Monday, November 30th Magnet School


Monday, November 30th Magnet School
7701 Seven Mile Lane, Baltimore, MD 21208
Diane Richmond, Principal,
follow on Twitter @PikesvilleM
Matthew Sullivan, Assistant Principal, grade 6,
April Franklin, Assistant Principal, grade 7,
Anne Hammel, Assistant Principal, grade 8,
Thursday, November 5
Quarry Bagel and Café Fundraising Day
Dine any time and support Pikesville Middle
Friday, November 6
Grade 6 Field Trip to Rogers’ Farms Corn Maze
Monday—Friday, November 16—20
American Education Week:
Tuesday, November 17th—6th Grade Visitation
Wednesday, November 18th—7th Grade Visitation
Thursday, November 19th—8th Grade Visitation
Friday, November 20
Grade 8 Field Trip to University of MD
Wednesday, November 11
PMS Family Association Meeting,
6:30 p.m. in the Library
Tuesday, November 24
School Pictures—Make Up Day
Thursday, November 12
First Quarter Report Cards Distributed
Monday, November 30th
Magnet School Application Deadline
Thursday—Friday November
Schools and Offices Closed
Thanksgiving Holiday
We are opening our doors to families November 16-20 to showcase our talented teachers and students. The
Family Association will provide light refreshments for visitors in the front lobby. If you would like to donate
refreshments or volunteer as a greeter, please use the following sign-up link:
Each visitor will need to sign-in and receive a visitor’s badge. A driver's license or other government issued ID
is required. Visitors may pre-register if we have previously scanned your driver’s license, and a visitor’s badge
will be waiting for you. To pre-register, email Ms. Lightner at with your first and last
name and the date and time you plan to visit. Pre-registration is optional. Teachers would love to have boxes
of tissues for their classrooms if you would like to make a donation during American Education Week.
Grade 6 will be visiting Rodgers' Farms Corn Maze on Friday, November
6th. Rodgers' Farms offers a fun, educational and hands-on experience for children.
Students will learn about the work and products of their farm, hunt for hidden spots in
their corn maze as a team, visit farm animals and go on a hay ride. The cost of the trip
is $14. Please complete the online volunteer training and application if interested in
Grade 7 will be visiting the Maryland Science Center on Wednesday, December 2nd.
Students will be exploring the Science Center and working with a Science Center
staff member during a 45-minute mini-lab in which they will examine different DNA
strands. The cost of this incentive trip is $15 and will be based on demonstrating positive Python PRIDE behavior. Please complete the online volunteer training and application if interested in chaperoning.
Grade 8 is going to the University of Maryland on Friday, November 20th.
Students will see the campus and watch a women’s basketball game: Maryland vs. Detroit Mercy. Game time is 11:00 a.m. Please complete the
online volunteer training and application if interested in chaperoning.
Parent volunteers are a great asset to our school and make special programs possible. This is reminder that all
volunteers must complete the volunteer application and complete the online volunteer orientation with Baltimore County Public Schools. Please note that volunteers must re-apply each year. Keep in mind that any
parent who wishes to chaperone field trips or work in the school in any capacity must complete the process to
volunteer. The volunteer application and training module can be found at the following link: Note that both the application and the training must be completed. Volunteers may complete the training at home or in the school office. The volunteer training and application must be completed prior to registering to be a field trip chaperone. Contact our volunteer coordinator,
Ms. Lightner, at with any questions.
Our after school clubs are a huge success! We are now using one bus, instead of two to be more cost effective.
All students riding the after school activity bus on Tuesdays or Thursdays
will ride bus number 277.
Estimated drop-off times are listed.
Depart Pikesville Middle School
Wellwood International School
Summit Park Elementary
Ft. Garrison Elementary
Millbrook Elementary
Bedford Elementary School
Campfield Early Learning Center
Interested in competitive basketball? Information meetings are November 3rd after each lunch shift.
Girls’ try-outs are November 18 and 19 from 3:00—4:00 p.m. Boys’ try-outs are November 16, 17,
and 20 from 3:00—4:00 p.m. See the attached flyers for additional information.
The second marking period marks the launch of a new reading campaign called READ-O (like
BINGO)! Language Arts teachers will be introducing this incentive to all of their classes, but
all teachers at Pikesville can support the program. The purpose of READ-O is to encourage
students to read more often and to heighten awareness of all the reading they do daily. On
November 13, 2015, any student who completed 5 READ-O squares in a row (like BINGO)
will be given a prize. We hope to have great success with this incentive and plan to carry it
out through the rest of the school year, awarding students with prizes every two weeks.
A great big CONGRATULATIONS! goes out to Laura R. of the 8th grade for having her artwork on display at the Walters Art Museum as part of the Maryland Art Teachers Association
(MATA) Visual Art Student Showcase. Her work will be on display until November 8, 2015.
Way to go Laura!
The National Junior Honor Society sponsored a canned food drive in order to donate nonperishable items to the Maryland Food Bank for the holidays. Ms. Fung's homeroom raised the
most items for grade 8, Ms. Morlock's homeroom raised the most for grade 7, and Ms. Bell's
homeroom raised the most items for grade 6. Collectively, the school raised a whopping 2,430
items! Great work Pythons!
Mr. McChesney would like to congratulate all of his 7th grade Engineering students for their hard work in this
year’s Skimmapalooza 2105 contest. Students worked collaboratively to accurately read an engineering blueprint and create their own paper gliders or skimmers. Final Results:
3rd Place: Jordanna R. and Sam S., Daniel R. and Chris S., Hilary K. and Olivia L., Shehroz O. and Vince C.
2nd Place: Laya F. and Shannon E., Joe J. and Sean A., Kennedy B. and Taylor C., Ben M. and Myles S.
1st Place: April S. and Roberto L., Evan S. and Trevor A., Kate O and Anthony S., and Kelly A. and Olivia C.
The Scholastic Book fair will be at our school during American Education
Week, November 16—20. Students and parents will be able to purchase
books throughout the week during regular school hours. Any parents or
guardians who would like to volunteer to help with the book fair should contact Ms. Getty, library media specialist, at .
Report cards will be distributed November 12th. Students earning all As and Bs, with one C allowed as long as
it is balanced by an A, will achieve Honor Roll status and receive Honor Roll pins in their report card envelopes. Students earning straight As will be identified for the Principal’s Honor Roll. Teachers at each grade
level will also nominate students for Python Awards for demonstrating outstanding character and work habits.
Students achieving the Principal’s Honor Roll or nominated for Python Awards will be recognized at a ceremony during school. Next quarter, we will also recognize students who are “On-a-Roll” for achieving their individual goals by demonstrating improvement in their grades, work habits, and/or school behavior. Parents
are encouraged to review report cards with students, help them focus on specific goals, and meet with teachers
and counselors to develop plans for achieving those goals.
Join us for American
Education Week
November 16-20
Students will bring home their individual
schedules. We recommend selecting one
or two classes to visit to allow space for all visitors. Morning visitors should arrive after 8:00
a.m. Scheduled visitation dates are listed below; however, parents may attend on a different day
if unable to attend on the scheduled grade level date.
Tuesday, November 17, Grade 6 Visits
Wednesday, November 18, Grade 7 Visits
Thursday, November 19, Grade 8 Visits
Due to limited seating, we are not able to accommodate visitors in the cafeteria.
BCPS requires all visitors to sign in at schools using the
RAPTOR system. This system requires a staff member to
scan visitors’ government issued photo IDs. Please be sure
to bring your government issued identification so that you
can stay and enjoy your visit with us. Visitors may preregister to save time if we have previously scanned your
driver’s license. Email Ms. Lightner at
with your name and the date and time you plan to visit if you
would like to pre-register. Your visitor’s badge will be waiting for you if you pre-register.
Visit the Library for the Scholastic Book Fair
Don’t miss our Scholastic Book Fair November 16 – 20. Books
and other items will be on sale from 8:30 AM to 2:30 PM in the
library. Parents are welcome to stop in and visit the Book Fair.
Cash or credit cards will be accepted.
Would you Like to Make a Donation?
Teachers always need boxes of tissues for their classrooms.
Consider donating a box or two during your visit. Teachers and
students will be very grateful. Thank you!
Interested in being part of a fun and competitive sports team? Show
your python pride and try out for the Pikesville Middle School Girls
Basketball team.
Important Dates/Times
Tues. Nov 3 - Interest meeting after lunch shifts
Wed. Nov 18th- Round 1 Girls tryouts 3:00-4:00
Thurs. Nov 19th - Round 2 Girls tryouts 3:00-4:00
Fri. Nov 20th- Final Team List posted
Tryout Requirements
1. You must bring a completed physical form from to tryouts.
a. Aside from your doctor, clinics such as those found in some Target and Walmart
stores can administer school physicals. Your physical form MUST say “permission
to participate in sports.”
2. You may not have more than one failing grade on your first quarter report
3. You may not have more than one D at any given time during the season.
a. Failure to meet academic requirements could lead to removal from the team.
4. Reliable transportation.
a. Failure to be picked up at the scheduled time could lead to removal from the
5. You must adhere to the BCPS and PMS Code of Conducts. Failure to do so
will result in removal from the team.
***ALL paper work must be turned in directly to coaches
BEFORE the first day of tryouts.***
For more information please contact
April Franklin - (Administrator); Allie Niehaus - (Girls Coach);
Kim Watts -, and Orlando Larracuente - (Boys Coaches)
Interested in being part of a fun and competitive sports team? Show
your python pride and try out for the Pikesville Middle School Boys
Basketball team.
Important Dates/Times
Tues. Nov 3rd- Interest meeting after lunch shifts
Mon. Nov16th- Round 1 Boys tryouts 3:00-4:00
Tues. Nov 17th- Round 2 Boys tryouts 3:00-4:00
Fri. Nov 20th- Round 3 Boys tryouts 3:00-4:00
Mon. Nov 23rd- Final Team List posted
Tryout Requirements
1. You must bring a completed physical form from to tryouts.
a. Aside from your doctor, clinics such as those found in some Target and Walmart
stores can administer school physicals. Your physical form MUST say “permission
to participate in sports.”
2. You may not have more than one failing grade on your first quarter report
3. You may not have more than one D at any given time during the season.
a. Failure to meet academic requirements could lead to removal from the team.
4. Reliable transportation.
a. Failure to be picked up at the scheduled time could lead to removal from the
5. You must adhere to the BCPS and PMS Code of Conducts. Failure to do so
will result in removal from the team.
***ALL paper work must be turned in directly to coaches
BEFORE the first day of tryouts.***
For more information please contact
April Franklin - (Administrator); Allie Niehaus - (Girls Coach);
Kim Watts -, and Orlando Larracuente - (Boys Coaches)
is hosting a fundraiser for
Thursday, November 5th
All day long!
They open at 6am….grab breakfast & coffee.
They are staying open in the afternoon…grab icecream or cookies.
Does your family eat a late dinner? Perfect…they
are open till 8pm.
When placing your order, be sure to mention you are with
Pikeville Middle School!
Winter Music Concerts
6th Grade Chorus
6:30 p.m.
7th Grade Chorus
7:30 p.m.
8th Grade Chorus
8:30 p.m.
7th Grade Band
7:00 p.m.
8th Grade Band
8:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
6th Grade Band
8:00 p.m.
Everyone is welcome to attend!
Name _______________________ L.A. Teacher _________________ HR Teacher __________________
Write a letter to the
author of a text you
read expressing your
opinion about the
text and why you felt
that way.
Research the answer to
a question you had.
Write down the
question and a brief
explanation of the
A on a novel quiz
Show a teacher an
ebook that you
read and tell him/her
about it.
(teacher signature)
in Language Arts
(teacher signature)
Watch the movie of a
book you read.
Write down the
name of the movie
and explain two
things about it that
were different from
the book.
Read a page of
informational text in
Read a news article
and write a summary
of it. Include the
date the article was
published and the
title of the
(teacher signature)
Write down three
words you didn’t
know in a text you
read. Look up their
meaning and write it
Read silently for 20
minutes in school.
Write a review on a
book in Destiny!
(Ms. Getty’s signature)
(teacher signature)
Read biographical
information about
someone’s life.
Write down whose
life you read about
and three things you
learned about the
Read along with an
Read a poem or lyrics
to a song. Write
down your favorite
line and explain why
it’s your favorite.
(teacher signature)
(teacher signature)
Tell a teacher
about something
you read last night
Tell the library
media specialist
about a book you
just finished.
Tell your L.A. class
about a book you
just finished.
(teacher signature)
(teacher signature)
Read a paragraph
that one of your
classmates wrote
and write down one
of the comments
that you would write
on their paper
Write down three
questions you would
like to ask the author
of a story or passage
you read.
Write a book review
and read it on the
Tell a teacher
about something
you read last night
(teacher signature)
Read directions aloud
to your class
(Ms. Getty’s signature)
Read a review that
was given to a movie
or book. Write down
in your own words
(paraphrase) what
the reviewer said.
Write down 3 quotes
from a text you read
and tell why they
were important to
the main idea.
Ms. Richmond’s signature
Read text in a foreign
language OR read
pages on sign
language and sign to
your teacher.
(teacher signature)
Read directions on
how to do something
or make something.
Write down the
hardest step and
explain why it was
The Retired and Senior Volunteer Program and Baltimore
County Public Schools are in need of senior volunteers, aged
55 or older, to serve in classrooms throughout Baltimore
Tuesday, November 3, 2015 from 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM
At the North Point Branch of the Baltimore County Public Library
(1716 Merritt Blvd, Dundalk, MD 21222)
Thursday, December 9, 2015 from 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM
At the Randallstown Community Center
(3505 Resource Drive, Randallstown, MD 21133)
For more information and to confirm your attendance, please call the Retired
and Senior Volunteer Program at 410-887-3101 or email

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