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Rogue Valley Association of REALTORS ® & Southern Oregon Multiple Listing Service The Voice ofREAL ESTATE®in the Rogue Valley 629 Franquette Street, Medford OR 97501 541 770 7060 First INSIDE THIS ISSUE Executive Report Membership Count Members on the Move ROTY Luncheon Education Corner May Trivia May Sudoku Economic Summit Flyer RVAR Grant for First Time Home Buyers First Time Home Buyer Programs 2 2 3 5 6 6 7 8 9 10 May 201 3 Time Homebuyers MAY 201 3 Working with First Time Home Buyers Ask the Help Desk: SupraWeb Fair Housing: Lead-Laden Homes REALTOR® of the Year Pics Jackson County April Stats Josephine County April Stats Our Affiliates Contact Information May Calendar Mission Statement 12 15 16 18 20 22 24 25 25 26 Notes From Your Executive Officer Tina Grimes estate agent. For the full details and what to watch out for, click here for the Inman News article. representatives taking our message right to the nation’s Capitol. Congratulations and Thank You Here are links to another couple of great new publications. NAR in to the Oregon Association of ® REALTORS for their successful cooperation with FEMA and the National Flood Insurance lobbying efforts to defeat HB Program released a fantastic tool 2456-A and protecting the (click here) that clarifies what you mortgage interest deduction on our state tax returns. Your RVAR should know about flood risk and President - Don Livingood, along flood insurance, and how you The theme of this issue is with others from both RVAR and can talk about it with your homebuyer assistance. There customers. Click here for an local WCR leadership, will be are some great programs and updated Membership Mark’s attending the NAR Midyear resources available right here Meetings next week and lobbying Manual that explains the do’s locally, one of which is a direct at the federal level to protect the and don’ts for utilizing the result of our own Rogue Valley REALTOR® trademark in your mortgage interest deduction. Food and Wine Classic event advertising and personal (see page 9). While the following Other key talking points include communications. tips aren’t specifically homebuyer preserving the mission and purpose of the FHA Program, assistance, they are some great I hope you not only enjoy this restructuring Fannie Mae & tools and information that will issue of the REConnect, but will Freddie Mac, and encouraging help you with your business, take at least one thing away from the return of private capital. which in turn helps all of your it that will help you in your Approximately 1 0,000 clients. ® business. If you do, then we have REALTORS will be attending succeeded. A new scam has come up that so the Midyear Meetings and far has appeared on both Zillow speaking to the federal legislators on behalf of the housing industry. Here’s to a great May, and Craigslist. According to Tina NAR’s chief legal counsel, Laurie We are proud to have these Janik, it is the most sophisticated listing scam she has heard of. Current RVAR Membership Counts This instance possibly heralds the arrival of a new breed of O 771 REALTOR® Members (728 Real Estate Licensees & 43 Appraisers) listing scam, represents an unusually intricate scam, O 26 Affiliate firms and 1 1 2 Affiliates in those firms escaped detection on a relatively O 44 Appraisal Firms reputable listing site, and hijacked the identity of a real O 1 44 Real Estate Firms 2 M ay 2 0 1 3 Members®on the Move REALTORS New to SOMLS Century 21 JC Jones American Dream Jackie Wytcherley R E C o n n e ct Mark Carrigan - RE/Max Ideal Brokers Norm Hetzel - Home Quest Realty REALTORS ® Office Inactive Michele Jolley Real Estate 361 0 Rogue River Hwy Grants Pass, OR 97527 Cristina Towery - Windermere Van Vleet, Jacksonville Judy Owens - Windermere Van Vleet & Assoc. KellerWilliams Realty, Grants Pass Karen Cooper - RE/Max Ideal Russell Lloyd Brokers, Medford Lukasz Krolak - RE/Max Ideal New to SOMLS and RVAR Brokers, Medford Cascade Sotheby's Intl. Realty Marcia Griffith -John L. Scott, Helen F. Whitcomb Medford Nancy Litton - John L. Scott, ColdwellBankerProWest, Medford Grants Pass Evonne Tribble Richard Kumro - John L. Scott, Medford John L. Scott, Medford Salvatore Cresci - Windermere Cindy Williams Van Vleet & Assoc Cornerstone Properties Caleb LaPlante Keller Williams Realty, Medford Allen Potter Michele Jolley Real Estate Michele Jolley Old Stage Real Estate Andrea TenBrink Rad Welles Realty Rad Welles RE/Max Ideal Brokers, Medford Kathy Bettencourt RE/MaxIdealBrokers, GrantsPass Nick Bonacci Windermere Rogue Valley Martin Casper Transfer New to SOMLS and RVAR Rad Welles Realty 2473 Pioneer Rd Talent, OR 97540 Affiliates Wells Fargo Home Mortgage 81 4 E. Jackson St., Ste E Medford, OR 97504 New Members Allen Potter is a newly licensed real estate agent for Keller Williams Realty. Allen has worked in land use planning and project management since 1 990. Andrea TenBrink recently left the Pharmaceutical Industry to join her mother, Jeanne Freel, at Old Stage Real Estate. She's thrilled about the new adventure. Martin Casper, designated commercial real estate agent for Windermere Rogue Valley Real Estate, is a social media mentor in the expert space providing realtors with strategies to succeed. Linda Lewellen - RE/Max Ideal Brokers WWW. S O M LS . C O M 3 Assistance Contact Information RVAR / SOMLS for education, events or membership RAPATTONI for MLS system questions SUPRA for Lockbox or Key questions ZIPFORMS for everything about Zipforms & OREF RPR regarding the use of REALTORS ® Property Resource (24/7) OAR Oregon Association of REALTORS ® Real Estate Agency 4 541 -770-7060 866-730-71 1 4 877-699-6787 800-847-6298 877-977-7576 503-362-3645 503-378-41 70 M ay 2 0 1 3 R E C o n n e ct 2013 REALTOR® oftheY ear Luncheon The Rogue Valley Association of REALTORS ® (RVAR) held their annual REALTOR of the Year luncheon on Thursday, April 25, 201 3 where we awarded the recipients of the 201 3 REALTOR ® of the Year and Affiliate of the Year Award. Congratulations Pam Lorange of Windermere Van Vleet in Ashland as the 201 3 REALTOR® of the Year and Judi Robinson of Sterling Savings Home Loan Division as the 201 3 Affiliate of the Year. Pam Lorange is an active member of both the Southern Oregon Multiple Listing Service (SOMLS) and Rogue Valley Association of REALTOR ® (RVAR). Pam served as the 201 2 President of SOMLS and has served on the RVAR Board of Directors as well as numerous committees and workgroups. She is also very active in the community as a volunteer with CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocate), the Ashland Food Bank, Coats for Kids, and Hospice. Pam was unable to attend the luncheon so click here for the video of her finding out she was the recipient. Judi Robinson is an active Affiliate member with the Rogue Valley Association of REALTORS ®. Judi is currently a member of the Women’s Council of REALTORS ®, has served as chair of the Housing Committee, & is a past member of the Affiliate Committee. She is also very active in the community. She is a member of Soroptomist and volunteers for the SMART reading program and KidsSpree which is a non-profit community project that provides school clothes to low income children. Both of the recipients were chosen because of the professional conduct that they demonstrate to the public and their outstanding Ethics and Cooperation in business practices. Congratulation to Pam Lorange and Judi Robinson!!! WWW. S O M LS . C O M 5 Education Corner have picked three locations in Jackson County so that REALTORS® can choose a class that is closest to their office. Ashland Tuesday, May14th 12pm to 1:30pm –1.5CECredits Location TBD Medford Friday, May17th 12pm to 1:30pm –1.5CECredits Alba Park (Main and Holly) Water Cooler Sessions Summer is here and with that a host of fun activities that include being outside in the sun and getting your fill of vitamin D. Yet, who wants to be in a classroom when the sun is calling and the birds are chirping? This month we have three onsite surveying classes where REALTORS® can get hands on experience on what Scott Fein, the Jackson County Surveyor, does when he surveys a property. We Rogue River Wednesday, June 5th 12pm to 1:30pm –1.5CECredits Location TBD By Lance Carroll Southern Oregon Economic Summit Thursday, May23rd 9am to 12:30pm –3.5CECredits RVAR and HBAJC have set up a great event that includes top tier economists as well as local businessmen and lawmakers to discuss the economy and its influence on the real estate industry. We have set up this event so that any REALTOR® or real estate agent that goes to it will receive 3.5 CE Credits. First you will need to get your ticket at the Craterian Box Office or go to to get your tickets online. The tickets for the event are only $1 0 (plus service fees ifyou getonline orbyphone). At the event you will need to sign-in to register for CE Credit. Your certificate will be emailed to you a week after the Economic Summit. These are going to be a great classes if you are looking to get a solid understanding of surveying and how it can affect your real estate business. Pick the location that is closest to your office and sign up today at See you at the summit. May Trivia May is International Respect for Chickens Month. No other month begins on the same day of the week as May. 6 Mother Earth is also known as "Terra Firma". That title is a Latin translation of some lines from one of the Greek poet, Homer's, greatest poems. Memorial Day was created to honor the fallen soldiers of the Civil War. Horses running for the roses (Kentucky Derby) lose an average of fifteen to twenty-five pounds during the race. Cinco de Mayo is a commemoration of the unexpected victory of 4,000 Mexican soldiers over a French army twice as large at the Battle of Puebla. In 2001 , Tony Stewart raced at the Indy 500 and finished 6th. He then flew to NASCAR’s Charlotte Coca Cola 600 and finished 3rd. He’s the only driver to complete both races in the same day. M ay 2 0 1 3 R E C o n n e ct Sudoku by WWW. S O M LS . C O M 7 8 M ay 2 0 1 3 R E C o n n e ct Did you know that your Association has a grant that may help you get your clients into a home of their own? As you know we just recently held our 3rd annual Rogue Valley Food and Wine Classic. What you may not be fully aware of is how the funds from this event are used. Utilizing the funds from the first event, we established the Rogue Valley Association of REALTORS® Homebuyer Assistance Program administered through Access. In its first two years, the Rogue Valley Food and Wine Classic raised $29,000 for this grant fund. Grant funds must be utilized for assistance with down payment, closing costs, and/or repairs to property being purchased. Grants will typically be a maximum amount of $1 ,000.00, notwithstanding special circumstances may be taken into consideration if a higher amount is requested. It is a fairly simple grant to apply for with the following primary requirements: Property must be within Jackson County*. Applicant(s) must use a REALTOR® who is a member of the Rogue Valley Association of REALTORS®. The loan must be originated through a mortgage broker doing business in Jackson County*. The actual lender or lending company can be based elsewhere provided that the broker arranging the loan is based in Jackson County*. Applicant(s) must have invested a minimum of $500.00 of their own funds towards the purchase. Applicant(s) must take the Home Buyers education course offered through Access. Applicant(s) household income must be at or below the state median income level as stated on the most recent HUD sheet (available at Access). *Will soon be expanding to include Josephine County. As of March 31 st, 1 6 grants have been awarded or reserved benefiting the clients of the following REALTOR® and Affiliate members: Buyer Brokers Janet Lopez Kathy Weston Krista Laulainen Sharon Kosak Claudette Moore Allen Broderick Jodie Millard Vicki Fletcher Doug Morse Donna Rogers Geoff Speidel Jerry Nordahl Joe Yates Cerise Stephens Todd Couch Lenders Judi Robinson Ty Thompson Jeff Hall Brian Case Dan Doyle Ross Rampy Becky Clearwater Thank you to all of you who have taken advantage of this program and we hope more of you will be able to use this fund to help your clients and your business. This year’s event was our most successful one yet, so more funds will be getting added to the grant program. For more information contact Karen Pierce at Access (541-779-6691 or WWW. S O M LS . C O M 9 r e y u B e m o H e m i T t s Fir Programs By L a n c e C a r r o ll The dream of homeownership is coming back to the valley after the burst of the real estate bubble. Even though the percentage of homeownership, on the national level, is decreasing, the real estate market in Southern Oregon is growing at a good pace. There are a lot of programs out there that first time home buyers can take advantage of. But, before we look at some of the programs let us look at ACCESS. ACCESS is the entity that helps first time home buyers get the information about purchasing and helps them understand the cost of homeownership. ACCESS is 10 also the administrator of most of with various programs to assist with downpayment and/or the programs that help low closing costs. income or first time homebuyers. First the homebuyer needs to ACCESS is a private non-profit take the class ‘Realizing the American Dream’ which can be organization that serves the viewed here or taken online needs of seniors, person with here. Once they do that – they disabilities and people of low have completed the first step to income since 1 976. ACCESS taking advantage of these has spent a lot of effort in helping the people in the Rogue wonderful programs. Valley by creating food banks to RVAR / OAR Home help needy families, help Foundation families with their rent, This program is discussed in foreclosure problems and weatherizing their homes. Now, the previous article and is sponsored by RVAR and they are helping low income families achieve their dream of administered by ACCESS. homeownership by helping buyers and their lenders work M ay 2 0 1 3 R E C o n n e ct City of Medford First Time Homebuyers Assistance Program Home$tart and Home$tart Plus contact ACCESS at Dream$avers Dream$avers is an Individual Development Account (IDA) This program offers up to program that encourages $1 5,000 toward down payment, USDA Rural Development participants to build assets. closing costs and prepaid items. This program from the USDA is Eligible participants can save to help families that are under The city of Medford will help up to $2,000 over the course of first time homebuyers get into a 80% of the median income level 1 to 3 years and the program buy a single family home. house that is within the city of will match it 3:1 . The Medford, is the buyers primary Where a standard FHA loan participants also receive requires 3.5% down the USDA residence, and the property was financial education and either vacant or occupied by the loan has no such requirement. additional training and support seller (properties with tenants in Where the first time homebuyer specific to their savings goal. programs require you to take a The program can be used for them are not eligible). This program will help buyers whose class to be eligible, the USDA first time homebuyers, starting income doesn’t exceed 80% of loan doesn’t. The USDA loan or expanding a small business the median income in Medford will loan up to 1 02% of the or getting your post secondary appraised value, but carries an education. Dream$avers is and the assistance shall not initial 2% fee with a 0.3% exceed 50% of the total funds administered by ACCESS in annual fee. Go to used in the down payment. Jackson and Josephine Click Here for more information. Counties in partnership with Neighborworks Umpqua. FHA's Limited Repair Home$tart /Home$tart Plus Program There are a lot of programs out The Seattle Bank is pleased to FHA 203(k) Program is great for there that first time homebuyers announce the availability of $2 first time home buyers that are or low income families can use million for the 201 3 Home$tart looking for a home, but can't to achieve their dream of and Home $tart Plus Programs. find any in their price range. homeownership. Talk to your This allows buyers to find a The Home$tart program buyer, contact ACCESS or talk fixer-upper and finance up to provides $3 for every $1 of a to their lender about these $35,000 in minor repairs like homebuyer’s demonstrated programs. But, most of all take replacing flooring, installing new advantage of them. funds up to $5,000. These appliances, and painting the funds may be used for downpayments, closing costs or interior and/or exterior of the home. rehabilitation of an owneroccupied housing unit. For more information about 1 Person City of Medford $31 ,1 50 Home$tart $31 ,1 50 USDA (Jackson) $32,750 USDA (Josephine) $29,900 Income Levels for Each Program 2 Person $35,600 $35,600 $37,450 $34,1 50 WWW. S O M LS . C O M 3 Person $40,050 $40,050 $42,1 00 $38,450 4 Person $44,500 $44,500 $46,800 $42,700 5 Person $48,1 00 $48,1 00 $50,550 $46,1 00 6 Person $51 ,650 $51 ,650 $54,300 $49,550 11 Wo r k i n g w i t h F i r s t T i m e H o m e B u ye r s By Lance Carroll Being a first time home buyer can be a little daunting. We are slowly coming out of a housing bust and the economy seems to teeter totter between slow growth and stagnation. Yet, for those that have the credit and the opportunity then buying a home might be the way to go. good standing and talk to a home mortgage lender about getting pre-approved for a mortgage. Once this happens then the truly fun part of the home search process can begin – looking for their home. First Time Home Buyer Programs – Knowing the Process First time home buyers are usually looking at purchasing a home with the assistance of some programs that are set up by the city, state or federal government. These programs During the next part of the usually have a timeline set up process the REALTOR® and the where the buyer has to fulfill a REALTOR® Mag recently did an buyer should be working together step before they can proceed to to ensure that the buyer can article about working with first the next. The other article in the time home buyers. Their article maximize the house that they are May REConnect talks about buying. This involves the can be viewed at some of the programs that first REALTOR® understanding the time home buyers can take marketing/feature/article/201 2/1 2/ first time home buyer’s needs advantage of in Southern and wants as well as relationship-management-3Oregon. As the agent, the ways-first-time-home-buyer-can. understanding the various REALTOR® needs to understand processes that the buyer will REALTOR® Mag goes into the these steps and avoid relationship part of working with a need to go through. The job(s) encouraging the buyer to go that the REALTOR® will do will first time homebuyer which is faster or create unneeded involve many hats and require really important and will be pressure to buy a house before different skill sets. But, if you discussed further in this article. they are ready. Doing that might understand the first time home push the desired home outside of buyer, then you will understand The first thing a first time home their monetary limits due to the buyer needs to do is to get their what it will take. fact that they were not able to financial house in order. They take advantage of certain need to verify that their credit is in programs. The REALTOR® 12 M ay 2 0 1 3 R E C o n n e ct needs to talk to their buyer and work with them to make sure that all options are being used so that the house of their dreams can become a reality. educate the buyer about ‘how much house their money can buy’ as well as the hidden pitfalls that might accompany a chosen house. Today’s ‘Y’ generation has access to information and Other Decision Makers they usually walk into a purchase First time home buyers might armed to the teeth with it. But, have money that is gifted to them that information can be the cause from their parents. The parents, of the disconnect that we who are acting as the protector mentioned earlier. This is where and helper, will allow their good the REALTOR® can show their intentions to steer the buyers expertise and gain the buyers away from a home that might trust. otherwise be perfect. Some parents will walk into a house Indecision and search for all the things that First time home buyers might not are wrong and need money to fix. truly know what they want. The They will criticize the location, the more houses they look at the price and usually anything that more confused the search they can think of. Where they process gets. They haven’t put a are trying to protect the buyer value or priority to the items on from making a mistake they are their list so everything is a actually making the process jumbled mess. As time harder by preventing the buyer progresses the decisions in what from seeing the aspects in the they want in a house are house that they truly like and incoherent or not possible at their ® desire. The REALTOR needs price level. This is where filling a to educate the parents by questionnaire at the beginning of keeping them in the loop and their search is important and helping the buyer focus on the educating them on the trade-offs positive aspects of the home. that they might have to make to Marginalizing the parents is not maximize their home purchase is the way to go, but gently important. Sitting them down correcting them when they are when you first meet them and wrong can be done. getting to know what they are looking for in a house can Education shorten the search process and First time home buyers are help you, as their agent, to weed usually wearing those rose out the listings that would never colored glasses that create a fit the buyers’ criteria. disconnect between hope and reality. The REALTOR® needs to WWW. S O M LS . C O M Pillar ofSupport First time home buyers are jumping into a mountain of debt and responsibility. The closer they get to the closing, the more questions that they will have. Do they want to be stuck in a mortgage for 3 years or 5 years and lose the freedom of moving? Do they want to have that constant worry of plumbing failing or roof leaking? This is where the REALTOR® needs to step up and be that pillar of support that reinforces the reasons that they choose this house. The REALTOR® needs to be that fountain of knowledge that will be the answer to all their nervous questions. First time home buyers are taking a big step in their life. They are choosing to settle down and get started in the next stage of their life. They want to feel the pride of homeownership. The REALTOR® has a great opportunity to be part of this experience. Some first time home buyers need their hand held, some just need the REALTOR® to unlock the door and schedule the closing timeline, and some need the preverbial hug at the end of every tough decision, but all need someone that can make this experience enjoyable and unforgettable. 13 Tech Tips By Loran Hughes 14 M ay 2 0 1 3 Help Desk S u p raWe b R E C o n n e ct 1 2 3 SupraWEB is an account that agents can create once they join the MLS. It is included in your MLS fee and gives you more options when it comes to your D-Key or eKey. This month we are giving a basic overview of SupraWEB and how it can save you time and the frustration. Update Code 1 you to use your D-Key for another day. Authorization Code (eKey) Data Field 3 The data field gives you information about who opened your keyboxes and showed your listings. If the showing agent has an email attached to their SupraWEB account, this will also appear. This button will be in a simliar position on the page. You can use this to generate an authorization code if you changed phones, reinstalled the app, or need a new code. SupraWEB is a tool to help you Either way, it is all available on manage your showing SupraWEB. information and keyboxes. If you can't update your D-Key via the cradle, you can click on Add Keybox2 This button is to add a keybox the update code button and it that you bought or are using for will generate the update code that you can input that will allow a listing. SupraWeb also allows you to manage your keyboxes, assign keyboxes to listings, find the shackle codes for the keyboxes in your inventory and lets you know who opened your keyboxes to view your listings. WWW. S O M LS . C O M 15 Neil Kelly Crew Tackles Lead-Laden Home By Jo Becker, Education/Outreach Specialist, Fair Housing Council Serving Oregon and SW Washington “It can’t be seen, it can’t be smelled, and it can’t be tasted, but if you own a home built before 1 978 chances are it is covered in lead paint.” So begins a brand new video posted on the Neil Kelly Remodeling Team’s YouTube channel and the message is clear, in many cases homes with lead paint are not DoIt-Yourself projects! You can view the ‘Don't Do It Yourself!video at Neil Kelly’s Home Performance Project Manager, Ken Pearson says, “There’s a lot of steps that have to be done and taken 16 seriously and followed, pretty much, to the letter.” And he should know, the company is the largest design-build remodeling company in the Northwest. 500 landlords. Seventy-three percent indicated they owned or managed pre-1 978 properties (over 9700 individual units, in fact) and almost all (91 %) knew that lead was highly dangerous, If you are considering a repair or especially for young children. renovation project that may However, far fewer knew other disturb a painted surface, beware! important information about lead You could put your, your family’s, in housing: and others’ health at risk. According to Oregon's Childhood 41 % are still not aware that Lead Poisoning Prevention HUD / EPA have required Program, a 43% of all lead disclosure in all units built poisoning cases are caused by prior to 1 978 (including use improper remodeling projects in of a specific brochure on the the home. subject) prior to many repairs or renovations made What’s more, if your project is as to pre-78 properties since small as six (6) square feet inside 2008. or twenty (20) feet on the exterior, federal law requires disclosure of 25%still don’tknow that possible lead-based paint hazards HUD and EPA have also to any residents and that those required lead disclosure (with doing the work be lead-safe use of a different brochure) certified. prior to contract since 1 996. In 201 1 -201 2 we surveyed over M ay 2 0 1 3 R E C o n n e ct 50% still didn't know HUD / EPA has required that many repairs or renovations must be done byacertified leadsafe contractor since 201 0. 37% still don’t know it has been illegal under the federal Fair Housing Act1 to deny housing to an applicant simply because there are children in the household (even in pre-1 978 properties) since 1 988. Renovate Right brochure shows an interiorshot ofa home; the predominant coloris pink. “RevisedSeptember2011” printedon its tan, backcover. Pre- repair Disclosure Form:… can be found inside the Pre-repair Pamphlet A s the insert at left foretells, when it comes to fixing up older homes that may have lead paint, strictly observing disclosure requirements and lead-safe practices is the only way to go! If leaving the work to the You can find and print the professionals like Neil Kelly requisite disclosure forms and ( sounds brochures for free online at: easier make sure the contractor Pre-contract Pamphlet: “Protect you hire is lead-safe certified. YourFamilyfrom Leadin Your To learn more about lead and find Home” where to get h ttp:// out your questions rary/enforcement/pyf_eng.pdf answered visit Pre-contract Disclosure Form lead2.htm. for Rentals: h ttp:// For information rary/enforcement/lesr_eng.pdf about familial Pre-contract Disclosure Form status protections and for Sales: housing law h ttp:// fair go to rary/enforcement/selr_eng.pdf Pre-repair Pamphlet: “Renovate families.htm. Right” w ightbrochure.pdf 1 Federally protected classes under the Fair Housing Act include: race, color, national origin, religion, sex, familial status (children), and disability. Oregon law also protects marital status, source of income, sexual orientation, and domestic violence survivors. Washington law covers martial status, sexual orientation, and domestic violence survivors, and honorably discharged veterans / military status. Additional protected classes have been added in particular geographic areas; visit and read the section entitled “View Local Protected Classes” for more information. Note that the original Renovate Right brochure shows the outside ofa house with a front lawn; the predominant color is green. “March 2008”printedon its green, backcover. The revised WWW. S O M LS . C O M 17 REALTOR® oftheYear Luncheon Jackson County 20 M ay 2 0 1 3 R E C o n n e ct WWW. S O M LS . C O M 21 Josephine County 22 M ay 2 0 1 3 R E C o n n e ct WWW. S O M LS . C O M 23 Our Affiliates American Family Insurance - Zach Bartlett Agency 663 A St Ashland, OR 97520 541 -488-0301 AmeriTitle 1 501 E. McAndrews Rd Medford, OR 97504 541 -779-7660 346 E. Main St. Ashland, OR 97520 541 -488-0778 Chase 3607 Crater Lake Ave Medford, OR 97504 541 -944-6987 Evergreen Federal Bank 501 Crater Lake Ave Medford, OR 97501 541 -779-1 1 65 Evergreen Home Loans 3200 Hillcrest Park Dr Medford, OR 97504 541 -779-6591 First American Title 1 225 Crater Lake Ave, Ste 1 01 Medford, OR 97504 541 -779-7250 Home Builders Association 1 1 06 E. Jackson Medford, OR 97504 541 -773-2872 IMortgage 3389 Crater Lake Hwy Medford, OR 97504 541 -646-3020 24 Mission Hills Mortgage 830 Alder Creek Dr., Suite B Medford, OR 97504 541 -773-1 853 Rogue Federal Credit Union P.O. Box 4550 Medford, OR 97501 541 -858-7330 Mortgage Express, LLC 1 N. Holly St. Medford, OR 97501 541 -245-4521 South Valley Bank & Trust 891 O'Hare Parkway Medford, OR 97504 541 -951 -9948 3350 1 /2 W. Main St Medford, OR 97501 541 -773-5744 North Pacific Financial Corp 1 322 E. McAndrews Rd., Ste 201 Medford, OR 97504 541 -770-2727 Sterling Savings Home Loan Div. 91 0 Town Centre Dr. Medford, OR 97504 541 -608-1 801 Ticor Title 1 555 E. McAndrews Rd., Ste 1 01 Medford, OR 97504 541 -779-281 1 Pacific Residential Mortgage 502 W. Main St., Ste 1 03 Medford, OR 97501 541 -773-31 31 Umpqua Bank, Medford 4000 S. Pacific Hwy Medford, OR 97501 541 -61 8-6730 Par Mortgage Inc 33 N. 1 st St Ashland, OR 97520 541 -482-5886 Valley Mortgage Group 609 E Jackson St Medford, OR 97504 541 -842-5606 Payne West Insurance 38 N. Central Ave #1 00 Medford, OR 97501 541 -482-5886 Washington Federal 1 590 Delta Waters Rd., #1 1 6 Medford, OR 97504 541 -858-01 84 People's Bank of Commerce 750 Biddle Rd Medford, OR 97504 541 -61 8-3320 Premier West Mortgage 1 455 E. McAndrews Rd Medford, OR 97504 541 -944-6987 Wells Fargo Home Mortgage 81 4 E Jackson St., Ste C Medford, OR 97504 541 -779-1 545 M ay 2 0 1 3 R E C o n n e ct Leadership RVAR President SOMLS President SOMLS Treasurer RVAR President Elect SOMLS President Elect SOMLS Past President RVAR Past President SOMLS Vice President Don Livingood Barbara Brown Andrea Mobley Calendar M on d ay Adam Bogle David Wright John Zupan Pam Lorange Rick Harris Check websites for times and locations Tu esd ay Wed n esd ay Th u rsd ay Fri d ay SOMLS / RVAR Staff Executive Officer Technology Officer Education Coordinator Loran Hughes Lance Carroll Executive Assistant Jamie Patterson Member & MLS Services Kim Robinson Tina Grimes WWW. S O M LS . C O M Bookkeeper JoAnne Henderson 25 Rogue Valley Association of REALTORS ® and Southern Oregon Multiple Listing Service 629 Franquette St. Medford Or, 97501 Phone: 541 770 7060 Fax: 541 770 71 1 1 The Voice ofREAL ESTATE®in the Rogue Valley website: Mission Statement The Rogue Valley Association of REALTORS ® (RVAR) protects and promotes the business interests of its membership through: development and delivery of programs, products and services designed to elevate members’ competence, professionalism and ethical standards; preserving the right to own, transfer and reasonably use real property; and enhancing the image of our members in the communities served. The Southern Oregon Multiple Listing Service provides timely, accurate data and innovative tools that assist REALTORS ® in delivering trusted, high quality services to real estate consumers. © 201 3 Rogue Valley Association of REALTORS®, Inc.
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