The CRIER - Patapsco High School and Center for the Arts
The CRIER - Patapsco High School and Center for the Arts
8100 Wise Ave. Dundalk, MD 21222 (410) 887-7060 Mr. Craig T. Reed, Principal The CRIER Wednesday, August, 24, 2016 Opening Day for Students –A Day New Morning Procedures The school will open for student entry at 7:00 am each morning. Bus riders will be dropped off at the bus loop off Langport and will enter the building through the 1st hall. Students who walk to school or who are dropped off must use the main entrance on Inverness Avenue. Prior to 7:30 am, Students may enter the school through the main entrance. All students must report to the cafeteria/courtyard, which will be supervised. At 7:30, students will be dismissed into the hallways to arrive at their first period classes before 7:45 am. The school day begins at 7:45am and all students should be seated in their classrooms no later than 7:43am. Breakfast is available in the cafeteria from 7:10-7:40 am each day. Any student who needs to see a teacher before 7:30 am will need to receive a pass from that teacher. Welcome Back Students and Parents I am extremely excited to welcome students back to the building on Wed., August 24th for the start of the 2016-2017 school year! For new 9th grade students, we look forward to seeing you for the BCPS early entry day on Monday the 22nd, see the attached letter for details. We are going to work hard and be nice and its going to be a great year! This newsletter is filled with important information; I encourage you to read through it carefully. Be sure to follow us on Twitter and Facebook to receive frequent updates about school events, and check the school’s website for access to this newsletter and other important school information. I want to take this opportunity to highlight a few items of particular importance as we prepare for the 2016-2017 school year. 2016-2017 Administration Mr. Craig Reed, Principal Dr. Darrell Wheeler, Asst. Principal Mr. Mark Matthews, Asst. Principal Ms. Heather Miller, Asst. Principal Office: 410-887-7060 410-887-7061 Fax: 410-887-7062 Guidance: 410-887-7063 Follow Us: @CraigTReed_PHS First, the safety of the students and staff in this building continues to be my number one priority, but I can’t do it alone. It’s critically important that all members of the school Website: community, especially students, be mindful of the concept of “See Something, Say Something”. Teachers and Counselors, Administrators and School Resource Officers all hold safety as their primary concern, but in the days of instant communication via social media, students often become aware of concerns before we do. Together, we will ensure that Patapsco remains a safe learning environment for everyone. Second, throughout the 2016-2017 school year, teachers will once again be keenly focused on helping students improve their reading skills. Every teacher, in every content area, will work with students to help them improve their reading of complex literary and informational texts. Students - the best way to improve your own reading fluency is to read often. Parents and guardians - please help your student prepare for their future by encouraging them to read high-quality materials as frequently as possible. No skill is more critical for success later in life! Third, we have an incredibly active and flourishing school community; whether it’s the arts, athletics, or community service, our students are constantly engaged and active. Over the course of the school year we will continue to provide students opportunities to become involved by joining the numerous clubs, volunteer opportunities, athletic programs, and wide variety of other offerings here at Patapsco. Research shows that students who are involved are more likely to be academically successful. Back to School Night will be held on Thursday, September 1st. All students new to Patapsco should report at 5:30 pm, and any returning students should arrive at 6:00. You will have an opportunity to meet the faculty, join the PTSA, sign up for BCPSOne, purchase gym uniforms, etc. I look forward to seeing all of you on the 1st. Sincerely, Mr. Craig T. Reed Principal 8100 Wise Ave. Dundalk, MD 21222 (410) 887-7060 Mr. Craig T. Reed, Principal Dear Parent, In support of our students’ successful transitions to Grade 9, we invite students to participate in an Early Entry Day program. Baltimore County Public Schools is excited to announce that it will host a half-day “Early Entry Day" on Monday, August 22, 2016, for students entering Grade 9 for the 2016–2017 school year. Students will participate in a wide variety of activities – designed based on student feedback – to become more familiar with their new school setting prior to the start of school. Students will review their class schedules, visit their lockers, take school tours, and meet all their teachers and the school counselors. Transportation will be provided for those students who are scheduled to take a bus to school. Those students will be picked up at their assigned bus stops at their regularly scheduled times and will be transported home at the end of the half-day schedule. A complimentary lunch will be served to all participating students, and students will be able to add funds to their cafeteria accounts in preparation for the first day of school. We are looking forward to welcoming our new ninth grade students on Monday, August 22, 2016, and while not required, we hope your child will take advantage of this opportunity. The first regular day of school for all students is Wednesday, August 24, 2016. Sincerely, Craig T. Reed Principal Patapsco High School & Center for the Arts 8100 Wise Ave Baltimore, MD 21222 Office: 410-887-7060 @CraigTReed_PHS Patapsco High School and Center for the Arts Early Entry Agenda August 22, 2016 7:15 – 7:45 Students arrive to Patapsco High School & Center for the Arts Teachers welcome students (Bus loop/hallways) Band playing in auditorium lobby Students pick up schedules in lobby and move to auditorium 7:45 – 8:25 Welcome from Patapsco Administration Guest Speakers o Class/club Advisors o Athletic Director o 9th Grade Counselor o Student Leaders Overview of the Day 8:25 – 8:30 Transition 8:30 – 8:50 1A 8:55 – 9:05 2A 9:10 – 9:20 3A 9:25 – 9:35 4A 9:40 – 9:50 1B 9:55 – 10:05 2B 10:10 - 10:20 3B 10:25 – 10:35 4B 10:40 -11:10 Lunch 11:10 Dismissal Welcome Patriots! Back to School Night Thursday, September 1, 2016 – Auditorium 5:30 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. Information Session for New Students and Parents 6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. Back to School Night 7:30 p.m. Ice Cream Social in the Cafeteria Please visit the Aud. Lobby for School Activity Information – including Gym Uniforms Fall Sports Try-Out Requirements In order to be eligible to try-out for a fall athletic team the following criterion must be met: 1) Students must have earned a 2.0 GPA or higher on their 4th quarter report (incoming 9th graders are excluded) 2) A parent permit with proof of insurance must be signed by a parent 3) A current medical examination 4) Attend a mandatory Parent /Athlete Meeting on Monday Aug.17th at 6:00 pm in the Aud. Any questions, please contact: Mr. McGuinness-Athletic Director Email: Athletic Office: (410) 887-7064 Fax: (410) 887-7062 Team Schedules: Sports try-outs Schedule: Allied Soccer, Janice Singh, - Sept. 6th, 2:30p.m. Badminton, Melanie Nolet, - Aug 15th, 2:30 pm - Gym Cheerleading, Erica Kreglow, - Aug 10th, 10:00 am - 12:00 am - Cafeteria Cross Country, Randall Jacobsen, - Aug 10th, 7:00 am - Gym entrance Boys’ Golf, Tony Maggard, - Aug. 10th, 10:00am Rocky Point Golf Course Girls’ Golf, Larry Warble, - Aug. 17th, 2:30pm - Trailer 3, Patapsco Field Hockey, Emily Krich, - Aug 16th, 9:00am - 11am, Field Hockey field Football, Robert Flynn, - Aug 10th, 11:00 am - Football field Football equipment sizing - Aug 8th (Juniors/Seniors) & 9th (Fresh/Sophomores), 1:00 pm Boys Soccer, Larry Fulton, - Aug. 10th, 10am - Boys’ Soccer field Girls Soccer, Kandice Schroeder, - Aug 10th, 8:00-10:00 am - Girls’ Soccer field Volleyball, Laura Robinson, - Aug 10th, 9:00-11:00 am - Gym From August 15th through the end of the season - All practices will be at 2:30pm School Counseling Office—Welcome to another school year! Our office doors are always open to help meet the academic, social, and emotional needs of our students. We believe that an alliance between parents and school are crucial to a student’s success in high school and beyond. The School Counseling Office would like to invite parents to be a part of their student’s graduation, college, and career planning process. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s counselor. We can each be reached by phone @ 410-887-7063 or email. We are looking forward to a successful school year! Counselors Grade 9 (Class of 2020)- Cathy Kearney Grade 10 (class of 2019) – Melissa Geigley Grade 11 (class of 2018) – Katie VanBuskirk Grade 12 (class of 2017) – Ginger Patron Follow us on Twitter and Instagram @ptap_counselors Visit us online at Naviance/Family Connection at Student/Parent Resources Counseling Events for 2016-2017 Fall College Night - September 15 6:00 p.m. Financial Aid Night - October 6 6:00 p.m. Spring College Night - March 16 6:00 p.m. Senior Scholarship Evening- May 23 6:30 p.m. Naviance: Family Connection by Naviance is a program BCPS purchased for all schools to assist students and parents with career and college research. Each student was provided login information last year. Please explore this resource with your child at Early College Access Program with CCBC Note: Students in grade 10-12 are eligible to take courses at CCBC for a reduced rate and possibly FREE. If you are interested in this program be sure to set up an appointment with your counselor in the Fall. If you have registered for courses with CCBC don’t forget you must bring in your registration paperwork from the college to verify that you are enrolled. EXTENDED DAY LEARNING PROGRAM NOTE: If you are planning to attend EYLP (evening school) for the 16-17 school year, registration paperwork will be available the final week of August. LEARNER’S PERMITS - can be submitted to our office for completion. Please complete the parent/guardian portion before submitting. We will then return completed form in an official sealed envelope to be returned to the MVA. Please note that we require at least 24 hours for processing. TRANSCRIPTS: Current students in need of a transcript are to first complete a Transcript Request Form signed by their parent/guardian and returned to Ms. Grampp in the Counseling Office. All requests should then be made via Naviance. Please note that we require at least 24 hours for processing. WORK PERMITS - Work Permits WORK PERMITS – Work Permits are no longer distributed through the school. All youth workers age 14-17 can obtain a work permit by going to the following website: dworkpermit 8100 Wise Ave. Dundalk, MD 21222 (410) 887-7060 Mr. Craig T. Reed, Principal Dear Patapsco High School and Center for the Arts Patriot: We sincerely hope that you are enjoying your summer. We also hope that you are excited for the upcoming 20162017 school year. Enclosed, please find your schedule. Changes to your schedule will be permitted only if: · You are a senior and are missing a class that is required for graduation. · You are a senior and have been approved for Parallel Enrollment, work study, or release time, and it does not appear on your schedule. · You passed a class in summer school, and it is still on your current schedule (congratulations!). · You have not taken the prerequisite class(es) needed for a class in your current schedule. · You find a class on your current schedule which you have already taken and passed. If you meet at least one of the criteria above, please visit our Counseling Office on the following dates to have your schedule changed: 11th & 12th Graders August 9th & 10th 8:30am-12:30pm 9th and 10th Graders August 11th & 12th 8:30am-12:30pm Schedule changes will not be permitted after these dates. Please note: you will not be permitted to drop any class which you requested during the registration process last year. These requests were used to develop our staffing and schedules. ***Students who have changed their mind about a course they requested or did not get their first choice for an elective class will not have their schedules changed. Thank you for your time and attention to this important information. Sincerely, Mr. Craig Reed Principal PTSA News Welcome to another school year! The Patapsco PTSA invites you to join with us to make a difference in the education and quality of life for our children. We all know that children learn more and have better lives when parents, school staff, students, and community work together. PTSA brings all these groups together to share thoughts and ideas about programs and activities that benefit our children. Our membership goal this year is 175+ members. Please join the PTSA by providing us with your name, student’s name, address and email address. You can mail it to the attention of the PTSA to Patapsco High School, 8100 Wise Avenue, Baltimore, MD 21222. We will also be signing up members at Back to School Night, Thursday, September 1, 2016. Dues are $7.00 per person and may be paid by cash or money order. Students are also encouraged to join at the $7 rate. Also keep in mind that by being a PTSA member you will receive discounted ticket prices for the Scholastic & Service Awards Banquet held in May and Senior Students will be able to attend the “After Prom Party” free of charge. Thank you for your support. With your support, the PTSA sponsors the Patapsco Scholastic & Service Awards Banquet, the After Prom Event, celebrates Teacher Appreciation Week and provides two PTSA scholarships (applicants must be a PTSA member). We welcome your input. Feel free to attend our meetings, send us a note through the office or contact Terrie Wolf at If you would like to support the PTSA but are unable to participate in our fundraisers, please feel free to make a monetary donation. All donations are much appreciated. You can also keep up to date with PTSA news by going to the PTSA page on the school website PLEASE LIKE US ON FACEBOOK TO GET REGULAR UPDATES ON WHAT THE PTSA IS DOING! Patapsco High School and Center for the Arts PTSA: o Your 2016-17 PTSA Board Members are: o President – Terrie Wolf o 1st Vice President – Lisa Philipp o 2nd Vice President – Emily Krich o Secretary – Tracie Baxter o Treasurer – Jennifer Schleupner JOIN the PTSA Student Name: Grade: PTSA Shoparoo Fundraiser Patapsco High School and Center for the Arts PTSA partnered with a truly hassle-free fundraiser called Shoparoo! Nationwide, over 10,000 schools are already earning hundreds and even thousands through Shoparoo and it’s a great opportunity for us to really make a difference this year! Shoparoo is fundraising made easy: turn pictures of your everyday shopping receipts into cash donations and sweepstakes entries for our school with this free app. Yep, it’s that simple. No more cutting labels, selling door to door, or time-consuming coordinating. Just shop, snap, earn. Grocery store receipts will earn the School Roo points which will be exchanged for cash. All other receipts will be entered for a monthly drawing of $1000.00. By all others, we mean McDonalds, gas stations, dollar store, 7-11’s, restaurants, retail stores, and wherever else you purchase things. Snap pictures of your receipts from any store, big or small, that sells grocery items to earn Roo Points (cash donations) for your school. Whether you’re shopping at a supercenter, dollar store, or local convenience store - it doesn’t matter where you shop or what items you buy! Submit up to 20 grocery receipts within a rolling 7day period. Snap pictures of your receipts from any restaurant or other retailer (that doesn’t sell grocery items) to earn entries for our school into Shoparoo’s $1,000 monthly sweepstakes and $15,000 yearly sweepstakes! Each receipt counts as an entry into both monthly and yearly sweepstakes, so spread the word at your school - the more receipts you submit, the greater your school’s chance is of winning. Submit up to 50 non-grocery receipts within a rolling 7-day period. As the saying goes, there's strength in numbers. Schools with around 50 active supporters are earning thousands with Shoparoo. Do you want to join them? Here at Shoparoo, we want to help make that happen. That's why we donate 150 extra Roo Points for every friend you refer to Shoparoo who submits a qualifying receipt. Whether you prefer email, text message, word of mouth, a Facebook post, tweet, or smoke signal, just use your personal referral code (in the Shoparoo app) to invite your friends and family to join you in hassle-free school fundraising! Each Roo Point you earn is added to your school’s overall total. 500 Roo Points = $1 cash donation, so earning more Roo Points by the end of the fundraising year will lead to a bigger cash donation. Each grocery receipt is awarded based on the total transaction amount on the receipt: Less than $10 = 10 Roo Points $10 - $50 = 20 Roo Points $50 - $100 = 30 Roo Points $100 or more = 40 Roo Points To receive a check for a fundraising year, a school must have earned at least 25,000 Roo Points ($50) by the end of the day of July 31st. All schools that exceed this threshold by July 31st will have their earned Roo Points converted to a cash amount and start the next fundraising year with 0 Roo Points. Those schools with under 25,000 Roo Points ($50) total will have their earned Roo Points roll over into the next fundraising year. This program is used for research purposes. No one will be contacting you. Tell all your friends and family to down load the app and help us raise money for Patapsco High School Center for the Arts. If you have any questions, go to the web site noted above, or call Lisa Philipp 410-288-2890. There’s no limit to how much money we can raise with Shoparoo - the more supporters, the more we will raise for our school. Check out to learn more about this awesome hassle-free program. Get started today: 1. Download the free Shoparoo app from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store 2. Select our school from the list and start taking pictures of your receipts - shop anywhere, buy anything! 3. Earn even more points by spreading the word and inviting others to join Thank you for supporting the Patapsco HS & CFA PTSA! Library Fundraiser Register your Giant A+ Card now Welcome to the new school year at Patapsco HS & CFA. Our library continues to ask your support by registering Patapsco as your recipient for Giant A+ Rewards. Our school number is 01496. Thank you to those who supported the Library during the 2015-2016 school year. The proceeds are used for Special Programs in the library such as Book Club and NEW: Maker Space. Vocal Boosters The Vocal Boosters would like to welcome all incoming and returning families to PHS/CFA. We hope you had a great summer and are looking forward to an exciting and successful year. The Vocal Boosters work very hard at raising money to help support the music programs at Patapsco. We look forward to working with you to achieve our goals. Please join the Vocal Boosters. We need help with concessions and food donations, support for musical needs, publicity and assistance with fundraisers such as Applebee’s breakfast and Basket Bingo to name a few. The following are the officers for the 2016/2017 school year: President: Kelly Comer Vice President: Mary Brasch Secretary: Karen Comer Treasurer: Mike Brasch We have a website to keep you up-to-date on all information: You can find us on Facebook at: Patapsco High School & Center for the Arts Vocal Boosters Patapsco High School & Center for the Arts – Great Expectations Feel free to contact us with any questions that you may have or to help with any of our events. We are always looking for new ideas and appreciate any help you can give. Vocal Boosters (cont.) The following are our meeting dates. If you can’t make the meeting, feel free to email any of the officers listed above and they will forward you any information. All meeting times are at 6:30 p.m. and we meet in room M1. Tuesday, August 2 Tuesday, September 6 Tuesday, October 4 Tuesday, November 1 Tuesday, December 6 Tuesday, January 10 Tuesday, February 7 Tuesday, March 7 Tuesday, April 4 Tuesday, May 2 Tuesday, June 6 The success of the Music Department is dependent on the support from parents & families!! Please consider attending our booster meetings and joining the Vocal Boosters. Below is the form. Membership is $5.00 per person or $10 for a family. Please cut off and return to your child’s music teacher. Name: Phone: Email: Student’s Name: Vocal Boosters Membership For any senior to be eligible for a scholarship from the Boosters, a parent needs to be a member and participate in the Boosters for a minimum of two years. The following is a list of events and fundraisers that the Boosters are involved in: Events Oktoberfest Concessions: (Joint Event with Instrumental Boosters) Will need donations for this event and volunteers to set up, work event, and break down. Homecoming Concessions: (Vocal Boosters Only) Will need donations for this event and volunteers to set up, work event, and break down. Winter Instrumental Concert: Vocal handles the concessions for this event and we will need donations, volunteers to set up, work event, and break down. Winter Vocal Concert (Handled by the Instrumental boosters) Magnet Audition Days (January) Will need donations of breakfast items: donuts, bagels, juice, milk, etc. for this event). We always love to have parent volunteers to chat with incoming parents in regards to the program on hand for this day also. Spring Musical Tech Week (Joint Event) We will be feeding the kids during Tech Week and will need volunteers to supply food, set up and clean up. Spring Instrumental Concert Vocal handles the concessions for this event and we will need donations, volunteers to set up, work event, and break down Spring Vocal Concert (Will be handled by the Instrumental Boosters) Fundraisers These are a few of the fundraisers we have throughout the school year. Lottery (we have two of these a year) (Parents of students sell tickets and a portion of the money goes towards their account for the Fiesta Val Trip) Fisher’s Popcorn (student sells and a portion of the money goes toward their account for Fiesta Val Trip) Quarter Auction (will need volunteers to work concessions and advertise the event) Bowl-A-Thon (student has family, friends and neighbors sponsor them and all the money goes to Fiesta Val Trip except for the cost of bowling) Applebee’s Pancake Breakfast (volunteers needed to help promote this event – students volunteer as servers) Student Attendance/Lateness and Absence Excuse Note Procedures When students are absent, they must bring in a note upon returning to school. Students should bring their excuse notes to their homeroom teachers. Students will receive a green “Excused Attendance Form” to take to each teacher for the day they missed, to get their teachers signature. The form is then kept by the student, for their records, as evidence that the absence was excused. Please do not take them to the office. If a student is going to be absent for an extended period of time (due to illness; out of the country, etc.…), please notify your child’s teachers and Administrator, in advance, of the length of time of absence. Also, a written explanation from the physician may be required on the day of the student’s return to class. Inappropriate Clothing/Accessories Students, as well as visitors, are expected to act and dress as they would in any professional work environment, per BCPS Rule 5520 and reviewed in the PHS & CFA/BCPS Student Handbook Presentation. Students’ who are not in compliance with this list will be asked to change, provided with appropriate apparel or their parents will be contacted to obtain appropriate apparel. Disciplinary action may be taken. The following is a list of clothing items/accessories which are not acceptable: 1. Undershirts meant to be worn underneath clothing including sleeveless undershirts 2. Halter tops, half tops, strapless tops, or tops with one strap, tops that staff members deem are too revealing for the work place. Tops must have straps at the top that the wearer has measured at least 3 fingers wide. Tops may not expose more of the chest area than the wearer can cover with an opened hand. There may not be a gap between top and bottom of clothing. 3. Short shorts or skirts (Shorts and skirts must extend beyond one’s fingertips when standing up with arms straight down at one’s side). 4. Outer-garments that leave clothing worn underneath exposed. 5. Long coats or coats designed to be worn out-doors. 6. Clothing with text, graphics or pictures which are lewd, vulgar, obscene, offensive, violent, sexually explicit or that reference items that are illegal in general or illegal specifically for underage students. Clothing with text, graphics or pictures which are rude, disrespectful, or discourteous or expressions inconsistent with civil discourse and behavior. 7. Bandanas or other accessories that are deemed to signify gang involvement. 8. Hats, bandanas, scarves, hoods or head coverings of any kind (unless representative of religious beliefs with prior approval by administration) may not be worn in the building. Homecoming Celebration 2016 The SGA is proudly sponsoring the Homecoming Week events again this year! Events will begin October 10th with the start of Spirit Week and will include the Homecoming football game on October 14th and conclude on October 15th with the Homecoming Dance. Tickets will go on sale the week of September 21st. Please note: Tickets will NOT be sold to students who are failing two or more classes or who have financial obligations at the time of the sale. Remember, tickets will NOT be sold at the door. Start this year on the right foot by keeping your grades up and joining everyone at Homecoming! Summer Assignments 2016 Please visit to get the details for your summer assignments. BULLYING, HARASSMENT OR INTIMIDATION REPORTING FORM Directions: Bullying, harassment, and intimidation are serious and will not be tolerated. This is a form to report alleged bullying harassment, or intimidation that occurred during the current school year on school property, at a school-sponsored activity or event off school property, on a school bus, on the way to and/or from school*, or on the internet-sent on or off school property; or that substantially disrupted the orderly operation of the school. Bullying, harassment and intimidation mean any intentional conduct, including verbal, physical or written conduct, or an intentional electronic communication, that creates a hostile educational environment by substantially interfering with a student’s educational benefits, opportunities or performance, or with a student’s physical or psychological well-being. The conduct must (1) be motivated by an actual or a perceived personal characteristic including race, national origin, marital status, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, ancestry, physical attributes, socioeconomic status, familial status, or physical or mental ability or disability, or (2) be threatening or seriously intimidating. Electronic communication means communication transmitted by means of electronic device, including a telephone, cellular phone, computer and pager. Conduct that is of a sexual nature is the most commonly reported form of sexual harassment. This term is generally thought to mean actions, language or visual materials which specifically refer to, portray or involve sexual activity or language. Conduct of a sexual nature may include overt sexual solicitations, inappropriate touching, sexual jokes and inquiries about a person's sex life. Sexual harassment is the broader term that encompasses conducts of a sexual nature such as unwelcomed sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical contact of a sexual nature. Sexual harassment also includes acts that are not overtly sexual but rather are directed at individuals based on their gender such as profanity or rude behavior that is gender-specific. If you are a student, the parent/guardian of a student, a close adult relative of a student, or a school staff member and wish to report an incident of alleged bullying harassment, or intimidation, complete this form and return it to the Principal at the student victim’s school. You may contact the school for additional information or assistance at any time. (PLEASE PRINT ALL INFORMATION) Today’s date: _________ / _________ / ___________ School: _____________________________________ Month Day Year School System: ______________________________ PERSON REPORTING INCIDENT Name: _________________________________________________________ Telephone: ___________________________ E-mail: ____________________________________________ Place an X in the appropriate box: Student Parent/guardian of a student Close adult relative of a student School Staff Bystander 1. Name of student victim: ______________________________________ Age: _________ School ________ 2. Name of alleged witness(es) (if known): ________________________________________ Age: ________ School _____________________________ ________________________________________ Age: ________ School _____________________________ ________________________________________ Age: ________ School _____________________________ 3. Name(s) of alleged offender(s) (if known): Age School Is he/she a student? ___________________________________________ _______ _______________________ Yes No ___________________________________________ _______ _______________________ Yes No ___________________________________________ _______ _______________________ Yes No 4. On what date(s) did the incident happen? _______ / ________/ _________ _______ / _______ / ________ _______ / ________/ _________ Month Day Year Month Day Year Month Day Year Maryland State Department of Education in accordance with the Safe Schools Reporting Act of 2005 7-15 5. Place an X next to the statement(s) that best describes what happened (choose all that apply): Any bullying, harassment, or intimidation that involves physical aggression Getting another person to hit or harm the student Teasing, name-calling, making critical remarks, or threatening, in person or by other means Demeaning and making the victim of jokes Making rude and/or threatening gestures Excluding or rejecting the student Intimidating (bullying), extorting, or exploiting Spreading harmful rumors or gossip Related to the student’s disability Related to the student’s perceived sexual orientation Cyber bullying (e.g. social media including Facebook, Twitter, Vine, Instagram, etc.) Electronic communication (e.g. email, text, sexting, etc.) Gang related Gang recruitment Human trafficking/Prostitution recruitment Racial Harassment Sexual Harassment Sexual in nature Other (specify) 6. Where did the incident happen (choose all that apply)? On school property At a school-sponsored activity or event off school property On a school bus On the way to/from school* Via Internet- sent on or off school property *Will be collected unless specifically excluded by local board policy 7. Describe the incident(s), including what the alleged offender(s) said or did. (Attach a separate sheet if necessary) 8. Why did the bullying, harassment or intimidation occur? ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ (Attach a separate sheet if necessary) 9. Did a physical injury result from this incident? Place an X next to one of the following: No Yes, but it did not require medical attention Yes, and it required medical attention 10.If there was a physical injury, do you think there will be permanent effects? Yes No 11.Was the student victim absent from school as a result of the incident? Yes No If yes, how many days was the student victim absent from school as a result of the incident? 12.Did a psychological injury result from this incident? Place an X next to one of the following: No Yes, but psychological services have not been sought Yes, and psychological services have been sought 13.Is there any additional information you would like to provide? (Attach a separate sheet if necessary) Signature: _________________________________________________________________ Date: ___________________ Maryland State Department of Education in accordance with the Safe Schools Reporting Act of 2005 7-15 BALTIMORE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS Towson, Maryland 21204 BALTIMORE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH Baltimore, Maryland 21212 Annual Consent for Administration of Discretionary Medications and Health Contact Information Dear Parent or Guardian: On the reverse side of this letter is a form that provides the school nurse with updated health information on your child, a list of persons to be contacted in the case of an illness or injury and a section to indicate your consent for the administration of certain nonprescription medications which are available, at no charge, for all students. This form must be filled out each school year. The nonprescription medication program (called Discretionary Medications) is designed to alleviate minor discomforts and to prevent unnecessary early dismissals from school. These medications are approved by the Chief of School Health Services, Baltimore County Department of Health, and the Coordinator, Office of Health Services, Baltimore County Public Schools. Your consent must be obtained before any medication is given to your child. Only the School Nurse may administer these medications in accordance with established protocols. The consent form lists the medications which may be available. Please complete the consent form, and return it to the school nurse. Approved discretionary medications are intended for occasional use only. If your child requires any prescription or nonprescription medication on a regular basis, you must obtain a written order from your health care provider and supply the medications. If you have any questions or would like further information, please contact your school nurse. Sincerely, Deborah Somerville, RN, MPH Coordinator Office of Health Services Baltimore County Public Schools Linda Grossman, MD, FAAP Chief Bureau of Child, Adolescent, Reproductive and School Health Baltimore County Department of Health BALTIMORE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS Office of Health Services Consent for Administration of Approved Discretionary Medications and Health Contact Information Last Name: First Name: Date of Birth: School: Grade /Teacher: Allergies (include all allergies): List all medications your child receives on a regular basis: Medical/Health Problems: My Child is followed by a healthcare provider for: (Check all that apply) Asthma ADHD Diabetes Migraines Seizures Other (describe) Is there a health problem that would prevent full participation in the school program or physical education program? No Yes Describe:_ I would like the following medication(s) made available to my child: (please check) For Headache/Fever/Burns/Earache/Muscle Aches/Pain/Menstrual Cramps Acetaminophen (like Tylenol) For Mild Allergic Reactions Diphenhydramine (like Benadryl) For Upset Stomach Ibuprofen (like Advil) Chewable Antacid (like Tums) Tablets (age 12 and older/age 9 for menstrual cramps) For Coughs/Sore Throats For Diaper Rash Cough Drops Zinc Oxide I do not want any medication given to my child in school. Contact Information Parent/Guardian 1 Name: Parent/Guardian 2 Name: Parent/Guardian 1 Home Phone: Parent/Guardian 2 Home Phone: Parent/Guardian 1 Cell: Parent/Guardian 2 Cell: Parent/Guardian 1 Work: Parent/Guardian 2 Work: Parent/Guardian 1 EMAIL: Parent/Guardian 2 EMAIL: Parent/Guardian Home Address: Persons to whom student may be released other than parent: Name: Phone Number(s): Name: Phone Number(s): Do you need assistance in obtaining health insurance for your child? No Yes I understand that the above medications I have checked will be administered by the Registered Nurse/School Nurse in accordance with established protocols developed by the Chief Physician of School Health Services for the Baltimore County Department of Health and the Coordinator of Health Services for Baltimore County Public Schools. I understand that generic equivalent of medications may be used. My signature authorizes the release of my child to the persons listed on this page. Signature of Parent/Guardian/Eligible Student Date BCPS makes Microsoft Office 365 software available to all BCPS students and their families Benefit supports school system’s 1:1 digital conversion program TOWSON – Baltimore County Public Schools students and their family members can now access free of charge up to five copies of the Microsoft Office 365 ProPlus suite for their personal computers, tablets, iPads, iPhones, and Android devices – a program that helps to support the BCPS 1:1 digital conversion initiative known as S.T.A.T. The benefit to BCPS students and families, which is worth up to $11 million annually to the school community, is possible through Baltimore County’s participation in the Microsoft Office 365 ProPlus Benefit program. The same access also is available to all BCPS teachers and staff, an annual value to the school district estimated at $1.6 million. “Microsoft is invested in providing educators with a variety of tools and resources that help them leverage technology to the fullest for the benefit of their students," said Margo Day, vice president of U.S. Education for Microsoft. “Office 365 provides students and teachers with the collaboration opportunities necessary to learn and teach in new ways. We’re pleased to see Dr. Dance and his team taking the steps to ensure the students of Baltimore County Public Schools receive a 21st century education." BCPS Superintendent Dr. S. Dallas Dance said the free downloads are a natural complement to the rollout of S.T.A.T. (“Students and Teachers Accessing Tomorrow") this year in a pilot set of 10 county elementaries known as “Lighthouse Schools." “Having the infrastructure and devices to facilitate digital learning is only part of the equation if we are to fully prepare students for a 21st century world," Dance said. “This software enables everyone to use Office applications on their school devices, and it gives families, students, and teachers the opportunity to enhance the learning experience through one of the world’s most popular, familiar, and universal digital platforms." The program, which is included in the Microsoft licensing agreement and costs BCPS nothing, is offered through the school system at no cost to students, their family members, and staff. The Microsoft Office 365 ProPlus suite contains all of the most widely used Office functions - Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Publisher software tools. Proficiency with the suite of applications is among the most commonly required skills among employers both nationwide and internationally. In addition, BCPS will be able to provide students and staff with unlimited free, secure, and private storage of all documents and files. The online storage capabilities may be used any time from any device. To access the Office 365 benefit, BCPS students and staff should go to and log in using their full BCPS username (including and password. Students who do not know their BCPS usernames are asked to contact their school’s technology liaison for assistance. On the Installation page, make sure the language is set to “English (United States)” and then click install. Users should not change the default option of the Office 365 32-bit version. BCPS students and staff who encounter any problems installing the software, or who would like instructions for installing Office 365 on Apple or mobile devices, should click the “Troubleshoot Installation" link on the main installation page. Parent Access to BCPSOne Directions for setting up your account. 1. Type into your internet browser window and click login. (works best in Google Chrome) 2. Choose “Create a Parent Account.” (first time users) 3. Enter your information. You will enter your child’s information during a later step. Click create when finished. BCPSOne will send you an email. **Make sure your password is between 8-20 characters, at least one needs to be a number. 4. Enter the email address that you used and the activation code that was sent to you by email. 5. Once your account is activated click on “Add Student.” 6. Enter the Parent Verification Code that was provided by Patapsco HS. Then enter your child’s date of birth. 7. You may now log in to see your child’s progress. Welcome Volunteers Instructions for the BCPS Online Volunteer Orientation Frequently Asked Questions Translations Resources Volunteer Handbook Volunteer Coordinators Thank you for your interest in volunteering in Baltimore County Public Schools. Our schools depend on volunteers and value their contributions to enhance the programs and services provided for students. Volunteers are important members of Team BCPS and help our professional staff sustain effective learning environments, enrich the education and experiences of students and build critical partnerships to increase achievement for all students. Volunteers are essential to the educational process, as they bring knowledge and skills into our schools and strengthen classroom instruction. VOLUNTEER INSTRUCTIONS: All volunteers must complete the volunteer application and participate in an orientation/training session annually. Step 1: Complete the BCPS Application for Volunteer Services. Step 2: Attend a scheduled BCPS volunteer training at any school or complete the online volunteer orientation. NEW USERS CLICK HERE RETURNING USERS: Already have a Safe Schools Login? SIGN IN HERE You will be provided with a certificate once you successfully complete the training. Step 3: Submit the application and the valid training certificate to the school in which you intend to volunteer. Volunteers may provide hard copies or the documents may be emailed to the school volunteer coordinator. Both documents must be submitted at the same time to be accepted and reviewed by the school staff. Once the application is reviewed and training has been verified, volunteers may be placed by schools and offices according to identified needs to perform tasks that support our established goals. Goals of the BCPS Volunteer Program Expand parental involvement and engagement strategies to meet the unique needs of all families in the school communities. Acknowledge parents and community members as important partners in the education of all students. Strengthen the relationship between schools and parents, guardians and community stakeholders through meaningful service opportunities. Support teachers and staff with the implementation of curriculum and school programs. Utilize the knowledge and skills of volunteers to promote student achievement. Offer direct support to students needing additional assistance with assigned tasks. Assist school staff and students with extra-curricular activities, afterschool programs and fundraising opportunities. Provide supervision and direction for students while participating in off-campus learning experiences (field trips). Types of Volunteer Activities Classroom Assistant - assisting teachers and students with classrooms activities Academic Tutoring School PTA Councils Area Education Advisory Councils Music and Sports Booster Programs Field-trip Chaperones After School Activities Student Mentoring Career Awareness - speaking to students about career pathways and opportunities Clerical/Office/Library support The Baltimore County Kindergarten Classroom Volunteer Initiative The Retired Seniors Volunteer Program (RSVP) of Baltimore County has partnered with Baltimore County Public Schools (BCPS) to help our youngest learners through their first year in public school. This opportunity is available exclusively for citizens 55 years old and older. (Learn more from a recent blog entry by the RSVP director.) Interested senior citizens can contact RSVP at 410-887-3101 410-887-3101 or visit them online at For additional information about volunteering with Baltimore County Public Schools, please contact The Office of Family & Community Engagement at 443-809-4554 443-809-4554 or by email at
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