april 2013 - Kosair Shrine Temple
april 2013 - Kosair Shrine Temple
VOLUME1 LXXXX • NUMBER VOLUME LXXXVII • NUMBER • JANUARY 2011 4 • APRIL 2013 Our New Kosair Shrine Temple SIZE…37,000 square feet one story building, easy to renovate as desired for units and clubs, ballroom and dining , and ready “I have a feeling we are not in for the circus office Kansas anymore” said Dorothy to Toto in the Wizard of Oz movie. ACREAGE… 3.79 acres, partially Nobles and Ladies of Kosair are fenced and we could add decorative asking where we are in regards fencing to finding a new home, a new and better Kosair Shrine. Yes, we have PARKING…280 paved parking successfully sold our old, thirteen spaces, room for additional parking level property on South Second Street for the very good price ZONING…C 2 (our required of $3.85 million. So now what? zoning classification as a private Where are we? club) Continued on pg.7 Illustrious Sir Bob Maxwell The “Kosair Express” is rolling smoothly down the tracks. I hope that all have jumped “on board” for the year. We wouldn’t want to leave anyone waiting at the station! I have found that one of the hardest jobs as Potentate is writing an article for the Kolums in advance of the activities. I don’t like to live in the past but with January and February gone, let us remember a little about February. Let me again thank all that came out in full force to support the Circus. I guess that “Punxsutawney Phil” let us down by not giving us an early spring, although I see a few Our Elective Divan, Planning Committee and Trustees have been very active in seeking new sites for your consideration as a new home for Kosair Shrine Temple. More than a dozen sites have been carefully reviewed. One site seems to be the best. It is worth your learning more about it and taking a personal tour. It is the Swope AutoGroup car store at 4120 Bardstown Road. Photos are shown. Some facts: LOCATION…4120 Bardstown Road, 40218 PRICE…$2,260,000.00 – based on MAI Appraisal Important Notice Stated Meeting Kosair Shriners, A.A.O.N.M.S. Friday, April 12, 2013 7:30 p.m. at Kosair Temple 812 S. Second St., Louisville, KY 2013 dues card and fez are necessary for admission. Dress appropriately. Yours in the Faith, Bob Maxwell, Potentate Attest: Eddie Chrisman, PP, Recorder Continued on pg.2 Help Kosair Kids with memorial gifts to help Kosair Charities! PO Box 37370; Louisville, KY 40233-7370! Remember a loved one or Shrine Brother and insure Kosair’s ability to carry on our tradition of care for children. For more information call 502-637-7696 or visit www.kosair.org KOSAIR KOLUMS PUBLISHED MONTHLY BY KOSAIR TEMPLE A.A.O.N.M.S. 812 S. SECOND ST., LOUISVILLE, KY 40203-2210 PUBLISHER BOB MAXWELL, POTENTATE PUBLISHED MONTHLY EXCEPT FOR AUGUST PHONE (502) 585-5412 KOSAIR SHRINERS FAX (502) 583-4096 ADVERTISING RATES ON REQUEST RANDY COE, PP, Editor (502) 637-7696 wc1503@gmail.com (502) 749-6841 fax 1503 Sylvan Way, Louisville, KY 40205-2407 Kosair on the web: http://www.kosair.com Darrell G. Waddell - webmaster@kosair.com; All submissions must have the approval of the Potentate or his designee as well as the respective Unit or Club officer(s)/Director. KOSAIR ELECTIVE DIVAN – 2013 Potentate................Bob Maxwell........502-428-6066 Chief Rabban.........Shawn Warren........459-1440 Asst. Rabban.........JR Riggs.................608-4667 HP&P......................Steve Hueston........592-9121 Oriental Guide.......Gary Morgan..........744-8941 Treasurer...............John Wilder............361-7854 Recorder................Eddie Chrisman, PP...253-0473 KOSAIR APPOINTIVE DIVAN – 2013 1st Ceremonial Master.........James “Billy” Ryan 2nd Ceremonial Master....................... Dan Cline Director...................................Spark Wiggington Marshal.........................................Roger Dabney Captain of the Guard................... Richard Weiss Outer Guard................................... Matt Rodgers Inner Guard............................. John “JR” Wilson Orator.......................................... Randy Coe, PP THE NEXT KOSAIR KOLUMS DEADLINE IS SUNDAY, MARCH 24, 2013 FOR THE MAY ISSUE Deadlines are subject to change. Notices will be sent as early as possible. 2 cont. from pg.1 Snowbirds returning from the South. Maybe an early spring is on the way after all. We had a big turn out with the “Whodunit” Murder mystery and Friday night dinner. Now, who was that yelling to convict him? I will have to report later on the outcome of the Summerfield Studio presentation in regards to the year book. March found us dancing the night away with “Twice Shy”. I hope all enjoyed the evening. The Easter Bunny left us some goodies during our dinner. I hope you enjoyed them. The Float building process is well underway under the eagle eye of Noble Allan Bogart. He needs all the help he can get so come on down and lend a hand supporting the Temple and Kosair Charities. The Float Preview event will be held at the Fairgrounds on April 30th. If you don’t have the opportunity to come down and work on the float, maybe you could come out and lend moral support as we show off the talents of our Nobles. We have some of our Nobles and Ladies traveling to various events with their Units. I wish them safe travels and much success in their endeavors The Arch Presentation will take place on April 6th. This has always been a well received and attended event. Thank you to Ill. Sir Kirk Carter, PP for taking on this event again, to Noble Gary Morgan, OG for handling the Masonic Fair and to all that participated, a big “thank you” for making it the success it has always been. Getting the word out takes all of us working together. We will have a stated meeting April 12th. We have a lot of business to discuss and decisions to be made in regards to the future of our Temple. Please make every effort to be present with your fez and dues card for 2013 in hand. Remember, the majority rules so won’t you be part of the majority? The Divan Ladies will host a Luncheon on April 13th honoring the Past First Ladies and Widows of Kosair. I understand that shopping is also on the program. I know they are looking for a large turnout so be sure to make those reservations by calling the office. Get out your best jeans and join us for the Beans ‘n Jeans on April 19th. Music will be provided by Mid-Life Crisis. Of course there will be beans, fried potatoes, country ham, corn bread and all the fixins’ so come out and enjoy the evening. We have begun our Parade schedule and are looking forward to one of the biggest parades of the year – the Pegasus Parade. Yes, it is that time of year once again when our thoughts turn to the Kentucky Derby and all of the events surrounding this major event. We are planning a Derby Party at the Temple for May 4th. Mark it on your calendar and join us for the day. Please be sure to get your Funfest registration forms into the office as soon as possible. We are looking forward to a big turnout for this event. Don’t forget about the Imperial Session; believe me, it will be here before we know it. If you are interested in attending, please contact the office for more information. Just a reminder for the Units and Clubs, the parade for the Imperial Session will be held on Monday, July 1st at 7:00 P.M. I guess that’s it for this article. Please check your pocket calendar, the web site, call the office or ask a Divan member for information on upcoming events. Yours in the Faith of the Shrine, Bob Maxwell Potentate Kosair Kolums Kosair Shrine Circus - SUCCESS Thousands of children of all ages and our Kosair Kids enjoyed the 2013 Kosair Shrine Circus. Hundreds of volunteers worked day after day. The community came together once again to support our efforts. We are truly blessed to have excellent leadership of our circus. Circus chairman J.R. Riggs, chairman emeritus Ted Burgin, and the entire leadership team were outstanding. Thank you, Nobles! And THANK YOU ladies who helped every day! Guy Gray with programs Big Al asked - “Which is the correct gray jacket for our Ceremonial Director’s Staff?” “Do what???” Angie of WHAS TV loved the elephants Very early each morning, our TV team. Thanks, Nobles! Kosair Kid, Miss Kanyon Bell, and Sparky David Ruff and Allan Bogard Roustabouts being “rousted” 3 Meetings 1st and 3rd Tuesday 7:00 p.m. in the Yoshi room at Kosair Temple Chapter Dad B. Shawn Warren 995-8293 4 Kosair Kolums Masonic Fair and Kosair Arch Ceremony Presentation Kosair Shriners is going to again host the Masonic Fair and put on the renowned Arch Ceremony Presentation April 6, 2013, beginning at 1:00PM. This is an event you don’t want to miss. Everyone is invited; Masons, nonMasons, families and friends. All Masonic bodies should be represented at the fair. This will give those bodies a great opportunity to showcase their organization. This will give you an opportunity to communicate with the different Masonic bodies and learn what they have to offer that may be of interest to you. We will also have the famous Kosair Funsters for the youngsters. In addition there will be food (free), drinks (free), face painting, and other activities for the entire family. The afternoon will culminate with the Arch Ceremony Presentation at around 3:00PM. Also taking part will be some of the leaders of the Masonic bodies. The presentation is a symbolic building of an arch and placing of keystones, that gives an overview of who Masons are and some of the other appendant bodies. It goes on the show who Shriners are, what we do, and why we do it. It exemplifies that every Masonic meeting is opened with prayer, with an opened holy book on an altar. This attests to our belief in a Supreme Being. This is a presentation that all Masons, families of Masons, friends of Masons, and anyone who may be interested in Masonry should see. calendar and make plans to be at Kosair Shrine, April 6, 2013, at 1:00PM for a fun filled afternoon of Masonic education. Please let the Kosair office know if you are coming so we can plan accordingly. The office number is 502-585-5412. This will be a great afternoon of Masonry, please put it on your 5 Flowers for the Living FEBRUARY MEMORIALS BERNICE BLUM Joyce Leonhardt BART BOMAR Joyce Leonhardt ELIZABETH MCHATTON BURN Ms. Martha A. Lloyd ERIC BUTLER Joe Flowers Mark Twain Shrine Club SARA ANN CASPER Joe and Julie Brackett Bill and Mary Hartel Rhoda Lanman MICHAEL R. CHASTAIN Edith Jackson Jane B. Stahl PHILIP R. CLIFTON, JR. Mrs. Roberta L. Clifton MRS. FRANCES COMPTON Margie Gibson William and Betty Skaggs MARY CECILIA CRAIG Constance Graves NOBLE JAMES L. DAUGHERTY, JR. Roy R. Armstrong Ladies Oriental Club DENNIS K. DAVIS, JR. John and Mary Davis NORMAN DAVIS James R. Ferguson, II JONATHAN DAVID DENNISON Frances Dennison BETTY DISSLY Joyce Leonhardt MR. WALTER K. DISTLER Diane R. Kemper Donna Kirchgessner Gregg Lutes Jerry and Betty Rowland Second Thursday Breakfast Gang Donna R. Shipley BOBBY DORRIS Brenda Dorris DANIEL L. EMBRY David R. Embry BETTY JEAN EMERT Mr. Benny R. Emert DIANE FOSSEY Marian Boston ETHAN NOAH FULKERSON Martha P. Perry ANNA LEWIS GARRIGAN Ted and Sandy Mason FLORA LOUISE GRAY Thelma Harper Family SARA JANE GREEN 6 Jane Ayres JERRY GUFFEY James R. Ferguson, II CAMRYN HARDIN Buel and Linda Cutsinger CLAYTON HEEKE Beverly Heeke MARY CATHERINE HERM Mr. Frank L. Perrone MRS. JEAN HERMAN Mary Ann Coons Ed and Lillian Hermann Mark and Donna Laemmle MARGARET KAESTNER Judy and Dan Frailly ANNIE KEENAN Constance Graves ANNA MARGARET MCGOWAN KERN Harry S. Blevens, Jr. CHARLES C. KIRKPATRICK James and Sharon Dearing Robert and Debra Dearing Tim and Joan Heid BOB KNIPP Robert B. Knipp KAYLA KRATZER Betty J. Farris LAURITTA LAMBERT Robert and Brenda Cooper RUTH LAMBERT Patricia Lambert DONALD MASON James R. Ferguson, II MARY MEDLIN Ron and Bev Tucker NOBLE EDWARD L. MERCER Kosair Legion of Honor MRS. NORMA J. MORAN Headlines Salon ALAN P. NAAS Mrs. Ruth Naas NOBLE WILBERT NANCE Glasgow Shriners Club WILLIAM O. POLLARD Viola Pollard RAYMOND W. PRIOR Judy Prior JAMES L. RALEY Ruby Raley MARGARET ANN REED Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Priddy DILLARD RODGERS Nancy Drumheller CHARLES C. KIRKPATRICK Pete and Phyllis Dublin MRS. FANNIE ROSE ROSENBAUM Myra Maxine Buell DAVID ERIC ROSS Mrs. Rhoda Ross NELDA SCULL Cora Duncan BILL SKIDMORE Robert B. Knipp LAWRENCE SR. AND SYLVIA SMITH Mr. Lawrence A. Smith, Jr. MILDRED “PAT” SOMMERMAN Albert Aszman Mary Gene Frank Gene and Lois Kapfhammer Robert and Mary Lukes Richard D. Tuchscherer NOBLE HORST STEINBRENNER Joyce Leonhardt FRANCIS “FRAN” STORMS Joyce Leonhardt RITA TAUL Henry F. Watson, Sr. NORA TAURMAN Davis E. Taurman PAUL TAYLOR Richard D. Vick HOWARD M. TEMPLE Construction Specialty Services Inc. Ruby Nichols Jim and Rhonda Smoak SAMANTHA TUCKER Christina Scott KERRY G. VINSON Richard and Joyce Vinson RON WALLACE Alan Glaubinger BARBARA J. WATERS Sherman T. Waters BRENT WINGFIELD Perry and Helen Alvey Ken-Tron Manufacturing John and Vi Wenzler IN HONOR OF BACKYARD STAYCATIONS Media Venue BENNETT ACCOUNTING Media Venue BRAUNABILITY Media Venue LOGAN AND ABBY BROCK Mr. Estel C. Logsdon AVERY COUNTRYMAN Brenda Gardner CULLIGAN ELIZABETHTOWN Media Venue CULLIGAN OF EVANSVILLE Media Venue CULLIGAN SEYMOUR Media Venue CULLIGAN SPOKANE Media Venue CULLIGAN TELL CITY Media Venue CULLIGAN WASHINGTON Media Venue CULLIGAN WATER SYSTEMS CLARKSVILLE Media Venue JACOB MILES EDGE Mike and Mary Pat Gray ANNA EHRET From Your Secret Pal GRESHAM DRIVING AIDS Media Venue HABITAT RESTORE Media Venue BILL HART Walter B. Smith CAMILLE HENDLEY Dorothy Williams COLE EVAN HERRICK Don and Diana Buchheit JADEN AND GRACIE Gene and Sue Floyd JAMES MATTOX JOHNSON Mrs. Marjorie F. Davidson KENTUCKY CENTER FOR THE ARTS Media Venue MARGIE OLEAN LEE KING Sue Womack MASTER WESLEY O. KING Don King LIMESTONE FARM, LAWN & WORKSITE Media Venue JOLEE MISSI Gregg A. Perkins OVMS Media Venue PPG Media Venue RE/MAX PROPERTIES EAST Media Venue KARIS SANDEFUR Eleanor Alderson SCOTT FUNERAL HOME Media Venue SE DAVIS JEWELERS Media Venue SIMPLY ONE Media Venue ALBERTUS SMITH Joe M. Smith SPECIALTY FOOD GROUP Media Venue PEGGY STERRETT Patricia Pierson SUNTIME POOLS WEST Media Venue SUPERIOR VAN AND MOBILITY Media Venue THE JEWEL BOX Media Venue THE MOWER SHOP Media Venue UNI-MOVE Media Venue USA BABY Media Venue FRANCIS VAN DIERENDONCK Larry Van Dierendonck AMANDA ZWICKER Brittany Zwicker JOANN BEATTY (BIRTHDAY) Henry Beatty MRS. JUDY BLACK (BIRTHDAY) Kosair Shriners MRS. PAT CHRISMAN (BIRTHDAY) Kosair Shriners JACK AND CHARLIE DUGAN (BIRTHDAYS) Anonymous Donor Jacinda R. Sipes MRS. ANGEL HARDWICK (BIRTHDAY) Kosair Shriners MRS. EDIE HART (BIRTHDAY) Kosair Shriners NOBLE HAROLD J. HERMAN (BIRTHDAY) Joe and Joyce Wolf PATRICIA JENNINGS (BIRTHDAY) Kosair Shriners GILSON LEE (GET WELL) Marty and Marianne Nitzken NOBLE GARY L. MORGAN (SPEAKER FOR ORIENTAL CLUB) Ladies Oriental Club JOE AND PHYLLIS MYERS, P.P. (WEDDING) Butch and Suzette Govoni MRS. CAROL SEWELL (BIRTHDAY) Kosair Shriners MRS. BETTY JEAN STRASSER (BIRTHDAY) Kosair Shriners Kosair Kolums cont. from pg.1 ADDITIONAL BLDG….4100 square foot free standing garage for parade vehicles FENCED...area for other vehicle storage, perhaps we put a canopy over it VISIBILITY...highly visible to vehicular traffic in an economic growth corridor; super Kroger, large Walgreen’s, major investments by other businesses in the area. TIMING…. end of the year occupancy possible There have been several “open house” tours for the Nobility and their families to view the property, ask questions, and express any concerns. We vote on acquiring the property at our April 12, 2013, Stated Meeting at Kosair Shriners at 7:30 PM.. Dues card and fez required. SAFETY...official crime reports show that the area has no extraordinary or unusual incidents of crime. As with every area in our community, burglaries, thefts and the like may occur. 7 “BEANS ‘N JEANS” WHEN: APRIL 19TH Kosair contributes over $10 million annually to health care for children WHERE: KOSAIR BALLROOM TIME: 6:30 p.m. – 10:30 P.M. COST: $10.00 PER PERSON MENU: BEANS, COUNTRY HAM, FRIED POTATOES, CORN BREAD AND ALL THE FIXINS’ Put on your best “bib and tucker” or just get out those jeans and join us for dinner and dancing to the music of “Mid-Life Crisis”. KOSAIR BOAT CLUB Mike Grant, Commodore Jim Szofer, Vice Commodore Guy Gray, Rear Commodore Henry Watson, Sr. Purser 8 Kosair Kolums Kosair Motor Corps You probably are wondering where I have been for the last couple of months. Well, when you are the secretary for 5 different clubs, it’s hard to keep up during the Christmas holidays. What with all the end of year reports that have to be done. Any way here goes. Hope everyone had a good holiday season. Mine was pretty good. I went to the Kosair Motor Corps unit Christmas party. It was great, we had about 42 nobles counting their wives and girlfriends there. Lots of things to eat and drink. nicely from his hip replacement, also nobles we need prayers for Noble Jim Daugherty who had surgery and noble Don Smith who is going to have surgery. Noble Chuck Burchel won last month’s half and half. and finally some thoughts on my looking for a job: I became a professional fisherman, but discovered that I couldn’t live on my net income. I managed to get a good job working for a pool maintenance company, but the work was just too draining. So then I got a job in a workout center, but they said I wasn’t fit for the job. After many years of trying to find steady work, I finally got a job as a historian until I realized there was no future in it. My last job was working in Starbucks, but I had to quit because it was always the same old grind. SO, I TRIED RETIREMENT AND FOUND THAT I’M PERFECT FOR THE JOB. in the wind, “The Buggster” Noble Robert Owens Boy it seems that the time is really flying by. Here it is 2013 I have yet to start my trusty hog. But I am sure there is at least one crazy Noble in the unit that has been out riding this year. Oh, I forgot Noble Phil Smallwood is living in Florida and has been riding. Silly me. I would like to congratulate the new potentate Bob Maxwell and the other officers elected to the line. We had our elections in the Motor Corps and was it a hum dinger. Oh I am sure some people were glad and some were mad but oh well life goes on. Unit Director this year is Noble Pat Gilkey; President Charles Gardner, Vice President Roger Dabney and yours truly as Secretary/Treasurer. We also elected a Quartermaster Paul Pffiefer and Sergeant of Arms Shawn Beasley. I wish them well. The unit also has two new members Noble Pat Helton and Noble Glenn Jones, welcome. As of this writing the 2013 Sam Swope Road Rally is a go. It will be held on July the 21st so stay tuned for the evolving details. On the health watch Noble Leo Kirkpatrick seems to be recovering 9 Ladies Oriental Club - Carol Grant Our March speaker was Illustrious Sir, Robert Maxwell, Potentate, of Kosair Shriners, who spoke to us about the “going on’s”, at Kosair Shriners. Things like an Easter Dinner, makes us want Spring right now!! Beans & Jeans night – a rare night to get to come to Kosair Shriners in our Blue Jeans and have beans, hmm….. The Derby party has been revived this year and is always a good time to come and watch the horses run the famous Kentucky Derby, lots of good food that day, too. Flag Day, where we can show our patriotism for our Country, Christmas in July, an opportunity, to bring gifts, for the children at Kosair Hospital , to be given out in what else, but in July at the “Christmas in July” party”. We’re going to have a Pajama Party – wonderful we can come all dressed and ready for bed, a Halloween Party complete with costumes, a Thanksgiving Dinner, with the Ladies of Liberty performing and a Christmas Dinner with all the trimmings. This was an “interesting” evening and as you can see Bob & Marsha have a lot of fun events coming in the months ahead, including the Alaskan Cruise. Keep watch on the Kosair Kolumns for reminders, of our upcoming events. We look forward to a year of fun and hard work making money for the KIDS of Kosair Charities. “Getting to Know You”, that is what we the Ladies Oriental Club want to do, with the ladies of Kosair, please - Roger Hines, Unit Secretary Also, we recently added Wayne Pedigo and Chandler Blewett (who retired from Kosair Charities at the first of the year) as members. We welcome all of these Nobles to the Transportation Unit and also to any other Kosair member who wishes to join.å It was good to see Bruce Clark at our February meeting even though he was sporting a cane. Bruce was our 2012 President and underwent knee surgery in early January but reports he is recovering nicely. The Shrine publishes a magazine called ‘LEADERS IN CARE’. This 10 Judy Henry has a speaker, for April and is waiting for the confirmation, so it will be a surprise, but whoever it is I am sure we will enjoy them. Don’t forget to bring your jewelry for the Masonic Home, since this will be our first collection, of 2013. Just an early reminder, next dessert night for the Ladies Oriental Club will be May 31st. . Enjoy the little things, in life. One day you may look back and realize…. They were the big things ! - Barbara Johnson Kosair Funsters Transportation Unit At our February monthly meeting the Transportation Unit added three Kosair Nobles to its membership. They being Joe Meyers (Year 2006 Past Potentate and member of Preston lodge), Don Gaddie (Member of Highland Park) and Ronnie Taylor (Member of Park City). come out and join us, for dinner, meeting new friends and greeting old friends, as well as listening and learning from our interesting and informative speakers. Dinner is at 6:30 p.m. on the first Monday of each month, excluding July and August. is published quarterly and tells you what happening at our Shrine hospitals. It’s real informative. I picked up a copy at Kosair but I think, if you call the telephone number listed in the magazine (813281-0300), they will send it by mail. As to our trips we had a normal amount in November/December (2012), a very light amount in December/January and then again normal in the January/February time frame. From November 21st through December 18th we made 12 trips and drove 3529 miles for an average of 294 miles per trip. From December 19th through January 15th we made only 2 trips and drove 575 miles. Then our trips picked up again in the January 16th through February 19th time frame as we made 13 trips and drove 4245 miles for an average of 327 miles per trip. Uniil next month, Roger Hines Well! It’s clown time again. Since this past circus, I’m still hearing from different people of how they had a great time at the 2013 circus. Maybe being a little basis, I really think it was the Funsters that did the trick or tricks. All I can say is, wait till 2014, it will be bigger and better then 2013. Just a little hint, our future Potentate is going to be well entertained and well represented for the 2014 circus. But! Say anything to him yet because it’s our little secret. We don’t want to ruin the surprise for him. It will be most rewarding. As of now, some of the Funsters are working for the next years circus skit. It will most be very entertaining and enjoyable for all to see. it will be a little surprise in there for someone special, that’s all I can say. cont. on pg.11 Kosair Kolums cont. from pg.10 Let’s get down to some clown business now. there are many functions going on that we need all available Funsters, that we can rustle up to help pull off all the requests that will be coming our way. The more Funsters that we have, the less it is for all of us. The Saint Paddy’s day parade was a huge success for all to see. The Kosair Temple along with our friends from Glasgow had a great time for all to see. The weather was nice, the brotherhood was a total success. If we could have all of the other parades represented like Saint Paddy’s parade, it will be a wonderful and delightful year for all. The weather co-operated beautifully. We have many events for the Funsters to attend, to make them happen, please step forwarded and show your support. Just let some of you folks know, the Funsters are one of the most visible units from the Kosair Temple to see. We go North, South, East and West, and any other directions that we to be or go. It’s unbelievable on how many requests we get to come to this or that event for the all the kids to see. Regardless of age, we make everyone laugh from our tricks of our trade. I can’t say enough, about the Funsters that got up every morning for the TV appearances and stayed for all ten shows. That just goes to show you, we are a dedicated unit to bring the laughs and smiles to one and all. My hat goes out, to all of you for the great effort that you made for the circus and other events that you attended. We take a lot of time, away from our families to insure that the kids at the hospitals, parades, and other events to make these children smile and forget about their pain and suffering, even if, it’s only for a few minutes. The members of the Funsters, do this for one reason, to make the kids smile as well as their family members. We travel a many of miles to do this. By! The time we start putting on our makeup, travel to our destination, perform and return home, we travel many miles. We don’t get paid for this, but the smiles are payment enough. So! If there are any new nobles out there, that maybe would like to join our unit feel free to come to one of our meetings and see what we are all about. if you are worried about makeup, tricks are anything like that, don’t be, we will assist you in putting on make-up and dressing. We meet the third Monday of every month in the basement at 7:30PM right after the Unit Director’s meeting. Well! I’m going to let you go for now, and I hope to see you at a parade or an event. I hope to see you at Kerbela funfest in Pigeon Forge. If you have not attended one before, you really don’t know what you are missing. You can find the applications in the Kosair Temple’s office. If you make anything, try to make this one, you won’t regret or forget it. It’s the second weekend in May. The dates are from May 8th through May11th. Hope to see you there. KEEPEMLAUGHING The Kosair Divan Ladies will host a Luncheon honoring the Past First Ladies and Widows April 13, 2013 11:00 A.M. – Social Hour – cash bar Shopping – purses, hats, jewelry, etc. Noon – Luncheon Salad, Quiche, Dessert, Tea & Coffee Cost - $17.00 Where – Kosair Shrine Ballroom All Ladies of Kosair are requested to “Get On Board” for this event as we honor these Ladies. Make your reservation early by calling 585-5412 no later than April 8, 2013. The Past First Ladies and Widows will be the guests of the Potentate and Divan. Dennis (GABBY) Hardin 11 The “Rite” Stuff I want to remind everyone of the MASONIC FAIR and ARCH PRESENTATION to be held at Kosair Temple on Saturday April 6th, 2013. The fair will run from 1:00p.m. to 3:00p.m. Most all Masonic Bodies and organizations will be featured. This is open to all families and friends. If you are interested in any Masonic organization come visit the fair. There will be free food and drinks, Clowns and face painting for the kids. The day will culminate with the ARCH PRESENTATION at 3:00p.m. This event will feature all of the MASONIC ORGANIZATIONS and the leaders of each. Plan on attending this informative event. Street Machines Now for the upcoming events at Louisville Scottish Rite. A Stated meeting will be held on April the 11th. Refreshments will be served at 6:30 p.m. with the meeting to follow. This meeting will feature My Old Kentucky Home Scottish Rite Club’s presentation of the 21st degree. We will also vote on petitions received for the N. C. Frankel Reunion to be held on Saturday April 13th. If you have any petitions for the reunion you need to turn them in at this time. The Reunion will begin approximately at 8:00a.m. on Saturday morning. There will be a 33rd Degree Luncheon on April 18th. The luncheon will be held at Wildwood Country Club at noon. All 33rd’s will receive a letter prior to this event. as well as trophies for other classes. The Bullitt County Shrine Club will provide drinks and food. We will have music and other games for you to participate in. There is no charge to come and look and enjoy the company of others. Bring the family, come and enjoy. We will have vehicles from the early 1900’s to modern muscle cars, rat rods, trucks, motorcycles and who knows what Attention all Nobles and friends else. with a love for Hot Rods. This show is open to any vehicle that The Kosair Street Machines will be you wish to show. having our annual Open Car and If there is any Noble, Club or Unit Vehicle Show on April 21, 2013. It is that wishes to sponsor a trophy time to get your favorite ride out and that can do so for $25.00 and we start shinning and polishing her up. will engrave your message or club The show will be held at the Bullitt on the trophy plate. To sponsor a County Shrine Club located just off of trophy contact anyone in the Street Highway 44 east of Shepherdsville. Machines Club and he can take care We will begin registering vehicles of it. for $15.00 per space at 10:00 am with trophies presentation at 4:00 Last year we had a fantastic turnout pm. There will be a Best of Show and are looking forward to another - Ed Embry 12 On April 25th there will be a FAMILY NIGHT DINNER honoring our widows. Dinner will be served at 6:30 p.m. with a program to follow. As always there is no cost for the meal. Please call the Scottish Rite office (584-6185) to make reservation for you and your guest, this lets the kitchen staff know how much food to order and prepare for the evening. We want to make sure everyone receives a great meal. Thank you for your co-operation. “if you keep both feet firmly on the floor, you will have trouble putting your pants on.” William Meyer, 33rd degree, Wise Master Louisville Chapter Rose Croix Louisville Scottish Rite Louisville, KY big one this year. We continue our monthly Drive and Dine in February will lunch at the new Cattlemans’s Roadhouse located on Hurstbourne Lane just south of Taylorsville Rd. Those in attendance were Janice and Marshall Geoghegan, Billie and Bill Foster, Jim Barr, Eddie Hall, Maxine and Randy Skinner, Candy and Ed Embry. Come and join us. We always enjoy sharing the Shriner Spirit. The parade season has started, just a reminder that if you wish to participate in a Kosair sponsored parade as a Shriner, you must have a copy of your insurance on file at Kosair and with the Parade Marshal. The Street Machines meet on the 4th Monday at the Kosair Temple at 6:30 pm. We are open to anyone with a street legal vehicle and a member of the Shrine. Come and check us out. I hope to see you on the trail. Kosair Kolums Oriental Band - Chuck Strothman Thanks to the Bandsmen and Ladies who have contributed desserts and time at the table for the Friday Nite Dinners in February and March. Our next turn for desserts will be in October and November; there will be more details on that at a later date. The Circus Appreciation Dinner has come and gone and congratulations to all the Bandsmen who earned various awards for their work during the 2013 Circus program. I have heard that the 2014 Circus program work will be kicking in Real Soon, if it hasn’t already sone so by the time you read this. We have shown that the Oriental Band is ready to work, so let’s get out and prove that we can do it again. Bro. Estill Jackson has the reins on roadblock and buck-alie dates, so get with him and set up dates to work. not just for that--Parade Season has started, and we will be busy the next coming months. So let’s your smiling faces in the Bandroom!!!!! Many of our fellow Kosair Shriners traveled to Pigeon Forge for the 2013 Kerbela FunFest, and great time was had by all. Thanks to all of the Nobles who represented Kosair Shrine in fine fashion. And now a sad note: our Brother and fellow Bandsman Jerry Ashby lost his brother, Jim, who had been ill for some time. Let’s pray for Bro. Jerry, his Lady Lana, and their family during the next few weeks as they recover from this loss. Time to remind every new Noble to come and join our merry crew.... Mondays at 8 PM! We’ll be lookin’ for ‘ya !!! The Oriental Band participated in the Arch Presentation again this year, and thanks to all the Bandsmen who were there. Ill.Sir Kirk Carter expressed his thanks to all who helped to make this year’s Fair and Arch Presentaion a success. I hope that all the Bandsmen that traveled to Lexington for the 2013 SESOBA Hoedown enjoyed themselves. Thanks to Bro. Jack Diehl for his dedication to putting together our musical program, and Congratulations to Bro. Joe Graves for advancing on the SESOBA line. We thank our Potentate Bob Maxwell and his Lady Marsha for visiting with us during the Hoedown. We can’t let up, Bandsmen, now that the Hoedown is over. Practice continues for our planned trip to the Imperial Convention in July in Indianapolis. We really need everyone to practice in order to get the music program polished. And 13 Top Hat Gun Club Greetings fellow marksmen of the Kosair Top Hat Gun Club. This being our first kolums article (I think) we will have to work out the bugs and see what works. First off we would like to thank all the outgoing 2012 officers of the club for their tireless efforts to ensure that we had a great year of shooting. Your new officers for 2013 are Director Bernie Schwierman (who is also 2nd vice president, because he loves the gun club) President Bob Gardner, Vice President Richard Weiss, Secretary Robert Owens, and Treasurer Pat Miller. And I would be remiss if didn’t mention our unofficial shutter bug, Randy Coe, who has been taking pictures of the Gun Club for the Kolums. We hope we can live up to the standard that was set by the 2012 officers. Gardner, Limited - Phil Myers, Limited 10 Randy Coe, Single Stack – Pizza Schlise, Rim Fire – Pizza Schlise, and Center Fire – Pizza Schlise. These gentlemen were the best of the best of the 2012 Top Hat Gun Club. Now I don’t know about you but I sure would like to best some of these shooters in 2013. hopefully we OK moving right along, the will get the chance. awards for the 2012 USPSA Final were presented at our Now I don’t have to tell you that last meeting and the winners right now because of our knee jerk are as follows: Production – Bob politicians our sport is enduring some rough times. The most severe being the severe shortage of ammunition and the high price when you find it. It is my hope that this quickly subsides so we as a club can enjoy the sport of target shooting for years to come. OK off the soap box, on a sad note the gun club lost a member this last month, it was Noble Jim Daughtery. Remember his family in your prayers. On an administrative note your 2013 dues of $20 are due and payable. Over the next month we well be updating the roster to see who is in and who is out and contacting members to bring them up to speed on what’s going on with the club. Our next meeting will be on April the 29th, be sure to try to make it out and bring a few coins as we may have something you might be interested in. (does that peek your interest?). SPECTRE 14 Kosair Kolums Have You Moved? Your Temple does not care if you move, when you move, or how you move but it certainly does care WHERE you move. Your address is never changed without instructions from you. Please notify the Recorder’s office each time you move. 15 PASSED WITHIN THE UNSEEN PORTALS THOSE WHOM WE REMEMBER Nobles Thomas Byrne Jerry S. Blankenship Cecil H. Crowder James L. Daugherty Roscoe C. P. Davis Sr Buddy J. Finnell Mitchell R. Harl Edwin C. Holmes John L. Sanders Created 12/06/75 06/07/76 120/9/78 07/18/09 09/24/71 07/11/87 11/19/05 04/26/80 07/04/81 Died 2/01/13 2/20/13 2/08/13 2/19/13 2/06/13 2/06/13 2/11/13 2/16/13 2/12/13 Call Kosair Temple About Advertising in Kosair Kolums (502) 585-5412 Lost in the desert. Dale Clemons; PO Box 800; Pewee Valley KY 40056 Carmelo Cortez, Jr; 4780 Water Park Dr Unit B; Belcamp MD 21017 James H. Hines; 2048 W Maryland St Apt C; Evansville IN 47712 Thomas Oyler; 4225 Decatur Blvd Apt 1133; Las Vegas NV 89103 John B. Mills; 5600 Butternut, Apt 5608; Louisville KY 40218 Jerry L. Russell; 11635 Sonora Hardin Springs Rd; Eastview KY 42732-8719 Michael G. Woods; PO Box 58502; Louisville KY 40268 The 2013 Kosair Shrine Cash Calendars have arrived! You can help Kosair and perhaps yourself or someone you know. Our goal is to sell 2,000 Cash Calendars this year!!! BOB FRYE Cash Calendars are one way the operating funds for our Shrine are raised. Will you help by purchasing or selling a Cash Calendar? How about taking some calendars and selling or giving them to your friends, family, and associates? A Cash Calendar is a good holiday or birthday gift idea or stocking stuffer as it may be a gift that gives the entire year. Every day a person is eligible to win. The daily prizes range from $25.00 up to $100.00, with special days ranging from $250.00 up to $4000.00! The calendar includes there inspiring stories of Kosair Kids we have helped, pictures of nobles enjoying being Shrine Masons, and some fine images from Shrine antiquity. Experience serving your real estate needs since 1972. Stop by the Kosair Shrine office to pick up yours or get a stack of calendars to sell and help us reach our goal. You can also call the Kosair Shrine Office at 585-5412 to have one mailed out to you once we receive your calendar purchase. Calendars only cost $25.00 each. 16 895-7777 957-1771 Kosair Kolums Caring for children year after year Members of the Kosair Charities 1000 Club recognize that treating children sometimes requires a multi-year commitment. Annual donations to Kosair Charities secure funding for pediatric-related programs and individual nancial support, so that no child’s medical need is left untreated. Donors who have pledged to provide Kosair Charities a minimum of $100 each year for 10 years are recognized as members of the 1000 Club. For more information about how you can help Kosair Kids as a member of the 1000 Club, please contact Eric Churchill at (502) 637-7696 or echurchill@kosair.org. Memory Bricks The Kosair Shrine Center Memory Bricks are available and may be purchased for yourself in honor or memory of an individual loved one or ones, a family member, a Lodge, a Unit or a Club. What better way to honor the living or the memory of deceased loved ones than with a memory brick? These bricks are being placed around the “Silent Messenger” statue erected at the Second Street Corner of Kosair Shrine Center. These bricks make a unique gift for any occasion. What a wonderful gift for that person who has everything and is so hard to buy for! What a meaningful way to honor any loved one! You can view some of the bricks that have already been placed around the statue by going to the Kosair Shrine Temple site http://www.kosair.com and then clicking on the navigation button on the left that is labeled “Kosair Shrine Memory Bricks.” For more information contact the Recorder’s Office on 502-585-5412 or visit our Memory Bricks webpage http://www.kosair. com/memorybricks.html. 17 Kosair Greeters responsibility to get another Greeter to take your place. The Greeter Unit April Executive Committee Meeting will be on Monday, the 8th, beginning at 5:00 PM; the April Regular Dinner Meeting will be on Monday, the 8th, beginning at 7:00 PM. A social hour will start at 6:00 PM; followed by the regular monthly meeting. The SESG&HA Annual Meeting will be in Clarksville, IN beginning on Wednesday May 8th and running through Saturday, May 11th. The Holiday Inn & Suites – Lakeview will be the headquarters. Registration deadline for this event is March 31, 2013. Registration fee is $50.00 per person. In addition to the regular events - President’s Uniform Competition and Banquet, a show at Derby Dinner, a trip to downtown Louisville and an optional trip to Churchill Downs is included in the Annual Meeting itinerary. This is a BAL Award eligible event. - By Gordon E. Berry, PP Greeter Door Duty for April: April 5 – Norbert Arrington April 12 – Jerry Cantrell April 19 – Ron Craig April 26 – Doug Elsler Greeters, if you cannot stand door duty as assigned, it is your Happy April Birthday to Greeters – Dave Juergens PP on the 6th, Bill Wilder on the 12th, and Perry Strader on the 28th. Happy April Birthday to Greeterettes Virginia Frye on the 4th, Ann Turner on the 15th, Betty Muckey on the 16th and Martha Steller on the 23rd. During the month of April, Greeters celebrating membership anniversaries are Bill Wilder his 10th, Robert Schildknecht his 9th and Bob Frye, PP his 5th. The Greeter Unit and Greeterettes welcome new member’s Darrell Layman and Lady Sharon. With heavy heart the Greeter Unit reports that long time Greeter Don and Greeterette Betty Mullins has resigned from the Greeter Unit after 28 years of membership, they both made many contributions to the Greeter Unit. We wish them well. Also 1994 Greeter President, Gordon Starr passed away, he and Lady Mary Helen moved to Columbia, SC to be with their family. Mary Helen passed away several years ago. The Greeter Safari is scheduled for Saturday, July 13, 2013. This is a BAL Award eligible event! We will leave the Kosair Shrine Circus Office at 8:00 AM, sharp! The Greeters will be using one bus. (50 seats) When the bus is full, a waiting list will be used for late reservations. If you are planning on attending, get your $50 reservation per couple paid, NOW! FIRST PAID, FIRST RESERVED! 18 Kosair Kolums Create a lasting legacy with a gift to Kosair Kids A charitable bequest represents your legacy of dedication to Kosair Charities that will have a long-lasting impact on the medical care of the children who need it most. A bequest is a smart and simple way to invest in the health and vitality of Kosair Kids. Contact Kosair Charities to learn how you can include a gift to help Kosair Kids in your will. OWEN FUNERAL HOMES www.kosair.org © Monkey Business - Fotolia.com OWEN FUNERAL HOMES Vice President of Development Chandler Blewett (502) 637-7696 or cblewett@kosair.org ROBIN PEARSON, BRIAN MYERS, SHERMAN SEGO ROBIN PEARSONBRIAN MYERS, Pearson’s Funeral Directors Since 1848 149 Breckenridge Lane 502/896-0349 2 1/2 Miles So. of Watterson X-Way 5317 Dixie Highway Louisville, Ky. 40216 447-2600 David Owen • Bill Longest Mark S. McNeil • Philip R. Simpson Harpring Florist “my Mark in design” Since 1928 Mark E. White 1200 Barret Ave. Owner 502-459-1420 Louisville, KY 40204 9318 Taylorsville Road Jeffersontown, KY 40299 266-9655 David Owen Kenneth W. Hardin, Sr. Kenneth W. Hardin, Jr. Sincere Service Family Owned Bobby Knipp JEFFERSONTOWN TRANSMISSION SERVICE 10610 Old Taylorsville Road - (502) 267-7561 BILL RYAN SUNBELT RENTALS (502) 969-2724 Office ©2005 ©2007Norton NortonHealthcare Healthcare (502) 968-1823 Fax Construction Equipment Rentals (502) 639-2945 Mobile 189*61*16651 Nextel pc240@sunbeltrentals.com Thank you, Kosair Charities! With medical treatment from Kosair Children’s Hospital and financial support from Kosair Charities, children who were once sick now have the opportunity to play, go to school and grow up healthy. 19 KOSAIR TEMPLE A.A.O.N.M.S. 812 S SECOND ST LOUISVILLE KY 40203-2210 SUNDAY MONDAY 1 Arab Patrol Noon Ladies Oriental Club 6:30pm Communications 7:30 Provost 7:30pm Oriental Band 8:00pm 7 14 21 Gun Club 10:30am @ Silver Creek 8 Hardhats 11:00am Divan Meeting 5:30pm Greeters Exec. Meeting 5:00pm Greeters Unit Meeting 7:00pm Sand Bugs 7:30pm Oriental Band 8:00pm 2 Mark Twain SC 6:00pm Poker Night 6:30pm Gold Fidelity DeMolay 7:00pm 9 APRIL 2013 WEDNESDAY 3 Bullitt County Motor Corps 7:00 PM at BSC 10 32 Club Luncheon Noon Oldham Co. Shrine Club 7:00pm Finance Committee at Noon Temple Closed after 4:30pm Temple Closed after 4:30pm 15 16 Unit Director’s/Circus 6:30pm Flying Fezzes 7:30pm Funsters 7:30pm Oriental Band 8:00pm TAX DAY Gold Fidelity DeMolay 7:00pm Legion of Honor 7:30pm Golf Club 7:30pm 22 23 17 Gun Club @TG&G 6:00pm Transportation 10:30am 29 THURSDAY 4 Directors Staff 7:30pm 11 House Committee at Noon 18 Dance Band 7:30pm Spring Begins 24 25 Leitchfield S.C. 7:00pm Brass Band 7:30pm Temple Closed after 4:30pm CAR SHOW 28 TUESDAY FRIDAY 5 Hi 12 Club at noon Shrine Club Dinner 6:30pm Bake Sale Past Masters 7:30pm Boat Club 7:30pm 12 Hi 12 Club at noon Shrine Club Dinner 6:30pm Stated Meeting 7:30pm SATURDAY 6 KOSAIR ARCH CEREMONY PRESENTATION 13 Ladies Luncheon 19 20 26 27 Hi 12 Club at noon Shrine Club Dinner 6:30pm Nomads 7pm Bake Sale Beans N Jeans Hi 12 Club at noon Shrine Club Dinner 6:30pm Yoshi Club 7pm Bake Sale 30 Motor Corps Gun Club 6:00pm Riasok Shrine Club 7:30pm SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY MAY 2013 WEDNESDAY 1 Bullitt County Motor Corps 7:00 PM at BSC 5 12 19 Gun Club 10:30am @ Silver Creek 26 Potentate’s Day At The Races 20 6 Arab Patrol Noon Ladies Oriental Club 6:30pm Communications 7:30 Provost 7:30pm Oriental Band 8:00pm 13 Hardhats 11:00am Divan Meeting 5:30pm Greeters Exec. Meeting 5:00pm Greeters Unit Meeting 7:00pm Sand Bugs 7:30pm Oriental Band 8:00pm 20 7 Mark Twain SC 6:00pm Poker Night 6:30pm Gold Fidelity DeMolay 7:00pm 2 Directors Staff 7:30pm 9 House Committee at Noon FRIDAY SATURDAY 3 4 10 11 17 18 24 25 Hi 12 Club at noon Shrine Club Dinner 6:30pm Bake Sale Past Masters 7:30pm Boat Club 7:30pm Hi 12 Club at noon Shrine Club Dinner 6:30pm Temple Closed after 4:30pm 14 32 Club Luncheon Noon Temple Closed after 4:30pm 21 Unit Director’s/Circus 6:30pm Flying Fezzes 7:30pm Funsters 7:30pm Oriental Band 8:00pm Gold Fidelity DeMolay 7:00pm Legion of Honor 7:30pm Golf Club 7:30pm 27 28 Motor Corps Gun Club 6:00pm Riasok Shrine Club 7:30pm 8 Oldham Co. Shrine Club 7:00pm Finance Committee at Noon THURSDAY Temple Closed after 4:30pm 15 Gun Club @TG&G 6:00pm Transportation 10:30am 16 Dance Band 7:30pm Spring Begins 22 23 Leitchfield S.C. 7:00pm Brass Band 7:30pm 29 30 Hi 12 Club at noon Shrine Club Dinner 6:30pm Nomads 7pm Bake Sale Hi 12 Club at noon Shrine Club Dinner 6:30pm Bake Sale 31 Hi 12 Club at noon Shrine Club Dinner 6:30pm Yoshi Club 7pm Bake Sale Kosair Kolums
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KOSAIR SHRINERS FAX (502) 583-4096
RANDY COE, Potentate, Editor (502) 637-7696
(502) 749-6841 fax
1503 Sylvan Way,
Louisville, KY 40205-2407