George W.Bush imposter President, Dick Cheney
George W.Bush imposter President, Dick Cheney
Pennibanc Trust ABVA Group Trust International (Forged 1994 to Two Rock Farms, Arrowhead Financial Embezzled) ACT PROFIT. QUEEN OF EN6LAHD. Melvin E. SoH Esq, TREBLE DAMAGES $9.6 TRILION George W. Bush imposter President, Dick Cheney, ID THIEF FELON, u.s. TREASURY FUND OF AMERICA GARNISHED LEVIED MARCH 52007 IGNORED NANCY PELOS! THE US CONGRESS. HILLARY AND BILL CLINTON. TYP EPAD. SIX APART. INC, BLACKWATER. SCOTTRADE. ANDERSON. ZEIGLER. DISHAROON. GALLAGHER & GRAY. VIACOM John J Longobardi Judge Co Conspirator. TWO ROCK FARMS, ARROWHEAD FINANCIAL INC CLEARSTREAM CLEARINGHOSE INe. FIRST CLEARING USDC DELAWARE 93-292, JJL UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA ACCOUNT NO 1250032591 UNITED CALIFORNIA BANK PEOPLES BANK OF CHINA CANDIDATE ACCT No 121000400 Dublin Ca. Theft of Funds after Penni Murder March 25, 2002 SERVED GARNISHMENT WRIT ON TREASURY AND ALL OTHERS ON MARCH 13 BY S&R DOLLEN PAINEWEBBERACCT NO 31227898 CREDIT SUISSE FIRST BOSTON ACCT NO 213-255706-B65 CONGRESS UNITED STATES. A.G ALBERTO GONZALES DEPT OF JUSTICE BOP. SAN FRANCISCO SUPERIOR COURT FELON CONSPIRACY JOE BIDEN, BILL JONES, THE CONGRESS, RAND CORPORATION, JERRY BROWN A.G. SELF ELECTED FELON OBSTRUCTING COURT FILINGS AND EVICTIONS. STATE OF OREGON, STAR BODY & TOWING,MARK HUDDLESTON DA, MURDERER OF BILL JUBA, MICHAEL WINTERS SHERIFF, OREGON COURTS, RICHARD THEIROLF, THE WATCHTOWER, WILLIAN SHUBB J. RAYMOND CADET J. PAT CRAIN J. RAYMOND WHITE J. PATRICK MAHONEY, J.ALFRED CHANTELLI, J. ALL CORRUPT COURTS AND JUDGES us. BANK BANK OF AMERICA, PHIL ANGELEDES, BILL LOCKYER, ARNOLS SCW ARZENIGGGGER SOCIAL SECURITY, BANK ATLANTIC. DYANS HESSE, RON MANCLA W. FBI AGENT JEFF GRAY ALVIN JAMES HANSEN (DECEASED) CHUBB INSURANCE PORSCHE, BERKSHIRE HA THA WAY ALLSTATE INSURANCE CHICAGO FIDELITY TITLE, ILLUMINATI, ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER WILLIAM J. PALMER, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, JOHN CHAING, STEVE WESTLEY, CONTROLLER'S UNITED STATES, GEORGE BUSH, KEVIN RYAN FELONS. Imposters, kidnap, id theft trust embezzlement murderers, in felony contempt. (NO SERVICE REQUIRED) ALL DEBTOR FELONS NAMED IN 192 SUBPOENAED UCC FELONE JUDGMENT LIENS . etal (SEE DOCKET APRIL 26. 2004"ARRESTING TERMINATING ID THEFT TRUST FORGERY) Maura Ramirez Clerk SF Case No 968484 Marlene Warrant DELA WARE TRANSFER OF RECORD IN BANKRUPTCY ARREST WARRANTS CONTEMPT ORDER John Longobardi Judge, You are ordered to copy and transfer all Subpoenaed CONTEMPT Judgments All levys in this Case since July 2, 1997 to the Court of original Settlement Jurisdiction DE UCC Cusip No 9314600 the United State District Court for Delaware No 93-292All RAND and Congressional reports, DEMANDED BY MELVIN E. SOLL ESQ ANADONED TRUSTEE. Cases since 1983 27 years. Writs Sheriff's You are also Garnished and commanded to submit to Auditors examination and PUBLISH, AUDIT AND PAY all uncontested res Judicata embezzlement recovery debt $3.2 Trillion USD AU Gold + 12 % statutory Interest Pursuant to Govt Code 13967.5 AND ALL INTERNATIONA; LAW TO THE QUEENS DELAWARE CHANCERY COURT Page 2 of3 Pennibanc Trust ABVA Group Trust International (Forged 1994 to Two Rock Farms, Arrowhead Financial Embezzled) ErN: 93-1129900 Alvin J. Hansen, Trustee / William E. Thomson, CEO 1911 Douglass Blvd. 85-439 Roseville, CA 93611 POSTED & PUBLISHED ON WEBSITE September 26,2007 No 18 "Ca]ifornia UCC felony Judgment Lien No 07-7104322985 06-77261056- 0670824688 Forged De]aware trust Cusip Nos 93 ]4600 California No 94122638 14 Year Kidnap., trust UCC file forgery A]vin James Hansen ID Theft Embezzlement Penni's Murder 2002 this court Judgment, May 31, 2002 Rape, Murder, obstruction of enforcement of this courts TERMINA nON Judgment April 26 2004 New Arrest Warrants Bounty $100,000.000.00 For arrest of felons IMPOSTERS ANDERSON, ZEIGLER, DISHAROON, GALLAGHER & GRAY IN BEHALF OF THE VICTIM PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA. Alvin Joseph Hansen intervenor Judgment Lien Creditor ------ CASE NO DE USDC CASE NO 93-292 JJL Etal Alvin James Hansen imposter second victim deceased Jacqueline M Hansen, Deceased Victim BY ORDER OF HER MAJESITTHE QUEEN IN THE CHANC£RY COURT FOR D£LAWARE June 151993-Sevremberl. Quo Warranto 2007 SENTENCE HEARING DATE July 16,2007 FAXSERVICE REP. JOHN MURTHA September 25, 2007 SUBPOENA HABEAS CORPUS MARY LANDRIEU, SENATOR DAN RATHER Assignees CCP 1017,1018 415 ORDER OF ARREST OF TYPEPAD INC, VIACOM FOR CRIMINAL DEFIANCE, DISOBEDIENCE CONTEMPT OF THIS CRIMINAL CONSPIRACY, WITH GEORGE BUSH BANK OF AMERICA ETAL for VIOLENT DESTRUCTION OF WEBSITES, & BLOGS MALICIOUS LIBEL PROSECUTION OF VICTIM ALVIN HANSEN, BREACH OF FIDUCIARY 3 YEAR MEDIA CONTRACT, ID THEFT, EMBEZZLEMENT OF PROPRIETARY MEDIA 3 YEARS PO STINGS TO OBSTRUCT COURT AND 192 UCC JUDGMENT LIENS DUE ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE AND BLOCK TRADING OF SECURITIES AND INTERNATIONAL COMMERCE OPERATIONS AND COURT ORDERED RECOVERY OF TWO ROCK FARMS EMBEZZLED ASSETS; TO CRIMINALLY BLOCK HABEAS CORPUS RELIEF FROM KIDNAP JUNE 22, 1994 AND 36 JUDGMENTS FOR RECOVERY OF STOLEN SOCIAL SECURITY PENSION FOR 14 YEARS. WARRANTS OF ARREST COURT ISSUED V Bounty $1,000,000,00 MENS REA JURISDICTION 1993 BEFORE OR 94-194 HA ID THEFT AND TRUST UCC FORGERYS FOR LEVY OF RECOVERED EMBEZZLEMENT TRADING HOBBS Pennibanc Trust ABVA Group Trust International (Forged 1994 to Two Rock Farms, Arrowhead Financial Embezzled) ~ t9tuveL- Al~~seph Hansen Trustee, Auditor DCC Felony Judgment Lien Creditor Victim, Secretary of State by uncontested Judgment of this Court in Penni's Murder Judgment July 17,2002 Allen ~~ E. Matt ?~XO Jacqueline M. Hansen Trustee victim ?..u>}tc) Robert Stangliellini Jr Trustee Murder Victim ws CFO J2e ?...-c.o~~ rustee, Vernon J Hansen ~dd f V Icbm ~;'/C Brenda Hansen Riccio Murder Victim Hansen! Stanghellini Murder Victims 1980- 2007 Del Cusip DCC trust file 9314600 Ca "Forged 94122638 Oregon R-84141 Nevada Forged 94-07852 Arizona Forged ABV A Group Trust International Settlement 1120 SF Ein Stolen 93-1129900 IRS Alvin Joseph Hansen DCC 9314600 & Alvin Joseph Hansen Gen Ptr Pennibanctrust TWO ROCK FARMS EIN No 26-0815956 Page 3 of3 Independent Media Center I I «( i))) http://www .indymedia. org/ en/newswire/ archive.shtml newswire archive You are on page 532 of 532 pages Jumo to oage: EI Bosque el ~ixticujl » Esta slendo Destruido Comit€! Salvabosque Tigre II, 30.09.200702:42 EI Bosque el Nixticuil Esta siendo Destruido LANGUAGES: Cleutc;CQ n~'lVIK NTENDFIN ~,illaii9! frnn<;:a') Ital1a10 nderla'l.9s portugues Alvin Joseph Hansen UCC Felony Judgment Lien Creditor In the Queens Court, 30.09.2007 02:28 ALERT George Bush Ordered criminal destruction of website as with Dan Rather and Viacom He is blocking HABEAS CORPUS RELIEF after 27 years of kidnapm and return of Social security pension stole for 14 years He is under arrest warrants and a Death sentence for these crimes. SEARCH: r o o o images audio video I search INDY-NEWS UPDATES I Submit PARTICIPATE L _ I~ instantly upload your audio, video, photo or text directly from your browser nl(<; ebout cc.,tac~ :>upport ..IS get i!lv.9lv~9 ync:Ji~alior vOi"nteer 1 of6 Canadian citizen and native of Pakistan (Muslim), Khalid_AlJ\[an. A Innocent najeeb, 30.09.200701 :37 Mr. Awan has filed court documents that assert he falsely confessed to crimes because FBI agents threatened him with lethal injection and said that they would have RCMP officers arrest his sisters in Montreal. "I tried to give answers so they would be pleased and not give me the death penalty," Mr. Awan wrote in court documents. '0. I." QI"\ '2nr7/0r; '~)7' 1-7 dl<lsta'll §.emenced~.;:", ~ ~ II' '''I ' . tit 11 ~V' JI .cor 'qrtirl '? At this point I am certain that my family is in great danger for reasons that I am not aware of. I was scared that my family would be harassed by these people along with the Canadian RCMP official, I strongly believe that the RCMP is doing this intentionally in collaboration with FBI official to further harass me to admit charges, that I never committed. Without knowledge of the reasons why the Canadian RCMP agency was involved. I was surprised that RCMP official directly approached my family instead of me without proper explanation, and its also shocked for me, that how RCMP got the phone number of my family (because before my arrest, I don't have any single record in any police dept, of any country). I was intimated and pushed to the edge during this interrogation, I was determined to provide anything these USA officials wanted to make them happy even is the questions made no sense, because I want them to stop the harassment to my family. Please understand, I am not a terrorist, I do not know any terrorist and I have had no connections with or to any known or unknown terrorist. I have been incarcerated for last 5 years and I had no money to provide or launder. The law enforcement have in America is pressuring me to provide information to them that I really do not have or know. I am a Canadian Citizen and nearly all of my family is in Canada, including my wife and kids. I don't know any information to tell them to help their investigation. 9/30/20072:37 PM ount Inquiry - Web dnquiry Inquiry - Web SECRETARY OF STATE STATE OF CALIFORNIA Packing Slip Page 1 of 2 PENNIBANCTRUST/ ABVA GROUP TRUST INTERNATIONAL Attn :Alvin Joseph Hansen ALVIN JOSEPH HANSEN, JUDGMENT LIEN CREDITOR 1911 DOUGLAS BLVD STE 85-439 ROSEVILLE CA 95661 Item EMPLOTEES OR UCC PRINCE INC FELONS PARTNERSHIP R84141 CA,INC. UNIFORM COMMERCIAL CODE 1.m Customer Account No: Batch No: Date: 12955113 1422996 09/26/2007 Amount Name Status Received 12955113 I Reference No.A Processed QUEEN UNITED BLACKWATER OF STATES ENGLAND $5.00 $0.00 BLACKWATER, L.P., IlntS1REET. 2ND FL· SACRAMENro, CA 93814· PO BOX 941835· SACRAMENTO, $0.00 $20.00 CA 94235.0001·9166533516· HI1PS:lIUCCCONNECT.SSCAOOV PROGRAMS ARCHiVES, BUSINESS PROGRAMS. ELECTIONS, INFORMATION TECHNOWGY, CALIFORNIA STAlE HlSlORY MUSEUM, MANAGEMENTSERVlCES. SAFE AT HOME. DOMESTIC PARTNERS RBGlSlRY, NOTARY PUBLIC. POurlCAL REFORM 1. SJo~ .J:1tS t'/U q3 - It z. 'lGtC:JO 1\oD Ecctc. ~J SECRETARY OF STATE ' pe-cU'{)I.b~ c. ~ J)l, Z 6 -""o8'iS,S', . 931C{600 STATE OF CALIFORNIA .5( ISJ UCC Amendment Acknowledgement lluu ] SS I~ I ~ leL, ~ooJcJ, 09/26/2007 Page 1 of 1 $5.00 PENNIBANCTRUST/ ABVA GROUP TRUST Filing Fee: INTERNA TIONA~ Total Fee: $5.00 ALVIN JOSEPH HANSEN, JUDGMENT LIEN CREDITOR 1911 DOUGLAS BLVD STE 85-439 ROSEVILLE CA 95661 The California Secretary of State's Office has received and filed your document. The information stated below reflects the data that was indexed in our system. Please review the information for accuracy. Included is an image of the filed document to assist you in your review. If you find a potential error, please notify the UCC Section at the number listed below at your earliest convenience. Type: Amendment Amendment Filing #: 07-71304240 Original Filing Number: 07-7121163917 Debtor(s): ORGANIZATION File Time: 11 :00 File Date: 09/26/2007 Amendment Lapse Date: 06/08/2037 BLACKWATER, LP,A ERIC PRINCESTEVE PHILLIPS 319 MAIN STREET EL SEGUNDO CA USA 90245 CITIBANK N.A. ONE SANSOME STREET 2200 SAN FRANCISCO CA USA 94105 ORGANIZATION ORGANIZATION TVPEPAD SIX APART INC, ZALAR V, CARLA. JOHN DOE 548 4TH STREET SAN FRANCISCO CA USA 94107 Filing by the Secretary of State is not conclusive proof that all conditions for securing priority have been met. Ensuring that accurate information is on the document to be filed is the responsibility of the filing party. If this filing is challenged, the Secretary of State does not guarantee that the filing is legally sufficie[1t to secure priority under UCC ARTICLE 9 and expressly disclaims any liability for failure of the filing party to secure priority resulting from the information contained in the filed documen~~Je~a~of~noDI::i:~~Slt, p f tJVJtbJOJC- I oJf ~RM :).Q(~d~ I /' COMMERCIAL CODE ,4tf 1500 11lH SlREEf, C1M.fAJCc~ u-S ~7I!J1<L 2ND FL . SACRAMENTO, CA 95814· PO BOX 942835· ~ SACRAMENTO. ~)'<.~ LdW. ' CA 94235,0001 . (916) 653-3516 'lflTPSiIUCCCONNECT,SOS,CAGOV rROGRAI\.1S ARCHJVES, BUSINF..5S PROORAMS> ElECTIONS, INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, CALIFORNLA STAlE 1-llS1DRY MUSEUM, MANAGEMENT SERVICES, SAte AT I"IOME, DOMESnc PARTNERS REGISTRY, NOTARY PUBLIc' POLITICAL REFORM ~r- Page 2 UCC FINANCING STATEMENT AMENDMENT ADDITIONAL PARTY FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS (front and back) CARE FULL Y t5': ADDITIONAL DEBTOR'S EXACTl'ULL LEGAL ~(same NAME - insert only one debtor name (15a or 15b) - do not abbreviate iBLACKWATER, LP,A ERIC PRINCESTEVE PHILLIPS rNONE UNK c/ ....•..••. ORGANIZATION 12. INITIAL FINANCING STATEMENT FILE #SUFFIX as itemOF 1aFIRST onFIRST Amendment form) MIDDLE NAME CITY 14f. JURISDICTION MIDDLE NAME NAME JL-1 05-7016239457 SUFFIX FIRST NAME 16e. TYPE OF OF ORGANIZATION STATE 15e. 14e. TYPE MIDDLE NAME 15t. 16t. COUNTRY ADD'L COUNTRY POSTAL CODE :>RGANIZA TION FIRST RS NAME MIDDLE NAME, "A 4105SAN FRANCISCO NAME \#ITY OF ORGANIZATION 70824688 ~DD'L IlDD'L DEBTOR INFO :>F ORGANIZATION ELSEGUNDO SUFFIX SUFFIX .•... COUNTRY CA 0245USA CA 14g. ORGANIZATIONAL 10#, 15g. 16g. ID#, if any rNONE 2A 18b.INDIVIDUAL'S LAST NAME 16b. INDIVIDUAL'S LAST NAME IMAGE THE ABOVE GENERATED SPACE IS ELECTRONICALLY FOR CA FILING OFFICE FOR WEB USE FILING ONLY 14c. STATE ~~STAL ~?STAL ~TATE IPOSTAL CODE orm) rUFFIX 07-7121163917 16a. STATE 13b. INDIVIDUAL'S 14a. OF ORGANIZATION'S CALIFORNIA, LAST DEBRA NAME BOWEN, BRUCE MCPHERSON/ RS OR K:ITIBANK N.A. 17a. ORGANIZATION'S NAME name (14a or 14b) do not abbreviate or combine names 18a. TIONAL OR 15b. SECURED 15c. INDIVIDUA MAlLIN PARTY'S '~NAME NAME (or Name of TOTAL ASSIGNEE) insert FIRST onlv NAME one name 117a or 17b) MIDDLE NAME IMPOSTER OF- do STATE JL-1 06-7077261056 JL-1 06insert.•••...... one debtor SECRETARY'S name (16a or 16b) not abbreviate or combine names 1057016239457 ORonly pR ORGANIZATION'S NA~ 14 MISCELLANEOUS 14b.15a. INDIVIDUAL'S LAST NAME FIR~ -fI;. " tV /' 'J /tV VI'(1/ or combine names d DOCUMENT NUMBER: 14239240002 SUFFIX Page 3 UCC FINANCING STATEMENT AMENDMENT ADDITIONAL PARTY FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS (front and back) CAREFULLY SS & U.S.TREASURY MONEY FUND OF AMERICA & JL-l SEC 07-7106194843 JL-1 077104221468 Senator HillarySpeaker ClintonofPresident Clinton Nancy Pelosi the HouseBill Congress Debtor Felon FIRST NAME 255706-B65 MIDDLE NAME, SUFFIX # (same as item 1a on Amendment form) 120.INITIAL FINANCING STATEMENT FILE 70824688 IMAGE GENERATED ELECTRONICALLY FOR WEB FILING THE ABOVE SPACE IS FOR CADEBRA FILING OFFICE USEBRUCE ONLY MCPHERSON/ orm) IMIDDLE IFIRSTNAME rUFFIX IMIDDLE NAME IMIDDLE NAME fUFFIX fUFFIX IFIRSTNAME 07-7121163917 lSUFFIX 23b. IFORMER STATE 4b. INDIVIDUAL'S OF CREDIT CALIFORNIA, LAST SUISSE NAME BANK, NAME NOW BOWEN, PENNIBANCSUlSSE, 1993 ASSIGNMENT $2 BILLION EMBEZZLED 123a.ORGANIZATION'S NAME 121a.ORGANIZATION'S NAME OR 1b. INDIVIDUAL'S LAST DR121.NAME OF PARTY AUTHORIZING THIS AMENDMENT(same as item 9 on Amendment !IMPOSTER SECRETARY'S OF STATE JL-1 06-7077261056 JL-I 06OR 2 MISCELLANEOUS 25b. 6b. INDIVIDUAL'S LAST NAME IFIRST NAME DOCUMENT NUMBER: 14239240002 FILING OFFICE COPY ACCT NO 213- 0:--UCC Judgments against Social security - Google Search Web !ma~es Video News Maps Gmail more .•. ... Si~n in GooQle luee Judgments against '" Social security I Advanced PreferencesSearch Search New! View and manaQe your web history Web Results 1 -10 of about 112,000 for UCC JudQments aqainst Social security . (0.28 seconds) ASSET SEARCHES -Empire Pacific InvestiQative Services A major corporation had a $3.7 million judgment against its former investment .... Includes Social Security fraud scan for aliases, false Social Security ... - 54k - Cached - Similar paQes BackQround Check, Online InvestiQation, Criminal D.E.A Certification/ Practitioners Database, Social Security Admin Death Index This will list any civil judgments against the individual, when and where ... - 32k - Cached - Similar pages 1-800-WHO-WHERE: . . Individual Profile/BackQround Report Judgments & Tax Liens: This will list any civil judgments against the ... Social Security Administration Death Index: We'll check to see if any death ... - 33k - Cached - Similar paQes - MICROSOFT IS THE HACKER, RETALIATION FOR ... RECOVERED BY 192 UCC FELONY JUDGMENT LIEN DEBT $3.1 TRILLION AND ITS IMPACT ... LEVY $3.2 TRIL! 10M!!'") THEFT DEBT ON U.S.TREASURY SOCIAL £ ?~~ SECURITY MARCH ... 'Z-007 .s J~ pennibancpost. blogs. 5, com/pennibancpostblogscom/2007 Cached - Similar ~es &flAV'41l /09/microsotr-is-th. htm I - 70k - SEN. JOE BIDEN, ARNOLD, BILL LOCKYER ... Attempted destruction of; UCC Felony Judgment Lien Files, September 23, ... They even have Social Security refusing to pay Hansen's pension for 10 years and ... - 82k Cached - Similar paQes [ More results from Real Estate & Title Insurance Trends It is important to anticipate, however, that a judgment creditor might argue that under UCC Section 9-305, a security interest in "money" was not adequately ... - 53k - Cached - Similar paqes Free Speech Newsletter: Vol. 7, NO.2 (Mar.-Apr. 1999) No federal law apparently requires disclosure of a social security number for ... In a decision overturning a judgment against the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers ... - 19k - Cached - Similar paQes [PDF] CON F IDE N T I A L C RED I TAP File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTML P L I C AT ION Social Security No. Accounts Payable Contact. Telephone .... in any Jurisdiction, enter a stipulation for entry of judgment against such Guarantor, ... - Similar paQes to Minnesota Has New Weapons in the FiQht Against "Paper Terrorism ... 10f2 9/3012007 I :03 PM UCC Connect - WEB FILINGS ~filing/ucc _filing-amendment.asp?p ... r-- c( c 'nnect ,/ Fir.e Onflr;e I~ Cahfornia Change Filing Confirmation Page Uniform Commercial Code P.O. Box 942835 Sacramento, CA 94235-0001 L California Secretary of State Document Number: ~ "';:Jb!dJ.. 14~40002 ' Filing Number: 0771304240 You will be notified via email when your filing has been imaged. Thank you for allowing us to assist you with your request. If you wish to file another document, please click here • 'I/~ J'Ic(-I 10fl 17-IDJ • 9/26/2007 11:06 AM ---- DCC Connect - WEB FILINGS _tiling-amendment.asp?p ... uc,: c ,nnect ../ Fill'! Onrlr.e Ca hf'JFnJil ill Change Filing Please review the filing and select Submit Filing to submit this filing. If changes need to be made, select Edit Filing to step through the filing again. If you do not wish to submit this filing, select Cancel. Cancel I Edit Filing I Submit Filing I UCC FINANCING STATEMENT AMENDMENT FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS (front and back) CAREFULLY A. NAME & PHONE OF CONTACT AT FILER [optional] Alvin Joseph Hansen 916-782-7016 B. SEND ACKNOWLEDGMENT 'jO ~ ~/~'2VM ~ &~ I DOCUMENT NUMBER: 14239240002 TO: (Name and Address) PENNIBANCTRUST/ ABV A Group Trust International Alvin Joseph Hansen, Judgment Lien Creditor 1911 Douglas Blvd Ste 85-439 Roseville, CA 95661 USA 1 of 5 ='~ \?~J S~J(.jT' IIFILING NUMBER: .FILING DATE: IIMAGE GENERA TED THE ABOVE SPACE FOR CA FILING FILING [ELECTRONIC ALL Y IS FOR WEB OFFICE USE ONLY 9/26/2007 I 1:02 AI'4 UCC Connect - WEB FILINGS 7b. INDIVIDUAL'S LAST NAME 7c.MAILING ADDRESS 548 4th Street 7d. SEE INSTRUCTIONS ADD'L DEBTOR INFO FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME SUFFIX CITY San Francisco STATE POSTAL Ca CODE 94107- COUNTRY USA 7e. TYPE OF 9Felon Former 7f. JURISDICTION ID#, if any ORG Website Contractor Ca , Murderer 8. AMENDMENT (COLLATERA~ ('1-1 <\NC~nly Describe collateral r= deleted or I added, or give entire assigned. 7g. ORGANIZATIONAL IZATlON INONE Unk one box. collateral description, or describe collateral W restated r= TYPEP AD SIX APART INC IS ADDED AS A CRIMINAL CO CONSPIRATOR IN FELONY CONTEMPT OF CHANCERY COURT DELAWARE FOR OBSTRUTION OF JUSTICE FOR DESTRUCTION OF FAMOUS WEBSITE UNDER THEIR FIDUCIARY CONTROL AND DUTY TO PROVIDE SERVICE UNDER CONTRACT, CONTRACT BREACHED UNDER DEMAND OF DEBTOR FELONS IMPOSTERS ANDERSON ZEIGLER, DISHAROON GALLAGER & GRAY IMPOSTERS HOLDING ID THEFT OF ALVIN JAMES HANSEN AND ALVIN JOSEPH HANSEN 1993 2007 VOIDED BY COURT JUDGMENT AND 192 UCC JUDGMENT LIEN FILINGS. ALL ASSETS OF TYPEP AD, SIX APART ARE THE SIEZED PROPERTY OF PENNIBANCTRUST/ ABVA GROUP TRUST INTERNATIONAL AND THE STANGELLINI TRUST AND BERTHA HOOKER TRUSTS BRENDA RICCIO, AND VERNON HANSEN OWNERS TRUSTEES VIVA PENNI 9. NAME of SECURED PARTY of RECORD AUTHORIZING THIS AMENDMENT (name of assignor, if this is an Assignment). If this is an Amendment authorized by Debtor which adds collateral or adds the authorizing Debtor, or if this is a Termination authorized by a Debtor, check here ~and enter name of DEBTOR authorizing this amendme ~NIZATION'S NAME ERSON/ IMPOSTER SECRETARY'S OF STATE OF CALIFORNIA, DEBRA BOWEN, BRUCE M STATE JL-1 06-7077261056 JL-I 06-70824688 FIRST NAME MIDDLE SUF.FIX ~LASTNAME NAME NeE Judgment Lien Filed against Typepad Six Apart for destruction of Website FILING OFFICE COPY Page 2 UCC FINANCING STATEMENT AMENDMENT ADDITIONAL PARTY FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS (front and back) CAREFULLY 12. INITIAL FINANCING STATEMENT FILE # (same as item 1a on Amendment form) 077121163917 13. NAME OF PARTY AUTHORIZING THIS AMENDMENT(same as item 9 on Amendment form) 20f5 9/26/2007 II :02 AM UCC Connect - WEB FILINGS MIDDLE NAME, SUFFIX 14 MISCELLANEOUS DOCUMENT NUMBER: 14239240002 IMAGE GENERATED ELECTRONICALLY FOR WEB FILING THE ABOVE SPACE IS FOR CA FILING OFFICE USE ONLY 14. ADDITIONAL DEBTOR'S EXACT FULL LEGAL NAME - insert only one debtor name (14a or 14b)do not abbreviate or combine names GANIZATION'S NAME BLACKWATER, LP,A ERIC PRINCE STEVE PHILLIPS MIDDLE NAME SUFFIX 14b. INDIVIDUAL'S LAST FIRST NAME 14c. MAILING ADDRESS 319 MAIN STREET CITY ELSEGUNDO 14d. SEE INSTRUCTIONS 14e. TYPE OF ORGANIZA ADD'L DEBTO INFO STATE POSTAL CA CODE 90245- 14f. 14g. ORGANIZATIONAL RISDICTION OFID#, if any MURDERERS MERCENARY CA OR CONSPIRA TO RS 15. ADDITIONAL DEBTOR' do not abbreviate or combine names 'SNAME CITIBANK N.A. I N!ZATION UNK INONE E - insert only one debtor name (ISa or I5b)- FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME SUFFIX 1Sc. MAILING ADDRESS ONE SANSOME STREET 2200 CITY SAN FRANCISCO STATE POSTAL CA CODE 94105- COUNTRY USA lSd. SEE INSTRUCTIONS 15g. ORGANIZATIONAL ORGANIZA TION JU CTION OF ID#, if any MURDER ORGANI nON INONE PENNIBANCT CA ) JL-I05-7016239457 RUST JL-l 057016239457 -.Q.B.15b.I~D~'S ---NAM~ LAST ADD'L DEBTO 16. ADDITIONAL DEBte~A('T do not abbreviate or combine n~mes 16a. ORGANIZATION'S NAME 30f5 COUNTRY USA VTf~ l;;~AME - insert only one debtor name (16a or 16b)- OR 16b. INDIVIDUAL'S LAST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME SUFFIX 16c. MAILING ADDRESS CITY STATE POSTAL CODE COUNTRY 9/26/2007 11:02 AM UCC Connect - WEB FILINGS 16d. SEE INSTRUCTIONS ADD'L DEBTOR INFO 16e. TYPE OF 16f. 16g. ORGANIZATIONAL ORGANIZATION JURISDICTION OFID#, ifany ORGANIZATION iNONE 17.ADDITIONAL SECURED PARTY'S NAME (or Name of TOTAL ASSIGNEE) - insert only one name (17a or 17b) 17a. ORGANIZATION'S NAME OR 17b. INDIVIDUAL'S LAST NAME 17c. MAILING ADDRESS FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME SUFFIX CITY STATE POSTAL CODE COUNTRY 18.ADDITIONAL SECURED PARTY'S N\ME (or Name of TOTAL ASSIGNEE) - i or 18b) " 18a. ORGANIZATION'S OR NAME 18b. INDIVIDUAL'S LAST NAME 18c. MAILING ADDRESS ?~fJJJ . I bJoJ r ert only one name (18a (+~ t-A,"ttlA ~ FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME SUFFIX CITY STATE POSTAL CODE COUNTRY FILING OFFICE COPY Page 3 UCC FINANCING STATEMENT AMENDMENT ADDITIONAL PARTY FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS (front and back) CAREFULLY 20. INITIAL FINANCING STATEMENT FILE # (same as item 1a on Amendment fonn ~ 21. NAME OF PARTY AUTHORIZING THIS AMENDMENT(same as item 9 on Amendment fonn STATE OF CALIFORNIA, DEBRA BOWEN, BRUCE MCPHERSON/ IMPOSTER SECRETARY'S OF STATE JL-I OR 06-7077261 056 JL-l 06-70824688 E UlLTND. LAST NAME NAME, SUFFIX ..•..... 22 MISCELLANEOUS -:'AUTHORIZING DOCUMENT NUMBER: 14239240002 IMAGE GENERATED ELECTRONICALLY FOR WEB FILING THE ABOVE SPACE IS FOR CA FILING OFFICE USE ONLY PARTIES (continued): OR 23a. ORGANIZATION'S NAME FORMER CREDIT SUISSE BANK, NOW PENNIBANCSUISSE, 1993 ASSIGNMENT $2 BILLION EMBEZZLED ACCT NO 213-255706-B65 4of5 9/26/2007 11:02 AM UCC Connect - WEB FILINGS 23b. INDIVIDUAL'S LAST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME SUFFIX 24a. ORGANIZATION'S NAME Senator Hillary Clinton President Bill Clinton 24b. INDIVIDUAL'S LAST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME SUFFIX a. ORGANIZATION'S NAME SS & U.S.TREASURY MONEY FUND OF AMERICA & SEC JL-l 077104221468 R25b.INDIVIDUAL'S LAST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE "'-........:: _filing-amendment.asp?p ... SUFFIX ... 2ba. ORGANIZATlUN's-~AME Nancy Pelosi Speaker of the House Congress Debtor Felon JL-l 07-7106194843 FIRST NAME M NDIVIDUAL'S LAST NAME -------NAME =--- SUFFIX n~ FILING OFFICE COpy 50f5 9/2612007 II :02 AM http://pennibancpost. blogs. com/ TypePad Pad This weblog could not be found . • lof! 9/27/20079:37 AM To: Subject: Response to TypePad ticket 'HITS' •• ~ .~. ~illJ~ir,jfj'j:a~ Date: Wednesday, September 26,20079:10:37 AM [View Source1 TypePad Customer Support has responded to your ticket email notification has been automatically sent by TypePad. DO NOT REPLY TO THIS EMAIL. view and respond to your ticket. Instead, please 'HITS'. This click the link below to Hi Alvin, Thanks for following up. Unfortunately your account suspended for a Terms of Service violation. ".....:1~~ ~I was ~~~~~,{~~:I'l<'¥"'" If you have a Terms of Service question, it would be best to contact our Legal Departmen.t. The Help Ticket System is geJ'hJ 1RuLe·~~~ld"i:~~mrf~~stions. You can find the Terms of Service here: terms.html If you have a specific question about what covered, please submit your question using contact form: ticket, click on the following Powered by TypePad filt'~·' D~~tL"t link: mode=edit&ticket id=732362 BLACKWATER UNDER UCC JUDGMENTS AND CHANCERY COURT JUDGMENTS CALLED TYPEP AD ACCUSED ALVIN OF SPAM POSSIBLY THREA TENED TYPEP AD INTO DESTROYING ALL COURT AND USCC RECORDS POSTED. From: "TypePad Personal Web logging Service" <> [Add to Address Book] To: Subject: pennibancpost Chancery Court Blackwater Bush pelosi - Google Search [Incident: 070922-000092] Date: Monday, September 24,20076:28:25 PM Recently you requested personal assistance from Six Apart Support. Below is a summary of your request and our response. Thank you for allowing us to be of service to you. To respond to this message, please reply to this email and type your reply between the lines in the space below. Text entered into any other part of this message will be discarded. [===> Please enter your reply below this line <===) [===> Please enter your reply above this line <===) Subject pennibancpost Chancery Court Blackwater Bush pelosi - Google Search 09/24/200706:28 PM Please log in at and click to your Control Panel> Help tab. There, open the New Ticket link to submit your support request. Your account information and history is available then to help with resolution, and support questions are handled in the TypePad help system. Thank you, TypePad Support/Six ~part, Ltd. Alvin Hansen 09/22/200704:58 PM SECRETARY OF STATE STATE OF CALIFORNIA UCC Filing Acknowledgement 09/21/2007 Paqe 1 of 1 PENNIBANCTRUST/ ABVA GROUP TRUST $5.00 Filing Fee: INTERNATIONAL Total Fee: $5.00 ALVIN JOSEPH HANSEN, JUDGMENT LIEN CREDITOR 1911 DOUGLAS BLVD STE 85-439 ROSEVILLE CA 95661 The California Secretary of State's Office has received and filed your document. The information below reflects the data that was indexed in our system. Please review the information for accuracy. Included is an image of the filed document to assist you in your review. If you find a potential error, please notify the UCC Section at the number listed below at your earliest convenience. File Time: 16:08 Filing Type: Financing Statement File Date: 09/21/2007 Filing Number: 07-7129901915 Lapse Date: 09/21/2012 Debtor(s): ORGANIZATION BLACKWATER MERCENARY ERIC PRINCE INC FELONS YOCK NC USA 27958 ORGANIZATION SUITE 902 ROSEVILLE CA USA ORGANIZATION HER MAJESTY QUEEN ELIZABETH BUCKINGHAM PALACE LONDON GB USA NONE Secured Party(ies): ORGANIZATION PENNIBANCTRUST/ TWO ROCK FARMS, ABV A GROUPT TRUST INTERNATIONAL 6484 PIONEER RD MEDFORD OR USA 97501 ORGANIZATION VERNON HANSEN TRUSTEE 6484 PIONEER RD MEDFORD OR USA 97501 Filing by the Secretary of State is not conclusive proof that all conditions for securing priority have been met. Ensuring that accurate information is on the document to be filed is the responsibility of the filing party. If this filing is challenged, the Secretary of State does not guarantee that the filing is legally sufficient to secure priority under UCC Article 9 and expressly disclaims any lial;>ilityfor failure of the filing party to secure priority resulting from the information contained in the filed document, or the lack of information on the filed document. UNIFORM CQMJ\.U:RCIAL CODE 1500 I rll-l STREET, 2ND FL . SACRAMEN'IO, CA 95814 . PO BOX 942835 PROGRAMS ARCl-IIVES, BUSlNESS PROGRAMS. ELECTIONS.II\"FORl\.iATION MANAGEMENTSERVK:.ES. SAFE AT HOME, DOMESTIC PAR'fNERS • SACRAMENTO, CA 94235-0001 . (916) 6.'i3-35 16 ·I-ITTPSJ/UCCCONN.ECT.SQS.CA.GQV TECI·.KOLOGY, CALIFORNIA STATE H1S10RY MUSEUM, REGIS1RY, NOTARY PUBLIC. POLITICAL REFORM UCC FINANCING STATEMENT FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS (front and back) CARE FULL Y A. NAME & PHONE OF CONTACT AT FILER [optional] Alvin Joseph Hansen 916-782-7016 B. SEND ACKNOWLEDGMENT TO: (Name and Address) PENNIBANCTRUSTI ABVA IAlvin Joseph Judgment 1911 Douglas . RoseVille, CA USA Hansen, Blvd Ste Group Trust Lien International Creditor DOCUMENT NUMBER: 14195690004 85-439 FILING 07-7129901915 FILING NUMBER: DATE: 09/21/2007 16:08 IMAGE GENERATED ELECTRONICALLY FOR WEB FILING THE ABOVE SPACE IS FOR CA FILING OFFICE USE ONLY 95661 1. DEBTOR'S EXACT FULL LEGAL NAME - insert onl 1a. ORGANIZATION'S NAME one debtor name (1a or 1bl - do not abbreviate or combine names LACKW ATER MERCENARY ERIC PRINCE INC FELONS iOR 1b.INDIVIDUAL'S LAST NAME 1c. MAILING ADDRESS IGENDEL MOYOCK .1d. SEE IADD'L DEBTOR INFO INSTRUCTIONS FIRST NAME IMIDDLE NAME tsUFFIX CITY ~TATE POSTAL CODE COUNTRY MOYOCK NC 27958 ORGANIZATION ERCENARY ;~1e. TYPE OF . ADDITIONAL DEBTOR'S EXACT FULL LEGAL NAME - insert 2a. ORGANIZATION'S NAME 11. JURISDICTION SA 19. ORGANIZATIONAL 10#, if any r IOF ORGANIZATION UNK lNc .MURDERERS onl one debtor name (2a or 2b) - do not abbreviate NONE or combine names SCOTTRADE lOR b. INDIVIDUAL'S MIDDLE NAME FIRST NAME LAST NAME iSUFFIX 'CITY I2c. MAILING ADDRESS COUNTRY oseville ~850 d. SEE Douglas Blvd IADD'LSuite DEBTOR 902 INFO INSTRUCTIONS ecuntles KJ. SA e. TYPE OF RGANIZATION Is .. b k . JURISDICTION OF ORGANIZATION ro er ,-.,a g. ORGANIZATIONAL r 10# if any ' unk NONE SECURED PARTY'S NAME (or NAME of TOTAL ASSIGNEE of ASSIGNOR SIP) - insert only one secured party name (3a or 3bl a. ORGANIZATION'S NAME I--. ,ENNIBANCTRUSTI TWO IvR b. INDIVIDUAL'S LAST NAME ROCK FARMS, ABVA GROUPT TRUST IFIRST NAME INTERNATIONAL IMIDDLE I3c. MAILING ADDRESS SUFFIX NAME CITY 6484 Pioneer Rd COUNTRY edford . This FINANCING STATEMENT covers the following USA collateral: All embezzled recovered personal social security and trust assets transfered from all corrupt courts and thei countrys evil government 1$3.2Trillion USD DemandCourt in AU 12 % interestcollection per annum ~ to the Delaware Chancery forGold levy+garnishment through her majr~t~ ~en and federal reserve Treasryl IINDICTMENT AND ARREST WARRANTS ISSUED BY SF SUP ST JULY 16,2007 BOUNTY OF $1,000,000.00 r 15. AL T DESIGNATION: r LESSEE/LESSOR r CONSIGNEE/CONSIGNOR 6. This FINANCING STATEMENT is to be filed [for record] (or irecorded) in the REAL ESTATE RECORDS Attach Addendum [if applicable] 8. OPTIONAL FILER REFERENCE DATA FILING OFFICE COPY P BAILEE/BAILORr SELLER/BUYER rAG.LIEN r r NON-UCC FILING . Check to REQUEST SEARCH Rt:PORT(S) on Debtor(s) [ADDITIONAL FEE] [optional] P' All Debtors Debtor 1 r Debtor 2 Page 2 UCC FINANCING STATEMENT ADDENDUM .-.HANSEN ~ .. -- -..TRUSTEE .-... - ---COUNTRY ... , ..-. ---. VERNON HER-- --MAJESTY QUEEN ELIZABETH 11f. JURISDICTION COUNTRY MIDDLE NAME r - •. 17. Check if applicable and check only respect one box. Decedent's Debtor is a only '"Estate Trust or! Trustee acting with to property held in trust orr FIRST CITY NAME MIDDLE NAME NAME CITY 11e. TYPE OFFIRST 7501 lJSA IRSTNAME USA SUFFIX SUFFIX GB ONE ADD'L DEBTOR INFO ISTATE MIDDLE NAME, SUFFIX OF ORGANIZATION 9b. INDIVIDUAL'S LAST I<>RGANIZATION Or ONDON Medford GB 11g. ORGANIZATIONAL 10#, if any 16. Additional collateral description: ST DEBTOR (1aABOVE orGENERATED 1b) ON RELATED FINANCING STATEMENT INONE IMAGE ELECTRONICALLY FOR WEB FILING SPACE IS FOR CA FILING OFFICE USE ONLY 11a. ORGANIZATION'S NAME ~,OSTAL CODE OR(1aTHE r name or 1b) do not abbreviate or combine names Debtor is a TRANSMITTING UTILITY 9a. ORGANIZATION'S NAME !STATE ~~STAL CODE 18. Check onlv if applicable and check BLACKWATER MERCENARY ERIC Q!l!y PRINCE one box. INC FELONS 12a. ORGANIZATION'S NAME 12b. 11b. INDIVIDUAL'S LAST NAME ! Filed in connection with a Manufactured-Home Public-Finance Transaction Transaction effective effective 30 years 30 years 14. Description realname estate: R SIP'SPR NAME - insert onlvofone (12a or 12b) 10. MISCELLANEOUS: OWNER of above-described r DOCUMENT NUMBER: 14195690004 FILING OFFICE COPY Stats I Control Panel I TypePad app/control/stats Pa IYpePad Home > Control Panel > Stats 1j Overview Profile Site Access Account Info Weblog / Photo Album: Statistics and Referrers Control TypeLists Panel Help I Pennibancpost.blogs,com for Note: Statistics may be delayed up to 45 minutes. Download page view records (.csv) Kecent Visits Summary Lifetime page views: 3747 110 Average per day: 20.70 55 June In the past 7 days: 02 213 Click the graph or drag the handles to get more I ':T~(, Today since mi~ght Referrers in the Past Day Time Page Title 5:24 PM /bill_gates_msn_are_gone_sold_to_china/index. 5:24 PM / 3:47 PM /july _16_sentencing_date_29 _trillion_debt/index 12:18 PM /we_pay _8_and_collecCyour -.iudgment_against_ 11:33 AM THE DOREAN GROUP BENEFICIARIES OF PENNIBANCTRUST TO BE RELEASED FROM 30 Referring Address h pennibancpost. rU \~c \ \\ \) ~C/ blogs. com/pen nibancpostbl month Kidnap 11:14 AM /we_pay _8_and_collect_your 10:49 AM THE DOREAN GROUP BENEFICIARIES OF PENNIBANCTRUST TO BE RELEASED FROM 30 -.iudgment_against_ month Kidnap 10:48 AM REPLY TO FOOUSH QUESTION. BYRON GASHIER, 9:08 AM 8:53 AM 7:08 AM 6:08 AM 6:08 AM 8:02 PM http://pennibancpost.blogs. com/ < Newer • Older> Stats graph powered by Measure Map's Date Slider. 10f2 6/30/2007 6:27 PM SJj/f/&2a7l TO; ITPEPAD SIX APART: LEGAL NOTICE REGARDING HACKED From Alvin Joseph Hansen Editor in chief. DCC felony criminal contempt Judgment Lien creditor, COO Chief administrative officer of Pennibanctrust/ABV A Group Trust International It is Sundav Mornin1!, and I am still criminallv locked out of mv website bv Tvpepad's chan1!in1!of mv 101!inand password and refusal on two notices on September 15,2007 bv email to restore service. I demand restoration of service IMMEDIATELY My AVG reports Troian Horse attacks bv Microsoft "bsmith: IP HP struggled in online chats to restore my print capability and tested reported 'REMOTE DENIAL OF SERVICE" by email which I copied to typepad. My computer IP is totally crashed Debtor felon Microsoft DCC Judgment Lien No 07-7106212874, has blocked access and service to my MS Software Open office Word 2003 to prevent printing and all file use - BrinJ!inJ! the online tradinJ! administration to a complete halt Because of these barbaric disobedience of the courts judgments, criminal acts condoned and joined by Typepad without restraint, I am forced to give notice of felony brC3ch of contract and after 3 years and many reports of hacking I will maintain my service but transfer qty hacked blogs to a more law abiding service provider. Sincerely Yqurs Customer Fiduciary Client The only Alvin Joseph Hansen, Trustee UCC felony Judgment Lien Creditor, Victim Kidnapped CCI David C. McHugh, Scottrade accounts representative (NO EMAIL) ~ ..", Bank Atlantic, Florida, . .-------.-_. :----.------.--...--- _------.... RCF A Sally Keen Paulson Richmond Ca SOcialsecn~ -- '77 Q U.S Treasury served March 5 2~~& ..£;-; 0RProcessin Z7 <./- J Nancy Pelosi, John MurthaCongress Fax 814-539-6229 http://pennibancpost. loe:scoml I Scottrade CEO Go og 1e [ . f·j[ Advanced Search Preferences ~[ fj f.· fj, IUJ New! View andmanage your ' Web Results 1 - 10 of about 328,000 for Scottrade Video CEO. (0.1 Spar Scottrade- Official Site $7 trades, no share limit.In-depth research, no account maintenance. , - Alvin James Hansen Petalwna pennibancpost - Google Search Web ImaQes Video GooQle News Maps IAlvin.. James Gmail ?hl=en&client=firefox -a&channel =s& ... Siqn in more ~ Hansen Petaluma pennrbancposi Search I Preferences Advanced Search New! View and manaqe your web history Results 1 - 2 of 2 for Alvin James Hansen Petaluma pennibancpost. Web (0.38 seconds) 31 results stored on your computer - Hide - About ti) [PDF] C:\Documents and Settinqs .. - RD, GALLAGER &GREY, ALVIN J. THE PENNIBANC TRUST POST File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTML guardianship" over me through their 82 year old Petaluma, Ca imposter client "Alvin James. Hansen" named on the Forged 1994 ABV A UCC file No 94122638, ... _intro.pdf - Similar pages [PDF] UCC Connect - INQUIRES AND ORDJ; "II. ,,!!.IIPDrJA.juL~ ALlubdL - view as HTML ALVIN JAMES HANSEN, ALICE. GUGLIELMETTI, ANDERSON. 514 WEBSTER STREET,. PETALUMA, CA, USA 94952. Debtor - Organization. STATE OF CALIFORNIA, GOVERNOR ... ...Ifiles/u.S. BANK. BANKONE, %20PIPER%20JAFFRA Y%20ARNOLD%20FELONS.htm.pdf Similar pages [ More results from ] In order to show you the most relevant results, we have omitted some entries very similar to the 2 already displayed. If you like, you can repeat the search with the omitted results included. Download Google Pack: free essential software for your PC IAlvin James Hansen Petaluma penr Search I Search within results I Language Tools I Search Tips I Dissatisfied? Help us improve ©2007 Google - Google Home - Advertising Programs - Business Solutions - About Google 9/30/2007 1:37 PM I of 1 t-I::LUN~. UCG A::l::lIGNM!::N I LILUUJ Debtor - Organization GV $2,000,000,000.00 INV NO 094897202 PASADENA, 9110S-- 7~U5 FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE COMPANY, DEBTORS/FELONS MARY KRAUSE, 7011 PLEASANTOfJ, KOLL C~NTER CA, USA PARKWAY, 94566 NANCY MACDONALD, Debtor - Organization CITY OF PLEASANTON, poLiCE DEPARTMENT, FELONS KIDNAP OF CANDIDATE ALVIN HANSEN AFTER MURDER 4/12/2002 CITY HA , PLEA~ON, fil"IIIClIDn=""%~~!;/;:'~~IA'C~o~02oPI:;f:.;;ro?;2,N1ANK,,xERox.htm CA, USA 94566 (I of 4)21912007 7,OJ ,36 AM DCC Connect - INQUIRES AND ORDERS Debtor - Organization _FbRMERS GROUP OF INSURANCE COMPANIES, DEBTOS/FELONS, INSURER 6484 PIONEER ROAD, MEDFORD OR TRUST MARITAL RES. OFFICE PO BOX 1900, PLEASANTON, CA, USA 94566 9983 Debtor - Organization CITIBANK DELAWARE, DEBTOR, FELON 1992 ONE PENN'S WAY, NEW CASTLE, DE, USA 19720 Debtor - Organization CITY OF LIVERMORE POLICE DEPARTMENT, FELONS KIDNAP OF CAN[:)I[:)AfE ALVIN HANSEN AFfER MURDER 4/12/2002 CITY HALL, PLEASANTON, CA, USA 94566 Debtor ~Organization CHUBB & SON GROUP, CITIBANK, FELONS, INSURER 6484 PIONEER ROAD, MEDFORD OR TRUST MARITAL RES. OFFICE 1991 ONE PENN'S WAY, NEWCASTLE, DE, USA 19720 Debtor - Organization NORTH AMERICAN TITLE COMPA~ LIVERMORE, NAPA. ESCROW NO 5134081510/23/01 REBECCA JACKSON, 3273 CLARMONT WAY, NAPA, CA, USA 94558 BILL PRENTICE, D. BALLARD FELONS, CA. ESCROW 331189-LBW BONNIE Debtor - Organization { OLD REPUBLICNO TITLE CO, LIVERMORE, YVEISS FELONS. Debtor- Organization 1\ LIVERMORE, 2305 FOURTHCA, STREETL, USA 94550 ALAMEDA COUNTY, SHERIFF CHARLES C. PLUMMER/FELONS KIDNAP 1999, ' 2002 OF CANDIDATE BEFORE AND AFTER MURDERS LEVY NO ~ Debtor - Organization (SAN FRANCISCO SHERIFF. MICHAEU HENNESSY, LEVY OT 8,1999 NO 099452 BANK OF AMERICA, FELON, KIDNAPPED r;;;-NOV, f1 1225 FALLON STREET RM 104, OAKLAND, CA, USA 95612 - 4381 1 DR CARLTON B GOODLETT PL, SAN FRANCISCO, CA, USA 94102 1999 OBSTRUCT JUSTICE. ~-L--I\NCI EMf3~ZL.: T - -US 0-. OM/}I$VA uUC~ F0Rt ~OUP ~Ji;,~ 6484 PIONEER y2 MEDFORD, OR, RD, USA ~. 97501 '~' J.{ MENT, VICTI Debtor - Organization OREGON MILITARY DEPARTMENT NATIONAL GUARD, THERESA K. PETERSON, MAJOR AGR JUDGE ADVOCATE GENERAL FELONS. Debtor _ Organization KENNETH A. ANDERSON, ZIEGLER LLP FELONS IN POSSESSION, KIDNAPPER MURDERER MAIL THIEFT, 10 THIEF, 1776 MILITIA WAY, SALEM, OR, USA 97309 - 5047 6484 PIONEER RD, MEDFORD, OR, USA 97501 TRESSPASSER, TRUST RES 8/19/98 Debtor - Organization 1 STATE OF CALIFORNIA OEPT OF INSURANCE, JOHN GARAMENDI, COMMISSIONER FELON ACCOMPLICE, OGSfRUCTION Of' JUSTICE. CONTEMPT. file:///Ci/Documents%20and%20Settings/Owner/Des 1500 11TH STREET SOS, SACRAMENTO, CA, USA 95814 ...IA,CITY%200F%20PLEASANTON,MELLONBANK"XEROX.htrn (2 of 4)2/9/2007 7:01 :36 AM UCC Connect - INQUIRES AND ORDERS Order o View FilinQ Number FilinQ Type []]- 05-70~4~3~899 Judgement Lien FilinQ Date PaQes 07/14/200509:30 142 :rJJ---rLj+ f:>,~~ Lapse Date 07/14/2010 CM-diT ~~~ Debtor - Organization ~HOICEPOINT SERVICES INC, DBA REAL ESTATE CUSTOM FINANCE INC FELONS 1000 ALDERMAN DRIVE, APHARETTA, GA, USA 30005- 4101 Debtor - Organization PENNIBANCTRUST.COM/ABVA GROUP TRUST INTERNATIONAL, ALL TRUSTS. (ALVIN JOSEPH HANSEEN 569-36-2966} 9410 LOCUST STREET BOX 927, KNIGHTS LANDING, CA, USA S'..$4=t" Debtor - Organization BANK OF AMERICA (NOW PENNIBANC TRUST) 555 CALIFORNIA STREET, SAN FRANCISCO, CA, USA 94104 Debtor - Organization STATE OF GEORGIA, UCC FILE DR CUSIP NO 9314600 STATE OFFICE BUILDING, ATLANTA, DE, USA 19901 Debtor - Organization( EQUIFAX CREDIT SERVICES INC FELqci) 10 THEFT LIBEL 5505 PEACHTREE DUNWOODY BL, ATLANTA, GA, USA 30374 - 0246 Debtor - Or-ganization SCOTTS VALLEY BANK. FELON 515 S BROADWAY PO 69, YREKA, CA, USA 96097 1990 N. CALIFORNIA BLVD., ~ Debtor - Organization \:SECURITY MANAGEMENT GROUP INC) FELON WALNUT CREEK, CA, USA 94596 <=\bb DISTRICCTCONTRA PAUL MORSEN/F~ Debtor -\ Organization (CENTRAL COSTA SANITARY MARTINEZ PLANT, MARTINEZ, CA, USA 94104 --- - 1300 I STREET SUITE 125, Debtor - organization) Debtor - Organization JUSTICE, BILL LOCKYER, FELON KIDNAP, EMBEZZLEMENT, MU~DE:R, VEHICLE THEFT, OBSTRUCTION JUSTICE STATE OF CALIFORNIA OF DEPARTMENT OF I XEROX CORPORATION, TED DARNELL FELONS. UCC ASSIGNMENT 2/2003 $2,000,000,000.00 INV NO 094897202 SACRAMENTO, CA, USA 95814 P.O. BOX 7405, OASADENA, CA, USA 91109 7405 FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE COMPANY, DEBTORS/FELONS 7011 KOLL CENTER PARKWAY" Debtor - Organization CITY OF PLEASANTON, POLICE DEPARTMENT, FELONS KIDNAP OF CANDIDATE ALVIN HANSEN AFTER MURD~R 4/12/2002 CITY HALL, PLEASANTON, CA, USA 94566 Debtor - Organization FARMERS GROUP OF INSURANCE COMPANIES, DEBTORS/FELONS, INSURER 6484 PIONEER ROAD, MEDFORD OR TRUST MARTIAL RES. OFFICE PO BOX 1900 PLEASANTON, CA, USA 94566 _ 9983 Debtor - Organization fiIe:///C//Docmnents%20and%20Settings/Owner/Des PLEASANTON, CA, USA 94566 ...IA,CITY%200F%20PLEASANTON,MELLONBANK"XEROX.htm V / (3 of 4)2/9/2007 7:01 :36 AM UCC Connect - INQUIRES AND ORDERS Page 1 of3 c ·nnect '" Ga ISa m :!~:.~~~};;,~~ :1 ••••• an ••••• (I) Debtor Name Inquiry To view a specific filing docwnent, select the View icon. A fee will be charged. Refer to the Fee Schedule in the HELP section for current fees. Select an item under Filing Nwnber to view all details for this record. Select the Show Details button to view all details for all records. This Debtor Name Search was perfonned on () 1/{!52007 1..J.:2-1with the following search parameters: DEBTOR NA\n:: HCFA, SOCIAL SECURITY FELONS GREGORY SKOOG, SALLY KENE CHIEF DEBT MANAGEMENT OFFICER i\tL\ILlN(; ADORESS: City. Ioitiltt\ ('{)untl"~': Dull' From: Orcl~r Yj~w Filing Number D 05-70J43J2734 Judgement Lien 0711412005 09:30 Debtor Organization Fjlm8-~ filing Date INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE INC, A DELAWARE CORPORA TIONI FELON KIDNAP. FORGERY DE NO EMBEZZLEMENT 9314600, CA 94122638, uce Page~ LJmse Dat~ 237 0711412010 401 FEDERAL STREET SUITE 4, DOVE~DE, USA 19901 Debtor Organization LImIA MOTORS INC, SID DEBOER, BRAD GRAY THEFT OF UCC ASSETS VOLKSWAGEN, ALL VEHICLES IMPOSTERS.FELONS Debtor Organization JEFFREY M GRAY, FBI AGENT FELON KIDNAPPER, EMBEZZLER, UCC FORGER MURDERER 600 N CENTRAL, MEDFORD, OR, SW 97501 600N CENTRAL, MEDFORD, OR, USA 97501 Debtor Organization ANDERSON,ZIEGLER,DISHAROON,GALAGHER & GRAY ALVIN JAMES HANSEN, "TWO ROCK FARMS" IMPOSTERS FELONS 50 OLD COURmOUSE SQ., SANTA ROSA, CA, USA Debtor Organization HCF A. SOCIAL SECURITY FELONS GREGORY SKOOG, SALLY KENE CHIEF DEBT MANAGEMENT OFFICER https:/ 95409 1221 NEVIN AVE, RICHMOND, CA, SW94804 _order-dns.asp?spage=dns-i&party 'I _business _ na ... 1/5/2007 ....• UCC Connect - INQUIRES AND ORDERS Debtor Organization Debtor ~ Organization Page 2 of3 JEFFREY M GRA Y, FBI AGENT FELON KJDNAPPER, EMBEZZLER, UCC FORGER MURDERER L, MEDFORD, OR, USA 97501 ANDERSON,ZIEGLER,DISHAROON,GALAGHER & GRAY ALVIN JAMES HANSEN, "TWO ROCK FARMS" IMPOSTERS FELONS 50 OLD COURTHOUSE SQ., SANTA ROSA, CA,USA m "" «Sa m •..• ••••• an ••••• CD •..• •..• 95409 Order View o Debtor Organization Debtor Organization Debtor Organization Filing Number ~ilip-&D~~, p~ges 06-705649363() Judgement Lien 011231200613:25 20 INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE INC, A DELAWARE CORPORA TIONIFELON KIDNAP, EMBEZZLEMENT UCC FORGERY DE NO 9314600. CA 94122838, HCF A, SOCIAL SECURITY FELONS GREGORY SKOOG, SALLY KENE CHIEF DEBT MANAGEMENT OFFICER ANDERSON, ZIEGLER, DISHAROON, GALAGHER & ORA Y ALVIN JAMES HANSEN, "TWO ROCK FARMS" IMPOSTERS FELONS Q[q~ Yje~ filing Number o EiljD8-Iy~ 1I6-70605·B637 Filing ~ 01123/2011 401 EDERAL STREET, SUITE 4, DOVER, DE, USA 19901 1221 NEVIN AVE, RICHMOND, CA, USA 94804 50 OLD COURTHOUSE SQ., SANTA ROSA, CA, USA 95409 F:iljpg Date pages Judgement Lien 02/22/200611:34 31 Debtor Organization INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE INC, A DELA WARE CORPORA TIONIFELON KIDNAP. EMBEZZLEMENT UCC FORGERY DE NO 9314600, CA 94122638, Debtor Organization HCFA, SOCIAL SECURITY FELONS GREGORY SKOOG, SALLY KENE CHIEF DEBT MANAGEMENT OFFICER Debtor Organization JEFFREY M GRAY, FBI AGENT FELON KIDNAPPER, EMBEZZLER, UCC FORGER MURDERER Laps~ Date L¥_~ Date 02/22/2011 401 FEDERAL STREET SUITE 4, DOVER, DE, USA 19901 1221 NEVIN AVE, RICHMOND, CA, USA 94804 I, MEDFORD, OR, USA _ order-dns.asp?spage=dns-i&party _business _na ... 1/5/2007 v·I\I"-/II'I'11.- ·h, .::.:.. ...I"(.(.:i /,~il~UNIFO •..•• .~. :':,1'" 000126 -.;OMMERCIAL STATEME~TOFCONTINUATION, CODE FORM ASSIGNMENT, UC" ••.. - TERMINATION, .ETC. I..,/? (7 If . 14 I - c... 'hls STATEMENT Is presented 10 a filing officer tor filing pursuant 10 (he Uniform Commercial COd\!: 2. A, Oeblor (L3St Nime FIrs! and Address); UNITED STATES Dept. of Justice, 10th Pennsylvania &: Ave. Medford, Washington D.C. 20530 a. For Filing Orn<:.r (Oal •• nme and Filing Ollleel AL VTN HANSEN, etal. 5484 Pioneer Rd. Treasury 4c S"clJrod ?aily(l~s) at1d Addli!ss(as)' Oregon. 97501. Oebtor (Last Name FIrst and ADdress): BANK OF AMERICA, 555 California San Francisco, NT&SA Street California. 94104 • • 1/ other than the secured pany 01 record Is Indicated, thIs Form UCC • J must be acccmpamec bya wparate written statement 01 usignmonr (on separare Form UCC • J or subalanlially Simtl.t r0I1.1) sIgned by tilt seCUred p;rty 01 ~e~. i1n~ the reqUited tee paid. l. ThIs statement refers to otlglnill F1natlclng Statemenl bearIng Fll. No. SECRF.TARY()P'~TATF.rTr.Cf)ivi.~f(jn·· FlJedwllh I. Put an .~. A. 0 9314500 In Ihe correct OateFlIe4 11-1 '9~!"'\ Continuatlon. Thl original t1n3nr:lng Slalement belween lhe debtor and secured party, bearing Ille number shown above, is SIB:C cc: erteetNI. 6. ':l AssIgnment. C. )I. PartIal Assignment. O. G _, ••~ndmenl. E. F. 0 0 Release. Pail!al Relnu. G. 0 Term/nallon. The HQJttd party's rlghls under ll'Io fin;i1iu:lng statement b~ulng iii_ number shown above havI bean .$Signed Ie tile assign" whose nama and address appears In Hem S. The ~t"Itd party's rlgMs under the financIng st.lemenr bearing 1111number shawn above nil.,e belln iSsigned if part 10 tne llsslgnee whose naml and ilddress appeilrs In Item S ((MIQle In Item 5 the ponlon or cClllaletal bo!in~ assigned). Flnilncing Statement burlng file number shown above Is amended IS sel/orth In Item 5. (Assignment of rights (I the :.cured party shautd be by wrlttan statement 01 as.slgnm.nton a sepliraCe Form UCC • J or suOSlal\[!ally51mB; form, iI'ld nol by amendment. Aulgnment at Oebtor" inta •.•,t should be or amendment using this fOfm.) ~e ucured party releuts all cQltaleraltrom the Onanclng slalemont bunng lilt number shown abov•. Th. secured party releases the collateral descr1l:1e<lln Item Strom Ihe flnanclng slatement bearing liIe number shoWI above. The secLirecl party no longer claims a security lnterut above. ~earln9 m. number S/'IOWI under the financIng slatam.nt s. Secwed Parti~3 ammend UCC-l filing of November 1,1993 replacbig A.ssignee, BOND STREET HOLDINGS LTD. with. CREDIT SUISSE BANK, Parade Platz # 8, 8070 Zurich, Switzerland, and BANK OF CHINA, Hong Kong, Q'! assignee, Depo.!itary, Collecting Bartks. $2,000,000,000.00 Parties By pt!1'SUa1lt to U.S. is assigned to each Bank for deposit only to account.! of contract. _. . 8y _ SIgnature of Deblot (flecuury On111( lI.m nt/e 40 Is Ippll~olel AT. VT'N H A,1iSkN !:.•,~,\ I SJgniflur- '/' of S,culld A tty irr fact. I' "TIll' Patry I ! ;".vi/! ",:'-.• ') ./. (-' !-:.z.-,c /'~~U..Ld~...--'-r .• I . ./ /ay ay Slgniftur. of DeOlor •• ~•••••• --I •• :I#. C C box. (Check only per form) __ .• n 141 Till. .",.u ...•",•• c:...... // JACOURUNE ;'/ Slgrulur. of M. HANSEN S.curec1 Plfry A Rtr), J ; ..' SecretrrTY- r('j~ TIlls D - U.S. Depart •. of Justice Civil Division Office of the Auutant Attorney Genenli Washington. D.C. 20530 October 8, 1993 Mr. Alvin Hansen 6484 Pioneer Road Medford, Oregon 97501 Re: Alvin Hansen, et ai. No. 88-681 MLS v. Bank of America, et ai. (E.D. Cal.) Dear Mr. Hansen: Your letters of May 20, 1993, June 28, 1993, and June 30, 1993, to the President were referred to me for response. You have requested assistance in collecting a judgment which you state was entered against the defendants in the above-referenced action. While I understand your concern for justice, I am unable to offer any assistance in collecting the referenced judgment. The Department of Justice represents only the interests of the United States in litigation. It does not provide representation or assistance to private litigants such as you and your co-plaintiff in this case. Additionally, it appears that several of the named defendants and "principal debtors" in the referenced' action were either federal agencies or federal employees represented by the Department of Justice. Thus, there would clearly be a conflict of interest if the Department were now to assist plaintiffs in this litigation. this I regret time. that we are unable to be of further Cordially assistance yours, .~w~~ Frank W. Hunger Assistant Attorney General at --------------~-~~- --~------.. ---- ---- ------------------------------- JOSEPH R. 810EN. JR.. OELAW"'RE.CK•••IRM•••N EDW"'RD M. KENNEDY.MASSACHUSmS HOWARO M. METZENSAUM. OHIO DENNIS DfCONCINI. AlIllONA PATRICKJ. lEAHY, VERMONT HOWELL HEFLIN.ALABAMA PAUL SIMON. ILLINOIS HERBERTKOHL WISCONSIN 1l00000o ••• CIAIN. STROM THURMOND.SOUTH CAROLINA ORRING. HATCH. UTAH ALAN K. SIMPSON. WYOMING CHARLESE. GRASSLEY.IOWA ARLEN SPECTER,PENNSYLVANIA GORDONJ. HUr.wHREY.NEW HAMPSHIRE CHIEF COUNSEL OIA•••• ,.\)ff""'".1;'''''' COMMITIEE DIMClOll JEFFREYJ. ~CC. GENE_ COUN$(L n.IlV L WOOTIH. MII/OAllY CHIf1' COUNSEL ..•.NO SfA'f OIJll(CTOR Mr. Alvin Hansen 5541 Schmale Lane Paradise, California Dear Mr. tinittd ~tatrs ~rnatt August 31, ON THE JUDICIARY 1989WASHINGTON, DC 20510-6275 95969 Hansen: Thank you for your difficulties with three recent letter regarding your federal judges and a U.S. Attorney. The Judiciary Committee does not investigate initial complaints against federal judges or U.S. Attorneys. The committee also does not intervene in pending court cases or request that a judge hear or rehear a particular case. If you would like to file a formal complaint against a federal judge, you should write to the clerk of the appellate court. The court clerk you should write to regarding each of the three judges you mention in your letter is: Ms. Cathy A. Catterson Clerk U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit U.S. Courthouse, Room 126 7th and Mission Streets San Francisco, California 94103 If you wish you should write to file to: a complaint against Executive Office for U.S. Attorneys Department of Justice Constitution Avenue and 10th Street, Washington, D.C. 20530 Thank you again for your the time to write, and I hope useful. a U.S. Attorney, N.W. letter. I appreciate your taking you will find this information Sinc;~ Jo ct~an ~ R. Biden, Jr. -.-'-, '- '-.- ' ,..,~I ./)7 -!~)' i(,//7 t.. CORRECr. COpy OF THE ORIGINAL THE ANi\~XEO ON FILE ININSTRUMENT MY OFFICE. IS A An-EST: CERTIFIED 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 MARTI-IA CLARK LOFGREN, Slale City Attorney 1'(,)1' the City of Folsom STEVEN T . .101 INS, Slale Bar 1/ 11\0164 Deputy City Attorncy COllnty Administration Center 50 Natoma Street Folsom, Cali fornia 95630 Tclephone: (916) 355-7350 Facsimile: (916) 355-7328 Bar 1/ 120626 JUL 15 1999 LOUISE H. RENNE, Stille l3i1r1/ 36508 City Attorney for the City and COllnty of San Francisco PATRICK.I. MAHONEY, Slale l3ar 1/46264 Chief Trial Allorney MATTHEW D. DAVIS, Slille l3<1rl/141986 DONALD R. TICKLE, Slale l3ar 1/14295] HELEN H. KW AK, Slate Bm 1/ 160769 Deputy City Altorneys 1390 Market Street, 6th Floor San Francisco, California 94102-5408 Telephone: (415) 554-3957 Facsimile: (415) 554-3837 E D tV, 't::nty Superior ~.Il Ff3nci COUlt 2 5 1997 .#--'------ FW: -- Deputy ClorK 12 Attorneys for Plaintiff-Intervcnors City of Folsom and .' 13 14 '\MMONS the Folsom Public Financing SUPERIORAuthority COURT OF THE STATE OF cA§MjlIDiA CITY AND COUNTY 15 16 17 STATE OF CALIFORNIA AND ALL POLITICAL SUBDIVISIONS THEREOF, 18 21 22 23 VS. or -5 t:'C{J. C &.e c..ofll FSB, and Docs 4 thro~h DcICndants. 26 27 ( 50, AND RELAITD CASES IN INTERVENTION. ;lgv~ &J-~~7~t £;-rt OF SAN FRANCISCO Case No. 968-484 PLAINTIFF-INTERVENORS CITY OF FOLSOM'S AND FOLSOM PUBLIC FINANCING AUTHORITY'S COMPLAINT IN INTERVENTION (Gov't Code § 12652(c)(8)(E» (1) Violations of the False Claims Act (Gov't Code § 12650 et seq.) (2) Conspiracy to Violate the False Claims Act (Gov't Code § 12651(a)(3» (3) Unfair Business Practices (Bus. & Prof. Code § 17200) BANK OF AMERICA NT & SA, BANKAlvlERICA CORPORATION, BANKAMr::RICA STATE TRUST AMERICA COMPANY, BANK 24 25 STULL, Plaintiffs, 19 20 ex reI. PATRICK i 28 (4) Breach of Fiduciary Duties (5) Conspiracy to Breach Fiduciary Duties (6) Breach of Contract (7) Conversion (8) I ntentional Spoliation of Evidence (9) Negligence Spoliation of Evidence (10) An Accounting (11) Constructive Trust N.\Ln\MOA Plailllilr-llIl~rV~llors' Sill/I! "(C"Ii/,wl/i,, COlllplaillt ". He/I/k ,,( \SSU£,O illllll~rV~llli(lll America. S.I'. Cas~ No. <)(,l;-4l;4 VIS\O-OF ·A\PLEADING\fOLSOM CMf'·H·Jul·<J7 " -!" '" ." '"-~~~~''-~~''''''~''-''''' DANIEL E. LUNGREN, /~ -::;; ~) ."19rn~~9~JJ~UlrtOf~e·S~t!'of C.1llfomia Fto\'01>. SfllMOMURA, 311 011" V ,.A, 411BRIAN TAUGHE.R, Deputy Attorney Oener:lJ Officc of the Attorney General SII P.O. Box 944255 California \J. ./v ~] .~I Senior Assistalll Allomey Genera~_,/'JLINDAA. "h·o CABAnC, 8l~Jmo _~ Oeneral ••• Sacramento, )Ul 2 .. i997 ALAN CARLSON CI rk BY: AeMeoloS Oe'LUN~ : (State Bar No. 54571) CeputyClanc " 94244-2550 611 Telephone: (916) 4454533 ~I Attorneys for THE STATE OF CAUFORNIA, JOHN L. COOPER (State Bar No. 050324) 811VICTORS. HAYDEL. 111(State Bar No. 038339) FARELLA. BRAUN & MARTEL 911235 Montgomery Street, Suite 3000 I' fIY ,) ~ .",... I "(' •.. ,-, L':'! • I San Francisco. California 94104 BY: S. CvU,(~",": ·:··... :;·.-7· lal/Telephone: 954-4400 Attorneys (or(4J5) Qui Tam Plaintiff ' (,swl., tc. ....\) 1111 PATRICK STULL 12 ",CITY AND COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO 13 STATE OF CAUFORNIA 1511 1611 AND ALL THEREOF, SUB·DIVISIONS ex reI. PATRICK STULL. Bx ro, ABVA CORP '!'RUST, Secured partys, ) ) ) SHAREHOLDERs, Plaintiffs. } ) V!. 17 BANK OF A11ERICA NT & SA, 1811 BANKAMERlCA CORPORATION,' BANKAMERICA STATE TRUST 1911 and COMPANY, Does 4 lhrough BANK 50, OF AMERICA 20' ..i' FSB, 21 Defendants. UNITED STATES. CImBa INS, STAM OP 22 OREGON. STATR TRW. EQUIPAX. 23f1 OP CALIPORNIA. etal TRAHSUNXON. etal S..;c.. '2)"':l~'.1 i"- 24 'HI "~I I :6! ~OTTCZ ov ~ECUREO PARTY. ~UAREBO~O£nS. JUDC~NT SECURm'PRrORt1:Y C-.-;tM AND !Jet.: nOLOERS ,JUOGMeNT. INTERVENTION OP RtGDT. ! l? A::--------- ~--- '...!.,": T \ " I I I I I SUPERIOR COURT OP THE STATE OF CALIFORNrA 1411 POUTICAL I -- -- - , . \ II , I ------ ------------------ ---.----------"-- ----- ------ -------- ---- ---------- " 10-7-97 Jacqueline Hansen: I Robert Stanghellini, Alvin Hansen and Michael Marino trustees of ABVA group trust international hav,.e'decided to give full pardon to the Hansen (amily under certain circumstances that it is evident you have been mislead by your previous lawyer Mr. Thierolf into committing harm against the trust, Alvin Hansen, my father and great aunt. I have spoke to Alvin about this present situation. He has relayed to me that me does not want to hurt any of his family. We do agree that it is your duty to demand that the records be returned from Mr. Theirolf. This impostured attorney has brought harm to all of ~s. and my famil~ Therefore ABV A group trust Internationai requests that you sign aDaffidavit directed to Mr. Theirolfto obey the court order from the San rrancisco Superior court. A- ~ Sincerely: /~ Robert Stanghellini, stee