04/03/2008 - MalibuSurfsideNews
04/03/2008 - MalibuSurfsideNews
0 VOLUME 35 • NUMBER 22 THE COMMUNITY FORUM APRIL 3 • 2008 MALIBUSurfsideNEWS F RO N T PAG E Final Candidate Forums Shed Little Additional Light on Election Issues 2 NEWS NOTES Colorful Array of Personalized Tiles Unveiled at Cross Creek Road Plaza 5 SPOTLIGHT Aspiring Young Performer Follows in Her Mother’s Musical Footsteps 11 COMMUNITY Pepperdine Prom Celebrates Senior Citizens with Dinner and Dancing 13 HAPPENINGS Veteran Rocker Reunites Band for Benefit Concert to Help Homeless 17 THIS WEEK Opinion People Doings Notices Calendar Business I NTERLUDE— A peaceful armada of seagulls and California brown pelicans takes a break from the business of fishing and nesting to enjoy the spring sunshine on a beach blissfully devoid of distractions. Cool weather and icy water temperatures have ensured that the beaches remain for the birds a little longer than usual this season. Human visiMSN/Frank Lamonea tors this time of year are rewarded with their own share of cool-weather peace and solitude. Puzzle Music Real Estate Classifieds 4 6 8 9 12 14 16 17 18 21 PAGE 2 Front PAGE MALIBU SURFSIDE NEWS APRIL 3 • 2008 Slide Remediation Slows On the Campaign Trail: Issues Still Vie for Attention ■ Even Candidates Rap Forums T HOLD-UP—Efforts to remediate the Corral Canyon area landslide on PCH are taking Caltrans longer than projected, and leading to north-bound traffic jams. Critics of the project have called MSN/Frank Lamonea the work cosmetic rather than effective. Las Flores Park Now Open ■ Four-Acre Site Features Play Equipment COMPLETION—the City of Malibu celebrated the completion of the first phase of the Las Flores park project with a ribbon cutting ceremony. Above, as Mayor Pro Tem Pamela Conley Ulich addresses the crowd, councilmembers Sharon Barovsky, Andy Stern, Ken Kearsley and Mayor Jeff Jennings listen raptly. The park features children’s play areas, including the organic forms of the new climbing features, right. The park also includes trails and interpretive signage related to the site’s riparian environment. MSN Photos/Frank Lamonea here were some notable moments on the campaign trail during the past week when council hopefuls met during the last two forums before the April 8 election. Candidate Kathy Wisnicki skipped both sessions indicating she had the flu on one day and told the Malibu Surfside News she ran a 102.5-degree fever the next. The candidates have been campaigning long enough they have their talking points mastered and the lack of debate and rigorous rules of the forums kept most of the discussion on track with little chance of a misstep. Incumbent Pamela Conley Ulich, who pronounced the socalled debate on Saturday “boring,” enlivened the session somewhat when she called for Malibu city officials “to take back” Zuma Beach, owned and operated by the county, at the Malibu Park Homeowners Association forum on Saturday afternoon. Her response arose when candidates were asked if the city gets 10 percent of the parking fees from the beaches. “We could take back Zuma Beach and get 100 percent. We are entitled under the law to do that,” added Conley Ulich, who has been spearheading efforts for the city to leave the county library system. Council hopeful John Sibert agreed. “I kind of like taking back Zuma. I think we can do better battling with the county. We could do a much better job,” he said. At the same forum, council hopeful Susan Tellem accused Sibert of being too closely aligned with the current council. “The only real way to change the balance of the council is to vote for Jefferson [Wagner] and me. John and Kathy will be Sharon’s and Andy’s echo,” said Tellem, when candidates were discussing their position on eliminating parking on Morningview Drive. “I take umbrage at Susan’s remarks that I am a pawn of Sharon. I am not a pawn of Sharon Barovsky or anybody else,” answered Sibert. Tellem shot back, “I never said pawn.” Later at the meeting, Tellem insisted Conley Ulich will win a seat on the council. “She is a shoo-in,” Tellem said. Wagner, who lived in the county and moved to the city to run for a council seat, said at an earlier forum sponsored by Corral Canyon homeowners on Thursday night that he did not see any difference between the city and the county. The meeting was attended by about 20 individuals many who are not in the city and cannot vote but wanted to know the position of the candidates on how they will treat nearby neighbors and help fire victims. “I have a vacation home in the canyon. I first moved to a home in Corral Canyon,” said Wagner, when council hopefuls were answering a question about what relationship council hopefuls would have with the county, if elected. At the Thursday night forum a good deal of the discussion focused on fire and public safety. Sibert issued a white paper detailing his position on fire prevention and public safety. Candidates were asked what they would do since the fire department changed its strategy in sending strike teams up to the houses. Candidates were told that is no longer done and the former policy offered better protection. Wagner, who has a background in fire safety, acknowledged the strategy had changed. “Fuel loads have changed. That changes the strategy. The fuel determines where they go,” he said. Tellem talked about her use of goats to clear property around her house and would be an advocate of such a solution city-wide. “Use more goats and have more volunteer firefighting,” she added. Conley Ulich, who also supports a volunteer patrol, said it was air support that protected Malibu and more air support is needed. Conley Ulich, who said it is important to work with the governor’s office, also discussed about how the example of Matt Haynes could lead other folks to stay and protect their homes and cause problems. She said it is important for homeowners to have a town hall meeting. Sibert said he did not think city officials were in a position to tell the fire department what is the best strategy. “I am afraid people (Continued on page 3) APRIL 3 • 2008 MALIBU SURFSIDE NEWS PAGE 3 Candidate Q Responses Affirm Lack of Major Differences ■ Answers Reflect Strong Sense of Self-Confidence and Eagerness to Govern T he Malibu Surfside News asked the candidates to respond to a questionnaire that queried city council candidates on nearly two dozen issues. What may be most remarkable about the council hopefuls’ answers is that they agree on many of the issues. Everybody is against overnight camping. It was listed as one of the top ten municipal issues when candidates were asked to rank such topics. Planning issues, the environment, emergency preparedness, view protection and traffic all ranked among the top five of a top-10 list. Candidates also agreed on the need for a Civic Center Specific Plan, opposed new taxes, wanted to study whether to withdraw from the library system and shop locally. Candidates were also asked to use the six adjectives that best describe them. Phone Tax on Ballot ■ Advisory View Vote Also Up B esides choosing from the five candidates vying for three Malibu City Council seats on the election ballot next Tuesday, voters will be asked to tax themselves on Measure D and in an advisory only initiative the electorate is also being asked to weigh in on view protection on Measure E. The view protection measure asks the voters whether the city council should adopt an ordinance that would require the removal or trimming of landscaping in order to restore and maintain primary views from private homes. Measure D is binding and is a utility users tax that would expand taxability to cell phones and other electronic devices. Even the mayor described the measure as somewhat deceptive since it says, if it is adopted, it would reduce the tax rate from five percent to four and half percent, but it clearly makes known that it is casting a wider net by taxing “modern communication technologies.” No one is saying, not even in the impartial analysis by the city attorney, but it would seem doubtful that users won’t be paying more taxes, certainly not less despite a somewhat lower rate. There are, somewhat surprisingly, no arguments against Measure D or for it. The view protection issue has garnered much more attention. Many folks, especially on Point Dume and on the hillsides, have been clamoring for the city to establish some kind of law to preserve residents’ views of the ocean and mountains. The value of views in Malibu can be weighed in the hundreds of thousands of dollars. The Malibu Country Estates became the first neighborhood to obtain a view protection zoning law. The program was initially established as a pilot program to determine the benefits or drawbacks before any such zoning law was enacted citywide. After the MCE law was enacted, several individuals came before the council and asked or demanded that some kind of zoning be applied across Malibu. Council members decided it might be a good time to determine just how many folks would be in favor of the city continuing on. No arguments for or against Measure E were filed by city leaders or the voters. There is an impartial analysis of the measure by the city attorney’s office. (Continued on page 23) John Sibert said, “Experienced, knowledgeable, rational, visionary, dedicated and mediator.” Pamela Conley Ulich wrote, “Innovative, independent, intelligent, effective, caring, and courageous.” Kathy Wisnicki put, “Intelligent, thoughtful, good listener, big picture thinker, excellent reasoning skills and experience.” Susan Tellem used, “Smart, funny, passionate, dedicated, conscientious, and persuasive.” Jefferson Wagner wrote, “Pragmatic, Calvinistic, succinct, effervescent, optimistic and to remember my father; a humanist.” The council hopefuls were also asked to describe in past tense how they would like to be remembered after having served on the Malibu City Council. Wagner wrote, “He tried to instill a lifestyle that reflected a SUSAN TELLEM past forgotten Malibu—a Malibu where the new walls and fences were not as high as the egos that built them. He tried to remind people that Malibu was once an island community, not a town of individual fortresses. A town where a person’s word meant more than their apparent wealth.” Wisnicki wrote, “As someone who made a positive difference for the next generation and who was responsive to the needs of the residents.” Tellem replied, “Tellem did exactly what she promised to do. She brought humor and intelligence to the council and returned Malibu to the citizens it serves. She was a woman of her word and a strong negotiator and consensus builder when it came to the city council and other agencies. She brought Malibu closer together as a community. She saved lives.” Conley Ulich responded, “It has been said that it is not the dates on your tombstone that JEFFERSON WAGNER PAMELA CONLEY ULICH matter, but the dash in between the dates. I hope my dash represents me as a person who was respectful of others and willing to listen. I hope to be remembered as the leader who was capable of understanding our laws and balancing the interests of the public, whose focus was on what unites us, not what divides us. I hope I will be remembered as a forceful and effective advocate who helped inspire others to make Malibu, and the world, a bit bet- KATHY WISNICKI ter. Most importantly, I hope I am remembered as a loving wife and mother.” Sibert replied, “As a person who made a difference in preserving Malibu’s unique character, while acting within the rule of law.” Some council hopefuls had their own “pet” projects or issues they also listed on the top ten. Conley Ulich said she ranked art as one of the those issues, saying she supported the arts and as a result during her term the community now has murals at Bluffs Park and Civic Center, a summer outdoor movie program and a musical festival. JOHN SIBERT Tellem, who owns a PR firm, not surprisingly named public relations in her top ten. She said the city’s PR is in need of shoring up, citing how the community has an image of being inhabited by rich celebrities in the coastal town who are NIMBYs. She said that differs from 95 percent of the folks here in the city that are retired, on fixed incomes, or may live in mobile homes. Wagner cited bond responsibilities for open space acqusition as a top priority. However, differences did emerge when candidates were asked to assess the performance (Continued on page 15) Forums Continue to Be Venues for Unchallenged Talking Points (Continued from page 2) will try to emulate what was done and will die,” he added. Wagner said that Corral Canyon gets its water from the Las Virgenes Municipal Water District and the reservoir serving Corral was full. “The supply was there. But there was no assessment. We need to have those resources identified from the air,” he said. Sibert mentioned how the city could equip outside firefighters with GPS equipment instead of the small maps firefighters used. The topic changed to traffic and council hopefuls were asked about traffic safety on Pacific Coast Highway. To laughter, Conley Ulich said, “Go out of town,” but then acknowledged there should be some creative ways to curb motorists, such as requiring some kind of carbon footprint. Wagner said he intends to call the radio station KNX and identify congestion on PCH. “Maybe the traffic will go the other way,” he said. “If you say PCH is blocked, they may turn around.” Sibert talked about how Caltrans was supposed to have synchronized the lights, but did not get that done. “There are five jurisdictions along PCH. The sheriff does not understand traf- fic. We need to contact other cities to have a bigger voice,” he added. Tellem said complaining to the sheriff about speeding could get results. “The traffic is getting progressively worse,” she said. Tellem said more development in the Civic Center will add more parking which will bring more traffic. “We will have to walk to Santa Monica,” she quipped. Candidates were given the opportunity to submit questions that were answered by all of the council hopefuls at the Malibu Park HOA forum. Three questions were selected and the candidates were given two minutes each to answer. Council hopefuls asked each other about their views on Legacy Park. Wagner said he wanted to know if candidates are members of the Malibu Trails Association. Only Wagner is a member, yes, they all support trails. The third question was what four good things the city council had accomplished. During the candidates’ introductions and concluding remarks it became clear the council hopefuls have developed their campaign speech and since they have been asked some of the same questions over and over again have stock answers to many of the questions. What campaign observers have noted is that for the most part none of those talking points or stock answers have been challenged by the other candidates. The candidates, apparently for better or worse, have decided to not conduct their campaigns in any kind of adversarial posture. While the electorate, candidates and their handlers always talk publicly about how they want campaigning conducted on a positive note, the lack of debate and real challenge for the candidates’ positions may have left voters with a real dearth of information. BY BILL KOENEKER PAGE 4 MALIBU SURFSIDE NEWS APRIL 3 • 2008 Town FORUM L-E-T-T-E-R-S to the E-D-I-T-O-R Did you remember to vote on the tax measure and the advisory vote that are on the ballot? FIRE GRANT Editor, I am thrilled to report that the Malibu West Clear, Gear, and Volunteer Project will receive grant funding from the National Park Service, the U.S. Forest Service, and the L.A. County Fire Department. The Malibu West Clear, Gear, and Volunteer Project aims to improve emergency preparedness and response by clearing brush in ways appropriate to the vegetation and terrain, promoting firewise building and landscaping, equipping and training homeowners and maintaining community Go Kits stocked with fire gel, gear, and emergency supplies, and creating a community map, database, and signage for responding agencies and CERT teams to locate water sources and residents who would need help evacuating. Key to the project is the creation of a Fire Safe Council to oversee area-wide efforts focused on protecting lives and property. Malibu West property loss alone has been estimated at more than half a billion dollars. The Malibu West Homeowners Association applied for the grants through the California Fire Safe Alliance clearinghouse. We are very grateful to them and Grant Manager Cathy Brooke, to the NPS and Fire Management Officer Kathryn Kirkpatrick and Fire Ecologist Marti Witter, to the U.S. Forest Service, and the L.A. County Fire Department’s Forestry Division Prevention Services Bureau Chief John R. Todd and Deputy Forester Jay Lopez for their support and guidance. Many individuals and businesses have generously donated time and expertise, money and resources to this critically important fire safety effort. Among the donations: legal services to establish a Fire Safe Council, production services for instructional materials, training sessions, even food for the training sessions. Thank you to Patt Healy, Maud-Ann Sunderland, Katie Spangle, Tim and Eileen Bice, Karen and John Norvet of Alchemy Studios, Jerry and Carol Jackson, Alan Baron and Bobby Milstein of Malibu Fire Supply, Mark Gruskin of Westside Estate Agency Realtors, Mark Oerum and Eric Sustin of How’s Markets, Cabrillo Elementary School Principal Barry Yates, County Supervisor Zev Yaroslavsky, and the City of Malibu. A very special thank you to Mark Goss and Sreco Flexible for the donation of a truck that carries 2000 gallons of water. A kick-off celebration for the Fire Safe Council and a Firefighters Appreciation Day are planned for Sunday, April 20. Cindy Vandor On behalf of the MWHOA/Malibu West Fire Safe Council LEGACY RATING Editor: By now we’ve received our “$2,000,000 Challenge” from the Annenberg Foundation and the Legacy Park Project. Before you cut that check, go to the Malibu Legacy Park website and take a look at the artist’s conception of the Preferred Site Plan of 9/18/07. It’s still the same open area as we have now with no additional parking and no visitor-serving facilities. The artist has added some green trees, bushes and some trails and has pointers to alluringly named areas, such as riparian corridor, vernal pool and coastal plain and little prairie. The riparian corridor is presumably the storm water “environmental cleaning machine” and is shown by the artist to occupy about 10% of the park. How this can clean the millions of gallons of water raging down Malibu Canyon during storms is simple, it can’t. That’s why I’m suspicious about the advertised intent of this project. If, by some miracle, $2 million in donations is achieved and matched by Annenberg, that will still be $8.5 million short of the estimated $12.5 million project cost, per public relations officer, Susan Nobel, however, she gives no itemized cost breakdown. The city plans to raise the shortfall by grants and loans. I see now why the term “legacy” is used. We’re handing (Letters are continued on page 9) For what it’s worth, since the measure’s facing lengthy court battles and the trees don’t have any say! Publisher’s NOTEBOOK Electoral Energy I f Election Day is on the calendar, exhortations for responsible citizenship dominate public communication prior to the ballot boxes being moved into place. But just because an election is held doesn’t always mean voters will take part. Malibu voter turnout has steadily declined with each municipal election, and when even the candidates proclaim that campaign forums are “boring,” how can one expect enthusiasm from the typical citizen whose schedule is already crammed beyond capacity? What may keep the downturn from becoming disastrous is that more and more local voters are casting absentee ballots. Indeed, some City Hall pundits contend that if the ABs that are now on hand are counted, they will forecast the final tally. Beyond systemic trends toward less participation in government, there may be some truth to the contention that the sheen has worn off the young city that 18 years ago fueled fantasies of creative governance that would serve as a beacon wherever the magic name of Malibu was intoned. Instead of innovation, the dominant local public policy forces are reactive rather than proactive. All too often, litigation, or the threat of it, dictates city responses. he Malibu Surfside News does not endorse city council candidates, regarding endorsement as a throwback to an era when newspaper publishers imperiously thought they had the prerogative to dictate voter behavior based on their own self-interest. Even a cursory glance at Malibu demographics indicates that what local voters need is not direction, but candidates who engage their interest and encourage them to get involved in the political process. The 2008 council race was so prosaic that turnout at local campaign events was low, and outside area T interest was even lower. Perhaps that’s why a relatively apolitical, surfer-outdoors enthusiast, non-traditional type is the lone candidate who attracted mainstream media attention. Charisma aside, when a Malibuite speaks out against pollution and mansionization, and defies the elitist and materialistic image with which the community is tagged, outsiders take notice. If the current campaign is any indication, it will be increasingly difficult to get voters to attend to candidates and issues without infusing more energy into the process. The spark can come from personality or policy, but without it, the political process can short-circuit. ANNE SOBLE The Malibu Surfside News (ISSN—0191-7307) The Malibu Surfside News (Malibu News) is a weekly community newspaper and related website serving the greater Malibu, Los Angeles County area that is published by Malibu News Enterprises, Inc. It has been adjudicated a newspaper of general circulation, qualified to publish legal notices by the Superior Court of Los Angeles County, Decree No. C149959, May 3, 1976. The newspaper and website are copyrighted. All rights reserved. No reproduction or use of contents is permitted without express written authorization and negotiation of terms. The annual print subscription rate for Malibu zip codes is $50, other U.S. area subscriptions are $95 a year, and out-of-the-country subscriptions are $150 a year. EDITOR and PUBLISHER—ANNE C.S. SOBLE CITY BUREAU—BILL KOENEKER FEATURE SECTIONS—ROBBY MAZZA PRODUCTION—GEORGE HAUPTMAN, SUZANNE GULDIMANN Editorial/Production Contributors—Beverly Gosnell, Frank Lamonea, James Erickson, Dick Callahan, Francine Brokaw, Ralfee Finn, Charles Zaillian, Vanessa Harris, Nicole Kleist Newspaper Offices: 28990 Pacific Coast Highway Malibu, CA 90265 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 903, Malibu, CA 90265 Telephones: 310-457-2112•457-4235•457-NEWS FAX: 310-457-9908 Website: http://www.malibusurfsidenews.com E-mail: Editor—editor@malibusurfsidenews.com News—news@malibusurfsidenews.com Advertising—ads@malibusurfsidenews.com Periodicals Postage Paid at Malibu, CA 90265 Postmaster: Send address changes to: The Malibu Surfside News, P.O. Box 903, Malibu, CA 90265 LETTERS POLICY The Malibu Surfside News welcomes expressions of opinion and other commentary on communitywide concerns for consideration as letters to the editor. These communications should, ideally speaking, be typeset, double-spaced, and not exceed 250 words in length. E-mail and Mac CDs/disks are preferred. All communications must be signed and include a return address and daytime telephone number, but the author may request that his or her name be withheld and indicate the reason for the request. Priority is given to exclusive communications that substantively address key local public policy issues. All communications may be edited to meet space or other publication constraints. Letters selected for printing do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the publisher or others associated with this newspaper. APRIL 3 • 2008 MALIBU SURFSIDE NEWS PAGE 5 Malibu’s Cross Creek Road Becomes Timelessly Tiled POSTERITY—The city recently held a ceremony for the latest progress in the Cross Creek Road Project when council members and staffers unveiled the personalized tiles that have been placed along the sidewalk in the plaza. LEGACY—The tile project has raised $69,600 for Legacy Park. There are a limited number of tiles left for personalization. For more information, visit www.malibulegacy.org or call 310-924-2824. MSN Photos/Frank Lamonea PAGE 6 MALIBU SURFSIDE NEWS Jaguar • Land Rover VENTURA Tom Campi is ready to serve Malibu again 805-654-0100 • 310-924-7892 Fleet Sales and Leasing 3190 Perkin Ave • Ventura Auto Center Exit 101 at Johnson Drive www.JaguarLandroverVentura.com Remember to vote on April 8 APRIL 3 • 2008 People&PLACES The Pepperdine University Fine Arts Division will present its annual Masterworks Concert, showcasing the talents of Pepperdine’s concert choir and orchestra, at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, April 17, at the Malibu campus’ Smothers Theatre. The concert is part of Pepperdine's Mary PickfordStotsenberg Performances Series. The concert will be conducted by Milton Pullen, Pepperdine’s Director of Choirs, and Tony Cason, Director of the University Orchestra. The concert choir will begin the program with a performance of Leonard Bernstein’s “Chichester Psalms” featuring organ soloist Gary Cobb, a professor of music at Pepperdine. The choir will also perform Norman Dello Joio’s “Song of the Open Road” and Randall Thompson’s “Choose Something Like a Star” from his song cycle “Frostiana.” The orchestra will start its portion of the concert with Brahms’ “Academic Festival Overture,” followed by a movement from Ney Rosauro’s “Concerto for Marimba” with soloist Bonnie Hancock, winner of Pepperdine’s 2008 Concerto Competition. Hancock is a freshman music major at Pepperdine. Also slated for performance by the orchestra are “Call of the Champions” and a selection from “Star Wars: The Phantom Menace” by John Williams, and pieces by Joaquin Rodrigo and Kent Kennan. Tickets, are $10 for the general public and are available now by calling the Pepperdine Center for the Arts Box Office at 310-506-4522 or through Ticketmaster at 213-365-3500. CLOSING NIGHT—Joel McHale, who stars in, produces and writes the weekly TV show “The Soup,” will MC the ninth annual Malibu International Film Festival award night on Sat., April 6 at 7 p.m. at Malibu High School. McHale has also worked in several films, including “Lords of Dogtown” and “Spiderman 2.” For more information and tickets, visit www.malibufilmfestival.com. ❃ ❃ ❃ Do you know a student who has been honored, have an event to let readers know about, a new job, a new marriage, a new member of the family, a recent award or other special events in your life? Let us help you spread the word to all your friends and neighbors. Submit items by Friday to People and Places at the Malibu Surfside News, P.O. Box 903, Malibu, CA 90265 or email us at news@malibusurfsidenews.com. BY ROBBY MAZZA APRIL 3 • 2008 MALIBU SURFSIDE NEWS PAGE 7 Sibert Edges Ahead of Wisnicki in Campaign Contributions Malibu City Council hopeful John Sibert tipped the scales last week in posting the most campaign Church Preschool Trailers Are OK’d The Malibu Planning Commission gave the green light last week for the Malibu Presbyterian Church to operate its preschool out of temporary trailers while members rebuild. “It’s great we are getting the school back up and running,” said Commissioner John Sibert. The church was completely destroyed in the Malibu Canyon Fire that took place on October 21, 2007. In addition to serving the community as a church, the site also (Continued on page 14) ) ) ) ) contributions for the two reporting periods, showing he collected a total of $26,995. Sibert had collected $8075 in the first reporting period. He noted spending, so far, $18,583. Candidate Kathy Wisnicki collected a little less, reporting she took in $26,393. She indicated she has already spent $19,129. She had collected $6867 in the first reporting period. Incumbent Pamela Conley Ulich collected a total of $19,339. She collected $9339 during the last reporting period. She has spent, to date, $15,532. Conley Ulich loaned herself $594. Following behind, Susan Tellem reported on her campaign disclosure statement collecting a total of $15,050. She had collected $9500 in the first reporting period. Her statement indicates she has spent $13,939 to date. Tellem has loaned her campaign $7000. Wagner was next in order, stating that he had collected $12,065. To keep up with the other cand- idates, Wagner reported spending $19,351. Sibert kept up his pace in collecting contributions from many of the oldtimers of Malibu and from fellow former planning commissioner Pete Anthony. Wisnicki, who serves on the school board, drew on those connections for more out-of-area contributions. She also got money from Leo Ziffren and former city council member and current planning commissioner Joan House. Conley Ulich also collected donations from House, former state environmental director Terry Tamminen, Leo Ziffren, Tony Griffin and his wife, and Paige Adler Tellem picked up more “Ozzie Silna money” from Silna’s out-of-state relatives. Tellem also collected money from Emily Harlow, the wife of a former council member, the late John Harlow. Wagner has received money from former planning commissioners Robert Adler and Richard Carri- received a donation from Lou Adler. Wagner has loaned himself a total of $2000. gan and also received “Silna” money from outof-state Silna family members. Wagner also The campaign disclosure statements cover the period from 02/28/08 to 03/27/08. BY BILL KOENEKER JEFFERSON “ZUMA JAY” WAGNER ) ) ) ) MALIBU’S BEST CHOICE FOR CITY COUNCIL ) “I pledge if I am elected I will listen to and will work with every Malibu resident to find ways to: A Committed Malibu Civic Leader for Three Decades — Ensure the Safety and Welfare of Our Community ) A Malibu Small Business Owner for Over 30 Years ) Father of a Daughter Attending Malibu High School ) Revitalizing Our Pier for Last 6 Years — Protect Our Fragile Environment — Preserve Our Local Small Business — Protect and Preserve the Malibu Way of Life.” ) ) ) SUPPORT SUSAN TELLEM ) ) ) Paid for by Jefferson “Zuma Jay” Wagner for Council Political # 1303431 Jefferson “Zuma Jay” Wagner PAGE 8 MALIBU SURFSIDE NEWS DoINGS APRIL 3 • 2008 Rotarians Sponsor Project Local Actor to Be Honored Senior Citizens Club Set to that Fosters World Peace at Malibu Film Festival Hold Healthcare Workshop The Malibu Rotary Club is one of the sponsors of Project TRIUMPH, a fundraiser slated for Sun., April 13 from 5:30 to 9 p.m. at the First Neighborhood Community Center at 31830 Village Center Rd. in Westlake Village. TRIUMPH, an acronym for “Today’s Revolution Is Understanding; Make Peace Happen,” “is a grassroots effort to bring Arab and Jewish teenagers together in the spirit of collaboration to build a shared vision for a peaceful future,” stated a press release. Now in its third year, the 10-month program “guides young leaders in achieving understanding, respect, fellowship and coexistence in their region of the world,” continued the release. Students train with professional instructors in the United States and return to Israel to spread the message of peace. Tickets for the fundraiser, which includes a wine tasting, a magic show and live auction by renowned magician Mike Fury and several drawings, are $50 at the door. For more information, call 805-498-7262. Malibu resident Michael Madsen will be honored at the Ninth annual Malibu Film Festival this upcoming weekend. The ceremony will take place on Sun., April 6 at 7 p.m. at the MIFF awards ceremony at Malibu High, 30215 Morning View Dr., followed by the closing night party at Taverna Tony’s, 23410 Civic Center Way. Madsen has had a long and acclaimed career during which he has starred in several films, including “Reservoir Dogs,” “Thelma and Louise” and “Donnie Brasco,” as well MICHAEL MADSEN as a starring role in one of the films at the festival, “Strength and Honour,” which will be shown on Sun., April 6 at 5 p.m. at Malibu High School. The film festival will run from April 4-6 and screen 29 movies from around the world. There will also be several special events, including an opening night party and a networking breakfast. For more information, visit www.malibufilmfestival.com. At its next meeting on Fri., April 11, the Malibu Senior Citizens Club is holding a program focusing on healthcare for people over 50 years old. The UCLA Healthcare 50+ programs are usually only offered to Westside residents, but as an “experiment” they are having a presentation in Malibu. “David Baron, MD, who is chief of staff at S.M.UCLA Medical Center and Orthopedic Hospital, will discuss various health screenings and health prevention interventions with an emphasis on which tests make a difference,” stated a press release. He will also discuss the risks and benefits of the tests as well as addressing the mobile tests that cost about $40. The presentation is set for 1 p.m. at the Pt. Dume Mobile Home Park Clubhouse at 29500 Heathercliff Rd. Lunch will be served at noon—the cost is $5 for members and non-members and reservations are required. Anyone wishing to attend should send a check that should be received no later than April 8 to the Malibu Senior Citizens Club Treasurer, 6400 Sycamore Meadows Dr., Malibu. For more information on the presentation and other upcoming events with the Malibu Senior Citizens Club, call 310-457-7086. ❃ ❃ ❃ Do you have or know of an upcoming event, or one that has happened recently to let readers know about? Let us help you spread the word to all your friends and neighbors. Submit items by Friday to Doings at the Malibu Surfside News, P.O. Box 903, Malibu, CA 90265, send by fax to 310-4579908, or email us at news@malibusurfsidews.com. BY ROBBY MAZZA OUTDOOR LIVING SPRING SALE HAS BEGUN S AV E STOREWIDE ON A L L O U R L AT E S T CO L L E C T I O N S Immediate delivery Guaranteed low prices Regular deliveries to Palm Springs W E ST L . A . IRVINE SANTA MONICA 9040 W. Pico Blvd. 310.276.4272 81 Technology West 949.861.5556 820 Broadway 310.917.5011 SAN DIEGO 858.653.5843 A D D I T I O N A L L O C A T I O N S C A B O S A N LU C A S 858.964.3759 V I C T O R Y F U R N I T U R E . C O M APRIL 3 • 2008 MALIBU SURFSIDE NEWS A Matter of PUBLIC RECORD NOTICE OF AVAILABILITY Draft Environmental Impact Report Name of Project: Trancas Canyon Community Park (State Clearinghouse No. 2007041094) Description of Project: The purpose of the proposed Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) is to analyze the potential environmental impacts of the proposed development of an approximately 13.5-acre community park on five residentially zoned lots at 6050 Trancas Canyon Road in the City of Malibu. The proposed park would include a multi-use sports field as well as a picnic area, tot-lot/playground, and dog park. Restrooms and a 64-space parking area would also be provided onsite. The total improved area would be approximately seven acres. The remaining approximately 6.5 acres would generally be left in existing vegetation and topography. Access to the site would be taken from Trancas Canyon Road. Park hours would be 8:00 a.m. to sunset; lighting would be restricted to interior lighting for the buildings and security lighting around the buildings and in the parking areas. Approximately 54,615 cubic yards of cut and 51,913 cubic yards of fill would be required to accomplish the project, including roughly 2,700 cubic yards of exported material. Retaining walls up to six feet high are proposed along the western (upslope) side of the proposed access road. Graded areas that are outside of activity or access areas would be revegetated with native plants. The majority of the steep slopes east and west of the main activity areas would be left at their existing grade. The entire park would be constructed in one phase lasting approximately four to six months. Owner/Applicant: City of Malibu Lead Agency: City of Malibu Address: 6050 Trancas Canyon Road (just north of the intersection of Trancas Canyon Road and La Gloria Drive) Applications: Environmental Impact Report No. 08-001 Local Coastal Program Amendment No. 07-003 Conditional Use Permit No. 07-011 Coastal Development Permit No. 07-086 Zoning District: Rural Residential, five-acre minimum parcel size (RR-5) Contact: Bob Stallings, Parks and Recreation Director 310-456-2489, ext. 225 Significant Effects: The DEIR analyzes potentially significant impacts under the topics of aesthetics, air quality, biological resources, cultural resources, geology and soils, hazards and hazardous materials, hydrology and water quality, land use and planning, noise, public services and transportation/circulation. Where applicable, the DEIR has provided mitigation measures that would help reduce the level of impact generated by the proposed project. Significant unavoidable impacts, growth inducing impacts, and significant irreversible environmental changes have also been analyzed. Review Period: Begins: April 3, 2008 Ends: May 19, 2008 The DEIR will be circulated for a 45-day review period. Written comments will be received by the City of Malibu Planning Division until 500 p.m. on the ending date of the public review period. Purpose of Review: The purpose of this review is to allow public agencies and interested members of the public the opportunity to share expertise, disclose agency analysis, check for accuracy, detect omission, discover public concerns and solicit counter proposals pursuant to CEQA Section 151 05 (Public Review Period for a DEIR or a Proposed Negative Declaration or Mitigated Negative Declaration). Address Where Printed Documents Are Available for Review: City of Malibu City Hall 23815 Stuart Ranch Road Malibu, CA 90265 Malibu Library 23519 West Civic Center Way Malibu, CA 90265 The DEIR is also located on the City’s website at www.ci.malibu.ca.us. Copies are available for purchase at Malibu Boxes Etc, 23852 Pacific Coast Highway, and CDs may be purchased for $3.00 upon request at City Hall. Responsible agencies have been provided a CD of the document along with this notice. Where to Send Comments: All comments should be directed to Kathleen Mallory, Contract Planner, via email at KMallory@PandES.net or by mail at 23815 Stuart Ranch Road, Malibu, CA 90265. Public Hearings Scheduled: At this time, a public hearing date has not been scheduled. Contact the City of Malibu Planning Division at 310-456-2489, ext. 245 or consult the City’s website for further information on scheduled hearing dates. ________________________________________ Stacey Rice, PhD, AICP, Planning Manager Publish Date: April 3, 2008 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CITY OF MALIBU PLANNING COMMISSION The Malibu Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, April 15, 2008, at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers, Malibu City Hall, 23815 Stuart Ranch Road, Malibu, CA, for the project identified below. COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT NO. 04-058 - An application to allow for the construction of a new, twostory, 18 foot high, 6,130 square foot, single-family residence, swimming pool, spa, alternative onsite wastewater treatment system, landscaping, retaining walls, fences, and hardscape. APPLICATION NUMBER: Coastal Development Permit No. 04-058 APPLICATION FILING DATE: December 6, 2004 APPLICANT: Jay Falamaki OWNER: Amir Agha Tahmasabi LOCATION: 28916 Wight Road, within the coastal zone APN: 4467-034-003 ZONING: Single-Family Low Density (SF-L) CITY PLANNER: Richard Mollica, AICP, Associate Planner 310-456-2489, extension 346 Pursuant to the authority and criteria contained in the California Environmental Quality Act (“CEQA”), the Planning Division has analyzed the proposal as described above. The Planning Division has found that this project is listed among the classes of projects that have been determined not to have a significant adverse effect on the environment and therefore, exempt from the provisions of CEQA. Accordingly, a CATEGORICAL EXEMPTION will be prepared and issued pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Sections 15303(a) and (e) – New Single-Family Residence and Accessory Structures. The Planning Division has further determined that none of the six exceptions to the use of a categorical exemption applies to this project (CEQA Guidelines Section 15300.2). A written staff report will be available at or before the hearing. Following an oral staff report at the beginning of the hearing, the applicant may be given up to 15 minutes to make a presentation. Any amount of that time may be saved for rebuttal. All other persons wishing to address the Commission will be provided up to three minutes to address the Commission. These time limits may be changed at the discretion of the Commission. At the conclusion of the testimony, the Commission will deliberate and its decision will be memorialized in a written resolution. Copies of all related documents are available for review at City Hall during regular business hours. Written comments may be presented to the Planning Commission at any time prior to the close of the public hearing. Local Appeal - Pursuant to Malibu Municipal Code Section 17.04.220, a decision of the Planning Commission may be appealed to the City Council by an aggrieved person by written statement setting forth the grounds for appeal. The appeal period expires on April 25, 2008 at 4:30 p.m. An appeal shall be filed with the City Clerk within 10 days and shall be accompanied by an appeal form and filing fee, as specified by the City Council. Appeal forms may be found online at www.ci.malibu.ca.us or in person at City Hall, or by calling 310-456-2489, extension 245. IF YOU CHALLENGE THE CITY’S ACTION IN COURT, YOU MAY BE LIMITED TO RAISING ONLY THOSE ISSUES YOU OR SOMEONE ELSE RAISED AT THE PUBLIC HEARING DESCRIBED IN THIS NOTICE, OR IN WRITTEN CORRESPONDENCE DELIVERED TO THE CITY, AT OR PRIOR TO THE PUBLIC HEARING. If there are any questions regarding this notice, please contact Richard Mollica, AICP, Associate Planner, at 310456-2489, extension 346. ______________________________________________ STACEY RICE, Ph.D., AICP Planning Manager Publish Date: April 3, 2008 (Public notices are continued on page 10) PAGE 9 L-E-T-T-E-R-S to the E-D-I-T-O-R (Letters are continued from page 4) down an $8.5 million plus interest payoff legacy to future Malibuites. Wouldn’t it be wise for us to let Legacy raise the $8.5 million first, before we make our private donations. That will, no doubt, be the last we’ll hear of it. The detention basin wetlands shown on the site plan is the perfect breeding ground for mosquitoes, but then the “Challenge” letter says that “the Malibu Park Project provides...a living learning center for all children.” This sounds like a recipe for kids getting attacked by mosquito swarms and learning all about malaria and typhoid, particularly if the kids brought their water wings. The council members that signed on to this, as well as contributors, had better make sure their liability insurance is paid and up to date. Lawyers know that the money in this town can pay for a lot of billable hours. Jack Singleton TOTALLY TOOLED Editor, I would like to take a moment of your time to thank all the thoughtful Malibuites who took the time to send me a screwdriver. Dick Van Dyke CRISIS CALL Editor: Dick Van Dyke wrote a thoughtful letter to the editor this month regarding the dearth of shopping in Cross Creek useful to Malibu residents. The deletion of Malibu Lumber from our city’s retail mix is a disaster for our community. Now, anyone who wants to buy a screwdriver, paint or any quantity of lumber is faced with a minimum 30-40 mile round-trip into Santa Monica, Thousand Oaks or Agoura. The local choice of a small partially converted plumbing shop or section of CVS Pharmacy is far from adequate to serve the needs of our community. The current city council sacrificed this critical asset as the best way to finance the acquisition of the “Legacy Park,” which is, in actuality, a very expensive new sewer site. By the way, it has been well over a year since city acquisition of the site and assumed the role of landlord; how much of the $1,000,000 per year lease money has been collected so far? Malibu is infamous for our recurring disasters of fire, mudslides, water main breaks and lengthy road closures. It is irresponsible at best that the present city council and city attorney have not provided deed-restricted space on the newly-acquired “Legacy Park” land to house a full-service lumberyard/hardware store even at a subsidized rate if need be. This is a vital resource in any civilized community. Can you name a single municipality without a serious hardware store? Sadly, “Malibu” is the only name that comes to mind. In responding to disasters as well as the needs of daily life, we urgently need the resources that only a comprehensive hardware and lumber outlet can offer. As a city, we already own the land and as such we have an obligation to serve the needs of our residents, even if this means we offer a reduced rental rate to attract an appropriate hardware and lumber retailer. It is also a matter of public safety, and that concern should come first. Let’s reverse the course of the current Malibu city council and take back our lumberyard and hardware store. Daniel Hillman PAGE 10 MALIBU SURFSIDE NEWS APRIL 3 • 2008 A Matter of PUBLIC RECORD (Notices are continued from page 9) ORDINANCE NO. 322 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF MALIBU ADDING CHAPTER 5.30 (SPECIAL EVENT PERMIT) TO TITLE 5 AND AMENDING THE MALIBU MUNICIPAL CODE TO BAN PARTY HOUSES the following vote: AYES: 5 NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: 0 0 0 The City Council of the City of Malibu does hereby ordain as follows: _____________________________ LISA POPE, City Clerk (seal) Section 1. Chapter 5.30 is added to Title 5 (Business Licenses and Regulations) to read as follows: Publish Date: April 3, 2008 Chapter 5.30 SPECIAL EVENTS 5.30.020 Prohibition on Excessive Special Events in Residential Neighborhoods; Events requiring permit. 5.30.030 Application requirements. 5.30.040. Special Event Permit Issuance. 5.30.010 Purpose. The purpose of the special event permit is to allow for occasional large events in residential neighborhoods, while preserving the predominately residential character of the neighborhood. Large events shall be regulated so as to avoid incompatibility between such uses and surrounding areas. 5.30.020 Prohibition on Excessive Special Events in Residential Neighborhoods; Events requiring permits. It shall be unlawful for any person to conduct or hold in any residence or on any residential property any special event requiring a special event permit as provided in this Chapter without such a permit. A special event permit issued by the City prior to the commencement of the event shall be required for all of the following events on property located in any RR, SF, MF, MFBF, or MH zone: A. Any event anticipating or prepared to accommodate 100 or more persons; or B. Any event with any commercial component such as an admission fee, renting of facility, public advertising, or promoting a product in the media by inviting persons who wear or display a product or products for the purpose of attracting media attention to such products at the event, such as to attract the attention of the paparazzi. A special event permit shall not be issued for an event of more than 8 hours in duration. 5.30.030 Application requirements. A resident of the City may obtain from the City a maximum of four special events permits per calendar year per parcel in order to conduct a special event at the resident’s residence pursuant to the provisions of this section. A. Requirements. A complete application for special event permit shall consist of the following: 1. An application, in a form as approved by the City, completely filled out and signed by applicant; 2. Filing fee; 3. Site plan including the location of all temporary structures, access onto the site, and parking areas; 4. A written description detailing the type and nature of the event, the date and hours of the event and information on how noise, garbage, sanitation, dust and traffic will be managed; and 5. An affidavit signed by the applicant attesting that he or she is the person hosting the special event. 5.30.040 Special Event Permit Issuance. The City Manager, or his or her designee, shall issue a permit for special events that meet the requirements of this Chapter within five business days of receipt of a complete application. The City Manager may impose conditions on the permit to protect against the event becoming a nuisance to the surrounding neighborhood due to the number of people in attendance, the amount of traffic to be generated, the type and volume of amplified music or entertainment to be utilized and other similar considerations. Conditions shall take into account the size of the residential property, the capacity of the street on which it is located, the availability of parking and the proximity to neighbors. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 24th day of March 2008. ATTEST: ______________________________________ JEFF JENNINGS, Mayor ____________________________ LISA POPE, City clerk (seal) The Malibu Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, April 15, 2008, at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers, Malibu City Hall, 23815 Stuart Ranch Road, Malibu, CA, for the project identified below. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CITY OF MALIBU PLANNING COMMISSION 5.30.010 Purpose The Malibu Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, April 15, 2008, at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers, Malibu City Hall, 23815 Stuart Ranch Road, Malibu, CA, for the project identified below. COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT NO. 07-156 AND MINOR MODIFICATION NOS. 07-019 AND 07-020 - An application for a 1,117 square foot addition to an existing single-family residence, consisting of a 188 square foot addition to an existing garage and a 929 square foot addition to the existing single-family residence, a new 800 square foot swimming pool, 164 foot long retaining wall not to exceed six feet in height, pergola, outdoor barbeque, fountain, front yard fence and entry gate, side yard gate, replacement of the existing impermeable driveway with permeable pavers, installation of an alternative onsite wastewater treatment system, a minor modification for a 50 percent reduction of the required front yard setback, and a minor modification for a 20 percent reduction of the required side yard setback. APPLICATION NUMBER: APPLICATION FILING DATE: APPLICANT: OWNER: LOCATION: APN: ZONING: CITY PLANNER: Coastal Development Permit No. 07-080 Minor Modification No. 07-019 Minor Modification No. 07-020 June 22, 2007 Tim and Terry McNamara Timothy Pierce and Beth Lucas 3910 Sierks Way, within the coastal zone 4450-025-045 Rural Residential – Two Acres (RR-2) Tiffany Edwards, Assistant Planner 310-456-2489, extension 353 Pursuant to the authority and criteria contained in the California Environmental Quality Act (“CEQA”), the Planning Division has analyzed the proposal as described above. The Planning Division has found that this project is listed among the classes of projects that have been determined not to have a significant adverse effect on the environment and therefore, exempt from the provisions of CEQA. Accordingly, a CATEGORICAL EXEMPTION will be prepared and issued pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Sections 15301 (e) – Additions to Existing Structures and 15303 (e) – Accessory Structures. The Planning Division has further determined that none of the six exceptions to the use of a categorical exemption applies to this project (CEQA Guidelines Section 15300.2). A written staff report will be available at or before the hearing. Following an oral staff report at the beginning of the hearing, the applicant may be given up to 15 minutes to make a presentation. Any amount of that time may be saved for rebuttal. All other persons wishing to address the Commission will be provided up to three minutes to address the Commission. These time limits may be changed at the discretion of the Commission. At the conclusion of the testimony, the Commission will deliberate and its decision will be memorialized in a written resolution. Copies of all related documents are available for review at City Hall during regular business hours. Written comments may be presented to the Planning Commission at any time prior to the close of the public hearing. Local Appeal - Pursuant to Malibu Municipal Code Section 17.04.220, a decision of the Planning Commission may be appealed to the City Council by an aggrieved person by written statement setting forth the grounds for appeal. The appeal period expires on April 25, 2008 at 4:30 p.m. An appeal shall be filed with the City Clerk within 10 days and shall be accompanied by an appeal form and filing fee, as specified by the City Council. Appeal forms may be found online at www.ci.malibu.ca.us or in person at City Hall, or by calling 310-456-2489, extension 245. Coastal Commission Appeal – An aggrieved person may appeal the Planning Commission’s decision to the Coastal Commission within 10 working days of the issuance of the City’s Notice of Final Action. Appeal forms may be found online at www.coastal.ca.gov or in person at the Coastal Commission South Central Coast District office located at 89 South California Street in Ventura, or by calling 805-585-1800. Such an appeal must be filed with the Coastal Commission, not the City. IF YOU CHALLENGE THE CITY’S ACTION IN COURT, YOU MAY BE LIMITED TO RAISING ONLY THOSE ISSUES YOU OR SOMEONE ELSE RAISED AT THE PUBLIC HEARING DESCRIBED IN THIS NOTICE, OR IN WRITTEN CORRESPONDENCE DELIVERED TO THE CITY, AT OR PRIOR TO THE PUBLIC HEARING. If there are any questions regarding this notice, please contact Tiffany Edwards, Assistant Planner, at 310-456-2489, extension 353. APPROVED AS TO FORM: ____________________________ CHRISTI HOGIN, City Attorney I CERTIFY THAT THE FOREGOING ORDINANCE NO. 322 was passed and adopted at the regular City Council meeting of March 24, 2008, by ______________________________________________ STACEY RICE, Ph.D., AICP Planning Manager Publish Date: April 3, 2008 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CITY OF MALIBU PLANNING COMMISSION Councilmembers: Barovsky, Kearsley, Stern, Conley Ulich, Jennings COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT NO. 07-129 AND MINOR MODIFICATION NO. 07-043 - An application to allow for a 673 square foot, second-story addition to a single-family residence and a minor modification to reduce the required side yard setback from five feet to four feet. APPLICATION NUMBER: APPLICATION FILING DATE: APPLICANT: OWNER: LOCATION: APN: ZONING: CITY PLANNER: Coastal Development Permit No. 07-129 Minor Modification No. 07-043 October 29, 2007 Darren Domingue C.T. Decinces Family Trust 24352 Malibu Road, within the coastal zone 4458-011-019 Single-Family Medium Density (SFM) Richard Mollica, AICP, Associate Planner 310-456-2489, extension 346 Pursuant to the authority and criteria contained in the California Environmental Quality Act (“CEQA”), the Planning Division has analyzed the proposal as described above. The Planning Division has found that this project is listed among the classes of projects that have been determined not to have a significant adverse effect on the environment and therefore, exempt from the provisions of CEQA. Accordingly, a CATEGORICAL EXEMPTION will be prepared and issued pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15301 (e) – Additions to Existing Structures. The Planning Division has further determined that none of the six exceptions to the use of a categorical exemption applies to this project (CEQA Guidelines Section 15300.2). A written staff report will be available at or before the hearing. Following an oral staff report at the beginning of the hearing, the applicant may be given up to 15 minutes to make a presentation. Any amount of that time may be saved for rebuttal. All other persons wishing to address the Commission will be provided up to three minutes to address the Commission. These time limits may be changed at the discretion of the Commission. At the conclusion of the testimony, the Commission will deliberate and its decision will be memorialized in a written resolution. Copies of all related documents are available for review at City Hall during regular business hours. Written comments may be presented to the Planning Commission at any time prior to the close of the public hearing. Local Appeal - Pursuant to Malibu Municipal Code Section 17.04.220, a decision of the Planning Commission may be appealed to the City Council by an aggrieved person by written statement setting forth the grounds for appeal. The appeal period expires on April 25, 2008 at 4:30 p.m. An appeal shall be filed with the City Clerk within 10 days and shall be accompanied by an appeal form and filing fee, as specified by the City Council. Appeal forms may be found online at www.ci.malibu.ca.us or in person at City Hall, or by calling 310-456-2489, extension 245. Coastal Commission Appeal – An aggrieved person may appeal the Planning Commission’s decision to the Coastal Commission within 10 working days of the issuance of the City’s Notice of Final Action. Appeal forms may be found online at www.coastal.ca.gov or in person at the Coastal Commission South Central Coast District office located at 89 South California Street in Ventura, or by calling 805-585-1800. Such an appeal must be filed with the Coastal Commission, not the City. IF YOU CHALLENGE THE CITY’S ACTION IN COURT, YOU MAY BE LIMITED TO RAISING ONLY THOSE ISSUES YOU OR SOMEONE ELSE RAISED AT THE PUBLIC HEARING DESCRIBED IN THIS NOTICE, OR IN WRITTEN CORRESPONDENCE DELIVERED TO THE CITY, AT OR PRIOR TO THE PUBLIC HEARING. If there are any questions regarding this notice, please contact Richard Mollica, AICP, Associate Planner, at 310-456-2489, extension 346. ______________________________________________ STACEY RICE, Ph.D., AICP Planning Manager Publish Date: April 3, 2008 BE INFORMED Read The Public Notices APRIL 3 • 2008 MALIBU SURFSIDE NEWS PAGE 11 Local Singer’s Daughter Takes Part in New Reality Show ■ 22-Year-Old Is Excited about Stretching Her Talents and Growing As a Performer M alibu may be home to more talented individuals than many other communities. The community may also offer more ways for that talent to find its way into the spotlight. This Thursday, one of Malibu’s young talents will appear in a television show that she hopes is going to make the city’s residents proud to call her their own. Chloe Rose Lattanzi, 22, daughter of longtime local resident Olivia NewtonJohn, will be featured as a possible up-and-coming musical talent on MTV’s new show, “Rock the Cradle.” “I just want to have fun. I’m doing this more for me because I want to prove to myself that I can do it,” Lattanzi said. “[The show] is an amazing way to get your face out there and I think it will be an amazing growing experience as a person. Anything in life you’re afraid of, you should do.” The new series that airs stranger to public awareness of her musical heri- tage. She will perform in front of a panel of judges live on (Continued on page 23) Room at the Beach CLOSING SALE EVERYTHING MUST GO! Hurry in for the Best Selection HOMETOWN GIRL—Chloe Rose Lattanzi is a featured new talent on MTV’s “Rock the Cradle.” Thursday, April 3, at 10 follow in their parents’ p.m. selects nine children of rockin’ footsteps. The comrock icons to compete petition is nine weeks long. Having grown up in against each other to see who has what it takes to Malibu, Lattanzi is no Malibu’s source for fine, luxurious linens. —Furnishings, Accessories and Gifts for the Home— ROOM AT THE BEACH 23410 Civic Center Way, Malibu, CA 90265 ✵ 310-456-5888 MALIBU SURFSIDE NEWS CALENDAR PAGE 12 Thurs., April 3 ● The Malibu Meditation Group meets each Thursday night at 7:30 p.m. FI: 310-456-3591. ● The Malibu Township Council Candidates Forum that took place on March 15 will air on channel 15 through April 7 at the following times: Sun., 2:30-5 p.m.; Mon., 911:30 a.m.; Tues. and Wed., 10 a.m.-12:30 p.m.; Thurs., 11 a.m.-1:30 p.m,; Fri., 3-5:30 p.m. and Sat., 9:30 a.m.-noon. FI: malibutownshipcouncil.org Fri., April 4 ● Docent led tours of Malibu’s historic Adamson House gardens, 23200 PCH at 10 a.m. every Friday. No reservation needed for this weekly activity. If your group numbers more than 10, please reserve a Tuesday tour. FI: 310-4568432. ● Members of the Malibu Art Association meet on the first Friday of each month from 11 a.m.-3 p.m. at the Malibu Country Mart and paint plein air. the show is called “Montmartre in Malibu,” and 15 percent of sales go to the MAA scholarship fund. FI: Maqueart@yahoo.com ● The Malibu Boys and Girls Club is holding “Climbing the World’s Mountains,” a workshop by MHS student Johnny Strange and his father Brian, who will discuss their climbs together. There will also be maps, slides, films and wall climbing. “The Club” is located on the Malibu High campus at 30215 Morning View Dr. FI: 310-457-1400. ● The Malibu Stage Co., 29243 PCH, is presenting the west coast premiere of “West Bank, U.K.,” a musical comedy by Oren Safdie and Ronnie Cohen. The production, which features the original NY cast, is about an Israeli and a Palestinian who must share a rundown apartment on London’s West Bank. Performances will run weekends through April 13. Showtimes are Fri. and Sat., 8 p.m. and Sun., at 4 p.m. Tickets are $25. FI and reservations: 310589-1998 or www.malibustagecompany.org ● The ninth annual Malibu Film Festival is having an opening night party at Malibu West Beach Club, 30756 PCH, from 9:30 p.m.-midnight. The festival will take place through Sun., April 6 at Malibu High School, 30215 Morning View Rd. Screening times are 7 and 8 p.m. Fri., 10 a.m.-9 p.m., Sat. and noon to 9 p.m., Sun. FI: info@malibufilmfestival.org Sat., April 5 ● Awake, Aware and Empowered Day Retreat from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. at 33204 Mulholland Hwy. The $145 per person cost includes a light, healthy gourmet lunch. FI and reservations: 818-8892673 or www.namasteretreats.com. ● On the first Saturday of each month, members of the EAA Aviation Foundation take youths ages eight through 17 on free flights from 10:30 a.m.-4 p.m. at the EAA Chapter 723 hangar in Camarillo as an introduction to aviation. Each child receives a “Young Eagles” certificate and a booklet on flying. FI and reservations: 805-6476994. ● The Malibu Art Association is holding an opening reception for its juried art exhibition, “The Challenge of Colors,” from 2:30-5 p.m. at Pacific Palisades Public Library Gallery, adjacent to the library at 861 Alma Real Dr. in Pacific Palisades. The exhibit will feature the work of 25 artists and run through May 2. Proceeds from the exhibit help fund scholarships for talented young artists and art books. FI: 310-454-4903. ● The fifth annual Malibu Wine Classic is set for noon-5 p.m. at the Malibu Civic Center, 23535 Civic Center Way. Tickets are $79 each and a portion of the sales benefit the charity Childhelp. FI:www.malibuwine classic.com Thurs., April 10 ● Cornucopia, located behind Malibu High, is hosting a mixer for Chamber of Commerce local businesses and their guests from 5:30-7 p.m. There will be appetizers and a silent auction. FI: 310456-9025. Fri., April 11 ● The Malibu Senior Club is meeting at noon in the Point Dume Mobile Home Park Clubhouse, 29500 Heathercliff Rd. It will feature a program sponsored by UCLA Health System, Healthcare 50+. FI: 310-4577086. Sat., April 12 ● The Allied Artists of the Santa Monica Mountains and Seashore, Inc. is holding a paint-out at Circle X Ranch off Yerba Buena Rd. Meet at 9:30 a.m. at the Circle X Ranch Station under the red flag. Bring art supplies and lunch; rain postpones. FI: 310-3380333. ● One Book One CityMalibu kicks off at 3 p.m. at the Malibu Public Library, 23519 Civic Center Way. This year’s book is “California Poetry: from the Gold Rush to the Present,” which contains the work of 101 poets spanning 150 years. The guest speaker will be poet Jane Hirshfeld, whose work is included in the book. FI: 310-456-6438. APRIL 3 • 2008 and Inter-Tribal Celebration at Bluffs Park, through Sun., April 20. The theme for this year’s event is “Honoring the Island People and Ancestors.” Activities and entertainment will focus on Native American tribal ceremonies, dance and special performances. There will also be a special tribute to Native American actor Floyd Westerman who died earlier this year. The event is free. FI: 310-456-2489, ext. 337 or acrittenden @ci.malibu.ca.us. Tues., April 22 ● The Malibu Green Machine is meeting at 5 p.m. at 31500 Broad Beach Rd. to celebrate Earth Day. Attendees will receive a free native plant gift. FI: malibugreenmachine.org Thurs., April 24 ● “Folk Adventures,” a program for first through sixth graders at the Malibu Public Library, 23519 Civic Center Way, is meeting at 4 p.m. Each month children can experience the folklore and traditional arts of a different country—during April, youngsters will learn about Indonesia. FI: 310456-6438. ● Proposed calendar listings must be submitted to The News as far in advance of the event as possible. Items for free listings will be screened for community-wide interest and are subject to space and lead time limitations. If you would like to list a commercial event, contact the advertising department for information about charges. Items must include an FI, or “For Information” number, whenever possible. Submit items for consideration in writing (no listings will be accepted over the telephone) by Friday to: MSN Calendar, P.O. Box 947, Malibu, CA 90265 or FAX listing information to 310-4579908 or by email to calendar@malibusurfsidenews.com. Sun., April 13 ● The Malibu Jewish Center and Synagogue, 24855 PCH, is holding a luncheon and boutique from 11:30 a.m.-4 p.m. Items for sale include Passover chocolates, linens from Provence and designer sunglasses. There will also be a performance by the MHS dance team and a fashion show. The cost is $45 for adult, $20 for children over age five—those under age five will be admitted for free. FI: 310-456-2178. 310-317-4531 • 310-456-6990 LEATHERHEADS (PG-13) 21 (PG-13) Fri-Thurs 4:00, 7:00, 10:00 Fri-Thurs 4:15, 7:15, 9:45 Sat, Sun 1:00, 4:00, 7:00, 10:00 Sat, Sun 1:15, 4:15, 7:15, 9:45 4/4/08–4/10/08 Malibu Religious Services Times Mon., April 14 ● The Malibu Public Library is hosting a free Mehndi workshop featuring a henna artist for sixth through 12th graders at 4 p.m. Participants will be able to get their own henna tattoos. No registration is needed. FI: 310-456-6438. Thurs., April 17 ● The Malibu Township Council meets on the third Thursday of each month at the Malibu Jewish Center and Synagogue, 24855 PCH at 7:30 p.m. The meetings are open to the public. FI: malibutownshipcouncil.org Sat., April 19 ● The City of Malibu Parks and Recreation Dept. and volunteer Native American Advisory group are sponsoring the 10th Anniversary Chumash Day Powwow St. Aidan’s Episcopal Church 310-457-7966 www.staidanschurch.org 28211 Pacific Coast Highway (Rev. Joyce Stickney) 8 a.m. Holy Eucharist, 10 a.m. Holy Eucharist, music, choir, Sunday School and childcare (10-11 a.m.). Our Lady of Malibu Catholic Church 310-456-2361 3625 Winter Canyon Road (Rev. William F. Kerze) Sat. 5 p.m. Sun. 7, 8, 10:30 and 12:30 Malibu United Methodist Church 310-457-7505 30128 Morning View Drive (Pastor Andrew Mattick) Adult & Youth classes, 10:30 Contemp. Worship & Children’s Class Malibu Presbyterian Church 310-456-1611 3324 S. Malibu Canyon Road (Rev. Greg Hughes, Pastor) Sun. 9:30 a.m. Trad./Contemp. Blended, 11 a.m. Contemp. Nursery thru 5th grade Sunday School at both services. First Church of Christ, Scientist 310-457-7767 www.tfccs.com 28635 W. Pacific Coast Highway 10 Church & Sunday School, Wed. 8 p.m. University Church of Christ 310-506-4504 24255 Pacific Coast Highway (Minister, Ken Durham) Sun. Worship at 8:30 a.m. in Stauffer Chapel and 11:00 a.m. in Elkins Auditorium; Bible classes at 9:50 a.m. in (SAC) Seaver Acad. Complex. Chabad of Malibu 310-456-6588 22933 Pacific Coast Hwy. (Rabbi Levi Cunin) Fri. 6:30 p.m., Saturday 10 a.m. followed by lunch Pacific Palisades Presbyterian Church 310-454-0366 15821 Sunset Blvd. (Rev. K. Edward Brandt, D. Min.) Sun.9 a.m. Contemp. 10:30 a.m. Traditional Sunday School & childcare both services www.palipres.org Calvary Chapel Malibu 310-589-WORD(9673) Sun. 10 a.m. at Juan Cabrillo School Wed. 7 p.m., Bible Study at 6136 Tapia Dr. APRIL 3 • 2008 MALIBU SURFSIDE NEWS PAGE 13 Senior Prom Weaves Memories from Past to Present BIG NIGHT—Pepperdine held its annual “senior prom” last weekend, and a good time was had by all. Accompanied by the “Get Together Band,” students and seniors tripped the light fantastic. Pictured clockwise from top left: dancers hit the floor; prom king and queen Joyce and Danny Gurrola; Amy Larson, Lauren Branard and Dick and DeAnne Joy take a break; Judy La Patka and prom founder Jo Fogg; Tom and Mary Lubisich, Walt and Lucile Keller and Marjorie and Vincent Trebaol enjoy dinner. MSN Photos/Frank Lamonea PAGE 14 MALIBU SURFSIDE NEWS Sheriff’s REPORT With warmer approaching and ideal hiking conditions, the Lost Hills Sheriff’s Department reminds all Malibuites to use common sense while enjoying nature: stay on trails, remember that equestrians have the right-of-way, and be mindful and considerate of our wildlife. APRIL 3 • 2008 Church Preschool Trailers Are OK’d housed a preschool. While members are currently developing plans for the rebuild of the church, the preschool does not have a facility to operate out of because of the total loss of the church facilities. The commissioners approved an application to allow the placement of two commercial coaches totaling 2400 square feet for two years. The approval also includes fences and the installation of an asphalt surface for the operation of the preschool, which will be located directly across the street from the church site. The project will allow the preschool to operate (Continued from page 7) while a new facility is under construction. Once the reconstruction of the church is complete, the commercial coaches will be removed and the preschool will resume its operation in the church. BY BILL KOENEKER Tara Fontana Cuts, color, styling, hair extensions, formal styling, and makeup. Now at Bernie Safire Salon Mobile Services Available. Don’t Save Money On A Haircut. Save Money On Car Insurance. $10 off services for Pepperdine students 310-592-0824 www.tarafontana.com Your State Farm® agent’s got your back with the right coverage and discounts up to XX% 35% on car insurance. Call me today. Festa Insurance Agcy Inc Rich Festa, Agent Insurance Lic. #: 0786049 Pacific Palisades, CA 90272-3721 Bus: 310-454-0345 Fax: 310-454-8153 statefarm.com® • Stay up to date on all the local news at www.malibusurfsidenews.com MALIBU PROFESSIONAL and BUSINESS GUIDE • • PROFESSIONAL • Oral Surgeon Accountants Johnson, Harband, Foster & Darling, CPAs 310-454-6545 Pacific Palisades - Full Service Tax and Accounting Firm. jhfd@jhfd.com Attorneys BRICKELL & MEZA Serious injury lawyers/all claims & cases 20 YEARS in Malibu & Beverly Hills Stephen J. Nahigian, DDS 23440 Civic Center Wy. #201 Veterinarians 310-456-2051 Dr. Kay Fransen, D.V.M. 28990 Pacific Coast Hwy. (Pt. Dume) Physical Therapists 310-858-3555 Free Consult Gregory S. Beaton. PT, OCS 310-456-9332 Malibu Rehabilitation Center—Orthopedic/Sport Therapy & Gym David C . Niebergall, D.D.S. 29350 Pacific Coast Highway, Suite 3 310-457-9292 Mary Lee Amerian, M.D. 310-456-7561 23410 Civic Center Way, Suite E-8 Dermatology V. Mishra & N. Kripalani, D.D.S. 23706 Malibu Road 310-456-6497 James H. Sternberg, M.D. 310-456-1765 23410 Civic Center Way, Suite E-8 Dermatology Allan V. Pfeiffer, D.D.S. 23440 Civic Center Way, Suite 201 310-456-2051 Financial Services Malibu Capital Management Inc./Securities America/ Security America Advisors. Full Service Asset Management. Wayne Ribnick and Wally Glass 310-456-9531 Air Conditioning & Heating 310-456-7230 310-457-9986 Malibu, CA 90265 Glass Malibu Glass Company 3547 Winter Canyon Road 310-456-1844 Housecleaning Optometrists Gregory O'Connor, O.D. 3840 Cross Creek Road Ann Forisha Thiel, Ph.D., M.F.C .C . 310-457-7606 Clinical Psych. & Marr., Fam., Child & Adolescent Therapy 28990 Pacific Coast Highway, Bldg. C , Suite 220 Sharon A. Talovic, Ph.D. Individual and Couples Therapy • BUSINESS • Malibu Refrigeration P.O. Box 4088 Psychologists PSY9674 310-457-6453 Veterinary House Call Service for Dogs & Cats 310-614-3530 Dr. Armaiti May, D.V.M. www.drmayvethousecalls.com Physicians Dentists Malibu Veterinary Clinic 310-456-7464 Psychotherapists Orthodontists Judith Gondell, Ph.D, MFT & Charles Gondell, MFT 310-451-0671 Adult Psychotherapy 21225 Pacific Coast Highway Richard L. Jacobson, D.M.D., M.S. 310-454-0317 Invisible/Conventional/TMD 881 Alma Real Dr., #200, Pacific Palisades, CA • MALIBU PROFESSIONAL and BUSINESS GUIDE • Malibu Maintenance—William D. Residential/Commercial 310-387-5408 Roofing Coastal Roofing Co. P.O. Box 2531 310-455-2827 Malibu, CA 90265 APRIL 3 • 2008 MALIBU SURFSIDE NEWS PAGE 15 Candidate Q Responses Affirm Lack of Major Differences of the current city council and planning commission. Sibert, who is on the planning commission, gave it high marks, saying as a whole the panelists do not promote a pro or antidevelopment agenda. He said the council earned a B-plus in his book and had achieved a number of positive accomplishments while putting the city on sound financial footing. Conley Ulich agreed, indicating she thought the commission has done a good job, but she was disappointed they did not vet more of the issues relating to the La Paz shopping center hearing. She also believed the city council had accomplished a great deal and cited such things as the acquisition of Bluffs Park and Legacy Park. She said the one challenge she saw facing the council is how to be civil and respectful of peo- ple who are often critical of the council. Tellem disagreed, saying the council is not in touch with the residents and works in a “lockstep fashion, though Conley Ulich is the exception.” Tellem was as critical of the planning commission, saying it has lost its way and approves almost every project that has come before it. Wagner said the council is not as efficient as it could be with four members of the city council seeing things one way and one member having a different outlook. He was more critical of the planning commission, saying they rubber stamp projects with ease and the continuous variances granted invite further litigation. Wisnicki said the city council has done a great job of land acquisition and obtaining grants. She indi- Reflexology Thai Massage —GIFT— CERTIFICATES Got Leaks? We SOLVE them! We solve rain leaks at decks, doors, windows, and roofs. Specializing in beachfront properties. ADVANCED WATERPROOFING TECHNOLOGIES, INC. B-784034 805-658-4826 cated the council needs to do a better job of coordinating different agencies responsible for wastewater clean up and stormwater. She said the planning commission works well together and tries to be responsive to the rules and guidelines. Candidates were also asked about the three best and worst actions taken by the council. Sibert said his top three picks were acquiring and planning Legacy Park, the acquisition of Bluffs Park and putting the city on sound financial footing. The three worst he described as the slow progress toward adopting clarifying ordinances and coordinating Civic Center development. Not enough outreach to other cities that share Malibu’s issues and not enough effort to communicate the positive image of Malibu. Tellem said the best actions were working against the LNG port proposal, enacting a no smoking ban on the beach and buying a portion of Bluffs Park. The worst actions, according to Tellem, were not paying enough attention to the will of the people when it came to overnight camping, approving $12.5 million in more bond debt or what are called certificates of participation and failure to enact a specific plan for the Civic Center. Wisnicki said the best three council actions were acquisition of Bluff Park, the purchase of Legacy Park and obtaining grants for clean water. The worst action cited by Wisnicki was closing Civic Center Way at Winter Canyon Road. Conley Ulich noted the three best actions in the last four years were purchasing Legacy Park, acquiring Bluffs Park and completing a stormwater treatment plant at Cross Creek. The three worst council actions, according to Conley Ulich, was failure to complete a Civic Center Specific Plan, failure to adopt a formula retail ordinance and failure to adopt green ordinances that promote sustainable development. Wagner noted the two best actions were opening the stormwater treatment plant in the Civic Center area, the realization that 500,000 square feet of potential buildout in the Civic Center is not feasible. The three worst actions were a lack of a Specific Plan for the Civic Center, lack of an evacuation plan for Webster and Our Lady of Malibu schools and loss of state funding for central (Continued from page 3) park acquisitions. (Continued on page 23) PAGE 16 MALIBU SURFSIDE NEWS The Aquarium AGE The Week of April 3-9, 2008 T his week and the next several weeks, the planets skew the psychic ground of daily life even more toward the absurd, as the constant diet of unexpected plot twists continues to unsettle the already unsettled air. We’re changing, it’s true, but the reactions to those changes pack the power to spin the wheel of life in an entirely MALIBU STAGE CO. 29243 PACIFIC COAST HIGHWAY different direction. The good news is life isn’t boring. The better news is that while the terra firma of daily life shudders with shift, the planets simultaneously support the potential to stay steady. Yes, there are bolts from the blue, but those blows don’t necessarily signal disaster. They also present opportunities to drop the pretense of control, and instead, show up for existential uncertainty with a good attitude. Yes, letting go can be messy, but there are times—special times—when releases feel guided by grace. And this is one of those exceptional times. We are under a providential astral signature for the next several weeks that can be used to transform painful circumstances into instances of profound healing through a sudden, yet true change of heart. The source of this grace in the midst of upheaval is a Jupiter/Uranus sextile, which is exact almost all month long. This sextile is a powerful alliance that challenges the status quo, so don’t expect to tackle anything through a normal routine. Nothing is going to happen by rote, and some of the alternative choices, yours or others, could be a little strange. But what this sextile also provides is a sense of being in the right place at the right time, even if what makes it “right” is totally unexpected or weird. I’m not trying to be cryptic, but sometimes you can think you missed the prize until you realize the greater blessing was being out of harm’s way. Fortunately, the ongoing Saturn/Pluto trine continues to provide the tenacity to persevere no matter how shaky the situation. Best known for its ability to inspire excellence through extreme self-discipline, this trine can also foster stern attitudes. Please remember to be kind as you deliver criticism—what may be firm to you could feel punishing to others. Also be aware, this trine supports the determination to win, which makes it the perfect configuration for competitors in a variety of fields. The tricky thing is figuring out how to avoid pushing yourself or others too hard. Keep your expectations realistic and you’ll maintain moderation. As this week and the coming weeks unfold, open to a state of grace. Providence may not look like what you imagined, but that doesn’t mean it won’t feel exactly as you hoped it would. Don’t wait ’til it’s too late! If you know your ascendant and/or your moon sign, read that too. Aries (March 21-April l9): Spend your excess energy wisely, and avoid the trap of spewing just for the sake of it. I’m not advising you to wimp out, but I am suggesting you err on the side of diplomacy, a position that will allow you to take advantage of several unexpected opportunities. Taurus (April 20-May 20): It’s not necessary to share APRIL 3 • 2008 every anxiety—some things are better left unsaid, especially if they will only intensify an already over-the-top situation. Be patient, and allow the situation to unfold in its own time sequence. Gemini (May 21-June 21): You’re reconciling several opposing viewpoints, which is no small feat, even for someone who’s used to synthesizing several personal opinions. Be clear about what you value, and you’ll be able to mediate the conflict through an appropriate filter. Cancer (June 22-July 22): A rigid insistence on your way or no way won’t serve anyone, not even you. So rather than polarize, devote your efforts to creating a solid ground of genuine compromise where everyone is a winner. Leo (July 23-August 22): If you want to capitalize on several unanticipated, unique opportunities to form profitable alliances, you must assume as well as maintain a positive attitude. Not every encounter will be worth the expenditure of time, but some could catalyze new and beneficial projects. Virgo (August 23-September 22): Your partnerships, personal and professional, continue to go through changes. Rather than see these shifts as tests of strength, view them as exercises in flexibility. Be willing to compromise, and you’ll make the appropriate moves. Libra (September 23-October 22): You’ll need additional time to handle work-related obligations. Rather than resent these demands, consider this phase an opportunity to showcase your ability to take charge and get the job done. Scorpio (October 23-November 21): Spontaneous conversations with friends and family stimulate new ideas. View these interactions as messages meant to catalyze you into a keener awareness, and you’ll reap surprising, and unforeseen benefits. Sagittarius (November 22-December 21): Don’t be surprised if you feel an urge to move and indulge every desire. Yes, life is unsettled and uncomfortable, but acting on every itch won’t solve the problem. You’ll know when it’s time to scratch. Capricorn (December 22-January 19): You can squabble with partners over petty differences or you can do what’s necessary to make peace. I’m not suggesting you abandon yourself, but if you try to control every detail, you’ll leak your power before you get to use it. Aquarius (January 20-February 18): Channel your intensity into non-aggressive forms of communication and you’ll prepare a pathway for exciting new information about old, boring problems. The solution isn’t about who wins – it’s about creating joy for all the participants. Pisces (February 19-March 20): A sudden turn of events could work out well for you, but only if you seize the moment, so be selfish and take care of yourself, first. You won’t be disappointed, and you might just be happy. BY RALFEE FINN Copyright © 2008 The PUZZLE It’s time for W.A.S.T.E.C. Septic Tank Pumping • Cesspools Low Rates • 24 Hour Service Residential • Commercial – Since 1948 – Call us for fast service: (800) 79-WASTEC (800-799-2783) Last week’s Washington Post crossword puzzle was the last for the Malibu Surfside News. Anyone with any information, ideas or suggestions about obtaining a new puzzle is welcome to contact the News at news@malibusurf sidenews.com or call 310-457-2112. SOLUTION TO LAST WEEK’s PUZZLE APRIL 3 • 2008 MALIBU SURFSIDE NEWS PAGE 17 Tom Petty and Original Mudcrutch to Perform at Local Benefit ■ Midnight Mission’s Third Annual Event Includes Group’s First Performance in 30 Years T he Midnight Mission Benefit team is calling out the instigators because there’s something in the air—its time to get together sooner than later, because the revolution’s here. Malibu’s Performing Arts Center will be the setting for the third annual Midnight Mission Benefit on Saturday, April 12. Dubbed “For Malibu, With Love,” the fundraiser and concert should instead be thought of as “for the people, with love Malibu” based on the organization’s mission and motivation to host the event. According to the organizers, the Midnight Mission Benefit currently is the largest secular outreach organization that serves the homeless in downtown L.A. Founder and the president of Midnight Mission Benefit, Norman Harris came up with the idea seven years ago when he started bringing toys on Christmas day to the homeless children concentrated in the Skid Row area. The nonprofit organization has expanded to offer a variety of services, including counseling, education, training and job placement. Throughout the human service group’s growth, Harris said he recognized the growing need to assist this population and decided to put his good resources to use. As owner of Norman’s Rare Guitar, Harris has since begun rounding up some of the “usuals” he works with to perform and raise money for the organization’s mission. With a track record of Richie Sambora and Los Lobos as performers, the foundation has quickly grown to be one of the most progressive and exciting charity events. Organizers hope that for the third year, the event will go down in history because one of Harris’ “usual” customers will be the highlight of this event offering what is described as one of the most unique performances to date. Tom Petty, along with his original band, Mudcrutch, will take center stage at the event and perform tracks off their album that is set to release late April. The benefit will mark of the first Mudcrutch performance in over 30 years. In addition to what some see as a monumental moment in music history, KNBC meteorologist Fritz Coleman will host the evening, which also includes a cocktail reception and live and silent auctions, whose proceeds will go to the cause. “With all the foreclosures and stuff that have “[It’s] forrr the people [to and from] ” Malibu. been happening lately, there is going to be more homeless,” explains Harris. “Contrary to popular belief, these are not only people who have drug and alcohol problems, but people who are in this situation because of unfortunate circumstances,” he stresses. “I thought it would be natural to hold the event in Malibu and tap into the Malibu families to rally behind this and provide to the poor that live only 20 miles away,” says Harris. As a call to “save the humans,” the benefit is not only for Malibuites who participate in the event, but also for the neighboring community that the organization serves. To be a part of the movement to make a difference, one can purchase a general admission ticket online at www.tix.com. For information about ways to give additional support and/or purchase of Platinum, Gold and Silver Tickets, call 310-456-6722. BY VANESSA HARRIS TWO CANDIDATES WHO CARE ABOUT THE REAL MALIBU SUSAN TELLEM and JEFFERSON “Zuma Jay” WAGNER are the only two candidates for Malibu City Council who: fought dangerous overnight camping in our narrow canyons • called for a city-wide emergency evacuation plan • have a smart program to keep small local businesses in Malibu • Susan and Jefferson care about you, your safety and our threatened Malibu Way of Life. VOTE FOR TELLEM AND “ZUMA JAY” FOR MALIBU CITY COUNCIL • • • • • APRIL 8TH • • • • • Visit w w w. m a l i b u c i t y c o u n c i l . c o m for more information Paid for by Trish Vandevere-Scott PAGE 18 MALIBU SURFSIDE NEWS APRIL 3 • 2008 DAVID CARTER MALIBU Beach, 310.456.6271 (Direct) • 310.980.4434 (Cell) www.MalibuMobileHomes.com PARADISE COVE MOBILEHOMES - Malibu STEPS TO THE BEACH: Great little home for year-round living or vacation get-away. 1+1, nicely remodeled, singlewide. Fenced, decks. Fully furnished. $ 329,000 TERRIFIC REMODEL: Upscale 1+1 beach home. Walk to sandy Cove Beach. Saltillo tile flrs & counters. Fenced & private, quality slider to sizable deck. Top of the line! $ 339,000 IMPECCABLE REMODEL: 1+1 Beach Cottage with upgraded ktchn & appliances, custom wood cabinets, hrdwd flrs, granite counters, fplc. French doors open to deck & yard overlooking creek. Private & quiet location. Fully furnished & incl. golf cart. REDUCED $ 369,000 FANTASTIC CUSTOM HOME: 1 bd + 1 ba, just steps to the beach. Fully furnished. Hardwd floors, stone bathroom, everything perfect. $ 375,000 NEW CUSTOM BUILT: I bedroom, 1 bath and a large loft. Top quality with hardwood and slate floors, marble counters. Low space rent. $ 425,000 SUNNY LOCATION: Nice creekside 2+1 beach getaway with a lg prvt back patio, just 250 yds to the sand. & surf. Custom remodel, wood flrs & room to build. Incl furnishings. $ 425,000 BEST OCEAN VIEWS FOR THE PRICE: 1 bedroom, 1 bath with high ceilings. Currently being remodeled…buy it now! $ 475,000 AFFORDABLE, NICER DOUBLEWIDE: 2 bd + 2 ba and bonus room. Upper level location. Oak floors, light & bright, large fenced yard. IN ESCROW $ 549,000 CUSTOM BUILT BEACH HOUSE: 2 bedrooms, loft, 2 bathrooms, wood & tile throughout. Patios, fenced, private setting and spa tub. 2-car parking. $ 595,000 WHITEWATER OCEAN VIEWS: 150 yards to the sand! Total custom 2+1 beach home. High ceilings, tile & wood floors, decks, grass yard. $ 655,000 BUILT IN 2000! Beautiful 2+2, hi-ceilings, lg windows, bright & open. Double sided FP from LR to Fam rm, spacious ktchn. Sep dining & laundry rms. Landscaped patio, side yard. $685,000 AWESOME WHITEWATER VIEWS: Complete upscale remodel: hrdwd flrs, stone fplc, custom cabinets, tile bathrooms w/granite counters, stunning ktchn with center island. Lg wrap-around deck, outdoor BBQ & refrig. Hillside bluff location. $1,385,000 BLUFF LOCATION: Outstanding ocean views. Custom 2+2 “Hacienda”. Leaded glass windows, tiled ktchn w/center island, skylites, fplc. French drs open from every rm onto lg stone deck. Lush landscaping, spa tub. Bonus room can be 3rd bedroom. REDUCED $1,395,000 Canyon & Mountain ______________________________________ R E A L E S T A T E POINT DUME CLUB MOBILEHOMES - Malibu AFFORDABLE: 2 bedroom, 2 bath home with low space rent. Wood floors, fireplace, garden setting, decks and patio. $ 425,000 CLOSE TO BEACH EXIT: Outstanding ocean view 2+2. Nice open floor plan, wood flrs, big wrap-around deck with ocean, sunset & mountain views. $ 575,000 INCREDIBLE VIEWS: Sweeping coastline & sunset vus. Hi-vaulted ceilings, hrdwd flrs, big open flr plan, large decks. Privacy! Close to beach gate. IN ESCROW $ 645,000 NEWLY BUILT: 3+3, 2,300 sf living space. Granite kitchen, wood flrs, spa tub, fplc, French drs, decks, landscaped yard with build-in BBQ. Low space rent. REDUCED $ 710,000 BEAUTIFUL NEWER (2004): 3+2, extra large 1,560 sf. Hi-ceilings, lowest space rent. Sliders to decks, big private backyard and views! $ 749,000 GREAT OCEAN VIEW: 3+2 on the outside perimeter, on the largest lot in the Park. Huge landscaped yard, grassy lawn, Fully fenced and gated. Ocean & Cyn vus from inside & out. Hrdwd floors, tile bathrms, sliders to decks, bonus ofc/den. $ 794,000 PANORAMIC VIEWS: Ocean, sunset and mountain views. Custom 1,900 sf, 4+4 remodeled home. Drywalled throughout, limestone flrs, granite kitchen, maple cabinets, sliders to large deck with spa Amazing REDUCED $ 799 000 Change your way of life with the Real Estate Section at www.malibusurfsidenews.com Malibu Colony Beach NEW LISTING! Malibu Road Villa Summer Lease $135,000/MO $80,000/MO Stunning Mediterranean NEW LISTING! $27,500/MO 310.589.2477 Architectural Sophistication www.malibuluxurybeachrental.com Pool, Spa, Waterfall & Beautiful Lawns susan@susanmonus.com Gorgeous 5 BR Winding Way Area Estate Serra Retreat Pt. Dume Romantic Villa with Ocean Views www.susanmonus.com Pt. Dume 5 BR Classic Spanish Home $3,195,000 Detached GH, Lap Pool, 3 Car Garage NEW LISTING! $22,500/MO NEW LISTING! CALL FOR DETAILS REDUCED! $3,968,000 www.sweepingviewestate.com Summer Lease & Long Term Lease Available www.wandermereroad.com Cape Cod in Malibu Park Ocean View lot on Approximately 1 Acre Storybook Traditional 4BR in Malibu’s Wine Country $2,595,000 Active Permits and Plans to Expand $1,149,000 $2,250,000 Planning & Coastal Approvals - Close to the Beach! www.birdellaroad.com ©2007 Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. Coldwell Banker is a registered trademark licensed to Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. An Equal Opportunity Company. Equal Housing Opportunity. Owned and Operated by NRT LLC. Coldwell Banker does not guarantee the accuracy of square footage, lot size or other information concerning the condition or features of property provided by the seller or obtained from public records or other sources, and the buyer is advised to independently verify the accuracy of that information through personal inspection and with appropriate professionals. APRIL 3 • 2008 MALIBU SURFSIDE NEWS PAGE 19 MALIBU REAL ESTATE Magnificent Gated Estate in Prestigious Serra Retreat, with Pool, Spa, Spacious Detached Guest House, Beautifully Landscaped Grounds. $12,950,000 Gorgeous Ocean-View Land w/Reports & Plans for Home, Pool, Guest House $1,950,000 Immaculate Newly Remodeled Zuma Bay Villa Townhome w/Ocean Views $6,000/month Stunning Encinal Bluff-Front Architectural Home with Pool, Panoramic Coastline Views, and Access to Gorgeous Private Beach. $7,900,000 www.33744pch.com Exquisite Gated Zuma Bluff Compound w/Whitewater Views, Lge. 2nd Structure $8,495,000 www.30245pacificcoast.com www.homesinmalibu.com Spectacular 5 BR Gated Estate w/Expansive Ocean-Views, 2 Pools, Spa $37,500/month. Panoramic Coastline Views from this Extraordinary Encinal Bluff Home w/Pool & Spa $10,650,000 Sunrise/Sunset Ocean Views from this Immaculate Architectural Home. $2,995,000 www.6060galahad.com PRUDENTIAL MALIBU AGENT SHOWCASE.... Jon Saver & Lisa Saver Prudential Malibu Realty’s Topanga Top Producers! Jon and Lisa Saver are a consistent multi-award winning sales team specializing in the sale of Malibu and Topanga Canyon homes, ranches, estates and Land. Jon and Lisa have lived in the Malibu/Topanga Canyon area for over 25 years and have extensive first hand knowledge of the community, canyons, beaches and schools. No one knows the neighborhood better! Lisa and Jon bring with them backgrounds in sales, finance, and construction which enable them to provide their clients with the highest level of professional service available. Service that continues long after the escrow closes. With over 28 years combined experience and hundreds of satisfied clients they are consistent top producers, year after year with over 120 homes sold from 2004 to 2007 alone. Jon Saver & Lisa Saver 310.455.2540 310.455.9717 jonsaver@aol.com www.TopangaHomesOnline.com Topanga Office 310.455.3200 Malibu Office 310.456.6431 An Independently owned and operated member of the Prudential Real Estate Affiliates. PAGE 20 MALIBU SURFSIDE NEWS M A L I B U R E A L APRIL 3 • 2008 E S T A T E Isabel Miller 3 1 0 - 4 5 6 - R E N T RENTALS RENTALS Incredible opportunity! Overlooking Sea Lion Point, sits this seaside oasis. Perfect for anyone looking for a 1031 up leg. Two units, light, bright, spacious and in pristine condition. Upper unit has 1 bed., 1 bath plus loft, liv. rm. and kitchen. Lower unit with 1 bed., 1 bath, liv. rm., kitchen and large beachfront deck. Connect the two units, or live in one and rent out the other. The possibilities are endless! Upper unit can be purchased separately for $1.8 million, lower unit for $1.7 million. Fantastic price for one of Malibu’s most sought after beaches. $3,199,000 M at t R a p f / A n dy Lyo n Pritchet t Rapf 310-774-5151 $2900/mo.MALIBU BAY CLUB.Wonderful Ocn Vu 1+2,end unit! Recently remodeled & fully furn. Beachfront complex@ Co. Line. Gated entry, pool, spa, tennis. 1 yr. lease. $5900/mo. MALIBU PARK. Charming 4+2 family home, new F.P, Kitchen appliances, new paint & carpet, 1/2 acre grassy yard. Ocean vu from new deck,walk to schools & beaches. Zoned 4 horses. Unf; Ready for move in now! $9500/mo. BEACHFRONT HOME @ Co. line. Beautifully remodeled 3+2 Designer furn. vacation fun time! Huge deck, great surf spot. Enjoy Malibu’s pristine uncrowded beaches. Avail. short term now. Call for summer rates. $11,000/mo. POINT DUME. This home has it all! Open flowing 5 bdrm 3 ba, pool, spa, deluxe outdoor kitchen/BBQ area, 3 F.Ps, mountain & tree top ocean vus, easy walk to beaches. Avail. mid June, or summer @ $17,500. $12,000/mo. TOWNHOUSE ON BEACH. Seasonal rental near Moonshadows! Close to town, Spacious rooms, well appointed 2 story, 2 bdrm+ofc, master on water, cheerful open kitchen. Fully furnished. A great vacation rental! $15,000/mo. ENCINAL BLUFFS. Bluff top home w/ steps to stunning sandy beach cove! 2+2. + bonus rm gated 1.6 ac., lush landscaping, expansive green lawns & pvt stairs to pristine beach. Perfect get-a-way incl. fabulous outdoor entertaining patio. Avail. short term only. 1 mo. min. $20,000/mo. CARBON BEACH. The CLASSIC California beach house! 1 story 3+3 w/ style & charm, 50ft. of Malibu’s most sought after beach. Huge deck, master on water, courtyard entry & fully furn. Avail. now! (no pets please) Not avail for summer ’08. $25,000/mo. BROAD BEACH. “The ULTIMATE” Broad Beach Bungalow. Exquisitely restored cottage on sandy beach. Decorator furnished . 2 +2 in main hse w/separate detached studio & bath. Large deck for entertaining + spa. Avail. Now! Summer @ $50,000/mo. 310-456-RENT 310.317.1709 Beyond Comparison marcusbeck@malibuestates.com INVEST IN LIFE Malibu Colony Rd. #116, Malibu $12,995,000 Malibu Road, Malibu -317-8321(H) 310-457-2258(H) 310 OLD WORLD SPANISH HACIENDA—On Via Escondido approx. 1/2 mile to beach. Four beautiful acres next to creek, gated and private. Five bedrooms. Must see to believe! HUGE PRICE REDUCTION. $4,575,000 . . .$3,795,000 LAND SPECTACULAR— Ocean view of Santa Monica Bay. Approx. 10 acres. Latigo Canyon—Many expired reports, plans for home on flat building site. Motivated seller. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$595,000 LEASES HACIENDA—On Via Escondido approx. 1/2 mile to beach. Four beautiful acres next to creek, gated and private. Five bedrooms. Furnished or unfurnished. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$12,000/mo. GUEST HOUSE IN MALIBU PARK—Walk to the beach. Beautiful ocean views, 2 patios, new appliances in kitchen, vaulted ceilings throughout. Large living room plus bathroom. Gated estate, very private. .L . .E. .A . .S . .E . .D . . . .$2200/mo. CHARMING CABIN ON LATIGO—On many untouched acres. 2 bedrooms + 2 bathrooms. Near beautiful hiking trails, very private— outdoor spa. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .L .E . .A . .S . .E . .D . .$2950/mo. MALIBU COLONY COLDWELL BANKER www.malibusurfsidenews.com MALIBU REAL ESTATE Marcus Beck MARCUS BECK WENDY JENSEN 3 Special 14.61 Acre Malibu Retreat 3 Just 5 min. from PCH. Rare comm. zoning. 18 sep. parcels perfect for religious, corp. retreat, camp, or events. Clubhouse, 3/2 rustic home, guest qtrs, pool & spa, gardens w/fountain, ample parking, well, more. $4.3 Million, or lease available. JEFF CURTIS (agent) 310 467-1978 $5,950,000 5 bd + 5 ba wood & glass architectural behind the gates! Great beachfront 2 bd + 2 ba getaway w/ spectacular Main house has 3 bd + 4 ba w/ a living rm, oceanfront views of the Pacific & Malibu Colony beach. Recently sitting area & more! Sep. 2 bd guest apt. 2 car garage restored & updated. Perfect for entertaining! Winding Way, Malibu $5,495,000 Mulholland Hwy, Malibu $1,849,000 W. Mulholland Hwy, Agoura $3,295,000 Shadow Creek, Agoura $2,500,000 Gated Mediterranean estate on apx. 2 acs (per assr). 4 bd + 5 ba. Stunning architecture & fantastic mountain views! 5 bd + 4.5 ba. Apx. Lush gardens & lawns w/ expansive ocean views! Pool surrounded by 3,900 (per assr.) sq. ft. estate. Wd flrs, arches, exposed beams, 3 frplcs, center island kitchen, incredible master suite w/ balcony & fireplace. picturesque Palm trees. Gourmet kit. & quality finishes! Vintage at Hidden Park! 4 bd + 4.5 ba w/ stunning views on over Just Reduced! 4 bd + 4.5 ba extraordinary home. Privately gated w/ 3+ acres (per assr.). Luxurious upgrades w/ the finest appointments stunning views! This is a new community development of 19 homes throughout. Custom pool/spa, hardscape and landscape. located in the picturesque Santa Monica mountains. An Independently owned and operated member of the Prudential Real Estate Affiliates. Prudential Malibu Realty does not guarantee the accuracy of square footage, lot size or other information concerning the condition or features of property provided by the seller or obtained from public records or other sources, and the buyer is advised to independently verify the accuracy of that information through personal inspection and with appropriate professionals. Professional Excellence WE HAVE MOVED! 29575 PCH (Zuma Beach Plaza), Malibu, CA 90265 Phone: (310) 456-2221 Fax: (310) 456-1599 HOMES AND ESTATES • MALIBU ROAD BEACHFRONT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$8,250,000 3 bd., 4 bath and 2 huge beachfront decks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .STEVE KARSH: 310-924-1462 • BEACHFONT GATED COMMUNITY IN MALIBU . . . . . . . . .$1,680,000 2-story, beautifully remodeled. 3 bed., 3 bath., plus media room and 2-car garage. • OCEAN VIEW HOME IN MALIBU COUNTRY ESTATES . . .$3,500,000 4 bed., 6 bath. Pool and spa on approx. an acre. Private corner lot. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .TIFFANY LEIGH: 310-709-8886 • BROAD BEACH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1,999,999 Charming 2 bd., 2.5 bath. with updated designer kitchen. BILL MASON: 310-456-2221 • ESTATE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1,999,999 3 bed. + maid’s qtrs., o.v. –2 ac. pvt. . . . . . . . . . . . .TOM BATES: 310-739-4886 • FABULOUS BRENTWOOD CONDO ON MONTANA! . . . . . . .$525,000 1 bd., 1 bath. + bonus room and patio. Security bldg. + garage. Walk to shops, restaurants, markets, UCLA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .JUDI LEVI: 310-456-6070 • OCEAN VIEW PENTHOUSE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$899,000 1 bd., plus den. Possible 2nd bd. . . . . . . . . .DOROTHY GREEN: 805-338-3125 • POINT DUME BLUFF ESTATE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$19,250,000 180º ocean view w/acres of privacy. 5 bd., 5 bath and much more. • CHARMING MALIBU WEST COUNTRY HOME . . . . . . . . . .$2,195,000 3 bd., 2 bath. Finest materials throughout with extraordinary yard located on natural creek. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .GLEN MEYERS: 310-403-2044 • BEAUTIFUL REDONE GARDEN VIEW CONDO . . . . . . . . . . .$647,000 2 bed., 2 bath. All redone. Very bright and beautiful with garden views. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ANITA GARREN/TIFFANY LEIGH: 310-560-7126/310-709-8886 • ZUMA BAY VILLAS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1,400,000 3 bed., 2 bath.–Smashing view. Walk to beach. Tops in condos in Malibu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .GERRY BATTEY: 310-457-3441 • MALIBU PARK RETREAT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$2,950,000 3 bed., 2 1/2 bath. on over an acre. Hot tub. . .ANITA GARREN: 310-560-7126 LAND • VACANT LAND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1,200,000 1.25 ac.-meter. Good Geo. TOM BATES: 310-739-4886 • LATIGO CANYON/TWO HILLSIDE LOTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$350,000 Underground utilities. Expired Coastal Permit w/Geology Reports. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .SANTOS FLANIKEN: 310-456-2221 * * * * * LAND * * * * * • BUILD THIS SPRING . . . . . . . . . . . .$1,795,000 Over 1 acre ocean view with planning approval for 6,766 sq. ft. “one story” Mediterranean home. . . . . . . . . STEVE KARSH/SANTOS FLANIKEN: 310-924-1462/310-433-7275 • PANORAMIC VIEWS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1,900,000 Top of hill, gated estate w/plans for 8500 sq. ft. Med. Villa. 3.34 acres. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .YURI KATZ: 310-497-1510 • UNOBSTRUCTED OCEAN VIEWS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$438,000 Approximately 2 acres of spectacular sunsets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .MARIE STAPEL: 310-457-0657 MOBILE HOMES • GORGEOUS MOUNTAIN VIEWS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$199,000 3 bed., 2 bath. Plus atrium. • PEACEFUL RETREAT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$225,000 2 bed., 2 bath, decks, views. • AWESOME VIEWS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$289,000 3 bed., 2 bath, very large floor plan. • UNBELIEVABLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$265,000 4 bed., 2 bath, atrium, built-ins & granite. • ONE OF A KIND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$169,000 With gorgeous views, warmth mixed with light and style. 3 bed., 2 bath. • SERENE SETTING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$265,000 3 bed., 2 bath. chef’s kitchen and atrium. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .MARLENE GROSSMAN: 310-999-1280 RENTALS • OCEAN VIEW HOME IN MALIBU COUNTRY ESTATES 4 bed., 6 bath., pool and spa. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$20,000/mo. Summer • GORGEOUS 2 STORY ON THE BEACH . . . . . . .$10,000/mo. Long term . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$15,000/mo. Summer Beautifully furnished 3 bed., 3 bath., plus office and 1-car garage. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .TIFFANY LEIGH: 310-709-8886 alibu Surf Mortgage • HOME LOANS UP TO $12,000,000 • Yuri Katz – Loan Officer Direct: 310-497-1510 APRIL 3 • 2008 MALIBU SURFSIDE NEWS PAGE 21 THE MALIBUMarketplace C L A ADVERTISING PROCEDURES The rate for classified advertising is $32 for 30 words or less. There is a charge of 50 cents for each additional word over 30. This ad copy plus payment may be mailed to MSN Classified Advertising, P.O. Box 903, Malibu CA 90265. Ads can be placed in person for the current week’s issue until noon on Tuesday at our offices at 28990 Pacific Coast Highway, Suite C-116 (PCH and Portshead Road, just north of Kanan-Dume Road). For your convenience, ads may also be telefaxed to MSN at 4579908 until noon on Tuesday for the current week’s issue. The rate for all faxed ads, as well as all classified ads billed to open display advertising accounts (display ads in newspaper during current month), is $32 for 30 words or less and 50 cents for each word over 30. The News reserves the right to decline to publish any advertisement, to address objections in wording and to delete copy to match payments submitted with an ad. Submission of advertising copy to The News is not a guarantee of publication or an agreement for continued publication. The News is not liable for failure to publish an advertisement or for more than one incorrect insertion of an ad. Liability is limited to the cost of the advertising space only, with maximum liability being the cost of the first incorrect ad or republication of the correction. All offices of The News are open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Wednesday from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. There is an ad copy drop-off box at the main MSN entrance for after hours use. For additional information about advertising in “The Community Forum of Malibu,” contact 457-2112, 457-4235 or 457-NEWS (6397). ANIMAL CARE Large and small animals. Experienced ranch hand, gardener, groundskeeper and allaround general handyman is available due to employer’s move. Is reliable and trustworthy, a responsible family man studying for the citizenship exam. Good English, own transportation, excellent references. 323-751-1663. 0403 SAVE A LIFE Adopt a pet from your local shelter. S S I F I E D ANIMAL SERVICES EMPLOYMENT GARDENING HOMES FOR SALE OFFICE FOR RENT German shepherd for adoption. 5-year-old, rescued female. Black and red, beautiful conformation. Spayed, micro-chipped, housebroken, dog and child friendly, very loving, gentle and smart. Call Michele, 310-871-3807. Horse rider, part-time, experienced, ride trained horses, saddle care and riding companion. Call Laurie, 310-457-4004. “Call Calvin’s” for rose pruning, organic feeding and spraying. Interior and exterior plant care serving Malibu for over 50 years. Call Randy and Casey for a free estimate. 310-460-8760. Point Dume beauty. Open Sun., April 6, 2-5 p.m. 7002 Dume Dr. $3,750,000. Winnikoff Real Estate, 310-457-7279. Quiet office suite. Lots of windows with view of landscaped yard. Private bath. Onsite parking. $1600/mo. 29170 Heathercliff Rd., Pt. Dume. Available now, 310-457-9326. 0403 0403 0417 FOR SALE ASTROLOGY Wrought iron. 6 chairs, 3 tables with glass. $450. For patio or lawn. 310-456-3074. 0403 RALFEE FINN 1996, 27-ft. Wildwood travel trailer. 1 bedroom, living and dining areas. Kitchen with fridge, gas stove, microwave. Extra room with bunk beds. Excellent condition, $4000. 310-457-4794. 0403 specializes in Transformational Astrology. For information about readings, call 1-888-937-9264 Write to Ralfee Finn at Post Office Box 343 New York, NY 10025 You can visit her web site www.aquariumage.com or email her at ralfee@aquariumage.com Don’t Panic, It’s Organic! Whole property restoration, 100 percent organic—natural, natural pest control, natural tree— palm care. Invisible Gardener, Inc. Organicdatabank.info. House calls. 310-457-4438. 0424 Boarding near the beach and mountain trails. Riding ring and track. Groom available. Open 7 days. Arena lights. Hot and cold wash rack. Turnout daily. 310457-4146. 0410 HOUSECLEANING 0403 Emmy’s Housecleaning Services. Good references, own transportation, quality work: no job too small. We guarantee our services. Free estimates. 818-7266305. HOMES, FOSTER HOMES OR DONATIONS NEEDED! Just a baby—without his hero “Sanson” Sanson has little hope for life! A 0424 GROUNDSKEEPING HOUSESITTING Malibu ranch hand, gardener, care of large and small animals and all-around general handyman. Excellent references, reliable and trustworthy. Good English, own transportation. Time available due to employer’s move. 323-751-1663. Housesitting services. Longterm availability. Looking for place on the beach. Prior sitting references upon request. Responsible. Quiet. Professionally employed. 818-209-9400. 0403 HAULING Happy Hauling. Yards, closets, storages, houses + moving and any help you may need! Tiny to gigantic loads! 7 days a week. Keeping you and Malibu beautiful. Local Malibuite. 310-2288158. 0403 HEALTH AND FITNESS “Lady” To adopt Lady call the North Central LA Shelter at 888-452-7381, To donate or to foster her please email Mutt Match ASAP at muttmatchla@aol.com Neither The News nor any of the animal volunteers can determine the appropriateness of a particular animal for a prospective adopter. Agoura Animal Shelter • 29525 Agoura Road, Agoura Hills. 818-991-0071 http://animalcontrol.co.la.ca.us Two offices in executive suite. Mid-Malibu location. $1000/mo. each. Covered parking included. Ask for Wayne, 310-4569531. 0403 PAINTING Pacific Painting. Interior and exterior, residential and commercial. Quality workmanship and materials, competitive rates, wallpaper removal, dry wall and plaster repair since 1979. Free estimates, bonded and insured. Lic. # 908913. 310-954-7170. 0403 Very reliable housekeeper/elderly care/childcare available. Speak some English, am U.S. citizen, have a passport and can travel. Excellent local tong term references. Call Olivia: cell, 323861-6498 or home, 323-2319288. ✩ ANIMAL ✩ STARS of the WEEK Lady is a healthy, happy two-year--old lab/shepherd mix. She has been at the shelter for four months! Too long. The only reason she is still alive is because everyone loves her, but her time has run out. Loving, sweet and wonderful energy, Lady is love for life. A real home, a foster home and/or donations are urgently needed to keep her alive. Please open your heart to such a lovely Lady in dire need! Impound #A915079. Malibu’s best large pony and 1 small horse for 1/2 or full lease. Both have shown a lot. Located in wonderful full care barn. Must stay with present trainer. 310456-3074, leave msg. 0403 0403 To adopt Sanson please call the NORTH CENTRAL LA SHELTER immediately at 888-452-7381, To donate or to foster him please email Mutt Match ASAP at muttmatchla@aol.com 0410 HORSES GRAPHICS Travel Trailer—Springdale 296BHG (2006), 30' Bunkhouse, sleeps 3-4. Appliances, refrigerator, wood drawers, overhead cabinets, range with exhaust, 60-gal. water system, 6-gal. LP water heater, 45" wide dinette. Porcelain toilet, tub-shower combo, mirrored medicine cabinet, smoke detector. Great buy. Call for information: M-F, 9 a.m.-5 p.m., Enid, 310-966-4727. beautiful boy, Sanson is a puppy at 11 months young. Full of life and love, he was hit by a car and his “owners” instead of helping him dumped him at a shelter to die. We can’t let that happen. He desperately needs a friend. His leg is fractured, but it can be easily mended with vet care. He is in grave danger of being put down! Sanson is a happy, sweet, playful boy who deserves to live! Impound #A929532. 0403 Malibu local yoga instructor teaching hatha, ashtanga, vinyasa and kids’ yoga. Balancing mind and body, building stamina, flexibility and self esteem. Also offering sunrise yoga at Zuma location. Zabrina, 310-4579563. 0403 Change your way of life with the Classified Section at www.malibusurfsidenews.com 0403 INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY Industrial shops. “New” 600'800' in the City of Oxnard (20-30 PCH minutes from Malibu). 10 x 12 roll door, office, bathroom, 15' ceilings, $650 and up. No automotive, 805-486-8796, www.arcturusproperty.com. 020509 ✭ Find the Lucky Star in the ad you placed in the Malibu Marketplace and WIN Two Tickets to the Malibu Theatre! ✭ CUSTOM PAINTING Commercial & Residential License #816325 Interior & Exterior Faux Finishes - Stain Oil Paints - Sealers Epoxy Coating - Lacquers (310) 435-7551 PERSONAL ASSISTANT Type for you! Drafting or preparing correspondence, reports, resumes, bill paying, run errands, organizational help, scheduling in meeting vendors, small to large projects, great rates. Call Jenny, 310-600-6404, or e-mail at malibuwavecrest@yahoo.com. See malibuwavecrest.com. 0424 RENTALS Latigo Canyon 1 bd., 1 ba. apt. Near Pepperdine, beautiful mountain and canyon views, quiet, serene, very clean. Private entrance, patio, semi-furnished, includes utilities, cable, W/D. No pets, no smoking. $1575/mo. Lease, excellent credit. 310-4575271. 0424 Malibu. 8.7 acres, 3300 sq. ft. house with gourmet kitchen, 4 bd., 3 ba., sauna, 2 decks, patio, 3 fireplaces, 3-car garage, with beautiful ocean and mountain views, furnished or unfurnished, year lease. $5500/mo. plus security deposit. Agent Dan Ross, 310-702-7121. 0424 PAGE 22 MALIBU SURFSIDE NEWS APRIL 3 • 2007 THE MALIBUMarketplace C L A S S I RENTALS RENTALS RENTALS Malibu West 4 bd., 2 1/2 ba. home. Great neighborhood. 2car attached garage, fireplace, large master bed and bath. Dog OK with additional deposit. $5300/mo., 1-year lease. 310-589-6042. Luxury unit. Close to town. Santa Monica to Catalina ocean view. 1 bd., den, large deck, wood flooring, dishwasher. References required. $2800/mo. No dogs. 310-456-6736. The best ocean view in Malibu. Completely remodeled 2story condo. 2 bd., 2 ba., small office. All new kitchen, bathrooms, carpets, drapes. Tennis, pool, sauna, gated. $3100/ mo. 310-456-5789. 0410 P.C.H. Pt. Dume area. Newly remodeled home. Expansive ocean views. Huge living room, kitchen, dining room, custom fireplace, large bd., 1 ba. Extensive wood, antique, rock accents. 6 plush acres. Adults only. Non-smoking. Cat OK. Utilities included. $3000/ mo. One message per prospect. 310-589-8210. 0403 Malibu, opposite the beach with large deck and unobstructed ocean views. Charming and immaculate 4 bd., 3 ba. home with family room and secluded outdoor spa. $7500/mo. Gwen. 805-320-7691. 0403 Summer rental. Ocean view artsy turn-key 1 bd. condo. 42" plasma TV, DVD, cable, queen bed, fireplace, heated pool, spa, gym, T.C., private beach. Monthly rates, agent, 818-2859627. 0410 On the beach. 1 and 2 bd. apartments. Santa Monica to Catalina whitewater views. Fireplace, dishwasher, recently upgraded. $2200, $2800. 2 bd., $3000/mo. Year lease, no dogs. 310-456-6736. 0410 0410 Small 2 bd. guest house with deck on Yerba Buena Canyon 5 miles from beach. New carpet, paint inside and out. $1800/mo. plus security. 310457-1135. 0410 Point Dume guest house/office. 1000 square foot contemporary guesthouse, separate entrance, slate floors, full kitchen, full bath, walk-in closet, washer/dryer, living and bedroom. Single, nonsmoker, no pets. $2600/mo., including utilities. 310-457-5729. 0403 PCH address—one bd., living room, kitchen area, walk-in closet, large sunny deck, ocean view, includes utilities. Furnished, $1800/mo. or unfurnished, $1700/ mo. Summer rentals OK, pets OK. 310-4579799. ✭ F I SERVICES 0417 TREE TRIMMING AFTER 30 YEARS AT THE COPY STORE is on call at Carol Malibu Secretary 310-457-3120 NOTARY, Scripts, Book Ms. Resumes, Mailing Lists Legal Briefs, Editing 0403 PHOTOGRAPHY PHOTOGRAPHY Weddings and Events FRANK LAMONEA RENTAL WANTED Landlord is moving! Seeking small guest house or apartment to rent. I’m a single female MHS teacher, neat, responsible and quiet with healthy lifestyle. Considering lowered rent for work exchange. Call 310-924-2158. 0403 818-706-1138 PHOTOGRAPHY Your Own Cell Site? Dropping calls in your house? Or in your car? I can fix that also. I have Bluetooth solutions for you. Cal Audiovan at 805-905-6182. 0417 SITUATION WANTED 0410 Malibu, $1350/mo. Surfrider Beach. Ocean view studio, newly remodeled. Includes utilities, cable and parking. Laundry room on premises. 310456-6559. 0410 Malibu Tree Services—since 1976. Consulting arborist Gerry Migliori, proper pruning, treatment of infected trees, preventative treatment, organic cultural improvement, consumer tree protection, insured. Office, 310-457-6800. Cell, 818-6925006. GWC Window Cleaning Professional Window & Mirror Cleaning VACATION RENTALS Have Trouble Reaching Second Story Windows? Mammoth Lakes townhouse. Snow still falling! Skiing, snow boarding, snow mobiles. 4 bd., 3 full baths, comfortably sleeps 10. Indoor pool, Jacuzzi, fireplace, washer/dryer. Weekends, $225/night. Sunday through Thursday, $150/night. Gary, 818-599-1086, 818-880-8075. Professional, Timely Service at Reasonable Cost 0619 PHOTOGRAPHY Local resident (John @ Malibu Cab) looking for space for late model 23' RV. Need access to electricity and water. Quiet and responsible. Compensation negotiable. Call 310210-6242 or 310-584-6544. 0403 D WINDOW CLEANING 0417 RENTALS TO SHARE Malibu panoramic view. Bedroom in a shared Med-style home. Shared bath, personal deck. W/D. $900/mo., monthto-month. Call 310-924-0950. E VIDEO PRODUCTION DIGITAL VIDEO PRODUCTION Introductory Rate $100/Day (8 Hrs.) 22455 Pacific Coast Hwy. #19 Office: (310) 456-7625 Cell: (805) 657-3474 References Available Call Today for FREE Estimate 310-457-5137 • 310-622-5636 Locally Owner–Operated I can see clearly now! Prompt, professional, punctual. Call now for a free estimate. 12 years cleaning windows in Malibu. Squeaky Clean Co. Most economical. Your satisfaction is guaranteed. 310-456-8707. 0508 WORK WANTED Malibu ranch hand, gardener, care of large and small animals and all-around general handyman. Excellent references, reliable and trustworthy. Good English, own transportation. Time available due to employer’s move. 323-751-1663. 0403 www.malibusurfsidenews.com For all your local news, visit www.malibusurfsidenews.com Malibu’s only real online newspaper 36 APRIL 3 • 2008 MALIBU SURFSIDE NEWS PAGE 23 The BULLETIN BOARD SERVICES Malibu Maintenance Residential/Commercial Complete Housecleaning Reasonable Rates Call Now For CLEANING SPECIALS • Bathrooms • Windows • Carpets • Floors • New Construction • Local References • Weekly/Monthly Service • Schedules Available 310-810-2389 • 310-387-5408 20 years local experience Candidate Differences Phone Tax on Ballot (Continued from page 15) (Continued from page 3) A simple majority is needed either way to “advise” the council in the direction voters think is appropriate, but the most important aspect of Measure E, according to the city attorney, is that regardless of the vote, it does not bind the council to any action and would not legally require the city council to adopt such an ordinance. Measure D actually proposes an ordinance that would replace the city’s existing telephone utility users tax with an updated version. Currently folks are already paying a tax on their telephones. The city raked in over a million bucks last year. The new tax, if approved by the voters, would tax all types of communication services except if precluded by federal law. So the feds now prohibit local taxation of Internet services, email, and broadband providing service to the Internet. The tax would not be applied to digital downloads such as music, games and ringtones. The proposed ordinance has no effect on the existing utility user tax applied to electrical, gas and water services, according to the city attorney. View protection has been a hot topic on the city council campaign trail, with some voters asking candidates if they will support an ordinance. It was said that at the Point Dume forum, it was the most frequently asked question of the five candidates. Currently, the city’s land use laws protect what the city calls primary views, the most impressive scenes viewed from one view point. Only under certain circumstances, such as when a new home is being built, the city may approve a landscape plan in which new vegetation must be sited so as not to block the primary views from the neighbors’ house. The city, if urged on by the voters, could enact legislation that would restore views by requiring neighbors to remove or trim existing landscaping to restore or maintain their neighbors’ views. Measure D, according to the city attorney, might be struck down by the courts as it is currently written. “Recent federal court decisions in other states have cast doubt on whether the ordinance, as currently written, can be imposed on long distance, celllular and bundled telephone services. If the California courts determine such ordinances inapplicable to those telephone services, the revenues collected from the current ordinance would be reduced substantially,” wrote City Attorney Christi Hogin. “Adoption of the proposed ordinance would protect the city from an adverse outcome in any such litigation.” BY BILL KOENEKER Council hopefuls were asked to state their position on the level of emergency preparedness in the city. Wagner said that the first responders have done their best in catastrophic events. He ticked off what the city does have, such as CERT training and Arson Watch, Sibert indicated the community learned from the October fire. He said a manual should be prepared for citizens and there should be alarms to alert residents to disasters. The reverse 911, Sibert said, has a number of other potential applications that could be explored. Tellem said the city was “sadly lacking” in the 2007 fires. She recited a list of what went wrong. She said there needs to be an evacuation plan. She said some kind of CERT training for animal evacuation should be adopted. Conley Ulich said the level of emergency preparedness has increased, but there is more work to be done. She cited numerous allocations made during her tenure for disaster preparation and then insisted that the city had more steps to take including holding a town hall meeting, prepare a disaster manual among other items. Council hopefuls disagree on whether development agreements are a good tool. Wagner said they are only as good as the lawyers who write them. He said sometimes other concerns are shoved aside. Tellem said that agreements could get city officials in trouble and contended Malibu has a history of litigation related to development agreements. Sibert indicated development agreements are sometimes the best way for the city to get some of the services it needs. Conley Ulich said it depends on the details of the actual agreement. Wisnicki agreed, saying she would need to see the proposal. Candidates were also asked what impacts does the city have on traffic. Conley Ulich noted any new commercial development has the potential of increasing traffic. Tellem noted without a specific plan the city could cause tremendous traffic problems. She said the city needs to be more aggressive with Caltrans. Wisnicki said better communications with Caltrans are needed to solve traffic issues. Wagner said the city does not own PCH, but does have 40 or 50 miles of city streets. Traffic has a direct effect on city planning, according to Wagner. Sibert agreed that commercial development particularly in the Civic Center impacts traffic. He said “Z” traffic is the major cause of PCH traffic tie-ups. He said working with other jurisdictions is important for synchronizing signals and enforcing traffic laws on PCH, and a better circulation plan needs to be developed for the Civic Center. BY BILL KOENEKER Local Singer’s Daughter (Continued from page 11) of a panel of judges live on the show that sends one contestant packing each week. Each rock star progeny hopes to win the ultimate prize: taking his or her first step toward becoming a superstar. “This may sound strange but I really just want to be present and enjoy myself,” Lattanzi said. “I don’t have any expectations of stardom, That’s not why I’m doing it. The key to being happy in life is going for your passions because life is just too short. I’m trying to remain present, and I’m really learning a lot.” The contestants include Landon Brown, son of Bobby Brown; Lucy Walsh, daughter of the Eagles’ Joe Walsh; MC Hammer's daughter, A’Keiba Burrell-Hammer; Lara Johnston, offspring of the Doobie Brothers’ Tom Johnston, Chloe Rose Lattanzi, Crosby Loggins, son of Kenny Loggins; Jesse Money, rocker Eddie Money’s daughter; Jesse Snider, son of heavy metal icon Dee Snider; and Lil Al B. Sure!, R&B singer Al B. Sure!’s son. “[The other competitors] are all amazing talents,” Lattanzi added. “It’s cool because from what I gather none of us view it as a competition; we’re just trying to find our own way. We’'re very supportive of each other and I have a lot of respect for everybody.” Lattanzi has been singing and writing music since she was 11 and her upcoming album can be considered a kind of alternative pop genre with an industrial influence, as well as some soul thrown in there. The album can soon be purchased on iTunes. For more information about Lattanzi, visit her website, www.chloeroselattanzi.com and watch the series premiere of “Rock The Cradle” on MTV this Thursday. BY NICOLE KLIEST TOP OF THE WORLD Malibu: Put your finishing touches on this nearly completed home. Over 4,300 sq.ft. on 6 acres. With ocean views from South Bay to Point Dume. Private & gated. $1,695,000 Chris Frost/Brant Didden 310.456.5621 BEST VIEWS IN MALIBU! Malibu: Without a doubt the best views in Malibu from S.M. to Point Dume! Wrap-around decks, chef’s kitchen, wood and slate floors, and flat, grassy yard! $1,995,000 Susan Cosentino 310.456.6771 SOUGHT AFTER POINT DUME Malibu: Point Dume 5 bedroom, 3 bath home open and inviting with a pool, spa, a wellequipped barbecue area, including pizza oven. Great outdoor environment. Call for showing. $3,150,000 Vicki Salsberg/Isabel Miller 310.456.6771 LOWEST PRICED 2 BEDROOM IN MALIBU Malibu: 2 bedroom, 2 bath corner unit condo in quiet, maturely landscaped complex. Conveniently located near PCH and Kanan. An amazing value for malibu. Pool and spa amenities. $535,000 Shen O. Schulz 310.456.6771 BEACHFRONT APARTMENT BUILDING Malibu: First time on the market in 30 years! Four unit, highly sought after apartment building on “Old Malibu Road,” situated on 50 feet of frontage. Amazing opportunity. $7,850,000 Jeff Chertow/Isabel Miller 310.456.6771 MASTERPIECE ON THE SAND Malibu: Stunning three level masterpiece on Malibu Rd. Offering 4 bedrooms, 4.5 baths with multiple oceanfront decks. Open floor plan. Gourmet kitchen, private rooftop deck and garden. $16,950,000 Jeff Chertow/Dan Dillon 310.456.6771 BEACHFRONT ON THE ROAD Malibu: Malibu Road one of a kind beachfront architectural on Malibu Road. 3 bedroom 2.5 bath with direct deck access to sand. Master on water. $5,650,000 Paul Woodman 310.456.5621 ELEGANT, LUXURIOUS & SOPHISTICATED Agoura: 5 bedroom, 5 bath 6,400 sq. ft. in gated Medea Valley Estates. Flagstone courtyard, beautiful private pool and spa surrounded by lush landscaping. Entire home is exquisitely finished. $4,900,000 Shen O. Schulz 310.456.6771 BUILD YOUR DREAM HOUSE Malibu: Close to coastal development permit for 9,000 sq. ft. Doug Burdge, AIA. Guest house, workshop and pool. 2 acres mostly usable ocean view Malibu Park. $5,650,000 Paul Woodman 310.456.5621 MEDITERRANEAN ESTATE Malibu: First time on the market. Fabulous Mediterranean Estate on over 2 acres with spectacular ocean, whitewater and Pt. Dume views. 5,209 sq. ft. of living space. 6 bedrooms, 6.5 baths. The finest of touches & attention to detail complete this estate. $4,910,000 Gayle Pritchett 310.456.5621 MODERN WITH OCEAN VIEWS Malibu: 2 bedroom, 3 bath custom home with vaulted ceilings, oak floors, marble cabinets, granite counters, 2 fireplaces, and Venetian plaster. Separate 600 sq. ft. studio apartment. 5 fenced deck areas. $1,299,000 Shen O. Schulz 310.456.6771 MAGNIFICENT VIEWS! Malibu: Recently restored 1932 La Costa home with breathtaking ocean and whitewater views. Multiple large ocean view decks, perfect for outdoor entertaining. Must see, priced to sell. $1,999,500 Jeff Chertow 310.456.6771/ Dusty Mathis 310.456.5621 BEACHFRONT LAND Malibu: Approx. 75' of beach frontage with open beach and endless views to the west. Preliminary plans by Doug Burdge Architects for a 3 level, 6 bedroom, 6.5 bath home. $4,500,000 Gayle Pritchett 310.456.5621 AMAZING VIEWS Malibu: Private condo on Carbon Beach in gated 4 unit complex. Large open living area with stunning views up and down the coast. Huge rooftop deck. Great buy!! $3,695,000 Paul Woodman 310.456.5621 OCEAN VIEW FROM EVERY ROOM Malibu: Gated estate on over 1 acre with 7 bedrooms, 8 baths, and over 7,500 sq. ft. Hand-crafted floor to ceiling kitchen cabinets, butler’s pantry, pool, spa, and guest house. $8,700,000 Shen O. Schulz 310.456.6771 ARCHITECTURAL BEAUTY Malibu: Newly completed 4 bedroom architectural home with gorgeous views of Catalina, and whitewater views of Surfrider and Pt. Dume. Walls of glass. Very light and bright! Must see! $3,950,000 Jeff Chertow 310.456.6771 MASTERFUL VITUS MATARE CREATION Malibu: 3,170 sq. ft. of open and flowing living space with polished hydronic concrete floors throughout, steel siding and roof garden. Incredible views from almost every room. La Costa membership. $3,300,000 Chris Frost/Brant Didden 310.456.5621 ARCHITECTURAL GEM! Malibu: Ocean & sunset views. Dramatic living room with walls of glass. Gourmet kitchen, 2 story master suite. Lush landscaping with waterfall. Private access to Broad Beach. $3,350,000 Chris Frost/Brant Didden 310.456.5621 CHARMING BROAD BEACH CRAFTSMAN Malibu: 4 bedroom, 3 bath, with high beamed ceilings, two wood-burning fireplaces, and cozy dining area. Gourmet kitchen with granite countertops, farm sink, media room and wine cellar. $3,595,000 Shen O. Schulz 310.456.6771 CONTEMPORARY SUNSET MESA Malibu: Beautifully remodeled 5 bedroom 3 bath Sunset Mesa home on a rare double lot. Large living, dining & family areas. Oak hardwood floors throughout. Great-sized backyard with pool & spa. Grassy area, all w/ ocean views. $2,495,000/$9,200 per month Matthew Ogden 310.456.5621 OCEANVIEW TOWNHOUSE - PRICE REDUCTION Malibu: 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath Malibu west townhouse. Largest in complex. Completely updated, new hardwood floors, whitewater ocean views with large master balcony. Membership to Malibu West Beach Club. $1,299,000 Shen O. Schulz 310.456.6771 ARCHITECTURAL MASTERPIECE Malibu: Dramatic modernist home by Vitus Matare. Whitewater & ocean views. 6 bd/6 ba, apx. 6,000 sq. ft. On 1 private gated acre. Room for pool/tennis court. 4 car garage. Polished concrete floors, wet bar, great indoor/outdoor flow. Landscaped with drought tolerant plants. You will never forget these views! $5,500,000 Jack Pritchett 310.456.5621 1 ACRE IN MALIBU PARK Malibu: Ocean & mountain view site. Design for a 4,500 sq. ft. home, garage & pool. Geology, soils, perc. & survey. Private location. $695,000 Chris Frost/Brant Didden 310.456.5621 OCEAN & MOUNTAIN VIEW VACANT LOT Malibu: Nearly 1/2 acre parcel with flat land and an abundance of gently sloping land. Very quiet, private, peaceful location. Minutes from beaches and schools. $375,000 Shen O. Schulz 310.456.6771 10 ACRE SITE Malibu: 10 nearly all useable acres in prime location with views of Zuma Beach. The ultimate property for an estate and compound. A very unique property! $4,900,000 Chris Frost/Brant Didden 310.456.5621 CENTRAL MALIBU Malibu: 2.9 acres with views of Surfrider and Malibu Pier. Gated with designs ready for a new home. La Costa beach club and tennis rights. Full reports. $895,000 Chris Frost 310.456.5621 CHARMING COTTAGE NEXT TO PARKLAND Topanga: Very charming 2 bd, 1 ba cottage with river rock fireplace, carport, detached studio, roof deck. Excellent condition. Gated. Parkland & trails next door. Photos: malibudreamhomes.com, garyharryman.com $725,000 Gary Harryman/Jeff Chertow 310.455.4363 JAY VANOS TOPANGA WAVE HOUSE Topanga: Architectural work of art with wave rooflines and ceilings, 6 bedrooms, 5 baths, 180° mountain views. Very quiet & private. 1.87 acres. www.garyharryman.com $3,250,000 Gary Harryman 310.455.4363 AUTHENTIC TOPANGA HUNTING LODGE Topanga: Quaint and charming 2 bedroom 2 bath cottage with rock fireplace. Sunny decks, views of Strawberry Peak, terraced gardens. The perfect hideaway. Photos: www.garyharryman.com $695,000 Gary Harryman 310.455.4363 OCEAN VIEW ARCHITECTURAL WITH POOL Topanga: Excellent and unobstructable ocean, coastline, city lights views. Includes 2 large guest houses plus pool house. Infinity pool. On 9.6 very private acres. Photos: www.garyharryman.com $2,300,000 Gary Harryman 310.455.4363 prmalibu.com prtopanga.com