October - Laurelhurst Community Club
October - Laurelhurst Community Club
LAURELHURST L E T T Published by the Laurelhurst Community Club … serving the Laurelhurst community since 1920 Update on Cleanup of Radioactive Soil Contamination at Magnuson Park October 21, 6 to 9 p.m. Mountaineers Headquarters Magnuson Park The Washington State Department of Ecology will provide an update on the cleanup process beginning with an open house from 6 to 7 p.m., followed by a panel discussion and a question and answer session from 7 to 9 p.m. Significant contamination was discovered in 2009 and 2010 in the soils around, and the building attached to, the hangar housing Arena Sports and the Magnuson Park Athletic Club. There was also contamination in and around Building 2, which had been the indoor soccer facility prior to the Arena Sports move. The radioactive contamination stems from Navy use of radium paint for dials when the Park was Sand Point Naval Air Station. Representative Gerry Pollet, 46th District, has been a leading advocate for toxic cleanup standards that exceed the Navy’s plan and was a featured guest at LCC’s 2013 annual meeting to present his concerns. At the September 2014 LCC board meeting, Ching-Pi Wang, a site manager with the Department of Ecology, provided an extensive overview of the cleanup process to date. He will present a detailed report at the October 21 meeting. Find further information at: US Navy: http://go.usa.gov/kQ6e Washington Department of Health: http://www.doh.wa.govCommunityand Environment/RadiationMagnusonPark CleanupSeattle.aspx Washington Department of Ecology: https://fortress.wa.gov/ecy/gsp/sitepage. aspx?csid=1359 n E R October 2014 WSDOT Open House for West Approach Bridge Design Reveals Plan Revisions The Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) hosted an October 2 open house to display their latest plans for the design of the section of the new SR-520 Bridge known as the West Approach Bridge North (WABN). LCC trustee and vice president Colleen McAleer attended for LCC, as did many other concerned neighbors. McAleer reported the following take-aways – some positive and others negative – from the meeting with the bridge engineers: n Six lanes of Eastside traffic will be squeezed into four lanes at the Montlake Interchange, reducing the value of the HOV-lane priority until the project is fully funded through to I-5, creating a bottleneck of traffic at Montlake. n A stoplight (eliminating the free right turn) at the off ramp from the Eastside to Montlake Blvd. will be added for pedestrian crossing. Expect longer exit times coming back to northeast Seattle from the Eastside. Please join us November 10 n Another lane is added for exiting at 7:15 p.m. when WSDOT off the eastbound ramp at Montlake representatives will attend Blvd., to ease congestion. LCC’s monthly meeting to n An 80-foot sort-of lid over part of present the new WABN design the Montlake Interchange with and answer questions and bicycle and pedestrian paths will be address concerns. LCC trustees constructed with the WABN. meet every second Monday of n LED lighting will be used on the the month at the Laurelhurst floating bridge at floor level, rather Community Center. than lighting above the bridge. The Your attendance shows we are LED lighting will then switch to concerned neighbors! lighting off the railing on the WABN side. n The height profile of the new bridge will remain low as the previous structure. n Fewer in-water columns are used in the new WABN design. n The super structure across top of bridge (the erector set) will be removed. n HUGE construction bridges will be built in late October and November in preparation for building the northern section of the three new lanes. These structures will be visible to Laurelhurst and Montlake communities for a long period of time. n Pile driving to construct the work bridge will be ongoing weekdays from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., and can be very noisy, although WSDOT will require that they are “vibrated” into place. n The old “ramps to nowhere” will be removed during this phase (leftover from the RH Thompson Project). n Storm water on SR-520 will be collected and treated to reduce pollutants dropping into Lake Washington and Union Bay. n Noise mitigation will include quieter pavement, and four-foot median barriers to absorb noise as well as encapsulated expansion joints to reduce noise. n LAURELHURST LETTER • October 2014 Talaris Property Use Still Up in the Air 6th Annual Monster Bash - Fabulous Halloween Fun! Saturday, October 18 3 to 7 p.m. (rain or shine) Location: On the grounds of St. Stephen’s - 4805 NE 45th St. Cost: Only a $13 “Fright Fee” for all this FUN! Grab your little ghosts and goblins and fly by for a spook-tacular celebration presented by Susannah White’s Three Feet of Sunshine. Come in costume for a hair-raising haunted house and enjoy pony rides, kids tunes, ghoulish games and prizes, creepy crafts, pumpkin decorating, costume contest and parade. Plus, don’t miss the Yummy Mummy Cupcake Walk, and of course, delicious Halloween Trophy Cupcakes! In celebration of our 6th annual Monster Bash, this year will feature two LIVE performances by Recess Monkey (4 p.m. and 5 p.m.)! All proceeds from this fun event benefit Seattle Children’s Pediatric Advanced Care Team. Great fun for a great cause! Bonus: Bring a new, unused costume for a Seattle Children’s Hospital patient and receive an extra special trick-or-treat! Contact: threefeetofsunshine.org or info@threefeetofsunshine.org or 206-304-9339. The Seattle Landmarks Preservation Board (under the City of Seattle Department of Neighborhoods), met October 1 and heard two requests from the owners of the Talaris/Battelle property. One was to remove two trees declared dead by an approved arborist. The request was approved. The second was for a six-month extension to develop a plan under the “Controls and Incentives,” the legal mechanism for an owner of an historically designated property to devise an acceptable plan for preservation and potential development for the owner’s economic benefit. This was granted. Jeannie Hale, Colleen McAleer, and counsel, Peter Eglick, attended for LCC. LCC requested information about the potential proposal in advance, but it was not provided. The owners stated that they were working with the staff members of the Landmark Board on a plan for a potential planned residential community. They have hired the renowned architect team of Susan Jones and Bill Bain to develop a concept. LCC initially proposed this concept, but Talaris rejected it as it would not yield the economic return sought by the owner. LCC expressed a hopeful message to the Seattle Landmarks Board that this approach may be a positive solution, but without details or conceptual drawings could not offer further comment. LCC will pursue channels to access additional information and expressed willingness to work for a context-sensitive solution for all stakeholders. LCC continues to file public record requests regarding Talaris with DPD, the City Attorney’s office, and the Landmarks Board. On September 2, Judge Spearman granted an additional three-month stay on the Superior Court action by Talaris to invalidate the historic designation of the site and buildings. Although LCC has been granted intervener status, LCC did not receive notice or an opportunity to reply as the Talaris attorneys told the court that LCC’s attorney was in Europe (he wasn’t). LCC filed documents to correct the record. Thank you to the many neighbors who have sent comments on their use of the Battelle/Talaris property over the years and their views on the illegal fencing. n Yesler Swamp Trail Opening Celebrated! Shown here are a number of trail testers including City Councilmember Jean Godden. Kids’ Karnival Friday, October 24 5 to 8 p.m. Fun for the entire family! Laurelhurst Elementary School www.laurelhurstcc.com CALENDAR October 13 (Mon.) 7 p.m. LCC Board of Trustees Laurelhurst Community Center October 18 (Sat.) 3 to 7 p.m. Monster Bash - Family Fun St. Stephen’s October 21 (Tues.) 6 to 9 p.m. Update on Radioactive Cleanup The Mountaineers Headquarters Magnuson Park October 24 (Fri.) 5 to 8 p.m. Kids’ Karnival - Family Fun Laurelhurst Elementary School October 24 (Fri.) 5 p.m. Deadline for Laurelhurst Newsletter Copy and Ads November 8 (Sat.) 10 a.m. to noon SUN Park Weed and Sweep 47th Ave NE and NE 47th St. November 10 (Mon.) 7 p.m. LCC Board of Trustees Laurelhurst Community Center Drop off donations for Elizabeth Gregory House, a U District women’s shelter, with Huda Giddens at 4338 N.E. 44th St. (Leave in dark green, covered bin at the front of the house.) LAURELHURST LETTER • October 2014 UNCLASSIFIEDS AIRPORT TRANSPORTATION (Walter’s Car Service): Affordable, Reliable, Courteous. www.sea-taclimo.com, info@sea-taclimo.com, 206-604-9424. Flat Rates: Sedan 3P $60, SUV 6P $95. (Note: Gratuity at discretion.) BEST CLEANING LLC: 22 years cleaning Windermere and Laurelhurst homes. Regular cleaning and special projects; before and after party cleaning; weekends; discounts for first time cleaning; quality guaranteed. 206-948-2433. bestcleaning@outlook.com. CHEERFUL AND RESPONSIBLE BABYSITTER: Laurelhurst resident 9th grader (14 yrs) who loves children and pets is available to babysit evenings & weekends. On-line booking! www.laurelhurstbabysitter.com HOME ORGANIZATION & MOVING SERVICE: Complete coordination of your move or simply helping to downsize, organize, de-clutter and simplify your life! Katie Hennings Larson @ 206-307-9424 / www.MovesMadeSimple.com HOUSESITTING: Professional woman available for housesitting. Temporary work assignment in Seattle this fall. Loves pets. Emily Dexter 526-2927. STEINWAY GRAND PIANO: 1929 Steinway ‘L’ Satin Mahogany Finish. Professionally restored/ rebuilt and refinished. Excellent condition, like new, rich tone, regularly serviced. Contact dvdclassics@comcast.com. RAPID COMPUTER HELP: PC/Mac. Upgrades; hardware, software installation; troubleshooting, repair. Spyware, virus removal. Windows, MS Office certifications. Local References. Matt, 206-498-8901. REMODELING/HANDYMAN SERVICES: “Bob of All Trades.” Licensed, Bonded, Insured. Lic#BOBALAT936N3. Reasonable rates, experienced, professional, reliable. www. BobOfAllTrades.com. Email: bobstocco@gmail. com or call 425-301-9265. TROPICAL/SUBTROPICAL PLANTS FOR SALE: White, pink, red oleanders, red hibiscus, red bougainvillea, agaves, red cacti; for patio/sunroom in winter; large. You move. $35 to 125. 206-525-5774. NEST VOLUNTEER DRIVERS NEEDED: Help seniors get out and about to their medical appointments and social visits. Start making a difference for your neighbors today! Visit www.nestseattle.org for more information, or call 206-525-6378. WANTED: Laurelhurst Homes - As Is. I will buy your house as is. Don’t worry about problems or cleaning up or preparing for sale. Quick and easy cash sale. I live in the neighborhood. Call Mike, LREA, at 206-459-9375. WANTED: Senior couple wishes to rent/ housesit for Winter Quarter (Jan.5 to March 13) while taking/auditing courses at the UW. Great with pets. Call Betsy at 206-524-9174. www.4toExplore.org. | an electronic newsletter about Seattle neighborhoods We help people age where they’re most comfortable. At home. Meal Preparation Light Housekeeping Errands/Shopping Hourly/Live In Skilled Nursing Care Management http://thelaurelhurstblog.blogspot.com/ News, events, issues, restaurants, businesses and lots more. Email a tip or story idea or subscribe at laurelhurstblogger@gmail.com. The blog and LCC are separate entities. n Sign up for LCC’s Constant Contact electronic newsletter for timecritical communications: email laurelhurstnews@comcast.net. The Laurelhurst Letter is published ten times a year. DISPLAY ADS cost $75 per space per issue, with a five-issue commitment paid in advance. UNCLASSIFIED ADS are free for PAID members of the Laurelhurst Community Club, except that repeat ads or ads deemed commercial cost $20; 25-word maximum. Email copy to laurelhurstnews@comcast.net. Partnership for a Lifetime Grand Cru 04 Vintage Champagne $57.00, Grand Cru Rose Champagne $50.00, Vosne-Romanee Lamarche red Burgundy, Meursault Michel Bourzereau, Meursault Francis Buissen, Pouilly-Fume Favrey, Sancerre Philippe Raimbault Apud Sariacum 5436 Sand Point Way NE, Seattle 98105 Where senior living is full of JOY. 450 NE 100th Street, Seattle • aljoya.com Laurelhurst Blog New arrivals: www.familyresourcehomecare.com 206.545.1092 Call (206) 306-7920 for a personal visit & to learn more. Interested in contributing your enthusiam and talents to a great neighborhood? Get involved with LCC! Volunteer to be on a committee. Or, learn about trustee responsibilities at www.laurelhurstcc.com/LCC/ Trustees.html. Contact Emily Dexter at 526-2927 or edexter4@comcast.net. n 206-525-4340 | uwineseattle.com Excellence Education Prevention Comfort Compassion 206-528-1980 www.hhvh.net Robin E. E. Riedinger, DVM Dr. Robin Riedinger, DVM Brandi L. Eskesen, DVM Dr. Shawna L. Wedde, DVM William DVMDVM Dr. BrandiG.L.Riley, Eskesen, 4020 NE 55th St Seattle, WA - across from Metropolitan Market www.thedogmaniac.com facebook.com/TheDogManiac University Village www.mrscooks.com YOUR AD HERE! Contact laurelhurstnews@comcast.net $375 for 5 issues Your advertising supports the newsletter. Call (206) 523-7315 for a personal visit and to learn more about Ida Culver House Ravenna. 2315 NE 65th St, Seattle • eraliving.com SEATTLE SKIN & LASER THE Cosmetic Medical Surgical Dermatology LAURELHURST Annual FALL Special No Dues Until January 2015 3811 NE 45th – 206.524.9246 – theSeattleGYM.com Proud to be a Laurelhurst business! We treat infants, children, teens & adults (206) 525-1168 3216 NE 45th Place, Suite 203, Seattle WA 98105 www.seattleskinandlaser.com Thanks to our advertisers for their support. ROOSEVELT 801 NE 65th St. Ste. B, Seattle, WA 98115 (206) 453-5930 www.jayscleaners.com Schedule your delivery online www.jayscleaners.com 25% off your first dry cleaning delivery order Restriction apply. Min. $25.00 order for new customers up to $200. LAURELHURST L E T T E PRSRT STD October 2014 U.S. Postage PAID R Seattle, WA Laurelhurst Community Club PMB #373, 4616 25th Ave. NE Seattle, WA 98105 Permit No. 1793 Carrier Route Presort Postal Customer OFFICERS & TRUSTEES Jeannie Hale, President 525-5135 email: jeannieh@serv.net Colleen McAleer, VP 525-0219 Emily Dexter, Treas.526-2927 Robin Chalmers 525-2028 Kay Kelly 522-6773 Linda Luiten 522-5607 Brian McMullen 367-9325 Liz Ogden Stan Sorscher Don Torrie Maggie Weissman Leslie Wright 517-5862 522-7660 524-4316 226-0543 229-1505 Newsletter: laurelhurstnews@comcast.net; 229-1505 Aircraft Noise Hotline 433-5393 Animal Control 386-7387 Community Center 684-7529 Laurelhurst Beach Club (business)729-3724 Police Emergency or Reporting 911 Police, Non-emergency 625-5011 24-Hour Crisis Line 461-3222 crimeprevention@laurelhurstcc.com Visit our website @ www.laurelhurstcc.com Michael Tutmarc 206-525-5502 Architects/ Builders for over 30 years Over 20 projects in Laurelhurst New custom homes, remodels, additions, offices, and more On The Oprah Winfrey Show in 2008 as architect and builder for her largest home rebuild ever Michael is a Laurelhurst resident Karen Pecota Licensed Electrologist since 1977 Trask Orthodontics Orthodontics for all ages 4540 Sand Point Way N.E. #300 Trask Orthodontics Seattle, WA 98105 Orthodontics for all ages 206-526-7846 4540 Sand Point Way N.E. #300 Seattle, WA 98105 206-526-7846 KAREN PECOTA 206.794.1258 www.sandpointelectrolysis.com Hawthorne Hill Professional Center 4026 NE 55th Street, Suite E CALL OR E-MAIL ADRIAN CHU, YOUR REAL ESTATE BROKER AND NEIGHBOR, TO LEARN MORE ABOUT OUR FULL-SERVICE 4% LISTING PROGRAM 206.407.5452 | Adrian@AdrianChu.net If you are already working with an agent, this is not meant as a solicitation for that business. Daily Indoor Cycle Classes • Bicycle Repair Behind City People’s Kate Allen Kim Dales Mary Gibson Mark Holden Dale Kaneko Cathy Millan John Pettas Barbara Shikiar Jeri Smith Maggie Weissman 612-8424 235-7772 650-4341 409-4441 947-1223 228-8558 734-8098 484-2446 295-8785 226-0543 CycleU.com • Bring ad in for 20% off repair Helen Kelleher Senseney 909-9367 Dick Loudon 818-2972 Jenn Flynn 427-3900 E. John Doubt 491-7599 Quorum-Laurelhurst, Inc. 3505 NE 45th St., Seattle, WA 98105 (206) 522-7003 Laurelhurst After School Enrichment Rooms Unique and carefully selected clothing for men and women. Locally Owned 2906 NE 55th Seattle, WA 98105 www.jackjerome.com More Time For Five A CLASS FOR OLDER PRESCHOOLERS who miss the cut-off date for kindergarten or for those who are eligible, but would benefit from the gift of time. Now enrolling at Villa Academy. T 206.524.8885 THEVILLA.ORG (Located on Laurelhurst Elementary School Grounds) Pre-K Local LASER Programs: *“Rising Stars” Pre-K Readiness Program (4 & 5Readiness year-olds) Child * Licensed Before/After School Childcare (K–6th) Program! Care! * Before and After School Enrichment Classes * Day Camp on School Holidays and Breaks (K-6th) * Weekly Summer Camp (K-6th) Enrichment Laurelhurst After School Rooms L.A.S.E.R. CHILDCARE PROGRAMS (Located on Laurelhurst Elementary School Grounds) Transportation is available through Seattle Public Schools (Please check with your individual school). For more information on our programs, rates, forms and camp schedules, LASER Programs: please go to www.laserchildcare.org Offering Before/After School Child Care, Day and Summer Camp,*“Rising a Pre-K Readiness Program, and(4 Enrichment Stars” Pre-K Readiness Program & 5 year-olds) Classes. * Licensed Before/After School Childcare (K–6th) www.laserchildcare.org • (206) 525-9160 • laserinfo@comcast.net * Before and School 4530After 46th Ave N.E.Enrichment • SeattleClasses WA 98105 * Day Camp on School Holidays and Breaks (K-6th) * Weekly Summer Camp (K-6th) Transportation is available through Seattle Public Schools (Please check with your individual school). For more information on our programs, rates, forms and camp schedules, please go to www.laserchildcare.org www.laserchildcare.org • (206) 525-9160 • laserinfo@comcast.net
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