feather river crossings
feather river crossings
no w leasin g FEATHER RIVER CROSSINGS ANCHOR & SHOP SPACE AVAILABLE 355 ORO DAM BOULEVARD EAST AT HIGHWAY 70 OROVILLE :: ca F O R M O R E I N F O R M AT I O N P L E A S E C O N TA C T: OR O DA M BO UL EVA RD SITE FE AT HE R RI VE R BO UL EV AR D ±95,869 SF (Divisible) Rick Martinez Lic. 00991459 916.446.8233 rick.martinez@cbre.com Josh Schmidt Lic. 01328601 916.446.8776 josh.schmidt@cbre.com CB Richard Ellis, Inc. Broker Lic. 00409987 555 Capitol Mall, Suite 100 Sacramento, CA 95814 T 916.446.6800 F 916.446.8778 www.cbre.com/smskproperties no w leasin g FEATHER RIVER CROSSINGS 355 ORO DAM BOULEVARD EAST AT HIGHWAY 70 OROVILLE :: ca area map location map SITE SITE N N MAPS NOT TO SCALE The City of Oroville is considered the gateway to Lake Oroville and Feather River recreational areas. Lake Oroville, which is adjacent to the City, is the second largest lake in California. Lake Oroville was created with the construction of the Oroville Dam, the tallest earthen dam in the United States, and offers many sporting activities throughout the year. The recreation areas in the greater Oroville area are some of the most significant attractions in the Oroville region. The California Department of Parks and Recreation reported over one million visitors to Lake Oroville State Recreation Area annually. The number of visitors has increased significantly over the last decade. FOR MORE I N F O R M AT I O N PLEASE C O N TA C T Rick Martinez Lic. 00991459 916.446.8233 rick.martinez@cbre.com Josh Schmidt Lic. 01328601 916.446.8776 josh.schmidt@cbre.com P R O P E R T Y I N F O R M AT I O N The City of Oroville—made famous when Ishi, the last of the Yahi Indians came out of the wilderness and into western civilization—is the county seat of Butte County located in the Sierra Nevada Foothills in the Northern Sacramento Valley. The Oroville trade area has a population of over 69,000, and is the third largest municipality in Butte County, followed by Chico and Paradise. Recently, as Chico has grown as a regional commercial giant, more people have been drawn to Oroville for close shopping, and lower property prices. It has been speculated that Oroville has undergone more construction of homes in the last ten years than it has in the last 40 before it. A possible reason for this could be that the skyrocketing of property values in the San Francisco Bay Area has caused migration of new families to the area. The Feather River Crossings is a ±95,869 SF proposed retail center located at Highway 70 on Oro Dam Boulevard. This project has a ±92,869 SF former Walmart building being retrofitted for up to three anchor tenants. A new pad is available with the potential for drive-thru. F E AT U R E S d emo g rap h ics ( 2 0 1 0 E S T. ) Population 5-mile Trade-area Average HH Income 5-mile Trade-area $43,599 $50,098 Median HH Income 5-mile Trade-area $32,814 $37,278 Daytime Employment (3-mile) Employees Significant Employers (3-mile) Pacific Coast Producers Butte County Community Employment County Sheriff :: Anchor space available from ±20,000–50,000 SF Source: Claritas :: Future pad up to ±6,000 SF available with possibility of drive-thru T raffic C o u nts ( 2 0 0 8 ) :: Pylon signage available :: Excellent Highway 70 visibility :: Easy Highway 70 access :: Easily accessible via three access points :: Signalized at the busy intersection of Oro Dam Blvd and Feather River Boulevard :: One million visitors to Lake Oroville State Recreation Area pass the site annually 36,549 69,203 Highway 70 Oro Dam Blvd Feather River (2006) Source: Caltrans; Butte County 15,299 1,200 400 325 23,000 ADT 30,000 ADT 9,447 ADT no w leasin g FEATHER RIVER CROSSINGS 355 ORO DAM BOULEVARD EAST AT HIGHWAY 70 OROVILLE :: ca P OT E N T I A L D E M I S I N G P L A N ±95,869 SF (Divisible) ±99’-4” LAND: ±10.00 AC; ±435,600 SF BLDG AREA: ±95,869 SF LAND/BLDG: 3.54/1 BLDG%: 22% PARK’G PROV ’D: 571 STALLS PARK’G RATIO: 5.95/1000 SF ±149’-6” MAJOR MAJOR A B MAJOR C ±26,000 SF ±26,000 SF ±40,369 SF ±262’ ±80’ ±26,000 SF p ±3ad ,50 a 0 SF ±14,300 sf FE A TH ER RI V ER B O U LE V A RD ±99’-4” PROJECT SUMMARY ORO DAM BOULEVARD FOR MORE I N F O R M AT I O N PLEASE C O N TA C T Rick Martinez Lic. 00991459 916.446.8233 rick.martinez@cbre.com Josh Schmidt Lic. 01328601 916.446.8776 josh.schmidt@cbre.com no w leasin g FEATHER RIVER CROSSINGS 355 ORO DAM BOULEVARD EAST AT HIGHWAY 70 OROVILLE :: ca N ORO DAM BOULEVAR D Ave Future Walmart Supercenter S 7 th F E AT H ER RIV ER BOUL S 5th Ave E VA R D SITE no w leasin g FEATHER RIVER CROSSINGS 355 ORO DAM BOULEVARD EAST AT HIGHWAY 70 OROVILLE :: ca Lake Oroville State Recreation Area N Butte County Offices Oroville High School O Oroville Municipal Airport RO DA M BL VD Oroville Hospital Gold Country Casino (Proposed) SITE Future Walmart Supercenter Feather River Cinemas Las Plumas High School © 2011 CB Richard Ellis, Inc. This information has been obtained from sources believed reliable. We have not verified it and make no guarantee, warranty or representation about it. Any projections, opinions, assumptions or estimates used are for example oonly and do not represent the current or future performance of the property. You and your advisors should conduct a careful, independent investigation of the property to determinutese to your satisfaction the suitability of the property for your needs. All logos displayed on this map are the property of their respective owners, used solely too indicate that businesses associated with those marks are located in buildings displayed on the map. All Rights Reserved. 80519119-0000-25744