Weekly Bulletin - St. Mary`s Romanian Orthodox Cathedral


Weekly Bulletin - St. Mary`s Romanian Orthodox Cathedral
St. Mary Romanian Orthodox Cathedral
A parish of the Romanian Orthodox Episcopate of America
Weekly Bulletin
Bulletin Sponsor:
3256 Warren Road Cleveland, Ohio 44111
Phone: (216) 941-5550 Office - Fax: (216) 941-3068
E-mail: st.mary.cathedral@sbcglobal.net - www.smroc.org
Very Rev. Dr. Remus Grama, Parish Priest
Rev. Fr. Deacon Nick Neagoe; Subdeacon Florin Bica
In loving memory
of Cicerone Zamfir.
Dumnezeu sa-l ierte si sa-l
Forever in our hearts.
November 11th, 2012
Wednesday, Nov. 14th
7 pm Parish Council Meeting
NO. 46
25th Sunday after Pentecost (Parable of the Good Samaritan)
8:30 A.M. Matins (Utrenia); Tone 6, Mat. Gospel 1
9:30 A.M. Divine Liturgy (Sf. Liturghie)
Tuesday, Nov. 13th
Epistle: Ephesians 4:1-7
7-8:30 pm Spiritual Encounters
Gospel: Luke 10:25-37
Seara Duhovniceasca
Int. Choir Director
Betty Catana
Ovidiu Vatamanu
Head Altar Boy
Andrew George Popa
Stefan Spanu
I was wondering why we fast before Nativity. The Lenten
fast seems more obvious. Also, from what foods do we
normally fast from during the Nativity fast?
We fast before the Great Feast of the Nativity in order to
prepare ourselves for the celebration of Our Lord's birth.
As in the case of Great Lent, the Nativity Fast is one of
preparation, during which we focus on the coming of the
Savior by fasting, prayer, and almsgiving.
By fasting, we "shift our focus" from ourselves to others,
spending less time worrying about what to eat, when to
eat, how much to eat, and so on in order to use our time
in increased prayer and caring for the poor. We learn
through fasting that we can gain control over things which
we sometimes allow to control us -- and for many people,
food is a controlling factor. [We live in the only society in
which an entire TV network is devoted to food!] While
fasting from food, however, we are also challenged to fast
from sin, from gossip, from jealousy, from anger, and from
those other things which, while well within our control, we
all too often allow to control us.
Altar Boys
Andrew George Popa, Christopher Oancea
Nicholas-Jason Oita.
Just as we would refrain from eating a lot before going to
an expensive restaurant for dinner -- if we "ruin our
appetite" we will enjoy the restaurant less -- so too we fast
before the Nativity in order to more fully feast and
celebrate on the Nativity itself.
During the Nativity Fast, we are called upon to refrain
from meat, dairy, fish, wine, and olive oil. At the same
time, we are challenged, within this framework, to fast to
the best of our ability, and to do so consistently. If we
must modify the extent to which we fast within this
framework, it is of course possible, but in every instance
our fasting should be consistent and regular, for Christ
does not see fasting as an option, but as a "must." In
Matthew Christ says, "WHEN you fast, do not be like the
hypocrites," not "IF you fast" or "IF YOU CHOOSE to fast."
Finally, it seems quite odd that in our society -- a society in
which people gladly and freely spend huge sums of money
for diets, most of which recommend that one refrain from
red meats and dairy products -- fasting is not more widely
embraced. How odd that a Jenny Craig consultant or diet
guru or physician will tell us to refrain from eating meat or
cheese or butter and we will gladly embrace -- and pay
large sums of money for -- his or her advice, while when
the Church offers the same advice [at "no cost"] we tend
to balk, as if we were being asked to do the impossible.
SUN., Nov. 11th: 8:30 am Matins; 9:30 am Div. Liturgy;
Parastas: Zamfir, Constantinidis
Tue., Nov. 13th: All American Council, Parma, OH
7-8:30 pm Spiritual Encounters (Seara Duhovniceasca)
Wed., Nov. 14th: Beginning of Nativity Fast
7 pm Parish Council meeting
Thu., Nov. 15th: Golden Agers; 6:30 pm Holy Unction at
Bunavestire Romanian Orthodox Cathedral, Rocky River.
Sat., Nov. 17th: 1:30 pm AROY Retreat
5 pm Vespers & Confessions
Rozalia Buta IM sotului meu drag, Toma, si a neuitatilor parinti
Toma, Eva, Iosif, Maria. Dumnezeu sa-i ierte!
SUN., Nov. 18th: 8:30 am Matins; 9:30 am Div. Liturgy;
Charity Collection
Mon., Nov. 19th: Visitations of the elderly & sick
Tue., Nov. 20th: Visitations of the elderly & sick
Wed., Nov. 21st: Entrance of the Birthgiver of God in the
Temple; 9 am Div. Liturgy
Thu., Nov. 22nd: Thanksgiving Day; Office Closed
Fri., Nov. 23rd: Office Closed
Sat., Nov. 24th: No Vespers
Irina Oster IM celor decedati din familie; pentru sanatatea familiei.
Betty Galbincea
Eugenia Monroe
Sylvia Cantor
Virginia Bancioiu
Nursing Home
Manor Care
Falling Water
Rae-Ann Suburban (Rehabilitation Center)
Main Street Care
Assisted Living
Helene Sillia
Aurelia Siara
Betty Ghidiu
Ernest Pivato
East Park
Next Week Altar Boys (Nov. 18th): Brandon & Zachary Davis,
Robert & Alex Stan
Afrodita, Irina, Magdalena & Sophia IM parintilor Victor şi Paula
Cornelia Bicescu in memory of Ovidius Bicescu.
Ana Popa IM sotului meu Traian Popa.
Antoniu IMO Lucia Ilias & Arhimandrit Teofil Paraian. (2)
John Biliboaca IMO Olimpia Biliboaca, Maria Buta, Costel Ghiban.
Petrescu IM Constantin Draganoiu.
Carl K. Nystrom IMO Judy Khoury's mother; for special intentions
for grandson George in the army.
Draganoiu fam. IMO beloved mother & grandmother Zamfira
Draganoiu, 10th anniversay since she was called home by God!
Paula Ciobota IM parintilor Lucia si Stefan si a bunicii Anica (3)
Valentine & Angela Cosntantinidis IMO uncle Victor Constantinidis.
Maria Tent IM sotului meu drag Virgil, a parintilor nostrii si a
surorii mele. Primeste-i Doamne intru imparatia Ta si aseaza-i cu
dreptii Tai.
Lucian Fogoros in memoria bunicii & tatalui.
Rozalia Buta IM prietenilor nostrii Mihail & Felicia Ionescu, Mike,
Helen Cretu si fiicele Mary Ann & Cindy.
Natalia Scarlat IM fiicei mele Brindusa, 4 ani de cand a plecat
dintre noi. Somn dulce; IMO Judy's mother, mary. Sleep in peace!(2)
Memory Eternal! Vesnica Pomenire!
Marcel and Eleonora Alexandru pentru sanatatea noastra, a
copiilor si a nepoatei Stefania.
Dumitru & Paraschiva Vasu-fam. for the good health of our family
& God's blessings.
Fam. Paraian Nicolae & Maria IMO parintilor nostrii Nicolae, Ana
Paraian & Zaharia, Elena Parau.
Elena si Petre Graur pentru sanatatea noastra si a copiilor Diana si
Ionut, Bogdan si Gianina, Iulia si Mike si Landon-Alexandru.
Draganoiu , Schneider & Pod families IMO beloved & missed
Zamfira Draganoiu, mother, mother-in-law & grandmother who
paseed away 10 yrs. ago on 11-9-2002.
Carmen Despa for special intentions & good health.
Memory Eternal! Vesnica Pomenire!
Lavinia Cozmin for the good health of brother Horia Dascalescu.
Gabriela & Mihai -ajutor de la Bunul Dumnezeu de ziua numelui.
George & Ana Mohan IM Iosif Turc; Bunul Dumnezeu sa-l
odihneasca si sa-i ierte pacatele.
Cerasela Ciula IMO my beloved mom, Viorica.
In memory of Emil Peicu.
Constantinidis Family IMO parents Victor & Paula, Cicerone
Zamfir, Mary Khoury. (3)
Memory Eternal! Vesnica Pomenire!
George & Ana Mohan pentru sanatatea nepoatei Loren. Bunul
Dumnezeu sa-i dea multa sanatate, spor la scoala si in toate
activitatile, de ziua ei de nastere.
Marcela Buidan-multumim Bunului Dumnezeu pentru sanatate.
Gabriela Pentru sanatate, ajutor si multumire.
Paula & Florin pentru sanatatea copilului nenascut.
Angela Voiculescu - God please look over my daughter Sonia.
Elena Biliboaca for the good health of the family & special
Lucica Fogoros pentru sanatate si ajutor de la Dumnezeu noua si
familiilor copiilor din Romania.
Ron & Faith Studeny for the good health of granddaughter Alina &
grandsons Andrew & Theodore.
Aurelia Popa pentru sanatate.
Paula Ciobota pentru sanatatea nepoatei Carmen Despa si ajutor
de la bunul Dumnezeu.
Mama Maria Tent - binecuvanteaza Doamne pe copii mei dragi
Virgil si Marius impreuna cu familiile lor, cu mult har si indurare
de la Tine si nu-i parasi niciodata.
Frank Krempasky for the good health of my four parents and my
wife Violet.
Violet & Frank Krempasky for the good health of our parents
Constantin & Virginia Bancioiu.
Rozalia Buta in onoarea nepotului Mihail la ziua numelui. La multi
ani cu sanatate.
Cleveland AROY
Saturday, November 17
Time: 1:30 pm
Among the topics to be discussed:
Being in Christ; Sunday: My Day or the Day of the
Lord; Receiving Christ in Eucharist; Being an
Orthodox in a Pluralistic Society.
Moral issues:
Chastity or promiscuity; Abortion; Handling peer
pressure; Making the right decisions and growing in
Buy our
Saint Mary
Christmas Card!
Presentation and moderation by
10 bi-lingual cards per
package, $15
Payable to: Saint Mary
Where: AROY Room
Felicitări de
în limba Română şi
10 felicitări, $15
Cecul se va scrie pentru:
Saint Mary Book Store
Father Remus Grama
We will close the day with Vespers and Confessions.
Property Clean Up Following Hurricane
We would like to thank Emil Pora Sr. and Emil Pora
Jr. who volunteered to remove five trees pulled out
by the high winds of the recent hurricane. There is
much work on the property at this time and
volunteers are always welcome. Once again, thank
you to Pora family!
„Saint Nicholas” Romanian Orthodox
Parish: 100th Anniversary
Our sister parish of Alliance observed this past
weekend its first century of existence. Father and Psa Panteleimon Stanciu and their parishioners
greeted H. E., Archbishop Nathaniel and H.G.
Bishop Mark of Baltimore (OCA) with bread and salt,
a Romanian symbol of hospitality. Beside the holy
hierarchs, the Memorial service for the founders, as
well as Great Vespers were concelebrated by the
local Priest and Dean, father Stanciu and V. Rev.
Fathers: Igoumen Calinic (Hermitage), George Treff
(Canton), Remus Grama (Cleveland), Ian Pac-Urar
(Akron). A festive dinner and artistic program
followed in the fellowship hall.
Donations for Cici Zamfir
This Sunday, our parish offers a Parastas for the soul
of Cici Zamfir. His friends from the Dacia Soccer
team are offering the meal. Many parishioners
intend to make a donation so that we could place a
marker at his grave. We need about $1,000. All
donations should be directed to St. Mary’s.
Parish Council Meeting
Wed. November 14 at 7 PM
Nativity Fast Begins
Thursday November 15 we begin the Christmas
Fast. This Lenten time is less restrictive than Great
Lent, including many dispensations to fish. However,
it is a time of preparation for the Birth of our Savior
through fasting and prayer. Organizations and
individuals are reminded to refrain from scheduling
parties during this time. According to our Church’s
teaching Christmas parties in lent are not
appropriate. We recommend that such parties
should be scheduled on or after the event.
AROY Spiritual Retreat
Archbishop Nathaniel admires the cultural display on stage
The celebration was crowned with the Divine Liturgy
on Sunday and the anniversary banquet. We wish
Father Stanciu and all our friends from Alliance a
renewed and fruitful mission!
Saturday, Nov. 17, at 1:30 our parish youth will
come together with Father Grama to discuss Youth
Faith Issues. At the end, we will have Confessions
and pray the evening service. Invite your friends and
come. No age limitation. No fee.
All-American Orthodox Council (OCA)
Memorial Saturday / Moşii de Toamnă
A week before the beginning
of Nativity Fast we remember
(Romanian: moşii) who have
fallen asleep in the faith.
Many families attended the
service and brought the
baskets with
coliva, bread, wine and
candle. The founders of the
church and our hierarchs and parish clergy were
mentioned in prayers together with all the dyptics
brought by the faithful.
The legislative body of the OCA will meet on Nov. 13
at Holy Trinity Church, Parma, to elect a new
Primate Metropolitan. In the interim period, our
Archbishop Nathaniel has served as locum tenens
for the office of the Metropolitan. Our parish will be
represented by Father Remus Grama and Pauline
Congratulations, Newly Baptized!
Sofia Maria daughter of Sorin & Amalia Stoica
was baptized in our church Saturday, November
3rd, 2012. Nasii: Sorin & Ileana Muntean. La
Multi Ani!
Orthodox News:
Orthodoxy in Ireland is Growing
According to Locasuri Ortodoxe over 45,000 people
declared themselves to be Orthodox Christians in
Ireland, twice the reported numbers of the 2006 Census.
The Last Persecution of the Orthodox
Church will be featured in an extraordinary exhibition
organized, between Nov. 8 – Dec. 9, by the National
Russian Museum of Contemporary History in Moscow
and St. Tikhon University. The exhibition will have nine
rooms and it will display testimonies of the martyrdom
of the Church at the hands of the atheist government.
The true proportions of this, last century persecution,
are only known to God.
Religious Bookstore News
 Christmas Cards, with Romanian and English text,
illustrated by Sandra Anderson with the image of our
church are now available in the bookstore.
 Psaltirea with large print - $25 donation
 Bibles (English and Romanian), Prayer Books and
icons, which make a perfect Christmas gift are also
available. Please, visit us!
Shut Ins Pastoral Visitations
From November 19 to December 11, Father Remus
Grama will do pastoral visitations to the elderly
members who are unable to come to church. Every
year, before Christmas and Holy Pascha he visits
brings Holy Communion to our faithful. If you do not
have diabetes, when scheduled, please follow the
traditional way of preparing yourself through strict
fasting. If you know of any Orthodox faithful who
needs to receive Holy Communion and is not able to
come to church, please call Father at 216-941-5550.
Saint George Cathedral, Southfield, MI
Nathaniel, V. Rev. Fr. and P-sa
Laurence Lazar, Dean of the
Cathedral, the assisting and
attached clergy, and to the
parishioners of the Episcopate’s
Cathedral, who will celebrate
information and details, please click: www.sgroc.org
His Grace Bishop IRINEU, at 10th Anniversary
The Greater Cleveland Council of Orthodox Clergy will
mark the beginning of Nativity Fast with a Holy Unction
Service at Buna Vestire Romanian Orthodox Cathedral in
Rocky River, Thursday, November 15, 6:30 pm.
Museum Visitors
Our museum was visited this week by six visitors from
Florida and Romania. Father Grama offered the tour.
Ladies Auxiliary – Thank You Note
Many thanks to the following ladies who helped on
Sunday, Nov. 4th , for making & selling Langosi
(Elephant Ears): M. Bartan, E. Biliboaca, M.
Diaconu, E. Graur, N. Klein, T. Minzat, E. Muntean,
C. Muresan, F. Petre & M. Tent.
Again, we appreciate the support from all
parishioners who purchased our Langosi.
Valentina Cristescu,
St. Mary Ladies Auxiliary President
Our Auxiliary Bishop, His Grace Irineu, observed this
last weekend his 10th anniversary of his ordination
to episcopacy. On this occasion, we send His Grace
our wishes for health and a blessed arch pastorate!
Many Years, Master!
When You Are a Member…
…of the local Church, you are also supporting the
Episcopate and Church at large. Have you kept up
your membership this year? If not, please, do it
now. This helps our parish continue its service.
Thank you!
Thank You Note from Florida.....I would like to
thank Fr. Grama and St. Mary's faithful for their
prayers, calls and expressions of encouragement
while I was hospitalized. I also keep my home
church in my daily prayers. May God bless all of you!
Draga Trifu
40 de capete ale Maicii Gavrilia
1. Orice loc poate deveni locul
Invierii. Este de-ajuns sa traiesti
smerenia lui Hristos.
2. Nu o cunoastere pe care s-o
dobandesti, ci o cunoastere pe
care s-o patimesti – asta-i
spiritualitatea ortodoxa.
3. Exista o singura educatie: sa
4. Mai bine iadul aici decat in
lumea cealalta.
5. Nu-i important ceea ce zicem, ci ceea ce traim. Nu
ceea ce facem, ci ceea ce suntem.
6. Daca ai dragoste pentru intreaga lume, atunci intreaga
lume e frumoasa.
7. Cel cel ce iubeste nu baga de seama c-o face, asa cum
nu baga de seama nici ca respira.
8. Cand mintea nu este risipita in lucruri lumesti si este
unita cu Dumnezeu, atunci si un “Buna ziua” pe care il
zicem devine o binecuvantare.
9. Doar cand cineva inceteaza sa mai citeasca alte carti
in afara Evangheliei [in general a cartilor duhovnicesti,
probabil, n.n.] incepe sa sporeasca launtric cu adevarat.
Doar atunci, unit cu Dumnezeu prin Rugaciune, poate
auzi voia lui Dumnezeu.
10. Adesea Dumnezeu nu doreste fapta, ci intentia. E de
ajuns sa vada ca esti gata sa-I implinesti porunca.
11. Cand Dumnezeu ne-a facut, ne-a dat viata si a suflat
in noi Duhul Sau. Duhul acesta este Dragoste. Cand nu
avem dragoste, devenim cadavre si suntem cu totul
12. Nu-ti dori nimic altceva decat voia lui Dumnezeu si
primeste cu dragoste relele care vin asupra ta.
13. Sa nu raspunzi cuiva cu raul pe care ti l-a facut, ci
vezi-L pe Hristos in inima lui.
14. Sa nu spui niciodata: “De ce mi s-a intamplat asta?”
Sau cand vezi pe cineva cu cangrena sau cancer sau orb,
sa nu te intrebi “De ce li s-a intamplat asta?“ Cere-i lui
Dumnezeu sa-ti arate celalalt mal al raului. Atunci vei
vedea, impreuna cu ingerii cum stau lucrurile: toate sunt
dupa randuiala lui Dumnezeu. Toate!
15. Daca ai ganduri de judecata impotriva altcuiva, cereI lui Dumnezeu sa se ingrijeasca de tine in acel ceas, ca
sa-l poti iubi pe acel om asa cum il iubeste El. Atunci
Dumnezeu te va ajuta sa-ti vezi starea. Daca L-ai vedea
pe Hristos, ai mai judeca?
16. Tot ce spunem ramane in vesnicie.
17. Cand avem nevoie, Dumnezeu ne va trimite pe
cineva. Toti suntem impreuna-calatori.
18. Cei ce traiesc in trecut sunt ca morti. Cei ce traiesc
in viitor, in inchipuirile lor, sunt naivi, pentru ca viitorul
e doar al lui Dumnezeu. Bucuria lui Hristos se gaseste
doar in clipa de fata, in Prezentul vesnic al lui
19. Mai bine sa rostesti Rugaciunea lui Iisus cu glas
tare, decat deloc.
20. Tulburarea si grija sunt pentru cei ce n-au credinta.
21. Dragostea este doar pe Cruce.
22. Asa cum Dumnezeu te iubeste pe tine, il iubeste si
pe dusmanul tau.
23. Ar trebui sa facem in asa fel incat sa traim in lume
ca uleiul si apa dintr-o candela, care nu se amesteca si
altfel sunt intru si pentru Dumnezeu: in lume, sau nu din
24. Toti suntem vase, uneori ale Luminii, alteori ale
25. Ca sa se savarseasca o minune, e deajuns sa iubim.
Nici rugaciunea, nici metania n-au asa putere!
26. Experienta m-a invatat ca nimeni nu poate ajuta pe
nimeni, oricat de mult si-ar dori, din dragoste, s-o faca.
Singurul ajutor vine doar de la Dumnezeu, cand e
vremea Sa.
27. Daca-L avem pururea pe Dumnezeu in minte, si
Dumnezeu ne are pururea in minte.
28. Nu trebuie sa hotaram pentru altii. Sa-i lasam in
seama ingerilor si vor gasi cea mai buna solutie.
29. Cand vorbim si cineva ne intrerupe, sa nu
continuam. Inseamna ca nu va auzi ce avem de spus.
Ingerii fac asa.
30. Tot ce ni se intampla este doar din vina noastra.
31. In fiecare dimineata, deschide o pagina noua si
iscaleste-o in alb. Si lasa-L pe Dumnezeu sa scrie ce
32. De nu vei ajunge in pragul deznadejdii, nu vei vedea
nicicand Lumina.
33. Precum Simon Kirineanul, sa fim gata sa sarim in
ajutorul aproapelui nostru.
34. Singura bucurie adevarata este eliberarea de grija.
35. Cea mai puternica rugaciune este Epicleza
(pogorarea Sfantului Duh) de la Dumnezeiasca
36. Dragostea este o bomba care nimiceste tot raul.
37. Unii vor sa ajunga la Inviere fara sa treaca pe calea
38. Zi si noapte binecuvanta-vom pe Domnul pentru
darurile ce ni le da!
39. Putine cuvinte, multa dragoste. Pentru toti. Oricine
ar fi ei.
40. Cea mai mare parte a rugaciunii mele este de
multumire. Ce altceva sa cer, daca am totul?
Prezentare si traducere de Radu Hagiu
(din: Familia Ortodoxa nr. 3 (38)/2012)
Christmas Caroling In Our
Nativity Community Card!
For many years, the publishing of a community Card
prior to Christmas became a tradition. To spare your
efforts and time, and at the same time give you another
reason to support the parish, once again, we will print a
Parish Nativity Community Card. If you wish to send
just ONE card to ALL your friends in the parish, please,
fill the form below. If you return it with your donation, by
December 9, your name will be listed in the card. This
will be included in our festive Christmas Bulletin. Thank
you for your support!
NOTE: Please, bring or mail the form below, along with
your donation to: St. Mary Cathedral, 3256 Warren Road,
Cleveland, Ohio 44111.
Thank you!
Christmas Card Form, 2012
Name: ________________________________
Donation: $_________
Felicitarea de Crăciun
De mulţi ani, publicarea unei felicitari parohiale de
Nasterea Domnului a devenit o tradiţie în parohia noastră.
Spre a vă scuti efort şi timp, atunci când fiecare este
extrem de preocupat cu pregătirile de sărbători, vă
invităm să folosiţi această Felicitare comună spre a vă
bucura prietenii. Deci, dacă doriţi să trimiteţi O Singură
felicitare Tuturor crestinilor din parohie, vă rugăm sa
completaţi forma de mai jos.
Every year we are organizing groups of
carolers to visit our parishioners. All
donations go to the church. We invite all
our members to volunteer and participate
in this joyful activity. Caroling start at 4 pm on Sunday,
December 23. Our carolers will attempt to visit you only
if you call and let us know that they are invited.
For any questions or if you want to be one of the carolers,
please call our office: 216-941-5550 or e-mail:
Traditia colindatului in parohia noastra
In fiecare an organizam grupe de colindatori care ii
colinda pe credinciosii nostri. Toate donatiile merg la
biserica. Ii invitam pe toti crestinii nostri sa continue
aceasta traditie straveche si sa mearga la colindat. Se vor
forma mai multe grupuri care vor pleca la colindat
Duminica, 23 decembrie la ora 4 pm. Colindatorii va
vor vizita doar daca sunati la biroul parohial si va
exprimati dorinta aceasta. Pentru mai multe informatii sau
daca doriti sa participati ca si colindatori va rugam sa
sunati la 216-941-550 sau e-mail:
The 20th Annual
Pan-Orthodox Nativity Concert
DECEMBER 9, 2012, 5:00 PM
Dacă o veţi trimite la biroul parohial, până în 9
Decembrie, numele Dvs. va fi inclus în Felicitarea
Parohiei, care va aparea în numărul festiv de Crăciun al
Buletinului. Vă mulţumim pentru sprijin şi aşteptăm
răspunsul Dvs.!
NOTĂ: Vă rugăm să aduceţi această Forma de mai jos la
biserică sau să o expediaţi prin poştă la:
St. Mary Cathedral, 3256 Warren Rd., Cleveland, Ohio
Vă mulţumim!
Felicitarea de Crăciun 2012
Donaţia mea $_________
Host Parish:
St. Mary Romanian Orthodox Cathedral
3256 Warren Rd., Cleveland, Ohio
216-941-5550; www.smroc.org
All proceeds go to local Orthodox charities
St. Mary Romanian Orthodox Cathedral, 3256 Warren Rd., Cleveland, OH 44111
St. Mary’s Ladies Auxiliary
Cozonac/Colac - Homemade, freshly baked, filled with nuts & raisins.
Size - regular, 8/4 inches.
Can be frozen for two(2) months. ORDER DEADLINE – Friday, December 7th, 2012.
Please complete the order from below, and mail it or bring it to the Epitrope’s office on
with your payment made to the St. Mary’s Ladies Auxiliary.
Thank You
NAME _________________________________________ PHONE # _________________
Paid CASH ___________ CHECK _________ Made to the St. Mary’s Ladies Auxiliary
Cozonac/Colac, Regular Size With Nut
Cozonac, Reg. Size With Nut & Raisins
Icre (Caviar)
$ 10.00
$ 10.00
$ 4.00
Ordered items should be picked up on Sunday, December 16, after Divine Liturgy.
For questions or more information please call: Dorina Popa at 440-572-5263
REMEMBER to pick up ______ items on Sunday, December 16, after Divine Liturgy.
Social Hall - St. Mary Romanian Orthodox Cathedral, 3256 Warren Rd., Cleveland, OH 44111
3256 Warren Rd., Cleveland, Ohio, 44111, st.mary.cathedral@sbcglobal.net; (216) 941-5550
Traditional homemade Romanian Foods
Premium Wines, Beer & Champagne
Mâncare tradiţională românească
Vinuri romamesti, Bere si Sampanie
Appetizers - 6:00 P.M.
Delicious hors d'oeuvres: Canadian bacon, cheese, smoked
ham, smoked turkey, olives, vegetables and dip, piftie,
caviar, boeuf salad, French baguettes and assorted
Aperitive - 6 P.M.
Gustări delicioase: muşchiuleţ afumat, brânzeturi, suncă
afumată, curcan afumat, măsline, legume crude cu sos,
piftie, icre, salată de boeuf, baghete franţuzeşti, biscuiţi
Well known singer coming from Romania
for this occasion only:
Cunoscutul interpret de muzică,
Daniel Rosalim
care vine din România pentru acest
Dinner – 8:30 P.M.
Daniel Rosalim
Servirea Mesei: 8:30 P.M.
Pork tender loin with mushroom sauce, smoked sausage,
stuffed cabbage, pasta penne, cabbage salad with
tomatoes, mashed potatoes, assorted steamed vegetables,
pickles, freshly baked bread, sour meatball soup (after
Muşchiuleţ de porc cu sos de ciuperci, cârnaţi afumaţi,
sarmale, penne pasta, salată de varză şi roşii, piure de
cartofi, legume la aburi, castraveţi muraţi, pâine proaspătă.
ciorbă de perişoare (după miezul nopţii)
Dessert: Napoleon cake & coffee
Desert: Prajitura Napoleon si cafea
The Menu & ALL Beverages are included in ticket price!
$80 per adult, $ 35 per child, age 14 and
younger (children 17 & under
must be accompanied by an adult)
$100 - best male dancer & $100 - best
female dancer
Meniul şi Bauturile sunt incluse în preţ!
$80 pentru adulţi şi $35 pentru copiii de la
14 ani in jos (Copiii sub 17 ani
trebuie insoţiţi de un adult)
$100 pentru cel mai bun dansator si $100
pentru cea mai buna dansatoare
Pentru rezervări sunaţi la:
Vasile Peicu at 216-240-3299
Vasile Peicu 216-240-3299
Last date for reservations:
Ultima zi pentru rezervări
şi plata biletelor:
Tuesday, December 23rd
Marţi, 23 Decembrie
Dear Father,
Please accept my Christmas gift for the church, in
honor of the Birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus
Draga Parinte,
Va rog sa acceptati donatia mea de Craciun, pentru
marirea Domnului nostru Iisus Hristos, dupa cum
Christmas Donation
Donatie pentru Craciun
Christmas Poinsettia
Donatie pentru Poinsettia
Community Christmas Card
Felicitarea Comunitara de Craciun
Caritate (Milostenie)
Christmas Tree (s) for Church
Pomi de Craciun
Alte Donatii
Total $________________
Total $____________
Your gift of love will be credited to your
church account and published in the parish
Donatia Dvs. se va publica in Buletinul
saptamanal al parohiei.
May the Lord bless you and keep you in
His loving care! Happy Holy Days!
Dumnezeu să vă binecuvânteze.Sărbători