Jigsaws and Puzzles Newsletter Issue 118
Jigsaws and Puzzles Newsletter Issue 118
8 11 E 015 SU l y 2 IS Ju OFFICIAL PUZZLE CLUB SELECTED JIGSAWS THE OFFICIAL UK PUZZLE CLUB READ ABOUT New from Jumbo and Falcon de Luxe including JVH and Wasgij Wasgij Special Offers Reader’s Letters & Jigs Corner Puzzle Club Selected Jigsaws FJ11081 Green Street Gardens 1000pc £13.00 FJ11082 Christmas Pantomine 1000pc £13.00 FJ19113 Wasgij Original 23 - The Bake Off! 1000pc £13.00 To order any of these specials and/ or any of the other products featured in this issue complete the Order form below and send with your remittance payable to: The Puzzle Club Ltd. For all unlisted items, please use remaining lines in price list or add a note to your order. (If you don’t want to spoil your newsletter, simply put your request on paper) Please make cheques payable to: The Puzzle Club Ltd & send to The Puzzle Club Ltd - 30 Adelaide Road, Bramhall, Stockport SK7 1LT - For all unlisted items, please add a note in with your order Code No/Description Pieces Price Qty FJ11081 Green Street Gardens 1000 £13.00 FJ11082 Christmas Pantomine 1000 £13.00 FJ19113 Wasgij Original 23 – The Bake Off! 1000 £13.00 Value Please write your other choices below W e are excited to have the latest releases from Falcon Jumbo, however please note that some of the puzzles may not be available until July, and will be sent to you as soon as we receive them in stock. This may mean that your order may be delayed until this time. Brand New Wasgij’s Wasgij Christmas 11: Double Trouble! (illustrated by James Alexander) is a hilariously festive 1000 piece jigsaw puzzle. The image shown on the box depicts the office Christmas party that is in full swing this evening with the employees enjoying a drink and a dance with each other - it is the one time in the year when they can all let their hair down after all. But as the bosses walk through the door to all the mayhem they are frozen in their tracks! You have to imagine that you are Ms Rubble, the HR Manager, and piece together what she is looking at. Will Wasgij Christmas 11: Double Trouble! £13.00 - FJ19112 - 1000pc everyone still be laughing then? But that’s not all - Wasgij are also offering you the chance to win £10,000 cash and a load of fantastic Wasgij goodies in a Christmas Promotion inside the box. Membership No. Address Postcode Telephone £4.50 £6.50 I enclose cheque/postal order for value £ Please debit my Credit/Debit card for £ *Card No: Issue No: Valid From: Signature: Please allow up to 28 days for delivery Members- Please deduct 10% from above Gold prices, excluding p&p. If requesting carrier delivery – do not include postage charge Total Value made payable to The Puzzle Club Card Type Master Card Visa (illustrated by Neil Easton) A brand new time-travelling puzzle concept by Falcon Jumbo. A reversal of the popular Wasgij Destiny range - so instead of piecing together how the image on the box would look like in the modern day, you are puzzling how it would have looked in times gone by. Wasgij Back to…? Basics £13.00 - FJ19111 - 1000pc Today we perhaps take for granted the gadgets and gizmos that we use in everyday life. 50 years ago it would have been very difficult to even imagine a life with them, let alone now living a life without them. So how might this living room scene have looked in the 1960’s? What kept us entertained before mobile phones, tablets and electronic games? Use your imagination, and the clues provided on the box to piece together how this scene would have looked in times gone by without all the high tech gadgets and modern day clothing, and what would the family have been doing then? Wasgij Original 23: The Bake Off! Name Postage & Packing Or Next Day Carrier Wasgij Back to…? Basics Maestro/Solo Security Code : Expiry Date : *Please attach cardholder’s details if different from above Contact us: The Puzzle Club Ltd, 30 Adelaide Road, Bramhall, Stockport SK7 1LT Telephone: 0161 998 3708 Email: puzzle-club@btconnect.com www.jigsaw-puzzle-club.co.uk (illustrated by James Alexander) is a hilariously fantastic 1,000 piece jigsaw puzzle that is sure to have you licking your lips and laughing whilst you piece it together. The image printed on the front of the box depicts the inside of the County Fair Baking Contest and things are really starting to heat up as the contestants are scrambling around with their delicious baked goods. The judges have high expectations, but what sweet surprises will be offered by the ‘lucky’ contestants Wasgij Original 23: The Bake Off! who have prepared their £13.00 - FJ19113 - 1000pc signature, family-tested dishes? Try to imagine you are the judge with the stripy top and bows and piece together what she can see. Wasgij Original Collector’s Box Vol 3 - 3 x 1000 pc Includes Original 7 - Bear Necessities, Original 8 - High Tide and Original 9 Home Improvements. Wasgij Original Collector’s Box Vol 3 £25.00 - FJ19115 - 3 x 1000pc NEW Jan van Haasteren Wild Water Rafting is a fantastic, brightly coloured jigsaw puzzle with plenty to look out for in the highly detailed puzzle image. Available in 1500 pc (FJ19015) or 3000 pc (FJ19017) The Wasgij Original Extension Pack 1: The Bake Off continued… is a 250 piece jigsaw puzzle that can be pieced together and added to the ‘solution’ jigsaw puzzle of Wasgij Original 23, or enjoyed as a smaller Wasgij puzzle. The choice is yours. But remember, this is only an extension to reveal an extra piece of the ‘solution’ to the 1,000 piece Wasgij Original 23 jigsaw puzzle. The completed Extension Pack jigsaw puzzle measures 17 x 49 cm and when added to the Wasgij Original 23 ‘solution’ puzzle, it will create a puzzle measuring 85 x 49 cm. A great choice too if you’ve ever wanted to try a Wasgij but were afraid of the full 1000 piece versions ! The Wasgij Original Extension Pack 1: The Bake Off continued… - £5.00 - FJ19116 - 250pc If you look carefully at the puzzle image you will get a taste for Jan’s uniquely brilliant sense of humour that depicts an extremely chaotic white water rapid adventure. It is being ‘enjoyed’ by far too many sailors who are busy bouncing off the each other’s brightly coloured inflatable rafts, rubber dinghies, canoes and even a submarine… There’s not only plenty to piece together of what is happening in the water, but if you look on the rocks and shore on either side you’ll spot some amusing illustrations such as a Gorilla trying to coach a hiker across a fallen tree, an upset father Bear confronting some rafters and many more. Wild Water Rafting £17.00 - FJ19015 - 1500pc £25.00 - FJ19017 - 3000pc NEW from Disney Falcon de Luxe JIG’S CORNER A fantastic response to both the Pomegranate and Heye ranges from last month with some great comments. Thank you. It has been lovely to see so many of you wanting to give Colin Thompson’s ‘Bizarre Bookshop’ a go after reading Jacqueline Howe’s inspirational words in last month’s newsletter – I hope you have all enjoyed it too! FJ11083 - Shanklin Village, Isle of Wight 1000pc £13.00 FJ11085 - Queen Elizabeth II’s Reign (available July) 1000pc £13.00 FJ11092 - Through the Beach Hut Door 500pc £9.00 FJ11093 - Family Holiday 500pc £9.00 FJ11096 - Christmas Collector’s Box Set Vol 3 3 x 1000pc £25.00 FJ11110 - Coronation Street Double Acts (available July) 1000pc £13.00 Wasgij Special Offer! (limited availability) As always please let us know if there are any specific puzzles or manufacturers that you would like to see in the Newsletters. We are making space for the new Wasgij’s, so if you have never tried the Wasgij concept why not give it a go now whilst existing stocks last at this special offer price? Happy puzzling! Please enter a second choice Wasgij (if you have one) on the order form in case your original choice isn’t available. READER’S LETTERS Jig ‘The other day I found a new use for my fish slice. The ‘Stave’ Jigsaw Company mak e and sell the most expensive range of modern jigsaws. In 1993 a Stave puzzle was sold for over £8,000. They make man y jigsaws each year that are eagerly sna pped up at prices of over £3,000 each! I was joining up parts of my puzzle away from the main frame, but on trying to move them into place they kept breaking up, that’s when my fish slice came to the rescue. I hope this tip will help others.’ FJ13459 - Wasgij - Carry On 2 2 x1000pc £15.00 FJ17300 - Wasgij What if.. Money grew on trees 1000pc £10.00 FJ17231 - Wasgij Destiny 12 - Market Mayhem 1000pc £10.00 FJ17289 - Wasgij Original Collector’s Box Set Vol 1 3 x 1000pc £20.00 A great tip sent to us by Mrs Brenda Wright from Macclesfield. We would be very interested to hear if anyone else has any jigsaw hints or tips or indeed any other uses for kitchen or household items that they would like to share. We look forward to hearing from you. ‘I am now in my tenth year of joining the club. I have enjoyed many beautiful puzzles but now my fingers are not as nimble and I prefer the larger pieces. Is it possible to have a wider selection please?’ Kathleen Vallely, Suffolk FJ17302 - Wasgij Destiny 13 - Commuting Chaos 1000pc £10.00 FJ17307 - Wasgij Christmas 9 A Bright Christmas Night 1000pc £8.00 FJ17309 - Wasgij Mystery Only Fools and Horses 2 2 x 1000pc £15.00 FJ17408 - Wasgij Original 21 Football Fever! 2 x 1000pc £15.00 Thank you for getting in touch Kathleen. This is something that many of you comment on and it is unfortunate that not very many of the manufacturers make puzzles with larger pieces. Last month however we did feature Pomegranate’s 500 and 300 piece puzzles which have larger than standard pieces. We will of course pass on your comments to the manufacturers and keep looking for new stock. WINNING WAYS ISSUE 116 Another very popular word search - thank you for all your entries. Congratulations to Mrs Lanham from Kent – your winning puzzle is on its way to you. ISSUE 118 A tricky competition this month - How many words of four letters or more can you find in the grid below all containing the middle letter? B DATES FOR YOUR DIARY DON’T FORGET THIS MONTH - St Marys Jigsaw Festival & British Jigsaw Championship Sat 11th – Thurs 16th July 2015 10am - 4pm each day FJ17407 - Wasgij What If … Dinosaurs Still Existed 1000pc £7.00 FJ17410 - Wasgij Christmas 10 - Mystery Shopper 2 x 1000pc £15.00 FJ19103 - Wasgij Mystery 1 - Wasgij Express 1000pc £10.00 The BRITISH JIGSAW CHAMPIONSHIP will take place on Sunday 12TH JULY 2015 in the Turner Hall. This year there are 3 categories – Elite (for those who can complete a puzzle in 3 hours), Pairs and Fun - all with cash prizes. Why not give it a go…..?! Refreshments available. For further information Contact – 01638 603489 or jigsawfestival.org.uk St. Mary’s Church, Church Lane Newmarket, Suffolk, CB8 0HP FJ19104 -Wasgij Destiny Only Fools and Horses 2 x 1000pc £15.00 FJ19101 - Wasgij Original 22 - Studio Tour 1500pc £12.00 FJ19109 - Wasgij Destiny 15 - Shopping 1000pc £10.00 A O K T H I G N Please send you entries by 31st July 2015, and please remember to let us know your choice of puzzle up to 1000 pieces.
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The Puzzle Club Ltd, 30 Adelaide Road, Bramhall, Stockport SK7 1LT Telephone: 0161 998 3708 Email: puzzle-club@btconnect.com