DCC Connect - INQUIRES AND ORDERS _order-wi.asp?spage=wi-i r---. ccennect ~ Fir.eOnfine III Cahforn..a WILDCARD INQUIRY (DEBTOR) Select a Debtor Name to conduct standard search logic (Debtor Name Inquiry). Note that a fee will be charged. Refer to the Fee Schedule in the HELP section for current fees. This Wildcard Inqui was erformed on 09/06/2007 12:52 with the following search parameters: DEBTOR NAM . United States Treasu SEARCH TYPE: Starting With ( UNITED STATES TREASURY, DEPT OF JUSTICE, FELONS DEBTORS, UNITED STATES TREASURY, DEBTORS united treasury agencies and"ALL employees, Lapse states UNITED STATES TREASURY FELONS AGENCIES AND EMPLOYEES" U.S. V. United States Treasury united states treasury, felons aquired principal, murderer ucc9-311 Filing Date 12/09/2036 08/0112010 04/12/2012 08/22/2011 ate 12/16/2010 Filing Number Organization Name 04/05/2012 08/22/2011 HANSEN USDC OREGON CR 94-194 HA 01/2005 06-7082477182 08/22/2006 10115881 04/12/2007 04271468 02/26/2007 I' Cancel I 9/6/2007 12:55 PM department of water resources05-704961057711/21/2005 17:0011/21/201Ostate of california office of emergency services05-704969851311/21/2005 17:0011/21/201 Ostate of california department of general services state publishing06-705479196801/10/2006 11:2601/10/2011 State of California Dept. of Motor Vehicles06-7054867851 01/09/2006 17:0001/09/2011state of california, franchise tax board06-705649034001/23/2006 13:2601/23/2011state of california, gOYarnold schwarzenegger, kevin shelley, eta1061/23/2011STA SCHW ARZENEGGER COUR S GE RAYMOND M. CADEI/FELONS.06/09/2 . 03/0 /2011state of california health lOlnd Rlilmtn ;:>co1 vICes agency, OIIlce of integration06-7070 state o. california - risk management06- 707320713306/07/2006 17:0006/07/20 11STATE OF CALIFORNIA06-707950415907/27/2006 13:0907/27/2011State of California06708161259608/14/2006 13:4608/14/2011STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION06-708161261708/14/2006 13:4608/14/2011STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION06-708161273808/14/2006 13:4608/14/2011state of california department oftransportation06708186124908/17/2006 10:2908/17/2036State of California Department of Housing and Community Development06-708940693910/24/2006 13:0410/24/20 11State of California Department ofTransporation06-709354766711/29/2006 14:3211/29/2011State of California, Department of Finance07-709723583812/27/2006 17:0012/27/2011STATE OF CALIFORNIA HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT07709921088301/18/2007 14:5901/18/2012State of California Office of State Publishing07 -709921088301/19/2007 09:5401/18/20 12State of California Office of State Publishing07-710117505902/02/2007 05:2802/02/2012STATE OF CALIFORNIA07710293468902/15/2007 18:01N/ASTATE OF CALIFORNIA FRANCHISE TAX BOARD07-710302229402/16/2007 11:4702/16/2012STATE OF CALIFORNIA 40TH DISTRICT AGRICUL TUAL ASSOCIATIO~07-710432298502/26/2007 11:4602/26/20 12state of california, debra bowen, bruce mcpherson! imposter secretary's of state '1-106-7077261 '17-7 /14/2007 .v/v3/14/2012STATE OF CALIFORNIA07-710619484303/13/2007 16:3103/13/2012STATE OFEXREL CALIFORNIA, COUNTY CASE PORSCHE NO 111886, SACTO 89F05133 STATE HANSENBUTTE V SKOIEN IRS ETAL, \ '\ ~ ~i~\C;'N \ T 1985-199107-71g916~=:1 1 OF CALIFORNIA07-711524509 :0OO:~=5/2012STATE 1 37STATE OF CALIFORNIAOFFICE OF SYSTEM INTEGRATION07-711590027205/31/2007 17:0005/31/2037STATE OF CALIFORNIA - FRANCHISE TAX BOARD07712116391706/08/2007 16:2006/08/2037STATE OF CALIFORNIA, DEBRA BOWEN, BRUCE MCPHERSON/ IMPOSTER SECRETARY'S OF STATE JL-l 06-7077261056 JL-l 06-7082468807-712374234607/26/2007 17:0007/26/2012STATE OF CALIFORNIA, DEPT. OF GENERAL SERVICES, OFFICE OF STATE PUBLISHING07-712425106908/05/2007 17:37N/ASTATE OF CALIFORNIA FRANCHISE TAX BOARD, ORGANIZA TION- TRADE-NAME/TRADE-MARK, DEBTOR07-712590181008/17/2007 12:25N/ASTATE OF CALIFORNIA FRANCHISE TAX BOARD, ORGANIZA TION- TRADE-NAME/TRADE-MARK, DEBTOR.07712680423708/24/2007 12:5908/24/2012State of California, Department of JustIce _,. __.~,~~,_".,-,., ...•. ",~"uUfi,vrrlLtVr INTEGRATION05-704717911110/28/2005 1 ~+ 1 ~Y;SlhMS 17:0010/28/2010state of california 2/17/20078:22 PM UCC Connect - WEB FILINGS t _ filing-amendment.asp?p ... nnect ,/ Fi'~ Oo[lroe II' CaiiTOfnl3 Change Filing AUTHORIZING PARTY and FILER REFERENCE NUMBER Select an authorizing party. For more information, select the HELP tab above. AUTHORIZING PARTY(S) - (please check the box next to party(s) you wish to list as authorizing party(s) for this filing) [) Debtor STATE OF CALIFORNIA, DEBRA BOWEN, BRUCE MCPHERSON/ IMPOSTER SECRETARY'S OF STATE JL-1 06-7077261056 JL-1 06-70824688 Sacramento, CA, 95814 [&l Debtor BILL LOCKYER, PHIL ANGELIDES, TREASURER, DEBTORS FELONS RESPOSIBLE FOR PAYMENT Sacramento, CA, 95814 ~ Debtor FORMER CREDIT SUISSE BANK, NOW PENNIBANCSUISSE, 1993 ASSIGNMENT $2 BILLION EMBEZZLED ACCTNO 213-255706-B65 Sacramento, CA, 95814 STEVE WESTL Y, COMTROLLER, DEBTOR FELON Sacramento, CA, 95814 00 Debtor [Jl] Debtor JOHN CHIANG IMPOSTER CONTROLLER. Sacranlento, CA, 95814 ~ Debtor WILLIAM P. WOOD FORMER CORPORATION COMMISSIONER FELON DEBTOR Sacramento, CA, 95814 ~ Debtor ANGELIDES ENTERPRISES INC Sacramento, CA, 95814 ~ Debtor ~NOLD SCHW ARZENEGGER, IMPOSTER GOVERNOR. Sacramento, CA, 95814 00 Debtor JERRY BROWN, IMPOSTER ATTORNEY GENERAL Sacramento, CA, 95814 ~---- SAN FRANCISCO, CA,94105 IfJ Debtor fCTIlBANK ~ ~ Debtor Debtor ~ BLACKW ATER, LP,A ERIC PRINCESTEVE PHILLIPS EL SEGUNDO, CA, 90245 TYPEPAD SIX APART INC, ZALARY, CARLA. JOHN DOE San Francisco, CA, 94107 :::-5{J Debtor Senator Hillary Clinton President Bill Clinton Washington, DC, 20530 ~ Debtor SS & U.S.TREASURY MONEY FUND OF AMERICA & SEC JL-1 077104221468 Los Angeles, CA, 90071 Nancy Pelosi Speaker of the House Congress Debtor Felon L-107-7106194843 Washington, DC, 20530 c-' ~ 1 on Debtor ~---- 9/30/2007 3:59 PM UCC Connect - WEB FILINGS _ filing-amendment.asp?p ... 95814 89102 TIONALI TWO IABV ROCK A FELONS GROUP FARMS TRUST OF INTL. 95661 95611 FILE PENNIBANCTRUST 94066 INTERNA 20004 ROSEVILLE, CA, Bruno, CA, 95814 JANETMS JANET MS THE CARLYLE GROUP DEBTORS ABV A& GROUP INTL. 1996-2006 (RET) PENNIBANCTRUSTI ABV AYOUTH GROUP TRUST ALLEN EARL MATTHEWS CFO PENNIBANCTRUSTI WILLIAM PENNIBANC P.TRUST WOOD CALIFORNIA FORMER CORPORATION ELEEMOSYNARY SS U.S.TREASURY MONEY FUND OF UCC AMERICA &95814 Ft Mohave, AZ, Sacramento, CA, Roseville, CA, TRUST JOHN $5,000,000,000,000,00 GARAMENDI, DEBTOR (5BILLION FELON USD GOLD Los Washington, Angeles, DC, CA, Beverly Bob PH Washington, DC, San ( MATTHEWS Senator Hillary Clinton President Bill Clinton )90071 '--- DS&Debtor D Secured LAS VEGAS,CA, NV, Sacramento, 95645-0927 Debtor{ R Process Serving on Garnishment Levy U.S. Treasury NICS.J 95814 86426 1150-28825-26499 20530 CCT NO KNIGHTS D Secured Washington, DC, IC ebtor~ LANDING, CA, 20530 20f3 10/2/20074:38 PM DCC Connect - WEB FILINGS _ filing-amendment.asp?p ... o 20530 LANDREAU KNIGHTS INTERNATIONAL TRUSTEE TRUSTEE 94619 97501 CA, SecuredMARY OAKLAND, CA, MEDFORD, OR, WILLIAM E, THOMSON, CEOABV TRUSTEE VERNON JOSEPH HANSEN, A GROUP TRUST LANDING, PENNIBANCTRUST, BRENDA HANSEN RICCIO, WASHINGTON, DC, 95645 LOUISIANA KA TRINA RELIEF TRUST SENA ~ . OPTIONAL FILER REFERENCE DATA - (enter your reference number for this filing if desired) Cancel 30f3 I Continue I 10/2/20074:38 PM Treasury urges Social Security cuts - Politics - JUd'1 ~ ~crt-£J. t,j J5~ 5737 6/print/ 1/displaymode/1 098/ I,b ~ { r \J,c~s Treasury: Fix requires benefit changes, tax increases, which Bush opposes The Associated Press - I ;at I •• . uctv61110 I~ .....•...•.... _ ~<O r Treasury urges Social Security cuts Upd_ated: 3:39 p.m. PT Sept 24, 2007 l , ,- oII!-- Buslidelaying crcrmlnlstrati~n in a is new Social Security is faci~'~ de thpt needed S;id reforms notreport fair toMonday youngerthat workers. A report issued by the Treasury Department said that some com51natiOn of benefit cuts andTaXlncreases will need to be considered to permanently fix the funding shortfall. But White House officials stressed that President Bush remainS opposed to raising taxes. The Treasury report put the cost of the gap between wh Cia Security IS benefits and what it will raise in payroll taxes in coming years at $13.6 trillion. to need to payout in It said delaying necessary changes reduces the number of people available to share in the burden of those changes and is unfair to younger workers. "Not taking action is thus unfair to future generations. This is a significant cost of delay," the report said. In another key finding, the report said: "Social Security can be made permanently solvent only by reducing the present value of scheduled benefits and/or increasing the present value of scheduled tax increases." The paper went on to say: "Other changes to the program might be desirable, but only these changes can restore solvency permanently." While the language of the Treasury report seemed to indicate that the administration would consider raising taxes along with reducing benefits as a way to deal with the funding shortfall, the White House was quick to reject that possibility. ,,,,,~,,,"c.----'" ,~~ _.~ ~-~.~ - ... ~ "The president is not advocating for tax increases or benefit cuts," said White House spokesman Tony Fratto. "Everyone understands that the choices available in the current structure of Social Security, that absent reform, tax increases and benefit cuts are inevitable," Fratto said. "That's why the president believes it makes more sense to reform the program sooner than later." Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson, Bush's point person on Social Security reform, said he has had a number of discussions with members of Congress from both parties over the issue of fixing the problems in Social Security with the looming retirement of 78 million baby boomers. "While differences Over personal accounts and taxes dominate the public debate over this issue, in my conversations I found that there are many other things on which people agree," Paulson said in a statement accompanying the issues report. "By focusing on areas of agreement, I hope these issue briefs will narrow the divide and spur further discussion of reforms," Paulson said. Heavy emphasis on Spcial Security reform Bush had hoped to make Social Security reform the top domestic priority of his second term. Bush put forward a Social Security reform plan in 2005 that focused on creation of private accounts for younger workers but that proposal never came up for a vote in Congress, with Democrats heavily opposed and few Republicans embracing the idea. While Democrats have fought to protect current benefit levels, Republicans have been adamant thattaxes should not be raised to cover the Social Security shortfall. Phil Swaigel, Treasury's assistant secretary for economic policy, told reporters that the plan was to issue about six issue briefs on Social Security over the next three months. But he said it was "unclear" at the moment whether the papers would lead to a new push to get an overhaul program through Congress next year. Many believe such an effort would be highly unlikely to gain success in 2008, a presidential election year 9/25/200710:48 10f2 1ttpS:// _order/ucc _order-wi.asp?spage=wi-i 1/5/2007 AM UCC Connect - INQUIRES AND ORDERS _ order-wi.asp?spage=wi-i c nnect Fi f: Cn'jr.1! If' C.1ld-Jif; 21 WILDCARD INQUIRY (DEBTOR) Select a Debtor Name to conduct standard search logic (Debtor Name Inquiry). Note that a fee will be charged. Refer to the Fee Schedule in the HELP section for CUlTentfees. This Vv'ildcard Inquiry was performed on 02/17/200720:21 DEBTOR NAME: FEDERAL RESERVE SEARCH with the following search parameters: TYPE: Starting "Vith Filing Number Filing Date Lapse Date Organization Name 04/02/2002 03/03/2003 09/03/2003 10/22/2003 02-09360367 17:00 04/02/2007 FEDERAL RESERVE BANK .------------------ 03/03/2008 FEDERAL 09/03/2008 FEDERAL RESERVE FRANCISCO 01" SAN FRANCISCO -06360728 -30161122 -24860936 11/16/2004 14:33 BANK BANK OF SAN FEDERAL RESERVE BANK -----------._------- 10/2212008 04-7004255986 RESERVE OF SAN FRANCISCO 11/16/2009 FEDERAL RESERVE FRANCISCO BANK OF SAN 03/0112016 FEDERAL RESERVE RICHMOND BANK OF ! /,~ t (0 Cancel 1 r..+l 1,( New Search )/170007 R-n PM TCC Connect - INQUIRES AND ORDERS 05-7034058204 05-7036392318 05-7034049294 https:/ c. _order-wi.asp?spage=wi-i nnect File Onflne In Califom~ WILDCARD INQUIRY (DEBTOR) Select a Debtor Name to conduct standard search logic (Debtor Name Inquiry). Note that a fee will be charged. Refer to the Fee Schedule in the HELP section for current fees. This Wildcard Inquiry was performed on 02/17/2007 20:59 with the following search parameters: DEBTOR NAME: Starting MELVIN E SOLL SEARCH TYPE: With ~ ~ l( sr;Le Filing Number Filing Date Lapse Date 05-7034011374 07/12/2005 14:27 15:26 07/12/2010 1/ h'fOf..] .!JI dv b- 55, Organization Name MELVIN E. SOLL ESQ, DBA ABV A GROUP TRUST INTL IMPOSTERIFELON EMBEZZLER, KIDNAPPER. MURDERER 07/12/2005 08/01/2005 07/12/2005 Cancel ~ 07/12/2010 melvin e. solI esq, co trustee abandoned, 1999 felon forger, embezzler, murderer 07/12/2010 melvin e. solI esq, co trustee abandoned, 1999 felon forger, embezzler murderer 08/0112010 melvin e. solI esq (abandoned abva trustee) embezzler, murderer, felon New Search • DCC Connect - INQUIRES AND ORDERS bttps:// _order/uce _order-dns.asp?spage=dn ... r----. CCcennect "-- Fi'e Online If' Ca Iifornoa Debtor Name Inquiry To view a specific filing document, select the View icon. A fee will be charged. Refer to the Fee Schedule in the HELP section for current fees. Select an item under Filing Number to view all details for this record. SeleCt the Show Details button to view all details for all records. This Debtor Name Search was performed on 03/131200714:49 parameters: with the following search DEBTOR NAME: CORPORATIO~AGENTIFELON IMPOSTERS SOL~C, ANDERSON MAILING City, From: Date State, ADDRESS: Country: ~L ~I~' ~d- {1cL f\...J '-r (J ~l ((t 1\ ·Z/ % 'W f; Z· r i CONCEALED ID THEFT, ~ L (' f ~ oC(J Order View Filing Number Filing Type Filing Date Pages Lapse Date o ~ 05-7034011374 Judgement Lien 07/12/200515:26 241 07/12/2010 -------- STATE OF DELA WARE FORGED UCC CUSIP NO 9314600 FELONS APRIL WRIGHT, MELVIN IrS'OLL ESQ, AB~_D~O~NR~D-,C=O,,-T~ .RUSTEE 401 FEDERAL STREET, DOVER, DE, USA 19901 Debtor Organization MELVIN E. SOLL ESQ, DBA ABV A GROUP TRUST INTL IMPOSTER/FELON EMBEZZLER'j KIDNAPPER. Nn]RDERER 64 LIBERTO LANE, DOVER, DE, USA 19901 Debtor Organizatio OSSWALD-PAPPERT Debtor Organization & CaLL. SCHUEY (+ J>< J; I WILSHELMSTRASSE 42, WEISBADEN, GR, ZZZ Debtor Organization Debtor Organization MELLONBANK, SOLL TRUST ACCOUNT 1030-755-4 1001 N. DUPONT HYW., DOVER, DE, USA 19901 CSC CORPORATION AGENT/FELON CONCEALED ID THEFT, IMPOSTERS SOLL, ANDERSON 2730GATEW AY OAKS DRIVE 100, SACRAMENTO, CA, USA 95833 ...s:--:- " ..- ••. ..".. 3/13/2007 2:51 PM UCC Connect - INQUIRES AND ORDERS _ order-dns.asp?spage=dn Debtor Organization ARNOLD SCHW ARZENEGGER,ABV A TRUST EMBEZZLER FELON STATE OF CALIFORNIA CAPITOL OFFICE BUILDING, SACRAMENTO, CA, USA 95814 Debtor Organization UNITED STATES MARSHALL, JACK SMOOT FELON KIDNAPPER, ID THEFT, MURDERER 10/8/97 310 WEST 6TH STREET, MEDFORD, OR, USA 97501 Debtor Organization ANDERSON,ZEIGLER,DISHAROON,GALAGHER & GRAY IMPOSTERS KENNETH A. ANDERSON, JEFF GRAY (FBI AGENT) FELONS 50 FISCAL DRIVE, SANTA ROSA, CA, USA 98695 Debtor Organization JAMES EGGLESTON. TONY MILLER, GEORGIA DOBBINS, ESQ. FELON LIAR, MURDERER Debtor Organization CRUZ BUSTAMANTE, LT GOVERNOR ACCOMPLICE, PRINCIPAL 1330 BROADWAY, OAKLAND, CA, USA 94612 ~- --CAPITOL OFFICE BUILDING, SACRAMENTO, CA, USA 95814 Debtor BANK OF AMERICA, DBA BOND STREEI Organization "eHOLDINGS LTD AQUIRED BY 1994 DCC FORGERY JUDGMENT FELONS KIDNAPPERS MURDERERS. ID THEFT 401 FEDERAL STREET STE #4, DOVER, DE, USA 19901 A R~O'FRE.\D R.'\}TCH, Debtor " TWO ROCK FARMS, Organization .ARROWHEAD FINANCIAL ALVIN JAMES ~ }JANSEN, FBLONS IMPOSTBRS, KIDNAPPERS, MURDERERS 2909 N. PHOENIX ROAD, MEDFORD, OR, USA 97535 Debtor Organization 10 S OAKDALE AVE, MEDFORD, OR, USA 97501 Order Copies: Order Search Certificates: ? JACKSON COUNTY/ C.W. SMITH, MICHAEL WINTERS SHERIFF KIDNAP, RAPE, FORGERY, MURDER. FELONS VSDc.. J)l (du,Jdf0t. New Search ! Selected Filings With Copies I I Show Details All Filings I Q3-Z'1)_ sr~ ( r -t r-::rj) ~ ) <D~JI.jC( kI-J p~( ~ 1U/j)' Without Copies 3/13/20072:51 ,,+,? ... PM DCC Connect - INQUIRES AND ORDERS file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/Owner/My%20Document. ccc .. nnect ,/ Fi~ Online 10 Cahforn.a Filing Number Inquiry This screen displays additional details regarding the filing, including Debtor and Secured Party I 4/1--- address information. Select Cancel to return to the UCC Menu. / To view a specific filing document, select the View icon. A fee will be charged. Refer to the Fee Schedule in the HELP section for current fees. Order o View ~ Filing Parties Debtor Organization Filing Number Initial Filing Filing Type File Date Pages Lapse Date 05-7033991047 05-7033991047 Judgement Lien 07/12/2005 15:26 162 07/12/2010 Ltv rg ver: 'i -~I { cc:p <;HUBB & SON GROUP OF INSURANCE COMPANIES LTD. (CITIBANK FSB .•.CITIGROUP) FELONS. Debtor - 4 fj'[{, 0 J 700 RTE 202-206 NORTH, BRIDGWATER, NJ, USA 08807 Organization CITIBANK NEW CASTLE BRANCH (MOTHER BANK LEVY 1992.) FELON Debtor Organization STATE OF DELA WARE SECRET AR Y OF STATE. Debtor Organization EQUIFAX CREDIT SERVICES INC FELON 5505 PEACHTREE ID THEFT LIBEL DUNWOODY BL, ATLANTA, GA, USA 30374 - 0246 Secured Party - PENNIBANCTRUST.COM/ABV A GROUP Organization TRUST INTERNATIONAL, ALL TRUSTS. (ALVIN JOSEPH HANSEN 569-36-2966) WILMINGTON, SAN FRANCISCO, CA, USA 94104 TOWNSEND OFICE BLDG , DOVER, GA, USA 19909 9410 LOCUST STREET BOX 927, KNIGHTS LANDING, CA, USA 9410 LOCUST Secured Party - HANSEN. STANGHELLINI,FA V-h, Organization HOOKER, SCHOLES, SARKOZY, HEALEY STREET BOX 927, -lKUSTS. --KNIGHTS -LANDING, CA, USA 95645 5/20/20079:37 PM DCC Connect - INQUIRES AND ORDERS _ order-dns.asp?spage=dn ... c nnect Fi~ Online IJ) C"hfomlC! Debtor Name Inquiry To view a specific filing document, select the View icon. A fee will be charged. Refer to the Fee Schedule in the HELP section for current fees. Select an item under Filing Number to view all details for this record. Select the Show Details button to view all details for all records. This Debtor Name Search was performed on 03/09/2007 17:21 with the following search parameters: DEBTOR NAME: CITIBANK FSB CITICORP / LEVY/ EMBEZZLEMENT JUDGMENT PRINCIPALS DEBTORS/ FELONS MAILING ADDRESS: City, State, Country: Date From: Order View Filing Number Filing Type Filing Date Pages D IS{! 05-7016239457 Judgement Lien 02/16/2005 11:00 53 Lapse Date 02/16/2010 Debtor Organization CITIBANK FSB CITICORP/LEVY /EMBEZZLEMENT JUDGMENT PRINCIPALS DEBTORS/FELONS ONESANSOME STREET STED 2200, SAN FRANCISCO, CA, USA 94105 Debtor Organization NEW WORLD INVESTMENTS JOHN FRANCHI FED RESERVE FELON 1730 K STREET, WASHINGTON, DC, USA 20004 Debtor - ACP Th.TVESTIGATIONS,ARTHUR, CAROL 1616 W. MAIN PADILLA STREET, MEDFORD, OR, USA 97501 Organization Debtor Organization Order D ATTORNEYS DIVERSIFIED SERVICES INC. Filing Date PO 2799, SACRAMENTO, CA, USA 95812 View Filing Number Filing Type Pages E'&I 06-7056489792 Judgement Lien 01/23/2006 13:26 17 Lapse Date 01/23/2011 3/9/20075:23 PM j( A I V1 u SECRETARY ,,;W OF STATE .!-.e CA.-.f /JJ~~~~~__ ~ - ij ·P..At.;1 j f . -J' J;:J (.-1- l,-C I- STATE OF CALIFORNIA Rejection Notice 06/23/2005 ?~bu,.bJ\Jc,~t,Ces1~ HANSEN ALVIN J 9410 LOCUST STREET BOX 927 KNIGHTS LANDING CA 95645 Date: File ~BU4 4f~1- 06/22/2005 File Time: 12:18 Page 1 of 1 Document No: 4099550002 File Number: NA Lapse Date: NA Attn: CALL GARY GEORGE AT 752-2236 "- The DO(}l..lJllentsubmitted for filing is not acceptable for the following reason(s): Your account is in dellquentst~tlUs with a balance due of $1t50j)O. Account payments can only be accepted~. the fonn of credit card (Visa, ~ 4~ MasterCard or Your Discover cas~caShie?s ~heck, cei1ified or to !~ m,oneyorder, checkonly), for $1,000000 (#OQ38105383) is beingcheck ~~tur:...,ed you and is attached ---h~~~in, :B·(!~K~MMCJ Ck?t: Not' )?<:I.J,'if-,}::DI Due to YOiI.Jr~ount being ,--r.§turned, UNIFOR'V1 COi\1PllERCIAL CODE 1500 llTH status (insufficient funds), the attached d9cument is STREET, PROGRA1\1S ARCHrVES, i'vlANAGEi'v1ENT 2ND fL. . SACRAMENTO, BUSINESS SERV1CES, CA 95314· PO BOX 942835 SACR.A!v(ENTO, CA 94235-0001 (916) 653-3516 HTTPS:lfUCCCONNECT.SS.CA.GOV PROGRAMS, ELECTIONS, INFORlvIAT10N TECHl'>lOLOGY, CAUFOR.."'l1A STATE HISTORY wruSEUM. SAFE AT HOl'v1E, DOMESTIC PARTNERS REGISTRY, NOTARY PUBLIC, ?OLITIC,..\L REFORlVl 1i~' ..-g.•.:.- - .• _ .l.~ :;::..;:...::;:; .•..• ~ ..---- -- - _.' -_._--_.. .... -.. ... __ u .it::: """i:'.' =;:., - --= ~=~? -.--"------~--~ - :j-====~ -- .~-= ~ ~~~ ~l/~4t"¥1~ ff¥ -- z"1~;· -lj/jj --=- - =-; =""" =---- --=- = - - --~ .z ~ ~ £- =- ... -:::=."- . ,"",.'i ~~ ·L.:'" i. I I MSN Hotmail - Page 1 of 1 r.---~---.-.--- ..-- Printed: Wednesday, June 22, 2005 10:41 AM _...-_.-.--------.._. From: <> Sent: Tuesday, June 21,200510:16 To: Subject: Delivery Status Notification (Failure) @ ._._. . . ,~ . . . AM Attachment: OneTouchJun21 ,2005(1)OO03.PDF(0.54 MB) This is an automatically generated Delivery status Notification. Delivery to the following recipients failed. From: Alvin Hansen <> To: <> Cc: <>, <>, <> Subject: OneTouch Jun 21,2005 (1) 0003.PDF Sent: Tuesday, June 21,200510:12 AM Earnie; These files intake date June 13,2005 returned June 20, 2005 are not acceptable File stamped June 16, 2005, absent debtor/secured party lists, and changing our Address from 9410 Locust Street, Knights landing, and 6484 Pioneer Rd medford, Oregon to "Osten E, Saugstad Sr P.O. Box 1451 Dayton, Nv. Mr saugstad Sr was terminated as a trustee in January 2005 by filieng and correction of the "Healey Trust file" through agent capitol Services, and he is no longer associated in any manner with any of the trusts. Mr Thomson will be in today to recover the 13 files left with you on May 18 for "Error corrections" That agent neglected. Please give the correction pages to him .. Alvin Joseph Hansen< Trustee, secured party UCC felony Judgment Creditor. )/1----- &a=cb 1... 6/22/2005 b ~ue ~hu 10~ ~dq~~ ~f~ C-0l.f.- .-- 0 UCC Connect - INQUIRES AND ORDERS t _order-fi.asp?spage=fi-i rinect Fie Onfine III CalifornJil Filing Number Inquiry This screen displays additional details regarding the filing, including Debtor and Secured Party address information. Select Cancel to return to the UCC Menu. To view a specific filing document, select the View icon. A fee will be charged. Refer to the Fee Schedule in the HELP section for current fees . DEVELOPMENT 94280-0001 - 03 0001 FEDERAL RESERVE BANK 03/01/2016 OF EMPLOYMENT RICHMOND PO BOX 27622, SACRAMENTO,CA,US 826880, RICHMOND, VA, USA 06-70611933 Order View 1 Filing; Number Initial Filing; ~06-7061193356 Pag;es Lapse Date 23261 Debtor ••• • ..1..•..•• .1.~ 0 Select the filings you wish to order, and press 'Selected Filings' below. ORDER DET AILS.- select copy type Optional: °crd~r oples: 0 Certified -- All Filings Cancel 1 At'l I I Copies * Additional Fees Apply Selected Filings New Search , J 3/15/2007 2:25 PM
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