Module 2-2–Lead Generation Defaulted Properties
Module 2-2–Lead Generation Defaulted Properties
Module 2-2 Module 2-2–Lead Generation Defaulted Properties REIProfessor Castle Publishing LLC M2-2 NOTICE TO OBEY ALL LAWS: The information provided in this home study is for your understanding of the various ways that real estate transactions can be structured. The laws in your state may or may not regulate/prohibit the practices you are learning. It is always necessary to consult with a local attorney whenever you structure any real property deal. By accepting this information, I agree to indemnify and hold harmless the presenters, companies, their successors, assigns and affiliates, the forum, and producers of all materials, which I obtained, as a result of my attendance. I understand it is solely my responsibility to conduct myself in a manner consistent with all applicable laws, and that the presenters are not giving legal or tax advice. Should I misuse the information, fail to operate within the law, choose not to consult with an attorney, or if I suffer any damages whatsoever, I will be solely responsible. I acknowledge that I have read this agreement, and that I will operate my transactions in compliance with all applicable laws. DISCLAIMER: This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in regard to the subject matter covered. It is sold with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting or other professional service. If legal or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional person should be sought. From a declaration of principal jointly adopted by a committee of the American Bar Association and a Committee of Publishers. DISCLOSURE: ATTENTION: There is legislation in several states that strictly limits the manner of operating a business in the pre-foreclosure and foreclosure industry and related industries that prohibits charging any fee until completion of all services of the service provider and restricts that return on monies advanced to a designated percentage. Some of the legislation restricts the return to 10% or other amounts. You MUST consult your personal attorney who is licensed in the State or States in which you intend to operate your business to determine whether there is legislation that governs how you conduct your business and restricts the terms and amounts of your charges. Particular attention should be given if you intend to operate your business in California, Colorado, Florida, North Carolina, Maryland, Missouri, Minnesota, New Hampshire, Oregon, Virginia, and Washington at the time that this page was printed. There may be similar legislation in other states as well. Many, if not all of the states, currently have statutes providing civil and criminal penalties for operating a business in a deceptive or unfair manner. A high cost of services to the homeowner may in some circumstances be considered to be deceptive or unfair because of the return alone. Again, your personal attorney should be consulted on all aspects of how you conduct your business. © All rights reserved. The unauthorized possession, use, reproduction, distribution, display or disclosure of this material or the information contained herein is prohibited. In preparing and providing this publication, Castle Publishing LLC and is not rendering legal, accounting, or other similar professional services. Castle Publishing LLC and makes no claims that an individual and/or institution's use of this publication or the materials for which it is provided will insure compliance with applicable federal or state laws, rules, or regulations. Each individual and/or organization should seek legal, accounting and other similar professional services from competent providers of the organization's own choosing. Results not typical, your results will vary. or .NET, Jeff Kaller, the. or .NET, Jeff Kaller, and the or .NET, Jeff Kaller Banner, are trademarks or registered trademarks or .NET, Jeff Kaller or its subsidiaries in the U.S. and other countries. All other trade names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. Prepared By Castle Publishing LLC ©Castle Publishing, LLC 1 Module 2-2–Lead Generation Defaulted Properties Outline: 1. Overview to Determine the Right Cost-Per-Deal Plan 2. Marketing to Submission Action Flow Plan 3. Customer Acquisition Through Zillow 4. Preforeclosures List Acquisition 5. Jeff’s Note: Full Automation of Lead Generation 6. Mailers , Flyers and Leave-Behinds 7. Using a Website With Search Engine Optimization ©Castle Publishing, LLC 2 1-Overview: This part two in Lead Generation will allow you to get deals submitted into the Defaulted Loan Settlement Program. It is recommended that you listened to the Webinar Overview on Module 13 which was also delivered to you in the last video of the Kickoff Series. These are people that the lender has filed a Notice of Default (NOD). BEST CANDIDATES FOR THE PROGRAM 90 Days within the foreclosure, $200,000 or greater in value, vacant, rentable condition and not listed on the MLS You don’t have to have a large budget and you don’t have to spend anything if you use agents, or drive a property to drop off a door leave behind. (These are letters, post cards or marketing packages) Module 12 goes into detail on how to use agents and the MLS to get the exact target to our filters properties prospects. There are supporting videos which take you step-by-step through the process of working with agents to generate these leads. The videos are comprised of revealing conversations, supporting emails, and scripts. Lead Generation through an agent creates one more step in the conversion process: You have to explain the Prosperity Partner Program to the Agent who will try to explain it to the seller. An agent who has a short sale listing is a VERY easy ©Castle Publishing, LLC 3 target; the agent already has the seller’s number and trust. This module will provide the details of how you can go directly to owners in preforeclosure. You have your one chance to explain the program after they see the marketing message. By far the cheapest, fastest and most productive thing you can do is simply to locate someone behind on payments and send them to our team, in order to receive their phone number. The Prosperity Partner Program has so many benefits that 8 out of 10 owner’s we speak with want to move ahead!!! That is an astounding number. The benefits are clearly articulated in the Conversion Module Part 2 as to why the program is so strong. Skip Tracing can be done one at a time or you can get an entire list of people that fits the given criteria. ©Castle Publishing, LLC 4 -Owner-Searches In order to deploy a mail campaign you purchase a list and the mailer and postage. If you invest $500 in a direct mail campaign at $1.20 per letter you have reached out to 400 people. ($500/$1.20) Your response should be 2-3% or 8 calls. (400 people x 2%) If you skip trace 400 of the same prospects you have invested $500. (400 names x $1.25) Which do you think will produce the best results? Which makes more since: A onetime touch via letter or numbers that you can continue to call, to text and to leave messages? ©Castle Publishing, LLC 5 Submitting to skip trace 400 names will result in approximately 87% hit ratio. You should receive about for 348 actual phone numbers. (400 x 87%) You pay per number of the names sent to the bulk skip trace plan. Approximately 243 or 70% of 348 numbers will result in good cell and land line numbers. That means you can continue to call the 243 people over and over. In general, by skip tracing 20 names, you will likely get one person whom you can get on the line with us. Using a formulaic approach, let’s compare these two most common ways of generating leads. There are two very critical numbers to determine: The cost per lead and the probable cost per deal. What is the MAILER cost per lead formula? MAILER FORMULA $500 Cost/8 calls= $62.50 cost per lead (phone call) Now what is the cost per leads for skip tracing? In this example let’s assume we added one voice blast and one text blast spending approximately $550; results vary. Let’s estimate that you have called all the phone numbers once, deployed one text and one additional voice blast. Estimating an 8% response of 243 names (243 x 8%) = 20 people you have spoken with: SKIP TRACE FORMULA (Cost/responses) $550 Cost/20 calls= $27.50 Cost Per lead (phone call) ©Castle Publishing, LLC 6 Getting our team on the phone with 15 of these people means that we will convert about 80% or 12 people who are interested and want to know more, in order to take the steps to enter program. Working with 12 people we lose about 80% who don’t take immediate action to join the program. Instead, they do a bankruptcy, get a foreclosure defense attorney, or just give up and decide to let the house go. This leaves about 4 people who will sign on and enter their house into the program. What is the actual DEAL cost per lead formula? MAILER FORMULA: $500 COST/3 DEALS= $166 Cost Per Deal MAILER DEAL COST PER DEAL MATH: 8 People x .80% we convert (6.4) x 20% sign on: 2 Deals SKIP TRACE FORMULA $550 COST/6 DEALS=$91 Cost Per Deal SKIP TRACE COST PER DEAL MATH: 15 People x .80% we convert (12) x 50% sign on: 6 Deals Why don’t more people do the Skip trace campaign? It’s faster, the deal yield is double and the cost per deal is cheaper. People are afraid to get on the phone. The solution: Use an outbound call team to get the seller scripted and submitted through the website at ©Castle Publishing, LLC 7 TO USE OUR FULLY-TRAINED VERTUAL ASSISTANT TO MAKE OUTBOUND CALLS TO THE PHIONE NUMBERS THAT ARE BULK SKIP TRACED FOR YOU: See: Module 4: Seller Conversion to Defaulted Loan Audit Program After you generate the lead, we will help you talk to each homeowner so we can make sure the program is communicated in a consistent manner. ©Castle Publishing, LLC 8 This will help to ensure that you have a higher percentage of submissions. The best thing you can do is get the best prospects to us. Short sales where the agent has given up and the property has been vacated are the best of the best. That said, we can start with properties that the seller is still living in, but that does take an additional step and delays the money. In such cases, we are renting the property on a short term basis to cover any expenses generated, such as painting and carpet in order to make the house rent ready. The rental income also helps to offset ongoing researcher fees and court costs, and sometimes attorney fees. We use the asset (house) to help monetize costs such as the above, and to launch the project so the seller becomes our partner and can financially benefit from the net proceeds of the sale. The flow chart process in the next section better explains how the marketing launches each step in the process. As you know, we are using a website which you will send people to -- AFTER YOU HAVE TALKED TO, AND MARKETED TO THEM. If you are using the bulk skip trace and Trained Virtual Assistant, she is directing the seller to the page. ©Castle Publishing, LLC 9 You do not have permission to use this website in your marketing; this site is to enhance credibility -- only after you/your assistant have spoken to them and have built a rapport. We recommend you use your own site with your BIO, which we will help you set up, so that you can be the local go-to person for them. This is covered in the last section of this module Using a Website with Search Engine Optimization If you do create specialized marketing pieces, please run them by Jeff at for him to approve and help to improve the copy. ©Castle Publishing, LLC 10 WE DO THE REST: Jeff, Skip, Steve or another member of the team will get on the phone to provide your prospect, verbally, with the options as to why they would want to use the program, and what we think we can do for them. We create the docs, hire a mobile notary, talk to their attorney, get the docs signed, and get them “on board” and into the program. YOU JUST NEED TO FIND THEM Now let’s get this lead generation party started… ©Castle Publishing, LLC 11 2-Marketing to Submission Flow Process Each module for the defaulted loan program has an activity flow that allows you to see the next steps to get to the end result: ©Castle Publishing, LLC 12 #1-Run Online Ads #5-Drop Mail Campaign #9-Collect Loan Audit Docs #16-House Sold Generate $$ #2-Get Preforeclosure List #6-Seller Prescreen Call #10-Detailed Audit Performed #15Settlement With Lender #3-Filter List for Best Properties #7–Submit Intake Form #11-Property Inspection #14-Property Leased #4-Skip Trace Owners for Phone #8-Determine Fee Arrangement #12-Control Docs Generated #13-Mobile Notary ©Castle Publishing, LLC 13 3-Customer Acquisition through Zillow Warning: Zillow can be old and outdated. It’s best to double-check the data against county records or purchase a list, or upgrade to a service like On Zillow, at the bottom of the individual property information page, there will almost always be a date when the NOD was filed and when the sale was supposed to have occurred. We will show this to you. Zillow is free, and you can access listings by simply typing in the city and adding the filters you are looking for. Let’s go see what is available in Asheville NC. Notice that the BUY tab is clearly clicked: Below, you add your filters. Look at the results after you add the following filters: Pre-foreclosures and DESELECT ALL ELSE!! ©Castle Publishing, LLC 14 In Ashville, NC on Zillow -- just for preforeclosure -- there are 40 properties: Next, add a Minimum value of $200,000 and the search shows 16 properties. No MAX ©Castle Publishing, LLC 15 The Final Filter is Houses Only: The results are down to 15. Look to the right and see the number: Click the first one and let’s see if it’s listed… ©Castle Publishing, LLC 16 No MLS Number ©Castle Publishing, LLC 17 Take a look at the date: Today’s date at time of updating this manual is 1-6-16 look at the sale date this is where Zillow has issues: Served papers on 1-2-16 The dates look good and I am going to save it in my favorites: Saved Click Heart Heart ©Castle Publishing, LLC 18 Tracking: Now we are going to add this to the person’s Google Docs spreadsheet which you created via the instructions on the Kickoff series call Google Doc Spreadsheet: Always use a way to track what you have done and measure the results. A simple Google Doc spreadsheet can do the trick. You do this for the following reasons: Tracking, adding information, adding phone numbers once you skip trace them, so we know that we have sent them a letter. We will bulk mail the prospects that we get from the NOD list we purchase. Again, we try not to use Zillow, or if we do, we check what we find against to make sure the Zillow date is accurate. We also send these letters a few at a time; a stack of them is kept in the office. As new names come out, you can pop a few at a time in the mail, or you can locate just one person you really want to get in touch with, but whose number is not available . . . ©Castle Publishing, LLC 19 Collecting Seller’s Name and Additional Information for Skip Tracing Mailing or Spreadsheet Using the example above on the 4 Chateau Place Ashville property, let’s get the seller’s name and other information. ©Castle Publishing, LLC 20 Step One: Google the county which the city is in. Step Two: Search Google: Buncombe County GIS ©Castle Publishing, LLC 21 Use Parcel Look Up. All GIS (Geographical Information Systems) are similar in each county. Agree to the Disclaimer. ©Castle Publishing, LLC 22 Address Here Look how super cool! When you drill down, it will give you the lot layout, size, owner and a lot of other information ©Castle Publishing, LLC 23 Below, you see their name and the property tax card. Now you have all you need to submit, and to contact the owner. A geographic information system (GIS) is a computer system for capturing, storing, checking, and displaying data related to positions on the Earth's surface. ©Castle Publishing, LLC 24 4-Preforeclosures List Acquisition Almost without fail, every city in every state has access to a list of preforeclosure properties. Google the words “preforeclosure list in Houston, Texas” and you can save hours of your time by simply purchasing the list, and filtering the properties you want . . . BEST CANDIDATES 90 Days within the foreclosure, $200,000 or greater in value, vacant, rentable condition and not listed on the MLS Google: “Your City” Preforeclosure list It will even come up with incorrect spelling! ©Castle Publishing, LLC 25 Just Preforeclosures ©Castle Publishing, LLC 26 List Acquisition through Zillow We mention Zillow because it is one of the ways we target an area for a personal property to control and move into. Why in the world would anyone buy a house, rent a house, etc., when you can live in the house and build equity through the settlement plan. The researcher team needs $3,500 to work their magic; then to take payments at half the market rate as per a special arrangement, which we have made with them. ©Castle Publishing, LLC 27 This should get you excited! You could use Zillow to help locate that house in the Florida Keys or that townhouse at the Ski Slopes of Colorado. With Zillow you would do the addresses one at a time, calling or dropping them a letter; then popping their name onto the Google tracking sheet. Anyone can afford to spend $1.25 to skip trace people and we will help you get that dream home. And you keep the profits! For us to locate a seller’s phone number, we need the Property Address in Default, the Mailing Address, if different, and owner’s name. Without these, we cannot do the trace. Go to the link below to send us the order, if you have 4 persons or less. ©Castle Publishing, LLC 28 If you want, us to Batch Skip Trace 5 or more names then email excel with the information below to: Owner’s last name---Owner’s First name ----Owner’s Middle Initial or name--- City---State---Zip--- For more information on Skip Tracing marketing, bulk messaging and greater details into the wonderful marketing methods around skip tracing, please visit…. “Module 8 Skip Tracing” Another list service can be accessed by signing up for ©Castle Publishing, LLC 29 Go Get Deals Anywhere in the country. Go find your next dream home anywhere in the county like a boss!! ;) You can locate by State County or city: You can also double-check any Zillow preforeclosure listing against to make sure that Zillow is correct. ©Castle Publishing, LLC 30 Date of this research is 1/16. Look how old this is. Zillow does a bad job of taking these old listings off their site. ©Castle Publishing, LLC 31 Pop the address into the national search to see if it is still active and not gone to sale. GONE!! Bad listing You can locate properties through Zillow and but it takes time since you are looking search by search. ©Castle Publishing, LLC 32 Many title companies pull lists of Notice of Defaults or Lis Pendens. Jeff uses a system where he pulls preforeclosure data in most of all North Florida & Alabama. The list also has a search feature by lender, value and type of property. Any large city has the same type of list service that you can search with the value of $200,000 or greater. The list can also be downloaded into excel so you can start to organize the lists into categories. Paid list providers have search features and filters. ©Castle Publishing, LLC 33 It even has a feature that maps the properties. This list can be downloaded to excel like the one below: ©Castle Publishing, LLC 34 5- Jeff’s Note: How to automate 100% of your data searched, and the automation of a THREE STEP Lead Generation Campaign. I use a personal assistant aptly nicknamed “Data” that has access to the preforeclosure data service I subscribe to. With my busy schedule I want to be talking to partners and sellers. When I bring a person onto the team, I want the data to be filtered, collected, downloaded, and organized in the proper way. First, this means having the data -- meaning persons, names addresses and mailing addresses, in a printerfriendly format and in a Bulk Skip Trace-friendly format. I want the data to be sent to the printer and the letters to be sent as per my instructions to get them mailed in 10 day increments. This means that a three-step mail campaign is automated from start, and executed to completion. In between the campaigns being dropped, [the meaning of “dropped”?] I am getting the calls and he [who is “he”?] is also deploying text message blasts to people’s cell numbers. We are farming a list of names to see what responses we can get. In theory we are touching each person in a targeted area that is in default, with multiple steps. ©Castle Publishing, LLC 35 There is however one additional way to get to some of the people that are on the list. Have your agent pull short sale listings: Active, Withdrawn, and Expired. Module 12 Agent MLS Defaults goes into detail for how we do this. This is an example of “warm” marketing where an agent already has the person’s information. You are asking that agent to reach out to the owner to listen to a new opportunity for them to be able to get their situation resolved. This is an example of the data that “Data” is getting for me on my master spreadsheet: The bright green line shading represents properties that have a different mailing address than the property in default. We share this doc, and I update each line with notes as calls come in and people respond. Vacant-These are the best candidates for important reasons: More motivated owner; has vacated the house ©Castle Publishing, LLC 36 Easier to inspect and start the process Can immediately rent the property to offset the cost of the researcher team and any legal fees Can make rent ready repairs faster to get the $$ rolling in The next spreadsheet separates the names ready for bulk scrip trace. We will not be able to process bulk skip tracing unless the names are in this format. Owner First name---Owner last name----Property Address---City---State---Zip--Mailing Address if Different---City---State---Zip It’s also the same format that we use with my printer who takes the variable data and auto- populates it to the customized letter. Each week my assistant will add new properties to the list and those are sent to the printer to be dropped into the 3-step mailing campaign. The mail county that we work in only has about 5-15 new properties added to the NOD list each week. These must be added to the Master list and color-shaded to show they are new to the list. We track the letter and when it was mailed and take the responders off the list. If you don’t have a “Data” person to collect, arrange and ©Castle Publishing, LLC 37 deploy the mailing, then you can get a mail house to do it for you. A good one for inexpensive automation is: ©Castle Publishing, LLC 38 6-Mailers, Flyers and Leave-Behinds The letter that best describes the Prosperity Partner Program is below. It’s also one you can print at home and send in low numbers or in great numbers. You can use a normal #10 White envelope or the Urgent envelope below: 350 envelopes, 48 cents each ($168.00 purchased in bulk.) ©Castle Publishing, LLC 39 Letter mailed in this envelope: ©Castle Publishing, LLC 40 THIS IS STEP ONE MAILER in a three-step marketing campaign: Personal Personal Personal Personal Personal ©Castle Publishing, LLC 41 THIS IS STEP TWO: SIDE ONE 12 x 15 Oversized Post Card that has to get crammed into their mailbox. Also depicts the benefits of the Prosperity Partner Program. ©Castle Publishing, LLC 42 Write this yourself or printer does it Benefit-laden bullets tell the HOME OWNER about what the program can do for them. In their face: WHAT’S IN IT FOR THEM. ©Castle Publishing, LLC 43 SIDE TWO: Of oversized Post Card that has to get crammed into their mailbox. Printer fills in name, or you can get these printed in bulk, writing the address and name on each one. Write this yourself or printer does it. YOUR NAME, YOUR NUMBER ©Castle Publishing, LLC 44 STEP THREE: 8.5 X 11 Yellow letter The text of the letter is MUCH LARGER for your review below. The actual letter we use and envelope are above. Campaign Analysis: There are three very different and distinct letters and envelopes designed to thread the same message throughout the campaign. Some people respond to a person letter, (step one). Others don’t open their mail (step two). Others respond to a personal hand written letter (step three). Use these as templates and create your own, or use them just as you see them here. DO YOU WANT A POST CARD, LIKE THE ONE IN THIS CAMPAIGN, FOR YOURSELF? ©Castle Publishing, LLC 45 Send a high resolution image of yourself to this email and request the post card with a phone number. For $7.00 you will get a print-ready post card -- ready to drop in the mail: Subject line: Wanted: Custom Post Card Yellow Letter Step Three, From A Broker Who Has A Buyer: ©Castle Publishing, LLC 46 Post Card Pricing and Ordering: Oversized Post Card Pricing: 300 Each Shipped to your Door: $406.16 $1.35 Each + Postage 35 cents= $1.70 ---THESE MAKE GREAT LEAVE-BEHINDS--Remember to Add the Owner’s Name and Address and You Don’t Have To Mail!! YOUR NAME, YOUR NUMBER ©Castle Publishing, LLC 47 Yellow Letter Pricing and Ordering Yellow Letter Pricing: Mail Them Yourself 58 Letters, Envelopes, Stuffed & Mailed to me to Add Stamps (Postage): $52.30/58 = 90 Cents Each ©Castle Publishing, LLC 48 Personal Letter Mail Cost Personal Letter Pricing: Mail Them Yourself 103 Letters, Envelopes, Stuffed, With Postage: $121.54 Cost/103 Letters = $1.18 Each ©Castle Publishing, LLC 49 She does all three campaign steps and the flyers you see below. Call or email her for faster results. ©Castle Publishing, LLC 50 Flyers: There are great for those of you who have deal finders and people who want to go door-to-door and drop off some leave-behinds. This flyer is designed for the Prosperity Partner Program and details the benefits of the program. These are meant to be dropped off to properties that are in default and on the NOD list. They can be ordered directly from my printer. Just contact Christy King 904-571-9363 ©Castle Publishing, LLC 51 7- Using a Website with Search Engine Optimization Coming Soon… Step One: Contact our representative, Angelo, who can get the site purchase: Angelo’s email is, or call him at 866-300-5727 ext.128927. Step Two: ©Castle Publishing, LLC 52