Management Report
Management Report
Management Report Summary SOCIAL REPORT 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013 2009 Establishment of upa LOCAL MEDICAL EMERGENCY UNIT 2010 The PADI (HOME CARE SERVICES FOR SENIORS) AGREEMENT The Opening of esf 3 (FAMILY HEALTH STRATEGY) AGREEMENT FAMILY HEALTH CLINICS Opening of 4 upas AP 5.1 and 5.2 (LOCAL EMERGENCY UNITs) The ESF (family health strategy) is implemented in The 2011 The Opening of esf 9 (FAMILY HEALTH STRATEGY) AGREEMENT 6 FAMILY HEALTH CLINICS AP 4.0 healthcare centres 2012 Opening of 7 FAMILY HEALTH CLINICS pse (Health Program at Schools) Agreement Introduction E ach year, IABAS moves forward to reach high level of excellence in public health care services. Our mission is to work together with Rio’s health authorities to ensure excellency and care of patients, prevent diseases and integrate services to ensure the well-being of the population of Rio de Janeiro at the Family Health Clinics and Local Medical Emergency Units (UPA – Unidade de Pronto Atendimento), and through the Home Care Services for Seniors (PADI – Programa de Atenção Domiciliar do Idoso) program and the Health Program at Schools (PSE – Programa de Saúde nas Escolas). There were many achievements in 2013. We opened new Family Health Clinics (four in January and three in July), and the City Health Centres (CMS – Centros 4 YEARS of management, since 12/2009 4.145 employees Municipais de Saúde) were renovated or altered, for improved and more humanised health care services to all users. Since 2009, when we took over the management an important percentage of the city’s health care centres, more than three million people have had access to quality heath care services. By investing in sustainability, we implemented a waste management system at OVER 7,000,000 consultations the Family Health Clinics and the Local Medical Emergency Units (UPAs), and an energy, water and paper. We have been doing our part to preserve the environment and ensure a better future to the planet. As these achievements were only possible with the effort of everyone working at IABAS, we have again invested in training our staff, allowing for the professional education that we will be able to ensure that the staff has the technical skills needed to provide each time better health care services to the population of Rio de Janeiro. With planned actions and working in an ethical and transparent manner, our next step is to exceed contract goals. We are aware of the challenges; however, our willingness to show more and more dignity and respect towards our users is what motivates us. 2 | Management Report - Summary | 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013 (Copyright. Copying not allowed without IABAS authorisation) ESF - Family Health Strategy I n the Family Health Strategy program, the health care providers work on promoting, preventing, and bettering the health of patients. Family members are assisted by a cross-functional health care team, which is comprised of physicians, nurses and dentists, and have access to the health care initiatives and services that will meet the needs of the family. PROGRAMMATIC AREAS (AP) COVERED BY IABAS CITY OF RIO DE JANEIRO AP 5.1 AP 5.3 Programmatic Area 4.0 AP 3.3 AP 3.1 AP 3.2 AP 1 AP 5.2 AP 4.0 Programmatic Area 5.1 AP 2.2 AP 2.1 Programmatic Area 5.2 Covers the following suburbs: Covers the following suburbs: Covers the following suburbs: Jacarepaguá, Anil, Gardênia Azul, Cidade de Deus, Curicica, Freguesia (Jacarepaguá), Pechincha, Taquara, Tanque, Praça Seca, Vila Valqueire, Joá, Itanhangá, Barra da Tijuca, Camorim, Vargem Pequena, Vargem Grande, Recreio dos Bandeirantes, Grumari. Deodoro, Vila Militar, Campo dos Afonsos, Jardim Sulacap, Magalhães Bastos, Realengo, Padre Miguel, Bangu, Gericinó, Senador Camará. Santíssimo, Campo Grande, Senador Vasconcelos, Inhoaíba, Cosmos, Guaratiba, Barra de Guaratiba, Pedra de Guaratiba. (Copyright. Copying not allowed without IABAS authorisation) | Management Report - Summary | 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013 3 ESF - Family Health Strategy Family health - prog. area 4.0 Family health - prog. area 5.1 COVERED SUBURBS COVERED SUBURBS Jacarepaguá, Anil, Gardênia Azul, Cidade de Deus, Curicica, Freguesia, Pechincha, Taquara, Tanque, Praça Seca, Vila Valqueire, Joá, Itanhangá, Barra da Tijuca, Camorim, Vargem Pequena, Vargem Grande, Recreio dos Bandeirantes and Grumari. over over Deodoro, Vila Militar, Campos dos Afonsos, Jardim Sulacap, Magalhães Bastos, Realengo, Padre Miguel, Bangu, Gericinó, Senador Camará 200,000 consultations in 3 years 450,000 consultations in 4 years Magalhães Bastos Gericinó Cidade de Deus Realengo Vila Militar Bangu Deodoro Tanque Campo dos Afonsos Senador Camará Recreio dos Bandeirantes Padre Miguel Family health coverage Sulacap Family health coverage 19.8 9% 54.41% 22.51% 2.90% 2010 2013 Source: VITACARE Electronic Medical Records (PEP VITACARE). 2010 2013 Source: PEP VITACARE. Total medical consultations Total medical consultations 495.839 208.684 74,472 6,244 2010 Source: PEP VITACARE. 4 2013 2010 2013 Source: PEP VITACARE. | Management Report - Summary | 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013 (Copyright. Copying not allowed without IABAS authorisation) Family health - prog. area 5.2 COVERED SUBURBS Santíssimo, Campo Grande, Senador Vasconcelos, Inhoaíba, Cosmos, Guaratiba, Barra de Guaratiba, Pedra de Guaratiba. over 650,000 consultations in 4 years Campo Grande Santíssimo Senador Vasconcelos Inhoaíba Cosmos Guaratiba Pedra de Guaratiba Barra de Guaratiba Family health coverage 58.99% 42.60% 2010 2013 Source: PEP VITACARE. Total medical consultations 676.132 79,399 2010 2013 Source: PEP VITACARE. (Copyright. Copying not allowed without IABAS authorisation) | Management Report - Summary | 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013 5 ESF - Family Health Strategy Fitness centre Fitness centres were opened in 33 heath care centres administered by IABAS. The is to provide the population of Rio with a space where they can have a regular gym practice, which will lead to increased health and wellbeing. There are skilled physical educators at all times to guide and support users, and some of the Family Health Clinics have sessions for seniors. Units equipped with a fitness centre 4.0 5.1 CF Prof. Maury Alves de Pinho CF Padre José de Azevedo Tiúba CF Otto Alves de Carvalho CMS Harvey Ribeiro de Souza Filho 5.2 Policlínica Manoel Guilherme da Silveira Filho CMS Athayde José da Fonseca CMS Dr. Henrique Monat CMS Sylvio Barbosa CMS Prof. Masao Goto CMS Waldyr Franco CMS Eithel Pinheiro CF Olímpia Esteves CF Kelly Cristina de Sá CF Pe John Cribbin CF Mario Dias Alencar CF Antonio Gonçalves da Silva CF Rosino Baccarini CF Armando Palhares Aguinaga TOTAL NUMBER OF PHYSICAL EDUCATORS UNITS WITH A FITNESS CENTRE 4.0 15 Source: PEP VITACARE. 6 NUMBER OF USERS 4.0 4 5.2 CMS Dr. Mario Rodrigues Cid CMS Prof. Manoel de Abreu CMS Belizário Penna CMS Edgar Magalhães Gomes CAPS Profeta Gentileza CMS Alvimar de Carvalho CF Dr. Hans Jurgen Fernando Dohmann CF Alkindar Soares Pereira CF Agenor de Miranda Araújo Neto (Cazuza) CMS Mário Vitor de Assis CMS Adão Pereira Nunes CMS Vila do Céu CF José de Paula Lopes Pontes CMS Dr. Oswaldo Vilella CMS Raul Barroso 4.0 4 14 5.2 14 5.1 1,969 13 5.2 8,242 7,832 5.1 Source: PEP VITACARE. | Management Report - Summary | 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013 5.1 Source: PEP VITACARE. (Copyright. Copying not allowed without IABAS authorisation) Family Health Clinics - New Openings CF Padre José de Azevedo Tiúba – 4.0 CF MÁrio Dias Alencar – 5.1 Date: 01/11/2012 Date: 01/13/2012 CF AntÔnio Gonçalves da Silva – 5.1 CF Otto Alves de carvalho – 4.0 Date: 01/18/2012 Date: 01/26/2012 CF Rosino Baccarini – 5.1 CF Antonio Gonçalves Villa Sobrinho – 5.2 Date: 07/05/2012 Date: 07/05/2012 CF Sonia Maria Ferreira Machado – 5.2 CF armando Palhares Aguinaga – 5.1 Date: 07/05/2012 Date: 13/08/2013 (Copyright. Copying not allowed without IABAS authorisation) | Management Report - Summary | 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013 7 Constructions and improvements - City Health Centres CMS Adão Pereira Nunes (AP 5.2) CMS Carlos Alberto Nascimento (AP 5.2) CMS Mourão Filho (AP 5.2) CMS Raul Barroso (AP 5.2) CMS Vila do Céu (AP 5.2) CMS Woodrow Pimentel Pantoja (AP 5.2) Clínica da Família OlÍmpia Esteves (AP 5.1) CMS Eithel Pinheiro (AP 5.1) CMS Dr. Henrique Monat (AP 5.1) CMS Buá Borges Boanerges (AP 5.1) CMS Waldyr Franco (AP 5.1) CMS Padre Miguel (AP 5.1) Policlínica Manoel Guilherme da Silveira Filho (AP 5.1) CMS Professor Masao Goto (AP 5.1) CMS Alexander Fleming (AP 5.1) CMS CATIRI (AP 5.1) CMS Athayde da Fonseca (AP 5.1) CMS Santa Maria (AP 4.0) 8 | Management Report - Summary | 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013 (Copyright. Copying not allowed without IABAS authorisation) PSE - Health Program at Schools I n partnership with the City Health Department and City Education Department, IABAS manages the Health Program at Schools, covering 151 “schools of tomorrow” (a program that invests in quality education in Rio’s most violent suburbs). Through this partnership, the Institute provides care for over 100,000 students only in 2013. 1 5 9 6 160 General Coordinator A link between the city’s schools and day-care centres and the Family Health Strategy, the program offers activities that ensure that school communities will have live in poorer and low Human Development Index (HDI) areas. PSE TEAM Public Health Coordinators Health Analysts Administrative Assistants PSE figures 5,120 consultations per month 8,000 health checks per month 13,000 students per group (approximately) 6,000 teachers and staff Education and Health Assistants 9 Mobile health care units Cross-functional health care team: 18 Doctors 18 Dentists 9 Psychologists 9 Nurses 9 Dental Assistants Schools served by iabas CITY OF RIO DE JANEIRO 160 schools served over 109,000 students served per month (Copyright. Copying not allowed without IABAS authorisation) | Management Report - Summary | 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013 9 UPA - Local Medical Emergency Unit T he Local Medical Emergency Units (UPA Unidades de Pronto Atendimento) operate 24 x 7, Structure of a UPA providing emergency health care services. • 1,300 m2 • patient evaluation room • suture room • procedure room • pathology laboratory • digital radiography • electrocardiography device • pharmacy • instrument sterilisation room In the areas served by a Local Medical Emergency Unit (UPA), 97% of the cases are solved in the emergency unit, contributing to less patients queuing at hospital emergency rooms, and shorter hospitalization length. These Local Medical Emergency Units (UPAs) rely on a team of doctors on duty and are equipped with all the equipment needed to serve the population. AREAS SERVED BY IABAS-ADMINISTERED UPAS CITY OF RIO JANEIRO UPA Costa Barros UPA Vila Kennedy AP 3.3 AP 5.1 AP 3.1 UPA Complexo do Alemão UPA Madureira AP 4.0 over 1,500,000 UPA Cidade de Deus 10 | Management Report - Summary | 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013 consultations (Copyright. Copying not allowed without IABAS authorisation) upas 2.293 31.365 101.022 101.941 80.460 141.331 102.018 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 137.602 138.670 135.246 72.474 95.063 66.013 6.047 120.555 120.769 87.932 59.524 119.301 109.665 105.076 TOTAL CONSULTATIONS VILA COMPLEXO CIDADE MADUREIRA COSTA KENNEDY DO ALEMÃO DE DEUS BARROS Source: PEP VITACARE. UPA - Objective • To provide the population with improved health care services for emergency cases. • To reduce the demand for hospital emergency rooms. • To provide the population with improved health care services for emergency cases. (Copyright. Copying not allowed without IABAS authorisation) | Management Report - Summary | 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013 11 PADI - Home Care Services for Seniors T he Home Care Services for Seniors (PADI) is a health care program for the elderly. It provides home care services for, mainly, people over 60 years and is focused on reducing the number of hospital admissions; promoting and regenerating health; and preventing diseases. The objective is to improve hospital bed turnover, reduce the patient’s risk of infections, and shorten hospitalisation. In 2012, there PADI TEAM Doctor Registered Nurse Social Worker Nutritionist 25.855 Physiotherapist Speech Therapist Occupational Therapist Psychologist were more than 5,400 consultations Practical Nurse and over 35,000 visits to follow-up Administrative Assistant patients. Total number of consultations through the padi program 7.118 2010 2013 Source: IABAS records. AREAS SERVED BY IABAS-ADMINISTERED PADI PADI Salgado Filho CITY OF RIO DE JANEIRO PADI Souza Aguiar OVER 70,000 PADI Miguel Couto consultations 12 | Management Report - Summary | 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013 (Copyright. Copying not allowed without IABAS authorisation) IABAS Staff T he IABAS staff is comprised of skilled health care practitioners, such as doctors, nurses, nursing assistants, physiotherapists, dentists, pharmacists and social workers. The staff is also comprised of administrative professionals (technicians, assistants, managers and receptionists). Total training sessions conducted 144 For the following areas and programs There are currently 4,145 staff members: 82 at the head office; 671 at the Local Medical Emergency Units; 3,124 working on the Family Health Strategy program; AP 5.2, 5.1, 4.0, PADI, PSE, head office 47 working on the Home Care Services for Seniors program, and 220 working on the Health Program at Schools. They are all dedicated and committed to social organisation. Total number ofemployees trained 4,797 TOTAL NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES 4,145 135 2009 2013 Source: IABAS records. (Copyright. Copying not allowed without IABAS authorisation) | Management Report - Summary | 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013 13 Innovations ELETRONIC PANEL The electronic panel enables managers from each unit to monitor the location, attendance and non-attendance of staff members in all projects and units administered by IABAS. BENEFITS n case of non-attendance of a worker in a certain division, ensuring being served. It allows the routine of each unit to be monitored more closely, enabling relocation of staff, amongst other measures, in case of shortage of staff in a particular unit and/or in emergency situations, for instance. HOW IT WORKS ger of each unit sends these records to the electronic panel system, which has a database that is updated several times a day. nites The Health Information and Technology Centre (NITES – Núcleo de Informação e Tecnologia em Saúde) is an alternative tool to gather, in an appropriate place, several information related to the projects managed by IABAS. Therefore, analysis can be conducted,as for example to assess the health conditions in a particular region, to others. The objective of this tool is to ensure the actions to improve the quality of health care and assist managers in their decision making. 14 | Management Report - Summary | 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013 (Copyright. Copying not allowed without IABAS authorisation) SUSTAINABILITY The Sustainability Program promotes the rational use of natural resources, improving population’s quality of life, and ecosystem protection, according to the new ANVISA (Brazilian Health Surveillance Agency) guidelines. This initiative is aligned with the current restructuring process of the public health in Rio de Janeiro. reduced energy use with the aid of a sustainable technology. Environmental Education with practical sessions, workshops and talks, aiming at changing the population’s and staff`s behaviour towards the environment. Solid Waste Management, promoting responsible waste reduction, reutilisation and recycling. Supply Chain sustainability through evaluation and WASTE MANAGEMENT In 2013, actions were taken to comply with the National Policy Medical units using waste management on Solid Waste Management, that Medical unit name regulates the handling of waste Programmatic area 4.0 Medical unit address salgado filho within medical centres. The implementation of the Solid Waste Management Plan allows CMS Cecília Donnangelo CF Maury Alves Pinho CMS Canal do Anil CF Padre José de Azevedo Tiuba CF Otto Alves de Carvalho Estr. dos Bandeirantes, nº 21.136 - Vargem Grande Estr. dos Bandeirantes, nº 11.227 - Vargem Pequena Av. Canal do Anil - Rua Melo, nº 2 - Anil Praça Ludovia - Jacarepaguá Rua Eng. Souza Filho - Rio das Pedras - Jacarepaguá for a reduction of up to 50% of the waste produced, reducing by half the costs associated economy. Programmatic area 5.1 CF Olímpia Esteves CF Fiorello Raimundo CF Kelly Cristina Programmatic area 5.2 CF Hans Dohmann CF Dalmir de Abreu Salgado CF José Lopes Pontes CF David Capistrano CF Rogério Rocco CF Alkindar Soares Filho CF Agenor (Cazuza) (Copyright. Copying not allowed without IABAS authorisation) Rua Francisco Brício, s/nº - Padre Miguel Rua Açafrão, s/nº - Bangu Av. Carlos Sampaio Correia, s/nº Estr. do Piai, s/nº - Pedra de Guaratiba Estr. do Magarça, nº 1.831 - Guaratiba Rua Jaburu, s/nº - Jardim Maravilha Av. Cesário de Mello, s/nº - Campo Grande Estr. do Encantamento, s/nº - Santa Margarida Estr. da Pedra, s/nº - Pedra de Guaratiba Estr. do Mato Alto, s/nº (ao lado da Michelin) - Guaratiba | Management Report - Summary | 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013 15 Av. Luiz Carlos Prestes, 350, loja C - salas 111 a 115 Barra da Tijuca/RJ - Cep: 22775-055 Tel: (21) 3550-3300 Rua Diogo de Farias, 66 - 6º andar - Vila Mariana São Paulo - SP - CEP: 04037-000 Telefone: (11) 5575-6930