st. mary romanian orthodox church - Saint Mary Romanian Orthodox
st. mary romanian orthodox church - Saint Mary Romanian Orthodox
ST. MARY ROMANIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH 854 Woodbridge Street, St. Paul, MN 55117 Parish priest: Mircea Vasiu - home (651) 489-561 - office (651) 488-5669 / cell (734) 497-4544 - email: CE JERTFE MATERIALE II ADUCEM ASTAZI LUI DUMNEZEU ? Sfântul Altar este cea mai sfânta parte a unei Biserici. Precum, in Vechiul Testament, evreii aveau in Templu acea parte numita "Sfanta Sfintelor", unde avea voie sa intre doar arhiereul, tot asa, crestinii au acum "Sfantul Altar", unde pot intra doar cei hirotoniti si cei care au binecuvantare. Sfânta Masa ajuta la săvârsirea Sfintei Liturghii; Proscomidiarul este folosit la pregatirea Darurilor de paine si vin; Sfanta Masa pastreaza pe ea urmatoarele obiecte sfinte: Sfantul Chivot, unde sunt pastrate Sfintele Taine (pentru impartasirea bolnavilor, peste an) si Sfantul si Marele Mir; Antimisul, o panza imprimata cu scena punerii in mormant a Mantuitorului, fara de care nu se poate sluji Sfanta Liturghie; Sfanta Evanghelie, care inchipuie Cuvantul lui Dumnezeu; Sfanta Cruce si sfestnice cu lumanari. Jertfe materiale aduse lui Dumnezeu in biserica Credinciosii au inapoiat intotdeauna lui Dumnezeu daruri din darurile primite de la El. Acest lucru este marturisit de fiecare data in Sfanta Liturghie, cand preotul spune: "Ale Tale dintru ale Tale, Tie iti aducem de toate si pentru toate!" Desi jertfa dorita de Dumnezeu este, precum spunem in Psalmul 50, "duhul umilit, inima infranta si smerita", aceasta nu inseamna ca nu ii putem aduce si unele daruri materiale, in chip cuviincios, din rodul muncii mainilor noastre. In cadrul sfintelor slujbe, credinciosii aduc in Biserica, impreuna cu pomelnicul, si unele jertfe materiale, numite "daruri". Astfel, impreuna cu pomelnicul se pot aduce daruri de paine curata (prescura) si de vin, dar si lumanari, tamaie sau untdelemen pentru candele. Banii sunt si ei o jertfa, un rod al muncii mâinilor noastre, pe care noi îl oferim Bisericii de multe ori in shimbul altor daruri. (darul vostru ajută la existenţa Bisericii intr-o comunitate) Jertfe materiale aduse lui Dumnezeu in afara bisericii Trebuie sa intelegem ca nu numai in Sfanta Biserica suntem datori a aduce lui Dumnezeu jertfele noastre, la sfintele slujbe, ci in orice timp si in orice loc. Astfel, in casele noastre suntem datori sa aprindem candela si tamaie; acestea sunt jertfe curate pe care le putem aduce oricand si in orice loc. De asemenea, postul este o alta jertfa materiala pe care o putem aduce lui Dumnezeu. Refuzarea darurilor de mancare nu inseamna respingerea lor, ci pretuirea mai mult a Celui care ni le daruieste, decat a darurilor in sine. Renuntand la mancarurile cele mai alese, ii aratam lui Dumnezeu dragostea pe care i-o purtam, dragoste mai puternica decat poftele trupesti. Postind trupeste, jertfim pentru Dumnezeu poftele netrupesti. De asemenea, postind, consumam mai putin, lasand celorlalti mai mult. Aceasta forma de milostenie este tot o jertfa materiala adusa lui Dumnezeu si aproapelui. Milostenia este o jertfa materiala adusa lui Dumnezeu. Daca luam aminte la urmatorul cuvant despre milostenie, "cine da celui sarac, imprumuta pe Dumnezeu", putem spune ca orice lucru dat unui om aflat in lipsuri este o jertfa materiala adusa lui Dumnezeu. Astfel, daca la Sfantul Altar nu putem aduce decat darurile ingaduite de Sfintele Canoane, in mana saracului putem pune orice dar, atata timp cat darul este unul de trebuinta aceluia si vine din dragoste. SUMMER CAMP Camp Vatra for juniors (age 11-13, July 22 - August 04, 2012 – la “Vatra Romaneasca” Great Lakes, MI). Fr. Mircea Vasiu will participate as a camp priest and teacher for Juniors Camp. For more information please go at or contact Fr. Mircea Vasiu. CRUCEA - JUG de Vasile Voiculescu Tu, Cruce, dulce jug al lui Hristos, De Tine-n veci acuma nu mai fug, Adânc cerbicea inimi-mi plec jos Şi sub povara Ta cerească mă înjug. Stau să mă mîne Domnul unde-o vrea Cu biciul Său de Duh atât de drag; Şi nici o muncă nu-mi mai pare grea Când ştiu că brazda mântuirii trag. CANDLES IN THE FRONT AND INSIDE THE ALTAR On 06/24/2012 au fost donate de Teodor si Luba Didenco pentru sănătate şi ajutor de la Dumnezeu; On 07/01/2012 were donated by Veronica IvansIMO her parents; On 07/08/2012 were donated by Gabriela E. Jancik for for the health of her new granddaughter Sydney Gabriela borne on June 25, 2012 – La multi ani! On 07/15/2012 au fost donate de familia Baurceanu pentru odihna celor adormiti; On 07/20/2012 were donated by Anonymous IMO of his departed ones; On 07/22/2012 were donated by Ardeleanu Family; On 07/29/2012 were donated by Georgia M. Omorean IMO Elena Manciu Dumnezeu s-o ierte! MONTHLY OFFERINGS Despina Liliana Ann M. Nicholas Nicolae Thomas Ann M. Doru John Silvia Constanta Ann M. Ştefan $ 30 Badea $ 25 Marinkov $ 25 - IMO Elena Manciu Manciu $ 20 Jigau $ 100 Hoolihan $ 50 Marinkov $ 150 - June pledge Posteuca $ 150 - Pledge Omorean $ 100 - IMO Elena Manciu Antonescu $ 125 – 2012 membership In Memory of Eli Târziu Korochuk $ 50 Marinkov $ 25 Cutting the Church Lawn We are looking for volunteers to cut the grass around the Church and parish home. It is a 2-3 hours job. Căutam vonluntari care să ne ajute cu tunderea gazonului de pe proprietatea Bisericii. Please let us know if you can help us @ 651-488-5669 or We would like TO THANK to: Psa. Eugenia Cerghizan, Dorina Vincze and Irinel Ardeleanu who cleaned kitchen and stoves on June 30 2012. COMING EVENTS ROMANIAN FESTIVAL – September 15 – 16, 2012. We are looking for your help and every member’s assistance is needed. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. How else can everyone help? Please, spread the news. Advertising is a major part of it. We need all members to pass out fliers and invite their neighbors. Be a sponsor by sending a donation marked for the Festival Volunteer your time and energy to help… Help us to find a business to sponsor the Festival Talk to your employer and ask them to be a sponsor. Thank you! MIDDLE EASTERN FESTIVAL on July 20th, 21st, and 22nd of 2012 at St. George Antiochian Orthodox Church – West St. Paul Highlights of the festival include Middle Eastern cuisine, live entertainment, a traditional marketplace, a silent auction, games for children, and camel rides. Admission free! The menu includes: roast lamb, chicken kabobs, kafta, falafel, hummus, gyros, tabouli, homemade traditional pastries, and our famous Syrian bread. Beer, wine, and soft drinks will also be served. The nationally renowned John Khoury Band will perform, in addition to the St. George Dabke Dance Group. Friday, July 20 from 12 noon to 10 pm; Saturday, July 21 from 12 noon to 10 pm; and Sunday, July 22 from 12 noon to 6 pm. For more information, please visit us online at ARCHBISHOP NATHANIEL POPP’S BIRTHDAY On June 12, His Eminence Nathaniel turned to his 72nd Birthday. With this occasion, we remember and honor his ministry to His people. He joined our Episcopate in 1968 and worked closely with Archbishop Valerian D. Trifa. He was ordained in 1966 and elected an Auxiliary Bishop to Archbishop Valerian in 1980. In 1985 he became the ruling bishop of our Episcopate, which served with well know dedication and all his talent and energy. He is the senior member of the Holy Synod of the OCA (Orthodox Church In America). On this special occasion, we entreat the Lord to grant health and length of days to His Servant. Many Years, Master! The Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon – July 27 His parents were Eustorgius of Nicomedia, a pagan, and Saint Eubula (March 30). They named him Pantaleon, which means in all things like a lion, but when he converted to Christianity, he changed his name to Panteleimon, which means allmerciful. He learned about Christianity from the priest who later baptized him, Saint Hermolaus. St. Panteleimon had been educated as a physician, and he dedicated his life to the suffering, the sick, the unfortunate and the needy. He treated all those who turned to him without charge, healing them in the name of Jesus Christ. He visited those held captive in prison. Other physicians brought his case before the Emperor Maximian. St. Panteleimon confessed to being a Christian and refused to offer sacrifice to the state gods. Throughout the many tortures, St. Panteleimon remained untouched. Enraged, Maximian ordered that St. Panteleimon be beheaded. The soldiers took him to an olive tree, but when they struck him while he was praying, the sword melted like wax. After he finished his prayer, "a Voice was heard from Heaven, calling the passion-bearer by his new name and summoning him to the heavenly Kingdom." He instructed the soldiers to rise from their knees where they had fallen in fear and to complete the execution. After they followed his instruction, the olive tree became covered with fruit. Although his body was thrown into a fire, it came out unharmed and was buried by Christians. His head is located on the island of Andros at the Panachrantos monastery and, on occassions, is taken to other monasteries for veneration. Some of his relics can be found at the Putna Monastery (Bucovina, Romania), as well as in the Ss. Peter and Paul Cathedral in Constanţa, Romania. "St. Panteleimon is invoked in the prayers at the blessing of water and the blessing of oil, together with St. Hermolaus and the other unmercenaries and wonder-workers." There is an Akathist hymn in his honor. LET’S REFLECT WHAT IT MEANS FOR US TO BE AN ORTHODOX CHRISTIAN… It means: To be baptized and to live IN CHRIST! To believe in God and the teaching of the Church; To be an active member of the Church, receiving the Holy Sacraments and attending on Sunday and Feasts; To live according to the Holy Scriptures; To pray daily; To joyfully share the teaching of the Church; To love, help and counsel your neighbor; To support the Church with the fruit of your labor; To visit the ill afflicted and those in needs; To love even your enemy; To give alms to those in needs; To show hospitality. To have a father (priest) confessor; Feel free to also add to this list WITH OTHER VIRTUES! SA REFLECTAM CE INSEAMNA PENTRU NOI A FI CRESTIN ORTODOX… Inseamnă: A botezat si a trai IN HRISTOS; A crede in Dumnezeu si in invataturile Sfintei Biserici; A fi membru activ al Bisericii, primind Sfintele Taine si nelipsind in Duminici si Sarbatori; A trai in Hristos si dupa Sf Evanghelie; A te ruga zilnic; A impartasi cu bucurie invatatura Bisericii A iubi, a sfatui si ajuta pe aproapele tau; A susutine Biserica cu rodul muncii noastre; A cerceta pe cei bolnavi si in nevoi; A iubi pana si pe dusmanul tau; A face milostenie celor lispsiti; A fi primitor de straini (a fi ospitalier); A avea un duhovnic (preot). Adaugati si ALTE VIRTUTI ale credintei voastre! CALENDAR OF EVENTS and SERVICES SUNDAY th 1. 4 Sunday after Pentecost MONDAY 2. JULY 2012 TUESDAY WEDNESDAY 3. 4. THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 5. 6. 7. +) Sf. Ştefan Cel Mare 5:00 pm Vespers and Confession U 10:00 Divine Liturgy Coffee Hour/ 8. 5th Sunday 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. after Pentecost 5:00 pm Vespers and (Post / Fast) Confession 10:00 Divine Liturgy U Coffee Hour/ 15. 6th Sunday (Post / Fast) 16. 17. 18. 19. after Pentecost 10:00 Divine Liturgy Coffee Hour 22. 7th Sunday 23. 7:30 pm Parish Council Meeting 6:00 pm (Post / Fast) 24. 25. Vecernie si Spovedanii after Pentecost 10:00 Divine Liturgy 20. 21. +) Sf. Ilie 10:00 am Religious Service 5:00 pm Vecernie si Spovedanii (Fish permitted) 26. 27. +) Saint Jacob of Alaska +) Greatmartyr and healer Panteleimon Coffee Hour after Pentecost 10:00 Divine Liturgy 30. 31. 1. 2. 3. -Beginning of Fast of Mother of God (Post / Fast) No service today 4. 5:00 pm Vecernie si Spovedanii U Scoaterea Sf. Cruci Coffee Hour 28. (Post / Fast) (Post / Fast) 29. 8th Sunday U (Post / Fast) (Post / Fast) (Post / Fast)