The Search Experience
The Search Experience
The Search Experience Kilpatrick International Executive Search Newsletter Mai 2012 Cuprins: HR Manager of the month Romania’s Y Generation Candidatii si specificul cultural in recrutare Candidate of the month Info utile Revista Presei HR Manager of the month Atos is an international information technol- retention of human ogy services company with annual pro forma resources, revenue of Euro 8.5 billion and 74.000 ing employees in 48 countries. Serving a global with maximum effi- client base, it delivers hi-tech transactional ciency and creating services, consulting and technology services, an environment for systems integration and managed services. the In Romania, Atos has 340 employees in which three prosper. cities (Bucharest, Timisoara and its achiev- objectives employees they in can Brasov) and is aiming to grow to be a 1000+ employee company in the next 3 years. Camelia is a tenacious professional In her role as HR Manager, she is always with committed to being an HR Business Partner skills. She has the ability to manage several who understands the business and what is different tasks at once and has excellent needed from HR in order to ensure the organizational company can continuously meet good leadership abilities. and management Furthermore, she the has an approachable and compassionate challenges of its dynamic market place and nature, the ability to build good working deliver its promise to clients. As industries, relationships with and between employees, she worked in financial services, consultancy the ability to listen with empathy, respect and now, in IT services. people’s confidentiality and to act as a mediator. She is an optimistic person and Working in a service company, people are takes pride in creating a working environ- the ultimate key to success. Bearing this in ment which is cheerful. mind, Camelia’s HR objective for 2012 in Atos is to create & provide an attractive, Camelia is a self-taught individual, with a flexible continuous and market -based total desire to learn, she’s got compensation program tied to performance patience and good humor to complement her and aligned with share-holders interests. professional skills, and strongly believes in She strongly believes in the importance, as a the power to positively influence people company, to be competitive in recruiting and employees through retaining its high quality compensation practices. Equally important, she views compensation practices means communicating for as a company goals and standards of performance and for motivating and rewarding employees in relation to their achievements. In her previous role, Camelia successfully created and developed a new HR department with the goal development, of ensuring motivation and around her and to bring out the Business Experience: best in the people she touches! 9 years in Human Resources Management and 10 years in Office Management Camelia loves spending all her Field of Expertise: HR policies, Recruiting, Performance Management, Organizational Development, HR Consulting, Employee Relations, Change Management, Training, Teamwork, Budget, Compensation Structure Design. spare time with her 14 year old son and her husband, enjoys her friends’ company and does sport. “I would like to express my cerest THANK YOU to sinentire Kilpatrick team for providing me excellent and timely services, in both perspectives: as a candidate and as a client.” Camelia Ardelean – HR Manager – Atos IT Solution & Services 2 Romania’s Y Generation Following the European trend, the results of the 2011 population census show that the young population of Romania has been declining, mostly due to a negative birth rate and work/study migration. Performance-related payment reflecting personal market value; Go-getters, very ambitious, ready to go the extra mile for company’s success; Work loyalty as long as it brings new experiences and challenges – „wanderlust”; This April, the Romanian HR Club organized Diversity and multicultural savvy; a very interesting debate on behavioral Eco-awareness and positive impact on the differences between three generations (Baby Boomers, Generation X and Generation Y) at world; Networking by nature – team work is top their work place. The presentation went from motivation, to connect and to the characteristics of each generation to the Boss to be readily accessible. socialize; way they act at their work place, their expectations and the way they should each What these young people naturally expect at be managed. Mr. Zoltan Buzady, professor at their workplace is: the Central European University in Budapest, had a very interesting presentation. Independence; Learning and Development; It has been agreed by all participants that the Romanian Y Generation (late 80’s 2000’s) has the typical behavior of the global characteristics of this period (information source: Central European University Official WLB (work life balance) – no sacrifices, no compromises; Multiple approaches and pathways to excellence; Virtual and electronic relationships. Study by prof. ZoltanBuzady). What to sacrifice for a career? These are the people: After entering the job market, 4-5 years Born in the internet period and the children of Google; Open successful career and existence – time for for multiple career tracks simultaneously; Want to be sacrifices; Employers give them big workloads and consulted, need of independence; Flexible work force, use change for own advantage; Loyal to self and close relations, priority to private life over work life; Skill development is constant, proactively searches; are invested to build the foundations for a expect overtimes; Characterized by stress and no private life – but that is „part of the package”; When children are born, the price to pay is too high – new period of holding back; Result: implicit, psychological contract of more immediate returns by employers. Page 4 >>> 3 In conclusion young people in Romania are A qualitative analyses shows that, regarding driven and motivated through: the labor market, most young people, with no difference between the regions they live High expectations of self – they work faster and better than others; in, wish to work in order to sustain their financial independence. They all dream about High expectations of employers – they having a bachelor in a certain field and want fair and direct managers who are consider directly professional schools limits their employment engaged in the professional that closing down special opportunities. Young people also see their development; creative first job as a source with a decent salary, challenges and see their colleagues as meal tickets, phone, office car and after resources; hours payment. Ongoing learning – they seek out Immediate responsibility – they expect an More details about Romania’s socio-economic impact since day 1; Goal-oriented – they reach for small goals, deadline and build up ownership of tasks. and employment environment are available in th e TWI Romani a Romania - country Sociological studies show that the financial report, suitable and personalized for the expectations of young people in Romania are needs of companies willing to enter the beyond the economic reality. The major Romanian market. difference between the promises of the educational system and what happens within the labor market are de-motivating factors for young people and mislead their career. Laura Cruceru Practice Specialist & Marketing Officer Kilpatrick International Executive Search Bucharest 4 Candidatii si specificul cultural in recrutare Experienta intr-o companie multinationala faptul ca nu au absolut nici un fel de de recrutare vine cu marele avantaj al impli- problema in a-si comunica pachetul salarial carii in proiecte internationale. Anul acesta prezent impreuna cu toate beneficiile sale. am lucrat in proiecte de recrutare in Romania, Italia, Germania si Olanda fapt ce mi-a Cand vine vorba de deschiderea fata de oferit accesul la un mediu international oportunitatile extrem de divers si interesant. undeva la mijloc. Au o oarecare reticenta fata de de cariera, recruiteri mai romanii ales sunt cand sunt Proiectele de recrutare, desi in industrii abordati in timpul orelor de lucru dar sunt, diferite, au permis extragerea unor concluzii in general, interesati de motivul pentru care extrem de diferite legate de deschiderea sunt oamenilor, in general, fata de recruiteri si candidatii asemanarile si diferentele dintre candidatii contactul cu un headhunter si sunt deschisi din alte tari si noi, romanii. la discutii, dar discretia reprezinta un factor sunati. In cea romani mai mare considera un parte, avantaj foarte important in relatia cu un ei. In ceea Incepand cu Germania si Olanda, specific ce priveste asteptarile salariale, acestia au acestor care dezvoltat conceptia conform careia daca candidatii trateaza consultantii in recrutare. tari este emit o suma aceasta va ramane fixa oricat In aceste doua tari toti candidatii au refuzat de mult insista ca sunt deschisi la discutii. sa discute in timpul orelor de program si Este aproape o parere generala ca vor fi pentru fiecare in parte a fost nevoie de exclusi din procesul de recrutare daca sunt numeroase telefoane sau e-mail-uri pentru a peste buget si ca nu va lua nimeni in putea In considerare faptul ca este mai importanta Germania, mai ales, foarte multi candidati oportunitatea de cariera sau daca sunt mult refuza de la bun inceput orice invitatie la o sub buget nu vor avea nici o surpriza sub discutie cu privire la o oportunitate de forma unei oferte mai mari. ajunge in suspiciunea posesia unui cu CV. cariera. Insa, marele avantaj al recrutarii in aceasta tara este faptul ca cei care isi Este interesant de observat exprima interesul in a afla mai multe detalii asemanarile si diferentele dintre candidati despre oferta noastra se auto-evalueaza din tari diferite si cum difera perceptia foarte bine inainte de a oferi un feedback asupra legat de dorinta de a continua sau nu atitudinea procesul de recrutare. recrutare probabil cel mai bun candidat consultantilor candidatilor in care recrutare. in procesele sunt Din de pentru un headhunter ar fi cel care cunoaste In Italia, pe de alta parte, situatia este la fel de multe limbi straine ca un olandez, complet opusa celei din tarile nordice. Aici, se auto-evalueaza corect ca un german, marea majoritate a oamenilor sunt extrem este extrem de deschis cu privire la intreaga de deschisi discutiilor despre oportunitati de sa activitate ca un italian si perceptia relatiei cariera. Acestia doresc cel putin sa stie ce cu noi ca un avantaj in dezvoltarea carierei refuza inainte de a-si exprima dezinteresul ca un roman. pentru o pozitie sau alta. Interesant in cazul italienilor este faptul ca vad prin orice proces de recrutare o oportunitate sa Andra Campan relationeze, sa afle detalii despre piata si Practice Specialist sunt intotdeauna deschisi sa discute cu Kilpatrick International Executive Search persoane noi. Un alt aspect „inedit” este Bucharest 5 Candidate profile of the month Personal data: Name: G.C. Address: Bucharest, Romania Motivation: G. is very motivated by joining a multinational company with strong values. Her need to find a new job is given by the moving of the activity of her current employer in the Czech Republic. Recommendation: G. is a dedicated professional, having a steady career and an extensive experience in multiple areas such as HR, Legal and Business Administration. She holds a cross-functional position, being responsible of the company’s HR and administration activities, payroll, recruitment, collective dismissal etc. G. can cover a various pool of positions inside a company and for a mid-size one even act as an Administrator, having the necessary competencies of overseeing the performance of an entire company. Short summary of actual experience: G. started her career as GM Assistant at a very important company in the real estate industry, position in which she could use her French knowledge abilities. After one year, she applied for an HR Director position at a casino. There she took on all the employees’ contracts and the contracts for expats (over 300 employees). She managed all of payroll and also handled the recruitment (the casino had a big personnel fluctuation). Wishing to develop further, G. applied for an HR Analyst position within an important retail multinational company, where she spent the next 13 years. Being a good professional, always eager to develop, she was soon promoted as Chief of the HR & Business Administration Department. At that moment the company had in Romania multiple working stations with more than 150 employees. The company decided to sell the stations and only keep the Bucharest office. G. was the one who deal with everything the sale implied. In 2002 G was promoted to the HR/Legal/Business Administration senior manager position and was the legal representative of the company in Romania. Her responsibilities at this point covered: Recruitment, Staff management, communication and support, Payroll and administration, HRD and Training, Performance management, HR Legal Compliance/Reporting, Budgeting, Business - Legal Management and Business Administration. In 2009 - 2010, G.’s company went through another change, from a limited liability company status to being a branch office. G. was in charge of the business transfer (regarding contracts, employees transfer, fiscal changes and implementations). When the Group decided to have different lines of marketing for their products and had people responsible for each category, G. was the one who offered them the administrative support they needed. G. also implemented global processes. She initiated and was involved in a lot of important projects for her company: paperless project, cost buster project (which saved the company substantial amounts of money), The “Kid’s School” project. *If you would be interested in meeting our candidate please feel free to contact us to set a meeting. 6 Info utile Accidentul de traseu. Cand poate considerat accident de munca? fi Accidentul de traseu inregistrat ca accident de munca este in avantajul salariatului pentru ca face posibila plata concediului medical pentru incapacitate temporara de munca in perioada in care salariatul nu poate munci. Totusi, pentru a fi considerat accident de munca, accidentul de traseu trebuie sa indeplineasca mai multe conditii. Mai multe detalii aici. Desfiintarea unui post. Ce obligatii are angajatorul fata de salariat? unul sau mai multe motive fara legatura cu persoana acestuia, determina concedierea reglementata de art. 65 alin. 1 din Codul muncii. Tocmai pentru ca este exclusa culpa salariatului ar trebui sa se pastreze pentru obligatia de a-i unitate. Insa, in 2011, Inalta Curte de Casatie si Justitie a contrazis aceasta logica. Mai multe detalii aici. Concediile tratament de odihna contabil neefectuate: si fiscal Legislatia muncii stabileste ca orice salariat are dreptul, pe langa repausul zilnic si saptamanal, la un concediu de odihna anual platit, de minim 20 de zile lucratoare, care trebuie efectuat integral in fiecare an. Cum Desfiintarea postului ocupat de salariat, din angajator salariatului alte locuri de munca vacante din propune se inregistreaza, insa, in contabilitatea societatii indemnizatia de concediu datorata salariatilor care nu au beneficiat de toate zilele de odihna la care aveau dreptul? Aflam astazi de la specialistii Accace ce tratament contabil si fiscal au concediile de odihna neefectuate. Mai multe detalii aici. Revista Presei S-a spart gheaţa tranzacţiilor bancare. Un fond de investiţii asiatic a cumpărat Romexterra Bank după ce a fost „curăţată“ Fondul de investiţii PineBridge, care preluase pe piaţa locală acum doi ani AIG Fund, a cumpărat banca locală de talie mică MKB Romexterra, aflată în proces de rebranding în Nextebank, într-o tranzacţie evaluată între 20 şi 30 de milioane de euro, conform unor surse din piaţa bancară. Mai multe detalii aici. Alpha Bank said to sell 30% in Eastern European operations to EBRD Greek lender Alpha Bank, which is also present in Romania, is close to agreeing to sell 30 percent in its east European units to the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), according to Real News, quoted by Bloomberg. More details here. Top inedit al salariilor: cat castiga pe ora angajatii din Romania. Vezi unde se plateste cel mai bine ora de lucru Cat conteaza o zi in viata unui om? Dar o ora? Cum se masoara o ora? Pentru unii, o ora are o valoare mai mare, pentru altii, dimpotriva, mai redusa. Mai multe detalii aici. Companiile cu peste 1.000 de angajaţi ar putea fi obligate să raporteze impactul social şi de mediu Toate companiile europene cu peste 1.000 de angajaţi ar putea fi obligate, începând de anul viitor, să raporteze public impactul social şi de mediu, a declarat, marţi, Dragoş Dehelean, coordonatorul European CSR Lessons - eveniment ce a adus la Bucureşti companii din 10 ţări. Mai multe detalii aici. 7 BUCHAREST OFFICE Kilpatrick Executive Search Str. Andrei Muresanu 5, ap.3 Bucharest ROMANIA TIMISOARA OFFICE Kilpatrick Executive Search Str.Alba Iulia, 3 ap. 3 Timisoara ROMANIA MILAN OFFICE Kilpatrick Executive Search Europa 14, Milan 20122 ITALY AMSTERDAM OFFICE Kilpatrick Executive Search B.V Herengracht 574, Amsterdam 1017 CJ THE NETHERLANDS Contact: 8