Senior Moments - Campbellford Seniors Club
Senior Moments - Campbellford Seniors Club
Senior Moments Issue #4 October, November, December 2012 55 Grand Rd, Campbellford, Ontario KOL 1L0 (705) 653-3001 LOOK INSIDE FOR... Welcome & New Members . . 3 Soup and sandwich Wednesdays – food for the body but also for the soul. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Queenie Anderson – Seniors’ centre a place to meet friends and make new friends . . . . . . 6 Trent Hills Public Library – read, listen, watch and enjoy. 8 Campbellford Citizens Choir – hitting a high note with the joy of singing. . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Upcoming Events at Island Park. . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 WHAT'S GOING ON? October Calendar . . . . . 12 Island Park Events. . . . . 15 November Calendar . . . 14 December Calendar . . . . 16 11:30 a.m to 1:00 p.m. 7 $ includes coffee and dessert Take out available Campbellford Seniors’ Bldg (across from License Bureau) You won’t have to worry about overspending with us… In fact, you may even spend less than you thought. We specialize in value, that means with our extensive variety of options, and our determination to fulfill the wishes of the families we serve, chances are, you won’t feel like you’ve overspent. Your Community Funeral Home 705-653-1179 ProAlliance Realty, Brokerage INDEPENDENTLY OWNED AND OPERATED Anne Kinch Sales Representative Barry Brown Sales Representative Valerie Palmateer Denise Kelsey Sales Representative Sales Representative Murray MacLennan Sales Representative Rosemary KelleherMacLennan Broker 19 Front Street South, Campbellford K0L 1L0 Phone 705-653-3456 • Fax 705-653-5300 Welcome to our fourth edition of Senior Moments! Fall is upon us with the cooler evenings and changing of the leaves. This edition of Senior Moments will take you right up to the new year with events for October, November and December. In order to provide you with entertainment and news, you will find Seniors Moments has evolved. We have brought in Sue Dickens to provide stories about our activities and members. We are providing more pictures, human interest stories and news for members. Please give us your feedback. You can leave comments in the Comments Box at the Senior Citizens Building or speak to one of your board members – Gerald Brunton, Helen Stephens, Vi Dunk, Dianne Parker, and Ruth McInroy. Senior Moments would not be possible without the generosity of our advertisers. Check them out and let them know you read about them in Senior Moments. OUR NEWEST MEMBERS… We would like to extend a warm welcome to our four newest members: Jean Doyle Joan Billen Henry St Onge Heart Gazell It is always great to see new members! NEWMAN, OLIVER & MCCARTEN I N S U R A N C E B RO K E R S LT D . SINCE 1871 Ca l v i n N ewman , C . A . I . B, Presiden t BS c . 3 5 Fro nt S t reet Nor th, PO Box 369 Ca mp b el l ford, ON K 0L 1L0 7 0 5.653.194 0 cal vinn@newmaninsur www.newmaninsur 3 SOUP AND SANDWICH WEDNESDAYS food for the body but also for the soul The classic soup and sandwich combo is making a comeback at the seniors’ centre in Campbellford. The first Wednesday of every month from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. the home-cooked meal offers not only sustenance for the body but also for the soul. “I enjoy the food but I also enjoy the comradeship. It’s just great to come over and see everybody,” said Faye McKelvie who was enjoying her soup and sandwich meal with friends, Shirley Twigg and Doris McAdam. “The three of us are in the apartment building just across the road and we come here once a month for this,” she explained. The wonderful aroma from the kitchen wafted into the room Photo: Sue Dickens 4 where everyone was gathered for a bite to eat. More than a bite actually. There were three kinds of soup simmering in the kitchen along with plenty of sandwiches as well as coffee and some delectable desserts. The soup and sandwich Wednesdays program was started last January, an idea that soon became more than food for thought for Gerald Brunton, president of the Campbellford Senior Citizens’ Club. He hopes that word-of-mouth, no pun intended, will see it become more well known and popular within the community. The hall can accommodate table settings for about 36 people. The company of friends is a bonus. Kathy Cooper and her husband Milt line up for a some of the homemade soup made by seniors who volunteered in the kitchen this Wednesday, on the right, front to back, Patricia Simmonds, Dianne Parker, Jan Rutherford and to the extreme right, Muriel Stollery. SM “I like everything about it. It’s great fellowship,” said Shirley. Doris agreed. “It’s just a super place.” At a table nearby Barbara Wickens, Kathy Cooper and Shirley Seguire were seated. “The food is excellent. Everybody is so friendly here and the camaraderie of the seniors’ club is wonderful,” said Barbara, in between bites of food. Kathy has been coming to the centre for years. “I was in the original group that put the club together. It just keeps getting better . . . and the food is excellent,” she commented. “And the soups are to die for,” she added with a grin. In the kitchen Patricia Simmonds, Dianne Parker, Muriel Stollery and Jan Rutherford were busy making sure there was plenty of food for everyone. “I have been helping out with the soups since January when this first started,” said Dianne, who admits her favourite is clam chowder. She made carrot soup this particular day. Muriel said she likes to make rice pudding. Jan made the corn chowder which everyone was enjoying this day. “I come because of the camaraderie and I get to meet new people every week,” she said, a newcomer to the centre. “And it’s open to the public, not just club members. We want everybody to come and enjoy the soup and sandwiches,” said Jan. “We’ll even pack it up for you so you can do a takeout,” she added. “We’re very people friendly.” The cost? Just $7 for the allyou-can-eat soup and sandwich Wednesday. by Sue Dickens Gerald Brunton, President of the Campbellford Senior Citizens’ Club chats with, from left, Faye McKelvie, Shirley Twigg and Doris McAdam as they enjoy the home-cooked meal at the soup and sandwich Wednesday held the first Wednesday of each month. Photo: Sue Dickens 5 One of Our Own QUEENIE ANDERSON Seniors’ centre a place to meet friends and make new friends Meet Queenie Anderson. A go-getter who gives new meaning to the words young-at-heart, she has made Campbellford her home and the Forrest Dennis Seniors Centre is where she likes to spend a lot of her time. “I would encourage all seniors to think of belonging to the Campbellford Senior Citizens’ Club. It keeps your mind alert and gets you moving,” Queen said. A war bride who came to Queenie Anderson enjoys Canada from England in 1944, b e i n g a m e m b e r o f t h e she and her husband Walter Campbellford Senior Citizens’ made a life for themselves Club and encourages everyone to stop by the Forrest Dennis raising two sons and a Seniors Centre and see what daughter on a dairy farm at it is all about. When she isn’t Hoards Station. there she likes to spend time After the kids were grown, at the local legion. This plaque they moved to town and when was presented to Queenie for Watler passed away Queenie her dedication to the Legion decided to join the seniors Ladies. Photo: Sue Dickens club “for something to do.” Today it has become much more than that. She remembers going to the first seniors’ storefront in the 1970s, at Queen and Bridge Streets. She recalls playing bingo for 10 cents a card. 6 SM Then in 1980, the Forrest Dennis Seniors building became a reality, named after the man who inspired the project. For Queenie and the others who enjoy dropping into the centre, it offers a place to go to meet friends and make new friends. And when she is not car pooling to get there, she drives herself to the centre at 55 Grand Road where it is sits along the banks of the beautiful Trent River. Driving to the centre is not unique by any means, but for Queenie it does take on a special meaning when you learn that she is 91 years young. “I just like to keep going. I don’t like to just sit around,” she commented, noting she has eight grandchildren and 11 great grandchildren. And when she’s not at the seniors’ centre she can be found at the local legion where she has been an active member for 4 years. But on any given Wednesday she is at the seniors’ centre. “Wednesday is my favourite day . . . it’s euchre day and every third Wednesday we have a pot luck. We go there in the morning about 11 a.m. and sometimes we have a special guest speaker. Then at 1:30 until about 4 p.m. we play euchre,” she said. From bridge to shuffleboard to cribbage there’s something for everyone to enjoy. “They have a nice little room in the front and they have all kinds of books you can take out and read and they have jigsaw puzzles by the hundreds,” she said. When asked why she frequents the centre so much, she answered without hesitation. “I just love it all, I really do.” Membership in the club costs $15 annually. by Sue Dickens 7 READ, LISTEN, WATCH AND ENJOY Trent Hills Public Library has three branches, Campbellford, Hastings and Warkworth. If you are a resident or pay taxes to Trent Hills one library card gives you free library service at any of the three branches. A non-resident fee is charged if you are not. Each branch offers a wide range of formats to suit various needs – magazines, hard cover and paperback books, Large Print books, audio books, DVDs, and ebooks. We offer help to set up your ebook reader. We have collections for children, young adults and adults. If there is something you are looking for that we do not have we can borrow it from one of our branches or interlibrary loan from another library system. Our loan periods are one week for audio and three weeks for all other materials. You can renew or put a hold on an item online, by phone or in person. We offer free high speed internet on our computers or wireless if you prefer to bring your own. Our wireless runs 24/7 at all branches so you can access it at any time. We do charge for photocopying and FAXing at any of the branches. We have Storyhours, author visits, school visits and Summer reading programs for children. Campbellford branch has two meeting rooms for rent. We have an art group meeting Friday afternoons and a writing group just starting. Each branch has it’s own Friends of the Library group and Book Clubs. 8 SM Check our website for branch hours, For more information on activities at individual branches please contact them, Campbellford Branch at 705-653-3611, Hastings Branch 705-696-2111 and Wa r k w o r t h B r a n c h a t 705-924-3116. On Saturday November 3, 2012 we will be celebrating the 100th anniversary of the Carnegie Library in Campbellford. Rededication of the Carnegie will start at 1:00pm at the branch. Watch for local papers for further info. We are here - ready to help you find what you need. Euchre Results On Saturday, September 15th we had our regular Euchre tournament. Very nice turnout with 39 players. 1st prize Steve Forstner 90 points $38.00 2nd prize Dennis Hammett 84 points $28.00 3rd prize Joyce Stephens 78 points $19.00 4th prize Ken Boose 77 points $10.00 Very big thank you to all people who participated! 9 CAMPBELLFORD CITIZENS CHOIR hitting a high note with the joy of singing La, la la! Ross Cotton, director of the Campbellford Citizens Choir, joins Anne Battman, the choir president, as they practise together. They encourage anyone, not just seniors, to find out more about their group which gets together every Monday at 7 p.m. at the Forrest Dennis building. La la la! “After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible, is music”. So wrote English critic and novelist Aldous Huxley (1894-1963) from Music at Night, 1931. Anne Battman and Ross Cotton would probably agree. She is president of the Campbellford Citizens Choir (CCC) and he is the director. Both are singers . . . and more. She sings alto and he makes sure everyone in the choir has a voice and that their voice is heard. From secular music to Broadway favourites, the choir of men and women, only two men at this point in time, gets together to practise every Monday at 7 p.m. at the Campbellford seniors’ building. “I really enjoy the friendship,” said Anne, who shares the same love of music that her fellow choir members share. “It’s a chance to get together and sing together,” said Ross. Both are celebrating their 78th year and music has always been and continues to be a big part of their lives. Anne sings in the choir at St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Campbellford. 10 SM “When I went to high school I was in the choir. I won a gold medal at a music festival, for a solo,” she said. “But that was many many years ago.” Photo: Sue Dickens Ross used to sing with Westben (Arts Festival Theatre). He graduated from the Royal Conservatory of Music in Toronto and after a number of years working for Bell Canada he left to focus on his music, teaching piano and voice and theory. “We’ve had as many as 15 members in the Campbellford Citizens Choir,”commented Ross,“but we welcome newcomers and would like to see it grow to at least 26.” “Sometimes if for example, we don’t have a tenor or a bass, we can only sing a three-part type of song. . . so we have to adapt our songs to fit our group,” he said. Whatever it takes to make it happen, the songs they sing are inspiring, uplifting and a lot of fun. Who knows a performance at Roy Thomson Hall might be within the realm of possibilities. “We have a bright future ahead and we’re just getting started,” said Ross, who noted the group is not limited to just seniors, “everybody is welcome.” “You have to be able to carry a tune,” he said laughing,“But the choir is really just about the joy of singing together.” Perhaps the words of Ella Fitzgerald best describe what the choir is all about. “I sing like I feel.” by Sue Dickens 11 October 2012 SAT/SUN MON 1 TUES 2 BRIDGE 1:30 EUCHRE 1:00 BID EUCHRE 7:30 6/7 8 9 13 15 16 WEDDING ANNIVERSARY BRIDGE 1:30 14 EUCHRE 1:00 BID EUCHRE 7:30 EUCHRE 1:00 BID EUCHRE 7:30 TRIP TO HERONGATE THEATRE 20 WED THURS FRI 3 4 5 10 11 12 18 19 25 26 Soup & SHUFFLE CRIBBAGE Sandwich BOARD 1:30 11:30am- 1:30 EUCHRE 1:00pm 7:30 EUCHRE 1:30 17 SHUFFLE CRIBBAGE BOARD 1:30 1:30 EUCHRE 7:30 POT LUCK SHUFFLE CRIBBAGE 11:15am BOARD 1:30 & GENERAL 1:30 EUCHRE MTG 7:30 Speaker from Community Care EUCHRE 1:30 22 23 24 21 27/28 29 30 31 BID BRIDGE EUCHRE 1:30 TOURNAMENT 1:00 BRIDGE 1:30 EUCHRE 1:00 BID EUCHRE 7:30 EUCHRE 1:00 BID EUCHRE 7:30 EUCHRE 1:30 EUCHRE 1:30 SHUFFLE CRIBBAGE 1:30 BOARD POT LUCK 1:30 6:00 EUCHRE 7:30 Upcoming Events at Thursday October 11th @ 2:00pm – Jamie Spurvey, a fantastic up and coming young country music singer. Jamie’s first CD was released at the age of 14. Jamie won first place at the Havelock Country Idol in 2011 to a standing ovation, as well as, entertained at the Havelock Jamboree in 2011 & 2012. He sings with a voice much older than his years and speaks to the listeners’ heart. He has traditional style and grace. Jamie will win you over and steal your heart. Thursday October 18th @ 2:00pm – Life Coach Pauline Loney will be speaking about “Getting your body ready for winter”. Topics such as Motivation, importance of vitamin D, & Eating Healthy will be introduced. Come find out how to improve your life!!! Saturday November 17th @ 1:00pm-4:00pm – Annual Holiday Shopping Event – Be sure to be a part of this annual tradition and get an early start on your “Holiday Shopping”. Be sure to visit all of our 24+ vendors. New this year, a tea room. Monday December 17th @ 7:00pm – It wouldn’t feel like Christmas without the sounds of a brass band playing your favorite holiday tunes. This brass quintet is made up of 5 Peterborough Musicians who have extensive performance experience and training. Join us for “Just Us Brass” – a Christmas special. Please RSVP to any of our events by calling Island Park at 705-653-3100. Ask for Krista or Cindy. Please bring a friend! 18 Trent Drive, Campbellford I 705-653-3100 Yesterday is a memory. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a present. 55 Second Street, Campbellford Proprietor, Lynne Killingbeck 705-653-5027 | Hours: Thurs - Fri 11-5 Saturday 10-5 Like Us On TheWillowGift 13 November 2012 SAT/SUN MON TUES WED THURS FRI 1 2 SHUFFLE CRIBBAGE BOARD 1:30 1:30 EUCHRE 7:30 3/4 5 EUCHRE 1:00 EUCHRE TOURNAMENT 7:30 Soup & SHUFFLE CRIBBAGE Sandwich BOARD 1:30 11:30am- 1:30 EUCHRE 1:00pm 7:30 EUCHRE 1:30 7 8 9 13 14 15 16 BID BRIDGE EUCHRE 1:30 TOURNAMENT 1:00 20 21 22 EUCHRE POT LUCK SHUFFLE Seniors’ Christmas 1:00 11:15am BOARD Dinner & GENERAL 1:30 EUCHRE TOURNAMENT MTG 7:30 EUCHRE 1:30 23 24/25 26 27 28 29 30 BRIDGE 1:30 10/11 12 BRIDGE 1:30 17 19 18 BRIDGE 1:30 6 EUCHRE EUCHRE 1:30 1:00 EUCHRE TOURNAMENT 7:30 EUCHRE EUCHRE 1:30 1:00 EUCHRE TOURNAMENT 7:30 SHUFFLE CRIBBAGE BOARD 1:30 1:30 EUCHRE 7:30 SHUFFLE CRIBBAGE 1:30 BOARD 1:30 POT LUCK 6:00 EUCHRE 7:30 MEMBERS RELOCATING The Campbellford Senior Center recently had to say goodbye to two of our long time members Kay Durnford & Jean Scarborough. Kay has moved to the Ottawa area to be closer to her family. Kay was also a convener for many years for the bridge games. Jean has moved to the Oshawa area to also be closer to her family. We at the Center wish both Kay and Jean the best of health & happiness in the next phase of their lives. THE LIGHTER SIDE A man was walking on the beach one day and he found a bottle half buried in the sand. He decided to open it. Inside was a genie. The genie said," I will grant you three wishes and three wishes only." The man thought about his first wish and decided, "I think I want 1 million dollars transferred to a Swiss bank account. POOF! Next he wished for a Ferrari red in color. POOF! There was the car sitting in front of him. He asked for his final wish, " I wish I was irresistible to women." POOF! He turned into a box of chocolates. 15 December 2012 SAT/SUN 1 MON 3 Christmas BRIDGE Dinner 1:30 2 Christmas Dinner 8/9 15 10 TUES 4 EUCHRE 1:00 BID EUCHRE 7:30 11 WED 5 THURS FRI 6 7 Soup & SHUFFLE CRIBBAGE Sandwich BOARD 1:30 11:30am- 1:30 EUCHRE 1:00pm 7:30 EUCHRE 1:30 BRIDGE 1:30 EUCHRE 1:00 BID EUCHRE 7:30 EUCHRE 1:30 12 SHUFFLE CRIBBAGE BOARD 1:30 1:30 EUCHRE 7:30 13 14 17 18 19 20 21 27 28 BID BRIDGE EUCHRE 1:30 TOURNAMENT 1:00 EUCHRE 1:00 BID EUCHRE 7:30 POT LUCK SHUFFLE CRIBBAGE 11:15am BOARD 1:30 & GENERAL 1:30 EUCHRE MTG 7:30 EUCHRE 1:30 22 25 26 16 Christmas Dinner 24 23 29/30 31 16 Christmas SHUFFLE CRIBBAGE Dinner BOARD 1:30 1:30 POT LUCK 6:00 EUCHRE 7:30 Welcome in 2013 SM BULK PLUS Where you get More … for LE$$ • cake decorating • pan rentals • vitamin/mineral & herbal supplements • herbs & spices • pure water • health/specialty diet foods • cooking & baking supplies • candies & snacks • homeopathic remedies 30 Doxsee Ave. S., Campbellford • 705-653-2232 Gwendolyn Robertson, D.V.M. Katharine Wilkins, D.V.M. Adrienne Thomson, D.V.M. CAMPBELLFORD VETERINARY SERVICES Rehabilitation Services 176 Bridge Street West Campbellford 24-Hour Emergency Tel: 705-653-2750 Toll Free: 1-888-719-4907 “You Can Depend On Our Team” Campbellford Chrysler Plymouth Ltd. 1-888-653-1210 531 Grand Road Box 610 P: (705) 653-1210 Hwy. 30 (South of Campbellford) Ontario K0L 1L0 Food Market 85 Front st Campbellford Fresh Thinking B.SC (HONS) B.ED, ND By Appointment Tues & Thurs t 705.957.4226 e 42 Front Street North, Campbellford, ON K0L 1L0 Campbellford Wine ShopLtd 27 Front St. N., Campbellford 705.653.0175 | Marg Wilkes KEN’S STEREO & TV Authorized Star Choice Dealer High Definition Sales & Installation Home Electronics Sales & Service Bell ExpressVu Repair 8 Front Street South, Campbellford 705-653-3290 3 Front St. N., Campbellford (705) 653-5086 •Sugar and Gluten Free Foods: Sauces, Snacks, Cereals, Breads •Dairy-Free, Nut-Free, Soy-Free, Wheat Free •Vegan •Health and Beauty Products •Ontario Natural and Organic Health Foods, Hemp Products •Tinctures, Vitamins, Specialty Teas Closed Sun & Mon. Open Tues thru Sat 10am - 5pm and Fri until 7pm. Stop in for a visit and we would be happy to show you around! Discover for yourself what makes Island Park the residence of choice for so many area seniors.
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