JULY - Teenz
JULY - Teenz
July 2011 ISSUE 6, Rs. 30 facebook.com/teenzmagazine www.teenz.com.np YOUR TIME IS NOW ALL ABOUT THE BEAUTY QUEENS 100 Heartbreak Story 4 New gadgets to watch out what would you save if your house was on fire Of Randolph And America A student shares her journey Slam Poets in the rise Color Therapy- Heal yourself with clothes DATING TRENDS From Around The World Teenage Crisis? TACKLE THEM HEAD ON JULY | TEENZ ISSUE 6 JULY, 2011 Y L U J 1 201 s t n e t n o c 49 TEENAGE CRISIS Being a teenager is never easy with all the problems you are bound to face, read about everything you fear as a teenager. 47 Red stripe shirt, United Colors of Benetton, Rs 4,799 Levi’s Jeans, U.F.O, Rs 1,498 Red stripe cotton belt, United Colors of Benetton, Rs 1,500 Red tees, Store One, Rs 999 Yellow print tees, U.F.O, Rs 998 Purple half pant, Rs 398 ON THE COVER AND AS WE WALKED Read the exciting journey of our reporter as he follows the students of Gyanodaya Residential School on their hiking trip 47 COLOR THERAPY Learn how to splash new excitng color into your wardrobe. AHILYA SHARMA PHOTOGRAPHY: PIX- THE LIGHT SKETCH WARDROBE: FMIRROR.COM MAKE-UP & HAIR: LOKESH THAPA FASHION CO-ORDINATOR: NITESH SHERCHAN ISSUE 6 JULY, 2011 FEATURE CONFESSIONS JU0L1Y 1 CLIPPED WINGS 58 BREAKING INTO BREAKUPS Feel like a flightless bird? Find out how different things can tie you down 2 s t n e t n o c FEATURE 20 GAMING HIGH SCHOOL BLUES 18 High-school can be a grueling experience, read how difficult it could be 64 FICTION AT THE SLOPE OF EVEREST 76 RETRO RAVE Read how an out-dated console system has still inspired gamers today. FROM THE STREET 30 GIRL’S WARDROBE GUY’S WARDROBE Teenz Magazine, Kupondole, Lalitpur, Nepal. Tel: 501.1571, 501.1639 32 No. 6 1 JUly 2011 Associate Editor: UJEENA RANA Design Executive: MANJESH MAHARJAN Sub-editor: SAMRIDDHI RAI Assistant Design Executives: DIPESH Copy Editor: UTSAV SHAKYA MAHARJAN, ANJAN ALE Contributing Editor(Fashion): Design Assistant: SMRITI SHRESTHA SEBASTIAN ALCALA Design Trainee: SUNIL MAHARJAN YOUR TIME IS NOW Editorial Assistant/In-house Writer: Sr. Photographer: DASH B. MAHARJAN PRAJESH SJB RANA Photographers: MOHAMMAD SHAHNAWAZ, Publisher: ECS MEDIA PVT. LTD. In-house Writers: BONITA S. BASNYAT, UMESH BASNET, SUYESH RAJ SHRESTHA, Managing Editor: SUNIL SHRESTHA GAURAV THAPA, POOJA BYANJANKAR, LIZA HARI MAHARJAN, RABINDRA PRAJAPATI, Director, Editorial & Marketing: NRIPENDRA KARMACHARYA PAUDEL, YUKTA BAJRACHARYA YOGENDRA MAHARJAN Group Editor: ANIL CHITRAKAR Editorial Secretary: PRAGYA POKHREL Admin Executive: SHRUTI SINGH Sr. Manager, Editorial & Marketing: SUDEEP SHAKYA Editorial Enquiries:editorial@teenz.com.np Accounts Executive: JEENA TAMRAKAR Manager, Editorial & Marketing: NEERAZ KOIRALA, CHARU Accounts Assistant:AMIR BAJRACHARYA, S. MALHOTRA RABIN MAHARJAN Deputy Manager, Editorial & Marketing: NILADRI S. PARIAL Credit Assistant:BARSA MAHARJAN Assistant Managers, Sales & Marketing: ANGIRAS MANANDHAR, BIJENDRA PRADHAN Sr. Sales Executive: VINAY RAJKARNIKAR Sales Executive: SAMITA BAJRACHARYA, Asst. Sales Executive: MANISH AMATYA Sales Assistant: SAPANA MAHARJAN, SABINA TULADHAR Ad Enquiries: ad@ecs.com.np For Advertisment Inquiries Manager: Stuti Thapa Marketing Officer: Dipta Shrestha Marketing Officer: Umesh K.C Asst. Marketing Officer: Isha Pareek Account Executive: Rupa Koirala Sr. Executive, Subscription & Distribution: BIKRAM SHRESTHA Marketing & Subscription Executive: ATULYA ACHARYA Subscription Assistant: PRERANA AMATYA, RIJAN SHRESTHA, UDIP PASAKHALA, BIKKY PODDAR Subscription Enquiries: subscription@ecs.com.np Color Separation: CTP Nepal Pvt. Ltd, HATTIBAN, 525.0466, 525.0468 | Printing: JAGADAMBA PRESS, HATTIBAN, 525.0017/18/19 | Distributor: Kasthamandap Distribution Pvt. Ltd Teenz Magazine is published 12 times a year at the address above. All rights reserved in respect of all articles, illustration, photography, etc published in Living Magazine. The contents of this publication may not be reproduced in whole or in part in any form without the written consent of the publisher. The opinions expressed by contributors are not necessarily those of the publisher, who cannot accept responsibility for any errors or omissions. All editorial inquiries and submissions to Teenz Magazine must be addressed to editorial@teenz.com.np EACH ISSUE: Rs. 30.00 in Nepal, ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION IN NEPAL: Rs 350.00 (For 12 issues) | Send all subscription request to Teenz Magazine, E-mail: subscription@ecs.com.np MediaAct (Pvt (Pvt.)) Ltd Ltd. Media Support Ekantakuna, Lalitpur Tel: 5000026, 5000064 FAX: 977-1-5000064 ISSUE 6 JULY, 2011 Y L U J 1 201 L A I R O T I D E Hey there Teenz readers! Greetings! So, we’re here again with our July Issue and we can only hope that it fun-tertains the brains out of you. Well not literally though. Of course, I don’t want the brains coming out of our youth of today, pioneers of our country tomorrow, because that would be, just so…mmm.. well tragic. Jokes aside, to go a lile out of context here, I only recently emceed for our sister publication Healthy Life Magazine’s widely successful online competition “Sweet Child Of Mine”. And I can tell you I was blown away by some of the talented kids that performed on the stage that day. Whoever said, Nepali kids aren’t as talented as the kids constantly seen on international TV channels? e only thing Nepali kids don’t have, is the platform and we’re glad that Healthy Life, however small, gave them one. And the other thing that blew us away was also the magnanimous response to this online voting contest, 675 participants with over 3 lakh votes that poured in, showed that Nepal has indeed reached the point of being extremely internet savvy and are looking to ferociously participate in competitions, because really , there are hardly any. at brings me to announcing, wait -not yet announcing, but definitely giving you all a heads up that we at TEENZ are bringing you a competition of a similar nature, this time for our youth population of the country. So stay updated on that by liking our page on Facebook at facebook. com/teenzmagazine and logging on to teenz.com.np, today. Now, for this issue we hope that our cover story on “teenage crisis” and ways to smartly avert it will be helpful to you. And of course, we have all of our regular sections, that are geared up to hopefully inform, inspire and entertain you all the while. Aer all this is your magazine and we ask you to be a part of us by sending in your photos to be featured in the many sections like “wadrobe”, “my room” or send us your articles to be published in the “reader’s stop” and many more. Hoping to hearing from you soon. Until we meet you next time with exciting new contents and an exciting new Teenz for August, this is me wishing you all “Happy Reading”. Much love, Samriddhi Rai sam@teenz.com.np Sub-Editor Teenz Entertainment MOVIES Movie-Time AT WORK No matter how hectic our lives may be, everyone has sometime for good movies. Read on to find out the favorite movies of those inhabiting ECS Media. TEXT: BONITA S. BASNYAT Yukta Bajracharya (Writer, Fr!day) Prerana Amatya All Time Favorite: Home Alone Recent Favorite: Worst: Tees Maar Khan Wished it had a sequel: Lake house (Subscription) All time Favorite: Boys before flowers Recent Favorite: Thank you Worst Movie: I hate Love Stories Wished it had a sequel: Boys over flowers Gaurav Thapa (Editorial Assistant, Living) All-time favorite movie: The Fountain Recent favorite movie: True Grit Worst movie: Twilight Wished it had a sequel: Superhero Amar B Shrestha A (Editor, Healthylife) All time Favorite A movie: Roman holiday Recent Favorite: King’s Speech. Worst movie: Hindi W Movies (not my type) Wished it had a W sequel: Roman Holiday s TEENZ | JULY Sachin Tamrakar Marketing All time Favorite: Kuch Kuch Hota hai and Tum Bin Recent Favorite: I hate love stories. Worst movie: Ragini MMS Wished it had a sequel: Golmaal 3 Entertainment BOOKMARKED “Love Story” Book Review of — Eri Segal “The past 40 years have so overly hyped and popularized Love Story that I expected to be blown away by it and, in the end, was left only with a half-filled appetite for a good read.” BY SABRINA SINGH F or all those who have a hankering for tragic romance, Erich Segal’s Love Story is definitely recommended. For the rest of us, it is not. Love Story is a simple, hackeneyed sort of a romance tale of two star-crossed lovers (think contemporary Romeo and Juliet)Oliver Bare IV and Jennifer Cavilleri. He’s rich. She’s poor. She’s majoring in music. He’s a sport fanatic. But when they meet sparks fly and, forsaking all rules and family ties, they marry and start what they hope to be a lifelong journey together. Again, here comes the oh-so-predictable twist in the story (the way it is wrien, I doubt if it deserves to be called a twist at all)- Jenny has cancer and is going to die. handwriting was curious- small sharp leers with no capitals (who did she think she was, e. e. cummings?)”. Sadly though, the novel drags on from there- its content not fulfilling and the plot not tantalizing enough. Love Story’s story is- for want of a beer word- simple- too simple. It is fresh and entertaining whilst our two protagonists first meet; but then is plainly predictable in the second half of the novel. For those of you who want a mixture of passion, drama, twists, cliff hangers, adventure or all of the above in a love story, Segal’s story would turn out to be disappointing. Of course, I have to acknowledge some moments of sensitivity that are heart-wrenchingly To what lile there is to appreciate, I loved the opening of the novel- when the two college sophomores meet at a library and wiily end up with a date. anks to Segal’s knack for humor, the chapters that follow are not boring. eir first impressions of each other are not exactly mesmerizing- she calls him a “Harvard Preppie”, he calls her a “snoy Radcliffe bitch” (how on earth did they fall in love so instantly!). As a narrator, Oliver is funny, honest and poignantly vulnerable. I love how his earnest recount of Jenny shows his piercing love for her -“Her TEENZ | JULY sweet (like when they fight over whether or not to name their future baby “Bozo”!), but that is hardly enough for a novel to transition from a mediocre-read to a classic status. e protagonists- Oliver and Jenny- are very likeable characters, with strong but different personalities. Oliver is rich- coming from a family steeped in heritage and importancebut not ostentatious (rather, he seems embarrassed by his father’s repute and money). Jenny is savvy, smart and funny, and the only child of a widowed baker. is contrast in their characters ideally sets the mood for the incredibly clichéd “one completes the other” situation. e humorous dialogues between these main (and only) characters are what would make Love Story a passable read. What puzzles me is why this novel has been so widely appreciated and loved, even credited as being Segal’s masterpiece; the San Francisco Examiner calling it “funny, touching and infused with wonder”. It has a Hollywood big-screen adaptation of the same name which was not only commercially successful but still nominated for seven Academy Awards. e past 40 years has so overly hyped and popularized Love Story that I expected to be blown away by it and, in the end, was le only with a half-filled appetite for a good read. U n Me S T E O P M A SL R Z REPORTE TEXT: TEEN So, what is slam poetry, really? We slammed an undercover with some slam poetry queries. Here is what that person had to say. Who is a slam poet? Slam is actually the competition aspect of poetry which is meant to be performed for an audience. However, they are used to refer to all poems that are aimed at being performed in front of an audience. A slam poet is a spoken word poet. Is it any different from rapping? Or is it just a fancier name for rappers? Rapping is only one form of spoken word poetry. Any poem written for the page is fit for the stage – be it a haiku or a poem written in iambic pentameter. One maybe called a slam poet if one is a rapper, but it doesn’t really have to be the same the other way around. How many slam poet events have taken place in Kathmandu so far? From the Word Warriors group, more than 10. If there were other such events, we are not aware of them yet. How many slam poets are there in ktm? (The ones who have performed) This is like asking how many poets are there in KTM. The Word Warriors are a thriving group on Facebook but there are religiously nine slam poets who have been performing in spoken word events, regularly. There may be many who are still in the closet. TEENZ | JULY UP COMING BAND Entertainment e s i R e h T S In What are the qualities needed to become a slam poet? Can any random person try to become a slam poet? Yes, anyone can be a slam poet, if they really want to. The spoken word is a form of expression, a movement that any one can join. Of course, one has to have a good command of the spoken word. The writing of the poem is also important but performing it is the main part. Each slam poet has a different way of slamming and performing. Do slam poets in Kathmandu have a group or an organization? Yes, there is an organization called the Word Warriors – perhaps the first of its kind. Where and how can we find future slam poet events? We do slam poetry everywhere and anywhere – from popular bars to coffee shops to book launch events. From the group, the Word Warriors, we try to organize at least one spoken word event every month. To stay up to date with the events, find the Word Warriors on Facebook or send us a message and we shall keep you on our emailing list. And of course, keep your eyes and ears open! Slam Poet is so far off and almost alien to our culture and yet it’s getting popular by the day . why do you think that’s happening? The term Slam Poetry may seem alien but what slam poetry actually is, is not alien. It’s always been there in one form or the other. Slam has now officially been recognized all over the world and the rise of slam is the sign of the rising desire of people, especially the youth, to speak out and voice their feelings. The spoken word has always been a powerful medium. JULY | TEENZ Entertainment EVENT Writing Workshop O TEXT: PRAJESH SJB RANA n June, 15, 2011, Teenz conducted a One-day Writing Workshop with Professor Dr. Abhi Subedi of Tribhuwan University with the purpose of helping school-going teens of Kathmandu get a beer perspective on writing. Held at Hotel Himalaya, twentyeight students from fourteen different schools showed up, keen on listening to how their writing could be improved.“e experience was intriguing,” says Rasmita Dhamala from Siddgartha Vanasthali School. TEENZ | JULY Aer a brief introduction about ECS Media and Teenz magazine, Dr Abhi Subedi started the workshop. Asking questions here and there, in between his introduction to writing, he made the workshop as interactive as possible. e students made a wonderful audience, listening and writing to every bit of valuable information shared by the Professor. Dr. Subedi then asked the students to first list down the topics of what they wanted to write about and then having made them pick one topic , he then suggested that the students jot down a series of words on their selected topic. Aer they were done with it, they were then asked to venture further and form a paragraph in accordance with the words they had listed, then moving ahead with formulating paragraph by paragraph, eventually draing an entire story. “It was a very pleasant experience talking to such brilliant young people,” says Dr. Subedi aer the workshop. e students came up with wonderful pieces of prose by the end of the session, where Dr. Subedi asked a few students to read out what they wrote. Aer the workshop, the students were guided down for lunch. Tech Realm T GAMING RETRO RAVE ! BY: PRAJESH SJB RANA he gaming world has never showed any signs of slowing down, new games are displayed at stands every day, most likely with beer graphics and gameplay. e PlayStation 3, XBOX 360 and Wii have taken gaming to heights to gaming that we could never have imagined, bringing the best of the technological world into your home TV. With games like God of War III and BioShock, the magic of gaming seems even more real now. New technology has brought about a new age for gamers but what about the age that has passed? Classic games, on old consoles, have succeeded in making a significant mark on gaming history even with their out-dated graphics or sound. Game-makers are still inspired by the classic gaming ages and some gamers have hold on to the fading age that was the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES). SNES was the best-selling console of the 16-bit gaming age and continues to in trance gaming enthusiasts and retro gamers. SNES was a turning point in gaming history and people can still be found creating computer-data replicas of original game cartridges called ROMS. Even years aer its release or support, SNES gaming is still alive on personal computers in the form of Console Emulation. Various programs that emulate the state of the console, have come into existence to help gamers experience games originally manufactured for the SNES. ese emulators run ROMs, extracted from their cartridge counterparts. e widely famous ZSNES would be the best SNES emulator, supporting all games in addition to user hacks or translations. SNES emulations are now even available for handheld devices like the Andriod, iPod/ iPhone, PSP or Gameboy Advanced. e biggest reason SNES had, and has till date, such a large cult following was because of it games. SNES has been home to a lot of era-altering games like, Megaman X or e Legend of Zelda. Below, I give you to the top ten of the SNES console. Many of the games mentioned above are still growing stronger. Many of the above games have many sequels, and many of these games have been re-made for newer gaming consoles. e SNES is like an old treasure chest for any retro gamer, or real jewels for any collector. 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Chrono Trigger – 1995 by Square Bahamut Lagoon – 1996 by Square Super Mario World 2: Yoshi’s World – 1995 by Nintendo The Secret of Mana – 1993 by Square The Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past – 1992 by Nintendo Final Fantasy III – 1990 by Square Contra 3: The Alien Wars – 1992 by Konami Megaman X – 1993 by Capcom Street Fighter 3: Turbo – 1993 by Capcom TEENZ | JULY Donkey Kong Country – 1994 by Rare Tech Realm iCANDY TECH MENAGERIE The tech world keeps racing ahead, so to keep track of all the new gadgets flooding the market, we bring you four gadgets to keep an eye on BY LIZA PAUDEL XBOX KINECT (RS. 18000) A console awarded ‘Parents’ Choice Awards’ in the United Stated for its top quality content that entertains and educates simultaneously, stimulates imagination and helps children grow, the Xbox Kinect is available in Nepal at the Gadget Shop. A direct rival to the Playstation Move and to a lesser extent, Nintendo Wii, unlike them, Kinect opts to actively integrate all voice, a camera and full-body sensing to get rid of the buons altogether. In fact, it is the only console to rely on body gestures and voice commands alone, and with that it takes gaming to a whole new level. Kinect’s gesture navigation consists of moving your hand in time with the cursor and holding it in place while a selection confirms. It is fairly accurate and fun to carry around. Voice, on the other hand, works almost flawlessly, perhaps also because CHIMEI 96VS (RS. 12,000) A new model of the LED Monitor of Chimei brand is now available at Sagar Infosys. Complete with a 3 years warranty, the model is the successor of the previous LED monitor 96VD. One of the key features of the new 96VS is its very low power consumption. For a monitor, it consumes surprisingly 20 was only; and in its power-saving state, a bare 1 wa. At 18.5”, the monitor stands tall but is hardly heavy, a light weight of 2.9 kg including stand! A glossy black color and built in stereo speakers make it a treasured addition to any household. e LED display is superb with 16:9 aspect ratio and 10,000,000:1 dynamic ratio.It also boasts of features as CC Pro Chimei color enhancement and 3D Color Gamut making it pleasing to the eyes and accurate in its visualization. Sagar Infosys, New Road 4233618, 4245058 TEENZ | JULY you’re limited to saying words that are on screen only. e standard playing area is stated as 6-8 feet but it really should be 8-10 for the player to get the best out of it. And as an added bonus there is the video chat, compatible with Windows Live messenger. To a market that equals motion gaming with casual gaming, the Kinect is cautious to cover all varieties of games that may appeal to the potential gamer. True, many games widely loved are yet to be released but the ones that have been, have been cited to be “immense fun” and “creating new experiences”. In fact, critics around the world are so impressed that they have named it—if executed correctly— to be the future of gaming. at mainly dwelling on the exciting new avenue of gesture navigation where, as Kinect’s campaign expertly says, you’re the controller! Gadget Shop, Durbar Marg 4257895/4226669 SAMSUNG GALAXY ACE (RS.27,900) e Galaxy Ace powered by android operating system version 2.2 froyo is the new smartphone by Samsung that will most certainly leave all the others behind, in terms of providing great service and making it affordable. It has an inexpensive price and by offering the almost complete Android experience, it provides total worth of the money, and more. e features of Samsung Galaxy Ace go beyond expectations. e web technology, 3G network, multi touch input, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, up to 32 GB expandable memory has made working more systematic and quick. Android OS, Google Search, Maps, Gmail, YouTube, Calendar, Google Talk, Picasa integration, super smooth touch, 3.5 inches screen, unlimited call records have been wedded for beer efficiency and faster setup. Also, its 5 MP camera and autofocus encouraged superior photography more than makes up for the absence of a HD recording while the signature Samsung digital sound clarity in mp3 format is also there. If customer adores games then Samsung galaxy ace can also act as a powerful game- station as its motion sensor and wide screen gives a fairly accurate simulation. e body of the Galaxy Ace provides for a subtle yet noticeable similarity to the Apple iPhone 4; with many features similar and the same screen size of 3.5 inches, despite the Galaxy Ace’s relatively small size. Comparing them, you come to the conclusion that the Samsung is generally smaller, lighter and nicer in the hand than the iPhone, if slightly less sleek. But with the price like that, I’m not complaining! Samsung Plaza, Durbar marg, 4441571 SAMSUNG CH@T 335(RS. 9000) SAMSU A new QWER QWERTY phone released by Samsung, the Ch@t335 WIFI flaunts a larger displ display of 2.4-inch screen, WIFI support and an optical track pad for navigation. navig It features a 22MP camera and a 3.5mm heads headset jack. With a microSD card slot up tto 8GB, it lets you store all of your fav favorite music, pictures and more. Fu Furthermore, with the push email an and social networking integration, FFacebook and Twier are a bare clic click away allowing you to instantly cconnect with friends and share in the ffun. Samsung Ch@t335 JU | TEENZ JULY will also keep entertained with its features as a built-in FM radio and an MP3 player with them featuring a Sound Alive technology, which enhances the listening experience. Adding WIFI support to the traditional Samsung phone experience, the company believes it will best serve the target group of executives on the move, who want to remain updated in social networks along with their profession as well. Samsung Plaza, Durbar marg 4441571 Trends WARDROBE Manisha Khadka This sweet-16 girl loves to hop around Durbar Marg to shop for her favorite clothes. Starting her A Levels at Rato Bangala School, she is full of life, energy and enthusiasm. This July she is starting off her third year in High school and also being featured in the TEENZ wardrobe section! Going floral this summer GIRL’S WARDROBE op be t mal Ani t tu prin sun when I love the se on e I have th Ho tp an ts fo rh ot da ys ! ERY GIRL V N E EE DS TO HA V S FO R A S OCCA S E ON E SHINY E HO NY HI S t 16 My sweegift birthday N IO t High wais pants for every occassion TEENZ | JULY S ion al print collect I love my anim party ready to Always erfumes ction of p colle I have a A favorite hing veryt shirt For Rad specia ow atchl occas sio ns m d I nee y e It fits FOR A MEE SY OK LO s Glare r r Summe Ready fo GUY’S WARDROBE Rubik Joshi Gucc i Belt Standing tall at 6 feet, 19-year-old Rubik can always be trusted to be aptly dressed. White tees teamed with a pair of jeans is his favorite attire and he knows how to rock it out at being the laid-back- yet- suavedude that girls go gaga for. By: Bonita S Basnyat JULY | TEENZ Trends FROM THE STREET Bishrom Basnet “Prey woman walking down the street!” by Rob Orbison was playing in the back of our minds when we spoed her on the street. She was spot on with her bag, shoes and her outfit. Saloni Sharma Simple and stylish is in fashion these days. Nothing else can be more beautiful than simplicity and that is what Saloni is portraying on the streets. Sarina Who says girls in Kathmandu don’t know how to dress up? Who says they’re not fashionable enough? Sarina is a proof for such talkers! She could steal any show with those boots and accessories. Navaraj Timilsina Even with a tshirt and simple pants, a person can look the best with the way he carries it off. Navaraj here has done . STRUTING By: Bonita S Basnyat TEENZ | JULY Sussane Lama Sussanne gave us the perfect teen aitude. e smile, bag, high waist pants and shades go perfectly well with what we’re trying to spot this time. Go girl! Shreeja Shah Studying MBBS in Manipal, Shreeja knows how to walk it off in the simplest way and manages to look the best and turn heads all at the same time! And who says only bright colors look good? Mr. Gurung We spoed Mr.Gurung walking on the streets of Durbar Margh. Looking as cool as white, he manages to look best for the weather, I wonder who he is inspired by or is this his own style? Parikrama Rai AWAY Dresses are what we have been imagining this whole winter and Parikrama is proof that summer is here to stay . e red and white combination is perfect for our spring look and goes with her colored laces. JULY | TEENZ Trends GO GLAM! Pink Softness, sweetness, innocence, youthfulness and tenderness and is regarded to be a feminine color. Wear it when you’re sad as it is believed to heal grief. It restores youthfulness and brings you in contact with your feelings. Green Peace, rest, hope, comfort nurturing, calmness and harmony. COLOR erapy When Summer makes a comeback, you know what should come back in your wardrobe with it, right? Yes indeed, splash away your closet with some vibrantly hued apparels. Walk hand in hand with the nature’s brightest season with some brightly colored clothes of your own. Our inhouse stylist, Nitesh Sherchan, shows you how. Read and learn as to how you can incorporate some color therapy into your wardrobe too. TEENZ | JULY Green side-pocket pants, U.F.O, Rs 1,298 Model: Aditi Budathoki Since green is the color of balance and harmony, wear it when you need to calm down. Indigo The deep blue of devotion. Indigo is cool, electric, and astringent. Model: Rubik Joshi, Aditi Budathoki Wearing Indigo/ blue brings a person to a calming mood. Blue shrug, Marque store, 3,500 Navy blue jeans, U.F.O 1,498 Mustard yellow tank top, Store One, Rs 999 Purple/Yellow Polo T-shirt, Baleno, Rs 1,690 Beige cotton side patch pocket pant Rs, Store One, Rs 3,599 JULY | TEENZ Yellow The color of the sun, lifeforce, vividity, vitality and energy. Yellow helps strengthen the nerves and the mind. It is an excellent color to wear when you’re nervous. Brown An earthly color for practical people with a preference for natural, tribal and primitive things, solidity and simplicity. Yellow T-shirt, Store One, Rs 1,798 Green quarter pants, Baleno, Rs 2,290 Shoes, Rock port Rs 8,429 Brown side pocket shorts, U.F.O, Rs 898 Puma Shoes, Store One, Rs 5,598 TEENZ | JULY Model: Yachnit Rana, Rubik Joshi Wearing something brown is believed to make relationships solid and increase decisiveness. Black A color for extremes, everything and/or nothing. It is a color of people who foremost trust themselves. Black helps us connect with our sub-conscious. Wearing black makes one seem alluring. Red Passionate love, great energy, impulse, action and stimulation. Model: Rubik Joshi, Aditi Budathoki Wear red when you’re feeling lazy/lethargic, as the color is believed to bring warmth, energy and stimulation. Wearing read relatively increases your level of attractiveness too. Black Shrug, Marque Store, Rs 2,700 Black Jeans, U.F.O, Rs 1,448 Pink T Shirt, U.F.O, Rs 698 Polka Dot flat Shoes, U.F.O, Rs 778 Red check shirt, India terrain, Store One, Rs2,999 Denim jeans, U.F.O, Rs 1,498 JULY | TEENZ Purple Colors for meditation, contemplation, mysticism, spirituality and religious power. Wardrobe Courtesy: United Colors of Benettons, Durbar Margh, 4221 454/4241 902 Store One, Durbar Margh, 4223 777, 4223 555 U.F.O, Kumaripati, 5524 627 Baleno, Wood land Complex, Durbar Margh, 4258 215 Rockport Show room, Durbar Margh, 4231485, 4227216 Marque Stores – Sherpa Mall, Durbar Margh, 4231 485 Bentley stores – Durbar Margh, 4228 816 TEENZ | JULY Zara white shoe, Bentley, Rs 2,995 Deep purple collar t-shirt, Store One, Rs 1,690 Wrangler Jeans, Store One, 3,599 Model: Yachnit Rana Wear it when you feel the need to soothe any mental and emotional stress you may have. Teenage Crisis BY: Teenz Team Teenage is a time most adults fondly reminisce of, an age that kids and adolescents wish to reach faster. But in all reality, teenage could just be as disappointing if all the teenager was hoping for was just the glitz and glamour. And as much as the word “teenage” may have been glorified, most likely by the media, over the years and the world of consumerism cashing on it, as it is turning out to be the most lucrative of businesses of all times, one should be aware that while teenage years are adventurous and fun, it may also come with its share of pitfalls. So, if you’re a teenager or if you know or have any teenage friends or family members, which we are sure that you do, then you might want to read what we have aempted to compile for you. Yes, Teenage is a vulnerable time and one should arm themselves with the right facts and smart tacts, before any of these negative aspects looms up into a sizeable teenage crisis. Read. Learn. Smart up. JULY | TEENZ TEENZ | JULY Sugarika KC Miss Nepal 2005 I Love Trees Shopping Travelling I Hate Over partying Oily foods Women violence Kriti Tamang Maskey Miss Teen Nepal 2010 I Love Facing the camera The fact that I am a beauty queen The colour purple and not to forget my family and my friends A Beauty Queen according to me is… Talent, humane, bold and beautiful. I Hate: when people get judgemental creepy creature when I get nervous My favorite Nepali Beauty Queen… Ruby Rana, 1st Miss Nepal. A beauty queen according to me is: Someone who has it in her from the core of her heart. What my title means to me… A platform to demonstrate my passions, performance & the reason to my being. My favorite Nepali Beauty Queen: Malvika Subba (Miss Nepal 2002) A message to aspiring Beauty Queens… Explore your strengths, focus on fine tuning your talents and cleanse your inner beauty A message to those who are against beauty pageants… Your discouragement provided more strength to aspiring talents and one day you may realize its importance when your daughter will participate. What this Title means to me : It is a dream come true and a milestone in the journey of my life. A message to aspiring Beauty Queens: Believe in yourself and your dreams. A Message to those who are against Beauty pageants: If they’ve got the right to protest then we’ve got the right to participate. Time and again, they’ve raised controversies for being a part of a contest that many activists view as demeaning to the women kind, and yet, time and again, these women who emerged from these contests bagging a crown, have not failed to charm the media to thousands of ordinary people alike. ese women, we like to call – e Beauty eens. And queens they are, for they rule the hearts of many and we all know just the outer beauty isn’t enough to sustain an impression so strong, its also their personality that has us all captivated. So, brace yourself Teenz readers as we give you a special treat to your eyes this issue. Here we have some of the most loved Miss Nepals of all times and the reigning Teen Beauty eens. Check them out, you know you want to. Anjali Pradhanang Miss Teen Nepal 1st Runner Up 2010 I love My hair Speaking in public Shopping I hate Fats Imposters My stubborness A Beauty Queen according to me is … The one who is beautiful inside out My favorite Nepali Beauty Queen is Usha Khadgi What my title means to me The biggest achievement I have till date. A message to aspiring Beauty Queens Have confidence, believe in yourself and stand out Alisha Kunwar Miss Teen 2010, second runner up I love: Giving poses Make up Cameras I Hate: When I get nervous Reptiles Judgemental people A Beauty Queen is: One who believes in herself and believes in what she does My Favorite Nepali Beauty Queen is Malvika Subba What my title means to me: A dream come true. A message to those who are against beauty pageants A message to aspiring Beauty Queens: Just believe in yourself and follow your dreams I feel that a beauty pageant is the place where you can explore yourself and no one should have the right to meddle with that. A message to those who are against beauty pageants The world has moved on and its time that we do the same. High School BLUES Ruby Rana Shah Miss Nepal 1994 (First Miss Nepal) Ryan Chau- Hong kong BY: GAURAV THAPA Teenagers normally start dating when they are at school. Friends encourage the relationship by teasing you about your partner and the like. In Hong Kong we generally text our girlfriends since it is the cheaper option. Also, I think it is popular because it does not involve face to face interactions. We go out on dates to places that are crowded with people- cinemas, shopping malls, parks. Making out in public, however, is still considered a bit inappropriate in our culture. So in that sense, you could say that it is not very liberal. Parents are generally, not beastly about their children dating but the permission to date does come with the usual warning of - “I don’t want it affecting your studies!” Teachers at school are the same way about it. ey wouldn’t really bother whether or not you are dating unless you are geing into fights because of it or if your academic performance starts to go downhill. F our years is what it takes to make a man. Four excruciating years! Each passing day at high school is a new life lived. Each moment subsisted is a grueling feat. is is not a narrative of a high school movie nor is this any account of a coming-of-age novel. Veracity is that, high school is the ultimate bale for survival. at senile geography professor, those sturdy bullies, that brazen Richie Rich, those exasperating backbenchers, that repulsive Mr. Know-all, and those crazy lile floozies – the villains of one’s nastiest nightmare are all there. You don’t know why but that stout ill-tempered professor always has you on his hit-list. Just as he enters the classroom, he glares you with his bloodshot eyes and asks you the only question you don’t have the answer of. en, the worst part comes. e yelling gives you mental trauma and your reddened face accompanies the disgrace in front of the entire classroom. You wish the earth beneath you tears up and swallows you inside. Bullies are the pits. And those god-dammed rogues have such good eye-sights. Even if you bury yourself in the murkiest corners of the playground, you cannot escape their aention. In your teen-life, this is the only aention you wish you hadn’t got. And once they find you, they pounce on you like hungry scavengers. eir saliva-dripping tongue scares the crap out of you. At times, you feel like revolting. But, intimidation gets the beer of you and you find solace in the fact that everything is going to be over in mere four years. Four more years only! He has a fancy ride; speaks in a weird accent; dresses up good as if a gay; and has a secret genie. Who? at sick Richie Rich. Nobody knows how OOOOHHHH!!! ISN’T HE HOT? I WISH I COULD BE WITH HIM. HE’S SO CUTE. COMMON GIRLS, GO GET A LIFE! he got hold of that genie but he owns whatever he wishes. And however good you dress, he’ll make you look a total jerk. And, bugs on the trash (antonymous to icing on the cake!), those floozies love him. Oooohhhh‼! Isn’t he hot? I wish I could be with him. He’s so cute. Common girls, go get a life! Always warming up the last benches of the classroom are the backbenchers. ey live in packs. Irregular heights, spoed faces, creepy hairstyles, and an unusual level of noise is what distinguish them from the others. And, you should watch out for their shenanigans at all times. On occasions, you could fall trap to their pranks and boy does it hurt, both physically and emotionally. e only fun you can have with them involved is either when they get in the nerves of that professor or when those bullies have them on their target for a change. Mr. Know-all is the worst of the lot. You are a nobody to him. He is “above TEENZ | JULY your league”. He is the pet of all the teachers. Your parents taunt you with his example let alone your teachers. Why can’t you be like him? Why the heck would anyone want you to be like somebody else? You are special on your own. You create music from your armpits, you fit six chicken-wings in your mouth, you spit farther from a rooop, you know the name of every other person in your school, and you make beer paper-airplanes. Can he do that? Why doesn’t anybody notice that talent in you? Why is it you who is doomed? Berserk is the word to sum up high school. Berserk is your aitude, berserk is your personality, berserk are your classmates, berserk are your teachers, berserk is the whole experience, berserk are you. At the end of each day, you die. And yet, you rejoice in the fact that your high school is a day shorter. Oh the High School Blues. Julieta Miranda - Argentina e dating culture in Argentina is quite “liberal” in the sense that it’s totally normal to date someone of a younger age, and nobody considers this to be like against religion or anything, so yes couples can be seen in public without any problem. However, it’s not liberal in the sense that you start a relationship within few weeks of knowing each other. Teenagers normally date people whom they share some part of their routine with, like at school, neighbourhood or at sports club. We use texts and mobile conversations a lot; also the blackberry chat has become some sort of a fashion, and Facebook is used as well. Most parents are prey cool with their sons/daughters dating at a JULY | TEENZ young age, although it obviously depends on the type of family, religious beliefs, etc. Some fathers or brothers may be a bit protective, but nothing extreme, the only thing that this may cause is the girl to hide the relationship from them for a while. Concerning the inferiority complexes, I don’t think such a thing exists in Argentina .I know many people older than me who never dated anyone, but they don’t feel like they wasted their lives or anything, and they certainly don’t have an inferiority complex. Schools and teachers also regard dating as something completely normal, although “public demonstrations of love” in school are not allowed. I love Children Traveling Honest people I hate Liars Pollution Dirty politics A Beauty Queen according to me… is a role model who is beautiful, trendy, intelligent and has good moral values. Usha Khadgi Miss Nepal 2000 I Love My daughterUgeshna. Shoping. Cooking. I Hate Back biting. Spiders. Dust. A Beauty Queen according to me is… a blend of beauty and brain. My favorite Nepali Beauty Queen Usha Khadgi and Sugarika K.C My favorite Nepali Beauty Queen… is Miss Nepal 2004, Payal Shakya. What my title means to me The essence of beauty with a heart What my title means to me… Turning point of my life. A message to aspiring Beauty Queens Beauty Queen is a woman of the new millennium- pretty, intelligent, opinionated and strong. A message to aspiring Beauty Queens… Always respect elders. A message to those who are against beauty pageants Its not only physical beauty, being women and beauty queens, we contribute our strength and courage for our nation. A message to those who are against beauty pageants… First think and try to know the details truth of beauty pageants. Beauty eens TEXT: SAMRIDDHI RAI Malvika Subba Zenisha Moktan I Love My family and friends Riyaj My job I love My family My boyfriend Everything in my life I hate: Corrupt politicians Late comers Unprofessional people I hate Saying goodbyes Fake people Slow Internet connection A Beauty Queen according to me is… One who carries herself with poise, is intelligent, smart and in your face, strong woman. A Beauty Queen according to me … is a real woman who inspires others who look up to her to lead a happy, beautiful life. My favorite Nepali Beauty Queen: Saddicha Shrestha My favorite Nepali Beauty Queen Shweta Singh What my title means to me: Its been 9 years , but I am still addressed as Miss Nepal, no matter what I do. It has given me recognition and respect. What my title means to me Achievement! This is what I’ve always wanted and when I see the crown today, I know I’ m on the right track. A message to aspiring Beauty Queens: Be yourself, know the world, be focused about your goals and ambitions. A message to aspiring Beauty Queens Be aware, know yourself, educate and empower yourself. Be nice to people, work hard and stay grounded. A message to those who are against the Beauty Pageants: Nothing has ever stopped the pageants from happening, nothing ever will. Please go do something productive, rather than protesting once every year. A message to those who are against beauty pageants You are free to pursue your life, let me pursue mine. You have no right to judge anyone! Miss Nepal 2002 Miss Nepal 2009 YOUR TIME IS NOW FROM LEFT TO RIGHT: Malvika Subba, Usha Khadgi, Ruby Rana Shah, Anjali Pradhanang, Kriti Tamang Maskey, Sugarika K.C., Alisha Kunwar, Zenisha Moktan Dating Cultures the World BY: SAMPADA KC over Tom Lyon - UK Well if you can generalise from my example I started dating when I was in the Scouts and that was when I was 13. In the UK, I would think we are quite chilled about the whole dating business. We take it very casually and our parents are normally fine with us going out on dates. At school, the teachers don’t mind you hanging out with your boyfriend or girlfriend as long as you are not making out, right in front of them. In public places, seeing couples making out is not a very rare scene but then again you do find a conservative few who do not approve of such behaviour. I wouldn’t say there is an inferiority complex among teenagers when it comes to dating. But I guess if all your friends are going out and you are the only one single, you will have reasons to feel a bit le out. TEENZ | JULY what you miss the most.” he says about his recent breakup, four months ago. When asked the reason, he pauses and answers, “Well, things didn’t work out. We both perhaps weren’t the people that we initially thought we were.” Whatever be the worked-out reason: insecurity, incompatibility, a third-wheel or even an I-want-to-besingle revelation, the actual reasons are more complicated. You could shrug off saying ‘S/he’s not the one’ but the underlying cause would more likely be that you could not stand him smoking anymore, or got tired of him/her never remembering the dates, or finally gave up on her nagging. You couldn’t sele for anything less than what you wanted; you just weren’t happy. Strengthened by—again—movies, TV and celebrities who break up every other day, teenagers these days seem to see breakups as coming. Aer the first few months of mush, no “true love” exists and Bollywood movies suddenly turn foolish. Friends break up, their favorite athletes divorce, and breakups become the general conclusion to a relationship. Easier than trying to make it work becomes simply leing it go. With the fluers long gone, the “love” gets lost somewhere between the irritating idiosyncrasies and the “forever” comes a lile too early. en follows the long string of loneliness, brushing off of egos and uncontrollable rumors about the same. Suddenly you’re noticed by people and are whispered about, and not necessarily in a good way too; countless awkward social exchanges occur. On the bright side, with the break up, you also get the courage to face it all. You become more confident and can defend and stand up for yourself. e breakup does that to you. Aer every breakup, you come out, if slightly bruised, tougher and stronger than ever. Four breakups old Sukriti, 21 tells us, “With him no longer beside me, I am required to be more independent. I get immense satisfaction and pride from the fact that I am on my own and doing very well. Of course, I miss him at times, but the sense of accomplishment about makes up for it.” case 2 BREAKUPS ARE HARD; BREAKUPS ARE AWKWARD. THEY RAISE EYEBROWS AND QUESTIONS THAT YOU WOULD RATHER NOT ANSWER. One thing remains however, what aer the breakup? Too oen than not, the girl and the guy turn complete strangers. To quote Sukriti again, “I wish it were different. But it’s just too awkward.” Many others complain of the same “Aer all, being in a relationship with the person, at some point or the other, you did love them. You were close friends, why do the closeness and the friendship have to disappear aer you break up?” Nisha, 18 asks. e answer lies in maturity. Are you secure enough to see the person you were once with, with somebody else? Are you mature enough to go from ‘more than friends’ to ‘just case 4 JULY | TEENZ friends’, and willing to accept that? While living up a breakup is already a strong act in itself, it takes even more strength and quite a bit of maturity and understanding for the ex-couple to remain friends postbreakup. In conclusion, breakups are hard; breakups are awkward. ey raise eyebrows and questions that you would rather not answer. But for all the sadness and loneliness they bring, you evolve a lile mature and a lile wiser. e wrong choices and the naiveté behind you, you understand, If not the whole world yet, at least yourself beer. Cheers to that! Case 1: A friend, who seemed oh-so-happy in a relationship until yesterday, casually tells you she’s broken up. “It was mutual.” she says. She pretends to smile. Case 2: A best friend calls you in the middle of the night to tell you she’s been dumped. Over the impossible NTC static and her crying and wailing, you ask the reason and strain to hear. She cries louder. case 1 Breakinginto breakups With many teenagers getting into a relationship today and a new one the next day, breakups these days come cheap. But do teenagers realize the gravity of what they’re doing when they terminate (or even get into, for that matter) relationships? TEENZ explores. By: Liza Paudel case 3 TEENZ | JULY Case 3: The girl in the seemingly perfect relationship, whom you’d always seen with him, is happily walking alone in the street. You meet and ask her how he is doing. She says, “Oh, we broke up.”, a nonchalant response. “But you were such a nice couple. What happened?” “I wanted to be free.” she smiles. I f you’ve ever faced any of the above, or even their slight variations, you know how a typical breakup is, and all the madness it ensues. Streams of clichéd “Men are dogs/ She wasn’t that hot anyway,” dialogues from friends and (if the movies are to be believed) unlimited scoops of ice-cream is what follows. ere is also the silent stalking and wishfully waiting for something to happen from the other side. Until one of them moves on, and then finally, so does the other. But that is it perhaps. To the Hollywood and Bollywood fed teenagers of Kathmandu, who see Ranbir Kapoor and Deepika Padukone dance before they are 10, or see Di Caprio make steamy love to Winslet the first time they watch an English film, the idea of relationships and “love” is highly romanticized. When you see gooey eyed couples on prey much every channel on TV, constantly hear songs about “the one” and even read about it in books, doesn’t that seem a tad bit tempting than, well, say math books and schoolwork? “When you’re in a relationship, you have this go-to person, to whom you can open up to. You’ll always have friends but there is always a distance there. In a relationship, there is no such distance, you are comfortable with them and best of all, you are the priority.” says Prajwal, a 19 year old. “When you break up, you lose that company, and that is Eating Did you know ear Every y dren n chil 15 millio er. Count ung z die of h gs Teen in s s le b your ot one you’re n our , s r e d a re ct y . Respe of them nourish body, it well. Disorders Eating disorders refer to a group of conditions defined by abnormal eating habits that may involve either insufficient or excessive food intake to the detriment of an individual’s physical and mental health. Anorexia Anorexic people have a strong fear of gaining weight and a false idea of their body size. ey hardly eat in the fear of weight gain and the lile amount of food intake becomes an obsession. Teens with anorexia restrict their food intake; they go on extended diets, fasts and exercise excessively. Bulimia Bulimics oen eat large amount of junk food at once. Aer eating they then try to reimburse in extreme ways by forced vomiting and intense exercising to prevent themselves from gaining weight. is can be dangerous both physically and emotionally as this leads to compulsive behaviors that are very hard to stop. True Story Nicole Richie In 2007, a treatment center stated that the then 25-year-old Nicole Richie was in possible danger of losing her first baby if she did not get help from an anorexia treatment center. Her battle with anorexia along with alcohol and cocaine abuse put her and her unborn child’s life in danger. With needed medical and psychological assistance, however, she then gave birth to her first baby daughter Harlow and Nicole is now reportedly working her way out of the eating disorder crisis that almost proved lethal to her. TEENZ | JULY 72 79 78 83 74 73 84 75 80 85 81 86 89 72. Sophiya Tamang, 19 Laptop 73. Ang Yesnee Sherpa, 19 Money 90 74. Tshering Sandup Sherpa, 20 Money 75. Jyotika Thapa, 19 Hard drive of my desktop and laptop 76. Prasanna Bhatta, 22 My memo bag 77. Aadersh Raj Joshi, 21 Co2 91 92 87 88 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 87. Richa Joshi Make- Up Box 88. Shashank Silwal I-phone 89. Sahil Dahal Mobile phone 90. Joseph Sthapit Guitar 91. Krishna Raj Rai Laptop 92. Madhusudan Shrestha Laptop 79. Pratik Shrestha, 19 ???????????? 94. Rasna Shrestha Phone 80. Ashif Shrestha, 21 My Nokia cell phone 95. Suzu Koirala Phone 81. Shashank Shrestha, 20 Gas Cylinder 96. Smriti Poudel My Phone 84. Raskin Maharjan, 22 My parents to safety 82 86. Mohit Sadhwani My bag with books 93. Rojeena Thapaliya Jewelry 83. Saugat Bj Mahat, 20 My mom 77 85. Subarna Shrestha Laptop 78. Jayesh Shrestha, 19 Cell phone 82. Siddharth Basnet, 20 Water 76 97. Suprima Maharjan I-Phone 98. Dinika karmaracharya My family photo 99. Aishwarya Pradha Cell phone 100. Parichit Giri My Ipad JULY | TEENZ Pathsala CANTEEN TALK Siraj Mani Acharya Amarjeet Bahadur Thapa Bardan Shrestha Money Talks We asked six Shuvatara students how they felt about pocket money. All about money from the kids themselves. TEXT: BONITA S. BASYNAT Jenny Shrestha Aditi Nepal TEENZ | JULY Sasha Chaudhary If you cannot get your money from your first source who do you ask? What are the things that you usually spend on? Sasha, Aditi and Jenny: Its usually recharge card because even though they give it to us monthly, its never enough. Aer the recharge card, its food, movies, books and other outings. Aditi: If I can’t ask my mom again, I usually ask my father for money. Jenny: Yes, Its easier to make my dad give me money. Sasha: Aer my parents, my Phupus (aunts) usually give me money. I don’t even need to ask they’ll just tell me to keep it and I save it. Bardan: Its usually my grandmother, she just loves me a lot. Siraj, Bardaan and Amarjeet: For us it is usually the taxi fare, food and colognes as well. We spend more on transportation, especially when we miss the school bus. Amarjeet: Even for me, its my grandmother because she trusts me a lot. thly basis or on m a n O ? ey on m et ck How do you get your po it? whenever you ask for sis thing e monthly ba have th e money, we never really All: We usually ask for th ues. except for recharge card iss How do you think money should be given to children? When you ask for money, do your parents ask you to do something, any household chores that you need to finish? Aditi: No, not really. My room is a really big mess anyways and she is always telling me to clean it. Jenny: No, not really. Aditi: I think it should be given when we ask for it. It is easier. Jenny: Yes, when we ask for it but they should give us some bonus money as well. It’s hard being a teenager and not having money sometimes. Sasha: I believe monthly allowance is also fine but they need to understand that we sometimes may need it in advance ☺ sometimes. Bardaan: (laughing) It should be both! Monthly and also when we need it. Sijan: It should be given to us when we ask for it. Amarjeet: I wish there was some type of reserve where they could keep money and we could just take it from there. Not o to them everytime. JULY | TEENZ Pathsala COLLEGES TO EXPLORE Of Randolph and A ugust 9th, 2010: e day I le Nepal and made an exit to see the wonderful world. Hours later, I finally landed in Dulles Airport, Virginia. It was a very long and tiring flight from Kathmandu to Doha and from Doha to finally Virginia. My first view of the Virginia plains from the window of the tiny plane that brought me to the airport was one of strangeness. I was mentally prepared for skyscrapers, high rise buildings and a lot of street noise. e actual experience of cornfields and grain towers was therefore surprising. Aer the US Department of State processed America my immigration documents, I was finally on my way to start my new ife. Although I had a premonition aer seeing the cornfields that I might end up staying in the middle of it for the next four years, I was however, spellbound by the amazing natural beauty of Lynchburg, Virginia. e city was a mixture of forests, farm fields, industrialized buildings, amazing downtowns and just plain “awesomeness”. Sure, I was, nervous and excited to see my college. Regaining a lile bit of a courage, I started to look for the entrance gate where I would be welcomed. Fortunately, it didn’t take me long to find it. e next day kicked off with a week long orientation. TEENZ | JULY I was really fascinated to see how nothing was ever le to chance.e orientation was not by any means a mere social event. It was very well designed and I can’t imagine how things would have gone for me had it not been for the information I got during that week. Coming to America was about adaptation and confidence. But, life slowly came to shape when the semester started- meeting new friends, geing to know professors, American culture, aending lectures, enjoying abstract topics of eccentric lecturers ; all gave me interesting new insights. I gained a beer understanding of culture and tradition and earned a close experience with diversity since I was fortunate enough to have friends from China, Vietnam, Korea and Russia among others. Although, the academic life has been very challenging so far, as the college has a lot to offer. e system of General Education encouraged me to stand out as a ‘human’ with knowledge in many fields. Surprising enough was the fact that I had to take classes like American History, Gender Studies, Geography, Physical Education and Literature- the classes which had never interested me in my life. But I took it as a challenge. Although I was in Randolph to study Environment Science, taking other subjects such as Psychology and Economics helped me a lot. I challenged myself to take up seven classes in the first semester itself and I was brave enough to have a few of my A-level credits transferred to the college, which meant that I could graduate early. e semester passed with preparing papers, research reports and siing for exams which was then followed by good grades too. I was academically strong, was doing good in photography, taking loads of photographs of my friends (Did I mention that I have this ‘thing’ for photography?), eating like a hamster and working like a donkey. e end of the first semester brought winter vacation which turned out to be the most exciting moment of my stay here. I visited my grandparents and uncle in California where I got the opportunity to see San Francisco and a lot of other great places. e second semester started the same way, ended the same way as did the first semester, and I am now enjoying the cool spring breezes. One of my greatest progresses worth mentioning in the second semester is photography again, where I decided that I’d do a 365 days photo challenge which meant that I had to take one photo every day and upload it. I have been doing good so far , in fact just finished uploading my 47th photo. Talking about the social life, despite a few valiant aempts, I have never been able to follow the tradition of drinking in college. It constantly reminds me that I am an outcast because I am always in the corner of my room, using Facebook “DAISY CHAIN” AN EVENT THAT COMMENCES RIGHT BEFORE GRADUATION IS ABOUT SOPHOMORES SINGNG GOODBYE LULLABIES TO THEIR SENIORS, IS THE ONE EVENT I ABSOLUTELY LOVE. JULY | TEENZ 24/7, uploading some random pictures, and enjoying the comments on them. e best I can think of social life for now is the ‘Daisy Chain’ event that commences right before graduation for it involves no alcohol. e clean event is about sophomores singing goodbye lullaby to their seniors and expressing their love for them. I loved this event not just because the photos turned out great, but also because I felt that I had another bond with the college. So much for college socialism. Aer ten months, I still find myself heading over to the driver’s side (which is the passenger’s side in Nepal) when a friend picks me up. It might sound weird, but I still say “li” rather than “elevator” or “footpath” than “sidewalk”. I’ve learnt many new words (“I know right?”), but the nuances of “geez”, “nerd” continue to elude me. I still can’t digest the environment where students eat during class time, and I’m still geing used to living on my own. It’s summer time, and just thinking that I need to cook on my own gives me grudges and makes me miss home even more. To summarize, I gained a lot of experience. I’m learning how to live independently, I’m geing opportunities to meet new people from different cultures and I’m geing professional opportunities concerning my career. I cherish the circumstances that granted me this opportunity and I shall continue to make the best out of it. Pathsala USEF Advising You from Start Finish to BY: SELENA MALLA SIDDHI, EDUCATIONAL ADVISER, USEF-NEPAL ACCURATE. RELIABLE. UNBIASED. FREE. ese words describe the EducationUSA Advising Center at the United States Educational Foundation in Nepal. USEF-Nepal, supported by the U.S. State Department, is Nepal’s only official source of information and advice on studying in the United S If you are thinking of studying in the United States, make a visit to USEF your first step. e center, located at Gyaneswor, Kathmandu, is open Monday to Friday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., and till 5 p.m. on Wednesdays. Students are welcome to visit us at any time during office hours. USEF’s services take you through the college search and application process from start to finish. Here are some of the services you can avail of at USEF: Friday Group Advising Sessions Start out at USEF with a Friday Group Advising Session. In this twohour free counseling session, you will learn the basics of studying in the USA: pre-requisites, admission requirements, the college search and application procedure, costs, scholarships, and standardized tests. Sessions are held most Friday mornings at 10 a.m. To aend, register your name at the library front desk starting Mondays. You will gain a wealth of information at this initial session. Individual Advising Sessions You can avail of one-on-one advising with a USEF adviser, who assists students with the college search and application process and provides guidance specific to your case. Free of cost, these half-hour sessions are available almost daily. To register for individual advising, first aend USEF’s TEENZ | JULY Friday Group Advising and start your college search using the information you learn in Group Advising. Library Services At USEF’s library, you can access comprehensive, current information on higher education in the USA. USEF’s library contains college directories and guides, college catalogs, test preparation books, application essay books, and much more. Students may access the library entirely free of cost; membership is NOT required. Free Internet access for college search is available at the library. Whether you’re researching colleges or preparing for standardized exams, the USEF library offers a wonderful study environment with fantastic resources. Prometric Testing Center e Prometric Testing Center at USEF administers computer-based tests Specialized Advising Sessions & Other Regular Events USEF offers advising sessions on many specialized topics. Advance registration is required for all sessions, and most are free of cost. Sessions include: Orientation on the Standardized Tests In this session, you will learn about the TOEFL, SAT, ACT, GRE, and GMAT, namely test content, which tests to take, test formats, test dates, sample questions, and how to register. and many Nepali students require scholarships in order to make the U.S. an affordable study destination. In this session, you will learn about the types of scholarships available, criteria for winning scholarships, ways to reduce cost of attendance, resources for scholarship searching, and much more. Tips on Writing an Application Essay Many U.S. colleges require applicants to submit essays. This specialized session teaches you what colleges look for in application essays, and offers excellent tips and expert advice on writing your own. “Get Inspired” Series In this talk program series, USEF invites guest speakers, mostly alums of U.S. colleges and universities, who have something inspirational to share. Attending a session is a great way to gain some fresh perspective! Scholarship 101 Studying in the USA is expensive, American Educational Film Series USEF offers free monthly movie shows! The goal is for viewers to learn more about American culture through film. We screen a movie on a Friday toward the end of each calendar month at 3:00 pm. A short group discussion about the movie follows the screening. U.S. College Presentations U.S. college and university representatives often visit USEF and make presentations about their institutions. By attending these sessions, you can interact directly with a U.S. college admissions officer or faculty member and learn about specific institutions in the United States. on a daily basis. Available tests include iBT TOEFL, GRE, GED, and USMLE. test preparation material, test international student in the United bulletins, and other relevant materials States. You are now ready to are available at subsidized rates. depart for the United States! Pre-Tests To practice for the real standardized tests, you can familiarize yourself with test content and format at USEF’s pre-test computer lab. USEF offers practice tests for TOEFL, SAT, GRE and GMAT in a simulated test environment. Book your seat in advance with payment of Rs. 250. Student Visa Information Sessions Aer you receive your I-20 (admission to a U.S. college), aend a free information sessions about student visas to the United States. Learn directly from a U.S. Embassy Consular Officer about how to apply for student visas. Transcript Attestation USEF aests copies of academic transcripts (mark-sheets) for submission to U.S. colleges and universities. Materials for Sale USEF sells reference materials on studying in the USA. Guidebooks, Pre-Departure Orientation And finally, aer receiving your student visa for the United States, the final USEF service to use is our Pre-Departure Orientation, a fun and informative workshop about cultural issues, academic maers, visa regulations, and adjusting to life in the USA. ese sessions feature alums from U.S. colleges and universities and offer valuable advice, insight, and tips for success as an JULY | TEENZ e EducationUSA Advising Center at USEF is part of a global network of 450 advising centers in 170 countries. USEF is here to help you at every step of your U.S. college application process. Start your college search and application process early and visit our center at Gyaneswor as soon as possible! Connect with USEF: Like us on Facebook: hp://www. facebook.com/usef.nepal Join our e-group: hp://groups. yahoo.com/group/usef_nepal or send a blank email to usef_nepalsubscribe@yahoogroups.com Website: hp://www.usefnepal.org Phone: 4414-598/ 4444-780 Reader’s Stop FICTION At the slope of Everest T he blindingly gushing wind had made it impossible for Dorje to make any sense of reality as he stood taking deep breaths at the slope of Everest. As he looked down the same track that he had taken to come that far, searching for his lost friends, all he could see was the devilish stare of the cold. Dorje loved climbing. e exhilaration he felt when his face was splashed by the icy cold wind, the thrill of being able to enjoy the amazing view from the top of the summit and the sheer sense of dominance and triumph aer le with the brutality of loneliness, panic, and despair. And he knew that trying to go down, without any assistance of his friends, without any mountaineering gear, without the assertion of visibility, meant death. is was why he knew that he had no other option but to search for his friends. Aer all, he could not give up on them. Surviving Everest isn’t something that just about anyone can do. Every year, many people lose their lives while trying to conquer its treacherous steeps or cross over its precarious crevices. But his heart had been constantly WALKING OVER THE THICK BLANKETED SNOW HAD ALREADY MADE HIM WEAK. HIS LEGS WERE DEAD AND SO WERE HIS HANDS. reaching atop, had motivated him to climb the summit “in his backyard”. But triumph and dominance was not what he had in his mind when he tucked his head under the cover of his thick shielding jacket; his hands, blue and dreary, his whole body shivering with insurmountable cold. He knew he was in big trouble. For the past two days, he had been in search of his friends. Struck by an avalanche, the sheer force of nature had blown him and his five-member expedition team away. Dorje had survived but was pounding with fear for the past two days. He had been surviving only with a small can of food and a bole of drinking water, which he had kept in case of an emergency. By crouching his head and body inside the warmth of the furry jacket, he had avoided the wind, the snow, and the loneliness. Searching for his friends for two whole days had taken its toll on him. Walking over the thick blanket of snow had already made him weak. His legs were dead and so were his hands. Even an inch of movement gushed in an incredible TEENZ | JULY torrent of unrelenting pain. And even before he realized, he had slept his second day half buried, hopeless at the slope of Everest. His life was fading away. Dorje had a life full of dreams and hopes. He dreamt of a good education, a good family and loving children. He had hopes of running a medical post and a school in his hometown and of developing his rural village. But his biggest dream was probably what many of us would think is too tough to be aainable- he wanted to climb the highest mountain on earth. And he had the zeal for it too. Born to the renowned Sherpa clan, Dorje had been brought up into a family that considered climbing Everest as the ultimate test, a true testament to their heritage. He had gathered five of his friends; all of whom shared a common desire of reaching the top of the summit . But there he was, le alone, with nothing but his hope to console him. Half buried in the snow and his food and water finished, he knew time was slipping away. He gasped for every last breath of air hoping for a miracle, a shine of bright light among the dark shadows of gloom. In the horizon the sun had begun to set, sinking another day of desperation, despair, and hope. As he watched over the spectacular sunset, he took a moment to soak up the beauty of his surroundings. As he took his last breaths, he was happy to know that his dream had been fulfilled aer all. Group 2, the Red Dragons drove up to Kakani and started their trek. Aer walking 8km uphill and downhill, we arrived at our campsite at Patesaura, although by the time we reached, heavy rain had started pelting down. It was very difficult pitching tents in the rain but the students worked very well together and succeeded in pitching a perfect tent. Working together they fixed a brilliant meal of meat-sauce and spaghei too. Aer dinner, the students went to their respective tents, leaving everything quiet and dark, leing the fireflies shine out. It was then that we realized that we were camping among fireflies, in a field of glowing lights. We woke up the next morning to the smell of fresh air and beautiful fields of white grass that the locals call “Siru”. We cooked a breakfast of halwa, ate it with bread and cheese and got ready to leave by 10. Aer a brief clean-up of our campsite, we got ready to walk 16km to Red Dragon’s first campsite at the Scout Camp at Tinpiple. An enjoyable walk where the weather favored us and the students enjoyed stopping by plants of “aisalu” and savouring the small berries. We stopped for a quick lunch of bread and cheese with mayonnaise and jam, where the Red Dragons passed us by, making their trip to our first campsite at Patesaura. “I loved walking with Nature, I liked how the city opened up below me and I loved how close I seemed to the mountains. I learnt a lot during this hike, like learning how to function well in a group and how to cook well,” says Salora Ghimire, catching a moment to watch the waking Kathmandu Valley below. Aer a long tiring walk, we reached the scout camp at Tinpiple and got ready to pitch the tents as fast as possible fearing the rain once more. e students had been given books on various topics ranging from Worst Case Scenarios to the Plants and Animals of the Hills, on which they were expected to give a presentation. ey spent some time preparing their presentation aer the poles of the tents had been fixed. Aer the work on their presentation had been substantial, we started to cook a filling dinner of rice with lentil curry and vegetables. Satisfied with our cooking, we dined under the stars, IT WAS VERY DIFFICULT PITCHING TENTS IN THE RAIN BUT THE STUDENTS WORKED VERY WELL TOGETHER AND SUCCEEDED IN PITCHING A PERFECT TENT. JULY | TEENZ talking and geing to know each other beer. A ferocious thunderstorm roared at us in the middle of the night and since our campsite was on a hilltop, we had to evacuate to a nearby scout building, where we slept through the thunderous night. Aer breakfast the next morning, we walked to the ai Memorial Park where we watched a few of the groups perform their presentation. “A memorable trip,” said Narayan Silwal as we made our way down to Kakani, “I’ve learnt a lot of survival skills and I think it’s experience that’s a beer teacher than a book . And just like that, the trip was over. e brilliance of the morning, the majesty of the mountains and the cool rejuvenating taste of the water from the waterfall, all obscured by the polluted air of the Kathmandu city. I enjoyed the trek and I know the students did too, even through all the rain. Back at the Initiative Outdoor office, the Steel Dragons had their go at abseiling. I met with my group one last time, thanked them for showing me a good time because a trip is as good as the people you travel with. And as I le, the crisp smell of the fresh air came back to me, the white peaks of the mountains staring back at me flashed across my memory and the people I traveled with filled up the cockles of my memory and I couldn’t help but smile to myself. QUIZ Relationship Meant to Be or Not Meant to Be What would you do if someone was messing with him/her? a b c Are you in love? Do you disagree in every decision you make or does he/ she complete your sentences? Are you confused if he/she is “the one” or not? Take the relationship quiz and get an idea. When you first met, what attracted you to each other the most? a Give the person a mean look and then walk away. Let it slide and tell him it’s not a big deal at all. Stand up for him/her. Have you been on and off numerous times in this relationship? a b c We have talked about taking a break, but have not done it yet. On and off, on and off and on. We have been ‘ON’ the whole time. If you are going to be off and on, you do not deserve such a relationship What usually happens when you have a difference of opinion or an argument? b We both thought the other was good looking and seemed like a nice, fun person to hang out with. The fact that we clicked physically very quickly. a c b We are both very stubborn. Big fight! After an argument, we either drop the topic or act lke we are agreeing with each other. We seemed to fit together. When we talked, we realized how our interests and beliefs matched. c We discuss why we feel a certain way and try to learn from our differences. Making up is the best part. MOSTLY As May be May Not Be MOSTLY Bs Not Meant To Be MOSTLY Cs Must be – You and your partner are perfect for eachother HIS QUESTIONS…HER ANSWERS ALL ABOUT GIRLS Relationship Want to know why girls think or behave the way they do? All along, you have been talking to your friends about this but, now a girl shares her thoughts on all your girl-related questions. ILLUSTRATION: ANJAN ALE Whenever I walk around Kathmandu, I see many girls walking around holding hands. It is very weird for us guys to hold hands because of being called the G-word. Why is it that it’s okay for girls to hold hands and walk around flaunting it? I bet when you meet your “bro’s” you shake hands. So why is shaking hands relatively weird for girls and why do guys walk around flaunting it? Same reason, my boy: it just boils down to socially acceptable means of bonding and establishing intimacy. I’d hold hands with my best friend, same as you’d pop a can of beer with yours. But, to be totally honest, a sizable number of men (yes, adult men) in Nepal walk around holding hands, some with pinkies daintily tangled together. And some exposure to Russell Peters, provided you trust him, would have you informed that this phenomenon It is not a mystery how guys are easily attracted to girls physically, but I’ve always wondered if girls are at all attracted to us, boys, in a physical way. Do they just notice our personality and stuff like that? Didn’t Justin Beiber make a million ladies misty with a flick of his blond hair? Didn’t Leo DeCaprio do the same years ago in Titanic? Of course, we can get attracted to a guy solely based on his looks, although girls might not be as vocal about it because in our country at least, girls are encouraged to be sexually shy. But that does not mean we don’t have crushes on Jake Gyllenhall in Jarhead because of his rock-hard abs; or Christiano Ronaldo’s muscular legs do not make one or two of my girl friends swoon every couple of days. We do check out (and appreciate!) a sturdy pair of arms, a broad back, or a gorgeous smile, although we do search for qualities beyond that. wallet. I bet there are as many girls who think he is a jerk as are there willing to go out with him. I’d certainly get impressed by a guy’s money- if he has earned it himself, for it reflects characteristics like hard-work and skill, whereas there is close to nothing less impressive than a man who blows and I have a friend who is shows off money his parvery rich, and has lots ents earned. In conclusion, of girlfriends. I try to ask don’t worry, we are woohim to give me tips on ed by things many and impressing girls and all varied- sense of humor he tells me is that girls have a very weak-spot for and humility, good looks h and charm, and an occamoney. Is this true? Do m sional naiveté like yours girls get impressed by g that makes you ask such money? m Two words: hell no! “Girls” cutely innocent questions! T do not get impressed by d I have seen my sisters shop money; gold-diggers do. m as a hobby or pastime. Girls Your friend cannot generY seem to be so into it, but I aalize women-kind as dupes really can’t understand this ffor dough, although a behavior. Why is shopping ffraction of us may conso important to girls? ssciously be. I’d guess your One of the universe’s ffriend intrinsically aracts unsolved mysteries. Really, ggirls who are interested in sometimes, even I wonder money because his main m why. aand perhaps only way of If you have any guy related aapproaching them is by query, send it to editorial@teenz. tthe thickness of his … um, com.np of man-hand-holding is actually quite common and publicly accepted in parts of Asia! To sum up, it’s culturally “okay” for girls to hold hands because it is not a threat to our gender identities- no such thing as a “G-word”, as you put it, or a “L-word”, for that matter, follows. JULY | TEENZ Train of Thought Eyes In Your I remember a girl when I was young, a girl with bright eyes who I used to play with. Our parents were friends and we’d meet oen, on our birthdays and on our family night outs. She’d always be there with her bight blazing eyes and now even my failing memory refuses to remove what lile memory I have le of her. I remember her eyes, most distinctively than anything else, those eyes that reflected the electricity of the city that reflected everything our childhood together was. Maybe I had eyes like those then, but all I see now is a shaered man looking back at me. Magic, I guess, is what we lose while growing up. Everything seemed so new when I was young, so full of wonder. Building up a story for even the smallest of things and finding beauty in the lile details. I guess that is what the electricity is all about, I guess that is what our eyes reflect, the innocence. ere was a pond I used to visit with my friend when I was young, a small come into play once you’re an adult, like which college I’m going to go to, what am I going to be once I grow up, will I be financially sound if I go for an artistic course? You get weighed down by everything in the future and we get so caught up in life that we forget all about the lile happiness that lurks within, here in the present. I say that I’m that kind of person who enjoys living in the present and things will eventually work out but I know deep down that, that’s not true. I have to think about what I want to study and what I want to be and when I end of anxiety kicks in, frustration grows erasing away what lile of that childhood innocence I had. I met my friend a few days back, all grown up and beautiful. We chaed how amazingly innocent our childhood was and how we missed it. She was still as lively as I remembered her, still as cheerful as always but I noticed that her eyes weren’t as bright as they used to be. I noticed how the electricity in her eyes wasn’t there anymore, how now I could see the innocence dying in them as well. But I guess what keeps you I MET MY FRIEND A FEW DAYS BACK, ALL GROWN UP AND BEAUTIFUL. WE CHATTED HOW AMAZINGLY INNOCENT OUR CHILDHOOD WAS AND HOW WE MISSED IT. SHE WAS STILL AS LIVELY AS I REMEMBERED HER, STILL AS CHEERFUL AS ALWAYS BUT I NOTICED THAT HER EYES WEREN’T AS BRIGHT AS THEY USED TO BE. collection of water with uncountable numbers of tadpoles swimming around. Together we used to make up stories, for each tadpole, sometimes even venturing further and trying to grab some, but now I’m older, I must learn to put childish things to rest. It hurts me to see how with adulthood we learn to trade our lile magic for facts and science. How the brilliant shining dots in the night sky are just huge balls of fire and how tadpoles are just the infant form of frogs, nothing supernatural about them at all. I guess a lot of different events TEENZ | JULY going is realizing that there is happiness in people, that there is a sliver-lining to even the darkest of clouds. And I guess that why we hold on to memories, lile fading pictures to remind us of how there was this electricity in between all of us as a child, how there was magic in everything and how our eyes could see it and reflect it. I guess innocence is one of the biggest things you losegrowing up, the electricity and the magic unraveling even in a city like Kathmandu. YOUR TIME IS NOW YOU GET THE POPCORN WE GET THE TICKETS Subscribe to Teenz for Rs.600 (2 Years) and recieve 2 tickets to QFX Kumari for FREE! Contact any of the bookstores listed below to start your subscription. For more information, visit www.teenz.com.np Names of Bookstores Balaju Astanarayan: A.N. 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Communication Center; Kalanki: Instant Communication Center; Kalopul: Link Photo Copy & Stationary; Khasibazar Putalisadak: Ashtha Books Stationary; Maitidevi Chowk: Himalayan Books Centre; Nardevi: Nardevi News & Communication; Naya Baneshwor: Manju Shree Stationary, Everest Books & Stationary; Naya Bazar: Trisuli Books; Old Baneshwor: Jana Subidha Stationary & Communication; Paknajol: Purnima Books & Stationary Photo Copy Centre, Wonema Stationary; Sinamangal: Anuj Stationary & Photo Copy, Syuchatar: Syuchatar Stationary & Photo Copy Center; Teku: Makwanpure Stationary; Thamel: Grisma Stationary & Books; Thulo Bharyang: Panchdhara Stationary & Books Center 100 This time, we present to you a hundred attendees from the ‘US College Fair’ an event hosted by USEF, held at Hotel Yak & Yeti. Read out hundred people’s verdicts on one common question: Rescue Rangers What is the one thing you’d take if your house was on fire? 1 2 7 8 9 10 1. Parbeena Thapa, 22 I would rather try to extinguish the fire I’ll take all my valuable things and run to a safe place. 2. Sonam Dolkar, 22 Cell phone (to call the fire brigade) 9. Roshan Shah, 21 I would take my house out of fire. 3. Pallawi Thapa, 21 Nothing! I’d just check if everyone’s out of the house. Simple ☺ 5. Sujita Amatya, 21 My photo album 12 6 13 4. Smita Khanal, 21 I would take my family with me as they are very important to me. 11 5 4 3 6. Sumit Chhetri, 22 I’ll take whatever I think is important at that time. 7. Racchya Pradhan, 21 I would take my cell phone and call emergency rescue. 8. Pawan Raj Bajracharya, TEENZ | JULY 10. Janak Singh Dhami, 20 ECS Living & Teenz 14 11. Zenita Tamang, 19 I’ll take one step to call fire brigade to save my house. 12. Utsav Shrestha, 20 Everything 13. Rajendra Pakuwal, 20 Books and pen 14. Jayanti Maharjan, 21 Cell phone 15. Garima Rajbhandari, 19 Cell phone 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 39 16. Jenishma Sitaula, 18 My most expensive pair of shoes ‘The Other Sides of Midnight’, an impressive novel. 17. Sazada Shrestha, 19 Mobile phone 31. Shrawan Bhattarai, 20 Save my family members 18. Aanchal Wagle, 18 Mobile 33 34 19. Eachhya Shrestha, 21 A tent to stay as I wont have a house to live 20. Sonika Pokhrel, 19 Cell phone 21. Ayusha Dahal, 19 Laptop 22. Jasmine Pradhan, 18 My cell phone 35 37 36 32. Sushovan Makaju, 22 I will take whatever I’ll find first. 33. Binu Tiwari, 20 My childhood photographs 34. Ashish Subedi, 20 Teenz magazine 35. Rabin K.C, 19 Important documents 23. Samrita Malla, 18 Mobile phone 36. Pratigya Sharma, 20 Nothing is as important as my family’s security; I’d make sure I take them along with me. 24. Suraj Oli, Clothes 37. Moleesha Joshi, 19 My guitar 25. Sajan Shrestha, 19 My academic certificates and my photo gallery 38. Shristi Hatuwal, 18 I would definitely want to take my family away. 26. Kamal Raj Gadtaula, 20 My passport and academic certificate 39. Geetanjali Bhatta, 20 My first valentine gift 38 27. Roshan Thapa, 18 My daily diary and photo album 28. Tapish Agrawal, 20 Money 29. Abishek Bhura, Nothing 30. Nawaraj K.C., 21 JULY | TEENZ 40 41 42 40. Anu Maharjan, 19 Cell phone 41. Sujan Bhujel, 20 Nothing is as special as my guitar 42. Rajeep Byanjankar, 20 My laptop and camera 43. Sneha Shrestha, 20 My Burberry coat 43 44 47 46 45 50 51 55 56 60 61 52 57 45. Picka Singh, 20 Photo album 46. Khush, 20 My laptop with CS setup CD 63 47. Rajat Sharma Subedi, 20 The gifts and prizes I have received till today 48. Bibek Shrestha, 20 My football posters 49. Shreya Shrestha, 17 Cell phone so that I could inform my relatives 64 65 50. Meleena Shrestha, 18 My photo frame 51. Rajen Shrestha, Photos of my friends and family 52. Dipesh Shakya, 19 T.V 53. Rojeep Man Kayastha, 20 My life 66 67 53 54 58 59 68 44. Anu Byanjankar, 20 Cell phone 62 49 48 54. Amit Shrestha, 20 Football kit 55. Naina Bataju, 19 My family photo 58. Samriddi Shrestha, 20 Cell phone 59. Sudip Thapa, 20 My boxers 60. Diwakar Ojha, 20 Oxygen pump 61. Sushant K.C, 22 Mobile phone 63. Bijay Shrestha, 23 Guitar 64. Sushila Maharjan, 22 My purse 65. Ritesh Shrestha, 23 My certificates 66. Ranjana Thahaliya, 29 Laptop 70 67. Sangita Maharjan, 21 My bag 68. Sushant Ghimire, 18 Laptop. It has all the necessary things for my bright future. 69. Arun Ranabhat, 19 My patience 56. Siddhi Adhikari, 20 My life 70. Dipika Joshi, 19 Gold ring that my grandfather gave me before he passed away 57. Saurav Bhattarai, 20 PSP 71. Madhu Sudhan Shrestha, 21 My coin collection TEENZ | JULY 69 62. Amar Shahi, 22 Mobile 71 Did you know Attention hildren Many c fit D bene H D A h rts. wit tive spo ter,” ti e p m o e wa from c rent in th So if fe if d t s s. “I’m ju el Phelp D , fear a h ic M says ADH one with portunity e th e ’r op you it as an first not, see bring Nepal’s ps king to perha edal. Get crac m ou Olympic sports y t a th n in o love. Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) ADHD is a neurobehavioral disorder which is commonly seen in children and adolescents. ADHD includes excessive hyper activity including inaention, apparent listening problems, and difficulty following instructions, avoidance or dislike of tasks that require mental effort, distractibility, and forgetfulness in daily activities. True Story Michael Phelps, the 25-year-old Olympic swimming sensation is famous for his incredible focus in the pool, so it’s hard to believe he has struggled with ADHD since his childhood. His teachers complained about his inability to sit still until, in fifth grade, the Phelps’ family physician diagnosed him with ADHD. After two years on medication, however, doctors agreed to let him be med free and instead, Phelps used swimming to help him find focus. JULY | TEENZ Depression When people frequently start thinking about sadness, guilt and worthlessness, a lot more than what they’re used to, it is marked as depression. Depression also comes along with loss of appetite, withdrawal from the outside society and lack of interest in regular activities. It is an emotional state and is usually triggered by different types of stimulus. Depression usually comes along with other problems like substance abuse and personality disorders. Depressed people also have a tendency to completely neglect personal hygiene. True Story In an interview in 2003, singer Sheryl Crowe discussed her struggles with depression. Crowe suffered from long bouts of depression as a child. Crowe believes that her depression is the result of a genetic chemical imbalance .She says that she has severe mood swings, After completing a tour with Michael Jackson, Crowe fell into a period of depression that required treatment using antidepressants and psychotherapy. Smart Up Tip And like Sheryl Crowe who channeled her bouts of depression into composing songs, making her one of the most celebrated country artiste in the music world, we suggest that you do the same. Not necessarily make music but start working at expressing more of what’s inside of you rather than suppressing it. TEENZ | JULY Bullying e Merriam-Webster dictionary defines the term bully as, “One who is habitually cruel to others who are weaker.” Studies show that people who are abused by their peers are at risk of mental health problems such as low self-esteem, stress, depression and anxiety. ey are also likely to think more about suicide more. Physical: Some bullies aack their targets physically, which can mean anything from shoving or tripping to punching, pinching, scratching or hiing, or even sexual assault. ey make take things and never return it or return it damaged. Verbal: Here the bullies make insulting, sexist or homophobic jokes, tease them and create nasty gossips about their victim. ey also use sexually suggestive or abusive language and offensive remarks. Verbal abuse is the most common form of bullying. Mean kids r among behavio al problem. ers is a univ ucted for kids d n o ugh 8th A poll c rten thro school, a rg e d in k in mentary ed t an ele a e ild claim d ra g every ch m of at w o h d e victi showe been th or to have olmate’s o h c s e n in the least o anness e m ’s g . siblin s month previou Cyber: Any type of bullying that is carried out through an electronic medium such as text messages, video clips, phone calls, e-mails or chats falls under cyber bullying. Emotional and Psyological: When students spread nasty, falsestories about someone and make them the subject of malicious rumors, exclude them from social groups and black mail them, it is called emotional and psychological bullying. Smart Up Tip Every child is susceptible to bullying which means you are too. So, buckle up and tackle this problem head on. Remember that this is one life you’ve got and you shouldn’t live it in fear and submission. ere are plenty of people around you who will gladly help you out if you just ask them for it. Take your guardians, your best friends, your teachers as your allies here JULY | TEENZ Drug Abuse an More th s en te 60% of t drugs said tha , ld, used were so ir e at th or kept school Be it peer pressure or the sheer drive to try something new just for fun or to experiment, teenagers are the most vulnerable and therefore highly likely to give in, to drug abuse. ese misused drugs include marijuana, alcohol, cocaine and ecstasy, as well as prescription and over the counter medicines. e greatest consequence of all–the most dangerous–is its dependence. Geing clean of drugs and alcohol can be one of the most challenging and confusing things to accomplish, especially for teens, but it is certainly not impossible. True Story In their early twenties celebrities like Lindsay Lohan, Nicole Richie, Paris Hilton and Britney Spears have gone to rehab multiple times, have been behind the bars for drug intake, drunk driving and so on. Lohan who has visited rehab three times and was also jailed after being caught with cocaine, revealed she hit rock bottom and risked blowing her entire career via drug abuse. She lost all her movie contracts due to this problem and there was a phase when people could not trust her enough to work with her. Smart Up Tip Drugs and alcohol abuse lead to nothing good. So use your wise head and stay away from it and help your friends stay away from it too. Incase, if you did fall into its trap by your own profound stupidity or by peer pressure the first step to geing out of it is by coming clean and accepting the fact that you are indeed in big trouble. Good thing, there are ways to get out of it. Talk to your guardians about it. It’s never too late to start afresh, living the teenage life that you deserve. dodged successfully and it is possible to do so too, nothing will stop this from being the best years of your lives. So there you go, the possible crisis that may be brought about during those fun yet vulnerable teenage years. However, if all these crisis are e team at Teenz wish all of our teen readers the same. Safe and happy teenage years everyone! TEENZ | JULY “Creativity is in our genes,” says Mahima Shrestha, currently a +2 student at GEMS. Seeing her room, adorned with creations and crafts that she along with her sister Prathana and her grandfather made, one cannot help but agree! Sharing the room with her sister Prathana Shrestha, a 10th grader at Shuvatara, the sisters have made the room a niche of their own. BY: LIZA PAUDEL TEENZ | JULY The hanger – a piece of wire—and this little dress was to make an invitation to a formal party at their school. Curtains they made when they saw something similar while visiting a craft store six years ago, and were appalled by the unreasonable pricing: Rs. 120 per piece! Mahima’s favorite part of the room Prathana’s favorite part of the room, the Piano steps Mahima came up with after watching Rajuchacha the movie. They measured the individual steps, drew the piano on each and taped it there. Who would’ve thought it wasn’t already there? Pizza delivery boxes put to good use! CRAFTY DÉCOR Inspired by the TV Show Art Attack, Mahima made this frame with the help of a little used aluminium foil. Borrowed from the Christmas decoration at school! Prathana’s teen idols: Miley Cyrus and Justin Beiber. JULY | TEENZ And as we walked On the 19th of May, the students of Gyanodaya International Residential School, started a 3-day hike from Shivapuri to Kakani. Here is what happened and what they saw that brought out the magic of the hills. BY PRAJESH SJB RANA T he true beauty of Nepal begins outside Kathmandu. I’ve heard a lot of people say but I never knew how true it really was until I woke up surrounded by clouds of white and diamond peaks gliering in the distance. Initiative Outdoor, an outdoor adventure organization, took the students of Gyanodaya International Residential School out of the classrooms and into the wild. e students divided into two groups, Red Dragon and Steel Dragon, followed a 3 day trail from Gudhagau, Shivapuri to Tinpiple, Kakani. Steel Dragon followed the trail from Shivapuri whereas TEENZ | JULY Red Dragon started from Kakani. I followed the Steel Dragons with facilitators Chandra Ale, Jhaved Akhtar, Anne McGuinness and Raju Gurung. e Red Dragons were supported by facilitators Rajesh Lama, Mahima Rai, Prem Gubaju Bijay Singh and Binod Dahal. Each group was further divided into five sub groups, each one consisting of one facilitator. Aer a short briefing on the proper way of packing by Mr. Ale, on ursday, 19th of May, the Steel Dragons le the Initiative Outdoor office at 10:22 and drove up to Godhagau atop Shivapuri National Park and started the trek from there. At the same time, CONFESSIONS Reader’s Stop Clipped wings? Break free! T he ideals of realism never fail to cease people from dreaming but there are some who still dare to run aer pure uncertainty. ese dreamers have that inner fire but the world is a harsh place to live in and the golden era of ecstasy is dead. oughts alone cannot feed people and money does not grow on trees. People need a career and a stable job and that is how the papers flow, or that is what everyone thinks at least. We are not breeding horses they say but almost everyone is lined up in tracks, and the eager eyes watch. Expectations versus dreams; this competition goes on. e interests of the people revolve around capital and specific degrees. is notion can be backed up as from early childhood. When asked of aims and aspirations, a kid somehow manages to answer a big word. He either wants to be a doctor or an engineer. It is quite clear; the mentality people have developed is so strong that it imprints on a child’s early years. Do the guardians actually preach lads to seek of positions? I don’t know but whatever they are doing, the freedom to choose is under aack. e whole cycle seems to be so traditional. In the past, there used to be family commotions over which branch of education to hang on to. e subjects had their own social class. Science was grand, so it had the topmost priority whereas commerce was treated to be satisfactory and humanities was plain nasty. e learners were more or less forced to take up the prioritized field of study and therefore these uninterested candidates struggled hard to get through. All they could do was follow orders and imagine what life would be like if they were studying something that actually made sense to them. But again, wishes always contradict needs. In our country, the pressure starts aer grade ten. Is that even necessary? Is it important to burden children with so called ‘life changing’ decisions? Why can’t they go study music or art instead of the usual HSEB and A levels? Why is the system so strict? What is the whole point in studying Biology if you do not like the B of it? Everyone should be able to make their decisions of what they want to learn aer thirteen years of schooling, don’t you think? Guidance is essential; I am not saying leave the kids astray but at the end the power to choose should be handed over. Coming back to desires, such yearnings have a strong foothold in the hearts of people and that is why they are hard to let go. I once read in Paulo Coelho’s book, e Alchemist, “e soul of the world is nourished by people’s happiness. And also by unhappiness, envy, and jealousy. To realize one’s destiny is a person’s only real obligation. All things are one”. Destiny is a difficult thing to grab but I think dreams are the start to it. Chasing the unknown can be depressing because the outcome is forever a maybe, but the whole point in dreaming is waking up and working on it. It is the effort that actually counts and if someone is willing to do that extra work, they must not be stopped. Life is all about living on the edge and walking that extra mile for the most irrelevant things. e day you open your heart and challenge your own conscience, you will feel liberated. Society can chain hopes but you can always break free. If you are not happy with your job, get a career switch careers look for jobs in Honolulu? Who cares? You are never too old to dream, so spread out those wings and take your flight. Dream on. Interested ones can send in their articles at editorial@teenz.com.np Lights Out QUIZ QUIZ ON ENTERTAINMENT Test your trivia of the entertainment industry BY: GAURAV THAPA 1 32 Which is the longest running television series in the United States? What is Angelina Jolie’s hobby? The Simpsons Meet The Press Saturday Night Live Good Morning America What is the last recorded Beatles ablum? Let It Be A Hard Day’s Night Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band Abbey Road 4 Collecting stamps Photography Collecting daggers Collecting babies What’s the full form of LL Cool J, the rapper? In which movie do Will Smith and his son Jaden Smith share the screen? The Karate Kid The Day The Earth Stood Still The Pursuit of Happyness Men In Black 1. Meet The Press Meet The Press has been running on NBC News since 63 years till date. First aired on November 6, 1947, more than 4850 episodes have been telecast so far. 2. Collecting daggers This is 100 per cent true. Cooking is not Angelina Jolie’s cup of tea but accumulating knives definitely is. Angelina Jolie lives the image she has on screen in real life as well. 3. The Pursuit of Happyness Released back in 2006, The Pursuit of Happyness is a biographical movie based on an on-and-off-homeless salesman-turned stockbroker Chris Gardner (Will Smith) and his son Christopher (Jaden Smith). 4. Abbey Road Abbey Road is the eleventh studio album by the English rock band The Beatles. Though Let It Be was the last album released before The Beatles’ dissolution in 1970, work on Abbey Road began in April 1969, making it the final album recorded by the band. 5. Johnny Bravo Johnny Bravo is an American animated television series created by Van Partible for the Cartoon Network. The series stars a muscular beefcake young man named Johnny Bravo, who dons a pompadour hairstyle and an Elvis Presley-like voice and has a forward, womanchasing personality. 6. Ladies Love Cool James James Todd Smith, aka LL Cool J, is an American rapper and actor. He has released twelve studio albums and two greatest hits compilations, with his final album being 2008’s Exit 13. Lonely Luke Cool John Ladies Love Cool James Love Like Cool James Lucky Luke Cool Johnny 5 Which cartoon character is this? Richie Rich Popeye – The Sailor Man Johnny Bravo Samurai Jack TEENZ | JULY 6 Lights out HOROSCOPE Career Aries Gemini Leo March 21 to April 20 May 22 to June 21 July 23 to August 22 Aries is the sign of pioneers. You always tend to be intense, energetic and sharp. Your ability to think fast and take quick decisions will help you become a good scientist, engineer, researcher, doctor, psychiatrist or dentist. You are not the one who will accept money as a compensation for living a mundane life. You’ve got the gift of gab. Your silver tongue allows you to succeed in careers that involve communication. You will make wonderful diplomat, photographer, teacher, preacher, writer, journalist or lawyer. Also, since you can sense the pulse of the people and move them with you superb speeches, politics may be a very good option for you. Like lions rule the jungle, Leos love to rule the corporate jungle and take responsibilities. You enjoy dominating others and careers where your leadership qualities can be utilized are the best. You make a wonderful performer, speaker, interior decorator, tour guide, lawyer and doctor. As Leos have a seep-seated need to feel important and are competitive, you are known to be pretty arrogant and manipulative with others to reach your goals. Reecha Sharma July 16, Cancer Are you a true Cancerian? I am a true Cancerian. What are the traits of a typical Cancer, you think you own? I believe Cancerians are sensitive, moody, caring, ambitious, easily hurt, very imaginative, unforgiving, and hard working and these are the quality I own too. Did you always know that you wanted to be a model/ an actor? Yes, acting was, is, and will be my passion always. Are you a believer in Astrology? I really believe in Bejan Daruwalla and Sundeep Kataria’s predictions (both Indian astrologers). Ya to some extent I believe it but not fully. Taurus Cancer Virgo April 21 to May 21 June 22 to July 22 August 23 to September 22 Since you know how to appreciate the beauty around you, your sign suggests a wide range of interesting careers. Possible options include beauty business, arts, architecture, sculpture, banking and accountancy. Alternatively, because you are connoisseurs of nature, you would do great in floristry, agriculture and horticulture. Being a Cancerian, you are a creative thinker and have an excellent retentive memory. You make an excellent journalist, politician, social worker, stock market executive, housekeepers, chefs and so on. You have a flair for handling money and will do well in any career related to finance. TEENZ | JULY The best careers for Virgo are those that are serviceoriented. You will flourish as a good waiter, restaurant manager, writer, critic, researcher, accountant, and teacher as you are realistic at workplace, think deep, analyze people carefully and have a practical approach to doing things. wise Benjamin Pakhrin 22, Editor, Hotcourses Nepal Born: July 27, Leo, goals, then I do my best to achieve them no matter what. Are you a true Leo? I cannot say that I am a true Leo but all I can say is I do feel like I possess most of the qualities and characteristics of a Leo. Did you always want to do what you’re doing? I am happy with what I am doing right now. As the editor for Hotcourses Nepal, I get a chance to help my fellow Nepalese students make better academical choices by providing information on studying abroad. What are the traits of a typical Leo that you think you own? I think I definitely have the leadership quality. Like the mighty lion, I am courageous and once I set my target/ Are you a believer in Astrology? I find it intriguing. Libra Scorpio Sagittarius September 23 to October 22 October 23 to November 21 November 22 to December 21 As a Libran you are blessed with analytical brains and have a sense of fairness and justice so you make good judges, pr consultants and diplomats. Any work that requires any type of manual labor is not your type as you don’t like getting your hands dirty. Your natural artistic flair will help you become successful artists, interior decorators, graphic designers, painters and so on. Scorpios are blessed with strong reasoning powers and active imagination. Your intelligence is remarkable and the analytical capabilities and intuitive abilities you posses are an asset to any organization. You will be a great detective, surgeon, police officer, researcher and lawyer as you do well in jobs that require a great deal of concentration . Sagittarians aim for high goals and have an endless thirst for knowledge. You have a brilliant mind and are extremely self-confident. You are good at explaining the workings of various things which makes you wonderfully stimulating teacher, doctors, public relations officer, entertainment professional and salesperson. This gift of the gab also makes them excellent preachers and lawyers. Capricorn Aquarius Pisces December 22 to January 19 January 20 to February 18 February 19 to March 20 Since you can handle situations very calmly; people often look up to you as a very responsible and dependable person. Banking, finance, accounting, medicalrelated jobs and law are some of the career options where you could easily excel. You work hard and put a lot of effort to live up to the expectations that others have from you. You want to get out of the box. Following the 9 to 5 humdrum routine is not what you want in your life. You look forward to the have a job where everyday a different kind of challenge stimulates your life. You would make a wonderful photographer, musician, travel guide, researcher, scientist, journalist, writer, and animator. You are categorized as the most creative and innovative group of people. Professions requiring adequate amount of analytical effort is what you desire to have. You would enjoy working as an actor, writer, and graphic designer an artist. But, you are not the one who gets motivated by money. So, business related career options aren’t really the best ones for you. JULY | TEENZ July 2011 ISSUE 6, Rs. 30 facebook.com/teenzmagazine www.teenz.com.np YOUR TIME IS NOW ALL ABOUT THE BEAUTY QUEENS 100 Heartbreak Story 4 New gadgets to watch out what would you save if your house was on fire Of Randolph And America A student shares her journey Slam Poets in the rise Color Therapy- Heal yourself with clothes DATING TRENDS From Around The World Teenage Crisis? TACKLE THEM HEAD ON
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