scientific program - 2015 Joint Assembly


scientific program - 2015 Joint Assembly
Montreal, Canada
3-7 May 2015
Montréal, Canada 3-7 mai 2015
Scientific Collaboration Across Canada,
the U.S. and Around the World
Montreal, Canada
3-7 May 2015
Montréal, Canada
3-7 mai 2015
All program events and services will be held at the
Palais des congrès de Montréal.
Preregistration and On-Site Registration
Level 5
Sunday, 12:00 P.M.–7:30 P.M.
Monday, 6:00 A.M.–6:30 P.M.
Tuesday - Wednesday, 7:00 A.M.–6:30 P.M.
Thursday, 7:00 A.M.–5:00 P.M.
Scientific Sessions
Oral Sessions
Level 5
Monday – Thursday
8:00 A.M.–10:00 A.M.
10:30 A.M.–12:30 P.M.
2:00 P.M.–4:00 P.M.
Poster Sessions
Level 5, Rooms 517B-D
4:30 P.M.–6:30 P.M.
Level 5, Room 517A
Tuesday-Wednesday, 9:30 A.M.–5:30 P.M.
Thursday, 9:30 A.M.–1:30 P.M.
Speaker Ready Room
Level 5, Rooms 512 C-G
Sunday, 12:00 P.M.–7:30 P.M.
Monday, 6:00 A.M.–5:00 P.M.
Tuesday-Wednesday 7:00 P.M. –5:00 P.M.
Thursday, 7:00 A.M.–3:00 P.M.
Table of Contents
Welcome Messages .................................................... 4-5
Floor Plans.............................................................22-23
Union Activities ........................................................6-7
Local Restaurants ...................................................... 25
Union Sessions............................................................. 8
Exhibitor Directory ............................................. 26-30
Events at a Glance .................................................. 10-11
Meeting Summary Chart ....................................33–48
Special and Educational Events............................. 13-16
Scientific Program ............................................. 49–146
Program Committee ................................................... 17
Presenting Author Index .................................147–155
Meeting Services ..................................................18-21
Advertisers Index....................................................156
General Information
This program book contains general meeting information,
a meeting summary chart, and a presenting author index.
The Meeting Summary Chart provides a list of sessions by day,
time, and discipline. Information includes the session number,
title, start time, meeting room, type of session, and session
cosponsors (pages 33–48).
The Itinerary Planner allows attendees to view abstracts at
The Presenting Author Index contains presenters’ names followed
by the paper number that they are presenting (pages 147–155).
Emergency Contact
We recommend that you create emergency contact information
in your cell phone listed as ICE (In Case of Emergency) for
emergency purposes, if necessary.
Content in this program book is current as of 15 April.
Note: Attendees at Joint Assembly may be photographed for
archival and marketing purposes. Attendees are not allowed
to photograph, video, or record information during scientific
e-Posters offer the opportunity to upload electronic files
of poster presentations. To view e-Posters that have been
submitted, go to the Scientific Program page of the Joint
Assembly Web site at
Mobile App
Make the most of your meeting! Download the Joint Assembly
official mobile app
App Allows You To
• Browse and search for sessions and events
• View personal schedule conflicts
• View venue maps
• Receive important real-time communications via Alerts
The Joint Assembly mobile app is available for download from
your phone or tablet in iTunes and Google play app stores.
Program Book Design by Valerie Bassett
French Translation by Nathalie Marchildon
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
Fostering Scientific Innovation and Collaboration
On behalf of the American Geophysical Union, the Canadian Geophysical Union, the Geological
Association of Canada, and the Mineralogical Association of Canada, we would like to welcome you
to the 2015 Joint Assembly!
From space exploration to exploration for mineral deposits, to climate change adaptation and mitigation,
to helping communities make the best use of limited natural resources and protect themselves from
the devastating impacts of natural hazards, the Earth and space sciences have implications for the most
complex issues we face as a global society. Our research helps to save lives and protect property, drive
technological innovation and economic development, and sustainably protect the environment on
which we all rely.
Over the next four days, research representing cutting-edge breakthroughs and innovative solutions to
myriad challenges and opportunities will be presented, expanding our collective knowledge and demonstrating our ability to advance the scientific enterprise. But this meeting is about so much more.
The Joint Assembly is a unique event. Not only can scientists from around the world connect with
colleagues from the entire Earth and space science spectrum, but they can do so in an environment
intimate enough to allow for meaningful networking and the development of strong partnerships.
The meeting is packed with highest quality programming, including more than more than 170 oral
sessions and more than 120 poster sessions across 22 disciplines. We are also offering several amazing and enlightening field trips, including Subglacial Landsystems of the Upper St. Lawrence Valley
and Lake Ontario Region and Anatomy of Ordovician Volcanic Arc and Forearc Basin in the Southern
Québec Appalachians, as well as original and informative short courses and workshops, including the
Geology and Geochemistry of Uranium and Thorium Deposits, Sharing Science in Your Community,
Teaching Using NASA Climate Models, and Technical Writing for Students. And, of course, we made
sure to leave you plenty of time to talk with your colleagues and make new connections during several luncheons and receptions scheduled throughout the week.
Between the outstanding program and the beautiful stage the city of Montreal sets for this gathering,
the 2015 Joint Assembly will truly be a special experience.
In closing, we want to thank you, our attendees, for your commitment to scientific excellence and for
your participation in this important event. You are key contributors to the collective success of Earth and
space science research and its ability to change the world, and we sincerely hope that this Joint Assembly
will provide you a platform on which your passion for scientific discovery can flourish.
Please enjoy the meeting!
Margaret Leinen
Brian Branfireun
American Geophysical
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
Canadian Geophysical
Promouvoir l’innovation et la collaboration scientifiques
Au nom de l’American Geophysical Union, de l’Union géophysique canadienne, de l’Association
géologique du Canada et de l’Association minéralogique du Canada, nous vous souhaitons la bienvenue
à la Réunion conjointe de 2015!
Qu’il s’agisse d’exploration de l’espace ou d’exploration minière, d’adaptation aux changements climatiques et d’atténuation de ces changements, d’aider les collectivités à faire le meilleur usage possible de
ressources naturelles limitées et à se protéger contre les effets dévastateurs des catastrophes naturelles,
les sciences de la Terre et de l’espace ont des répercussions sur les enjeux les plus complexes auxquels
la société planétaire est confrontée. Nos travaux de recherche aident à sauver des vies et à protéger les
biens, à promouvoir l’innovation technologique et le développement économique et à protéger durablement l’environnement dont nous dépendons.
Au cours des quatre prochains jours, des travaux de recherche représentant la fine pointe des avancées
scientifiques et des solutions novatrices à une myriade de défis et occasions à saisir seront présentés, élargissant du coup nos connaissances collectives et démontrant notre capacité à faire progresser la science.
Mais cette réunion se veut beaucoup plus encore.
La Réunion conjointe est un évènement unique en son genre. Elle permet à des scientifiques du monde entier
de rencontrer des collègues provenant de tout le spectre des sciences de la Terre et de l’espace, et ce, dans un
contexte assez intime pour permettre des interactions fructueuses et l’établissement de partenariats solides.
La réunion propose une programmation de la plus grande qualité, dont plus de 170 sessions orales et plus de
120 sessions d’affiches couvrant 22 disciplines. Nous proposons également plusieurs excursions fascinantes
et enrichissantes – notamment sur les systèmes paysagers d’origine sous-glaciaire de la vallée supérieure du
Saint-Laurent et de la région de lac Ontario et sur l’anatomie d’un arc volcanique et d’un bassin d’avant-arc
ordoviciens dans les Appalaches du sud du Québec – ainsi que des cours intensifs et ateliers originaux et
informatifs – notamment sur la géologie et la géochimie des gisements d’uranium et de thorium, la communication sur la science dans la collectivité, les modèles climatiques de la NASA comme outils d’enseignement
et la rédaction technique pour les étudiants. Nous avons bien sûr prévu plusieurs dîners et réceptions tout au
long de la semaine pour vous donner amplement de temps pour échanger avec vos collègues et tisser de
nouveaux liens.
Cet excellent programme et le décor pittoresque qu’offre Montréal feront sans aucun doute de la
Réunion conjointe de 2015 une expérience unique.
Nous tenons, en terminant, à vous remercier, vous les délégués, pour votre engagement envers l’excellence
scientifique et votre participation à cet important évènement. Vous êtes des acteurs clés de la réussite
collective de la recherche en science de la Terre et de l’espace et de sa capacité à changer le monde, et
nous espérons que cette Réunion conjointe vous offrira une plate-forme permettant de mettre en avant
votre passion pour la découverte scientifique.
Brian Pratt
Ronald Peterson
Geological Association
of Canada
of Canada
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
Sunday, 3 May
Monday, 4 May
Public Lectures: Ice Sheets Mass Loss and Sea Level Rise:
Geological Archives, from Québec to Australia, presented by
Michel Lamothe, GEOTOP-UQAM, Departement of Earth and
Atmospheric Sciences, Montreal, QC, Canada
Level 5, Room 513A-C
3:00 P.M.–4:00 P.M.
Tuesday, 5 May
Public Lectures: The Rosetta Landing and its Wild Bounce at
Comet 67/P, presented by Claudia Alexander, Jet Propulsion
Laboratory, Pasadena, California, USA
Level 5, Room 513A-C
2:00 P.M.–3:00 P.M.
Session Chair Training
Level 5, Room 512C-G
5:00 P.M.–5:30 P.M.
Ice Breaker Reception
Level 7, Room 710
6:00 P.M.–7:30 P.M.
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
Plenary Session: Hydraulic Fracturing and Induced Seismicity,
presented by David W. S. Eaton, University of Calgary,
Geoscience, Calgary, AB, Canada
Level 5, Room 513A-C
4:30 P.M.–5:00 P.M.
Session Chair Training
Level 5, Room 512C-G
7:00 A.M.–7:30 A.M.
Plenary Session: Large-scale Impacts and Earth History,
presented by Richard A. F. Grieve, Natural Resources Canada,
Ottawa, ON, Canada
Level 5, Room 513A-C
4:30 P.M.–5:00 P.M.
Wednesday, 6 May
Plenary Session: Melt to Glass: A Peculiar Transition and
The Rise of Experimental Volcanology, presented by
Donald B. Dingwell, Ludwig Maximilian University of
Munich, Earth and Environmental Sciences, Munich, Germany
Level 5, Room 513A-C
4:30 P.M.–5:00 P.M.
Dimanche 3 mai
Conférences à l’intention du grand public L’atterrissage du
module de Rosetta sur la comète 67/P et ses rebondissements,
présentée par Claudia Alexander, Jet Propulsion Laboratory,
Pasadena (Californie, États-Unis)
Niveau 5, salle 513A-C
De 14 h à 15 h
La perte de masse des calottes glaciaires et la montée
du niveau de la mer : archives géologiques, du Québec à
l’Australie, présentée par Michel Lamothe, GEOTOP-UQAM,
Département des sciences de la Terre et de l’atmosphère,
Montréal (Québec, Canada)
Niveau 5, salle 513A-C
De 15 h à 16 h
Formation pour les présidences de session
Niveau 5, salle 512C-G
De 17 h à 17 h 30
Réception d’accueil
Niveau 7, salle 710
De 18 h à 19 h 30
Lundi 4 mai
Session plénière : Fracturation hydraulique et sismicité induite,
présentée par David W. S. Eaton, University of Calgary, Géosciences, Calgary (Alberta, Canada)
Niveau 5, salle 513A-C
De 16 h 30 à 17 h
Mardi 5 mai
Formation pour les présidences de session
Niveau 5, salle 512C-G
De 7 h à 7 h 30
Session plénière : Les grands impacts et l’histoire de la Terre,
présentée par Richard A. F. Grieve, Ressources naturelles
Canada, Ottawa (Ontario, Canada)
Niveau 5, salle 513A-C
De 16 h 30 à 17 h 00
Mercredi 6 mai
Session plénière : Du bain fondu au verre : une transition bien particulière et l’essor de la volcanologie expérimentale, présentée par Donald B. Dingwell, Ludwig
Maximilian University of Munich, Sciences de la Terre et de
l’environnement, Munich (Allemagne)
Niveau 5, salle 513A-C
De 16 h 30 à 17 h
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
Union Sessions are for the benefit of attendees who have broad
interests outside of their own disciplines. All sessions will be
held on level 5 of The Palais des congrès de Montréal.
Les sessions de l’Union sont organisées à l’intention des délégués
aux intérêts très larges allant au-delà de leur propre domaine.
Toutes les sessions se tiendront au niveau 5 du Palais des congrès
de Montréal.
Monday, 4 May
Lundi 4 mai
U14A Plenary Session: Hydraulic Fracturing and Induced
4:30 P.M.
Room 513A-C
Tuesday, 5 May
U23A Hydraulic Fracturing: The Great Debate
2:00 P.M.
Room 511A
U14A Session plénière : Fracturation hydraulique et sismicité
16 h 30
salle 513A-C
Mardi 5 mai
U23A Fracturation hydraulique : Le grand débat
14 h
salle 511A
U24A Plenary Session: Large-scale Impacts and
Earth History
4:30 P.M.
Room 513A-C
U24A Session plénière : Les grands impacts et l’histoire de la
16 h 30
salle 513A-C
Wednesday, 6 May
Mercredi 6 mai
U33A Exploring the Subsurface Through Scientific Drilling:
Contributions From ICDP and IODP I
2:00 P.M.
Room 510D
U33A Exploration du sous-sol par forage scientifique :
contributions de l’ICDP et de l’IODP I
14 h
salle 510D
U34A Exploring the Subsurface Through Scientific Drilling:
Contributions From ICDP and IODP II Posters
4:30 P.M.
Poster Hall 517B-D
U34A Exploration du sous-sol par forage scientifique :
contributions de l’ICDP et de l’IODP II, Affiches
16 h 30
salle des affiches 517B-D
U34B Plenary Session: Melt to glass: A Peculiar Transition
and The Rise of Experimental Volcanology
4:30 P.M.
Room 513A-C
U34B Session plénière : Du bain fondu au verre :
une transition bien particulière et l’essor de la volcanologie
16 h 30
salle 513A-C
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
4:30 P.M.
4:00 P.M.
8:00 A.M.
8:30 A.M.
8:30 A.M.
9:00 A.M.
9:00 A.M.
9:00 A.M.
9:00 A.M.
11:15 A.M.
1:30 P.M.
1:30 P.M.
2:00 P.M.
2:00 P.M.
2:00 P.M.
6:00 P.M.
Workshop: Technical Writing for Students
Geological Association of Canada (GAC) Outgoing Council Meeting
Workshop: Teaching Geoethics in Undergraduate Science Programs
Canadian Geophysical Union (CGU) Executive Committee Meeting
Short Course: Applications of TEM-FIB-SEM Methods to Geomaterials – Berry Summer School
Short Course: Geology of Granite-Greenstone Terranes and Their Mineral Deposits Course
Workshop: Teaching with NASA Climate Models
Workshop: Share Science in Your Community
Workshop: Teaching Undergraduate Students in the 21st Century
Workshop: The Tectonic Growth and Evolution of SE Canada: The QM-III Experiment
Canadian Geophysical Union (CGU) - Geodesy Section Executive Meeting
Canadian Geophysical Union (CGU) - Hydrology Section Executive Meeting
Public Lecture
Joint Assembly Ice Breaker
4:30 P.M.
5:30 P.M.
12:30 P.M.
12:45 P.M.
12:45 P.M.
12:45 P.M.
12:45 P.M.
4:00 P.M.
5:00 P.M.
5:30 P.M.
6:00 P.M.
Geological Association of Canada (GAC) Annual Awards Luncheon
Annual General Meeting of the Biogeosciences Section of the Canadian Geophysical Union (CGU)
Annual General Meeting of the Earth Surface Processes Section of the Canadian Geophysical Union
Annual General Meeting of the Geodesy Section of the Canadian Geophysical Union
Annual General Meeting of the Solid Earth Section of the Canadian Geophysical Union
Inaugural Meeting for IGCP 648
Geological Association of Canada (GAC) Mineral Deposit Division Annual General Meeting
Geological Association of Canada (GAC) Annual Business Meeting
Alumni Reception for Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, McGill University
Tuesday, 5 May
4:00 P.M.
Geological Association of Canada (GAC) Environmental Science Division Annual Meeting
8:00 P.M.
7:00 P.M.
1:45 P.M.
1:45 P.M.
1:45 P.M.
1:45 P.M.
2:00 P.M.
4:30 P.M.
1:30 P.M.
2:00 P.M.
7:30 P.M.
4:00 P.M.
3:00 P.M.
4:00 P.M.
5:30 P.M.
4:30 P.M.
5:00 P.M.
5:00 P.M.
12:00 P.M.
5:00 P.M.
5:00 P.M.
Geological Association of Canada (GAC) Presidential Address
Monday, 4 May
2:00 P.M.
8:00 A.M.
5:00 P.M.
8:00 A.M.
5:00 P.M.
End Time
Mineralogical Association of Canada (MAC) Council Meeting
Start Time
Field Trip: Biogeochemistry, Hydrology and Ecology of the Mer Bleue Bog
Sunday, 3 May
Events scheduled as of 15 April 2015
Palais des congrès de Montréal
Palais des congrès de Montréal
Palais des congrès de Montréal
Palais des congrès de Montréal
Palais des congrès de Montréal
Palais des congrès de Montréal
Palais des congrès de Montréal
Palais des congrès de Montréal
Palais des congrès de Montréal
Palais des congrès de Montréal
Palais des congrès de Montréal
Palais des congrès de Montréal
Palais des congrès de Montréal
Université du Québec à Montréal
Palais des congrès de Montréal
Open to All
By Invitation Only
By Invitation Only
Open to All
By Invitation Only
By Invitation Only
By Invitation Only
By Invitation Only
Ticket Required
By Invitation Only
Open to All
Open to All
Open to the Public
By Invitation Only
By Invitation Only
Ticket Required
Ticket Required
By Invitation Only
Ticket Required
Ticket Required
Ticket Required
By Invitation Only
Ticket Required
By Invitation Only
Ticket Required
By Invitation Only
Ticket Required
Event Type
Palais des congrès de Montréal
Palais des congrès de Montréal
McGill University
McGill University
McGill University (FEMR)
Palais des congrès de Montréal
Palais des congrès de Montréal
Palais des congrès de Montréal
McGill University (FDA 232)
Palais des congrès de Montréal
5:30 P.M.
6:00 P.M.
7:00 P.M.
Geological Association of Canada (GAC) Incoming Council Meeting
Canadian Geophysical Union (CGU) Annual General Meeting
Canadian Geophysical Union (CGU) Reception and Banquet
12:00 P.M.
12:30 P.M.
12:45 P.M.
Workshop: Induced Seismicity
Geological Association of Canada (GAC) Mineral Deposits Division (MDD) Annual Luncheon
Geological Association of Canada (GAC) Canadian Geomorphology Research Group Annual
General Meeting
Field Trip: Anatomy of Ordovician Volcanic Arc and Forearc Basin in the Southern Québec
Field Trip: Stratigraphy, Volcanology and Metallogenic Evolution of Val-d’Or-Malartic (Québec),
Kirkland Lake and Timmins (Ontario) Areas, Abitibi Subprovince
Workshop: Canadian Geoscience Education Network Teacher Professional Development
10:00 P.M.
7:00 P.M.
7:00 P.M.
4:30 P.M.
1:45 P.M.
2:00 P.M.
2:00 P.M.
4:00 P.M.
Mineralogical Association of Canada (MAC) Annual General Meeting
4:30 P.M.
1:45 P.M.
3:00 P.M.
4:00 P.M.
Geological Association of Canada (GAC) Precambrian Division Annual Meeting
2:00 P.M.
End Time
8:45 A.M.
12:45 P.M.
Annual General Meeting of the Hydrology Section of the Canadian Geophysical Union
Thursday, 7 May
12:30 P.M.
Start Time
Mineralogical Association of Canada (MAC) Annual Luncheon
Wednesday, 6 May
Palais des congrès de Montréal
Palais des congrès de Montréal
Palais des congrès de Montréal
Palais des congrès de Montréal
Palais des congrès de Montréal
Palais des congrès de Montréal
Palais des congrès de Montréal
Palais des congrès de Montréal
Palais des congrès de Montréal
Palais des congrès de Montréal
Palais des congrès de Montréal
Ticket Required
Ticket Required
By Invitation Only
Ticket Required
By Invitation Only
Ticket Required
Ticket Required
By Invitation Only
By Invitation Only
By Invitation Only
By Invitation Only
By Invitation Only
Ticket Required
Event Type
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
All events are held at the Palais des congrès de Montréal unless otherwise noted.
By Invitation Only
Sunday, 3 May
8:00 A.M.–5:00 P.M.
Mineralogical Association of Canada (MAC) Council Meeting
Room 519A
8:30 A.M.–5:00 P.M.
Geological Association of Canada (GAC) Outgoing Council
Room 518C
9:00 A.M.–2:00 P.M.
Canadian Geophysical Union (CGU) Executive Committee
Room 522A
2:00 P.M.–3:00 P.M.
Canadian Geophysical Union (CGU) - Hydrology Section
Executive Meeting
Room 522B
2:00 P.M.–4:00 P.M.
Canadian Geophysical Union (CGU) - Geodesy Section
Executive Meeting
Room 522C
Monday, 4 May
4:00 P.M.–4:30 P.M.
Geological Association of Canada (GAC) Environmental
Science Division Annual Meeting
Room 511A
Tuesday, 5 May
12:45 P.M.–1:45 P.M.
Annual General Meeting of the Biogeosciences Section of the
Canadian Geophysical Union (CGU)
Room 511A
12:45 P.M.–1:45 P.M.
Annual General Meeting of the Earth Surface Processes
Section of the Canadian Geophysical Union (CGU)
Room 511B
12:45 P.M.–1:45 P.M.
Annual General Meeting of the Geodesy Section of the
Canadian Geophysical Union (CGU)
Room 511C
12:45 P.M. –1:45 P.M.
Annual General Meeting of the Solid Earth Section of the
Canadian Geophysical Union (CGU)
Room 511D
4:00 P.M.–4:30 P.M.
Inaugural Meeting for IGCP Meeting
Room 511D
5:00 P.M.–5:30 P.M.
Geological Association of Canada (GAC) Mineral Deposit
Division Annual General Meeting
Room 511B
5:30 P.M.– 7:00 P.M.
Geological Association of Canada (GAC) Annual Business
Room 511D
Wednesday, 6 May
12:45 P.M.–1:45 P.M
Annual General Meeting of the Hydrology Section of the
Canadian Geophysical Union (CGU)
Room 511A
4:00 P.M.–4:30 P.M.
Geological Association of Canada (GAC) Precambrian Division
Annual Meeting
Room 519A
4:00 P.M.–4:30 P.M.
Mineralogical Association of Canada (MAC) Annual General
Room 511A
5:30 P.M.–7:00 P.M.
Geological Association of Canada (GAC) Incoming Council
Room 518C
6:00 P.M.–7:00 P.M.
Canadian Geophysical Union (CGU) Annual General Meeting
Room 511B
Thursday, 7 May
12:45 P.M.–1:45 P.M.
Geological Association of Canada (GAC) Canadian
Geomorphology Research Group Annual General Meeting
Room 511A
Sunday, 3 May
Biogeochemistry, Hydrology and Ecology of the Mer Bleue Bog
Leaders: Nigel Roulet (McGill University) and Tim Moore (McGill
Participants of this one-day trip will visit Mer Bleue bog, located
near Ottawa. Since 1998, it has been the site of many studies on
bog biogeochemistry, hydrology, and ecology. This field trip, led
by Professors Nigel Roulet and Tim Moore, will present some of
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
these field studies (e.g., eddy covariance tower, automatic gas
flux chambers, long-term fertilization experiment), the results
obtained, and the way in which the results have been integrated
into models. Lunch will be provided; Ticketed Event.
2015), lunches, and transportation for 5 days. Transportation from
Montréal to Val-d’Or at the start of and during the field trip will
be by minivans. The field trip will end in Timmins, Ontario, midafternoon on 12 May. Note: Participants will need to arrange travel
back from Timmins. Maximum capacity: 20.
Thursday, 7 May–Saturday, 9 May
Anatomy of Ordovician Volcanic Arc and Forearc Basin in the
Southern Québec Appalachians
Leader: Alain Tremblay (UQAM)
This 2-day field trip focuses on the stratigraphy and structures
of the Ordovician Ascot Complex and Magog Group in the
Sherbrooke area of the southern Québec Appalachians. The Ascot
Complex is interpreted as the remnant of a volcanic arc, whereas
the Magog Group is a ca. 10 km-thick volcanic and sedimentary
sequence interpreted as a syn- to late-collisional basin developed
in a forearc setting during the Taconian orogeny. This field trip will
mainly focus, however, on the characterization of the Acadianrelated regional deformation and metamorphism in these rocks.
The structural relationships with the Silurian-Devonian rocks
of the Gaspé Belt will be also examined. Passengers will be
picked up in the late afternoon of 7 May and will return midafternoon, on 9 May. Cost will include meals, transportation, and
accommodation; Ticketed Event.
Thursday, 7 May–Tuesday, 12 May
Stratigraphy, Volcanology and Metallogenic Evolution of
Val-d’Or-Malartic (Québec), Kirkland Lake and Timmins
(Ontario) Areas, Abitibi Subprovince
Leaders: Pierre Pilote (MERN) and Sonia Préfontaine (OGS); Co-leaders:
Pierre Lacoste and James Moorhead (MERN); Dave Guindon (OGS);
Brian Atkinson (consultant); Réal Daigneault and Véronique Lafrance
This 5-day field trip will focus on the main characteristics associated
with the development of the volcanic and sedimentary units
encountered in the Val-d’Or – Malartic, Kirkland Lake and Timmins
mining camps. The topic of physical volcanology in particular in
the Val-d’Or – Malartic (Malartic Group) and Timmins area (Kidd
Munro and Tisdale episodes) will be covered. Komatiites, variolitic
basalts, volcaniclastic basalts, pillow-lobe dacites, and rhyolites are
important host rocks for many Archean metallic mineral deposits in
these camps. Participants will learn about these rocks, how they are
related, and their significance in terms of Abitibi stratigraphy. The
metallogenic evolution of all three camps will be presented, with
emphasis on the relationships between volcanic rocks (Malartic
Group and Kidd-Munro episode) and mineral deposits such as
Ni-Cu-PGE, VMS and Lode Au (pre- and post-tectonic), as well as
the characteristics of volcanic (Tisdale and Timiskaming episodes)
and sedimentary rocks (Timiskaming episode) along two major Aubearing deformation zones: Porcupine-Destor and Cadillac-Larder
Lake. Particular attention will be paid to the similarity and the
contemporaneity of the geological processes that have affected
the Val-d’Or – Malartic, Kirkland Lake, and Timmins mining camps.
Visits to occurrences of VMS (Potter Mine – Munro Township), Ni
(Marbridge area – La Motte-Vassan Fm), and Au (Kirkland Lake and
Val-d’Or – Malartic) mineralizations are planned. The cost of the
field trip will include 5 nights (double occupancy) (7 May – 12 May
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
Friday, 1 May–Sunday, 3 May
9:00 A.M.–4:30 P.M.
Applications of TEM-FIB-SEM Methods to Geomaterials –
Berry Summer School
McGill University (FEMR)
Short Course Leaders: Hojatollah Vali and Robert Martin (McGill
University); Luiz Morales and Richard Wirth (GFZ German Research
Centre for Geosciences)
The latest generation of Focused Ion Beam-Extreme High
Resolution Scanning Electronn Microscope (FIB-SEM) and
Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) are the ideal tools to
study geomaterials at the micro- and nanoscale in 2D and 3D
including chemical composition and crystal structure. The Berry
Summer School will provide an overview of the theory and
practical applications of FIB-SEM and TEM in the geosciences
using state-of-the-art electron microscopes available at the
McGill University Facility for Electron Microscopy Research (FEMR).
Participants will have the opportunity to discover the latest
techniques in sample preparation and imaging relevant to the
Canadian Geoscience community. Participants should have a
general understanding of electron microscopy, basic knowledge
of crystallography, crystal symmetry, chemistry of minerals in
general, and the interaction between electrons and crystalline
matter would also be an asset. Two coffee breaks and lunch will
be provided daily; this course will be hosted at McGill University.
Ticketed Event.–
Saturday, 2 May–Sunday, 3 May
9:00 A.M.–4:00 P.M.
Geology of Granite-Greenstone Terranes and Their Mineral
Deposits Course
McGill University
Short Course Organizer: Society for Economic Geology; Presenters:
K. Howard Poulsen; Harold Gibson (Laurentian University); François
Robert (Global Exploration)
Granite-greenstone terranes are remnants of once larger tracts
of metavolcanic, metaplutonic, and metasedimentary rocks now
surrounded and/or intruded by granitoid rocks of similar absolute
age. They are important sources of gold, zinc, copper, nickel,
and other commodities. The course will provide an overview
of geological principles and tools needed to work effectively
in this setting, with examples from Precambrian shields and
younger accretionary orogens. The recognition, in outcrop and
drill core, of volcanic, sedimentary, and plutonic protoliths that
have been altered, metamorphosed, and deformed is a recurring
practical problem; the application of basic field criteria along
with supporting data will be used to establish a framework for
mineral exploration. Descriptions of the main types of mineral
deposits found in this setting will be augmented by a discussion
of exploration guidelines.
The two-day course, to be held at McGill University, will consist of
eight 2-hour modules and is aimed at those who plan to work in
such terranes, including young professionals and students, as well
as managers who possess some geological background. Ticketed
8:00 A.M.–5:00 P.M.
Technical Writing for Students
McGill University, FDA 232
This workshop will introduce students to elements of technical
writing, covering key elements of proper scientific writing and
technical reporting style as well as presentation skills. The
workshop will also provide knowledge concerning the process of
marketing scientific discovery and writing research proposals in
addition to offering a perspective from the industry about the key
elements of being an effective QP in terms of communication. The
cost will include lunch.
Sunday, 3 May
2:00 P.M.–4:00 P.M.
Public Lecture
Room 513ABC
Join your colleagues for the Joint Assembly Public Lectures
delivered by Dr. Claudia Alexander and Dr. Michel Lamothe.
6:00 P.M.–7:30 P.M.
Icebreaker Reception
Room 710
An opportunity to meet colleagues and new friends during the
evening before sessions begin!
Monday, 4 May
1:30 P.M.–2:00 P.M.
Geological Association of Canada (GAC) Presidential Address
Room 515ABC
Tuesday, 5 May
12:30 P.M.–2:00 P.M.
Geological Association of Canada (GAC) Annual Luncheon
Room 524BC
6:00 P.M.–8:00 P.M.
Alumni Reception for Department of Earth and Planetary
Sciences, McGill University
Wednesday, 6 May
12:30 P.M.–2:00 P.M.
Mineralogical Association of Canada (MAC) Annual Luncheon
Room 524C
Sunday, 3 May
Workshop Leaders: Jacob Hanley (St. Mary’s University), Galen
Halverson (McGill University)
8:30 A.M.–12:00 P.M.
Teaching Geoethics in Undergraduate Science Programs
Room 518A
Workshop Leaders: Anne Marie Ryan (Dalhousie University), Cathy
Pappas-Maenz (Dawson College), Charly Bank (University of Toronto),
Vince Cronin (Baylor University)
Geoethics, the consideration of the ethical aspects of the Earth
sciences and its impact on society, is a new and evolving field of
interest within the Earth sciences. Increasingly, ethics exams are
incorporated into our induction into the profession, yet it is not
common for students to be exposed to ethical considerations
during their undergraduate years in any systematic or explicit
way. This workshop aims to address the following:
• What specific ethical aspects of our discipline and profession
should our students learn?
• What is our role as geoscience educators to ensure that our
students are exposed to the ethical considerations of our discipline?
• How can we best approach the teaching of geoethics?
• What ethical decision-making process can we share with our
students to help them respond to ethical dilemmas that may arise
during their work as geoscientists?
• Can examination of case studies within the Earth sciences
serve as avenues to address such ethical dilemmas and decisionmaking?
• What case studies in particular can be incorporated into a
variety of undergraduate courses?
7:00 P.M.–10:00 P.M.
Canadian Geophysical Union (CGU) Reception and Banquet
Room 524BC
Thursday, 7 May
12:30 P.M.–2:00 P.M.
Geological Association of Canada (GAC) Mineral Deposits
Division (MDD) Annual Luncheon
Room 524C
Connect to AGU’s network of Earth and space science blogs
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
9:00 A.M.–5:00 P.M.
Teaching with NASA Climate Models
McGill University
Room Burnside 511
1:30 P.M.–4:30 P.M.
Teaching Undergraduate Students in the 21st Century
Room 518A
Workshop Leaders: Mark Chandler (Columbia University/NASA
Goddard Institute for Space Studies), Linda Sohl (Columbia University/
NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies), Drew Bush (McGill
University), and Jian Zhou (Columbia University/NASA Goddard
Institute for Space Studies, Teacher’s College, Columbia University)
Workshop Leaders: Anne Marie Ryan (Dalhousie University), Charly
Bank (University of Toronto)
The projected impacts of climate change are made by complex
global climate models, and to advance the use of these “forecast”
systems, colleges and universities are advancing the level of
training in model development within traditional Earth and
atmospheric science departments. To keep pace with this
demand, it is critical that the next generation is prepared to make
use of the modeling tools-of-the-trade and the data they produce,
because many professions will require a workforce trained to
recognize climate impacts and deal with climate modeling data as
part of both adaptation and mitigation plans. As a result, climate
modelers and educators need to transform the primary climate
science tools for delivery to users well beyond the walls of climate
research institutions.
Few of us have any formal training in teaching or know much about
how students learn best when we begin our careers, either as TAs
or as instructors. With the advance in our understanding of how the
brain learns and the consequential implications for how we teach,
together with the unique aspects of the Earth sciences (field work,
change through geological time frames and spatial scales, etc.), and
advances in education-related technologies, there are a number of
strategies that can make for successful teaching. This workshop serves
to highlight the more significant current best practices as they apply
specifically to the Earth sciences, and will address the following:
• What are student-centered learning outcomes, and how do we
develop them?
• How do we best align our learning outcomes with our course
content and evaluations of our students?
• What are some tried-and-true strategies for teaching core Earth
science concepts?
11:15 A.M.–5:00 P.M.
Share Science in Your Community Workshop
• What are best practices in fieldwork to provide for optimal
student learning?
Workshop Organizer: AGU’s Sharing Science program
• Is it possible to include undergraduate students in the research
process, and if so, what might this look like?
Learn how to communicate science clearly and concisely in a way
that will resonate for people in your community at this hands-on
workshop. When scientists share their work and its value with
community groups, science enters into the local dialogue, and
scientists become accessible resources in their communities.
At this interactive workshop, you will:
• Where do we find resources: information on new pedagogical
approaches; incorporating new technologies in our teaching; what
cognitive science is informing us about how the brain learns best.
• Identify the right group for you to reach out to
1:30 P.M.–5:30 P.M.
The Tectonic Growth and Evolution of SE Canada: The QM-III
Université du Québec à Montréal
Room PK-7605
• Create an effective message about your research/work
Workshop Leaders: Ian Bastow (Imperial College), Fiona Derbyshire (UQAM)
• Tailor your message for a specific audience
This workshop will focus on the southeast region of Canada
where, within a few hundred kilometers, the geological record
spans almost three quarters of Earth history. The focus is the
seismological study of the region from a new network of
broadband seismograph stations operating from the southern tip
of the Hudson Bay to coastal Maine and Nova Scotia. Attendees
with an interest in the plate-scale processes that have affected the
region since Precambrian times are encouraged to attend.
• Learn how to communicate science to people in your
community in a relevant, engaging, and memorable way
• Polish your critical listening skills
• Practice public speaking
• Receive feedback from communications experts and your peers
This workshop is designed for scientists who want to learn how to
more effectively communicate their research/work, as opposed
to policy professionals, outreach specialists, journalists, or other
professional communicators. Scientists from all disciplines and of
all communications-experience levels are welcome. You must be
registered for the Joint Assembly to attend the workshop. This
workshop is free and lunch will be provided. Space is limited, and
advance registration is required.
Thursday, 7 May
8:45 A.M.–3:00 P.M.
Workshop: Canadian Geoscience Education Network Teacher
Professional Development
Room 524B
Workshop: Induced Seismicity
12:00 P.M.–2:00 P.M.
Room 519A
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
AGU Co-Chair
Geomagnetism and Paleomagnetism
CGU Co-Chair
Solid Earth
GAC Co-Chair
Daniel Peters
Environment Canada
Space Physics and Aeronomy
Don Baker
McGill University
Claire Samson
Carleton University
Galen Halverson
McGill University
MAC Co-Chair
Andy McDonald
Laurentian University
Atmospheric Sciences
Anthanasios Nenes
Georgia Institute of Technology
Mark Johnson
University of British Columbia
Carl Mitchell
University of Toronto
Earth Surface Processes
Chris Hugenholtz
University of Calgary
Pranoti Asher
American Geophysical Union
Element Partioning and Mobility
Félix Gervais
École Polytechnique de Montréal
Adrian Burke
University of Montreal
Jeong Woo Kim
University of Calgary
Kristy Tiampo
University of Western Ontario
Sabine Stanley
University of Toronto
Dan Moore
University of British Columbia
Pascal Audet
University of Ottawa
Julian Lowman
University of Toronto, Scarborough
Robyn Millan
Dartmouth University
Mapping and Regional Geology
Luke Ootes
Northwest Territories Geoscience Office
Larry Paxton
Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory
Mineral Deposits and Ore Minerals
David Sibeck
Michel Jébrak
Université de Québec à Montréal
Yajing Liu
McGill University
Mineral Structure, Surfaces,
and Crystallography
Kim Tate
Royal Ontario Museum
Volcanology, Geochemistry, and
Don Baker
McGill University
Ocean Sciences
Margaret Mulholland
Old Dominion University
Local Organizing Committee
Jeff McKenzie (CGA)
McGill University
Paleoceanography and
Jennifer Hertzberg
Texas A&M University
Planetary Sciences
Galen Halverson (GAC)
McGill University
Nathan Bridges
Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics
Barbara Cohen
NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
Precambrian Geology
Andrey Bekker
University of California Riverside
Sedimentary Geology and
Galen Halverson
McGill University
William Minarik (MAC)
McGill University
Michel Baraer
École de Technologie Supérieure
Normand Goulet
L’Université du Québec a Montréal
Michel Jebrak
L’Université du Québec a Montréal
Heather Short
John Abbott College
Sandrine Solignac
L’Université du Québec a Montréal
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
Activities and Events
Society Exhibits (AGU, CGU, GAC, MAC)
Level 5, Room 516
Monday–Thursday, 8:00 A.M.–6:30 P.M.
Level 5, Room 517A
Tuesday – Wednesday, 9:30 A.M.–5:30 P.M.
Thursday, 9:30 A.M.–1:30 P.M.
See pages 26-30 for a complete list of exhibitors.
General Services
Business Center: Information Desk
Outstanding Student Paper Awards (OSPA) Resource Center
Level 5, Room 517 B-D
Monday – Thursday, 8:00 A.M. – 6:30 P.M.
The OSPA Resource Center assists volunteer judges, liaisons,
and coordinators to ensure that all students who signed up are
evaluated and provided with presentation feedback.
Press Room
Main Level 1, Viger Hall
Monday - Thursday, 8:00 A.M. – 6:00 P.M.
The Business Center’s services and products include copying, fax
transmission and receipt, package shipping, office products, and
Coat Check
Level 5, Room 523A
Monday – Wednesday, 7:30 A.M.–6:00 P.M.
Thursday, 7:30 A.M.–2:00 P.M.
To promote public understanding of Earth and space sciences,
the Joint Assembly co-sponsors operate a press room and hold
press conferences as part of this international meeting. Press
conferences are held in the Press Conference Room, Level 5, Room
523B, Monday through Wednesday, 8:00 A.M.–6:00 P.M., and
Thursday, 8:00 A.M.–2:00 P.M. Press releases and other materials
about newsworthy research presented at the meeting are made
available to reporters online at, as well as in the Press Room.
Main Level 1, Viger Hall
Sunday, 4:00 P.M.–8:00 P.M.
Monday – Thursday, 7:30 A.M.–7:00 P.M.
There is a charge of $2.00 CDN for coats and $5.00 CDN for
First Aid
Level 3
Sunday, 12:00 P.M.–8:00 P.M
Monday–Thursday, 8:00 A.M–7:00 P.M.
A registered nurse will be on call during regular meeting hours to
provide basic first aid services and supply items such as bandages
and acetaminophen.
Montreal, Canada
3-7 May 2015
Montréal, Canada
3-7 mai 2015
Thank You to Our Sponsor
AGU would like to take the time to recognize the generous
support from the sponsor of the 2015 Joint Assembly.
Geoscientists Canada/Géoscientifiques Canada
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
Internet Stations
Level 5 Foyer outside Poster Hall
Computers are available for attendees use. Please be mindful of
your time when colleagues are waiting to use the internet.
Lost and Found
A Lost and Found will be located at the Meeting Services Counter
during registration hours. At the end of each day, articles will be
brought to the Palais des congrès Security.
Level 5, Poster Hall 517
10:00 A.M– 10:30 A.M. Coffee and Soft Drinks
4:00 P.M. – 4:30 P.M Coffee, Soft Drinks, and Beer
Special Needs
Reasonable support is provided to anyone with special needs.
If you require special assistance during the meeting, visit the
Meeting Services counter in the registration area.
Presenter Services
Poster Help
Poster Hall, Rooms 517B-D
Monday – Thursday, 7:30 A.M–6:30 P.M.
Staff will be available to assist you with your poster location
and other on-site needs. Push pins, tape, and scissors will be
available for your use. If you have special needs for your poster
presentation, we suggest you bring those supplies with you to the
meeting. Presenters will also be able to place on-site orders for
audiovisual equipment here.
Registration Services
A guest is a spouse, friend, or adult child (18 years old and
older) who is not working in a geophysical sciences-related
occupation or field. A colleague or associate working in a
related geophysical sciences field or studying geophysics
in school may not be registered and attend as a guest.
Registered guests may not attend the scientific sessions;
however, they may visit the Exhibit Hall and attend Sunday’s
Ice Breaker. Guests are required to purchase tickets to social
events at the advertised rates.
Meeting Services
Level 5 Foyer
Sunday, 12:00 P.M.–7:30 P.M.
Monday, 6:00 A.M.–6:30 P.M.
Tuesday-Wednesday, 7:00 A.M.–6:30 P.M.
Thursday 7:00 A.M.–5:00 P.M.
Staff will be on hand to answer any questions related to the
registration process.
Level 5 Foyer
All attendees must register and wear their conference badge
while attending all Joint Assembly functions.
(See inside front cover for hours of operation.)
Poster Hall
Monday – Thursday, 7:30 A.M–6:30 P.M.
Staff will be available to assist you with your poster location
and other on-site needs. Push pins, tape, and scissors will be
available for your use. If you have special needs for your poster
presentation, we suggest you bring those supplies with you to the
meeting. Presenters will also be able to place on-site orders for
audiovisual equipment here.
Speaker Ready Room
Room 512 C-G
Sunday, 12:00 P.M.–7:30 P.M.
Monday, 6:00 A.M.–5:00 P.M.
Tuesday-Wednesday, 7:00 A.M.–5:00 P.M.
Thursday, 7:00 A.M.–3:00 P.M.
ALL speakers are required to check into the Speaker Ready Room
at least 24 hours before their presentation. Those presenting on
Monday, 4 May, must check in on Sunday.
What Are You Missing?
Be Part of AGU in 2015
Discounts on AGU journals and books
Discounted registration rates for AGU meetings and
ability to submit abstracts
FREE selection of e-books rotating on a quarterly basis
Opportunity to join AGU sections and focus groups, and
connect with peers who share your scientific interests
Join or renew today!
Which Conference Will You Be Attending in 2015?
AGU Chapman conferences are small, topical meetings designed
to permit in-depth exploration of specialized subjects
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
Services offerts durant la réunion
Activités et évènements organisés
Stands d’exposants
Niveau 5, salle 517A
Mardi–mercredi, 9 h 30–17 h 30
Jeudi, 9 h 30 –13 h 30
Pour la liste complète des exposants, se reporter aux pages 26-30.
Centre de ressources pour les prix des meilleures
présentations d’étudiants (PMPE)
Services généraux
Centre de services d’affaires: comptoir d’information
Niveau principal 1, hall Viger
Lundi - jeudi, 8 h–18 h
Les services et produits offerts au centre de services d’affaires
comprennent la photocopie, la télécopie, l’expédition de colis, des
produits de bureau et plus encore.
Niveau 5, salles 517 B-D
Lundi – jeudi, 8 h – 18 h 30
Le Centre de ressources PMPE fournit du soutien aux juges
bénévoles, aux agents de liaison et aux coordinateurs pour voir à
ce que tous les étudiants inscrits soient évalués et reçoivent une
rétroaction sur leur présentation.
Niveau principal 1, hall Viger
Dimanche, 16 h –20 h
Lundi–jeudi, 7 h 30–19 h
Des frais de 2,00 $CA pour les manteaux et de 5,00 $CA pour les bagages
Salle de presse
Niveau 3
Dimanche, 12 h–20 h
Lundi - jeudi, 8 h–19 h
Une infirmière ou un infirmier est en poste durant les heures normales
de la réunion pour dispenser les premiers soins et fournir certains articles
comme des pansements et de l’acétaminophène.
Niveau 5, salle 523A
Lundi–mercredi, 7 h 30–18 h
Jeudi, 7 h 30 – 14 h
Afin de promouvoir la compréhension des sciences de la Terre et
de l’espace au sein du grand public, les coparraineurs de la réunion
conjointe ont prévu une salle de presse où ils organisent des
conférences de presse dans le cadre de cette réunion internationale.
Les conférences de presse ont lieu dans la salle des conférences de
presse, niveau 5, salle 523B, de lundi à mercredi, de 8 h à 16 h, et jeudi,
de 8 h à 14 h. Les communiqués et autres documents concernant
des travaux de recherche présentés durant la réunion et susceptibles
d’intéresser les médias seront mis à la disposition des journalistes, en
ligne au, ainsi que dans la salle de
Stands d’association (AGU, UGC, AGC, AMC)
Niveau 5, salles 516 A-E
Lundi– Jeudi, 8 h–18 h 30
Premiers soins
Postes internet
Foyer du niveau 5 à l’extérieur du hall des affiches
Des ordinateurs sont mis à la disposition des délégués. Ces derniers
devraient limiter leur temps d’utilisation des ordinateurs quand
d’autres délégués attendent pour accéder à Internet.
Objets perdus
Un service d’objets perdus est situé au comptoir de services durant la
réunion, pendant les heures d’inscription. À la fin de chaque journée, les
articles non réclamés seront apportés au service de sécurité du Palais des
Niveau 5, hall des affiches 517
10 h–10 h 30 Café et boissons non alcoolisées
16 h–16 h 30 Café, boissons non alcoolisées et bière
Besoins particuliers
Un soutien raisonnable est offert à toute personne ayant des besoins
particuliers. Pour de l’assistance durant la réunion, se rendre au
comptoir des services durant la réunion dans la zone d’inscription.
Services pour les présentateurs
Soutien pour les affiches
Hall des affiches
Lundi – jeudi, 7 h 30 –18 h 30
Du personnel est disponible pour aider les présentateurs à trouver
l’emplacement de leur affiche et à l’installer, et pour d’autre soutien
sur place. Des punaises, du ruban et des ciseaux sont mis à la
disposition des présentateurs. Pour toute exigence particulière
pour la présentation d’une affiche, il est suggéré aux présentateurs
d’apporter leurs propres fournitures avec eux à la réunion. Les
présentateurs peuvent également demander du matériel audiovisuel
sur place.
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
Services offerts durant la réunion
Salle de préparation pour les conférenciers
Salles 512 C-G
Dimanche, 12 h–19 h 30
Lundi, 6 h-17 h
Mardi – mercredi, 7 h–17 h
Jeudi, 7 h – 15 h
TOUS les conférenciers doivent se présenter à la salle de préparation
au moins 24 heures avant leur présentation. Les conférenciers dont
la présentation est prévue pour le lundi 4 mai doivent se présenter le
Les invités comprennent les conjoints, amis ou enfants adultes
(18 ans ou plus) qui n’œuvrent pas un domaine relié aux sciences
géophysiques. Un collègue ou associé qui travaille dans un domaine
relié aux sciences géophysiques ou qui étudie la géophysique
à l’école ne peut s’inscrire, ni assister à la réunion à titre d’invité.
Les invités inscrits ne peuvent assister aux sessions techniques. Ils
peuvent toutefois visiter le hall des exposants et assister au cocktail
de bienvenue qui se tient le dimanche. Les invités doivent acheter des
billets aux prix affichés pour les activités sociales.
Services durant la réunion
Foyer du niveau 5
Dimanche, 12 h–19 h 30
Lundi, 6 h–18 h 30
Mardi-Mercredi, 7 h–18 h 30
jeudi 7 h 00–17 h
De personnel est sur place pour répondre à toute question portant sur le
processus d’inscription.
Foyer du niveau 5
Tous les délégués doivent s’inscrire et porter leur insigne de la réunion
quand ils assistent à des activités dans le cadre de la réunion conjointe.
(Se reporter au deuxième de couverture pour les heures d’ouverture
de la réunion.)
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
Speaker Ready Room
Oral Sessions
Poster Halls
Palais des congrès de Montréal
Poster Hall and Exhibits
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
Old Montréal
and Old Port
Wine Bar and Restaurant
212 Notre-Dame Street West
514 282-2020
$$$ É Québec (new cuisine)
Aix Cuisine
Hôtel Place d’Armes
711 Place d’Armes Hill
514 904-1201
$$ É Québec (new cuisine)
Assommoir Notre-Dame
211 Notre-Dame Street West
514 272-0777
$$ É Mediterranean
Cabaret Music-Hall
304 Notre-Dame Street East
514 528-9766
$$$ É Québec (new cuisine)
312 Saint-Paul Street West
514 544-5800
$$ France
Bateau-Mouche at
the Old Port of Montréal
Jacques-Cartier Quay
Old Port of Montréal
514 849-9952
$$$$ É France
343 Saint-Paul Street East
514 903-9343
$$$ É Québec (new cuisine)
Bar + Pizzeria
410 Saint-Vincent Street
514 861-5039
$$ É Italy
310 Saint-Paul Street West
514 507-8727
$$ France
Auberge & Restaurant Bonaparte
443 Saint-François-Xavier Street
514 844-4368
$$ É France
Boris Bistro
465 McGill Street
514 848-9575
$$ É France
Chez Catherine
31 de la Commune Street East
514 398-9216
$ Québec (traditional)
Canadian Maple Delights
84 Saint-Paul Street East
514 765-3456
$ Québec (traditional)
Casa de Mateo
438 Saint-François-Xavier Street
514 844-7448
$$ É North America
Chez Delmo
275 Notre-Dame Street West
514 288-4288
$$$ É France
Chez L’Épicier
311 Saint-Paul Street East
514 878-2232
$$$$ Québec (new cuisine)
17. Chez Queux
158 Saint-Paul Street East
514 866-5194
$$ France
135 de la Commune Street West
514 937-6555
$$$ É Québec (new cuisine)
Croisières AML Cruises (Seasonal)
King-Edward Quay
Old Port of Montréal
514 842-3871
$$$$ É North America
230 Saint-Paul Street West
514 845-5866
$$ India
21. Gault Restaurant
449 Sainte-Hélène Street
514 904-1616
$$ É Continental Europe
116 McGill Street
514 876-0116
$$$$ É Italy
Jardin Nelson (Seasonal)
407 Place Jacques-Cartier
514 861-5731
$$ North America
L’Atelier d’Argentine
355 Marguerite D’Youville Street
514 287-3362
$$ É Latin America
L’Auberge Saint-Gabriel
426 Saint-Gabriel Street
514 878-3561
$$$ GÉ Québec (new cuisine)
La Sauvagine
115E St-Paul Street East
514 861-3210
$$ France
Le Bourlingueur
363 Saint-François-Xavier Street
514 845-3646
$ France
Le Cabaret du Roy
363 de la Commune Street East
514 907-9000
$$ GÉ
Québec (traditional)
Le Cartet
106 McGill Street
514 871-8887
$ Québec (new cuisine)
Le Club Chasse et Pêche
Restaurant Bar Salon
423 Saint-Claude Street
514 861-1112
$$$ Québec (new cuisine)
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
Society Booths
Exhibit Hall
Visit the co-sponsoring societies of the 2015 Joint Assembly in
Room 516 on Level 5. The societies will have membership
booths located in this networking room that will be open from
8:00 A.M.–6:30 P.M. on Monday through Thursday.
The Exhibit Hall will be located in Room 517A on Level 5. The
Exhibit Hall will be open from 9:30 A.M.–5:30 P.M. on TuesdayWednesday and from 9:30 A.M.–1:30 P.M. on Thursday.
American Geophysical Union
Alpha Mach Inc.
2000 Florida Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20009 USA
Phone: +1-800-966-2481
Web Site:
AGU is an international scientific society of more than 62,000
members representing 144 countries. AGU provides a collaborative and engaging forum for the geoscience community through
scholarly journals, books, meetings, career services, education
and student programs, and science policy resources.
Booth: 35
101-2205 Bombardier
Sainte-Julie, QC J3E 2J9 Canada
Phone: +1-450-446-3153
Web Site:
Alpha Mach specializes in the design and fabrication of miniature
and low cost submersible archival tags. Our instruments offer the
opportunity to economically monitor soil water movement, riverbeds, lakes and river tributaries for extensive hydrographic surveys.
Canadian Geophysical Union
Beta Analytic-Radiocarbon Dating
P.O. Box 878
Niagara on the Lake, ON, L0S 1J0 Canada
Phone: +1-905-468-5896
Web Site:
Descriptive materials on the purpose, activities and modalities of
operation of the Canadian Geophysical Union and its constituent
sections: Hydrology, Geodesy, Solid Earth, Biogeosciences and
Earth Surface Processes.
Geological Association of Canada
c/o Dept of Earth Sciences, Memorial University of Newfoundland
St. John's, NL A1B 3X5 Canada
Phone: +1-709-864-7660
Web Site:
The Geological Association of Canada (GAC®) is a national multidisciplinary geoscience organization with representatives in all
Canadian Territories and Provinces as well as the United States,
Europe, and other parts of the world. The GAC® makes significant
contributions to the promotion and development of the geological sciences in Canada through publications (books such as Facies
Models 4, and periodicals such as Geoscience Canada), awards
(including national, regional and discipline-based), conferences,
meetings and exhibitions.
Mineralogical Association of Canada
490, rue de la Couronne
Québec, QC G1K 9A9 Canada
Phone: +1-418-653-0333
Web Site:
The Mineralogical Association of Canada is a non-profit scientific organization whose mission is to promote and advance the
knowledge of mineralogy and the allied disciplines of crystallography, petrology, geochemistry and mineral deposits. To
this end, the Association publishes The Canadian Mineralogist,
special publications and short course volumes and co-publishes
the Elements magazine. Memberships and subscriptions to our
Journal and publications series are available as well as single copy
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
Booth: 28
4985 SW 74 Court
Miami, FL 33155 USA
Phone: +1-305-662-7760
Web Site:
ISO 17025-accredited Beta Analytic is a dedicated radiocarbon
dating (AMS) laboratory with standard turnaround time of 14
business days. Expedited services are available (2-6 business
days). All analyses are performed in-house; BETA does not engage
in satellite dating. Multiple laboratories in Miami, Florida, ensure
redundancy and dependable delivery. Results are accessible 24/7
via web and mobile access. Respected worldwide for accuracy,
high quality, and customer care. BETA has sample forwarding offices around the world.
Cambridge University Press
Booth: 26
32 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10013 USA
Phone: +1-212-924-3900
Web Site:
Stop by the Cambridge University Press booth to receive a 20%
discount on our latest Earth Science titles including: Geodynamics
3rd Edition (Turcotte and Schubert), Practical Selsmic Data Analysis (Zhou), Geohysics for the Mineral Exploration Geoscientist
(Dentith and Mudge), and Climate Change 2014 (IPCC). Enter our
raffle for a chance to WIN a book. Our editor Matt Loyd will also be
on hand to discuss new book proposals.
Campbell Scientific (Canada) Corp.
Booth: 15
14532 131 Avenue NW
Edmonton, AB T5L 4X4 Canada
Phone: +1- 780-454-2505
Web Site:
Campbell Scientific (Canada) Corp. has been a provider of reliable
data acquisition systems for environmental monitoring applications for over 35 years. Our wide range of precision sensors
measure many parameters including eddy-covariance flux, snow
depth, snow water equivalent, soil water content, and precipitation, among many others. Campbell Scientific data loggers
feature wide operating ranges, low power consumption, many
telecommunications options, and have the flexibility to support a
variety of measurement and control applications.
Canadian Science Publishing
Booth: 55
65 Auriga Dr., Suite 203
Ottawa, ON K2E 7W6 Canada
Phone: +1-613-656-9846 ext. 237
Web Site:
We are an independent, not-for-profit scholarly publisher. We
publish 17 peer-reviewed journals including Arctic Science, the
Canadian Geotechnical Journal, and the Canadian Journal of Earth
Sciences. Many of our journals have been in continuous circulation since 1929. Although we are a Canadian company, we have
an international reach in terms of our authorship, readership, and
editorial board composition.
Elemental Controls-Thermo Scientific Niton
Booth: 6
3230 Wharton Way
Mississauga, ON L4X 201 Canada
Phone: +1-905-282-9974
Web Site:
Elemental Controls is the exclusive Canadian distributor for Thermo
Scientific Niton hand-held and field lab XRF analyzers, providing
the latest technology for elemental analysis ranging from Mg to
U in the periodic table from low ppm to high % levels – all with
Fit-for-Purpose accuracy. We offer 20 plus years’ experience with
technical sales, service repair and recalibration services and training
sessions. We provide purchase, leasing and rental packages to
assist our customers in solving their analytical applications.
Elemental Scientific, Inc.
Booth: 36
7277 World Communications Drive
Omaha, NE 68122 USA
Phone: +1-402-991-7800
Web Site:
Elemental Scientific (ESI) is an internationally recognized leader
in developing innovative sample introduction systems for trace
metal analysis of a wide variety of samples by ICPMS, ICP, and FAA,
Our product line ranges from consumables to fully automated
inline dilution systems that increase sample throughput and
improve data quality.
Gasmet Technologies Inc.
Booth: 46
956A, The Queensway
Toronto, ON M8Z 1P5 Canada
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
Phone: +1-416-354-2377
Web Site:
Gasmet's rugged FTIR multi-gas analyzers provide exceptional
analytical precision for researchers measuring soil gas fluxes in
the field. The DX-series portable FTIR Gas Analyzers are lightweight and compact for easy field transport and our Calcmet
Software provides an easy-to-use interface for researchers to view
multiple gases in near real-time.
Geological Society of America
Booth: 53
3300 Penrose Place, P. O. Box 9140
Boulder, CO 80301 USA
Phone: +1-303-357-1000
Web Site:
The Geological Society of America (GSA) is a not for profit organization dedicated to the advancement of the geosciences. GSA is
an expanding global membership society with 26,000 members
in more than 115 countries representing over 40 scientific specialties and interests. GSA recognizes Earth science excellence with
awards, promotes lifelong learning through scientific conferences
and publishes a wide range of peer reviewed scholarly works in
the form of journals, books field guides and maps and charts.
Booth: 33
2190 Fortune Dr.
San Jose, CA 95131 USA
Phone: +1-408-954-0522
Web Site:
Geometrics manufactures, sells, rents, and services magnetometers, seismographs, and electrical conductivity and resistivity
systems for land, marine and air investigations of the subsurface.
Geoscience Laboratories
Booth: 13
Willet Green Miller Centre, 933 Ramsey Lake Road
Sudbury, ON P3E 6B5 Canada
Phone: +1-705-670-5632
Web Site:
The Geoscience Laboratories (Geo Labs) is a full-service geoanalytical facility with a focus on providing analytical and research services
in inorganic geochemistry, mineralogy, and method development.
The Ontario Geological Survey is the Geo Labs' largest client.
GNS Science/Rafter Radiocarbon
Booth: 54
30 Gracefield Road, Gracefield
Lower Hutt, 5010 New Zealand
Phone: +64-4-5704123
Web Site:
Rafter Radiocarbon is the worlds oldest radiocarbon lab providing
services to researchers for over 60 years. GNS Science is New
Zealand's Earth sciences research Institute and 2015 is our 150th
Anniversary. With decades of experience, our radiocarbon,
tritium, stable and cosmogenic labs provide services for a wide
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
variety of applications with a focus on the quality of the results
and value for service. We also make high quality thin sections.
Hoskin Scientific Ltd.
Booth: 16
4210 Morris Dr.
Burlington, ONT L7L 5L6 Canada
Phone: +1-905-333-5510
Web Site:
For over fifty years, Hoskin Scientific has been a supplier of testing
and monitoring instrumentation to the Canadian market. With
offices in Vancouver, Burlington, and Montreal our customers
are able to receive local sales and technical support in our three
major departments. Our Environmental Department provides
solutions for monitoring and sampling physical, biological and
chemical parameters in the environment. Specific areas include:
water quality, water quantity, soil moisture, plant science, weather
stations, aquatic sampling and oceanography. For more information please visit Hoskin online at
Booth: 52
Booth: 1
P.O. Box 878
490, rue de la Couronne
Québec, QC G1K 9A9 Canada
Phone: +1-418-654-3780
Web Site:
The International Continental Scientific Drilling Program (ICDP) is
aiming at coordinating international science communities around
continental drilling projects with a large range of scientific targets, drilling depths and technology challenges. The International
Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) is exploring the Earth under
the sea to recover geological data and samples from beneath the
ocean floor to study the history and dynamics of Planet Earth. This
booth particularly outlines accomplishments and implications of
Canadian Scientists within both ICDP and IODP.
Isomass Scientific
Booth: 47
#140 5700 1st Street SW
Calgary, AB T2H 3A9 Canada
Phone: +1-800-363-7823
Web Site:
We are a full-service company providing mass spectrometers,
elemental analyser, laser systems and laboratory ancillaries. We
provide instrumentation from Selfrag, Thermo, Costech, Spetec
and Cetac and consumables from Elemental Microanalysis and SIS.
This year we are introducing a range of CRMs for ICP, ICP-MS, XRF
and AA from Elemental Microanalysis. Please visit www.isomass.
com to see our full line of products.
Lalonde AMS Laboratory, University of Ottawa
Booth: 56
Advanced Research Complex, 25 Templeton St.
Ottawa, ON K1N 6N5 Canada
Phone: +1-613-562-5800 ext. 6848
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
Web Site:
The Lalonde AMS Laboratory, located in the University of Ottawa's
new state-of-the-art Advanced Research Complex,is a facility
for the analysis of isotopes at very low concentrations in natural
materials and for research into new techniques and applications
of this technology. It features a custom-built 3 MV tandem accelerator mass spectrometer and sample preparation laboratories
designed to analyze an array of isotopes, including 3H, 10Be, 14C,
26Al, 36Cl, 129I and the actinides.
Li-COR Biosciences
Booth: 5
4647 Superior St
Lincoln, NE 68504 USA
Phone: +1-402-467-3576
Web Site:
Visit LI-COR's booth (#5) to see the latest instrumentation for
environmental research, including the LI-8100A Automated Soil
CO2 Flux System and the LAI-2200C Plant Canopy Analyzer, with
new capabilities for using under nearly any sky condition, and an
optional integrated GPS receiver. LI-COR will also feature complete eddy covariance systems, including the LI-7500A Open Path
CO2/H2O Analyzer, and solutions for remote communications,
solar power, and real-time flux processing hardware and software
Booth: 43
250 Herzberg Rd
Kanata, ON K2K2A1 Canada
Phone: +1-613-592-6776
Web Site:
Nanometrics is the world-renowned expert in real-time seismic
monitoring for critical operations, with 30 years’ experience
delivering superior solutions across the globe. Leading scientific
institutions, universities and major resource corporations rely on
our real-time and portable systems for critical seismic data and
processing. Our pedigree is founded on precision instrumentation,
network technology and software applications for seismological
and environmental research. We specialize in collecting, processing
and analyzing critical real-time seismic data for global, regional and
local seismic networks in a safety conscious environment.
RBR Ltd.
Booth: 25
95 Hines Rd. Unit 5
Ottawa, ON K2K 2M5 Canada
Phone: +1-613-599-8900
Web Site:
RBR Limited is based in Ottawa, Canada and was established in
1976. The company is an industry leader in the design, development and manufacture of high precision instruments for oceanographic, freshwater, groundwater and cryospheric research.
Products include CTDs, small temperature or depth loggers, tide
gauges, wave loggers and multi-parameter sondes.
Scintrex/Mircro-g LasCoste
Booth: 45
222 Snidercroft Road
Concord, ON L4K2Kl Canada
Phone: +1-905-669-2280
Web Site:
Scintrex and Micro-g LaCoste, the gravity specialist, meeting all
your gravity requirements. Our FG5-X absolute gravimeter has
an increased drop distance and reduced maintenance. The new
gPhoneX monitoring gravimeter has a noise envelope 10 times
smaller to detect much smaller signals. Our borehole gravity
services uses gravity tools such as the Bluecap (™) for deeper holes
or Gravilog (™) for slim holes to allow you to make fully informed
decisions about the densities around the boreholes.
Selfrag Ag
Booth: 48
#140 5700 1st Street SW
Calgary, AB T2H 3A9 Canada
Phone: +1- 800-363-7823
Web Site:
SELFRAG Lab is a laboratory batch equipment. It uses our high
voltage pulse power technology to liberate morphologically intact
minerals. We provide you with a high quality tool for sample
preparation and subsequent analyses. The predominant fracturing
is realized along grain boundaries and enables the recovery of
mono mineral fractions as well as a high yield of target specimens.
Please visit for a full description of the LAB.
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
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Impact Factor
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Impact Factor
Volume 42 • Issue 2 • 28 January 2015 • Pages 185–672
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Volume 2 • Issue 1 • January 2015 • Pages 1–38
Volume 6 • Issue 3 • September 2014 • Pages 491-956
AGU has 3
Open Access
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
Sponsors &
Oral Session
Poster Session
Atmospheric Sciences
Element Partitioning and Mobility
Earth Surface Processes
Geomagnetism and Paleomagnetism
Geomatics and Regional Geology
Mineral Deposits and Ore Minerals
Solid Earth
Sedimentary Geology and Paleobiology
Volcanology, Geochemistry, and Petrology
Start Time
Wednesday P.M.
MRG Mapping and Regional Geology
MS Mineral Structure, Surfaces, and Crystallography
OS Ocean Sciences
Planetary Sciences
PG Precambrian Geology
PP Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology
General Contribution: Tectonophysics I
2:00 P.M.
Volcanology, Geochemistry, and Petrology
Origin of Cratonic Mantle Lithosphere, Diamonds, and
Deeply Sourced Volatile-Rich Melts: Processes and
2:00 P.M.
Timescales I
Exploring the Subsurface Through Scientific Drilling:
Contributions From ICDP and IODP II Posters
4:30 P.M.
Atmospheric Sciences
Poster Hall
Land-Atmosphere Interactions: From Models and Observations Posters
4:30 P.M.
Poster Hall
Can We Differentiate the Effects of Climate and Management Practices on Nitrous Oxide Emissions From AgriculB34A
tural Land? II Posters
Peut-on Différencier les Effets des Pratiques Culturales
4:30 P.M.
Poster Hall
de Ceux du Climat sur les Émissions d’Oxyde Nitreux
d’Origine Agricole?
Session Number. A session number designates the section, or other
sponsoring group, and chronology of the presentation.
AS 21 C
Example: AS21C = Atmospheric Sciences, Tuesday, A.M., concurrent session C
Concurrent Session
1 = Monday
1 = AM
2 = Tuesday
2 = AM
3 = Wednesday
3 = PM
4 = Thursday
4 = PM
Poster Session
Oral Session
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
Sponsors &
Oral Session
Poster Session
Atmospheric Sciences
Element Partitioning and Mobility
Earth Surface Processes
Geomagnetism and Paleomagnetism
Geomatics and Regional Geology
Mineral Deposits and Ore Minerals
Monday A.M.
Atmospheric Sciences
Atmospheric Sciences General Contributions, Including
Air Quality
MRG Mapping and Regional Geology
MS Mineral Structure, Surfaces, and Crystallography
OS Ocean Sciences
Planetary Sciences
PG Precambrian Geology
PP Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology
Solid Earth
Sedimentary Geology and Paleobiology
Volcanology, Geochemistry, and Petrology
8:00 A.M. 513D-F
Climate Applications of Multi-Model Ensemble (MME)
Systems I
Applications des systèmes de prévisions climatiques
8:00 A.M. 513A-C
d’ensemble multi-modèles.
Global Methane Cycles of Wetlands: Observation, Modeling, and Future Challenge and Direction I
8:00 A.M.
Earth Surface Processes
River Ice Dynamics and Channel Morphology
Dynamique de glace rivière et la morphologie du canal
8:00 A.M. 511B
General Hydrology I
Hydrologic Modeling Across Scales: On the Issue of Scale
8:00 A.M. 514A-C
8:00 A.M. 515A-C
Mafic-Ultramafic Magmatic Ore Deposits I
Gisements mafiques et ultramafiques d’origine magmatique
Recent Developments at Sudbury and Other Canadian
Impact Structures
8:00 A.M. 510A
Planetary Sciences
Big Data and Advanced Geocomputations
Mineral Deposits and Ore Minerals
8:00 A.M. 511C
8:00 A.M. 510D
Precambrian Geology
Canadian Cratons Through Time: 4.0 Ga of Chemical EvoluPG11A
tion and Tectonism
Cratons canadiens: 4.0 milliards d’années d’ évolution
8:00 A.M. 510C
chimique et tectonique
Advances in Ground Motion Modeling in Eastern North
America I
8:00 A.M. 511A
Sedimentary Geology and Paleobiology
General Contributions in Sedimentary Geology and
8:00 A.M. 511D
Space Physics and Aeronomy
Solar System Plasma Intermittency, Turbulence, and
Complexity I
8:00 A.M. 510B
Crustal Evolution in Large Hot Orogens From PreT11A
collisional Continental Margin Through the Collision and
Collapse Stages: Evidence From Field, Analytical, and
8:00 A.M. 511E
Numerical Studies I
Volcanology, Geochemistry, and Petrology
3D Mapping Geology
8:00 A.M. 511F
Atmospheric Sciences
Climate Applications of Multi-Model Ensemble (MME)
Systems II
Applications des systèmes de prévisions climatiques
10:30 A.M. 513A-C
d’ensemble multi-modèles.
Climate Change Impacts at Regional Scales: Strategies for
Efficient and Effective Simulation Studies I
Mercury Biogeochemistry and Environmental Change I
10:30 A.M. 513D-F
10:30 A.M. 512A/B/E/F
Earth Surface Processes
Advancements in Environmental Site Assessment and
Characterization I
10:30 A.M. 511C
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
Sponsors &
Oral Session
Poster Session
Atmospheric Sciences
Element Partitioning and Mobility
Earth Surface Processes
Geomagnetism and Paleomagnetism
Geomatics and Regional Geology
Mineral Deposits and Ore Minerals
Monday A.M.
Modeling the Neutral Atmosphere and Ionosphere for
Geodetic and Geophysical Applications
Geothermal Energy
Some Do Not Like It Hot: Climate Change Impacts on the
Thermal and Flow Regimes of Hydrologic Systems
Gisements mafiques et ultramafiques d’origine magmatique
10:30 A.M. 510A
Tectonics During the Boring Billion I
Advances in Ground Motion Modeling in Eastern North
America II
General Contributions in Heliophysics I
10:30 A.M. 510C
10:30 A.M. 511A
Space Physics and Aeronomy
Shock Processes in Terrestrial and Extraterrestrial Materials 10:30 A.M. 510D
History of Middle Earth: Sedimentation, Evolution, and
10:30 A.M. 515A-C
Precambrian Geology
Planetary Sciences
Solid Earth
Sedimentary Geology and Paleobiology
Volcanology, Geochemistry, and Petrology
10:30 A.M. 514A-C
Mineral Deposits and Ore Minerals
Mafic-Ultramafic Magmatic Ore Deposits II
10:30 A.M. 511B
MRG Mapping and Regional Geology
MS Mineral Structure, Surfaces, and Crystallography
OS Ocean Sciences
Planetary Sciences
PG Precambrian Geology
PP Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology
10:30 A.M. 510B
Crustal Evolution in Large Hot Orogens From PreT12A
collisional Continental Margin Through the Collision and
Collapse Stages: Evidence From Field, Analytical, and
10:30 A.M. 511E
Numerical Studies II
Volcanology, Geochemistry, and Petrology
VGP12A 3D Imaging of Natural and Artificial Earth Materials I
Using Computational Thermodynamics to Model Natural
Systems: Recent Advances and Challenges for the Future I
10:30 A.M. 511F
Monday P.M.
Atmospheric Sciences
Atmospheric Deposition of Various Pollutants at Local,
Regional, and Global Scales
Atmospheric Sciences General Contributions, Including
Mercury Biogeochemistry and Environmental Change II
General Geodesy and Geodynamics I
2:00 P.M. 513A-C
2:00 P.M. 513D-F
2:00 P.M. 511C
10:30 A.M. 511D
2:00 P.M. 511B
Advances in Oil Sands Reclamation Research
2:00 P.M. 515A-C
General Hydrology II
2:00 P.M. 510D
Hydroclimatic Processes in the Laurentian Great Lakes
2:00 P.M. 514A-C
Isotopic Tools to Assess Human Impacts on Large River
Outils isotopiques pour caractériser les impacts an-
2:00 P.M. 510B
thropiques sur les grands fleuves
Mineral Deposits and Ore Minerals
VMS Deposits and Their Geological Environment I
Les sulfures massifs volcanogènes et leur environnement
2:00 P.M. 510A
Planetary Sciences
Rosetta Mission: Science From the Pre-perihelion Phase
2:00 P.M.
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
Sponsors &
Oral Session
Poster Session
Atmospheric Sciences
Element Partitioning and Mobility
Earth Surface Processes
Geomagnetism and Paleomagnetism
Geomatics and Regional Geology
Mineral Deposits and Ore Minerals
Monday P.M.
Precambrian Geology
MRG Mapping and Regional Geology
MS Mineral Structure, Surfaces, and Crystallography
OS Ocean Sciences
Planetary Sciences
PG Precambrian Geology
PP Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology
Solid Earth
Sedimentary Geology and Paleobiology
Volcanology, Geochemistry, and Petrology
Canadian Cratons Through Time: 4.0 Ga of Chemical
Evolution and Tectonism II
Cratons canadiens: 4.0 milliards d’années d’ évolution
2:00 P.M. 510C
chimique et tectonique
Solid Earth
Deep Earth Dynamics
2:00 P.M. 511A
Laser Imaging in the Earth Sciences I
2:00 P.M. 511D
Crustal Evolution in Large Hot Orogens From PreT13A
collisional Continental Margin Through the Collision and
Collapse Stages: Evidence From Field, Analytical, and
2:00 P.M. 511E
Numerical Studies III
Volcanology, Geochemistry, and Petrology
Enriching Concordia; Microstructure Meets the Geochronology of Earth and Solar System Processes I
2:00 P.M. 511F
Plenary Session: Hydraulic Fracturing and Induced Seismicity 4:30 P.M. 513A-C
Atmospheric Sciences
Atmospheric Deposition of Various Pollutants at Local,
Regional, and Global Scales Posters
Atmospheric Sciences General Contributions I Posters
4:30 P.M.
4:30 P.M.
Poster Hall
Poster Hall
Climate Applications of Multi-Model Ensemble (MME)
Systems Posters
Applications des systèmes de prévisions climatiques
4:30 P.M.
Poster Hall
d’ensemble multi-modèles.
Climate Change Impacts at Regional Scales: Strategies for
Efficient and Effective Simulation Studies II Posters
Global Methane Cycles of Wetlands: Observation, Modeling, and Future Challenge and Direction II Posters
Mercury Biogeochemistry and Environmental Change
III Posters
4:30 P.M.
4:30 P.M.
4:30 P.M.
General Education Posters
4:30 P.M.
Advancements in Environmental Site Assessment and
Characterization II Posters
Earth Surface Processes Posters
4:30 P.M.
4:30 P.M.
Gravity, Geoid, and Height Systems Posters
Gravité, Géoïde et Systèmes altimétriques
4:30 P.M.
Geomagnetism and Paleomagnetism General Contributions
4:30 P.M.
Advances in Oil Sands Reclamation Research Posters
4:30 P.M.
General Hydrology Posters
4:30 P.M.
Geothermal Energy Posters
4:30 P.M.
Poster Hall
Poster Hall
Poster Hall
Poster Hall
Poster Hall
Poster Hall
Geomagnetism and Paleomagnetism
Poster Hall
Earth Surface Processes
Poster Hall
Hydroclimatic Processes in the Laurentian Great Lakes
Hydrologic Modeling Across Scales: On the Issue of Scale
Dependency Posters
4:30 P.M.
4:30 P.M.
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
Poster Hall
Poster Hall
Poster Hall
Poster Hall
Poster Hall
Sponsors &
Oral Session
Poster Session
Atmospheric Sciences
Element Partitioning and Mobility
Earth Surface Processes
Geomagnetism and Paleomagnetism
Geomatics and Regional Geology
Mineral Deposits and Ore Minerals
Monday P.M.
MRG Mapping and Regional Geology
MS Mineral Structure, Surfaces, and Crystallography
OS Ocean Sciences
Planetary Sciences
PG Precambrian Geology
PP Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology
Solid Earth
Sedimentary Geology and Paleobiology
Volcanology, Geochemistry, and Petrology
Isotopic Tools to Assess Human Impacts on Large River
Systems Posters
Outils isotopiques pour caractériser les impacts an-
4:30 P.M.
Poster Hall
thropiques sur les grands fleuves
Mineral Deposits and Ore Minerals
Mafic-Ultramafic Magmatic Ore Deposits III Posters
Gisements mafiques et ultramafiques d’origine magmatique
4:30 P.M.
Poster Hall
VMS Deposits and Their Geological Environment II
Les sulfures massifs volcanogènes et leur environnement
4:30 P.M.
Poster Hall
Ocean Sciences
General Session: Ocean Sciences I Posters
4:30 P.M.
Planetary Sciences
Nondestructive Study of Meteorites Posters
Recent Developments at Sudbury and Other Canadian
Impact Structures Posters
Rosetta Mission: Science From the Pre-perihelion Phase
Shock Processes in Terrestrial and Extraterrestrial Materials Posters
4:30 P.M.
4:30 P.M.
4:30 P.M.
4:30 P.M.
Into the Paleoenvironment or Proxies for Diagenetic Altera- 4:30 P.M.
tion? Posters
America III Posters
Laser Imaging in the Earth Sciences II Posters
4:30 P.M.
Paleobiology Posters
Poster Hall
Poster Hall
Poster Hall
Poster Hall
Poster Hall
4:30 P.M.
Sedimentary Geology and Paleobiology
General Contributions in Sedimentary Geology and
Solid Earth
Poster Hall
Metal Isotopes in Ancient Marine Sediments: Windows
Advances in Ground Motion Modeling in Eastern North
Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology
Poster Hall
Poster Hall
4:30 P.M.
Poster Hall
Geothermal Resources Potential of Sedimentary Basins
Potentiel des ressources géothermiques des bassins
4:30 P.M.
Poster Hall
Crustal Evolution in Large Hot Orogens From PreT14A
collisional Continental Margin Through the Collision and
Collapse Stages: Evidence From Field, Analytical, and
4:30 P.M.
Poster Hall
Numerical Studies V Posters
Volcanology, Geochemistry, and Petrology
3D Imaging of Natural and Artificial Earth Materials II Posters
Enriching Concordia; Microstructure Meets the Geochronology of Earth and Solar System Processes II Posters
4:30 P.M.
4:30 P.M.
Using Computational Thermodynamics to Model Natural
Systems: Recent Advances and Challenges for the Future
II Posters
4:30 P.M.
Poster Hall
Atmospheric Sciences General Contributions, Including
Aerosols, Ozone
Poster Hall
Poster Hall
Tuesday A.M.
Atmospheric Sciences
8:00 A.M. 513D-F
Climate Scenarios: Improving Science and Communication
for an Efficient Societal Use I
Scénarios climatiques: améliorer la science et la communi-
8:00 A.M. 513A-C
cation pour une utilisation sociétale efficace
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
Sponsors &
Oral Session
Poster Session
Atmospheric Sciences
Element Partitioning and Mobility
Earth Surface Processes
Geomagnetism and Paleomagnetism
Geomatics and Regional Geology
Mineral Deposits and Ore Minerals
Tuesday A.M.
Measuring and modelling biogeochemical processes
controlling the carbon cycle of inland waters I
8:00 A.M.
Earth Surface Processes
Dynamics of Permafrost Regions in a Warming World:
Processes, Landforms, Biogeosystems I
Understanding Paleogeomagnetic Change I
Ecology I
Understanding and Predicting Groundwater Sustainability
Under High Human Pressure
Nondestructive Study of Meteorites
Global Change During the Holocene and Anthropocene:
New Methods, Questions, and Perspectives I
8:00 A.M. 510D
Induced Seismicity Hazards and Processes I
8:00 A.M. 511A
New Developments in the Appalachian-Caledonide Orogen: A Tribute to Past Studies and a Look to the Future I
8:00 A.M. 511E
The Geologic History of Atmospheric Oxygen: Models
and Proxies
New Findings and Insights From High-Resolution Studies
of the Ionosphere I
Planetary Thermal History and the Transition of Stagnant
Lid to Plate Tectonics I
Basaltic Magmatism in the Solar System: From Mantle to
Magma in Space and Time I
8:00 A.M. 511D
8:00 A.M. 510C
8:00 A.M. 510A
8:00 A.M. 511F
Climate Scenarios: Improving Science and Communication
for an Efficient Societal Use II
Scénarios climatiques: améliorer la science et la communi-
10:30 A.M. 513A-C
cation pour une utilisation sociétale efficace
General Biogeosciences I
Measuring and Modeling Biogeochemical Processes Controlling the Carbon Cycle of Inland Waters II
10:30 A.M. 513D-F
10:30 A.M. 512A/B/E/F
Earth Surface Processes
Human Activity and Urbanization as a Modifier of River
10:30 A.M. 511B
Geomagnetism and Paleomagnetism
Magnetic Properties of Ancient Rocks: Characterization
and Geodynamic Interpretation
10:30 A.M. 511C
Changing Cold Regions: Climate, Cryosphere, Hydrology,
Ecology II
10:30 A.M. 514A-C
Deep Geological Resource Exploitation and Protection of
Shallow Groundwater Resources
Exploitation des ressources géologiques profondes et
10:30 A.M. 515A-C
protection des ressources en eau souterraine
Atmospheric Sciences
Volcanology, Geochemistry, and Petrology
8:00 A.M. 510B
Space Physics and Aeronomy
8:00 A.M. 515A-C
Sedimentary Geology and Paleobiology
8:00 A.M. 514A-C
Solid Earth
Changing Cold Regions: Climate, Cryosphere, Hydrology,
Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology
8:00 A.M. 511C
Planetary Sciences
Solid Earth
Sedimentary Geology and Paleobiology
Volcanology, Geochemistry, and Petrology
8:00 A.M. 511B
Geomagnetism and Paleomagnetism
MRG Mapping and Regional Geology
MS Mineral Structure, Surfaces, and Crystallography
OS Ocean Sciences
Planetary Sciences
PG Precambrian Geology
PP Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
Sponsors &
Oral Session
Poster Session
Atmospheric Sciences
Element Partitioning and Mobility
Earth Surface Processes
Geomagnetism and Paleomagnetism
Geomatics and Regional Geology
Mineral Deposits and Ore Minerals
Tuesday A.M.
Mineral Deposits and Ore Minerals
Integrating Geology, Geophysics, and Geochemistry: The
Borehole, Exploration, and Basic Research I
ing, and Mobility I
Precambrian Craton Reconstructions, Geodynamics, and
Paleoenvironments I
New Methods, Questions, and Perspectives II
Induced Seismicity Hazards and Processes II
New Findings and Insights From High-Resolution Studies
of the Ionosphere II
Basaltic Magmatism in the Solar System: From Mantle to
Magma in Space and Time II
Hydraulic Fracturing: The Great Debate
Atmospheric Sciences General Contributions, Including
Sensing the Atmosphere
Climate Change Mitigation Potential of Wood-Use and
Forest Management I
Innovative Methods to Study Greenhouse Gas Exchange in
Wetland Ecosystems I
Implications of Climate Change for Mid- to High-Latitude
Coastal Systems
Advances in Physical and Geochemical Investigation of
Groundwater Recharge Processes
Application of Regional Climate Models (RCMs) in Hydrologic Climate Change Impact Studies
Water, Sediment, and Biogeochemical Connectivity: Does
the Occurrence of One Imply the Occurrence of Another?
Mineral Deposits and Ore Minerals
Meteorite Impact Structure and Related Economic Mineral
Ocean Sciences
General Session: Ocean Sciences II
Precambrian Geology
Precambrian Craton Reconstructions, Geodynamics, and
Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology
10:30 A.M. 511F
Earth Surface Processes
Geophysical Investigations of “Stable” Eastern North America I 10:30 A.M. 511E
2:00 P.M. 511A
Global Change During the Holocene and Anthropocene:
New Methods, Questions, and Perspectives III
Sedimentary Geology and Paleobiology
2:00 P.M. 513D-F
10:30 A.M. 510C
Atmospheric Sciences
Tuesday P.M.
10:30 A.M. 511A
Volcanology, Geochemistry, and Petrology
10:30 A.M. 510D
Space Physics and Aeronomy
10:30 A.M. 511D
Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology
Global Change During the Holocene and Anthropocene:
Solid Earth
Sedimentary Geology and Paleobiology
Volcanology, Geochemistry, and Petrology
10:30 A.M. 510B
Precambrian Geology
10:30 A.M. 510A
Mineral Structure, Surfaces, Crystallography and
Element Partitioning
Mineral Structure, Electron Microscopy, Element Partition-
MRG Mapping and Regional Geology
MS Mineral Structure, Surfaces, and Crystallography
OS Ocean Sciences
Planetary Sciences
PG Precambrian Geology
PP Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology
2:00 P.M.
2:00 P.M. 511C
2:00 P.M. 511B
2:00 P.M. 515A-C
2:00 P.M. 514A-C
2:00 P.M. 513A-C
2:00 P.M. 510A
2:00 P.M. 510B
2:00 P.M. 511D
2:00 P.M. 510D
Geothermal Resources Potential of Sedimentary Basins
Potentiel des ressources géothermiques des bassins
2:00 P.M. 510C
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
Sponsors &
Oral Session
Poster Session
Atmospheric Sciences
Element Partitioning and Mobility
Earth Surface Processes
Geomagnetism and Paleomagnetism
Geomatics and Regional Geology
Mineral Deposits and Ore Minerals
Tuesday P.M.
Geophysical Investigations of “Stable” Eastern North
America II
Perovskites Into the Next Millennium
Plenary Session: Large-scale Impacts and Earth History
4:30 P.M. 513A-C
Atmospheric Sciences
Solid Earth
Sedimentary Geology and Paleobiology
Volcanology, Geochemistry, and Petrology
2:00 P.M. 511F
2:00 P.M. 511E
Volcanology, Geochemistry, and Petrology
MRG Mapping and Regional Geology
MS Mineral Structure, Surfaces, and Crystallography
OS Ocean Sciences
Planetary Sciences
PG Precambrian Geology
PP Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology
Atmospheric Sciences General Contributions II Posters
4:30 P.M.
Poster Hall
Climate Scenarios: Improving Science and Communication
for an Efficient Societal Use Posters
Scénarios climatiques: améliorer la science et la communi-
4:30 P.M.
Poster Hall
cation pour une utilisation sociétale efficace
Climate Change Mitigation Potential of Wood-Use and
Forest Management II Posters
General Biogeosciences II Posters
Innovative Methods to Study Greenhouse Gas Exchange in
Wetland Ecosystems II Posters
Measuring and Modeling Biogeochemical Processes Controlling the Carbon Cycle of Inland Waters III Posters
Understanding the Biogeochemical Controls on Organic
Matter Cycling in the Coastal Zone Posters
What We Leave Behind: Biogeochemical Legacies and
Time Lags in Intensively Managed Catchments Posters
4:30 P.M.
4:30 P.M.
4:30 P.M.
4:30 P.M.
4:30 P.M.
4:30 P.M.
Earth Surface Processes
Dynamics of Permafrost Regions in a Warming World:
Processes, Landforms, Biogeosystems II Posters
Budgets in the Present and Past Terrestrial and Aquatic
4:30 P.M.
Environments Posters
Implementing New Datums for North America Posters
4:30 P.M.
Understanding Paleogeomagnetic Change II Posters
Poster Hall
Poster Hall
Poster Hall
Poster Hall
Poster Hall
Poster Hall
Poster Hall
4:30 P.M.
Poster Hall
Geomagnetism and Paleomagnetism
4:30 P.M.
Innovative Isotope Methods for Characterizing Metal
Poster Hall
Poster Hall
Advances in Physical and Geochemical Investigation of
Groundwater Recharge Processes Posters
Application of Regional Climate Models (RCMs) in Hydrologic Climate Change Impact Studies Posters
4:30 P.M.
4:30 P.M.
Poster Hall
Poster Hall
Deep Geological Resource Exploitation and Protection of
Shallow Groundwater Resources Posters
Exploitation des ressources géologiques profondes et
4:30 P.M.
Poster Hall
protection des ressources en eau souterraine
Exotic Carbonate Deposits as Clues for External Forcing:
Case Studies to Evidence Records of Recent Environmen-
4:30 P.M.
tal Changes Posters
Understanding and Predicting Groundwater Sustainability
Under High Human Pressure Posters
4:30 P.M.
Water, Sediment, and Biogeochemical Connectivity: Does
the Occurrence of One Imply the Occurrence of Another?
4:30 P.M.
Mineral Deposits and Ore Minerals
Integrating Geology, Geophysics, and Geochemistry: The
Borehole, Exploration, and Basic Research II Posters
Pegmatitic Rocks and Their Ore Deposits Posters
Poster Hall
Poster Hall
Poster Hall
4:30 P.M.
4:30 P.M.
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
Poster Hall
Poster Hall
Sponsors &
Oral Session
Poster Session
Atmospheric Sciences
Element Partitioning and Mobility
Earth Surface Processes
Geomagnetism and Paleomagnetism
Geomatics and Regional Geology
Mineral Deposits and Ore Minerals
Tuesday P.M.
Mineral Structure, Surfaces, Crystallography and
Element Partitioning
Mineral Structure, Electron Microscopy, Element Partitioning, and Mobility II Posters
4:30 P.M.
Planetary Sciences
MRG Mapping and Regional Geology
MS Mineral Structure, Surfaces, and Crystallography
OS Ocean Sciences
Planetary Sciences
PG Precambrian Geology
PP Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology
Solid Earth
Sedimentary Geology and Paleobiology
Volcanology, Geochemistry, and Petrology
Poster Hall
Fluvial Landforms and Sedimentary Deposits on Planetary
Surfaces Posters
Morphologies fluviales et dépôts sédimentaires sur les
4:30 P.M.
Poster Hall
surfaces planétaires
Surface Expressions of Volcanism and Associated TecP24B
tonism on Venus and Implications for Interior Dynamics
4:30 P.M.
Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology
Global Change During the Holocene and Anthropocene:
New Methods, Questions, and Perspectives IV Posters
Induced Seismicity Hazards and Processes III Posters
4:30 P.M.
Orogen: A Tribute to Past Studies and a Look to the Future 4:30 P.M.
II Posters
America III Posters
Lithosphere and Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Boundary
4:30 P.M.
4:30 P.M.
III Posters
Volcanology, Geochemistry, and Petrology
Basaltic Magmatism in the Solar System: From Mantle to
Magma in Space and Time III Posters
Volcanoes and Volcanism Posters
Volcanology, Geochemistry, and Petrology General
Contributions Posters
ing Weather
Land-Atmosphere Interactions: From Models and
Observations I
4:30 P.M.
4:30 P.M.
Poster Hall
Morphodynamics of Semialluvial Rivers I
Morphodynamique des rivières semi-alluviales I
Geomagnetism and Paleomagnetism
Poster Hall
Poster Hall
Poster Hall
Poster Hall
Poster Hall
8:00 A.M. 513D-F
8:00 A.M. 513A-C
Nutrient Cycling in Wetlands and Aquatic Ecosystems I 8:00 A.M.
Earth Surface Processes
4:30 P.M.
Atmospheric Sciences
Atmospheric Sciences General Contributions, Includ-
Poster Hall
Wednesday A.M.
Multidisciplinary Perspectives on the Continental Mantle
New Developments in the Appalachian-Caledonide
Geophysical Investigations of “Stable” Eastern North
Poster Hall
4:30 P.M.
Solid Earth
Poster Hall
8:00 A.M. 511B
Earth and Planetary Magnetic Fields and Core Dynamics
Le champ magnétique et la dynamique des noyaux terrestre 8:00 A.M. 511C
et planétaires
Changing Cold Regions: Climate, Cryosphere, Hydrology,
Ecology III
General Hydrology III
8:00 A.M. 514A-C
8:00 A.M. 510D
Most Watersheds Are Not Pristine! Recognizing and DifH31C
ferentiating Natural From Human-Induced Hydrological,
8:00 A.M. 515A-C
Geomorphological, and Biogeochemical Dynamics
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
Sponsors &
Oral Session
Poster Session
Atmospheric Sciences
Element Partitioning and Mobility
Earth Surface Processes
Geomagnetism and Paleomagnetism
Geomatics and Regional Geology
Mineral Deposits and Ore Minerals
Wednesday A.M.
Mineral Deposits and Ore Minerals
MRG Mapping and Regional Geology
MS Mineral Structure, Surfaces, and Crystallography
OS Ocean Sciences
Planetary Sciences
PG Precambrian Geology
PP Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology
Solid Earth
Sedimentary Geology and Paleobiology
Volcanology, Geochemistry, and Petrology
Use of Trace Elements in Minerals for Petrogenesis and
Exploration of Mineral Deposits I
Utilisation des éléments traces dans les minéraux comme
8:00 A.M. 510A
indicateur petrogénetique et pour l’exploration minérale
Ocean Sciences
General Session: Ocean Sciences III
8:00 A.M. 510B
Understanding Slow Slip and Tectonic Tremor Process
Along a Variety of Deformation Boundaries I
8:00 A.M. 511A
Solid Earth
Unmanned Air Vehicles in the Earth Sciences
8:00 A.M. 511D
Space Physics and Aeronomy
The Physics of the Aurora I
8:00 A.M. 510C
Rock Physcis and Mechanics for the 21st Century: Theory,
Measurement, Computation, and Integration
8:00 A.M. 511E
Volcanology, Geochemistry, and Petrology
Chemical Scene Investigations of Large Igneous Provinces
Land-Atmosphere Interactions: From Models and Observations II 10:30 A.M. 513A-C
Nutrient Cycling in Wetlands and Aquatic Ecosystems II
Urban EcoHydrology: Processes, Ecosystem Services,
Models, and Management I
10:30 A.M.
10:30 A.M. 513D-F
8:00 A.M. 511F
Atmospheric Sciences
Science—It’s Not Just for Laboratories Anymore: Communicating Relevant Science to Local Communities
10:30 A.M. 511B
Earth Surface Processes
Modern and Ancient Ice Streams and Their Megalineated
Beds I
Les courants glaciaires, anciens et modernes, et leur empre-
10:30 A.M. 511C
inte géomorphologique
Changing Cold Regions: Climate, Cryosphere, Hydrology,
Ecology IV
Interactions Between Aquifers and Surface Water Reservoirs: New Approaches for Changing Conditions
10:30 A.M. 514A-C
10:30 A.M. 515A-C
Mineral Deposits and Ore Minerals
Use of Trace Elements in Minerals for Petrogenesis and
Exploration of Mineral Deposits II
Utilisation des éléments traces dans les minéraux comme
10:30 A.M. 510A
indicateur petrogénetique et pour l’exploration minérale
Ocean Sciences
Enhancing Geoscientific Understanding of Marine and
Lacustrine Systems With Modern Seafloor Mapping
10:30 A.M. 510B
Techniques I
Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology
Using Paleoclimate Modeling and Data to Constrain Future 10:30
Seismic Structure and Dynamics of the North American
Cordillera I
Structure sismique et dynamique de la Cordillère Nord-
Solid Earth
Gravity and Gravity Gradiometry: Instrumentation and
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
Sponsors &
Oral Session
Poster Session
Atmospheric Sciences
Element Partitioning and Mobility
Earth Surface Processes
Geomagnetism and Paleomagnetism
Geomatics and Regional Geology
Mineral Deposits and Ore Minerals
Wednesday A.M.
Space Physics and Aeronomy
Energetic Particle Precipitation Mechanisms and Effects in
the Magnetosphere-Ionosophere System I
Chemical Scene Investigation of Large Igneous Provinces
Geological and Environmental Applications of Portable
Exploring the Subsurface Through Scientific Drilling:
Contributions From ICDP and IODP I
10:30 A.M. 511E
2:00 P.M.
Atmospheric Sciences General Contributions III
2:00 P.M.
Convective Cloud Processes I
2:00 P.M.
2:00 P.M.
tions III
Land-Atmosphere Interactions: From Models and Observa-
10:30 A.M. 511F
Atmospheric Sciences
Solid Earth
Sedimentary Geology and Paleobiology
Volcanology, Geochemistry, and Petrology
Wednesday P.M.
10:30 A.M. 510C
Volcanology, Geochemistry, and Petrology
MRG Mapping and Regional Geology
MS Mineral Structure, Surfaces, and Crystallography
OS Ocean Sciences
Planetary Sciences
PG Precambrian Geology
PP Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology
Can We Differentiate the Effects of Climate and Management Practices on Nitrous Oxide Emissions From
Agricultural Land? I
Peut-on Différencier les Effets des Pratiques Culturales
2:00 P.M.
de Ceux du Climat sur les Émissions d’Oxyde Nitreux
d’Origine Agricole?
Life on the Fringe: The Starving Majority I
2:00 P.M.
Earth Surface Processes
New and Emerging Techniques in Geomorphology I
2:00 P.M.
General Hydrology IV
2:00 P.M.
Mineral Deposits and Ore Minerals
Alkaline/Subalkaline Mafic and Felsic Magmatism and
Related Mineralization in Continental Margin and Intrac-
2:00 P.M.
ontinental Rifting Settings I
Ocean Sciences
General Session: Ocean Sciences IV
2:00 P.M.
Precambrian Geology
Banded Iron Formation: Ancient Environments to Ore
2:00 P.M.
Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology
Silicate Weathering Through Earth History I
Mantle Dynamics From the Surface to Core: Continuing
the Themes of CIG’s 2014 Joint Meeting With the CGU I
General Contribution: Tectonophysics I
2:00 P.M.
2:00 P.M.
Solid Earth
2:00 P.M.
Volcanology, Geochemistry, and Petrology
Origin of Cratonic Mantle Lithosphere, Diamonds, and
Deeply Sourced Volatile-Rich Melts: Processes and
2:00 P.M.
Timescales I
Exploring the Subsurface Through Scientific Drilling:
Contributions From ICDP and IODP II Posters
Plenary Session: Melt to Glass: A Peculiar Transition and
The Rise of Experimental Volcanology
4:30 P.M.
4:30 P.M.
Atmospheric Sciences
Land-Atmosphere Interactions: From Models and Observations Posters
4:30 P.M.
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
Sponsors &
Oral Session
Poster Session
Atmospheric Sciences
Element Partitioning and Mobility
Earth Surface Processes
Geomagnetism and Paleomagnetism
Geomatics and Regional Geology
Mineral Deposits and Ore Minerals
Wednesday P.M.
MRG Mapping and Regional Geology
MS Mineral Structure, Surfaces, and Crystallography
OS Ocean Sciences
Planetary Sciences
PG Precambrian Geology
PP Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology
Solid Earth
Sedimentary Geology and Paleobiology
Volcanology, Geochemistry, and Petrology
Can We Differentiate the Effects of Climate and Management Practices on Nitrous Oxide Emissions From AgriculB34A
tural Land? II Posters
Peut-on Différencier les Effets des Pratiques Culturales
4:30 P.M.
Poster Hall
de Ceux du Climat sur les Émissions d’Oxyde Nitreux
d’Origine Agricole?
Frontiers in Sulphur Biogeochemistry Posters
Life on the Fringe: The Starving Majority II Posters
New Developments and New Directions in Paleoenvironmental Studies of Wildfire in Canada Posters
Nutrient Cycling in Wetlands and Aquatic Ecosystems
III Posters
Urban EcoHydrology: Processes, Ecosystem Services,
Models, and Management II Posters
4:30 P.M.
4:30 P.M.
4:30 P.M.
4:30 P.M.
4:30 P.M.
Poster Hall
Poster Hall
Poster Hall
Poster Hall
Geoscience Professionalism 2015: Issues, Responsibilities,
Poster Hall
and Information—What’s New That You Need to Know?
4:30 P.M.
Earth Surface Processes
Poster Hall
Modern and Ancient Ice Streams and Their Megalineated
Beds II Posters
Les courants glaciaires, anciens et modernes, et leur
4:30 P.M.
Poster Hall
empreinte géomorphologique
New and Emerging Techniques in Geomorphology II
4:30 P.M.
General Geodesy and Geodynamics II Posters
4:30 P.M.
Poster Hall
Advances in Wetland EcoHydrology Posters
Changing Cold Regions: Climate, Cryosphere, Hydrology,
Ecology Posters
Interactions Between Aquifers and Surface Water Reservoirs: New Approaches for Changing Conditions Posters
4:30 P.M.
4:30 P.M.
4:30 P.M.
Most Watersheds Are Not Pristine! Recognizing and DifH34D
Poster Hall
ferentiating Natural From Human-Induced Hydrological,
4:30 P.M.
Geomorphological, and Biogeochemical Dynamics Posters
Poster Hall
Poster Hall
Poster Hall
Poster Hall
Quantifying and Communicating Uncertainties in Changes
to Hydrologic Extremes Posters
Quantification et communication des incertitudes aux
4:30 P.M.
Poster Hall
changements des extrêmes hydrologiques
Mineral Deposits and Ore Minerals
Alkaline/Subalkaline Mafic and Felsic Magmatism and
Related Mineralization in Continental Margin and Intrac-
4:30 P.M.
ontinental Rifting Settings II Posters
Poster Hall
Use of Trace Elements in Minerals for Petrogenesis and
Exploration of Mineral Deposits III Posters
Utilisation des éléments traces dans les minéraux comme
4:30 P.M.
Poster Hall
indicateur petrogénetique et pour l’exploration minérale
Ocean Sciences
Enhancing Geoscientific Understanding of Marine and
Lacustrine Systems With Modern Seafloor Mapping
4:30 P.M.
Techniques II Posters
Planetary Sciences
General Contributions in Planetary Sciences Posters
Precambrian at Large Posters
4:30 P.M.
Precambrian Geology
Poster Hall
Poster Hall
4:30 P.M.
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
Poster Hall
Sponsors &
Atmospheric Sciences
Element Partitioning and Mobility
Earth Surface Processes
Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology
Oral Session
Poster Session
Geomagnetism and Paleomagnetism
Geomatics and Regional Geology
Mineral Deposits and Ore Minerals
Wednesday P.M.
Silicate Weathering Through Earth History II Posters
4:30 P.M.
MRG Mapping and Regional Geology
MS Mineral Structure, Surfaces, and Crystallography
OS Ocean Sciences
Planetary Sciences
PG Precambrian Geology
PP Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology
Solid Earth
Sedimentary Geology and Paleobiology
Volcanology, Geochemistry, and Petrology
Poster Hall
Seismic Structure and Dynamics of the North American
Cordillera II Posters
Structure sismique et dynamique de la Cordillère Nord-
4:30 P.M.
Poster Hall
Understanding Slow Slip and Tectonic Tremor Process
Along a Variety of Deformation Boundaries II Posters
4:30 P.M.
Solid Earth
LVP-Techniques at Geophysical High Pressure Research
General Contributions in Heliophysics II Posters
New Findings and Insights From High-Resolution Studies
of the Ionosphere III Posters
Solar System Plasma Intermittency, Turbulence, and
Complexity II Posters
The Physics of the Aurora II Posters
4:30 P.M.
General Contribution: Tectonophysics II Posters
Planetary Thermal History and the Transition of Stagnant
Lid to Plate Tectonics II Posters
4:30 P.M.
4:30 P.M.
4:30 P.M.
4:30 P.M.
Chemical Scene Investigation of Large Igneous Provinces
(CSI-LIPs) III Posters
Geological and Environmental Applications of Portable
XRF II Posters
4:30 P.M.
4:30 P.M.
Deeply Sourced Volatile-Rich Melts: Processes and
4:30 P.M.
4:30 P.M.
Timescales II Posters
Challenges for Three-Dimensional Radiative Transfer in
the Earth and Atmospheric Sciences I
Convective Cloud Processes II
Observations to Modeling I
Geoscience Professionalism 2015: Issues, Responsibilities,
and Information—What’s New That You Need to Know?
Earth Surface Processes
Poster Hall
Poster Hall
Poster Hall
Poster Hall
Poster Hall
Poster Hall
Poster Hall
Poster Hall
8:00 A.M. 513A-C
8:00 A.M. 513D-F
Biogeochemical Cycling in Wetland Ecosystems: From
Poster Hall
Thursday A.M.
Atmospheric Sciences
4:30 P.M.
Origin of Cratonic Mantle Lithosphere, Diamonds, and
Volcanology, Geochemistry, and Petrology
Poster Hall
Space Physics and Aeronomy
Poster Hall
8:00 A.M.
8:00 A.M. 511B
Research Challenges and Opportunities in River Science
Studies I
Défis et nouvelles avenues de recherche dans la science des
8:00 A.M. 511C
cours d’eau II
General Hydrology V
Scales and Scaling in Soil Hydrology: Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Complex Processes I
Water Resource Impacts From Past and Future Climate
Change and Climate Variability
Mineral Deposits and Ore Minerals
Mineral Deposits and Ore Minerals I
8:00 A.M. 510D
8:00 A.M. 515A-C
8:00 A.M. 514A-C
8:00 A.M. 510A
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
Sponsors &
Oral Session
Poster Session
Atmospheric Sciences
Element Partitioning and Mobility
Earth Surface Processes
Geomagnetism and Paleomagnetism
Geomatics and Regional Geology
Mineral Deposits and Ore Minerals
Thursday A.M.
Planetary Sciences
MRG Mapping and Regional Geology
MS Mineral Structure, Surfaces, and Crystallography
OS Ocean Sciences
Planetary Sciences
PG Precambrian Geology
PP Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology
Solid Earth
Sedimentary Geology and Paleobiology
Volcanology, Geochemistry, and Petrology
Fluvial Landforms and Sedimentary Deposits on Planetary
Morphologies fluviales et dépôts sédimentaires sur les
8:00 A.M. 510B
surfaces planétaires
General Contributions in Seismology I Technical Advances
and Developments
Contributions Générales en Sismologie I - Avancées et
8:00 A.M. 511A
développements techniques
Sedimentary Geology and Paleobiology
The Neoproterozoic-Paleozoic Earth System: Records
From an Earth in Transition
8:00 A.M. 511D
Space Physics and Aeronomy
Earth’s Plasmasphere: Feeding, Dynamics, and Coupling
Processes I
Multidisciplinary Perspectives on the Continental Mantle
Lithosphere and Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Boundary I
Exploitation to Environmental Impact I
the Earth and Atmospheric Sciences II
Observations to Modeling II
The Role for a Network of Long-Term Monitoring Sites in
Canada for Advancing Environmental Science and Policy I
8:00 A.M. 511F
10:30 A.M. 513A-C
10:30 A.M.
10:30 A.M. 513D-F
Biogeochemical Cycling in Wetland Ecosystems: From
8:00 A.M. 511E
Atmospheric Sciences
Challenges for Three-Dimensional Radiative Transfer in
8:00 A.M. 510C
Volcanology, Geochemistry, and Petrology
The Uranium Cycle: From the Mantle to Sediments to
How Do We Build a Healthy Geoscience Community That
Better Serves Society?
10:30 A.M. 511B
Earth Surface Processes
Research Challenges and Opportunities in River Science
Studies II
Défis et nouvelles avenues de recherche dans la science des
10:30 A.M. 511C
cours d’eau III
General Hydrology VI
10:30 A.M. 510D
Quantifying and Communicating Uncertainties in Changes
to Hydrologic Extremes
Quantification et communication des incertitudes aux
10:30 A.M. 514A-C
changements des extrêmes hydrologiques
Scales and Scaling in Soil Hydrology: Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Complex Processes II
10:30 A.M. 515A-C
Mineral Deposits and Ore Minerals
Mineral Deposits and Ore Minerals II
10:30 A.M. 510A
Planetary Sciences
Surface Expressions of Volcanism and Associated Tectonism on Venus and Implications for Interior Dynamics
10:30 A.M. 510B
Precambrian Geology
Archean Tectonics I
Tectonique archéenne
10:30 A.M. 511D
General Contributions in Seismology II Earthquakes and
Earth Structures
Contributions Générales en Sismologie II - Séismes et
10:30 A.M. 511A
structures de la Terre
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
Sponsors &
Oral Session
Poster Session
Atmospheric Sciences
Element Partitioning and Mobility
Earth Surface Processes
Geomagnetism and Paleomagnetism
Geomatics and Regional Geology
Mineral Deposits and Ore Minerals
Thursday A.M.
Space Physics and Aeronomy
Earth’s Inner Magnetosphere: Advances in Modeling,
Simulations, and Theory I
the Continental Crust I
The Uranium Cycle: From the Mantle to Sediments to
Exploitation to Environmental Impact II
Cooperation in a Binational Region
Groundwater-Surface Water Interactions I
The Dynamic World of Soil and Sediment Biogeochemistry: Drivers, Responses, and Implications I
10:30 A.M. 511E
10:30 A.M. 511F
2:00 P.M.
2:00 P.M.
Atmospheric Sciences
Climate Data in the Great Lakes: Exploring Integration and
Solid Earth
Sedimentary Geology and Paleobiology
Volcanology, Geochemistry, and Petrology
Thursday P.M.
10:30 A.M. 510C
Volcanology, Geochemistry, and Petrology
Secular Variations in the Tectonomagmatic Evolution of
MRG Mapping and Regional Geology
MS Mineral Structure, Surfaces, and Crystallography
OS Ocean Sciences
Planetary Sciences
PG Precambrian Geology
PP Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology
2:00 P.M.
Earth Surface Processes
The Baffin Bay and Labrador Sea Corridor: Marine
Geology, Paleoceanography, and Role in the Land-Ocean
2:00 P.M.
Climate System I
Combining Archaeology and Geosciences: The Challenges
of Variable Time and Spatial Scales I
Rallier l’archéologie et les géosciences : les défis des
2:00 P.M.
2:00 P.M.
2:00 P.M.
2:00 P.M.
échelles variables dans le temps et l’espace
Advances in Wetland EcoHydrology
Applications of Remote Sensing and In Situ Monitoring of
Soil Moisture
General Hydrology VII
Mineral Deposits and Ore Minerals
Rare Earth Element Deposits: Characteristics and Genesis I
Gîtes de Terres Rares: Caractéristiques et Genèse
2:00 P.M.
Precambrian Geology
Archean Tectonics II
Tectonique archéenne
Nationwide High-Resolution Geophysical Surveys
2:00 P.M.
2:00 P.M.
Recent Multipoint Observations and Interpretation of Relativistic Electron Dynamics in the Earth’s Radiation Belts
Multidisciplinary Perspectives on the Continental Mantle
Lithosphere and Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Boundary II
2:00 P.M.
2:00 P.M.
Melt and Fluid Inclusions: Windows Into the Role of Fluids
in the Evolution of the Earth and Planetary Systems I
the Earth and Atmospheric Sciences Posters
Convective Cloud Processes Posters
2:00 P.M.
Observations to Modeling III Posters
Groundwater-Surface Water Interactions II Posters
The Dynamic World of Soil and Sediment Biogeochemistry: Drivers, Responses, and Implications II Posters
4:30 P.M.
4:30 P.M.
Biogeochemical Cycling in Wetland Ecosystems: From
Atmospheric Sciences
Challenges for Three-Dimensional Radiative Transfer in
Volcanology, Geochemistry, and Petrology
Space Physics and Aeronomy
Solid Earth
Poster Hall
Poster Hall
4:30 P.M.
4:30 P.M.
4:30 P.M.
Poster Hall
Poster Hall
Poster Hall
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
Sponsors &
Oral Session
Poster Session
Atmospheric Sciences
Element Partitioning and Mobility
Earth Surface Processes
Geomagnetism and Paleomagnetism
Geomatics and Regional Geology
Mineral Deposits and Ore Minerals
Thursday P.M.
Earth Surface Processes
MRG Mapping and Regional Geology
MS Mineral Structure, Surfaces, and Crystallography
OS Ocean Sciences
Planetary Sciences
PG Precambrian Geology
PP Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology
Solid Earth
Sedimentary Geology and Paleobiology
Volcanology, Geochemistry, and Petrology
Research Challenges and Opportunities in River Science
Studies III Posters
Défis et nouvelles avenues de recherche dans la science des
4:30 P.M.
Poster Hall
cours d’eau I [Posters]
The Baffin Bay and Labrador Sea Corridor: Marine
Geology, Paleoceanography, and Role in the Land-Ocean
4:30 P.M.
Climate System II Posters
Poster Hall
Combining Archaeology and Geosciences: The Challenges
of Variable Time and Spatial Scales II Posters
Rallier l’archéologie et les géosciences : les défis des
4:30 P.M.
Poster Hall
échelles variables dans le temps et l’espace
Applications of Remote Sensing and In Situ Monitoring of
Soil Moisture Posters
Scales and Scaling in Soil Hydrology: Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Complex Processes Posters
Water Resource Impacts From Past and Future Climate
Change and Climate Variability Posters
4:30 P.M.
4:30 P.M.
4:30 P.M.
Mineral Deposits and Ore Minerals
Mineral Deposits and Ore Minerals III Posters
II Posters
4:30 P.M.
4:30 P.M.
Gîtes de Terres Rares: Caractéristiques et Genèse
Contributions Générales en Sismologie
4:30 P.M.
the Themes of CIG’s 2014 Joint Meeting With the CGU
4:30 P.M.
II Posters
Sedimentary Geology and Paleobiology
The Neoproterozoic-Paleozoic Earth System: Records
From an Earth in Transition Posters
4:30 P.M.
Poster Hall
Poster Hall
Poster Hall
Earth’s Inner Magnetosphere: Advances in Modeling,
Simulations, and Theory II Posters
Earth’s Plasmasphere: Feeding, Dynamics, and Coupling
Processes II Posters
Energetic Particle Precipitation Mechanisms and Effects in
the Magnetosphere-Ionosophere System II Posters
Melt and Fluid Inclusions: Windows Into the Role of Fluids
in the Evolution of the Earth and Planetary Systems II Posters
Secular Variations in the Tectonomagmatic Evolution of
the Continental Crust II Posters
The Uranium Cycle: From the Mantle to Sediments to
Exploitation to Environmental Impact III Posters
Poster Hall
Poster Hall
4:30 P.M.
4:30 P.M.
4:30 P.M.
Volcanology, Geochemistry, and Petrology
Poster Hall
Space Physics and Aeronomy
Mantle Dynamics From the Surface to Core: Continuing
General Contributions in Seismology III Posters
Solid Earth
Poster Hall
Rare Earth Element Deposits: Characteristics and Genesis
Poster Hall
Poster Hall
Poster Hall
Poster Hall
4:30 P.M.
4:30 P.M.
4:30 P.M.
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
Poster Hall
Poster Hall
Poster Hall
Session Number. A session number designates the section, or other
sponsoring group, and chronology of the presentation.
AS 21 C
Example: AS21C = Atmospheric Sciences, Tuesday, A.M., concurrent session C
Day: 1 = Monday, 2 = Tuesday, 3 = Wednesday, 4 = Thursday
Time: 1 = A.M., 2 = A.M., 3 = P.M., 4 = P.M.
Concurrent Session: A, B, C, D
Sunday P.M.
Room 513A-C
Sunday 2:00 P.M.
Public Lectures
Presiding: C Samson
Priority Areas in South Africa: B C Vertue, G T Feig, D Mabaso,
S Naidoo, N Ncgukana
9:15 A.M. AS11A-08 Characterization of Size-Segregated Fine
Particulate Matter from Firecrackers at an Urban Background
location in Mumbai, India: S Kulshrestha, N Bhadade, D Das,
H C Phuleria
Room 513A-C
Monday 8:00 A.M.
Climate Applications of Multi-Model Ensemble (MME)
Systems I: Applications des systèmes de prévisions
climatiques d’ensemble multi-modèles. (joint with OS)
Presiding: Dan Collins, NOAA/NWS/NCEP; Emily Becker, Innovim;
Bertrand Denis, Meteorological Service of Canada; Hai Lin,
Environment Canada
8:00 A.M. Welcoming Remarks: D C Collins, B Denis
2:00 P.M. The Rosetta Landing and its Wild Bounce at
671P: C J Alexander
3:00 P.M. Ice Sheets Mass Loss and Sea Level Rise: Geological
Archives, from Québec to Australia; Fonte des calottes glaciaires et
relèvement du niveau de la mer: les archives géologiques, du Québec
à l’Australie: M Lamothe
Monday A.M.
Room 513D-F
Monday, 8:00 A.M.
Atmospheric Sciences General Contributions, Including Air
Presiding: Athanasios Nenes, Georgia Institute of Technology
8:00 A.M. AS11A-01 Effects of Short-Lived Climate Forcers on Future
Warming and Human Health: A I Partanen, D Matthews
8:15 A.M. AS11A-02 Validation of WRF/Chem Model and Sensitivity
of Chemical Mechanisms to Ozone Simulation Over Megacity Delhi:
M Gupta, M Mohan
8:30 A.M. AS11A-04 Measurements of urban, marine and Biogenic
Air: VOC measurements during the MUMBA Campaign: E A Guerette,
C Paton-Walsh, R S Humphries, D Kubistin, S R Wilson, D W T Griffith,
R R Buchholz, V A Velazco, X Shi, I Galbally, M Keywood, S J Lawson,
P W Selleck, M Cheng, S Molloy, M Bhujel, A Griffiths, S D Chambers,
P Davy
8:05 A.M. AS11B-01 Using Multi-Model Ensembles in Climate
Change Projections: Challenges and Opportunities: C Tebaldi
8:25 A.M. AS11B-02 Development of a Bayesian Probabilistic
Model for the NARCCAP Regional Climate Model Ensemble Using
Information from the Driving GCMs to Formulate Priors and
Application to Hydrology Impacts: L O Mearns, S R Sain,
S A McGinnis
8:45 A.M. AS11B-03 On the Level of Agreement Between ClimateChange Projections from Same-Centre Models: M Leduc, R Laprise,
R de Elía, L Separovic
9:00 A.M. AS11B-04 Introducing Multi-Model Ensembles to
Decision-Makers: The Perception Challenge: L’enjeu de la perception
des scénarios cllimatiques dans l’utilisation des ensembles multimodèles par les décideurs: D B Huard, M P H Vieira, N Thiémonge,
R Roy
9:15 A.M. AS11B-05 APCC Multi-Model Ensemble Forecasting and
an Empirical-Dynamical Approach for Summertime Temperature
Prediction in South Korea: H J Kim, Y M Min, H J Kim, S M Oh
9:30 A.M. AS11B-06 Bias-corrected Down-scaled Multi-Model
Ensemble Prediction of the Indian Summer Monsoon Rainfall using
Self-Organizing Map: N Borah, A K Sahai, R Chattopadhyay,
S Abhilash, S Joseph
9:45 A.M. AS11B-07 Improving Multimodel Medium Range
Precipitation Forecasts over the Greater Horn of Africa Using the FSU
Superensemble: O Kipkogei, A Bhardwaj, T N Krishnamurti,
L Ogallo, V Kumar
8:45 A.M. AS11A-06 Carbonaceous aerosols, sources and
morphological analysis of fine particulate matter (P.M.2.5) at Pune,
India: A S Pipal, G P Satsangi
9:00 A.M. AS11A-07 Spatial and Temporal Variability of Black
Carbon and Particulate Matter in the Vaal Triangle and Highveld
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
Room 512A/B/E/F
9:15 A.M. ES11A-06 Under ice cover roughness and flow structure:
T K Buffin-Belanger, S Demers, T Olsen
Monday, 8:00 A.M.
9:30 A.M. ES11A-07 Sediment Tracking Throughout the Winter and
Spring Breakup in a Gravel-bed River: D A Bleau, J Lacey,
R Leconte, N Bergeron
Global Methane Cycles of Wetlands: Observation, Modeling,
and Future Challenge and Direction I (joint with AS)
Presiding: Changhui Peng, University of Quebec at Montreal
UQAM; Huai Chen, Chinese Academy of Sciences
8:00 A.M. B11A-01 Methane Emissions from rice paddies, natural
wetlands, and lakes in China: Synthesis and New Estimate: H Chen
8:15 A.M. B11A-02 CH4 flux changes with permafrost thaw in a
subarctic peatland: Z Wang, N T Roulet, T R Moore
8:30 A.M. B11A-03 Ecosystem-scale Methane Fluxes at Mer Bleue
Bog: E Humphreys, P Lafleur, T R Moore, N T Roulet
8:45 A.M. B11A-04 Mitigation Options for CH4 and N2O Emissions
from Rice Field in China; A Meta Analysis: S Shi, C Peng, Y Li
9:00 A.M. B11A-05 Estimating global natural wetland methane
emissions using process modeling: spatiotemporal patterns and
contributions to atmospheric methane fluctuations: Q Zhu
9:15 A.M. B11A-06 Estimates of CH4 Emissions from Natural
Wetlands in China: From 1950 to 2008: T Li, Y Huang
9:30 A.M. B11A-07 Predicting the impacts of repeated El Niño
Southern Oscillation (ENSO) on the methane emissions of tropical
wetlands: C Peng
9:45 A.M. Discussion
Room 511C
Monday, 8:00 A.M.
River Ice Dynamics and Channel Morphology: Dynamique
de glace rivière et la morphologie du canal (joint with H)
Presiding: Colin Rennie, University of Ottawa; Thomas BuffinBelanger, University of Quebec at Rimouski UQAR; Shawn Clark,
University of Manitoba
9:45 A.M. ES11A-08 Influence of Dynamic Ice Cover on Sediment
Transport in an Alluvial Channel: S Ghareh Aghaji Zare, S A Moore,
C D Rennie, O Seidou, J Malenchak, H Ahmari, S Ansari
Room 511B
Monday, 8:00 A.M.
Big Data and Advanced Geocomputations (joint with ES, GR,
H, SE)
Presiding: J Blais, University of Calgary; Hassan Karimi, University
of Pittsburgh
8:00 A.M. G11A-01 Least Squares Wavelet Analysis: E Ghaderpour,
S D Pagiatakis
8:15 A.M. G11A-02 Stochastic Surfaces in the Least Squares Wavelet
Analysis: E Ghaderpour, S D Pagiatakis
8:30 A.M. G11A-03 Principal component analysis of InSAR data:
K F Tiampo, P J González, S V Samsonov, J Fernandez
8:45 A.M. G11A-04 An integral image approach to performing
multi-scale topographic position analysis: J B Lindsay, J C Gallant,
J Cockburn, H Russell
9:00 A.M. G11A-05 Ice Mass Loss Monitoring in the Canadian Arctic:
A Study on the Filtering Methods with Release-05 GRACE Data:
I Tsalis, D Piretzidis, E V Rangelova, M G Sideris
9:15 A.M. G11A-06 Wavelet spectral techniques for error mitigation
of superconductive angular accelerometer output: E Mokhtari,
M M Elhabiby, M G Sideris
9:30 A.M. G11A-07 Multilinear Filtering of Nonstationary Array
Data and Inversion: J A R Blais
8:00 A.M. ES11A-01 Hydropower Influences on River Ice Dynamics
and Channel Morphology: A Matter of Thermal and Flow Scales:
R Ettema
9:45 A.M. G11A-08 MATLAB Tools for Earth’s Surface Deformation
Studies: Des Outils MATLAB pour les Études de Déformation de la
Croûte Terrestre: M A Goudarzi, M Cocard, R Santerre
8:15 A.M. ES11A-02 Defining the state-of-the-art cold regions river
engineering practice with fluvial morphology concepts: B Turcotte
Room 514A-C
8:30 A.M. ES11A-03 A Numerical Model for Ice Influenced Sediment
Transport and Bed Change: I M W Knack, H T Shen
Monday, 8:00 A.M.
8:45 A.M. ES11A-04 MODELING RIVER ICE Dynamics USING MIKE11ICE: T Aubel, W Taha, I Theriault
9:00 A.M. ES11A-05 Tree rings as indicators of ice jam. regimes,
triggering conditions and geomorphological impacts : the case of the
Mistassini River (Eastern Canada): E Boucher, S Morin, A Lagadec,
T K Buffin-Belanger, D Germain
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
General Hydrology I
Presiding: Daniel Peters, Environment Canada; William Quinton,
Wilfrid Laurier University
8:00 A.M. H11A-01 Connection of a 90Sr Groundwater Plume with
Local Tree Swallows: D R Lee
8:15 A.M. H11A-02 Geophysical and Hydrological Investigation of
Rock Glacier in the Canadian Rockies: A Mozil, L R Bentley,
M Hayashi
9:30 A.M. H11B-07 A Model for Water Flow in Patterned Glacial Till
Incorporating Coupled Multi-Scale Heterogeneity Effects:
X Pan, M Ali, A M Ireson, W Helgason
8:30 A.M. H11A-03 The future risk and uncertainty of livelihood
development of the villagers on banks of the Lower Mekong Basin
(LMB), Cambodia: S Sok II
9:45 A.M. H11B-08 Assessment of Hydrological Behaviour of a
Snowmelt-Dominated Catchment at Different Scales: M Shafii,
N B Basu, J R Craig, S L Schiff, P Van Cappellen, H H Dürr
8:45 A.M. H11A-04 Water budget imbalance and error source for
Canada’s major drainage basins: S Wang
Room 510A
9:00 A.M. H11A-05 Going Global: Creating a Baseline Inventory
of Physical Exposure to Riverine Inundation at Multiple Scales:
R L Dryden, B Lehner
Monday, 8:00 A.M.
9:15 A.M. H11A-06 Bukhtarma Reservoir water availability
fluctuations on the China-Kazakh trans-boundary Irtysh River:
S Mashtayeva Sr, J Sagin, S Sadvakasova, T Usmanov
9:30 A.M. H11A-07 Coupling System Dynamics and SahysMod
Models for Participatory Soil Salinity Management in the Rechna
Doab Region, Pakistan: J Boisvert-Chouinard, J Halbe,
J F Adamowski
9:45 A.M. H11A-08 Natural and anthropogenic geomorphological
changes of Ural River, Kazakhstan: G Kabdulova, B Kaziyev, J Sagin
Room 515A-C
Monday, 8:00 A.M.
Hydrologic Modeling Across Scales: On the Issue of Scale
Dependency (joint with AS, ES)
Presiding: Saman Razavi, University of Saskatchewan; Hoshin
Gupta, University of Arizona; Bethanna Jackson, Victoria
University of Wellington; Rohini Kumar, Helmholtz Centre for
Environmental Research UFZ Leipzig
8:00 A.M. H11B-01 The Hydrological Challenges of Scale
Dependency: H S Wheater
8:15 A.M. H11B-02 Seamless prediction of water fluxes across
scales: L E Samaniego, O Rakovec, R Kumar, J Mai, D Schaefer,
M Cuntz, M Schrön, S Thober, M Zink, S Attinger
8:30 A.M. H11B-03 Evaluating the Scalability of a ProcessConsistent Hydrologic Model: T J Smith, L A Marshall, B L McGlynn,
K D Hayes
8:45 A.M. H11B-04 Multi-scale studies of Permafrost Thaw
Impacts on Eco-Hydrology in the Southern Fringe of Permafrost,
Northwestern Canada: W L Quinton, J L Baltzer, O Sonnentag,
A A Berg, L Chasmer, R Connon
9:00 A.M. H11B-05 Frequency Bias Correction (FBC) - A new
alternative for addressing GCM dependence biases for hydrological
applications: A Sharma, N Ha, R Mehrotra
9:15 A.M. H11B-06 Topographic influences on the scaling of
groundwater-surface water exchange fluxes: J R Craig,
A P Snowdon
Mafic-Ultramafic Magmatic Ore Deposits I: Gisements mafiques et
ultramafiques d’origine magmatique (joint with VGP)
Presiding: Bernard Charlier, University of Liège; Olivier Namur,
Leibniz Universität Hannover
8:00 A.M. MD11A-01 The fine-scale chemical variation of chromite
in the UG-2 chromitite and the distribution of platinum-group
elements in sulfides of the Bushveld Complex, South Africa: M Junge,
T Oberthür, F Melcher
8:15 A.M. MD11A-02 Why are Chromite-rich Rocks Enriched in Os,
Ir, Ru and Rh? Constraints from the Stillwater Complex Chromitites:
S J Barnes, P Pagé, H M Prichard, M L Zientek, P C Fischer
8:30 A.M. MD11A-03 Slab Contamination of Asthenospheric
Melts Triggered the Crystallization of Chromite in the Formation of
Podiform Chromite Deposits: M F Zhou
R Pvs
9:00 A.M. MD11A-05 Analogue experiments to exA.M.ine the
possibility of forming chromite layers by kinetic sieving during
slumping of crystal slurry: M Forien, J Tremblay, S J Barnes, P Pagé
9:15 A.M. MD11A-06 Petrogenesis of the Fe–Ti–V–(P)-bearing
Ferrogabbroic Big Mac Intrusion in the McFaulds Lake Greenstone
Belt, Superior Province, Northern Ontario (Canada): A A Sappin,
M G Houlé, R T Metsaranta, C M Lesher
9:30 A.M. MD11A-07 Magma chA.M.ber recharge and sulfide
mineralization in a Proterozoic mafic sill from the Franklin magmatic
event, Victoria Island, NWT, Canada: J Haddad, H R Naslund, J H J
Room 510D
Monday, 8:00 A.M.
Recent Developments at Sudbury and Other Canadian Impact
Structures (joint with ES, MD)
Presiding: Gordon Osinski, University of Western Ontario; Richard
Grieve, Natural Resources Canada; Peter Lightfoot, Vale
8:00 A.M. P11A-01 Impact Melt Emplacement, Cooling, and
Crystallization in the Sudbury Igneous Complex: C M Lesher
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
8:15 A.M. P11A-02 Geochemical Variation Along Strike of the
Hess Offset Dyke at the Sudbury Impact Structure, Canada:
E Pilles, G R Osinski, J Bailey, D Smith
8:45 A.M. PG11A-04 Age and Evolution of Deep Continental Roots
beneath Northern Canada: J Liu, A J Riches, L Brin, G D Pearson,
B Kienlen, B A Kjarsgaard, T Stachel, J P Armstrong
8:30 A.M. P11A-03 Electron Microprobe Analysis of Sudbury
Breccia from the Creighton and Coleman Mines, Sudbury Ontario:
Constraints on the Extent of Hydrothermal Modification of Magmatic
Footwall Ni-Cu-PGE Sulphide Mineralisation: J O’Callaghan,
G R Osinski, R Linnen, P C Lightfoot
9:15 A.M. PG11A-05 Geochemistry of the Wijinnedi-Snare,
Courageous-MacKay, and Lac du Rocher/CA.M.sell Lake volcanic
belts of the Slave craton: B Williams, B Cousens, A Berger,
L Ootes, V Jackson, M A Hamilton
8:45 A.M. P11A-04 The Age of the Carswell Impact Structure:
W Bleeker, A N Lecheminant, C Alwmark, L Page, A Schérsten,
U Söderlund
9:00 A.M. P11A-05 Examining Infrared Reflectance Spectra of
Shocked and Unshocked Granites from Lake St. Martin Impact
Structure: Implications for Detection on Mars: R Wilks, D M Applin,
E Cloutis, P Mann, M R Izawa
9:15 A.M. P11A-06 New Ar-Ar Dating of the East and West
Clearwater Lake Impact Structures, Québec, Canada—Evidence for
Two Separate Impact Events: Nouvelle Datation Ar-Ar des Structures
Impact du Lac à Eau Claire Est et Ouest, Québec, Canada—Mise en
Évidence de Deux Impacts Distincts: G R Osinski, M Schmieder,
W H Schwarz, M Trieloff, E Tohver, E Buchner, J Hopp, R A F Grieve
9:30 A.M. P11A-07 Impact-generated Hydrothermal Activity at the
East and West Clearwater Lake Impact Structures:
M C Kerrigan, G R Osinski
9:45 A.M. P11A-08 Geophysical Investigation of Charity Shoal
Structure: A Suspected Impact Crater in northeastern Lake Ontario:
M H Armour, J I Boyce, P A Suttak
Room 510C
Monday, 8:00 A.M.
Canadian Cratons Through Time: 4.0 Ga of Chemical Evolution
and Tectonism: Cratons canadiens: 4.0 milliards d’années
d’ évolution chimique et tectonique (joint with SE, T, VGP)
Presiding: Aleksandar Miskovic, University of British Columbia;
GrahA.M. Pearson, University of Alberta; Bruce Eglington,
University of Saskatchewan
8:00 A.M. PG11A-01 Using U-Pb, Lu-Hf and O Isotopes in Zircons
to Unlock the Crust-Mantle Evolution and Relationships to Mineral
Systems of the Marmion Terrane (3.02-2.68 Ga), Superior Province,
Canada: Apport des données U-Pb, Lu-Hf et Isotopes de Oxygene
dans la Compréhension de Évolution Croute-Manteau et de son
Influence sur la Metallogénie du Marmion Terrane (3.02-2.68 Ga),
Province du Supérieur, Canada: K E Bjorkman,
T C McCuaig, Y Lu, P N Hollings
8:15 A.M. PG11A-02 Ca. 2.17 Ga mafic magmatism in the Superior
Craton: a case for a rift-related LIP: D Milidragovic, G Beaudoin,
M A Hamilton
8:30 A.M. PG11A-03 Visualisation of Plate Reconstructions for the
Archaean: an example from the Superior Craton: B M Eglington,
C MacKay, R Kerrich
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
9:30 A.M. PG11A-06 The Complex History of the Slave Craton
Lithospheric Mantle Root in the Context of Regional Tectonics:
D G Pearson, K A Mather, B A Kjarsgaard, J Liu, M Kopylova,
C W Dale, J P Armstrong, G Irvine
9:45 A.M. PG11A-07 Age and provenance of Archean basement
and Paleoproterozoic supracrustal rocks within Wopmay orogen:
L Ootes, V Jackson, W J Davis
Room 511A
Monday, 8:00 A.M.
Advances in Ground Motion Modeling in Eastern North
America I (joint with SE)
Presiding: Gail Atkinson, University of Western Ontario; Christine
Goulet, Pacific Earthquake Engineering Center
8:00 A.M. S11A-01 PEER NGA-East Overview: Development of
a Ground Motion Characterization Model and Ground Motion
Prediction Equations for Central and Eastern North America: PEER
NGA-East: Développement dun modèle de mouvement de sol pour le
Centre et Est de Amérique du Nord incluant de nouvelles équations
de prédiction du mouvement du sol (lois d'atténuation): C A Goulet,
Y Bozorgnia, N A Abrahamson
8:20 A.M. S11A-02 PEER NGA-East Database: T Kishida, C A Goulet,
T D Ancheta, C H Cramer, R B Darragh, W J Silva Jr, Y M A Hashash,
J Harmon, J P Stewart, K E Wooddell, R R Youngs
8:40 A.M. S11A-03 Ground-Motion Prediction Equation
Development Using Random Vibration Theory, Bayesian Regression,
and Finite Fault Simulations: The PEER NGA-East Example:
J C Hollenback, N M Kuehn, C A Goulet, N A Abrahamson
9:00 A.M. S11A-04 A Hybrid Empirical Ground Motion Prediction
Model for Eastern North America: S Pezeshk, A Zandieh,
K W Campbell, B Tavakoli
9:20 A.M. S11A-05 A Preliminary Model of Site amplification for use
in Ground-Motion Modeling in Southern Ontario: S C Braganza,
H Ghofrani, G M Atkinson
9:40 A.M. S11A-06 An ENA Empirical GMPE based on the
NGA East Database and Intensity Observations: C H Cramer,
M N Al Noman, P Ogweno
Room 511D
Monday, 8:00 A.M.
General Contributions in Sedimentary Geology and
Presiding: Galen Halverson, McGill University; Elizabeth Turner,
Laurentian University; Timothy Gibson, McGill University;
Katherine Hahn, Laurentian University
8:00 A.M. SG11A-01 Organomineralizing cryptic communities as
an element of carbonate mound formation: S N Larmagnat,
F Neuweiler
8:15 A.M. SG11A-02 Cnidarian Medusae (Jellyfish): the Ultimate
Taphonomic Proxies: G Young, J Hagadorn
8:30 A.M. SG11A-03 Halysis Høeg, 1932 (Early Ordovician-Middle
Devonian): calcification history and role in mound formation:
Y Shen, F Neuweiler
8:55 A.M. SPA11A-04 External Versus Internal Triggering of
Substorms: An Information-Theoretical Approach: J Johnson,
S Wing, P A Damiano
9:10 A.M. SPA11A-05 Dynamical Critical Scaling of Space Storms:
J A Wanliss, V M Uritsky
9:25 A.M. SPA11A-06 On the Role of Long-Range Connectivity in
Space Plasma Complexity: G Consolini, S Benella
9:45 A.M. SPA11A-07 Temporal evolution of linear kinetic Alfven
waves in inhomogeneous plasmas and turbulence generation:
R Goyal, R P Sharma
Room 511E
Monday, 8:00 A.M.
8:45 A.M. SG11A-04 Factors leading to the Development of
a Precambrian quartz arenite: the Paleoproterozoic Bar River
Formation, Huronian Supergroup: R D J Aranha, P L Corcoran,
F J Longstaffe
Crustal Evolution in Large Hot Orogens From Pre-collisional
Continental Margin Through the Collision and Collapse
Stages: Evidence From Field, Analytical, and Numerical
Studies I (joint with SE, VGP)
Presiding: Aphrodite Indares, Memorial University of
Newfoundland; Toby Rivers, Memorial University of
Newfoundland; Fried Schwerdtner, University of Toronto
9:00 A.M. SG11A-05 Source rock analysis of the Agbada shales of
Niger Delta basin, Nigeria, using well log data and Attribute analysis:
A A Adeniji, J R Onayemi
8:00 A.M. T11A-01 Partial melting, orogeny and crustal
differentiation: Fusion partielle, orogénèse et différentiation crustale:
O Vanderhaeghe
9:15 A.M. SG11A-06 Upscaling permeability in bioturbated,
heterogeneous tight reservoir rock using the Keq approach:
A Hsieh, D M Allen, J A MacEachern
8:30 A.M. T11A-02 What controls the geometry of large collisional
orogens: insights from numerical modelling:
K Vogt, L C Matenco, T Gerya, S Cloetingh
9:30 A.M. SG11A-07 Integrated Geomechanical, Geological, and
Geophysical Investigations of the Cretaceous Pierre Shale:
B Roggenthen, J R Nopola, L D Stetler, L A Roberts
8:45 A.M. T11A-04 Thermal Evolution of the Deep Crust
Constrained using Lu-Hf and U-Pb Geochronology, and Garnet
Thermometry: M A Smit, L Ratschbacher, E Kooijman, M A Stearns
Room 510B
9:00 A.M. T11A-05 Crustal Structure Variation Across the Western
Himalayas and Tibet: A Gilligan, K F Priestley, S W Roecker,
V L Levin, S S Rai
Monday, 8:00 A.M.
Solar System Plasma Intermittency, Turbulence, and
Complexity I
Presiding: Herve Lamy, BIRA-IASB; Jay Johnson, Princeton Plasma
Physics Lab; Tom Chang, Massachusetts Institute of Technology;
Marius Echim, Institute of Space Sciences
8:00 A.M. SPA11A-01 Intermittent Scaling of the Solar Wind Data
from Ulysses: Multifractal Analysis: A Wawrzaszek, W M Macek,
M Echim
8:20 A.M. SPA11A-02 Local Fluctuations and Correlations in
Turbulent Cascade Rates in the Solar Wind: M A Forman,
J T Coburn, C W Smith, B J Vasquez, J E Stawarz
8:35 A.M. SPA11A-03 Solar Wind Turbulence: the Effects of Spherical
Expansion on II and III Order Structure Functions: La Turbulence dans
le Vent Solair: les Effets de l’Expansion Sphérique sur les Fonctions de
Structure d’ordre II et III: A Verdini
9:15 A.M. T11A-06 Syn-Compression Normal-Sense Low-Angle
Detachment in the Himalayan Foreland, Western Nepal: Implications
for Orogenic Models: R Soucy La Roche, L Godin,
J M Cottle
9:30 A.M. T11A-07 Crustal evolution of ca. 1.9-1.85 Ga collisional
orogen associated with the massif-type anorthosite in the Yeongnam
Massif, Korea: M Cho, Y Lee, W Cheong, K Yi
Room 511F
Monday, 8:00 A.M.
3D Mapping Geology (joint with SE)
Presiding: Robert Marquis, Institut national des mines; li Zhen
Cheng, University of Quebec Abitibi-TémiscA.M.ingue UQAT
8:00 A.M. VGP11A-01 Rationale and Methods for Regional 3D
Geological Mapping: H Thorleifson
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
8:40 A.M. VGP11A-03 Robust 3D Geological Models: Hard Data is
Key: F Fallara
Room 513D-F
8:55 A.M. VGP11A-04 3D exploration targeting based on mineral
deposit model: A case of study in Luanchuan district: G Wang
Monday, 10:30 A.M.
9:10 A.M. VGP11A-05 Analysis of Depositional Systems and
Sequences of RAY Field, Onshore Niger Delta, Nigeria:
J R Onayemi, O Sunday
9:25 A.M. VGP11A-06 Three-dimensional interpretation of
geophysical data and geological implications: Interprétation
tridimensionnelle des données géophysiques et implicationsg
éologiques: L Z Cheng, B Abbassi, P Boszczuk Sr
Climate Change Impacts at Regional Scales: Strategies for
Efficient and Effective Simulation Studies I (joint with AS,
ES, H)
Presiding: John Kim, USFS, Pacific Northwest Research Station;
Michael Case, University of Washington; Julie Vano, Oregon State
University; Leo Salas, Point Blue Conservation Science
10:30 A.M. B12A-01 Communicating Climate Risk to Natural
Resource Managers: R N Palmer
9:40 A.M. VGP11A-07 Three-dimensional (3D) geologic map of the
San Andreas Fault Zone, Central California, U.S.A. - revelations and
lessons learned: R W Graymer, M Roberts, D McPhee,
R G Stanley
10:45 A.M. B12A-02 Evaluating Statistical Downscaling
Performance Under Changing Climatic Conditions: K W Dixon,
J R Lanzante, C F Gaitan, K Hayhoe, A M K Stoner
Room 513A-C
11:00 A.M. B12A-03 Quantifying Climate Change Impacts on
Infrastructure: A Statistical Downscaling Application:
A M K Stoner, K Hayhoe
Monday, 10:30 A.M.
Climate Applications of Multi-Model Ensemble (MME)
Systems II: Applications des systèmes de prévisions
climatiques d’ensemble multi-modèles. (joint with OS)
Presiding: Dan Collins, NOAA/NWS/NCEP; Emily Becker, Innovim;
Bertrand Denis, Meteorological Service of Canada; Hai Lin,
Environment Canada
10:30 A.M. AS12A-01 Towards regional understanding and
predictions of tropical cyclone activity and hydroclimate:
G A Vecchi
10:50 A.M. AS12A-02 Evaluation of the January-March 2015
Monthly Rainfall Predicted by Taiwan CWB Two-tier MME Forecast
System: M M Lu, Y C Lin, C T Lee, J W Hwu
11:10 A.M. AS12A-03 Multi-Model Ensemble for Seasonal
Forecasting at Environment Canada: B Denis, W J Merryfield,
J S Fontecilla
11:25 A.M. Climate Applications of MME Poster Introductions:
D C Collins
11:30 A.M. AS12A-04 Probabilistic Forecasting in NMME:
E J Becker, H M Van den Dool
11:45 A.M. AS12A-05 Evaluating the Skill of NMME Seasonal
Precipitation Ensemble Predictions for 17 Hydroclimatic Regions in
Continental China: F Ma, A Ye, X Deng, Z Zhou, Q Duan
11:15 A.M. B12A-04 From range retraction to population cycling:
How spatially-explicit demographic models can inform climate
change vulnerability: B Zuckerberg, I Naujokaitis-Lewis, L Pomara
11:30 A.M. B12A-05 Reconciling scales for modeling the effects of
climate change on wildfire: U Shankar, D McKenzie, J H Bowden,
K Talgo, L Ran, B H Baek, Z Adelman, A Xiu, M Omary,
E A Adams, D Yang
11:45 A.M. B12A-06 Cross Site Analysis of Projections of the
Biogeochemical Responses of Forested Watersheds in the
Northeastern U.S. to Future Climate Change and Increasing
CO2 over the 21st Century Using a Dynamic Model (PnET-BGC):
C T Driscoll, A Pourmokhtarian, J L Campbell, A M K Stoner,
K Hayhoe
12:15 P.M. B12A-08 Simulating Pacific Northwest Forest Response
to Climate Change: How We Made Model Results Useful for
Vulnerability Assessment: J B Kim, B K Kerns, J Halofsky
Room 512A/B/E/F
Monday, 10:30 A.M.
Mercury Biogeochemistry and Environmental Change I
(joint with H)
Presiding: Carl Mitchell, University of Toronto; Brian Branfireun,
Western University; David Krabbenhoft, USGS Wisconsin Water
Science Center; Elsie Sunderland, Harvard University
12:00 P.M. AS12A-06 Ensemble Hydrological Forecasts:
D A Durnford, V Fortin, E Gaborit
10:30 A.M. Introductory Remarks
12:15 P.M. AS12A-07 Developing Operational MME Forecasts for
Subseasonal Timescales: D C Collins
10:35 A.M. B12B-01 Status of our understanding about legacy
mercury, its role in the global biogeochemical cycle, and implications
for forecasting environmental change: H M Amos
11:00 A.M. B12B-02 Distribution of Hg and Pb in peatlands of
Ontario: J Talbot, T R Moore, M Wang, J L Riley
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
11:15 A.M. B12B-03 Spatial and Temporal Trends in Mercury
Accumulation in Laurentian Great Lakes Fish: Are Global Mercury
Inputs Affecting the Great Lakes Ecosystem?: T Holsen,
D P Krabbenhoft, H Zhou, T Johnson, B Crimmins
Monday, 10:30 A.M.
11:30 A.M. B12B-04 A cross-ecosystem comparison of mercury
accumulation in Canadian lakes and aquatic food webs along a 30o
latitudinal gradient: M Richardson, J Chetelat, G A MacMillan,
M amyot
Modeling the Neutral Atmosphere and Ionosphere for
Geodetic and Geophysical Applications
Presiding: Marcelo Santos, Department of Geodesy and
Geomatics Engineering; Panagiotis Vergados, NASA Jet
Propulsion Laboratory
11:45 A.M. B12B-05 Climate Change Impacts on Mercury Mobility
in Peatland Ecosystems: K Haynes, C P J Mitchell,
E S Kane, L Potvin, E Lilleskov, R K Kolka
10:30 A.M. G12A-01 Assessment of the SHAO-C Tropospheric Delay
Correction Model Over Ethiopia: Y G Ejigu, G M Tsidu III
12:00 P.M. B12B-06 Effects of Timber Harvest on Mercury Cycling in
the Pacific Northwest, USA: C Eckley, C Eagles-Smith, M Tate,
D P Krabbenhoft, B Kowalski, L Woodruff
12:25 P.M. Concluding Remarks and/or Discussion
Room 511C
Monday, 10:30 A.M.
Advancements in Environmental Site Assessment and
Characterization I (joint with SE)
Presiding: Rick McGregor, InSitu Remediation Services Ltd. (IRSL);
Judith Patterson, Concordia University; Nicholas Valleau, Geosoft
Inc.; Elizabeth Baranyi, Geosoft Inc.
11:00 A.M. G12A-03 GAPS for Atmospheric Studies (GAPS-ATM):
Preliminary Results: M A M D Mendonca, M C Santos
11:15 A.M. G12A-04 An overview of the UNB Ray-Tracer for geodetic
applications: M C Santos, F G Nievinski
11:30 A.M. G12A-05 Forecasting the radiooptical properties of
the atmosphere: Previsions des proprietés radiooptiques de
l’atmosphère: J M Aparicio
11:45 A.M. G12A-06 Inside Tropical Cyclones With GPS: A New
Perspective on Their Morphology and Intensity Estimation:
P Vergados, Z J Luo, K Emanuel, A J Mannucci
12:00 P.M. G12A-07 Geophysical Parameters and Geophysical
Application Development for Space-borne Polarimetric SAR
(Synthetic Aperture Radar): W M Moon, J Yin, D J Kim
10:30 A.M. ES12A-01 Characterization of Arsenic Species in Lake
Sediments Surrounding Giant Mine, NWT: M D Van Den Berghe,
H E Jamieson, M Palmer
12:15 P.M. G12A-08 Ionospheric Disturbances after 2010 Merapi
Eruption: The Biggest Amplitude of Disturbances by Volcano
Eruption: M N Cahyadi
10:45 A.M. ES12A-02 The Role of Mineralogical Research in Mine
Site Characterization: J B Percival, A J Desbarats, K E Venance,
M B Parsons
Room 514A-C
11:00 A.M. ES12A-03 Understanding of the hydrobiogeochmical
processes in characterization of petroleum contA.M.inated shallow
groundwater: Y Yang, X Du, X Yang, Y Lu, W Fan
11:15 A.M. ES12A-04 A Case Study using Stable and Radiocarbon
Isotope Analysis as a Tool to Assess Biodegradation of Hydrocarbon
Contaminants in Permafrost, Old Crow, Yukon:
F D’Arcy, B E Benkert, L Van Warmerdam, I D Clark
11:30 A.M. ES12A-05 The Application of Ontario’s Environmental
Assessment Act to Mine Development in Ontario: A Case Study of
Northern Ontario Mines: J G Patterson, T Bell
11:45 A.M. ES12A-06 A New Environmental and Social Impact
Assessment (ESIA) Methodology: Reducing Adverse Effects at the Site
Scale for Oil and Gas Projects: D Lawler
12:00 P.M. ES12A-07 Detection and classification of unexploded
ordnance in challenging environments: L Beran, S Billings,
L Pasion
Monday, 10:30 A.M.
Geothermal Energy (joint with GR, VGP)
Presiding: Tirupati Bolisetti, University of Windsor; Denis Tanguay,
Canadian Geoexchange Coalition
10:30 A.M. Introductory Remarks
10:35 A.M. H12A-01 Stochastic Interpretation of Thermal Response
Test with Complex Ground Heat Exchanger Model:
P Pasquier, D Marcotte
11:00 A.M. H12A-02 Simulation of Borehole Thermal Energy
Storage with the Haar Wavelet Method: A Nguyen, P Pasquier
11:15 A.M. H12A-03 Numerical Simulation of Deep Bore Heat
Pumps: V R Melanathuru, T Bolisetti, S Reitsma, D S K Ting
11:30 A.M. H12A-04 The use of shallow geothermal energy for
bridge deck deicing: K Velegrinos, H M Hollaender, R Sinclair
11:45 A.M. H12A-05 Development of a Thermo-Hydro-Chemical
(THC) Model for Studying the Hydrogeochemical Behavior of
Standing Column Wells: F Eppner, P Pasquier, P Baudron
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
12:00 P.M. H12A-06 Analytical Approaches to Modelling
Temperature Variations for a Vertical Ground-Coupled Heat Pump
System: D T Gordon, T Bolisetti, S Reitsma, D S K Ting
12:15 P.M. H12A-07 Numerical studies on combined CO2 injectionbrine extraction process in a low-medium geothermal reservoir:
H Liu, Z Hou, Y Gou
Room 515A-C
Monday, 10:30 A.M.
Some Do Not Like It Hot: Climate Change Impacts on the
Thermal and Flow Regimes of Hydrologic Systems
Presiding: Barret Kurylyk, University of Calgary; Jeffrey McKenzie,
McGill University; Laura Lautz, Syracuse University; Dae Jeong,
Université du Québec à Montréal
10:30 A.M. H12B-01 Projected changes to hot air-temperature
spells for Canada based on a Regional Climate Model ensemble:
D I Jeong, L Sushama, G T Diro, M N Khaliq, H Beltrami, D Caya
10:45 A.M. H12B-02 Sensitivity of Summer Stream Temperatures to
Climate Variability in the Pacific Northwest United States:
C Luce, B P Staab, M G Kramer, S J Wenger, D Isaak, C McConnell
11:00 A.M. H12B-03 River Temperature Dynamics and
Corresponding Surface / Streambed Heat Fluxes: D Caissie,
B Kurylyk, N El-Jabi, A St-Hilaire, K T B MacQuarrie
11:15 A.M. H12B-04 Using Distributed Temperature Sensing (DTS)
and LDCA to Parse Thermal Forcings in Small Creeks:
C E Hatch, D A Boughton, E Mora
11:30 A.M. H12B-05 Quantifying Groundwater-Surface Water
Interactions with a Stream Energy Balance, Cordillera Blanca, Peru:
L D Somers, J M McKenzie, L Lautz, R Gordon, O H Wigmore,
B G Mark
11:45 A.M. H12B-06 Spatial Variability of Thermal Refuges
Analysed in Relation to Landscape Hydromorphology in the
Restigouche River Watershed: S Dugdale, N Bergeron, A St-Hilaire
12:00 P.M. H12B-07 Preserving, augmenting, and creating coldwater thermal refugia in rivers: concepts derived from research on
the Miramichi River, New Brunswick: B L Kurylyk, K T B MacQuarrie,
T Linnansaari, R A Cunjak, A Curry
12:15 P.M. H12B-08 Multi-layer stratification of groundwater
temperatures in Ordovician and Silurian aquifers at the Victor
DiA.M.ond Mine, as evidence of groundwater recharge under past
cold climate conditions and limited deep groundwater circulation in
James Bay Lowlands, near Attawapiskat, Ontario:
S Gautrey, P Rummel, B Steinback
Room 510A
Monday, 10:30 A.M.
Mafic-UltrA.M.afic Magmatic Ore Deposits II: Gisements
mafiques et ultramafiques d’origine magmatique
(joint with VGP)
Presiding: Bernard Charlier, University of Liège; Olivier Namur,
Leibniz Universität Hannover
10:30 A.M. MD12A-01 Role of liquid immiscibility in the generation
of magmatic Fe-P-O deposits: J Mungall, J M Brenan,
K Long, D J Smythe, H R Naslund
10:45 A.M. MD12A-02 Iron-Rich Ultramafic Pegmatites of the
Bushveld Complex, South Africa and Their Relationships with the
UG2 Platiniferous Chromitite Layer: I V Veksler, D L Reid
SYSTEM: R B Larsen, M Iljina, T Grant, M Schanche
11:15 A.M. MD12A-04 Ni-Cu-PGE Mineralizations within a
Komatiitic Subvolcanic and Volcanic Succession in the Mesoarchean
Venus Greenstone Belt, Superior Province, Northern Québec, Canada:
F Huot, M G Houlé, V Pearson, P Archer
11:30 A.M. MD12A-05 Dating Layered Intrusions and Their Ore
Deposits: J S Scoates, C J Wall
11:45 A.M. MD12A-06 Extreme Variations in γOs, on the Thin
Section Scale in Laurites from Chromite Layers from Stillwater
Complex: Implications for the Origin of Laurite and the
Representativeness of Whole Rock γOs: L Wavrant, S J Barnes,
P Pagé, N Pearson, W L Griffin
12:00 P.M. MD12A-07 Sulfide Distribution and Oxygen Isotopic
Variation Within the J-M Reef, Stillwater Complex, Montana:
M Lilley, E Ripley, C Li
12:15 P.M. MD12A-08 Multiple Sulfur Isotope Studies of the
Stillwater Complex, Montana: A M Ayre, E Ripley, C Li
Room 510D
Monday, 10:30 A.M.
Shock Processes in Terrestrial and Extraterrestrial Materials
(joint with SPA, T, VGP)
Presiding: Erin Walton, MacEwan University; Lucy Thompson,
University of New Brunswick; John Spray, University of New
10:30 A.M. P12A-01 Reconstruction of shock conditions and
recovery paths in shock melt veins and pockets in martian and
chondritic meteorites: O D Tschauner, C Ma, J R Beckett,
G R Rossman
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
10:42 A.M. P12A-02 Volatile Elements in the Tissint Meteorite:
Evidence for a Geochemical Signature for Martian Near-surface
Alteration Preserved in Shock-generated Melt Pockets:
C R Kuchka, C D K Herd, E L Walton, Y Chen, Y Liu
11:45 A.M. PG12A-06 Deep-water Seep-related Carbonate Mounds:
Implications for Seawater and Vent Fluid Geochemistry in the
Mesoproterozoic Borden Basin, Nunavut: K E Hahn, E Turner,
B S KA.M.ber
10:54 A.M. P12A-03 Characterization of Mineral Assemblages
Associated with Shock Veins in L5 Chondrite Dhofar 1970:
S McCarthy, E L Walton
12:00 P.M. PG12A-07 Stratigraphy, Architecture and MorphoDynamics
of an Early Neoproterozoic Alluvial Plain: The Nelson Head Formation
of Brock Inlier, NWT, Canada: R Rainbird, A Ielpi
11:06 A.M. P12A-04 Shock Processes in Solar System Zircon:
D Moser
12:15 P.M. PG12A-08 New Meso-Neoproterozoic Paleomagnetic
Results from the Congo-Sao Francisco Craton: T Larson, D A Evans, R
E Hanson, M Hofmann, U Linnemann, I W D Dalziel
11:18 A.M. P12A-05 Shock Veins in Terrestrial and Extraterrestrial
Materials: Examples from the Steen River Impact Structure and NWA
8159 Martian Augite Basalt: E L Walton, T G Sharp, J Hu
Room 511A
11:30 A.M. P12A-06 Labradoritic Hollandite in the Central Uplift of
the Manicouagan Impact Structure: S Boonsue, J G Spray
Monday, 10:30 A.M.
11:42 A.M. P12A-07 Manifestation of shock in plagioclase from
shatter coned gneisses, Manicouagan impact structure:
L M Thompson
Advances in Ground Motion Modeling in Eastern North
America II (joint with SE)
Presiding: Gail Atkinson, University of Western Ontario; Christine
Goulet, Pacific Earthquake Engineering Center
11:54 A.M. P12A-08 Shocked Biotite in Natural and Experimental
Systems: N Deseta
12:06 P.M. P12A-09 Implications of a hyperboloid transient cavity
model for impact craters: M R Dence, J G Spray, L M Thompson
12:18 P.M. P12A-10 Post-Shock Oscillatory Slip: Displacement and
Vibration Melting without Offset: J G Spray
Room 510C
Monday, 10:30 A.M.
History of Middle Earth: Sedimentation, Evolution, and
Tectonics During the Boring Billion I (joint with GP, PP, SG, VGP)
Presiding: Robert Rainbird, Geological Survey of Canada;
Elizabeth Turner, Laurentian University; Galen Halverson, McGill
University; Thomas Skulski, Geological Survey of Canada
10:30 A.M. S12A-01 Regionally-Adjustable Generic Ground-Motion
Prediction Equation: Application to Central and Eastern North
America: E Yenier, G M Atkinson
10:50 A.M. S12A-02 Estimation of Moment Magnitude and Stress
Parameter from ShakeMap Ground-Motion Parameters for Real-Time
Applications: B Hassani, G M Atkinson
11:10 A.M. S12A-03 Comparison of Vs30 mapping and observed
intensity distribution in the Greater Montreal: L Chouinard,
P Rosset
11:30 A.M. S12A-04 Scenario Shakemaps for Use in Earthquake Risk
Studies in Montreal: H Ghofrani, G M Atkinson, L Chouinard,
P Rosset, K F Tiampo
11:50 A.M. S12A-05 Seismic and Liquefaction Hazard Maps for the
St. Louis Metropolitan Area: C H Cramer, R A Williams, O S Boyd,
R Bauer, V Voigt, L Pierce, J W Chung, J D Rogers
10:30 A.M. PG12A-01 Questioning Myths of the Middle Proterozoic
Time: A Bekker
12:10 P.M. S12A-06 Neuronal Attenuation Laws for Mexico-City:
an updating effort: L Alcántara, S García
10:45 A.M. PG12A-02 Proterozoic Atmospheric Oxygen Levels:
N J Planavsky, C Reinhard, X Wang, T Lyons
Room 510B
11:00 A.M. PG12A-03 Sedimentary and Geochemical Heterogeneity
in the Mesoproterozoic: A Natural Consequence of Protracted
Oxygenation?: L C Kah, A R Manning-Berg,
G J Gilleaudeau, J K Bartley
Monday, 10:30 A.M.
11:15 A.M. PG12A-04 Trends in Nutrient Supply, Productivity and
Atmosphere Oxygenation through the Boring Billion: I Mukherjee,
R R Large, L V Danyushevsky
11:30 A.M. PG12A-05 Sedimentology and Geochemistry of a 1.4
Ga Continental Playa System, the Lower Sibley Group, Northwestern
Ontario: Implications for the Mesoproterozoic Hydrosphere and
Atmosphere: P W Fralick, R T Metsaranta
General Contributions in Heliophysics I
Presiding: David Sibeck, NASA/GSFC; Larry Paxton, The Johns
Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory
10:30 A.M. SPA12A-01 Forecasting Solar Wind Streams from
Quiescent Solar Corona and Recurrent Geomagnetic Activity:
L Nikolic, L McKee, H L Lam, L Trichtchenko
10:45 A.M. SPA12A-02 Study of the Formation and Topology of Flux
Transfer Events using Global Numerical Simulation: G Fariñas Pérez,
F R Cardoso, W D Gonzalez
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
11:00 A.M. SPA12A-03 The Global Structure and Time Evolution of
Dayside Magnetopause Surface Eigenmodes: M Hartinger,
F Plaschke, M O Archer, D Welling, M Moldwin, A J Ridley
11:20 A.M. SPA12A-04 Shape of the terrestrial plasma sheet in
the near-Earth magnetospheric tail as imaged by the Interstellar
Boundary Explorer (IBEX): M A Dayeh, S Fuselier, H O Funsten,
D J McComas, K Ogasawara, S M Petrinec, N Schwadron, P W Valek
11:35 A.M. SPA12A-05 The Role of Multiple Atmospheric Reflections
in the Formation of Electron Distribution Functions in the Diffuse
Aurora Region: G V Khazanov, A Glocer, D G Sibeck
11:55 A.M. SPA12A-06 Whistler-cyclotron spontaneous fluctuations in
thermal and non-thermal space plasmas: P S Moya, A F Vinas
12:10 P.M. SPA12A-07 Investigation of the Causes of Anomalous
Ionosphere Electron Density Variations: P G Richards, R R Meier,
S Chen
Room 511E
Monday, 10:30 A.M.
Crustal Evolution in Large Hot Orogens From Pre-collisional
Continental Margin Through the Collision and Collapse
Stages: Evidence From Field, Analytical, and Numerical
Studies II (joint with SE, VGP)
Presiding: Aphrodite Indares, Memorial University of Newfoundland;
Toby Rivers, Memorial University of Newfoundland; Fried
Schwerdtner, University of Toronto
10:30 A.M. T12A-01 A 1 Ga Eclogite-bearing Hot Migmatitic Nappe
in the Sveconorwegian Orogen – a Window into Depth beneath the
Frontal Part of a Precambrian Himalayan-Tibetan-type Plateau: C
Möller, J Andersson
11:00 A.M. T12A-03 Orogenic wedge or channel flow for the
tectonic evolution of Parautochthonous Belt? New evidence from the
Central Grenville Province: S Jannin, F Gervais, A Moukhsil,
J L Crowley, L E Augland
11:15 A.M. T12A-04 Syn-orogenic High Fe-Ti Tholeiitic Magmatism
in the Hinterland of Central Grenville Province: Implications for the
Evolution of Large Hot Long Duration Orogens: B Maity, A D Indares,
G Dunning
11:30 A.M. T12A-05 Metamorphic Patterns of Aluminous Rocks
from High and Mid-pressure Crustal Segments of the Central
Grenville Province- a Review: A D Indares, G Dunning
11:45 A.M. T12A-06 The Supracrustal Rocks of the Escoumins Area:
a Well-Preserved Pinwarian Arc-Backarc Sequence in the Central
Grenville, Quebec: P A Groulier, A D Indares, A Moukhsil,
G Dunning, S J Pierce
Room 511F
Monday, 10:30 A.M.
3D Imaging of Natural and Artificial Earth Materials I (joint
with MS, P, SG)
Presiding: Pia Pleše, Université du Québec à Chicoutimi; Don
Baker, McGill University; Michael Higgins, Univ Quebec a Chicoutimi
10:30 A.M. VGP12A-01 Synchrotron X-Ray Microtomography
Techniques Applied to the 3D Morphological and Textural Analysis of
Geomaterials: L Mancini
10:45 A.M. VGP12A-02 Quantifying Internal Properties of Geologic
Materials by Image Analysis: D L Sahagian,
A A Proussevitch
11:00 A.M. VGP12A-03 Eruptive shearing revealed by tomography:
Y Lavallée, K U Hess, J E Kendrick, K J Dobson,
P A Ashwell, B Kennedy, F B Wadsworth, J Vasseur, D B Dingwell
11:15 A.M. VGP12A-04 Identifying source of Valibaba Tepe
ignimbrite (Kayseri, Türkiye) using high resolution x-ray tomography
(micro-CT): O Ersoy, G Atıcı, P Robion, E Aydar
11:30 A.M. VGP12A-05 Bubble-Crystal Interactions in a
Young Basalt Lava Flow – Preliminary Data from 3D X-Ray
Microtomography: P Pleše, M Higgins, D R Baker
11:45 A.M. VGP12A-06 Characterization of Bioaccessible Porosity
in Soil Aggregates by Micro-CT Scanning: A Akbari, S Ghoshal
12:15 P.M. VGP12A-08 Mineralogical and Macro/micro-Structural
Properties of Non-nacreous Pearl from Tridacna gigas (Philippines):
a Study on World’s Largest Pearls: R R M Ong
Room 511D
Monday, 10:30 A.M.
Using Computational ThermoDynamics to Model Natural
Systems: Recent Advances and Challenges for the Future I
(joint with EP, MS)
Presiding: Vincent van Hinsberg, McGill University; Manas Paliwal,
McGill University; Manas Paliwal, McGill University
10:30 A.M. VGP12B-01 ThermoDynamic Optimization of the Li2ONa2O-CaO-FeO-Fe2O3-Al2O3-SiO2-P2O5 System: P Hudon, I H Jung
10:45 A.M. VGP12B-02 Computing Dynamic titania activities
through Metamorphic evolution and implications on Ti-in-quartz
thermobarometry: K T Ashley, R D Law
11:00 A.M. VGP12B-03 Experimental investigation and
optimization of the thermoDynamic properties and phase diagrams
of the CaO-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2-ZrO2 system: S Kwon,
P Hudon, I H Jung
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
11:15 A.M. VGP12B-04 ThermoDynamic Optimization of the MgOMnO-Mn2O3-SiO2 System: S K Panda, Z Cao, I H Jung
11:30 A.M. VGP12B-05 CONSONORM_HG: a new method of
norm calculation for mid- to high-grade Metamorphic rocks:
CONSONORM_HG : une nouvelle méthode de calcul normatif pour
les roches métamorphiques de grades intermédiaires à élevés:
L Mathieu, S Trépanier, R Daigneault
11:45 A.M. VGP12B-06 A Structural Molar Volume Model for Oxide
Melts: I H Jung, E Thibodeau
12:00 P.M. VGP12B-07 Experimental Investigation and
ThermoDynamic Optimization of the Na2O-FeO-Fe2O3-Al2O3-SiO2
System: E Moosavi-Khoonsari, P Hudon, I H Jung
12:15 P.M. VGP12B-08 ThermoDynamic modeling of metal
transport in H2O-CO2 vapours: CO2-Fluxing Crashes Metal Mobility:
V van Hinsberg, K Berlo, A A Migdissov, A E Williams-Jones
Monday P.M.
Room 513A-C
3:45 P.M. AS13A-08 Dry Deposition of Polycyclic Aromatic
Compounds to Various Land Covers in the Athabasca Oil Sands
Region: L Zhang, I Cheng, Z Wu, T Harner, J Schuster, J P Charland,
D Muir
Room 513D-F
Monday, 2:00 P.M.
Atmospheric Sciences General Contributions, Including
Presiding: Athanasios Nenes, Georgia Institute of Technology
2:00 P.M. AS13B-01 Use of process tendencies to assess regional
climate models: K Chikhar, P Gauthier
2:15 P.M. AS13B-02 Assessment of Trend in Drought Propensity
across the Globe Using GCM Projections: K Chanda, R Maity
2:30 P.M. AS13B-03 The statistic-Dynamical joint approach can
predict the decadal hiatus of East Asian Surface Air Temperatures:
S Li, F Luo
Monday, 2:00 P.M.
2:45 P.M. AS13B-04 Spatio-temporal Variability of Rainfall over
Central Himalaya, Uttarakhand: S Joshi, K C Gouda, K Kumar,
B Pande, P Goswami
Atmospheric Deposition of Various Pollutants at Local,
Regional, and Global Scales (joint with B, ES)
Presiding: Leiming Zhang, Environment Canada; David Gay,
University of Illinois
3:00 P.M. AS13B-05 Skillful seasonal prediction of temperature and
precipitation over land in a new GFDL high resolution climate model:
L Jia, X Yang, G A Vecchi, R Gudgel, T L Delworth
2:00 P.M. AS13A-01 Uncertainties on atmospheric aerosol particle
emission and deposition fluxes: observation and needs to improve
quantification: Incertitudes sur les flux d'émission et de dépôt des
particules de l'aérosol atmosphérique : constat et besoins pour
améliorer la quantification: P Laguionie, D Maro, O Connan,
D Hébert, G Pellerin, L Solier, M Rozet, M Morillon
3:15 P.M. AS13B-06 Studies on the Global Morphology of Middle
and Upper Atmospheric Fluctuation: C Xiao, X Hu, B Wang, J Yang
2:15 P.M. AS13A-02 Mechanisms Responsible for the Size-dependence
of, and Bi-directionality of, Ultrafine Particle Fluxes Over Forest:
S C Pryor, R J Barthelmie, R Sullivan
3:45 P.M. AS13B-08 Technical Support for Climate Assessment Data
Services: A Buddenberg, P A Hennon
2:30 P.M. AS13A-03 Variation in Seasonal Deposition of Indoor
Carbon, Ionic, Toxic Metalloids and Metal Species in Different
Anthropogenic Zones- CMB study: B Gurugubelli
2:45 P.M. AS13A-04 Evaluating impact of surface ozone on
mortality and crop yields over South Asia: C K Jena, S D Ghude,
D Chate, G Beig
3:00 P.M. AS13A-05 Temporal Trends in Mercury Wet Deposition
Across the U.S. and Canada: D A Gay, P S Weiss-Penzias, M E Brigham,
M Parsons, A ter Schure
3:15 P.M. AS13A-06 A Synthesis of Global Observations on the AirSurface Exchange of Elemental Mercury Vapor: C J Lin, W Zhu,
J Sommar, X Feng
3:30 P.M. AS13A-07 Preliminary Evaluation of Methylmercury
Concentrations for Wet Deposition Samples Collected in North
America, 2003-2013: G A Wetherbee, M F Rhodes, D A Gay,
R C Brunette, E M Prestbo, M R Risch
3:30 P.M. AS13B-07 Comparison between high-resolution climate
simulations using single and multiple nesting: D Matte, R Laprise,
J M Theriault
Room 511C
Monday, 2:00 P.M.
Mercury Biogeochemistry and Environmental Change II (joint
with H)
Presiding: Carl Mitchell, University of Toronto; Brian Branfireun,
Western University; David Krabbenhoft, USGS Wisconsin Water
Science Center; Elsie Sunderland, Harvard University
2:00 P.M. Introductory Remarks
2:05 P.M. B13A-01 Comparisons of Terrestrial Mercury (Hg)
Accumulation and Dynamics across Temperate Forests and an Arctic
Tundra site: D Obrist, D Helmig, Y Agnan, C Hedge,
C W Moore, J Hueber
2:30 P.M. B13A-02 Mercury chemical transformation and speciation
in atmospheric and aquatic media: P A Ariya
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
2:45 P.M. B13A-03 Determining microbial methylmercury
production through the use of molecular probes: Insights into hgcAB
expression and distribution in the environment: D A Elias, R A Hurt
Jr, E F U Santillan, A M Wymore, A J King, A Bullock,
C C Gilmour
3:00 P.M. B13A-04 Mercury Methylation by hgcAB+ Methanogens:
C C Gilmour, E F U Santillan, A Soren, A McBurney, M Podar,
D A Elias
3:15 P.M. B13A-05 Hotspots of Methylmercury in Thaw Ponds from
the Eastern Canadian Arctic: Link between Methylmercury and
Nutrient Loading in the Rapidly Changing North: Points chauds
de méthylmercure au sein des mares de fonte de l'est de l'Arctique
canadien : relation entre le méthylmercure et la charge de nutriments
dans un Nord en évolution rapide: G A MacMillan, C Girard,
I Laurion, J Chetelat, M Amyot
3:30 P.M. B13A-06 Methylmercury Cycling in the Arctic: What do we
need to know in the face of a changing climate: I Lehnherr
3:55 P.M. Concluding Remarks and/or Discussion
Room 511B
Room 515A-C
Monday, 2:00 P.M.
Advances in Oil Sands Reclamation Research
Presiding: Jonathan Price, University of Waterloo; Scott Ketcheson,
University of Waterloo
2:00 P.M. H13A-01 Soil and vegetation Development affect the
evolution of hydrological pathways in engineered hillslopes:
W M Appels, A M Ireson, J McDonnell, L S Barbour
2:15 P.M. H13A-02 Hydrological Functioning of a Constructed
Watershed: S J Ketcheson, J S Price
2:30 P.M. H13A-03 Controls on Plot-Scale Evapotranspiration from
a Constructed Fen in a Post-Mined Oil Sands Landscape,
Fort McMurray, Alberta: S Scarlett, R M Petrone, J S Price
2:45 P.M. H13A-04 Examining the Water Use Efficiency of a
Constructed Fen-Upland Watershed in Alberta, Canada:
G Sutherland, R M Petrone
Monday, 2:00 P.M.
3:00 P.M. H13A-05 Multi-Year Water Balance Assessment of a
Constructed Wetland, Fort McMurray, Alberta: E Nicholls,
S K Carey, G B Drewitt, E Humphreys, M G Clark, C A Mendoza
General Geodesy and GeoDynamics I (joint with ES, GR, H, T)
Presiding: Georgia Fotopoulos, Queens University; Joe Henton,
Natural Resources Canada
3:15 P.M. H13A-06 Carbon and water vapour fluxes for the first two
years of a constructed wetland: M G Clark, E Humphreys,
S K Carey
2:00 P.M. G13A-01 Contemporary 3D Velocity Field of Eastern
North America based on 14 Years of Continuous GPS Observations:
Détermination de la Vitesse 3D Actuelle de la Croûte Terrestre
dans l'Est de l'Amérique du Nord basée sur 14 Années Continues de
Données GPS: M A Goudarzi, M Cocard, R Santerre
3:45 P.M. H13A-08 Evaluating the Effectiveness of an Inversion
Technique for Well-Pad Restoration to a Peatland Ecosystem:
Ecohydrological Conditions and Carbon Exchange: M Strack,
M Coulas, B Xu, G Préfontaine-Dastous, L Rochefort
2:15 P.M. G13A-02 Investigations on the Quality of the GOCE Level
1b Gradiometer Data around the Magnetic Poles: E S Ince,
S D Pagiatakis
Room 510D
Monday, 2:00 P.M.
2:30 P.M. G13A-03 Microgravity Effects of Earthquakes in the
Cascadia Subduction Zone: J W Kim, J Neumeyer, J A Henton,
B G Chae, H Kabirzadeh, M G Sideris, I Woo, R Kao, J Choi
General Hydrology II
Presiding: Daniel Peters, Environment Canada; William Quinton,
Wilfrid Laurier University
2:50 P.M. G13A-04 Precise Point Positioning for GeoDynamics:
M C Santos, J C Chaves
2:00 P.M. H13B-01 Integrating weather and climate predictions for
seamless hydrologic ensemble forecasting: A case study in Yalong
River basin: A Ye, Q Duan, X Deng, F Ma, Z Zhou
3:10 P.M. G13A-05 Real-Time Global Navigation Satellite System
Positioning along Canada’s Active Coastal Margin: Efforts Directed
Toward Support of Tsunami Early Warning: J A Henton,
H Dragert, Y Lu
3:30 P.M. G13A-06 Land Hydrology Monitoring in North America via
GRACE and Hydrology Models: A Comparison Study:
D Piretzidis, E V Rangelova, M G Sideris
3:45 P.M. G13A-07 High-Precision Repeat Gravity Measurements
In Riyadh Using Fgl Absolute Gravimeter, Potential Applications For
Saudi Arabia: S M AlMogren
2:15 P.M. H13B-02 The Dynamics of East African Climate and
the Suitability of crop Mapping over the Mountainous Areas in a
changing climate: G Otieno
2:30 P.M. H13B-03 Bayesian Trend Analysis in Annual Precipitation,
Number of Rainy Days and Extreme Events in the Kara River Basin
(Togo and Benin): Analyse Bayésienne de Tendance Dans les
Précipitations Annuelles, les Nombres Annuels de Jours Pluvieux
et les Extrêmes Pluviométriques dans le Bassin de la Kara (Togo et
Benin): M H Badjana, B Renard, J Helmschrot
2:45 P.M. H13B-04 Forecasting of Rainfall under rainfed agriculture
of Pakistan: M Ahmed, F U Hassan Sr
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
3:15 P.M. H13B-06 Bias correction of satellite precipitation products
for flood forecasting application at the Upper Mahanadi River Basin
in Eastern India: T Nanda Sr, H Beria, C Chatterjee
3:30 P.M. H13B-07 Wavelet-based cross-correlation analysis of
Pacific Ocean climate data and streamflow for long-term streamflow
forecasting: A M Ticlavilca, I Maslova, M McKee
Room 510B
Monday, 2:00 P.M.
3:45 P.M. H13B-08 Analysis Of The 2012 Flooding Events
Downstream Of Shiroro Reservoir, A Case Of Gurmana Niger State,
Nigeria: B A Rukayyah, H S Ahmad, A Abdulkadir
Isotopic Tools to Assess Human Impacts on Large River
Systems: Outils isotopiques pour caractériser les impacts
anthropiques sur les grands fleuves (joint with B)
Presiding: Jean-Francois Helie, University of Quebec at Montreal
UQAM; Trish Stadnyk, University of Manitoba; Fred Longstaffe,
University of Western Ontario
Room 514A-C
2:00 P.M. H13D-01 Regional Analysis of Baseflow Contribution to the
Grand River, Ontario, Canada: T A Stadnyk, J J Gibson, F J Longstaffe
Monday, 2:00 P.M.
2:15 P.M. H13D-02 Planning for a Hydro-Secure Future: Using Water
Isotope Tracers to Characterize Hydrology of the Regulated Yukon
River: B E Benkert, J Samuel, Y YI, J Inkster
Hydroclimatic Processes in the Laurentian Great Lakes (joint
with AS)
Presiding: Christopher Spence, Environment Canada Saskatoon;
Peter Blanken, University of Colorado, Boulder; John Lenters,
LimnoTech; Andrew Gronewold, NOAA Ann Arbor
2:00 P.M. H13C-01 Record ice cover on Lake Superior in 2014:
Observations and implications: J A Austin, D Titze
2:15 P.M. H13C-02 An Observational Study of the Influence of Ice
Formation on Heat and Water Loss from the Upper Great Lakes: Une
étude d’observation de l’influence de la formation de glace sur la
chaleur et la perte d’eau des Grands Lacs d’amont:
P Blanken, C Spence, J D Lenters, A Gronewold
2:30 P.M. H13C-03 Elucidating the Primary Mechanisms
Responsible for the Rapid Warming of the Laurentian Great Lakes:
M Notaro, Y Zhong, S J Vavrus
2:45 P.M. H13C-04 Understanding the Feedback Between
Stratification and Lake Surface Temperature in the Great Lakes:
S Piccolroaz, M Toffolon, B Majone
3:00 P.M. H13C-05 The Great Lakes Evaporation Network (GLEN):
More than just evaporation: J D Lenters, P Blanken, C Spence,
A Gronewold, B Kerkez, N Froelich, W Leger
3:15 P.M. H13C-06 Recent advances in Environment Canada’s
modelling efforts in the Great Lakes: F Seglenieks, V Fortin,
D A Durnford, B Davison, E Klyszejko, M MacKay, E Gaborit,
M Dimitrijevic, F Dupont, S Bélair, G C Smith
3:30 P.M. H13C-07 Streamflow Prediction in the Great Lakes Basin
Using Two Watershed Discretization Schemes: A Haghnegahdar,
B Tolson, E D Soulis, E Gaborit, V Fortin
3:45 P.M. H13C-08 Closing the Gap Between the Geologic and
Historical Records in the Laurentian Great Lakes by Providing the
Most Detailed Account of Paleo Lake Level, Ranging from Decades to
Five Millennia: J W Johnston, K E Lepper, E Argyilan, D A Wilcox,
S J Baedke, T A Thompson
2:30 P.M. H13D-03 Human impacts on the carbon cycle of large
river basins in boreal rivers of eastern Canada: J F Helie, C HillaireMarcel, E Rosa
2:45 P.M. H13D-04 Controls of longitudinal variation in δ13C-DIC in
rivers: A global meta-analysis: K A Roach, M A Rodríguez, Y Paradis,
G Cabana
3:00 P.M. H13D-05 Spatial variation in contaminants in fish from
large river ecosystems : The Dark Side of riverine connectivity?:
S Boisvert, G Cabana, L Farly, M A Rodriguez, P Brodeur
3:15 P.M. H13D-06 Carbon isotopic ratios reveal complex strategies
in the use of the hydrological network by fish in a large river
ecosystem: L Farly, S Boisvert, M A Rodríguez, P Brodeur,
G Cabana
3:30 P.M. Break
Room 510A
Monday, 2:00 P.M.
VMS Deposits and Their Geological Environment I: Les
sulfures massifs volcanogènes et leur environnement
géologique (joint with MRG, PG, SG, VGP)
Presiding: Pierre-Simon Ross, Institut national de la recherche
scientifique; Dominique Genna, Université du Québec à
2:00 P.M. MD13A-01 Setting and Style of VMS Mineralization in the
Eastern Goldfields Superterrane, Western Australia: Insights from
the Ag-Zn-(Au) Nimbus Deposit: S P Hollis, P Gillespie, D R Mole, A
Pumphrey, S J Barnes, A Verbeeten, S Tessalina, S Wyche, C J Yeats
G James, A Tremblay, M Jebrak, P S Ross, L Rock
2:30 P.M. MD13A-03 CONSONORM_LG: a new method of norm
and alteration indexes calculation for low grade Metamorphic rocks
altered by VMS related hydrothermal systems: CONSONORM_LG: une
nouvelle méthode de calcul de norme et d’indices d’altération pour
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
les roches métamorphiques de bas grade associées à des systèmes
hydrothermaux de type VMS: L Mathieu, S Trépanier, R Daigneault
2:45 P.M. MD13A-04 Geochemical Classification of Archean
Volcanic Rocks in the Blake River Group, Abitibi Greenstone Belt,
Québec: S Sterckx, P S Ross, J Goutier
3:00 P.M. MD13A-05 Reconstruction and evolution of Archean
intracaldera facies: the Rouyn-Pelletier Caldera Complex, Abitibi
greenstone belt, Canada: L Moore, R Daigneault, H M Aird,
N Banerjee, W U Mueller
3:15 P.M. MD13A-06 Volcanic Reconstruction of the Powderhouse
Dacite in the Paleoproterozoic VMS Hosting Chisel Sequence, Snow
Lake, Manitoba: V C Friesen, M Engelbert, M DeWolfe, H L Gibson
3:30 P.M. MD13A-07 The Lower Lemoine Member of the Waconichi
Formation, Abitibi Greenstone Belt,, Quebec:
Implications for VMS Exploration: A R Boulerice, P S Ross, P MercierLangevin, S Lépine, F Leclerc
3:45 P.M. MD13A-08 Contrasting the settings of seafloor massive
sulfide deposits on the South Central Indian Mid-Ocean Ridge:
Results of the Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe
(BGR) INDEX 2013 cruise: H L Gibson, U Schwarz-Schampera,
M DeWolfe, M Engelbert, R Freitag
Room 512A/B/E/F
Monday, 2:00 P.M.
Rosetta Mission: Science From the Pre-perihelion Phase (joint
with SPA)
Presiding: Claudia Alexander, Jet Propulsion Laboratory; Matthew
Taylor, ESTEC
2:00 P.M. Introductory Remarks
2:10 P.M. P13A-01 Rosetta Lander – Philae: First Landing and
Operations on a Comet: S Ulamec, J Biele
2:40 P.M. P13A-02 ROSINA/DFMS and IES Observations at 67P/
Churyumov-Gerasimenko: Ion Neutral Chemistry in the Coma of
a Weakly Outgassing Comet: S Fuselier, K Altwegg, H Balsiger,
J J Berthelier, A M Bieler, C Briois, T W Broiles, J L Burch,
U Calmonte, M R Combi, J M De Keyser, B Fiethe, M F Galand,
S Gasc, T I Gombosi, H Gunell, K C Hansen, M Hässig, A Jäckel,
E Kopp, A Korth, L Le Roy, U A Mall, K Mandt, S M Petrinec,
H Rème, M Rubin, T Semon, K J Trattner, C Y Tzou, J H Waite Jr,
E Vigren, S RaghurA.M., P Wurz
3:00 P.M. P13A-03 The plasma environment of 67P/ChuryumovGerasimenko probed with the Rosetta orbiter: Current Observations:
M Samara, J L Burch, T W Broiles, G B Clark, T Cravens, R Goldstein,
K Mandt, P Mokashi, C J Pollock
3:20 P.M. P13A-04 Millimeter and Submillimeter Observations of
comet 67P/C-G with the MIRO Instrument: M D Hofstadter, P Von
Allmen, G Beaudin, N Biver, D Bockelée-Morvan, M Choukroun,
J Crovisier, P Encrenaz, T Encrenaz, M A Frerking, S Gulkis,
P Hartogh, W H Ip, M A Janssen, C Jarchow, S J Keihm, S Lee,
E Lellouch, C Leyrat, L Rezac, F P Schloerb, T R Spilker
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
3:40 P.M. P13A-05 Analysis of Methanol Spectral Lines Obtained
with the Microwave Instrument on the Rosetta Orbiter (MIRO) for
Comet 67P/Churuymov-Gerasimenko: P Von Allmen, S Lee,
S Gulkis, M D Hofstadter, F P Schloerb, N Biver, D BockeléeMorvan, M Choukroun, P Hartogh, M A Janssen, C Jarchow,
S J Keihm, E Lellouch, C Leyrat, L Rezac, J Crovisier, P Encrenaz,
T Encrenaz, W H Ip
Room 510C
Monday, 2:00 P.M.
Canadian Cratons Through Time: 4.0 Ga of Chemical Evolution
and Tectonism II: Cratons canadiens: 4.0 milliards d’années d’
évolution chimique et tectonique (joint with SE, T, VGP
Presiding: Aleksandar Miskovic, University of British Columbia;
Graham Pearson, University of Alberta
2:00 P.M. PG13A-01 Deformation, Lithogeochemistry and New
U-Pb Geochronology of the Aberdeen Lake Area, Central Rae Craton,
Nunavut: R C Hunter, B Lafrance, L Heaman
2:15 P.M. PG13A-02 Neoarchean continental arc construction
followed by collisional deformation along the eastern Rae domain,
western Churchill Province: implications for fingerprinting tectonic
processes: S P Regan, M L Williams,
K H Mahan, G Dumond, M J Jercinovic
2:30 P.M. PG13A-03 Assembly of the Paleoproterozoic Core of
Laurentia: New Results from the Churchill Province and its Bounding
Orogens: E Martel, S J Pehrsson, R G Berman, W J Davis,
M A Hamilton, M Sanborn-Barrie, J C White
3:00 P.M. PG13A-04 Is there an Archean lithospheric mantle root
beneath the Sask Craton, Canada? Constraints from peridotite
xenoliths in the Fort à la Corne kimberlite field: J Czas,
D G Pearson, T Stachel, G H Read, B A Kjarsgaard
3:15 P.M. PG13A-05 Direct U-Pb evidence for Paleoproterozoic
subduction-related metasomatism of the sub-Gardar lithospheric
mantle, SW Greenland: M A Hamilton, B G J Upton, M A W Marks,
K M Goodenough
3:30 P.M. PG13A-06 Petrogenesis and Geodynamic History of the
Lynn Lake Greenstone Belt, Manitoba: Implications for Trans-Hudson
Orogen Tectonics: M W P Glendenning Jr, J E Gagnon,
A Polat
3:45 P.M. PG13A-07 Structural geology of the McLeod Road - Birch
Lake sequence, Snow Lake, Manitoba, and implications for the
evolution of the southeastern Trans-Hudson Orogen:
K E Rubingh, B Lafrance, H L Gibson
4:00 P.M. PG13A-08 Nd Isotope Mapping of Crustal Boundaries
within the Makkovik Province, Labrador, Canada: R M Moumblow,
A P Dickin, C F Gower
Room 511A
3:00 P.M. SE13B-05 Conditional Random Field for per-line
classification of laser point clouds: G Sohn, C Luo
Monday, 2:00 P.M.
3:20 P.M. SE13B-06 Stand-off detection and mapping of mineral
and organic compounds using ultraviolet Raman spectroscopy:
E Eshelman, M G Daly, G Slater, P Dietrich, J F Gravel, E Cloutis
Deep Earth Dynamics (joint with G, P)
Presiding: Samuel Butler, University of Saskatchewan Behnam
Seyed-Mahmoud, University of Lethbridge
2:00 P.M. SE13A-01 A generalized quasi-geostrophic model of
thermal convection: M Dumberry, D Laycock, M H Heimpel
2:15 P.M. SE13A-02 Crustal Heat Flow and a Global Crustal Model
to Estimate the Crustal Geoneutrino Flux Near the Sudbury Neutrino
Observatory (SNO): L Iarotsky, J C Mareschal, C P Jaupart
2:30 P.M. SE13A-03 Evidence for Instability in Earth’s Fluid Core from
Paleomagnetic Intensity Records: K D Aldridge, D McMillan
2:45 P.M. SE13A-04 The inertial modes of a uniformly rotating,
homogenous, incompressible and inviscid spherical fluid shell:
application to the Earth’s fluid core: H Naseri, B Seyed-Mahmoud
3:00 P.M. SE13A-05 Structure and Dynamics of the Core from
Surface Gravity Measurements - Theory Versus Observations Using
the GGP Network: D J Crossley
3:15 P.M. SE13A-06 Theoretical Description and Excitation of the
Translational and Rotational Normal Modes of the Inner Core:
Y J G Rogister, S Rosat, B Valette
3:30 P.M. SE13A-07 A synthetic model analysis of MT distortion
parameters for anisotropic and inhomogeneous media: P Gayatri,
Y Singh, M E, D K, A Manglik
3:45 P.M. SE13A-08 Tidal Friction: a New Absorption Mechanism
at the Sea-Subsea Interface: Perte d’Énergie des Marées par Friction:
un Nouveau Mécanisme d’Absorption à l'Interface Eau - Fond: P M
Room 511D
Monday, 2:00 P.M.
Laser Imaging in the Earth Sciences I (joint with ES, GR, MD)
Presiding: Claire Samson, Carleton University; Michael Daly, York
University; Gunho Sohn, York University
2:00 P.M. SE13B-01 River-to-Wetland Surface Water Connectivity in
a Cold Region Deltaic Ecosystem: D L Peters, O Niemann,
D J Baird
2:15 P.M. SE13B-02 Real-time measurements of CO2 and d13C
in volcanic gases on Mt. Etna (Italy): H J H Jost, A L Rizzo,
M A Ancellin, A Caracausi, P Stow, M Liotta, M Liuzzo, M Martelli,
A Paonita
2:45 P.M. SE13B-04 Laser-based exploration of underwater
hydrothermal vents: a multi-sensor payload proof of concept:
P Sobron, L M Barge, A K Misra, T Acosta-Maeda, M J Russell,
K Takai
3:40 P.M. SE13B-07 Unfolding 3D Images of Underground Mining
Tunnels: P Lai, C Samson
Room 511E
Monday, 2:00 P.M.
Crustal Evolution in Large Hot Orogens From Pre-collisional
Continental Margin Through the Collision and Collapse
Stages: Evidence From Field, Analytical, and Numerical
Studies III (joint with SE, VGP)
Presiding: Aphrodite Indares, Memorial University of
Newfoundland; Toby Rivers, Memorial University of
Newfoundland; Fried Schwerdtner, University of Toronto
2:00 P.M. T13A-01 Muskoka Domain as a First-Order Detachment
Zone during Exhumation and Orogenic Collapse: Support for a
Core Complex Model for the Central Gneiss Belt, Western Grenville
Province: T Rivers, W M Schwerdtner
2:15 P.M. T13A-02 Paleomagnetism: a Potential Avenue for
Mapping the Allochthon Boundary Thrust and for Understanding the
Development of the Grenville Orogen: H C Halls, A Lovette
2:30 P.M. T13A-03 Exhumation and cooling histories for highpressure blocks above the western-most ABT: Potential insights from
garnet zoning and rutile U-Pb depth profiling: J Marsh, A Smye
2:45 P.M. T13A-04 3D Visualization of the Large-Scale Crustal
Structure in the SW Grenville Province: A P Dickin, J W D Strong
3:00 P.M. T13A-05 Chronology of the Torngat orogeny: duration
and extent of crustal melting from combined U-Pb zircon
and monazite geochronology and Lu-Hf and Sm-Nd garnet
geochronology: B Charette, C Guilmette, D Bandyayera
3:15 P.M. T13A-06 Is the Trans-Hudson Orogen a Large, Hot
Orogen? Insights From Orogenesis and Cooling on Hall Peninsula,
Baffin Island: D Skipton, D A Schneider, M R St-Onge, D Kellett
3:30 P.M. T13A-07 The Paleoproterozoic Trans-Hudson
Orogen: Large, Hot, but Only Moderately Thick?: D Corrigan
Room 511F
Monday, 2:00 P.M.
Enriching Concordia; Microstructure Meets the
Geochronology of Earth and Solar System Processes I
Presiding: Desmond Moser, University of Western Ontario; Kim
Tait, Royal Ontario Museum; Fernando Corfu, University of Oslo
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
2:00 P.M. VGP13A-01 Recrystallization and New Growth of RadiationDamaged Zircon: J M Hanchar, W Aylward, M D Schmitz, R Wirth
2:15 P.M. VGP13A-02 Deformation of Zircon Under High Pressure:
I Morozova, S R Shieh, D Moser, J M Hanchar
2:30 P.M. VGP13A-03 In situ Microstructural and Mechanical
Analysis of Zircon and Monazite Using Type Sections for U-Pb Strain
Chronometry: G A Jones, D Moser, I Barker
2:45 P.M. VGP13A-04 Untangling impact ages and crustal processes
in highly shocked planetary materials using accessory minerals:
J Darling, D Moser, K Tait, I Barker, K Chamberlain, A K Schmitt
3:00 P.M. VGP13A-05 Testing for age correlation the
young shergottites: Test pour la corrélation de l’âge chez les jeunes
shergottites: M R Izawa, K Tait, D Moser, T J Lapen,
B C Hyde, I Nicklin, A J Irving, I Barker
4:30 P.M. AS14A-0003 POSTER A Novel Approach to Measurement
of Atmospheric Ultrafine Silica Particulate Matter: S M O O’Connell,
J E Boulter
4:30 P.M. AS14A-0004 POSTER Formation and near-field evolution
of fine particles in a plume from a metallurgy plant: Results from the
NANO-INDUS project: P Flament, A Setyan, N Locoge, K Deboudt,
V Riffault, L Alleman, C Schoemaecker, J Arndt, P Augustin,
A Blondel, F Cazier, H Delbarre, D Dewaele, P Dewalle, S Eliet,
M Fourmentin, P Genevray, R M Healy, T Leonardis, S Mbengue,
J Wenger
4:30 P.M. AS14A-0005 POSTER Simulations of Pollutant Dispersal
over Nairobi City,Kenya: G Otieno
4:30 P.M. AS14A-0006 POSTER Spheroidal carbonaceous particles
(SCPs): Indicator of atmospherically deposited pollutants in
Kongsfjorden, Ny-Ålesund, Arctic: N Singh
3:15 P.M. VGP13A-06 Atom Probe Tomography of Zircon and
Baddeleyite Geochronology Standards: D A Reinhard, D Moser,
I Barker, D Olson, I Martin, K P Rice, Y Chen, D F Lawrence,
T J Prosa, D J Larson
4:30 P.M. AS14A-0007 POSTER Air quality during holy pilgrimage
of Hajj- the largest annual human gathering on planet earth:
H A Khwaja, A Siddique, M M Hussain, F Khatib, J Zeb, D R Blake,
O S Aburizaiza
3:30 P.M. VGP13A-07 Combining Nano Scale Microstructural
Analysis and U-Pb Geochronology of Terrestrial Baddeleyite to
Unravel Crustal and Bombardment Chronology: L F White,
J Darling, D Moser, D Bullen, D A Reinhard, P Clifton, D J Larson,
D Olson, T J Prosa, D F Lawrence, I Martin
4:30 P.M. AS14A-0008 POSTER Characterization of gas-phase
organic acids in Ambient air of a developing Megacity: S Saied,
H A Khwaja, M M Hussain, A Siddique, C Butts, S S Kamran, M K Khan
3:45 P.M. VGP13A-08 EBSD and Atom Probe Geochronology of
Zircon and Baddeleyite from Early Mars: D Moser, I Barker,
D A Reinhard, D Olson, P Clifton, T J Prosa, D J Larson, A J Irving
Room 513AC
Monday, 4:30 P.M.
Plenary Session: Hydraulic Fracturing and Induced Seismicity
Presiding: B A Branfireon
4:30 P.M. Introductory Remarks: B A Branfireun
4:35 P.M. Lecture: D W S Eaton
Poster Hall 517B-D
Monday, 4:30 P.M.
Atmospheric Deposition of Various Pollutants at Local,
Regional, and Global Scales Posters (joint with B, ES)
Presiding: Leiming Zhang, Environment Canada; David Gay,
University of Illinois
4:30 P.M. AS14A-0009 POSTER Next Generation Sequencing
Analysis: Impact of Bacteria in Snow and Frost Flowers on the Arctic
Ecosystem: R Mortazavi, S Attiya, P A Ariya
Poster Hall 517B-D
Monday, 4:30 P.M.
Atmospheric Sciences General Contributions I Posters
Presiding: Athanasios Nenes, Georgia Institute of Technology
4:30 P.M. AS14B-0010 POSTER Predicting Which 20% to 25% of
Thunderstorms Will Develop Tornadoes: R B Hardwig
4:30 P.M. AS14B-0011 POSTER Return times of drought over West
African Sahel: C Roméo, M David
4:30 P.M. AS14B-0012 POSTER Community Based for Integration of
Climate Change Adaptation and Food Security through Information
and Communication Technologies in Bukoba and Muleba Districts,
in Kagera Region around Lake Victoria Basin in Tanzania:
H R Melchior
4:30 P.M. AS14A-0001 POSTER A Modified Micrometeorological
Gradient Method for Estimating O3 Dry Deposition over a Forest
Canopy: Z Wu, L Zhang, X Wang, J W Munger
4:30 P.M. AS14B-0013 POSTER Global Warming Stopped in 1998
Because it is Controlled by Ozone Depletion, Not by Greenhouse
Gases. The Montreal Protocol on Substances That Deplete the
Ozone Layer Took Effect in 1989, Slowing Emissions of CFCs by
1993, Slowing Ozone Depletion by 1995, and Stopping Temperature
Increase by 1998: P L Ward
4:30 P.M. AS14A-0002 POSTER Assessment of Artificial Intelligence
implementation in Delhi addressed to a diagnostic air quality
modelling: D Mishra, P Goyal
4:30 P.M. AS14B-0014 POSTER Study of climatology and thermal
comfort on Rio de Janeiro City: Preliminary analysis for 2016 Olympic
Games: M Pallotta, D L Herdies, L Goncalves
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
4:30 P.M. AS14B-0015 POSTER Analysis of Mesoscale Rapidly
Occluding Storm Causing Severe Atmospheric Anomalies in
Southern California on February 28th, 2014: A A Mundo
4:30 P.M. AS14B-0016 POSTER A Case Study Of Mesoscale
Convective Complexes With Assimilation Of Radar Data:
R C Ferreira, D L Herdies
4:30 P.M. AS14B-0017 POSTER A Climatology of North American
850 hPa Equivalent Potential Temperature and its Extremes in
Montreal, Quebec: A L Wood, J R Gyakum, E Atallah
4:30 P.M. AS14B-0018 POSTER Analysis of Strengthening and
Dissipating Mesoscale Convective SystemsPropagating off the
West African Coast: A L Dieng, L Eymard, S M Sall, A Lazar, M LeducLaballeur
4:30 P.M. AS14B-0019 POSTER What is the Cause of the Ongoing
Global-Warming Pause?: S F Singer
Poster Hall 517B-D
Monday, 4:30 P.M.
Climate Applications of Multi-Model Ensemble (MME)
Systems Posters: Applications des systèmes de prévisions
climatiques d’ensemble multi-modèles. (joint with OS)
Presiding: Dan Collins, NOAA/NWS/NCEP; Emily Becker, Innovim;
Bertrand Denis, Meteorological Service of Canada; Hai Lin,
Environment Canada
4:30 P.M. AS14C-0020 POSTER The Operational World eteorological
Organization (WMO) Multi-Model Ensemble: B Denis
4:30 P.M. AS14C-0021 POSTER Assessment of APCC Multi-Model
Ensemble Prediction in Seasonal Climate Forecasting: Retrospective
(1983-2003) and Real-time Forecasts (2008-2013):
S M Oh, Y M Min, V N Kryjov
4:30 P.M. AS14C-0022 POSTER Monthly Ensemble Forecasts from
the NCEP GEFS: M Peña, Y Zhu, X Zhou, D Hou, R Wobus, Q Zhang,
W Li
4:30 P.M. AS14C-0023 POSTER Diagnostic Evaluation of Summer
Precipitation over West Africa using three of CORDEX-Africa
Simulations: A A Afolayan, O K Olufunso
4:30 P.M. AS14C-0024 POSTER Urban Climate Downscaling
Processes using Dynamical and Diagnostic Numerical Models
Approach: Madrid Case Study: R San Jose, J L Perez-Camanyo,
J Pecci, A Garzon, M Palacios
4:30 P.M. AS14C-0025 POSTER Analyzing future extreme rainfalls
changes over the Central Africa using CMIP5 models: S K André,
C Roméo, M David, Y Zephirin, M K François
Poster Hall 517B-D
Monday, 4:30 P.M.
Mercury Biogeochemistry and Environmental Change III
Posters (joint with H)
Presiding: Carl Mitchell, University of Toronto; Brian Branfireun,
Western University; David Krabbenhoft, USGS Wisconsin Water
Science Center; Elsie Sunderland, Harvard University
4:30 P.M. B14C-0061 POSTER Microcosm-based Analysis of the
Geochemical Drivers of Mercury Biomethylation in Contaminated
Sediments: S Winland-Gaetz, L A Warren, M amyot
4:30 P.M. B14C-0062 POSTER Do Rates of Potential Methylmercury
Production Differ in Prairie Wetland Sediments Near Coal Fired Power
Plants?: B Hall, K Pangracs, J Kirk, D Muir
4:30 P.M. B14C-0063 POSTER Lower water tables, not increased
temperature, increase methylmercury production in northern
peatlands under climate change: B A Branfireun, Z Lindo,
J McLaughlin
4:30 P.M. B14C-0064 POSTER Forest Harvesting Does Not Lead to
Hotter Methylmercury “Hot Spots” at the Forested Upland-Peatland
Ecotone: C P J Mitchell, K Haynes, S Eggert, R K Kolka,
S Sebestyen
4:30 P.M. B14C-0065 POSTER Patterns of mercury methylation in
urban artificial wetlands: R J Strickman, C P J Mitchell
4:30 P.M. B14C-0066 POSTER Mercury Fluxes from Watersheds and
Responses to Environmental Change: Insights from the METAALICUS
Project: D P Krabbenhoft, M T Tate, V L StLouis, J A Graydon,
B A Branfireun, J W M Rudd, R C Harris
4:30 P.M. B14C-0067 POSTER Gaseous Mercury Fluxes in Peatland
Ecosystems: K Haynes, C P J Mitchell, R K Kolka, E S Kane, L Potvin,
E Lilleskov
4:30 P.M. B14C-0068 POSTER Can we use the Dynamic Mercury
Cycling Model to explore mechanistic processes in Hg cycling in
prairie lakes?: P R Williamson, R C Harris, B Hall
4:30 P.M. B14C-0069 POSTER Uncovering the Gaps in Bulk
Atmospheric Mercury Speciation: A J Ghoshdastidar, D A Deeds,
P A Ariya
4:30 P.M. B14C-0070 POSTER Interaction of Elemental Mercury
with Environmentally Relevant Surfaces: U Kurien, P A Ariya
4:30 P.M. B14C-0071 POSTER Adsorption of mercury vapor
using iron oxides nanoparticles and subsequent recovery via
electrochemistry: Z HU, K Murwira, P A Ariya
4:30 P.M. AS14C-0026 POSTER Impacts of high-end climate change
scenarios on the Mediterranean coast: P Lionello, D Conte,
L Scarascia, A Sanchez-Arcilla, J P Sierra, C Mosso
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
Poster Hall 517B-D
Poster Hall 517B-D
Monday, 4:30 P.M.
Monday, 4:30 P.M.
Climate Change Impacts at Regional Scales: Strategies for
Efficient and Effective Simulation Studies II Posters
(joint with AS, ES, H)
Presiding: John Kim, USFS, Pacific Northwest Research Station;
Michael Case, University of Washington; Julie Vano, Oregon State
University; Leo Salas, Point Blue Conservation Science
General Education Posters
Presiding: Pranoti Asher, American Geophysical Union; Claire
Samson, Carleton University; Jennifer Cuthbertson, University of
Calgary; Rajeev Nair, University of Calgary
4:30 P.M. B14A-0053 POSTER Rendering Future Vegetation Change
across Large Regions of the US: M Stieglitz, F Sant’Anna Dias, Y Gu,
Y Agarwalla, Y Cheng, S D Patil, G Turk
4:30 P.M. B14A-0055 POSTER Responses of ET and GPP to Climate
Variability and Management over the North China Plain: X Mo,
S Liu, Z Lin
4:30 P.M. B14A-0056 POSTER Farmer Rice Field Adaptation
Technology for Rice-wheat Cropping System of Pakistan in Future
changing Climate: A Ahmad, M H U Rahman, A Wajid, T Khaliq,
F Rasul, G Hoogenboom
4:30 P.M. B14A-0057 POSTER Climate change visibility in yak
ecosystems and needs to promote adaptive practices to strengthen
yak based livelihoods in Gilgit-Baltistan Pakistan: M Ali, M M Hashmi,
A W Jasra, K Waqar
Poster Hall 517B-D
Monday, 4:30 P.M.
Global Methane Cycles of Wetlands: Observation, Modeling,
and Future Challenge and Direction II Posters (joint with AS)
Presiding: Changhui Peng, University of Quebec at Montreal
UQAM; Huai Chen, Chinese Academy of Sciences; Qiuan Zhu,
Northwest A&F University
4:30 P.M. ED14A-0115 POSTER The National Climate Assessment
Metadata Collection Process: A Tool for Public Consumption of
Scientific Information: S Champion
4:30 P.M. ED14A-0116 POSTER Does Science Improve The General
Public Information? The Example of Preparedness Actions For
The Seismic Risk in Martinique (FWI): La Science A.M.éliore T'elle
L’Information du Grand Public? L’Exemple De la Préparation au
Risque Sismique en Martinique (Antilles Françaises): J C Audru
4:30 P.M. ED14A-0117 POSTER Interactive Mapping of Mars
(iMARS): A New Interactive Online Educational Resource:
G R Osinski, M Battler, T N Harrison, E Pilles, H M Sapers,
L L Tornabene
4:30 P.M. ED14A-0118 POSTER Twitter for Science Outreach:
A Beginner’s Experience of Communicating Fieldwork from
a Remote Antarctic Glacier: T Williams, R Fowler
4:30 P.M. ED14A-0119 POSTER Creating Context for Learning
About Minerals: E T Williams
4:30 P.M. ED14A-0120 POSTER Developing and Implementing
Instruments for Measuring Scientific Reasoning Abilities using Online
Intelligent Tutoring Systems: L Horodyskyj, S Buxner, S C Semken,
A D Anbar
4:30 P.M. ED14A-0121 POSTER Community Communication and
Coffee Farmers’ Adaptation to Climate Variability in Amadeo, Cavite,
Philippines: B J Ilagan
4:30 P.M. ED14A-0122 POSTER The Relevance of Geosciences at
Rural Schools in Brazil: Connecting Sciences with Local Communities
Demands: S Maciel, T Jacobson, C Barreto, N Pinheiro
4:30 P.M. B14B-0058 POSTER Case Studies of Modelling CH4 Fluxes
from Chinese Coastal Wetlands: W Sun, T Li
Poster Hall 517B-D
4:30 P.M. B14B-0059 POSTER Effects of soil warming, rainfall
reduction and water table level on CH4 emissions from the Zoige
peatland in China: G Yang, H Chen, N Wu, J Tian, C Peng, Q Zhu,
D Zhu, Y He, Q Zheng, C Zhang
Monday, 4:30 P.M.
4:30 P.M. B14B-0060 POSTER Quantification of lake carbon
accumulation and sequestration in China since the Last Glacial
Maximum: M Wang, H Chen, Z Yu
Advancements in Environmental Site Assessment and
Characterization II Posters (joint with SE)
Presiding: Rick McGregor, InSitu Remediation Services Ltd. (IRSL);
Judith Patterson, Concordia University; Nicholas Valleau, Geosoft;
Elizabeth Baranyi, Geosoft Inc.
4:30 P.M. ES14A-0123 POSTER Use of Bio-Physical Indicators to
Map and Characterize Coping Strategies of Households to Rift Valley
Fever Outbreaks Case Study: Ijara District, Kenya: J K Ronoh Jr
4:30 P.M. ES14A-0124 POSTER Potential in using Field Portable
Near Infrared Spectrometer for screening of sites contaminated with
complexed iron-cyanides: T A Raab, M Sut, F Repmann, T Fischer
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
4:30 P.M. ES14A-0125 POSTER The Use of High Resolution
Characterization to Develop and Implement Site Remediation:
R McGregor
4:30 P.M. ES14A-0126 POSTER Assessment of Partitioning
Algorithms for Modeling Spectral Reflectance Data over Visible,
Near-Infrared, and Short-wave Infrared Region: A Gupta, B S Das,
H B Vasva, S MC
Poster Hall 517B-D
Poster Hall 517B-D
Monday, 4:30 P.M.
Gravity, Geoid, and Height Systems Posters: Gravité, Géoïde
et Systèmes altimétriques (joint with ES, GR, H, SE)
Presiding: Marc Veronneau, Canadian Geodetic Survey; Yan Wang,
National Geodetic Survey
Monday, 4:30 P.M.
4:30 P.M. G14A-0151 POSTER Assessment of discontinuities of
Helmert’s gravity anomalies on the geoid: I Foroughi, P Vanicek,
R W Kingdon, M Sheng, M C Santos
Earth Surface Processes Posters
Presiding: Jaclyn Cockburn, University of Guelph; Peter Ashmore,
University of Western Ontario; Alan Howard, University of Virginia
Main Campus
4:30 P.M. G14A-0152 POSTER Progress Update on the U.S. Gravity
for the Redefinition of the american Vertical Datum (GRAV-D) Project
and Lessons Learned for Geoid Modelling: M Youngman, V A Childers,
S A Holmes
4:30 P.M. ES14B-0130 POSTER The Magha Caldera, its Local
Inhabitants, and Related Landslides in Wabane, Cameroon:
N Atemnkeng
4:30 P.M. G14A-0153 POSTER Continuation of Surface Anomalies to
the Geoid in Regions of Negative Heights: R W Kingdon, P Vanicek
4:30 P.M. ES14B-0131 POSTER Most Negative Curvature Attribute
application for Regional Faults study-A review: S Asim, P Zhu
4:30 P.M. ES14B-0132 POSTER Turbulence characteristics in the
approach flow of Piano Key Weir (PKW): H Tiwari, N Sharma
4:30 P.M. ES14B-0133 POSTER Neotectonic influence on
geomorphology in the Gandak megafan of the Indo-Gangetic
foreland basin, India: R M Pradhan, P Pati
4:30 P.M. ES14B-0134 POSTER Reshaping of a Late Pleistocene
Landscape by Human Activity in Northeastern Germany: T A Raab,
F Hirsch, A Schneider, K P Wechler
4:30 P.M. ES14B-0135 POSTER Optical Dating and Sedimentary
Characteristics of Holocene Dunes on the South Shore of the Central
St. Lawrence lowlands, Quebec, Canada: G Thiery, M Roy, M Lamothe,
R A Daigneault, F Hardy
4:30 P.M. G14A-0154 POSTER Determination of the spectral
weights of satellite models, and terrestrial and airborne gravity
data for local geoid computations – case studies from GSVS11 and
GSVS14 area: Y M Wang, T Jiang
4:30 P.M. G14A-0155 POSTER Geoid Determination from Airborne
Vector Gravimetry: An Example Using AIRGrav Data from Tanzania:
S Ferguson, R Forsberg
4:30 P.M. G14A-0157 POSTER Assessments of Recent GRACE and
Release 5’s GOCE Global Geopotential Models in Canada: J Huang,
M Veronneau
4:30 P.M. G14A-0158 POSTER Concerning the Roundabout Method
to Downward Continuation and the Evaluation of the Far-zone:
M Sheng, P Vanicek, R W Kingdon, I Foroughi, J Janak, M C Santos
Poster Hall 517B-D
4:30 P.M. ES14B-0136 POSTER Thermo-hydro-mechanical Behavior
of Granite under Cyclic Temperature Changes: M Najari, A P Selvadurai
Monday, 4:30 P.M.
4:30 P.M. ES14B-0137 POSTER Frequency Response of a
New Closed-Path Trace Gas Analyzer for Eddy-Covariance Flux
Measurements: J Somers, S Sargent
Geomagnetism and Paleomagnetism General Contributions
Presiding: Sabine Stanley, University of Toronto; Maria Cioppa,
University of Windsor
4:30 P.M. ES14B-0138 POSTER Spatial-Temporal effects of Landuse
changes on Land surface Temperature in Nairobi:
J M Muthoka, C N Mundia
4:30 P.M. ES14B-0140 POSTER Voxelization approach to model
soil reinforcement by root systems: application for landslides risk
assessment of forested hillslopes: N Kokutse, A G T Temgoua
4:30 P.M. GP14A-0166 POSTER Timinig of Volcanism and initiation
of rifting in Omo-Turkana Depression southwestern Ethiopia:
Evidence from Paleomagnetism: A Erbello, T Kidane,
F H Brown
4:30 P.M. GP14A-0167 POSTER Mapping Petroleum Migration
Pathways Using Magnetics: R Abubakar, M A Sephton, A Fraser,
J S Watson, T Almeida, P Southern
4:30 P.M. GP14A-0168 POSTER Palaeomagnetic Analysis on Late
Bronze Age Pottery from Santorini: New Data from the Akrotiri
Excavation and Estimation of the Deposition Temperatures of the
Minoan Pyroclastic Products: E Tema, E Zanella, F J Pavon-Carrasco,
D Kontopoulou, S Pavlides
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
4:30 P.M. GP14A-0169 POSTER Paleomagnetic Dating of the
Genesis of the Early Cretaceous Aliva Zn-Pb Ore Deposit, Northern
Spain: D T A Symons, F Tornos, K Kawasaki, F Velasco, I Rosales
4:30 P.M. GP14A-0170 POSTER Great Slave Lake Supergroup
paleomagnetism:Local rotations, apparent polar wander, true polar
wander, or anomalous geodynamo?: X Xu, D A Evans,
R N Mitchell, W Bleeker, P F Hoffman
4:30 P.M. GP14A-0171 POSTER Preliminary Magnetic Studies of the
Helen Mine ‘Kill Zone’ Soils, Wawa, Ontario, Canada: M T Cioppa,
A Yurtseven Sandker
4:30 P.M. GP14A-0172 POSTER Saddleback Basalt as a Terrestrial
Analog to Highly Magnetized Martian Crustal Rocks: K J Murdock,
L L Brown
Poster Hall 517B-D
Monday, 4:30 P.M.
4:30 P.M. H14B-0192 POSTER Quantifying the Link Between
Hydrological Connectivity and Taxa Requirements in the
Development of a Sustainable Environmental Flows Strategy for the
Grand Lake Meadows Wetland, New Brunswick, Canada: W A Monk,
Z G O’Malley, J M Orlofske, D J Baird, A Curry
4:30 P.M. H14B-0193 POSTER Groundwater Exploration in the Pru
District of Ghana using1D and 2D Electrical Resistivity Methods:
J N Sikah, A A Aning, S K Danuor, E Manu, C Okrah
4:30 P.M. H14B-0195 POSTER Changing Climate and Altering
Hydrological Regime - A Case from Karnali River Basin of Nepal
Himalaya: J Panthi Sr, K Khatiwada, M L Shrestha
4:30 P.M. H14B-0196 POSTER Plant Enhanced Bioremediation
Of BTEX Contaminated Groundwater Using Canna Generalis:
S Basu, B K Yadav, S Mathur
4:30 P.M. H14B-0197 POSTER The Geochemical Responses Of Small
Tundra Lake Catchments To Landscape Perturbation, Upland Region
North-East of Inuvik, Northwest Territories: E C Hille, D L Peters,
F Wrona, S V Kokelj
Advances in Oil Sands Reclamation Research Posters
Presiding: Jonathan Price, University of Waterloo; Scott Ketcheson,
University of Waterloo
4:30 P.M. H14B-0198 POSTER Analysis of Extreme Climate Events in
the Volta River Basin: F Aziz, E Obuobie
4:30 P.M. H14A-0184 POSTER Transport of oil sands processaffected water from tailings sands to a constructed fen peatland:
E D Kessel, J S Price, S J Ketcheson
4:30 P.M. H14B-0199 POSTER Examination of Field Scale
Hydrological Processes Under Three Different Tillage Methods in
Southern Ontario: Conventional Till (CT); Modified Till (MT); and No
Till (NT) : I Martin
4:30 P.M. H14A-0185 POSTER Assessment the pools and potential
redistribution of sodium in a constructed fen peatland system:
R rbsimhay@uwaterloOca, J S Price
4:30 P.M. H14A-0186 POSTER A Comparison of Soil Nitrogen
Availability Between a Post Mined Reclaimed Wetland and Two
Natural Wetlands in Fort McMurray, Alberta: C Thorne, S K Carey,
E Humphreys, M L Macrae, R M Petrone
4:30 P.M. H14A-0187 POSTER Understanding Flow Pathways,
Major Chemical Transformations and Water Sources Using
Hydrochemical and Hydrometric Data in a Constructed Fen, Fort
McMurray Alberta: K Biagi, S K Carey, E Nicholls, C A Mendoza
4:30 P.M. H14A-0188 POSTER Microfossil Biomonitors of
Reclamation Success: C Garner, F M G McCarthy, L Neville
4:30 P.M. H14A-0189 POSTER Redox Biogeochemistry and Oxygen
Consumption Rates Associated with Oil Sands Fluid Fine Tailings
(FFT): D Arriaga, L A Warren
4:30 P.M. H14A-0190 POSTER Introduction to Soil Bioengineering
Applications for Mining Reclamation of Re-Constructed Waterways
within Alberta Oil Sands Overburden Mine Dumps: P Raymond
Poster Hall 517B-D
Monday, 4:30 P.M.
General Hydrology Posters
Presiding: Daniel Peters, Environment Canada; William Quinton,
Wilfrid Laurier University
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
4:30 P.M. H14B-0200 POSTER Advancements in Tracer Dilution
Gauging: Quantifying Uncertainties in Streamflow Data:
M E Richardson, R D Moore, A Zimmerman
4:30 P.M. H14B-0201 POSTER Understanding the Spatial
anisotropy of Daily Rainfall using Radar Information: Y Gyasi-Agyei
4:30 P.M. H14B-0202 POSTER Hydraulic behavior of a fractured
massif: A Pina, L D Donado-Garzon
4:30 P.M. H14B-0203 POSTER Paleoflood History of an Oxbow Lake
in the Désert River Catchment Area, Southwestern Québec, Canada:
F Oliva, A E Viau, J Bjornson
4:30 P.M. H14B-0204 POSTER Climatic Controls of Low Water Levels
on the Mackenzie River Mainstem, Summer and Autumn, 2014:
D L Peters, D E Atkinson
4:30 P.M. H14B-0205 POSTER Dynamic Fractional Wettability
During Infiltration of Water, Ethanol, and Aqueous-ethanol Solutions
in Post Wildfire Soils: S M Beatty, J E Smith"
4:30 P.M. H14B-0206 POSTER Debye decomposition of complex
electrical conductivity spectra of contaminated sediments:
A Ustra, C A Mendonça, D Ntarlagiannis, L D Slater
4:30 P.M. H14B-0207 POSTER Downscaling Daily Precipitation
with the Climate Forecast System Reanalysis across Canada:
D Khedhaouiria, A Mailhot, A C Favre Pugin, G Talbot
4:30 P.M. H14B-0208 POSTER Differentiation between
anthropogenic and natural contamination of stream water by heavy
metals: a case study in the Cordillera Blanca, Peru: A Santos Perez,
M Baraer, A Guittard, J M McKenzie, B G Mark
Poster Hall 517B-D
4:30 P.M. H14B-0209 POSTER Mapping the depth of a small lake
using ground-penetrating radar: R F Sears, G Ferris, C G Bank
Monday, 4:30 P.M.
4:30 P.M. H14B-0210 POSTER Arctic Tundra Lakes in a Region
Impacted by Permafrost Disturbance – Application of Isotope
Signatures for Enhanced Hydrological Understanding: D L Peters,
K W Turner, E C Hille, F Wrona, S V Kokelj
Hydrologic Modeling Across Scales: On the Issue of Scale
Dependency Posters (joint with AS, ES)
Presiding: Saman Razavi, University of Saskatchewan; Hoshin
Gupta, University of Arizona; Bethanna Jackson, Victoria
University of Wellington; Rohini Kumar, Helmholtz Centre for
Environmental Research UFZ Leipzig
4:30 P.M. H14B-0211 POSTER Hydro-Climatic Variability and
Runoff Response in Glacial River Basin: A Case from Langtang River
Basin of Nepal Himalaya: N S Shrestha, P Dahal, R B Kayastha
4:30 P.M. H14B-0212 POSTER Hydrological forecasting events in
the context of global warming using Fokker-Plank-Kolmogorov’s
equation: A G T Temgoua, R Martel, Z Kavazovic, D Blessent,
U Gabriel, N Kokutse
4:30 P.M. H14E-0217 POSTER Application of SWAT model to
quantify blue and green water resources in Alberta: M Faramarzi,
K Abbaspour, G Goss
4:30 P.M. H14E-0219 POSTER Modeling the Partitioning of
Precipitation over the Almadinah Watershed, Saudi Arabia:
An Integrated Approach: T Alharbi, M Sultan, M Ahmed
4:30 P.M. H14B-0213 POSTER A Study on Debris(floating waste)
Flow Simulation in Hantangang dam Using the EFDC Model:
S H Jang, J H Oh, S H Han
4:30 P.M. H14E-0220 POSTER Hydrological Modeling of the Niger
River (West Africa) for Flow Prediction in Ungauged Basins:
J Chaibou Begou, S Jomaa, S Benabdallah, P Bazie, M Rode
Poster Hall 517B-D
Poster Hall 517B-D
Monday, 4:30 P.M.
Monday, 4:30 P.M.
Geothermal Energy Posters (joint with GR, VGP)
Presiding: Tirupati Bolisetti, University of Windsor; Denis Tanguay,
Canadian Geoexchange Coalition
Isotopic Tools to Assess Human Impacts on Large River
Systems Posters: Outils isotopiques pour caractériser les
impacts anthropiques sur les grands fleuves (joint with B)
Presiding: Jean-Francois Helie, University of Quebec at Montreal
UQAM; Trish Stadnyk, University of Manitoba; Fred Longstaffe,
University of Western Ontario
4:30 P.M. H14C-0214 POSTER Fundamental Economic Analysis
of Ground Source Heat Pumps Markets in North America: Analyse
économique fondamentale des marchés des thermopompes
géothermiques en Amérique du Nord: D Tanguay
Poster Hall 517B-D
Monday, 4:30 P.M.
Hydroclimatic Processes in the Laurentian Great Lakes
Posters (joint with AS)
Presiding: Christopher Spence, Environment Canada Saskatoon;
Peter Blanken, University of Colorado, Boulder; John Lenters,
LimnoTech; Andrew Gronewold, NOAA Ann Arbor
4:30 P.M. H14D-0215 POSTER Comparing catchment mean transit
times and landscape characteristics for mesoscale catchments in
northeastern Ontario: K J Chutko, A L James, C McConnell, H Yao
4:30 P.M. H14D-0216 POSTER High frequency monitoring of lake
and weather conditions in Lake Nipissing, Ontario: Exploring the
2014 hydrographical dataset: K J Chutko, D Walters, A L James,
M Wachowiak, C McConnell, H Yao, A Paterson, J Rusak
4:30 P.M. H14F-0221 POSTER Radiogenic and Stable Strontium
Isotope Variation in Rivers Draining the Canadian Precambrian
Shield: R Stevenson, C R Pearce, E Rosa, C Hillaire-Marcel
4:30 P.M. H14F-0222 POSTER Do End-member Definitions and
Tracer Choice have a Significant Influence on the Results of Isotopebased Hydrograph Separation?: S Bansah, G Ali
Poster Hall 517B-D
Monday, 4:30 P.M.
Mafic-Ultramafic Magmatic Ore Deposits III Posters:
Gisements mafiques et ultramafiques d’origine magmatique
(joint with VGP)
Presiding: Bernard Charlier, University of Liège; Olivier Namur,
Leibniz Universität Hannover
4:30 P.M. MD14A-0252 POSTER Importance of Sample preparation,
representivity, and reporting methologies for quantitative evaluation
of precious metal mineralogy: L J Cabri
4:30 P.M. MD14A-0253 POSTER Experimental confirmation of
high temperature silicate liquid immiscibility in multicomponent
ferrobasaltic systems: T Hou, I V Veksler
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
4:30 P.M. MD14A-0254 POSTER Solubility of the assemblage
Pt-PtAs(melt) in basalt with implications for Pt-As complexing
and As speciation: A Canali, J M Brenan
4:30 P.M. MD14A-0255 POSTER Characterizing the mineralogy
of orthomagmatic Fe–Ti–V (± P) oxide mineralization hosted in
Paleoproterozoic anorthosite in the Cape Caribou River Allochthon,
Grenville Province, Southeast Labrador: A Valvasori, M L D Fonkwe,
S J Piercey, J Conliffe
4:30 P.M. MD14A-0256 POSTER Genesis of Co-Ni mineralizations
during serpentinisation process in Bou Azzer ore deposits, the
Neoproterozoic ophiolite of Bou Azzer El Graara (Central Anti-Atlas,
Morocco): Genèse des minéralisations de Ni-Co pendant le processus
de serpentinisation des dépôts de minerai de Bou Azzer, l’ophiolite
Néoprotérozoïque de Bou El Azzer Graara (Central Anti-Atlas, Maroc):
B Mohamed Sr, W Amina, A Hassan, M Lhou, H Jung
4:30 P.M. MD14A-0257 POSTER Sulphur isotopic studies of
Cu-PGE mineralization in the Coldwell Complex, Ontario:
Implications for mineralizing processes: M Shahabi Far,
I M Samson, J E Gagnon, R Linnen, D J Good, G D Layne, B A Wing
4:30 P.M. MD14A-0258 POSTER Stratigraphy and distribution of
chromite in the Black Label deposit, McFaulds Lake greenstone belt,
Superior Province, Ontario, Canada: K Mehrmanesh, C M Lesher,
M Houle
4:30 P.M. MD14A-0259 POSTER Platinum-Group Minerals in the
Black Thor Mafic-Ultramafic Intrusive Complex, McFaulds Lake
Greenstone Belt, Ontario: N Farhangi, C M Lesher, M G Houlé
4:30 P.M. MD14A-0260 POSTER Hybridized UltrA.M.afic Rocks
in the Black Label Hybrid Zone of the 2.7 Ga Black Thor Intrusive
Complex, McFaulds Lake Greenstone Belt, Ontario, Canada:
C S Spath III, C M Lesher, M Houle
4:30 P.M. MD14A-0261 POSTER Base Metal Sulphide Minerals in
the Upper Critical Zone (UCZ) of the Bushveld Igneous Complex (BIC):
V Andrienko, J Mungall
Matagamimining district, Quebec: N Schnitzler, P S Ross,
A Bourke, E Gloaguen, B Fresia, R Boucher
4:30 P.M. MD14B-0265 POSTER Metamorphosed Hydrothermal
Alterations of the Auriferous Lalor VMS Deposit and Relations with
Ore Styles: A Caté, P Mercier-Langevin, P S Ross, S Duff,
M D Hannington, B Dubé, S Gagné
4:30 P.M. MD14B-0266 POSTER The Coulon volcanogenic massive
sulphide deposit, Northern Quebec: context, structure, alteration
and zonation: R A Bouchard, V Pearson, R Daigneault
4:30 P.M. MD14B-0267 POSTER Deciphering the hydrothermal
evolution of a VMS system using trace elements in pyrite by laser
ablation ICP-MS: an example from the Bracemac-McLeod deposits,
Abitibi, Canada and implications for exploration: Décortiquer
l’évolution hydrothermale d’un SMV en utilisant les éléments traces
des pyrite par LA-ICP-MS: l’exemple des gisements de BracemacMcLeod, Abitibi, Canada et implications pour l’exploration: D Genna,
D Gaboury
Poster Hall 517B-D
Monday, 4:30 P.M.
Using Computational ThermoDynamics to Model Natural
Systems: Recent Advances and Challenges for the Future II
Posters (joint with EP, MS)
Presiding: Vincent van Hinsberg, McGill University; Manas Paliwal,
McGill University; Jean-Philippe Harvey, McGill University
4:30 P.M. VGP14C-0392 POSTER ThermoDynamic modeling of the
Li2O-Na2O-Al2O3-SiO2 system under atmospheric pressure: P Hudon,
B Konar, M A Van Ende, I H Jung
4:30 P.M. VGP14C-0393 POSTER TCInvestigator: Automated
Calculation of Contours for THERMOCALC Pseudosections:
M A Pearce, A White, M F Gazley
4:30 P.M. MD14A-0262 POSTER Geological Setting of the
Marbridge Mine: Komatiite Hosted Ni-Cu Ore Deposit: V Lafrance,
P Pilote, P Pagé, R Daigneault
4:30 P.M. VGP14C-0394 POSTER Thermodynamic Properties
of Dilute Aqueous Electrolytes and Non-Electrolytes at Elevated
Temperatures, from Molecular Dynamics Simulations:
M J Steele-MacInnis, D Zezin, N Bieler, P Hünenberger, T Driesner
4:30 P.M. MD14A-0263 POSTER Platinum Group Element
Enrichment and Mobilization in the Messamax and Expo
Ni-Cu-PGE Magmatic Sulfide Deposits, Cape Smith Fold Belt,
New Quebec: J Mailloux, J E Mungall
4:30 P.M. VGP14C-0396 POSTER How to choose solution models for
phase equilibria modeling of migmatitic metapelites?:
P H Trapy, F Gervais
oster Hall 517B-D
4:30 P.M. VGP14C-0397 POSTER Multicomponent Diffusion
Modelling Applied to the Sudbury Igneous Complex: Q M C Poon,
J E Mungall, K Kompaniets
Monday, 4:30 P.M.
VMS Deposits and Their Geological Environment II Posters:
Les sulfures massifs volcanogènes et leur environnement
géologique (joint with MRG, PG, SG, VGP)
Presiding: Pierre-Simon Ross, Institut national de la recherche
scientifique; Dominique Genna, Université du Québec à Chicoutimi
4:30 P.M. MD14B-0264 POSTER Study of multiparameter
data on exploration drill core from the McLeod VMS deposit,
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
Poster Hall 517B-D
Monday, 4:30 P.M.
General Session: Ocean Sciences I Posters
Presiding: Margaret Mulholland, Old Dominion Univ
4:30 P.M. OS14A-0289 POSTER The position of Anthropogenic
Activities on Atlantic and Indian Oceans in Africa: B Abubakar
4:30 P.M. OS14A-0290 POSTER Evaluation of Satellite SST Data
Using in situ Skin SST Measurements: L Guan, L Qu, K Zhang
4:30 P.M. OS14A-0291 POSTER Internal Waves Induced the Increase
of Nutrients and Chlorophyll-a Concentrations in the Dongsha Atoll
Continental Shelf: J J Hung, S H Peng, Y H Wang
4:30 P.M. OS14A-0292 POSTER Impact on the Circulation in the
Sumjin River Estuary under summer monsoon condition: Y J Ro
4:30 P.M. P14A-0305 POSTER 3D petrography of Enstatite
achondrites via micro computed tomography scanning (µCT):
D D Uribe, P J A McCausland, M R Izawa, R L Flemming, J Umoh,
D Holdsworth
Poster Hall 517B-D
Monday, 4:30 P.M.
4:30 P.M. OS14A-0293 POSTER Seasonal and Inter-Annual
Variations of Remotely Sensed Biogeochemical Parameters in
Northern Gulf of Mexico and Their Correlations to the Size of
Hypoxia: J Yuan
Recent Developments at Sudbury and Other Canadian Impact
Structures Posters (joint with ES, MD)
Presiding: Gordon Osinski, University of Western Ontario; Richard
Grieve, Natural Resources Canada; Peter Lightfoot, Vale
4:30 P.M. P14B-0306 POSTER Structural Characterization of the
Sudbury Impact Structure, Canada using current remote sensing
datasets: B Shankar, G R Osinski
4:30 P.M. OS14A-0295 POSTER Flooding Effects on Organic Carbon
Consumption in the East China Sea: C C Chen
4:30 P.M. P14B-0307 POSTER Impact Melt Veins in the Central Uplift
of the West Clearwater Lake Impact Structure, Northern Quebec,
Canada: R Wilks, G R Osinski
4:30 P.M. OS14A-0296 POSTER The Acidification Coupled with
Eutrophication of the Coastal Waters of Bolinao, Pangasinan,
Philippines: M C T Lagumen
4:30 P.M. OS14A-0297 POSTER Assessing the impact of tides and
winds on the circulation of the Gulf of La Spezia with high-resolution,
three-dimensional simulations: L Porciello, M G Magaldi, A Griffa,
M Barbolini, F Ferro, M Borghini
4:30 P.M. OS14A-0298 POSTER Paleotempestology of Chezzetcook
Inlet, Nova Scotia: F Oliva, A E Viau, M C Peros
4:30 P.M. OS14A-0299 POSTER Turbulence in the Summertime
Pycnocline: I Lozovatsky, J H Lee, H J Fernando
O A Garuba, B A Klinger
Poster Hall 517B-D
Monday, 4:30 P.M.
Nondestructive Study of Meteorites Posters (joint with SE)
Presiding: Claire Samson, Carleton University; Roberta Flemming,
University of Western Ontario
4:30 P.M. P14A-0302 POSTER Evidence Of Metasomatism In The
Lowest Petrographic Types Inferred From A Na-, K, Rich Rim Around
A LEW 86018 (L3.1) Chondrule: R K Mishra, K K Marhas, J I Simon,
D K Ross
4:30 P.M. P14A-0303 POSTER Field- and Frequency-Dependence of
Magnetic Susceptibility of Ordinary Chondrites in Low Fields:
P Oliver, C Samson, R E Ernst, P J A McCausland, G F West
Poster Hall 517B-D
Monday, 4:30 P.M.
Rosetta Mission: Science From the Pre-perihelion Phase
Posters (joint with SPA)
Presiding: Claudia Alexander, Jet Propulsion Laboratory; Matthew
Taylor, ESTEC
4:30 P.M. P14C-0308 POSTER Rosetta Mission Status Update:
C J Alexander, M G Taylor, N Altobelli, F Jansen, M Barthelemy,
B Geiger, B Grieger, M Küppers, R Moissl, L O’Rourke, C Vallat, S Lodiot
4:30 P.M. P14C-0309 POSTER Shedding Light on Comet 67P/
Churyumov-Gerasimenko - New Shape and Topography Results:
W Gaskell, L Jorda, A T Auger, O S Barnouin, P L Lamy, E E Palmer,
C Jackman, C Capanna, S F Hviid, P Gutiérrez
Poster Hall 517B-D
Monday, 4:30 P.M.
Shock Processes in Terrestrial and Extraterrestrial Materials
Posters (joint with SPA, T, VGP)
Presiding: Erin Walton, University of Alberta; Lucy Thompson,
University of New Brunswick; John Spray, University of New
4:30 P.M. P14D-0310 POSTER Impact Induced Ballen Fracture
Networks and their Formation in SiO2 Clasts: A Chanou,
R A F Grieve, G R Osinski
4:30 P.M. P14A-0304 POSTER Effects of Thermal MetA.M.orphism
on Spectral Properties of a Carbonaceous Asteroid Regolith Simulant:
M R Izawa, E Cloutis, V B Pietrasz, P Mann
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
Poster Hall 517B-D
Poster Hall 517B-D
Monday, 4:30 P.M.
Monday, 4:30 P.M.
Metal Isotopes in Ancient Marine Sediments: Windows Into
the Paleoenvironment or Proxies for Diagenetic Alteration?
Posters (joint with SG)
Presiding: John Higgins, Princeton University; Galen Halverson,
McGill University; Marcus Kunzmann, McGill University
General Contributions in Sedimentary Geology and
Paleobiology Posters
Presiding: Galen Halverson, McGill University; Elizabeth Turner,
Laurentian University; Timothy Gibson, McGill University;
Katherine Hahn, Laurentian University
4:30 P.M. PP14A-0318 POSTER Geochemical Fingerprints of
Maximum Flooding Surfaces in the ca. 850 Ma Upper Fifteenmile
Group, Yukon Reflect the Iron Shuttle: Les Signatures Géochimiques
des Surfaces D'inondations Maximum de la Partie Supérieure du
Groupe Fifteenmile (ca. 850 Ma), Yukon, Montrent un Transport du
Fer: T Gibson, M Kunzmann, G P Halverson
4:30 P.M. SG14A-0360 POSTER Correlation Between Zooclast
Reflectance and Rock-Eval Tmax in the Upper Ordovician Cape Phillips
Formation, Nunavut: J Cuthbertson, D P Synnott, K Dewing
4:30 P.M. PP14A-0320 POSTER A δ26Mg Record of the Paleozoic
Oceans: S Cotroneo, I D Clark
4:30 P.M. PP14A-0321 POSTER The utility of chromium isotopes as
a redox tracer: C Reinhard, N Planavsky
Poster Hall 517B-D
Monday, 4:30 P.M.
Advances in Ground Motion Modeling in Eastern North
America III Posters (joint with SE)
Presiding: Gail Atkinson, University of Western Ontario; Christine
Goulet, Pacific Earthquake Engineering Center
4:30 P.M. S14A-0334 POSTER Sensitivity analysis of Eastern
Canada High Resolution Seismic Hazard Maps to the Ground Motion
Prediction Equations: Y Y Kropivnitskaya, K F Tiampo, J Qin, M Bauer
4:30 P.M. S14A-0335 POSTER Modeling of Strong Motion
Generation Areas of the 2011 Tohoku, Japan Earthquake using
Modified Semi-Empirical Technique Incorporating Frequency
Dependent Radiation pattern: Sandeep
Poster Hall 517B-D
Monday, 4:30 P.M.
Laser Imaging in the Earth Sciences II Posters (joint with ES,
Presiding: Claire Samson, Carleton University; Michael Daly, York
University; Gunho Sohn, York University
4:30 P.M. SE14A-0347 POSTER Utilization of LIDAR for
Geomorphological Analysis of Periglacial Features: T Haid,
G R Osinski
4:30 P.M. SE14A-0348 POSTER Multisensor Data Fusion to
Characterize Evolving Wetland Environments: An example from the
Peace Delta: O Niemann, D L Peters, D J Baird, R Stephen,
F Visintini, G Quinn, D Parton, R Skelly
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
4:30 P.M. SG14A-0361 POSTER Diachronic Evolution of the SaukTippecanoe Unconformity in the Quebec Reentrant and Its Influence
on the Early Stage Stratigraphic Architecture of the Taconian
Foreland Basin: O Salad Hersi
4:30 P.M. SG14A-0362 POSTER Seismic Stratigraphic Analysis of
the Messinian Evaporite Deposits and Their Temporal and Spatial
Distribution in the Western Cyprus Arc, Northeastern Mediterranean:
P Gunes, A Aksu, J Hall
4:30 P.M. SG14A-0363 POSTER Mid-Miocene Vegetation and
Climate Development on the Atlantic Coastal Plain (IODP Expedition
313): S Prader, U Kotthoff, F M G McCarthy,
D R Greenwood
4:30 P.M. SG14A-0364 POSTER Paleoenvironmental records from
alaskan Late Pleistocene yedoma permafrost : A case study from the
Itkillik river: L Lapointe Elmrabti, J Talbot, J Strauss, M Z Kanevskiy,
Y Shur, B Fréchette, D Fortier
4:30 P.M. SG14A-0365 POSTER What was happening when
earthquake suddenly deformed the sediments earth in Liwa region,
Sumatera, Indonesia?: Y Cara
4:30 P.M. SG14A-0366 POSTER A New Method of Determining Pore
Size Distribution in Sedimentary Rocks: I O Ugurlu, A I Kilinc
4:30 P.M. SG14A-0367 POSTER Late Holocene Wood and
Vertebrates from Gravels Near Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta:
A B Beaudoin, C N Jass
Poster Hall 517B-D
Monday, 4:30 P.M.
Geothermal Resources Potential of Sedimentary Basins
Posters: Potentiel des ressources géothermiques des bassins
sédimentaires (joint with VGP)
Presiding: Michel Malo, Institut national de la recherche
scientifique (INRS); Jasmin Raymond, Institut national de la
recherche scientifique (INRS)
4:30 P.M. SG14B-0368 POSTER Preliminary assessment of Nevado
del Ruiz geothermal potential from laboratory measurements
of thermal properties: M I Velez Marquez, D Blessent, I J López
Sánchez, J Raymond
4:30 P.M. SG14B-0369 POSTER Mapping the geoexchange
potential of the St. Lawrence Lowlands from thermal conductivity
measurements of rock samples: C Sirois, J Raymond, M Malo,
M Nasr
T Emanuele, M Zambrano, L Mancini, G Dinolfo, N Aibibula,
F Arzilli, G Napoli
Poster Hall 517B-D
Poster Hall 517B-D
Monday, 4:30 P.M.
Monday, 4:30 P.M.
Crustal Evolution in Large Hot Orogens From Pre-collisional
Continental Margin Through the Collision and Collapse
Stages: Evidence From Field, Analytical, and Numerical
Studies V Posters (joint with SE, VGP)
Presiding: Aphrodite Indares, Memorial University of
Newfoundland; Toby Rivers, Memorial University of
Newfoundland; Fried Schwerdtner, University of Toronto
Enriching Concordia; Microstructure Meets the
Geochronology of Earth and Solar System Processes II Posters
Presiding: Desmond Moser, University of Western Ontario; Kim
Tait, Royal Ontario Museum; Fernando Corfu, University of Oslo
4:30 P.M. T14A-0370 POSTER Very-High Temperature
Metamorphism and Deformation in the Footwall of an Eclogitebearing nappe, Sveconorwegian Orogen: Meta-leuconoritic and
Sapphirine-bearing Rocks of the Obbhult Complex, SW Sweden:
C Möller, J Andersson, G Rebay
C R McFarlane, S Jackson
4:30 P.M. VGP14B-0391 POSTER Microstructural response of U-Pb
dateable phases across the Vredefort impact structure, South Africa:
C L Davis, D Moser, I Barker
Tuesday A.M.
4:30 P.M. T14A-0371 POSTER Transpressional collision and postorogenic deformation in the New Quebec Orogen: D van Rooyen
4:30 P.M. T14A-0372 POSTER Metamorphic record of anatetic
aluminous gneisses from the mid-pressure belt of the Grenvillian
hinterland: M E Patrick, A D Indares
4:30 P.M. T14A-0373 POSTER Insights into the Geology of the
Central Metasedimentary Belt of the Grenville Orogen from Airborne
Geophysical Data recently acquired by the Ontario Geological
Survey: R M Easton
4:30 P.M. T14A-0374 POSTER Tectono-Metamorphic History of the
Eastern Taureau Shear Zone, Mauricie Area, Québec: Implications for
the Exhumation of the Mid-Crust in the Grenville Province:
R Soucy La Roche, F Gervais, A Tremblay, J L Crowley, G Ruffet
4:30 P.M. T14A-0375 POSTER Post-Peak Transtensional Buckling
of High-grade Thrust Sheets in Western Central Gneiss Belt, Grenville
Province of Ontario (Canada): A Signal of Orogenic Collapse: W M
Schwerdtner, T Rivers, J F Yang, J Tsolas, G Barbieri
4:30 P.M. T14A-0376 POSTER Nd Isotope Mapping of Large-scale
Crustal Structure in the SW Grenville Province: A P Dickin
Poster Hall 517B-D
Monday, 4:30 P.M.
3D Imaging of Natural and Artificial Earth Materials II Posters
(joint with MS, P, SG)
Presiding: Pia Plese, Université du Québec à Chicoutimi;
Don Baker, McGill University; Michael Higgins, Univ Quebec a
4:30 P.M. VGP14A-0388 POSTER Processing of X-ray microtomography
images to investigate crystallized volcanic rock textures: F Arzilli,
M Polacci, D R Baker, P Landi, D Giordano, L Mancini
Room 513D-F
Tuesday, 8:00 A.M.
Atmospheric Sciences General Contributions, Including
Aerosols, Ozone
Presiding: Athanasios Nenes, Georgia Institute of Technology
8:00 A.M. AS21A-01 Equatorial stratospheric thermal structure and
ozone variations during the sudden stratospheric warming of 2013:
O Nath, S Sridharan
8:15 A.M. AS21A-02 Quantifying the scales of coherence and causes
of spatiotemporal variability of aerosol particle properties and
extreme concentrations over eastern North America:
R Sullivan, P Crippa, R C Levy, S C Pryor
8:30 A.M. AS21A-03 Investigation and intercomparison of ozone
depletion in the Arctic polar vortex - using ground-based and spaceborne FTIR measurements at Eureka between 2006 and 2013: D
Griffin, K A Walker, S Conway, D Weaver, F Kolonjari,
R Lindenmaier, L Dan, J Mendonca, A Harrett, R L Batchelor,
K Strong, G L Manney, C D Boone, P F Bernath, J R Drummond
8:45 A.M. AS21A-04 Contribution of Different Ultrafine Aerosol Size
Fractions to Ice Nucleation in Clouds: Contribution des différentes
fractions de taille des aérosols ultrafins à la nucléation de la glace dans
les nuages: Y Nazarenko, R B Rangel-Alvarado, P A Ariya
9:00 A.M. AS21A-05 Lagrangian Analysis of Ozone Production in
the Baltimore-Washington Metropolitan Area Based on Air Parcel
Trajectories and In Situ Airborne Measurements from the 2011
DISCOVER-AQ Campaign: H L Arkinson, L C Brent, H He,
C Loughner, J Stehr, A J Weinheimer, R R Dickerson
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
9:15 A.M. AS21A-06 Using land surface information to inform backtrajectory analyses of aerosol measurements: D Doughty III, S C Hill
productivité du jeune réservoir Eastmain 1 (QC, Canada) à partir de
mesures à long terme des émissions de CO2: M Demarty, A Tremblay
9:30 A.M. AS21A-07 Features of Limited Organic-Inorganic
Miscibility and Their Relation to Aerosol Hygroscopicity: A Zuend,
D M Lienhard, U K Krieger
8:30 A.M. B21A-03 Modelling Seasonal and Annual Variability of
Carbon Fluxes in a Large Boreal Hydroelectric Reservoir: W Wang,
Y Kim, N T Roulet, I B Strachan, A Tremblay
Room 513A-C
8:45 A.M. B21A-04 Predicted Releases of Greenhouse Gases from
Land-use Change of a Proposed Hydroelectric Reservoir in Canada
Using a Carbon Mass-balance Model: J M A DeVink, M C Murphy,
K Gillam, M Stephenson, P Mazzocco, S Jackson
Tuesday, 8:00 A.M.
Climate Scenarios: Improving Science and Communication for
an Efficient Societal Use I: Scénarios climatiques: Améliorer
la science et la communication pour une utilisation sociétale
Presiding: Patrick Grenier, Ouranos; Marco Braun, Ouranos;
Alex Cannon, University of Victoria; Xuebin Zhang, Environment
9:15 A.M. B21A-06 Climate and Land-Use Gradients Drive Spatially
Coherent CO2 Driver-Response Relationships Across US Lakes:
J F Lapierre, K S Cheruvelil, S M Collins, C E Fergus, C Filstrup,
D A Seekell, P A Soranno
9:30 A.M. B21A-07 Methane Oversaturation in Boreal Lakes:
Towards Process-based Understanding: T Del Sontro, S D Thottathil,
Y Prairie, P del Giorgio
8:00 A.M. AS21B-01 Evaluating IPCC and Other Scenarios of Future
Climate for Regional-to-Local Water Resource Applications in the US:
J R Arnold
9:45 A.M. B21A-08 Methane under ice in boreal lakes: T Rasilo,
P del Giorgio
8:20 A.M. AS21B-02 A tool to communicate to the adaptation
community: a guidebook on climate scenarios: I Charron
Room 511B
8:40 A.M. AS21B-03 The Third National Climate Assessment and
Regional Climate Scenarios as Sience and Communication Tools:
S Champion, K Kunkel
Tuesday, 8:00 A.M.
9:00 A.M. AS21B-04 Inter-Variable Dependence in Climate
Scenarios at Daily Resolution: Testing a 2D Statistical Adjustment of
CMIP5 Simulations at Canadian Arctic Coastal Sites: F Gennaretti,
L Sangelantoni, P Grenier
9:20 A.M. AS21B-05 High-resolution climate change projections
over Australia: producing policy-relevant information: A Di Luca,
J P Evans, D Argüeso, R Olson, L Fita
9:40 A.M. AS21B-06 High-resolution Probabilistic Climate
Scenarios: An Application to Québec’s Wine-Making Potential:
P Roy, P Grenier, E Barriault, A Blondlot, D Chaumont, G Bourgeois
Room 512A/B/E/F
Tuesday, 8:00 A.M.
Measuring and modelling biogeochemical processes
controlling the carbon cycle of inland waters I (joint with ES, H)
Presiding: Weifeng Wang, McGill University; Tonya Del Sontro,
University of Quebec at Montreal UQAM; Yves Prairie, University
of Quebec at Montreal UQAM; Charlotte Roehm, National
Ecological Observatory Network
8:00 A.M. B21A-01 CO2, CH4 and N2O Emissions from Boreal
Reservoirs, 20 years of data!: Émissions de CO2, CH4 et de N2O de
réservoirs boréaux, 20 ans de données!: A Tremblay, M Lambert
8:15 A.M. B21A-02 Insights on System Productivity Stemming
from a Long Term Follow-up of CO2 Emissions from a Young
Boreal Reservoir, Eastmain 1, QC, Canada: Réflections quant à la
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
Dynamics of Permafrost Regions in a Warming World:
Processes, Landforms, Biogeosystems I (joint with B, H)
Presiding: Daniel Fortier, University of Montreal; Frederic
Bouchard, Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique-Eau Terre
Environnement INRS-ETE; Etienne Godin, University of Montreal;
Stephanie Coulombe, University of Montreal
8:00 A.M. ES21A-01 Physically Accurate Soil Freeze-Thaw Processes
in a Global Land Surface Scheme: V E Haverd, M Cuntz
8:15 A.M. ES21A-02 Mass Movement by solifluction and Syngenetic
Dynamic of Permafrost in the High Arctic, Ward Hunt Island,
Canadian High Arctic: M Verpaelst, D Fortier, M Paquette
8:30 A.M. ES21A-03 Impact of organic matter content on loess
thermo-physical properties: M Sliger, D Fortier
8:45 A.M. ES21A-04 Black Spruce (Picea mariana) Water Use
Response to Moisture Deficits on a Permafrost Peat Plateau:
R K Warren, A A Berg, W L Quinton, J L Baltzer
9:00 A.M. ES21A-05 Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Net Carbon
Exchange in the Polar Semi-Desert Vegetation Community on
Melville Island, NU: E Buckley, N A Scott, P Treitz
9:15 A.M. ES21A-06 Dissolved Organic Matter Quality from a
Discontinuous Permafrost Area and its Susceptibility to Photolytic
and Microbial Degradation: P Aukes, S L Schiff, M English
9:30 A.M. ES21A-07 Impact of temperature increase on methane
emission from arctic soils: J Seo, Y K Lee, J Y Jung, N Chae, H Kang
9:45 A.M. ES21A-08 Measurement of Permafrost Greenhouse Gas
Emissions through a New Closed ChA.M.ber Automated System:
Mesure des gaz à effet de serre émis par le pergélisol par l’utilisation
d’un nouveau système automatisé de chambres fermées: S Gagnon,
M Allard, E Lévesque
Room 511C
Tuesday, 8:00 A.M.
Understanding Paleogeomagnetic Change I
Presiding: Guillaume St-Onge, University of Quebec at Rimouski
UQAR; Agathe Lisé-Pronovost, La Trobe University; Joseph
Stoner, CEOAS, Oregon State University; Emilio Herrero-Bervera,
University of Hawaii at Manoa
8:00 A.M. GP21A-01 New Paleomagnetic Secular Variation records
from various lakes on the Tibetan Plateau: T Haberzettl,
K Henkel, T Kasper, J Wang, M Ahlborn, Y Su, E Appel, G St-Onge,
J S Stoner, G Daut, L Zhu, R Maeusbacher
8:15 A.M. GP21A-02 9000 years of archeomagnetic field intensity
variations in the Middle East: Y Gallet, M Molist, A Genevey,
E Thebault, M Le Goff, A Gomez Bach, X Clop, B Robert, S Akimova,
I Nachasova
8:30 A.M. GP21A-03 Building and Using Archeomagnetic Field Models:
Construire et Utiliser des Modèles de Champ Archéomagnétique:
G Hulot, A Licht, Y Gallet, A Khokhlov, I Kalashnikov, E Thebault
8:45 A.M. GP21A-04 Exploring high latitude geomagnetic field
behaviour in the northern hemisphere over the past four millennia:
A Nilsson, R T Holme, M J Hill
9:00 A.M. GP21A-05 Geomagnetic secular variation in Brazil
revealed from archeological materials and lacustrine sediments:
G A Hartmann, J F Savian, W Poletti, R I F Trindade
9:15 A.M. GP21A-06 NZPSV1k and NZPSV10k: New Palaeosecular
Variation Master Records for New Zealand – Applications for Dating
and Field Modelling: G M Turner, G de Gelder, J D Howarth,
A Greve, R Kinger, R Corkill, A Nilsson, S Fitzsimons
9:30 A.M. GP21A-07 Holocene Southern Atlantic Earth’s Magnetic
Field Variations: M C Korte, U Frank, N R Nowaczyk, T Frederichs,
M C Brown
9:45 A.M. GP21A-08 Long-Term Character of Paleomagnetic
Secular Variation from the Southern Hemisphere over the last Glacial
Cycle – Evidence from ODP Leg 202- Chile Margin: S Lund
Room 514A-C
Tuesday, 8:00 A.M.
Changing Cold Regions: Climate, Cryosphere, Hydrology,
Ecology I (joint with AS, B)
Presiding: Chris DeBeer, University of Saskatchewan; Howard
Wheater, University of Saskatchewan; John Pomeroy, University of
Saskatchewan; Danny Marks, USDA Agriculture Research Serv
8:15 A.M. H21A-02 Changing Climate and Streamflow in the
Western Canadian Arctic: P Marsh, S Endrizzi, D Yang, T de Jong
8:30 A.M. H21A-03 Polar amplification and elevation-dependence
in trends of Northern Hemisphere snow cover extent, 1971-2014:
S J Dery, M A Hernández-Henríquez, C Derksen
8:45 A.M. H21A-04 Examining the influences of changes in
snowpack structure on the declining Bathurst caribou herd in the
Northwest Territories: M English, J Adamczewski, S Katsaras,
J Hickman, R Judas, L Wang, P Toose, C Robertson, C Derksen,
B Monpetit
9:00 A.M. H21A-05 The Impacts of Thermal Perturbation and
Permafrost Disturbances on Runoff Pathways and Stream Water
Quality, Cape Bounty, Melville Island, Nunavut: D Lamhonwah,
M J Lafreniere, S F Lamoureux, B B Wolfe
9:15 A.M. H21A-06 Hungry ponds in a thawing world: Variations
in subarctic pond runoff quality and quantity depend on peatland
moisture and frost conditions: M Q Morison, M L Macrae,
R M Petrone, L Fishback
9:30 A.M. H21A-07 Hydrologic Response of a Bog Cascade with a
Dynamic Contributing Area in Discontinuous Permafrost:
R Connon, W L Quinton, J R Craig, J Hanisch
9:45 A.M. H21A-08 Root Network Impact on Soil Thermal
Conductivity and Active Layer Thaw: S Van Opstal, W L Quinton
Room 515A-C
Tuesday, 8:00 A.M.
Understanding and Predicting Groundwater Sustainability
Under High Human Pressure
Presiding: Paul Baudron, Ecole Polytechnique de Montréal; Florent
Barbecot, GEOTOP-UQam; Jose-Luis Garcia-Aróstegui, Instituto
Geologico y Minero de España
8:00 A.M. H21B-01 Groundwater Development In Semi-Arid South
India: Trends and Status: R P Sishodia, S Shukla
8:15 A.M. H21B-02 Sustainable management of contA.M.inated
groundwater present beneath an industrial site located in western
India using a combination of field techniques and desktop
groundwater modeling approach: R Appana,
V SundarA.M., H He, P Ekawde, R Costa, D Walker, J Sathaye
8:30 A.M. H21B-03 Effective management of brackish irrigation
water for a network of farms along a river by considering soil-waterplant feedback mechanisms: a conceptual framework Development:
S H H Shah Sr
8:45 A.M. H21B-04 Submarine Groundwater Discharge of Artificial
Releases? Using a HydroDynamic Model to Assess the Origin of 222Rn
Activities in a Coastal Lagoon Connected to a Highly Anthropized
Aquifer (Mar Menor, SE Spain): P Baudron, F L Castejón, J Gilabert,
S Cockenpot, A Mayer, O Radakovitch, J L Garcia-Aróstegui,
C Leduc, C Claude
8:00 A.M. H21A-01 Progress in modeling high latitude land surface
hydrological processes: D P Lettenmaier
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
9:00 A.M. H21B-05 Spatially distributed recharge modelling with
commonly available data - Application to the Centre-du-Québec
region of southern Quebec (Canada): D Barnetche, M Larocque,
G Meyzonnat, S Gagné
Room 510D
9:15 A.M. H21B-06 Application of the Pressure-State-Response
Framework for Measuring Groundwater Sustainability. Case Study:
Campo de Cartagena (SE Spain): J Senent-Aparicio, J L GarciaAróstegui, J Pérez-Sánchez, A M Bielsa-Artero, J C Domingo
Global Change During the Holocene and Anthropocene: New
Methods, Questions, and Perspectives I (joint with B, ES, GA, SG)
Presiding: Matthew Peros, Bishop’s University; Konrad Gajewski,
University of Ottawa
9:30 A.M. H21B-07 Simulating the Effects of Groundwater
Dynamics on Aquifer Vulnerability: G Meyzonnat, M Larocque
8:00 A.M. PP21A-01 Regional Climate Projections using Effective
Climate Sensitivities: Projections climatiques régionales utilisant la
sensibilié climatique effective: R Hébert, S Lovejoy, A de Vernal
9:45 A.M. H21B-08 The Impacts of Change in Rainfall and
Groundwater Withdrawal on Groundwater Resources of Raya Valley,
Northern Ethiopia: M G GebreMichael
8:15 A.M. PP21A-02 Scaling linear Inverse Models (SLIM) for
regional climate forecasting and the Development of Global
Macroweather Models: L del Rio Amador, S Lovejoy, R Hébert
Room 510B
8:30 A.M. PP21A-03 Holocene Labrador Current strength
reconstructed from sediment sortable silt proxy: H Rashid,
D Piper, K M Best, F Saint-Ange
Tuesday, 8:00 A.M.
Nondestructive Study of Meteorites (joint with SE)
Presiding: Claire Samson, Carleton University; Roberta
Flemming, University of Western Ontario
8:00 A.M. P21A-01 The Non-Destructive Measurement of Meteorite
Density and Porosity: D T Britt, G J Consolmagno, R J Macke
8:15 A.M. P21A-02 Characterization of Meteorites by Focused
Ion BeA.M. Sectioning: Recent Applications to CAIs and Primitive
Meteorite Matrices: R Christoffersen, L P Keller, J Han, Z Rahman,
E L Berger
8:30 A.M. P21A-03 Investigation of Changes in Sample Density
During Impact Processes Using X-Ray Analysis: M Strait, S Jack,
A Clayton, G Flynn, D D Durda
8:45 A.M. P21A-04 Non-destructive analyses of Martian meteorites
using Raman Spectroscopy: K Tait, M R Izawa, D Moser, B C Hyde
9:00 A.M. P21A-05 Nebular Conditions in the Early Solar System
from the 3D Tomography of Chondrules: C Charles, D Davis,
P J A McCausland, P Y Robin, J Umoh, D Holdsworth
9:15 A.M. P21A-06 Closed System Heating of Murchison and
“Fake” Murchison CM2 Carbonaceous Chondrite: Spectral Refletance
Properties: E Cloutis, P Mann, M R Izawa, V B Pietrasz, K Tait
9:30 A.M. P21A-07 Volumetric Analysis and Phase Discrimination
in Meteorites by Medical X-Ray Micro-CT: R L Flemming, D Edey,
S Pollmann, D Lorusso, M Drangova, P J A McCausland,
D Holdsworth
9:45 A.M. P21A-08 Non-destructive markers of parent body
aqueous alteration in carbonaceous chondrites based on
magnetometry and X-ray diffraction of mm-sized meteorite
fragments: Marqueurs non destructifs de l’altération aqueuse sur le
corps parent des chondrites carbonées basés sur la magnétométrie et
la diffraction des rayons X de fragments millimétriques de météorites:
A Elmaleh, M Gérard, B Baptiste, S C Tarantino, B Zanda, M Zema
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
Tuesday, 8:00 A.M.
8:45 A.M. PP21A-04 North Atlantic temperature seasonality
throughout the Holocene: isotopic evidence from micromilled
bivalves: S Timsic, W P Patterson, B M Eglington
9:00 A.M. PP21A-05 Soil Erosion and Sedimentation in the
Anthropocene: D A Lobb
9:15 A.M. PP21A-06 Geomorphological evidences of Late
Quaternary Glacial Advancements in the Himalaya: T Shukla,
M Mehta, D P Dobhal
9:30 A.M. PP21A-07 Hydro-climate of Subtropical North America
since Last Glacial Maximum and Variations in the Dynamics of
Atlantic and Pacific Moistures: P D Roy, A Rivero-Navarrete,
C M Chávez Lara, N L Hernández Juárez, R Lozano-Santacruz,
N Lopez-Balbiaux
9:45 A.M. PP21A-08 Holocene climate and environmental change
inferred from multiproxy data from Cenote Jennifer, Cayo Coco, Cuba:
Changements climatiques et environnementaux durant l’Holocène
déduit à partir des données paléoécologiques de Cenote Jennifer, Cayo
Coco, Cuba: A M Agosta G’meiner, M C Peros
Room 511A
Tuesday, 8:00 A.M.
Induced Seismicity Hazards and Processes I (joint with SE)
Presiding: Gail Atkinson, University of Western Ontario; David
Eaton, University of Calgary; Yu Gu, University of Alberta
8:00 A.M. S21A-01 Assessing the Hazard of Increasing Earthquake
Activity in the U.S. Midcontinent: A Short-Term Hazard Model for
Natural and Induced Earthquakes: W L Ellsworth, C S Mueller,
M D Petersen, J L Rubinstein
8:30 A.M. S21A-02 Investigation of Induced Seismicity Related to
the Development of Shale Gas in Northeast British Columbia and
Northwest Territories, Canada: H Kao, A M Farahbod, D Walker,
D B Snyder, S Cairns
9:00 A.M. S21A-03 A catalog search for triggered seismicity in
Canada and near fluid injection sites in Western Alberta using a
match-filter approach with continuous waveform data: B Wang,
R M Harrington, Y Liu, N van der Elst, H Yu
9:15 A.M. S21A-04 Hazards from Induced Seismicity: Crooked Lake
Case Study: H Ghofrani, G M Atkinson, K Assatourians
University; Noah Planavsky, Yale University
8:00 A.M. SG21A-01 Measuring terrestrial Precambrian
atmospheric oxygen levels: An isotopic approach: D J Auerbach,
N Planavsky, C T Reinhard, J B Maynard, A Hofmann, N Alfimova,
X Wang, B Gueguen, D Asael
9:30 A.M. S21A-05 Hydraulic fracturing of the Alberta Bakken
and the Cardston Earthquake Swarm: R Schultz, S Mei, D Pana,
V H Stern, Y J Gu, D W S Eaton
8:15 A.M. SG21A-02 Hyperventilation During the Paleoproterozoic
– Evidence for Extensive Oxidation of Terrestrial Surfaces in
Fennoscandia: K Rybacki, L R Kump, W Li, C Johnson,
R Schoenberg, V Melezhik, E Hanski
SITES: A Stork, J Verdon, M Kendall, D White
8:30 A.M. SG21A-03 A Theory of Archean Oxygen Stability:
D P Schrag, T Laakso
Room 511E
8:45 A.M. SG21A-04 Alkalinity, Snowball Glaciations, and the Great
Oxidation Event: T Laakso, D P Schrag
Tuesday, 8:00 A.M.
9:00 A.M. SG21A-05 Multiple Sulfur Isotopes in Neoproterozoic
Pyrite: Implications for Links Between the Sulfur Cycle and
Atmospheric Oxygen: M Kunzmann, T H Bui, B A Wing,
G P Halverson, C T Scott
New Developments in the Appalachian-Caledonide Orogen:
A Tribute to Past Studies and a Look to the Future I (joint with
Presiding: J Brendan Murphy, St. Francis Xavier University; John
Greenough, University of British Columbia, Okanagan
8:00 A.M. SE21A-01 Global Setting of the Appalachian-Caledonide
Orogen: I W D Dalziel
8:20 A.M. SE21A-02 Defining the Iapetan Rifted Margin of Laurentia:
W A Thomas
8:40 A.M. SE21A-03 Shaping of the Appalachian orogen by
the breakup of Rodinia and middle-to-late Paleozoic, zippered,
transpressional processes: Geologic and geophysical evidence:
R D Hatcher Jr, J W Horton Jr, D L Daniels, S L Snyder
9:00 A.M. SE21A-04 Evolution of the Tyrone arc system during the
Grampian (=Taconic) orogeny: field, geochemical, geochronological
and isotope (Nd, Sr) constraints: S P Hollis, M Cooper, S Roberts,
R Herrington, G Earls, D J Condon, J S Daly
9:15 A.M. SG21A-06 What influenced the rise and fall of
atmospheric oxygen during the Phanerozoic?: R Tappert,
K Muehlenbachs, A P Wolfe, R C McKellar, M Schoell
9:30 A.M. SG21A-07 Ordovician climate simulations with an earth
system model: Focus on the impact of atmospheric O2 and CO2 on
deep ocean oxygen concentrations: D F D’amico, A Montenegro,
M Eby
9:45 A.M. SG21A-08 Episodic Organic Carbon Burial During the
Phanerozoic Indicated by a New Atmospheric pO2 Record resources:
M Schoell
Room 510C
Tuesday, 8:00 A.M.
9:15 A.M. SE21A-05 Detrital zircon U-Pb geochronology of
the Magog Group, southern Québec Appalachians - tectonic
implications: M G Perrot, A Tremblay, J David
New Findings and Insights From High-Resolution Studies of
the Ionosphere I
Presiding: Jean-Pierre St-Maurice, University of Saskatchewan;
J. Michael Ruohoniemi, Virginia Tech; Kathryn McWilliams,
University of Saskatchewan
9:30 A.M. SE21A-06 Recognizing the Cambrian Rheic margin in the
Kings Mountain terrane of Carolinia: A J Dennis
8:00 A.M. Introductory Remarks
9:45 A.M. SE21A-07 Provenance of Cape Spear Member
conglomerates in the Ediacaran Cuckold Formation, Flatrock area,
eastern Newfoundland: Implications for Avalonian paleogeography:
S R Pearcey, L P Beranek
Room 511D
Tuesday, 8:00 A.M.
The Geologic History of Atmospheric Oxygen: Models and
Proxies (joint with AS, B, PP, VGP)
Presiding: Paul Hoffman, University of Victoria; Karlis
Muehlenbachs, University of Alberta; Boswell Wing, McGill
8:05 A.M. SPA21A-01 Characterization of the Energy-Dependent
Response of Riometer Absorption: Y Shprits, A C Kellerman,
R A Makarevich, E Spanswick, E Donovan, G D Reeves
8:20 A.M. SPA21A-02 New Perspectives on Small-Scale and Rapidly
Varying Auroral Structures from CASSIOPE e-POP Fast Auroral Imager
(FAI) Observations: L Cogger, A D Howarth, A W Yau
8:55 A.M. SPA21A-04 Imaging the Dynamic Auroral Ionosphere
and Polar Ionosphere Using Incoherent Scatter Radar and All-Sky
Imaging: S R Kaeppler, M J Nicolls, R B Cosgrove, A Stromme,
D Hampton
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
9:15 A.M. SPA21A-05 Source and evolution of the ionospheric
F-region tongue of ionization and patches: W Wang, J Liu,
A G Burns, S C Solomon
9:30 A.M. SPA21A-06 Spatial characteristics of pulsating aurora as
a function of latitude: R Michell, M SA.M.ara, D L HA.M.pton
9:45 A.M. SPA21A-07 Small-scale Structure and Variability in
Mid-Latitude Ionospheric Plasma Convection: J M Ruohoniemi,
J B H Baker, E G Thomas, W Bristow, S G Shepherd
Room 510A
Tuesday, 8:00 A.M.
Planetary Thermal History and the Transition of Stagnant Lid
to Plate Tectonics I (joint with P, PG, SE, VGP)
Presiding: Kent C Condie, New Mexico Institute of Mining and
Technology; Julian Lowman, University of Toronto; Philip Heron,
University of Toronto; Jeroen Van Hunen, University of Durham
8:00 A.M. T21A-01 Early evolution of Earth-like planets: L’évolution
précoce des planètes comme la Terre: C O’Neill, S Zhang, S Marchi,
J Wasiliev
8:15 A.M. T21A-02 Temporal Stress Patterns in Episodic Plate
Tectonics Models with Implications for the Initiation of Plate
Tectonics on Terrestrial Planets: V Stamenkovic, T Hoeink,
A Lenardic
8:30 A.M. T21A-03 Evolving Lid-States, Bi-Stability, and the
Evolution of Terrestrial Planets: M B Weller, A Lenardic
8:45 A.M. T21A-04 The Feedback Between Surface Mobility and
Mantle Compositional Heterogeneity: Implications for the Earth and
Other Terrestrial Planets: S J Trim, P J Heron, C Stein, J P Lowman
9:00 A.M. T21A-05 Mantle Potential Temperature through time:
Constraints from Greenstone Basalts and Komatiites: K C Condie,
C T Lee, R C Aster, J Van Hunen
9:15 A.M. T21A-06 Origin and Evolution of Silicate Reservoirs in the
Early Earth: an Archean Komatiite Story: I S Puchtel, R J Walker,
M Touboul, J Blichert-Toft
9:30 A.M. T21A-07 Zircon Evidence Reveals that Iceland is Not a
Modern Analogue for Earliest Crustal Construction (Hadean, >4 Ga):
T L Carley, C F Miller, J Wooden, A J Padilla, A K Schmitt,
R C Economos, I N Bindeman, B T Jordan
9:45 A.M. T21A-08 An Iceland-like Setting for Generation of a ~4.02
Ga tonalite, Acasta Gneiss Complex, Canada: J R Reimink,
T Chacko, R A Stern, L Heaman, J Davies, G D Pearson, R A Creaser
Room 511F
Tuesday, 8:00 A.M.
Basaltic Magmatism in the Solar System: From Mantle to
Magma in Space and Time I (joint with P, PG, T)
Presiding: Dejan Milidragovic, Université Laval; Jonathan O’Neil,
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
University of Ottawa; Dante Canil, University of Victoria; Kelly
Russell, University of British Columbia
8:00 A.M. VGP21A-01 Petrological Insights on the Northern
Canadian Cordillera Lithosphere: in the Footsteps of Don Francis:
B R Edwards, K Russell
8:15 A.M. VGP21A-02 Delving into density and its role in magmatic
processes: N T Arndt, S Sinigoi
8:35 A.M. VGP21A-03 Primitive replenishment of Neoproterozoic
Franklin Sills on Victoria Island: J H J Bedard, B Hayes, C Beard,
J C J Lissenberg, D Weis, J S Scoates, B A Wing, H R Naslund
OLIVINE: K Russell, C Brett, G D Andrews, T Jones
9:05 A.M. VGP21A-05 CO2-rich arc volcanism on the early Earth:
N H Sleep, F Albarede, D K Bird, P A O’Day, M T Rosing, E Shock
9:25 A.M. VGP21A-06 Early differentiation processes recorded by
L Rizo Garza,
R J Walker, R W Carlson, M Touboul, M F Horan, I S Puchtel,
M Boyet, M T Rosing
142Nd and 182W in Eoarchean rocks from Isua: H
9:40 A.M. VGP21A-07 Trying to see through the metA.M.orphism:
trace element zoning in the assemblages of the Nuvvuagittuuq
Greenstone Belt, Canada: W G Minarik, M Majnoon, J O’Neil
Room 513A-C
Tuesday, 10:30 A.M.
Climate Scenarios: Improving Science and Communication for
an Efficient Societal Use II: Scénarios climatiques: Améliorer
la science et la communication pour une utilisation sociétale
Presiding: Patrick Grenier, Ouranos; Marco Braun, Ouranos;
Alex Cannon, University of Victoria; Xuebin Zhang, Environment
10:30 A.M. AS22A-01 Climate Change Impacts on Hydrological
Regimes in Arid and Semi-arid Basins: A Case Study: S Nemri
10:50 A.M. AS22A-02 Assessing hydrological impacts from climate
change with hourly precipitation using temporal downscaling over
South Korea: T S Lee, T PARK
11:10 A.M. AS22A-03 Merging historical data records with MPI-ESMLR and CanESM2 scenarios to assess long-term climate trends for the
Massili Basin in central Burkina Faso: P E Kabore Bontogho
11:30 A.M. AS22A-04 Quantifying Local to Regional-Scale
Climate Impacts using Global Mean Temperature Scenarios:
La Quantification des Impacts Climatiques Locaux et Régionaux avec
Scénarios de la Température Mondiale: A M K Stoner, K Hayhoe,
S Swain
11:50 A.M. AS22A-05 Improving climate projections using
“intelligent” ensembles: Améliorer les projections climatiques en
utilisant des ensembles « intelligents »: N C Baker, P C Taylor
12:10 P.M. AS22A-06 Regional Estimates of the Transient Climate
Response to Cumulative Carbon Emissions: M Leduc, D Matthews,
R de Elía
Room 513D-F
Tuesday, 10:30 A.M.
General Biogeosciences I (joint with ES, H)
Presiding: Timothy Duval, University of Toronto Mississauga;
Cherie Westbrook, University of Saskatchewan; Merrin Macrae,
University of Waterloo
10:30 A.M. B22A-01 Lurking Just Beneath the Surface: Antibiotic
Resistance Fe(III)-Reducing Bacteria and Other Members of
Freshwater Surface Microlayer Bacterial Communities:
C Drudge, L A Warren
10:45 A.M. B22A-02 Cyanobacteria Dominance in the Lake
Simcoe Georgian Bay Area: an Oxygen, Sulfate and Iron Approach: E
McQuay, J J Venkiteswaran, S L Schiff
11:00 A.M. B22A-03 Quantification of Gas Fluxes through Frozen
Sand and Snow Cover using a Multi-Tracer Approach: S Guillon,
F Barbecot, M Larocque, D L Pinti, E Pili
11:15 A.M. B22A-04 Disturbance legacies and paludification
mediate the ecological impact of an intensifying wildfire regime in
the Clay Belt boreal forest of eastern North America: A Terrier,
M P Girardin, A Cantin, W de Groot, K A Anyomi, S Gauthier,
Y Bergeron
11:45 A.M. B22A-06 Vegetation Continuous Fields: The Evolution
of Sub-Pixel Land Cover Mapping from AVHRR, MODIS and Landsat:
Végétation Champs Continus: Évolution de la Cartographie de la
Couverture Terrestre Sous-Pixel de AVHRR, MODIS et Landsat:
R A Sohlberg, C DiMiceli, M Carroll, D H Kim, M Kelly,
J R Townshend
12:00 P.M. B22A-07 Efficient Updating of Land-Cover Classifications
in a Data-Rich Environment: J A Cardille, J A Fortin
12:15 P.M. B22A-08 Bayesian Updating of Land Cover Classification
in th Brazilian Provinces of A.M.azonas and Mato Grosso: J A Fortin,
J A Cardille
Room 512A/B/E/F
Tuesday, 10:30 A.M.
Measuring and Modeling Biogeochemical Processes Controlling
the Carbon Cycle of Inland Waters II (joint with ES, H)
Presiding: Weifeng Wang, McGill University; Tonya Del Sontro,
University of Quebec at Montreal UQam; Yves Prairie, University of
Quebec at Montreal UQAM; Charlotte Roehm, National Ecological
Observatory Network
10:30 A.M. B22B-01 Organic carbon cycling in lakes: exploring the
source and sink balance through process modeling:
P C Hanson, H A Dugan, J S Read
10:45 A.M. B22B-02 The Role of Fe and pH in the Photolytic
Decomposition of Dissolved Organic Carbon in Boreal Lakes:
J L Mead, S L Schiff, J J Venkiteswaran, R J Elgood, R H S Hutchins,
P Aukes, J Spoelstra
11:00 A.M. B22B-03 Combining Measurements and Models to
Understand the Effects of Changing Dissolved Organic Carbon Loads
on Lake Carbon Cycles: Model-Data Fusion Analysis of a Whole-Lake
Experiment: C Solomon, S Jones, J Zwart
11:15 A.M. B22B-04 Modelling the impact of increasing dissolved
organic carbon load on seasonal anoxia in a boreal humic lake:
Modélisation de l’impact de l’augmentation des apports en carbon
organique dissous sur l’anoxie saisonnière dans un lac boreal
humique: R M Couture, H De Wit, K Tominaga, P Kiuru, I Markelov
11:30 A.M. B22B-05 Ecohydrological Controls on Carbon Drainage
via Groundwater in a Coastal BC Douglas-Fir Headwater Catchment
During Pre- and Post-Harvest Periods: M S Johnson,
T A Black, R Jassal, N J Grant, I Hawthorne
11:45 A.M. B22B-06 Hydrological and Biogeochemical Controls on
Transport, Modification and Export of Dissolved Organic Matter in
Large Drainage Networks: J B Hoyle, J E Saiers, P A Raymond,
W V Sobczak
12:00 P.M. B22B-07 Revisiting Global Riverine Carbon Export to the Oceans: M Li, Y Prairie, P del Giorgio
12:15 P.M. B22B-08 Quantifying carbon burial in northern forested
lakes since the Anthropocene: A Heathcote,
N J Anderson, P del Giorgio, Y Prairie, D R Engstrom
Room 511B
Tuesday, 10:30 A.M.
Human Activity and Urbanization as a Modifier of River
Processes (joint with H)
Presiding: Jaclyn Cockburn, University of Guelph; Paul Villard,
GEO Morphix Ltd.
10:30 A.M. Welcoming Remarks
10:35 A.M. ES22A-01 Detached Eddy Simulation (DES) of Turbulent
Flow in Isolated Pool-Riffle Bedforms: H Dashtpeyma, B MacVicar
11:05 A.M. ES22A-03 Pattern Observation during Bed-Form
Development Due to Turbulence around Obstacles in river: H Maity
11:20 A.M. ES22A-04 Stream instability risk assessment in an urban
area as a management tool: Analyse du risque d’instabilité d’un cours
d’eau en milieu urbain comme outil de gestion: G A Marquis,
H Lachance
11:35 A.M. ES22A-05 Habitat Suitability and Hydraulic Signatures
of Geomorphological Units in a Restored Channel: P Villard,
J Cockburn, C Hutton
11:50 A.M. ES22A-06 Determining residence time of a pocket
wetland and evaluating urban runoff quality through a pocket
wetland in Brampton, Ontario: J Krompart, J Cockburn, P Villard
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
12:05 P.M. ES22A-07 Human Modifications and Watershed
Hydrologic Processes in a Postglacial Landscape: B Gerard,
S M Smith, A Sivitskis, A S Reeve, B M Van Dam Jr
11:00 A.M. H22A-03 Implications of Galling Herbivory on Ground
Thaw Through Shrub-Soil Heat Transfers Within Canada’s Northern
Boreal Forest: A McManus, J L Baltzer, W L Quinton
12:20 P.M. Concluding Remarks
11:15 A.M. H22A-04 Robustness in the spring surface energy
balance in a mountain basin: C Marsh, J W Pomeroy, H S Wheater,
R J Spiteri
Room 511C
Tuesday, 10:30 A.M.
11:30 A.M. H22A-05 Sensitivity of Snow-Vegetation Interactions
and Streamflow Regimes to Climate Change in Mountain Basins:
K Rasouli, J W Pomeroy, D G Marks, J R Janowicz, S K Carey
Magnetic Properties of Ancient Rocks: Characterization and
GeoDynamic Interpretation (joint with PG, SE, T)
Presiding: Laurie Brown, University of Massachusetts Amherst;
John Tarduno, University of Rochester
11:45 A.M. H22A-06 Effects of Roads and Linear Forest Disturbances
on the Snow Mass and Energy Balance: K N Musselman, J W Pomeroy
10:30 A.M. GP22A-01 Attempting to Pierce the Metamorphic Veil in
the Grenville Orogen of the Canadian Shield: D J Dunlop
10:50 A.M. GP22A-02 Paleomagnetism and U-Pb Geochronology
of the Western End of the Grenville Dyke Swarm: Rapid Changes
in Paleomagnetic Field Direction at ca. 585 Ma Related to Polarity
Reversals: H C Halls, A Lovette, M A Hamilton
11:10 A.M. GP22A-03 Ediacaran Paleomagnetism of Well-dated
Units in Laurentia and West Avalonia: Implications for Models
of Oscillatory True Polar Wander, Equatorial Dipoles and Rapid
Continental Drift: K L Buchan, M A Hamilton, J P Hodych
11:30 A.M. GP22A-04 The Nature of the Ediacaran to Early
Cambrian Geomagnetic Field: R K Bono, J A Tarduno
11:45 A.M. GP22A-05 Paleomagnetism of Paleoproterozoic Rocks
from Lofoten, Norway: Can They Provide a Baltica Pole for 1.8 Ga?:
L L Brown, S A McEnroe
12:00 P.M. GP22A-06 Metamorphic AND STRUCTURAL INSIGHT
12:15 P.M. GP22A-07 The geodynA.M.o as recorded in Archean and
Hadean zircons: R D Cottrell, J A Tarduno, R K Bono
Room 514A-C
Tuesday, 10:30 A.M.
Changing Cold Regions: Climate, Cryosphere, Hydrology,
Ecology II (joint with AS, B)
Presiding: Chris DeBeer, University of Saskatchewan; Howard
Wheater, University of Saskatchewan; John Pomeroy, University of
Saskatchewan; Danny Marks, USDA Agriculture Research Serv
10:30 A.M. H22A-01 A Unified Approach for Process-based
Hydrologic Modeling: M P Clark
10:45 A.M. H22A-02 Simulated thaw Development of a peat
plateau-bog complex in a discontinuous permafrost region, Northwest
Territories: B L Kurylyk, M Hayashi, W L Quinton, C I Voss
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
12:00 P.M. H22A-07 Measuring and Modelling a Major Winter
Precipitation Event in the Canadian Rockies: M Schirmer, X Fang,
J W Pomeroy
12:15 P.M. H22A-08 The Influence of Site Conditions and Surface
Vegetation on Snow Accumulation and Ablation in the Elk Valley,
British Columbia, Canada: D A Bezeau, S K Carey
Room 515A-C
Tuesday, 10:30 A.M.
Deep Geological Resource Exploitation and Protection of
Shallow Groundwater Resources: Exploitation des ressources
géologiques profondes et protection des ressources en eau
souterraine (joint with MRG, SG)
Presiding: Christine Rivard, Natural Resources Canada; Rene
Lefebvre, INRS-Eau Terre Environnement
11:00 A.M. H22B-02 Gas Emissions from Energy Wells and the
Groundwater Monitoring Problem: R E Jackson, D Heagle
11:30 A.M. H22B-03 Paleozoic Brine and Gas Seeps on Anticosti
Island: Impacts for Developing Unconventional Hydrocarbon
Resources: Source de saumure et gaz d’origine Paléozoïque sur l’Ile
Anticosti: impacts sur exploration pétrolière: I D Clark, P Daoust,
A Desrochers, W Greenman, D Fortin
11:50 A.M. H22B-04 Numerical investigation of methane and
formation fluid leakage along the casing of a decommissioned
shale-gas well: Application to the St. Lawrence Lowlands Basin:
J M Lemieux, A Nowamooz, J W H Molson, R Therrien
12:10 P.M. H22B-05 Numerical Modelling of Methane Gas Migration
from Decommissioned Shale Gas Wells into Shallow Aquifers: N Roy,
J W H Molson, J M Lemieux, D Van Stempvoort, A Nowamooz
Room 510A
Tuesday, 10:30 A.M.
Integrating Geology, Geophysics, and Geochemistry: The
Borehole, Exploration, and Basic Research I
Presiding: Mark Shore, Magma Geosciences Inc; Elizabeth Baranyi,
Geosoft Inc.
10:30 A.M. MD22A-01 Physical Rock Properties - The Quantitative
Link Between Geophysics and Geology: V Gerrie, C Drielsma,
P Hooker, R Leblanc, P Patraskovic
électronique à balayage MEB-EDS-SDD : Applications en géochimie
d’exploration et en environnement: V Lecomte, R Réjean, H Cabana
P Hawke, G M Hollyer
12:00 P.M. MS22A-07 In situ characterization of gold in arsenopyrite
combining large area SEM imaging and nano-scale HRTEM studies:
an example from the Dome Mine, Timmins, Ontario: D Schumann,
J M Stromberg, A Laquerre, D Mayer, M W Phaneuf, H Vali, N Banerjee
11:00 A.M. MD22A-03 Borehole Geophysical Logging During or just
after Drilling : The developing technology of downhole Shuttle Probe
survey systems: A R King
12:15 P.M. MS22A-08 Oil-triggered Gold Formation in the
Witwatersrand, South Africa: S Fuchs, D Schumann, A E WilliamsJones, K Lagarec, A Murray, H Vali
11:15 A.M. MD22A-04 A New Logging-While-Drilling Approach for
Natural Gamma Spectroscopy with Diamond Drilling: I Hooshyari
Far, A Kepic, A Greenwood, A Podolska
Room 511D
11:30 A.M. MD22A-05 Decomposing the Electromagnetic Response
of Magnetic Dipoles to Determine the Geometrical Parameters of a
Dipole Conductor: J K Desmarais, R S Smith
11:45 A.M. MD22A-06 Maximizing Subsurface Information Using a
Multi-Parameter Airborne Survey Platform: P Tschirhart,
L Lafrenière, M Argyle
12:15 P.M. MD22A-08 Mining data from the mining industry: advice
and possibilities for academic researchers: M Shore
Room 510B
Tuesday, 10:30 A.M.
Mineral Structure, Electron Microscopy, Element Partitioning,
and Mobility I (joint with EP, VGP)Presiding: Felix Gervais, École
Polytechnique; Kim Tait, Royal Ontario Museum
10:30 A.M. MS22A-01 Crystal and Electronic Structure of
(Fe,Ni,PGE)-Pentlandites: Planetary and Economic Implications:
Structure Crystalline et Électronique de la Série des (Fe,Ni,PGE)-Pentlandites:
Implications Planétaires et Économiques: J K Desmarais, Y Pan,
A McDonald, J S Tse
10:45 A.M. MS22A-02 The Relationship between Structural and
Chemical Complexity of Boron Minerals with Geological Time:
E S Grew, S V Krivovichev, R M Hazen
11:00 A.M. MS22A-03 Reassessment of the Parameterization of the
Bond-Valence Model: Results and Applications: O C Gagné,
F C Hawthorne
11:15 A.M. MS22A-04 The Effect of Growth Rate on Uranium
Partitioning Between Calcite and Fluid: J M Weremeichik, B Thien,
A Sadekov, R I Gabitov
11:30 A.M. MS22A-05 Characterization of Interfacial Processes in
Soils with High Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy and
Focused Ion BeA.M. Technology: M Schindler, M F Hochella Jr
11:45 A.M. MS22A-06 Metals partitioning in soils by SEM-EDS-SDD
mapping of the elements distribution: Applications for geochemical
exploration and environmental sciences: Caractérisation du
partitionnement des métaux dans les sols par cartographies
de distribution des éléments chimiques à aide dun microscope
Tuesday, 10:30 A.M.
Precambrian Craton Reconstructions, GeoDynamics, and
Paleoenvironments I (joint with GP, SG, T)
Presiding: David Evans, Yale Univ; Richard Ernst, Carleton University
10:30 A.M. PG22A-01 Supercontinent-superplume coupling in
Earth history: toward a new tectonic paradigm: Z X Li
11:00 A.M. PG22A-03 Targeting Comprehensive Visualisation
of Precambrian Geological Evolution of the Earth’s Crust and its
Mineralisation: B M Eglington, S J Pehrsson, D A Evans, D Huston,
S Reddy
11:15 A.M. PG22A-04 Proterozoic Marine Redox Evolution:
N J Planavsky, C Reinhard, T Lyons
11:30 A.M. PG22A-05 An Appalachian-style Multi-terrane Accretion/
Collision Model for the Assembly of South China: S Lin, G Xing, C Yin,
L Li, D Davis, B Davis, G Chen, Y Jiang, Z Chen
11:45 A.M. PG22A-06 Paleomagnetic Insights into the Global
Climatic Condition Prior to Sturtian Glaciations: Evidence from the
South China: S Zhang
12:00 P.M. PG22A-07 A Relic of the Mozambique Ocean in southeast Tanzania: D R Mole, R Taylor, P Kinny, S J Barnes
12:15 P.M. PG22A-08 The Large Igneous Provinces Industry
Consortium Project: Accomplishments and next steps:
R E Ernst, W Bleeker, U Söderlund, M A HAamilton, S L Kamo,
K Chamberlain, P J Sylvester, M T D Wingate, S A Pisarevsky,
B Cousens, P N Hollings, A C Kerr, S M Jowitt
Room 510D
Tuesday, 10:30 A.M.
Global Change During the Holocene and Anthropocene: New
Methods, Questions, and Perspectives II (joint with B, ES, GA, SG)
Presiding: Matthew Peros, Bishop’s University; Konrad Gajewski,
University of Ottawa
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
10:30 A.M. PP22A-01 Paleolimnological evidence of global spread
of hypoxia in freshwaters caused by local anthropogenic pressures:
J P Jenny, P Francus, A Normandeau, F Lapointe, M E Perga
10:45 A.M. PP22A-02 Non-Pollen Palynomorph Records of Natural
(Climate-Driven) and Cultural Eutrophication: F M G McCarthy,
M Drljepan, O Volik, A Krueger, D Danesh, N Riddick, C Garner
11:00 A.M. PP22A-03 Identifying Regional Hotspots of Biodiversity
Change Over the Past ~150 Years: Beta-diversity of Diatom
Assemblages from ~400 US Lakes: A Winegardner, B E Beisner,
I Gregory-Eaves
11:15 A.M. PP22A-04 Low-frequency Variability in the North and
South Saskatchewan Rivers over the Past Millennium: La variabilité
de fréquence basse dans les rivières Saskatchewan Nord et Sud au
cours du dernier millénaire: J M St-Jacques, D Sauchyn, J Dickenson,
E R Cook
11:30 A.M. PP22A-05 Application of Biochemical modeling in
Paleoclimatic reconstructions from tree ring cellulose isotope data:
T Bose, S Chakraborty, R Ramesh, S Sengupta, H P Borgaonkar
11:45 A.M. PP22A-06 Ground surface temperature histories
from the Last Glacial Cycle to present as inferred from borehole
temperature data: C Pickler, H Beltrami, J C Mareschal
12:00 P.M. PP22A-07 A Warmer and Earlier High Arctic Holocene
Thermal Maximum from Agassiz Ice Cap Core , Ellesmere Island:
D A Fisher, B Lecavalier, G A Milne, B Vinther, L Tarasov,
P Huybrechts, D Lacelle, B Main, J Zheng, J Bourgeois
12:15 P.M. PP22A-08 Environmental DNA preserved in lake
sediments: Calibrating a new tool for biodiversity science:
J Gauthier, D Walsh, D Selbie, I Domaizon, I Gregory-Eaves
Room 511A
Tuesday, 10:30 A.M.
Induced Seismicity Hazards and Processes II (joint with SE)
Presiding: Gail Atkinson, University of Western Ontario;
David Eaton, University of Calgary; Yu Gu, University of Alberta
10:30 A.M. S22A-01 Possibilities and Challenges for Mitigating
Seismic Hazard from Earthquakes Induced by Disposal of
Wastewater by Deep Injection: A McGarr
11:00 A.M. S22A-02 Induced Aftershock Sequences and Swarms in
Geothermal Systems: R Shcherbakov, M B Yikilmaz, D L Turcotte,
L H Kellogg, J B Rundle
11:15 A.M. S22A-03 Are ENA Potentially Induced Earthquakes
Different from Natural Earthquakes?: C H Cramer
11:30 A.M. S22A-04 Ground Motions from Three Recent
Earthquakes in Western Alberta and Northeastern British Columbia
and their Implications for Induced-Seismicity Hazard in Eastern
Regions: G M Atkinson, K Assatourians, B Cheadle, D W Greig
11:45 A.M. S22A-05 Downhole Tool Orientation and Hydraulic
Fracture Monitoring of Induced Microseismicity: Orientation de
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
geophones en fond de puits et surveillance de microsismicité induite
lors de la fracturation hydraulique: J H LeCalvez, M Williams, P Primiero
12:00 P.M. S22A-06 Source and attenuation parameters for induced
seismicity in the Crooked Lake Region of Alberta: M Novakovic,
G M Atkinson
12:15 P.M. S22A-07 Development of a Ground Motion Prediction
Method for Carbon Dioxide Injection Induced Earthquakes:
I Stone, R C Lee, C R Bradley, C S Larmat
Room 510C
Tuesday, 10:30 A.M.
New Findings and Insights From High-Resolution Studies of
the Ionosphere II
Presiding: Jean-Pierre St-Maurice, University of Saskatchewan;
J. Michael Ruohoniemi, Virginia Tech; Kathryn McWilliams,
University of Saskatchewan
10:30 A.M. Introductory Remarks
10:35 A.M. SPA22A-01 Enhanced N2 and O Neutral Densities as an
Explanation of Rapid Electron Density Decay Following Ionization
Surges in the Ionosphere: D Sydorenko, R Rankin
10:55 A.M. SPA22A-02 Characteristics of short-range HF echoes
in the presence of sporadic E layers: A V Koustov, K Yakymenko
11:10 A.M. SPA22A-03 High-Resolution Observations of
Ionospheric Plasma from Swarm and ePOP: D J Knudsen,
J K Burchill, W E Archer, T G Cameron, M Patrick, Y Shen
11:30 A.M. SPA22A-04 Low-Altitude Cusp Ion Upflow and Downflow
at Kilometer Scales: J K Burchill, D J Knudsen, S C Buchert
11:45 A.M. SPA22A-05 High resolution observations of plasma
properties around sporadic E layers at low latitude in the evening
sector: evidence for unexpected electroDynamic feedback and
parallel currents: J P St-Maurice, A Barjatya, M D Zettergren
12:00 P.M. SPA22A-06 Some New Results in Solar Terrestrial
Coupling: D J Thomson
12:15 P.M. SPA22A-07 Modulation of the Ionospheric Total Electron
Content by ULF Waves: V Pilipenko
Room 511E
Tuesday, 10:30 A.M.
Geophysical Investigations of “Stable” Eastern North America
I (joint with S, SE)
Presiding: Fiona Darbyshire, University of Quebec at Montreal
UQAM; Ian Bastow, Imperial College London; Vadim Levin,
Rutgers University
10:30 A.M. T22A-01 Lateral heterogeneity and vertical stratification
of cratonic lithospheric keels: examples from Europe, Siberia, and
North America: I M Artemieva, Y V Cherepanova, M Herceg, H Thybo
11:00 A.M. T22A-02 Structure and Dynamics of the North American
lithosphere imaged using waveform inversion of global and USArray
data: A J Schaeffer, S Lebedev
11:15 A.M. T22A-03 On the Thermal Evolution of Archean Cratons
: High-Grade Metamorphism, Granite Formation and Long-Term
Cooling: C P Jaupart, J C Mareschal
11:45 A.M. T22A-04 Investigating Precambrian Tectonics in
Northernmost Hudson Bay: Insights from Joint Inversion of Receiver
Functions and Surface Waves: A Gilligan, I D Bastow,
F A Darbyshire, L Petrescu
12:00 P.M. T22A-05 Precambrian Processes, the Trans-Hudson
Orogen, and Cratonic Keels: Insights From Teleseismic Tomography
in Northern Hudson Bay, Canada: M V Liddell, I D Bastow, N Rawlinson,
F A Darbyshire, A Gilligan, M Kendall
12:15 P.M. T22A-06 Upper mantle and crustal structure in CentralEastern Greenland: Results from the TopoGreenland project:
H Thybo, H A Kraft, A Shulgin, L P Vinnik
Room 511F
Tuesday, 10:30 A.M.
Basaltic Magmatism in the Solar System: From Mantle to
Magma in Space and Time II (joint with P, PG, T)
Presiding: Dejan Milidragovic, Université Laval; Jonathan O’Neil,
University of Ottawa; Dante Canil, University of Victoria; Kelly
Russell, University of British Columbia
10:30 A.M. VGP22A-01 Mercury abundance in the mantle and
relevance to the moderately volatile element budget of the Earth:
D Canil, P W Crockford, K H Telmer, R Rossin
10:45 A.M. VGP22A-02 Se-Te fractionation by sulfide–silicate melt
partitioning: Implications for the late accretion history of Earth:
J M Brenan, N Fowler-Gerace
11:00 A.M. VGP22A-03 The Origin of Fe-rich Domains in the Earth’s
Mantle: D Milidragovic, D Francis
11:15 A.M. VGP22A-04 An Archean Ferropicrite Conundrum:
C T Herzberg
11:35 A.M. VGP22A-05 Experimental investigation of the mantle
sources and melting conditions for Mercury’s basalts: O Namur,
M Collinet, B Charlier
11:50 A.M. VGP22A-06 Hydrous Phase Equilibria of the Upper
Martian Mantle: Constraining Water Saturated Solidus to 4 GPa:
Phases Hydratées du Manteau Supérieur de Mars : Définition du
Solidus jusqu’à 4 GPa: A Miskovic
12:05 P.M. VGP22A-07 A Planetary Perspective on the Origin of Fe-rich
Basalts: D Francis, D Milidragovic
Tuesday P.M.
Room 511A
Tuesday, 2:00 P.M.
Hydraulic Fracturing: The Great Debate (joint with H, S, T)
Presiding: David Eaton, University of Calgary; Maurice Dusseault,
University of Waterloo
2:00 P.M. U23A-01 Hydraulic Fracture Growth Geometries in
Unconventional Reservoirs: Closing Gaps Among Perceptions,
Predictions, and Reality: A Bunger
LESSONS LEARNED: D Walker, J Johnson
2:45 P.M. U23A-03 Shale Gas and Tight Oil Potential in Eastern
Canada: Some Numbers and What Lay Behind Them: S Sejourne
3:00 P.M. U23A-04 Assessment of Potential Impacts of Shale
Gas Development on Shallow Aquifers in the St. Lawrence
Lowlands, Quebec, Canada: Évaluation des Impacts Potentiels du
Développement Lié au Gaz de Schiste sur les Aquifères de Surface
dans les Basses-Terres du St-Laurent, Québec, Canada: C Rivard
3:15 P.M. U23A-05 Induced seismicity from hydraulic fracturing and
large volume wastewater injection: Revising the assessment criteria
using results from recent swarms: K M Keranen, C Frohlich
3:30 P.M. U23A-06 Passive Seismic Monitoring of Hydraulic Fracture
Stimulations: What Have we Learned from Over a Decade of
Monitoring?: T Urbancic, A M Baig
3:45 P.M. U23A-07 Numerical Study of Hydraulic Stimulation and
Heat Production of Enhanced Geothermal Reservoirs using Discrete
Element Technique: A Riahi, B Damjanac
Room 513D-F
Tuesday, 2:00 P.M.
Atmospheric Sciences General Contributions, Including
Sensing the Atmosphere
Presiding: Athanasios Nenes, Georgia Institute of Technology
2:00 P.M. AS23A-01 An improved algorithm for trace gas
retrieval from satellite measurements: Un algorithme Amélioré
pour la récupération à partir des mesures satellitaires de gazes
atmospheriques: E A Celarier, S V Marchenko, L N Lamsal,
N A Krotkov, W Swartz, E J Bucsela
2:15 P.M. AS23A-02 FTIR measurements of biomass burning species
from the 2014 Canadian wildfires: E Lutsch, S Conway, J Mendonca,
K Strong, J W Hannigan, E Nussbaumer
2:30 P.M. AS23A-03 Long Distance Pollen Transport to the
Canadian High Arctic as a Tracer for Atmospheric Circulation:
Le Pollen de Sources Lointaines dans Arctique Canadien Comme
Traceurs de la Circulation Atmosphérique: E Levac
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
2:45 P.M. AS23A-04 A Two Beam Cavity-Enhanced Absorption
Spectrometer for Atmospheric Trace Gas Sensing: S C P M, R M Varma
Room 511C
3:00 P.M. AS23A-05 Precipitation Comparison of four datasets over
complex topography region: L A Blacutt Sr, D L Herdies, D A Vila
Tuesday, 2:00 P.M.
3:15 P.M. AS23A-06 Assimilation of Doppler weather radar data
and their impacts on the simulation of squall events during premonsoon season: M K Das, S Das, M A M Chowdhury, S K Debsarma
Innovative Methods to Study Greenhouse Gas Exchange
in Wetland Ecosystems I
Presiding: Maria Strack, University of Waterloo; Kisa
MwakanyA.M.ale, Illinois State Geological Survey
3:30 P.M. AS23A-07 Investigations on Water Vapor, Total Column
Ozone and Aerosol Optical Thickness over Western Sites of India:
S K Sharma
2:00 P.M. B23B-01 The Impact of Open-Water Pools on the Net
Ecosystem CO2 Exchange of a Boreal Peatland: L Pelletier,
I B Strachan, N T Roulet, M Garneau
3:45 P.M. AS23A-08 To Study The Latitudinal Variations In Intensity
Of OI 630.0 nm Emission Using Images of Nightglow OI 630.0 nm
Over India: D P Nade
2:15 P.M. B23B-02 Inverse Determination of Subsurface CO2 Production
and Temperature Sensitivity from Continuous Efflux Measurements:
C J Hart, D A Risk
Room 512A/B/E/F
2:30 P.M. B23B-03 Understanding uncertainties in net ecosystem
CO2 exchange measurements by open-path gas analysers:
M Helbig, K Wischnewski, E Humphreys, I Bogoev, G G Burba,
O Sonnentag
Tuesday, 2:00 P.M.
Climate Change Mitigation Potential of Wood-Use and Forest
Management I (joint with ES)
Presiding: Carolyn Smyth, Natural Resources Canada; Olaf
Schwab, Natural Resources Canada
2:00 P.M. Welcoming Remarks
2:05 P.M. B23A-01 Simulating Regional Impacts of Climate Change
Mitigation Policies on the Global Timber Market: Implications for
Regional Forest Management: J B Kim, B Sohngen, S B Ohrel,
J McFarland, E Monier, R J Drapek, B Pitts, J Cole
2:25 P.M. B23A-02 Assessing GHG mitigation potential of wood
substitution: long-lived wood products or wood bioenergy?:
J Chen, M T Ter-Mikaelian, S J Colombo
2:45 P.M. B23A-03 Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Potential and Timing
of Forest Bioenergy in Canada: J Laganiere, D Pare, E Thiffault,
P Y Bernier
3:00 P.M. B23A-04 Integrating Carbon Price Trajectories Into
Canadian and California Forest Sector Mitigation Scenarios:
W Stewart, M D Potts, C C Tsao, C Smyth, M Hafer, W Kurz
3:15 P.M. B23A-05 Long-Term Impacts from Mountain Pine Beetle
Outbreaks on Merchantable Biomass, Ecosystem Carbon, Surface
Albedo, and Net Radiative Forcing: The Major Role of Vegetation
Response: J S Landry, D T Price, N RA.M.ankutty, L Parrott,
D Matthews
3:30 P.M. B23A-06 Effects of Climate Change on GHG Emission
Benefits of Forest Bioenergy: M T Ter-Mikaelian, S J Colombo,
J Chen
3:45 P.M. B23A-07 Economic feasibility of conifer afforestation
in North America using a process-based growth model: J Lee,
M A Arain, D McKenney, S Huang
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
2:45 P.M. B23B-04 Methane emission through ebullition transport
in a temperate estuarine marsh: the role of tide-driven hydraulic
pressure: X Chen, L D Slater, K V Schafer
3:00 P.M. B23B-05 Using Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) to
Investigate Greenhouse Gas Releases from Peatland Ecosystems:
from boreal to subtropical systems: X Comas, L D Slater, N Terry,
A Parsekian, W J Wright, M D McClellan
3:15 P.M. B23B-06 Controls on below ground free phase gas
Dynamics in a Northern peatland inferred from field-scale electrical
resistivity tomography (ERT): N Terry, L D Slater, X Comas,
K V Schafer, Y Zhongjie, A S Reeve
3:30 P.M. B23B-07 Time-lapse geophysical measurements targeting
spatial and temporal variability in biogenic gas distribution and
releases from peat soils in a hydrologically controlled wetland in the
Everglades: W J Wright, T Shahan, N Sharp, X Comas
3:45 P.M. B23B-08 Methane Dynamics in a montane fen:
Factors controlling production, accumulation and emissions:
K E Mwakanyamale, H Yeung, M Strack
Room 511B
Tuesday, 2:00 P.M.
Implications of Climate Change for Mid- to High-Latitude
Coastal Systems (joint with OS)
Presiding: Jeff Ollerhead, Mount Allison University; Ian Walker,
University of Victoria
2:00 P.M. Introductory Remarks
2:05 P.M. ES23A-01 Coastal Response to Physical Setting and
Variable Forcing Across the Canadian Arctic: D L Forbes, N J Couture,
T Bell, T S James, D Whalen, G K Manson, B A Bagnall
2:35 P.M. ES23A-02 Consequences of climate change on soft cliff
erosion on the North Shore of St.Lawrence, Québec: Conséquences
des changements climatiques sur l’érosion des falaises de sédiments
meubles, Côte-Nord du Saint-Laurent, Québec: G Boucher-Brossard,
P Bernatchez, M Corriveau, Y Jolivet
3:05 P.M. ES23A-04 A Comparison of Sable Island Dune Morphology
using 1988 and 2009 Profile and Digital Data:
M L Byrne
3:20 P.M. ES23A-05 Barachois Evolution in the Bras d’Or Lakes
Under Past, Present and Future Sea-Level Rise: F C Nixon, T Lakeman
3:35 P.M. ES23A-06 Assessment of the Approach Used to Design
a Salt Marsh Restoration on the Bay of Fundy, NB, Canada and of
Overall Project Success from a Geomorphic Perspective: J Ollerhead
3:50 P.M. Discussion
Room 515A-C
Tuesday, 2:00 P.M.
Advances in Physical and Geochemical Investigation of
Groundwater Recharge Processes
Presiding: Florent Barbecot, GEOTOP-UQAM; Masaki Hayashi,
University of Calgary; Saskia Noorduijn, University of Calgary;
Hervé Jourde, CNRS HydroSciences Montpellier
2:00 P.M. H23A-01 Local Scale Heterogeneity Assessment for MAR in
Karst Aquifer using Geophysics: F A Dar, T Arora, R Devi, T Warsi,
N C Ghosh, S Ahmed, G Grutzamer
2:15 P.M. H23A-02 A New User-Friendly Tool to Estimate
Groundwater Recharge from Daily Weather Data and Well
Hydrographs: J S Gosselin, C Rivard, R Martel, R Lefebvre
2:35 P.M. H23A-03 Rapid Recharge in a Shallow Bedrock Aquifer
Having Minimal Overburden: K S Novakowski, O Miles
2:55 P.M. H23A-04 Implications of Prospective Climate Change for
Groundwater Recharge in the Western United States: T Meixner,
A H Manning, D A Stonestrom, D M Allen, H Ajami, K W Blasch,
A E Brookfield, C L Castro, J F Clark, D J Gochis, A L Flint, K Neff,
R Niraula, M Rodell, B R Scanlon, K Singha, M A Walvoord
3:15 P.M. H23A-05 Impacts of Snow Cover and Frozen Soil on
Groundwater Recharge: S Guillon, F Barbecot, M Larocque,
D L Pinti, E Pili
3:30 P.M. H23A-06 Drip flow and gravity driven simulations of
water transfer in vadose dolomite karst: H Jourde,
C ChA.M.pollion, A Meauxsoone, S Deville, J Chery
3:45 P.M. H23A-07 Assessment of recharge to the coastal BouAreg aquifer (Morocco) using environmental tracers: P Baudron,
A Elmandour, F Barbecot, M Gillon, C Leduc, D L Pinti, D Taddei,
N Elamrani, J L Garcia-Aróstegui, J Goyer
Tuesday, 2:00 P.M.
Application of Regional Climate Models (RCMs) in Hydrologic
Climate Change Impact Studies (joint with ES)
Presiding: MohA.M.mad Reza Najafi, University of Victoria; Alex
Cannon, Pacific Climate Impacts Consortium, University of VIctoria
2:00 P.M. H23B-01 Improvement of Land Surface Schemes for Cold
Region Processes: Recent Results from the Changing Cold Regions
Network in Western Canada: H S Wheater, N Khaliq, K P Chun, A
Barr, A M Ireson, P A Bartlett, M MacKay, P Pernica, Y Li
2:20 P.M. H23B-02 Representation of high-latitude hydrology in
climate models: L Sushama
2:40 P.M. H23B-03 Toward a Better Understanding of Hydrological
Impacts of Climate Change: Lessons Learned from Ouranos
Hydroclimatic Studies Based on Regional Climate Model Simulations:
B Music
3:00 P.M. H23B-04 Assessing Extreme Rainfall Characteristics in
Future Climate for Canada: A Mailhot, K Guinard, G Panthou
3:20 P.M. H23B-05 Near-term projections of hydro-meteorological
extremes over the United States: M Ashfaq, D Rastogi, R Mei,
S C Kao, B S Naz, S Gangrade
3:40 P.M. H23B-06 Projecting the Impact of Climate Change
on Extreme Runoff in the Pacific Northwest: M R Najafi,
H Moradkhani
Room 513A-C
Tuesday, 2:00 P.M.
Water, Sediment, and Biogeochemical Connectivity: Does the
Occurrence of One Imply the Occurrence of Another? (joint
with B)
Presiding: Genevieve Ali, University of Manitoba; Claire Oswald,
Ryerson University; Christopher Wellen, McMaster University
2:00 P.M. H23C-01 The strengths and weaknesses of using
hydrological connectivity to interpret stream biogeochemistry:
C Spence, R Brannen, N Hedstrom, S V Kokelj, S Kokelj,
M McCluskie, C Westbrook
2:15 P.M. H23C-02 Predicting seasonal stream chemistry from
catchment topography: the importance of the near-stream zone:
N J Casson, C Eimers, S A Watmough, M C Richardson
2:30 P.M. H23C-03 Using Streamflow Recession Analysis to
Understand Variations in Hydrologic Connectivity During Baseflow:
S B Shaw, N Ng
2:45 P.M. H23C-04 Modelling the impacts of fine-scale spatial
configuration and connectivity of soil and land use on water,
sediment and nutrient flows: B M Jackson
3:00 P.M. H23C-05 The re-eutrophication of the Laurentian Great
Lakes and the potential influence of changes in agricultural land use,
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
climate, and transport pathways: M Mohamed, G Kaltenecker,
W D Taylor, M Rosamond, K M Chomicki
Room 510B
3:15 P.M. H23C-06 Natural and anthropogenically-induced
hydrological connectivity produces methylmercury hotspots in the
Hudson Bay Lowlands, Canada: B A Branfireun
Tuesday, 2:00 P.M.
3:30 P.M. H23C-07 Hydrochemical and isotopic end member mixing
analysis to quantify snowmelt contributions to streamflow and lakes
during arctic spring: application to hydrologic and mercury mass
balance modelling: M Richardson, J Shirley
General Session: Ocean Sciences II
Presiding: Margaret Mulholland, Old Dominion Univ
2:00 P.M. OS23A-01 Temperature and salinity effects as a climate
change impact on flowering of the seagrass H. stipulacea along the
coast of Tanzania: M J Shimba
3:45 P.M. H23C-08 Physical, Chemical, and Biological Connectivity
of Water Bodies in a Watershed Context – Lessons from Naked
Watersheds: M N Gooseff, A N Wlostowski, D M McKnight,
W B Lyons
S N Sanagoudra, U G Bhat
Room 510A
2:30 P.M. OS23A-03 A Survey of Summer Coccolithophore Stocks
and Diversity in the Western Edge of the Barents Sea: J Giraudeau,
L Devaux, T Garlan
Tuesday, 2:00 P.M.
Meteorite Impact Structure and Related Economic Mineral
Deposits (joint with MRG, P, PG, VGP)
Presiding: Normand Goulet, University of Quebec Montreal;
John Spray, University of New Brunswick
2:00 P.M. MD23A-01 Economic aspects of Terrestrial Impact
Structures: J G Spray
2:15 P.M. MD23A-02 Structural evolution of the Otish Basin:
a Paleoproterozoic polymetallic-uranium rich meteorite impact
structure, Québec, Canada: N Goulet, S Genest, F Robert
2:30 P.M. MD23A-03 Meteorite Impact Related Uranium
Occurrences in the Otish Basin, Quebec, Canada: S Genest, F Robert
2:45 P.M. MD23A-04 A Meteorite Impact Origin for the Formation, Québec, Canada: towards a New
Interpretation of the Chibougamau-Mistassini Mining Camp:
F Robert, S Genest, G Courtois, N Goulet
3:00 P.M. Break
3:15 P.M. MD23A-05 Progress in the Search for a Major Meteorite
Impact Structure in the Palaeoproterozoic Kisseynew Domain and
Flanking Volcanic Belts, Manitoba, Canada: E Buhlmann
2:45 P.M. OS23A-04 Coastal eutrophication and biogeography in
northeast United States (Maine to Delaware) estuaries as recorded by
dinoflagellate cysts: A M Price, V Pospelova, J S Latimer, G L Chmura
3:00 P.M. OS23A-05 Sedimentation in Hinchinbrook Entrance,
Alaska, USA: correlations with wave energy on the Gulf of Alaska
continental shelf: N R Marshall, C K Harris, S A Kuehl
3:15 P.M. OS23A-06 Comparing Bayesian stable isotope mixing
models: Which tools are best for sediments?: D J Morris, A Macko
Room 511D
Tuesday, 2:00 P.M.
Precambrian Craton Reconstructions, GeoDynamics, and
Paleoenvironments (joint with GP, SG, T)
Presiding: David Evans, Yale Univ; Richard Ernst, Carleton University
2:00 P.M. PG23A-01 U-Pb TIMS and in-situ SIMS dating of
baddeleyite and zircon from sub-volcanic sills of the Ongeluk
Formation (Transvaal Supergroup) in the Griqualand West sub-basin,
Kaapvaal Craton, with implications for Snowball Earth and the Great
Oxygenation Event: A P Gumsley, K Chamberlain, W Bleeker,
U Söderlund, M de Kock, T Kampmann, E Larsson
3:30 P.M. MD23A-06 Impact-Generated Hydrothermal Systems and
Associated Mineralization: A Case Study at Manicouagan:
S Paisarnsombat
2:15 P.M. PG23A-02 Zircon U-Pb Constraints on the Age of the
Paleoproterozoic Volcano-Sedimentary Succession in the AltaKautokeino Greenstone Belt, Alta, Northern Norway: F Corfu,
A Bekker, S G Bergh, D Davis
3:45 P.M. MD23A-07 Deformation and Structural Controls at the
Broken Hammer Deposit: Sudbury, Ontario: M F Hall, B Lafrance,
H L Gibson
2:30 P.M. PG23A-03 A Late Mesoproterozoic Exterior Laurentia–
Baltica Margin; Implications for Rodinia Reconstructions:
T Slagstad, N M W Roberts
2:45 P.M. PG23A-04 Laurentia – Siberia Connection: An Update with
Evidence From Provenance and Magmatic Evolution Studies:
A K Khudoley, R Rainbird
3:00 P.M. PG23A-05 Microbial Community Behavior Recorded in
Cuspate Microbialites from the Mesoproterozoic Dismal Lakes Group:
J K Bartley, L C Kah, T D Frank
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
3:15 P.M. PG23A-06 Petrology, Structure and Chemostratigraphic
Correlation of Chehmit inlier, Tigrai, Northern Ethiopia. Tadele
Tesema1, Mulugeta Alene1, Nicholas L. Swanson-Hysell2, Adam
C. Maloof3 : T Tesema Hundessa
3:30 P.M. PG23A-07 Petrogenesis of the Cryogenian (850-750 Ma)
Imorona-Itsindro Suite, Central Madagascar: Insights into
pre-Gondwana Arc Formation Using Zircon Isotopic Proxies:
D Archibald, A S Collins, J Foden, J L Payne, P Holden, B De Waele,
T Razakamanana
3:45 P.M. PG23A-08 Ediacaran paleomagnetism and paleogeography
of Tarim craton: D A Evans, B Wen, Y Li
Room 510D
3:45 P.M. PP23A-08 Impact of Holocene Climate Variability on
Arctic Vegetation: K J Gajewski
Room 510C
Tuesday, 2:00 P.M.
Geothermal Resources Potential of Sedimentary Basins:
Potentiel des ressources géothermiques des bassins
sédimentaires (joint with VGP)
Presiding: Michel Malo, Institut national de la recherche
scientifique (INRS); Jasmin Raymond, Institut national de la
recherche scientifique (INRS)
Tuesday, 2:00 P.M.
2:00 P.M. SG23A-01 Using co-produced water and disposal
wells to assess the geothermal potential of sedimentary basins:
G A G Ferguson
Global Change During the Holocene and Anthropocene: New
Methods, Questions, and Perspectives III (joint with B, ES, GA, SG)
Presiding: Matthew Peros, Bishop’s University; Konrad Gajewski,
University of Ottawa
2:20 P.M. SG23A-02 Electricity generation performance from lowgrade heat in enhanced geothermal systems: Production d’électricité
avec des systèmes géothermiques Améliorés dans des régions où la
ressource est à basse température: M A Richard
2:00 P.M. PP23A-01 Testate A.M.oeba assemblages of southern
Patagonian peat bogs record drastic 20th century shifts: unprecedented
climate change or increased UV-B radiation?: Changements drastiques
des assemblages de thécamoebiens dans les tourbières du sud de la
Patagonie lors du 20e siècle : un changement climatique sans précédent
ou une augmentation des rayons UV-B?: S van Bellen, D Mauquoy,
R J Payne, T P Roland, T Daley, P D M Hughes, N Loader, F A StreetPerrott, E M Rice, V A Pancotto
2:40 P.M. SG23A-03 Interstage Heating Strategies for Double-Flash
Geothermal Power Plant: F Mathieu-Potvin
2:15 P.M. PP23A-02 Recent afforestation of the Johnville Peat Bog,
southern Québec, Canada, investigated using dendroecological and
paleoecological techniques: Les effets de la récente afforestation de
la tourbière de Johnville, au sud du Québec, Canada, analysés par
des techniques dendroécologiques et paléoécologiques: M C Peros,
J Vachon
Koon, L Ufondu
3:15 P.M. SG23A-05 Thermal State Assessment of the St. Lawrence
Lowlands with a 3D Geological Model: K Bedard, J Raymond,
M Nasr, M Malo
3:30 P.M. SG23A-06 Comparing permeability of fault zones of
geothermal and non-geothermal regions, compiled in a global fault
zone permeability database: J Scibek, J M McKenzie, T Gleeson
2:30 P.M. PP23A-03 Peat bog as geochemical archives of
atmospheric dust deposition in eastern Canada: a multi-proxy
approach: S Pratte, M Garneau, F De Vleeschouwer
3:45 P.M. SG23A-07 Geothermal Potential of an Emergent Na-Cl
Thermal Spring, Clarendon Plains Basin , Jamaica: Characterization
of Geothermal Fluids from Emergent Na-Cl Type Waters of Milk-River
Spring, Jamaica: D N Wishart
2:45 P.M. PP23A-04 Late Holocene climate of coastal Labrador:
subseasonal evidence from stable isotope values of tree-rings:
S Timsic, W P Patterson, B M Eglington
3:00 P.M. PP23A-05 A Time-transgressive Two-phased Hypsithermal
Warm Period Across the Boreal Region of Northwest Ontario: A Multiproxy Study From Deep-water and Near-shore Cores:
B F Cumming, D Danesh, K R Laird, M Karmakar
3:15 P.M. PP23A-06 The PNA pattern across the Boreal region of
North America and its implication for global ocean-atmospheric
teleconnection patterns during the past 2,000 years: A E Viau,
M J Ladd, R G Way, K J Gajewski, M C Sawada
3:30 P.M. PP23A-07 Documentary Data Rescue In Canada: Daily
Temperature Records For The St-Lawrence Valley In The Past 270
Years: Données Historiques au Canada: Températures quotidiennes
dans la vallée du Saint-Laurent depuis le 18e siècle: V Slonosky
Room 511E
Tuesday, 2:00 P.M.
Geophysical Investigations of “Stable” Eastern North America
II (joint with S, SE)
Presiding: Fiona Darbyshire, University of Quebec at Montreal
UQAM; Ian Bastow, Imperial College London; Vadim Levin,
Rutgers University
2:00 P.M. T23A-01 The Canadian Shield in Southern Quebec – Some
Outstanding Issues: A Hynes
2:30 P.M. T23A-02 Craton structure through time: seismic imaging
of the Eastern Canadian shield from heart to margins: L Petrescu,
I D Bastow, F A Darbyshire, A Gilligan, V L Levin, W H Menke
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
2:45 P.M. T23A-03 P and S wave tomography of Southeast Canada:
Insights into mantle Development and evolution from Archean to
Phanerozoic times: A Boyce, I D Bastow, F A Darbyshire, A Gilligan,
A Ellwood
3:00 P.M. T23A-04 New Results of Earthquake Relocation in
Charlevoix Seismic Zone, Eastern Canada and Implications for
Regional Geological Structure: H Yu, Y Liu, M Pang
4:30 P.M. Introductory Remarks: B Pratt
4:35 P.M. Logan Medalist: R A F Grieve
Poster Hall 517B-D
Tuesday, 4:30 P.M.
3:15 P.M. T23A-05 Superior Layer-Cake: Gradual Lower Boundary
and Textured Interior of the Lithosphere: V L Levin, B Dunham,
M Klaser, A Servali
Atmospheric Sciences General Contributions II Posters
Presiding: Athanasios Nenes, Georgia Institute of Technology
3:30 P.M. Discussion
Room 511F
Tuesday, 2:00 P.M.
Perovskites Into the Next Millennium (joint with MS, SE)
Presiding: Catherine McCammon, Bayerisches Geoinstitut,
Universitaet Bayreuth; Anton Chakhmouradian, University of
Manitoba; Patrick Woodward, Ohio State University; Razvan
Caracas, Ecole Normale Supérieure Lyon
2:00 P.M. Introductory Remarks
2:05 P.M. VGP23A-01 A hierachial classification of perovskite supergroup minerals: R H Mitchell, A Chakhmouradian, M Welch
4:30 P.M. AS24A-0028 POSTER The climate impact of short
wave upwelling radiative flux on the global energy budget using
GENSPECT synthetic model along with Argus 1000 spectrometer:
R Siddiqui Sr, B M Quine, R K Jagpal, N A Salem, S Abrarov
4:30 P.M. AS24A-0029 POSTER Signature of Greenhouse Cooling in
the Earth’s Middle Atmosphere Observed by Lidar and Satellite over
Sub-tropical Locations: S K Sharma, H Chandra, S Lal, Y B Acharya
4:30 P.M. AS24A-0030 POSTER Mass-dependent (MDF) and massindependent (MIF) sulfur isotope compositions of aerosols in the
atmosphere of Montréal (Canada): D Au Yang, G Landais,
N Assayag, T H Bui, B A Wing, D Widory, P Cartigny
2:20 P.M. VGP23A-02 Systematics Of Spin Crossovers Across The
Rare-earth Cobaltites (RECoO3): M Topsakal, R M Wentzcovitch
4:30 P.M. AS24A-0031 POSTER Characterising VOC emissions from
Australian forest fires on the ground: results from field and laboratory
measurements: E A Guerette, C Paton-Walsh
2:35 P.M. VGP23A-03 Crystal Chemistry of Chalcogenide Perovskites
and Related Materials: N Ross, J Zhao
4:30 P.M. AS24A-0032 POSTER Mineralogical study of Particulate
Matter in the Urban environment of Pune: S Yadav
2:50 P.M. VGP23A-04 Perovskites as an Exploration Tool:
A Chakhmouradian, E Reguir, B Osovetskii, I V Veksler,
V S KA.M.enetsky, P Yang
4:30 P.M. AS24A-0033 POSTER A Two Beam Cavity-Enhanced
Absorption Spectrometer for Atmospheric Trace Gas Sensing:
S C P M, R M Varma
3:05 P.M. VGP23A-05 Equation of state and and phase transitions
of (Mg,Fe)SiO3 perovskite and post-perovskites from quantum Monte
Carlo and Density Functional Theory: R E Cohen, Y Lin, K P Driver,
B Militzer
4:30 P.M. AS24A-0034 POSTER Deforestation in Cameroon
and its Consequences to the Natural Environment: D A Bezejouh
3:20 P.M. VGP23A-06 Clues about lower mantle chemistry from
natural Samples of bridgmanite: O D Tschauner, C Ma
3:35 P.M. VGP23A-07 First-principles Study of Intermediate-spin
Ferrous Iron in the Earth’s Lower Mantle: First-principles Study of
Intermediate-spin Ferrous Iron in the Earth’s Lower Mantle: H Hsu,
R M Wentzcovitch
3:50 P.M. VGP23A-08 Transition metal chemistry meets the
perovskite structure: C A McCA.M.mon
Tuesday, 4:30 P.M.
Plenary Session: Large-scale Impacts and Earth History
Presiding: B Pratt
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
4:30 P.M. AS24A-0035 POSTER Role of metal induced free radical
generation by Ambient particulate matter in Pune, India:
G P Satsangi, S Yadav, R Roy, R Jan
4:30 P.M. AS24A-0036 POSTER Investigation of Aerosol Effects on
the Arctic Surface Temperature using WRF-CHEM: E Stofferahn,
Z Boybeyi
4:30 P.M. AS24A-0037 POSTER Facilitating JPSS-1 algorithm
Development using EPL review process: V J Mikles, K Sprietzer,
B Das, W Wolf, M Tsidulko, W Chen
4:30 P.M. AS24A-0038 POSTER Development of the Novel Green
Hybrid Bio-Reactor-Oxyfuel-Nano/Micro Interface: A A Rocha,
C Wilde, P A Ariya
4:30 P.M. AS24A-0039 POSTER Optical and physical characteristics
of biomass-burning aerosols over Alberta: H S Marey, Z Hashisho,
L Fu, J C Gille
4:30 P.M. AS24A-0040 POSTER Extreme Cases of Tropospheric
Convergence of Moisture Transport and their Relationships to
Precipitation for the US Midwest: L Twidle, J R Gyakum, E Atallah
4:30 P.M. AS24A-0041 POSTER Does the helium isotope composition
of air vary with latitude ? A new high precision study: Analyse de la
composition des isotopes de l’hélium dans la troposphère en fonction de
la latitude: C Boucher, B Marty, P Burnard
4:30 P.M. AS24A-0042 POSTER The Relevance of Aerosols to Ice
Formation in Clouds: R B Rangel-Alvarado, Y Nazarenko, P A Ariya
4:30 P.M. AS24A-0043 POSTER Assessing U.S. Embassy in Beijing’s
measurements of Pm2.5: A D Mukherjee, D W Toohey
Poster Hall 517B-D
Tuesday, 4:30 P.M.
Climate Scenarios: Improving Science and Communication
for an Efficient Societal Use Posters: Scénarios climatiques:
Améliorer la science et la communication pour une utilisation
sociétale efficace
Presiding: Patrick Grenier, Ouranos; Marco Braun, Ouranos;
Alex Cannon, University of Victoria; Xuebin Zhang, Environment
4:30 P.M. AS24B-0045 POSTER Characterizing the role of natural
and forced air temperature variability in the Labrador region of
northeastern Canada: R G Way, A E Viau
4:30 P.M. AS24B-0046 POSTER Projection of late 21st century
(2071–2100) fine-scale climate changes over the Korean Peninsula
using RegCM4 based on four RCP scenarios: M S Suh, Y S Lee, S G Oh
4:30 P.M. AS24B-0048 POSTER Simulation skills of RegCM4 forced
by HadGEM-AO for the diurnal variations of temperature and
precipitation over South Korea: S G Oh, Y S Lee, M S Suh
4:30 P.M. AS24B-0049 POSTER Climate Change and Climate
Variability Effects on Agricultural Food Production in Kieni East
District, Nyeri County, Kenya: E W Kibung`a, O M Otieno
4:30 P.M. AS24B-0050 POSTER Assessment of South-West and
North-East Monsoon over Indian continent using CMIP5 models:
D S Hingmire, M Mujumdar, S KP, A Karumuri, R Krishnan
Poster Hall 517B-D
4:30 P.M. B24A-0073 POSTER Investigating the Landscape Scale
Carbon Implications of 100 Years of Land Management in the Sooke
Lake Water Supply Watershed, Victoria, British Columbia:
B P K Smiley, J A Trofymow
4:30 P.M. B24A-0074 POSTER Environmental Controls on Tree-Ring
Growth in an Age-Sequence of Planted Pine Forests:
S M McKenzie, M A Arain, M F Pisaric, M Kula
4:30 P.M. B24A-0075 POSTER Carbon Dynamics of a Young White
Pine Plantation Forest: F C C Chan, M A Arain, R Skubel, M Khomik,
J J Brodeur
4:30 P.M. B24A-0076 POSTER An Analysis of Soil CO2 Emissions in a
Temperate Deciduous Forest Ecosystem: K M Daly, M A Arain,
M Khomik
4:30 P.M. B24A-0077 POSTER Response of Soil Respiration to
Thinning of a Temperate Pine Forest in Southern Ontario:
R Thorne, M A Arain, E Nicholas, J J Brodeur
4:30 P.M. B24A-0078 POSTER Quantitative, Non-destructive
Estimates of Coarse Root Biomass using 3-D Ground-Penetrating
Radar (GPR): J I Boyce, M A Arain, M Molon, D Blomfield
Poster Hall 517B-D
Tuesday, 4:30 P.M.
General Biogeosciences II Posters (joint with ES, H)
Presiding: Timothy Duval, University of Toronto Mississauga;
Cherie Westbrook, University of Saskatchewan; Merrin Macrae,
University of Waterloo
4:30 P.M. B24B-0081 POSTER Noble gas, carbon and nitrogen in
a St. Lawrence Lowlands bedrock aquifer (eastern Canada):
P Méjean, D L Pinti, M Larocque, Y Sano
4:30 P.M. B24B-0082 POSTER Assessing the Predictive Accuracy
and Uncertainty of the CAN-DNDC Model to Simulate Water Use
Efficiency in Alfalfa Crops: S Piquette, A VanderZaag, E Humphreys,
W Smith, B Grant
4:30 P.M. B24B-0083 POSTER Boreal forest: effects of canopy
opening on the relationship between trees and the cryptogam
layer: Forêt boréale : effets de l’ouverture du couvert forestier sur les
relations entre les arbres et la strate muscinale/lichénique:
M Pacé, N Fenton, D Pare, Y Bergeron
Tuesday, 4:30 P.M.
4:30 P.M. B24B-0084 POSTER Vision-driven Land Use Scenario
and Its Implications to Biogeochemical Interaction in The Columbia
Basin, Pacific Northwest: M Jiang, B S Felzer
Climate Change Mitigation Potential of Wood-Use and Forest
Management II Posters (joint with ES)
Presiding: Carolyn Smyth, Natural Resources Canada - Canadian
Forest Service; Olaf Schwab, Natural Resources Canada
4:30 P.M. B24B-0085 POSTER Relationship Between Valley Fever
Occurrence and Satellite Assessment of Climate Response:
E A Lomeli-Uribe, L Fenstermaker, E Teets
J Sekajugo
4:30 P.M. B24B-0086 POSTER From the Ground Up: Global Nitrous
Oxide Sources are Constrained by Stable Isotope Values:
J J Venkiteswaran, D M Snider, S L Schiff, J Spoelstra
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
4:30 P.M. B24B-0087 POSTER Maize Growth as Influenced by 12
Different Biochars in a Cerrado Region (Brazil) Arenosol:
A B Speratti, H M Sousa, E G Couto, M S Johnson
4:30 P.M. B24D-0096 POSTER Using GIS and SWAT to Model Stream
Modification, Sediment and Carbon Transfer within the Grand River
Drainage Network, Ontario: A Hanief, A E Laursen
4:30 P.M. B24B-0088 POSTER Release of Phosphorus from Crop
Residue and Cover Crops Over Winter in Southwestern Ontario:
T Lozier, M L Macrae
4:30 P.M. B24D-0097 POSTER Contribution of Riverine CO2 and CH4
Atmospheric Fluxes from Five Distinct Regions within the Quebec
Boreal Biome: R H S Hutchins, P del Giorgio, Y Prairie
4:30 P.M. B24B-0089 POSTER The Impact of the Oasis Effect on
Wind Tunnel Measurements of Ammonia Volatilization from
Urea-Fertilized Agricultural Land: D Watt, P Rochette, I B Strachan,
N Bertrand, A VanderZaag
4:30 P.M. B24D-0098 POSTER High-Frequency Dynamics of Carbon
Dioxide and Methane Fluxes in a Surface Flow Constructed Wetland
as Affected by Discharge and Vegetation: S Juutinen, P Valkama,
A Ojala, A I Halonen, K Koskinen, M E Tolppanen, H Vasander,
O M Salminen
4:30 P.M. B24B-0090 POSTER Assimilation of Earth Observation
leaf area index into the STICS crop model using a formal Markov
Chain Monte Carlo algorithm: M Mesbah, E Pattey, G Jégo, J Liu,
S Buis, P Lecharpentier
4:30 P.M. B24D-0099 POSTER Effects of flooding and drainage on
CO2 flux in Dongting Lake wetlands, China: Z Deng, Y Xie, X Chen,
F Li, C Zhang
Poster Hall 517B-D
Poster Hall 517B-D
Tuesday, 4:30 P.M.
Tuesday, 4:30 P.M.
Innovative Methods to Study Greenhouse Gas Exchange in
Wetland Ecosystems II Posters
Presiding: Maria Strack, University of Waterloo; Kisa Mwakanyamale,
Illinois State Geological Survey
Understanding the Biogeochemical Controls on Organic
Matter Cycling in the Coastal Zone Posters (joint with ES, OS)
Presiding: Yves Gelinas, Concordia University; Thomas Bianchi,
University of Florida
4:30 P.M. B24C-0091 POSTER Greenhouse Gas Fluxes from Forested
Wetland and Upland Soils: K E Savage, E A Davidson, J K Shoemaker
4:30 P.M. B24E-0101 POSTER Priming of terrestrially-derived
dissolved organic matter: Implications for coastal carbon cycling:
T S Bianchi, N D Ward, D C Thornton, S A Yvon-Lewis, G King,
M R Shields, T I Eglinton, J H Curtis
4:30 P.M. B24C-0092 POSTER Capturing and Processing Soil GHG
Fluxes in a Multi-Analyzer Gas Flux System: J R Hupp, D K McDermitt,
M Johnson, L Xu, R Madsen
4:30 P.M. B24C-0093 POSTER Spatial Variability in Biogenic Gas
Releases from Subtropical Wetland Ecosystems is Revealed from
Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) at the Lab and Field Scale:
M D McClellan, W J Wright, X Comas
Poster Hall 517B-D
Tuesday, 4:30 P.M.
Measuring and Modeling Biogeochemical Processes
Controlling the Carbon Cycle of Inland Waters III Posters (joint
with ES, H)
Presiding: Weifeng Wang, McGill University; Charlotte Roehm,
National Ecological Observatory Network; Yves Prairie, University
of Quebec at Montreal UQAM; Tonya Del Sontro, University of
Quebec at Montreal UQAM
4:30 P.M. B24D-0094 POSTER Spatiotemporal distribution of DOC
and DON in water after damming of the Three Gorges Reservoir: G
Yang, J Tian, H Chen, X Yuan, Q Zhu, D Zhu, C Peng, J Wu
4:30 P.M. B24D-0095 POSTER Modelling CO2 and CH4 Dynamics in
a Small, Eutrophic, Monomictic Lake: A Santoso, D P Hamilton,
L A Schipper, C Hendy, D Ozkundakci, I Ostrovsky, M R Hipsey
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
4:30 P.M. B24E-0102 POSTER Tracing Fire-Derived Organic Carbon
on a Global Scale: M W I Schmidt, U M Hanke, D B Wiedemeier,
T I Eglinton
4:30 P.M. B24E-0103 POSTER Investigating Preservation of Organic
Matter Through Complexation with Iron Oxides: A Joshani, K M Lalonde,
A Barber, C Gobeil, Y Gelinas
4:30 P.M. B24E-0104 POSTER The Role of Iron in the Diagenesis of
Organic Carbon and Nitrogen in Sediments: A Long-term Incubation
Experiment: A Barber, K M Lalonde, A Mucci, Y Gelinas
4:30 P.M. B24E-0105 POSTER Evaluation of Accelerated Solvent
Extraction and Solid-Phase Micro Extraction for the Analysis of
Brevetoxins in Marine Sediments: A Gabriel, A Limoges, A de Vernal,
Y Gelinas
4:30 P.M. B24E-0106 POSTER Modeling the Molecular Weight and
Age Distribution of Marine Dissolved Organic Carbon: J S Cochran,
F Primeau, B D Walker
4:30 P.M. B24E-0107 POSTER Controls on Temporal and Spatial
Variations of Nutrients and Metabolic States in a River Associated
Coastal Sea in Taiwan: J J Hung, Y J Wang, C M Ho
4:30 P.M. B24E-0108 POSTER Mount Cameroon Eruptions, Related
Hazards and Effects on the Ecosystem: A N Aloatem Tazifor
Poster Hall 517B-D
Tuesday, 4:30 P.M.
What We Leave Behind: Biogeochemical Legacies and Time
Lags in Intensively Managed Catchments Posters (joint with H)
Presiding: Nandita Basu, University of Waterloo; Hans Dürr,
University of Waterloo; Kimberly Van Meter, University of
Waterloo; Sherry Schiff, University of Waterloo
4:30 P.M. B24F-0109 POSTER A long-term sink for nutrient silicon in
Canada’s most threatened river system: Un puits à long terme pour le
silicium nutritif dans la rivière la plus menacée du Canada:
T Maavara, J L Hood, R L North, L E Doig, C T Parsons, J Johansson,
K Liber, J Hudson, B Lucas, D Vandergucht, P Van Cappellen
4:30 P.M. B24F-0110 POSTER Long-term fate of nitrate fertilizer
in agricultural soils: M Sebilo
4:30 P.M. B24F-0111 POSTER Does River Metabolism Mask
the Isotopic Signatures of Nitrate Sources?: S Sine, S L Schiff,
F Cummings, M RosA.M.ond, R J Elgood, J J Venkiteswaran
4:30 P.M. B24F-0112 POSTER Catchment Legacies & Time Lags: A
Parsimonious Modeling Approach to Predicting the Effects of Legacy
Storage on Nitrogen Export: K J Van Meter, N B Basu
4:30 P.M. B24F-0114 POSTER Coupling of a spatially distributed 1-D
travel time approach to reactive transport to evaluate subsurface
nitrogen Dynamics at the catchment scale:
G F Bacca-Cortes, H H Dürr, P Van Cappellen
Poster Hall 517B-D
Tuesday, 4:30 P.M.
Dynamics of Permafrost Regions in a Warming World: Processes,
Landforms, Biogeosystems II Posters (joint with B, H)
Presiding: Daniel Fortier, University of Montreal; Frederic
Bouchard, Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique-Eau Terre
Environnement INRS-ETE; Etienne Godin, University of Montreal;
Stephanie Coulombe, University of Montreal
4:30 P.M. ES24A-0141 POSTER Ice Wall Growth and Decay:
Meteorological Analysis and Modelling: F Gauthier, M Allard, B Hétu
4:30 P.M. ES24A-0142 POSTER Quantifying Heat Advection by
Groundwater Flow in the Active Layer: Laboratory Simulations:
S Veuille, M Verpaelst, S Charbonneau, K Grandmont, D Fortier
4:30 P.M. ES24A-0146 POSTER Seasonal Dynamics of Ecosystem
Carbon Exchange for a Wet Sedge Vegetation Community, Melville
Island, NU: A Blaser, N A Scott, P Treitz
Poster Hall 517B-D
Tuesday, 4:30 P.M.
Innovative Isotope Methods for Characterizing Metal Budgets
in the Present and Past Terrestrial and Aquatic Environments
Posters (joint with H, VGP)
Presiding: David Widory, GEOTOP-UQAM; Jiubin Chen, Institute of
4:30 P.M. ES24B-0147 POSTER Iron Isotopes for Characterizing
Iron Cycling in the A.M.azon River Basin: Les Isotopes du Fer pour
Caractériser le Cycle du Fer dans le Bassin Amazonien: F Poitrasson,
D S Mulholland, T Allard, L Vieira, P T Seyler, F Sondag
4:30 P.M. ES24B-0148 POSTER Multiple Isotopes as Tracers of Human
Impacts on Geochemistry of Elements in River Systems: J Chen
4:30 P.M. ES24B-0149 POSTER Bioindicators as Atmospheric
Pollution Tracers: a Multi-Isotope Approach: G Vautour, F Gagnon,
A Poirier, D Widory
4:30 P.M. ES24B-0150 POSTER Isotopic analyses of Hypogymnia
physodes (C, N, S, Pb) as a tool for assessing anthropopressure in the
Świętokrzyski National Park (Poland): M M Ciężka, M Górka, D Widory
Poster Hall 517B-D
Tuesday, 4:30 P.M.
Implementing New Datums for North America Posters
Presiding: Daniel Roman, National Geodetic Survey; Robert
Kingdon, University of New Brunswick
4:30 P.M. G24A-0159 POSTER Updating Bench Mark Coordinates
for the New U.S. National Datums: D R Roman, X Li
4:30 P.M. G24A-0160 POSTER Practical and Technical Considerations
for the Replacement of NAVD 88 and IGLD 85: D A Smith
4:30 P.M. G24A-0161 POSTER Maintaining a National Geoid-Based
Vertical Datum: M Veronneau, J Huang
4:30 P.M. G24A-0162 POSTER Practical and Technical
Considerations for the Replacement of NAD 83: J G Evjen
4:30 P.M. ES24A-0143 POSTER Dynamics of sporadic mountain
permafrost – case study of Mont Jacques-Cartier (1977-2014), ChicChocs Range, South-eastern Canada: G Davesne, D Fortier
4:30 P.M. G24A-0163 POSTER New Datum CGG2013 applications
for DSM-DEM-DTM preparation from earth observation satellites
data: J Sagin, K E Lindenschmidt
4:30 P.M. ES24A-0144 POSTER Impact of Land Cover Disturbances
on Permafrost Landscapes in Yukon, Case Studies: K Grandmont,
L P Roy, B E Benkert, A Lewkowicz, D Fortier
4:30 P.M. G24A-0164 POSTER Toward the Computation of a Geoid
Model of Ghana: M Klu, P Vanicek, R W Kingdon, M Sheng,
I Foroughi, M C Santos, P J Dare
4:30 P.M. ES24A-0145 POSTER Implications of Galling Herbivory
on Ground Thaw Through Shrub-Soil Heat Transfers in Canada’s
Northern Boreal Forest: A McManus, J L Baltzer, W L Quinton
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
Poster Hall 517B-D
Tuesday, 4:30 P.M.
Understanding Paleogeomagnetic Change II Posters
Presiding: Guillaume St-Onge, University of Quebec at Rimouski
UQAR; Agathe Lisé-Pronovost, La Trobe University; Joseph
Stoner, CEOAS, Oregon State University; Emilio Herrero-Bervera,
University of Hawaii at Manoa
4:30 P.M. GP24A-0173 POSTER A Holocene High Resolution
Geomagnetic Field Record from Rio Martino Cave (Western Alps,
Northern Italy): E Tema, E Zanella, E Regattieri, G Zanchetta, I Isola,
L Lanci
4:30 P.M. GP24A-0174 POSTER A New Archeomagnetic Field
Intensity Variation Curve from Southern Quebec for the Past Four
Centuries: Y Gallet, A Genevey, Y Monette
4:30 P.M. GP24A-0175 POSTER Holocene Paleomagnetic Secular
Variation: What Relationships Between Mid and Polar Latitudes tell
us About Geomagnetic Dynamics: J S Stoner, B T Reilly, L B Ziegler,
T Cook, P Francus, F Lapointe, M B Abbott, N L Balascio, R S Bradley
4:30 P.M. GP24A-0176 POSTER Late Pleistocene and Holocene
Paleomagnetic Records from the Gulf of Alaska: Preliminary Results
of IODP Expedition 341 Sites U1418 and U1419: J H Velle, G St-Onge,
J S Stoner, M Forwick, A C Mix, M H Davies
4:30 P.M. GP24A-0178 POSTER A new archaeointensity dataset
from the SW Pacific: implications for global geomagnetic field
models: A Nilsson, M J Hill, R T Holme, E Hurst, G M Turner,
P Sheppard
4:30 P.M. GP24A-0179 POSTER Paleomagnetism in South East
Australia from Archaeological Artefacts, Lava Flows and Lake
Sediments: Paléomagnétisme dans le sud-est de l’Australie à partir
d’artefacts archéologiques, de laves volcaniques et de sédiments
lacustres: A Lisé-Pronovost, A I Herries
4:30 P.M. GP24A-0180 POSTER Recording and dating geomagnetic
reversals, events and excusrions in palaeokarst and pseudokarstic
deposits from southern Africa and Australia: A I Herries, T Mallett,
P Kappen
Hall 517B-D
Tuesday, 4:30 P.M.
Advances in Physical and Geochemical Investigation of
Groundwater Recharge Processes Posters
Presiding: Florent Barbecot, GEOTOP-UQAM; Masaki Hayashi,
University of Calgary; Saskia Noorduijn, University of Calgary;
Hervé Jourde, CNRS HydroSciences Montpellier
4:30 P.M. H24A-0223 POSTER Geostatistical extrapolation of areadensity relations of water bodies from local to regional scale:
S L Noorduijn, M Hayashi, L R Bentley
4:30 P.M. H24A-0224 POSTER Isotopic and chemical investigations
of a small river to constrain groundwater recharge quantity and
quality: K Lefebvre, F Barbecot, E Gibert-Brunet, M Larocque,
M Gillon, F Hardy
4:30 P.M. H24A-0225 POSTER Recharge processes in karst at
different time scales: X Durepaire, H Jourde, J L Seidel, C Batiot
4:30 P.M. H24A-0226 POSTER Are kettle lakes good objects to
observe groundwater recharge?: M Arnoux, F Barbecot, E GibertBrunet
4:30 P.M. H24A-0227 POSTER Recent advances in the on-site
analysis and process-based interpretation of dissolved noble
gases and biogeochemically active species in water bodies:
M S Brennwald, R Kipfer
4:30 P.M. H24A-0228 POSTER Geochemistry of sediment moisture
in the Badain Jaran desert in Northwest China: Insights into
groundwater recharge and past environmental changes:
L Jin, W M Edmunds, Z Lu, J Ma
4:30 P.M. H24A-0229 POSTER Developing Novel Techniques for
In Situ Nitrate SA.M.pling, Vertical Profiling, and Real-time Remote
Groundwater Quality Monitoring: G MacDonald, J Levison
4:30 P.M. H24A-0230 POSTER Pinus banksiana growth responses
to a soil water recharge controlled by the Lichen organic layer:
B Gadet, D Paré, Y Bergeron
4:30 P.M. GP24A-0181 POSTER Improving our Knowledge of the
Geomagnetic Field Intensity in South America: New Archaeointensity
Data from Potsherds Derived from Three Archaeological Sites in
Ecuador: E Herrero-Bervera, E Tema, J S Athens
4:30 P.M. H24A-0231 POSTER Water and contaminant travel time
through the unsaturated zone under an agricultural field in Prince
Edward Island, Canada: S Danielescu, K E Butler, S Wang,
M Grimmett, K T B MacQuarrie, B Zebarth
4:30 P.M. GP24A-0182 POSTER The history of the South Atlantic
Anomaly as viewed from southern Africa: Potential influences of the
African LLVSP on the geodynamo: J A Tarduno, E Blackman,
T N Huffman, M K Watkeys, R D Cottrell
4:30 P.M. H24A-0232 POSTER Recharge controls in arid and
hyperarid piedmont - Example of the Pampa del Tamarugal basin,
Northern Chile: B Viguier, H Jourde, V Leonardi, E Lictevout
LABORATOIRE: J P Valet, C Tanty, J H Carlut
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
Poster Hall 517B-D
Tuesday, 4:30 P.M.
Application of Regional Climate Models (RCMs) in Hydrologic
Climate Change Impact Studies Posters (joint with ES)
Presiding: Mohammad Reza Najafi, University of Victoria; Alex
Cannon, University of Victoria
4:30 P.M. H24B-0233 POSTER Climate change impact on
precipitation of the Mackenzie river basin: C C Kuo, L Pervin, T Y Gan
4:30 P.M. H24B-0234 POSTER Assessment of climate change
impact on water resources in the Upper Senegal basin:
M L Mbaye, S Hagemann, A Haensler, T Stacke, A T Gaye
4:30 P.M. H24B-0235 POSTER Relationship between Tropospheric
Temperature and Indian Summer Monsoon as Simulated by RegCM3:
K C Pattnayak, S K Panda, V Saraswat, S K Dash
4:30 P.M. H24B-0236 POSTER The Effect of Inter-Basin Water
Transfer on the Water Resources of Betwa Basin, India: S Suryavanshi,
A Pandey, U C Chaube, S K Mishra
4:30 P.M. H24B-0237 POSTER Hydrological impacts of the changes
in simulated rainfall fields on the Nakanbe basin in Burkina Faso:
B Ibrahim, H Karambiri, J Polcher
4:30 P.M. H24B-0238 POSTER Simulation of Hydrological cycle in
Western Canadian regions using CLASS/Canadian Regional Climate
Model: W Younas, S J Dery
4:30 P.M. H24B-0239 POSTER Inter Basin Water Transfer Linkages
in India to Projected Climate Change: The Case of the Sankh-South
Koel-Subarnarekha link: P N Sinha
4:30 P.M. H24B-0240 POSTER Development of a Simple
Framework to Assess Hydrological Extremes using Solely Climate
Data: Développement d’une méthode de première instance pour la
détection de situations hydrologiques extrêmes à partir, uniquement,
de variables météorologiques dans un contexte de changements
climatiques: E Foulon, P Gagnon, A N Rousseau
Poster Hall 517B-D
Tuesday, 4:30 P.M.
Deep Geological Resource Exploitation and Protection
of Shallow Groundwater Resources Posters: Exploitation
des ressources géologiques profondes et protection des
ressources en eau souterraine (joint with MRG, SG)
Presiding: Christine Rivard, Natural Resources Canada; Luc
Aquilina, University of Rennes; John Molson, Laval University;
Rene Lefebvre, INRS-Eau Terre Environnement
4:30 P.M. H24C-0241 POSTER Modelling of ground subsidence
in Mexico City observed by RADARSAT-2 DInSAR during October
2008-December 2010 time period: J Fernandez, S V Samsonov,
A G Camacho, K F Tiampo
4:30 P.M. H24C-0242 POSTER Effective hydraulic connectivity of
deep and shallow aquifers as facilitated by Paleozoic karst in the
vicinity of the Athabasca oil sands: K U Weyer, J C Ellis
4:30 P.M. H24C-0243 POSTER Assessment of the Local Risk on
Groundwater Quality Related to Hydrocarbon Development:
Évaluation du risque local pour la qualité de l’eau souterraine par
rapport au développement des hydrocarbures: M Raynauld,
R Lefebvre, M Peel, M Ouellet, J W H Molson, H Crow, J M Ahad,
L Aquilina
Poster Hall 517B-D
Tuesday, 4:30 P.M.
Exotic Carbonate Deposits as Clues for External Forcing:
Case Studies to Evidence Records of Recent Environmental
Changes Posters
Presiding: Florent Barbecot, GEOTOP-UQAM; Elisabeth GibertBrunet, GEOPS-UMR 8148; Erdal Koşun, Akdeniz University;
Jerzy Nitychoruk, University of Biala Podlaska
4:30 P.M. H24D-0244 POSTER Preventing the Next Disaster at Lake
Nyos: E A Atemnkeng
4:30 P.M. H24D-0245 POSTER Mediterranean Network of
Environmental Forcing Records In Travertines _ Med-NEFRIT Project:
preliminary results: E Gibert-Brunet, F Barbecot, M Gillon, A Tudryn,
J Nitychoruk, E Koşun, J Benavente
4:30 P.M. H24D-0246 POSTER Kinetic isotope fractionation during
rich-CO2 water degassing: understanding the travertine geochemical
record: L Fleurent, E Gibert-Brunet, F Barbecot, M Gillon, V van
Poster Hall 517B-D
Tuesday, 4:30 P.M.
Understanding and Predicting Groundwater Sustainability
Under High Human Pressure Posters
Presiding: Paul Baudron, Ecole Polytechnique de Montréal; Florent
Barbecot, Université du Québec à Montréal; Jose-Luis GarciaAróstegui, Instituto Geologico y Minero de España
4:30 P.M. H24E-0247 POSTER Arsenic in Food Chain Leads to
Health Hazards in West Bengal and North-Eastern States of India:
C A Kashyap
4:30 P.M. H24E-0248 POSTER Development and application of a
decision support system for sustainable groundwater management:
A case study of Rechna Doab basin, Pakistan: A I Baig, J Halbe,
J F Adamowski, S O Prasher
4:30 P.M. H24E-0249 POSTER Hydrogeochemistry and isotopy of
the groundwater intensely used in eastern Haouz and the area of
Tassaout Upstream, Morocco: Hydrogéochimie et isotopie des eaux
souterraines intensément exploitée de la zone du Haouz oriental et du
domaine de la Tassaoutamont, Maroc: S Rochdane, A Elmandour,
P Baudron
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
Poster Hall 517B-D
Tuesday, 4:30 P.M.
Water, Sediment, and Biogeochemical Connectivity: Does the
Occurrence of One Imply the Occurrence of Another? Posters
(joint with B)
Presiding: Genevieve Ali, University of Manitoba; Claire Oswald,
Ryerson University; Christopher Wellen, McMaster University
4:30 P.M. H24F-0250 POSTER Connectivity between wetlands and
streams: patterns of phosphorus export in the Prairie Pothole Region:
M A Haque, G Ali
4:30 P.M. H24F-0251 POSTER Storm-Based Tracer Response of a
Mesoscale Precambrian Shield Catchment with Mixed Landuse:
D R McCorkell, A L James, K J Chutko, M L Macrae, S Miller
Poster Hall 517B-D
Tuesday, 4:30 P.M.
Integrating Geology, Geophysics, and Geochemistry: The
Borehole, Exploration, and Basic Research II Posters
Presiding: Mark Shore, Magma Geosciences Inc; Elizabeth Baranyi,
Geosoft Inc.
4:30 P.M. MD24A-0268 POSTER Magnetotelluric and ControlledSource Electromagnetic Study of Aquistore CO2 Sequestration Site,
near Estevan, Saskatchewan: J Craven, J McLeod, I J Ferguson
4:30 P.M. MD24A-0269 POSTER Combining Spatial Components
and Hilbert Transforms to Interpret Ground-Time-DomainElectromagnetic Data: J K Desmarais, R S Smith
4:30 P.M. MD24A-0270 POSTER Tools Used in Mineral Exploration
for Measuring the Conductivity and the Resistivity in Drill-Holes and
on Drill Core: Observations on Their Range of Sensitivity.:
R S Smith, D Parry, O Mahmoodi
4:30 P.M. MD24A-0271 POSTER Empirical Discrimination Between
Graphitic And Sulfide-Rich EM Conductors And Application To VMS
Exploration In Abitibi, Québec: S Rafini
4:30 P.M. MD24A-0272 POSTER Delineation of Extension of
Uranium Mineralization using Noise Assisted Empirical Mode
Decomposition of VLF EM data: A Singh, S P Sharma
Poster Hall 517B-D
Tuesday, 4:30 P.M.
Pegmatitic Rocks and Their Ore Deposits Posters (joint with
Presiding: Lee Groat, Univ British Columbia; Don Baker, McGill
4:30 P.M. MD24B-0275 POSTER Lithological and Structural Control
of the Emerald Occurrences South of Singhbhum Shear Zone within the
Singhbhum Crustal Province, Eastern Indian Craton: S S Sahu, S Singh
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
4:30 P.M. MD24B-0276 POSTER Geology and Initial Resource
Estimate of the Zoned, Complex-Type, Li-rich Pakeagama Lake
Pegmatite, Northwestern Ontario, Canada: S R Beyer, G L Drever,
P J Vanstone, T K Kyser
4:30 P.M. MD24B-0277 POSTER Feldspar and Quartz Crystals
Unveil the Petrogenesis of the Lithium-rich Moblan Pegmatite
(Quebec): V Maneta, D R Baker, W G Minarik
4:30 P.M. MD24B-0278 POSTER Location and Characterization of
Pegmatites in the Southern Baffin Island Region, Nunavut: Field and
Satellite Observations: A Bigio, D R Lentz, P Budkewitsch
Poster Hall 517B-D
Tuesday, 4:30 P.M.
Mineral Structure, Electron Microscopy, Element Partitioning,
and Mobility II Posters (joint with EP, VGP)
Presiding: Felix Gervais, École Polytechnique; Kim Tait, Royal
Ontario Museum
4:30 P.M. MS24A-0279 POSTER The Process of Serpentinization
in Beni Bousera Massif (Internal Rif, Morocco): Z Hajjar, A Wafik,
A Essaifi, M Constantin
4:30 P.M. MS24A-0280 POSTER Optimising Analyses of Geological
Material with an Analytical Scanning Electron Microscope: M Larose,
F Gervais, G L’Espérance
4:30 P.M. MS24A-0281 POSTER Strain-Enhanced Diffusion in
Feldspar: A Strain Speedometer?: N Barshi, V van Hinsberg, C D Rowe
4:30 P.M. MS24A-0282 POSTER Deformation, Phyllonitization
and Associated Element Mobilization of Granitoid Rocks:
A U Granseth, B E Sorensen, T Slagstad, N Coint
4:30 P.M. MS24A-0283 POSTER Discovering the Mineralogy
of Nano-sized Particulate Matter in Smelter Impacted Regions:
Transmission Electron Microscopy Studies of Focused Ion Beam
Sections Taken from Rock Coatings: J Caplette, N Mantha,
M Schindler, M F Hochella Jr
4:30 P.M. MS24A-0284 POSTER Unravelling the origin of
macroscopic helicoidal structures of the Red Dog District,
northwestern Alaska: M Bowerman, A Locock, M K Gingras, J Kraft
4:30 P.M. MS24A-0285 POSTER Structural accommodation of K at
dravitic tourmaline’s X-site: insight from spectroscopy and
single crystal X-ray diffraction: E J Berryman, B Wunder, A Ertl,
M Koch-Mueller, W Heinrich, G Franz
4:30 P.M. MS24A-0286 POSTER Spherulitic and Cone-in-cone
Concretions in CA.M.bro-Ordovician Black Shales, Île-aux-Grues/Îleaux-Oies, Quebec, Canada: An Interpretation of Their Origin:
R Hesse, C Fong
4:30 P.M. MS24A-0287 POSTER Trace Element Partitioning Between
Fluorite and Hydrothermal Fluid: L Yang, V van Hinsberg, I M
4:30 P.M. MS24A-0288 POSTER Effects of Viewing Geometry,
Aggregation State, and Particle Size on Reflectance Spectra of the
Murchison CM2 Chondrite: V B Pietrasz, M R Izawa, P Mann,
E Cloutis, K Tait, T Shäfer, K Mengel, A Nathues, M Shäfer,
G Thangjam, M Hoffmann
Poster Hall 517B-D
Tuesday, 4:30 P.M.
Fluvial Landforms and Sedimentary Deposits on Planetary
Surfaces Posters: Morphologies fluviales et dépôts
sédimentaires sur les surfaces planétaires (joint with ES, SG)
Presiding: Nicolas Mangold, LPGN Laboratoire de Planétologie
et Géodynamique de Nantes; Alan Howard, University of Virginia
Main Campus
4:30 P.M. P24A-0312 POSTER Numerical modelling of river deltas
on Titan and the Earth: P P Witek, L Czechowski
Poster Hall 517B-D
Tuesday, 4:30 P.M.
Surface Expressions of Volcanism and Associated Tectonism
on Venus and Implications for Interior Dynamics Posters
Presiding: Richard Ernst, Carleton University; Debra Hurwitz,
Lunar & Planetary Institute
4:30 P.M. P24B-0313 POSTER Graben-fissure systems in the Mead
Quadrangle, Venus: W Lu, R E Ernst, C Samson
4:30 P.M. P24B-0314 POSTER Determining Relative Ages of
Structural Features Around Irnini Mons, Venus - A Comparison of
Type Locations to Resolve the Timing of Cross-cutting Features:
Determining Relative Ages of Structural Features Around Irnini Mons,
Venus - A Comparison of Type Locations to Resolve the Timing of
Cross-cutting Features: M A Matiella Novak, D Buczkowski
4:30 P.M. P24B-0315 POSTER Effects of mechanical layering on
magmatic reservoir failure and magma propagation within the
Venusian lithosphere: P J McGovern Jr, N Le Corvec, E B Grosfils
4:30 P.M. P24B-0316 POSTER Volcanism on Venus and Titan :
Constraints from Present and Future Radar Observations: R D Lorenz
Poster Hall 517B-D
Tuesday, 4:30 P.M.
Global Change During the Holocene and Anthropocene:
New Methods, Questions, and Perspectives IV Posters
(joint with B, ES, GA, SG)
Presiding: Matthew Peros, Bishop’s University; Konrad Gajewski,
University of Ottawa
4:30 P.M. PP24A-0322 POSTER Paleoproductivity during the
Younger Dryas off northeastern Luzon, Philippines: J M D Quevedo
4:30 P.M. PP24A-0324 POSTER The paleoecological record of gray
birch (Betula populifolia) in eastern North America: M Lavoie,
P Beauregard, S Pellerin
4:30 P.M. PP24A-0325 POSTER Radiocarbon Dates in Québec:
Analyzing Paleopopulations and Environmental Change:
M A Chaput, K J Gajewski
4:30 P.M. PP24A-0326 POSTER Space-time Millenial-Scale
Evolution of Vegetation and Climate Gradients in Boreal and Mixed
Forests of Western Québec since 9000 years: B Fréchette,
P Grondin, M Lavoie, P J Richard
4:30 P.M. PP24A-0327 POSTER Does the use of reanalysis-based
modern climate datasets improve paleoclimate reconstructions?:
A E Viau, M J Ladd, R G Way
4:30 P.M. PP24A-0328 POSTER Impact of the Little Ice Age cooling
and recent climate change on peatland vegetation and peat
accumulation Dynamics in northeastern Alberta, Canada: Impact
du Petit Age glaciaire et du changement climatique récent sur la
végétation des tourbières et la dynamique d’accumulation de la
tourbe au nord-est de l’Alberta, Canada: G Magnan, S van Bellen,
W Shotyk, C Zaccone, C La Farge, M Garneau
4:30 P.M. PP24A-0329 POSTER Intraseasonal influences on the
ecology of testate A.M.oebae and δ18O signal from an ombrotrophic
peatland in southern Québec, Canada: J Minville, M Garneau, J F Helie
4:30 P.M. PP24A-0330 POSTER Reconstruction of ecohydrological
and geochemical changes of the Lac-à-la-Tortue peatland complex,
Shawinigan, Québec, in the context of postcolonial human activities:
J Beaudet Lancup, M Garneau, Y Gelinas
4:30 P.M. PP24A-0331 POSTER Holocene Paleohydrological Changes
in the Southern Bay of Biscay: New Insights from Planktonic Microfossil
Assemblages: M C Gasparotto, S Brocheray, F Eynaud, L Rossignol,
M Péral, F Marret, Y Mary, M H Castéra, S Zaragosi, M Cremer
4:30 P.M. PP24A-0332 POSTER Documenting recent sea-level
rise and coastal squeeze in eastern Quebec using salt-marsh
forA.M.inifera and plant macrofossils: J P Castonguay-Bélanger,
P Bernatchez, M Garneau, R L Barnett
4:30 P.M. PP24A-0333 POSTER Giant Clams as Paleoclimate
Archives of Holocene- age ENSO Variability: S Kozmor
Poster Hall 517B-D
Tuesday, 4:30 P.M.
Induced Seismicity Hazards and Processes III Posters (joint
with SE)
Presiding: Gail Atkinson, University of Western Ontario; David
Eaton, University of Calgary; Yu Gu, University of Alberta
4:30 P.M. S24A-0336 POSTER Analysis of Microseismic Events
during a Multi-stage Hydraulic Stimulation Experiment at a Shale
Gas Reservoir: S L I Kaka, A L Ashadi Sr, A A Alshuhail, M Jervis
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
4:30 P.M. S24A-0337 POSTER Compilation of Composite Alberta
Seismicity Catalog (CASC) for Earthquake Hazard from Induced
Seismicity in Alberta: L Cui, A Fereidoni, G M Atkinson
4:30 P.M. S24A-0338 POSTER 3D Finite Element Modeling of Slip
on a Well-Oriented, Critically Stressed Fault due to Pore Pressure
Increase: D W S Eaton, A Sattari
4:30 P.M. S24A-0339 POSTER Identifying quarry blast events in
seismicity catalogs based on the ground motion parameters:
A Fereidoni, G M Atkinson
4:30 P.M. S24A-0340 POSTER Statistical Analysis of Seismicity in
Alberta: S Kothari, R Shcherbakov, G M Atkinson
4:30 P.M. S24A-0341 POSTER Induced earthquakes associated with
the Haynesville shale play identified near Bienville Parish, Louisiana
in 2011: J I Walter, C Frohlich, J Gale, P Dotray
4:30 P.M. S24A-0342 POSTER Focal Mechanism Solutions for
Earthquakes in Eastern Canada and Alberta Using the Generalized
Cut and Paste (gCAP) Method: A Carey, H Yu, Y Liu, R M Harrington
4:30 P.M. S24A-0343 POSTER Modified Fibre-Bundle Model to
Simulate Induced Seismicity: R Kahue, R Shcherbakov
4:30 P.M. S24A-0344 POSTER Slip Tendency Analysis and Risk of
Induced Seismicity: A P Morris, D A Ferrill, G R Walter, A M Price
4:30 P.M. S24A-0345 POSTER Reservoir-Triggered Seismicity in the
Canadian Shield as an Analogue to the Activity Induced by the Deep
Injection of Wastewater: M Lamontagne
4:30 P.M. S24A-0346 POSTER Characteristics of the Earthquake
Activity in Southeast New Brunswick, an Area With Shale Gas
Potential: M Lamontagne, D Lavoie, S Ma, K B Burke, I D Bastow
Poster Hall 517B-D
Tuesday, 4:30 P.M.
New Developments in the Appalachian-Caledonide Orogen:
A Tribute to Past Studies and a Look to the Future II Posters
(joint with PG, SG, T, VGP)
Presiding: J Brendan Murphy, St. Francis Xavier University;
John Greenough, University of British Columbia, Okanagan
4:30 P.M. SE24A-0349 POSTER Far-field effects of Silurian-Early
Devonian Appalachian/Franklinian orogenesis: a view from the
craton: N Pinet
4:30 P.M. SE24A-0350 POSTER Applications of (U-Th)/He
Thermochronology to the St. Lawrence Platform/Humber Zone
Sedimentary Basin: J Emberley, D A Schneider
4:30 P.M. SE24A-0351 POSTER Rift Flank Uplift and Thermal
Evolution of an Intracratonic Rift Basin (Eastern Canada) Determined
by Combined Apatite and Zircon (U-Th)/He Thermochronology: R
Hardie, D A Schneider, J R Metcalf, R M Flowers
4:30 P.M. SE24A-0352 POSTER Revised Geological and Tectonic
Map of the Quebec Appalachians (Southern Sheet): Lower St.
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
Lawrence and Estrie-Beauce Areas, Canada.: A Tremblay,
M G Perrot, S de Souza, R Thériault
4:30 P.M. SE24A-0353 POSTER A Viable Thermochronometer
for Carbonate-Dominated basins? Results of Conodont (U-Th)/He
Thermochronology of Anticosti Basin, Eastern Canada: J Powell,
D A Schneider, R M Flowers, J R Metcalf, D F Stockli
4:30 P.M. SE24A-0354 POSTER Early taconian subduction stages
recorded by the Metamorphic sole of the Mont Albert ophiolite
(Quebec, Canada): L Labrousse, E Jewison, M Soret, B Dubacq,
P Agard
4:30 P.M. SE24A-0355 POSTER New Constraints on Cambrian
Stratigraphy and Correlations in Avalonia Based on Acritarchs in
Atlantic Canada: S Jensen, S M Barr, T Palacios, C White
J B Murphy, C Quesada, G Gutierrez Alonso
4:30 P.M. SE24A-0358 POSTER Kinematics of Orocline Related
Shortening in the Ponga Unit: Structural Analysis of the Tama
Synform and the Rio Monasterio Antiform, Northern Spain:
K Del Greco, G Gutierrez-Alonso, J Fernandez Lozano, T Finley,
S T Johnston
4:30 P.M. SE24A-0359 POSTER Flexural accommodation of
oroclinal buckling: A structural study of the Cantabrian orocline, NW
Iberian Massif: J Shaw, S T Johnston, G Gutierrez-Alonso
Poster Hall 517B-D
Tuesday, 4:30 P.M.
Geophysical Investigations of “Stable” Eastern North America
III Posters (joint with S, SE)
Presiding: Fiona Darbyshire, University of Quebec at Montreal
UQAM; Ian Bastow, Imperial College London; Vadim Levin,
Rutgers University
4:30 P.M. T24A-0377 POSTER Lithospheric Structure of Greenland
and the Northwest Atlantic from Rayleigh Wave Group Velocities:
F A Darbyshire, T Dahl-Jensen, T Larsen, P Voss
4:30 P.M. T24A-0378 POSTER Variations in Seismic Anisotropy
Across the Canadian High Arctic: J M Dubé, F A Darbyshire
4:30 P.M. T24A-0379 POSTER What is the Driving Mechanism of
Earthquakes in the New Madrid Seismic Zone? – A Study of Shear
Wave Splitting and Tomography: C A Nyamwandha, C A Powell
4:30 P.M. T24A-0380 POSTER Superior Layer-cake: An Investigation
of the Mid-Lithospheric Discontinuity in the Superior Craton in
Quebec, Canada: M Klaser, V L Levin, F A Darbyshire, H Yuan
4:30 P.M. T24A-0381 POSTER Seismic constraints of the crustal
structure of the Appalachian Front: An investigation of the St.
Lawrence River Valley: B Dunham, V L Levin, A Servali, M Klaser
4:30 P.M. T24A-0382 POSTER Detailed study of the Moho boundary
in the Superior province of Quebec: A Servali, M Klaser, B DunhA.M.,
V L Levin
4:30 P.M. VGP24B-0400 POSTER Plio-Pleistocene volcanic activity
in a stable terrain: Implications on magma generation and regional
tectonics: J C A Refran, C A Arcilla
4:30 P.M. T24A-0383 POSTER Appalachian Front is a Shallow
Feature: Insight From Studies of Seismic Wave Speed in the Mantle: W
H Menke, V L Levin, T Neitz, B Schow, F A Darbyshire
4:30 P.M. VGP24B-0401 POSTER An isotopic insight into the role of
tuffisite veins during volcanic degassing in rhyolitic systems:
R Paisley, K Berlo, B Ghaleb
Poster Hall 517B-D
4:30 P.M. VGP24B-0402 POSTER Recent unrest at Campi Flegrei
caldera: New signatures and comparison with previous large unrest
episodes (1969-1984): G de Natale, C Troise, S Carlino,
R Somma, A Troiano, M G Di Giuseppe, L D’auria, G Scarpato,
I Aquino, G Berrino, S Borgstrom, M Dolce, C Del Gaudio,
F Obrizzo, M Orazi, C Ricco, V Siniscalchi, U Tammaro
Tuesday, 4:30 P.M.
Multidisciplinary Perspectives on the Continental Mantle
Lithosphere and Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Boundary III
Posters (joint with S, SE, VGP)
Presiding: Andrew Schaeffer, Dublin Institute for Advanced
Studies; Claire Currie, University of Alberta; Yu Gu, University of
Alberta; Christy Till, Arizona State University
4:30 P.M. VGP24B-0403 POSTER Investigating magmatic plumbing
systems in an off-rift setting on Iceland with geothermobarometry
and quantitative textural data: D Burney, D W Peate, M S Riishuus
4:30 P.M. T24B-0384 POSTER Glacial erosion during orogenesis:
A study of the intraplate Eurekan Orogeny of Ellesmere Island:
J M Housam, R N Pysklywec, P J Heron, R Stephenson
4:30 P.M. VGP24B-0404 POSTER A Geoelectrical Model of the
Northern Flank of the Popocatepetl Volcano (Central Mexico):
A First Approach to Major Structures: C Arango, A L Martin,
L Flores-Marquez, M Vidal, A Vazquez Del Moral
4:30 P.M. T24B-0385 POSTER Computational Modelling of the
Continental Collision near South Island, New Zealand: L Karatun,
R N Pysklywec, C Thieulot
4:30 P.M. VGP24B-0405 POSTER Campi Flegrei Deep Drilling
Project: an overview of main results and implications on caldera
dynamic: R Somma, S Carlino, C Troise, G de Natale
4:30 P.M. T24B-0386 POSTER Sharp Mantle Tansition from Cratons
to Cordillera in Southwestern Canada: Y J Gu, Y Zhang,
M D Sacchi, Y Chen
4:30 P.M. VGP24B-0406 POSTER 2009-2013 ground deformation
at Mt Etna observed with advanced DInSAR: Results and Modelling: J
Fernandez, S V Samsonov, A G Camacho,
K F Tiampo, P J González
4:30 P.M. T24B-0387 POSTER The Gravity and Magnetic Field
Characteristics of North China Area and Its Tectonic Significance: X
Meng, Z Chen, C Yao
Poster Hall 517B-D
Tuesday, 4:30 P.M.
Basaltic Magmatism in the Solar System: From Mantle to
Magma in Space and Time III Posters (joint with P, PG, T)
Presiding: Dejan Milidragovic, Université Laval; Jonathan O’Neil,
University of Ottawa; Dante Canil, University of Victoria;
Kelly Russell, University of British Columbia
4:30 P.M. VGP24A-0398 POSTER Exploring the Eruptive Sequence
and Chemical Evolution of the AD 1730—1736 Timanfaya Eruption,
Lanzarote, Canary Islands: J Muller, P Beaudry,
M A Longpre
Poster Hall 517B-D
Tuesday, 4:30 P.M.
Volcanoes and Volcanism Posters
Presiding: Don Baker, McGill University; Ross Stevenson,
Universite du Quebec a Montreal
4:30 P.M. VGP24B-0407 POSTER Elemental Concentrations and
210Pb Activity of a Growth-zoned Gypsum Stalactite generate
Historical Volcanic Activity Record at Kawah Ijen’s Crater Lake,
Indonesia: S B Utami, V van Hinsberg, B Ghaleb
Poster Hall 517B-D
Tuesday, 4:30 P.M.
Volcanology, Geochemistry, and Petrology General
Contributions Posters
Presiding: Don Baker, McGill University; Ross Stevenson,
Universite du Quebec a Montreal
4:30 P.M. VGP24C-0408 POSTER Model of Pattern Formation in
Layered Igneous Intrusions: J Ghaoui, I L’Heureux
4:30 P.M. VGP24C-0410 POSTER Mantle petrology, mineralogy and
major elements geochemistry of the northern Cache Creek terrane –
Preliminary results: A S Corriveau, J H J Bedard, A Zagorevski,
M Richer-Laflèche
4:30 P.M. VGP24C-0411 POSTER Adakitic Magmatism in the
Paleoproterozoic Terrane of Ghana, West Africa: Geochemical
Evidence from K-rich Granitoids: E K Abitty, S B Dampare, D Asiedu
4:30 P.M. VGP24C-0412 POSTER Petrogenesis of Mantle Xenoliths
in Alkaline Basalts in Southeastern British Columbia: E Friedman,
A Polat
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
4:30 P.M. VGP24C-0413 POSTER Stratification within the
granophyre of the South Range of the Sudbury Igneous Complex: K
Kompaniets, J Mungall, Q M C Poon
4:30 P.M. VGP24C-0414 POSTER Mineralogy and Geothermometry
of the mid-Jurassic Trail Pluton, Southeastern British Columbia:
J Cuthbertson, K Thesen
4:30 P.M. VGP24C-0415 POSTER Fe–Ti oxides in the lower crustal
xenoliths recording significant magmatic events in the crust–mantle
transition zone (North China): Z Li, J Zheng, Q Liu
4:30 P.M. VGP24C-0416 POSTER Selfrag: An Effective Tool in
Sample Preparation for Geological Research: A Dobosz, T K Kyser,
D Layton-Matthews
4:30 P.M. VGP24C-0417 POSTER Zoisite Eclogites From Faro
Area, Yukon: Pressure-Temperature- Fluid Composition Attending
Metamorphism: E D Ghent, R Marr, A Klincker
4:30 P.M. VGP24C-0418 POSTER Geochemistry and Petrogenesis
of the Basement Rocks from Barapaharpur, Rangpur: Implications
for Crustal Evolution of the Shallow Basement in the North-West
Bangladesh: A T Tapu, S M M Ameen, R Abdullah, M N Zaman,
S C Das, M S Hossain
4:30 P.M. VGP24C-0419 POSTER Combined Geochemistry and
Geochronology Constrains Coupled Subduction of Oceanic and
Continental Crust in the Huwan Shear Zone, Central China:
H Cheng, J D Vervoort
4:30 P.M. VGP24C-0420 POSTER Tourmaline’s record of fluid history
in the Pfitscher Joch, Western Tauern Window: E J Berryman,
M Kutzschbach, A Loges, D Schultze, A Meixner, G Franz
4:30 P.M. VGP24C-0421 POSTER Re-Os Geochronology of Bitumen
from the Northern Longmen Shan Thrust Belt, Southwest China:
Z Liu, C Shen, D S Selby, X Ruan, S Hu, J Du
4:30 P.M. VGP24C-0422 POSTER Early Permian Peperites in the
Beishan Region, NW China: Implications for Regional Tectonic and
Palaeoenvironmental Setting: S Chen, Z Guo, J Qi, Y Zhang
4:30 P.M. VGP24C-0423 POSTER Petrologic and Geochemical
Nature of the Uppermost Mantle beneath Mt. Pinatubo, Philippines:
Constraints from Mantle Peridotite Xenoliths: B D Payot, S Arai,
M Yoshikawa, D J V Rivera, M Okuno
4:30 P.M. VGP24C-0424 POSTER Lithostratigraphy of Nigeria AnOverview: Lithostratigraphy of Nigeria An-Overview: K A Shitta,
K A Shitta
Wednesday A.M.
Room 513D-F
Wednesday, 8:00 A.M.
Atmospheric Sciences General Contributions, Including
Presiding: Athanasios Nenes, Georgia Institute of Technology
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
8:00 A.M. AS31A-01 Sensitivity of snow crystal habit on the
formation of winter precipitation types: J M Theriault, H Sankare
8:15 A.M. AS31A-02 A Comparison of the Winters of 2013-2014 and
2014-2015: E Atallah
8:30 A.M. AS31A-03 Identifying synoptic-scale sources of short-term
(3-10 day) zonal available potential energy generation:
K Bowley, J R Gyakum, E Atallah
8:45 A.M. AS31A-04 Experimental Characterization of Turbulence in
the Arctic Lower Troposphere Using Aircraft Measurements:
A A Aliabadi, R M Staebler, M Liu
9:00 A.M. AS31A-05 Characterizing the Structure and Behavior of
Extreme Weather Events over the United States: R X Black, T Park,
Y Deng
9:15 A.M. AS31A-06 WRF and MM5 Modeling of the 1999 North
American Monsoon Onset and the Las Vegas Flood: D Ivanova,
D L Mitchell
9:30 A.M. AS31A-07 Acoustic imaging of thunder from rockettriggered lightning: M A Dayeh, N Evans
9:45 A.M. AS31A-08 Hilbert transform over the upper half-plane
and its high accuracy quadrature scheme: technique renovation of
the gravity wave reconstruction: H Li, C Li, X S Feng, X Pan, Y Huang,
J Xiang
Room 513A-C
Wednesday, 8:00 A.M.
Land-Atmosphere Interactions: From Models and
Observations I (joint with H)
Presiding: Gulilat Tefera Diro, University of Quebec at Montreal
UQAM; Laxmi Sushama, University of Quebec at Montreal UQAM;
Patrick Samuelsson, Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological
Institute; Alvaro Montenegro, The Ohio State University
8:00 A.M. AS31B-01 Land-Surface-Cloud-Climate Coupling on the
Canadian Prairies: A K Betts, R Desjardins, A Tawfik
8:20 A.M. AS31B-02 Stubble Height Effects on Canola Microclimate
on the Canadian Prairies: M Cardillo, P Bullock, A J Glenn
8:40 A.M. AS31B-03 Global Carbon Cycle and Temperature Impacts
of Future Changes in Fire Regime: J S Landry, D Matthews, N Ramankutty
9:00 A.M. AS31B-04 Investigation of the Sensitivity of Snow and
Energy-Flux Conditions to Surface and Vegetation Parameters for
Forest Sites Using the Multi-Energy Balance Option in SURFEX:
P Samuelsson, A A Boone, S Gollvik, C Jansson, A Napoly
9:20 A.M. AS31B-05 Playa Soil Moisture and Evaporation Dynamics
in an Arid Intermountain Basin: D F Nadeau, C Hang, D D Jensen,
S Hoch, E Pardyjak
9:40 A.M. AS31B-06 Climate sensitivity and modeling of vegetation
distribution through trait-climate relationships in China: Y Yang,
C Peng, Q Zhu, H Wang, Z Wen, M Wang, W Xue
Room 512A/B/E/F
Wednesday, 8:00 A.M.
Nutrient Cycling in Wetlands and Aquatic Ecosystems I
Presiding: Julie Talbot, Université de Montréal; Tatjana Zivkovic,
McGill University; Roxane Maranger, Université de Montréal
8:00 A.M. Introductory Remarks
8:05 A.M. B31A-01 From Cradle to Grave: the Stoichiometry of
Northern Peatlands: T R Moore, M Wang
8:25 A.M. B31A-02 Estimation of foliar chlorophyll and nitrogen
content in an ombrotrophic bog from hyperspectral data: scaling
from leaf to image: M Kalacska, M Lalonde, T R Moore
8:40 A.M. B31A-03 Responses of Nutrient Dynamics to Warming
and Water Table Lowering Simulations of Climate Change in a
Northern Treed Bog: T M Munir, B Xu, B Khadka, M Strack
8:55 A.M. B31A-04 How Species Dominance and Water Table Depth
Modulate the Responses of Bog Vegetation to Simulated Nitrogen
Deposition?: S Juutinen, T Larmola, J L Bubier, K Smith, T R Moore
9:10 A.M. B31A-05 Sphagnum N and P Stoichiometry May Predict
the Magnitude of N2 Fixation Rates in Ombrotrophic Bogs: T Zivkovic,
T R Moore, K Disney
9:25 A.M. B31A-06 Are Ombrotrophic Bog Shrubs Stressed under
High Nutrient Load?: T Larmola, V Bui, J L Bubier, M Wang,
M T Murphy, T R Moore
9:40 A.M. B31A-07 Effects of Nutrient Addition on Belowground
Stoichiometry and Microbial Activity in an Ombrotrophic Bog:
A J Pinsonneault, T R Moore, N T Roulet
9:55 A.M. Discussion
Room 511B
Wednesday, 8:00 A.M.
MorphoDynamics of Semialluvial Rivers I:
MorphodynA.M.ique des rivières semi-alluviales I (joint with
B, H, SG)
Presiding: Colin Rennie, University of Ottawa; Susan Gaskin,
McGill University; Bruce MacVicar, University of Waterloo
9:00 A.M. ES31A-05 The Dynamics of Glacial Till Erosion: Hydraulic
Flume Tests on Samples from Medway Creek, London, ON: L A Pike,
P Ashmore, S J Gaskin
9:15 A.M. ES31A-06 Urbanization, Channel Adjustment, and
Restoration of a Suburban Semi-Alluvial Creek: the Case Study of
Wilket Creek in Toronto: B MacVicar, M Chapuis, V Bevan, E Buckrell,
A Roy, J Parish, R Ness, W Snodgrass
9:30 A.M. ES31A-07 Influence of Surficial Alluvium on Habitat
Utilization by Fish in a Semi-Alluvial Clay-Bed Creek:
P ParsapourMoghaddam, C D Rennie
9:45 A.M. ES31A-08 A Noval Wave Estimator Based On The Centralupwind Scheme For Simulating Rapid Bed Erosion under Shallow
Water Flows: X Liu, J Á Infante Sedano, A Mohammadian
Room 511C
Wednesday, 8:00 A.M.
Earth and Planetary Magnetic Fields and Core Dynamics: Le
chA.M.p magnétique et la dynamique des noyaux terrestre et
planétaires (joint with P)
Presiding: Mathieu Dumberry, University of Alberta; Jonathan
Mound, University of Leeds; Sabine Stanley, University of Toronto
8:00 A.M. GP31A-01 Frontiers in Planetary Dynamos Through HighPerformance Computing: B A Buffett
8:15 A.M. GP31A-02 High Resolution GeodynA.M.o Simulations
with Strongly-driven Convection and Low Viscosity: Simulations
haute résolution de la géodynamo avec convection vigoureuse et
viscosité faible: N Schaeffer, A Fournier, D Jault, J Aubert
8:30 A.M. GP31A-03 Numerical/Experimental Canonical Models of
Geophysical and Astrophysical Flows: A Ribeiro, J L Guermond,
J M Aurnou
8:45 A.M. GP31A-04 A Sparse Fully Spectral Method for Simulations
in Spherical, Cylindrical and Cartesian Geometries:
P Marti, M A Calkins, J M Aurnou, K A Julien
9:00 A.M. GP31A-05 Generation of magnetic fields by large-scale
vortices in rotating convection: C Guervilly
9:15 A.M. GP31A-06 Core Merging After Giant Impacts and Core
Stratification in the Late Stages of Earth’s Formation: M Landeau,
P Olson, R Deguen, B Hirsh
8:00 A.M. ES31A-01 Morphology and Sediment Transport in Semialluvial Channels: P Ashmore
9:30 A.M. GP31A-07 Revisiting Earth’s Thermal Evolution:
A Solution to the Mantle and Core Paradoxes: P E Driscoll
8:15 A.M. ES31A-02 Longitudinal variations in channel morphology
in postglacial watersheds of the northeastern United States: N P Snyder
9:45 A.M. GP31A-08 On the Secular Variation of Saturn’s Magnetic
Field: S Stanley, J Bloxham
8:30 A.M. ES31A-03 Three Quarters Alluvial: Constraining the
Semi-Alluvial River Condition in the Glacial Landscape of Southern
Ontario: R T Phillips, J R Desloges
8:45 A.M. ES31A-04 Development of sand-bedded rivers in glaciated,
Southern Ontario: A M Megens, J R Desloges
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
Room 514A-C
Wednesday, 8:00 A.M.
8:30 A.M. H31B-03 Characterizing Aquifer Heterogeneity with
Multi-well Pumping Tests in a Fractured Medium: J Lin, L Chu,
R Ma, Z Sun
Changing Cold Regions: Climate, Cryosphere, Hydrology,
Ecology III (joint with AS, B)
Presiding: Chris DeBeer, University of Saskatchewan; Howard
Wheater, University of Saskatchewan; John Pomeroy, University of
Saskatchewan; Danny Marks, USDA Agriculture Research Serv
8:45 A.M. H31B-04 Characterization of fractured and karstic
reservoir by Spot imagery and Geophysical prospecting (Middle
Atlas Causses, Morocco): Caractérisation d’un réservoir fracturé et
karstique par imagerie Spot et prospection géophysique (Causses
moyen-atlasiques, Maroc): K Qarqori, M Rouai, G Saracco,
M Boujamaoui, A Manar
8:00 A.M. H31A-01 Modelling the frequency distributions of peak
streamflows on the Canadian Prairies: K Shook, J W Pomeroy
9:00 A.M. H31B-05 Characterizing Complex Aquifers Using Flow
Dimension Diagnostic Sequences: S Rafini, R Chesnaux, F L Anouck
8:15 A.M. H31A-02 Testing the ability of a semi-distributed
hydrological model to simulate streamflow and contributing area
relationships in cold regions: S G Mengistu, C Spence
9:15 A.M. H31B-06 Permanganate Natural Oxidant Demand and Its
Retarding Effect on Diffusion in Sandstone: J Zhao, T A Al, B L Parker,
M Vangel
8:30 A.M. H31A-03 Noah-MP Land Surface Model simulation for
Boreal Forest (BERMS SK-OAS) Site: Y Li, L Chen, F Chen, A Barr, B Wan
9:30 A.M. H31B-07 Trace element concentration and distribution in
groundwater of Talcher coal field areas, Odisha, India:
A K Behera, R M Pradhan
8:45 A.M. H31A-04 Comparing Observed and Simulated Interannual
Variability in the Carbon and Water Balances of the Southern Boreal
Forest: O Yetemen, A M Ireson, J F Johnstone, A Barr, T A Black
Room 515A-C
9:00 A.M. H31A-05 Simulation of Lake Heat Fluxes by the Canadian
Small Lake Model: Offline Performance Assessment for Future
Coupling with a Regional Climate Model: P Pernica, M MacKay,
H S Wheater
9:15 A.M. H31A-06 Long-term Changes in Distributed Precipitation
Phase at Reynolds Creek Experimental Watershed, Idaho, USA:
P R Kormos, D G Marks, A Kahl, D C Garen, A R Hedrick, S Havens,
H P Marshall
9:30 A.M. H31A-07 Estimating SWE distribution with a combination
of ground-based radar measurements, modeling and remote
sensing: S Havens, D G Marks, H P Marshall, A H Winstral, R
9:45 A.M. H31A-08 Fusing Basin-Scale Airborne Observations with
Simulations to Quantify Mountain Snow Water Storage During a
Severe Drought: K Bormann, D G Marks, A H Winstral, B J McGurk,
A R Hedrick, T H Painter
Room 510D
Wednesday, 8:00 A.M.
General Hydrology III
Presiding: Daniel Peters, Environment Canada; William Quinton,
Wilfrid Laurier University
8:00 A.M. H31B-01 Research on Carbonate Aquifers: Revisiting
Approaches, New Developments and Future Scope in Karst
Hydrogeology in India: F A Dar, S Ahmed, J Perrin
8:15 A.M. H31B-02 Statistical analysis of flow dimension occurrences
in natural aquifers from various geological environments: input on
their conceptual interpretation: A L Ferroud
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
Wednesday, 8:00 A.M.
Most Watersheds Are Not Pristine! Recognizing and
Differentiating Natural From Human-Induced Hydrological,
Geomorphological, and Biogeochemical Dynamics (joint with
B, ES)
Presiding: Merrin Macrae, University of Waterloo; Genevieve Ali,
University of Manitoba; David Lobb, University of Manitoba
8:00 A.M. H31C-01 Assessment of the impact of land cover and
beneficial management practices on water quality in complex
watersheds – challenges and research opportunities ahead:
A N Rousseau, S Gumiere, Y Ou, M Fossey
8:20 A.M. H31C-02 The Influence of Surface Coal Mining on
Hydrology and Solute Transport in the Elk Valley, British Columbia,
Canada: C C Wellen, S K Carey
8:35 A.M. H31C-03 Regulation of the Distribution of Anthropogenic
Contaminants by Physical Limnological Processes in a Relatively
Pristine Watershed: the Breach of the Mount Polley Mine Tailings
Impoundment, British Columbia, Canada: E L Petticrew, P N Owens,
S J Albers, S Vagle, J Duros, K Rasmus
8:50 A.M. H31C-04 From The (Relatively) Pristine to the Polluted:
The Breach Of The Mount Polley Mine Tailings Impoundment,
Quesnel Watershed, British Columbia: P N Owens, E L Petticrew,
S J Albers
9:10 A.M. H31C-05 Understanding and Modelling Hydrological
Impacts of Land Use and Land Management Change: H S Wheater
9:30 A.M. H31C-06 Net Evaporation Resulting from the Creation of
a Boreal Hydroelectric Reservoir: I B Strachan, A Tremblay,
S Tardif, C Turpin, L Pelletier
9:45 A.M. H31C-07 Estimating the Impact of Depressional Storage
Drainage on the Hydrology of a Canadian Prairie Basin using
Physically Based Modelling: J W Pomeroy, X Fang, K Shook,
C Westbrook
Room 510A
Wednesday, 8:00 A.M.
Use of Trace Elements in Minerals for Petrogenesis and
Exploration of Mineral Deposits I: Utilisation des éléments
traces dans les minéraux comme indicateur petrogénetique
et pour l’exploration minérale (joint with EP, VGP)
Presiding: Sarah Dare, University of Ottawa; Daniel Layton-Matthews,
Queen’s University
8:00 A.M. MD31A-01 Platinum-group Element and Associated
Trace Elements Distribution in Pyrrhotite, Pentlandite, Pyrite and
Chalcopyrite - Implications for the Formation and the Exploration for
Magmatic Nickel and PGE Deposits: S J Barnes
8:40 A.M. MD31A-02 The Use of Pentlandite and Pyrite
Compositions for Exploration: C Duran, S J Barnes, J Corkery
9:00 A.M. MD31A-03 Platinum-group Elements and Au in Mantle
Sulphides and their Contribution to Porphyry Cu-Au Deposits:
D Sinclair, I R Jonasson
9:20 A.M. MD31A-04 Contrasting Os, Ir, Ru and Rh Content between
Volcanic and Plutonic Chromites: Petrogenetic and Provenance
Tools: P Pagé, S J Barnes
9:40 A.M. MD31A-05 Fe-Ti Oxides Composition in Archean Fe–Ti–V–
(P)-bearing Mafic-Ultramafic Intrusions of the Superior Province: a
Geochemical Evolution Tracer: A A Sappin, M G Houlé
Room 510B
Wednesday, 8:00 A.M.
9:15 A.M. OS31A-06 Surface and Bottom Temperature and Salinity
Climatology and Long-Term Changes along the Continental Shelf off
the Canadian and U.S. East Coasts:
B Richaud, T M Joyce, Y O Kwon
9:30 A.M. OS31A-07 The Role of Internal Tides in Patterns of Spatial
Variability at Canyons: T F Duda, W Zhang, A E Newhall,
K R Helfrich
Room 511A
Wednesday, 8:00 A.M.
Understanding Slow Slip and Tectonic Tremor Process Along a
Variety of Deformation Boundaries I (joint with T)
Presiding: Yajing Liu, McGill University; Rebecca Harrington,
McGill University
8:00 A.M. S31A-01 Structural and hydrologic controls on
subduction zone slow earthquakes: P Audet
8:15 A.M. S31A-02 Tectonic Tremor observations in Guerrero, Mexico
and how SSE strain field modeling including pore fluid evolution explain
the observations: A L Husker, W Frank, V M Cruz-Atienza,
V Kostoglodov, N Shapiro, C D Villafuerte, E Caballero
8:30 A.M. S34B-0309 Modeling Episodic Slow Slip Events on a 3D
Non-planar Cascadia Subduction Fault: D Li, Y Liu
8:45 A.M. S31A-04 Interfacial controls on glacier stick-slip rupture
Dynamics and implications for slow earthquakes: J I Walter,
I Svetlizky, J Fineberg, E E Brodsky, S M Tulaczyk, Z Peng, L Beem,
C G Barcheck, S P Carter
9:00 A.M. S31A-05 Mechanism of spontaneous and triggered
continental shallow creep events: M Wei, Y Liu, Y Kaneko,
J J McGuire, R G Bilham
General Session: Ocean Sciences III
Presiding: Margaret Mulholland, Old Dominion Univ
9:15 A.M. S31A-06 Detecting Very-Low-Frequency Earthquakes in
Parkfield, California: Evidence for Slow-Slip Events: A F Pena-Castro,
R M Harrington, E S Cochran, X Zeng, C H Thurber, D R Shelly
8:00 A.M. OS31A-01 Surge Dynamics of superstorm Sandy:
Exposure of Metropolitan New York to Catastrophic Flooding:
M J Bowman, B Colle, C N Flagg, M H Bowman, K Roberts, F Zhang
9:30 A.M. S34B-0313 Earthquake rupture pattern and possible
aseismic transient slip on Gofar transform fault, East Pacific Rise:
Y Liu, J J McGuire, M D Behn
8:15 A.M. OS31A-02 Ocean Climate Change, Sea Level Increase and
Tsunami Hazard Monitored in Real Time over Decades by Sensors on
Submarine Telecommunication Cables: C R Barnes, D T Meldrum,
E Campilongo
9:45 A.M. S31A-08 Slow Slip Processes On Frictional Faults Simulations in a Laboratory Setting: P A Selvadurai, S Glaser
8:30 A.M. OS31A-03 Short- and Long-Lasting Ocean Circulation
Changes Induced by an Extreme High-Latitude Volcanic Eruption:
F S R Pausata, L Chafik, R Caballero, D S Battisti
Room 511D
Wednesday, 8:00 A.M.
8:45 A.M. OS31A-04 The Impact of Interannual Forcing to the Bay of
Bengal Circulation Characteristics Using Regional Ocean Modeling
System (ROMS): S Dandapat, A Chakraborty
Unmanned Air Vehicles in the Earth Sciences
Presiding: Claire Samson, Carleton University; George Leblanc,
National Research Council of Canada; Murray Richardson,
Carleton University
9:00 A.M. OS31A-05 Analysis of High-resolution Tidal Signals in
Precise Sea-level Data from the DART Program: B Espino, S R Dickman,
S Weinstein
8:00 A.M. SE31A-01 Developing a High Sensitivity Magnetic
Gradiometer for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: B Walker, I Hrvoic,
M Wilson
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
8:15 A.M. SE31A-02 Assessment of Magnetometers for Under 25kg
UAS/RPAS Operations: G Leblanc, M D Lee, B Nelson, Z Daya
8:30 A.M. SE31A-03 Assessing the Capabilities of Unmanned Fixed
and Rotary Wing Systems for Geomagnetic Surveying:
M Cunningham, C Samson, A Wood, I Cook, B Doyle
8:45 A.M. SE31A-04 Development of Purpose-Built Remotely Piloted
Aircraft Systems for Airborne Geophysics and Remote Sensing: J
9:00 A.M. SE31A-05 Terrain Modelling - When to Use LiDAR and
When Imagery Will Do: C Parks, C Polowick
9:15 A.M. SE31A-06 UAV-based topographic and vegetation
mapping in a northern peatland complex using Structure from
Motion (SfM): M Richardson, K Millard, D Stiff, L Armstrong
9:30 A.M. SE31A-07 Unmanned Aerial Vehicle based Remote
Sensing for crop disease monitoring and surveillance in Bomet
county, Kenya: O M Otieno, E W Kibung`a
9:45 A.M. SE31A-08 Deployment of an unmanned aerial system to
assist in mapping an intermittent stream network: C Spence,
S G Mengistu
Room 510C
Wednesday, 8:00 A.M.
The Physics of the Aurora I
Presiding: Eric Donovan, University of Calgary; David Knudsen,
University of Calgary; Robert Rankin, University of Alberta; Martin
Connors, Athabasca University
8:00 A.M. SPA31A-01 Probing Ionosphere-Magnetosphere coupling
with the combination of in-situ and ground based measurements:
the GREECE mission: M Samara, R Michell,
G A Grubbs II, D L Hampton, J W Bonnell, K Ogasawara
8:15 A.M. SPA31A-02 Relativistic electron precipitation and
substorm auroras: J L Semeter
8:30 A.M. SPA31A-03 ElectroDynamic Coupling Between Inertial
Scale Alfven Waves and the High-latitude Auroral Ionosphere:
D Sydorenko
8:45 A.M. SPA31A-04 Small-scale secondary electron features and
FACs in diffuse and pulsating aurora: S Jones, M Lessard, L Cogger,
A W Yau, D J Knudsen, K A Lynch, D Lummerzheim, H StenbaekNielsen, A N Jaynes
9:00 A.M. SPA31A-05 Correlated ULF Waves, Whistler-mode Chorus
and Pulsating Aurora Observed by the Van Allen Probes and Groundbased Systems: A N Jaynes, M Lessard, K Takahashi, A Ali,
D Malaspina, C Kletzing, J R Wygant, E Donovan, J B Blake,
R Michell, M Samara, E Spanswick
9:15 A.M. SPA31A-06 Dynamics of auroral particle acceleration by
kinetic Alfvén waves: R L Lysak
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
9:30 A.M. SPA31A-07 New Features of Substorm and Storm
Dynamics Revealed by Coordinated ISR-ASI Measurements of Auroral
Dynamics: L R Lyons, T Nishimura, D Hampton, V Angelopoulos,
E Donovan, M J Nicolls, S Chen
9:45 A.M. SPA31A-08 Ion Temperature Anisotropy Measured in
Regions of Strong Electric Fields Adjacent to Auroral Arcs:
W E Archer, D J Knudsen, J K Burchill, M Patrick, J P St-Maurice
Room 511E
Wednesday, 8:00 A.M.
Rock Physcis and Mechanics for the 21st Century: Theory,
Measurement, Computation, and Integration (joint with S, SE)
Presiding: Douglas Schmitt, University of Alberta; Shaocheng Ji,
Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal
8:00 A.M. T31A-01 Characterization of the Stress-strain Relationship
of the Precambrian Basement Rocks of the Stable Platform in the
Northwest Bangladesh: M N Ahmed, Q Chowdhury
8:15 A.M. T31A-02 Experimental Characterisation of Slip Properties
in Similar and Dissimilar Volcanic and Sedimentary Rocks during
Flank Motion at Mount Etna (Italy): J E Kendrick, Y Lavallée,
W Rozanski, A Castagna, M J Heap, S Vinciguerra, T Hirose, D B Dingwell
8:30 A.M. T31A-03 Joint Electrical-Elastic Properties of Berea
Sandstone: B Giroux, S Gonzalez-Sirois, T Mohammed, D R Schmitt
8:45 A.M. Break
9:00 A.M. T31A-04 Seismic Properties from EBSD Data and Receiver
Function Analyses: Results from a Crustal-Scale Detachment System,
Aegean Region: É Cossette, P Audet, D A Schneider, B Grasemann,
G Habler
9:15 A.M. T31A-05 Experimental Determination of the Elastic
Anisotropy of Shales: Comparison of Static and Dynamic
Measurements: D R Schmitt, N Ong, J Melendez Martinez
9:30 A.M. T31A-06 Seismic Properties and CPO Relationships of a
Crustal Scale Shear Zone in Granodiorite, Serifos, Greece:
É Gaudreau, É Cossette, D A Schneider, B Grasemann
9:45 A.M. T31A-07 Magnitude and symmetry of seismic anisotropy
in schists and geophysical implications: S Ji, T Shao, K Michibayashi,
M H Salisbury
Room 511F
Wednesday, 8:00 A.M.
Chemical Scene Investigations of Large Igneous Provinces
Presiding: Richard Ernst, Carleton University; Cole Kingsbury,
Carleton University; Pete Hollings, Lakehead University
8:00 A.M. VGP31A-01 Controls on the chemical composition of
flood volcanics: N T Arndt
8:15 A.M. VGP31A-02 Linkages between the Neoproterozoic
Natkusiak basalts and Franklin sills on Victoria Island, Arctic Canada:
C D Beard, D Weis, J H J Bedard, J S Scoates, T A Dell’Oro
8:30 A.M. VGP31A-03 Newly discovered 1550 Ma mafic magmatism
in the Tobacco Root Mountains, MT USA: An end to the North
American Magmatic Gap?: C Rogers, R E Ernst, B Cousens, S Harlan
8:45 A.M. VGP31A-04 Chigu Tso intrusions in the remnant Comei
large igneous province, SE Tibet: implication for Early Cretaceous
Kerguelen plume-Eastern Gondwana lithosphere interaction:
Y Xia, D C Zhu, R E Ernst, B Cousens, S Zhang
9:00 A.M. VGP31A-05 A Geochemical Proxy Approach to LIP
Forensics: J A Pearce, R E Ernst, D W Peate
9:15 A.M. VGP31A-06 New insights into the relationship between
the Central Atlantic Magmatic Province (Camp) and the End-Triassic
extinction from CAMP U-Pb zircon and baddeleyite dates: J Davies,
H Bertand, N Youbi, U Schaltegger
9:45 A.M. VGP31A-08 Lyra Basin and Louisville Seamount Chain: Two
Suspects for the Ontong Java Plateau Hotspot Trail?: M L G Tejada
Room 513A-C
Wednesday, 10:30 A.M.
Land-Atmosphere Interactions: From Models and
Observations II (joint with H)
Presiding: Gulilat Tefera Diro, University of Quebec at Montreal
UQAM; Laxmi SushA.M.a, University of Quebec at Montreal
UQAM; Patrick Samuelsson, Swedish Meteorological and
Hydrological Institute; Alvaro Montenegro, The Ohio State
10:30 A.M. AS32A-01 Ecological dimension of 21st century landatmosphere interactions in the Arctic: B Smith, W Zhang, P A Miller
10:50 A.M. AS32A-02 A stand-alone demography and landscape
structure module for Earth system models: integration with forest
inventory data, and impact on land-atmosphere exchange:
V E Haverd, B Smith, L P Nieradzik, P Briggs
11:10 A.M. AS32A-03 Exploring interflow – soil moisture – climate
linkages: Case study for northeast Canada: O Huziy, L Sushama
11:30 A.M. AS32A-04 Snow-atmosphere coupling over North
America in the fifth generation of the Canadian Regional Climate
Model (CRCM5): G T Diro, L Sushama, O Huziy
12:10 P.M. AS32A-06 Implementation of Dynamic Rooting Depth
and Phenology into a Land Surface Model: Evaluation of Carbon,
Water, and Energy fluxes for the High Latitude Ecosystems:
A K Jain, B El Masri
Room 512A/B/E/F
Wednesday, 10:30 A.M.
Nutrient Cycling in Wetlands and Aquatic Ecosystems II
Presiding: Julie Talbot, Université de Montréal; Tatjana Zivkovic,
McGill University; Roxane Maranger, Université de Montréal
10:30 A.M. B32A-01 Change in the Nitrogen Saturation Status
of Northern Temperate Forests - Will Lakes Face a More NitrogenLimited Future?: I F Creed, E M Enanga
11:00 A.M. B32A-02 Does climate change influence phosphorus
sources in lakes (internal versus external) and are they fuelling algal
blooms?: D Planas, S Paquet
11:15 A.M. B32A-03 N influence on the bacterial C cycling of a large
fluvial lake: D Nguyen, R Maranger
11:30 A.M. B32A-04 They are what We eat : Tracking incorporation
of sewage particulates into the food web of a large river ecosystem:
G Cabana, Y Paradis, L Farly, K Roach, I Villemure, H Glemet
11:45 A.M. B32A-05 Modeling algal toxin concentrations in
a changing world: the importance of cross-scale and spacetime interactions: Z E Taranu, I Gregory-Eaves, R Steele,
M Beaulieu, P Legendre
E Bennett, R Howarth
12:15 P.M. B32A-07 Nutrient Behavior at the Interface Between
Terrestrial and Aquatic Ecosystems : Vegetated Buffer Strips as a
Mean for Limiting Nutrient Leaching From Industrial Agricultural
Fields to Streams: Le comportement des nutriments à l'interface
entre les écosystèmes terrestres et aquatiques : Les bandes riveraines
végétalisées comme mesure d'atténuation des nutriments lessivés
depuis les champs sous culture intensive vers les ruisseaux: L HénaultEthier, M M Lucotte, M Labrecque
Room 513D-F
Wednesday, 10:30 A.M.
Urban Ecohydrology: Processes, Ecosystem Services, Models,
and Management I (joint with H)
Presiding: Stephen Oni, SLU Swedish University of Agricultural
Sciences Uppsala; Li Jin, SUNY Cortland; Theodore Endreny, SUNY
ESF; Charles Kroll, SUNY College of Environmental Science and
10:30 A.M. B32B-01 Watering Urban Vegetated Patches:
Computing Ecologically Useful Runoff Subsidy: C Tague,
C A Shields, C Bell
11:00 A.M. B32B-02 Valuation of Five Water-related Ecosystem
Services in the Grand River Watershed: T Aziz, P Van Cappellen
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
11:15 A.M. B32B-03 Urban Development Effects on Water Quality
and Quantity in Southern Ontario Watersheds: C Eimers
11:45 A.M. B32B-04 Estimates of Chloride Storage Across a Gradient
of Urbanization in Watersheds in Southern Ontario, Canada: C
Oswald, S K Oni, C Wellen
12:00 P.M. B32B-05 Modeling of Combined Sewerage Overflow
Induced Escherichia Coli and Adenovirus Transport in Tokyo Bay: M
M M Islam
12:15 P.M. B32B-06 Analysis of Sewer Chokes Using GIS:
A Case Study Nairobi City Western Region: J K Ngaruiya
Room 511B
Wednesday, 10:30 A.M.
Science—It’s Not Just for Laboratories Anymore:
Communicating Relevant Science to Local Communities
Presiding: Olivia A.M.brogio, American Geophysical Union; Mary
Catherine Adams, American Geophysical Union
10:45 A.M. ED32A-02 Science at Phoenix ComiCon: Connecting
with a Science-Attuned Audience: L Horodyskyj, S I Walker,
J H Forrester
11:00 A.M. ED32A-03 Geoheritage Recognition in Canada and its
Role in Defining Global Geoparks: J Calder, G Nowlan
11:15 A.M. ED32A-04 The Climate Voices Science Speakers Network:
Connecting to Communities Through Non-partisan Conversations
about Climate: K Wegner, C Schmidt
11:30 A.M. ED32A-05 Digital Tools for Teaching and Learning
about Non-renewable Resources in the K-12 School System:
E Van der Flier-Keller, T Pelton, L Francis-Pelton
12:00 P.M. ED32A-07 What We Think About - When We Try Not To
Think About - Global Warming: The New Psychology of Climate
Science Communication: P E Stoknes
12:15 P.M. ED32A-08 The Ivory Tower of Song: Science and Live Arts
Performance: S M Beatty
Room 511C
Wednesday, 10:30 A.M.
Modern and Ancient Ice Streams and Their Megalineated
Beds I: Les courants glaciaires, anciens et modernes, et leur
empreinte géomorphologique (joint with MRG, PP, SG)
Presiding: Martin Ross, University of Waterloo; Nicholas Eyles,
University of Toronto
10:30 A.M. ES32A-01 The Geomorphology of Ice Stream Beds:
Recent Progress and Future Challenges: C Stokes, M Margold
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
10:50 A.M. ES32A-02 Streamlined Landforms in Sweden: Core
Types, Log-Normal Distributions and the Geomorphological
Continuum: T Dowling, M Spagnolo, P Moller
11:05 A.M. ES32A-03 Bed Deformation beneath the Baltic Ice
Stream, Southern Sweden: Implications for the evolution of the
subglacial system beneath short-lived, episodic ice streams:
N R Hopkins, E B Evenson, J Kleman, K P Kodama
11:35 A.M. ES32A-05 Using sediment provenance to study ice
streams in the Weddell Sea embayment of Antarctica: T Williams,
K Licht, S R Hemming, G Kuhn, T van de Flierdt, S A Brachfeld,
A Torfstein, J Smith, C D Hillenbrand, M Flowerdew, P Braddock
11:55 A.M. ES32A-06 Bedrock Streamlining in Palaeo-ice streams:
a Review of Bedrock Properties, Formation Mechanisms and
Glaciological Implications: M Krabbendam, N Eyles, N Putkinen,
T Bradwell
12:15 P.M. ES32A-07 Erosional Origin for Drumlins by Subglacial
Erodent Layers: A Tribological Model: N Eyles, S Sookhan, N Putkinen
Room 514A-C
Wednesday, 10:30 A.M.
Changing Cold Regions: Climate, Cryosphere, Hydrology,
Ecology IV (joint with AS, B)
Presiding: Chris DeBeer, University of Saskatchewan; Howard
Wheater, University of Saskatchewan; John Pomeroy, University of
Saskatchewan; Danny Marks, USDA Agriculture Research Serv
10:30 A.M. H32A-01 Hydrologic and Thermal Responses to Rapid
Retreat of a Lake-Terminating Glacier: R D Moore, L Bird, M Chernos,
A Moyer, M N Koppes
10:45 A.M. H32A-02 Geophysical Approaches to Improve Holocene
Ice Core-Based Hydroclimate Reconstructions in the Northeast
Pacific: K J Kreutz, S W Campbell, E C Osterberg, C P Wake, D Winski,
S G Roy, P O Koons, S A Arcone
11:00 A.M. H32A-03 Melt Processes at Glacier Margins: HighResolution Ground-Based IR Imagery in the Cordillera Blanca, Peru:
C Aubry-Wake, J M McKenzie, M Baraer, B G Mark, O Wigmore,
R Hellstrom
11:15 A.M. H32A-04 Post Peak Water in the Cordillera Blanca, Peru:
Toward a Redistribution of Water Resources: M Baraer, B G Mark,
J M McKenzie, K I Huh, O H Wigmore, A Fernandez
11:30 A.M. H32A-05 Using isotopic and geochemical tracers to
determine the contribution of glacier meltwater to streamflow in a
headwater catchment of Heihe River Basin, Northwestern China:
Q Chang, Z Sun, R Ma, X Long, Y Hu, J Li
11:45 A.M. H32A-06 The hydrology of biological hotspots in a
glacierized catchment: developing conceptual understanding of
spatiotemporal variation in water sources and flow paths:
M Grocott, N Kettridge, C Bradley, A Milner
12:00 P.M. H32A-07 Assembly of a twenty-year record of hourly
meteorological data for Peyto Glacier basin with modelled mass
balance and runoff time series: D S Munro
12:15 P.M. H32A-08 Developing a Glacier Hydrology Model for the
Canadian Rockies: D Pradhananga, J W Pomeroy, M N Demuth,
X Fang, T Brown
11:10 A.M. MD32A-03 Hydrothermal Influence on Zircon from the
Kiruna IOA Ores - A Comprehensive Geochemical Study of Zircon
Crystals from the Kiruna Iron Apatite Ore District in the Norrbotten
Region of Northern Sweden: C R Voisey, A Westhues, J M Hanchar,
G R Rossman
Wednesday, 10:30 A.M.
11:30 A.M. MD32A-04 Trace element systematics of footwall and
hanging wall alteration associated with volcanogenic massive
sulfide deposits of the Bathurst Mining Camp, Canada: developing
LA-ICP-MS methodology for phyllosilicates and its application as
geochemical vectoring tool in exploration: A Soltani Dehnavi,
D R Lentz, C R McFarlane
Interactions Between Aquifers and Surface Water Reservoirs:
New Approaches for Changing Conditions
Presiding: Marie Larocque, GEOTOP-UQAM; Jeffrey McKenzie,
McGill University; Stefan Broda, Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal
11:50 A.M. MD32A-05 In-situ LA-ICP-MS trace elemental analyses
of magnetite: the late Palaeoproterozoic SokomanIron Formation in
the Labrador Trough, Canada: D Chung, M F Zhou, J F Gao,
W T Chen
10:30 A.M. H32B-01 A survey of physically-based catchment-scale
modeling over the last half century: C Paniconi, M Putti
12:10 P.M. MD32A-06 Magnetite chemistry as a provenance
indicator in Archean metamorphosed sedimentary rocks:
Implications for mineral exploration: Q Duparc, S Dare,
P A Cousineau, J Goutier
Room 515A-C
10:50 A.M. H32B-02 Generalizing the Seepage Face Boundary
Condition: C Scudeler, D Pasetto, C Paniconi, M Putti
11:10 A.M. H32B-03 Improvement of Designs for Enhanced
Infiltration Rates in MAR (Managed Aquifer Recharge) Technique at
the Coastal Aquifers of South-Western Bangladesh: Improvement of
Designs for Enhanced Infiltration Rates in MAR (Managed Aquifer
Recharge) Technique at the Coastal Aquifers of South-Western
Bangladesh: N Nawrin
11:30 A.M. H32B-04 Multi-Observation Calibration of a Regional
Scale Groundwater Flow Model: S Gagné, M Larocque, D L Pinti,
M Saby, G Vautour, D Barnetche
11:50 A.M. H32B-05 Groundwater modeling of three hydrogeological
contexts on St-Lawrence Lowlands and Appalachian foothills
(southern Quebec, Canada): O Ferland, M Larocque, M Lamothe
12:10 P.M. H32B-06 Alberta’s 2013 flood: Response of a mountain
peatland: C Westbrook, A Bedard-Haughn
Room 510A
Wednesday, 10:30 A.M.
Use of Trace Elements in Minerals for Petrogenesis and
Exploration of Mineral Deposits II: Utilisation des éléments
traces dans les minéraux comme indicateur petrogénetique
et pour l’exploration minérale (joint with EP, VGP)
Presiding: Sarah Dare, University of Ottawa; Daniel LaytonMatthews, Queen’s University
10:30 A.M. MD32A-01 Applications and implications of trace
element chemistry and elemental mapping of ore minerals to
hydrothermal ore deposit discrimination and genetic models:
D Kontak
Room 510B
Wednesday, 10:30 A.M.
Enhancing Geoscientific Understanding of Marine and
Lacustrine Systems With Modern Seafloor Mapping
Techniques I (joint with MRG, PP, SG, S)
Presiding: Michael Lewis, ‘Geological Survey of Canada Atlantic,
Natural Resources Canada; John Hughes Clarke, University of New
Brunswick; Patrick Lajeunesse, Université Laval
10:30 A.M. Introductory Remarks
10:35 A.M. OS32A-01 Results from the first Topo-Bathymetric lidar
surveys of the Chiroptera II sensor: Improved geological mapping
and coastal hydroDynamic models: T L Webster, K McGuigan, N Crowell
10:55 A.M. OS32A-02 MorphoDynamics in Sediment-Starved InnerShelf Submarine Canyons (Pointe-des-Monts, Eastern Canada):
A Normandeau, P Lajeunesse, G St-Onge, P Francus, M Dietze,
D Bourgault
11:15 A.M. OS32A-03 Acoustic Imaging of the Transition from
Fluvial Suspension to Density Underflow on a Marine Delta Lip:
J E Hughes Clarke, P J Talling, M Cartigny
11:35 A.M. OS32A-04 Understanding Sediment Flux Through
Delta-top Channels Using Repetitive Multibeam and HydroDynamic
Modeling: D G Pratomo, J E Hughes Clarke
11:55 A.M. OS32A-05 Evidence for Subglacial Meltwater Floods
Through the Lake Ontario and Eastern Lake Erie Basins:
M C F Lewis, B J Todd
10:50 A.M. MD32A-02 Scheelite chemistry and its use as an
indicator mineral for hydrothermal ore deposits: R S Poulin,
D Kontak, A McDonald, B McClenaghan
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
12:15 P.M. Discussion
Room 510D
Wednesday, 10:30 A.M.
Using Paleoclimate Modeling and Data to Constrain Future
Predictions (joint with AS, OS)
Presiding: Gavin Schmidt, NASA/GISS; Bruno Tremblay, McGill
University; Julia Hargreaves, Blue Skies Research
10:30 A.M. PP32A-01 Opportunities and progress in constraining
future projections: G A Schmidt, A N LeGrande
10:45 A.M. PP32A-02 Anthropogenic carbon release rate unprecedented
throughout the Cenozoic: R E Zeebe, A J Ridgwell, J C Zachos
11:15 A.M. PP32A-04 Stability of the AMOC depends on the
background climate: A Hu, G A Meehl, A Abe-Ouchi
11:30 A.M. PP32A-05 Pliocene Climates and the Pliocene Model
Intercomparison Project: M A Chandler, A M Haywood, H J Dowsett,
A M Dolan, D B Rowley, A Abe-Ouchi, B L Otto-Bliesner, D J Lunt,
U Salzmann
11:45 A.M. PP32A-06 Volcanoes and Water Vapor Feedback in the
Past and Implications for the Future: A N LeGrande, K Tsigaridis,
S Bauer, G A Schmidt
12:00 P.M. PP32A-07 Using the Paleo-Record to Constrain Future
Arctic Climate Change from Global Climate Models: B Tremblay,
D B Huard, G A Schmidt, A de Vernal
12:15 P.M. PP32A-08 Using scaling fluctuation analysis to determine
the accuracy of climate records and multiproxy reconstructions and
the return periods of climate events: S Lovejoy
Room 511A
Wednesday, 10:30 A.M.
Seismic Structure and Dynamics of the North American
Cordillera I: Structure sismique et dynamique de la Cordillère
Nord-Américaine (joint with SE, T)
Presiding: Stephane Mazzotti, Universite Montpellier 2; Pascal
Audet, University of Ottawa
11:30 A.M. S32A-04 Strain transfer and partitioning across the
Yakutat collision in SW Yukon – SE Alaska: Indentor corner Dynamics:
S Mazzotti, A Marechal, J F Ritz, M A Ferry, J T Freymueller
11:50 A.M. S32A-05 The Development of Flat-Slab Subduction:
Implications for the Laramide Orogeny: C A Currie, S Liu
12:10 P.M. S32A-06 Seismic structure of the Haida Gwaii region
using tomography and multiple migration of OBS data: S Yelisetti,
M Riedel, G Spence
Room 511D
Wednesday, 10:30 A.M.
Gravity and Gravity Gradiometry: Instrumentation and
Presiding: Chris Nind, Self Employed; Peter Diorio, CGU
10:30 A.M. SE32A-01 Borehole Gravity Mining Applications Case
Studies: R Wasylechko
10:45 A.M. SE32A-02 The Walferdange Underground Laboratory
for GeoDynamics in Luxembourg: O Francis
11:00 A.M. SE32A-03 Using Airborne Gravimetry to Develop a
Geoid-based Vertical Datum for the U.S. with the Redefinition of the
American Vertical Datum (GRAV-D) Project: M Youngman, V A Childers,
T Damiani, S A Preaux, S A Holmes, C Weil
11:15 A.M. SE32A-04 Gravitational Wave Astronomy: Listening
To The Universe: G Hammond
11:30 A.M. SE32A-05 Recent Advances in the FG5 Absolute Gravity
Meter, Dynamic Gravity Meters, the Gphone, and Borehole Gravity:
Développements récents du gravimètre absolu FG5, des gravimètres
dynamiques, du gPhone et des sondes gravimétriques en forage:
T M Niebauer, A Hugill, R Billson, F Klopping, P MacQueen
11:45 A.M. SE32A-06 Gravity and Gravity Gradient Monitoring of
Fluid Migration in SAGD Reservoirs: A modeling study: A Braun,
E J Elliott
12:00 P.M. SE32A-07 Using Airborne Gravity Data to De-Risk
Petroleum Exploration in Frontier Areas: An Example from the CaucaPatia Basin of Colombia: D Westlund, M Argyle
12:15 P.M. SE32A-08 Kauring Test Range Airborne Gravity Comparisons
using AIRGrav Data Incorporating Measured Horizontal Components:
S Elieff, S Ferguson
10:30 A.M. S32A-01 Lower Crustal Detachment in the Cordillera
and Other Hot Backarcs: R D Hyndman
Room 510C
10:50 A.M. S32A-02 The role of a sharp cratonic keel edge for
lithospheric delamination and rapid orogenic plateau uplift,
Canadian Cordillera: D W S Eaton, X Bao, B Guest
Wednesday, 10:30 A.M.
11:10 A.M. S32A-03 Lithospheric Structure Across the Northern
Canadian Cordillera from Teleseismic Receiver Functions:
A Ashoori Pareshkoohi, P Audet
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
Energetic Particle Precipitation Mechanisms and Effects in the
Magnetosphere-Ionosophere System I
Presiding: Allison Jaynes, University of Colorado at Boulder;
Maria Usanova, University of Colorado at Boulder; Lauren Blum,
University of California, Berkeley; Larry Kepko, NASA GSFC
10:30 A.M. SPA32A-01 Simulations of the Dynamics of the
Radiation Belts using VERB 4D Diffusion-convection code:
Y Shprits, A C Kellerman, A Drozdov, K Orlova
12:15 P.M. VGP32A-08 Minor Ultramafic-mafic Intrusions of
Devonian Altai-Sayan LIP (South Siberia): Petrogenesis and Ore
Potential: A Vishnevskiy, A Izokh, G Polyakov, M Cherdantseva
10:50 A.M. SPA32A-02 Observations of a Global Coherence Scale
Modulating Electron Loss Due to Plasmaspheric Hiss: A W Breneman
Room 511E
11:10 A.M. SPA32A-03 Electron and proton precipitation during a
solar storm: Observations of a SEP and CME-shock arrival by BARREL:
A Halford
Wednesday, 10:30 A.M.
11:25 A.M. SPA32A-04 Precipitating Solar Energetic Particles and
Higher Latitude Geomagnetic Environment: S C Tripathi, P K Purohit,
P A Khan, A K Gwal
11:40 A.M. SPA32A-05 Particle Precipitation in the ThermosphereIonosphere: S C Solomon
12:00 P.M. SPA32A-06 Chorus intensity modulation driven by
time-varying field-aligned low-energy plasma: W Li, T Nishimura,
J Bortnik, J Liang, R M Thorne, L R Lyons, V Angelopoulos, O Le
Contel, H U Auster, J W Bonnell
12:20 P.M. Discussion
Room 511F
Wednesday, 10:30 A.M.
Chemical Scene Investigation of Large Igneous Provinces
Presiding: Richard Ernst, Carleton University; Cole Kingsbury,
Carleton University; Pete Hollings, Lakehead University
10:30 A.M. VGP32A-01 Changes in the Thermal and Compositional
Structure of the Earth’s Mantle, High-Mg LIP Magmatism, and
Magmatic Ni-Cu-PGE Deposits Through Time: C M Lesher
10:45 A.M. VGP32A-02 A Petrogenetic Model for LREE-Enriched
Basalt and Gabbros in the Coldwell Alkaline Complex, Midcontinent
Rift, Ontario: D J Good, P N Hollings, C M Robert, D E ames
11:00 A.M. VGP32A-03 Black Thor Intrusive Complex in the 2.7 Ga
McFaulds Greenstone belt, Superior Province: a feeder system of an
Archean Large Igneous Province?: H J E Carson, C M Lesher, M G Houlé
11:15 A.M. VGP32A-04 Mafic-UltrA.M.afic Magmatism in the Bird
River/Uchi/Oxford-Stull/La Grande-Eastmain Superdomain: Potential
Remnants of Meso- and Neoarchean LIPs in the Northern Superior
Province: M G Houlé, C M Lesher, V McNicoll, T Metsaranta,
A A Sappin, J Goutier, V Bécu, P Gilbert
11:30 A.M. VGP32A-05 Hf Isotope Constraints on the Origin of the
Bushveld Magmatic Province: N A Zirakparvar, E A Mathez
11:45 A.M. VGP32A-06 Tapping of the Bushveld magma chamber:
Experiments on the parental magma to the Upper Zone: B Charlier,
S Hövelmann, O Namur, A Stechern, F Holtz
12:00 P.M. VGP32A-07 Geochemistry of small differentiated
intrusions and associated large igneous provinces: controls on the
formation of magmatic sulfide ore deposits: P C Lightfoot
Geological and Environmental Applications of Portable XRF I
(joint with EP, MRG, MD, SE)
Presiding: L Bedard, Universite du Quebec a Chicoutimi; Robert
Linnen, University of Western Ontario; Kim Esbensen, Geological
Surey of Denmark and Greeland
10:30 A.M. VGP32B-01 Get Good Data: Establishing Optimal
Measurement Precision and Practical Detection Limits for Portable
XRF: P van Geffen, C Collins
10:45 A.M. VGP32B-02 Combining pXRF Analysis with pXRD Data
Provides Truly Quantitative and Qualitative Sample Characterisation:
Y Uvarova, J Cleverley, A Baensch
11:00 A.M. VGP32B-03 Assessing the Interpretability of Soil
Geochemical Surveys from Site Duplicate Sampling: Measures and
Metrics: C Beaudry
11:15 A.M. VGP32B-04 HH-XRF: A decision tool for exploration
success, the example from Sirios’ gold Cheechoo project: XRFportatif: Un outil décisionnel et un exemple d’application sur un
succès d’exploration: La Découverte de Ressources Sirios sur le projet
aurifère Cheechoo: R Réjean, D Doucet
11:30 A.M. VGP32B-05 The Application of pXRF and benchtop
SEM (bSEM) to Characterize the Igneous Stratigraphy and Cu-Pd
Mineralization in the Eastern Gabbro, Coldwell Alkaline Complex: Y
Cao, R Linnen, D J Good, I M Samson, M J Brzozowski
11:45 A.M. VGP32B-06 Comparison of portable XRF performance
on unprepared drill cores and on powders for “whole rock” analysis:
A Bourke, P S Ross
12:00 P.M. VGP32B-07 Handheld XRF for quartz quality control for
ferrosilicon industry: L P Bedard, D Desroches, S Lemieux,
K H Esbensen
Wednesday P.M.
Room 510D
Wednesday, 2:00 P.M.
Exploring the Subsurface Through Scientific Drilling:
Contributions From ICDP and IODP I
Presiding: Pierre Francus, GEOTOP; Guillaume St-Onge, University
of Quebec at Rimouski UQAR; Anne de Vernal, University of
Quebec at Montreal UQAM
2:00 P.M. U33A-01 The new Science Plan of ICDP: Achievements and
Challenges in Continental Scientific Drilling: U Harms
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
2:15 P.M. U33A-02 Scientific Achievements of the Integrated Ocean
Drilling Program (2003-2013) and International Ocean Discovery
Program (2013-present): K Becker
3:45 P.M. AS33A-08 Changes in the stratospheric composition
during the major stratospheric warming of 2013: O Nath,
S Sridharan
2:30 P.M. U33A-03 The Need for IODP in the Arctic Ocean: D C Mosher
Room 515A-C
2:45 P.M. U33A-04 Integrating IODP-ICDP Drilling On The MidAtlantic U.S. Margin With Deep Sea Isotopic Records: Tectonics
Or Eustasy?: K G Miller, G S Mountain, M A Kominz, J V Browning,
J D Wright, R E Kopp III
3:00 P.M. U33A-05 IODP-ICDP Expedition 364: Drilling Chicxulub,
the K-Pg impact structure: R A F Grieve, J V Morgan, S Gulick,
J U Fucugauchi, L L Perez-Cruz, M Rebolledo-Vieyra
3:15 P.M. U33A-06 The Paleomagnetic Record of Continental and
Ocean Drilling: The Only way Forward: J S Stoner
3:30 P.M. U33A-07 From Patagonia to Tasmania: Paleo- and
Environmental Magnetism of Long Continental Records in the
Southern Hemisphere: De la Patagonie a la Tasmanie: magnetisme
environmental et paleomagnetisme de longues sequences
sedimentaires dans l’hemisphere sud: A Lisé-Pronovost,
M S Fletcher, G St-Onge, A I Herries, P Francus, B Zolitschka
3:45 P.M. U33A-08 Geophysical Studies of a Deep Borehole in the
Canadian Shield in NE Alberta: D R Schmitt, J Chan, J Kueck,
M Malehmir, I Moeck, T Chacko, R Kofman, G Nieuwenhuis,
T Wiersberg, J A Majorowicz, M J Unsworth
Room 513D-F
Wednesday, 2:00 P.M.
Convective Cloud Processes I
Presiding: Michael Jensen, Brookhaven National Laboratory;
Pavlos Kollias, McGill University; Virendra Ghate, Argonne
National Laboratory
2:00 P.M. AS33B-01 Effects of Increased Horizontal and Vertical Grid
Spacing on Mixing in a Simulated Continental Squall Line:
Z J Lebo, H Morrison
2:15 P.M. AS33B-02 Data Assimilation and Simulation of Mesoscale
Convective Systems Associated with Squalls: M K Das, M A M
Chowdhury, S Das
2:30 P.M. AS33B-03 Upscale feedbacks associated with supercellular
thunderstorms Sampled during MPEX: R J Trapp,
J Woznicki, M E Baldwin
2:45 P.M. AS33B-04 Using Radar Observations to Understand
Detrainment and Entrainment Processes in Deep Convection:
G L Mullendore, N Carletta, M Starzec
Wednesday, 2:00 P.M.
3:00 P.M. AS33B-05 The DYMECS project: A statistical approach for
the evaluation of convective storms in high-resolution NWP models:
T H M Stein, R J Hogan, P Clark, C Halliwell, K Hanley,
H Lean, J Nicol, R Plant
Atmospheric Sciences General Contributions III
Presiding: Athanasios Nenes, Georgia Institute of Technology
3:15 P.M. AS33B-06 Untangling microphysical impacts on moist
convection applying a novel modeling methodology: W Grabowski
2:00 P.M. AS33A-01 Sedimentation for 2-moments microphysics
models: How to make it fast, interactive, and avoid excessive size
sorting: Un nouveau schéma de sédimentation pour les modèles
microphysiques à deux moments numériquement économique,
interactif et sans accroissement excessif de la taille des particules: F
3:30 P.M. AS33B-07 Impacts of Updraft Size and Dimensionality on
Cumulus Vertical Velocities: Implications for “Convection-permitting”
Models and Convection Schemes: H Morrison
2:15 P.M. AS33A-02 Wind and sea waves analysis for the Greek area
with application to renewable energy: G Emmanouil
Room 513A-C
2:30 P.M. AS33A-03 The Response of Ionospheric Currents to the
Sudden Stratospheric Warming Events Over Africa: O P Owolabi,
S O Bolaji, E O Oyeyemi, Y Yamazaki, D Okoh, A B Rabiu,
A Yoshikawa
Wednesday, 2:00 P.M.
2:45 P.M. AS33A-04 Occurrence of scintillation over Lagos within
equatorial anomaly: O O Afolabi Jr
3:00 P.M. AS33A-05 Application of Recurrence Quantification
Analysis (RqA) to Climatic Studies: S T Ogunjo, I A Fuwape, J B Dada
3:30 P.M. AS33A-07 Causative Mechanisms of Low-Latitude
Mesospheric Inversion Layers: K RA.M.esh, S Sridharan, S Vijaya
Bhaskara Rao
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
3:45 P.M. AS33B-08 Testing Convective Closures Using Cloud
Resolving Model Simulations: G J Zhang, S Ettammal, R Cheng
Land-Atmosphere Interactions: From Models and
Observations III (joint with H)
Presiding: Gulilat Tefera Diro, University of Quebec at Montreal
UQAM; Laxmi SushA.M.a, University of Quebec at Montreal
UQAM; Alvaro Montenegro, The Ohio State University; Patrick
Samuelsson, Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute
2:00 P.M. AS33C-01 On the Impact of Land Use and Land Cover
Change on the West African Monsoon: Approach and Results from
the WAMME Inter-comparison Project: A A Boone, Y Xue, C Ruth, F De
Sales, S M Hagos, S P P Mahanama, I Sanda, K Schiro, G Song,
G Wang, R D Koster, C R Mechoso
2:20 P.M. AS33C-02 Any Way the Wind Blows does Really Matter to
Ecosystem Water Use Efficiency: N Montaldo, R Oren
3:45 P.M. B33A-08 Challenges and Opportunities for Mitigating N2O
Emissions In Fertilized Cropping Systems: R T Venterea
2:40 P.M. AS33C-03 First Estimates of Continental Energy Storage from
CMIP5 Simulations: F J Cuesta-Valero, A García-García, H Beltrami
Room 511C
3:00 P.M. AS33C-04 Climate/Hydrology Sensitivity to Frozen Soil
Parameterization: A Ganji, L Sushama
Wednesday, 2:00 P.M.
3:20 P.M. AS33C-05 Mechanism behind the spring to summer
drought memory and its impact on predictability of the summer
drought over US Great Plains: R Fu
Life on the Fringe: The Starving Majority I
Presiding: Philippe Van Cappellen, University of Waterloo;
Christina Smeaton, University of Waterloo; Sean Crowe, University
of British Columbia; Doug LaRowe, University of Southern
3:40 P.M. AS33C-06 Seasonal and Diurnal Changes in Soil and
Ground Water at a Mixed Forest at Borden Ontario: N Froelich,
R M Staebler, P A Bartlett
Room 512A/B/E/F
Wednesday, 2:00 P.M.
Can We Differentiate the Effects of Climate and Management
Practices on Nitrous Oxide Emissions From Agricultural Land?
I: Peut-on Différencier les Effets des Pratiques Culturales de
Ceux du Climat sur les Émissions d’Oxyde Nitreux d’Origine
Agricole? (joint with AS)
Presiding: Elizabeth Pattey, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada;
Eric Davidson, University of Maryland Center (UMCES) for
Environmental Science
2:00 P.M. B33A-01 Challenges in Disentangling the Links Between
Weather and Management Effects on Nitrous Oxide Emissions in
Cold Climates: C Wagner-Riddle, S Brown, D Abalos
2:15 P.M. B33A-02 Separating the interacting effects of climate,
fertilization and crop on N2O emissions: Results from a 4-year multisite field study of energy crops fertilized with fermentation residues in
Germany: U Hagemann, S Fiedler, G Heintze,
M Rohwer, M Pohl, M Andres, J Augustin
2:30 P.M. B33A-03 Separating Weather and Management Effects on
Nitrous Oxide Emissions for a Cropping System in Manitoba:
M Tenuta, X Gao, B D Amiro, C Wagner-Riddle
2:45 P.M. B33A-04 Interaction between Synthetic N Fertilization and
Rainfall on Nitrous Oxide Emissions in Spring Wheat Fields Measured
using Flux Towers and Estimated using DNDC and STICS Models:
C Gaudnik, E Pattey, W Smith, B Grant, J Leonard
3:00 P.M. B33A-05 Opportunities and Challenges for Characterizing
the Impact of Agricultural Management on Nitrous Oxide Emissions
Using Two Prominent GHG Models: W Smith, B Grant, E Pattey,
R Desjardins, B Dutta, M Tenuta, C Wagner-Riddle
3:15 P.M. B33A-06 Long-term nitrous oxide (N2O) fluxes in the upper
Midwest USA: A comparison between annual and perennial systems:
I Gelfand, I Shcherbak, N Millar, A N Kravchenko, G P Robertson
3:30 P.M. B33A-07 Does Meta-analysis Adequately Assess the
Interaction of the 4Rs of Crop Nutrition with Climate and Other
Factors Impacting Nitrous Oxide Emissions?: C S Snyder, T Bruulsema
2:00 P.M. B33B-01 Microbial Community Function at the Extremes:
Isotopic Constraints on Carbon Sources and Cycling of Endolithic
Communities in Extreme Environments: G Slater
2:30 P.M. B33B-02 Metabolic energy-based invasibility of
methanotrophic life on Mars: M Seto, K Noguchi
2:45 P.M. B33B-03 Microbial Energetics and Redox Conditions
within a Groundwater Flow Field of a Pristine Oligotrophic Aquifer:
F G Ferris, V Shirokova
3:00 P.M. B33B-04 Is There Photoferrotrophy In The Anoxic
Hypolimnia Of Boreal Shield Lakes?: S L Schiff, J J Venkiteswaran,
L A Molot, L Wu, R J Elgood, P Aukes, M J Paterson, J D Neufeld
3:15 P.M. B33B-05 Long-range correlations in redox potential
distinguish bacterial ferrous iron oxidation: A M Enright, P A Hunt, I
Bilot, J B Percival, F G Ferris
3:30 P.M. B33B-06 Development of a Genome-Informed Trait-Based
Model for Microbial Biogeochemistry within Terrestrial and Aquatic
Ecosystems: E King, S Molins, U Karaoz, J N Johnson, N Bouskill,
L A Hug, B C Thomas, C J Castelle, H R Beller, J F Banfield,
C I Steefel, E Brodie
3:45 P.M. B33B-07 Bioenergetic Limitations on Slow Microbial
Growth in the Subsurface: What is the Burden of Maintenance on the
Overall Energy Budget?: C M Smeaton, B M Bajracharya, C Ridenour,
C T Parsons, P Van Cappellen
Room 511B
Wednesday, 2:00 P.M.
New and Emerging Techniques in Geomorphology I (joint
with B, P)
Presiding: Chris Hugenholtz, University of Calgary; Ian Walker,
University of Victoria
2:00 P.M. ES33A-01 Integrative Application of Traditional and
Cutting-edge Techniques to Reconstruct Holocene Earth Surface
Processes and Landscape Dynamics – A Case Study from the North
German Lowland: T A Raab, A Raab, M Takla, A Nicolay, F Hirsch,
A Schneider, H Rösler
2:20 P.M. ES33A-02 Tectono-geomorphology of the Timiskaming
Graben, Western Quebec Seismic Zone: K E Wallace, N Eyles,
M Doughty
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
2:40 P.M. ES33A-03 Spatial extent of intermediate-time scale
vertical tectonic motions across the eastern Zagros, Iran: B Oveisi,
P Van Der Beek, J Carcaillet
3:00 P.M. ES33A-04 Examining Interactions Between Large Woody
Debris, Beach-dune MorphoDynamics and Shoreline Positions Using
Remotely Sensed Data: I J Walker, M J Grilliot, J B Eamer
3:20 P.M. ES33A-05 MorphoDynamics of the Liwa Megabarchans as
a Titan Analog: Reworking of Giant Linear Dunes by Unidirectional
Winds: R D Lorenz, J Radebaugh
Room 514A-C
3:20 P.M. MD33A-05 Contribution to Geologic and metallogenic
study of Bakoudou golden ore deposits (Gabon): Contribution
à l’étude géologique et métallogénique du gisement aurifère de
Bakoudou (Gabon): W Amina, T Kalidou, S Ali, N M Nazaire
3:40 P.M. MD33A-06 REE, Y, Zr, and Nb Mineralogy of the Neoproterozoic
Rift-related Robertson River Igneous Suite, Northern Virginia, USA: H
E Belkin
Room 510B
Wednesday, 2:00 P.M.
Wednesday, 2:00 P.M.
General Session: Ocean Sciences IV
Presiding: Margaret Mulholland, Old Dominion Univ
General Hydrology IV
Presiding: Daniel Peters, Environment Canada; William Quinton,
Wilfrid Laurier University
2:00 P.M. OS33A-01 Synchronized trend shift of Sahel rainfall with
global oceanic evaporation occurred in the mid-1980s: A Diawara, Y
Tachibana, K Oshima, H Nishikawa, Y Ando, G Ogata, K Komatsu
2:00 P.M. H33A-01 An Assessment of Past and Projected Future
Hydro-Climatic Extremes over Key Watersheds within Western
Canada: B R Bonsal, C Cuell
2:15 P.M. OS33A-02 Wave scattering by randomly distributed ice
floes: diffusion approximation: X Zhao, S Cheng, H H Shen
2:15 P.M. H33A-02 Threshold Responses in Regional Runoff from a
Heterogeneous Low Relief Terrain – Western Canada’s Boreal Plains:
K J Devito, K J Hokanson, P Moore, A Anderson, N Kettridge,
C A Mendoza, R M Petrone, U Silins, J M Waddington
2:30 P.M. H33A-03 Adding contaminant transport capabilities to
the Raven hydrological modelling framework: J R Craig, M Shafiei
2:45 P.M. H33A-04 State of Flood Forecasting in Canada:
P D Coulibaly, P F Rasmussen, D H Burn, A Pietroniro
3:00 P.M. Woo Lecture
Room 510A
Wednesday, 2:00 P.M.
Alkaline/Subalkaline Mafic and Felsic Magmatism and Related
Mineralization in Continental Margin and Intracontinental
Rifting Settings I (joint with VGP)
Presiding: Daniel Kontak, Laurentian University; Anton
Chakhmouradian, University of Manitoba
2:00 P.M. MD33A-01 Alkali Carbonatite Melt Inclusions in Volcanic
Carbonatites from Kerimasi Volcano, Tanzania: R H Mitchell
2:20 P.M. MD33A-02 Mineralogy, Geochemistry REE bearing
Alkaline Plutons in and around Ananthapur and Chittor districts,
Andhra Pradesh, India: R Pvs
2:40 P.M. MD33A-03 The Petrosomatic Evolution of Magmatic
Rocks through Distinct Mantle Pulses: Insights from Montviel Alkaline
Complex, Canada: O Nadeau, M Jebrak, R Stevenson
3:00 P.M. MD33A-04 Intrusion-related Pb-Zn sulfide veins associated
with an Acadian strike-slip regime in the Nicholas-Denys property,
Bathurst mining Camp, Canada: C McMillan, A Tremblay, D Gagné
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
2:30 P.M. OS33A-03 Sensitivity analysis of the viscoelastic wave-inice model: J Li, S Mondal, H H Shen
2:45 P.M. OS33A-04 Characterizing the behavior of gravity wave
propagation into a floating or submerged viscous layer: S Cheng,
H H Shen
3:00 P.M. OS33A-05 Characteristics and changes of sea-ice floe size
distribution in Chukchi and Beaufort Seas in fall 2014: Y Wang,
B Holt, W Rogers, J Thomson, H H Shen
3:15 P.M. OS33A-06 Adrift in a Sea of Possibilities: The Alarming
Rate of Plastic Degradation in Marine Environments: H Sullivan,
S A Macko
3:30 P.M. OS33A-07 Impact of multidecadal Atlantic meridional
overturning circulation variations on the Southern Ocean:
L Zhang, T L Delworth
3:45 P.M. OS33A-08 Investigation of Intertidal Flats with Multiple
Freuqency Fully-Polarimetric SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar):
W M Moon, J Yin, D J Kim, K A Park
Room 511A
Wednesday, 2:00 P.M.
Banded Iron Formation: Ancient Environments to Ore
Deposits (joint with B, MRG, MD, SG)
Presiding: Christopher Lawley, Natural Resources of Canada; Kurt
Konhauser, University of Alberta
2:00 P.M. PG33A-01 Depositional Setting of Algoma-type Banded
Iron Formation from the Meadowbank, Meliadine and Musselwhite
gold deposits: B Gourcerol, P C Thurston, D Kontak, O Côté
Mantha, J Biczok
2:15 P.M. PG33A-02 Lateral Geochemical Gradients and Physical
Processes Associated with the Genesis of Iron Formations: Examples
from the Paleoproterozoic to Mesoarchean of Superior Province:
P W Fralick
2:30 P.M. PG33A-03 IF, GIF, and two BIF in northwest Canada:
time-space relationships and depositional environments: L Ootes,
K Konhauser, R Haugaard II, A Bekker, E Pecoits, N Aubet
2:45 P.M. PG33A-04 Detailed Geochemistry and Nd isotopes of
a 2.85 Ga old BIF from the Slave Craton: Unraveling the Seawater
Sources and Precipitation of Iron and Silica in BIF Formation:
R Haugaard II, L Ootes, R A Creaser, K Konhauser
3:00 P.M. PG33A-05 The Mobility Of Biologically Critical Transition
Metals Following Simulated Iron Formation Diagenesis: Zinc and
Nickel: L J Robbins, S Lalonde, E Swanner, M Eickhoff,
C T Reinhard, C Peacock, A Kappler, K Konhauser
3:15 P.M. PG33A-06 Did Archean mantle plume events stimulate or
limit marine productivity?: A Bekker
3:30 P.M. PG33A-07 Precambrian Secular Evolution of Oceanic
Nickel Concentrations: K Konhauser, E Pecoits, C Peacock,
L J Robbins, A Kappler, S Lalonde
3:45 P.M. PG33A-08 Exploring Relationships Between the Chemical
Evolution of the Atmosphere-Ocean System and the Secular
Variation in BIF-hosted Gold Deposits: C A Partin
Room 510C
Wednesday, 2:00 P.M.
Silicate Weathering Through Earth History I
Presiding: Eric Galbraith, McGill University; Grant Cox, McGill University
2:00 P.M. PP33A-01 Wandering, uplifting, and eroding continents:
impact on silicate weathering and carbon cycle: Des continents qui
se errent, se soulèvent et s’érodent : conséquences pour l’altération
des silicates et le cycle du carbone: Y Godderis, Y Donnadieu, S
Carretier, G P Halverson
2:30 P.M. PP33A-02 Continental Magmatic Arcs as Drivers of
Neoproterozoic and Phanerozoic Icehouse-Greenhouse Transitions:
R McKenzie, B K Horton, D F Stockli, S E Loomis
2:45 P.M. PP33A-03 Coupled tectonic-ocean-atmosphereweathering-pCO2 feedback as a trigger for Eocene-Oligocene
Antarctic glaciation: G Elsworth, E D Galbraith, G P Halverson
3:00 P.M. PP33A-04 Testing for supply-limited and kinetic-limited
chemical erosion in field measurements of regolith production and
chemical depletion: K Ferrier, C S Riebe, W J Hahm
3:30 P.M. PP33A-05 The Importance of Terrestrial Weathering for
Climate System Modelling on Extended Timescales: A Study with the
UVic ESCM: M O Brault, L A Mysak, D Matthews, C T Simmons
3:45 P.M. PP33A-06 Global carbon burial in deep-sea sediment
across the last glacial cycle based on a comprehensive sediment
proxy database: O A Cartapanis, E D Galbraith, D Bianchi
SE33A 511D
Wednesday, 2:00 P.M.
Mantle Dynamics From the Surface to Core: Continuing the
Themes of CIG’s 2014 Joint Meeting With the CGU I (joint with P, T)
Presiding: Julian Lowman, University of Toronto; Claudia Stein,
University of Munster
2:00 P.M. SE33A-01 Evolution and structure of Mercury’s interior
from MESSENGER observations: N Tosi
2:15 P.M. SE33A-02 Early geoDynamic evolution of Mars-type
planets with core-mantle coupling: S Zhang, C O’Neill
2:30 P.M. SE33A-03 Mantle Viscosity: S D King
2:45 P.M. SE33A-04 Long Mantle Mixing Times for the early Earth Inferred
from Convection Models with Grain-Damage: B J Foley, H Rizo
3:00 P.M. SE33A-05 The Influence of Subduction and Mantle
Rheology on the Position of Large Igneous Provinces Following
Supercontinent Formation: P J Heron, J P Lowman, C Stein
3:15 P.M. SE33A-06 Seismic and GeoDynamic Constraints on
Lower-Mantle LSVP: Implications for Mantle Upwellings: A M Forte, P
Glisovic, D B Rowley, N A Simmons, S P Grand, C Lu
3:30 P.M. SE33A-07 Constraining the Lithosphere-Asthenosphere
Coupling from GeoDynamical Modeling Based on Tomography
Models over the North American continent: C M Adam, S D King, M
J Caddick
3:45 P.M. SE33A-08 The Effects of Internal Heating Rate, Rayleigh
Number and Plate Representation on the Preponderance of Couette
and Poisseuille Flows in the Asthenosphere: S L Butler, C Shiels
Room 511E
Wednesday, 2:00 P.M.
General Contribution: Tectonophysics I (joint with G, S, SE, VGP)
Presiding: Yajing Liu, McGill University; Yajing Liu, McGill University
2:00 P.M. T33A-01 Did the Black Sea Basin opened on top of a Slab
Window during the Early Cretaceous? New insight from 10 years of
studies in the Eastern Black Sea and Caucasus Regions.: M M Sosson
2:15 P.M. T33A-02 The Eastern Black sea rifting and inversion:
insights on the tectonic evolution of Crimea according to new
stratigraphic data: Y Y Sheremet, M M Sosson, O B Gintov,
C Muller, T Yegorova, A V Murovskaya
2:30 P.M. T33A-03 The Grabens, Canyonlands National Park, Utah:
Gravity Slide of the Paradox: E M R Paguican, M I Bursik
2:45 P.M. T33A-04 Two earthquake sequences along the Selaha
and Zheduotang branches of the Xianshuihe fault, southwest China,
and implication for aseismic transient slip on continental transform
faults: G Jiang, Y Wen, Y Liu, X Xu, L Fang
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
3:00 P.M. T33A-05 AMS Investigation in the Pingluoba and Qiongxi
Anticlines, Sichuan, China: Implications for Deformation Mechanism
of the Qiongxi Structure: L Luo, J Qi, M Zhang
3:15 P.M. T33A-06 3-D seismic velocity structure of Kumaon-Garhwal
Himalaya: Insight in to Main Himalayan Thrust and earthquake
occurrence: P Mahesh, S Gupta, S S Rai, A Paul
3:30 P.M. T33A-07 Soil Gas Profiling as a Tool to Delineate Some
Active Faults in NW Himalayas, India: S Mahajan, B S Bajwa,
A Kumar, S Singh, V Walia, T F Yang
Room 511F
Wednesday, 2:00 P.M.
Origin of Cratonic Mantle Lithosphere, Diamonds, and Deeply
Sourced Volatile-Rich Melts: Processes and Timescales I (joint
with MD, PG, SE, T)
Presiding: Sebastian Tappe, De Beers Group Exploration; Yana
Fedortchouk, Dalhousie University; Antonio Simonetti, University
of Notre Dame
2:00 P.M. VGP33A-01 New insights from modeling and geophysical
observations of cratonic mantle keels: D W S Eaton, T Maiti
2:15 P.M. VGP33A-02 Building Archean cratons from Hadean crust:
J O’Neil, R W Carlson
2:30 P.M. VGP33A-03 On the Archean vs. Proterozoic age of the
HIMU mantle component : New 33S/32S, 34S/32S, 36S/32S-data from
Saint-Helena glasses: P Cartigny, J Labidi, C W Devey, M G Jackson,
E Thomassot, E Deloule
2:45 P.M. VGP33A-04 Mineralogical Controls on Garnet Composition
in the Cratonic Mantle: M G Kopylova, P J A Hill, K Russell, H Cookenboo
3:00 P.M. VGP33A-05 The Dissolution of Orthopyroxene in Potential
Proto-kimberlitic Melts between 2.5 and 6.0 GPa: R S Stone, R W Luth
3:15 P.M. VGP33A-06 The Effect of emplacement-style on the
assimilation of evaporite xenoliths in kimberlite melt: M A Gaudet,
M G Kopylova, S I Kostrovitsky, A G Polozov
3:30 P.M. VGP33A-07 Volatile composition during kimberlite
emplacement and mantle metasomatism: constrains from
diA.M.ond resorption morphology: Z Zhang, Y Fedortchouk,
J J Hanley
3:45 P.M. VGP33A-08 Exploring Relationships between Kimberlite
Distributions, Mantle Dynamics, and the Hypsometric History of the
North American Cratonic Interior: R M Flowers, A K Ault, S Zhong,
S A Bowring
Poster Hall 517B-D
Wednesday, 4:30 P.M.
Exploring the Subsurface Through Scientific Drilling:
Contributions From ICDP and IODP II PostersPresiding: Pierre
Francus, GEOTOP; Guillaume St-Onge, University of Quebec at
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
Rimouski UQAR; Anne de Vernal, University of Quebec at Montreal
4:30 P.M. U34A-0001 POSTER The solidification of obsidian glass
during drilling of the IDDP-1 drill hole: D B Dingwell, K U Hess,
F W von Aulock, Y Lavallée
4:30 P.M. U34A-0002 POSTER Towards an ICDP drilling at Lake
Nam Co (Tibet): T Haberzettl, G Daut, J Wang, L Zhu, T Kasper,
R Maeusbacher, P Frenzel, K R Reicherter, A Schwalb, V Spiess,
T Wilke
4:30 P.M. U34A-0003 POSTER Biostratigraphy, climate and ocean
changes in the Gulf of Alaska during the Plio- Pleistocene: C Zorzi, A
de Vernal
Room 513 A-C
Wednesday, 4:30 P.M.
Plenary Session: Melt to glass: a peculiar transition and the
rise of experimental volcanology
Presiding: R Peterson
4:30 P.M. Introductory Remarks: R Peterson
4:33 P.M. Peacock Lecture: D B Dingwell
Poster Hall 517B-D
Wednesday, 4:30 P.M.
Land-Atmosphere Interactions: From Models and
Observations Posters (joint with H)
Presiding: Gulilat Tefera Diro, University of Quebec at Montreal
UQAM; Laxmi SushA.M.a, University of Quebec at Montreal
UQAM; Patrick SA.M.uelsson, Swedish Meteorological and
Hydrological Institute; Alvaro Montenegro, The Ohio State
4:30 P.M. AS34A-0004 POSTER Stochastic model real time
application for lightning alarm: A Srivastava, M Kumar
4:30 P.M. AS34A-0005 POSTER Biogeophysical Impacts of Land Use
Change over North America as Simulated by the Canadian Regional
Climate Model: A Chacon, L SushA.M.a, H Beltrami
4:30 P.M. AS34A-0006 POSTER Air and Ground Temperature
Coupling in the CMIP5 Model Simulations: A García-García,
F J Cuesta-Valero, H Beltrami
4:30 P.M. AS34A-0007 POSTER An integrated study on association
between aerosol vertical distribution and boundary layer Dynamics
over the central Himalayas in conjunction with numerical modeling:
R Solanki, N Singh, S K Dhaka, N Ojha
4:30 P.M. AS34A-0008 POSTER Terrain Induced Variability of Period
of Rotating Surface Winds: V Korolevych, R B Richardson,
N W Scheier, B L Reavie
4:30 P.M. AS34A-0009 POSTER Impacts of evapotranspiration
estimation on the hydrological modeling of a subarctic bog in
northern Quebec, Canada: P E Isabelle, D F Nadeau, A N Rousseau,
C Coursolle, H A Margolis
Poster Hall 517B-D
4:30 P.M. AS34A-0010 POSTER Intra and Inter Seasonal Variability
of Land-Atmosphere Coupling over North America: La variabilité
intra- et inter-saisonnière du couplage terre-atmosphère en
A.M.érique du Nord: G Yang Kam Wing, L Sushama, G T Diro
Can We Differentiate the Effects of Climate and Management
Practices on Nitrous Oxide Emissions From Agricultural
Land? II Posters: Peut-on Différencier les Effets des Pratiques
Culturales de Ceux du Climat sur les Émissions d’Oxyde
Nitreux d’Origine Agricole? (joint with AS)
Presiding: Elizabeth Pattey, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada;
Eric Davidson, University of Maryland Center (UMCES) for
Environmental Science
4:30 P.M. AS34A-0011 POSTER Wind Dependant High Concentration
of Fluorescent Biological Aerosol Particles at a High Altitude Site in
South India: A E Valsan, R R, B C V, J A Huffman, U Poeschl,
S S Gunthe
Wednesday, 4:30 P.M.
4:30 P.M. AS34A-0012 POSTER Impact of Interactive Vegetation
Phenology on the Simulated Pan-Arctic Land Surface State and
Climate for the Historical Period: B S Teufel, L Sushama
4:30 P.M. B34A-0048 POSTER Nitrous Oxide Emissions from
Irrigated Cotton in the Southwest USA: Assessment and Mitigation
Strategies.: K F Bronson, J Mon, D Hunsaker,
S Del Grosso
4:30 P.M. AS34A-0013 POSTER Strongly Stable Numerical Schemes
for Nonlinear Systems in the Atmospheric Boundary Layer: LandAtmosphere Heat Exchange and Diffusion: F Nazari, A Mohammadian,
M Charron, A Zadra
4:30 P.M. B34A-0049 POSTER Nitrous Oxide Emissions from
Cropland Soils with Different Management Regimes in Manitoba,
Canada: A J Glenn, A Roy, A Moulin, H F Wilson
4:30 P.M. AS34A-0014 POSTER Future Changes in Precipitation
Extreme Simulated by Regional Climate Model over South Asia:
P Dahal, N S Shrestha
4:30 P.M. B34A-0050 POSTER N2O emissions and N-Leaching from
Spring and Fall Applications of Digestate, Raw Dairy Manure and
Urea: E A Schwager, A VanderZaag, C Wagner-Riddle, A Crolla,
C Kinsley, E Gregorich
4:30 P.M. AS34A-0015 POSTER Impact of land-use and land-cover
changes on CRCM5 climate projections over North America for the
21st century: A Alexandru, L Sushama
4:30 P.M. AS34A-0016 POSTER Sensitivity of the WRF Regional
Model’s Land-Surface Schemes for South America: L P Illanes,
D Pozo, H Beltrami
4:30 P.M. B34A-0051 POSTER Low but variable nitrous oxide
emissions from rapeseed: Results from a two-year field experiment at
five sites in Germany: M Andres, H Hegewald, K Kesenheimer,
S Köbke, T Räbiger, T Suarez, R Fuss
4:30 P.M. B34A-0052 POSTER Effectiveness of 4R Mitigation
Practices to Reduce N2O Emissions of Corn Production Systems: A
Modelling Approach: D Abalos, L Wu, A Chemeris, C Wagner-Riddle
4:30 P.M. AS34A-0017 POSTER Influence of Sudden Stratospheric
Warming Events on Tropical Precipitation: Observational Analyses
and Comparison with GCM Simulations: S Bal, S Schimanke,
T Spangehl, U Cubasch
4:30 P.M. B34A-0053 POSTER Evaluating random error in longterm, multi-plot flux-gradient measurements of N2O emissions:
S E Brown, C Wagner-Riddle, M Sun
4:30 P.M. AS34A-0018 POSTER Is LCZ Classification is an Effective
Method to Quantify UHI Intensity than Environmental Parameters?:
G Thomas, Z E J
Poster Hall 517B-D
4:30 P.M. AS34A-0019 POSTER The linkage between soil moisture
and subsequent precipitation in southeastern South America:
R C Ruscica, A A Sorensson, C Menendez
4:30 P.M. AS34A-0020 POSTER Snow and Snow-Albedo Feedback
in the Canadian Regional Climate Model Simulations over North
America: B Fang, L Sushama, G T Diro
4:30 P.M. AS34A-0021 POSTER Climate impact on South America
due to land use degradation of Amazon rainforest during winter and
summer periods by RegCM3 model with different spatial resolutions:
M E S Silva, G Pereira
4:30 P.M. AS34A-0022 POSTER The Nexus between Adaptation
Strategies and Seedling Plastic Package Watse: The Case of North
Central Highland Region of Ethiopia: D B Gebeyehu
Wednesday, 4:30 P.M.
Frontiers in Sulphur Biogeochemistry Posters (joint with MD,
Presiding: Lesley Warren, McMaster University; Danielle Fortin,
Univ Ottawa
4:30 P.M. B34B-0054 POSTER Whole-Genome Shotgun Sequencing
Analysis of Microbial Communities within the Water System of a Base
Metal Mine: T Colenbrander Nelson, L A Warren
4:30 P.M. B34B-0055 POSTER Decrypting the sulfur cycle in oceanic
Oxygen Minimum Zones: S Crowe, D E Canfield, O Ulloa, J F Santibáñez,
R Cox
4:30 P.M. B34B-0056 POSTER Investigating the Spatiotemporal
Influence of 20th Century Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) Emissions From
Sudbury, Canada Smelters on Northeastern Ontario White Pine
(Pinus strobus) Growth Using Ring Width and Stable Carbon-13
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
(δ13C) and Sulfur-34 (δ34S) Isotope Ratio Measurements: Z Rawluk,
A Z Csank
4:30 P.M. B34B-0057 POSTER Sulphur Biogeochemistry: A Proactive
Monitoring Tool for Mine Waste Management: D Camacho, L A Warren
4:30 P.M. B34B-0058 POSTER Microbial bioleaching potential of
sulphide-rich tailings in northern environments: N C Mykytczuk
4:30 P.M. B34B-0059 POSTER Who controls the water: a
comprehensive investigation of the influence of specific sulphur
oxidizing bacteria on the sulphur cycle in oxidation reservoir:
D J Bennett
4:30 P.M. B34B-0060 POSTER Bioleaching of Arsenic-Rich Tailings
Material in Sudbury, Ontario: A Biogeochemical Analysis:
E Principe, M Schindler, G Spiers, N C Mykytczuk
Poster Hall 517B-D
Wednesday, 4:30 P.M.
Life on the Fringe: The Starving Majority II Posters
Presiding: Philippe Van Cappellen, University of Waterloo;
Christina Smeaton, University of Waterloo; Sean Crowe, University
of British Columbia; Doug LaRowe, University of Southern
4:30 P.M. B34C-0062 POSTER Modelling optimized allocation of
energy by microbes and their physiological state: B M Bajracharya,
C M Smeaton, O A Cirpka, C Lu, I Markelov, E Markelova, P Van
Poster Hall 517B-D
Wednesday, 4:30 P.M.
New Developments and New Directions in
Paleoenvironmental Studies of Wildfire in Canada Posters
Presiding: Ze’ev Gedalof, University of Guelph; Vanessa Stretch,
University of Guelph; Emma Davis, University of Guelph
4:30 P.M. B34D-0063 POSTER Regional paleofire regimes affected by
non-uniform climate, vegetation and human drivers: O Blarquez, A A
Ali, M P Girardin, P Grondin, B Fréchette, Y Bergeron, C Hély
4:30 P.M. B34D-0064 POSTER Analysis of a Multi-Millennial Fire
Record in a Bog Margin, Pointe-Escuminac, Eastern New Brunswick,
Canada.: A Robichaud, Y Bégin
4:30 P.M. B34D-0065 POSTER Climate Change, Wildfire, and
Landscape Homogenization in Western Canada: Z Gedalof,
L Daniels, E DaSilva, T Dinh, H Marcoux, V Stretch
4:30 P.M. B34D-0066 POSTER Using a multi-proxy approach in
fire history studies: Some advantages and challenges from Jasper
National Park: E Davis, M F Pisaric, C J Courtney Mustaphi,
J C Vermaire, K Moser
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
4:30 P.M. B34D-0067 POSTER Understanding Historic Wildfire
Dynamics in Jasper National Park Using Fire-Scar Dendroecology:
T Dinh, Z Gedalof, L Daniels
4:30 P.M. B34D-0068 POSTER Historical Wildfire Variability in the
Foothills of Alberta: A Dendropyrochronological Case Study:
V Stretch, Z Gedalof, L Daniels
Poster Hall 517B-D
Wednesday, 4:30 P.M.
Nutrient Cycling in Wetlands and Aquatic Ecosystems III
Presiding: Julie Talbot, Université de Montréal; Tatjana Zivkovic,
McGill University; Roxane Maranger, Université de Montréal
4:30 P.M. B34E-0069 POSTER Nutrient Addition Leads to Higher
Methane Emissions in a Boreal Bog in Response to Changes in
Vegetation and Microtopography: J L Bubier, T R Moore, V DeJesus
4:30 P.M. B34E-0070 POSTER Mycorrhizal Networks Inhibit
Decomposition in Boreal Bogs: N R Thorp, M A Vile, R K Wieder
4:30 P.M. B34E-0071 POSTER Sphagnum moss enzymatic activities
indicate nitrogen and phosphorus co-limitation in a pristine boreal
bog and poor fen: N N Kashi, R K Wieder
4:30 P.M. B34E-0072 POSTER Nutrient availability in the Mer Bleue
bog as indicated by Plant Root Simulator probes: M Wang, T R Moore,
J Talbot
Poster Hall 517B-D
Wednesday, 4:30 P.M.
Urban Ecohydrology: Processes, Ecosystem Services, Models,
and Management II Posters (joint with H)
Presiding: Stephen Oni, SLU Swedish University of Agricultural
Sciences Umeå; Li Jin, SUNY Cortland; Theodore Endreny, SUNY
ESF; Charles Kroll, SUNY College of Environmental Science and
4:30 P.M. B34F-0073 POSTER Effect of Urban Developments on the
Lake Simcoe Water Resources: S K Oni, M N Futter, J M Buttle,
P Dillon
4:30 P.M. B34F-0075 POSTER Multiscale Urban Water Demand
Forecasts Combining Bootstrap Rank-Ordered Conditional Mutual
Information, Extreme Learning Machine Ensembles, and Wavelet
Transforms: J Quilty, J F Adamowski, B Khalil, M Rathinasamy
Poster Hall 517B-D
Wednesday, 4:30 P.M.
Geoscience Professionalism 2015: Issues, Responsibilities,
and Information—What’s New That You Need to Know?
Presiding: Oliver Bonham, Geoscientists Canada/Géoscientifiques
Canada; Louis Bernier, Services Géoscientifiques Labtem inc
4:30 P.M. ED34A-0091 POSTER Mineral Project Disclosure on Web
Sites and Corporate Presentations: The CSA’s Perspective: Les sites
web et les présentations corporatives pour décrire les projets miniers :
Le point de vue des ACVM: L Arsenault
4:30 P.M. ED34A-0092 POSTER Quality control: An indispensable
mindset in professional geosciences: Le contrôle de la qualité: Un état
d’esprit indispensable dans la conduite des géosciences:
R Réjean
Poster Hall 517B-D
Wednesday, 4:30 P.M.
Modern and Ancient Ice Streams and Their Megalineated
Beds II Posters: Les courants glaciaires, anciens et modernes,
et leur empreinte géomorphologique (joint with MRG, PP, SG)
Presiding: Martin Ross, University of Waterloo; Nicholas Eyles,
University of Toronto
4:30 P.M. ES34A-0095 POSTER ‘Traction ribs’ on the palaeo-ice
stream tracks of the Interior Plains, North America: C Stokes,
M Margold
4:30 P.M. ES34A-0096 POSTER LiDAR-based Volume Assessment
of the Wadena Drumlin Field and End Moraines, Minnesota, USA:
Evaluating an Erosional Origin for Mega-scale Glacially Lineated
Terrains: S Sookhan, N Eyles, N Putkinen
4:30 P.M. ES34A-0097 POSTER Streamlined and Lobate Landforms,
Relating to Successive Ice Flows in the Smallwood Reservoir,
Northern Labrador: R C Paulen, J M Rice, B McClenaghan
4:30 P.M. ES34A-0098 POSTER Ice stream catchments and till
production records in core regions of the Laurentide Ice Sheet:
M Ross, T J Hodder
4:30 P.M. ES34B-0100 POSTER Rapid and Automatic Detection for
Earthquake-induced Landslides Using Panchromatic Images:
Z Han, G Chen, Y Li
4:30 P.M. ES34B-0101 POSTER Projecting Landslide Susceptibility
Maps for Generating Future Scenarios: A Case Study of Cox’s Bazar
Municipality, Bangladesh: B Ahmed
4:30 P.M. ES34B-0102 POSTER GIS-aided Statistical Landslide
Susceptibility Modeling And Mapping Of Antipolo Rizal (Philippines):
J A S Victor
Poster Hall 517B-D
Wednesday, 4:30 P.M.
General Geodesy and GeoDynamics II Posters (joint with ES,
GR, H, T)
Presiding: Georgia Fotopoulos, Queens University; Joe Henton,
Natural Resources Canada
4:30 P.M. G34A-0116 POSTER Geodetic versus geologic subsidence
rate along the United States east coast: Implications for global
isostatic adjustment and effects of ground water extraction:
M A Karegar, S E Engelhart, T H Dixon
CASE: J F Prieto, J Fernandez, J A Fernandez-Merodo, A G Camacho,
G Herrera, M Palano
4:30 P.M. G34A-0118 POSTER Horizontal Displacement Monitoring
In Eastern Ontario: H Samadi Alinia, K F Tiampo
4:30 P.M. G34A-0119 POSTER CO2 reservoir joint modeling using
time lapse micro gravimetry and ground deformation:H Kabirzadeh,
J W Kim, M G Sideris
4:30 P.M. G34A-0120 POSTER Constraints Provided by Ground
Gravity Observations on Geocentre Motions: Y J G Rogister,
A Mémin, S Rosat, J Hinderer, M Calvo
Poster Hall 517B-D
Wednesday, 4:30 P.M.
4:30 P.M. ES34A-0099 POSTER Waterlain Sedimentation and IceMarginal Processes at the Atlantic Margin of the Late Pleistocene
Irish Ice Sheet: J Knight
Advances in Wetland Ecohydrology Posters (joint with B, ES)
Presiding: Timothy Duval, University of Toronto Mississauga;
Jonathan Price, University of Waterloo
Poster Hall 517B-D
4:30 P.M. H34A-0130 POSTER A Modified Technique for Measuring
the Unsaturated Hydraulic Conductivity in Moss and Peat Soils:
C P R McCarter, S J Ketcheson, S Scarlett, P N Whittington, J S Price
Wednesday, 4:30 P.M.
New and Emerging Techniques in Geomorphology II Posters
(joint with B, P)
Presiding: Chris Hugenholtz, University of Calgary; Ian Walker,
University of Victoria
4:30 P.M. H34A-0131 POSTER Response of Peatland Ecohydrology
to Changing Precipitation Frequencies: D Radu, T P Duval
4:30 P.M. H34A-0132 POSTER Evaporation from Sphagnum
monoliths under controlled water table and humidity conditions:
J S Price, S J Ketcheson
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
4:30 P.M. H34A-0133 POSTER Determining the Impacts of SubSurface Irrigation on Sphagnum Moss Carbon Uptake in a Reclaimed
Peatland: C Brown, M Strack, J S Price
4:30 P.M. H34B-0145 POSTER Hazard Assessment of Glacial Lake
Outburst Flood and Potential of ICTs for Coping: A Case of Eastern
Himalaya of Nepal: D R Bhattarai
4:30 P.M. H34A-0134 POSTER Evaluation of snow Dynamics in a
basin fen-bog complex in the Western Boreal Plains, Canada:
J Sherwood, S J Ketcheson, J S Price
B C Bhattarai, R B Kayastha, S Gurung, S Joshi, D Stumm, P Mool
4:30 P.M. H34A-0135 POSTER Evolution of a Saline Fen near Fort
McMurray, Alberta: Applications from Paleoecology to Wetland
Reclamation: O Volik, C Wells, R M Petrone, J S Price
4:30 P.M. H34B-0149 POSTER Evaluation of SMOS Frozen Ground
Flags: T L Rowlandson, M D Chabot, A A Berg
4:30 P.M. H34A-0136 POSTER The Hydrological Function and
Connectivity of a Basin Fen-Bog Complex in Northeastern Alberta,
Canada: C Wells, S J Ketcheson, J S Price
4:30 P.M. H34A-0137 POSTER Can an invasive species alter the
hydrologic regime of a wet prairie?: E GomezdelCampo, K Coode
4:30 P.M. H34A-0138 POSTER Ice Storm Damage in an Ash- and
Maple-Dominated Swamp of Southern Ontario: An Investigation of
Precipitation Partitioning: M Malone
4:30 P.M. H34A-0139 POSTER Characterization of the efficiency of
sedimentation basins downstream of harvested peat bogs:
M Samson-Dô, A St-Hilaire
Poster Hall 517B-D
Wednesday, 4:30 P.M.
Changing Cold Regions: Climate, Cryosphere, Hydrology,
Ecology Posters (joint with AS, B)
Presiding: Chris DeBeer, University of Saskatchewan; Howard
Wheater, University of Saskatchewan; John Pomeroy, University of
Saskatchewan; Danny Marks, USDA Agriculture Research Serv
4:30 P.M. H34B-0140 POSTER Analysis of Precipitation and
Temperature of the Lower Liard River Basin, using Wavelet Transform:
B Persaud, P H Whitfield, W L Quinton
4:30 P.M. H34B-0150 POSTER Preliminary study of stable isotope in
Chhota Shigri glacier (H.P) India: A Ramanathan, N Kumar
4:30 P.M. H34B-0151 POSTER Measurement and modeling of the
surface conductance of boreal aspen and black spruce stands:
J Stephens, T A Black, N Grant, Z Nesic, A Barr
4:30 P.M. H34B-0152 POSTER Towards running a physically-based
snow model for near real time operational water forecasts:
S Havens, A H Winstral, D G Marks, P R Kormos, A R Hedrick
4:30 P.M. H34B-0153 POSTER Streamflow Response During Rapid
Retreat of a Lake-Calving Mountain Glacier: A Moyer, R D Moore, M
N Koppes
4:30 P.M. H34B-0154 POSTER Towards a large scale modelling
of wetlands water Dynamics in northern basins: V Pedinotti,
G Sapriza, L Stone, B Davison, A Pietroniro, W L Quinton, C Spence,
H S Wheater
4:30 P.M. H34B-0155 POSTER Trends and Projections for North
American Lake Ice: L Brown, C R Duguay
4:30 P.M. H34B-0156 POSTER Assessing the Sensitivity of the
Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) Observed Brightness
Temperature for Soil Freeze- Thaw Detection during Wet Snow
Conditions: M Williamson, T L Rowlandson, J T Ambadan,
A A Berg, W Helgason
4:30 P.M. H34B-0157 POSTER On Conceptualization and Routing
Dynamics of a Glacierized Catchment: A Chesnokova, F Pellicciotti,
M Carenzo
4:30 P.M. H34B-0141 POSTER Diagnosis of Current and Future
Shifting of Hydrological Regimes of the Changing Upper Salween
and Mekong River Basins: S Liu, W Ding, X Mo, S Wang, C Liu,
S R Bajracharya, A B Shrestha, N S Pradhan
4:30 P.M. H34B-0158 POSTER Recent changes in glaciers within
the upper Yukon River basin and their contribution to discharge at
Whitehorse: C M DeBeer, J L Kavanaugh, S C Laxton
4:30 P.M. H34B-0142 POSTER Verification of winter precipitation
forecasts and analyses: M Schirmer, B Jamieson
4:30 P.M. H34B-0159 POSTER Spatial Variability of Snowmelt Rates
at Scotty Creek, NWT: E Haughton, W L Quinton, O Sonnentag
4:30 P.M. H34B-0143 POSTER Detecting the effects of
atmospheric rivers on glacier mass balance: a case study in Denali
National Park, Alaska: A A Bradford, S W Campbell, K J Kreutz,
E C Osterberg, C P Wake, D Introne, R A Burrows, D Capps
4:30 P.M. H34B-0160 POSTER Lateral Variations of Ground
Temperatures along Linear Disturbances in the Peatlands in the
Regions of Discontinuous Permafrost: M Braverman, W L Quinton
4:30 P.M. H34B-0144 POSTER Regional monitoring and online
publication of winter snowpack to spring and summer water levels
by integrating satellite and aerial remote sensing data:
C Hopkinson, B Brisco, S Patterson
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
Poster Hall 517B-D
Wednesday, 4:30 P.M.
4:30 P.M. H34D-0170 POSTER Apportioning Sources of Fine
Sediment in an Agricultural Watershed Using Colour Fingerprinting:
D A Lobb, L Barthod, K Liu, P N Owens, N Martinez Carreras, A
Koiter, E L Petticrew, G McCullough, C Liu, L Gaspar
Interactions Between Aquifers and Surface Water Reservoirs:
New Approaches for Changing Conditions Posters
Presiding: Marie Larocque, GEOTOP-UQAM; Jeffrey McKenzie,
McGill University; Stefan Broda, Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal
Poster Hall 517B-D
4:30 P.M. H34C-0161 POSTER Statistical and analytical approach
for stream-aquifer interaction in the lower Nakdong River basin,
Korea: Approche statistique et analytique pour l’interaction flux
aquifère dans le bassin inférieur du fleuve Nakdong, la Corée:
Y Y Oh, S Y Hamm, G B Kim, C M Lee, M L Wei
Quantifying and Communicating Uncertainties in
Changes to Hydrologic Extremes Posters: Quantification
et communication des incertitudes aux changements des
extrêmes hydrologiques (joint with AS)
Presiding: Arelia Werner, Pacific Climate Impacts Consortium,
University of Victoria; Stephen Dery, University of Northern British
Columbia; Eric Wood, Princeton University
4:30 P.M. H34C-0162 POSTER Estimating Groundwater Inflows to
Small Streams Using 222Rn and Argon: F Moreira, M Larocque,
D L Pinti
4:30 P.M. H34C-0163 POSTER The Effect of Mine Dewatering and
Peatland Form on the Pattern of Surface Recharge Around the Victor
Diamond Mine, James Bay Lowlands: M Kompanizare,
J S Price, P N Whittington
4:30 P.M. H34C-0164 POSTER Surface-subsurface flow analysis
of the Raquette River watershed (Vaudreuil-Soulanges, Quebec,
Canada): F Turgeon, M Larocque, S Dorner
4:30 P.M. H34C-0165 POSTER The Hydrology of a “Spontaneously”
Re-vegetated Vacuum-harvested Peatland, Eastern Manitoba:
P N Whittington
Poster Hall 517B-D
Wednesday, 4:30 P.M.
Most Watersheds Are Not Pristine! Recognizing and
Differentiating Natural From Human-Induced Hydrological,
Geomorphological, and Biogeochemical Dynamics Posters
(joint with B, ES)
Presiding: Merrin Macrae, University of Waterloo; Genevieve Ali,
University of Manitoba; David Lobb, University of Manitoba
4:30 P.M. H34D-0166 POSTER The Annual Invasive Plant, Impatiens
glandulifera (Himalayan Balsam), Perturbs the Sediment Dynamics
of Temperate River Systems: P Greenwood
4:30 P.M. H34D-0167 POSTER Quantifying the Increasing Impact
of the Human Footprint on Water Quality in a Rural-Urban Kenyan
Watershed: Can Upstream Stewards and Downstream Beneficiaries
Find Common Ground?: K W Nganga, F Kizito,
D Bossio, J Cordingley
4:30 P.M. H34D-0168 POSTER Temporal variability in phosphorus
losses in tile drain effluent from agricultural fields: V Lam,
M L Macrae, M English, I O’Halloran, Y Wang
4:30 P.M. H34D-0169 POSTER Waterlogged: The Case for
Participatory Science in Investigating Water Quality Impacts:
A J Jollymore, M Haines, M S Johnson
Wednesday, 4:30 P.M.
4:30 P.M. H34E-0171 POSTER Evaluation of Paleo-Hydrologic
Extremes and Their Uncertainties: S Razavi, A A Elshorbagy,
H S Wheater, D Sauchyn, G Sapriza, K P Chun
4:30 P.M. H34E-0172 POSTER Sources of Uncertainty in Replicating
Hydro-climatic Extremes: A T Werner, A J Cannon, M Schnorbus,
R R Shrestha
4:30 P.M. H34E-0173 POSTER Risk of Exceeding Extreme Design
Storm Events under Possible Impact of Climate Change: C C Kuo,
T Y Gan
4:30 P.M. H34E-0174 POSTER Renewal and Update of MTO IDF
Curves: Defining the Uncertainty: E D Soulis, D G Princz, J Wong
4:30 P.M. H34E-0175 POSTER Scaling Laws for Extreme
Precipitations: Assessing the Impacts of Datasets Characteristics on
Extreme Distribution Estimation: S Innocenti, A Mailhot, A Frigon
Poster Hall 517B-D
Wednesday, 4:30 P.M.
Alkaline/Subalkaline Mafic and Felsic Magmatism
and Related Mineralization in Continental Margin and
Intracontinental Rifting Settings II Posters (joint with VGP)
Presiding: Daniel Kontak, Laurentian University; Anton
Chakhmouradian, University of Manitoba
4:30 P.M. MD34A-0197 POSTER Indium in Tin and Sn-sulfide Ores
of the Deputatsky Ore District (Yakutia): G G Pavlova,
A S Borisenko, A A Borovikov, A V Prokopiev, A I Ivanov
4:30 P.M. MD34A-0198 POSTER Mineralogy of the Clay-Howells
Magnetite Carbonatite: An A-type Granite-Related ‘Carbonatite’:
S E Zurevinski, R H Mitchell
4:30 P.M. MD34A-0199 POSTER Tracking the Evolution of the Metal
and Volatile Budget of the Magma Reservoir Underneath the WorldClass Porphyry Cu-Au Mineralization at Bingham Canyon, Utah, USA:
C Grondahl, Z Zajacz, J D Keith
4:30 P.M. MD34A-0200 POSTER Lode field of Roc Blanc (central
Jebilet, Hercynian, Morocco) with Ag-Pb (Zn, Sb, As, Cu, Au)
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
mineralization: Le champ filonien à Ag-Pb (Zn, Sb, As, Cu, Au) de RocBlanc (Jebilet centrales,Hercynien, Maroc): A EL Arbaoui II,
W Amina, A Essaifi, L Maacha, M Zouhair, A Ouadjou, A Radnaoui
4:30 P.M. MD34A-0201 POSTER Role of hypabyssal subvolcanic
magmas in the genesis of the Albany graphite deposit: A G Conly, L
C Moore
Poster Hall 517B-D
Wednesday, 4:30 P.M.
Use of Trace Elements in Minerals for Petrogenesis and
Exploration of Mineral Deposits III Posters: Utilisation
des éléments traces dans les minéraux comme indicateur
petrogénetique et pour l’exploration minérale (joint with EP, VGP)
Presiding: Sarah Dare, University of Ottawa; Daniel Layton-Matthews,
Queen’s University
4:30 P.M. MD34B-0202 POSTER Genesis of the Pd-Cu Mineralization
at the Marathon Deposit, Ontario: Preliminary Insights from Oxide
Chemistry: M J Brzozowski, I M Samson, J E Gagnon, D J Good,
R Linnen
4:30 P.M. MD34B-0203 POSTER Mineral Chemistry of Magnetite
from Kiruna Magnetite-Apatite Ores and their Host Rocks from the
Norrbotten Region, Northern Sweden: S G Broughm, J M Hanchar,
F Tornos
4:30 P.M. MD34B-0204 POSTER Trace elements in magnetite as
indicators of petrogenesis and provenance: S Dare, S J Barnes,
G Beaudoin
4:30 P.M. MD34B-0205 POSTER Discrimination between different
VMS deposit subtypes in the Bathurst Mining Camp using the trace
element composition of magnetite: S Makvandi, G Beaudoin,
M Ghasemzadeh-Barvarz, E C Grunsky
4:30 P.M. MD34B-0206 POSTER Remobilization of PGE and Other
Chalcophile Elements During the Metamorphism of the Massive
Sulfide of the Delta Deposit (Raglan Area, Northern Quebec):
Remobilisation des EGP et Autres Eléments Chalcophiles au Cours
du Métamorphisme des Sulfures Massifs du Dépôt Delta (Région de
Raglan, Nord du Québec): P J Misson, S J Barnes, P Pagé
4:30 P.M. MD34B-0207 POSTER “White mica chemistry by in-situ
LA-ICP-MS techniques: variation of volatile trace elements and its
application in VMS deposit exploration”: A Soltani Dehnavi,
C R McFarlane, D R Lentz
4:30 P.M. MD34B-0208 POSTER Fingerprinting and Tracing
the Signature of Basement Hosted Unconformity-type Uranium
Alteration Through Thick Tills: an Example from the Thelon Basin,
Nunavut: A Bustard, M Ross, B Kendall
Poster Hall 517B-D
Wednesday, 4:30 P.M.
Enhancing Geoscientific Understanding of Marine and
Lacustrine Systems With Modern Seafloor Mapping
Techniques II Posters (joint with MRG, PP, SG, S)
Presiding: Michael Lewis, ‘Geological Survey of Canada Atlantic,
Natural Resources Canada; John Hughes Clarke, University of New
Brunswick; Patrick Lajeunesse, Université Laval
4:30 P.M. OS34A-0242 POSTER Holocene Mass Movements
in a Canadian High Arctic Lake, East Lake, Melville Island: A Normandeau,
G Joyal, P Lajeunesse, P Francus, S F Lamoureux, F Lapointe
4:30 P.M. OS34A-0243 POSTER Geomorphology of seismicallyinduced mass-movements in lakes of south-central Québec:
A P Trottier, P Lajeunesse, A Normandeau, A Gagnon-Poiré
4:30 P.M. OS34A-0244 POSTER Lacustrine Geomorphology and
Sedimentary Processes in the Eastern Arm of Manicouagan Reservoir,
Québec: F X L’Heureux Houde, P Lajeunesse
4:30 P.M. OS34A-0245 POSTER Late Quaternary Evolution of FjordLakes Pentecôte, Walker and Pasteur (Québec North-Shore, Eastern
Canada): A Gagnon-Poiré, P Lajeunesse, P Francus, G St-Onge
4:30 P.M. OS34A-0246 POSTER High-resolution near-shore
geophysical survey using an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV)
with integrated magnetometer and side-scan sonar:
D Hrvoic, J I Boyce
4:30 P.M. OS34A-0247 POSTER Landform-sediment assemblages
in a fjord and cross-shelf trough system: Scott Inlet and Trough (NE
Baffin Island, Canada): E Brouard, P Lajeunesse
4:30 P.M. OS34A-0248 POSTER Seismic Stratigraphy Since the Late
Miocene of the Near Shore New Jersey Margin Between Barnegat and
Manasquan Inlets, New Jersey: L Lugrin, G S Mountain
Poster Hall 517B-D
Wednesday, 4:30 P.M.
General Contributions in Planetary Sciences Posters
Presiding: Nathan Bridges, Applied Physics Laboratory Johns
Hopkins; Bonnie Buratti, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
4:30 P.M. P34A-0249 POSTER Major, trace element, and isotopic
study of the Lonar Crater, India: new insights into the geochemical
imprint of impact cratering on basaltic targets: A Banerjee,
R Chakrabarti
4:30 P.M. P34A-0250 POSTER Identifying “Pristine” Craters on Mars:
Defining Criteria and Characteristics: L L Tornabene, J L Piatek, N G
Barlow, J M Boyce, P J Mouginis-Mark, G R Osinski, S J Robbins
4:30 P.M. P34A-0252 POSTER Martian Dust and Deposition from
Green Valley to Gale Crate: J Moores, M T Lemmon, C A Moore,
R M Haberle, K M Kinch, K W Lewis, T Ha, H P Gunnlaugsson,
S C Rafkin, H Kahanpää, F J Martin-Torres, M P Zorzano
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
4:30 P.M. P34A-0253 POSTER A Full Martian Year of Atmospheric
Monitoring Movies From Gale Crater: J L Kloos, J Moores,
R Francis, M T Lemmon, M De La Torre Juarez, D M Kass,
R M Haberle, J Martín-Torres, M P Zorzano
4:30 P.M. P34A-0254 POSTER Update on Line-of-Sight Extinction Seen
within Gale Crater, Mars: C A Moore, J Moores, M T Lemmon,
J R Burton, S C Rafkin, R Francis, H Kahanpää, J Pla-García,
K M Bean, R M Haberle
4:30 P.M. P34A-0255 POSTER Transmission Spectroscopy of Packed
Simulated Mars Regolith: C A Moore, J Moores,
A C Schuerger, L S Morrissey
4:30 P.M. P34A-0256 POSTER Raman analyses of thermolabile
Samples in various Martian conditions: implications for ExoMars:
G Lopez-Reyes, R Navarro, A Sanz, F Rull
4:30 P.M. P34A-0257 POSTER Andesite Weathering in a Hyperarid,
Periglacial Environment: Implications for Mars: J L Bentz, R Peterson
4:30 P.M. PG34A-0268 POSTER Petrology and geochemistry of
pillow lava bearing volcanic rocks form the Nuvvuagittuq greenstone
belt: implications for early crust formation settings: M Moher, J O’Neil
4:30 P.M. PG34A-0269 POSTER Petrological and Geochemical
Study of Cordierite-Orthoamphibole Rocks from the Nuvvuagittuq
Greenstone Belt: Evidence for Seawater Hydrothermal Alteration of
Oceanic Crust in the Hadean?: E Y Abramovitch, J O’Neil
4:30 P.M. PG34A-0270 POSTER Lithogeochemistry and distribution
of 4.0–3.4 Ga units of the Acasta Gneiss Complex, NWT, Canada:
J R Reimink, T Chacko, R A Stern, L Heaman
4:30 P.M. PG34A-0271 POSTER The Zircon Hf Isotopic Record of the
Acasta Gneiss Complex: A Bauer, S A Bowring, J D Vervoort, C M Fisher
4:30 P.M. PG34A-0272 POSTER Petrological and geochemical
investigation of the Eoarchean crust from the Saglek-Hebron
Complex, Northern Labrador: B Wasilewski, J O’Neil, H Rizo
4:30 P.M. P34A-0258 POSTER Spectroscopic Characterization of
Green Rust and its Implications for Mars Astrobiology: P Sobron,
L M Barge, E Flores, M J Russell
4:30 P.M. PG34A-0273 POSTER A Provenance and Metamorphic
History of the Sedimentary Rocks in the Eastern Part of the North
Caribou Greenstone Belt, Host of the Musselwhite Gold Deposit:
O E Bath, K Hattori, J Biczok
Veto, P R Christensen
4:30 P.M. PG34A-0274 POSTER Characterizing the Archean rocks
of eastern Hall Peninsula, Baffin Island, Nunavut, Canada: An
integrated approach using U-Pb and Lu-Hf isotopes: R E From,
N Rayner, Q Shu, A Camacho, G D Pearson
4:30 P.M. P34A-0260 POSTER Spectral Reflectance Properties of
Underdense Asteroid Regoliths Simulated by Pressed Pellets:
R Wilks, M R Izawa, P Mann, E Cloutis
4:30 P.M. PG34A-0275 POSTER ID-TIMS Geochronology
on Precambrian zircons from northern Quebec: treatment,
complications and results: C Roffeis, Y Daoudene, F Leclerc
4:30 P.M. P34A-0261 POSTER The Io Volcano Observer (IVO):
E P Turtle, A S McEwen
4:30 P.M. PG34A-0276 POSTER Structural geology, geochemistry
and geochronology of transpressive deformation zones in the North
Caribou greenstone belt, NW Superior: E Gagnon, D A Schneider,
J Biczok, A Camacho
4:30 P.M. P34A-0262 POSTER Some remarks on global tectonics of
Enceladus: L Czechowski
4:30 P.M. P34A-0263 POSTER Self-tuned tidal resonance and the
heating of oceans on icy satellites in the Solar System (and Universe):
R Tyler
4:30 P.M. P34A-0264 POSTER Constraints on Lower Atmosphere
Clouds from Perturbation Images Using the Huygens’ Probe Descent
Imager and Spectral Radiometer (DISR): B Cooper, J Moores
4:30 P.M. P34A-0265 POSTER Seasonal Volatile Transport and
Plumes on Pluto: B J Buratti
4:30 P.M. P34A-0267 POSTER Global 3D Radiation-HydroDynamics
Calculations of the Envelopes of Forming Planets Interacting with a
Protoplanetary Disk: G D’Angelo, P Bodenheimer
Poster Hall 517B-D
4:30 P.M. PG34A-0277 POSTER Tectono-Metamorphic evolution
of the contact between the Opinaca and La Grande Subprovinces,
Superior Province, Quebec: implications for Archean tectonics and
regional metallogeny: A Rhéaume Ouellet, C Guilmette,
J Goutier, F Huot
4:30 P.M. PG34A-0278 POSTER Structural and Metamorphic
Study of the Attic Complex in the Lebel-sur-Quévillon Area, Archean
Superior Province, Québec: N Revelli, Y Daoudene,
A Tremblay, H Hammouche
4:30 P.M. PG34A-0279 POSTER Insights into Archean greenstone
belt evolution: Evidence from compilation of high precision U-Pb
zircon data in the southern Abitibi subprovince, Canada:
B M Frieman, Y D Kuiper, N M Kelly, T Monecke
Wednesday, 4:30 P.M.
4:30 P.M. PG34A-0280 POSTER Evidences of linkage of the Cadillac
Larder Lake Fault Zone inherited from preexisting structures, Abitibi
Subprovince, Quebec: P Bedeaux, P Pilote,
S Rafini, R Daigneault
Precambrian at Large Posters
Presiding: Andrey Bekker, University of California Riverside; Galen
Halverson, McGill University
4:30 P.M. PG34A-0281 POSTER Progress in Characterizing Regional
Metamorphism in the Pontiac Subprovince, Abitibi, Quebec:
N Piette-Lauzière, C Guilmette, P Pilote, S Perrouty
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
4:30 P.M. PG34A-0282 POSTER Structural Analysis of the Ridout
Deformation Zone in the Swayze Greenstone Belt, Ontario:
Q Wu, S Lin
4:30 P.M. PG34A-0297 POSTER A New Model for the Quebecia
Terrane of the Central Grenville Province as a Composite Arc Belt: S
Vautour, A P Dickin
4:30 P.M. PG34A-0283 POSTER 187Re - 187Os Nuclear Geochronometry:
187Os/188Os Isotopic Anomalies in Light of the Great Oxidation
Transition: G Roller
4:30 P.M. PG34A-0298 POSTER Pb Isotope Analysis of Grenville
Gneisses: Assessing the Crustal Burial and Exhumation of the
Archean Parautochthon in Ontario and Western Quebec: G Arcuri,
A P Dickin
4:30 P.M. PG34A-0284 POSTER Provenance Analysis by Coupled
U-Pb, Hf, and O Isotopic Analysis of Detrital Zircon from the
Paleoproterozoic Murmac Bay Group, Northern Saskatchewan,
Canada: C Shiels, C A Partin
4:30 P.M. PG34A-0285 POSTER Stromatolites from the LomagundiJatuli Isotopic Event Interval: P Medvedev
4:30 P.M. PG34A-0287 POSTER Is the Williston Basin the site of a
Proterozoic accretionary triple junction?: J N Gifford, P A Mueller,
D A Foster
4:30 P.M. PG34A-0288 POSTER Reassessment of the intersection of
the Great Falls Tectonic Zone and the Trans-Hudson Orogen through
petrologic and geochronological analysis of Deep Test Well derived
sample: E J Matchinski, J N Gifford, P A Mueller, D A Foster
4:30 P.M. PG34A-0289 POSTER Regional Bedrock Mapping and a
Comprehensive Geological History of Hall Peninsula, Baffin Island,
Nunavut: H M Steenkamp, R E From, D Skipton, C MacKay,
C G Creason
4:30 P.M. PG34A-0290 POSTER Are the amphibolites the source of
contamination of iron-formation at Mount-Wright, Canada?:
J Thiboutot Goyette, L P Bédard, H Longuepée
4:30 P.M. PG34A-0299 POSTER Tracking the evolution of the
Grenville Foreland Basin: detrital mineral dates from the Sleat
and Torridon groups, Scotland: M Krabbendam, H Bonsor,
M S Horstwood
Poster Hall 517B-D
Wednesday, 4:30 P.M.
Silicate Weathering Through Earth History II Posters
Presiding: Eric Galbraith, McGill University; Grant Cox, McGill
4:30 P.M. PP34A-0300 POSTER Searching for an extinction event at
the end of the Earth: P W Crockford, G M Cox, G P Halverson,
B A Wing
Poster Hall 517B-D
Wednesday, 4:30 P.M.
4:30 P.M. PG34A-0291 POSTER Characterization of Upper Crustal
Electrical Anisotropy in the Precambrian Basement of Northern
Alberta, Canada From Magnetotelluric data: Implications for
Geothermal Development: M V Liddell, M J Unsworth
Seismic Structure and Dynamics of the North American
Cordillera II Posters: Structure sismique et dynamique de la
Cordillère Nord-A.M.éricaine (joint with SE, T)
Presiding: Stephane Mazzotti, Universite Montpellier 2; Pascal Audet,
University of Ottawa
4:30 P.M. PG34A-0292 POSTER Digital litho- and chronostratigraphic representation of the Proterozoic geology of Australia:
K Pandur, B M Eglington, K M Ansdell
4:30 P.M. S34A-0301 POSTER Ambient-noise tomography study of
northwestern Canada: Preliminary results: M E McLellan,
P Audet
4:30 P.M. PG34A-0293 POSTER Newly Discovered Sveconorwegian
Batholiths in SW Norway: N Coint, T Slagstad, M Marker, T Røhr,
N M W Roberts
4:30 P.M. S34A-0302 POSTER Automatic Detection and Location of
Regional Earthquakes: Toward Improving the Earthquake Catalogue
in the Northern Canadian Cordillera: S G Faubert, P Audet
4:30 P.M. PG34A-0294 POSTER Paleomagnetism of Sedimentary
Rocks from the Roraima Supergroup, Northern Amazonian Craton:
Preliminary Results: F Bispo-Santos, M S D’Agrella-Filho, R I F
Trindade, N J Reis, A Nogueira
4:30 P.M. S34A-0303 POSTER Crustal anisotropy associated
with fossilized transpression along the Denali Fault, northern
Canadian Cordillera from receiver functions and Ambient noise crosscorrelations analysis: S Mazzotti, N Rasendra, C Tiberi
4:30 P.M. PG34A-0295 POSTER Sequence Stratigraphic Correlation
and the Age of Diagenesis in the Pandurra Formation, South Australia:
S R Beyer, T K Kyser, P A Polito, G L Drever, J M Marlatt
4:30 P.M. S34A-0304 POSTER Probing the “orogenic float” model
using teleseismic receiver functions in the northern Canadian
Cordillera: A A Tarayoun, P Audet, S Mazzotti
4:30 P.M. PG34A-0296 POSTER Towards Unravelling the
MozA.M.bique Ocean Conundrum using a Triumvirate of Zircon
Isotopic Proxies on the Ambatolampy Group, Central Madagascar: D
Archibald, A S Collins, J Foden, J L Payne, R Taylor, P Holden,
T RazakA.M.anana, C Clark
4:30 P.M. S34A-0305 POSTER Crustal architecture at the collision
zone between Rivera and Cocos Plates with North American Plate at
the Western Margin of Mexico TSUJAL PROJECT: J Danobeitia,
R Bartolome, D C Barba Sr, F J Nunez-Cornu, M Prada, D Nunez,
W L Bandy, J M Espindola, A Zamora-Camacho, M Ortiz
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
Poster Hall 517B-D
Wednesday, 4:30 P.M.
4:30 P.M. SE34A-0334 POSTER Investigating the Possibility of
Invariance in Electrical Resistivity in Transition Metals along their
Pressure Dependent Melting Boundary: I C Ezenwa, R Secco
4:30 P.M. SE34A-0335 POSTER Detection of a Pressure-Induced
Solid Phase Transformation by Measuring Sound Velocity
in a Multi-Anvil Apparatus: T Officer, R Secco
Understanding Slow Slip and Tectonic Tremor Process Along
a Variety of Deformation Boundaries II Posters (joint with T)
Presiding: Yajing Liu, McGill University; Rebecca Harrington,
McGill University
4:30 P.M. SE34A-0333 POSTER Elastic and Inelastic Properties
under Simulated Earth’s Mantle Conditions in LVPs in Conjunction
with Synchrotron Radiation: H J Mueller, J Lauterjung, C Lathe
4:30 P.M. S34B-0306 POSTER Fluid Expulsion at the Forearc Mantle
Corner and the Generation of Cascadia Episodic Tremor and Slip
(ETS): R D Hyndman
4:30 P.M. S34B-0307 POSTER Earthquake relocations along the San
Andreas Fault provide insight into rupture processes at intermediate
depths: R M Harrington, E Griffiths, E S Cochran, X Zeng, C H Thurber
4:30 P.M. S34B-0308 POSTER Structural Imaging of the Transition
Zone in Northern Cascadia Using Low Frequency Earthquake
Templates: G Savard, M G Bostock, N I Christensen
4:30 P.M. S31A-03 POSTER Constraints on Slab Morphology in
Southwest Japan from Low Frequency Earthquakes: X Han,
M G Bostock, S Yoshioka
4:30 P.M. S34B-0310 POSTER Low-Frequency Earthquakes in
Southern Cascadia: A P Plourde, M G Bostock, P Audet
4:30 P.M. S34B-0311 POSTER Low Frequency Earthquakes below
Northern and Central Vancouver Island: L Y Chuang, M G Bostock,
H Kao
4:30 P.M. S34B-0312 POSTER Elastic properties analysis in the
seismic Guerrero’s Gap through of seismic noise tomography:
E F Salazar Monroy Sr, A L Husker
4:30 P.M. S31A-07 POSTER Low-Frequency Earthquakes on the
Queen Charlotte Plate Boundary: T W Hayward, M G Bostock
Poster Hall 517B-D
Wednesday, 4:30 P.M.
LVP-Techniques at Geophysical High Pressure Research
Posters (joint with P, S, T, VGP)
Presiding: Hans Mueller, Helmholtz Centre Potsdam GFZ German
Research Centre for Geosciences; Tracy Rushmer, Macquarie
University; Simon Clark, Macquarie University
4:30 P.M. SE34A-0331 POSTER Study of the Earth’s Interior
using Measurements of Sound Velocities in Minerals by Ultrasonic
Interferometry Robert C. Liebermann*1,2,, Xuebing Wang1, Ting
Chen1, Yongtao Zou2, Baosheng Li1,2 1Department of Geosciences,
Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY USA 2Mineral Physics
Institute, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY USA: R C
4:30 P.M. SE34A-0332 POSTER Large-Volume, High-Pressure
Research at GSECARS Beamlines, Advanced Photon Source: T Yu,
Y Wang, J Gasc
Poster Hall 517B-D
Wednesday, 4:30 P.M.
New Findings and Insights From High-Resolution Studies of
the Ionosphere III Posters
Presiding: Jean-Pierre St-Maurice, University of Saskatchewan;
J. Michael Ruohoniemi, Virginia Tech; Kathryn McWilliams,
University of Saskatchewan
4:30 P.M. SPA34A-0350 POSTER Weak Arc ElectroDynamics using
ePOP and DMSP Observations on July 28, 2014: W K Peterson,
A W Yau, D J Knudsen, J K Burchill, A D Howarth, D M Miles,
P G Richards, R J Redmon
4:30 P.M. SPA34A-0351 POSTER Contribution of Ion Velocity Shears
in the Direct Generation of Small-Scale Irregularities in the HighLatitude F Region: Contribution des cisaillements de vitesses ioniques
dans la génération directe d’irrégularités à petite échelle au sein de la
région F de l’ionosphère à hautes latitudes: P Perron, J M A Noel, J P
St-Maurice, K Kabin
4:30 P.M. SPA34A-0352 POSTER Improved Techniques for
Monitoring and Investigating Polar Cap Absorption: R A Fiori,
D W Danskin, L Trichtchenko
Poster Hall 517B-D
Wednesday, 4:30 P.M.
General Contributions in Heliophysics II Posters
Presiding: David Sibeck, NASA/GSFC; Larry Paxton, The Johns
Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory
4:30 P.M. SPA34B-0353 POSTER Geomagnetically Induced Currents
in High Voltage Transmission Lines: Solar Modal Signatures and
Transfer Functions: D L Riegert, D J Thomson, A Springford
4:30 P.M. SPA34B-0354 POSTER Effect of solar flare and solar wind
on space weather variation: B S Rathore, D C Gupta
4:30 P.M. SPA34B-0355 POSTER Changes in lower ionosphere
during solar flare and storm occurred on 9 March 2012: A K Singh,
P Singh, A Singh, R P Singh
4:30 P.M. SPA34B-0356 POSTER Investigation of correlation
between the lower ionospheric perturbations with seismic anomaly
as detected by subionospheric VLF signals: A K Singh, U Pandey,
O P P Singh, B Singh
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
4:30 P.M. SPA34B-0357 POSTER Solar flare induced sudden
A.M.plitude/phase anomalies as a consequence of ionospheric
D-region perturbation: U Pandey, A K Singh, B Singh, O P P Singh,
V K Saraswat
4:30 P.M. SPA34B-0359 POSTER Effect of Geomagnetic Storm
on O+(2P) 732.0 nm Dayglow Emission: M Dharwan, V Singh
4:30 P.M. SPA34C-0373 POSTER Effect of Background Fluctuations
on Nonlinear Evolution of Kinetic Alfvén Wave and Turbulent
Spectrum: A Kumari, R P Sharma
4:30 P.M. SPA34C-0374 POSTER Field Localization and associated
Power Spectrum in Solar Wind: N Yadav, R P Sharma
4:30 P.M. SPA34C-0375 POSTER Small-scale Turbulence in The
Terrestrial Magnetosheath by Cluster Observations: E Yordanova,
H Breuillard, Z Voros, O Alexandrova
4:30 P.M. SPA34B-0361 POSTER EIT Waves Phenomena and its
relationship with Coronal Mass Ejections: V K Verma
Poster Hall 517B-D
4:30 P.M. SPA34B-0362 POSTER Localization and Turbulent
Spectrum of 3-D Kinetic Alfvén Wave in Intermediate Beta Plasma:
P Sharma, R P Sharma, N Yadav
Wednesday, 4:30 P.M.
4:30 P.M. SPA34B-0363 POSTER Role of Kinetic Alfvén Wave in
Energy Transportation in Magnetopause: N Pathak, R P Sharma,
N Yadav
4:30 P.M. SPA34B-0364 POSTER Ion to Electron Mass Ratio Impact
on MP Position, Three Parametric Case Studies: S M Baraka
The Physics of the Aurora II Posters
Presiding: Eric Donovan, University of Calgary; David Knudsen,
University of Calgary; Robert Rankin, University of Alberta; Martin
Connors, Athabasca University
4:30 P.M. SPA34D-0376 POSTER Nonlinear Effects of Inertial Alfvén
Wave in Low Beta Plasmas: M L Rinawa, R P Sharma, N Gaur
4:30 P.M. SPA34D-0377 POSTER Double Layers in Converging
Magnetic Fields of Terrestrial Auroral Region: N Singh, S Sewell,
B E Wells
Poster Hall 517B-D
4:30 P.M. SPA34D-0378 POSTER Motion of the Polar Cap Arcs and
Associated Plasma Flows: K Yakymenko, A V Koustov, K Hosokawa
Wednesday, 4:30 P.M.
4:30 P.M. SPA34D-0379 POSTER Auroral Response to Sudden
Changes in the Solar Wind and IMF: E Spanswick, E Donovan,
E M Grono, B J Jackel
Solar System Plasma Intermittency, Turbulence, and
Complexity II PostersPresiding: Herve LA.M.y, Belgian Institute
for Space Aeronomy; Jay Johnson, Princeton Plasma Physics Lab;
Tom Chang, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Marius Echim,
Institute of Space Sciences
4:30 P.M. SPA34C-0367 POSTER 1/k-Spectrum in the Sub-Inertial
Domain of Turbulence: A Shell-Model Approach: G Consolini,
R De Marco, V Carbone
4:30 P.M. SPA34C-0368 POSTER Role of Thermal Fluctuations in
ParA.M.etric Instabilities of Circularly Polarized Electromagnetic
Waves in Relativistic Electron-Positron Plasmas: P S Moya,
J A Araneda, R A López, J A Valdivia, V Munoz, A F Vinas
4:30 P.M. SPA34C-0369 POSTER Circularly Polarized Dispersive
Alfvén Wave In Solar Wind Turbulence: S Sharma, R P Sharma
4:30 P.M. SPA34C-0370 POSTER Multi-scale Structural Analysis of
Magnetosheath Turbulence with Rank Ordered Fractals: L’Analyse
Multi-Echelles de la Turbulence dans la Magnetogagne avec Fractals
Ordonnes en Fonction de leur Rang: M Echim, C Munteanu, T Chang
4:30 P.M. SPA34D-0380 POSTER Electron Energy Dispersion as seen
by the ePOP Suprathermal Electron Imager: T G Cameron,
D J Knudsen, J K Burchill, H G James
4:30 P.M. SPA34D-0381 POSTER Ionospheric Radio Science with ePOP
at Auroral Latitudes: H G James, R A Fiori, R G Gillies, G C Hussey
4:30 P.M. SPA34D-0382 POSTER Generation of Non-Propagating
Alfvenic Double Layer and Formation of Alfvenic and Quasi-Static
Discrete Auroras: Y Song, R L Lysak
Poster Hall 517B-D
Wednesday, 4:30 P.M.
General Contribution: Tectonophysics II Posters (joint with
G, S, SE, VGP)
Presiding: Yajing Liu, McGill University; Yajing Liu, McGill University
4:30 P.M. SPA34C-0371 POSTER Statistical Analysis of Intermittency
in the Solar Wind using Rank-Ordered Multifractal Analysis of Ulysses
data: H Lamy, M Echim, T Chang
4:30 P.M. T34A-0396 POSTER Stress state of the central part of the
Zagros Foreland Folded Belt, Iran: B Oveisi, B Zafarmand,
K Sarkarinejad
4:30 P.M. SPA34C-0372 POSTER Non linear effects associated with
kinetic Alfvén wave in solar wind plasmas: N Gaur, R P Sharma
4:30 P.M. T34A-0397 POSTER Evolutionary model of oblique rift
basins-Study of Central African Rifts: I W Cheng, K M Yang, J C Wu,
T H Hsiuan
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
4:30 P.M. T34A-0398 POSTER Structural, geochronological, and
geochemical analysis of a Cycladic detachment system II: Results
from the Lavrion Unit, Greece: R Dubosq, J Spalding,
D A Schneider, B Grasemann, K I Soukis
Poster Hall 517B-D
4:30 P.M. T34A-0399 POSTER Structural, geochronological,
and geochemical analysis of a Cycladic detachment system I:
Results from the Kamariza Unit, Greece: J Spalding, R Dubosq,
D A Schneider, B Grasemann, K I Soukis
Chemical Scene Investigation of Large Igneous Provinces
(CSI-LIPs) III Posters
Presiding: Richard Ernst, Carleton University; Cole Kingsbury,
Carleton University; Pete Hollings, Lakehead University
4:30 P.M. T34A-0400 POSTER Magma production rate along the
Ninetyeast Ridge and its relationship to the Indian plate motion and
the Kerguelen hot spot activity: K M Sreejith, K S Krishna
4:30 P.M. VGP34A-0412 POSTER The 780 Ma Gunbarrel LIP of
western Laurentia: 2500 km-long Suite of Homogeneous Continental
Tholeiites and Their Ni-Cu-PGE Economic Potential:
A J Podlesny, R E Ernst, B Cousens
4:30 P.M. T34A-0402 POSTER Thick sediments in the central Ganga
basin: evidence from magnetotelluric investigations:
A Lolabhattu
4:30 P.M. T34A-0404 POSTER Geometrical and Kinematic Setting
of L-tectonites in the Tongbai Orogenic Belt, Central China: H Liu, S
Lin, C Song
4:30 P.M. T34A-0405 POSTER Transpression vs. simple shear
superimposed on inherited pure shear – methodology for a more
refined kinematic analysis: A D Sawant, S Gupta, S Misra
Poster Hall 517B-D
Wednesday, 4:30 P.M.
Planetary Thermal History and the Transition of Stagnant Lid to
Plate Tectonics II Posters (joint with P, PG, SE, VGP)
Presiding: Kent C Condie, New Mexico Institute of Mining and
Technology; Julian Lowman, University of Toronto; Philip Heron,
University of Toronto; Jeroen Van Hunen, University of Durham
4:30 P.M. T34B-0406 POSTER Earth evolution as a thermal system:
C Tang
4:30 P.M. T34B-0407 POSTER Nuclear Planetology: G Roller
4:30 P.M. T34B-0408 POSTER Secular cooling and crystallization
over 1Ga of partially molten Archaean felsic crust: Refroidissement
séculaire et cristallisation sur 1 Ga d’une croûte felsique archéenne
partiellement fondue: O Vanderhaeghe, C Guergouz, C Fabre,
S Duchene
4:30 P.M. T34B-0409 POSTER Implications of Surface Boundary
Conditions on Evolution of Mantle Thermal Structure: P Glisovic,
A M Forte
4:30 P.M. T34B-0410 POSTER Mapping the Transition to the
Stagnant-lid Regime in Variable Core Size Spherical Shell Convection
with a Temperature-dependent Viscosity: J M Guerrero, J P Lowman,
F Deschamps, P J Tackley
4:30 P.M. T34B-0411 POSTER Ophiolite obduction in the
Precambrian: K Vogt, K C Condie, J B Ruh, T Gerya
Wednesday, 4:30 P.M.
4:30 P.M. VGP34A-0413 POSTER Modelling the Structure and
Composition of Layered Intrusions in Plume Center Regions using
Potential Field Data: J Blanchard, C Samson, R E Ernst, A R King
4:30 P.M. VGP34A-0414 POSTER Evidence for the extension of the
180 Ma Karoo LIP of southern Africa northward into Zambia and
Tanzania: R E Ernst, A H Mruma, U Söderlund, H C Halls
4:30 P.M. VGP34A-0415 POSTER Forensic geochemistry of a
basaltic flow and tabular intrusions of the High Arctic LIP: The case of
South Fiord, Axel Heiberg Island, Nunavut: C Kingsbury, R E Ernst,
B Cousens, M C Williamson
4:30 P.M. VGP34A-0416 POSTER A New Method to Quantify Sulfur
Concentration in Basaltic Melts Based on Crystal/Melt Partition
Coefficients: D R Baker, S Callegaro, A Marzoli, K Geraki, A De Min
4:30 P.M. VGP34A-0417 POSTER The Ste Sophie dyke swarm:
A chemically distinct facies of the Grenville Swarm: M Higgins,
F Hankard, M Ganerod, R Van Der Voo
4:30 P.M. VGP34A-0418 POSTER New Data on Igneous Rocks in
the Adriatic Sea: a Possible Indicator of the Pangea Supercontinent
Disintegration: M Kudrna Prašek, D Balen, Z Petrinec
Poster Hall 517B-D
Wednesday, 4:30 P.M.
Geological and Environmental Applications of Portable XRF II
Posters (joint with EP, MRG, MD, SE)
Presiding: L Bedard, Universite du Quebec a Chicoutimi; Robert
Linnen, University of Western Ontario; Kim Esbensen, Geological
Surey of Denmark and Greeland
A Traore
4:30 P.M. VGP34B-0420 POSTER Application of the Portable XRD/
XRF in Hydrothermal Alteration Mineral Characterization:
S M P Frias, C A Arcilla
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
Poster Hall 517B-D
9:00 A.M. AS41A-05 A new 3D Monte Carlo Radiative Transfer
Model Including Polarization: Validations and Applications:
V Barlakas, A Macke, M Wendisch
Wednesday, 4:30 P.M.
Origin of Cratonic Mantle Lithosphere, Diamonds, and Deeply
Sourced Volatile-Rich Melts: Processes and Timescales II
Posters (joint with MD, PG, SE, T)
Presiding: Sebastian Tappe, De Beers Group Exploration; Yana
Fedortchouk, Dalhousie University; Antonio Simonetti, University
of Notre Dame
4:30 P.M. VGP34C-0421 POSTER 187Re- 187Os Nuclear
Geochronometry of DiA.M.ond Sulphide Inclusions: Constraining the
Chemical Evolution of the SCLM: G Roller
4:30 P.M. VGP34C-0422 POSTER Salty kimberlites, magmatic
or contA.M.inated? Insights from sulfur isotopes on the source of
alkalies in kimberlite magmas: Y C Kitayama, E Thomassot,
E d’Eyrames, T Rigaudier, A V Golovin, A V Korsakov, A Galy
4:30 P.M. VGP34C-0423 POSTER Diamond Resorption Morphology
and Applications: a Review: Y Fedortchouk
4:30 P.M. VGP34C-0424 POSTER Micro-morphology and
Resorption of Diamonds from Snap Lake and Ekati Mine Kimberlites
(Canada) as an Indicator of the Fluid and Emplacement History: Z Li,
Y Fedortchouk, I Chinn, A Fulop
4:30 P.M. VGP34C-0425 POSTER An in situ Technique for U-Th-PbHe Chronometry with Applications to DiA.M.ond Exploration:
N Evans, B McInnes, B McDonald, M Daniík, M Shelley, P
4:30 P.M. VGP34C-0426 POSTER Unit Cell Parameter as a
Compositional Proxy using In-situ Micro XRD and Portable Terra XRD
for Diamond Exploration: P Shepherd, R L Flemming, M R Izawa,
P Mann, N Pietrzak-Renaud, E Cloutis
Thursday A.M.
Room 513A-C
Thursday, 8:00 A.M.
Challenges for Three-Dimensional Radiative Transfer in the
Earth and Atmospheric Sciences I
Presiding: Tamas Varnai, University of Maryland Baltimore County;
Anthony Davis, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory; Howard Barker,
Meteorological Service of Canada; Jui-Yuan Chiu, University of Reading
8:00 A.M. AS41A-01 Spectrally-invariant approximation within
atmospheric radiative transfer: A Marshak, Y Knyazikhin, T Varnai
8:15 A.M. AS41A-02 Representing 3D Radiative Effects in Weather
and Climate Models: R J Hogan, S A Schaefer, J Y C Chiu, C Klinger,
B C Mayer, S Crewell
8:45 A.M. AS41A-04 Land-Surface BRDF Modeling over
Rugged Terrains Based on a Mountain Radiative Transfer Model:
K Yan, G Yan, W Song, X Mu, C Schaaf
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
9:15 A.M. AS41A-06 Application of a Monte Carlo Solar Radiative
Transfer Model in a conventional GCM: H Barker, J N Cole, J Li
9:30 A.M. AS41A-07 Generalized Radiative Transfer Theory – An
Efficient Model for 3D Domain- and/or Spectrally-Averaged Fluxes
and Radiances Implemented in a Markov Chain Formalism: La Théorie
du Transfert Radiatif Généralisé—Un Modèle 1D Efficace pour Flux et
Radiances 3D en Moyenne Spatiale et/ou Spectrale Mis en Application
via le Formalisme des Chaînes de Markov: A B Davis
9:45 A.M. AS41A-08 Towards a Unified Treatment of Stochastic
Radiative Transfer of Solar Radiation in Clouds: T Trautmann,
A Doicu, D Efremenko, D Loyola
Room 513D-F
Thursday, 8:00 A.M.
Convective Cloud Processes II
Presiding: Michael Jensen, Brookhaven National Laboratory;
Pavlos Kollias, McGill University; Virendra Ghate, Argonne
National Laboratory
8:00 A.M. AS41B-01 The Sensitivity of Stratocumulus to Shallow
Cumulus Transitions to Precipitation: A D Rapp
8:15 A.M. AS41B-02 Analysis of Three Cases of Stratocumulus-toCumulus Cloud Transition Observed During MAGIC: M C Schwartz,
V P Ghate
8:30 A.M. AS41B-03 Observations of the Variability of Shallow
Trade-Wind Cumulus Cloudiness and Mass Flux in Relation to
Boundary Layer Structure: K Lamer, P Kollias, L Nuijens
8:45 A.M. AS41B-04 A New Warm Cloud Microphysics
Parameterization on the Droplet Collision Statistics: S Chen,
P M Yau, P Bartello, K Zwijsen, P Vaillancourt
9:00 A.M. AS41B-05 Understanding Shallow Cumulus Clouds as an
Open System for Parameterization Improvement: Y Liu, C Lu,
J Chen, W Lin, S Endo
9:15 A.M. AS41B-06 Study of entrainment characteristics in cloudlike flows: K N Singh, K Sreenivas
9:30 A.M. AS41B-07 Simulations of a synoptically forced transition
from shallow cumulus to precipitating cumulus congestus: D B
Mechem, S E Giangrande
9:45 A.M. AS41B-08 Impacts of mesoscale forcing on cumulus
entrainment and vigor: D J Kirshbaum
Room 512A/B/E/F
8:35 A.M. ES41A-03 Applications in Fluvial Geomorphology :
a Multi-Scale Perspective: H Piegay
Thursday, 8:00 A.M.
8:55 A.M. ES41A-04 Riparian Forest Development Following
Channelization and Dams on Large Rivers: the Role of Management
History in Setting Divergent Ecological Pathways: Développement de
la ripisylve suivant des aménagements sur les grands fleuves: le rôle
de l’histoire de gestion sur les trajectoires écologiques: J C Stella, H
Biogeochemical Cycling in Wetland Ecosystems: From
Observations to Modeling I
Presiding: Derrick Yuk Fo Lai, The Chinese University of Hong
Kong; Ian Strachan, McGill University; Luc Pelletier, McGill
University; Oliver Sonnentag, Université de Montréal
8:00 A.M. B41A-01 Temperature controls inter-annual variability of
summer methane emission from polygonal tundra in the Lena River
Delta, Siberia: L Kutzbach, C Wille, T Sachs, B Runkle, P Schreiber,
C Knoblauch, E M Pfeiffer
8:30 A.M. B41A-02 Plant and Microbial Carbon Flux Coherence
within Managed and Agricultural Wetlands of the California Delta:
J H Matthes, S H Knox, C S Sturtevant, J G Verfaillie, D D Baldocchi
9:00 A.M. B41A-03 Carbon and energy fluxes from a spatially
heterogeneous permafrost peatland: S R Harder, N T Roulet,
I B Strachan, P M Crill, L Pelletier
9:15 A.M. B41A-04 Critical Changes to Peatland Carbon
Biogeochemistry Following Permafrost Thaw: A Malhotra,
N T Roulet, T R Moore
9:30 A.M. B41A-05 Dissolved Organic Carbon Concentration
Affected by Warming and Water Table Lowering in a Boreal
Continental Bog: T M Munir, B Khadka, M Strack
9:45 A.M. B41A-06 Biogeochemical iron cycling in subalpine
wetlands: Kinetics and impact on organic carbon transport: Cycle
biogéochimique du fer en zone humides subalpines: Cinétiques et
impact sur le transport du carbone organique: C E Pallud,
K Schilling, L Schneider, T Borch, C Rhoades
Room 511C
Thursday, 8:00 A.M.
9:10 A.M. ES41A-05 Climate and human forcing of Alpine fluvial
processes in the Anthropocene: S N Lane, M Bakker, D Balin,
C Gabbud, N Micheletti
9:30 A.M. ES41A-06 Improving Salmon Management with
Automated Habitat Characterization and Functional Habitat
Connectivity: M L Roy, C Le Pichon, N Bergeron, M Mingelbier,
J N Bujold
9:45 A.M. ES41A-07 Impacts of bank stabilization on fish habitat in
two contrasted environments: W Massey, P Biron
Room 511B
Thursday, 8:00 A.M.
Geoscience Professionalism 2015: Issues, Responsibilities,
and Information—What’s New That You Need to Know?
Presiding: Oliver Bonham, Geoscientists Canada/Géoscientifiques
Canada; Louis Bernier, Services Géoscientifiques Labtem inc
8:00 A.M. ED41A-01 Investigating Geoscience Competencies for a
Better-Prepared Future Workforce: H R Houlton, M Solem,
C M Keane, J Ricci
8:15 A.M. ED41A-02 Canada’s National Professional Practice
Examination (NPPE): History, current status, future directions:
G A Pope
8:30 A.M. ED41A-03 Keeping Our Members Engaged and Informed
– AIPG’s Successes and Challenges: R A Stewart
Research Challenges and Opportunities in River Science
Studies I: Défis et nouvelles avenues de recherche dans la
science des cours d’eau II
Presiding: Pascale Biron, Concordia University; Thomas BuffinBelanger, University of Quebec at Rimouski UQAR; Peter Ashmore,
University of Western Ontario
8:45 A.M. ED41A-04 Are Professional Geoscientists Equipped
to Assume their Social Responsibilities?: J A Boon
8:00 A.M. Introductory Remarks
G White
8:05 A.M. ES41A-01 Physical and Chemical Predictors of Human
Perceptions of Water Quality in Southwestern Ozark Rivers:
A West, J Nolan, J T Scott
8:20 A.M. ES41A-02 River reach classification at high spatial
resolution to support the assessment of environmental flow
requirements in Canada: Classification des segments de rivières à
haute résolution spatiale afin de supporter l’évaluation des débits
réservés au Canada: C Ouellet Dallaire, B Lehner
9:00 A.M. ED41A-05 Quality control: An indispensable mindset
in professional geoscience: Le contrôle de la qualité: Une attitude
essentielle pour les professionnels de la géoscience: R Réjean
9:30 A.M. ED41A-07 Geoscience Knowledge Requirements for
Professional Registration: A 2015 Primer for Undergraduate and
Graduate students as to the Use of the GKE Document:
K M Ansdell, C Stanley
9:45 A.M. Question and Answer
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
Room 510D
l'eau de surface: S E Allaire
Thursday, 8:00 A.M.
9:30 A.M. H41B-05 Hillslope-Scale Spatial Variability of Snowmelt
Runoff via Interflow in a Minnesota Forest: C P J Mitchell
General Hydrology V
Presiding: Daniel Peters, Environment Canada; William Quinton,
Wilfrid Laurier University
9:45 A.M. H41B-06 Field scale flow processes and soil water
Dynamics in seasonal wetlands of the Canadian Prairies: D Keim, M
Ali, A M Ireson
8:15 A.M. H41A-02 Coupling System Dynamics and SWAT Models
for Participatory Water Quality Management in the Du Chêne basin,
Québec: J Boisvert-Chouinard, A I Baig, J F Adamowski
Room 514A-C
8:30 A.M. H41A-03 Evaluation of Uncertainty due to HRU
Delineation in SWAT Model Simulations: J M, K P Sudheer
RAINFED CONDITIONS: M Ahmed, A Mehmood, F U Hassan Sr,
M A Aslam, M Akmal, M Aslam Sr
9:00 A.M. H41A-05 Assessment of SPEI as a Tool for Representing
Drought in the Agricultural Landscapes of the Southern Canadian
Prairies: S Gurrapu, A Chipanshi, D Sauchyn, A Howard
9:15 A.M. H41A-06 A hydrologic-based lumped method for
stochastic internal dose calculation and the time evolution of the
probability density distribution of radioactivity in the human body:
S Sasaki, T Yamada, T Yamada
9:30 A.M. H41A-07 Effects of time series lengths on the design
of hydrometric networks using Dual Entropy and Multiobjective
Optimization: J Keum, P D Coulibaly
9:45 A.M. H41A-08 A Critical Look at Sensitivity Analysis of Hydrologic
Systems Models: A New Framework for Global Sensitivity Analysis:
S Razavi, H V Gupta
Room 515A-C
Thursday, 8:00 A.M.
Water Resource Impacts From Past and Future Climate
Change and Climate Variability
Presiding: Markus Schnorbus, Pacific Climate Impacts Consortium;
Rajesh Shrestha, Pacific Climate Impacts Consortium;
Daniel Peters, Environment Canada
8:00 A.M. H41C-01 The Impact of Climate Change on IDF Curves
Across Canada: S Simonovic, R K Srivastav, A Schardong
8:30 A.M. H41C-02 A new impacts-driven approach to
understanding climate vulnerabilities: J A Vano
8:45 A.M. H41C-03 Ecological Flows for a Large Hydroelectric
Reservoir Regulated River System: Will Projected Climate Change
Bring About Beneficial Opportunities?: D L Peters, R R Shrestha,
M Schnorbus, W A Monk, D J Baird
9:00 A.M. H41C-04 Climate-Driven Trends in the Occurrence of
Major Floods in North America and Europe: G A Hodgkins,
P H Whitfield, D H Burn, J Hannaford, B Renard, K Stahl, A K Fleig,
H Madsen, L Mediero, J Korhonen, C Murphy, P Crochet, D Wilson
9:15 A.M. H41C-05 Hydrologic Impacts of Projected Climate in
the Athabasca Watershed: Implication on Water Availability in the
Region: Y B Dibike, H I Eum, T D Prowse
Thursday, 8:00 A.M.
9:30 A.M. H41C-06 Climate Change Impacts on Extreme Wet and
Dry Events for Southern California Water Resources: B R Pagan,
J S Pal, M Ashfaq, D R Kendall
Scales and Scaling in Soil Hydrology: Spatial and Temporal
Dynamics of Complex Processes I (joint with B)
Presiding: Asim Biswas, McGill University; Sean Carey, McMaster
9:45 A.M. H41C-07 Projecting climate change impacts on
streamflow extremes using nonstationary generalized extreme value
analysis: R R Shrestha, M Schnorbus, A J Cannon
8:00 A.M. H41B-01 Revealing Multi-Variate And Multi-Scale
Controls Of Soil Water: B Si, W Hu, A Biswas
Thursday, 8:00 A.M.
8:30 A.M. H41B-02 Joint multifractal analysis for three variables:
Characterizing the effect of topography and soil texture on soil water
storage: A Biswas
Mineral Deposits and Ore Minerals I
Presiding: Michel Jebrak, UQAM; William Minarik, McGill University
8:45 A.M. H41B-03 Spatio-temporal Change Assessment Using
Normalize Difference Vegetative Index and Spectral analysis
techniques for vegetation cover on Wadi Auranah: G A Mahar,
N Al Aamri II, O S Aburizaiza
8:00 A.M. MD41A-01 The Brucejack Intermediate Sulfidation
Epithermal Au-Ag Deposit, Northwestern British Columbia:
S P Tombe, J P Richards, C J Greig, W S Board, R A Creaser,
R M Freidman, P B Larson
9:00 A.M. H41B-04 Multi-scale heterogeneous movement
on hillslope solute transport toward surface water: Impact de
mouvement hétérogène multi-échelle sur le transport de solutés vers
8:15 A.M. MD41A-02 Stratigraphy and structure of Archean
lode gold deposits in the southeastern Rice Lake greenstone belt,
southeastern Manitoba, Canada: X Zhou, S Lin, S D Anderson
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
8:30 A.M. MD41A-03 The structural and geochronological
evolution of the auriferous Santoy shear zone, northeastern Glennie
domain, Saskatchewan: C R Wood, K M Bethune,
M A Hamilton
9:30 A.M. P41A-06 Ancient Martian Lakestands and Fluvial
Processes in Iani Chaos: Geology of Light-Toned Layered Deposits
and their Relationship to Ares Vallis Outflow Channels: L Guallini, M
S Gilmore, L Marinangeli, N Thomas
8:45 A.M. MD41A-04 The Lower Detour Lake Au Discovery, Ontario,
Canada: A High-Grade Oxidized Intrusion-Related Au Deposit:
K J Malcolm, D Kontak, D K Tinkham, J A Ayer, G MacGillivray
9:45 A.M. P41A-07 Formation of Fluvial Gravel Pavements as an
Explanation for Persistence of Ancient Cratered Terrain on Titan:
A D Howard, S Breton, J M Moore
9:00 A.M. MD41A-05 Deformational and Metamorphic Processes
in the Formation of the Bellechasse-Timmins Orogenic Gold Deposit,
Southern Québec Appalachians, Canada: M Valette, A Tremblay,
D Boilard
Room 511A
9:15 A.M. MD41A-06 Gold mineralization of the archean Orfée
showing, Baie-James, Québec: A Bogatu, F Huot, C Guilmette,
J Goutier, G Beaudoin, A Rhéaume Ouellet
General Contributions in Seismology I Technical Advances
and Developments: Contributions Générales en Sismologie
I - Avancées et développements techniques (joint with G, SE, T)
Presiding: Pascal Audet, University of Ottawa; Pascal Audet,
University of Ottawa
9:30 A.M. MD41A-07 Geology of the metA.M.orphosed Roberto
gold deposit and tonalite-hosted Cheechoo discovery, Superior
Province, James Bay Region, Québec, Canada: A Fontaine,
B Dubé, M Malo, V McNicoll, T Brisson, D Doucet
9:45 A.M. MD41A-08 Gold Metallogeny of the Southern Swayze
Greenstone Belt: Poor or Rich Cousin to the Abitibi?: E C G Hastie,
D Kontak, B Lafrance
Room 510B
Thursday, 8:00 A.M.
Fluvial Landforms and Sedimentary Deposits on Planetary
Surfaces: Morphologies fluviales et dépôts sédimentaires sur
les surfaces planétaires (joint with ES, SG)
Presiding: Nicolas Mangold, LPGN Laboratoire de Planétologie
et Géodynamique de Nantes; Alan Howard, University of Virginia
Main Campus
8:00 A.M. P41A-01 Fluvial to Lacustrine Facies Transitions in Gale
Crater, Mars: D Y Sumner, R M E Williams, J Schieber, M C Palucis,
D Z Oehler, N Mangold, L C Kah, S Gupta, J P Grotzinger, J A Grant
III, L A Edgar, W E Dietrich
8:20 A.M. P41A-02 Chemistry of sedimentary rocks at Gale crater,
Mars: Alpha Particle X-ray Spectrometer (APXS) constraints:
L M Thompson, R Gellert, M E Schmidt, J A Berger, N Boyd,
B Elliott, B Pavri, G M Perrett, J G Spray, S Van Bommel, A Yen
8:40 A.M. P41A-03 Phyllosilicates in fluvial-lacustrine sediments in
Gale Crater as revealed by the Curiosity rover: R J Leveille
9:00 A.M. P41A-04 The chemistry of sediments at the Lower Aeolis
Mons (Mt Sharp) from ChemCam/Curiosity observations:
N Mangold, O Forni, D Blaney, R Milliken, M Nachon, O Gasnault,
M R Fisk, J P Grotzinger, J Hurowitz, L C Kah, L Le Deit,
S Le Mouelic, S M McLennan, S Maurice, K Stack, D Y Sumner,
L M Thompson, R C Wiens
9:15 A.M. P41A-05 Fresh Shallow Valleys in Northern Arabia Terra,
Mars: Implications for the Post-Noachian Climate: S A Wilson,
A D Howard, J M Moore, J A Grant III
Thursday, 8:00 A.M.
8:00 A.M. S41A-01 Structure of the Crust and Uppermost Mantle
Obtained from High-Resolution Receiver Function Analyses:
B Wang, F A Darbyshire, S S Gao
8:15 A.M. S41A-02 New insights in shear wave velocity estimates
through combined use of three passive techniques for tectonically
active area: R Biswas
8:30 A.M. S41A-03 Preliminary Correlation of Earthquakes with
Seismogenic Faults, Central Oklahoma: B Rasaka, V S Cronin
8:45 A.M. S41A-04 Seismic Characterization and Seismic Data
Interpretation in Deciphering Structure, Hydrocarbon Potentiality
and Reserve Re–estimation of Srikail Gas Field, Bangladesh:
S S Snigdha, A S M Woobaidullah, Z Salehin
9:00 A.M. S41A-05 Determination of an Empirical Local Magnitude
Formula for Northern Oklahoma: S Karimi, D W Greig, D Baturan
9:15 A.M. S41A-06 Field Installation and Real-Time Data Processing
of the New Integrated SeismoGeodetic System with Real-Time
Acceleration and Displacement Measurements for Earthquake
Characterization Based on High-Rate Seismic and GPS Data:
L G Zimakov, M Jackson, J Raczka, P Passmore, S E Barrientos
9:30 A.M. S41A-07 Processing a Large amount of Seismic
(Geophysical?) Data Using Hadoop: J P Mercier, A Pascu, P Dales, D
B Willem, P Audet
9:45 A.M. S41A-08 Anomalous Signal Analysis of Satellite Based
Thermal Infrared and Ground Based Radon Data Recorded Prior to
Major Earthquakes in Pakistan: M Awais
Room 511D
Thursday, 8:00 A.M.
The Neoproterozoic-Paleozoic Earth System: Records From an
Earth in Transition (joint with B, ES, PP, PG)
Presiding: Erik Sperling, Harvard Univ-Botanical Museum; Justin
Strauss, Harvard University
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
8:00 A.M. SG41A-01 Behavior of Marine Sulfate in Variably Sulfidic
Oceans: L C Kah, M A Henderson, C K Thompson
9:15 A.M. SPA41A-05 Control of Energetic Ring Current Ion Spectra
by EMIC Waves: D Summers, R Shi
8:15 A.M. SG41A-02 Epiclastic Versus Pyroclastic: Revised Age
Constraints on Cryogenian Glacial Deposits in the Pocatello
Formation, Idaho, U.S.A: M D Schmitz, V Isakson, C M Dehler,
A Yonkee, F A Macdonald
9:30 A.M. SPA41A-06 The Relation of Chorus, Hiss and the
Plasmasphere: J Bortnik, W Li, R M Thorne
8:30 A.M. SG41A-03 Oxygen, Facies, and Secular Controls on the
Appearance of Cryogenian and Ediacaran Body and Trace Fossils in
the Mackenzie Mountains, Northwestern Canada: E A Sperling,
C Carbone, J V Strauss, D T Johnston, G Narbonne, F A Macdonald
Room 511E
8:45 A.M. SG41A-04 Late-Ediacaran Resumption of Extension on
the Western Laurentian Margin near Jasper, Alberta, Canada:
T J Maguire, G P Halverson
Multidisciplinary Perspectives on the Continental Mantle
Lithosphere and Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Boundary I
(joint with S, SE, VGP)
Presiding: Andrew Schaeffer, Dublin Institute for Advanced
Studies; Claire Currie, University of Alberta; Yu Gu, University of
Alberta; Christy Till, Arizona State University
9:00 A.M. SG41A-05 Ediacaran soft-tissue preservation: La
préservation de fossil Ediacarien: M Laflamme, J D Schiffbauer,
S A F Darroch
9:15 A.M. SG41A-06 Biodiversity in the Precambrian Fossil Record:
Constructing a Digital Database of the Ediacara Biota and Closing
the Precambrian-Cambrian Evolutionary Gap: T H Boag, M Laflamme,
S A F Darroch
9:30 A.M. SG41A-07 New Precambrian Trace Fossils, the End of
the Ediacara Biota, and First Mass Extinction of Complex Life: New
precambrian trace fossils, the end of the Ediacara biota, and first
mass extinction of complex lif: S A F Darroch, M Laflamme
9:45 A.M. SG41A-08 Paleogeography at the Precambrian-Cambrian
transition: I W D Dalziel
Room 510C
Thursday, 8:00 A.M.
Earth’s Plasmasphere: Feeding, Dynamics, and Coupling
Processes I
Presiding: Fabien Darrouzet, Belgian Institute for Space
Aeronomy; Jerry Goldstein, Southwest Research Inst; Kirthika
Mohan, UCL Mullard Space Science Laboratory; Maria Usanova,
Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics
9:50 A.M. Posters: Short Presentation
Thursday, 8:00 A.M.
8:00 A.M. T41A-01 Lithosphere Temperature Constraints and the
Thermal Control of Lithosphere Thickness: R D Hyndman
8:15 A.M. T41A-02 Thermochemical Structure of the Hudson Bay
Lithosphere, Northern Canada: Evidence from Multi-Observable
Probabilistic Inversions: F A Darbyshire, J C Afonso
8:35 A.M. T41A-03 Lithosphere Structure of Canada: Constraints
From Ambient Seismic Noise Tomography: C A Currie, H Kao, R D
8:50 A.M. T41A-04 Temporal Evolution of the LithosphereAsthenosphere Boundary and its Effect on the “Diamond-Window” in
the Western Superior Craton: K Smit, G D Pearson,
T Stachel, M Seller
9:10 A.M. T41A-05 Electrical Resistivity Structure of the Proterozoic
Grenville Province Lithosphere: I J Ferguson,
A Q Adetunji, A G Jones
9:25 A.M. T41A-06 The role of the temperature and stress fields for
evolution of asthenospheric layers: L Czechowski, M Grad
9:40 A.M. T41A-07 On the History and Integrity of the Cratonic
Lithosphere in Western Canada: Y J Gu, Y Chen, S H Hung
8:00 A.M. SPA41A-01 Global Plasmaspheric Electron Density
Simulations of Pre-dawn and Post-dusk Geomagnetic Events
Observed by the Van Allen Probes: S De Pascuale, V Jordanova,
J Goldstein, C Kletzing
9:55 A.M. Concluding Remarks
8:20 A.M. SPA41A-02 Long-Lived Plasmaspheric Drainage Plumes
and the Plasma-Source Dilemma: J Borovsky, D Welling,
M F Thomsen, M Denton
Thursday, 8:00 A.M.
8:40 A.M. SPA41A-03 Plasmasphere refilling rates as deduced from
Ukraine incoherent scatter radar data by FLIP simulation for the last
solar minimum: P G Richards, D V Kotov, V Truhlik, S M Stankov,
O Bogomaz, L Chernogor, I F Domnin
8:55 A.M. SPA41A-04 The global distribution, energy source,
and scattering effects of magnetosphic waves in the Earth’s inner
magnetosphere: Q Ma, W Li, R M Thorne, J Bortnik
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
Room 511F
The Uranium Cycle: From the Mantle to Sediments to
Exploitation to Environmental Impact I (joint with ES, MD, SG)
Presiding: T Kyser, Queen’s University; Mostafa Fayek, University of
8:00 A.M. VGP41A-01 Compositional and Thermal Characterization
of Basinal Fluids in the Athabasca Basin: Implications for Unconformity-related Uranium Deposits: H Chu, G Chi, R Scott
8:15 A.M. VGP41A-02 The Effects of Basement Faults on Fluid
Convection in the Athabasca Basin and Significance for Localization
of Uranium Mineralization: Z Li, G Chi, K M Bethune
8:30 A.M. VGP41A-03 Principal Component Analysis and
Mineralogical Studies of Sandstones Overlying the Phoenix U
Deposits and REE-rich Maw Zone, Athabasca Basin, Saskatchewan:
S Chen, K Hattori, E C Grunsky, Y Liu
8:45 A.M. VGP41A-04 Organic Carbon-rich Sulfide-rich
Metasediments from the Fraser Lakes Zone B Uranium-thorium-rare
earth element (U-Th-REE) Deposit, northern Saskatchewan (Canada):
Trace-metal Concentration Data, Paleoredox Environment, and
Implications for the Metal Source of U/C-type Uranium Deposits:
I R Annesley, J Mercadier, C L McKechnie,
M M Cuney, R Millar
9:00 A.M. VGP41A-05 Petrographic and Raman spectroscopic study
of graphite alteration in the Phoenix uranium deposit, southeastern
Athabasca Basin, northern Saskatchewan: K Wang, G Chi, K M Bethune,
Z Li, C Card
9:15 A.M. VGP44C-0440 Fluid Evolution Recorded in the
Composition of Tourmaline and Aluminum Sulfate-Phosphate
Minerals along the P2 Fault and McArthur River Uranium Deposit,
Saskatchewan: E Adlakha, K Hattori, G Zaluski, T Kotzer, E Potter
9:30 A.M. VGP41A-07 The Potential of Rare Earth Elements for
Revealing the Conditions of Uranium Deposit Formation and their
Subsequent use for Exploration and Uranium Forensic Issues: Le
Potentiel des Eléments de Terres Rares pour Révéler les Condititions
de Formation des Gisements d’Uranium et leur Utilisation pour
l’Exploration et le Traçage de Contrebande d’Uranium: J Mercadier
SHDOM Simulated Radiances: G Wen, A Marshak, K F Evans, T Varnai,
R C Levy
11:30 A.M. AS42A-05 Spectral, Angular and Polarimetric Signatures
of Radiation Reflected by Leaves and Vegetation Canopies: B Yang,
Y Knyazikhin, M Mottus, L Yan
11:45 A.M. AS42A-06 Efficient 3D atmospheric tomography of
scatter distribution: A Levis, A Aides, V Holodovsky, Y Y Schechner,
A Levin, A B Davis
12:00 P.M. AS42A-07 Adjoint methods for three-dimensional
remote sensing of clouds and aerosols: W G K Martin, B Cairns,
G Bal, F Evans
12:15 P.M. AS42A-08 MCScene Limb-Viewing Hyperspectral Image
Simulation based on a Polygonal Earth Cross-Section (PEX) Model:
A Berk
Room 512A/B/E/F
Thursday, 10:30 A.M.
Biogeochemical Cycling in Wetland Ecosystems: From
Observations to Modeling II
Presiding: Derrick Yuk Fo Lai, Chinese University of Hong Kong;
Oliver Sonnentag, University of Montreal; Luc Pelletier, McGill
University; Ian Strachan, McGill University
10:30 A.M. B42A-01 Implications of land management practices for
greenhouse gas fluxes from tropical peatland oil palm plantations:
Y A Teh, F Manning, N binti Haji Zin Zawawi, T Hill, M Chocholek,
L K Kho
Room 513A-C
11:00 A.M. B42A-02 Fourteen Year Carbon Balance For A Raised
Temperate Bog: N T Roulet, E Humphreys, P Lafleur, T R Moore
Thursday, 10:30 A.M.
11:30 A.M. B42A-03 Distinctive Patterns of Carbon and Nitrogen
Fractions in a Deforested and Converted Tropical Peat Dome:
G Z Anshari, E Gusmayanti, M Afifudin
Challenges for Three-Dimensional Radiative Transfer in the
Earth and Atmospheric Sciences II
Presiding: Tamas Varnai, University of Maryland Baltimore County;
Anthony Davis, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory; Howard Barker,
Meteorological Service of Canada; Jui-Yuan Chiu, University of
10:30 A.M. AS42A-01 Assessment of Cloud Heterogeneity Effects
on Clouds and Aerosols above Clouds Parameters Retrieved by
POLDER3/PARASOL: C Cornet, L Labonnote, F Parol, F Peers,
G Pénide, J Riedi, F Szczap, F Thieuleux, F Waquet
10:45 A.M. AS42A-02 Bias in MODIS cloud drop effective radius
for oceanic water clouds as deduced from measured cloud optical
thickness variability across scattering angles: L Di Girolamo,
L Liang
11:00 A.M. AS42A-03 Studying 3D radiative effects on aerosol
retrieval near clouds, using spectral measurements with high spatial
resolution: R C Levy, L A Munchak, S Mattoo, A Marshak
11:15 A.M. AS42A-04 Assessing the Two-Layer Model for Estimating
3D Cloud Induced Clear Sky Reflectance Enhancement Using LES/
11:45 A.M. B42A-04 Simulating long-term carbon Dynamics in
disturbed and restored peatlands: Simulation de la dynamique du
carbone à long terme des tourbières perturbées et restorées:
A Quillet, N T Roulet, J Wu
12:00 P.M. B42A-05 Testing model assumptions in the field:
peatland carbon cycling, vegetation, and water table depth:
E Goud, T R Moore, N T Roulet
12:15 P.M. Discussion
Room 513D-F
Thursday, 10:30 A.M.
The Role for a Network of Long-Term Monitoring Sites in
Canada for Advancing Environmental Science and Policy I
(joint with AS, H)
Presiding: Kara Webster, Canadian Forest Service; Catherine
Eimers, Trent University
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
10:30 A.M. B42B-01 Unlocking the Power of Many – Why InterCatchment Comparisons Can Advance Our Understanding of Forest
Hydrological Resilience to Climate Warming: I F Creed, T Hwang,
C Brimacombe
10:45 A.M. B42B-02 The role of long-term monitoring in meeting
science and policy needs: Lessons from 35 years of research at the
Turkey Lakes Watershed: K L Webster, P W Hazlett, R Semkin
11:00 A.M. B42B-03 Long-term Observations of the Recovery from
Acid Deposition in Central Ontario: S A Watmough
11:15 A.M. B42B-04 Long-term monitoring in Kejimkujik National
Park Nova Scotia reveals increasing aluminium concentrations in
rivers: S M Sterling
11:30 A.M. B42B-05 Long term monitoring of forested catchments
in Québec, Canada: D Houle
11:45 A.M. B42B-06 The Value of Long-term Gauged Watershed
Experiments in Forest Hydrology: lessons from the South African
Experience: D F Scott
12:00 P.M. B42B-07 The Role of Long-Term Observatories
and Networks for Advancing the Frontiers of Science: Linking
Networks and Promoting Scientific Engagement Nationally and
Internationally: C L Roehm
12:15 P.M. Discussion
Room 511B
Thursday, 10:30 A.M.
How Do We Build a Healthy Geoscience Community That
Better Serves Society?
Presiding: Vincent Cronin, Baylor University; Anne Marie Ryan,
Dalhousie University
10:30 A.M. ED42A-01 Course Promotion for Ethics, Culture and
Community-based Research for Graduate Student Training:
D P Quigley
12:00 P.M. ED42A-07 Principles of Ethical and Responsible Climate
Services: C D Jack
12:15 P.M. ED42A-08 Social Responsibility in Mineral Exploration Lessons from Nine Case Studies: J A Boon
Room 511C
Thursday, 10:30 A.M.
Research Challenges and Opportunities in River Science
Studies II: Défis et nouvelles avenues de recherche dans la
science des cours d’eau III (joint with B)
Presiding: Pascale Biron, Concordia University; Thomas BuffinBelanger, University of Quebec at Rimouski UQAR; Peter Ashmore,
University of Western Ontario
10:30 A.M. Introductory Remarks
10:40 A.M. ES42A-01 Bedload sediment transport in gravel-bed
rivers: Intermittence and continuum: A Roy
11:00 A.M. ES42A-02 A 3-step framework to consider
hydrosedimentary Dynamics in river crossing management:
S Demers, T K Buffin-Belanger, T Olsen
11:15 A.M. ES42A-03 Evaluating the contribution of geotechnical
and vegetation processes to lateral erosion in a meandering river
reach using a holistic morphoDynamic model: Y Y Rousseau,
P Biron, M J Van de Wiel
11:30 A.M. ES42A-04 Estimating Bedload Transport in Braided
Gravel-Bed Rivers using Structure–from-Motion PhotogrA.M.metry
and the Morphological Method: S Peirce,
P Leduc, P Ashmore
11:45 A.M. ES42A-05 Deposit geometry and grain sorting in gravel
braided rivers: P Leduc, P Ashmore
12:00 P.M. ES42A-06 Physical controls on fine-sediment infiltration
into gravel beds: J Franssen, M Lapointe, P Magnan
10:45 A.M. ED42A-02 A Pilot Study: Integrating Ethical Issues to a
Physical Geology Course: C Pappas Maenz
12:15 P.M. ES42A-07 Structural comparison of multiple rivers
across Canada: the importance of scale for characterizing the river
complexity: F Hugue, M Lapointe
11:00 A.M. ED42A-03 Connecting pedagogy to geology and ethics:
A M Ryan, C G Bank
Room 510D
11:15 A.M. ED42A-04 Seeking Community Input to a Modular
Course on GeoEthics: V S Cronin, A M Ryan, G Di Capua,
N McHugh, C M Palinkas, C Pappas Maenz, S Peppoloni
Thursday, 10:30 A.M.
11:30 A.M. ED42A-05 Aldo Leopold, Deep Time, and the Ethics of
Geoscience: G D Rosenberg
11:45 A.M. ED42A-06 Global Geoscience Professionalism - The
Importance of Building a More Connected Professional Community
and The Role of Professional Geoscience Organizations in Supporting
How Geoscientists Can Better Serve Society: O Bonham, R Allington
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
General Hydrology VI
Presiding: Daniel Peters, Environment Canada; William Quinton,
Wilfrid Laurier University
10:45 A.M. H42A-02 A Novel Method for Extraction and
Characterization of Porewater Chemistry in Low-Permeability
Sedimentary Rocks: M Celejewski, T A Al, I D Clark
11:00 A.M. H42A-03 Transient electromagnetic investigations in the
Ahmedabad region,central Cambay basin, Gujara, INDIA:
Y Singh, P Gayatri, V Choudhary, M E, D K, R B K
11:15 A.M. H42A-04 Spatiotemporal variability of heavy metals
contamination of surface water: a case study in the Cordillera
Blanca, Peru: A Guittard, M Baraer, J M McKenzie, B G Mark,
O H Wigmore, A Fernandez
Room 515A-C
11:30 A.M. H42A-05 Water coverage and quality fluctuations of the
Aral Lake tributary reservoir in Kazakhstan: O Alipbeki,
J Sagin, N Kazangapova
Scales and Scaling in Soil Hydrology: Spatial and Temporal
Dynamics of Complex Processes II (joint with B)
Presiding: Asim Biswas, McGill University; Sean Carey, McMaster
11:45 A.M. H42A-06 Hydro-chemical studies of the SchuchinskBorovoye natural reserve, Kazakhstan: S O Kitaibekova,
N Kazangapova, G Kabzhanova, S Abeuova, K Mazarzhanova,
J Sagin, K Massenov
12:00 P.M. H42A-07 The Influence of Glacial Landforms on
Subsurface and Surface Hydrology and Chemistry Across a
Heterogeneous Boreal Plain Landscape: K J Hokanson, J J CarreraHernandez, K J Devito, C Thompson, C A Mendoza
Thursday, 10:30 A.M.
10:30 A.M. H42C-01 Subsurface hydrological processes and surface
irrigation management: Hydrologie souterraine et ggestion de
l’irrigation de surface: J Caron, V Pelletier, Y Periard,
J A Lafond, S Gumiere
11:00 A.M. H42C-02 Characterization of Field-Scale Water Balance
Components at A Heterogeneous Prairie Field Site:
X Pan, W Helgason, A M Ireson
12:15 P.M. H42A-08 Regional nutrient export modeling of the South
Saskatchewan River catchment using SPARROW:
L A Morales-Marin, H S Wheater, K E Lindenschmidt
11:15 A.M. H42C-03 Scale-classification of water table response in
a low-gradient Prairie watershed: G Ali, H Petzold, A R Penner
Room 514A-C
11:30 A.M. H42C-04 Recent Advances in Monitoring of the Unfrozen
Soil Water in the Source Area of the Yellow River, China: D Luo, H Jin,
L Lv
Thursday, 10:30 A.M.
Quantifying and Communicating Uncertainties in Changes to
Hydrologic Extremes: Quantification et communication des
incertitudes aux changements des extrêmes hydrologiques
(joint with AS)
Presiding: Arelia Werner, Pacific Climate Impacts Consortium,
University of Victoria; Stephen Dery, University of Northern British
Columbia; Eric Wood, Princeton University
10:30 A.M. H42B-01 Water Resource Futures Under Climate Change
- Framing Uncertainty Within the Context of Vulnerability to Identify
Risk: H S Wheater, A Nazemi
11:00 A.M. H42B-02 Suppressed Convective Rainfall by Agricultural
Expansion in southeastern Burkina Faso: M B Parlange, T Mande,
G G Katul, N C Ceperley, S W Tyler
11:30 A.M. H42B-03 The Winter Anomaly of the North Pacific
High (WANPH) as a predictor of seasonal totals and extremes of
precipitation over California: L’hiver Anomalie du Grand Nord du
Pacifique (WANPH) comme prédicteur des totaux et des extrêmes de
précipitations saisonnières en Californie: M C Costa-Cabral,
J Rath, W B Mills, S B Roy, P D Bromirski, C Milesi
11:45 A.M. H42B-04 Examining why trends in extreme precipitation
should not be mistaken for trends in extreme discharge: T Ivancic,
S B Shaw
12:00 P.M. H42B-05 Novel Supervised Nonlinear Dimensionality
Reduction Techniques for Improvement of Statistical Downscaling
Processes: A Sarhadi, D H Burn, C W Thackeray
11:45 A.M. H42C-05 Groundwater Flow System in a Permafrost
Area in the Upper Reaches of Heihe River: Y Hu, W Xing, R Ma,
Z Sun
12:00 P.M. H42C-06 Modeling the Impacts of Soil, Vegetation and
Climate on Evapotranspiration and Groundwater Recharge during
2001-2010 on the Chinese Loess Plateau: W Hu, B Si
12:15 P.M. H42C-07 Abundance of earthworm species is influenced
by the proximity to the tile drainage: H Diop,
J K Whalen, C Madramootoo, A Michaud
Room 510A
Thursday, 10:30 A.M.
Mineral Deposits and Ore Minerals II
Presiding: Michel Jebrak, UQAM; William Minarik, McGill University
10:30 A.M. MD42A-01 Genesis of silver mineralization associated
with the Anvil Batholith, Mt Mye Trend, Yukon, Canada: M Rogers,
S Gleeson, M Dumala
10:45 A.M. MD42A-02 A Nanoparticulate Origin for Orogenic Gold:
M A Pearce, M F Gazley, R Hough, M Saunders, L Fisher, C Kong,
G Duclaux
11:00 A.M. MD42A-03 Gold Mineralization and Genetic Evaluation
in the North Khentei Gold Belt, Central Northern Mongolia: C
Khishgee, M Akasaka
11:15 A.M. MD42A-04 Gold and Trace-element Content of Copper
Sulphides of the Far Southeast Porphyry Cu-Au Deposit, Philippines:
M Bunce, J W Hedenquist, K Hattori, S Jackson
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
11:30 A.M. MD42A-05 The Gold Ridge epithermal Au deposit,
Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands: H Gedikile, A Imai, K Watanabe,
T Ogata, R Takahashi, H L Davies
11:45 A.M. MD42A-06 Origin of copper showings in the Cornwallis
District and Borden Basin, Arctic islands, Nunavut: J Mathieu,
D Kontak, E Turner, M Fayek
12:00 P.M. MD42A-07 The Eocene Morrison porphyry Cu-Au-Mo
deposit, Babine Lake area, British Columbia: L Liu, J P Richards,
R A Creaser, A Dufrane, P B Larson
12:15 P.M. MD42A-08 Using Remote Sensing and GIS to Better
Understand a Copper Porphyry Deposit (Peru): N Khalid, M Pazner
Room 510B
Thursday, 10:30 A.M.
Surface Expressions of Volcanism and Associated Tectonism
on Venus and Implications for Interior Dynamics
Presiding: Richard Ernst, Carleton University; Debra Hurwitz,
Lunar & Planetary Institute
10:30 A.M. P42A-01 Some Thoughts on Lithospheric Overturn on
Venus: S D King, A C Prunty
10:45 A.M. P42A-02 Lithospheric Flexure, Stress, and Volcanic
Edifice Morphology: A Connection for a Subset of Coronae on Venus?:
P J McGovern Jr
11:00 A.M. P42A-03 Refining the Stratigraphy of Venus Using the
Distribution of Features in Shield fields: A Numerical Modeling and
Mapping Study: B J Thomson, N P Lang
11:15 A.M. P42A-04 Giant circumferential graben-fissure systems:
A key to the recognition of Venusian corona analogues on Earth:
E Bethell, R E Ernst, C Samson, K L Buchan
11:30 A.M. P42A-05 A Giant Circumferential Dyke Swarm
Associated with the High Arctic Large Igneous Province (HALIP) – a
Possible Analogue for Coronae on Venus: K L Buchan, R E Ernst
11:45 A.M. P42A-06 Emplacement of Volcanic Domes on Venus:
L C Quick, L S Glaze, S M Baloga
12:00 P.M. P42A-07 Laboratory high-temperature emissivity
measurements of Venus analog measurements in the near-infrared
atmospheric windows: J Helbert, S Ferrari, A Maturilli, M D Dyar
12:15 P.M. P42A-08 Geologic Analysis of the Near-Infrared Images
of the Surface Taken by the Venus Monitoring Camera, Venus Express:
W J Markiewicz, E Shalygin, A T Basilevsky, D V Titov,
N I Ignatiev, J W Head III
Room 511D
Thursday, 10:30 A.M.
Archean Tectonics I: Tectonique archéenne
Presiding: Jean Goutier, Géologie Québec; Lyal Harris, INRS-ETE;
Jean Bedard, Geological Survey of Canada
10:30 A.M. PG42A-01 Archaean unstable stagnant lid tectonics:
J H J Bedard, T E Johnson, C O’Neill, L Harris
11:00 A.M. PG42A-02 Implications from geophysical data for the
structural and tectonic evolution of the Superior and Yilgarn cratons:
L B Harris, J H J Bedard
11:30 A.M. PG42A-03 Komatiite Volcanism: Lithospheric Controls
on the Earth’s Hottest Melts and Links to Crustal Growth in the
Archean: D R Mole, M Fiorentini, N Thebaud, C McCuaig,
K F Cassidy, C L Kirkland, S Romano, M Doublier, E A Belousova,
S J Barnes
12:00 P.M. PG42A-04 Crustal shortening, pop-down tectonics, fluid
channelling and ore transfers within hot lithospheres – implications
for Precambrian Cratons: D Gapais, J Jaguin,
P Boulvais, F Cagnard
Room 511A
Thursday, 10:30 A.M.
General Contributions in Seismology II Earthquakes and
Earth Structures: Contributions Générales en Sismologie II Séismes et structures de la Terre (joint with G, SE, T)
Presiding: Pascal Audet, University of Ottawa; Pascal Audet,
University of Ottawa
10:30 A.M. S42A-01 Crustal Structure in Southeastern Egypt:
Symmetric Thinning of the Northern Red Sea Rifted Margins:
A Hosny, A Nyblade
10:45 A.M. S42A-02 Significant seismic anisotropy beneath
southern Tibet inferred from splitting of direct S-waves:
D D Mohanty, A Singh, C Singh
11:00 A.M. S42A-03 Effect of Intrinsic and scattering attenuation
by Multiple lapse time windows analysis (MLTWA) and Coda wave
attenuation in Himalaya Nepal-Tibet region: S Singh, C Singh
11:15 A.M. S42A-04 Assessment of Azimuthal Variation of Surface
Wave Velocity in the Western Part of Himalaya: A Kumar, N Kumar,
S Mukhopadhyay
ARMENIAN HIGHLAND: R Avetyan, R Pashayan
11:45 A.M. S42A-06 Confidence Intervals for the Magnitude of the
Largest Aftershock: R Shcherbakov
12:00 P.M. S42A-07 Uni- and Multi-Frequential Periodogram
Analyses of Earthquake Occurrence: An Alternative Approach to
Schuster Spectra, with Two Examples in Central California: Analyses
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
par Périodogrammes Uni- et Multi-Fréquentiels de l’Occurrence des
Tremblements de Terre: Une Approche Alternative aux Spectres de
Schuster, avec Deux Exemples de la Californie Centrale: P Dutilleul,
R Burgmann, C W Johnson, Y Wan, Z K Shen
Room 511E
12:15 P.M. S42A-08 Crustal Investigation of the Gulf of Saint
Lawrence, Eastern Canada Using Ambient Seismic Noise
Tomography: A Kuponiyi, H Kao, S E Dosso, G Spence, J F Cassidy
Secular Variations in the Tectonomagmatic Evolution of the
Continental Crust I (joint with GP, MD, PG, T)
Presiding: J Shellnutt, NTNU National Taiwan Normal University;
J Brendan Murphy, St. Francis Xavier University; John Keppie,
Universidad Nacional Autonomo de Mexico
Room 510C
Thursday, 10:30 A.M.
Thursday, 10:30 A.M.
10:30 A.M. VGP42A-01 Evidence of Middle Jurassic Magmatism
within the Seychelles Microcontinent: A Possible Connection to the
Initial Rifting between East Gondwana and Africa:
J G Shellnutt, T Y Lee, Y H Lee, H Y Chiu
Earth’s Inner Magnetosphere: Advances in Modeling,
Simulations, and Theory I
Presiding: Danny Summers, Memorial University of
Newfoundland; Ian Mann, University of Alberta; Barry Mauk,
Applied Physics Laboratory Johns Hopkins
10:45 A.M. VGP42A-02 Avalonia, The Missing Link between the
Timarides (Baltica) and Arctic Alaska/Chukotka: Igneous TDM Age and
Detrital Zircon Constraints: J D Keppie, F Keppie, J Dostal
10:30 A.M. SPA42A-01 Global Storm-Time Depletion of the Outer
Electron Belt: A Y Ukhorskiy, M I Sitnov, R M Millan, B T Kress,
J Fennell
11:00 A.M. VGP42A-03 Archean to Phanerozoic Subcontinental
Lithospheric Mantle and Relationships to the Mantle Components:
J D Greenough, J McDivitt
10:45 A.M. SPA42A-02 Simulation of Earth’s Radiation Belt Electron
Dynamics and Its Comparison to Van Allen Probes Observations:
W Li, R M Thorne, Q Ma, J Bortnik
11:15 A.M. VGP42A-04 Terrestrial Mantle Domains and Changing
Tectonic Settings Through Time: K C Condie
11:00 A.M. SPA42A-03 ULF Wave Properties and Implications for
Radiation Belt Interactions: M Hartinger, K Takahashi, M Moldwin,
C R Clauer, J W Bonnell, V Angelopoulos
11:30 A.M. VGP42A-05 Geochemical and isotopic signatures as
proxies for source mantle composition in a post-collisional tectonic
setting: an example from SW England: N Dupuis, J Braid, J B Murphy,
R Shail
11:15 A.M. SPA42A-04 New e-POP Observations of Topside
Ionospheric Ion Outflows: Implications on Inner Magnetosphere
Composition and Dynamics: A W Yau, T Abe, A D Howarth,
W K Peterson, R Rankin, D Sydorenko
11:45 A.M. VGP42A-06 Neoproterozoic and Paleozoic igneous
events in the Ossa Morena Zone (SW Iberia): A record of Gondwana
Amalgamation, Gondwana breakup and Pangea A.M.algA.M.ation:
C Quesada, T Sánchez-García, F Bellido
11:30 A.M. SPA42A-05 Ultra-fast ULF Wave Diffusion: Impacts on
the Structure and Dynamics of the Van Allen Belts: I R Mann,
L Ozeke, K R Murphy, S G Claudepierre, D L Turner, J Rae,
D K Milling, A Kale, J Fennell, D N Baker
12:00 P.M. VGP42A-07 Ancient mantle lithosphere beneath the
Khanka massif in Russian Far East: Re-Os evidence for the Siberia
affinity: K L Wang, V Prikhodko, S Y O’Reilly, W L Griffin, N Pearson,
V P Kovach, Y Iizuka
11:45 A.M. SPA42A-06 ULF wave power and radial diffusion during
geomagnetic storms driven by different solar wind drivers:
K R Murphy, I R Mann, L Ozeke, D G Sibeck, J Rae
12:15 P.M. VGP42A-08 Discovering a Polar Transform Zone in the
Geological Record of the Mesozoic Mediterranean: D F Keppie
12:00 P.M. SPA42A-07 Observations of Ultra-relativistic Electrons in
the Earth’s Radiation Belts: Recent Results from the Van Allen Probes
Mission: S G Kanekal, D N Baker, A N Jaynes, X Li, A D Jones,
R Selesnick, B Ni
12:15 P.M. SPA42A-08 Quantitative Analysis of the First Balloon REP
Event with Conjugate EMIC Wave Observations: Z Li, R M Millan, M K
Hudson, L A Woodger, D M Smith, Y Chen, R H W Friedel,
J V Rodriguez, M J Engebretson, J Goldstein, J Fennell, H E Spence
Room 511F
Thursday, 10:30 A.M.
The Uranium Cycle: From the Mantle to Sediments to
Exploitation to Environmental Impact II (joint with ES, MD, SG)
Presiding: T Kyser, Queen’s University; Mostafa Fayek, University of
10:30 A.M. VGP42B-01 Chemical Variations in Uraninites from
Various Types of Uranium Deposits: Y Uvarova, T K Kyser
10:45 A.M. VGP42B-02 Sulfur Isotope Fractionation in Bacterially
and Chemically Controlled Roll-Front Deposits: G A Hough,
S Swapp, C D Frost
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
11:00 A.M. VGP42B-03 Examining three oxygen isotope massdependent fractionation in Uraninite: M Fayek, J Mercadier,
E Deloule
11:15 A.M. VGP42B-04 Evaluation of the application of Diffusive
Gradients in Thin Films (DGT) technique in water, soils and sediments
as a monitoring tool in uranium mining environments: J Drozdzak,
M Leermakers, V Phrommavanh, M Descostes
11:30 A.M. VGP42B-05 Trapping Processes of Uranium at Low
Temperature: G Calas, T Allard, M Gérard, L Galoisy, M Fayek,
M Descostes
12:00 P.M. VGP42B-06 Isotopic and Chemical Tracing of Uranium
Ores Through Processing to Nuclear Fuels: T K Kyser, D Chipley,
G Healey, P Button
12:15 P.M. VGP42B-07 Spectroscopic Investigation of Actinides (U,
Np) and Zr in Nuclear Glasses: L Galoisy, G Calas, P Jollivet
Thursday P.M.
Room 513A-C
Thursday, 2:00 P.M.
Climate Data in the Great Lakes: Exploring Integration and
Cooperation in a Binational Region (joint with H)
Presiding: William Baule, University of Michigan; Al Douglas,
MIRARCO/Laurentian University
2:00 P.M. Welcoming Remarks
2:05 P.M. AS43A-01 A Comparison of GCM and RCM resolution
Climate Projections in the Great Lakes - Effort, Efficiency, Uncertainty
Considerations: N Comer
2:21 P.M. AS43A-02 Dynamically Downscaled Projections of LakeEffect Snow in the Great Lakes Basin: M Notaro, V Bennington,
S J Vavrus
2:37 P.M. AS43A-03 Probabilistic Climate Change Projections for the
Great Lakes Basin Using a High-Resolution Regional Climate Model
Ensemble: X WANG, G Huang
2:53 P.M. AS43A-04 Seasonal and Interannual Variability of Great
Lakes Climate and Ice Cover: From Research to Forecast: J Wang,
X Bai, H Hu, A Fujisaki
3:09 P.M. AS43A-05 Development of a reference potential
evapotranspiration climatological dataset for the Great Lakes region:
J Andresen, M T Kiefer, D Doubler
3:25 P.M. AS43A-06 Quantifying Uncertainties in Wind Atlases:
P Doubrawa, R J Barthelmie, S C Pryor, M Badger, H Wang
3:41 P.M. AS43A-07 Best Practices for Data Management to
Enhance Binational Availability: GLOS and GEOSS-GL: J D Lenters,
T A Slawecki, K Paige
3:57 P.M. Concluding Remarks
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
Room 513D-F
Thursday, 2:00 P.M.
Groundwater-Surface Water Interactions I (joint with H)
Presiding: Fereidoun Rezanezhad, University of Waterloo; Philippe
Van Cappellen, University of Waterloo; Céline Pallud, University of
California Berkeley
2:00 P.M. B43A-01 Groundwater – Surface Water Interactions in
Mountain Environments: Comprehending Heterogeneity:
J M McKenzie, R Gordon, D Cairns, L Lautz, J M Byrne, B G Mark
2:15 P.M. B43A-02 Surface Water and Groundwater Controls on
Local Lake Water Chemistry and Water Balance in a Boreal Esker
Complex: M P Boreux, S F Lamoureux, B F Cumming
2:30 P.M. B43A-03 Water and nutrient fluxes at the sediment-water
ecotone of lakes: How important is exchange with groundwater?:
D O Rosenberry, J Lewandowski, K Meinikmann,
G Nuetzmann
2:45 P.M. B43A-04 The Ubiquity of Artificial Sweeteners in the
Aquatic Environment: K A Leal, J Spoelstra, S L Schiff
3:00 P.M. B43A-05 Surface water-groundwater interactions buffer
seasonal changes in urban stream water quality: L Lautz,
S H Ledford
3:15 P.M. B43A-06 Impact of Direct Nutrient Inputs via Groundwater
on Near-shore Zones of Large Water Bodies: Regional Scale
Approaches: Influence des apports nutritifs directs par les eaux
souterraines sur les zones littorales des grands corps d’eaux:
Approches à l’échelle régionale: H H Dürr, N Moosdorf,
P Van Cappellen
3:30 P.M. B43A-07 Hydrologic controls on the fate of contaminants
at the groundwater-lake interface at freshwater beaches: C E
Robinson, L J Vogel, S S Malott, S Rakhimbekova, D M O’Carroll
3:45 P.M. B43A-08 Connectivity and Nitrogen Transport of Two
Wetland-Rich Boreal Sites in the Athabasca Oil Sands Region:
M L Cherry, J J Gibson, S J Birks
Room 512A/B/E/F
Thursday, 2:00 P.M.
The Dynamic World of Soil and Sediment Biogeochemistry:
Drivers, Responses, and Implications I (joint with ES, H, SG)
Presiding: Alfonso Mucci, McGill University; Bjorn Sundby, Institut
des Sciences de la Mer de Rimouski; Chris Parsons, University of
Waterloo; Philippe Van Cappellen, University of Waterloo
2:00 P.M. B43B-01 Using Artificial Soils as Simplified Model Systems
to gain insight into the effect of Mineral Composition on Microbial
Community Development and Soil Organic Matter Formation:
G J Pronk, D Babin, F Ditterich, J Giebler, K Heister, M Hemkemeyer,
E Kandeler, I Kogel-Knabner, Y Kunhi Mouvenchery, C Poll,
A Miltner, G Schaumann, M Schloter, K Smalla, A Steinbach,
C Tebbe, K U Totsche, S Woche, C Vogel, L Wick
2:15 P.M. B43B-02 Soil Oxygen Dynamics under Freeze-Thaw Cycles:
T Milojevic, F Rezanezhad, P Van Cappellen
2:30 P.M. B43B-03 Impact of precipitation intensity and riparian
geomorphic characteristics on greenhouse gas emissions at the
soil-atmosphere interface in a water limited North Carolina riparian
zone: P Vidon, S M Marchese, S K McMillan, M Welsh
2:45 P.M. B43B-04 Early Diagenesis of Fe and Mn in the Laurentian
Trough: Influence of Environmental Variables:
B Sundby, A Mucci, Q Chen
3:00 P.M. B43B-05 Early diagenesis, methylmercury production and
total mercury deposition in North American Arctic Margin sediments:
C Gobeil, Z Z A Kuzyk, R W Macdonald, D Cossa
3:15 P.M. B43B-06 How do tides impact on groundwater flows and
biogeochemical transformations in an unconfined beach aquifer?:
Comment l’oscillation tidale influence-t’elle le transport et les
transformations biogéochimiques dans une plage?:
F Lemay-Borduas, G Chaillou, D Bourgault
3:30 P.M. B43B-07 Iron Isotope Systematics in a Eutrophic Lake:
L Wu, S L Schiff, J J Venkiteswaran, K Liu, L A Molot, J D Neufeld
3:45 P.M. B43B-08 Stochastic Resonance: A New Mechanism for
the Formation of Banded Patterns in Limestone-Marl Sequences: I
Room 511B
Thursday, 2:00 P.M.
The Baffin Bay and Labrador Sea Corridor: Marine Geology,
Paleoceanography, and Role in the Land-Ocean Climate
System I (joint with MRG, OS, PP)
Presiding: Anne de Vernal, University of Quebec at Montreal
UQAM; Donald Campbell, Geological survey of Canada; Boris
Dorschel, Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz-Center for Polar
and Marine Research Bremerhaven; Andre Rochon, University of
Quebec at Rimouski UQAR
2:00 P.M. ES43A-01 Freshwater Processes and Feedbacks in Baffin
Bay and the Labrador Sea: P G Myers, X Hu, A M Holdsworth,
L Castro de la Guardia, L Gillard
2:15 P.M. ES43A-02 Modelling impacts of opening/closure of Arctic
gateways during interglacial stages: M P Karami, P G Myers, X Hu,
A de Vernal
2:30 P.M. ES43A-03 A few highlights of the late glacial and deglacial
history of Baffin Bay and the Labrador Sea: C Hillaire-Marcel,
A de Vernal, Q Simon, O T Gibb, L Nuttin, N Van Nieuwenhove,
J Maccali, M M Ouellet-Bernier
2:45 P.M. ES43A-04 Late Quaternary Stratigraphy of the Baffin
Island Slope: D C Campbell, K Jenner, R Bennett
3:00 P.M. ES43A-05 Magnetostratigraphy of Late Quaternary and
Holocene Baffin Bay Sediments: G St-Onge, Q Simon, M P St-Onge,
C Hillaire-Marcel
3:15 P.M. ES43A-06 Surficial geology and glaciomarine
geomorphology of Baffin Bay continental shelf sites based on ROV
observations, multibeA.M. bathymetry, and acoustic sub-bottom
profiles: E Edinger, B de Moura Neves, C Campbell
3:30 P.M. ES43A-07 Neodymium isotopic composition of deepsea corals from the Labrador Sea: implications for NW Atlantic
deep-water masses circulation during the Holocene, MIS 5 and 7:
L Ménabréaz, J Maccali, B Ghaleb, A Poirier, A Blénet, C HillaireMarcel, E Edinger
3:45 P.M. ES43A-08 Labrador Sea Water variability over the last
3000 years: P Moffa Sanchez, I R Hall
Room 511A
Thursday, 2:00 P.M.
Combining Archaeology and Geosciences: The Challenges of
Variable Time and Spatial Scales I: Rallier l’archéologie et les
géosciences : les défis des échelles variables dans le temps et
l’espace (joint with B, ES, GP, VGP)
Presiding: Agathe Lisé-Pronovost, LaTrobe University; Adrian
Burke, Université de Montréal
2:00 P.M. GA43A-01 Archaeomagnetism as Geoarchaeology:
Using Mineral Magnetic and Palaeomagnetic Measurements to
Understand Behaviour, Palaeoenvironmental Change, Occupation
Intensity and Fire Use on Palaolithic Sites from South Africa, Australia
and China: A I Herries
2:15 P.M. GA43A-02 Iron isotopes as a new tool for old metals
tracing: J Milot, F Poitrasson, S Baron, M P Coustures, C RobionBrunner
2:30 P.M. GA43A-03 Interpreting the Different Scales of Ceramic
Paste Compositional Datasets: Archaeological Perspectives and
Scales of Analysis: Y Monette
2:45 P.M. GA43A-04 Using Microfossils to Observe the Occupancy of
Pre-Historic Peoples: the Value of Non-Pollen Palynomorphs:
N Riddick, A Krueger, F M G McCarthy, O Volik
3:00 P.M. GA43A-05 The Geochemical Provenance of Pre-Contact
Copper Artifacts from the Gaspereau Lake Area, Nova Scotia:
Analytical Approaches, Challenges and Interpretation: J J Hanley,
J WhattA.M., C Cottreau-Robins, C R McFarlane, W B Stewart,
M Sanders
3:15 P.M. GA43A-06 Geoarchaeology of the ancient harbour bassin
of Ostia, Rome, Italy: Géoarchéologie du bassin portuaire antique
d’Ostie, Rome, Italy: J P Goiran, F Salomon, C Vittori, I Mazzini,
L Sadori, J Christiansen, A Pellegrino
3:30 P.M. GA43A-07 Archaeology and Geomagnetism: Investigating
the Earth’s Magnetic Field in Italy during the Neolithic Period. New
Data from the Portonovo Archaeological Site (Marche, Italy): E Tema,
E Ferrara, P C Camps, C Conati Barbaro, S Spatafora, T Poidras
3:45 P.M. GA43A-08 Geochemistry of Ancestral Mi’kmaw CerA.M.ics
from Southern Mainland Nova Scotia: Constraints on Pottery
Pathways: J V Owen, J D Greenough, M Himmelman, S Powell
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
Room 514A-C
2:35 P.M. H43B-03 Applications of Satellite Soil Moisture for
Climate-Related Agricultural Risk Assessment: C Champagne
Thursday, 2:00 P.M.
2:50 P.M. H43B-04 Evaluating the Sensitivity of C-Band RADARSAT-2
SAR Data to Active Layer Soil Moisture over Arctic Tundra in Trail
Valley Creek, NT: R E Humphrey, J R Adams,
A A Berg, P Marsh
Advances in Wetland Ecohydrology (joint with B, ES)
Presiding: Timothy Duval, University of Toronto Mississauga;
Jonathan Price, University of Waterloo
2:00 P.M. H43A-01 Quantifying the Impacts of 23-years of Warming
and Drying Trends on Peatland/Upland Succession in Central
Alberta: L Chasmer, C Hopkinson, R M Petrone
2:15 P.M. H43A-02 Hydroclimatic Controls on Peatland CO2
Exchange Following Adjacent Forest Harvesting on the Western
Boreal Plain: J Plach, K J Devito, R M Petrone
2:30 P.M. H43A-03 Trembling Aspen (Populus tremuloides)
Transpiration and Recovery Post-fire Disturbance in the Western
Boreal Plains of Alberta: M Depante, R M Petrone, K J Devito,
N Kettridge, J M Waddington
2:45 P.M. H43A-04 Assessing the role of feedbacks and
uncertainty in peatland hydrology: A modelling framework:
P Moore, P J Morris, N Kettridge, D K Thompson, J M Waddington
3:00 P.M. H43A-05 Assessment of the evaporation rates of pools,
strings and lawns of a boreal patterned fen: A N Rousseau,
G Carrer, D F Nadeau, S Gumiere, S Jutras, A St-Hilaire
3:15 P.M. H43A-06 The Transport and Hydrological Response of
Simulated Wastewater from a Continuous Point Source in a Northern
Ribbed Fen: C P R McCarter, J S Price
3:30 P.M. H43A-07 Analyzing the Impacts of Road Construction
on the Successional Trajectory of a Poor Fen in Northern Alberta: E
Bocking, J S Price, D J Cooper
3:45 P.M. H43A-08 Effective hydraulic properties of unsaturated
sphagnum moss and peat: T K D Weber, S Iden, B Scharnagl,
W Durner
3:05 P.M. H43B-05 Diurnal Emissivity Dynamics in Bare versus
Biocrusted Sand Dunes: O Rozenstein
3:20 P.M. H43B-06 Forecasting Rainfall Induced Lanslide using High
Resolution DEM and Simple Water Budget Model: P K D Luzon,
A M A Lagmay
3:35 P.M. H43B-07 Modeling Soil Moisture using the Versatile
Soil Moisture Budget and AquaCrop: E R Ojo, P Bullock
3:50 P.M. Break
Room 510D
Thursday, 2:00 P.M.
General Hydrology VII
Presiding: Daniel Peters, Environment Canada; William Quinton,
Wilfrid Laurier University
2:00 P.M. H43C-01 Impact analysis of radar rainfall error for rainfallrunoff using spatial error model: T PARK, T S Lee, J Choi,
D R Lee
2:15 P.M. H43C-02 The Water Crisis in Sao Paulo City: Rainfall and
Inflow Forecasts: C H Ribeiro Lima, U Lall
2:30 P.M. H43C-03 Estimating solar radiation heat flux in forested
streams: a comparison at different spatial and temporal scales:
A Maheu, D Caissie
2:45 P.M. H43C-04 Role of Clustering Indices in Delineation of
Precipitation Regions: N Bhatia, S Irwin, R K Srivastav, S Simonovic
Room 515A-C
3:00 P.M. Break
Thursday, 2:00 P.M.
Room 510A
Applications of Remote Sensing and In Situ Monitoring of Soil
Presiding: Justin AdA.M.s, University of Guelph; Heather McNairn,
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
2:00 P.M. H43B-01 Scaling and Calibration of a Core Validation Site
for the Soil Moisture Active Passive Mission: M H Cosh, R Bindlish,
A Colliander, E J Coopersmith, B K Hornbuckle, T J Jackson,
L McKee, J H Prueger
2:20 P.M. H43B-02 Investigating the Efficacy of Water-sprinkling
as a Fugitive Dust Mitigation Strategy using the Terrestrial Laser
Scanning (TLS) Technique: D I Ogungbemide, C McKenna Neuman,
J M Nield
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
Thursday, 2:00 P.M.
Rare Earth Element Deposits: Characteristics and Genesis I:
Gîtes de Terres Rares: Caractéristiques et Genèse (joint with
Presiding: Olivier Nadeau, University of Ottawa; Anthony WilliamsJones, McGill University
2:00 P.M. MD43A-01 The Key Controls on Making Rare Earth-Rich
Carbonatites: F Wall, S Broom-Fendley, V Do Cabo, E Dowman,
D Kavecsanszki, E Loye, K Moore
2:15 P.M. MD43A-02 Rare earth deposits associated with
carbonatites: little-known stats and facts every explorationist should
know: A Chakhmouradian, E Reguir, J Kynicky, C Xu
2:30 P.M. MD43A-03 Hydrothermal transport, deposition, and
fractionation of REE: Experimental data and thermoDynamic
calculations: A A Migdissov, A E Williams-Jones, A Timofeev
3:15 P.M. PG43A-06 Review of Stratigraphy and Metallogenic
Context of the Bartlett, Halliday and Shaw Domes, Western Abitibi
Greenstone Belt, Ontario, Canada: S Préfontaine, M Houlé
2:45 P.M. MD43A-04 The Sullivan Island Carbonatite Complex
and Its Relationship to Late Alkalic Magmatism in the Central
Metasedimentary Belt boundary tectonic zone, Grenville Orogen,
Southeastern Ontario: R M Easton
Room 511C
3:00 P.M. MD43A-05 The Solubility and Speciation of Tantalum in
Fluoride-Bearing Aqueous Solutions: A Timofeev, A A Migdissov, A E
Nationwide High-Resolution Geophysical Surveys (joint with
ES, G, GP, S)
Presiding: Edna Mueller-MarkhA.M., Paterson, Grant & Watson
Limited; James Misener, Paterson, Grant & Watson Limited
3:15 P.M. MD43A-06 Y and HREE Mineralization in the MAW Zone,
Athabasca Basin: Petrography and Fluid Inclusion Studies:
M Rabiei, G Chi, C Normand
3:30 P.M. MD43A-07 In situ U-Pb geochronology, Hf and Sm-Nd
isotopic characteristics of zircon, titanite, apatite and monazite
from the Hoidas Lake REE mineralization, northern Saskatchewan,
Canada: K Pandur, K M Ansdell, C R McFarlane, J M Hanchar,
C T Harper
3:45 P.M. MD43A-08 Airborne Geophysics for Rare Earth Element
Exploration: Géophysique Aéroporté appliqué à l’exploration
des Éléments de Terres Rares Olivier Ayotte Président REEX
Exploration, Montréal, CanadaTimothée Fortin Lamothe B.Sc. Génie
Géologique, REEX Exploration, Montréal, Canada: O Ayotte,
O Nadeau, T Fortin LA.M.othe
Room 511D
Thursday, 2:00 P.M.
Archean Tectonics II: Tectonique archéenne
Presiding: Jean Goutier, Géologie Québec; Lyal Harris, INRS-ETE;
Jean Bedard, Geological Survey of Canada
2:00 P.M. PG43A-01 Zircon U-Pb ages and Lu-Hf isotopes of Archean
Basement in eastern China: Implications for Crustal Evolution of the
Eastern Block, North China Craton: M WU, G Zhao, S Lin, Y Wan, S Li,
M Sun
2:15 P.M. PG43A-02 Tectonic and Metamorphic setting of orogenic
gold deposits in an Archean greenstone belt: implication of 40Ar/39Ar
dating in the SE Superior province: Y Daoudene, A Tremblay,
G Ruffet, F Leclerc, J Goutier
Thursday, 2:00 P.M.
2:00 P.M. SE43A-01 Botswana’s Nationwide Tie Line Survey and
New Magnetic Compilation: S Reford, M Nyepetsi, G Tshoso,
M Koketso, B Steenkamp, A Crous
2:25 P.M. SE43A-02 Removing barriers to accessing Geological
Survey of Queensland (GSQ) survey data - a case study:
K J Howieson, H Wang, M Thornton
2:50 P.M. SE43A-03 A Country-wide Airborne Geophysical Survey of
Malawi: M Bates, L Sander
THE MOST OF RESOURCES: D Rainsford, S Biswas
3:40 P.M. SE43A-05 Qualitative Prediction of Source and Reservoir
Beds in the Northern Depositional Belt of Niger Delta Basin, Using
Log Facies and Seismic Facies Analyses: J R Onayemi, A A Adeniji
Room 510C
Thursday, 2:00 P.M.
Recent Multipoint Observations and Interpretation
of Relativistic Electron Dynamics in the Earth’s Radiation Belts
Presiding: Shrikanth Kanekal, NASA GSFC; George Khazanov,
NASA/GSFC; Yoshizumi Miyoshi, Nagoya University
2:00 P.M. SPA43A-01 New Multi-Spacecraft Observations of the
Earth’s Van Allen Radiation Belts: D N Baker, S G Kanekal
2:15 P.M. SPA43A-02 Identifying the Energization and Loss
Processes of Relativistic Electrons with Multipoint Observations and
Simulations: M C H Fok, K J Hwang
2:30 P.M. PG43A-03 Late Archean to Paleoproterozoic Ductile
Deformation Along NE-Striking Shear Zones in the NE Abitibi,
Superior Craton, Canada: Controls on Cu-Au Mineralization: F
Leclerc, L Harris, N Goulet, J H J Bedard, T Takam., P Roy, P Houle
2:30 P.M. SPA43A-03 Recent Advancements of Understanding of
Relativistic Electrons in the Inner Belt: X Li, R Selesnick, H Zhao,
D N Baker, A N Jaynes, S Kanekal, Q Schiller, L W Blum, J Fennell,
J B Blake
2:45 P.M. PG43A-04 Structural Analysis of the Archean France
River Shear Zone and Related Gold Mineralization,,
Superior Province, Québec: C Vezina, Y Daoudene, A Tremblay,
F Leclerc
2:45 P.M. SPA43A-04 Measuring the Pitch-Angle Scattering of
Radiation-Belt Electrons as They Drift Across the Plasmaspheric
Drainage Plume: J Borovsky, R H W Friedel, M Denton
3:00 P.M. PG43A-05 Revised geology, U-Pb dating and new
interpretations of the relationships between the Malartic - Louvicourt Piché - Cadillac Groups and the Larder Lake-Cadillac Fault Zone, Abitibi
Subprovince, Quebec: P Pilote, R Daigneault, J David, V McNicoll
3:00 P.M. SPA43A-05 Precipitation Loss and Nonlinear Acceleration
of Broadband Energetic Electrons by Whistler Chorus Waves: S Saito,
Y Miyoshi
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
3:15 P.M. SPA43A-06 Probing the Relationship Between Radiation
Belt Electron Precipitation and Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron (EMIC)
Waves: L W Blum, J W Bonnell, A Halford, R M Millan, J Goldstein,
M Usanova, M J Engebretson, M Ohnsted, J R Wygant, H J Singer
Room 511F
3:30 P.M. SPA43A-07 Van Allen Probes, NOAA, and Ground
Observations of an Intense Pc 1 Wave Event Extending 12 Hours in
MLT and its Resulting Depletion of the Outer Radiation Belt:
M J Engebretson, J L Posch, J R Wygant, C Kletzing, M Lessard,
C L Huang, H E Spence, A J Boyd, D N Baker, C W Smith, H J Singer,
R B Horne, G D Reeves, M Gkioulidou, K Oksavik, I R Mann, T Raita,
K Shiokawa
Melt and Fluid Inclusions: Windows Into the Role of Fluids in
the Evolution of the Earth and Planetary Systems I (joint with
Presiding: Daniel Kontak, Laurentian University; Robert Bodnar,
Virginia Tech
3:45 P.M. SPA43A-08 Comparison of POES and SamPEX
Observations of Radiation Belt Particles Precipitation: S Shekhar
Room 511E
Thursday, 2:00 P.M.
Multidisciplinary Perspectives on the Continental Mantle
Lithosphere and Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Boundary II
(joint with S, SE, VGP)
Presiding: Andrew Schaeffer, Dublin Institute for Advanced
Studies; Claire Currie, University of Alberta; Yu Gu, University of
Alberta; Christy Till, Arizona State University
2:00 P.M. T43A-01 Pockets, conduits, channels, and plumes: structures
beneath and within the continental lithosphere beneath western
Mediterranean: M S Miller, D Sun, L O’Driscoll, T W Becker, A Holt,
J Diaz Cusi, C Thomas
2:20 P.M. T43A-02 Deformation within continental plates: Surface
deflection and magmatism induced by lithosphere removal:
H Wang, C A Currie
2:35 P.M. T43A-03 Magnetotelluric and geophysical-petrophysical
modelling of the Flinders Ranges lithopshere in South Australia:
K E Robertson, G S Heinson, S Thiel
2:50 P.M. T43A-04 Plate Tectonics Beyond Plate Boundaries: The
Role of Ancient Structures in Continental Lithosphere on Intraplate
Orogenesis: P J Heron, R N Pysklywec, R Stephenson
3:05 P.M. T43A-05 Lithospheric and Upper Mantle Stratifications
Beneath Colombia: Using Receiver Functions from S Waves:
J F Blanco Chia, C A Vargas Jiménez
3:20 P.M. T43A-06 India’s Fast Mesozoic Drift Linked to Continental
Mantle Lithosphere DelA.M.ination: New Insights From (U-Th)/He
Thermochronology of Dharwar Craton Kimberlites: S Tappe,
M Marokane, J S Baughman, R M Flowers, K A Smart, B M Eglington,
S Joy
3:35 P.M. T43A-07 Three-Dimensional Seismic Velocity Structure
of the Lithosphere Beneath the Northeast Indian Region Based on
Tomographic Inversion Using Local and Regional Earthquake Data: J
Raoof, S Mukhopadhyay, I Koulakov
3:50 P.M. Concluding Remarks
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
Thursday, 2:00 P.M.
2:00 P.M. VGP43A-01 Insights into ore-forming process through
integration of evaporate mound chemistry with traditional
microthermometry: Methodology and applications: D Kontak
2:15 P.M. VGP43A-02 Application of sulfide and silicate melt
inclusion chemistry to determine the Ni-Cu-PGE potential of the
Caribou Lake Gabbro, Northwest Territories: K J Neyedley,
J J Hanley, H Falck, R J Bodnar, L Fedele, M Fayek, R Sharpe
2:30 P.M. VGP43A-03 Tin-Tungsten Mineralizing Processes in
Tungsten Vein Deposits: Panasqueira, Portugal: P Lecumberri
Sanchez, C A Heinrich, M Wälle, R Vieira, F Pinto
2:45 P.M. VGP43A-04 Re-evaluation of the Raman densimeter for
determining CO2 density based on splitting of the Fermi diad:
H LA.M.adrid, R J Bodnar, L Moore, D Moncada
3:00 P.M. VGP43A-05 Deciphering Compositions of Saline,
Multicomponent Fluid Inclusions from Combined Microthermometric
and Microanalytical Data: Approaches for Interpreting Fluids
Containing Multiple Major Salts: M J Steele-MacInnis, T U Schlegel,
J Ridley, C A Heinrich
3:15 P.M. VGP43A-06 Estimating Ore-fluid Conditions in the
Cortaderas Ag-Zn-Sn-In Deposit, NW Argentina: Integrated Fluid
Inclusion Thermometry, Sulfosalt Assemblages, and Tetrahedrite
Chemistry: E Slater, D Kontak, A McDonald
3:30 P.M. VGP43A-07 Dependence of the Calculated CO2 Content of
Silicate Melt Inclusions on the Choice of Raman Densimeter Used to
Estimate CO2 Density: L Moore, H Lamadrid, D Moncada,
R J Bodnar
3:45 P.M. VGP43A-08 Sulfide Melt Inclusions in MagmaticHydrothermal Ore-Forming Systems: J J Hanley
Poster Hall 517B-D
Thursday, 4:30 P.M.
Challenges for Three-Dimensional Radiative Transfer in the
Earth and Atmospheric Sciences Posters
Presiding: Varnai, University of Maryland Baltimore
County; Anthony Davis, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory;
Howard Barker, Meteorological Service of Canada; Jui-Yuan Chiu,
University of Reading
4:30 P.M. AS44A-0023 POSTER A new Approach to Interpret MultiAngle Spectral Reflectance of Dense Vegetation: Y Knyazikhin, J Bi,
S CHOI, T Park, R B Myneni
4:30 P.M. AS44A-0024 POSTER High Spatial Resolution Three
Dimensional Atmospheric Radiative Transfer in SASKTRAN:
D Zawada, S Dueck, A E Bourassa, D A Degenstein
4:30 P.M. AS44B-0036 POSTER Clouds, Precipitation and Marine
Boundary Layer Structure during the MAGIC Field Campaign:
X Zhou, P Kollias, E R Lewis
4:30 P.M. AS44A-0025 POSTER Monte-Carlo SASKTRAN for
Stratospheric Radiative Transfer: S Dueck, D Zawada, A E Bourassa,
D A Degenstein
4:30 P.M. AS44B-0037 POSTER A Comparison of Algorithms for
Determination of Marine Boundary Layer Height: E R Lewis
4:30 P.M. AS44A-0026 POSTER Radiative Transfer in a Cloudy
Atmosphere Using a New Spectrally Integrating 3D Monte Carlo
Model: A L Jones, L Di Girolamo
4:30 P.M. AS44A-0027 POSTER Ground-Based Multi-Angle Imaging
Network for 3D Atmospheric Sensing: A Aides, D Veikherman,
A Levis, Y Y Schechner
4:30 P.M. AS44A-0028 POSTER A new Approach to Cloud Optical
Depth Estimates from Sky Images based of SHDOM Simulations:
F A Mejia, J P Kleissl
4:30 P.M. AS44A-0029 POSTER 3D radiative effects on UV, VIS
and NIR cloud reflectance: T Varnai, G Sanchez, A Marshak
4:30 P.M. AS44A-0030 POSTER Statistics About Shortwave 3D
Radiative Effects in Cloudy Scenes: T Varnai, A Marshak,
G Sanchez, K F Evans
4:30 P.M. AS44A-0031 POSTER Effects of Clouds Inhomogeneities
on LIDAR and Doppler RADAR Observations : Application to A-train
and EarthCARE Space missions: F Szczap, A Alkasem, C Cornet,
O Jourdan, V Shcherbakov
4:30 P.M. AS44A-0032 POSTER 3D Cloud Observations: Synergy
Between Scanning Radars and Shortwave Radiation Measurements:
J Y C Chiu, M D Fielding, R J Hogan, G Feingold
4:30 P.M. AS44A-0033 POSTER Cirrus cloud heterogeneity effects
and their implications for MODIS-like retrievals using solar and IR
observations: Effets des hétérogénéités des cirrus et leurs implications
pour les restitutions MODIS à partir d’observations dans le visible et
l’infrarouge: T Fauchez, S Platnick, Z Zhang,
C Cornet, P Dubuisson, F Szczap
4:30 P.M. AS44A-0034 POSTER Assessment of OCO-2’s
Vulnerability Against Spatial Variability of Surface Reflectivity in
“Glint” (over Land), “Nadir” and “Target” Modes: Évaluation de
le Vulnérabilité de OCO-2 Vis-à-Vis la Variabilité Spatiale de la
Reflectivité de la Surface en Modes Reflect (Au-Dessus des Masses
Terrestres), Nadir e—Cible: A B Davis, Z Qu
4:30 P.M. AS44A-0035 POSTER Radiative effects of in-situ observed
ice supersaturated regions and cirrus clouds in the extratropical
upper troposphere and lower stratosphere: X Tan, M Diao, Y Huang
Poster Hall 517B-D
Thursday, 4:30 P.M.
Convective Cloud Processes Posters
Presiding: Michael Jensen, Brookhaven National Laboratory;
Pavlos Kollias, McGill University; Virendra Ghate, Argonne
National Laboratory
4:30 P.M. AS44B-0038 POSTER Thermally-driven circulation and
convection over a mountainous tropical island: C C Wang,
D J Kirshbaum
4:30 P.M. AS44B-0039 POSTER Velocity and Length Scales for
Moist Convection: Estimation of Scale-Aware Convective Adjustment
Timescale: K V Alapaty
4:30 P.M. AS44B-0040 POSTER Observational estimates of
entrainment rate in convective clouds: M P Jensen, T Toto,
P Kollias, C Lu
4:30 P.M. AS44B-0041 POSTER Climatology of Boundary Layer
Depth over the US Southern Great Plains: V P Ghate, P Kollias,
R Coulter
4:30 P.M. AS44B-0042 POSTER Characterizing Long-Term
Observations of Convective Clouds from Combined ARM Profiling
Radar and Lidar Measurements: K L Johnson, M P Jensen, S Baxter,
T Toto, M Wang, P Kollias, E E Clothiaux
4:30 P.M. AS44B-0043 POSTER Organization of subcloud layer for
different cloud regimes: A Chandra, P Kollias, C Zhang
4:30 P.M. AS44B-0044 POSTER Aging Species of Atmospheric
Particles with Height: Implications to Cloud Microphysics:
A S Ahlawat
4:30 P.M. AS44B-0045 POSTER Covariability in the monthly mean
convective and radiative diurnal cycles in the Amazon:
J B Dodson, P C Taylor
4:30 P.M. AS44B-0046 POSTER Insights Into Precipitation
Processes As Revealed By Profiling Radar, Disdrometer and Aircraft
Observations During The MC3E Campaign:
S E Giangrande, T Toto, A Bansemer, M Kumjian, A Ryzhkov
4:30 P.M. AS44B-0047 POSTER A Summary of Convective Cloud
Updrafts Observed during the MC3E by the ARM SGP Precipitation
Radar Network: K North, P Kollias
Poster Hall 517B-D
Thursday, 4:30 P.M.
Biogeochemical Cycling in Wetland Ecosystems: From
Observations to Modeling III Posters
Presiding: Derrick Yuk Fo Lai, The Chinese University of Hong
Kong; Oliver Sonnentag, Université de Montréal; Luc Pelletier,
McGill University; Ian Strachan, McGill University
4:30 P.M. B44A-0076 POSTER Greenhouse Gas Exchange from
Sites Used as a Source of Vegetation Donor Material for Peatland
Restoration: K R Murray, A Borkenhagen, D J Cooper, M Strack
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
4:30 P.M. B44A-0077 POSTER Temperature and Moisture Controls
on Greenhouse Gas Flux from Coastal Bay Mouth Bar Marsh
Sediments: C D Soden, T P Duval
4:30 P.M. B44A-0078 POSTER From 10 Hz to 30 Minutes:
Standardized Procedures for (Post)-Processing Eddy Covariance
Measurements of the Taiga Plains Flux Tower Meso-Network in
Northwestern Canada: K Wischnewski, M Helbig, N Kljun,
L Chasmer, P Marsh, W L Quinton, O Sonnentag
4:30 P.M. B44A-0079 POSTER Throughfall and Stemflow as Hot
Phenomena of Biogeochemical Fluxes in Temperate Swamps:
M Malone
4:30 P.M. B44A-0080 POSTER Spatial and Temporal Variability
of CO2, CH4 and N2O Emissions from the Soils of a Subtropical
Mangrove Wetland: D Y F Lai, J Xu
4:30 P.M. B44A-0081 POSTER Changes of carbon fluxes and major
carbon sources after palsa thawed into pond: Z Wang, N T Roulet
4:30 P.M. B44A-0082 POSTER Methanotrophs Contribute to
Peatland Nitrogen: T Larmola, S M Leppänen, E S Tuittila, M Aarva,
P Merilä, H Fritze, M A Tiirola
4:30 P.M. B44A-0083 POSTER Experimental Studies on Nitrogen
Compounds Fate and Transport in Groundwater Systems -Impacts of
Wastewater Irrigation: I M Nambi, M Chandrasekar
4:30 P.M. B44A-0084 POSTER Use of Bioremediated Sewage
Effluent in Constructed Wetlands for Fish Survival: K Waqar
Poster Hall 517B-D
Thursday, 4:30 P.M.
Groundwater-Surface Water Interactions II Posters (joint with H)
Presiding: Fereidoun Rezanezhad, University of Waterloo; Philippe
Van Cappellen, University of Waterloo; Céline Pallud, University of
California Berkeley
4:30 P.M. B44B-0085 POSTER Effect of Water Table Fluctuations on
the Fate and Distribution of Escherichia coli in a Freshwater Beach
Environment: An Experimental Study: A Banihashemi,
R Kovac, F Rezanezhad, D H Oh, C M Smeaton, M Mesquita,
C E Robinson, P Van Cappellen
Hydrochemistry, 18O/16O and 2H/1H
4:30 P.M. B44B-0086 POSTER
Ratios of Groundwater and Surface water in Raya Valley, Northern
Ethiopia: M G GebreMichael
Poster Hall 517B-D
Thursday, 4:30 P.M.
The Dynamic World of Soil and Sediment Biogeochemistry:
Drivers, Responses, and Implications II Posters (joint with ES, H, SG)
Presiding: Alfonso Mucci, McGill University; Bjorn Sundby, Institut
des Sciences de la Mer de Rimouski; Chris Parsons, University of
Waterloo; Philippe Van Cappellen, University of Waterloo
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
4:30 P.M. B44C-0087 POSTER Temporal Redox Fluctuations in
Sediments: Pulsed Phosphorus Loadings in Freshwater Marsh
Systems?: Les fluctuations temporelles du redox dans les sédiments:
les chargements du phosphore pulsé dans les systemes de marais
d’eau douce: C T Parsons, F Rezanezhad, D O’Connell, P Van
4:30 P.M. B44C-0088 POSTER Impact of soil freezing and thawing
Dynamics on greenhouse gas emission and nutrient fluxes:
F Rezanezhad, C T Parsons, C M Smeaton, R Kovac, T Milojevic,
P Van Cappellen
4:30 P.M. B44C-0089 POSTER Carbon isotope signature of CH4 and
CO2 as a tool to unravel diagenetic pathways in lake sediments: La
signature isotopique du carbone dans le CH4 et le CO2 comme outil
pour clarifier les voies diagénétiques dans les sédiments lacustres:
F Clayer, A Moritz, Y Gelinas, A Tessier, C Gobeil
4:30 P.M. B44C-0090 POSTER Geochemical Behavior of Cadimum
during Early Diagenesis in Tidal Sediment from the Shuangtaizi Estuary,
China: B Liu, Y Nie
Poster Hall 517B-D
Thursday, 4:30 P.M.
Research Challenges and Opportunities in River Science
Studies III Posters: Défis et nouvelles avenues de recherche
dans la science des cours d’eau I [Posters] (joint with B)
Presiding: Pascale Biron, Concordia University; Thomas BuffinBelanger, University of Quebec at Rimouski UQAR; Peter Ashmore,
University of Western Ontario
4:30 P.M. ES44A-0104 POSTER Integrating hydrogeomorphological
concepts in management approaches of lowland agricultural
streams in Quebec: Perspectives, problems and prospects:
A Paradis, P Biron
4:30 P.M. ES44A-0105 POSTER Bank and bed stabilization
using riprap: geomorphological impacts on embeddedness and
implications for fish habitat: G Choné, P Biron, N Bergeron
Poster Hall 517B-D
Thursday, 4:30 P.M.
The Baffin Bay and Labrador Sea Corridor: Marine Geology,
Paleoceanography, and Role in the Land-Ocean Climate
System II Posters (joint with MRG, OS, PP)
Presiding: Anne de Vernal, University of Quebec at Montreal
UQAM; Donald Campbell, Geological survey of Canada; Boris
Dorschel, Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz-Center for Polar
and Marine Research Bremerhaven; Andre Rochon, University of
Quebec at Rimouski UQAR
4:30 P.M. ES44B-0106 POSTER Comprehensive Interpretation of the
Ice Sheet-Ocean Current Interaction Around the Baffin Bay:
C Gebhardt, B Dorschel, P Slabon
4:30 P.M. ES44B-0107 POSTER Greenland Ice Sheet Development in
the Northeast Baffin Bay Derived From Geo-Morphology Analysis: P
Slabon, B Dorschel, C Gebhardt
4:30 P.M. GA44A-0123 POSTER Geophysical signatures and sand
thickness at Bestwood Farm, South Africa: S Edwards,
K S Papadimitrios, C G Bank
4:30 P.M. ES44B-0108 POSTER Diachronous Evolution of Sea
Surface Conditions from the Labrador Sea to Baffin Bay since the Last
Glaciation: O T Gibb, S Steinhauer, B Fréchette, A de Vernal,
C Hillaire-Marcel
4:30 P.M. GA44A-0124 POSTER Mapping historic charcoal
production fields from excavation to landscape scale: T A Raab,
A Schneider, M Takla, A Raab, F Hirsch, H Rösler
4:30 P.M. ES44B-0109 POSTER A High Resolution Chronology of
Clastic Supply to the Central Baffin Bay during the Last Deglacial Ice
Sheet Melting: R Jackson, M Kucera, R H Stein
4:30 P.M. ES44B-0110 POSTER Paleaoceanographic Changes in
Disko Bugt Area in Relation With Human Settlements During the
Holocene: M M Ouellet-Bernier, A de Vernal, C Hillaire-Marcel,
M Moros
4:30 P.M. ES44B-0111 POSTER Surface and sub-surface multi-proxy
reconstruction of mid to late Holocene palaeoceanographic changes
in Disko Bugt, West Greenland: M Moros, J M Lloyd, K Perner,
D Krawczyk, A de Vernal, M M Ouellet-Bernier, T Blanz, A Kuijpers,
A E Jennings, A Witkowski, R R Schneider, E Jansen
4:30 P.M. GA44A-0125 POSTER Constraints on the Geochemical
Provenance of Refined Copper and Brass Artifacts from the
Gaspereau Lake Area, King’s County, Nova Scotia: Insights into the
Metallurgical and Trace Element Systematics of European Contactera Trade Alloys: J J Hanley, G Hodge, C Cottreau-Robins, C R
McFarlane, G D Layne, W B Stewart, M Sanders
4:30 P.M. GA44A-0126 POSTER From the source to the object :
tracing the archaeological materials using LA-ICP-MS. The example
of stone ornaments in the ancient societies.: De la source à l'objet :
retracer la provenance des matériaux par la méthode LA-ICP-MS.
Exemple sur les parures en pierre des sociétés anciennes: A Baron,
B Gratuze, C Chapdelaine
4:30 P.M. ES44B-0112 POSTER Paleoceanography of marine
isotope stage 31 in the northwest North Atlantic: A M R Aubry,
A de Vernal, C Hillaire-Marcel
4:30 P.M. GA44A-0127 POSTER X-ray microfluorescence,
microradiography and tomodensitometry provide a broader view of
the archaeological space: Microfluorescence X, microradiographie et
tomodensitométrie : une vue densemble sur espace archéologique:
G Treyvaud, P Francus
4:30 P.M. ES44B-0113 POSTER Alkenone paleothermometry in the
NW Atlantic: A review and synthesis of surface sediment data and
calibrations: M Kienast, A Filippova, M Frank, T Blanz, R R Schneider
4:30 P.M. GA44A-0128 POSTER Geochemical fingerprints of paleoenvironmental changes and paleo-pollution in the sedimentary
archives of the Roman harbor of Ephesus (Turkey): H Delile
4:30 P.M. ES44B-0115 POSTER Evidence for Meltwater Drainage via
the St. Lawrence River in Marine Cores from the Gulf of St. Lawrence,
Laurentian Channel and Labrador Sea at the Time of the Younger Dryas:
Évidences Indiquant le Drainage d'Eaux de Fonte par le St-Laurent dans
des Carottes Marine du Golfe du St-Laurent et du Chenal Laurentien et la
Plateforme Continentale du Labrador durant l'évènement climatique du
Younger Dryas: E Levac, M C F Lewis
4:30 P.M. GA44A-0129 POSTER Rock-Magnetic Proxies of Dredging
and Flood Events in Portus, the Ancient Harbor of Imperial Rome:
Signatures magnétiques d’évènements de dragage et de crues à
Portus, l’ancient port de Rome: A Lisé-Pronovost, G St-Onge,
A I Herries, D Heslop, F Salomon, J P Goiran
Poster Hall 517B-D
Thursday, 4:30 P.M.
Combining Archaeology and Geosciences: The Challenges
of Variable Time and Spatial Scales II Posters: Rallier
l’archéologie et les géosciences : les défis des échelles
variables dans le temps et l’espace (joint with B, ES, GP, VGP)
Presiding: Adrian Burke, Université de Montréal; Agathe LiséPronovost, LaTrobe University
4:30 P.M. GA44A-0121 POSTER The Challenges of Research
at Varying Geological Spatial Scales for the Geoarchaeological
Study of Prehistoric Stone Tool Quarry Sources: Les défis de
travailler à différentes échelles spatiales géologiques pour étude
géoarchéologique des carrières préhistoriques et sources de matière
première lithique: A Burke
4:30 P.M. GA44A-0122 POSTER Current Situation of the Universal
Heritage Building”CHELLAH”: Etats Des Lieux du Patrimoine Universel
“CHELLAH”: S Belhaj
Poster Hall 517B-D
Thursday, 4:30 P.M.
Applications of Remote Sensing and In Situ Monitoring of Soil
Moisture Posters
Presiding: Justin AdA.M.s, University of Guelph; Heather McNairn,
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada; Catherine Champagne,
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
4:30 P.M. H44A-0176 POSTER On the application of RADARSAT-2
IEM retrievals for determining inter-field soil moisture distributions a
priori to vegetation emergence: J R Adams,
A A Berg, H McNairn, C Champagne
4:30 P.M. H44A-0177 POSTER Comparison of agricultural
roughness measurements from pin boards and terrestrial laser
scanners: implications for SAR scattering models: M D Chabot,
J B Lindsay, T L Rowlandson, J R Adams, A A Berg
4:30 P.M. H44A-0178 POSTER Establishing soil moisture
downscaling parameters a priori using network data as a proxy for
future RADARSAT-Constellation retrievals: A A Berg, J R Adams
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
4:30 P.M. H44A-0179 POSTER Comparison of Upscaled Soil
Moisture Measurements from a SMAP Validation Network using Six
Techniques: W Woodley, A A Berg, J R Adams, T L Rowlandson
4:30 P.M. H44A-0180 POSTER Comparison of Different Methods
of Soil Moisture Mapping in Peatlands Using Polarimetric Synthetic
Aperture Radar (SAR) Data: K Millard, M C Richardson
4:30 P.M. H44A-0181 POSTER Evaluation of COSMOS (COsmic-ray
Soil Moisture Observing System) Soil Moisture Product in a Peatland
Environment: E E Wrona, A A Berg, P Marsh
4:30 P.M. H44A-0182 POSTER Assessing the Spatio-Temporal
Variability of Soil Moisture Within the Brightwater Creek Watershed
in Saskatchewan, Canada: T T Burns, A A Berg, E Tetlock
4:30 P.M. H44A-0183 POSTER A role for soil organic carbon in
passive remote sensing of soil water content from SMAPVEX12:
H R Manns, A A Berg, A Colliander
4:30 P.M. H44A-0184 POSTER Improvement of the Trapezoid
Method Using Raw Digital Count Data for Soil Moisture Estimation in
the Texas (USA) High Plains: S Shafian, S J Maas
Poster Hall 517B-D
Thursday, 4:30 P.M.
Scales and Scaling in Soil Hydrology: Spatial and Temporal
Dynamics of Complex Processes Posters (joint with B)
Presiding: Asim Biswas, McGill University; Sean Carey, McMaster
4:30 P.M. H44B-0185 POSTER Spatial Variations in Baseflow
Generation in a Headwater Mountain Catchment: Birch Creek:
D B Bonville, S B Shaw
4:30 P.M. H44B-0186 POSTER Preferential unsaturated flow and
transport in heterogeneous mine waste rock dumps: W M Appels,
A M Ireson, L S Barbour
4:30 P.M. H44B-0187 POSTER Freeze-thaw processes of active layer
soils in the Nanweng’he River National Reserve in the Yili’helishan
Mountains, northeastern Northeast China: R He, H Jin, X Chang,
Y Wang
4:30 P.M. H44B-0189 POSTER On the coupled use of sapflow
and eddy covariance measurements: environmental impacts on
the evapotranspiration of an heterogeneous - wild olives based Sardinian ecosystem: M Curreli, R Corona, N Montaldo, R Oren
4:30 P.M. H44B-0190 POSTER The TILE Approach: Closing the
hydrologic cycle: E D Soulis, J R Craig, B Tolson, A Haghnegahdar,
M Tinel
Poster Hall 517B-D
Thursday, 4:30 P.M.
Water Resource Impacts From Past and Future Climate
Change and Climate Variability Posters
Presiding: Markus Schnorbus, Pacific Climate Impacts Consortium;
Rajesh Shrestha, Pacific Climate Impacts Consortium; Daniel
Peters, Environment Canada
4:30 P.M. H44C-0191 POSTER Testing for water risk in river basins in
Nigeria: S U Ayobahan
4:30 P.M. H44C-0192 POSTER Climate change of the Sardinian
hydrology: the NAO impact on the precipitation and runoff regimes
across the Mediterranean island: A Sarigu, N Montaldo
4:30 P.M. H44C-0193 POSTER Changes of the Hydrologic regime
over the last 90 years in the Flumendosa basin, Sardinia: R Corona, N
Montaldo, J D Albertson
4:30 P.M. H44C-0194 POSTER Can we disentangle the climate
influences on Colorado River water resources using a multi-proxy
approach to tree-ring data?: A Z Csank, C A Woodhouse, G T Pederson,
S W Leavitt
4:30 P.M. H44C-0196 POSTER Risk to Groundwater Quality in
Coastal Aquifers under the Pressure of Climate Change: J Klassen,
D M Allen, K E Kohfeld
Poster Hall 517B-D
Thursday, 4:30 P.M.
Mineral Deposits and Ore Minerals III Posters
Presiding: Michel Jebrak, UQAM; William Minarik, McGill University
4:30 P.M. MD44A-0209 POSTER Gold Mineralization at the Renabie
Mine: The Importance of an Early Hydrothermal Vein Anisotropy on
Shear Zone Localization: J McDivitt, B Lafrance, D Kontak
4:30 P.M. MD44A-0210 POSTER Unravelling the Archean to
Proterozoic History at the Meliadine Gold District, Nunavut, Canada:
C Lawley, V McNicoll, R A Creaser, B Dubé, P Mercier-Langevin,
S J Pehrsson
4:30 P.M. MD44A-0211 POSTER Key parameters controlling the
genesis of the BIF-hosted Meadowbank gold deposit, Churchill
Province, Nunavut: V Janvier, S Castonguay, P Mercier-Langevin,
B Dubé, M Malo, V McNicoll, R A Creaser, B de Chavigny, O Côté
Mantha, S J Pehrsson
4:30 P.M. MD44A-0212 POSTER Key geological parameters
of the BIF-hosted Musselwhite gold deposit, Superior Province,
northwestern Ontario and implications for exploration: W Oswald,
S Castonguay, B Dubé, V McNicoll, J Biczok, P Mercier-Langevin,
M Malo
4:30 P.M. MD44A-0213 POSTER Hydrothermal Chromium Mobility
in the MacLellan Au-Ag Deposit: Implications for Petrogenetic
Interpretation: E C G Hastie, J E Gagnon, I M Samson
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
4:30 P.M. MD44A-0214 POSTER Gold mineralization in the
Belleterre mineral district, Pontiac Subprovince, Québec–
relationships to deformation events and lamprophyre intrusions:
M Koïta, M Richer-Laflèche, L B Harris, M Jebrak
4:30 P.M. MD44A-0215 POSTER Syn-Orogenic, Intrusion-Related
Gold Mineralisation Associated with an Archean Compressional
Fault in the Bachelor Mine, Desmaraisville, Abitibi, Canada:
S Marier Boston, A Tremblay, J Lemarchand
4:30 P.M. MD44A-0216 POSTER A Mineralogical, Geochemical and
Geochronological Study of Marathon Gold Corporation’s Valentine
Lake Gold Camp; Central Dunnage Zone, Newfoundland:
M A Barrington, G D Layne, G Dunning, S M Dunsworth
4:30 P.M. MD44A-0217 POSTER Mineralogical and Geochemical
Vectors for Ore Targeting: the Footprint of the Canadian Malartic
Gold Deposit, Québec: N Gaillard, A E Williams-Jones, S Salvi,
J R Clark, P Lypaczewski, S Perrouty
4:30 P.M. MD44A-0218 POSTER Characterization of shear fabric
Development and peak Metamorphic assemblages in mafic
metavolcanic rocks south of Detour Lake Mine: M Bouchard,
D K Tinkham
4:30 P.M. MD44A-0219 POSTER Role of colloidal transport in the
formation of high-grade gold veins at Brucejack, British Columbia: N
Harrichhausen, C D Rowe, M Tarling, W S Board, C J Greig
4:30 P.M. MD44A-0221 POSTER Structural geology and timing of
deformation at the Gibraltar copper-molybdenum porphyry deposit,
Cariboo Region, British Columbia: L Kennedy,
N Mostaghimi, J Gabites, R M Friedman
4:30 P.M. MD44A-0228 POSTER Geology of the Hardaban Zn-Pb
deposit in Xinjiang, NW China, and its comparison to the Tekeli Zn-Pb
deposit, Kazakhstan: Y Yalikun, C Xue, D T A Symons
4:30 P.M. MD44A-0229 POSTER Characterization of seleniumrich minerals from the Sagar property, Labrador Trough, northern
Quebec: R Sharma, M Fayek, Q Yarie, C Scherba
4:30 P.M. MD44A-0230 POSTER Granite-hosted W Mineralization in
the Dajishan W-Ta-Nb Deposit, Nanling Range, Southeastern China:
M Wu, I M Samson, D Zhang
4:30 P.M. MD44A-0231 POSTER Heavy Mineral Potentiality of the
Kawar Char Island in the Bay of Bengal, South-West Bangladesh:
A T Tapu, M Hossain
4:30 P.M. MD44A-0232 POSTER Cryptic Structural Controls on
Metallogeny Patterns as Revealed by the Distribution of Heavy
Minerals in Stream Sediments from the Flat River Area, Mackenzie
Mountains, NWT: H Falck, E Martel, S Day, K Pierce
4:30 P.M. MD44A-0233 POSTER Regional Mapping Protocol,
Descriptive Nomenclature and Field Database Coding for Iron
Oxide Alkali-Alteration (IOAA) Ore Systems and their IOCG, IOA
and Affiliated Deposit Types: Protocole de Cartographie Régionale,
Terminologie Descriptive et Codification de Bases de Données de
Terrain pour les systèmes à Oxydes de Fer et Altération en Éléments
Alcalins et leurs Gîtes IOCG, IOA et Gîtes Affiliés: S Asselin, L Corriveau,
A DeToni, J F Montreuil, J Wahl, C Guilmette, M Champagne,
S Dourlet, A Chabot Bergeron
4:30 P.M. MD44A-0234 POSTER The Capricorn Distal Footprints
Project: an Orogen-Scale Approach to Mineral Systems:
M A Pearce, R Hough, S C Spinks, R Thorne, A White, A Y LeyCooper, P Golodoniuc, D Gray, T J Munday
Poster Hall 517B-D
4:30 P.M. MD44A-0222 POSTER Oxidation state and Cu content of
arc magmas: implications for metallogeny: J P Richards
Thursday, 4:30 P.M.
4:30 P.M. MD44A-0223 POSTER Three-Dimensional Electrical
Conductivity Models of the Morrison Porphyry-Cu Deposit, British
Columbia: B Lee, J Huebert, B Abbassi, L Liu, M J Unsworth,
J P Richards, L Z Cheng, D Oldenburg
Rare Earth Element Deposits: Characteristics and Genesis
II Posters: Gîtes de Terres Rares: Caractéristiques et Genèse
(joint with EP, SE, VGP)
Presiding: Olivier Nadeau, University of Ottawa; Anthony WilliamsJones, McGill University
4:30 P.M. MD44A-0224 POSTER A study of the Cu-Ni-Fe-S
mineralogy of footwall veins at the McCreedy East mine, Sudbury,
ON: The formation of millerite and origin of splays from trunk veins:
P Wawrzonkowski
4:30 P.M. MD44B-0235 POSTER The origin of the REE-rich, Strange
Lake A-type peralkaline granite, revealed by O and
Sm-Nd isotopes: K Siegel, A E Williams-Jones, R Stevenson
4:30 P.M. MD44A-0225 POSTER Resource Potential for Industrial
Limestone on Southampton Island, Nunavut: S Zhang
4:30 P.M. MD44B-0236 POSTER Whole Rock Geochemical
Signatures and REE Mineralogy of the Nechalacho Rare-Earth
Element Deposit, NWT: J Hoyle, I M Samson
4:30 P.M. MD44A-0226 POSTER Nunavut Carving Stone: Further
Studies Needed on Arctic Canada’s Community Commodity:
M A Beauregard, J Ell, H M Steenkamp, A Henderson
4:30 P.M. MD44B-0237 POSTER The Saint-Honoré carbonatite REE
zone, Québec, Canada: Combined magmatic and hydrothermal
processes: A Néron, L P Bedard, D Gaboury, G Matton, S Thivierge
4:30 P.M. MD44A-0227 POSTER Contribution to the geologic study
of the zone the South to Imiter center oriental Anti-Atlas:
N EL Aouad
4:30 P.M. MD44B-0238 POSTER The Genesis of Heavy REE
Mineralisation in the Lofdal Carbonatite Complex, Namibia:
R Wollenberg, A E Williams-Jones, S Bodeving, S Swinden
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
4:30 P.M. MD44B-0239 POSTER IOCG-Type And Affiliated Deposits
In The Romanet Horst, Labrador Through, Canada: Insights From
Geochemical Fingerprint Of High Temperature Albitization:
X Y DONG, O Nadeau, L Corriveau
4:30 P.M. MD44B-0240 POSTER Mineralogical and Geochemical
Constraints on the Mobilization and Mineralization of Rare Earth
Elements in the Lala Fe-Cu-(Mo, REE) Deposit, SW China:
W T Chen, M F Zhou
4:30 P.M. MD44B-0241 POSTER REE mineralization in Sin Quyen FeCu-REE-U-Au deposit, Northwest Vietnam: L Xiaochun, M F Zhou
Poster Hall 517B-D
Thursday, 4:30 P.M.
General Contributions in Seismology III Posters:
Contributions Générales en Sismologie (joint with G, SE, T)
Presiding: Pascal Audet, University of Ottawa; Pascal Audet,
University of Ottawa
4:30 P.M. S44A-0326 POSTER Seismic Interferometry for Mineral
Exploration: Results from a Test Survey at the Lalor Mine, MB,
Canada: J A Craven, S Cheraghi, E Roots, G Bellefleur
4:30 P.M. S44A-0328 POSTER Crustal structure beneath
northeastern Tibetan Plateau from teleseismic receiver functions and
its relationship with the regional seismicity: X Li, H Li
4:30 P.M. S44A-0329 POSTER Coda Q estimates of Bilaspur region
of Himachal Lesser Himalaya: Sandeep
4:30 P.M. S44A-0330 POSTER Inclined strike-slip fault in a two
layered model of the lithosphere-asthenosphere system:
P Debnath, S Sen
Poster Hall 517B-D
Thursday, 4:30 P.M.
Mantle Dynamics From the Surface to Core: Continuing the
Themes of CIG’s 2014 Joint Meeting With the CGU II Posters
(joint with P, T)
Presiding: Julian Lowman, University of Toronto; Claudia Stein,
University of Munster
4:30 P.M. S44A-0316 POSTER Structural and seismic facies analysis
of Tytoolz-fiy Field, onshore Niger Delta: E A Titus, E Ayolabi,
A Ogunniyi
4:30 P.M. SE44A-0336 POSTER The Effect of Lower Mantle Viscosity
on Surface Mobility in 3D Spherical Shell Convection Models:
S M Langemeyer, J P Lowman, P J Tackley
4:30 P.M. S44A-0317 POSTER New Methods for Acquiring and
Visualizing Surface Wave Data: B Miller, G P Tsoflias, D W Steeples
4:30 P.M. SE44A-0337 POSTER The Feedback Between Continents
and Compositional Anomalies in the Deep Mantle: J P Lowman,
S J Trim
4:30 P.M. S44A-0318 POSTER Focal depth distribution of the 1982
MirA.M.ichi, New Brunswick, earthquake sequence, retrieved by
analyzing regional depth phases: S Ma, D Motazedian
4:30 P.M. S44A-0319 POSTER The Lamont Cooperative
Seismographic Network (LCSN): M E Gold, P Bastien, W Y Kim
4:30 P.M. S44A-0320 POSTER The Central and Eastern United States
Network and Repeating Earthquakes in ENA: W Y Kim, M E Gold,
P Bastien, J G Armbruster
S Baruah, S Baruah
4:30 P.M. S44A-0322 POSTER Seismic Mapping of the Fenchuganj
Structure, Surma Basin, Bangladesh: A T Tapu, M Hossain, D Hossain
4:30 P.M. S44A-0323 POSTER Reservoir Characterization of
Semutang Gas Field: A High Amplitude Faulted Structure in SE
Bangladesh, using Well Log, Seismic Reflectivity and Attributes:
Z Salehin, A S M Woobaidullah, S M M Kabir, S S Snigdha
4:30 P.M. S44A-0324 POSTER Body-Wave Scattering from Seismic
Interferometry: Preliminary Results from the San Andreas Fault near
Parkfield, California: S G Mosher, P Audet
4:30 P.M. S44A-0325 POSTER Real-time Stress Monitoring Using
Ambient-noise Tomography in Deep Mine Environments:
P Dales, P Audet, J P Mercier, A Pascu, W de Beer
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
4:30 P.M. SE44A-0338 POSTER Modeling the Formation of Porosity
Bands in a Mid-Ocean Ridge Corner Flow: D Gebhardt,
S L Butler
Poster Hall 517B-D
Thursday, 4:30 P.M.
The Neoproterozoic-Paleozoic Earth System: Records From an
Earth in Transition Posters (joint with B, ES, PP, PG)
Presiding: Erik Sperling, Harvard Univ-Botanical Museum; Justin
Strauss, Harvard University
4:30 P.M. SG44A-0339 POSTER Nitrogen isotopes across a late
Mesoproterozoic basin transect, Arctic Bay Formation, Nunavut: M
Hodgskiss, P Sans-Jofre, M Kunzmann, D Cole, T Gibson,
P W Crockford, G P Halverson
4:30 P.M. SG44A-0340 POSTER Application of the I/[Ca+Mg] Proxy
to Interpreting the c. 810 Ma Bitter Springs δ13C Anomaly: Utilisation
d’un nouveau proxy-redox le ratio I/[Ca+Mg] pour interpréter
l’anomalie δ13C Bitter Springs (ca. 810 Ma): S Wörndle-Quoëx,
G P Halverson, Z Lu, X Zhou
4:30 P.M. SG44A-0341 POSTER Lost and found: the Islay carbon
isotope excursion in NA.M.ibia is nearly 746 Ma in age:
P F Hoffman, E J Bellefroid, B W Johnson, D P Schrag
4:30 P.M. SG44A-0342 POSTER Expanded records of early
Ediacaran marine carbonate δ13C from Namibia: synchronous
foredeep initiation bordering the Kaoko and Damara orogens?:
P F Hoffman, E B Hodgin, E J Bellefroid, P W Crockford,
G R Jasechko, B W Johnson, P Sans-Jofre, D P Schrag
4:30 P.M. SG44A-0343 POSTER Dolomite Marine Cements Record
Marine Anoxia During the Late Cryogenian: A V S Hood,
M W Wallace
4:30 P.M. SG44A-0344 POSTER Testing Snowball Earth: Subsurface
Sedimentology of the Neoproterozoic Kamoa Subbasin, Democratic
Republic of Congo: K Kennedy, N Eyles, D Broughton, D Edwards
4:30 P.M. SG44A-0345 POSTER New Age Constraints on Middle
Ediacaran Chemostratigraphy, Biostratigraphy, and the East African
Orogeny from the Arabian Shield: G P Halverson, M D Schmitz,
G M Cox, P R Johnson, M Kunzmann, T J Maguire, A S Collins
4:30 P.M. SPA44B-0384 POSTER A Web-Based HF Near Real Time
Tool based on a Neural Network based Bottomside Profile Model for
the Ionosphere: M O Yousif, S M Sharif
4:30 P.M. SPA44B-0385 POSTER Plasmaspheric plume analysis
during the 2013 Cluster close separation Campaign: F Darrouzet,
J De Keyser, P Décréau, J Goldstein, W S Kurth, S De Pascuale
4:30 P.M. SPA44B-0386 POSTER Relationship between
plasmapause obtained from Cluster, solar wind and geomagnetic
activity: F Darrouzet, V Pierrard, G Verbanac
Poster Hall 517B-D
Thursday, 4:30 P.M.
4:30 P.M. SG44A-0346 POSTER Uncovering late Ediacaran
kinematics of the Avalonia terrane using paleomagnetism:
R P Anderson, D A Evans, P J A McCausland, B Wen
Energetic Particle Precipitation Mechanisms and Effects in the
Magnetosphere-Ionosophere System II Posters
Presiding: Allison Jaynes, University of Colorado at Boulder;
Lauren Blum, University of California, Berkeley; Maria Usanova,
University of Colorado at Boulder; Larry Kepko, NASA GSFC
4:30 P.M. SG44A-0347 POSTER Chemostratigraphy of Late
Proterozoic Carbonate Units in Northern Selwyn Basin, East-Central
Yukon: C Padget, J V Strauss, D Moynihan, D Keighley
4:30 P.M. SPA44C-0387 POSTER Inter-hourly Variability of Total
Electron Content during the quietest days over Akure, within the
Equatorial Ionospheric Anomaly region: T T Ayorinde
4:30 P.M. SG44A-0348 POSTER Cycles of Nutrient Trace Elements
in the Phanerozoic Ocean and Relationship to Atmosphere-Ocean
Oxygenation: R R Large, J Halpin, E Lounejeva, L V Danyushevsky
4:30 P.M. SPA44C-0388 POSTER Science Highlights from the
BARREL Antarctic Balloon Campaigns: R M Millan, J G Sample,
M McCarthy, D M Smith
4:30 P.M. SG44A-0349 POSTER Linking Atmospheric pO2 to
Geological Processes: A P Wolfe, K Muehlenbachs, R Tappert,
R C McKellar, M Schoell
4:30 P.M. SPA44C-0389 POSTER Study of field aligned current (FAC)
with D-component (east-west)and interplanetary electric field (Ey)
during three different HILDCAA events: B Adhikari, O Mendes Jr,
M O Domingues, E Echer
Poster Hall 517B-D
O O Charles II, B Rabiu, O S Oluyo
Thursday, 4:30 P.M.
Earth’s Inner Magnetosphere: Advances in Modeling,
Simulations, and Theory II Posters
Presiding: Danny Summers, Memorial University of
Newfoundland; Ian Mann, University of Alberta; Barry Mauk,
Applied Physics Laboratory Johns Hopkins
4:30 P.M. SPA44A-0383 POSTER Van Allen Probes observations of
oxygen cyclotron harmonic waves in the inner magnetosphere:
M Usanova, A N Jaynes, I R Mann, B Grison, R Ergun
Poster Hall 517B-D
B W Joshua, J O Adeniyi, B W Reinisch, I Adimula, S Adebiyi
ACTIVITY PHASES: K A Adegboyega, B Oluwasegun,
O O Elijah, A O E
4:30 P.M. SPA44C-0393 POSTER Spatial Variations of GPSMeasured Total Electron Content over Nigeria: E V Adetayo,
B Rabiu, A Adekola
Thursday, 4:30 P.M.
4:30 P.M. SPA44C-0394 POSTER Investing Changes in Field Aligned
Current Maps for Changing Solar Radiative Indices:
T Edwards, D R Weimer
Earth’s Plasmasphere: Feeding, Dynamics, and Coupling
Processes II PostersPresiding: Fabien Darrouzet, Belgian Institute
for Space Aeronomy; Jerry Goldstein, Southwest Research Inst;
Kirthika Mohan, UCL Mullard Space Science Laboratory; Maria
Usanova, Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics
4:30 P.M. SPA44C-0395 POSTER Investigations on the Variations of
Space Weather and Correlation Analysis with the GOCE Gradiometer
Measurements: E S Ince, S D Pagiatakis
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
Poster Hall 517B-D
Thursday, 4:30 P.M.
Melt and Fluid Inclusions: Windows Into the Role of Fluids in
the Evolution of the Earth and Planetary Systems II Posters
(joint with EP, MD, SG)
Presiding: Daniel Kontak, Laurentian University; Robert Bodnar,
Virginia Tech
4:30 P.M. VGP44A-0427 POSTER Gas chromatographic
investigation of the light hydrocarbon compositions of fluids
associated with various geological environments and regimes:
A first comparison: M Kerr, J J Hanley
4:30 P.M. VGP44A-0428 POSTER Deep Degassing of CO2-rich
Basanite Magma at El Hierro, Canary Islands: Insights from Melt and
Fluid Inclusions: M A Longpre, J Stix, A Kluegel, N Shimizu
4:30 P.M. VGP44A-0429 POSTER Secondary Gold Precipitation
Involving Immiscible Methane-Nitrogen-Carbon Dioxide and
Aqueous Fluids, Lupin Gold Deposit, Nunavut: J J Hanley,
Crowell, D Kontak
4:30 P.M. VGP44A-0430 POSTER Sulphur Isotope Fractionation
During Degassing of Canary Island Magmas: P Beaudry, M A Longpre,
R C Economos, B A Wing, T H Bui, J Stix
4:30 P.M. VGP44A-0431 POSTER Using Petrographic Observations
and Evaporate Mound Chemistry of Fluid Inclusions to Assess
Metal Fertility and Fluid:Rock Interaction in a Large Peraluminous
Batholith: A Case Study of the Mineralized (Sn-W-U-Cu-Zn-Ag) South
Mountain Batholith, Nova Scotia, Canada: F M Tweedale,
J J Hanley, D Kontak, N Rogers
Poster Hall 517B-D
Thursday, 4:30 P.M.
Secular Variations in the Tectonomagmatic Evolution of the
Continental Crust II Posters (joint with GP, MD, PG, T)
Presiding: J Shellnutt, NTNU National Taiwan Normal University;
J Brendan Murphy, St. Francis Xavier University; John Keppie,
Universidad Nacional Autonomo de Mexico
4:30 P.M. VGP44B-0432 POSTER Arc Magmatic Evolution:
The Central American Example: S A Whattam, R J Stern
4:30 P.M. VGP44B-0433 POSTER Mesozoic and Cenozoic
reconstruction of magmatism and basin Development within
the South China Sea and their implications to regional tectonic
evolution: H A MAI, Y L Chan, M W Yeh, T Y Lee
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
4:30 P.M. VGP44B-0434 POSTER Trace element variation in
plagioclase phenocrysts from ignimbrites from the Mogollon-Datil
volcanic field, southern New Mexico, USA: Insights into the processes
and timescales of magmatism: G Michelfelder, E E Salings, E R Sikes
4:30 P.M. VGP44B-0435 POSTER Overview of Appinites and their
relationships with other enigmatic igneous rock suites: J B Murphy,
R D Nance
4:30 P.M. VGP44B-0436 POSTER Building Continents and Keels:
Implications from the Hf Isotopic Compositions of Archean-Hadean
Zircons: P A Mueller, M E Bickford, J Wooden
4:30 P.M. VGP44B-0437 POSTER The tectonic implication of
temporal-spatial distribution of magmatism in northwestern
Sibumasu terrane, the western Yunnan, China: Y P Chiu, M W Yeh,
T Y Lee
4:30 P.M. VGP44B-0438 POSTER Petrogenesis and Tectonic
Implications of Neoproterozoic Na-rich Adakites and High-K
Granites on the Western Margin of the Yangtze Block: Q Chen,
M Sun, X Long, G Zhao, C Yuan
Poster Hall 517B-D
Thursday, 4:30 P.M.
The Uranium Cycle: From the Mantle to Sediments to
Exploitation to Environmental Impact III Posters (joint with
ES, MD, SG)Presiding: T Kyser, Queen’s University; Mostafa Fayek,
University of Manitoba
4:30 P.M. VGP44C-0439 POSTER Tourmaline in the Maw Zone,
the Gryphon Uranium Deposit, and Sandstones above the Phoenix
Uranium Deposits, Athabasca Basin, Saskatchewan, Canada:
I T O’Connell, K Hattori, E Adlakha, S Chen, C Sorba
4:30 P.M. VGP41A-06 POSTER Characterization of Fluids Associated
with Uranium Mineralization in the Beaverlodge Uranium District,
Northern Saskatchewan: Field, Petrographic, Fluid Inclusion and C-O
Isotope Studies: R Liang, G Chi, K Ashton, N Blamey
4:30 P.M. VGP44C-0441 POSTER Petrographic study of albitization
associated with uranium mineralization in the Beaverlodge district
of northern Saskatchewan: J A Kennicott, G Chi, K Ashton
4:30 P.M. VGP44C-0442 POSTER Geochemistry and Geochronology
of the Andrew Lake Deposit, Thelon Basin, Nunavut, Canada:
B M Shabaga, M Fayek, D Quirt, B Davis, T Pestaj, C Jefferson
4:30 P.M. VGP44C-0443 POSTER Long term geochemical evolution
of U mine tailings from the Denison TMA-1 tailings management
area, Elliot Lake, ON, Canada: M K Kartick, J L Brown, F G Ferris,
J E Mungall
Presenting Author Index
Presenting authors’ names are followed by the
paper numbers of all presentations.
To find a paper in this meeting program:
• Locate the name of the presenting author in the index.
• Refer to the paper numbers in parentheses following the
presenting author’s name.
• The paper number includes the session and paper information.
• The last two digits (oral) or four digits (poster) of a paper
number provide the sequence within a session.
• After locating the session number, find the session in the
Program Content section, pages 48-103.
All paper numbers are listed for presenters who have more than one
Example: Paper AS31B-02 is scheduled on Wednesday morning,
concurrent session B, the second presentation.
paper number
session number
order of paper
within session
day 3 = Wednesday
A.M. or P.M.
1 = 8:00 A.M.
2 = 10:30 A.M.
3 = 2:00 P.M.
4 = 4:30 P.M.
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
A. Karegar M (G34A-0116)
Abalos D (B34A-0052)
Abitty E K (VGP24C-0411)
Abramovitch E Y (PG34A-0269)
Abubakar B (OS14A-0289)
Abubakar R (GP14A-0167)
Adam C M (SE33A-07)
Adams J R (H44A-0176)
Adegboyega K A (SPA44C-0392)
Adeniji A A (SG11A-05)
Adetayo E V (SPA44C-0393)
Adhikari B (SPA44C-0389)
Adlakha E (VGP44C-0440)
Afolabi O O (AS33A-04)
Afolayan A A (AS14C-0023)
Agosta G’meiner A M (PP21A-08)
Ahlawat A S (AS44B-0044)
Ahmad A (B14A-0056)
Ahmed B (ES34B-0101)
Ahmed M N (T31A-01)
Ahmed M (H13B-04, H41A-04)
Aides A (AS44A-0027)
Akbari A (VGP12A-06)
Alapaty K V (AS44B-0039)
Alcántara L (S12A-06)
Aldridge K D (SE13A-03)
Alexander C J (P14C-0308)
Alexandru A (AS34A-0015)
Alharbi T (H14E-0219)
Ali G (H42C-03)
Ali M (B14A-0057)
Aliabadi A (AS31A-04)
Alipbeki O (H42A-05)
Allaire S E (H41B-04)
AlMogren S M (G13A-07)
Aloatem Tazifor A N (B24E-0108)
Amina W (MD33A-05)
Amos H M (B12B-01)
Anderson R P (SG44A-0346)
André S K (AS14C-0025)
Andres M (B34A-0051)
Andresen J (AS43A-05)
Andrienko V (MD14A-0261)
Annesley I R (VGP41A-04)
Ansan V (P24A-0311)
Ansdell K M (ED41A-07)
Anshari G Z (B42A-03)
Aparicio J M (G12A-05)
Appana R (H21B-02)
Appels W M (H13A-01, H44B-0186)
Arango C (VGP24B-0404)
Aranha R D (SG11A-04)
Archer W E (SPA31A-08)
Archibald D (PG23A-07,
Arcuri G (PG34A-0298)
Ariya P A (B13A-02)
Arkinson H L (AS21A-05)
Armour M (P11A-08)
Arndt N T (VGP21A-02, VGP31A-01)
Arnold J R (AS21B-01)
Arnoux M (H24A-0226)
Arriaga D (H14A-0189)
Arsenault L (ED34A-0091)
Artemieva I M (T22A-01)
Arzilli F (VGP14A-0388)
Ashfaq M (H23B-05)
Ashley K T (VGP12B-02)
Ashmore P (ES31A-01)
Ashoori Pareshkoohi A (S32A-03)
Asim S (ES14B-0131)
Asselin S (MD44A-0233)
Atallah E (AS31A-02)
Atemnkeng E A (H24D-0244)
Atemnkeng N (ES14B-0130)
Atkinson G M (S22A-04)
Au Yang D (AS24A-0030)
Aubel T (ES11A-04)
Aubry A M (ES44B-0112)
Aubry-Wake C (H32A-03)
Audet P (S31A-01)
Audru J (ED14A-0116)
Auerbach D J (SG21A-01)
Aukes P (ES21A-06)
Austin J A (H13C-01)
Avetyan R (S42A-05)
Awais M (S41A-08)
Ayo A O (AS24A-0027)
Ayobahan S U (H44C-0191)
Ayorinde T T (SPA44C-0387)
Ayotte O (MD43A-08)
Ayre A M (MD12A-08)
Aziz F (H14B-0198)
Aziz T (B32B-02)
Bacca-Cortes G F (B24F-0114)
Badjana M H (H13B-03)
Baig A I (H24E-0248)
Bajracharya B M (B34C-0062)
Baker D N (SPA43A-01)
Baker D R (VGP34A-0416)
Baker N C (AS22A-05)
Bal S (AS34A-0017)
Banerjee A (P34A-0249)
Banihashemi A (B44B-0085)
Bansah S (H14F-0222)
Baraer M (H32A-04)
Baraka S M (SPA34B-0364)
Barber A (B24E-0104)
Barker H (AS41A-06)
Barlakas V (AS41A-05)
Barnes C R (OS31A-02)
Barnes S (MD11A-02, MD31A-01)
Barnetche D (H21B-05)
Baron A (GA44A-0126)
Barrington M A (MD44A-0216)
Barshi N (MS24A-0281)
Bartley J K (PG23A-05)
Baruah S (S44A-0321)
Basu S (H14B-0196)
Bates M (SE43A-03)
Bath O E (PG34A-0273)
Baudron P (H21B-04, H23A-07)
Bauer A (PG34A-0271)
Beard C D (VGP31A-02)
Beatty S M (ED32A-08, H14B-0205)
Beaudet Lancup J (PP24A-0330)
Beaudoin A B (SG14A-0367)
Beaudry C (VGP32B-03)
Beaudry P (VGP44A-0430)
Beauregard M A (MD44A-0226)
Becker E J (AS12A-04)
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
Becker K (U33A-02)
Bedard J H (PG42A-01, VGP21A-03)
Bedard K (SG23A-05)
Bedard L P (VGP32B-07)
Bedeaux P (PG34A-0280)
Behera A K (H31B-07)
Bekker A (PG12A-01, PG33A-06)
Belhaj S (GA44A-0122)
Belkin H E (MD33A-06)
Benkert B E (H13D-02)
Bennett D j (B34B-0059)
Bentz J L (P34A-0257)
Beran L (ES12A-07)
Berg A A (H44A-0178)
Berk A (AS42A-08)
Berryman E J (MS24A-0285,
Bethell E (P42A-04)
Betts A K (AS31B-01)
Beyer S R (MD24B-0276,
Bezeau D A (H22A-08)
Bezejouh D A (AS24A-0034)
Bhatia N (H43C-04)
Bhattarai B C (H34B-0147)
Bhattarai D R (H34B-0145)
Biagi K (H14A-0187)
Bianchi T S (B24E-0101)
Bigio A (MD24B-0278)
Bispo-Santos F (PG34A-0294)
Biswas A (H41B-02)
Biswas R (S41A-02)
Bjorkman K E (PG11A-01)
Black R X (AS31A-05)
Blacutt L A (AS23A-05)
Blais J A (G11A-07)
Blanchard J (VGP34A-0413)
Blanco Chia J F (T43A-05)
Blanken P (H13C-02)
Blarquez O (B34D-0063)
Blaser A (ES24A-0146)
Bleau D (ES11A-07)
Bleeker W (P11A-04)
Blum L W (SPA43A-06)
Boag T H (SG41A-06)
Bocking E (H43A-07)
Bogatu A (MD41A-06)
Boisvert S (H13D-05)
Boisvert-Chouinard J (H11A-07,
Bonham O (ED42A-06)
Bono R K (GP22A-04)
Bonsal B R (H33A-01)
Bonville D B (H44B-0185)
Boon J A (ED41A-04, ED42A-08)
Boone A A (AS33C-01)
Boonsue S (P12A-06)
Borah N (AS11B-06)
Boreux M P (B43A-02)
Bormann K (H31A-08)
Borovsky J (SPA41A-02,
Bortnik J (SPA41A-06)
Bose T (PP22A-05)
Bouchard M (MD44A-0218)
Bouchard R (MD14B-0266)
Boucher C (AS24A-0041)
Boucher E (ES11A-05)
Boucher-Brossard G (ES23A-02)
Boulerice A R (MD13A-07)
Bourke A (VGP32B-06)
Bowerman M (MS24A-0284)
Bowley K (AS31A-03)
Bowman M J (OS31A-01)
Boyce A (T23A-03)
Boyce J I (B24A-0078)
Bradford A A (H34B-0143)
Braganza S C (S11A-05)
Branfireun B A (B14C-0063, H23C-06)
Brault M (PP33A-05)
Braun A (SE32A-06)
Braverman M (H34B-0160)
Brenan J M (VGP22A-02)
Breneman A W (SPA32A-02)
Brennwald M S (H24A-0227)
Britt D T (P21A-01)
Bronson K F (B34A-0048)
Brouard E (OS34A-0247)
Broughm S G (MD34B-0203)
Brown C (H34A-0133)
Brown L (H34B-0155)
Brown L L (GP22A-05)
Brown S E (B34A-0053)
Brzozowski M J (MD34B-0202)
Bubier J L (B34E-0069)
Buchan K L (GP22A-03, P42A-05)
Buckley E (ES21A-05)
Buddenberg A (AS13B-08)
Buffett B A (GP31A-01)
Buffin-Belanger T K (ES11A-06)
Buhlmann E (MD23A-05)
Bunce M (MD42A-04)
Bunger A (U23A-01)
Buratti B J (P34A-0265)
Burchill J K (SPA22A-04)
Burke A (GA44A-0121)
Burney D (VGP24B-0403)
Burns T T (H44A-0182)
Bustard A (MD34B-0208)
Butler S L (SE33A-08)
Byrne M (ES23A-04)
Cabana G (B32A-04)
Cabri L J (MD14A-0252)
Cahyadi M N (G12A-08)
Caissie D (H12B-03)
Calas G (VGP42B-05)
Calder J (ED32A-03)
Camacho D (B34B-0057)
Cameron T G (SPA34D-0380)
Campbell D C (ES43A-04)
Canali A (MD14A-0254)
Canil D (VGP22A-01)
Cao Y (VGP32B-05)
Caplette J (MS24A-0283)
Cara Y (SG14A-0365)
Cardille J A (B22A-07)
Cardillo M (AS31B-02)
Carey A (S24A-0342)
Carley T L (T21A-07)
Caron J (H42C-01)
Carson H J (VGP32A-03)
Cartapanis O a (PP33A-06)
Cartigny P (VGP33A-03)
Casson N J (H23C-02)
J (PP24A-0332)
Caté A (MD14B-0265)
Celarier E A (AS23A-01)
Celejewski M (H42A-02)
Chabot M D (H44A-0177)
Chacon A (AS34A-0005)
Chaibou Begou J (H14E-0220)
Chakhmouradian A (MD43A-02,
Champagne C (H43B-03)
Champion S (AS21B-03, ED14A-0115)
Chan F C (B24A-0075)
Chanda K (AS13B-02)
Chandler M A (PP32A-05)
Chandra A (AS44B-0043)
Chang Q (H32A-05)
Chanou A (P14D-0310)
Chaput M A (PP24A-0325)
Charette B (T13A-05)
Charles C (P21A-05)
Charles O O (SPA44C-0390)
Charlier B (VGP32A-06)
Charron I (AS21B-02)
Chasmer L (H43A-01)
Chen C (OS14A-0295)
Chen H (B11A-01)
Chen J (B23A-02)
Chen J (ES24B-0148)
Chen Q (VGP44B-0438)
Chen S (VGP24C-0422)
Chen S (VGP41A-03)
Chen S (AS41B-04)
Chen W (MD44B-0240)
Chen X (B23B-04)
Cheng H (VGP24C-0419)
Cheng I (T34A-0397)
Cheng l (VGP11A-06)
Cheng S (OS33A-04)
Cherry M L (B43A-08)
Chesnokova A (H34B-0157)
Chikhar K (AS13B-01)
Chiu J C (AS44A-0032)
Chiu Y (VGP44B-0437)
Cho M (T11A-07)
Choné G (ES44A-0105)
Chosson F (AS33A-01)
Chouinard L (S12A-03)
Christoffersen R (P21A-02)
Chu H (VGP41A-01)
Chuang L Y (S34B-0311)
Chung D (MD32A-05)
Chutko K J (H14D-0215, H14D-0216)
Ciężka M M (ES24B-0150)
Cioppa M T (GP14A-0171)
Clark I D (H22B-03)
Clark M (H13A-06)
Clark M P (H22A-01)
Clayer F (B44C-0089)
Cloutis E (P21A-06)
Cochran J S (B24E-0106)
Cogger L (SPA21A-02)
Cohen R E (VGP23A-05)
Coint N (PG34A-0293)
Colenbrander Nelson T (B34B-0054)
Collins D C (AS12A-07)
Comas X (B23B-05)
Comer N (AS43A-01)
Condie K (T21A-05, VGP42A-04)
Conly A G (MD34A-0201)
Connon R (H21A-07)
Consolini G (SPA11A-06,
Cooper B (P34A-0264)
Corfu F (PG23A-02)
Cornet C (AS42A-01)
Corona R (H44C-0193)
Corrigan D (T13A-07)
Corriveau A (VGP24C-0410)
Cosh M H (H43B-01)
Cossette É (T31A-04)
Costa-Cabral M C (H42B-03)
Cotroneo S (PP14A-0320)
Cottrell R D (GP22A-07)
Coulibaly P D (H33A-04)
Couture R (B22B-04)
Craig J R (H11B-06, H33A-03)
Cramer C H (S11A-06, S12A-05,
Craven J A (S44A-0326)
Craven J (MD24A-0268)
Creed I F (B32A-01, B42B-01)
Crockford P W (PP34A-0300)
Cronin V S (ED42A-04)
Crossley D J (SE13A-05)
Crowe S (B34B-0055)
Csank A Z (H44C-0194)
Cuesta-Valero F J (AS33C-03)
Cui L (S24A-0337)
Cumming B F (PP23A-05)
Cunningham M (SE31A-03)
Curreli M (H44B-0189)
Currie C A (S32A-05, T41A-03)
Cuthbertson J (SG14A-0360,
Czas J (PG13A-04)
Czechowski L (P34A-0262, T41A-06)
D’Amico D F (SG21A-07)
D’Angelo G (P34A-0267)
D’Arcy F (ES12A-04)
Dahal P (AS34A-0014)
Dales P (S44A-0325)
Daly K M (B24A-0076)
Dalziel I W (SE21A-01, SG41A-08)
Dandapat S (OS31A-04)
Danielescu S (H24A-0231)
Danobeitia J (S34A-0305)
Daoudene Y (PG43A-02)
Dar F A (H23A-01, H31B-01)
Darbyshire F A (T24A-0377, T41A-02)
Dare S (MD34B-0204)
Darling J (VGP13A-04)
Darroch S A (SG41A-07)
Darrouzet F (SPA44B-0385,
Das M K (AS23A-06, AS33B-02)
Dashtpeyma H (ES22A-01)
Davesne G (ES24A-0143)
Davies J (VGP31A-06)
Davis A B (AS41A-07, AS44A-0034)
Davis C L (VGP14B-0391)
Davis E (B34D-0066)
Dayeh M A (AS31A-07, SPA12A-04)
De Natale G (VGP24B-0402)
De Pascuale S (SPA41A-01)
DeBeer C M (H34B-0158)
Debnath P (S44A-0330)
Del Greco K (SE24A-0358)
del Rio Amador L (PP21A-02)
Del Sontro T (B21A-07)
Delile H (GA44A-0128)
Demarty M (B21A-02)
Demers S (ES42A-02)
Dence M R (P12A-09)
Deng Z (B24D-0099)
Denis B (AS12A-03, AS14C-0020)
Dennis A J (SE21A-06)
Depante M (H43A-03)
Dery S J (H21A-03)
Deseta N (P12A-08)
Desmarais J K (MD22A-05,
MD24A-0269, MS22A-01)
DeVink J A (B21A-04)
Devito K J (H33A-02)
Dharwan M (SPA34B-0359)
Di Girolamo L (AS42A-02)
Di Luca A (AS21B-05)
Diawara A (OS33A-01)
Dibike Y B (H41C-05)
Dickin A P (T13A-04, T14A-0376)
Dieng A L (AS14B-0018)
Dingwell D B (U34A-0001)
Dinh T (B34D-0067)
Diop H (H42C-07)
Diro G (AS32A-04)
Dixon K W (B12A-02)
Dobosz A (VGP24C-0416)
Dodson J B (AS44B-0045)
Dong X (MD44B-0239)
Doubrawa P (AS43A-06)
Doughty D (AS21A-06)
Dowling T (ES32A-02)
Driscoll C T (B12A-06)
Driscoll P E (GP31A-07)
Drozdzak J (VGP42B-04)
Drudge C (B22A-01)
Dryden R L (H11A-05)
Dubé J (T24A-0378)
Dubosq R (T34A-0398)
Duda T F (OS31A-07)
Dueck S (AS44A-0025)
Dugdale S (H12B-06)
Dumberry M (SE13A-01)
Dunham B (T24A-0381)
Dunlop D J (GP22A-01)
Duparc Q (MD32A-06)
Dupuis N (VGP42A-05)
Duran C (MD31A-02)
Durepaire X (H24A-0225)
Durnford D A (AS12A-06)
Dürr H H (B43A-06)
Dutilleul P (S42A-07)
Easton R M (MD43A-04, T14A-0373)
Eaton D W (S24A-0338, S32A-02,
Echim M (SPA34C-0370)
Eckley C (B12B-06)
Edinger E (ES43A-06)
Edwards B R (VGP21A-01)
Edwards S (GA44A-0123)
Edwards T (SPA44C-0394)
Eglington B M (PG11A-03,
Eimers C (B32B-03)
Ejigu Y G (G12A-01)
EL Aouad N (MD44A-0227)
EL Arbaoui A (MD34A-0200)
Elias D A (B13A-03)
Elieff S (SE32A-08)
Ellsworth W L (S21A-01)
Elmaleh A (P21A-08)
Elsworth G (PP33A-03)
Emanuele T (VGP14A-0389)
Emberley J (SE24A-0350)
Emmanouil G (AS33A-02)
Engebretson M J (SPA43A-07)
English M (H21A-04)
Enright A M (B33B-05)
Eppner F (H12A-05)
Erbello A (GP14A-0166)
Ernst R E (PG22A-08, VGP34A-0414)
Ersoy O (VGP12A-04)
Eshelman E (SE13B-06)
Espino B (OS31A-05)
Ettema R (ES11A-01)
Evans D A (PG23A-08)
Evans N (VGP34C-0425)
Evjen J G (G24A-0162)
Eyles N (ES32A-07)
Ezenwa I C (SE34A-0334)
Falck H (MD44A-0232)
Fallara F (VGP11A-03)
Fang B (AS34A-0020)
Faramarzi M (H14E-0217)
Farhangi N (MD14A-0259)
Fariñas Pérez G (SPA12A-02)
Farly L (H13D-06)
Faubert S G (S34A-0302)
Fauchez T (AS44A-0033)
Fayek M (VGP42B-03)
Fedortchouk Y (VGP34C-0423)
Fereidoni A (S24A-0339)
Ferguson G A (SG23A-01)
Ferguson I J (T41A-05)
Ferguson S (G14A-0155)
Ferland O (H32B-05)
Fernandez J (H24C-0241,
Ferreira R C (AS14B-0016)
Ferrier K (PP33A-04)
Ferris F G (B33B-03)
Ferroud A L (H31B-02)
Fiori R A (SPA34A-0352)
Fisher D a (PP22A-07)
Flament P (AS14A-0004)
Flemming R L (P21A-07)
Fleurent L (H24D-0246)
Flowers R M (VGP33A-08)
Fok M H (SPA43A-02)
Foley B J (SE33A-04)
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
Fontaine A (MD41A-07)
Forbes D L (ES23A-01)
Forien M (MD11A-05)
Forman M A (SPA11A-02)
Foroughi I (G14A-0151)
Forte A M (SE33A-06)
Fortin J A (B22A-08)
Foulon E (H24B-0240)
Fralick P W (PG12A-05, PG33A-02)
Francis D (VGP22A-07)
Francis O (SE32A-02)
Franssen J (ES42A-06)
Fréchette B (PP24A-0326)
Frias S P (VGP34B-0420)
Friedman E (VGP24C-0412)
Frieman B M (PG34A-0279)
Friesen V C (MD13A-06)
Froelich N (AS33C-06)
From R E (PG34A-0274)
Fu R (AS33C-05)
Fuchs S (MS22A-08)
Funk R L (ES12A-08)
Fuselier S (P13A-02)
Gabriel A (B24E-0105)
Gadet B (H24A-0230)
Gagné O C (MS22A-03)
Gagné S (H32B-04)
Gagnon E (PG34A-0276)
Gagnon S (ES21A-08)
Gagnon-Poiré A (OS34A-0245)
Gaillard N (MD44A-0217)
Gajewski K J (PP23A-08)
Gallet Y (GP21A-02, GP24A-0174)
Galoisy L (VGP42B-07)
Ganji A (AS33C-04)
Gapais D (PG42A-04)
García-García A (AS34A-0006)
Garner C (H14A-0188)
Garuba O A (OS14A-0300)
Gaskell R W (P14C-0309)
Gasparotto M (PP24A-0331)
Gaudet M A (VGP33A-06)
Gaudnik C (B33A-04)
Gaudreau É (T31A-06)
Gaur N (SPA34C-0372)
Gauthier F (ES24A-0141)
Gauthier J (PP22A-08)
Gautrey S (H12B-08)
Gay D A (AS13A-05)
Gayatri P (SE13A-07)
Gebeyehu D B (AS34A-0022)
Gebhardt C (ES44B-0106)
Gebhardt D (SE44A-0338)
Gebreegzabihar K T (SPA34B-0366)
GebreMichael M G (B44B-0086,
Gedalof Z (B34D-0065)
Gedikile H (MD42A-05)
Gelfand I (B33A-06)
Genest S (MD23A-03)
Genna D (MD14B-0267)
Gennaretti F (AS21B-04)
Gerard B (ES22A-07)
Gerrie V (MD22A-01)
Ghaderpour E (G11A-01, G11A-02)
Ghaoui J (VGP24C-0408)
Ghareh Aghaji Zare S (ES11A-08)
Ghate V P (AS44B-0041)
Ghent E D (VGP24C-0417)
Ghofrani H (S12A-04, S21A-04)
Ghoshdastidar A J (B14C-0069)
Giangrande S E (AS44B-0046)
Gibb O T (ES44B-0108)
Gibert-Brunet E (H24D-0245)
Gibson H L (MD13A-08)
Gibson T (PP14A-0318)
Gifford J N (PG34A-0287)
Gilligan A (T11A-05, T22A-04)
Gilmour C C (B13A-04)
Giraudeau J (OS23A-03)
Giroux B (T31A-03)
Glendenning M W (PG13A-06)
Glenn A J (B34A-0049)
Glisovic P (T34B-0409)
Gobeil C (B43B-05)
Godderis Y (PP33A-01)
Goiran J (GA43A-06)
Gold M E (S44A-0319)
Gomezdelcampo E (H34A-0137)
Good D J (VGP32A-02)
Gooseff M N (H23C-08)
Gordon D T (H12A-06)
Gosselin J (H23A-02)
Goud E (B42A-05)
Goudarzi M (G11A-08, G13A-01)
Goulet C A (S11A-01)
Goulet N (MD23A-02)
Gourcerol B (PG33A-01)
Goyal R (SPA11A-07)
Goyette J (B32A-06)
Grabowski W (AS33B-06)
Grandmont K (ES24A-0144)
Granseth A U (MS24A-0282)
Graymer R W (VGP11A-07)
Greenough J D (VGP42A-03)
Greenwood P (H34D-0166)
Grew E S (MS22A-02)
Grieve R A (U33A-05)
Griffin D (AS21A-03)
Grocott M (H32A-06)
Grondahl C (MD34A-0199)
Groulier P (T12A-06)
Gu Y J (T24B-0386, T41A-07)
Guallini L (P41A-06)
Guan L (OS14A-0290)
Guerette E (AS11A-04, AS24A-0031)
Guerrero J M (T34B-0410)
Guervilly C (GP31A-05)
Guillon S (B22A-03, H23A-05)
Guittard A (H42A-04)
Gumsley A P (PG23A-01)
Gunes P (SG14A-0362)
Gupta A (ES14A-0126)
Gupta M (AS11A-02)
Gurrapu S (H41A-05)
Gurugubelli B (AS13A-03)
Guyette R P (PP32A-03)
Gyasi-Agyei Y (H14B-0201)
Haberzettl T (GP21A-01, U34A-0002)
Haddad J (MD11A-07)
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
Hagemann U (B33A-02)
Haghnegahdar A (H13C-07)
Hahn K E (PG12A-06)
Haid T (SE14A-0347)
Hajjar Z (MS24A-0279)
Halford A (SPA32A-03)
Hall B (B14C-0062)
Hall M F (MD23A-07)
Halls H C (GP22A-02, T13A-02)
Halverson G P (SG44A-0345)
Hamilton M A (PG13A-05)
Hammond G (SE32A-04)
Han X (S31A-03)
Han Z (ES34B-0100)
Hanchar J M (VGP13A-01)
Hanief A (B24D-0096)
Hanley J J (GA43A-05,
GA44A-0125, VGP43A-08,
Hanson P C (B22B-01)
Haque M (H24F-0250)
Harder S R (B41A-03)
Hardie R (SE24A-0351)
Hardwig R B (AS14B-0010)
Harms U (U33A-01)
Harrichhausen N (MD44A-0219)
Harrington R M (S34B-0307)
Harris L B (PG42A-02)
Hart C J (B23B-02)
Hartinger M (SPA12A-03,
Hartmann G A (GP21A-05)
Hassani B (S12A-02)
Hastie E C (MD41A-08, MD44A-0213)
Hatch C E (H12B-04)
Hatcher R D (SE21A-03)
Haugaard R (PG33A-04)
Haughton E (H34B-0159)
Havens S (H31A-07, H34B-0152)
Haverd V E (AS32A-02, ES21A-01)
Hawke P (MD22A-02)
Haynes K (B12B-05, B14C-0067)
Hayward T W (S31A-07)
He R (H44B-0187)
Heathcote A (B22B-08)
Hébert R (PP21A-01)
Helbert J (P42A-07)
Helbig M (B23B-03)
Helie J (H13D-03)
Hénault-Ethier L (B32A-07)
Henton J A (G13A-05)
Heron P J (SE33A-05, T43A-04)
Herrero-Bervera E (GP24A-0181)
Herries A I (GA43A-01, GP24A-0180)
Herzberg C T (VGP22A-04)
Hesse R (MS24A-0286)
Higgins M (VGP34A-0417)
Hillaire-Marcel C (ES43A-03)
Hille E C (H14B-0197)
Hingmire D S (AS24B-0050)
Hodgkins G A (H41C-04)
Hodgskiss M (SG44A-0339)
Hoffman P F (SG44A-0341,
Hofstadter M D (P13A-04)
Hogan R J (AS41A-02)
Hokanson K J (H42A-07)
Hollenback J C (S11A-03)
Hollis S P (MD13A-01, SE21A-04)
Holsen T (B12B-03)
Hood A v (SG44A-0343)
Hooshyari Far I (MD22A-04)
Hopkins N R (ES32A-03)
Hopkinson C (H34B-0144)
Horodyskyj L (ED14A-0120,
Hosny A (S42A-01)
Hou T (MD14A-0253)
Hough G A (VGP42B-02)
Houle D (B42B-05)
Houlé M G (VGP32A-04)
Houlton H R (ED41A-01)
Housam J M (T24B-0384)
Howard A D (P41A-07)
Howieson K J (SE43A-02)
Hoyle J B (B22B-06)
Hoyle J (MD44B-0236)
Hrvoic D (OS34A-0246)
Hsieh A (SG11A-06)
Hsu H (VGP23A-07)
Hu A (PP32A-04)
Hu W (H42C-06)
Hu Y (H42C-05)
HU Z (B14C-0071)
Huang J (G14A-0157)
Huard D B (AS11B-04)
Hudon P (VGP12B-01, VGP14C-0392)
Hughes Clarke J E (OS32A-03)
Hugue F (ES42A-07)
Hulot G (GP21A-03)
Humphrey R E (H43B-04)
Humphreys E (B11A-03)
Hung J (B24E-0107, OS14A-0291)
Hunter R C (PG13A-01)
Huot F (MD12A-04)
Hupp J R (B24C-0092)
Husker A L (S31A-02)
Hutchins R H (B24D-0097)
Huziy O (AS32A-03)
Hyndman R D (S32A-01, S34B0306, T41A-01)
Hynes A (T23A-01)
Iarotsky L (SE13A-02)
Ibrahim B (H24B-0237)
Ilagan B (ED14A-0121)
Illanes L P (AS34A-0016)
Ince E S (G13A-02, SPA44C-0395)
Indares A D (T12A-05)
Innocenti S (H34E-0175)
Isabelle P (AS34A-0009)
Islam M M (B32B-05)
Ivancic T (H42B-04)
Ivanova D (AS31A-06)
Izawa M R (P14A-0304, VGP13A-05)
Jack C D (ED42A-07)
Jackson B M (H23C-04)
Jackson R (ES44B-0109)
Jackson R E (H22B-02)
Jain A K (AS32A-06)
James G (MD13A-02)
James H G (SPA34D-0381)
Jang S (H14B-0213)
Jannin S (T12A-03)
Janvier V (MD44A-0211)
Jaupart C P (T22A-03)
Jaynes A N (SPA31A-05)
Jena C K (AS13A-04)
Jenny J (PP22A-01)
Jensen M P (AS44B-0040)
Jensen S (SE24A-0355)
Jeong D I (H12B-01)
Ji S (T31A-07)
Jia L (AS13B-05)
Jiang G (T33A-04)
Jiang M (B24B-0084)
Jin L (H24A-0228)
Johnson J (SPA11A-04)
Johnson K L (AS44B-0042)
Johnson M S (B22B-05)
Johnston J W (H13C-08)
Jollymore A J (H34D-0169)
Jones A L (AS44A-0026)
Jones G A (VGP13A-03)
Jones S (SPA31A-04)
Joshani A (B24E-0103)
Joshi S (AS13B-04)
Joshua B W (SPA44C-0391)
Jost H H (SE13B-02)
Jourde H (H23A-06)
Jung I (VGP12B-06)
Junge M - (MD11A-01)
Juutinen S (B24D-0098, B31A-04)
Kabdulova G (H11A-08)
Kabirzadeh H (G34A-0119)
Kabore Bontogho P E (AS22A-03)
Kaeppler S R (SPA21A-04)
Kah L C (PG12A-03, SG41A-01)
Kahue R (S24A-0343)
Kaka S I (S24A-0336)
Kalacska M (B31A-02)
Kanekal S G (SPA42A-07)
Kao H (S21A-02)
Karami M (ES43A-02)
Karatun L (T24B-0385)
Karimi S (S41A-05)
Kartick M K (VGP44C-0443)
Kashi N N (B34E-0071)
Kashyap C A (H24E-0247)
Keim D (H41B-06)
Kelly C J (VGP14B-0390)
Kendrick J E (T31A-02)
Kennedy K (SG44A-0344)
Kennedy L (MD44A-0221)
Kennicott J A (VGP44C-0441)
Keppie D F (VGP42A-08)
Keppie J D (VGP42A-02)
Keranen K M (U23A-05)
Kerr M (VGP44A-0427)
Kerrigan M C (P11A-07)
Kessel E D (H14A-0184)
Ketcheson S J (H13A-02)
Keum J (H41A-07)
Khalid N (MD42A-08)
Khazanov G V (SPA12A-05)
Khedhaouiria D (H14B-0207)
Khishgee C (MD42A-03)
Khudoley A K (PG23A-04)
Khwaja H A (AS14A-0007)
Kibung`a E W (AS24B-0049)
Kienast M (ES44B-0113)
Kim H (AS11B-05)
Kim J (G13A-03)
Kim J B (B12A-08, B23A-01)
Kim W (S44A-0320)
King A R (MD22A-03)
King E (B33B-06)
King S D (P42A-01, SE33A-03)
Kingdon R W (G14A-0153)
Kingsbury C (VGP34A-0415)
Kipkogei O (AS11B-07)
Kirshbaum D J (AS41B-08)
Kishida T (S11A-02)
Kitaibekova S O (H42A-06)
Kitayama Y C (VGP34C-0422)
Klaser M (T24A-0380)
Klassen J (H44C-0196)
Kloos J L (P34A-0253)
Klu M (G24A-0164)
Knack I M (ES11A-03)
Knight J (ES34A-0099)
Knudsen D J (SPA22A-03)
Knyazikhin Y (AS44A-0023)
Koïta M (MD44A-0214)
Kokutse N (ES14B-0140)
Kompaniets K (VGP24C-0413)
Kompanizare M (H34C-0163)
Konhauser K (PG33A-07)
Kontak D (MD32A-01, VGP43A-01)
Koon Koon R R (SG23A-04)
Kopylova M G (VGP33A-04)
Kormos P R (H31A-06)
Korolevych V (AS34A-0008)
Korte M C (GP21A-07)
Kothari S (S24A-0340)
Koustov A V (SPA22A-02)
Kozmor S (PP24A-0333)
Krabbendam M (ES32A-06,
Krabbenhoft D P (B14C-0066)
Kreutz K J (H32A-02)
Krompart J (ES22A-06)
Kropivnitskaya Y Y (S14A-0334)
Kuchka C R (P12A-02)
Kudrna Prašek M (VGP34A-0418)
Kulshrestha S (AS11A-08)
Kumar A (S42A-04)
Kumari A (SPA34C-0373)
Kunzmann M (SG21A-05)
Kuo C (H24B-0233, H34E-0173)
Kuponiyi A (S42A-08)
Kurien U (B14C-0070)
Kurylyk B L (H12B-07, H22A-02)
Kutzbach L (B41A-01)
Kwon S (VGP12B-03)
Kyser T K (VGP42B-06)
L’Heureux I (B43B-08)
L’Heureux Houde F (OS34A-0244)
Laakso T (SG21A-04)
Labrousse L (SE24A-0354)
Laflamme M (SG41A-05)
Lafrance V (MD14A-0262)
Laganiere J (B23A-03)
Laguionie P (AS13A-01)
Lagumen M T (OS14A-0296)
Lai D (B44A-0080)
Lai P (SE13B-07)
Laliberte J (SE31A-04)
Lam V (H34D-0168)
Lamadrid H (VGP43A-04)
Lamer K (AS41B-03)
Lamhonwah D (H21A-05)
Lamontagne M (S24A-0345, S24A0346)
Lamy H (SPA34C-0371)
Landeau M (GP31A-06)
Landry J (AS31B-03, B23A-05)
Lane S N (ES41A-05)
Langemeyer S M (SE44A-0336)
Lapierre J (B21A-06)
Lapointe Elmrabti L (SG14A-0364)
Large R R (SG44A-0348)
Larmagnat S N (SG11A-01)
Larmola T (B31A-06, B44A-0082)
Larose M (MS24A-0280)
Larsen R B (MD12A-03)
Larson T (PG12A-08)
Lautz L (B43A-05)
Lavallée Y (VGP12A-03)
Lavoie M (PP24A-0324)
Lawler D (ES12A-06)
Lawley C (MD44A-0210)
Leal K A (B43A-04)
Leblanc G (SE31A-02)
Lebo Z J (AS33B-01)
LeCalvez J H (S22A-05)
Leclair S F (VGP12A-07)
Leclerc F (PG43A-03)
Lecomte V (MS22A-06)
Lecumberri Sanchez P (VGP43A-03)
Leduc M (AS11B-03, AS22A-06)
Leduc P (ES42A-05)
Lee B (MD44A-0223)
Lee D R (H11A-01)
Lee J (B23A-07)
Lee T S (AS22A-02)
Lefebvre K (H24A-0224)
LeGrande A N (PP32A-06)
Lehnherr I (B13A-06)
Lemay-Borduas F (B43B-06)
Lemieux J (H22B-04)
Lenters J D (AS43A-07, H13C-05)
Lesher C (P11A-01, VGP32A-01)
Lettenmaier D P (H21A-01)
Levac E (AS23A-03, ES44B-0115)
Leveille R J (P41A-03)
Levin V L (T23A-05)
Levis A (AS42A-06)
Levy R C (AS42A-03)
Lewis E R (AS44B-0037)
Lewis M C (OS32A-05)
Li D (S34B-0309)
Li H (AS31A-08)
Li J (OS33A-03)
Li M (B22B-07)
Li S (AS13B-03)
Li T (B11A-06)
Li W (SPA32A-06, SPA42A-02)
Li X (S44A-0328)
Li X (SPA43A-03)
Li Y (H31A-03)
Li Z (SPA42A-08)
Li Z (VGP41A-02)
Li Z (PG22A-01)
Li Z (VGP24C-0415)
Li Z (VGP34C-0424)
Liang R (VGP41A-06)
Liddell M V (PG34A-0291, T22A05)
Liebermann R C (SE34A-0331)
Lightfoot P C (VGP32A-07)
Lilley M (MD12A-07)
Lin C (AS13A-06)
Lin J (H31B-03)
Lin S (PG22A-05)
Lindsay J B (G11A-04)
Lionello P (AS14C-0026)
Lisé-Pronovost A (GA44A-0129,
GP24A-0179, U33A-07)
Liu B (B44C-0090)
Liu H (H12A-07)
Liu H (T34A-0404)
Liu J (PG11A-04)
Liu S (H34B-0141)
Liu X (ES31A-08)
Liu Y (S34B-0313)
Liu Y (AS41B-05)
Liu Z (VGP24C-0421)
Lobb D A (H34D-0170, PP21A-05)
Lolabhattu A (T34A-0402)
Lomeli-Uribe E A (B24B-0085)
Longpre M (VGP44A-0428)
Lopez-Reyes G (P34A-0256)
Lorenz R D (ES33A-05, P24B-0316)
Lovejoy S (PP32A-08)
Lowman J P (SE44A-0337)
Lozier T (B24B-0088)
Lozovatsky I (OS14A-0299)
Lu M (AS12A-02)
Lu W (P24B-0313)
Luce C (H12B-02)
Lugrin L (OS34A-0248)
Lund S (GP21A-08)
Luo D (H42C-04)
Luo L (T33A-05)
Lutsch E (AS23A-02)
Luzon P D (H43B-06)
Lyons L R (SPA31A-07)
Lysak R L (SPA31A-06)
M J (H41A-03)
Ma F (AS12A-05)
Ma Q (SPA41A-04)
Ma S (S44A-0318)
Maavara T (B24F-0109)
MacDonald G (H24A-0229)
Maciel S (ED14A-0122)
MacMillan G A (B13A-05)
MacVicar B (ES31A-06)
Magnan G (PP24A-0328)
Maguire T J (SG41A-04)
Mahajan S (T33A-07)
Mahar G A (H41B-03)
Mahesh P (T33A-06)
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
Maheu A (H43C-03)
Mai H (VGP44B-0433)
Mailhot A (H23B-04)
Mailloux J (MD14A-0263)
Maity B (T12A-04)
Maity H (ES22A-03)
Makvandi S (MD34B-0205)
Malcolm K J (MD41A-04)
Malhotra A (B41A-04)
Malone M (B44A-0079, H34A-0138)
Mancini L (VGP12A-01)
Maneta V (MD24B-0277)
Mangold N (P41A-04)
Mann I R (SPA42A-05)
Manns H R (H44A-0183)
Marey H S (AS24A-0039)
Marier Boston S (MD44A-0215)
Markiewicz W J (P42A-08)
Marquis G A (ES22A-04)
Marsh C (H22A-04)
Marsh J (T13A-03)
Marsh P (H21A-02)
Marshak A (AS41A-01)
Marshall N R (OS23A-05)
Martel E (PG13A-03)
Marti P (GP31A-04)
Martin I (H14B-0199)
Martin W G (AS42A-07)
Mashtayeva S (H11A-06)
Massey W (ES41A-07)
Matchinski E J (PG34A-0288)
Mathieu J (MD42A-06)
Mathieu L (MD13A-03, VGP12B-05)
Mathieu-Potvin F (SG23A-03)
Matiella Novak M (P24B-0314)
Matte D (AS13B-07)
Matthes J H (B41A-02)
Mazzotti S (S32A-04, S34A-0303)
Mbaye M (H24B-0234)
McCammon C A (VGP23A-08)
McCarter C P (H34A-0130, H43A-06)
McCarthy F M (PP22A-02)
McCarthy S (P12A-03)
McClellan M D (B24C-0093)
McCorkell D R (H24F-0251)
McDivitt J (MD44A-0209)
McGarr A (S22A-01)
McGovern P J (P24B-0315, P42A-02)
McGregor R (ES14A-0125)
McKenzie J M (B43A-01)
McKenzie R (PP33A-02)
McKenzie S M (B24A-0074)
McLellan M E (S34A-0301)
McManus A (ES24A-0145, H22A-03)
McMillan C (MD33A-04)
McQuay E (B22A-02)
Mead J L (B22B-02)
Mearns L O (AS11B-02)
Mechem D B (AS41B-07)
Medvedev P (PG34A-0285)
Megens A (ES31A-04)
Mehrmanesh K (MD14A-0258)
Meixner T (H23A-04)
Méjean P (B24B-0081)
Mejia F A (AS44A-0028)
Melanathuru V (H12A-03)
Melchior H R (AS14B-0012)
Ménabréaz L (ES43A-07)
Mendonca M A (G12A-03)
Meng P (OS14A-0294)
Meng X (T24B-0387)
Mengistu S (H31A-02)
Menke W H (T24A-0383)
Mercadier J (VGP41A-07)
Mercier J (S41A-07)
Mesbah M (B24B-0090)
Meyzonnat G (H21B-07)
Michelfelder G (VGP44B-0434)
Michell R (SPA21A-06)
Migdissov A A (MD43A-03)
Mikles V J (AS24A-0037)
Milidragovic D (PG11A-02,
Millan R M (SPA44C-0388)
Millard K (H44A-0180)
Miller B (S44A-0317)
Miller K G (U33A-04)
Miller M S (T43A-01)
Milojevic T (B43B-02)
Milot J (GA43A-02)
Minarik W G (VGP21A-07)
Minville J (PP24A-0329)
Mishra D (AS14A-0002)
Mishra R K (P14A-0302)
Miskovic A (VGP22A-06)
Misson P (MD34B-0206)
Mitchell C P (B14C-0064, H41B-05)
Mitchell R H (MD33A-01, VGP23A-01)
Mo X (B14A-0055)
Moffa Sanchez P (ES43A-08)
Mohamed B (MD14A-0256)
Mohamed M (H23C-05)
Mohanty D D (S42A-02)
Moher M (PG34A-0268)
Mokhtari E (G11A-06)
Mole D R (PG22A-07, PG42A-03)
Möller C (T12A-01, T14A-0370)
Monette Y (GA43A-03)
Monk W A (H14B-0192)
Montaldo N (AS33C-02)
Moon W M (G12A-07, OS33A-08)
Moore C A (P34A-0254, P34A-0255)
Moore L (VGP43A-07)
Moore L (MD13A-05)
Moore P (H43A-04)
Moore R D (H32A-01)
Moore T R (B31A-01)
Moores J (P34A-0252)
Moosavi-Khoonsari E (VGP12B-07)
Morales-Marin L A (H42A-08)
Moreira F (H34C-0162)
Morison M Q (H21A-06)
Moros M (ES44B-0111)
Morozova I (VGP13A-02)
Morris A P (S24A-0344)
Morris D J (OS23A-06)
Morrison H (AS33B-07)
Mortazavi R (AS14A-0009)
Moser D (P12A-04, VGP13A-08)
Mosher D C (U33A-03)
Mosher S G (S44A-0324)
Moumblow R M (PG13A-08)
Moya P S (SPA12A-06, SPA34C-0368)
Moyer A (H34B-0153)
Mozil A (H11A-02)
Mueller H J (SE34A-0333)
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
Mueller P A (VGP44B-0436)
Mukherjee A D (AS24A-0043)
Mukherjee I (PG12A-04)
Mullendore G L (AS33B-04)
Muller J (VGP24A-0398)
Mundo A A (AS14B-0015)
Mungall J (MD12A-01)
Munir T M (B31A-03, B41A-05)
Munro D (H32A-07)
Murdock K J (GP14A-0172)
Murphy J (SE24A-0357, VGP44B-0435)
Murphy K R (SPA42A-06)
Murray K R (B44A-0076)
Music B (H23B-03)
Musselman K N (H22A-06)
Muthoka J M (ES14B-0138)
Mwakanyamale K E (B23B-08)
Myers P G (ES43A-01)
Mykytczuk N C (B34B-0058)
Nade D P (AS23A-08)
Nadeau D F (AS31B-05)
Nadeau O (MD33A-03)
Najafi M (H23B-06)
Najari M (ES14B-0136)
Nambi I M (B44A-0083)
Namur O (VGP22A-05)
Nanda T (H13B-06)
Naseri H (SE13A-04)
Nath O (AS21A-01, AS33A-08)
Nawrin N (H32B-03)
Nazarenko Y (AS21A-04)
Nazari F (AS34A-0013)
Nemri S (AS22A-01)
Néron A (MD44B-0237)
Neyedley K J (VGP43A-02)
Nganga K W (H34D-0167)
Ngaruiya J K (B32B-06)
Nguyen A (H12A-02)
Nguyen D (B32A-03)
Nicholls E (H13A-05)
Niebauer T M (SE32A-05)
Niemann O (SE14A-0348)
Nikolic L (SPA12A-01)
Nilsson A (GP21A-04, GP24A-0178)
Nixon F C (ES23A-05)
Noorduijn S L (H24A-0223)
Normandeau A (OS32A-02,
North K (AS44B-0047)
Notaro M (AS43A-02, H13C-03)
Novakovic M (S22A-06)
Novakowski K S (H23A-03)
Nyamwandha C (T24A-0379)
O’Callaghan J (P11A-03)
O’Connell I T (VGP44C-0439)
O’Connell S M (AS14A-0003)
O’Neil J (VGP33A-02)
O’Neill C (T21A-01)
Obrist D (B13A-01)
Officer T (SE34A-0335)
Ogungbemide D I (H43B-02)
Ogunjo S T (AS33A-05)
Oh S (AS14C-0021)
Oh S (AS24B-0048)
Oh Y (H34C-0161)
Ojo E R (H43B-07)
Oliva F (H14B-0203, OS14A-0298)
Oliver P (P14A-0303)
Ollerhead J (ES23A-06)
Onayemi J R (SE43A-05, VGP11A-05)
Ong R M (VGP12A-08)
Oni S K (B34F-0073)
Ootes L (PG11A-07, PG33A-03)
Osinski G R (ED14A-0117, P11A-06)
Oswald C (B32B-04)
Oswald W (MD44A-0212)
Otieno G (AS14A-0005, H13B-02)
Otieno O M (SE31A-07)
Ouellet Dallaire C (ES41A-02)
Ouellet-Bernier M (ES44B-0110)
Oveisi B - (ES33A-03, T34A-0396)
Owen J (GA43A-08)
Owens P N (H31C-04)
Owolabi O P (AS33A-03)
P M S C (AS23A-04, AS24A-0033)
Pacé M (B24B-0083)
Padget C (SG44A-0347)
Padma Alekhya VVL (B14A-0054)
Pagan B R (H41C-06)
Pagé P (MD31A-04)
Paguican E R (T33A-03)
Paisarnsombat S (MD23A-06)
Paisley R (VGP24B-0401)
Pallotta M (AS14B-0014)
Pallud C E (B41A-06)
Palmer R N (B12A-01)
Pan X (H11B-07, H42C-02)
Panda S K (VGP12B-04)
Pandey U (SPA34B-0357)
Pandur K (MD43A-07, PG34A-0292)
Paniconi C (H32B-01)
Panthi J (H14B-0195)
Pappas Maenz C (ED42A-02)
Paradis A (ES44A-0104)
Park T (H43C-01)
Parks C (SE31A-05)
Parlange M B (H42B-02)
P (ES31A-07)
Parsons C T (B44C-0087)
Partanen A (AS11A-01)
Partin C A (PG33A-08)
Pasquier P (H12A-01)
Pathak N (SPA34B-0363)
Patrick M E (T14A-0372)
Patterson J G (ES12A-05)
Pattnayak K C (H24B-0235)
Paulen R C (ES34A-0097)
Pausata F (OS31A-03)
Pavlova G G (MD34A-0197)
Payot B D (VGP24C-0423)
Pearce J A (VGP31A-05)
Pearce M A (MD42A-02,
MD44A-0234, VGP14C-0393)
Pearcey S R (SE21A-07)
Pearson D (PG11A-06)
Pedinotti V (H34B-0154)
Peirce S (ES42A-04)
Pelletier L (B23B-01)
Peña M (AS14C-0022)
Pena-Castro A F (S31A-06)
Peng C (B11A-07)
Percival J B (ES12A-02)
Pernica P (H31A-05)
Peros M C (PP23A-02)
Perron P (SPA34A-0351)
Perrot M G (SE21A-05)
Persaud B (H34B-0140)
Peters D L (H14B-0204, H14B-0210,
H41C-03, SE13B-01)
Peterson W K (SPA34A-0350)
Petrescu L (T23A-02)
Petticrew E L (H31C-03)
Pezeshk S (S11A-04)
Phillips R T (ES31A-03)
Piccolroaz S (H13C-04)
Pickler C (PP22A-06)
Piegay H (ES41A-03)
Pietrasz V B (MS24A-0288)
Piette-Lauzière N (PG34A-0281)
Pike L A (ES31A-05)
Pilipenko V (SPA22A-07)
Pilles E (P11A-02)
Pilote P (PG43A-05)
Pina A (H14B-0202)
Pinet N (SE24A-0349)
Pinsonneault A J (B31A-07)
Pipal A S (AS11A-06)
Piquette S (B24B-0082)
Piretzidis D (G13A-06)
Pisarevsky S A (PG22A-02)
Plach J (H43A-02)
Planas D (B32A-02)
Planavsky N J (PG12A-02, PG22A-04)
Pleše P (VGP12A-05)
Plourde A P (S34B-0310)
Podlesny A J (VGP34A-0412)
Poitrasson F (ES24B-0147)
Pomeroy J W (H31C-07)
Poon Q M (VGP14C-0397)
Pope G A (ED41A-02)
Porciello L (OS14A-0297)
Poulin R S (MD32A-02)
Powell J (SE24A-0353)
Prader S (SG14A-0363)
Pradhan R M (ES14B-0133)
Pradhananga D (H32A-08)
Pratomo D G (OS32A-04)
Pratte S (PP23A-03)
Préfontaine S (PG43A-06)
Price A M (OS23A-04)
Price J S (H34A-0132)
Prieto J F (G34A-0117)
Principe E (B34B-0060)
Pronk G J (B43B-01)
Pryor S C (AS13A-02)
Puchtel I S (T21A-06)
Pvs R (MD11A-04, MD33A-02)
Qarqori K (H31B-04)
Quesada C (VGP42A-06)
Quevedo J D (PP24A-0322)
Quick L C (P42A-06)
Quigley D P (ED42A-01)
Quillet A (B42A-04)
Quilty J (B34F-0075)
Quinton W L (H11B-04)
Raab T A (ES14A-0124, ES14B-0134,
ES33A-01, GA44A-0124)
Rabiei M (MD43A-06)
Radu D (H34A-0131)
Rafini S (H31B-05, MD24A-0271)
Rainbird R (PG12A-07)
Rainsford D (SE43A-04)
Ramanathan A (H34B-0150)
Ramesh K (AS33A-07)
Rangel-Alvarado R B (AS24A-0042)
Raoof J (T43A-07)
Rapp A D (AS41B-01)
Rasaka B (S41A-03)
Rashid H (PP21A-03)
Rasilo T (B21A-08)
Rasouli K (H22A-05)
Rathore B S (SPA34B-0354)
Rawluk Z (B34B-0056)
Raymond P (H14A-0190)
Raynauld M (H24C-0243)
Razavi S (H34E-0171, H41A-08)
Reford S (SE43A-01)
Refran J A (VGP24B-0400)
Regan S P (PG13A-02)
Reimink J R (PG34A-0270, T21A-08)
Reinhard C (PP14A-0321)
Reinhard D A (VGP13A-06)
Réjean R (ED34A-0092, ED41A-05,
Revelli N (PG34A-0278)
Rezanezhad F (B44C-0088)
Rhéaume Ouellet A (PG34A-0277)
Riahi A (U23A-07)
Ribeiro A (GP31A-03)
Ribeiro Lima C H (H43C-02)
Richard M (SG23A-02)
Richards J P (MD44A-0222)
Richards P G (SPA12A-07, SPA41A-03)
Richardson M E (H14B-0200)
Richardson M (B12B-04, H23C-07,
Richaud B (OS31A-06)
Riddick N (GA43A-04)
Riegert D L (SPA34B-0353)
Rinawa M L (SPA34D-0376)
Rivard C (U23A-04)
Rivers T (T13A-01)
Rizo Garza H L (VGP21A-06)
Ro Y (OS14A-0292)
Roach K A (H13D-04)
Robbins L J (PG33A-05)
Robert F (MD23A-04)
Robertson K E (T43A-03)
Robichaud A (B34D-0064)
Robinson C E (B43A-07)
Rocha A A (AS24A-0038)
Rochdane S (H24E-0249)
Roehm C L (B42B-07)
Roffeis C (PG34A-0275)
Rogers C (VGP31A-03)
Rogers M (MD42A-01)
Roggenthen B (SG11A-07)
Rogister Y J (G34A-0120, SE13A-06)
Roller G (PG34A-0283, T34B-0407,
Roman D R (G24A-0159)
Roméo C (AS14B-0011)
Ronoh J K (ES14A-0123)
Rosenberg G D (ED42A-05)
Rosenberry D O (B43A-03)
Ross M (ES34A-0098)
Ross N (VGP23A-03)
Rouleau P M (SE13A-08)
Roulet N T (B42A-02)
Rousseau A N (H31C-01, H43A-05)
Rousseau Y Y (ES42A-03)
Rowlandson T L (H34B-0149)
Roy A (ES42A-01)
Roy M L (ES41A-06)
Roy N (H22B-05)
Roy P (AS21B-06)
Roy P (PP21A-07)
Rozenstein O (H43B-05)
Rubingh K E (PG13A-07)
Rukayyah B A (H13B-08)
Ruohoniemi J (SPA21A-07)
Ruscica R C (AS34A-0019)
Russell K (VGP21A-04)
Ryan A (ED42A-03)
Rybacki K (SG21A-02)
Sagin J (G24A-0163)
Sahagian D L (VGP12A-02)
Sahu S S (MD24B-0275)
Saied S (AS14A-0008)
Saito S (SPA43A-05)
Salad Hersi O (SG14A-0361)
Salazar Monroy E F (S34B-0312)
Salehin Z (S44A-0323)
Salem S M (MD44A-0220)
Samadi Alinia H (G34A-0118)
Samaniego L E (H11B-02)
Samara M (P13A-03, SPA31A-01)
Samson-Dô M (H34A-0139)
Samuelsson P (AS31B-04)
San Jose R (AS14C-0024)
Sanagoudra S N (OS23A-02)
Sandeep (S14A-0335, S44A-0329)
Santos M C (G12A-04, G13A-04)
Santos Perez A (H14B-0208)
Santoso A (B24D-0095)
Sappin A (MD11A-06, MD31A-05)
Sarhadi A (H42B-05)
Sarigu A (H44C-0192)
Sasaki S (H41A-06)
Satsangi G P (AS24A-0035)
Savage K E (B24C-0091)
Savard G (S34B-0308)
Sawant A D (T34A-0405)
Scarlett S (H13A-03)
Schaeffer A J (T22A-02)
Schaeffer N (GP31A-02)
Schiff S L (B33B-04)
Schindler M (MS22A-05)
Schirmer M (H22A-07, H34B-0142)
Schmidt G A (PP32A-01)
Schmidt M W (B24E-0102)
Schmitt D R (T31A-05, U33A-08)
Schmitz M D (SG41A-02)
Schnitzler N (MD14B-0264)
Schoell M (SG21A-08)
Schrag D P (SG21A-03)
Schultz R (S21A-05)
Schumann D (MS22A-07)
Schwager E A (B34A-0050)
Schwartz M C (AS41B-02)
Schwerdtner W M (T14A-0375)
Scibek J (SG23A-06)
Scoates J S (MD12A-05)
Scott D F (B42B-06)
Scudeler C (H32B-02)
Sears R F (H14B-0209)
Sebilo M (B24F-0110)
Seglenieks F (H13C-06)
Sejourne S (U23A-03)
Sekajugo J (B24A-0072)
Selvadurai P A (S31A-08)
Semeter J L (SPA31A-02)
Senent-Aparicio J (H21B-06)
Seo J (ES21A-07)
Servali A (T24A-0382)
Seto M (B33B-02)
Shabaga B M (VGP44C-0442)
Shafian S (H44A-0184)
Shafii M (H11B-08)
Shah S H (H21B-03)
Shahabi Far M (MD14A-0257)
Shankar B (P14B-0306)
Shankar U (B12A-05)
Sharma A (H11B-05)
Sharma P (SPA34B-0362)
Sharma R (MD44A-0229)
Sharma S (AS23A-07, AS24A-0029)
Sharma S (SPA34C-0369)
Shaw J (SE24A-0359)
Shaw S B (H23C-03)
Shcherbakov R (S22A-02, S42A-06)
Shekhar S (SPA43A-08)
Shellnutt J G (VGP42A-01)
Shen Y (SG11A-03)
Sheng M (G14A-0158)
Shepherd P (VGP34C-0426)
Sheremet Y Y (T33A-02)
Sherwood J (H34A-0134)
Shi S (B11A-04)
Shiels C (PG34A-0284)
Shimba M J (OS23A-01)
Shitta K A (VGP24C-0424)
Shook K (H31A-01)
Shore M (MD22A-08)
Shprits Y (SPA21A-01, SPA32A-01)
Shrestha N (H14B-0211)
Shrestha R R (H41C-07)
Shukla T (PP21A-06)
Si B (H41B-01)
Siddiqui R (AS24A-0028)
Siegel K (MD44B-0235)
Sikah J N (H14B-0193)
Silva M S (AS34A-0021)
Simonovic S (H41C-01)
Sinclair D (MD31A-03)
Sine S (B24F-0111)
Singer S (AS14B-0019)
Singh A (MD24A-0272)
Singh A K (SPA34B-0355, SPA34B-0356)
Singh K (AS41B-06)
Singh N (SPA34D-0377)
Singh N (AS14A-0006)
Singh S (S42A-03)
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
Singh Y (H42A-03)
Sinha P N (H24B-0239)
Sirois C (SG14B-0369)
Sishodia R P (H21B-01)
Sitati A M (ED32A-06)
Skipton D (T13A-06)
Slabon P (ES44B-0107)
Slagstad T (PG23A-03)
Slater E (VGP43A-06)
Slater G (B33B-01)
Sleep N H (VGP21A-05)
Sliger M (ES21A-03)
Slonosky V (PP23A-07)
Smeaton C M (B33B-07)
Smiley B P (B24A-0073)
Smit K (T41A-04)
Smit M A (T11A-04)
Smith B (AS32A-01)
Smith D A (G24A-0160)
Smith R S (MD24A-0270)
Smith T J (H11B-03)
Smith W (B33A-05)
Snigdha S S (S41A-04)
Snyder C S (B33A-07)
Snyder N P (ES31A-02)
Sobron P (P34A-0258, SE13B-04)
Soden C D (B44A-0077)
Sohlberg R A (B22A-06)
Sohn G (SE13B-05)
Sok S (H11A-03)
Solanki R (AS34A-0007)
Solomon C (B22B-03)
Solomon S C (SPA32A-05)
Soltani Dehnavi A (MD32A-04,
Somers J (ES14B-0137)
Somers L D (H12B-05)
Somma R (VGP24B-0405)
Song Y (SPA34D-0382)
Sookhan S (ES34A-0096)
Sosson M M (T33A-01)
Soucy La Roche R (T11A-06, T14A-0374)
Soulis E D (H34E-0174, H44B-0190)
Spalding J (T34A-0399)
Spanswick E (SPA34D-0379)
Spath C S (MD14A-0260)
Spence C (H23C-01, SE31A-08)
Speratti A B (B24B-0087)
Sperling E A (SG41A-03)
Spray J G (MD23A-01, P12A-10)
Sreejith K M (T34A-0400)
Srivastava A (AS34A-0004)
St-Jacques J (PP22A-04)
St-Maurice J (SPA22A-05)
St-Onge G (ES43A-05)
Stadnyk T A (H13D-01)
Stamenkovic V (T21A-02)
Stanley S (GP31A-08)
Steele-MacInnis M J (VGP14C-0394,
Steenkamp H M (PG34A-0289)
Stein T H (AS33B-05)
Stella J C (ES41A-04)
Stephens J (H34B-0151)
Sterckx S (MD13A-04)
Sterling S M (B42B-04)
Stevenson R (H14F-0221)
Stewart R A (ED41A-03)
Stewart W (B23A-04)
Stieglitz M (B14A-0053)
Stofferahn E (AS24A-0036)
Stokes C (ES32A-01, ES34A-0095)
Stoknes P E (ED32A-07)
Stone I (S22A-07)
Stone R S (VGP33A-05)
Stoner A K (AS22A-04, B12A-03)
Stoner J S (GP24A-0175, U33A-06)
Stork A (S21A-06)
Strachan I B (H31C-06)
Strack M (H13A-08)
Strait M (P21A-03)
Stretch V (B34D-0068)
Strickman R J (B14C-0065)
Simhayov R (H14A-0185)
Suh M (AS24B-0046)
Sullivan H (OS33A-06)
Sullivan R (AS21A-02)
Summers D (SPA41A-05)
Sumner D Y (P41A-01)
Sun W (B14B-0058)
Sundby B (B43B-04)
Suryavanshi S (H24B-0236)
Sushama L (H23B-02)
Sutherland G (H13A-04)
Sydorenko D (SPA22A-01,
Symons D T (GP14A-0169)
Szczap F (AS44A-0031)
Tague C (B32B-01)
Tait K (P21A-04)
Talbot J (B12B-02)
Tan X (AS44A-0035)
Tang C (T34B-0406)
Tanguay D (H14C-0214)
Tappe S (T43A-06)
Tappert R (SG21A-06)
Tapu A (MD44A-0231, S44A-0322,
Taranu Z E (B32A-05)
Tarayoun A A (S34A-0304)
Tarduno J A (GP24A-0182)
Tebaldi C (AS11B-01)
Teh Y (B42A-01)
Tejada M G (VGP31A-08)
Tema E (GA43A-07, GP14A-0168,
Temgoua A (H14B-0212)
Tenuta M (B33A-03)
Ter-Mikaelian M T (B23A-06)
Terrier A (B22A-04)
Terry N (B23B-06)
Tesema Hundessa T (PG23A-06)
Teufel B S (AS34A-0012)
Theriault J M (AS31A-01)
Thiboutot Goyette J (PG34A-0290)
Thiery G (ES14B-0135)
Thomas G (AS34A-0018)
Thomas W A (SE21A-02)
Thompson L M (P12A-07, P41A-02)
Thomson B J (P42A-03)
Thomson D J (SPA22A-06)
Thorleifson H (VGP11A-01)
Thorne C (H14A-0186)
Thorne R (B24A-0077)
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
Thorp N R (B34E-0070)
Thybo H (T22A-06)
Tiampo K F (G11A-03)
Ticlavilca A M (H13B-07)
Timofeev A (MD43A-05)
Timsic S (PP21A-04, PP23A-04)
Titus E A (S44A-0316)
Tiwari H (ES14B-0132)
Tombe S P (MD41A-01)
Topsakal M (VGP23A-02)
Tornabene L L (P34A-0250)
Tosi N (SE33A-01)
Traore A (VGP34B-0419)
Trapp R J (AS33B-03)
Trapy P (VGP14C-0396)
Trautmann T (AS41A-08)
Tremblay A (B21A-01, SE24A-0352)
Tremblay B (PP32A-07)
Treyvaud G (GA44A-0127)
Trim S J (T21A-04)
Tripathi S C (SPA32A-04)
Trottier A (OS34A-0243)
Tsalis I (G11A-05)
Tschauner O D (P12A-01, VGP23A-06)
Tschirhart P (MD22A-06)
Turcotte B (ES11A-02)
Turgeon F (H34C-0164)
Turner G M (GP21A-06)
Turtle E P (P34A-0261)
Tweedale F M (VGP44A-0431)
Twidle L (AS24A-0040)
Tyler R (P34A-0263)
Ugurlu I (SG14A-0366)
Ukhorskiy A Y (SPA42A-01)
Ulamec S (P13A-01)
Urbancic T (U23A-06)
Uribe D D (P14A-0305)
Usanova M (SPA44A-0383)
Ustra A (H14B-0206)
Utami S (VGP24B-0407)
Uvarova Y (VGP32B-02, VGP42B-01)
Valet J (GP24A-0183)
Valette M (MD41A-05)
Valsan A E (AS34A-0011)
Valvasori A (MD14A-0255)
van Bellen S (PP23A-01)
Van Den Berghe M D (ES12A-01)
Van der Flier-Keller E (ED32A-05)
van Geffen P (VGP32B-01)
van Hinsberg V (VGP12B-08)
Van Meter K J (B24F-0112)
Van Opstal S (H21A-08)
van Rooyen D (T14A-0371)
Vanderhaeghe O (T11A-01, T34B-0408)
Vano J A (H41C-02)
Varnai T (AS44A-0029, AS44A-0030)
Vasquez R (S44A-0314)
Vautour G (ES24B-0149)
Vautour S (PG34A-0297)
Vecchi G A (AS12A-01)
Veksler I V (MD12A-02)
Velegrinos K (H12A-04)
Velez Marquez M I (SG14B-0368)
Velle J H (GP24A-0176)
Venkiteswaran J J (B24B-0086)
Venterea R T (B33A-08)
Verdini A (SPA11A-03)
Vergados P (G12A-06)
Verma V K (SPA34B-0360,
Veronneau M (G24A-0161)
Verpaelst M (ES21A-02)
Vertue B C (AS11A-07)
Veto M S (P34A-0259)
Veuille S (ES24A-0142)
Vezina C (PG43A-04)
Viau A E (PP23A-06, PP24A-0327)
Victor J S (ES34B-0102)
Vidon P (B43B-03)
Viguier B (H24A-0232)
Villard P (ES22A-05)
Vishnevskiy A (VGP32A-08)
Vogt K (T11A-02, T34B-0411)
Voisey C R (MD32A-03)
Volik O (H34A-0135)
Von Allmen P (P13A-05)
Wagner-Riddle C (B33A-01)
Walker B (SE31A-01)
Walker D (U23A-02)
Walker I J (ES33A-04)
Wall F (MD43A-01)
Wallace K E (ES33A-02)
Walter J I (S24A-0341, S31A-04)
Walton E L (P12A-05)
Wang B (S21A-03)
Wang B (S41A-01)
Wang C (AS44B-0038)
Wang G (VGP11A-04)
Wang H (T43A-02)
Wang J (AS43A-04)
Wang K (VGP41A-05)
Wang K (VGP42A-07)
Wang M (B14B-0060)
Wang M (B34E-0072)
Wang S (H11A-04)
Wang W (B21A-03)
Wang W (SPA21A-05)
WANG X (AS43A-03)
Wang Y M (G14A-0154)
Wang Y (OS33A-05)
Wang Z (B11A-02, B44A-0081)
Wanliss J A (SPA11A-05)
Waqar K (B44A-0084)
Ward P L (AS14B-0013)
Warren R K (ES21A-04)
Wasilewski B (PG34A-0272)
Wasylechko R (SE32A-01)
Watmough S (B42B-03)
Watt D (B24B-0089)
Wavrant L (MD12A-06)
Wawrzaszek A (SPA11A-01)
Wawrzonkowski P (MD44A-0224)
Way R G (AS24B-0045)
Webber J R (GP22A-06)
Weber T K (H43A-08)
Webster K L (B42B-02)
Webster T L (OS32A-01)
Wegner K (ED32A-04)
Wei M (S31A-05)
Wellen C C (H31C-02)
Weller M B (T21A-03)
Wells C (H34A-0136)
Wen G (AS42A-04)
Weremeichik J M (MS22A-04)
Werner A T (H34E-0172)
West A (ES41A-01)
Westbrook C (H32B-06)
Westlund D (SE32A-07)
Wetherbee G A (AS13A-07)
Weyer K (H24C-0242)
Whattam S A (VGP44B-0432)
Wheater H S (H11B-01, H23B-01,
H31C-05, H42B-01)
White G (ED41A-06)
White L F (VGP13A-07)
Whittington P N (H34C-0165)
Wilks R (P11A-05, P14B-0307,
Williams B (PG11A-05)
Williams E T (ED14A-0119)
Williams T (ED14A-0118, ES32A-05)
Williamson M (H34B-0156)
Williamson P R (B14C-0068)
Wilson S A (P41A-05)
Winegardner A (PP22A-03)
Winland-Gaetz S (B14C-0061)
Wischnewski K (B44A-0078)
Wishart D N (SG23A-07)
Witek P P (P24A-0312)
Wolfe A P (SG44A-0349)
Wollenberg R (MD44B-0238)
Wood A L (AS14B-0017)
Wood C R (MD41A-03)
Woodley W (H44A-0179)
Wörndle-Quoëx S (SG44A-0340)
Wright W J (B23B-07)
Wrona E E (H44A-0181)
Wu L (B43B-07)
WU M (PG43A-01)
Wu M (MD44A-0230)
Wu Q (PG34A-0282)
Wu Z (AS14A-0001)
Xia Y (VGP31A-04)
Xiao C (AS13B-06)
Xiaochun L (MD44B-0241)
Xu X (GP14A-0170)
Yakymenko K (SPA34D-0378)
Yalikun Y (MD44A-0228)
Yan K (AS41A-04)
Yang B (AS42A-05)
Yang G (B14B-0059, B24D-0094)
Yang L (MS24A-0287)
Yang Y (AS31B-06)
Yang Y (ES12A-03)
Yang Kam Wing G (AS34A-0010)
Yau A W (SPA42A-04)
Ye A (H13B-01)
Yelisetti S (S32A-06)
Yenier E (S12A-01)
Yetemen O (H31A-04)
Yordanova E (SPA34C-0375)
Younas W (H24B-0238)
Young G (SG11A-02)
Youngman M (G14A-0152, SE32A-03)
Yousif M O (SPA44B-0384)
Yu H (T23A-04)
Yu T (SE34A-0332)
Yuan J (OS14A-0293)
Yadav N (SPA34C-0374)
Yadav S (AS24A-0032)
Zawada D (AS44A-0024)
Zeebe R E (PP32A-02)
Zhang G J (AS33B-08)
Zhang L (AS13A-08)
Zhang L (OS33A-07)
Zhang S (PG22A-06)
Zhang S (MD44A-0225)
Zhang S (SE33A-02)
Zhang Z (VGP33A-07)
Zhao J (H31B-06)
Zhao X (OS33A-02)
Zhou M (MD11A-03)
Zhou X (MD41A-02)
Zhou X (AS44B-0036)
Zhu Q (B11A-05)
Zimakov L G (S41A-06)
Zirakparvar N A (VGP32A-05)
Zivkovic T (B31A-05)
Zorzi C (U34A-0003)
Zuckerberg B (B12A-04)
Zuend A (AS21A-07)
Zurevinski S E (MD34A-0198)
2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
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Joint Assembly Thank You to Our Sponsor......................................................................................................................................................18
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2015 Joint Assembly/Réunion Conjointe
Upcoming AGU Meetings
Share your research and connect with colleagues
Potential-Field and Electromagnetic Methods
Applied to Basin Studies
Keystone, Colorado, USA
25-27 August 2015
This workshop will provide a platform for an exchange
of concepts and ideas on the development and integrated
application of potential-field and electromagnetic (EM)
methods to define the structure and tectonics, natural
resources, and hazards associated with active and relic
Abstract Submissions Closing: 13 May
The Fall Meeting attracts nearly 24,000 Earth and space
scientists, educators, students, policy makers, and other
members of the community. This meeting is the showcase
for current scientific theory focused on discoveries that
will benefit humanity and ensure a sustainable future for
our planet.
San Francisco, California, USA
14-18 December 2015
Abstract Submission Opening: 10 June
Abstract Submission Closing: 5 August
New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
21-26 February 2016
The theme for the 2016 Ocean Sciences Meeting is Ocean
Sciences at the Interface. Complex interactions often
occur at interfaces. Interactions at these interfaces, and
are critical for understanding the world around us. The
meeting will highlight processes at interfaces and how
the work at such interfaces pervades the study of ocean
sciences and shapes the impact of our research on society.
Abstract Submission Opening: 15 July
Abstract Submission Closing: 23 September