June - Laurelhurst Community Club
June - Laurelhurst Community Club
LAURELHURST L E T T E Published by the Laurelhurst Community Club … serving the Laurelhurst community since 1920 Annual LCC Meeting Monday, June 24 6:45 to 8:45 p.m. Laurelhurst Community Center In addition to an opportunity to visit with neighbors and the election of trustees, the program will feature: n Representative Gerry Pollet, 46th District, who will talk about the problem of recently disclosed radioactive contamination at Magnuson Park. n Friends of Battelle/Talaris, who will present information about their Seattle Landmark Nomination for the property. LCC has worked for decades to preserve this site. At the 2011 Annual LCC Neighbors Meeting, David C. Hoedemaker, FAIA, and Richard Haag, FASLA, Hon. AIA, presented a Design History of Battelle Property. Excerpted from an article by Irv Blumenfeld in Puget Soundings and notes by Rich Haag: The Battelle Seattle Research Center was established in 1967. It was intended to sponsor educational seminars, conferences, and workshops and to serve as an advanced study center. Its use was expanded in 1971 to include selfsustaining contract research in the social sciences. NBBJ, the architectural firm commissioned to develop the master plan and buildings for the campus, took great care in assuring that the center would harmonize with the surrounding residential Laurelhurst. A master landscape plan by Richard Haag Associates shaped an 18-acre tract through grading, sculpting and creation of a large pond that acknowledged the bowl-like topology of the site. The unobtrusive, low-rise buildings were situated in a wooded setting defined by broadleaf evergreens, conifers, and deciduous trees. Despite changes in ownership and use, the campus continues to be a tranquil urban retreat.... n R June 2013 Public Not Alerted to Radioactive Soil Contamination at Magnuson Until Now Representative Gerry Pollet, 46th District, will be a featured guest at LCC’s annual meeting June 24. He recently held a public meeting to discuss the Magnuson Park radioactive contamination that was not disclosed to the public for the past four years. Significant contamination exists in the soils around, and the building attached to, the hangar housing Arena Sports and the Magnuson Park Athletic Club. There is also contamination in and around Building 2, which had been the indoor soccer facility prior to the Arena Sports move. The contamination was discovered in 2009 and 2010. However, the Navy, Seattle Parks, and Washington Department of Health together agreed not to post signs to alert the public to the fact that the areas they were fencing off had any contamination problems. The radioactive contamination stems from Navy use of radium paint for dials when the Park was Sand Point Naval Air Station. From reviewing the cleanup plan, Rep. Pollet says, “I am very concerned that the Navy’s plan would leave radioactive contamination at levels 80 to 240 times the acceptable cancer risk allowed for children at hazardous waste cleanup sites under Washington’s Model Toxics Control Act (MTCA). The Navy’s plan – which would allow future exposures to 15 millirem of radiation per year from Radium and Strontium – does not even reference our state cleanup standards.” Hear more about this situation and add your comments and concerns during the LCC annual meeting. Contaminant removal is expected to begin in June and be completed by December 2013 with subsequent demolition of the Building 27 South Shed and restoration of the hangar south wall continuing into 2014. n LCC Promotes Pesticide-free Garden Practices In May 2007 the LCC board of trustees voted unanimously to support efforts to educate our neighbors about gardening without pesticides and using safer alternatives to promote a healthy environment. Refrain from using toxic pesticides and instead opt for safer lawn and garden alternatives. Contact Washington Toxics Coalition (WTC) at 632-1545, www.watoxics.org, for a wealth of information on products and pest control. Why not use pesticides? The devastating effects of pesticides can include neuro-toxics, endocrine disruption, sensitizers/irritants leading to allergies, and cancer. They’ve also been linked to Parkinson’s. Pesticides are tracked into our homes and also drain into the soil and contaminate streams and lakes (think, Beach Club) where they affect humans, environment, and sea life. To get started with natural lawn care, visit King County’s website at www.metrokc.gov/dnrp/swd/naturalyardcare or contact the Natural Lawn and Garden Hotline weekdays at 633-0224. Finally, share safer gardening techniques with neighbors and hire gardeners who use safe practices. If you use a spraying company, insist on an organic, safe solution (many have developed them). Let’s work together to reduce the use of toxic pesticides, and keep Laurelhurst beautiful and safe. n LAURELHURST LETTER • June 2013 U Village Sidewalk Sale and Summer Concerts Meet New Businesses The 56th Annual University Village Sidewalk Sale, which is coming up on June 13-16. During Sidewalk Sale, shoppers can get up to 50% off merchandise at 50 participating merchants including locally owned stores such as The Art Study, Bartell Drugs, The Confectionery, Kid’s Club, Mercer, Mrs. Cook’s, Mud Bay, Paint the Town, Ravenna Gardens, Sole Food and Zovo Lingerie. The ever-popular Fisher Scone truck will also be there selling their delicious scones! Free valet parking will be available for customers next to Pottery Barn Kids during all four days of the event. For a full list of participating stores, visit uvillage.com/sidewalksale. The 2013 Sounds of Summer Concert Series begins Wednesday evenings starting July 10 through August 21, from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. The line-up features: Aria Integrative Medicine – July 10 – The Nowhere Men July 17 – Mycle Wastman July 24 – The Dudley Manlove Quartet July 31 – LeRoy Bell & His Only Friends August 7 – The Paperboys August 14 – Clinton Fearon & The Boogie Brown Band August 21 – Hit Explosion In addition to their favorite bands, concert-goers look forward to gourmet bites from University Village restaurants, the lively Ram beer garden, and fun activities in the kid’s play area. The concert series is presented by UW Medicine, with major support from Bob Byers Volvo, Mrs. Cook’s, the Ram Restaurant and Brewery, and Click 98.9. n Villa Academy Expands Program for 5-year Olds Due to rising demand, More Time For Five, a program for older preschoolers at Laurelhurst’s Villa Academy is now expanding. More Time For Five provides a child with the gift of time and ultimately prepares them to flourish in kindergarten. The learning in this program looks like play, but is play with a purpose. It is developed specifically for the five-yea-old student and includes: • Thoughtfully planned and facilitated lessons to help each child develop their sense of self and assume responsibility for their choices. • Answers to the social, emotional, and academic needs of young learners not ready for kindergarten. • Exploration of topics in greater depth with dialogue and discussion. • A focus on kindergarten success skills: fine motor, gross motor, and pre-literacy. The program is not simply repeating a year of preschool. Says Heidi Goldsmith, who works in admission at Villa Academy and taught preschool for 10 years, “It can often happen that programs keep kids in a sort of holding pattern, just keeping them busy until they can go to kindergarten. If kids are in a class where they repeat what they learned the previous year, then the learning can become stagnant, and they can become bored and disengaged.” Villa Academy’s More Time For Five is designed for children who: • are eligible for kindergarten, but would benefit from the gift of time and additional preparation. • miss the Washington state cut-off date for kindergarten. It is also an option for those who may have attended pre-K classes elsewhere. For additional information about Villa Academy’s More Time For Five program, please call Christa or Heidi at 206-527-9388 or visit www.thevilla.org. an alternative medicine clinic that specializes in treating autoimmune diseases and disorders – recently moved to Laurelhurst. Dr. Jenny Berg says, “We are excited to be in the area.” Aria Integrative Medicine 3216 NE 45th Place, Suite 104 Seattle, WA 98199 www.ariaintegrative.com 206-588-1227 info@ariaintegrative.com. Joe Walker teaches guitar through his business, Deft Digits Guitar Lessons. “I’m on Sand Point Place, just north of Seattle Children’s.” http://deftdigits.com 206- 496-2905 joe@deftdigits.com To learn more about their services, visit their website or send an email. Welcome to the neighborhood! n CALENDAR June 24 (Mon.) 7 p.m. LCC Annual Neighbors Meeting Laurelhurst Community Center July 8 (Mon.) 7 p.m. LCC Board of Trustees Laurelhurst Community Center July 13 (Sat.) 10 a.m. to noon SUN Park Weed and Sweep 47th Ave NE and NE 47th St. July 10 (Wed.) 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Summer Concert Series begins UVillage (see article on page 2) Master Gardener Clinic Mondays, 4 to 8 p.m. Center for Urban Horticulture Atrium Drop off donations for Elizabeth Gregory House, a U District women’s shelter, with Huda Giddens at 4338 N.E. 44th St. (Leave in dark green, covered bin at the front of the house.) Laurelhurst Garden Club Second Friday of the month, 11 a.m. Laurelhurst Community Center Laurelhurst Community Center Activities To receive e-mail notices, send an e-mail to Laurelhurst.CC@Seattle.Gov. http://www.seattle.gov/parks/centers/ laurelcc.htm Laurelhurst Blog http://thelaurelhurstblog. blogspot.com/ News, events, issues, restaurants, businesses and lots more. If you have a tip or story idea, send an email to laurelhurstblogger@gmail.com. n LAURELHURST LETTER • June 2013 UNCLASSIFIEDS AVAILABLE VARIETY SERVICES: Housecleaning, laundry, ironing, alterations, cooking, etc. Mary, 286-8093. BEST CLEANING LLC: 20 years cleaning Windermere and Laurelhurst homes. Regular cleaning and special projects; before and after party cleaning; weekends; discounts for first time cleaning; quality guaranteed. 206-948-2433. bestcleaning@outlook.com. CHEERFUL AND RESPONSIBLE BABYSITTER: Laurelhurst resident 7th grader (13 yrs) who loves children and pets is available to babysit evenings & weekends. On-line booking! www.laurelhurstbabysitter.com DOG WALKER: Experienced, honest, reliable dog walker with excellent references and reasonable rates. www.walkdogwalk.com, e-mail walkdogwalk@gmail.com, or call Erin Jensen at 3842125. Licensed and insured. FOR SALE: 1950-60 beautiful Bergman floor loom. A four-harness, six-treadle, counterbalance, approx. 50” tall. Original bench/instruction books/threads incl. $700. Excellent condition. You haul. buckman_gal@yahoo.com HOME ORGANIZATION & MOVING SERVICE: Simplify your home! 1/3 off labor - new customers only. De-cluttering, organizing, downsizing or moving assistance. Professional, reliable, great references. Katie Hennings Larson @ 206.307.9424 / www.MovesMadeSimple.com LAURELHURST HOME WANTED: Laurelhurst family of 15 years looking to purchase a larger home in the neighborhood. We can offer a short or long close and no financing contingency. Please contact us at mariepaul553@yahoo.com. Thank you. PAINTING: Luis Ramirez, 465-3593. Interior and exterior. Great Laurelhurst references. Bonded and insured. Any size job welcome. RAPID COMPUTER HELP: PC/Mac. Upgrades; hardware, software installation; troubleshooting, repair. Spyware, virus removal. Windows, MS Office certifications. Local References. Matt, 206-498-8901. REMODELING/HANDYMAN SERVICES: “Bob of All Trades.” Licensed, Bonded, Insured. Lic#BOBALAT936N3. Reasonable rates, experienced, professional, reliable. www. BobOfAllTrades.com. Email: bobstocco@gmail. com or call 425-301-9265. VOLUNTEER DRIVERS NEEDED: Give your senior neighbors rides. Help seniors get out and about to their medical appointments and social visits. Start making a difference for your neighbors today! Enjoy a flexible schedule and the opportunity to connect with many new seniors. We serve the Northeast Seattle area.Visit our website at www.nestseattle.org for more information, or call (206)-525-6378. We look forward to you joining our NEST! WANTED: Part-time help for single father of 3 teenagers in Laurelhurst. Duties would involve grocery shopping, laundry, light housekeeping, dog walking, driving of kids from school/to lessons, etc., usually in the afternoons. Brian: bhartdds@gmail.com Dog Days of Summer LCC urges you to be a good neighbor: leash your animal when out walking, scoop, and don’t allow nonstop barking. Letting dogs run loose in the park is illegal, and the fines for each infraction are substantial. Anyone wishing to report an incident is advised to call Seattle Animal Control at 386-7387. n The Laurelhurst Letter is published ten times a year. DISPLAY ADS cost $75 per space per issue, with a five-issue commitment paid in advance. Laurelhurst-area businesses have priority. UNCLASSIFIED ADS are free for PAID members of the Laurelhurst Community Club, except that repeat ads or ads deemed commercial (including home businesses, real estate rentals, and houses for sale) cost $20; 25-word maximum. Sorry, no unclassified ads taken by phone. Email copy to laurelhurstnews@comcast.net. www.laurelhurstcc.com We help people age where they’re most comfortable. At home. Meal Preparation Light Housekeeping Errands/Shopping Hourly/Live In Skilled Nursing Care Management www.familyresourcehomecare.com 206.545.1092 We’ve been renovating, refurbishing & restoring the beautiful Laurelhurst neighborhood for 25 years! Steve Williams • 206.522.9994 www.TheWilliamsCompanySeattle.com 206-522-1900 Facebook Where senior living is full of JOY. Call (206) 306-7920 for a personal visit & to learn more. 450 NE 100th Street, Seattle • aljoya.com login: amanda touch of color salon Trask Orthodontics TOUCH OF COLOR SALON For new clients only: Hair cuts = $20 off women, $8 off men Free hair cut ($59 value) with any purchase of chemical service. www.touchofcolorsalon.com Orthodontics for all ages 4540 Sand Point Way N.E. #300 Trask Orthodontics Seattle, WA 98105 Orthodontics for all ages 206-526-7846 4540 Sand Point Way N.E. #300 Seattle, WA 98105 206-526-7846 Call (206) 523-7315 for a personal visit and to learn more about Ida Culver House Ravenna. 2315 NE 65th St, Seattle • eraliving.com Partnership for a Lifetime SEATTLE SKIN & LASER Excellence Education Prevention Comfort Compassion THE Cosmetic Medical Surgical Dermatology LAURELHURST Have You Tried the Hot New Fitness Class? 3811 NE 45th – 206.524.9246 www.theSeattleGYM.com 206-528-1980 Proud to be a Laurelhurst business! We treat infants, children, teens & adults (206) 525-1168 3216 NE 45th Place, Suite 203, Seattle WA 98105 www.seattleskinandlaser.com Thanks to our advertisers for their support! www.hhvh.net Robin E. Riedinger, DVM Brandi L. Eskesen, DVM 4020 NE 55th St Seattle, WA - across from Metropolitan Market LAURELHURST L E T T E PRSRT STD June 2013 U.S. Postage PAID R Seattle, WA Laurelhurst Community Club PMB #373, 4616 25th Ave. NE Seattle, WA 98105 Permit No. 1793 Carrier Route Presort Postal Customer OFFICERS & TRUSTEES Jeannie Hale, President 525-5135 email: jeannieh@serv.net Colleen McAleer, VP 525-0219 Stan Sorscher, Sec.522-7660 Emily Dexter, Treas.526-2927 Kevin Chang 235-5253 Kay Kelly 522-6773 Linda Luiten 522-5607 Brian McMullen Liz Ogden Don Torrie Maggie Weissman Leslie Wright 367-9325 517-5862 524-4316 527-6646 229-1505 Newsletter: laurelhurstnews@comcast.net; 229-1505 Aircraft Noise Hotline 433-5393 Animal Control 386-7387 Police Emergency or Reporting 911 Police, Non-emergency 625-5011 Community Center 684-7529 Children’s Construction Hotline 987-7744 24-Hour Crisis Line 206-461-3222 crimeprevention@laurelhurstcc.com Visit our website @ www.laurelhurstcc.com Deanna Irwin-Sires, MPT, OCS www.VillagePTSeattle.com 5417 Ivanhoe Place NE Seattle, WA 98105 206-498-8496 Deanna@VillagePTSeattle.com Jon L. Way, DDS, MS, PLLC Allyson S. Dkeidek, DDS, PLLC Specialists in Pediatric Dentistry Diplomates, American Board of Pediatric Dentistry Daily Indoor Cycle Classes • Bicycle Repair Behind City People’s 4500 Sand Point Way NE, Suite 208 Phone: 206-525-4777 www.jonlwaydds.com Over 20 years of experience. Offering Invisalign and braces. Call for a complimentary evaluation today! Flexible payment plans. CycleU.com • Bring ad in for 20% off repair Helen Kelleher Senseney Dick Loudon Jenn Flynn Cynthia Williams E. John Doubt 4540 Sand Point Way NE, Suite 140, Seattle 98105 (206) 525-7000 12819 120th Ave. NE, Suite H, Kirkland 98034 (425) 821-0808 Kate Allen 612-8424 Debbie Jenner Culp 930-3888 Kim Dales 235-7772 Mary Gibson 650-4341 Dale Kaneko 947-1223 Cathy Millan 228-8558 John Pettas 734-8098 Barbara Shikiar 484-2446 Jeri Smith 295-8785 Maggie Weissman 226-0543 909-9367 818-2972 427-3900 769-7140 491-7599 Quorum-Laurelhurst, Inc. 3505 NE 45th St., Seattle, WA 98105 (206) 522-7003 Laurelhurst After School Enrichment Rooms (Located on Laurelhurst Elementary School Grounds) Pre-K Local LASER Programs: *“Rising Stars” Pre-K Readiness Program (4 & 5Readiness year-olds) Child * Licensed Before/After School Childcare (K–6th) Program! Care! * Before and After School Enrichment Classes Unique and carefully selected clothing for men and women. Locally Owned 2906 NE 55th Seattle, WA 98105 www.jackjerome.com * Day Camp on School Holidays and Breaks (K-6th) Up to 20% off all Washington and California wines. 20% off on pre-order cases. 5436 Sand Point Way NE, Seattle 98105 206-525-4340 * Weekly Summer Camp (K-6th) Enrichment Laurelhurst After School Rooms L.A.S.E.R. CHILDCARE PROGRAMS (Located on Laurelhurst Elementary School Grounds) Transportation is available through Seattle Public Schools (Please check with your individual school). For more information on our programs, rates, forms and camp schedules, LASER Programs: please go to www.laserchildcare.org Offering Before/After School Child Care, Day and Summer Camp,*“Rising a Pre-K Readiness Program, and(4 Enrichment Stars” Pre-K Readiness Program & 5 year-olds) Classes. * Licensed Before/After School Childcare (K–6th) www.laserchildcare.org • (206) 525-9160 • laserinfo@comcast.net * Before and School 4530After 46th Ave N.E.Enrichment • SeattleClasses WA 98105 * Day Camp on School Holidays and Breaks (K-6th) * Weekly Summer Camp (K-6th) Transportation is available through Seattle Public Schools (Please check with your individual school). For more information on our programs, rates, forms and camp schedules, please go to www.laserchildcare.org www.laserchildcare.org • (206) 525-9160 • laserinfo@comcast.net
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