Jigsaws and Puzzles Newsletter Issue 64
Jigsaws and Puzzles Newsletter Issue 64
64 E 2011 SU a r y IS Janu Happy New year to all our members! And many thanks for your loyal support in 2010. We are now quite a community with almost 5000 members at our last count! We enjoy hearing from you, so do keep Jigs postbag brimming in 2011 THE OFFICIAL UK PUZZLE CLUB Stunning new range from Ravensburger We gave you a sneak preview last month of some of the new goodies from Ravensburger and now we can reveal some of their new range in all its glory! Ravensburger offer the broadest range of images, combining many specially commissioned designs from UK artists with bestsellers from their international catalogues. We’re concentrating this month on the range they develop especially for British puzzlers. We’ll focus on the international titles later in the year. You’ll also find a copy of their new puzzle catalogue in with this month’s newsletter. Carnaby Street 2 x 500 piece puzzles are painted by one of our favourite artists, Trevor Mitchell. The scenes depict this famous London Street during the early 1960s – when it was THE place to buy fashion and be seen. The exterior scene shows all the hustle and bustle of the street, whilst the interior is full of colourful fashions to piece together. Following the popularity of The Talent Show, Ravensburger is introducing 3 new “Best of British” cartoon comedy titles. No 2 in the series is The Doctor’s Surgery. You’ll be sure to find plenty to make you smile in this scene and don’t forget to look closely at the signs on the walls and the magazines on the table! No 3 of the series is By the Canal – one for anyone who has ever been on a canal holiday, or walked along a canal side. Yet again there is a strong play on words combined with a really amusing picture – for example the walkers are heading towards the delightful little village of “Knotworth-Bothrynwith”. No 4 is a 2 x 500 piece set of puzzles depicting the less than perfect Wiltyn Badleigh Garden Centre. New 1000 piece puzzles for January include the latest addition to the “Country Cottage” collection – No 5, River Cottage. This lovely picture-perfect cottage is surrounded by a beautiful garden – just the thing to pick up your spirits in the depths of winter. There’s also a garden theme to the latest Linda Jane Smith “Crazy Cats” image. “Crazy Cats in the Garden Room” 1000 piece shows our favourite moggies running riot yet again. . Ravens burger’s “Rural Crafts” nostalgic series is really popular and the latest in the series is “The Farrier”. This lovely 1000 piece puzzle is one for anyone who enjoys walking in the British countryside and it’s packed with lots of colour and plenty of detail. READ ABOUT Stunning New Range from Ravensburger Re ad er s Le tte rs & Jig s Co rn er Ch ar ity su pp or t fo r 20 11 Pr ev iews & Ne w Wa sg ijs Of fic ial Pu zz le se lec te d Jig saws Wi nn ing Ways We love the “Butterfly Garden” 1000 piece design because it reminds us of the warm days of summer. Lots of Britain’s native butterflies are richly and accurately illustrated against a backdrop of garden flowers. All of these designs come with an in-box leaflet, giving information about the featured artist and showing an extra puzzle picture for reference. Ravensburger have a strong range of licensed character designs, and new titles include the highly detailed “Star Wars Panoramic” puzzle. This really large puzzle (98 x 37.5cm) shows all of the key characters from the famous films. Disney’s Winnie the Pooh has plenty of adult fans, so if you are one of them you’ll enjoy the new 1000 piece design “Sky Lanterns”. The Top Gear ‘Where’s Stig” puzzles have been a great success and the latest in the series, “Costa del Stig”, promises to maintain this interest. The added challenge to this puzzle is to try and spot Stig and other characters hidden amongst the busy scene. The puzzle comes with a checklist so you can cross things off as you find them. You’ll find these and more in the Ravensburger catalogue enclosed with this newsletter. 19246 19219 If it’s detail you’re after then take a close look at “The Mariner’s Chest” 1000 piece. From the same artist as “The Bizarre Bookshop”, it shows a collection of weird and wonderful possessions crammed into a chest. But it’s not just objects crammed into the compartments – if you look closely there are eyes peering out at you, and little cottages that seem to be lived in… 15847 15585 NEWS & VIEWS Readers Letters Our Star Letter We have had to tighten our belts this year and buy fewer jigsaws than normal. I usually complete my puzzles just once and then pass them on, but have thought of a way of making my existing collection of puzzles more challenging. Instead of separating edge pcs, I will start with one piece of a particular colour face, sign etc! and then find the pieces that go around it and build from there. So instead of doing new jigsaws, I can at least complete my jigsaw a second time. Just wish you would stop bringing in new and exciting jigsaws. and tempting me - Please find my order enclosed for yet another five! Mary James - Edinburgh That’s part of what we do! We want you to have the best selection of choices possible… However, if you find the newsletters too tempting we can always hold it back Loved the new Pomegranate range. So pleased you decided to bring in Jigsaws by this Manufacturer. Quality is really good and some unusual art images as well as a few more traditional. Keep up the good work. June Mayland - Lowestoft We are always looking for new and exciting manufacturers to add to our extensive list. We have a few more in mind for this year. If there are any that you are really keen on, please let us know and we’ll do our best to include at least some of their range Very many thanks for your contribution of the Jigsaw puzzles and advert toward fundraising at the Jigsaw Jamboree Children in Need Day on October 23rd. The day was an outstanding success and £1833 was raised for this worthwhile cause. Sheila Willis - Police Support Officer - Ash Police Office JIG’S CORNER QUESTIONS, INFORMATION & MORE Despite selling far less jigsaws since May 2010 we have managed to raise just over £500 for our Charity- Hearing Dogs for the Deaf. Grateful thanks for all the additional amounts contributed by you We have rounded this up to £600. We also supported two Jigfests this year and a number of Jigsaw donations to worthy causes. Thank you all. We will continue to round up our Jigsaw prices by 1p each (Please deduct if you are not happy to support our 2011 charity) This year your contribution will go to ‘Assistance Dogs-UK’ more information will be included in our next newsletter. Two new Wasgijs - just been released… Mystery 7 & Destiny 11. If you are on our collectors list and haven’t yet received them, please let us know. And lastly, you’ll notice we’ve had a price increase on all Jigsaws & Postage. We’ve tried to be fair but with the increase in VAT affecting all our purchases-boxes-stocknewsletters etc we really had no choice. Have a FANTASTIC NEW YEAR Jig WINNING WAYS Issue 64 19237 Family of Dolph 1000pc £11.00 Jigs in a bit of a muddle. He’s dropped all the letters and can’t find the Artists name. Can you help? VRTOER LICEHTML Answers by 30th January please with details of which jigsaw you would like as your gift if you’re our lucky winner. will be Our winner for Issue 63 ry Newsletter announced in our Februa 19265 The Farrier 1000pc RAVENSBURGER 2011 UK SELECTION With so much choice - we’ve picked what we consider will be our best sellers to preview from Ravensburger’s new 2011 catalogue. (Everything in the catalogue is available, but will not be coming in until the second week in January) so please allow extra time for delivery of new jigsaws from this great range. Happy Days At Work - 500PC Jigsaws 14170 The Baker 500pc £8.50 14168 District Nurse 500pc £8.50 14167 The Milkman 500pc £8.50 2 x 500 piece jigsaw in one box 14067 Wiltyn Badleigh Garden Centre 2 x 500 £12.00 14066 Carnaby Street 2 x 500 £12.00 Character Jigsaws 19277 Winnie the Pooh - Sky Lanterns 1000pc £13.50 15090 Star Wars Panoramic 1000pc £13.50 Best of British – Comic Series 19262 Costa del Stig 1000pc £13.50 Best of the Rest PURPLE EMPEROR LARGE SKIPPER Larger Jigsaws SMALL COPPER PAINTED LADY MARBLED WHITE BRIMSTONE COMMA MEADOW BROWN PEACOCK 16385 Eulogy for a Dead Admiral 1500pc £15.00 PURPLE HAIRSTREAK HOLLY BLUE ORANGE TIP ADONIS BLUE CLOUDED YELLOW SWALLOWTAIL SILVER-WASHED FRITILLARY SPECKLED WOOD LARGE WHITE LARGE BLUE SMALL TORTOISESHELL COMMON BLUE CHEQUERED SKIPPER SMALL WHITE RED ADMIRAL 19274 The Doctors Surgery 1000pc £11.00 19275 By the Canal 1000pc £11.00 © Roy Trower 2010 18/08/2010 10:29 T30629 BUTTERFLY GARDEN PUZZLE 1 19276 Butterfly Garden 1000pc £11.00 19285 Topsy Turvey 1000pc £11.00 16661 Harmonious Orchas - 2000pc £20.00 And finally for all our Wasgij Collectors hins 19236 On the River Rhine 1000pc @£11.00 16666 Cuban Impressions 2000pc £20.00 £11.00 DESTINY 11 £12.00 19211 Sydney Opera House 1000pc £11.00 15741 Berchtesgaden, Germany 1000pc £11.00 17424 Tiger 5000pc Jigsaw £50.00 DESTINY 7 £12.00 AND FOR THOSE WHO HAVE AN INTEREST IN THE 32000PC THIS WILL BE £200.00 OFFICIAL PUZZLE CLUB SELECTED JIGSAWS Country Cottage No.5 - River Cottage to add to the fabulous Country Cottage series (see the rest on front of newsletter) 1000pcs by Ravensburger. Available @ £11.00 The Mariners Chest, by the artist who created Bizarre book shop - One of Ravensburger’s most popular jigsaws for 2010 -1000pc Jigsaw - Available @ £11.00 Crazy Cats in the Garden Room another creation in this very collectable series by Linda Jane Smith from Ravensburger’s 1000pc Special Collection Available at £11.00 23/07/2010 15:53 T30267 CATS IN THE GARDEN ROOM.indd 1 To order River Cottage and/or Crazy Cats and/or Garden Room or any of the other products featured in this issue complete the Order form below and send with your remittance payable to: The Official UK Puzzle Club The Official UK Puzzle Club, PO Box 3351, Wokingham, Berkshire, RG41 2WE. (If you don’t want to spoil your newsletter, simply put your request on paper) Code No/Description R19022 River Cottage - No 5 - 1000pc R19286 Crazy Cats in Garden Room - 1000pc R19284 The Mariners Chest - 1000pc R14167 The Milkman - 500pc R14168 District Nurse - 500pc R14170 The Baker - 500pc R14066 Carnaby Street 2 x 500pc R14067 Wiltyn Badleigh Garden Centre-2 x 500pc R15090 Star Wars Panoramic - 1000pc R19262 Costa Del Stig - 1000pc R19277 Winnie the Pooh - Sky Lanterns - 1000pc R19274 The Doctors Surgery - 1000pc R19275 By the Canal - 1000pc R19285 Topsy Turvey - 1000pc R19265 The Farrier - 1000pc R19276 Butterfly Garden - 1000pc R19236 On the River Rhine - 1000pc R19237 Family of Dolphins - 1000pc R19211 Sydney Opera House - 1000pc R15741 Berchtesgaden, Germany - 1000pc R16385 Eulogy for a Dead Admiral - 1000pc R16661 Harmonious Orchas - 2000pc R16666 Cuban Impressions - 2000pc R17424 Tiger - 5000pc Jigsaw Wasgij Destiny 11 - 1000pc Wasgij Mystery 7 - 1000pc Jigsaw Cottages 15585/15847/19219/19246(please circle selection) Postage & Packing Optional Next Day Carrier I enclose cheque/postal order for value £ Please debit my Credit/Debit card for £ *Card No: Issue No: Valid From: Signature: Please allow up to 28 days for delivery Price Quantity Value 11.00 11.00 11.00 8.50 8.50 8.50 12.00 12.00 13.50 13.50 13.50 11.00 11.00 11.00 11.00 11.00 11.00 11.00 11.00 11.00 15.00 20.00 20.00 50.00 12.00 12.00 11.00 Name Address Postcode Telephone Email Membership No. £4.00 £6.50 Gold Members- Please deduct 10% from above prices, excl p&p Total Value made payable to the Official UK Puzzle Club Card Type Master Card Visa Maestro/Solo Security Code : Expiry Date : *Please attach cardholder’s details if different from above Contact us: Official UK Puzzle Club, PO Box 3351, Wokingham, Berks RG41 2WE Telephone: 0118 978 9599 Fax: 0118 979 5077 Email: mb@jigsaw-puzzle-club.co.uk or sales@whispers.co.uk Web Address: www.jigsaw-puzzle-club.co.uk Barneys Newsbox holds one of the largest puzzle selections available and caters for ALL sizes. Tel: 01539 435627 For Trevor Mitchells Fine Art originals and prints visit: www.nostalgicart.co.uk or telephone Trevor on 01274 589053 General Sales: Tel: 0118 978 9599 Helpline: retailers in your area, and general membership enquiries. Tel: 0118 978 9599
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