Fall/Winter 2006 - ASID Georgia Chapter


Fall/Winter 2006 - ASID Georgia Chapter
fall/winter 2006
at the Court of Versailles
Vanguard Lecture Series
Winning the Money Game
Click on ad for more information on this company.
Atlanta Showroom – Space 3-C-15 240 Peachtree St., NW
M-F 9am-5pm
letter from the president
Jackie Naylor, ASID
Jackie Naylor Interiors, Inc.
Fax: 404.814.9030
Are you involved? As a seasoned ASID member,
new member, student member, or Industry Partner,
there are plenty of opportunities.
There are Peer Groups available to members:
• Residential Peer Group meets on the fourth Wednesday
each month at different showroom locations during the lunchtime
hour. Contact Lisa Brooks @ 404.841.2347 or the chapter office @
• Commercial Peer Group meets on the fourth Tuesday each
month at different locations after six p.m. Contact Chonda Turner
@ 404.614.6129 or the chapter office @ 404.231.3938.
• Industry Partner Peer Group meets on the third Wednesday
each month in the ASID office at noon. Contact is Archie Deese @
404.524.8283 or the chapter office @ 404.231.3938.
• Student Members – Most area schools have their student
chapters that meet at their own times. Our student member representation to the board is Crystal Kent. Her contact number is
678.412.5015 if you would like to become involved as a student.
Attending one or more of the peer group meetings is a great
avenue to meet your peers and is a good step toward getting involved. General meetings or programs are scheduled on a monthly
basis for the entire membership. The calendar can be accessed
on our website, www.asidga.org, or through our quarterly newsletter calendar. Many of our scheduled monthly meetings always
need a little volunteer assistance.
Joining ASID is one thing, becoming involved as an active
member is another... SIGN UP TODAY! You will be aware of what
a great group of members we have and what a great national
organization you are a part of.
Any questions about where you fit? Don’t have a great deal
of time to commit? Grace Howard, our chapter administrator, is
great at placing a volunteer. Trust me, you will not regret
getting involved!
President Elect 2008
Teresa Sword, ASID
Heery International
Fax: 404.946.2039
Jared Paul,
Allied Member ASID
JPI Atlanta, Inc.
Fax: 404.377.8240
board of directors
Peggy Pruett,
Allied Member ASID
Cornucopia Design
Fax: 770.389.0505
Professional Development
Chonda Turner,
Industry Partner
Matthew Whitaker, Allied Member ASID
Hirsch Bedner Associates /
International Art Collaborative
Shadawn Zareh, ASID
Zareh Design, Inc.
Fax: 770.772.0096
Student Representative
Crystal Kent
winter 2006 |
table of contents
6 Vanguard Lecture Series
8 Holiday Fête & Storytellers
8 Were You There?
Robert Tabor: If the Shoe Fits
2006 National Award Recipients
2006 Annual Meeting
Designers in the News
Highlights in Design
How to Win the Money Game
Learning from the Past,
Looking to the Future
ASID Resources
Industry Partners & Sponsors
New Members
Resources for Students
Calendar of Events
our staff
Thank you for your responses to our summer &
fall 2006 issue! Here’s what you shared with us:
“Thank you, thank you! For those of us not in the immediate
Atlanta area, this is very helpful and so glad to see it make a
“Thought the newsletter was great in format & news - ads
add to the information. Very slick! Keep up the good news.
Highlighting Industry Partners keeps them at the front of our
minds. Very smart!”
“Newsletter looks wonderful both in print and on the web.”
Please see page ten for more about Robert Tabor, who’s
ruby slipper was featured on the cover of our summer & fall 2006
issue. We regret that we did not recognize him at that time.
We would like to recognize Clinton Ross Smith for his
contributions to our summer & fall 2006 issue. Smith is the
Editor-in-Chief of Atlanta Homes and Lifestyles Magazine and
frequently supports ASID and its events.
our contributors
We couldn’t make the newsletter happen without
everyone who contributed their time & talents:
Our chapter newsletter is put together quarterly
by a dedicated group of individuals:
Grace Howard
Jackie Naylor, ASID
Shadawn Zareh, ASID
Matthew Whitaker, Allied Member ASID
Melissa Maples, Industry Partner
Jenny Pittam, Graphic Designer
As Communications Director for the GA Chapter
of ASID, I, Shadawn Zareh, ASID cannot tell you how exciting it
is that our newsletter is now being professionally published. This
has definitely been a work in progress starting with Lucy’s vision
& Jackie’s seeing it to fruition, not to mention all the collective
work behind the scenes. This newsletter is a great resource for all
of our members and I encourage your thoughts & ideas. How can
we make it better? What would you like to see? And most of all, if
you or one of your peers is mentioned “in the news” we want to
know so we can share it with all! We have a full and exciting year
ahead! Stay tuned to upcoming events through the newsletter
and please feel free to contact me at shadawn@bellsouth.net.
your comments
| winter 2006
Cover art watercolor by Rod Pittam, Industry Partner
Vanguard Lecture Series page and Holiday Fête graphics by
Grant Preisser, ASID
Teresa Sword. ASID
Jo Rabaut, ASID
Matthew Whitaker, Allied Member ASID
Zina Cohen, Industry Partner
Shadawn Zareh, ASID
Shirley Jolly, ASID
Lori Rush, Allied Member ASID
Bob Faloni, Industry Partner
Barbara Dornbush, Allied Member ASID
John Gaul, ASID, IIDA
Will Scott, Vice President, SunTrust Bank
John Guest, ASID
Jackie Naylor, ASID
Crystal Kent, Student Representative
Melissa Maples, Industry Partner
Peggy Pruett, ASID
For an electronic version of this newsletter, please visit our
website at www.asidga.org.
Click on ad for more information on this company.
Pushing the envelope in design is always hard without sacrificing
business practicalities. Innovation and outside-the-box creativity
is key in making this happen, and the Georgia Chapter of the
American Society of Interior Designers is excited to introduce a
new lecture series to help address this phenomenon.
The launch of the inaugural VANGUARD Lecture Series this
coming year strives to challenge our creative community to think
differently about how we design, how we design our business and
the "business" of design. 2006 President, Lucy Aiken-Johnson,
ASID conceived this event to inspire dialog and conversation in
the industry, to get creativity flowing and to develop a respect for
innovation. "So many of us lock into one way of doing business;
all clients become faceless in the name of the process. This
lecture series will encourage all to reevaluate that idea and tailor
what we do to create a better product all around," she hopes.
To be a vanguard, one must be at the forefront of current thought,
industry trends, business practices, and new technologies. The
keynote event for the VANGUARD lecture series features an
individual who represents all of these qualities. Tom Kelley, the
general manager of IDEO, is one of the world's most respected
experts on managing innovation and design - how to make
business more creative, not just in its products and services, but
also in its thinking and processes. All the topics presented aim to
bring together the collective creative community, including the
professional organizations in interior design, architecture,
industrial design, graphics, and marketing.
The VANGUARD lecture series has been heavily sponsored by
industry partners, design firms, and design individuals who believe
in the need for this open communication about design and
business. A portion of the proceeds from all events will be
donated to the Museum of Design Atlanta.
For sponshorship information, detailed event information,
& series subscriptions see the website at:
| winter 2006
Winter 2007 Event
presented by Herman Miller
"We Are What We Make"
Bill Grant, President & Creative Director of Grant Collaborative
Thursday, 25 January 2007
$15 - general admission
$10 - students
presented by Steelcase
Tom Kelley, General Manager of IDEO
Presenting a lecture on developing a culture of creativity
capable of continuous innovation, creating and refining
effective design processes, and managing innovation for
sustained long-term growth
Thursday, 8 March 2007
5:30 pm - Silent Auction
6:00pm - Reception
7:00pm - Lecture
Atlanta Symphony Hall / Galleria
$20 - general admission
$10 - students
Fall 2007 Event
presented by Haworth
"If the Shoe Fits, They Will Come:
Differentiating Your Practice to Attract Perfect Clients"
Diana S.W. Baycura, President of Sundance Consulting Group
September 2007
$15 - general admission
$10 - students
Click on ad for more information on this company.
a holiday fête
ASID at the Court of Versailles
Come spend an evening at the Court of
Versailles this holiday season with all of your
fellow ASID members! This year’s Holiday Fête, on
Thursday, December 14th, will be at the lovely, new showroom of
François & Company (formerly Stone Age Designs) located in the
Galleries at Peachtree Hills, adjacent to ADAC. The expansive
space, reminiscent of a French chateau, with multiple mantles
resplendent with holiday greenery and accents of frosty blues,
pinks, creams and silver, will transport you to a different time
and place. There are three levels of beautifully appointed stone
mantles and architectural details to wander through while
sipping a glass of red wine or chatting with your friends. A
scrumptious menu of French-inspired foods, such as carved
beef tenderloin au poivre or apple stuffed loin of pork, is sure
to delight the palate. Meandering up the curving staircase will
take you to the top floor of the chateau where the band and
dance floor are located; so, you may dance off the extra calories
consumed at the irresistible dessert table loaded with chocolate
fondue, holiday Yule log, chocolate ganache cake and pear tart
with whipped crème, just to name a few.
ASID storytellers
residential & commercial
Save the date!
Event: ASID Annual Storyteller Event
Date: January 11th, 2007
Location: Pierce Martin Warehouse
Storytellers: TVS Interiors; Ferry, Hayes & Allen Designers;
Bob Brown, Allied Member ASID; & Tish Mills, Allied Member ASID
Join us in our annual event chronicling the careers of some of
our chapter’s great designers. This year we will host two of ASID’s
Commercial firms as well as two of our Residential Designers.
Come hear their stories, how they began, how they continue to do
it... and everything in between!
This event is presented by Pierce Martin and sponsored by
Chris Little Photography.
It will be an evening of tales and fun! Please join us!
Please RSVP on our website for these two great events!
Mark your calendars now for this special Holiday Fête!
were you there? join us next time!
with committee members Rob Meleski,
My how time flies! Another
year of After Six events has come ASID, Kira Kuhn, Vera Farris, ASID, &
Courtney Branham, Allied Member ASID.
to a close and what a great year it
was... record attendance, fun locations,
entertaining activities, and most of all,
wonderful people. The Commercial P.R.
Committee hosts the After Six Networking
Event for commercial designers on the last
Tuesday of each month, except November
and December. It’s for commercial
designers only and is a chance for them
to get to know their peers in other firms
and keep up with what’s happening in the
commercial arena in Atlanta. Committee
Chair Zina Cohen has ably led this group
After Six with Committee Chair Zina Cohen
As Zina leaves us for Memphis, we salute
her for a great job in taking this event to
new heights. Rob takes over the chair
role for 2007 and After Six promises to
continue with much success. Look for your September’s Residential Roundtable
monthly Evite and mark your calendars
and for the wonderful lunch and services
now for Tuesday, January 30, 2007.
that they provided.
The Residential Roundtable
The Residential Roundtable
had its September meeting on
group met on August 30th at Water the 27th at Living Spaces Studio at the
Works in Buckhead. The topic for this
roundtable was “The New Licensing For
General Contracting.” We had Warner
McConaughey, president of NARI and Kevin
Veler of Veler Law Offices speak to our
group of around 20 attendees about the
new licensing and what is involved with
the qualifications and to whom it applies.
This was a very informative presentation
and a definite eye-opener as to how our
industry could be changing. We would like
to thank Water Works for hosting our event
| winter 2006
Galleries of Peachtree Hills. Kricket
Harrison of Kricket Harrison Business
Coaching presented a small seminar on
“how to gain new prospects and close the
deal.” We had 25 attendees and the event
was a blast. Kricket was a delight and truly
helped with giving us positive personal
knowledge on how to get new prospects
and how to close the deal, as well as
time-management skills. Knowing “Who
We Are” and who our clients are is the key
factor! Thanks Residential Committee!
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Click on ad for more information on this company.
Click on ad for more information on this company.
Robert Tabor
the essence
If the Shoe Fits
interview by Matthew Whitaker, Allied Member ASID
Chris Little
Artist Robert Tabor, who along with ReD
Showroom, graciously donated one of his
exquisite, one-of-a-kind shoe sculptures to
ASID’s 2006 Annual Meeting, is the
proverbial “man behind the shoe.” I had an
opportunity to chat with him recently
and learned how a boy from New
England created a veritable
empire of glitter and glam.
MW: You have a degree in graphic design from The
Art Institute of Boston and much of your career has been
spent in the corporate design world. How do those years
of experience apply to what you do today?
RT: They provided me with great training and great
discipline. And it was a natural segue into what I am
doing now, which is equally as creative and artistic, if not
more so. In addition to window displays, twice a year I
design over one hundred to-scale sets for Barbie® and
Cabbage Patch® toy products by Mattel. It’s great fun and
a wonderful creative opportunity that keeps me connected
to the corporate world.
ATLANTA 770.641.9688
MW: You mention window displays. Please elaborate.
RT: I combine my love for graphics and threedimensional art to create fantastical window displays
for lots of different stores in New York and California,
including Macy’s, Books of Wonder, The Pleasure Chest,
and The Nickelodeon Store.
Click on ad for more information on this company.
MW: How did your shoe sculptures become the
sensations they are today?
RT: Jane Weitzman, of Stuart Weitzman shoes, spied
one of my shoe sculptures in a collection of memorabilia
in a Greenwich Village restaurant. She tracked me down
and asked me to create a themed collection for display
in the Stuart Weitzman store windows on Rodeo Drive
in Beverly Hills. Since then, I have done three additional
collections for Weitzman.
Kirkland Imports
MW: Your shoe sculptures are so wonderfully unique.
What’s the concept behind each piece and what goes into
making them?
RT: Well, I find vintage shoes and offer them one last
bit of respect, one final go at life so to speak, and with
lots of sparkle and glow. The basic shoe form is built up
with polymer clay and sculpted to achieve the effect I am
looking for, then oven-fired and adorned with sequins,
glass beads, Swarovski crystals, feathers and such. If the
shoe fits, I go with it.
View Sole Sensations at www.roberttabor.com.
| winter 2006
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ASID National
Award Recipients
Walter Allen, ASID
Medalist Award
by Shirley Jolly, ASID
The ASID National Examiners Committee Chapter Medalist Award is the Society’s second most prestigious
recognition of a Professional member’s outstanding service and
significant contributions to their chapter, the Society, and to the
profession as a whole.
Walter Allen, ASID began his career at the distinguished
commercial interior design firm, Alan L. Ferry Designers. As
an enthusiastic young designer, Walter became involved in GA
Chapter AID committees including Callonwalde, Career Day and
the Regional Conference. Over the years, Walter has chaired or
served on various committees; most often on the Design Excellence Awards and Professional Development & Practices. He has
served the chapter as an officer and a board member.
Walter and Ferry, Hayes, & Allen Designers have received numerous awards and citations: the Georgia Chapter ASID Design
Achievement Award, Presidential Citations for Distinguished
Service, Project Design Awards and ADAC Southeast Designer of
the Year. His clients have included national corporations, banks,
law firms and country & city clubs throughout the country.
In 1980, Walter was appointed Vice President of Ferry Hayes
Designers and in 1990 assumed the role of President. His leadership of FHA Designers has led to a successful “third generation” of the firm Alan Ferry began in 1956.
Red Showroom
thayer coggin
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furniture• textiles
Kate Kyle, ASID
Lifetime Membership
lighting• wallcoverings
rugs • accessories
Red Showroom ATL04 29688.indd 1
by Matthew Whitaker, Allied Member ASID
Lifetime membership is an honor recognizing
individual members for their special contributions
to ASID. The membership status is confined to professional
2/12/04 11:49:10 AM
1110 west peachtree street nw
atlanta, ga 30309
v: 404.892.0588
f: 404.892.1008
Red Showroom ATL04 29688.indd 1
V i s i t o u r n e w We b s i t e !
w w w . re d s h o wro o m . c o m
| winter 2006
members who qualify within the eligibility guidelines, and
should not be confused with retired or inactive status, nor
tied to financial hardship considerations. No one is more
deserving of this prestigious honor than Kate Kyle, ASID.
She is a decades-long member and an intensely passionate
ambassador for the Society. Her long-standing accomplishments
within ASID and the Interior Design profession are impressive
and her commitment to ASID as a member and volunteer are
2/12/04 11:49:10 AM
especially noteworthy. As an educator, Kate has inspired and
influenced hundreds of interior design students, insisting that a
professional liaison with ASID provides for a proper introduction
to the professional world and helps to build a solid foundation
for success in the design industry. I know this because I am
one of those students. I will be forever grateful for the example
she sets for all of us, for her encouraging words and continued
support, and most of all, for her enduring friendship.
O’Karma Gallery, Inc.
(requested top right on page 13)
Jeff Ashworth, Allied Member ASID
Educator Medalist
by Lori Rush, Allied Member ASID
Grace Howard,
ASID Honorary Chapter Medalist
by Lucy Aiken-Johnson, ASID
In 2006, National ASID established the Chapter
The highest chapter award bestowed by the
Educator Medalist Award to recognize outstanding service Society upon ASID non-practitioners at the chapter
and contributions to the chapter and to the body of knowledge
level, the ASID Honorary Chapter Medalist recognizes
in interior design. It is the highest award bestowed by ASID on
an educator at the chapter level. In 2006, Jeff Ashworth, Allied
Member ASID was chosen as the first recipient of this award both
in this chapter and in the nation.
The chapter submitted pages of documentation detailing how
Jeff met the requirements of outstanding service to ASID and
Interior Design education for over 30 years. His contributions
are now a matter of record. But impressive as those deeds,
awards, and accolades are, they pale in contrast to the third
category, “outstanding contributions to the community that have
enriched the human experience.” Jeff is most deserving of this
award because he is the most compassionate, people-centered
person one could ever meet. Anyone who spends any time with
him at all senses a genuine interest on his part to know who they
are. Jeff is a great educator because he understands that a truly
effective teacher is one who accepts the dual roles of leadership
and servant hood. His life and record of accomplishments attest
to his ability to lead, but his preference to serve.
The Georgia Chapter is proud to have sponsored Jeff for this
honor and to recognize him for his years of service. But most of
all, we are grateful to call him a colleague, mentor, and friend.
outstanding service and significant contributions to an ASID
chapter, to the Society, and to the overall profession of interior
design. Each of us understands with our volunteer service to
ASID that it would be difficult to continue the success of our
chapter without the dedication of a Chapter Administrator. In the
12 years that Grace has helped each President lead our members,
she has served our Board of Directors and our members with
dedication to our organization. Since Grace began her service
to ASID, we have doubled our number of Georgia participants in
each member category of Industry Partners, Students, and Design
Professionals, totaling almost 1,600 members.
It is Grace’s consistent leadership that has helped the Georgia
Chapter become one of the top five chapters in this country.
Her presence at industry and community-wide events has
strengthened our relationships with media and industry contacts
and allowed Grace to promote the work and knowledge of our
members. Consultant, Advisor, Champion, and Friend, Grace
won’t stop until ASID is the only source for interior design and
interior designers in Georgia.
winter 2006 |
Georgia’s 2006 Annual Meeting
Halle Cobb & Celest Hyre
Phyllis Frierson & Janice Palmer
Rose Walters, Carla Fitzgerald
& Linda Pittam
Melissa Mason & Kristen Rudolf
David Parker, Linda DeWolf,
& Amanda Kretzer
Tish Mills, Crystal Kent, and Margaret
Norcott welcome members
Jan DeLong, Sandy McGowen,
& Lori Rush
Karen King & Teresa Sword
Bartenders Keith Zielinski & Joel Grimes
Lucy Aiken-Johnson & Kira Kuhn
Vera Farris, William Duffee-Braun,
& Nicole Moss
Regency House
Walter Allen and his Medalist Award
can we leave Regency ad
Electa Yenihayat & Irv Bravman
at the bottom?
Amy Aenschbacker & Lisa Brooks
Click on ad for more information on this company.
| winter 2006
Matthew Whitaker & Kate Kyle
Click on ad for more information on this company.
Total Stone
designers in the news
Bonnie C. Settle, Allied Member ASID, has been working
behind the scenes with the Atlanta team on A&E’s show “Flip This
House.” She received film time in September while inputting
design ideas for the exterior, interior, kitchens and baths of the
home. Settle works closely with Shania Leccima, one of the major
characters on the show. Check the A&E website for details.
women who translate their unerring instincts for fine design.”
Chip Cheatham, Industry Partner and his Morningside home
were also featured in the same issue.
Yaacov Golan, owner of C Lighting, was featured in the fall
issue of Atlanta Peach magazine. C Lighting was listed as a great
source for hip, contemporary lighting.
Featured in Atlanta Homes & Lifestyles:
September 2006 issue, “Style Secrets” with Sara Steinfeld,
Barbara Dornbush, Allied Member ASID, was featured in
Allied Member ASID in “Living With Art.”
Eco-Concious Living in the October 2006 issue of Atlanta Homes &
“Style Focal Point” with Pamola Powell, ASID in “20 Artists
Lifestyles. She works with Dornbush Design Studio, LLC.
You Need to Know - Now.”
“ASID Members in the 2006 Symphony Showhouse Rooms”
Interior Design magazine is showcasing ai3’s work in their
were Living Room: Jim Essary, ASID and Bill Murphy, Allied
November issue. The article will feature the design studio space of Member ASID; Master Vestibule: Christy Dillard, Allied Member
Artistic Image/Artemis Creative at King Plow Arts Center. Members ASID; Family Room: Carole Weaks, Allied Member ASID; KeepLucy Aiken-Johnson, ASID and Joe Remling, AIA, Allied Member ing Room: Tish Mills, Allied Member ASID; Dining Room: Bob
Brown, Allied Member ASID; Laundry Room: Janie Hirsch, ASID
ASID are principals of ai3, Inc.
and Brenda Zaharchak, ASID.
Rod Pittam, Industry Partner, currently has work featured
in a newly-opened Italian restaurant on Decatur Square. His works
Traditional Home October 2006 issue, “Showhouse
include three large oil paintings of the Tuscan countryside and can Showcase”... statements of style featured Bob Brown, Allied
be found in the restaurant Pasta Please.
Member ASID.
Lauriel Leonard, Allied Member ASID, with Dex Studios
was featured on the cover of the August issue of Atlanta Homes
& Lifestyles and the section “Style Secrets” as one of the “four
Atlanta Magazine’s Home “Designer’s Choice” section
displayed Lucy Aiken-Johnson’s, ASID Best Picks Under the Sun.
Let us know when you’re in the news! Email info@asidga.org.
winter 2006 |
design highlights
Bell Carpet Galleries
Kimball Office has
a new look. Adagiato
was designed by David
Allan Pesso. Visual
appeal derives from
the textural contrast of
tubular steel, soft upholsteries and rich wood finishes. Yet
Adagiato is differentiated by its generous scale, comfortable
seat and slightly reclined back orientation, producing truly
comfortable support. With three back styles - full-height
back cushion, half-height back cushion, and wood back.
Please visit www.kimball.com for more.
The influence of Italian
design seems limitless and
timeless. Barovier & Toso,
established in 1295, have
not only significantly influenced lighting design, but its
great master Angelo Barovier
also invented “crystalline
glass.” Melissa Maples at
ReD Showroom can guide
you through this still-familyowned business of hand-blown chandeliers and lamps ranging from opulent baroque to classic modern designs. Please
visit www.redshowroom.com.
Click on ad for more information on this company.
Allied Member ASID,
checking out
com for great looking contemporary sustainable furniture,
such as the Swilken Bench by Acronym Designs. For trade
courtesy information, contact Jodi Fontana at 917.699.9352.
Baldwin Brass
John Gaul, ASID, IIDA,
recommends the www.phillipjeffries.com website as a
great source for natural textured
wallcoverings that are made
from sustainable products and
provide both a beautiful aesthetic as well as an environmental
quality. For trade courtesy information, contact Tanya at Grizzel
& Mann at (404) 261-5932.
Visit www.thibautdesign.com or call 800-223-0704
for showroom listings and collection information.
| winter 2006
Featured here are new and exciting design
elements we asked our ASID members and
friends to share
with our readers.
Click on ad for more information on this company.
Total Stone
how to win the money game
part I: is there a smarter way to manage your money?
Ask your banker if they offer a business checking account
with an investment sweep attached to it. The key here is that
are smarter ways to manage your money. You are about to learn with this type of account, the bank will sweep your money into
a “separate” investment account. This circumvents the Federal
some financial tricks that can help make you more money and
rule because the bank is not paying interest on your business
help make your life a little easier.
It is fun to spend money but it’s usually pretty boring to think checking account. Instead, you will be receiving income from an
about managing it. At times it might even be a little intimidating, investment account. When you write a check or withdraw funds,
too. But, let me introduce you to three simple financial tools that your money is automatically swept back into your checking
can help you quickly and easily get ahead in “The Money Game.” account for payment. Neat, huh?
Here are some things to be aware of with sweep accounts:
> Sweep Accounts
First, make sure that it is not the same type of sweep account
> Electronic Banking (Reinvented)
that the bank would normally offer to a huge corporate client
> Automatic Transfers (It’s Magic!)
In this issue, we will focus on the first option, sweep accounts. (those are cost prohibitive). Second, understand how many
A sweep account will not clean the dust off your coffee table, but transactions you are allowed to have on the account without any
it will help insure your money is working harder and smarter for charge and if there are minimum balance requirements (to avoid
monthly fees). Third, find out if there is an annual fee associated
you. Did you know that it is a Federal law that Corporate and
LLC business checking accounts cannot be paid interest by their with the account. If you carry decent sized balances in your
account, the fact that you are now making “real money” with
banks? That’s why your banker may talk to you about receiving
your funds should more than offset any annual fee and leave you
“earnings credits” on your business checking account.
with cash in your pocket.
These “earnings credits” are great for offsetting bank fees
Stay tuned for parts II and III. For more info about this
on your account, but if you have any extra credits, they do you
topic, please email me at will.scott@suntrust.com. Remember...
absolutely no good. Would you rather have cash in your pocket
Winning the Money Game Starts by Knowing the Rules!
or an earnings credit? I choose cash. Here’s how you can, too.
by Will Scott, Vice President, SunTrust Bank
The answer to that question is absolutely! There
winter 2006 |
learning from the past, looking to the future
by John Guest, Allied Member ASID
Here are the issues that GAIDP (Georgia Alliance of Interior
Design Professionals) knows will come before this session:
> The Board of Architecture and Interior Design will open
designers, architects and engineers can understand the power
their laws and change them.
in that statement. We know how much the environment created
> The Board wants to strengthen and enforce criminal
by our structures controls our capacity, our demeanor and our
penalties for practicing architecture without a license.
productivity. Churchill knew these structures to be both physical
> The Board wants to establish the penalties for violation of
like buildings or the outside environment and also legal like
the interior design registration law.
government’s laws or tax policies.
> There is a “public interest” law firm from Virginia that is
trying to remove interior design registration in all states.
Churchill was a true renaissance man. He was an artist, an
> The Board needs to change the name of the recognized
orator, a journalist, a historian but, thankfully for us, he focused accrediting organization, FIDER, to The Council for Interior
most of his considerable energies on building, controlling and
Design Accreditation and possibly make other adjustments.
fighting for the structures of free government for Britain and
> There will be bills introduced to modify the contractor
western civilization.
licensing law.
> There will be bills to change taxes.
That is where he parted ways with almost all of us. We focus
> There will be a review of the boards to kill those not
precious little energy on shaping laws that control our lives
and livelihood. Government’s laws directly control all interior
designers, yet very few take action to design that essential
GAIDP can be there with you to help you be sure that you
structure. This year, the Georgia legislature and the governments have a well-designed structure in law. GAIDP can continue as a
of other states will alter the laws and taxes that control interior
strong voice with you. Together we can assure a well-designed
designers. Who will act for you or will you take action to
structure for your business and your profession.
control the outcome?
Winston Churchill once said, “We design our
structures, then they design our lives.” Interior
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The only thing we don’t offer is drive-through service–yet!
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| winter 2006
ProSource of Marietta
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Tel: 770-612-9996
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ProSource of Savannah
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Evans, GA 30809
Tel: 706-396-4700
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2007 board training
Click on ad for more information on this company.
CLC is an annual training session for the
incoming ASID chapter board members. ASID National
organized the training session last year which was held in
Vancouver. This year, CLC was held in Washington, DC. The
locations will rotate between DC and a new location.
Decorative Walls
Chonda Turner, Teresa Sword, Peggy Pruett, and Crystal Kent work together to
create a chapter flag at the board of directors conference in D.C.
The purpose of the session is to familiarize the incoming
board members with their duties for the upcoming year.
Students, allied members and professionals from all the chapter
boards meet at this annual meeting. Our participation was not
only group-oriented, but task-oriented to our board position. It
was an intense four days.
The highlight of the four days was our visit to the Green House
exhibit, sponsored by ASID, at the National Building Museum. It
was a true bonding experience for all!
Click on ad for more information on this company.
Heirloom Iron Bed Company
& Fine Linens
Our 2007 Board of Directors! Standing are Peggy, Chonda, and Matthew; seated
are Shadawn, Jackie, Teresa, and Crystal.
Not Just Iron Beds
The Finest Linens
Change is in the Air!
The 2007 ASID Design Excellence Awards will
undergo a bit of cosmetic surgery in the New Year!
All new venue, brand new format, completely new attitude! And
lots of it! We’ll kick off the celebration at the Atlanta History
Center with a cocktail party before moving into the theater for
the awards presentation. Dinner and dancing will follow to
celebrate, so mark your calendars now for April 11th!
ATLANTA: 2140 Peachtree Road #235, Atlanta, GA 30309 • 404-352-3132
MARIETTA: 65 Church Street, Marietta, GA 30060 • 770-514-0556
ROSWELL: 10800 Alpharetta Hwy. #300, Roswell GA 30076 • 770-993-7249
winter 2006 |
ASID resources
EcoManor (new date!)
STEP class
to come out and see Georgia’s first LEED certified residence that
features earth-friendly materials, energy conservation options,
and the use of both solar and geothermal energy to power its
daily energy use.
Saturday, January 27, 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Sunday, January 28, 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Location: American InterContinental University
3330 Peachtree Rd., Atlanta
Go to www.asid.org for more information about the course
and to register!
Our tour of the environmentally-friendly EcoManor will take place on December 5th. We encourage you
Built by Laura Turner Seydel and Rutherford Seydel,
EcoManor features cutting edge technology, state-of-the art
exterior, and interior earth-friendly finishes.
Are you taking the NCIDQ? Take the STEP Class!
Date: Friday, January 26, 2007, 5:00 - 10:00 p.m.
Student Showcase
Seeking hot new design talent? Don’t miss this
outstanding recruiting opportunity as American InterContinental
Well, it’s a fact: green is in. Everywhere we look today University students display the work they have amassed
there are new and beautiful products that are becoming availin pursuing a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Interior Design. A
able that not only help us in our designs but are also good for the Council for Interior Design Accreditation (formerly FIDER)
environment. During our CLC06 board training in Washington,
accredited program, the Interior Design Program at American
DC we had the opportunity to go to The Green Home exhibit at
InterContinental University presents this semi-annual showcase
the National Building Museum. Just seeing this beautiful buildto introduce their students to the design community of Atlanta.
ing was a treat in itself, but the exhibit is a real gem. If any of
December 12th from 6p.m. - 8p.m. at ReD Showroom located at
you are going to be in DC, the exhibit is ongoing until June 3,
1110 W. Peachtree St. View map at www.redshowroom.com.
2007. They have outfitted the space with completely green products and have put them all into a great take-home directory that
talks about the principles of Sustainablity, Ways to go Green, &
In September, Atlanta Homes & Lifestyles
Innovative Green Products. For more information or to get your
launched their new online blog, AH&L365. This new
copy go to www.NBM.org.
addition to the magazine is the city’s first and only daily blog
devoted to style, design, home — all the things you love! Join
Another great green resource that’s worth checking into is
AH&L for the latest news and check out what’s happening around
The Modern Green Living Directory. www.moderngreenliving.
town. Link directly by going to http://blog.atlantahomesmag.
com. It features local green interior designers, builders, realtors com. Be sure to bookmark it and visit everyday - and join the
& other professionals who create energy-efficient and non-toxic conversation!
homes. The directory makes it easy for individuals to design,
build, remodel, furnish, or find a green home. Check it out!
Green Home Directory
AH&L blog
Haven House
Referral Service
Don’t forget about our Georgia chapter’s online
referral service! For a mere $100 annual fee, you can make
Want to make a contribution that doesn’t cost
you anything? Imagine having to flee your home in the
middle of the night with your children to keep them safe with
nothing of your own except the clothes you were wearing when
yourself available online to potential clients by posting your
you ran out. This happens to an alarming number of women
contact information, up to three photographs of your choice, and
and children each day in our own neighborhoods. Peggy Pruett,
website links. Clients will be matched up by key word searches on Membership Director, is on the Board of Directors of Haven
the website. Please email info@asidga.com for an electronic form House, a domestic abuse shelter for seven counties. You can
to complete.
contribute in a variety of ways by donating furniture, clothing,
household goods, money, etc. or by collecting the complimentary
shampoos, lotions, sewing kits, etc. from hotels when you travel.
Looking for CEUs? Our members will find great informa- Haven House creates kits for clients when they check-in as well
tion about CEUs by visiting the website www.aecdaily.com and while they are residents. To start collecting and donating toiletry
subscribing to updates about free online continuing education,
items, just drop them off at the ASID office and Peggy will deliver
trade shows, events, and conferences.
them. If you know of a shelter in your area, they would be happy
to have them as well. Also, please keep charitable organizations
Are you an Industry Partner with an upcoming
in mind as you work with your clients. Someone’s gently worn
CEU? Let ASID know about it so we can announce in our news- sofa or dresser could be a treasure for a mom trying to start a new
letter! Let our members know so we can increase participation! life for herself and her children. We are all so blessed each day
and need to remember to give back whenever we can. For more
info, email Peggy at peggy.pruett@mindspring.com.
Continuing Education Units
| winter 2006
10:00 AM
Page 1
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georgia chapter sponsors
we can’t do it without you!
August 2006 Student Kick-Off
October 2006 Annual Meeting
Presenting: ReD Showroom
Durkan Commercial
Mohawk Commercial Carpets
Traditions in Tile & Stone
Helios Carpet
Mohawk Floorscapes
Customweave Carpets
Bell Carpet Gallery
Lees Commercial
Lees / Mohawk Group
Karastan Contract
Bigelow Commercial Carpets
Mohawk ColorCenter Elite
Mohawk Floorz
2007 Residential &
Commercial Storytellers
Pierce Martin
Chris Little Photography
Chonda Turner of Steelcase & Phillip Jeffries, ASID
of Carson Guest, Inc.
November 2006 ASID at
Louvre Atlanta
Presenting: Sherwin Williams
December 2006 EcoManor Tour
December 2006 Holiday Gala
Presenting: Francois & Co.
Marketing Materials
Carithers Wallace Courtney
Gnosis Tesserae
Myers Carpet
Traditions in Tile & Stone
Durkan Contract
O’Kelley’s Upholstery & Design Center
Helios & Karastan Rugs
Mohawk Commercial
Floorcare Concepts
Mohawk Home
Beverly Hall
Customweave & Karastan
Formica Corporation
Pallas Textiles
Lees Commercial
February 2007 Career Day
Monica Murphy-Perez (from right), Angelle
Schaumberg, and Lauren Brown with Marketing
Materials, a sponsor of the 2006 Holiday Gala.
Melissa Maples and David Montgomery of ReD
Showroom, sponsors of the 2006 Annual Meeting,
display a shoe by Robert Tabor.
| winter 2006
2007 Vanguard Lecture
SCAD Atlanta
Vista Window Film
TVS Interiors, Inc.
DeKalb Office Environments
Herman Miller
Stanley, Beaman & Sears, Inc.
ASID National
Global Industries
Hall Weir
Ceramic Technics
Edelman Leather
Carolina Business Furniture
The Structor Group
Jova Daniels Busby
Carnegie Fabrics
Main Solutions
Rabaut Design Associates
3form material solutions
Karastan Contract
Durkan Commercial
Ivan Allen
R.A. Siegel Company
Janace Harding Interior Design
April 2007 Design
Excellence Awards
Atlanta Homes & Lifestyles
Regency House
Illuminations Contract
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©2006 Duron Paints & Wallcoverings
Click on ad for more information on this company.
We invite all of our new members to join us for a special
welcome event on November
30. Please see the calendar
page 22 for more details!
New Members
> Candace Greene,
Allied Member ASID
> Ayanna Marie White,
Allied Member ASID
> Noveta I. Sherman,
Allied Member ASID
> Amanda Victoria Taylor,
Allied Member ASID
> Amy Pierce,
Allied Member ASID
> Jennifer Lisette Powers,
> Alison L. Caputo, ASID
> Sandra Rawls Oltmanns,
Visit www.thibautdesign.com or call 800-223-0704
for showroom listings and collection information.
Click on ad for more information on this company.
Door Hardware, Cabinet Hardware, Bath Accessories
3220 Cobb Parkway
Atlanta, Georgia 30339
Toll free
| winter 2006
New Industry Partners
East Teak Fine Hardwoods,
> Wayne Rogers
Turbo Chef
> Leslie Hoffman
> Brian Pember
Currey & Company
> Bethanne Matari
> Betty Robbins
Marketing Materials
> Lauren Brown
> Monica Murphy-Perez
Five Star Restorations
> Alicia Arzata
England Piano
> Amanda Kretzer
KI, Inc.
> Debra M. Brice
Stanley Furniture
> Nicholas Hancock
The Hallie Group
> Hallie Cobb
Dalton Flooring Outlet
> Louis Ragy
Living Spaces
> Lisa Brooks, Allied Member
The Sportsman’s Gallery
> Sarah G. Lansford
to order, please visit www.asidga.org
When Atlanta’s designers
require the finest painting
and wall coverings, they call
Archie Deese,
The Paint Doctor
Call today at
The Paint Doctor
for your estimate.
Interior & Exterior Painting
Wallpaper • Murals
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2004 Atlanta Symphony Showhouse
Pineapple House Interiors, Bob Brown
student resources
It’s official! The new school year has now begun
2005 Atlanta Symphony Showhouse
Robert Brown Interiors, Inc.
student career day
Date: February 15, 2007
for each of the ASID Student Chapters. Now that we’re back to jugLocation: AmericasMart; Downtown Atlanta
gling hectic class and work schedules, planning time for networkWatch for details!
ing events is usually the last thing on our minds. However, ASID
has several events planned in the upcoming
months that I encourage everyone to attend.
And, if you make plans now there’s no reason
The student chapter presiwhy you shouldn’t be able to work it into your
dents and faculty advisors met
busy schedule. First, on November 9th, we’ve
on August 23 to kick off the
teamed up with the High Museum for a lecture
new school year. American Interand tour of the Louvre Atlanta exhibit. Also,
continental University, Brenau Atlanta,
this first term is the Holiday Gala on December
Brenau Gainsville, Gwinnett Tech, and
14th. On January 11th, the popular Storytellers
SCAD Atlanta were all represented.
event is a great way to learn about professionThe event took place at The Viking
als’ history. Take advantage of the benefits
Store. After a light dinner, it was down
Jackie Naylor, Peggy Pruett, Crystal Kent & Pebbles
Glenn at the Viking Student Kick-Off
your membership offers and make plans to atto business discussing the events for
tend at least one of these events. Details on www.asidga.org.
the upcoming year. We have a great group of student presidents
on board and we’re excited about everything that is in store!
I also wanted to inform you that we’ve just created a community page called “GA ASID Students” through Yahoo! Groups to help
facilitate communication among the student chapters. To join go to
the “Groups” page at www.yahoo.com.
Want to know what other students are designing? See for
yourself as AIU students display their work at their semi-annual
Best of luck with your classes this quarter.
showcase, December 12th from 6p.m. - 8p.m. at ReD Showroom
Crystal Kent
located at 1110 W. Peachtree Street.
student kick-off
want to check out student work?
winter 2006 |
calendar of events
november .06
december .06
Georgia Chapter Board Meeting
8:00 a.m.
ASID Office
ADAC Presents
10:00 a.m.
Speaker: Carolyn Roehm
Topic: “A Passion for Parties”
ADAC Conference Center, Suite 214
ASID at Louvre Atlanta Exhibit
> 5:30 p.m.: Lecture by David
Brenneman, Curator of the European
Arts for the High Museum of Art
> 6:30 & 7:00 p.m.: Tours of the
Limited to 200 attendees
Please RSVP to www.asidga.org
Cost: $12.00
Location: High Museum of Art
1280 Peachtree Street, Atlanta
Industry Partner Peer Group
12:00 p.m.
ASID Office
Brown bag lunch
ADAC’s Design Thursday
11:30 a.m.
Holland & Company, Suite 238
ADAC Presents
10:00 a.m.
Speaker: Tricia Guild
Topic: “Tricia Guild Pattern: Using
Pattern to Create Sophisticated,
Show-Stopping Interiors”
ADAC Conference Center, Suite 214
A book signing will follow the event at
Grizzel & Mann, Suite 120
New Member Welcome Event
5:30 p.m.
Lee Jofa, ADAC, Suite 106
RSVP to info@asidga.org
| winter 2006
january .06
NCIDQ early bird application
Deadline for Spring 2007 exam
Applies to first time registrants only
Georgia Chapter Board Meeting
8:00 a.m.
ASID Office
6:00 - 9:00 p.m.: Tours of the house
Manor Ridge Drive, NW
Atlanta, GA 30305
Parking at Peachtree Battle Shopping
Center; Shuttle Provided
RSVP at www.asidga.org
Sponsored by TOTO USA
ADAC Presents
10:00 a.m.
Speaker: Sherri Donghia
Topic: “Donghia: The Artistry of
Luxury & Style”
ADAC Conference Center, Suite 214
A book signing will follow the event
in the Donghia Showroom, Suite 317
Light refreshments provided
NCIDQ regular application deadline
for Spring 2007 exam
American InterContinental
University’s Interior Design SemiAnnual Showcase
6:00 - 8:00 p.m.
ReD Showroom
1110 West Peachtree Street, NW
ASID Holiday Gala
Time: 7:00 p.m.
Location: François & Company
(formerly Stone Age Designs) in the
Peachtree Hills Galleries adjacent to
Industry Partner Peer Group
12:00 p.m.
ASID Office
ADAC’s Design Thursday
11:30 a.m.
Holland & Company, Suite 238
Georgia Chapter Board Meeting
8:00 a.m. at the ASID Office
ASID Annual Storyteller Event
6:00 p.m.
Pierce Martin Warehouse
99 Armor Drive, Atlanta
Industry Partner Peer Group
12:00 p.m. at the ASID Office
ADAC’s Design Thursday
11:30 a.m.
Holland & Company, Suite 238
Vanguard Lecture Series
> 6:00 p.m.: Reception
> 7:00 p.m. Lecture by Bill Grant,
President & Creative Director of Grant
Topic: “We Are What We Make”
Presented by Herman Miller
Location: Herman Miller Showroom &
Puritan Mill
STEP Class
Three day workshop
See page 20 for details
After Six
6:00 p.m.
For commercial designers
Location: TBA
upcoming in .07
February 15
Student Career Day
Location: AmericasMart
March 8
The Vanguard Lecture Series
Speaker Tom Kelley
Location: Symphony Hall
March 15 - 17
ASID Interiors 2007
Hyatt Regency in San Francisco
March 30 - 31
Spring 2007 NCIDQ Exam
April 11
ASID 2007 Design Excellence Awards
Location: Atlanta History Center
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