Issue 3 June, 2012
Issue 3 June, 2012
Senior Moments Issue #3 June 2012 55 Grand Rd, Campbellford, Ontario KOL 1L0 (705) 653-3001 BOOK NOW TO MAKE IT HAPPEN! 1000 Island Boat Cruise – Thursday June 28th. Bus & Buffet Lunch plus Cruise, included in the price. CSC Club members’ cost is $45. Nonmembers pay $60. Bus leaves at 9:30am. Buffet lunch at noon. The 2½ hour cruise begins at 1:30pm. Leave for home about 4:30pm. Arrive home about 6:30pm. It’s a bargain, and will be a fun event too! Let’s make it a full bus! s y a d s e n d e W h c i Soup & Sandw nth o M y r e v E f o y First Wednesda 11:30 a.m to 1:00 p.m. $ 7 includes coffee and dessert YOUR EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Campbellford Seniors’ Bldg (across from License Bureau) President: Gerald Brunton (705) 653-3342 1 V.P. (Activities) Helen Stephens (705) 632-1051 2nd V.P. (Facilities) Vi Dunk (705)653-2804) Treasurer: Dianne Parker (705) 653-4972 Membership Officer: Ruth McInroy (705) 653-1704 Secretary: Ken Boose (705) 653-1807 st You won’t have to worry about overspending with us… In fact, you may even spend less than you thought. We specialize in value, that means with our extensive variety of options, and our determination to fulfill the wishes of the families we serve, chances are, you won’t feel like you’ve overspent. Your Community Funeral Home 705-653-1179 ProAlliance Realty, Brokerage INDEPENDENTLY OWNED AND OPERATED Anne Kinch Sales Representative Barry Brown Sales Representative Valerie Palmateer Denise Kelsey Sales Representative Sales Representative Murray MacLennan Sales Representative Rosemary KelleherMacLennan Broker 19 Front Street South, Campbellford K0L 1L0 Phone 705-653-3456 • Fax 705-653-5300 Senior Events COMING EVENT: PLACE: The Havelock Seniors’ Centre, George St. W. in Havelock. DATE: Saturday, 16 June 2012. TIME: 11:30 –2:00 LUNCH:Bowl of Chili, fresh buttered roll, Yummy de Squares, Hot tea or Coffee. COST: $7.00 per person. Everyone is welcome! THE “SPRING FLING” DINNER, MAY 26: Few present would disagree with saying this event turned out very well. We had good food, a nice variety, and competent table service all provided by our caterer Betty Wickman and her staff. Jack Markell was our main entertainer, and his song selection and presentation was very well received. Jack can be contacted in Trenton at 613-394-1114 if your group would like enjoyable entertainment presented in a friendly, personable manner. It seems a safe bet that we will ask him back. The Campbellford Citizens Choir, accompanied by Wally Brown on the piano, presented several numbers. They want to increase the number of singers and would welcome anyone who would like to join them in performances at Nursing Homes, Retirement Residences, and similar. The choir gets together at our Clubhouse each Monday evening at 7 p.m. and they would be delighted if you could join them. For more information call Anne Battman at 705-653-1475. Additionally, we had a “Silent Auction” and 3 Senior News no doubt some of our members are bragging about the bargains they got. And last but not least; President Gerald Brunton carried almost the entire burden of organizing all aspects of this event, and was also our M.C. and part-time photographer. We thank him sincerely for all of that work! ABOUT KEEPING OURSELVES INFORMED: Ever wonder about some matter discussed at a General Meeting – you remember the item but are uncertain about the final decision? Or maybe you’re curious about how much we pay in rent – or when the next election will be held – or what Executive positions will next become vacant – or our policy on guests attending regular activities or special events. Do you know how much of the money taken in at our Regular Activities is kept by the Club and what share of the proceeds the convener may give out as prizes? The answers to these sample questions – and much more – is readily available to you. Right in plain view, every day, in the Main Hall. For the most part, in clearly labelled three-ring binders. These are: 1. Our By-Laws, 2. Minutes of Meetings, 3. Monthly Treasurer ’s Reports, 4. The Policy Manual, 5. Rules for Regular Euchre. And then there are four Bulletin Boards and a Chalk Board! So a great deal of information that was only available to a very few people in the past is now available to everyone. This is because your current Executive Committee has made a special effort to ensure that information is available to all of us. There may, however, be an occasional matter, mostly concerning individuals, which by its nature requires that it be kept confidential. NOW HERE COMES THE PITCH: Take a little time, make an extra effort, and keep yourself informed. It is in your interests, and also in the club’s interests for each of us to be as fully informed as possible about the affairs of our club. In fact, it could be said that we have a responsibility to do so. The records are there. We cannot expect to be spoon-fed. We have to walk over, pick them up, and 4 SM read them. One good time to do this might be during that time between when you arrive for an event and the actual start of the event. Please think about it. And this, of course is in addition to regular attendance at our Meetings — and taking an active part in proceedings! A Cold Day (Contributed by Doris McAdam) On a cold day in December a little boy, about 10 years old, was standing before a shoe store, barefooted, peering through the window, and shivering with cold. A lady approached the young boy and said, “My, but you’re in such deep thought staring in that window!” “I was asking God to give me a pair of shoes,” was the boy’s reply. The lady took him by the hand, went into the store, and asked the clerk to get half a dozen pairs of socks for the boy. She then asked if he could give her a basin of water and a towel. He quickly brought them to her. She took the little fellow to the back of the store and, removing her gloves, knelt down, washed his little feet, and dried them with the towel. By this time, the clerk had returned with the socks. Placing a pair upon the boys feet, she purchased him a pair of shoes. She tied up the remaining socks and gave them to him. She patted him on the head and said, “No doubt, you will be more comfortable now.” As she turned to go, the astonished kid caught her by the hand, and looking up into her face, with tears in his eyes, asked her “Are you God’s wife? (Note: Doris has a few more of these — and she says each is a Life Lesson in itself) Personals FOXY LADY – Sexy, fashion-conscious blue-haired beauty, 80’s, slim, 5’4” (used to be 5’6”) searching for sharp-looking, sharpdressing companion. Matching white shoes and belt a plus. MINT CONDITION – Male, 1932 model, high mileage, good condition, some hair, many new parts including hip, knee, cornea, valves. Not in running condition, but walks well. 5 YOUR HEALTH: Did you know that grapefruit or grapefruit juice can interfere with the way your body handles certain drugs? People taking prescription medication for conditions such as angina, anxiety, cancer, HIV/AIDS or high blood pressure may have a reaction from consuming grapefruit or grapefruit juice. People taking blood thinners should be aware that certain antibiotics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents, acetaminophen and anti-depressants can affect the amount of Warfarin in their bloodstream. Too much Warfarin may cause excessive bleeding, while too little could affect the drug’s ability to prevent clots, which could lead to serious health effects, such as a heart attack or stroke. Note: We “borrowed” this excerpt. Please assess and make your own decision – or better still, consult your health professional. THE PROBLEM – AND THE SOLUTION! THE PROBLEM: You may have been feeling Listless, Lethargic and Lazy lately. THE SOLUTION: Accepting one of these challenging, exciting positions in our club, with remuneration limited only by your imagination and our ability to pay! So here’s the deal. Honestly, folks, we just gotta have some help. We’ve managed to put out two issues of “Senior Moments” and this is the third. But it is a struggle. Our newsletter needs to carry more stuff about what is going on in our club – who is involved – who won what; who is ill, who is getting better; special events, including off-premises events, etc. But to do this right we need more people to collect the information to publish. So here’s your chance. Read on! We need a ROVING REPORTER. Want to know what a Roving Reporter does? Pretty much as they please, when they please, and how they please – just so long as they get the info. You are not stuck with a fixed time or a fixed day. Obviously, however, you have to get your info. to whoever the Head Honcho is so that the Newsletter can go to print and be ready for distribution during the last week of each month. Help with spelling, punctuation, grammar, etc. can be made available if you wish. You can poke 6 SM your nose into whatever you can get away with, and which you think will be of interest, or which may be of use to, Club members. You’ll always have your eyes and ears open for something a little bit different – an idea that seems brand new; a bit of humour about a club happening; a special accomplishment by a member or group of members (e.g. the recent work done by members of our club for Cancer and Heart and stroke); A major goof or accomplishment by the Executive Committee; Gossip and rumours are a little dicey, but hints and speculation may sometimes be O.K. The pay? Well you’ll get recognition, and have some fun, and get to talk to people you never had an excuse to talk to before. But cash money– not so much. Actually – none. That position was not your bag? Well, then, we can offer a position as a Columnist. Are you along the lines of a Don Cherry? Lorne Brooker? Hec. McMillan? Do you know how anything and everything should be done and are you just dying to tell us how to do it? Do you have a bunch of gripes about our club, or how we run it, and want to let the members know what should be done, how it should be done, and by whom? We can provide a forum for that, provided you can persuade us of the value/interest to our members. Ah – the Pay! Fifty percent more than a Roving Reporter makes! And all you have to do is what you are probably doing right now – and getting nothing for it either! Not that position either? Not to worry. We have a really plum position involving travel, meeting new people, hob-knobbing with Executive types who have money to spend, and you get to wear dress-up clothes, and all this while being part of the big money circle! The job title? Pretty much whatever you would like it to be. Marketing Director? Senior Sales Executive? Customer Relations Specialist? You want to know about the duties? Here they are: selling advertising space, being the advertising liaison with our Printer, and keeping the advertisers happy. Again – the Pay! Just slightly less than the Managing Editor will get – as soon as we find one. 7 So drop your Acceptance Note for any of the above in the Suggestion/Correspondence Box just inside the main entrance to our club. Remember, as a member of the News Letter Staff you can stick your nose in where normally you would not dare, because that’s your job. Finding out things and telling other what you found out! And please – while this is intentially written in a light-hearted way to get your attention, the need for help with our News Letter is indeed serious. Please volunteer! SENIOR SEMINARS: Thursday, June 2l, Lindsay Fairgrounds; Friday, June 22, Millbrook Legion; For details see page 14 of the May issue of The Voice ( News letter of the United Seniors Clubs, Ontario) on our Administration Bulletin Board. GLORIOUS INSULTS: “I am enclosing two tickets to the first night of my new play; bring a friend, if you have one.”– George Bernard Shaw to Winston Churchill–. “Cannot possibly attend first night, will attend second...if there is one.” Winston Churchill, in response. A member of Parliament to Disraeli: “Sir, you will either die on the gallows or of some unspeakable disease.” That depends, Sir,” said Disraeli, “whether I embrace your policies or your mistress.” From Our Culinary Dept. SWEET AND SOUR RIBS – from Muriel Hillier Use 2 lbs of Ribs. For the Sauce: ¾ cup of brown sugar; ½ cup of Ketchup; ½ cup Vinegar; ¾ cup Water; 2 tbsp Worcestershire Sauce; ½ cup Chili Sauce; 1 onion, diced; Salt & Pepper; ½ tsp. chili powder. Boil ribs for 20 minutes and drain; Pour sauce over ribs and bake in a 250°F oven for 2 hours uncovered. PEPPER STEAK – from Ruth Copperthwaite Ingredients: 2 tbsp flour; ¼ tsp. salt; dash of pepper; 1-½ lbs round steak ½ to ¾ inches thick; 1 can Campbell’s onion soup; ½ cup ketchup; 1 green pepper cut into strips. Combine flour and seasonings; cut steak into 4 pieces and pound seasoning into meat with meat hammer or edge of heavy saucer; in skillet brown steak in shortening; pour off fat; add soup and ketchup; 8 SM cover and cook over low heat for 1 hour; add pepper strips; cook 20 minutes more or until tender; stir now and then; serve with mashed potatoes; Serves four. PISTACHIO SQUARES – from Marg Ferguson Ingredients: 1 small pkg Ritz crackers; ¾ cup butter, melted; 8 oz cream cheese; 2/3 cup icing sugar; l large container Cool Whip; 3-¾ cups milk; 2/3 cup icing sugar; 2 pkgs Pistachio Pudding. Process: Roll crackers to form crumbs; mix with melted butter; reserve ¾ cup; press crumb mixture into baking dish; bake at 350°F for 10 minutes; let cool; mix together cream cheese, icing sugar, and half of the Cool Whip; spread on crumb crust and chill; mix together milk and pudding; spread on chilled mixture; chill; cover with remaining Cool whip; sprinkle reserved crumbs over top. MORE FOOD, BUT THIS TIME, FOOD FOR THOUGHT: (for the complete article by Sarah Hyatt please see THE INDEPENDENT 24 May 2012) Here are some excerpts.) The Trinity Anglican Church in Colborne is officially closed. There simply wasn’t any money. But the bigger problem was an unwillingness to change. Some of the older church members vetoed everything. The church couldn’t attract or keep new people or younger people because of this. Nuff said!!! Signs of a Stroke Yes, you’ve read these before! But just so you don’t forget!! • Sudden Weakness • Sudden Headache • • Sudden Dizziness • Sudden Trouble Speaking • • Sudden Vision Problems • Coffee Filters — who knew? From Kay Durnford • Cover bowls or dishes when cooking in the Microwave. • Clean windows, mirrors, chrome — they are lint free so they’ll leave things sparkling. • If you break the cork when opening a wine bottle, filter the wine through a coffee filter. • Recycle frying oil. After frying, strain oil through a coffee-filter lined sieve. 9 • Weigh chopped foods in a coffee filter on a kitchen scale. • Line a plant pot with a coffee filter to prevent the soil escaping through drainage holes. OUR ADVERTISERS: Without the revenue generated from our advertisers, we simply could not afford to publish this News Letter. So please purchase the goods and/or services of our advertisers whenever possible. And, should the opportunity arise, let them know that we appreciate their business. ATTENTION ALL MEMBERS: Here is your Job Description, just as you requested (or not!) But first some background. Whenever we happen to think about Club members who are part of our Executive Committee, who are conveners for our various activities, who are regularly in the Kitchen, or who otherwise do various tasks for our club, we tend to say to ourselves “Well, that’s his/ her job”. And that is no doubt true. But what about you? Oh, you don’t have a job? You’re just a member? NOT SO! You do indeed have a job! “Member” is a title in the same way as is “convener” or “President”. So here is an unofficial Job Description. It applies to every member of our club unless physically incapacitated. EACH AND EVERY CLUB MEMBER: 1.Pays yearly dues promptly, without the need for reminders. And pays the dues to our club rather than another club for the sole purpose of saving a few dollars. What, you thought no one knew? 2.If physically able, helps with setting up tables and chairs, or similar kinds of tasks prior to and following activities or events, rather than sitting back watching others do it. (avoiding it because you’re not sure about where/how to place them? Don’t worry, someone already doing it will gladly give you a few pointers) 3.Knows who the appropriate Officer is, and informs that person of changes of address, phone number, or other information about himself/herself in the club records. 4.If physically able, volunteers to help with events such as yard sales, off-premises outings, occasional kitchen duties, seasonal or special event hall decorating, and similar. SM 10 5.Dresses and conducts himself/herself with decorum appropriate for the time, place, and occasion, and treats others as they would like to be treated.***** 6.K eeps informed about the administration and management of the club by attending and taking an active part in meetings. Reviews documents such as By-Laws, Minutes of Meetings, Treasurer ’s Reports, Policy Documents. All of which are available to any member, anytime, in the Main Hall. 7.Ensures that the Executive Committee members, who are tasked with the day to day management of the Club, are kept fully aware that, in the final analysis, this club must operate according to our By-Laws and the collective wishes of the members, as expressed democratically by vote of the majority of those present at a General Meeting. Put succinctly, the members always have the final say! 8.* ****(see 5 above) To those who, during our Spring Fling dinner on 26 May, continued to talk loudly, while ignoring the choir providing entertainment: How would you have felt as a choir member? Did you think about others who were trying to hear and enjoy some fine singing? NEW MEMBERS: YES! YES! YES! YES! Andre and Fern Froment live at 673 Rosebush Rd in Frankford. Fern enjoys cards, fishing, and needlepoint. She is also a Girl Guide Leader in Stirling for “SPARKS”who are 5 & 6 yr olds. Andre likes euchre, fishing and golf. They both work in the Stirling Food Bank one night each month. Both enjoy dancing and old-time country music. They are both into Shuffleboard and are happy about joining our club. And to both of you we say “Welcome Aboard”. Rosemary Milne-Wadden has lived in Campbellford since 2001. Rosemary has many interests, including race horses, all kinds of theatre, and people.She says, “anything and everything about people.” “I’m just a people person.” Rosemary is not (yet) a card player, but says she is quite prepared to put time and effort 11 into being an active club member. Wow! Wow again! Rosemary, we need more people with your stated philosophy of “live every day to the fullest.” For information, she is starting a group she has named Seniors Living Alone (or S.A.L.) No commitment, no fees, no dues, just someone to call or visit with. (Note: S.A.L. is not connected in any way to the Campbellford Senior Citizens Club.) Rosemary lives at 50 Trent Drive in Campbellford. Her phone number is – and you won’t believe this – 705-653-0123. And yes, there is a story about how she scored that number. Shirley Buldyke lives at 171 Woodland Estates Rd., RR 4, Campbellford. Her phone number is 705-559-7504. She is a fairly recent arrival from New Brunswick, moving here to be closer to her son and daughters; but she will continue to drive to Florida, (all by herself) each winter. Fruit Farming has been an occupation and indeed a passion, growing raspberries, cherries, plums, peaches and pears. And she likes gardening, too. Shirley plays a number of different card games including Canasta, Skip-Bo, and Euchre but says she is not yet in the “expert” category for Euchre. And just so you are warned, this writer learned the “hard way” that it is best to watch your language around Shirley! (Shirley missed her *!!*!!* photo appointment!) MEMBER INFORMATION COLLECTION SHEET: To those of you who have completed and returned these, we thank you. If you have not yet done so, please your earliest convenience. If for any reason do not have one, please call Ruth McInroy at 705-653-1704. We do need to get these completed. DEATH IN A MEMBER’S FAMILY: On behalf of all members of our Club, we express our sympathy to Gerry Corriveau for the loss of his son. ON THE ROAD TO RECOVERY: Yes! Ray Grills is out and about again. Maybe not feeling 100% just yet, but it is good to see Ray here for cards! • Newborns • In Memoriam • Just Married • • Ill at Home • In Hospital • We just DO NOT KNOW. Please help us by letting us know! 12 SM June 2012 SAT/SUN MON TUES WED THURS 30 2/3 9/10 16 BID EUCHRE TOURNAMENT 1:00 PM 17 FRI 1 CRIBBAGE 1:30 EUCHRE 7:30 4 BRIDGE 1:30 COMMUNITY CHOIR 7-8 PM 5 EUCHRE 1:00 BID EUCHRE 7:30 6 11 12 BRIDGE 1:30 COMMUNITY CHOIR 7-8 PM EUCHRE 1:00 BID EUCHRE 7:30 18 19 BRIDGE 1:30 COMMUNITY CHOIR 7-8 PM EUCHRE 1:00 BID EUCHRE 7:30 BIRTHDAY PARTY EUCHRE 1:30 7 8 SHUFFLE CRIBBAGE BOARD 1:30 1:30 EUCHRE 7:30 13 EUCHRE 1:30 14 15 SHUFFLE CRIBBAGE BOARD 1:30 1:30 EUCHRE 7:30 20 21 22 28 29 POT LUCK SHUFFLE CRIBBAGE 11:15am BOARD 1:30 & GENERAL 1:30 EUCHRE MTG - Molly 7:30 Cottrell, Guest Speaker, Celiac & Diabetes EUCHRE 1:30 23/24 25 BRIDGE 1:30 COMMUNITY CHOIR 7-8 PM 26 EUCHRE 1:00 BID EUCHRE 7:30 27 EUCHRE 1:30 SHUFFLE CRIBBAGE BOARD 1:30 1:30 EUCHRE 7:30 13 18 TRENT DRIVE, CAMPBELLFORD 705-653-3100 Revitalization Break on Monday June 4 at 2pm – “Sense the Essence” with Margaret Donaldson-Kuntz, Certified Aroma therapist. Find out how aromatherapy can help us relax and heal in a natural way. You will be sure to benefit from what you learn. Wednesday June 6 at 2pm – Come and be entertained by local Belly Dancers. Join us for some exquisite dancing. Cash bar and treats available. WILLOW 55 Second Street, Campbellford “Senior DAY” Hom Gifts Pay Ticket Price Only Decoer Wed-Sat: 9:30am - 5:00pm Sun: Noon - 4:00pm First Thursday of Each Month Campbellford Wine ShopLtd 27 Front St. N., Campbellford 705.653.0175 | Marg Wilkes KEN’S STEREO & TV Authorized Star Choice Dealer High Definition Sales & Installation Home Electronics Sales & Service Bell ExpressVu Repair 8 Front Street South, Campbellford 705-653-3290 3 Front St. N., Campbellford (705) 653-5086 •Sugar and Gluten Free Foods: Sauces, Snacks, Cereals, Breads •Dairy-Free, Nut-Free, Soy-Free, Wheat Free •Vegan •Health and Beauty Products •Ontario Natural and Organic Health Foods, Hemp Products •Tinctures, Vitamins, Specialty Teas Closed Sun & Mon. Open Tues thru Sat 10am - 5pm and Fri until 7pm. Food Market 85 Front st Campbellford Fresh Thinking
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