New Jersey - ASID New Jersey Chapter
New Jersey - ASID New Jersey Chapter
Fall 2006 The Insider PA R I S T E X A S H A R D W A R E • B R I M A R • C O N S O • M A S T E X • K - S C O P E New Jersey’s leading Authorized Wholesale Distributor Showroom. Offering a complete library of samples for loan, including: Hardware, Trim books, and Blind samples. An extensive array of drapery hardware is stocked at our facility. Supplying the trade for over 50 years with expert knowledge! 1404 M A I N AV E . • C L I F T O N , N J 0 7 0 1 1 Fax 973-340-8606 Te l 973-340-8986 w w w. n j - t e x t i l e . c o m • n j s u p p l y @ a o l . c o m KIRSCH/LEVOLOR• STROHEIM & ROMANN • TRIMLAND • GOULD Table of Contents After IN THIS ISSUE President’s Message . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Editor’s Message . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Congratulations New National President, Suzan Globus, FASID . . . . . . 8 Calendar of Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Industry Partner Trade Show proves invaluable to new member. . . . . 10 Chapter Leadership Conference 2006 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Chairs for Charity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Katie’s House Update . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 New Jersey posts two professional members to national positions . . . 29 Passing of the gravel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Public Relations Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Welcome New Industry Partners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 2005/06 Board of Directors & Committee Chairs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Before ON THE COVER: Mary Sferra, ASID The photograph on the cover is a living room in Woodcliff Lake, NJ designed by Mary Sferra, ASID. The renovation of this 60’s ranch transformed the room from the “before” shot (above right) to the “after” on the cover. Mary and her client wanted the room to have dramatic impact, which was achieved by vaulting the ceiling and running the marble of the fireplace full-height. The problematic off-center fireplace was disguised to appear balanced by Mary’s design of custom cabinetry. The picture window was replaced by five tall windows, adding rhythm and maximizing the light in the space. The bleached floor also contributes to the light and airy feel in this room. Industry Partners on this project are Ark Antiques, Benjamin Moore, and Elaine’s Decorative Arts. Photograph: Peter Rymwid. Newsletter Staff EDITOR Mary Brennan, ASID CHAPTER ADMINISTRATOR DeAnna Schwarz NJ Chapter ASID Office P.O. Box 46 Middletown, NJ 07748 732-787-5981 phone 732-787-5984 fax PUBLIC RELATIONS Anne Marie Soto 201-692-8087 phone ADVERTISING DSA Publishing and Design, Inc. Duff Tussing , Publisher Suzanne Taylor , Sales Dawn Lyon , Art Director 2809 Sunset Ridge McKinney, TX 75070 972-562-6966 972-562-7218 fax OUR ADVERTISERS A & R Interiors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Arthur Parks Upholstery, LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Artistic Marble & Granite . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Billiard Towne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Brielle Furniture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 California Closets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Carl Schaedel and Co., Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 CMI Interiors, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 David Anthony Carpets, LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Designer’s Studio, LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Direct Depot Cabinetry Direct. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Elaine’s Decorative Arts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Electronics Design Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Galaxy Glass & Mirror/Stone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Game Room Store, The . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Greenbaum Interiors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Hi-Def. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 J & S Designer Flooring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 J. Herbro Crop. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Karl’s Appliance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Lampshades Plus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Larry Gerber, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Lazarus & Williamson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Major Mills, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Mediterranean Tile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Melabee M. Miller Photography. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Metro Mills, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 New Jersey Textile & Supply Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Peter Rynmwid Photography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Professional Audio Consultants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Renovators Resource . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Rosenberg Window Treatments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Ruffled Window, The . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Rug Renovating Co., Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Schwartz Design Showroom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Swift Design & Lighting Studio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Thibaut. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 & 28 Tint Shop, The . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Tri-State Window Tinting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 New Jersey Chapter • 3 P r e s i d e n t ’ s M e s s a g e Dear Members, s we begin a new fiscal year, we have much to celebrate. Some of our own have r i s e n t o n a t i o n a l p r o m i n e n c e i n A S I D. A s y o u m i g h t a l r e a d y k n o w S u z a n Globus, FASID is serving as ASID National President. Judy Fosshage, ASID has been appointed to the advisory council to the ICON (award winning national newsletter). Patty Blaser, ASID of Brookdale Community College has been appointed to the National Student Advisory Council. I extend our congratulations to all of them for their achievements and national recognition. A As for me, I am honored and privileged to be serving as your president of the New Jersey Chapter for the 2006-2007 fiscal year. Mindful of the goals set forth in our strategic plan and as a result of your response to our survey, this year’s committees are already busy planning an exciting year ahead. We are dedicated to the continuation of raising public awareness of the professionalism of ASID through our community service projects, “Chairs for Charity” and “Katie’s House”. I want to applaud all of our designers, Industry Partners and the many students who are working so diligently to bring these community projects to fruition. Thank you all for your dedication and generosity. Together with our industry partners, we recognize that our students are a vital part of the future of our organization. Our committee is already preparing for the Student Career Day and the Design Competition in the spring. We will continue to seek out new ways to involve our students and enhance their experience with ASID. Over the summer, our new board including student representatives traveled to Washington, DC for leadership training. It was a great opportunity for us to bond as a board and to meet with other chapter leaders sharing ideas relevant to the future of design and our organization. Having experienced leadership training and attending national meetings, I would encourage you all to get more involved with this organization by donating your time and talents for the betterment of our chapter. One of my initiatives is to help advance the Allied member to professional status. For those who are preparing to take the NCIDQ exam, we are offering a place to meet and study as a group one hour before each program meeting. More congratulations are due to a number of our members who have already received their certification. For those who have yet to submit your application for grandfathering, please do so as the April deadline is quickly approaching. I would like to thank Diane Durocher, ASID for her dedication, tireless enthusiasm, and accomplishments as President. Over the past year, Diane’s guidance and friendship has helped me tremendously in preparing for this position. Congratulations to Linda Potter, ASID our new President-Elect. Co-Chairing the Trade Show committee, Linda is already hard at work making the plans for what promises to be another successful event. We will continue to celebrate throughout this year. I look forward to seeing you at the program meetings and CEU’s. In the interim, I encourage your participation and welcome any input that you have to share. Warmest Regards, Mary Sferra, ASID President NJASID 4 • The Insider Click on ad for more information on this company. New Jersey Chapter • 5 E d i t o r ’ s M e s s a g e elcome back to a new year in our chapter. As I write this letter, we are preparing for our annual Storytellers event in September, and I’m looking ahead to all the amazing events and opportunities NJ-ASID will bring to you this year. W As you know, the entire Board of Directors along with Student Chapter Presidents attended Leadership Training in Washington, DC in July of this year. What an inspirational, motivating trip! The training was focused, timely, and specific, and we also had some marathon visioning sessions with chapter leaders from all over the country. Imagine a room filled with 500 designers and Industry Partners brainstorming creative ways to develop the Society to its highest potential. An amazing flurry of ingenious thoughts and strategies ensued – ways to deliver a great chapter at the local level, as well as “umbrella” efforts needed at the national level to make ASID a force in the marketplace at large. The energy was amazing. On this note, I would like to re-introduce you to your Board of Directors for 2006-2007. Some Board members are continuing, some are new, and some have changed roles for the upcoming year. President: President-Elect: Student Representative to the Board: Communications Director: Financial Director: Professional Development Director: Membership Director: Director At-Large: Parliamentarian: Mary Sferra, ASID Linda Lee Potter, ASID Elisabete Saraiva-Patel Carrie Oesmann, ASID Susie Maley, Industry Partner, Ark Antiques Mary Brennan, ASID Karla Trincanello, Allied Member ASID Marlene Wangenheim, Allied Member ASID Ria E. Gulian, ASID A few overviews of training are included in this issue. Hopefully this will prove good reading and useful information. Recently, many of us attended the reception for new members hosted by Industry Partner Invincible IPF in their wonderful showroom. We have a great many new members, both designers and Industry Partners. On behalf of the Board of Directors, I’d like to welcome you all again, and encourage you to attend meetings, get to know your colleagues, and get involved by joining a committee. And for everyone, new and old members alike, the old saying is true – you get out of it what you put into it!! A great slate of events is scheduled for our upcoming year. Don’t miss chapter meetings – not only are they all good events, they are a fantastic networking tool. There are so many benefits to getting involved in our chapter. Looking forward to a busy and productive fall season, and to seeing all of you soon. Best wishes, Mary Brennan, ASID Editor, The Insider 6 • The Insider Every thing you need under one Roof Enlighten your kitchen with a new Granite countertop Artistic Marble & Granite Enjoy the luxurious look of Granite at affordable prices now and add value to your home or your client’s home for the years to come. We provide a large selection of materials in our all indoor facility. Each and every one of your projects from start to finish is handled by our own staff. We do not sub-out any of our work. Our Quality & Service is set in Stone. Artistic Marble & Granite Surfaces A RO CK SO L ID C O M PA N Y. 269 Goffle Road Hawthorne, NJ 07506 Tel: 973-304-2001 Email: Click on ad for more information on this company. We proudly national Suzan welcome President Globus, the of new ASID... FASID One of New Jersey's very own will be taking the helm of the Society, and guiding it's course on a national level this year. Congratulations Suzan, and best of luck for an amazing year! Suzan Globus, FASID, president-elect, an award-winning and widely published designer, is principal of Globus Design Associates, a New Jersey interior design consultancy specializing in public, educational and museum libraries and select residential interiors. Named an ASID Fellow in 2004, Globus has served the Society as chair of the ASID Education, Training and Advisory Council and the ASID Legislative Advisory Council, and as a member of the ASID Professional Development Task Force, director at large of the ASID Board of Directors, ASID representative to the NCIDQ Model Legislation Task Force, and as the Society’s spokesperson on privacy issues. She also served the ASID New Jersey chapter as president and in various other capacities. Globus has also served on a number of community associations and advisory boards, including the Advisory Board for the Interior Design Program at Brookdale College in Lincroft, New Jersey, where she is a former adjunct instructor, the New Jersey Coalition for Interior Design Legislation and the InformeDesign Advisory Board. After serving as past-president of the New Jersey Coalition for Interior Design Legislation, Globus was appointed by the governor to serve on New Jersey’s first Interior Design Examination and Evaluation Committee. Globus holds a bachelor’s degree in journalism and public relations from the University of Maryland and a post-baccalaureate degree in interior design from Kean University. She has done additional interior design course work at the New York School of Interior Design, the Harvard Graduate School of Design and Brookdale College. Calendar of Events O c t o b e r 2 0 0 6 M a r c h 1 NEW TERM BEGINS FOR INCOMING BOARD OF DIRECTORS 16-22 HIGH POINT INTERNATIONAL HOME FURNISHINGS MARKET, HIGH POINT, NC, FOR MORE INFORMATION VISIT 24 PROGRAM MEETING - ARE YOU READY TO TAKE YOUR BUSINESS TO THE NEXT LEVEL? PRESENTED BY NEIL GORDON, THE DESIGNER'S COACH AT RED INDUSTRIES, ELMWOOD PARK, NJ N o v e m b e r 15 2 0 0 6 PROGRAM MEETING - TECHNOLOGY & YOU! A CEU PROGRAM BROUGHT TO YOU FROM ASID'S DISTINGUISHED SPEAKER SERIES SPONSORED BY DACOR, AT KARL'S APPLIANCE, FAIRFIELD, NJ Please visit our website for more information on events. 2 0 0 7 CHAIRS FOR CHARITY GALA FUNDRAISING EVENT TO BENEFIT NEWARK BETH ISRAEL AND MONMOUTH MEDICAL HOSPICE CENTERS, AT THE PNC BANK ARTS CENTER, HOLMDEL, NJ 11 M a y 1 2 0 0 7 NJ-ASID/IP ANNUAL CONFERENCE AND TRADE SHOW AT THE BIRCHWOOD MANOR, WHIPPANY, NJ NJ-ASID Mission Statement The New Jersey Chapter of ASID shall elevate the professionalism and success of its members, advocate members right to practice, strengthen professional alliances and promote public awareness of the value of interior design. The correct lamp will make your next project perfect Great lighting is as much about the quality of light as the decorative elements. Come to Swift Design & Lighting Studio and talk to our lighting experts. We will show you how the correct lighting can make your next project more beautiful, functional and secure. Swift Design & Lighting Studio offers lighting design services to assist you in making the very best lighting decisions. Our staff will help you determine the proper lighting system and controls for your home, garden, office, retail store or gallery. Make an appointment to come in and work with us in the comfort of our private lighting showroom. Jodi Saladucha 201-462-0900 ext. 140 Industry Partner Teterboro, NJ 100 Hollister Rd 201-462-0900 Visit Our New Web Site: Click on ad for more information on this company. New Jersey Chapter • 9 Industry Partner Trade Show Proves Invaluable to New Designer By Lisa Jones, Student Member ASID amie was an older woman who lived on Heather Farm Road long before there were homes there. Hers was the original 14 room farm house that once owned all of the acres that were Heather Farms. Now most of those acres are homes. M Mamie was turning 80 this year. Her quick wit, young spirit, and vivacious energy were a gift to behold. As an 80th birthday present to herself and the family that would inherit the farm, Mamie decided to renovate her home. The farm had not been touched in 30 years. The home was still laden with shag rugs, floral iridescent wallpaper and paneling. I lived on Heather Farm Road for 8 years now. Everyone knew that I was an aspiring Interior Designer. As a student for four years they had all heard about the daunting hours and projects. And now that I was beginning my business, Mamie called me to have lunch and talk about her renovations. The project would be a large one, larger than anything I had ever done. I was flattered and at the same time overwhelmed at the idea that she trusted me to take this on. Could I do it? I knew this would be a great opportunity and a fantastic stepping stone to launch me to the next level in my business. Where would I begin to pull it all together? Oh yes, I remembered my invitation to the annual ASID trade show. I would have to attend! Thanks goodness I had decided to join ASID. Maybe the trade show would help me get it together. On May 2nd I headed up highway 287 to attend the show at the Birchwood Manor in Whippany. My notebook and photos i n h a n d I w a s r e a d y t o t a ke i t a l l i n . I wo u l d g a t h e r a s much information from industry partners and collect as many business cards as I could in my quest to re-design Mamie’s fabulous 1850’s, 14 room farmhouse. The afternoon began with a luncheon that included a presentation from the famed designer Jamie Drake. What could I take away from Jamie’s presentation to help with my re-design? Jamie’s use of color is bold and confident . His ability to pull together an eclectic room in fabulous style using balance, texture, art, and luster is exciting! His book was for sale and so I bought it for reference, and got it signed as well. This will give me great ideas! Next, it is off to the trade show floor. I have a kitchen to renovate, bathrooms to revitalize, a library in need of new built-ins, antique rugs to restore, and furniture to clean 10 • The Insider and reupholster. Additionally, I must buy new furniture, paint the entire home, possibly use wall coverings in some rooms and create a full scale lighting plan. I was amazed at the number of vendors that attended the trade show. There must have been at least 75 or 80, with every category of interiors represented over and over again. This is going to be fabulous! First, for paint I stopped at Benjamin Moore and Sherwin Williams. At Benjamin Moore I was able to find a new product that shows great color combinations. That will be very helpful. Also the Architectural Representative taught me about the variety of finishes available and what works best. For flooring and tile I had a myriad of options to choose from. Just to name a few, Artistic Tile, Apex Tile Gallery, Red Industries, Designer Tile and Stone, and Nationwide Floor and Window Coverings. Mamie has several valuable rugs that need restoration. This concerned me because at this point in my career I did not have a resource. Alas I visited the Bokara Rug Company. Not only can they sell me new rugs, but they can clean and restore existing ones. Additionally, Rug Renovation Company can do the same as well as clean the upholstery and window treatments. It is nice to have more than one choice. I will do my homework and compare products and cost. Speaking of window treatments and textiles, there is CMI Interiors, Dongia, Major Mills, Innovative Shade Systems, and The Ruffled Window to name a few. For the library it looks like Custom Cabinetry could do an amazing job. And for the kitchen, Elements was one firm that had an amazing portfolio. Finally, for lots of furniture and accessories under one roof, Schwartz Design Showroom and The New Jersey Decorating Exchange seem fantastic. I could go on and on naming the products and services that existed on that floor. For a new designer starting out this was a panacea! I can’t imagine how I would have begun without this show as a springboard. The best decision I made as a designer was to join ASID. These resources are invaluable. Now off to my workshop to begin to put it all together. Mamie’s place will be a showcase home with all of these great industry partners helping me pull it off! Karls 4c Viking ASID 10.06 ad NJASID Meeting NOV. 15, 2006 at KARL'S Fairfield Designer Showroom 9/19/06 6:35 PM Page 1 Click on ad for more information on this company. KARL’S Appliance – The Design Professional’s Appliance Resource Karl’s Appliance Karl’s Fairfield Designer Showroom When it comes to designer appliances, Karl’s Appliance showroom in Fairfield is the ultimate resource for interior design professionals. You’ll find the area’s broadest selection of designer appliances, displayed in actual kitchens so you and your clients can see and experience the latest in technology and design. Come alone or bring your clients. Our consultants will help select the perfect appliances, as well as provide exact dimensions and other specs. We also deliver throughout New Jersey and New York. We even offer in-depth product training just for design pros. At Karl’s, we’ll work with you any way that works best for you. Proud Member of KARL’S features Viking appliances, known for their distinctive aesthetic and incomparable performance and reliability, in working kitchen environments. Designer Showroom Locations Fairfield 65 Passaic Ave. 973.227.1777 Perth Amboy* 104 Smith St. 732.826.1212 Madison 300 Main St. - Rt. 124 973.377.5000 In Staples Plaza Orange* 557 Main St. 973.395.5555 On the Border of West Orange Other New Jersey Locations Newton 17 E. Clinton St. 973.579.3388 Montclair 520 Bloomfield Ave. 973.744.3447 Belleville 111 Washington Ave. 973.759.6700 *3.5% Sales Tax VIKING • WOLF • SUB-ZERO • THERMADOR • FISHER & PAYKEL • DCS • MIELE • DACOR • GE MONOGRAM • BOSCH • GAGGENAU JENN-AIR • LYNX • MARVEL • AGA • FRANKE • BERTAZZONI • ELECTROLUX ICON • ZEPHYR • RANGECRAFT GE • WHIRLPOOL • FRIGIDAIRE MAYTAG • DYSON • KITCHENAID • AMANA • MAGIC CHEF • AND MORE New Jersey Chapter • 11 C h a p t e r L e a d e r s h i p C o n f e r e n c e 2 0 0 6 n Washington DC this past July, there was an amazing, high-energy gather ing of design professionals from around the country. Brainstorming, visioning, comparing, and building… otherwise known as Chapter Leadership Training. Our Board of Directors was there, and we’d like to share some of what we came away with. Each board member and student chapter president received targeted training in the specifics of his or her area of responsibility, in addition to large-scale visioning sessions. This training provided tools to benefit us as individuals, as professional designers, and as volunteers to the Society. There were real benefits – tangible as well as intellectual – to each of us as a design professional, and to each of our chapters. This training was invaluable. Here is a peek at some of this A FEW OF OUR BOARD MEMBERS PROUDLY REPRESENTING NEW JERSEY AT JULY'S engaging learning and planning: Mary Sferra, as incoming President, took part LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE. in sessions that revolved around her new leadprofessional chapter and our student members; strategies to ership role, including implementation of the Strategic Plan, share with students on effective networking within the chapter; managing a strong chapter and the chapter team; media and insight into the many services for students within training, including developing a PR program, building a press ASID. list, and understanding what the press wants and using it to The incoming Student Chapter Presidents Kethley and Patricia our advantage. (from Berkeley College and Brookdale Community College, Linda, this year’s President-Elect, received targeted training respectively) received student leadership training, insight in the strategic planning process – from developing a plan into the activities of a student chapter, and they joined our that best suits the needs of our chapter members right through SRB Kimberly, in a session called “The Profession of Interior to the steps required to put the plan into action. Design/ The Student and Industry Connection”. Our Financial Director, Susie, trained in the details surrounding In addition to all these break-out training sessions by funcASID’s tax exempt status, events and fundraising, budgeting, tion, all 10 of us had the chance to participate in wholeand allocating of funds, as well as some of the deeper details chapter functions toward the end of the trip, which gave us about the financial workings of our chapter. to bring together what we had learned and the opportunity As the Director-At-Large, Marlene’s function is unique. She apply some big-picture strategies to our chapter looking ahead has the responsibility of assisting the Coalition leadership to this year. in disseminating information about legislative and right-toEach of us had families, work, and other important pieces practice issues; and additional areas of oversight and outreach of life that we had to leave behind in order to take part in projects as necessitated by the strategic plan. Accordingly, this leadership training. For many, it was not easy to do, but Marlene received training in r ight-to-practice issues that for all of us it was surely a tremendous opportunity. We were currently face the interior design profession, and she also able to learn and develop valuable skills, connections, and had the opportunity to sit in on some other, more general resources that we will bring to NJASID and this wonderful sessions pertaining to other areas of chapter concerns. profession. M a r y, a s P r o f e s s i o n a l D e v e l o p m e n t D i r e c t o r, l e a r n e d Our new Board of Directors meets officially for the first tools and techniques for identifying and building great programs, time on September 28. By the time you are reading this CEUs, and student programs. Providing timely and useful newsletter, we will have mapped out a plan to harness all of education and information to members is a primary goal of and energy and put it into action. We are this knowledge NJASID, and these sessions were geared accordingly. all looking forward to a dynamic year ahead! This year’s Student Representative to the Board, Elisabete, received an overview of her role as the vital link between the I cont. on page 16 12 • The Insider Click on ad for more information on this company. Click on ad for more information on this company. New Jersey Chapter • 13 Direct Depot Carpentry Direct Click on ad for more information on this company. Click on ad for more information on this company. Renovators Resource cont. from page 12 Director of Finance: Susie Maley, Industry Partner, Ark Antiques s an IP member I felt privileged to attend the CLC 06 Leadership Conference this past July. Not only did I have the opportunity to spend quality time with the other incoming NJ board members, I also had the opportunity to be exposed to the issues we face in our industry and the world at large. The opening lecture of the “Global Village” outlined the evolution of Mother Earth and the negative impact she has experienced from her inhabitants. The profound message on this topic was a sense of urgency to integrate more sustainable products and practices in our everyday life and especially in our work applications. We must get serious about protecting the earth’s natural resources and conserve our use of these gifts in every facet of what we do. It is within our homes that we may set a new course for a more sustainable future. Our impact on this issue is enormous as we represent an industry focused on the home. In regards to the Financial Director position and the purpose of my role to ASID, I am proud to report that our chapter is one of the stronger financial chapters in the nation. Many chapters struggle with money issues and the ability to offset these struggles with a profitable fundraiser. The Annual Trade Show each May gives us a cushion to provide worthy programming, student support as well as legislation dollars to strengthen and protect the future of our society. Many ideas were discussed on worthy events and one idea in particular I liked was to have an event called “20 under 30” that would honor twenty members who have made worthwhile contributions to our society over the course of a year. This was an idea that we all thought in the discussions that would promote students, younger designers and IP members to feel significant in our organization. The weekend proved to be a summer highlight as I was challenged to listen, think and reassess my responsibility as a board member, business owner and inhabitant to this planet we live on. We are fortunate that our state chapter rests on a solid foundation and I attribute this to the amazing enthusiasm and leadership that exudes from the members that makes up the New Jersey ASID. The challenge now ahead of us is to continue to exercise conscious responsible design that coincides with our ecology and environment. I also feel confident that New Jersey chapter will lead the trend on this issue as well. The challenge ahead for me as Financial Director is to continue to maintain and grow the fiscal strength of our chapter’s position in the coming year. Thank you for the opportunity to serve with a great board of directors and to contribute to these trend-setting concepts. A Click on ad for more information on this company. cont. on page 20 Click on ad for more information on this company. 16 • The Insider Design by Nancee Brown, ASID, as seen in Design NJ. Click on ad for more information on this company. New Jersey Chapter • 17 Click on ad for more information on this company. Making you visible the right way Free portfolio consultation Magazine covers photography Peter Rymwid Designers Philip La Bossiere (NYS), Debra Pescatore (DesignNJ) Peter Rymwid ARCHITECTURAL PHOTOGRAPHY 9 7 3 . 6 2 8 . 1 5 2 7 • w w w. P e t e r R y m w i d . c o m pac Professional Audio Consultants PROFESSIONAL AUDIO CONSULTANTS Today’s home is full of sophisticated and finely calibrated systems. Homeowners want home theaters, multi-room and multi-source music systems and the means to control them along with lights, drapes and numerous other details. Professional Audio Consultants has built a 30-year reputation for excellence in unobtrusively integrating multiple state-of-the-art technologies into the home. We invite designers and their clients to explore the possibilities by viewing a portfolio of our designs on our website and by visiting our showroom. Simply call for an appointment and directions. A theater cleverly disguised in a Library by Curren Design Associates, Inc. 182 Essex Street • Millburn, NJ 07041 • TELEPHONE: (973) 467-1950 • FAX: (973) 467-3121 • WEB: Click on ad for more information on this company. 18 • The Insider Click on ad for more information on this company. Fine Oriental Rugs & Carpeting from All Over the World J S J SSJ JS S JSS JSS J S J S J S J JS J JS J JS JS J S J S J S J S S J SS JS S J S S J S J JS J JSS JSS J SS J&S DESIGNER FLOORING “Our Love Beneath Your Feet” 12 Mount Kemble Avenue • Morristown, NJ • 973.605.5225 • New Jersey Chapter • 19 cont. from page 16 Board Member-At-Large: Marlene Wangenheim, Allied ASID s newly elected Director at Large to the NJ Board of Directors, I was enlightened by the privilege of having attended the CLC ASID Leadership Conference in Washington this past July. Board members from all of the 50 states were represented there and it was exciting! There was a constant buzz as everyone from all regions of the country exchanged ideas and goals, problems and resolutions and new ways to grow our memberships. Designers, Industry Partners and Students made up this diverse group where old friendships were renewed and new friendships began. The conference was intense and began with a general meeting and an interactive lecture encouraging the group to look around and acknowledge other members with the same responsibilities. The days were full beginning at 8am and ending into the evening. Each day began with an early morning gathering to promote the professionalism of ASID, introduce us to the national Board of Directors and share ideas for progress present and future. We then broke up into our individual groups to learn the essence of the positions that we are about to take on. Personality tests were given to all of us making us aware of the way that we think, work and how we best interact with other leaders in an effort to strengthen the performance of our individual chapter boards as a working group. As Director at Large, I am accountable for the promotion of Ethics and Legislation for the chapter. It is the goal of ASID to maintain an adept attitude and my personal goal is to see that this attitude is carried on throughout our chapter. With Legislation for Certification the hottest topic across the nation and with New Jersey recently passing the bill to certify Interior Designers, it is an exciting and changing time to become the liaison bet ween the State and our active New Jersey chapter. We’re coming out! I left the conference with a renewed excitement about the field that I am so proud to be part of. I have made new acquaintances and have acquired a greater respect for our profession and those who seek to move it forward. These new alliances have already led me to new resources for information. I have much to learn, but have come away persuaded by this conference to ask more questions, seek more answers and give back what I know to promote the advancement of this vocation that we call Interior Design. A Mediterranean Tile Professional Development Director: Mary Brennan, ASID A s Professional Development Director, my role is to work with our committees to sustain our already strong and valuable roster of programs, CEUs, STEP cont. on page 22 Click on ad for more information on this company. 20 • The Insider Click on ad for more information on this company. E Tri-State Window Tinting Every choice should be this clear. VISTA® Window Film is the obvious choice for designers and discerning consumers who demand the extraordinary. Your priceless works of art, delicate fabrics, and carefully selected furniture all need VISTA’s protection to block out virtually all the cumulative damage from ultraviolet rays as well as heat and glare. The choice is yours. Expect the extraordinary. For more information: Tri-State Window Tinting 142 Sicomac Road North Haledon, New Jersey 07508 1-800-644-8468 The Skin Cancer Foundation has recommended VISTA as a device for ultraviolet protection of the skin. 7Visit or call 800-223-0704 for showroom listings and collection information. ©2005 CPFilms Inc. VISTA® is a registered trademark of CPFilms Inc. PO Box 5068 • Martinsville, VA 24115 • 276-627-3000 The nature of certain delicate fabrics and dyes will lead to premature fading regardless of the application of any window film or any protective treatment. Click on ad for more information on this company. New Jersey Chapter • 21 cont. from page 20 workshops and other events, as well as helping to develop new outlets for all of our professionals to stretch and grow. Our chapter is dynamic and is really on top of this area already – in fact New Jersey was one of the chapters nationwide that is offering such a vast array of programs and getting such a great turnout to our events. So, our challenge here in New Jersey is not “how to put on good programs” but rather, how to take a great chapter that runs with a Programs Committee that is like a well-oiled machine, and push it to a new level? Many ideas were discussed, and chapter leaders shared their strategies for everything from covering costs, to ensuring good attendance, to strengthening industry relations. I have met with the new Programs Committee already since returning from the CLC, and we’ve got an amazing year ahead. In the broader area of “professional development” I will be exploring additional ways to bring to industry, designer, and student members new opportunities to develop business. Feedback, thoughts, and ideas from all members is always welcome and vital to the process of building these new opportunities, so please share with us your input! Student Chapter President, Berkeley College: Kethley Parlegreco, Student Member ASID Click on ad for more information on this company. L I N E S R E P R E S E N T E D : • ARTE DE MEXICO FINE IRON FURNISHINGS • FREMARC DESIGNS FURNITURE • ASTORIA IMPORTS CHAIRS AND CASE GOODS • HARLEQUIN WALLPAPER & FABRICS • B. BERGER PARIS TEXAS HARDWARE AND FINIAL CO. • HOLLAND & SHERRY WOOLS, CASHMERE AND SILKS • BAILEY & GRIFFIN • BRIMAR TRIMS • BROYHILL FURNITURE • D'AVIGNON FINE FRENCH FURNITURE • DAVIS & DAVIS RUGS • DISTINCTION LEATHER FURNITURE • FABRIC QUILTERS BEDSPREADS AND WINDOW COVERINGS • FICKS-REED WICKER & RATTAN • HARRISON & GIL • MAXWELL FABRICS OF CANADA • MICHAEL JON FABRICS • SANDERSON WALLPAPER & FABRICS • SHERLE WAGNER • SILK LOOMS • STEWART FURNITURE • WESCO FABRICS • WILLIAM MORRIS WALLPAPER & FABRICS • WINFIELD (MDC) WALLPAPER • ZOFFANY WALLPAPER & FABRICS o you remember your days of design school? Staying up late into the night to finish drafting or trying to memorize the difference between an ogee and an ovolo? Design school is a lot of work and requires tremendous dedication and drive. As student chapter president at Berkeley College in Paramus, I can attest to the fact that students feel pressure to succeed. For most of us, design is a passion; it is a calling, not just a potential job. Design is a way of life and we wouldn’t have it any other way. I took on the Presidency of our student chapter to gain exper ience in being involved in a professional organization. After attending the Chapter Leadership Conference this July in Washington, DC, I have a greater understanding of how the organization works. My future as a design professional will undoubtedly involve ASID. I experienced first hand the strength and dedication of this organization. ASID is not only about networking, shar ing ideas, and char ity projects. ASID is evolving the profession, promoting legislation that will strengthen our professional standing, and is making choices that not only improve the quality of peoples’ lives, but also that of the Earth’s. The conference was an intense three days of inspirational speakers, visioning sessions and practical planning. These busy days ended with wonderful evening dinners where the conversation never strayed far from the events of the day or design in general. That’s how passionate designers are. The incredible reception at the National Building Museum included a private tour of “The Green House: New Directions in Sustainable Architecture and Design”. Sustainability is on D cont. on page 24 22 • The Insider We Welcome Interior Designers Click on ad for more information on this company. AMERICAN DREW BERMEX BERNHARDT BEST CHAIR BRADINGTON YOUNG BROWN STREET BROYHILL C L AY T O N M A R C U S COX FA I R F I E L D C H A I R FREDERICK COOPER HABERSHAM HALLAGAN H A M M A RY HANCOCK & MOORE HARDEN HENKEL HARRIS HOOKER K A R A S TA N C A R P E T KINCAID K I N G H I C K O RY LA BARGE LANE Fine home furnishings since 1959 LANE VENTURE LEXINGTON MAITLAND-SMITH MASTERFIELD MOTION CRAFT MOOSEHEAD MOBEL NICHOLS & STONE PENNS CREEK PULASKI RIVERSIDE SALEM SQUARE SAM MOORE S E A LY M AT T R E S S SHERRILL S H I F M A N M AT T R E S S SOUTHERN CRAFTSMAN SOUTHERN FURNITURE S TA N L E Y S TAT T O N TAY L O R K I N G WHITTEMORE SHERRILL 2169 Highway 35 • Wall Township, NJ • 732-282-0030 FREE DELIVERY TO MONMOUTH & OCEAN COUNTIES MASTERCARD • VISA • AMERICAN EXPRESS • DISCOVER • MARQUIS CHARGE • OPEN Mon., Wed., Fri. 9:30-9; Tues., Thurs. 9:30-6; Sat., 10-6; Sun. 11-5 • Click on ad for more information on this company. New Jersey Chapter • 23 cont. from page 22 everyone’s mind these days and including more “green” thinking is something I would like to promote at Berkeley. Student chapter presidents are responsible for running the chapter, which includes planning meetings, obtaining speakers and organizing events, as well as keeping students informed and involved. The CLC helped me to understand my personal leadership style through a tool called the DISC personal profile system. I found this to be enlightening. The challenge of being an officer in any organization is to create enthusiasm and involvement. The conference was a great way to get ideas from other student chapter presidents from across the country, such as a student chapter newsletter. Our design program at Berkeley is comprised of intense, twelve -week quarters, a newsletter would help students to stay connected to ASID events and issues. ASID has become a part of my life. As someone entering the profession, it is reassuring to know that there is an organization that I can turn to for guidance. It is exciting to know that I will be a part of something beyond my everyday work life. I will be part of a larger community who is involved in making the world a better place. I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to the New Jersey ASID chapter for providing me with the opportunity to attend this conference. It was an invaluable learning experience that will serve as a solid foundation to my future as a designer and ASID member. Student Representative to the Board: Elisabete Saraiva, Student Member ASID he day I received the e-mail telling me I had been elected the new student representative to the board for the NJ ASID Chapter I was very excited and a little apprehensive. I was excited because I knew the great opportunity that lay before me. I was apprehensive because I did not know a lot about the position and what was going to be required of me. I am a full time mom and student so my time is very limited, but being an older student I have had a lot of real world experience. I know the importance of being involved in a professional organization. Networking is vital to any business, especially when you are new to the field like I am. The people I have had the pleasure to meet and interact with have been invaluable. Needless to say when the opportunity came to go to Washington D.C. for CLC’06 I jumped. What exactly is my position and what does it entail? The student representative to the board is someone who attends all the Professional Chapter Board meetings and is a voting member in the Chapter Board. The term that the Student Representative to the Board (SRB) serves is from October 1st to September 30th. The SRB reports to all student chapters within the Professional Chapter’s boundaries, and will also report to that region’s Student Advisory Council Representative. In other words I am the liaison between the board members and the student members. T 24 • The Insider During CLC’06 I had the privilege to attend several trainings and meet many other members from other parts of the country. What I discovered is that most of us had the same issues and concerns which made me feel that I was not alone. The facilitators were all informative and very knowledgeable and I learned a lot not only on how to make my chapter stronger, but how to succeed in my personal venture into the world of interior design. The interaction with the other students was perhaps the most valuable. The sharing and bouncing off of ideas that have worked for some chapters as well what hasn’t worked was extremely helpful. One of the things that were discussed was the need to create a communication network between the student members for help and support. I just received an e-mail with all the student members contact information which I believe to be a great resource. As I expressed earlier one of the things that seem to be prevalent among all the other student members is the need to have access to accurate information both about how to run a successful chapter and to have current information to share with their peers at their particular schools. For example one of the hottest topics discussed was the legislation issue, as a student I have no information about this and I feel that this is one of the things that are going to impact my future. This is the type of information I wish I had not only for myself, but to share with others as they are in the same boat as I am. The great thing about the training is that these ideas and concerns were able to be shared with our board members. The issue that was most personal to me was the idea of mentorship. As someone who is new to the field I feel very intimidated at times, having access to a mentor who I could ask questions and bounce of f ideas w ith would make an unknown situation feel less scary. Sometimes just knowing that someone is there for support and encouragement is enough to make one feel less alone. The one thing I hope we as a team can implement at our school is the use of a newsletter. I believe that this would be a great tool in sharing important information with all the design students as well as the accomplishments achieved by all of us. At our school there are a lot of second career students whose time is very limited, so they don’t always have the time to attend our meetings. The newsletter I believe would be a great help in reaching out to those students. The hope is get all of the students involved and wr ite articles for our newsletter. This would be another way to try to get more students involved in the chapter. The four days I spent in Washington were invaluable to me. I received training that otherwise I would not have had access to. On a personal note the people I met and had the pleasure to share the training with were all amazing people who made me feel welcomed and part of greater team. I hope I can be an effective SRB and help strengthen my chapter. Custom Drapery & Bedspreads Click on ad for more information on this company. DRAPERY, BEDDING EMSEMBLE WORKROOM TO THE TRADE CUSTOM DRAPERIES • CUSTOM SPECIALTY VALANCES • CUSTOM BEDROOM ENSEMBLES ROMAN SHADES • BALLOON SHADES • UPHOLSTERED CORNICES & HEADBOARDS DECORATIVE PILLOWS • CUSTOMERS OWN FABRICS OR *METRO MILLS FABRIC 20,000 sq ft Factory Since 1969 METRO MILLS INC. • 973-942-8885 • Fax 973-942-4109 Click on ad for more information on this company. New Jersey Chapter • 25 Contact: Anne Marie Soto 201-692-8087 or A U CT IO N & GA L A FA CT S HE ET Event name: Chairs for Charity Sponsored by: the New Jersey Chapter of the American Society of Interior Designers To benefit: the refurbishing of Saint Barnabas Hospice and Palliative Care Center’s hospice inpatient units at Newark Beth Israel Medical Center and Monmouth Medical Center Date: Sunday, March 11, 2007 Location: Reception Center at PNC Arts Center, Exit 116-Garden State Parkway, Holmdel, NJ Time: 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm – cocktail hour and auction preview 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm – dinner and auction Event description: A collection of one-of-a-kind chairs designed by members of the New Jersey Chapter of ASID will be auctioned off via silent auction and bidding auction during the evening. There will be serious chairs and whimsical chairs, indoor chairs and outdoor chairs, new chairs and antique chairs, and chairs signed by celebrities, such as Joe Pesci, Frankie Valli, the cast of the musical “Jersey Boys,” and the New Jersey Devils. A representative collection of chairs can be viewed prior to the auction by visiting Cost: $175 per person Dress: Black-tie optional Honoree: Risa Margolis Greenstein, tireless Hospice volunteer and daughter of the late Rebecca Margolis, an interior designer and long-time member of the New Jersey Chapter of ASID Honorary Chair: The Earl Spencer of Althorp, Charles Earl Spencer The Spencer family has joined with manufacturer Theodore Alexander to offer the Althorp Living History Collection, with more than 300 reproduction furniture designs from their 500year-old country estate. The estate is the ancestral home of the Spencer family and Diana, The Princess of Wales. A chair from the Althorp Collection will be included in the auction. For information on ordering tickets: call 732-787-5981 or e-mail ASID-NJ Chapter • P.O.Box 46 • Middletown, New Jersey 07748 26 • The Insider K a t i e ’ s H o u s e ur community service project, Katie’s House, has been coming along beautifully! While you may be following our progress in the newsletter and on the web site, we’d like to share a few things in the interim! O Tile in the kitchen and powder room has been installed. Next up is the wood floor – our refinisher is committed to having this done prior to the end of October. The kitchen cabinetry, counters, and appliances are scheduled for installation in early October, with bathrooms being installed shortly thereafter. The design teams continue to work hard on securing donations of goods and labor to make their rooms come to life, and progress is well under way! We’ve set out a very ambitious schedule for completing this wonderful home. And sure enough, the dedication of all involved will make this dream a reality very soon! The weekend of October 28 has been slated for a paint party, where all the teams will have their spaces painted and walls finished. A mere 2 weeks later, all the furniture, rugs, window treatments, T h a n k U p d a t e and finishing touches are to be installed, and we will use that last week for finishing touches before our official opening on Saturday, November 18! Please watch your email for an announcement of our Open House and Press Day, Saturday November 18, from 10:00 – 4:00. This event will ser ve as our “grand opening” as well as a fundraiser, so we hope to see a strong turnout that day! And for those who have contributed so generously to this project, Katie’s House Inc. is throwing a Thank You Party – a fun and festive cocktail party to celebrate the wonderful spirit of giving, and the conclusion of a truly special project! So save the date, and the invitations are to be sent out soon! Watch the next issue of The Insider for highlights of Katie’s House, photos of the completed spaces, and a complete listing of contributors to this wonderful cause! y o u ! We’d like to acknowledge again, with many thanks, the following contributors: Art Plus Bailiwick Designs Ball and Ball Hardware Restoration Ballard Designs Chapel Road Design CMI, Inc. Cox Manufacturing Custom Lamination Directions in Design Drue Chryst Gallery Edison Upholstery Everything in Glass Esposito Electric Feldman Brother’s Electrical Supply Fine Design First Impression Flemington Department Store GPK Tile & Marble Installation Hardware Designs J&S Designer Flooring J. Herbro Jerry’s Fabric Tree Kaprelian Oriental Rugs and Carpets Kitchen Kaboodle Kohler Kravet Fabrics The Light Gallery LM Designs MCM Cabinets Major Mills Mediterranean Tile and Marble Metropolitan Cabinet Works Metropolitan Lighting MK Woodworking RED Industries Rosenberg Custom Window Treatments Olde Lafayette Village PaintTek Palermo Plumbing Porcelanosa Prestige Window Fashions Rachel Edmunds Renovator's Resource Rockaway Bedding Selective Surfaces Sherwin-Williams Company Signature Kitchens Sonoma Flooring Co. Stanley Furniture Swift Electric Town and Country Home Washington Antiques and Design Center Wayne Tile New Jersey Chapter • 27 S E E WHAT Y OU’RE MISSING AUDIO | VIDEO | HOME THEATER CUSTOM DESIGN AND INSTALLATIONS 161 SPRING STREET, MILLBURN, NJ 07041 | 646.734.7689 Visit or call 800-223-0704 for showroom listings and collection information. Click on ad for more information on this company. 28 • The Insider Click on ad for more information on this company. New Jersey posts two professionals members to national positions Judith Fosshage, ASID has accepted the position of ASID/ICON Editorial Advisory Council at the national level for ASID. We in New Jersey know first hand that Judy is a tireless advocate of Interior Design legislation and what it means for our profession. She leads the NJ Coalition for Interior Design Legislation (NJCIDL) and has been a powerful force behind our successes locally. Look No Further - one New Jersey’s only inte exclusively for the trad fine furniture. lighting. de Look No Further - one stop shopping New Jersey’s only interior design showroom exclusively for the trade. fine furniture. lighting. decorative rugs. Look No Furtheraccessories. - one stop shopping New Jersey’s only interior design showroom exclusively for the trade. fine furniture. lighting. decorative accessories. rugs. Patricia Blaser, ASID has accepted the position of Student Advisory Council (SAC) and will be the liaison for the following student chapters and ASID headquarters: Carolinas, Maryland, Ohio-North, Ohio South/Kentucky, Tennessee and New Jersey. Patty is not only an active long-time member of ASID but a valued professor at Brookdale Community College, where she provides our students with the foundation of their future careers and serves as an ASID presence on campus. P a s s i n g o f t h e g r a v e l . . . with over 50 years experience, Schwartz has and resources to provide the services desig with over 50 years experience, Schwartz has the knowledge with over 50 years experience, Schwartz and resources to provide the services designers has need.the knowledge and resources to provide the services designers need. DIANE DUROCHER, ASID PASSES THE GAVEL ONTO INCOMING C H A P T E R P R E S I D E N T, M A R Y S F E R R A , A S I D AT T H E STORY TELLERS EVENT ON SEPT. 19TH. 287 Amboy Avenue Metuchen, NJ 732.205.0291 Click on ad for more information on this company. New Jersey Chapter • 29 P u b l i c R e l a t i o n s By Anne Marie Soto The following publications recently highlighted NJASID Interior Designers. This list, updated regularly, appears under “Public Relations” in the public area of our chapter’s Web site ( We monitor the major NJ publications, such as those listed below. However, if you have been featured in other publications, please let us hear from. Submit your i n f o r m a t i o n b y f a x ( 2 0 1 - 69 2 - 1 2 9 1 ) o r e - m a i l ( Be sure to include the name and date of the publication, the name of the article, and the appropriate page numbers. R e p o r t DESIGN NJ Aug/Sept.issue: "Q&A" (p.32) - Mary Hausman; "By the Beautiful Sea" (pp.64-77) - Alice Lawrence; "Big & Beautiful" (pp.130-138) - Elizabeth Loree, Kara Bossert, Dee Morrissey; "Blissful Bathrooms" (pp. 170-190) - Jean Benner, Sheila Rich, Nancee Brown, Karla Trincanello, Kara Bossert; Suzanne Curtis NEW JERSEY HOME & STYLE Sept/Oct issue: "Healing Hues" (pp.54-55) - Sheila Rich; "Symphony of Style" (pp.58-60) - Diane Durocher, ASID; "Style & City" (pp.86-89) - Sura Malaga NEW JERSEY MONTHLY FROM HOUSE TO HOME (ATLANTIC CITY PRESS) Oct. issue: "Making a Splash" (pp.88-89) - Sharon Sherman, ASID Aug. issue: "Open Season" (pp.80-81) - Tere Bresin, ASID Sept. issue: "On the Same Wavelength" (cover & pp.20-23) - Diane Boyer, ASID QUILTER'S HOME NJ SAVVY LIVING Aug. issue: "Going Back Into the Closet" (pp.70-73) - Suki Dennison; Ria Gulian, ASID Aug. issue: "From Bleak to Chic" (pp.26-30) - Elizabeth Loree June issue: "The New View is Blue" (pp.46-50) - Elizabeth Loree THE RECORD-HOMESCAPE SECTION Sept. 3rd: "Ask the Designers" (p.5)-Sharon Sherman, ASID, Gale Youngworth, ASID July 30th: "Ask the Designers" (p.2) - Rona Spiegel, ASID; Mark Polo PRINCETON PACKET/FEATURES SECTION Aug. issue: "Remodeling on a Budget" (pp.16-17) - Carol Baron WWDB TALK RADIO ELS (ELEGANT LIFESTYLES) Sept. 15th: “A Sophisticated Space” (p.15)- Mar ie Donnelly, ASID Saturday, Aug. 19, 11:00 am: "Art the Builder" show interiew with Carol Baron BOOKS NEW YORK SPACES Vol.3, No.4: "Fashioning a Family Room" (p.32) - Jeffrey Brooks; "Play Place and Showcase" (pp.38-40) - Pat Ziv, ASID; "Show Stoppers" (pp.59 & 61) - Diane Boyer, ASID and Philip La Bossiere; "Hometown Home Goods" (pp.8688) - Greta Goss Vol.3, No.3: "Great Looks from Designers' Own Kitchens" (pp.64-65) - Philip La Bossiere; "Freshening Up" (p.77) Sharon Sherman, (p.81) Ron Nathan 30 • The Insider “Designer Showcase: Interior Design at its Best” by Melissa Cardone (Schiffer Publishing): Deborah Leamann (pp.9293) CONGRATULATIONS TO: Elaine Minervini and Lila Munem, the winners of New Jersey Monthly’s Designers’ Choice Awards. They will be redesigning the family room of a New Jersey Monthly reader. The completed room will appear in the magazine in early 2007. You can keep tabs on the project’s progress on the makeover blog. Click on ad for more information on this company. Click on ad for more information on this company. Click on ad for more information on this company. New Jersey Chapter • 31 Welcome New Industry Partner Members Elegance in Design, Inc. Molding Mantels & More Sherril Lynn Stutz Tech Park - 110 Park Ave. Manalapan, NJ 07726 (732) 446-8222 (732) 446-8802 Somfy Systems, Inc. Tracy Christmann 47 Commerce Drive Cranbury, NJ 08512-3503 (800) 647-6639 (609) 395-1750 Somfy Systems, Inc. John Fryc 47 Commerce Drive Cranbury, NJ 08512-3503 800-647-6639 ext. 611 (609) 395-1750 TurboChef Leslie Hoffman 6 Concourse Pkwy Ste 1900 Atlanta, GA 30328 (678) 987-1726 (678) 987-1756 WFD Wood Flooring Distributors Ted Kaszuba 222 New Rd Parsippany, NJ 07054 (973) 227-2827 (973) 227-3633 Jaclo Industries Sandy Kartzman 10 Greenwich Ct Monroe, NJ 08831-5102 (908) 208-4236 (732) 432-9327 Brickhouse Tileworks Jason Rosenfeld 33 Broad St Po Box 2088 Branchville, NJ 07826 (862) 266-2241 32 • The Insider NJ-ASID WELCOMED NEW MEMBERS AT THE A NEW MEMBER RECEPTION HELD ON SEPTEMBER 12 AT INVINCIBLE, A DIVISION OF SAMUELSON FURNITURE, PATERSON, NJ Click on ad for more information on this company. WHERE CREATIVE FLOORING BEGINS... JHerbro Corp. 373 Route 46 West, Bldg. D • Fairfield, NJ fax 973-227-8713 • ph. 973-227-3541 • Mon.-Fri. 8:30am - 4:30pm Appointment Preferred media room Think like a home buyer, profit like a pro bedroom garage home office family room utility area Custom storage solutions are a top priority for new home buyers, and they are asking for California Closets by name based on our reputation for excellent design and quality systems. Every new homeowner dreams of organizing the things they own the way they want it. That is why customized storage has become so important. Compared to other upgrades, California Closets is one of the most desirable, and yet has a very low cost per sq ft impact. We provide storage solutions for every room in the home. We handle the design, installation and cleanup, working with you or directly with your clients. Learn how California Closets can simplify your client’s life and contribute to your success. Call us for more information on working with California Closets. 800.2SIMPLIFY | 4 Gardner Road, Fairfield Click on ad for more information on this company. New Jersey Chapter • 33 2005-2006 Board of Directors PRESIDENT Mary Rose Sferra, ASID 201-384-8965 201-384-0513 fax COMMUNICATIONS DIRECTOR Carrie Oesmann, ASID 973-347-9066 973-347-6793 fax MEMBERSHIP DIRECTOR Karla Trincanello, Allied Member ASID 973-765-9013 973-765-0514 fax PRESIDENT-ELECT Linda Lee Potter, ASID 973-744-2981 973-744-6960 fax PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR Mary Brennan, ASID 973-208-6338 973-208-6645 fax STUDENT REPRESENTATIVE TO THE BOARD Elisabete Saraiva-Patel 973-919-2368 FINANCIAL DIRECTOR Susie Maley, IP 201-935-9500 201-935-9556 fax AT-LARGE BOARD MEMBER Marlene Wangenheim, Allied Member ASID 908-766-9068 908-221-1376 fax PARLIAMENTARIAN Ria E. Gulian, ASID (732) 571-1171 (732) 571-1173 fax 2005-2006 Committee Chairs BY-LAWS/POLICIES: Ria E. Gulian, ASID, Chair 732-571-1171 732-571-1173 fax KATIE’S HOUSE: Carrie Oesmann, ASID 973-347-9066 973-347-6793 fax CERTIFICATION ADVOCATE: Marlene Wangenheim, Allied-Member-at-Large 908-766-9068 908-221-1376 fax IP STEERING COMMITTEE: Gary Reinhardt, IP, Chair 973-912-0922 973-912-0923 fax CEU (PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT): Sandy Cabelis, Allied, Co-Chair 973-420-7714 973-785-2448 fax MARKETING COMMITTEE: Karen Topjian, ASID 201-894-5381 201-894-8633 fax Debbie Wessley, Allied, Co-Chair 201-612-0318 201-612-7126 fax MEMBERSHIP: Chair needed CHAPTER AWARDS: Chair needed COMMUNITY SERVICE: Diane Durocher, ASID, Chair 201-825-3832 201-825-0563 fax HOSPICE: Karla Trincanello, Allied 973-765-9013 973-765-0514 fax Ria Gulian, ASID 732-571-1171 732-571-1173 fax 34 • The Insider NEWSLETTER: Co-Chair needed Mary Brennan, ASID - Editor 973-208-6338 973-208-6645 fax NOMINATING: Diane Durocher, ASID, Chair 201-825-3832 201-825-0563 fax PROGRAMS TEAM: Maureen Fiori, Allied, Co-Chair 201-848-8188 201-848-7603 fax Jane Austin, Allied, Co-Chair 201-567-6854 STEP: Donna Domenicali, Allied, Chair 732-263-1300 732-263-1373 fax STRATEGIC PLANNING - MEMBER SURVEY: Linda Lee Potter, ASID, Chair 973-744-2981 973-744-6960 fax STUDENT AFFAIRS: Holly George, Chair 973-300-4916 TRADE SHOW: Linda Lee Potter, ASID, Co-Chair 973-744-2981 973-744-6960 fax Jessica Reinhardt, IP, Co-Chair 973-912-0922 973-912-0923 fax WEB SITE TEAM: Co-chair needed Steven M. Levy, ASID, Co-Chair 973-267-2442 973-267-2442 fax DESIGN AWARDS COMPETITION: Inactive for 06-07 WHEREVER THERE IS GLASS , WE CAN improve IT. • Block 99% of the ultraviolet rays • Reduce glare in the home • Lower the energy costs • Protect your furnishing from fading • Free estimates from our trained installers who can assist you in choosing the right film for your specific need. MADICO™ Solar Control Window Film and Sunscape Select, the choice of ASID Interior Designers, Architects, and Builders. The Tint Shop 848 Route 1 • Edison, NJ 08817 888-815-TINT • fax 732-650-9110 • Custom Drapery Wo r k ro o m 8 B S o u t h Wa s h i n g t o n Av e n u e • B e rg e n f i e l d , N J 0 7 6 2 1 • 2 0 1 - 4 3 9 - 9 7 9 9 Click on ad for more information on this company. New Jersey Chapter • 35 Click on ad for more information on this company. Galaxy Glass & Mirror/Stone PREMIUM QUALITY GLASS, METAL AND STONE SERVICES WORLDWIDE Premium quality manufacturing and installations of glass, marble, granite, decorative metals, and carved and etched glass. Specializing in select residential, commercial, and museum applications worldwide. U Call us for an appointment to visit our showroom. 800.378.9042 Fonts Outlines v U V 277 FAIRFIELD ROAD P.O. BOX 10154 FAIRFIELD, NEW JERSEY 07004 TEL: 973.575.3440 FAX: 973.575.5235
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