February 28, 2016
February 28, 2016
A Pennsylvania Charitable Trust THE THIRD SUNDAY OF LENT FEBRUARY 28, 2016 MASS SCHEDULE Weekend Weekday - Saturday: 5:00 pm (Vigil) - Sunday: 7:30 and 10:30 am, 12:15 pm & 4:00 pm - Monday thru Friday: 7:00 am - Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday : 8:30 am - Wednesday: 9:00 am - Saturday: 7:30 am RECONCILIATION Saturday: 11:30 am to 12:30 pm and by request EUCHARISTIC ADORATION First Tuesday of each month Exposition at 12 noon & Benediction at 6:30 pm COMMUNION CALLS Any homebound member or shut-in may receive Holy Communion in their home. A Eucharistic Minister, Deacon or Priest will visit. MARRIAGE PREPARATION It is necessary to contact a priest 6 months before the Date of marriage. Pre-marriage preparation is also required for the Sacrament of Marriage. “I AM” Kindness and mercy are what the enslaved people of Israel needed, and they came in the form of deliverance. They came through a leader, Moses, who was once plucked from the Nile River and was now herding his father-in-law’s sheep in the land of Goshen. The bush that burned but was not consumed shows us that God is inexhaustible mystery. Moses’ awe and deference are mixed with a touching conversational tone as he seeks to learn God’s name. And God sweetly responds. The somewhat abstract “I AM” distinguishes the God of Abraham and Isaac and Jacob from the minor gods in the territory who “are not.” They are helpless, powerless, and useless. Moses is to step out into an amazing future, and God will be there with outstretched arm. Just go and see, God seems to say. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. 317 West Pike Street Canonsburg, PA 15317 E-mail: stpatparish@verizon.net Website: www.stpatrickparish.net Phone: 724.745.6560 Fax: 724.746.1112 THE THIRD SUNDAY OF LENT PAGE TWO MY SACRIFICIAL LENTEN GIFT STEWARDSHIP REPORT February 21, 2016 The First Sunday of Lent 40 CANS OF FOOD FOR 40 DAYS OF LENT Week 2 314 cans = Total 543!! Help fight hunger by planning to give at least 40 cans of food during this coming Lent season. We, the Knights of Columbus, Council 3291, are asking that parishioners and members of the parish community contribute at least one can of food for each of the 40 days of Lent, continuing until Monday, March 28th, cans of food are to be deposited at the main entrance of the church off of Pike Street and at the entrance off of the school parking lot. Each Sunday after the 4:00 pm Mass, the can goods will be gathered and stored for later distribution to St. Patrick’s Food Pantry and the Family Promise Program. Our goal this Lenten Season is to collect at least 1,000 cans of food. We must caution each of you that the cans of food must be useable, meaning that the expiration date must be in the year 2016 or later. Anything that is not current will be discarded. Any questions may be directed to Albert Dascenzo, K of C Chairperson, at 724-745-1445. BAKED GOODS FOR FISH FRY NEEDED! It is that time of the year for our Annual Lenten Fish Fry. Baked goods are needed for dinners and take-outs every Friday until March 18. We are asking parishioners to please bake cakes, pies and brownies. All baked goods can be dropped off at the cafeteria on Thursday evenings or Fish Fry Fridays by 4:00 pm. FISH FRY 50/50 WINNER! Congratulations to Ralph McGee who won $240.00… thank you to everyone who purchased a ticket! ST. PATRICK CEMETERY SPRING CLEANING Just a reminder that all the decorations will be removed from the graves in St. Patrick Cemetery the first week of March, weather permitting. Please remove the decorations you wish to save by March 1. Thank you. PARENTING & PREGNANCY SUPPORT Catholic Charities Pregnancy Resource Center Crisis Pregnancy Genesis 724.228.7722 1.844.247.0121 1.888.543.3243 Envelopes .......................................................$13,421.00 Children’s Envelopes ..........................................$57.00 Loose Cash and Coin ........................................$929.54 St. Patrick School................................................ $72.00 Parish Total ................................................. $14,479.54 Weekly Budgeted Expenses …………….... $16,160.19 St. Vincent de Paul (W eekly) ......................... $635.00 Canonsburg-Houston Ministerium ............ $1,038.96 Parish Share Assessment for 2015 Assessment for 2015 .................................. $156,661.00 Amount paid to date ...................................... $93,720.90 Christmas Charities Collection (Applied to 2015 PSP) .... $5,508.12 St. Anthony School (Applied to 2015 PSP) ................... $2,454.00 Balance due February 27, 2016 ........................ $54,969.98 SECOND COLLECTION The second collection on the weekend of March 6 will be for the Catholic Campaign for Human Development. DATES TO REMEMBER Feb 29 - RCIA - “Christian Moral Living”: 7:00 pm (Center) Mar 1 - Benediction w/Lenten Vespers: 6:30 pm (Church) Mar 2 - Christian Mother’s Mtg: 7 pm (Café) Mar 3 - Baptism Preparation Class: 7:00 pm (Rectory) Mar 4 - Fish-Fry Lunch: 11 am - 1 pm (Cafeteria) Mar 4 - Stations of the Cross: 2:10 pm (Church) Mar 4 - Fish-Fry Dinner: 4 pm - 7 pm (Cafeteria) Mar 4 - Stations of the Cross: 7:30 pm (Church) Mar 8 - Parent Mtg. for Confirmation: 7:00 pm (Cafeteria) Mar 8 - Eucharistic Adoration: 12:00 noon Exposition, Adoration until 6:30 pm Benediction with Sung Lenten Vespers Mar 9 - “Leave The Light On”: 6:00 - 9:00 pm (Church) Mar 10 - Knights of Columbus #3291: 7:00 pm (KoC Hall) Mar 16 - Catholic Men’s Club Mtg: 6:30 pm r efr eshments with meeting beginning at 7:00 pm (KoC Hall) EUCHARISTIC ADORATION There will be an opportunity for parishioners to spend time in Eucharistic Adoration on Tuesday, March 1, 2016. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament will begin at 12:00 noon and continue until Benediction with Sung Lenten Vespers, which will be held at 6:30 pm. SAINT PATRICK PARISH CANONSBURG, PENNSYLVANIA FEBRUARY 28, 2016 PAGE THREE ST. PATRICK MASS INTENTIONS WEEKLY READINGS Monday: Tuesday: 2 Kgs 5:1-15ab; Ps 42:2, 3; 43:3, 4; Lk 4:24-30 Dn 3:25, 34-43; Ps 25:4-5ab, 6, 7bc, 8-9; Mt 18:21-35 Dt 4:1, 5-9; Ps 147:12-13, 15-16, 19-20; Mt 5:17-19 Jer 7:23-28; Ps 95:1-2, 6-9; Lk 11:14-23 Hos 14:2-10; Ps 81:6c-11ab, 14, 17; Mk 12:28-34 Hos 6:1-6; Ps 51:3-4, 18-21ab; Lk 18:9-14 Jos 5:9a, 10-12; Ps 34:2-7; 2 Cor 5:17-21; Lk 15:1-3, 11-32 Alternate readings (Year A): 1 Sm 16:1b, 6-7, 10-13a; Ps 23:1-6; Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: HOME WITH CHRIST Remember and welcome into your Kingdom O Lord, Alfred Kochanski, Robert J. Brown, Jr., John Binotto, and all those who have gone before us marked with the sign of faith. May MINISTER SCHEDULE Lector Euch. Min. Sat 5:00 PM Sun 7:30 AM Sun 10:30 AM Sun 12:15 PM Sun 4:00 PM K Crider A Solobay W Olshanski R Gaydos A Dascenzo D Martorano J Hofrichter D Cerenzia M Lickert A Dascenzo M Martorano S Hofrichter P Olshanski N Brooks J Dristas G Illig J Duval C Law P Brooks C Smith R Illig A Harton J Morton N Buttlar B Svitek D Angelone R Harton M Morton M Needed Altar Server J Gasper K Wozny K Adreon E Frohnapfel K Fitzanko M Hardy N Wozny L Connor E Lickert N Fitzanko B Illig K Jackson L Connor M McGranahan E Nolder The Third Sunday in Lent, February 28, 2016 Sat 5:00 PM Sun 7:30 AM Sun 10:30 AM Lector B Joy N Bell K McFetridge E Patrick Euch. Min. T Kline M Dombrowski D Martorano B Sandy Sun 12:15 PM Sun 4:00 PM J O’Neill T Diehl D McEnteer B Herron E Bruno A Dascenzo J Kusic D Centore P McQuiggan J Bruno C Bevec L Thompson P Stabile J Bell J Miller J Brandl M Needed K Gamret A Healy M Corwin T Geho A Boni M McFetridge A Drain D O’Neill E Schwab Z Boni R McFetridge S Drain B McIntyre C Philips V Rosenwald K Ingold D McIntyre Altar Server W Gulla R Sible Third Sunday of Lent, February 28 5:00 (PM-Vigil) Living & Deceased Members of Arcure, LaRoss, Collins & Zemaitis Families by David & Molly Arcure 7:30 Margaret & Michael Arra by Mr. & Mrs. William Delval 10:30 Theresa Mathia by Family, Kelly, Shawn & Merle 12:15 (PM) Cerbe, Laskowski & Olminsky Families by Irene & Lisa Olminsky 4:00 (PM) For the People Monday, Lenten Weekday, February 29 7:00 Rose & Herman Powers by Nieces, Joan & Vicki 8:30 Al Imperatore by Wife, Gloria Tuesday, Lenten Weekday, March 1 7:00 Theresa Ritter by Barb & Helen Stutts 8:30 Peter Cocco by Wife, Norma & Family 10:00 (Canon House) Ada DiBiase by Valjean & Wiliam Stanko Family Wednesday, Lenten Weekday, March 2 7:00 Edith Hartley by the 7:00 am Mass Group 9:00 Alex & Frances Eonta & Family by M/M John Hoffman 2:00 (PM-Golden Living) Genevieve Marti by Family & Friends Thursday, Lenten Weekday, March 3 - St. Katharine Drexel 7:00 Francis Smutney by Children, Grandchildren & Great Grandchildren 8:30 Fr. Dan by Margie 10:15 (Consulate Upper) Lucy Smith by Ron & Beth Tomsic Friday, Lenten Weekday, March 4 - St. Casimir World Day of Prayer & Abstinence 7:00 Paul A. Spilak by Mary Lynn Spilak 8:30 Anthony Galletta by Dr. Jim & Margaret Lerri 2:10 (PM) Stations of the Cross 7:30 (PM) Stations of the Cross MONTHS MIND: LOIS RHEAM Saturday, Lenten Weekday, March 5 7:30 Deceased Members Zampan, Domsic, Ringer & Costantino Families by M/M Michael Costatino Family 11:30 -12:30 PM - Reconciliation 5:00 (PM-Vigil) Mr. & Mrs. Felix Colaizzo & Family by Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Colaizzo Fourth Sunday of Lent, March 6 7:30 Steve Kulakowski by Wife, Loretta 10:30 For the People 12:15 (PM) Blanche Gregory & Jessie Huet by Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Gregory 4:00 (PM) Zolton Popp by Wife, Jean THE THIRD SUNDAY OF LENT PAGE FOUR PRAYER BLANKET MINISTRY Give the gift of a handmade “Prayer Blanket” to a relative or friend who may be suffering physically or emotionally. A blanket provides not only warmth and comfort but also the thoughts and prayers of the maker as well as the Prayer Blanket Ministry members. Keep your loved ones and friends “covered in prayer”. Blankets are easily obtained by calling Louise (724-745-1597) or Ginger (412-759-2437). There is no charge for the LADIES OF CHARITY blanket; donations of any amount are graciously accepted. Minutes from the January 27, 2016 meeting are available on the bulletin board at the parking lot exit of the Church. Easter visits to our shut-ins will be on Wednesday, March 23rd. Members are to meet in the Center at 9:00 am to prepare for the deliveries. The 57th InvesƟture Mass and Luncheon will be held on Saturday, April 9, 2016. Mass will begin at 10:00 am in St. Paul Cathedral, Fifth Avenue and Craig Street, Oakland with the Most Reverend William J. Winter, retired Auxiliary Bishop of Pittsburgh, as the celebrant. Each year, by your presence at this event, each Lady of Charity demonstrates her commitment to the church and continuing concern for the needy and elderly of the Diocese of Pittsburgh. Immediately following the 57th Investiture Mass, lunch will be served at the Pittsburgh Athletic Association (PAA), 4215 Fifth Avenue, Oakland. Information and registration forms were sent to all Ladies of Charity in the parish. If you are planning on attending, fill in your registration form and make your check for $25.00 payable to Ladies of Charity and place in an envelope marked Investiture Luncheon. All checks and registrations forms must be given to our president, Dee Centore. She will submit them for our group and tickets will be issued with your table number and mailed back to her. You can drop your reservation forms in the offertory basket and they must be received by March 15th. We have several drivers available for transportation on a first come first served basis. Please register early! CALLING ALL MEN! Please join us for the Men's Retreat at St. Paul of the Cross Retreat Center, a sacred place of rest and refreshment, March 18 through 20. This is a wonderful opportunity during the season of Lent. All men are welcome. information brochures are at the entrances to the church. Please contact John Hofrichter (724 745 5308) or Jim Bell (724 746 2225). FAITH FORMATION Feb. 7, 14, 21 & 28 , 2016 9:00 to 10:10 am EIGHTH GRADE PARENT MEETING for all parents of students making Confirmation in the fall of 2016 is rescheduled for Tuesday, March 8th at 7:00 pm in the school cafeteria. Please make every effort to attend this important meeting. Hope to see all of you there. Any questions, please call the Faith Formation (Religious Education) Office 724-745-3787. LIVING STATIONS OF THE CROSS – The eighth grade religious education and school students will be presenting a spiritual enactment of the Passion of Jesus in the Living Stations of the Cross on Friday, March 11th at 7:30 pm in the church. Come join your parish community! YOUTH MINISTRY Youth Group Nights for Teen in grades 7-12 will be: February 28, March 6, 13, 20 5:00 - 6:30 pm in the Teen Room PILGRIMAGE SPOTS OPEN There are a few spots available to join Fr. Tom Gillespie on a Holy Year Pilgrimage to Rome and Medjugorje from April 23rd to May 6th. Please call Mary's Travel 412-563-3857. EXPERIENCE GOD’S MERCY - THE LIGHT IS ON FOR YOU! This year in every parish across the Diocese of Pittsburgh, the Sacrament of Reconciliation will be available on Wednesday, March 9 from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm. Consider making a commitment this Lent to experience the healing grace of God’s forgiveness and love. Visit www.diopitt.org/lightstillon for more information. SAINT PATRICK PARISH CANONSBURG, PENNSYLVANIA FEBRUARY 28, 2016 PAGE FIVE ST. PATRICK'S SCHOOL 3rd Annual POT OF GOLD 5K WALK/RUN RACE This is a family friendly event. Rain or shine. This event features competition for men and women ranging from age 5-60+. All proceeds go to the St. Patrick's School Athletic Association. Awards, Prizes, and refreshments add to the fun. Looking for all runners and walkers! No-refunds. All Pre-registered racers guaranteed T-shirt. WHEN: Saturday, March 19, 2016 Registration 8:00 am Race starts at 8:30 am WHERE: St. Patr ick's School Par king Lot: Race will start and end in Parking lot. 200 Murdock St. Course will take you through Canonsburg. Canonsburg, PA 15317 COST: $20.00 per per son: pre-registered, this includes T-shirt: $15.00 All High School Runners $25.00 per person: Day of Race $45.00 Family: up to 3 people (pre-registered) Last Day to Pre- Register March 11,2016 $60.00 Family: up to 4 people (pre-registered) $75.00 Family: up to 5 people (pre-registered) $90.00 Family: up to 6 people (pre-registered) ~For family rates an extra $5.00 will be charged on race day. T-shirts not guaranteed on day of race . Make checks payable to St. Patrick's Athletic Assoc. , mail to 331 Hawthorne St., Canonsburg, PA, 15317. Please preregister by March 14, 2015 to guarantee a t-shirt. You may call or email Leah Drain (412-327-3993 or aenergys@verizon.net) Name:_____________________________________ Age:_______ Phone:___________________________ Address:_________________________________________Email:__________________________________ T-Shirt Size: Y-S M L A- S M L XL ~plus sizes add $2.00 Cost:________-__ Number of People:_________ THE THIRD SUNDAY OF LENT PAGE SIX DONATIONS NEEDED! St. Patrick School’s biggest fundraiser is our annual Dinner Dance/AucƟon (this year it’s going to be MONTE CARLO Night ~ April 9). We need your NEW unwanted/unused items that are just siƫng around your house taking up space. Don’t forget those unopened Christmas giŌs that you just don’t know what to do with ~ we can use them!! We can use ANY NEW item(s)! Some suggesƟons: Candles GiŌ cards Kitchen items (small appliances, serving dishes & utensils, etc.) Jewelry LoƟons/Perfumes Sports items (Steelers, Pirates, Penguins) Movies (DVD, Blu-Ray) Picnic items Tools Books Purses/Wallets BoƩles of Cheer Mugs/Wine glasses Trips Please send your DonaƟons to: St. Patrick School ~ AƩenƟon: Dinner Dance Please contact Lisa Killen or Renee Hillebrand with any quesƟons: Lisa: LDKillen1@aol.com Renee: reneehillebran@aol.com SAINT PATRICK PARISH CANONSBURG, PENNSYLVANIA FEBRUARY 28, 2016 PAGE SEVEN Auto, Home, Life WALTER MARK AGENCY INC. 724.745.4440 239 West Pike Street • Canonsburg, PA wmagency@comcast.net • www.markinsurance.com Eric Mark, Parishioner • Lisa Mark Cerenzia, Parishioner Jeffreys Drug Store WASHINGTON Saint Margaret Hometown Pharmacy MEDICAL & Compounding Center Sunday Missal Hospital Equipment Prescription Services EQUIPMENT Compounding Services Nursing Home Services An ideal companion Health Screenings 724.222.2545 for personal prayer. Vitamin & Supplement Consultation Natural Hormone Replacement Therapies Rentals-Sales-Service In Stock & Ready to Order Today. 24 Hour Emergency Service & Free Delivery CALL OR ORDER ONLINE. $39.95 Hrs: Mon.-Fri. 9am-7pm • Sat. 9am-5pm • Sun. & Holidays: 10am-1pm Gerard O’Hare, RPH, Owner www.JeffreysDrugStore.com 724-745-6480• fax 724-916-4957 800-566-6150 • www.wlpmusic.com 1 North Central Ave.• Canonsburg, PA 15317 Oxygen/CPAP • Diabetic Shoes Hospital Beds • Wheelchairs • Stairlifts Scooters • Lift Chairs • Jobst Hosiery VISIT OUR SHOWROOM! 1100 W. Chestnut Street Washington, PA 15301 Please support the advertisers in your bulletin, and thank them for their continued support. They make your bulletin possible. Interested Diocesan Priesthood? Come and See! Contact the Office for Vocations. Rev. Joe Freedy St. Paul Seminary 2900 Noblestown Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15205 (412) 456-3000 Ext. 3612 PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH TALK ........ 24/7 HELP ........ $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ American Made TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 *First Three Months ✂ Please Cut Out This “Thank You Ad” and Present It The Next Time You Patronize One of Our Advertisers HERE WE GROW AGAIN Thank you for advertising in our church bulletin. I am patronizing your business because of it! ----- $55k to $60K earning potential ----- BECOME AN ADVERTISING SALESPERSON FOR J.S. PALUCH COMPANY. Medical Benefits, 401K, Life & Disability Insurance Available Jesus A to Z Call Vinnie DiNicola 1.724.553.4145 Michael O’Neill McGrath, OSFS A colorful Catholic ABC book for kids and families! 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Sulkowski SURGERY and His Dental Staff 242 EAST MCMURRAY RD. • MCMURRAY, PA 15317-2484 724-745-0103 (724) 942-3202 Sales - Service - Installation WWW.AAPVET.COM 155 E. Pike Street DONS APPLIANCES 2335 Washington Rd, Canonsburg Maytag Magic Chef Kitchen Aid Sub-Zero Jenn-Air Miele G.E. Asko The SHOP ‘n SAVE Perks Card saves at the register... and the pump! Register online today Full Service Floral • Prepared Foods for all Occasions Canonsburg Shop ‘n Save 617 W. Pilke St. • Canonsburg, PA 15317 7 Days a Week Mon-Sat 6am-12am • Sun 7am-11pm www.shopnsavefood.com • 724-745-2900 (724) 916-0100 Robert F. Good, II, D.M.D., M.D.S. Ronald S. Good, D.M.D., M.S. “We shall never know all the good that a simple smile can do.” - Mother Teresa WASHINGTON • 724-225-1114 • MOUNT LEBANON • 412-344-4663 PLEASANT HILLS • 412-655-4660 724.745.5503 M ICHELE SACKSTEDER, DVM Frank’s Body Shop Complete Collision Service 609 Giffin Ave., Canonsburg 724-745-0335 Greg Zawatski, Owner Parishioner G O OD ORT HOD ON T IC S Canonsburg, PA 15317 Interested in: Diocesan Priesthood? Call Fr. Joe Freedy Vocation Office Diocese of Pittsburgh (412) 456-3000 Ext. 3612 CHARLENE BOZOVICH, Agent 107 McClelland Rd. PO Box 245 Canonsburg, PA 15317-0245 TOWNVIEW Rehabilitation & Nursing Center “Best Care In Canonsburg” Bus (724) 746-2222 724-746-5040 Fax (724) 746-4682 char@charbozovich.net www.townview.net RUSSO’S Mary Mother Mausoleum Queen of Prophets, Tier B In Queen of Heaven Cemetery Phone: (724) 743-3278 2603 Washington Rd., Ste 3 McMurray, PA Jeffrey P. Derrico Patrick C. Derrico 2 Mausoleum Plots GREENLEE, DERRICO & POSA CQ/365-667 AUTO SERVICE 42 West Pike Street, Canonsburg, PA 15317 724-745-9330 724-745-1110 Harold Smith, Owner/Designer Attorneys at Law Wills Real Estate 724-745-1076 724-225-7660 Personal Injury Parishioner The Most Complete Online National Directory of Catholic Parishes IVANA GAZARIK NUT ROLLS 412-802-5230 HOLIDAY HOME DELIVERY Order Now: For your entertainment & gift giving needs European Homemade Recipe: All Natural • Nut • Cocoa Roll • Cakes • Raw Bars • Raw Cakes JASON SMIDA, CPA Jason@SmidaCPA.com 412.251.9746 “Your Proactive CPA” BOOKKEEPING, PAYROLL, TAX PREP, SMALL BUSINESS CONSULTING EXPERIENCED, AFFORDABLE ACCOUNTING SERVICES www.SmidaCPA.com 218 Dupont Dr., Pittsburgh, PA 15057 Check It Out Today! ROGER J. 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Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-945-6629 PARISH MISSION STATEMENT “We, the people of St. Patrick Roman Catholic Parish, with a strong tradition of sacramental life guided by the Holy Spirit, nourished by the Eucharist & strengthened by God’s Word, commit ourselves to build strong families, foster Christian values and support all persons on their spiritual journey.” PARISH STAFF PARISH MINISTRIES & CONTACTS PASTOR, Rev. John J. Batykefer frjjb@verizon.net (724.745.6560, ext. 12) PAROCHIAL VICAR, Rev. Okechukwu Camillus Njoku Altar Server Ministry Parish Office (724.745.6560) Altar Society and Liturgical Maintenance cnjoku@diopitt.org (724.745.6560, ext. 13) Mrs. Betty Herron (724.941.2965) Mrs. Laura Spadaro (724.745.4726) DEACON, Rev. Mr. Joseph Cerenzia Catholic Men's Club (Ushers) catholic1@comcast.net (724.745.7229) DEACON, Rev. Mr. Philip Martorano deaconmartorano@gmail.com BULLETIN EDITOR & WEBMASTER, Elizabeth Smith Mr. Dennis Buyan (724.745.1718) Christian Mothers and Guild Mrs. Mary Ann Badia (724.745.0591) mbadia44@yahoo.com Mrs. Carol Serbak (724.745.3787) carol.serbak@verizon.net Choirs (Adult, Children & Bell) liz.smith@verizon.net (724.562.6794) Mrs. Lucy Hosni (724.745.6560, leave a message) BUSINESS MANAGER, Barbara Turk Coffee/Donuts and Bread Program barb.turk@verizon.net (724.745.6560, ext. 10) Family Promise Ministry CATECHETICAL ADMINISTRATOR & SAFE ENVIRONMENT COORDINATOR, Carol Serbak Deacon, Joseph & Lisa Cerenzia (724-747-1199) M/M Tim & Betsy Counihan (724-745-3136) counihan842@comcast.net St. Patrick Religious Education Sunday - 8:30 a.m. to 9:45 a.m. Pre-school - 8th Grade carol.serbak@verizon.net (724.745.3787) DEAN OF STUDENTS, ST. PATRICK SCHOOL, Rita Polansky (724.745.7977, ext. 0) DIRECTOR OF MUSIC MINISTRY, Lucy Hosni hosnilp@yahoo.com (724.745.6560) Funeral Luncheons Mrs. Rena Patrick (724.745.3058) Garden and Grounds Mr. Tony Loeffler (724.492.1563) Knights of Columbus #3291 SK John Serbak, Jr. (724.263.0570) Website: www.kofc3291.com Ladies of Charity MAINTAINANCE SUPERVISOR, John Dennis Ms. Dolores (Dee) Centore (724.338.2915) st.patrick.canonsburg@locpittsburgh.org (724.745.7977) Ministries of Mothers Sharing (MOMS) PARISH & CEMETERY SECRETARY, Rita Meyer ritamae.meyer@verizon.net (724.745.6560, ext. 11) PRINCIPAL, ST. PATRICK SCHOOL, Dr. Anthony F. Merante drmstpats@gmail.com (724.745.7977, ext. 0) Website: www.saintpatsschool.org YOUTH MINISTER, Nicole Guyton nicole.guyton@verizon.net (724.745.4130) In Residence CHAPLAIN, Rev. Patrick Barkey pbarkey@diopitt.org (724.745.6560, ext 21) Ms. Lizanne Boni (724.873.7326) Parish Pastoral Council Facilitator, Mr. Joseph Kusic (724.745.5474) Members: Nancy Bell, Jerry Brandl, Deacon Joseph Cerenzia, Diane Galanko, Michael Lickert, Ila Stabile, Paul Stabile Prayer Blanket Ministry Mrs. Louise Mroz (724-745-1597) Mrs. Ginger Loeffler (412.759.2437) Prayer Chain Please call the parish office Respect Life Group Mrs. Joan Dristas (724.745.8393) BULLETIN AND WEBPAGE SUBMISSIONS Notices and pictures for the bulletin and parish webpage should be emailed to liz.smith@verizon.net or brought in to the rectory by 4:00 pm Friday, one week before publication. Please indicate the duration that you would like your item to appear in the bulletin and kindly note that article submissions may be edited due to time and space constraints.
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