May 18, 2014 - Saint Andrew Parish


May 18, 2014 - Saint Andrew Parish
Saint Andrew Parish
a vibrant and caring Catholic community
Fifth Sunday of Easter
May 18, 2014
Please sign up for electronic
giving. Regularly scheduled
donations through electronic
givig help us budget better, and
it provides donors with accurate
records of their payments.
Please go to:
to sign up for automatic
Key in Saint Andrew Parish or
our zip 60657 and schedule your
regular parish donations. It’s that
Thank you for your
Mass Times
Daily mass in the Chapel (Addison/Hermitage)
Monday - Friday 9:00 am
Saturday 8:00 am
Sunday mass in Church (Addison/Paulina)
Saturday Vigil 4:00pm (Confessions at 3pm)
Sunday 8:00 am, 10:00am, 11:30 am & 5:30 pm
Holy Day Masses: 9 am & 7 pm in the Church.
There are no Vigil Masses for Holy Days.
Parish Office:
3546 N. Paulina Street, Chicago, IL 60657
Ph (773) 525-3016 Fax (773) 525-4124
School Office:
1710 W. Addison Street, Chicago IL 60613
Ph (773) 248-2500 Fax (773) 248-2709
May 18, 2014
Liturgical Ministries for May 24-25, 2014
Altar Servers
John Alessi
Colleen McFarland
Colleen McFarland
Marcia Vinzons
Finn Hoban
Andy Ingraffia
Chris McFarland
Kevin Nedved
Michaela Tudela
Kaitlyn Benkiser
Ali Donnelly
Rosemary Sarkisian
Machlan Collins
Cambell Nofsinger Michaela Tudela
Nicole Marquez
Gwen Totaro
C2 Ellen Totaro
H1a Angel Villar
Albert Di Zenzo
Justin Power
Karen Siciliano
Cathy Keller
Bonnie Villar
Greg Beatty
Rafael Perello
Danny Auro
Maria Perello
Rafael Perello
Jeannie Hopf
Marie Wojdeslki
Emily Matus
Dan Tucci
Vinnie Lacey
John O’Connor
Financials 5/11/2014
Envelope, Check, EFT
Year to Date: 7-01-13 to 6-30-2014
Catholic Charities
Visit for electronic
giving. Questions? Contact the Parish Office!
Please pray for World Peace, Our Men and Women
in Military Service and their families:
Joey Brown
Michael Rosales
Jerome Zwick
Alex Wilscke
Charles Wilson
Jon Miller
Joshua Cordoba
Tim Brown
Tim Chambers
Casey McDonald
Eric Herrera
Louis Martinez
Victor Torres
Jim &
& Tricia
Brando Barnes
Faith Costello
Pedro Medero
Jose Medero
Mary Jo
& Phil
Conner Dalton
Kristina Dalton
Dan Tucci
Annual Catholic Appeal Pledges 2013
Pledge envelopes returned Current total pledged
Total received
Total balance due
Parish Staff:
Pastor: Reverend Sergio Romo
Associate Pastor: Reverend S. Arokiadoss
Pastoral Associate: Rachel Caron
Ministry Coordinator: Nathaniel Stubblefield
Young Adult Ministry Coordinator: Vincent Lacey
Business Manager: Esperanza Benavides
Events/Drews Dollars: Julie Richards
Secretaries: Christina O’Malley, Joanne Signa
Receptionist: Danielle Scardina
Dir. of Music/Young Adult Choir Dir: Jonathan Treble
School Administration:
Principal: Allen Ackermann
Assistant Principal: Sarah Casavechia
Athletic Director: Matthew Pope
Curriculum Coordinators:
Michelle Roberts & Maribeth Lynch
Engineer: Alfred Benkiser
May 18, 2014
Dougla E. Guziec
Ellen IAriathurai
Emily Matlak
Evan Lines
Andrew Daugherty
Florence Cipolla
Ann Alesi
Ann Strasbaugh
Grace Brett
Brian Ondyak
Henry Boyer
Cara Crews
Henry Donovan
Christina Velazquez
James Malecek
Daniel Krietz
Javad Khazaeli
Daniel Thomas
Jeff Filippelli
Time Mass Intentions
Jeffrey Piejak
All Deceased of the Parish
All Deceased of the Parish
10:00 +Abdon Bray * +Ernesto Villacarlos
11:30 All Deceased of the Parish
5:30 All Deceased of the Parish
Jennifer Weinacht
Julianne Matthews
Kate Meyers
Katie Jamieson
Katie Riesmeyer
Kay Hague
Kim Castro
Laura Northam
Lucy Platt
Manuel Garcia
Margaret O’Brien
Martin White
Mary Kavanagh
Megan A. Dillow
Melanie Radosta
Michael Duffy
Michael Spingola
Morgan Hobbs
Noa Bloodworth
Patricia Bombard
Patty Manzano
Robert Ott
Will Graham
Xavier Stubblefield
ACTS 6:1-7
PS 33:1-2, 4-5, 18-19
1 PT 2:4-9
JN 14:1-12
All Deceased of the Parish
ACTS 14:5-18; PS 115:1-4, 15-16; JN 14:21-26
All Deceased of the Parish
ACTS 14:19-28; PS 145:10-13, 21; JN14:27-31a
Wednesday 9:00
All Deceased of the Parish
ACTS15:1-6; PS 122:1-2-5; JN 15:1-8
All Deceased of the Parish
ACTS 13:13-25; PS 89:2-3, 21-22, 25 &27; JN13:16-20
All Deceased of the Parish
ACTS 13:26-33; PS 2:6-11; JN 14:1-6
All Deceased of the Parish
ACTS 13:44-52; PS 98:1-4; JN 14:7-14
Intentions for next weekend: , Saturday May24 4:00 pm All Deceased of the Parish:Sunday May 25, 800 am All
Deceased of the Parish 10:00 am + Mary Ogarek 11:30 +William McCarthy CPD 5:30 pm All Deceased of the Parish
~Sacramental Schedules~
Confessions: Saturday 3:00-3:45 pm or by
Marriage: By appointment with the Pastor,
6 to 9 months in advance
Baptisms: 1st and 3rd Sunday after the 11:30am
Mass (in the Church) Call the Office to Schedule.
Baptism Prep Classes: The last Sunday of the
month at 11:00am (in the Chapel)
Families with one child already Baptized do not
need to attend this class. Contact Chris O’Malley or
Joanne Signa at the Parish Office.
Job Outreach Ministry
The Job Outreach Ministry seeks to help those
looking for work or seeking a change in employment.
For assistance please contact Jennifer Smith at to get help looking for
work or to assist others in need.
Parish Prayer Line
If you would like to ask for prayers from
the Prayer Line please email prayerline@ or call 872-588-1016
(local call) to leave your intention. To join as a
person who prays for the needs of the Parish call
or email as well!
May 18, 2014
Parish News, Events & Activities
Last weekend’s celebration of Mothers Day, along with Fathers Day, recognizes the great
contributions and sacrifices that parents make when they raise a family. Over the past few
years we have seen an increase in the number of young families that have settled into the
neighborhood and have become members of our church and school. We give thanks to God
for this great gift, for they bring a very necessary and irreplaceable vitality to our community.
When we see young families it’s easy for us to think of the many joyous moments that are
a part of their lives, such as the first Christmas, first words, learning to walk, etc. Beyond
these happy moments though, we may not give much thought to the less joyous moments,
such as sleepless nights, teething, etc. Being a first time parent can be especially stressful
since everything is so new. As we all know, children do not come with a manual. So much of
what parents learn about being parents, they learn as they go along. Typically, when things
become too overwhelming for young parents other family members and friends are able to
step in and lend a hand, give the parents a night out, or offer an empathic ear.
Recently though, I realized that a good number of our young families at Saint Andrew are
recent transplants. Either because of school or work they have settled in our community and
they have no family close by to help support them in their new role as parents. When things
get difficult for them, when they feel overwhelmed, whom do they turn to for help? What is
the proper pastoral response Saint Andrew Parish can give to young families?
One response that immediately comes to mind is that of hospitality. Saint Andrew Parish
has always been known as a welcoming community. That sense of welcome is extended
to everyone, from the very young to the very old. At Mass, it is especially important that we
make parents with young children feel welcome at Saint Andrew. It should be expected that
there will be occasions when a child will cry or be disruptive during Mass. As a welcoming
parish that supports young families we should never offer criticism or a condemning glare.
To do so would only add to the stress parents are already feeling. Instead, we can offer a
compassionate gaze, a smile, and words of encouragement like, “I’ve been there” or “hang in
As a parish we all are on a journey together on the path of faith that will ultimately lead us
to heaven. This journey is not just about Sunday Mass and the Sacraments. This journey
encompasses the entirety of our lives. How then will we as a parish journey together with
new parents at Saint Andrew? To begin to answer that question I would like to initiate a
ministry for new families at Saint Andrew. I don’t know what format this ministry should take,
but I would hope that one of the goals of the ministry would be for new parents to feel that
they are not alone, that they can turn to Saint Andrew Parish for support. I welcome any
suggestions parishioners may have on what this ministry might look like. Parents can offer
much wisdom here from their lived experiences. Please email me at with your thoughts.
Fr. Sergio Romo
May 18, 2014
Parish News, Events & Activities
who has received 1st Communion and are
at least 18 years old or older but haven’t yet
celebrated the Sacrament of Confirmation
and would like to be Confirmed? If so, you are
invited to take part in an Adult Confirmation
Prep Program offered at host sites throughout
the Archdiocese this Spring. Contact Rachel
Caron at the Parish Office
( or
773-525-3016) for more information!
Hymnal Donation Success
The parish donated a total of $3,600 in
hymnal dedications. Thank you for your
generous support, this has covered
more than a third of the new hymnal
Parishioners who wish to dedicate
additional hymnals may donate through
the front office, labels will be printed
and inserted quarterly over the next
year. Thank you for supporting our
music ministry.
Wedding Banns
Christopher Hames and Maria Ruiz III
Become active in our Faith
For questions on how to getinvolved in various ministry opportunities
at Saint AndrewParish, please contact Nathaniel Stubblefield at 773 369
7682 or
Lectors | EMs | Greeters | Altar Servers | More
May 18, 2014
Parish News, Events & Activities
JANUARY 18-27, 2015
Led by Fr. Sergio Romo
If you are interested in making a pilgrimage to the Holy Land, please let Fr. Sergio know soon..
We need to make sure we have enough people willing to go to make this work. Once we know
we have enough interest, we will arrange a meeting with the tour operator for more information.
Please note thate the full payment of the trip is not due until November 5, 2014
Day 1, Jan. 18 -Depart Chicago on your way to Tel-Aviv.
Day 2, Jan. 19 -Arrive at Ben-Gurion Airport where your representative greets you and gives you an
introduction about the forthcoming trip. Proceed to our hotel in the Galilee for the overnight stay.
Day 3, Jan. 20 - Today we tour the Sea of Galilee region; The Mount of the Beatitudes - site of the Sermon
on the Mount and Tabgha - site of the feeding of the multitudes. Visit Capernaum- celebrate Mass on top
of Simon Peter’s House. Take a boat ride across the Sea of Galilee and enjoy a St. Peter’s fish lunch on its
shores. In the Afternoon you may renew of baptismal vows in the Jordan River. Back to our hotel for
the overnight stay.
Day 4, Jan 21 - This morning we drive to visit Cana site of the first miracle. On to Nazareth to visit the
magnificent Church of the Annunciation built on top of the Virgin Mary’s House - where we shall celebrate
our daily Mass. In the Afternoon Visit the newly excavated Beth Shean - capital of Roman Palestine - and a
city within the “Decapolis”.
Day 5, Jan. 22 - Ascend to the top of Mount Tabor - the site of the Transfiguration - where we celebrate
Mass. Continue via Meggido - Armagedon and Mt Carmel to Caesarea Maritima where St. Paul was
imprisoned and Cornelius baptized to see the Roman theatre, the aqueduct and the Crusader ruins. Ascend
to Jerusalem for the overnight stay.
May 18, 2014
Parish News, Events & Activities
Day 6, Jan. 23 - Begin our journey in nearby Bethlehem to visit the ancient Church of Nativity where we
shall celebrate Mass. Enjoy your shopping in a Bethelhem bazaar. Visit Manger Square and the beautiful
Shepherds’ Fields. Return to Jerusalem to visit Mt of Olives and the church of Peter in Gallicantu (cockcrowing), built over the palace of the high priest Caiaphas. Overnight in Jerusalem
Day 7, Jan. 24 - Today we explore Mt. Zion to see David’s Tomb, the Room of the Last Supper and the
Dormition Abbey - site of the Assumption of the Virgin. Walk into the old city of Jerusalem. Visit the various
quarters and the underground excavations. See the Temple ruins and the Western Wall amidst the buildings
of old Jerusalem. Later continue along the Via Dolorosa to the Church of the Holy Sepulcher for our daily
Mass. Overnight stay in Jerusalem.
Day 8, Jan. 25 - Early start... with Mass celebration at the Garden of Gethsemane. Continue our journey
to the lowest point on Earth; the Dead Sea area. Drive to Masada, site of the Jewish zealots’ last stand
against the Romans. See the Qumran Caves, where the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered and enjoy a
floating experience in the Dead Sea. Visit Jericho to view Zacheus’s Tree, Elisha’s spring and the Mount of
Temptation. Back to Jerusalem for an overnight stay.
Day 9, Jan. 26 - Morning at leisure. Your guide directs you to places you may visit at your own pace, or do
your last shopping. Afternoon drive to Jaffa, to visit St. Peter’s Church - House of Simon the Tanner. Enjoy
our farewell dinner. Back to our hotel for the overnight stay.
Day 10, Jan. 27 – Morning transfer to the airport for our flight back home. Same day arrival to ORD Airport.
* itinerary is subject to change
Cost Inclued:
*Round Trip airfare ORD/Tel Aviv*
*All transfers and luggage handling in Israel
*Accomodation in First Class hotels: Dbl. occupancy
*Breakfast and dinner daily
*Hotel taxes and service charge
*Sightseeing in deluxe motor-coach with a professional English speaking licensed tour guide
*Personal earphones for touring
*Entrance feeds to all sites per itinerary
*Boat ride across the Sea of Galiliee
*Complimentary St. Peter’s Fish lunch
*Farwell dinner on last evening in Israel Not included in cost:
*Airlines departure taxes and fuel surcharge (as of March 2014: $490 per ticket. Final amound to be determined on ticketin date)
Gratuities to Guide, Bus Driver and Hotel Staff (suggested $90 per participant
Optional Travelers Insurance coverage
Package price per person, double room occupancy:
Credit card payment: $2,806. For check payment: $2,698 *
Package price per person, single room occupancy:
Credit card payment: $3,456. For check payment: $3,323*
* Excluding Airlines departure taxes and fuel surcharge
Due at time of registration $350
Balance payment due on November 5, 2014
May 18, 2014
School News
May 18, 2014
School News
More First Communion Memories
May 18, 2014
Community News & Activities
May 18, 2014
Community News & Activities
Have we got a lot going on. We have updated the calendar with a few changes and have attached
some great flyers
In a nutshell
May 9 – Lasagna Nite at the Post
May 13 – World Premier Screening of documentary about our participant Barry Bruner’s amazing life
May 14 – Jewelry Class
May 16 – We Love Life Party Dec 16 (flyer to come tomorrow)
May 19 Book Club
May 20 Old Time Radio Planning Meeting
May 26 – Memorial Day – Center is Closed
May 30 Burger Nite at Tattler Post
June 22 – LITFEST
Don’t miss these and other great events
We need donations for our upcoming LITFEST – that came be used for our Basket Raffles and for our
We are looking for anything tea – tea pots, teacups, teaspoons, tea cozies, stirrers, vintage clean
tablecloths, wine, tiered servers; white elephant items; new and slightly used but not abused items,
wine glasses, Books for our book sale,
Items can be brought to the senior center anytime now thru beginning of June. Please put them in a
box or bag with your name, address and phone # to my attention
Liza Martin
North Center Satellite Senior Center
4040 N. Oakley
Chicago, IL 60618
312-744-8812 fax
A Collaboration between City of Chicago
Department of Family and Support Services
Senior Services Area Agency on Aging
Fundraising while you shop!
Thank you for your participation in the Drew’s
Dollars gift card program! Orders are once again
due on Monday mornings. You can drop them off
at the RECTORY or SCHOOL offices. You can
pick up your orders on Thursday mornings at the
RECTORY or SCHOOL office. We will continue to
have the usual Jewel, Target, Starbucks, Walgreens,
CVS, Dunkin Donuts and iTunes on hand at the
rectory for purchase. Please email Julie Richards at if you have
any questions. Thanks for making this program so
May 18, 2014
May 18, 2014
Parish Registration
Parishioner Registration Form
Saint Andrew Parish community welcomes you. As a member of the parish your registration is very important to us. Being a
registered member of the parish is especially important when you need to receive the Sacraments of Baptism, Matrimony or the
Anointing of the Sick.
Please fill out to register or to change your address or phone number and return to the Parish Office, the collection basket or
the U.S. mail. You may also register online at
Check one: ____ New
____ Change of address/phone ______moving - please remove from parish list
Adult #1 in Household
Occupation: ___________________________________________
Last name
Mr. and Mrs., Mr., Ms., Mrs., Miss
First name
Middle Initial
Zip code
Home phone
Work phone
Birthdate: ____/____/____ Religion:_______________ Single/Married/Divorced:_________________
Adult #2 in Household Spouse ______or _____________________________________________
Last name
Mr. and Mrs., Mr., Ms., Mrs., Miss
First name
Middle Initial
Home phone
Work phone
Occupation: ____________________________ Birthdate: ____/____/____ Religion:_______________
Other Members in Household
First name only
(if same last name)
Sacraments Y/N
Bap Com Conf
or School
__________ I would like information regarding Saint Andrew School
__________ I would like information regarding the Religious Education programs at Saint Andrew Parish