September 28 Pa2 - We Don`t Sell Advertising We Sell Results
September 28 Pa2 - We Don`t Sell Advertising We Sell Results
AREA SHOPPER 814-425-7272 SEPTEMBER 28, 2013 PAGE 16 265/70R17 All Terrain $115 724-66 2-3483 MERCER TIRE SALES SNOW DOGG STAINLESS STEEL PLOWS Starting at $3700 installed. FABIN’S 814-899-6636 GARAGE SALE COMMODORE PERRY SCHOOL DISTRICT WILL BE HOLDING A GARAGE SALE ON SATURDAY, OCTOBER 5TH FROM 8 AM UNTIL NOON AT THE SCHOOL MAINTENANCE GARAGE. THE FOLLOWING ITEMS WILL BE UP FOR SALE 208 volt 3 phase kitchen steamer. 208 volt 3 phase booster heater. 220 volt single phase kin. Plastic tool kaddie. 18” metal stools. 4’x8’ chalk boards. 6’ and 8’ heav y w ooden tables. Wall mount metal cabinets. 40 cases 7 gallon garbage bags. HP Design Jet 450C Plotter. HS & elementary desks. Wood shop tools. FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL RANDY LAMOTTE AT 724-253-3255 EXT. 222 OR 724-456-5189 MILLER’S METAL ROOFING & SIDING Stacking semi loads of baked on enamel pa inte d me tal, 8’ to 16’ R ainbow $ 1 per lineal feet, some 8’ to 20’ #3 painted metal $1.15 to $1.18 per LF. L im ited col ors an d a mo u nts . 8’ to 26 ’ galvalume $1.50 per lineal foot, 15 colors 8’ to 20’ painted metal $1.80 lineal feet.Also a va i l ab l e p a i nte d galvalume 40 yr. warranty $1.95 per lineal feet, G-100 40 yr. warranty $2.25 per lineal fe et, ma de to ord er hu nter g ree n, b lu e, red or gray $1.50 per LF. 1½”x19½” standing s eam $2.8 7 per li neal fee t, w e ha ve everything for a metal roof!! Mostly roll form trim . Stain less s teel painted snowguards $ 2 e a ., C up o l a’ s , w e at h e r van e s , coilstock $65 per roll, 3 ’ x8 ’ to 1 6’ cle a r skilite $3.50 per LF. A full line of Cannonball track $2.50 per ft. and qu ick do or fra min g. Ope n 8 to 4 :3 0 M, Tue., Wed., Fri. 8 to 1 Sat., ClosedThurs. & Sundays. 1 mile north ofAtlantic, PAon 9730 Laird Rd., Hartstown PA or 3780 Miller Dr. No cards accepted. 4 ITEMS Solid cherry TV/entertai n m en t co n s ol e . Heavy duty Whirlpool gas or propane dryer. Portable API climbing tree stand. Sonycomplete audio rack with sp eakers, cardi o fit e xe rcis e ma ch in e . 814-651 -1146. FOR SALE C om p l ete wo rkin g Weil-McLai n hot water oil furnace with attachments. Model HS oil burner, baseboard he at un its and o ne upri ght. Sandy L ake area. Call 81 4-57 14 04 1 or 7 24 -9 27 2377 Furnace $500. CHECK US OUT ONLINE AT WWW.THEAREASHOPPER.COM COOPERSTOWN 123 North Main St. Se pte mbe r 2 7 for the balance of the year. Gigantic sale, like a fle a market. Som ething for e ve ryone. 9 :3 0 till 3:30. BUYING TIMBER Ski d wi th h o rse s , ca sh pai d, ins ure d, bonde d, refere nces. Thank You 814-5661566. VMC SALVAGE PRODUCTS has quality building products a t fantastic p rices. 100 ’s of entrance doors, 2/6, 2/8, 2 /10, 3/0 , 3/6, d o ub l e d o o rs & sidelight units, wind o ws , la m i na te flo o rin g , ce ram i c tile,vanities, kitchen cabinets, carpet, inte ri o r d o o r u n its , b i f o l d s , co unte rto ps, shu tters , a l l i n s to ck. 724-376 -4093. WALK SOFTLY, LLC "WAL K SOFTLY... ~C AR R Y CON CEALED!" Specializing in basic pistol s al es a nd private i n stru cti o n fo r WOMEN AN D BEGINNERS. Can order your longgun for hunting, or whatever your heart desires. Hours byAppt. Slipp e ry R ock Are a . Ca ll : Sha ro n 72 44 21 -69 8 9. Em a il : WALKSOFTLYLLC@YAHOO.COM "WE WIL L BE KNOWN FOREVER BY TH E TR AC KS WE LEAVE" W.S. EXCAVATING Free estimates and i ns u red . Wi l l d o d itch es , fo o ters , ba s e m e nts , sandmounds, latera ls for m ai n l in e sewage systems or with grin der pump, cl ea r la n d , d rive w ays , p o n ds & d em o l iti o n w o rk. # PA0 7 0 79 0 72 4 3 76 -2 79 9 or cel l 724-37 2-3533 E-Z BRICKS C om p re ss e d s aw dust bricks burn hotter and cleaner than firewood. 100 shrink wrap pe d pa ckag es per ton $200 per ton, delivery available for a d di ti on a l ch a rg e . Call 724-946-8608 VENDORS WANTED CRAFT SHOW Mo ha w k Hi g h Scho ol, Bess em er Pa., Saturda y, No vember 16, 10 am 4 pm. 724-667-7782 ext. 2171, BIRDS FOR SALE African Grey w/cage, Blue & Gold Macaw w/ ca ge. 12 ye ars ol d, make offer. 412-3107220 (Polk, PA) FOR SALE Redbone 2 yr. old female, not UKC registere d , $ 1 00 . Greenville, Call or text 724-815 -8881. ESTATE SALE Saturday September 2 8th 9a m to 3 pm , 17775 Rogers Ferry R oa d , Me a dvi l le . H ou s e ho l d i te ms , collectables, sports & exercise e quipment, lawn furniture & outd o or i te m s , to ol s , computer software & b oo ks , Li o ne l trai n items. INDOOR YARD SALE Frid ay Octob er 4 th , 8:30-3:30.McQuiston Ce nte r b y the Park, 2 9 R a il ro ad St., San d y L a ke, 7 24 3 7 6-3 6 08 . Som e thing for everyone! VEHICLE WELDING REPAIRS!!! Fra m e s, rocke rs , floors, body mounts, s tru ts, tow e rs & m ore . Fre e e s ti mates, guaranteed to pass inspection. Est. 19 85. “New ” o il u nde rcoa tin g. Summ it Auto We ldin g. From Wa terford 6 1/2 m i. north of Rt. 19 & 97 N. (Humes) on Rt. 97 at 8835 Perry Highway. Fro m Erie 2 m i le s so uth of cas in o on le ft. Tu es.-Sat. 9-5, C l os e d Mo n d ays . 8 1 4-8 6 6-8 1 3 7 o r 8 1 4 -8 6 6 - ( WE L D ) Erie, PA. PRICES ARE FALLING FASTER THAN LEAVES!!! TRAVEL TRAILERS 5TH WHEELS 2014 Sydney 34 ft. w/bunks/3 slides 2013 Terrain.............. 27 ft. w/slide 2009 Sportster ..... 33 ft. Toyhauler 2013 Hideout.......... 27 ft. w/bunks 2009 Sundance .... 29 ft. w/3 slides 2011 Riverside .......... 25 ft. w/slide 2011 Cruise Lite 28 ft. w/slide/bunks 2009 Laredo ......... 315 w/2 slides 2009 Springdale ......... 29ft/ w/slide 2008 Montana ...... 29 ft. w/3 slides 2005 Open Road . 36 ft. w/3 slides PARK MODELS 2005 Laredo .............29 ft. w/slide 2005 Coachmen ........27 ft. w/slide 2011 Residence .........38 ft. w/3 slides 2006 Cavalier .............. 30 ft. w/bunks TENT CAMPERS 1992 Franklin ................ 38 ft. w/slide 2009 Fleetwood ............. Bayside 1989 Terry .............................. 32 ft. 2008 Fleetwood .......Williamsburg 1988 Holliday Ram .................. 32 ft. 2003 Coleman ................ Niagara 1986 Sportsmen ...................... 35 ft. Extended Hours! M-F 8am-5pm, Thurs. 8am-7pm, Sat. 8-noon 329 Mill Street Saegertown, PA USED UNITS FOR SALE Fa rma ll 100 tra cto r, good tires and sheet meta l, run s grea t, 1 b tm FH p l o w a n d MIKES HYDRAULIC SERVICE di sc, $2 499 . Also 2 b tm. L ittl e Ge ni u s Can repair hydraulic plow on steel, $175. cylinders, log splitter cyli n d ers , b a tte ry 423-290 -6765. ch arg e rs , p orta p o we r ra m s a n d WANTED Junk cars, vans and pumps, air cylinders trucks. We pay cash and pallet jacks, 4623 (814) 763-5645 and pick up. Give us Perry H ig hw a y (Rt. a ca l l a t 72 4 -98 8 - 19) Vola nt, PA. 7 24530-7 396. 8238. SHOP 24/7 ON THE WEB AT AREA SHOPPER 814-425-7272 SEPTEMBER 28, 2013 PAGE 17 ROUTE 8 AUTO SALES 684 N. SENECA STREET OIL CITY, PA 16301 CREDIT PROBLEMS? WEFINANCE. LOWWEEKLY/BIWEEKLY & MONTHLY PAYMENTS 02NISSAN ALTIMA ..................... $1295DOWN...$65/WK. 05CHEVYEQUINOX ..................... $1495DOWN...$65/WK. 05CHEVYUPLANDER ......................$1695DOWN...$75/WK. 03DODGE DAKOTA4x4 ......................$1495DOWN...$70/WK. 03VOLVO XC70 ......................$1695DOWN...$70/WK. 01CHRYSLER SEBRING ....................... $895DOWN...$55/WK. 01TOYOTACAMRY ..................... $1295DOWN...$65/WK. CASH OR BANK FINANCE 11FORD FUSIONSE ...................$10,995 07FORDEXPLORERSPORTTRAC $14,695 814 -677-0 509 OR VISIT TOP SOIL AND MULCH Single ground mulch, approx. 14 yds delivered $275.Also color an d do ubl e grou nd call for price. Top soil screened 10 ton del ive red $ 30 0 un scree ned $2 00. Fi ll dirt $125. You call we haul. Frado’s Hauling a nd Plo w i ng . 81 4 385-6479 NOTICE We a re s ch ed ul in g dryw al l and d rywa ll repa ir work for Dec. Ja n. Feb . C all 72 4301-8470 leave message. BUYING Blocking logs. Paying $ 90 0 pe r lo a d fo r mixed hardwood logs 8” and up delivered to H am b u rg R oa d Gree nvill e, PA. Ca ll Cl inch Tite Co rp. at 724-376 -7315. SELDOM REST CONST. 2 8x3 2 g a rag e , sh ingl es, vinyl si din g, g utte rs , 2-9x7 d oo rs , e ntry d o or, concrete floor, basic $ 15 ,0 00 , pl u s $ 2 1,5 0 0 d e lu xe $28,000.We custom b ui l d to fi t yo u r needs. Residential, commercial, agricultural. 814-720-2337, 814-72 0-8493 ATTENTION SNOW PLOW PROFESSIONALS We ha ve b ul k rock saltavailable at a reasonable price. We’re also runni ng a s ale o n s l ag . Ke n n ed y L an d sca pe Su p pl y 814-42 5-7903 MOUNTAIN RUN FORESTRY LLC IS A BUYER OF STANDING TIMBER & TIMBER LAND. If you have any timber on your land, we invite you to contact us!! TOP $$$ PAID FOR CH, RO, WO, HM, SM, POP & WALNUT. SELECT OR CLEAR CUT 1-440-319-2449 WANTED Standing timber, payMILLER’S CIDER m en ts i n a d va n ce . WILHELM WINERY Open Tues.-Sunday MILL 814-758 -1897. 11 am - 6 pm for all Op en for cu sto m your wine, gifts, gift pressing each Friday baskets and home and Saturday, 80¢ per wi ne m akin g su p- ga ll on . Gal lo n ju gs p l ie s . 5 9 0 4 0¢ . Ci d e r $ 4 .0 0 . Ge org e to w n Rd ., 2 3 77 4 Ro ckda l e Ha dl ey, PA 1 61 30 . R o ad , Ca m b rid g e 724-253 -3700. Spri n gs , PA 1 64 0 3 BENEFIT TURKEY North of Little Cooley. DINNER By the Carlton Amish C hu rch, Fri da y No vem b e r 1 s t, 3 :3 0 7p.m. at Cochranton Fire Hall. Carry outs available for informa- A.R.E.truck caps, runti on cal l 81 4 -42 5 - ning boar ds, bug 8 28 9 . Tu rke y, shields, rain guards, m as h e d p o ta to es , bedliner s, mud flaps, gravy, vegetable, cole- hitches, nerf steps, floor slaw, dinne r rolls w/ mats. honey butter, pie, fruit & drinks. Donati ons Erie, PA, I-90 and God Bless You. Exit 32 1-800-957-0000 ENGINES Fullyremanufactured engines with 3 year, un li mi te d wa rran ty, no core charge with e xcha n ge , cyl in de r heads and crank kits in stock. Compelete ma chi ne sh op se rvice available, call: GABANY’S INC. Rt. 19 in Mercer, Pa. 724-66 2-4343 NORTHWESTERN PA, MERCER & CRAWFORD COUNTIES: •90 acres, mostlywooded,gas & oil rights included.$360,000. •165 acre farm w/2 houses, 2 barns, fencing,stream,pasture, tillable,wooded •77 acres, wooded,cleared •28 acres, wooded •112 acre farm,wooded,cleared, pasture,tillable •Other parcels ofvacantland that can be subdivided into less acreage.Call fordetails. FARMETTE: MERCER, PA: 3BR brick ranch on 11.19 expertlylandscaped acres w/heatpump/central air,appliances,well/ septic, 4 stall barn w/water,electric/standard fencing,pasture,riding arena,equipmentshed, 2 carfinished/heated garage, blacktop drive, manyextra features. $265,000 LORENO REAL ESTATE 724-588-2770 AC SECOND HAND SMALL COTTAGE STORE FOR RENT In country se tting , 1 Lots offurniture at disp erso n un it, Sa nd y co unt prices. Tool s, Lake area, rustic and a pp li a nces , g la ss WANTED TO BUY semi furnished , wa- w are , l i n en s , n e w te r, se wer, garba ge items weekly. We buy Antique & a nd D ire ct TV i n - e sta tes . 40 Kitch Collec tibles Old Paper Goods cl uded . R efe rences Road, Greenville, PA. Cleaning an attic or and securi ty deposit 7 2 4-5 8 8-3 3 4 4 o r ba se me nt? Liqui- re qu i red , $ 34 0 / 724-589-5992. Bring dating an estate or m o nth . 7 2 4 -37 6 - this ad for 10% discount. 2779. have items to sell? Good price s paid for ite ms prior to ALLAN HART & SONS 1 96 0 : fur niture , ** BRUSH HOGS ** glassware, pottery, 15’ Batwing .................................. $11,250 lighting silver, 8’ Southern Pride .......................... $2,975 clocks, advertising, 8’ Pull .............................................. $3,250 linens , toys, fire 7’ Pull .............................................. $1,995 man, railroad, pho6’ Clipper ............................................$975 tographs, marbles, 4’ Andy .................................................$725 m ilitar y, politic al, 3½’ Used ............................................$400 fraternal, sporting, ATV Disc ..............................................$675 c hildr e n’s ite ms , M&W 5596 Round Baler, W or ld’s Fair and net & twine .................................. $7,250 othe r s ouve nirs ; NH 630 Round Baler ................... $8,750 books , brochures, c ale nda r s , c a ta ** TRACTORS ** logs , m aga zines , Deutz 7120 2WD, cab, 122 hp ... $8,500 ma ps , pos tca rds, Long 610 4x4, 63 hp .................... $7,800 pr ogram s, sc ra pAC B w/belly mower, new paint .. $1,950 book s . Ca ll 7 24 JD 655 4x4, loader, 27 hp ........... $8,250 946-8 617. Ford 1720 SSS - 4x4, diesel, 27 hp ........................................... $8,500 TROYER CIDER JD 6210 4x4, loader, new tires, PRESS 75 hp ......................................... $29,750 Custom apple pressi ng . Ope ni ng Se pt. Case IH 5150 4x4, cab, 112 hp, REDU CED ............................... $24,900 20 . Pres si ng Tue sdays and Fridays thru Kubota M108S 4x4, cab, 96 hp $36,000 JD 2950 4x4, cab, 86 hp ............ $22,500 Octo ber. C ontain ers a vai l a bl e . 8 9 0 Ford 8210 4x4, loader, 100 hp . $29,500 JD 4850, new tires, cab, Wil l i am s o n R o ad , 4x4, 192 hp ............................... $34,500 Mercer, PA. 800-425-7094 AREA SHOPPER 814-425-7272 SEPTEMBER 28, 2013 HOSTETLER CONSTRUCTION FLE XI BLE T O FI T YOUR DE S I RE S Call: 814-425-7965 - Pete Wagler Be tte r Bu ild in g s a re b y... Borkh older #PA040598 LEHMAN BUILDERS D ai ry Ba rns , po l e buildings.Sturdy built s ta ll s, g a te s, h ea d locks, etc. Berg barn cle a n ers , m a n ure a u ge rs , m a nu re p um p s , co nve yers a nd b un k fe e d ers . Paul Lehman, Cambrid ge Sprin gs, Pa. 814-398 -2369. 2001 TOYOTA HIGHLANDER Beautiful one owner ve hi cle . N ew PA i nspection & Emission, exce ll ent cond itio n. $7995. Kargo Quality Cars, Inc.,Rt. 19,Mercer, Call Toll Free 1800-446-7821, Local 724-662 -5762. TRUCK ACCESSORIES Be dco vers $ 19 5 , Traile r hi tche s, Bug shields $4 8, goosene ck h itch es , Be dliners $125, step bars $180, mud flaps, vent vi so rs , ru n ni n g boards, to nneau covers. Buy/Sell/Trade. No lf’s Tru ck Acce ssories 814-382-0395 Specials METAL ROOFING Metal siding & vinyl siding. Ca nnonba ll tr ac k and door fra mes. Vinyl fe ncing, decking, railing a nd m ore . Ma s t Metal Sales. 1 -800850-1533, let ring. In Stock Items Only.. Headlight Covers $20 Tail Light Covers $20 Ball Mounts with Ball & Pin 2 in. drop $20 - 4 in. drop $25 Tailgate Guards $25 Vent Visors 2 pc. $40 - 4 pc. $50 Bugshields $50 Rear Window Deflectors $45 Catch All Floor Mats $50 Rear Window Louvers $50 Rear Window Graphics $60 Sunvisors $120 • Hitches $125 Moonvisors $175 Tonneau Covers $200 Racer Backs $200 Lift Up Covers $300 ALSO ON SPECIAL Step Bars • Running Boards Grille Guards • Fender Flares • 4”, 5”, 6” Oval Tube Step Bars WANTING TO BUY C o mp l e te h o us e h ol d s - a n ti q u es toys- Call for free appraisals, Dave Freed. In bu s in es s for 5 0 years. 724-730-6172 or 724-658-6898. FOR SALE Austrailian Shepherd mi x pu ps, 9 w ee ks o l d, 1 m a l e, 4 fe males $50. obo. Levi Yoder Jr., 93 School R d., Sto ne bo ro, PA 16153. CALL US ABOUT YOUR ADVERTISING NEEDS!!! 814-425-7272 Open 24/7 at SINCE 1993 62 HADLEY ROAD, GREENVILLE, PA Mon. & Thurs. 9-7; Tues., Wed., Fri 9-5:30; Sat. 9-1 724-58 8-6443 LIKE US Jim Greenfield Ron Moyer Roger Wasser 08 JEEP 03 KIA 04 JEEP GR. 07 TOYOTA PATR IOT SPEC TRA CHER OKEE RAV 4 159 per mo.* $117 per mo.* $170 per mo.* $213 per mo.* Sport, loaded. GS, 44,000 miles. 4x4, Laredo 4x4, 4 cy linder 11 CHEVY 04 HYUNDAI 09 DODGE 05 FORD AVEO LT SANTA FE NITRO EXPED ITION $ 176 per mo.* $215 per mo.* $239 per mo.* $229 per mo.* 1 owner, 34,000 mi. GLS, 4WD, 60K 07 JEEP GR. 07 SUBARU CHER OKEE OUTB ACK $ 1 owner, loaded. 08 SCION XD $ $ 03 FORD F150 4x4 Laredo AWD, loaded. 56K, 1 owner Reg. Cab, 8’ bed. 11 FORD FIESTA SES 04 CHEVY AVEO 09 FORD FUSION SE 04 PONTIAC VIBE Sunroof , 40K 62,000 miles. Sunroof . AWD $ PHONE 8 1 4 -7 8 9 -2 3 0 5 BEDLINERS Bedliners to fit most all size trucks. $120 insta lled. 724 -2532623. NEW QUEEN Pi ll owtop ma ttres s/ bo x, s ti ll i n pl as ti c, $ 1 35 e ach . Ki n g $233 each Can deliver.Also Queen Real Visco Memory Foam s e t $ 4 99 . Sle e p Wa re h o us e 72 4 674-0 708. DAIRY HELP WANTED D icks on b u rg Are a . 8 00 g al lo n De la ve l bulk tank smal l gas lea k $80 0. If no ans we r p l ea s e l e ave mes sage. 814-5 731673 YOUR AD COULD BE HERE If you have Military or Sporting Firearms or Military Items laying in the attic or garage gathering dust you can turn them into cash. COME SEE US OR WE’LL COME TO YOU. BUYING SINGLE OR WHOLE COLLECTIONS. 11091 EDINBORO RD. EDINBORO, PA 16412 www.the 814-734-2750 YARD SALE 2 mile toward Polk on Rt. 62 on right hand side of the road. Will b e s i g ns . Ba b y cl oth e s, s h oe s , w a lke r, h i g h ch ai r, m o vi e s , w e ig h t be nch, m eat cutte r, something for everyone. Oct. 4, 5, 9-5. NOBLE HOUSE COINS N ow a t the Li b e rty Gallery, 12 55 Liberty St., Franklin. Cash for silver $6 & up. For silver halfs $20 , sil ver bars & roun ds $ 24, for A/E call Ken 8146 7 7-5 1 08 , e ma i l UNDERCAR OILING * USING NEW BAR & CHAIN OIL * OVER 30 YEARS ING EXPERIENCE! GETT IN ALL E OIL AL M OR E CRITIC N A TH S TH THE A E AR NE IN ! O ANY SIN ESS BU CALL MATT 724-988-8586 Leave message EddieBauer, 4x4,DVD 213 per mo.* 192 per mo.* 208 per mo.* 170 per mo.* $ Just 10 miles East of Meadville on Rt. 27 HOURS: Mon. 8-7, Tues.-Wed. 8-5, Thurs. 8-6, Fri. 8-5, Sat. 9-12 A UNIQUE GUN STORE LOCATED IN EDINBORO, PA BUYS - SELLS - TRADES FIREARMS & MILITARIA For All of Your Truck and SUV Accessories Call or Visit Scofield’s in Sheakleyville, behind the Nazarene Church. PHONE (724) 253-2623 • 814-282-2272 $ 02 RANGER REG. CAB, 172K, as is$1,990 00 CHEVY BLAZER, 76K miles ......$3,990 04 FOCUS SE, only 75,000 miles ...$5,990 04 ESCAPE, V6, 4x4 ......................$6,990 04 EXPLORER XLT 4x4 ..................$7,000 07 ESCAPE XLS, 4 cyl., 4x4 ..........$7,500 08 TAURUS X AWD, 46K ............ $14,490 08 TAURUS X SEL, moon, leather $14,790 10 ESCAPE XLT, 4 cyl., moonroof $14,990 07 RANGER S/CAB w ith plow .... $15,990 10 MERC. MILAN PREMIER V6 .... $15,790 13 FIESTA HATCHBACK .............. $15,890 13 FOCUS 5 DR. HATCHBACK ... $16,890 12 FUSION SEL V6 ..................... $16,990 11 FUSION SEL AWD, 14,000 mi. $20,900 12 ESCAPE LIMITED, V6 ............. $22,890 13 EDGE LIMITED FWD, 30 mpg hw y$25,790 09 F250 SUPERCAB XLT, 23K mi $25,990 13 EDGE LIMITEDAWD ............... $28,790 13 FLEX LIMITED 4x4 .................. $31,990 13 LINCOLN MKT AWD ............... $39,990 7 NEW F SERIES IN STOCK AND 8 MORE EXPECTED IN SOON! LOOK! LOOK! LOOK! LOOK! LOOK! • Farm Buildings • Residential • Churches • Post Frame Buildings LOOK! LOOK! LOOK! LOOK! LOOK! • Commercial Buildings • Garages • Horse Barns 229 per mo.* $146 per mo.* $175 per mo.* $170 per mo.* Open 24/7 at PAGE 18 2 STORY HOMES 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE ROUND, SQUARE & POLKA DANCES wi ll b eg in Oct. 5 at 8 :0 0 - 11:0 0 a t th e New Vernon Grange, Clarks Mills, PA. Public welcome. Oct. 19, Nov. 2, Nov. 16, Nov. 30, Dec. 14, Dec. 28 i s N ew Ye a r’s Eve dan ce, reservati ons are appreciated. SELDOM REST CONSTRUCTION All ph a se s o f con stru ction from Excavati n g, C on crete Blo cks to Fra mi ng , siding, roofing, decks and windows to elec., insulation, drywall to co mp le te rem od el i n g. Ful l y in s u re d . 814 -720-2 337, 8 147 20 -8 49 3 . PA 064123. STARTING AT $140,000 Including Excavating & Basement WARNER’S Reg. # PA001873 HOMES and IMPROVEMENTS “The Area’s Largest Custom Modular Home Builder” 407 S. Erie Street • Route 19 South • Mercer, PA 724-662-4600 • 1-888-412-9209 Mon.-Fri. 9-5, Saturday 10-3 & Evenings by Appt. OIL UNDERCOATING R &R U n de rco atin g h a s ch an g e d i ts name to Troyer’s Auto R ep ai r an d U nd ercoating. We are taking a ppointmen ts to un dercoa t vehi cle s. We und ercoat cars, trucks, trailers, & motor h omes. We offer oil with rust inhibitor or Flu id Fi lm. Flu id Film offers powe rful corrosion protection, long lasti ng, al ways active, stops rust on co ntact, pe ne trates metal pores. We are an a uth ori ze d Flu id Film dealer. Oil Cars$45, trucks $55. Fluid Film cars $65,Trucks $ 80 . Ph . 81 4 -72 0 4130 Cochranton, PA FIREWOOD FOR SALE Cutand split, all hardwood firewood $140 a co rd d e li ve re d . Send phone number to Jo n a th a n We ng e rd, 1 26 8 2 C ou n ty L i in e Rd ., Greenville, PA 16125 RABIES CLINIC Saturday, Octob er 5, 9 am to 12 noon. Mercer C ou n ty C o on hun ter Club Hou se, 5 6 H e n ry R oa d , Greenville, PA16125. 7-Wayalso available, $10.00 per shot. Information call 724-2532421. ASPHALT SEAL COATING Superior Asphalt Maintenance Residential • Commercial • Industrial Hot Tar Crack Filling • Parking Lot Line Painting Specialty Color Pave Asphalt Coating 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE - PA007761 724-658-6322 / 800-403-6322 CHECK US OUT ONLINE @ WWW.THEAREASHOPPER.COM WELL MAINTAINED ONE OWNER FIFTH-WHEEL TRAVEL TRAILER LOADED WITH THE RIGHT STUFF!! 13,500-BTU ducted A/C, Side Patio Awning,Fu ll bath/shower, Stabilizer Jacks, Easy Lube Axles, AM/FM/CD/DVD Home theater surround sound, Carpet/Vinyl Flooring,Gas Range/Oven, Double Bowl Sink with cover, Microwave, Dual Fridge, Gas Hot water/6 gallon tank, Exterior Ladder, Lots of storage, 30,000BTU Gas Furnace, 50 gallon fresh water tank,30 gallon gray water tank, 30 gallon black water tank, Double Bed, Fold out couch, dinette, 3 bunks, 4 wheel electric brakes, Overall height 11 feet 9 inches, 10,000 GVW, Unit is winterized and ready for storage, however there is still time to use it!! NADAAVERAGE RETAIL $ 17,59 0, NADA LOW RETAIL $14,6 00, PRICED TO MOVE AT $13,990, Plus sales tax and plate fees, Call George Zeljak at Donovan and Bauer Auto Group(814)827-1881 or 1800-38 6-8111 RUMMAGE AND BAKE SALE Sto n e bo ro U n i te d Metho dist Church at 32 Lake Street is havi ng a l a rge R um mage and Bake Sale, Oct. 4th fro m 8 -4. A l i gh t lu n ch w i l l b e a vai l a bl e . So m e items marked. 235/70R16 All Season $89 724-66 2-3483 MERCER TIRE SALES FOR SALE 1984 and up Corvette h o od a nd b u mp e r $100. 1989 Cadillac wi th Cl ass ic pl ates $1500. Gas golf cart $500. 2008 150 Wildfire scooter $500. 2x2 Di am ond p la te to ol boxes $50, 36” steel n ew j am $ 25 . Rubbermaid 7x3’ two door shed, like new $50. Craftsman 5 hp w oo d chi p pe r $ 75 . 724-530 -6189. SMILE!!! FOR SALE Po ntoo n b oat. 20 11 20 ft. Sylvan Mi rage, Hoosier trailer, 20 hp Ya ma h a m o to r 4 0 h o urs , fi s hi n g equip ped, pon toons cl ea ned , w in terized stored inside. Can be vie we d. Sho wroo m condi tion. Must sacri fi ce - priced ri gh t. 724 -458-5 102, 8 14549-0 096. FOR SALE 1992 Ford truck F150 4 x4 , go o d s h a pe . Call 814-333-2696 or 814-282 -0964. MEADVILLE (814) 333-6671 • FRANKLIN • HERMITAGE OPEN 8 AM TO 10 PM DAILY FREE LAYAWAY NO SERVICE FEE* OFFER VALID ON NEW LAYAWAY PURCHASES MADE ON 9/22/13 THROUGH 11/23/2013 AREA SHOPPER 814-425-7272 SEPTEMBER 28, 2013 PICKUP & SUV $80 TRACTION COOPER TIRE REBATE SALE! SALES 17” & 18” BLOWOUT SPECIALS Monday-Friday (8-5) Saturday (8-1) 724-662-3483 MERCER TIRE SALES PAYING TOP DOLLAR Bu yi ng cars-tru cksvans. Paying $250 & u p wi th title s , l ittl e less without. Call today 3 30-727-1185 7 days a week. DEAD AND DISABLED LIVESTOCK REMOVAL Prompt and discreet s ervice . 7 2 4-6 99 8 9 35 o r7 2 4 -69 9 3871. CONCEALED CARRY CLASS Permithonored in 36+ States including Ohio Utah and Arizona non-resident CCP SEPTEMBER 27TH AT THE AMERICAN LEGION IN ERIE, PA OCTOBER 12TH AT THE FAIRFIELD INN IN BUTLER, PA OCTOBER 29TH AT THE HOLIDAY INN EXPRESS IN MERCER, PA NOVEMBER 23RD AT THE STONEBORO VOL. FIRE DEPT. IN STONEBORO, PA COST OF CLASS IS ONLY $85 FOR UTAH AND $95 FOR UTAH & AIRZONA. Photo & fingerprinting services available. FOR MORE INFOMATION OR TO REGISTER CONTACT (724) 376-2373 OR AVAILABLE AT FAME RV CENTER Choose from Several Different Styles: FIBERGLASS CAB HIGH, LID, WEDGE STYLE, CUSTOM DESIGN CONTRACTORS CAP, CLASSIC ALUM. PLUS WE OFFER A FULL LINE OF TONNEAU COVERS & TRUCK ACCESSORIES. ALL FIBERGLASS CAPS COME W/EXACT COLOR MATCH & INSTALLATION! CALL FOR A QUOTE TODAY AT (814) 763-5645 Saegertown, PA 1ST RATE REALTY LLC Bu si ne ss Opp ortu n i ty, hu m i d ity co n trolled storage warehou se, 29+ storage u ni ts, $1 69 K. 8 14 432-2900 FOR SALE Mathews Brenaline & Bow case $750 obo. 724-47 5-4630 ALPACA FARM OPEN HOUSE at 61 Bindas Lane, Stoneboro. 4 miles s outh of Sandy Lake on Route 173. Satur da y 9/2 8 9 am -4 pm . Ma ny items ma de fr om eco-friendly alpaca fleece. BEN’S APPLIANCE SERVICE In home rep airs on major household appliances. Factory autho ri ze d se rvice , N ASTe C ce rti fie d . 9 0% o f a ll re p a irs com p l ete d i n on e trip . 7 24-74 8-4 90 5. 1 20 N . Water Ave., Sharon, PA. 724-3477170 Sharon. POLE BUILDINGS & GARAGES AUTUMN EXTRAVAGANZA ~ FREE ESTIMATES ~ GARAGE DOORS AND REPAIRS M.C . Ove rhe a d Door sells, installs, and repairs garage d oo rs and opene rs, we s tock springs and parts to g e t yo ur re pa i r d o ne fas t. Ca l l Ma rvi n 8 1 4 2 8 2 92 42 o r 72 4-85 66019. PA# 52610 ANTIQUE FURNITURE WANTED Bu ying de sks , cu pboards, se cretaries, vi ctro las, dre ssers, bo okcases , p arl or stand s, Grandfather cl ocks, als o g las sware. Old advertising, ph otograph ica, amusements, railroad items, musical instruments, watercolo rs, paintings, accumulati ons, liq uida tion s. Michael Sipple 1-888227-2431 (Free Call) FOUNDATION REPAIRS Homes & barns, leveling & lifting, repairing, dry ro t, repa ir & re pl a cin g b lo ck walls, digging basements under homes. W a t e r p ro o fi n g . Ke ltn er Xca vating & C on s tru ctio n . KXC Inc. 81 4-76 3-34 78 . Vis a & Ma s te rC ard accep ted. Your Garage Door Pro THE QUAL ITY YOU DESIRE WITH THE PROF ESSIONA L ISM YOU DESERVE 7214 Church Street Conneaut Lake, PA (814) 382-0392 eppbuildin PA HOME IMPROVEMENT CONTRACTOR - PA #3031 814-282-9242 724-856-6019 POLE BUILDINGS H orse ba rn s, da iry buildings, riding arenas, agriculture building s, ga rage s, ro ofing, decks. Hostetler C on s tru ctio n . 8 14 4 25 -7 96 5 ta l k to Pete. WE BUY CARS AND TRUCKS Instant cash paid for ca rs a nd tru cks.No j u nk o r p ro je ct please. Ka rgo Quality Ca rs, Rt. 19 Mercer. 724-662-5762. BEEF FOR SALE $ 2.3 6 /l b . D o u bl e w ra p p ed & fro ze n . Halfs & wholes available. Fed off of good high moisture corn & alfalfa hay. Call 814282-2 728. 814-398-4052 PICK UP YOUR COPY OF THE AREA SHOPPER AT HA IR D O’S RT. 98 CROSSINGVILLE MOBILE HOMES Financing for owners or realtors, parks or private land:for qualified buyer s. Super Loan Originators at Romar Homes. 7249 27 -6 3 41 . NMLS #323651. BOAT REPAIR Certified mecha nic doing boat & motor rep a ir on Mercury Johnson Evinrude & Yamaha Outboards & Mercruiser I/O’s in the Conne aut Lake area.Call Dave 724456-1527 WANTED Pu ll Rite s up erg li de 16,000 lb. fifth wheel hitch under truck bed fram e mo u n ti n g brackets model 3345 and pins to lock hitch for 1999-2010 GM ¾ ton. 814-786-8389 HAND SORTED No. 1 red and white p ota toe s . $ 1 5 fo r 50lbs. 814-573-7861 GRAPES PICK YOUR OWN STARTING SEPT. 18TH. NICE CROP. PANGRATZ FARM 2 miles west of Fairview, PA on Rt. 20 NO SUNDAY SALES 814-774-4448 • Garage Doors • Openers • Springs and Repair Parts • Entrance Doors CALL MARVIN FOR YOUR GARAGE DOOR NEEDS Free Estimates - Fully Insured • PA #52610 FLAT ROOF SPECIALISTS RV’s,motor homes, tr aile rs, ca mper s. Sche dule your m otor hom e als o for roof restoration in Ja nuary or Februar y, indoor fa cility. 724-301-8470 DELIVERY AVAILABLE 800-42 5-7094 SUMMER SALE NOW STOCKING HEARTLAND VINYL SIDING .042” MEDIUM GRADE ALUM. COIL STOCK AG TIRE SERVICE H arves t s e a so n i s here. Prompt in field tire service. Manytires tub e s a n d ri m s i n stock. Serving NorthMARK’S UPHOLSTERY w es t PA. 81 4 -96 7 Al l typ es of cu stom 2 11 8 or 8 14 -7 95 u ph o l ste ry s o fa s , 1998 ch airs , b oats, furn itu re rep a i r, d e nta l ch airs, ch iro practor tables, exam tables, office furni ture, classic cars, RV’s, campers & airplanes. Over 15,000 yds. of upholstery fabric in stock. 28 yrs . expe ri en ce . 8 1 4-7 6 3-2 9 3 3 o r email DAY * WEEK * MONTH Pre-Cut Sheets 2nds, Odd Lots - $1.00/L.F. #1 Prime Sheets-$1.90/L.F. Instal ation Available. • Double Bubble 6’x125’ • Single Bubble 6’x125’ • Roof Boots • Flovent, EMSEAL • KWIK FRAME • Asst. Sliding Door Tracks & Accessories • Snow Guards.... AND MORE! SELF STORAGE Rent a Space Greenville, PA. 24/7 security. 7 day access. 724-58 8-2209 MINIEXCAVATORS* EXCAVATORS BACKHOES * DOZERS *SKID LOADERS STEEL ROOFING AND SIDING • 40 Yr. .015 29 ga. m etal is roll form ed and custom cut to suit your needs SELL-BUY-TRADE New & us ed truck ca ps . 72 4 -25 3 2 62 3 , a fter 6 :0 0 P.M.724-253-2032. ALLAN HART & SONS INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT RENTAL Over 25 Years in Business PAGE 19 FABIN’S TRAILER SALES Featherlite Valley Cam Aluma Continental Cargo Erie I-90 Rt. 430 Exit 32 814-899-6636 CR CONCRETE BIG or sma ll we lay them all. Driveways Flo o rs - Pa ti os Slabs - Steps - Walkways - Sta mpe - Expo se d agg , p ow er washing, sealing exis ti ng con crete a nd s no w re mo val s ervices. Tom 724-9929993. HERSHBERGER FENCING Qu al i ty l i ve s tock/ resi dentia l fences. Wi ll re move fen ce and clear. 10 years e xp e rie n ce. C us to mer sa ti sfa cti on g u ara n te e d . 4 ½ miles east of Kinsm a n Oh io . Ca l l John 724-588-2550 2010 HONDA CR-V EX-L 4 cyl., 4WD, dark red, 54,000 miles ....... $19,995 2013 CHEVY CRUZE 4 cyl., LT, p. seat, leather seats, auto., burnt orange, 23,000 miles ..................... $18,495 2005 CHEVY TRAILBLAZER, 6 cyl., LT cruise, 4WD, p. sunroof, tow pkg., silver, 85,000 miles ...... $8,750 2011 FORD E150 CARGO VAN V8, cruise, air cond., PDL, PW, silver, 14,000 miles ............ $19,495 2007 CHEVY IMPALA LT 3.5L V6, cruise air cond., PDL, PW, silver, 72,000 miles ....................... $9,995 2012 CHEVY SILVERADO 1500 EXT. CAB LT (4WD) V8, cruise, air cond., PDL, PW, Z71 Off Road pkg., alum. wheels, p. seat, bedliner, towing pkg., silver, 21,000 miles .... $28,495 2001 CHEVY SILVERADO 1500 REG CAB LS (4WD) V8, cruise, air cond., PDL, PW, Z71 Off Road pkg., alum. wheels, towing pkg., black & silver 2 tone, 62,000 miles ............ $8,995 2006 CHEVY UPLANDER 7 PASS. V6, LT pkg., cruise cont., rear entertainment, luggage rack . $6,995 2009 CHEVY SILVERADO 1500 REG. CAB W/T (4WD) V8, air cond., cruise cont., towing pkg., white, 42,000 miles ..................... $18,495 FULL INVENTORY AT www.walker “FREE LIFETIME STATE INSPECTIONS” w/vehicle purchase WALKER SALES & SERVICE Ma in Str e e t a t the light, Sa ndy La k e , P a . H our s : Mon. & Thur s . 8- 7; Tue s . , We d. & F r i. 8- 5 Sa t. 8- 12 724- 376- 3015 Toll fr e e 866- 611- 3439 www. wa lk e r s 16145. c om AREA SHOPPER 814-425-7272 SEPTEMBER 28, 2013 WESTERN HARVEST FESTIVAL SOUTH RIDGE CHRISTIAN ACADEMY 924 CENTER RD., CONNEAUT, OHIO 440-593-5840 CHICKEN DINNER OCTOBER 3rd, 2013 4:00 PM - 7:00 PM ADULTS $9.00 • CHILDREN (9 AND UNDER) $5.00 GAM ES RN W ESTEALL PAINTB T! OU OT SHO Y SPECIALT AUCTION E DUC PRO HARVEST FESTIVAL FREE ADMISISON OCTOBER 4th & 5th, 2013 Fri., Oct. 4th 11 am-10 pm Sat., Oct. 5th 11 am-9 pm MADE HOMEOD FO FUN CRA FTS SIL AUC ENT TIO N STAGE C ADVER OACH TU HAY R RE IDE Entertainment ...and so much more NOW HIRING C o nce a le d C arry USA is l oo ki ng to hire a part time office worker. Prior experience a plus but not required. Send res u m e to conce aledcarryusa or PO Box 261 Stoneboro, PA 16153 LOOKING TO BUY Al l type s of s cra p metal, car,truck ofany size, all types of trailers ofany size,except for house trailers and ca mp ers. 81 4-42 51172 CHECK US OUT ONLINE AT WWW.THEAREASHOPPER.COM GARAGE SALE 1 98 8 Ro cky Grove Ave, Fra n kli n , (GAl l ow a y). Fri d ay, Sept. 27 1-5pm, Sat. Sept. 28th 9am-5pm. Mi s c e l l a ne o u s h ou s e ho l d i te ms , toys , 5x10 enclo sed Carmate cargo trailer, pool table, and much more. MILLEA SULLIVAN ESTATE SALE 6 2 9 W. Wa l nu t, Titusville, PA. Oct. 3 5-8 eve. Oct. 4 10-5, Oct. 5 10-5, Oct. 6 14. Ga rage op en at 9 am Fri d a y En te r 3rd St. House open at 10. Antique dolls, 34” socket head unm arke d . 2 Fre nch fa sh i o n d o ll s , Simon Halberg new body,20” Simon and H a lb e rg, Gra ce Pu tn a m Bi L o cameo, Doll vintage Shirley Temple, “As Is” A&M d ol ls , 20 ” D e p o p en m ou th A.M. LIl l y. N ew e r dolls Berj USANewb orn co mp o si tio n dolls. Nascar Barbie MIB. Ca b b ag e Patch, Space Astron au t pre s ti g e victori an do l l w ith box, Victorian bride, du ck h ou se d ol ls , Gorb a n p o rce l ai n vi cto ria n d ol l , Da dd ys L ittl e Gi rl , Boyd stuffed bears, m e ch a n ica l CAt, 1959 Colonel & Mrs. Drake an d Fren ch Ka te , stuffe d to ys , a nti q ue d ol l ca rria g e , ch il d hi g h chair, wicker rocker, child bed, large baby ca rri a ge , do l l fu ni tu re , cl o the s , b ed d i ng , mu ch ste mware, e lega nt fi ve l ig h t can dl ea brum w ith p ri s m s, Fors tori a p u nch se t, R o man ce coi n Ame rican Avon Cape Cod Partial sets antique china Turn er transfer, Wedgwood older Joh n s on s po d e Demitosse set, set ros e ch intz, coo kie jars including Puss i n Bo o ts , Wal l ace N uttin g Ern s t p ictures others, Bronze Bu st Ti me d o Gara n ti , Au Ti tre Paris foundry mask, manygifts and decor from Victo ri a s Shoppe in Titusville, ce ra m i cs , Bo yd Bea rs co l le ctio n , Avon a nd Germa n s tei n s , Avon fig u ri ne s , C a p e C o d glass, jewelry game s te rl in g , d i n in g roo m set, 8 uph olstered chairs, table and leaves extends nine feet, Breakfront cedar chest, Kidney s ha pe d d es k, an tique chest drawers, Ethan Allen grandfathe r cl ock (19 7 5), tabl es, ch airs, mirrors , D e cor S.P. Fl atw e ar l arg e amo unt S.P. ite ms, H u m m e l s , com temporary carousel horses, brass a nd co pp er item s “Si a m” go l d co lo r flatwear in box(Thailand). Winter piano, Wurlitzer organ, old p u mp o rga n , Ya mah a keyb oard, sheet music, some jewe lry Ste rling Tiffany and Co., ladies cl othi ng a nd h ats, alligator purse, overfl owi ng Ch ris tm as ro om , bo x l ots , manygarage items, S&P sales. FOR SALE 2008 12ft. Radisson Canoe square back. Mi nn ko ta 5 0 lb s . thru st electric m otor oars & pad dles, extras, $300. 724-5617489 FOR SALE Ladies 3 wheel bike, 2½ years o ld, brand na me sun includ es helmet, air pump, ect, ba ske t h orn, re fle ctors, l ike new, pri ce $80. 814-336-2430 ULAN’S UNDERCOATING SERVICE We undercoat everyth in g fro m ca rs to Cl ass 8 trucks a nd tra i l ers . We on l y s pra y FL U ID FIL M p ro d u ct. Ca rs a re $6 5. Trucks start at $ 7 5. We o ffe r di s co un t fo r th re e o r more units. Lo cated i n Sp rin g b oro , PA. Cal l for app . 1-8 14720-1211 FOR RENT 2 nd flo o r 1 b drm apartment and room fo r 1 ch i l d i n Co nn ea utvi ll e Ma in St. near Medical Cente r, s to ve , re fri g , w as h er, d rye r, carpeted, immediate occu pan cy, s ewa ge & g arb a ge i ncl u de d . 814-58 7-3780 TOBINS HALLOWEEN Pu mp ki ns , go urds , indian corn, popcorn, winter squ ash, cabbage,beets, broccoli, potatoes, beans, onions , pepe rs, sw eet co rn , ca u l ifl o we r, kal e, pa rsle y, sw iss cha rd, su nfl ow e rs , pai nted gou rds and crafts. 814-398-2607 FOR SALE 30’ 5th wheel trailer, w ou l d b e g o od fo r fi sh i n g o r h u n ti n g ca mp . Re as on ab le price. Cal l 814-7951411 NORTH PAGE 20 AREA SHOPPER 814-425-7272 SEPTEMBER 28, 2013 SOUTH PAGE 20 MILLEA SULLIVAN ESTATE SALE 629 W. Walnut, Titusville, PA. Oct. 3 5-8 eve. Oct. 4 10-5, Oct. 5 10-5, Oct. 6 1-4. Garage open at 9am Friday Enter 3rd St. House open at10.Antique dolls, 34” socket head unmarked. 2 French fashion dolls, Simon Halberg new body, 20” Simon and Halberg, Grace Putnam BiLo cameo, Doll vintage Shirley Temple, “As Is” A&M dolls, 20” Dep open mouth A.M. LIlly. Newer dolls Be rj USA N ewb orn co mpo sitio n d oll s. Nascar Barbie MIB. Cabbage Patch, Space Astronaut prestige victorian doll with box, Victorian bride, duck house dolls, Gorban porcelain victorian doll, Daddys Little Girl, Boyd stuffed bears, mechanical CAt, 1959 Colonel & Mrs. Drake and French Kate, stuffe d toys, an tique doll carriage, child high chair, wicker rocker, child bed, large baby carriage, doll funiture, clothes, bedding, m uch stemware, elegant five light candleabrum with prisms, Forstoria punch set, Romance coin American Avon Cape Co d Partial se ts antiqu e chin a Turn er transfer,Wedgwood older Johnson spode Demitosse set, set rose chintz, cookie jars including Puss in Boots, Wallace Nutting Ernst pictures others, Bronze BustTimedo Garanti,AuTitre Paris foundrymask, many gifts and decor from Victorias Shoppe in Titusville, ceramics,Boyd Bears collection, Avon and German steins, Avon figurines, Cape Cod glass, jewelry game sterling, din ing room set, 8 up holstered chai rs, table and leaves extends nine feet, Break frontcedar chest, Kidneyshaped desk, antique chest drawers, Ethan Allen grandfather clock (1975), tables, chairs, mirrors, De cor S.P. Flatwear la rge am ount S.P. items, Hummels, comtemporarycarousel horses, brass and copper items “Siam” gold color flatwear in box (Thailand). Winter pia no, Wurlitzer organ, old p ump orga n, Yam ah a ke yb oa rd , sh ee t mu si c, some jewelry Sterling Tiffany and Co., ladie s clothing and ha ts, al ligator purse, overflow ing Ch ris tma s room , b ox lots, many garage items, S&P sales. CONCEALED CARRY USA WILL BE HOLDING A BASIC PISTOL TRAINING COURSE AT 9:00 AM & AN ADVANCED SELFDEFENSE PISTOL TRAINING COURSE AT 2:00 PM ON OCT. 26TH AT THE JACKSON FIELD & STREAM CLUB IN JACKSON CENTER, PA CLASSES ARE $100 EACH OR $150 FOR BOTH. TO REGISTER CALL (724)-376-2373 OR EMAIL FLUID FILM RUSTPROOFING KILLS EXISTING RUST ON CONTACT TRI COUNTY RUSTPROOFING 724-735-6123 Open 7 days a week BELL’S SANITATION SERVICES AMISH BENEFIT DINNER For medical bills for twin babies at Stoney • Septic Pumping Point Grange. Kremis • Portable Restrooms Rd ., Gree nvi ll e, Fri. “The Red evening Oct. 4th 3:30 to 7:30. BBQ chicken, Restroom Guys” mas hed po tatoe s & Grove City, PA 16127 a l l th e trim m i ng s , 724-45 8-1630 a ls o ba ke s a l e & small auction. Starts AKC LAB PUPS YOUR AD at 7:30pm. 724-589- 2 black males, 8 wks 5 99 2 or 7 24 -4 75 - old , de ws removed, COULD BE HERE CALL 4684 UTD on shots, $300. 814-42 5-7272 724-97 4-9947 AREA SHOPPER 814-425-7272 SEPTEMBER 28, 2013 PAGE 21 FOR SALE Tw o Po rs ch e 91 4 cars for restoration. Bo th h ave cle a r ti tl es , 19 70 1 97 3, 1970 good bodynot running, 1973 runs but has front damage. More info and p h oto s Eri e Craigslist 440-5992121 VICTORY TOWNSHIP is taking bids for a 1 9 83 F70 0 Fo rd dump truck. A western 12ft. snow plow a n d a n a p p roxi mately2 yr. old highway ci nd e r/sa l t sp re ad er th at w as rarely use d. Selling as one unit or separate. The Tow nship reserves the right to rej e ct a ny an d al l b id s. For i nforma tio n , p l e as e ca l l Fra nk a t 8 14 -6 71 6206. If n o answer, l ea ve a m es sa ge . Bids will be received at the regular meeting of the Board of Su pe rvis o rs on Mo nd a y, Octob e r 14th at 6:30pm atthe To wn s h ip R e cre a tio n Bu i l di n g l o ca te d at 2 79 4 Ol d R ou te 8 , Po lk, PA 16342 M.B. HEMLOCK LUMBER 432 Haun Rd., Sandy L a ke , PA 1 6 14 5 . Fra m i ng , Sh i p la p , D utchl a p, a nd Lo g C ab i n s i d in g . To n g u e -n -Gro o ve , Pan e l in g . Pri va cy fence. Send S.A.S.E. for prices before you b uy!! Mo s t w e eks Mo n. thru Fri. 7 :3 04:30. APPLES APPLES APPLES H on e y cri sp , Ga la , McIn tos h , o th ers . Fres h cide r, don uts, chees e, vegeta bles, pumpkins,jams, and more. Apple Castle, Rt 18 New Wilmington, PAOpen Mon-Sat 9-8, closed Su nd ays. 7 24 -6 52 3221 VETERAN STEEL COIL HAULERS-WE NEED YOU! Nee ding m or e : Home time ? Pa y? Dedicated Routes? Join Jaro We offer he alth ins ur ance , 401K, vacation pay, monthly s afety bonus , we e k ly pay. Call Laurie at 888636-5 276. NEED SOMETHING DONE? Mowing, weedeating landscaping, tree rem ova l, fa rm hand fe ede r c ow s, dia ry a nd hor se s, painting, minor carpentry, w e lding, pow e r washing, minor auto r epa ir, m inor a uto body repair, hauling stuff away, bout anything u name it. Call and leave message plea s e 8 1 4 -78 6 9593. MEAT CHICKENS FOR SALE Are fed no antibiotics, steroid or feed additives are grown natura l a s p oss ibl e a re excellent quality if you wa nt che mi ca l free poultrytry these. 814786-7368 Sagullas. BOWMER’S APPLES Brad l e y o r Ki l go re Road, Cortlands, Yell o w D e li ci ou s , Id a R ed , N orth ern Spy, Red Spy, Winte r Banana, Jonathon & Cid e r. C id e r a p p le s . Call for pickup. 814786-7 086. 3 ITEMS 2 0 09 H a rl e y Davidson Ultra Classic, only 9225 miles, 1 o w n er, $1 8 ,00 0 OBO. 20 0 9 H a rle y D avi d so n 12 0 0 Spo rtste r cu s to m , 9 50 m il e s , $ 9 00 0 OBO. Bo th g a rag e kept. 1993 5th Wheel Prow l e r, a s ki n g COMMERICAL $ 50 0 0 OBO. Al l i n PROPERTY go od condi tion , ca ll H e rm i tag e , PA. for more details. 72440’ x100 ’ in sula ted 496-5 421. stee l bu ild in g, (2) 14’ overhead doors, SQUARE DANCE! 2 00 a mp e le ctri c Path Fi n d ers 4-H se rvice, ci ty w ater C lu b is h os ti ng a a n d s e we r, g a s Sq ua re D a n ce o n heat, 14’x20’ office, Saturday, September 5 ’ x8 ’ ba th roo m , 28th at the Meadville 100’x300’ fenced in L ive s to ck Au cti o n co n cre te /a s p h a l t Barn fro m 8 p m to lot, $129,000. 724- midni ght. $5/p erson 699-1 008. or $10/family. ELIMINATE HIGH HEATING BILLS while doi ng someth ing go od fo r the environme nt. C entral Boiler E-Classic Outdoor Wood Furn aces . Ca l l to da y Fis h e r & Fa th er, 2 44 9 St. Rt. 25 7 , Cranberry, PA. 8003 28 -4 37 2 or 8 14 677-6 416. STEEL BUILDING FOR SALE C om me rci al grad e clear span steel truss system.Partially insulated. Includes doors, lig hting , etc. Approx. 1 5 yrs o l d, s ize 5 0’ x7 0’ x1 7’ . Go o d con di tio n . Re m ove fro m si te. $2 3 ,50 0 obo. 724-588-7711 IDIOT FOR HIRE Semi-retired log cutte r s e ek s wor k c le a r ing fe nc e & property lines, building s ite s , right of ways, home park & picnic areas. 42 yrs. exp. Fully insured. H. J ohn Fa r r ell 72 4 376-4479. “The Dictiona ry is the only pla c e w he re s uc cess come s before work.” Mark Twain FISHERMAN Fish for Trophy Lake Eri e Jum b o Pe rch . C a ll Fis h -N -Fu n Charters in Conneaut Ohio. 440-221 -9592 cal l no w fo r be s t dates. FARM MACHINERY JD, 1 row, 3pt. forage chopper, n ice condition. JD 213 flexhead, 1 3’ , te ar d ro p re el , $6500. John Deere 8’ 3pt bush hog, MX8, $3900. Howse 6’, 3pt hog. Brush hog 5’, 3 pt hog. Lime spreaders 8 & 10’, $250 to $900. Six large, HD, gravity wa gons. JD, R g ro un d dri ve, 3 b ea te r m a nu re s pre a de r, $ 1 2 90 . Lineback10’, 3pt post ho le di gg er. R ou nd bale 3pt. squeezer for w rap p e d b a le s , $1375. Boxscrapers, rock ra ke s, H .D . b la d e s, 3 pt d is k, plows. Stoltzfus lime s p re a d er, 6T, ta n d axle hyd drive, $8500. JD 335 rd baler, hyd tie $8500. JD 375 rd. ba le r, 5 x4 ’, h yd tie , $ 70 00 . N ew HD 7 ’ b a le fee d e r, $ 70 0 . Bale kicke r wagons. Disk, drag, 3pt & 8 to 14’ transport. NI 323, 1R corn pickers. Lots o f 3 p t e q ui p m en t. To ms on Fa rm 72 4699-6848 INSULATION BOARD PANELS Exte ri or g ra d e , R value 9.5, closed cell, po lyure th an e foa m, face w/w hi te fi b erg la s s s ki ns . co m pressive strength 3540 ps i. (8 0”x2 2”x1 .75”) wg t. 1 9l b s . $3 ea. (6 4”x2 2”x1 .75”) wg t. 14 l bs . $2 e a. D el . a vai l . w h s le . 44 0 224-0669. Best time to call 7am-7:30am. BATHROOM VANITIES are now in stock at VCM Salvage Products. 24x21, 30x21, 3 6x2 1 , 3 7 x2 1 , 4 2x2 1 , 4 8 x2 1 , 60x21. These vanities have solid hardwood fronts with plyw o od s id e s , n o t particle board. All at fan ta sti c p ri ce s . 724-37 6-4093 ARCTIC CAT SNOWMOBILES 2013 and 2014 mode ls a t pr e-s e as on sale prices. Factory re bate and 3.9% financing (with credit a ppr ova l) on ‘1 3 models. Best prices now for pre-season buyers. Large inventory pa rts , ArcticWear clothing a nd a cc e s sor ies . Fletcher ’s Sales & Service, Hadley, PA. Ph. 7 2 4-2 53 -3 2 25 . www.fletcherssalesse rvic e.c om Arctic Ca t-share our pa ssion. INJURED IN ACCIDENT? Can’t work? Auto, falldown or dog-bite accide nts. Scars, fracture s , s h ou l d er, kn ee, back o r he ad in ju rie s? Ca ll Atto rn e y H a rry Stu m p (Pgh.). Free consultaHORSEBACK RIDING tion. 800-934-4157 at Rawhide Ranch in SEPTEMBER Me rcer. Gu id ed o n- FURNITURE SALE s i te o ne h o ur tra i l 10% Off on bedroom rides . Open dai ly by sets and dining room a pp o i ntm e nt o nl y. sets. Solid wood furBeautiful horses, ex- niture, many choices. cel l e nt tra i l s. C al l C al l fo r b ro ch ures . D o nn a 72 4 -85 4 ersh be rg e r Ca bi 0150. Come ride our H n ets. Cu stom Bu il t happy trails! Kitch en s . Dan RECONDITIONED H ers h be rg er 8 14 789-2989 Refrigerators, washers, and dryers. Gas FOR SALE and electric ran ges. Pu re b red p o ll e d Also store wide s ale He reford bu ll, go od on all new appliances herd bull, very gentle. and TV’s. Fry’s TV & 814-75 5-3403 Appliance, 217 Main, OUTDOOR Greenville, PA 16125 FURNACE 724-588 -6270. Central Boiler E-ClasFOR SALE sic Outdoor Furnace. 4 year old gelding traf- C le a n er, Gre e ne r, fi c sa fe a nd soun d, EPA q u al i fie d , b u y double gaited, $1800 now a nd save up to OBO. Jacob Byler,106 $ 14 0 0 . C a ll tod a y Do dge Rd ., Ha dle y, 8 1 4 - 7 2 5 - 3 1 0 2 cloverhill PA 16130. FOR SALE 4 -5 b o lt 20 01 15 ” a l um i n um D od g e wheels $150. 4 new 1 5 ” D o ug l a s m /s tire s 1 8 5 /6 5 R /1 5 $125. Sold as sets only. 724-662-2347 FOR SALE L og C ab i n 1 2 ’ x1 8 ’ with 6’ porch. Green metal roof. Fin ished interior. Liva ble. D iffere n t s i ze s an d styles available. From Meadville take Rt. 77 east to Little Cooley. Take Rockdale Road n o rth 5 m i . Va ll e y Vie w Lo g Ca b i ns , 2 4 07 7 Ro ckda l e R o ad , Ca m b rid g e Springs, PA 16403. LICENSED GUNSMITH & FIREARM SALES Tam a rack Arm o ry. Worki ng on all firearms. All bran ds of fire a rm s i n s to ck. Bu y - Sell - Trad e. 2 08 1 7 Al d en St., Meadville, PA 814-33 6-2688 SMITHS ANTIQUES & CRAFTS Autumn Ha ppeni ng, Sat. & Sun. Sept. 28th & 2 9th 1 0a m -6 pm , 2 4 00 6 Bl ys to n e R o ad , Ca m b rid g e Spri n gs . Re fres h ments & door prizes, info. 814-398-1155. DUMP TRUCK FOR SALE 1995 Dodge 3500 (1 ton). V8 Ma gnum, 360 cu. in. engine, 4 x4 a utom atic tr a ns m is s io n, 48,800 mile s. Mechanica lly sound. Dump bed in rough condition, working hydr aulics $ 45 00 obo. 814-758-3578 ask for Guy. BUYING GUITARS Old a m ps , b an j os , s axop h on es , d ru m s ets , a ccord i on s , synth esizers, h orns, and most older mus i ca l in s tru m e nts . Mike 330-367-7100 2003 SILVERADO Ext. cab, 4x4, matchin g cap , l ow mi le s, beautiful condition in & out, $11,995. Kargo Quality Cars, Inc., Rt. 19, Mercer, Call Toll Free 1 -8 0 0 -44 6 7821,Local 724-6625762. TRACTOR FOR SALE Fa rm a l l M tra cto r, $ 1 30 0 OBO. 44 0 813-5 592. WANTED STANDING TIMBER Good saw timber or lo w grad e bl ocki ng timb er, co nventi onal logging or on site milling. 814-694-6446. JESSE’S HORSESHOEING Bal a n ce d sh o e in g a nd tri m m in g wi th pro mpt and relia ble service located out of BINGO Sandy Lake, PA, call Cli nton vill e Vo l. Fire or text 724-992-9299 Dept. 503 Eml enton for scheduling. St. Clintonville. Every Mon d a y 7 :00 PM YOUR AD doors open at 5:00PM COULD BE kitch en al s o a va il HERE!!! able. AREA SHOPPER RODEO SATURDAY, 814-425-7272 SEPTEMBER 28, 2013 TAKIN’ IT TO THE STREETS! NEW!!! COOL’S WE B SI TE SEPTEMBER 27 ACTIVE AGING (OCTOBER FEST) 10-NOON HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL: EISENHOWER AT COCHRANTON 6:30 PM SEPTEMBER 28 DO WOPP DINER 10 AM - 12:30 PM COLLEGE FOOTBALL: ALLEGHENY HOST WABASH (HOMECOMING) PREGAME 12:30 PM SEPTEMBER 30 HIGH OCTANE RACE TALK 6-8 PM Oct. 5, 2013 & 1st Sat. of Every Month thru May • BRONCS • BULLS • BARRELS 7:30 PM $12.00 ADULT S • $7.00 KI DS SUNDANCE ARENA 310 FREDONIA RD., FREDONIA, PA bullr idemania .com 724-475-2939 SAVE $2.00 O N EACH ADVAN CE TICK ET AT Boot Box-Meadville & Grove City Agw ay - Herm itage & Grove City Mercer Hardw are • Elders - Stoneboro Oakes & McClelland - Greenville TSC - Greenville & Meadville, PA 225/60R16 All Season $65 724-66 2-3483 MERCER TIRE SALES SOLD! Are You Thinking of Ha ving An Auc tion. Call Miller’s Auction. Sam e Da y Se ttle ment. Call 814 -4257 27 6 or 7 24 -4 56 3632. FOR SALE 1929 MODEL A FORD LT. YELLOW & BLACK CONVERTIBLE COUPE WITH RUMBLE SEAT. TANDEM WHEEL TRAILER TO HAUL & STORE. 12V SYSTEM WITH RADIO-TAPE PLAYER, COVER, 4 EXTRA WHEELS $22,000 814-547-3243 FOR SALE Trea te d la wn furni ture , g a rde n s ea t $ 30 0, w is hi ng w el l $ 8 0, Adi ro n da ck cha i rs $ 6 5 e a . 5 ’ porch swing $110. A Frame with 4’ swing $ 24 0 . Al s o 3 0 ”x6 ’ syrup pan and arch 2 yea rs o l d $ 2 5 00 . PRICE REDUCED David M. Byler, 17541 37’ C l a ss A Price Rd ., Mo to rh om e , Fo rd Sa eg e rto w n , PA 460, 12’ slide,57,000 16433. m i., g e ne rato r tub / sho wer, q ueen b ed, FOR SALE i nve rte r ro o f s o l ar, Abo ve g ro u nd p oo l new tire s, ba tteri es, ladder and complete i n sp e cti o n , o n e Ha yward 1h p pu mp owner, $29,250. 814- a nd fil te r s yste m 72 4-27 03 Mea dvil le $150 cash total. Call area, many up dates 8 14 -43 2 -7 7 83 an d and extras. leave message. FOR LEASE in Saeg erto wn a rea s to ra ge b ui l d in g 16’x40’.Also for lease 7 2 a cre s hu n tin g g ro u n d . Al s o i n Saegertown area 30 6½-7 ft locus t p os ts $ 3 ea ch . Ca ll 7 24 253-3397 PAGE 22 Request Line STEEL SHINGLES Stone Coated Steel Shingles Giving You The Look of Architectural Shingles With the Durability of Steel. IN STOCK AVAILABLE NOW EASTERN STATES METAL ROOFING Your Premier Metal Roofing Supplier. 716-355-4374 COOLEY’S OIL UNDERCOATING New undercoating oil for ca rs & p ickup s $50. Call for price on other vehicles. Let us h e lp s to p th e ru s t from ruining your vehicle investme nt.We accept used oil. 814547-1 825. SELL, MOVE AND INSTALL HOMES W e don’t just s ell home s , w e move a nd ins ta ll pur cha sed else wher e. W e insta ll w her e others fear to tread. Know how , e quipment, licensed and insured to haul and install in Ohio andPA. RoMar Homes, 888255-8 191. WANTED STANDING TIMBER Will pay cash in advance. Selective harvesting or portable saw m ill. Fu l ly In s u re d . 4 4 0 -95 4 4 05 5 or cal l ce l l 216-99 0-4174 HOT TUB HOT TUB Save 50% to 60% on all new and refurbished hot tubs. Lowestprices guara ntee d. Exce ll en t se rvice . Se rvi ci ng all hot tubs. Call tod a y Yo un g ’ s Sp a Servi ce 81 4 -7 20 7943. FOR SALE Sun vi so rs to fi t m o st tru cks a n d vans. $20 0 painted a nd i ns ta ll e d (i n s to ck o n l y). 72 4 253-2623,after 6:00 P.M. 814-282-2272. HEMLOCK SIDING & FRAMING LUMBER At Mille r Lum be r, 16624 Mumford Rd., Cochr a nton, Pa . 1 63 1 4 . Stop in or wr ite for pric es loc a te d, fr om Mea dville Rt. 1 9 s outh 9 m ile s to Mumfor d Rd.. Fir ew ood $ 20 pick up load. MAYS MOBILE HOME MOVING Set u p & tear down. 724 -290-7 579, 7 249 74 -9 44 9. Ge ne ra l PYMATUNING LAKE repairs an d specialDRIVE-IN FLEA ize in doublewides. MARKET Open until the end of October. Every Saturda y & Su nd ay 6 :0 0 am-3:00 pm. Andover Ohio . Info : 440-2937757. PAYING TOP DOLLAR Bu yi ng cars-tru cksvans. Paying $250 & u p wi th title s , l ittl e less without. Call today 3 30-727-1185 7 days a week. FLICKS “AS-IS” APPLIANCE CENTER Scratch & dent appliance s. Big Savin gs! Ful l ma nu fa cturers warranty. Also reconditione d app lian ces with 90 day warranty. 8 14 -3 36 -2 39 0 . 1 6 59 3 Co n n ea u t Lake Rd., Meadville, PA. 814-333-9011 KARGO QUALITY CIANCI TIRE UNWANTED ARMY & NAVY Dead & crippled stock Mon th ly ti re d e a ls . CARS & TRUCKS STORE re moval . Same d ay Ove rsto cks, cl o se - Our veh i cle s are J.Amato & Son service at your conve- outs. Cianci Brothers state inspected, ser814-33 3-8299 nience. Licensed - 30 Tire Clearance Ware- vice d a n d g u a ra n L o ca te d i n th e years of service. 724- ho use. Acros s from teed.“Our Reputation Me ad vi ll e D ow n - 368-8 008. th e Gree n vil l e i s Yo ur Pea ce o f tow n Ma l l a cros s Wal m a rt 7 24 -5 88 - Mind” Rt. 19, Mercer. BATHTUBS from Dollar General. 6096 Tol l fre e 1-800-4 46We h a ve vi n ta g e REGLAZED 7821. L evi ’ s, L ee ’ s a n d In yo ur h om e . Is CROCKER PAVING Wrangler jeans size your tub showing its Tar a n d chi p, as MAYSV ILLE 3 1 to 7 2 wa i s t - a ge ? Gu a ra n tee d ph alt pa vi ng. 72 4FENCE VERY CHEAP! Also p ro ce ss can s ave 794-9 490. High Tensile h ave Bi b ove ral l s you money. Call Lee Woven Wire a nd coa ts -g rea t 814-77 4-9482 2007 HONDA CRV Horse Cote sizes. See our large AWD,EXL, moonroof, Horse Rail JMS SALES & se lection of shou lheated leather, naviGame Fence SERVICE d er b ag s , d u ffl e Anthracite coal $330 ga tio n, bes t m ode l, Free b ag s an d ba ck p er s ki d . Gre en e PA i nsp ecte d, go od Estim ates packs. We print milim i le s , $ 1 3 ,99 5 . 724-588team pellets $225 per tary d og ta gs . We 2299 ton . D e li ve ry ava il - Ka rgo Qual ity Cars, have a large selec- able. Call for h ours. In c., Rt. 1 9, Me rce r, Customer tion of 550 paracord; 724-253-3584. 3828 Call Toll Free 1-800Satisfaction ma ny different co l- Hadley Ro ad Clarks 446-7821, Local 724is Our Goal! ors. Military surplus Mills, PA 16114 662-5 762. a nd col l e cti b le s . New and used:Adult a nd you th , l a te s t s tyl e s o f s tree t ca mo, shorts, fie ld “WE SPECIALIZE IN CREDIT PROBLEMS” ja ckets, s we aters, a n d EMT p a nts . BANKRUPTCY, DIVORCE, CHARGE OFFS Combat an d jungle MEDICAL BILLS, LOW CREDIT boots . Huntin g and LIMITED CREDIT • NO CREDIT, JUDGEMENTS, REPOS military knives, cots, s l ee p i ng b ag s , socks, gloves, caps, LOANS BY PHONE h el me ts , b la nkets NO HASSLE, NO EMBARRASSMENT and more. MRE’s by the case of package. Gas masks and filters. We alsobuymilitary items from individuals and estates. AUTO LOANS AVAILABLE Grove City Auto Mall CALL TODAY! Ask for Toni Verrill 724-748-4070 800-748-1220 J&J SAUER Southern Auto Parts & Sales Parker Single Axle Utility Trailers SIZE COST TOTAL 4½x9 907.00 1054.92 5x8 1,246.001,414.26 5x10 1,296.001,467.26 5½x10 1,359.001,534.04 5½x12 1,412.001,590.22 6½x10 1,396.00 1,573.26 6½x12 1,462.00 1,643.22 6½x13 1,488.00 1.670.78 6½x14 1,496.001,679.26 6½x14 2-gate 1,679.001,873.24 GARAGE DOOR U ni ns ul ate d 12 x1 2 garage doo r with all h ard w are . Jus t re m ove d fo r l a rge r door. Good condition. White $200. 814-2826239 BUYING STANDING TIMBER & LOGS Free - No Obligation - Estimate Call Toll Free: 1-888-898-4081 KOPTAS AUTO SALES COCHRANTON, PA Full NotaryService Pa State and Emissions Inspections. Full servi ce a utom otive re pair. Preowned cars, trucks, va ns. We finance!! w w w.4 2 5ca rs .co m 814-425 -2299. FOR SALE Little puppies, small TRUCK BEDS b la ck & co ffee col Al umi num or ste el o re d, m ixed b re ed , tra i l ers , s to ck, cute, $3 5 ea . 7 24 dump, flat. 724-699- 932-2143 Jamestown 8935 area. WE STOCK TIRE & TUBES for autos, trucks, trailers, ATV’ s, mo we rs and tractors. Stop in at Greenville’s comp le te tire s to re . In s pe ctio n s , a l ig n me nts, bra ke s - a ll general repairs. Call today- Greenville Tire & Rubber Supply 724-588 -3336. TREE PROBLEMS? We can help. Specializing in trimming, rem oval s a nd stum p grinding. Nicols Tree Servi ce h as b ee n b ui lt o n s afety an d expe rie nce. Pl ea se call today, we would like to add you to our list of satisfied custom e rs. 8 14 -7 20 2666. RABBIT DOG WANTED Mus t be n on -d ee r run n e r. 7 24 -4 75 3164 AREA SHOPPER 814-425-7272 SEPTEMBER 28, 2013 PAGE 23 AREA SHOPPER 814-425-7272 SEPTEMBER 28, 2013 PAGE 24 AREA SHOPPER 814-425-7272 SEPTEMBER 28, 2013 PAGE 28 SEPTEMBER SPECIALS!!!!!!!!!! SEE: RYAN TAYLOR 2013 FORD F150 SUPERCAB XLT 4X4 5.0L V8, trailer tow pkg., XLT chrome pkg., XLT Plus pkg., Ford Sync, Sirrus Sat. Radio, rear view camera, green gem metallic. MSRP $41,545 SEE: JOHN MILLER 2013 FORD F250 SUPERCAB 4X4 6.2L gas V8, XL decor pkg., 8 ft. bed, heavy duty trailer tow, cruise control, 10,000 GVW, red/grey. MSRP $37,665 SALE PRICE After Rebates & Discounts 2009 MERCURY SABLE PREMIER 2013 CHEVROLET CAMARO SS 159Per Mo. $ 2005 CHEVY 2500 HD EXT. CAB 4x4 1 ow ner, 6.0L V8, auto., LT trim pkg., trailer tow, dk. blue. 13,888 $ 2011 CHEVY EQUINOX AWD 4 cy l. , 1 ow ner, remote start, rear camera, w hite. $ 18,888 2009 TOYOTA TACOMA 4 DOOR CREW 4x4 1 ow ner, only 25,000 miles, Leer cap, Must see! $ 25,888 Sale Price only W OW 34,888 $ 2013 FORD FUSION TITANIUM ! SOL D14,888 $ 2008 FORD EXPEDITION LIMITED 4X4 29,995 After Rebates & Discounts After Rebates & Discounts 2013 FORD FOCUS ST 2005 CHEVY COBALT SS 2009 FORD MUSTANG GT/CS $10,888 OBO MUST GO!!! 2010 FORD F150 SUPERCAB 4x4 XLT 1 ow ner, 5.4L V8, trailer tow pkg. , blue/tan, 23,900 $ 2008 FORD EXPLORER XLT 4x4 4.0L V6 auto., 3rd seat, 7 passenger, silv er. $ 12,995 2001 FORD F150 SUPERCAB 4X4 5.4L V8, Lariat trim w/full leather, 8’ bed, trailer tow, chrome pkg., green/silver. $ 42,888 $ ! $CALL$ 3. 0L V6, autom atic , 60,000 miles. SALE PRICE 30,900 $ 2.0L Super charged, 5 spd. manual,leather, blk. wheels, psunroof, 65,000 miles, no w inters red. $ALE... 2.0L Ecoboost, only 14,000 miles, heated seats, must see, factory w arranty. 2010 MERCURY MILAN 6.7L power stroke diesel, 8 ft. bed, XLT trim pkg., heavy duty trailertow, snow plow prep, 3.73 electric lockingaxle, green gem metallic. MSRP $49,660 SALE PRICE 29,995 $ ONLY SEE: KENT MCGILL 2013 FORD F250 S/CAB DIESEL 4X4 Only Grove City, PA 16127 7,995 $ 2013 FORD ESCAPE TITANIUM AWD 2.0L EcoBoost, glass Vista roof, Nav igation, s ilv er, Demo, only 9,000 miles. $CALL$ 2011 JEEP LIBERTY 4x4 V6, automatic , 4x4, 40,000miles, w hite/ grey cloth. 17,900 $ 2012 LINCOLN MKX AWD V6, leatherheated seats, THX audiosystem, Navigation, w hite/charcoal leather. DEMO $PECIAL 33,995 $ 2010 FORD ESCAPE LIMITED 4x4 3.0L V6, 1 ow ner, p. sunroof, Nav igation, blue/black leather. 17,995 $ 2006 FORD F250 SUPER DUTY 4x4 5.4LTriton V8, 8’bed, trailertow, only 65,000 miles, dk. blue. $ 15,499 2008 LINCOLN MKZ AWD 3.5L V6, N avig atio n, htd/co ol ed sea ts, ch ro me p kg ., n on smoker , p. sun ro of, THX audio system,blk./ blk. leather. $16,888 2007 FORD 500 Leather, sunroof, Nav igation, silv er. $9,995 2007 CHEVY EQUINOX AWD 2013 FORD ESCAPE SE V6, auto, LT trim pk g. , rear DVD play er, c hrom e w heels, w ht. Only. $ 9,995 R ed. 4 c y l. , s unroof, gray c loth interior, AWD, 32,000 mi. $ 23,995 Hours: Mon. & Thurs. 9-8 pm - Tues., Wed., Fri. 9-6 pm - Saturday 9-3 pm 1-800-833-0473 or 724-748-4790 TELL THEM YOU SAW THEIR AD IN THE AREA SHOPPER SECTION B September 28, 2013 AREA SHOPPER 814-425-7272 HERSHBERGERS CARPENTRY is looking for metal roof jobs &vinyl siding jobs. Call now & getyourroof done with 40 yr. warra nty me tal fo r the sameprice asseconds PIGLETS FOR SALE with no warranty.Leave $50 ready to go! Call me ssa ge wi th my 8 1 4-7 3 4-3 7 2 6 o r ne igh bor 814 -38 2814-88 1-7529 9210 FIREWOOD Dry, split, seas oned hardwood. FAcecord 4’ x8’ x16 ” $ 60. Ne ar Crawford County Fairgrounds. Clip &Save. 814-72 4-1777 PICK UP YOUR COPY OF THE AREA SHOPPER AT PANGRATZ FARM MARKET W. Ridge Road Girard, PA FOR SALE Lane 2 blade lumber e dg e r $ 17 0 0. Ne w H ol l a nd 7 17 corn chopper, new bottom blower pan, useable $900. 814-964-2718 2 ITEMS CALL 1ST RATE FOR SALE REALTY LLC 07 Yz250f dirtbike for for all your real estate $2500 and 2003 Ninja n e ed s . 8 1 4 -43 2 EX500 for $2500. Call 2900 Cole at 814-573-7592 $ MONEY $ FORSILVER, GOLD & COINS BUYING PRE 1964 COINS Silver Dollars $20.00 Half Dollars $8.00 Quarters $4.00 - Dimes $1.60 We Offer best prices with 24 hour guarantee. If they don’t post their prices as required by law, then run! Certified Scales by the PA Weights & Measures Dept. PRICES CHANGE WITH MARKET HEETER’S HAVEN 9-11-13 940 PARK AVE @THE BANK MEADVILLE, PA 16335 814-720-5314 heeter@zoomi SEPTEMBER 28, 2013 PAYING CASH for u n wa nted ca rs . Fre e p i ck u p . 8 14 587-2 681. COMPUTERS H P o r D e l l to we r $9 7.00 , la ptop , De ll or Co mpaq $9 5.0 0. All e xcel le nt con di tion. New microwave oven full size $40. All kin d s o f ho o k-u p ca bl e s , w i res & a da pters $1 .0 0/up . Digital camera , new $3 0.0 0. Ca mco rd er STUMP GRINDING $25 .00, n ew spe ake rs & co m p ute r AND TREE g am e s & s oftw are REMOVAL $1 .0 0/up . 81 4-45 9Cut d owns, lim b re- 1771. moval, tree climbing, storm work clean up. JIM’S HAULING & Call Keltner Tree SerGENERAL vi ce for a free e stiCLEANUPS mate today. 814-853- Garages, basements, 8 74 9 . Fas t s ervice outside buildings, old a nd s afe re l i ab l e roofing, scrap metal, work. etc. Rea so nab le prices. Also new burn barrel s for sale . Ph. 81 4-7 63-6 398 an ytime. Sae-gertown, PA PHILLIPS HOME IMPROVEMENTS LLC PA008176. The small job specialist. Decks, s id in g, b athroo ms , kitche ns, roofs, windows , gara ges, d rywall , trim, doors, all in teri or and exteri or work. Free estimates. Ful ly i ns u re d. 8 14 683-5 635. GARAGE SALE OVER WHY? Looking for offer on all leftover items, all for Pay the high prices o n e m o ne y, so m e of plumbers, electrive ry n ice items sti ll cia ns , ca rp en ters avai lab le. 8 14-39 7- w h en you h a ve a problem. Cut this ad 4406 o ut. Mo rg an ’ s Hand yman Service fo r e verythi n g around the house or business. 814-3984693. RAT TERRIER PUPS R ea d y n ow, sh o ts , wormed $125. Albert Stutzm an , 3 19 3 8 Hog back R d., C amb ri d ge Sp ri n gs , PA 16403. Mill Village Rt. 6 east 2 mi. WillyRd., turn right keep straight 4½ mi. 4th rd. to right, ¼ mi. mini barn place. PAGE 2 SLABWOOD 1 m ile ea st and 1½ m il e no rth of L in e s vi l l e on Tow nl i ne Rd . Mon Th ur., da yli gh t to 1. Fri ., n o o n. $ 10 a bu nd le . Bu y 10 g et one fre e. Cl osed 925. FOR RENT Cambridge Springs, 2 bd rm , m o bi l e home in country, appl ian ces i ncl ude d, no pets, $450 plus $ 45 0 s e cu ri ty de posit, also duplex, 2 bdrm in town, appliances included, no pets, $450 a month pl us $ 450 se curi ty o ff s tre et pa rki ng , b a se m e nt. 81 4 3 ITEMS 398-8320, 814-573H om e en try s tep s 0666 with pla tform, he avy bu ilt al umi num . 1 st BUILDER’S cut al falfa and timoSUPPORT thy hay, no rain. Bird FLOORING p erch m o u nte d to Huge showroom storage cabinet. 814All Major brands 587-3449 Buy where builders buy. Contractor pricing to you. In Home Consult ation. Free estimates. Builder’s Support Saege rtown 814-763-WOOD-x6 Raised on our Farm Sides of Beef $2.40/lb. Hogs by the ½ or whole $1.95/lb. CUSTOM CUT THE WAY YOU WANT. DOUBLE WRAPPED FOR BEST FREEZER LIFE. WE CAN VACUUM PACK. 4908 Fisher Road, Conneautville, PA 16406 814-587-2193 GARAGE SALE N O EARLY SAL ESOct. 3 -5 , 9-4 . An tiques, boo ks, tools, fu rn i ture , ca n n in g , ho use hol d, lu mbe r, woodw orking i tems, Lion el, sn owblow er, m is cell aneo us . 1 4 68 7 We s t Rd ./ R ou te 98 -Th om as ’ Corners. TRAPPING SUPPLIES Full line of traps, baits, lu res , tool s & etc. Bridger, Duke, M.B. & Freed om trap s. Hawbaker Carmen & Caven Lures. 814-57352 40 1966 4 Morris Road, Conneautville, PA16406 WE ACCEPT SNAP FOOD STAMPS VISA - MASTERCARD FOR SALE Ruger M77 30 06, 9 p o we r Bu s h ne l l s co pe , wo o d stock $450. Sears MdL 54 l ever a cti on 3 0 30 , same as Winchester 9 4, l i ke n ew $3 25 . N ew Eng l a nd Fire Arm s 22 3 Re m , s i ng l e s h o t, l am i nated stock BSAclassic scope $300. Trad iti o ns 1 86 0 Arm y Co lt 4 4, n ew in b ox $ 2 70 . Th o m ps o n Cente r Hawken s 50 cal flint lock, like new, $ 50 0. Lo ts o f s up plie s for black powder and bullets. 814336-8963 SAWDUST AND FIREWOOD DELIVERED Sawdust $160 - 13 cu. yd.dump truck load delivered.Hardwood Firewood:Blockwood $250 for dump truck load. Approx. 2 full cord load. (814) 450-8491 ERIE Rate Lock sm Call for an ERIE Auto Insurance Quote with the ERIE Rate Lock sm Schwab Insurance Agency 814-724-4502 15957 Conneaut Lake Road Suite 12 • Meadville, PA 16335 (In Cutter’s Condo across from Wal-Mart) FOR SALE Si x ce me ta ry p lo ts . DAIRY CATTLE Oak H i ll C em e ta ry, Sandy Lake, PA, Sec- Ho ls te in he ifers 11 tio n N , $3 50 ea ch . m o. $ 80 0 , 1 3 mo . Phone 814-437-5000 $850, 19 mo. due 02/ 0 2/20 14 $ 112 0, 2 2 CONNEAUT LAKE mo. d ue 10/11 /1013 MOTEL FURNISHED $11 20, jerse y cross 2 3 mo . d u e 10 /27 / NON-SMOKING 2 01 3 $11 2 0. C al l APARTMENTS No pets, all util ities, 814-69 4-3080 ca bl e , i n te rn e t i n cl uded . Weekly b ed linen change, housekeeping service, very FOR SALE clean and well main1 97 7 C he vy Veg a tained. Call 814-3822 6,00 0 m il es , n ice 3045. $ 20 00 . 1 0’ x6 ’ d ro p ALL CONCRETE gate utility trailer $400. WORK Pu ll b ehin d cyclo ne rake l ea f vaccuu m Fl oo rs , d rive w ays , w a lks , p a ti os , etc. w ith h os e, $2 00 . 1 50 hp typ e 2 Beautiful craftsmans h ip a t a ffo rd ab l e Vol kswago n 220 0cc m od i fi ed en g in e prices. Over 30 years of references , from $ 15 00 . 2 00 h p an d 100hp nitros oxide car happycustomers. Oil Fra n kli n , engine boost system C i ty, $250 & $150 with full Titusville areas. Irwin ALL YOU CAN EAT FISH FRY tan ks , s ma ll bl ock an d Sons 814 -67 3Fri., Sept. 27th, 4:30 Ch evy 400 C ID e n- 3442 to 7 :00 a t U tica gine heads with some LOG SPLITTER Fi re h a ll . Ba ke d o r porting $100 . Sm all blockChevycrank $50 8hp 27 ton, like new, fried fish, macaroni & $ 1 00 0 . 8 1 4 -43 7 che e s e o r fre nch an d ca m $ 35 , bo th new. 814-683-4763 3843, 814-437-2548 fries, coleslaw, rolls, dessert & beverage. Adults $9.00, s enior ci tize ns $ 8.50 , 5-12 $4.00, 4 & under free. Take outs availa ble. Custom Thanks for your support. Slaughtering HILLTOP PROCESSING and SMOKE HOUSE YARD SALE Sept. 28th . Anti ques olds few other things old door chairs, hats, stea me r trun k, s ui t cas e s , 1 2 2 R i ve r Stre et Co ch ran ton . No early sales, also Cochranton Flea Market Fair Grounds. DENNIS FOR SALE Bee f b y th e h a lf o r CONSTRUCTION & REMODELING whole. Call 814-7248 78 6 or 8 14 -2 82 - Ove r 50 years combi ne d expe ri en ce d, 6150. n ow ’ s th e ti m e to WANTED TO BUY sche dule your ba thPropane room heater room remodeli ng or w i th fan . Als o ti re an y h om e i mprovechains for lawn trac- ment. 814-763-6536. tor. 814-547-1825 PA #031753. PORTER EXCAVATING Bulldozing,excavator, skidsteer, tri-axle servi ce, al l s ep tic system s an d re p a irs , b lo ck b a s em e n ts , fo ote rs, cra w l s p ace s , p i er s ets , b ui l d in g re m o va l , po nds, po nd clea ni ng a n d drive wa ys . 814-96 9-2757 BUYING STANDING TIMBER Harvesting with modern Track machines. All species of timber wa nted . Se lect cu ts and Clear cuts. Family o wned and operated since 1990. Call or email us for more i nform atio n. Co pe l an d Lu mb e r (8 14 ) 756-3 250. AREA SHOPPER 814-425-7272 SEPTEMBER 28, 2013 PAGE 3 AREA SHOPPER 814-425-7272 SEPTEMBER 28, 2013 PAGE 4 AREA SHOPPER 814-425-7272 SEPTEMBER 28, 2013 PAGE 5 NOW OPEN AUTO EXPRESS SUPERSTORE ON PEACH ST. CALL 814-464-0220 • VISIT 9070 PEACH STREET WEB: 2010 MERCEDES BENZ GLK350 Stk. #AW0106 4Matic, leather, moonroof. 26,995 or $ 349/mo. $ 2013 KIA SPORTAGE 4x4 “LX” 2013 FORD ESCAPE SEL 22,995 or $ 295/mo. AWD, Nav., moonroof, leather. 23,995 or $ 309/mo. 25,995 or $ 339/mo. $ 2010 MERCEDES BENZ C-300 4x4, Bluetooth, new body style $ 2010 ACURA RDX TECH Leather, 4x4, frosted glass. $ 2010 LEXUS ES350 4Matic, Sport pkg., leather, moonroof. 27,995 or $ 359/mo. $ 2002 MAZDA PROTEGE. .................................................. $3,995 2012 TOYOTA COROLLA LE ................. $14,995 or 2002 VOLVO V70 XLC AWD WAGON . ....... $7,995 or $125/mo. 2013 HYUNDAI ELANTRA GLS . ............. $15,995 or 2005 HYUNDAI SANTA FE moonroof, V6 ..... $7,995 or $125/mo. 2010 SUBARU IMPREZA AWD low miles . $15,995 or 2003 CHEVY S-10 CREW CAB 4x4 . ........... $8,995 or $149/mo. 2012 VW JETTA SE leather . .................... $15,995 or 2008 FORD ESCAPE XLT 4x4 moonroof ... $10,995 or $155/mo. 2008 FORD RANGER XLT SUPERCAB 2011 MITSUBISHI LANCER ES . ............. $12,995 or $189/mo. 4x4 only 39,000 miles ........................... $16,995 or 2013 MAZDA 3 5 DR. TOURING . ................ $16,995 or 2006 MINI COOPER “S” only 49,000 mi., leather, roof .......................................... $12,995 or $189/mo. 2012 CHEVY CRUZE LT . ........................ $16,995 or 2012 NISSAN VERSA SV ....................... $12,995 or $189/mo. 2011 CHEVY EQUINOX AWD . ................ $17,995 or 2012 TOYOTA CAMRY LE Stk #AW025 ... $17,995 or 2008 SUZUKI XL7 LIMITED low miles, 2010 SUBARU LEGACY sunroof, htd seats . $17,995 or leather, Navigation. ............................... $12,995 or $189/mo. 2013 VW BEETLE low miles, new body style .. $17,995 or 2010 DODGE AVENGER SXT. ................. $13,995 or $199/mo. 2010 CHRY. TOWN & COUNTRY TOURING .$17,995 or 2011 CHEVY IMPALA LT . ....................... $13,995 or $199/mo. 2011 NISSAN JUKE SV AWD moonroof. ... $18,995 or 2011 MAZDA 6 SPORT ........................... $13,995 or $199/mo. 2012 KIA FORTE EX ............................... $13,995 or $199/mo. 2012 JEEP PATRIOT 4x4 only 9,000 miles .$18,995 or 2010 NISSAN ALTIMA 2.5S . .................. $13,995 or $199/mo. 2010 VOLKSWAGEN TIGUAN AWD low mi$18,995 or $215/mo. $229/mo. $229/mo. $229/mo. $249/mo. $249/mo. $249/mo. $259/mo. $259/mo. $259/mo. $259/mo. $259/mo. $277/mo. $277/mo. $277/mo. Leather, moonroof, low miles! 24,995 or $ 319/mo. $ 2013 CHEVY MALIBU LT New body style. $19,995 or $289/mo. 2012 HYUNDAI SANTA FE AWD ............. $19,995 or $289/mo. 2012 HYUNDAI GENESIS CPE. Turbo ...... $20,995 or $269/mo. 2010 HONDA CROSSTOUR EXL AWD loaded!$21,995 or $279/mo. 2013 HYUNDAI VELOSTER. Turbo, must see . $21,995 or $279/mo. 2012 SUBARU IMPREZA SPORT 5 DR . . $21,995 or $279/mo. 2010 BMW i28 COUPE Sharp! .................. $22,995 or $295/mo. 2011 TOYOTA RAV-4 LTD only 19,000 mi. $22,995 or $295/mo. 2012 NISSAN XTERRA S 4x4 . ............... $22,995 or $295/mo. 2013 DODGE JOURNEY SXT AWD 3rd row .. $22,995 or $295/mo. 2013 VOLKSWAGEN CC R-LINE loaded! .. $23,995 or $308/mo. 2012 CHEVY CAPTIVA LTZ AWD leather, sunroof ....................................... $23,995 or $308/mo. 2011 JEEP GR CHEROKEE 4x4 . ............. $26,995 or $349/mo. 2013 CHEVY SILVERADO CREW CAB 4x4. .. $28,995 or $375/mo. 2012 HONDA PILOT EX-L . .................... $30,995 or $399/mo. 9070 Peach Street, Waterford, PA 16441 814-464-0220 AUTO EXPRESS . . . WHEN DEPENDABILITY M ATTERS . . . AUTO EXPRESS . . . WHEN DEPENDABILITY M ATTERS AUTO EXPRESS . . . WHEN DEPENDABILITY M ATTERS . . . AUTO EXPRESS . . . WHEN DEPENDABILITY M ATTERS AUTO EXPRESS . . . WHEN DEPENDABILITY M ATTERS . . . AUTO EXPRESS . . . WHEN DEPENDABILITY M ATTERS . . . AUTO EXPRESS . . . WHEN DEPENDABILITY M ATTERS . . . AUTO EXPRESS . . . WHEN DEPENDABILITY M ATTERS . . . AUTO EXPRESS . . . WHEN DEPENDABILITY M ATTERS . . . AUTO EXPRESS . . . WHEN DEPENDABILITY M ATTERS . . . AREA SHOPPER 814-425-7272 SEPTEMBER 28, 2013 PAGE 6 AREA SHOPPER 814-425-7272 SEPTEMBER 28, 2013 PAGE 7 WE SELL TIRES!! WE SERVICE TIRES!! Most sizes on stock!! Including hard to find sizes 16”-20” and up. We repair our tires & o the rs . We do 4 w he e l a li g n me n ts . Full service on all veh icle s . One Stop Only!! -OVER 4 2 ye ars Experience Gre e nville Tire & Rubber Supply 724588-3 336. OIL UNDERCOATING R &R U n de rco atin g h a s ch an g e d i ts name to Troyer’s Auto R ep ai r an d U nd ercoating. We are taking a ppointmen ts to un dercoa t vehi cle s. We und ercoat cars, trucks, trailers, & motor h omes. We offer oil with rust inhibitor or Flu id Fi lm. Flu id Film offers powe rful corrosion protection, long lasti ng, al ways active, stops rust on co ntact, pe ne trates metal pores. We are an a uth ori ze d Flu id Film dealer. Oil Cars$45, trucks $55. Fluid Film cars $65,Trucks $ 80 . Ph . 81 4 -72 0 4130 Cochranton, PA LIMESTONE 9 .5 to ns d el i vere d an d ta ilga ted with in 20 miles ofHarrisville $260. 7 tons $210. 5 ton s $1 80 . We w il l deliver anywhere feasible.Also gravel,topsoil, sand , sawdust, barkmulch. Firewood b lo ckin g 2½ to 3 cords load $275 delivered. Small blocks $ 25 0 . Yo u ca l l w e haul. Frado’s Hauling a nd Plo w i ng 8 14 385-6479 DRIVEWAY LOOK A MESS? Well we have you covered! We carry limestone,2B gravel, slag and other material to fi x th at m es s of a driveway. Wholesale o r R eta il ! Ken n ed y L an d sca pe Su p pl y 814-425 -7903. FINANCING AVAILABLE Mob i l e h o me s fo r sale, owner or Realto r, p arks o r priva te l a nd : fi n a n ci n g fo r qualified buyers. Super Loan Originators a t Ro Mar Ho m es . 724-927-6341 NMLS #323651 WANTED TO BUY Ol d toys fro m 2 0’ s, 30’ s or earlier. Al so w in d u p toys , l a rg e Buddy L or Keystone trucks . Al so p ed a l cars and pedal tractors. 814-332-7410. AUCTION Thinking of having an auc tion, le t Miller ’s Auc tion w or k for you.We specialize in Rea l Es ta te , Fa rm , Hous e hold, Antique s. W ha te ve r your auction ne eds a re , The Miller ’s would be pleased to w or k for you. Call 8 1 4-4 2 5-7 2 7 6 or 724-456 -3632. VILLAGE ACRES MOBILE HOME PARK in Clintonville. 3BR, 1 BA, 14 x7 0, very nice home, all electri c $ 3,0 00 d o wn , $450 a month. 2BR, 1 BA $10 00 do wn $37 5 a m onth. No H UD o r H o od lums....and rememb er i f yo ur h om e d oe s n ’t h ave wheels you paid too much!!! Ca ll or text 814-221 -1360. FOR SALE 1953 Ferguson T 30, run s , b a ck b l ad e , $ 22 5 0 . Wh ite lo g sp li tte r, 27 to n, li ke new, $1150 . 4 chain s a ws w ith e xtra b l ad e s , o i l, a n e w e l ectric cha i n s a w s ha rp en e r, n e w i n box. Mig 170 wire feed we ld er, mi g or Fl ux Core Arc. $250. Wite auto darking h elmet $275 all new in box. 814-33 6-8963 HELP WANTED Dairy Farm, 100 cow tie stall, barn looking for someone to milk & feed 6 days a week, 11am to 5pm experience preferred. 814425-8 385. FOR SALE 460 Farmall, 61hp, 3 p o in t hi tch, p ow e r s te e rin g , e xce l l en t tires, runs great, with 7 fo o t Wo o ds tra i l brush hog, 6 foot back bla de and 2 bottom d ra g pl o w, $ 6 70 0 . Also 149 Cub Cadet la wn m owe r, hydros tati c, ru ns g oo d , great deck with front b la d e , $ 7 50 . Ca l l 724-253-4118. Leave m es s a ge , w i ll cal l back. FOR SALE 400+ ceramic molds, some new, must take a ll , ma ke a n o ffer. Phone 724-253-2023 i f no an sw er le ave mess age. FOR SALE 2007 Ram 1500 with hemi. All decked out w ith ch ro me a uto ma ti c tran s. All o ptions, matching 2012 ca rg o tra i le r wi th chro m e. 8 14 -7 20 6957, 814-573-0234 call anytime, priced to sell. YARD SALES Pi ne d a le Mo bi l e Home Park, Atla ntic. Multiple Families, Friday-Sunday (9/27 -9/ 2 9), 9a m -5p m . H ou s e ho l d i te ms , small appliances, furni ture, clo the s to fit everyon e--in clu di ng plus sizes, tools, too much to list!! FOR SALE 2004 Pontiac Grand AM, 4 dr. sedan with 80,00 0 miles; beige with spoile r, 4 cylinder; clean and in good s ha p e , a s ki n g $ 4 20 0 ; 8 1 4 -57 3 9 32 6 mu s t s e e R a ym o n d D r. Meadville. FOR SALE Bla ck m e tal fra m e d ayb e d w /tw o tw i n m attres s e s; w hi te bathroom cabinet w/ b l ack gra n ite to p ; bra ss p late d qu een he ad bo ard; cre am / burgundy 9x12 a rea rug; Lexmark copier/ fa x/prin te r.20 3-57 79070 GUN BOW BLIND Th om p s on C e nte r Impact, 50 cal. inline muzzle loader, camo s tock ne w $ 30 0 , Pa rke r co m p ou n d bo w hu nt rea dy a rrows quiver sight drop restrelease 55 to 70# $ 3 50 , ba rron e t g ro u n d b l in d grounder 250 new in box $125. Call 8 14673-0 338. LOWE JET BOAT FOR SALE 6 0/4 0 Jo h ns o n j e t m oto r, 5 5l b . th rus t e le ctri c mo to r, l ive w el l , s wi vel se a ts , tw o ba tte ri es, b il ge pump, ready to fish, $7200 obo. 814-6736661 YORKIE CHIHUAHUA p u pp i e s. Yo rki e m o m, C hi h u ah u a da d. Pups loo k li ke Yo rkie ’s . Se e al l of their photos at www. or you can call us for pics. $ 275 e a. 7 24614-7808 SUFFOLK SHEEP 6 -8 m on th s. R am s a n d e w es , fa rm ra ise d feed ers Ho l. ste ers 250-4 50 l bs. 814-547 -8885. FOR SALE Lab Collie mix p uppies, theymake great fam i l y p e ts , 1s t shots, $25. 814-7869752. FLOORING Hardwood floor refi nis hin g, i nstall ations and in home sales! Ceramic tile flo ors / wall s / backs plas hes . La min ate floo r i nstalla tions. Interior remodeling. Shasta Prop e rti e s LL C . Ful ly licensed and insured. Free Estim ate s. EPA L ea d Certified! 724-3301 02 4 . s h a sta p ro pe rti e sl m (099357) YOUR AD COULD BE HERE!!!