LESS 25% - Ridgetimes Epaper
LESS 25% - Ridgetimes Epaper
CONTACT DETAILS Telephone number: 017-634-7697/8 017-647-5827/8/9 Fax: 017-634-3427 (Advertising) 017-634-3427 (Editorial) Friday, 12 August 2016 ISSUE 33 SINCE 1912 FREE Email: advertising@echoridge.co.za editor@echoridge.co.za Kragonderbrekings beïnvloed ondernemings 2 Municipal rates come under fire various role-players involved discussed the crisis. HIGHVELD - Concerned local property ANC national chairman, Ms Baleka owners, residents and ratepayers are once Mbete, was present at the meeting as she again frustrated with the Govan Mbeki was campaigning in the area. Municipality’s lack of transparency and She expressed her gratitude towards local accountability over property rates and taxes residents who were taking such an active levies. interest in their community. A local commercial property owner She stated that the current situation has to explained his frustrations and said: “The be resolved as soon as possible, because it municipal rates and taxes for one of my represents an administration problem more properties has increased by more than 50 per than anything else. cent. Ms Mbete applauded the municipality and “This is an expense towards the building, the local ratepayers for coming together to but I can not afford to carry over this create an open platform for discussion. increase to my tenants. At present the Secunda (Teks) Ratepayers “The current economic climate has Association and local business owners affected businesses and an increase in rent are discussing the matter with their legal might mean they will have to close down or council. If you have formally objected to move premises.” your property valuation The increase in rates and you have an objection and taxes come as a Property owners were called number but you have result of the increased received no feedback from upon to check the value of property valuations that the municipality, you are their properties had many residents up in urged to send your details, arms earlier in the year. along with your objection The municipality number to secratepayers@gmail.com implemented widespread property valuation A representative from the Secunda hikes in the first quarter of the year. (Teks) Ratepayers Association explained Property owners were called upon to the process: “The municipality has a duty check the values of their properties on the to follow the correct procedures and to municipal valuation roll and to lodge an adhere to the policies to ensure that fair objection to the increase in valuation, if administrative justice is implemented. necessary. “If you have not received proper reasons The deadline for the lodging of complaints for the increased valuation though you have was 31 March and many residents did object followed all the necessary steps to lodge an to the valuation lawfully. objection, you may have a case.” At a previous council meeting, an At a special meeting of the Secunda (Teks) agreement was reached between the Ratepayers association held on 4 August, the Govan Mbeki Municipality and the official road ahead was explained and residents and opposition that regardless of the new ratepayers were urged to come forward with valuation of any property, the increase that their complaints, as different steps will be the municipality could implement would be taken depending on specific situations. limited to a certain percentage of the value “This will not just be accepted. of the property. “There will be action on all fronts, with It would appear that the municipality has the possibility of a class action process, ignored the resolution passed, and continued individual actions and discussions with the to levy rates and taxes at the increased rates. relevant ministers.” At an urgent meeting called between Regardless of a request for comment last the municipality, local business owners week, none was received from the Govan and representatives of the Secunda (Teks) Mbeki Municipality at time of going to Ratepayers Association on 28 July, the press. Willemien Aukema Fefe loves to shop SECUNDA - Fefe Kyle Lephoto warms a room with his smile. He is three years old and loves to go shopping with his mother. While walking around in the shops, he tries on all the hats and even beaded necklaces on display. His mother had her hands full with little Fefe. WINTER CLEARANCE ON ALL MEN’S & LADIES CLOTHING ELECTRIC BLANKETS LESS 15% sale A HEATERS ALL L LESS 15% TEL: 017 638 0650 ERRORS & OMISSIONS ACCEPTED. WE RESERVE VE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. PICTURES FOR ILLUSTRATIVE PURPOSES ONLY. ALL FISHING TACKLE LESS 25% 2 News Echo August 12, 2016 Sweet minder met Botoks Corné Verwey HOëVELD - Die gebruik van Botoks is nog vir baie mans en vroue vreemd en sommige dink selfs dat dit gevaarlik en taboe is as ’n estetiese hulpmiddel. Dr. Carine Smit van Secunda het gesê: “Botoks is vir meer as 200 jaar bekend in die mediese wêreld nadat inwoners van Duitsland voedselvergifting gekry het omdat hulle bloedwors geëet het. “Die simptome was lamheid in die bene en arms en hulle het gesukkel om te sluk.” Die Botolinium Toksien is deur dr. Justinus Kerner in 1870 ontdek en hy het die terapeutiese gebruik van dié toksien begin navors om die newe-effek daarvan tot voordeel van pasiënte met Bellsverlamming en serebrale gestremdheid wat met spasisiteit gepaard gaan, te gebruik. Hedendaags word dit veral vir die behandeling van oormatige sweet van die oksels, handpalms en voetsole, kners van tande, spastisiteit, oog wat hang (Ptose) en skeelheid (Strabisme) toegedien. Sweetkliere kom oral in die liggaam voor, maar is meer aktief op handpalms, voetsole en oksels. Die reuk wat gepaard gaan met sweet, is nie van die sweet as sulks nie, maar wel bakterieë wat groei as die sweet vir ’n lang ruk nie afgewas kan word nie. Mense wat beroertes gehad het en sukkel met die een kant van die gesig wat hang, word ook effektief met Botoks behandel. Botoks word ook toegedien aan serebraalgestremde kinders om spiersmasma te verlig. Dr. Smit het gesê: “Botoks kan jou help om met grasie te verouder. “Indien jy dit nie gebruik nie, verouder jy bloot net.” “Die regte ouderdom om met behandelings te begin om tyd te fnuik, is 28.” HOW TO BUY A TUMBLE DRYER When it comes to which tumble dryer is best for you, our guide explains the standout features and technologies to consider. Learn about the importance of sensor drying, adjustable temperatures and condenser, vented and heat pump models. Compare the range of drying programmes on each appliance to find the one that best cares for your clothes. Energy efficiency is an important factor for saving on household bills and reducing your environmental impact. Most tumble dryers feature a filter - often inside the door - which collects stray fibres and must be regularly cleaned to maintain best drying performance. Look out for the Our Experts Love Logo when shopping. These tumble dryers have been hand-picked by our experts and showcase the most exciting and useful features available across all price brackets. Me. Erith Hall (voorsitter van die VLU Secunda-tak) en me. Lynette Victor wat deur die VLU bedank is vir haar liefdadigheidswerk op Secunda. VLU Secunda-tak bedank vroue Dr. Carine Smit demonstreer hoe botoks in die gesig gespuit word. Dit sal jou gesig vir jare jonk en vars laat lyk en as die dokter wat die inspuiting toedien, gekwalifiseerd is, is die neweeffekte min tot geen. Dr. Smit het ook gesê: “Dit is belangrik om te weet dat die behandeling wel omkeerkbaar is indien jy nie tevrede is met die resultate nie.” Mediese fondse betaal nie vir die behandeling nie, maar dit is bekostigbaar en binne elkeen se bereik om jonk te lyk of ’n sweetprobleem stop te sit. Die behandeling is vinnig en behels inspuitings met ’n klein naald met matige tot geen ongemak. Botoks word nie aanbeveel vir swanger vroue of vroue wat borsvoed nie. Normaalweg sou dokters ’n operasie, Simpatektomie, doen vir die behandeling van hiperhidrose (oormatige sweet). Botoks is ’n gepatenteerde handelsnaam van die mediese maatskappy Allergan en mag slegs toegedien word deur mediese dokters wat gespesialiseer het in die toediening daarvan. Dr. Smit het beklemtoon dat mense nie tussen dokters moet “rondhop” en meer as die terapeutiese dosis sodoende oorskry nie. Dit is noodsaaklik om eerlik te wees met jou dokter en die perfekte mediese plan vir jou spesifieke behoefte te bepaal en uit te voer. Vented, Condenser and Heat Pump Dryers Vented tumble dryers work by expelling warm, damp air through a hose and out of an open window or a vent installed in an external wall. They are generally more affordable than condenser models. Vented tumble dryers need to be positioned by a window, door or external wall to dispose of the damp air, so you will need to either have an external vent fitted in the wall or hang the hose out of the window. Condenser tumble dryers don’t require an externally-vented hose, so you’ll enjoy the freedom of installing them wherever you want, provided the room is well-ventilated. The water removed from your clothes is collected in a container, which must be removed and emptied regularly. On some models, excess water is pumped out using the washing machine plumbing where suitable. Heat pump tumble dryers use heat pump technology and are the most energy-efficient condenser dryers on the market. By using a lower drying temperature, they onsume less electricity and save money on your household bills. They are also very gentle on your clothes and extremely quiet. A&E Hyperworld stocks a large variety of Tumble Dryers Contact 017 638 0650 and we will help you make the right choice! “As ek vandag op my lewe terug kyk, besef ek hoe selfsugtig ’n mens kan wees. SECUNDA - Die VLU Secunda-tak het aan “My oë het oopgegaan en ek lewe nou vir twee vroue van die gemeenskap erkenning die toekoms.” Me. Victor het vertel dat sy en gegee vir hul liefdadigheidswerk op 4 haar gesin die slagoffers van ’n gewapende Augustus. roof in hul huis was. Net na die roof het Dié toekennings is tydens hul maandelikse me. Victor en haar man die tronk besoek en vergadering by Davieshof oorhandig. Bybels uitgedeel. Adj.-off. Oosie Oosthuizen van die “Die man wat verantwoordelik was vir die Secunda Polisie het die roof en my wou seermaak, sertifikaat namens die het voor my oë gestaan. Secunda Angels ontvang. “Ons het vir mekaar Hy het tot bekering Me. Lynette Victor is gekyk en ek het vir hom ook vereer vir haar werk onder gekom en lei vandag ’n ’n Bybel gegee. haweloses op Secunda. “Hy het tot bekering goeie lewe Adj.-off. Oosthuizen gekom en lei vandag ’n het gesê dat die Secunda goeie lewe.” Angels nie sonder die hulp Me. Victor het ook gesê en harde werk van me. Chantelle Prinsloo dat die gemeenskap nie op hawelose mense moontlik sou wees nie. moet neerkyk nie. “Ek wil vir elkeen wat van dié groep ’n “My werk met die haweloses van Secunda sukses gemaak het, dankie sê. is my groot liefde, want ek kan uitreik en “Tans voorsien ons aan 13 behoeftige iets van myself gee aan iemand wat niks vir gesinne kos en klere. my kan gee nie. “Sonder die hulp van die gemeenskap sou “Dié mense is met min tevrede, maar hul dit nie moontlik gewees het nie.” harte is groot.” Me. Victor het vertel hoe die Here haar Me. Erith Hall, voorsitter van die VLU lewe verander het sodat sy die nood in ander Secunda-tak, het gevra dat almal wat kan sien. Ek het op ’n stadium in my lewe donasies aan die haweloses en Secunda nie genade vir ander gehad nie, want ek Angels wil gee, haar kan skakel by 082 775 moes my eie lewe hanteer. 7065. Corné Verwey Answer the question & fill in the entry form. Name one of the movies currently showing: ........................................................................... ........................................................................... Name:................................................................ Tel/cell: ............................................................ Closing date: 12 August 2016 Entry forms can be handed in at offices, Secunda or fax to: 086 540 1341 or email to: sales@echoridge.co.za The winner of last weeks tickets is Wesley Brits Kragonderbrekings beïnvloed ondernemings BETHAL - Ondernemings in Clercqstraat trek swaar weens voortdurende kragonderbrekings. Krag gaan daagliks aan en af sonder waarskuwing of dat inwoners in kennis gestel word. Dokters en sakelui het bevestig dat die krag al om 8.10vm af gaan en af bly. Hulle is wel dankbaar dat die krag vir die laaste drie dae nog nie afgegaan het nie. Sakelui en dokters moes kragopwekkers aanskaf om diens te kan lewer. ’n Tandarts in Clercqstraat moes reeds ’n eenheid van die X-straalmasjien vervang en telefoonstelsels moes ook vervang word nadat hulle weens kragonderbrekings uitgebrand het. Volgens inwoners gaan die krag tot 10 keer ’n dag aan en af. Govan Mbeki Munisipaliteit se verduideliking bly steeds as volg: “Die daaglikse kragonderbrekings van elektrisiteit op Bethal en eMzinoni het op 20 Februarie begin toe ’n Standerton-substasie ontplof het toe weerlig dit getref het. “Die ontploffing het groot skade aan die substasie se MV-skakeltuig en ander toerusting binne die substasie veroorsaak,” het mnr. Bheki Kubheka, kommunikasie- en bemarkingsbestuurder van die munisipaliteit verduidelik. Dit het beteken dat alle foute uit die ondergrondse netwerk en oorhoofse netwerk eMzinoni en Bethal direk sal beïnvloed. “Inwoners word voortdurend aangemoedig om hul elektriese toerusting te beskerm. “Die munisipaliteit sal nie aanspreeklik gehou word vir enige skade nie. “Govan Mbeki Munisipaliteit vra om verskoning vir die ongerief,” het mnr. Kubheka gesê. August 12, 2016 Echo News 3 On the couch with the well known DJ Leehleza Levhuwani Matumba LEANDRA - Lindelihle Gladwell Sukazi, also known as DJ Leehleza, is a well-known deejay who managed to build his company from the ground until he became a resident deejay. His love of being a deejay began way back in 2007 when he used a computer for baby showers and birthday events. DJ Leehleza began using CD Jays in 2010 when he was a resident deejay at Calitos in Bethal and admitted that he got most of his exposure from there. Like any other family, his mother gave him all the support, on condition that he continues with his studies. “After realising that my mother was serious about education, I registered for a course in mechanical, fitting and turning in 2012 at the GS TVET College and will be graduating in August,” said Leehleza who further mentioned that balancing his studies and his deejay work taught him to be disciplined. DJ Leehleza introduced the Black and White party in the Govan Mbeki Municipality and his first event in 2014 sold 820 tickets. His love for music, combined with dedication, saw him getting bookings in other areas such as Gauteng, Ermelo and other places where he also had the opportunity to share the stage with deejays such as Black Coffee, Cassper Nyovest and Vinny Da Vinci. “This year I began to see that things are going well with me when I was selected to be a resident deejay at various venues,” said DJ Leehleza. ‘I am learning about production and would like to have sponsors to be a successful brand’ Though he is now a well known brand, he still believes that Leandra and the rest of the Govan Mbeki Municipal residents helped him to be where he is, especially his friends who dedicated their time and resources to make sure he arrives at gigs in time though he does not own a car. He said Leandra (London) people will always wait for him to perform, even when he is scheduled to play at 2am during Spring parties. DJ Leehleza’s friends and fans label him as someone who is always talkative, but is always humbled and they believe it is what keeps his fan base strong all the time. When asked about his future plans in music, he said he would love to see himself as an international brand one day and he will be able to perform for more than 100 000 people. His music was also promoted by some of the well-known national radio stations like Ikwekwezi fm. “I am learning about production and would like to have sponsors to be a successful brand,” said DJ Leehleza. He also believes he can be a great radio presenter because of his personality. DJ Leehleza also co-owns a company with Siyabonga Xaba and will be performing at a Spring party in Secunda, Lilian Ngoyi Stadium on Saturday, 10 September. Friday, 12 August he will be at Nesto Lounge. For booking, he can be contacted at 079 986 9940, send an email to leehlezagladsoul@ gmail.com, follow him on Twitter @LeehlezaG or visit his Facebook page Leehleza Gladsoul DJ Leehleza is a resident deejay. Sukazi. Victim of freak accident loses his leg Nóg ’n huis in vlamme SECUNDA - ’n Paartjie wat na Lydenburg op pad was om te gaan stem, het moontlik die lewe van ’n jong ma en haar kind gered. Me. Alta Horn en haar man het op 3 Augustus omstreeks 4.29vm verby ’n huis in Gerrit Maritzstraat verby gery en vlamme gesien. Die motorhuis was toe reeds afgebrand en die vlamme het na die huis beweeg. Me. Horn het die brandweer geskakel, maar daar was geen antwoord nie. Hulle het het na die brandweerstasie gejaag om hulp te ontbied. ’n Vroue-offisier het uiteindelik by die brandende huis opgedaag nadat sy twee keer verby die huis gery het. Die brandweerbakkie het ’n lekkende waterpyp gehad en die offisier was in ’n T-hemp en broek geklee. Na wat soos ’n ewigheid vir me. Horn gevoel het, het nog hulp opgedaag en kon die brand geblus word. Mnr. Nico Ferreira wat in dié huis bly, het nagskof gewerk toe hy die oproep ontvang het dat sy huis brand. Hy het gesê dat hy dankbaar is dat iemand betyds hulp kon kry omdat sy vrou en kind (4) nog geslaap het. Die vuur het al die 4-jarige se speelgoed verwoes, asook al die Ferreira’s se ekstra komberse. Die oorsaak van die brand is onbekend en forensiese toetse word nog gedoen. Die huis in Gerrit Maritzstraat wat op 3 Augustus aan die brand geraak het. Sr. Sanet Lombard en Sr. Lena Croucamp van Dis-Chem het bloeddrukmetings, cholesterolen glukosetoetse gedoen. Gesondheidsdag groot sukses SECUNDA - Project Recovery en die Sewende Dag Adventiste het op 31 Julie ’n gesondheidsekspo by die Eendedam aangebied. Inwoners kon vanaf 11vm tot 3nm gaan om bloeddruklesings, liggaamsmassaindeks, bloedsuiker, longkapasiteit, fiksheidstoetse, antistresmasserings, voeding- en gesondheidvoorligting, asook rekenaargesondheidlesings te kry. Dié dienste is gratis aangebied. Me. Lynette Victor, organiseerder, het gesê dat die gemeenskap se deelname van dié projek ’n sukses gemaak het. “Die dag is spesifiek gereël om iets terug te ploeg in die gemeenskap en om dankie te sê.” Verskeie plaaslike mediese dokters en spesialiste het ook hul dienste vrywillig aangebied om raad aan mense oor gesondheidsvrae te gee. “Dis-Chem Apteek Secunda was een van die borge van die dag. “Hulle het die glukose- en cholesteroltoetse gratis gedoen.” Mense wat die dag bygewoon het, het ’n grafiek met inligting oor hul ware ouderdom en ouderdom volgens fiksheid ontvang. Daar is ook wenke oor gewigsverlies en algemene gesondheidsvoorligting voorsien. Die Eendedam-personeel het die trein beskikbaar gestel en besoekers kon vir ’n rit om die dam gaan. Me. Victor het gesê dat Project Recovery beoog om dié dag meer dikwels aan te bied. Thinus Prinsloo het by die gesondheidekspo op 30 Julie by die Eendedam gehelp om water en vrugte vir besoekers aan te dra. Mnr. Frans Prinsloo het die trein by die Eendedam bestuur om besoekers aan die gesondheidsekspo op 30 Julie te vermaak met treinritte om die dam. Corné Verwey SECUNDA - The accident that claimed the life of Mr Robert Wilson on 30 July, has left Mr GC Prinsloo with severe injuries, but stable. Mr Prinsloo had a leg amputated on 1 August at the Milpark Hospital in Johannesburg. The accident happened on the R580 road between Secunda and Evander. Mr Prinsloo was helping Mr Wilson move and they were on their way to return the rented trailer when they stopped next to the road. Both men were outside the car, apparently working on the trailer, when a driver coming from Secunda smashed first into the trailer, then the men and the car. Mr Wilson died on the scene and Mr Prinsloo was rushed to Mediclinic Highveld, before being transferred to Milpark Hospital later in the day. His other injuries include a fractured shoulder, facial fractures and severe injuries to his remaining leg. According to Mr Prinsloo’s wife, he is awake intermittently. “Doctors tried to save the leg, but in the end they had to amputate it at the knee. “He had another operation on 4 August, because he had fractured his jawbone. “Initially they thought he had broken his cheekbones, but when the swelling came down they saw it was his jawbone. “He is still drowsy and confused and doctors have not yet told him about the amputated leg. “I am just grateful that he is alive, he opens his eyes when I speak to him, but because of all the medication and his facial injuries, has not yet spoken.” According to his doctors, Mr Prinsloo has not sustained any severe injuries to the brain or internal organs and he stands a good chance of recovery. His wife is thankful for the team at Milpark who are treating him and has faith in his doctors. “They tell me he is getting better every day and each day is one step closer to having him back. “All I can do is say thank you that he is alive.” Her husband’s doctors told her that he will not undergo any further surgery for now, as they can not risk giving him more anesthetics right now, and want to allow his body to begin healing before they operate again. Mr Prinsloo works as a mine operator at a local colliery and has no children. The driver who caused the accident, fled the scene but later handed himself over to the police who opened a docket. 4 News Echo August 12, 2016 Vrouegesondheid is Lenie se hoof prioriteit SPCA ADOPTIONS winde. “Borsmelk bevat 300 elemente wat jou baba nodig het en formule melk omtrent net SECUNDA - Me. Lenie Jacobs is 70.” Seuns benodig meer vette in die melk ’n fisioterapeut en is deel van ’n en dogters meer kalsium. multi-dissiplinêre span wat uroloë en “Jou liggaam weet wat die geslag van jou dieetkundiges insluit. baba is en pas die voeding deur die borsmelk Sy is ook deel van die Pelvic and Woman daarvolgens aan. Health-organisasie wat daarin spesialiseer “Die liggaam produseer ook hormone wat om vroulike organe in die pelvisgebied in borsmelk afgeskei word wat die baba laat gesond te hou. wakker wees in die dag en slaap in die nag.” Dié organe sluit die blaas, dikderm en In sommige gevalle ondervind pelvisspiere in. borsvoedende ma’s dat die baba meer Fisioterapeute is verantwoordelik vir gereeld wil drink. die voorkoming en “Dit gaan gepaard met die behandeling van ’n groei van die baba. verskeidenheid toestande. “Die baba stimuleer Me. Jacobs se ‘Borsmelk is altyd reg die hormoon in die spesialisering sluit ma se liggaam om die blaastoestande soos vir jou baba’ voedingswaarde van die inkontenensie, frekwensie melk aan te pas volgens die en disurie in. behoeftes.” “Ek fokus op blaas- en Me. Nel help ook kinders wat sukkel met dermbeheer. bed natmaak om meer beheer oor hul blase “Mense sukkel in baie gevalle met hul te kry. “Die kinders word deur ’n mediese blase omdat die derm nie reg funksioneer dokter of spesialis na my verwys en ek nie. behandel hulle dan om die blaastonus te “As die dikderm behandel is, vind mense versterk. “Bejaardes of vroue wat sukkel dat hul blaasprobleme iets van die verlede met blaasbeheer en ’n doek moet dra, se is.” selfbeeld kry ’n knou. Me. Jacobs fokus ook op pelvispyn en Dit maak my gelukkig as dié mense “Dit -ongemak. beheer oor hul probleem kry en om te sien u verband met seksuele “Pelvispyn hou hoe hul selfvertroue herstel word.” disfunksie, soos pynlike gemeenskap. n erektiele disfunksie ly, “Mans wat aan yn in die pelvis en dit lei tot ondervind ook pyn pynlike ereksies.. “Ek behandel die pyn en sodoende help dit die mans.” boorte gegee het of ’n Vroue wat geboorte keisersnit gehad het, sukkel in sommige gevalle om die pelvisspiere te versterk. handel hulle dan vir dié Me. Jacobs behandel probleem. Sy het ook ’n voorliefde vir ting. borsvoedvoorligting. orte van my tweeling vyf “Na die geboorte jaar gelede, het ek besef dat vroue m hul baba’s reg te nie weet hoe om borsvoed nie. “Ek leer die ma en die baba hoe om dit reg tee doen.”Sy het ook gesê dat dit ’n mite is dat borsmelk niee sterk genoeg is om diee baba te voed nie.. “Borsmelk is bba abbaa. ab altyd reg vir jou baba. ppr roobblleeeem m “Die enigste probleem wat mag voorkom, is wanneer die baba nie reg suig nie en dit kan lei tot krampe en Me. Lenie Jacobs (fisioterapeut) help mense met pelvisgesondheidsprobleme. Corné Verwey HIGHVELD - These animals are available for adoption at the Highveld Ridge SPCA. If you are interested in starting the adoption process, contact the Highveld Ridge SPCA offices at 017 632 2654 or visit them from Monday to Friday from 8am to 4pm and Saturdays from 9am to 12pm. The adoption fee includes a pre-adoption home visit, sterilisation, vaccination and a microchip. This is a fourmonth-old fox terrier cross. Roxy is a Scottish Terrier bitch. Kelvin is a five-yearold male Pug cross. Harley is a twoyear-old Yorkie cross. Kom ons kyk wie die langste is Wind did not keep voters away BETHAL - Almal was nuuskierig om te sien wie die langste van Dozi of Jannie Burger is. Dozy het op 9 Julie op Bethal opgetree. Burger speel vir Bethal Rugbyklub. Voting day was a typically windy August day and many of the stalwart campaigners had to accept the fact that windswept sidewalks were not the ideal place for umbrellas, tablecloths and large posters. August 12, 2016 CLASSIFIEDS Do you deliver a service or perhaps you are selling a home? Then this will be the advertising section for you BANKING DETAILS First National Bank Corporate Bank Pta Branch Code 253145 Echo Tel: 017-634-7728 Fax: 086-248-6194 What’s app: 072-028-3820 BBM: 7EE92662 Email: smalls@echoridge.co.za Facebook: Carmen Fletcher/Ridge Times 0000 NOTICES 0060 PERSONAL 0339 FINANCIAL / LOANS 0060 PERSONAL FOR ALL YOU LIFE PROBLEMS. BRIDGING CASH While waiting for PSYCHIC HEALER HERBAL CONSULTANT Account number 62104987071 100% GUARANTEED TREATMENT WITH NO SIDE EFFECTS All advert info must be accompanied by the advertisers personal information. Such as: Initials, Surname, ID number, postal address and contact numbers ACCOUNT RULES If you have an active account ZLWKWKH&ODVVLÀHGV GHSDUWPHQWDQ\DGYHUWZLOOEHSODFHG RQWR\RXUDFFRXQW without a quotation unless VSHFLÀFDO\UHTXLVWHG DR. 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Volgens die skool is dié konsert nie net vir geldinsameling nie, maar ook vir spanbou onder die personeel gereël. Die konsert was propvol skertsende en relevante humor en die skare het veral die plaaslike gevoel van die opvoering geniet. Daar was verskeie kinkels in die storiekabel en nonne, dwergies, spieëls wat terugpraat, Cruella de Ville, Shrek en Nataniël het vir onverwagse pret gesorg. Lizette Jansen van Vuuren was die diensmeisie en Charlene Purchase Purrcchase was Cruella tydens Pu nsert op 29 Julie. Laerskool Trichardt se personeelkonsert Kiriyatswane Secondary School plays against Masizakhe Secondary School at the district play-offs at Kinross Sasol Club. McDonald’s contributes to football development Levhuwani Matumba HIGHVELD - Kiriyatswane Secondary School will represent the district at the McDonald’s Soccer Schools Festival. The tournament is hosted by Govan Mbeki Municipality and will take place at the eMbalenhle Sasol Club on Saturday, 13 August. The McDonald’s Mpumalanga coordinator, Mr Terrence Kobo, said schools from six municipalities in Limpopo and four Mpumalanga municipalities will take part in the soccer festival. All the soccer grounds will be flooded with supporters and parents who will be transported by City to City buses from their districts to the venue. Kiriyatswane emerged as the district champions during the play-offs that took place at Kinross Sasol Club on 17 June. “We are excited about the new league format which will not only reach children in schools, but also provide the opportunity for the parents and communities to be part of the festivities while supporting their children. “The soccer festival will also allow children to showcase their football talent among their peers from different provinces,” said Mr Sechaba Motsieloa, Corporate Affairs Director: McDonald’s South Africa. The league also provides the opportunity for teachers and coaches to be trained at the soccer festival coaching clinics in partnership with the Koninklijke Nederlandse Voetbalbond - Dutch Football Association World Coaches programme. Sasfa president, Mr Mandla (Shoes) Mazibuko, said: “This has been a six year standing partnership and was extended for a new three-year cycle. “We are really proud to witness the young players’ dreams realise through the McDonald’s U/14 Schools League. “We will continue to provide structures for schools and children to develop their football skills at grassroots level,” said the president. The nine provincial winners will proceed to the McDonald’s U/14 Schools League national finals in Gauteng from 29 September to 1 October. Andries Spies vertolk die rol van die koning. ROVING SPECIALISED MAINTENANCE SERVICES VACANCIES UNDERGROUND • Millwright • Miners Must have the following qualifications: • Valid trade • Gas Testing and Flame Proof • School qualification • Underground Coal Mine experience FAX CV & QUALIFICATIONS TO: 086 665 5150 ATTENTION: GEORG Ryno Beukes tokkel die kitaar as Nataniël. ADVERTISE WITH US: Advertising Manager: Annaline Smith 017 634 7728 Petro Maulicino Bethal Area 017 634 7728 Advertising Manager Email: advertising@ echoridge.co.za Elizabeth Fourie Secunda Area 017 634 7728 Ina van As Trichardt Area 017 634 7728 Annatjie Du Toit Outside Areas 063 605 3454 Fax2email: 086 540 1756/69 Web: www.ridgetimes.co.za Sales Reps Email: sales@ echoridge.co.za reps@echoridge.co.za Team plays for the Beeld Trophy EVANDER - The U/15 rugby team from Evander High School took part in the Beeld Trophy play-offs. In front are Mr Rudolph (coach), Welcome Tshikovhi, Mpumelelo Maseko and Lungisa Ngcobo. In the second row are Mlungisi Mlangeni, Marno Pretorius, Thuthukani Mathenjwa, Given Masemola and Asanda Mphandla. In the third row are Tshepang Maruma, Ruben van der Westhuizen, Guison Nkwe Mabe and Bandile Ngulube. At the back are Thapelo Mossela, Mlungisi Chris Ngcobo, Refilwe Senoamadi, Rakgoba Ramabula, Vuyo Chadd Sithole and Lebogang Matlala. August 12, 2016 Echo Schools 7 OUR SCHOOLS Riffies se streekskultuurfees sukses BETHAL - Privaatskool Hoëveldrif het vanjaar die streekskultuurfees op Bethal aangebied. Musiek, sang, voordrag en dialoog is van die verskeie afdelings waaraan leerlinge kon deelneem. Wilma Ernst en Anina Fourie van Privaatskool Hoëvedlrif Bethal het “Die interkom” tydens die streekskultuurfees opgevoer. Redenaar derde in Mpumalanga SECUNDA - Jacolene Jonker (graad 12 leerling van Hoërskool Oosterland) het die derde plek behaal in Mpumalanga se top 10 groep van die ATKV redenaars. Marna Ernst van Privaatskool Hoëveldrif Bethal het die stuk “Die Interkom” by die streekskultuurfees opgevoer. Hier is sy in karakter as Ouma Martie. Check out our new site @ www.peoplemagazine.co.za Laerskool Kruinpark se landlopers presteer MY TITANIC LEGS’ BODIES GONE CRAZY! RHINO ON TRACKERSLEGS FOUR ’S ‘MY BABY AD’ GIANT HE WE PRINT, WE PAY! TELL US YOUR YOUNG ADULTS... GET YOUR FINANCES IN ORDER SECUNDA - Laerskool Kruinpark se landloopspan het op 30 Julie aan ’n wedloop op Eloff deelgeneem. Voor is Luzelke van Wyk (0/9, tweede), Jordan Webb (0/10), Nathan-Lee van Jaarsveld (0/10, negende), Lu-Mari du Plessis (0/8, eerste) en Anja du Toit (0/7, tweede). Agter is Mart-Marie Lourens (0/10, agtste), Kayla-Lee Croucamp (0/13, negende) en Carien van der Westhuizen (0/8, derde). Xander Combrinck (0/12) was afwesig toe die foto geneem is. HARRISON R19-MIL FOR A DAY Then KHLOÉ’S É Now PLUS HOW SHE DID IT! August 12, 2016, VOL 30 NO 33 R19.00 (VAT incl). Other countries R16.67 (tax excl) WWW.PEOPLEMAGAZINE.CO.ZA NEW SEAN R3.5-MIL FOR 4 LINES LIFE AFTER DEATH DRASTIC WEIGHT LOSS JULIA R45-MIL FOR 4 DAYS ISS IT REAL? REAL ouring in book 3 coverconvert.indd 1 THIS week we take a look at... All Things Cray-Cray! Cray-Cray Weight! OMG! Can you even recognise Khloé K and Tara Reid? Koko looks great. Tara...not so much. SASHA LEE OLIVIERS MODEL FOR US Cray-Cray Bodies READ jaw-dropping stories of a toddler with a giant head and a woman with gigantic legs! Goedehoop netbal in nasionale top 10 SECUNDA - Laerskool Goedehoop se 0/13A-netbalspan is 10de in Suid-Afrika nadat hulle op 29 en 30 Julie aan die Laerskole nasionale kampioenskap op Kuilsrivier deelgeneem het. Goedehoop het teen spanne soos Vastrap (NWP), Glenwood (KZN), Wierdapark (GP), Stulting (OK) en Bastion (WK) gespeel. Tydens die uitspele het Goedehoop teen Eikestad (WK), Pietersburg-Noord en Vastrap gespeel en 10de uit 22 skole geëindig. Die span bestaan uit Nadia Kluyts, Cara Strydom, Caley Ellish, Cherize Jordaan, Anichka Barnard, Clarize Winkler, Nicole Lindeque, me. Mareleen Erasmus (afrigter), Jean-Mari van Zyl en me. Minjon Pelser. WIN Cash! CASH Cray-Cray FEELING overworked and WITH OUR PUZZLES! underpaid? Don’t expect these celebs to sympathise. What they get for what they do? Craycray! S BODIE GONE CRAZY! Follow people SA on @People_SA People Magazine South Africa Get The Digital Copy Four Days Before The Mag Reaches The Shop! ‘MY TITANIC LEGS’ RHINO ON KERS TRAC LEGS FOUR WE , PRINT WE PAY! R TELL US YOU YOUNG ADULTS... GET YOUR FINANCES IN ORDER Y’S ’ ‘MY BAB HEAD GIANT N HARRISO R19-MIL FOR A DAY Then Now DRASTIC É KHLOÉ’S WEIGHT JULIA R45-MIL FOR 4 DAYS SEAN R3.5-MIL FOR 4 LINES TH LIFE AFTER DEA ? IS IT REAL WE BUY AND SELL USED CARS & LDV’S WE BUY CARS FOR UNDER R100 000 FOR CASH AND WE WILL OFFER THE BEST PRICES! 14 Barney Molokwane Street, Trichardt 072 544 2464 / 060 959 2560 August 12, 2016 City Stars aims at representing Leandra LEBOHANG - Leandra City Stars’ U/13 soccer team comprises Ntsieni Munyai (goadkeeper), Njabulo Mabhena, Neo Kgomo, Mphikeleli Zwane, Makhoba Siyabonga, Sibusiso Mbonani, Njabulo Mathebula, Mduduzi Mahlangu, Nkosikhona Mthembu, Given Maseko and Xolani Mavuso. With them is coach, Mr Damascus Mahlangu. Neil leads from the front BETHAL - Cricket clubs of the Gert Sibande District recently had their Annual General Meeting at HM Swart Primary School in Bethal to elect a committee for the next two years. Mr Neil Parsons from Bethal is the new chairman and Mr Ignus Koekemoer from Sasol Secunda is the secretary. Mr Raymand Ramahlo from eMbalenhle was elected as the development officer and Mr Eugene Nel from Piet Retief as the public relations and sponsorship officer. Mr George Plowman from Bethal was elected to represent the district on the Mpumalanga Mp pumalanga Cricket Hoëveld-rolbalspelers vaar goed by Mpumalanga Meesters SECUNDA - Vyf spelers van die Sasol Secunda Rolbalklub en drie spelers van Ermelo het onlangs op uitnodiging aan die Mpumalanga Meersterstoernooi in eMalahleni deelgeneem. Voor is Lanie Nel, Jan van Niekerk, Vaino Prinsloo en Frits Olmesdahl. Agter is Jan Labuschagne, Ruan Weber, Gustav Kruger en Marius Labuschagne. Union Board. Regional cricket will be played this year between the Gert Sibande, Nkangala and Ehlanzeni districts. Mr Anthony Yollaris from Piet Retief and Mr Raymand Ramahlo were selected as coaches of the regional teams. “We want to ensure that Gert Sibande cricket stays strong. “In the last two years Sasol Cricket Club and Bethal Cricket Club have won the Mpumalanga Premier League respectively and we want to ensure that the standard of cricket just gets better,” said Mr Parsons after the meeting. Cross Country Mpumalanga Championship moved to Secunda SECUNDA - The end of the 2016 Cross Country League has arrived and at the two final leagues held over the weekend, many athletes participated and it was clear to see that the competition for the Mpumalanga Championship on 13 August will be heated. Organisers from Athletics Mpumalanga informed athletes and supporters that the venue for the Mpumalanga Championship has changed. It had to be moved from Hoërskool Ligbron in Ermelo to Hoërskool Secunda in Secunda due to unforeseen scheduling conflicts. Hoërskool Ligbron needs the use of their grounds for the Beeld Trophy rugby games, which were only finalised late in July. All the arrangements for the championships is well on track. Although all athletes are welcome to run on the day, only athletes who conform to the minimum criteria will be taken into consideration for the Mpumalanga team that will take part in the SA Championship on 10 September in George. No athlete will be allowed to participate in any race with his or her Mpumalanga attire. Athletes should wear their school or club attire or risk being stopped at the call room. U/21 athletes will not have their own separate race and will participate in the U/23 group. For more information, send an email to h.vdyk@athleticsmpumalanga.co.za. Mr Neil Parsons from Bethal is the new chairman of the Gert Sibande District. Here he received honorary membership at a previous meeting.