DieMATIE - WWW0 - Stellenbosch University


DieMATIE - WWW0 - Stellenbosch University
wreak havoc on
Prims krities oor
perk menslike
interaksie in
Gunsteling studentvakansieplekke
Campus Invasion
party hosts
Van Coke Kartel
Maties Netball
new team
Die Matie
gesels met Dirk
van der Westhuizen
hockey tournament
hits off
Service delivery protesters
demand Stellenbosch
mayor’s resignition
DIE VREUGDE VOOR DIE VERDRIET Maties-ondersteuners het Maandag in hul getalle na die Danie Craven stadion opgeruk, waar die eerste tuis Varsity Cup-wedstryd van die jaar
plaasgevind het. Maties het egter 33-16 teen die Ikey Tigers vasgeval en sodoende hul tweede nederlaag in soveel wedstryde gely. Dit was die eerste keer in die geskiedenis van hierdie
toernooi wat die Maties op hul tuisgrond teen UCT verloor het.
Die Matie Studentekoerant
is recruiting
We are now accepting applications for the following positions:
- Office manager
- IT manager
- Videographers
- Journalists
Contact details are available on page 14.
- Photographers
Baie studente maak steeds van alternatiewe verblyf gebruik
Tyd raak min vir bouwerk
LLL-VILLAGE NIE IN ’N DAG GEBOU Die Meesterplan bouwerk is beloof om teen einde Februarie voltooi te wees.
het onvoltooide bouwerk
gesorg dat sowat 11% van die nuwe
eerstejaars nie in Irene, Huis Visser en
Huis Marais kon intrek nie.
Ook kon 23% van die senior
studente in hierdie koshuise nie met
hul terugkeer in bogenoemde koshuise
of die nuut-aangeboude koshuise
en Luister-, Leef- en Leer-eenhede,
oftewel LLL-huise, intrek nie.
Die bouwerk is aan die einde
van 2012 afgeskop as deel van die
Universiteit Stellenbosch (US) se
projek om bykomende verblyf aan
studente te bied, met die belofte dat
bouwerk teen die einde van 2013
voltooi sou wees. Die projek het onder
andere die bou van nuwe koshuis vir
senior studente en aanbouings by die
LLL-huise en bogenoemde koshuise
Weens onvoorsiene faktore soos
swaar reënval en stakings in die
boubedryf, was bouwerk egter nie
voor die begin van 2014 se akademiese
jaar afgehandel nie.
Huis Marais sukkel steeds met
die aanbouing van
nuwe vleuel
aan hul koshuis wat
108 studente gaan kan huisves. Pieter
Stofberg, prim, het aan Die Matie gesê
dat daar tydens Verwelkomingsweek
vir hul eerstejaars alternatiewe blyplek
in Simonsberg gereël is, maar dat
hulle besluit het om die eerstejaars
liewers drie-drie in dubbelkamer te
plaas sodat daar eenheid onder die
groep kon vorm.
Verder sê Stofberg dat almal nog
nie in die koshuis kon intrek nie.
“Daar bly 36 mans in Denneoord,
waarvan 14 seniors en 22 eerstejaars
is. Daar bly ook 14 mans in Paul
Kruger huis, waarvan vier seniors en
tien eerstejaars is”.
Stofberg meen dat die koshuis
voortdurend moes toegee aan die
US met betrekking tot die datums
wanneer die bouwerk voltooi sou
wees, en sê hulle moes tydens
Verwelkomingsweek hul aandag
tussen die eerstejaars en die bouwerk
verdeel. “Ek voel net die universiteit
kan iets van hulle kant af vir ons doen
vir al die ongerief wat ons al vir die
afgelope 15 maande het,” sê hy.
Ouers van die Huis Marais
eerstejaars het by ‘n ouerete hul
» “[Die HK] moes tydens
hul aandag tussen
die eerstejaars en die
bouwerk verdeel.”
ontevredenheid met hierdie reëling
uitgespreek en het daarna liggaam
gestig om met die US te kommunikeer.
Volgens Dirk van Niekerk is die
forum op Google Groups gestig sodat
hulle klagtes van die ouers elektronies
kan hanteer. Hierdie hulpmiddel
word ook gebruik om inligting direk
aan die ouers beskikbaar te stel.
Van Niekerk vorm deel van die vyf
Huis Marais ouers wat deel is van
die onderhandelingsgroep wat ander
ouers verteenwoordig.
“In teenstelling met vorige
koerantberigte is die onderhandelings
nie gefokus op afslag op koshuisgelde
nie,” het Van Niekerk aan Die Matie
gesê. Van Niekerk sê dat hy baie
verbaas is oor hoe tegemoetkomend
die studente oor die situasie is, en hy is
dankbaar dat die kommunikasie tussen
die US en die ouer-verteenwoordigers
tans op goeie voet is.
Volgens Martin Viljoen, Senior
Mediaskakelpraktisyn van die US, is
daar ook 53 inwoners van die LLLhuise wat nog moet intrek sodra die
bouwerk voltooi is. Daar is ook aan
hierdie studente alternatiewe blyplek
verskaf. Volgens Viljoen is al die
kamers in die nuwe senior koshuis
voltooi en die studente kon in hul
kamers intrek.
Jani Hattingh, Prim: Irene, is van
mening dat Irene se omstandighede
baie beter as ander koshuise s is.
“Ek kan met eerlikheid sê Irene se
omstandighede was ten spyte van alles
goed,” meen sy. Volgens Hattingh het
al Irene se eerstejaars met hul aankoms
kamer en bed ontvang, en dit was
nie nodig vir hulle om meer as twee
eerstejaars in een kamer te plaas nie.
As gevolg van die vierde vlak
van die koshuis wat nie voltooi was
nie, het die US 30 minder eerstejaars
geplaas wat plek in Irene sal ontvang
sodra die vloer voltooi is. Die seniors
wat op die vierde vlak moet woon het
tydelik in die Nuwe Generasie koshuis
of in tydelike kamers in Irene self
Laurentius van den Worm, Prim:
Huis Visser, het aan Die Matie gesê
dat hulle omstandighede reeds beter as
in 2013 is. Hy spreek egter sy simpatie
met hulle bure uit: “In Huis Visser
was ons eers baie ongelukkig oor ons
vordering, tot ek by Huis Marais
draai gemaak het en besef het dat ons
geen rede het om te kla nie.”
Hy sê egter dat al die storte en
toilette nog nie werk nie, en dat stof
en onderbrekings in hul krag en water
probleem is. Verder kort
hulle ook nog lessenaars en internet
Luidens persvrystelling deur die
US word daar beoog dat die bouwerk
teen einde Februarie tot só ’n mate
voltooi sal wees dat alle studente by
hul universiteitsverblyf sal kan intrek.
Daar sal daarna nog aan die buitekant
van die koshuise gewerk word.
What is your opinion on the new SUNLearn system?
Mia Finchan
Nicholas Bridge
Marsha Nezura
2de jaar
2nd year
2nd year
“Ek dink net dis simpel. ’n Mens voel
weer soos eerstejaar. Laasjaar s’n
was baie eenvoudiger.”
“It’s not great. I’m still get ting used to
“No one told us it was going to
change, so it was a bit of a shock.
They should update it, but not
change the whole system.”
Hein Botes
Tanya Slater
Dayne Vlok
5de jaar
4th year
4th year
diploma in
“Ek het dit nog nie eens gebruik nie.”
“Every year they design a new system
with the same problems.”
“It’s very dif ferent but not that bad.
It’s a bit easier, one should just get
used to it.”
Nóg balonne by die US
“LANSEER jou idees.” En laat hulle
dan in die Neelsie sweef.
So word studente deur die Launch
Your Ideas-veldtog aangemoedig om
hul oorspronklikste en opwindendste
idees tussen 11 en 13 Februarie op
Qurio by http://q.na/#/quriocodes/
launchlab voor te lê.
Die idees, wat die vraag “Wat as
ons kon…” moet voltooi, sal op ’n
kleefbord in die Neelsie aangebring
Op 13 Februarie om 13:00 sal daar
vir elke idee ’n helium ballon binne-in
een reuse lugballon geplaas word, om
die idees letterlik te laat sweef.
Prysgeld van R500 sal aan die
verskaffers van die vyf beste idees
toegeken word. Die wenners sal ook
na LaunchLab-werkswinkels genooi
word, ten einde hul idees te laat
LaunchLab is in Augustus
2013 deur InnovUS, die US se
innovasiemaatskappy, op die been
gebring. Dit is die middelpunt van
entrepreneursaktiwiteite op kampus
en bied reeks programme aan om
entrepreneurskap hupstoot te gee.
Anita Nel, uitvoerende hoof van
InnovUS, het gesê: “Die Launch
Your Ideas-veldtog het ten doel om
deelnemers aan te moedig om verder
as die huidige stand van sake te dink.
Innoverende, opwindende idees is
van uiterste belang om kultuur van
entrepreneurskap op kampus te vestig.
Ons sien uit daarna om jul inspirerende
inskrywings te ontvang.”
Van 11 Februarie tot 12 April
bied die Launch Your Ideas-veldtog
verskillende programme aan, onder
veldtog en werkswinkels,
waar jou idees voorgelê kan word.
Inskrywings vir die geleenthede
kan op LaunchLab se webtuiste
gedoen word.
MY FIRST TIME Sonop first years last weekend made use of their last
opportunity to register to vote in the national election for the first time.
The election is to take place on 7 May.
Neknominations neem oor
internasionaal bekende gier, het die
afgelope paar weke vele studente laat
regop sit.
Hierdie tendens behels dat die
deelnemer hulself afneem terwyl hulle
drankies afsluk, die video met die frase
#neknomination op Facebook laai en
dan iemand nomineer om dieselfde
binne 24 uur te doen.
Na berig het die neknomination in
Australië begin, maar in Suid-Afrika
het hierdie gier
ander geur gekry
toe Brent Lindeque van Bloemfontein
besluit het om te wys hoe SuidAfrikaners dit beter doen: in sy
YouTube-video skenk hy brood aan
behoeftige eerder as om te drink.
Hy voeg onderaan sy video by:
“Verbeel jou as ons die krag van
sosiale media gebruik om positiewe
verskil in mense se lewens te maak.”
Daarna het die gier vlamgevat,
met Stellenbosch voor in die koor.
Op 8 Februarie het prof Russel
Botman, rektor en visekanselier
van die Universiteit Stellenbosch
(US), sy eie neknomination vanaf
studenteraadvoorsitter MJ Dippenaar
aanvaar en R10 000 namens sy
gesin aan die iShack projek in
Enkanini geskenk. Sodoende het hy
deel geword van die internasionale
“Maties het aangesluit by die
internasionale veldtog wat in SuidAfrika ’n positiewe kinkel gekry het,”
was Botman se woorde.
iShack is projek wat ontwikkel
het uit die US se HOOP projek.
Die projek beoog om informele
nedersettings op te gradeer en om die
lewensgehalte van die gemeenskap te
Die R10 000 skenking van
Botman is gebruik om
fonds te
stig om finansiële steun te bied aan
huishoudings wat moontlik hul
kragbron kan verloor.
Botman het die tien fakulteite van
die US se dekane uitgedaag om hul eie
neknomination video te maak deur te
wys hoe elke fakulteit se studente en
personeel verskil in ander mense se
lewens maak.
Na Lindeque se video het vele die
positiewe verskil wat neknominations
kan maak aangegryp en, soos Botman,
Studente het egter nie opgehou om die
sosiale aspekte daarvan te geniet nie
en kreatiewe toepassings het die ronde
begin doen. Inwoners van Dagbreek
het byvoorbeeld bier uit hul skoene
gedrink, met die verduideliking dat
Dagbrekers nie uit bottels drink nie.
Verlede week was daar ook
voorval waar
eerstejaar Geskiedenisklas
plaasgevind het.
Lynné Schoeman, wat die klas
bygewoon het, het aan Die Matie
vertel dat daar vreemde man in die
klas opgespring het en toe langs die
dosent voor in die klas gaan staan
het. Daarna het hy dankie gesê vir
sy neknomination, sy bier gedrink en
saam met die man wat hom afgeneem
het uit die klas gehardloop.
Schalk van der Merwe, die dosent
wat die ontwrigte klas aangebied
het, sou ander studente aanraai om
meer positiewe neknominations te
oorweeg. Oor die insident sê Van der
Merwe: “Ek voel so half geëerd dat
hy my klas gekies het, alhoewel ek
vra dat ander genomineerdes eerder
’n ander plan sal maak. ’n Mens kan
mos nou nie elke lesing afskop met ’n
gebierdrinkery nie.”
neknomination het egter skeefgeloop,
met ernstige gevolge. Sam Stelzner, ’n
vierdejaarstudent, het van vlagpaal
in Simonberg se binneplein geval
nadat hy probeer het om sy video meer
interessant te maak.
Stelzner was Saterdag in
om binne die 24 uur tydperk van die
neknomination sy eie video te maak.
Stelzner het besluit om 6 meter hoë
vlagpaal uit te klim en sy nominasie op
die kop van die vlagpaal te doen, maar
het in die proses sy balans verloor en
moes na die hospitaal geneem word.
In totaal het Stelzner sowat 54
steke aan sy voet, bobeen en enkel
opgedoen en sterk tans by sy ouers se
huis in Kaapstad aan.
Studente teleurgesteld in kort toespraak se ligte trant en haar versuim om vrae te neem
Helen Zille spreek ’n stampvol Wilcocks toe
Agang-SA aangeraak nie. Sy het wel
melding gemaak van haar onlangse
middagete saam met die President en
ie Wilcocks-gebou het verlede haar uitrusting vir vandeesweek se
Vrydag uit sy nate gebars toe Staatsrede.
Helen Zille, Premier van die
Sy het afgesluit deur onbeskaamd
Wes-Kaap, studente aan Stellenbosch te sê dat hoewel haar party nie perfek
Universiteit kom toespreek het.
is nie, dit tans is “wat daar is”. Sy
Zille se 20-minuut toespraak het het studente aangemoedig om “hul
gehandel oor die 2014-verkiesing wat eie party te stig” indien daar geen
volgens haar as
politieke party is
’n waterskeiding
waarmee hulle kan
...hoewel haar party identiiseer
dit tans “wat daar is”.
Sy het dit ’n
van Stellenbosch,
genoem, met verwysing na die Conrad Sidego, en DA-LP Andricus
sosiale wetenskap konsep wat van der Westhuizen het ook die
beskryf hoe skielike veranderings in verrigtinge bygewoon. Ná pogings
gemeenskappe te weeg gebring word. om meer en meer toeskouers in
Sy het haar gehoor verder verseker dat die oorvol lokaal te prop, moes die
dit die mees interessante verkiesing organiseerders, DASO (Demokratiese
sedert 1994 sal wees.
Zille se besoek het saamgeval uiteindelik studente vra om die lokaal
met die nuus dat die nasionale en te verlaat.
provinsiale verkiesing vir 7 Mei
Ten spyte van die buitengewoon
vanjaar geskeduleer is.
goeie opkoms by die geleentheid, het
Sy het studente aangemoedig om dit agterna veral op sosiale netwerke
te registreer om te stem tydens die geblyk dat studente oorwegend
laaste registrasiegeleentheid wat die teleurgesteld was deur die ligte trant
pasafgelope naweek plaasgevind het.
van Zille se toespraak.
Zille het nie die onderwerp van
Sy was boonop 20 minute laat en
die Demokratiese Alliansie (DA) se kon nie langer vertoef om met studente
onlangse kortstondige sameswering in gesprek te tree nie, omdat sy na die
met Mamphela Ramphele van volgende bestemming op haar Wes-
KYK DA! Helen Zille, Premier van die Wes-Kaap en leier van die Demokratiese Alliansie, het studente op Vrydag
7 Februarie in die Wilcocks-gebou toegespreek oor die belangrikheid van 2014 se nasionale verkiesing.
Kaapse werwingstoer moes vertrek.
Sy het wel tyd ingeruim om ’n kort
TV-onderhoud aan e-TV toe te staan.
Die gehoor het wel positief op haar
veeltaligheid gereageer. Hoewel haar
toespraak hoofsaaklik Afrikaans was,
het sy ook by tye Engels en Xhosa
gepraat. Haar moedertaal, het sy gesê,
is egter Duits.
Terselfdertyd het betogers van die
informele nedersettings Kayamandi
en Enkanini voor die stadsaal
saamgedrom in die hoop om ’n
memorandum aan Zille te oorhandig
insake swak dienslewering. Sy het dit
egter nie in ontvangs geneem nie.
Volledige berig oor die protes op
bladsy 5.
Prims criticise “irrelevant” university welcoming programme
THE NEW additions to Matieland
enjoyed a seemingly successful
welcoming programme, but amongst
frequent organisational mishaps and
inconsistencies with the structure
of participation, the shadow of a
cancelled RAG (Remember And
Give) looms over future MAD2 (Make
a Decision to Make a Difference)committees.
The “newbies” to Stellenbosch
University, as they are to be called
henceforth, experienced an altered
programme, hosting Vensters on
a Friday evening instead of the
traditional Thursday. Two new events
were also introduced: Dream Launch,
where irst year students wrote their
dreams on bio-degradable balloons at
Coetzenberg, and a Colour Festival in
Victoria Street.
Head of Events and Liaison, Martie
van der Linde, told Die Matie that
2014’s programme was “developed
to incorporate various elements of
Stellenbosch life”, academic, social
and administrative alike.
However, accounts by students
portrayed a very different reality.
Jethro Georgiades, Prim of Vesta
PSO, spoke to Die Matie about inding
certain dificulties working within the
MAD2 structure and experiencing it to
be unnervingly alike to RAG.
“Events like Bondelsport and
Colour Fest, while acceptable in
theory, exhibit little or no central
hub of management as well as no
foreseeable outcomes in practice,”
said Georgiades. He added that it
provided limited possibilities for
integration amongst irst years of
different Residences and PSOs.
Georgiades went on to add that
certain traditions of the welcoming
programme seemed “irrelevant to
the orientation and administrative
preparation of irst year students”.
As such, Vesta PSO constructed a
new system of support initiatives and
activities which did not fall under the
MAD2 calendar – a fact which is in
stark contrast with the MAD2 ideal of
a centralised programme as opposed
to the personalised programmes, as
was the case in RAG.
Georgiades, a ifth year student,
concluded that although the format
had changed, RAG was still very
much alive.
Sonop Prim Adri Thiart notiied Die
Matie that last minute arrangements
had to be made by this residence,
in collaboration with Metanoia, to
correct a blunder by the university in
neglecting to acquire enough Halaal
provisions for the entire opening
week. “The university had little to do
with the upholding of diversity and
inclusivity amongst new students,”
she claimed.
Consequently, when asked about
whether the university had offered
substantial aid in preparing the
irst years, Thiart stated that the
activities which Sonop had drawn
up to allow irst years to adjust to a
new environment were also purely
envisioned by the residence and that
in her opinion the university had “not
contributed” to this goal.
But these problems seem to affect
irst year students less than one would
imagine. When approached with the
issue at hand, many neo-Maties said
that they perceive Welcoming Week as
a largely social issue – a fact which is
in stark contrast with the university’s
attempted welcoming message.
RAG, as many senior and postgraduate students will remember,
was home to many iconic orientation
events such as Floats and Trollies.
The Prim Committee of 2011
decided to disband RAG with the
explanation that the individualised
res programmes were not offering
substantial aid to irst year students in
adjusting to university life, and that a
centralised programme was necessary.
Werner de Wit, the irst head
coordinator of MAD2, told Die Matie
that one of the deciding factors was
the unhealthy competition created by
many events often provided the setting
for controversy amongst so-called
rival Residences and PSOs.
One of the biggest changes was
to be a pronounced focus on raising
funds for Maties Community Service.
For this reason, expensive events
(such as Floats) were cancelled.
Lotz-verdagte gedagvaar
MOOISTE MATIES ALBEI IN EBW Twee studente van die Universiteit Stellenbosch, Anzél Stofberg en
Abigail de Jager, is finaliste in vanjaar se Mej Suid-Afrika kompetisie. Stofberg is tans besig om haar
B.Rek honneursgraad te doen en De Jager is ’n tweedejaarstudent wat Finansiële Bestuur studeer. Die
kroningsfunksie sal in Maart plaasvind.
FRED van der Vyver, wat in 2006 van
die moord op Inge Lotz beskuldig is, is
onlangs vir R4.3 miljoen se uitstaande
regskostes vanuit die Oos-Kaapse
Hoër Hof gedagvaar.
Lotz, wat ten tyde van haar
dood ’n student aan die Universiteit
Stellenbosch (US) was, is die middag
van 16 Maart in haar woonstel
op Stellenbosch vermoor. Sy is
onverwags met ’n stomp voorwerp van
agter geslaan en met mes gesteek
terwyl sy op haar bank gelê het.
Die polisie het vermoed dat die
moordenaar iemand wat Lotz goed
geken het moes wees, aangesien sy in
ontspanne posisie was en daar geen
tekens van
struweling of inbraak
was nie.
Van der Vyver, haar destydse
kêrel, is drie maande later van moord
aangekla nadat daar
van hom op
DVD-omslag gevind
is. Die betrokke DVD is drie-uur die
middag van 16 Maart uitgeneem, en
die moord het tussen vieruur en sesuur
Van der Vyver het dit later ontken
en aangevoer dat hy by sy werkplek
was, wat 30km van Stellenbosch af
is. Hy is in November 2007 onskuldig
bevind, en tot op hede is geen verdere
verdagtes nog bekendgemaak nie.
Na aloop van die strafsaak het
Van der Vyver in siviele eis van R46
miljoen teen die Minister van Polisie
ingestel op grond van kwaadwillige
vervolging. Die Wes-Kaap Hoër Hof
het in Van der Vyver se guns beslis,
maar die polisie het egter geappelleer
en die appèl is deur die Appèlhof
in Bloemfontein gehandhaaf. Van
der Vyver se poging om hom tot die
Konstitusionele Hof te wend, was ook
Van der Vyver het in November
2013 die Verenigde Nasies (VN) se
Komitee vir Burgerlike en Politieke
Regte genader met die argument dat
sy menseregte geskend is deur sy
vervolging. Die Komitee het onlangs
beslis dat hulle hom nie sal kan
bystaan nie, omrede hulle nie bevoeg
is om die feite van die saak óf die
getuienis te hersien en/of herevalueer
nie. Ryan Tutt, Van der Vyver se
huidige prokureur, het egter die VN
gevra om die besluit te heroorweeg.
Luidens hofstukke is Advokaat
Dup de Bruyn, wat nou vir Van der
Vyver dagvaar, sedert Julie 2006
voltyds by die saak betrokke.
Mondelinge ooreenkoms tussen De
Bruyn en Van der Vyver senior in 2008
het bepaal dat De Bruyn bereid sou
wees om uitstel te gee vir die betaling.
Intussen is daar steeds geen nuwe
ontwikkelinge in die soektog na Lotz
se moordenaar nie.
Student pleit skuldig
ná ongeluk op kampus
STUDENT aan die NWU-Puk,
Telfer Ernest, is gevonnis tot twee
jaar gevangenis of R4000 boete
opgelê nadat hy skuldig gepleit
het op aanklag van strafbare
Ernest het die voertuig bestuur
wat op 12 September 2013 op
kampus omgeslaan het waarin
vroustudent, Deirdre Nel, op
slag oorlede is. Die vonnis is
opgeskort na
R2000 boete óf
12 maande gevangeniskap indien
hy nie binne die tydperk weer
skuldig bevind word aan strafbare
manslag in voertuig nie.
Ernest het op 21 Januarie in
die Potchefstroomse landdroshof
Volgens die Potchefstroom
Herald het Nel saam met vyf
ander studente in die voertuig
gery toe die ongeluk plaas gevind
het, naby die ouditorium.
- Simon Sonnekus
SASCO calls for strike over
NSFAS shortage of funds
that were already protesting to
The Democratic Alliance Student Organisation (Daso) held an
all-night sit-in at the head ofices
of the Department of Higher Education in Pretoria last Thursday in
support of students who have not
received NSFAS funding.
Minister Blade Nzimande of
the Department of Higher Education and Training ordered students
not to engage in violent clashes
or to damage university property
and promised that government
has made R1 billion available to
Sasco continued to call for
protests to carry on at tertiary institutions until this promise has
Most students that are funded
by the aid scheme were unable to
register for their studies in 2014
due to outstanding university fees
from the previous year.
The Congress of South African Students President Colin
Malatji said on Power FM that no
student should be inancially or
academically excluded due to this
NSFAS crisis.
He added that education is not
a privilege but a right that should
be afforded to all students.
The Tuks SRC has arranged
that students who have not received their NSFAS funding can
still register at the university as
long as they are academically deserving.
- Molebogeng Mangoale
MARKET ON DIE BRAAK The traders are waiting on the municipality to finalise a trading site by the end of March.
Traders’ new location on Die Braak temporary solution only
Informal traders in limbo
Local Economic Development at
Stellenbosch Municipality, said a
review of the informal traders bylaw
was also currently underway.
“The bylaw is very restrictive,
[currently] you can’t trade next to
a church or municipal building or
heritage site,” Moses explained.
The item was submitted to Council
to review the bylaw, asking to remove
the “restrictive nature” of some of the
he informal traders of the
Stellenbosch Market have
been granted permission to
temporarily trade on Die Braak,
following months of being without a
After Stellenbosch Municipality
received complaints from the Rhenish
Church, the traders were evicted from
their original site next to Checkers in
January 2013.
The traders had refused the
municipality’s offer to be moved
to Bergzicht taxi rank out of safety
concerns and the alleged unsuitability
of the taxi rank’s location.
A protest organized by members of
the public in support of the traders was
held at the old site on 8 Febuary 2013.
On 18 November the municipality
granted the traders permission to trade
on Die Braak until 31 March 2014,
whilst the search for a permanent
site was underway. The traders began
trading 10 December 2013.
“It took very long, but we’re
starting to get there again,” said Paco,
a trader who had been trading at the
market for 18 years.
“It’s almost the same as the old site
because it’s not that far away, but here
it is more open,” he explained.
“We’re just waiting; as
traders we can’t do
clauses, as well as identify additional
trading sites for the traders.
Lawrence, another trader at the
market, said the lack of a trading site
had been dificult inancially. “It was
a struggle to ind money for rent and
food,” he said.
He said several traders had gone
to other towns that had a market, but
said this proved to be too expensive in
terms of transportation and staff costs.
Lawrence said business was still
slow, as customers were allegedly
either not aware the traders and
the market had returned, or they
were “getting used to” the market’s
relocation. “We hope if the market
continues like this it will be back to
He said the traders were hopeful
that they would be allowed to remain
on Die Braak.
customers would have to adjust again
to the market being moved.
Stellenbosch municipal area have
been identiied so far, including
Franschhoek, according to Moses, but
he added it was unlikely the traders
would be relocated to the market’s
original site.
Moses said the municipality is
currently still gathering input from
the public, after which the item will
go back to Council where the various
options will be considered.
“After that we will probably
determine a site,” he added.
According to Lawrence, the
municipality said it would inform the
traders before 31 March if they would
be granted the space on Die Braak or
be required to move.
He added, however, that the
municipality did not say where they
would possibly be moved to if they
had to leave Die Braak.
“We’re just waiting; as traders we
can’t do anything. We’re just hoping
the decision will be positive.”
New Stellenbosch
parking tarif fs
Town Hall
Andringa Street Parking
Eikestad Mall Parking
Braak street
Plein Street Parking
THE SOUTH African Students
Congress (Sasco) called for a
mass student protest across all
institutions of higher learning last
The student organisation is
dissatisied with the lack of funds
given to students by the National
Students Financial Aid Scheme
(NSFAS) and called on students
to halt registration processes.
According to Eyewitness
News, Sasco President Ntuthuko
Makhombothi said that registration should not take place at universities until all students are given equal opportunities to register.
A series of protests erupted
last week at most universities.
Lectures at the Tshwane University of Technology were suspended on Thursday as students
engaged in protest. This was
followed by the closure of six of
their campuses.
There were also protests at the
University of Johannesburg as
students called for the registration
process to be stopped until inancial aid from NSFAS was assured.
Twenty-seven students were
arrested for protest action and
later on released on warnings.
Makhombothi accused NSFAS of
accommodating only a few students and excluding the majority
of poor students, even those who
meet the requirements of being
academically deserving and inancially needy.
He encouraged institutions
R5.00 per hour
First 30 min is free
R6.00 per hour
First 15 min is free
Mall parking tarif fs apply
R6.00 per hour
First 30 min is free
R6.00 per hour
First 15 min is free
R6.50 per hour
First 15 min is free
Some residence pubs allowed to reopen
welcoming week resulted in all mens’
residence pubs being ordered to close
According to a recent report by Die
Matie, an order from Pieter Kloppers,
Director for the Centre for Student
Communities at SU, followed the
failure of residences to comply with
regulations concerning the times
that residences’ pubs are allowed to
The report states that, according
to Dr Leslie van Rooi: Residence
Warden of Simonsberg, the incident
at Helshoogte during which irst year
students were exposed to high noise
levels outside of the pub’s allowed
operating hours, illustrated that the
management of residence pubs was
“not under control” and thus would
remain closed indeinitely and not just
for Welcoming Week.
Willie Ross, chairperson of the
prim committee (PK), said he felt
residences were in the wrong for not
adhering to the prescribed regulations.
He stressed however that this
was his personal opinion and not the
viewpoint of the Prim Committee.
Ross explained that residence
leaders ran the risk of exposing their
pubs or clubs to “consequences of a
corrective nature”.
However, he disagreed on the way
in which SU management approached
the situation, feeling a different route
should have been taken in addressing
residences’ non-compliance with
“A typical example [...] would have
been conversing with house leadership
on the issue, thereby fostering a culture
of cooperative problem solving,” he
According to Ross, some of the
residences have since the incident
been allowed to reopen their pubs,
following talks between some of the
residences and Kloppers.
Despite various attempts by Die
Matie to contact Kloppers, he could
not be reached for comment.
IT upgrades continue at SU
“STEP DOWN, MAYOR OF STELLENBOSCH!” Enkanini residents protesting in Bird Street over poor service delivery
Ire over corruption and lack of electricity, housing and toilets
Protest hits Stellenbosch
esidents from Enkanini in Kayamandi protested at the town
hall last Friday, calling for the
removal of “corrupt” council members
and demanding better service delivery.
Protesters also demanded that
Western Cape Premier, Helen Zille,
personally receive a memorandum in
which they state their grievances, primarily a lack of access to electricity,
water and sanitation facilities.
According to Enkanini spokesperson, Sonwabile Hlwayi, there are “80
people to one toilet”.
“We are staying like animals. We
feel like we are not accepted in South
Africa,” said one of the protesters.
The protesters also called for the
removal of “corrupt ward councilors
that steal [their] food”, referring to
food donations made to the residents
of Zone O following the fire there in
2013, as well Mayor Conrad Sidego,
with chants of “Fuck you, Mayor
of Stellenbosch!” coming from the
Earlier, Sidego stood on the stairs
of the town hall, presumably to accept
the memorandum on behalf of Zille.
An excerpt from the memorandum
reads as follows:
“This is the voice of the commu-
nity. We are angry. We have suffered
now for too long. We are angry because we, the black people of Stellenbosch, have no voice. The mayor, the
speaker, the council and the officials
treat us like animals.”
Among the grievances laid out in
the memorandum was that residents
have no electricity – “we cannot
charge our cellphones” – and “must
walk 600 yards to collect fresh, drinkable water”.
The protest was orchestrated by
Stellenbosch councillor Andre van der
edly made racist remarks during a
council meeting.
Members of the crowd seemed
unaware that Zille would not be present and declared that they would “not
leave until the Premier comes”.
At the protest a fuming Van der
Merwe claimed that Zille is “too
scared to come (and accept the memorandum)”.
One of the protesters claimed that
“if she (Zille) doesn’t come, we are
going to break everything”.
Van der Merwe stated, however,
that the protest is “a peaceful community march”.
Police officers, outfitted with riot
gear, monitored the proceedings. According to Dumisane Sweleka, a protester, police officers threatened to
shoot them and ordered them to leave,
although no instances of violence
were recorded by police.
The crowd’s march back to Kayamandi was briefly interrupted in front
of the Dros restaurant in Bird Street
when police disarmed protesters who
wielded sticks and whips.
According to Police spokesperson
Lt Nathalie Martin “about 300 community members of Enkanini and
Zone O” took part in the march that
started at 08:45.
“They did not want to hand over
the memorandum to the Mayor and
left at 14:00,” Martin said.
“We are staying like
Merwe, who represents the Sibanye
Civic Association (SCA).
Zille’s office stated in an email to
Van der Merwe, sent on 22 January,
that Zille would personally be accepting the memorandum on 7 January at
Another email from Zille’s office
was sent on 3 February, stating that
Zille would no longer be accepting
the memorandum, citing “unforeseen
changes in the premier’s diary”.
In a personal interview on 7 February, Zille admitted that she changed
her mind (about accepting the memorandum) after Van der Merwe alleg-
Demografie van 2014 Eerstejaars
2960 + 2206
Ekonomiese & Bestuurswetenskappe
Lettere & Sosiale Wetenskappe
Natuurwetenskappe 729
Geneeskunde & Gesondheidswetenskappe
Opvoedkunde 227
Regsgeleerdheid 110
Teologie 77
IT IS A new academic year, with new
challenges ahead – both for students
and Information Technology.
Die Matie reported in 2013 that
students were left frustrated when a
meltdown occurred with the Safecom
printing system.
Since then, a number of new measures such as electronic device selfregistration is already up and running.
According to Helmi Dreijer, Senior
Director: Information Technology, upgrades to wifi coverage on campus is
Currently open spaces in academic
buildings have been prioritised.
The Library’s WiFi infrastructure
will also be undergoing an upgrade
this year.
A new InetKey app is currently in
development and being tested. The
app hopes to overcome the previous
issue where the web based Inetkey
would time out, particularly on mobile
devices. An Android application will
also be made available, however iOS
users will need to be updated to iOS6
or above.
For the desktop environment says
Dreijer, a Windows ‘app’ has been
cleared, but a Mac OSX users will for
now have to use the browser based Inetkey connection.
Lastly, a partnership has been
formed between Microsoft and Stellenbosch University.
SCREENSHOT Inetkey for iPhone
Currently a deal for a discounted
offering of Windows 8 is available;
and the choice to acquire a licence to
Microsoft Office (both the Windows
and Mac version) for R250.
Service offerings have been expanded, with a 25GB OneDrive facility soon to be made available to registered students free of charge.
Microsoft will also proceed to
make available learning material related to their products free of charge
to students.
CAMPUS SECURITY’S TELESCREEN The electronic screen meant to
replace officers stationed at the counter in the USBD’s Merriman office.
USBD implements kiosks
THE NEW system at Campus Security
has been the source of some concern
amongst students at Stellenbosch University (SU).
In July and August of 2013, officers stationed at the front of Campus
Security’s office on Merriman street
were replaced by an electronic kiosk
and a computer screen directly linked
to Facilities Management’s operations
centre near Goldfields.
In an earlier email correspondence,
Viljoen van der Walt, Director: Risk
Management and Campus Security,
explained the operator in the Facilities
Management centre can be contacted
directly by pressing the icon on the
This activates an audio-video connection between the operator in the
operations centre and the person at the
Merriman kiosk, allowing them to see,
hear and talk to each other.
“[It was] realised that the officer at
the Merriman counter can add more
value if he or she is in the operations
centre monitoring [security] cameras,”
said Van der Walt.
Angelo Echardt, Operations Manager at Campus Security, said the officer stationed at Merriman had been
removed to instead monitor CCTV
cameras, in order to determine whether or not it was viable to have an official at the counter.
He explained that after concerns
with the kiosk began surfacing, it was
decided to temporarily have an officer
on watch again until students were
more familiar with and able to use the
“People are not happy. That’s why
we’re back here again,” said the officer stationed at the Merriman office,
“People arrive here and they’re
traumatised and can’t work with the
Echardt said the process needed
getting used to. “Students want to
have a human factor, and I understand
He added that notices alerting students of the new system, as well as
instructions on how to use the screen,
had been posted around the office.
According to Echardt, some staff
members of Stellenbosch University
who work with disabled students have
recently been working with Campus
Security in attempts to improve the
system further.
JC Rademeyer, SRC: Safety, said
he felt the new system would be a lot
more convenient for students. “The
main goal is to improve safety on campus, and with this initiative it will be
Rademeyer said it would help create awareness of campus security, possibly leading to a safer campus.
Stefan Crous, the former SRC of
Safety during 2012/2013, said the
move may make Campus Security
seem less accessible, although added
that there are numerous security officers who still patrol campus.
He described the application of
technology as “progressive”, but
warned that this could also lead to
confusion and uncertainty.
Courtney Taljaard
As ek terugdink aan my
kinderjare, onthou ek n vierjarige
blonde dogtertjie wat versot was op
boomklim, lag en ertjies eet.
Ek voel onmiddellik hoe my
arms hoendervleis kry van die
heimwee. Ek word herinner aan ure
se modderkarretjies speel saam met
my broer, aan pannekoek eet wanneer
dit reën en n paar helderpienk glitter
plastiese sandale.
Ek onthou die visserman-styl van
dié sandale besonder goed, asook
hoe dit op byna elke kinderfoto van
daardie prettige jaar verskyn het.
Ek wens só ek kon destyds die
toekoms voorspel, want tussen toe en
nou het daardie sandale ongeveer drie
tot vyf universele verskynsels in die
modewêreld gemaak.
Die sogenaamde Jellies of Jellie
beans het in die 1980’s hul opwagting
gemaak, en is vanjaar weer eens
die “nuutste” someritem op die
Dié buigsame, veerlig en uiters
prettige sandale kom in ongeveer
nege verskillende style en eindelose
kleurskakerings (onder andere ook ‘n
kleurlose vorm) op die rakke voor.
As jy vir komplimente vis of net
eenvoudig vir jou maatjies hierdie
somer jaloers wil maak, kan jy gerus
vir jouself ’n paar jellies aanskaf.
Dra hierdie sandale met vroulike
vrolike jumpsuit of denim
dungarees, maar probeer daarvan
wegbly om van jellies en high-waisted
kortbroekies te kombineer.
Niemand kan voorspel of die
jellie modegier hierdie keer lank gaan
oorleef nie, maar dit sal tien teen een
weer in die toekoms
maak. Ons sien uit!
Dit is ’n lekker nuwe item wat jou
weer soos kind sal laat voel, en is in
Stellenbosch-winkels soos Cotton On
en Factory vanaf R149.00 beskikbaar.
Sustainable Brothers in Arms
WITH a copy of Barbara Marx
Hubbard’s Conscious Evolution in his
lap, Thomas Chevallier masterfully
weaves the tale of how a group of
young eco-enthusiasts are making a
signiicant impact on the local front
of organic farming and sustainable
Their home base is nestled in the
heart of Stellenbosch. The two hectar
plot encompasses a large farm house,
an eco-pool, organic farmland as well
as a beautifully untamed garden space
which houses the eight Sustainable
Brothers and provides the means for
sustainable experimentation.
Starting out in 2013, Thomas and
his twin brother Samuel embarked
on what was to become a fruitful
journey in sustainable development
education by gaining acceptance into
the postgraduate sustainability course
at the Lynedoch Institute.
Through an inspiring introduction
to alternative lifestyle choices at the
Institute, the Chevallier brothers
realised the potential to change
their own daily routine and extend
their passion for and knowledge
of sustainable living to the wider
Stellenbosch community.
By establishing the Sustainable
Brothers as a collaborative community
of like-minded individuals, this
organisation aims to educate students
and members of the Stellenbosch
community on organic farming and
to empower individuals to engage
with their own environments in a
sustainable way.
Last year, Thomas set out on
an educational journey to Nepal
where he learned, amongst other
things, the importance of community
involvement in building a sustainable
In terms of labour and farming
education, Thomas hired two workers
from Kayamandi to help out on the
land and to exchange knowledge on
farming techniques.
Furthermore, the Sustainable
Brothers give back to the community
by donating fresh produce from the
farm to community members in need.
The success of their agricultural
endeavours is maintained by what
is referred to as “mixed cropping”,
whereby different plants and shrubs
are placed next to each other in order
to combat pest plagues.
Their irst and most important
agricultural focus stems from
understanding and developing the soil
on the farm.
Their “smart farming” techniques
consist of planting cumphrey for
compost production, spreading earth
worms throughout the property and
planting garlic in between crops as a
means to deter pests.
At the moment their crops include
basil, rocket, tomatoes, lettuce, beans,
spinach, spring onion and sweet
melon, in addition to crafting a good
hydroponic system.
Today the farm is managed by
eight Brothers who collaborate with
their individual skill sets in order
to maintain the multi-dimensional
approach to their take on self-reliant,
sustainable living.
Jason Fairhurst, Frankie Maritz,
Ross Holmes, Thomas Chevallier,
JJ Stegmann, Alex Tank Skeate,
Ady Keyser and Jack Cunningham
bring together their knowledge of
renewable energy, entrepreneurial
farming, manual labour, sustainable
cooking, hydroponics and a proper
hands-on approach to building a
communal sustainable lifestyle.
For more information on their
projects, join them on Facebook
and ind out how they promoted
sustainable living at the Up The
Creek music festival.
Additionally, make sure to watch
the Sustainability Brothers’ video
on YouTube and get inspired to
equip yourself with the necessary
knowledge and empower others with
the tools to become self-suficient in
the realm of sustainable living.
The Open Kitchen
IN DIE hartjie van die pragtige
Stellenbosch se middedorp lê
unieke bakkery en deli wat deinitief
besoek werd is vir vriendelike
afwisseling van die alledaagse.
Dit is die perfekte plek vir
gesellige kuier saam met vriende en
familie, en selfs romanties genoeg
vir eerste date.
The Open Kitchen is bakkery
en deli met allerhande interessante
produkte, vars brode en geurige
geregte om van te kies. Warm en
vriendelike atmosfeer verwelkom
die kliënte, en jy voel sommer
vinnig tuis.
Die binne-ontwerp is stylvol en
die mure is versier met interessante
idiome en aanhalings.
Die diens is van hoë gehalte en
die personeel is baie vriendelik.
Die oopplan kombuis, wat so
te sê deel vorm van die res van
die restaurant en aan die restaurant
sy naam besorg, verleen ’n unieke
gevoel aan die plek as geheel.
Hierdie opset skep gevoel wat
jou tuis laat voel, maar gelukkig
berei iemand anders nogsteeds jou
kos voor.
Die spyskaart bied vir kliënte
ontbyt wat heeldag bedien word,
en Eggs Benedict wat volgens my
as die beste in die dorp beskryf
kan word. Klassieke tuisgemaakte
disse en pasteie met ongewone tog
interessante vulsels is ook op die
Boonop word die kos baie mooi
en stylvol voorgesit. Buiten die kos
vanuit die kombuis is daar ook vele
ander vars produkte wat jy kan koop
– van klein koekies tot ingelegde
produkte en vars brode.
Alhoewel die kos baie smaaklik
is, is die spyskaart effens beperk,
en die oop kombuis kan somtyds
veroorsaak dat dit redelik warm
word in die restaurant. Daar is wel
sitplekke buite beskikbaar.
The Open Kitchen is geleë
by Pleinstraat 35. Hulle is oop
van 08:00 tot 18:00, Maandae tot
Saterdae. Vir meer inligting, skakel
hulle by 021 886 5363.
ORGANIC FARMING AND SUSTAINABLE LIVING The Brothers who collaborate with their individual skill sets to
make this project a roaring success. From left: Trinka Mynhardt, Thomas Chevallier, Jason Fairhurst, Frankie
Maritz, Ady Keyser, Alex Tank Skeate and Jack Cunningham.
US studente hou vakansie
SOWAT 47% studente verkies om
hulle vakansie by die see of naby die
see te spandeer, terwyl 38% studente
liewer die binneland verkies en 4.76%
verkies om oorsee te gaan. Gedurende
die jaar gaan baie mense met vakansie
– waarheen gaan jy graag?
Die see, binneland, oorsee,
wildtuin of sommer net n luilekker
vakansie by die huis? Jou keuse hang
natuurlik baie af van hoe die koste sal
beloop, maar soms is dit lekker om
in jou eie land rond te toer en iets te
geniet wat nie jou sak ruk nie.
Jessica Glaeser, n derdejaarstudent, verkies binnelandse areas.
Ek hou van die natuur en areas wat
met berge omring is. Ek hou van die
stilte en dit gee my kans, al is dit net
vir vyf minute, om van die realiteit en
besige lewe wat ons in die stad bevind,
te vergeet.
Die Wildekus, in Suid-Afrika
se Oos-Kaap streek, is een van die
mooiste kuslyne en meeste daarvan
kan te voet verken word.
Daar is fantastiese natuurlike
toerisme-aantreklikhede, insluitend
watervalle, verlate strande, ongerepte
woude en riviere. Die staproetes gee
jou ook die kans om met die plaaslike
inwoners te praat.
Sowat 9,52% van die studente
verkies om tyd by die huis te spandeer.
Baie studente is ongeloolik min by
die huis en verkies dus om liewer
tyd saam met familie in ‘n bekende
omgewing deur te bring.
Riaan van Rooyen, n derdejaarstudent, geniet om Playstation te speel
en om met sy meisie en vriende te
kuier. Hy meen jy moet afskakel in die
Whitney Joshua, n derdejaarstudent, verkies n vakansie by die see.
Sy meen die Weskus is die perfekte
plek om te gaan ontlaai. Die see is
die perfekte plek om die jaar af te sluit
as dit so warm is by die huis, met n
kreie of drie.’’
Anja Schutte, n eerstejaarstudent, verkies dorpies naby
die see. Hartenbos, Knysna of
Plettenbergbaai, want daar is altyd n
regte vakansie-atmosfeer en ek haat
dit om gedurende daardie tyd in die
stad te wees. .
As jy dink dat tyd op die strand
spandeer net beperk is tot swem, kan
jy maar weer dink. Daar is tonne ander
aktiwiteite wat op die strand geniet
kan word. Hier is n paar lekker idees
vir aktiwiteite op die strand.
- Bonire partytjies: waar vure op
die strand toegelaat word, is dit n
goeie idee om n groot partytjie te hou
waar mense musiek kan speel, dans,
malvalekkers braai en net n lekker tyd
saam met vriende kan geniet.
- n Gesellige piekniek is nog n
idee. Daar is baie kosstalletjies naby
bekende strande, maar somtyds is dit
lekker om self iets in te pak en om dit
langs die see te gaan geniet.
- Vat n paar minute en lees vir n
slag rustig. Hierdie is jou kans om
iets te lees wat jy geniet – en nie net
n handboek nie. n Strandvakansie is
veronderstel om ontspannend te wees.
Sit onder n sambreel, vang n tan en
lees n paar tydskrifte of n interessante
Om see toe te gaan is gewoonlik
pret. Maak nie saak wat jy daar doen
nie – om net te ontsnap van die realiteit
en om die skilderagtige bestemming
te geniet is klaar genoeg. Dit is ook
lekker om te weet dat daar n goot
verskeidenheid aktiwiteite is terwyl jy
daar is.
Die keuse is uit en uit jou eie.
Vakansie is tog die een besluit wat
jy vir jouself kan maak: lekker kuier,
bewondering van die natuurskoon of
n rustige tyd by jou eie huis. Of, as jy
besonder gelukkig is, sommer al drie
op een slag!
All the colours of the rainbow and a fun time?
The original Holi One
The Holi One Colour Festival, or
variations thereof, has become a
worldwide trend in modern society.
Die Matie looked into the true meaning
of this craze.
The original Holi festival is an ancient Hindu religious festival which
has become popular with non-Hindus
in many parts of South Asia, as well as
people of other communities.
Holi commemorates the victory of
good over evil, brought about by the
burning and destruction of the demoness named Holika. This was enabled through unwavering devotion to
the Hindu god of preservation, Lord
The festival got its name as
the Festival of Colours from Lord
Krishna, a reincarnation of Lord
Vishnu, who liked to play pranks on
the village girls by drenching them in
water and colours.
Holi is therefore celebrated by
people spending a day smearing each
other with coloured powder, throwing
each other with coloured water and
dancing under water sprinklers.
For all its seeming lightheartedness,
Holi has a very strong religious intent.
It is celebrated at the end of the winter
season on the last full moon day of
lunar month Phalguna. Among other
aspects, it celebrates the beginning of a
new season. In the 17th century it was
identiied as a festival that celebrated
agriculture and commemorated good
spring harvests and fertile land.
Holi festivals also has a deep
cultural signiicance. It serves as a
festive day to end and rid oneself
of past errors and end conlicts by
meeting others – essentially a day to
forgive and forget.
This festival was traditionally
primarily observed in India, Nepal,
and other regions of the world with
signiicant Hindu populations. In
recent times, however, the festival
has spread all across the world as
a celebration of music, youth and
Moral questions surrounding
this day are thus wont to arise. Is it
appropriate for people of other cultures
and beliefs to use this Holi, and holy,
festival ignorantly as a means to an
In South Africa, colour festivals
are mostly associated with parties or
sporting events. Or, at Stellenbosch
University, as the end of respectively
the Diversity Week and the 2014
welcoming programme.
Perhaps we should consider the fact
that it could be deemed inappropriate
and disrespectful to people of another
Instead of using it to brighten up
your next party, think of sharing in
the cultural experience and meaning
of what was supposed to be the reason
for the original Holi colour festival.
Hike your way through the picturesque Amathole region
TOP 10
Have a jol on the Amathole
n the mystical countryside of the
old Ciskei lies the legend that
J.R.R. Tolkien found his inspiration
for the conceptual framework which
the Shire and the tales of those hardsoled hobbits is based upon.
Although this is not quite true
as Tolkien was born and raised in
Bloemfontein and left the country
at age 3, one can easily recognise
how such a claim could be made and
why the town of Hogsback is able to
advertise itself as a modern take on
Despite the enchanting aura which
colours Hogsback in hues of emerald
green, most of the magic happens
beyond the borders of the town.
We started at the crack of dawn,
105 kilometers away at Maden Dam
near King Williams Town. Fifteen
of us (all previous or current Maties
students) started out on the gruelling
six day trek through the indigenous
forests of the Amathole region.
The Amatola is rated as one of the
most challenging hiking trails in South
Africa and lives up to its reputation as
such. With high hopes and makeshift
yellow wood walking sticks, we
embarked on this muscle stiffening,
blister inducing journey through one
of the most beautiful regions in the
Under the guidance of Rob
Speirs and Jaynee Levy, the trail was
established in the early 1980s as a
means to increase tourist interest in
the Ciskei area.
The trail follows some old forestry
routes and, as we found out, was
especially designed to be treacherous
and tough. At one point, the entire
group resorted to cursing Speirs under
our heavy breaths.
However, the Amatola is one of the
most beautiful and rewarding hiking
challenges to complete.
For one, you mission mostly
beneath a thick canopy of trees
which subsequently enables you to
comfortably venture through a cool
tunnel of greenery.
You are also given an excellent
map of the trail which enables the
group to discuss the possibility of
taking shortcuts and mentally prepare
each member for the steep inclines,
pools of clear water and rolling hills
which await your arrival with stubbly
shrubs and prickly grass.
On the journey, our membership
transformed and we encountered Kai-
Julian Hendler, a lone Arctic explorer
taking leave on a summer vacation.
Additionally our group had
the wonderful pleasure of being
entertained by a serenading Sasquatch
from Bloemfontein, who belted out
Afrikaans sokkie treffers in feverish
tones to make those hills come alive
with the sound of WJ Henning’s
soothing voice.
If anything, make sure you have
a lively and positive group of friends
to hike with, because this challenge
needs to be faced with a steamroller of
collective optimism.
Thankfully our journey took place
at a time when the rain spirits of the
region took to unleashing their powers
elsewhere, because the struggle of this
hike would have been tenfold if we
were forced to trek through rain.
If anything, make sure you have
proper waterproof hiking boots to
ensure warm feet and ankle support.
Pack light, ziplock the entire
contents of your life for those six days
and prepare to be blown away by the
sheer glory of the Amatola trail.
For more information on booking
the hike, call the trail coordinator Daki
on 084 308 6890 and be sure to book
yourself in at one of the many amazing
backpackers in Hogsback.
Campus Kitchen
The way to the heart is through the
stomach, so spoil your Valentine with
home-made cookies this year.
- 6 cups flour
- 1 tsp baking soda
- 1 tsp baking powder
- ½ tsp salt
- 1 cup unsalted butter
- 2 cups granulated sugar
- 3 large eggs
- 2 tsp vanilla extract
- 1 cup unsalted butter
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
- 4 cups powdered Sugar
- pinch of salt
- 6 tbs cream
- food colouring and sprinkles optional
THE FELLOWSHIP OF THE AMATHOLE Some of the students who had the courage to take on this beautiful but
challenging hiking trail. It is said to be one of the most beautiful and rewarding trails in South Africa.
1. Whisk together the flour, baking
soda, baking powder and salt. Set aside.
2. Cream the butter and sugar together at medium speed. Add the eggs,
one at a time. Add the vanilla extract
and sour cream and beat at low speed
until combined.
3. Add the dry ingredients and beat
at low speed until just combined. Divide
dough into two sections.
4. Flatten into rectangles about 4 cm
thick, then wrap with plastic wrap. Chill
in the refrigerator for at least two hours.
5. Preheat the oven to 220°C. Line
large baking sheets with parchment paper and set aside.
6. Lightly flour the countertop and
the top of the dough. Roll the dough out
to 1 cm thick. Cut out the cookies and
place on prepared baking sheets.
7. Bake for 7 minutes, until cookies
are slightly golden around the edges.
Cool cookies before frosting.
8. For the frosting, cream together
the butter and vanilla extract. Slowly
beat in powdered sugar and salt.
9. Once smooth and creamy, add the
cream, 1 tablespoon at a time, then beat
at medium-high speed for a minute or
10. Add food coloring, if desired,
and beat until combined.
11. Once cookies have cooled completely, frost and add sprinkles (if desired). Allow frosting to set, then store
in an air-tight container.
Enjoy with a cup of tea and good
MAD 2014
Herontwerp van die wiel
BLOOD, SWEAT & WATER Rock, folk and some electronic beats forged an evening of pure musical recreation.
Campus Invasion ensured that the appreciation of music
met the overall excitement of students enjoying MAD2
Campus invaded, silence
evaded at Klein Libertas
he WeChat Campus Invasion,
powered by 5FM, is seen as
one of the biggest beginning of
the year events at many universities
nationwide as it is the only seven
venue festival in South Africa.
A night filled with more than a few
brilliant South African musicians and
DJs is the perfect way to kick off your
new academic and social calender,
as well as a way to bring together
students of all sorts. This was seen
clearly when the Campus Invasion
took place in Stellenbosch.
With shows from bands and DJs of
the likes of Naming James, Die See,
Gangs of Ballet, ShortStraw, Van Coke
Kartel, P.H.fat, The Kiffness and Rob
Vember, Klein Libertas Theatre was
swarming with students embracing the
music as well as each other – new and
old friends.
Seeing students excited to dance,
sing and laugh together was enough to
get anyone in the mood for a big party.
The mood was infectious. Hundreds
of students jumping together to the
music of newer bands to the South
African music scene, Gangs of Ballet
and Short Straw, created anticipation
for the South African rock legends and
big band of the evening, Van Coke
Kartel. Starting off the set with chart
hitting songs from their latest album,
Voor Ons Stof Word, got the crowd
even more alive and dancing away
and ready to end off the night with the
fresh and talented electronic rap crew,
A new element, known as the
Campus Invasion Pit Reporter, was
also added to the mix. The search
was on for the social Viking on each
campus. The participants in the
competition would be reporting the
happenings in and around your campus
on four social networks: Facebook,
8Tracks, Instagram and Twitter. The
entrant with the best engagement
through likes, shares and comments
would be crowned (Vi)king.
The winner of this competition
in each region won an all access
pass to the event, hang time with
their favourite bands, two tickets
to this year’s OppiKoppi or One
Night in Cape Town festivals, a
great stepping stone towards a career
in communication, social media,
marketing or even Journalism, as well
as a letter of recommendation from
Hilltop Live to bolster their C.V.
The Viking theme that Campus
Invasion supported this year was
nothing short of legendary and created
the perfect atmosphere for the evening
that was lying ahead.
Social media platforms advertising
the event playfully urged students to
“lock up their significant others and
fireproof their dwellings, because the
savages are returning in full force”,
and that is exactly the experience
students got out of 2014’s Campus
HEYSY dit op die hoek van die
Wilcocks-gebou, in ’n koshuissaal
of Aandklas was,
onthou vele
Maties hul eerste ontmoeting met die
kenmerkende kitaarritmes van The
Wheel Again.
Hul eerste optrede was in Mei 2013
as deel van ’n Dans Dans Lisa-toer.
Vandaar het hulle reeds verskeie kere
in Stellenbosch, Kaapstad, Cradock
en Bloemfontein opgetree. Na die
vrystelling van hul eerste EP, Deeper
Than We Knew, vroeër in Februarie,
het Die Matie besluit om met Stephen
Murdoch (sang en kitaar) en Otto Bam
(sang, kitaar en dromme) te gesels.
Vanwaar die groepnaam The
Wheel Again?
As kunstenaars en gelowiges
glo ons dat ons nie iets uit niks kan
skep nie. Aangesien God die enigste
skepper van die heelal is, kan ons
slegs sy bestaande skepping neem en
dit ons eie maak deur innovasie en
herontwerp. Om dit anders te stel kan
“the wheel again” as “reinvention of
the wheel” gesien word.
Julle band is in Februarie 2013
gestig. Hoe het julle ontmoet?
Ek en Stephen kom beide van
Bloemfontein af. Ons vriendskap het
in Majuba begin waar ons dieselfde
belangstellings en vriendekring, asook
kursus gedeel het. Ons het eers in ons
tweedejaar, nadat ons saam sêr gesing
het, eendag saam kitaar begin speel.
Hoe gaan julle te werk met die
skryf van liedjies?
Ons liedjies is almal baie
persoonlik. Elkeen skryf idees op hul
eie tyd neer en bring dit dan onder die
band se aandag. Vandaar sal die ander
lede met afronding en die aanbring
van verbeterings help. Tans voer ons
meestal Otto se liedjies op.
Wat is die hooftema van
jul lirieke en vanwaar kom jul
Ons lirieke handel meestal oor
betekenisvolle verhoudings – nie
net met meisies nie, maar ook ander
mense en God. ’n Groot inspirasie is
ons geloof asook die proses waardeur
ons as mense groei. Mense is geneig
om ’n liedjie tot ’n sekere konteks te
beperk. Met ons lirieke trek ons egter
parallelle vanuit die spesifieke situasie
na die breër konteks sodat ons op dié
manier kan filosofeer oor die lewe.
’n Onlangse voorbeeld hiervan
is toe Stephen, na aanleiding van
mislukte planne rondom kamerskiet
in Majuba, ’n baie diep, filosofiese
liedjie oor teleurstellings in die lewe
geskryf het.
Is julle tevrede met die huidige
opset van jul band?
Die akoestiese weergawe kry
oor die algemeen meer aftrek onder
ons aanhangers. Alhoewel ons tans
tevrede is met die opset, is ons steeds
oop vir verandering – dalk kry ons
nog ’n klavier by of word ons nog ’n
vyf- man band. Sover het ons meestal
by kleiner venues opgetree waar die
akoestiese weergawe meer gepas
was. Ons hou steeds van die rock
komponent en sal daarom ’n drummer
by groter venues nader.
Hoe lyk julle beplanning vir die
res van 2014? Het julle spesifieke
strategieë in die oog?
Ons het besef dat musiek nie ’n lang
rakleeftyd het nie. Ons wil dus soveel
as moontlik musiek maak en beoog
om eerder twee keer per jaar EP’s as
een album uit te bring. Verder wil
ons ons fanbase tot buite Stellenbosch
verbreed. Die strategie daaragter is
natuurlik om soveel moontlik op te
tree en nie ’n geleentheid deur ons
vingers te laat glip nie.
Indien jy ’n aanhanger van Indie,
folk of rock is, moenie The Wheel
Again se volgende optrede by Klein
Libertas, 19 Februarie, misloop nie.
Hul debuut EP, Deeper Than We Knew,
sal ook by al hulle shows beskikbaar
wees. Maak gerus op hul Facebookbladsy ‘n draai om ‘n voorsmaak van
hul musiek te kry.
Dirk van der Westhuizen raak diep
Hoe vind jy inspirasie om jou
liedjies te skryf?
IN 2012 het Dirk van der Westhuizen
vinnig bekendheid op alle sosiale
media verwerf, nadat hy sy liedjie
Supercool, wat dele uit die gewilde
bekendgestel het. Hy het hewige
kritiek ontvang, veral onder die
jongmense. Die Matie het op sy toer
aan die einde van 2013 met hom
As ek ’n liedjie skryf, glo ek: “True
songs are the songs of heartbreak.”
Daar is diep liedjies op die album
wat ek geskryf het as ek twee-uur die
oggend wakker word en dan is die
song net op my hart en ek moet dit
skryf. Wanneer ek egter ’n liedjie oor
current goed skryf, dan gaan dink ek
aan dinge wat hoërskool kinders mee
kan relate.
Jy het al ’n hele paar toere
buitengewoon van hierdie spesifieke
As jy nou op die kritiek wat jy met
Supercool ontvang het, terugkyk,
wat was die beste manier wat jy die
druk en kritiek kan hanteer?
Ek het vir myself gese ek sit niks
verwagtinge op hierdie toer nie, want
dis ons eerste Kaapse toer en my eerste
keer wat ek in die Kaap is. Ek weet
nie hoe die album hier verkoop het of
hoeveel fans in hierdie omgewing is
Ek glo in God en dat Hy ’n plan het
met my lewe. So dit was vir my baie
moeilik gewees om al die kommentaar
in die eerste week te lees. Na die
video uitgekom het, het baie bands
dit met hulle fans ge-share. So dit is
mense wat nooit regtig my musiek in
die eerste plek sou luister nie.
Huisgenoot het later die storie
oorgeneem en my musiek het toe na
die regte mark begin gaan. Ek begin
toe baie meer fanmail kry as wat ek
ooit enigsins kritiek gekry het.
Wat glo jy is dit wat fans ekslusief
by jou as kunstenaar kan kry wat
jou onderskei?
Eerstens dat my musiekstyl
heeltemal iets anders is vir die
Afrikaanse musiekbedryf en my shows
is anders. Ek het energetic shows,
crazy energetic. En net ’n positiewe
boodskap, ek dink my musiek en wat
ek doen moet die mense net positief
Waar sien jy jouself oor vyf jaar
van nou af?
As ek kon besluit sou ek graag baie
bekend en gevestig wil wees, maar ek
los alles in die Here se hande.
STOLEN COPPER ART Sasol hosted their 24th New Signatures Art
Competition in 2013. Sasol has been the sole sponsor of the New
Signatures Art Competition for the past 24 years. An exhibition of
the winners of this competion in 2013 and Ingrid Bolton, winner of
2012, will be hosted in the Sasol Art Museum in Ryneveld Street till
the 29th of March 2014.
The competitiion will celebrate its 53rd anniversary in 2014 and if its
past is any sign of its future, it will be a huge success.
MIA – Matangi
MATANGI is the fourth studio album
by alternative electronic rapper MIA.
The album is named after the Hindu
goddess Matangi, known for her
power of the spoken word, which
already sets the overall vicious tone
of the album.
MIA has never been known to
make music for easy listening, which
is especially true in this case. Even
her cover art is hard to look at.
Every track creates the feeling that
you are being assaulted by rhythms
and lyrics, which is good coming
from MIA. It is music that forces
you out of your comfort zone, and
demands, with a fully-loaded gun to
your head, that you experience things
differently. There is a part of you that
just cannot help but fall in love with
that aspect of danger. It feels like a
refreshing return to her Kala days,
but with more strength.
MIA uses her Eastern heritage,
mixes it with Western beats and also
completely subverts from it. The
experience can only be described
as unique. The beats become more
infectious the more you listen to it.
The morphing beats of Warriors
almost induce a sense of violent
Usually known for her politicised
lyrics, MIA steers clear from it on
Matangi and rather comments on
various aspects of society, Hinduism
and the entertainment industry. An
example of this is seen in Y.A.L.A.
(You Always Live Again), which
is seen as a Hindu appropriation of
Drake’s Y.O.L.O. – including the
Hindu notions of reincarnation.
MIA’s real name, Mathangi
Arulpragasam, indicates that in
complement to honor the Hindu
goddess, this album also aims to
speak about who she really is.
One has to wonder why the
album’s release date kept being
Elvis Blue – Afrikaans
pushed. The first single Bad Girls
was released almost two years before
the album’s release. Fans waited for
a long time, but their wait has been
rewarded with Matangi’s fierceness.
The music is extremely abrasive
in nature, but one has to appreciate it
for doing something different from
what is available on the market. If
you’re sick of convention, then MIA’s
Matangi might just be the medicine
you need in this world of boring
homogeneity. Not recommended for
people with a weak constitution.
Janie Bay he
t onlangs
waarna jy op Yo enkelsnit
luister, saam m ube kan
et Bouwer
Bosch laat opne
’n paar van haar . Sy deel
liedjies met Die
NA ELVIS Blue vir ’n paar jaar
al naam maak met sy sielvolle
Engelse treffers, is sy eerste
Afrikaanse album nou uitgebring.
MNet se Idols-kykers sal
onthou hoe hy in 2010 met die titel
weggestap het. Daarna het hy een
van die min Idols-wenners geword
om dit te verder te maak in die
Sy Engelse albums Elvis Blue en
Journey het albei vir hom SuidAfrikaanse
(SAMA’s) verower.
Sy Afrikaanse loopbaan is
verlede jaar by die Huisgenoot
Tempo Toekennings met Rede
om te Glo afgeskop. Dit is byna
onmiddelik goed ontvang, en is
opgevolg deur hierdie album met
die eenvoudige naam: Afrikaans.
My persoonlike gunsteling
lirieke op hierdie album is beslis in
Steel, wat begin met: “My land is
vol mense wat steel, maar niemand
wat steel kom naby jou.” Hierdie
album is trots Afrikaans en SuidAfrikaans met oorspronklike, tog
insigvolle, lirieke en wysies.
Die album word afgesluit
met Elvis Blue se weergawe van
Johannes Kerkorrel se Hillbrow,
wat, in samewerking met die
Mzansi Jeugkoor, selfs meer
emosiebelaai as die oorspronklike
weergawe is.
Die oorsprong van sangers
se verhoogname is altyd vir my
interessant. Elvis Blue, oftewel
Jan Hoogendyk, se vrou werk by
’n organisasie wat ’n kinderhuis
ondersteun. Daar het Elvis ’n seun
met ’n droom om die klawerbord te
speel, ontmoet. Die seun se naam:
Elvis Blaauw. Na sy dood is Jan se
verhoogpersona ’n huldeblyk aan
Afrikaans is groot, veral
noudat Elvis Blue ook by die
genre aangesluit het. Die album se
mooi melodieë beloof hom ’n ryk
toekoms in die Suid-Afrikaanse
Switchfoot – Fading West
1. Alanis Morissette – You oughta know ~ “Alanis se Jagged Little Pill is die album wat my seker
die meeste gevorm het in my tienerjare, musically en emotionally. Hierdie liedjie het my deur my drie
maande van teenage angst gehelp.
2. NOFX – Falling in Love ~ “Ek was nooit ’n rebel nie, maar het wel die fun gedeelte van punk
gedoen. NOFX was my gunsteling punk-band en dit was die enigste love song wat hy geskryf het, so
dit het gepas gevoel om dit te kies.”
3. Killswitch Engage – Rose of Sharyn ~ “Ek het harder musiek begin luister toe my broer in
Metal begin belangstel het. Hierdie liedjie versinnebeeld vir my wie God is en dit bly awesome.”
4. James Vincent McMorrow – We Don’t Eat ~ “Net toe ek meer folk-musiek begin luister het,
het een van my vriende hierdie liedjie vir my gestuur. Ek het onmiddellik meer van folk-musiek begin
hou, wat my dus ook gehelp het om my eie klank te vorm.”
5. John Mayer – In Your Atmosphere en Where I go ~ “Dis eintlik onmoontlik om een liedjie van
John te kies, aangesien hy my gunsteling kunstenaar van alle tye is. Hierdie twee liedjies wat hy
na mekaar live by die “Where The Light Is” show in Los Angeles gedoen het, bly egter ongelooflik.”
IF YOU play a Switchfoot
album in company, meaningful
conversation, debate and hope is
inevitably going to arise out of the
Switchfoot is a dying breed of a
band which keeps on singing about
things that matter in life. They were
birthed out of a group of surfer
friends in San Diego, California.
A Grammy and surfing around the
globe later, these revolutionary
rockers set out to release their
ninth studio album / documentary
Fading West.
The album opener Love Alone
is Worth the Fight rings with
atmospheric “whoa-oh” distorted
yet hopeful vocals, which is a
melody metaphor for the ocean
waves crashing on the seashores of
our lives.
Switchfoot has experimented
with Fading West, unconditionally
pushing the boundaries of
songwriting and boldly stumbling
into the unknown retro cool-kid
sounds and turning away from
their riff-driven songs which made
them famous. Ba55 is a testimony
to how well the band has matured
lyrically and musically by singing
what they want instead of what is
necessarily expected or desired.
Musically the album is full of
surprises, featuring bells, children
choirs, synth-pads, old pianos, offbeat counting and pop choruses
which is mastered by the legendary
Ted Jensen (Arcade Fire, Muse and
Kings of Leon).
songwriter Jon Foreman is once
again unashamedly brilliant in
searching for the truth in religion,
hope, despair, fear, love and the
tension between these themes.
After 18 years of creating heartchanging music, it is obvious that
the band has done a lot of reflecting
on who they are as musicians,
fathers, husbands and as a band.
Fading West is a mission statement
for their lives that is definitely
worth a listen.
DRESSED TO IMPRESS Jared Leto (Frontman of 30 Seconds to Mars) and
Matthew McConaughey share a bench in a scene in the new film, Dallas
Buyers Club.
TUIS IN DIE NATUUR Joshua Na Die Reën se fassinasie met die natuur vorm die basis van sy lirieke en klank.
JNDR strewe na natuurlike uniekheid
An exciting new film by Jean-Marc
Vallée to hit the silver screen soon
Dallas Buyers
Club set to thrill
he title speaks for itself. Nominated for 6 Oscars, including
Best Motion Picture of the Year,
Dallas Buyers Club has caused quite a
stir these past few months.
The story, inspired by true events,
portrays the life of Ron Woodroof
(Matthew McConaughey), a Texas
electrician who learns that he is HIVpositive in 1985, a period in which
the United States was still ignorant on
exactly how to fight this virus. Given
only 30 days to live, Woodroof starts
to search for alternative treatments
to prolong his now significantly
shortened life. He soon begins a
buyers’ club, selling unapproved
experimental drugs for HIV infected
individuals like himself, alongside a
transsexual, Rayon (Jared Leto), who
shares this disease.
Although the film is considered a
drama and the characters undeniably
manage to get one’s sympathy from
time to time, McConaughey and Leto
still succeed in bringing some humour
to the screen. This aspect slightly
distances the viewer, preventing
them from becoming too emotionally
involved in the seriousness of the film.
However, elements that do contribute
to the seriousness and authenticity
of the film, is the lack of excessive
music. The film, which is 156 minutes
in length, feels just long enough so that
one does not lose interest. Director
Jean-Marc Vallée succeeds in bringing
a very important aspect and message
to the viewer in a short period of time.
The film not only portrays the
HIV epidemic in the 80’s and the
lives of some of its victims, but also
the life of an HIV victim in general.
It represents how HIV positive people
were and still are being ostracized by
society and how it was often assumed
that they were homosexuals. This film
depicts their struggle as well as one
man’s inspirational story to fight not
only the experimental researchers but
also the disease.
McConaughey and Leto outshine
all their previous performances
in this film. With McConaughey
transforming himself into an AIDS
sufferer (even losing 23kg for the part)
and Leto being almost unrecognizable,
it is not hard to see why McConaughey
and Leto is said to have given the
performance of their careers. Both
are Golden Globe winners and Oscar
nominees for Dallas Buyers Club.
This fact in itself should be
motivation enough to go and see the
The world is 95c richer
ALTHOUGH a lot of Drama
Collectives fade away shortly after
their inception, 95c has laid a firm
foundation that would most likely not
buckle. Founded in 2013, this Drama
collective’s show, Boris Gudinuff, is
set to run at the KKNK from 31 March
to 4 April.
Since its debut in the Aan de
Braak-theatre last year, the cast has
been working hard to improve the
overall show on every technical level
in the last two weeks, without losing
the core that made it so hilarious.
The cast primarily stayed the same,
with only Elisha Zeeman adding her
sum of male characters to the mix.
The cast thus consists of four Drama
students that are currently studying
at the University of Stellenbosch and
four actors that have recently achieved
their degrees.
The props, choreography and music
will source most of its laughter from its
conjunction of complete randomness
and satirical genius. Composer and
writer, André Gerber, states that the
play will be a rollercoaster; fast-paced
and full of action, laughter, singing
and dancing.
The play is based on the
Godunov, by Alexander Pushkin,
but will definitively not follow the
Shakespearean-style of its namesake.
Boris Gudinuff centres around a young
monk that sets out on a journey to
become the Tsar of Russia. Easier said
than done, his path is filled with war,
deception, love and a lot of musical
numbers. In a true Pastiche-like
fashion, this play is written in a way
that combines different perspectives,
languages and even eras.
Llandi Beeslaar (Actress) feels that
although it is possible to contemplate
about a lot of the material in the play,
the audience is simultaneously invited
to just sit back, relax and enjoy the
95c is already brainstorming on
new ideas for a Afrikaans Musical,
but in the time they wil also be hosting
“…van ons vaders: ‘n Familiedrama”
and “Die Elisha Zeeman Show” in
the H.B. Thom-theatre to the end of
February and more details can be
attained on their Facebook-page.
A week prior to the KKNK, the
cast will be taking part in the Theatre
Arts Admin Collective Festival in
Cape Town, leaving for Oudtshoorn
directly afterwards. Be sure to watch
one of their daily shows at 12h00 in
the Suid-Kaap Kollegesaal, as it is
sure to search, find and work on your
funny bone.
Bookings for the show can be done
on www.computicket.com, or by
phone on 011 340 8000.
TEENOOR die naam Joshua Na Die
Reën (JNDR) was ek oorspronklik
krities. Na ’n gesprek met die stem
agter die musiek, Jacques de Villiers,
maak alles egter sin.
Jacques verduidelik dat hy baie
van simboliek, misterie en avontuur
hou, en daarom dit moeilik sou vind
om ’n normale naam by sy musiek te
voeg. “Joshua ([uit] die Bybel verhaal)
was iemand wat dieper moes kyk,
antwoorde moes soek en soms ook
daarvoor moes wag, maar dit wat hy
vir ’n volk beteken het sou deur die
eeue nog onthou word.”
Reën is Jacques se gunsteling
natuurverskynsel, en hy meen dat die
wêreld anders lyk na reën: “Skoon,
vars lug, die reuk van nat grond, groen
velde lyk groener.” Dit is juis dít wat
hy hoop gebeur wanneer iemand sy
musiek hoor.
Jak de Priester het JNDR akkuraat
bestempel as “’n nuwe klank wat nog
nie in Afrikaans gehoor is nie.”
Jacques het voor JNDR saam met
Jak de Priester opgetree. Hy beskryf
De Priester as iemand na wie hy opkyk
in verskeie aspekte, van sy liedjies
wat hy self skryf tot sy nederigheid
teenoor die mense rondom hom.
Die groep word beïnvloed deur
verskeie oorsese musiekgroepe –
onder andere Coldplay en Afrikaanse
groepe soos Kaleidoskoop. Jacques
meen dat sy musiek onder die genre
“stadium rock” val. Klavier- en
kitaargeluide verskaf ’n natuurlike
agtergrond vir die groep se musiek,
wat dan verder met lekker ritmes en
betekenisvolle lirieke voltooi word.
Eerste op hul debuut-album is die
snit Hardloop in die veld. Die liedjie
se sterk lirieke oor wegkom van die
besige stadslewe demonstreer die
eerlikheid van lirieke wat in die ander
liedjies ook na vore kom. Jacques se
opregte stem word verder beklemtoon
deur die liedjie Sekelmaan waartydens
basies net hy en sy klavier gehoor kan
Jacques meen dat daar iets vir
almal op die album is: “Baie ouers
stuur vir my boodskappe en sê dat hul
kinders die heeltyd Stranddans wil
Stranddans en Lig op die Horison
staan uit met hul unieke, saamdansritmes. Die aanvangsnote van Lig op
die Horison het my dadelik laat besluit
dat dit my gunsteling liedjie op die
album is.
Die beste lied om voor ’n gehoor
te speel is volgens Jacques Dra die
Liggies: “Die verwerking laat my
voel asof die mense in die gehoor in
’n woud verander, en vir ’n oomlik
is dit net ek alleen in die woud!” Sy
gunsteling liedjie op die album is
Waar’s jy, omdat die woorde “diep in
sy hart delf”.
Joshua na die Reën se unieke
naam sluit in by hul unieke, vars
musiek wat gehore regoor Suid-Afrika
begin betower. Hierdie album het die
potensiaal om vir luisteraars met ’n
liefde vir goeie lirieke die reënboog na
die reën te wees.
JNDR beoog om, as deel van hul
landswye toer, rondom 4 of 5 April in
Stellenbosch op te tree.
“Haal eers die konyn uit jou eie oor voor jy die hasie
uit iemand anders se oor haal.” – @BouwerBosch
12 February Spoegwolf
18 February 3rd World
Spectator / Herione /
Chris Ross
22 February Loveglove
Pyrotechnics / Early
25 February Francois van
1 March Someday Rush
13 February Beatenberg
20 February We Set Sail /
27 February 3rd World
Spectator / Frank
“Is my auto correct trying to tell me something when it
changes restaurant to restraint every time? #judgy” –
“I want to kill things when I write someone an epic,
thoughtful, well researched, insightful message on
whatsapp and they reply with ‘Haha’” – @Wrestlerish
“Every time I feed my dog I want to stand up straight
and address a camera about what’s most important
to me about his diet.” – @JohnMayer
Die koshuise vs. die universiteit
an my drie ervarings van MAL2
was vanjaar beslis die, wel,
Die mees beduidende gebeurtenisse
was waarskynlik die onvoltooide
bouwerk wat eerstejaars genoop het om
drie in ’n dubbelkamer te bly (lees meer
op bladsy 2), asook die onverwagse
aankondiging dat die manskoshuise
se klubhuise onbepaald moes sluit
nadat funksies in klubhuise inbraak op
eerstejaars se “agt ure onverstoorde
rus”-beleid gemaak het (bladsy 4).
Gekombineerd met murmurerings
oor administratiewe probleme met
die koördineerders van MAL2 en HKlede wat geskors is na voorvalle met
eerstejaars, skep dit ’n redelik chaotiese
Intussen kla die HK’s dat die
doeltref fend is nie en irrelevante komponente
bevat (bladsy 3). Vrae word gevra oor
of die veelbesproke ideale van MAL2
bereik word, en of JOOL nie net ’n nuwe
naam gekry het nie.
probleem is egter dat dit voorkom
of daar ’n verdeeldheid tussen die
universiteitsbestuur is.
Gesprekke op kampus was hierdie
week gevul met rooi-onder-die-kraag
studente wat voel daar word nie na hul
argumente geluister nie. Terselfdertyd
vergader beamptes vir ure om
oplossings te probeer kry wat almal
Die koshuise en die universiteit is
besig om verby mekaar te praat. Om
HK’s te skors en radikale besluite
Diverse IT-probleme
sonder verduideliking af te forseer,
gaan nie respek en begrip onder die
studente kweek nie. Eweneens, om te
rebelleer deur uitbarstings op sosiale
media en die reëls te probeer omseil
gaan nie die universiteit oortuig om jou
soos ’n volwassene te hanteer nie.
Dit blyk dus of daar ’n behoef te is aan
’n forum vir beide partye om hul saak
te stel. En Die Matie hoop om hierdie
gesprek vanuit die voorste sitplekke te
Op ’n ander trant – ek was Vrydag bly
om die hoeveelheid belangstelling in
politiek te sien toe studente weggewys
is by ’n oorvol Wilcocks-gebou, waar
me Helen Zille ’n draai gemaak het
as deel van haar verkiesingsveldtog.
Studente het egter met teleurstelling
op beide haar toespraak se ligte trant
en haar versuim om vrae te neem
gereageer. Meer op bladsy 3.
Die Matie verskaf daarom ’n gesonde
dosis politiek in hierdie uitgawe met
’n politieke rubriek op bladsy 15 en ’n
profielonderhoud met dr Mamphela
Ramphele op bladsy 17, asook ’n berig
oor die onlangse protesoptog teen
swak dienslewering op bladsy 5.
Ten slot te: terwyl dit blyk dat almal
hul eie weergawe van neknominations
het, het ons by Die Matie ook besluit
om dié blitsgier uit te probeer (te
danke aan ’n nominasie van Wapad,
die studentekoerant van die NWU
ons webtuiste en Facebook-bladsy
hiervoor dop. Sien ook die artikel oor
neknominations op bladsy 2.
Stop die drywer, die hele bus is dronk!
Die Univeriteit Stellenbosch oortref homself
alklaar so vroeg in die jaar. Die hoeveelheid
en diversiteit van die proleme wat ek sover
ondervind het, is absoluut asemrowend.
Dit het begin met my e-registrasie: Toe ek
net vir vierdejaar meganiese ingenieurswese
kon registreer, alhoewel ek nou eers ’n
derdejaar is. Nadat ek die opsie sterk
oorweeg het is ek maar Admin A toe.
Die vriendelike Admin A personeel het
my reguit Neelsie toe gestuur – waar die
e-registrasie boffins besig was om, wel die
e-registrasie daar op te stel. Hulle kon my nie
help nie en het gesê dat Admin vir diverse
redes almal na hulle toe stuur.
My probleem was blykbaar ook nie die
eerste van sy soort nie, al is ek seker daar is
nog ’n diverse reeks probleme daarby. Terug
by Admin, na ’n uurlange ry, het ek met my
registrasie bew ys uitgestap as ’n derdejaar
Die volgende probleem het kop uitgesteek
toe ek my wagwoord moet verander, en ons
almal weet dit beteken net dat die laaste syfer
een aanstap. So nadat dit gebeur het kan ek
nie meer op my studente e-pos inteken nie. Ek
het soos IT aanbeveel het, my epos van my
Android verw yder en toe dit nie werk nie het
ek sommer ook die account van my outlook
verw yder. Na nog ’n oproep het ek weer ’n
nuwe wagwoord en my epos werk toe, ook
maar net vir n dag. As gevolg van die lang rye
by IT het ek nog nie kans gesien om daar te
gaan skel nie.
Die hoeveelheid diverse webtuistes wat
dosente gebruik is sinneloos. My desktop
is al half vol shortcuts na die verskillende
webblaaie waarin ek geen doel sien nie.
Die verskeidenheid. Hoekom kan almal nie
webstudies, SunLearn, courses of ’n buite
webblad gebruik soos party doen nie? Of is
dit deel van die Universiteit se vordering met
Ek dink nie ek is ingelig genoeg om vinger
te kan w ys nie, maar dalk lees een van die
betrokke partye hierdie brief en hou op tone
– Brother Arnold
“Rom, rom, rom, die Maties kom, man en
meisie dronk, bom, bom!”
Dis verstommend om te sien wat die afmetings
van drankmisbruik onder jong mense is. ’n
Siniese grap doen tereg die rondte: “In die
ou dae het ’n meisie haar Ma uit die kombuis
gekook, vandag drink sy haar Pa onder die
tafel in!”
Besoek enige baai oor die feestyd,
(buddybusse omseil die dronkbestuurwet)
’n naweekbraai, verjaarsdag, verlowing, (’n
outydse kombuistee het dan al ’n bacheloret te
geword) troue, sportklub, jool, karnaval, fees.
Ons jongmense suip soos visse dag en nag
tot vroegoggend en strompel stukkend, gaar,
babelas en nutteloos in die samelewing rond.
’n Paar dringende vrae:
Waar is die ouers (onder die invloed?), skole
(gevloed?), kerke (geen invloed?) en sosiale
bewussyn (sonder moed?)?
Waar kry hul soveel sakgeld om permanent
met vakansie te wees en soveel deur hul
keelgate te gorrel?
Pa, is dit in orde dat jou telg bloedgeld
uitsuip? Ma, hoekom identifiseer jou dogter
nie met ware vroulikheid nie? Jongmens, op
hoeveel foto’s op facebook, twitter, bbm,
WhatsApp staan jy en jou drinkebroers rooi
oog en wieg met ’n glas drank in die hand by
’n kuier? Opvoedkundige inrigtings, akademie
ter syde, wat leer jul slim pedagoë werklik
ons kinders? Kerke, hoekom soveel dronk
Ons sosiale kuierkultuur is absoluut
student, wat maak jou beter in gesofistikeerde
hole, as die dronknes in die smokkelhuise en
Dry wers, STOP die bus van brandew yn-hetnie-brieke-nie. Ouers, stel die voorbeeld en
praat oor 2 sopies per dag/op ’n slag. Skole,
w ys vir die leerlinge eksplisiete films oor
motorongelukke a.g.v van drank, lewersirrose,
veneriese siektes en alkoholverwante kankers.
Tersiêre inrigtings, laat elke student die pypie
blaas voor klas, blaas om te “pass”! Hoekom
is dit in orde dat ’n dux student, hoofseun van
sy skool met ’n hoop onderskeidings vir die
HK en seniors kratte vol Vodka moet aandra.
MOENIE KYK NIE! Die Nuwe Generasie
koshuis is ietwat té new age vir party
inwoners: badkamers word blykbaar
deur mans- en damesinwoners gedeel.
Daar is boonop ’n deur tussen hierdie
gedeelde storte wat volgens een
ontstelde damesinwoner nie kan sluit nie.
Omdat dit die rugby borgskap is? Kerke, maak
’n slag oop jul oë, en laat jul jeug Alkoholiste
Anoniem vergaderings by woon en sien watter
tragedie en lewensverwoester drank is.
Suid-Afrikaanse samelewing, waar is jou
selfrespek, siel, karakter en kultuur?
Ek droom dat alle mense vry van verslawende,
verwoestende kettings sal drink wat Koning
Leeu drink: water! Wat anker in die waarheid
en waar die leiers trots en sterk, met smaak,
en styl en klas in die trop loop en groot, reguit
spore trap, waarin die welpies veilig kan volg.
– Antie Hoenerkop
Wanna chat?
It is with the utmost dismay that I take note
of the “chat” column on the University’s latest
attempt at a tech-revival, SunLearn. Simply
put, Why?!
It is now completely within every student’s
reach to find out when last I was online. No
more hiding from stalkers, folks, not even
while focussing on my academics. Lied to
your girlfriend and told her you’re going out, in
order to have a quiet night behind the books?
Not any more. Just wait until your lecturer
notices you haven’t been on SunLearn since
last Thursday...
Please put an end to this infringement of our
– Anoymous, as it should be
Indien enige leser ’n klagte het dat Die Matie nie op ’n ewewigtige, eerlike en objektiewe wyse rapporteer nie, of dink
dat menings uitgespreek in Die Matie nie godsdienstige en kulturele sake met omsigtigheid hanteer nie, kan ’n klag
by die SR-lid vir Media (Roxanne Eastes) gelê word. Die Matie is onderhewig aan ’n gedragskode wat by die SR-lid vir
Media beskikbaar is. Alle klagtes word deur ’n regsdosent ondersoek, waarna Die Matie voor die Mediaraad kan verskyn. Klagtes moet volgens die uiteengesette prosedure binne veertien dae ná publikasie aanhangig gemaak word.
Briewe mag nie langer as 400
woorde wees nie en moet teen die Vrydag voor elke uitgawe aan redakteur@
diematie.com gestuur word. Skry wers
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Die menings in die briewe is nie
noodwendig dié van die koerant, die
redakteur of enige lid van die redaksie
Letters should not be longer than
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published under a pseudonym.
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Die Matie subscribes to the South African Press Code that prescribes
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Stem vir Suid-Afrika
et my tuiskoms Sondagaand, nadat ek die
naweek deurgebring het as ’n beampte
vir die Onafhanklike Verkiesingskommissie (OVK) deur by ’n registrasiestasie te
werk, het ek verwag dat ek uitgeput sou wees. Ek
was egter eerder aangevuur.
Waarom? Die Stellenbosch-stemstasie waar
ek gewerk het was in ’n area wat sommige
studentekoshuise ingesluit het. Ons het een van
die besigste stasies gehad, waar meer as 70%
van registreerders studente was. Sommiges, wat
reeds in November registreer het, het hul vriende
gebring. Ander, wat nie Suid-Afrikaanse burgers
is nie en dus nie kan stem nie, het hulle vriende
gebring wat wel kan stem. Met hul vertrek kon
daar opgewekte uitroepe gehoor word. Hierdie
is die jeug, wat verstaan dat hulle ’n belangrike
rol te speel het in Suid-Afrika se toekoms. Dat
Suid-Afrika aan hulle behoort, en dat hulle ’n
verantwoordelikheid het teenoor hul land.
In 2014 gedenk ons 20 jaar van ’n demokratiese Suid-Afrika, en dit sal die eerste maal
wees wat die sogenaamde “born-free”generasie
(dié gebore na 1994) die geleentheid sal hê om
kruisies te trek. Hierdie is ’n reuse potensiële
stemskare, en dié onder-24 jarige ouderdom
maak nagenoeg sewe miljoen, oftewel 22% van
die beraamde 31 miljoen moontlike stemmers
uit. Die mag van hul stemme is merkwaardig.
Die bekommernis is egter dat, soos die gier in
die vorige verkiesing was, die jonger stemmers in
vergelyking met ouer stemgroepe minder geneig
sal wees om op te daag wanneer Verkiesingsdag
aanbreek. Tog word die jeug direk beïnvloed
deur baie van die kwessies wat ons bottende
» Dié onder 24-jarige ouderdom maak nagenoeg 7
miljoen stemmers uit.
demokrasie in die gesig staar. Die 2011-sensus
het byvoorbeeld geskat dat 1.32 miljoen SuidAfrikaners tussen die ouderdomme van 20 en 24
werkloos is, en ’n verdere 417 000 moed opgegee
het om ’n werk te vind.
Hierdie is ’n groep wat ook nie onbewus is
van die huidige uitdagings nie: ’n opname deur
Pondering Panda (2013) het gewys 69% van die
jeug glo dat korrupsie vererger. Nog ’n studie
deur die Institute for Justice and Reconciliation
(2012) toon aan dat 49% van die jeug nie die land
se politici vertrou om die regte ding te doen nie.
Die jeug, belese in die uitdagings van die land,
moet nou die idees en waardes begryp wat deur
die politieke partye onderskryf word om hierdie
uitdagings aan te spreek. Idees en waardes is
kragtig omdat hulle tot uiting kom in optrede,
aksie en beleid. ’n Demokrasie, onvolmaak soos
dit is, is steeds die enigste politieke sisteem wat
die morele werksaamhede en waardigheid van
mense erken, sowel as hulle reg om hul individuele
en kollektiewe toekoms te bepaal. Hierdie reg
en verantwoordelikheid begin met die bousteen
van enige demokratiese sisteem: die verkiesing.
Die nasionale en provinsiale verkiesingsdatum
is bestem vir 7 Mei.
Die uitdaging is vir
die jeug gestel: om ’n
merk te gaan maak –
’n ingeligte een.
Dr Nicola de
Jager is ’n dosent in
Politieke Wetenskap
aan die Universiteit
Landing on your feet: nine lessons from cats
rom ancient Egypt to the 21st century’s
World Wide Web, cats remain a dominant
figure. It is pretty clear that they know
something we puny humans have yet to grasp.
It is no coincidence that cats are seen as divine
figures through many cultures including India
and China. According to an ancient Chinese myth
the gods appointed the cats to rule over their new
creation that was the world. For the ease of communication cats were given the power of speech.
The cats however had no
interest in the mundane
task of overseeing the proceedings of the earth and
chose instead to spend
their time either sleeping underneath the cherry
trees or playing with the
falling blossoms. The cats
explained that they had no
desire to run the world and
in turn nominated human
beings for the position.
The power of speech was
passed on to the humans,
since they were incapable
of understanding the words
of the gods. Since the gods took their ability of
speech away they probably won’t share their secrets any time soon.
Whether divine creatures, evil companions
or the conjuring up of Lewis Carroll in the form
of the Cheshire cat, we can certainly learn something from cats. In pursuit of full disclosure, I
have to admit that I am no expert in the field of
the feline or their psyche or even human beings,
but luckily I live in an age where I can confidently express my opinion on anything regardless my
knowledge of the subject.
Furthermore I should state that this is my subjective observations of our family’s cat, though a
similarity can be drawn between our “cat law”,
which leaves the holder of the lap where the cat
is seated exempt from fulfilling any tasks as not
to disturb the cat, and the tale of Muhammad
who, upon being called to prayer, cut away at the
sleeve of his robe as to not disturb the cat that was
sleeping on his arm.
The cat is a symbol of grace and poise, and
beyond illustrating the importance of being able to play the
piano, cats display a manner of
being which humans can certainly strive towards.
1. In an attempt to stay true
to the title, the first item on the
list should aid you in landing
on your feet. Therefore, in the
event of falling, be sure to position your feet between your
face and the earth.
2. Keep meals simple. Cats
have a basic diet on which they
feed throughout the day and
supplement, if they so choose,
with the daily catch. Eating
to fulfil your basic needs instead of indulgence
places you in a position where you have a greater
appreciation of your food, it is easier to maintain
a healthy diet and you can shift your focus to the
quality of your food.
3. Explore and play and explore some more.
Cats have the ability to be fascinated by what we
perceive as the most basic of things. Some might
call it ADD, but the imagination is a very important part of our sanity. Curiosity hasn’t killed the
cat yet.
4. Stretch it out. Whether or not you want to
call it yoga is up to you. As long as you make
time to get in touch with your body, breathe and
relax. Yoga leads to increased flexibility, increased cognitive ability, more energy and can
reduce chronic pain.
5. Peaceful grooming. Short of licking yourself, you can benefit from contributing more
quality time to grooming, swap the post-shower,
already late routine with a relaxing bath and
lather your body with moisturiser or get a foot
6. Drink from a glass. Our cat only drinks water from a glass originally intended for humans. It
says something about demanding to be treated by
the value you accord yourself. It can also mean
that you should skip the drink special that comes
in plastic cups.
7. Nap. Naps are awesome; afterwards feel
free to repeat steps 2-5.
8. Create your comfy space. For reasons unknown to me, the cat will always commence on a
two minute kneading of my body before it settles
down to be adorned. Whether it likes the feeling
of my torn flesh or simply enjoys seeing me in
pain, it does not hesitate to show its claws in order to settle down. Noise cancelling headphones
might work, but sometimes you just have to confront that noisy neighbour.
9. Purrrr. Show a genuine appreciation towards others and people will delight in being at
your service. Hemingway called his cats purr factories and love sponges. We take pleasure from
the pleasure we provide to cats.
Whether you are a cat person or a dog person
or maybe even somebody whose personality expands beyond being confined to an affinity for a
single animal, cats seem to have it figured out.
Just don’t let them figure out that you figured out
that they have it figured out.
“Ek is nou so arm, ek
sal my geld by Moksie
moet terugvra.”
– Liefdadigheid is nie
onvoorwaardelik nie,
blyk dit.
“Ladies, logistics is
a very good industry
for you to go into. It’s
hands on and you can
get down and dirty.”
– Logistics lecturer
tries to sells his subject.
“Dronk studente wat
goed breek en ‘vat’
is wat Stellenbosch
se boubedryf aan die
gang hou.”
– Student probeer
Lecturer: “Have you
done the reading?”
Student: “I don’t take
this subject. I’m just
here for the sperm.”
– Heard during an Anthropology lecture on
the history of semen.
“’n Mens kry woede,
dan kry jy die Holocaust, en dan kry jy
hoe ons nou voel teenoor die Universiteit.”
– Dagreek HK-lid
nadat die verkope van
drank by Quadnaval
gestaak is.
- “His hotness distracted me so much
I forgot what I came
here to buy!”
- “Skoolbrood?”
– Two students talking
about the17-year old
they were checking
out at Spar.
Stuur jou quotes na
Gorrel verneem dat ons SR ook katliefhebbers
is, met twee lede, Altus “die Tusman” Viljoen en
MJ-onse-voorsitter (toevallig ook kamermaats
in Wilgenhof) wat nou ’n kat gekry het. Dié heet
Artemis Maximilian Denver. ’n Mondvol, dink
Gorrel, soos meeste van dit wat ons van die SR
hoor. In Gorrel se ervaring is hulle miaau groter
as hulle byt.
Van al die gerugte wat Gorrel al van MJ gehoor
het, is hierdie Gorrel se gunsteling. Dalk raak
kampus nou kat-vriendelik.
Gaan Maximilian nou die rol van Katjie van
die Baan by MJ oorneem? As die kat weg is, is die
muis baas? Of het Gorrel nou die kat aan die stert
Die skinder agter die nuus. Die waarheid agter die kampuspolitiek. Die kommentaar waarvoor almal bang is. Gorrel is nie
verantwoordelik vir enige ongerief veroorsaak nie.
Gorrel is nie ’n groot spanspeler nie, maar toe
Gorrel verlede week by Maties sokker probeer
aansluit, wou die sisteem by Gorrel weet of Gorrel
“wit of divers” is. Hierdie vraag het Gorrel so laat
kopkrap dat Gorrel toe maar die plan laat vaar en
liewer na die Verenigingsekspo gaan loer het.
Die relevansie van die vraag opsy, voel
Gorrel maar jammer vir die arme “wit” studente
wat volgens Gorrel se logika nou seker nie meer
aan Diversiteitsweek mag deelneem nie. Daar is
immers beide vanilla- én sjokoladeroomys op die
Rooiplein uitgedeel laasjaar.
Gorrel is gedwing om opnuut oor Gorrel
se identiteit te besin - gelukkig het hulle nie oor
Gorrel se geslag gevra nie.
Dit blyk vir Gorrel Stellenbosch raak by die
dag meer sedeloos. As daar nie naakfoto’s van eerstejaars by skakels sirkuleer nie, speel seniors by
koshuise tydens Verwelkomingsweek klipharde
musiek na die eerstejaars se slaaptyd.
Gelukkig het ons sedebewaarder, oom Pieter,
vinnig aan die deur geklop-klop en ’n stokkie voor
die feestelikhede by Helshoogte gesteek – voor
hulle die hoender nou heeltemal bo van hul dak
Toe die musiek stop is ene oom Pieter se
dogter volgens oorlewering egter ook by die
beuselagtighede betrokke. Gorrel weet nie vir
watter party Gorrel die meeste simpatie moet hê
021 886 8998
“If she says MAD²
instead of Jool, she’s
too young for you
– Some trends just
aren’t catching on.
Taking control of SA Ltd
s she gets out of her black Audi, dr Mamphela Ramphele seems a frail igure. At age 66 this
is probably no surprise, and perhaps the visual effect is strengthened by the two imposing
bodyguards at her shoulder. But one still wonders why she, who last year declared that
her net worth is more than R55 million, decided to enter the political arena as the leader of her own
party, Agang SA.
She compares South Africa to a company - “the most important company we have” - where the
inhabitants are the shareholders.
“For us not be involved – it doesn’t make sense.
“For me, who fought for freedom as a student and as a professional, I have decided that the
management of South Africa is not the management that the country deserves. We deserve better. I
am doing something about it.”
I mention that the majority of students at Stellenbosch are not politically active.
“Students have a responsibility – to themselves, to their country and their future – to be active
citizens. They don’t necessarily have to belong to this or that party but they certainly have to be fully
informed about the political process in the country. And they have to engage with the issues that affect
the country.
“Anybody who is a proud South African has to be concerned about the fact that we have an
economy that is not growing, an education system that is underperforming, a healthcare system that
is not good, and a safety and security system that is not working.”
She enumerates these issues using her hands, and ends by throwing them up in the air.
“How can you be an adult – because that’s what you are – in a country where this is happening and
say ‘It’s got nothing to do with me?’”
What about our Student Representative Council (SRc), which is one of only two in the country
that is not politically afiliated?
“I am actually not against SRc’s that are unafiliated because I think we have become too polarised.
A SRc is supposed to represent students across the party political spectrum. Having a SRc that is
neutral in that sense is a good thing, but it doesn’t mean that the students should not have political
views across the spectrum.”
“I think what is missing in South Africa, post 1994, is that there has not been any systematic
civic education. In other democracies, when you go to grade 0, you start learning about your country,
things like the national anthem, and why it is important for you to love your country. When you get to
primary school you learn a little bit more… when you get to secondary school you need to know the
constitution of the country and by the time you go to university you should be fully informed about
how the country is governed – is it a good or a bad thing? – are the things you’d like to see as a citizen
Chancellor of UCT for four years. Today is also the second time in four months that she is in
Stellenbosch to address students, and perhaps more importantly, to answer their questions.
Companies sometimes fail and that shareholders have to abandon ship to cut their losses. At what
point does one classify this “company” as a write-off?
“Those people who are citizens but not involved – they have written it off. I will never write it off.
But those who pack and go to Australia or Canada or the UK – those are the people who are writing
it off.”
“This country is the best country anybody could ask for.” She looks at the window and gestures
with her hands: “Just look at how beautiful it is. Which country has sunshine almost every day of
the year? Which country has the mineral resources we’ve got? Which country has got the human
resources we’ve got? The very diversity that you see here in Stellenbosch, in Cape Town, in the
country – it’s a strength! That’s why I’m doing what I am doing: because I believe that this country
is a dream country.”
Ramphele speaks luently and deliberately, and concludes most answers with an adjustment in
vocal tone that resonates with optimism.
“But we’ve got to build it to realise its full potential. At the moment the country is underperforming.
“What we don’t have is leadership. What we don’t have is management. Your generation inherited
this fantastic country. You now have to step up to the plate. We stepped up to the plate when we were
your age and we had to ight a very brutal system. You don’t have to ight today – all you need to do
is to build. Isn’t it wonderful?”
“We should look at education succeeding in getting the genius in all of us. We are born geniuses.
It gets beaten out of you in an abusive home, or you lose it in an underperforming education system.
I refer to all the issues she listed earlier that need to be addressed in South Africa, and ask her how
she can make a difference in those areas even without being elected as president.
“I’ve always made a difference, wherever I was. From being a student activist, a researcher, an
academic, a vice chancellor… I’ve always made a difference.
“The irst and most important answer is a clean government. This country is losing billions every
year in wasteful expenditure, corruption, nepotism, anti-competitive behaviour – billions! That’s why,
having spent so much time and energy supporting various administrations over the last twenty years,
I’ve decided to start a party, whose focus, whose DNA, is clean government. If we don’t have a clean
government, nothing else matters.”
The political arena in South Africa is quite complex and there are many uneducated people. What
simple advice would she give to someone in order to cast the correct vote?
“People need a framework of how to think about politics. Our politics is heavily tainted by the
“From being a student activist, a researcher, an academic, a vice chancellor… I’ve always made a difference.”
changed, and if so, what are you going to do about it?”
So the educational system has to lay the foundation to become an active and informed citizen?
“Yes, except that no education system does that unless the citizens demand it.”
Ultimately, she says, everything comes back to the citizen. The educational system will not lay the
foundation for active and informed citizens unless the citizens demand it.
“Your parents should have insisted that there is civic education at your school. I should insist that,
at my grandchildren’s school, there is civic education.”
“If all of us, as citizens, take responsibility, the country gets better.”
During our interview, these two themes - responsibility and education, resurface continually.
Education is clearly something Ramphele holds close to her heart. She served as the Vice-
past. People vote for the ANC because it is the party of Mandela, not because it is doing the right
thing. The fact that the ANC is betraying Mandela’s legacy should make those people think that if
Mandela was able to stand before us he would denounce what is going on in the ANC.
“To vote on the basis of the past is the most illogical thing to do.
“You have to make up your own mind – of the parties that are available, which one represents the
values that you would like to be associated with, which one represents the aspirations that you like to
be associated with, which one is most likely to build the country you wish to live in.”
The small, seemingly frail woman that emerged from the black Audi is a woman with spirit, a
voice and a vision.
Major: BComm
Year: 1st
Major: BComm
Year: 4th
From: Cape Town
Major: Industrial Psychology
Year: Masters
Major: BRek
From: Wellington
From: Riversdale
Major: BComm
From: Port Elizabeth
Major: BEd
Year: 5th
From: Durban
Major: Social Dynamics
From: Welkom
Major: BA
From: Cape Town
Major: BComm
Year: Post Grad
Major: BComm
Year: 3rd
Major: Sport Science
From: Carltonville
Major: BEng
Year: 4th
Major: BSc
Year: 1st
Major: Polymer Science
Year: Post Grad
Major: MB, ChB
From: Pietermaritzburg
Major: Theology
Major: BAcc
Year: 3rd
Major: Sport Science
Year: 1st
Major: BA Hummanities
Year: 2nd
Major: BEng
From: Kempton Park
Res hockey ready to go
AS THE irst week of class got
underway, so too did the annual Maties
Summer League Hockey tournament.
The tournament features the university’s various residences and PSOs
competing against one another for the
prestigious Summer League title, with
both veterans and youngsters showcasing their talent.
The tournament kicked off with
some highly anticipated matches such
as 2013 champions Simonsberg, a side
stacked with Maties players, squared
up against a talented Helderberg side.
Helderberg was irst on the scoreboard after working a short corner
minutes into the game. Drag licker
Daniel Bell converted the short corner
by neatly slotting the ball into the Simonsberg goalbox.
The champions would, however,
not be so easily undone and, after a
passage of dominant play, soon had a
short corner of their own.
After Helderberg’s goalkeeper saved
the initial drag lick, a period of broken
play in the Helderberg defensive circle
led to Simonsberg drawing level with
a goal of their own.
However, as time ran out, Helderberg
was able to secure a second short
Bell stepped up to the challenge and
scored his second drag lick of the
evening, thus securing a irst match
victory for Helderberg over champions
Simonsberg with a 2 – 1 score line.
Helderberg was, however, undone the
following evening as they squared
up against wildcard team Libertas,
who recorded their second victory
in as many games with a narrow
1 – 0 victory over Helderberg, with
Libertas’s Cameron Corney scoring
the only goal of the match.
On the same evening, Simonsberg
was able to redeem their loss against
Helderberg by defeating Academia
with a punishing 5 – 0 score line.
Other results of the week’s matches
saw 2013 runners-up Eendrag play to
a 1 – 1 draw against Huis Visser.
In the ladies division, 2013 champions
Bloemhof Old Girls beat Lydia 5 – 0
to get their title defence off to a rapid
start. Ladies’ division 2013 runners-up
Aristea held Serruria to a 1 – 1 draw.
The tournament is, however, still
in its early stages with most teams
playing four games before the inals
are determined later in the term.
Numerous matches are played every
day of the week at the Maties Hockey
astro turf complex. Match schedules
can be found on the Maties Hockey
website, along with the latest results
of matches played in the week.
MAKE IT A DOUBLE Maties Sevens made it two wins in two years as they defeated Kovsies for the second time in
a Varsity 7s Cup final. The tournament provided the opportunity for two Maties to step up to the Premier League.
Maties dominant in a nail-biting final in Camps Bay
Sevens team clinches title
he Maties Sevens rugby side
claimed victory in the Varsity
Sports tournament held over the
December break in Camps Bay.
After only losing one match in the
tournament, Maties faced up against a
strong Bloemfontein Kovsies who had
pummelled UP-Tuks 17 – 0 in their
Maties were, however, rather
fortunate to make it to the Cup inal as
they found themselves 7 – 5 down and
camped on their own tryline with only
minutes left to play in their semi-inal
against UJ. Maties showed their class
by bouncing back with two breakaway
tries by Kyle Leibrandt and skipper
Rob Ahlers. The score thus 20 – 7 to
Maties to send them soaring into the
This would be the second time in
two years that Maties and Kovsies
would meet in the Cup inal. The two
sides met in Margate in 2012 where
Maties also emerged as victors.
The inal saw Maties race to a 12-7
lead by half-time thanks to two quick
tries by JW Durr. Although Kovsies
were able to pull one try back, Maties
appeared to be the dominant side.
Maties were irst to score in the
second half as Josh Bassingthwaighte
pounced on a loose ball to dot down
a try.
Kovsies, however, lived up to their
reputation as a dangerous team and
bounced back with two quick tries.
The second try was enough to level
the scores between the sides and sent
the game into sudden death with the
title on the line.
Maties soon found themselves in
the Kovsies twenty-two. Following the
departure of two Kovsies defenders
for infringements, Maties used their
numerical advantage and barged over
the Kovsies try line to take the sevens
title for the second consecutive time.
Along with his gold medal
the accolade of being named the
Steers Most Valuable Player of the
The tournament was also, however,
a scouting ground for potential
future stars. Due to their sterling
tournament performances, Durr and
Bassingthwaighte were chosen to
represent Western Province at the
George Premier Sevens tournament in
These two teamed up alongside
former Matie Sevens legend and
Blitzbok candidate, Stefan de Villiers.
Having played and won every sevens
tournament available to students, De
Villiers represents a goal for future
Maties Sevens players.
The Western Province side had a
mixed tournament as they exited in
the Plate semi-inal after going down
19 – 12 to the Sharks. Although the
tournament for Western Province
was not what they had hoped for, the
experience earned by players such
as Durr and Bassingthwaighte is
invaluable both to sevens development
in the country, as well as experience
coming into the Maties Sevens
KYK DAAI BENE Maties Netbal het onlangs aangekondig dat daar
sedert Februarie ’n nuwe netbal toernooi gespeel sal word. Die Fast
Five-netbaltoernooi sal Woensdae in die DF Malan-saal gespeel
word. Met spelers van albei geslagte, ’n aangepasde puntestelsel
en korter speeltyd is die toernooi ’n rewolusie vir Maties Netbal.
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YOUNG GUNS Maties Hockey was proud to have four of its men respresenting the South African u.21 side
at the recent Junior World Cup held in India. Maties’s Daniel Bell, Marc Fourie, Keenan Horne and Dylan
Swanepoel, who also captained the side, all made regular appearances against their international rivals.
Pleinstraat 21, Stellenbosch
Tel: 021 - 883 3131
Faks: 021 - 8866378
Skuins oorkant Hoofposkantoor en Langs HUSSAR
Koop plaaslik asseblief
THIRD TIME’S THE CHARM Maties het in die eerste twee wedstryde van die Varsity Cup in die stof gebyt deur 45 – 29 teen FNB NMMU en 33 – 16 teen FNB UCT te verloor. Die span sal
volgende na Potchefstroom reis om die Pukke aan te vat.
Varsity Cup 2014 toon ’n wankelrige aanvang met nederlae teen UCT en NMMU
Maties struikel in twee Varsity Cup rondtes
ie FNB Maties se Varsity Cupveldtog het nie heeltemal volgens plan begin nie en die span
het moes die eerste twee rondtes twee
keer op hul neus kyk.
Die eerste wedstryd van die
seisoen is in Port Elizabeth gespeel en
die stad was allesbehalwe vriendelik
met die besoekende Maties. Met ’n
telling van 45 – 29 teen FNB NMMU
was dit baie belangrik dat die span
teen FNB UCT aan die wenkant kom,
maar hierdie wedstryd was ook vir die
maroentruie vol teleurstelling met ’n
33 – 16 nederlaag.
Sedert die begin van die Varsity
Cup toernooi was Maties nog nooit aan
die verloorkant teen FNB NMMU nie,
en het veertig punte in elke kragmeting
tussen 2008 en 2012 aangeteken.
Die wiel het egter in 2013 begin
draai toe die Maties naelskraaps
gewen het in beide die ligawedstryd en
die semiinaal. Die Madibaz het egter
vergoed vir die verlede deur Maties ’n
rugbyles te leer en die rekordboeke te
Die Madibaz lank Chris Cloete
het vier van sy vyf drieë van rolmaal
bewegings gedruk en hierdie leemte in
Maties se spel was deinitief een van
die redes vir die nederlaag.
Vir die wedstryd teen die Ikeys is
daar verskeie veranderinge aan die
voorry gemaak met die oog veral op ’n
verbeterde skrum, maar die besoekers
het die Maties vanaf die eerste inslaan
geboelie en die isiese kragmeting
Ten spyte van ’n aansienlike skare
het die Maties nooit aan die gang
gekom nie en die wedstryd was uiters
frustrend vir die ondersteuners op die
pawiljoen, veral aangesien UCT nog
nooit ’n Varsitybeker oorwinning op
die Danie Craven stadion kon behaal
nie en die Maties slegs ’n enkele keer
teen hul buurspan met ’n telling van
38 – 34 in 2008 verloor het.
’n Ligpunt is wel dat die
plaasvervangers in albei wedstryde
aansienlike verskille gemaak het en die
nuwelinge in die span hand opgesteek
het. Enkele Matiesspelers het ook
goeie wedstryde gehad. Agterlangs
het veral Robert du Preez en Johnny
Kotze beïndruk met hul spel, met
Jean en Louis Nel wat ook albei goed
vertoon het as skrumskakels.
Dit bly egter ’n feit soos ’n koei dat
sonder kwaliteit besit geen agterlyn
kan funksioneer nie en daarom is die
onus weereens op die voorspelers om
hulle spel te verbeter. Geen span kan
egter 88 punte in twee kragmetings
afstaan en verwag om as wenners van
die Varsity Cup weg te stap nie.
Netball unveils new team
MATIES Netball has unveiled a new
team known as the Hantie du Toit
The new team is an approach of
Maties Netball to give senior players
who have completed their studies
an opportunity to remain within the
Maties Netball club structure and
continue to play high level netball in
the Boland district. They also hope
that this will have a positive effect on
those less experienced players coming
into the club.
“It is important that we keep our
former Matie-players around and give
them the opportunity to give back to
the club and even become role models
for the current players” said Maties
Netball Head Coach and international
player, Christine Behan.
“We want to make an effort to
make sure the Maties culture and
pride is strong within the club and
to keep our alumni around. It also
creates an opportunity for some extra
competition for Maties against whom
they can practice,” Behan concluded.
The Hantie du Toit team will
consist of 12 players, of which 9 must
be former Maties students or Maties
players. The rest of the players will be
chosen on merit.
The team will be coached by
former national netball representative
and current South African Action
Netball coach, Freda Kemp.
The team has been named in
honour of the late Dr Hantie du
Toit, who was widely regarded as
the “Doc Craven of netball” due to
her invaluable contributions to the
development of the sport in South
Africa, and especially at the university
itself. Dr Du Toit was a coach for
Maties, Boland and the South African
National side. No doubt the players
will be looking to do proud the legacy
of Dr Du Toit.
The team will play alongside the
Maties irst side in the 2014 Boland
Super League and will also play
against the Maties irst side.
Maties Netball’s Karen Swart
believes this will have a positive effect
on both sides as it is good competition
which will ultimately strengthen the
two teams. She also believes that it
will go a long way in improving the
already high quality of Maties Netball.
The Maties irst side, which
was crowned Boland Super League
champions in the 2013 season, will
relish the opportunity of playing
against a team which, to a large
extent, consists of players of equal
calibre. However, they should also
be aware of the fact that the new side
may pose a threat to the current Super
League champions and may even be
the irst side’s toughest opposition to
date in the tournament.
The 2014 season should thus be
a landmark season for the Maties
Netball club and certainly produce
some events for which to keep an eye
open as Kemp and her side will be
looking to turn some heads in their
inaugural season and make their mark
in Boland and Maties Netball.
ONDERDEUR Die afgelope week het die jaarlikse Eerstejaars Atletiektoernooi by die Coetzenberg
atletiekstadion plaasgevind. Met ’n skare wat die atlete aanmoedig, was daar ’n paar indrukwekkende
vertonings deur belowende toekomstige atlete vir die universiteit. Hoewel Huis Visser en Irene hul
teenwoordigheid op die pawiljoen duidelik gemaak het, was dit Helshoogte wat op die atletiekbaan hul
talent gewys het en gevolglik is hulle as kampioene vir 2014 gekroon.