to Beat Parkinson`s - National Parkinson Foundation
to Beat Parkinson`s - National Parkinson Foundation
WHATEVER IT TAKES to Beat Parkinson’s® ANNUAL REPORT | 2013 ABOUT THE FOUNDATION The mission of the Founded in 1957, the National Parkinson Foundation (NPF) is a leading, national National Parkinson organization with an extensive network of Foundation (NPF) is chapters, support groups, and our global to improve the quality of Parkinson’s care through research, education and outreach. Centers of Excellence. Unique among the national Parkinson’s organizations, NPF is the only organization with a singular focus on improving the quality of care in Parkinson’s disease. NPF has funded more than $180 million in research, education and support services. NPF programs touch more than one million people a year through our network of United States chapters, support groups, patient conferences, and our online resource, NPF’s Centers of Excellence are leading medical centers around the globe that excel in research, care and community outreach, delivering care to more than 50,000 Parkinson’s patients. CEO’S MESSAGE This past year has been marked by the launch of even more NPF programs for people living with Parkinson’s and their families. We truly believe that all people deserve access to expert Parkinson’s care and information no matter who they are, where they live or how much money they have. It is a lifelong commitment to the underserved that has been a strong tenet of our retiring Chairman of John Kozyak, Joyce Oberdorf and Dr. Bernard Fogel the Board, Dr. Bernard Fogel. For six years, Dr. Fogel led the Board as a strong advocate of our mission to focus on improving the lives of patients today. As a former medical school dean, Dr. Fogel worked tirelessly and with a big heart to open doors in his extensive network. He has cared deeply, and no task was too big or too small to engage his prodigious energy. His passion to help—and help mightily—stemmed from seeing his own father struggle with the disease for decades. Now he passes the Chairman’s baton to John Kozyak. Both of John’s parents have Parkinson’s and he has seen firsthand the difference that education and support can make in the ability to live a better life now and he is strongly committed to the cause. A prominent attorney with a national profile, John too has a history of interest in the underserved, and single-handedly runs a highly-regarded minority mentoring foundation in South Florida. As president and CEO, it has been my honor to work side-by-side with wonderful leaders such as Dr. Bernard Fogel and John Kozyak. Together, on behalf of the million Americans with Parkinson’s and their families, we are committed to doing whatever it takes to beat Parkinson’s. Warm Regards, Joyce Oberdorf President and CEO WHATEVER IT TAKES to Beat Parkinson’s® 2 O ver our history of six decades, NPF has maintained a steady commitment to eliminating Parkinson’srelated disparities in health care. In partnership with NPF’s Chapters and Centers of Excellence across the United States, NPF has developed materials and resources to respond to the diverse needs of all people who are affected by Parkinson’s disease. In 2013, NPF brought the lifesaving messages of the successful Aware in Care campaign to underserved communities by providing thousands of free hospitalization kits in low health literacy English and Spanish versions. Since the inception of the campaign, 31,500 kits have been distributed to help people get better care in a hospital. NPF is working with five Centers of Excellence to expand outreach to ethnic communities: Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, Barrow Neurological Institute in Phoenix and Georgetown University Hospital in Washington, D.C. The Aware in Care campaign to the underserved was made possible by the generous support of Medtronic Philanthropy. The overall Aware in Care program is also supported by the generous contributions of its lead sponsor, the Edmond J. Safra Philanthropic Foundation, and The Eleanor M. and Herbert D. Katz Family Foundation. Learn more about the campaign at 3 ANNUAL REPORT | 2013 { OUTREACH TO THE UNDERSERVED “ T he unfortunate reality in our country is that many people remain isolated and unable to access services in the healthcare system at large. NPF is working to ensure that everyone—regardless of who they are, where they live, what language they speak or how much money they have – receives muchneeded Parkinson’s resources. ” Becky Dunlop, RN — Nurse Coordinator for the Johns Hopkins Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders Center, an NPF Center of Excellence WHATEVER IT TAKES to Beat Parkinson’s® 4 ANNUAL REPORT | 2013 NARROWING THE GAP IN CARE } “ W e’re changing the way that Parkinson’s disease is managed by bringing care directly to the patients, and we wouldn’t be able to do this without the support of NPF. ” Ray Dorsey, MD — University of Rochester, an NPF Center of Excellence 5 WHATEVER IT TAKES to Beat Parkinson’s® H alf the people in the world with Parkinson’s disease are suffering needlessly because they aren’t receiving care from a neurologist. Dr. Ray Dorsey has found that usually the problem isn’t that patients won’t see a specialist; it’s that they can’t. Rather than asking older individuals with a disabling condition to drive across their state to an urban medical center, he is working with NPF to prove that great care can be delivered to patients in their homes. New technology is making this possible through telemedicine—using computers to connect doctors and patients. It’s not just distance that separates patients from specialists: caregivers need time off from work for appointments, increasing disability makes travel harder – and travel can be expensive. A video call with your doctor from your home can make accessing great care so much easier. For the current study, Dorsey partnered with NPF to lead a team of investigators from across the NPF Center of Excellence network to show that his expert care model can scale to nationwide delivery. Patient recruitment for the program from NPF Centers began in early 2014. This pilot program will compare specialist telemedicine to the care people receive in their own communities. The goal is to prove that people with Parkinson’s can get expert care via “virtual house calls,” making it easier for people all over the world to receive quality Parkinson’s care. Focused on engaging and empowering patients, this program won a multiyear $1.7 million research award from the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI). For more information, visit 6 N PF is dedicated to developing new concepts and technologies that engage people in their own care. In 2013, NPF launched a first-of-its-kind app, Parkinson’s Central, for people with Parkinson’s and their loved ones. Now, anyone with a smartphone can directly access the Parkinson’s-related information they need, where and when they need it. Parkinson’s Central was developed as part of NPF’s overall vision to meet an ever-increasing demand for online health information and to help people with Parkinson’s now. The tool is yet another way in which NPF is using technology and innovation—on top of multiple social media tools—to help people diagnosed with Parkinson’s regain control of their life. Parkinson’s Central is the second free app that NPF has released; the Parkinson’s Toolkit, which launched in 2011, is an app designed for health care professionals. Parkinson’s Central was made possible by the generous support of donors like you as well as Teva CNS and AbbVie. For more information on the app, visit 7 ANNUAL REPORT | 2013 { EDUCATION AT YOUR FINGERTIPS “ Easy to use and easy to read, Parkinson’s Central is a veritable encyclopedia of Parkinson’s issues, not only regarding the treatment of the disease, but as a guidebook for positive and high-quality living with Parkinson’s. ” James Morgan — member of NPF’s South Florida Advisory Council, who was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease five years ago WHATEVER IT TAKES to Beat Parkinson’s® 8 ANNUAL REPORT | 2013 NPF : 2013 THE YEAR IN NUMBERS WHATEVER IT TAKES to Beat Parkinson’s® 56,000 DONORS 7,500 PATIENTS COUNSELING TO O F C A R E LIVING T H E F O R WITH P E O P L E PARKINSON’S CLINICAL STUDY OF PARKINSON’S, AT 20 NPF CENTERS OF EXCELLENCE 13,000 CALLERS 11,100 FREE, LIFE-SAVING AWARE IN CARE KITS WERE DISTRIBUTED TO HELP PEOPLE GET BETTER CARE IN 9 Q U A L I T Y OUTCOMES PROJECT, THE LARGEST OUR TOLL-FREE HELPLINE, PROVIDED VITAL I M P R O V E ENROLLED IN NPF’S PARKINSON’S TRAINED SPECIALISTS AT 1-800-4PD-INFO, SUPPORTED OUR MISSION TO A HOSPITAL PARKINSON.ORG — THE GO-TO RESOURCE ON THE WEB — HAD 100,000 UNIQUE VISITS FROM MORE THAN 1 million PEOPLE PEOPLE SERVED THROUGH THE NPF CHAPTER NETWORK 20,000 WALKERS PARTICIPATED IN NPF’S MOVING DAY® IN 19 LOCATIONS ACROSS THE USA, RAISING CRITICAL AWARENESS OF THE DISEASE IN LOCAL COMMUNITIES NPF’S VIBRANT ONLINE COMMUNITY ENGAGED WITH FANS MORE THAN 50 MILLION TIMES 210,000 COPIES 8,500 PEOPLE OF OUR FREE EDUCATIONAL MANUALS ON 10 DIFFERENT TOPICS AND NPF’S NEWSLETTER (THE PARKINSON REPORT) MAILED TO HOMES ACROSS AMERICA FROM AROUND THE WORLD TUNED IN TO EIGHT FREE WEBINARS HOSTED BY PARKINSON’S EXPERTS 10 THANK YOU ! The National Parkinson Foundation gratefully acknowledges all of the people who made a donation of $1,000 or more between July 1, 2012 and June 30, 2013. It is the thoughtfulness of these supporters that allows us to educate and assist people in communities across the country about Parkinson’s disease. We thank them for their dedicated support. GIFTS OF $250,000 AND ABOVE IFTS OF $100,000 G TO $249,999 GIFTS OF $50,000 TO $99,999 GIFTS OF $20,000 TO $49,999 Estate of Donald L. Allred Trust of Arlene M. Bevilacqua Jacob C. Arant, Sr. Andrew B. and Mona Albert Estate of Liesel Brown The Applebaum Foundation Trust of Rex A. and Josephine S. Collins AbbVie Neurosciences Rollin M. Gerstacker Foundation Terry and Regina Armstrong Family Charitable Foundation Estate of Jack Roth Edmond J. Safra Philanthropic Foundation Estate of Viola B. Cayea Harcourt M. and Virginia W. Sylvester Foundation The Hansen Trust Jerome A. Yavitz Charitable Foundation, Inc. Jerry M. Lindzon Trust of Edna Cottun Estate of Dianne Kuhrt Medtronic Foundation Estate of Dorothy M. Holeton NPF South Palm Beach County The Don A. Hunziker Memorial Foundation Parkinson’s Unity Walk The Eleanor M. and Herbert D. Katz Family Foundation, Inc. Estate of John R. Peters Estate of Carol C. Price UCB, Inc. Trust of Robert E. Neill Parkinson Foundation of the National Capital Area Right at Home, Inc. Solomon Family Foundation Teva Neuroscience, Inc. US WorldMeds Estate of Rose Vosbigian Leo M. Amoroso The Jane H. Berktold Parkinson Fund Bloomfield Family Foundation Trust of Ricki Fountain Community Health Charities Medtronic, Inc. NPF Central & Southeast Ohio NPF Georgia NPF Orange County California NPF Western New York NPF Western Pennsylvania The Oreffice Foundation The Parkinson Council Trust of Harold J. and Phyllis A. Schwend Estate of Ruby Stevens Estate of Edward C. Stevenson The Diller-Von Furstenberg Family Foundation 11 WHATEVER IT TAKES to Beat Parkinson’s® ANNUAL REPORT | 2013 GIFTS OF $10,000 TO $19,999 Peachtree House Foundation GIFTS OF $1,000 TO $9,999 Patricia and Gardner Bemis Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation Anonymous (18) Lisa D. Bertani Abbott Laboratories Employee Giving Campaign Blank Charitable Foundation, Inc. Estate of Ada Bloom Anonymous Beth Kobliner Shaw and David E. Shaw Karl Albert Estate of Rosario Simon Trust of Rita Alexander Alan M. Slewett Bruce H. Bryant Dr. and Mrs. Enrique J. Sosa Paul and Pearl Caslow Foundation Ellen and David A. Abramson Degna Spoldi Private Family Foundation Chelsea Therapeutics Kathleen S. and Jeffrey J. Abrash Estate of the Reverend Donald Van Dreser Erwin Aderhold Dr. and Mrs. Lynn and Kate Christianson W. G. Christianson Foundation Robert and Joanne Crown Income Charitable Fund Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Eldridge Ross S. Evans Five Millers Family Foundation, Inc. Estate of Shirley M. Welchko Otto C. Winzen Memorial Advised Fund of the Catholic Community Foundation Mary Ellen and Bruce Wisnicki Emily and Richard Alexander Malik Ali Victor M. Almeida Ame Foundation, Inc. American Parkinson Disease Association Paul E. Andrews, Jr. Ashland Foundation Associated Electrics, Inc. Estate of Kathleen Greenler Isabel L. Bader Estate of Theodore R. Grimes Dexter F. Baker Beulah Mae Jones-Mitchell James J. Baker Katten, Muchin, Zavis, Rosenman Foundation, Inc. Dorothy M. Ball Marian S. and Frederic T. McAuslan Endowment Fund The McCamish Family Charitable Fund Ed Baker Marcia V. and R. Franklin Balotti Francine Barbe Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois BMO Harris Bank Estate of Elaine D. Bohanon James Bosshart Colonel Conrad Boterweg Roxanne Brandt Charles Bray Jeffrey W. Breeser Elizabeth and William F. Broll Lewis D. Brounell Charitable Trust David Browdy William E. Brown Linda G. Brown Donald Burns Miss Harryette Campbell Mr. and Mrs. Michael Cannizzo Gary O. Caris Jeff Carson NPF Greater Rochester John E. and Nellie J. Bastien Memorial Foundation NPF Heartland Ben Bauer Tammi and Craig E. Chalfie NPF Central Savannah River Area Claire Beekman The Chalfont Foundation Rolando Castellanos CBS Radio Jill Chalsty Ellen M. Chen 12 Chernega Family Fund The Daus Family Foundation Lois W. Dyk Margaret and John Gergich Chicago Park District Davit Charitable Fund Chinowth Charitable Lead Trust Deer Lodge Centre Eagan Family Foundation, Inc. Charles B. Gilbert Foundation, Inc. Brian D. Eckhart Judith S. Gillies Michael Chipman DeFreitas Family Charitable Gift Fund Linda Ellis James Gillis Douglas R. Clovis Delouri Farms, Inc. John P. Clulow Fund The Gerald and Deanne Gitner Charitable Fund Stephen Cohen Charles H. Denny, III Charitable Trust Dr. and Mrs. Robert and Janet Ettleman Carol Glickenhaus Judith E. Cohen Joe Derosa Eveready Battery Company, Inc. Toby Cohn Designs by Pegasus, Inc. Richard A. Goldstein Community Health Charities of Florida Willa Ruth Deveny Helen and Charles Fedalen, Jr. Community Health Charities Minnesota Community Health Charities Of NY, Inc. Gordon Crawford Estate of Thelma L. De Vorss Kathryn and Ernest Dibenedetto Harriet Ford Dickenson Foundation The Felterman Foundation Dr. Moses and Beatrice Goodman Fund Estate of Robert Ferguson Nancy Gordon Jane Feldman Fields Gary J. Gorton The Fisher Family Foundation May Gossett James A. Fletcher Peter M. Gotsch Crawford Group Sotheby’s International Realty DLC Empire, LLC Meg Fletcher Elizabeth and Douglas T. Granat Jeanette and Ron Doggett Nancy and Kenneth Granat Mary J. and Neil Crosby Donate For A Cause, Inc. Dr. and Mrs. Bernard J. and Judith Fogel Candace Cummings Mark Duffy Kathleen Fones Daluge Family Fund Baxter and Deon Dunaway Trust Rudolph and Hilda U. Forchheimer Foundation, Inc. Rodger L. and Gloria F. Daniels Charitable Foundation Sue Dupuis Margaret and David A. Fort Anne Fortney Riddell Estate of Evelyn Foust Judy Freeman Sarah Friar Friends and Colleagues at Naval Reactors Carole Gray Garland and Agnes Taylor Gray Foundation Lisa Griffin Emily and Peter Gross The Robert and Lynne Grossman Family Foundation Vincent Gubin Giving Account Joyce C. Gumm Jack Guthrie Cynthia E. Fruchtman Violet Haelterman Karen and Todd Fruen Hahn Loeser and Parks LLP Edward G. and Catherine M. Galante Estate of Ruth F. Hall GE Foundation GE Healthcare Cheryl and Richard K. Gelber WHATEVER IT TAKES to Beat Parkinson’s® Sulu and Gary Grant Madelon and Roger R. Fross Robert Gathman 13 The GMK Family Fund Mr. and Mrs. Jack Harter John A. Hash, Jr. Hawaii Community Foundation ANNUAL REPORT | 2013 Health Care Service Corporation Kazuko and Ken-Ichi Kubota John F. Manning, Jr. Samuel Mohabir Alfred P. Kuehlewind Melissa Hefner Robert A. Moore John C. Kupetz James A. Marino and Deborah Wright Dana and Timothy E. Martorella Sherri Mowery Johannes H. Heister Esther Lam Herbert Kay Parkinson Chapter Betty and Robert L. Lambert Estate of Robert P. Herzog Marilyn and Donald Hibbert John J. Hoffee Edgar R. Larsen Margaret H. Larsen Estate of Dessie L. Latham H. Randolph Holder Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Roy L. Holt Helen and Yum Cheung Lee Donald W. Homan Rita A. Lehnert Estate of Jacqueline Hood William R. Leighton, Jr., MD Nancy Hopkins Reilly Leon Lemon Vicki S. Horning Paul Huston Francis and Gertrude Levett Foundation IAP Worldwide Services Joyce and Sidney Levine Interpublic Group Juliana Li Denise and Barry R. Jackson Elizabeth Liacos Robert F. Jeppesen Life Care Centers of America, Inc. Fern I. Jewell Holly and Dare Johnson Burton and Rose Kahn Family Foundation The William and Nancy Lifland Fund Trust of Marilyn L. Lindsay Thomas F. Masat Mrs. Flora E. Mason Asha P. and Pankah V. Master Brooke Mastrorio Joan S. Mathews Judith M. Moss Timothy Murphy Joan M. Naughton Neuroscience Consultants, LLC Pamela and Andrew Newton Nina Matis Nickels and Dimes Incorporated Max Gruber Foundation Estate of Lloyd O. Nielson Lorie Mayer Robert Nolan Frances P. McCarey Ann-Mari Nordgren Paul McCaul Jean F. Norfleet Marsha and Robert E. McCleary Noritake Co. Inc. McClelland Family Foundation NPF Kingdor Bahamas Estate of Brooks McClure Charles H. McCrea James and Marie McCurdy Family Charitable Trust Noven Pharmaceuticals, Inc. NPF North Florida NPF South Dakota Betty C. O’Connell Michael G. O’Hare The McCutcheon Foundation OnMessage, Inc. Keri McGinness Claire E. Orner Gustaf Westfeldt McIlhenny Family Foundation Estate of Sheila K. Orr Sue Kamp John T. Loftus Kaplan Family Charitable Fund James L. Long Phyllis and Eli Katz Darlene D. Lowe Keen, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Lowenstein Tim McKay Marianne and Edward P. Petrosky Angela and Paul McPhail Leslie Peverall Lower Shore Parkinson’s Support Group Charles H. McPherson, Sr. Dr. Lincoln N. Pinsky Kay and George Meadors Robert J. Pilska Mr. and Mrs. John T. Mendel Larry Plocheck Mid Cities Jewish Community Center John D. Pope Patricia Keenan The Kerler Family Gift Fund The Kinetics Foundation Arnold S. Kling James T. Knowles Michael A. Kolodny Savas Konstantinides Estate of Roman Kowalski John W. Kozyak and Barbara Silverman Jackie Kropman Jane P. Long Fund Jack MacAllister Magnakron Corporation Kristin Maguire Allan Maier Bernard Malberg, MD John Jay Mann Foundation Janet L. and David Mannheim Wayne F. Miller Lisa Orberg Fayga and Elliot Press Advised Fund Miller Realty Family Philanthropic Fund Lawrence Puckett William D. Minaghan Quad Partners LLC Rocco V. Pugliese Alan B. Mirken 14 ANNUAL REPORT | 2013 Rand-Hager Family Charitable Fund Dr. and Mrs. Martin Schechter The Diane F. Stephens 2004 Charitable Trust Yuchun Wang RCL Fund of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Don Schneider Jennifer Stettner Steven D. Watts Schoenstadt Family Foundation Audrey and John Stratman The Weeden Foundation Nancy Sully Blair W. Schultz Mardell L. and Paul Remick Jeff Sultan Edward L. and Sheila Rabb Weidenfeld Gloria M. Scott Cheryl Remmert Estate of Vera Sunday Edward M. Weil Elizabeth Scrivner Richard Family Foundation, Inc. Franklin Surnamer Estate of Norman Wexler Hermina and Ronald Seiden Svoboda, Collins Management LLC Dr. Jessica White and Mr. Christopher White Sharron G. Reiss and Mike Miller Kirk B. Richardson Honorable Patricia A. Seitz and Mr. Alan G. Greer William F. Ringier James Syltie Michael Wilderman Heidi Shafranek River Terminal Development Company Mark A. Tancil John I. Williams, Jr. The Shanken Family Foundation Tate Enterprises Elizabeth R. Williams Trust Roasters Deli Enterprises, Inc. Ronald Sherman Troy W. Tegeler Robert F. Williams Trust Templeton Family Fund Anthony L. Wilner Michael Thiel Sherryl A. Woods The James and Patricia Tolley Charitable Gift Fund Phyllis I. Wormwood Fund Virginia C. Simmons Trukenbrod Family Foundation Warren Single Marilyn and Richard Wurzburger Trustmark National Bank Carl Singmaster Donald G. Wylin Tubular Textile Machinery, Inc. Steve Yonker Teresa K. Rogers Gerry and Robert R. Rosenberg Ellen R. Rosenthal The Rosie’s Charitable Fund Maureen F. and Paul H. Roskoph Philanthropic Fund Regina M. Rubenstein Barbara and Michael Sherman Anne N. Sherr SHURE, Inc. Paul G. Smith Edward W. Smith, Jr. Foundation Betty and John W. Turner Martin H. Snitzer Carol and Nelson Soggs United Way Of Central Maryland The Solana At Cinco Ranch University of Toledo Thomas A. Ryan Diane and Eric F. Sombers Marcello Vaccaro Sackets Harbor Parkinson’s Action Committee Jim Soong Paul Spandikow Whitney and Russell Van Nuis Hellyn L. Sarek Peggy and John H. Speaker W. S. Scharff Family Foundation SPX Foundation Liz Schaub Simon Stanaway Arthur Rubin The Helena Rubinstein Philanthropic Fund M. Jacki and Jim Rupert David H. Rutchik Sylvia M. Stafford Jerry N. Steinbaum 15 Ira D. Warner WHATEVER IT TAKES to Beat Parkinson’s® Richard H. Tyler Trust of Patience A. Van Peenan Thomas A. Verrill Milton and Miriam Waldbaum Family Foundation Polly P. Wright Tim Zeller Zissu Family Foundation Lynn and Donald Zucker Matthew Zucker Eleanor and Leo Zucker Family Foundation Legacy society members are a select group of donors who have recognized the National Parkinson Foundation in their wills, trusts, estates and other planned gifts. Their generosity and forethought will help thousands of Parkinson’s patients live better lives in the years to come. We would like to recognize the following Legacy Society members: NATIONAL PARKINSON FOUNDATION LEGACY SOCIETY E. Richard and Meme Alhadeff Jean Bressler Esther Danielson Yetta Kaemmer Leo M. Amoroso Maida Burka Mary Dexter Barry Kaye Tom Campbell Mary Jean Elioff Heinrich E. Kolbel Lewis F. and Mildred E. Collier James A. Enloe, Sr. Marjorie R. Korach Richard and Susan Comeau Alvin Gardner Hanes Lassiter Dr. Moses and Beatrice Goodman Fund Dorothy Marienau Helen C. Avchin Eugene M. Bane Charitable Trust Wendy and A. Jeffrey Barash Virginia C. Barrett Robert A. M. Coppenrath Ben Berkowitz Deloris T. Crews Leonard Bielski Thomas Curtis Connie Bierlein Burke and Rena Dambly Deborah L. Boyer Erna Mayer James & Marie McCurdy Family Charitable Trust Genie B. Hollen Ida Hutzler Charitable Trust John McConeghy Edward Jervey Karen A. Moschetto Rachel K. Johnson Anna Nalbandian Kimrey and Beverly Newlin Ruth Orfield Margaret Paul Anne Romanello Kim and Susan Schrotenboer Centre Unversaw Miguel Vargas Dorothy Vaughn Michael L. & Antoinette H. Wilkerson Every year, our Team Hope members take the lead in creating unique ways to build awareness of Parkinson’s disease and raise funds for the National Parkinson Foundation. The list below acknowledges the community fundraisers that took place between July 1, 2012 and June 30, 2013. We would like to extend our sincerest gratitude for their creativity, energy and commitment. NATIONAL PARKINSON FOUNDATION TEAM HOPE FUNDRAISERS Dixie Exterminating Company, Inc. Michelle Kravat Melissa Phillips Premier Beverage Bay Area Golf for Parkinson’s Berry Dunn P.D. Love Elliot Lowenthal Pura Vida Bracelets Body In Balance Physical Therapy LLC Flat Creek Baptist Church Lubeck Community Baptist Church Heidi Rosenberg Allen Home Care Megan Bateman Seth Dunn Kristen Maguire Madison Brown Fountain City Wesleyan Church Kevin Burkart Foutty & Foutty, LLP Amy Cantu Garden of Life LLC Suzanne Castor Brice Holland Catch The Cure Norman Hunneyman Church Pension Group Services Corp. Allison Kallevig Linda Cibula Keenan Antiques Sarah Nedde John D. Kelly III Memorial Logan House 5K Network For Good New Haven Elementary School Kids Play For Good LLC Michael Pearson Danielle Classey Aaron Cohn Kimberly Curtis-Scheer Eric Kaplan Saint Matthew Catholic Church Chris and Megan Tidmore Upson-Lee High School Vanderbilt University Medical Center Virginia Farm Bureau Mutual Insurance Debbie and Alexandra Marsek Sarah Schramm McKeen & Associates, P.C. John Swartz Washington Lake Combined Charities Tiana Tallant White & Case, LLP The Johnson Chamber of Commerce Willard Public Library Mer Rouge Community Chest Katie Meyers Jim Morris Donna Smith Matthew Wukovitz Thurmont Middle School Donna Peterson 16 CHAAPTER SERVICE PUBLIC EDUCATION FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS RESEARCH EXPENSES BY CATEGORY 2012-2013 Interest | income & Realized Gain PATIENT CARE SERV As illustrated below, the National Parkinson Foundation directed 74% of its 2012–2013 spending on mission-related activities and 26% on fundraising and management combined. Chapter Services 17% | $ 1,308,362 Public Education 29% | $ 2,261,109 Total Operating Expenses 100.0% | $ 10,691,552 Patient Care Services 39% | $ 3,063,313 Research 15% | $ 1,217,968 Subtotal Mission-Related 73.5% | $ 7,850,752 Interest Income Fundraising Special Events 18.0% | $ 1,929,693 General & Administration Legacies and bequests 8.5% | $ 911,107 Private and Corporate REVENUES BY CATEGORY | 2012-2013 Special Events 1% | $ 103,520 Interest Income & Realized Gains 7% | $ 665,129 Total Revenue $ 9,950,829 Legacies & Bequests 33% | $ 3,256,678 Private & Corporate 59% | $ 5,925,502 17 WHATEVER IT TAKES to Beat Parkinson’s® Total Year-End Assets $ 17,106,602 ANNUAL REPORT | 2013 INDEPENDENT AUDITOR’S REPORT To the Board of Directors National Parkinson Foundation, Inc. We have audited the accompanying financial statements of National Parkinson Foundation, Inc. (the “Foundation”), which comprise the statements of financial position as of June 30, 2013 and 2012, and the related statements of activities, functional expenses and cash flows for the years then ended, and the related notes to the financial statements. Management’s Responsibility for the Financial Statements Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial statements in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America; this includes the design, implementation, and maintenance of internal control relevant to the preparation and fair presentation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. Auditor’s Responsibility Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audits. We conducted our audits in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement. An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor’s judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the entity’s preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity’s internal control. Accordingly, we express no such opinion. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of significant accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion. Opinion In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the Foundation as of June 30, 2013 and 2012, and the changes in its net assets and its cash flows for the years then ended in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. Ft. Lauderdale, Florida September 10, 2013 An Independent Member of Baker Tilly International MIAMI 1001 Brickell Bay Drive, 9th Floor, Miami FL 33131 | T 305 373 5500 F 305 373 0056 | FORT LAUDERDALE 301 East Las Olas Boulevard, 4th Floor, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301 | T 954 760 9000 F 954 760 4465 18 NPF BOARD OF DIRECTORS The National Parkinson Foundation is privleged to have an outstanding and dedicated group of volunteers who generously donate their time and talents by serving on the NPF Board of Directors. Without their selfless efforts, the work of the foundation would not be possible. OFFICERS MEMBERS EMERITUS BOARD John W. Kozyak, Esq.* Chairman of the Board Daniel Arty, CPA* Edythe Kay-Marsa A. Jeffrey Barash, Esq. Bernard J. Fogel, MD* Past Chairman J. Gordon Beckham, Jr. Harold P. Kravitz, Esq.* President Emeritus Paul F. Oreffice* Chairman Emeritus Carmen Y. Cartaya, Esq.* Andrew B. Albert* Vice Chairman E. Richard Alhadeff, Esq.* Vice Chairman, Secretary Martin L. Solomon* Treasurer Marshall R. Burack, Esq. Jo Ann Pepper Oreffice Robert H. Traurig, Esq. Patricia de Stacy Harrison Alessandro Di Rocco, MD Harold P. Kravitz, Esq.* President Emeritus Honorable Shelley J. Kravitz Timothy Martorella Gail Milhous Roberto Palenzuela Katharine F. Roberts Alan M. Slewett Enrique J. Sosa, PhD* Senator Paul B. Steinberg, Esq. Bruce Wisnicki* *M ember of the Executive Committee 19 ANNUAL REPORT | 2013 SENIOR PROFESSIONALS Joyce A. Oberdorf Leilani Pearl President and Chief Executive Officer Vice President, Marketing and Communications Michael S. Okun, MD Peter Schmidt, PhD National Medical Director Vice President, Research and Professional Programs, Chief Information Officer Ariel Y. Deutch, PhD Chair, Clinical & Scientific Advisory Board Jill Davidson Vice President, Finance & Administration Darcy Taylor Vice President, Constituent Relations Jorge Zamudio, MD Senior Director, Patient Services Amy Gray Robert G. Shaw Vice President, Chapter Relations and Community Partnerships Senior Director, National Signature Events WHATEVER IT TAKES to Beat Parkinson’s® 20 ANNUAL REPORT | 2013 PEOPLE WHO MOVE CHANGE THE WORLD. JOIN MOVING DAY®, Taking place in cities across the United States, A WALK FOR PARKINSON’S! Moving Day® is your chance to speak up about Parkinson’s disease and move others to take action. It is a movement for change — towards more awareness, more funding, and more understanding of a disease that affects so many of our family and friends. Every move you make and every penny you raise brings us closer to beating Parkinson’s! Find a Moving Day® walk near you at 21 WHATEVER IT TAKES to Beat Parkinson’s® SH O P O NLI NE A T W W W . P A R K I NSO N. O RG / S T O RE The Whatever It Takes to Beat Parkinson’s campaign is a national symbol for living well with Parkinson’s; it highlights the many ways that you can fight the disease. Show your support for NPF and learn how to beat Parkinson’s at the same time with our new line of custom merchandise. Learn more about the campaign at 22 ENGAGE with the Parkinson’s community and the National Parkinson Foundation on social media. 200 S.E. First Street, Suite 800, Miami, FL 33131 800.4PD.INFO (473-4636)
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