issue 98 - Jigsaw Puzzles
issue 98 - Jigsaw Puzzles
98 3 E r 201 SU b e ISNovem THE OFFICIAL UK PUZZLE CLUB READ ABOUT The Officia l UK Puzzle Club by Jig News & Views Jigs Corner Latest jigsaws & specia l offer Reade r’s letters Officia l Puzzle selecte d Jigsaws Winnin g Ways We were EIGHT YEARS OLD in September. Doesn’t seem possible! We are extremely grateful for the support you have given us over the past eight years and hope you’ve enjoyed all the newsletters and offers. We have lots more coming and would really value your input as to how we’re doing and anything you would like us to cover or supply. The Official UK Puzzle Club By Jig Many of you have asked for a little more info on the club - how we started and our plans for the future. The Club itself started in October 2005 when Margaret saw how few phone based Jigsaw Puzzle Club’s there were out there. Having run a Jigsaw Puzzle Club before she had built up a picture of what members wanted from a club - The ability to buy good quality jigsaws from the world’s best manufacturers-Human contact with a dedicated phone line-variety-competitive price & friendly service and a user friendly website. Finally the members wanted a regular newsletter with a wide range of interesting information and manufacturer news. After some months putting these things into place, approaching all of the major manufacturers, the club was taking shape. Margaret wanted to have some Official Puzzle Club exclusive puzzles so the search extended to various artists whose artwork could be turned into our own limited editions. One of the most helpful was Kevin Walsh, a talented artist who gave the club exceptional help. We were grateful for all the support we were given and know that without it, we would not have grown as quickly. We started our initial mail-out inviting ‘puzzle minded’ people to join our community and the replies came flooding in so to keep the ball rolling, we put adverts in multiple magazines and surprise surprise, once again we were inundated with positive responses. So many ‘puzzlers’ out there! It really seemed like we had created an exciting new club, with more and more members joining on a daily basis. In fact by the end of our first year we had already managed to get up to 1196 members, far exceeding our expectations (not that we were complaining, it was nice to see our community grow.) Although our membership now sits at in excess of 5,000 the basic principles of the club haven’t changed. We are still a fairly small operation, with a small staff, a large storage facility and a lot of enthusiasm. You will find Margaret happily catching up with our members who often just ring for a chat. Margaret describes it as ‘Like a family, everyone different but equally important.’ She continues ‘Some people like to call us up, some prefer to write in and a few even like to contact us through the website, however every order is treated with the same level of urgency and we always try to keep our members up to date should their order be delayed for more than a few days’’ The Puzzle club now deals with over 20 Manufacturers, stocks over 2000 different puzzles and with your recommendations we have a natural growth. We don’t want to be the biggest in the world - just the place you come to first to satisfy all your jigsaw needs! Our website has been redesigned too, so if you have access to the internet, you can now view our latest offerings on line, but we’re still at the end of the ‘phone and as far as we are concerned will never be ‘just on-line’. Talking of orders, I had better go and make Margaret a cup of coffee and get back to packing up your puzzles. Now you know how the Puzzle club works it’s your turn to let us know what we are doing right (or wrong!) and also what you would like to see added to the club because after all, this is your club too, and we are here to help. Happy puzzling folks, I look forward to hearing from you Jig OPC Limited editions (special discount on this newsletter!) OPC02 Floral Doorway 1000pc-£12.00 OPC08 Paris 1 - 1000pc £12.00 OPC09 High as a Kite - Mike Jupp 1000pc £12.00 OPC05 *** As a Newt - Mike Jupp 1000pc £12.00 OPC06 Drunk as a Skunk - Mike Jupp 1000pc £12.00 OPC10 Blind as a Bat - Mike Jupp 1000pc £12.00 INTRODUCING THE VIP CLUB NEWS & VIEWS , JIG S CORNER Upgrades and how they work! Lots of enquiries about upgrading membership. Our Bronze members get a reminder each year with an offer to upgrade to Silver or Gold. Many upgrade to the next level (Silver) for a fee of just £25.00 which then gives them lifetime membership plus 1 x 1000pc jigsaw free or they ’go for Gold’ at £50.00, giving them lifetime membership +2 x 1000pc Jigsaws free +10% off all future Jigsaw purchases (excluding special discounted products) Our Silver members, who already have lifetime membership, can upgrade to Gold for a fee of £30.00 which entitles them to a free jigsaw + 10% discount on all future jigsaw purchases (excluding special discounted products) Oops! Apologies to our Jan Van Haasteren collectors Club members… we lost the plot and deleted you! Please reregister if you would like to receive the latest JVH Jigsaws as they become available. Our Gold members can join our VIP membership but still receive their 10% discount on all paid-for orders over and above the 12 free puzzles. After a successful trial launch last year, we have decided that as of November 1st 2013 we will open the exclusive VIP Club to all of our members as many of you buy more than 12 puzzles a year so would benefit hugely (and saves you from any puzzle price rises too!) So how does it work! FOR AN ANNUAL FEE OF JUST £125.00 BECOME A VIP AND ENJOY THE FOLLOWING BENEFITS Choose any 12 x 1000 piece free jigsaws each year from our extensive range, giving you a saving of up to 35% Just add your selection to your general orders throughout the year…and ensure you choose your 12 jigsaws during the 12 months of your VIP MEMBERSHIP. To join, simply add your VIP membership fee to your order or request an application form THIS IS NOW AVAILABLE TO ALL MEMBERS, AS AN EXTENSION TO YOUR CURRENT MEMBERSHIP. (If only ordering free jigsaws-postage charge of £4.50 applies) WINNING WAYS ISSUE 96 Congratulation to Ms J Ariffin whose name was drawn from the huge pile of correct answers received. Jackie your jigsaw prize is on its way, Winning Ways Competition for Issue: 98 A great favourite - How many four letter words can you make from: VIP MEMBERSHIP Entries by 30th November please. Be sure to let us know which 500/1000 piece Jigsaw you would like as your prize LATEST JIGSAW SELECTION If the puzzle value on your order is more than £50.00 please take an ex tra 10% off as a Christmas Thank You from us! (Excluding vip and upgrades) For our younger puzzlers & adults who prefer larger pieces R10852 Disney Fairies 100xxl NEW £9.00 R10514 The Snowman & The Snowdog-100xxl £9.00 R10681 Beautiful Ocean 100xxl NEW £8.50 R/10811 Kitty Playtime £8.50 R12663 Oceanic Life - 200xxl NEW £8.50 R10889 Disney Planes 100xxl NEW £9.00 R10895 Monster University 100xxl NEW £9.00 500 PIECE SELECTION R12660 Jungle - 200xxl £8.50 Please note that most of the 500 piece jigsaws in the catalogues we send out are available to purchase R13075 African Friends 300xxl £8.50 R14056 The Coffee Bar Brighton (2 x 500) £13.00 R14053 Harbourside Memories (2 x 500) £13.00 R14059 Crazy Cats in Household Heaven, 2x500pc £13.00 G1050 World Jigmap - 250 pieces (68.5 x 49cm)-Shaped £10.00 14068 Best of British - The Holiday, 2x500pc £13.00 FJ11039 By Sea, Land & Air-3 x 500pc NEW £20.00 1000 PIECE SELECTION G3064 Skating on the Lake 500pc NEW £9.00 Accessories to help you enjoy your puzzling FJ17252 Portapuzzle Pro (68 x 49) £40.00 G7044 Santa’s Midnight Magic 1000pc £14.00 R14066 Carnaby Street, 2x500pc £13.00 FJ17690 Puzzle & Roll - 500 1500pc £15.00 FJ10806 Portapuzzle 1500 £30.00 G7043 Call the midwife 1000pc £14.00 FJ17691 Puzzle & Roll - 1500 3000pc £22.00 TU NO RN VE OV CO MB ER LL ER TO EC F SE TA EAT E BL U OU ES RE R D FJ11002 Bear/Blind Mans Buff- 2 x 1000pc £20.00 OFFICIAL PUZZLE CLUB SELECTED JIGSAWS Just a few remaining of this 2013 classic collectable 1000pc jigsaw of Will, Kate & baby George - A celebration for our future King @ £14.00 Latest new Jigsaw from Falcon/Jumbos Third in Series - Downton Abbey 3 1000pc fine art collection featuring an old Collectable jigsaw available @ £14.00 classic 1000pc image of Punch & Judy (We still have a few remaining Downton available at £13.00 Abbey-2 in 500pc @ £9.00) To order Will & Kate and/or Punch and Judy and/or Downton Abbey-3or any of the other products featured in this issue complete the Order form below and send with your remittance payable to: The Puzzle Club Ltd, 30 Adelaide Road, Bramhall, Stockport SK7 1LT. (If you don’t want to spoil your newsletter, simply put your request on paper) Code No/Description Price G7042 G7041 G7043 R10514 R10681 R/10811 R10852 R10889 R10895 R12660 R12663 R13075 G1050 R14053 R14056 R14059 R14066 14068 FJ11039 G3064 G7044 FJ11000 FJ11002 FJ17252 FJ10806 FJ17690 FJ17691 VIP GOLD SILVER OPC-LEs Ref NOVEMBER 14.00 14.00 14.00 9.00 8.50 8.50 9.00 9.00 9.00 8.50 8.50 8.50 10.00 13.00 13.00 13.00 13.00 13.00 20.00 9.00 14.00 13.00 20.00 40.00 30.00 15.00 22.00 125.00 50.00 25.00 12.00 Will & Kate - 1000pc Downton Abbey-3-1000pc-NEW Call The Midwife-1000pc-NEW The Snowman & The Snowdog-100xxl Beautiful Ocean-100xxl-NEW Kitty Playtime Disney Fairies-100xxl-NEW Disney Planes-100xxl-NEW Monster University-100xxl-NEW Jungle-200xxl Oceanic Life-200xxl-NEW African Friends-300xxl World Jigmap-250 pieces (68.5 x 49cm)-Shaped Harbourside Memories The Coffee Bar Brighton (2 x 500) Crazy Cats in Household Heaven, 2x500pc Carnaby Street, 2x500pc Best of British - The Holiday, 2x500pc By Sea, Land & Air-3 x 500pc - NEW Skating on the Lake-500pc - NEW Santa’s Midnight Magic - 1000pc The Punch & Judy Show - 1000pc Bear/Blind Mans Buff - 2 x 1000pc Portapuzzle Pro - (68 x 49) Portapuzzle 1500 Puzzle & Roll - 500 - 1500pc Puzzle & Roll - 1500 - 3000pc VIP-Membership Subscription (12 free, no further discount) GOLD-Membership Subscription (2 free, Future 10% discount) SILVER-Membership Subscription (1 free, no discount) Title: SPECIAL PRICE Quantity Value Name Address Postcode Telephone Email Newsletter by email Yes Membership No. BONUS 10% ON ORDERS OF £50.00+ (MINUS) Postage & Packing Optional Next Day Carrier I enclose cheque/postal order for value £ Please debit my Credit/Debit card for £ *Card No: Issue No: Valid From: Signature: No £4.50 £6.50 Gold Members- Please deduct 10% from above prices, excluding p&p. If requesting carrier delivery – do not include postage charge Total Value made payable to the Puzzle Club Card Type Master Card Visa Maestro/Solo Security Code : Expiry Date : Please allow up to 28 days for delivery *Please attach cardholder’s details if different from above Contact us: Official UK Puzzle Club, 30 Adelaide Road, Bramhall, Stockport SK7 1LT Telephone: 0118 978 9599 Email: General Sales - Telephone 0118 978 9599 Helpline and General membership enquiries - Telephone 0118 978 9599
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