2 nd Announcement - International Citrus Congress 2016
2 nd Announcement - International Citrus Congress 2016
Diamond Sponsor Golden Sponsor FUNDECITRUS FUNDO DE DEFESA DA CITRICULTURA Silver Sponsor SUSTAINABLE CITRICULTURE: the role of applied knowledge 2ⁿ ANNOUNCEMENT Bronze Sponsor Cooperado e Cooperativa crescem juntos Supporters 18 23 September, 2016 Mabu Thermas & Resort Foz do Iguaçu- PR, Brazil Partners Official agency Organizers CONTACT Rua Jonathas Serrano, 895 Jardim Quebec - Londrina-PR - Brazil ZIP: 86060-220 - Phone: +55 (43) 3025-5223 icc2016@ eventos.com Information www.icc2016.com icc2016@fbeventos.com +55 (43) 3025-5223 WELCOME MESSAGE Dear Citrus Community, We are pleased to invite you to join the upcoming Interna onal Citrus Congress that will be held in Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil, from September 18 to 23 ! The year 2016 has been greatly expected a er Agadir 2004, and then Wuhan 2008, when we offered our homeland to host the conference. Since then, prepara ons have been in course to meet the outstanding work always done by the Interna onal Society of Citriculture, and we hope to offer a memorable edi on of this event to all delegates this year! The city of Foz do Iguaçu is an appropriated place to house the conference mostly because of its infrastructure, reasonable costs, and easiness to be reached. Located on the border of Brazil, Argen na and Paraguay, Foz do Iguaçu is well known for nearby natural and man-made wonders, serving as cultural reference for the en re Southern Cone of the America con nent. The airport is located close to major hotels and resorts, and among those the Mabu Thermas & Resort was the venue of our choice. Its conven on center is comfortable and adequate for the Congress requirements, and in addi on, delegates might find other hotels in the vicinity. SUSTAINABLE Citrus was introduced in Brazil by the first Portuguese se lers s ll in the XVI century, and many of its species adapted to the new land that they look truly na ve even in Na onal Parks and in many landscapes, such as vast pastures and woods. Therea er, expor ng business was already shipping fresh fruits to Europe by the end of the XIX century. The orange juice processing ac vity started to flourish in the heart of São Paulo State, in the 1960s, with American investments on the first plant in Araraquara city. Then, the local industry has grown up tremendously and became the worldwide leadership in the segment on the following decades. The combina on of high quality orange juice and efficient produc on systems has propelled the whole Brazilian citrus industry. However, nowadays, there are new challenges to be faced and the ICC 2016 will debate those topics. Under the theme “Sustainable Citriculture: the role of applied knowledge” the Congress has been constructed using five major pillars for the overall success of the program: presence of worldwide recognized keynote speakers talking on important topics for the citrus community; parallel plenary sec ons aiming to cover the state of the art of 18 scien fic fields; up to dated workshops with rewarded coordinators to debate hot topics and industry perspec ves; dedicated pre- and post-citrus tours in partnership with citrus consultants and other organiza ons, which will allow in-depth visits to different citrus produc on systems and reali es in Brazil and in Argen na; and parallel events dedicated to specific issues on citrus management and others. Finally, it is worthy to acknowledge that we have counted on significant support from the Brazilian citrus industry and also from abroad. Not only by sponsoring major costs of the conference but also offering assistance on the whole program, tours, social ac vi es and others. Thank you all! From the above, we wish you to book your flying ckets or plan your favorable driving routes right away to the ICC 2016. Very best regards, CITRICULTURE: the role of applied knowledge 02 Dr. Dirceu Ma os Jr. (IAC) Chair Cordeirópolis, SP, Brazil ddm@centrodecitricultura.br Dr. Eduardo Fermino Carlos (IAPAR) Co-chair Londrina, PR, Brazil efcarlos@iapar.br 03 CONGRESS INFORMATION PERIOD Sunday, September 18 to Friday 23 2016. ABOUT THE CONGRESS The ICC is an event of the Interna onal Society of Citriculture (ISC) and in 2016 will be organized by Ins tuto Agronômico (IAC), from its Sylvio Moreira Citrus Research Center (CCSM) and Ins tuto Agronômico do Paraná (IAPAR), which are two tradi onal ins tu ons on agricultural and technological sciences in Brazil. Par cipants of the ICC 2016 will congregate at Foz do Iguaçu, PR, a place that offers both excellent facili es and scenic beau es in its surroundings allowing the par cipants to enjoy the scien fic event and the social opportuni es of this remarkable Congress. The ICC has been organized since 1973 in all con nents, and more recently on a quadrennial basis as a global mee ng. As the most important mee ng of the citrus industry, the ICC 2016 will gather a large public from all fields, from research and extension to fruit and juice consump on. The ICC 2016 will have a scien fic program under the tle ''Sustainable citriculture: the role of applied knowledge´´ and 1,200 par cipants are expected from more than 15 countries around the world. WEBSITE AND NEWSLETTERS Stay informed about the ICC 2016 by visi ng our website: www.icc2016.com OFFICIAL LANGUAGE VENUE MABU THERMAS GRAND RESORT Next to Iguassu Falls, Mabu Thermas Grand Resort has infrastructure for events (10,000 m²). Auditoriums are equipped and prepared to receive congresses, conferences, lectures, workshops and other events, and are able to host 5,000 people. Mabu Thermas offers great infrastructure and leisure areas that are integrated with nature, in addi on to a range of different entertainment op ons, both indoor and outdoor, a complete pool with thermal waters, children's recrea onal area, radical sports and fishing – something for the whole family. Leisure for spouses and accompanying persons: Tennis - courts for fans of the sports stay up on their prac ce Zip line - an eco-adventure surrounded by green Outdoor ac vi es - climbing, paint ball, bow and arrow, jogging and walking Recrea on team - experience to ensure top-notch fun Fishing Sports - a great experience Website: www.hoteismabu.com.br/en/hoteis/thermas-resort/ ADDRESS Mabu Thermas Grand Resort Av. das Cataratas, 3175 Foz do Iguaçu - Paraná - Brazil 10 km (6 miles) from downtown city, Iguassu Na onal Park and the airport. English is the official language of the event and therefore will be used in all presenta ons and publica ons. 04 05 ORGANIZATION The organizing commi ees are formed by representa ves of the involved local and addi onal interna onal collabora ng ins tu ons Execu ve Organizing Commi ee Chair, Dirceu Ma os Jr. (IAC) Co-chair, Eduardo Fermino Carlos (IAPAR) Treasurer, José Pereira da Silva (IAPAR) General Secretariat Raquel Luciana Boscariol Camargo (IAC) - Coordinator Juan Pedro Agos ni (EEA/INTA, Argen na) Sérgio L.C. Carvalho (IAPAR) Juarez Pires Tomaz (IAPAR) Scien fic Program Commi ee Helvécio Della Cole a Filho (IAC) - Coordinator Alessandra Alves de Souza (IAC) Fred Gmi er (Univ. Florida, USA) Leandro Peña (Fundecitrus / IBMCP-CSIC/UPV, Spain) Luiz Gonzaga Esteves Vieira (Unoeste) Renato B. Bassanezi (Fundecitrus) Editorial Commi ee Valdenice Novelli (IAC) - Coordinator Carmen Silva Vieira Janeiro Neves (UEL) Fernando Alves de Azevedo (IAC) Congress Media Commi ee Paulo Vicente Contador Zaccheo (IAPAR) - Coordinator Marco Aurélio Takita (IAC) Paula D. Munhos (IAPAR) Congress Tours Commi ee Rodrigo M. Boare o (IAC) - Coordinator Eduardo Girardi (Embrapa) Gloria C. Perez (AFINOA) José Dagoberto de Negri (IAC) Sergio Alves de Carvalho (IAC) Interna onal Advisory Commi ee Antônio Juliano Ayres (Fundecitrus) Jim P. Syvertsen (Univ. Florida, USA) Jorgino Pompeu Jr. (IAC) José Antônio Quaggio (IAC) L. Gene Albrigo (Univ. Florida, USA) Paulo Pra nha (Citri) Paulo V. Sendin (ADETEC) Tokurou Shimizu (NARO Ins tute of Fruit Tree Science, Japan) Yeshwant R. Mehta (IAPAR) SUPPORTERS State of São Paulo Supporters Aparecido Tadeu Pavani (GTACC) Arthur Antonio Ghilardi (IAC) Débora Milori (Embrapa) Eduardo Feichtenberger (IB) Eduardo S. Stuchi (Embrapa/EECB) Emerson Fachini (ATDA, Monte Azul Paulista) Francisco A.A. Mourão Filho (Esalq-USP) Frauzo Ruiz Sanches (Rural Development Council of Ibi nga) João R.S. Lopes (Esalq-USP) José Eduardo M. Teófilo (GCONCI) José P. Molin (Esalq-USP) Juliana Freitas-Astúa (Embrapa) Leandro A. Fukuda (Farmatac Group) Lenice M. Nascimento (IAC) Marcos Antônio Machado (IAC) Otávio R. Sempionato (EECB) Rafael V. Ribeiro (Unicamp) Regina C.M. Pires (IAC) Reinaldo D. Corte (GCONCI) Renato B. Bassanezi (Fundecitrus) Rose Mary Pio (IAC) Simone R. Silva (Esalq-USP) State of Paraná Supporters Aparecido Carlos Fadoni (Cocamar Coopera ve) Alessandra Maria Detoni (IAPAR) Alessandra Neves Custódio (FAPEAGRO) Ana Maria Meneguim (IAPAR) Anderson de Toledo (IAPAR) Benno Roes (Corol Coopera ve) Ciro Marcolino (EMATER) Claudine M. de Bona (IAPAR) Deoclecio Domingos Garbuglio (IAPAR) Dirlene A. M. F. Rinaldi (ADAPAR) Douglas Silva Domingues (IAPAR) Gilberto Pra nha (Citri and Prats) Heriberto Bizerra de Melo (Nova Citrus Growers Associa on) Isaura P. Granzo (IAPAR) Ismael Lopes (Prats) João P. Marana (IAPAR) João Luiz Gilberto de Carvalho (IAPAR) José Croce Filho (ADAPAR) Leandro C. Teixeira (Cocamar Coopera ve) Luciano Grillo Gil (IAPAR) Lucinéia Maria da Silva (IAPAR) Marco Valerio Ribeiro (GCONCI) Marcos A. Pavan (IAPAR) Maurício S. Gomes (EMATER) Neusa M.C. Stenzel (IAPAR) Paulo G. Paiva (ADAPAR) Paulo H. Caramori (IAPAR) Paulo Roberto Mar ns (IAPAR) Pedro A. M. Auler (IAPAR) Romildo Paulino Pereira (IAPAR) Rubia de O. Molina (IAPAR) Sérgio R. Roberto (UEL) Suely Ario Kudo (IAPAR) Waldemar Zanini Jr. (Pra nha Citrus Nursery and Farms) Zuleide H. Tazima (IAPAR) Other State Supporters Gustavo Alves Pereira (UFERSA) Marco Antonio da Silva Vasconcellos (UFRRJ) Orlando Sampaio Passos (Embrapa) Roberto Pedroso de Oliveira (Embrapa) Walter dos Santos Soares Filho (Embrapa) João Pedro Valente (UFMT) Honorary Commi ee Ademerval Garcia Joaquim Teófilo Sobrinho Luiz Carlos Donadio 06 07 PROGRAM AT A GLANCE 12 9 SEPT 3 6 18 SUN SEPT 19 MON SEPT 20 TUE SEPT 21 WED SEPT 22 THU SEPT FRI 23 08:30 09:30 Keynote Lecture (K1) Keynote Lecture (K3) Keynote Lecture (K5) Keynote Lecture (K7) 09:30 10:30 Keynote Lecture (K2) Keynote Lecture (K4) Keynote Lecture (K6) Keynote Lecture (K8) 10:30 11:00 Juice Break Juice Break Juice Break Juice Break Scien fic Sessions Scien fic Sessions (S1, S2, S3) (S7, S8, S9) 11:00 12:30 12:30 14:00 Scien fic Sessions Scien fic Sessions (S7, S13, S14) (S17, S12) Lunch Lunch 15:30 16:00 Juice Break Juice Break Juice Break 16:00 17:30 Workshops (W1, W2, W3, W4) Workshops (W5, W6, W7) Workshops (W8, W9) Poster Session I (P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6) Poster Session II (P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P18) Poster Session III (P13, P14, P15, P16, P17, P12) 14:00 14:45 14:45 15:30 Registra on 17:30 18:00 18:00 19:00 19:00 20:00 20:00 20:30 20:30 21:30 Opening Cerimony (O1, O2) Lunch Lunch Mid Tour trip visit to ICC Recogni on Itaipu Binacional Awards and Iguassu Falls* Scien fic Sessions Scien fic Sessions Scien fic Sessions (S4, S5, S6) (S10, S11, S18) (S6, S15, S16) Closing Ceremony ISC Execu ve Commi ee Board Mee ng Welcome recep on Congress Farewell Dinner 23:00 08:30 17:30 RIAC Parallel Mee ng Parallel Symposium** * Individual registra on required ** Citrus Irriga on Symposium | Organized by Grupo Técnico de Assistência e Consultoria em Citrus (GTACC) 08 09 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM SCHEDULE 12:00 - 17:00 18:00 - 19:00 19:00 - 19:20 19:20 - 20:00 20:00 - 21:30 Scien fic Program September 18 - SUNDAY Registraton Opening Ceremony O1: The role of ISC on the world citrus industry Dirceu Mattos Jr. (IAC - Brazil) O2: The Brazilian citrus industry Eduardo Fermino Carlos (IAPAR - Brazil) Welcome Recep on 16:00 - 17:30 Communication and public perception of GMO in Brazil: the importance of shaping a communication strategy -Deise Capalbio (Embrapa - Brazil) 17:30 - 19:00 Poster Session I (P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6) 09:30 - 10:30 10:30 - 11:00 11:00 - 12:30 12:30 - 14:00 14:00 - 15:30 Dr. Pedro YamamotoTo be confirmed - Univ. of São Paulo September 20 - TUESDAY September 19 - MONDAY 08:30 - 09:30 Citrus harvesting in Brazil: challenges and perspectives - Marcos David Ferreira (Embrapa - Brazil) KEYNOTE LECTURE K1: Research for innova on strategies in São Paulo, Brazil Carlos Henrique de Brito Cruz (São Paulo Research Founda on - Fapesp - Brazil) K2: Worldwide market for citrus juices Alexandra Heinermann (SGF - Germany) Juice Break SCIENTIFIC SESSIONS S1: Economics, trade and S2: Juice processing and S3: Pre-and postharvest marking policies biochemistry biology and technology Coordinators: Marina Coordinators: Magali Monteiro Coordinators: Renar João Arouca (Univ. Florida - USA) da Silva (Unesp - Brazil) and Bender (UFRGS - Brazil) and and Ariel Singerman (Univ. Daniela Kharfan (JBT Corpora on- Zora Singh (Cur n - Univ. Florida - USA) Brazil) Australia) Lunch S4: Mites, pests and their S5: Citrus and human health S6: HLB pathosystem I (plant, control Coordinators: Thais Borges vectors and bacteria) Coordinators: Pedro Takao Cesar (Unesp - Brazil) and Coordinators: João R. S. Yamamoto (ESALQ/USP - Brazil) Elizabeth Baldwin (USDA - USA) Lopes (ESALQ/USP - Brazil) and and Tim G. Grout (CRI - South Yongping Duan (USDA - USA) Africa) 08:30 - 09:30 09:30 - 10:30 10:30 - 11:00 11:00 - 12:30 12:30 - 14:00 14:00 - 15:30 15:30 - 16:00 KEYNOTE LECTURE K3: Sustainable pest control for citrus production in Brazil Jose R. P. Parra (ESALQ/USP - Brazil) K4: RNAi-based strategies against insect vectors of plant pathogens Bryce Falk (Univ. of California - USA) Juice Break SCIENTIFIC SESSIONS S7: Citrus genetics and S8: Biotechnology S9: Other bacterial diseases breeding I Coordinators: Tokurou Shimizu Coordinators: Nian Wang Coordinators: Mariangela (Na onal Ins tute of Fruit Tree (Univ. Florida - USA) and Cristofani-Yaly (IAC - Brazil Science - Japan) and Celso E. Adrian A. Vojnov (CONICET and François Luro Benede (LNBio - Brazil) Argen na) (AGAP/INRA - France) Lunch S10: Citrus germplasm, phylogenetics and genomics Coordinators: Marcos A. Machado (IAC - Brazil) and Patrick Ollitrault (CIRAD - France) S11: Fungal and oomycete diseases Coordinators: Eduardo Feichtenberger (IB - Brazil) and Tian Schu (CRI - South Africa) S18: Precision agriculture and mechanical harvest Coordinators: Reza Ehsani (Univ. Florida - USA) and Marcos David Ferreira (Embrapa - Brazil) Juice Break WORKSHOPS 15:30 - 16:00 Juice Break W1: Communica on and public perception of GMOs 16:00 - 17:30 10 WORKSHOPS W2: Organic citrus production W5: Citrus soil microbiome W3: Mechanical harvesting W4: Joining hands for innova on and sustainability for Long term experiences Mechanical harvesting healthy citrus Communication and on organic citriculture of citrus: challenges and opportunities-Reza Why citrus ma ers to Public Perception about in Italy - Giancarlo Roccuzzo (CRA-ACM/ Ehsani (Univ. Florida- Bayer? Kai Wirtz GMOs around the Acireale- Italy) USA) world - Margaret Karembu (Program Use of indaziflam in Osvaldo V. Serrano Jr. for Biosafety Systemweed management (Fazenda da Toca Kenya) programs in Florida Orgânicos - Brazil) Dr. Steve Futch - Univ. of Florida Citrus soil microbiome: perspectives - Nian Wang (Univ. Florida - USA) 16:00 - 17:30 The Phytobiomes ini a ve: a new vision for agroecosystem management - Jan E. Leach (Colorado State Univ. - USA) W6: Researches and strategies W7: Management of modern for management of HLB-research citriculture: rootstock selection perspectives Citrus rootstock breeding at Research and strategies for management of HLB in Florida the University of Florida - Focus - Harold Browning (CRDF - USA) on HLB Jude Grosser (Univ. Florida - USA) 11 Research and strategies for management of HLB in Brazil Joseph Bové (INRA - France) and Renato Beozzo Bassanezi (Fundecitrus) 16:00 - 17:30 The breeding program developed by the Centro de Citricultura/IAC: Main results Mariangela Cristofani-Yaly (IAC - Brazil) The citrus rootstock breeding program developed by IVIA Maria Angeles Forner Giner (IVIA - Spain) 17:30 - 19:00 Poster Session II (P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P18) 19:00 – 20:30 ISC execu ve commi ee board mee ng 08:30 - 18:00 RIAC Parallel Mee ng WORKSHOPS W8: New perspec ves for citrus canker control Development of citrus canker resistant plants via modifica on of the suscep bility gene CsLOB1 using Cas9/sgRNA - Nian Wang (Univ. Florida - USA) 16:00 - 17:30 Biofilm forma on and virulence factors of Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri associated to canker development in citrus plants - Adrian A. Vojnov (CONICET - Argen na) 17:30 - 19:00 Poster Session III (P13, P14, P15, P16, P17, P12) 20:30 - 23:00 Congress farewell dinner W9: HLB and roots/rootstock interac ons Jim Graham (Univ. Florida- USA) Eduardo A. Girardi (Embrapa / Fundecitrus - Brazil) PARALLEL CITRUS IRRIGATION SYMPOSIUM September 21 - WEDNESDAY 08:30 - 18:00 September 22 - THURSDAY Mid Tour - trip visit to Itaipu Binacional and Iguassu Falls September 22 - THURSDAY KEYNOTE LECTURE 08:30 - 09:30 09:30 - 10:30 10:30 - 11:00 K5: Citrus Genomics: the path from the past to the superhighway of future gene c improvement Fred Gmi er (Univ. Florida - USA) K6: Transgenic strategies to control citrus HLB Leandro Peña (Fundecitrus/IBMCP-CSI/UPV - Spain) I1: Citrus irriga on in Brazil: trends and challenges - Danilo José Fanelli Luchiari (GTACC - Brazil) I2: Fruit yield in irrigated groves - Humberto Vinicius Vescove (GTACC - Brazil) I3: Deficit irriga on in orange trees produc on - Regina Célia de Matos Pires (IAC - Brazil) I4: Assessing the nutri onal status of trees using DRIS - José Eduardo Creste (Unoeste - Brazil) I5: DRIS monitoring - José Carlos Vieira de Almeida (UEL - Brazil) I6: Fer ga on strategies for citrus produc on - José A. Quaggio (IAC - Brazil) I7: Soil fer lity - Chemical analyses - Roberto Antunes Fiore o (UEL - Brazil) I8: Ultralow winter irriga on to op mize flower bud induc on and produc vity - L. Gene 08:30 - 17:30 Albrigo (Univ. Florida - USA) Juice Break September 23 - FRIDAY SCIENTIFIC SESSIONS 11:00 - 12:30 12:30 - 14:00 14:00 - 15:30 15:30 - 16:00 12 S7: Citrus gene cs and breeding II Coordinators: Mariangela Cristofani-Yaly (IAC - Brazil and François Luro (INRA - France) S13: Citrus tree and fruit physiology Coordinator: Rafael Vasconcelos Ribeiro (UnicampBrazil) S14: Responses of citrus to abio c stresses Coordinators: Luis Gonzaga Vieira (Unoeste - Brazil) and Marcio G. C. Costa (UESC - Brazil) KEYNOTE LECTURE 09:30 - 10:30 K7: Challenges and poten al solu ons for citrus water management: a global overview Ali Fares (Prairie View A&M Univ. - USA) K8: Advances on citrus nutri on: 30-year of research in tropical condi ons Jose A. Quaggio (IAC - Brazil) 10:30 - 11:00 Juice Break 08:30 - 09:30 SCIENTIFIC SESSIONS Lunch S6: HLB pathosystem II (plant, S15: Virus and virus-like vectors and bacteria) diseases Coordinators: João R. S. Lopes Coordinators: Juliana Freitas(ESALQ/USP - Brazil) and Astua (Embrapa/IB - Brazil) and Yongping Duan (USDA - USA). Changyong Zhao (CRI/CAAS/ Southwest Univ. - China) Juice Break S16: Irriga on and nutri on Coordinators: Rodrigo M. Boare o (IAC - Brazil) and Ana Quiñones Oliver (IVIA - Spain) 11:00 - 12:30 12:30 - 14:00 14:00 - 14:45 14:45 - 15:30 S17: Scion and rootstock varie es Coordinators: Ed Stover (USDA - USA) and Maria Angeles Forner-Giner (IVIA - Spain) S12: Cultural prac ces Coordinators: Eduardo A. Girardi (Embrapa/ Fundecitrus - Brazil) and Stephen H. Futch (Univ. Florida - USA) Lunch ICC Recogni on Awards Closing Ceremony * Itaipu Binacional and Iguassu Falls - individual registra on required 13 SOCIAL PROGRAM September 18 PRE TOUR 18:00 Opening Ceremony at the Mabu Conven on Center 19:45 Welcome recep on at the Mabu Convenn on Center Period: September 14 - 18 Ci es: Monte Azul Paulista, Frutal and Fernandópolis - São Paulo Visits: Farms for fresh market and processing, Packing House and EECB (research sta on) Support: ATDA Organizer: Emerson Fachin Brief descrip on: This tour includes visits to research sta ons and farms, with irriga on and fer ga on system and combina on of rootstock/scion resistant to citrus sudden death, focusing on processing and fresh market fruits. The farms are located in the north and northwest region of São Paulo State and West region of Minas Gerais State, which presents high temperatures and frequent drought periods during the winter season. On this tour, also includes visits to farms of Pineapple and Rubber trees. 20:30 Farewell Dinner at Recanto Cataratas Thermas, Resort & Conven on Farewell Dinner cost: US$ 50.00 September 22 TOUR 2 - Northern São Paulo There will be shu le available from the congress venue to Recanto Cataratas and the metable will be released soon in the website. The farewell dinner will be finished by 23:00 and there will be shu le available back to the hotel. Address: Recanto Cataratas Thermas, Resort & Conven on: Avenida Costa e Silva, 3500. Foz do Iguaçu City, Paraná State - Brazil Price (US$): SGL: 1,081 - DBL: 974* PRE TOUR TOUR 3 - Northwestern Argen na (NOA) Period: September 13 - 17 Ci es: Salta, Jujuy and Tucumán - Argen na Visits: Farms for fresh market and processing, and EEAOCC (research sta on) Support: AFINOA Organizer: Gloria Pérez Brief descrip on: This tour includes visits to a research sta on, nurseries and farms of oranges and lemons in the Argen ne Northwest. The citriculture is focused to the produc on of fresh fruit for export to over 62 countries and industry in par cular for lemon. The climate is temperate to subtropical with irriga on and fer ga on and integrated pest management. CONGRESS TOURS Reserva on Guidelines Reserva on will be done exclusively on the official agency tour-TNT, by the e-mail: daniela@tnt.tur.br or phone: +55 (43) 3323-8745 For more details visit the website: www.icc2016.com Price (US$): SGL: 2,289- DBL: 2,097* Minimum of 15 people required or the tour will be canceled. * The prices below does not include air ckets PRE TOUR TOUR 1 - Southern and Central São Paulo Period: September 13 - 17 Ci es: Mogi Mirim, Itape ninga and Paranapanema - São Paulo Visits: Farms for fresh market and processing, Citrus Nursery, CCSM (research sta on) Support: GTACC Organizers: Rubens Stamato, Décio Joaquim and Danilo Luchiari Brief descrip on: This tour includes visits to a research sta on, nurseries and large and medium-sized farms in two different citrus growing areas of São Paulo State. The tour start in the Central region which presents high temperatures and frequent drought periods during the winter season. And goes towards to South of the State which has high fer lity soils, milder temperatures and no water deficit limita ons. POST TOUR TOUR 4 - Central São Paulo Period: September 25 - 29 Ci es: Mogi Mirim, Araraquara and Matão - São Paulo Visits: Farms for fresh market and processing, Packing House, Fundecitrus (research ins tute) and CCSM (research sta on) Support: GCONCI Organizers: Gilberto Toza and Hamilton Rocha Brief descrip on: This tour includes visits to two research sta on, one state and one private, both focused on the HLB control. It is also included some large and medium-sized farms, that adopt the basic strategies to combat HLB showing their mistakes and successes, located in the central region of São Paulo State, which presents high temperatures and frequent drought periods during the winter season. Price (US$): SGL: 978 - DBL: 894* Price (US$): SGL: 1,050 - DBL: 941* 14 15 MID TOUR POST TOUR TOUR 5 - Northern Paraná Period: September 25 - 29 Ci es: Paranavaí, Maringá and Londrina - Paraná Visits: Farms for fresh market and processing, Cocamar - Coop., Integrada - Coop. and IAPAR (research sta on) Support: GCONCI Organizers: Marco Valério and Eduardo Fermino Carlos Brief descrip on: The North of Paraná State comprehends two dis nct citrus growing areas. The Northwestern lands were formed by sedimenta on materials and are now mainly covered by sandy soils. Major orange juice processors are based there. Toward Northeastern Paraná we found very fer le clay soils and varia on in al tudes, raising opportuni es not only to juice processing but also to fresh fruit markets. This tour aims to visit all major citrus companies in Paraná, covering both dis nct regions and a tour at IAPAR, the Agriculture Research State Ins tu on, in Londrina. Price (US$): SGL: 926 - DBL: 845* POST TOUR TOUR 6 - Northern Bahia and Sergipe September 21, 8:30 - 18:00 - Op onal Trip Visit to Itaipu Binacional Complex and to Iguassu Falls Cost: 60 US$ per delegate. The cost of the visit includes bus transporta on, ckets and lunch box. Itaipu Bina onal Complex: The hydroelectric plant of Itaipu is recognized as one of the greatest works of modern engineering, the largest hydroelectric plant in produc on in the world, and for a long me, it was also the largest in size. A monumental building that is now one of the main sights of Foz do Iguaçu, with an organized tourist service and a skilled service, which offers a choice of a rac ons both in the fields of engineering, such as in technology, nature and historical review of region. It has produced more than 2.2 billion MWh since it started opera ng. Iguassu Falls: One of the most spectacular natural sceneries in the world, the Na onal Park has a horseshoe-shaped row of 275 waterfalls that spring from the Iguassu River to the Brazil-Argen na border. Visi ng the Iguassu Falls is an immersion experience in nature, through a walk on trails in the woods and the proximity of the immensity of the waterfalls of Iguassu River. Registra on will be done exclusively in the website: www.icc2016.com/registra on Period: September 25 - 29 Ci es: Cruz das Almas, Rio Real - Bahia and Umbaúba, Aracaju - Sergipe Visits: Farms for fresh market and processing, Citrus Nursery, Embrapa Cassava & Tropical Fruits (Cruz das Almas) and Embrapa Coastal Tablelands (Umbaúba). Support: Embrapa Organizers: Eduardo Girardi, Francisco Laranjeira and Walter Soares Brief descrip on: This tour includes visits to two research sta ons, nursery and farms in Bahia and Sergipe States. The climate is hot and dry, with severe drought during the summer and cooler temperatures with rain in the winter season. Produc on focus is oranges and Persian lime for fresh market and processing. Price (US$): SGL: 1,221 - DBL: 1,045* POST TOUR TOUR 7 - Petrolina, Pernambuco and Juazeiro, Bahia Period: September 25 - 29 Ci es: Petrolina - Pernambuco and Juazeiro - Bahia Visits: Farms for fresh market, Irriga on Project, other fruits, Embrapa Semi-Arid (research sta on) and Packing house Support: Ufersa and Embrapa Organizers: Gustavo A. Pereira, Vander Mendonça and Débora Costa Bastos Brief descrip on: This tour includes visits to research sta ons with citrus, pear and apple experiments. It also includes visits in farms of 'Tahi ' lime and grapes wines. The climate is tropical semi-arid, with average annual temperature of 26 C, rainfall of about 500 mm year, concentrated from January to April. It is the main producing and expor ng Brazilian region of mango and grapes for fresh market. Price (US$): SGL: 1,139 - DBL: 1,000* 16 17 KEY DATES REGISTRATION March 15, 2016 Registra on opens April 29, 2016 Early bird registra on deadline June 13, 2016 Regular registra on discount deadline June 13, 2016 Submission deadline for individual oral papers and electronic posters In order to be eligible for the Student rate, students (undergraduate, M.Sc. and Ph.D.) are required to produce documentary evidence of their status and send it to icc2016@ eventos.com. Without appropriate documenta on, delegate fees will be applied. July 18, 2016 No fica on of abstract acceptance to all authors September 2, 2016 Regular registra on deadline September 18, 2016 On site registra on Registra on fee for accompanying person will include only welcome recep on and coffee breaks. Other services and ac vi es should be paid aside. September 18, 2016 Opening of the Congress Registra ons will be done exclusively via the ICC 2016 website, at: www.icc2016.com/registra on. Registra on fees for delegates and students will include congress bag, admission to scien fic sessions, welcome recep on, coffee breaks, lunches and book of abstracts and proceedings. Addi onal ac vi es such as farewell dinner, mid tour will have addi onal cost and should be paid aside. For non-residents in Brazil, registra on payment should be made only using PayPal system. For Brazilian residents, the rates will be converted in local currency - Real, accordingly to official exchange rates available at Banco Central do Brasil, paid by payment invoice. Doubts about payments, please contact us on icc2016@ eventos.com Registra on Fees and Deadlines (Rates in US$) From Mar. 15 to Apr. 29 From Apr. 30 to Jun. 13 From Jun. 14 to Sept. 2* On site ISC members** 425.00 500.00 575.00 650.00 Non ISC members 475.00 550.00 625.00 700.00 Students*** 300.00 350.00 400.00 450.00 Accompanying persons 100.00 125.00 150.00 175.00 Category * A er Sept. 2, just on site registra on ** For ISC Membership, visit h p://interna onalsocietyofcitriculture.org/membership.html ***Undergraduate, M.Sc. and Ph.D. students REGISTRATION: CANCELLATION POLICIES All requests for cancella on or refund must be received in wri en form by the technical secretariat of the ICC 2016. This can be made via e-mail icc2016@ eventos.com, up to: CANCELLATIONS BEFORE - June 2ⁿ 2016: 50% refund. A er this date, no refund will be provided. INVITATION LETTER An official le er of invita on will be sent to you upon request. The invita on le er may be used by visitors to raise travel funds or to obtain a visa, but is not a commitment on the part of the organizers to provide any financial support. Please contact the Congress Secretariat via e-mail icc2016@ eventos.com, to request a le er of invita on. 18 19 CALL FOR ABSTRACTS ABSTRACT MODEL To send an abstract you must register first. Abstracts must be submi ed only on-line at the website www.icc2016.com and the deadline for submission is June 13 , 2016. Abstracts submi ed by email or fax won't be accepted. SUSCEPTIBILITY OF MANDARINS AND TANGORS TO CITRUS LEPROSIS UNDER GREENHOUSE CONDITIONS 1 1 2 1 1 Nunes MA , Pereira JA , Freitas-Astúa J , Novelli VM & Bastianel M 2 Instituto Agronômico (CCSM-IAC), Cordeirópolis, SP, Brazil; Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (EMBRAPA), Cruz das Almas, BA, Brazil. E-mail: mandreian@yahoo.com.br 1 Registered delegates can submit a maximum of two abstracts. The presenter of the abstract must be the person who submits it. Please specify in the submission process if you wish to present your work orally or in a poster session, and the Scien fic Session targe ng your abstract. The Organizing Commi ee will no fy authors if abstracts were select for oral or poster presenta ons before July 18 , 2016. All accepted abstracts will be printed in the conference abstracts and given to all registered delegates. For doubts or problems regarding abstract submission, please contact us at icc2016@ eventos.com Please use the following format when submi ng abstracts: Use 11 point arial font and 1.5 spacing throughout the text and use jus fied format; The abstract must not exceed 260 words, including tle, authors, affilia on and financial support; Citrus leprosis is an important disease affecting sweet oranges in Brazil, and almost all of the studies performed to date have included only sweet oranges. The disease is caused by Citrus leprosis virus C (CiLVC), which infects several citrus and non-citrus host plants, and is transmitted by Brevipalpus phoenicis, a cosmopolitan and polyphagous mite. Few studies are available on the response of other citrus genotypes, such as mandarins and their hybrids, to leprosis. In this work, 56 mandarin (Citrus reticulata) and five tangor (C. reticulata x C. sinensis) genotypes from the Citrus Active Germplasm Collection of Centro Apta Citros Sylvio Moreira (BAG Citros IAC) were assessed for their response to leprosis using a score scale. Five reps of each genotype were infested with viruliferous mites maintained on infected sweet orange fruits. Among the genotypes tested, only Shikai mandarin (access CN 551) and Dieberger 5 (access CV 456) did not present any symptoms. Small-fruited 627 mandarin (access CN561) was the most susceptible genotype evaluated, with the highest average score (3.2). The average general score to all genotypes was 1.25. The results demonstrated that some mandarins and tangors are resistant to leprosis, as widely reported in the literature. However, most genotypes exhibit differential levels of susceptibility to the virus. Capitalize the tle and set it in bold; Keywords: orange, mandarin, leprosis. Last family names must precede ini als of names (if more than one, use & before the last author name); Financial support: Fapesp, CNPq and Embrapa. Underline the name of the presen ng author, who will be considered as the contact person for all correspondence; Affilia on must be included a er names, indica ng each author with superscript numbers; Include e-mail only to correspondence author; Acknowledge financial support if needed at the end of the text; POSTERS Posters should be prepared in a size of 90 cm wide x 120 cm high, printed and taken to the congress by delegates; See format and details on abstract model; Specify the Scien fic Session to your abstract. Posters will be numbered and grouped according to scien fic sessions, and should have a head part containing the tle, author name(s), ins tu on, addresses and the text; During the poster sessions the author will be requested to be present at the poster stand for discussions with viewers; Scien fic Session: S1 - Economics, trade and marking policies S2 - Juice processing and biochemistry S3 - Pre- and postharvest biology and technology S4 - Mites, pests and their control S5 - Citrus and human health S6 - HLB pathosystem (plant, vectors and bacteria) S7 - Citrus gene cs and breeding S8 - Biotechnology S9 - Other bacterial diseases 20 S10 - Citrus germplasm, phylogene cs, and genomics S11 - Fungal and oomycete diseases S12 - Cultural prac ces S13 - Citrus tree and fruit physiology S14 - Responses of citrus to abio c stresses S15 - Virus and virus-like diseases S16 - Irriga on and nutri on S17 - Scion and rootstock varie es S18 - Precision agriculture and mechanical harvest Posters can be mounted from 7:30 to 8:00 on the day of session, and removed a er 19:00 of the same day. Staff in the poster room will guide you and provide all needed informa on. 21 STUDENTS' GRANTS Registra on Award ICC2016 Organizing Commitee is accep ng applica ons for up to 15 registra on awards for eligible students (Undergraduate, M.Sc. and Ph.D. students) to a end the ICC2016 from September 18 to 23 , 2016 in Foz do Iguaçu - Brazil. The registra on award will include congress bag, admission to scien fic sessions, welcome recep on, coffee breaks, lunches and book of abstracts and proceedings. Deadline The applica on process closes on June 13, 2016. Submission Details Applica ons must be submi ed online and required documents uploaded via the applica on link. Applica on eligibility and requirements: The ICC Young Scien st Award applica on deadline is June 13, 2016 Candidates must have completed their doctoral degree within the five years before September 18, 2016, must be a member of the Interna onal Society of Citriculture and registered to the ICC 2016 Each candidate shall submit only one research work for evalua on Candidates must present a short curriculum vitae, a cover le er explaining how their work contributes to the citriculture, and a valid proof of doctoral degree achievement Applica ons will be completed with submission of an extended abstract of the research work (maximum of 10 pages, including tables, figures and references, forma ed in Times New Roman, 12 point font size, 1.5 line spacing) Please include the following documents in your PDF file in this order: An abstract of research to be presented at the ICC2016 A statement (up to one-page) indica ng how a ending this congress will impact your research and/or career Curriculum vitae (up to three-pages) A valid proof of current student status (e.g. a copy of student ID card or a le er in English from your advisor) A recommenda on le er from your advisor endorsing your applica on Award Results The award board will evaluate all applica ons received by the deadline and all applicants will be no fied un l July 30 about the registra on award results. Ques ons If you have any ques ons regarding the registra on award process please contact awards@icc2016.com Please include the following documents in your PDF file in this order: Extended abstract of your research to be presented at the ICC2016 Cover le er Curriculum vitae (up to tree-pages) A valid proof of Ph.D. achievement Evalua on process The Award Commi ee, composed by three to five members and appointed by the Execu ve Organizing Commi ee of the ICC 2016, will evaluate applica ons' documents. Candidates selected will be invited to present their work, in a specific session of the ICC 2016, open to the public. Oral presenta ons dura on will be 15 min, with other 5 min for discussions. The award-winner not present at the session will be disqualified, awarding the second classified candidate. ICC YOUNG SCIENTIST AWARD 2016 For any ques ons regarding the registra on award process, please contact awards@icc2016.com On behalf of the Interna onal Society of Citriculture, the Execu ve Organizing Commi ee of the Interna onal Citrus Congress 2016 invites young scien sts to par cipate in the ICC Young Scien st Award 2016. The Award was conceived to foster efforts of outstanding early-career researchers towards the development of the world citrus industry. Selected recipients will receive an honorable men on presented with a plaque recognizing their achievement. The first qualified recipient will also be granted with US$ 1,000.00 (one thousand dollars). The ICC Young Scien st Award 2016 will be presented during the Closing Ceremony of the ICC 2016. 22 23 ACCOMMODATION GENERAL INFORMATION The ICC 2016 will take place at the Mabu Thermas & Resort, a resort with thermal waters, SPA and haute cuisine, located 10 km from of the Iguassu Falls. We suggest that you book your accommoda on at Mabu, the official hotel of the congress. Category Un l May 31, 2016 A er May 31, 2016 Single Master R$ 360,00 (90.00 US$*) / day R$ 380,00 (95.00 US$*) / day Double Master R$ 400,00 (100.00 US$*) / day R$ 420,00 (105.00 US$*) / day * US$ to R$ on March 5, 2016 is R$ 4.01 (subject to fluctua on). Breakfast included. Hotel charges 5% of service tax. For further informa on, please get in contact directly with the hotel, iden fying yourself as a endee and use the reserva on code 14874. Telephone number: +55 45 3521-2000 E-mail: reservas1.mtr@hoteismabu.com.br Accommoda on op on Address: Rua da Cosmoé ca, 1761 Foz do Iguaçu 7 km (4,5 miles) away from the congress venue (Mabu Thermas & Resort) and 11 km (7 miles) from the airport. Hotel charges 5% of service tax. Breakfast included. Category MASTER SGL MASTER DBL MASTER TPL PREMIUM SGL PREMIUM DBL PREMIUM TPL SUITE SGL SUITE DBL Founded in 1914, Foz do Iguaçu currently receive at least 1.5 million tourists a year, which is 6 mes the amount of residents, which is approximately 256,000 inhabitants. Growth in the sector has happened mainly in the last 10 years, and that has begun to change tourism and the city, with improvements in infrastructure and tourist service. Increasingly, a des na on discovered by travelers worldwide. Climate Foz do Iguaçu is known to be a very hot city, but cold waves some mes reach the city and make the temperature vary from one day to another. To book your accomoda on: Access the website www.icc2016.com/venue/reserva on on and click in “go to reserva on” Mabu Interludium Iguassu Conven on E-mail: reservas.mic@hoteismabu.com.br Phone: +55 (45)3132-2000 www.hoteismabu.com.br/hoteis/interludium/ Host City The city of Foz do Iguaçu (also named Iguassu in English and Iguazu in Spanish) is interna onally recognized by the lush nature of the Iguassu Falls, the monumental construc on of the Itaipu Bina onal Complex, and the famous shopping opportuni es in Ciudad del Este. A tri-na onal city, which unify Brazil, Paraguay and Argen na. Rates R$ 200,00 R$ 230,00 R$ 279,00 R$ 234,00 R$ 296,00 R$ 366,00 R$ 304,00 R$ 350,00 (50.00 US$*)/ day (57.50 US$*)/ day (69.75 US$*)/ day (58.50 US$*)/ day (74.00 US$*)/ day (91.50 US$*)/ day (76.00 US$*)/ day (87.50 US$*)/ day In September, when the congress will take place, it will be spring, which is a very green season, with sunny days and blue sky with pleasant temperatures. Although there are rainy days, those are followed by very blue days. Visa Before travelling, please check at your country about the required documents to enter Brazil. If you need an invita on le er, you can request by the e-mail: icc2016@ eventos.com. Insurance and Emergency The organizing commi ee will not be responsible to for medical expenses arising from accidents or other unexpected occurrences. Par cipants are advised to arrange their own travel insurance cover. Emergency call numbers in Brazil are 190 (free) police and 192 (free) ambulance. Electric appliances In Foz do Iguaçu, the power supply is of 110V and is a three point connec on so it does not fit the flat input. Don't forget to bring a plug adapter with you. * US$ to R$ on March 5, 2016 is R$ 4.01 (subject to fluctua on). More informa on about other hotels please contact us at: icc2016@ eventos.com 24 25 Business hours Bank opens from 11:00 to 16:00. Commercial Centers open from 8:00 to 18:00 and the Shopping Centers opens from 10:00 to 22:00. VENUE AND ACCESS Mabu Thermas Grand Resort is 10 min away from the airport and taxis are available at the airport entrance. Downtown of Foz do Iguaçu City There is a difference of one hour earlier in Paraguay as compared to Brazil. The me zone in Argen na remains the same as in Brazil. Currency The Real (BRL/R$) is the official currency of Brazil. However, the region of Foz do Iguaçu has a special rela onship with the local financial transac ons, tourism and proximity with Paraguay and Argen na bring to the everyday of the city also the acceptance of Argen ne Peso (ARS/$), the Guaraní (PYG/₲) and US dollar (USD/US$). Many commercial-tourist establishments of Foz do Iguaçu accept any of the currencies, and even display in account values in the prices of each (but remember that some companies are not used to receiving in other currencies). In Puerto Iguazú (Argen na), some establishments do not accept payments that are not made in Argen ne pesos and it is suggested that the exchanges are made in the official currency exchanges. Mabu Thermas Grand Resort Cataratas Interna onal Airport (IGU) Puerto Iguazú (Argen na) In Ciudad del Este (Paraguay), most of the shops accept payment in Reais or Dollars. Remember that payments made on credit cards should be made with cau on since due to exchange final price may differ from those nego ated at the me of purchase, always consult a guide to know the stores indicated by the same. Iguassu Falls It is also important to know that the price of the US dollar can vary widely in the region, especially if you go shopping in Ciudad del Este stores. If you want to pay in Reais, check the value of the currency before buying to have an es mate, since many stores prac ce a specific price and change it during the day. And, also about the US dollar, there are series of notes that are not accepted in the region because of the amount of false banknotes that have circulated in recent years. BRAZIL MAP Boa Vista RR AP Macapá Belém Manaus São Luis PA AM São Luis Fortaleza The official exchange rate of US$ to Real on March 5, 2016 is R$ 4,01 (subject to fluctua on). PE Recife Palmas Porto Velho AL TO Rio Branco Aracajú RO SE Salvador BA MT Tourism informa on RN PB PI AC Rio Grande no Norte Natal CE MA DF Cuiabá Ilhéus Brasília Caceres To book your flights to ICC 2016 and/or to plan your full trip to Brazil contact Cria va Turismo (contato@cria vaturismo.com.br or +55 43 3344-5556 / +55 43 9976-8981). GO Porto Seguro Goiânia Campo Grande Uberlândia Santa Fé do Sul MS MG ES Vitória Belo Horizonte Ponta Pora SP RJ Rio de Janeiro São Paulo PR Foz do Iguaçu SC Florianópolis RS Porto Alegre Rio Grande 26 27