January 13, 2016 - The Pictou Advocate


January 13, 2016 - The Pictou Advocate
News • P2
Winter Farmer's Market opens
News • P3
100 Women announce charities
Sports • P10
Athletes raise their game
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Lunch & Dinner!
Wednesday, January 13, 2016 Vol. 123, No. 2
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Support continues
for refugee families
From the left, Jim
McKenna, Sarah
MacIntoshWiseman and Debi
MacIntosh clean up
donated children’s
toys for the two
Syrian families that
will be arriving in
New Glasgow.
By Debbi Harvie
(Harvie photo)
Open arms
Safe Harbour ready to welcome two families
By Debbi Harvie
County Safe Harbour is ready
to welcome two Syrian refugee
families with open arms.
After a short few months of
fundraising, the group has
raised enough funds to bring in
two families to the New
Glasgow area, and they aren’t
stopping there.
“We have been matched
with two families,” explains
Sarah MacIntosh-Wiseman
with Pictou County Safe
Harbour. “We are waiting for
the government to send us
the final paperwork and then
we will just be awaiting the
MacIntosh-Wiseman says it
could be a very quick turnaround, depending on where
the family is at this point in
“If the families are already
in Canada it could be a matter
of days once the paperwork is
complete,” she says excitedly.
The two families Safe
Harbour has chosen are Syrian
refugees who have been living
in Jordan.
“We are making sure that
we are ready (for their arrival)
just in case it’s short notice.”
The two families that will be
coming are related and have
asked that they be matched
Continued on page 5
Gennoe contends MOU comments
were his only, not council's
By Steve Goodwin
Gennoe sought Monday to
address reaction over comments
he made in a 2016 outlook article
published in last week’s
Gennoe began the Stellarton
Council I meeting on Monday by
reading a brief statement in an
effort to explain his remarks.
“Following the article in the
Pictou Advocate on January 6,
2016, I would like to clarify that
the opinion in that article reflected
my own and not the will of the
Stellarton Town Council,” he
"This opinion does not reflect
the majority vote of the Stellarton
Town Council, which agreed to a
study of regional government for
Pictou County called the
Memorandum of Understanding
(MOU). The Stellarton Town
Council continues to support its
initial decision to study the possi-
bility of a regional government in
the area.”
Gennoe offered no other comment after the meeting, nor did
other council members.
“That’s our agreed statement,”
Coun. Judith MacLellan said.
Coun. Simon Lawand was
absent from Monday’s meeting.
The only other comment on the
matter came from town resident
Brian Atkinson during open forum
that usually follows the completion of regular business.
“It’s nice to have someone on
my side on this issue,” Atkinson
said, referring to Gennoe. “I find it
very disconcerting.”
He said he’s concerned about
his taxes rising if there is amalgamation.
Gennoe raised his concerns
last week when municipal leaders
were asked to share the best of
2015 and hopes for 2016 with The
Advocate. Gennoe spoke about
“going down the wrong path” by
pursuing the MOU process and
regional government, and said
the rural municipality and five
towns already have “a long, proven history of co-operation.”
He also said taxes would rise
due to an enlarged bureaucracy
and the loss of provincial funding
and added members of the MOU
steering team “appear to have
missed the whole point of the
Ivany Commission report pertaining to municipalities.”
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Warden Ronald Baillie, who
chairs the MOU steering committee, said Gennoe is one of its members because he was appointed by
Stellarton’s council and one of the
committee’s terms is that it consists of the mayors and warden
and one other elected representative from each municipality.
“He was appointed by the
Town of Stellarton,” Baillie said.
“We agree with the appointment
until they want a change. We’re
willing to work with Joe and continue on.”
Baillie said the committee has
not been asked to change those
terms. “We’ve never been asked to
emend the MOU for that part, so it
will stay the same until a request is
made and we would look at it.”
Currently, the steering committee is compiling an amalgamated budget and related information to submit to the Utility and
Review Board by Jan. 20.
No dates have been set for further public consultation or other
of Industry was buzzing with
excitement last week as volunteers
met to inventory donated items to
Safe Harbour: A Pictou County
Safe Harbour has been collecting household items, clothing and
children’s toys for two Syrian refugee families that will be arriving in
New Glasgow soon.
Jim McKenna, a volunteer with
Safe Harbour, put a call out on the
group’s Facebook page last week
requesting assistance in going
through the donated items and
within minutes had 19 people on
“We took the first 12 people to
come out and help us see what we
have in gaps for furniture, clothing and household items,” he
Response from the community
has been overwhelming in terms
of support and donations, says
Sarah MacIntosh-Wiseman with
Safe Harbour.
The Museum of Industry has
offered its facility to store the
donated items until they are ready
to be placed in the families’ homes.
So far, they have more than two
full rooms of items.
“If we reach a point where we
don’t need any more items, whatever we don’t use will be re-donated back into the community,”
explains MacIntosh-Wiseman. “So
nothing will go to waste.”
She is overwhelmed with the
community support and involvement.
“People have done whatever
they can to help. A woman in the
Valley is making backpacks full of
items for the children for school,
it’s just incredible.”
Crombie has also donated
retail space to set up the clothes for
the families so they can choose
what they would like to have and
Travel Lodge as well as Glen
Haven Manor have donated laundry services to clean all of the
donated clothing.
“This perfectly reflects how
our community comes together in
McKenna says they have
received a lot of kitchen items,
especially table settings and flatware, but there are still some gaps
in items they require.
“We are still in need of bed
frames, pots, frying pans, a crib...
stuff like that,” he notes.
MacIntosh-Wiseman adds,
“Things like mattresses, couches,
duvets, anything that is upholstered, we are going to purchase
new for the family so we do not
need any of these items donated.”
She also notes that although
the Halifax centre set up to receive
donations has closed, Safe Harbour
is still collecting donations and
CAiRN, Communities Assisting
Refugees Now in Pictou, will be
collecting in the very near future.
“We still have two full houses
to furnish, possibly more. There is
lots more to be collected.”
McKenna adds, “We are asking for new or gently used items.
The rule of thumb we have been
using is that if you wouldn’t use it
in your home, we are not expecting these families arriving in
Canada to use it.”
Items Safe Harbour are not collecting include the previously
mentioned mattresses, pillows
and upholstered items, as well as
electronics and appliances.
Items the group is in need of
include clothes hangers as well as
racks; if there are any businesses
willing to lend the racks, they will
be returned after use.
“Donations can be dropped off
at the Museum of Industry. The
staff here have been so great,” says
MacIntosh-Wiseman. “They have
done small repairs on some of the
furniture and have even gone out
to pick up items for those that cannot drop them off. Everyone has
been just wonderful, it’s amazing.”
The best way to stay up to date
on Safe Harbour is through their
Facebook page, Pictou County
Safe Harbour.
Marlene Jensen found some hidden treasures last weekend at
the CAiRN clothing sale at Pictou United Church. Proceeds went
toward helping CAiRN bring a refugee family to Pictou. CAiRN
and Safe Harbour are working for the same cause.
(Brimicombe photo)
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2 Community
The Advocate
January 13, 2016
Winter Carnivals begin:
North End hosting this weekend
a predator
that winter has finally arrived,
towns in the county are taking
full advantage by hosting various winter carnivals.
The kickoff to the winter carnival season was last weekend
with the Town of New Glasgow's
Chill-Out event and continues
this weekend with the North
End Recreation Centre's Winter
The winter carnival begins
on Friday, Jan. 15, with a family
torch parade at 6:15 p.m. leaving from the former Acadia
Street School. The parade continues to the North End Rec
Centre where hot chocolate and
chocolate chip cookies will be
From 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the
centre is a free family skate, hel-
County native makes it his mission
to set traps for Internet predators
By Heather Brimicombe
ooking around him on the
train they were everywhere. No matter where Justin
Payne looked he saw them; the
men trying to lure children online.
Everyone sitting around him
matched the description of someone that had messaged Payne's
fake online profile hoping that
11-year-old “Jessica” would meet
up with them.
Fighting a panic attack, Payne
got off the train before his stop.
Since the New Glasgow native
began posing as an 11- or 12-yearold boy or girl on online dating
websites, Payne has been getting
lots of messages from those interested in meeting up or some blatantly looking for sexual favours
from the “child.”
“I just decided to try it,” Payne
said about how he began what
some may call “catfishing” which
means to lure someone into a
type of relationship with a fictional online persona.
Although everything he had
been working on before had been
comedic prank videos and videos
focused on making people laugh,
Payne said he no longer thinks he
could go back to making those
videos. He said his heart was big
and focused on making people
laugh back then; he has a different perspective now.
The first time he arranged to
meet with one of the predators, a
50-year-old man thought he was
meeting 13-year-old Jessica for a
not so innocent purpose.
“I couldn’t stop after that,” he
Payne confronted the man,
and has since set up meetings as a
young boy or girl, noting in the
first few messages that he is (pretending to be) 11, 12 or 13 years
In one of his first videos,
“When a pedophile strikes” you
can hear a nervous Payne explaining an encounter that he had,
visibly shaken by the experience
and explaining that he felt numb
and sick to his stomach, holding
back tears.
“Better me to be fu**ed up
emotionally than someone else,”
said Payne in the video.
“It just started me having this
in mind of how I wanted this to
go,” he said. After running the
idea by a few people to see what
they thought, a friend gave Payne
photos of his now adult daughter
when she was a child so he could
use them to create the profiles.
Although there are many videos of his confrontations on his
YouTube channel or Facebook
page, Payne said he has confronted far more than those in the
videos and heard everything
from blatant denial to some
breaking down and crying,
admitting to what they intended
to do. He estimates he has confronted at least 260 people seeking to meet up with a child.
Since posting his first video,
Payne has had an overwhelming
response to what he’s doing –
ranging from praise and support
by parents, to outright death
threats by those who do not
“If they’re willing to do it
online then they’re willing to do it
with a friend’s kid,” Payne said.
“I’ve literally asked that question,” he went on, saying that
some have admitted that they
would approach a friend’s child.
In some videos the person admitted to having children themselves.
“That’s my biggest fear, is for
their families,” he said.
When meeting up with the
predators, as Payne calls them, he
said that from meeting online,
moving on to texting right up to
when he confronts the person can
take anywhere from 25 minutes
to three days or so.
“A lot of these guys have
asked to come to the school,” said
Payne about when he tells them
that he is “in school” during the
daytime. “That’s like walking
into a bank with a gun. It’s some
kind of fantasy played out in this
guy’s mind that makes him confident,” he said.
In terms of the legality of the
actions Payne is taking, he has
had his run ins with police.
“I can't speak to the legality of
the actions taken by people online
who "pose" as a victim and try to
attract pedophiles in order to
expose them,” said RCMP Const.
Mark Skinner, media relations
officer. “Police would like to
advise that any actions or behaviour such as this can be very risky
and dangerous to everyone
involved and would not advise of
such activity. The best course of
action would be to report the incident to the police in the local
jurisdiction for their investigation
and follow up. “
Payne was sure to note that
while on a recent trip home for
the holidays, although he had
intended to take the time off and
enjoy the holidays with his family, while in Pictou County his
false profiles received lots of messages from people in the area
looking to meet young 'Jessica.'
Payne did not respond to any
messages but he recalls receiving
More time needed
for new band office
By Steve Goodwin
Justin Payne, Pictou county native and now an Ontario resident, spends most of his days messaging and meeting up with
adults who try to lure children over the Internet. Payne has
made it his mission to confront these individuals and post vid(Submitted photo)
eos about it on his popular YouTube channel.
sAfeTy TIps
• Ensure you computer is
placed in a common area.
• Children should check with
a parent/guardian before sending or posting any photographs
to the Internet.
• Establish rules for children’s
use of the Internet.
• Internet access should
always be monitored.
• Install anti-virus and spyware to protect your computer
from viruses and hackers.
• Avoid sharing personal
information about yourself or
your family on the Internet.
• Don’t open emails if you are
unsure of the sender.
• Ignore instant messages
them from people of all ages.
“In 2015, there have been 49
complaints made to the RCMP in
Nova Scotia. This stat does not
include areas policed by municipal agencies nor the HRM area,”
said Skinner. “Two of the 49 complaints originated from Pictou
As for Payne and his videos,
from unknown senders.
• The Internet is a public
place. Information that is shared
or sent can be viewed by anyone.
• People are not always who
they say they are. Be cautious of
information that is posted to
social media sites or in chat
• Parents should make themselves familiar with Internet
• If your children meet someone on the Internet and they ask
to meet them in person, it is
important for you to learn details
about this person and accompany them to the meeting. You
may even contact local police if
you have concerns about the
person requesting the meeting.
– RCMP Const. Mark Skinner
he plans to continue them and
keep posting to his social media
channel for now, confronting one
predator at a time.
“When I started doing videos
I never thought I’d be doing this
sort of thing,” he said.
Visit https://www.youtube.
com/user/canadaohyayaya to
see Payne in action.
From the left, Municipality
of Pictou County Warden
Ron Baillie, New Glasgow
Mayor Barrie MacMillan
and Farmers Market
President Melissa
Zimmerman cut the ribbon
to officially open the new
winter building for the
New Glasgow Farmers
Market on Saturday at the
New Glasgow Chill-Out
(Brimicombe photo)
Farmers market winter building opened
By Heather Brimicombe
Saturday morning’s weather
suited this year’s Chill-Out
event at the New Glasgow
Farmers Market with a chilly
The real star of the day, however, was the New Glasgow
Farmers Market winter building, which celebrated the official
grand opening the same day.
A large crowd of about
1,500 milled through the market picking up groceries and
other goods from local vendors and enjoying the new
Kelti Butler, executive director of Farmers Markets of Nova
Scotia, attended the event and
was thrilled to see customers
lined up even before the market opened, waiting to shop.
“They were basically ready
and waiting,” said Butler.
mets required, with fireworks at
7 p.m.
The fireworks are said to be
the biggest to date supplied by
Fireworks FX and set off by the
New Glasgow Fire and Rescue.
There will also be a canteen
available throughout the night
with hot dogs and snacks for
The festivities wrap up on
Saturday, Jan. 16, with a pancake breakfast at the rec centre.
The breakfast, from 8 to 11
a.m., consists of chocolate chip
or regular pancakes, sausage
and a drink for $5, children can
eat for $3 or $15 for a family.
There will also be 50/50 tickets sold at the breakfast.
For more information visit
the Facebook event North End
Rec Winter Carnival 2016.
The New Glasgow Farmers
Market is now only one of
seven farmers markets in the
Farmers Markets of Nova Scotia
Co-op that operate during the
winter months. In all, there are
24 markets in the co-op and
about 40 overall in the province, according to Butler.
“In Nova Scotia we have
the highest number of farm
markets per capita,” she said.
Continued on page 4
She noted that one of her
favourite parts of the New
Glasgow Market is the music
that is always a part of the market.
To celebrate the grand opening there was also a ribbon cutting ceremony to christen the
new building. Mayor Barrie
MacMillan, with the help of
Warden Ron Baillie, cut the ribbon, followed by New Glasgow
town crier Jim Stewart making
it official.
will take longer than expected
to integrate the energy efficiencies into the construction
of a new Pictou Landing First
Nation band office, Jack Kyte
The executive director of
the Pictou County Chamber of
Commerce says the construction and energy partners needed more time to complete the
novel project, which he hopes
will be ready by early spring.
He said the integrated energy
required design modifications
that will increase the project’s
construction time.
“That’s something we didn’t
project,” he said. “We’re all so
excited about this that, in our
enthusiasm, we did not foresee
things like this that might happen. We’re saying let’s get it
right. The potential is so great
for this there’s a good reason
for us to take our time.”
Chief Andrea Paul said the
construction delays are worth it
if the result is a modern, energy
efficient facility.
“It’s been a learning curve,”
she said. “We have to look at
this as an opportunity. I’m really excited about the project.”
The chamber is leading the
project whose partners include
the First Nations, as well as the
local fabrication company
MacGregors Industrial Group
and PoleCo, a Halifax-based
renewable energy engineering
company. Those three partners
are also contributing financially to the project.
The project received $58,500
in federal funding through
ACOA as part of an announcement made early last year. It
was seen as a marketing tool
for potential sales in Canada to
combat high energy costs and
construction challenges, such
as in the Far North.
The new band office will
replace the previous one that
was abandoned due to health
concerns. It will house services
that have been scattered
around the community since
the previous office was closed.
Dave MacGregor, manager
of business development for
MacGregors Industrial Group,
had earlier hoped to have the
building closed in by the end
of 2015.
PoleCo is supplying the
solar panels for the building,
which will also have back-up
from a battery and a generator
with a heat recovery component. The building will have a
pitched roof in order to mount
the solar panels on its south
Kyte said the new building’s floor is finished, something he said also took longer
due to the in-floor heating and
other features that combine
modern construction technique
and design with state-of-theart energy efficiency.
He said the building can be
erected quickly once the energy efficiency materials arrive.
MacGregors’ prefabricated
modular construction techniques allow for quick installation of the building portion.
“The integrated management system is new to us and
will take a lot of time to put
together and send to us,” he
said. “We’re getting wall parts
ready that will be going up
The Pictou Advocate
The Advocate
January 13, 2016
courT brIefs
McCulloch centre volunteer Donna Bullerwell
shows off tags listing
the three non-profit
organizations that were
chosen last week to
present and have a
chance to win the donation from the upcoming
100 Women Who Care
Senior admits to sex charges
PICTOU – A Stellarton man
appeared in Pictou Provincial
Court Monday, facing charges of
a sexual nature against a minor.
Lief Ropche Aoss, 75, is facing
charges of touching a minor and
sexual assault from March to
August 1997 in New Glasgow as
well as charges from April 2012 to
October 15, 2015 in Stellarton for
two counts of accessing child pornography, possession of child
pornography as well as careless
storage of a firearm.
Aoss pleaded guilty to the
careless storage charge as well as
two counts of possession of child
pornography; two of the same
charges were dropped.
He entered not guilty pleas to
the one count of sexual assault
and touching a minor.
Aoss will return June 9 for his
trial at Pictou Provincial court.
(Brimicombe photo)
Man admits to possession
PICTOU – A 22-year-old
Trenton man entered a guilty plea
Monday in Pictou Provincial
Court to a drug charge.
Connor Reid McClellan of
Trenton was charged with one
count of possession of cannabis,
less than 3 kg, in August.
McClellan will return to court
March 1 for his sentencing.
Accused denies theft charge
PICTOU – A Trenton man
denies he stole money and used
In Pictou Provincial Court
Monday, Damien Lee Odo, 19,
was charged with stealing money
and using violence against a person as well as entering a house
with the intent to commit an
indictable offence.
Odo pleaded not guilty; he
will return June 7 for his trial.
Three charges levied
A 43-year-old
Stellarton man appeared in Pictou
Provincial Court on Monday
morning on three separate
Joseph Anthony O’Donnell is
facing one count of break and
enter, one count of assault and
one count to cause bodily harm.
He will return to court May 24 for
a preliminary inquiry for the
break and enter charge.
100 Women Who Care
gearing up for second generous donation
By Heather Brimicombe
With 16 brand new cages
and some vet bills paid off, the
SPCA of Pictou County is proof
of the benefits of the 100
Women Who Care Pictou
County chapter.
As the benefactors of the
group's inaugural meeting, the
SPCA has been able to purchase much needed cages and
help the animals they rescued
from abusive situations.
“I think they're a bunch of
amazing women,” said SPCA's
Agnes Leavitt about members
of the county's 100 Women
Who Care group.
The Pictou County Chapter
of 100 Women Who Care are
getting ready to make their second donation to a community
organization at their January 21
meeting at Trinity United
Church in New Glasgow. A
social starts at 5 p.m. with the
business meeting beginning at
6 p.m. The group – which now
boasts 103 members – has
drawn the names for the next
three organizations they will
November 30 2014 with police
attending the scene after a
9-1-1 call that afternoon. The
17-year-old victim was briefly
hospitalized with no major
injuries and was released the
next morning.
Clifford will return to Pictou
Provincial Court on March 3
for his sentencing to allow time
for a presentence report to be
By Debbi Harvie
news brIefs
County awards tender
for two new lift stations
PICTOU – County Council has
awarded a $475,000 tender to C.F.
Construction to replace two lift stations in the Priestville-Walkerville
area on Sherbrooke Road.
Council approved the amount
at its regular meeting January 4.
The successful bid was the lowest of the three tender amounts. It
far exceeded the estimated project
cost of $370,000 but council was
advised no material changes to the
project could reduce the tender
The award was the most recent
of a series of future lift station
replacements to be budgeted over
the next five years.
Among other resolutions, council agreed to appoint Josephine
MacDonald the returning officer
for this year’s municipal elections
in the county’s rural districts.
Council also approved to repurpose a $5,000 municipal services grant to Green Hill-Alma United
Church from helping to replace the
roof to updating the wiring for the
church’s exterior lighting.
A total of $5,500 in council
grants were allocated in amounts
of $500 each to help meet breakfast
program expenses at nine schools
where rural students are enrolled,
as well as $500 for the two local
food banks.
Winter Wobble scheduled
for February in Hopewell
HOPEWELL – Dust off your
snowshoes and prepare to have
some fun.
The East River Valley
Association will be having its 5th
annual Winter Wobble Snow
Shoe Walk on February 13.
The event will get underway
at 1 p.m. at the First Presbyterian
Church in Hopewell, weather
permitting. Snow shoes will be
provided (limited quantities so
call ahead).
After the walk participants
can enjoy homemade beans and
wieners, rolls and hot chocolate.
Register in advance by contacting Donna at 759-1734 or email
This is a free event hosted by
the ERVCDA, but donations are
gratefully accepted.
The East River Valley
Association will be holding its
annual general meeting on
March 7 at the Eureka fire hall at
7 p.m.
Organizers are putting a call
out to the community for nominations for the following positions: chair, co-chair, treasurer
and secretary as well as four
Anyone interested in these
positions may contact Donna at
759-1734 or ervcda@live.ca.
“We’re always accepting
new members,” said Michelle
Davey, another member or the
organizing committee.
For those interested, meetings take place quarterly and
once you sign up you're signed
up for the whole year. Members
contribute money at each meeting and then vote for the organization they would like all of
the money to go to, based on
the presentations.
”There's always something
new you can learn," Murray
said about the organizations.
Firefighters fight
for automatic aid
Man admits to aggravated assault
PICTOU – A New Glasgow
man who was facing a single
charge of attempted murder
appeared in Court Thursday
Robin Clifford, 44, who had
originally pleaded not guilty
to the single count, had the
charge amended to one count
of aggravated assault, to which
he pleaded guilty.
The incident took place
hear presentations from at the
January meeting.
County, The Pictou County
Tearmann House are this quarter's non-profits that members
of the group will hear from.
“It was like winning the lottery,” said Crystal Murray, one
of the organizers, about the first
Organizers are also hoping
now that some women have
had the opportunity to see how
the process works they will
encourage others to take part as
Youth take action
on mental health
By Heather Brimicombe
Youth of Pictou County are
hoping to help change the stigma around mental illness and
gather ideas to help the county.
Shy Polley has spoken at
gatherings before, telling his
story about mental illness and
how it affects his life. After
hearing about the Jack Summit
last year, which is a conference in Toronto that invites
youth from across the country
to come together to talk about
mental health stigma, Polley
was immediately interested.
To attend the three-day
summit you must send in an
application listing things like
the work you already do
around mental illness and
what you plan to do in the
future. From across the country, there was nearly 850 applicants for the summit with only
200, including Polley and two
other students from Pictou
County, to attend. Bailey
MacDonald and Ali Aghayan
are also set to attend the conference.
“I got in and it was a really
exciting thing to accomplish,
considering how many people
applied,” he said.
Polley is looking forward to
the opportunity to connect
with so many like-minded
people and find out what others are doing to help combat
mental health stigma.
“I’m excited about meeting
all these other kids that have
the same interests; it’s a really
good feeling to have the opportunity to be able to be surrounded by other people that
have the same drive,” Polley
The summit is open to grade
school students as well as universities, bringing a wide range
of ages and perspectives as
well as experiences to share
with the rest of the participants.
In order to participate in the
summit, attendees must raise
$250 that goes toward Jack.org,
which organizes the summit,
to help them offer even more
events similar to this that are
focused on mental health.
Although only $250 is
required, Polley has his sights
set on raising $1,000 for the
cause and is about halfway
there with $535 raised so far.
To help out Polley you can
go to https://www.jack.org/
summit/donate and search the
attendees’ names to find their
donation page.
“It’ll encourage me to voice
my opinion and get my
thoughts out there,” said
Firefighters in Pictou County
are working to improve safety
and effectiveness with an automatic aid initiative.
Shaun MacLaughlin, a
Westville firefighter, and
Brian Cameron, a New
Glasgow firefighter, have been
working together to create
automatic aid.
“The automatic aid system
uses our existing mutual aid
system, but allows the dispatch
to automatically call for backup
instead of waiting until departments arrive on the scene to
decide if they need help,”
explains Cameron.
The way mutual aid currently works is, the first responding
department would typically
arrive on scene and quickly
make a decision if help from
would be required.
“Mutual Aid implies “call
when you need help” while the
automatic system implies “no
need to call, we are already
coming,” said Cameron.
“This allows departments to
decide ahead of time what assistance they require,” he notes.
It allows for more efficiency
as well as improves safety for
residents and firefighters.
“Membership numbers are
down across the country,”
explains Cameron. “And especially during specific times of
day like Monday to Friday, 9
a.m. to 5 p.m. We may not necessarily have enough members
to attend the call so this will
help with that.”
Cameron says for example,
Thorburn can have tankers from
Linacy and Plymouth attend a
fire as well as an engine from
New Glasgow which would
automatically be dispatched
when a 9-1-1 call is made.
“Pictou County is also
unique when it comes to coverage
MacLaughlin. “Town departments typically only cover their
town limits while county areas
are covered by the rural departments. Because of this, and the
way some of the coverage lines
are laid out, it is possible that
one department would have to
pass through the coverage area
of another just to get to a call.
In fact, there are areas where
the yellow lines down the mid-
dle of the road are the dividing
line, with one department
responsible for the left side of
the road and another department responsible for the right
“When someone calls 9-1-1
for a fire, the call is routed to the
nearest fire dispatch who would
have the information on their
computer and would not only
dispatch the call to the local fire
department, but to neighbouring departments as well,”
Cameron explains. “This way
the help is on its way if needed.
We would rather have them
come and turn them away then
not have them come and need
Each department has been
given an information sheet to
fill out with information on
which departments they would
like to have assist them in the
case of a structure fire or serious
motor vehicle accident, and
what services they require. The
dispatcher has the list of predetermined protocols that each
department will have submitted
which tells the dispatcher who
to automatically send for assistance and with what equipment.
MacLaghlin says they have
received 15 of these sheets back
from the 23 local fire departments and the remaining departments are working on solidifying partnerships.
“We hope to have 100 per
cent participation by February
1, when we are implementing
the automatic assistance,” he
says. “It’s voluntary, we are not
forcing any department to take
part, but we hope they all see
the benefit. It’s looking good so
To begin they are putting
automatic aid in place for structure fires and MVAs with a possible entrapment.
“We are taking baby steps
for now,” notes MacLaughlin,
“starting small. Those are two of
our most serious calls; with
fires, they can double their size
every minute and with entrapments, not every department
has the Jaws of Life, so having
another department automatically dispatched will cut down
on the golden hour for the
injured patient.”
Cameron says this ensures
there are enough people on
scene and enough equipment.
Continued on page 4
The Advocate
January 13, 2016
Walk-in traffic affected
by fire at Sharon’s Place
By Steve Goodwin
Giles Godin, local culinary instructor at the Nova Scotia Community College Pictou Campus, used
a chainsaw and some chisels to sculpt a snowflake out of ice for the Chill-Out festival at the New
(Brimicombe photo)
Glasgow Farmers Market on Saturday afternoon.
Farmers market ...
Continued from page 2
“This impressive new building enables the market to
increase its sustainability which,
in turn, supports the local economy, the agricultural and fishing sectors as well as artists and
artisans and other Pictou County
entrepreneurs. It is a great asset
to the region and has enabled
the New Glasgow Farmers
Market to continue to grow and
flourish,” said MacMillan.
The building was funded by
ACOA, the Town of New
Glasgow and the Municipality
of the County of Pictou and they
are hoping to make the market a
regional attraction as well as a
gathering place for the community with new additions to the
space such as a demo kitchen
for educational purposes and a
children’s area.
The building was constructed by Higgins Construction.
Saturday not only marked
the grand opening of the New
Glasgow Farmers Market winter building, but it was also the
debut of the new building's
demo kitchen.
The kitchen, which is situated in the back corner of the
building, will soon play host to
many activities of all different
types and will also be an educational hub in the building.
“I would totally love to have
workshops on how to can and
preserve,” said Kristi Russell,
Members of the Salt Springs
4-H club collected supplies for
the SPCA in Granton. Members
were asked to bring in items
from a list provided by the
animal shelter. (Submitted photo)
Salt Springs
4-H Club
helps SPCA
The last general club meeting
took place on January 4. This
first meeting of the New Year
marks the beginning of a new
Project work is under way
and 4Hers will be busy with this
until Achievement Day in July.
Members of the Salt Springs
4-H club collected supplies for
the SPCA in Granton. All members were asked to bring in items
from a list provided by the animal shelter. A motion was passed
to donate the $75.75 January
dues with these items.
The next meeting will take
place on February 1 and will be
followed by a Valentine’s party.
Submitted by Hannah Moss
Club Reporter
At the time of the fire, coowner Sharon Stewart said it
would be several months before
it could reopen and resume its
familiar business hours between
early morning and early evening.
Items were still being removed
from the building as part of the
work last week.
Stewart said plans to cater the
reception for her son’s wedding
on New Year’s Eve proceeded as
People at several nearby businesses – Scotiabank, Prism
Pharmachoice – were relieved
the fire was brought under control so quickly.
“It hasn’t affected us,” said
Terry Lockerbie at Prism Optical.
“We have business every season.
I’ve noticed my customers find a
place to park more easily, but
Sharon has a pretty loyal slate of
regular customers, so it will be
good when they get back.”
the New Glasgow Farmers
Market manager. She also noted
that workshops like cooking
and soap making classes are
some things that the community
can watch for in the future.
The idea to have a demo
kitchen and learning space in
the new market was agreed
upon by the board for the market when planning the new
“We have the advantage of
having a learning space and a
working space,” Russell said.
Vendors of the market are
looking forward to having the
space available as well to use as
a teaching space or for workshops to learn new skills.
“Now that we have the space
we can decide what to do with
it,” Russell said.
Along with the demo kitchen, the market boasts a kids’
corner as well and is even planning on hosting a music program beginning January 16, at
the market.
Lawsuit in fatal collision
pushing forward
Attorney General of Canada and
members of the RCMP are appealing a decision to move forward
with a lawsuit relating to a motor
vehicle collision in August 2010.
The collision occurred August
18, 2010 when a pickup truck and
a tractor trailer carrying used oil
collided head-on near Kenzieville
on Highway 104.
Christopher Walsh, 37, of New
Brunswick, the driver of a
Newalta tractor trailer, and Ralph
Michael Coady Jr., 56, of Fraser’s
Mountain, the driver of the pickup, were both killed in the crash.
Walsh’s wife Tammy Walsh,
filed a lawsuit in December 2011,
suing the RCMP for allegedly failing to stop a dangerous driver
before he caused a fatal accident;
Newalta is suing the Coady estate
and Coast Tire, alleging that Coast
PICTOU – Business and other
establishments on Front Street
have been affected by Sharon’s
Place restaurant's extended closure due to a fire.
Pedestrian traffic has plunged
more than usual for the postholiday period around places on
each side of the street where it is
Pictou West MLA Karla
MacFarlane and her assistant
Michelle Landry both said there
have been fewer people visiting
the constituency office they
occupy on a storefront across the
MacFarlane said they miss
not having the option of a few
steps for a meal there. She also
said the restaurant’s visibility is
a lesson regarding how important a location it is for the MLA’s
“Our indoor traffic has slowed
down,” she said. “It’s important
to have an MLA’s office that is
visible; Sharon’s is, and a lot of
people there would pop into our
office with an issue they would
have delayed discussing otherwise. We hope they’re open
Lois Hahn said Hahn
Automotive across the street
from Sharon’s Place has not
experienced a change in business, but things just aren’t the
“It hasn’t affected us so much,
but I’ve noticed less traffic. So
many of our customers would
go over there – and we can’t get
lunch there now.”
Work is proceeding to reopen
the family restaurant that suffered extensive damage in an
early-morning fire on December
19. Pictou Fire Department members arrived quickly and the fire
was contained within the kitchen
Tire, which did repairs to Coady’s
truck at its New Glasgow service
centre in July 2010, contributed to
the accident through negligence,
including failure to properly
inspect and repair the vehicle.
Both are seeking compensation
for damages resulting from the
collision, Newalta claiming a $3
million cleanup cost.
The lawsuit claims the RCMP
was made aware of the pickup
truck driving aggressively and
erratically along the highway
before the crash.
Justice Joshua Arnold with the
Supreme Court of Nova Scotia
handed down the decision in
June 2015, that the lawsuit will
move forward; it is slated to take
place January 19 in Halifax.
The Attorney General and
members of the RCMP are applying to appeal this decision.
Glasgow Square was full of creepy crawlies as Little Ray's Reptile Zoo put on shows all day
Sunday presenting snakes, frogs, spiders and other creatures. During the show, children had
(Brimicombe photo)
the opportunity to touch a tarantula and a few other animals.
Firefighters fight ...
Continued from page 3
“Quite a few areas in the
province have adopted this
automatic assistance program,” says Cameron listing
Municipality of East Hants,
Municipality of West Hants,
Annapolis County, Kings
County, Digby County, some
parts of Cape Breton Regional
Municipality and others.
“There are some departments in Pictou County like
Barney’s River and Merigomish
that are already working with
each other.”
Cameron says he and
MacLaughlin have discussed
automatic assistance for some
“It’s a good step forward,” he
says. “We have had calls in the
past where it has taken 15 to 20
minutes for other departments to
arrive on scene and in the first
few minutes of a fire, there’s a lot
going on. We want to take one
less thing away from the firefighters to not have to worry
about and also free up the radio
by having the other departments
already dispatched.”
Through the automatic assistance, Emergency Health Services
and Nova Scotia Power would
also automatically be dispatched
to a scene, Cameron says.
CALL 485-8014 OR E-MAIL:
MacLean & MacDonald
Barristers & Solicitors
Ian H. MacLean, Q.C., LL.B.
Leo I. MacDonald, C.D., B.A., LL.B (Counsel)
90 Coleraine Street, Pictou, NS 902-485-4347
Concerned about the refugee crisis
and want to get involved? The following groups
and invididuals can help:
CAiRN (Communities Assisting Refugees Now):
Mary-Beth Moriarity at Pictou United Church (Phone: 902485-8081). Email: pictouunited@eastlink.ca.
Rebecca McKenna (Phone: 902-485-1417). Email: r.mckenna@ns.sympatico.ca. Facebook: www.facebook.com/CAIRNCommunitiesAssistingRefugeesNow
Alta Munro, al.alta@bellaliant.net
Nanda Shirke, Pictou County Multicultiral Association (Phone:
902-695-6383). Email: nandashirke@gmail.com.
Safe Harbour, pictoucountyrefuge@gmail.com
Special thanks to
Zelda’s Flower Studio
for donating a beautiful
7.5 foot pre-decorated
Christmas tree.
Congratulations to
Mary Lloyd for
winning the Lotta Lotto
Calendar, grand prize,
valued at $1500!
Thank you for supporting
Big Brothers Big Sisters
The Advocate
January 13, 2016
MLAs call on Health Minister to release
plan for hospital's mental health unit
NEW GLASGOW – The three
Pictou County MLAs say residents have waited too long for
Liberal Minister of Health and
Wellness Leo Glavine to release
his plan for mental health services in Pictou County.
They are calling on him to
release his plan.
Glavine said on December 18
in the Legislature that a report
was complete on how mental
health services would be delivered in Pictou County and that
he was meeting that afternoon
with the Health Authority to
discuss it.
He said a determination
would be made “very shortly”,
but nearly four weeks have
passed and the community still
has no idea of what the Liberals’
plan is.
“It’s time for the minister to
come clean about his plans for
the short-stay mental health unit
at the Aberdeen,” says Pat Dunn,
MLA for Pictou Centre. “People
are starting to believe the Liberals
have already decided to keep the
unit closed and they want the
minister to keep his word. We
want to see Minister Glavine’s
plan today.”
Pictou West MLA Karla
MacFarlane says she is hearing
from people in the community
who are suffering because of the
ongoing closure of the mental
health unit.
“This temporary closure is
having negative impacts on people in our community,” said
MacFarlane. “Enough is enough.
We want to see the Liberals’ plan
now. Continuing to keep people
in the dark lacks any sort of compassion.”
Tim Houston, the MLA for
Pictou East, is concerned with
how this whole thing is being
“This is a completely incompetent way to manage the health
system and our mental health
services,” he said. “This charade
has gone on long enough. How
can people trust this Liberal government at their word? People
deserve answers today.”
One-eared pup enjoying life in Pictou
By Steve Goodwin
Piper Emo holds Vincent,
Labrador retriever that has
been given a new lease on
life and a new home at her
grandparents’ place in
PICTOU – The end of life followed by renewed life in the
form of a one-eared black
Labrador retriever seems more
than a coincidence for Pictou
resident Dan Currie.
Currie was presented with a
pup that was born with no left ear
when his daughter and grandchildren were home for a week
over Christmas. They came from
their residence in Nunda in western New York State and were
accompanied by the nearly threemonth-old miracle pooch named
Vincent that has already fit in
well in the Currie household.
“He’s been making himself
very much at home,” Currie said.
“He’s doing fine and is pretty
well house trained. He’s as normal as I’ve ever seen. But he has
extra personality.”
Currie has a special affection
for Labs from when he bred them,
and he found nothing wrong
with a dog that’s missing an ear.
His daughter, Ailsa Emo agreed,
which is why Vincent got a new
lease on life and a new home.
Ailsa, a veterinarian, saw
Vincent, the runt of a litter of
about 10 pups that breeders
(Goodwin photo)
brought to her. Labs are worth a
lot of money, as Currie can attest
to as a former breeder. But the
breeders wanted Vincent put
Currie said two things entered
his daughter’s mind.
“She said every dog deserves
a chance.”
Ailsa convinced the breeders
that Vincent was healthy and normal in every other respect and
noted that Vincent was not the
first pup with a deformity that
she has saved.
Currie agrees, recalling a yellow Lab born with black fur on
the end of his tail.
“He lived a long and happy
life, about 15 years,” he said.
What also clicked in for Ailsa
was that her parents' treasured
black Lab, Bonnie Dubh, died of
cancer at the age of nine in
September, so Vincent has filled
that void.
“We were pretty upset when
she died,” Currie said. “Vincent
has taken the sting out of that
loss. It doesn’t take a lot to love
this dog. He steals your heart,
we’re having a lot of fun with
James Lees, left, and his mother Charlene stand beside a
nearly metre-tall
gingerbread house he made
over Christmas, with some
help from others. It’s the latest
evidence of how Lees, who
lives in Egerton and is in the
International Baccalaureate
Program at Northumberland
Regional High School, has kept
directing his inquisitive mind
in many directions. They
include a science project on
nuclear fusion that he
composed when he was in
Grade 10.
(Submitted photo)
Open arms ...
Continued from page 1
“We want to bring in more
families, we are not setting any
cap. If the government can help
and we can get 20 families here,
that would be fantastic. The
community response has just
been phenomenal.”
The first family is a family of
five consisting of a father, 38
years old; a mother, 30 years
old; a seven-year-old girl; a
four-year-old girl; and a oneyear-old boy. The second family
is a father, 43; mother, 37, pregnant and due in July; a boy, 18;
a boy, 12; a boy, eight; and a girl,
“We have a lead on a couple
of rental properties, one has
been partially donated and
another rental property is almost
But the families are not
expected to stay there if they do
not want to.
The Travel Lodge has donated a suite for one of the families
in case they both arrive at the
same time, and the families will
be shown the rental properties,
as well as some others if they so
“They have the choice,” notes
MacIntosh-Wiseman. “These
families have not had a lot of
choice over their lives the last
few years, so we want to give
them as much choice and independence as we can.”
There are a number of large
fundraisers coming in the near
future, as Safe Harbour continues to raise funds to bring in
more families.
“This is just the beginning,”
she says. “The federal government will be assisting in relocating refugees as well and we
want to send the message that
Pictou County is a wonderful
place to resettle.”
On February 13 at Glasgow
Square, The Kilted Chef Alain
Bosse will be assisting with a
food and wine night fundraiser
for Safe Harbour and Dave
Gunning will be working with
local school bands and choirs to
put on a concert in Pictou and in
the New Glasgow area as fundraisers for CAiRN, Communities
Assisting Refugees Now in
Pictou, and Safe Harbour.
Safe Harbour is also looking
to make reprints of Luke
Naylor’s artwork. Naylor is a
Pictou artist living in Halifax
who made a painting of Pictou’s
Harbour’. The group is hoping
to sell reprints with funds going
toward the effort.
There will also be a fundraising event for both groups on
March 8 at the deCoste Centre
when they reopen for the season
with the Celtic Tenors.
“The deCoste has allowed us
to have an event in advance of
the concert as a fundraiser, such
as an auction or something
along those lines,” notes
MacIntosh-Wiseman, “and it
will benefit both CAiRN and
Safe Harbour.”
In fact, CAiRN is hoping to
bring in either a related family
or a family from a neighbouring
area to the two Syrian families
to help them all feel at home.
“It’s really important that
people understand Safe Harbour
and CAiRN are working in collaboration,” notes MacIntoshWiseman. “This is a community-wide effort and we are working together and sharing
She hopes that perhaps
through fundraising 10 or more
refugee families can be relocated
to Pictou County with the possibility that the government can
relocate even more to the area as
“If we have 10 to 20 families
here, there is more of a likelihood that they will feel that
permanent sense of community
and stay here.”
When sponsoring a family,
funding and assistance is provided to help the family get on
their feet within the first year,
after that, if the family chooses,
they can move elsewhere in
Canada, but the hope is that
they will feel like Pictou County
is their new home and stay.
“Trinity United Church will
be working with the families to
help provide a place of worship.”
MacIntosh-Wiseman says
Safe Harbour is also hosting an
employer roundtable at the end
of the month to give employers
more information on the families and to see what can be done
in terms of work placement,
retraining or resume building.
Safe Harbour has also been
working with local employers
on smaller scale efforts.
“Crombie has a program
with their staff called Crombie
CARES where they do payroll
deductions and staff take part in
casual days to raise funds. They
are taking those funds to purchase Sobeys gift cards for the
families. The local CUPE staff
have also made internal donations. It’s phenomenal to see.”
The group is still seeking
monetary donations for anyone
wishing to help with the efforts,
but they are also looking for
volunteers donating time, especially language and translation
For up to date information
on Safe Harbour visit the
Facebook page Pictou County
Safe Harbour.
EDITOR'S NOTE: The Pictou County Military
Museum and The Advocate are teaming up to
present 'On Guard for Thee',
a series of profiles of some of the local men and
women who have served this country in times of
conflict. The project is the brainchild of Vincent
Joyce, founder and president of the Pictou County
Military Museum, who has generously supplied
all of the photos and military records
of the individuals who will be featured weekly
in The Advocate.
Karla MacFarlane
MLA, Pictou West
Office: 25B Front St., Pictou
Hours: Mon - Fri 10 am - 4 pm
Meeting the homecare needs of the community...
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Flexible, compassionate, respectful,
bonded caregivers.
The Advocate
January 13, 2016
MOU process
gets attention
MOU talk is heating up.
The Memorandum of
Understanding for Municipal
Reform concerning amalgamation among four local municipalities will be decided one
way or another this year. It
includes the Municipality of
Pictou County and the towns of
New Glasgow, Pictou and
Stellarton. The process began
on Aug. 22, 2014 with a technical briefing for the first three
units, while Stellarton council
joined the process later.
Little information has
flowed since last fall. The MOU
web site established for the
public to view the process indicates the Utility and Review
Board’s public hearing that
took place on Oct. 6 and subsequent correspondence pertaining to it.
Public meetings dealt with
proposed boundary changes for
the four participating units, but
no dates appear for further consultations on other matters. The
MOU Steering Committee can
be excused somewhat for the
delay due to the lengthy holiday break, but someone has
begun to fill the vacuum left by
the lack of public discussion.
Stellarton Mayor Joe Gennoe
voiced his opposition to the
MOU process in the 2016 outlook he submitted for last
week’s Advocate. If he intended to stir up a hornet’s nest, he
has done so. One letter to the
editor this week suggests he’s
an island of reason in a sea of
chaos. Some of his colleagues
on Stellarton’s council had an
opposite view. That was borne
out at the Stellarton Council I
meeting on Monday when he
clarified in a statement that his
opinions are his own and do
not reflect the will of council.
As mayor, Gennoe represents council on the MOU
Steering Committee, although
he voted against the town’s
participation. His public opposition to the process makes one
wonder when those supporting
the process will counter it.
It’s a simple thing to access
the website and view what’s
there. There are four pre-conditions. New Glasgow opposes
any “material change” in service levels. The county opposes
“any material impact” on its
current tax rates. Pictou’s precondition is “the provision of a
fair and equitable capital funding plan". There is also a precondition that each former
municipal unit carry the financial burden of its own pre-existing deficits.
These are reasonable
requests and so far have not
derailed the process.
What is missing is a steady,
heart-felt, intelligent discussion
over what inspired the MOU
and what is keeping the process
Many residents, municipal
councillors and members of the
business community share the
belief that only a joint effort,
shared services – and even
shared governance – will allow
Pictou County to reach its full
potential in the world. They
ask, rightly, what has the status
quo done for us lately? There
must be a better way, they say.
This current MOU process
may be flawed, but it’s all we
have right now. Let us hope
there is a thorough airing of
views and options leading to
informed decisions later this
Steve Goodwin
The Pictou Advocate
The Advocate Letters Policy
The Advocate accepts only signed letters, no pseudonyms are accepted.
To verify authenticity, writers are requested to submit
their daytime telephone numbers.
We reserve the right to edit letters but do so only for
length, proper grammar, spelling and good taste. Please
keep letters to 250 - 300 words, or less.
We reserve the right to not publish letters.
The opinions expressed in any Letters to the Editor are
the opinions of the author only and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of The Advocate.
The skyline of Pictou has changed since this photo was taken of Pictou Harbour during the Second World War. Gone are
the towers on the Customs House, the steeple on St. James Anglican Church, G. J. Hamilton & Son biscuit factory and the
freight shed, to name a few.
(Submitted by the Pictou Historical Photograph Society. Go to www.pictouphotos.ca/NovaStory.ca to view these and 1,800 more Pictou photos.
Check out their Facebook page.)
Common sense responses needed for teachers
To the Editor:
Over the next few months the
premier and teachers union will
no doubt sound off against each
other. Please filter their statements and remember that we are
talking about teachers and students, our friends and our children.
I believe teachers when they
say that the real issue is "class
composition" not money. Today’s
classrooms are diverse and teachers are asked to deliver a number
of different lessons to different
students in the same grade and
Steve Goodwin
(902) 301-0724
Don’t let them sidestep the need
for real improvements in education.
Here is what I would do: survey teachers and ask, “To what
extent are the various needs of
students not being met and how
can things be improved?” Then,
no matter the outcome, I would
make the results public. This
would expose the need to help
teachers manage classroom composition.
We don’t need more initiatives pushed down from the top
or fancy reports. We need com-
mon sense responses that assist
those people on the front lines,
educating our children.
Like all Nova Scotians, teachers will do their part on the wage
side (take less) but it must be as
part of an overall plan to improve
education. So far, all we have
seen is cut, slash and close
schools. This is not a sustainable
Over to you, Mr. Premier. Do
you have a meaningful plan to
improve education?
Tim Houston
MLA for Pictou East
Constituent seeking contact info for MP
To the Editor:
Now if my memory serves
me correctly, we had an election back in the month of
October. Now my question is,
where is the member that got
elected for Central Nova? For
it would seem to me that he
has gone into hiding. There is
no phone number where he
Deadline for letters to the Editor is Thursdays at 5 p.m.
Jackie Jardine
room at the same time. They are
trying but, understandably, they
are crying out for help (see their
“no” vote).
Nobody in the education system, including the minister, has
placed any priority on addressing this crucial issue. Instead,
the premier asks, “What more do
teachers want?” Nurses will find
this familiar.
The McNeil Liberals constantly sidestep difficult issues
and divert attention to where
they want it. Classic “don’t look
there, look over here” behaviour.
Debbi Harvie
can be reached or no office
that one can visit him or a
staff member to talk to.
There are people here in
the riding who want to talk
to him about different matters. So if the elected member is Sean Fraser, you can
come out of hiding and get a
phone number and office so
Heather Brimicombe
people can get in touch with
you. For after all, you are
their member of Parliament
in Ottawa, and they voted
for you and have the right to
make their concerns known
to you.
Myself, as a veteran, I
would like to know just how
soon the veteran offices are
Aaron Cameron
going to reopen. There were
other things talked about on
the campaign trail about veterans and promises made
that we all need answers to.
So I will say, Mr. Fraser,
let's get with it and do the
job you were elected for.
Loyd Murray
New Glasgow
Mark MacCallum
Silvia Schaaf
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January celebrates
Crime Stoppers month
To the Editor:
On behalf of Nova Scotia
Crime Stoppers, I would like to
remind everyone that January is
Crime Stoppers Month.
It is an opportunity for the
various Crime Stoppers programs around the world to focus
attention on the continuing
efforts to combat crime and keep
our streets safe.
Nova Scotia Crime Stoppers
could not have achieved the success that we have since our formation here in 1987 without the
dedicated support of our local
police agencies, members of the
community who have contributed financially or provided tips
about unsolved crime and the
media which have publicized
our activities and highlighted
unsolved crime on an ongoing
Crime Stoppers Month has
been celebrated annually since
being officially proclaimed in 1986
during the Crime Stoppers
International training conference
held that year in Edmonton and
through the years has been
acknowledged by heads of state
including Queen Elizabeth, several Canadian prime ministers and
presidents of the United States,
numerous state governors and
provincial premiers as well as
leaders of law enforcement organizations including the RCMP and
our local Police partners.
I would like to thank everyone who has given support to
Nova Scotia Crime Stoppers
through the years and pledge
that our volunteer board of directors and all of our volunteers
through this province will continue working diligently to
ensure our Crime Stoppers program has the resources to operate effectively to resolve and
reduce crime in our community.
John O’Reilly, President
Nova Scotia Crime Stoppers
Support local groups
with time, talent, money
To the Editor:
As we make our way into a
new year we are hoping for a
refresh or restart; we hope for
happy, healthy and prosperous
times. Some of us, however, may
face difficulties whether personal, emotional or financial.
Big Brothers Big Sisters is one
of many organizations in the
community that are there to
serve families and individuals in
whatever area they have the
most need, whether it is shelter,
food, spirituality, mental health
support, or like ours, a service to
support children and youth.
Imagine if we had no food
bank, no United Way, no Kids
First, where would we be? What
if we had no Sexual Assault and
Resource Centre, no Highland
Community Residential Centre,
what would that look like? What
if Big Brothers Big Sisters did not
serve almost 300 children in a
year through positive mentoring, what would become of those
children and youth?
Moving forward in 2016 we
all know to make a stronger
community we have to work
together collaboratively. As
quoted in the Ivany Report:
“There is a clear need for Nova
Scotians to come together and
consider not only who gets what
from our collective pie, but how
we can make it bigger for all to
This is no different in the nonprofit world. We have to work
together smarter, share resources
and collaborate on programs.
Groups like One Pictou County,
and Pictou County 20/20 are
great examples of working
together. A couple of groups
outside of the business community have great collaborative
approaches such as The Pictou
County Volunteer Coalition,
Pictou County Partners for
Children and Youth to name a
couple. New opportunities will
be given to some organizations,
assisting with incoming refugee
families, helping with the
increase and demand on local
services, but we are up for the
I encourage anyone who
needs support to reach out to
these organizations, they are
there to serve the community.
Those who are able, reach out
and support them with your
time, talent or money as it is the
community that makes these
organizations function, every
small gesture makes a difference,
from donating bottles to the local
bottle drive, to volunteering time
to help serve meals, to supporting families at Christmas, to sitting on a board of directors, each
task is so important to the fabric
of our community.
I think I can speak on behalf
of all the organizations in Pictou
County when I say, THANK
YOU for all you do to make our
community stronger, for making
Pictou County a better place to
live and for making life better for
those who require some assistance. Although we will expect
bumps in the road we know by
coming together as business,
non-profit, families, individuals,
and government that we can
continue to thrive in such a great
“Alone we can do so little;
together we can do so much.” ―
Helen Keller
Margie Grant Walsh
Executive director
Big Brothers Big Sisters of
Pictou County
Gennoe congratulated
for “refreshing frankness”
To the Editor:
Yesterday (Thursday), after I
read The Advocate’s interesting
Page 2 Hopes for 2016 with the
county of Pictou’s warden and
the five town mayors, I began to
have a glimmer of hope myself
that the turmoil of the MOU
which proposes the partial dissolution/amalgamation of the
County of Pictou, the Town of
Stellarton, the Town of New
Glasgow and the Town of Pictou
New cellphone tower placement
raises ire of Ardness residents
By Steve Goodwin
ARDNESS – Residents on
Dunmaglass Road in eastern
Pictou County want a recently
installed cellphone tower relocated.
Scott Adamson appeared
on behalf of the residents at
Pictou County Municipal
Council’s monthly meeting on
January 4, asking the council
to do what it can to get the
tower moved.
It follows Adamson’s original email on November 29
asking to be placed on council’s agenda to address the
He said the tower was
installed in early November
but is too close to the gravel
road where he lives and blocks
the panoramic view line for
residents and visitors. He said
the two issues contravene government protocols regarding
cell towers and he shared a
proposed alternate location
MacGillivray Road that he
said is accessible and on higher ground than where it is currently located.
“It has been placed in the
direct view line of one of the
most spectacular views in the
Scott Adamson and other residents along Dunmaglass Road in
Ardness say this cellphone tower on the left is too close to the
gravel road and blocks the panoramic view line for residents
and visitors, contravening government protocols regarding
(Submitted photo)
cell towers.
province,” he said in an oral
presentation based on the
“Many tourists and visitors
pause below my driveway and
enjoy the terrific view of the
(Northumberland) Strait, Big
Island, Merigomish Harbour
and King’s Head, but now a
pole site is square in the middle
of that view.”
He said the pole was placed
without any of the residents
being notified or consulted.
In his response, county
CAO Brian Cullen cited the
municipal policy on cellphone
towers, whose installation and
rules governing them are
under federal jurisdiction
through Industry Canada.
Council’s policies on tower
sites only complement and
Canada guidelines, he said.
Cullen said council utilizes
Radiocommunications Information
and Notification Services
(CRINS) to guide and administer its policy.
“While the council may be
in agreement (with the residents’ concerns), it ultimately
becomes a matter of jurisdiction, and the cellphone towers
are completely in the federal
domain,” he said.
Besides the distance from
the road, Adamson shared
information that estimated the
tower’s height from the base
of the slope where it’s located
to be more than 15 metres
high, within the height provision in the municipal policy.
Adamson said the pole’s
power meter is low enough to
the ground and close enough
to the road to be covered with
snow by plows. He also said
the pole would need guy wires
to buttress it against high
winds. He asked the county to
make Industry Canada aware
of the tower’s non-compliance
based on the county’s bylaws.
“There’s a real problem
with the process,” he said.
“We realize it’s not the council’s doing, but that’s where
we sit with it. It’s reconcilable.”
French immersion info sessions
Chignecto-Central Regional
School Board (CCRSB) is now
accepting applications for students interested in enrolling
in Early French Immersion
and Middle French
Application forms for both
programs can be found on the
CCRSB website, (www.ccrsb.
ca), search on “Optional
French Programs”. The application deadline is January 29.
Students and their families
do not need to have a background in French to participate
and find success in Early or
Middle French Immersion.
Parents or guardians with
questions are encouraged to
attend an information session
in their area or contact CCRSB
French Programs at 902-8978965 or toll-free at 1-800-7700008.
The school board has organized a number of information
sessions in the community for
parents interested in enrolling
their children. A couple of sessions have already been held.
The others are:
►West Pictou Consolidated
School: Monday, Jan. 18 (Storm
date January 21), 6 p.m.
► A.G. Baillie Elementary
School: Wednesday, Jan. 20
(Storm date January 21), 6 p.m.
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may indeed get voted down on
May 28.
For this, I want to particularly
thank Mayor Joe Gennoe (of)
Stellarton, whose comments
showed real leadership, a co-operative approach and a refreshing frankness about the nonbinding pre-conditions, inevitable tax increases and bureaucracy
Rose MacDonald
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8 Arts & Entertainment
The Advocate
January 13, 2016
January 2016:
a time of reflection
and moving forward
Top left: E.B. Anderson, of E.B. Anderson and the Resolutes, played some tunes in the chilly weather for those waiting in line to
sample chili at the New Glasgow Chill-Out festival on Saturday. Right: Adding sounds of the fiddle and guitar to the farmers’ market
atmosphere, Amelia Parker and Ray Stewart played. Bottom left, from the left: Winners in the Sobeys Chili Cook-off with Sobeys
chef Courtney MacDonald, Professionals, Chef Jason Conway; Firefighters, New Glasgow Fire Chief Doug Dort; Media, Adam
(Brimicombe and submitted photos)
MacInnis, The News. Right: New Glasgow town crier Jim Stewart welcomes all those in attendance.
Snowman building contest winners, from the
left: Most Frosty
Snowman, Emerson
Whyte; Community
Snowman, Jocelyn Fraser
with her father, Scott;
Most Creative Snowman,
Heaven MacPhee and
Shelby MacPhee.
Winning honourable
mention were Karen and
Kenny MacPhee (not pictured).
(Submitted photos)
Lobster Carnival fundraisers
continue to fare well
By Debbi Harvie
PICTOU – Fundraising is
ongoing for the Pictou Lobster
Carnival and so far, it has been
going well.
The most recent fundraising
endeavours have brought in
more than $3,600 for the July 8, 9
and 10 event.
The Christmas gift basket,
with tickets sold at Sobeys, raised
$1,546 for the committee with
the spoils going to Isabel
The gift card bingo which
took place at the Pictou Legion
on December 13 brought in
$1,750 with what chair Shawn
McNamara says was a great
turnout, one of the largest to
The final fundraising event
for 2015 was the New Year’s Eve
family skate at the Hector Arena.
McNamara says the skate
brought in $410 for the lobster
carnival committee and $300 for
the Hector Arena.
“It was a huge crowd and
there was fun had by all,” he
says noting many people were
grateful to have a family event to
attend on New Year’s Eve that
included two hours of skating,
hot chocolate and fireworks.
But that’s not all for the committee; there are more fundraisers coming up including a ham
and salad dinner on April 14 and
a pancake breakfast on May 14.
McNamara says they are also
looking into a possible fundraising breakfast during Pictou’s
winter carnival and perhaps a
fundraiser at Fat Tony’s.
He also noted that there are
currently conversations taking
place to have a back-up plan in
the event of rain for this year’s
carnival festivities, with more
information to come.
With the holiday season
behind us, many are looking forward to starting 2016 by taking
part in new programs while others may be looking to get back to
the daily routine.
Regardless of whether people
are newcomers or a regular
attendee – there are plenty of
free programs at libraries
throughout Pictou County to
keep people of all ages busy in
For the most part, libraries
throughout Pictou County will
be starting weekly recurring programs, like ABC’s for Babies,
Toddle Time and Preschool
Storytime, shortly. Due to limited space and resources, some of
these programs require pre-registration. To learn more about
dates and times, visit the ‘upcoming events’ page at www.parl.
ns.ca or download a printable
schedule and call your local
library to register.
On Thursday, Jan. 14 at 1:30
p.m. in the New Glasgow
Library, Mary MacIntosh from
Career Connections will be giving a talk titled ‘Back to Work –
Tips and advice for older adults
entering the workforce.’ In this
session, she will cover some of
the basics about cover letter and
resume writing when entering
or re-entering the workforce
and other things to keep in mind
during your job hunt.
MacIntosh is a career counsellor and case manager with
Career Connections. With years
of experience in exploring effective strategies for successful job
searches, providing workshops
on employability and transferable skills as well as providing
counselling through career transitions – we’re excited that she’s
able to come in and share her
At the Library
is community outreach
assistant for Pictou County
expertise with the library. In
addition to Career Connections
being a valuable resource for
those seeking employment,
keep in mind that the Nova
Scotia Community Access
Program sites (NSC@P sites) in
public libraries throughout
Pictou County can also help job
seekers that have limited access
to computers and the Internet as
Mystic Mike Thompson will
be stopping into the Pictou
Library on Monday, Jan. 18 at
10 a.m. to give some insights
into 2016 and how it will unfold
as part of their Seniors Café
speakers series. Intrigued? You
should be!
Light refreshments will be
provided, along with access to
library services when the library
is normally closed to the public.
All are welcome!
The Stellarton Library is looking for yarn donations for their
knitting groups. For those interested in making a yarn donation,
stop in to the library or contact
(902) 755-1638.
Winter Recreation
Offered by
Pictou Recreation and Parks
• Tai Chi
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6 PM Thursdays • Channel 10
• Badminton
• Tumble Bugs
• Photography
• Ringette
• Gentle Exercise &
Eat Smart Program
• Floor Hockey
(Youth & Adult)
• Aquafit Class
• Arthritis Exercise Class
• Red Cross Pre School
(Parent & Tot) Swim Lessons
• Splash N Play
Tot Swims
• Aqua Turbo
• Swim Lessons
• Pool Rentals
• Red Cross
Babysitting Courses
• Pro Shop Sale 50%
Coming to the Moncton Coliseum
January 22-23, 2016
Visit www.FCWC.ca for details.
for the week of
January 10 to 16, 2016
The holidays are over and life starts getting back to normal. You focus on finding
balance between having a busier social
life and getting more rest.
Brought to you by:
Daily Specials
Soups, Salads
Breads, Rolls
Cookies, Squares
and more
There are changes at work that require a
great deal of organization, which is something only you can accomplish. You also
coordinate a big cleanup at home with the
whole family.
You see some great travel specials and
decide to book your seat on the next flight
out. You’re ready for a vacation and you
don’t need much persuasion to get away.
Your health is the most important thing
right now. Your doctor finally determines
the cause of your problems and prescribes
the treatment that will get you back on
your feet.
You play the role of negotiator or mediator
at work or elsewhere. You find the solution
to a deadlock that involves a union issue
or a conflict with unhappy customers.
There’s a lot of work on the horizon. Not
only is work piling up on your desk at the
office, but you also pull out all the stops
to make your home impeccable.
You receive some praise for one reason or
another. Some people might even put you
up on a pedestal. You have good reason to
feel proud of yourself this week.
You decide to invite some relatives over
on the spur of the moment. You surpass
yourself, but be careful not to exceed your
budget, which is probably already in the
red after the holidays.
You have a lot to say for yourself, whether
it’s about your vacation or something to do
with your family. You could finalize some
interesting transactions at work.
You feel like pampering yourself. Much to
your surprise, you are offered a promotion
at work. Stress is omnipresent, and there
is lots of tiredness and confusion on the
There’s plenty of action in your life this
week. Several people take notice of you
for one reason or another. You’re feeling
creative, or you find yourself enjoying a
particular art form.
You should finally be able to shed some
light on which direction to follow if you
still haven’t found the right career path. A
loved one needs you.
Coffee Break 9
The Advocate
January 13 , 2016
Mon - Wed: 9 am - 3 pm
Thu - Fri: 9 am - 4 pm
31 Front Street, Pictou
1. Stallion’s mate
5. Gremlin’s kin
8. Lighter ____
12. Bread baker
13. Body of water
14. Eroded
15. Zilch
16. Sieve
18. Quick
20. Request
21. Fall fruits
24. Depend
25. Elizabeth
or Victoria
26. Drift off
27. Wash the
30. Jars
31. Curved chest
32. Journey
33. Still life, e.g.
34. Gathered
35. Started
the day
36. Cow’s foot
Enter for a chance to win a weekly prize from Canapé Cafe & Bakery.
This week’s prize: 2 daily specials
WINNER: Bonnie Saunders, Durham
Complete this week’s crossword puzzle and mail or drop it off at
The Advocate office with your name, address and phone number.
The first correctly completed puzzle drawn wins the prize.
Entries must be received no later than Monday at 12 noon.
Prizes may be claimed at The Advocate office, 21 George Street, Pictou, NS B0K 1H0.
19. Tokyo
21. Greenish blue
22. Contented
23. Luxury suite
24. Steal
26. Young louse
28. Unseat
29. Target
31. Ump’s relative
32. Vine support
34. Tree-trunk
35. 100 percent
37. Disregards
38. Stickum
1. Sun. follower 39. Passed with
2. Ms. Gardner
3. Lipstick color 40. Waiter’s need
4. Makes possible 41. Harness5. Road turns
racing gait
6. Allows
43. Chapter in
7. ____ and wide
8. Fabric weave
9. Postnuptial
45. Hoopla
46. Tend the lawn
47. Chicago
10. Precinct
11. Geek
17. Parodied
38. Enough
39. Potent
41. Like a
42. Squad cars
44. Weak,
as an excuse
48. ____ India
49. Spoil
50. Hero
51. Tinting agents
52. Lunched
53. Plants seed
10 Sports
The Advocate
January 13, 2016
Pictou County
Send scores, reports and sports items to Steve Goodwin at 485-8014
or email steve@pictouadvocate.com
It's girls hockey,
and I do love it
Club athletes raise their game
By Steve Goodwin
last weekend was the first chance
this year for members of the
Pictou County Gymnastics Club
to show their skills and mettle.
Cruickshank expected most of
the 30 competitive athletes to
attend the meet in Dartmouth as
the 2015-16 Gymnastics Nova
Scotia season ramps up.
Twenty-nine of the athletes
ended up attending and came
home with 15 medals and 18 ribbons.
Nathan Gerrior led the club
with seven medals in the male
12-and-over age group. Gerrior
was second overall, first in vault
and parallel bars, second in high
bar, rings and pummels and
third in floor.
Andrew Fraser was first in
under-13 vault and tied for second overall, Brady Kennedy was
second in high bar and third in
rings, Logan Walsh was second
on parallel bars and third in
vault, and Patrick Minehan was
second in 13-and-over high bars.
Maddie MacIntyre won a
gold medal in girls Novice 5,
while Sydney Arbuckle received
a bronze medal in beam and
Lainey Smith was third in floor
“For the first meet, I’m
pleased,” Cruickshank said.
“The season goes from
August to June, with competitions from January to June. We
will be competing every second
weekend until April.”
Athletes will be vying for
spots on Nova Scotia’s team. The
provincial championships in
Dartmouth from April 1 to 3 will
help determine who’s competing
at the Atlantic championships on
April 22 and 23 in St. John’s, N.L.
and at the Eastern Canadian
Championships from May 6 to 8
in Quebec City.
“It’s a process to peak so they
can compete on the Nova Scotia
team, so we’re happy with the
results,” Cruickshank said.
At the moment, the club
boasts 415 members from age 18
months and up.
The local club occupies much
of the ground floor that includes
the gym where its apparatus and
mats are set up.
Boys and girls train together
on Mondays, while the girls train
on Wednesdays and Fridays and
the boys train on Thursdays and
“It’s cool to learn new stuff,”
says Sydney Condon, 15, a com-
Top left: Sydney Condon practices on a balance beam. Top
right: Erin Noftall performs a
vertical hand stand. Bottom
photo: Noftall practises on a
hand stand with a leg split.
The athletes are members of
the Pictou County Gymnastics
Club located in the former
Pictou County YMCA in New
Glasgow. Twenty-nine members of the club competed
last Friday and Saturday at
the Titans Invitational gymnastics meet in Dartmouth.
(Goodwin photos)
petitive club member who performs floor exercises, as well as
vault and balance beam.
About half the building
remains vacant, so the club
would like to fill more of the
space. Despite that, the club has
been able to retain a full-time
front desk staff and recently
hired a recreation director.
More programs are being
developed, including a special
needs initiative that incorporates
guitar and other music.
Time has also been allocated from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. on
Saturday for a Special
Olympics team.
The club is also raising
funds to purchase more apparatus and mats.
“We need more equipment,”
she said. “We would like to have
some trampolines.”
County teams ousted during Round of 16
Both the Pictou County
Weeks Major Midgets and the
Crushers were eliminated from
the East Coast Ice Jam hockey
tournament in Bedford.
The Steele Subaru Major
Midgets shut out Pictou County
5-0 in the Round of 16 to oust
the Crushers on their way to
winning the Major Midget
Caelan Blaikie collected two
goals and three assists, Chad
Tucker also scored twice and
Grant Fraser added a goal and
three assists as the Pictou
County Weeks Major Midgets
recorded a 7-1 victory over the
Central Ice Pack to earn a split
of their first two games.
Jake Martin also scored.
Tucker scored his second
goal of the game late in the third
period as Pictou County wiped
out deficits three times in a 3-3
tie with the St. John’s, N.L.
Privateers. Kevin Mason scored
in the first period.
Pictou County advanced to
the Round of 16 that started on
Saturday despite a 6-2 loss to
the Miramichi Rivermen.
Oliver Schnare gave Pictou
County a 1-0 lead in the first
period, while Evan MacLennan
tied the game at two before the
Rivermen triggered four straight
The Pictou County Scotsburn
Crushers won, lost in overtime
and lost in regulation their pre-
liminary matches before they
advanced to the Round of 16 in
the Major Bantam Division.
Kade Mason tallied twice,
while Bailey Pye and Wayne
Denny each added a goal and
assist and Luke MacLeod got
the other goal in the Crushers’
5-3 victory over the Central
Attack Hockey Club last
All the scoring came in the
third period when the Crushers’
first two goals tied the game.
The Crushers added three
MacLeod’s into an empty net, to
wipe out a 3-2 deficit.
Connor MacLeod and Denny
gave the Crushers a 2-0 lead
after the first period but they
sustained a 3-2 overtime loss to
the Acadie Miramichi Senators
later on Thursday.
Connor MacLeod also scored
in the Crushers’ 7-1 loss to the
Northwest Bulls on Friday.
The Gulls took a 3-0 lead in
the first period as they ousted
the Crushers with a 4-2 victory
on Saturday.
Kade Mason and Ethan
MacDougall scored two late
goals in the third period for the
Mason was named to the
division’s first all-star team on
The St. John’s, N.L. Hitmen
blanked the ACCEL Hawks
from Halifax to win the Major
Bantam Division.
very once in a while
someone will mention
that I must have watched
an awful lot of hockey games during my lifetime.
Indeed I have.
Starting at about the age of five,
I've been going to so many games
– from minor to National Hockey
League – that my middle name
probably should have been
Zamboni. I once set a world record
in candlepin bowling; maybe I've
set one in hockey attendance, too.
Heck, I can recall way back in
elementary school classes – when I
should have been listening to my
teachers – I was quietly sitting at
the back of the room, compiling
the number of games I attended in
those long-ago days. It was a lot of
nights out when I was just a kid.
During my early New Glasgow
years, I was primarily attending
senior and junior league games at
the old Arena Rink downtown,
the new Memorial Rink up in
Stellarton and the old rink down
in Pictou. Add the many minor
hockey games I covered in my
earliest writing years – while still
in school – and the numbers
swelled even higher.
Once I was in the newspaper world full-time, I'd say
my attendance peaked in
Halifax-Dartmouth in the
1970s and '80s when I was
going to games just about
every day of the week. I'd
suggest I may have spent more
time in rinks than out of rinks
in those times.
There were the Nova Scotia
Voyageurs, Nova Scotia Oilers
and Halifax Citadels during 21
years the American Hockey
League had franchises in metro.
There were the Saint Mary's
Huskies and Dalhousie Tigers
in intercollegiate ranks. There
were the Cole Harbour Scotia
Colts, Dartmouth Arrows and
Halifax Lions in junior hockey.
As well, the Dartmouth
Moosehead Mounties had a
great run in senior hockey and
I was almost always there. The
Maritime junior league had
franchises coming and going
during that period. And, lest I
forget, the arrival of the major
junior Halifax Mooseheads,
may have provided the very
best hockey of all.
It was in that period, as well,
that sons Gavin and Graham
were playing in Cole Harbour
minor hockey. Since they're
seven years apart in age, I was a
regular at minor hockey for 20
years and, wow, how the number of their games piled up.
League games, playoffs, tournaments are everywhere. Minor
hockey parents know what it's
like. You go to a tournament for
a weekend, you hang around the
rink between your kid's games,
and you wind up seeing a dozen
games in three days.
I haven't even mentioned the
number of times I was at NHL
contests in such cities as Toronto,
Montreal, Boston, Detroit, New
York and Raleigh. That number,
too, was high.
The bottom line? Through
all of those seasons, I was averaging as many as 200 games –
perhaps even more – each winter. That represents a lot of
wins and losses, a lot of goals
and body checks. And, I must
add, I never tired of it.
It was great.
That's enough background on
what my routines used to be. So
allow me to jump forward to the
present where my hockey viewing
has changed a great deal.
Now several years into retirement from full-time duty, I still get
to arenas around Halifax-
Hugh's Highland View
A New Glasgow native and
Nova Scotia sports journalist
for almost 60 years.
Dartmouth and beyond. But semipro, senior, junior and university
games aren't even on my agenda
So guess where this old hockey
junkie sees his action now.
I have two granddaughters in
nearby Cole Harbour – where
Sidney Crosby and Nathan
MacKinnon grew up in the game
– and both girls have taken to the
sport in a big way. Almost needless to add, it's now girls hockey
that's getting all of my attention.
And I love it.
Claire is nine years old and
already in her fifth season. She
plays defence on Cole Harbour's
atom A girls team which just
happens to be leading the
southern conference in the
Female Hockey Federation.
Dartmouth, Halifax, Sackville,
TASA, East Hants, Valley,
Chester and Yarmouth, so travel isn't too hectic.
Claire loves the game, just as
much as her dad Graham did a
generation earlier. She has
improved immensely, plays her
position well, and can't get enough
trips to the rinks. At home, she
regularly fires hundreds of pucks
daily at a regulation net in the
driveway. She'll do anything to
improve her skills.
I mustn't leave out Anna. She's
only five years old, but in her second winter at the beginner level.
As is the case in many families, she
wants, more than anything else, to
get better than her big sister. Talk
about a youngster working hard
every minute on the ice. She never
stops – and her interest shows in
her development.
Know what stands out when
I'm watching the girls' games and
practices? How much girls hockey
in general has grown in quality
and popularity in the last number
of years. The growth has actually
been phenomenal, locally, provincially and nationally.
It's not many years ago that
you wouldn't even hear of girls
tournaments in the sport. Heck,
there was a time when it was
unusual to hear of even one girl
playing. And now? A few weeks
ago, Claire's team participated in a
tourney at the BMO Centre in
Bedford. There were no less than
54 teams in the three-day event. It
went on without a hitch. In those
three days, Claire and her teammates played six games. Papa was
there for everyone.
What's been happening in
girls hockey in our local communities is indicative of what has
been occurring in towns and cities across Canada.
It's truly a sport on the rise.
Meanwhile, I have to admit
that I'm having a really wonderful time watching my granddaughters, their friends and
teammates learning and playing
the sport that used to be dominated by the boys.
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The Advocate
January 13, 2016
Top photo: George Baird
holds an eight-hand in front
of the framed plaque showing the cribbage league winners over the previous 11
seasons. Bottom photo: cribbage players gathered last
Wednesday for their most
recent night of games at
Baird’s home. From left:
Margaret Ann Pellerin,
Dwight MacDonald, Kirk
Munro, Sonia Dubé and
George Baird.
Sports 11
Scotians test Miners
TRENTON – The Pictou
County Scotians will try to
extend their winning streak this
weekend in the Nova Scotia
Junior Hockey League.
The Scotians are coming off a
weekend sweep of their last two
games as they visit the
Cumberland County Blues on
Friday and host the Glace Bay
Miners on Sunday.
The Miners are first in the Sid
Rowe Division, while the
Scotians strengthened their hold
on second place by downing the
host Antigonish Bulldogs 6-2 on
Friday and edging the Liverpool
Privateers 2-1 in overtime on
Sunday in Trenton.
Troy Disipio scored with 1:36
left in the five-minute overtime as
the Scotians topped Liverpool.
Brad MacEachern gave the
Scotians a 1-0 lead in the second
Goodwin photos)
period, while the Privateers tied
the game late in the third period
to spoil Scotians’ goalie Brandon
MacDonald’s shutout bid.
“It was a good game to watch
and a great game to win,” Scotians’
co-general manager Walter Smith
said. “It was a very fast, hard-hitting game, very entertaining with
good goaltending.”
Goals by Disipio, Adam
Downey, Jordan Yochoff and
Ryan MacDonald gave the
Scotians a 4-0 lead through the
first period of their game with
the Bulldogs.
Downey added another goal
in the second period, while Riley
Cameron completed the scoring
in the third period.
The Scotians improved their
record to 14-9. They trail the
Miners by 13 points and lead the
third-place Strait Pirates by six
points. They have played two
fewer games than the Miners
and have one game-in-hand on
the Pirates.
MacEachern returned to the
first place of the individual point
list with 14 goals and 12 assists in
23 games.
Meanwhile, the Scotians got
some bad news with the loss of
two players from their roster.
Blair Dewtie suffered what
could be a long-term knee injury,
while Nathaniel Leger is reporting to the Yarmouth Mariners of
the MHL after his rights were
traded there.
With the official trade deadline past, the Scotians will try to
secure the services of un-carded
“That leaves us scrambling,”
Smith said. “We’re actively looking for a top-nine forward.”
Crushers regroup for Bearcats,
complete pre-deadline deals
Baird shares passion
for playing cribbage
By Steve Goodwin
and changing seasons do not
deter cribbage players in Central
Caribou who are in a league of
their own.
They meet most Wednesday
evenings at the home of George
Baird, 95, a military veteran who
has been playing cribbage since
the Second World War and
Auction 45s for longer than that.
Their league was founded in
2004. Over that time, a special
framed plaque hangs in Baird’s
house bearing the names of the
annual winners.
Baird has won the league title
three years, including the first
year in 2004-05 and again in
2009-10 and 2013-14.
“I played cribbage when I was
in the Navy, and pretty well since
then,” Baird said. “We have a lot
of fun. It’s fun, not gambling. That
was the trouble about playing on
the ship. Everybody wanted to
gamble, but I never gambled. I’ve
bought a few tickets, but that’s the
only gambling I ever do.”
Walter MacKay and Dwight
MacDonald have each won it
twice, while the other winners
are Lena MacKay, Sonia Dubé,
Margaret Ann Pellerin and last
year’s winner, Kirk Munro.
Munro is the only other original
player besides Baird who continues to play.
“I enjoy it,” he said.
The games usually draw six
people, although five showed up
last Wednesday.
“They let me win so I’d come
back,” said Dubé, who won the
league title in 2007-08 when she
first arrived in the area.
“Pellerin moved to the area
six years ago and has always
felt grateful for how Baird
welcomed her.
“George was the first person
who came to my door and welcomed me,” she said. “He invited me to play cards, and then I
won in 2012. No one has had a 29
hand, but I saw him with a 28
one night.”
A 29 hand is achieved with a
jack and three fives while turning over a five in the same suit as
the jack after cutting the deck.
“It’s easy to play and easy to
get a good hand if you have
good cards,” Baird said.
Points are generally accumulated by multiples of 15, as well
as runs and cards of the same
number and suit.
Peewee AA Selects edged in final game
The TASA Ducks edged the
Pictou County Subway Selects
3-2 on Sunday in the championship game of the Peewee
AA Division at the annual
Dairy Queen female hockey
The Selects defeated the
Bedford Blues 3-1 earlier on
Sunday to advance to the final.
The Selects opened their
part of the schedule on Friday
with a 2-0 victory over the
Capital District Cyclones and
Whalers 3-1 later on Friday.
The Selects blanked the
Valley Wild 2-0 and lost 3-1 to
Cole Harbour in their two
games on Saturday.
The ProCresting Penguins
from East Hants lost 1-0 to
Kings County in the Midget
AAA Division after advancing
with a 3-0 win over the
Northern Subway Selects.
The Penguins and Selects
play in the four-team Nova
Scotia Midget AAA Female
Hockey League.
The Selects shut out the
Moncton Rockets 4-0, while
Mid Isle Wildcats edged the
Selects 4-3 on Saturday. They
began their quest with a 4-1
triumph against the Fredericton
V-Reds on Friday.
In Bantam AA hockey, the
Selects opened on Friday with
a 3-2 victory over Moncton
and lost 4-0 to the Mid Isle
Wildcats later on Friday. Cole
Harbour defeated the Selects
3-1 on Saturday.
The games were played in
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Slaunwhite, CFP
former member of the Weeks
Major Midgets. Sartoris has
played sparingly over the past
two seasons in the Quebec
Major Junior Hockey League
with the Gatineau Olympiques
in 2014-15 and the Sherbrooke
Phoenix this season.
McDavid said the Crushers
may be interested in Sartoris
but are prepared to let him
complete this season of major
junior hockey before considering an off-season for him.
In last week’s game, the
Ramblers snapped a 2-2 tie in
the third period and added an
empty-net goal with 11 seconds left.
The Ramblers took an early
2-0 lead in the first period, but
goals by Brian MacDougall
late in the period and Regan
Spears late in the second peri-
od drew the Crushers even.
The Crushers were outshot
12-11 in the third period after
enjoying a 26-13 edge in shots
through the first two periods.
With last week’s results, the
Crushers fell into third place in
the Eastlink Division, two points
behind the first-place Valley
Wildcats and one behind the
Truro Bearcats. The Crushers
have played two more games
than both teams.
After Thursday’s game, the
Crushers will also play the
Lumberjacks on Friday in
The Crushers’ other games in
January include home games
against the Mariners on Jan. 21
and the Miramichi Timberwolves
on Jan. 28. They will also visit the
Bearcats on Jan. 23 and the
Ramblers on Jan. 30.
RRSP basics – the Super Seven ways to save and grow
You already know that one of the best retirement
savings strategies for most Canadians is a Registered
Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) -- and, as this year’s
RRSP contribution deadline nears, here is a Super
Seven list of some of the best ways to get the most
from your RRSP.
1. Beat that deadline This year’s RRSP contribution deadline is February 29, 2016 – don’t miss it!
2. Maximize Always make your maximum contribution each year – that’s how to get the most in
immediate tax savings and in long-term growth.
You’ll find your contribution room on your most
recent notice of assessment from the Canada Revenue
Agency (CRA).
Mercer, CFP
3. Catch up Fill up unused contribution room.
You can do that in a single year or over a number of
years until you reach age 71.
4. Rise up To have more money in retirement,
raise your RRSP contributions as your income rises.
McGuire, CFP
Grant Thornton LLP. A Canadian Member of Grant Thornton International Ltd
Crushers forward Regan Spears, 67, tries to direct a shot on the
Ramblers' goal in the third period of their MHL game on
Thursday at the Pictou County Wellness Centre. The Ramblers
(Goodwin photo)
won the game 4-2.
New Glasgow | 610 East River Road | B2H 5E5 | T +1 902 752 8393
The Pictou County Weeks
Crushers will have a slightly different roster in their bid to return
to winning form in the MHL.
The Crushers will host the
Truro Bearcats on Thursday at
the Pictou County Wellness
Centre, one week after a 4-2,
home-ice loss to the visiting
Trading was initially light
last week before the deadline on
Sunday and included the
Crushers’ deal that brought
them diminutive forward and
Glace Bay native Brad Cullen
from the Yarmouth Mariners for
the rights to Tyler Brown.
However, Crushers assistant
coach and general manager
Chad McDavid said there was
still time for some deals.
McDavid’s assurances were
borne out on Sunday with 11
separate deals, including three
involving the Crushers.
The Yarmouth Mariners
acquired Nathaniel Leger from
the Crushers for a seventh-round
pick in the 2017 draft and future
The Dieppe Commandos
dealt Benji Curtis to the
Crushers for first-and-sixthround picks in the 2017 draft,
rights to Brock MacLeod and
future considerations, then
traded Patrick Thompson, one
of their own picks and another
acquired from the Crushers to
the Ramblers for Alex
Of some interest in a separate trade, the Ramblers and
South Shore Lumberjacks
swung a deal that included the
Ramblers’ receiving the rights
to defenceman Matt Sartoris, a
5. Borrow to save An RRSP loan can be a good
option for maximizing this year’s contribution or
catching up on past contributions – but only if the
interest rate is low and you pay it back as quickly as
possible. A good way to do that: Use your RRSP tax
savings to help pay off the loan.
6. Diversify for growth Your maximum RRSP
contributions are capped by the government – so to
get the additional income you’ll likely need to enjoy
the retirement of your dreams, be sure to invest in a
Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA) and a well-balanced non-registered portfolio based on an asset allocation plan that matches your risk profile and time
7. Designate
Choose a beneficiary for your
RRSP (in Québec, this must be done through a will).
Generally, RRSP assets with a beneficiary designation
do not form part of your estate and do not attract
probate fees. If your beneficiary is your spouse/partner
or a disabled child/grandchild, your RRSP can be
transferred tax-deferred to your beneficiary’s registered plan.
Saving for retirement is an absolute necessity –
and an RRSP is a great way to do just that when it’s
part of an overall financial plan tailored to achieve
your retirement dreams. Talk to your professional
This column, written and published by Investors Group Financial Services Inc. (in Québec – a Financial Services Firm),
and Investors Group Securities Inc. (in Québec, a firm in Financial Planning) presents general information only and is
not a solicitation to buy or sell any investments. Contact your
own advisor for specific advice about your circumstances. For
more information on this topic please contact your Investors
Group Consultant.
MacKean, CFP
P: 902-752-2390
F: 902-752-2370
535 East River Road
New Glasgow
12 Sports
The Advocate
January 13, 2016
Bluenose club sees investment
from hosting Tankard qualifier
By Steve Goodwin
The Thorburn Golden Hawks won the Peewee B Division championship at the 2015 Westville
Christmas minor hockey tournament. The Hawks are also among teams playing in the annual
Andrey MacDonald Memorial tournament featuring Peewee B and Peewee Recreation teams this
weekend at the Ivor MacDonald Memorial Rink in Thorburn. From the left, front: Jake MacKean,
Logan Bennett, Mason Darroch, Jacob Pennington, Camden MacDonald and Chase Roberts.
Middle left: Dawson Morrison, Cailan MacLellan, Brandon Wallace, Dawson Burns, Noah
MacDonald, Ross Martin and Rosie Martin. Back left: coaches Paul MacLellan, Joey MacDonald
(Goodwin photo)
and Brent Bennett.
The Pictou Maripacs won the Bantam B Division of the 2015 Westville Christmas minor hockey
tournament. In front is goalie Aiden LeBlanc. From the left, middle: Kaleb Clarke, Brody Bowering,
Burke Murray, Zach Meier, Cole MacDougall, Justin MacLennan, Jake Murray and Ed Roberts.
Back left: Brandon Baird, Jack Marshall, Blake Crosby, Riley Redmond, coach Andrew Marshall,
Ethan Dewar, Ryan MacKay, coach Darren LeBlanc, Josh Graham, Baillie Langille, bantam consultant Brodo Murray and coach Evan Murray.
(Goodwin photo)
Hines graduates to teach dancing
PICTOU – Emma Hines has
successfully passed her associate
Highland exam which enables
her to teach highland dance.
Hines is among members of
the Pictou County Highland
Dance Association and students
of Holly MacDonald-Bent and
Brenda MacKay who took part
in the Scottish Dance Teachers '
Alliance Exam Tour for 2015.
Lynne Hamilton from Lanark,
Scotland was in the county to
examine the dancers.
Pre-Bronze: Penelope Brown, Cassie
Moser and Abigail White
Bronze: Olivia Wilson; Pre-Silver: Alyssa
Ells; Silver: Jesse Maxner and Annika
Pre-Gold: Charlotte Adams and Rachel
Gold: Sidney Baillie, Meg Maxner and
Amelia Parker
Scottish Award One: Alaina Bryce,
Emma Hines, Beth McNeill, Ainslie Salter, Tara
Sutherland, Ellen Coffin and Grace Maxner
Scottish Award Three: Madison Baillie
Scottish Award Four: Kiara Sutherland
Pre-Bronze: Cassie Moser and Olivia
Gold: Charlotte Adams, Katey Aucoin,
Jesse Maxner , Annika Murray and Amelia
Scottish Award One: Alaina Bryce,
Meg Maxner, Rachel Rowan, Ainslie Salter
and Ellen Coffin
Scottish Award Two: Sidney Baillie,
Tara Sutherland and Grace Maxner
Scottish Award Three: Emma
Scottish Award Four: Beth McNeill
Pre-Bronze: Katey Aucoin, Jesse
Maxner and Charlotte Adams
Bronze: Rachel Rowan
Silver: Alaina Bryce, Meg Maxner,
Annika Murray, Amelia Parker, Ainslie
Salter, Tara Sutherland, Ellen Coffin and
Grace Maxner
Gold: Sidney Baillie
Scottish Award Two (final exam):
Emma Hines and Beth McNeill
Pre- Bronze: Katey Aucoin and
Jesse Maxner;
Bronze: Rachel Rowan
Silver: Alaina Bryce, Grace Maxner,
Meg Maxner, Annika Murray, Amelia
Parker, Ainslie Salter and Ellen Coffin
Gold: Sidney Baillie and Tara
Scottish Award One: Beth McNeill
Scottish Award Two (final exam):
Emma Hines
Grade Primary: Penelope Brown,
Cassie Moser and Abigail White
Grade One: Jesse Maxner, Annika
Murray, Rachel Rowan and Ainslie Salter
Grade Two: Alaina Bryce, Ellen Coffin
and Charlotte Adams
Grade Three: Meg Maxner and
Sidney Baillie
Grade Four: Grace Maxner and Beth
Grade Five: Emma Hines
The 40th annual Antigonish
Highland Dance Association
Fall Competition took place in
Antigonish. The event was
judged by Ann Milne of
Ontario and Eileen Forrester
of Nova Scotia.
In the special event
Broadswords, Alaina Bryce
and Emma Hines placed second in the 13 and over category.
Beginner 8: Cassie Moser: Fling 3rd,
Sword 3rd, Flora 2nd.
Premier 10 & Under: Annika Murray:
Sean Triubhas 3rd, Reel 4th, Barracks
1st, Hornpipe 6th.
Permier 12: Sidney Baillie: Sean
Triubhas 3rd, Barracks 6th, Hornpipe
Premier 13: Alaina Bryce: Sean
Triubhas 2nd, Reel 5th, Barracks 4th,
Hornpipe 5th.
Premier 14: Madison Baillie: Sean
Triubhas 6th, Hornpipe 5th.
Premier 15 & 16: Emma Hines:
Sean Triubhas 3rd, Barracks 5th, Hornpipe
Amelia Parker was third in
Blue Bonnets at the Black Watch
Memorial competition that followed in Oromocto, N.B.
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the 2016 Nova Scotia Men’s
Open Tankard qualifier at the
Bluenose Curling Club is good
for organizers and aspiring curlers, Daniel Roy says.
Roy chaired the host committee for the event that ended on
Sunday with six teams advancing to the Tankard that will be
played at the Halifax Mayflower
No local teams curled in the
event, but Roy said hosting the
event was an opportunity to
expose people to high-level
men’s curling.
Roy and Jim Nix headed
about two dozen committee
members and volunteers who
worked the weekend.
“It gave great exposure to the
club from the perspective of the
volunteers and curlers,” Roy
said. “That’s the idea, to expose
the game to young players and
prospective players.”
The tournament used a tripleknockout formula to determine
the teams that advanced. All
games were 10 ends.
Jamie Danbrook of Halifax
Curling Club edged Matt Paul of
Dartmouth club 8-7 with a single
Linda Sangster checks the list against scheduled draw during
the 2016 Nova Scotia Men’s Open Tankard qualifier at Bluenose
(Goodwin photo)
Curling Club.
point in the 11th end to move on
in the final round on Sunday
Mayflower defeated Robert
Mayhew of Lakeshore club and
Pal Dexter nipped fellow
Mayflower skip Shea Steele 6-5
in an extra end to advance.
Dartmouth club, Chad Stevens
of Mayflower and Glen MacLeod
of NSCA also advanced.
Stevens topped Mayhew 7-2
in Sunday’s noon draw, while
Thompson defeated Stevens 7-2
and MacLeod got past Ian
Fitzner-LeBlanc of Mayflower
5-4 in the Saturday evening
Annual Ship Hector Cashspiel
team list full for Jan. 22-24
PICTOU – A full draw of 56
teams will once again be presented for the Ship Hector Cashspiel.
The 43rd annual curling
event will take place in all four
Pictou County curling clubs,
while the Ship Hector trophy
awarded to the overall winning
curling team will be contested at
the New Caledonian Curling
Club in Pictou.
Curling will begin after the
early evening reception while setting up the team draw at Bluenose
Curling Club in New Glasgow.
Eight-end matches will take place
at all four clubs – including the
Stellar and Westville clubs – at 8
p.m. and 10 p.m.
The Ship Hector has long been
an event that combines high-calibre curling with fun and fellowship. Besides the reception at
Bluenose on the Friday evening, a
dance has taken place at the
Westville club on Saturday after
curling is completed.
Draw chairman Scott Maston
of the New Caledonian club said
the registration list has been full
since before Christmas, with an
overflow of about seven teams
on standby in case some of the
registered teams don’t show.
Among the registered teams,
one is from California with at
least one curling member with
Pictou County roots.
If you have a
story idea or would
like media coverage
at your event
call Steve at
(902) 301-0724
Stellarton, Nova Scotia
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The Advocate
January 13, 2016
Heating up winter with challenge
By Heather Brimicombe
Community 13
Pictou Library project
moving forward
Thinking about leaving
your warm house in the winter to get out and be active can
be tough for some, but not for
those of the Durham, West
River Valley Community who
are taking part again in the
Active Living Challenge.
The challenge pits Durham
against their challengers, the
community of Lismore, in a
friendly competition to have
their rural communities come
together for a common goal
and get out and get active in
whatever way they can.
Going into the fifth year,
the challenge is holding strong
in the community with a good
amount of participants.
“We’re getting a lot of
interest,” said Sylvia Love,
one of the organizers for the
Durham event. “It was down
a bit last year but I think that
was because of the weather.”
Community support of the
event is not only focused
around the healthy lifestyle
part of the challenge but the
social aspect of it as well.
“It’s wonderful, because
it’s so easy to become isolated
Members of the Durham and West River Valley community kicked off their active community
challenge on Sunday afternoon with a walk to start off their kilometer counting.
(Brimicombe photo)
in a rural community,” Love
“I think it’s important
because it gets the community
together and it gets the community active,” said Tyler
MacLean who, along with his
brother Luke, are some of the
communities younger participants.
He and his brother noted
that some of their favourite
winter activities are playing
in the snow and making snowballs.
With a good turnout on
Sunday afternoon at the
Durham Community Centre,
the challenge for this year
kicked off with a goal of 22,000
kilometers for the community
to reach by April.
The challenge is not just for
walking, biking and jogging
either; leisure activities can
count toward kilometers as
well as activities such as chair
exercises, which the community hall will hold each
Wednesday morning for the
next 12 weeks.
“It’s so supportive when
you have other people doing
it too,” said Love. “It gets the
neighbours together, people
you haven’t seen in ages.”
PICTOU – Coun. Cam
Beaton shared an update of the
Pictou Library project with town
council at its latest public meeting.
The library committee met
recently and Beaton said a lot of
concerns were brought up.
“The architect is tweaking
the design and will bring it back
to us on January 21.”
Beaton says there were issues
with the deCoste Centre and
how it would flow with the
“A lot of the issues have been
ironed out,” he told council.
The next step in the process
will be the design drawing and
once it gets approved and
moved on to the development
stage, council will hear a presentation on the project,
“It’s an enhancement to the
building,” noted Coun. Lynn
Vigneault. “A sign of the future...
it has a very, very nice flow and
we’re very excited about it, both
the deCoste and the library
The first readings of both the
fee bylaw and the alternative
voting bylaws were heard.
The fee bylaw refers to
municipal fire hydrants access
fees. Currently, the way the fees
are structured, provincial properties are exempt from the fees.
With the new bylaw, provincial
properties will have to pay the
fire hydrant fees which is a benefit to all because the more
properties that pay the fee, the
lower the fee is for everyone.
The alternative voting bylaw
refers to electronic voting in
addition to regular voting. Once
passed, the alternative voting
bylaw would allow for electronic voting in the May 28 plebiscite for the MOU and for the
upcoming municipal election in
The way the electronic voting works is, users will be provided a pin code for voting and
swear an oath beforehand.
Pictou is looking to piggyback with a number of other
municipalities opting for electronic voting to lower the purchase cost.
It will work similarly to
advance polls, without eliminating the advance and regular
Both bylaws went through
first reading and will be up for
second reading at the next council meeting.
The Advocate
January 13, 2016
Branch #16, Pictou, NS
Legion Entertainment for Members and invited guests.
N.S.L.C. ID’s upon request
Every Monday Night Bingo:
Mini Bingo
Reg. Bingo
Starts at 7:00 p.m.
Starts at 7:45 p.m.
JACKPOT $675 in 55#’s or less
BONANZA $600 in 50#’s or less. BOTTLE $1942+
Executive Meeting - Thursday January 14 at 7:30 PM
Karaoke: Thursday, from 8:00 p.m. - 12 a.m. Admission $3.00
Chase the Ace: Friday 7:30 - 9:30 p.m.
Steak Darts: Saturday 2 - 4 p.m. Meat Roll: Sunday 2 - 4 p.m.
Hall Rentals and Catering available
and two bedroom apartments.
Re-decorated, each has FSWD
and sundeck. Terms negotiable,
special rates for seniors. 902456-4594 or 902-861-1537
Pictou, Four bedroom
house, F/S with hook
up for W/D.
Two bedroom house on Beeches Road,
Pictou. Cozy and efficient.
$575 per month, utilities extra.
Available mid-February.
No pets. References and
damage deposit required.
Call 485-1861, after 5 p.m.
Main floor, front and
back door, large back
yard. Fridge/Stove
$675, utilities included.
Private parking.
In Memoriam
In loving memory of my mother,
Frieda Green, who passed away
on January 11, 2015.
The Broken Chain
Little did we know that morning
That God was going to call
your name
In life we loved you dearly
In death we do the same.
(Former Central Supplies Building - 72,000 sq. ft.)
Vendors 6:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. • Shoppers 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Private and commercial vendors welcome. Vendors may leave goods on site.
For info and booking: (902) 695-5631
Our family chain is broken
And nothing seems the same
But as God calls us one by one
The chain will link again.
Pictou Large two
bedroom main floor
apartment. Large deck,
washer/dryer, all utilities
and high speed included.
$775/month. Quiet adult
building. Available now
or February 2016.
ANTIQUES: Pantry cupboards,
tables, old furniture, military items,
musical instruments, old books,
old toys, ship paintings and other
old paintings and old advertising
signs, etc. John Marshall Antiques.
Call, write or visit 65 Provost St.,
New Glasgow, NS. B2H 2P5. 902755-4055. Email: john.marshall.
May the Sacred Heart of
Jesus and the Immaculate
Heart of Mary be praised,
adored and glorified every
day throughout the world
forever, Amen. Say six
times a day for nine days,
promise publication.
at the Fire Hall in Caribou at 7 p.m.
All residents in the coverage area
are encouraged to attend.
Thank You
Thank you to all who contributed in any way to
make the Opportunity Shop’s Children’s Christmas
Gift Program a success. Thank you to those who
gave toys and clothing and the volunteers who put
it all together.
Program Co-ordinator
Betty Ann Battist
Card of Thanks
On the occasion of my 70th birthday, I would like
to thank everyone for attending. Thank you to
Hilda for her special entertainment and thanks
also to the musicians.
Thanks for all the presents, cards and monetary gifts.
Special thanks to Gordon and Hilda Peckham
for hosting the party.
Sadly missed and lovingly
remembered by daughter
Charlene, son-in-law Louie and
grandchildren Jacki and Mitchell.
Gordon R. MacKenzie
Location: PICTOU
Looking for a Sales Career
See what we mean when you think about advertising sales and make
your sales career come true. If you have a passion for advertising
sales Advocate Media Inc. has a great sales opportunity.
The company publishes newspapers, magazines and industry
publications in various communities across the Maritimes; is
invested in and cares about the communities we serve and have
built the reputation of being the publisher your community turns
to and trusts.
With new business opportunities we are searching for a dynamic,
self-motivated, passionate individual to work with our “great to
work with Media Team” at the Pictou Advocate. If you’re passionate
about selling and hold customer service as one of your values this
position could be your next career opportunity.
Qualifications and Requirements:
· Some experience cold calling and a good understanding
of business development.
· Entrepreneurial by nature, creative, organized and self-motivated.
· Solid communication and interpersonal skills.
· Microsoft office skills and ability to work with
sales tracking software.
· The ability to build and maintain excellent
relationships with customers.
· Able to identify and contact clients with control
for advertising budgets.
Tuesday, January 26, 2016
“Star Wish” Program
It broke our hearts to lose you
You did not go alone
For a part of us went with you
The day God called you home.
You left us peaceful memories
Your love is still our guide
And though we cannot see you
You are always at our side.
will be held on
· Creative thinker with goal oriented attitude to achieve targets.
In Memoriam
· Good judgment, organizational and negotiation skills.
· Good multi-tasking and priority management skills.
· Ability to work independently and as part of a team.
In loving memory of Frieda M. Green
who left us one year ago on
January 11, 2015.
Interested applicants email your resume to:
Twelve full moons have lit the Heavens
Since we hugged you last
Mom the days have been forever
And yet they went so fast.
We’ve surrounded ourselves
with memories of you
And we pick up all your dimes
You promised that you would
send them to us
In our troubled times.
Gary, Gary,
Quite contrary...
Your legacy lives in all of us
Our wit, our charm, our smiles
Mom just to be able to hug you again
If only for a while.
needed some land to plow.
We’ve filled the miles to Heaven
With a stairway for you to walk
It’s comforting to know you use them
For our mother talks.
Sleep with the angels mom
A mom like no other
We are blessed that God chose you
To be our loving mother.
Forever loved and sadly missed
by daughters Maureen Smith,
Janice Curtis, son John Green
and their families.
He picked up the paper...
And found 80 acres...
G&G Music Store
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Phone: 902-752-4172
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To place a
ad call
Marjorie at
Coming to the Moncton Coliseum
January 22-23, 2016
Visit www.FCWC.ca for details.
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PLACE IT BY MAIL! to PO Box 1000, Pictou, NS B0K 1HO (Att: Classifieds)
PLACE IT BY PHONE! call 902-485-8014, ext. 1101.
PLACE IT BY EMAIL! to marjorie@pictouadvocate.com
Classified Advertising Rates
Up to 25 words - $9.64 (plus HST) for one issue, $12.62 for two issues and $16.06 for three issues.
Over 25 words - add 21¢ (plus HST) per word, per issue.
Should an error be made by The Advocate which in its judgement materially affects the value of the advertisement,
a corrected advertisement or portion thereof will be inserted upon demand without further charge “Make good”
insertions are not granted on minor errors which do not lesson the value of the whole advertisement.
The advertiser agrees that the publisher shall not be liable for damages arising out of errors in advertisements
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ADVERTISING DEADLINE: 5 PM Friday for Wednesday’s Publication
CLASSIFIEDS DEADLINE: 12 PM Monday for Wednesday’s Publication
Classified Ads must be paid in advance of publication. Visa, MC & Debit accepted.
Now all he
needs is a cow!
Classifieds Work! Call Today!
The Advocate 902-485-8014
Municipal Grant Applications for the 2016/17 fiscal period are now available from
the Municipal Administration Building, 46 Municipal Drive, Pictou during normal business hours by calling 485-4311 or 752-1530. Funding awarded under this policy is
intended for community-based programs and services which replace, supplement, or
compliment a municipal mandate and provide benefits to one or more Council district
or the entire Municipality.
Applications must be returned no later than February 29th so that they can be assessed
in preparation for the 2016/17 General Operating Budget.
Municipal Grant funding does not replace money available under the Municipality’s
Recreation Program or Municipal Services Grant Program and applicants who are
accustomed to receiving funds from both of these programs are encouraged to contact
the Recreation Co-ordinator or their Municipal Councillor for further information and
Applicants who received funding in 2015/16 and who do not complete and
return their Municipal Grant Reporting Form by March 31, 2016 may be considered
ineligible for further grant funding.
Interested applicants may obtain a copy of the Municipality’s Municipal Grants Program
Policy and application form from our website at www.county.pictou.ns.ca (click on
“Municipal Grants” and the bottom left corner of our Homepage)
Brian Cullen
Chief Administrative Officer
Municipality of the County of Pictou
PO Box 910 (28 Willow St.)
Pictou, Nova Scotia B0K 1H0
The Advocate
January 13, 2016
river John news
By Anne Patriquin
River John correspondent
Hello everyone! Hope you all
had a wonderful Christmas and a
happy New Year. It is now 2016,
where did the year go?
Does anyone have any news
to share? If you do, call me at
902-351-2898 or e-mail me at ann.
I have a poem to share with
you. It was written by Dal
from Melville.
They came right from the
To blast-off at Kay Ross's
And land at Enos's barn.
They claim they were not
While making this famous
But their space-ship needed
some fixing
Over at Rollie's Body Shop
Robison who lived on the Cape
John Road. Dal has written many
poems; I will try to share them
with you.
River John's Contribution to
Space Travel
The Russians and Americans
Are putting men up high,
But down here in Pictou
We have some boys who fly.
These two astronauts came
Word of the week
Terpsichorean: an adjective
meaning pertaining to dancing.
CommuniTy evenTs
WEDNESDAy, January 13
AA’s Pictou Hr. Group meets at
8 p.m. on the Old Pictou Road and at
8 p.m. at St. Andrew’s Presbyterian
Church, Westville.
Preschool Storytime (ages 3-5) runs
10:30-11:30 a.m. at the Pictou
Library, 9:30-10:30 a.m. at the River
John Library and 1:30-2:15 p.m. at
the New Glasgow Library.
Have a great week everyone
and stay safe!
ABC’s for Babies (newborn to 18
months) takes place 10-11 a.m. at
the Westville Library and 10:4511:30 a.m., Stellarton Library.
ToddleTime (18 months-3 years)
takes place 10:15-11 a.m., New
Glasgow Library.
Chair Exercises at the Durham
Community Hall (across the bridge)
with Sharon Lynch at 10 a.m. This is
a 12-week program. Silver collection.
Health is wealth!
LANGILLE, Ella – It is with very
sad and heavy hearts that we
announce the passing of our beautiful Aunt Ella on December 19,
2015. We, her nieces and nephews
and extended family and many others, will surely miss her forever.
Auntie, as we called her, was always
there for us all through our lives.
She was whom we took our many
troubles to to have them finally
solved. Ella was truly a humble,
compassionate, caring person in
every way. Even as a young girl
when she told us her stories of
gathering bottles and when she
received her money how she would
always go to the bakery and
Logan's Groceries and buy treats
for her sisters, her mom and herself
on the way home. Ella was one
who always put others before herself. All through her life she had a
great sense of humour, yet was
serious in many of her ways; she
was a very independent and private
person. Ella loved music, especially
singing, and dearly loved the
Shiretown Minstrels, bowling in her
younger years and won many trophies, and hockey as a school girl.
She dearly loved her beautiful St.
James Anglican Church where she
held many positions over the years:
Sunday school teacher for 15 years,
Altar Guild leader for 15 years,
Regional Council for 14 years,
Spiritual Development for 20 years,
Synod and Fundraising Committee
for 15 years, Fellowship Group for
10 years, Church Council for five
years and envelope secretary assistant for four years. She also worked
a lot behind the scenes and also
worked closely with the rectors over
the years. She assisted in forming
the Order of St. Luke in Pictou
County. She is one who will always
be hard to replace. She was always
there the day before when things
had to be decorated and for many
other things. Ella was a lifetime
member of the Canadian Bible
Society and a proud member of the
Monarchist League of Canada. She
spent many years as a volunteer for
different charities and the food
bank, many years assisting the
choir for Sunday services at the
nursing homes and funeral homes.
She was an employee of G.J.
Hamilton & Sons for 20½ years
where she spent time as an employee and 10 years as forelady, where
she was highly respected, where
she took a course in practical nursing and bookkeeping because of
union business and injuries in the
plant. After Hamiltons closed, she
and her friend spent 25 years in a
cleaning service of their own. As
she said, she devoted her life to her
church, and her many accomplishments. She will always be remembered by her many nieces and
nephews and her extended family,
sisters-in-law Georgina and Mary
Catherine. Ella was born February
8, 1931, in Pictou where she spent
all of her life. Ella was the last of her
immediate family, predeceased by
her parents, Maud Nicholson
Langille and Henry Hayden Langille;
her sisters and brothers and one
stillborn, a family of 10 children.
Cremation has taken place under
the care of McLaren’s Funeral
Home. There will be no visitation.
Service will be held 11 a.m.
Saturday, January 16, 2016, at St.
James Anglican Church with her
nephew Canon Melvin Langille.
Burial will be at St. James Cemetery
with her grandmother. Family and
extended family flowers only.
Donations in Ella's memory may be
made to the S.P.C.A., Save the
Children and the St. James Church
General Account.
Rest always in the arms of God
and the angels.
BOWERS, Daniel Eldon – 59, of
Halifax, passed away December
31, 2015 peacefully at home. Born
in Halifax he was the son of George
and Jessie (MacKenzie) Bowers.
Dan was a well-respected and talented musician, who began at the
early age of 11 playing trumpet for
the Sea Cadets as a Petty Officer
1st Class. During his school years
he joined the Princess Louise
Fusiliers. He studied music under J.
Chalmers Doane who he respected
and loved. His musical interest soon
focused on the bass and he
became quite an accomplished,
self-taught player. Although he
played in many bands, one of his
favourites was “The Track Band”
through which he met numerous
musicians and great friends. Dan
currently played in the band
“Ghostrider” and cherished his fellow band “brothers”. Dan worked
as a letter carrier for 34 years and
retired in 2012. He had many friends
at Canada Post such as his special
friend Bryan James. He loved to
take his beloved dogs for daily
walks to his favourite place, Point
Pleasant Park. Dan is survived by
his beloved wife Pauline (Dugas)
Bowers; daughter Kristine Lynn;
step-daughter Nikkole; sons, Daniel
Frederick and Daniel Mason; stepsons, John and D.J.; 9 grandchildren Claudia, Kristina, Dionna, D.J.
Jr., Lyric, Johntae, Amira, J.R., and
Predeceased by his mother, Jessie
Naomi (MacKenzie) Bowers and
only brother David Allan. Dan had
many friends of whom he often
spoke with love and admiration,
such as his adopted brothers, Barry
Gilmour, Paul Morse, Michael
Jackson and Bruce Murray; sisters
Diane McNeil; his best friend Mike
Best and mother of his children
Kathy Power.
COUGIAS, Susan – 63 of New
Glasgow, passed away on January
2, 2016 in the Halifax Infirmary with
her family at her side. Born in
Pictou, on March 15, 1952, she
was a daughter of the late George
and Caroline (Rogers) Dawson.
Susan will be dearly missed by her
daughter Janda (Mike Shanahan),
Westville; sons, Tom Chapman
(Lisa Dewitt), Westville; Drea
Cougias (Catherine), Pictou; Stavros
Cougias (Haleigh Cholmondeley),
Westville; Leo Hutchinson, Alberta;
grandchildren, Nicole, Christopher
and Sam; Maddy and Liam; Amelia,
Gabby and Aleko; and Talia. She is
also survived by sisters: Inez
Muirhead, Verna Lloyd, Linda Lloyd,
Bonnie MacKenzie and Debra
Curtis; brothers: Tom, Carl “Wimp”,
Harold “Bucko”, Gerald “Skipper"
and Wyman Dawson; special friend
Janet Dawson and little pet dog,
Tilly. She was predeceased by sisters, Audrey Cooper and Ruth
Spence; brothers, Melvin and Eric
Dawson; infant sister Inez and infant
brother Merritt. A private family
service was held January 5 at
Eagles Funeral Chapel.
CROWE, Gary – 69, passed away
on December 27, 2015 in Penticton,
BC. Gary was born in Pictou. He
is survived by his wife Donna Crowe
(Penticton, BC); son, Gary Wayne
Crowe (Kim McCurdy, Edmonton,
AB); daughter, Kim Crowe
(Penticton, BC), daughter Tanya
Crowe (Edmonton, AB) stepdaughter and husband Janna and
Al Pigat (Lethbridge AB). Gary had
eight grandchildren and three greatgrandchildren. He was the fourth
child born in a family seven (Patsy,
Marilyn, Linda, David, Allan, Lorne).
Donna was the love of his life. A
celebration of his journey will be
announced at a later date.
CROWE, David Herbert – 70,
passed away December 20, 2015
in the Phillipines. David was born In
Pictou, son of late Herbert and
Lavenia Crowe. He is survived by
son, John Crowe (Edmonton) and
daughter Bonnie (Campbell River,
BC); five grandchildren; sisters
Linda (Rimbey, AB) Patsy (Pictou);
brothers Gary (Penticton), Allan
(Calgary), Lorne (Parksville, BC). He
was predeceased by wife Carolyn
and sister Marilyn. His remains have
been cremated.
Sylvia Laverne (Tattrie) – of
Cambey Avenue, Stellarton passed
away December 31, 2015 at the
Aberdeen Hospital, New Glasgow.
Born in Plymouth Park, she was the
daughter of the late Frank and Hazel
(Geddes) Tattrie. She worked at the
Valley View Villa for 20 years. She
loved to decorate and rearrange
things in her home, shopping, drives,
but most of all, she enjoyed spending time with her four kids and
grandchildren, and her fur baby
“Jake”. They were her life. She
loved to sing songs and tell stories.
She was always told that she should
have written a book. It would have
been a best seller. She is survived by
a daughter Shelley (John), Stellarton;
#1 son Gary (Julie), at home; a
Springville; daughter Donna (Mike),
Stellarton; grandchildren: Ginny, Jay,
Bradley, Brandon, Ashley, Travis,
Kayla, Kelsey and Michael; greatgrandchildren: Daniel, Kaitlyn, Jack,
Harper and Kenzie; her life-long and
best friends Dot Duggan and Janet
Avery, who always had a place in her
heart. She is also survived by halfbrothers Brian (Glenda) Buckles,
Stellarton; Frank (Laurie), Dartmouth;
half-sister Joan (Edward) Hudry,
Stellarton. She was predeceased by
her first husband Jimmy Campbell,
second husband Dan MacDonald,
half-sister Annie Buckles, and special friend Leonard Ward. Memorial
service was held January 7 at the
H.C. MacQuarrie Funeral Chapel,
CHAISSON, Veronica Bernice
“Vonnie” – 83, died peacefully
January 6, 2016 in Glen Haven
Manor, New Glasgow. Born in
Georgetown, PEI, she was a
daughter of the late William and
Mary (Burke) Prosper. Vonnie is
survived by her children, sons,
Charlottetown; David (Elaine)
Chaisson, Pictou; daughters,
Marlene (Bernie) Currie, Pictou and
Judy (Allan) Hughes, MacLellan’s
Brook; 11 grandchildren and seven
great-grandchildren; sisters, Julie
Hennessey, Joanne (Jitter Coyle)
Arthur, both of Charlottetown; Anna
(Ron) Pettitt, Salmon Arm, BC;
brothers, Bill (Kay) Prosper,
Charlottetown; Ernie (Winnie)
Prosper, Stratford, PEI; brother-inlaw, Charlie (Mavis) Chaisson, Cape
North, NS.; sister-in-law, Anne
Chaisson, Lower Sackville; many
nieces and nephews. Besides her
parents, she was predeceased by
her husband, Leo; daughter,
Lorraine; granddaughter, Mary
Patricia Chaisson; brothers, Wilfred
and Vincent; sisters, Myrtle, Elsie
and Frances; brothers-in-law, John
and Zephy Chaisson; sister-in-law,
Theresa Chaisson and nephew,
Wilfred, Jr. She was an outgoing
person who enjoyed listening and
dancing to fiddle music and trips to
the Bahamas with her husband in
the winter. She was also an avid
Bingo player, spending many nights
of the week playing around the
county, sometimes referred to as
“Bingo Bonnie”. She enjoyed her
routine, especially her weekly visits
to Ahead of Hair for some pampering, and lunch to follow at Sharon’s
Place Family Restaurant. Funeral
mass was celebrated January 9
from the Stella Maris Roman
Catholic Church, Pictou. Burial in
the parish cemetery.
McKENZIE, Sadie Mildred –
81, of Palmerston Street, Pictou,
passed away peacefully in the
Palliative Care Unit of the
Aberdeen Hospital on January 9,
2016. Born in Pictou, she was a
daughter of the late Alex and
Caroline (Cogswell) Hemmings.
Sadie enjoyed a variety of crafts
especially quilting and was also a
devoted member of the Anglican
Church. She is survived by her
daughter, Catherine; son, Michael;
grandchildren, Jonathan, Angela,
Jason and Tiffany; great-grandchildren, Hailey and Noah; special
girl, Holly MacDonald; sisters,
Jean, Shirley and Irene (Cecil
Shaw). Sadie was predeceased
by her husband, George
McKenzie; sisters, Mary, Eleanor,
Margaret, Doris and Dorothy;
brother, William. A public graveside service will be held
Wednesday at 1 p.m in St. James
Cemetery with Rev. Bill White
officiating. The family will hold a
public gathering at St. James
Church Hall following the graveside at 1:30 p.m.
ROBAR, Craig David – 38, of
New Glasgow, passed away on
December 31, 2015. Born in
Antigonish, March 27, 1977. Craig
lived in many places in Canada
spreading his larger than life personality and charm. He had an
amazing sense of humour, quick
wit and was famous for one liners.
Most of all, Robar was a great
story teller. Laughter was a given
when you were around him, most
times at your own expense! Craig
leaves behind family, friends and
two beautiful children.
(Trenholm) – 99, of Pictou
Landing, formerly of Truro, passed
away January 3, 2016 in the
Aberdeen Hospital.
Born in
Trenton, she was a daughter of
the late Frank Albert and Florence
(Harvey) Trenholm. Hazel attended Trenton schools and then
moved to Truro and married Lyle
Smith. She was a very accomplished hairdresser and ran a shop
in her home for many years.
During her years in Truro, she
gave loving care in her home to
her mother-in-law and father-inlaw and later, her mother and
father and, following his stroke,
looked after her husband until he
passed away. In the late 90s, she
purchased a cottage in Pictou
Landing overlooking Pictou
Harbour, a view she loved from
day one and later turned it into a
permanent home where she
remained until her passing. She
never lost her hunger for knowledge and pursued many hobbies
including: golf, skating, swimming,
pottery making, barbershop singing, ukulele, keyboard, painting
and gardening. For her 90th birthday, she requested a guitar. She
loved music and everyone who
came to her home had to watch
her video of Don Ho. She had a
love of animals, especially her
cats. Through the years, she kept
in touch with friends by writing letters. She is survived by a nephew,
Barry (Marilyn) Trenholm, Trenton;
niece: Karen Trenholm, Florida;
grand-nieces: Debbie (Fred) Davis,
Cathy (Fred) Fergus, Linda (Peter)
Robertson, and their mother,
Donna MacNaughton; Karen Lee
Farrington; grand-nephews: Frank
Trenholm; Jake Trenholm; many
great grand-nieces and nephews.
She was predeceased by her
husband, Lyle Smith; brothers:
Chet and Merle; infant sister, Olive;
nephew, Bob MacNaughton.
Graveside service will be held at a
later date.
WHITE, Mary "Jean" – 88, of
Stellarton, passed away peacefully
on January 4, 2016 in Valley View
Villa, Riverton. Born in Westville,
she was a loving daughter of the
late Claude and Margaret (Smith)
Allen. Jean was predeceased by
her loving husband of 51 years,
Lewis Arthur “Art” White; sister
Havalena Eriksen; brothers Claude
and Robert “Bobby” Allen. She
was the last surviving member of
her immediate family. She resided
in Toronto for many years where
she worked for Royal Trust and
then opened a business with her
husband "Art White Music Service"
for 12 years, before returning to
Pictou County upon retirement.
Jean lived her life with dignity,
grace and love, she was a faithful
Blue Jay's and Toronto Maple
Leaf's fan and loved to play golf.
She will be sadly missed by her
nieces, nephews and dear friends.
There will be no visitation or
funeral service. Interment will be
in Highland Memory Gardens,
Gamers Afterschool @ Library
(drop-in), 3-5 p.m., Westville Library.
Drop-in gaming session for ages
8-14; play a game on Wii or Xbox.
items and small appliances, pictures,
movies, CD, books, jackets and other
clothing, trinkets, nic-nacs, camping
items, skates, games, eggs.
Saturday Morning Puppetry Club
meets at the Pictou Library, 10:3011:30 a.m.
Crafty Saturday (drop-in) with a winter theme, 11 a.m.-3 p.m., Trenton
Library. Kids and families stop in and
create something fun.
Family LEGO time @ the Library, 34:30 p.m., Pictou Library. Families
and children alike. All are welcome!
Imagination Saturdays run 11 a.m. to
4 p.m. at the Stellarton Library; 10
a.m.-3 p.m., River John and Westville
Laughter Yoga, 1:30-2:30 p.m., New
Glasgow Library.
SUNDAy, January 17
Afterschool @ Library (ages 5-9) runs
3-4 p.m., Stellarton Library. Join in for
an after school program with snacks,
stories, LEGO, songs and games.
AA’s Hope Group meets at 12:30
p.m. at the Sister Catherine Steele
Centre, Stellarton. There is an information meeting at 2:30 p.m. at the
Pictou Detox. The Pictou Hr. Group
meets at 8 p.m. on Old Pictou Road
and the HOW Group meets at 8:30
p.m. at First Baptist Church, East
River Road, New Glasgow.
Club Francais, 12-1 p.m., Stellarton
Library. For more info contact the coordinator Cynthia Gallagher at 902754-2682 or cynthia.gallagher@
Bingo is played every Monday 6:45
p.m. at the Royal Canadian Legion,
Tatamagouche. Canteen available.
Wheelchair accessible.
MONDAy, January 18
THURSDAy, January 14
AA’s Trenton 24 Group meets at 8
p.m. on Pleasant Street and the
Hope Group meets at 8 p.m. at the
Sister Catherine Steel Centre,
Weeks Hockey Chase the Ace, every
Thursday 6:30-8:30 p.m. at the
Pictou County Wellness Center. All
proceeds go to support the Weeks
Hockey Organization and the Strong
Kids Program.
The regular monthly meeting of the
Adult Brain Tumour Support Group
will be held from 6:30-8:30 p.m. in
the lounge of the East River Manor
695 East River Rd. New Glasgow.
For info call 1-800-265-5106
AA’s Pictou Hr. Group meets at 8
p.m. on the Old Pictou Road and at
8:30 p.m. the HOW Group meets on
East River Road in New Glasgow.
Weekly Soup Luncheon, 11:30 a.m.
to 1 p.m. First Presbyterian Church
Hall (Pictou). All are invited. There is
no charge, however, freewill donations are accepted. This is a project
of the Pictou Town Churches and
provides an opportunity for all to
enjoy a soup or chili luncheon and the
good company of others.
ABC’s for Babies (0-18 months) runs
10:30-11:30 a.m., Pictou Library.
Preschool Storytime (ages 3-5 yrs)
takes place 10:15-11 a.m., New
Glasgow Library; 1-2 p.m., in the
Stellarton Library and 1:15 – 2:15
p.m., Westville Library.
Knitting and Crocheting Group
(drop-in), 3-4:30 p.m., Pictou Library.
Drop in to knit and crochet with others. Bring your own yarn and needles,
patterns and written instructions will
be available.
ToddleTime (18 months-3 yrs) is held
6:15-7:15 p.m., Stellarton Library.
Seniors Café, 10 a.m.-12 p.m.,
Pictou Library with “Mystic Mike”
Thompson giving insight into the year
ahead. Enjoy refreshments and
access to all library services.
TUESDAy, January 19
ALANON Adult Children of Alcoholics
meets 7-8 p.m. downstairs at The
Detox Center, 199 Elliott Street,
Pictou. For info call Brenda at 902485-8653.
AA meets at 8 p.m. at the Sister
Catherine Steel Centre, Lourdes and
at 8 p.m. at the Lismore Community
Centre, Big Book Study.
ToddleTime (18 months-3 yrs) runs
10:30-11:30 a.m., Pictou Library.
Knitting for Children (for ages 5+, preregistration is required, 3-4:30 p.m.,
Pictou Library. All yarn and needles
will be provided, and children must
be at least 5 years old and pre-registration is required.
Seniors Now! Speaker Series presents 'Back to Work – Tips and advice
for older adults entering the workforce' with speaker Mary MacIntosh
from Career Connections, 1:30- 2:30
p.m., New Glasgow Library. She will
talk about cover letter/resume writing
when entering (or re-entering) the
workforce and other handy hints to
keep in mind during your job hunt.
ABC’s for Babies (newborn to 18
months) runs 10:15-11 a.m. at the
New Glasgow Library.
Puppetry Club (pre-registration
required), ages 5-15, 3-4 p.m.,
Westville Library. Learn how to make
puppets and write a puppet show
too! To register, contact the library.
LEGO @ the Library (drop-in), 6:15
-7:45 p.m., River John Library; 6:30
-7:30 p.m., Stellarton Library and
6-7:30 p.m., Westville Library.
LEGOs @ the Library, 3-4 p.m,. New
Glasgow Library. Stop in and build
something amazing with LEGO.
Families and children welcome!
Tuesday book club, 7 p.m., Pictou
Library. This month members will be
discussing Kit’s Law by Donna
Morrissey. Call or drop by the library
for a copy of the book.
Thursday Night Book Club meets
6:30-7:30 p.m. at the Westville
Library. To find out what the group is
reading or for info call the library.
Teen Readers Club meets 4-5 p.m.
at the Stellarton Library. Teens can
join our staff after school for books,
chats, discussion, snacks and more.
Book Club discusses 'Audience of
Chairs' by Joan Clark, 7-8 p.m.,
Pictou Library.
Book Club meets 7-8 p.m., New
Glasgow Library. To arrange a copy
of the book, or to find out this
month's selection call the library.
FRIDAy, January 15
AA’s Trenton 24-Hr. Group meets at 8
p.m. on Pleasant Street and at 8 p.m.
Hope Group meets at the Sister
Catherine Steel Centre, Lourdes.
Knitting circle, 10-11 a.m. with the RJ
Square Knitters, River John Library
and 1-2 p.m. in the Stellarton Library
with the Stellar Knitters. Stitching and
conversation in a cozy atmosphere.
Toddle Time, 10-11 a.m., Westville
Library and 10:45-11:45 a.m. at the
Stellarton Library.
‘Together with Heather’ music, 10:15
a.m., New Glasgow Library. Join
Heather Cameron for a morning of
music fun. There will be finger plays,
instruments and lots of movement for
children up to age 6. Registration
required by calling the library.
Gamers Afterschool @ Library
(drop-in), 3-5 p.m., Westville Library.
SATURDAy, January 16
Auction 45s, 7 p.m., New Horizons
Club, Pictou. Adm. $5 (includes tickets for 50/50, door prize, pool and
Tatamagouche Legion #64 & North
Shore Rec. Centre presents, The
Queen of Hearts, a new twist to
“Chase the Ace” 2-4 p.m.
AA’s Easy Does it Group meets at 8
p.m. at St. Andrew’s Presbyterian
Church, Westville.
Seniors Relay sale, 474 Scotsburn
Rd, West Branch, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. New
items weekly. Proceeds for the Fuel
Fund for district seniors. Kitchen
LEGO family night, 6-7 p.m., Pictou
Library. The giant tote of Lego is open
and families are welcome to drop in
and create anything in your imagination. Do some colouring pages, pick
up a Lego book to read!
There is a Mitten Tree at the Stellarton
Library. If you have some spare warm
mittens, hats & scarves around your
home, consider donating them.
Library staff will be giving these donations to the Y Reach program (welcoming new immigrants to Pictou
County). For info call the library.
SCOUTS CANADA: Scouts in Pictou
County is looking for volunteers to
start groups in their town or rural
communities. Contact Scott Murdoch
at 902-922-2805 or email: scott.
cherill@live.ca. Help is available to
volunteers in administrative work and
training. For info on scouting go to:
The Winifred Grant Opportunity shop
is open on Tuesdays from 10 a.m. to
noon and 1-3 p.m. Goods may be
dropped off during that time or during
food bank hours on Monday,
Wednesday and Friday from 1:30 to
3 p.m. For info call 902-485-6465.
Do you know someone who wants
to improve their reading skills or
needs to obtain their GED? If you
are over 19 and have been out of
school for more than one year,
PiCCoLA (the Pictou County
Continuous Learning Associations)
is the answer. Register at 902-4857014.
Community Events listings
are available free of charge for
non-profits. Deadline for
submissions is 12 noon
on Fridays. Email marjorie@
No phone calls.
The Advocate
January 13, 2016
Worshippers were greeted
by Don McCulloch and Jim
Scriptures were read by
Frank Cullen.
The choir’s anthem was A
Morning Prayer.
Sophia Kim played Bach’s
“Inventio 14” on the piano.
During the time with the
children, Shirley Forbes read
a story of a crippled lamb
that, because he could not
keep up with the other lambs,
was in the stable at Jesus’
Rev. Dr. Joon Ki Kim told
the children that when they
feel that they are unimportant they must remember that
God finds joy in them; that
everyone is important to
In his sermon, Kim spoke
about the importance of
Jesus’ baptism and baptisms
in the Christian faith. Kim
said at the moment of Jesus'
baptism, God was audible,
visible and intensely near as
a living and powerful presence. Love was being poured
out in that moment. Baptism,
which collapsed the boundary between heaven and
earth, and divine and human,
has borders as wide as the
love of God. The minister
said many people in the
world do not realize or have
forgotten how beautiful,
soothing and widely open
the loving arms of God are,
making all as one. By the
water of baptism and the
Holy Spirit, the congregation
has been washed and recreated as a new and united
people of God, praying, worshipping and serving each
other and the world together
in love.
Shirley Forbes, April
Newcombe, Debbie and Don
McCulloch were the hosts for
the time of fellowship and
refreshments after the service.
Jean MacDonald and Carol
MacKay greeted the congregation; Peter MacKay lit the worship candles. Blake Haley lit a
memorial candle in memory of
those who have been a part of
the life of the church and its
members who died in 2015.
Readings were Isaiah 43:1-7;
Psalm 29; Acts 8:14-17; Luke 3:
15-17, 21-22. The Senior Choir,
accompanied by guest organist/director Stewart Munro
sang, The Hands that First
Held Mary's Child.
Rev. Gary Tonks' sermon
was called Caught in the Spirit.
He asked the congregation to
think about how important the
Holy Spirit is in a Christian's
Using the analogy of looking at something very beautiful and desirable, such as an
antique car, can lead us to
make an assumption that having such beauty will bring us
great satisfaction, he said.
However, if you look under
the hood and find no engine,
then the usefulness of the car
is greatly diminished!
Tonks said our lives can be
like that car – beautiful to
look at from the outside, but
lacking a driving force to be
"All of us received the Holy
Spirit at our baptism, reconfirmed that acceptance at our
confirmation, and now it is up
to us as an individual to make
the decision to be willing to
accept its driving force into
our lives today."
He said God unites us with
the body of Christ, as believers who receive His call, and
accept His Holy Spirit, anything is possible. This intangible feeling of confidence
will be fueled from within
and will lead us in the gifts of
His Spirit, Tonks said.
During the sacrament of
communion, elders Gerry
Davidson, Roy Grant, Chris
MacDonald served the bread;
elders Anne Gratten, Ira
Grant, Munro Fraser and
David Munro served the wine.
Offering was gathered by the
elders who served the bread.
A donation of $2,000 has
been made from the First
Church Living Legacy Fund to
The congregation extended
best wishes to Margaret
MacDonald on her 95th birthday.
Submitted by Carol MacKay
The congregation of Sharon St. John United Church in Stellarton
welcomed Rev. Carolyn Nicholson, their new minister. Here,
Nicholson presents her message on the Baptism of the Lord during Sunday's service.
(Submitted photo)
Andrew Phillips showed
the children a stereo scope
that is 100 years old, a DVD
of that time. He said a DVD
gives a close up of what
things look like.
Jesus came to help all
understand what God is really like, he said, and encouraged the congregation to
read about Jesus in the Bible.
He tells us what God is really
like; God is loving, helping,
giving, providing and the list
goes on.
This Time Tomorrow, a
time for sharing your faith
was introduced as part of the
Sunday morning service.
Kim Wilkinson shared
that faith and work are
together and she will not forget to bring God to work
with her.
Rev. Gordon Sutherland
spoke on his second message
in the series: Life: Turning
Extraordinary. This Sunday's
message was called Stop.
Look. Listen from Philippians
3: 4-11.
Sutherland said living the
faith is hard, but people can
move from just going through
the motions.
His four key points were:
1) Don't limit God, people
must believe God fully.
2) Stop trying to earn a
way into God's favour.
People's works will not save
them. God's favour cannot
be bought, it's about a right
relationship with God.
3) Look at what God has
already done for people.
Jesus died on the cross to
save all. He suffered for
everyone's sins. People can
be made perfect in the eyes
of God through Jesus Christ.
Just accept Jesus into your
4) Listen to what God
wants to teach. Sanctification
is a growing understanding
of who Jesus is, know Jesus!
Life becomes extraordinary
when people seek God with
all their heart. Stop, Look,
Listen and find out what God
is really like.
Service closed with the
singing of, My Faith Has
Found a Resting Place.
Submitted by Muriel
Greeting at the door was
Doreen Fulmore.
The Christ candle was lit
by Kale MacNeill (Janice
MacNeill’s grandson).
Worship leader was Marie
During the learning time,
Slivocka spoke of names and
asked if any knew the meaning of their name.
Scripture from Luke 3:1517, 21-22 was read by Shirley
During the reflection,
Slivocka spoke of how names
are important and shared
how a name could create an
image or expectation. We
tend to cling to names in that
they give us an identity, she
said. We are named and
claimed by God.
The music team Lori
Miller, Jane Turner and
Donna Hargreaves chose for
the special music, A Time
For Hope, A Time For Joy.
Sterling Goodwin
The first Sunday after
Epiphany is the Baptism of
the Lord Sunday. Greeters
were Ron and Eleanor Marks.
The Christ Candle was lit by
Joyce Mason.
Rev. Carolyn Nicholson,
the minister, dialogued with
the children questioning them
about some of the facts they
could recollect about baptism
such as the word font, why
the sign of the cross is used,
baptismal gowns used for
generations, etc. Before going
to Sunday school, they started
a new prayer.
Scriptures from Isaiah 43:
1-7, Psalm 29 and Acts 8:
14-17 were read by Peter Kay.
Before beginning her message
titled The Baptism of the
Lord and Our Baptism,
Nicholson read Luke 3: 15-19,
2 -22.
She said after 30 years in
Nazareth and working as a
carpenter, Jesus was baptized
and the Holy Spirit descended upon Him and thus began
His ministry. Seven or eight
years after Jesus’ death,
Christianity began to spread,
especially in the Roman
world and mostly among
women, slaves, poor, handicapped, etc. Many were
severely persecuted yet their
Christianity spread. Baptism
of babies was popular; today
many are not baptized creating a problem among
Christian families, the minister said.
A re-affirmation of baptismal vows and a re-affirmation
of faith were led by the minister.
Norm Girard sang a solo,
Christmas Angel, with the
assistance of the SSJ Choir.
A donation was given to
the General Fund in memory
of Shirley Walls. In memory
of Truman Slater, a donation
has been made to Alight the
Spirit. The Board of Stewards
will meet January 17 and the
Session on January 19.
Submitted by Gail Kay
with Michelle Veenhuis
If you smoke while pregnant, think of this.
Nicotine narrows the blood vessels in the placenta
and this may affect the structure and function of the
baby’s brain. This can result in a greater chance of
more negative behaviour in young children, so the
terrible two’s might be even more terrible.
According to the Canadian Kidney Foundation,
you are never too old to be an organ donor. Many seniors have very
healthy organs. The oldest Canadian donor was 102 but many are well
into their 70’s and beyond. Have you registered as an organ donor yet?
Just a reminder if you are traveling this winter... Carry all your medications in your carry-on luggage and bring enough to last a few days
beyond the trip’s duration. If you have diabetes or epilepsy, carry an
identification card with this information. A MedicAlert card or bracelet is
good insurance. Call 1-800-668-1507 for more information about
As we age, our ability to get a good night’s sleep seems to diminish.
Non-prescription sleep aids often contain a drug that has side effects that
mimic those symptoms in the aged like confusion, dry mouth, constipation and dizziness. Prescription sleeping pills can be a problem with
increased risk of falls when going to the bathroom during the night.
There are many ways to help people sleep better. Talk to our pharmacists for advice. It’s important to have a good night’s sleep every night.
Monday - Friday 8:30 am - 8:30 pm;
Saturday 9 am - 5 pm; Sunday 12 - 5 pm
Front Street, Pictou
Epiphany, this time between
Christians turn to stories of
Greeting the congregation
were Angie Burrell and June
Cameron; steward was David
Rev. Mary-Beth Moriarity
led the congregation as they
gathered… the cross, the
Bible and the Christ candle
were brought forward.
During the Moment for
All, Moriarity asked, “Do
you know how to shout”? Do
you know when to shout”?
She got the kids to shout
Hallelujah and feel it - telling
them it makes us happy and
feel good.
She said we are called to
praise God, to show others
we love God and that God’s
love and light is in us. She
said the Christ Candle
reminds us that God’s love is
in us.
Hebrew Scripture and
Gospel Story were read by
June Cameron.
Reflections offered a story
by Australian pastor and
Moriarity told the congregation it reminds us that due to
the tragedies that continue
near and far, we never know
what is going to happen next
in this world which sometimes makes us anxious and
afraid. We are more afraid
than we used to be, fear is
played upon through various sources. She spoke of the
role hope plays and said
never lose hope.
Ministry of music, She
Flies On, was offered by the
church choir.
Helen MacKay was welcomed into the congregation
of Pictou United by transfer
of membership.
The week’s bulletin was
dedicated in memory of
Sandy Logan by Lynne and
A brief congregational
meeting followed worship
regarding the church’s ministry of refugee sponsorship.
Join with the congregation this Sunday at 9:45 a.m.
for ‘Second Cup’. Worship
begins at 10:30 a.m. and all
are welcome.
Bonnie Linkletter greeted
worshippers to the service
conducted in the lower hall.
The congregation will meet
there at 10:30 a.m. until
Palm Sunday when they will
return to the sanctuary.
Jacquie Ross welcomed all
and read the announcements
which included notice of
communion and the annual
meeting on January 31.
Reports are to be given to
Murray Hill by January 17.
The Week of Prayer, a
20-minute service beginning
at 12:15 p.m., will take place
the week of January 18.
Service at the Kirk is that
Wednesday, Jan. 20.
Gifts have been gratefully
received by the Memorial
Fund in memory of Marion
Langille, Peggy and Gordon
Boulter, Harold Russell and
James and Hilda Nicholson.
The choir chose I
Surrender All as their minis-
try in music. Murray Hill
read from Luke 3:15-17.2122.
Other scriptures read
were Isaiah 43: 1-7,
18-21,John 15: 1-17, 26-27
and Psalm 29.
In her message titled Is
The Church What She’s
Supposed to Be?
Ross discussed some
points from the presentation
“Reframing Review“ given
by Dr. Christine O’Reilly
who came to Pictou County
in October and whose catch
phrase to sum up the church
was “Love God, Love
She said God is calling us
to BE the church, BElieve,
BElong, BEcome and BEsent.
“So is this church, St.
Andrew’s, what she’s supposed to be?” challenged
Submitted by Betty Ann
Religion deadline is
noon on Mondays
Email: editor@pictouadvocate.com
The Advocate
January 13, 2016
Trenton's Tom
Arsenault, a proud
member of Bearded
Villains. Charity work,
social support and
community support
are also all part of the
Bearded Villains'
(Brimicombe photo)
Bonding through beards
By Heather Brimicombe
The popularity of bearded
culture has grown on Trenton
resident Tom Arsenault, in more
ways than one.
After posting a photo of himself on Instagram sporting his
quite noticeable beard, Arsenault
was prospected into a bearded
fraternity that operates through
the Internet to create chapters
world wide of bearded men
looking to do some good in their
local communities.
“It started just over a year
ago,” said Arsenault, thinking
back to when he had first heard
of the Bearded Villains.
After a ‘scout’ commented
on an online photo noting that
he would be a good candidate
or prospect member of the
bearded fraternity, Arsenault
did a little looking into what
the organization was all about
and liked what he found.
Bearded Villains has been an
organization since 2014, founded by beard model Frederick
“Our brotherhood is about
respect, loyalty to the club and
support among our own fellow
Bearded Villains,” the organizations website states.
After becoming a prospect
for the group, Arsenault realized that the Bearded Villains,
although worldwide, lack representation in the Maritimes.
Although some people did not
quite get the message the group
was trying to communicate,
Arsenault continued on his
mission to have a chapter set
up on the East Coast.
“They look at it as a bunch
of guys taking selfies and trying to be beard models,” said
Arsenault. “The main message
is that we’re trying to unite all
bearded fellas.”
Charity work, social support
for one another as well as community support are also all part
of the Bearded Villain’s mission.
After gathering like-minded
bearded men from across the
Maritimes, Arsenault received
word in September that they
were given official chapter status
in the organization.
“We had support worldwide,” said Arsenault of the network of chapters that helped
him find prospects for his chapter by sharing his posts to their
“I love the brotherhood of it; I
can literally call any of them any
time,” he said of his fellow chapter members, who all keep in
Tips from Chris Macpherson of Maritime Beauty
Firstly, shampoo and condition your beard. You shampoo
the hair on your head, so why
not shampoo the hair on your
face? Just like the hair on your
head, facial hair holds on to
everything it comes into contact
with throughout the day, so
keep it clean!
When finished in the shower,
use an oil to soften your beard
hair as well. It takes the itch
away, keeps the skin moisturized, the hair softer and smells
When the beard continues to
grow and becomes more unruly
you can also use a beard balm
to smooth and keep random
hairs from sticking out of the
regular contact and offer support
to one another personally and
with their online presence via
So far, Arsenault has personally done some community and
charity work, but as a chapter
the group will be working out
what charities they would like to
contribute to as well as what
their first fundraisers will be.
So far, the Maritime chapter
of the Bearded Villains has added
two members in Halifax, two in
P.E.I. and two in New Brunswick,
as well as a few from Pictou
Arsenault noted that those
interested in joining the chapter,
which is open to anyone in the
Maritime Provinces, can contact
him to get more information on
the group and what they are all
about. Arsenault can be reached
at misfitofmusic55@gmail.com,
gmail.com, or via Instagram by
searching @misfitofmusic or @
beardedvillainsmaritimes. For
any women interested in taking
part or helping out, the Villains
also have the Bearded Villain
Queens and Villainettes.
“It mainly just became bearded fellas that want to make a
difference,” Arsenault said of the
group. “We just want to spread
Also, shape your beard! Use
small scissors or trimmers to
keep a good shape on your
beard. Keep it rounded without
any sharp edges.
If you absolutely must shave
your beard, use a hot towel or
shave after the shower to soften
the hair first, as well as open the
hair follicle for a closer shave. So
keep it clean, neat, and remember, it’s hair. You wouldn’t let
the hair on your head become
dirty and unruly; so keep your
face clean and well groomed.
Community 19
20 Community
The Advocate
January 13, 2016
Northumberland Veterans
Unit resident Russell
McKinley was joined by unit
staff worker Sharon Smith for
a Christmas concert for the
residents in the unit’s recreation sun room. The unit
recently celebrated its 20th
anniversary at its facility with
an open house.
Currently, the unit has a full
complement of 20 residents,
including 17 men
and three women.
(Goodwin photo)
As part of holiday celebrations, Saltsprings Elementary School hosted a turkey dinner for students just before the Christmas break. Pictured from right are Violet McCullough, Liam Bradley,
Brody Hallam and Autumn Noël enjoying their dinner.
(Brimicombe photo)
back in
full swing
The day was dull, but spirits were high as members of
the Westville Heritage Group
gathered in the Heritage room
January 4 to attend the first
meeting of 2016.
O Canada and the Heritage
songs were sung and the
Senior's Prayer opened the
meeting. Karen Ackles welcomed one new member. The
birthday song was sung to one
Minutes were read by Mary
Livingstone. Mary Morris presented the financial report.
In correspondence, a card
was received to thank the
group for a Christmas gift that
was sent to a shut-in. A thank
you card was also received
from town council and staff of
the College of Registered
Nurses of Nova Scotia
(CRNNS) President Jacquelyn
thanked Westville Heritage
Group for the opportunity to
learn more about the unique
needs of the community and
for the nurses to share information about what they do
and why seniors are important
to their work. The Heritage
group was pleased to welcome
the nurses for a visit
November 12.
A report was received on
behalf of the group's shut-ins.
Each member received a
Christmas gift.
Activities report showed
that all activities will be up
and running very soon.
Exercise class is in full swing.
A donation was given to the
local food bank following the
Christmas dinner.
On February 4, Seniors
Council will meet in New
Horizons, Pictou, at 10 a.m. A
Fun Day will be held Monday,
Jan. 18 at 1:30 p.m.
Next meeting will be held
February 1, in the Heritage
room at 2 p.m.
Submitted by Karen Ackles
2016 ESCAPE SE 4X4
139 @ 0.99
134 @ 0
2015 F-150
- OR -
Vehicle(s) may be shown with optional equipment. Dealer may sell or lease for less. Limited time offers. Offers only valid at participating dealers. Retail offers may be cancelled or changed at any time without notice. See your Ford Dealer for complete details or call the Ford Customer Relationship Centre at 1-800-565-3673. For factory orders, a customer
may either take advantage of eligible raincheckable Ford retail customer promotional incentives/offers available at the time of vehicle factory order or time of vehicle delivery, but not both or combinations thereof. Retail offers not combinable with any CPA/GPC or Daily Rental incentives, the Commercial Upfit Program or the Commercial Fleet Incentive Program
(CFIP). *Offer valid between January 5, 2016 and February 1, 2016 (the “Offer Period”), to Canadian residents. Receive $500 towards the purchase or lease of a new 2015 or 2016 Ford Fusion, or $750 towards the purchase or lease of a new 2015 or 2016 Ford Mustang (excluding 50th Anniversary Edition and Shelby), Taurus, Edge, Flex, Explorer, Escape,
Available in most
Expedition, Transit Connect, E-Series Cutaway, Transit, F-150, F-250 to F-550 (all F-150 Raptor models excluded) (each an “Eligible Vehicle”). Only one (1) bonus offer may be applied towards the purchase or lease of one (1) Eligible Vehicle. Taxes payable before offer amount is deducted. Offer is not raincheckable. †Until February 1, 2016, receive 0% APR
new Ford vehicles
purchase financing on new 2016: Flex models for up to 60 months, or 2015: Focus BEV, C-MAX, Mustang (excl. Shelby and 50th Anniversary), F-150 SuperCab XL and 2016: Focus, C-MAX, Taurus, Escape, F-150 Regular Cab (excl. XL 4X2) 5.0L, F-150 SuperCab, F-150 SuperCrew 4X4, F-250 Gas Engine models for up to 72 months, or 2015: Focus
with 6-month
(excluding BEV) and 2016: Fusion models for up to 84 months to qualified retail customers, on approved credit (OAC) from Ford Credit Canada Limited. Not all buyers will qualify for the lowest interest rate. Example: $25,000 purchase financed at 0% APR for 48/60/72/84 months, monthly payment is $520.84/$416.67/$347.22/$297.62, cost of borrowing
pre-paid subscription.
is $0 or APR of 0% and total to be repaid is $25,000. Down payment on purchase financing offers may be required based on approved credit from Ford Credit Canada Limited. ¥Until February 1, 2016, lease a new 2016 Ford Escape SE / Escape Titanium for up to 60 months and get 0.99% APR on approved credit (OAC) from Ford Credit Canada Limited.
Not all buyers will qualify for the lowest APR payment. Lease Escape SE / Escape Titanium with a value of $27,804/$33,704 (after $1,195 down payment or equivalent trade in and Manufacturer Rebates of $0 deducted and excluding freight and air tax charges of $1,790) at 0.99% APR for up to 60 months with an optional buyout of $10,730/$12,913, monthly payment is $300/$366 (the
sum of twelve (12) monthly payments divided by 26 periods gives payee a bi-weekly payment of $139/$169), total lease obligation is $19,195/$23,155, interest cost of leasing is $901/$1,100 or 0.99% APR. Taxes payable on full amount of purchase price after Manufacturer Rebates have been deducted. Additional payments required for PPSA, registration, security deposit, NSF fees (where
applicable), excess wear and tear, and late fees. Lease offer excludes options, freight, AC Tax, Green Levy (if applicable), license, fuel fill charge, insurance, dealer PDI, PPSA (if financed or leased), administration fees, and any other applicable environmental charges/fees and taxes. Some conditions and mileage restriction of 80,000 km for 60 months (or 16,000 km per year) applies. Excess
kilometrage charges are 12¢ per km, plus applicable taxes. Excess kilometrage charges subject to change, see your local dealer for details. All prices are based on Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price. **Until February 1, 2016, receive 0% APR purchase financing on new 2016 Ford Fusion SE FWD / Fusion Titanium models for up to 84 months to qualified retail customers, on approved credit
(OAC) from Ford Credit Canada Limited. Not all buyers will qualify for the lowest interest rate. Example: 2016 Ford Fusion SE FWD / Titanium for $24,399/$33,299 (after $0 down payment or equivalent trade-in, and Manufacturer Rebates of $750 deducted and excluding freight and air tax charges of $1,700) purchase financed at 0% APR for 84 months, monthly payment is $290/$396 (the
sum of twelve (12) monthly payments divided by 26 periods gives payee a bi-weekly payment of $134/$183), interest cost of borrowing is $0 or APR of 0% and total to be repaid is $24,399/$33,299. Taxes payable on full amount of purchase price after Manufacturer Rebates have been deducted. Down payment may be required based on approved credit from Ford Credit Canada Limited.
All purchase finance offers exclude options, freight and air tax, AC Tax, Green Levy (if applicable), license, fuel fill charge, insurance, dealer PDI, PPSA (if financed or leased), administration fees, and any other applicable environmental charges/fees and taxes. All prices are based on Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price. ‡Until February 1, 2016, receive $500/$750/$1,000/$1,500/$1,750/$
2,000/$2,500/$2,750/$3,500/$3,750/$4,000/$4,250/$4,500/$4, 750/$5,000/$5,750/$6,000/$10,000/$11,500 in “Manufacturer Rebates” (Delivery Allowances) with the purchase or lease of a new 2016: Edge, Explorer, Escape / 2015: Focus, C-MAX; 2016: Fusion / 2016: Expedition / 2016: Transit Connect, E-Series Cutaway, Transit / 2015: Edge / 2016: F-250 Gas Engine, F-350 to
F-450 (excl. Chassis Cabs) Gas Engine / 2015: E-Series Cutaway, Transit / 2015 and 2016: F-150 Regular Cab (excl. XL 4X2) 5.0L / 2016: F-350 to F-550 Chassis Cabs / 2015: Taurus SE, F-150 SuperCrew 4X4; 2016: F-150 SuperCab, F-150 SuperCrew 4X4 / 2016: F-250 Diesel Engine, F-350 to F-450 (excl. Chassis Cabs) Diesel Engine / 2015: Fiesta, Fusion, Explorer, Escape / 2015:
Flex, F-350 to F-550 Chassis Cabs / 2015: F-150 SuperCab / 2015: Transit Connect / 2015: Taurus (excluding SE) / 2015: Expedition/ 2015: F-250 Gas Engine, F-350 to F-450 (excl. Chassis Cabs) Gas Engine/ 2015: F-250 Diesel Engine, F-350 to F-450 (excl. Chassis Cabs) Diesel Engine – all stripped chassis, F-150 Raptor, Medium Truck, Mustang Shelby and 50th Anniversary excluded.
Delivery allowances are not combinable with any fleet consumer incentives. ^Based on IHS Automotive: Polk Canadian Total New Registration data year-end data 2009–2015. ©2016 Sirius Canada Inc. “SiriusXM”, the SiriusXM logo, channel names and logos are trademarks of SiriusXM Radio Inc. and are used under licence. ©2016 Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited. All rights reserved.