July 10, 2016
July 10, 2016
St. Patrick Roman Catholic Parish A Pennsylvania Charitable Trust THE FIFTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME JULY 10, 2016 S Weekend Weekday M S - Saturday: 5:00 pm (Vigil) - Sunday: 7:30 and 10:30 am, 12:15 pm & 4:00 pm - Monday thru Friday: 7:00 am - Mon., Tues., Wed. & Friday: 8:30 am - Saturday: 7:30 am R Saturday: 11:30 am to 12:30 pm and by request E A C C First Tuesday of each month Exposition at 12 noon & Benediction at 6:30 pm Any homebound member or shut-in may receive Holy Communion in their home. A Eucharistic Minister, Deacon or Priest will visit. M P It is necessary to contact a priest 6 months before the Date of marriage. Pre-marriage preparation is also required for the Sacrament of Marriage. GO AND DO LIKEWISE Miss Collins, the dean of students at Olympic High School, was past the point of scolding Matt, though she liked him very much. “Four detentions in two weeks are too many.” Still Matt wouldn’t tell. It was only after Miss Collins went on a morning neighborhood patrol that she found out the real reason for Matt’s tardiness. Thump, thump, thump, came the wheelchair down the stairs. It was Matt, steadying Shawnetta as he helped lower her down the stairs and then push her to the corner bus stop. “She’s a girl in my parish youth group,” Matt explained to Miss Collins. There are many ways to describe Matt’s actions—a random act of kindness, making a difference one person at a time. Jesus would understand. When the lawyer correctly identified the good Samaritan as the one who had treated the injured man with compassion, Jesus said simply, “Go and do likewise” (Luke 10:37). Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. 317 West Pike Street Canonsburg, PA 15317 E-mail: stpatparish@verizon.net Website: www.stpatrickparish.net Phone: 724.745.6560 Fax: 724.746.1112 T F S F O F .P P B Please join us in both thanking God and honoring Fr. Patrick Barkey for his priestly service to St. Patrick Parish community, both parish and in his ministry as Chaplain to the local nursing homes and Canonsburg General Hospital. Fr. Pat has been assigned as pastor to Holy Spirit, West Mifflin and his last Mass with us will be celebrated on Sunday, July 10 at 10:30 am. The mass will be followed by a farewell gathering in the cafeteria immediately following the mass. Please join us in wishing him well and sending him off with a resounding THANK YOU! B P First time parents should contact the parish office (ext. 11) well in advance of an expected Baptism, before birth when possible, to prepare for and to schedule both the Baptism and to register for Baptism Instruction. Baptisms during Mass are typically held the 1st Sunday of the month and Baptisms after Mass at 1:15 pm are held the 2nd and 3rd Sundays of the month. The next instruction will be held on Wednesday, July 13, 2016 at 7:00 pm in the parish rectory. Please call 724.745.6560 to register. W S .P P Welcome to St. Patrick Parish. Please complete a Parish Registration Form, which can be found at the exits of the church or on the parish website, www.stpatrickparish.net. Completed registration forms may be submitted via the mail, email: ritamae.meyer@verizon.net, or drop in the collection basket. P &P Catholic Charities Pregnancy Resource Center Crisis Pregnancy P A Western PA National Hotline H S 724.228.7722 1.844.247.0121 1.888.543.3243 412.456.3167 1.800.5WE.CARE T STEWARDSHIP REPORT REPORT STEWARDSHIP July 3, 3, 2016 2016 July The Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Ordinary Time Time The Fourteenth Sunday in Will be published in next week’s bulletin, as this edition Envelopes ................................................................. $.75 went to print on Tuesday, July 5 and the totals were not Children’s Envelopes ............................................. $.00 complete due ............................................. to the Fourth of July holiday. $.05 Loose Cash andyet, Coin St. Patrick School ................................................... $.00 Parish Total ........................................................... $.80 Weekly Budgeted Expenses …………….... $16,160.19 Campaign Pledges St. VincentChurch de PaulAlive (Weekly) ............................... $.00 Please note that we appreciate those families who are$.25 Peter’s Pence ......................................................... taking the time and utilizing their resources to keep up with their Church Alive Campaign Pledge... we are now in our third year and only have another year and a half to meet our parish assessment of 1.5 million dollars! Parish Share Assessment for 2016 Total amount pledged to date: $1,488,928.00 Assessment for 2016 .................................. $158,381.00 Total amount paid to date: $704,508.00 Amount paid to date ..................................... $19,470.80 Balance due: $784,420.00 Balance due February 28, 2017 .................... $138,910.20 DATES TO REMEMBER July 10 - Farewell Fr. Pat Barkey Mass: 10:30 am & Reception immediately following (Cafeteria) July 10 - “Damn Yankees”: 3:00 pm (Shop-n-Save parking lot) July 13 - Infant Baptism Preparation: 7:00 pm (Rectory) July 13 - Catholic Men’s Club Officer Meeting: 6:30 pm (Knights House) July 14 - Knights of Columbus #3291: 7:00 pm (KoC House) July 17 - Christian Mother’s Food Drive Weekend July 20 - Catholic Men’s Club: Meeting 7:00 pm (KoC House) Refreshments at 6:30 pm G &S L Confirmations to be held at another Catholic Church, are provided by the parish for registered members, who have been members for at least six months, attend Mass, and are receiving the sacraments on a regular basis. Letters may be obtained by calling Rita at 724.745.6560, ext 11. Quo Vadis - “Where are you going?” - Check it out: https://www.facebook.com/events/161193300947429/ S C P P ,P J R S .P W Monday: Is 1:10-17; Ps 50:8-9, 16bc-17, 21, 23; Mt 10:34 — 11:1 Is 7:1-9; Ps 48:2-8; Mt 11:20-24 Is 10:5-7, 13b-16; Ps 94:5-10, 14-15; Mt 11:25-27 Is 26:7-9, 12, 16-19; Ps 102:13-14ab, 15-21; Mt 11:28-30 Is 38:1-6, 21-22, 7-8; Is 38:10-12abcd, 16; Mt 12:1-8 Mi 2:1-5; Ps 10:1-4, 7-8, 14; Mt 12:14-21 Gen 18:1-10a; Ps 15:2-5; Col 1:24-28; Lk 10:38-42 Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: H W C Remember and welcome into your Kingdom O Lord, and all those who have gone before us marked with the sign of faith. May they rest in Your peace. M S Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, July 10, 2016 Sat 5:00 PM Sun 7:30 AM Sun 10:30 AM Sun12:15 PM Sun 4:00 PM Lector J Blythe J Cushma R Polansky E Bruno D Centore Euch. Min. K Gamret D Martorano L Thompson A Dascenzo J Dristas D McEnteer M Martorano J Miller J Bruno J Kusic L Cerenzia P McQuiggan T Kline C Bevec M Needed D Cerenzia C Serbak G Illig T Geho M Needed M Needed P Sollon R Illig C Law M Cushma T Thompson M Costantino L Connor C Hyde K Wozny K Ingold L Giancola L Connor E Schwab N Wozny R Sible J Cario W Gulla Altar Server C Hyde Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, July 17, 2016 Sat 5:00 PM Sun 7:30 AM Sun 10:30 AM Sun12:15 PM Sun 4:00 PM Lector J Felton K McFetridge J Galanko R Gaydos A Dascenzo Euch. Min. P Stabile J Duval M Corwin M Lickert T Diehl D Angelone A Healy J Morton N Brooks C Smith T Kline B Herron M Morton P Brooks C Smith M Needed M Dombrowski P Olshanski J Brandl M Needed M Needed J Bell N Buttlar B Sandy R McFetridge B McIntyre L Brandl B Lochran N Fitzanko M McFetridge D McIntyre L Brandl N Lochran K Huber N Hartmann M McGranahan J Lochran Altar Server K Fitzanko M Hardy M P 10, 2016 T I Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, July 10 5:00 (PM-Vigil) Deceased Members of Campbell & Lobozzo Families by Family 7:30 Tony & Angie Walleck by Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Walleck 10:30 Joan Marino by Family (Fr. Barkey’s last Mass) 12:15 (PM) Agnes & Donald Drain by Mr. & Mrs. Alex Drain 4:00 (PM) Dr. Anthony Galletta by Mrs. Letitia Galletta Monday, Weekday, July 11 - St. Benedict the Abbot 7:00 Jean Popp by Ruth Prince 8:00 John Mazza by Anna D’Orazio & Lonnie Flood Tuesday, Weekday, July 12 7:00 Deceased Members of Campbell & Lobozzo Families by Family 8:30 Jennie Kochanski by Larry & Nancy Gregory Wednesday, Weekday, July 13 7:00 Agnes Smutney by LaSalvia Family 8:30 Ortuso & Haines Family by Family Thursday, Weekday, July 14 - St. Kateri Tekakwitha, Virgin 7:00 Ray Mowry by Mr. & Mrs. David J. Kosek 8:30 No Mass M M : H D Friday, Weekday, July 15 - St. Bonaventure, Bishop & Doctor of the Church 7:00 Conrad Kern by Tony & Judy Prezioso 8:30 Linda Sigler by William & Mary Jane Prost Saturday, Weekday, July 16 - Our Lady of Mt. Carmel 7:30 Daniel Kapis, Jr. by Susan George 11:30 –12:30 Reconciliation 5:00 (PM-Vigil) Irma & Oscar Martello by Jane & Doug McKenery Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, July 17 7:30 John & Julia Cushma & Fred Carchidi by Mike, Janet & Michael Cushma 10:30 Eugene Brown by Evelyn Konecny 12:15 (PM) Rose Churray by Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Grego 4:00 (PM) For the People T F S O C S P M F T D The next Food Drive Weekend is July 17, which is the 3rd Sunday of the month. Christian Mothers will once again sponsor the collection of non-perishable canned & boxed goods for the local Food Bank. A box will be placed at the main entrances of the church for your convenience. P S 3 S S .P . M ’ C The St. Patrick men’s club officers will meet on Wednesday, July 13th at 6:30 PM in the K of C house. The St. Patrick Men’s club will have their regular meeting on Wednesday, July 20th in the K of C house. Refreshments at 6:30 and the meeting at 7 PM. F T : Scott D. Robertson & Leah M. Sustrich P B Ladies, come to the Magnificat Pittsburgh Prayer Breakfast on August 6, 2016 from 9:00 am to noon at the DounleTree by Hilton, Cranberry Twp. Hear Speaker Maria Boylan’s testimony of finding God at an early age, the struggles against the world’s temptations, an unspeakable tragedy and the difficult raod to forgiveness and living an everyday life that included uprooting the family and leaving friends due to work relocations. She will tell you about many personal touches from a loving God that helped her along the journey. The cost of the breakfast is $23.00. To register call Kay at 724.772.6749 or Pam at 412.461.8906 or go to www.magnificatpittsburgh.org. The registration deadline is July 29, 2016. We hope to see you! Bookmark St. Patrick Links! Webpage: http://www.stpatrickparish.net Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stpatrick.church.1 F C WE ARE LIVING IN A TIME OF CHANGE. But what will this change look like? On Mission for The Church Alive!, our diocesan-wide planning initiative, includes 21 criteria for creating draft models for new kinds of ministry in our parishes, health care facilities, prisons and jails. To learn more, you are invited to attend one of this week’s Summer Sessions...you can also visit www.OnMissionChurchAlive.org/About. Y M W Y D S L with Bishop Zubik will take place on Monday, July 11th, 7:00 pm at St. Paul Cathedral. Q V D : July 11-12, 2016 - St. Paul Seminary: What does it mean to be a Catholic man? Join us for two days of brotherhood, Mass, Adoration, and dynamic speakers. Will include games, ultimate Frisbee, dodgeball, volleyball tournament, and a bonfire. More information to come at www.pghpriest.com. F N PNC P brought to you locally by Chick-fil-A Wednesday, July 20th, 7:05 pm Pittsburgh Pirates vs. Milwaukee Brewers www.pirates.com/faithnight. The Faith Night presentation will take place following the PiratesBrewers game. The event features a Q&A and several speeches, where you'll hear Manager Clint Hurdle along with Pirates Players and Coaches discuss how faith has impacted their lives, both on and off the field. The Faith Night presentation will last approximately 45 minutes. W Y D | S is an outdoor, overnight experience for high school youth and young adults from the dioceses of Pennsylvania and New Jersey, the Archdiocese of Baltimore, and our neighboring and regional (arch) dioceses. Our celebration will take place in Lancaster, PA July 30 & 31, 2016. In conjunction with WYD in Krakow, Poland, we celebrate with Pope Francis the theme “Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy” Matthew 5:7. We understand that the cost, time and distance of traveling to an international World Youth Day can be prohibitive to many of our youth, young adults, schools and parish groups. In answer to the call from the USCCB to provide stateside events, that we present this overnight vigil in the Diocese of Harrisburg and invite the young people of our region. We seek to present a series of events similar to those that will occur in Krakow– a pilgrimage walk, Stations of the Cross, opportunities for Confession and Adoration, Mass, concerts, catechesis, and an outdoor overnight candlelit vigil. We will also provide domestic pilgrims with a Pilgrimage experience that will enable them to ‘visit’ Poland, get to know St. John Paul the Great, and learn about the Divine Mercy Chaplet & Luminous Mysteries of the Rosary. More information: www.hbgdiocese.org/wydstateside. S C P P ,P P J A H Weekend Retreat for Post-Abortion Healing Rachel’s Vineyard, a weekend retreat designed to heal the emotional and spiritual wounds of abortion, will be held September 16-18, 2016 at the Spiritan Center in Bethel Park. In a confidential and supportive atmosphere, Rachel’s Vineyard demonstrates God’s love, forgiveness, and compassion to women (and men) struggling with abortion’s aftermath. To register or for more information, call Toni Jester at 412-352-5348 or email: toniafj1@comcast.net . F P P 10, 2016 S Local Mission Seeks to Borrow Ladders M Family Promise Ministry volunteers are always welcomed to join the ministry at any time for the various committees. Or, you may choose to donate gas cards or gift cards to various food and retail stores. Donations should be put in an envelope marked “Family Promise” and can be placed in the collection baskets during all weekend masses or in the rectory mailbox at any time. See the back page of the bulletin for contact information. B M &D Parishioners attending the "Damn Yankees" performance at the Benedum Center on July 10 are to be in the Shop 'n Save parking lot by 3 pm. The bus will depart at 3:15 sharp. For more information, call Loretta at 724-745-2783. M M From July 11-16, four hundred students and their leaders will be coming to Canonsburg to fix up homes in the area, part of a mission called Chartiers Creek Workcamp. They are in need of ladders of all sizes to BORROW for the week. If you are able to help, please call the Workcamp at 724.745.0801. When calling, let them know what size ladder you own. If you are unsure, count the steps….each step is one foot, times two if it is an extension ladder. Ladders must be safe! (Ask yourself, is it safe for my child or grandchild to climb on?) The ladder will be marked as yours and will be ready “Be your partner’s cheerleader, not his/her teacher, for pickup/returned the week after the camp. Please supervisororcritic.Thiscreatesapartnershipratherthan also let them know if you can drop it off to a hierarchy.” (Trudy Costa, “How To Create a Satisfying, Canonsburg United Presbyterian Church or if you need LastingMarriage”)~©2016 by Susan Vogt, www.SusanVogt.net one of their team members to stop by your residence to pick it up. P P Thank you “...loveyouneighborasyourself”(Luke10:27)‐It’safamiliar for verse;perhapssofamiliarwetakeitforgranted.HowdoI supporting lovemyself?(DoItakecareofmyhealth,mymind?...)Help this your children identify their strengths today. Not just mission! generalstrengths.Bespeci ic.Lateryoucangoontoapply thistoyourneighbors. ~©2016 by Susan Vogt, www.SusanVogt.net S C P P ,P J P 10, 2016 F T F S O If you missed the session held at St. Patrick Parish on July 6, 2016, there are other opportunities to attend in another parish in our diocese! P S Auto, Home, Life WALTER MARK AGENCY INC. 724.745.4440 239 West Pike Street • Canonsburg, PA wmagency@comcast.net • www.markinsurance.com Eric Mark, Parishioner • Lisa Mark Cerenzia, Parishioner Jeffreys Drug Store WASHINGTON LIZA BETSCH 724.944.3480 Hometown Pharmacy Fabulous Homemade Cookies 800 1st St. Canonsburg, PA 15317 MEDICAL & Compounding Center “Like my Grandma’s” fabuloushomemadecookies@gmail.com Hospital Equipment Prescription Services EQUIPMENT Compounding Services Nursing Home Services Senior Discounts Available www.fhcookies.com Stop in for a Free Cup of Coffee Health Screenings 724.222.2545 Vitamin & Supplement Consultation Natural Hormone Replacement Therapies Rentals-Sales-Service 24 Hour Emergency Service & Free Delivery Hrs: Mon.-Fri. 9am-7pm • Sat. 9am-5pm • Sun. & Holidays: 10am-1pm Gerard O’Hare, RPH, Owner www.JeffreysDrugStore.com 724-745-6480• fax 724-916-4957 1 North Central Ave.• Canonsburg, PA 15317 Oxygen/CPAP • Diabetic Shoes Hospital Beds • Wheelchairs • Stairlifts Scooters • Lift Chairs • Jobst Hosiery VISIT OUR SHOWROOM! 1100 W. Chestnut Street Washington, PA 15301 The Sollon Family Parishioners 724.746.1000 Serving families, Like family. NOW HIRING www.sollon.com Phillip L. Sollon, Director J. David Sollon, Supervisor Dominick C. Calabro, III, F.D. SERVERS • LINE COOKS • DISHWASHERS Days, Evenings and Weekend Hours available. Experience is a plus! APPLY IN PERSON APPLEBEE’s ~ Peters Township ~ 4039 Washington Road APPLY ANYTIME ONLINE AT: Peterstownship@appleamerican.com Interested in: Diocesan Priesthood? Call Fr. Joe Freedy Vocation Office Diocese of Pittsburgh (412) 456-3000 Ext. 3612 PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH TALK ........... 24/7 HELP Quality Custom Builders and Developers Since 1990 www.GrazianiHomes.com ........... $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ American Made TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 *First Three Months 1350 Locust St., Ste. 406 Pittsburgh, PA 15219 412-232-8104 Anthony M. Colatrella, M.D.. David V. Glorioso, M.D. David L. 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For further information, please call the Parish Office. 006957 St Patrick Church (B) www.jspaluch.com Short Term Rehabilitation Skilled Nursing South Hills Canonsburg 724-746-1300 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-945-6629 EUGENE J. HAMMELL, M.D., F.A.C.S. Sat. & Sun. 7-1 Mon.- Fri 5-2 950 S. Central Canonsburg (724) 743-1179 GENERAL Compliments Of Dr. William M. Sulkowski SURGERY and His Dental Staff 242 EAST MCMURRAY RD. • MCMURRAY, PA 15317-2484 724-745-0103 (724) 942-3202 Sales - Service - Installation WWW.AAPVET.COM 155 E. Pike Street DONS APPLIANCES 2335 Washington Rd, Canonsburg Maytag Magic Chef Kitchen Aid Sub-Zero Jenn-Air Miele G.E. Asko The SHOP ‘n SAVE Perks Card saves at the register... and the pump! Register online today Full Service Floral • Prepared Foods for all Occasions Canonsburg Shop ‘n Save 617 W. Pilke St. • Canonsburg, PA 15317 7 Days a Week Mon-Sat 6am-12am • Sun 7am-11pm www.shopnsavefood.com • 724-745-2900 (724) 916-0100 Robert F. Good, II, D.M.D., M.D.S. Ronald S. Good, D.M.D., M.S. “We shall never know all the good that a simple smile can do.” M ICHELE SACKSTEDER, DVM 724.745.5503 Frank’s Body Shop Complete Collision Service 609 Giffin Ave., Canonsburg 724-745-0335 Greg Zawatski, Owner Parishioner G O OD ORT HOD ON T IC S Canonsburg, PA 15317 AMC CONSTRUCTION & REMODELING Andrew McNicholas, Owner - Mother Teresa WASHINGTON • 724-225-1114 • MOUNT LEBANON • 412-344-4663 PLEASANT HILLS • 412-655-4660 P.A. licensed & fully insured senior & veteran discounts 724-328-2757 PA 087054 CHARLENE BOZOVICH, Agent 107 McClelland Rd. PO Box 245 Canonsburg, PA 15317-0245 “Best Care In Canonsburg” Bus (724) 746-2222 724-746-5040 Fax (724) 746-4682 char@charbozovich.net AUTO SERVICE An ideal companion 2603 Washington Rd., Ste 3 for personal prayer. Jeffrey P. Derrico Patrick C. Derrico Attorneys at Law Harold Smith, Owner/Designer Wills Real Estate In Stock & Ready to Order Today. CALL OR ORDER ONLINE. $39.95 GREENLEE, DERRICO & POSA 42 West Pike Street, Canonsburg, PA 15317 724-745-9330 724-745-1110 www.townview.net Saint Margaret Sunday Missal RUSSO’S Phone: (724) 743-3278 TOWNVIEW Rehabilitation & Nursing Center 724-225-7660 Personal Injury 800-566-6150 • www.wlpmusic.com Community Motors Galaxi Hair Studio Full Automotive Repair Service 3rd Generation serving the Canonsburg area since 1950 Check out our website for money saving coupons. www.communitymotorspa.com 201 South Jefferson Avenue, Canonsburg, PA 15317 Lucia Stopenski Rosa Few Cell 724-825-3052 Cell 724-413-4740 Business 724-746-2611 (724) 745-7210 JASON SMIDA, CPA Jason@SmidaCPA.com Parishioner s 412.251.9746 “Your Proactive CPA” BOOKKEEPING, PAYROLL, TAX PREP, SMALL BUSINESS CONSULTING EXPERIENCED, AFFORDABLE ACCOUNTING SERVICES www.SmidaCPA.com 218 Dupont Dr., Pittsburgh, PA 15057 $10.00 Minimum for Delivery $1.50 Delivery Charge Certified Public Accountants 179 East Pike Street Canonsburg smcnaught@fishwindowcleaning.com Cypher & Cypher 724-873-9015 (724) 745-3543 Thank you for advertising in our church bulletin. I am patronizing your business because of it! (724) 745-4030 148 West Pike Street Canonsburg, PA 15317 NOW HIRING NO EXP NECESSARY 724-873-9222 and Present It The Next Time You Patronize One of Our Advertisers Elder Law; Marcellus Shale Planning; Estates; Real Estate FISH Window Cleaning • DINE IN • TAKE OUT • DELIVERY ✂ Please Cut Out This “Thank You Ad” ROGER J. GAYDOS Attorney at Law The Malone Flower Shop Partners: Steven J. Cypher, CPA & Charles R. Rupert, CPA Preparation of Business & Individual Tax Returns Serving Canonsburg for 38 Years Call for Your Appointment Today (724) 745-2850 PARISHIONER Fax (724) 746-6889 17 West Pike Street • Canonsburg, PA • 15317 860.399.1785 an Official Travel Agency of Apostleship of the Sea-USA www.CatholicCruisesAndTours.com Tired of CD Rates? Earn up to 3.5% Interest Call Greg Felton 724-731-0094 006957 St Patrick Church (A) www.jspaluch.com Michael O’Neill McGrath, OSFS A colorful Catholic ABC book for kids and families! Includes a glossary of questions to help adults pass on their Catholic faith. 007199 9 x 12 Hardcover $16.99 each • Special Offer — 2 for $25.00! 800-566-6150 www.wlpmusic.com D.O.T. Certified Water Lines Furnace Repair/Replacements Hot Water Tanks …and more! Brian or Sally, coordinators CST 2117990-70 Jesus A to Z PA013128 Serving the Washington area for over 20 years! Insured • Free Estimates Prompt, Courteous Service P: (724) 746-2542 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-945-6629 P M S “We, the people of St. Patrick Roman Catholic Parish, with a strong tradition of sacramental life guided by the Holy Spirit, nourished by the Eucharist & strengthened by God’s Word, commit ourselves to build strong families, foster Christian values and support all persons on their spiritual journey.” P P S P V Parish Office (724.745.6560) , Rev. Okechukwu Camillus Njoku cnjoku@diopitt.org (724.745.6560, ext. 13) D Catholic Men's Club (Ushers) Mr. Dennis Buyan (724.745.1718) , Rev. Mr. Philip Martorano deaconmartorano@gmail.com E &W Christian Mothers and Guild , Elizabeth Smith liz.smith@verizon.net (724.562.6794) B M C Choirs (Adult, Children & Bell) C A Mrs. Lucy Hosni (724.745.6560, leave a message) & , Carol Serbak St. Patrick Religious Education - Pre-school - 8th Grade S ,S .P D M P M Funeral Luncheons , Rita Polansky Mrs. Rena Patrick (724.745.3058) Garden and Grounds , Lucy Hosni Mr. Tony Loeffler (724.492.1563) hosnilp@yahoo.com (724.745.6560) M P S (724.745.7977, ext. 0) Coffee/Donuts and Bread Program Family Promise Ministry Deacon, Joseph & Lisa Cerenzia (724-747-1199) M/M Tim & Betsy Counihan (724-745-3136) counihan842@comcast.net Sunday - 8:30 a.m. to 9:45 a.m. carol.serbak@verizon.net (724.745.3787) D Mrs. Mary Ann Badia (724.745.0591) mbadia44@yahoo.com Mrs. Carol Serbak (724.745.3787) carol.serbak@verizon.net , Barbara Turk barb.turk@verizon.net (724.745.6560, ext. 10) E Mrs. Betty Herron (724.941.2965) Mrs. Laura Spadaro (724.745.4726) , Rev. Mr. Joseph Cerenzia B S Altar Society and Liturgical Maintenance catholic1@comcast.net (724.745.7229) D S (724.745.7977) &C , John Dennis Knights of Columbus #3291 SK John Serbak, Jr. (724.263.0570) S Website: www.kofc3291.com , Rita Meyer ritamae.meyer@verizon.net (724.745.6560, ext. 11) ,S .P S Ladies of Charity M Ms. Dolores (Dee) Centore (724.338.2915) st.patrick.canonsburg@locpittsburgh.org , Dr. Anthony F. Merante drmstpats@gmail.com (724.745.7977, ext. 0) Website: www.saintpatsschool.org Y Ministries of Mothers Sharing (MOMS) Ms. Lizanne Boni (724.873.7326) , Nicole Guyton nicole.guyton@verizon.net (724.745.4130) C &C Altar Server Ministry , Rev. John J. Batykefer frjjb@verizon.net (724.745.6560, ext. 12) P M Parish Pastoral Council Facilitator, Mr. Joseph Kusic (724.745.5474) Members: Nancy Bell, Jerry Brandl, Deacon Joseph Cerenzia, Diane Galanko, Michael Lickert, Ila Stabile, Paul Stabile , Rev. Patrick Barkey pbarkey@diopitt.org (724.745.6560, ext 21) Serving Canonsburg General Hospital and local area Nursing Facilities Prayer Blanket Ministry R C Mrs. Louise Mroz (724-745-1597) Mrs. Ginger Loeffler (412.759.2437) A Diocese Victim Assistance Coordinator: 412-456-3060 Abuse Hotline: 1-800-932-0313 or 866-872-1677 Catholic Charities: 724-228-7722 Child & Youth Services Washington County: 724-228-6884 Child Care Information Services: 724-228-6969 Mental Health Services: 724-228-6832 Cyber Tip Hotline: 1-800-843-5678 Call 911 immediately if a child is in imminent danger from abuse B W Prayer Chain Please call the parish office Respect Life Group Mrs. Joan Dristas (724.745.8393) St. Vincent de Paul Society Please call the parish office S Notices and pictures for the bulletin and parish webpage should be emailed to liz.smith@verizon.net or brought in to the rectory by 4:00 pm Friday, one week before publication. Please indicate the duration that you would like your item to appear in the bulletin and kindly note that article submissions may be edited due to time and space constraints.
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