suzuki palooza - We Don`t Sell Advertising We Sell Results
suzuki palooza - We Don`t Sell Advertising We Sell Results
AREA SHOPPER 814-425-7272 MARCH 9, 2013 PAGE 14 AUTO EXPRESS . . . WHEN DEPENDABILITY M ATTERS . . . AUTO EXPRESS . . . WHEN DEPENDABILITY M ATTERS . . . AUTO EXPRESS . . . WHEN DEPENDABILITY M ATTERS . . . SUZUKI JOE 2009 - 2010 - 2011 NEW 2013 SUZUKI SX4 LE POP SEDAN 12,895* $ 14,795* 3 20 1 ND B RA W E N 3 20 1 MSRP $18,899 STANDARD EQUIPMENT $ Automatic Transmission Tilt, Cruise Power Locks Alloy Wheels Power Windows AM/FM CD/ MP3 EVERYONE QUALIFIES PRICE NEW 2013 SX4 CROSSOVER PREMIUM ALL WHEEL DRIVE STANDARD EQUIPMENT ND B RA W NE MSRP $20,225 Automatic Transmission Tilt, Cruise Power Locks Alloy Wheels Power Windows AM/FM CD/ MP3 ALL WHEEL DRIVE EVERYONE QUALIFIES PRICE NEW 2013 SUZUKI KIZASHI BASE MT SEDAN STANDARD EQUIPMENT 14,995* $ 3 18,995* 1 20 ND B RA W NE 3 20 1 MSRP $20,784 $ Power Locks Power Windows AM/FM CD MP3 ABS EVERYONE QUALIFIES PRICE NEW 2013 SUZUKI GRAND VITARA PREMIUM 4x4 STANDARD EQUIPMENT ND B RA W E N MSRP $25,019 Stability Control Push Button Entry & Start Tilt Power Locks Power Windows Cruise AM/FM CD 4x4 IN DASH NAVIGATION EVERYONE QUALIFIES PRICE 10320 Wattsburg Rd., Erie, PA 16509 autoexpress COMPLIMENTARY SERVICE LOANER AUTO EXPRESS . . . WHEN DEPENDABILITY M ATTERS . . . AUTO EXPRESS . . . WHEN DEPENDABILITY M ATTERS AUTO EXPRESS . . . WHEN DEPENDABILITY M ATTERS . . . AUTO EXPRESS . . . WHEN DEPENDABILITY M ATTERS SUZUKI PALOOZA 814-825-4747 ON SALE!!! 11 MITSUBISHI GAL ANT 12 CHEVY IMPALA LS 11,995 $ $ 12 SUZUKI GR. VITARI “LIMITED” 4x4 8000 miles! 18,995 $ TRUCKS, VANS & SUV’s 12 CHRYSLER 200 TOUR 14,995 12 HYUNDAI SONATA GLS Low miles! 13,995 $ $ 12 DODGE GRAND CARAVAN SXT 12 KIA SORRENTO 12 CHRYSLER TOWN & COUNTRY TOUR Alloy wheels, quad seats, low miles! 23,000 miles, running boards 18,995 18,995 $ $ 16,995 Power sliding doors, leather! DVD! 21,995 $ GET PRE-APPROVED CALL 814-825-4747 05 PONTIAC AZTEC ................................................ $2,995 03 CHEVY IMPALA .................................................. $4,995 07 TOYOTA CAMRY ................................................. $7,995 07 CHRYSLER PACIFIC “AWD” ............................ $7,995 08 PONTIAC G6 ....................................................... $7,995 09 CHEVY HHR ....................................................... $7,995 08 SUZUKI SX4 CROSSOVER AWD .................... $8,995 09 KIA SPORTAGE .................................................. $8,995 09 CHEVY COBALT ................................................. $8,995 09 MITSUBISHI LANCER ...................................... $9,995 08 GMC ENVOY SLE 4x4 ..................................... $10,995 09 TOYOTA CAMRY .............................................. $10,995 09 SUZUKI CROSSOVER “AWD” ........................ $OLD!! 05 DODGE DAKOTA CREW CAB 4x4 ................. $11,995 10 FORD FOCUS ................................................. $11,995 11 SUZUKI SX4 SEDAN ...................................... $11,995 08 JEEP COMMANDER 4x4 ................................. $12,995 09 FORD TAURUS X “AWD” ................................ $12,995 11 SUZUKI SX4 CROSSOVER “AWD” .............. $12,995 COMPLIMENTARY SERVICE LOANER 03 DODGE CARAVAN Joe’s Power Buy $2,995 08 SUZUKI FORENZA Joe’s Buy er Pow $6,995 11 CHEVY HHR ..................................................... $12,995 09 SUBARU LEGACY “AWD” .............................. $13,995 11 MAZDA 6........................................................... $13,995 11 SUZUKI GTS AWD .......................................... $14,995 11 FORD FUSION SE .......................................... $14,995 06 DODGE RAM QUAD CAB 4x4 #H8561A ........ $15,995 06 FORD F150 SUPERCAB 4x4 XLT .................. $15,995 06 DODGE RAM QUAD CAB 4x4 #K8593A ........ $15,995 08 DODGE DAKOTA EXT. CAB 4x4 SLT ............. $15,995 09 MAZDA CX9 “AWD” ........................................ $16,995 11 TOYOTA CAMRY LE ......................................... $16,995 12 CHEVY IMPALA LT “SUNROOF” ................... $16,995 07 DODGE RAM 1500 4x4 SHORTBED .............. $17,995 08 DODGE RAM 1500 QUAD CAB #S2390A ........ $OLD!! 09 FORD RANGER SUPERCAB 4x4 .................. $17,995 10 FORD EDGE - LOW MILES! .......................... $17,995 08 FORD F150 SUPERCAB 4x4 XLT .................. $18,995 08 DODGE RAM 1500 QUAD CAB 4x4 ............... $18,995 11 HYUNDAI SANTE FE GLS “AWD” ................. $19,995 10320 Wattsburg Rd., Erie, PA 16509 autoexpress 814-825-4747 AUTO EXPRESS . . . WHEN DEPENDABILITY M ATTERS . . . AUTO EXPRESS . . . WHEN DEPENDABILITY M ATTERS . . . AUTO EXPRESS . . . WHEN DEPENDABILITY M ATTERS . . . AUTO EXPRESS . . . WHEN DEPENDABILITY M ATTERS . . . AUTO EXPRESS . . . WHEN DEPENDABILITY M ATTERS AUTO EXPRESS . . . WHEN DEPENDABILITY M ATTERS . . . AUTO EXPRESS . . . WHEN DEPENDABILITY M ATTERS AUTO EXPRESS . . . WHEN DEPENDABILITY M ATTERS . . . AUTO EXPRESS . . . WHEN DEPENDABILITY M ATTERS . . . AUTO EXPRESS . . . WHEN DEPENDABILITY M ATTERS . . . AUTO EXPRESS . . . WHEN DEPENDABILITY M ATTERS . . . AUTO EXPRESS . . . WHEN DEPENDABILITY M ATTERS . . . AUTO EXPRESS . . . WHEN DEPENDABILITY M ATTERS . . . OHIO AREA SHOPPER 814-425-7272 MARCH 9, 2013 PAGE 14 AREA SHOPPER 814-425-7272 MARCH 9, 2013 PAGE 15 GARAGE DOORS AND REPAIRS M.C . Ove rhe a d Door sells, installs, and repairs garage d oo rs and opene rs, we s tock springs and parts to g e t yo ur re pa i r d o ne fas t. Ca l l Ma rvi n 8 1 4 2 8 2 92 42 o r 72 4-85 66019. A UNIQUE GUN STORE LOCATED IN EDINBORO, PA BUYS - SELLS - TRADES FIREARMS & MILITARIA If you have Military or Sporting Firearms or Military Items laying in the attic or garage gathering dust you can turn them into cash. COME SEE US OR WE’LL COME TO YOU. BUYING SINGLE OR WHOLE COLLECTIONS. 11091 EDINBORO RD. EDINBORO, PA 16412 www.the 814-734-2750 SELL-BUY-TRADE New & us ed truck ca ps . 72 4 -25 3 2 62 3 , a fter 6 :0 0 P.M.724-253-2032. 2002 DODGE RAM QUAD CAB 1500 SLT 1 08 ,0 00 m il es , 4.7 V8 , runs gre at, ve ry clean, asking $8700. C al l 81 4-5 47 -3 64 7 ask for Joe. Your Garage Door Pro 814-282-9242 724-856-6019 FABIN’S TRAILER SALES Featherlite Valley Cam Aluma Continental Cargo Erie I-90 Rt. 430 Exit 32 814-899-6636 FOUNDATION REPAIRS Homes & barns, leveling & lifting, repairing, dry ro t, repa ir & re pl a cin g b lo ck walls, digging basements under homes. W a t e r p ro o fi n g . Ke ltn er Xca vating & C on s tru ctio n . KXC Inc. 81 4-76 3-34 78 . Vis a & Ma s te rC ard accep ted. NEW MAHINDRA MAX 28h p di esel 4x4-hydro tractor w /load er, tra ctor w t. 1 86 3 l oa d e r l i ft 1 40 0 3 pt2 2 00 d ri ve th e DEAD AND Worl d s # 1 s e l li n g DISABLED tractor for only $196/ LIVESTOCK m on th . 5 yr p o we r REMOVAL tra in wa rran ty Ma rcy Equipment 440-577- Prompt and discreet s ervice . 7 2 4-6 99 1129 8 9 35 o r7 2 4 -69 9 3871. WE BUY CARS AND TRUCKS Instant cash paid for • Garage Doors ca rs a nd tru cks.No • Openers j u nk o r p ro je ct please. Ka rgo Qual• Springs and ity Ca rs, Rt. 19 Mercer. 724-662-5762. Repair Parts ANTIQUE FURNITURE WANTED Bu ying de sks , cu pboards, se cretaries, vi ctro las, dre ssers, bo okcases , p arl or stand s, Grandfather cl ocks, als o g las sware. Old advertising, ph otograph ica, amusements, railroad items, musical instruments, watercolo rs, paintings, accumulati ons, liq uida tion s. Michael Sipple 1-888227-2431 (Free Call) STEEL ROOFING AND SIDING 24 Years in Business 2 $ 25 40 Year Warranty Also: Industrial Steel, Accessories, 2nds, Instal ation Available. 814-398-4052 AVAILABLE AT FAME RV CENTER Choose from Several Different Styles: FIBERGLASS CAB HIGH, LID, WEDGE STYLE, CUSTOM DESIGN CONTRACTORS CAP, CLASSIC ALUM. PLUS WE OFFER A FULL LINE OF TONNEAU COVERS & TRUCK ACCESSORIES. ALL FIBERGLASS CAPS COME W/EXACT COLOR MATCH & INSTALLATION! CALL FOR A QUOTE TODAY AT (814) 763-5645 Saegertown, PA SELF STORAGE Rent a Space Greenville, PA. 24/7 security. 7 day access. 724-58 8-2209 2005 F250 6 .0 L di e s el a uto ma ti c, 96,00 mi le s, CALL MARVIN FOR YOUR Crew Cab w/8’ bed. GARAGE DOOR NEEDS L a ri a t tri m (p ow e r Free Estimates - Fully Insured • PA #52610 w in d o ws & l o cks , leather, 6-way seats). FOR SALE ACCOMPLISHED Fi fth wh e e l a n d Ti moth y mi x 1 st cut b um p e r GUITAR h i tch squ are bale s $5 .00 $18,000. Phone 716INSTRUCTOR Accepting Students e a. 2 h o rse carts 713-7 435. $250 obo. 10 yr. old 814-382 -2442. FOR SALE pony mare, loves to cart $2 50 . 5 yr. ol d 1994 Woodmizer HD AKC ENGLISH m in i ma re $3 00 . 9 G-24 sawmill, WoodSPRINGER month old mini mule m i ze r sh a rp en e r SPANIELS Wormed, 1st sho ts, $400. Cell 724 -699- $ 1 0,7 5 0. Ma ss e y 65 0 0 born 1/19/13, readyto 4 64 0 or 7 24 -8 15 - Ferg u so n ro ugh terrain fo rkli ft g o. (4) b l ack wh ite 3922. $ 86 0 0 . Ki ln d ri e d males left $500 cash WANTED TRUCK DRIVERS lumber red oak, popon ly. 4 40 -3 44-72 72 14 ft. transport disc. lar ash, locust fence WANTED Andover, Ohio. 724-69 9-2838 posts. 814-789-3754 Meadville Redi Mix is looking for drivers for: Tri a xle d um p , L ow b o y a n d Mi xe r a n d a l so C e me n t bu lk tanker drivers. Pay is bas ed on experience.Applywithin at 19824 Cochranton R o ad o n R t. 3 2 2 Mead-ville between 8 am and 4:30 pm. Immediate openings. SNOWMOBILES FOR SALE 1 99 6 Ski-D o o Form u la S 3 8 0 , fa n cooled, excellent condi ti on, rece ntly se rvice d , 3 ,5 0 0 m i le s $8 00 . 1 99 7 Pol aris Indy440 Super Sport, fan co ol ed , h ea te d grips, good condition, 1 ,8 0 0 m i l es $ 75 0 . Cal l Brian 7 24-6 123831. THE QUAL ITY YOU MARK’S UPHOLSTERY Al l typ es of cu stom u ph o l ste ry s o fa s , ch airs , b oats, furn itu re rep a i r, d e nta l ch airs, ch iro practor tables, exam tables, office furni ture, classic cars, RV’s, campers & airplanes. Over 15,000 yds. of upholstery fabric in stock. 28 yrs . expe ri en ce . 8 1 4-7 6 3-2 9 3 3 o r email PA# 52610 POLE BUILDINGS H orse ba rn s, da iry buildings, riding arenas, agriculture building s, ga rage s, ro ofing, decks. Hostetler C on s tru ctio n . 8 14 4 25 -7 96 5 ta l k to Pete. PICK UP YOUR COPY OF THE AREA SHOPPER AT HA IR D O’S RT. 98 CROSSINGVILLE 2001 HD ULTRA CLASSIC Load ed, 48 K, whi te. Ston e b oro , PA. $ 9 80 0 . 7 1 6 -71 3 7435. FOR SALE 1 5’ p on to on b oa t, trail er, John so n 9 .9 $1650. Also 12’ boat, tra iler, Evinrude 9 .5, ni ce ly set u p $ 72 5. 1984 Kawasaki 250 Te ch te, rebu il t, ve ry clean shape $ 1650. 8 hp Briggs ch ipper with tow hitch $400. Fe ma le Ch ihu ah ua p up p i es , ab o u t 1 4 w ee ks o l d , a s ki n g $300 ea. 2 cases log cabin screws 8” 250 cou nt each $185 .00 ea. 724-496-1631. ADORABLE PUPPIES ON SALE Fi na n ce, C re d i t o r cash.$189 and up on m a ny p up s . 36 2 0 Belmont Youngstown www.ohiop Yorkies, Morkie, FoxChi,York-Chon, YorkiPom , Pu gg l e , C hi h ua hu a , Shi h-Poo , Mal -Shi h , Mal te se , Eng l i sh Bul l d og , C a vch o n, Pom s , Pug s (1 b la ck, 1 fa wn). Cal l for sa le prices . Op en: Mon .Thu. 11-3. Fri-Sat-Sun 11-6. 330-259-1286. • Entrance Doors POLE BUILDINGS & GARAGES SPRING SPECIALS ~ FREE ESTIMATES ~ DESIRE WITH THE PROF ESSIONA L ISM YOU DESERVE 7214 Church Street Conneaut Lake, PA (814) 382-0392 eppbuildin PA HOME IMPROVEMENT CONTRACTOR - PA #3031 FOR SALE Ta cs e w T111 -1 5 5 commercial sewing m ach i ne w /s ta nd , only one hour of use. $750. 814-573-9245. SPORTSMAN’S BANQUET MARCH 16th - 6 PM At the First Baptist Church in Linesville Featuring Biologist and adventurer WADE NOLAN Presenting a whitetail deer seminar & sharing stories from Alaska & Africa Barbeque pulled pork dinner, dessert, “Taste of the Wild Table” Door prizes & giveaw ays. Tickets $10 - available at the Church office and Rebecca’s Family Restaurant. Seating is limited. If not sold out tickets w ill be available at the door. Call 814-382-6227 for info. AREA SHOPPER 814-425-7272 MARCH 9, 2013 PAGE 16 TIRE SALE 175 65 14 $49.99 BFG Slalom 195 70 14 $65.00 Michelin 195 60 15 $79.99 Michelin 235 75 15 $79.99 Traction 235 85 16 $125.00 Cooper 10 Ply Close Out 215 65 17 $99.99 Michelin Energy Saver 235 70 16 $99.99 Wildcat Close Out 265 70 17 $135.00 Cooper Close Out 275 60 20 $139.99 Goodyear Wrangler SRA 245 65 17 $125.00 Goodyear Fortera CASH & DEBIT INSTALL EXTRA CHECKS +3% CREDIT +3% Limited Offer CIANCI TIRE Greenville, PA Across from Walmart 724-588-6096 $0-$3 ,000 ABSOLUTELY MOST CASH PAID for Jun k/un w a nte d ca rs, SUV’ s, trucks, R V’ s , b u s es , bo x trucks . Free towin g. Fre e no ta ry w ork. Sam e d a y s e rvi ce . 724-624 -6165. BUYING UNWANTED & JUNK VEHICLES We buy cars, trucks, vans, SUV’s, diesels & more! Cash to you within 2 4 hour s of calling. Free tilt bed service & removal!! Paying the bestJunk Pr ic e. Pa ying even more if it RUNS! 724456-9 906. MILLER’S METAL Me tal roofing 8 ’-1 6’ rai n b ow $ 1.0 0 p e r L .F.--Prim e r & d ul l Galv. $1.13 Lin. foot, s o me # 3 p a i nte d $1.35 L.F., can order cu t to l e n gth no n standard colors, red, evergreen, charcoal, & blue $1.50 L.F. only while supplies last. In s tock 15 co lo rs b ake d o n pa i n te d metal 8’ to 20’ $1.80 L.F. Also available 40 yr. painted galvalume $1.95 L.F. 1 mile N. or Atlantic, PA. 9730 Laird Rd. Hours 8 to 4:30 M., T., W., Fr., 8 to 1 Sat. Closed Thurs. & Sun. GENERATOR SALE!!! $20 0 off installation on 8 KW au tom atic ho me stan dby ge nerator by GENERAC. Ru ns o n L P/n atural gas. Backs up 10 circu its . C a l l Gra va tt Ele ctri c 81 4 -40 4 3946. For sales, service or rep a i rs . FRUIT TREE PRUNER Wou l d yo u l i ke a “bountiful” harvest? I ha ve over 3 5 yea rs experience. I’ll prune and teach proper fruit tree care. Enjoy your “own” fruit! Call 440293-5 034. WANTED WANTED STANDING TIMBER So ftwo od l ogs . Ca ll Paying top dollar for John at Jacob Weaver your timber. Skid with Co mp any 8 14-79 5- horses. For free esti1326. mates call 814-6946816. LITTLE PIGS FOR SALE Fe ed e r p i g s a n d show pigs. 100 ’s to choose from. Breeding size bo ars and g il ts . L o ca te d i n Sug a r Gro ve , PA. 615-497 -1606. ALLAN HART & SONS “We make hydraulic hoses” INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT RENTAL DAY * WEEK * MONTH DELIVERY AVAILABLE 800-42 5-7094 AUCTION Thinking of having an auc tion, le t Miller ’s Auc tion w or k for you.We specialize in Rea l Es ta te , Fa rm , Hous e hold, Antique s. W ha te ve r your auction ne eds a re , The Miller ’s would be pleased to w or k for you. Call 8 1 4-4 2 5-7 2 7 6 or 724-456 -3632. SELL, MOVE AND INSTALL HOMES W e don’t just s ell home s , w e move a nd ins ta ll pur cha sed else wher e. W e insta ll w her e others fear to tread. Know how , e quipment, licensed and insured to haul and install in Ohio andPA. RoMar Homes, 888255-8 191. Meadville Sertoma Club GUN RAFFLE - MAR. 16th ~~ 15 GUNS ~~ SIDE RAFFLES ALSO Doors open 4 pm - Dinner 6 pm Stuffed Chicken Breast/Salisbury Steak, Pies and More! TICKETS $20 DONATION AVAILABLE FROM MEMBERS AND AT THE DOOR NIGHT OF RAFFLE QUESTIONS CALL 814-333-1234 OR 720-3601 Proceeds Benefit Jimmy Moore Party BRING THIS AD RECEIVE $1.00 OFF FLICKS APPLIANCE PARTS & SERVICE Se rvi cin g mo s t b ran d s o f m aj o r h ou s e ho l d a p p li ances. Factoryauthori ze d s ervice C ra wford & Northern Mercer C ou n ty. ALSO C ARR YING APPL IAN CE PARTS! 81 43 3 6-2 3 90 . 1 65 9 3 Conen aut Lake Rd., Meadville, PA BILL’S GUN SHOP Conneaut Lake, PA. Going out of business sale. 10% off e ve ryth i n g s tore w i de , gu n s i n cluded. Used guns - no w arra nty un l e ss i mp l i e d b y manufacturer. Stop in an d m ake yo ur best deal. March 131. Take Rt. 6 west fro m Co n n ea u t Lake 2 mi les, turn rig h t o n Gre i se r Road go to bottom of hill on right. 814382-1329 INDOOR RC CAR RACING! Dirt ova l, offr oa d, carpet ova l, tra ctor pulls, rock crawling and more. Full Hobby Shop & Snack ba r. Yea r r ound indoor family FUN! Spectators FREE! Call 724-376-2379 FIREWOOD FOR SALE $1 90 .00 fo r a cord, cut a nd s pl i t, i n Greenville area. Call me at 417-388-4180 ask for Emma. OSCAR’S APPLIANCE PARTS Parts fo r wa s he rs , dryers, refrigerators, fre e zers , ra n ge s , dishwashers, microw a ve s , g a s g ri ll s , vacuu ms . Fu ll s ervice va cu u m sh op , sales, service, parts, accessories. 120 N. Wa ter Ave., Sharo n, PA. 724-347-7170. M.B. HEMLOCK LUMBER 432 Haun Rd., Sandy L a ke , PA 1 6 14 5 . Fra m i ng , Sh i p la p , D utch la p, Boa rd -n Batten and Log cabin siding. Privacy fence, To n g u e -n -G ro o ve and pan elin g. Send S.A.S.E. fo r p rice s b efo re yo u b u y!! Open: Mon. thru Fri., 7:30-4:30. CRESSW ELL’S GENERAL STORE is NOW takin g co nsignments for Thursdaynight weeklyauctio ns. Cons ignm ent will be taken on Mond ays an d We dn es da ys 9 am to 4 pm and Thursday9 am to 12 noo n. Sale s wi ll s tart at 6 p m . Fo r more information call 724-253 -3332. AG TIRE SERVICE Check our tire prices. Unverferth rims. Feild service. call 814-7951 99 8 or 8 14 -9 67 2 118 . FOR SAL E: Honda RT 5000, 4x4, 4 whee l steer, 5 a ttachments, new motor, must see! $4,000 MEADVILLE (814) 333-6671 HERMITAGE • FRANKLIN OPEN 8 AM TO 10 PM DAILY 3 Days Only-Mar. 7th-9th 40% OFF Take An Additional 30% Off All Outerwear Clearance Apparel up to 70% off $ 99 $ 99 ¢ 7 XTRA LAUNDRY DETERGENT 68.75-75 oz. 3 SMART SENSE WATER 35 pack 99 HYPONEX POTTING SOIL 8 lb. FREE LAYAWAY THRU MARCH 23, 2013! AREA SHOPPER 814-425-7272 MARCH 9, 2013 Mercer County Home Show K ID BU IL D’S IN C ON T G Huntin E ST Affordable Ideas! A Q & Code s UCC t Re g. ad P ain Le La ws HIC TM g 3 age g Lodge ups Lego ro Ki ts F re Ad mis e s io n ! KITC BATH HENS R OOM FLOO S R HEAT ING W IND ING OW S “THINK HOME SAFETY” For Your Family Meet Our Professionals for Your Home Service Needs S DECK S PATIO G IN S ID ING F ROO CIERS N IN F A SATURDAY, MARCH 23 • 10 AM TO 6 PM NORMANDY BANQUET CENTER - VFW 5550 E. State St. (Rt. 62), Hermitage, PA Info: Exhibitors/Lego Builders/Plus MCBA 724-475-4834 • BUY HERE - PAY HERE WEFINANCE GOOD CREDIT, BAD CREDIT, NO CREDIT, BANKRUPTCY, DIVORCE, NO PROBLEM! 684 N. SENECA STREET OIL CITY, PA 16301 814 -677-0 509 LATE MODELS •LOW PRICES •LOW DOWN PAYMENTS • LOW WEEKLY, BI-WEEKLY, MONTHLY PAYMENTS 90 DAY / 3500 MILE N.A.D.N. WARRANTY INCLUDED 2005 CHEVY EQUINOX LT AWD 2001HONDA ACCORD EXw/leather $2395 DOWN OR $9,895 $1495 DOWN OR $7,995 02 CHEVY VENTURE .....................$795 DOWN or $4,995 01 CHRY. SEBRING LXCPE .........$895 DOWN or $4,995 04 CHRY. SEBRING SDN. ...........$895 DOWN or $5,295 02 BUICK REGAL LS .....................$995 DOWN or $5,995 02 OLDSMOBILE ALERO GL .......$995 DOWN or $5,995 05 BUICK CENTURY CUSTOM $1095 DOWN or $6,395 03 DODGE NEON R/T ..................$1095 DOWN or $4,795 02 FORD TAURUS SEL...............$1095 DOWN or $5,995 06 FORD FOCUS ZX3 ...................$1200 DOWN or $6,995 02 FORD EXPLORER XLT 4WD ..$1295 DOWN or $7,495 MOR E TO C HOOSE FR OM AT 02 HYUNDAI SANTA FE GLS 4x 4$1495 DOWNor $6,895 05 PONTIAC G6 SEDAN ............$1795 DOWN or $8,495 05 FORD FREESTYLE LTD ...........$1795 DOWN or $8,695 02 CHEV SILVERADO LTEXT CAB .. $1795DOWN or$9,395 02 FORDEXPLORER XLS 4WD 71K$1795 DOWN or $8,995 05 JEEP LIBERTY 4WD .............$1895 DOWN or $8,895 06 PONTIAC G6 88K.................$1895 DOWN or $9,450 03 TOYOTA CAMRY XLE ............$1895 DOWN or $9,895 02 FORD F150 EXT CAB 4x 4 ..$1995 DOWN or $8,995 08 CHEVY MALIBU LS ..............$2995 DOWN or $9,995 TAX , TI TLE & F EES NOT I NCL UDED MARCH MADNESS SPECIALS from FAMILY HEARING FREE Hearing 50% off* 1 Hearing Consultation & Aid Manufacturers S Buy 1 Hearing Aid at U Accessory PL Regular Price & receive *with this purchase only 50% OFF a second (These Offers NOT valid with any other offers!!) hearing aid. BUY 2 PACKS OF BATTERIES GET 2 PACKS FREE! (Total cost $10.00) 18 MONTHS 0%* INTEREST *Qualified Buyers with approved credit $5.00 OFF HEARING AID DRY AID KIT Our Patient Appreciation Program: Refer-A-Friend & Receive $65.00* in Gift Cards *Call the office for details! OUR JOB IS TO HELP YOU HEAR BETTER. ® 109 WOODFIELD DRIVE 100 N. KEELRIDGE RD. 216 S. CENTER ST. GREENVILLE HERMITAGE GROVE CITY 724-588-4957 724-347-4327 ALL Locations are Handicapped Accessible! 724-458-8454 These Offers Expire on 3/29/2013 CASH FOR COINS Noble House coins & co ll e cta b l e s at Cle arvi ew Fl ea Mart Bu tl er Sa t and Sun h o urs 8-2 lo o k fo r sign in window. Buyi n g Mo rg a n a n d Pe ace $ 25 and u p. Halfs quarters Dimes 64 and back $1 face p a y $ 1 8 1 o un ce round and bars $28. Silver Eagles $30 and u p. Pa yin g $ 75 fo r 2 01 2 S Sil ve r p roo f se ts. Se llin g e sta te j e we l ry. N ice di a mond rings in stock. C al l Ke n 8 1 4-6 77 5108. PAGE 17 40,000 MILE FOR SALE Toyota Truck 1989. Good condit ion. 186, 000 miles . 3,500 on new tires $2000. FORD 3000 Diesel engine long block. Fresh major overhaul. $2000 plus core charge. CUMMINS PARTS 855 S eries , 315 model. B lock , 3 heads , 5 c am rods, misc. CALL 814-39 8-8000 TIRES REDUCED PRICE 195/60R15 205/65R15 205/55R16 225/75R15 .... .... .... .... $69 $69 $69 $79 205/70R15..... 215/65R15..... 205/60R16..... 235/75R15..... $69 $79 $74 $79 CALL FOR 17”-18” QUOTE. CARRY OUT PRICES-ADD TO INSTALL 724-662-3483 • M-F8-4, SAT. 8-1 MERCER TIRE SALES NEW MAHINDRA TRACTORS IN STOCK AT Marcy Eq u ip m e nt, Pierpont Ohio. Stop in and see why we are the Worlds # 1 sellin g tracto r- MAH IN DRA! 440-577-1129 TRACTORS Agco Allis 8610 4x4, ca b, 103 hp $2 4,5 00. JD 464 0, ca b, 2WD, 15 5 hp $ 26 ,5 00 . Ca s e 1175, cab, 2WD,125 h p $6 5 00 . IH 96 6 2WD, 105 hp, 3000 hrs. $11,5 00. Ze tor 7711 2WD, cab, 75 hp $6600. 800-425-7094.Allan Hart & Sons ROUND BALE FEEDER N ew 6 x1 2 w o o de n rou n d b a le fe e d er, s la n t b a rs $ 1 80 0 . 8 14 -7 20 -2 27 5 . N o Sunday calls. 2002 TOYOTA TACOMA 4x4, Ex. cab , 4 cyl ., SR5, very nice, original co nd i tio n , $11,995. Kargo Quality Cars , Inc., Rt. 19 Mercer, call toll free 1800-446-7821, Local 724-662 -5762. FOR SALE N ew Ide a 27 9 cutditioner,field ready $ 1 00 0 . 1 9 8 9 GMC 4x4,newer motor, new clu tch, cl ea n tru ck, $ 35 0 0 o b o . Al li s SNOW WATER Chalmers snap couFUR TRADING pler 3 bottom plows, Paying prem ium for $250. 814-490-5810. fin i sh e d su p er se lected beaver, bobcat, TRIM CARPENTER co on, co yote , fish er House repair, need a fo x, m in k, m us krat, powder room - bath- otter. Unfinished fur at room on any floor, in- m arke t. Sup p l ie s . clu di n g b as em e nt, 814 -382-2 501, 8 14pa ntry, lin en cl ose t, 573-7259. Conneaut oa k stair case , ro of Lake, PA. decks, win dows. InFOR SALE s ure d . C o nt. #PA042969. Cell 724- 1st cut square bales, 30 1-79 10 - or a fter no rain, $6.50 ba le. 6:0 0 72 4-25 3-25 73. 2 75 g al l on up ri gh t Also work for contrac- fue l tan k $1 00. C all 814-3 98-4922 leave tor, thank you. mess age. * TRUCKS * 03 Ford F250 Lariat 4x4 Super Duty ................................ $14,995 SALE $12,500 00 Chevy G-30 Box truck, V8 ............. $6,995 00 Ford Ranger, V6, AT ....................... $1,995 99 Ford 550 Super Duty Ele. Dump V10$14,995 99 Dodge Dakota 4x4 ......................... $3,995 98 Ford F150 XLT 4x4, V8 ................... $6,995 97 Ford Ranger 4x4 S/Cab, 6C ........... $3,995 94 Chevy 3500 HD Dump Trk., diesel .. $7,995 94 GMC Sierra 1500 4x4, AT............... $3,995 94 Ford Bucket Truck ......................... $3,495 94 Chevy C1500 Work Truck, tool boxes$3,995 89 Chevy Silverado 4x4, V8 ............... $2,995 * SUV’s * 05 Ford Expedition XLT 4x4 4D, V8 .................................... $9,995 SALE $8,495 05 Ford Escape 4x4 4D V6 .................................... $9,995 SALE $7,995 04 Chevy Trailblazer 2W 4D ................ $7,995 04 Jeep Gr. Cherokee 4x4, 6C ............ $6,995 03 Chevy Trailblazer 4x4 4 Dr. ............. $4,995 02 Dodge Durango 4x4 V8 .................. $5,495 02 Ford Escape XLT 4x4 4D, 6C .......... $5,995 01 Mazda Tribute 4x4 4D V6 ................ $6,495 * VANS * 05 Dodge Caravan 4D, 6C .................. $5,995 03 Dodge Grand Caravan, 6C ............. $6,495 BIG-BIG-BIG DISCOUNTS FOR CASH DEALS! * CARS * 09 Cadillac CTS 4D, 6C ................................ $19,995 SALE $18,995 07 VW Beetle 2D, 5C .................................. $11,995 SALE $9,995 07 Chevy HHR Wagon 4D, 4C .................................... $7,995 SALE $6,495 07 Chevy Cobalt 2D, 4C .................................... $6,995 SALE $5,995 05 Kia Spectra EX 4D 4C ................... $5,995 05 Ford Focus SW Wagon, 4C ............ $4,995 04 Chevy Impala 4D 6C ..................... $6,495 04 Buick Century 4D, 6C .................... $4,995 04 Pontiac Bonneville 4D, V6 ............... $6,995 03 Mazda 6 4D, 4C ST....................... $4,995 03 Mercury Sable 4D, 6C ................... $4,995 03 Honda Accord 4D, 6C .................... $8,995 03 Mini Cooper 2D, 4C ST .................. $8,995 03 Chevy Cavalier 2D, 4C ................. $4,995 03 Chevy Cavalier 4D, 4C ................. $3,995 02 Pontiac Sunfire 4D, 6C ................... $2,995 00 Chrysler 300 4D, V6 ...................... $3,995 99 Camaro 2 D, 6C ........................... $3,995 29 Mercedes Benz Convt. 2D, 4C ....... $6,995 * GOLF CARTS * 05 EZ Go Elec. Golf Cart, 6607, white . $2,500 91 Yamaha Elec. Golf Cart, white ....... $1,500 * OTHER * 02 H&S Car Hauler 82”Wx14’L 2’tail ... $2,495 96 Pace Encl. trailer 24’x7½’ inside ..... $5,495 Allis Chalmers 22 hp hyd. snow plow .. $3,500 Check Out Our Website Eells Makes Deals So You Have Wheels AREA SHOPPER 814-425-7272 MARCH 9, 2013 PAGE 18 235/75R16 GENERAL 70,000 mi. $99 Cooper AT3 $129 CARRY-OUT ADD TO INSTALL 724-662-3483 MERCER TIRE NEW MAHINDRA 50 10 C ab w/lo ad er 49 hp-4x4 l oad er li ft 3100 3pt 3520 ride in style wi th he at/ai r & stereo. We are the #1 sellin g tractor in the w orl d . Ow n i t fo r only$26 0/month Ma rcy Eq u i p me n t 440-577 -1129. HARRY’S AUTO SALES & SERVICE STOP IN FOR INSTANT APPROVAL GOOD CREDIT, NO CREDIT, BAD CREDIT, THAT’S OK WE WILL GET YOU APPROVED REGARDLESS OF CREDIT HISTORY!! 02 Chevy Trailblazer, pewter, V6, 4x4. ..... CALL! 02 Jeep Gr. Cherokee, white, 4 dr., 4x4 .... CALL! 01 Dodge Ram, silver, Crew Cab 4x4 ...... CALL! 02 Dodge Ram 1500 Quad Sport, Crew Cab, 4 dr., 4x4 .................................. CALL! 04 Ford Explorer XLT, silver, 4 dr., 4x4 ..... CALL! 03 Chevy S10, silver, Crew Cab 4x4 ...... CALL! 08 Ford Fusion, gray 4 dr. ....................... CALL! 08 Chevy Cobalt, 5 speed, 2 dr., blue ...... CALL! 05 Volkswagen Jetta, 5 speed, silver, 4 dr. CALL! 06 Hyundai Elantra, gold, 4 dr. ............. $795 Down 04 Chevy Cavalier, silver, 4 dr. ........... $695 Down 05 Kia Spectra, grey 4 dr. .................... $695 Down 04 Saturn Ion 4 dr., white ..................... $795 Down 02 Chevy Impala, silver, 4 dr. ............. $795 Down 01 Pontiac Grand Am 4 dr., red ............ $795 Down 02 Dodge Grand Caravan, white, 4 dr. .. $695 Down 08 Chrysler PT Cruiser, red, 4 dr. ........ $895 Down MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM. ALL OUR VEHICLES FULLY SERVICED AND INCLUDE A WARRANTY. 814-382-3239 CHECK OUT OUR FULLY EQUIPPED SERVICE DEPARTM ENT FOR VERY COM PETITIVE RATES. HARRY’S AUTOSALES ANDSERVICE YOUR#1 FULLSTOP AUTO REPAIR EARTH OUTSIDE FURNACES March Special - 305 b o il e r - D e mo burned 1 month w/full wa rran ty $ 320 0 in c. shipping. Hilcraft Antique s and Res toration - furni ture stripp i ng . Hi l craft 81 4 374 -4047, 814-6 738439 HOUSE FOR RENT Greenville School distri ct, 3 b e dro om , 2 bathroom, 1 ca r garage, central AC, nice yard , nice neigh borh oo d , p l a yg ro un d a cro s s th e s tree t, manyrecent updates $600 per month plus utilities. Call 814-3823252 home, 814-7201593 cell. BIG BEAR TIMBER Now buying standing timb er. To p pay. Sel e ct cut, C le a r cu t avail abl e. For mo re i nfo cal l Mike 8 14 493-5 608. TEXAS HOLD ‘EM POKER TOURNAMENT March 23rd Days Inn, Oil C ity. Sta rt Tim e 1:3 0. D onati on $ 25. To g e t re s erva ti o n form call CASA 814670-0550 or email FOR SALE Bob s le d in g oo d co ndi ti on. Me rvin L. Mi ll e r, 3 9 2 Sl ate r Road, Stoneboro, PA 16153. DISC CHISELS 5 shank Glenco soil s a ve r $5 9 0 0. 7 sh ank Glen co so il s a ve r $5 5 0 0. 7 s ha n k Ke w an e e $ 5 80 0 . 9 s ha n k Gle nco s o il s a ve r $ 6 00 0 . 3 p t. 11 sh an k $8 75 . Al la n H art & Son s 8 00 425-7 094. FOR SALE 3 year old black Standardbred mare TSS has pap ers, sta nds to h i tch an d sto p s ig n s . D o n’ t ha ve e no u gh wo rk fo r 2 horses, $12 00 o bo. Joe y Mi l l er, 20 9 1 McMaster R d., Atlantic, PA 16111. HAY - STRAW SEED POTATOES 814-676 -6308. HONDA 03 16 ” - 5 sp oke ma g wheels, set of 4 $75 e a. 81 4 -3 9 8 -8 6 96 . No Sunday calls. • 40 Yr. .015 29 ga. m etal is roll form ed and custom cut to suit your needs • Double Bubble 6’x125’ • Single Bubble 6’x125’ • Roof Boots • Flovent, EMSEAL • KWIK FRAME • Asst. Sliding Door Tracks & Accessories • Snow Guards.... AND MORE! YODER’S WOODWORKING Stop in and see what w e ca n d o fo r you . C us to m ki tch e ns , fi ne furn i tu re a n d more. C onta ct John Yoder, 268 6 St. Hwy. 1 8, Ada m svi ll e , PA 1 6 11 0 or R o be rt Yoder, 613 Conneaut Lake Rd., Adamsville, PA16110. No Sunday Sale. NOW STOCKING HEARTLAND VINYL SIDING .042” MEDIUM GRADE ALUM. COIL STOCK UTICA SHALE & MINERAL MEETING East Mead Volunteer Fire Hall 23876 St. Hwy. 27 (5 mi. E. of Meadville) MARCH 14, 2013 • 6:30 PM Presenter: Robert Rea, Salem, OH Buckeye Mineral Division, LLC Presenter: Ronald McCall, Atty. at Law Ekker, Kuster, McConnell & Epstein, LLP Public invited with or without contract Receive: Education - Honesty - Vision PA Office 814-724-5018 11251 S. Wayland Rd., Meadville Cr a w . Coston Accounting & Tax Service FOR SALE/WANTED Wrap p e d b a le s . Wa nte d: bl eachers. 724 -346-5 970, 7 24301-9 236. GUNS Si g P2 50 9 mm N IB unfired, night sights, $450.Bodyguard 380 NIB unfired $350. Pap erw o rk req u i re d . 724-699 -3444. CRAFT SHOWVENDORS WANTED R o ll i n g Fi e ld s , C o nn e a utvi ll e , PA. April 13th, 10-2. Vendor tabl es a vaila ble @ $2 0 in cl ud e s lunch. Call KathyPorter at 814 -587-2 012 or email LOOK AT THIS ONE! HAVE THIS 3 BEDROOM, 2 BATH, 56-FOOT MODULAR WITH FULL BASEMENT FOR ONLY $ 112,800! It includes a large kitchen with stainless steel side by side refrigerator, eye level oven, microwave, counter top range, dishwasher, big utility sink and a large master bath. Installed on a 10 inch concrete block basement, ready forutility hook ups. TWO LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU 2875 STATE RT. 157 VENUS 4201 ROUTE 8 NORTH TITUS VILLE 814-354-2850 814-827-2474 SEE WHAT WE CAN DO FOR YOU! Hrs.: Tues., Wed. & Fri. 9am - 5pm; Mon. & Thurs. 9am - 7pm; Sat. 9am - 2pm BLACK LAB PUPPIES 11 weeks old, no pap ers, $ 50 .0 0 ea ch . 714-8 12-4694 leave mess age. FOR SALE 9N Ford tractor, nicely restored, good condition, will trade for picku p truck of s am e val u e . Ph on e 81 4 967-2 708. FOR SALE 2 sta n da rd bre d ho rs es , $ 14 00 a nd FARM MACHINERY $ 80 0 or b oth fo r John Deere 335 baler, $2000. Call for more 4 x4 R d. g ath e ri n g information 814-425wheels $8500. Allied 7284. pipe elevator 3 4’ on w h ee l s w /m o to r, $ 117 5 . Li m e s pre a de r 6-8 &10 ’ , $3 00 to $8 00. N ew Stol tzfus 2 4’ fe ed er wagon, $3100. JD 21 di sk g rai n d rill , SD, $2 40 0. C orn Pl an ters-JD 1240 platless 4R, n a rro w 30 ”, $1300 . JD 290 , 490 & 247, IH older 4R w/ power lift, good condition, $1425 & 2R 56 p la n ters , $ 1 2 50 . Plows-JD 2 800 variable width, 5x18.Also JD 2 5 0 0, 2 6 00 & 2700, 5x16 & 18”. IH 700 & 710, 4x16. Lots 1-2 & 3 bottom 3 pt. plows . Chizel plows 5 th ru 1 0 s ha n k som e wi th co ulte rs. Transport disks-30 to pick from, JD, White, IH, & Kewannee. 8 to 20’ most field ready, $62 5 to $60 00. Manure spreaders-Gehl 2 beater, gate,$3800. Seve n s m a ll e r s prea d ers i n g oo d con di tio n $1 5 00 to $22 50. L ots of 3 pt. eq ui pm en t. Bri ll io n 10’, 3 pt., 5 shank ripper w /co u l ters , $2600. Tomson Farm 724-699 -6848. Co u n t y HAY FOR SALE FOR SALE Mi xe d gra s s h a y Myers ¾ hp deep well square bale, no rain, pump, 3 months old. $6 per bale. 814-797- 814-873 -0235. 2187. FOR SALE 2003 Chevy 2500HD. R eg u l ar cab , lo n g bed, plow prep, towi ng p acka ge , an d cap. 147K miles. 6.0 4 x4 a u to m a ti c. $ 5 60 0 . 7 2 4 -66 2 1021. 2008 COBALT SDN 4-door, 4 cyl., power w in d o ws & l o cks , 6 4,00 0 m il es , n ice car, new i nspection, $8995. Kargo Quality Cars, Inc., Rt. 19 Merce r, cal l to ll fre e 1800-446-7821, Local 724-662 -5762. AREA SHOPPER 814-425-7272 MARCH 9, 2013 PAGE 19 AREA SHOPPER ENGLISH AUTOS 814-425-7272 MARCH 9, 2013 PAGE 20 got maple? BUYING STANDING TIMBER & LOGS Looking especially for Hard & Soft Maple But will price any Hardwood 1003 WEST MAIN ST., GROVE CITY, PA. (724) 458-5100 or (888) 458-0066 MON., TUES., THURS.: 9 TO 8 WED. & FRI. 9 TO 5 • SAT. 9 TO 1 99 Grand Am GT ............... 153K ..$1,450 96 Jimmy 4x4 ..................... 154K ..$1,950 96 LeSabre ......................... 86K ....$3,450 01 Escort 2x2 ...................... 92K ....$3,950 96 Grand Am V6 ................. 113K ..$3,750 01 Alero Cpe. ...................... 104K ..$3,950 01 Windstar ......................... 101K ..$3,950 01 Sable .............................. 105K ..$3,950 02 SL2 .................................. 93K ....$3,950 01 Explorer Sport 4x4 ....... 92K ....$4,900 02 Taurus SES ................... 116K ..$4,450 03 Protege, moonroof ....... 111K ..$4,450 02 Sable LS ........................ 106K ..$4,850 99 Town Car ....................... 69K ....$4,950 02 Saturn SL2 ..................... 106K ..$4,950 95 3251 Conv. ..................... 74K ....$5,450 01 F150 4x4 ........................ 128K ..$5,750 01 Alero Cpe ....................... 74K ....$5,950 07 Aveo 5 ............................. 74K ....$5,950 04 Pathfinder ...................... 128K ..$5,950 01 Impala ............................ 64K ....$6,400 01 F150 4x4 ........................ 97K ....$6,450 03 Jetta ................................ 96K ....$6,750 02 Santa Fe AWD ............... 98K ....$6,850 02 Regal LS ........................ 75K ....$6,850 05 Ranger XLT S/C ........... 118K ..$6,950 02 Explorer XLT ................. 90K ....$6,950 05 Ion 2, auto ...................... 70K ....$7,400 04 Neon SXT ...................... 69K ....$7,450 07 Focus ............................. 96K ....$7,450 03 Grand Cherokee 4x4 .. 102K ..$7,750 02 Sebring Convertible ..... 88K ....$7,950 05 Focus ZX4 ..................... 81K ....$7,950 04 LeSabre ......................... 74K ....$7,950 02 Outback LL Bean ......... 98K ....$7,950 06 Elantra Hatch ................ 82K ....$7,950 04 Accord EX ...................... 114K ..$7,950 07 Forenza clean ............... 35K ....$8,650 05 Civic EX auto ................. 102K ..$8,950 04 Santa Fe AWD ............... 91K ....$8,950 07 Ion 2 ................................ 70K ....$8,950 07 Cobalt ............................. 58K ....$8,950 07 PT Cruiser ..................... 51K ....$8,950 04 Santa Fe AWD ............... 87K ....$8,950 05 Escape XLT 4x4 ........... 92K ....$8,950 07 Caravan .......................... 77K ....$9,450 06 Milan Premium V6 ....... 80K ....$9,450 06 Mustang ......................... 102K ..$9,450 07 Ion 2 ................................ 63K ....$9,950 06 Elantra ............................ 69K ....$9,950 08 Spectra EX .................... 34K ....$9,950 03 Explorer EB 4x4 ............ 73K ....$9,950 04 Envoy 4x4 ....................... 83K . $10,450 05 Santa Fe AWD ............... 79K . $10,450 09 Impala LS ...................... 71K . $10,750 07 Sedona LX ..................... 74K ..$11,450 08 Lucerne CXL ................. 86K ..$11,950 08 Sonata Limited ............. 64K ..$11,950 05 Dodge Ram Quad 4x4 107K $11,950 05 Trailblazer ..................... 81K . $10,950 08 Lucerne CXL ................. 83K ..$11,950 06 Fusion SE ...................... 53K ..$11,950 05 F150 STX S/C 4x4 ....... 87K . $13,450 07 Tucson AWD ................. 50K . $13,950 BOB ENGLISH • JOE KING BATHTUBS REGLAZED In yo ur h om e . Is your tub showing its a ge ? Gu a ra n tee d p ro ce ss can s ave you money. Call Lee 814-77 4-9482 WANTING TO BUY C o mp l e te h o us e h ol d s - a n ti q u es toys- Call for free appraisals, Dave Freed. In bu s in es s for 5 0 years. 724-730-6172 or 724-658-6898. DENTURES $899 $575 FULL SET SINGLE Artist ry - De n tistry - Prid e Ov e r 2 5 Ye a rs E xp e rie n ce In Hou se La b L.A. JENKINS, DMD EMERGENCY REPAIRS (724) 376-2930 Main St., Sandy Lake, PA Free - No Obligation - Estimate Call Toll Free: 1-888-898-4081 ARMY & NAVY STORE J.Amato & Son 814-33 3-8299 L o ca te d i n th e 62 HADLEY ROAD, GREENVILLE, PA Me ad vi ll e D ow n Mon. & Thurs. 9-7; Tues., Wed., Fri 9-5:30; Sat. 9-1 tow n Ma l l a cros s 724-58 8-6443 from Dollar General. COME SEE DARRIN, JIM OR IAN We h a ve vi n ta g e FOR YOUR NEXT VEHICLE PURCHASE! L evi ’ s, L ee ’ s a n d 08 FORD 09 CHEVY 08 FORD Wrangler jeans size ESCAPE COLORADO FUSION SE 3 1 to 7 2 wa i s t SALE $ SALE $ SALE $ VERY CHEAP! Also PRICE 14,895 PRICE 15,995 PRICE 11,995 h ave Bi b ove ral l s Crew Cab 4x4, 4 doors, 4 x4 Li m i te d , l ea t h er , B l ac k , l e a th e r , p . a nd coa ts -g rea t LT pkg., auto., air, 3.7L 5 sunroof , chrome wheels s un r oo f , 18 in . a l lo y sizes. See our large and more. cy l., 1 owner. wheels, p. seat. se lection of shou l08 JEEP 06 CHEVY 05 DODGE RAM d er b ag s , d u ffl e LIBERTY COBALT 1500 QUAD b ag s an d ba ck SALE $ SALE $ SALE $ PRICE 14,995 PRICE 7,995 packs. We print miliPRICE 13,995 4x4, 4 doors, auto., air, 4 cy l., 4 door, auto., air, 4x4, 4 doors, 5.7L Hemi, tary d og ta gs . We PL, PW, tilt, cruise, alloy til t, c ruis e, a m/f m CD 20 in. chrome wheels, PL, have a large selecwheels. play er. PW, tilt, cruise, sharp. tion of 550 paracord; ma ny different co ors. Military surplus 04 MAZDA 03 CHEVROLET a nd col l e cti b le s . 05 FORD F250 TRIB UTE S-10 EXT. CAB New and used:Adult SUPERCAB SALE $ SALE $ SALE $ a nd you th , l a te s t 9,995 PRICE 2,495 PRICE 14,995 PRICE s tyl e s o f s tree t 4x4, 5.4L V8, XLT, auto., AW D, a ut o, ai r, a ll oy As Traded Special, 2WD, ca mo, shorts, fie ld air, cruise, tilt, PL, PW. whe el s , PL , P W, ti lt , 6 c y l. , 5 s pd . , a l lo y ja ckets, s we aters, cruise. wheels. a n d EMT p a nts . 99 DODGE 02 CHEVY S10 02 CHEVY Combat an d jungle CAVA LIER RAM 1500 CREW CAB boots . Huntin g and SALE $ SALE $ SALE $ military knives, cots, PRICE 8,995 PRICE 7,995 PRICE 6,995 s l ee p i ng b ag s , 2 d r., y ello w, s unro of , Quad Cab, 4x4, 50,000 4x4, 4 doors, V6, auto., socks, gloves, caps, mi le s, a ut o. , ai r, y ou air, cruise, tilt, PL, PW, a ll o y wh e el s , 8 4 , 00 0 h el me ts , b la nkets mi le s. Co me ch ec k it must see this one! black. out!! and more. MRE’s by the case of package. Gas masks and filC.M.T. INCOME VARHA ANNUAL NEW MAHINDRA ters. We alsobuymiliTAX SERVICE TREASURE SALE 3016 4x4-shuttle tracR ea s o na b l e ra te s VARHA needs i tems tary items from inditorw/loader 28hp diea nd Pro fe ss i o na l s el tracto r w t.2 43 5 for our Annual “Trea- viduals and estates. Se rvi ce. Bas i c re - lo ad er li ft 16 50 3 pt su re Sale” April 2 7turns starting at $50 2640 Own the world’s 29. Drop off daily durfo r FED/ST/L OC AL . #1 selling tractor and ing daylight hours or Co nsul tati on by a p- 5yr warranty. For only call 814-437-7433 for pointment.Atlantic, PA $ 22 1 /mo n th Ma rcy possible pick up. No 5 mi n u te s fro m Equipment 440-577- e l ectron i cs o r o l d Stone Coated Steel Conneaut Lake. 814- 1129 TV’s please. Shingles Giving You 282-3 659. The Look of Architectural Shingles With the Durability of Steel. STEEL SHINGLES IN STOCK AVAILABLE NOW EASTERN STATES METAL ROOFING Your Premier Metal Roofing Supplier. 716-355-4374 SNOW DOGG STAINLESS STEEL PLOWS Starting at $3700 installed. FABIN’S 814-899-6636 UNWANTED Dead & crippled stock re moval . Same d ay service at your convenience. Licensed - 30 years of service. 724368-8 008. EASTER BUNNY BRUNCH March 23 from 8 am to 2 p m a t th e Clintonville Volunteer Fire Department. Admission $6.00 which i n cl u d es m ea l , games, egg hunt and b as ke t g i ve a w ays . N ow b oo ki ng ven dors for Spring Flea Ma rke t Ap ril 2 7th , $ 2 0.0 0 ta b le . Ca l l 814-671 -5747. AREA SHOPPER FIELDS 814-425-7272 MARCH 9, 2012 PAGE 21 CUSTOM SLA UGHTERING JIM FIELD 814-425-7465 20004 St. Hwy. 285, Cochranton ½ • ¼ • Whole • Hauling Available Freezer Beef ½ • Whole • Freezer Pork Cutting • Wrapping Curing • Smoking Specialty Items E-CLASSIC OUTDOOR WOOD FURNACE 97% Efficient. Heat your home and wate r. Bu y NOW a nd s ave up to $ 9 00 ! Call today Fisher & Father, 2449 St. Rt. 257, Cranberry, PA. 8 0 0-3 2 8-4 3 7 2 o r 814-677 -6416. HAVING TROUBLE FINDING the correct tire, wheel or tube for you r ca r, truck,farm, industrial, trailer or lawn equipmen t? C all Gr ee nville Tire & Rubber Supply 7 2 4 -58 8 3336. We deal with 8 differentwarehouses that deliver daily. GUN SHOW April 6, 9 am-4 pm April 7, 9 am-2 pm Hidden Valley Sportsmen’s Club 268 Gilkey Rd. West Middlesex, PA 724-52 8-2700 PAYING TOP DOLLAR Bu yi ng cars-tru cksvans. Paying $250 & u p wi th title s , l ittl e less without. Call today 3 30-727-1185 7 days a week. 2007Gray Chevy HHR LT Air, auto., PL, PW, sunroof, XM radio, alum wheels, 2.4 4 cyl., very clean, $ 40,102 miles ............ 11,290 2003 Blue Dodge Ram 1500 ST 4x4 V8. air, auto., $ Shortbed, 40,551 miles 10,995 2002 Blue Dodge Ram 1500 ST 4x4 V8, air, auto., 8’ bed, $ 71,654 miles ................ 8,995 1995 Green GMC 2500 SL 4x4 Power angle Meyers snow plow, fiberglass cap $ 206,229 miles ................ 2,350 2004 Silver Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo 4x4 P. wind. & locks, p. seat, $ 6 cyl., 98,590 miles ...... 7,975 2002 White Jeep Grand Cherokee Limited V8, 4x4. p. windows & locks, p. leather seat $ 122,376 miles ................ 6,390 U NLIMITED MILEAGE W AR R AN TY IS OFFER ED U P TO 48 MO. ON TH ESE VEH IC LES FROM PEN N W AR R ANTY C OR P. BARNETT AUTO SALES & SERVICE Serving the Area Since 1950 621 MERCER ROAD, GREENVILLE, PA PH. 724-588-5580 OR 1-800-536-5580 PYMATUNING MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. We ’ve mo ve d! You High Tensile Woven Wire ca n find u s a t 1 03 Horse Cote Timb er Vil lage C tr., Horse Rail Mercer, PA. $50 DeGame Fence d ucti bl e . H o m es , Free Farms, and Mobi le Estim ates Ho mes . Ca ll us at 724-588724-26 9-7227 2299 FOR RENT Customer 2 b e d ro o m a p a rtSatisfaction ment for rent in counis Our Goal! try s e tti n g 1 mi l e south of Sandy Lake INJURED IN $400/month plus utiliACCIDENT? ties. Lease and secuCan’t work? Auto, fall- rity deposit required. down or dog-bite ac- No pets. Call Fred at cide nts. Scars, frac- 412-337 -5619. ture s , s h ou l d er, WANTED kn ee, back o r he ad in ju rie s? Ca ll Atto r- Open Jersey heifers, n e y H a rry Stu m p 500 lbs. and up. 724(Pgh.). Free consulta- 456-4 044. tion. 800-934-4157 TRUCK ACCESSORIES HAY FOR SALE 2 50 b al es trefoi l & Be dco vers $ 19 5 , timothy. 150 bales of Traile r hi tche s, Bug mix hay $4 .50. 8 14- shields $4 8, goosene ck h itch es , Be d796-2 389. liners $125, step bars $180, mud flaps, vent BEDLINERS vi so rs , ru n ni n g Bedliners to fit most boards, to nneau coall size trucks. $120 vers. Buy/Sell/Trade. insta lled. 724 -253- No lf’s Tru ck Acce s2623. sories 814-382-0395 MAYSV ILLE FENCE ENGINES Fullyremanufactured engines with 3 year, un li mi te d wa rran ty, no core charge with e xcha n ge , cyl in de r heads and crank kits in stock. Compelete ma chi ne sh op se rvice available, call: GABANY’S INC. Rt. 19 in Mercer, Pa. 724-66 2-4343 GENERAL INSURANCE H om e s , m o bi l e h o me s , (d o ub l e wides a specia lty), FARMS, small business, boats, trucks, autos, mo torcycles and flood. Cleon Livingston Agency 724-92 7-2251 FOR SALE 1 00 ,00 0 BTU H ig h Effi cie n cy We il McLean Propane hot water boiler 5 years old, excell ent co ndition. Also 2 High efficie n cy n atu ra l ga s fu rn a ces 9 0 ,0 0 0 BTU, 92% efficient, 3 years old, best offer. 814-789 -2172. WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF TIRES for all your needs, and we fix what we sell as well as what otherssell. Stop in today for your repair or replacement needs. Greenville Tire & Rubber Supply, 33 S. Ra ce Stree t, Greenville, PA 16125. 724-588-3336. INSULATED PANELS 22x64 panels 1 ¾ thick fiberglass backed on both sides nice white finish very strong $3 each or less than 50 pi eces $3 .50 each. Odd sizes at discount prices available. Use underneath concrete or etc. 440-293-4264 FOR SALE C ap e Co d , 5 b ed roo ms m as ter/w ith b ath , 3 b ath s u p stai rs-16’x30’ fa mily roo m 16 ’ x20 ’ be d room 2900 sq. ft. full basement $259,000. 814-398 -2799. NEW MAHINDRA MAX 25h p di esel 4x4-hydro tractor w /load er, tra ctor w t. 1 69 3 l o ad e r l i ft 900 3 p t1 4 0 0 Ow n th e Wo rl d’s # 1 sel li ng tracto r for only 17 9/ m on th . 5 yr p o we r tra in wa rran ty Ma rcy Equipment 440-5771129 IDIOT FOR HIRE Semi-retired log cutte r s e ek s wor k c le a r ing fe nc e & property lines, building site s , r ight-ofways, home parks & pic nic a r ea s . 4 1 yea rs ex per ie nce . Fully insured. H.John Far r e ll. 72 4 -37 6 4479.“One manwith c our a ge m a k es a m ajor ity” (Andre w Jack son) WILHELM WINERY Open Tues.-Sunday 11 am - 6 pm for all your wine, gifts, gift baskets and home wi ne m akin g su pp l ie s . 590 Ge org e to w n Rd ., Ha dl ey, PA 1 61 30 . 724-253 -3700. DINING ROOM, BEDROOM & OFFICE H i gh q ua l i ty s ol i d wood furniture at fair prices. Many styles & options. Hershberger C a bi n e ts C u sto m Bu il t Kitche ns. D an H ers h be rg er 8 14 789-2 989. NEWMANSVILLE CAMP FOR SALE 30 0X17 5 l ot, 12x50 mobile home, electric, holding tank, no running water, mostly furni she d, bed s, couches, refrig., stove, mic, most everything stays. 724-813-5118. AREA SHOPPER 814-425-7272 MARCH 9, 2013 1 CLEAN SWEEP CHIMNEY SERVICE Fully Insured Since 1978 New Chimneys or Restoration Stainless Steel Relining & Waterproofing WOOD STOVE SALES 814-587-0050 www.cleans PAYING TOP DOLLAR Paying cash for unw an te d o r ju n k ve h i cl e s . Al s o PA i n sp ection s a nd tires for sale. C all for appo in tm en t an ytim e. 8 1 4-5 8 7-0 0 7 0 o r 440-218 -9441. BUILDER’S SUPPORT FLOORING Huge showroom All Major brands Buy where builders buy. Contractor pricing to you. In Home Consult ation. Free estimates. Builder’s Support Saege rtown 814-763-WOOD-x6 T.J. COAL AND STOVE 4 51 9 3 Fa rri n g to n Road, Spartansburg. Bl asch ak Anth raci te coal. Coal, wood and pe lle t s toves. Us ed s to ve s. Sta i n le s s s te el p ip e. We pa y cash for used stoves! 814-827 -9354. ALL YOU CAN EAT FISH DINNER Fri. March 8th, 4:30 7 a t U ti ca Fireh a ll . Ba ke d or fried fis h, macaroni & cheese or ba ke d po tato, col es la w, a p p le s a uce , rolls, dess ert & bevera ge. Adults $9.00, Se ni o r C i ti ze n s $8.5 0, chi ldren 5-12 $4 , 4 & un de r free . Ta ke ou ts avai la bl e. Thanks for your sup- DENNIS CONSTRUCTION & REMODELING Ove r 50 years combi ne d expe ri en ce d, n ow ’ s th e ti m e to sche dule your ba throom remodeli ng or an y h om e i mprovement. 814-763-6536. PA #031753. PAGE 22 FOSTER AND ADOPTIVE HOMES NEEDED Sa fe a nd loving homes ne eded for area children ages bir th-18. For m ore infor ma tion c all: Child to Family Connec tions 814-3 363007. COMPUTERS H P o r D e l l to we r $9 7.00 , la ptop , De ll or Co mpaq $9 5.0 0. All e xcel le nt con di tion. New microwave oven full size $40. All kin d s o f ho o k-u p ca bl e s , w i res & a da pters $1 .0 0/up . Digital camera , new $3 0.0 0. Ca mco rd er $25 .00, n ew spe ake rs & co m p ute r g am e s & s oftw are $1 .0 0/up . 81 4-45 91771. BUYING STANDING TIMBER Harvesting with modern Track machines. All species of timber wa nted . Se lect cu ts and Clear cuts. FamSOLD! COCHRANTON TREADMILL AMERICAN LEGION ily o wned and oper- Are You Thinking of ated since 1990. Call Ha ving An Auc tion. N ord i c Trac w ith SCALLOPED floormat, paid $800, or email us for more Call Miller’s Auction. POTATOES & HAM n ow $ 40 0 ob o . MARCH 16, 3-6 PM i nform atio n. Co pe - Sam e Da y Se ttle - Moved, must sell, in l an d Lu mb e r (8 14 ) ment. Call 814 -425Inclu de s rol l , si de , 7 27 6 or 7 24 -4 56 - C o nn e a ut L ake . d es s e rt & d ri nk. 756-3 250. 412-75 9-8737 $8 .0 0. Eat i n, carry 3632. o ut, lo ca l d e li ve ry. H a nd i cap a cce s ATTENTION HOMEOWNER sible. 814-425-1493. Is your wife hotter than the water coming out 3x5 Ame rica n Fl ags WORK a va i la b le , m ad e i n of your faucet because of a faulty water heater FlCONCRETE FOR SALE oo rs , d rive w ays , $7500. Mobile home USA. Come sup port walks, steps, patios, in park, frostproof, fl 2 your local Veterans. FOR YOUR WATER etc. Al so, b asem ent bedroom, 1bath, cenwaterproofing. Inside tral a ir, a cce s s to HEATER & GENERAL HOT TUB un der fl oor syste m, po ol , ho t tub , ba ss PLUMBING NEEDS HOT TUB guaranteed to dry up fishing, pier and boat Save 50% to 60% yo ur b as em en t. Oil do ck. Emai l for d eon all new and reC i ty, Fra n kli n , tails furbished hot tubs. Titusvil le area. Beat Call Fisher Today Lowestprices guarthe Spring rush! Irwin Phone 863-635-4605 a ntee d. Exce ll en t & So n s 8 1 4 -67 3 se rvice . Se rvi ci ng 3442. all hot tubs. Call toPAYING CASH 2013 JEEP COMPASS d a y Yo un g ’ s Sp a for u n wa nted ca rs . 2013 JEEP PATRIOT Servi ce 81 4 -7 20 - Fre e p i ck u p . 8 14 - FWD SPORT FWD SPORT 7943. 587-2 681. MSRP 19,485 MSRP 21,590 Rebate -3,500 Rebate -3,500 Disc. -1,000 Disc. -1,000 Trade Eq. -2,999 Trade Eq. -2,999 S TAI NLE S S S T E E L $ #13182 $ #13183 Plus Plus Outdoor Wood Fur n aces 814-587-0089 WANTED TO BUY Good used car. Low mileage and price. 1 o wn e r & e xce l le n t co ndi tio n. 814 -76 35334. JOHN DEERE 670 C om p a ct tra ctor, 4 WD, e xce l le n t s h ap e , re a d y to w ork $ 46 00 . 8 14 449-1 074. HARMAN PELLET STOVE SALE!! $300 OFF PLUS FREE TON PELLETS & $300 TAX CREDIT!! P38 - 38,000 BTU $2, 100 -300 Off -200 Ton Pellets -300 Tax Credit 11,986 2013 JEEP WRANGLER SPORT 4x4 B ILL KE LLY 11081 R T . 99, MC KE AN , PA 16426 (814) 734-1821 (814) 450-2169 c e ll #13213 2013 DODGE DART SE 4 DOOR 14,586 Plus MSRP Rebate Disc. Trade Eq. 18,581 Plus 41,950 -2,000 -3,426 -2,999 33,525 Plus $ MSRP Rebate Disc. Trade Eq. #13192 30,980 -7,000 -2,400 -2,999 $ MSRP Rebate Disc. Trade Eq. #13190 2013 DODGE AVENGER SXT RALLYE 2013 DODGE JOURNEY SXT AWD Route 8 & I-90 Jct., Erie 814-825-1098 Sale Ends 3-18-13 FOR RENT Cambridge Springs area, mobile home in c ountr y, 2 be droom, stove, refrige ra tor included, $4 50 s ecurity depos it, $ 4 50 r ent. Water, se wer, garba ge include d. No pets. 814-398-8320 or 814-573-0666 18,686 Plus $ $ WEAVERS STOVES WHY? Pay the high prices of plumbers, electricia ns , ca rp en ters w h en you h a ve a problem. Cut this ad o ut. Mo rg an ’ s Hand yman Service fo r e verythi n g around the house or business. 814-3984693. HOUSEKEEPING/ CLEANING N ee d he l p g e tti n g yo ur h ome or offi ce cle a n i n ti m e fo r Sp ri ng ? H ow a bo ut keeping it that wayon a re g ul a r b a s is . Weeklyand bi-weekly op en in gs a va il ab le bu t g oi ng fas t. Ca ll Leisa to schedule an a pp o in tme n t to da y 814-573 -7302. 24,185 -1,500 -1,000 -2,999 MSRP 18,885 Rebate - 500 Disc. - 800 Trade Eq. -2,999 $1,300 Net Cost FIREWOOD FOR SALE Hardwood Firewood D el i vere d : Gree n Blo ckwood $250 for d um p tru ck l o ad . App ro x. 2 ful l co rd . Sea so n ed lo ad fo r $ 30 0 . D e li vere d i n Eri e, C ra wford an d Ashtabula Counties. (814) 450-8491 MSRP Rebate Disc. Trade Eq. 14,091 2013 JEEP GR. CHEROKEE LIMITED 4x4 “NAV” #13105 23,975 -4,750 -1,500 -2,999 14,726 Plus $ #13037 2013 DODGE GRAND CARAVAN SE MSRP Rebate Disc. Trade Eq. 24,585 -3,250 -1,300 -2,999 17,036 Plus $ #13120 LOOK NEW 2012 RAMS NEW MAHINDRA MAX 25h p di esel 4x4-hydro tractor w /load er, tra ctor w t. 1 69 3 l o ad e r l i ft 900 3 p t1 4 0 0 Ow n th e Wo rl d’s # 1 sel li ng tracto r for only 17 9/ m on th . 5 yr p o we r tra in wa rran ty Ma rcy Equipment 440-5771129 KOPTAS AUTO SALES COCHRANTON, PA Full NotaryService Pa State and Emissions Inspections. Full servi ce a utom otive re pair. Preowned cars, trucks, va ns. We finance!! w w w.4 2 5ca rs .co m 814-425 -2299. 2012 RAM 1500 QUAD CAB 4x4 2012 RAM 1500 CREW CAB 4x4 MSRP Rebate Disc. Trade Eq. MSRP Rebate Disc. Trade Eq. 34,150 -7,500 -3,387 -2,999 20,264 Plus $ #12472 36,455 -7,500 -3,755 -2,999 22,201 Plus $ #12376 Rebates: 2013’s Returning Lessee, Military, Case Owner, Owner Loy alty, $2999.00 trade equity or cash down. 2012’s Returning Lessee, Military, Case Owner, Owner Loy alty, Must f inance with Ally Bank, trade equity $2999.00 or cash down. In stock units only. Dealer not responsible f or ty pos. Sale ends 3/30/13. AREA SHOPPER 814-425-7272 JERRY TAYLOR FORD SALES GROVE CITY, PA AGED INVENTORY CLEARANCE SALE 2 TO CHOOSE FROM! 2012 FORD ESCAPE 4x4 LIMITED Heated lea ther, V6, black leather, silv er, f ull balance of f actory warranty. 25,888 $ 2011 FORD F250 S/CAB 4x4 DIESEL 1 owner, XLT, 24,000 miles, new tires. 35,900 $ 2003 FORD EXPLORER XLT 4x4 V6, 7 passenger, 3rd r ow s ea t , s i l v e r , 98,000 miles. 6,995 $ 1 own er, su nro of , on ly 29 ,0 00 mi le s, re d/ gr ey cloth. $ CALL $ 2003 HYUNDAI SANTA FE GLS L ea t h er , mo o n ro o f , 1 owner, only 64,000 miles, 4x4, V6. COURT’S CONSTRUCTION Roofing - siding - additions - pole barns ga rage s - re mode lin g. 7 24 -7 34 -1 04 3. PA #053047. ALLPRO ROLLOFFS INC. 10 Yards - 13 Yards 15 Yards -18 Yards 20 Yards - 30 Yards 724-67 4-1619 Senior Discounts GRAIN FARMER LOOKING FOR FARM GROUND to l e as e i n Me rce r C ou n ty. Pre m i um s paid for la rge tracts. 724-813 -0806. FAITH HOME FURNISHINGS AND GRACE’S BOUTIQUE 5 7 & 51 Lak e St., Stone bor o, w ill be open Satur days , March 16 & April 20 from 10:00-2:00. HANDYMAN GaryAiken Home Improvement. Electrical, Plumbing, Home repairs of any kind, rem od el i ng , co n su lting. Insured & registered in PA. 20 years experience. Call 814786-8048. PA097323 CROSS TREE SERVICE I can trim your trees or take them down, the c lea n up is yours , sa ving YOU money!!! Call Darrell at 724-421-9824. Interstate Machine & Fab, Inc. ½ mi. N. Junction Rt. 8 & I-80 WELDING SUPPLIES 8,995 $ Portable & In Shop Welding 2005 DODGE RAM 4 DOOR 4x4 5.7L Hemi, Leer cap, 78,000 miles, silv er, trailer tow. 15,900 $ 2008 FORD ESCAPE XLT 4x4 40,000 miles, 4 cy linder, white. 18,888 $ 2012 FORD F150 SUPERCREW XLT 4x4 5.0L V8, automatic, trailer to w pk g. , o nl y 15 ,0 00 miles, f acto ry warranty, red. LOW MILES!! 29,900 $ 2010 FORD F150 CREW LARIAT 1 o wn er , on l y 2 0 , 00 0 m il es , h e at ed le a th er , sunroof , 20” wheels, 4 new Goody ears, silv er. PRICED REDUCED 33,995 HELP WANTED Inspection mechanic w ith en h a nce d l i cen s e . Au to b od y man with experience. Me ch a n ic for l oca l auto dealership. 724290-9 008. 2008 DODGE DURANGO SLT 4x4 $ HARDSCAPE FOREMAN Exp eri en ced H a rd s ca p e Fo rem a n needed for retaining wa ll, paver install ations. Applicant must h a ve l ea d e rsh i p skill s, be se lf-motivated and have attenti on to deta il. Co mpe nsation is bas ed on successful applica nt’ s e xp eri e nce , certificati ons and ind us try kn ow l e dg e . Ple a s e s u bm i t re sume to: ann.warner@traceland or mail to Tra ce L a wn & L an d s ca p i ng Inc., 117 3 4 N . Wa yl an d R d ., Mea d vil l e , PA 16335 MAKE OFFER!! MUST GO!! 2005 DODGE RAM 3500 CUMMINS DUALLY RODEO CREW CAB 5.9 Cummins, automa tic, 4x4, f ull leather interior, ProRodeo Edition , 4x4, f ully serv iced. New inspection MUST SEE!! 2007 TOYOTA TUNDRA 4 DOOR 4x4 I-Force V8, auto., 1 owner, dea ler maintained, alloy wheels, 8 f t. bed, red/grey TANK LEASING & EXCHANGE STEEL & ALUM WELDING New & Used Steel PROPANE CYLINDERS FILLED Hours: 7-5 Mon. - Fri.; 7-noonSat. Phone 814-786-0014 J & L METALS 724-65 4-9669 2000 Old Butler Rd., New Castle, PA16101. #1 Copper $2.90. #2 Copper $2.65. Motors 20¢. Stainless 60¢ FOR SALE 2000 Polaris Sportsman 4x4 5 00 motor, H.O. wi th p low a nd w in ch , l o w h o urs . $5300 neg. 724-9672851. 1996 FORD E350 15 ft. cut-a -wa y b ox truck, 150,000 miles, 5.8 liter, EFI - V8, auto. tra n s. $4 50 0 . 7 24 734-4702 Ext. 2, ask for Paul. 4 CEMETERY LOTS FOR SALE At Hillcrest Cemetery in Hermitage, PACall 72 4-588 -7 19 1 i f no an swe r lea ve me ssage. 2 LOCATIONS SERVING YOUR NEEDS FRANK R. CRASH AUTO WRECKING Yard #1 480 Mercer Rd., Greenville, PA 800-942-8066 • 724-588-9392 Yard #2 31 Conneaut Lake Road Greenville, PA • 888-881-2850 724-588-0921 • 724-588-4932 NEW, USED & REBUILT AUTO & TRUCK PARTS We always have a large selection of rebuildable late model wrecks 18,995 $ 2010 FORD F350 CREW CAB 4x4 8 f t. bed. Great work truck, g as V 8, a ut o . , e x tr a heav y duty trailer tow, 1 owner, 4 new tires. WARRANTY INCLUDED 27,995 $ 2006FORD F150 CREW XLT 4x4 As I s Spec ial. 5 .4L V8, auto., f iberglass cap, trailer tow pkg., white, high miles AS IS SPECIAL! RUNS AND DRIVES GREAT! WILL PAY $300 AND UP FOR JUNK CARS ALSO BUY USED CARS UP TO $20,000 Amish Custom-Built 3 CAR GARAGE SPECIAL 9,995 $ 2011 FORD RANGER SUPERCAB 4x4 4. 0L V 6, 5 s pe ed m a nu a l , XLT, 1 o wne r , m a t c hi n g c ap , o n ly 28 , 00 0 miles, red. WARRANTY 19,995 $ *All v ehicles subject to prior sale. Price does not include sales tax, plate, title, doc f ees. See Sales f or details. Hours: Mon. & Thurs. 9-8 pm - Tues., Wed., Fri. 9-6 pm - Saturday 9-3 pm 1-800-833-0473 or 724-748-4790 • 24’x32’ • Vinyl Siding • Shingled Roof • 3 Garage Doors • 1 Man Door 8975 $ other sizes available Coblentz Builders Call before you build. 724-699-3315 GUARANTEED LOWEST PRICES! PA 17767 MARCH 9, 2013 ADA ACCESSIBLE BATHROOMS PAGE 22 KITCHENS WARNER’S Since 1958 DECKS ROOFS SIDING WINDOWS Reg. # PA-001873 HOMES and IMPROVEMENTS More Options • More Designs 407 S. Erie Street • Route 19 South • Mercer, PA 724-662-4600 • • 1-888-412-9209 FOR HIRE CARPENTER WITH CREW Honest, dependable, top quality workmansh ip. We bui ld n ew homes, any size any design additions, garag e s , d e cks an d po le bu ild in gs. R em o de l i ng from 1 roo m to a compl ete gu t. Exteri or si din g, me ta l ro ofs , ston ework, brick, block and ICF foundation s. No p roj e ct to b i g . We build it right the first time. PA 067730 call cell 814-516-7017. HELP WANTED Part ti m e. App l y a t Oesterling Feed and Fa rm , 41 0 Erie St., Ext., Gro ve C ity, PA 1 6 12 7 . 7 2 4 -45 8 6141. JODI’S NOTARY SERVICE Op en e ve n i n gs & Saturday. Located ½ mile North on Rt. 62 Me rce r. T-tags pa ssenger, truck, trailer, m o to rcycl e , ATV’ s , sn ow mo bi le s. C al l 724-662-3030. Cell 7 24 -6 99 -3 09 3 fo r appoin tment BEAT THE WINTER BLUES! Check out our unique pl ant se edli ng lin eup and nesting/feeding structu res to not o nl y en h a nce yo u r land scapin g, but increase wildlife observation. Visit: or call 724-662-2242 for details. APARTMENT FOR LEASE 3 bed roo m m ode rn apartment. Close to s ch o o ls a nd cou rt h ou se . R e nt $ 6 25 / m on th p lu s u ti ltie s a nd n o p e ts . Ca l l 724-662-4287 to see in Mercer. COMMERCIAL SPACE AVAILABLE Sharpsville Move In s pe ci al . Onl y $1 0 1st month* Ch eap rates, flexible terms, no surprises. Office sp ace , da nce studio & auditorium @ ol d Jr. Hig h b uil ding. 724-456-1347. BYLERS HEMLOCK LUMBER 9955 Atlantic Road, Atlantic, PA 16111 Framing Lumber Ship Lap & Dutch Lap Tongue & Groove Board & Batten Dry Lumber Clear Pine Clear Hemlock Pine & Hemlock Paneling DELIVERY AVAILABLE • SASE FOR PRICES • OPEN MON - FRI. 8-5 TOOLS Ai r co mpre sso r, 3 .5 hp 115 p si 4.6 ga l. twi n ta n k $ 9 9 .0 0 . Scrol l saw tabl e top 15 i n. e xtra b la de s $79 .00. Rota ry s aw, extra bits, carry case $29.00.All prices firm. Cash only. 724-5302262. FOR SALE 27 ’ Du tchm an Fifth Whe el , 19 98 , sl id e o u t, g oo d s ha p e $ 6,0 0 0. F25 0 7.3 L diesel, 2001, 8’ bed, 1 70 ,0 00 . Ext ca b , g oo d co n d ., Blu e Bo ok $ 11,600 . 72 4944-2 096. FOR RENT 2 bd r. h o u s e i n Leesburg. $675 plus utilities. References. Proof of employment, 1st month plus security, 6 month lease, 1 ch ild . C onta ct: 72 46 37 -2 44 9 or 7 24 372-9 974. AREA SHOPPER 814-425-7272 MARCH 9, 2013 PAGE 23 AREA SHOPPER 814-425-7272 MARCH 9, 2013 PAGE 24 AREA SHOPPER 814-425-7272 MARCH 9, 2013 PAGE 24