Downloads - Gospel Synergy Magazine


Downloads - Gospel Synergy Magazine
Gospel Synergy Magazine
The Synergy of Gospel Music
March/April 2006
Special Edition
Bishop Joe Simon
New CD
Vocal backgrounds on my CD by my personal friends, the Motown Temptations!
Otis, Tyson, Harry, Barrington, Terry
Why were the Temptations chosen to sing backgrounds on Bishop Joe Simon’s CD?
Special thanks to
The Christ Luthern Church and Choir
Vernon Hills, Illinois
#1 Online Distribution Service For
Independent Gospel/Christian Artists
I’m Ready Now
To Be Faithful
I Need A Blessing
Where There’s A Will
There’s A Way
Possessed By His Love
It’s Real/Yes God Is
Heaven and Earth
Listen To The
Gospel Swap Artist on
All Downloads $.99
Secret Place
Yes Lord
Since Jesus
Once you enter go to
search music
type in song title and
purchase your favorite song
for $.99
The Gospel Studio Composer GMWA Limited Edition is a 2 CD notational and recording
software package that may be used to create lead sheets, sheet
music and scores quickly and accurately.
Compares with Finale and Sybelius, but at a much lower cost!
This is the only program which is created for the gospel and worship
music ministries and other music professionals which includes more
than 1,000 well-loved hymns in editable, perfect sheet music
The Gospel Studio Composer package also includes the official
history book of GMWA, written by Dr. Charles Reese, Dean of
the Academic Division and published by the Gospel Music Worship
of America, Inc. tracing the history of GMWA from 1968 to present.
CD 1: This software may be used to print and share music at both
the professional and novice level with a Worship Team, Choir or
Band or with friends and family. It has everything needed by any
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and print music in one package: Notation, Sequencing, Transpose,
Drag & Drop Edit and Sheet Music printing, it gives the user all
the extra features with rock solid quality found in high-end music applications costing hundreds of dollars and
CD 2: The additional Digital Recorder software emulates the basic funtionality of a $300 - $1000 hardware based
four or eight track recorder. Easily converts fram and saves to many different formats, like MP3 / ASF / WMA /
WAV file. It is positioned as both an entry-level recording tool or a robust recording studio for the more experienced
Product Information
Creating Music
Editing Music
Performing & Recording
Hymns List
Gospel Studio Composer GMWA Limited Edition
Was: $159.00
Now: $149.00
Synergy is the essence of principle-centered leadership. It
is the essence of principle-centered parenting. It catalyzes,
unifies, and unleashes the greatest power within people.
What is synergy? Simply defined, it means that the whole is
greater than the sum of its parts.
The essence of synergy is to value differences-to respect
them, to build on strength, to compensate for weakness.
Synergy is almost as if a group collectively agrees to subordinate old script and to write a new one.
Value the difference in the essence of synergy-the mental,
the emotional, the psychological difference between people.
And the key to valuing those differences is to realize that all
people see the world, not as it is, but as they are.
The person who is truly effective has the humility and reverence to recognize his own perpetual limitations and to
appreciate the rich resources available through interaction
with the hearts and minds of other human beings.
Synergy works it’s a correct principle. It is the crowning
achievement of all previous habits. It is effectiveness in an
interdependent reality-it is teamwork, team building, the
development of unity and creativity with other human beings.
Publisher/Editor Andr’e L. Carter
Webmaster - Andre A. Carter
Charlene Turner -
My Pastor Rev James T. Meeks
House of Hope of Chicago
725 East 114 Street, Chicago, IL 60628
Contributing Writers
Jerry De Colliano Jr. Willette DuVal, Andr’e L. Carter
Malcolm Carter Jr., Joe Langman, Charlene Turner,
Al Holmes
Marketing And Promotions
Deacon Joe N. Manuel
Immanuel Music Management. Inc
Cover Design
Legal Advisor
Attorney Arthur Sutton
Stellar Awards
Benton Blake Photography
One year subscription $20.00 USD
Synergy is collectively working together but at the same
International $40.00
time each party maintains their own identity. There should
Allow 4-6- weeks for delivery. Please notify subscription
be more positive synergy in the body of Christ. It doesn’t
department of change of address.
matter what assignment God gives each of us we are all
placed in an interdependent position. If you are a gospel Submission of manuscripts, illustrations, and or photographs
announcer brokering your time you are looking for spon- must be accompanied by a self-address envelope for the return
sors and advertisiers to help pay for your time. If you are a
materials. The publisher is not responsible for unsolicited
gospel artists you are interdependent on the gospel anmaterials.
nouncers to play your music. We live in a world of Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is
SYNERGY, God has given each of us a dream.
It is up to us to put the correct pieces of the puzzle together
that will make our dream and vision a reality. Bottomline
we live in an interdependent world, in order to move to the
next level we have to position ourselves to maximize on
our positive synergy. God Bless!
Postmaster send change of address to:
Gospel Synergy Magazine
P. O. Box 286261
Chicago, IL 60628
The opinions expressed by the authors who contribute to Gospel Synergy Magazine are their own and does not necessarily
reflect those of Gospel Synergy Inc. All work is copy written. Reproduction of any material appearing in Gospel Synergy
Magazine without prior written permission is prohibited. However, any articles, photographs, graphics, or other mediums
accepted for publishing becomes the property of Gospel Synergy Inc, unless other reproduction rights, terms and conditions
are negotiated and approved prior to publishing.
Page 3
The Synergy of Gospel Music
We are here to help independent artist to shift the way you
think. Therefore helping to eliminate some of the frustrations artists experience. Contrary to what people may say
By Andr’e L. Carter
or feel the change is here, it is not a threat instead it is a
blessing. It really doesn’t take away from the way things
have been done for years but it simply enhances the anIt is time for the independent gospel artists to shift the nouncers ability to let people know that the music they
way you think. What do I mean by that, simply this there is play on their program is available for purchase online.
a whole new world available through the Internet and many
of you are not taking advantage for one reason or another. Through our service for a minimal set up fee we offer the
The number one reason is most artist have heard all of the artists 2 minute sample clips of each track and a personal
negative things that have been said about the Internet es- web page that can be linked to the artists website. We offer
pecially when it comes to illegal downloads
the opportunity for visitors to our site the ability to listen
to clips before they purchase. Through our service we proMany have already made it up in their minds that they will vide the artists featured on the Gospel Swap a list of Internet
not beome a part of this new way of selling their music Gospel Programs that have a collective listening audience
therefore they are losing out on the opportunity to reach of 4.5 million listeners worldwide. Through our service
gospel music lovers world wide. Granted many artist are we provide the artist with e marketing companies that can
getting there own websites thinking that this will be the send out impressive e-blast to 408,000 gospel music lovsolution to taking control of their own music.
ers worldwide. Through our service we are connecting the
Don’t get me wrong this is a good thing but having your dots to reach gospel music lovers globally.
own website with little or no traffic is still a concern.
The only requirement that we ask of the artists featured on
In order to be effective on the Internet your site should be the Gospel Swap is to promote to people everywhere that
optimized by being on as many search engines as possible you have online distribution through the Gospel Swap and
to drive traffic to your website. This requires a certain they can purchase their favorite track from your CD for
amount of time spent on the Internet to get everything set $.99.
up and in place. I have heard all of the horror stories and
frustration independent gospel artists have trying to get We also offer advertisement opportunities in this publicaairplay on local gospel stations in Every City, USA. I have tion for off-line promotions as well as listing your CD as a
heard of the frustrations of dealing with various organiza- new addition to our playlist as well as our online site givtion who request a certain amount of CDs to be given to ing visitors, subscribers and readers of our publication the
on air personalities with little or no return for the CDs.
opportunity to purchase their favorite track from your CD.
It’s time to shift from the way things have been done in the
It also has to be taken into consideration that you are not past. There are so many conventions and events that you
the only gospel artists on the scene and every artist has the can attend but the bottom line is the more you present yoursame objective getting airplay and getting a distribution self through the
deal. Yes, it can be very frustrating as well as challenging various options
trying to get a deal but God didn’t say that the road would that are availbe easy. There is a lot of preparations that has to be in able to you the
place i.e. presentation, packaging and a good quality greater your
chances will be
of getting a reThe Gospel Swap Online Distribution
turn on your investment. God
Gospel Synergy Magazine has launched an online distri- wants us all to
bution service that is designed especially for independent prosper but we
gospel artist a service that will help to increase your music have to come
ministry online providing independent gospel artists a way out our comfort
to reach gospel music lovers world wide.
zones. GS
Shift The Way You Think
Page 4
The Synergy of Gospel Music
“Our First Priority is to Service Your Needs”
Our goal is to network with independent music ministries,
churches as well as other non-for-profit organizations to expose
your music ministry locally, regionally, nationally and
Purpose: To bridge the gap of the independent gospel
Hi-Praz Network was formed in December 2003 as a nonprofit organization. With high expectations on helping
independent music ministries develop, promote and network
their music locally. Our goal is to provide our clients with
multiple avenues that will ensure direction, resources,
information and protection. We have begun collaborating and
networking with other agencies that will assist us in bridging
the gap in the independent gospel community. Hi-Praz provides
various services, music ministry development, single song
release, music ministry networking, radio, retail, promotional
photos (comp cards) and artist development (music artist
We are currently building relationships throughout the MidWest and surrounding regions with record stores that will house
our clients CD.’s on consignment at discounted rates and radio
music directors who have agreed to accept our client’s material
to be considered for rotation. Gospel Swap will provide our
on-line distribution and the Gospel Synergy Magazine will be
our officilal magazine to keep you informed regarding
workshops and events.
If you would like more information please call Alex or Veronica
@ (708) 268-2972 or (773) 386-1907. E-mail address
Build a foundation for your music ministry which covers areas
of affiliations with ASCAP as writer and publisher, access to
world wide web sites for C.D. sales, independent publishers,
record labels etc. Assistance with registration of sound scan
and BDS, through our out sort company (Music Artist
Every Music Ministry does not have an opportunity or
resources to complete a C.D. Through our resource data
base we will be able to assist your ministry in obtaining a
single song or combination of songs CD., which will assist
your ministry in generating funds.
Page 5
Hi Praz
Network Artist
Danielle Nightingale
I Care For U
Avalable online at
The Synergy of Gospel Music
U.S. CD Sales Down 7% - Downloads Skyrocket
By Jerry De Colliano Jr
It’s time for the independent gospel artists to
take a serious look at the continuous
changes in the music isdustry...
Compact Disc sales slumped again in 2005 at a level of seven
percent, according to recently released reports from industry
groups. Sales through the week ending December 25, 2005
were at a little over 600,000,000 units, down from a
SoundScan number of nearly 651,000,000 from 2004.
Downloadable music boomed in 2005, increasing to 332
million tracks. That is up from 134 million tracks in 2004.
These numbers are further proof that the incredibly stubborn
music industry has literally no grip on how to sell its products
in any form of a premium format. The music industry as a
whole chose to have a format war over high-resolution audio
formats like SACD and DVD-Audio, which increased audio
quality, added surround sound and, in the case of DVD-Audio,
offered the chance to deliver video content on a $16 disc to
consumers who are increasingly video-driven. Thanks to being
scuttled by the major labels, very few A-list titles were ever
released on these formats and consumers were forced to be in
the analog domain, using as many as nine cables to connect
one player. Consumer confusion was as good as the labels
could do. Consumer apathy more accurately describes the
results of the industry’s weak attempts at selling premium
And why should the music industry sell premium goods? Why
should they even have to try to sell at all, you ask? Historically,
their blood brother in the world of media, terrestrial FM radio,
gave them all the free promotion and advertising they needed.
That is, until after consolidation, when big radio companies
started suggesting that if labels wanted to get airplay for their
new artists, they might need to buy “independent” promotion
through companies owned by radio station conglomerates. The
long-standing marriage between radio and records immediately
hit the skids.
Even if radio wasn’t the spouse it always used to be, labels
always have their mistress on the side – MTV and its music
videos – or do they? Generation X (now in their thirties and
watching more “Barney” and “Dora the Explorer” than Duran
Duran videos these days) immediately fell in love with the
idea of music and video with the launch of MTV. But today’s
kids are Internet babies who don’t love music video like Gen
X. Labels loved the idea of music videos, because for a few
hundred thousand (soon to be a few million a few years down
the road) dollars, they could craft stars, super groups and boy
Bands that looked as good as they could play. It wasn’t a
decade before the labels took it too far, resulting in the likes
of New Kids on the Block, the Spice Girls and Backstreet
Boys. Soon bands across entire major labels couldn’t play a
drum fill or a guitar solo, but their faces were plastered on the
front of People and Seventeen magazines. Nobody suggested
they spend less time with their publicists or lunching at the
Ivy, Mr. Chow or Nobu and more time taking some lessons.
They just stole a beat or a melody from James Brown or
Parliament and cranked out another paper-thin hit.
Now with downloadable music booming, the arrogance and
the widespread ignorance of the music industry are catching
up with the business of music. The days of selling 30 billion
dollars worth of music a year are long gone. Since the late
1990s, you couldn’t find a label executive who wouldn’t get
very animated about how Napster was the sole cause of the
business maladies. Nobody, other than the actual music
consumers, was noticing that the CD is a tired media format
that isn’t worth $16 anymore and that Napster has reinvented
itself by 2005.
What the labels have accomplished by their wise lineage of
decisions is to revert back to the business of selling singles
like they did in the 1950s. They have truly killed the goose
that laid the golden egg. For all of the pompous statements,
the RIAA John Doe lawsuits and the lack of attention to the
quality or the format that the industry sells, the simple fact is,
there isn’t one record executive who can even hope to carry
Steven Jobs’ briefcase to work for him. And after reinventing
the personal computer (more than once), reigning supreme in
the world of Hollywood movies, Jobs has found a way to
monetize both the hardware and software needed to sell music
to today’s Generation Y kids, not to mention the older
demographics who also love iTunes and iPods. The problem
is, by embracing downloadable music with such enthusiasm,
the labels may never be able to get back to what made them
great, which was selling albums. My advice to the music
industry is to formally ask Steven Jobs to gas up the Gulfstream
5 and fly in to see the major label heads and consult with them
about how they can add value to an album, much like Jobs
does with his entry-level G5 desktop computer or his 20-inch
LCD monitors (priced at $1,995 and $799 respectively – many
hundreds of dollars over the best comparable PCs running
Windows). And, instead of arguing with him or allowing the
gutless entertainment lawyers to worry about antitrust, actually
listen to what he has to say. If the majors stay the course
much like another losing battle I can think of in the Middle
East, expect to see continued failure. Failure that sees record
sales slip away until the only way anyone wants to buy music
is for pennies per song.
Page 6
The Synergy of Gospel Music
On Time God!
I do know there are many stories in the Bible that ends in
success. These stories give vivid account of the many
trails,Tribulations and temptations that these men and
women of God were able to over come. We hear these
amazing accounts every Sunday Morning in our churches
throughout this country. We can watch the various
minitries on TV, the Internet, we can listen to it on the
radio as well as purchasing a tape, CD, DVD or a book.
It was obvious that I had been in a battle fighting for my
life to maintain with all of the games people play..We are
living in some very difficult and hard times everybody is
dealing with and going through something. We pray without ceasing, with the hopes that God will answer our
prayers. At times it would seem like the more you prayer The truth is no one really knows of the sacrifices that
the more hindering spirits would step in and continue to were made to see another mans vision become a reality.
We have heard the teatimonies from the pulpits all over
cause more problems.
the country of how their ministry began. But because
I had to step back and really look at the total picture. I they were faithful God open the windows of heaven and
would work hard but at times, I wasn’t being taken seri- poured out the blessings. It was their personal relationous. I am in a serious business “God’s Buisness” that’s ship with God. It was their one on one time that they
the way it was when I started and that’s the way it is at personally spent in the presence of God. It was the fact
the present time. I am in a business that requires much that did everything to study the word of God for underfaith and much prayer in order to make it. You do know standing.
that people will use you as well as disappoint you if they
can’t get what they want. Especially in the body of Christ Well, I guess you can say that I am dealing with every
trail, every tribulation and every test that has come my
Some Christian will greet you, they will talk to you and way. Yes, I believe in my dream and vision I have been
then turn everything around to make you look bad. I have faced with shut offs, reposession, eviction, and no transfound out so much over the past few month. One thing I portation because I reinvest the monies I recieve back
had to accept is that I can’t make anyone do anything into the Assignment God has placed in my spirit. No one
that they don’t want to do, even is they were the one to said it would be easy. I would like to say for the record
open the door. I have heard everything from you need to that I am not alone. There are many Christian who have
get a job! Why? That in a sense is giving up on the dream the same issues and the same struggles.
and vision that God and not man has assigned you to do.
All it takes is faith, with faih all things are possible.God
When one enters into a business working for God, people is watching you! He is going to step in and send someexpect you to walk in a certain way and talk in a certain one you would least expect to step in and bless you. I
way and act a certian but you are still being judged be- was faced with eviction in February of this year. I have a
cause you are not meeting the expectations of the chil- business but I was going through broken promises
dren of God.Well, I would like to keep it up front or everwhere I turned it was disappointment for advertiseshould I say put it on the table. In ministry some people ment, subscription and whatever but I wasn’t about to
can’t except your personal relationship with God. Times give up. I got a call the night before I was to go to court.
are changing some of us are movinhg with the time but it It was one of God’s angels who gave me what I needed
seems like there are more who would rather keep things to continue down the road to my destiny. I thank God
the way they use to be. Tradition has a lot to do wiyth it. for sending one of the artists featured on the Gospel Swap
the Country Gospel Singer Elder Charles Scott his style
I was in a battle everything was going in the opposite is different but God will always
direction than my business was written. The magazine use who He Chooses to deliver
business is a tough business. Most people see the fin- a message in songs. You can
ished product but they have no ideal what a publisher support Elder Scott online at
goes through. It’s a business that requires a lot of time once
and commitment. againsyt all odds. Many people say its you enter go to search music
the test that make the testimony and I can truly say that type in artist Elder Charles
is a fact.
Scott. Be Blessed
Page 7
The Synergy of Gospel Music
Dispelling five myths about distribution deals that could save an
independent precious time and money
With the increase of technology and home-based studios, it
has become easier for artists to produce their own CD. This
influx has also caused an increase in the need for distribution.
Unfortunately, independent labels make costly mistakes out
of desperation to get their music into stores across the country.
In the end, most independents lose thousands of dollars and
have a list of horror stories depicting the entire ordeal.
“In today’s music industry the larger distribution companies
are either merging or making cuts. Major distribution companies
have become more selective concerning which labels they
sign, and a lot of independent labels are left without a
distribution home. This transition results in labels making a
desperate dash to sign with whomever they find first,” says
Joe Langham, President of Comin’ Atcha Distribution.
The Boston-based company distributes a myriad of
independent artists and record labels in the mainstream market
via BRODY/RED/SONY and Central South for the Christian
market. CAD was formed after Langham had a bad
experience with a distributor and continued to meet dozens
of labels that were burned by distributors that made empty
promises. Langham debunks five myths about the relationship
between an indie and a distributor with the hopes that he can
equip independent labels and artists to have a successful
MYTH # 1: Signing a distribution deal will take most of
my revenue.
Langham says, “There are some distribution companies that
are taking advantage of the independent labels by taking higher
percentages and placing them at greater financial risks. The
result of distributors taking these kinds of percentages is that
the labels are unable to survive day to day operations. Indies
need to maintain their cash-flow in order to function in the
“Comin Atcha Distribution intends to place the independent
label in the best possible position to be successful. We offer a
great deal with fair percentages. Our goal is to get our label’s
product onto the shelves in the major chain stores across the
country as well as the ‘mom and pop’ stores. CAD also
provides its labels with digital download setups and internet
retailing in order to increase revenue,” he states.
Myth #2: I will have to pay a fee of thousands of dollars
up front. I won’t even know, or have control as to where
the money is going.
Langham urges Indies to stay clear of any distributor that
asks for thousands of dollars up front without allowing you to
research where your money is being allocated. The distributor
should offer labels various opportunities to participate in coop programs and other retail promotion campaigns. The label
can have the CD placed in listening stations or end cap
displays, posters and ads run in retail catalogs
Langham encourages the labels to ask questions about the
different opportunities available in order to make a wise
decision on allocating part of your marketing budget to retail
He also suggests that you find out if the distributor works
with independent radio, publicity and/or retail promoters. It’s
a good sign when they do; this raises the chances that your
record will be seriously and effectively promoted. CAD does
not require that his labels utilize specific marketing
representatives, but they do provide each client with a choice
of reputable promoters that have a track record of adding to
the overall teamwork to make an artist successful.
His advice when researching the marketing team is, “Get
references if they offer a staff. How are they doing with the
marketing? That’s the only way you can check to see if they
are doing what they are saying they can do.” And when you
talk to the label, be sure to ask the right questions to make
sure they are doing their part to be a team player with the
distributor. This important factor sheds light on our next myth.
Myth #3: The distributor is responsible for the success
of my product.
Too often, a label relies solely on the distribution company to
make the product sell. Langham educates his labels and shows
them that everyone must work as a team to effectively market
a project to consumers. “The relationship between the Indie
label and distributor is like a lock and key. One without the
other is useless. The labels are responsible for adequately
marketing and promoting their product and their artists. Labels
need to do proper set up for new releases and make sure the
product is getting radio airplay,” says Langham. “Set up also
includes a marketing plan, sales sheets that are sent to the
retailers, professional artwork for the CD and marketing tools,
and a professionally mixed and mastered CD.”
Langham adds, “In other words, your distributor will only be
as good as your marketing plans to sell the record. Labels
are trying to turn distribution companies into record companies.
Don’t expect them to do your work for you. Remember,
their primary responsibility, as the distributor, is to get your
records into the stores. “
Page 8
The Synergy of Gospel Music
CAD’s website, is designed
to assist with marketing its clients, but Langham urges his labels
to have a website that contains the necessary tools to market
their artist. The basic tools should be: high resolution JPEGs of
the artist, a biography and discography, snippets of the CD, press
releases, the artist’s tour schedule, a staff list of phone numbers
and email addresses and a link to the distributor’s web site so
consumer inquiries can be addressed.
Myth #4: After I secure a deal with a distribution company,
the album I’ve worked hard to produce is guaranteed to
sell hundreds of thousands of CDs.
With a diverse roster of clients such as Ablife Entertainment
(Dr. Ed Montgomery’s label), The Cab Calloway Orchestra, a
partnership with Gospel legend and producer, Michael Brooks,
and the highly anticipated release from The Harlem Boys &
Girls Choir (brought to BRODY/SONY/RED directly by
Langham), CAD understands that each client needs a unique
marketing plan to fit their target audience in order to maximize
Langham says, “A distributor is not making any money unless
the record label is making money. So it’s in the distributor’s best
interest to make sure that they cover the basic scheme of things
and get their client’s product into the right stores.” He comes
from a corporate marketing background, which has helped in
the positioning of his clients’ product within the retail system.
He stresses the importance of signing with a distributor that
understands sales trends, the target demographic of each artist,
and knowing how to identify the appropriate retail stores to sell
the music. For example, a traditional Gospel quartet group will
most likely have a different type of consumer than a contemporary
urban artist, thus requiring a different retail strategy and
positioning of product in order to meet the demand for sales.
Reggae artist, Papa San, has spent the last few years enjoying a
successful career in Christian music. He has expanded his
horizons to form Beloved Records and has now taken on the
role of a record executive. It was important for him to sign with
a distributor that understood his audience in order to maximize
every opportunity to reach his potential consumers. Papa San
says about Langham, “Having the right distribution deal has set
a platform for my label to see more doors opening for young
artists who are on fire for God. Joe is a man of integrity, a man
of his word and I feel a peace and comfort to be a business
partner with him.”
Myth #5: My team has experience in the business world
in terms of marketing and sales. I don’t need to learn a
lot about the music business because it’s basically about
sales and marketing. Langham states, “The best thing that
can happen for me is to work with people who have taken the
initiative to educate themselves about the music business. People
who haven’t read books, or talked to experienced music industry
personnel are usually the people who end up frustrated with
returns and low sales. Most of their frustration comes in
from their lack of knowledge of the distribution process. They
don’t understand how the process works, and they blame
the distributor for the lack of sales. That’s why with my
company, I try to educate my clients before they sign and
it’s also a process of trying to educate the client during the
process. I am continuously learning all that I can about
distribution with the increase of knowledge in legal policy
and technology so I can hand the information down to my
clients.” Langham also stresses the importance on attending
industry conferences not solely for the purpose of networking,
but to acquire valuable knowledge from the pros in the
industry. He notes, “Max Seigel’s About My Father’s
Business Conference is a must attend event. Yes, it might
cost you some money to get there, but the knowledge you
get can carry you throughout your career in the music
Jeff Brody, President of the Brody Distribution Group, has
more than 35 years of music industry experience and has
served in many sales roles throughout his career, such as Sr.
VP of Sales & Field Marketing for Mercury and Def Jam
Records, VP of Sales for PolyGram Dist, Sales Manager
and Regional Manager at labels such as Polydor, RSO and
Casablanca. He has worked with every major retailer in
the United States such as Target, Walmart, Transworld,
Handleman, Anderson, Kmart and Sam Goody, etc….
Brody has enjoyed his partnership with Langham and trusts
CAD’s ability to bring quality music to the BRODY/RED/
SONY system. He declares, “Ever since I had my first
conversation with Joe Langham regarding his artist, Parkes
Stewart, I knew that I wanted to be in business with Joe. I
knew that I was not only dealing with someone who knows
the musical side of the business but someone who is a true
professional. He knows what it takes to set up a gospel artist
in the secular retail world. He knows how to run a company
both from a financial and creative standpoint and most
importantly, he knows what it takes to succeed in the music
business today. The future of small independent labels will
not only survive but flourish with strategic relationships like
the one forged between the Brody Distribution Group,
Comin’ Atcha Distribution and SONY/RED.”
All You Need to Know About the
Music Business—Donald Passman
The Business of Music for the
Christian and Gospel Industry—
Alvin B. Williams and Jay King
The Musician’s Business and Legal
Guide Vol. 1 and 2—Mark Halloran
Page 9
The Synergy of Gospel Music
Political Synergy
It was January 23rd, I got online at about 9 am Chicago
time. The first email I received was from one of my media partners Delroy Sounden President and owner of
Ensound Entertainment located in Bronx, NY. It was an
announcement that TONEX was retiring from the gospel music business. Yes, it was a shock to all as he expressed his total dissatisfaction with the music business
How is it possible that an artists with 8 Stellar Awards, 2
Dove Awards, nominated for a Grammy, Gold Selling
artists with no furniture, divorced, no chairs and no
money. The label doesn’t give him advances because his
contract was a real wacked? He states that he doesn’t
know where he fits in the gospel he doesn’t say Jesus,
Jesus, Jesus and he doesn’t fit in the mainstream because
he doesn’t sing about sex, sex, sex.
As I read his blog I could understand exactly what he is
going through many artist can relate because many artists are there or at least they have been during their career. TONEX is not the first to step out. TONEX also
states that people are still kicking him while he is down
with the example of a young lady in England and a website
called Ex-Ministries as well as a host of other Christians
who have literally destroyed, defamed, embarrassed and
fatigued his life, his family and his spirit.
Its all about business its all about what sells and controversy sales CD’s, DVD’s and magazines. As I red
TONEX’s blog I could feel what he was saying, was
from the heart, he states that he didn’t know Christian
get down like that. Just read between the lines. Now,
that TONEX is gone who will be the next funny guy for
the gospel community and music business to attack?
Lauryn Hill said it best. “You Super star
you Stupid star they hail you and nail you
no matter who you are.” Remember when
Prince made his announcement and started
to do his own thing using the Internet. It
worked for him.. You may be asking why
am I making the comparison it’s simple its
all about making money if the artists isn’t
making it, then who is making all of the
I want to keep it real. I remember the first time I saw
TONEX in Milwaukee, Wisconsin he was outrageous
but he had the youths attention and he related very with
his audience. Not long after that Tonex was being pursued by many labels who were interested in signing him
to there label. The end result he got what he was looking
There is a lesson in the decision that TONEX made the
music game is not an easy game and it has been said that
the gospel music game is a hard game and only the strong
will survive. There are many artists who feels what
TONEX has expressed in his blog as well as his radio
interview when he made the announcement to retire. I
would imagine that is why many independent artist start
their own labels in order to be their own boss.
TONEX goes on to say that his faith in Christianity is
fading because he’s not understanding a lot of the “Christians” mentality when it comes to love. “I have found
nothing but anguish, lies, hatefulness and deception.” This
is deep because what he says in his blob is what I have
heard in many one on one conversations with many independent gospel artists. Less face it, we have all had
our good days as well as our bad days. Many gospel
artists have stepped back to recoup. I could provide a
list that would fill up the remainder of this column but I
don’t think it would be a wise thing to do.
TONEX is not the only gospel artists who has found
themselves in the very same position Church Folks will
mess you up. Its not intentional and then again who
knows. It really doesn’t matter what capacity we serve
in the body of Christ there are going to be challenges
and after a while we all become numb when a Christian
can only offer a word on encouragement or tell you that
you need to get a real job or something along those lines..
But more importantly we have to hold on to the vision
that God birthed in us and remember that Noah, David,
Daniel and the list goes on also went through.
They were able to continue you on. We have
all felt the same way during our God given
assignment but that doesn’t mean that you
throw in the towel. Let us continue to pray
for Tonex and for each other because we are
all going through something. That’s just the
way it is, God Bless you Tonex you may have
retired but your music will be a constant reminder of how you blessed many. You are
loved and will be missed.
Page 10
The Synergy of Gospel Music
CD sales fall as downloads rise, fueled by broadband
As 2005 comes to a close, the music industry is singing
the same old tune: The Sales Slump Blues.
CD sales might not be what they once were, but the
physical format is not going away any time soon. “The
According to Nielsen SoundScan, the information system CD, I think, is here to stay,” Sloane says. “It’s much more
that tracks sales of music and music video products revolutionary than one format replacing another. When
throughout the United States and Canada, sales of music it was the LP or a cassette, it was still physical music.
CDs in the States are down almost 7 percent from last There’s more of a revolution in how the music is
year. Album sales in 2004 totaled 480.6 million; sales consumed, not how it’s configured.”
through late October of this year reached 446.9 million.
Beyond digital downloading affecting sales, there’s the
Meanwhile, legal digital downloading shows no signs of subjective charge that albums just aren’t as good as they
slowing down. Nielsen reported digital sales in 2004 of used to be. “The distribution of music has come a
101 million. Spurred by the iPod revolution, that number remarkable distance in terms of modernization and is set
grew to 264.4 million this year. There are more than 230 for more growth in coming years,” Ernst says.
online sites where consumers can buy music legally, up
from 50 a year ago, according to the International CD sales might not be what they once were, but the
Federation of the Phonographic Industry.
physical format is not going away any time soon.
“I think CD sales are going to continue to decline,” says
Owen Sloane, a Los Angeles music attorney who
specializes in music and intellectual property. “I think
that the problem with the CD is that they were put out
with just a few tracks that were very attractive to people,
which fueled the single sales for companies like Apple
“The CD, I think, is here to stay,” Sloane says. “It’s much
more revolutionary than one format replacing another.
When it was the LP or a cassette, it was still physical
music. There’s more of a revolution in how the music is
consumed, not how it’s configured.”
Beyond digital downloading affecting sales, there’s the
subjective charge that albums just aren’t as good as they
The growth of broadband has contributed greatly to the used to be.
surge in digital sales, increasing the penetration of mobile
phones and iPods. The digital music market has taken “The consumer starts buying CDs after one or two hot
singles. That’s not because of downloading,” says Blue
over the value of the singles market.
Williams, a veteran industry expert and chief executive
“The digital market has proven to be a viable means to of Family Tree Entertainment in New York. He also
deliver to the customers, period,” says Dean Ernst, manages hip-hop supergroup OutKast. “That’s just how
director of Promo Only MPE, the country’s leading digital the industry has become so corporate that they haven’t
distributor of music content. “Prior to Apple with the concentrated on the quality of the music.”
iPod, there was no organized way to put the downloads
on a portable player. Music now is being sent much faster The big advantage of online music services is that
with very little time between the studio and the master. customers can cherry-pick the songs they want from
albums. Economically conscious music fans would rather
Just the distribution has changed.”
spend 99 cents on the tune they really want instead of
Ernst, a 20-year industry veteran who has worked as a $18 on a CD laden with filler.
DJ and a label executive, believes the notion of the music
industry in decline is flawed. The industry, he says, is in “It’s really less about album versus single,” says Jay Frank,
flux, although it might be in a slump compared with the head of programming and artist relations at Yahoo Music.
“The beauty of online music-subscription services is that
CD sales boom of the mid- to late 1990s.
it’s low priced — $5 a month — and you can listen to a
“The distribution of music has come a remarkable distance million songs. The artist gets paid; the label gets paid.
in terms of modernization and is set for more growth in People can explore new music. People are using it as a
coming years,” Ernst says.
guide to buy new music.
Page 11
The Synergy of Gospel Music
As we continue into the year 2006 we will be changing
our focus to provide more information and resources on
the Internet to help independent artist take advantage of
Independent Gospel Artists everywhere have the same an area that has been over looked. I say, keep doing what
goal and objective in mind... Exposure, Exposure, Ex- you are doing but if you really want to get your informaposure...
tion out for less, consider the Internet.
We Have What You Are Looking For...
We have what every independent gospel artists is looking for advertisement, online distribution and airplay.
These are the three components that every artists desires
at a rate that is reasonable as well as affordable. We have
been in the process of building a network of resources
that can give independent gospel artists what they are
looking for and more. (See page 16)
There are many events & conventions going on in every
city as well as nationally every month but because most
independent artist have a limited or no budget it is a real
challenge to get to every event. That’s when the Internet
comes in to give independent artists the opportunity to
reach the masses. There is more to just having a website
and it really doesn’t take a lot to have web presence but
it also requires work to drive people to your site and to
let people know outside of your circle of friends.
We have worked hard to put together a network of
Internet radio stations as well as e-marketing companies
that can help any and every independent gospel artists
get there music out. There are also many books in the
marketplace that will give the artists insight about the
music business. I always recommend that an artists should
start where they are when it comes to getting the information out regarding their CD.
We are in the process of putting together the Gospel
Synergy Digital Magazine whereas people all over the
world will be able to download and or read the publication online for a small fee. God has given each one of us
dreams and vision. Many of us have made our dreams
and visions a reality. This is not an easy game there is a
lot of envy, backbiting and some people don’t like you
just because they don’t like you.
That’s okay! That’s just the way it is and its hard to please
the people all of the time, so be happy that you are able
to please some of the people some of the time. Through
all of my trails and tribulations, I would like to say that I
am having the time of my life as I continue to be faithful.
I know that God is pleased and that’s all that matters. As
one door closes He opens another one. I am so pleased
to be in a position to help so many independent gospel
artists. All it takes is staying on course, remain focused
and know in your heart that it’s God who gave you the
gift to be a singer, writer, producer, radio announcer,
publisher or promoter. It’s true man will let you down
but God will never leave you nor forsake and when it
looks like your dream is about to end He steps in just in
the nick of time. Hey! I’m available to introduce our
services at your next event for details call 708-272-6640
or email me at
The key points and it has been said many times at many
of the convention and events that I have attended over
the years. Production & Presentation... Most of the events
that I have attended many of the artists will spend more
time communicating within their circle of peers. Instead
of attending the various presentations to find out what
changes are going on in the industry.
The one thing I have noticed is most conventions and
workshop never touch on Internet Radio - Online Distribution and the benefits that the Internet has to offer.
Maybe they are intimidated but the bottom line is the
Internet is changing the way music is being presented as
you can tell by the articles is this issue. I suggest to every
independent artists to not over look internet radio especially if you are looking at reaching the masses.
Joy Alive Productions
“Report to the People”
Producing A Quality Community
New Addition
Featuring Independent Gospel Artists Showcase
For Info call: 708-272-6640
Page 13
The Synergy of Gospel Music
BISHOP JOE SIMON doesn’t sing soul any longer but he’s been known to save one. He is now a Bishop
and currently attends the Christ Lutheran Church in
Vernon Hills, IL. Simon limits his vocal activities these
days to praising God.
“I’m an Evangelist, I travel across the country preaching the word of God.” We made arrangements to meet
in Matteson, Illinois one Friday night and I was amazed
to see that Joe Simon had aged so well. He refused to
share his age but he did reveal that he was young when
he started his career as a R&B artist.
For those of you reading this
article Joe Simon was known
for many R & B hits but the
two that I remembered were
“The Chokin’ Kind” and
“Drowning In The Sea of
Love.” That was all about to
change. It started in 1985 and
for three years it was a
struggle to go on stage every
night to sing the songs that
had brought me this far. I
guess it started when my
good friend Otis Redding
died and I sang “Jesus Keep
Me Near the Cross.” I was
too embarrassed to tell anyone what I was going through. I was sneaking to read
the bible, it was a real struggle that I was going through.
Joe started singing at an early age at the Pilgrim Rest
Baptist Church in Simmesport, Louisiana. “My father,
who was in the building trade, had grown restless and
the family relocated to Richmond, CA.” In California
Joe continued his gospel pursuits, by joining the West
Coast Gospel Singers.“At that time gospel music wasn’t
like it is today. So I switched to R & B. I had it all, a
pocket full of money and all of the women I could want
in every town. But I was empty and at times unhappy
because of what was happening inside of me.”
I asked Bishop Joe Simon if he knew of any one artist
who had trouble and struggles making the transition
from the secular to live a Christian lifestyle. “I don’t
know everybody’s personal relationship with God but
some were able to walk away never to return,” says
Bishop Joe Simon.
“I will never forget the night I
walked on stage prepared to rock
the house. The music was playing
and the list of songs were in my
head to perform that night “Misty
Blue,” “You Keep Me Hagin On,
Moon Walk,” “ A Time To Cry,”
“Pool of Bad Luck,” “Power of
Love,” “It Be’s That Way Sometimes,” and the song Warner
Brothers gave me $100,000 for, the
theme song for the hit movie
Cleopatra Jones. The titles were in
my head as I walked up to the mic,
I couldn’t remember the words to
the songs, not one of the songs that I had sang so many
times in so many cities. That night was my last R & B
show in New Orleans, many years before Katrina hit. I
remember telling the crowd to come back for a refund, it
was over. I told them I can’t sing these songs any more
and that I had to go to church! I did not sing those songs
that night and have not sung those songs any more.
You know the devil was mad that night. “I had a lot of
people try to get me to come back to rhythm and blues.
I had a guy offer me $16,000 a night and 50% of the bar.
Man, I aint gonna do that.” It was over, and finished. I
was my own boss. It was Joe Simon who pushed Joe
Simon I wore all of the hats. I was my own boss so I
could make the decision without the approval of anyone.
It was my choice.
It wasn’t Joe’s decision alone, it was what God was doing in him for almost three years. He was running from
what God had planned for his life. He was running from
my true calling. HJe didn’t want to be a preacher. He
didn’t want any parts of it but God already had the road
map planned for his life and he had to face the fact that
he was called to preach. End of story.
“I have never missed the lifestyle. I preached my first
sermon in 1988. It wasn’t easy when I made the transition. You do know that there is a price that comes when
you give your life to Christ building love, peace, acceptance, rejection, dejection, heartaches all of that comes
when you give your life to Christ. It wasn’t me it was the
Lord who brought me out of a life of darkness and into
the marvelous light of life. There has not been a day that
has passed that I wanted to go back to the R& B life of
the Joe Simon that everybody knew and loved”
Page 14
The Synergy of Gospel Music
I know many of you are asking the question what has Joe
Simon been doing for the past 16 years. Well the answer is
very simple he has been preaching the Word of God every
where he goes. He is a humble man so its not about the
size of the church or how many members the church has.
Its all about spreading the good news and being a blessing
in a way that people can understand.
All of the songs were written and performed by Bishop
Joe Simon and you can hear the voices of The Christ
Lutheran Church Choir of Vernon Hills, Illinois. Each song
was penned based on personal experience for the life and
times of Bishop Joe Simon after the transition. Bishop Joe
Simon says, “My Brothers and Sisters these songs will
surely bless you as you travel along this tedious journey
seeking to walk with Jesus, but more importantly it is to
Many of you reading this article may be asking why after reach the lost and those who are hurting.”
16 years is Joe Simon coming out with a gospel CD and if
he is real about his ministry. Why is he using the Motown Many of you who remember Joe Simon, will want this CD
Temptations to sing backgrounds? We all know that its because it will be something you will want to add to your
not about our watch but His clock and we move when he collection and will play it over and over as you will removes us. “I believe the Temptations are the best R & B, member the man who touched so many people when he
Pop Singing group in the world. I asked God in the name was in the world. Now that he has been ministering the
of Jesus to bless these voices and that very soon their voices Word of God all across the country many will reminisce
would be used to glorify our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. on the past as you remember where you have been to where
My job as a preacher is to always direct people’s attention you are now as you are being told or reminded the “Time
To Change” has come.
to the kingdom of God.”
I didn’t see anyone changing their radio station during the
Christmas holidays when everyone enjoyed the Temptations Christmas CD. That’s just the way God does His
thing. We had a great time preparing this CD and its going
to bless everyone who listens, its not for everyone but it
will reach the ones that are going through something. God
uses who he chooses and that’s a fact. There are a lot of
gospel artists as well as secular artists that have been inspired by God to create songs that will reach the young as
well as the old. There are more categories of gospel and
inspirational music than ever before.
Joe Simon ranks with the best of them Sam Cooke, Jackie
Wilson, Ray Charles, Mahalia Jackson, and others. We all
know that during the Rock and Roll era in order for a
singer to make it they had to change their style and life
Now comes the time for Bishop Joe Simon to come back
with what God has for him. A change in his lifestyle and a
collection of gospel songs that were written especially for
what we are dealing with today. The voice that has been
missing from the music world is now back, strong and
anointed again being heard over the airwaves.- Hallelujah.! Now he is ministerinhg in song with the assistance of
his son, who had challenges with his health at about the
time he made the transition to give his life and talent back
to God.
The title of his 12 track CD is “Time To Change”.
Page 15
Available In Stores Everywhere
Download your Favorite
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All Songs available for
$.99 per Song
The Synergy of Gospel Music
Keep’ It Real:
Shawn Tate
Why Should Radio Play Your Song? Launches New Gospel Label
Permission to reprint
What’s up folks? It’s your boy For Real comin’ atcha
once again. This week I want to address the topic, “Why
Should Radio Play Your song”. One of the things that I
find rather interesting, it that most indie artists will send
their projects to radio stations and never bother to follow
up with them to see wether or not their music has been
added to the play lists. Honestly, I would push your CD
to the side and never play it! If you show no interest in
your music, then why should the radio stations do? If I
know I have a good song, I’d work the phones like crazy
until someone tells me not to call back. Too many times
I have gotten good CDs in the mail and spin them at least
for a week, but if no one calls to find out if it’s being
played...guess what? that baby is dropped like a hot loaf
of bread. Another thing all you independents, DO NOT
send your music to major radio stations knowing quite
well that they will never play it, not unless you have the
cashflow to pay someone under the table which off course
is payola and is illegal. Your best bet for airplay is Internet
radio, community and college stations. Do not
underestimate the power of Internet radio stations or your
community or college stations. A word of advice
though...make sure that you become a member of
they can go after your monies for all the Internet airplay
that you receive. Take time and do your homework, do
not rush to put out your music, know the hows, whys,
whens and wheres, then go in for the kill. Start with your
local community or college and Internet radio stations.
If they determine that your music is a hit, then guess
what? Major radio will have to take notice. You have to
crawl before you walk, and the crawl will definitely lead
you to some exposure. Until next time, Peace & Blessings
Hip Hop News: Urban Music Connection: New
Program For Urban Gospel Music Pros Announced
for GMA Music Week 06
NASHVILLE, Tenn. – Shawn Tate, veteran Christian
record executive, entrepreneur, and CEO of 615
Entertainment announced today the launch of Univocal
Records, a full service independent gospel record label
with a focus on total artist development. This significant
announcement coincides with the inking of a nationwide
distribution agreement with Central South Distribution
for all Univocal Records new releases, including the 1st
quarter 2006 release of Walking In My Destiny from the
award winning Chicago-based group, Malcolm Williams
and Great Faith.
Sean Simmonds - True Story
February 21, 2006!!! The
release day! This is
absolutely a dream come
true (ya that’s right ya’ll I
am shedding a tear, leave
me alone you would too).
I want to thank all of you
that have emailed me and
offered your support and
words of encouragement.
Also to those of you that have followed for the last 21
days, thank you I pray you have been blessed. (I ask for
your forgiveness for those days that I posted the blog
late). God has brought us a mighty long way and we are
so thankful because this could not and would not be
possible without Him. I encourage you to buy the record;
I promise you will enjoy it. Thank you again. Be sure to
check out Sean’s site his video
is off the chain..
Chicago Artists 1st Quarter New Releases
Apostle Donald Alford The Gathering of Worshipers “It’s All About You”
With black gospel music sales growing to represent more Cheryl Porter and the International Gospel Messengers
than 20 percent of all gospel music sales and urban music of Italy - “I.G.M. Live in Chicago”
continuing to lead the Billboard charts, the Gospel Music Pastor Chris Harris - “So Amazing”
Association has responded with the Urban Music
Connection at GMA Music Week 2006, designed Be sure to place into your favorspecifically for artists and professionals working in or ites 24 hours of continuous music featuring the best Ininterested in the popular style of music, announced John dependent gospel music online... Featuring Gospel Jazz,
W. Styll, president of the GMA.April 1- 4 for details go Gospel Rap, Gospel Hip Hop, Praise & Worship, Traditional, Quartets, Contemporary and more!!!
Page 16
The Synergy of Gospel Music
Let Us Help You
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This is your resource guide to
online promotions for your
music ministry.
Independent Gospel Artists
Join our Online
Distribution Service
$35.00 One Time Set up Fee
Submission - One CD -Bio - Contact Information
Make Your Money Order payable to
Gospel Synergy Magazine
Mail To:
Gospel Synergy magazine
P O Box 286261
Chicago, IL 60628
www. Krazy Faith Radio Network.Net
Page 17
The Synergy of Gospel Music
Bishop Dr. Iona Locke “Thirty Pieces of Silver”
Abyssinia Christ Centered
Southfield, MI [In Ministries
On Demand]
Marvin Sapp - Fellowship Dinner
2005 @ R.D. Henton Breakthrough
[In Ministries On Demand]
Also: Listen Now
Also: Visit His Website
Independent Gospel Artist
Looking for AIRPLAY
Join Today
Must be copyright
Submit to:
8515 S. Indiana
Chicago, IL 60619
New Muisc- New Artust
Apostle Louis S. Greenup Jr.: God, Sex &
Louis Greenup Ministries, Inc., based out of
Denham Springs, Louisiana. [In Ministries On
Apostle Donald L. Alford - “Faith in the face of
Progressive Life - Giving Word
Cathedral,Hillside, IL [In Ministries On
Pastor John Hannah - “It’s Time To Get Glory”
Chicago, Illinois [In Ministries On Demand]
For More Information on how you can be a member
of call: 773-203-7838
Page 18
Downlaod Your Favorite
song for $.99
The Synergy of Gospel Music
It’s All Good...
Kirk Franklin & Mary Mary aren’t the only ones who
are able to take a secular song and make it a gospel song
by simply changing the lyrics. It has been done by many
over the years. How many of you remember Mitty Collier
in the late 60’s. Mitty came on the scene with a smash hit
“ I Had a Talk With My Man Last Night.” After a short
career as a R & B artists Mitty Collier gave it all up God
was to much a part of her life. She later released the
same song to glorify God which was her testimony “ I
Had A Talk With My God Last Night.”
What about Rev. James Cleveland when he took a Gladys
Knight and the Pips hit, “ You’re The Best Thing That
Ever Happen To Me” and changed it to “Jesus Is The
Best Thing That Ever Happen To Me.” What about Stefanie Mills when she tried to make the transition and
changed the titles and lyrics to a couple of her songs to
Even Reverend Timothy Wright did an old B. B. King
song on a CD released within the past couple of years. I
heard it a music conference but I can’t remember the
name of the song. So all of you music lovers reading this
article help me out. Hummm... I am sure that many of
you remember E. J. Johnson and
Enchantment from back in the day.
What many of you don’t know is
E. J. Johnson has been the Minister of Music at his church in Detroit for years. E. J. Johnson released his first gospel CD last year.
My favorite song from this CD Universal Praise is “Hav
U Heard” background vocals by Enchantment.
What about Rev. William Beacton when he did a remake
of The Isley Brothers “Harvest For The World” on his
2000 release B2K Prophetic Songs Of Promise CD. It
was different but it was what God placed in William
Beacton to share with the world. It was tight but is didn’t
do very well. Moving right along there was a group out
on the scene in 2000 with his release
Vertical with a Luther Vandross hit
“So Amazing.” It was so amazing
that Luther called Darwin during an
interview to encourage him. That had
to be the most exciting thing to happen in Darwin’s career.
I recall having brunch one Sunday
afternoon at Captain Hard Times in
Chicago. My back was to the small
stage when a group passing through
Chicago was introduced “Resurrection aka The Temptations of Gospel” from Detroit. They did a remake
of Run Away Child. I know y’all remember that one.
They have an amazing testimony because they all spent
time in prison where they met and formed there group.
I would also like to give credit where credit is due. There
a lot of Quartets that have strong R & B influence in
their music and also have been known to get permission
to do a remake of a secular song from back in the day.
Oh and I don’t want to forget my good friend Minister
Curtis Dean and the Queen City Mass Choir’s remake
of an old Earth Wind and Fire tune “Got to Get You Into
My Life.”
Many of you may remember the
name Ronnie Diamond if not allow
me to introduce Rev. Ronnie Diamond the original Ohio Player who
was the lead vocal on one of their
many hits Free. Wow! Rev. Ronnie
Diamond is back with a the same
song with new lyrics praising God on his soon to be
released CD “Free” will bless your soul.
I would be upset with myself if
I didn’t include the influence that
jazz plays in gospel music by not
bringing to your attention a hit
by Johnny Guitar Watson I want
to Ta Ta You. A re make by none
other than Kirk Whalum recorded at West Angeles Church
of God of Christ on the Gospel According to Jazz Volume II “I Want To Ta Ta You Jesus”
I also want to send a shout out to Mel Holder for a fantastic CD Now & Forever for his version of “I Believe I
Can Fly. God has blessed so many artists with the gift to
make music, music that is anointed, music that will reach
people where they are. I am sure that if these artists had
the budget for advertisement and promotions they would
have reached more people. Nevertheless I had to share
the music that ministers to me when I am down and never
my spirits lifted.
Page 19
The Synergy of Gospel Music
Laughter Is Good For The Soul!
One Cookie
There was an ederly man at home, upstairs dying in bed.
He smelled the aroma of his chocolate chip cookies baking. He wanted one last cookie before he died. He got out
of bed made his way the the stairs and crawled into the
kitchen where his wife was busily baking cookies.
With his last remaining strength he crawled to the table
and was just barely able to lify his withered arm to the
cookie sheet. As he grasped a warm, moist cookie, his
favorite kind, his wife suddenly whacked his hand with the
Grasping for breath, he asked her. “Why did you do that?”
Those are for the funeral.”
Famous Last Words
Ol’ Freda faithful Christian was in the hospital, near death.
The family called the preacher to stand with them. As the
preacher stood next to the bed, Ol’ Fred’s condition
appeared to deterioate and he motioned frantically for
something to write on
The pastor lovingly handed him a pen and a piece of paper, and Ol’ Fred used his last bit of energy to scribble a
note, then he died.
Perental Devotion
Peter was watching the gates of heaven, but he really
needed a bathroom break. He asked Jesus to watch the
gates for a few minutes, and Jesus replied “Fine.”
Peter took the book which lists everyone who’s supposed
to get into Heaven with him to the bathroom to have something to read. As Jesus is stood there, he saw an old man
leading a donkey up from Earth to Heaven. He notices the
old man has carpenter’s tools with him. When the old man
reached the gates, Jesus told him he didn’t have the book,
but asks the old man to explain his life and why he felt he
should be admitted into heaven. Jesus would then make
the decision whether or not to let him in based on the story.
The man explained “In English, my name would be Joseph, but I didn’t live in America or England. I lived a
modest life, making things out of wood. I’m not remembered very well by most people, but almost everyone has
heard of my son. I call him my son, but I was more of a
Dad to him, he didn’t really come into this world in the
usual way. I sent my son out to be among the people of the
World. He was ridiculed by many, and was even known to
associate himself with some pretty unsavory characters,
although he himself tried to be honest and perfect. My
single biggest reason for trying to get into Heaven is to be
reunited with my son.” Jesus is awestruck by the man’s
story. He looks into the old man’s eyes and asks, “Are you
MY earthly father?” The old man’s face brightens; he looks
at Jesus, and asks, “Are you my Pinocchio?”
At the funeral, as he was finishing the message, he realized
that he was wearing the same jacket he was wearing when
Ol’ Fred died. He said. “You know, Ol’ Fred handed me a
note just before he died. I haven’t looked at it, but knowFinal Eulogy
ing Fred, I’m sure there’s a word of inspiration there for
us all.”
After dying in a car crash three friends go to Heaven for
orientation. They are all asked the same question: “When
He opened the note, and read, “Hey you’re standing on you are in your casket, friends and family are mourning
my ogygen tube!”
over you, what would you like to hear them say about
you?” The first guy immediately responds, “I would like
to hear them say that I was one of the great doctors of my
time, and a great family man.” The second guy says, “I
Do You Have A Joke would like to share
would like to hear that I was a wonderful husband and
Submit To
school teacher who made a huge difference in our
dren of tomorrow.” The last guy thinks a minute and replies, “I’d like to hear them say...... LOOK, HE’S MOVING!!!!!”
Page 20
The Synergy of Gospel Music
West Coast “Gospel Scoop”
Los Angeles honors Gospel Singing Duo “Mary Mary”
by Willette Duvall
Tina & Erica Campbell, known to many
I would be remiss without congratulating
as “Mary Mary”, were recently honored
Mary Mary on some of their many recent
in Los Angeles at the Recycling Black
outstanding achievements. In 2005, they
Dollars 17th Annual Positive Side Awards:
were winners at the American Music
A Tribute for the Ages – Black Business
Awards, winning the Contemporary
Excellence. The Positive Side Awards,
Inspirational Award. 2006 also promises
held on Thursday, November 17th, 2005
to be a big year for the group and their
at the Westin Hotel, LAX in Los Angeles,
recently released self-titled album, They
included some of LA’s finest
garnered Two Grammy Nominations:
entrepreneurs, pioneers, and political
Best Gospel Song (Heaven) and Best
figures. Tina & Erica received the
Contemporary Soul Gospel Album (Mary
prestigious Marla Gibbs Entertainment
Mary) to be received at the 48th Grammy
Award, which exemplifies the spirit of
Awards, held February 8th in Los Angeles.
Marla Gibbs by honoring those who have
Mary Mary were also nominated for six
made a lasting contribution to the world
Stellar Awards (to be held January 21st in
of theatre, community, and youth. The
Nashville, TN): Artist of the Year, Song
singing Gospel duo portrays Ms Gibbs’
of the Year (Heaven), Group/Duo of the
spirit of supporting the community at
Year, CD of the Year, Urban/Inspiration
large in any way that they can. Always willing to participate
Single/Performance of the Year and Recorded Music
in school, church, and community functions, Erica & Tina
Package of the Year.
never forget their Inglewood, CA roots.
While you’ve heard about these sisters for many years,
Recycling Black Dollar (RBD) Founder/CEO, Muhammad
you may not know their humble beginnings. Erica & Tina
Nassarden, formed the organization in 1988 to aid in the
grew up in Inglewood, CA in a family containing five other
economic development of the Black community by
sisters and a brother. Inspired by gospel artists like the
encouraging support of Black businesses. The evening
Clark sisters, Commissioned, Rev. Milton Brunson and
began with rising Gospel singer Elaine Norwood, whose
Hezekiah Walker, they sang regularly in local gospel shows.
debut album “God Has A WAY” is ascending up the
After years of singing individually with artists like Brian
Billboard charts, performed soulful tunes that set the tone
McKnight, Brandy, and Eric Benet, the sisters formed Mary
for the entire night. Founder of Crenshaw Christian Center
Mary, and their music soon appeared on the Dr. Doolittle
Dr. Frederick K.C. Price, who recently celebrated 50 years
and Prince of Egypt soundtracks. Their first album,
in ministry, received the Leon Garr Lifetime Achievement
Thankful, went platinum and won a Grammy for Best
Award. Dr. Price is the embodiment of man who perfectly
Contemporary Gospel Album. I can’t wait to see what
illustrates how to be a good stewart and follow God.
the upcoming year will hold for this anointed and talented
But before you think this was your typical award show, it group.
definitely wasn’t. It was the most refreshing and enchanting
one that I’ve ever attended. The most unique aspect were
the awards themselves - instead of plaques or trophies,
recipients were given beautiful works of Black art that
personally reflected each recipients life. Mary Mary was
given a portrait of two close, loving and supporting sisters.
This piece perfectly symbolized how the world sees them
and captured the essence of their sisterhood.
Willette Duvall is a contributing writer from Los Angeles.
In addition to the nationally syndicated column “The West
Coast Gospel Scoop”, Ms. Duvall is the publisher of
“Women In Ministry Promo”, an international syndicated
publication that focus on Women In Ministry. For
questions or comments you may contact her at: Pro-Vision
Entertainment, c/o: Women In Ministry Promo© * PMB
43816, LA, CA 90043 or logon onto:
I would be remiss without congratulating Mary Mary on or via email at:
some of their many recent outstanding achievements.
Page 21
The Synergy of Gospel Music
Concert - Seminars & Events 2006
Events To Help Grow
Your Music Ministry
in 2006
March 14-17, 2006
GMWA Board Meeting
Town & Country Resort
500 Hotel Circle North
San Diego, CA 92108
Reservations can be made directly
through the hotel’s reservations
office (800) 722-8527
April 21-22
T.A.O Ministries
Invites you to the 5th Annual
Pressing Toward Your
Vision Conference
National Recording Artist Nightly
Awards and Prizes
Will Be Presented
All Are Wecome Call and
Register Early
For More Info Call:
See You in
Rochester, New York!!!
May 7-9
The Bobby Jones International
Gospel Industry Retreat
convene in beautiful
Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
The event is expected to
convene at the
Seminole Resort & Casino
Performing Arts Stage
click Conference & Events
May 19-21, 2006
July 25-August 1
I Hear Music In The Air
Where Music Meets Ministry
Cincinnati, OH
Sharonville Convention Center
For More info visit us online at
or call 866-462-2838
2006 Urban Gospel Indutry
Awards & Conference
In Conjunction with the
Music & Arts Love
The Restoration World Mission
Cathedral Christian Center
10630 Homestead
Houston, TX
510-472-0177 or visit
May 27, 2006
Vickie Winans
Live Recording
House of Hope
Chicago, IL
June 2 - 4, 2006
This Summer Get
Chicago Gospel Music Festival
CeCe Winans, New Direction,
Bishop Neal Roberson
Vashawn Mitchell & Friends
Joann Rosario, Marvin Sapp
The Caravans,
Doc Mc Kenzie & The Hi-Lites and
Joe Ligon and the
Mighty Clouds of Joy
For More Info call 312-744-3315
July 28-29
Its Your Time
Gospel Showcase
National Guard Armory
2761 Godwin Blvd.
Suffolk, VA 23434
For More Info call:
Hunter Is Productions & God Is
Anointed Touch Ministries
P O Box 409
Windsor, VA 23487
Page 22
August 12-18, 2006
GMWA Annual Convention
Dallas, Tx
Hyatt Regency Dallas Hotel at
Reunion (Headquarters Hotel):
Adams Mark Hotel,
Dallas Convention Center
August 19, 2006
First Annual
En Sound Indepnedent
Music Awards
at the
Robert Treat Hotel
50 Park Place
Newerk, NJ 07102
Contact: Kevin James
Delroy Souden
The Synergy of Gospel Music
Our world and mankind has evolved in so many ways. We
have labeled each era to reflect or define a certain period in
our history. Such as The Stone Age, Mid-Evil Times, and The
Industrial Age. Now we live in what’s been called The
Information Age. We have more information available to us
than anytime ever in the existence of man. With a few strokes
of a keypad on the Internet, anything you want to know good
or bad is instantly there. So with that said, why is it so hard
for a new ministry to be heard or known? You have done it
all, e-mail address, web site, EPK (electronic press kit), and a
finished product. But still nobody knows about your ministry.
Well even with all the advantages that the Internet brings,
reaching the masses is still a tricky area. Since people today
live such diverse and active lives, the trick is to “get in where
you fit in”. What do you mean by that? You want to fit into as
many different areas or venues that your product can fit in.
For example, you have a song. The normal thought pattern
would be, get major radio airplay and have your product in
every store. Of course to pull that off, you need a major
distribution deal, and radio support. And as you know, many
of us aren’t blessed to be in that position. So what’s next, “get
in where you fit in”. How do you do that? The answer is
partnerships. Have you asked yourself how many different
areas my song could fit in. Let’s look at some, internet web
site links, internet radio shows, mix tapes, commercials, instore back ground music, and remixes. You can take your
current project as is, or with minor modifications, and fit into
anyone of these venues. And with creative partnerships, you
can achieve this with little or no money out of your pocket.
Higher Ground International D.J. Record Pool has partnered
with Gospel Synergy Magazine and the Gospel Swap, to help
make your music ministry become more effective and efficient.
Higher Ground is a collective group of Christian d.j.’s,
producers, and remixers, from around the world. This
collective works together to help artist spread their music
ministry around the world. Many people overlook the power
of the D.J., a mix tape, and remixing. The D.J. is your street
level promotions. The D.J. helps create a buzz as he or she
plays your music at various venues they perform at (church
picnics, revivals, youth events, cruises, concerts, and special
events). The mix tape further creates a buzz for your
Example, you’re a quartet group that normally appeals to an
age demographic of 45 and older. But now you have your
song remixed to a dance format. Now you’re same song
appeals to teens, young adults, club goers, mix tapes, and
workout tapes. That one remix just opened 5 new doors for
you’re ministry, to effect people you would not have reached
By joining Gospel Swap today, you will have electronic
distribution worldwide, exposure on various Internet radio
shows, and an on-line electronic press kit. The essential basics
for success. Now with the partnership of Higher Ground, the
artist will also supply the record pool with copies of the new
project, for the D.J.’s to play wherever they perform. The
D.J. will help break the new song, and then reinforce it with
constant rotation. If your project is dance oriented, it will be
included in various mix tapes and mix shows around the world.
Finally the biggest advantage to joining Gospel Swap today
is free remixing services. Artist can submit their songs with
all the separated tracks in wave or audio file format. A D.J./
producer will creatively rearrange or completely remix the
After the remix is done, the artist will receive his or her own
copy of the finished product. The artist who wishes to
participate in the remix program must sign a waiver. The
waiver simply states that the artist can sell their copy of the
remix in any form they wish, such as a compilation, music
bed for commercials, etc. The artist is not required to pay
royalties to the D.J. or even pay for the remix. The D.J. in
turn gets the same privileges; he or she can sell it as part of a
mix tape, or a single. The only thing that is required is the
artist is credited for the song, and the D.J. is credited for the
remix on either of the artist or D.J.’s release of the project.
And the D.J. and the artist contact information is included on
the released project.
project, by presenting your song in a creative format,
which magnifies your music. In a mix tape each song The power of partnership is a wonder thing, and when used
supports the other songs in the mix, which magnifies all properly, it can advance your ministry in double time. By
taking advantage of the partnership of The Gospel Swap and
the songs collectively.
The biggest over looked avenue is the power of a remix. Let’s
say you appeal to one market, a remix opens the doors to
other markets you wouldn’t normally fit in.
Higher Ground International D.J. record Pool. Your ministry
exposure is maximized to its fullest boundaries. But as we
know, when it’s ministry, there are no boundaries. GOD
Page 23
The Synergy of Gospel Music
“Taseis Media Group – Bringing Gospel and Christian Music to the World”
By Malcolm S. Carter
New music group provides distribution and other services for independent labels
What is the challenge?
The 21st century has brought both new ideas for efficient and
effective business management as well as new competitive
challenges. The idea of sharing resources and outsourcing
business functions allows smaller independent businesses to
operate as larger corporations. For independent business owners
across all industries and markets, a new mode of thinking and
doing business has been necessary for survival in an era where
the “Wal-Marts” of each industry dictate the rules. In the gospel
music industry, the so-called “major” labels have made
acquisitions of some of the most successful and recognizable
record labels and music catalogs in gospel. The gospel record
labels that continue to operate as independents find it
increasingly difficult to get radio airplay and shelf space in major
chain retail stores to sell their products. The ability to sign
talented artist and produce quality music has not been an issue.
The growing challenge is how to “build a better mousetrap”
with a business strategy and key strategic partners that will
give you the resources you need to be competitive. In the gospel
music industry, Taseis Media Group (pronounced Tay-sis) serves
as a strategic business partner and provides major distribution,
marketing, publicity, and sales services for a conglomerate of
independent music labels that regularly compete with “major”
Taseis Media Group is a one-stop shop operated by seasoned
and successful gospel industry veterans who work smartly with
its label partners to bring about the greatest potential per each
What are the Taseis Media Group music labels?
Taseis Media Group has established business relationships with
a select group of independent music labels:
Tyscot Records (original partner)
Aleho International Music (original partner)
Holy Music
Serenity Records
Street Gospel Records
Utopia Records
In addition to providing the best distribution services available
worldwide, Taseis Media Group also offers other key services
to our label partners, including sales strategies, retail and
consumer marketing strategies, new media marketing strategies,
radio promotions, and publicity. The collective experience and
expertise of our staff allows us to give our distributed labels the
benefit of significant shared resources to increase their profits
without excessive use of individual resources. These shared
resources allow our label partners to operate as a larger
company, yet efficiently.
What is Taseis Media Group?
Taseis Media Group ( is a unique entertainment
company that provides a variety of services to its label partners,
to include general market and CBA sales and distribution for
some of the most talented recording artists in Gospel and
Christian music. We feature chart-topping artists like GrammyNominated The Rance Allen Group, Dove Award Winner Ron
Kenoly, Stellar Award Winners Deitrick Haddon & VOU, Ricky
Dillard, and Mark Hubbard and the Voices as well as
developing artists such as Ricardo, Vashawn Mitchell, Chris
Jones, Oscar Williams & Perfected Praise, and others for
everyone to enjoy.
Waymaker Christian Music
Here are the new labels for 2006:
A. Williams Entertainment
Ascend Records
Holy Spirit Records
JALAP Records
What distribution services are available?
Taseis Media Group has partnered with two distribution
companies for the last three years, which has been a major key
to our success. Ryko Distribution (
about.php) has provided traditional distribution to retail outlets
by utilizing the WEA distribution system. Ryko Distribution
has received the prestigious NARM, Medium Distributor of
the Year Award for four consecutive years due to their dedication
and expertise in servicing independent labels and their artists.
Page 24
The Synergy of Gospel Music
Word Distribution (
has been our Christian Booksellers Association or CBA
distributor providing services to Christian bookstores
worldwide. Word Distribution was named Christian
Booksellers Association, 2002 Exhibitor of the Year and they
are part of the Warner family of companies, which is one of
the largest entertainment companies in the world.
What will be “hot” for 2006 from Taseis?
Taseis Media Group will have some outstanding releases to
begin 2006 including:
Chris Jones, February 2006 (Tyscot Records)
Leanne Faine, February 2006 (Serenity Records)
Apostle Donald Alford, February 2006 (Holy Spirit
Records) Available online at
Pure Gospel: Top Gospel Choirs (Live), February
2006 (Crystal Rose Records)
The Temptations Review, March 2006 (Holy Spirit
Bishop Leonard Scott, April 2006 (Tyscot Records)
To contact Taseis Media Group:
Taseis Media Group
5501 East 71st Street, Suite #3
Indianapolis, Indiana 46220
(317) 479-2343
(317) 466-2844
To listen to a Taseis Media Podcast:
A powerful praise and worship
CD that will usher the holy
spirit into your heart mind and
soul. A must have CD to add
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God Has Got Your Back
Don’t pass this one up.Age is
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Ledoria has been singing since
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are powerful! The harmony is
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that you will find very relaxing.
Download Your Your Favorite Song Today!
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Songs With A Purpose
Supporting Independent Gospel Artist
To contact the reporter on this story:
Malcolm S. Carter at
Page 25
Page 26
The Synergy of Gospel Music
Listen to
For The Best
Independent Gospel Music Online
New Singles
1. Denise Wolford - Keep Watching Over Me
2. Steven Bell - Praise And Worship
3. Sister Maxine West - Lord Will Make Away
4. Clarria Smith - Yes, Lord I’ll Follow Thee
5. Theola Booker & Friends - I Need Your Blessing
6. CCJM - Delivered
7. Pilgrim Rest Dallas - Church Medley
8. Ledoria - Reborn
9. Cathy Townsend - Soon I Will Be Done
10. Dr. Willette Green-Johnson - Give It To Jesus
11. Denise Wolford - He Is Love
12 Eugene and Andrea - Meet Me Here
13. Michael Ford & New Joy - No Compromise
14. Robert Houston & True Dedication - I’ll Go
15. Robert Houston - Hold On
16. Chris Fields - My Joy
17. Sister Maxine West - Where There’s A Will There’s
18. Portia Young - Now Faith
19. Minister Gerry Grant - We’ve Got To Believe
20. Masterpiece Compilation - It’s Worked Out (D.Coley)
New CD Additions
1. Denise Wolford - When Your # Comes
2. Steven Bell - Conversations
3. Sister Maxine West - Sister Maxine West
4. Clarria Smith - God Has Got Your Back
5. Theola Booker & Friends - Self Titled
6. CCJM - What A Friend
7. Pilgrim Rest Dallas WFAM - A Live Experience
8. Ledoria - Heaven’s Callin’
9. Cathy Townsend - RE-Born RE- Juvanating RE-Joicing
10. Dr. Willette Green-Johnson - Adore
11. Denise Wolford - When Your # Comes
12. Minister Gerry Grant - Jesus Has Kept Me
13 Rev. Charlie Wells & The Voices of Couds - I Love You
14. Robert Houston & True Dedication - Heaven
15. Robert Houston & True Dedication - Rekease Your Faith
16. Chris Fields - Saved
17. Portia Young - I’m Rady Now
18. Sister Maxine West - Sister Maxine West
19. Sam Hofer - White Stone
20. Sam Hofer - Imagination Station once
you enter click search
music type in artist name
or song title and listen to
2 minute sound Clips
before you purchase your favorite track for $.99.
Top Clips Played
1.Clarissa Smith - Since I Met Jesus
2.Clarissa Smith - He Knows How Much We Can Bear
3. Clarissa Smith - God Can Do Anything
4. Jones Family Singers - Jesus Keeps Working On Me
5. Gene Stewart - Pray Unto The Lord
6. Gene Stewart - I Can Do All Things
7. Gene Stewart - I Belong To You
8. Gene Stewart - His Love Is Real
9. Willette Johnson - Adore
10. Theola Booker & Friends - Yes God Is Real
11. Renewed Voices For Christ - Church Medley
12. Mamon & Mamon - He’s The Only One
13. Voices of Progressive - Since I Met Jesus
14. Cliff Dubose & Divine - When The Saints-Amazing
15. Cliff Dubose & Divine - O Give Thanks
16. Cliff Dubose & Divine - Keep Me Every Day
17. Cliff Dubose - Don’t Give Up
18. Mamon & Mamon - All God’s People
19. Arthur Sutton & Gift of Praise - Heaven
20. William Crook - Possessed By His Love
Editors Choice
1. Cathy Townsend - Soon I Will Be Done
2. Rev. William Crook - Possessed By His Love
3. Bishop Joe Simon - Time To Change
4. To Be Faithful - Betty Lester
5. Ceu e Terra - Eric Diaz (Spanish)
6. He’ll Be There - Victory Christain Assembly
7. Save - Connie Johnson-Brown
8. Ooh - The Williams Sister
9. We’re Marchin’ To Zion - The Gateway A G of GMWA
10. Yes My Jesus Loves Me - Joe Sharkey
11. When The Saints Go Marching In- Keyboard Pioneers
12. The Storm - CSU GOSPEL CHOIR
13 The Church Medley-Cliff Dubose and Divine
14. Let The Rain Fall-Praise Alive
15. I Have A Friend- CHGO Keyboard Pioneers
16. It Will Be Alright-The Voices of Paradise
17. I Owe You Me-Unity In The Spirit Chorale
18. Everybody’s Got a Daddy-KAE DJ Publishing
19. Caring, Sharing, United-CSU GOSPEL CHOIR
20. All of God’s People- Mamon&Mamon
Page 27
Free Membership
The Synergy of Gospel Music
Listen To
For The Best
Independent Gospel Music Online
New Singles
1. Kathryn Riggins - Secret Place
2. Minister Ronald J. Materre - Amazing Grace
3. Women of Integrity - Trouble
4. Clarria Smith - Yes, Lord I’ll Follow Thee
5. Theola Booker & Friends - I Need Your Blessing
6. CCJM - Delivered
7. Pilgrim Rest Dallas - Church Medley
8. Ledoria - Reborn
9. Cathy Townsend - Soon I Will Be Done
10. Dr. Willette Green-Johnson - Give It To Jesus
11. Bishop Joe Simon - Lay My Burden Down
12 Sam Hofer - lethal Action
13. Sam Hofer - The Battle Is The Lord
14. Sister Maxine West - Lord Will Make Away
15. Danioelle Nightingale - Holy One
16. Denise Wolford - Inage of God
17. Michael Ford & New Joy - No Compromise
18. Charle Green - Fly Away
19. Minister Gerry Grant - We’ve Got To Believe
20. Masterpiece Compilation - It’s Worked Out (D.Coley)
New CD Additions
1. Kathryn Riggins - Give Him The Praise
2. Minister Ronald J. Materre - Look At God
3. Women of Integrity - God Is Good
4. Clarria Smith - God Has Got Your Back
5. Theola Booker & Friends - Self Titled
6. CCJM - What A Friend
7. Pilgrim Rest Dallas WFAM - A Live Experience
8. Ledoria - Heaven’s Callin’
9. Cathy Townsend - RE-Born RE- Juvanating RE-Joicing
10. Dr. Willette Green-Johnson - Adore
11. Bishop Joe Simon - Time to Change
12. Sam Hofer - Imagination Station
13 Sam Hofer - Whitestone
14. Maxine West - Sister Maxine West
15. Denise Wolford - When Your # Comes
16. Minister Gerry Grant - Jesus Has Kept Me
17. Rev. Charlie Wells & The Voices of Couds - I Love You
18. Robert Houston & True Dedication - Heaven
19. Lonnie McNamee - The Compilation Masterpiece
20. Get you CD Listed Here... Join Today! once
you enter click search
music type in artist name
or song title and listen to
2 minute sound Clips
before you purchase your favorite track for $.99.
Top Clips Played
1. Dr. Margaret Douroux - The Glow of Glory
2. Dr. Margaret Douroux - Thank You
3. Dr. Margaret Douroux - Already Done
4. Arthur Sutton & Gift of Praise - In This Place
5. Joe Sharkey - If It Had Not Been
6. Pilgrim Rest - Created For Worship
7. Pilgram Rest - Church Medley
8. Ronald J Matterre - Amazing Grace
9. Lady Peachena - Lord Save Our Young Men
10. Witness For Christ - Are You Ready
11. O Lord Is It I-Nat M. Brown Productions
12. Thank You- Minstrel
13. Since I Met Jesus -The Voices of Progressive
14. All Of God’s People - MAMON and MAMON
15 Deliverance Is On The Way-God Will Deliver
16. Church House Rap - KAE DJ Publishing
17. Jesus Is Real - Unity In The Spirit Chorale
18. Simply Serene - Karli Bonne
19. Center Of My Joy - St. Monica
20. Angel Without Wings - Karli Bonne
Editor Choice
1. Portia Young - When I Come Into Your Presence
2. Rev. William Crook - Possessed By His Love
3. Robert Houston & True Dedication - Devotion
4. To Be Faithful - Betty Lester
5. Willette Green Johnson - Adore
6. The 411- Can’t Nobody
7. Secret Place - Kathy Riggins
8. Jesus - Arthur Sutton and The Gift of Praise
9. What A Friend - C.C. M. J.
10. Over & Over - Victory Christian Assembly Mass Choir
11. Grateful - Zi’el
12. Where There’s A Will There’s A Way - Maxine West
13 Can’t Nobody - Women of Integrity
14. God Has Got Your Back - Clarissa Smith
15. Since Jesus - Cathy Townsend
16. Lay My Burden Down - Bishop Joe Simon
17. Dr. Jesus - Elder Charles Scott
18. Never Alone - Jason Allen and The Family
19. It’s Your Season - Van D. Roberson
20. I Heard The Angels Singing - Rev. Charlie Wells and the
Clouds of Joy
Page 28
Free Membership
The #1 Most Requested Songs On
The Gospel Swap
1. Everlasting Love 2. He Is 3. All Of God’s People
4. He’s My Rock 5. I Won’t Complain
Listen To The Best Independent Gospel Music Online
Once you enter go to search music and type in song title