CITY OF CAMDENTON 437 West U.S. Highway 54 Camdenton, MO 65020 573/346-3600 FAX 573/346-2926 Website: www.camdentoncity.com NOTICE OF OPEN MEETING DATE/TIME POSTED ON THE CITY HALL BULLETIN BOARD: 12/31/14 3:00 PM Notice is hereby given that the Camdenton Board of Aldermen will meet in Regular Session as follows: TENTATIVE AGENDA REGULAR SESSION JANUARY 6, 2015 - 7:00 PM CITY HALL – 437 WEST U.S. HIGHWAY 54 ***Note: Please be courteous - Make sure that your cell phone is turned off or on a silent tone only*** 1. CALL TO ORDER A. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag 2. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF THE DECEMBER 16, 2014 REGULAR SESSION 3. PUBLIC HEARINGS - None 4. CITIZENS PARTICIPATION (Under Citizens Participation -Citizens present and not otherwise listed on the Agenda are permitted an opportunity to address the Board of Aldermen) A. Steve Thompson – Bridal Cave 5. CITY ADMINISTRATOR REPORT 6. RESOLUTIONS - None 7. INTRODUCTION AND FIRST READING OF BILLS A. An Ordinance Amending the Code of the City of Camdenton by Amending Present Title I: Government Code; Chapter 140: Airport Board; Section 140.010: Created; Section 140.070: Duties and Title II: Public Health, Safety & Welfare; Chapter 260: Commercial Aeronautical Services and Activities; Section 260.010: Definitions and Section 260.020: Airport Minimum Standards 8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. Animal Control Ordinance Discussion 9. NEW BUSINESS A. Mayor’s Citizen Appointments – Comprehensive Plan Steering Committee B. Review and Approval of the Unaudited City Financial Report for July 1, 2014-December 31, 2014 C. Request to Fill Vacant Firefighter I Position 10. MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS – None TO INCLUDE ALL OTHER MATTERS THAT MAY COME BEFORE THE BOARD FOR CONSIDERATION Accommodations will be made for persons with disabilities-contact the City Clerk 24 hours prior to meeting City of Camdenton Tentative Agenda January 6, 2015 Page 2 11. INVOICES/PAY REQUESTS PRESENTED FOR PAYMENT A. Approval of the Monthly Bills and Project Invoices Submitted for Payment and Approval of the Prepaid Vouchers 12. ADJOURNMENT 2 C IT Y OF CAMD E NT O N REGULAR SESSION MINUTES DECEMBER 16, 2014 - 7:00 PM CITY HALL - 437 WEST U.S. HIGHWAY 54 The Board of Aldermen of the City of Camdenton, met in Regular Session this 16 day of December 2014, City Hall, 437 West U.S. Highway 54, Camdenton, Missouri, with Mayor John D. McNabb presiding. A copy of the Tentative Agenda, Minutes of the December 2, 2014 meeting, Resolutions and Ordinances were posted on the City Hall bulletin board on Friday, December 12, 2014, and forwarded to members of the media requesting same. 1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor McNabb called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. The following members of the Board of Aldermen were present: Dan Hagedorn, Sandy Gentry, Gary Shepherd, and Sandy Osborn. Absent: Gerry Rector and Steve Eden. Appointed officials and managers present included: City Administrator Jeff Hancock, City Attorney Phil Morgan, City Clerk Renee Kingston, Police Chief Laura Wright, Public Works Director Bill Jeffries, Acting Fire Chief Todd Davis, Park Director Larry Bennett, Building Director Dennis Croxton, and Corey Leuwerke, Lake Aviation. Guests registering their attendance are listed on the sign in sheet attached to and made a part of the Minutes. Prayer was led by Mayor McNabb, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. 2. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF DECEMBER 2, 2014 REGULAR SESSION Alderman Gentry moved, seconded by Alderman Shepherd to approve the minutes of the December 2, 2014 Regular Session. Call for vote: All those present voted in favor of the motion. Absent: Rector and Eden 3. PUBLIC HEARINGS - None 4. CITIZENS PARTICIPATION Citizens present and not otherwise listed on the Agenda are permitted an opportunity to address the Board of Aldermen. A. State Representatives Warren Love – Discover More on Route 54 Mr. Warren Love addressed the Board regarding his vision for the “Discover More on Route 54” and asked the Board to consider supporting this initiative across the State and especially through the City of Camdenton. Mayor McNabb thanked Mr. Love for his time and presentation and that the Board would take this imitative under consideration. By consensus of the Board of Aldermen, Agenda Item 10-B was brought forward for discussion at this point. 5. CITY ADMINISTRATOR REPORT Mr. Hancock reported nothing additional to his submitted report. 6. REPORTS FROM DEPARTMENTS, BOARDS AND COMMITTEES A. Public Works Department - Director Bill Jeffries 1. Monthly Statistical Report - Report was orally given from the submitted written report. City of Camdenton Page |1 Minutes December 16, 2014 B. Administration Department - City Clerk Renée Kingston 1. Monthly Statistical Report - Report was orally given from the submitted written report. C. Airport - Lake Aviation Center - Corey Leuwerke 1. Monthly Statistical Report - Report was orally given from the submitted written report. D. Building Department - Dennis Croxton 1. Monthly Statistical Report - Report was orally given from the submitted written report. E. Fire Department - Acting Chief Todd Davis 1. Monthly Statistical Report - Report was orally given from the submitted written report. F. Parks & Recreation - Director Larry Bennett 1. Monthly Statistical Report - Report was orally given from the submitted written report. G. Police Department - Chief Laura Wright 1. Monthly Statistical Report - Report was orally given from the submitted written report. 7. RESOLUTIONS A. Resolution No. 14-28 – Airport Hangar Fee Policy Alderman Shepherd moved, seconded by Alderman Gentry to approve the Airport Hangar Fee Policy as presented by the Airport Board Committee. Call for vote: All those present voted in favor of the motion. Absent: Rector and Eden 8. INTRODUCTION AND FIRST READING OF BILLS A. Bill No. 2559-14 - An Ordinance Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk on Behalf of the City of Camdenton, LLC for the Key Fob Door Access System for the City Hall/Police Facility Alderman Hagedorn moved, seconded by Alderman Shepherd to introduce Bill 2559-14 for the first reading as presented, by title only. Bill read by title. Discussion - none. Roll call vote: Aye: Osborn, Shepherd, Gentry and Hagedorn; Nay: None; Abstain: None; Absent: Rector and Eden Alderman Gentry moved, seconded by Alderman Hagedorn that Bill 2559-14 receive the second and final reading as presented, by title only and be duly passed and approved. Bill read by title. Roll call vote: Aye: Shepherd, Gentry, Hagedorn and Osborn; Nay: None; Abstain: None; Absent: Rector and Eden. Ordinance No. 2521-14 assigned. B. Bill No. 2560-14 - An Ordinance Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk on Behalf of the City of Camdenton to Accept the Bid and Enter into a Contract Agreement with RDG Planning & Design for the Camdenton Comprehensive Plan Update Alderman Hagedorn moved, seconded by Alderman Gentry to introduce Bill 2560-14 for the first reading as presented, by title only. Bill read by title. Discussion - none. Roll call vote: Aye: Gentry, Hagedorn, Osborn, and Shepherd; Nay: None; Abstain: None; Absent: Rector and Eden Alderman Shepherd moved, seconded by Alderman Hagedorn that Bill 2560-14 receive the second and final reading as presented, by title only and be duly passed and approved. Bill read by title. Roll call vote: Aye: Hagedorn, Shepherd, Osborn, and Gentry; Nay: None; Abstain: None; Absent: Rector and Eden. Ordinance No. 2522-14 assigned. City of Camdenton Page |2 Minutes December 16, 2014 C. Bill No. 2561-14 - An Ordinance Amending the Code of the City of Camdenton, Title I: Government Code; Chapter 155: Elections and Voting Districts; Section 155.070: Filing of Candidates Alderman Gentry moved, seconded by Alderman Shepherd to introduce Bill 2561-14 for the first reading as presented, by title only. Bill read by title. Discussion - none. Roll call vote: Aye: Osborn, Gentry, Shepherd, and Hagedorn; Nay: None; Abstain: None; Absent: Rector and Eden Alderman Shepherd moved, seconded by Alderman Hagedorn that Bill 2561-14 receive the second and final reading as presented, by title only and be duly passed and approved. Bill read by title. Roll call vote: Aye: Gentry, Shepherd, Osborn, and Hagedorn; Nay: None; Abstain: None; Absent: Rector and Eden. Ordinance No. 2523-14 assigned. 9. NEW BUSINESS A. Approval to Sign Letter of Engagement for Independent Auditing Services – Dana F. Cole & Company LLP Alderman Hagedorn moved, seconded by Alderman Gentry to authorize the signing of the Letter of Engagement for Independent Auditing Services with Dana F. Cole & Company LLP for three (3) additional years. Call for vote: All those present voted in favor of the motion. Absent: Rector and Eden B. Appointment of Replacement Committee Members Alderman Hagedorn moved, seconded by Alderman Shepherd to approve the Mayor’s appointment of Nancy Masterson to fulfill the unexpired term of Doug Horman on the Camdenton Community Park Board (2017); Todd Wyma to fulfill the unexpired term of Gary Mitchell on the Zoning Board of Adjustment (2018) and John Fisher to fulfill the unexpired term of Carolyn Krupp on the Zoning Board of Adjustment (2017). Call for vote: All those present voted in favor of the motion. Absent: Rector and Eden C. Approval to Solicit Bids for the Tennis Court Project Mr. Bennett, Parks Director/Assistant to City Administrator stated that a portion of the money for this project will come from the insurance money received when the court pad was damaged last winter. Alderman Hagedorn moved, seconded by Alderman Gentry to authorize staff to solicit bids for the Tennis Courts Project. Call for vote: All those present voted in favor of the motion. Absent: Rector and Eden 10. MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS A. Water/Sewer Rate Discussion Administrator Hancock recapped his written report regarding the review of the water/sewer rates. Mr. Hancock also stated that it would be in the City’s best interest to consider an annual review of the rates and small incremental increases each year versus a two year review. Alderman moved, seconded by Alderman to proceed with Notice of Public Hearing for the Water and Sewer rate increase scheduled for January 20, 2015. Call for vote: All those present voted in favor of the motion. Absent: Rector and Eden B. Airport Name Change Discussion Mr. Leuwerke reported that the Airport Board Committee had been contacted as directed by the Board of Aldermen. After discussion among the Airport Board Members they have proposed “Camdenton-Lake Regional Memorial Airport”. Mr. Leuwerke also presented the idea that a City of Camdenton Page |3 Minutes December 16, 2014 committee should be formed to begin the discussion of a permanent memorial marker at the airport. Discussion followed. Public Comments were received from Mr. Kerry Shannon and Mr. Max Fisher as well as some of the Airport Board members. Alderman Osborn moved to have staff draft a new ordinance for the renaming of the airport to Camdenton-Lake Regional Memorial Airport. Motion died for lack of a second on this motion. Alderman Gentry moved, seconded by Alderman Hagedorn to have staff draft an ordinance for the renaming of the airport to Camdenton Memorial-Lake Regional Airport. Roll call vote: Aye: Gentry, Shepherd, and Hagedorn; Nay: Osborn; Abstain: None; Absent: Rector and Eden. C. Animal Control Ordinance Discussion City Attorney Morgan stated that he had presented a rough draft of a possible ordinance to address the current animal ordinances to staff. Staff met with him to discuss the proposed ordinance and other issues that needed to be addressed. The draft presented in the packet is still under consideration and other issues may be addressed in the final proposal if the Board wishes to proceed. By consensus of the Board this matter was tabled until the January 6, 2015 meeting to allow for further review by the Board of Aldermen. 11. VOTE ON QUESTION OF GOING INTO CLOSED SESSION FOR THE PURPOSE OF DISCUSSING LEASING, PURCHASE, OR SALE OF REAL ESTATE PURSUANT TO RSMO 610.021(2) Alderman Hagedorn moved, seconded by Alderman Gentry that the meeting goes into closed session for the purpose of discussing leasing, purchase, or sale of real estate pursuant to RSMo 610.021(2). Roll call vote: Aye: Hagedorn, Gentry, Osborn and Shepherd; Nay: None; Abstain: None Absent: Rector and Eden. Meeting went into Closed Session at 8:35 PM. RESUME OPEN MEETING Alderman Hagedorn moved, seconded by Alderman Shepherd that the meeting resumes in open session. Roll call vote: Aye: Osborn, Shepherd, Gentry and Hagedorn; Nay: None; Abstain: None; Absent: Rector and Eden. Meeting reopened at 8:40 PM. 12. ADJOURNMENT Being no further business to consider, Alderman Hagedorn moved, seconded by Alderman Gentry that the meeting be adjourned. Call for vote: Motion carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 8:40 PM. Minutes by Renée Kingston ____________________________ _____________________________ John D. McNabb, Mayor ATTEST: _____________________________ Renée Kingston, City Clerk, MRCC City of Camdenton Page |4 Minutes December 16, 2014 Thunder Mountain Park MoDot proposed rule change threatens the future of Bridal Cave and Thunder Mountain Park MoDot has proposed to eliminate all major traffic generator signs in the state (see picture above). Removing these signs has the potential to impact attendance to the point Bridal Cave would no longer be a viable attraction at Lake of the Ozarks. The Highway Beautification Act of 1968 placed limits on signs along the nation's highways. These traffic generator signs were permitted by the federal government's Highway Beautification Act to replace the loss of directional signs for natural wonders and historic sites. When the expressway was proposed to go around Camdenton, Bridal Cave spent four years completing the MoDot application process paying all required fees associated with the installation and maintenance of these traffic generator signs... Several points support our concern with this proposed rule change: • Being a natural attraction puts Bridal Cave at a distinct disadvantage as this business is unable to relocate closer to the traffic as with almost any other business. • Giving directions to the turn off is the number one question asked by visitors THUNDER MOUNTAIN PARK 526 BRIDAL CAVE ROAD, CAMDENTON, MO 65020 573.346.2676 • Fax: 573.346.3024 • www.bridalcave.com • Email: info@bridalcave.com • The traveling public is conditioned to look for these signs for natural wonders as there are thousands of these signs in Missouri and surrounding states. • On the new Camdenton expressway there are no locations where a turn off sign could be located as the highway was designed with a 25 foot barrier of trees eliminating any possibility of new signs • When the new Camdenton expressway was opened, MoDot was 90 days late installing these traffic generator signs. During that time, attendance was down by 50%. • Over 50 caves have been opened to the public as tourist attractions in Missouri's history. Today only 16 are still operating. The majority of these closed caves failed due to highway relocation and inadequate signage. • Modot has stated that the blue logo signs are available. These blue logo signs are for national companies with a well recognized logo. Regional or local logos are not as easily identifiable. You have to look no further than the west end of Osage Beach Parkway to see the devastating effects. Local businesses are failing or moving while the national chains continue to survive. Furthermore the size of the logo signs compared to the traffic generator signs is a reduction of over 75% in size and the cost is more than double. • Modot has repeatedly complained of lack of funding. Yet they are proposing to cancel this sign program losing this current and future funding source. • State Parks, State owned caves and even prisons will be allowed to keep their signs creating a distinct disadvantage to privately owned natural attractions. • Public input is being requested . You may send your comments to: Pam Harlan, Secretary to the Commission, P.O. Box 270, Jefferson City, MO 65102, from December 15, 2014 through January 15, 2015 BRIDAL CAVEn'HUINDER MOUNTAIN PARK SUPPORTS THE LOCAL COMMUNITY Bridal Cave opened for public tours on October 16, 1948 and is the longest continually operating year round family attraction at Lake of the Ozarks. The cave attraction is still owned and operated by the original family members and continues to be strong supporters of the community providing: • A marketing budget of $250,000.00 annually to bring guests to Lake of the Ozarks and Camdenton • An annual payroll of over $250,000.00 helping to support 28 families • Has provided over $66,000.00 in scholarship funds to the local high school • Donates over $50,000.00 annually in the form of gift certificates for tickets to statewide charities as fund raisers • Educates over 6,000 school children each spring on the importance of caves and groundwater • Performs over 175 wedding ceremonies to couples from around the world who in turn, book motel rooms, reserve reception halls and eat in area restaurants • Provides hospitality and job training to many as their first job making them valuable to employers in the future · • Member of all area Chambers of Commerce and CVB's since their inception • Is rated as one of the top three showcaves in America • Ranked in the top 20 showcaves in the world • One of only a few year round attractions at Lake of the Ozarks operating 362 days per year • Rated as one of the Top 10 most unique wedding venues in America • Provides complimentary tickets to all area employees of tourist related businesses City Administrator Report The Honorable Mayor and Members of the Board of Aldermen City of Camdenton, Missouri January 2, 2015 Letter No. 15-001 SUBJECT: City Administrator Report Dear Mayor and Board Members: The following City Administrator eport, while respectfully submitted to the Camdenton Mayor and Board of Al ermen, is provided and available to the general public, media, friends, and fellow co-workers to inform them of community activities. I am a believer in the "Leadership Challenge" program. It notes that everyone in our organization is a leader and that everyone can improve leadership skills. It also notes that research indicates that there are five trainable traits of a great leader. They are: Inspire a Shared Vision Challenge the Process Enable Others to Act Encourage the Heart Model the Way "You've got to think about big things while you're doing small things, so that all the small things go in the right direction." - Alvin Toffler This quotation centers on the leader's trait of "Inspire a Shared Vision". January 6, 2014 BOARD OF ALDERMEN MEETING With the exception of any items in this CA report on the January 6 Meeting Agenda, unless there are questions, I do not plan on additional comments on this report. 1 Status of Comprehensive Plan Update At the last meeting I provided you a draft schedule and a draft Communications and Public Engagement Plan. On Tuesday 6, 2015 city staff will participate in a conference call with ROG to go over these documents and work out certain changes. I may be able to communicate some of the changes at this meeting. On this meeting agenda however is the Mayor's appointment of the roughly 18 member steering committee that includes major stakeholders and representatives from the community. They will meet for about an hour and half approximately 8 times during the upcoming year. Their first meeting is tentatively scheduled for Monday, February 23, 2015 at 5:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers. Unfinished Clint Avenue and Hazelwood Terrace As previously indicated the Mayor, Darren Krehbiel, and your City Administrator attended an open house on November 22 for interested property owners to review the preliminary plan for the improvement of Clint Avenue and Hazelwood Terrace. We were disappointed with the turn out. I have reviewed state law on the ability of the City to implement a property owner cost share basis for curb and gutters through either an assessment ordinance or a Neighborhood Improvement District. The use of a Neighborhood Improvement District appears to be the answer. I will have more information at the January 20 Board meeting. Recent City Administrator Activities, Meetings and Events Since our last Tuesday December 21 Board meeting on Wednesday I attended a Missouri Rural Services Board meeting in Jefferson City. On Thursday I attended a LORDEC luncheon meeting and also met with Linda Conner at the Council of Local Governments office. Friday I met with Barb Fredholm and Spree Hilliard from the Lake Sun. While I was mostly worked in the office on Monday, December 22 and Tuesday December 23, on invitation by Pete Brown visited and spoke to a group at Porto Cima. I took off Wednesday December 24 though the New Year weekend to use up the remainder of my calendar vacation and personal days. I am looking forward to again seeing you at our next meeting on Tuesday January 6, 2015. Upcoming City Administrator Activities, Meetings, and Events The week of January 5 includes a Tuesday conference call with ROG Planning and Design and a Board of Adjustment meeting before our January 6 Board meeting. Wednesday includes an interview with Trish from the Chamber and me at the Coyote Radio Station. Wednesday continues with a Department Director Meeting and a noon Rotary Meeting. Early Thursday morning includes our report to the Camdenton Chamber of Commerce and a Chamber legislative reception that evening. The week of January 12 includes a Chamber Board Training session, a doctor's appointment and perhaps a Planning and Zoning Commission meeting. Wednesday is a Rotary meeting and an AMEREN Open House that afternoon in their brand new 2 building. The annual LORDEC meeting will be held Thursday, January 15 at Lodge of Four Season Seasons at 8:30 a.m. I have attached an agenda if you wish to attend. The week of January 19 includes a Camden County Commission meeting on a possible animal facility and our January 20 Board of Aldermen meeting. The week continues with a LORDEC Housing Committee meeting and my attendance Thursday through Friday in Columbia for the Missouri City Manager's 2015 Winter Professional Development Workshop. UPCOMING BOARD OF ALDERMAN MEETING AGENDA ITEMS Some Board of Aldermen Agenda items for the January 20, 2015 Board of Aldermen meeting may include: • • Public Hearing on Possible Water and Sewer Rate Increase Discussion on Unfinished Clint Avenue and Hazelwood Terrace As always, if there are questions or you need additional information, please contact me. HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY, NEW YEAR!!!! IT'S GOING TO BE A GREAT ONE!!! 3 .,/ y Central IJ<lot1r!J ~theOztm . REGIONAL ECONOMIC DEVEL.OPMENT COUNCIL. Annual Membership Meeting - The Lodge of Four Season January 15, 2015 AGENDA 8:15 Buffet Breakfast (Please RSVP to Matt Davis at Matt Davis@mail.eldon.k12.mo.us if you are interested in joining us for breakfast.) 9:00 Welcome I Meeting Called to Order Corey ten Sensel, President Approval of Minutes - January 23, 2014 Matt Davis, Secretary Financial Report Jacob Neusche, Treasurer Social Media/Marketing Committee Update Lori Hoelscher Housing Study Steering Committee Update Jeff Hancock Presentation of Awards Trish Creach and Jeana Woods Nominating Committee Lori Hoelscher Election of Board Lori Hoelscher 9:45 Break 10:00 Lake of the Ozarks Local Council of Governments Council Update Linda Conner, Executive Director (LOCOG) Missouri Partnership "The Importance of Regional Cooperation for New Business Attraction." Dennis Pruitt, CEcD, Missouri Partnership Vice President of International Business Recruitment Closing Remarks Corey ten Sensel, President 11 :00 Adjournment * Immediately following the adjournment is the Board of Directors meeting for the Election of Executive Officers. Mr. Dennis Pruitt, CEcD Vice President, International Business Recruitment Missouri Partnership In May 2008, Dennis Pruitt joined the Missouri Partnership as Vice President of International Business Recruitment, focusing on bringing new foreign direct investment into the state of Missouri. His projects cross all sectors including advanced manufacturing, energy solutions, IT, and biosciences. Some of his recent wins are KWS (St. Louis), CertainTeed (Jonesburg, MO), Motomco (Maryville, MO), and Unisys (St. Louis, MO). Prior to joining the Missouri Partnership, Dennis was the Executive Director of the Montgomery County Action Council, a county-wide, economic development organization based in Independence, Kansas. Dennis is a certified Economic Developer and a graduate of the Economic Development Institute. He is active in the International Economic Development Council, having served for two years as Chairman of the International Committee. He holds a Master's degree in urban planning from Texas A&M University, a Bachelor of Arts degree in history and French from Harding University, and a French language certificate from the Sorbonne. Dennis attended high school in Kuala Lumpur, Bangkok, and Iowa. JANUARY 6, 2015 MAYOR AND BOARD OF ALDERMEN MEETING ITEM 7-A: Bill No. 2562-15-Airport Name Change BACKGROUND: At the December 16 meeting the Board of Aldermen voted to change the name of the airport to Camdenton Memorial-Lake Regional Airport. FISCAL IMPACT: No fiscal impact. RECOMMENDATION: Passage of Bill No. 2562- 15 to amend Sections 140.010, 140.070, 260.010, and 260.020 is attached for review. Date: 12/30/2014 Date:/2-3 1 -/I BILL NO. 2562-15 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CODE OF THE CITY OF CAMDENTON BY AMENDING PRESENT TITLE I: GOVERNMENT CODE; CHAPTER 140: AIRPORT BOARD; SECTION 140.010: CREATED; SECTION 140.070: DUTIES AND TITLE II: PUBLIC HEALTH SAFETY & WELFARE; CHAPTER 260: COMMERCIAL AERONAUTICAL SERVICES AND ACTIVITIES; SECTION 260.010: DEFINITIONS AND SECTION 260.020(A1a): AIRPORT MINIMUM STANDARDS NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN OF THE CITY OF CAMDENTON AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That Title I: Government Code; Chapter 140: Airport Board; Section 140.010: Created and Section 140.070: Duties: SECTION 140.010: CREATED There is hereby created the Camdenton Lake of the Ozarks Regional Airport Board Camdenton Memorial-Lake Regional Airport hereinafter called the Board. SECTION 140.070: DUTIES Subject to the approval of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen, the Board shall adopt and promulgate the rules and regulations for the conduct, administration and management of the Camdenton Lake of the Ozarks Regional Airport Camdenton Memorial-Lake Regional Airport and shall further assist, advise and direct as deemed necessary the activities of any citizen groups or others in the promotion of the Camdenton Lake of the Ozarks Regional Airport Camdenton Memorial-Lake Regional Airport. The Board shall make recommendations to the Board of Aldermen on all leases, grant applications and improvements at the airport. Section 2. That Title II: Public Health, Safety & Welfare; Chapter 260: Commercial Aeronautical Services and Activities; Section 260.010: Definitions and Section 260.020(A1a): Airport Minimum Standards SECTION 260.010: DEFINITIONS AIRPORT - The geographical area under the care, custody and control of the City of Camdenton known as the Camdenton Lake of the Ozarks Regional Airport Camdenton Memorial-Lake Regional Airport . THROUGH THE FENCE OPERATION -A person or entity not based or under lease at Camdenton Lake of the Ozarks Regional Airport Camdenton Memorial-Lake Regional Airport that conducts an aeronautical activity, utilizes the airport facility or that has rights to direct access to the airport from private property contiguous to the airport. SECTION 260.020: AIRPORT MINIMUM STANDARDS A. The following shall be the minimum standards for all airport operations at the Camdenton Lake of the Ozarks Regional Airport Camdenton Memorial-Lake Regional Airport. 1. General statement of standards. a. The City of Camdenton as owner/operator of the Camdenton Lake of the Ozarks Regional Airport Camdenton Memorial-Lake Regional Airport offers without discrimination a fair and reasonable opportunity to all operators to qualify or compete for available airport facilities and the furnishing of select aeronautical services subject, Bold-additions Strikethrough-deletions however, to the minimum standards and requirements as established by the City of Camdenton. Section 3. All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict with this Ordinance are hereby repealed . Section 4 . This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage by the Board of Aldermen and approval by the Mayor. Read the first time the _ _ day of January, 2015. Read the second time and passed and approved this _ _ day of January, 2015. ATTEST: John D. McNabb, Mayor Renee Kingston, City Clerk, MRCC Bold-additions Strikethrough-deletions January 6, 201 4 MAYOR and BOARD of ALDERMEN MEETING ITEM: 8. A Animal Control Ordinance Discussion BACKGROUND: At the last Board Meeting the Board of Aldermen delayed a decision to provide direction on the following : 1. Does the Board of Aldermen wish to maintain or existing breed specific prohibition ordinance?, or; 2. Do you wish to move to a different type of ordinance that includes potentially dangerous and vicious dog designations as noted in the attached ordinance? If number 2 is chosen, and while the ordinance would be considered and acted upon later, the guidelines could be considered as interim administrative guidance for City staff to deal with the existing situation recently reviewed by the Board. Attached is the report with the proposed ordinance for your review. Please again review before this meeting the draft revised animal ordinance, and in particular chapter 211 Dogs and Sections 211 .070 "Potentially Dangerous Dogs" and 211.080 "Vicious Dog Designation." RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends that the Board of Aldermen review the attached ordinance with particular attention to the previously highlighted items and be prepared to direct City staff on either our existing breed specific prohibition ordinance or the potentially dangerous and vicious dog designation ordinance provided by our City Attorney. December 18, 2014 December 18, 2014 December 16, 2014 MAYOR and BOARD of ALDERMEN MEETING ITEM: 10. C Animal Control Ordinance Discussion BACKGROUND: At the last Board Meeting the Board of Aldermen directed that the City Attorney develop an ordinance that potentially could modify our existing breed specific prohibition ordinance. Mr. Morgan has completed a full review of our all of our animal ordinances and has developed that attached draft ordinance that among other issues addresses the specific question and potential modification of our existing breed specific prohibition ordinance. Before this upcoming meeting, please review the attached ordinance and in particular chapter 211 Dogs and Sections 211 .070 "Potentially Dangerous Dogs" and 211.080 "Vicious Dog Designation." While the total update of the ordinance could be considered for action in January, the Board needs to provide direction on the following: 1. Do you wish to maintain or existing breed specific prohibition ordinance? 2. Do you wish to move to a different type of ordinance that includes potentially dangerous and vicious dog designations as noted in the attached ordinance? If number 2 is chosen, and while the ordinance would not be considered and acted upon until sometime in January, the guidelines might be considered as interim administrative direction. RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends that the Board of Aldermen review the attached ordinance with particular attention to the previously highlighted items and be prepared to direct City staff on either our existing breed specific prohibition ordinance or the potentially dangerous and vicious dog designation ordinance provided to you by your City Attorney. APPROVALS: December 11, 2014 Renee Kingston, City Clerk, MRCC December 11, 2014 J. Jeff Hancock, City Administrator, ICMA-CM CHAPTER 210: PROVISIONS APPLICABLE TO ALL ANIMALS SECTION 210.010: DEFINITIONS The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this chapter, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning: ABANDON: Relinquishing custody of an animal without making alternative arrangements for its care and protection, or leaving an animal confined without providing water or minimum nutrition as required under this chapter. ANIMAL CONTROL BOARD: A Board made up of the City Administrator, Chief of Police and another person as may be appointed by the Mayor from time to time. Should any of these positions be vacant or the person unavailable, the Mayor may appoint a substitute as necessary. ANIMAL CONTROL OFFICER: A person designated as such by the City Police Department. AT LARGE: With reference to a dog, not confined or restrained as required under this chapter. BREEDER: Any person who maintains an unaltered (unsterilized) dog or cat and breeds such animal for any consideration of profit, fee or compensation . CAT: Any domesticated breed within the feline family. CITY: Means the City of Camdenton, Missouri. DOG: Any domesticated breed within the canine family. DOMESTJCA TED ANIMAL: An animal that has adapted to life in close association with and to the advantage of humans, such as animals that are kept by humans as pets or as livestock. OWNER: Any person who owns, keeps, harbors or exercises control over any animal. A person shall be considered to harbor an animal if they feed or shelter such animal for five (5) days or more. STERILIZE: The surgical alteration of an animal through spaying or neutering so that it is incapable of reproduction. VACCINATION: An injection of any vaccine for rabies approved by the state veterinarian board and administered by a licensed veterinarian. SECTION 210.020: EXEMPTION The provisions of this Chapter shall not apply to any animal owned or controlled by Federal, State or City law enforcement agencies. The animal control officer or animal control board may also make reasonable accommodations or exceptions for service animals. SECTION 210.030: SANITARY CONDITIONS A. It shall be unlawful for any person keeping or harboring any animal to fail to keep the premises where such animal is kept free from unsanitary conditions which encourage the · breeding of parasites, insects and flies or cause odors that are offensive to a person of reasonable sensibilities. B. It shall be unlawful to allow premises where animals are kept to become unclean and a threat to the public health by failing to diligently and systematically remove all animal fecal matter from the premises a minimum of once every forty-eight (48) hours. C. It shall be unlawful for any person to allow an animal within the person's control to defecate on public property or on the private property of another person unless the person having control of the offending animal immediately removes and disposes of the animal's feces. D. All animal fecal matter shall be disposed of properly. E. No animal shall be allowed to damage any property of another person. F. All places where livestock is kept shall have adequate drainage sufficient to prevent standing water in yards or pens. Duck ponds shall be drained and cleaned as required to prevent malodorous conditions. G. It shall be unlawful for any person keeping or harboring any animal to keep the animal in premises on which there is garbage, trash, or debris of any nature, including broken glass and cans that could subject the animal to injury or disease. SECTION 210.040: ANIMAL SLAUGHTER It shall be unlawful to slaughter a domesticated animal in a residentially zoned area of the city. Nothing in this section shall prevent the euthanasia of any animal by a licensed veterinarian or by trained animal services personnel or an otherwise authorized killing of an animal. SECTION 210.050: ANIMAL CRUELTY Except as authorized by law, no person shall knowingly: A. Abandon any animal under circumstances subjecting it to the possibility of death, injury, starvation, dehydration or disease B. Subject any animal to cruel mistreatment of any kind or by any means or device, including tying or strapping with weights or heavy chains C. Subject any animal to the following if not performed by a licensed veterinarian: neutering or spaying; tail docking, ear cropping, or other surgical procedure D. Subject any animal in his or her custody to neglect under circumstances exposing the animal to injury, disease, unsanitary conditions, extreme temperatures, starvation, dehydration or death E. Cause or permit any dogfight, cockfight, bullfight or other combat between animals or between animals and humans F. Kill or injure any animal belonging to another without legal privilege G. Subject a dog or cat to direct point chaining as defined in this chapter H. Poison any animal or to distribute poison or other toxic substance in any manner whatsoever with the intent to harm, or for the purpose of poisoning any such animal, except for the purpose of controlling insects or rodents in accordance with accepted pest control methods SECTION 210.060: DISEASED OR INJURED ANIMALS It shall be unlawful for any person to knowingly keep any injured animal without providing proper, timely treatment, including treatment by a veterinarian when appropriate, for such injury. A. It shall be unlawful for any person to knowingly keep any animal infected with a fatal disease that is contagious to other animals unless the sick animal is isolated to prevent spread of the disease to other animals. This subsection shall not apply to rabid animals. Any animal showing positive signs of rabies shall be euthanized and laboratory-confirmed in accordance with Missouri law. B. Any injured or diseased animal within the city shall be subject to seizure if a court of competent jurisdiction issues a warrant for such seizure upon a determination that either of the above conditions exist and reasonable treatment is not being administered to said animal. C. Any injured or diseased animal within the city shall be subject to immediate seizure if the city has a reasonable suspicion that an emergency exists and such seizure is necessary to protect the animal from an imminent threat of death, infectious disease, or serious physical injury. D. Any diseased or injured animal seized pursuant to the provisions of this animal services code shall be appropriately treated for the injury or disease by the owner and, where necessary, by a veterinarian licensed to practice in the state. E. The remains of any dead animal are subject to seizure and disposal if, within a reasonable period after death, the owner has not disposed of the remains properly. F. Any diseased or injured animal shall be subject to being euthanized when it is determined by a veterinarian licensed to practice in Missouri or by the Animal Control Board that such disposition is necessary to prevent unwarranted suffering by the animal. Best efforts shall be made by the Animal Control Board to contact the animal's owner before such animal is euthanized. G. Any owner who reclaims or redeems an animal which has been treated under the provisions of this animal services code shall, prior to the release of the animal, reimburse the city or the treating veterinarian for any expenses incurred, unless the owner shows proof that the animal was undergoing treatment for the disease or injury at the time it was seized. SECTION 210.070: RABIES CONTROL. A. When any animal has bitten a person, that person or anyone having knowledge of such incident shall immediately notify the City of Camdenton Police Department. Notification may be made via a call to 911, a call to the Camdenton Police Department during normal business hours or to the Animal Control Officer. The animal shall be quarantined at the expense of the owner for a period of ten (10) days from the date of the bite at a veterinary facility under the care and custody of a licensed veterinarian unless other provision are made as approved by the Animal Control officer. B. No person shall own , keep, harbor, or have control over any dog or cat over the age of five (5) months unless the animal has been vaccinated with antirabies vaccine by a licensed veterinarian in accordance with state law. For purposes of this subsection, "five (5) months" shall be attained at the end of the fourth month since birth or when the animal's canine teeth appear, whichever occurs first. SECTION 210.080: ANIMAL LICENSING A. Owners residing in the City shall procure a license from the City for all dogs and cats over the age of six (6) months of age. All licenses issued under the provisions of this Chapter shall be effective from January first (1st) to December thirty-first (31st) of each year. License fees shall be as follows: For each un-neutered male dog or cat: $10.00. For each unspayed female dog or cat: $10.00. For each neutered male dog or cat: $5.00. For each spayed female dog or cat: $5.00. B. Any license fee due and unpaid thirty (30) days after it becomes due and payable shall be subject to a penalty in the same amount as the renewal fee for the animal. Any replacement of a license tag shall be two dollars ($2.00). C. The City may refuse to issue animal licenses to persons who: 1. Have been charged with animal abuse, neglect or cruelty while such charges are pending; or 2 . Have been convicted of animal abuse, neglect or cruelty or have pied guilty to such offenses; or 3. Have willfully failed to maintain licenses for animals within the City of Camdenton in the past; or 4 . Have been charged with or convicted of violations of this or other portions of the City of Camdenton Code which involve dangerous, unlicensed, unsanitary or other conduct involving animals. 5. Occupy premises that are also owned or occupied by any person with any of the above situations. 6. In the event that a license is denied to any person under this section, they may appeal this decision to the Animal Control Board within a period of ten (10) days after such denial. D. Every dog or cat covered by this section must have and wear a collar or harness with a current license tag firmly attached when such animal is outdoors. Any untagged dog or cat found running at large shall be considered as a stray or as an unowned animal for the purpose of enforcement of this chapter. Citations may be issued for violations of this section. Fines for first violations shall be Thirty five dollars ($35.00). Fines for subsequent violations within a twenty four (24) month period shall be determined by the municipal court. SECTION 210.090: PENALTIES Penalties for violations of any provision herein shall be as set forth in Section 100.160 unless otherwise set forth. Each day that a violation of any provision of this chapter continues shall be deemed a separate offense. CHAPTER 211 : DOGS SECTION 211 .010: APPLICABILITY This Chapter shall apply to dogs as they are defined in Chapter 210. The definitions contained in Chapter 21 O shall also apply to this Chapter. SECTION 211 .020: DEFINITIONS ATTACK: Aggressive behavior by a dog or cat that involves biting or repeatedly biting or shaking its victim. CABLE RUN: A metal cable that is mounted aboveground at a designated height to two (2) stationary objects for the purpose of attaching a pulley system that moves from one end of the cable to the other and to which a dog is tied or secured by means of a rope, chain, or cable attached to the dog's collar or harness. DIRECT POINT CHAINING: Means attaching a dog directly to a stationary object by means of a leash, rope, chain, cable or other material attached to the dog's collar or harness but does not include temporary restraint of a dog for purposes of vehicular transport. ELECTRONIC CONTAINMENT DEVICE: A transmitter/receiver system for the confinement of dogs which consists of (1) a boundary wire that emits a radio signal, and (2) a battery-operated electronic device on the dog's collar which receives the radio signal and emits an audible warning beep and a corrective electrical stimulus as the dog approaches the wire. PIT BULL: A pit bull is defined as any dog that is an American pit bull terrier, a Staffordshire terrier, or American Staffordshire terrier, and any dog of mixed breeding that has the primary characteristics of an American pit bull terrier, an American Bulldog, American Bully, a Staffordshire terrier, or an American Staffordshire terrier. The American Kennel Club and United Kennel Club standards for the above breeds shall be on file with the City of Camdenton. A pit bull may be identified as any dog which exhibits those distinguishing characteristics that substantially conform to the standards established by the American Kennel Club or United Kennel Club. PROVOCATION: means causing a bite or attack by: A. Any intentional or accidental act of pulling, pinching, squeezing, kicking, hitting or striking the dog with an object or a part of a person's body, unless the person is responding to an attack or an immediate threat of attack by the dog as indicated by the dog's lunging, snarling or baring of its teeth; or B. Any sudden motion toward the dog or any attempt or threat to kick, hit or strike the dog with an object or part of a person's body, unless the person is responding to an attack or an immediate th reat of attack by the dog as indicated by the dog's lunging, snarling, or baring of its teeth; C. Any act of teasing or tormenting the dog; D. Any act of grabbing, touching or holding of the dog's young or any sudden motion toward the dog's young; E. Any act of holding, kicking, hitting, striking , or otherwise physically harming the dog's owner or other member of the dog owner's household; F. Entry into the dog's area of confinement without the owner's presence, provided that this definition does not apply if the dog is confined in a particular manner for the purpose of causing provocation to prevent legal access to the premises in violation of this article; or G. Any act of breaking and entering, or other unlawful entry, into the dog owner's residence, vehicle, or other property. SWIVEL: Pivoting hardware that can be used in a trolley system to attach a cable run to a tether or a tether to a dog's collar or harness in order to minimize twisting and tangling of the tether. TETHER: A rope, chain, or cable that is attached to a dog's collar or harness for purposes of restraining the dog. TROLLEY SYSTEM: A method of restraining a dog which utilizes a cable run, swivel and tether attached to a dog's collar or harness. SECTION 211.030: MAXIMUM NUMBER It shall be unlawful for more than three (3) dogs to be kept, located or harbored at any household or business. No more than two pit bull dogs may be located at any household in a residentially zoned district. Pit bull dogs may not be located at any commercially zoned premises. This section does not apply to veterinarians, licensed dog breeders or pet stores. Puppies under the age of four (4) months which were born to a dog which has a City animal license shall be exempt from this section. SECTION 211.040: CONFINEMENT A. Any person owning, possessing or keeping a dog shall keep the dog securely confined behind a fence or otherwise restrained upon the person's property by adequate means to prevent the dog's escape; or shall effectively control the dog, whether on or off the person's property, by means of a leash or other proper method of supervised restraint from which the dog cannot escape. B. Confinement of a dog in a fenced area designated by the City as a "park dog run" shall be considered adequate confinement under this section if the dog owner or caretaker supervises the dog's activity. C. Dogs shall not be confined in any manner for the purpose of preventing legal access to public utility facilities or for the purpose of causing the dog to be provoked by visitors in areas accessible to and commonly used by visitors for legal access to the premises. D. Direct-point chaining or tethering of dogs to a stationary object is prohibited. Dogs may be restrained by means of a trolley system, or a tether attached to a pulley on a cable run, if the following conditions are met: 1. Only one (1) dog may be tethered to each cable run . Dogs on two separate trolley systems shall not be close enough to become entangled with each other. 2. The tether must be attached to a properly fitting collar or harness worn by the dog, with enough room between the collar and the dog's throat through which two (2) fingers may fit. Choke collars and pinch collars are prohibited for purposes of tethering a dog to a cable run . 3. There must be a swivel on at least one (1) end of the tether to minimize tangling of the tether. 4. The tether and cable run must be of adequate size and strength to effectively restrain the dog. The size and weight of the tether must not be excessive, as determined by the animal services officer, considering the age, size and health of the dog. 5. The cable run must be at least ten (10) feet in length and mounted at least four (4) feet and no more than seven (7) feet above ground level. 6. The length of the tether from the cable run to the dog's collar should allow access to the maximum available exercise area and should allow continuous access to water and shelter. The trolley system must be of appropriate configuration to confine the dog to the owner's property, to prevent the tether from extending over an object or an edge that could result in injury or strangulation of the dog, and to prevent the tether from becoming entangled with other objects or animals. E. An electronic containment device may be used as a primary containment measure if signs stating "pet contained by electronic device" or similar language using a trade name, are conspicuously posted at the front and back of the enclosed area for purposes of public notice. Such signs shall be a minimum of six (6) inches by eight (8) inches and one (1) of the signs shall be visible from the roadway or entry to the premises. Signs shall be a maximum of ten (10) inches by ten (10) inches. Pit bull dogs and dangerous dogs shall not be allowed to be contained by electronic containment. Such electronic containment device shall be maintained in good operating condition. SECTION 211.050: MINIMUM CARE FOR DOGS A. All dogs shall have continuous ac;cess to a structurally sound, moisture-proof and windproof shelter large enough to keep the dog reasonably clean and dry. A shelter which does not protect the dog from temperature extremes or precipitation, or which does not provide adequate ventilation or drainage, shall not comply with this section. A dog's shelter and bedding and other accessible space shall be maintained in a manner which minimizes the risk of the dog contracting disease, being injured or becoming infested with parasites. B. It shall be unlawful for any person keeping or harboring any dog to fail, refuse or neglect to provide such dog with clean , fresh, potable water adequate for the dog's size, age, and physical condition. This water supply shall be either free flowing or provided in a removable receptacle that is weighted or secured to prevent tipping. C. It shall be unlawful for any person keeping or harboring any dog to fail, refuse or neglect to provide such dog with wholesome foodstuff suitable for the dog's physical condition and age and in sufficient quantities to maintain an adequate level of nutrition for the dog. D. The enclosure or confinement area for a dog shall encompass sufficient usable space to keep the animal in good condition. When a dog is confined outside by means of an enclosure or an electronic containment device, the following minimum space requirements shall be met: Large dog. For a dog that is larger than twenty (20) inches at the withers or that weighs more than fifty (50) pounds , the minimum confinement area per dog is one hundred (100) square feet. Medium dog. For a dog that is larger than twelve (12) inches at the withers and up to twenty (20) inches at the withers or that weighs over twenty (20) pounds and up to fifty (50) pounds, the minimum confinement area per dog is eighty (80) square feet. Small dog. For a dog that is twelve (12) inches or less at the withers or that weighs twenty (20) pounds or less, the minimum confinement area per dog is fifty (50) square feet. SECTION 211.060: BARKING AND NOISE It shall be unlawful for any person to keep on his premises, or under his control , any dog which by loud and frequent barking and howling shall disturb the reasonable peace and quiet of any person. SECTION 211 .070: POTENTIALLY DANGEROUS DOGS A. POTENTIALLY DANGEROUS DOGS DESIGNATION 1. DOGS SHALL BE DESIGNATED AS POTENTIALLY DANGEROUS DOGS IF: a. Without provocation, it attacks or bites a person engaged in a lawful activity; b. While off the property of its owner and without provocation, it injures another domesticated animal and such injury is minor in nature; c. Without provocation while not on a leash and under the control of its owner or custodian, it chases, confronts or approaches a person on a street, sidewalk or other public property in a menacing fashion such as would put a reasonable person in fear of attack; d. Acts in a manner which the owner knows, or reasonably should know, is an indication that the dog is dangerous and is not merely being protective in a particular set of circumstances; or e. Has been declared dangerous, or has been given some other designation, by another governmental body under circumstances that would meet the grounds for dangerous dog designation under the provisions of this ordinance. f. It is a pit bull dog (as defined herein). Identification by the Animal Control Officer shall establish prima facie proof and shall create a rebuttable presumption that a dog is a pit bull dog. g. Designation as a potentially dangerous dog shall be made in the opinion of the animal control officer and subject to appeal as set forth herein. In the event the animal control officer designates a dog as potentially dangerous, a written notice shall be given to the owner or posted at the residence. h. Any dog designated as a potentially dangerous dog shall not be allowed to remain in the City until the owner complies with the requirements of this section or during any pending appeal of such designation. B. PERMIT AND REGISTRATION. A potentially dangerous dog may be kept within the city limits only so long as the registered owner or custodian complies with the requirements and conditions herein. The owner of any potentially dangerous dog shall be allowed to keep such dog within the City only if the owner registers the dog with the city on an annual basis and obtains a potentially dangerous dog permit with each annual registration . As a condition of registration, the owner shall at the time of application provide sufficient evidence that the owner is in compliance with all of the following requirements: 1. Rabies vaccination. The dog must be vaccinated against rabies by a licensed veterinarian on an annual basis. 2. Current city license. The owner must purchase an annual city license for the dog, and the dog must wear the city license tag on its collar at all times. 3. Microchip. The dog must be identified by means of a microchip that is injected under its skin by a licensed veterinarian and maintained as long as the animal is kept within the city limits. 4 . Photo. The owner must bring their potentially dangerous dog to the city animal shelter to have its photo taken with the owner. 5. Sterilized. The owner must provide documentary proof from a licensed veterinarian that their dog has been spayed or neutered. This requirement shall not apply if the city receives a letter from the owner's veterinarian stating that the dog is physically unable to reproduce or that the dog is medically compromised to the extent that it cannot be safely sterilized. 6. Place of confinement. A potentially dangerous dog must reside at the owner's residence. 7. R-1 zones only and landlord notice. A potentially dangerous dog shall be allowed in R-1 residential zones only. In the event a person wishes to possess potentially dangerous dog and they are not the owner of the residence, they shall provide proof that they have provided notice to their landlord or the owner of the residence that they will possess a potentially dangerous dog at the residence. 8. Insurance. An owner of a potentially dangerous dog shall provide proof to the city on an annual basis of insurance coverage in an amount of not less than Two hundred thousand ($200,000) dollars. Any such insurance shall not contain an exclusion which would deny coverage for such dogs. 9. Window sticker or sign. A window sticker or sign must be posted on the owner's property, visible from the street to indicate that a potentially dangerous dog resides on the property. Such sign must be clearly visible from the street or sidewalk. 10. Confinement. A potentially dangerous dog shall be confined indoors or by means of a fence that is of adequate height and construction to prevent the dog's escape. Such fence or area of confinement must be approved by the Animal Control Officer. Appeals of any such approval may be made to the Animal Control Board as set forth herein. Potentially dangerous dogs shall not be confined by means of an electronic containment device, or invisible fence. When outside of an area of confinement, a potentially dangerous dog must be restrained by means of a secure leash held by an adult who has the ability to control the dog. 11. No transfer of permit. A potentially dangerous breed permit shall not transfer to a new owner residing in the city limits. The new owner must meet all registration requirements within ten (10) days of acquiring the dog. 12. The owner of a potentially dangerous dog may relocate the dog to the owner's new city address if the owner contacts animal services prior to the relocation in order to report the new address. 13. Maximum number. The number of potentially dangerous dogs kept, maintained or harbored at one residence shall not exceed one (1). 14. Muzzle. The animal control officer may require that any potentially dangerous dog be muzzled when outdoors on a leash as a condition of it being kept in the City. Appeals of such requirement made to the Animal Control Board as set forth herein. 15. Inspection. By possessing an dangerous dog, the owner or person possessing such animal gives the city animal control officer permission to perform inspections of the outside of the premises where such animals are kept upon reasonable request. 16. Other requirements. The Animal Control Officer may require other reasonable conditions be met in order to issue such permit which are made with the intent of human safety. Appeals of any such requirement may be made to the Animal Control Board as set forth herein. 17. Notification. Any owner of an animal which is designated as potentially dangerous shall immediately notify City Police in the event that such dog causes any human injury, injury to any other animal or in the event such dog is loose from its confinement. C. APPEALS. 1. An appeal of a designation as a potentially dangerous dog or any other appeal called for herein may be made upon written request to the City within ten (10) days. 2. A hearing to consider such appeals shall be held within ten (10) business days from the time of such appeal. Such appeals shall be held before the Animal Control Board. 3. The owner of a dog that has been identified as a pit bull under this section shall have the right to an administrative appeal of the breed designation by submitting a request for a hearing to the City in writing within ten (10) days. Failure to make administrative appeal as set forth herein shall make such determination final and conclusive for all purposes. 4. A hearing to consider such appeal of pit bull designations herein shall be conducted by the Animal Control Board. The board shall make a final determination of the dog's breed or predominant breed characteristics. D. VIOLATIONS. 1. Failure to Comply. Failure to comply with any potentially dangerous dog registration requirement or permit conditions shall be a violation and may result in the issuance of a citation and and a warrant to seize the owner's dog if such dog is not voluntarily surrendered or removed from the City or brought into compliance. In the event the owner of a potentially dangerous dog fails to comply with the requirements of this chapter, the Animal Control Officer may declare the dog to be vicious based upon such failure(s) . 2. Violations Other Than Cruelty Violations. Permits to keep a potentially dangerous dog within the city shall be revoked upon the owner's second conviction or guilty plea for violation of the city's animal code provisions other than cruelty violations. If the permit(s) is revoked, a warrant to seize the potentially dangerous breed may be served on the owner if the dog is not removed from the city limits. In addition, the owner shall lose their right to register any potentially dangerous dog within the city for a period of two (2) years. 3. Cruelty Violations. Upon conviction for any animal cruelty charge, the owner of a potentially dangerous dog shall lose their potentially dangerous dog permit and shall lose their right to register or possess any potentially dangerous dog within the city for a period of ten (10) years. A warrant may be obtained to seize the owner's potentially dangerous dog(s) pending adjudication of the cruelty violation citation. Upon conviction for animal cruelty and revocation of the potentially dangerous dog permit, the owner's potentially dangerous dog must be removed from the city limits or surrendered to the animal control officer. 4. lmpoundment pending declaration. Upon reasonable suspicion that a dog is dangerous and poses a serious threat to public health or safety, the animal control officer, or appointed designee, may seek a warrant, if necessary, to seize the dog for quarantine at a veterinary clinic or for impoundment at the animal services facility, pending the dangerous dog declaration process. SECTION 211.080: VICIOUS DOG DESIGNATION A. It shall be unlawful for any person to keep within the city limits any vicious dog. B. A dog is considered vicious for purposes of this section if it: 1. Causes death or serious physical injury to a person engaged in a lawful activity; or 2. On two (2) or more occasions, attacks or bites without provocation a person engaged in a lawful activity; or 3. On more than one (1) occasion, while off the property of its owner and without provocation, injures another domesticated animal; or 4. Without provocation, kills a domesticated animal; or 5. Trains for dog fighting or is owned or kept for the purpose of dog fighting; or 6. The owner of a dangerous dog fails to notify the City Police department in the event such dog causes any human injury, injury to any other animal or in the event such dog is loose from its confinement. 7. Has been declared vicious, or has been given some other designation, by another governmental body under circumstances that would meet the grounds for vicious dog designation under the provisions of this article. C. lmpoundment pending declaration. Upon reasonable suspicion that a dog is vicious and poses a serious threat to public health or safety, the animal control officer or appointed designee, may seize the dog for quarantine at a veterinary clinic or for impoundment at another facility pending the vicious dog declaration process. D. Declaration as Vicious Dog. In instances where the dog is declared vicious, the animal control officer or any other member of the police department shall, within forty-eight (48) hours, notify the owner of the dog in writing either in person or posted at the owner's or custodian's last known address, that the dog has been determined to be a vicious animal, the reasons for the declaration and, if applicable, that the dog has been quarantined or impounded by animal services. The owner shall have twenty four (24) hours from delivery of the notice to contact the city and comply with the ordinance by removing the dog from the city limits or by having the dog euthanized. E. Appeal. The notice shall also inform the owner or custodian of the dog that a hearing to contest the declaration shall be held before the Animal Control Board if a request for a hearing is submitted in writing to the city within five (5) working days from receipt of the notice of vicious dog declaration. F. Status pending hearing. Once notice of vicious dog designation has been given, the dog shall be considered vicious unless, and until such time as, the declaration is overruled by the Animal Control Board G. Change of status. The owner or custodian of a vicious dog shall notify the city immediately if the dog is unconfined and on the loose, or has attacked a human or a domestic animal. SECTION 211 .090: EACH DAY SEPARATE OFFENSE Each day that a violation of any provision of this chapter continues shall be deemed a separate offense. CHAPTER 212: CATS SECTION 212.010: APPLICABILITY This Chapter shall apply to cats as they are defined in Chapter 210. The definitions contained in Chapter 21 O and 211 shall also apply to this Chapter. SECTION 212.020: DEFINITIONS ATTACK: Means aggressive behavior by a cat that involves repeatedly biting or scratching its victim. DANGEROUS CAT: Means a cat that has been designated as dangerous pursuant to the standards and administrative procedures identified in this article or that has been given another designation pursuant to similar standards and procedures in another jurisdiction. FREE ROAMING CAT: Means a cat that is not kept inside of a house, business or other legal occupancy structure or kept in a fenced area enclosed with a top and containing a shelter as described in this article. A cat that is allowed to go outside of such structure or fenced area is considered a free-roaming cat. SECTION 212.030: MAXIMUM NUMBER. No more than three (3) cats may be kept or harbored at a household or business within the city limits. This section does not apply to veterinarians, licensed breeders or pet stores. Kittens under the age of four (4) months which were born to a cat which has a City license shall be exempt from this section. SECTION 212.040: CONFINEMENT A. For any cat newly licensed after January 1, 2015, cat owners shall identify their free-roaming cats by means of a microchip that registers the owner with a national computer recovery network. This shall not apply to cats which have been registered with the city prior to said date. B. All free-roaming cats shall be sterilized unless the owner's veterinarian, licensed by the state, certifies in writing that the animal is physically unable to reproduce or that the animal is medically compromised to the extent that it cannot be sterilized safely. C. Direct-point chaining or tethering of cats to a stationary object is prohibited. SECTION 212.050: DANGEROUS CATS A. It shall be unlawful for any person to keep within the city limits any dangerous cat, except in compliance with the provisions of this section. A cat is considered dangerous for purposes of this section if: 1. Without provocation, it attacks or bites a person; or 2. Acts in a manner which the owner knows, or reasonably should know, is an indication that the cat is dangerous and is not merely acting in self defense under a particular set of circumstances; or 3. Has been declared dangerous, or has been given some other designation by another governmental body under circumstances that would meet the grounds for dangerous cat designation under the provisions of this ordinance. B. If the animal control officer has cause to believe that a cat is dangerous, the animal control officer may find and declare such cat a dangerous cat. The animal control officer shall give notice of the declaration and the reasons for it in writing to the person who owns, keeps, or otherwise maintains the cat. The notice shall inform the owner or custodian of the cat that a hearing to contest the declaration shall be held before the animal control board, if a request for a hearing is submitted in writing to the city within five (5) days from receipt of the notice of dangerous cat declaration. C. Hearing. The hearing required pursuant to this subsection shall be held no more than five (5) week days from the date of receipt of the request. The hearing shall be before the animal control board. D. In the event a cat is designated as dangerous, it shall not be allowed to be a free roaming cat. Any cat found to be kept in violation of this section shall be subject to seizure and impoundment. SECTION 212.060: EACH DAY SEPARATE OFFENSE Each day that a violation of any provision of this chapter continues shall be deemed a separate offense. CHAPTER 213 - MISCELLANEOUS ANIMAL PROVISIONS SECTION 213.010: KEEPING OF PROHIBITED ANIMALS A. The sale, possession, display, maintenance or keeping of carnivora, innately wild animals, nonhuman primates and venomous reptiles within the city is unlawful unless such animals are kept with a written permit from the Missouri Department of Conservation or a Federal permit to transport and display such animals or for bona fide circuses and carnivals. 1. Carnivora shall include, but not be limited to, the following families, with representatives of those families as indicated: Ursidae: Bears. Canidae: Wolves, coyotes, foxes, or the hybrid offspring of such canidae (including, but not limited to, domestic dog-canidae crosses). Hyaenidae: Hyenas. Filidae: Lions, tigers, leopards, American lions (commonly known as pumas, cougars, and panthers), cheetah , bobcats, ocelots, jaguars, servals, African panthers, lynx, margays. Procyonidae: Raccoons and relatives. Mustelidae: Weasels, skunks, and relatives. Viverridae: Binturongs, civets and relatives. 2. Innately wild animals shall include all members of the order Camivora which are all meat-eating animals, excluding domestic breeds of dogs and cats. 3. Nonhuman primates shall include, but not be limited to, the following families: Monkeys: Spider monkeys, squirrel monkeys, marmosets, baboons and relatives. Great apes: Gorillas, orangutans, gibbons, siamangs, chimpanzees and relatives. 4. Venomous reptiles shall include, but not be limited to, the following families: Colubridae: (two (2) genera only), Dispholidus (boomslang) and thelotornis (twig snakes). Elapidae: Cobras, kraits, coral snakes and relatives. Hydrophilidae: Sea snakes. Viperidae: Vipers, adders. Crotalidae: Pit vipers (commonly known as rattlesnakes, water moccasins, copperheads). Helodermatidae: Gila monsters. B. Large Animals Prohibited. Keeping or maintaining hogs, goats, donkeys, mules, sheep, emu, ostrich or any other animal which, when fully grown would typically weigh over thirty (30) pounds, other than dogs, cattle and horses, within the City limits is prohibited, unless otherwise allowed herein. C. Horses and Cattle. Horses and cattle may be kept or maintained within the City limits but only on tracts of land consisting of not less than fifteen (15) acres and not less than four hundred (400) feet from the property line of any adjoining property containing a residence or dwelling place. No more than 1 of such animals per acre of land shall be allowed. D. No person shall keep or maintain rabbits, chickens, domesticated Vietnamese pot-bellied pigs, ducks, turkeys, or other domestic fowl w ithin one hundred (100) feet of any residence or other dwelling place other than that of the owner, unless all occupants of residences or other dwelling places within such distances agree in writing that such animals or fowl may be kept and maintained at less than such distances. No bees may be kept within two hundred (200) feet from the nearest residence or business. If the beekeeper's property is less than one acre, no more than two hives shall be allowed. SECTION 213.020: KENNELS A kennel shall be any establishment which has more than three (3) dogs or more than three (3) cats. Kennels are not allowed in any residential zoning district. In other districts, written application for a kennel business license shall be made. Fee per dog or cat shall be assessed according to this code. The Animal Control Officer and/or members of the Police Department shall be allowed to inspect such kennel to determine its compliance with all laws and/or regulations. SECTION 213.030: IMPOUNDMENT OF ANIMALS The animal control officer shall take into custody any animal found at large in the city and shall impound the animal. Each impounded animal shall be held for a period of at least five (5) business days at the end of which time the animal shall be deemed abandoned. The animal control officer shall make diligent efforts to determine the owner of the animal and notify the owner of the impoundment. If the owner of the animal fails or refuses to claim and repossess the dog by the payment of the proper fee as prescribed in this section within five (5) days of acknowledging ownership of such animal, the animal shall be deemed abandoned. No animal that has not been licensed and vaccinated shall be released unless the person redeeming the animal licenses and/or vaccinates such animal. The Police Department shall establish from time to time a schedule of fees for redemption of animals which shall reimburse the City for approximate average costs for impoundment, shelter, food , transportation and officer time. This schedule may impose higher costs for repetitive redemptions for the same owner. January 6, 2015 MAYOR AND BOARD OF ALDERMEN MEETING ITEM 9-A: Mayor's Citizen Appointments Comprehensive Plan Steering Committee BACKGROUND: The City's boards and committees play a vital role in helping the City operate. It takes many volunteers to keep these committees and boards functioning. The Mayor's recommendations for citizen appointments to the Comprehensive Plan Steering Committee are as follows: Dr. Tim Hadfield - Camdenton R-111 School District Superintendent Two Student Representatives - Camdenton R-111 School District Mr. Jason Hulett - Local Business Representative Mr. Greg Hasty - Planning & Zoning Member and Presiding County Commissioner Mr. Chris McElyea - Central Bank of Lake of the Ozarks Dr. Lance Dye - Park Board Member and Downtown Business Representative Mr. John Blair - Industry Representative Ms. Angela Fiene - Citizens Against Domestic Violence Mr. John McMahon - State Fair Community College Mr. Byron Dudley - Laclede Electric Company Rev. Kirk Baker - Camdenton First Baptist Ms. Trish Creach - Camdenton Area Chamber Executive Director Mr. Keith Lucas - Local Business Representative Mr. Bob Rankin - Old Kinderhook Resort & Conference Center Mr. Tom Williams - Lake Regional Health Systems Representative Mr. Dan Hagedorn - Alderman Mr. John McNabb - Mayor Mr. Jeff Hancock - City Administrator FISCAL IMPACT: None RECOMMENDATION: Approval of the Mayor's recommendation/appointment. APPROVALS: Date: December 30, 2014 JULY 1, 2014 MAYOR AND BOARD OF ALDERMEN MEETING ITEM 9-8: Review & Approval of the Unaudited City Financial Report for July 1, 20140ecember 31 , 2014 BACKGROUND: In conformance with State Statutes RSMo 79.165 staff has prepared for publication the Unaudited Financial Report for FY 2013-2014. 79. 165. In the event the financial statement of any fourth class city is not published as required by section 79. 160, the treasurer of such city shall not pay out any money of the c;ty on any warrant or order of the board of aldermen after the end of the month in which such financial statement should have been published until such time as such financial statement is published. Any treasurer violating the provisions of this section shall be deemed guilty of a class A misdemeanor. FISCAL IMPACT: Approximately 140.00 for newspaper publication RECOMMENDATION: Approval of the prepared unaudited financial statement for publication. APPROVALS : Date: December 30, 2014 Date: ancock, City Administrator, ICMA-CM __.Jl_ '--- 3_ f'---'~/--r-i __ ' I CITY OF CAMDENTON - FINANCIAL STATEMENT JULY 1, 2014 to December 31, 2014 EXPENDITURES REVENUE General Fund Water/Sewer Fund 1,158,546.93 974,950.73 1,604,717.93 439,167.18 424,147.49 1,572,959.46 0.00 0.00 98,174.46 Water Meter Deposit Sinking Fund Transportation Fund Special Road Fund Capital Improvements Cemetery Trust Fund 40,200.00 9,130.63 136,600.92 1,075,843.12 514,554.25 2,388,105.95 2,652.83 6,056.50 318,031.39 465,030.27 238,460.89 2,971,055.23 1,176.40 0.00 168,926.06 Economic Development TOTALS CASH/INVESTMENT 135.19 5,330.00 68,701.35 3,182, 751.92 2,172,630.49 9,327,272.75 BONDED INDEBTEDNESS Rev. Bond '01 515,000.00 TOTAL 515,000.00 We hereby certify that the above statement is a true and correct statement according to the unaudited records on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Camdenton. ~~ 9~J)f~ Renee Kingston John D. McNabb City Clerk Mayor DECEMBER 16, 2014 MAYOR AND BOARD OF ALDERMEN MEETING ITEM 9-C: Request to Fill Vacant Firefighter I Position BACKGROUND: The Camdenton Fire Department has been working towards filling the vacant Firefighter I position which became vacant when Jim Clarke was promoted to Fire Inspector/Firefighter. Testing and interviews were conducted on Tuesday, December 30, 2014. Mr. Brien Kiser tested and interviewed strongly. He is currently in the internship program with the Mid-County Fire Protection District. He graduated from the School of the Osage and also has an Associate's Degree in Fire Science. FISCAL IMPACT: The wage offered to Mr. Kiser is lower than what was budgeted for the current Firefighter position. RECOMMENDATION: Contingent upon satisfactory completion of the job specifics testing and drug screen the following is recommended: Mr. Kiser be hired as a Firefighter I effective Wednesday, January 14, 2015. He would be considered a full time employee with benefits with a starting wage of $13.00 per hour. He will be placed on six (6) month probation and will be expected to receive a satisfactory evaluation at the end of the six (6) month period. APPROVALS: ~ Date: December 30, 2014 Date: December 30, 2014 J. Jeff Hancock, City Administrator, ICMA-CM Prepaid Vouchers Dec-14 VENDOR DESCRIPTION Angela's Catering Cater Christmas Lunch/Admin AT&T Administration Airport Police Fire Park Sewer Street Pool AMOUNT $ 553.00 $ 243.1 4 37.33 249.22 111.11 33 .02 33 .01 33.01 69 .91 809.75 AT&T Internet/Street $ 60.00 AT&T Internet/Pool $ 55.00 AT&T Mobility Monthly Air Card Fee/Police $ 274.46 BankCard Meal,LaTAP Grant/Admin Workshop.Badges/Police $ 41.23 C.A.D.V. CADV Remittance $ 96.00 Carolyn S. Jones (December 2013) Building Cleaning/Admin/Police $ 625.00 Cenex Fleet Card (Vehicle Fuel} Administration Airport Cemetary Fire Park Police Sewer Street Water $ 111 .87 0.00 0.00 336.37 340.33 1504.60 197.31 584.99 258.44 3,333.91 Charter Communications Internet Service/Admin/Fire/PD $ 422.85 Charter Communication Internet Services/Sewer $ 49.97 Crawford, Murphy & Tilly, Inc Land Acq Project #14-045B-1 /Airport $ 18,482.91 Data Comm Inc. Computer Monitoring/Admin/PD/Fire $ SUBTOTAL $ 866.00 25,670.08 BALANCE BROUGHT FORWARD $ 25,670.08 Prepaid Vouchers Dec-14 VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT Data Comm Inc Copier Lease/Fire $ 120.44 Disc Golf Monkey 3 Disc Golf Baskets/Park $ 775.00 Farm Plan ThermostaVStreet $ 51.99 G .E. Capital Copier Lease/Police $ 135.00 Hancock, Jeff Reimburse Meal, Meeting/Admin $ 19.78 Haynes Equipment Co, Inc 1/2 UV Disinfection System/WWTP $ 17,560.00 Laclede Electric Coop Adm inistration Police Fire Well Sewer Street Street Lights Park Airport Aquatic Center $ 946.50 879.50 400.00 5477.00 6012.96 262 .00 4229 .00 224.00 652 .07 367 .00 19,450.03 Lake Oasis Conoco #1 Fuel/Police $ 127.79 Mail Finance (November 2014) Postage Lease/Admin/Water $ 132.47 Mail Finance Postage /Adm in/Water/Fire/Police $ 600.00 Mainstreet Asphalt Maintenance Street Striping , Proj #3720/Street $ 9,560.00 MCI Long Distance Charges $ 81 .50 Mo. Dept. of Revenue (Nov 2014) CVC Rem ittance $ 321 .64 Mo. Dept. of Revenue Title 2015 Ford F-350/Street $ 11.00 MO PERM Comprehensive Insurance Premium $ 93,043.00 Naught-Naught Insurance Volunteer Fire, 2nd Installment/Fire $ 2,577.00 Newman, Comley & Ruth Legal Svc.Mulberry Well/Water $ SUBTOTAL $ 1,132.13 171,368.85 BALANCE BROUGHT FORWARD $ 171,368.85 Prepaid Vouchers Dec-14 VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT Postmaster Water Bills All Cycles $ 413.43 Public Water Dist #2 Treatment Plant, Airport Office, G hangar $ 26.58 Sakelaris Ford Lincoln 2015 Ford F-350/Street $ 25,672.00 Save-A-Lot Hams & Turkeys/Admin $ 1,364.43 Save-A-Lot Additional Turkeys/Admin $ 76.50 State of MO Treasurer POST Rem ittance $ 45.12 Trace Analytics, Inc Routine Analysis/Fire $ 310 .00 UMB Bank-St. Louis Series 2010 Interest $ 8,865.63 Wright Express FSC (Vehicle Fuel) Administration Cemetary Fire Park Police Sewer Street Water Totals 0.00 0.00 15.37 0.00 313.63 0.00 122.97 65.67 $ $ .r 517.64 208,660.18. 12-2 J -201 4 A/ P PAYMENT REGISTER 9:49 AM PhCKET: 03683 Regular VENDOR SET: 01 PAGE: 19 P~ 1Tlents -SUMMARY TOTALS D I S T R I B U T I 0 N F U N D FUND NOff FUND N/,ME AMOUNT 10 GENERAL FUND 27, 929. 71CR 20 WATER/SEWER O&M FUND 11, 580. 73CR 30 TRANSPORTATION FUND 3 , 075.92CR 31 SPEC IAL RD DISTRICT FUND 6,025.00CR 50 SP R•/CAP IMP TAX FUND l,9r2.74CR 50,574.lOCR •• TOTALS •• ---- TYPE OF CHECK TOTALS ---- GROSS NUMBER DISCOUNT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 . 00 0.00 0.00 0 . 00 HAND CHECKS DRAFTS 50,574.10 REG-CHECKS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 o.oo 0.00 NON-CHECKS 50,574.10 50,574 . 10 TOTAL CHECKS TO PRINT: 50 ERRORS: 0 WARNINGS: 50 ,574 . lOCR 50,574.10 EFT ALL CHECKS PAYMENT BALANCE 0 50,574.lOCR 0 . 00 OUTSTANDING 0.00 0 . 00 o.oo 0 . 00 0.00 0.00 12-29-2014 A 1 P PAYMENT REGISTER 9:49 AM PACKET , 03683 Regular Payments VENDOR SET : 01 PAGE, 1 -,.:NOOR SEQUENCE VENDOR ITEM NO# DESCRI PTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT GROSS DISC DT 01- 15 63 BALANCE FIX WINDSHIELD.TRUCK # 3 / PAR 99 R 12/31/2014 35.00 G,'L ACCOUNT 50 551-0530 VEHICLE REPAIRS / MAINTENANCE 35.00 REG. CHECK FIX WINDSHIELD,TRUCK #3/PARK 35 . 00 35.00 4 GAL CAR WASH CONCENTRATE/ 99 R 12/3 1/2014 15.16 10 503-0530 REPAIRS/MAINTENANCE VENDOR TOTALS 15.16 15.16CR REG. CHECK 4 BOTTLES CAR WASH CONCENTRATE 15 .1 6 15.16 15 . 16CR 0.00 0 . 00 BIG 0 TIRES I 025013-69043 4 TIRES, PD #12/POLICE 99 R 12/3 1/ 2014 10 I 025013-6916 1 502-0530 REPAIRS/MAINTENANCE 6 TIRES,CPW #12/STREET 474 . 2 1 R 99 12/31/2014 G/ L ACCOUNT 30 I 025013-69271 520- 0 530 REPAIRS / MAINTENANCE 2 TIRES , PD #9/POLICE 502-0530 474.21CR 4 TIRES, PD #12/POLICE 771. 72 771. 72CR 771. 72 99 771.72 R 12/31/2014 G/L ACCOUNT 10 474.21 474.21 G/L ACCOUNT 6 TIRES , CPW #12 / STREET 302.06 302 . 06CR 302 . 0 6 REPAIRS/MAINTENANCE VENDOR TOTALS 302.06 REG. CHECK 2 TIRES, PD #9 / POLICE 1,547 . 99 1,547.99 l,547.99CR 0 . 00 BLEDSOE CONOCO SERVICE #312,ANNL CHASSIS,ENGINE MA 99 R 12/ 31 / 2014 G/L i'.CCOUNT 10 I 4 665 0 . 00 0.00 15.16 G/L ACCOUNT I 4658 35.00CR AUTO ZONE I 4442529628 01 - 0655 35.00CR 35 . 00 VENDOR TOTALS 01-0122 OUTSTANDING ACCURATE GLASS LLC I 284 8 0 1 -1673 PAYMENT DISCOUNT 503-0530 REPAIRS/MAINTENANCE # 3 11,ANNL CH;.SSIS' ENGINE MA 99 503 - 0530 617. 0lCR 617 . 01 6 1 7.01 R 12/ 31/2014 G/L ACCOUNT 10 617.01 #312,ANNL CHASSIS,ENGINE MAI NT 586.08 5S6.08CR 586 . 08 REPAIRS/MAINTENANCE 586.08 #311,ANNL CHASSIS,ENGINE MAINT 0 . 00 12-29 -2014 A/P PAYMENT REGISTER 9:49 AM PACKET: 03683 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 01 PAGE: 2 VENDOR SEQUENCE VENDOR ITEM NO# DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT DISC DT #318,ANNL CHASSIS,ENGINE MA 99 I 46 €-6 R 503-0530 REPAIRS.'!1AINTENANCE 529 . 67 R 12/31/2014 502-0530 669.60 REPAIRS.'MAINTENANCE R 502-0530 #318 ,ANNL CHASSIS.ENGINE MAINT 669.60CR PD12 FUEL PUMP,FILTER,TOW/POLI 480.41 12 ,' 31 / 2014 480.41 CR 480.41 G/L ACCOUNT 10 529.67CR 669.60 PD2,THERMOSTAT,HARM BALANCE 99 I 96348 DISCOUNT (69.60 G/L ACCOUNT 10 BALANCE REPAIRS/MAINTENANCE VENL\)R TOTALS 480.41 REG. CHECK PD2,THERMOSTAT,HARM BALANCER,S 2. 882 . 77 2,882.77CR 2 , 882.77 01-1545 OUTSTANDING 529 . 67 PD12 FUEL PUMP,FILTER ,TOW / P 99 I 96229 PAYMENT 529.67 12/31 / 2014 G/L ACCOUNT 10 GROSS 0.00 0.00 EJUND TREE MEDICAL LLC I 81635326 4 TRAUMA KITS/POLICE 99 R 48 0 . 00 12/ 31/ 2014 10 502-0770 I 53828 48 0 .00 CONTINGENCIES VENDOR TOTALS 01-1616 REG. CHECK PARK DIR CITY SHIRT/PARK 50 99 480.00 480.00CR 480. 00 0.00 0.00 R 12/Sl/2014 48.95 551-0440 48.95CR 48.95 OFFICE SUPPLIES VENDOR TOT_;Ls I 18033 4 TRAUMA KITS / POLICE BW GRAPHICS G.'L hCCOUNT 01-008) 480.00CR 48 0.00 G/L ACCOUNT 48.95 PARK DIR CITY SHIRT/PARK 48 . 95 REG. CHECK 48.95CR 48 . 95 0 .00 169.00 16 '' . OOCR 0.00 CAMDEN CO . FIRE & SAFETY 1 9 ANNL FIRE EXTINGUISHER S 99 R 12/31,'2014 169.00 G/ L ACCOUNT 10 503-0530 'JENDOR TOTALS RE PAIRS / MAINTENANCE REG . CHECK 169 . 00 19 ANNL FIRE EXTINGUISHER S VC/ 169.00 1G9. OOCR 1 69.00 0.00 0 . 00 12-29-2014 A/P PAYMENT REGISTER 9 :4 9 hll PACKET: 03683 Regular Payments ·."ENWR SET: 01 PAGE: 3 VENDOR SEQUENCE VENDOR ITEM NO# DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE OT GROSS DISC OT 01-0687 BALANCE PAYMENT CAMDEN COUNTY TREASURER I 012015-Monthly DISPATCH FEES/ POLICE/FIRE 99 R 1 ,' 01/20 1 5 5,038.97 1 G L ACC')UNT 5,038.97CR 5,038.97 10 502-0750 DISPATCHING 4,376.95 DISPATCH FEES/ POLICE/FIRE 10 503-0750 DISPATCHING 662 . 02 DISPATCH FEES/POLICE /FIRE 5,038 . 97 REG. CHECK VENDOR Ton.Ls 5,038.97CR 5,038.97 01-1652 2 PATROL RIFLES/POLI CE R 99 12 .' 31/2014 1,400.00 10 I 270384 502-0470 NEW EQUIPMENT/OFFICE 24 BOXES,AMMO/POLICE 1,400.00 R 99 12/31.'2014 502-0735 2 PATROL RIFLES/POLICE 264.00 G/L ACCOUNT 10 REGISTRATION & TRAINING 264 . 00 24 BOXES,A/.!MO IPOLICE l,[64.00 REG. CHECK 1,664.00 DOG FOOD/POLICE 99 R 1 2 / 31/2014 10 502 - 067 0 CANINE EXPENSE C5.98 65 . 98 REG. CHECK VENDOR TOTALS 65.98CR DOG FOOD/POLICE 65.98 65.98CR 65.98 0 . 00 1 75.00 1 75.00CR DARREN KREH BIEL CONSULTANTS REVIEW SCH')()L PLANS .CAMDEN 99 R 12/31/2014 175.00 G/L ACCOUNT 50 550-0930 INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECTS MEETINGS, SLUDGE BASIN.'WWTP 99 175 . 00 R 12/31.'2014 20 511-0905 8,625 . 00 CAPITAL OUTLAY El!ERGENCY ACTION, UV SYSTEM/ 99 R 1 2/31.'2014 G/L ACCOUNT 20 511 - 05'05 RE .. IEW SCHOOL PLANS.CAMDEN A•E 8,625.00 8,625 . 00CR 8,625.00 G/L ACCOUNT I 154 0 . 00 0.00 65.98 G/L ACCOUNT #159 l ,664 .00CR CAMDENTON LAWN & GARDEN I 312069 I 264.00CR 264 . 00 VENDOR TOTALS I #1 55 1, 40 0 . 00CR 1,400.00 G/L ACCOUNT 01-0068 0.00 0.00 C.'!\MDENTON FIREARMS LLC I 270383 01-1213 OUTSTANDING DISCOUNT MEETINGS,SLUD3E BASIN/WWTP 105.00 105.00CR 105.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 105 . 00 EMERGENCY ACTION, u·; SYSTEM/ WWT 0.00 12-2 3 -2014 A/P PAYMENT REGISTER 9:49 AM PACKET : 03683 Regular Payments VEND'.)R SET : 01 PAGE: 4 VENDOR SEQUENCE VENDOR ITEM NO# BANK DESCRIPTION CHECK STAT DUE OT GR)SS DISC OT I 160 PROF S 1 "C,CLINT AVE ROAD,DR 9 ? R 6,025.00 12/31/2014 521-0960 STREET RESTORATION 6,025.00 REG. CHECK 'JENDOR TOTALS PROF I 73163 14,930.00 COPIER MAINT,OVERAGES/POLIC 99 10 R 12 / H /2014 57.80 502-0460 OFFICE EQUIPMENT REPAIRS/MAINT COPIER MAINT,OVERAGES/FIRE 10 99 R 57.80 12/31/2014 503-04(0 501-0460 OFFICE EQT REPAIRS/MAINTENANCE R 17.00 12/31/2014 I 76041 OFFICE EQUIPMENT REPAIRS/MAINT R 30.28 I 76042 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE OTHER 2,969 . 07 R 1 2,31/2014 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE OTHER REBUILD STATI ON ,DRAWER/FIRE 99 I 7637 9 1249 R 174.00 12/31/2014 174 . 00CR REBUILD STATION,CHAIR MAT/FIRE 73.07 73.07CR 73 . 07 7 j .07 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE OTHER 2 CARTONS,COPY PAPER 1 ADM/ WA ~9 R 12/31/2014 REBUILD STATION,DRAWER/FIRE 59 . 98 59 . 98CR 59.98 10 50 1 -0440 SUPPLIES & MATERIALS 19 . 99 20 510 - 0440 OFFICE EXPENSE 19.99 2 CARTONS,COPY PAPER/ ADM / WATER 20 511-0440 OFFICE EXPENSE 20 . 00 2 CARTONS,COPY PAPER/ADM/ WATER 2 SIDE CHAIRS,CHIEF OFFICE/ 99 R 12/31 / 2014 10 1249 ACCOUNTS RECEr: ABLE OTHER COPIER MAINTENANCE, 0'/ERAGES 99 502-04(0 213.34CR 213. 34 R 213. 34 12/31 / 2014 2 SIDE CHAIRS,CHIEF OFFICE/FIR 52 . 82 G/L ACCOUNT 10 2 CARTONS,COPY PAPER/ADM.'WATER 213.34 G/L ACCOUNT I 77436 REBUILD STATION.FURNITURE/FIRE 174 . 00 G/L ACCOUNT I 76381 2,969 . 07CR 174.00 G/L ACCOUNT 10 30 . 28CR COPIER MAINTENANCE ,OVERAGES/AD 2,969.07 12/31/2014 G/L ACCOUNT 1249 COPIER MAINT,OVERAGES/FIRE 2,969 . 07 REBUILD STATION,CHAIR MAT/F 9 9 10 17 . 00CR 30.28 REBUILD STATION,FURNITURE / F 99 124:' MAINT,OVER.~GES/POLICE 30.28 G/L ACCOUNT 10 57 .8 0CR 17.00 COPIER MAINTENANCE,OVERA3ES 99 10 COPIER 17.00 G/ L ACCOUNT I 76040 0 . 00 57.80 G/ L ACCOUNT I 75923 14,930.00CR DATA COMM G/ L ACCOUNT I 75345 6,025 . 00CR SVC,CLINT A'.'E R0AD,DRAIN 14,930.00 01 - 1414 OUTSTANDING DISCOUNT 6,025.00 G/L ACCOUNT 31 PAYMENT BALANCE 52.82CR 52 . 82 OFFICE EQUIPMENT REPAIRS/MAINT 52. 82 COPIER MAINTENANCE, O'/ERAGES/PD 0 . 00 12-29-2014 9:49 AM A/ P PAYMENT REGISTER PACKET: 03683 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 01 PAGE: 5 VENDOR SEQUENCE VENDOR ITEM NO# DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE OT GROSS DISC DT VENDOR TOT.'\LS BALANCE REG . CHECK 3,647.36 3,647.36 01- 1 627 TRUCK #3 OIL CHANGE,' Pl'.RK 99 R 12,'31.' 2014 54 . 89 G/ L ACCOUNT 50 3, £47 . 3 6CR 0.00 0.00 551-0530 ..EHICLE REPAIRS / l!AINTENANCE R 99 54.89 12/31/2014 I 270 551-0530 'J'EHICLE REPAIRS/MAINTENANCE PD 6 OIL CHANGE.'POLICE I 354 502-0530 99 R 35.99 I 406 REPAIRS / MAINTENANCE 33.00 R 99 12/ 31 / 2014 REPAIRS/MAINTENANCE 99 33.00 R 12/31/2014 33.00 33.00 REPAIRS / MAINTENANCE R 99 12/31/2014 502-0530 33.00CR PD 9 OIL CHANGE/POLICE 33 . 00 G/L ACCOUNT 10 PD 3 OIL CHANGE/POLICE 33.00 PD #5,0IL CHANGE/POLICE 83 33.00CR 33 . 00 PD 9 OIL CHANGE,' POLICE 502-0530 PD 6 OIL CHANGE/POLICE 33 . 00 G/L ACCOUNT 10 33.00CR 33.00 PD 3 OIL CHANGE/POLICE 502-0530 TRUCK #10 OIL CHANGE/ PARK 33.00 12/31/2014 G/L ACCOUNT 10 35 .9 9CR 35.99 G/L ACCOUNT 10 TRUCK #3 OIL CHANGE/PARK 35 . 9 9 G/ L ACCOUNT 50 54.89CR 5 4 .89 TRUCK #10 OIL CHANGE/PARK I 213 33.00CR 33 . 00 REPAIRS/MAINTENANCE ·; ENI'.'0 R TOTALS 01-1632 OUTSTANDING DEPENDABLE AUTOMOTIVE, LLC I 211 I PAYMENT DISCOUNT 33.00 REG. CHECK PD #5,0IL CHANGE/POLICE 222.88 222.88CR 222.88 0.00 0.00 DIGITAL-ALLY I 1072030 2 IN-CAR VIDEO CAMERAS'POL I 99 R 12/31/2014 G/L ACCOUNT 10 502-0905 VENDOR TOTALS 7,150.00 7,150 . 00CR 7,150.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY REG. CHECK 7,150 . 00 2 IN-CAR VIDEO CAMERAS/POLICE 7,150 . 00 7,150.00 7,150 . 00CR 0.00 0.00 12-29-2014 9:49 AM A/P PAYMENT REGISTER PACKET: 03683 Rejular Payments VENDOR SET: 01 PAGE: 6 ' 'ENDOR SEQUENCE "'ENDOR ITEM NO~ DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE OT GROSS Bi-.LANCE DI SC OT 01-0387 20 TASER CARTR IDGES/ POLICE 99 R 12/ 31/2014 489.28 G/L ACCOUNT 10 502-0C30 489.28CR 489.28 489 . 28 AMMUNITION VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 20 TASER CARTRIDGES.'POLICE 489.28 489.28CR 489. 28 0.00 0.00 ELLIS BATTERY I 313849 STREAMLIGHT FLASHLIGHT BATT 99 R 12/31/2014 32.32 G/L ACCOUNT 10 502-0610 32. 3;.CR 32.32 SUPPLIES & MATERIALS VENDOR TOTALS 32.32 STREAMLIGHT FLASHLIGHT BATTERI 32.32 REG. CHECK 32.32 01-1377 OUTSTANDING ED ROEHR RADIO CO. INC. I 420£09 01-1463 PAYMENT DISCOUNT 32.32CR 0.00 0.00 ENGINEERING SURVEYS & SERVI I ESS0612l 8 WWTP EFFLUENT ANALYSIS/WWTP 99 R 12/31/2014 209.00 20 511-0774 LIFT STATION/TREAT PLANT "'ENDOR TOTALS 01-0828 209.00 REG. CHECK WWTP EFFLUENT ANALYSIS /WWTP 209.00 209.00CR 209.00 0.00 ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP/POLICE 99 R 12/31/2014 50.00 G/L ACCOUNT 10 502-0560 50.00CR 50.00 ASSOCIATION DUES VENDOR TOTALS 50.00 REG. CHECK ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP/ POLICE 50.00 50.00 I 73268 0.00 FBI ; LEEDA I 2487-15 01-0312 209.00CR 209.00 G/ L ACCOUNT 50.00CR 0.00 0.00 FRANKS UNIFORMS INC. UNIFOR!I ALTERATIONS/FIRE 99 R 12/31,'20 14 32.00 G/L ACCOUNT 10 503-0210 VENDOR TOTALS 32.00CR 32.00 32.00 UNIFORllS REG. CHECK UNIFORM ALTERATIONS / FIRE 32.00 32.00 32.00CR 0.00 0.00 12-29-2014 9 : 49 AM A/P PAYMENT REGISTER PACKET: 03683 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 01 7 VENDOR SEQUENCE VENDOR ITEM NO# DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT GROSS DISC DT 01-0384 BALANCE LAB SUPPLIES/WWTP R 99 127.29 12/31/2014 G/L ACCOUNT 20 511-0610 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 127 . 29 REG. CHECK LAB SUPPLIES/WWTP 127 . 29 127 . 29CR 127.29 0.00 158.62 l58.62CR 0.00 HIGH BROTHERS LUMBER CO I 9}11:8 FIRE DEPT REPAIRS/FIRE R 99 12/31/2014 G/ L ACCOUNT 10 1249 158 . 62 ACCOUNTS RECEI VABLE OTHER 12' MOULDING,PAINT/ADM," PD 99 158.62 R 12/31/ 2014 FIRE DEPT REPAIRS/FIRE 20.54 20.54CR 20 . 54 G/L ACCOUNT 10 501-0340 GRJUNDS-BLDG/CLEAN/MAINT 10 . 27 12 ' MOULDING,PAINT.'ADM/PD 10 502-034 0 GROUNDS-BLDG/CLEAN/MAINT 10 . 27 12 ' MOULDING,PAINT.'ADM/PD REG. CHECK VENDOR TOTALS 179 .16 179.16CR 179.16 0.00 0 . 00 HULETT CHEVROLET-BUICK-GMC, I 62631 PD #1 KEY,"POLICE 99 R 12 /3 1 /2014 29.82 G/L ACCOUNT 10 I CVCS85589 502-0530 REPAIRS /MAINTENANCE FIX HEATER,PD#l/POLICE 10 502-0530 29.82CR 29.82 99 :3.82 R 12/31 /2014 PD #1 KEY/POLICE 42.26 G/L ACCOUNT 42. 26CR 42.26 REPAIRS/MAINTENANCE ·•ENDOR TOTALS 01-1589 127.29CR 127.2J VENDOR TOTALS 01-0221 OUTSTANDING HACH COMPANY I 9148542 01-0051 PAYMENT DISCOUNT 42.26 REG. CHECK FIX HEATER,PD#l/ POLICE 72 . 08 72. 08CR 72 . 08 0 . 00 105.00 105.00CR J & S PEST CONTROL LLC I 2014 12179180 Bl'S SPRAY.'ADM/PD.'FIRE/AIRPO 99 R 12/31/2014 105.00 G/L ACCOUNT 10 501-03 40 GROUNDS - BLDG/ CLEAN.'IC.INT 20 . 00 BUG SPRAY,';.DM/ PD/FIRE.'AIRPORT 10 502-0340 GROUNDS-BLDG/CLEAN/MAINT 20.00 BUG SPRAY,'ADl>l/ PD 1 FIRE.'AIRPORT 10 503-0340 GROUNDS-BLDG/ CLE;.N/MAINT 45 . 00 BUG SPRAY /;.OM.' PD/ FIRE/ AIRPORT 50 551 - 03 40 GROUNDS-BLDGiCLEAN1MAINTENANCE 0 . 00 BUG SPRAY/ ADM,' PD ' FIRE/ AIRPORT 0 . 00 12-2J-2014 A,'P PAYMENT REGISTER 9:49 AM PACKET: 03683 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 01 PAGE: 8 ..ENDOR SEQUENCE VENDOR ITEM NO# DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT DISC DT 30 522-0340 GROUNDS-BLDG/CLEAN/MAINT "C:NDOR TOTALS 01-0010 20. 00 REG. CHECK GROSS PAYMENT BALANCE DISCOUNT OUTSTANDING BUG SPRAY/ADM/PD/FIRE.'AIRPORT 105.00 105 . 00CR 105.00 0.00 0.00 JACKS SPORTING GOODS I 385748 PD #3 KEYS/POLICE 99 R 12 /31/20 14 7.48 10 I 386599 502-0440 SUPPLIES & MATERIALS PARTS, FIX HEATER/ FIRE 9, 7 . 48 R 12/31/2014 I 386603 503-0340 GROUNDS-BLDG/ CLEAN'MAINT MISC PLUMBING SUPPLIES "FIRE 99 I 386608 503-0340 16.20 R I 386757 GROUNDS-BLDG/CLEAN/MAINT 99 3.72 R 12/31/2014 1 9.90 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 19.90 R 12; 31/2014 I 386800 GROUNDS-BLDG/ CLEAN/MAINT RECEPTICLE COVERS,SUPPLIES/ 99 I 386874 501-0340 22 .64 R I 387168 GROUNDS-BLDG,'CLEAN/!!AINT 14 . 35 R 12/31 /2014 I 3£7284 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 99 38.98 R 12 / 31/2014 "ENDOR TOTALS 14C.65CR 146.65 14( .6 5 GROUNDS-BLDG/CLEAN! MAINT 2 EXTENSION CORDS.'WWTP 511-0610 TOGGLES, BOLTS, DRILL BIT/STREET 146.65 99 R 12/31/2014 35 BAGS QUICKCRETE/FIRE 6.58 G/L J,CCOUNT 20 38.98CR 38. 9C: 35 BAGS QUICKCRETE/FIRE 503-0340 RECEPTICLE COVERS,SUPPLIES/ADM 38.98 GIL ACCOUNT 10 14 . 35CR 14. 35 TOGGLES,BOLTS,DRILL BIT/STR 99 520-0610 DR;.IN,TRAP,PLUMBERS PUTTY/PD 14.35 12/31/2014 G/L ACCOUNT 30 22.6 4CR 22.64 G/L ACCOUNT 10 19.90CR l" GALV PLUGS/WAT 22.64 G/L ACCOUNT 502 - 0340 MISC PLUMBING SUPPLIES/FIRE 19.90 DRAIN, TRAP, PLUMBERS PUTTY/P 99 10 3.72CR 3. 72 l" GALV PLUGS/WAT 510-0610 PARTS, FIX HEATER/ FIRE 3 . 72 12/31/2014 G/L ACCOUNT 20 16.20CR 16. 20 G.'L ACCOUNT 10 PD #3 KEYS/PULICE 16.20 G/L ACCOUNT 10 7.48CR 7.48 G/L ACCOUNT 6 . 58CR 6.58 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES REG. CHECK 6 .58 2 EXTENSION CORDS/WWTP 276.50 276.50CR 276.50 0.00 0.00 12-29 -2014 A,' P PAYMENT REGISTER 9 :49 Alt PACKET: 03683 VENDOR SET: 01 R~jular P.; GE: 9 Payment s VENDOR SEQUENCE VENDOR ITEM NO# DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT GROSS DISC DT 0 1- 0078 BALANCE MEJtORIAL PLANT,'ADMIN R 99 12.'31:2014 41.00 G/L ACCOUNT 10 50 1 -044 0 SUPPLIES & M;\TERIALS 41. 0 0 REG. CHECK MEMORIAL PLANT/ ADllIN 41.00 41.00 41. OOCR 0.00 0.00 LAKE AVIATION CENTER, LLC I 012015-1 UTILITY REIMB URSEMENT/AIRPO 99 R 225 . 00 1 /01/ 2 0 15 225.00CR 225.00 G,'L ACCOUNT 30 522-0320 ELECTRICITY 30 522-0430 TELECOMMUNICATIONS 85. 00 UTILITY RE IMBURSEMENT/ AIRPORT 140 . 0 0 UTILITY REIMBURSEMENT/ AI RPORT REG. CHECK VENDOR TOTALS 225.00 225.00CR 225.00 0 . 00 0 . 00 LAKE SUN LE;;r)ER NOTICE ,BD OF ADJ 15 - 0lBA/AD 99 I 1908 4 R 12 / 31/2014 42.75 10 50 1 - 0720 4 2 . 75 LEGAL NOTICES NOTI CE,BD OF ADJ 15-02BA/AD 99 I 19085 R 12/31/2014 501-0720 LEGAL NOTICES 4 0 . 50 R 12,' 31 / 20 14 20 NOTICE ,BD OF ADJ 15-02BA/ADll 20 . 25 20.25CR 20.25 G/L ACCOUNT 20 40 . 50CR 40 . 50 NOTICE, WATER,SEWER RATE/WAT 99 I 19094 NOTICE,BD OF ADJ 15-0 lBA/ADM 40.50 G/ L ACCOUNT 10 4 2 . 75CR 42.75 G/L ACCOUNT 510-0440 OFFICE EXPENSE 1 0 . 12 NOTI CE, WATER,SEWER RATE.'WATER/ 511-0440 OFFICE EXPENSE 10 . 1 3 NOTICE,WATER, SEWER RATE / WATER/ VENDOR TOTALS 01-0005 41.00CR 41.00 VENDOR TOTALS 01-0020 OUTST;..NDING JANINE'S FLOWERS I 126125 01-1207 PAYMENT DISCOUNT REG. CHECK 103.50 103. 50CR 103 . 5 0 0 .00 LAKESIDE OFFICE SUPPLY I 298674 SHI P BADGES, REFURBISHING.' PO 99 R 12 / 31/2014 9.68 10 I 298737 502-04 1 0 9 . 68 POSTAGE 1 4 DESK CALENDARS /POLICE 99 R 502 - 0440 SHIP BADGES,REFURBISHING/POLIC 64 . 13 12/31/2014 64 . 13CR 64 . 13 G/L ACCOUNT 10 9 . 68CR 9 . 68 G/L ACCOUNT SUPPLIES & llATERIALS 64.13 1 4 DESK CALENDARS/POLICE 0.00 12 -29-2014 9:49 AM A,' P PAYMENT REGISTER PACKET: 03683 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 01 PAGE: 10 ''ENDOR SEQUENCE VENDOR ITEM NO# DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE OT GROSS BALANCE DISC OT I 2 ) ~067 SHIP 503 SLUDGE SAMPLES.'WWT 99 R 12,' 31,'2014 35 .56 G/ L ACC.'.JUNT 20 I 299185 511-0774 LIFT STATION/TREAT PLANT SHIP WWTP EFFLUENT SAMPLES,' 99 I 2992 70 511-0774 35 .56 R 12 /31/20 14 LIFT STATION.'TREJ.T PLANT 11. Bl R 99 12/31 /2 014 '0 .89 PERMIT FEES 60.89 REG. CHECK TARGETS,STANDS/POLICE 99 R 12/31/2014 G/L ACCOUNT 10 SHIP TCE SAMPLES/WATER 182 . 07 182. 07CR 182.07 0.00 216.62 216.62CR 502-0735 REGISTRATION & TRAINING 216.62 REG. CHECK TP.RGETS,STANDS/POLICE 216 .62 216.62CR 216.62 0.00 MEMBERSHIP DUES; ADMIN 99 R 12 /31,'2014 50 .00 G/L ACCOUNT 10 501-0560 50.00CR 50.00 ASSOC IATION DUES '..'ENDOR TOTALS 50. 00 REG. CHECK llEllBERSHIP DUES,'ADMIN 50.00 50. 00 50.0 0CR 0 . 00 0.0 0 MCDUFFEY LAB EFFLUENT BOD ANALYSIS/ WWTP ,~ R 1 2/3 1/2014 35.00 G/L ACCOUNT 20 I 18957 0.00 MAC;. TREASURER/DEBRA FREISE I 2015 I 18954 0 .00 216.62 '..'ENI:OR TOTALS 01 - 0080 60.89CR LAW ENFORCEMENT TARGETS, IN I 0265379 - IN 01-0822 SHIP WWTP EFFLUENT SAMPLES/WWT 60.89 ..ENDOR TOTALS 01-1486 ll.8lCR 11 .81 SHIP TCE SAMPLES/WATER 510-0760 35.56CR SHIP 503 SLUDGE SAMPLES/WWTP 11. 81 G/L 1.CCOUNT 20 OUTSTANDING 35.56 G/ L ACCOUNT 20 PAYMENT DISCOUNT 511 - 0774 LIFT ST;>.TION/ TREAT PLANT INFLUENT BOD ANALYSIS/ WWTP )9 35.00 R 12/31/2014 511 - 0774 VENDOR TOTALS EFFLUENT BOD ANALYSIS/WWTP 35.00 G,'L ACCOUNT 20 35.00CR 35.00 35.00CR 35. 00 LI FT STATION/ TREAT PLANT REG. CHECK 35 . 00 INFLUENT BOD ANALYSIS/ WWTP 70 . 00 70.00 70.00CR 0 .00 0.00 12-29-20 14 9:49 A.'P PAYMENT REGISTER J.M PACKET , 03683 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 01 PAGE: 11 VENDOR SEQUENCE VENDOR ITEM NO# DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE OT GROSS DI SC DT 01-0899 BALANCE HEATING FUEL/ STREET 99 R 218.75 12/31/2014 30 520-0330 HEATING FUEL VENDOR TOTALS 218.75 REG. CHECK HEATING FUEL/STREET 218.75 218.75CR 218.75 0.00 MEMBERSHIP DUES/ADMIN 99 R 12/31/2014 2J.OO 10 501-0560 ASSOCIATION DUES 20 . 00 REG. CHECK VENDOR TOTALS MEMBERSHIP DUES/ ADMIN 20.00 20.00 20 . 00CR 0.00 0.00 MISSOURI ONE CALL SYSTEM, I I 4110115 32 WATER LOCATES/WATER 99 R 41. 60 12/31,' 20 14 20 510-0430 41. 60CR 41.60 G/L ACCOUNT TELECOMMUNICATIONS VENDOR TOT;.LS 41. 60 32 WATER LOCATES/WATER 41. 60 REG. CHECK 41. 60CR 41. 60 0 . 00 100.00 100.00CR 0.00 MO MUNICIPAL LEAGUE I 200006403 MCMA WINTER WORKSHOP/ADMIN )9 R 12/31/2014 100.00 G/ L ACCOUNT 10 501-0735 100.00 REGISTRATION & TRAINING VENDOR TOTALS I 2 0 15 20 . 00CR 20.00 G/L ACCOUNT 01-0214 0.00 MID-llISSOURI MACA I 2015 01-0242 218 . 75CR 218.75 G/L ACCOUNT 01-1043 OUTSTANDING MFA PROPANE 2045 I 00001269593 01-1441 PAYMENT DISCOUNT REG. CHECK MCMA WINTER WORKSHOP/ADMIN 1 00.00 100.00CR 100.00 0.00 0.00 MO PEACE OFFICERS ASSOCIA MEMBERSHIP DUES/POLICE 99 R 75.00 12/31/2014 10 502-0560 VENDOR TOTALS 75 . 00CR 75.00 G/L ACCOUNT ASSOCIATION DUES REG. CHECK 75 . 00 MEMBERSHIP DUES/ POLICE 75.00 75.00 75. OOCR 0.00 0 . 00 12-29 - 2014 9:49 A.'P P.;YMENT REGISTER A.~ PACKET: 03683 Regular Payments VENOOR SET: 01 PAGE: 12 VENDOR SEQUENCE VENDOR DESCRIPTION ITE!t NO# BANK CHECK STAT DUE OT GROSS DISC OT 01 - 1694 MOBELL BALANCE 1X2 HDMI SPLITTER/ADM R 99 12/:,1/2014 88.53 50 550-0945 OTHER CAPITAL PROJECTS VENOOR TOT.hLS 88 .5 3 REG . CHECK 1X2 HDMI SPLITTER/ADM 88 . 53 88.53 88.53CR 0 .0 0 0.00 MOTOR HUT CHAIN SAW, POLE SAW CHAINS/W 99 I 35735 R 12/31/2014 19 . 00 20 511-0610 19.00CR 19.00 G/L ACCOUNT MATERIALS & SUPPLIES VENOOR TOTALS 19.00 REG. CHECK CHAIN SAW, POLE SAW CHAINS/WWTP 19.00 19.00 1 9 . 00CR 0.00 0 .00 NAPWDA MEMBERSHIP DUES/POLICE I 2015 R 99 12 / 31/2014 45.00 10 502 - 0560 45.00CR 45.00 G/L ACCOUNT 45.00 ASSOCIATION DUES -."ENOOR TOTALS MEMBERSHIP DUES/POLICE 45.00 REG. CHECK 45.00 01-0003 88.53CR 88.53 G/L ACCOUNT 01 - 0608 OUTSTANDING LLC I 385 01-0074 PAYMENT DISCOUNT 45.00CR 0.00 O ' REILLY AUTO PARTS I 4044-368750 HYO FLUID.SPREADER FITTINGS 99 R 12/31/2014 4 5.99 G/L ACCOUNT 30 I 4044-371149 520-0530 REPAIRS/MAI NTENANCE PD 10 WIPER BLADES/POLICE 99 45 . 99 R 12/31 / 2014 I 4 044-372 1 67 502-0530 REPAIRS / l lAINTENANCE 2 TAIL LIGHTS, #5 /STREET I 4044- 373323 520-0530 99 29.98 R 12 /3 1 /~014 7 .98CR 7.98 7.98 REPA IRS/MAINTENANCE FREON REFILL PD 12/POLICE 502-0530 PD 10 WI PER BLADES/POLICE 7.98 99 R 12/31 / 2014 2 TAIL LIGHTS, #5/STREET 19.98 l9.98CR 19 . 98 G/L ACCOUNT 10 29 . 98CR 29 . 98 G/L ACCOUNT 30 HYD FLUID.SPREADER FITTINGS .'ST 29 . 98 G/L ACCOUNT 10 4 5 . 9:iCR 4 5 . 99 RE PAIRS,'MAINTENJ.NCE 19 . 98 FREON REFILL PD 12/POLICE 0.00 12-29-2014 A; P PAYllENT REGISTER 9:49 A"1 PACKET: 03683 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 01 PAGE: 13 VENDOR SEQUENCE VENI:'0R ITEJ.1 NO# DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE GROSS DT DISC DT I 4044-373402 FREON REFILL PD 12.'POLICE R 99 BALANCE 12/31/2014 2.01 G L ACCOUNT 10 I 4044 - 374487 502 - 0530 2 . 01 REPAIRS/llAINTENANCE R 2 GENERATOR BLOCK HEATERS/W 99 I 4044 - 374522 511-0610 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 146 . 66 R 12 /3 1.'2014 2 GENERATOR BLOCK HEATERS/WWTP 24.22 24.2~CR 24.22 tlATERIALS & SUPPLIES 24 . 22 REG . CHECK VENDOR TOTALS 01-1402 146 . 66CR 146.66 PARTS,FIX PLANT GENERATOR/W 9) 511 -06 10 2.0lCR FREON REFILL PD 12/POLICE 146.66 12.'31.'2014 G/ L ACCOUNT 20 OUTSTANDING 2.01 G/ L ACCOUNT 20 PAYMENT DISCOUNT PARTS, FIX PLANT GENERATOR/ WWTP 276 . 82 276.82CR 276.82 0.00 0.00 QUALITY SALES & SERVICE INC I 490-12514 REPLhCE PAPI SLAVE BOARD/Al 99 R 12/31,'2014 1,053.20 30 522-0340 GROUNDS - BLDG/ CLEAN/MAINT 1 ,053.20 REG. CHECK VENDOR TOTALS REPLACE PAPI SLAVE BOARDI AIRPO 1,053.20 1,053.20 01 - 004 ~· REPAI R WELL CONTROLS/WATER 99 R 1,483.50 12/31/2014 20 510 -0635 VENDOR TOTALS l, 4 8 3 . 50 PUMP EXPENSE l, 4 83.50CR REPAIR WELL CONTROLSi WATER 1,483.50 REG . CHECK 1,483.50 1,483. SUCR 0.00 0 .00 SAKELhRIS FORD LINCOLN PD 12 NEW FUEL SENSOR , GAS T 99 R 12/31/2014 458.82 10 502-0530 REPAIRS ,'!·IAINTENANCE 458.-2 R PD 12 NEW FUEL GAUGE WIRE/ P 99 12.1 31/ 2014 502-0530 VENDOR TOTALS PD 12 NEW FUEL SENSOR,GAS TANK 45 . 00 G/L ACCOUNT 10 458.82CR 458.82 G/L ACCOUNT I 14097 0 .00 0.00 1,483. 50 G/L ACCJUNT I 13469 l ,053.20CR R.E. PEDROTTI COMPANY INC. I 00049357-2CAJ.1MH 01 - 0067 l , 053.20CR 1,053.20 G/L ACCOUNT 45.00CR 45 . 00 REPAIRS/MAINTENANCE REG . CHECK 45.00 PD 12 NEW FUEL GAUGE WIRE/ F)Ll 503.82 503. f 2CR 503.82 0 . 00 0 .00 12-29-2014 A.'P PAYMENT REGISTER 9:49 hM PACKET: 03683 Regular Payments »"ENDOR SET: 01 PAGE: 14 ","ENDOR SEQUENCE VENDOR ITEM NO# BANK DESCRIPTION CHECK STAT DUE DT GROSS DISC DT 01-1329 BALANCE 5 GAL FOAM CONCENTRATE/FIRE 99 R 12/31,'2014 550.00 G'L ACCOUNT 10 I 31725 503 - 0530 REPAIRS/MAINTENANCE 6 SETS BUNKER GEAR/FIRE 10 503-0470 550.00CR 550.00 99 550 . 00 R GAL FOAM CONCENTRATE/FIRE 1,883.45 1:/ 31/2014 1,883 . 45CR l,883.45 G/L ACCOUNT NEW EQUIPMENT/OFFICE 1,883.45 REG. CHECK VENDOR TOTALS 6 SETS BUNKER GEAR/FIRE 2,433.45 2,433.45 2,433.45CR 0.00 0.00 ST . LOUIS CO MUNICIPAL LEAG I 201412189182 TRAINING PR;)GRAM,ELECTIONS/ 99 R 12/31/2014 1 0.00 10 I 2014121891 83 501-0735 REGISTRATION & TRAINING TRAINING PROGRAM,ELECTIONS / 39 10.00 R 12/31/2014 I 201412189184 501-0735 REGISTRATION & TRAINING TRAINING PROGRAM.ELECTIONS/ 99 501-0735 10.00CR 10.00 10.00 R 12/31.' 2014 TRAINING PROGRAM,ELECTIONS/ADM 10 .00 10.00CR 10.00 G/L ACCOUNT 10 TRAINING PROGRAM, ELECTIONS/ ADM 10.00 G/L ACCOUNT 10 10.00CR 1 0.00 G/L ACCOUNT REGISTRATION & TRAINING 10.00 REG. CHECK VENDOR TOTALS 01- 0641 OUTSTANDING SENTINEL EMERGENCY SOLUTION I 31568 01-16n PAYMENT DISCOUNT TRAINING PROGRAM, ELECTIONS/ADM 30 . 00 30.00CR 30.00 0.00 141.55 141. 55CR STAPLES CONTRACT & COMMERC I I 3250084371 4 PRINTER INKS, PENCIL HOLDE 99 R 12 / 31/2014 141.55 G/ L ACCOUNT I 3250084372 10 50 1 -04 40 SUPPLIES & MATERIALS 56.38 4 PRINTER I NKS,PENCIL HOLDERS/ :o 510 - 0440 OFFICE EXPENSE 42 . 58 4 PRINTER INKS,PENCIL HOLDERS/ 20 511-0440 OFFICE EXPENSE 42.59 4 PRINTER INKS,PENCIL HOLDERS/ 5 PRINTER INK,LEGAL PADS /AD 99 R 146.69 12/31 / 2014 I 3250084373 146 . 69CR 146.69 G/L ACCOUNT 20 510-0440 OFFICE EXPENSE 32 . 48 20 511-0440 OFFICE EXPENSE 32.48 PRINTER INK, LEGAL PADS/ADM,'W 10 50 1-04 40 SUPPLIES & MATERIALS 81.73 PRINTER INK, LEGAL p,\DS/ ADM/W ··;;cuUM CLEANER/ADM/PD 99 R 12/31/2014 501-0340 330.87 330.87CR 330.87 G/L ACCOUNT 10 PRINTER INK, LEGAL PADS/ADM/W GROUNDS-BLW/CLEAN/MAINT 165.43 ·,·ncUUM CLEANER/ ADf.l; PD 0.00 12-29-2014 9:49 AM A/P PAYMENT REGISTER PACKET: 03683 Regular Pa, ments VENDOR SET: 01 PAGE: 15 . 'ENDOR SEQUENCE VENDOR ITEM NO# DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE GROSS OT DISC OT 10 I 3250084374 502-0340 GROUNDS-BLDG/CLEAN/MAINT "lnCUUl1 CLEANER BAGS/ADM/PD 9) BALANCE 165.44 R 12/31/2014 I 3250084375 10 501-0340 GROUNDS-BLDG/CLEAN/MAINT 6. 79 VJ,CUUM CLEANER BAGS/ADii/PD 10 502-0340 GROUNDS-BLD3/CLE;.N/MAINT 6 . 79 VACUUll CLEANER BAGS/ADM/ PD CLEANING SUPPLIES/ADM/ PD 99 R 12/31/2014 141.20 141.20CR 141. 20 10 501 - 0340 GROUNDS-BLDG/CLEAN/MAINT 70 .6 0 CLEANING SUPPLIES/ADM/PD 10 502-0340 GROUNDS-BLDJ,'CLEAN/ MAINT 70.60 CLEANING SUPPLIES.' ADM/PD ..ENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 773.89 773.89CR 773. 89 0. 00 0 . 00 SUMMIT MAILING & SHIPPING S I INSM095872 POSTAGE MACHINE INK CART/ AD 99 R 12/31/2014 10.95 G/ L ACCOUNT 10. 9S : R 10.95 10 501-04 40 SUPPLIES & MATERIALS 5.47 POSTAGE MACHINE INK CART/ADM/W 20 510-04 40 OFFICE EXPENSE 5.48 POSTAGE MACHINE INK CART/ ADM/W VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK 10 .95 10 .95 01-0011 13. 58CR 13. 58 G/L ACCOUNT 01-1502 OUTSTANDING ..ACUUM CLEANER; ALM/ PD 13. 58 G/L ACCOUNT PAYMENT DISCOUNT 10.95CR 0.00 UNIFIRST CORPORATION I 225 2877653 UNI FORM s·:c,'PARK/STREET/WAT 99 R 12 / 31/2014 70.30 G/ L ACCOUNT I 225 2877654 so ~51-02 1 0 UNIFORMS 5.89 20 510-0210 UNIFORIIS 22.84 UNIFORMS/WATER 30 520-0210 UNIFORMS 41.57 UNIFORMS/STREET UNIFORM SERVICE/WWTP 99 R 12/31/2014 I 225 2879152 511-0210 UNIFORMS 31. 50 UNIFORM S..C,' PARK/STREET/WAT 99 R 12/31/2014 UNI FORl~S /SEWER 70 . 30 551-0210 UNIFORllS 5.8. UNIFORMS/PARK 20 510-0210 UNIFORMS 22.84 UNIFORMS/WATER 30 520-0210 UNIFORIIS 4 1 .57 UNIFORMS/STREET UNIFORM SER."ICE!WWTP 99 R 12 /3 1 /2014 31.50 G/ L ACCOUNT 511-021 0 70.30CR 70 . 30 50 20 31.SOCR 31 . 50 G/L ACCOUNT I 225 2879153 UNIFORMS/PARK 31 . 50 G/L ACCOUNT 20 70.30CR 70.30 ) 1.50 UNIFORIIS 31. 50 UNIF0Rf1S/SEWER 31.50CR 0.00 12-29-2014 9:49 Al1 A/ P PAYllENT REGISTER PACKET: 0368 3 Regular Paymencs VENDOR SET: 01 PAGE: 16 VENDOR SEQUENCE VENWR ITEM NO# DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT DI SC DT I 225 2880595 UNI FORM s--c/PrtRK/STREET/WAT 99 R 50 551 - 02 10 UNIFORMS 5.8 9 20 510-0210 UNIFORMS 22 .8 4 UNIFORl·IS/WATER 30 520-0210 UNIFORMS 46.37 UNIFORMS /STREET UNIFORM SERVICE/WWTP 20 511 -0210 99 R 12/31 ( 2014 31. 50 R 551-0210 UNIFORMS 5.89 20 510-0210 UNIFORl lS 22.84 UNIFORMS/WATER 30 520-0210 UNIFORMS 41.57 UNIFORMS/STREET UNIFORM SERVICE/ WWTP 99 R UNIFORMS/PARK 31.50 12 / 31/ 2014 31 . 50CR 31.50 UNIFORMS 31 . 50 VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK UNIFORMS/SEWER 4 12.00 41 2 .00CR 4 12.00 0.00 161. 51 161.51CR 0.00 USA BLUEB00K I 521503 WATER PARTS/ WATER 99 R 1 2/31/2014 161. 51 G/L ACCOUNT 20 51 0-0610 MATERI ALS & SUPPLIES ""ENDOR TOTALS 01 -0 014 70. 30CR 70 . 30 so 511-0210 31.50CR UNIFORMS .'SEWER 70.30 12,' 31/ 2014 G/L ACCOUNT 01-0560 UNI FORMS .' PAR!: 31 .5 0 UNIFORMS UNIFORM SVC ' PARK'STREET/WAT 99 20 75. lOCR 31. 50 G.'L ACCOUNT I 225 2882075 OUTSTANDING 75 . 10 G/L J.CCOUNT I 225 2882074 PAYMENT DISCOUNT 75.10 12.' 31 /2014 G.1 L ACCOUNT I 225 2880596 GROSS BALANCE 161.51 REG. CHECK WATER PARTS/ WATER 1 61. 51 lC l . 51CR 1 €1.51 0.00 WALMART COMMUNITY BRC I 2014122391 87 STAMP INK,COFFEE,CREAl1ER,RU 99 R 12/ 31/20 14 21. 28 G/L ACCOUNT 10 I 201412239188 502-0 440 SUPPLIES h MATERIALS MI NI BLINDS,DISH SOAP.SPONG 99 21.28 R 12/31/2014 1249 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE OTHER 10 503-0340 GROUNDS-BLDG.'CLEAN,'MAINT CHRI STMAS LIGHTS,CEILING FA 99 ~ 8 . 82 9.42 R 1 2 '31/20 14 MI NI BLINDS' DISH so~.P' SPONGE.'F llINI BLINDS,DISH SOAP,SPONGE/ F 112. 91 G/ L ACCOUNT 520-0 78 1 48.24CR 48.24 10 30 STA!IP INK, COFFEE,CREAMER,RUBBE 48. 24 G.' L ACCOUNT I 2014 1223918 '.l 21.28CR 21. 28 112. 91CR 112. 91 TRAFFIC ISLANDS 89.94 CHRISTMAS LIGHTS.CEILING FAN/ S 0 . 00 12-29-2014 9 :4 ? A/P PAYMENT REGISTER Ai~ PACKET: 03683 Regular Payments VENDOR SET : 01 PAGE: 17 VENDOR SEQUENCE '."ENDOR I TEM NO# DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT G?OSS DISC DT 30 I 201412 239190 520-0 ~ 40 BALANCE 22.97 GROUNDS-BLDG,"CLE: .N,'MAINT 26 EXTENSION CORDS, T:.PE/STR 99 R I 201412239 191 520-078 1 TRAFFIC I SLANDS C0FFEE,TOILET PAPER,PAPER T 99 183 . 27 R 12/31/2014 I 201412239192 520-0340 77.14 GROUNDS -BLI'C/CLEAN/ MAINT 5 CHRISTMAS LIGHTS/STREET I 20141223)193 520-078 1 9~ R 1 2/31/ 2014 TRAFFIC ISLANDS TABLE CLOTHS, CLI PS, PLATES.IA 99 I 201412239194 501-0440 14 9.90 149.90 R 12/31/2014 SUPPLIES & MATERIALS 42.65 R 12/31/2014 10 501 - 044 0 SUPPLIES & MATERIALS 26 . 94 DECORATIONS,COFFEE,CLEANING SU 10 501 - 0340 GROUNDS -BLDG/CLEAN/ MAINT 80. 35 DECORATI ONS,COFFEE , CLEANING SU GROUNDS -BLDG/CLEAN/MAINT 54. 04 DECORATIONS , COFFEE,CLEANING SU 502 -0340 LIGHTS,RIBBON,MESH,DECORATI 99 R 77 . 87 12.'31/2014 501-0340 GROUNDS-BLDG/CLEAN/ MAINT 38 . 94 LIGHTS,RIBBON,MESH,DECORATIONS 10 502-0340 GROUNDS-BLDG/CLEAN/MAINT 38 . 93 LIGHTS , RIBBON, MESH, DECOR.WION$ 7 BAGS I CE MELT/PARK 99 R 12/3 1/2014 55.86 551 -06 10 SUPPLI ES & MATERIALS ORNAMENTS,RIBBON,HOOKS/ADMI 99 10 501-0340 55 . 86 R 12/31/20 14 GROUNDS - BLDG/CLEAN.'MAINT 31. 38 R 12/31/2 014 1 , 444. 96 JTHER CAPITAL PROJECTS R 37.53CR 37.53 SUPPLIES & M:.TERIALS CHRISTMAS LUNCHEON SUPPLIES 99 501-044 0 2 T'"'S,COUNCIL CHAMBERS,MOUNTI 37.53 12/31/2014 37.53 R 12 / 31/201 4 COFFEE,CREAMER ,GLUE STICKS/ADM 23 . 28 23.28CR 23.28 G/L ACCOUNT 10 1 , 444.96CR 1,444 .96 COFFEE,CREAMER , GLU'E STICKS/ 99 501-044 0 ORNAMENTS ,RIBBON,HOOKS/ADMI N 1,444.% G/L ACCOUNT 10 31.38CR 31. 38 2 TV'S ,COUNCIL CHAMBERS.MOU 9) 550-0945 7 BAGS ICE MELT/PARK 31.38 G/L ACCOUNT 50 55 . 86CR 55 .8 6 G/ L ACCOUNT I 201412239200 77 . 87CR 77.87 10 50 I 20141223:-19 , 161.93CR 161. 93 G/ L kCCOUNT I 201412239198 TABLE CLOTHS, CLI PS ,PLATES/ADMI 161. 93 G/L ACCOUNT I 201412239197 42 . 65CR 42.65 DECORATIONS, COFFEE, CLEANING 99 10 I 201412239196 149.90CR 5 CHRISTMAS LIGHTS.'STREET 42.65 G/L ACCOUNT I 2014122391 95 COFFEE, TOILET PAPER.PAPER TOWE 149. 90 G,'L ACCOUNT 10 77 .14CR 77 .14 G/L ACCOUNT 30 26 EXTENSION CORDS,TAPE,'STREET 77.14 G/L ACCOUNT 30 183 . 27CR 183.27 G/L ACCOUNT 30 OUTSTANDING CHRISTMAS LIGHTS.CEILING FAN/S 183.27 12/31/2014 PAY II ENT DISCOUNT SUPPLIES & MATERIALS 23 . 28 CHRISTMAS LUNCHEON SUPPLIES/AD 12-29-2014 A/ P PAYMENT REGISTER 9 :49 AM PACKET: 03683 Regular Payme nts VENDOR SET: 01 PAGE: 18 "/ ENDOR SEQUENCE ITEM NO# DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK ST?.T DUE DT DISC DT VENDOR TOTALS REG. CHECK GRJSS BAL.r.NCE 2,468.2 0 2, 4 68 .2 0 PAYMENT OUTSTANDING DISCOUNT 2,4 F8.20CR 0.00 0.00 12-29 -201 4 9:51 AM A/P PAYMENT REGISTER PACKET: 03684 Regular Payments VENDOR SET: 80 PAGE: 2 -SUMMARYTOTALS D I S T R I B U T I 0 N FUN D FUND NO# 80 FUND NAME A."!OUNT ECONOMIC DE""ELOPMENT FUND 5,330.00CR ** TOTALS ** 5,330.00~R - - - - TYPE OF CHECK TOTALS - - -GROSS NUMBER DISCOUNT 0. 0 0 0.00 0 .00 0.00 HAND CHECKS DRAFTS 0 .00 0 . 00 0.00 0.00 5,330.00 REG-CHECKS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 . 00 0 .00 0 . 00 0.00 0 . 00 0. 00 NON -CHECKS 5,330.00 5,330.00 TOTAL CHECKS TO PRINT: 1 ERRORS : 0 WARNINGS : 5,330.00CR 5,330.00 EFT ALL CHECKS PAYMENT BALANCE 0 5,330 . 00CR 0.00 OUTSTANDING 0.00 0 . 00 0 . 00 0.00 0 . 00 0.00 12-29-20 14 9:51 AM A/P PAYMENT REGISTER PACKET : 03684 Regular Pa; 1llents 7 ENDOR SET: 80 PAGE: VENDOR SEQUENCE VENCOR ITEM NO# DESCRIPTION BANK CHECK STAT DUE DT DISC DT 80-0068 I 1 61 GROSS B.>.LANCE PAYMENT OUTSTANDING DISCOUNT DARREN KREHBIEL CONSULTANTS PROF SVC, BUSINESS PARK/ECO 80 R 12/31 / 2014 G/L ACCOUNT 80 592-0725 VENDOR TOTALS 5,330.00 5,330.00CR 5 ,330.00 PROMOTIONAL EXPENSE REG. CHECK 5,330 . 00 PRJ F s•.rc. BUSINESS PARK/ ECON D 5,330.00 5,330.00 5, 330 .00CR 0 . 00 0.00