lt
Ifshin, Isidore (NMI) “Sonny”, Sgt
Maslyar, Michael M., Sgt
Bauder, Harold R., S/Sgt
448th BS War Diary: S/Sgt. Donald P. Bergstrom transferred to 40th Station Hospital.
Bergstrom, Donald P., S/Sgt, gunner
Monday, 13 November 1944 (continued)
448th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 610/mission 610) Group Mission # 610:
(448th BS did not participate)
448th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 611/mission 611) Group Mission # 611: Nine
planes took off as lead flight of eighteen (18) planes to bomb Sacile railroad bridge, Italy
but turned back at I.P. due to 10/10 cloud coverage of target.
A/C No. 43-27523
A/C No. 43-4081 “Dixie Girl”
Burks, Richard W., Capt
P Ovard, Glen S., 1Lt
Cherry, Raymond (NMI), Jr., 2Lt
CP Schweitzer, Robert E., 2Lt
N Freund, John F., 2Lt
Sutton, Norman J., 2Lt
B Martin, James M., Jr., 1Lt
Ratcliffe, James E., Jr., S/Sgt
E Veeck, Richard W., S/Sgt
Seward, Richard F., S/Sgt
R Sullivan, Timothy V., T/Sgt
Knauss, Charles F., S/Sgt
G Justice, Conway J., Jr., Cpl
F None
A/C No. 43-27648 “Sweetie”
A/C No. 43-27481
Garrett, Thaddeus D., 1Lt
P Reedy, Walter W., 1Lt
Zakopcsan, John S., 2Lt
CP Birkhead, Charles F., Jr., 2Lt
N None
Berman, Samuel (NMI), S/Sgt
B Poteet, Edward J., T/Sgt
Weese, Charles F., Cpl
E Magers, Marshall P., S/Sgt
None listed
R Brusa, Robert P., S/Sgt
Hawthorne, Ralph C., S/Sgt
G Gage, Robert L., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27652 “Out of Bounds”
A/C No. 43-27530 “Twin Engine
Duggan, Raymond E., 2Lt
P Norris, Grafton R., 1Lt
Autrey, W. F. (i.o.), 2Lt
CP Cooper, Richard J., 2Lt
N None
Reves, Louis E., Cpl
B Langley, Edmund P., Jr., Cpl
Weyeneth, Carl H., S/Sgt
E Goethals, Camiel A., Sgt
Bixler, Frederick F., T/Sgt
R None listed
Magyar, Steven J., S/Sgt
G Ferrell, Bruce M., Pvt
F None
A/C No. 43-4076
A/C No. 44-28721 “Shug”
(NMI) “Ted”, 1Lt
Rubin, Julius W., 2Lt
CP Wilson, James M., 2Lt
N None
Pealer, Woodward D., Sgt
B Carter, Eugene F., S/Sgt
Baird, James (NMI), Jr., S/Sgt
E Wright, Melvin M., Cpl
None listed
R Mardeuse, Alfred K., S/Sgt
Hamilton, G., S/Sgt – (may actually be
G Edwards, Jesse R., Cpl
Holloway, Garland (NMI), S/Sgt
F None
Monday, 13 November 1944 (continued)
A/C No. 43-27706 “Silver Belle”
P Rogers, Harry (NMI), Jr., 1Lt
CP Cook, Dan W., 2Lt
N Bartlett, J. E., 2Lt
B Brink, Richard E., 2Lt
E Donaud, Earl J., S/Sgt
R Morefield, James Carl, S/Sgt
G Sharp, Samuel I., Jr., S/Sgt
F None
448th BS: War Diary of: Schaffer, Irving J., S/Sgt, radio-gunner:
“Take off 10:15AM. Landed 11:30AM. Littorio Airfield, Rome, Italy. Weapons carrier
took us (Ben Moleski, Stewart Rockwell, Joseph Abiecunas) to officer's Red Cross (center
of town). Finally ended up at California Pensione by carriage. The padrone di la casa
took us down via Aurora across Via Lombardia to another pensione. We have two rooms
on second floor. One has three single beds, the other one bed. No telephones, running
water or bath. The toilet is down the hall. Our room faces the center patio of the
apartment building. From here we went to a cafe‚ on Via Lombardia which is down one
flight to the basement. From here Othello, a waiter, showed us a popular nightspot.
Cafes and restaurants open at 5:00PM and close at 7:00PM. This is an allied
restriction. This bar is known as "Maria's", which is also similar to a wine cellar. Here
beaucoup females come to be picked up by soldiers for shack jobs. Of the crowd my
Italian is about the best. I fixed "Abby" up with some whore for the night for $15. $10
for her and $5 for a room. Police raid hotels, apt houses, etc. as no women are allowed
on first floor. Returned to our casa at 8:30PM. Talked with Secilia awhile. She
understands no English. (Housekeeper 72 years). Rome has some beautiful females.
Retired 9:00PM.”
Abiecunas, Joseph P. “Abby”, S/Sgt, gunner
Moleski, Benny M. “Ben”, S/Sgt
Rockwell, Stewart R., S/Sgt, gunner
Tuesday, 14 November 1944
USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF):
In Italy, bad weather restricts operations to fighter-bomber attacks by
17 P-47s on rail lines and road N of the battleline.
HQ 321st BG War Diary: No mission – weather.
445th BS War Diary: Operational mission for this date was cancelled due to bad
weather. 10 crews were scheduled. There were no training flights today due to the
weather but a ground training program was scheduled. In the evening, the men hung
around the radios to tune in on the “Doc” Smith, Lt. Lynn radio show at 9:00. The radio
cast included Sgt. McNevin and Sgt. Lestz with Sgt. Schall filling in to aid Lt. Lynn who
was master of ceremonies. Doc’s Mitchell-Aires sounded good over the air waves.
Lestz, Sidney (NMI), Sgt, engineering
Lind, Ragnar G. "Jeffery Lynn", 1Lt, intelligence, HQ 321st BG
McNevin, John L., Jr., S/Sgt, intelligence/1st Sgt
Schall, Stewart I., Sgt, communications
Smith, William C. "Doc", Capt, surgeon
446th BS War Diary: Lts. Derringer and Hogman are promoted to First Lieutenant.
Derringer, Albert J., 1Lt, bombardier
Hogman, Frans H., 1Lt, bombardier
447th BS War Diary: Word was received to-day that S/Sgt Harold W. Scarberry, who
was believed to be missing in action jumped to safety from Lt Ramey’s plane on the 10 th
of November, he is now in a hospital in Italy suffering from minor injuries and shock.
He is the third man to be found alive from a crew of seven. No mission due to bad
weather. Usual camp duties.
Ramey, Gordon, A., 1Lt, pilot
Scarberry, Harold W., S/Sgt, gunner
448th BS War Diary: All missions cancelled due weather. S-2 officially opened their
elaborate War Room to the Squadron. Occupying one tent, it presents to the personnel a
large overall picture of the various theatres of war and affords them a place to read the
instructive information available.
448th BS: War Diary of: Schaffer, Irving J., S/Sgt, radio-gunner:
“Awoke 8:00AM. Raining. Had coffee and buns at Red Cross (5 cents) snack bar.
Inquired about Capt Felix Aulisi at Red Cross field director's office but he is on duty in
Naples. Shave and haircut at Red Cross barber shop. Met a paratrooper from Penn.
Showed us around Rome a bit. Ate at Army rest camp restaurant (10 cents). Purchased
gifts and Christmas cards. Attended cinema "Dittatore," (The Great Dictator) (40 cents).
American speech, Italian writing on screen. Got lost in city after dark - as Rome is in
blackout. Took "hack" (horse and buggy) back to Mario’s. Met Abby's shack date from
Tuesday, 14 November 1944 (continued)
last evening. Maestro Gori is where all the shacking couples go after leaving Mario’s.
They are just several blocks apart. Abby's shacking again with Anna. Othello fixed us
(Ben, Rocky and I) up with una bottela vino and loaf of bread to bring back to our room.
We always bring some food back for Secilia as she has little and food is scarce. She is
beginning to care for us like a mother. We have one desk lamp. Floors are of marblelike stone.”
Abiecunas, Joseph P. “Abby”, S/Sgt, gunner
Moleski, Benny M. “Ben”, S/Sgt, gunner
Rockwell, Stewart R. “Rockwell”, S/Sgt, gunner
Wednesday, 15 November 1944
USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF): Twelfth AF loses HQ 63d
Fighter Wing; HQ 42nd Bombardment Wing (Medium); HQ 17th and 320th Bombardment
Groups (Medium), and 310 th Service Group to European Theater of Operations, USA
Army (ETOUSA). Bad weather cancels all operations except for reconnaissance by 4 P47s and attack by 2 on railroad bridge and rolling stock in the Po Valley.
HQ 321st BG War Diary: No mission – weather.
445th BS War Diary: With 10 crews again scheduled for a mission, bad weather
intervened and there was no combat flying. However, two ships went to the bombing
range while two other went on transition. The strong winds and heavy rain last night
failed to uproot any tents although a few were shaken loose. The men battened down the
“hatches” today. Pvts. H.J. Jones and Ott were promoted to corporal today and placed on
flying status.
Jones, Harvey J., Cpl, gunner
Ott, James V., Cpl, gunner
446th BS War Diary: Regular duties in the area and on the line as the mission is called
off because of the weather.
447th BS War Diary: No mission scheduled. Usual camp duties, except for the
hammering and nailing around the tents, to keep them from being blown into the sea.
448th BS War Diary: Second Lts. James W. Bottom, John L. Cannon, Harold H.
Russell, John D. Russell, Theodore Schwartz, Thomas S. Sculley, John W. Sheppard, and
Charles S. Stout were assigned and joined the squadron, replacing many of the “old
timers” who were leaving for the States. S/Sgts. Samuel Berman, James C. Morefield,
Stewart R. Rockwell, Robert P. Brusa, Charles R. Randall, Jr. and Richard R. Seward
were promoted to T/Sgts. Sgts. Camiel A. Goethals and Woodward D. Pealer were
elevated to the grade of S/Sgt. Cpls. Jesse R. Edwards, James E. Herod, Edmund P.
Langley, Jr., Melvin J. Enderle, Conway J. Justice, Jr., Louis E. Reves and Melvin M.
Wright were presented with an extra stripe to become Sgts. Pvts. Bruce M. Ferrell and
James H. Turner received promotions to Corporals.
Berman, Samuel (NMI), T/Sgt, gunner
Bottom, James W., 2Lt, bombardier
Brusa, Robert P., T/Sgt, gunner
Cannon, John L, 2Lt, bombardier
Edwards, Jesse R., Sgt, photographer
Enderle, Melvin J., Sgt, gunner
Ferrell, Bruce M., Cpl, gunner
Goethals, Camiel A., S/Sgt, gunner
Herod, James E. “Jim”, Sgt, radio-gunner Justice, Conway J., Jr., Sgt, gunner
Langley, Edmund P., Jr., Sgt, gunner
Morefield, James Carl, T/Sgt, gunner
Pealer, Woodward D., S/Sgt, gunner
Randall, Charles R., Jr., T/Sgt, gunner
Reves, Louis E., Sgt, gunner
Rockwell, Stewart R. “Rockwell”, T/Sgt,
Russell, Harold H., 2Lt, pilot
Russell, John D., 2Lt, pilot
Wednesday, 15 November 1944 (continued)
Schwartz, Theodore (NMI), 2Lt, pilot
Seward, Richard F., T/Sgt, gunner
Stout, Charles S. “Chuck”, 2Lt, bombardier
Wright, Melvin M., Sgt, gunner
Sculley, Thomas S., 2Lt, pilot
Sheppard, John W., 2Lt, bombardier
Turner, James H., Cpl, gunner
448th BS: War Diary of: Schaffer, Irving J., S/Sgt, radio-gunner:
“Awoke 7:15AM. Comfortable night. No breakfast. Abby didn't arrive for Red Cross
tour this AM. Red Cross tour at 9:00AM by bus with guide. No charge. Slight rain.
First stop was the Pantheon where the bodies of kings and queens still are at rest in
marble tombs. Next was the Coliseum where vendors and peddlers were present. Visited
St Peters Cathedral and Vatican City. We had an audience with Pope Pius XII at
12:50PM. Swiss guards, ushers, pope bearers etc, were about. Much to the displeasure
of its occupants, Rocky and I took a Limey bus back to the center of town as our bus left.
Ben stayed on at Vatican City. Abby, Rocky and I ate at EM restaurant. Rocky and I
attended opera "Othello" at Royal Opera house. I treated as I tried to interest him in
good music. ($2.00 seats). Opera glasses. Met boys at "Gori’s" 10:00AM. Secilia and
we boys drank wine in our room. Everyone happy. Abby shacking. Retired 11:00PM.”
Abiecunas, Joseph P. “Abby”, S/Sgt, gunner
Moleski, Benny M. “Ben”, S/Sgt, gunner
Rockwell, Stewart R. “Rockwell”, S/Sgt, gunner
Thursday, 16 November 1944
USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF):
In Italy, medium bombers fly 250+ sorties against rail lines in the
Brenner Pass and other parts of NE Italy destroying the railroad bridge at Sacile; fighterbombers in support of the British Eighth Army advance to the NW of Forli, hit guns,
ammunition supplies, and other military targets, attack pipeline crossings of the Po River
at Ostiglia and Ferrara, and pontoon stores near Ficarola, as well as hitting
communications targets N of the battle area; the 346th Fighter Squadron, 350th Fighter
Group, moves from Tarquinia to Pisa with P-47s.
HQ 321st BG War Diary: Missed one and hit one today – the Sacile Railroad bridge is
no more, at least for a while. It was knocked down from end to end by 18 aircraft. The
Padua North Railroad bridge had its North approach cut but is still standing.
HQ 321st BG Mission Summary (Ops Order 612/mission 612) Group Mission # 612:
Padua north railroad bridge, Italy
(Group mission report not available at this time)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------HQ 321st BG Mission Summary (Ops Order 613/mission 613) Group Mission # 613:
Sacile Railroad Bridge in Northern Italy.
(Group mission report not available at this time)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------445th BS War Diary: Lt. Dyer led the mission today but results were not up to par.
Lectures on escape and security were given for all combat officers at group after supper
by Capt. Manly and Capt. Levine. Lt. Daggett and Sgts. Sauer and Malmberg left the
squadron today enroute to the U.S.A. on rotation. There was plenty of training today
including ships to the bombing range, transition, instrument practice and a few test hops.
Daggett, Allen L. “Jerry”, 2Lt, pilot
Dyer, Robert H., 1Lt, pilot
Levine, William E., Capt, intelligence, 447th BS
Malmberg Russell H., S/Sgt, engineer-gunner
Manly, Robert W. "Horse", Capt, intelligence, 447th BS
Sauer, Carlton F., T/Sgt, radio-gunner
445th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 612/mission 612) Group Mission # 612:
Group Mission # 612
Squadron Mission # 396
Lt. Dyer led 10 ships of the squadron in a formation of 18 ships sent out unescorted to
bomb the Padua north railroad bridge, Italy. No flak or fighters were reported. The
bombers dropped 1000 pound bombs from 10/10,500 feet. RESULTS: Due to
navigational error, Piave railroad bridge bombed and missed. North approach cut a
primary, bridge not hit. Good concentration.
Thursday, 16 November 1944 (continued)
A/C No. 43-27680 “Stuff”
Dyer, Robert H., 1Lt
Middleton, Donald M., 2Lt
Mitchell, Robert F., 1Lt
Palmer, Richard W., 1Lt
Larkin, Francis C. “Charley”, S/Sgt
Gonzales, Alfred R., T/Sgt
Hafner, Duane H., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27742 “Vicious Vera”
(later “Winnie Mae”)
Webb, Allen W. “Pete”, 1Lt
Brown, Cecil A., 2Lt
Beck, Robert B. “Bob”, 2Lt
Kofmehl, James J., S/Sgt
Rockett, James J., T/Sgt
Slodden, Henry M. “Kip”, Sgt
A/C No. 43-27716 “Shit House
Baker, Thomas J., 1Lt
McMahon, Bernard J. “Mac”, Jr., 2Lt
Barton, Samuel V., 1Lt
Watts, Joseph T., Jr., Cpl
Engleman, Bud (NMI), S/Sgt
Moorehead, Lewis E., Sgt
A/C No. 44-28722 “Spirit of
Kendall, Wayne E., 1Lt
Lewis, Max E., 2Lt
Starczewski, Phillip R., 2Lt
Skebey, Robert J., 1Lt
Taylor, Marion R., Cpl
Bierly, Glenn E., Cpl
Barrett, Ray E., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27733 “Porky’s Baby”
Spencer, Charles F., 1Lt
McFatter, Joe H., 2Lt
Jackson, William H., 2Lt
Smith, William F., S/Sgt
Krober, Raymond D., Jr., Cpl
Abrams, Samuel (NMI) “Sam”, Sgt
A/C No. 43-27509
Eatherly, Joseph A., 1Lt
Couch, Thomas (NMI), Jr., 2Lt
Salch, Raymond F., Cpl
Freiler, Walter C., S/Sgt
Reagin, Charles T., Cpl
Bates, Leonard H., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27545 “Maggie”
Moore, William H., 1Lt
Miron, Leno L., 2Lt
Doherty, Charles S., S/Sgt
Larson, Richard A. Cpl
DeLaune, William P., T/Sgt
Jacobs, Harry E., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27769
Payne, Lawrence J., 1Lt
Young, William J. “Dusty”, 2Lt
Gifford, Robert H., 1Lt
Cavanaugh, Thomas J., Jr., S/Sgt
Matter, Dean R., Cpl
Morisi, David D., Sgt
Thursday, 16 November 1944 (continued)
A/C No. 44-28928 “Heaven Can
P Cox, Harold L., 2Lt
CP Sprankle, Floyd H., 2Lt
N None
B Chauncey, Martin E. “Marty”, T/Sgt
E Poirier, Andre (NMI), S/Sgt
R Nuttall, John H., Cpl
G Edwards, Jack M., Cpl
F None
A/C No. 43-27698 “Peggy Lou” (Lead
spare – filled in 446th flight)
Mogren, Edward G., 2Lt
Rung, Raymond F. “Red”, Jr., 2Lt
Weiner, Irving B., 2Lt
Sycylo, Theodore W., Cpl
Otterness, William B., Cpl
Osborn, Jack R., Sgt
445th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 613/mission 61) Group Mission # 613: (445th
BS did not participate)
446th BS War Diary: Captain Hawkes, LeClair and Burandt, Lts. Forsberg, Mexal,
Swanson and Briles plus Ems Sweedler and Lorentson hear that their orders to go home
have come in.
Briles, Connolly O., 1Lt, pilot
Burandt, Charles L., Capt, pilot
Forsberg, Robert A., 1Lt, bombardier
Hawkes, Leon R., Capt, pilot
LeClair, Edward R., Capt, pilot
Lorentson, Edward H., S/Sgt, gunner
Mexal, Gus J., 2Lt, bombardier
Swanson, Harry A., 2Lt, pilot
Sweedler, Max (NMI), T/Sgt, radio-gunner
446th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 612/mission 612) Group Mission # 612:
Squadron Mission 427
TARGET: Padua N. R.R. Bridge, Italy
DATE: 16 Nov.1944
Type of Bombs: 1000 lb.
446th Planes: 8
Lt. Matthews led the formation. Due to navigational error, Piave R.R. Bridge was
bombed. N approaches cut, bridge not hit. No flak, no fighters.
A/C No. 43-4021 “The Little
Admiral” (later Lady Jane)
P Matthews, John Walker, Jr., 1Lt
CP Chandler, Warren W., 2Lt
N Gambino, Samuel F., 1Lt
B Lippy, Harvey W., 1Lt
E Lundtoft, Hans G., S/Sgt
R Cohen, Irwin (NMI), T/Sgt
G Leary, Gwynn M., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27660
Goodrich, John W., 1Lt
Panning, Robert F., 2Lt
Law, John B., Cpl
Karuzas, Alexander W., Cpl
Wilking, Robert L., Sgt
Haxby, William H., Jr., Sgt
Thursday, 16 November 1944 (continued)
A/C No. 43-27747
Ivankovig, Paul J., 1Lt
Capalety, Thomas A., 2Lt
Derringer, Albert J., 1Lt
Lamm, Earl D., Cpl
McKearin, William Jerome, T/Sgt
Alberico, Camillo A., Sgt
A/C No. 43-4097 “Tiny?” (later
P Doyle, John D., 1Lt
CP Manolis, Ronald J., 2Lt
N None
B Clark, Samuel E., 2Lt
E DeAngelo, Ralph J., S/Sgt
R Kaufman, Sanders S., S/Sgt
G Cassidy, Warren J., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27501 “Sweet Sue Kathy
Jeanne” (unnamed to Nov 44. In 45
“Kathy Jeanne” dropped)
Robert, Jr., Capt
CP DiNorma, Joseph S., 2Lt
N Codd, Russell G., F/O
B Johnson, Henry W., 1Lt
E Cornelius, Wilbur G., Sgt
R Rousos, Milton P., T/Sgt
G Leeper, Kenneth E., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27678 (did not complete
mission – right engine failure)
P Smedley, Robert Redmond, Capt
CP Ramsay, Lamar E., 2Lt
N None
B McGann, Edom K., 2Lt
E Alexander, Preston S., S/Sgt
R Luitjens, Harvey J., Cpl
G Murch, George M., Jr., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-4074 (picture of seated
lady - no name/lettering)
Kimble, Arnold P., 2Lt
Berge, Gail B., 2Lt
Beecher, Everett F., Sgt
Knapp, Walter E., S/Sgt
Koos, Walter V., S/Sgt
South, William R., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27497 “Barbara”
Ziglar, Frank C., Maj
Crinnion, Edward V., 2Lt
Gale, Benjamin H., Jr., 1Lt
Demmitt, Henry H., Cpl
Flasher, Henry F., Cpl
Wagner, William M., Cpl
A/C No. 43-4020
Schmid, Kenneth L., 1Lt
Sloan, Thomas M., 2Lt
DeSorbo, John S., Sgt
Kelley, Thomas J., Cpl
Freeman, Cecil O., S/Sgt
Beets, Frank T., S/Sgt
Thursday, 16 November 1944 (continued)
446th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 613/mission 613) Group Mission # 613:
(446th BS did not participate)
447th BS War Diary: The Following Officers were asgd and jd to this Squadron: F/O
Frederick W. Haage, 2nd Lts Burton E. Stroupe, Jackson R. Dodson, Leslie T. Speer,
Robert A. Balboni, John R. Highsmith.
Balboni, Robert A., 2Lt, bombardier Dodson, Jackson R., 2Lt, pilot
Haage, Frederick W., F/O, pilot
Highsmith, John R., 2Lt, pilot
Speer, Leslie Thomas, 2Lt, pilot
Stroupe, Burton Elwood “Woody”, 2Lt, bombardier
447th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 612/mission 612) Group Mission # 612:
(447th BS did not participate)
447th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 613/mission 613) Group Mission # 613: Nine
planes participated in a raid over Sacile Railroad Bridge in Northern Italy. Again the
Squadron scored a 100% bombing accuracy.
A/C No. 43-27779
A/C No. 43-27542 “Superstitious
Krafka, Edward (NMI), 1Lt
P Washburn, Guy M. “Pappy”, 1Lt
Wiginton, J. Maurice “Wigs”, Capt
CP Cammack, Elmore (NMI), 2Lt
Tulley, Harlan Norval, 2Lt
N None
Gould, Joe W., 1Lt
B Cowart, Eugene C., T/Sgt
Mercea, George (NMI), S/Sgt
E Perl, Richard H., Sgt
Pelak, Andrew (NMI), T/Sgt
R Hourahan, William F., Jr., Cpl
Hagan, Richard E., Cpl
F Moses, P. F., Sgt, 9 Combat Camera
A/C No. 43-27730 “Katie”
A/C No. 43-4060 “Cover Girl”
Morton, William C. “Mort”, Jr., 2Lt
P Burns, Robert J., 1Lt
Brice, David W., 2Lt
CP Dickson, John L., Jr., 2Lt
N None
Lankester, Hugh H. “Lank”, 2Lt
B See, Russell K., T/Sgt
O’Neil, James R., S/Sgt
E Freeman, Millard C., S/Sgt
Keefe, John A., T/Sgt
R Bartram, Roy H., Cpl
Flowers, Frank J., S/Sgt
G Drew, Horace E., Cpl
F None
A/C No. 43-27506 “Rebel Devil”
A/C No. 43-27636
Hennessey, Ralph E., 2Lt
P Satterwhite, Henry C., 1Lt
Wallis, Shelby D., F/O
CP Autry, Aaron E., 2Lt
N None
MacNeil, Joseph W., T/Sgt
B Schmoke, Vernon L., 2Lt
Byrn, Ernest E., S/Sgt
E Curry, Hughie L., S/Sgt
Torrey, Francis S., T/Sgt
R Schnaars, George D., S/Sgt
Veid, Joseph (NMI), S/Sgt
G Connolly, Paul B., S/Sgt
F None
Thursday, 16 November 1944 (continued)
A/C No. 43-27718
P Murchland, Robert Keith, 2Lt
CP Bullion, Roland G. “Rollo”, 2Lt
N None
B Boyle, Joseph G., Jr., 1Lt
E Netzel, Carl F., Sgt
R Fiocca, Theodore Aurelio, Sgt
G Dulaney, Earl W., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27498 “Ave Maria”
P Wiechert, Stanley J., 1Lt
CP Loewus, Frederick E. “Fred”, 2Lt
N None
B Bokum, John B., F/O
E McMenamin, Daniel P., Jr., Sgt
R Barksdale, Phillip L., Cpl
G Citarelli, James E., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-4079 “Little David”
Marchant, Wendell E., 1Lt
Cahoon, Carl W., 2Lt
Hiller, Frederick J., 2Lt
Colgan, Donald J., 2Lt
Hopp, Charles J., Sgt
Poulin, Gaston G., T/Sgt
Ochs, Dan (NMI), Jr., Cpl
448th BS War Diary: Pvt. Michael C. Lellis returned from TD 341 st Service Squadron.
Pfc. George E. Tiger promoted to Cpl.
Lellis, Michael C., Pvt, duty soldier
Tiger, George E., Cpl, cook
448th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 612/mission 612) Group Mission # 612:
(448th BS did not participate)
448th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 613/mission 613) Group Mission # 613:
Today our boys again proved their great operational efficiency when nine ships from the
448th led the Group against the Sacile railroad bridge in Northern Italy. The bridge was
only 125 x 60 ft. But vital to the enemy as four railroad lines traversed the single span.
With our squadron Bombardier, Captain Joyce, in the lead, the formation completely
destroyed the target, cutting it clean at both ends. Every bomb landed in the tiny target
area, proving again that the 448th Bomb Sq. is worthy of its precision bombing record.
A/C No. 43-27706 “Silver Belle”
Grady, John R., 1Lt
Smith, Milford A., 2Lt
Freund, John F., 2Lt
Joyce, Robert W. “Dead-eye”, Capt
Ratcliffe, James E., Jr., S/Sgt
Seward, Richard F., T/Sgt
Sharp, Samuel I., Jr., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-28081
Bard, John A., 1Lt
Ivory, Daniel J., Jr., 2Lt
Lesser, Robert (NMI) "Bob", 2Lt
Reves, Louis E., Sgt
Doughty, Paul V., T/Sgt
Knauss, Charles F., S/Sgt
Thursday, 16 November 1944 (continued)
A/C No. 43-27652 “Out of Bounds”
P Kirk, Theodore (NMI) “Ted”, 1Lt
CP Sheffield, Woodrow W., 2Lt
N None
B Berman, Samuel (NMI), S/Sgt
E Perillo, Anthony L., S/Sgt
R Randall, Charles R., Jr., S/Sgt
G Enderle, Melvin J., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27481
Tetlow, John S., 1Lt
Kuoni, Charles F., Jr., 2Lt
Qualls, Thomas B., S/Sgt
Turner, James H., Cpl
None listed
Markiewicz, Edward B., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-4076
P Holcombe, Dewey R., 1Lt
CP Zakopcsan, John S., 2Lt
N None
B Wald, Douglas A., S/Sgt
E Weyeneth, Carl H., S/Sgt
R Bixler, Frederick F., T/Sgt
G Ferrell, Bruce M., Cpl
F None
A/C No. 43-27726
P Shear, Meyer (NMI), 1Lt
CP Birkhead, Charles F., Jr., 2Lt
N Bongiovanni, Michael (NMI), 1Lt
B Brink, Richard E., 2Lt
E Haack, Cecil J., S/Sgt
R Morefield, James Carl, T/Sgt
G Hawthorne, Ralph C., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27648 “Sweetie”
Reedy, Walter W., 1Lt
West, Alden A. “Bud”, 2Lt
Pealer, Woodward D., S/Sgt
Pineda, Nico M., S/Sgt
None listed
Trigler, Louis E., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27530 “Twin Engine
Rosenau, Gustave D., 1Lt
Wilson, James M., 2Lt
LaBella, Dante (NMI) “GI Joe”, S/Sgt
Langley, Edmund P., Jr., Sgt
Walker, Jack L., T/Sgt
Edwards, Jesse R., Sgt
A/C No. 44-28721 “Shug”
Carrington, Charles C., 1Lt
Bechtle, Robert M., 2Lt
Carter, Eugene F., S/Sgt
Baird, James (NMI), Jr., S/Sgt
None listed
Magyar, Steven J., S/Sgt
Thursday, 16 November 1944 (continued)
448th BS: War Diary of: Schaffer, Irving J., S/Sgt, radio-gunner:
“Awoke 7:10AM. Preparing to leave for Corsica. Littorio closed. Open only to C47's.
Ate at Red Cross snack bar. Had another breakfast at a civilian restaurant. Paid $1.50
per person for two fried eggs and a few fried potatoes. All places other than those
authorized eateries are off limits. Attended morning stage show featuring Jan Grey, an
American songstress. Special tour (25 cents) of Forum, Mussolini's private quarters
(Palace of Venice), St Paul's Cathedral and the English cemetery. Took pictures. Visited
Shelly's grave. Ate at GI restaurant. The GI restaurants, which were formerly Italian,
have been taken over by Uncle Sam to provide a clean eating spot for troops. Italian
waiters do the serving. Aluminum utensils are used. Music is provided by Italian
violinist and accordion player. Musicians and waiters depend on tips. Hours of service
are from 10:30 - 1:00PM and 4:30 - 7PM. Could not attend Il Traviata as all seats have
been sold. Attended Rebecca at Red Cross theater. No charge. Finest theater in Rome.
Stopped at Mario’s for a few minutes. Ben and Abby a bit high. Abby shacking again
tonight with a different woman, another Anna. Through conversations this whore told me
a GI who slept with her last night made off with her $90.00. In the same pensione are
Italian babes. When we return to our rooms, they always are a couple of floors above.
Secilia told me that the girls are full of VD. They always want food. They lowered a
basket and we returned it with an empty wine bottle. The girls sent it crashing to the
earth. Retired 10:30PM.”
Abiecunas, Joseph P. “Abby”, S/Sgt, gunner
Moleski, Benny M. “Ben”, S/Sgt, gunner
Friday, 17 November 1944
USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF): For the first time in several
months the Twelfth's medium bombers attack targets in Yugoslavia, hitting bridges along
the Brod-Zagreb-Maribor railroad;
In Italy, medium bombers also hit rail bridges and viaducts in the NE,
concentrating on the Brenner Pass where ground haze and smoke screen at the Avisio
viaduct hamper the attacks; fighter-bombers of the XXII Tactical Air Command cut rail
lines, hit larger concentrations of railroad cars, and blast several ammunition and fuel
dumps N of the battleline below Bologna; fighter-bombers closely supporting ground
forces also hit guns and other military targets in battle area.
HQ 321st BG War Diary: Went back to the Padua North Railroad bridge and this time
knocked a couple of spans down with an excellent concentration of high explosives.
After not hitting anything in Yugoslavia for over a year the Group went almost to Zagreb
to hit an important railroad bridge at Zapresic. The approaches were cut but the bridge
was left only slightly damaged. It was the Group’s longest haul since the days of
knocking out the French bridges around Lyons in August.
HQ 321st BG Mission Summary (Ops Order xxx/mission xxx) Group Mission #
613W (A) - redesignated # 657 on 1 Jan 45:
Weather Reconnaissance to Zapresic R.R. Bridge Yugoslavia
(Group mission report not available at this time)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------HQ 321st BG Mission Summary (Ops Order 614/mission 614) Group Mission # 614:
Zapresic R.R. Bridge Yugoslavia
(Group mission report not available at this time)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------HQ 321st BG Mission Summary (Ops Order 615/mission 615) Group Mission # 615:
Padua North Railroad Bridge
(Group mission report not available at this time)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------445th BS War Diary: Lt. Collins led the mission today and while there was no photo
coverage, it was believed to have resulted in 100 percent bombing. Sgts. Carney and
Bertling returned from Cairo today. Capt. Smith and his band together with the radio cast
are all stranded in Rome due to bad field conditions at Littorio. The band is needed
tomorrow night at the officers club and Capt. Hatcher flew to Naples and attempted to
contact Capt. Smith by phone.
Bertling, Gerald M., Sgt, gunner
Carney, Robert J., T/Sgt, radio-gunner, bombardier
Collins, Daniel P., 1Lt, pilot
Hatcher, Leon F., Jr., Capt, pilot
Smith, William C. "Doc", Capt, surgeon
Friday, 17 November 1944 (continued)
445th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order xxx/mission xxx) Group Mission 613W (A)
redesignated # 657 on 1 Jan 45:
(445th BS did not participate)
445th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 614/mission 614) Group Mission #614:
(445th BS did not participate)
445th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 615/mission 615) Group Mission # 615:
Group Mission # 615
Squadron Mission # 397
Lt. Collins led 9 ships from the squadron ahead of 9 ships from another squadron to
bomb the Padua railroad bridge (north). Area cover was furnished. No flak or fighters.
The bombers went to 11/11,500 feet to drop 1000 pound bombs. RESULTS: 1 st flight
made 3 passes before all bombs away and reported bombs on south end and approach.
2nd flight bombed on first pass and had excellent concentration on center of bridge.
Bridge badly damaged before bombing.
A/C No. 43-27698 “Peggy Lou”
A/C No. 43-27572 “Babs”
McKay, Donald I., 1Lt
P Collins, Daniel P., 1Lt, pilot
Middleton, Donald M., 2Lt
CP DeBoer, Jay (NMI), 2Lt
N Sides, Harry F., 1Lt
Chauncey, Martin E. “Marty”, T/Sgt
B Robson, Herbert E., 1Lt
Hope, Amos (NMI), S/Sgt
E Kofmehl, James J., S/Sgt
Otterness, William B., Cpl
R Rockett, James J., S/Sgt
Edwards, Jack M., Cpl
G Morisi, David D., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27748 “Mama!”
A/C No. 44-28928 “Heaven Can
Emler, Richard S. “Dick”, 2Lt
P Mogren, Edward G., 2Lt
White, Edward A., 2Lt
CP Shutters, Paul E., 2Lt
N None
Doherty, Charles S., S/Sgt
B Weiner, Irving B., 2Lt
Gum, Paul V., Cpl
E Chambers, Jimmie (NMI), S/Sgt
Matter, Dean R., Cpl
R DeLaune, William P., T/Sgt
Clayton, Ross W., Cpl
G Stanley, Harold Gene “Gene”, Sgt
F Coe, E., Capt
A/C No. 44-28948 “Miss Belle
A/C No. 43-27502 “Pretty Kitty Blue
(previously “What’s Cookin’?”)
Dentoni, Louis M., 2Lt
P Monger, Samuel A. “Sam”, Jr., 1Lt
Rung, Raymond F. “Red”, Jr., 2Lt
CP Buckham, John K., 2Lt
N None
Barrett, Ray E., S/Sgt
B Larkin, Francis C. “Charley”, S/Sgt
Taylor, Marion R., Cpl
E Cubley, Harold B., T/Sgt
Krober, Raymond D., Jr., Cpl
R Nuttall, John H., Cpl
Abrams, Samuel (NMI) “Sam”, Sgt
G Henry, William W., S/Sgt
F None
Friday, 17 November 1944 (continued)
A/C No. 43-27741 “Val” (previously
“Modern Design”)
P Poteete, Max W., 2Lt
CP Brown, Cecil A., 2Lt
N Cravey, Robert P., 2Lt
B Emery, Ben D., 1Lt
E Krauk, Edward J., Sgt
R Gonzales, Alfred R., T/Sgt
G Baker, Max E., Cpl
F None
A/C No. 43-27509
Spencer, Charles F., 1Lt
Young, Paul L., 2Lt
Jackson, William H., 2Lt
Carruthers, John (NMI), II, S/Sgt
Reagin, Charles T., Cpl
Haynes, Irving L., Sgt
A/C No. 43-27716
Baker, Thomas J., 1Lt
McMahon, Bernard J. “Mac”, Jr., 2Lt
Barton, Samuel V., 1Lt
Watts, Joseph T., Jr., Cpl
Engleman, Bud (NMI), S/Sgt
Moorehead, Lewis E., Sgt
A/C No. 44-28722 “Spirit of
Portchester” (Lead spare – did not fill
Webb, Allen W. “Pete”, 1Lt
Doe, Norman H., 2Lt
Beck, Robert B. “Bob”, 2Lt
None listed
Salch, Raymond F., Cpl
Jacobs, Harry E., S/Sgt
445th BS: War Diary of: Seegmiller, Barnard H., Sgt, armament:
“Today’s Stars and Stripes carries an article on the 321st Bomb Group,
which is extremely complimentary. During the months of September and October we
maintained an average of 90.4% bombing accuracy which set a new Air Force record.
During this period, the Group was led by the 445th Squadron. That puts us right on the
top of the whole US Air Force. I feel much pride in being a member of this outfit.”
446th BS War Diary: More promotions: Lampasona is made a Staff while Basilicato,
Bennett, Duffy, Halko, Kelley, N., Seidelmann, Sharp and Taylor, G. make Sergeants.
New corporals include Allan, Eckles, Everitt, Gorby, Guest and Ilnicki.
Allan, John (NMI), Cpl, engineering
Basilicato, Salvatore A., Sgt, cook
Bennett, Henry T., Sgt, engineering
Duffy, John L., Sgt, engineering
Eckles, Wallace (NMI), Cpl, engineering
Everitt, Ernie G., Cpl, cook
Gorby, Harry V., Cpl, engineering
Guest, Morris F., Jr., Cpl, engineering
Halko, John J., Sgt, cook
Ilnicki, William N., Cpl, engineering
Kelley, Norman S., Sgt, cook
Lampasona, John N., S/Sgt, armament
Seidelmann, Charles (NMI), Jr., Sgt, engineering
Sharp, Floyd E., Sgt, engineering
Taylor, George A., Sgt, engineering
Friday, 17 November 1944 (continued)
446th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order xxx/mission xxx) Group Mission # 613W (A)
- redesignated # 657 on 1 Jan 45:
Squadron Mission 428
TARGET: Zapresic R.R. Bridge Yugoslavia
DATE: 17 Nov.1944
Type of Bombs: Weather Reconnaissance
446th Planes: 1
Captain Smedley was the flight leader. Target area reached, weather O.K. No flak, no
A/C No. 43-27745 (Weather ship)
Smedley, Robert Redmond, Capt
Hahn, Melvin G., 2Lt
McGann, Edom K., 2Lt
Navigator filling both B & N positions
Reeves, Charles F., M/Sgt
Luitjens, Harvey J., Cpl
Beavers, Marqus F., Cpl
Griffing, George W., HQ 321st BG
(Weather Officer)
446th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 614/mission 614) Group Mission # 614:
Squadron Mission 429
TARGET: Zapresic R.R. Bridge, Yugoslavia
DATE: 17 Nov.1944
Type of Bombs: 1000 lb
446th Planes: 9
Captain Jordan led the formation. Two runs were made on target due to malfunction of
lead plane’s PDI, and first flights bombs hit to NE of target. Due to this malfunction
second flight had good concentration on middle of bridge. One span observed down after
attack. Flak was scant, heavy and accurate as to altitude. No fighters.
A/C No. 43-3989 “My Georgia Peach”
(on co-pilot side - “The Leading Lady”,
previously “Miss Dallas”)
P Jordan, Henry L., Capt, pilot
CP Berge, Gail B., 2Lt
N Gambino, Samuel F., 1Lt
B Kiernan, Noble J., 1Lt
E Alexander, Preston S., S/Sgt
R McKearin, William Jerome, T/Sgt
G Slezak, Alex E., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-4097 “Tiny?” (later
Doyle, John D., 1Lt
Manolis, Ronald J., 2Lt
Law, John B., Cpl
DeAngelo, Ralph J., S/Sgt
Kaufman, Sanders S., S/Sgt
Cassidy, Warren J., Sgt
Friday, 17 November 1944 (continued)
A/C No. 43-27660 “Shooting Bull”
Hively, Harold Henry, 1Lt
Taylor, Richard E., 2Lt
Hogman, Frans H., 1Lt
Lundtoft, Hans G., S/Sgt
Cohen, Irwin (NMI), T/Sgt
Alberico, Camillo A., Sgt
A/C No. 43-4020 “Bourbon Baby”
P Goodrich, John W., 1Lt
CP Everhart, Herman E., 2Lt
N None
B Beecher, Everett F., Sgt
E Karuzas, Alexander W., 2Lt
R Wilking, Robert L., Sgt
G Haxby, William H., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27501 “Sweet Sue Kathy
Jeanne” (unnamed to Nov 44. In 45
“Kathy Jeanne” dropped)
P Goff, Leroy Robert, Jr., Capt
CP Carlson, Lowell A., 2Lt
N Clark, Samuel E., Jr., 2Lt
B Sitts, Lonnie C., 1Lt
E Cornelius, Wilbur G., Sgt
R Rousos, Milton P., T/Sgt
G Leeper, Kenneth E., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27699 “Jessie” (later name
dropped from nose art)
Kimble, Arnold P., 2Lt
Crinnion, Edward V., 2Lt
Murch, George M., Jr., Sgt
Knapp, Walter E., S/Sgt
Koos, Walter V., S/Sgt
South, William R., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-4074 (picture of seated
lady - no name/lettering)
Gallagher, Andrew Paul, 2Lt
Cressman, Jack E., 2Lt
Paulson, Ronald A., 1Lt
Lamm, Earl D., Cpl
Cubbage, Robert (NMI), Sgt
Leary, Gwynn M., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27497 “Barbara”
Ziglar, Frank C., Maj
Capalety, Thomas A., 2Lt
Gale, Benjamin H., Jr., 1Lt
Demmitt, Henry H., Cpl
Flasher, Henry F., Cpl
Wagner, William M., Cpl
A/C No. 43-27477 “Boots”
Schmid, Kenneth L., 1Lt
Panning, Robert F., 2Lt
DeSorbo, John S., Sgt
Kelly, Thomas J., Cpl
Freeman, Cecil O., S/Sgt
Beets, Frank T., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-4021 “The Little
Admiral” (later Lady Jane) (Wing
spare – did not fill in)
Ritger, Frederic Charles, 1Lt
Maki, Allan A., 1Lt
Derringer, Albert J., 1Lt
Utz, James W., Sgt
Dobrow, Edgar J., Cpl
Knopp, Von C., Cpl
Friday, 17 November 1944 (continued)
446th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 615/mission 615) Group Mission # 615:
(446th BS did not participate)
446th BS: War Diary of: Luitjens, Harvey J., Cpl, radio-gunner: (mission 14)
“No. 14) WX mission to Yug. First for our Sqdn and Gp. Found few German ships in
harbor. Capt. Smedley.”
Smedley, Robert Redmond, Capt, pilot
447th BS War Diary: Sgts Theodore A. Fiocca, Bernard R. Guild, Isidore Ifshin,
promoted to S/Sgt. Lts Louis C. Breckenridge, Paul I. Buckley and Lyle N. Brown,
returned from Rest Camp Capri.
Breckenridge, Louis C., 2Lt, pilot
Brown, Lyle N., Jr., 2Lt, pilot
Buckley, Paul I., 2Lt, pilot
Fiocca, Theodore Aurelio, S/Sgt, radio-gunner
Guild, Bernard Robert, S/Sgt, aerial gunner
Ifshin, Isidore (NMI) “Sonny”, S/Sgt, engineer-gunner
447th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order xxx/mission xxx) Group Mission # 613W (A)
- redesignated # 657 on 1 Jan 45:
(447th BS did not participate)
447th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 614/mission 614) Group Mission # 614: Nine
Planes participated in a raid over Yugoslavia, but no bombs were dropped due to
malfunction of lead Plane. Target: Zapresic Railroad Bridge.
A/C No. 43-27785
P Satterwhite, Henry C., 1Lt
CP Speer, Leslie Thomas, 2Lt
Applegarth, Smith B., S/Sgt
Perl, Richard H., Sgt
Schnaars, George D., S/Sgt
Connolly, Paul B., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27751 “MMR” (Meet Mrs.
P Morton, William C. “Mort”, Jr., 2Lt
CP Brice, David W., 2Lt
N None
B Balboni, Robert A., 2Lt
E O’Neil, James R., S/Sgt
R Keefe, John A., T/Sgt
G Flowers, Frank J., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27473 “Paper Doll”
Muzinich, Anthony L. “Tony”, Capt
Cameron, William D. “Bill”, Jr., Lt Col,
HQ 321st BG
Olsen, Svend P., 1Lt
Mesna, Leeland A. “Lee”, 1Lt
Keenan, Harry A., Sgt
Cowart, Eugene C., T/Sgt
Gorden, Robert L., Cpl
A/C No. 43-27636
Hutson, Ernest G. “Hod”, 2Lt
Dickson, John L., Jr., 2Lt
Lankester, Hugh H. “Lank”, 2Lt
Mercea, George (NMI), S/Sgt
Phares, Harold (NMI) “Harry”, Jr., Cpl
Staub, Edward C., Cpl
Friday, 17 November 1944 (continued)
A/C No. 43-27730 “Katie”
P Burns, Robert J., 1Lt
CP Autry, Aaron E., 2Lt
N None
B Schmoke, Vernon L., 2Lt
E Huntley, Bruce H., Cpl
R Bartram, Roy H., Cpl
G Klimkowicz, Zigmond (NMI), Cpl
F None
A/C No. 43-27506 “Rebel Devil”
Hennessey, Ralph E., 2Lt
Smith, Frederick H., 2Lt
Smith, William L., S/Sgt
Daniels, Carl (NMI), Sgt
Finnegan, Paul W., Cpl
Veid, Joseph (NMI), S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-4060 “Cover Girl”
P Fairchild, George S., 2Lt
CP Dodson, Jackson R., 2Lt
N None
B MacNeil, Joseph W., T/Sgt
E Freeman, Millard C., S/Sgt
R Stocker, Harvey (NMI), Cpl
G Williams, James H., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-4009 “Double-O-Nine”
Yerger, John W., 2Lt
Peck, Paul R., 2Lt
Stroupe, Burton Elwood “Woody”, 2Lt
Stokes, Robert C., Sgt
Torrey, Francis S., T/Sgt
Fromm, Samuel E., Cpl
A/C No. 43-27542 “Superstitious
Remmel, Earl Howard “The Fox”, 1Lt
Buechner, Helmut K., 2Lt
Gargiulo, Vincent J. “Vince”, 2Lt
Darrell, Franklin Lloyd, Jr., 2Lt
Ifshin, Isidore (NMI) “Sonny”, S/Sgt
Maslyar, Michael M., Sgt
Bauder, Harold R., S/Sgt
447th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 615/mission 615) Group Mission # 615:
(447th BS did not participate)
448th BS War Diary: Captain Ermine L. Hales, Rudolph VanRaam, 1st Lts. Leo Amo,
Robert G. Blackwell, Edward P. Comfort, Donald C. Conover, John T. Hicks, Philip R.
Judy, Frank L. Lonsdorf left for the return trip to the United States.
Amo, Leo W., 1Lt, pilot
Blackwell, Robert G., 1Lt, pilot
Comfort, Edward P., 1Lt, bombardier
Conover, Donald C., 1Lt, bombardier
Hales, Ermine L., Capt, pilot
Hicks, John T., 1Lt, pilot
Judy, Philip R., 1Lt, bombardier
Lonsdorf, Frank L., Jr., 1Lt, pilot
VanRaam, Rudolph (NMI), Capt, pilot
Friday, 17 November 1944 (continued)
448th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order xxx/mission xxx) Group Mission # 613W (A)
- redesignated # 657 on 1 Jan 45:
(448th BS did not participate)
448th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 614/mission 614) Group Mission # 614:
(448th BS did not participate)
448th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 615/mission 615) Group Mission # 615: Not
content with resting on the laurels of yesterday’s bombing, the Squadron today sent nine
planes out to score another 100% bombing accuracy against the Padua N. railroad bridge,
Italy. Bridges being their specialty, the bombers placed an excellent concentration of hits
smack on the center of target.
A/C No. 43-28081
V., 1Lt
CP Cook, Don W., 2Lt
N Freund, John F., 2Lt
B Martin, James M., Jr., 1Lt
E Donaud, Earl J., S/Sgt
R Morefield, James Carl, T/Sgt
G Magyar, Steven J., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 44-28721 “Shug”
George B., 2Lt
CP Schweitzer, Robert E., 2Lt
N None
B LaBella, Dante (NMI) “GI Joe”, S/Sgt
E Haack, Cecil J., S/Sgt
R None listed
G Enderle, Melvin J., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27652 “Out of Bounds”
P Norris, Grafton R., 1Lt
CP Bechtle, Robert M., 2Lt
N None
B Bottom, James W., 2Lt
E Weyeneth, Carl H., S/Sgt
R Bixler, Frederick H., T/Sgt
G Ferrell, Bruce M., Cpl
F None
A/C No. 43-27528
Matthews, Thomas W., 1Lt
Rubin, Julius W., 2Lt
Stout, Charles S. “Chuck”, 2Lt
Allendorph, John B., 2Lt
Bell, Flavious J., S/Sgt
Carrick, Kenneth M., S/Sgt
Seward, Richard F., T/Sgt
A/C No. 43-4037 “Cherry Fizz”
Smith, Milford A., 2Lt
Holcombe, Dewey R., 1Lt
Wald, Douglas A., S/Sgt
Wright, Melvin M., Sgt
Mardeuse, Alfred K., S/Sgt
Trigler, Louis E., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27706 “Silver Belle”
Garrett, Thaddeus D., 1Lt
West, Alden A. “Bud”, 2Lt
Goethals, Camiel A., S/Sgt
Weese, Charles F., Cpl
None listed
Hawthorne, Ralph C., S/Sgt
Friday, 17 November 1944 (continued)
A/C No. 43-27530 “Twin Engine
P Duggan, Raymond E., 2Lt
CP Zakopcsan, John S., 2Lt
N None
B Sheppard, John W., 2Lt
E Qualls, Thomas B., S/Sgt
R None listed
G Markiewicz, Edward B., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27523
P Ovard, Glen S., 1Lt
CP Autrey, W. F. (i.o.), 2Lt
N Steely, Ralph K., 2Lt
B Brink, Richard E., 2Lt
E Veeck, Richard W., S/Sgt
R Sullivan, Timothy V., S/Sgt
G Justice, Conway J., Jr., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27538 “Down But Not
Reedy, Walter W., 1Lt
Kuoni, Charles F., Jr., 2Lt
Cannon, John L., 2Lt
Magers, Marshall P., S/Sgt
Doughty, Paul V., T/Sgt
Gage, Robert L., Sgt
448th BS: War Diary of: Schaffer, Irving J., S/Sgt, radio-gunner:
“Awoke 7:00AM. Littorio closed. Ate at Red Cross snack bar. Met Ben Moleski's friend
Red from his home town, Gary, Indiana. Speaks good Italian. Met a GI at GI restaurant
named Joe Choate. We purchased tickets for this evening's opera "Madame Butterfly.
($2.00) Joe is with 702nd engineers at Foggia, Italy. Attended stage show "Funa Fulla",
Italian stage show (70 cents). Bar in lobby. Women are scarce - poor make up. Ate at
GI cafe. Very pleased with opera (Box D#22). Changed seats as we were sitting at 90
degrees in relation to stage. Returned 9:00PM. Kibitzed awhile. Retired 10:00PM.”
Moleski, Benny M. “Ben”, S/Sgt, gunner
Saturday, 18 November 1944
USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF): Medium bombers bomb
bridges at Pizzighettone, Romano di Lombardia, Castelnuovo di Garfagnana, Migazzone,
Casarsa della Delizia, and Casale Monferrato, Italy; and at Zidani Most, Yugoslavia and
also pound the Brod-Ljubljana, Yugoslavia railway, the principal German escape route in
the Balkans; fighter-bombers continue successful attacks on rail lines, dumps, guns, and
pipelines in the N Apennines and the Po Valley, XXII Tactical Air Command claiming
100+ train cars, 8 locomotives, and nearly 75 vehicles destroyed.
HQ 321st BG War Diary: We had one abortive mission today due to weather, to the
Po/Torreberretti RR Bridge. The other mission to the Faenza bridges had to bomb the
alternates at Motta di Livenza---with good results. The recce showed the east approach
cut and a span badly damaged.
HQ 321st BG Mission Summary (Ops Order 616/mission 616) Group Mission # 616:
Po/Torreberretti road and railroad bridge, Italy.
(Group mission report not available at this time)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------HQ 321st BG Mission Summary (Ops Order 617/mission 617) Group Mission # 617:
Faenza N & S Road Bridge, Italy
Bombed alternate: Motta di Livenza R.R. Bridge.
(Group mission report not available at this time)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------445th BS War Diary: The mission was abortive today due to bad weather. Capt.
Hatcher returned today with Capt. Smith and a “skeleton crew” from the band. They
entertained at the party held at the officers club tonight. Gen. Knapp was the guest and
he awarded Capt. Smith the Legion of Merit. Lt. Robson was injured when the jeep in
which he and Lt. Eatherly were driving overturned. Capt. Farrell, Lt. Rigler and Sgt.
Cummings returned from their DS with a ferrying squadron. There was the usual training
programs in the air.
Cummings, Walter T., S/Sgt, engineer-gunner
Eatherly, Joseph A., 1Lt, pilot
Farrell, Robert A. "Baldy", Capt, pilot
Hatcher, Leon F., Jr., Capt, pilot
Knapp, Robert Duane, Brigadier General, pilot, 57th BW Commander
Rigler, Edward J., 2Lt, pilot
Robson, Herbert E., 1Lt, bombardier, navigator
Smith, William C. "Doc", Capt, Flight Surgeon
445th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 616/mission 616) Group Mission # 616:
Group Mission # 616
Squadron Mission # 398
Lt. Dyer led 12 ships from the 445th in the second flight of a formation sent out to bomb
the Po/Torreberretti road and railroad bridge, Italy. Weather was poor and mission was
Saturday, 18 November 1944 (continued)
A/C No. 43-27899 “Flo”
A/C No. 43-27716 “Shit House
Dyer, Robert H., 1Lt
Baker, Thomas J., 1Lt
Lewis, Max E., 2Lt
Knauss, Roger Reid “Reid”, 2Lt
Mitchell, Robert F., 1Lt
Palmer, Richard W., 1Lt
Barton, Samuel V., 1Lt
Carruthers, John (NMI), II, S/Sgt
Watts, Joseph T., Jr., Sgt
Gonzales, Alfred R., T/Sgt
Engleman, Bud (NMI), S/Sgt
Abrams, Samuel (NMI) “Sam”, Sgt
Moorehead, Lewis E., Sgt
A/C No. 43-27698 “Peggy Lou”
A/C No. 43-27502 “Pretty Kitty Blue
Eyes” (previously “What’s Cookin’?”)
Webb, Allen W. “Pete”, 1Lt
Spencer, Charles F., 1Lt
Doe, Norman H., 2Lt
Buckham, John K., 2Lt
Beck, Robert B. “Bob”, 2Lt
Jackson, William H., 2Lt
Poirier, Andre (NMI), S/Sgt
Mitchell, Robert D. “Bob”, Cpl
DeLaune, William P., T/Sgt
Otterness, William B., Cpl
Jacobs, Harry E., S/Sgt
Morisi, David D., Sgt
A/C No. 43-27769 “Miss Fancy Pants”
A/C No. 44-28948 “Miss Belle
Dentoni, Louis M., 2Lt
Monger, Samuel A. “Sam”, Jr., 1Lt
White, Edward A., 2Lt
Young, Paul L., 2Lt
Salch, Raymond F., Cpl
Chauncey, Martin E. “Marty”, T/Sgt
Hope, Amos (NMI), S/Sgt
Cubley, Harold B., T/Sgt
Sycylo, Theodore W., Cpl
Krauk, Edward J., Sgt
Osborn, Jack R., Sgt
Henry, William W., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27742 “Vicious Vera”
A/C No. 43-4008 “Spirit of St Louis”
(later “Winnie Mae”)
Poteete, Max W., 2Lt
Couch, Thomas (NMI), Jr., 2Lt
Shutters, Paul E., 2Lt
Miron, Leno L., 2Lt
Starczewski, Phillip R., 2Lt
Emery, Ben D., 1Lt
Gifford, Robert H., 1Lt
Hunsberger, William R., Cpl
Cavanaugh, Thomas J., Jr., S/Sgt
Rockett, James J., T/Sgt
Ott, James V., Cpl
Bierly, Glenn E., Cpl
Slodden, Henry M. “Kip”, Sgt
Saturday, 18 November 1944 (continued)
A/C No. 43-27748 “Mama!”
P Mogren, Edward G., 2Lt
CP Rung, Raymond F. “Red”, Jr., 2Lt
N None
B Weiner, Irving B., 2Lt
E Taylor, Marion R., Cpl
R Barrett, Ray E., S/Sgt
G Stanley, Harold Gene “Gene”, Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27545 “Maggie”
Moore, William H., Jr., 1Lt
DeBoer, Jay (NMI), Jr., 2Lt
Doherty, Charles S., S/Sgt
Larson, Richard A., Cpl
Reagin, Charles T., Cpl
Jones, Harvey J., Cpl
A/C No. 43-27572 “Babs” (Wing spare
– did not fill in)
P Emler, Richard S. “Dick”, 2Lt
CP McFatter, Joe H., 2Lt
N None
B Vaughan, Fred W., 2Lt
E Gum, Paul V., Cpl
R Nuttall, John H., Cpl
G Haynes, Irving L., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27714 “Blonde Beauty”
Glasford, Loren G., 1Lt
Brown, Cecil A., 2Lt
Larkin, Francis C. “Charley”, S/Sgt
Smith, William F., S/Sgt
Matter, Dean R., Cpl
Clayton, Ross W., Cpl
A/C No. 44-28722 “Spirit of
Payne, Lawrence J., 1Lt
Curry, Arthur L. “Art”, 2Lt
Cravey, Robert P., 2Lt
Freiler, Walter C., S/Sgt
Krober, Raymond D., Jr., Cpl
Bates, Leonard H., S/Sgt
445th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 617/mission 617) Group Mission # 617:
(445th BS did not participate)
446th BS War Diary: An 8 plane mission is flown.
446th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 616/mission 616) Group Mission # 616:
(446th BS did not participate)
Saturday, 18 November 1944 (continued)
446th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 617/mission 617) Group Mission # 617:
Squadron Mission 430
TARGET: Faenza N & S Road Bridge, Italy
DATE: 18 Nov.1944
Type of Bombs: 1000 lb.
446th Planes: 9
Captain Goff led the formation. Primary target closed in. Alternate (Motta di Livenza
R.R. Bridge, Italy) bombed with excellent results. All bombs in target area with several
direct hits seen. No flak, no fighters.
A/C No. 43-27501 “Sweet Sue Kathy
Jeanne” (unnamed to Nov 44. In 45
“Kathy Jeanne” dropped)
P Goff, Leroy Robert, Jr., Capt
CP Carlson, Lowell A., 2Lt
N Ottem, Earl R., 1Lt
B Johnson, Henry W., 1Lt
E Karuzas, Alexander W., Cpl
R Kaufman, Sanders S., S/Sgt
G Slezak, Alex E., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27747 “Spider’s Frolic
P Ritger, Frederic Charles,
CP Jackson, Roland B., 2Lt
N None
B Derringer, Albert J., 1Lt
E Knapp, Walter E., S/Sgt
R Koos, Walter V., S/Sgt
G South, William R., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-4097 “Tiny?” (later
Doyle, John D., 1Lt
Taylor, Richard E., 2Lt
Vannah, Harold P., Jr., F/O
Alexander, Preston S., S/Sgt
Wilking, Robert L., Sgt
Cassidy, Warren J., Sgt
A/C No. 43-4020 “Bourbon Baby”
Goodrich, John W., 1Lt
Ramsay, Lamar E., 2Lt
McGann, Edom K., 2Lt
Lundtoft, Hans G., S/Sgt
Freeman, Cecil O., S/Sgt
Leary, Gwynn M., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-4021 “The Little
Admiral” (later Lady Jane)
Ziglar, Frank C., Maj
Heaberlin, Paul L., 2Lt
Kaenzig, Charles Leslie, 1Lt
Demmitt, Henry H., Cpl
Dobrow, Edgar J., Cpl
Wagner, William M., Cpl
A/C No. 43-3989 “My Georgia Peach”
(on co-pilot side - “The Leading Lady”,
previously “Miss Dallas”)
Kimble, Arnold P., 2Lt
Crinnion, Edward V., 2Lt
Murch, George M., Jr., Sgt
Lamm, Earl D., Cpl
Wimert, Donald A., Cpl
Knopp, Von C., Cpl
Saturday, 18 November 1944 (continued)
A/C No. 43-27660
Hively, Harold Henry, 1Lt
Sheetinger, Dan A., 2Lt
Codd, Russell G., F/O
Hogman, Frans H., 1Lt
Shettleworth, William E., Cpl
McKearin, William Jerome, T/Sgt
Haxby, William H., Jr., Sgt
A/C No. 43-27699 “Jessie” (later name
dropped from nose art)
P Gallagher, Andrew Paul, 2Lt
CP Chandler, Warren W., 2Lt
N None
B DeSorbo, John S., Cpl
E Cornelius, Wilbur G., Sgt
R Bundy, Garland A., T/Sgt
G Bryan, Dwight L., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-4074 (picture of seated
lady - no name/lettering)
Schmid, Kenneth L., 1Lt
Hahn, Melvin G., 2Lt
Paulson, Ronald A., 1Lt
Kelly, Thomas J., Cpl
Flasher, Henry F., Cpl
Beavers, Marqus F., Cpl
447th BS War Diary: T/Sgt Alvin Simberg returned to the Squadron after being in the
hospital in Italy. He was one of crew members from Lt Ramey’s plane which crashed up
near Pisa, Italy. Major Myron Gale departed for the Zone of Interior on Temporary Duty.
He served as Executive Officer of this Sq.
Gale, Myron (NMI), Maj, Executive
Ramey, Gordon, A., 1Lt, pilot
Simberg, Alvin L., T/Sgt, radio-gunner
447th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 616/mission 616) Group Mission # 616:
A/C No. 43-4040 “Fearless Fosdick”
P Murchland, Robert Keith, 2Lt
CP Rose, Norman I., 2Lt
N None
B Bokum, John B., F/O
E Keenan, Harry A., Sgt
R Hourahan, William F., Jr., Cpl
G McKnight, John A., Jr., Cpl
F None
Saturday, 18 November 1944 (continued)
447th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 617/mission 617) Group Mission # 617: Ten
of our planes participated in a raid over Motta di Livenza R.R. Bridge in Northern Italy.
The target area was well covered, all planes returned safely. (9 A/C to Motta di Livenza
and 1 to Po/Torreberretti)
A/C No. 43-27785
P Yerger, John W., 2Lt
CP Wallis, Shelby D., F/O
N None
B Stroupe, Burton Elwood “Woody”, 2Lt
E Dubbs, Andrew C., Sgt
R MacNeil, Joseph W., T/Sgt
G Fromm, Samuel E., Cpl
F None
A/C No. 43-27718
P Hennessey, Ralph E., 2Lt
CP Smith, Frederick H., 2Lt
N None
B Balboni, Robert A., 2Lt
E Daniels, Carl (NMI), Sgt
R Finnegan, Paul W., Cpl
G Hagan, Richard E., Cpl
F None
A/C No. 43-4009 “Double-O-Nine”
Hutson, Ernest G. “Hod”, 2Lt
Dickson, John L., Jr., 2Lt
Darrell, Franklin Lloyd, Jr., 2Lt
Mercea, George (NMI), S/Sgt
Phares, Harold (NMI) “Harry”, Jr., Cpl
Staub, Edward C., Cpl
A/C No. 43-27730 “Katie”
Robert J., 1Lt
CP Highsmith, John R., 2Lt
N None
B Smith, William L., S/Sgt
E Stokes, Robert C., Sgt
R Bartram, Roy H., Cpl
G Klimkowicz, Zigmond (NMI), Cpl
F None
A/C No. 43-27636
Rice, Ernest C., 1Lt
Peck, Paul R., 2Lt
Tulley, Harlan Norval, 2Lt
Gould, Joe W., 1Lt
Huntley, Bruce H., Cpl
Guild, Bernard Robert, S/Sgt
Young, Robert E., Sgt
A/C No. 43-4060 “Cover Girl”
Morton, William C. “Mort”, Jr., 2Lt
Brice, David W., 2Lt
Lankester, Hugh H. “Lank”, 2Lt
O’Neil, James R., S/Sgt
Keefe, John A., T/Sgt
Bauder, Harold R., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27751 “MMR” (Meet Mrs.
Loewus, Frederick E. “Fred”, 2Lt
Gies, Donald W., F/O
Applegarth, Smith B., S/Sgt
Freeman, Millard C., S/Sgt
Barksdale, Phillip L., S/Sgt
Smith, Kenneth C., Sgt
A/C No. 43-27498 “Ave Maria”
Marchant, Wendell E., 1Lt
Briggs, Richard G. “Dick”, 2Lt
Hiller, Frederick J., 2Lt
Colgan, Donald J., 2Lt
Hopp, Charles J., Sgt
Pelak, Andrew (NMI), T/Sgt
Ochs, Dan (NMI), Jr., Cpl
Saturday, 18 November 1944 (continued)
A/C No. 43-27779
P Satterwhite, Henry C., 1Lt
CP Haage, Frederick W., F/O
N None
B Boyle, Joseph G., Jr., 1Lt
E McMenamin, Daniel P., Jr., Sgt
R Schnaars, George D., S/Sgt
G Gorden, Robert L., Cpl
F None
448th BS War Diary: (No non-mission information)
448th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 616/mission 616) Group Mission # 616:
Thirteen planes took off to bomb Po Torreberretti Road and Railroad bridge in Northern
Italy but mission was abortive due to 10/10 cloud coverage over the target.
A/C No. 43-28081
A/C No. 43-27528
W., Capt
Birkhead, Charles F., Jr., 2Lt
CP Ivory, Daniel J., Jr., 2Lt
N Freund, John F., 2Lt
Sutton, Norman J., 2Lt
B Kiska, George P., 1Lt
Goethals, Camiel A., S/Sgt
E Carter, Eugene F., S/Sgt
Randall, Charles R., Jr., T/Sgt
R Knauss, Charles F., S/Sgt
Wald, Douglas A., S/Sgt
G Doughty, Paul V., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27538 “Down But Not
A/C No. 43-27523
Fleming, George B., 2Lt
P Reedy, Walter W., 1Lt
Sculley, Thomas S., 2Lt
CP Russell, Harold H., 2Lt
N None
Bottom, James W., 2Lt
B Cannon, John L., 2Lt
Haack, Cecil J., S/Sgt
E Magers, Marshall P., S/Sgt
None listed
R Walker, Jack L., T/Sgt
Sharp, Samuel I., Jr., S/Sgt
G Gage, Robert L., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27648 “Sweetie”
A/C No. 43-27530 “Twin Engine
D., 1Lt
Russell, John D., 2Lt
CP Cook, Don W., 2Lt
N None
Sheppard, John W., 2Lt
B Pealer, Woodward D., S/Sgt
Weese, Charles F., Cpl
E Wright, Melvin M., Sgt
Seward, Richard F., T/Sgt
R None listed
Hawthorne, Ralph C., S/Sgt
G Edwards, Jesse R., Sgt
Knudtson, Orville Fred, S/Sgt, 9th
F None
Combat Camera
Saturday, 18 November 1944 (continued)
A/C No. 43-27726
Sheer, Meyer (NMI), 1Lt
Autrey, W. F. (i.o.), 2Lt
Steely, Ralph K., 2Lt
Brink, Richard E., 2Lt
Veeck, Richard W., S/Sgt
Hallman, Robert L., T/Sgt
Magyar, Steven J., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-4037 “Cherry Fizz”
Rosenau, Gustave D., 1Lt
Schweitzer, Robert E., 2Lt
Berman, Samuel (NMI), T/Sgt
Langley, Edmund P., Jr., Sgt
Bixler, Frederick F., T/Sgt
Justice, Conway J., Jr., Sgt
A/C No. 443-27481
Tetlow, John S., 2Lt
Zakopcsan, John S., 2Lt
Allendorph, John B., 2Lt
Turner, James H., Cpl
None listed
Markiewicz, Edward B., S/Sgt
Moses, P. F., Sgt, 9th Combat Camera
A/C No. 43-27791
Matthews, Thomas W., 1Lt
Kuoni, Charles F., Jr., 2Lt
Stout, Charles S. “Chuck”, 2Lt
Lesser, Robert (NMI) "Bob", 2Lt
Bell, Flavious J., S/Sgt
Sullivan, Timothy V., T/Sgt
Garrick, Kenneth M., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27706 “Silver Belle”
Rogers, Harry (NMI), Jr., 1Lt
Rubin, Julius W., 2Lt
Bartlett, J. E., 2Lt
Gardner, Philip K., 2Lt
Donaud, Earl J., S/Sgt
LaBella, Dante (NMI) “GI Joe”, S/Sgt
Trigler, Louis E., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27652 “Out of Bounds”
Norris, Grafton R., 1Lt
Bechtle, Robert M., 2Lt
Ratcliffe, James E., Jr., S/Sgt
Qualls, Thomas B., S/Sgt
None listed
Ferrell, Bruce M., Cpl
A/C No. 43-4067 “The Big Swing”
Kirk, Theodore (NMI) “Ted”, 1Lt
West, Alden A. “Bud”, 2Lt
Reves, Louis E., Sgt
Baird, James (NMI), Jr., T/Sgt
Morefield, James Carl, T/Sgt
Enderle, Melvin J., Sgt
448th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 617/mission 617) Group Mission # 617:
(448th BS did not participate)
Saturday, 18 November 1944 (continued)
448th BS: War Diary of: Schaffer, Irving J., S/Sgt, radio-gunner:
“Awoke 7:30AM. Clear, sunny AM. Littorio closed. Met Clarence Butterfield on street.
He is permanent at AAF rest camp. Inasmuch as we have been here a week, we are
entitled to rations. Picked up some at downtown exchange. Truck to rest camp. Chow
with Butterfield. The rest camp is like college dormitories used formerly to school
Fascists. The 5th Army rest center was formerly a Fascist arena. At Tiber Terrace, a
former wealthy sportsman's club just across the Tiber river from the rest camp is where
entertainment is provided. Ate supper at rest camp. Ben and Abby left for Mario’s.
Rocky and I wrote cards and listened to recordings in the music room. Saw "Sweet and
Low Down". Returned 8:45PM. Cold evening. Ben kids the females every night in the
next apt up. Retired 10:30PM.”
Abiecunas, Joseph P. “Abby”, S/Sgt, gunner
Moleski, Benny M. “Ben”, S/Sgt, gunner
Rockwell, Stewart R. “Rockwell”, S/Sgt, gunner
Sunday, 19 November 1944
USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF):
In Italy, fog and low clouds force cancellation of missions against W
Po Valley targets and limit fighter-bombers to a midday attack on rail lines, guns, troop
concentrations, motor transport, and other military targets in and near the battle area S of
Bologna. During the night of 18/19 Nov A-20s on armed reconnaissance bomb Ghedi
Airfield and targets in the Bologna, Ferrara, Mantua, Cremona, and Parma areas.
HQ 321st BG War Diary: The Zapresic Railroad Bridge in Yugoslavia was again hit by
the 321st. Both approaches were cut, the highway was cut in two places, and a train on
the bridge was derailed but the bridge itself is still standing.
HQ 321st BG Mission Summary (Ops Order 618/mission 618) Group Mission # 618:
Zapresic R.R. Bridge, Yugoslavia,
(Group mission report not available at this time)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------445th BS War Diary: The combat crews were already down at briefing before the
mission was cancelled. 12 crews were scheduled for the mission. Lt. Lowery gave a
lecture to 16 gunners today on the subject of “air-borne maintenance”. A ship was
scheduled to take off for Rome today to pick up the remaining members of Doc Smith’s
radio show. However, the bad weather continued and Sgts. McNevin and crew got an
extra day in Rome. Capts. Jeffery and Wagner made some test hops today while several
other ships went up for transition and slow-timing.
Jeffery, James C., Capt, pilot
Lowery, Bruce (NMI), 2Lt, armament
McNevin, John L., Jr., S/Sgt, intelligence/1st Sgt
Smith, William C. "Doc", Capt, surgeon
Wagner, Gerald W., Capt, pilot
445th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 618/mission 618) Group Mission # 618:
(445th BS did not participate)
445th BS Mission Summary: Squadron did not participate in mission.
446th BS War Diary: Sgt. Laub, one of the original members of the 446 th, is rotated to
the states.
Laub, Mark G., Sgt, communications
446th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 618/mission 618) Group Mission # 618:
Squadron Mission 431
TARGET: Zapresic R.R. Bridge, Yugoslavia,
DATE: 19 Nov.1944
Type of Bombs: 1000 lb.
446th Planes: 10
Captain Murray led the formation. First bombs hit in river just S of bridge. Succeeding
elements covered bridge with compact pattern of bombs. Flak was scant, inaccurate and
out of range. No fighters.
Murray, Richard E., Capt, pilot, 447th BS
Sunday, 19 November 1944 (continued)
A/C No. 43-3989 “My Georgia Peach”
(on co-pilot side - “The Leading Lady”,
previously “Miss Dallas”)
P Matthews, John Walker, Jr., 1Lt
CP Berge, Gail B., 2Lt
N Ottem, Earl R., 1Lt
B Kiernan, Noble J., 1Lt
E Petrella, Luigi C., S/Sgt
R Cohen, Irwin (NMI), T/Sgt
G Cifuni, Robert J., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-4021 “The Little
Admiral” (later Lady Jane)
P Grove, Russell V., 1Lt
CP Panning, Robert F., 2Lt
N None
B Leith, William V., 1Lt
E Shettleworth, William E., Cpl
R Rousos, Milton P., T/Sgt
G Popovich, Chris (NMI), Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-4020 “Bourbon Baby”
Goodrich, John W., 1Lt
Ramsay, Lamar E., 2Lt
Beecher, Everett F., Sgt
Lundtoft, Hans G., S/Sgt
Luitjens, Harvey J., Cpl
Leary, Gwynn M., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27699 “Jessie” (later name
dropped from nose art)
Pietrowski, Stanley J., 1Lt
Maki, Allan A., 2Lt
Clark, Samuel E., Jr., 2Lt
Farber, Joseph L., 1Lt
Utz, James W., Sgt
Bundy, Garland A., T/Sgt
Bryan, Dwight L., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-4097 “Tiny?” (later
Doyle, John D., 1Lt
Manolis, Ronald J., 2Lt
Vannah, Harold P., Jr., F/O
Demmitt, Henry H., Cpl
Wilking, Robert L., Sgt
Cassidy, Warren J., Sgt
A/C No. 43-27747 “Spider’s Frolic
Kimble, Arnold P., 2Lt
Crinnion, Edward V., 2Lt
Murch, George M., Jr., Sgt
Lamm, Earl D., Cpl
Wimert, Donald A., Cpl
Knopp, Von C., Cpl
A/C No. 43-27496 “PRINCESS”
(previously PRINCESS PAOLA II)
Gittings, Raymond W., 1Lt
Jackson, Roland B., 2Lt
Paulson, Ronald A., 1Lt
Karuzas, Alexander W., Cpl
Cubbage, Robert M., Cpl
Alberico, Camillo A., Sgt
A/C No. 43-27501 “Sweet Sue Kathy
Jeanne” (unnamed to Nov 44. In 45
“Kathy Jeanne” dropped)
Schmid, Kenneth L., 1Lt
Ratliff, James Ernest, Jr., 2Lt
Law, John B., Cpl
Kelly, Thomas J., Cpl
Dobrow, Edgar J., Cpl
Beavers, Marqus F., Cpl
Sunday, 19 November 1944 (continued)
A/C No. 43-27497 “Barbara”
Ziglar, Frank C., Maj
Hahn, Melvin G., 2Lt
Gale, Benjamin H., Jr., 1Lt
Knapp, Walter E., S/Sgt
Koos, Walter V., S/Sgt
South, William R., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27660 “Shooting Bull”
(Lead spare – filled in with 447th)
Hively, Harold Henry, 1Lt
Sheetinger, Dan A., 2Lt
Hogman, Frans H., 1Lt
Alexander, Preston S., S/Sgt
McKearin, William Jerome, T/Sgt
Horlen, Aubrey B., Cpl
446th BS: War Diary of: Luitjens, Harvey J., Cpl, radio-gunner: (mission 15)
“No. 15) R.R. Bridge in Zagreb. 4x1000. Very little flak. Spits, 51's, 38's as cover.
Goodrich pilot.”
Goodrich, John W., 1Lt, pilot
447th BS War Diary: The following Officers and Enlisted Men returned from Cairo:
Lts Grover C. Brown, Gordon J. Brule, John R. Gillis, Eric A. Johnson, Henry J. Magne,
T/Sgt Albert V. Hanley, S/Sgt Dale G. Miller, S/Sgt Robert P. Quintenz, Sgt Charles A.
Munstein, and Sgt Cornelius J. Sexton.
Brown, Grover C., Jr., 1Lt, pilot
Brule, Gordon J., 1Lt, bombardier
Gillis, John R., 1Lt, pilot
Hanley, Albert V., T/Sgt, transportation
Johnson, Eric A., 1Lt, pilot
Magne, Henry J. “Joe”, 1Lt, pilot
Miller, Dale G., S/Sgt, gunner
Munstein, Charles Allen, Sgt, engineering
Quintenz, Robert P., S/Sgt, engineer-gunner
Sexton, Cornelius J., Sgt, operations
447th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 618/mission 618) Group Mission # 618:
Eight of our planes took part in the raid on Zapresic Railroad Bridge in Yugoslavia. The
target was well covered with bombs and all planes returned safely.
A/C No. 43-27779
Fairchild, George S., 2Lt
Amundson, Donald A., 2Lt
Schmoke, Vernon L., 2Lt
Dubbs, Andrew C., Sgt
MacNeil, Joseph W., T/Sgt
Gorden, Robert L., Cpl
A/C No. 43-27492 “Reddie Teddie”
Murray, Richard E., Capt
Bullion, Roland G. “Rollo”, 2Lt
Olsen, Svend P., 1Lt
Huffman, William C., 1Lt
Perl, Richard H., Sgt
Pelak, Andrew (NMI), T/Sgt
Hagan, Richard E., Cpl
Sunday, 19 November 1944 (continued)
A/C No. 43-4009 “Double-O-Nine”
Murchland, Robert Keith, 2Lt
Buechner, Helmut K., 2Lt
Boyle, Joseph G., Jr., 1Lt
Netzel, Carl F., Sgt
Hourahan, William F., Jr., Cpl
Sims, James W., Cpl
A/C No. 43-27730 “Katie”
P Burns, Robert J., 1Lt
CP Brice, David W., 2Lt
N None
B Cowart, Eugene C., T/Sgt
E Dulaney, Earl W., Sgt
R Bartram, Roy H., Cpl
G Klimkowicz, Zigmond (NMI), Cpl
F None
A/C No. 43-27718
Hennessey, Ralph E., 2Lt
Buckley, Paul I., 2Lt
Applegarth, Smith B., S/Sgt
Daniels, Carl (NMI), Sgt
Finnegan, Paul W., Cpl
Citarelli, James E., Sgt
A/C No. 43-27542 “Superstitious
Hutson, Ernest G. “Hod”, 2Lt
Dickson, John L., Jr., 2Lt
Bokum, John B., F/O
Mercea, George (NMI), S/Sgt
Stocker, Harvey (NMI), Cpl
Staub, Edward C., Cpl
A/C No. 43-27785
Loewus, Frederick E. “Fred”, 2Lt
Rose, Norman I., 2Lt
Smith, William L., S/Sgt
Freeman, Millard C., S/Sgt
Barksdale, Phillip L., Cpl
Williams, James H., Sgt
A/C No. 43-27751 “MMR” (Meet Mrs.
Yerger, John W., 2Lt
Peck, Paul R., 2Lt
Stroupe, Burton Elwood “Woody”, 2Lt
O’Neil, James R., S/Sgt
Torrey, Francis S., T/Sgt
Fromm, Samuel E., Cpl
448th BS War Diary: No change. Squadron began planning for glorious Thanksgiving
448th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 618/mission 618) Group Mission # 618:
(448th BS did not participate)
448th BS: War Diary of: Schaffer, Irving J., S/Sgt, radio-gunner:
“Awoke 7:45AM. Littorio closed. Clear day. Met Roy and his other 5th Army buddies at
Red Cross snack bar. Roy Laube, 425 McKinley St, Gary, Indiana. Ate dinner at RAAC.
Met Jim a soldier from Johannesburg, South Africa at Jewish Soldier's Club. Jim speaks
with a heavy British accent. He is 6'4" tall, lanky with a small mustache. The Jewish
Sunday, 19 November 1944 (continued)
Club far exceeds the Red Cross. They serve all kinds of pastry. Two cents for
sandwiches, four cents for pastry. Met many soldiers from Palestine. We all attended
stage show "Funa Fulla". The prima-donna threw Ben her rose. Jim met a babe on the
street, brought her in a cafe‚ for a couple of drinks and in less than one hour returned
having been in bed with her. Paid her $2.00 for the room and gave her a $5.00 bill.
Went to Mario’s again. On the way we met two decent girls. Took them with us, talked
and danced. Invited them to our room. Spoke to Secilia first as she is particular about
the reputation of her apartment. Brought sandwiches from RAAC - 10 cents apiece. Had
a little party. Conversed about Fascistic days. The girls worked as librarians. Ages ran
about 23 years. Today they attend school, learning English so they can work with the
Americans for better positions. These were the first girls we met that didn't ask for
cigarettes, candy, clothes, etc. Roy sleeping in Abby's room as Abby is shacking again.
Girls parted at 9:00PM. Roy and Ben took them home. Ben, despite being married, goes
wild about most any skirt. Clear cold night. Had Jewish incident arise on street. Been
smoking a lot lately. Only drinking wine. Moderately. Mamma washes our clothes free.
Aside from slight cold, yours truly feels ok. Retired 11:00PM.”
Abiecunas, Joseph P. “Abby”, S/Sgt, gunner
Moleski, Benny M. “Ben”, S/Sgt, gunner
Monday, 20 November 1944
USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF):
In Italy, during the night of 19/20 Nov 44 A-20s attack Po River
crossings, airfields and lights in the Po Valley. During the day bad weather prevents
medium bombers from successfully attacking targets; fighter-bombers able to operate
during the late morning destroy 2 factories E of Modena, and supply dumps near Parma,
and cause large explosions in a dump near San Felice del Benaeo.
HQ 321st BG War Diary: No mission---weather.
HQ 321st BG Mission Summary (Ops Order xxx/mission xxx) Group Mission # xxx:
Redesignated # 669 on 1 Jan 45:
Piave-Susegana Railroad Bridge - called back
(Group mission report not available at this time)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------445th BS War Diary: Capt Weld led 12 ships from this squadron out on the mission but
they returned shortly after take-off due to bad weather. Lts. Baker, Sprankle, Hagerman
and Sgt. Hendricks left today for approximately 4 days of DS to 42 nd Wing for ferrying
equipment but returned this evening because destination could not be reached due to
weather. The trip may now be cancelled. Sgt. Stanford, the squadron’s worthy carpenter,
left for the States on a 30 day rotation plan. Lt. Lowman gave an escape lecture
(Balkans) to combat crew members this afternoon in front of the operations hut. Capt.
Hatcher discussed procedure and use of high blower after Lt. Lowman’s talk. There was
formation flying and some test flights were flown. Sgt. McNevin and his crew are still
stranded in Rome.
Baker, Thomas J., 2Lt, pilot
Hagerman, Millard W., 1Lt, bombardier
Hatcher, Leon F., Jr., Capt, pilot
Hendricks, Albert D., Sgt, engineering
Lowman, Robert S., 2Lt, intelligence
McNevin, John L., Jr., S/Sgt, intelligence/1st Sgt
Sprankle, Floyd H., 2Lt, pilot
Stanford, Hirman P., Sgt, Carpenter
Weld, Willis R., Capt, pilot
445th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order xxx/mission xxx) Group Mission # xxx:
redesignated # 669 on 1 Jan 45:
Group Mission # none
Squadron Mission # none
Capt Weld led 12 ships from this squadron on a mission headed for Italy but when the
formation reached a point 10 miles west of Monte Cristo, they received orders from Wing
to return. No mission.
Weld, Willis R., Capt, pilot
446th BS War Diary: No Missions. Regular duties.
Monday, 20 November 1944 (continued)
446th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order xxx/mission xxx) Group Mission # xxx:
redesignated # 669 on 1 Jan 45:
(446th BS did not participate)
447th BS War Diary: Capt. W.E. Levine held a meeting of all enlisted combat personnel
to-day, in the EM mess hall. He lectured about security and escape. He stressed mostly
on safe areas in both Italy and Yugoslavia. The following Officers were promoted to
rank of Capt: Lt Harold N. Lindell, Lt William C. Huffman. 2nd Lts Ralph E. Hennessy,
Ernest G. Hutson, and William C. Morton were promoted to 1st Lts.
Hennessey, Ralph E., 1Lt, pilot
Huffman, William C., Capt, bombardier
Hutson, Ernest G. “Hod”, 1Lt, pilot
Levine, William E., Capt, intelligence
Lindell, Harold N., Capt, navigator
Morton, William C. “Mort”, Jr., 1Lt, pilot
447th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order xxx/mission xxx) Group Mission # xxx:
redesignated # 669 on 1 Jan 45:
(447th BS did not participate)
448th BS War Diary: Pvt. Walter E. Roguski transferred to 40th Station Hospital.
Roguski, Walter E., Pvt., armament
448th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order xxx/mission xxx) Group Mission # xxx:
redesignated # 669 on 1 Jan 45: Thirteen (13) planes took off to bomb Piave-Susegana
railroad bridge but turned back east of Corsica on orders from 57 th Wing.
448th BS: War Diary of: Schaffer, Irving J., S/Sgt, radio-gunner:
“Addresses: Franca Serra, Via Muazio Plemente 64, Rome, Italy. Maritza Jonadec, Via
Fasalegna 49, Rome, Italy. Jewish Soldier's Club, Piazza Polis, Rome, Italy. RAAC
Restaurant, Castaldi via del Buffalo, Rome, Italy. Awoke 8:25AM. Fair day, slightly
cloudy. Littorio still closed. Ate breakfast at Jewish Soldier's Club at 10:30AM. They
always serve tea. At 11:00AM ate dinner at RAAC. Walked about main drag shopping.
Visited "Stars and Stripes" building. Through the cooperation of Mr. DeEnglis, I found a
printer to make tickets for the club. 2,000 for $15.00. He originally wanted $20. Boys
never seem to get enough of girls. Returned to Pensione at 4:00PM. The boys visited the
females on the top floor. Anna, the babe that Abby's shacked up with last evening came
to our apartment. Secilia told us that she claims she is now engaged to him. In fact she
showed Secilia the ring. Yours truly happens to know that a hope in Corsica gave her
that ring. At any rate I informed Secilia to forbid her entrance to our apartment. Franca
and Maritza returned to our place this PM. Had manicure, shave and shine. Attended
"Bride by Mistake" at Red Cross theater. Returned to Gori's after show for some
spaghetti. Abby shacking with same Anna. Our two so-called legitimate girl friends have
decided to shack with Ben and Roy. Tony, Roy's friend also from the 5th army is using
Abby's room tonight. Retired 10:30PM.”
Abiecunas, Joseph P. “Abby”, S/Sgt, gunner
Moleski, Benny M. “Ben”, S/Sgt, gunner
Tuesday, 21 November 1944
USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF):
In Italy, B-25s blast defenses and troop concentrations in the Faenza area as the
British Eighth Army's 5 Corps opens a general offensive N towards that town; fighterbombers hit targets in the US Fifth Army battle area S of Bolonga, in the Po Valley, and
in NE Italy; particularly good results are achieved against supply dumps and a rail line in
the Brenner Pass is cut in 3 places.
HQ 321st BG War Diary: Despite a 10/10’s cover of clouds, the formation of 27 aircraft
flew under the bases at 10,000 feet and covered the Faenza Defense Area No. 1 with frag
bombs. 10/12 small fires were started in the target area.
HQ 321st BG Mission Summary (Ops Order 619/mission 619) Group Mission # 619:
Faenza defense area #1
(Group mission report not available at this time)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------HQ 321st BG Mission Summary (Ops Order 620/mission 620) Group Mission # 620:
Faenza Defense Area, Italy
(Group mission report not available at this time)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------445th BS War Diary: Capt. Jeffery led the mission today and results were satisfactory.
Lt. Lloyd L. Finkhouse is Acting Bombing Officer now that Lt. Robson is hospitalized
and Capt. Yepez is scheduled to go home shortly. There were some promotions for
combat crew members today while Cpl. Naughton was placed on flying status. The lead
pilots, navigators and bombardiers attended a meeting called by Major Bounds and Capt.
Hatcher. They discussed flying in general and bombing procedure. There were a few
training flights.
Bounds, Thomas C., Maj, pilot, Commander
Finkhouse, Lloyd L., 1Lt, bombardier
Hatcher, Leon F., Jr., Capt, pilot
Jeffery, James C., Capt, pilot
Naughton, John J., Jr., Cpl, gunner
Robson, Herbert E., 2Lt, bombardier
Yepez, Oscar W., Capt, bombardier/navigator
445th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 619/mission 619) Group Mission # 619:
Group Mission # 619
Squadron Mission # 399
Capt. Jeffery led 9 ships from this squadron to form the second flight of a formation sent
out to bomb the Faenza defense area #1. Area escort was provided. Flak was heavy,
scant and inaccurate while no fighters were sighted. Bombing was from 10/10,500 feet
using frag bombs. RESULTS: 1st flight hit on both sides of north-south road in target
area, starting about one-third of way north and extending to about last one-quarter of area
with good coverage of west half of target area. 2nd flight hit southwest corner of target
area. Some bombs were short of main highway, possibly carrying to target area. 10-12
small fires in target area.
Tuesday, 21 November 1944 (continued)
A/C No. 43-27741 “Val” (previously
“Modern Design”)
P Jeffery, James C., Capt
CP Hatcher, Leon F., Jr., Capt
N Sides, Harry F., 1Lt
B Finkhouse, Lloyd L., 1Lt
E Poirier, Andre (NMI), S/Sgt
R DeLaune, William P., T/Sgt
G Morisi, David D., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27680 “Stuff”
P Mogren, Edward G., 2Lt
CP Rung, Raymond F. “Red”, Jr., 2Lt
N None
B Weiner, Irving B., 2Lt
E Mitchell, Robert D. “Bob”, Cpl
R Otterness, William B., Cpl
G Stanley, Harold Gene “Gene”, Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27572 “Babs”
Cox, Harold L., 2Lt
White, Edward A., 2Lt
Salch, Raymond F., Cpl
Hope, Amos (NMI), S/Sgt
Nuttall, John H., Cpl
Osborn, Jack R., Sgt
A/C No. 43-27748
P Webb, Allen W. “Pete”, 1Lt
CP Shutters, Paul E., 2Lt
N None
B Beck, Robert B. “Bob”, 2Lt
E Hunsberger, William R., Cpl
R Rockett, James J., T/Sgt
G Bierly, Glenn E., Cpl
F None
A/C No. 43-27534 (standing lady)
McKay, Donald I., 1Lt
Knauss, Roger Reid “Reid”, 2Lt
Barton, Samuel V., 1Lt
Watts, Joseph T., Jr., Cpl
Engleman, Bud (NMI), S/Sgt
Moorehead, Lewis E., Sgt
A/C No. 43-27545 “Maggie”
Dentoni, Louis M., 2Lt
Brown, Cecil A., 2Lt
Krause, Richard E. “Dick”, 1Lt
Smith, William F., S/Sgt
Matter, Dean R., Cpl
Clayton, Ross W., Cpl
A/C No. 43-27502 “Pretty Kitty Blue
Eyes” (previously “What’s Cookin’?”)
Payne, Lawrence J., 1Lt
Curry, Arthur L. “Art”, 2Lt
Cravey, Robert P., 2Lt
Freiler, Walter C., S/Sgt
Krober, Raymond D., Jr., Cpl
Henry, William W., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27733 “Porky’s Baby”
Emler, Richard S. “Dick”, 2Lt
McFatter, Joe H., 2Lt
Gifford, Robert H., 1Lt
Cavanaugh, Thomas J., Jr., S/Sgt
Ott, James V., Cpl
Jones, Harvey J., Cpl
Tuesday, 21 November 1944 (continued)
A/C No. 43-27716 “Shit House
P Moore, William H., Jr., 1Lt
CP DeBoer, Jay (NMI), Jr., 2Lt
N None
B Carney, Robert J., T/Sgt
E Larson, Richard A., Cpl
R Reagin, Charles T., Cpl
G Slodden, Henry M. “Kip”, Sgt
F Abrams, Samuel (NMI) “Sam”, Sgt
A/C No. 43-27899 “Flo” (Lead spare –
did not fill in)
Poteete, Max W., 1Lt
Kourafas, James (NMI) “Jim”, 2Lt
Emery, Ben D., 1Lt
Taylor, Marion R., Cpl
Barrett, Ray E., S/Sgt
Baker, Max E., Cpl
445th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 620/mission 620) Group Mission # 620:
(445th BS did not participate)
446th BS War Diary: Lieut. McGreevy is assigned as assistant S-2 officer. Promotion
to Cpl. Is announced for Broderick, Nichols and Taylor, T.
Broderick, Emmett P., Cpl, gunner
McGreevy, William M., 2Lt, intelligence
Nichols, Henry J., III, Cpl, gunner
Taylor, Tullis (NMI), Cpl, gunner
446th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 619/mission 619) Group Mission # 619:
(446th BS did not participate)
446th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 620/mission 620) Group Mission # 620:
Squadron Mission 432
TARGET: Faenza Defense Area, Italy
DATE: 21 Nov.1944
Type of Bombs: 20 lb. Frags.
446th Planes: 9
Lt. Matthews was flight leader. First flight only dropped and reported good
concentration in center of target area. Several small fires started. Second flight made
two passes but did not bomb due to bad weather. Flak was heavy, scant and inaccurate.
The spare, Lt. Pietrowski returned early. Due to a very strong cross wind all planes
landed at Ghisonaccia A/D.
A/C No. 43-3989 “My Georgia Peach”
(on co-pilot side - “The Leading Lady”,
previously “Miss Dallas”)
P Matthews, John Walker, Jr., 1Lt
CP Cooper, Paul T., Lt Col, Commander
N Ottem, Earl R., 1Lt
B Kiernan, Noble J., 1Lt
E Knapp, Walter E., S/Sgt
R Cohen, Irwin (NMI), T/Sgt
G South, William R., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27660 “Shooting Bull”
Goodrich, John W., 1Lt
Chandler, Warren W., 2Lt
McGann, Edom K., 2Lt
Lundtoft, Hans G., S/Sgt
Koos, Walter V., S/Sgt
Leary, Gwynn M., S/Sgt
Tuesday, 21 November 1944 (continued)
A/C No. 43-27895 “Haulin’ Ass”
Ritger, Frederic Charles, 1Lt
Treadwell, Joseph (NMI), 2Lt
Farber, Joseph L., 1Lt
Cornelius, Wilbur G., Sgt
Luitjens, Harvey J., Cpl
Haxby, William H., Jr., Sgt
A/C No. 43-4097 “Tiny?” (later
P Doyle, John D., 1Lt
CP Manolis, Ronald J., 2Lt
N None
B Vannah, Harold P., Jr., F/O
E Shettleworth, William E., Cpl
R Wilking, Robert L., Sgt
G Cassidy, Warren J., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27501 “Sweet Sue Kathy
Jeanne” (unnamed to Nov 44. In 45
“Kathy Jeanne” dropped)
Stanley E., 1Lt
CP Panning, Robert F., 2Lt
N Clark, Samuel E., Jr., 2Lt
B Hogman, Frans H., 2Lt
E Karuzas, Alexander W., Cpl
R McKearin, William Jerome, T/Sgt
G Slezak, Alex E., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-4020 “Bourbon Baby”
Carlson, Lowell A., 2Lt
Capalety, Thomas A., 2Lt
DeSorbo, John S., Sgt
Lamm, Earl D., Cpl
Wimert, Donald A., Cpl
Knopp, Von C., Cpl
A/C No. 43-4021 “The Little
Admiral” (later Lady Jane)
Crisp, Glenn S., Jr., 2Lt
Heaberlin, Paul L., 2Lt
Law, John B., Cpl
Demmitt, Henry H., Cpl
Flasher, Henry F., Cpl
Wagner, William M., Cpl
A/C No. 43-27496 “PRINCESS”
(previously PRINCESS PAOLA II)
Schmid, Kenneth L., 1Lt
Maki, Allan A., 2Lt
Gale, Benjamin H., Jr., 1Lt
Kelly, Thomas J., Cpl
Dobrow, Edgar J., Cpl
Beavers, Marqus F., Cpl
A/C No. 43-4074 (picture of seated
lady - no name/lettering)
Taylor, Richard E., 2Lt
Everhart, Herman E., 2Lt
Beecher, Everett F., Sgt
Utz, James W., Sgt
Freeman, Cecil O., S/Sgt
Beets, Frank T., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27699 “Jessie” (later name
dropped from nose art) (Lead spare –
did not fill in)
Pietrowski, Stanley J., 1Lt
Berge, Gail B., 2Lt
Lippy, Harvey W., 1Lt
Alexander, Preston S., S/Sgt
Bundy, Garland A., T/Sgt
Bryan, Dwight L., S/Sgt
Tuesday, 21 November 1944 (continued)
446th BS: War Diary of: Luitjens, Harvey J., Cpl, radio-gunner: (mission 16)
“No. 16) Faenza troop concentration. Dropped Frags. Very Good Mission. About a
half dozen bursts of flak. Out of range. Ritger pilot.”
Ritger, Frederic Charles, 1Lt, pilot
447th BS War Diary: The following named Officers and Enlisted Men were rotated to
the U.S. 1st Lt Gordon J. Brule, 1st Lt Eric A. Johnson, T/Sgt John F. Toole, T/Sgt Myles
O. Williamson, S/Sgts Harry B. Burns, Everett H. Clyne, and Roy C. Dawson. No
mission scheduled for to-day. Usual camp duties throughout the day.
Brule, Gordon J., 1Lt, bombardier
Burns, Harry B., S/Sgt, photographer
Clyne, Everett H., S/Sgt, armament-gunner Dawson, Roy C., S/Sgt, engineer-gunner
Johnson, Eric A., 1Lt, pilot
Toole, John F., T/Sgt, gunner
Williamson, Myles O., T/Sgt, radio-gunner
447th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 619/mission 619) Group Mission # 619:
A/C No. 43-27779
P Brown, Grover C., Jr., 1Lt
CP Highsmith, John R., 2Lt
Schmoke, Vernon L., 2Lt
Dimondstein, Herbert (NMI), S/Sgt
MacNeil, Joseph W., T/Sgt
Young, Robert E., Sgt
A/C No. 43-4069 “Ruptured Duck”
P Murchland, Robert Keith, 2Lt
CP Buckley, Paul I., 2Lt
N None
B Boyle, Joseph G., Jr., 1Lt
E Netzel, Carl F., Sgt
R Hourahan, William F., Jr., Cpl
G McKnight, John A., Jr., Cpl
F None
A/C No. 43-27718
P Gillis, John R., 1Lt
CP Autry, Aaron E., 2Lt
N None
B Balboni, Robert A., 2Lt
E Perl, Richard H., Sgt
R Fiocca, Theodore Aurelio, S/Sgt
G Sims, James W., Cpl
F None
A/C No. 43-27492 “Reddie Teddie”
Wiginton, J. Maurice “Wigs”, Capt
Cameron, William D. “Bill”, Jr., HQ
321st BG
Tulley, Harlan Norval, 2Lt
Huffman, William C., Capt
Stokes, Robert C., Sgt
Poulin, Gaston G., S/Sgt
Ochs, Dan (NMI), Jr., Cpl
A/C No. 43-4029 “Mike Hunt”
Magne, Henry J. “Joe”, 1Lt
Rose, Norman I., 2Lt
Bokum, John B., F/O
McMenamin, Daniel P., Jr., Sgt
Pelak, Andrew (NMI), T/Sgt
Smith, Kenneth C., Sgt
A/C No. 43-4060 “Cover Girl”
Yerger, John W., 2Lt
Wallis, Shelby D., F/O
O’Neil, James R., S/Sgt
Smith, William L., S/Sgt
None listed
Fromm, Samuel E., Cpl
Tuesday, 21 November 1944 (continued)
A/C No. 43-27730 “Katie”
Fairchild, George S., 2Lt
Cammack, Elmore (NMI), 2Lt
Stroupe, Burton Elwood “Woody”, 2Lt
Dubbs, Andrew C., Sgt
Phares, Harold (NMI) “Harry”, Jr., Cpl
Citarelli, James E., Sgt
A/C No. 43-27473 “Paper Doll”
P Hennessey, Ralph E., 1Lt
CP Smith, Frederick H., 2Lt
N None
B Ifshin, Isidore (NMI) “Sonny”, S/Sgt
E Daniels, Carl (NMI), Sgt
R Finnegan, Paul W., Cpl
G Gorden, Robert L., Cpl
F None
A/C No. 43-27542 “Superstitious
Morton, William C. “Mort”, Jr., 1Lt
Brice, David W., 2Lt
Hiller, Frederick J., 2Lt
Lankester, Hugh H. “Lank”, 2Lt
Hopp, Charles J., Sgt
Keefe, John A., T/Sgt
Flowers, Frank J., S/Sgt
447th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 620/mission 620) Group Mission # 620:
(447th BS did not participate)
448th BS War Diary: (No non-mission information)
448th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 619/mission 619) Group Mission # 619:
(448th BS did not participate)
448th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 620/mission 620) Group Mission # 620: Nine
planes from 448th led eighteen (18) plane Group formation to shower frags on German
defense positions at Faenza in support of the Eight Army advancing along the Bologna
highway. The mission was highly successful with the area well peppered with 2040
frags, several fires were observed in the target area.
A/C No. 43-28081
Farwell, Harold S., Capt
Cook, Don W., 2Lt
Bongiovanni, Michael (NMI), 1Lt
Joyce, Robert W. “Dead-eye”, Capt
Haack, Cecil J., S/Sgt
Doughty, Paul V., T/Sgt
Trigler, Louis E., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27508
Burks, Richard W., Capt
Rubin, Julius W., 2Lt
Cannon, John L., 2Lt
Gardner, Philip K., 2Lt
Ratcliffe, James E., Jr., S/Sgt
Poteet, Edward J., T/Sgt
Hersh, Bertram (NMI), S/Sgt
Tuesday, 21 November 1944 (continued)
A/C No. 43-4067 “The Big Swing”
P Smith, Milford A., 2Lt
CP Birkhead, Charles F., Jr., 2Lt
N None
B Wald, Douglas A., S/Sgt
E Reves, Louis E., Sgt
R None listed
G Gage, Robert L., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-4076
P Holcombe, Dewey R., 1Lt
CP Sculley, Thomas S., 2Lt
N None
B Berman, Samuel (NMI), T/Sgt
E Weese, Charles F., Cpl
R Seward, Richard F. T/Sgt
G Holloway, Garland (NMI), S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27530 “Twin Engine
P Duggan, Raymond E., F/O
CP Russell, Harold H., 2Lt
N None
B Sheppard, John W., 2Lt
E Goethals, Camiel A., S/Sgt
R Justice, Conway J., Jr., Sgt
G Moses, P. F., Sgt, 9th Combat Camera
F None
A/C No. 44-28940
P Swanson, Erle G. “Swanny”, Jr., 1Lt
CP Autrey, W. F. (i.o.), 2Lt
N Freund, John F., 2Lt
B Brink, Richard E., 2Lt
E Carter, Eugene F., S/Sgt
R Walker, Jack L., S/Sgt
G Knauss, Charles F., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27481
Cooper, Richard J., 2Lt
Tetlow, John S., 1Lt
Pealer, Woodward D., S/Sgt
Turner, James H., Cpl
Bixler, Frederick F., T/Sgt
Ferrell, Bruce M., Cpl
A/C No. 43-4037 “Cherry Fizz”
Ivory, Daniel J., Jr., 2Lt
Rosenau, Gustave D., 1Lt
LaBella, Dante (NMI) “GI Joe”, S/Sgt
Langley, Edmund P., Jr., Sgt
Magyar, Steven J., S/Sgt
Knudtson, Orville Fred, S/Sgt, 9th
Combat Camera
A/C No. 43-27668
Kruse, Milford E., 1Lt
Russell, John D., 2Lt
Qualls, Thomas B, S/Sgt
Donaud, Earl J., S/Sgt
Hallman, Robert L., T/Sgt
Markiewicz, Edward B., S/Sgt
Tuesday, 21 November 1944 (continued)
448th BS: War Diary of: Schaffer, Irving J., S/Sgt, radio-gunner:
“Awoke 8:25A. Littorio closed. Captain Holloway (from 446th) securing transportation
to take us to Tarquinia fighter field about 90 miles north of Rome. Waited until 2:00PM.
No trucks. Spoke with war correspondent. Rocky and I went to Tiber Terrace for hot
shower and chow. In the evening we attended "What's Thou Cooking" at the Argentina
theater near Piazzi Venice. Cast was composed of former professionals now GI's and
USO girls. Excellent. Swell theater. Free for allied troops. Returned home 9:30PM.
After dark, we carry flashlights as Rome is blacked out. Secilia is cleaning and pressing
my pants. Warm evening. Abby still shacking. Money getting low. Let Abby take $33.00
Got quite a kick out of saying goodbye to Secilia three times. Note: Rome itself is
bubbling with activity. However there seems to be nothing along the productivity nature.
Allied soldiers from every nation are about. Uniforms vary, but they are all neat. The
Italian civilians are out to suck as much money as possible. They have no particular like
for us - aside from what we can give them. The AMGOT is running a black market. In
fact the fascists are still powerful. The communists are of much strength. In fact it's the
only organized "ism" in Italy. Rome is a clean city with many modern conveniences. I
was amazed to see so many blonde and fair skinned Italians.”
Abiecunas, Joseph P. “Abby”, S/Sgt, gunner
Holloway, McGlon T., Capt, intelligence, 446th BS
Rockwell, Stewart R. “Rockwell”, S/Sgt, gunner
Wednesday, 22 November 1944
USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF):
In Italy, B-25s again pound defenses in the Faenza area as British
Eighth Army forces push into that area from the SE; fighter-bombers and fighters fly
nearly 350 sorties against rail lines in the Po Valley and very successfully hit guns,
vehicles, troops and other targets in the US Fifth Army battle area S of Bologna, and
supply dumps and pipelines N of the battle area.
HQ 321st BG War Diary: 27 planes returned to the Faenza Defense Area No. 1 and this
time with excellent weather conditions smothered the area with almost perfect coverage.
This raid occasioned a commendatory report from the 8th Army.
HQ 321st BG Mission Summary (Ops Order 621/mission 621) Group Mission # 621:
Southern half, Faenza Defense Area, Italy
(Group mission report not available at this time)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------445th BS War Diary: Capt. Jeffery led the mission against Faenza today and good
results were achieved once again, 100 percent bombing accuracy in the books. Capt.
Yepez, Lts. Thompson, McLaughlin, Fisher, Hadsell and Place; and Sgts. Giorgio,
Decker, Tarr and Walter left today for rotation to the States. Sgts. Lens and Barnes gave
a lecture today on personal equipment for the benefit of all combat crews at the Officers
club. Capt. Collins, in addition to his flying duties was appointed Air-Sea Rescue
Officer. Some ships went to the bombing range while others went on transition. Capt.
Wagner went over to Tarquinia to pick up Sgt. McNevin and his entertainers at that field.
They had proceeded there by truck after another vain attempt to take off from Littorio.
They were mighty glad to be back after the long stay in Rome with small funds.
Barnes, Warren H., Sgt, engineering
Collins, Daniel P., Capt, pilot
Decker, Robert J., Sgt, armament
Fisher, James B., Jr., 2Lt, pilot
Giorgio, John B., Sgt, gunner
Hadsell, Donald M., 1Lt, pilot
Jeffery, James C., Capt, pilot
Lens, Edward (NMI), Sgt, engineering
McLaughlin, Elwood F., Jr., 1Lt, pilot
McNevin, John L., Jr., S/Sgt, intelligence/1st Sgt
Place, Winston R., 1Lt, pilot
Tarr, Charles F., Jr., S/Sgt, gunner
Thompson, Henry C., Jr., 2Lt, pilot
Wagner, Gerald W., Capt, pilot
Walter, Henry W., Sgt, gunner
Yepez, Oscar W., Capt, bombardier/navigator
Wednesday, 22 November 1944 (continued)
445th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 621/mission 621) Group Mission # 621:
Group Mission # 621
Squadron Mission # 400
Capt. Jeffery led 9 ships in the second flight of a formation sent out to bomb the southern
half of the Faenza defense area #1. Area escort was provided. No fighters were reported
while flak was heavy, scant and inaccurate, holing 2 planes. The ships dropped frags
from 10/11000 feet. RESULTS: Good coverage of west half of area, starting at main
road and south and walking up through area along and west of the north-south secondary
road and carrying on 100 to 150 yards beyond railroad. No fires or explosions reported.
A/C No. 43-27741 “Val” (previously
“Modern Design”)
P Jeffery, James C., Capt
CP Shutters, Paul E., 2Lt
N Sides, Harry F., 1Lt
B Finkhouse, Lloyd L., 1Lt
E Poirier, Andre (NMI), S/Sgt
R DeLaune, William P., T/Sgt
G Morisi, David D., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27680 “Stuff”
P Poteete, Max W., 1Lt
CP Middleton, Donald M., 2Lt
N None
B Emery, Ben D., 1Lt
E Carruthers, John (NMI), II, S/Sgt
R Rockett, James J., T/Sgt
G Bates, Leonard H., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27733 “Porky’s Baby”
P Spencer, Charles F., 1Lt
CP McFatter, Joe H., 2Lt
N None
B Jackson, William H., 2Lt
E Chambers, Jimmie (NMI), S/Sgt
R Krober, Raymond D., Jr., Cpl
G Jacobs, Harry E., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27502 “Pretty Kitty Blue
Eyes” (previously “What’s Cookin’?”)
Monger, Samuel A. “Sam”, Jr., 1Lt
Buckham, John K., 2Lt
Gonzales, Alfred R., T/Sgt
Kneisel, Charles W., T/Sgt
Cubley, Harold B., T/Sgt
Henry, William W., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27545 “Maggie”
Moore, William H., Jr., 1Lt
Miron, Leno L., 2Lt
Barrett, Ray E., S/Sgt
Taylor, Marion R., Cpl
Ott, James V., Cpl
Baker, Max E., Cpl
A/C No. 43-27534 (standing lady)
McKay, Donald I., 1Lt
Kourafas, James (NMI) “Jim”, 2Lt
Chauncey, Martin E. “Marty”, T/Sgt
Bertling, Gerald M., S/Sgt
Otterness, William B., Cpl
Edwards, Jack M., Cpl
Wednesday, 22 November 1944 (continued)
A/C No. 43-27748 “Mama!”
Webb, Allen W. “Pete”, 1Lt
Knauss, Roger Reid “Reid”, 2Lt
Beck, Robert B. “Bob”, 2Lt
Kofmehl, James J., S/Sgt
Reagin, Charles T., Cpl
Slodden, Henry M. “Kip”, Sgt
A/C No. 43-27716 “Shit House
P Couch, Thomas (NMI), Jr., 2Lt
CP Doe, Norman H., 2Lt
N None
B Salch, Raymond F., Cpl
E Gum, Paul V., Cpl
R Matter, Dean R., Cpl
G Haynes, Irving L., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 44-28722 “Spirit of
Cox, Harold L., 2Lt
Young, Paul L., 2Lt
Cravey, Robert P., 2Lt
Krauk, Edward J., Sgt
Nuttall, John H., Cpl
Abrams, Samuel (NMI), Jr., Sgt
A/C No. 43-27899 “Flo” (Lead spare –
did not fill in)
Mogren, Edward G., 2Lt
Rung, Raymond F. “Red”, Jr., 2Lt
Weiner, Irving B., 2Lt
Smith, William F., S/Sgt
Engleman, Bud (NMI), S/Sgt
Jones, Harvey J., Cpl
446th BS War Diary: a 9 plane mission is flown with excellent results.
446th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 621/mission 621) Group Mission # 621:
Squadron Mission 433
TARGET: Southern half, Faenza Defense Area, Italy
DATE: 22 Nov.1944
Type of Bombs: 20 lb. Frags.
446th Planes: 9
Captain Wiginton led the formation. Good coverage of W half of area. No fires or
explosions. Flak was scant, inaccurate and out of range. Heavy flak from NW of target
on break-away. One burst of red flak seen. Two planes holed. Captain Smedley the
spare, returned early.
Wiginton, J. Maurice "Wig", Capt, pilot, 447 BS
A/C No. 43-3989 “My Georgia Peach”
(on co-pilot side - “The Leading Lady”,
previously “Miss Dallas”)
P Matthews, John Walker, Jr., 1Lt
CP Kimble, Arnold P., 2Lt
N Codd, Russell G., F/O
B Kiernan, Noble J., 1Lt
E Knapp, Russell G., S/Sgt
R Cohen, George (NMI), T/Sgt
G South, William R., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-4097 “Tiny?” (later
Doyle, John D., 1Lt
Treadwell, Joseph (NMI), 2Lt
Vannah, Harold P., Jr., F/O
Shettleworth, William E., Cpl
Wilking, Robert L., Sgt
Cassidy, Warren J., Sgt
Wednesday, 22 November 1944 (continued)
A/C No. 43-27895 “Haulin’ Ass”
Ritger, Frederic Charles, 1Lt
Berge, Gail B., 2Lt
Farber, Joseph L., 1Lt
Cornelius, Wilbur G., Sgt
Cubbage, Robert (NMI), Cpl
Haxby, William H., Jr., Sgt
A/C No. 43-27660 “Shooting Bull”
Goodrich, John W., 1Lt
Crinnion, Edward V., 2Lt
Law, John B., Cpl
Lundtoft, Hans G., S/Sgt
Koos, Walter V., S/Sgt
Leary, Gwynn M., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27501 “Sweet Sue Kathy
Jeanne” (unnamed to Nov 44. In 45
“Kathy Jeanne” dropped)
P Wozniak, Stanley E., Capt
CP Panning, Robert F., 2Lt
N Clark, Samuel E., Jr., 2Lt
B Hogman, Frans H., 2Lt
E Karuzas, Alexander W., Cpl
R McKearin, William Jerome, T/Sgt
G Slezak, Alex E., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27747 “Spider’s Frolic
Capalety, Thomas A., 2Lt
Carlson, Lowell A., 2Lt
DeSorbo, John S., Sgt
Utz, James W., Sgt
Rousos, Milton P., T/Sgt
Bryan, Dwight L., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27496 “PRINCESS”
(previously PRINCESS PAOLA II)
Chandler, Warren W., 2Lt
Cressman, Jack E., 2Lt
Murch, George M., Jr., Sgt
Kelly, Thomas J., Cpl
Dobrow, Edgar J., Cpl
Beavers, Marqus F., Cpl
A/C No. 43-4021 “The Little
Admiral” (later Lady Jane)
Crisp, Glenn S., Jr., 2Lt
Maki, Allan A., 2Lt
Reeves, Charles F., M/Sgt
Demmitt, Henry H., Cpl
Wagner, William M., Cpl
Knudtson, Orville Fred, S/Sgt, 9th
Combat Camera
A/C No. 43-4074 (picture of seated
lady - no name/lettering)
Taylor, Richard E., 2Lt
Everhart, Herman E., 2Lt
Beecher, Everett F., Sgt
Taylor, Tullis (NMI), Cpl
Freeman, Cecil O., S/Sgt
Beets, Frank T., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27699 “Jessie” (later name
dropped from nose art) (Lead spare – did
not fill in)
Smedley, Robert Redmond, Capt
Heaberlin, Paul L., 1Lt
Kaenzig, Charles Leslie, 2Lt
Lamm, Earl D., Cpl
Luitjens, Harvey J., Cpl
Alberico, Camillo A., Sgt
Wednesday, 22 November 1944 (continued)
447th BS War Diary: Major Masculine, a member of the British “A” Force lectured to
our combat crews to-day. Everybody that attended the meeting enjoyed the talk, they all
came out of the meeting knowing that they all received some valuable information.
447th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 621/mission 621) Group Mission # 621: Nine
of our planes took part in a raid on Faenza Defense Area in Northern Italy. All Planes
returned safely.
A/C No. 43-27730 “Katie”
P Wakeley, Charles G., III, 1Lt
CP Breckenridge, Louis G., 2Lt
N None
B Stroupe, Burton Elwood “Woody”, 2Lt
E Dubbs, Andrew C., Sgt
R Phares, Harold (NMI) “Harry”, Jr., Cpl
G Citarelli, James E., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-4060 “Cover Girl”
P Satterwhite, Henry C., 1Lt
CP Dodson, Jackson R., 2Lt
N None
B Schmoke, Vernon L., 2Lt
E Applegarth, Smith B., S/Sgt
R Schnaars, George D., S/Sgt
G Sims, James W., Cpl
F None
A/C No. 43-27473 “Paper Doll”
P Walker, Marion E., 1Lt
CP Amundson, Donald A., 2Lt
N None
B Freeman, Millard C., S/Sgt
E Smith, William L., Sgt
R Stocker, Harvey (NMI), Cpl
G Fromm, Samuel E., Cpl
F None
A/C No. 43-27492 “Reddie Teddie”
Wiginton, J. Maurice “Wigs”, Capt
Briggs, Richard G. “Dick”, 2Lt
Olsen, Svend P., 1Lt
Huffman, William C., Capt
Stokes, Robert C., Sgt
Poulin, Gaston G., S/Sgt
Ochs, Dan (NMI), Jr., Cpl
A/C No. 43-4029 “Mike Hunt”
Magne, Henry J. “Joe”, 1Lt
Bullion, Roland G. “Rollo”, 2Lt
Bokum, John B., F/O
McMenamin, Daniel P., Jr., Sgt
Pelak, Andrew (NMI), T/Sgt
Smith, Kenneth C., Sgt
A/C No. 43-4069 “Ruptured Duck”
Murchland, Robert Keith, 2Lt
Buechner, Helmut K., 2Lt
Boyle, Joseph G., Jr., 1Lt
Netzel, Carl F., Sgt
Hourahan, William F., Jr., Cpl
McKnight, John A., Jr., Cpl
Wednesday, 22 November 1944 (continued)
A/C No. 43-27718
Gillis, John R., 1Lt
Peck, Paul R., 2Lt
Balboni, Robert A., 2Lt
Perl, Richard H., Sgt
Torrey, Francis S., T/Sgt
Goldman, Marvin S., Cpl
A/C No. 43-27779
P Brown, Grover C., Jr., 1Lt
CP Gies, Donald W., F/O
N None
B Miller, Dale G., S/Sgt
E Dimondstein, Herbert (NMI), S/Sgt
R MacNeil, Joseph W., T/Sgt
G Young, Robert E., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27542 “Superstitious
Morton, William C. “Mort”, Jr., 1Lt
Grimse, Ralph T., 1Lt
Hiller, Frederick J., 2Lt
Lankester, Hugh H. “Lank”, 2Lt
O’Neil, James R., S/Sgt
Keefe, John A., T/Sgt
Dulaney, Earl W., Sgt
448th BS War Diary: Major D.I. McLain, former Commanding Officer, was transferred
to 321st Bomb. Group (M). Captain Raymond W. Moss, 1 st Lts. Thomas E. McDonough,
Charles W. Shaw, Raymond Smith and Ray B. Stevens; T/Sgts James R. Blackard, James
R. Campbell; S/Sgts. William Bishop, Harry W. Congdon, Benjamin Hospod and Charles
A. Roberts left for the Zone of the Interior with an enviable combat record. Pfc. Joseph
Shulansky promoted to Cpl. Captain Richard Burks was selected as the new Operations
Officer and Captain Frank M. Furey filled the position of Assistant Operations Officer.
Bishop, William (NMI), S/Sgt, gunner
Blackard, James R. “Jim”, T/Sgt, gunner
Burks, Richard W., Capt, pilot
Campbell, James R., T/Sgt, gunner
Congdon, Harry W., S/Sgt, gunner
Furey, Frank M. “Mickey”, Capt, pilot
Hospod, Benjamin (NMI), S/Sgt, gunner
McDonough, Thomas E., Jr., 1Lt, bombardier
McLain, Damon I., Maj, pilot, Commander
Moss, Raymond W., Capt, pilot
Roberts, Charles A., S/Sgt, gunner
Shaw, Charles W., 1Lt, bombardier
Shulansky, Joseph (NMI), Cpl, personnel
Smith, Raymond (NMI), 2Lt, navigator
Stevens, Ray B., 1Lt, pilot
448th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 621/mission 621) Group Mission # 621:
(448th BS did not participate)
Wednesday, 22 November 1944 (continued)
448th BS: War Diary of: Schaffer, Irving J., S/Sgt, radio-gunner:
“Awoke 7:50AM. Clear morning. Packed and kissed Secilia goodbye. Capt Holloway
and gang took off at 9:00AM for Tarquinia airfield by 1041st QM. 2 l/2 ton truck. Very
rough road. Arrived airfield. 64th fighter group at 23:30PM. Ship #529 (42-64529). Lt
Holcombe pilot took us back. Travels 92 miles by truck. Littoria closed to all bombers.
Took off 2:15PM. Landed Corsica 2:50PM. Good to be back. Cooks preparing for big
Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow. (Turkey). Yours truly received the DFC, Purple Heart,
Air Medal and two clusters. Anxious to write home and to Shyrle. Snafu really sprouted
up after not seeing him in ten days. Our group (446-445) pulled two missions over
Yugoslavia. Blackard left this AM. I missed him. 8 bottles of beer missing from my frag
box? John satisfied with club tickets. Walter Roguski going home. Had mental
collapse. Spaghetti and sauce, boiled cauliflower, beets, bread, marmalade, coffee. Did
a bit of visiting. James Herod is finished with combat. Retired 10:00PM.”
Blackard, James R. “Jim”, T/Sgt, radio-gunner
Herod, James E. “Jim”, Sgt, radio-gunner
Holcombe, Dewey R., 1Lt, pilot
Holloway, McGlon T., Capt, intelligence, 446th BS
Nelson, John F. “Chief”, Cpl, engineer-gunner
Roguski, Walter E., Pvt, armament
Shyrle, Irving Schaffer’s future wife
"Snafu" - Sgt George Huha’s dog
Thursday, 23 November 1944
USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF):
In Italy, bad weather restricts operations; medium bombers over the
Faenza area abort due to overcast, P-47s hampered by low clouds over the Apennines
Mountains, fly only 16 sorties, against rail lines S of Bologna, but succeed in cutting the
lines in 6 places.
HQ 321st BG War Diary: No mission---weather.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------TRUE COPY (Certified: S. P. Neprash, Capt, A.C.)
23 NOVEMBER 1944
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------445th BS War Diary: Squadron did not participate in mission. Activity was called to a
halt today except for work that was absolutely necessary. For today was Thanksgiving
Day and there was no war today. Football was in the air in the morning. The 445th
enlisted men met the league-leading 448th six at the latter’s field to play the home club
and dropped their game to the leaders of the officers league, 40-0. A big turkey dinner
wiped out the memory of bad football. The meal was served at 3 P.M. Turkey, potatoes,
cranberry sauce, stuffing, gravy, onions, bread and butter, pie, cheese, eggnog, fruit, nuts,
candy and coffee was enough to fill the men to the belt-loosening point. Free drinks were
in order in both clubs. The weather for the day was cool but not cold and a beautiful
sunset rounded out a most enjoyable day.
445th BS: War Diary of: Seegmiller, Barnard H., Sgt, armament:
11/23/44: Thanksgiving Day
“The weather is typical of what we usually have at home—warm, calm, high thin
overcast. Everyone is busy encouraging an appetite for the turkey dinner being prepared
for 14:30 serving by cleaning up the area, chopping wood, etc. and other forms of nonduty activity. There is a mission scheduled for today but all work seems to be kept at a
minimum. Our boys played the 448th Squadron a football game and were badly beaten.
For the last couple of days I have had a cold and therefore haven’t done much work,
hoping to get rid of it soon. Tomorrow I plan to go to the 340th and arrange with 1st Sgt.
Parkins for transportation of our Group over to Foggia to attend the church conference
there on the 3rd of December.”
Parkins, Stanley (NMI), 1st Sgt, 487th BS, 340th BG
Thursday, 23 November 1944 (continued)
446th BS War Diary: Thanksgiving and a dozen lucky men get orders to go home: Lts.
Dunn, Pettit, Gilligan, Rackley and Wojcik and Ems Poorman, Aderholt, Kreider,
Leonard, Thornton, Stapleton, Wiacek as the squadron takes a day off for feasting.
Aderholt, William J., Jr., S/Sgt, gunner
Dunn, Thomas B., 1Lt, navigator
Gilligan, John W., 2Lt, bombardier
Kreider, John L., S/Sgt, gunner
Leonard, Malcolm B., S/Sgt, gunner
Pettit, Robert H., 2Lt, bombardier
Poorman, William H., T/Sgt, radio-gunner
Rackley, Donald D., 1Lt, pilot
Stapleton, Carl B., S/Sgt, gunner
Thornton, Edward P., S/Sgt, gunner
Wiacek, Emil J., S/Sgt, gunner
Wojcik, Walter (NMI), 1Lt, pilot
447th BS War Diary: No Mission to-day. 1st Lt Edward Krafka was promoted to
Captain. The Squadron celebrated Thanksgiving to-day with one of the best dinners in its
history. Both Clubs were decorated for the event and everybody had a good time. Our
officers drubbed the 445th Officers in a foot-ball game by a mere score of 40 – 0.
Krafka, Edward (NMI), Capt, pilot
448th BS War Diary: Thanksgiving day and an enjoyable one for all. The mission was
cancelled due to weather at the target and everyone was able to participate in the holiday
spirit. A football game between the 448th and 446th highlighted the day. Interest and
betting ran high for the winner would be eligible for the final play-off game. Playing on
Ryan field in the Squadron area the game was a very exciting one. The 448 th trounced
the visiting team by 32 to 6. After this decisive victory the boys sat down to a festive
Thanksgiving meal. There was plenty of turkey and dressing for all and the bars in the
Officers’ and Enlisted Men’s clubs were well stocked with many varieties of spirits.
448th BS: War Diary of: Schaffer, Irving J., S/Sgt, radio-gunner:
“Awoke 7:10AM. Snafu wants to get out. Clear, partly cloudy Thanksgiving morning.
Fresh boiled eggs, oatmeal, bacon, coffee, bread, apple jelly. Mission briefing at
10:30AM. Yours truly is in lead element. Briefing changed to 11:20. Stand-down on
mission. Only serving spam sandwiches this noon as big turkey dinner is at 3:00PM.
Dull day. Roast turkey, gravy, peas, mashed potatoes, stuffing, cranberry sauce, canned
pineapple, cheese, raisin pastry, coffee. On first shift of guard. Area guard. Boys really
celebrating at club. Ike was taken to his tent Jackson (cook) went wild. Finally passed
out. Quite a hilarious Thanksgiving night. Retired 10:00PM.”
Iseldyke, LeRoy J. “Ike”, Sgt, gunner, personnel, 1st Sgt
Jackson, Houston S., Sgt, cook
"Snafu" - Sgt George Huha’s dog
Friday, 24 November 1944
USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF):
In Italy, B-25s, in support of the British Eighth Army, bomb defenses
in the Faenza area; bad weather restricts fighter-bombers to 2 missions which damage a
road bridge and cut rail line S of Modena.
HQ 321st BG War Diary: No mission---weather.
445th BS War Diary: Bad weather once again cancelled the mission. There was but one
spare scheduled from this squadron. Quite a few hangovers today with some cases of the
“G.I.’s” and perhaps it is well that no mission was scheduled. Gunners attended aircraft
flash recognition movie at group briefing hall this afternoon. There was plenty of
training today including instrument flying, transition, formation, trucking practice for
gunners and some ships went to the bombing range.
446th BS War Diary: Regular duties.
447th BS War Diary: A nine ship mission was scheduled for the day but bad weather
prevented the take off. S/Sgt Harold W. Scarberry returned to the Squadron to-day after
spending a week or more in Italy; he bailed out of Lt Ramey’s plane that crashed near
Pisa, on 10 November 1944.
Ramey, Gordon, A., 1Lt, pilot
Scarberry, Harold W., S/Sgt, gunner
448th BS War Diary: Weather prevented the squadron from carrying the attack to the
enemy today. The outfit was back to normal after yesterday’s celebration and the daily
duties were carried on as usual. Sgt. James E. Herod was transferred to the 40 th Station
Herod, James E. “Jim”, Sgt, radio-gunner
448th BS: War Diary of: Schaffer, Irving J., S/Sgt, radio-gunner:
“Awoke 7:10AM. Fair AM. Pancakes, oatmeal, ½ grapefruit, meat, marmalade, coffee.
Boys have big heads this AM. On today's mission. Briefing 10:50AM. Been thinking a
lot about home lately Stand-down at briefing. Meat loaf, string beans, fresh sweet
potatoes, fruit salad, bread, butter, coffee. Cleaned guns on B37 - some joke (B-37 Lockheed Ventura). Picked up new flying fatigues at Tech supply. Attended airplane
recognition class at group briefing hut. Roast beef, potatoes, tomatoes, and bread,
chocolate pudding, coffee. Attended "Louisiana Hayride", left in middle of show, sad.
Retired 8:40PM. Feeling very nervous.”
Saturday, 25 November 1944
USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF):
In Italy, bad weather again hampers operations; 3 fighter groups fly
only 53 sorties against railway targets and targets of opportunity N of the US Fifth Army
battle area, cutting lines at 14 places and destroying several vehicles. The 414th Night
Fighter Squadron, 62nd Fighter Wing, moves from Pisa to Pontedera, Italy with
HQ 321st BG War Diary: No mission---weather.
HQ 321st BG Mission Summary (Ops Order xxx/mission xxx) Group Mission #
621W (A) - redesignated # 658 on 1 Jan 45:
Weather Reconnaissance
(Group mission report not available at this time)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------445th BS War Diary: Lt. McKay flew a weather recce this morning and reported bad
weather. The combat mission was cancelled. Capt. Farrell, Lts Rigler, Coale and Wren
were placed on combat status to round out combat tour (probably 65 to 75 missions).
The gunners attended a flash recognition movie at group again today. Once again, plenty
of training was in order. Squadron supply was scheduled to put out its first issue of
luxury rations today but for some reason, they didn’t come through. They said tomorrow
would be the day the men listened to football games in the evening, today being
Coale, Julian R., 2Lt, pilot
Farrell, Robert A., Capt, pilot
McKay, Donald I., 2Lt, pilot
Rigler, Edward J., 2Lt, pilot
Wren, Frank J., 2Lt, pilot/bombardier
445th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order xxx/mission xxx) Group Mission # 621W (A)
- redesignated # 658 on 1 Jan 45:
Group Mission # 621 (W) Squadron Mission # 401
Lt. McKay flew a weather recce and reported bad weather.
A/C No. 43-4008 “Spirit of St Louis”
P McKay, Donald I., 1Lt
CP Brown, Cecil A., 2Lt
N Starczewski, Phillip R., 2Lt
B None
E Kofmehl, James J., S/Sgt
R Gonzales, Alfred R., T/Sgt
G Jones, Harvey J., Cpl
F Griffing, George W., Capt, (Weather
Saturday, 25 November 1944 (continued)
446th BS War Diary: Promotion of C.O. Freeman to Technical Sergeant is announced
as Cassidy, Haxby and Wilking get their first rocker. Smyth, Cubbage, Flasher and
Luitjens make Sergeant.
Cassidy, Warren J., S/Sgt, gunner
Cubbage, Robert (NMI), Sgt, gunner
Flasher, Henry F., Sgt, gunner
Freeman, Cecil O., T/Sgt, gunner
Haxby, William H., Jr., S/Sgt, gunner
Luitjens, Harvey J., Sgt, gunner
Smyth, Edward A., Sgt, medical
Wilking, Robert L., S/Sgt, gunner
446th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order xxx/mission xxx) Group Mission # 621W (A)
- redesignated # 658 on 1 Jan 45: (446th BS did not participate)
447th BS War Diary: Mission was scheduled for to-day but due to weather conditions
did not take off. Usual camp duties prevailed. The Following Officer and EM returned
from Capri: 2nd Lt Richard D. Applenzeller, Lyle N. Brown, T/Sgt Russell K. See.
Applenzeller, Richard D., 2Lt, pilot
Brown, Lyle N., Jr., 2Lt, pilot
See, Russell K., T/Sgt, radio-gunner
447th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order xxx/mission xxx) Group Mission # 621W (A)
- redesignated # 658 on 1 Jan 45: (447th BS did not participate)
448th BS War Diary: Lts. John A. Bard, John R. Grady, George P. Kiska, T/Sgt. Jack L.
Walker, S/Sgt. Louis E. Trigler left for seven days at the beautiful Capri rest camp.
Bard, John A., 1Lt, pilot
Grady, John R., 1Lt, pilot
Kiska, George P., 2Lt, bombardier
Trigler, Louis E., S/Sgt, gunner
Walker, Jack L., T/Sgt, gunner
448th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order xxx/mission xxx) Group Mission # 621W (A)
- redesignated # 658 on 1 Jan 45: (448th BS did not participate)
448th BS: War Diary of: Schaffer, Irving J., S/Sgt, radio-gunner:
“Awoke 7:30AM. Fair AM. Fried eggs, sausage, hot cereal, coffee, bread, jelly. On
Plan B mission. Briefing 10:00AM. Plan A Stand-down, Plan B stand-down. Rations
this AM $2.20 - 6 beers, 2 cokes, 3 cigars, 4 Hershey's 1 box gumdrops, 14 pkgs
cigarettes, 1 pkg gum. Hash, fresh fried potatoes, string beans, canned tomatoes, canned
sliced peaches, bread, coffee. Attended aircraft recognition class. Markiewicz and I
hitched to the 310th. Visited Clarence Pratt from gunnery school. Our squadron is far
superior. Returned 4:30PM. Taylor and Smitty came over. Smitty made Staff. Taylor,
buck. Smitty grounded for bad ears. Roast beef, gravy, string beans, fresh boiled
Saturday, 25 November 1944 (continued)
potatoes, pickled tomatoes, vanilla pudding, coffee, bread and jelly. Markiewicz and I
visited 1985th Engineer Fire Fighters. Fellow doing the pictures of our crash landing.
Wrote letters at club. Met Pat who visited Bergstrom in Naples. Flak has been removed
and he is doing nicely. Retired 9:00PM.”
Bergstrom, Donald P., S/Sgt, engineer-gunner
Markiewicz, Edward B., S/Sgt, gunner
Pratt, Clarence W., Sgt, gunner, 428th BS, 310th BG
Smith, Francis L. "Smitty", S/Sgt, gunner, 445th BS
Taylor, Marion R., Sgt, engineer-gunner, 445th BS
Sunday, 26 November 1944
USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF):
In Italy, a slight improvement in the weather permits fighter-bombers
to increase operations; P-47s closely support ground forces in the US Fifth Army battle
area in the Apennines S of Bologna and cut rail lines in over 30 places N of the
immediate battle zone.
HQ 321st BG War Diary: No mission---weather.
445th BS War Diary: No mission today due to weather. Hard rain which fell most of the
day cancelled flight training. For the third straight day, gunners attended aircraft flash
recognition class at group. Capt. Weld and Capt. Collins gave newly assigned pilots
some instructions on the B-25. These new pilots formerly flew B-26s. Pvt. Ravesi, who
asked to be grounded back in February, was promoted to corporal and placed on flying
status again. The line personnel played the area personnel at the 447th field this afternoon
in a touch football game. The game was curtailed by hard rain at the end of the first half
with the area “pencil-pushers” leading, 13-7. The game was very rough with such giants
as Martinez and Griffies giving the area men quite a jolting. The supply personnel
produced their first distribution of the luxury rations today. Roast beef for supper. It
rained at night.
Collins, Daniel P., Capt, pilot
Griffies, Thomas R., Sgt, engineering
Martinez, Elmo J., Sgt, engineering
Ravesi, Thomas G., Cpl, communications
Weld, Willis R., Capt, pilot
446th BS War Diary: Nov. 26 and 27: Regular duties.
447th BS War Diary: Mission scheduled but didn’t take off because of bad weather.
Usual camp duties. Morning Report for week of November 25, 1944: Officers: 80,
Enlisted-Men: 345.
448th BS War Diary: Squadron carried on normal duties with particular emphasis on
cleaning up the area.
448th BS: War Diary of: Schaffer, Irving J., S/Sgt, radio-gunner:
“Awoke 7:00AM. Read awhile. Fair AM. Fresh fried eggs, sausage, bread, jelly, coffee.
On plan B mission. Carrying incendiaries. A & B stand-down. Stew, fresh boiled
potatoes, carrots and peas, chocolate cake, bread, butter, cocoa. Attended airplane
recognition class. At "War Room" attached to S-2, met Lt McKinley and Luckhaupt who
bailed out over Ostiglia near our lines. Dossey is in Florence. The other four are
unaccounted for. Probably prisoners of war. Been raining all afternoon. Corn beef
hash, tomato sauce, coffee, bread, fruit salad, butter, fresh boiled potatoes. Attended
Sunday, 26 November 1944 (continued)
meeting at 6:30 at club. Lt Wyman spoke on GI Bill of Rights. Retired 9:15PM.”
Dossey, Vernon Curtis, Capt, pilot
Luckhaupt, Robert W., 1Lt, navigator, bombardier
McKinley, Robert H., 1Lt, bombardier, navigator
Wyman, 2Lt, S-2, I & E Officer
Monday, 27 November 1944
321st Bomb Group Headlines:
Monday, 27 November 1944 (continued)
USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF):
In Italy,
reconnaissance sorties.
grounds all
5 weather
HQ 321st BG War Diary: No mission---weather.
445th BS War Diary: No mission again due to weather. This month has been bad for
missions with weather being generally poor. The newly-assigned B-26 pilots were given
a pilot’s proficiency test by Capts. Weld and Collins and afterward, questions were
discussed. The gunners attended another flash aircraft recognition class at group today.
There was a small arms inspection in the area today. There was a good mail call today.
Spaghetti and meat balls for supper tonight.
Collins, Daniel P., Capt, pilot
Weld, Willis R., Capt, pilot
446th BS War Diary: Nov. 26 and 27: Regular duties.
447th BS War Diary: Again bad weather prevented the Mission take off. 2nd Lt Leonard
P. Caflissch Jr. and Pvt LeRoy Jones were asgd and jd from 57 th Bomb Wg.
Caflisch, Leonard P., Jr., 2Lt, bombardier
Jones, LeRoy (NMI), Pvt, gunner
448th BS War Diary: Captain Herman M. Kneisle departed for TD at 319th Bomb
Group. 1st Lts. Royden Brown and Howard M. Lee; 2 nd Lts. Sherman T. Armstrong, Sam
Barile, and Charles A. Bruhn; Cpls. Ralph Gutierres and Paul D. Ward were assigned and
joined the organization.
Armstrong, Sherman T., Jr. 2Lt, bombardier
Barile, Sam (NMI), pilot
Brown, Royden (NMI), 1Lt, pilot
Bruhn, Charles A., 2Lt, pilot
Gutierres, Ralph (NMI), Cpl, gunner
Kneisle, Herman M., Capt, communication
Lee, Howard M., 1Lt, pilot
Ward, Paul D., Cpl, gunner
448th BS: War Diary of: Schaffer, Irving J., S/Sgt, radio-gunner:
“Awoke 7:50AM. Drizzle. Pancakes, hot cereal, bacon, tomato juice, jelly coffee. On
Plan B mission. Stand-down on Plan A & B. Raining. Spaghetti and meatballs, peas,
string beans, bread, butter, sliced pineapple, tea. Markiewicz obtained Red Cross jeep
from Mr. Snyder. Drove to 310th. Rained all the way. Gas can in stove exploded in my
face. Momentary blindness and singed eyebrows and lashes. Dispensary treatment.
Excused from aircraft recognition. Stew, string beans, chocolate pudding, bread, butter,
coffee. Wrote letters at club. Snafu is really growing. Retired 9:15PM.”
Markiewicz, Edward B., S/Sgt, gunner
"Snafu" - Sgt George Huha’s dog
Snyder, Mr., American Red Cross
Tuesday, 28 November 1944
321st Bomb Group Headlines:
Tuesday, 28 November 1944 (continued)
USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF):
In Italy, B-25s hit railroad bridges at Magenta, Torre Beretti, and
Casale Monferrato, and an abandoned ship in La Spezia harbor; fighters and fighterbombers support ground forces in the battle area in the Apennines S of Bologna, hit
communications targets N of the battle zone, and cut railroad lines in 40+ places in the
Brenner Pass and NC Po areas.
HQ 321st BG War Diary: No mission---weather.
445th BS War Diary: Weather again cancelled the mission today. There were no nonoperational flights today. The gunners attended another flash recognition aircraft class at
the group briefing hall today. Lts. Dyer, Barton and Santone went to the new 57th Bomb
Wing rest camp at Ille Rousse, Corsica. Due to the fact that a number of parachutes are
reported missing, a rigid guard system is in order now. Each guard is assigned a certain
number of aircraft and he must check the parachutes in these aircraft at the beginning and
end of his tour of guard. The crew chiefs must be out at their planes at 8 o’clock each
morning and someone must be at the ship all day until 5 when the first shift of guard
takes over. Sgts. Graf, Logan, Martinez and Bell are formulating a plan to eliminate this
system. Lt. Shenk paid the squadron a visit in his P-47. He buzzed the area several times
before he left for his outfit which is stationed near Pisa.
Barton, Samuel V., 2Lt, bombardier
Bell, Wendell J., Sgt, engineering
Dyer, Robert H., 1Lt, pilot
Graf, Edward E. "Gene", M/Sgt, communications
Logan, Robert R., Sgt, intelligence
Martinez, Elmo J., Sgt, engineering
Santone, Michael A., 2Lt, pilot
Shenk, Stanley R., Lt, pilot
445th BS: War Diary of: Seegmiller, Barnard H., Sgt, armament:
“Today I went with the medics to the station hospital for the purpose of
having an eye refraction test. It was a long tiresome ride and rather useless as there was
no change made in the glasses I am wearing. This evening we had a discussion that
lasted a couple of hours in Fitch’s tent on the subject of world affairs. We all gain much
from these debates which spontaneously arise quite frequently. From my part in the
discussion grew the idea of creating in schools and by other special means a strong
national spirit in America for the purpose of better preparing the people for self rule.
More particularly to develop people from whom could be drawn political leaders
interested in governing for the good of a country they loved and are proud of, rather than
leaving legislation to self interests, personal aspirants or tireless businessmen seeking an
old-age pastime. I dare say fifty per cent of American lawmakers are not qualified, either
morally or intellectually.”
Fitch, Donald A., T/Sgt, armament
Tuesday, 28 November 1944 (continued)
446th BS War Diary: Lieut. Clausen returns from northern Italy, having escaped
through the lines.
Clausen, Lawrence A., 1Lt, bombardier
447th BS War Diary: Bad Weather again kept planes to the Ground. Record Events:
Usual Camp Duties.
448th BS War Diary: No Change.
448th BS: War Diary of: Schaffer, Irving J., S/Sgt, radio-gunner:
“Awoke 6:55AM. Read in bed until 7:40AM. Drizzle. Dreary AM. Pancakes, oatmeal,
jelly, coffee. On B. Stand-down on A & B. Raining. Fried chicken, mashed potatoes,
peas, bread, butter, coffee. Attended aircraft recognition class. Raining. Roast beef,
gravy, fresh boiled potatoes, peas, vanilla pudding, bread, jelly, coffee. Finished "The
Brothers Ashkenazi" by IJ Singer. Wrote at club. Two Tom Collins. Retired 9:00PM.”
Wednesday, 29 November 1944
USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF):
In Italy during the night of 28/29 Nov A-20s fly armed
reconnaissance over the Po Valley, dropping incendiaries at several points including
bridges at Piacenza and Castel Maggiore and the airfields at Ghedi and Villafranca di
Verona; during the day weather grounds the medium bombers however, fighters and
fighter-bombers can operate, and blast enemy communications on the Brenner line and in
the NC Po Valley, cutting rail lines in numerous places and destroying a large number of
vehicles and railroad cars.
HQ 321st BG War Diary: The “Jump for Joy” Revue was presented this afternoon. The
all colored GI show was a source of quite a bit of entertainment to all.
HQ 321st BG Mission Summary (Ops Order xxx/mission xxx) Group Mission #
622W (A) - redesignated # 659 on 1 Jan 45: (mission # may be incorrect)
Weather Recce.
(Group mission report not available at this time)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------445th BS War Diary: No mission due to bad weather again. There was some training
today with three ships going to the bombing range and another was test-hopped. A 12th
Air Force portable recording unit paid the field a visit and a number of line personnel
from this squadron made records out on the line. Some replacement crews arrived today.
445th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order xxx/mission xxx) Group Mission # 622W (A)
- redesignated # 659 on 1 Jan 45: (445th BS did not participate)
445th BS: War Diary of: Seegmiller, Barnard H., Sgt, armament:
“Today Sgt. McNevin came for me to make a recording for the Public
Relation Office. Some Colonel had a portable outfit and we started off in a tent in the
446th Squadron. To get better sound effects mine was postponed with several others,
until afternoon when we would go out on the line. After a great deal of delay and
standing around in the cold my recording was made but something went wrong with the
machine which had caused poor sound so we adjourned to Group Headquarters where a
more dependable source of power was available. I did OK with the script but was
surprised to discover the poor quality of my voice when it was run off to us. I could
hardly recognize my voice and I wonder what the folks at home will think of it. Tonight
we are having accounting class in Lt. McMahon’s tent. Time to go.”
McMahon, Bernard J. “Mac”, Jr., 1Lt, pilot
McNevin, John L., Jr., S/Sgt, intelligence
Wednesday, 29 November 1944 (continued)
Office of the Public Relations Officer
Headquarters Twelfth Air Force
“With a 12th AAF Group in the Mediterranean area Sergeant Barnard Seegmiller, whose
mother, Mrs. Mary Seegmiller, resides at St. George, Utah, is caught by an Air Force
photographer as he sets up a machine gun for inspection and maintenance check. Sgt.
Seegmiller, who has worked in his armament section for two years overseas, is assigned
the task of maintaining the entire armament system in his B25 aircraft. His veteran
group is concentrating on communication targets in northern Italy where they have been
credited with the destruction of 24 bridges during the past four months.”
Photo by S/Sgt. Dave Crowley, Boston, MA
Crowley, David F., Jr., S/Sgt, photo lab, 448th BS
446th BS War Diary: The squadron gets caught up on maintenance and repair.
446th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order xxx/mission xxx) Group Mission # 622W (A)
- redesignated # 659 on 1 Jan 45:
Squadron Mission 434
TARGET: Weather Reconnaissance.
DATE: 29 Nov.1944
Type of Bombs: None
446th Planes: 1
Base to Rimini, to mouth of Piave, return to base. No flak, no fighters.
Wednesday, 29 November 1944 (continued)
A/C No. unidentified plane & crew likely 43-27678 “Lemmon Lu”
(Weather ship)
P Hurley, John R., 1Lt
CP Bogan, Floyd W., 2Lt
N Gale, Benjamin H., Jr., 1Lt
B None
E Englehaupt, Russell L., Sgt
R Leary, Edward M., T/Sgt
G Jakielek, Ernest F., Cpl
F None
447th BS War Diary: Mission scheduled “A” and “B” Planes. Both missions were
ready to take off but finally called off because of inclement weather. Usual camp duties.
447th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order xxx/mission xxx) Group Mission # 622W (A)
- redesignated # 659 on 1 Jan 45: (447th BS did not participate)
448th BS War Diary: Capt. Warren R. Annear, 1st Lt. Robert E. Mitchell, Emerson C.
Moyer, William F. Riener, S/Sgt Wilmer E. Bowman returned to the Zone of the Interior.
Annear, Warren Raymond, Capt, pilot
Bowman, Wilmer E., S/Sgt, gunner
Mitchell, Robert E., 1Lt, pilot
Moyer, Emerson C., 1Lt, pilot
Riener, William F., 1Lt, pilot
448th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order xxx/mission xxx) Group Mission # 622W (A)
- redesignated # 659 on 1 Jan 45: (448th BS did not participate)
448th BS: War Diary of: Schaffer, Irving J., S/Sgt, radio-gunner:
“Awoke 7:15AM. Very chilly and clear AM. French toast, jelly, oatmeal, coffee. Standdown on mission. Area very muddy. On detail to mix cement in officer's area. Goofed
off. Canned pork, lima beans, string beans, fruit salad, bread, butter. Attended aircraft
recognition class. Attended GI stage show at group theater. All colored cast. OK.
Replacement came in (18) Lewis Martin (8th Airforce England) and Edward Vandenberg.
Pork chops, beans, string beans, bread, jelly, coffee. On first relief of guard. Area guard
#2. 447th came over. Spent most of guard duty in club. One Tom Collins. Clear, Cold
Martin, Lewis E. “Lew”, Sgt, engineer-gunner
Vandenberg, Edward V. “Van”, Cpl, gunner,
Thursday, 30 November 1944
USAAF Chronology: MTO Tactical Operations (12th AF):
In Italy, B-25s bomb bridges at Romano di Lombardia and Crema;
fighters and fighter-bombers attack communications in the Po Valley, cutting rail lines
and destroying a large number of railroad cars and motor transport; targets also include
bridges, guns, and buildings.
HQ 321st BG War Diary: Snapping out of our weather doldrums the Group went out
and knocked spans out of both the Crema and Romano RR Bridges. 18 planes against
HQ 321st BG Mission Summary (Ops Order 622/mission 622) Group Mission # 622:
Romano RR Bridges.
(Group mission report not available at this time)
Thursday, 30 November 1944 (continued)
HQ 321st BG Mission Summary (Ops Order 623/mission 623) Group Mission # 623:
Crema Railroad Bridge
(Group mission report not available at this time)
Thursday, 30 November 1944 (continued)
Thursday, 30 November 1944 (continued)
Thursday, 30 November 1944 (continued)
445th BS War Diary: Capt Weld led 9 ships from the squadron to bomb the Crema
railroad bridge and 100 percent bombing accuracy was the result. The squadron finished
off in a blaze of bombing glory to lead the group again for this month. The squadron has
led the group for the past three months in bombing accuracy. Today was payday. 17
new gunners were assigned today, most of whom came from England where they flew in
combat in B-17s and B-24s. There was some training today.
Weld, Willis R., Capt, pilot
445th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 622/mission 622) Group Mission # 622:
(445th BS did not participate)
445th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 623/mission 623) Group Mission # 623:
Group Mission # 623
Squadron Mission # 402
Capt Weld led 9 ships in front of 9 other ships from the 447 th squadron to bomb the
Crema railroad bridge. No escort was furnished. No flak or fighters reported. 1000
pound GP bombs were dropped from 11/11,500 feet. RESULTS: All bombs in target
area. Pattern started short walking across center with 3 or 4 direct hits. Some bombs on
west end of bridge. Damage unobserved.
A/C No. 43-27698 “Peggy Lou”
Weld, Willis R., Capt
Miron, Leno L., 2Lt
Mitchell, Robert F., 1Lt
Palmer, Richard W., 1Lt
Hope, Amos (NMI), S/Sgt
Kavan, Lester D., T/Sgt
Jacobs, Harry E., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27748 “Mama!”
P Mogren, Edward G., 1Lt
CP Middleton, Donald M., 2Lt
N None
B Weiner, Irving B., 2Lt
E Hunsberger, William R., Sgt
R Otterness, William B., Sgt
G Haynes, Irving L., Sgt
F None
A/C No. 44-28948 “Miss Belle
Lewis, Max E., 2Lt
Glasford, Loren G., 1Lt
Gifford, Robert H. 1Lt
Cubley, Harold B., T/Sgt
Barrett, Ray E., S/Sgt
Henry, William W., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27572 “Babs”
Emler, Richard S. “Dick”, 2Lt
White, Edward A., 2Lt
Krause, Richard E. “Dick”, 1Lt
Sycylo, Theodore W., Sgt
Ott, James V., Cpl
Moorehead, Lewis E., S/Sgt
Abrams, Samuel (NMI) “Sam”, S/Sgt
Thursday, 30 November 1944 (continued)
A/C No. 44-28928 “Heaven Can
P Dentoni, Louis M., 2Lt
CP Curry, Arthur L. “Art”, 2Lt
N None
B Chauncey, Martin E. “Marty”, T/Sgt
E Smith, William F., S/Sgt
R Kneisel, Charles W., T/Sgt
G Edwards, Jack M., Cpl
F None
A/C No. 43-27742 “Vicious Vera”
(later “Winnie Mae”)
P Poteete, Max W., 1Lt
CP Buckham, John K., 2Lt
N None
B Emery, Ben D., 1Lt
E Freiler, Walter C., S/Sgt
R Engleman, Bud (NMI), S/Sgt
G Bates, Leonard H., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27733 “Porky’s Baby”
Spencer, Charles F., 1Lt
Doe, Norman H., 2Lt
Carney, Robert J., T/Sgt
Mitchell, Robert D. “Bob”, Cpl
Krober, Raymond D., Jr., Cpl
Baker, Max E., Cpl
A/C No. 43-27509
Moore, William H., Jr., 1Lt
Kourafas, James (NMI) “Jim”, 2Lt
Salch, Raymond F., Sgt
Cavanaugh, Thomas J., Jr., S/Sgt
Reagin, Charles T., Cpl
Jones, Harvey J., Cpl
A/C No. 43-27714 “Blonde Beauty”
Payne, Lawrence J., 1Lt
Young, William G., 2Lt
Larkin, Francis C. “Charley”, S/Sgt
Bertling, Gerald M., S/Sgt
Nuttall, John H., Cpl
Morisi, David D., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27680 “Stuff” (Lead spare
– filled in)
Bowling, Dan Parker, 1Lt
DeBoer, Jay (NMI), Jr., 2Lt
Silnutzer, Joseph A., 1Lt
Krauk, Edward J., 1Lt
Matter, Dean R., Cpl
Clayton, Ross W., Cpl
446th BS War Diary: A small mission is flown on the 30th as the squadron gets caught
up on maintenance and repair.
446th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 622/mission 622) Group Mission # 622:
Squadron Mission 435
TARGET: Romano di Lombardo R.R. Bridge, Italy
DATE: 30 Nov.1944
Type of Bombs: 1000 lb.
446th Planes: 9
Captain Furey led the formation. Good concentration on bridge. Several direct hits
reported on W end. Some bombs short of target, in river bed. No flak from target area.
Some meager, heavy, out of range flak on break-away. No planes holed, no fighters.
Furey, Frank M. “Mickey”, Capt, pilot, 448th BS
Thursday, 30 November 1944 (continued)
A/C No. 43-27678 “Lemmon Lu”
P Jordan, Henry L., Capt
CP Berge, Gail B., 2Lt
N Gambino, Samuel F., 1Lt
B Sitts, Lonnie C., 1Lt
E Demmitt, Henry H., Cpl
R McFarland, Charles W., T/Sgt
G Wagner, William M., Cpl
F None
A/C No. 43-4021 “The Little
Admiral” (later Lady Jane)
Ziglar, Frank C., Maj
Gallagher, Andrew Paul, 2Lt
Paulson, Ronald A., 1Lt
Shettleworth, William E., Cpl
Luitjens, Harvey J., Sgt
Leary, Gwynn M., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-4097 “Tiny?” (later
P Doyle, John D., 1Lt
CP Manolis, Ronald J., 2Lt
N None
B McGann, Edom K., 2Lt
E Lundtoft, Hans G., S/Sgt
R Wilking, Robert L., S/Sgt
G Cassidy, Warren J., S/Sgt
F Neprash, Sergius P., Capt, HQ 321st BG
A/C No. 43-27699 “Jessie” (later name
dropped from nose art)
P Pietrowski, Stanley J., 1Lt
CP Sloan, Thomas M., 2Lt
N Codd, Russell G., F/O
B Lippy, Harvey W., 1Lt
E Utz, James W., Sgt
R Bundy, Garland A., T/Sgt
G Bryan, Dwight L., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27477 “Boots”
Kimble, Arnold P., 2Lt
Crinnion, Edward V., 2Lt
Murch, George M., Jr., Sgt
Lamm, Earl D., Cpl
Rousos, Milton P., T/Sgt
Knopp, Von C., Cpl
A/C No. 43-4074 (picture of seated
lady - no name/lettering) (did not
complete mission – engine trouble)
Ingram, William T., 1Lt
Heaberlin, Paul L., 2Lt
Vannah, Harold P., Jr., F/O
Knapp, Walter E., S/Sgt
Koos, Walter V., S/Sgt
South, William R., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27747 “Spider’s Frolic
Panning, Robert F., 2Lt
Ramsay, Lamar E., 2Lt
Kaenzig, Charles Leslie, 1Lt
Taylor, Tullis (NMI), Cpl
Freeman, Cecil O., T/Sgt
Beets, Frank T., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27660 “Shooting Bull”
Chandler, Warren W., 2Lt
Hahn, Melvin G., 2Lt
Gale, Benjamin H., Jr., 1Lt
Nigrelli, Ernest J., Cpl
McKearin, William Jerome, T/Sgt
Slezak, Alex E., S/Sgt
Thursday, 30 November 1944 (continued)
A/C No. 43-4020 “Bourbon Baby”
Cressman, Jack E., 2Lt
Everhart, Herman E., 2Lt
Nichols, Henry J., III, Cpl
Kelly, Thomas J., Cpl
Dobrow, Edgar J., Cpl
Beavers, Marqus F., Cpl
A/C No. 43-27501 “Sweet Sue Kathy
Jeanne” (unnamed to Nov 44. In 45
“Kathy Jeanne” dropped) (Wing spare –
filled in as wingman to complete
Wozniak, Stanley E., 1Lt
Treadwell, Joseph (NMI), 2Lt
Hogman, Frans H., 1Lt
Karuzas, Alexander W., Cpl
Cohen, Irwin (NMI), T/Sgt
Broderick, Emmett P., Cpl
446th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 623/mission 623) Group Mission # 623:
(446th BS did not participate)
446th BS: War Diary of: Luitjens, Harvey J., Sgt, radio-gunner: (mission 17)
“No. 17) Had a run on R.R. Bridge Romano di Lombardo. Just North of Po River.
Heavy flak but very inaccurate. 4x1000 lbs. Maj. Ziglar.”
Ziglar, Frank C., Maj, pilot
447th BS War Diary: The following Officers and Enlisted men left on rotation to the
United States: Lt Earl W. Hall and Richard J. Woods, T/Sgt Ned F. LaFountain, S/Sgt
Grant W. Baldridge.
Baldridge, Grant W., S/Sgt, gunner
Hall, Earl W., 1Lt, pilot
LaFountain, Ned F., T/Sgt, gunner
Woods, Richard J., 1Lt, pilot
447th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 622/mission 622) Group Mission # 622:
(447th BS did not participate)
447th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 623/mission 623) Group Mission # 623: Nine
of our planes took part in the mission over Crema Railroad Bridge in Northern Italy, the
results were excellent and we achieved another 100% bombing accuracy.
A/C No. 43-27498 “Ave Maria”
Wakeley, Charles G., III, 1Lt
Breckenridge, Louis C., 2Lt
Balboni, Robert A., 2Lt
Stokes, Robert C., Sgt
See, Russell K., T/Sgt
Young, Robert E., Sgt
A/C No. 43-36240 “May Be”
Gates, Edward (NMI), 1Lt
Grimse, Ralph T., 1Lt
Lindell, Harold N., Capt
Gargiulo, Vincent J. “Vince”, 1Lt
Smith, William L., S/Sgt
Poulin, Gaston G., S/Sgt
Drew, Horace E., Cpl
Thursday, 30 November 1944 (continued)
A/C No. 43-27785
Fairchild, George S., 2Lt
Speer, Leslie Thomas, 2Lt
Stroupe, Burton Elwood “Woody”, 2Lt
Perl, Richard H., Sgt
Finnegan, Paul W., Cpl
Hunsaker, Frank W., Jr., Cpl
A/C No. 43-27636
Walker, Marion E., 1Lt
Gies, Donald W., F/O
Boyle, Joseph G., Jr., 2Lt
Dimondstein, Herbert (NMI), S/Sgt
Guild, Bernard Robert, S/Sgt
Bowman, John (NMI) “Red”, S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27506 “Rebel Devil”
(spare - returned early – did not fill in on
Yerger, John W., 2Lt
Wallis, Shelby D., F/O
Freeman, Millard C., S/Sgt
Hopp, Charles J., Sgt
Barksdale, Phillip L., Cpl
Fromm, Samuel E., Cpl
A/C No. 43-4040 “Fearless Fosdick”
Hennessey, Ralph E., 1Lt
Smith, Frederick H., 2Lt
Caflisch, Leonard P. “Lenny”, Jr., 2Lt
Dubbs, Andrew C., Sgt
Torrey, Francis S., T/Sgt
May, Frederick J., S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-4029 “Mike Hunt”
Hutson, Ernest G. “Hod”, 1Lt
Peck, Paul R., 2Lt
Schmoke, Vernon L., 2Lt
Huntley, Bruce H., Cpl
Schnaars, George D., S/Sgt
Staub, Edward C., Cpl
A/C No. 43-27718
Gillis, John R., 1Lt
Highsmith, John R., 2Lt
Miller, Dale G., S/Sgt
Quintenz, Robert P., S/Sgt
Fiocca, Theodore Aurelio, S/Sgt
Hagan, Richard E., Cpl
A/C No. 43-27751 “MMR” (Meet Mrs.
Morton, William C. “Mort”, Jr., 1Lt
Dodson, Jackson R., 2Lt
Hiller, Frederick J., 2Lt
Lankester, Hugh H. “Lank”, 2Lt
O’Neil, James R., S/Sgt
Flowers, Frank J., S/Sgt
Keefe, John A., T/Sgt
Thursday, 30 November 1944 (continued)
448th BS War Diary: (No non-mission information)
448th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 622/mission 622) Group Mission # 622: The
squadron ended the month with a successful attack against the Romano railroad bridge in
Northern Italy. Nine planes from the 448 th were airborne as lead flight of the Group of
eighteen (18) planes, scoring an excellent concentration of hits on the bridge. All planes
returned safely. Morale had reached a new high at the close of November and everyone
looked forward to carrying on their superior work in the coming month. During the
month 15 missions were flown consisting of 132 sorties dropping 365,600 pounds of
bombs on various types of targets. With 86 officers and 329 enlisted men in the
organization on 30 November, 1944, the squadron seemed well prepared to continue their
relentless attacks against the enemy.
A/C No. 43-28081
Furey, Frank M. “Mickey”, Capt
West, Alden A. “Bud”, 2Lt
Freund, John F., 2Lt
Martin, James M., Jr., 1Lt
Carter, Eugene F., S/Sgt
Doughty, Paul V., T/Sgt
Holloway, Garland (NMI), S/Sgt
A/C No. 43-27528
P Cooper, Richard J., 2Lt
CP Kuoni, Charles F., Jr., 2Lt
N None
B Bottom, James W., 2Lt
E Goethals, Camiel A., S/Sgt
R None listed
G Ferrell, Bruce M., Cpl
F None
A/C No. 44-28721 “Shug”
P Kirk, Theodore (NMI) “Ted”, 1Lt
CP Schwartz, Theodore (NMI), 2Lt
N None
B Pealer, Woodward D., S/Sgt
E Baird, James (NMI), Jr., S/Sgt
R Hulse, Donald W., S/Sgt
G Abiecunas, Joseph P. "Abby", S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27668
Fleming, George B., 2Lt
Russell, Harold H., 2Lt
Sutton, Norman J.,2Lt
Wright, Melvin M., Sgt
Mardeuse, Alfred K., S/Sgt
Edwards, Jesse R., Sgt
A/C No. 43-27791
Cherry, Raymond (NMI), 2Lt
Reedy, Walter W., 1Lt
Cannon, John L., 2Lt
Magers, Marshall P., S/Sgt
Brusa, Robert P., T/Sgt
Gage, Robert L., Sgt
A/C No. 43-27523
Ivory, Daniel J., Jr., 2Lt
Rubin, Julius W., 2Lt
Sheppard, John W., 2Lt
Veeck, Richard W., S/Sgt
None listed
Magyar, Steven J., S/Sgt
Thursday, 30 November 1944 (continued)
A/C No. 43-27530 “Twin Engine
P Tetlow, John S., 1Lt
CP Zakopcsan, John S., 2Lt
N None
B Berman, Samuel (NMI), S/Sgt
E Turner, James H., Sgt
R None listed
G Hersh, Bertram (NMI), S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-27726
P Shear, Meyer (NMI), 1Lt
CP Wilson, James M., 2Lt
N Steely, Ralph K., 2Lt
B Lesser, Robert (NMI) "Bob", 2Lt
E Haack, Cecil J., S/Sgt
R LaBella, Dante (NMI) “GI Joe”, S/Sgt
G Knauss, Charles F., S/Sgt
F None
A/C No. 43-4076
Smith, Milford A., 2Lt
Birkhead, Charles F., Jr., 2Lt
Wald, Douglas A., S/Sgt
Ratcliffe, James E., Jr., S/Sgt
Sullivan, Timothy V., T/Sgt
Carrick, Kenneth M., S/Sgt
448th BS Mission Summary (Ops Order 623/mission 623) Group Mission # 623:
(448th BS did not participate)
448th BS: War Diary of: Schaffer, Irving J., S/Sgt, radio-gunner:
“Snafu awoke me at 7:00AM. Clear, cold AM. Pancakes, bacon, apple butter, coffee.
Going to QM with Mike to weigh in. May go to Rome to box Escobar and I fought three,
two-minute rounds. Did a bit of roadwork. Showered and rubbed down. Mission had a
milk run. Hit target. Clear, warm day. Wrote letters at club. Retired 9:15PM. Lights
not working. (payday - 5800 francs)”
Escobar, Catarino H., PFC, cook
Kocsis, Michael (NMI) “Mike”, Jr., Sgt, cook, Mess Sgt
"Snafu" - Sgt George Huha’s dog
November 1944
HQ 321st BG War Diary: Additional Narrative for November 1944:
STRENGTH: (As of 30 Nov. 1944) ENLISTED MEN: 66 OFFICERS: 29
Still continuing the phenomenal pace set in precision bombing during the months
of September and October, The Group attained its third straight month of bombing over
90 percent just clearing the mark this month with 90.007. “Bridge-busting” with
excellent percentages within the target circle has become a habit by now instead of a
phenomenon and despite a one week lay-off due to weather toward the end of the month;
November was brought to a fitting climax on the 30 th when three spans were knocked out
of the Crema Railroad bridge. The Group still continues to lead all other medium groups
in the number of bridges destroyed which, in the final analysis, really counts toward
ending this war sooner.
Another “first” was added to the Group’s already long list – this time in the field
of entertainment. With the very material aid of Captain “Doc” Smith and his “Mitchell
Aires” our Group swing band, Lt. Jeffrey Lynn, Hollywood cinema actor, paced a halfhour variety show which was presented over Rome Radio on November 14th. The show
was very well received – the band particularly obtained the plaudits of even the most
fastidious of jive enthusiasts. With three movies a week, two USO shows, sundry parties
and regular flying to keep the men busy and entertained the Group’s morale still remains
at a constant high level despite an almost unanimous desire to set off this Island after
seven months tenure.
Lind, Ragnar G. "Jeffery Lynn", 1Lt, intelligence, HQ 321st BG
Smith, William C. "Doc", Capt, surgeon
November also saw the initial attempts of the Information and Education program
to present a varied schedule of activities prepared to aid the men in spending their spare
time profitably. Discussion groups, German, Mechanical Drawing and Bookkeeping
classes have already been established and have received enthusiastic attendance.
Properly earned promotions and awards have become almost routine around these
parts but Major Paul T. Cooper, the 446th Squadron Commanding Officer and Major
William D. Cameron Jr., the Group Operations Officer, figured in the unusual along these
lines. At eleven o’clock in the morning of the 5th, Major General Cannon, Commanding
General of the 12th Air Force, stepped from his plane and in a brief ceremony attended by
General Knapp and Colonel Smith presented “battlefield promotions” to the two Majors
making them Lieutenant Colonels in recognition of their brilliant records since joining
the Group.
Cameron, William D. “Bill”, Jr., Lt Col, pilot, operations, HQ 321st BG
Cannon, John K., Maj Gen, 12th AF Commander
Cooper, Paul T., Lt Col, pilot, Commander, 446th BS
Knapp, Robert Duane, Brigadier General, pilot, 57th BW Commander
Smith, Richard H. "Red", Col, pilot, 321st BG Commander
November 1944 (continued)
Solenzara, Corsica, 5 November 1944—In a brief but impressive ceremony Maj.
Gen. Cannon, Commanding General of the 12th Air Force, gave “Battlefield Promotions”
to Lieutenant Colonels to Majors Cameron and Cooper. In picture below, Lt. Col.
Cameron on the left and Lt. Col. Cooper, right. Also in attendance are Gen. Knapp, Col.
Smith, Lt. Col. Cassidy and Major Gaffney.
Cameron, William D. “Bill”, Jr., Lt Col, pilot, operations, HQ 321st BG
Cannon, John K., Maj Gen, 12th AF Commander
Cooper, Paul T., Lt Col, pilot, Commander, 446th BS
Knapp, Robert Duane, Brigadier General, pilot, 57th BW Commander
Smith, Richard H. "Red", Col, pilot, 321st BG Commander
Cassidy, Charles F., Jr., Lt Col, pilot, HQ, 321st BG
Gaffney, Charles H, Maj, Executive Officer, HQ 321st BG
November 1944 (continued)
445th BS War Diary: Additional Narrative for November 1944
HEADQUARTERS 321st Bomb Gp. (M)
APO 650
15 December 1944
SUBJECT: Historical Records
: Command General, 57th Wing, APO 650.
1. Outline History of the 445th Squadron for the period November1st to November 30th.
a. Present Designation: 445th Sq., 321st Group, 57th Wing, 12th Command.
b. Changes in organization.
1. None.
c. Strength commissioned and enlisted.
1. Month of November, 1944.
(a) 463 at beginning.
(b) 30 net increase.
(c) 433 at end.
d. Stations.
1. Solenzara Air Field.
e. Movements.
1. None
f. Operations:
1. During the Month of November, the squadron participated in 150 Sorties and 18
g. Command Officers in important missions.
On 5 November, Capt. Gerald W. Wagner (pilot), Assistant Operations Officer, led
a formation of B-25s which bombed the Nervesa railroad bridge. Despite an intense,
accurate flak barrage, a good concentration was achieved on the center of the bridge with
a number of direct hits seen.
On 6 November, Capt. Wagner (pilot) again led a formation out on the group’s
600th bombing mission. The target attacked was the Ala Transformer station, Italy. This
pin-point target was well-covered with many direct hits resulting and 100% bombing
accuracy was achieved.
On 21 November, Capt. Leon F. Hatcher (pilot), Operations Officer, flew as
command pilot in the lead ship of the second flight of a formation sent out to attack troop
concentrations west of Faenza, Italy. Bombs from this flight fell in the southeast corner
of the target area and when the bombers left, 10-12 small fires were burning.
November 1944 (continued)
h. Losses in action.
1. None
i. Awards
1. General Order #223, 12th Air Force, dated 4 November 1944, authorized the
award of the Distinguished Flying Cross to the following personnel: 1 st Lt. Walter E.
Born (pilot), 1st Lt. Dan P. Bowling (pilot), 1st Lt. Ben D. Emery (bombardier), Capt.
Robert A. Farrell (pilot), 1st Lt Loren G. Glasford (pilot), 1st Lt. Donald I. McKay (pilot),
1st Lt. William H. Moore (pilot) and 1st Lt. Herbert E. Robson (bombardier). The same
authorized the award of the oak leaf cluster to the Distinguished Flying Cross to Capt.
Daniel P. Collins (pilot) and 1st Lt. Harold O. Baldwin (bombardier).
2. General Order #224, 12th Air Force, dated 5 November 1944, authorized the
award of the Soldier’s Medal to the following personnel: Sgt. Arthur M. Hanna
(engineering) and Sgt. Bernard H. Seegmiller (armament).
3. General Order #226, 12th Air Force, dated 6 November 1944, authorized the
award of 1 Air Medal and 35 oak leaf clusters to the Air Medal.
4. General Order #232, 12th Air Force, dated 11 November 1944, authorized the
award of 2 Air Medals and 62 oak leaf clusters.
5. General Order #234, 12th Air Force, dated 12 November 1944, authorized the
award of the Bronze Star to the following personnel: T/Sgt. Reno F. Cavallini
(engineering) and T/Sgt. Frank P. Killeen (operations). The same authorized the award
of the Distinguished Flying Cross to the following personnel: Capt. Melvin A. Anderson
(bombardier), 1st Lt. Wayne E. Kendall (pilot), 1st Lt. Robert F. Mitchell (navigator), 1st
Lt. Michael A. Santone (pilot), 1st Lt. Robert J. Skebey (bombardier) and 1st Lt. Allen W.
Webb (pilot).
6. General Order #239, 12th Air Force, dated 18 November 1944, authorized the
award of 1 Air Medal and 26 oak leaf clusters to the Air Medal.
7. General Order #241, 12th Air Force, dated 19 November 1944, authorized the
award of 29 oak leaf clusters to the Air Medal.
8. General Order #242, 12th Air Force, dated 20 November 1944, authorized the
award of the Distinguished Flying Cross to 1st Lt. Lawrence J. Payne (pilot).
9. General Order #246, 12th Air Force, dated 23 November 1944, authorized the
award of the oak leaf cluster to the Distinguished Flying Cross to Major Thomas C.
Bounds (pilot).
November 1944 (continued)
10. General Order #247, 12th Air Force, dated 24 November 1944, authorized the
award of 1 Air Medal and 26 oak leaf clusters to the Air Medal. This makes a total of 10
Air Medals and 220 oak leaf clusters to the Air Medal awarded during the month of
November. A total of 18 awards of the Distinguished Flying Cross was made during the
month together with 2 awards of the Bronze Star and 2 awards of the Soldier’s Medal.
For the Commanding Officer:
1 Incl.
Incl (1) – War Diary
1st Lt., Air Corps,
Squadron Historian.
November 1944 (continued)
446th BS War Diary: Additional Narrative for November 1944
1 December 1944
A. Original Unit
1. 446th Bomb Sqdn (M), 321st Bomb Gp (M) AAF
2. Organized August 1, 1942
3. Columbia Army Air Base, Columbia, S.C.
4. Activated at Barksdale Field, La. June 23, 1942
5. Personnel obtained by transfer from other units, training schools and replacement
B. Strength, Commissioned and Enlisted:
1. 1 November 1944
107 Officers,
2. Net Increase
3. Net Decrease
22 Officers
4. 31 November 1944
85 Officers,
347 Enlisted Men
24 Enlisted Men
323 Enlisted Men
D. Commanding Officer in important engagements
1. Engagements:
Ala, Italy
2. Lt. Col Paul T. Cooper (pilot)
E. Losses in action:
Capt. Gale M. Dickson
1st Lt. John E. Chapman
S/Sgt George F. Glendening
1st Lt. Walton M. Ligon
S/Sgt Vernon I. Bender
F. Former or present members of the Squadron who have distinguished themselves in
1. The Silver Star was awarded to Capt. Jack D. Mayo (pilot)
2. The D.F.C. was awarded to:
1st Lt. Albert J. Derringer (bombardier)
1st Lt. Chester J. Trosky (pilot)
2nd Lt. William T. Ingram (pilot)
S/Sgt Walter E. Knapp (gunner)
S/Sgt William R. South (gunner)
3. The Soldiers Medal was awarded to: 1st Lt. Eugene A. Fontaine (pilot)
1st Lt George H. Gibbons (ordnance) 1st Lt. Lonnie C. Sitts (bombardier)
S/Sgt Stuart L. Huntoon (gunner)
S/Sgt Willard V. Sommer (communications)
November 1944 (continued)
4. The Air Medal was awarded to the following:
Capt. Robert R. Smedley (pilot)
2nd Lt. Warren W. Chandler (pilot)
2 Lt. Thomas A. Capalety (pilot) 2nd Lt. Jack E. Cressman (pilot)
2nd Lt. Herman E. Everhart (pilot) 2nd Lt. Edom K. McGann (bombardier)
2nd Lt. Ronald J. Manolis (pilot)
2nd Lt. Robert F. Panning (pilot)
2nd Lt. David M. Sherline (pilot)
Sgt Camillo A. Alberico (gunner)
Sgt Robert (NMI) Cubbage (gunner) Cpl Henry H. Demmitt (gunner)
Sgt Henry F. Flasher (gunner)
S/Sgt Walter V. Koos (gunner)
Sgt Harvey J. Luitjens (gunner)
Sgt George M. Murch (gunner)
S/Sgt Thomas A. Murray (gunner) Sgt Chris (NMI) Popovich (gunner)
M/Sgt Charles F. Reeves (armament)Cpl William M. Wagner (gunner)
G. Campaigns: Complete data in attached mission summaries.
November 1944 (continued)
447th BS War Diary: Additional Narrative for November 1944
APO 65
SUBJECT: Historical Records.
7 December 1944
: Commanding General, 57th Bombardment Wing.
Attention: Historian.
1. Outline History of the 447th Bombardment Squadron for the period 1 November to 30
November 1944.
a. 447th Bombardment Squadron (M), 321st bombardment Group (M).
(1) 447th Bombardment Squadron (M), 321st Bombardment Group (M), 57th
Bombardment Wing, 12th Air Force.
(2) Columbia Army Air Base, Columbia, South Carolina.
(3) 23 June 1942
(4) G.O. 145, Hq. 11 AF, 23 June 1942
(5) Transferred from other units and Selective Service.
b. Changes in Organization.
(1) No Change
(2) Echelons or units.
(a) Transferred
16 Officers Trfd to 7th Repl Depot.
1 Officer trfd to 37th Gen Hosp.
15 Enlisted-Men trfd to 7th Repl Depot.
2 Enlisted-Men trfd to 448th Bomb Sq (M).
1 Enlisted-Man trfd to 40th Sta Hosp.
(b) 5 Officers placed on TD to Capri.
1 Officer placed on TD to USA.
2 EM placed on TD to Hq 321st Bomb Gp, (Hq)
1 EM placed on TD to 341st Serv Sq.
1 EM Confined to 310th Stockade.
3 Officers KIA.
(c) No Change.
(3) No change in commanding officers during the month
(4) No Change in staff officers during the month
(5) No Change
November 1944 (continued)
c. Strength, Commission and enlisted.
(1) Month of November 1944.
(a) At Beginning. 91 Officers; 336 enlisted-men
(b) Net increase. None
8 enlisted-men
(c) Net decrease. 12 Officers None
(d) At end:
79 Officers; 344 enlisted-men
d. Stations of units or echelons.
(1) Name of station
(a) Solenzara Air Field, Corsica.
May 3, 1944
(b) Still at the same station.
e. Movement of units or echelons.
(1) No movements during the month of November 1944.
f. Campaigns.
(1) Italian Campaign.
(2) November 1 to present date.
g. Operations.
(1) Italian campaign.
(2) Objective Bombing
(3) 18 missions, 135 sorties
(4) Results of the most important missions.
(a) Ostiglia Railroad Bridge.
(1) The bridge was important because it was the enemy’s means of
transporting supplies and reinforcements to the front line
(2) Bridge rendered impassible.
(3) Disrupted transportation of supplies and reinforcements
(4) Squadron scored 100% bombing accuracy.
(5) Enemy lost use of the bridge.
(5) The unit was subjected to heavy, accurate and intense anti-aircraft fire during the
entire month.
h. During the month the commanding officer did not fly with our squadron.
i. Losses in action
(1) Mission.
(a) Killed: 3 Officers, 2 Enlisted-Men.
(b) Wounded: 2 Enlisted-Men
(c) Missing: None
(d) Taken prisoner: None
November 1944 (continued)
j. During the month of November many awards have been earned and presented to the
combat personnel.
k. No photographs are being submitted.
2. Enclosed are War Diary, 447th Bombardment Squadron, for the period 1 November
1944 to 30 November 1944. No Special Accounts for the month; Squadron Statistics for
the month of November 1944.
For the Commanding Officer:
3 Incl:
Incl – 1 War Diary.
Incl – 2 Special Account (none in November)
Incl – 3 Squadron Statistics
Missions Flown: 18
Bombs dropped (weight): 332,680
Planes lost: None
Enemy Aircraft Damaged (in air): None
Captain, A.C.,
Sorties Flown: 135
Nickels: 1 mission
Chaff: 2 missions
Enemy Aircraft Destroyed: None
November 1944 (continued)
448th BS War Diary: Additional Narrative for November 1944:
The month of November started with a change of Commanding Officers right off
the bat. Captain Harold S. Farwell succeeded Major D.I. McLain on November 1, 1944,
as per SO 193, Par. 1, Hq 321st Bomb Group (M), dated 1 November 1944. When
Captain Farwell’s capable hands took over the Squadron strength stood at 102 Officers
and 361 Enlisted Men. The new Commanding Officer showed great promise and
immediately the squadron took on a very progressive air. The outfit also acquired a new
Operations Officer when Captain Richard Burks succeeded Captain Raymond Moss who
returned to the United States.
Burks, Richard W., Capt, pilot
Farwell, Harold S., Capt, pilot, Commander
McLain, Damon I., Maj, pilot, Commander Moss, Raymond W., Capt, pilot
During the month the unit continued its excellent bombing record for which it is
so widely noted. Taking to the blue after two weeks of in-operation due to inclement
weather, the boys showed their stuff in the assault against Vercelli, Italy on 4 November.
On this mission a 100% bombing accuracy was attained, the photo recce later showing
the true devastating results. On 6 November the Squadron reached the pinnacle of
precision bombing. Sending nine (9) planes against the Ala transformer station in
Northern Italy, the 448th was not fooled by this different type of target. Such an excellent
concentration was scored against this tiny target that the Group tagged the title “pickle
barrel bombing” to the mission. Indeed it was pickle barrel bombing for not a single
bomb landed outside the uncommonly small target area. The transformer station was
literally “wiped off the map”. These were not all of the accomplishments during the
month for on three other occasions the Squadron dealt a 100% blow to the enemy. Not
only were the boys able to dish it out but they were also able to take it. On 10 November
1944 the 448th led the Group composed of forty-four (44) planes against the desperately
defended Ostiglia railroad bridge over the Po River. Despite the heavy intense and
extremely accurate anti-aircraft fire that downed four (4) of the bombers, holed twentysix (26) other aircraft, killed four (4) men at their posts, and wounded 12 other
crewmembers in carrying out the attack the formation was undaunted in its determination
to knock out this vital link. The 448th lost one plane and its crew when Lieutenant
Anderson, who was leading the formation was mortally hit over the target, the 105 M.M.
fire knocking out his engine, the hydraulic system, and damaging the rudders. For over
twenty minutes he maintained the aircraft in flight even though the wheels and flaps were
down and he was getting power from only one engine. To the last he kept the plane
under control, permitting his crew to bail out to the safety of the foothills in the enemy
The holiday season was ushered in on the 23rd in the form of Thanksgiving. A
very festive day was had by all as the mission was cancelled due to weather. There was
plenty of turkey and dressing for everyone. The bars were also well stocked for those
who whished to quench their thirst and celebrate.
November 1944 (continued)
Football, both college and local, reached a high peak and there were many hotly
contested games played in Ryan field located in the area. In particular importance was
the Thanksgiving day game between the 448th and the 446th Squadrons. Interest and
betting ran high as this was the game to decide who would be in the final play-off. The
448th “High Blowers” gallantly trounced the visiting team by 32 to 6, putting them in a
position to win the tournament.
Other interests also contributed to the high level of morale in the unit. The
weekly movies continued to attract large audiences eager to get a glance at their “pin-up”
girl. Also the bars at both the Officers’ & Enlisted Men’s clubs were patronized
frequently by the boys who wished to drown their every day problems. The men still left
for Capri and Rome rest Camps weekly and always returned refreshed, adding a
noticeable zest to their daily work. Forty-seven (47) of the “old timers” departed for the
luxuries of the good ole United States and it seemed as if most of the old squadron had
gone by now. However, there were soon replaced by the many new men who were
anxious and ready to grapple with the enemy. There were so many new faces that names
presented a problem until everyone started asking “Who’re you?”.
From 1 November to 30 November fifteen missions were flown consisting of 132
sorties, dropping 365,600 pounds of bombs on various types of enemy targets. At the
close of the month the squadron was still progressive and looked forward to carrying on
their excellent work in December. With 86 Officers and 329 enlisted men in the
squadron on 30 November and with Captain Farwell at the helm the outfit seemed well
prepared to continue their relentless demolishing attacks directed against the enemy.
Farwell, Harold S., Capt, pilot, Commander
1st Lt., Air Corps,
Squadron Historian.