Summer Newsletter - ASID New Jersey Chapter
Summer Newsletter - ASID New Jersey Chapter
Summer 2005 The Insider ATTENTION: This newsletter is interactive. Click on any website address in the newsletter and you will be linked to that website. For more information about advertisers, simply click on the ad and you will be linked to their website. 2 • The Insider Table Ethicon's Main Lobby, located in Somerville,NJ and designed by Suzan Lucas Santiago, ASID and Debra A. Ryan, Allied Member ASID of Grad Associates, P.A., garnered the NJ Chapter of ASID Gold Award of Excellence - Public Spaces Category 2004. This project represents a new 21st century, global corporate image for this ever-growing leading manufacturer of healthcare products. Industry Partners on this project include: Benjamin Moore Paints, Armstrong Industries, and Steelcase Partners Design Tex Textiles, Spinneybeck Leather, and Vecta Tables and Seating. Photography: Peter Paige Photography Newsletter Staff EDITOR Mary Brennan, ASID CHAPTER ADMINISTRATOR DeAnna Schwarz NJ Chapter ASID Office P.O. Box 46 Middletown, NJ 07748 732-787-5981 phone 732-787-5984 fax ADVERTISING DSA Publishing and Design, Inc. Duff Tussing, Publisher Ginger Florian, Sales Dawn Lyon, Art Director 2809 Sunset Ridge McKinney, TX 75070 972-562-6966 972-562-7218 fax of Contents IN THIS ISSUE President’s Message . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Calendar of Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Editor’s Message . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Saint Barnabas Hospice and Palliative Care Center . . . . . . . . . 9 NJ ASID Community Service Project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Industry Partner Profile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Professional Member Profile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Industry Partners Event . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Allied Member Profile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 How to Find Business in Your Backyard! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Letter to the Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 June 7th Awards Dinner & Trade Show Photos . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Benefits of ASID Membership . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Public Relations Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Ongoing PR Opportunities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Board of Directors/Committee Chairs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Interior Design Legislation Update . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 OUR ADVERTISERS A&R Interiors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Antiques & Finds. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 APEX Marble & Granite . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 ARK Antiques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Arthur Parks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Audra Frank and Associates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Brielle Furniture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 California Closets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 CMI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 The Curtain Exchange . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 David Anthony Carpets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Designer’s Studio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Einstein & Gray . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Electronics Design Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Galaxy Glass & Mirror . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Giovanni Custom Cabinets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Greenbaum Interiors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 J&S Designer Flooring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 J. Herbro Corp.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Lazarus & Williamson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Major Mills, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Melabee Miller Photography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Metro Mills, Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 New Jersey Textile & Supply Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Park Place . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Peter Rymwid Photography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Phillip Jefferies, LTD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Professional Audio Consultants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Rosenberg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 The Ruffled Window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Rug Importer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Rug Renovating Co., Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Schwartz Design Showroom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 The Source for Interior Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Swift Design & Lighting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 The Tint Shop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Thibaut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23, 26 Tri-State Window Tinting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 New Jersey Chapter • 3 P r e s i d e n t ’ s M e s s a g e ntroducing Our New Full-Color Newsletter! I am very excited to begin on this new path of the professionally published newsletter. We - your newsletter editor, Mary Brennan and your Board of Directors researched this possibility and I consulted with several chapter presidents with regard to DSA publishing – they consistently received rave reviews. A contract was negotiated to protect our IP as well as current IP advertisers. Additional copies will be mailed to non-affiliated designers in an attempt to demonstrate the value of ASID membership. I Mary Brennan, ASID will continue as its proficient and engaging editor with the assistance of her committee and DeAnna Schwarz, our administrator. And so here we are – the premier issue! This will also be my final newsletter as your President in order to put us back on a more appropriate schedule. The DSA team has been meeting with the IP and have commented on the strength of our chapter and the positive support of our IP. I am extremely proud and honored to serve as your president. I hope you enjoy the newsletter! This spring, a significant group of NJ designers joined me at the Interiors 05 Conference. I had been hoping for the warmth of southern California after our rough winter but I have to say that my only disappointment from this conference was the weather! Going to conference is always exhilarating. You leave behind your daily schedule of requirements, business and family and you step into a world of design and fellow designers from all over the continent. You are treated to lectures and classes and information – networking and learning about how other chapters deal with issues and what wonderful ideas and events they produce that we can bring home to our membership. It is a concentrated period of time to talk about our profession, its future and to brainstorm with our colleagues. Attendance at these events is open to all ASID members - it is worth your investment of time, money and energy. Of course, checking out a new city is always fun. Next spring, Interiors 06 will be in Nashville, Tennessee. This summer, the entire new board will be traveling to Vancouver for the new board training structure. They will be accompanied by 3 students - one from each of our schools to attend leadership training. The participation of several students at last summer’s leadership training forged a warm friendship with us, the NJ designers. This led to a wonderful new spirit of involvement. Among these “shooting stars” is Holly George, the former President of the Student Chapter of Berkeley College. I am certain that you will get to know her more closely in the coming years as she continues to motivate us as an Allied member of our chapter. Our Community Service project which you will read more about in this newsletter is ready to go. We have an incredibly serious project with Karla Trinacnello and Ria Gulian at the helm. Some of us have begun meeting with the St. Barnabus Hospice board to get a better understanding of what is involved. Volunteer for this most important project - help enhance this very special space for such a crucial time in life. Please note that as a chapter, we have donated $500 - for the Ronald McDonald House in Long Branch. ASID, as a Society, has donated $ 10,000 - to Architecture for Humanity as a funding partner for the development of a youth HIV/AIDS educational outreach center and a girls' soccer (football) arena in Somkhele, South Africa, an area where youth are three times more likely to become HIV positive than in other parts of the world. We could not have wished for a more successful Career Day – or as we have renamed it: Interior Design Career Expo. Feedback from the students, which is my key reference, was magnanimous. And our ringleader, Maureen McMahon pulled off a well orchestrated and FUN event! Brookdale College hosted the event – thank you Patty Blaser and Celeste Chirachello, along with all of your volunteer students. I would also like to thank the faculty of the other participating schools: Linda O’Shea from Kean University and Kevin Byrne and Norris Cannon of Berkeley College. The students’ projects were fabulous, the keynote speaker, Lloyd Princeton of Design Management Company was thought provoking and quite entertaining and the round table discussions were well received. cont. on page 28 4 • The Insider Click on ad for more information on this company. New Jersey Chapter • 5 Click on ad for more information on this company. PA R I S T E X A S H A R D W A R E • B R I M A R • C O N S O • M A S T E X • K - S C O P E A Showroom featuring many hardware displays, as well as a large array of trim sample books from various manufacturers A lending library of trim books, shade and blind samples, as well as hardware samples are available Personal service to the decorating trade for over 50 years 1404 M A I N AV E . • C L I F T O N , N J 0 7 0 1 1 Fax 973-340-8606 Te l 973-340-8986 w w w. n j - t e x t i l e . c o m • n j s u p p l y @ a o l . c o m KIRSCH/LEVOLOR• STROHEIM & ROMANN • TRIMLAND GOULD C a l e n d a r o f E v e n t s J u l y 19 IP NETWORKING MEETING SCHWARTZ DESIGN SHOWROOM 6:00PM “How to Give a Knockout Presentation and Deliver Your Message with Power, Punch, and Pizzazz.” 27-30 NY INTERNATIONAL CARPET SHOW NEW YORK, NY Pier 94, 53rd and 12th Ave., NYC. For more information on the show, please email or call (215) 248-0494. S e p t e m b e r 28 12 -13 WINDOW FASHIONS REGIONAL TOUR 2005 RICHMOND, VIRGINIA Two all-inclusive days of window-fashions inspiration and education. Use the two day program to earn up to 1.2 IACET CEU credits and 12 WFCP credits for both days. Contact Shannon L. Flaherty, Education & Events Coordinator, 4215 White Bear Parkway, White Bear Lake, MN 55110 Tel: 651-762-2039, Fax: 651-653-4308. Visit WFCP for more information. O c t o b e r 14-15 NEOCONR EAST • BALTIMORE, MD Baltimore Convention Center. For more information on the conference and expo, please visit 2ND ANNUAL STORYTELLERS EVENT CHART HOUSE IN WEEHAWKEN, NJ 12-15 REMODELING SHOW 2005 • BALTIMORE, MD Baltimore Convention Center, Conference: Oct. 1215; Exhibits: Oct. 13-15. For more information on the show, please visit 21-23 FINE FURNISHINGS PROVIDENCE SHOW PROVIDENCE, RI Rhode Island Convention Center, This event showcases the finest in custom and studio furniture, decorative accessories and fine art. For more information on the show, please visit or call (401) 841-9201. Click on ad for more information on this company. New Jersey Chapter • 7 E d i t o r ’ s H M e s s a g e alf way through ASID’s 30th anniversary year, we are happy to welcome you to our first professionally-produced, full-color newsletter! During May of this year, our publisher, DSA Publishing and Design, “made the rounds” and visited our Industry Partners to get to know them and discuss their advertising strategy for the coming year in our publication. The response from Industry was overwhelming! You know a great opportunity exists here and we sincerely hope your business thrives. At the June awards dinner, many of our designers and Industry Partners were honored for their outstanding contributions to the profession, the industry, and the chapter. Read on throughout this issue for more detail and some great photos of the event. This is also the time of year for other happy occasions, such as graduations. We welcome all the Interior Design graduates from Kean University, Brookdale College, and Berkeley College into the fold of the professional design community. Please let me personally invite you to take advantage of the fellowship our chapter has to offer – please make it a priority for your professional development to attend the chapter meetings. You will find a wealth of information, friendship, and resources to help you transition from student to designer. Need a source for something? Don’t hesitate to ask some of the more seasoned designers – we are always more than happy to give you a referral to our trusted and valued Industry Partners! September will kick off the new year for NJ ASID activities, with the second annual Storytellers event, and there are other wonderful programs in the planning stages now. While I am looking forward to the summer months to regroup a bit, I do miss the meetings, committees, and events in July and August while we are in recess. Being an active volunteer within our organization has been a tremendous benefit to me in many ways. Most importantly, it has given me the opportunity to build a network – a true network of professionals whom I can refer and whom I hope will refer me. By the way, that network also includes other designers whom I know I can rely upon for advice or opinions, or referrals to sources, as well as simply others to talk shop with. In July, the incoming Board of Directors will be traveling to Vancouver, BC to attend the annual Chapter Leadership conference. With the national branding initiative in full swing, and the new Board structure in place for next year, we are expecting the conference to be a vital, dynamic, and intense training in tactics to deliver the best possible chapter to you, our members. A recap of the conference will appear in the Fall issue, so stay tuned. Hopefully you have some plans to enjoy yourself this summer. I’ll be attending a first annual family reunion, and the rest of my summer will be spent in pursuit of grilling, friends, family, and some much needed R&R! Enjoy! Mary Brennan, ASID Editor 8 • The Insider NJ ASID Community Service Project By Karla Trincanello, Allied Member ASID any of you may have wondered what is happening with the Community Service project for the Hospice House in Livingston, NJ. The property where the future Hospice House was to be built has been put on hold due to the Department of Environmental Protection. A new location is being explored. M St. Barnabas Hospice and Palliative Care Center has asked us to help them refurbish Hospice floors in two hospitals. There are areas that are special for the needs of these patients who are terminally ill. They are gathering areas for the families as well as staff and patients. The average stay of a patient may be as little as one day or one week. It will be the committee’s job to design a comfortable and pleasing environment to make their last days with their families as serene as possible. NJ ASID Designers and Industry Partners will be supporting the Hospice Community Service Project. The two hospitals are Newark Beth Israel Hospital and Monmouth Medical Center. We are forming two committees based on their geographical location. The North and South projects will be headed by our Community Service Project Chairwomen, Karla Trincanello, Allied Member ASID and Ria Gulian, ASID. RIA GULIAN, ASID, LORRAINE SCIARRA, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, ST. BARNABAS HOSPICE & PALLIATIVE CARE CENTER AND KARLA TRINCANELLO, ALLIED MEMBER ASID We w i l l b e f o r m i n g o u r c o m m i t t e e s d u r i n g t h e summer and early fall. We are asking all designers and industry partners with var ied background exper ience to volunteer their talents, services and products to develop and install this worthwhile project. New Jersey ASID is proud to be acknowledged for this opportunity. Please email Karla Tr incanello at info@inter with your information and your specialty of design or trade sources. You will be contacted for a general meeting by Fall of 2005. S a i n t B a r n a b a s H o s p i c e a n d P a l l i a t i v e C a r e C e n t e r By Lorraine Sciarra, Executive Director, St. Barnabas Hospice & Palliative Care s a vital support system for patients and families facing advanced illness, Saint Barnabas Hospice and Palliative Care Center offers a special kind of care that helps patients live their final days with dignity and comfort. A A person is eligible for hospice when the goals of care focus on comfort and support and the patient’s physician estimates a life expectancy of six months or less. Early referral to hospice gives patients the benefit of a strong support system that enables them to maintain the highest possible quality of life. Their families and caregivers benefit as well from the expertise, resources and comfort provided to them during one of life’s most stressful and challenging times. A team compr ised of nursing professionals, social workers, chaplains and home health aides provides a compassionate, personal approach to care that fosters trust and mutual respect. With the support and encouragement of the team, patients and families receive a gift beyond measure: the knowledge and understanding they need to gain courage, understanding and peace. Following the loss of their loved one, family members and friends have access to bereavement services, including individual counseling and support groups. Hospice care is provided in a number of settings - at home or in nursing homes, acute care or assisted living facilities. Saint Barnabas Hospice and Palliative Care Center has two hospital inpatient units available, one at Newark Beth Israel Medical Center in Newark, the other at Monmouth Medical Center in Long Branch. These units are appropriate for patients who require an acute care setting for treatment and pain management on a short-term basis. As an affiliate of the Saint Barnabas Health Care System – New Jersey’s largest health care provider - Saint Barnabas Hospice and Palliative Care Center, headquartered at 95 Old Short Hills Road in West Orange, offers access to the broadest array of comfort care services offered statewide. Patients are accepted into the program regardless of their ability to pay. For information or a brochure describing services and programs, please call 973-322-4800. New Jersey Chapter • 9 I n d u s t r y P a r t n e r P r o f i l e By Mary Brennan, ASID RK Antiques – Industry Partner, active supporter of NJASID, and fabulous source of a great mix of oneof-a-kind pieces, from Asian, Indian, and European antiques to mid-century modern. Before you find yourself in need of something for a project, stop in and get acquainted with what ARK has to offer. A You may already have met Susie Maley, the proprietor and the “NJASID face” behind ARK. She’s been on board 12 years – almost from the beginning - when she left the fashion industry at Donna Karan to become the directional force that would bring ARK Antiques to what it is today. In 1994, ARK was known as a premier source for country pine pieces from Central Europe, Romania, and the Czech Republic. A few years later, Susie turned her focus to infusing their offerings with color, texture, and design interest. She opened the Southern China and India markets, and began importing pieces from her buying trips there. In 1998, Northern China became a great new source of the exotic texture that was becoming the crux of their showroom, and today a great deal of buying is done there. Click on ad for more information on this company. 10 • The Insider cont. on page 11 cont. from page 10 As this brief evolutionary history shows, ARK is a designdriven trade resource. In fact, Susie relies on her design audience to provide an ongoing dialogue, requests, feedback and advice – all of which help her to continually develop the directions to source goods and materials. An outgrowth of this exchange is that Susie often does custom shopping during her buying trips in far-flung locations around the globe for designers who have requested special items. These lines were important additions to the pieces on the floor at ARK, as Susie believes in layering in a showroom full of quality unique pieces that serve the design community by offer ing what is most desirable. She comments, “the industry is changing so much. I see a lot of the same look in manufactured furniture out there. We want designers to understand that ARK is a unique experience, each piece is special, never the same.” The staff includes David Stanton in sales for 3 years, who came to ARK with a broad background in a variety of retail furnishing sales. In addition, there is Joel Montenegro, custom finisher for 7 years, and Eduardo Bernardo, lead carpenter for 11 years. Susie says, “There is no challenge too big for Eduardo."” Thanks to the far-reaching talents of the staff, ARK also can offer custom pieces. In fact, roughly 25% of their business has become custom work. Very designer-friendly, ARK offers a 40% trade discount and is open Monday through Friday from 9-6 and Saturday 10-2, and will make appointments in the evenings if necessary. The showroom also incorporates area rugs and floorcoverings from Antiquarius Imports, as well as 20th century modern furniture and lighting from Alexis J. David. Included are pieces by such prominent names as Karl Springer, Curtis Jere, Pierre Cardin, Charles Hollis Jones, Tommi Parzinger, and others. Susie Maley and the staff at ARK Antiques invite you to come in and see the showroom: 320 West Commercial Ave Moonachie, NJ 07074 201-935-9500 Custom Drapery & Bedspreads DRAPERY, BEDDING ENSEMBLE WORKROOM TO THE TRADE CUSTOM DRAPERIES • CUSTOM SPECIALTY VALANCES • CUSTOM BEDROOM ENSEMBLES ROMAN SHADES • BALLOON SHADES • UPHOLSTERED CORNICES & HEADBOARDS DECORATIVE PILLOWS • CUSTOMERS OWN FABRICS OR *METRO MILLS FABRIC 20,000 sq ft Factory Since 1969 METRO MILLS INC. • 973-942-8885 • Fax 973-942-4109 Click on ad for more information on this company. New Jersey Chapter • 11 Professional Member Profile By Mary Brennan, ASID udith Fosshage, ASID is not only an outstanding designer, NJASID and Coalition leader, and friend and mentor to many other designers, she can now count among her distinctions the ASID Chapter Medalist Award, which was bestowed upon her at the June awards celebration. J I did some additional research on the award itself, and Suzan Globus was kind enough to share some of the details of the package that was assembled for Judy’s nomination for this award. The ASID Chapter Medalist Award is the highest award bestowed by ASID on professional members in recognition of outstanding service and significant contributions to their chapter, the Society and the profession as a whole. It struck me as I was permitted a peek at the documentation supporting the award, how difficult it would be to synopsize someone’s career. Especially one so distinguished. Suffice it to say I’d like to give you some select highlights. Not only has Judy served as the Chapter President, she’s served as chairperson on no fewer than 10 committees over the years! She has been awarded numerous awards and citations for her involvement, contributions to, and advancement of the Interior Design profession. Judy is a proponent of Certification of Interior Designers, was one of the first designers to become Certified in New York, and steadfastly champions this necessary component of our profession – she serves currently as the President of the NJ Coalition for Interior Design Legislation (NJCIDL), served on ASID Codes Council for two years and has served as an ASID Spokesperson since 2003. cont. on page 13 GIOVANNI’S CUSTOM CABINETS Three Generations of Fine Cabinetry Since 1986, I have celebrated the continuation of my family’s trade. Although I may use modern tools and machinery, I will always follow old world craftsmanship to make my work the finest in detail and beauty. Many skills have been passed down to me, but the most important is customer service and attention to detail. I will listen to your needs, take your designs and transform them into fine woods. The result will be a unique piece that will have my craftsmanship and heritage built in. 122 East Westfield Ave., Roselle Park, NJ 07204 908.245.9117 Click on ad for more information on this company. 12 • The Insider cont. from page 12 As an advocate for affordable housing, Judy worked as a consultant to the Fair Housing Implementation Office in Yonkers, NY, and helped develop affordable housing standards and materials to assist new homeowners in appropriate use of and maintenance of the space provided. An advocate for Healthcare Interior Design education, Judy was a founding patron of the National Healthcare Design Symposium and has taught in this discipline at NYU. Habitat for Humanity is fortunate to count Judy Fosshage as a member, and she recently was a judge for the Fourth Annual Build a House…Build a Dream Contest for Kids in Philadelphia. As you can see, her energy and dedication to our profession, our chapter, and the greater good seem to be without boundary. In her “everyday” practice, Judy designs healthcare environments ranging from hospitals to individual doctor's offices as well as educational facilities. Two of her current projects are for Roberta Washington Architects, who have retained her as Interior Designer and Space Planner. One is a mixed use housing complex in Harlem, the other is an elementary magnet school in New Haven, CT which is devoted to learning about the environment. Both projects are in the process of applying for LEED certified buildings. Congratulations on your award Judy, and keep inspiring us with your work in years to come. A t t e n t i o n I n d u s t r y P a r t n e r s ! he IP Steering Committee has put together our first IP Networking meeting. It will take place on Tuesday July 19 at Schwartz Design Showroom at 6:00 sharp. T How to Give a Knockout Presentation and Deliver Your Message with Power, Punch, and Pizzazz. This has been in the planning stages for some time, and we’ve finally got it up and running, so we’re hoping for a strong IP turnout to make this a big success. Watch your email for more details coming soon! Designer members of NJASID are invited to join us for this exciting evening of networking. We provide professional measuring and installation service for all our products. • Complete lines of hard and soft window treatments • Thousands of hanging samples and books available for loan • Custom fabrication workroom • 3M sun protection films • Re-upholstery service • Custom interior hardwood plantation shutters • Custom fabrication workroom on premises The Source for Interior Design 125 Clinton Road, Unit 7, Fairfield, NJ 07004 Phone 973-575-4999 • Fax 973-575-4441 Click on ad for more information on this company. New Jersey Chapter • 13 Allied Member Profile By Mary Brennan, ASID his issue we catch up with Karen Alessi, recently awarded the Rene Baron Hennessey Award. I always enjoy talking with Karen – she loves design and the process of taking a project through each phase; it’s great fun to hear what she’s working on. T Karen started in this profession somewhat indirectly. She began working over two decades ago for a small local import textile business. The company specialized in textiles and wallcoverings. Karen was hired for the retail division in the showroom. They had a strong business, and over time Karen was able to make her own imprint on the business. She began customizing some wallcoverings and some fabrics. This was the period of time when Karen feels she really learned the “business end” of the business. As the business flourished, she also had the opportunity to work with some celebrities and sports figures who patronized this store. A dozen years later, as the company changed to more of a smaller retail furnishings store, Karen became the Assistant Manager. In that role, she played a key role in every aspect of the business. It whet her appetite to get more into the design component of putting together residential spaces. So she started a consultation program, and she was the lead designer. Karen pursued her Interior Design certificate at The New York School of Interior Design, successfully juggling school and work. As she became increasingly focused on the design consultation aspect of her career, it was a natural progression for her to strike out on her own. Karen K. Alessi Interiors was started 11 years ago. Her husband took an opportunity a number of years back to start a spring water business utilizing some property they owned in Pennsylvania. Between this new venture, and their vacation home in Florida, Karen has had the opportunity to do work in multiple areas of the country. Her projects are in New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, and Florida. Karen’s focus is residential design, with a special interest in historic preservation/restoration. As the business has grown, and she has become busier and more in demand, Karen shared that she has had to make a cont. on page 15 Peter Rymwid Architectural Photography 973.628.1527 Making you visible the right way Free portfolio consultation Design by Laurie Burke ASID, as seen in Design NJ magazine. 14 • The Insider cont. from page 14 choice – either go with growth, and hire a full time assistant, or be more selective about the projects she accepts. She made the decision to pick and choose her projects, and it’s a decision that has paid off. Karen worked on an interesting hotel project at the Meadowlands several years back. She was originally called to design some suites and rooms, and the project grew to include the lobby and catering facilities. Currently, Karen is working on a very exciting restaurant project in West Palm Beach in the historic Northwood section. The whole design concept was created around the bar. The owner came into possession of a bar with quite a provenance. It was originally built for the Excelsior Hotel in London. Many years later, it was brought by ship to New York, then later to Florida for another hotel. After a fire, the bar was dismantled and put into storage. The current owner acquired the bar in pieces, as it had been sold off to various interests over the years. Karen has lovingly had it restored and refinished, replicating with custom millwork the original 1920’s feel. When they found arm chairs from a Boca Raton country club, it was almost too good to be true. Karen sent them out and had them lacquered and glazed and now – a match made in heaven. This project is especially exciting because Karen has been given free creative reign by the owner, whom she has worked for on several previous properties. Even though the building itself is not a designated historic site, there have been many requirements and stipulations due to the historic character of the area in which it is located. This has resulted in a few delays along the way, but with Karen’s expertise in this area, it has gone relatively smoothly and the delays have all been worth working through. Other current projects include a 1920’s Tudor in Verona, as well as assisting a client whose home overlooks Lake Mohawk in getting ready for an outdoor wedding this summer, following the completion of the interior design. Karen is an active member of ASID, and feels it has been a huge benefit to her. She feels with ASID doing an increasingly good job of raising public awareness, designers are able to communicate that ASID stands for excellence, and that our clients will also feel the benefit of working with an ASID designer. Joining committees is a must! It was one of the ways in which Karen became immersed in the chapter, and well acquainted with other designers and Industry Partners. On weekends Karen lives in Pennsylvania with her husband, a barn she redesigned. During the week, she maintains an apartment in NJ, which serves as her primary office. They sold their vacation home in Florida a couple of years ago, but the Alessis are quietly looking for a new place there, provided they can slow down in a few years! New Jersey Chapter • 15 G r o w i n g Y o u r B u s i n e s s By Mary Brennan, ASID eflecting back on this year’s tremendously successful Trade Show, I began thinking how fortunate we are to belong to such an interactive and dedicated chapter. Many chapters throughout the entire country look to New Jersey as an example of a strong chapter, operating in the best interests of its members, both designers and Industry Partners. R Our annual Trade Show is such a valuable opportunity in so many ways, but perhaps most importantly, it gives us the forum to establish and develop relationships which are the cornerstones of every successful business. When I do H o w t o F i n d It is in this vein that I began thinking more about continuing to develop my business using New Jersey sources, and more importantly Industry Partners in New Jersey. I found the article below, which I would like to share with you. It’s a good one, and the advice is very sound. Reprinted with permission: B u s i n e s s By Lillian D. Bjorseth, President Duoforce Enterprises, Inc. ou may recall the “Acres of Diamonds” fable about the affluent Persian farmer who thought he could become even wealthier if he sold his farm and went looking for diamonds. He eventually died a pauper as he spent all his money traveling across Asia and Europe in search of Y business with our Industry Partners, I know there is someone valuable on my “team”, and every job I do well – with the help of my Partners – helps my business grow. i n Y o u r B a c k y a r d ! the elusive diamonds. One day, the man who had bought his farm saw something shiny in a pond as he was watering his camel. He was surprised and overjoyed to find it was a diamond. So all along, the first farmer had had diamonds on the farm ... he just wasn’t looking in the right places. The moral is that there are many gems of business in your backyard, as well. Do you know where to look and do you have the right people in your network to help you uncover cont. on page 17 We welcome Interior Designers AMERICAN DREW BEMEX BERNHARDT BEST CHAIR BRADINGTON YOUNG BROWN STREET BROYHILL C E N T U RY C L AY T O N M A R C U S COX FA I R F I E L D C H A I R FREDERICK COOPER HABERSHAM HALLAGAN H A M M A RY HANCOCK & MOORE HARDEN HENKEL HARRIS HITCHCOCK HOOKER K A R A S TA N C A R P E T KINCAID K I N G H I C K O RY LA BARGE LA-Z-BOY Fine home furnishings since 1959 LANE LANE VENTURE LEXINGTON MADISON SQUARE MAITLAND-SMITH MASTERFIELD MOTION CRAFT MOOSEHEAD MOBEL NICHOLS & STONE PENNS CREEK PULASKI REMINGTON LAMPS RIVERSIDE SAM MOORE S E A LY M AT T R E S S SHERRILL S H I F M A N M AT T R E S S SLIGH SOUTHERN CRAFTSMAN SOUTHERN FURNITURE S TA N L E Y S TAT E S V I L L E C H A I R S TAT T O N WHITEMORE SHERRILL 2169 Highway 35 • Wall Township, NJ • 732-528-8300 FREE DELIVERY TO MONMOUTH & OCEAN COUNTIES MASTERCARD • VISA • AMERICAN EXPRESS • DISCOVER • BRIELLE CHARGE • OPEN Mon., Wed., Fri. 9:30-9; Tues., Thurs. 9:30-6; Sat., 10-6; Sun. 11-5 • Click on ad for more information on this company. 16 • The Insider cont. from page 16 them? Or, do you spend valuable time and resources looking for your diamonds in other states and countries? If you prefer the latter, read no further. If, however, you would like to spend more time with your family and friends, sleep in your own bed more of the time and spend less time in airports - read on. How to uncover your diamonds CREATE A PERSONAL MARKETING/RELATIONSHIPBUILDING PLAN ... IN WRITING! • Who is your target market? • Where are you most likely to meet them or people who can introduce you to them? • Have you positioned your company as a leader in its market? • What niche have you carved out in your field? • What value do you add? • Why would someone want to do business with you? • What companies locally are comparable with those who hire you “afar?” SWING INTO ACTION. • Join the “right” organizations derived from answers to the above questions. Research and attend your top choices before you make a commitment. • Do you feel comfortable/did members welcome you? • Do you agree with the ideology? • Do you like the mix of people? • Are the meeting times convenient? • Join fewer rather than more ... and get involved! Weigh the time you spend on committee work vs. the time you sit waiting in the airport. Compare the time spent at a dinner meeting with that of having dinner alone in your hotel room. Which is more likely to yield the results you want? • Within the organization, weigh which events will most likely connect you with your potential customers or those who will refer you. Exper iment until you find the r ight fit. Constantly evaluate your choices as your business changes. • Donate time at your church, synagogue, mosque, school and favorite charity ... with a positive attitude. Keep in mind that many of the people you meet are in business or know people who are ... and you are constantly making an impression. • Get into print. Write articles or columns for your homeowners’ association, religious organization, your company newsletter, local or regional newspapers, industry and special interest publications. People need to see your name in print six times before they remember you or believe your business is for real. And, not everyone reads every issue of every publication in which you might appear! hat should you do when your view is great, but the glare is even greater? Professionally installed, Vista Window Film helps protect your home’s interior by filtering out 99.9% of the sun’s damaging ultraviolet rays. For more information: Tri-State Window Tinting 142 Sicomac Road North Haledon, New Jersey 07508 1-800-644-8468 ©2005 Vista Window Film cont. on page 18 Click on ad for more information on this company. New Jersey Chapter • 17 cont. from page 17 • Present programs at your library, park district, civic, social, professional or business association. Show others you are a knowledgeable person in your field ... and a good communicator! BUILD A NETWORK • Give, give, give. Trying to take without giving is like trying to make a withdrawal before you make a deposit. It doesn’t work with financial institutions, and it doesn’t work in life either. • Form alliances with people who have synergistic products/services. • Refer people whom you trust whether they have given you a lead or not. • Conduct yourself in a professional manner at all times. • Honor your network and treat them and their privacy with the utmost respect. May your portfolio soon be a-glitter with the diamonds you have uncovered in your backyard! [Lillian D. Bjorseth is known nationally for her infectious enthusiasm and her practical, insightful and pertinent content that you can apply on the spot and throughout your life. Lillian’s a Lisle-IL based people-skills speaker, trainer and author of Breakthrough Networking: Building Relationships That Last, 52 Ways to Break the Ice & Target Your Market and the Nothing Happens Until We Communicate CD and workbook series. A top graduate of the University of Missouri School of Journalism, she’s also a member of National Speakers Association. Her Fortune 100 experience includes more than 10 years at AT&T where she trained top executives in media and communication skills. Contact her at,, 800-941-3788 (outside Illinois) or 630-983-5308.] Your Industry Partners.. The Possibilites are Endless! Click on ad for more information on this company. 18 • The Insider New Jersey Chapter • 19 L e t t e r t o t h e E d i t o r First let me say that, as a business owner providing 100% commercial & corporate design, NJASID has been important to me throughout my active involvement over the past 12 years of my Professional membership. With individual members, I have: • Established long lasting friendships, both socially and professionally, with other designers. • Networked and learned from other members about their design specialties – healthcare, restaurants, educational facilities. • Used the ASID appellation as a credential and level of credibility with my clients and other professionals I interact with such as architects, engineers, etc…. • Served on different committees and made improvements in many of my business approaches, based on what I learned as a committee chair and committee member. • Expanded my career, through my relationship with another NJASID member, Patty Blaser, to include teaching Interior Design as an adjunct instructor at Brookdale Community College • As treasurer, learned how to create a budget on Quick Books. • Felt a general sense of support from the design community. So, on the whole, I would say that NJASID has been of great benefit to me personally and professionally. That is why I wanted to take the time to pass on my thoughts as to how this organization could continue to improve, grow and, yes, even change with the accelerating pace of society. As a first priority, I think there are two very important areas of concentration; 1) the public and 2) the public. No, that is not a typo. Number 1) the public - for our credentials – “Certification” and number 2) the public - for our “Branding.” Although my focus is on the commercial aspect of this industry I feel these issues benefit us all. 1. The Public & Certification – I think this needs to be our number one priority. We are professionals and we need to acknowledge this to the public, the state, our clients or any other organizations such as lawyers and/or facility managers and the others in the design industry such as Architects, Engineers and any other design professionals that interact within our industry. cont. on page 21 Click on ad for more information on this company. 20 • The Insider cont. from page 20 2. The Public – Branding through Public Relations Activities – Of course, this is one of my pet peeves. I am not talking about highlighting several designers that just happen to be associated with ASID, but to focus on ASID as if it were an individual. This involves that key word CHANGE - change, in attitude about the way we go about promoting this very valuable organization. And we all know what change involves. Fear, anxiety, possibly anticipating loss of control or loss of dollars. But why is change so fearful? As designers, change is what we espouse - improve a space, change the ambiance, change the way you look at our visual surroundings. Yet our business approach is stagnant. We are stuck in the 20th century and not moving forward in searching out these improvements. The status quo is always more comfortable. But our business life is changing rapidly and moving forward ahead of us. I feel certain that thinking in a forward manner will result in benefits for the entire organization. New members will be banging at the doors to let them in and become leaders. The design community will take us seriously and know that we do more than just drapes and pillows (they take IIDA more seriously), and the public will have a better understanding of our expertise and how to contact us to take part in what we have to offer. Let’s face it, we are not only in the Interior Design business for the fun of it or to be sought-after designers, but to make a profit and that involves being savvy in business. I could go on and on with suggestions for improvements to each committee, but that would be considered “committee work.” So…. I will just finish with the fact that I, as one individual designer, will keep plugging the value of this organization, but as a group of over 450 designers I know the impact of our actions would be even greater. Thanks for listening…. Claire Gabert, ASID, ICREW, NJAWBO, WBE with the State of New Jersey WHEREVER THERE IS GLASS, WE CAN improve IT. • Block 99% of the ultraviolet rays • Reduce glare in the home • Lower the energy costs • Protect your furnishing from fading • Free estimates from our trained installers who can assist you in choosing the right film for your specific need. MADICO™ Solar Control Window Film and Sunscape Select, the choice of ASID Interior Designers, Architects, and Builders. The Tint Shop 848 Route 1 • Edison, NJ 08817 888-815-TINT • fax 732-650-9110 • New Jersey Chapter • 21 June 7th 2005 MEDALIST AWARD WINNER, JUDY FOSSHAGE, ASID (CENTER), SUZAN GLOBUS, FASID (LEFT), DIANE GOTE, FASID (RIGHT). Awards KAREN ALESSI (MIDDLE) WINNER OF THE 2005 RENE HENNESSEY ALLIED MEMBER AWARD PAT VALENTINE ZIV, ASID (LEFT) AND JEAN NERI, ALLIED MEMBER ASID (ON RIGHT) THE RENE HENNESSEY ALLIED AWARD WINNER, KAREN ALESSI AT THE PODIUM. PAST AWARD WINNERS BEHIND ARE (LEFT TO RIGHT), KARLA TRINCANELLO, DIANE DUROCHER, ASID, JEAN NERI, LORETTA DESANTIS AND TRACEY TAYLOR. 2005 GALE YOUNGWORTH, ASID PRESENTING AN AWARD TO GARY REINHARDT, IP - CMI, INC. FOR OUTSTANDING CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE NJ CHAPTER ASID. WINNERS OF THE PAUL GUTKIN MEMORIAL STUDENT DESIGN COMPETITION. LEFT TO RIGHT - MAUREEN MCMAHON, STUDENT AFFAIRS COMMITTEE CHAIR, MARTHA MARTIN, 3RD PLACE; AILEEN MAMMEN, HONORABLE MENTION; OLGA PANKOVA, 2ND PLACE; JOANIE DEL SORDI, HONORABLE MENTION; HOLLY GEORGE, 3RD PLACE; DIANA RATTAZZI, IP, BENJAMIN MOORE; BRIAN NOODT, 2ND PLACE AND ANDEA BIANCO, 1ST PLACE. Trade BEST BOOTH AWARD TO WHICHCRAFT LUNCHEON SPEAKER JEFFREY BILHUBER WITH TRADE SHOW CO-CHAIR DIANE DUROCHER, ASID 22 • The Insider Dinner Show Benefits of ASID Membership RESOURCES FOR YOUR PRACTICE • Online Referral Service • ICON, the Society’s magazine • Client/Designer Selection Service • Designing Marketing Success • Fax-on-Demand • Fax Broadcast • Design Specialty Network • “Southern Accents” magazine ADVANCEMENT TO THE PROFESSION • Public relations exposure, both locally and nationally • Awards program CONNECTIONS WITH YOUR COLLEAGUES • Network on-line ASID • Membership in your local chapter • Forums for interaction with the industry • Local chapter general educational meetings • Local chapter networking • Local chapter newsletter • Local chapter on-line referral service DEVELOPMENT OF YOUR CAREER • ASID Super Campus • STEP Workshop-preparatory course for NCIDQ Exam • Professional recognition • Leadership opportunities • Professional development courses PROTECTION OF YOUR RIGHT TO PRACTICE • A national Legislative Program including licensing efforts in several states ASSISTANCE WITH YOUR BUSINESS FORMS • Contract documents • Low cost group insurance • ASID Mastercard available upon applying Visit for updated collections and showroom listings Click on ad for more information on this company. Many Exclusive Rug Collections for Design Trade Only TRADITIONALS EUROPEANS TRANSITIONALS CONTEMPORARIES CUSTOM RUGS WILTONS AXMINISTERS WOOL & NYLON BERBERS SISAL VISIT ONE OF OUR SHOWROOMS VALUABLE DESIGNER’S RESOURCE PARAMUS 201-576-0042 469 ROUTE 17 S. SECAUCUS 201-330-1212 30 WOOD AVE RIVERDALE 973-616-4900 81 HAMBURG TPKE (VERIZON WIRELESS BLDG.) (END OF THE BLOCK) (INSIDE BOGRAD'S FINE FURNITURE) Click on ad for more information on this company. New Jersey Chapter • 23 P u b l i c R e l a t i o n s The following publications recently highlighted NJASID Interior Designers. This list, updated regularly, appears under “Public Relations” in the public area of our chapter’s Web site ( If you have information to submit, contact Anne Marie Soto, HUNTERDON LIFE June issue: "A Lofty Space in a Suburban Setting" (pp.12-14) Tere Bresin, ASID May issue: "Gothic Grandeur" (pp.16-18) - Diane Boyer, ASID April issue: “Unifying and Beautifying” (pp.12-14) – Jeffrey Brooks March issue: “April in Paris” (pp.10-12) – Karen Cashman SUMMIT- SUMMER '05 ISSUE Cover & "Restored to Its Old Splendor" (pp.64-65) - JoAnn Alston WESTFIELD - SUMMER '05 ISSUE "Restored to Its Old Splendor" (pp.64-65) - JoAnn Alston MILLBURN/SHORT HILLS - SUMMER '05 ISSUE "Restored to Its Old Splendor" (pp.64-65) - JoAnn Alston NEW JERSEY MONTHLY – MAY ISSUE, HOME & GARDEN SUPPLEMENT “Designing Women” (pp.15-23) – Diane Boyer, ASID; Tere Bresin, ASID; Ria Gulian, ASID; Barbara Littman, ASID; Debra Ryan; Suzan Santiago, ASID; Rona Spiegel, ASID; R e p o r t Karen Topjian, ASID; Camille Waldron, ASID “Lifestyle Decisions” (pp.50-51) – Greta Goss “A Point of View” (pp.5761) – Joan Eisen, ASID; Phillip LaBossiere; Robin Schultz; Suzy Treby; Susan Spanedda (201) THE BEST OF BERGEN May issue: “Style with Substance” (pp.26-30) - Pat Valentine Ziv, ASID; Diane Durocher, ASID; Mary Sferra, ASID; “La Maison de Rêves” (p.62) – Barbara Ostrom, ASID April issue: “A Perfect Blend” (pp.68-71) – Camille Waldron, ASID DESIGN NJ June/July issue: "Show Time" (pp.206-213) - Diane Boyer,ASID; Dianne O'Connor, ASID April/May issue: "Practical Makes Perfect" (pp.102-111) - Kat Dickelman; "Ask the Designers" (p.103) - Sheila Rich; "Laps of Lux" (pp.138-143) - Karen Topjian, ASID; "Beyond Books" (pp.148-149, 156, 158) - Laurie Deliman-Burke; Nancee Brown, ASID; Jeffrey Brooks NJ SAVVY LIVING – APRIL ISSUE “Decorating with Glass” (pp. 53-59) – Diane Boyer, ASID; Tracey Taylor; Robin Schultz THE STAR LEDGER– APRIL 14TH HOME SECTION “Design 411” – Pat Ziv, ASID; Jeffrey Brooks; Judy Fosshage, ASID CONT. ON PAGE 27 No need for Designers to travel to New York when you have a design center right here in New Jersey! • Fine Broadloom Orientals from all over the world • Also carry Wood, Cork, and Bamboo • Open to the trade only EINSTEIN GRAY 311 Rt. 46 West, Fairfield, NJ 07004 • 973-882-1450 email: • Hours: 9:30-6:00 Mon-Fri, Evenings & Saturday by Appt. 24 • The Insider New Jersey Chapter • 25 Visit for updated collections and showroom listings pac Click on ad for more information on this company. Click on ad for more information on this company. PROFESSIONAL AUDIO CONSULTANTS Today’s home is full of sophisticated and finely calibrated systems. Homeowners want home theaters, multi-room and multi-source music systems and the means to control them along with lights, drapes and numerous other details. Professional Audio Consultants has built a 30-year reputation for excellence in unobtrusively integrating multiple state-of-the-art technologies into the home. We invite designers and their clients to explore the possibilities by viewing a portfolio of our designs on our website and by visiting our showroom. Simply call for an appointment and directions. A theater cleverly disguised in a Library by Curren Design Associates, Inc. 182 Essex Street • Millburn, NJ 07041 • TELEPHONE: (973) 467-1950 • FAX: (973) 467-3121 • WEB: Click on ad for more information on this company. 26 • The Insider CONT. FROM PAGE 24 THE RECORD/HOMESCAPE SECTION June 5 issue: "Worldy Wonders" (cover & pp.8-9) - Ria Gulian, ASID; Kat Dickelman; Tracey Stephens; Sharon Draznin; "Ask the Designers" (p.2) - Kevin Byrne, ASID; Karla Trincanello May 1st issue: "Ask the Designers" (p.4) - Steven Levy, ASID; Rona Spiegel, ASID April 3rd issue: “Ask the Designers” (p. 2) – Tere Bresin, ASID; Myrna Corliss NJ HOME & STYLE April/May issue: "Moroccan Mystique" (pp.16-23) - Diane Boyer, ASID; "Function Before Form" (p.32) - Pat Valentine Ziv, ASID; "Restful Havens" (pp.82-88) - Diane Boyer, ASID; Pat Montalbano, ASID; Nancee Brown, ASID; Pamela Hillner; Dora Martinez; "Curbside Alchemy" (pp.100-101) Greta Goss Jan/Feb issue: “Interior Perspectives” (pp.54-56) – Laura Weeks; “Moroccan Chic” (cover & pp.64-67) – Diane Boyer, ASID; “Design Diversity” (pp. 96-98) – Kat Dickelman; “The Art of Achieving Balance” (pp. 100-102) – Sheila Rich; “Feathering the Empty Nest” (pp. 110-113) – Carrie Oesmann, ASID NEW YORK SPACES April/May issue: “Feast Your Eyes” (pp. 47-52) – Kat Dickelman; Rona Spiegel, ASID; Jennifer Pacca; Mark Polo; Diane Boyer, ASID; “Ask the Designers” (p.103) – Barbara Ostrom, ASID Feb/March issue: “Romper Room Redux” (pp.50-52) – Lynn Ronan; “Kitchen Magic” (pp. 64-65) – Camille Waldron, ASID; “Delight in Detail” (pp.66-71) – Nancee Brown, ASID; “Ask the Designers” (p.127) – Diane Boyer, ASID ELS (ELEGANT LIFESTYLES) June 2nd issue: "A Kitchen Garden" (p.14) - Jean Neri April 28th issue: “A Marriage of Art and Design” (p.15) – Mark Polo BOOKS "Spectacular Small Kitchens" by E.Ashley Rooney (Schiffer Publishing): Tere Bresin, ASID (p.33); Ria Gulian, ASID (pp.54-55) "Remodeled Kitchens and Baths" by Tina Skinner and Melissa Cardona (Schiffer Publishing): Karla Trincanello (pp.62-63 and 124-125) "Urban Style: Contemporary Interiors" by Mary Wynn Ryan (Publications International): Karla Trincanello, p. 6 EDITORS ON THE MOVE • The Record’s Homescape section has a new editor: Eileen Watkins, who is familiar to many of us during her tenure with The Star Ledger and, most recently, as an active freelance writer. • Mary Vinnedge has resigned as editor of Design NJ to return to Texas. To quote Mary, “It was the right job in the right place at the wrong time.” Mary has been editor since the magazine’s inception and has built strong working relationships with NJASID members. We will miss her! (Note: At the time of this writing, a new editor has not been named.) EXCLUSIVELY TO THE TRADE 373 Route 46 West, Bldg. D • Fairfield, NJ • fax 973-227-8713 • phone 973-227-3541 • • Mon.-Fri. 8:30am - 4:30pm Appointment Preferred Click on ad for more information on this company. New Jersey Chapter • 27 cont. from page 4 Our Programs Committee, JoAnn Alston and Marlene Wangenheim once again gave us a wonderful venue in April at CCS Stone in Moonachie,NJ. “Let’s Rock” was an informative evening about stone! The Mitnick family and their sources educated us in the mining, fabrication and maintenance of this material we all appreciate! ANOTHER GREAT TRADE SHOW! Congratulations to Diane Durocher, ASID and Diana Rattazzi, IP and their dynamic committee! Jeffrey Bilhuber was an incredible speaker and impressive designer. Thank you David Borgeouis from Swift Lighting & Design Studio for your Lighting CEU. And of course, thanks to all the hard working exhibitors with their creative show booths! Here’s to another great year! We can't wait for next year's show and rooting our new co-chairs: Mary Rose Sferra, ASID and Diana Ratazzi, IP! The New Member Tea enjoyed a great turn-out and we thank J.Herbro for their hospitality. Positive and friendly faces made introductions and learned ways of getting involved. I know we all hear this and we are told this on all levels – but it is true! You get out what you put in. They teach this in Networking 101. The more you participate, the more relationships you forge, the more you teach and learn and reap rewards. I urge you to consider coming to the next Historic Preservation Trip! Loretta DeSantis organized an awesome day where we enjoyed the beautiful grounds of the NY Botanical Gardens, a delicious family style Italian luncheon in the Bronx and the fantasy of centuries gone by at the Cloisters - the Met’s uptown branch. Please be patient with the Certification process. We will keep you informed as soon as we know – and be prepared to act. Hopefully, we can call you to action very soon! Our Annual Chapter Awards Dinner was held on Tuesday, June 7th at the Woodbridge Hilton where we honored the support of our volunteers, as well as acknowledging some outstanding members of our chapter: Suzan Globus, FASID honored us with a keynote speech and at the same time we honored her with a Baccarat Star from her NJ Chapter to remember us by as she moves onto the national scene as the President-Elect of the Society! Judy Fosshage, ASID, received the ASID Chapter Medalist Award. This award is second only to Fellow as the Society’s most prestigious recognition of a Professional member’s outstanding service and significant contributions to their chapter, the Society and the profession as a whole. The 2005 Renee Baron Hennessey Allied Membership Award was presented to Karen Alessi by her fellow awardees from years past. Presidential Citations went to Maureen McMahon and Holly George, the student angels. Gary Reinhardt, IP of CMI received a special NJ Chapter Award for his long time support and service to the chapter. Leadership has many perks such as national conferences, training and meeting great people. Leadership has taught me much that will assist me as I continue in my career as well as personally. Again, I thank you for this honor and look forward to seeing you at our Annual Storytellers Event at the end of September at the Chart House overlooking the NYC skyline. Our neighboring chapters of NY Metro, PA East and CT will again be invited. This promises to be a stimulating discussion with designers such as Dakota Jackson and Holly Hunt. . I would like to leave you with a positive design thought: “Hide not your talents, they for use were made. What’s a Sun-Dial in the Shade!” Benjamin Franklin, Poor Richard’s Almanac Enjoy a safe and beautiful Summer! Sincerely, Pat Valentine Ziv, ASID HISTORIC PRESERVATION TOUR ON THE WAY TO THE CLOISTERS. 28 • The Insider New Jersey Chapter • 29 O n g o i n g P R O p p o r t u n i t i e s NJASID has several “co-op” editorial programs where we supply the finished article and the publication prints it, along with a credit line that includes information on our Chapter Web site and the ASID referral service. For all three of these opportunities, designers work directly with me, rather than with the publication editor. If you are interested, please contact me. Additional opportunities are distributed to our designer members through our PR Alerts. If you have not been receiving them, send me your e-mail address. --Anne Marie Soto, NJASID PR Representative, 201-692-8087, \Please note that these opportunities are open to all NJASID designers, whether or not you are based in the readership area. 1. “ASK THE DESIGNERS”–HOMESCAPE SECTION/THE RECORD Homescape is a color section that runs on the first Sunday of the month in The (Bergen) Record. Circulation is 225,000. The “Ask the Designer” column features two NJ/ASID members. You do not have to be a Bergen County-based designer to be included. Participation is easy: just let me know that you are willing to be interviewed. 2. HUNTERDON LIFE This monthly magazine-style, full color niche publication concentrates on Hunterdon, Morris, Union and Somerset counties. The bonus is that the publication has an online version. Visit HunterdonDemocrat-HunterdonLife to see recent stories. They will publish stories on residential projects from anywhere in NJ, as well as commercial projects that are in Hunterdon, Morris, Union or Somerset counties. The designer’s name will appear as the author of the story. Requirements: 1) Professional photos to be supplied by the designer. The project can have run in another NJ publication as long as it ran more than four months ago. (Note: if the project is in Hunterdon County, Hunterdon Life may be willing to photograph.) 2) 700-800 word (app. 1 1/2 pages, single spaces) story about the project. My preference is to have the designer write the story, but I will provide whatever editorial assistance (writing, editing) is required to make participation happen. 3) Headshot and short (75 words max) bio of the designer. This will appear at the end of the article. Click on ad for more information on this company. 30 • The Insider cont. on page 32 Click on ad for more information on this company. Designed by Nancee Brown, ASID Look No Further New Jersey’s only interior design showroom exclusively for the trade. www.schwartzdesignshow 287 Amboy Avenue Metuchen, NJ 732.205.0291 Click on ad for more information on this company. Click on ad for more information on this company. New Jersey Chapter • 31 Board of Directors/Committee Chairs PRESIDENT Pat Valentine Ziv, ASID 201-612-9246 • 201-612-9746 fax ALLIED REPRESENTATIVE Jean Neri, Allied Member ASID 201-337-3528 • 201-337-0252 fax PRESIDENT-ELECT Diane Durocher, ASID 201-825-3832 • 201-825-0563 fax INDUSTRY PARTNER REPRESENTATIVE Roger Sen, IP Representative 201-861-5000 • 781-207-8349 fax TREASURER Elaine Zahga Weg, ASID 201-848-9344 • 201-848-1805 fax PAST PRESIDENT Gale Youngworth, ASID 973-746-0152 • 973-509-9246 fax BOARD OF DIRECTORS Mary Brennan, ASID 973-208-6338 • 973-208-6645 fax Donna McLaughlin, ASID 973-267-6966 • 973-267-5590 fax Carrie Oesmann, ASID 973-347-9066 • 973-347-6793 fax Linda Potter, ASID 973-635-0064 • 973-635-6850 fax STUDENT REPRESENTATIVE Marina Goldberg 732-970-9735 • 732-970-9736 fax PARILIAMENTARIAN Jack Ruthazer, FASID 201-791-9657 • 201-796-3712 fax 2004-2005 COMMITTEE CHAIRS ALLIED MEMBER MENTORING Joan Ravasy, ASID, Co-Chair 908-236-2788 • 908-236-7719 fax Gail Whiting, ASID, Co-Chair 908-781-2092 • 201-781-2410 fax AWARDS COMPETITION Not active for 2004-2005 Next design competition is 2006 BY-LAWS/POLICIES Judy Fosshage, ASID, Chair 201-768-4016 • 201-750-1616 fax CERTIFICATION ADVOCATE Marie Donnelly, ASID, Chair 973-736-7005 • 973-736-9431 fax CEU (PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT) Tracey Taylor, Allied, Chair 201-599-3880 • 201-599-0717 fax NOMINATING Pat Valentine Ziv, ASID 201-612-9246 • 201-612-9746 fax PROGRAMS TEAM JoAnn Alston, Allied, Co-Chair 908-522-6604 • 908-522-0061 fax Marlene Wangenheim, Allied, Co-Chair 908-766-9068 • 908-221-1376 fax CHAPTER AWARDS Gale Youngworth, ASID, Chair 973-746-0152 • 973-509-9246 fax PUBLIC RELATIONS Anne Marie Soto 201-692-8087 • 201-692-1291 fax COMMUNITY SERVICE Karla Trincanello, ASID, Chair 973-765-9013 • 973-765-0514 fax STEP Jean Neri, Allied, Chair 201-337-3528 • 201-337-0252 fax IP STEERING COMMITTEE Michael O’Brien, IP, Co-Chair 908-625-6870 • 732-968-7701fax STRATEGIC PLANNING Diane Durocher , ASID, Chair 201-825-7476 • 201-825-0563 fax Jessica Reinhardt, IP, Co-Chair 888-969-4264 • 973-912-0923 STUDENT AFFAIRS Maureen McMahon, Chair 201-541-6666 MARKETING COMMITTEE Pat Montalbano, ASID, Chair 973-785-0708 • 973-785-3560 fax MEMBERSHIP Karla Trincanello, Allied, Co-Chair 973-765-9013 • 973-765-0514 fax Mary Sferra, ASID, Co-Chair 201-384-8965 • 201-384-0513 fax NEWSLETTER Mary Brennan, ASID, Chair 973-208-6338 • 973-208-6645 fax STUDENT MENTORING Ria Gulian, ASID 732-571-1171 • 732-571-1173 fax TRADE SHOW Diane Durocher, ASID, Chair 201-825-7476 • 201-825-0563 fax WEB SITE TEAM Carrie Oesmann, ASID, Chair 973-347-9066 • 973-347-6793 fax cont. from page 30 3. ELS (ELEGANT LIFESTYLES) Published four times a year by Recorder Publishing, this color section is distributed with 14 weekly papers: Bernardsville News, Chatham Courier, Echoes-Sentinel, Hunterdon Review, Madison Eagle, Florham Park Eagle, Hanover Eagle, Morris News Bee, Mount Olive Chronicle, Observer Tribune, Randolph Reporter, Roxbury Register, Caldwell Progress and The Denville Citizen. The designer’s name will appear as the author of the story. Requirements: 1) Photos to be supplied by the designer. Must be either professional photos or high resolution digitals that look like quality photos. The project can have run in another NJ publication as long as it ran more than four months ago. 2) 500-700 word story about the project. My preference is to have the designer write the story, but I will provide whatever editorial assistance (writing, editing) is required to make participation happen. 3) Short (75 words max) bio of the designer. This will appear at the end of the article. Click on ad for more information on this company. 32 • The Insider Click on ad for more information on this company. New Jersey Chapter • 33 Interior Design Legislation Update By Judy Fosshage, ASID s of this date the State Committee for Interior Design Certification has met and written the rules and regulations for interior design certification. These rules and regulations are now going through the state process of review, comment and approval. After that process is completed, there will be a public comment period. Then the applications will be available for designers to apply for certification. When the applications are available, members of the New Jersey Coalition for Interior Design Legislation will be available to answer your questions about certification and how to complete the applications. In the interim the New Jersey "Contractors' Registration Act" will be in effect by December 31, 2005. At the moment interior designers who engage in home improvement activities such as: installing wall to wall carpeting or attached or inlaid floor coverings, alterations to kitchens and bathrooms, or installing cabinets or changes, repairs or improvements made to residential property - may come under the "Home Improvement Contractors Act." The language in the Home Improvements Contractors Act is unclear regarding whether interior designers are exempt or not under C.56: 8-140 5. c. Which states: "Any person regulated by the State as an architect, professional engineer, landscape architect, land surveyor, electrical contractor, master plumber, or any other person in any other related profession requiring registration, certification, or licensure by the State, who is acting within the scope of practice of his profession.” The Interior Design Certification Act does not "require" interior designers to become certified in order A to conduct business. Our attorney and lobbyist, Sharon Weiner, Esquire is presently in the process of proposing to alter the language to read "who is registered….", eliminating the word "requiring". What can you do to protect your right to practice as an Interior Designer and not as a Home Improvement Contractor? 1. Please send in the form posted on the NJ-ASID web site "A request for application to be put on the state list for requesting interior design certification applications. " By doing so you will have identified yourself as an interior designer rather than a home improvement contractor and show your interest in becoming "certified" in New Jersey as an interior designer. 2. Write a letter asking for clarification of the language in the Home Improvement Contractor's Act so that interior designers will be included in the exemption: Assemblyman Neil Cohen 985 Stuyvesant Avenue, Union, New Jersey 07083 To become certified not only represents your commitment to the highest professional standards of interior design but also supports the validity and importance of the profession of interior design. The New Jersey Coalition for Interior Design Legislation will keep you informed about the certification process, as well as any pending legislation that effects your right to practice. Please consider joining NJCIDL to assist in aiding the certification process. For more information e-mail: Judy Fosshage j.fosshage@verizon .net or DeAnna Schwarz at the Chapter office. Click on ad for more information on this company. 34 • The Insider Click on ad for more information on this company. Galaxy Glass & Mirror The Timeless Beauty of Glass, Mirror & Stone Premium quality manufacturing and installations of glass, marble, granite, decorative metals, and carved & etched glass. Specializing in select residential, commercial, and museum applications worldwide. Call us for an appointment to visit our showroom. Call 800.378.9042 or visit Glass & Mirror Carved & Etched Glass Marble & Granite 277 Fairfield Road ■ P.O. Box 10154 ■ Fairfield, NJ 07004 Tel (973) 575-3440 ■ Hollywood Park. 277 Fairfield Road. Fairfield, New Jersey 07004 Tel: 973.575.3440 Fax: 973.575-5235 brings it to life. New Jersey Chapter • 35 Click on ad for more information on this company.
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