AREA SHOPPER 814-425-7272 SEPTEMBER 21, 2013 PAGE 16
AREA SHOPPER 814-425-7272 SEPTEMBER 21, 2013 PAGE 16
AREA SHOPPER 814-425-7272 SEPTEMBER 21, 2013 PAGE 16 AREA SHOPPER 814-425-7272 SEPTEMBER 21, 2013 PAGE 17 AREA SHOPPER 814-425-7272 • 40 Yr. .015 29 ga. m etal is roll form ed and custom cut to suit your needs • Double Bubble 6’x125’ • Single Bubble 6’x125’ • Roof Boots • Flovent, EMSEAL • KWIK FRAME • Asst. Sliding Door Tracks & Accessories • Snow Guards.... AND MORE! NOW STOCKING HEARTLAND VINYL SIDING .042” MEDIUM GRADE ALUM. COIL STOCK FOUNDATION REPAIRS Homes & barns, leveling & lifting, repairing, dry ro t, repa ir & re pl a cin g b lo ck walls, digging basements under homes. W a t e r p ro o fi n g . Ke ltn er Xca vating & C on s tru ctio n . KXC Inc. 81 4-76 3-34 78 . Vis a & Ma s te rC ard accep ted. BOAT REPAIR Certified mecha nic doing boat & motor rep a ir on Mercury Johnson Evinrude & Yamaha Outboards & Mercruiser I/O’s in the Conne aut Lake area.Call Dave 724456-1527 PICK UP YOUR COPY OF THE AREA SHOPPER AT HA IR D O’S RT. 98 CROSSINGVILLE STEEL ROOFING AND SIDING Over 25 Years in Business SUMMER SALE Pre-Cut Sheets 2nds, Odd Lots - $1.00/L.F. #1 Prime Sheets-$1.90/L.F. Instal ation Available. 814-398-4052 BUYING Blocking logs. Paying $ 90 0 pe r lo a d fo r mixed hardwood logs 8” and up delivered to H am b u rg R oa d Gree nvill e, PA. Ca ll Cl inch Tite Co rp. at 724-376 -7315. SEPTEMBER 21, 2013 KEYSTONE VINYL INC. ANNUAL FALL SALE SEPTEMBER 23 TO OCTOBER 5 1 0 Kre mi s Ro a d Greenville PA. (724) 475-2843 WE BUY CARS AND TRUCKS Instant cash paid for ca rs a nd tru cks.No j u nk o r p ro je ct please. Ka rgo Quality Ca rs, Rt. 19 Mercer. 724-662-5762. BEEF FOR SALE $ 2.3 6 /l b . D o u bl e w ra p p ed & fro ze n . Halfs & wholes available. Fed off of good high moisture corn & alfalfa hay. Call 814282-2 728. SELL-BUY-TRADE New & us ed truck ca ps . 72 4 -25 3 2 62 3 , a fter 6 :0 0 P.M.724-253-2032. SELF STORAGE Rent a Space Greenville, PA. 24/7 security. 7 day access. 724-58 8-2209 PAYING TOP DOLLAR for junk cars, trucks, farm eq u i pm e n t & s cra p . $ 2 50 & u p . Ava ilabl e 24 /7. 3 30979-1 490. AVAILABLE AT FAME RV CENTER Choose from Several Different Styles: FIBERGLASS CAB HIGH, LID, WEDGE STYLE, CUSTOM DESIGN CONTRACTORS CAP, CLASSIC ALUM. PLUS WE OFFER A FULL LINE OF TONNEAU COVERS & TRUCK ACCESSORIES. ALL FIBERGLASS CAPS COME W/EXACT COLOR MATCH & INSTALLATION! CALL FOR A QUOTE TODAY AT (814) 763-5645 Saegertown, PA CATCH’M BACKHOE FLAT ROOF SERVICE SPECIALISTS $45 per hour for back- RV’s,motor homes, h oe o r e xca va ti n g tr aile rs, ca mper s. work. 814-853-9610. Sche dule your m otor hom e als o LADIES NIGHT roof restoration Sat.Sept. 21st. Doors for in Ja nuary or Febopen at 4pm at Utica ruar y, indoor fa cilFirehall co st $20 in- ity. 724-301-8470 cludes food & bev til MARK’S gone and main ticket UPHOLSTERY p rize s th e re ’ l l b e ga me s si de raffl es Al l typ es of cu stom fun for everyone tick- u ph o l ste ry s o fa s , ets can be purchased ch airs , b oats, furn itu re rep a i r, d e nta l at the door. ch airs, ch iro practor tables, exam tables, office furni ture, clasCONCEALED cars, RV’s, campCARRY CLASS sic ers & airplanes. Over Permithonored in 36+ States including Ohio 15,000 yds. of upholUtah and Arizona non-resident CCP stery fabric in stock. SEPTEMBER 21ST AT THE 28 yrs . expe ri en ce . STONEBORO VOL. FIRE DEPT. 8 1 4-7 6 3-2 9 3 3 o r IN STONEBORO, PA email SEPTEMBER 27TH AT THE AMERICAN LEGION IN ERIE, PA OCTOBER 12TH AT THE HERSHBERGER FAIRFIELD INN IN BUTLER, PA FENCING Qu al i ty l i ve s tock/ OCTOBER 29TH AT THE HOLIDAY resi dentia l fences. INN EXPRESS IN MERCER, PA COST OF CLASS IS ONLY $85 FOR UTAH Wi ll re move fen ce AND $95 FOR UTAH & AIRZONA. and clear. 10 years Photo & fingerprinting services available. e xp e rie n ce. C us FOR MORE INFOMATION OR TO REGISTER to mer sa ti sfa cti on g u ara n te e d . 4 ½ CONTACT (724) 376-2373 OR miles east of m a n Oh io . Ca l l John 724-588-2550 FOR SALE GARAGE DOORS L og C ab i n 1 2 ’ x1 8 ’ AND REPAIRS FOR RENT with 6’ porch. Green M.C . Ove rhe a d Bob ca t s kid s tee rs Door sells, installs, metal roof. Fin ished and mini excavators. interior. Liva ble. D ifand repairs garage I rent by the hour day d oo rs a n d fere n t s i ze s an d wee k mo nth. I h ave opene rs, we s tock styles available. From b oth ti re an d track springs and parts to Meadville take Rt. 77 m ach i ne s . I a ls o g e t yo ur re pa i r east to Little Cooley. h ave pa l l et forks d o ne fas t. Ca l l Take Rockdale Road rockh ou n d a u g ers Ma rvi n 8 1 4 2 8 2 n o rth 5 m i . Va ll e y b rus h h og d oze r 92 42 o r 72 4-85 6- Vie w Lo g Ca b i ns , b l ad e an d ro ck 2 4 07 7 Ro ckda l e crusher. call 724 662 6019. R o ad , Ca m b rid g e 1 2 79 o r s top i n a t Springs, PA 16403. PA# 52610 SU HR IE'S ro ute 19 south of Mercer. ANTIQUE FURNITURE WANTED Bu ying de sks , cu pboards, se cretaries, vi ctro las, dre ssers, bo okcases , p arl or stand s, Grandfather cl ocks, als o g las sware. Old advertising, ph otograph ica, amusements, railroad items, musical instruments, watercolo rs, paintings, accumulati ons, liq uida tion s. Michael Sipple 1-888227-2431 (Free Call) FOR SALE ALLAN HART & SONS 18 mo . o ld Be lgi an INDUSTRIAL s tu d co l t o u t o f EQUIPMENT RENTAL Ornd o rff’ s ca p ta i n cla s s $ 1 2 00 o bo . DAY * WEEK * MONTH Nice horse. Raymond MINIEXCAVATORS* EXCAVATORS Byle r 96 2 6 We s t DOZERS * BACKHOES* SKID LOADERS YARD SALE Calvin Rd. Hartstown, DELIVERY AVAILABLE Sept. 27 & 28. 9am-? PA 16131. Home af800-42 5-7094 7 48 Bi l ly Bo yd Rd . ter 5:00. Sto n e bo ro , PA DRIVEWAY LOOK A PRICE CRUSHERS WANTED Clothes, to ols, lot of MESS? ARE BACK U se d bo x scra pe r. misc. Well we have you cov- Lim ited tim e, 2 on 724-40 6-0230 ered! We carry lime- display:family room, stone,2B gravel, slag 3 bed 2 baths and 4 and other material to big bedroom and 2 fi x th at m es s of a ba ths, lar ge k itchdriveway. Wholesale ens. RoMa r Homes, o r R eta il ! Ken n ed y 888-255 -8191. L an d sca pe Su p pl y w w w 814-425 -7903. FORD FUSION E-Z BRICKS 20 06 , 4 cyl, 92 ,0 00 C om p re ss e d s aw - mi le s, gra y w/b la ck dust bricks burn hot- in te rio r, fron t w he el ter and cleaner than d ri ve , ve ry g oo d firewood. 100 shrink cond., selling due to wrap pe d pa ckag es family illness $6800. per ton $200 per ton, 814-6 78-6951 leave delivery available for name & phone numa d di ti on a l ch a rg e . ber. Call 724-946-8608 STUFF FOR SALE GLEN’S OIL VW Trike runs great, UNDERCOATING NH268 haybaler with New or used under- kicker good condition, coa ti ng o il for you r 3 p t b a le s p are , veh icle it on ly ta kes L ei nb a ch po sth ol e one hour and $50 for digger 3pt 12” auger us to trea t yo ur ve- ne w, g ro un d driven THE QUAL ITY YOU 7214 Church Street h i cl e wi th o u r JD manure spreader DESIRE WITH THE rspraying te ch- Model R, AgrexWhirly Conneaut Lake, PA unde ni qu e. For ap po in t- Bi rd 3 pt fe rti l ize r PROF ESSIONA L ISM (814) 382-0392 ment 814-786-7829. spreader, 5ft tow beYOU DESERVE Bring ad in for $5.00 hind brush hog, hay eppbuildin off month of Septem- w a go n 81 4 -65 7 PA HOME IMPROVEMENT CONTRACTOR - PA #3031 ber. 1989 E-CLASSIC OUTDOOR WOOD FURNACE 97% Efficient. Heat your home and wate r. Bu y NOW a nd s ave up to $ 9 00 ! Call today Fisher & Father, 2449 St. Rt. 257, Cranberry, PA. 8 0 0-3 2 8-4 3 7 2 o r 814-677 -6416. PAGE 18 POLE BUILDINGS H orse ba rn s, da iry buildings, riding arenas, agriculture building s, ga rage s, ro ofing, decks. Hostetler C on s tru ctio n . 8 14 4 25 -7 96 5 ta l k to Pete. FOR SALE 05 Honda Accord EX, great cond., just deta iled, w inter tire s, 118 k , $ 7 9 50 . Ca ll 814-76 3-3862 POLE BUILDINGS & GARAGES SIZZLING SUMMER SAVINGS ~ FREE ESTIMATES ~ SPORTSMAN’S RAFFLE SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 28 FROM 5PM TO 9 PM ~~~ BENEFITS THE C R AW FO R D COUNTY FIREFIGHTER'S SCUBA TEAM ~~~ HELD AT OUR STATION ON RYAN ROAD IN MEADVILLE ~~~ GUNS, CASH, AND MUCH MORE! ~~~ TICKETS SOLD AT THE DOOR OR CALL BRAD (8 14 5 47 -8 29 8 ) FOR MORE INFO. FABIN’S TRAILER SALES Featherlite Valley Cam Aluma Continental Cargo Erie I-90 Rt. 430 Exit 32 814-899-6636 INSULATION BOARD PANELS Exte ri or g ra d e , R value 9.5, closed cell, po lyure th an e foa m, face w/w hi te fi b erg la s s s ki ns . co m pressive strength 3540 ps i. (8 0”x2 2”x1 .75”) wg t. 1 9l b s . $3 ea. (6 4”x2 2”x1 .75”) wg t. 14 l bs . $2 e a. D el . a vai l . w h s le . 44 0 224-0669. Best time to call 7am-7:30am. PYMATUNING LAKE DEAD AND DRIVE-IN FLEA DISABLED MARKET LIVESTOCK Open every Saturday, REMOVAL Su nd a y & Mo nd a y Prompt discreet Labor Day. 6:00 a.m.- s erviceand . 7 2 4-6 99 3:00. An dover Ohi o. Info: 440-293-7757. 8 9 35 o r7 2 4 -69 9 3871. Your Garage Door Pro 814-282-9242 724-856-6019 • Garage Doors • Openers • Springs and Repair Parts • Entrance Doors CALL MARVIN FOR YOUR GARAGE DOOR NEEDS Free Estimates - Fully Insured • PA #52610 FISHERMAN Fish for Trophy Lake Eri e Jum b o Pe rch . C a ll Fis h -N -Fu n Charters in Conneaut Ohio. 440-221 -9592 cal l no w fo r be s t dates. SOLD! Are You Thinking of Ha ving An Auc tion. Call Miller’s Auction. Sam e Da y Se ttle ment. Call 814 -4257 27 6 or 7 24 -4 56 3632. FALL DOWN INJURIES •Fractures •Rotator Cuff •Knee Injuries •Serious Injury •Can’t Work •Lost Wages FREE CONSULTATION Contact a Laywer immediately if injured on the property of another person or company CALL ATTORNEY 430 Blvd.of the Allies HAR RY Pittsburgh, PA 15219 STU MP M.B. HEMLOCK LUMBER 432 Haun Rd., Sandy L a ke , PA 1 6 14 5 . Fra m i ng , Sh i p la p , D utchl a p, a nd Lo g C ab i n s i d in g . To n g u e -n -Gro o ve , Pan e l in g . Pri va cy fence. Send S.A.S.E. for prices before you b uy!! Mo s t w e eks Mo n. thru Fri. 7 :3 04:30. 800-934-4157 TOP SOIL AND MULCH Single ground mulch, approx. 14 yds delivered $275.Also color an d do ubl e grou nd call for price. Top soil screened 10 ton del ive red $ 30 0 un scree ned $2 00. Fi ll dirt $125. You call we haul. Frado’s Hauling a nd Plo w i ng . 81 4 385-6479 MEADVILLE (814) 333-6671 • FRANKLIN • HERMITAGE OPEN 8 AM TO 10 PM DAILY 40 TAKE AN % ADDITIONAL OFF SPRING & SUMMER CLEARANCE APPAREL MERCHANDISE FREE LAYAWAY NO SERVICE FEE 8 OR 12 WEEK CONTRACT NO MINIMUM PURCHASE AREA SHOPPER 814-425-7272 SEPTEMBER 21, 2013 NOW OPEN NORTH PAGE 19 AUTO EXPRESS SUPERSTORE ON PEACH ST. CALL 814-464-0220 • VISIT 9070 PEACH STREET WEB: 2010 MERCEDES BENZ GLK350 Stk. #AW0106 4Matic, leather, moonroof. 26,995 or $ 349/mo. $ 2010 LEXUS RX350 2010 ACURA RDX TECH AWD, leather, Nav. moonroof. 32,995 or $ 429/mo. Leather, heated & cooled seats, moonroof, leather. 32,995 or $ 429/mo. $ 25,995 or $ 339/mo. $ 2010 MERCEDES BENZ C-300 2011 LEXUS RX350 AWD, Nav., moonroof, leather. $ 2010 LEXUS ES350 4Matic, Sport pkg., leather, moonroof. 27,995 or $ 359/mo. $ 2002 MAZDA PROTEGE. .................................................. $3,995 2013 HYUNDAI ELANTRA GLS . ............. $15,995 or $229/mo. 2005 NISSAN ALTIMA . .................................................... $5,995 2010 SUBARU IMPREZA AWD low miles . $15,995 or $229/mo. 2006 DODGE GR. CARAVAN SXT 2008 FORD RANGER XLT SUPERCAB power everything!! .................................. $7,995 or $125/mo. 4x4 only 39,000 miles ........................... $16,995 or $249/mo. 2007 KIA SPECTRA . ................................ $7,995 or $125/mo. 2013 MAZDA 3 5 DR. TOURING . ................ $16,995 or $249/mo. 2008 FORD ESCAPE XLT 4x4 moonroof ... $10,995 or $155/mo. 2012 CHEVY CRUZE LT . ........................ $16,995 or $249/mo. 2011 CHEVY EQUINOX AWD . ................ $17,995 or $259/mo. 2011 MITSUBISHI LANCER ES . ............. $12,995 or $189/mo. 2012 TOYOTA CAMRY LE Stk #AW025 ... $17,995 or $259/mo. 2006 MINI COOPER “S” only 49,000 mi., 2010 SUBARU LEGACY sunroof, htd seats . $17,995 or $259/mo. leather, roof .......................................... $12,995 or $189/mo. 2013 VW BEETLE low miles, new body style .. $17,995 or $259/mo. 2012 NISSAN VERSA SV ....................... $12,995 or $189/mo. 2010 VOLKSWAGEN TIGUAN AWD low mi$18,995 or $277/mo. 2011 CHEVY IMPALA LT . ....................... $13,995 or $199/mo. 2013 CHEVY MALIBU LT New body style. $19,995 or $289/mo. 2011 MAZDA 6 SPORT ........................... $13,995 or $199/mo. 2012 HYUNDAI SANTA FE AWD ............. $19,995 or $289/mo. 2012 KIA FORTE EX ............................... $13,995 or $199/mo. 2012 HYUNDAI GENESIS CPE. Turbo ...... $20,995 or $269/mo. 2010 NISSAN ALTIMA 2.5S . .................. $13,995 or $199/mo. 2010 HONDA CROSSTOUR EXL AWD loaded!$21,995 or $279/mo. 2012 FORD FUSION SE Stk. #AW027...... $14,995 or $215/mo. 2013 HYUNDAI VELOSTER. Turbo, must see . $21,995 or $279/mo. 2012 TOYOTA COROLLA LE ................. $14,995 or $215/mo. Leather, moonroof, low miles! 24,995 or $ 319/mo. $ 2010 NISSAN MAXIMA SL Nav, moonroof, loaded!. .................... $21,995 or 2012 SUBARU IMPREZA SPORT 5 DR . . $21,995 or 2010 BMW i28 COUPE Sharp! .................. $22,995 or 2011 TOYOTA RAV-4 LTD only 19,000 mi. $22,995 or 2012 NISSAN XTERRA S 4x4 . ............... $22,995 or 2007 CHEVY AVALANCHE LT leather, moonroof ................................... $22,995 or 2013 DODGE JOURNEY SXT AWD 3rd row .. $22,995 or 2013 VOLKSWAGEN CC R-LINE loaded! .. $23,995 or 2012 CHEVY CAPTIVA LTZ AWD leather, sunroof ....................................... $23,995 or 2011 JEEP GR CHEROKEE 4x4 . ............. $26,995 or 2013 CHEVY 1500 EX CAB 4x4 LTonly 10K $27,995 or 2011 BMW 328i X DRIVE AWD low miles!. . $27,995 or 2013 CHEVY SILVERADO CREW CAB 4x4. .. $28,995 or 2012 HONDA PILOT EX-L . .................... $30,995 or $279/mo. $279/mo. $295/mo. $295/mo. $295/mo. $295/mo. $295/mo. $308/mo. $308/mo. $349/mo. $359/mo. $359/mo. $375/mo. $399/mo. 9070 Peach Street, Waterford, PA 16441 814-464-0220 AUTO EXPRESS . . . WHEN DEPENDABILITY M ATTERS . . . AUTO EXPRESS . . . WHEN DEPENDABILITY M ATTERS . . . AUTO EXPRESS . . . WHEN DEPENDABILITY M ATTERS . . . AUTO EXPRESS . . . WHEN DEPENDABILITY M ATTERS . . . AUTO EXPRESS . . . WHEN DEPENDABILITY M ATTERS AUTO EXPRESS . . . WHEN DEPENDABILITY M ATTERS . . . AUTO EXPRESS . . . WHEN DEPENDABILITY M ATTERS AUTO EXPRESS . . . WHEN DEPENDABILITY M ATTERS . . . AUTO EXPRESS . . . WHEN DEPENDABILITY M ATTERS . . . AUTO EXPRESS . . . WHEN DEPENDABILITY M ATTERS . . . AREA SHOPPER 814-425-7272 FLUID FILM RUSTPROOFING KILLS EXISTING RUST ON CONTACT TRI COUNTY RUSTPROOFING 724-735-6123 Open 7 days a week GARAGE SALE 39 9 Blacktown Rd ., Grove City, PA16127. Off Route 208 west of Grove City, PA. Furniture, antiques, tools, bicycle, colle ctibl es. L iq ui da ti n g Es ta te . Sept. 20 & 21, 8 am to 3 pm. 2 HAY R o un d & s q ua re bales, 1st & 2nd cutting. 724-646-3612. BARSOTTI’S HANDYMAN SERVICE N o jo b to o b ig o r s m a l l . ..R o o fi n g , e le ctri c, s i d in g , m an o n ry w ork, p a in ti ng , in te ri o r work,basement fini sh i n g, con crete an d so me plum bing. If it’s not on this li st, j ust as k! Ca ll 4 1 2-5 1 5-5 0 9 8 o r 412-515 -5068. KEYSTONE VINYL INC. ANNUAL FALL SALE SEPTEMBER 23 TO OCTOBER 5 1 0 Kre mi s Ro a d FOR SALE Greenville PA. (724) 19 88 14 x60 mo bi le 475-2843 home w/sm all deck. Vi nyl si ding /sh ing le Amish Custom-Built roo f, 2 beds /1 ba th. CAR GARAGE SPECIAL Very cle an i n g oo d • 24’x28’ con d iti on . $ 18 ,00 0 • Vinyl Siding obo. Must be moved • Shingled Roof (Mercer, PA) 724-992• 2 Garage Doors 8798 • 1 Man Door 12,950 $ other sizes avail. • 24’x28’ • Vinyl Siding • Shingled Roof • 2 Garage Doors • 1 Man Door 7995 $ other sizes avail. Coblentz Builders Call before you build. 724-699-3315 GUARANTEED LOWEST PRICES! PA 17767 BRAISED STEAK COUNTRY HOME DINNER FOR RENT Ston e b oro $ 57 5 / April 24, 2013 5:00 to mon th pl us utiliti es. 6:30. Fredonia PresPelletstove/gas heat. byterian Church Water Street Fredonia PA 814-78 6-7048 Adults $9.00, children OIL UNDERCOATING $5 . Inform ati on ca ll New Wi lm i n gto n 724-47 5-2189 area, call for appointmen t 724-699-3 230 FOR SALE Jan o s ky Tow i n g Tiltbed hauling if it fits Gris wo ld cas t iron . 724-53 0-7416 we’ll haul. Interstate Machine & Fab, Inc. ½ mi. N. Junction Rt. 8 & I-80 WELDING SUPPLIES Portable & In Shop Welding TANK LEASING & EXCHANGE STEEL & ALUM WELDING New & Used Steel PROPANE CYLINDERS FILLED Hours: 7-5 Mon. - Fri.; 7-noonSat. Phone 814-786-0014 FOR SALE Boxe r pupp ies, tails do cked , first sh ots, wo rm ed , hu rry on ly two left. No pape rs. Both parents on site. $250 each.Also Boxer Au stral ia n She pe rd m i x p u pp i e s $ 4 0 e ach. Wo ul d m ake g oo d pe ts . An dy K. Byl e r, 6 4 5 Wa gn e r Rd., Volant, Pa 16156. CORN STALKS FOR SALE $3 a bu ndl e, su nflowers,Mamath 2 a head. Also log jack a nd b atte ry o pe ra ted cha i n s a w s h arp e ne r, fu r stretchers,all sizes, sa ve a d. Cal l Eve. 814-79 5-4084 SEPTEMBER 21, 2013 I SURGEON REPAIR We can repair your iPods, iPhones and iPads. We pay cash for iPods, iPhones and iPads. Located in Ha r risville , PA. Call 724-372-1871 INTERSTATE SELF STORAGE Rt. 62 & I-79 across fro m Sta te Po l ice Ba rra cks. 24 ho ur a cce s s . U -Ha u l Ren tals . 72 4-66 21186 RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL CLEANING Do you want to have yo ur hom e or bus in es s cl e a ne d th e right way? Call for a qu ote toda y. Experie nced an d Pro fes si on al . Re fe re nces avai lab le. 7 24-37 25570 BELL’S SANITATION SERVICES FOR FALL INSTALLATION!! WARNER’S “MORE OPTIONS • MORE DESIGNS” WATSON’S INC. Is now accepting applications for profess io n a l s cho o l b u s d rive rs at our L a ke vi ew & Wil mi ng to n Sch oo l District location. Day time hours and/or extra cu rri cu la r wo rk available. Weekends, h ol id ays a nd s um mers off. We provide training with certified i nd i vid u a ls w ith safety as our top priority. AGREAT job for reti re d i nd i vi du a ls , parents with sch ool a ge d ch i l dre n o r tho s e w a n ti n g to suppl ement you r inco me . C al l now for i nfo rma tio n a n d to reg i ste r for an up co min g cla ss. 72 4704-7 230. SINGLE TOP BUGGY Ex. s hape, hydraulic brakes, LED lig hts, h ea ter $1 5 0 0 o bo . 814-967 -2229. Since 1958 407 S. Erie St., Rt. 19 South, Mercer, PA FR S HU EE FOR T TERS OF H FRONT OUS E! 724-662-4600 • 1-888-412-9209 M-F 9 to 5, Sat. 10-3 Reg. # PA-001873 AREA’SNEWEST COMPLETE SHOWROOM J & L METALS 724-65 4-9669 2000 Old Butler Rd., New Castle, PA16101. #1 Copper $2.75. #2 Copper $2.55. Motors 20¢. Stainless 40¢ POTATOES FOR SALE 72 4-4 75-2 042 . R ed Ponti ac, Yukon Gold & Russet. 724-45 8-1630 HUGE SAVINGS at your local Harmony Se ars Ho m e to w n Store.This Fridayand SaturdayONLY... lowe st p ri ce s on Kenmore appliances ever... up to 30% off PLU S take an ad ditional 10% off almost store wide (this locatio n on l y)... Chainsaws, blowers, h ed g e tri mm e r i n stock for Fal l cle an up...This is the best time to lay away your s no wb lo we r... Bes t pricin g now... LAST BIG SAL E OF TH E SU MMER !!! D on ’ t miss it... Savings cannot be held over after Saturda y...stop in at 10 0 Perry H igh wa y, Ha rm on y PA 1 60 37 this Friday and SaturdayONLYto get great d ea l s !!! Lo ca ll y owned and operated. Call 724-452-9900 for more information. INC. HOMES a nd IMPROVEMENTS Grove City, PA 16127 FALL SALE At L e ba n o n U P Church Sat. Sept. 21 8a-1p, 209 0 MercerWM Rd., Mercer, PA 1 61 3 7 . H u ge fle a m arke t, g ift ra ffle , plant sale,Amish don uts & b a ke s al e . Bre a kfa s t & l un ch ava ilab le. Proce eds support missions. PAGE 19 ORDER NOW • Septic Pumping • Portable Restrooms “The Red Restroom Guys” 2006 CHEVY EQUINOX Exc. s ha p e , m e chanically and cosme ti ca ll y, no rus t, never wrecked. Deta il e d s e rvi ce reco rds , ne w in spection, new tires, ne w b attery. Don ’t l e t th e 1 2 6 ,0 0 0 miles fool you! Must be seen to be app re ci a te d . As kin g $ 5 70 0 . 7 2 4 -47 5 2607 SOUTH FOR SALE Browning BPS 10 ga. tu rke y s hotgun wi th case, engraved, and HELP WANTED fiber optic sites. $499. MENNONITE Expert bucket opera814-786 -7967. COMPANY HIRING tor/cli m b er, al s o Si di n g i n s ta l l ers , g ro u nd m en la b ors FOR SALE Pre s ti g e Exte ri o rs , H e avy du ty ta rp wa nte d, experien ce yearround work. 724- ap prox. 22 x38 , $5 0. req u i re d , m u s t b e 946-2 600. able to tie knots, runs Call 724-946-2746 chainsaw & sharpen chains. Contact Chris 814-332 -7112. SAWDUST AND FIREWOOD DELIVERED Sawdust $160 - 13 cu. yd.dump truck load delivered.Hardwood Firewood:Blockwood $250 for dump truck load. Approx. 2 full cord load. (814) 450-8491 FOR RENT IN GREENVILLE D el u xe 1 b ed roo m ap artmen t, sui tab le for one person.Stove, refrigerator, washer & dryer,paved drive and g ara ge . $ 4 5 0 p lu s u til i tie s . 72 4 -86 6 1010. APARTMENT FOR RENT South of Sandy Lake on Rt. 173. 1st floor, 3BR, washer & dryer, ga rba ge service i nclu ded, $ 550/mo nth plus utilities, no pets, se curity d epo si t req ui re d. 7 24 -3 76 7267. DISPLAYS - NOT JUST SAMPLES CONCEALED CARRY USA WILL BE HOLDING A BASIC PISTOL TRAINING COURSE AT 9:00 AM & AN ADVANCED SELFDEFENSE PISTOL TRAINING COURSE AT 2:00 PM ON OCT. 26TH AT THE JACKSON FIELD & STREAM CLUB IN JACKSON CENTER, PA CLASSES ARE $100 EACH OR $150 FOR BOTH. TO REGISTER CALL (724)-376-2373 OR EMAIL FOR SALE 2003 Nissan Frontier truck, 90,000 miles, 4 cyl, 5 speed, 2WD, no rus t, n e w ti res , $6500 firm. 814-8072242 leave message. TAYLOR 450 Excel le nt con di tio n, w el l taken ca re of, pu mp s, pe x tub in g, hea t exch anger and fan, $3000. 724-9773178 EXTENDED 814-425-7272 SEPTEMBER 21, 2013 TIRE SALE! RENT-T O-OWN THRU OCTOBER 1st, 2013 SAVE UP TO 30% PER TIRE! Price includes installation and computer balancing • NEW VALVES • NEW SIZES • SEALANT • $ P215/60R16 P185/65R14 P205/55R16 75 P225/60R16 P195/65R15 P205/65R15 89 “17” ON SALE THIS $ 215/70R16 99 WEEK 235/70R16 COOPER TIRE REBATE! P235/75R15 $ 80 RECEIVE UP TO AN PRE-PAID VISA CARD WHEN YOU BUY 4 QUALIFYING COOPER TIRES! $ 00 724-662-3483 Sharon-Mercer Rd. Mon.-Fri. 8-5 Sat. 8-1 MERCER TIRE SALES FOR SALE Massage table, solid, great condition, $200 OBO. Massage chair, great condition, $100 OBO. 814-795-7792. CASH FOR TIMBER C o nve n ti o n a l or h o rs e cre w s . 3 0 yea rs e xp eri e nce . Premium fo r walnut. Ins u red . 81 4 -66 4 4647, 603-306-6076. FOR SALE Corn-Pellet stove with batterybackup, made byDell Point verynice condition, $1000. Call 814-425 -2002. SOFA/LOVESEAT Queen sleeper sofa a nd ma tch i n g l ove s ea t. Mu ted col o r pri nt, made in U SA, li ke new $ 400 ob o. 814-333 -2008. Bryan Dodson - Owner (724) 456-0894 Clarks Mills, PA 16114 WINDOWS & ENTRANCE DOORS Fully Insured FARMERS SALE Joh n D ee re tracto r 52 05 with l oad er, 2 h ors e tra il e r, 2 horses (mu st go tog ethe r), h ay s pe ar, spud bars and shovels, draw bars, 12 ft. fe ed m an g e r, 6 ft. FOR SALE Oats , 5 0 0 b u s he l b rus h ho g , go o d more or less, $1150, sa ddl e, levels , n ew bri cks . w il l lo ad . 7 24 -7 94 - l efto ve r Hi sba nd di ed. 81 48124. 827-1 961. FOR SALE Kraut cabb age, $13/ 5 0 lb . Wi n ter p ota to es . Ke n n e be c, C hi e fta i n , Yu ko n Gol d, R us se t. $ 14 / 50lb. 814-428-1500. BUSINESS FOR SALE BY OWNER Gr ea t loca tion in Vola nt, PA! Twos tory Hous e and Dis play fix ture s $ 1 20 K. Cur re nt Crafts Consignors ma y s tay. Plea se call for more information. Serious inquirie s only. 72 4841-4 092. FOR SALE AKC Ge rm a n Sh ep a rd fe m al e , b orn 7/1 2 /1 3 , ve t checked wormed, 1st s h ots , i m p o rte d l i ne s , re a dy $ 50 0 . 814-425 -7563. FOR SALE Roa dmaste r Fal con towbar 5250 $100.Oil furnace & heating oil tank, 814-671-4360. Friday, Sept. 27 - 7 pm ~~ TALENT ~~ “INSPIRATIONS” from Bryson City, NC ************************* “PROCLAIMERS” from Georgia Slippery Rock Baptist 435 Kiester Rd., Slippery Rock 724-679-8458 FOR INFO FREE WILL OFFERING LET US HELP WITH ALL YOUR STORAGE NEEDS. RENT-TO-OWN AND FINANCING 814-807-0028 LET GROVE CITY DETAIL CO. Seal the exterior of your vehicle before w inte r. Book a PolySeal Protection Pa ck a ge a nd r e c eive a 1 0% dis count. Combine our PolySea l with a n Unde rcoating a nd receive a 15% disc ount! 7 2 4 -45 8 4077. FOR SALE Oats straw, 4x5 round b a le s an d s ma l l square bales, phone 81 4-587 -3 08 6 a fter 4:00 p.m. No Sunday calls. FOR SALE Stand ardbred buggy h ors es , 7 ye ar ol d g e ld i n g, d o ub l e g a ite d , re al n ice , w ou ld m ake fam il y h ors e , 3 ye a r o l d mare by Ponderosa, 3 w h i te s an d sta r b ro o d ma re o th ers avai lab le. 8 14-75 80176 Andy Mullett. BUYING STANDING TIMBER 5 acres or more, skidd in g wi th h o rse s , Da ns Sawmi ll, dri ve rs p h on e n um be r 724-588 -4392. HELP WANTED A growing multi-line n ew car fra n chi s e a nd p re -o w ne d ve h icle d ea l ersh ip i s seeking an Accounts Payab le a nd Office C le rk, Prio r expe ri en ce worki ng in an auto dealership business office very bene fici a l, e xpe ri en ce wi th automo tive a ccounting software or related software with compu ter skills prefe rre d , e xpe ri en ce with PA veh icle titles helpful not necessary, paydependent on experience, 401k, paid vacation, health, dental benefits available, 5 day work week. All i n te rvie w s w i l l b e stri ctly co nfide ntia l. Please mail resume to Attn : Hu man R esources PO Box 746 Franklin, PA16323 or you can also email to l a rr yk n i g h t 2 1 8 @ ya ho your resume CDL DRIVER NEEDED FOR SALE Cl as s A C DL driver needed $150 perday. 92 Ford L900 dump 724-988-1798 some truck. 7 2 4 -79 4 9490. travel. UNDERCAR OILING * USING NEW BAR & CHAIN OIL * OVER 30 YEARS ING EXPERIENCE! GETT IN ALL E OIL AL M OR E CRITIC N A TH E AS TH ARE NE IN TH ! O ANY SIN ESS U B 2001 PT CRUISER 118 K, ne w i ns p ectio n, s ha rp lo okin g car. Bu rt’s U se d Ca rs, 117 6 R usse ll C orn e rs R d., Ple a s an tvil l e , PA 1 6 34 1 . 8 1 4 -67 6 0756 before 8 pm. • SOUTHERN GOSPEL CONCERT Storage Barns OPEN HOUSE Su nda y, Septemb er 22nd (12-2) 5 W. Fore st St., Sto ne b o ro . MLS# 9568 21. H ost Ros alynn Reagle . 2 s to ry, 3 BR, 1 .5 BA home located at the end of a quiet no-outl et s tre e t in Ston e b oro . New sewe r late ral wi th a transferable warranty. Newer windows and some newer ca rpet. N orth wo o d R e a lty Servi ce s 72 4 -45 8 8800. CALL MATT 724-988-8586 Leave message FOR SALE C u te p up p i e s, 6 w ee ks o l d , m i xe d with Blue Heeler and Beagle $25.00 each. Also reloading kits 12 and 16 gau ge. If intere sted p lease call 724-651 -6280. PAGE 20 2 STORY HOMES STARTING AT $140,000 Including Excavating & Basement WARNER’S Reg. # PA001873 HOMES and IMPROVEMENTS “The Area’s Largest Custom Modular Home Builder” 407 S. Erie Street • Route 19 South • Mercer, PA 724-662-4600 • 1-888-412-9209 Mon.-Fri. 9-5, Saturday 10-3 & Evenings by Appt. FOR SALE H o ls te in Je rs e y hiefers, four in October, five open. Snowp lo w fo r on e to n Fis h e r. Co rnp i cke r on e ro w, New Ide a. Geh l corn cho p pe r two row a ls o ha y head . 5th wheel flat bed trailer. 724-2532295. CUSTOM COMBINING C orn on l y $ 3 5 p e r acre within 25 miles o f U n i on C ity, 3 0 ” row s trucki n g a ls o a va i l ab l e 3 0 ¢ p e r b us h e l w i th i n 2 5 miles. scottish Highl an d b ee f for sa le . Also bull, registered, call o r text 814 -4645182. GARAGE SALE 1 52 N o rth Fra nkli n Stre et Co ch ran ton , Fri. & Sat. 8-4, Sept. 27 & 28th. Carpenter retiring: Lots of tools, n ai l s a n d s crew s , L ou i s L Am o ur an d other western books. H o us e h ol d . 20 0 1 D o dg e Du ra ng o , $2500 OBO. LITWILER AUTOMOTIVE Located 4 miles south of Sheetz on Rt. 19 - ¼ mile west on Lilly Rd. ~ WE OFFER ~ ~ PA State Inspection ~ Fluid Film Undercoating ~ Tune-ups ~ Motor & Transmission Replacement ~ Exhaust Fix or Replace w ith ~ Tires (New ) Stainless Steel Call for price on any size ~ Brakes ~ Oil Changes ~ Brake Line Replacement ~ General Repairs ~ Honda Accord rotted out steering cross members Call 814-337-2017 / 814-720-7250 ASK FOR MARK or JEN HOURS: Mon.-Sat. 6am-12 noon, afternoons by appointment only SALE!! On Ore g on ba rs & ch ai ns . 30 % off on Prolite bars! 15% off on al l chains! Buy 3 Pow ermatch bars & get 1 chain free! We also have bar & chain oil, files, wedge s, & m ore . We al s o s h arp e n ch a in s . And rew’s Small Engin e Re pair, 424 N. Foste r Rd., Ja ckson Center, PA16133. Located in Five Points, clo s e to La ke La tonka. Ope n evenings and Saturdays. Sale starts Sep t. 21 thru Sept. 28. FABIANS APPLIANCE REPAIR “Fal l Sp e cia l ” Ye s those washer hoses need chan ged every 5 ye a rs. H os e s ch an g e d a n d th e w as he r co m pl etel y checked over $99.99. Qu ick, re li abl e se rvice. 7 24-25 3-36 38, 724-69 9-7045 VICTORY TOWNSHIP is taking bids for a 1 9 83 F70 0 Fo rd dump truck. A western 12ft. snow plow a n d a n a p p roxi mately2 yr. old highway ci nd e r/sa l t sp re ad er th at w as rarely use d. Selling as one unit or separate. The Tow nship reserves the right to rej e ct a ny an d al l b id s. For i nforma tio n , p l e as e ca l l Fra nk a t 8 14 -6 71 6206. If n o answer, l ea ve a m es sa ge . Bids will be received at the regular meeting of the Board of Su pe rvis o rs on Mo nd a y, Octob e r 14th at 6:30pm atthe To wn s h ip R e cre a tio n Bu i l di n g l o ca te d at 2 79 4 Ol d R ou te 8 , Po lk, PA 16342 MUST GO! 19 92 Comm odo re 14x70 trailer, 3 bedroo m, 1 b athro om, n ew roo f, ca rpe t, and flooring, carport and porch, $11,000 OBO. Ca ll Melin da BYLER’S PLUMBING 3 30 -32 2 -1 5 15 lo cated in Seneca. & HEATING 8 02 6 Pe ttis R d., FOR SALE Meadville, PA 16335. 814-425-1603.An old Mayta g h e avy du ty fashi oned hardware was her and e lectric store. Stove pipe and dryer front loaders, as fittings in stock, 6, 7, is, Spri ngbo ro area, 8 inch. 4 sizes ofcoal. used very little $2000. Closed Thurs. 19th. Call 814-587-6401. • • We want to thank our past and future customers since 1993 62 HADLEY ROAD, GREENVILLE, PA Mon. & Thurs. 9-7; Tues., Wed., Fri 9-5:30; Sat. 9-1 724-58 8-6443 08 JEEP PATR IOT 00 TOYOTA TUNDRA ACCESS CAB $ Sport, loaded. 4x4, TRD 159 per mo.* $ 07 TOYOTA RAV 4 213 per mo.* $ 176 per mo.* $ 1 owner, 34,000 miles. 05 FORD EXPED ITION 07 JEEP GR. CHER OKEE 213 per mo.* $ Eddie Bauer, 4x4, DVD 03 FORD F150 170 per mo.* $ 11 CHEVY AVEO LT 4x4, 4 cy linder 229 per mo.* $ 219 per mo.* Reg. Cab, 8 f t. bed. 4x4 Laredo 11 FORD FIESTA SES 229 per mo.* $ Sunroof , 40K LIKE US Jim Greenfield Ron Moyer Roger Wasser MANY MORE TO 03 KIA 04 JEEP GR. CHOOSE FROM! SPEC TRA CHER OKEE 02 EXPLORER $ $ 07 F150 SC 07 LIBERTY 06 EXPEDITION 04 TRAILBLAZER EXT. 04 CAVALIER 04 AVEO 04 RANGER SC 04 VENTURE 07 GR. CARAVAN 10 MARINER 01 RAM 1500 00 CHEROKEE 01 GR CHEROKEE 02 F150 SUPERCREW 06 HUMMER 04 K1500 EXT. CAB 05 RAV 4 L 117 per mo.* 170 per mo.* GS, 44,000 miles. 04 HYUNDAI SANTA FE 215 per mo.* $ GLS, 4WD, 60K 07 SUBARU OUTB ACK 192 per mo.* $ 4x4, Laredo 09 DODGE NITRO 239 per mo.* $ 1 owner, loaded. AWD, loaded. 03 FORD F150 SUPERCAB $ 314 per mo.* 67K, 4x4 11 KIA SOUL 225 per mo.* $ 44K, loaded. 08 SCION XD 208 per mo.* $ 56K, 1 owner • • • AREA SHOPPER AREA SHOPPER 814-425-7272 SEPTEMBER 21, 2013 MINNOWS FOR PONDS NOW! ADD MINNOWS EACH FALL FOR A HEALTHY POND. RESERVE YOURS NOW! Areation is also key to protect against Winter/Summer fish kill. RAUP FISHERIES 21504 N. Norrisv ille Rd., Conneautv ille, PA 16406 814-587-6090 Open MON-SAT. 9 to 5 • SUN. 10-4 AKC GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPS 5 wks old, both parents are great family dogs. 1 male black & tan , 1 m a le b la ck $ 60 0 . Pl e as e ca l l e ve ni ng s 8 14 -2 82 6854 FOR SALE Go sse n sma ll ba le ch op p e r, 3 pth , p to driven,$2300. 2) 4x10 trench boxes, $1100. 724-86 6-3581 PAGE 21 APPLES APPLES APPLES H on e y cri sp , Ga la , McIn tos h , o th ers . Fres h cide r, don uts, chees e, vegeta bles, pumpkins,jams, and more. Apple Castle, Rt 18 New Wilmington, PAOpen Mon-Sat 9-8, closed Su nd ays. 7 24 -6 52 3221 HUNTERS & SHOOTERS C h oke tu b e s i n stalled in all gauges i n cl u d in g .41 0 , l en g the n fo rcin g con es, EDM porting on rifle s, s ho tg un s and handguns. Swift Sco pe D ea l er Wol f C re e k Gu n s, Inc. 814-78 6-9781 FOR SALE FOR SALE Re gistered ye arli ng JCB 940 forklift 1999 Angus bull and (2) 8 $ 1 2,5 0 0. L o cu s t month old registered fence posts $4 each. Sim m e nta l b u l ls . 814-78 9-3754 814-72 0-5575 3 FEEDER PIGS FOR SALE $75 each. Reese 5th w he e l h i tch $ 18 0 . Woo d e n co rn cri b $500 obo. 6-8 person hottub $800 obo.Call D on 4 12 -6 80 -4 80 5 or Sharon 7 24-2 53TRACTOR REPAIR 4623 At the Lowest Rates in the Area. Spe c i al i z in g in e ng i n e o verh a ul s, FOR SALE hydraulics, or any other repairs Pu re b red p o ll e d clutches, your tractor may need. Hauling available. He reford bu ll, go od 814-43 8-9446 herd bull, very gentle. WE BUY TRACTORS! 814-75 5-3403 AREA SHOPPER 814-425-7272 SEPTEMBER 21, 2013 PAGE 22 TIRE SALE 175 65 14 $48.00 BFG Slalom 215 70 15 $67.00 Cooper GLS 205 70 15 $67.00 Cooper GLS 235 75 15 $59.99 USA Blemish 265 70 16 $89.99 USA Blemish 265 75 16 $99.99 USA Blemish 245 70 17 $99.99 USA Blemish 265 70 17 $99.99 USA Blemish 275 60 20 $129.99 General STX 215 65 16 $78.00 Dunlop CASH & DEBIT INSTALL EXTRA CHECKS +3% CREDIT +3% Limited Offer CIANCI TIRE Greenville, PA Across from Walmart 724-588-6096 MILLER’S METAL ROOFING & SIDING Stacking semi loads of baked on enamel pa inte d me tal, 8’ to 16’ R ainbow $ 1 per lineal feet, some 8’ to 20’ #3 painted metal $1.15 to $1.18 per LF. L im ited col ors an d a mo u nts . 8’ to 26 ’ galvalume $1.50 per lineal foot, 15 colors 8’ to 20’ painted metal $1.80 lineal feet.Also a va i l ab l e p a i nte d galvalume 40 yr. warranty $1.95 per lineal feet, G-100 40 yr. warranty $2.25 per lineal fe et, ma de to ord er hu nter g ree n, b lu e, red or gray $1.50 per LF. 1½”x19½” standing s eam $2.8 7 per li neal fee t, w e ha ve everything for a metal roof!! Mostly roll form trim . Stain less s teel painted snowguards $ 2 e a ., C up o l a’ s , w e at h e r van e s , coilstock $65 per roll, 3 ’ x8 ’ to 1 6’ cle a r skilite $3.50 per LF. A full line of Cannonball track $2.50 per ft. and qu ick do or fra min g. Ope n 8 to 4 :3 0 M, Tue., Wed., Fri. 8 to 1 Sat., ClosedThurs. & Sundays. 1 mile north ofAtlantic, PAon 9730 Laird Rd., Hartstown PA or 3780 Miller Dr. No cards accepted. FOR SALE HUGE HUGE Ado ra b le pu re b re d GARAGE SALE Sh ihTzu pu ppi es, 6 Sept. 27 & 28 9-5.278 w ks o ld , bro w n & Old Fre d o ni a Rd . white markings, great Mercer. Rockwell cola ro u n d ch il d ren & lectors plates, glassanimals, p arents on w a re , ho u s e ho l d s ite , 1 s t s h o ts & items, books, 45’s & W.S. EXCAVATING wormed, ready on 9- 50’s records, clothes, Free estimates and 21 . Ma les $30 0, fe- m i sc. Rt. 58 n orth i ns u red . Wi l l d o m al e s $ 3 2 5. 8 14 - pa st Merce r C are er Center. Signs. d itch es , fo o ters , 853-5215 ba s e m e nts , YOUR sandmounds, laterDETECTOR a ls for m ai n l in e DEALER sewage systems or with grin der pump, SINCE 1972 cl ea r la n d , d rive w ays , p o n ds & d em o l iti o n w o rk. # PA0 7 0 79 0 72 4 MILLER’S TREASURES 3 76 -2 79 9 or cel l & COIN DETECTORS 724-37 2-3533 9130 Pettis Rd., Meadville, PA 16335 814-336-5453 / 814-336-9067 cell FOR SALE New Holla nd LS250 skid steer loader as traded. Price $2750. Call Elder Sales 724376-3390 FOR SALE 4 -5 b o lt 20 01 15 ” a l um i n um D od g e wheels $200. 4 new 1 5 ” D o ug l a s m /s tire s 1 8 5 /6 5 R /1 5 $175. Sold as sets only. 724-662-2347 FOR RENT/SALE C ou n try h om e 3/4 b drm , 6 a cre s , w / b a rn , ga ra ge , etc. Greenville area $850 plus deposit & refere n ce s . 8 1 4 -96 4 0057 FOR SALE Parker Bu ckhu n te r com pound bow, 27” draw, 50-60lb, quiver, arrows, Cobra site, 2 p ro n g re s t, n ice , $195. Savage model II 2 2 -2 5 0, Le u p ol d s co pe , Accutri gg er, black stock, like new, $550. 724-932-3702 EARTH OUTISE FURNACES SPECIAL Orde r on Ea rth fu rn ace or b uy fro m stock in Sept. or Oct. a nd rece i ve a Mossberg tactical AR auto 22 rifle. ½” firebox. 25 yr. warranty. Ne w Phas e II uni ts a vai l a bl e . Hi l cra ft 814 -374-4 047, 8 14670-9777 MEAT GOATS FOR SALE 6 0-7 5l b b uckli n gs . Kiko/Savanna buck 2 years old. Call 814333-6572 FOR SALE BAss Wood coon and fox s tre tch e rs $ 5 each. 2 275 gallon oil tanks, like new, $125 e a o r $ 2 0 0 b o th . Grape or cider press $250.Antique fanning mil l $1 50. 8 14-5 872267 FOR SALE 2003 Chrysler Town & Country, 94k miles, AC, C D, n ew fro n t tire s , cl ea n , i n spected, $4500. 814425-7704 MINIATURE HORSES Mare s-Stu d s -Ge ld in gs. Va rio us age s. Mu st s ell. Al so n ew h arn e ss for s al e . 8 1 4-3 3 7-7 1 0 6 o r 814-57 3-4009 1995 SUBARU LEGACY WAGON 2 .2 e ng i n e, a uto matic, great gas mileage, new inspection, $ 2 19 5 . 7 2 4 -29 0 9 00 8. m h ld @zoo m intern GARAGE SALE COMMODORE PERRY SCHOOL DISTRICT WILL BE HOLDING A GARAGE SALE ON SATURDAY, OCTOBER 5TH FROM 8 AM UNTIL NOON AT THE SCHOOL MAINTENANCE GARAGE. THE FOLLOWING ITEMS WILL BE UP FOR SALE 208 volt 3 phase kitchen steamer. 208 volt 3 phase booster heater. 220 volt single phase kin. Plastic tool kaddie. 18” metal stools. 4’x8’ chalk boards. 6’ and 8’ heav y w ooden tables. Wall mount metal cabinets. 40 cases 7 gallon garbage bags. HP Design Jet 450C Plotter. HS & elementary desks. Wood shop tools. FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL RANDY LAMOTTE AT 724-253-3255 EXT. 222 OR 724-456-5189 AREA SHOPPER 814-425-7272 SEPTEMBER 21, 2013 HOSTETLER CONSTRUCTION 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE FLE XI BLE T O FI T YOUR DE S I RE S Call: 814-425-7965 - Pete Wagler Be tte r Bu ild in g s a re b y... Borkh older #PA040598 LEHMAN BUILDERS D ai ry Ba rns , po l e buildings.Sturdy built s ta ll s, g a te s, h ea d locks, etc. Berg barn cle a n ers , m a n ure a u ge rs , m a nu re p um p s , co nve yers a nd b un k fe e d ers . Paul Lehman, Cambrid ge Sprin gs, Pa. 814-398 -2369. FOR SALE Hershberger cart and carriage, brand new, 2 whe eled, EZ entry road cart with rubber tires, readyto go! Call no w to res tore yo ur buggyfor winter, short wa it l ist for re pairs. N ew b ug g i es . Nelson Hershberger 440-29 3-4264 Specials In Stock Items Only.. Headlight Covers $20 Tail Light Covers $20 Ball Mounts with Ball & Pin 2 in. drop $20 - 4 in. drop $25 Tailgate Guards $25 Vent Visors 2 pc. $40 - 4 pc. $50 Bugshields $50 Rear Window Deflectors $45 Catch All Floor Mats $50 Rear Window Louvers $50 Rear Window Graphics $60 Sunvisors $120 • Hitches $125 Moonvisors $175 Tonneau Covers $200 Racer Backs $200 Lift Up Covers $300 ALSO ON SPECIAL Step Bars • Running Boards Grille Guards • Fender Flares • 4”, 5”, 6” Oval Tube Step Bars TRUCK ACCESSORIES Be dco vers $ 19 5 , Traile r hi tche s, Bug shields $4 8, goosene ck h itch es , Be dliners $125, step bars $180, mud flaps, vent vi so rs , ru n ni n g boards, to nneau covers. Buy/Sell/Trade. No lf’s Tru ck Acce ssories 814-382-0395 METAL ROOFING Metal siding & vinyl siding. Ca nnonba ll tr ac k and door fra mes. Vinyl fe ncing, decking, railing a nd m ore . Ma s t Metal Sales. 1 -800850-1533, let ring. WANTING TO BUY C o mp l e te h o us e h ol d s - a n ti q u es toys- Call for free appraisals, Dave Freed. In bu s in es s for 5 0 years. 724-730-6172 or 724-658-6898. For All of Your Truck and SUV Accessories Call or Visit Scofield’s in Sheakleyville, behind the Nazarene Church. PHONE (724) 253-2623 • 814-282-2272 FOR SALE 2006 Pontiac G6-GT 54,000, loaded, blue, i n su ra nce ve h i cl e , selling for clean trade in value $8900. 1990 Chevy1 ton 4x4 dump truck, 56,000, wes tern pl ow, very go od co nd i tio n , n e w i n spections. 814 -7635616 STEEL BUILDING FOR SALE C om me rci al grad e clear span steel truss system.Partially insulated. Includes doors, lig hting , etc. Approx. 1 5 yrs o l d, s ize 5 0’ x7 0’ x1 7’ . Go o d con di tio n . Re m ove fro m si te. $2 3 ,50 0 obo. 724-588-7711 MEAT CHICKENS FOR SALE Are fed no antibiotics, steroid or feed additives are grown natura l a s p oss ibl e a re excellent quality if you wa nt che mi ca l free poultrytry these. 814786-7368 Sagullas. HORSEBACK RIDING at Rawhide Ranch in Me rcer. Gu id ed o ns i te o ne h o ur tra i l rides . Open dai ly by a pp o i ntm e nt o nl y. Beautiful horses, excel l e nt tra i l s. C al l D o nn a 72 4 -85 4 0150. Come ride our happy trails! FOR RENT LINESVILLE 114 South Mercer St., 2 story 3 b edroo m, 1 ½ b a th , la u n dry room, no pets, $750 a month, negotiable, s ecu rity de p o si t, l ea se . (BIG) a pa rtm en t fo r re n t Williamsfield Ohio, 1 roo m , e ffici e ncy, g ro u nd le ve l , L ake fron t, al l u ti li tie s w/ washer & dryer, $500 per month. 440-2937104. FOR SALE 8ft. slide in cam per, will fit 6’ or 8’ bed, full equ ippe d. 7 24-6 463019 01 ESCAPE, V6 4x4 ....................... $2,990 00 CHEVY BLAZER, 76K miles ...... $3,990 04 FOCUS SE, only 75,000 miles .. $5,990 04 EXPLORER XLT 4x4 ................. $7,000 04 ESCAPE, V6, 4x4 ...................... $6,990 08 TAURUS X AWD, 46K ............. $14,490 10 ESCAPE XLT, 4 cyl., moonroof$14,990 07 RANGER S/CAB with plow ..... $15,990 10 MERC. MILAN PREMIER V6 .. $15,790 13 FIESTA HATCHBACK ............. $15,890 13 FOCUS 5 DR. HATCHBACK .... $16,890 12 FUSION SEL V6 ..................... $16,990 11 FUSION SEL AWD, 14,000 mi. $20,900 12 ESCAPE XLT, V6, moon ........ $23,990 13 EDGE LIMITED AWD .............. $28,790 13 FLEX LIMITED 4x4 ................ $31,990 13 LINCOLN MKT AWD ............... $39,990 5 NEW F SERIES IN STOCK AND 10 MORE EXPECTED IN SOON! LOOK! LOOK! LOOK! LOOK! LOOK! • Farm Buildings • Residential • Churches • Post Frame Buildings LOOK! LOOK! LOOK! LOOK! LOOK! • Commercial Buildings • Garages • Horse Barns VEHICLE WELDING REPAIRS!!! Fra m e s, rocke rs , floors, body mounts, s tru ts, tow e rs & m ore . Fre e e s ti mates, guaranteed to pass inspection. Est. 19 85. “New ” o il u nde rcoa tin g. Summ it Auto We ldin g. From Wa terford 6 1/2 m i. north of Rt. 19 & 97 N. (Humes) on Rt. 97 at 8835 Perry Highway. Fro m Erie 2 m i le s so uth of cas in o on le ft. Tu es.-Sat. 9-5, C l os e d Mo n d ays . 8 1 4-8 6 6-8 1 3 7 o r 8 1 4 -8 6 6 - ( WE L D ) Erie, PA. WALK SOFTLY, LLC "WAL K SOFTLY... ~C AR R Y CON CEALED!" SpecialJust 10 miles East of Meadville on Rt. 27 izing in basic pistol PHONE 8 1 4 -7 8 9 -2 3 0 5 s al es a nd private HOURS: Mon. 8-7, Tues.-Wed. 8-5, i n stru cti o n fo r Thurs. 8-6, Fri. 8-5, Sat. 9-12 WOMEN AN D BEGINNERS. Can order your longgun for MILLER’S CIDER BEDLINERS hunting, or whatever MILL Bedliners to fit most all size trucks. $120 Op en for cu sto m your heart desires. Hours byAppt. Slippressing each Friday insta lled. 724 -253and Saturday, 80¢ per p e ry R ock Are a . 2623. ga ll on . Gal lo n ju gs Ca ll : Sha ro n 72 4NEW QUEEN 0¢ . Ci d e r $ 4 .0 0 . 4 21 -69 8 9. Em a il : Pi ll owtop ma ttres s/ 4 2 3 77 4 Ro ckda l e WALKSOFTLYLLC@YAHOO.COM bo x, s ti ll i n pl as ti c, R o ad , Ca m b rid g e "WE WIL L BE $ 1 35 e ach . Ki n g Spri n gs , PA 1 64 0 3 KNOWN FOREVER $233 each Can de- North of Little Cooley. BY TH E TR AC KS liver.Also Queen Real WE LEAVE" Visco Memory Foam INSULATION SALE s e t $ 4 99 . Sle e p L o we s t p ri ce e ve r. FOR SALE Wa re h o us e 72 4 - Su mm e r s a vi ng s . 13 year old reg quar674-0 708. ter horse mare, 15.2 2 2x64 pa n el s. 1¾” thick. Great for insu- han ds, sorre ll g ood EQUIPMENT l ati n g b u il d i ng s . ranch horse, great on FOR SALE To ug h wh i te fi be r- trails, very quiet, good Tractors 40 -27 0H P, glass facing. 50 pcs h ors e fo r a n yon e , Ca se IH 89 10 4 x4 , or more $2 each or $1500 obo. 3 female $38,000, MX270 4x4 l es s th a n 5 0 pcs l la m a s h a ve b ee n $54 ,000. Combi nes $ 2.5 0 e a ch. Save used for petting zoos JD 4400, 6600, Case e ve n m o re on od d and herd g uard aniIH 21 66, 1460 nice- si ze p an el s. 4 fre e ma ls $2 00 each or $16,000. 150 corn & faste ner screw s per $500 for all. No reagrain heads, JD 915, piece 1st 1000 pan- s o na b l e o ffe rs re 920 , 21 5, 21 3, 2 16, els. 440-293-4264 fused. 724-651-5294 444 , 44 3, 64 3, 8 43, Case 1020+820 13’25 ’, 8 44 , 8 43 , 86 3, 10 63, 108 3. New & us ed h ea de r ca rts, g ra i n carts , g ra vity wa gon s, 15 0-1 ,0 00 bu. All types of tillage e qu i p me n t p l o ws , disc chisels, disc 8’3 2’ , so i l fi n is h e rs , xfold packers, gra in dril ls, corn planters, 2-16 row, NI 3 24 12 rol l $ 15 00 . D ou bl e drum grain cleaners, d ua l s, we i gh ts, al l type s o f h ay eq ui pm e nt, NH 7’ haybine s, 49 9, 2 56, 847, new 18’ square ba le wa gon $3 60 0. New Stolfuz 10 bale ha ul er $3 10 0. N ew Woo ds bru sh ho gs, 2 1’ fee d e r w a go n , parting out all types of eq. Hay 4x5 rounds, 1s t., $4 5, 2n d $7 5. McGary Farm s 72 46 99 -5 48 7 or 7 24 699-1 616. FOR SALE Need room , Massey Ferg 1083, Farmall Cres to re d & M ru n s g oo d , 2 All i s C ha l m ers B-1 re stored, both very nice Massey Ferg 204 w/ hi ghli ft n eeds work, Farm all Cu b w/be lly mower, single bottom p lo w s n ow pl o w & tra i le r, 2, 3p t b us h hogs, 1-2 btm plow, 4 com b i ne tire s o n w he el s 18 .4 x2 6 off Minny Mol & Oliver, 2 Joh n De e re ri di n g mowers models 214 & 210 1-has new reb u il t mo to r, o th e r smaller ri ding mowers, 72 Monte Carlo s ol id ou t w es t car, good top interior 1 repaint. Call Moe 724376-3810 PAGE 23 A UNIQUE GUN STORE LOCATED IN EDINBORO, PA BUYS - SELLS - TRADES FIREARMS & MILITARIA If you have Military or Sporting Firearms or Military Items laying in the attic or garage gathering dust you can turn them into cash. COME SEE US OR WE’LL COME TO YOU. BUYING SINGLE OR WHOLE COLLECTIONS. 11091 EDINBORO RD. EDINBORO, PA 16412 www.the 814-734-2750 GUITARS Fen d e r Acou /e le c $300.Applause Acou/ elec$200. (70’s)Marti n D 1 8 $ 1 50 0 . Fender Frontline Amp $ 3 00 . Be rri ng e r Aco usti c Am p $3 00. Call 814-677-8474. WANTED Ma ck Tru cks 19 70 2 00 0. Prefera bl y R Models, C H Models, DM Models, U Model D u mp Tru cks a n d Road Tractors. or call 724-866-2077. GRAPES PICK YOUR OWN STARTING SEPT. 18TH. NICE CROP. PANGRATZ FARM 2 miles east of Fairview, PA on Rt. 20 NO SUNDAY SALES 814-774-4448 FOR SALE Tw o Po rs ch e 91 4 cars for restoration. Bo th h ave cle a r ti tl es , 19 70 1 97 3, 1970 good bodynot running, 1973 runs but has front damage. More info and p h oto s Eri e Craigslist 440-5992121 VETERAN STEEL COIL HAULERS-WE NEED YOU! Nee ding m or e : Home time ? Pa y? Dedicated Routes? Join Jaro We offer he alth ins ur ance , 401K, vacation pay, monthly s afety bonus , we e k ly pay. Call Laurie at 888636-5 276. AREA SHOPPER 814-425-7272 SEPTEMBER 21, 2013 FOR SALE 1987 Freightliner long d um p /fl a tbe d L1 0 C u mm i n gs m oto r w ith fa ctory Ja ke bra ke, 8 speed 8LL Eato n, ne w ru b be r 22x5, 1996 Cleveland tra il er, 24 ,00 0 lb s., new tires, deck, sandblasted and pa inted 3 years ago. Package deal $17,500. Forklift: Clark 4 cyl. gas motor, 2 stage lift $1250. Woo d fu rnaces a nd s to ve s (u se d ) 1 ) C la yton w oo d an d coal furna ce $10 00. 1) Ve rmo nt Ca sti ng De fian t pa rlor sto ve $ 13 0 0 . 1 ) As h la n d w o od s to ve $7 0 0 Misc. pond supplies, box l ot, make a n offer.Ph. 814-720-4604 o r 8 1 4 -4 2 5 -30 8 0 leave message. IDIOT FOR HIRE Semi-retired log cutte r s e ek s wor k c le a r ing fe nc e & property lines, building s ite s , right of ways, home park & picnic areas. 42 yrs. exp. Fully insured. H. J ohn Fa r r ell 72 4 376-4479. “The Dictiona ry is the only pla c e w he re s uc cess come s before work.” Mark Twain FREE 20 live stewing chicke ns . Ca ll 8 14 -4 37 3 31 7 to m ake arra ng e m en ts fo r pickup. EAR CORN FOR SALE From las t sea on, 9 to ns s to re d in wooden crib, elevator to help load yourtruck, $125 perton plus perl o ad w ei g h fe e . Carlton, PA 814-5738329. HARDW OODFIREWOOD Frost on the pumpkin, get prepared. Green for o utd o or w oo d stoves. Seasoned for i nd oo r us e $ 24 0 a co rd , de l i ve re d 2 0 miles of Cochranton. 814-425 -1734. BOWMER’S APPLES Brad l e y o r Ki l go re Road, Cortlands, Yell o w D e li ci ou s , Id a R ed , N orth ern Spy, Red Spy, Winte r Banana, Jonathon & Cid e r. C id e r a p p le s . Call for pickup. 814786-7 086. VENDORS WANTED CRAFT SHOW Mo ha w k Hi g h Scho ol, Bess em er Pa., Saturda y, No vember 16, 10 am 4 pm. 724-667-7782 ext. 2171, FARM MACHINERY JD, 1 row, 3pt. forage chopper, n ice condition. JD 213 flexhead, 1 3’ , te ar d ro p re el , $6500. John Deere 8’ 3pt bush hog, MX8, $3900. Howse 6’, 3pt hog. Brush hog 5’, 3 pt hog. Lime spreaders 8 & 10’, $250 to $900. Six large, HD, g ravi ty w a g on s . Kewannee 1020, 21’, flat fold, disk $4800. JD, R ground drive, 3 b ea te r m a nu re s pre a de r, $ 1 2 90 . Lineback10’, 3pt post ho le di gg er. R ou nd bale 3pt. squeezer for w rap p e d b a le s , $1375. Boxscrapers, rock ra ke s, H .D . b la d e s, 3 pt d is k, plows. Stoltzfus lime s p re a d er, 6T, ta n d axle hyd drive, $8500. JD 335 rd baler, hyd tie $8500. JD 375 rd. ba le r, 5 x4 ’, h yd tie , $ 70 00 . N ew HD 7 ’ b a le fee d e r, $ 70 0 . Bale kicke r wagons. Disk, drag, 3pt & 8 to 14’ transport. NI 323, 1R corn pickers. Lots o f 3 p t e q ui p m en t. To ms on Fa rm 72 4699-6848 FALL CLEARANCE SALE! ON OUTDOOR FURNITURE As we are nearing the en d o f th e s umm er we are reducing our furniture inventory. All ou r i nstock ou tdo or fu rn iture i s no w on sale.Stop to see availa bi li ty o r cal l us a t 81 4-8 07-002 8. Mil lers in Meadville and Conneaut Lake. NORTH PAGE 24 SQUARE DANCE! Path Fi n d ers 4-H C lu b is h os ti ng a Sq ua re D a n ce o n Saturday, September 28th at the Meadville L ive s to ck Au cti o n Barn fro m 8 p m to midni ght. $5/p erson or $10/family. RR MILLER TIRE & AUTO 03 ChevyTahoe 4x4 auto, loaded, sharp $5500. 05 Kia Rio, a uto , n e w ti res , 9 5,0 0 0 m i le s , $38 00. 9 8 Sub aru Fo re s ter, a uto , loa ded, new tires, super clean, all vehicles with 3 m o./ 4500 mi. warranty& current in spection, o th ers to cho os e fro m . R t. 6 2 be tween Sa ndy Lake and Polk, PA. 81443 7-737 3 or 81 4657-8 124. FOR SALE Dining room furniture: lighted china cabinet, buffet and table with 6 chairs and two arm cha i rs $ 6 00 o bo . 724-977 -4066. FALL CRAFT SALE Saturday, November 16th, 9 am to 2 pm. Free a dm i s s io n . Sandy Lake Firehall. Tables are $10.00 or $15.00 for tables with electric. If inte rested cal l 72 4-37 6-35 00 . Ladies Auxiliary. TRACTORS JD 5410 4x4, canopy, 70 hp $17,500. Ford 8 21 0 4x4 , l o a de r, 1 0 0 h p $ 2 9 ,50 0 . D e utz 71 2 0 2WD , die sel cab, 122 hp $ 8 ,5 0 0 . Ku bo ta M108S 4x4, cab, 96 h p $ 3 6,0 0 0. All a n FOR SALE 1 98 4 AMD U A C or- H art & So ns 8 00 425-7 094. ve tte ho o d a n d bum per $1 00. 1 959 Cadillac with Classic FOR SALE p la te s $ 1 50 0. Ga s 2 0 03 Ford C ro w n golf cart $500. 2008 Victoria si lver w/gray 150 Wildfire scooter i nterio r, V-8 , AM-FM $5 00. 2 x2 dia mo nd casse tte CD stereo, plate tool boxes $50. Fl ori d a ca r, 8 34 8 3 2 6” ste el n ew ja m miles, exc. cond., 26 $ 2 5. R ub b e rma i d MPG, $4 9 0 0. Sofa 7x3’ two d oor sh ed cha ir, l ove seat $50 like new $50. Crafts- good cond. 724-588man 5 hp wood chip- 7359 Greenville. p er $ 75 . 72 4 -53 0 6189. NEED SOMETHING DONE? Mowing, weedeating landscaping, tree rem ova l, fa rm hand fe ede r c ow s, dia ry a nd hor se s, painting, minor carpentry, w e lding, pow e r washing, minor auto r epa ir, m inor a uto body repair, hauling stuff away, bout anything u name it. Call and leave message plea s e 8 1 4 -78 6 9593. WANTED Standing timber, paym en ts i n a d va n ce . 814-758 -1897. CLEAN PLASTIC TOTES a n d s tee l cag e s $ 40 .0 0 e a ch . Ol d woo d dra ftin g tab le, g oo d co n d ., $ 50 . 5000 s q. ft. bui lding fo r re nt, go o d fo r m an u factu ri n g o r warehouse. 814-3371 59 0 or 8 14 -7 24 4164. AREA SHOPPER 814-425-7272 SEPTEMBER 21, 2013 SOUTH SQUARE DANCE! Path Fi n d ers 4-H C lu b is h os ti ng a Sq ua re D a n ce o n Saturday, September 28th at the Meadville L ive s to ck Au cti o n Barn fro m 8 p m to midni ght. $5/p erson or $10/family. FOR SALE Dining room furniture: lighted china cabinet, buffet and table with 6 chairs and two arm cha i rs $ 6 00 o bo . 724-977 -4066. HARDW OODWANTED FIREWOOD Standing timber, paym en ts i n a d va n ce . Frost on the pumpkin, get prepared. Green 814-758 -1897. for o utd o or w oo d stoves. Seasoned for CLEAN i nd oo r us e $ 24 0 a PLASTIC TOTES co rd , de l i ve re d 2 0 a n d s tee l cag e s miles of Cochranton. $ 40 .0 0 e a ch . Ol d 814-425 -1734. woo d dra ftin g tab le, g oo d co n d ., $ 50 . EAR CORN 5000 s q. ft. bui lding FOR SALE fo r re nt, go o d fo r From las t sea on, 9 m an u factu ri n g o r to ns s to re d in warehouse. 814-337- wooden crib, elevator 1 59 0 or 8 14 -7 24 - to help load yourtruck, 4164. $125 perton plus perl o ad w ei g h fe e . FALL CLEARANCE Carlton, PA 814-5738329. SALE! ON OUTDOOR IDIOT FOR HIRE FURNITURE Semi-retired log cutAs we are nearing the te r s e ek s wor k en d o f th e s umm er c le a r ing fe nc e & we are reducing our property lines, buildfurniture inventory. All ing s ite s , right of ou r i nstock ou tdo or ways, home park & fu rn iture i s no w on picnic areas. 42 yrs. sale.Stop to see avail- exp. Fully insured. H. a bi li ty o r cal l us a t J ohn Fa r r ell 72 4 81 4-8 07-002 8. Mil l- 376-4479. “The Dicers in Meadville and tiona ry is the only Conneaut Lake. pla c e w he re s uc cess come s before work.” Mark Twain READ THE AREA SHOPPER ON LINE AT: FARM MACHINERY JD, 1 row, 3pt. forage chopper, n ice condition. JD 213 flexhead, 1 3’ , te ar d ro p re el , $6500. John Deere 8’ 3pt bush hog, MX8, $3900. Howse 6’, 3pt hog. Brush hog 5’, 3 pt hog. Lime spreaders 8 & 10’, $250 to $900. Six large, HD, g ravi ty w a g on s . Kewannee 1020, 21’, flat fold, disk $4800. JD, R ground drive, 3 b ea te r m a nu re s pre a de r, $ 1 2 90 . Lineback10’, 3pt post ho le di gg er. R ou nd bale 3pt. squeezer for w rap p e d b a le s , $1375. Boxscrapers, rock ra ke s, H .D . b la d e s, 3 pt d is k, plows. Stoltzfus lime s p re a d er, 6T, ta n d axle hyd drive, $8500. JD 335 rd baler, hyd tie $8500. JD 375 rd. ba le r, 5 x4 ’, h yd tie , $ 70 00 . N ew HD 7 ’ b a le fee d e r, $ 70 0 . Bale kicke r wagons. Disk, drag, 3pt & 8 to 14’ transport. NI 323, 1R corn pickers. Lots o f 3 p t e q ui p m en t. To ms on Fa rm 72 4699-6848 NEED SOMETHING DONE? Mowing, weedeating landscaping, tree rem ova l, fa rm hand fe ede r c ow s, dia ry a nd hor se s, painting, minor carpentry, w e lding, pow e r washing, minor auto r epa ir, m inor a uto body repair, hauling stuff away, bout anything u name it. Call and leave message plea s e 8 1 4 -78 6 9593. FALL CRAFT SALE Saturday, November 16th, 9 am to 2 pm. Free a dm i s s io n . Sandy Lake Firehall. Tables are $10.00 or $15.00 for tables with electric. If inte rested cal l 72 4-37 6-35 00 . Ladies Auxiliary. VENDORS WANTED CRAFT SHOW Mo ha w k Hi g h Scho ol, Bess em er Pa., Saturda y, No vember 16, 10 am 4 pm. 724-667-7782 ext. 2171, FREE 20 live stewing chicke ns . Ca ll 8 14 -4 37 3 31 7 to m ake arra ng e m en ts fo r pickup. PAGE 24 RR MILLER TIRE & AUTO 03 ChevyTahoe 4x4 auto, loaded, sharp $5500. 05 Kia Rio, a uto , n e w ti res , 9 5,0 0 0 m i le s , $38 00. 9 8 Sub aru Fo re s ter, a uto , loa ded, new tires, super clean, all vehicles with 3 m o./ 4500 mi. warranty& current in spection, o th ers to cho os e fro m . R t. 6 2 be tween Sa ndy Lake and Polk, PA. 81443 7-737 3 or 81 4657-8 124. FOR SALE 1987 Freightliner long d um p /fl a tbe d L1 0 C u mm i n gs m oto r w ith fa ctory Ja ke bra ke, 8 speed 8LL Eato n, ne w ru b be r 22x5, 1996 Cleveland tra il er, 24 ,00 0 lb s., new tires, deck, sandblasted and pa inted 3 years ago. Package deal $17,500. Forklift: Clark 4 cyl. gas motor, 2 stage lift $1250. Woo d fu rnaces a nd s to ve s (u se d ) 1 ) C la yton w oo d an d coal furna ce $10 00. 1) Ve rmo nt Ca sti ng De fian t pa rlor sto ve $ 13 0 0 . 1 ) As h la n d w o od s to ve $7 0 0 Misc. pond supplies, box l ot, make a n offer.Ph. 814-720-4604 o r 8 1 4 -4 2 5 -30 8 0 leave message. BOWMER’S APPLES Brad l e y o r Ki l go re Road, Cortlands, Yell o w D e li ci ou s , Id a R ed , N orth ern Spy, Red Spy, Winte r Banana, Jonathon & Cid e r. C id e r a p p le s . Call for pickup. 814786-7 086. FOR SALE 2 0 03 Ford C ro w n Victoria si lver w/gray i nterio r, V-8 , AM-FM casse tte CD stereo, Fl ori d a ca r, 8 34 8 3 miles, exc. cond., 26 MPG, $4 9 0 0. Sofa cha ir, l ove seat $50 good cond. 724-5887359 Greenville. TRACTORS JD 5410 4x4, canopy, 70 hp $17,500. Ford 8 21 0 4x4 , l o a de r, 1 0 0 h p $ 2 9 ,50 0 . D e utz 71 2 0 2WD , die sel cab, 122 hp $ 8 ,5 0 0 . Ku bo ta M108S 4x4, cab, 96 h p $ 3 6,0 0 0. All a n H art & So ns 8 00 425-7 094. FOR SALE 1 98 4 AMD U A C orve tte ho o d a n d bum per $1 00. 1 959 Cadillac with Classic p la te s $ 1 50 0. Ga s golf cart $500. 2008 150 Wildfire scooter $5 00. 2 x2 dia mo nd plate tool boxes $50. 2 6” ste el n ew ja m $ 2 5. R ub b e rma i d 7x3’ two d oor sh ed like new $50. Craftsman 5 hp wood chipp er $ 75 . 72 4 -53 0 6189. AREA SHOPPER ENGLISH AUTOS 814-425-7272 SEPTEMBER 21, 2013 TAKIN’ IT TO THE STREETS! NEW!!! COOL’S WE B SI TE SEPTEMBER 20 HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL: CONNEAUT AT WEST MIDDLESEX 6:30 PM SEPTEMBER 21 COOL SPORTS 10 AM TO 12:30 PM ALLEGHENY COLLEGE FOOTBALL: ALLEGHENY AT HIRMAN 12:30 PM PINKVETTE AUCTION (CRUISIN FOR A CURE) AT BAIR’S CORVETTE SEPTEMBER 23 HIGH OCTANE RACE TALK 6-8 PM 1003 WEST MAIN ST., GROVE CITY, PA. (724) 458-5100 or (888) 458-0066 MON., TUES., THURS.: 9 TO 8 WED. & FRI. 9 TO 5 • SAT. 9 TO 1 01 Accent ............................. 115K ..$1,450 06 Taurus ............................ 167K ..$1,950 96 LeSabre ......................... 86K ....$2,700 98 Blazer 4X4 ..................... 125k ..$2,950 96 Grand Am V6 ................. 113K ..$2,950 03 Taurus SES ................... 116K ..$3,450 05 Neon SE ......................... 105K ..$3,950 01 Windstar ......................... 101K ..$3,950 00 Taurus ............................ 86K ....$3,950 98 F150 8 ft. bed ................ 98K ....$4,250 02 Taurus SES ................... 116K ..$4,450 01 Gr. Cherokee 4x4 ......... 112K ..$4,450 02 Sable LS ........................ 106K ..$4,850 07 Escape 4x4 ................... 183K ..$4,950 99 Town Car ....................... 69K ....$4,950 04 F250 Diesel Flatbed4x4 . 319K ..$4,950 01 Aurora ............................. 109K ..$5,500 01 F150 4x4 ........................ 128K ..$5,750 01 Alero Sdn. ....................... 64K ....$5,950 06 Sedona 7 Pass. ............ 102K ..$6,950 05 LeSabre ......................... 91K ....$6,950 02 Sebring Convertible ..... 88K ....$6,950 03 Maxima SE .................... 112K ..$6,950 03 Impala ............................ 56K ....$6,950 05 Ion 2, auto ...................... 70K ....$7,400 06 Cobalt ............................. 85K ....$7,450 04 Grand Am GT ............... 45K ....$7,450 04 Neon SXT ...................... 69K ....$7,450 04 Silverado Ext. 4x4 ........ 93K ....$7,450 03 B2500 Cargo Van ......... 43K ....$7,950 04 Titan Crew Cab 4x4 .... 164K ..$7,950 07 G-6 Sdn. ......................... 80K ....$7,950 07 Cobalt ............................. 74K ....$7,950 03 F150 Crew ..................... 119K ..$7,950 06 Ranger S/C 4x4 ............ 112K ..$7,950 06 Sonata, 6 cyl. ................. 102K ..$7,950 02 Outback LL Bean ......... 98K ....$7,950 07 Caravan .......................... 77K ....$7,950 06 Gr. Vitara ........................ 90K ....$8,450 06 Taurus SEL ................... 74K ....$8,450 07 Envoy 4x4 ....................... 123K ..$8,650 06 Commander 4x4 .......... 105K ..$8,950 05 Sportage 4x4 ................. 94K ....$8,950 04 Trailblazer LT 4x4 ....... 104K ..$8,950 08 Escape XLT, 4 cyl. ....... 102K ..$9,250 05 Pacifica .......................... 36K ....$9,950 06 Torrent AWD .................. 80K ....$9,950 07 Sedona LX ..................... 74K ....$9,950 08 Beetle Convertible ....... 104K $10,450 04 Envoy 4x4 ....................... 83K . $10,450 08 Grand Prix ..................... 78K . $10,750 08 Sonata V6 ...................... 68K . $10,950 05 Pathfinder ...................... 85K . $10,950 07 Tiburon GS ................... 56K . $10,950 09 G6 ................................... 66K ..$11,450 05 Dakota Ext. Cab 4x4 .... 79K ..$11,550 08 Grand Vitara 4x4 .......... 69K ..$11,950 08 Fusion AWD ................... 62K . $12,750 06 Silverado 2500 Ext.4x4 ... 99K . $12,950 06 Wrangler Unl. plow ................ $14,950 06 Sierra Ext. 4x4 ............... 117K $14,950 06 F150 Ext. Cab 4x4 ....... 82K . $16,950 06 F150 Crew 4x4 ............. 81K . $17,750 BOB ENGLISH • JOE KING NOW HIRING CDL-Se mi drive r, EastCoast deliveries. Ex cellent wage s, pension, 401-K hospitalization. Contact Laubscher Cheese, Mercer, PA 724-4754015. FOR SALE Oil furn a ce , go o d worki ng, make o ffer. 724-64 6-1481 FINANCING AVAILABLE Mob i l e h o me s fo r sale, owner or Realto r, p arks o r priva te l a nd : fi n a n ci n g fo r qualified buyers. Super Loan Originators a t Ro Mar Ho m es . 724-927-6341 NMLS #323651 PAGE 25 Request Line STEEL SHINGLES Stone Coated Steel Shingles Giving You The Look of Architectural Shingles With the Durability of Steel. IN STOCK AVAILABLE NOW EASTERN STATES METAL ROOFING Your Premier Metal Roofing Supplier. 716-355-4374 OIL UNDERCOATING R &R U n de rco atin g h a s ch an g e d i ts name to Troyer’s Auto R ep ai r an d U nd ercoating. We are taking a ppointmen ts to un dercoa t vehi cle s. We und ercoat cars, trucks, trailers, & motor h omes. We offer oil with rust inhibitor or Flu id Fi lm. Flu id Film offers powe rful corrosion protection, long lasti ng, al ways active, stops rust on co ntact, pe ne trates metal pores. We are an a uth ori ze d Flu id Film dealer. Oil Cars$45, trucks $55. Fluid Film cars $65,Trucks $ 80 . Ph . 81 4 -72 0 4130 Cochranton, PA LOOK!!! W ant To Se ll Your Property-Real Estate Don’t Want To Have ItTiedUp For Months. Let Miller ’s Auc tion He lp You. Call 72 44 56 -3 63 2 or 8 14 425-7 276. LAZY B TRAI LERS SALES-SERVICE & RENTALS All types of trailers Bristolville. 800-42 4-5110 WANTED STANDING TIMBER Will pay cash in advance. Selective harvesting or portable saw m ill. Fu l ly In s u re d . 4 4 0 -95 4 4 05 5 or cal l ce l l 216-99 0-4174 HOT TUB HOT TUB Save 50% to 60% on all new and refurbished hot tubs. Lowestprices guara ntee d. Exce ll en t se rvice . Se rvi ci ng all hot tubs. Call tod a y Yo un g ’ s Sp a Servi ce 81 4 -7 20 7943. FOR SALE Sun vi so rs to fi t m o st tru cks a n d vans. $20 0 painted a nd i ns ta ll e d (i n s to ck o n l y). 72 4 253-2623,after 6:00 P.M. 814-282-2272. BEN’S APPLIANCE SERVICE In home rep airs on major household appliances. Factory autho ri ze d se rvice , N ASTe C ce rti fie d . 9 0% o f a ll re p a irs com p l ete d i n on e trip . 7 24-74 8-4 90 5. 1 20 N . Water Ave., Sharon, PA. 724-3477170 Sharon. CHAIN SHARPENING SALE $2.00 per chain, bar oil $7.75 p er gallon, bring yo ur own ju g, n ew cha i n s-b u y 3 cha ins for d iscou nt. Call for price. Bar & chain combo starting at $30.99. Sept. 16th, 2013 thru Sept. 21st, 2 0 13 . La C o m be ’ s Small Engine Repair 814-76 3-2277 DENTURES $899 $575 FULL SET SINGLE Artist ry - De n tistry - Prid e Ov e r 2 5 Ye a rs E xp e rie n ce In Hou se La b L.A. JENKINS, DMD EMERGENCY REPAIRS (724) 376-2930 Main St., Sandy Lake, PA 1998 SUBARU LEGACY 4 do or, ai r, n ew i nFOR SALE s pe ctio n , $ 2 4 90 . 1 8 45 C Ca s e Ski d ALLAN HART 724-290-9008. mhld ste er w ith s ome at& SONS 5’ 3 pt. snow blow- @zoominte tachments $12,0 00. Kawasaki Mule, 4x4, ers $97 5 & $125 0. FOR SALE Ba ckto l d TroyBilt walk behind Aus trai lian Shep ard $ 3 50 0 . snowblower w/plas- Bord er Col lie mi xed C ha m pi on we e d & tic shi eld $ 875. JD pu ps, 6 we eks ol d, bru sh m ower $80 0. 172 0 comb ine 4 x4, $75 each. 493 Kapp Dixon zero turn riding n ew tire s , g rai n L a ne , Ve n u s PA m ow e r w i th g ras s catcher, $1500. 814head $17,000. 800- 16364. 432-4 081. 425-7 094. 814-333-9011 KARGO QUALITY CIANCI TIRE UNWANTED ARMY & NAVY Dead & crippled stock Mon th ly ti re d e a ls . CARS & TRUCKS STORE re moval . Same d ay Ove rsto cks, cl o se - Our veh i cle s are J.Amato & Son service at your conve- outs. Cianci Brothers state inspected, ser814-33 3-8299 nience. Licensed - 30 Tire Clearance Ware- vice d a n d g u a ra n L o ca te d i n th e years of service. 724- ho use. Acros s from teed.“Our Reputation Me ad vi ll e D ow n - 368-8 008. th e Gree n vil l e i s Yo ur Pea ce o f tow n Ma l l a cros s Wal m a rt 7 24 -5 88 - Mind” Rt. 19, Mercer. BATHTUBS from Dollar General. 6096 Tol l fre e 1-800-4 46We h a ve vi n ta g e REGLAZED 7821. L evi ’ s, L ee ’ s a n d In yo ur h om e . Is KEYSTONE VINYL Wrangler jeans size your tub showing its INC. MAYSV ILLE 3 1 to 7 2 wa i s t - a ge ? Gu a ra n tee d ANNUAL FALL FENCE VERY CHEAP! Also p ro ce ss can s ave SALE High Tensile h ave Bi b ove ral l s you money. Call Lee SEPTEMBER 23 TO Woven Wire a nd coa ts -g rea t 814-77 4-9482 OCTOBER 5 Horse Cote sizes. See our large Horse Rail OUTDOOR se lection of shou l1 0 Kre mi s Ro a d Game Fence FURNACE d er b ag s , d u ffl e Central Boiler E-Clas- Greenville PA. (724) Free b ag s an d ba ck sic Outdoor Furnace. 475-2843 Estim ates packs. We print mili724-588C le a n er, Gre e ne r, tary d og ta gs . We TRUCK BEDS 2299 EPA q u al i fie d , b u y have a large selecAl umi num or ste el Customer tion of 550 paracord; now a nd save up to tra i l ers , s to ck, Satisfaction $ 14 0 0 . C a ll tod a y ma ny different co lis Our Goal! 1 4 - 7 2 5 - 3 1 0 2 dump, flat. 724-699ors. Military surplus 8 8935 a nd col l e cti b le s . cloverhill New and used:Adult a nd you th , l a te s t s tyl e s o f s tree t ca mo, shorts, fie ld “WE SPECIALIZE IN CREDIT PROBLEMS” ja ckets, s we aters, a n d EMT p a nts . BANKRUPTCY, DIVORCE, CHARGE OFFS Combat an d jungle MEDICAL BILLS, LOW CREDIT boots . Huntin g and LIMITED CREDIT • NO CREDIT, JUDGEMENTS, REPOS military knives, cots, s l ee p i ng b ag s , socks, gloves, caps, LOANS BY PHONE h el me ts , b la nkets NO HASSLE, NO EMBARRASSMENT and more. MRE’s by the case of package. Gas masks and filters. We alsobuymilitary items from individuals and estates. AUTO LOANS AVAILABLE Grove City Auto Mall CALL TODAY! Ask for Toni Verrill 724-748-4070 800-748-1220 J&J SAUER Southern Auto Parts & Sales Parker Single Axle Utility Trailers SIZE COST TOTAL 4½x9 907.00 1054.92 5x8 1,246.001,414.26 5x10 1,296.001,467.26 5½x10 1,359.001,534.04 5½x12 1,412.001,590.22 6½x10 1,396.00 1,573.26 6½x12 1,462.00 1,643.22 6½x13 1,488.00 1.670.78 6½x14 1,496.001,679.26 6½x14 2-gate 1,679.001,873.24 LOG FURNITURE! CLEARANCE SALE! We are discontinuing our line of log fu rniture. Everything is on sale.Everything must go! Stop in now! Millers 814-807-0028. BUYING STANDING TIMBER & LOGS Free - No Obligation - Estimate Call Toll Free: 1-888-898-4081 40 DIFFERENT SIZES a nd 3 diffe re nt gr ades of ta rps on stock at Gr eenville Tire and Rubber Supply - She lte rs and canopy’s also available. 33 S. Race St., Greenville, PA 16125 ENGLISH SETTER PUPS Born 7-2 -13 fro m grouse hunting dogs ca hm p i on b l oo d l i ne s . Tra cto r Fo r Sal e Mi n n ea p o li s Moline 445 3pth. 814437 -5185, 814-6 714252 KOPTAS AUTO SALES COCHRANTON, PA Full NotaryService Pa State and Emissions Inspections. Full servi ce a utom otive re pair. Preowned cars, trucks, va ns. We finance!! w w w.4 2 5ca rs .co m 814-425 -2299. WANTED STANDING TIMBER Good saw timber or lo w grad e bl ocki ng timb er, co nventi onal logging or on site milling. 814-694-6446. TREE PROBLEMS? We can help. Specializing in trimming, rem oval s a nd stum p grinding. Nicols Tree Servi ce h as b ee n b ui lt o n s afety an d expe rie nce. Pl ea se call today, we would like to add you to our list of satisfied custom e rs. 8 14 -7 20 2666. FOR SALE Old e r 5 1 8 Cat skidd er, g ood tire s, decent condi tion for ag e, $ 12 ,5 00 . 81 4484-3 436. AREA SHOPPER GRASS-FED BEEF & PORK Raised on sunshine, rai n & g ra s s! H orm o ne & ch e m ica l free ! Po rk $ 1.30 /l b. Beef $2.20 /lb. hangi ng w ei g h t. Fog g y Hol low Farm . Order fo r Oct. p roce ssin g. 8 14 -9 67 -2 23 2 . N o Sunday calls. 814-425-7272 STUMP GRINDING AND TREE REMOVAL Cut d owns, lim b removal, tree climbing, storm work clean up. Call Keltner Tree Servi ce for a free e stimate today. 814-8538 74 9 . Fas t s ervice a nd s afe re l i ab l e work. SEPTEMBER 21, 2013 PAYING CASH HOWICK’S for u n wa nted ca rs . AUTO BODY Fre e p i ck u p . 8 14 - Auto, truck, body & 587-2 681. fr ame rust re pair. COMPUTERS Collision repair. We H P o r D e l l to we r buy salvage cars & $9 7.00 , la ptop , De ll tr uc k s . W a lte r or Co mpaq $9 5.0 0. How ic k. 8 14 -3 82 All e xcel le nt con di - 2 71 3 Connea ut tion. New microwave Lake, PA. oven full size $40. All GUNS kin d s o f ho o k-u p ca bl e s , w i res & Win cheste r Mod. 94 a da pters $1 .0 0/up . 3 2 s p . Pre Wa r II Digital camera , new $9 00 . Savag e Mo d. $3 0.0 0. Ca mco rd er 170 30-30 pump w/ $25 .00, n ew spe ak- s co p e $ 2 7 5. J.C . Mod. 45 cal. HERSHBERGERS e rs & co m p ute r Higgins CARPENTRY g am e s & s oftw are 30-30 w/scope $280. Phone 814-827-0141 is looking for metal roof $1 .0 0/up . 81 4-45 9leave message. jobs &vinyl siding jobs. 1771. Call now & getyourroof done with 40 yr. warra nty me tal fo r the sameprice asseconds with no warranty.Leave me ssa ge wi th my BUYING PRE 1964 COINS ne igh bor 814 -38 2Silver Dollars $20.00 Half Dollars $9.00 9210 Quarters $4.50 - Dimes $1.80 We Offer best prices with 24 hour guarantee. If they don’t post their prices as required by law, then run! Certified Scales by the PA Weights & Measures Dept. PRICES CHANGE WITH MARKET $ MONEY $ FORSILVER, GOLD & COINS HEETER’S HAVEN MUMS 8 ” be a utiful Mu ms , $ 3.9 5 . Me ad vi ll e Farm & Garden, 136 Mead Ave. Meadville. 814-724 -1083. BIRD SEED 20 # Albi on reg ion al Wildb ird sale $ 8.95. Mea d vil l e Fa rm & Gard en , 1 3 6 Mea d Ave., Meadville. 814724-1 083. FROZEN FOOD Taking orders on Frozen Foods. Order by Octob er 21st p ickup o n Octo b e r 2 9 th . Mea d vil l e Fa rm & Gard e n, 8 14 -7 24 1083.Albion Mill 814756-5291, 5M Feeds Wa terford 814 -79 6FOR SALE Ken mo re El ite ga s 4 5 11 . 5M Fee d s s to ve , ve ry g oo d Titus vil le 81 4 -8 27 cond., best offer. 814- 7387. 5MFeeds Warren 814-723-9471. 882-9843 SPIRES HORSE-MAN-SHIP! Hay for sa le/tea chin g le adershi p, respe ct and to m ove th e h o rs e s bo d y parts anytime. C all Mike 814-734-3208 HILLTOP PROCESSING and SMOKE HOUSE Raised on our Farm Sides of Beef $2.40/lb. Hogs by the ½ or whole $1.95/lb. Custom Slaughtering CUSTOM CUT THE WAY YOU WANT. DOUBLE WRAPPED FOR BEST FREEZER LIFE. WE CAN VACUUM PACK. 4908 Fisher Road, Conneautville, PA 16406 814-587-2193 ALL YOU CAN EAT CHICKEN DINNER September 27th 2013 from 4pm-6:30pm at Cl in ton vi lle Fire ha ll (fo rm e rl y a t th e Wes le y Gran ge ) C hi cke n, no od l es , m as he d p ota to es , creamed peas, coleslaw, drink, desserts, adults, $8 ages 5-12, $4 under 5.Free carry o uts a va i la b le , chinese auction. SINGLE TOP BUGGY Ex. s hape, hydraulic brakes, LED lig hts, h ea ter $1 5 0 0 o bo . 814-967 -2229. SAWDUST AND FIREWOOD DELIVERED Sawdust $160 - 13 cu. yd.dump truck load delivered.Hardwood Firewood:Blockwood $250 for dump truck load. Approx. 2 full cord load. (814) 450-8491 DENNIS CONSTRUCTION & REMODELING Ove r 50 years combi ne d expe ri en ce d, n ow ’ s th e ti m e to sche dule your ba throom remodeli ng or an y h om e i mprovement. 814-763-6536. PA #031753. WE ACCEPT SNAP FOOD STAMPS VISA - MASTERCARD PORTER EXCAVATING Bulldozing, excavator, skidsteer, tri-axle, service,all septic systems an d re pai rs, blo ck basem ents, foo ters, crawlspaces,piersets, bu ild ing rem ova l, ponds, pond cleaning, and d riveways. 814969-2757 ANDERSON PICTURE WINDOW for s al e . Ap p ro x. 6 0 ” h i g h x8 0 ” w i d e g o od s ha p e $4 0 0 obo.Also 10 foot electricbaseboard heater $25. Phone 814-3336764 after 4pm JIM’S HAULING & GENERAL CLEANUPS Garages, basements, outside buildings, old roofing, scrap metal, etc. Rea so nab le prices. Also new burn barrel s for sale . Ph. 81 4-7 63-6 398 an ytime. Sae-gertown, PA 9-11-13 940 PARK AVE @THE BANK MEADVILLE, PA 16335 814-720-5314 heeter@zoomi BUILDER’S SUPPORT FLOORING Huge showroom All Major brands Buy where builders buy. Contractor pricing to you. In Home Consult ation. Free estimates. CORN STALKS Builder’s Support FOR SALE Saege rtown $3 a bu ndl e, su nflowers,Mamath 2 a 814-763-WOOD-x6 head. Also log jack a nd b atte ry o pe ra ted cha i n s a w FOR SALE s h arp e ne r, fu r stretchers,all sizes, H e avy du ty ta rp ap prox. 22 x38 , $5 0. sa ve a d. Cal l Eve. Call 724-946-2746 814-79 5-4084 PAGE 26 FREE SCRAP METAL REMOVAL N on -w orki ng , ou td ated o r u nw an te d metal items. Brayden L . Mi l le r 81 4 -51 6 6100. Not sure if we’ll take it? Give us a call or text. ULAN’S UNDERCOATING SERVICES We undercoat everyth in g fro m ca rs to Cl ass 8 trucks a nd tra i l ers . We on l y s pra y FL U ID FIL M product. Call for pricing and appointment. 814-720 -1211. PHILLIPS HOME IMPROVEMENTS LLC PA008176. The small job specialist. Decks, s id in g, b athroo ms , kitche ns, roofs, windows , gara ges, d rywall , trim, doors, all in teri or and exteri or work. Free estimates. Ful ly i ns u re d. 8 14 683-5 635. MENNONITE OXFORD COMPANY HIRING DOBERMAN Si di n g i n s ta l l ers , PUPPIES FOR SALE Pre s ti g e Exte ri o rs , Parents on site, great yearround work. 724- fo r fam il y p ets, ca ll 946-2 600. 814-547 -2776. WHY? Pay the high prices of plumbers, electricia ns , ca rp en ters w h en you h a ve a problem. Cut this ad o ut. Mo rg an ’ s Hand yman Service fo r e verythi n g around the house or business. 814-3984693. ERIESecure Home ® Policy Call for a Homeowners Quote with the NEW ERIESecure Home® Policy Schwab Insurance Agency 814-724-4502 15957 Conneaut Lake Road Suite 12 • Meadville, PA 16335 (In Cutter’s Condo across from Wal-Mart) FOR SALE 650 JD 4WD Hi & Lo ran g e , fron t en d bucket brush ho g & b ack b la d e $8 0 00 . Kubota G2460, liquid cooled, PS, 54” deck $ 4,0 0 0. 8 14 -6 65 6363 LOOKING TO BUY Al l type s of s cra p metal, car,truck ofany size, all types of trailers ofany size,except for house trailers and ca mp ers. 81 4-42 51172 ADOPTION/FOSTER CARE INFORMATION SESSION Child to Family Connec tions is hosting an informa tion session for anyone intere ste d in le a r ning about adoption and foster care on Tuesda y, Se pte mbe r 24 from 6-7:30 PM @ Ne w Be ginnings Chur c h on Le s lie Rd., Meadville. Inform a tion 8 1 4 -33 6 3007. FOR RENT Cambridge Springs, 2 bd rm , m o bi l e home in country, appl ian ces i ncl ude d, no pets, $450 plus $ 45 0 s e cu ri ty de posit, also duplex, 2 bdrm in town, appliances included, no pets, $450 a month pl us $ 450 se curi ty o ff s tre et pa rki ng , b a se m e nt. 81 4 398-8320, 814-5730666 TOBINS VEGETABLES Sweet corn, broccolli, b e an s , o n i on s , b ee ts , ca rro ts , di ll , parsley, swiss chard, ocra,cabbage, garlic, po ta toe s, eg gpl an t, hot & green peppers, kal e , zu cch i n is & s u mm e r s q u as h , w in te r s qu as h , pi e p um p kin s , i n d ia n FOR SALE co rn, popcorn , su nGris wo ld cas t iron . flo w e rs , pa i n te d 724-53 0-7416 gourds & crafts. 814398-2607 BUYING STANDING TIMBER Harvesting with modern Track machines. All species of timber wa nted . Se lect cu ts and Clear cuts. Family o wned and operated since 1990. Call or email us for more i nform atio n. Co pe l an d Lu mb e r (8 14 ) 756-3 250. FOR SALE 19 79 fibe rg las s trihu ll boa t w ith 65 hp Mercu ry o utb o ard wo uld m ake a ni ce b oa t w/s o me TLC . Motor runs fine $300 obo. 814-763-1192 FOR SALE Browning BPS 10 ga. tu rke y s hotgun wi th case, engraved, and fiber optic sites. $499. 814-786 -7967. S TAI NLE S S S T E E L Outdoor Wood Fur n aces B ILL KE LLY 11081 R T . 99, MC KE AN , PA 16426 (814) 734-1821 (814) 450-2169 c e ll FOR SALE D eWa l t Pl un g e router, electronic ½, ¼ co ll e ts n e w. D el ta s ha p e r 3 hp com pl ete cutters p ow er fee d sl i d in g ji g . Oneida dust collector 2 hp 8’ tall with steel stand . 12 ga. Model 12 shotgun Remingto n. 30 -06 ri fl e 7 60 Ga mem aster 150 th Ann ive rs ary Mod el . 04 C hevy Si lve ra do Extended Cab pickup 4 wheel drive with cap red loaded, 5th wheel in bed, like new. Custo m w o od w o rki n g ca b i ne ts /ki tch e n s . 814-282 -3943. FOR SALE D ou b l e w al l s ta in less steel solid pack i ns u l ate d ch i mn e y p i pe 6 s e ctio n s 6”x3 0”. Ide al for a ll fuel . Twist lock connecti ons $350. 814271-8625 APPLES Clark’s is now open wi th a pp le s on o ur stand-more varieties soon. For more info and hours open call 81 4-42 5-7 69 0. 1 33 Old Fra n kli n Pi ke Cochra nton. AREA SHOPPER 814-425-7272 SEPTEMBER 21, 2013 PAGE 27 AREA SHOPPER 814-425-7272 SEPTEMBER 21, 2013 PAGE 28