Minigarden® solutii pentru gradini si instalatii - Mini
Minigarden® solutii pentru gradini si instalatii - Mini
Minigarden® solutii pentru gradini si instalatii urbane Ianuarie 2013 ANY REPRODUCTION OF TEXTS AND IMAGES, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, ON ANY MEDIUM, IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED Cuprins 1 > Introducere 3 2 > Minigarden Vertical · Ce este · Design si modularitate · Sustenabil si durabil · Sistem inteligent de irigare si drenaj · Inspirational · Date tehnice 5 6 7 9 10 11 14 3 > Minigarden Corner · Ce este · Design si modularitate · Sustenabil si durabil · Sistem inteligent de irigare si drenaj · Inspirational · Date tehnice 16 17 18 20 21 22 23 4 > Minigarden Vertical vs. Corner · Design si modularitate · Sistemul de irigare 25 26 30 2 5 > Minigarden Irrigation Solutions · introducere · Kit-ul de baza pentruMinigarden Vertical · Date tehnice 31 32 33 35 6 > Revolutie mondiala 36 7 > Contacte 37 Introducere 3 Introducere Minigarden® nu mai este un produs singular,devenind,in schimb , o gama de produse si solutii integrate pentru culturile urbane de plante. Acumuland experienta veche cu proceselle moderne de design,am dezvoltatproduse si sisteme gandite sa transforme pe oricine intr-un pasionat de gradinarit si de culturi urbane de plante. In prezent, produsele disponibile sunt Minigarden® Vertical, Minigarden® Corner and Minigarden® solutii de irigare. Minigarden® Vertical si Minigarden® Corner pot fi folosite separat sau combinat,asigurand intr-o masura mai mare,cu o flexibilitate de utilizari,iar atunci cand sunt combinate cu solutiile de irigare Minigarden,acestea devin si mai simple,permitand un succes sporit in cultivare. In curand, gama noastra de produse va fi largita in mare masura cu noi modele si produse,crescand numarul de solutii si usurinta cultivarii urbane de plante. Bine ati venit la Urban Green Revolution®. 4 Minigarden® Vertical 5 Ce reprezinta Minigarden® Vertical este un sistem modular care permite cresterea pe verticala de plante ornamentale,aromatice si legume Minigarden® Vertical este de sine statator si poate fi instalat in interior sau in exterior,in functie de plantele cultivate. Modularitatea Minigarden®‘permite instalarea de gradini verticale de orice dimensiuni,cu usurinta, oferind spatiu de manevra creativitatii dumneavoastra. In this cross-section we can see how the modules fit into each other, as well as the substrate filling. 6 lid 64x14x3cm circular clips Ø 2.4xcm recipient with 3 cavities 64x19x17cm 12lt capacity 0.72Kg Design si modularitate Fiecare modul din sistemul Minigarden® Vertical cuprinde doar 4 componente usor de montat--o grinda,6 bride circulare,un recipient central cu 3 cavitati si o tava de baza. Montarea este foarte simpla iar posibilitatile sunt nelimitate.Caracteristicile sale modulare permit montarea lui atat pe verticala, cat si pe orizontala,intr-un singur rand sau spate in spate,creand nenumarate combinatii. Minigarden® Vertical poate fi instalat foarte usor in interior sau in exterior,incorporat in pereti sau acoperisuri, ori atasati de acestea. tray 64x14x3cm 0.34Kg Back-to-back Assembly 7 Wall mounting bolt (M6) Design si modularitate Versatilitatea si simplitatea sistemului Minigarden® Vertical permit o instalare usoara si de durata,de pe podea sau de la orice inaltime,dupa cum se poate vedea din ilustratii. Minigarden® Vertical poate fi montat pe perete prin fixarea bridelor circulare la peretele pe care se monteaza cu ajutorul suruburilor si saibelor. 8 Sustenabil si durabil Posibilitatile de combinare sunt limitate doar de imaginatia dumneavoastra,avand in vedere ca, pe langa formele modulare , puteti sa va jucati cu varietatile de plante si culori pentru a crea efecte unice, beneficiind de posibilitatea de a inlocui cu usurinta plantele ,dupa instalarea Minigarden® Vertical. Minigarden® Vertical este fabricat din copolimer de polipropilena si include aditivi pentru protectia impotriva razelor ultraviolete, ceea ce ii permite utilizarea in conditii meteorologice extreme -radiatii solare si temperatura – integritatea acestuia fiind garantata timp de zece ani.De asemenea , este refolosibil,complet reciclabil si disponibil in 5 culori 9 watering system micro dripping tube Main tube Sisteme inteligente de irigare si drenaj T branches fertilizer dosing device, filter and programmer Pentru montaje de mari dimensiuni sau daca este nevoie de o comoditate si autonomie mai mari,am dezvoltat un sistem de irigare unic pentru Minigarden® Vertical ,care consta intr-un microtub cu ext. de 6,5 mm cu picuratoare sau microtuburi integrate cu ext de 7 mm, ambele ascunse in interiorul modulului,un filtru de reducere a presiunii si un tub de colectare care alimenteaza microtubul prin ramificatii in T.In plus, este posibila instalarea unui dozator de fertilizare lichid,pentru a converti sistemul intr-unul de fertilizare-irigare dau semihidroponic,precum si a unui programator de sistem drainage system Microtubul de irigare este instalat in fiecare modul,trecand prin orificiul interior al bridei care este montata in partea de sus a modulului. At the bottom of each module there are small grills (2 per cavity), through which the excess water runs to the tray directly below the corresponding module and, after that, to the tray at the assembly base. Minigarden® Vertical a fost proiectat cu un mecanism gravitational innovativ.Aceasta caracteristica face ca orice irigare in exces la radacina plantelor, va fi scursa catre tava de la baza montajului.Acest sistem este foarte important pentru a asigura sustenabilitatea plantarilor pe termen lung. main collector 10 Inspirational O gradina in living room sau o gradina de legume in bucatarie?Bucurati-va de posibilitatea de a ingriji plantele Cateva exemple de instalatii Minigarden® Vertical acasa. 11 Inspirational Minigarden® Vertical a inspirat nenumarati arhitecti care au creat proiecte unice in locuri precum Hong Kong, Spania, Dubai, Olanda, Portugalia, etc. Caracteristicile sale unice reprezinta cea mai buna solutie pentru a crea spatii peisagistice verticale de orice dimensiuni,cu garantia instalarii si intretinerii rapide,precum si a unui cost extrem de competitiv comparativ cu alte sisteme. Singura limita pentru potentialul Minigarden® Vertical este creativitatea dumneavoastra,deoarece , desi mini,acesta permite rezultate uriase. Caballo Living, Shatin Park, Hong-Kong – 2011 12 ACM Landscape Design, The Peak, Hong-Kong 2011 Inspirational Cateva exemple de instalatii pe care arhitectii si designerii le-au creat alegand Minigarden® Vertical. Verdaus - landscape architects, Abu Dhabi Golf Club Resort Hotel, UAE 2011 Ben Vriesema, Eindhoven, Netherlands 2011 13 MINIGARDEN VERTICAL: TECHNICAL DATA Patents and Registrations Packing – Stores The Minigarden® Vertical is protected by a worldwide patent via PCT (Patent Cooperation Treaty) with the number PCT/PT2006/0000003 and also by design/model registrations. Cardboard Box 1 set . Product description Selling unit: Contains: Tray Module Set 1 Tray 1 Module + 6 Clips 3 Modules + 18 Clips p + 1 Trayy Contains: 1 Set and 1 Instruction Leaflet Dimensions: 73 x 20 x 34 cm Net Weight: 3.4 Kg Gross Weight: 4.1 Kg Pallet Dimensions: 64.5 x 14 x 20 cm 64 64.5 5 x 14 x 57 cm Maximum Capacity: 12 l 36 l Recommended Capacity: 10 l 30 l 1.01 kg 3.34 kg Weight: 64.5 x 14 x 3 cm 0.34 kg Material: Polypropylen Moplen with UV protection Finishing: Matt, Grain MT-11007 Colors: Manufacturing Guarantee: Other Features: Contains: 36 or 39 Cartons Height: 220 or 240 cm Gross Weight: 162 or 174 kg Large Quantities White, Black, Green, Terracotta and Gray 3 years 100 % recyclable Packaging 1 Container 20 ft HC Dry: 11 Pallets / 396 Cartons 1 Container 40 ft HC Dry: 24 Pallets / 936 Cartons 1 Truck: 33 Pallets / 1287 Cartons 1 Container 20 ft HC Dry (Floor Loaded): 576 Cartons 1 Container 40 ft HC Dry (Floor Loaded): 1381 Cartons References and Codes Different packaging has been developed according to the distribution channel and target market. For stores, the packaging consists in 1 cardboard box with 1 set. For mail order (online shop, catalogue, TV shop, etc), the packaging consists in 1 cardboard box with 1 set and is designed to withstand transport by post. For professionals, we provide 1 shipping carton with 26 modules and 1 cardboard box with 13 trays. 14 Description Reference GTIN Barcode Minigarden Vertical Set White MGSET1WH-RT 5600350700176 Minigarden Vertical Set Black MGSET1BL-RT 5600350700190 Minigarden Vertical Set Green MGSET1GR-RT 5600350700183 Minigarden Vertical Set Terracotta MGSET1TC-RT 5600350700206 Minigarden Vertical Set Gray MGSET1GY-RT 5600350700268 MINIGARDEN VERTICAL: TECHNICAL DATA Packing – Mail Order Packing – Professionals C . ardboard Box 1 set S . hipping Carton 26 modules Contains: Contains: 1 Set and 1 Instruction Leaflet Dimensions: Dimensions: 73 x 20 x 34 cm 26 Modules, 156 Clips e 1 Instruction Leaflet 67 x 34 x 106 cm Net Weight: 3.4 Kg Net Weight: 26.3 Kg Gross Weight: 4.1 Kg Gross Weight: 28.9 Kg Pallet Pallet Contains: Contains: 36 or 39 Cartons 6 or 7 Shipping Cartons Height: 220 or 240 cm Height: 215 or 250 cm Gross Weight: 162 or 174 kg Gross Weight: 173 or 202 kg Large Quantities Large Quantities 1 Container 20 ft HC Dry: 11 Pallets / 396 Cartons 1 Container 20 ft HC Dry: 11 Pallets / 66 Shipping Cartons 1 Container 40 ft HC Dry: 24 Pallets / 936 Cartons 1 Container 40 ft HC Dry: 24 Pallets / 168 Shipping Cartons 1 Truck: 33 Pallets / 1287 Cartons 1 Truck: 33 Pallets / 231 Shipping Cartons 1 Container 20 ft HC Dry (Floor Loaded): 576 Cartons 1 Container 20 ft HC Dry (Floor Loaded): 126 Shipping Cartons 1 Container 40 ft HC Dry (Floor Loaded): 1381 Cartons 1 Container 40 ft HC Dry (Floor Loaded): 272 Shipping Cartons References and Codes Description Minigarden Vertical Set White References and Codes Description Reference GTIN Barcode MGSET1WH-MO 5600350700114 Minigarden Vertical Module Box White Reference GTIN Barcode MGMOD26WH 15600350700050 Minigarden Vertical Set Black MGSET1BL-MO 5600350700121 Minigarden Vertical Module Box Black MGMOD26BL 15600350700067 Minigarden Vertical Set Green MGSET1GR-MO 5600350700138 Minigarden Vertical Module Box Green MGMOD26GR 15600350700074 Minigarden Vertical Set Terracotta MGSET1TC-MO 5600350700145 Minigarden Vertical Module Box Terracotta MGMOD26TC 15600350700159 Minigarden Vertical Set Gray MGSET1GY-MO 5600350700275 Minigarden Vertical Module Box Gray MGMOD26GY 15600350700296 15 Minigarden® Corner 16 Ce reprezinta Minigarden® Corner este o urmare a produsului original Minigarden® Vertical. Minigarden® Corner nu permite doar inchiderea capetelor si creerea de conexiuni la 90º in Minigarden® Vertical, ,ci are totodata nenumarate posibilitati ca produs de sine statator. Ca si in cazul produsului original, Minigarden® Corner este un sistem modular care permite cultivarea pe verticala de plante ornamentale,aromatice si de legume,fiind de asemenea , de sine statator,cu sistem autonom de irigare, si poate fi instalat in interior sau in exterior, in functie de plantele cultivate. In this cross-section we e can see how the modules les fit into each other, as well as the substrate filling. 17 Design si modularitate lid 14x14x3cm circular clips Ø 2.4xcm Fiecare modul al sistemului Minigarden® Corner cuprinde doar 4 parti usor de montat—o grinda,3 bride circulare,un recipient central si o tava de baza. Ansamblul este foarte simplu,iar posibilitatile sunt nelimitate.Caracteristicile sale modulare permit montarea atat pe verticala cat si pe orizontala,intr-un mod simplu,creand nenumarate combinatii (90º, 180º and 360º). Minigarden® Corner poate fi instalat in interior sau in exterior,in colturi de pereti sau pe pervazuri,pe banci sau piese de mobilier,suspendat de pereti si multe alte moduri,in functie de creativitatea dumneavoastra. recipient with 1 cavity 16x16x17cm 1.6l capacity 0.19Kg tray 14x14x3cm 0.07Kg 18 Design si modularitate Wall mounting bolt (M6) Versatilitatea si simplicitatea sistemului Minigarden® Corner permite creearea mai multor ansambluri complexe la dimensiunea pe care o doriti. Minigarden® Corner poate fi montat pe perete , prin fixarea bridelor circulare pe peretele pe care se monteaza,cu ajutorul suruburilor si saibelor. 19 Sustenabil si durabil Posibilitatile de combinare sunt limitate doar de imaginatia dumneavoastra,avand in vedere ca , pe langa formele modulare,puteti sa va jucati cu varietatile de plante si culori pentru a creea efecte unice,beneficiind de posibilitatea de a inlocui cu usurinta plantele dupa instalarea Minigarden® Corner. Minigarden® Corner este fabricat tot din copolimer de polipropilena si include aditivi impotriva razelor ultraviolete, ceea ce ii permite utilizarea in conditii meteorologice extreme de radiatii solare si temperatura,integritatea acestuia fiind garantata timp de zece ani.De asemenea este refolosibil,complet reciclabil si disponibil in 5 culori 20 Main tube watering system T-branches micro dripping tube Sisteme inteligente de irigare si drenaj Pentru montaje de dimensiuni mari sau daca este nevoie de o comoditate si autonomie mai mari,am dezvoltat un sistem de irigare unic pentru Minigarden® Vertical,care consta intr-un micro tube (Ø 6.5mm) cu picuratoare sau micro tube (Ø 7mm), ambele ascunse in interiorul modulului,un filtru de reducere a presiunii si un tub de colectare care alimenteaza tubul prin ramificatii in T.In plus este posibila instalarea unui dozator de fertilizare lichid,pentru a converti sistemul intr-unul de fertilizare-irigare sau semi-hidroponic,precum si a unui programator de sistem. drainage system Minigarden® Corner a fost proiectat cu un mecanism gravitational inovativ.Aceasta caracteristica face ca orice irigare in exces la radacina plantelor va fi scursa catre tava de la baza montajului.Acest sistem este foarte important pentru a asigura sustenabilitatea plantarilor pe termen lung. Each recipient has a conic structure inside. At the bottom of the cone there are small grills through which the excess water runs to the tray directly below the corresponding module and, after that, to the tray at the assembly base. main collector 21 Inspirational O gradina in living room sau o gradina de legume in bucatarie?Bucurati-va de posibilitatea de a ingriji plantele. Cateva exemple de instalatii Minigarden® Corner acasa. 22 MINIGARDEN CORNER: TECHNICAL DATA Patents and Registrations Packing – Stores The Minigarden® Corner is protected by a worldwide patent via PCT (Patent Cooperation Treaty) with the number PCT/PT2006/0000003 and also by design/model registrations. Cardboard Box 1 set . Product description Selling unit: Contains: Tray Module Set 1 Tray 1 Module + 2 Clips 3 Modules + 6 Clips + 1 Tray Contains: 1 Set and 1 Instruction Leaflet Dimensions: Dimensions: 14 x 14 x 20 cm 14 x 14 x 57 cm Maximum Capacity: 1.6 l 4.8 l Recommended Capacity: 1.5 l 4.5 l Weight: Material: Finishing: Colors: Manufacturing Guarantee: Other Features: 14 x 14 x 3 cm 0.07 kg 0.25 kg 17 x 17 x 29 cm Net Weight: 0.83 Kg Gross Weight: 0.96 Kg Pallet Contains: 0.82 kg 196 or 224 Cartons Height: 217 or 246 cm Gross Weight: 188 or 215 kg Large Quantities Polypropylen Moplen with UV protection Matt, Grain MT-11007 1 Container 20 ft HC Dry: 11 Pallets / 2156 Cartons White, Black, Green, Terracotta and Gray 1 Container 40 ft HC Dry: 24 Pallets / 5376 Cartons 1 Truck: 33 Pallets / 7392 Cartons 3 years 100 % recyclable 1 Container 20 ft HC Dry (Floor Loaded): 3536 Cartons 1 Container 40 ft HC Dry (Floor Loaded): 7796 Cartons Packaging References and Codes Different packaging has been developed according to the distribution channel and target market. Reference GTIN Barcode Minigarden Corner Set White MGCRSET1WH-RT 5600350700312 Minigarden Corner Set Black MGCRSET1BL-RT 5600350700329 Minigarden Corner Set Green MGCRSET1GR-RT 5600350700336 Minigarden Corner Set Terracotta MGCRSET1TC-RT 5600350700343 Minigarden Corner Set Gray MGCRSET1GY-RT 5600350700350 Description For stores, the packaging consists in 1 cardboard box with 1 set. For mail order (online shop, catalogue, TV shop, etc), the packaging is the same as for stores, only without the label sticker, and it is designed to withstand transport by post. For professionals, we provide 1 shipping carton with 120 modules and 1 cardboard box with 12 trays. 23 MINIGARDEN CORNER: TECHNICAL DATA Packing – Mail Order Packing – Professionals C . ardboard Box 1 set S . hipping Carton 120 modules Contains: Contains: 1 Set and 1 Instruction Leaflet Dimensions: 120 Modules, 240 Clips e 1 Instruction Leaflet Dimensions: 17 x 17 x 29 cm 67 x 34 x 106 cm Net Weight: 0.83 Kg Net Weight: 30.0 Kg Gross Weight: 0.95 Kg Gross Weight: 30.6 Kg Pallet Pallet Contains: Contains: 196 or 224 Cartons 6 or 7 Shipping Cartons Height: 217 or 246 cm Height: 215 or 250 cm Gross Weight: 188 or 215 kg Gross Weight: 197 or 228 kg Large Quantities Large Quantities 1 Container 20 ft HC Dry: 11 Pallets / 2156 Cartons 1 Container 20 ft HC Dry: 11 Pallets / 66 Shipping Cartons 1 Container 40 ft HC Dry: 24 Pallets / 5376 Cartons 1 Container 40 ft HC Dry: 24 Pallets / 168 Shipping Cartons 1 Truck: 33 Pallets / 7392 Cartons 1 Truck: 33 Pallets / 231 Shipping Cartons 1 Container 20 ft HC Dry (Floor Loaded): 3536 Cartons 1 Container 20 ft HC Dry (Floor Loaded): 126 Shipping Cartons 1 Container 40 ft HC Dry (Floor Loaded): 7796 Cartons 1 Container 40 ft HC Dry (Floor Loaded): 272 Shipping Cartons References and Codes Description References and Codes Description Reference GTIN Barcode MGCRSET1WH-MO 5600350700411 Minigarden Corner Set White Minigarden Corner Set Black MGCRSET1BL-MO 5600350700435 Minigarden Corner Set Black MGCRMOD120BL 15600350700531 Minigarden Corner Set Green MGCRSET1GR-MO 5600350700428 Minigarden Corner Set Green MGCRMOD120GR 15600350700524 Minigarden Corner Set Terracotta MGCRSET1TC-MO 5600350700442 Minigarden Corner Set Terracotta MGCRMOD120TC 15600350700548 Minigarden Corner Set Gray MGCRSET1GY-MO 5600350700459 Minigarden Corner Set Gray MGCRMOD120GY 15600350700558 Minigarden Corner Set White 24 Reference GTIN Barcode MGCRMOD120WH 15600350700517 Minigarden® Vertical versus Corner 25 Design si modularitate Folosirea in combinatie a Minigarden® Vertical si Minigarden® Corner creeaza o adevarata revolutie in lumea sistemelor modulare de cultivare a plantelor. Posibilitatile de interconectare a celor doua produse sunt imense.. Capetele Minigarden® Vertical pot fi finisate cu plante prin conexiunile longitudinale cu Minigarden® Corner. Wall-hanging Minigarden® Vertical assembly finished in one end with Minigarden® Corner 26 Floor-standing Minigarden® Vertical assembly finished in one end with Minigarden® Corner Design si modularitate Capetele ansamblurilor spate in spate ale Minigarden® Vertical pot fi finisate prin conexiunile longitudinale cu Minigarden® Corner. Acest tip de ansamblu autonom poate fi facut mai inalt,prin asezarea a mai multe module Minigarden® Vertical si Minigarden® Corner,sau mai lung , folosind mai multe coloane de module Minigarden® Vertical . Poate fi folosit pentru a compartimenta spatii,atat exterioare,esplanade,cat si interioare,birouri,in forma de compartimente pentru plante. 27 Design si modularitate Ansamblurile simple Minigarden® Vertical montate in plan vertical la 90º pot fi conectate acum la Minigarden® Corner. Acest tip de montaj va garanta in plus o mai mare stabilitate a ansamblurilor Minigarden® Vertical . 28 Design si modularitate In sfarsit,va sugeram ansambluri autonome patrate sau rectangulare prin care toate suprafetele exterioare sunt acoperite cu plante. 29 Sistemul de irigare Instalatia de irigare in diferite ansambluri combinate de Minigarden® Vertical cu Minigarden® Corner prezentate in paginile anterioare,este similara cu cea folosita doar pentru Minigarden® Vertical. watering system micro tube Main tube – water feeding collector T-branches fertilizer dosing device, filter and programmer Sistemul consta dintr-un micro tube (Ø 6.5mm) cu picuratoare sau micro tube (Ø 7mm), ambele ascunse in fiecare modul Minigarden® Vertical si/sau Minigarden® Corner. Diferitele micro tuburi de la fiecare nivel de modul sunt conectate,prin ramificatii T, catre colectorul de irigare.Acest tub principal de irigare trebuie sa aiba un filtru de reducere a presiunii,in plus,este posibila instalarea unui dozator de fertilizare lichid,precum si a unui programator de sistem. Micro tubul de irigare este instalat in fiecare modul,trecand prin orificiul interior al bridei care este montata in partea de sus a modulului. 30 Minigarden® Solutii de irigare 31 Introducere Buna irigare este critica pentru cresterea si sanatatea plantelor.Plantele crescute in Minigarden® Vertical si Minigarden® Corner nu fac exceptie. Sistemul inovativ de scurgere gravitationala al Minigarden® Vertical si Corner rezolva problema excesului de apa cauzat de ploaie sau irigare.\apa care nu este absorbita de planta este scursa direct in tava de la baza modulului. Aceasta tehnologie de scurgere elimina trecerea excesului de apa din modulele superioare catre plantele de mai jos,un factor esential pentru a garanta cresterea si supravietuirea unor plante sanatoase. Din acest motiv, toate plantele crescute in Minigarden® Vertical and Minigarden® Corner trebuie irigate. Micro sistemul de irigare ,Minigarden® ,intuitiv si usor de folosit,face irigarea usoara si comoda.Prin integrarea unui echipament de dozare a ingrasamantului,hranirea plantei devine o sarcina simpla si eficienta. Aceste caracteristici confera Minigarden abilitatea de a crea cele mai bune conditii de aerisire si umiditate. 32 Kit-ul de Baza de irigare Minigarden Vertical Noul Kit de irigare de baza consta intr-o solutie de picurare proiectata special pentru Minigarden® Vertical. Simplu si intuitiv de instalat,acesta include microtuburi cu picuratoare si conectori pentru diferite configuratii de pana la 9 module Minigarden® Vertical (27 plante). Solutia este scalabila pana la trei kit-uri,permitand irigarea a pana la 27 module (81 plante). Aceasta instalatie de irigare poate fi alimentata de la o simpla stropitoare manuala sau poate fi legata la un robinet. Solutia accesibila si intotdeauna universala care poate fi folosita atat la sistemele manuale,cat si la cele automate de irigare. 33 Kit-ul de Baza de irigare Minigarden Vertical O solutie accesibila si aproape universala care poate fi folosita atat cu sistemele manuale cat si si cele automate de irigare 34 MINIGARDEN WATERING SOLUTIONS: TECHNICAL DATA Product description Packing – Stores and Mail Order The irrigation kit basic for Minigarden® Vertical consists of the following parts: I.rrigation Kit Basic for Minigarden® Vertical Part: Valve Coupling T Pipe Cross Elbow Joint Plug Units: 1 6 7 1 2 10 Part: Minigarden micro dripping tube Contains: Units: Features 9 Length 65 mm, Ø int 5 mm, Ø ext 6,5 mm, flow rate 1,5 l/h, approximate distance between drip feeders 20 cm; Watering system and instruction manual in the back of the packaging label Dimensions: 24 x 20.5 x 5.3 cm Net Weight: 146 g Gross Weight: 230 g Shipping Carton Part: Contains: Micro tube Dimensions: 8 Units: Features Part: Gross Weight: Length 17,8 cm, Ø int 4 mm, Ø ext 6 mm 74 x 22 x 69 cm 9.2 kg References and Codes Description Micro tube 36 Irrigation Kit Basic for Minigarden® Vertical Reference GTIN Barcode MGSET36WATKITBASIC 15600350700210 4 Units: Features 36 Irrigation Kit Basic Length 4 cm, Ø int 4 mm, Ø ext 6 mm Minigarden® watering tube .For professional installers, additionally to the Irrigation Kit Basic for Minigarden® Vertical, we have micro watering tube with drip feeders in 25 m, 100 m, 500 m and 1.000 m rolls, porous micro tube in 15 m, 25 m, 50 m and 100 m rolls, and also all the necessary accessories to install watering and ferti-watering systems in large Minigarden green walls®. Packaging The packaging was designed for stores and mail order (online shop, catalogue, TV shop, etc.). The Instruction Manual is printed in the back of the packaging label. The shipping packaging contains 36 watering kits. 35 EUROPE ALEMANHA: Berlin BOARDRIDER SALES & MARKETING Tel.: +49 3031017256 Email: FRANÇA: La Chantaigneraie EGT PARTNER43 Tel.: +33 2 51696866 Email: ESPANHA: Barcelona DIGEBIS, S.L Tel.: +34 934 143026 Email: ESPANHA: Madrid IBERCAMPO, SL Tel.: +34 912 836 644 Email: GRÉCIA: Athens FYTORIA ANTEMISARI SA Tel.: +30 2109761024 Email: ITÁLIA: Milan SMART GARDEN SRL Tel.: +39 02 42297837 Email: POLÓNIA: Lesniakowizna KIK KRAJEWSCY SP. J Tel.: +48 22 7874097 Email: PORTUGAL: Lisbon LISCAMPO, SA Tel.: +351 213471271 Email: ROMANIA,Cluj-Napoca PRO CURB DESIGN S.R.L. Tel.: +40 264 406008 Email: RUSSIA: Moscow TRAMPS 2000 Tel.: +7 495 7950403 Email: RUSSIA: St.Petersburg PLASTEKS ZAO Tel.: +7 812 3364585 Email: UCRÂNIA: Kiev VILA VERDE Tel.: +38 44 4923020 Email: Revolutie mondiala Minigarden™ este reprezentat pe patru continente,in numeroase parteneriate de distributie.Suntem prezenti in peste 50 de tari si muncim pentru a transforma Minigarden™ intr-un brand de renume mondial. Echipa noastra este compusa din ingineri(structuri, materiale, mediu si agronomie), designeri si peisagisti, care muncesc pentru a dezvolta noi produse si solutii pentru o lume mai verde. Revolutia Urbana Verde nu cunoaste limite. ASIA AND MIDDLE EAST EMIRADOS: Um Suquim, Fujairah SIJI GREENHOUSE Tel.: +971 6 882 7265 Email: HONG KONG: Sheung Shui CABALLO LIVING CO., LTDA Tel.: +852 2363 1925 Email: MALÁSIA: Kuala Lampur ARTISAT SDN BHD Tel.: +603 79803272 Email: SINGAPURA: AREAST FLORA PTE. LTD Tel.: +65 6254 6662 Email: RUSSIA: Moscow TRAMPS 2000 Tel.: +7 495 7950403 Email: RUSSIA: St.Petersburg PLASTEKS ZAO Tel.: +7 812 3364585 Email: EUA: Scranton PA EARTHBOX Tel.: +1 570 955 1300 Email: MÉXICO FLORESTTA HOME Tel.: +52 55 52823274 Email: AMERICA COLÔMBIA: Bogota RENOVEMOS ESPACIOS, LTDA Tel.: +57 1 2134318 Email: AFRICA AFRICA DO SUL: Cape Town TERRACE LIVING Tel.: +27 21 4613552 Email: 36 DESIGNED AND PRODUCED BY: Quizcamp, SA · Tel: +264-406008 · · 37 MINI GARDEN VERTICAL MINI GARDEN CORNER IRRIGATION KIT assembly guide and USER’s MANUAL English assembly guide a x3 b x18 c x3 d x1 English 3 4 English c a b c d English 5 max 9 6 English Manual de Utilização TABLE OF CONTENTS Minigarden System Arrangement ...................................8 Type of Substrate ..............................................................8 Filling ..................................................................................9 Seeding ................................................................................9 Planting ..............................................................................9 Watering/Fertilising ......................................................10 Renewal of Plants ...........................................................12 Renewing Substrate ........................................................12 Recommended varieties ..................................................13 INDOOR ORNAMENTALS .................................................13 OUTDOOR ORNAMENTALS AND BULBS .............................13 SEASONAL OUTDOOR: VEGETABLES, FRUITS AND AROMATICS ......14 plant CHART.......................................................................15 English Minigarden System Arrangement The choice of the location where you are going to install the modular Minigarden vases is critical to the success of your planting. Whenever possible, the Minigarden should be oriented so as to maximise its exposure to the sun and, in the event of installation outdoors, the plants’ exposure to dominant winds should be minimised, given that the wind is the main factor responsible for drying plants, as it increases their rate of evapotranspiration. Light is an essential factor to photosynthesis, vital for the proper development of the majority of plants. In the case of fruits, it is essential for producing sugars. The greater the light intensity, the better the organoleptic characteristics of the fruit will be. In general, a lack of light causes an exaggerated elongation of the stems, a loss of colour and vitality, and the plant becomes weak. The presence of a water point is important, as it facilitates the task of watering, either manually or through an automated drip-feed system. Type of Substrate For the proper development of the plants and their root system in the modular Minigarden vases, a universal or compound substrate should be used and not ordinary garden soil. This way, proper drainage and aeration is ensured, as well as an adequate capacity to retain water and exchange nutrients. Garden soil may still be contaminated with fungi and may contain seeds that will germinate, competing with the plantings. As a rule, substrates are lighter, thus reducing the load to which the structure will be subjected. Regardless of the type of substrate used, it should always include fertiliser when planting, and at least once a year this fertiliser should be added again. To facilitate drainage of the system, a 10 cm layer of Leca clay granules may optionally be placed at the bottom of each of the modular vases. To prevent the substrate from mixing with the Leca, a filter comprised of a Geotextile blanket may be added with the Leca clay granules. 8 English Filling The Minigarden is filled manually. We suggest proceeding with filling before assembling the modular Minigarden system. Filling is carried out up to the top mark (2 cm below the edge of the Minigarden). 2cm(0,78 in) SEEDING Seeding operations may be carried out before or after the assembly of the modular Minigarden system. In either case, seeds should be spread after the Minigarden has been filled, and only on the exposed surface of the cavity. Seeding is carried out by burying the seed and covering it with a thin layer of substrate 4 to 5 times thicker than the diameter of the seed. In the last Minigarden line, seeding may be carried out over the entire area, provided that the lid is not installed (parts B). In function of the type of plant to germinate, you may place one or more seeds per cavity. In the case of aromatic plants, we suggest putting several seeds. Germination time depends on the variety chosen, the climatic conditions and the location of the Minigarden system. If the Minigarden system is outdoors, it is important to respect the seeding season for each species. If not, germination may not take place. See the seed packaging for supplementary information and pay attention to the validity. Planting When installing the Minigarden system, you may opt to purchase the plants and carry out planting, instead of seeding, operations, thus gaining good final results more rapidly. This operation may be carried out simultaneously with the filling of the Minigarden and respective assembly, or at the end when the wall has been totally assembled. In the first case, plants should be used whose vase or root systems are not greater than 90 mm in diameter. <90mm English 9 In the second case, plants whose vase or root system are less than 50 mm, or have been purchased with bare roots, should be used. In both cases, the operation of planting the plant involves making a hole in the substrate whose diameter should be greater than the diameter of the vase, or root system, and inserting the plant, settling the surrounding areas with a little more substrate. Keep in mind that the surface of the substrate should be 2 cm lower than the edge of the cavity. Finally, water abundantly. PLANTING Watering/Fertilising HOLE DIAMETER Watering is critical in all phases of the installation of the Minigarden. In the seeding phase, to guarantee the proper germination of the seeds; during planting, to ensure the adaptation and survival of the transplanted plant; and in the plant maintenance phase to ensure the proper development of the same. It is important to bear in mind that excessive watering is just as bad as a lack of watering. Excessive watering may cause the death of the plant by suffocating the roots. The Minigarden system may be installed with a drip-feed water system using micro tubing, or may be watered manually. In this case, a watering can with a small diameter and a long spout should be used. Water each plant one by one, being careful not to add too much water, which will return via the cavity or be drained into the base plate, without any benefit to the plant. Minigarden plants should be watered with the frequency necessary to maintain the moisture content of the substrate at an appropriate level. You may gauge this by putting the tip of your finger 1 cm into the substrate. If it feels moist, watering is not necessary. 10 English Watering should be carried out in the morning or in late afternoon, so as to avoid excessive loss by evaporation. It should not be carried out during the hottest hours of the day. Don’t forget that, even when installed outdoors and exposed to rain, the Minigarden must be watered, given that, due to the configuration of the cavity, rainwater may not reach the lower levels and moisten the substrate enough for the needs of the plant . For successful planting, do not forget fertiliser, indispensable for the plants to develop healthily. Fertilisers may be chemical or organic. Organic fertilisers, which are already widely available, have a beneficial impact on the environment. Common chemical fertilisers are easy to dose and may be dissolved and dispensed to the plant during watering. The choice of appropriate fertiliser should be made in function of the plants inserted in the Minigarden, and their needs for nutrients. Fertilisers available on the market carry the NPK acronym, showing that the product contains the most important nutrients for the development of the plants in terms of parts of nitrogen (N), parts of phosphorous (P) and parts of potassium (K). There are different formulas of NPK fertilisers, based on their purpose. In general, we use: - NPK 4-14-8 for species that produce flowers and fruits. This formulation is recommended to be applied at the moment of planting, as it offers better root formation and development and plant structure. High levels of phosphorous aids flowering. - NPK 10-10-10 for species that do not flower and do not bear fruits, or may be applied to plants already established (flowers, vegetables, fruits), in the form of coverage. - NPK 15-15-20, rich in potassium, this formulation is considered very practical, as it may also be used in hydroponic cultivation, being especially recommended for vegetables. Specific formulations also exist on the market for certain species of ornamental plants. In this case, the formulation is appropriate to the nutritional needs of each species. The frequency for adding fertiliser varies according to the species, but, in general, fertiliser may be applied every two months. But remember: regarding the dose and form of application, strictly follow the manufacturer’s recommendations as shown on the product packaging. English 11 Renewal of PlantS It is natural that the planting success rate does not reach 100%. In this case, it is necessary to proceed with the replacement of dead plants. It may also be necessary to replace some plants due to poor adaptation. In either case, the process is simple. The dead plant/plant to be replaced is removed. If it is necessary to facilitate the removal, a little water may be poured into the cavity. This task may be more or less difficult in function of the dimension of the roots system of the plant to be removed. With a planter or a spike (a pointed wooden or metal object), turn the adjacent substrate and leave a hole ready to receive the new plant. The diameter should be greater than the root ball of the new plant. Proceed as indicated under the item “Planting”. Renewing Substrate In any vase or flower baskets, periodic replacement of the substrate is always necessary, given that, as it is a means of waterproofing, the substrate ends up running out. Under the Minigarden system, its replacement is indispensable and recommended for the proper development of the plants. All the substrate does not have to be replaced at once. For example, we suggest that during one plant replacement operation you take the opportunity to remove 40 to 50% of the substrate adjacent to a cavity. With recourse to a planter or a pointed object, turn and remove the greatest possible quantity of substrate, without dismantling the Minigarden system. After, continue to add substrate to fill in what has been removed, leaving the necessary space to insert the plant. This operation may also be carried out without replacing the original plant. Remove the plant temporarily from the cavity; proceed with the processing of the substrate and put the plant back, following the same steps as under “Planting”. Substrates degrade with greater speed when they hold seasonal fruit plants, such as strawberry, pepper and tomato plants, etc. When decorative indoor plants are used, the substrate can last up to five years. 12 English Recommended varieties Almost all dwarf shrubs and herbaceous plants may be used in a Minigarden structure. Simply arrange them harmoniously (in terms of shape, texture and colour) and be careful to group them by similar water needs, as they are going to share the same space, and therefore be watered simultaneously. Always choose plants suitable for each location. Plants exist for shade, half-shade and full exposure to the sun. Most indoor plants prefer shade or moderate sun and enjoy mild temperatures and constant moistness. Be careful with proximity to heaters, and do not forget to spray your indoor plants both in winter and summer. INDOOR ORNAMENTALS With this solution, you may always have a small garden flowering inside your home. By combining the textures and colours of your plants with their periods of flowering, you may opt for a more minimalist solution using one single species, or combine your favourite plants in one single structure. Among many other species, we may recommend: Acalypha, Easter lilies, columbines, aquimenes, aspidistras, ferns, begonia elatior, begonia rex, begonia semperflorens, bilbergia, carex, cyclamen, lilies, spider plants, coleus, garden cabbages, cacti (almost all varieties), carnations, orchids, fittonias, gesnerias, guzmanias, hypoestes, marantas, succulent plants, primroses, soleirolia, Tigridias, Torenia, African violet, Persian violet, violets. OUTDOOR ORNAMENTALS AND BULBS With this solution, you may always have a small garden flowering inside your home. By combining the textures and colours of your plants with their periods of flowering, you may opt for a more minimalist solution using one single species, or combine your favourite plants in one single structure. Among many other species, we may recommend: Acalypha, Easter lilies, columbines, aquimenes, aspidistras, ferns, begonia elatior, begonia rex, begonia semperflorens, bilbergia, carex, cyclamen, lilies, spider plants, coleus, garden cabbages, cacti (almost all varieties), carnations, orchids, fittonias, gesnerias, guzmanias, hypoestes, marantas, succulent plants, primroses, soleirolia, Tigridias, Torenia, African violet, Persian violet, violets. English 13 SEASONAL OUTDOOR: VEGETABLES, FRUITS AND AROMATICS The Minigarden is an excellent solution to have a small aroma garden or a small vertical orchard in the kitchen or on your balcony where you may produce a large part of the aromatics and small vegetables for use in making your dishes. You can have an orchard and an aroma garden at home, with products that are always fresh and at hand. Lettuces, pepper plants, tomato plants, runner beans, broad beans, peas, aubergines, wild mustard, onions, rocket, etc. Strawberry plants, cantaloupe and melons, blueberries, gooseberries, Celery, chives, coriander, lemon balm, spearmint, basil, oregano, malagueta pepper, pennyroyal, parsley, basil, mint, coriander, etc. 14 English PLANT SPECIES VS. ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS Adiantum capillus-veneris L. Asparagus Asplenium spp Begonia Chlorophytum comosum Cissus Cyclamen Dianthus chinensis L. Dieffenbachia Dryopteris Epipremnum Fittonia albivenis Hedera Hypoestes phyllostachya Kalanchoe Nephrolepis Pallaea Pepperomia Philodendron Scandens Primula acaulis Saintpaulia ionantha Sansevieria trifasciata Schlumbergera Scindapsus aereus Soleirolia soleirolii Spathiphyllum X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Humid Very humid X X X X X X X X X X Hot Mild Fresh Dry between waterings Slightly dry between waterings Constant humidity Always saturated Shadow Half shadow Half light X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X RH (air) X X X Pollination Wind X X Temperature Insects X X X Sun Acid X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Water Normal X Light Light Rocky Rich in humus Scientific name Fragaria Spp. Thymus vulgaris Ocimum basilicum Allium schoenoprasum Coriandrum sativum L. Origanum marjorana L. Origanum vulgare L. Petroselium crispum L. Salvia officinalis Foeniculum vulgare Apium graveolens L. Lactuca sativa Mentha L. Artemisia dracunculus General use Substrate X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X English 15