for tuesday - Carl`s Corner
for tuesday - Carl`s Corner
FOR TUESDAY 23 SEPTEMBER 2008 WHILE READING: CLICK FIRST: NON STOP SONGS ON CARL’S CORNER RADIO: NON STOP SONGS ON CARL’S CORNER RADIO: Phone: 305.271.2748 To be removed from our daily newsletter please contact CARL’S CORNER’s Webmaster: THE CARL’S CORNER NEWSLETTER WILL BE POSTED ON WORDCOUNT: 5,115 dans un verbe d’arc-en-ciel English French Spanish Creole THOUGHT OF THE DAY Work, I'm persuaded, is the root and source and origin of all health and happiness, provided of course that one rides work as a man rides a great horse, in a spirited and independent way; not a drudge, but a man with spurs to his heels. Virginia Woolf (1882-1941) English Writer REMEMBERING FRANCOIS DUVALIER By Robert Noel Some extracts Duvalier who was a medical Doctor yet history judged him to be the most stupid president Haiti ever had. He was an instrument of darkness, keeping the Haitian people behind. He was an emissary of the devil doing the bidding of the kingdom of darkness. Under his regime, Haitians had no standing in the world. Haitians were treated as dirt, as trash around the world just because of him. Yes he was feared by many, that was his legacy; that was what he brought to the country as a leader. Everything that will abase the human spirit, he used to keep the Haitian people under control; whatever the cost. He treated the Haitians people as trash... A leader is the sum total of the people. During his reign young Haitians were so badly treated by their peers that they were committing suicide. The stain that he left on the Haitian people will not be easily erased. Robert Noel HAITI TODAY AP & MIAMI HERALD PHOTOS PORT DE PAIX, HAITI PORT DE PAIX, HAITI PORT DE PAIX, HAITI Gonaives, Haiti . Gonaives, Haiti Raboteau (Gonaives), HAITI Gonaives, HAITI Pulling a cadaver Gonaives, Haiti Gonaives, Haiti Holding a dead daughter Gonaives, Haiti Haiti personified. RECEIVED FROM FLORE LINDOR LATORTUE CEO OF AE DA P Association of Exchange and Development of Activities and Partnership, Inc. Dear Carl Thank you for your continuous support to AEDAP. Event is one week away Looking forward to see you. Once again You made a difference. Regards. Flore Our slogan in AEDAP is that " Strong partnerships build strong communities". We will be honored to have you again this year. AEDAP The Association of Exchange Development of Activities and Partnerships, Inc. Invites you to its Second Leadership Retreat. This year - Let’s have a Fundraising Brunch. Saturday, September 27, 2008 Sheraton Miami Mart 711 NW 72 Avenue Miami, FL 33126 11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Contribution $50.00 Learn Our Mission Share Our Vision For reservation Violette Durand 305-338-1536 Flore RECEIVED FROM ART JONES SAUDI ARABIA Dear Carl, I just finished reading CARL’S CORNER of Monday 22 September 2008 and love the piece you printed from Dr. Gérard Férère. As things heat up during this presidential election season, I have joined forces with two other producers to launch a website that we feel will benefit neither Republicans nor Democrats, but the American voter. It is one that I am sure your readers will want to be informed of and participate in. See below for details, and urge your fans to participate, participate, participate! Art Know who you will vote for in 2008? Undecided on who to vote for? Want to vote but under 18? Want to vote but not an American? Voice Your Vote 2008 Presidential Election Contest is designed especially for you the US voter, the voter Gonnabee, and the International spectator. All you have to do to qualify is send us at Dream Factory a 30-second spot (the length of a normal TV commercial ad) telling why you picked the candidate of your choice. You do not have to be a professional involved in the film or TV industry. All you need is a home video camera, a web cam, or a cell/mobile phone with a camera attached. Just hit the record button, share your opinion, and email it to us. We will then upload it to the Voice Your Vote website. And beginning October 8 until Election Day on November 4th others will go online to hear your opinion, and maybe even vote for you. The 30-second spots with the most online votes could win a new laptop computer, an iPhone, or a Blackberry. Entries will be accepted until October 10, 2008. Online voting will begin on October 15th and run until November 4th. Winners will be announced by December 1, 2008. So, get out that camera, clear your throat, and Voice Your Vote! For more details long onto REPUBLICAN GOVERNOR CHARLIE CHRIS HAS PASSED THE FOLLOWING INTO LAW. Governor Charlie Cris and Carl Fombrun Election and politics made strange bedfellows. Charlie Cris was better than Jeb Bush, then. Law passed by Charlie Cris If your Drivers License address does not match the address on your Voters Registration Card, You will NOT be permitted to Vote. So, FLOOD the State of Florida Drivers License agencies to correct your Drivers license address today. Here's the link to change your address on line. /lobby.jsp RECEIVED FROM MARIE ALICE BREDY The story is all over Progressive Talk Radio today about the Mc Cain campaign sending absentee ballot applications to registered Democrats or people that have donated to Obama's campaign. These ballots are deliberately misleading and have postage paid return addresses that are for an election clerk that is outside of your city or town. What this will end up doing is either having your vote not counted, or if you return one of these, they will cite you for election fraud, saying that you already voted absentee. These ballots are only being sent out in 'purple states' and this is a big deal.. This is called voter caging, and is a huge problem. The McCain campaign is stealing this election as we speak. Please get this information out to as many people as you can ,and tell anyone you know who has received one of these ballots that they need to contact their city election clerk or the supervisor of elections immediately. Also call the local media and let them know what is going on. The main stream media is never going to cover this so we have to depend on our ground campaign to get the word out to our voters. Carl’s Corner Editorial Choice Do yourself a favor, read a book. Miami Herald Sunday September 21, 2008 By LEONARD PITTS JR. Of course, we all have questions for Sarah Palin: Does she actually think living across the Bering Strait from Russia constitutes foreign policy expertise? Does she really take the parable of Adam and Eve as literal truth? How, exactly, does one field dress a moose? And why would one want to? My first question, though, would not be one of those. I'd simply ask which books she wants to ban -- and why. Yes, there's a list of titles floating around the Internet right now, but it's a fake. It is, however, established fact that our would-be vice president has in the past tried to pull books off library shelves. The New York Times reports that as a member of the City Council of Wasilla, Alaska, Palin complained to colleagues about a book called Daddy's Roommate, described in promotional material as being ''for and about the children of lesbian and gay parents.'' Laura Chase, who ran Palin's campaign for mayor, explained that the book was harmless and suggested Palin read it. Chase told The Times that Palin replied she ``didn't need to read that stuff. It was disturbing that someone would be willing to remove a book from the library and she didn't even read it.'' Later, as mayor, Palin reportedly asked the town's librarian three times whether she would agree to remove controversial books from the shelves. Three times, the librarian refused. Palin fired her, but eventually bowed to public pressure and gave the woman her job back. ''I'm still proud of Sarah,'' said Chase, ``but she scares the “bejeebers” out of me.'' And in that context, it seems apropos that next week is Banned Books Week. As you doubtless know, that's the week set aside each year by the American Library Association to bring attention to attempts by some of us to regulate what others of us may read. The ALA's Office for Intellectual Freedom reports that it has seen 9,700 ''challenges'' -- a challenge is defined as a formal written request to remove a book from a library because the content offends or is deemed inappropriate -since 1990. Chillingly, the office suggests that's probably an undercount. It estimates that for every challenge reported, four or five are not. So Palin has company, to say the least. Count among that number the woman from a Cuban exile group who bragged to a Miami Herald reporter how in 2006 she checked out and kept an elementary school library book she felt painted too rosy a picture of life on that communist island. Like Palin, she thought she had good reason. Wouldbe book banners always do. I'm reminded of how someone challenged me the other day on my contention that anti-intellectualism has overtaken this land. I mentioned by way of example Palin's Bible literalism, but really, there's so much more. There's the ''Jay Walking'' segment on Leno. There's this notion that ''elite'' is a fourletter word. There's the White House's censorship and politicization of science. There's the recent survey which found that more people can name all five Simpsons than all five freedoms enumerated in the First Amendment. And there's this: as many as 50,000 incidents since 1990 in which a book was forced to justify its existence. We're talking books like The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, books like The Color Purple, books like Harry Potter and, yes, books like Daddy's Roommate, books that offended because they expressed ideas that made someone uncomfortable. As if any other kind of idea was worth expressing. We are becoming the stupid giant of planet Earth: richer than Midas, mightier than Thor, dumber than rocks. Which makes us a danger to the planet -- and to ourselves. This country cannot continue to prosper and to embrace stupidity. The two are fundamentally incompatible. So do us all a favor: Annoy Sarah Palin. For goodness sake, read. NOTICE THE CARL FOMBRUN SHOW, ISLAND TV is open to all those who have something interesting to share in Haitian Creole, French, or English. Please call 305.271.2748 or e-mail: Thanks. Carl RECEIVED FROM Michèle Voltaire Marcelin Thursday 18 september 2008 Leyla and the Medicine Women Her instrument is: "this mermaid whose hair can sing this cross to bear a wooden box half hourglass half hollowness restraining resonant air to know what is not woman not thing but voice and with the audience mute as a landscape to let it scream" Ramon C. Sunico ~"Cello poem" "I believe we all have a voice that can be found through playing an instrument." Leyla McCalla Recent NYU graduate Leyla McCalla studied cello performance and chamber music with some of the best musicians in New York City. "I had amazing teachers who inspired me to pursue a musical career", she says. Playing the cello for the past 15 years, she has honed her skills working with an eclectic mix of musicians. This young cellist's musical adventures have so far included creative residencies in New York City, a journey to Peru to participate in a Jazz Festival, a teaching post with the Noel Pointer Foundation and a schedule of gigs in venues such as the Cornelia Street Cafe and Carnegie Hall, with Gil ScottHeron and Mos Def at the JVC Jazz Festival. Much to the delight of Washingtonians, she will be performing this weekend at the Kennedy Center in D.C. with Mos Def's big band, Amino Alkaline Orchestra. I was delighted to catch Leyla's performance with Medicine Woman last night at the Tea Lounge, a funky jazz cafe in the Slope. With Medicine Women Leyla McCalla (cello), Deborah C. Smith (guitar), and Liz Hanley (fiddle). The three instrumentalists are also talented vocalists with voices and tones as diverse as their onstage personalities: Deborah's is sultry, tinged with mischief; mellowness emanates from Leyla's; and Liz's voice, moving and poignant, is perfectly suited to the ballads she sings. Experimenting with blues, folk, afro-beat, funk and jazz, Medicine Woman (founded by Deborah C. Smith and Leyla McCalla), draws its musical inspiration from the traditional songs of Ireland, Africa, Haiti and the Americas. Acoustic guitars, cello and drums comprise the foundation for its deep grooves. For the last three years, the ensemble has performed live at Pete's Candy Store, Bembe, Rose Live Music, Zebulon, and other clubs in New York City. Deborah introduces the band: the name Medicine Woman was chosen to honor women who were entrusted with the art of healing. As stated by Deborah: The art of being a Medicine Woman has not been lost. Each Nation, tribe and village had medicine people; whether male or female was of no consequence. Children who were born with the gift of healing were taken by the medicine person as a young child and taught healing ways. They were taught to recognize the healing plants, trees, roots, berries and wild herbs. They were taught to make music. And what lovely music they make! The band delivered a strong and diverse set. These musicians have an expressive onstage chemistry as they entwine rhythms and grooves into a moving sound-journey, blending a variety of styles with a funky vibe! My favorite piece? The sweet-flowing Dog Days of Summer, a beautiful, breezy tune. I was also thrilled by Daddy, a Sammy Kaye cabaret song interpreted seductively by alluring Deborah and waif-like Liz to thunderous applause! Hey, Daddy, I want a diamond ring, bracelets, everything Daddy, you oughta get the best for me Hey, Daddy, gee, don't I look swell in sables? Clothes with Paris labels? Daddy, you oughta get the best for me I also loved the heartfelt Deep Elem Blues which closed the second set and had members of the audience dancing (yes, including moi !)) and tapping their feet while singing along: Once I had a girlfriend, she meant the world to me She went down to Deep Elem, now she ain't what she used to be Oh sweet mama, your daddy's got them Deep Elem blues... True 'Medicine Women", these young women play to bring joy and in their own words, "to share the love". Hey, I'll take some! Ain't ever enough of that going around. ... Dog Days of Summer in the dog days of summer hope floats on sparks of light between young lovers a walk in the park a kiss in the dark and you know my heart is true its a long time comin' and its a stretch but its also the best of summer lovin' a walk in the park a kiss in the dark and its only me and you don't you wonder sometimes bout sound and vision both contribute to your decision but simple is as simple does go head and meditate on that one love... Michèle Voltaire Marcelin FRENCH LA N GU A GE José Maria Carl-Henri Christophe FOMBRUN La Ballade Des Gens Heureux et Si J’étais Président… VOIR ET ÉCOUTER VIDÉO Gérard Lenorman La Ballade Des Gens Heureux et Si J’étais Président… LE COIN DE CARL PARLANT DE TOUT ET DE RIEN LES GENS HEUREUX… Bonjour Miami, ses alentours et les « internôtres » qui écoutent et nous lisent à travers le monde. CHAQUE JOUR EST À LUI SEUL UNE VIE. Dieu, le travail et la liberté. Et bonjour, bonjour la vie, bonjour l’amour, moi’j vais bien et’j m’habitue. Les gens heureux n’ont pas d’histoires…Les gens heureux ils font l’histoire. La ballade des gens heureux sur LE COIN DE CARL parlant de tout et de rien continue, dans un verbe d’arc-en-ciel . Le temps poursuit sa marche et avec lui avance le monde, espérons aussi Haiti. Fondateur de Carl's Corner. Généalogie . 49675.htm LA PENSÉE PERMANENTE « Tu n’as qu’une Patrie au monde. C’est toi-même. Chante pour elle Et sois ton but, et sois ta vie. Les déserts chanteront pour te répondre en chœur. » AVIS LE SHOW DE CARL FOMBRUN, ISLAND TV est ouvert à tous qui désirent partager un sujet intéressant en créole, français, ou anglais. Prière d’appeler 305.271.2748 ou écrire par courriel à: Merci! Carl PHILOSOPHIQUEMENT FOMBRUN Mes mots du jour: Tant que tu ne peux pardonner à autrui d'être différent de toi, tu es encore bien loin du chemin de la sagesse. Femme, argent, et vin, ont leur bien, et leur venin. IL NOUS FAUT EN SORTIR par Claude Moïse «Il faut savoir planter des arbres dont on ne mangera pas les olives et en être heureux. » (Proverbe arabe) Les malheurs qui frappent le pays sont de tous ordres, politique et naturel. Ils sont de toutes les périodes. On en a beaucoup dit, on s’est beaucoup apitoyé, et ce n’est pas fini. Il y a ceux qui se font une spécialité de dépister les coupables, ceux qui remontent au déluge pour trouver que nos deux cents ans d’Indépendance n’ont été que gabegies, forfaitures et crimes, sans se donner la peine de décrypter une histoire complexe et riche avec sans doute de nombreux rendez-vous manqués, mais aussi des tentatives réelles de décollage, de modernisation. Modernisation manquée, disait Roger Gaillard. Aujourd’hui, on dirait que le sort s’acharne sur nous. Après les débauches politiciennes des cinq derniers mois, Haïti a eu droit à une série cyclonique inédite. Une véritable conjunction de désastres, résultat – il faut bien le reconnaître – de décennies de gouvernabilité chaotique, de leadership calamiteux. Faut-il se contenter des imprécations, des anathèmes, des extravagances langagières et croire cerner ainsi les causes de nos malheurs? Sans cesser de traquer les responsabilités d’hier et d’aujourd’hui, il est sain de sortir des jérémiades, des auto flagellations, des accusations faciles, de l’amnésie historique pour oser regarder l’avenir en face, quelque grimaçant soit-il. Ce qui s’est produit là aura des consequences incalculables pour le pays, aussi bien au point de vue économique et social que politique et institutionnel. Certes, les secours d’urgence et les mesures énergiques gouvernementales vont dans le sens du rétablissement de la normalité dans la vie quotidienne du peuple haïtien. Mais quel niveau de normalité? Sauver des vies, donner à manger à des centaines de milliers de compatriotes aujourd’hui et demain, oui. Et c’est déjà une gageure quand on connaît la situation de dénuement de la collectivité nationale placée dans une dépendance extrême. Puis, on l’a répété jusqu’à plus soif, de quoi sera fait après demain? C’est à cette question que les responsables et les citoyens doivent chercher réponse sans délai, sans prendre prétexte de l’urgence de secourir des gens en détresse. Repenser Haïti collectivement amène à aborder un ensemble de questions portant, qu’on le veuille ou non, sur la gouvernance, l’organisation de l’État, l’instauration de l’État de droit, le minimum démocratique incompressible. Je signale en passant la courageuse critique de la loi sur l’État d’urgence du RNDDH (lire ci-contre) comme un acte de responsabilité. Plus généralement et dans peu de temps doit se poser élections obligent – la question du rétablissement de la confiance dans les acteurs politiques. On doit pouvoir évaluer leur capacité de renouveler la pensée et le discours politique, de penser une stratégie commune de stabilisation politique; de faire montre d’une vision synthétique globale, d’élaborer des propositions con- crètes, de projets réalistes pour le pays; de leur volonté d’établir un dialogue de qualité entre les différentes composantes de la classe politique, de la société civile et de la communauté internationale, de modifier leur comportement pour atteindre un haut niveau d’éthique. Ce qui revient à se demander : «Comment apprend-on à vivre ensemble, avec nos points de vue différents ? Quel prix accepte-t-on de payer pour la démocratie?». On sent monter du fond de la conscience patriotique la nécessité de transcender les clivages pour une prise en compte globale du drame national, pour l’élaboration de solutions durables. À côté des initiatives de solidarite exemplaire, des idées et propositions fusent de partout L’important est de savoir comment fédérer toutes les bonnes volontés, toutes les énergies et les compétences disponibles? Il est non moins important de prêter une attention particulière à la contribution des spécialistes d’ici et de la diaspora. Il ne suffit pas d’avoir des idées, il faut penser. La proposition de l’économiste Jean-Eric Paul (Le Matin, 15 septembre) de création d’une Banque nationale de développement a particulièrement retenu l’attention. De nombreuses réactions positives et enthousiastes ont salué le sérieux et l’originalité de cette proposition. Les débats sont ouverts qui pourraient également porter sur l’opportunité de regrouper des chercheurs de diverses disciplines dans une institution apparentée à un Conseil national de la recherché scientifique. Cet organisme qui relèverait d’un secrétariat d’État pourrait devenir un espace privilégié de collaboration entre des spécialistes haïtiens du pays et de la diaspora. Est-ce une utopie? Plus un pays est dépourvude ressources naturelles plus il devra miser sur ses ressources humaines, autrement dit sur l’intelligence, sur la mise en oeuvre de la rationalité. «Il faut arrêter de considérer nos chercheurs et écrivains comme des fous qui prêchent dans le désert», écrivait très justement Roody Edmé dans son édito du 15 septembre. Faufiler d’abord, coudre ensuite, comme disait ma grand-mère pour signifier le rapport entre la pensée et l’action. Reconstruire Haïti est une oeuvre de longue haleine, un projet de plusieurs générations. L’essentiel est de savoir que l’on s’engage sur la bonne voie. Il est arrivé le temps des idéesforce, des projets de rêve, du volontarisme. Claude Moise Editorial LE MATIN 21 Septembre 2008 RE ÇU DE JANINE DU QUÉBEC Carl, Je suis de celles qui voudraient savoir où ces belles photos publiées sur le COIN DE CARL du Lundi 22 Septembre 2008 par Taina Claude ont été prises et à quelle époque ? J'admire le courage et la détermiantion d'un tel projet, car reboiser Haïti est un acte de courage, un travail titanesque qui urge, il faut l'avouer. Cependant, la question que je me pose : par quoi faut-il remplacer le charbon, si on veut que le paysan cesse de déboiser ? Il faut y penser avant même de commencer à planter ces arbres. Tous mes compliments à ceux qui se lancent dans cet extraordinaire projet. Amitiés, Janine REÇU DE Carole Malval Hollant Au sujet de l’Adieu de Gérard Fombrun sur le COIN DE CARL du Jeudi 18 Septembre 2008. LA PORTE DU PARADIS Bien Cher ami Carl, J'ai pris du temps pour t'écrire à propos des voeux de Gérard. Je les ai relus , j'ai revu mon ami Gérard qui a eu beaucoup de chagrin à la mort de Pepe Bayard! Il a aussi fait l'éloge de Pepe et les larmes sont montées au yeux de tous. Il a cette faciliteé de langage pour s'exprimer quand il aime vraiment quelqu'un. Mais nous savons tous que don Gérard est un homme très fort, il n'a que trop peur d'avoir peur , mais avec l'environnement dans lequel il vit , il a créé son propre paradis , il est entouré d'abord de Nicole qui si gentiment a le don de lui rendre les choses faciles , les inspirations agréables pour faire de belles choses, de ses fils Charles Edouard et Jerry qui ont pris la relève avec la délicatesse de le garder encore comme le maître penseur, ils ne font rien sans le consulter. L'ambiance etant si agréable pour lui et surtout avec Dominique qui a dirigé avec tant de talent le Moulin , Mimi et Régine qui sont loins mais en même temps très proches de lui , je crois que Gérard aurait aimé s'en aller mais il ne trouve pas comment le faire. Le Bon Dieu aura donc décidé de le garder parmi nous. Quel bonheur! Gérard , je te défends de parler de ta mort, tu n'en n'as pas le droit , Il te faudra d'abord demander la permission à tous ceux qui t'aiment et quand tu en auras la réponse , alors, tu sauras quoi faire! Carole IN THE SPANISH LANGUAGE EN EL RINCON DE don Carlo Miami El GOLPE DE LOS HURACANES La Habana dice que las pérdidas pueden ser de 10.000 millones Según datos oficiales, las viviendas dañadas superan el medio millón. La televisión cubana aseguró este viernes que los huracanes Ike y Gustav arrasaron medio millón de viviendas y dejaron "grandes daños" en la agricultura y las obras de infraestructuras que pueden ascender hasta 10.000 millones de dólares, reportó EFE. El programa Mesa Redonda, que habitualmente expresa la posición del gobierno sobre diversos temas, informó que las pérdidas "implican miles de millones de dólares para el país". "Hay expertos que calculan entre 3.000, algunos hablan de 10.000 millones de dólares como consecuencia directa del paso del fenómeno natural", indicó el conductor del programa Randy Alonso. Durante su paso de este a oeste de la Isla entre el domingo y el martes, el huracán Ike afectó 323.809 viviendas, con 42.931 con derrumbes totales, además de dejar decenas de miles de hectáreas arrasadas y severos daños en las infraestructuras. El presidente del Instituto Nacional de la Vivienda, Víctor Ramírez, dijo en el programa que si a las 90.000 viviendas afectadas en Pinar del Río y 20.000 en la Isla de la Juventud por el huracán Gustav, el pasado 30 de agosto, se suman las afectaciones por la tormenta tropical Fay y las lluvias intensas en la región oriental, la cifra de viviendas dañadas llega a 514.865. "De ellas, derrumbes totales: 91.254, derrumbes parciales: 88.108, totales de techo: 118.364 y parciales de techo: 195.359", detalló Ramírez. Ramírez dijo que en los últimos siete años más de un millón de viviendas en el país han sufrido afectaciones por el paso de fenómenos tropicales. "Prácticamente, el 29% del fondo del país", señaló. Economistas consultados por EFE aseguran que la inusual coincidencia de dos poderosos huracanes en sólo diez días ha causado la mayor catástrofe natural y económica derivada de un fenómeno climatológico en la historia cubana. © cubaencuentro UNICEF: Hay cerca de 2,5 millones de desplazados en la Isla La organización ha aportado un total de 180.000 dólares para paliar la situación de la infancia. AFP/ Panamá. Los huracanes que azotaron Cuba provocaron la evacuación 2,5 millones de personas y dejaron pérdidas materiales de entre 3 y 4 billones de dólares, informó el viernes la oficina regional de UNICEF con sede en Panamá. Según la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Infancia (UNICEF), además de los 2,5 millones desplazados, que se encuentran viviendo en casas de parientes o en albergues temporales, han quedado parcial o totalmente destruidas centenares de escuelas, cientos de miles de casas, hospitales, la red eléctrica y varias carreteras de la Isla. "UNICEF ha sido la primera agencia de Naciones Unidas en aportar fondos para ayudar a Cuba a sobrellevar esta emergencia", dijo Viviana Limpias, representante adjunta de UNICEF en Cuba. La organización hizo público que hasta la fecha ha aportado un total de 180.000 dólares de sus fondos de emergencia para paliar la situación de la infancia en la Isla tras los huracanes. Los fondos se utilizarán para reparar escuelas y hogares maternos que acogen a mujeres embarazadas en situación de riesgo, así como para rehabilitar el acceso al agua potable y el saneamiento. "Sin embargo, se necesita mucha más ayuda, sobre todo teniendo en cuenta que se prevén varios huracanes más en los próximos meses", dice UNICEF en el comunicado. Entre las necesidades más urgentes, según la organización, se encuentran además de víveres y agua, bidones, utensilios de cocina, colchones, ropa de cama, toallas y filtros de agua. Limpias también manifestó su preocupación por la educación y el retraso del inicio de las clases, "pues muchas de las escuelas que se mantienen en pie están sirviendo de albergues en este momento". KREYOL PALE La Dous Ki Vyen Michèle Voltaire Marcelin Pwezi... Pwezi pa byenelve. Li soti nan salon, li mache pye a tè toutouni nan la ri. Zot rele chalbari. Zafè si yo move... ti moun, ale kouche pou granmoun sa pale... KREYOL KONPRANN. Kal ak kamyonèt Toyota-li-a ki genyen 25 lane. WWW.MOGULUS.COM/TELEJESUS PWEMYE PAJ JOUNAL KISKEYA HERALD Nan moman sa a lè anpil tristès epi detrès blayi nan peyi a li enpòtan pou nou pa bliye sa ki bèl e dous ann Ayiti epi ede l selon mwayen nou pa entèmedyè kèk òganizasyon kòm FONKOZE,Lambi Fund ak Partners in Health... MAX BLANCHET BON, E POU MWEN FINI ZANMI MWEN YO. PWOFIL KOURAJ Pa Kal Fonbwen Jeneral franse Rochambeau. Jeneral ayisyen Capois La Mort. Capois la Mort 18 novanm 1803 a 4 tè di maten jeneral endijènn ayisyien-an Clerveaux mete kannon sou Fort Bréda bo vil Okap. Menm lè, menm moman twoup blan frans ki te okipe tout fow yo nan vil Okap mete kannon sou troup endijènn ayisyen yo. Anpil solda rebèl ayisyen esklav ak afranshi pèdu la vi yo. Komandan lame franse-an jeneral Rochambeau pa pran chans e li konsantre fos-li bo vil Okap nan yon fow ki te rele Vertières. Soley te fèk leve 18 novanm 1804 sa-a ak lot jeneral endijènn ayisyen rebel-yo Henri Christophe ak Roumain ki te pran pozisyon nan yon kanton ki te rele Destaing e yo komanse bonbade vil Okap ki lè sa-a tout moun te konnen kon Cap Français. Chèf rebèl yo Jean-Jacques Dessalines bay jeneral Clerveaux lod pou ansèkle Fort Bréda bo vil Okap e pou jeneral Capois te okipe you ti monn ki te rele Charrier boush pou boush ak Vertières. Pou jeneral Capois, tout moun te rele Capois La Mort, te okipe ti monn Charrier-an, se pou li te pase sou yon ti pon Vertières te dominen. Capois La Mort monte sou chwal-li ak rejiman-l pou li pase pon-an. Yon bal mawon franse chire chapo-l sou tèt-li. “An avan” Capois La Mort rele “bal revolvè se pousyè.” Yon dezyèm bal lame franse-an voye chwal Capois La Mort an ba janmb-li nan peyi san chapo. Kapwa leve, li rale epe-li e li di twoup li-yo: " An avan,an avan. An avanse." Mesye, jeneral franse-an Rochambeau bat bravo e li rete batay-la. Twoup franse-yo bat tanbou ak yon militè ki te reprezante jeneral Rochambeau ki deklare: "Kapten-Jeneral Rochambeau voye tout admirasyon-li pou militè-jeneral ayisyen sa-a ak grenn nan bounda." Militè franse-an retounen Vertières ak batay la ki sige. Peyi Lafrans pèdu e kèk semen apre Ayiti te fète endependans-li pwemye janvye lane 1804. Nan batay Vertières sa-a 1200 solda endijèen ayisyen mouri ak 2 mil lot ki te fin kokobe. ZANMI KREYOL MWEN YO na pale denmen si Granmèt la vle. KAL
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