Schuylkill Chamber of Commerce
Schuylkill Chamber of Commerce
Easily accessible from I- 81 From I-80 - take I-81 to Exit 124B (Frackville Exit), then take PA Route 61 N. to Ashland. From I-78 - take PA Route 61 N. to Ashland. The Other Land Down Under... Where miner-guides relate the fascinating history of anthracite coal, as you tour an underground mine and ride an old-time steam train. Our gift shop offers fine handcrafted jewelry, coal related gifts, books and fine apparel. Our lunch and snack bar is adjacent to a spacious park and playground, and there is plenty of free on-site parking. Pioneer Day is August 20th Celebrate with us and enjoy great live music, delicious ethnic foods, fine arts and crafts, and plenty of good old-fashioned family fun. Call for more details. Yearly Schedule of Operation April: Weekday & Weekend Mine Tours - 11 am, 12:30 pm & 2 pm. Group Mine Tours by Reservation Only. Closed Easter Weekend - April 3 and 4. Train Tours for Groups of 25 or more by Reservation Weekdays Only. Memorial Day - Labor Day: Daily Train & Mine Tours continuous from 10 am - 6 pm. Last Train Ride - 5:00 pm, last Coal Mine Tour- 5:30 pm. May, Sep. and Oct.: Weekday Mine Tours -11 am, 12:30 pm & 2 pm. Group Train Tours by Reservation Only for Groups of 25 or more. Weekend Train & Mine Tours Continuous, 10 am - 6 pm. Last Train Ride- 5:00, last Weekend Mine Tour- 5:30. Buses by reservation anytime from April to October. Ashland Community Enterprises 19th & Oak Sts. - Ashland, PA 17921 (570) 875-3850 or (570) 875-3301 Mastercard, Visa, MAC & Discover Cards Accepted Welcome to Schuylkill County a cultural heritage destination like no other! Nestled conveniently in the mountains of East -Central Pennsylvania, we invite you to enjoy a variety of outdoor recreation, American’s oldest brewery, Anthracite Mine Tours, walking tours, a Classic Car Museum, the Appalachian Trail, the Schuylkill River National & State Heritage Area, and five unique wineries. Table of Contents Schuylkill County . . . . . . Page 4 History of Region . . . . . . Page 6 Events. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 8 Arts & Culture . . . . . . . Page 14 Museums & Tours . . . . Page 15 Recreation . . . . . . . . . . . Page 18 Wineries . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 20 Dining . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 24 Accommodations . . . . . Page 28 Shopping . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 34 Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 38 Schuylkill Map . . . . . . . Page 44 The Schuylkill County Visitor Bureau with The Publishing Group of Lancaster, PA, publish the Official Schuylkill County Visitor Guide as a service to visitors to the region. The Schuylkill County Visitor Bureau has no control over the services offered, hours of operation or quality of services. Printed in USA/Copyright 2011 by The Publishing Group, Lancaster, PA and the Schuylkill County Visitor Bureau. 3 Schuylkill County awaits you Nestled between the mountains of East-Central Pennsylvania, where outdoor recreation, unique attractions, fascinating history and a host of exciting events abound, is a cultural heritage destination like no other. Whether your interests lean toward historic attractions or out- 4 door recreation, action-packed events or cultural offerings; you’ll find it all here in Schuylkill County. Our unique attractions feature D.G. Yuengling & Sons; American’s oldest brewery, anthracite mining heritage including the Pioneer Tunnel & the Museum of Anthracite Mining, Jerry’s Classic Cars & Collectibles Museum, walking tours, The Appalachian Trail, the pristine nature of Hawk Mountain and its 200 degree panorama atop the famed North Lookout, and the authentically restored 1874 Tamaqua Railroad Station. Schuylkill County boasts of a variety of the best in outdoor recreation including three state parks, one county park, campgrounds, hiking, fishing, hunting, canoeing, golfing, biking, and much more. If you are intrigued by interesting history, lured by the beauty of the outdoors, or simply looking for a relaxing adventure just beyond the hustle and bustle of the Poconos, Philadelphia or PA Dutch Country, then Schuylkill County is the natural choice. One visit may surprise you. 5 Anthracite coal forged our region In this bicentennial year, it is exceedingly appropriate to reflect on how we’ve come to be the exciting natural and historic community we are. The history of Schuylkill County is inextricably bound to the history of the United States anthracite industry. Although the settlement of Schuylkill County occurred long before the discovery of the “black diamonds” that would fuel the nation’s industrial 6 into a rich and diverse community revolution, it is anthracite coal that forged our region into the rich diverse community it is today. The history of Schuylkill County officially dates back to 1811 when the county was formed from nearby Berks and Northampton counties, yet our true historical wealth lies in the fossils and fuel beneath our surface. Before the first European settler ventures through our forests, Schuylkill served as a NativeAmerican hunting ground for the many tribes inhabiting the banks of the Susquehanna and Delaware Rivers in Pennsylvania. During the latter half of the 18th century, predominantly German settlers farmed our wide valleys during the era of the American Revolution. By the 1890s, the discovery of Anthracite Coal forged a new era of Industrial Revolution, as coal mining influenced immigration and developed many boroughs and patches across the county. Transportation expansion, including canal, railroad, and trolley followed as Schuylkill County, fueled by the Anthracite Industry, pushed into the 20th Century. Along the way, a multi-ethnic immigration followed, making Schuylkill one of the United States’ classic “Melting Pots”. While the Anthracite heyday has come and gone and newer industry now fuels our economy, Schuylkill still maintains several landmarks from that unique by-gone era. In addition, the original agricultural beauty from the 18th Century remains and can be best admired from a variety of scenic overlooks across the county. The unique and rich history of Schuylkill county is represented in the variety of museums, mine & walking tours, scenic train rides, architectural styles, ethnic festivals and truly oneof-a-kind sculptures which abound across the county. 7 Januar y Each month offers events unique to the region and our heritage Greater Pottsville Area Winter Carnival, January to February. (570) 628-2702 Bridal Expo Fairlane Village Mall, Pottsville. January 29-30. Februar y Local History Faire, featuring a variety of Historical Societies and Organizations at the Fairlane Village Mall, Pottsville on Saturday, February 12th from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Gabriel Chamber Ensemble Concert. February 27, 3 pm at the Jerusalem Lutheran Church, Schuylkill Haven. (570) 943-2558 8 8th Annual Saint Patrick’s Day Parade, sponsored by the Jack Kehoe Division 1 of the Ancient Order of Hibernians, starts noon Saturday, March 19 in downtown Girardville. One of largest St. Patrick’s Day parades in PA featuring Pipe bands, community bands and floats ending at the Hibernian House. Parade begins at 12 noon. (570) 874-2719 April “A Block of Art”, April 8, 9 and 10, Downtown Pottsville March Easter Craft Fair, April 9 & 10, Leesport Farmers Market, Route 61, Leesport. 9 am - 4 pm. Free admission and parking. (610) 926-1307 Bicentennial Event “Bicentennial Day” March 1. Featuring the National Flag Project and parade down Laurel Boulevard in Pottsville. (570) 628-1382 Gabriel Chamber Ensemble Concert, April 10, 3 pm at the Jerusalem Lutheran Church, Schuylkill Haven. (570) 943-2558 Schuylkill Choral Society Concert, March 20, 3 pm, location TBA. Myths and Folklore. (570) 622-3388 Annual Avenues Duck Race, April 24. Activities begin at noon at the Saint Clair Wal-Mart. Ducks enter the water at 3:32 p.m. (570) 622-7920 May Bicentennial Event “Courthouse Commons Dedication”, May, 2010. Schuylkill Express Barbershop Chorus Annual Concert, May 1, 2 pm at the Schuylkill Haven High School. (570) 624-7106 Hometown Craft Show, at the Hometown Farmers Market, Route 54 in Hometown. May 1, from 9 am – 4 pm. (570) 386-3724. Car & Hot Rod Fun Show Cruise Sponsored by the Schuylkill Valley Corvette Club. May 1 at Bubeck Park, Schuylkill Haven. Annual Charity Car Cruise, sponsored by the Schuylkill County Gear Grinders. Call for date and time. (570) 622-3667 Spring Craft Fair, May 7, Leesport Farmers Market, Route 61, Leesport. 9 am - 4 pm. Free admission and parking. (610) 926-1307 Mid-Summer Craft Fair, July 9, Leesport Farmers Market, Route 61, Leesport. 9 am - 4 pm. Free admission and parking. (610) 926-1307 The Clover’s 24th Annual Irish Weekend, held in Heckscherville. July 22-24, celtic music, performance, food and more. (570) 544-5753 Ukrainian Seminary Day, July 24, at St. Nicholas Picnic Grove, Primrose (near Minersville off Route 901). Food games, entertainment and refreshments. August Schuylkill County Fair, Summit Station, at the Schuylkill County Fairgrounds, Aug. 1 - Aug. 6, 2011. Food, big name entertainment & fun. (570) 754-FAIR or Schuylkill Choral Society Concert, “From Stage to Screen”, at Schuylkill Haven Area High School, May 21 at 7:30 pm. (570) 628-3388 Kielbasi Festival, Saturday, May 21 in Downtown Shenandoah. (570) 462-1348 June Schuylkill River Sojourn, June 4 – 10. Canoe trip on Schuylkill River from Schuylkill Haven to Philadelphia. Canoes depart Schuylkill Haven on Saturday Morning, June 4. (484) 945-0200 Tamaqua Summerfest, June 19 in downtown Tamaqua. Historical Displays, Food, Entertainment, Crafts. (570) 668-6899 July St. Nick’s 76th Annual Parish Picnic, July 2-3. Ethnic Food, Games & Entertainment. St. Nick’s Picnic Grove, Primrose (Rt. 901) (570) 544-4581. Bicentennial Fireworks Display and Old Fashioned Picnic July 9, Sweet Arrow Lake County Park, Pine Grove. Rain date July 10, 2011. 9 City of Pottsville 18th Annual Antique and Classic Car Cruise Week, August 10 – 14 with Pottsville Cruise on Sunday, August 14th. Northeast Pennsylvania’s largest rolling cruise with over 1,200 vehicles and 10 bands. A Pottsville Lions Club and City Event. (570) 622-9510 Lithuanian Days Celebration, at the Schuylkill Mall, Frackville, August 13 & 14. (570) 874-3088 Pioneer Day, Higher-Up Park, Ashland, August 20. At the Pioneer Tunnel Coal Mine. Entertainment, Games, Crafts, Food and more. (570) 875-3850 Summer Wine Festival, August 13, Benigna’s Creek Vineyard and Winery, Klingerstown. Several wineries, food and entertainment in the scenic Mahantongo Valley. (570) 425-3090 St. Matthew’s Summer Festival, August 14, at South Cass Fire Company Grounds, Primrose (near Minersville along Route 901). Ethnic and American Food, Entertainment and games. (570) 544-2211 Island Park Festival, August 20 at the Schuylkill Haven Island, Saturday, 2 –10 pm. Celebration of music and the arts, featuring family entertainment. (570) 385-2841 Shenandoah Heritage Day, August 27. Ethnic food, entertainment and “Parade of Nations” pageantry at Girard Park, Washington and Main Streets, Shenandoah. (570) 462-2060 10 Annual Raptor Migration, featuring Eagles, Hawks, Osprey, Vultures, Kestrels and more. Peak Migration Season from August to December and best viewed at Hawk Mountain Sanctuary. (610) 756-6000 September 8th Annual Taste of Hamburger Festival, September 3 in downtown Hamburg from 10 am - 5 pm. (610) 562-3106 3rd Annual Schuylkill County Wine Festival at Hegins Park, on September 4. Call for more information. (570) 682-9660 Minersville Spirit Day, September 11. Food, entertainment, crafts. (570) 544-6027 Hegins Valley Arts and Crafts Faire, at Hegins Park, September 17. Food, Drink, Arts & Crafts galore. (570) 682-8181 Schuylkill Valley Corvette Club Car Show at Bubeck Park, Schuylkill Haven. September 18. (570) 739-1122 Hometown Craft Show, at the Hometown Farmers Market, Route 54 in Hometown. September 18, from 9 am – 4 pm. (570) 386-3724 Borough Day, Downtown Schuylkill Haven, September 24. Food, Entertainment, Crafts and Amusements. (570) 385-2841 Pumpkin Chunkin’, September 30, Schuylkill Mall, Frackville. October Avenues Pumpkin Festival, October 1 from 9 am - 3 pm. Pumpkins, mums, entertainment, hayrides, crafters, contests, food, fall and Halloween decorations.(570) 622-7368 3rd Annual Pumpkin Festival, October 1 in Frackville. Shenandoah’s Annual Mayor’s Oktoberfest, October 1. (570) 462-1348 Hillside SPCA Annual Open House, October 2, Noon to 3 pm. The SPCA is located on Cressona Road, just outside of Pottsville. Everyone, including leashed or caged pets welcome. Tour the facilities, and enjoy refreshments and pet activities. (570) 622-7769 Harvest Craft Fair, October 8 & 9, Leesport Farmers Market, Route 61, Leesport. 9 am - 4 pm. Free admission and parking. (610) 926-1307 Tamaqua Heritage Day, October 9. Historical Displays, Demonstrations, and Reenactments, Music, Large Craft Fair, Ethnic Foods, Free Entertainment, Classic/Antique/Custom Car Show and Historic Walking Tours. TBA Fall Foliage Train Excursions. (570) 668-5722 Pine Grove Autumn Stroll and Halloween Parade, Saturday, October 15, 10 am - 4 pm. 50+ crafters, food vendors, pedal boat rides and a lot more. Parade at 7 pm. (570) 345-4859 Schuylkill Brewfest, October 15 & 16. (570) 622-7700 November Dicken’s Christmas, November 25 in Downtown Shenandoah. (570) 462-1348 The Nutcracker, Thanksgiving Weekend, Saturday, November 26, at 7:00 pm and Sunday, November 27 at 2:00 pm. Performance by the Schuylkill Ballet Theatre. For location of performance call (570) 622-2286. Lighting of the Vineyard, November 26, Benigna’s Creek Vineyard and Winery, Klingerstown. (570) 425-3090 Christmas Craft Fair, November 26 & 27, Leesport Farmers Market, Route 61, Leesport. 9 am - 4 pm. Free admission and parking. (610) 926-1307 December Tamaqua Spirit of Christmas Festival, December 3 & 4. (570) 386-8422 Ashland Old Fashioned Christmas, December 10 in Downtown Ashland. (570) 875-3571 8th Annual Ashland Applefest, October 15. Downtown Ashland. (570) 875-3571 11 Experience the Nostalgia… 570-668-5020 Enjoy Fine American Cuisine and Signature Creations served by our friendly wait staff garbed in period attire in an Old World atmosphere complete with original railroad memorabilia Located in the Historic Tamaqua Train Station A Landmark Destination Since 1874 12 5th & Mahantongo Streets, Pottsville, PA 570-628-4890 Hours: Monday - Friday 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Saturday April thru December ONLY 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. Tour Times: Monday - Friday 10 a.m. & 1:30 p.m. Saturday April thru December ONLY 11 a.m., Noon & 1 p.m. Attention Tour Visitors: Please call for groups of 15 or more Please wear closed shoes only. No sandals, flip-flops, clogs or any other shoe with openings. Great Gift ideas shop online at www . yuenGlinG . com . © 2010 D.G. YUENGLING & SON, INC., POTTSVILLE, PA 17901 13 Attractions that let you explore your passions Arts & Culture Lazy Dog Coffeehouse Clover Fire Company/Irish Weekend 8 Clover Road, Pottsville, PA 17901 (570) 544-5753 The Clover’s 24rd Annual Irish Weekend held in Heckscherville, PA Gabriel Chamber Ensemble PO Box 36, Orwigsburg, PA 17961 (570) 943-2558 Traditional and contemporary chamber music. Call for season schedule. The Galler y at the Tamaqua Art Center 114 West Broad St., Tamaqua, PA 18252 (570) 668-6899 Fine art shows and programs throughout the year. The Arts Barn 3 Berry Road, Schuylkill Haven, PA, 17972 (570) 366-8736 or (570) 617-8736 A Gallery of local artists featuring fine arts and crafts. 18 East Sunbury Street, Minersville, PA 17954 (570) 544-4800 Family-friendly New York style coffeehouse in the heart of Schuylkill County. Casual dining. Great food. Gourmet coffees, teas, espresso drinks & desserts. Wine, beer and spirits available. Internet access. Local artists and book signings. Open Mic & Karaoke. Live music. Events calendar on the web. The Mad Potter 6 S. Centre Street, Pottsville, PA 17901 (570) 622-2940 Funky to functional pottery and regional art. Lift Your Spirits Performing Arts (570) 590-2368 Our goal is to bring theater to people of Central Pennsylvania at resonable costs, while promoting the arts and helping other orginizations. 14 Lakeside Ballroom 40 Crystal Ln., Barnesville, PA 18214 (570) 467-2630 Pub open Thurs., Fri.. Sat. Hall rental and catering available. Check calendar for Band schedule. Pottsville Third Brigade Band 403 Stoney Run Road, Pottsville, PA 17901 Celebrating over 125 years of service to the community and performing at venues across the county. Schuylkill Ballet Theatre 52 Avenue E., Schuylkill Haven, PA 17972 (570) 622-2286 Performs The Nutcracker Ballet Thanksgiving weekend along with a spring performance annually. Schuylkill Choral Society 1440 Mahantongo Street, Pottsville, PA 17901 (570) 628-3388 Entertaining audiences in Schuylkill and surrounding counties with over 37 years of vocal experience. Schuylkill County Council for the Arts 1440 Mahantongo Street, Pottsville, PA 17901 (570) 622-2788 Located in the Frank D. Yuengling Mansion. Concerts, Theatre, Exhibits, and Cultural Schuylkill Express Barbershop Chorus (570) 624-7106 Meets at the Pottsville Catholic War Veterans, 19th and 1st Avenue, Pottsville. Performances throughout the year. Call for bookings. Quartets available. Sovereign Majestic Theater 209 North Centre St., Pottsville, PA 17901 (570) 628-4647 Performing arts center located in downtown Pottsville. Call for schedule of events. Historical/Museums & Tours America’s Oldest Brewer y Yuengling Brewer y Museum and Gift Shop 5th and Mahantongo Sts., Pottsville, PA 17901 (570) 628-4890 Tours of the brewery available. (see our display ad on page 12) Ashland Mothers’ Memorial Blvd. and Centre Sts., Ashland (570) 624-7223 America’s only sculpture dedicated to Mothers. Overlooking intersection at Hoffman Coal Miners Statue and Brick Memorial Located at intersection of Routes 901 and 209. The Coal Miners Statue and park is dedicated to those who labored in the Anthracite Coal Mines. Historical Society of Schuylkill County 305 N. Centre St., Pottsville, PA 17901 (570) 622-7540 Historical and genealogical resources. Museum and research facility. (see our display ad on page 17) Jerr y’s Classic Cars and Collectibles Museum 394 S. Centre St., Pottsville, PA 17901 888-802-6605 or (570) 622-9510 50’s & 60’s memorabilia Open May thru October. (see our display ad on page 16) Jewish Museum of Eastern PA 2400 West End Avenue, Pottsville, PA 17901 (570) 622-5890 Exhibits are free and open to the public by appointment. Handicapped accessible. The Strawberr y Playhouse 60 Church Street, Tuscarora, PA 17982 (570) 325-4368 Broadway musicals, drama, comedy and special events. 15 Schuylkill County Courthouse 401 North Second St., Pottsville, PA 17901 (570) 628-1140 or 628-1377 Tours of Courthouse are available for groups or individuals by appointment only. Schuylkill Historical Fire Society 105 South Jardin St., Shenandoah PA 17976 Museum of Schuylkill County Fire Fighting apparatus, equipment and history. Tamaqua Historical Society 114 West Broad St., Tamaqua, PA 18252 (570) 668-5722 Tamaqua Railroad Station 18 North Railroad St., Tamaqua, PA 18252 (570) 668-2770 Restored 19th Century train station. Gift Shop and Visitors Center W.K.& S. Railroad 42 Community Center Drive, Kempton, PA 19529 (610) 756-6469 Authentic scenic train rides at nearby Kempton in Berks County. Gift Shop, Snack Bar. Mahanoy Area Historical Society 1-7 W. Centre St., Mahanoy City, PA 17948 Located in the Mahanoy Area Visitors Center, which includes a museum of artifacts and history. The Martin Luther King Family Enrichment Center 610 Mahantongo St., Pottsville PA 17901 (570) 622-8948 Supports and strengthens the community by serving youth and families in need No. 9 Mine & Museum 9 Dock Street, Lansford, PA 18232 (570) 645-7074 Museum open year-round. (see our display ad on page 21) Or wigsburg Historical Society 109 East Mifflin St., Orwigsburg, PA 17961 (570) 366-8769 Local memorabilia, genealogical information, military history. Open Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday 12 Noon to 5PM. Pinegrove Historical Society 205 N. Tulpehocken St., Pine Grove, PA 17963 (570) 345-0157 Genealogical library and research services available. Admission. Pioneer Tunnel Coal Mine 19th and Oak Streets, Ashland, PA 17921 (570) 875-3850 Tour of underground anthracite coal mine, Steam Lokie rides, Gift Shop, & Snack Bar. (see our display ad on page 2) 16 17 Recreation Burnie’s Italian Ice and Mini Golf 212 North Route 183 Schuylkill Haven, PA 17972 (570) 739-2229 Challenging Mini Golf Course. Frackville Recreation Board 205 N. Nice St., Frackville, PA 17931 Providing recreational activities for the Frackville Community. (570) 874-4577 Goody’s Fun Center 71 Industrial Rd., Frackville, PA 17931 (570) 874-4386 Miniature Golf, Restaurant, Ice Cream, Arcade and Batting cage. Available for parties. Hawk Mountain Sanctuary 1700 Hawk Mountain Road Kempton, PA 19529 (610) 756-6961 Visitor’s Center open 9 am - 5 pm daily. Fall Hawk Watch, scenic vistas and hiking trails. (see our display ad on page 19) Heisler’s Dairy Bar 743 Catawissa Rd., Tamaqua, PA 18252 (570) 668-3399 Miniature Golf and Driving Range, Gift Shop, and Country Fresh Ice Cream. 18 Hidden Valley Golf Course 1753 Panther Valley Road Pine Grove, PA 17963 800-428-4631, (570) 739-4455 18-hole Public Golf Course, Driving range, Pro Shop, Snack Bar and Bar. Knoebels Amusement Resort 391 Knoebels Rd., Elysburg, PA 17824 (570) 672-2572 Located between Elysburg and Catawissa. Free Admission and Entertainment. Food, Amusements and Swimming. Locust Lake State Park Located in Ryan and Blythe Townships, accessible from I-81, (Exit 131B) and Routes 54, 61, & 209. (570) 467-2772 parks/locustlake.aspx Mountain Valley Golf Course 1021 Brockton Mountain Dr. Barnesville, PA 18214 (570) 467-4653, 467-2242 Pro Shop, Driving Range, Chipping and Practice areas. Restaurant & Bar open daily. (see our display ad on page 19) Pennsylvania Trappers Association 138 Farview Road, Hamburg, PA 19526 (610) 562-1790 Penn State Master Gardeners Schuylkill County Cooperative Extension 1202 Ag Center Drive, Pottsville, PA 17901 (570) 622-4225 Public programs of interest throughout the year. Schuylkill County Trout Unlimited 91 Pebble Lane, Tamaqua, PA 18252 (570) 590-3651 Working to conserve, protect and restore the cold water resources in the Schuylkill River area. Pleasant Valley Ranch 88 Arrow Road, New Ringgold, PA 17960 (570) 943-2496 Horse boarding facility specializing in guided trail rides, moon lit rides and group activities. (see our display ad on page 17) Stonehedge Gardens Inc. 51 Dairy Road, Tamaqua, PA 18252-9453 (570) 386-4618 Providing a healing, environment for the cultivation of wellness through gardens, the arts and holistic education. Rausch Creek Trailriders Bear Valley Road, Valley View, PA 17983 (570) 682-1075 Year round off road fun for the whole family. Membership required. Strike Zone Alleys 2501 W. End Ave., Pottsville, PA 17901 (570) 622-8740 Family Bowling Center features 20 Lanes. Rivers Outdoor Adventures LLC 22 Hughes Street, New Ringgold, PA 17960 (570) 943-3151 Fly Fishing guide services, kayaking instructions and gun dog training. Swatara State Park Located in Pine Grove Township and Lebanon Country near Exit 100 off of Interstate 81 (570) 467-2772 Canoeing, fishing, hiking, picnicking, bicycling, swimming, and camping. Schuylkill Country Club PO Box 316 Rt. 443, Orwigsburg, PA 17961 (570) 366-0622 Located along Route 443 just west of Orwigsburg. A highly rated private golf course. Sweet Arrow Lake County Park 108 Clubhouse Road, Pine Grove, PA 17963 (570) 622-3742 ext. 122 Open to the public to enjoy hiking, fishing, boating and picnicking. Discover Hawk Mountain Sanctuary • Spectacular overlooks • Mountaintop trails • Spring & Autumn hawkwatch • Visitor Center and trails open year-round 610.756.6961 1700 Hawk Mountain Rd. • Kempton, PA Your membership or trail fee supports Hawk Mountain conservation programs 19 Tuscarora State Park Accessible from I-81 (Exit 131A) and Routes 54, 209 and 309. (570) 467-2772 tuscarora.aspx Boating, Swimming, Fishing, Hiking, Picnicking. Cottages and yurt rentals are available. White Birch Golf Course 660 Tuscarora Park Road Barnesville, PA 18214 (570) 467-2525 18-hole Championship Course and a 9-hole Executive Course. Restaurant available. Whitewater Rafting Adventures 101 W. Adventure Rd., Nesquehoning, PA 18240 (570) 669-9127 Class III rafting on the scenic Lehigh River. Reservations required. Wineries & Agribusiness Benigna Creek Vineyard and Winery, Inc. 1585 Ridge Rd., Klingerstown, PA 17941 (570) 425-3090 Located in the scenic Mahantongo Valley between Pitman and Klingerstown. Galen Glen Winery 255 Winter Mountain Drive Andreas, PA 18211 (570) 386-3682 Spectacular view of the scenic Blue Mountain. 20 Pine Creek Alpacas 2535 Panther Valley Rd., Pottsville, PA 17901 (570) 385-0618 Meet our friendly, curious animals. Call for directions to the farm. By appointment only. Pioneer Evergreen Farms 159 E. Adamsdale Rd., Orwigsburg, PA 17961 (570) 366-2619 Lehigh Valley Wine Trail 866-870-780 Sample the wines, food pairings, and related gift items from a group of 9 vineyards/wineries. Red Shale Ridge Vineyards 266 North Goodspring Rd., Hegins, PA 17938 (570) 682-3203 Stop in and enjoy a taste of our Pennsylvania grown wines. Long Trout Winery 84 Fork Mountain Rd., Auburn, PA 17922 (570) 366-6443 18-hole disc golf course onsite. (see our display ad on this page) Stone Mountain Wine Cellars 1615 Panther Valley Rd., Pine Grove, PA 17963 (570) 739-4418 Wines for everyone’s taste. ATTRACTIONS Don't miss our Coal Miners Heritage Festival every July, Haunted Mine Tours every October, and Picnics on Memorial Day and Labor Day weekends. · Ride the mine train 1600 feet into the mountain · Enjoy a guided walking tour once inside · Look down the 900 foot deep mine shaft · Stand before the huge elevator cages that once carried mine cars and men up and down the shaft · See the Go-Devil machine · Look straight up 60 feet to the airway · See an original coal chute dating from 1858 · Learn what it was like to work in a coal mine · Tour the region's largest mining museum inside the 1924 Wash Shanty building · View the original mule-way leading to other levels of the mine · Marvel at the breaker models, photographs, tools, lamps, coal art and machinery · Visit the original underground hospital · Visit the gift shop for books, coal souvenirs, shirts, hats and more SCHEDULED MINE TOURS: Tours begin last week of April through the first week of November. April and May - Friday/Saturday/Sunday June through August - Wednesday though Sunday September and October - Saturday and Sunday TIMES: Tours run hourly 11 AM to 3 PM each day GROUP TOURS: Group tours with 20 people or more are available by appointment. Mine Tour and Museum is $8.00 per person. Museum only is $3.00 per person. MUSEUM AND GIFT SHOP OPEN YEAR ROUND: Wednesday through Sunday from noon to 4 pm No. 9 Coal Mine and Museum 9 Dock St, Lansford, PA Phone 570-645-7074 21 36 22 23 37 Dining 3 C’s Family Restaurant 2212 Centre Turnpike, Route 61 Orwigsburg, PA 17961-9112 (610) 562-5925 Conveniently located on Rt. 61 north of Port Clinton. Breakfast anytime. (see our display ad on page 25) The All American Café 106 North Centre Street, Pottsville, PA 17901 (570) 622-9300 Blue Mountain Summit 2520 W. Penn Pike, Andreas, PA 18211 (570) 386-2003 Restaurant & Restaurant located atop scenic Blue Mountain along Rt. 309. Buddy’s Log Cabin Family Restaurant 97 Tremont Rd, Pine Grove, PA 17963 (570) 345-8253 Authentic Log Cabin with old Fashion fireplaceBreakfast, Lunch and Dinner. 32 years in Business. (see our display ad on page 26) 24 Fountain Family Restaurant 1501 East Main St., Hegins, PA 17938 (570) 682-1221 Family dining, homemade soups, sandwiches, platters, delicious desserts at great prices. Friedensburg Country Restaurant 1305 Long Run Road, Route 443 Friedensburg, PA 17933 (570) 739-0008 Great PA Dutch cooking, family dining. Seafood, steaks, homemade soups, desserts. (see our display ad on page 26) Garfield Diner 402 West Market St., Pottsville, PA 17901 (570) 622-3314 Breakfast, lunch and dinner in historic, 1950’s stainless steel diner. JFK ate here! Gramma’s Restaurant 2082 West Market Street, Pottsville, PA 17901 (570) 628-5178 Family Dining in a casual setting. Convenient location in Pottsville. Crossroads Inn 2 East Adamsdale Rd., Schuylkill Haven, PA 17972 (570) 366-7300 Unique casual dining, affordable dinner specials and homemade desserts. Catering and private parties available. Greystone Restaurant 315 N. Centre St., Pottsville, PA 17901 (570) 628-4220 Pub menu available. Seasonal outdoor dining and entertainment. Voted Schuylkill County’s best fine dining. Dutch Kitchen 433 South Lehigh St., Frackville, PA 17931 (570) 874-3265 Serving great home style meals and desserts for 40 years. (see our display ad on page 26) Heisler’s Cloverleaf Dairy 743 Catawissa Road, Tamaqua, PA 18252 (570) 668-3399 Famous Heisler’s Dairy Ice Cream, Sundaes & Milkshakes. A Schuylkill County Landmark. It’s Just Barbecue Route 61 North Deer Lake, PA 17961 (570) 366-0100 Barbecue Restaurant and Catering Madeline’s Lazy Dog Coffeehouse 1100 East Market St., Orwigsburg, PA 17961 (570) 366-8930 Voted best restaurant in the county 2 years in a row, Madeline’s offers casual fine dining 7 days a week, serving lunch, dinner, and Sunday brunch. Outdoor patio dining with live palm trees available May through October. 18 East Sunbury St., Minersville, PA 17954 (570) 544-4800 Family-friendly New York style coffeehouse in the heart of Schuylkill County. Casual dining. Great food. Gourmet coffees, teas, espresso drinks & desserts. Wine, beer and spirits available. Internet access. Local artists and book signings. Open Mic & Karaoke. Live music. Events calendar on the web. Maroons Sports Bar & Grill 556 North Centre St., Pottsville, PA 17901 (570) 628-4625 Catering private parties and meetings on the premises. (see our display ad on page 26) Luckenbills Family Restaurant 18 West Union Street, Schuylkill Haven, PA 17972 (570) 385-1962 Open Monday through Saturday Massari’s Blu Tavern 1323 Bunting Street, Pottsville, PA 17901 (570) 544-9919 or 544-8019 American Cuisine at family prices, serving Italian/ American foods. 25 22 26 McKeansburg Hotel 1776 Chestnut St., New Ringgold, PA 17960 (570) 943-2898 Casual, Full Service Restaurant and Bar in McKeansburg on Rt. 443. The Red Lion Café 697 Deturksville Rd., Pine Grove, PA 17963 (570) 345-8074 Great home cooking located just east of Pine Grove along Route 443. Buses welcome. Michael B’s Restaurant & Tavern 1596 Centre Turnpike, Route 61 South Deer Lake, Orwigsburg, PA 17961 (570) 366-8655 Enjoy our casual dining room or sports tavern. The Restaurant at the Station 18 N. Railroad St., Tamaqua, PA 18252 (570) 668-5020 Located in the Historic Tamaqua Train Station. A landmark destination since 1874. (see our display ad on page 12) Millie’s Kitchen @ Uptown Tavern 6 East Main St., Schuylkill Haven PA 17972 (570) 385-1467 www. Facebook: Millie’s Kitchen Enjoy great home cooking in our tavern. Roma Pizzeria & Restaurant 116 W. Market St., Pottsville, PA 17901 (570) 628-5551 Popular downtown Pottsville location featuring excellent Italian food. Oak Hill Inn 655 Route 61 Orwigsburg, PA 17961 (570) 366-3881 Fine Dining/Casual Fare. Delicious hot meals or Great Sandwiches and Salads. The Sholl Family Restaurant 83 Pleasant Valley Rd., Pine Grove, PA 17963 (570) 345-8715 Home cooking is our specialty from our menu or our all-you-can-eat buffet. O’Neal’s Pub 112 South Tulpehocken Street Pine Grove, PA 17963 (570) 915-6093 Good friends, great food. Wed. 3 pm - 10 pm, Thu., Fri., & Sat. 11 am - 10 pm. Subway, Pottsville 314 North Centre Street, Pottsville, PA 17901 (570) 628-5070 Located in downtown Pottsville across from the Historical Society. (see our display ad on page 25) Original Italian Pizza & Restaurant 44 South Lehigh Ave., Frackville, PA 17931 (570) 874-1690 Authentic Italian Cuisine in a Comfortable, Family-Owned Restaurant. Pine View Acres 145 Chamberlaine Avenue, Pottsville, PA 17901 (570) 628-3207 Offering a fine dining menu. Large banquet hall for your wedding, bus group or event. Port Clinton Hotel Summit View Restaurant & Pub Route 183, Summit Station, PA 17979 (570) 754-7535 Hours Mon, Wed, Thu, Fri Sat 4 pm - 9 pm. Sun 12 Noon - 7 pm. TNT Deli 138 North Second St., Saint Clair, PA 17970 (570) 429-2021 All take out foods. Large subs, salads, wraps, sandwiches, daily homemade soups and specials. Wooden Keg Tavern 1 Caroline Avenue, Saint Clair, PA 17970 (570) 429-1909 Historic 1860’s building, a true Irish pub and reputed “Molly Maguire’s Hangout”. (see our display ad on page 12) 231 Centre Street, Port Clinton, PA 19549 (610) 562-3354 Only 1 minute North of Cabela’s – on Route 61 in Port Clinton. Generous portions affordable prices! Fresh Cut Fries, Burgers, Salads, Steaks, Seafood & Children’s menu! Our customers keep coming back! Open 11:00am Tues-Sunday 27 Accommodations Bed & Breakfasts Black Wolf Covered Bridge, Farm & B&B 21 Black Wolf Road, Lavelle, PA 17943 (570) 875-1946 Each themed room has a private bath. Blue Mountain Summit 2520 West Penn Pike, Andreas, PA 18211 (570) 386-2003 Restaurant and Bed & Breakfast located atop the Blue Mountain along Route 309 Kaier Mansion Bed & Breakfast 729 East Centre Street, Mahanoy City, PA 17948 (570) 773-3040 Victorian Era Mansion located in the Heart of Anthracite Mining Country. (see our display ad on page 29) Port Clinton Hotel 231 Centre Street, Port Clinton, PA 19549 (610) 562-3354 Only 1 minute North of Cabela’s – on Route 61 in Port Clinton. Generous portions - affordable prices! Fresh Cut Fries, Burgers, Salads, Steaks, Seafood & Children’s menu! Our customers keep coming back! Open 11:00am Tues-Sunday The Maid’s Quarters 402 South Centre Street, Pottsville, PA 17901 (570) 682-9887 or 691-4982 Victorian stone Bed & Breakfast in downtown Pottsville. 28 The Partridge House Bed & Breakfast, Inc. 315 South Centre Street, Pottsville, PA. 17901 (570) 622-8388 Elegant Victorian Inn features 6 guest rooms. (see our display ad on page 29) The Stone House Bed and Breakfast 16 Dock St., Schuylkill Haven, PA 17972 (570) 385-2115 Located close to Pottsville, Hawk Mountain and Schuylkill County Fairgrounds. Summer Valley Guest House 225 Summer Valley Rd., Orwigsburg, PA 17961-9149 (570) 943-2030 One bedroom suite ideal for temporary housing or a weekend get-a-way. Bed & Breakfast Inns nearby: Appalachian Trail Cottage 17 Wildwood Dr., Malvern, PA 19355 (610) 640-1410 Gracious two-bedroom cottage half mile from the Appalachian Trail. Sleeps seven. Berry Patch Bed & Breakfast 115 Moore Road, Lebanon, PA 17046 (717) 865-7219 Our goal is to provide guests with a wonderful and memorable B & B experience. Pamela’s Forget-Me-Not 33 Hawk Mountain Road, Kempton, PA 19529 (610) 756-3398 Guesthouse, Honeymoon Cottage, and Carriage House Suite available. Campgrounds Campgrounds nearby: Camp-A-While 1921 East Main Street, Hegins, PA 17938 (570) 682-8696 Country Store, Swimming Pool, Game room, Hiking, Playground, Entertainment, Lounge, Wi-Fi, Laundry & Showers. (see our display ad on page 31) Knoebels’ Campground 391 Knoebels Blvd., Elysburg, PA 17824 (570) 672-9555. Near Amusement Park, Miniature Golf, Entertainment, Swimming, Store, Cabins. Christmas Pines Campground 450 Red Church Road, Auburn, PA 17922 (570) 366-8866 Fishing Pond, Showers, Pavilion, Laundry, Gift Shop. (see our display ad on page 30) Echo Valley Campground 52 Camp Rd., Tremont, PA 17981 (570) 695-3659 Open all year and located on Route 125 between Pine Grove and Tremont. (see our display ad on page 30) Laurel Lake Campsites 3480 Summer Valley Road, New Ringgold, PA 17960 (570) 386-5301 Shaded Wooded Sites, Playground, Fishing and more. Red Ridge Lakes Campground 11 Croll Road, Zion Grove, PA 17985 (570) 384-4760 Spacious wooded sites are dispersed in an unspoiled wilderness. Rosemount Camping Resort 285 Valley Road, Tamaqua, PA 18252 (570) 668-2580 Located between Pottsville and Tamaqua. Swimming Pool, hiking, fishing, entertainment and nearby attractions. (see our display ad on page 30) 29 Judy & Pete Invite You to Enjoy The Cool, Shaded Campsites at ECHO VALLEY CAMPGROUND Open All Year Easy Pull-thru Sites with up to 50 amp Service 570-695-3659 52 Camp Road, Tremont, PA 17981 1/2 Mile off I-81, Exit 104, Turn right off ramp and follow signs 40 Minutes from Hershey and Cabela’s • Large pull-thrus • 20/30/50 Amp Service • Paved access roads • Swimming Pool • Camp Store/Snack Bar • Cable TV • Park/Outdoor Theater • WiFi • Playground • Rec Hall/Weekend Activities • Hiking • Rental Pavilions • Rental Cabins 26 30 Hotels & Motels Comfort Inn 433 Suedberg Rd., PO Box 168 Pine Grove, PA 17963 (570) 345-8031 Heated Indoor Pool, Fitness Center, Deluxe Continental Breakfast Bar. Country Inn and Suites 100 Keystone Blvd. East Pottsville, PA 17901 (570) 544-5201 Located at Exit 119 off of I-81. Swimming Pool and Fitness Center. Days Inn 1476 Rt. 61 South Pottsville, PA 17901 (570) 385-2407 Between Schuylkill Haven and Pottsville. Restaurant, lounge and banquet/Conference Rooms. Motorcoaches welcome. Econo Lodge Pine Grove 419 Suedberg Road Pine Grove, PA 17963 (570) 345-4099 Free continental breakfast, free parking and free coffee, pet friendly. Hampton Inn 481 Suedberg Road Pine Grove, PA 17963 (570) 345-4505 Hampton Inn is fully equipped to serve the needs of today’s traveler. Holiday Inn Express & Suites 958 Schuylkill Mall Road Frackville, PA 17931 (570) 874-1700 Hotel located next to Cracker Barrel and the Schuylkill Mall. (see our display ad on page 32) Pottsville Motor Inn 480 N. Claude A. Lord Blvd (Rt 61), Pottsville, PA 17901 (570) 622-4917 Accessible from Route 61 northbound between Race and Nichols Streets, Pottsville. Great Rates! Ramada Pottsville 101 South Progress Avenue Pottsville, PA 17901 (570) 622-4600, 1-800-2Ramada Free continental breakfast, free high speed internet access, fitness center and newly renovated rooms. (see our display ad on page 33) Rodeway Inn 701 Altamont Blvd. Frackville, PA 17931 (570) 874-1223 We have free HBO, WiFi, weekly and monthly rates and Continental Breakfast. Rental Properties Buzalko Properties 660 Gordon Nagle Trail Pottsville, PA 17901 (570) 622-3684 Quality rental units. Residential, Commercial, Office & Parking Space. Will build to suit. A W p h m ile a C 1921 East Main Street Hegins, Pa 17938 570-682-8696 40 miles North of Harrisburg, Pa ½ mile West of I-81 (Exit 112) on Rt. 25 45 Minutes from Hershey, Cabela’s and Knoebels Enjoy Nature’s Way of Relaxation • Swimming Pool • Country Store & RV Parts • Weekend Activities • Full Hookups • Playground • Fishing Pond • Hiking • Propane • Laundry • Pull-thrus • Recreation Room 31 Holiday Inn Express & Suites FR RAC CKVILL LE, Pa Since opening in October 1999, Holiday Inn Express and Suites has undergone 2 major revisions, won numerous awards and has been acknowledged many times for its outstanding customer service. Such success could not have been possible without the outstanding efforts of our dedicated employees. Complimentary Hot “Express Start” Breakfast Buffet Noreen O’Boyle, CHA General Manager 65 Attractive Rooms, with... • • • • • • • 32 32” Flat Screen TV High Speed Internet Refrigerator Microwave Coffee Maker Iron & Board Hairdryer 100% Tobacco-Free! 100% Pet - Free! Route 61 & I-81, Exit 124A 958 Schuylkill Mall Road FRACKVILLE, PA 570.874.1700 33 Shopping Shopping Malls Cressona Mall 1544 Rt. 61 Highway South, Pottsville, PA 17901 (570) 385-5657 5 minutes south of Pottsville and 20 minutes north of Cabela’s on Rt. 61. Fairlane Village 7211 Fairlane Village Mall, Pottsville, PA 17901 (570) 429-1563 Along Route 61, just north of Pottsville. Call for Special Event information. Schuylkill Mall Route 61 and I-81, Frackville, PA 17931 (570) 874-3660 The County’s largest antique co-op, delicious restaurants and specialty stores. Antiques Black Diamond Antique and Collectibles Routes 61 and Interstate 81, Frackville, PA 17931 (570) 874-7545 Located within the Schuylkill Mall. (see our display ad on page 35) Ken’s Auction Gallery Inside Renninger’s Market at south end. Route 61 and 443, Schuylkill Haven (570) 943-2654 Auctions Every Saturday and Sunday. Tym’s Antiques 36 West Centre St., (VFW Building), Shenandoah, PA 17976 (570) 462-3132 Specializing in antique furniture, period jewelry, textiles, glassware and advertising memorabilia. Farmers Markets Hometown Farmers Market Rt. 54, Hometown, PA 18252 (570) 668-2630 or 668-6002 Wednesday, 8 am to 8 pm. Leesport Farmers Market PO Box 747, 312 Gernant’s Church Road Leesport, PA 19533 (610) 926-1307 Wednesday 8 am to 7 pm. Shenandoah Rt. 924 Farmers’ Market 311 Furnace St., Shenandoah, PA 17976 (570) 462-0486 Thursdays from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Special events monthly, arcade for kids. 34 Home & Garden Blue Mountain Candle Co. Inc. 1468 Rt. 61 South, Pottsville, PA 17901 (570) 385-0222 Visit our new store located on Route 61 South of Pottsville. (see our display ad on page 36) Country Crafts 1567 Centre Turnpike, Orwigsburg PA 17961 (570) 366-2930 A collection of country treasures primitive furniture and home décor. Heart n’ Home Gift Shop 1000 Centre Street, Ashland, PA 17921 (570) 875-2829 Many items made by local crafters. Gift certificates and gift baskets available. Lessie’s Garden & Gift Shop 2 Park St., Agricultural Park, Pottsville, PA 17901 (570) 622-7368 Special events throughout the year. Order from our greenhouse and gift shop. Pine Creek Country Gardens 1425 Long Run Rd., Friedensburg, PA 17933 (570) 739-1140 Lawn and garden center, nursery, landscaping, crafts and Versalock retaining walls. Specialty Shopping Carol’s House of Quality Used Furniture 2nd & West Norwegian Streets Pottsville, PA 17901 (570) 622-5100 DemmerGraphics 921 W. Centre Street, Mahanoy City, PA 17948 (570) 773-0104 Screen Printing, Embroidery, & Promotional Items. Check out our original designs on our website. Duke’s Lingerie & Gift Shop 206 Arnot Street, St. Clair, PA 17970 (570) 617-7098 By appointment only. E.T. Trophy Shop 204 North Centre Street, Pottsville, PA 17901 (570) 622-0708 Specialty engraving in downtown Pottsville. Framing Mad 1165 Centre Turnpike, Orwigsburg, PA 17961 (570) 366-1926 Residential and commercial custom framing. Tuesday to Friday noon to 6 pm; Sat. noon - 3 pm. The Mad Potter 6 S. Centre Street, Pottsville, PA 17901 (570) 622-2940 Funky to functional pottery and regional art. Sears • Bon-Ton • Kmart • Victoria’s Secret • Gap • FYE Bath & Body • Gamestop • Schuylkill Mall Theatre We have all you need to make your shopping experience complete! I-81 at Rt 61 Frackville, Pa Monday – Saturday 10 to 9 Sunday 11 to 5 (570) 874-3088 Over 80 dealers offer a huge variety of unique antiques, gifts, home items, collectibles, etc. Enjoy a walk through history and find treasures galore! 570-874-7545 35 36 Marie’s Gifts, Jewelry & Antiques 350 Pawnee Drive, Auburn, PA 17922 (570) 739-4266 Murphy Jewelers 115 West Market Street, Pottsville, PA 17901 and 16 Jetson Drive, Hamburg, PA 19526 (570) 622-3136 or (610) 562-2528. Reading Stove Company 200 Mahantongo Street, Pottsville, PA 17901 (570) 622-5150 Anthracite Coal Stove Sales. Sam’s Place Lottery & Tobacco Suite 6136, Cressona Mall 1544 Route 61 Highway South Pottsville, PA 17901. Located 5 minutes south of Pottsville. Schaeffer’s Harley-Davidson Sales and Service, Inc. 1123 Brick Hill Road, Orwigsburg, PA 17961 (570) 366-0143 Located off of Route 61 at the Red Church near Orwigsburg. (see our display ad on page 39) Tastes of Schuylkill County Brewers Outlet 30 N. Claude A. Lord Boulevard Route 61, Pottsville PA 17901 (570) 622-2324 Carrying the full line of Yuengling products (see our display ad on page 13) C & C Candies and Country Store 1305 Long Run Road, Friedensburg, PA 17933 (570) 739-2963 Famous for great Peanut Rolls and Butter Creams and candy supplies. (see our display ad on page 26) Kowalonek’s Kielbasy Shop 332 South Main Street, Shenandoah, PA 17976 (570) 462-1263 Kowalonek’s is celebrating its 100th year as the home of Coal Region Kielbasy. M & R’s Grocery & Catering 439 Heffner Street, Minersville, PA 17954 (570) 544-5729 Big and small we cater them all! Schuylkill Valley Sports 7181 Fairlane Village, Pottsville, PA 17901 (570) 429-1805 One-stop source for the highest quality merchandise from the top names in sports. Somewhere in Time Sports Collectibles, Cressona Mall 1544, Route 61 Hwy, Pottsville, PA 17901 (570) 385-3553 and Over 10,000 sport collectibles. Specialty Gift Baskets 1809 West Market Street, Pottsville, PA 17901 (570) 640-8245 Health & Beauty Healthy Habits Natural Market 1120 Centre Turnpike, Orwigsburg PA 17961 (570) 366-2620 A variety of natural foods and products, offering healthy, local, and organic. Peace Frog Natural Foods 49 Ann Street, Pottsville, PA 17901 (570) 429-0757 Carrying a huge inventory of vitamins and supplements, organic meats, gluten free and low-carb foods. (see our display ad on page 36) A WORLD CLASS EDUCATION RIGHT IN YOUR OWN BACKYARD! du Call to see how Penn State Schuylkill can work for you! 570-385-6252 Penn State Schuylkill Start & Finish Your Degree Here Penn State Schuylkill offers ve Associate and ve Bachelor degree programs. Adult Friendly Ask about our Business degree that ts with your schedule. One in four Penn State Schuylkill students is an Adult Learner. 2+2 Program About 60 percent of all rst-year students start at a campus other than University Park. 37 Ser vices Animal Shelters Hillside SPCA P O Box 233, Pottsville, PA 17901 (570) 622-7769 A refuge for abused, abandoned and stray animals in Schuylkill County. Ruth Steinert Memorial SPCA 18 Wertz Road, Pine Grove, PA 17963 (570) 345-3540 Building/Construction L & K Construction, Inc. 1 Field of Dreams Drive, Pottsville, PA 17901 (570) 385-4154 Pioneer Pole Buildings, Inc. 716 South Rt. 183, Schuylkill Haven, PA 17972 888-448-2505 (see our display ad below ) Cleaning Services Prestine Cleaning 1979 Long Run Road, Schuylkill Haven, PA 17972 (570) 516-5306 Janitorial Residential & Commercial Cleaning 38 Colleges / Universities McCann School of Business & Technology 2650 Woodglen Rd., Pottsville, PA 17901 (570) 622-7622 Four locations in Pennsylvania and offers Diplomas and Degrees in 18 different fields! Penn State Schuylkill 200 University Drive, Schuylkill Haven, PA 17972 (570) 385-6000 Financial Institutions First National Bank 396 South Centre Street, Pottsville, PA 17901 (570) 622-8200 Located in the former Atkins Mansion in Pottsville. KNBT Higgins Insurance 115 South Centre Street, Pottsville, PA 17901 (570) 622-7775 A subsidiary of KNBT, offers a broad range of personal, commercial and financial insurance programs. Liberty Savings Bank, FSB 21 South Centre Street, Pottsville, PA 17901 (570) 622-5620 Also located at Yorkville Center, 2221 W. Market St., Pottsville (570) 622-8230 National Penn Bank 111 E. Norwegian Street, Pottsville, PA 17901 (570) 622-4335 With branch offices in Frackville (at the Schuylkill Mall), Schuylkill Haven and Shenandoah. Schuylkill Federal Credit Union 101 East Union Street, Pottsville, PA 17901 (570) 628-4656 Union Bank and Trust Co. 25 South Centre Street, Pottsville, PA 17901 (570) 622-3011 Branches in New Philadelphia, Orwigsburg, West Market St., Pottsville, Auburn, Schuylkill Haven and Shenandoah. VIST Financial 237 Rt. 61 S, Schuylkill Haven, PA 17972 (570) 385-6890 Located on Rt. 61 south of Schuylkill Haven. Real Estate Realty Executives 300 Mauch Chunk Street A, Pottsville, PA 17901 (570) 622-6006 Schuylkill County Board of Realtors 91 South Progress Avenue, Pottsville, PA 17901 (570) 622-2311 Schuylkill County real estate services. Community Organizations Ancient Order of Hibernians, Jack Kehoe Division Number 1 Hibernian House, Beech and Line Streets, Girardville, PA. 17935. (570) 590-1826 Sponsoring annual Saint Patrick’s Day Parade on March 19, 2011. Ashland Chamber of Commerce PO Box 233, Ashland, PA 17921 (570) 875-0329 Ashland Downtown Inc. 733 Centre Street, Ashland, PA 17921 (570) 875-3571 Preserving architectural charm, promoting economic vitality and marketing historic and cultural resources. City of Pottsville 401 North Centre Street, Pottsville, PA 17901 (570) 622- 1234 Downtown Shenandoah Inc. 116 North Main Street, Shenandoah PA 17976 (570) 462-2060 Working to promote economic, cultural and civic growth. 39 Downtown Tamaqua Inc. 114 West Broad Street, Tamaqua, PA 18252 (570) 668-6899 Main Street Revitalization Program for Tamaqua, PA. Frackville Business and Professional Association PO Box 261, Frackville, PA 17931 Schuylkill Chamber of Commerce 91 S. Progress Avenue, Pottsville, PA 17901 (570) 622-1942, 800-755-1942 Promoting small business and entrepreneurial development in Schuylkill County. Schuylkill County Fair Frackville Rotary P O Box 9, Frackville, PA 17931 (570) 874-3868 Proud sponsors of “Cinderella’s Closet” February 27, 2011 Friends of St. Kieran’s (570) 874-1166 email: Catherine C. Clifford, President Gear Grinders Hot Rod Association PO Box 715, Pottsville, PA 17901 (570) 622-3667 Sponsoring Classic Car shows around Schuylkill County throughout the year. Minersville Business & Professional Association 260 Sunbury Street, Minersville, PA 17954 (570) 544-4726 Our Town Foundation 335 State Street, Hamburg, PA 19526 (610) 562-3106 Main Street Revitalization Program for Hamburg, PA. The Paraclete Foundation 63 South Tulpehocken Street Pine Grove, PA 17963 (570) 345-8310 Goal is to establish a Public Library in the Borough of Pine Grove. Pottsville Commission on Tourism One South 2nd St., Pottsville, PA 17901 (570) 628-4647 Pottsville Business Association One South 2nd St., Pottsville, PA 17901 (570) 628-4647 Enhances the City of Pottsville, strengthens the business base and organizes events. Pottsville Lions Club 322 North 9th Street, Pottsville, PA 17901 (570) 622-9510 Schuylkill Area Community Foundation 216 S. Centre St. Pottsville, PA 17901 (570) 624-7223 Working to improve the quality of life in Schuylkill. 40 Route 895, Summit Station, PA 570-754-3247 Open August 1 to 6, 2011 Schuylkill County’s premium fair. One price includes parking, admission, amusement rides, and all shows. Stage shows feature national known entertainers. Details can be found at It is a real treasure! Schuylkill County’s VISION 123 Mahantongo Street, Pottsville PA 17901 (570) 622-6097 Vision acts as catalyst to mobilize organizations and individuals to make positive changes for Schuylkill County. (see our display ad on page 43) Schuylkill Haven Borough/Island Park Festival Committee 12 W. Main St., Schuylkill Haven, PA 17972 (570) 385-2841 Promoting the Schuylkill Haven Island Park Festival and Island Project. Schuylkill Valley Corvette Club Inc. PO Box 707, Schuylkill Haven, PA 17972 (570) 739-1122 Sponsors a variety of events throughout the year. Call for events schedule. Schuylkill River Greenway Association 140 College Drive, Pottstown, PA 19464 (484) 945-0200 Promoting the heritage and recreational assets along the Schuylkill River Schuylkill Conservation District 1206 Ag. Center Road, Pottsville, PA 17901 (570) 622-4124 Supporting land conservation and environmental education. Ashland • Frackville • Girardville • Mahanoy City • Ringtown • Shenandoah We invite you to experience six great towns, as they work together to preserve their rich cultural heritage while promoting economic growth through downtown revitalization. Great Towns x i S On e Regional City Go to to check events throughout the year. ASHLAND EVENTS: ASHLAND DOWNTOWN ART EXHIBIT - MAY 13, 2011 PIONEER DAY – PIONEER TUNNEL COAL MINE – AUGUST 20, 2011 LABOR DAY WEEKEND OPEN HOUSE – SEPTEMBER 3RD, 4TH & 5TH, 2011 ASHLAND APPLEFEST - OCTOBER 15, 2011 ASHLAND OLD FASHIONED CHRISTMAS – DECEMBER 10, 2011 ASHLAND ATTRACTIONS: PIONEER TUNNEL COAL MINE & STEAM TRAIN PA MUSEUM OF ANTHRACITE MINING MOTHER’S MEMORIAL ASHLAND AREA HISTORIC PRESERVATION SOCIETY MUSEUM SHENANDOAH EVENTS: KIELBASI FESTIVAL – MAY 21, 2011 HERITAGE DAY – AUGUST 27, 2011 DICKENS CHRISTMAS – NOVEMBER 26, 2011 OKTOBERFEST – OCTOBER 1, 2011 SOUP & SANDWICH SALE – FIRST THURSDAY OF THE MONTH – OCTOBER THRU MARCH SHENANDOAH ATTRACTIONS: MINERS MEMORIAL SCHUYLKILL HISTORICAL FIRE SOCIETY MUSEUM GREATER AREA SHENANDOAH HISTORICAL SOCIETY FRACKVILL EVENTS: PUMPKIN FESTIVAL – OCTOBER 2011 LITHUANIAN DAY – SCHUYLKILL MALL – AUGUST 13 & 14, 2011 CLASSIC & CUSTOM CAR SHOW – SPRING 2011 FRACKVILLE ATTRACTIONS: LITHUANIAN MUSEUM – BROAD MTN AVE. TOURS BY APPOINTMENT 570-874-2311 FRACKVILLE’S NEW MUSEUM AT BOROUGH HALL GOODY’S MINATURE GOLF AND ARCADE GIRARDVILLE EVENTS: ST PATRICK’S DAY PARADE - MARCH 19, 2011 GIRARDVILLE ATTRACTIONS: HISTORICAL SOCIETY RINGTOWN ATTRACTIONS: Scenic Landscape Seasonal Produce MAHANOY CITY ATTRACTIONS: Kaier Mansion Bed and Breakfast 41 SKIP Schuylkill Keep It Pretty 91 South Progress Ave., Pottsville, PA 17901 (570) 628-3758 Sponsors of annual County-wide clean up. Upper Schuylkill Inc. 111 West Main Street, Girardville, PA 17935 (570) 276-6375 Experience six great towns, as they work together to preserve their rich cultural heritage. (see our display ad on page 41) Port Clinton Barber Shop 1010 Port Clinton Ave., Port Clinton, PA 19526 (484) 336-3816 Business & Corporate Partners Faith Organizations Mrs. T’s Pierogies 600 E. Centre St., Box 606 , Shenandoah, PA 17976 (570) 462-2745 Welcome Home to Mrs. T’s Pierogies. We always have something cooking just for you. (see our display ad below) Church of Broken Pieces 41 North Front Street, Minersville, PA 17954 (570) 544-17954 PPL Electric Utilities 236 Industrial Park Rd., Frackville, PA 17931 (570) 874-5021 Evangelical United Methodist Church 305 South Centre Street, Pottsville (570) 622-4099 Media Lighthouse Church Rt. 61, N., Orwigsburg, PA 17961 (570) 366-1300 Sun. and Wed. services, special holiday services, and Little Lights Learning Center for children. St. Nicholas Ukrainian Catholic Church 415 North Front Street, Minersville, PA 17954 (570) 544-4581 Sponsoring the St Nicholas Church Annual Summer Picnic in July. 42 Salons & Spas APPA (All Print and Promotion Agency) 269 South, Rt. 61, Schuylkill Haven, PA 17972 (570) 385-1100 From design and printing to point of purchase and wearables. Eastern Press Quality Printing 2067 West Market Street, Pottsville, PA 17901 (570) 622-7370 Commercial printer and promotional item supplier. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT · EDUCATION · GOVERNMENT · INFRASTRUCTURE · HEALTHCARE · ENVIRONMENT · ARTS & CULTURE Visit the all new Vision Partner Information Learn about the progress being made by Vision Partnerships. Real-Time Information Stay on top of everything concerning Schuylkill County. Headline Feeds to Area Newspapers Be informed of news highlights every time you refresh the page. Social Networking Get connected with everyone who shares your interests. We are helping to shape a vibrant community that attracts young people and is recognized as a leader in economic development. 43 339 Schuylkill Transportation System (STS) 252 Industrial Park Road, St. Clair, PA 17970 800-832-3322 Schuylkill Transit Systems (STS) exists to serve the public transportation needs of all the residents and visitors of Schuylkill County. Schuylkill Transit Systems (STS) is proud to be a member of the Pennsylvania Public Transportation Association. STS IS HERE TO GET YOU THERE! un dR ke oo Cr Ringto UNION TWP LITTLE MTN RD issa ataw C ittle L SHE NA ND OA HH W ek Cre WEST MAHANOY TWP 54 Gilberton Girardville 54 61 Ashland Frackville 61 GORDON MTN. RD Lavelle Mahanoy Creek Pitman ek Mahantongo Cre 125 HUBLEY TWP N MT RD ST Tower City Ru n rd Ba i aas Deh PINE GROVE TWP 100 Swatara State Park Harrisburg 30 mi. A 44 B C Roedersville Sweet Arrow Lake Paradise Pine Grove 895 443 Swatara Creek LEY SWOPES VAL RD hian alac App D 443 D VE R GRO OAK 501 SGL 160 GORDO C Friedensburg er L ek Upp ra Cre ta Swa WASHINGTON TWP Summit St Moyers 895 ttle Lower LiCreek Swatara E RD IDG D BR ERE COV 443 WAYNE TWP W RO AR EET RD SW LAKE ittle SP ITT LE RR D LE RD 2 1/2 MI h nc ek ra re tB C es ng W ishi F 104 reek NE STO N MT RD SGL 211 n Ru n n Ru Indiaservoir Re BRANCH TWP n Ru ian Ind Sch ck C Bla 125 RD 325 SGL 229 k ree k ree er C aef rC the 107 TREMONT TWP 209 REILLY TWP Pan Joliett 209 W NORWEGIAN Sc est W hu es Minersville 901 TWP P ylk t B ill ran Ri ch ver Enl ra ata Sw reek C PORTER TWP CH ST CHUR Tremont 125 N OW ST EY LL MO SGL 264 Good Spring W CENTER reek sch C r Rau West B FRAILEY TWP West Branch r Schuylkill Rive Newtown EEK RD LE CR MIDD T IN S MA RD BEAR VALLEY 25 112 eek East Br Rausch Creek FOSTER TWP Creek Pine Cr Rausch Creek 25 RD VALLEY RD EK CRE Hegins 25 Valley View Sacramento GAP ST eek Deep Creek NEW CASTLE TWP PA HRID RK GE RD Heckscherville 116 Schuylkill County Airport BARRY TWP CASS TWP 119 HIG 901 Deep Creek Mabel CHAPEL RD GO ON NT HA MA Pine Cr EP DE Deep HEGINS TWP BUTLER TWP ra ata k Sw ree C UPPER MAHANTONGO TWP Cr Weishample SGL 132 Rough And Ready Klingerstown Ma ELDRED TWP E RD RIDG go ton n ha RD ILLE RSV RD TAYLO EK RE C EP DE HIG PA HRID RK GE RD VAL LEY RD MAIN RD D IN R LL RD STE BU FEN RD HEL CH UR H NC IO Z eek L 124 k ree Rock RD SGL 84 Gordon M ittle MO YE RS D HR HIG yC no aha SOUTH MTN RD SGL 80 645 18 Trail E F . The Schuylkill County Council for the Arts Schuylkill County Map STATE GAME LAND STATE FOREST STATE PARK M OU RD NTA IN G BER REM NU RD KLINE TWP rs Ru RD ANO DEL Creek RYAN TWP Locust Valley Locust Creek STATE RD CHURCH ST BUR MA RD Middleport NEW PHILADE LPHIA RD WEST BRUNSWICK TWP NORTH MANHEIM TWP McKeansburg 443 Orwigsburg T KE AR T EM S SOUTH MANHEIM TWP tation 83 Hawk Mtn. Sanctuary 6 ll ttl Auburn eek Cr ear B Port Clinton ill ylk hu r Sc Rive Roeders RUN RD INDIAN 5 rail nT chia pala Ap Allentown 20 mi. SGL 106 61 895 k Cree E BLU ek Cre E DRIV MTN Li Red NE EY LA TURK Liz KE RD PNE R'S eS Ri chu ve yl r ki RD Schuylkill LL MTN Haven SCHUYLKI 895 ard Kepner 895 Deer Lake Landingville RIVER RD 443 183 New Ringgold HAWK MTN RD Schuylkill River SGL 286 RD RY AR QU 309 Drehersville Adamsdale Cressona SGL 217 Snyders TWP RAUSCHS RD 4 MTN DR Rauschs dian In un R RED DALE RD 443 RD 895 Andreas FORT IN KL FRAN RD 61 WEST PENN TWP RD SA WIS TA CA ON NA GLE TR L Palo Alto 443 443 EAST BRUNSWICK AHL ALTZD SCHM RD NDS ELA GAM RD Pottsville See largement m Tu . 443 South Tamaqua HL MUSH DA Hecla n Ru RD RD RS TE PE ST CO RD ILLE V LD TZ MAN RD MTN SGL 257 Y RD DAIR Lewistown SGL 222 EEK E CR PIN RD g blin eek l Cr Ow 309 WIL DCA T RD Reynolds Cold Run 3 200 RD UN GR BLIN TUM RD REY NO LDS RD EY LL VA N RD MOUNTAI kill uyl SchRiver EAST NORWEGIAN TWP N RD EY LL VA WALKER TWP New Philadelphia St. Clair Tamaqua SCHUYLKILL 209 TWP IN TA UN MO 3 L OW EK CRE D R Tuscarora State Park Tuscarora 209 Coaldale Tuscarora Lake kill uyl SchRiver BLYTHE TWP 54 SGL 227 S REA ANDRD 61 Lake Hauto Hometown . TN RM TE IN RD W M GL OS EN S DR 2 MUNICIPALITY TWP 1018 CA TA W ST ISS A Locust Lake State Park E Neifert Creek Barnesville Park Crest STATE RD BROCKTON MTN DR RD REA MO ER US HO DR Mahanoy City 924 WIGGANS RD 54 oy Mahan 54 131 Shenandoah n 134 D KR EE CR RUSH Still Creek 1012 T ES ZL HA LAKESID AVE E FAIR V ST IEW WY ILL ST Lofty Creek DELANO TWP MAHANOY TWP Delano P n TUSCAR OR MTN DR A 339 TOWNSHIP 309 SGL 308 Brandonville 339 138 Messe Pumping Station Dam LE VIL ON ND D BRA R TRAIL McAdoo Catawissa Creek own SCENIC RIVER EAST UNION TWP Sheppton 1 HAWK MTN SANCTUARY Hazleton 5 mi. Wilkes-Barre 30 mi. Scranton 45 mi. Oneida924 Little Schuylkill River NORTH UNION TWP Cr aw ee iss k a Sc Lit h tl Ri uylk e ve il r l 9 C at 10 20 Nuremberg BUCKS MTN RD R WD R VIE DEE 7 n hia alac App Trail 29 HAMBURG Reading 17 mi. SGL 110 8 19 G H I J K L 45 Next5 Interactive PO Box 1049, Pottsville, PA 17901 (570) 628-6901 Website developer / Internet Marketing. PostNet 372 Center Ave., Rt. 61 Schuylkill Haven, PA 17972 (570) 385-5382 We Print. We Design. We Deliver. Republican and Herald Newspaper 111 Mahantongo St., Pottsville, PA 17901 (570) 622-3456 Daily newspaper serving Schuylkill County. Rob Mull Advertising & Design 502 W. Market St., Pottsville, PA 17901 (570) 622-4076 Specializing in High Quality Printed Marketing Tools including Brochures, Flyers, Posters & Stationery. Schuyl, Inc. 207 South Balliet Street, Frackville, PA 17931 800-597-4222. Website design and hosting Schuylkill Plus Magazine PO Box 60, Wilburton, PA 17888 (570) 339-5177 Schuylkill County’s Free Monthly Community Magazine filled with features, news and events. The 110 E. Arch St., Pottsville, PA 17901 (570) 622-0570 Commercial Printer serving Schuylkill County. The Publishing Group 98 Leaman Road, Lancaster, PA 17603 717-380-1949 Publisher, printer, designer and advertising consultant. The official publishing company for the Schuylkill County Visitor Guide. Photography Chandon Photography 502 Jefferson St., Pottsville, PA 17901 (570) 294-8612 Retirement Living & Services Diakon Community Services for Seniors 118 South Centre St. Suite 1, Pottsville, PA 17901 800-621-6325 Demonstrates God’s command to love the neighbor through acts of service. Orwigsburg Center 1000 Orwigsburg Manor Dr., Orwigsburg, PA 17961 (570) 366-2999 Genesis Health Care is a 130 bed nursing facility offering short and long term care. 46 Providence Place Retirement Community 2200 First Avenue, Pottsville, PA 17901 (570) 628-6950 Providing independent living for seniors. Located adjacent to Pottsville Walking Trail. Seton Manor 1000 Seton Dr., Orwigsburg, PA 17961 (570) 366-0400 An Ascension Health Ministry, providing quality skilled nursing and rehabilitation, on a lovely rural campus. Health & Emergency Services 9-1-1, In case of Emergency for Ambulance, Fire or Police. Providing Emergency Coverage for all of Schuylkill County. Care Net Pregnancy Center of Schuylkill County 110 South Centre Street, Pottsville, PA 17901 (570) 624-7244 Gaudenzia 101 West Market Street, Pottsville, PA 17901 (570) 622-6485 Lori’s Angels 85 W. Market St., Suite 1, Schuylkill Haven, PA 17901 (570) 385-8450 Pine Grove Pharmacy Inc. 8-10 East Pottsville St., Pine Grove, PA 17963 (570) 345-4422 Offering traditional prescription services, quality products, and friendly service. Transportation Services AAA Schuylkill County 340 South Centre Street, Pottsville, PA 17901 (570) 622-4991 Black Diamond Cab 900 West Market Street, Pottsville PA 17901 (570) 462-1100 or 1-866-586-TAXI (8294) Serving Pottsville, Mahanoy City, Shenandoah, Ringtown, Frackville, Minersville, St. Clair, and Cressona. Evans Delivery Company 100-110 W. Columbia St, Schuylkill Haven, PA 17972 (570) 385-9048 Providing transportation services in the intermodal, flatbed and van trucking markets. R & J Transportation, Inc., R & J Tours 326 Chestnut Street, Pottsville, PA 17901 (570) 385-4488 Motorcoach service for Schuylkill County. Schuylkill County Airport Authority 240 Airport Road, Pottsville PA 17901 (570) 544-6002 Airplane rides, air tours and photo flights. Fall foliage flights available. The Schuylkill Chamber of Commerce is dedicated to improving the quality of life and economic vitality of Schuylkill County by offering value-added programs and services to our members and affiliates. We invite you to visit beautiful, historic Schuylkill County to experience the friendliness of our residents, the wonder of our scenery and the business and service opportunities our members offer. Schuylkill County businesses make some truly unique products. Before your trip, we invite you to check out the uniqueness of the products made and sold in Schuylkill County by visiting w w w. m a d e i n s c h u y l k i l l c o u n t y. c o m If, after visiting Schuylkill County, you decide this is the place you want to do business or raise your family, contact us for information. S c h u y l k i l l C h a m b e r o f C o m m e rc e 91 South Progress Avenue, Pottsville, PA 17901 570.622.1942/800.755.1942 w w w. s c h u y l k i l l c h a m b e r. c o m 47 Built in 1874, the station has been authentically restored to its Victorian grandeur and has again become the focal point of downtown Tamaqua, serving as a Visitors Center complete with original railroad memorabilia and three vintage locomotives. gift shop 570-688-2770 570-668-5020 570-657-6750 Enjoy fine dining in the original full service Restaurant, shop in two unique Gift Boutiques, and visit the new Candy Shop. 570-956-4642 Visitors Information 484-945-0200 Visit the Tamaqua Station Soon! 18 N. Railroad Street, Tamaqua
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