IOI Lipid - IOI Group
IOI Lipid - IOI Group
berita The Official Newsletter of ISSUE NO: 55 JUL – SEP 2012 kdn no: PP9740/05/2013(033253) For Internal Circulation Only The Competitive of IOI Lipid Enzymtec 06 Rabobank Visits Sagil Estate and Gomali Palm Oil Mill 13 Tan Sri Receives Certificate of Appreciation from IGP 33 69 Students Receive YAA 2012 02 CONTENTS BERITAIOI COVER FEATURE PROPERTY 04 13 The Competitive Edge of IOI Lipid Enzymtec SMART Expo for Smart Buyers 14 CORPORATE UPDATES 06 07 Tan Sri Receives Certificate of Appreciation from IGP 15 Rafflesia International School Sets Foot in 16 Sierra Running for a Good Cause at the Putra Charity Run 2012 IOI Posts Lower Q4 Earnings Rabobank Visits Sagil Estate and Gomali Palm Oil Mill Bank of Tokyo Visits Gomali Palm Oil Mill OLEOCHEMICALS Pamol Says 환영합니다 to Lotte 08 Neste’s Visit to Pamol New Multipurpose Hall in Baturong 3 09 16 17 Fruitful Visits to Pan-Century Spreading Joy in “Fitrah Ramadan” 10,000 Langkah Merdeka in Sandakan IOI a Popular Hit at Sandakan’s Job Expo Jump Start Your Sales Results Today! Saying “Hi” to Ex-Employees EDIBLE OILS PUBLISHED BY IOI Group Two IOI Square, IOI Resort, 62502 Putrajaya, Malaysia Tel: 03.8947.8888 Fax: 03.8947.8918 WEBSITE EDITOR Karen Liew DEPUTY EDITOR Carine Yap PRINTED BY ST ENTERPRISE AS 8, Jalan Hang Tuah 1, Salak South Garden, 57100 Kuala Lumpur. HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT 10 New Faces Making Sense of Finance 11 12 18 Present Like a Pro! Together Everyone Achieves More! – T.E.A.M. in ACTION Programme IOI ERT Members Certified by Malaysian Red Crescent Society Dr Loek Favre Elected Influencer of the Year 2012 EXCO & Innovation Meeting at IOI Loders Croklaan Europe EDITOR’S NOTE BERITAIOI 19 20 21 22 23 24 IOI Loders Croklaan Europe at Malaysia-Romania POTS 2012 Candles & Palm Oil – A New Combination Hot, Cold & Creamy in Creative Studio Europe Knowledge Exchange Programme Let’s create together at Creative Studio US in 2013 Fill to Thrill at Creative Studio Asia Ting Hsin & Wei Chuan’s Visit to IOI Loders Croklaan Asia Joining Forces at FISA 2012 IOI Loders Croklaan Asia’s Hari Raya Gathering IOI MALL 25 26 27 28 Ops Raya Flagged Off at IOI Mall Puchong Get Healthy and Live a Fit Life! 30 ome January 2013, the Malaysian government will reduce CPO export taxes from the current 23 per cent and also discontinue the duty free export facility to strengthen market prices and increase the competitiveness of local refineries. Furthermore, both the Malaysian and Indonesian governments are in talks to form a joint body that will seek to support prices by cutting stocks and controlling supplies. Consumers, nowadays, especially in Europe and US, are looking for healthier alternatives to hydrogenated oils that contain hidden trans-fat. In line with the trend, IOI Lipid Enzymtec is added to IOI Loders Croklaan’s cutting-edge production facilities with six new plants established within the Group’s palm oil production complex in Pasir Gudang, Johor. Enzyme technology enables the production of Betapol®, a human fat replacer, and increases the Group’s competitiveness in the competitive market for Cocoa Butter Equivalents. Find out more about this new green technology in our Cover Feature. Following the success of IOI Loders Croklaan Group’s first state-of-the-art Creative Studio at Rotterdam in the Netherlands and its second Creative Studio in Asia, which were launched in June 2010 and March 2011 respectively, the Group is setting up its third Creative Studio at its Channahon plant in United States. This new studio is scheduled to unveil in February 2013. On the home front, IOI Properties signed an agreement with the Rafflesia Education Group to develop an international and private school at our 16 Sierra township in Puchong. The event was witnessed by Deputy Education Minister Datuk Ir Dr Wee Ka Siong. As of 17 September, Putrajaya Marriott Hotel & Spa has embarked on its green effort to provide a cleaner and healthier environment for its guests by adopting a smoke-free policy in its premises. This move has set a good example for other premises to follow suit. Finally, let me share some good news with you. IOI Group Executive Chairman Tan Sri Dato’ Lee Shin Cheng received a community award from Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Ismail Omar for his crime prevention efforts for the local community while IOI Loders Croklaan Europe Chief Operating Officer Dr Loek Favre was elected Influencer of the Year 2012 in recognition of his efforts to raise professionalism in the industry. Congratulations to both Tan Sri Dato’ Lee and Dr Favre! Karen Liew Canines’ Day Out Bubur Lambuk Galore at IOI Mall Kulai HOTEL 29 C Marriott Putrajaya Adopts Smoke-Free Hotel Environment Mooncake Mania Keep your contributions flowing in! The Editorial Team would like to express its heartfelt gratitude for the input of Berita IOI from the contributors mentioned below. We look forward to a continued contribution of interesting articles and pictures from all of you. After all, Berita IOI is a newsletter for all the staff of IOI Group and we would all like to see this newsletter as a publication that we are all proud of. Kindly forward your contributions to Contributors 31 32 Corporate Oleochemicals IOI Mall Puchong Ms Wendy Ng Ms Sarah Leong Ms Ho Hsu Wen Encik Wafli Bin Ali Ms Irin DeCruz Ms Emily Jessica Ms Stephanie Wong Ramadan Charity Plantation Loders Croklaan (Europe) Ms Debbie Eva Dennis Hari Raya Charity Open House Mr Edward Tan Mr Marvin Lee Encik Kathiravan Cik Siti Rahmani Mr Jan-Paul Back Putrajaya Marriott Hotel Loders Croklaan (Americas) Ms Lydia Mae Hendroff Mr Kevin Miller Palm Garden Hotel Property Loders Croklaan (Asia) Ms Audrey Yap Ms Adeline Lau Ms Katrina Lee Ms Marilyn Goh Ms Yap Soo Fern Ms Subashni Bahsu Ms Tey Meei Shya Encik Zul ‘Idham Hj Md. Noh FOUNDATION 33 34 69 Students Receive YAA 2012 Nine Students Adopted into the Ranks of SAP IOI Mall Kulai 03 04 COVER FEATURE BERITAIOI The Competitive of IOI Lipid Enzymtec In 2009, when the global economy affected organisations worldwide, IOI Group met the waves of challenges by starting a major factory expansion at its specialty oils and fats manufacturing site in Pasir Gudang, Malaysia. T he expansion, called 4G or officially known as IOI Lipid Enzymtec Sdn Bhd, started full operation in mid-2012, and has six modern manufacturing plants with an investment of over USD90 million. It is located on a seven-acre site in Pasir Gudang Industrial Estate, bordering the facilities of IOI Oleochemicals (Pan-Century) and IOI Loders Croklaan Asia. Conceptualised mainly for IOI’s new biotechnology project and Enzymatic Lipid Modification, this is a fully integrated processing facility equipped to produce enzymatically interesterified products at economic price levels. A number of technologies has been combined and integrated into a pioneering enzymatic biotechnology platform together with facilities for fractionation, refining, hydrogenation and distillation. There is also a selfsufficient tank farm to support these operations. The production plant, supported by an advanced Research and Development facility for large scale commercial 4G’s fully integrated processing facility offers cutting-edge technology. Solvent is used to fractionate palm olein and stearin at this Solvent Fractionation Plant. production of enzymatically structured lipids, is used for the production of the Human Milk Fat Replacer “Betapol®”, the enzymatic Cocoa Butter Equivalent (e-CBE) “Coberine”, and other innovative specialty fats such as premium building blocks for margarines. Clinical studies have shown that compared to traditional formulas, infant formulas containing Betapol® provides improved fat absorption, improved calcium absorption, reduced constipation and increases bone mineral density and content. Enzymatic Lipid Modification (ELM) fulfills the quest for healthier edible oils and fats, as enzymatically structured lipids are free from trans fats. ELM also has the ability to produce new and innovative food solutions with a greener and healthier image that cannot be achieved using conventional chemical processes. Enzymatic interesterification process uses less chemicals and generates less waste water compared to chemical interesterification, thus making it a more eco-friendly process. Betapol® is specially developed for infant formulas and has a special triglyceride structure that matches very closely with the one found in mother’s milk. It is designed to help infant nutrition manufacturers to produce infant formulas which mimic the composition of mother’s milk. ® COVER FEATURE BERITAIOI 05 A panoramic view of the new expansion of the 4G facility. Using enzyme technology, IOI Lipid Enzymtec also produces Palm Mid Fractions with sharp melt profile combined with low di-glyceride levels and is considered as the largest single site facility in the world for the manufacturing of high quality Palm Mid Fractions. This facility also produces high IV palm olein (super olein). Palm Mid Fraction is used for the production of various types of CBEs as well as exported to our production facilities worldwide. Chief Operating Officer of IOI Loders Croklaan Asia Mr Michael van Sallandt (4th from right) This has led to a huge increase in the production of with the key personnel involved in the 4G project development. conventional CBE. IOI Lipid Enzymtec also works in line with IOI Group’s practice of sustainability and green production methods, which are existing ”The fully commissioned facility with cutting-edge themes of IOI Group, renowned as one of the first few companies technology offers large scale production capacity of to offer sustainable palm oil to the industry. new and existing products. With the application of enzymatic interesterification process we are able to make healthier revolution in product innovation which suits the growing demand of customers. Also, by having the largest single site facility, it allows us to prepare for future market penetration into new ventures. This strengthens further our strong position as the leading specialty oils and fats producers.” –Chief Operating Officer of IOI Loders Croklaan Asia Mr Michael van Sallandt The Physical Refinery Plant (front) performs deodorization of edible fats and oils while thermal separation and fractionation of fatty acids into high purity single fractions or composites is done at the Thermal Fractionation Plant (back). 06 CORPORATE UPDATES BERITAIOI IOI Posts Lower Q4 Earnings 547.82 401.64 Q4 ’11 Q4 ’12 IOI’s Net Profit (RM million) IOI Corporation Bhd (IOI) recorded lower earnings of RM401.64 million for the 4th quarter ended 30 June 2012, signifying a 26.68% decline from RM547.82 million posted last year. Profit from the plantation division profit lessened by 36% to RM315.8 million compared to RM489.7 million previously due to lower fresh fruit bunches (FFB) production, lower crude palm oil (CPO) price and higher production costs. Meanwhile, the resource-based manufacturing division recorded RM40.6 million against RM105.7 million gained a year ago and results from the property division were 8% lower at RM124.7 million due mainly to a decrease in share of results from jointly controlled entities. Moving forward, IOI Group is optimistic that it will perform satisfactorily in the new financial year ahead. Rabobank Visits Sagil Estate and Gomali Palm Oil Mill O n 20 September 2012, Sagil Estate and Gomali Palm Oil Mill hosted a visit for visitors from Rabobank who travelled all the way from KL, Singapore and the Netherlands to get a better insight into IOI Group’s plantation operations. The visitors were accompanied by Senior General Manager Mr Wong Chee Kuan and General Manager Mr Tay Ching An throughout their visit. Before the journey, visitors had an opportunity to meet with IOI Group Executive Director Dato’ Lee Yeow Chor at IOI headquarters. Upon arrival at Sagil Estate’s VIP Guesthouse, the visitors had a first taste of IOI’s hospitality as a variety of delicious local fruits, which were not widely available in Europe, awaited the visitors. They also had an overview of IOI Group after viewing the corporate video and listening to Estate Manager Mr Chong Fruit-y welcome for the visitors. Nyong Poh’s presentation. The visitors took the opportunity to witness live demonstrations on fresh fruit bunches (FFB) harvesting methods on short and tall palms as well as buffaloassisted harvesting. Semi-mechanical fertiliser application Mr Chong explaining the use and spraying method were also displayed. of each safety harvesting tool. Heading to Gomali Palm Oil Mill in Segamat next, the visitors left Sagil Estate impressed with the good agricultural practices implemented by the management. Mill Manager Mr Lai Yue Yeong took over the reins and Mr Lai explaining how the oil is extracted presented the mill’s history and explained the milling Demonstration of semi-mechanical from the palm fruit’s mesocarp. manuring process. process with samples on display for the visitors’ benefit. They gained an understanding of how FFB (raw material) is processed to churn out crude palm oil and palm kernels (end products). IOI Group’s resource-based manufacturing activities were explained in depth by Mr Wong as he presented the downstream sub-segments such as refining, oleochemicals, and specialty oils and fats. Overall, it was a fruitful visit and the Mr Tay explaining visitors expressed sincere appreciation for the fertiliser placement process. the warm hospitality. An insightful visit for Ms Geraldine Lim. A memorable visit to Sagil Estate. From left: Senior Relationship Banker Ms Geraldine Lim, Country Business Director Mr Kao Chee Ming, Mr Chong, Executive Vice President Mr Tom van der Weijden, Rabobank Singapore CEO Mr Marcel van Doremaele, Mr Tay and Mr Wong. CORPORATE UPDATES BERITAIOI Bank of Tokyo Visits Gomali Palm Oil Mill O Tan Sri with Mr Masato Nakamura who was delighted with the visit. Tan Sri explaining the process of grading the FFB. Pamol Says n 12 August 2012, IOI Group Executive Chairman Tan Sri Dato’ Lee Shin Cheng and IOI Group Executive Director Mr Lee Yeow Seng accompanied visitors from Bank of Tokyo in Japan for a visit to Gomali Palm Oil Mill in Segamat, Johor. Mill Manager Mr Lai Yue Yeong and his management team gave the Chief Executive Officer Mr Masato Nakamura, Head of Non-Japanese Business Mr Ravi Buchia, Head of CBD 5 Mr Patrick Liew, Assistant General Manager, Labuan Branch Mr Hiroto Kida and SAVP CBD 5 Ms Fung Ei Leen a warm welcome and showed them how fresh fruit bunches (FFB) were graded for quality at the ramp. Gomali Mill’s history was presented Mr Lai displaying the palm samples. and the palm oil mill process was explained with displayed samples from the raw materials (fresh fruit bunches) to the end products (crude palm oil and palm kernels). The visitors had a great time and were delighted with the warm hospitality extended by Tan Sri and his staff. They left with greater clarity and understanding of the palm oil industry. A group photo session. to Lotte R enowned South Korean conglomerate Lotte Group recently made a visit to Pamol Palm Oil Mill in Kluang on 26 July 2012. Arriving at Pamol Clubhouse, the management executives from Lotte Sam Kang and Lotte International were greeted by Mamor Estate Senior Manager Mr Kuppusamy, Mr Chai explaining mill operation. Pamol Timur Estate Manager Mr Aplasami, Senior Assistant Manager In-Charge of Pamol Barat Estate Mr Pang Tian Long, and Assistant Mill Manager In-Charge Mr Chai Tian Siang. Guests from Lotte Group included Lotte Sam Kang Chief Executive Officer Mr Lee Yeong Ho, Lotte Sam Kang Director Mr Hong Seung Kyoon, Team Leader from Lotte Sam Kang Mr Lee Youn Won, Lotte Sam Kang Purchasing Manager Mr Lee Hyuk Je, Lotte International General Manager Mr Lim Young Taeg and Lotte International Senior Assistant Mr Chang Hyung Joon. After being served light refreshment, the visitors toured the estate and nursery of oil palm seedlings. They were also keen to see the crop harvesting and crop evacuation procedures. Mr Chai then led the group to the mill where fresh fruit bunches were turned into crude palm oil and palm kernel. It was a useful visit as the Korean visitors observed how the estate and mill operations were conducted in line with the RSPO principles and criteria. *환영합니다 (hwangyong-hamnida) means “Welcome” in Korean. Visitors observing how the CPO is pressed. 07 08 CORPORATE UPDATES BERITAIOI Neste’s Visit to Pamol What a memorable trip! T wo busloads of visitors from Neste Oil Singapore Pte Ltd made their way to Pamol in Kluang on 18 September 2012. The 80-strong team had a glimpse of IOI Group’s stand on sustainable agricultural practices during IOI Group’s sustainability video presentation. At the Pamol Research Centre, the visitors observed the germinated seed process whereby the seeds were planted in polybags and raised in the oil palm nursery for 12 months before they are ready for field planting. Pamol Timur Estate’s replanting area provided an opportunity for the visitors to observe how tree-planting is carried out. Harvesting of young palms and tall palms were also demonstrated. Mr Chai explaining the milling process. Once they reached the mill, Assistant Mill Manager In-Charge Mr Chai Tian Siang and Assistant Mill Manager Mr Saidani took turns to explain the daily mill operations – from receiving the fresh fruit bunches from the estate to obtaining crude palm oil and palm kernel. Fibre and shell are by-products produced during the milling process and both are used as burning fuel in boiler to generate steam. In turn, the steam will be channelled into turbine to generate electricity for the mill. Besides that, waste water generated during the process will be treated in an effluent pond, and the treated effluent will be used as fertiliser. The visitors were clearly impressed with Pamol’s sustainable practices in the estate and mill processes. Visitors keen to learn about the daily milling operations. New Multipurpose Hall in Baturong 3 22 Cross stitch pin to Dato’ Foong. Dato’ Foong signing the plaque for the new multipurpose hall. April 2012 was a historic day for Baturong 3 residents as they finally owned a multipurpose hall for their recreational and leisure use. Social activities can now be organised to foster closer ties within the community. Group Plantation Director Dato’ Foong arrived to the welcoming beats of kompang and proceeded to launch the new hall, amidst claps and cheers from the residents. The Humana (Borneo Child Aid Society) children also showed their talent with cultural and modern dance performances. The building site previously housed the first kongsi in Baturong 3 which was built in 1992. In a walk down memory lane, the residents were shown a slide show depicting the building’s history. The guests and residents then proceeded to enjoy the refreshments served while admiring the new hall in their community. CORPORATE UPDATES BERITAIOI Langkah T Merdeka in Sandakan 09 he Ministry of Health combined exercise and patriotism in its Berjalan 10,000 Langkah Merdeka (10,000 Steps Merdeka Walk) programme held in conjunction with the country’s 55th Merdeka celebration. On 9 September 2012, the walk took place at 75 locations nationwide covering all states and federal territories, attracting more than 140,000 participants. The strong response entered the programme into the Malaysia Book of Records as the most public participation in a health campaign carried out simultaneously. Employees in IOI Sandakan Region turned up in a sea of blue and participated in a nationwide walkathon in Beluran district. 55 of them braved the 10km walk while proudly waving our national flag as a sign of unity and patriotism. Show of support from IOI Sandakan Region office. IOI a Popular Hit Sandakan’s Job Expo H at Personnel from Sandakan Region and Lahad Datu Region. On-the-spot interview by (from left) Mayvin Mill Manager Mr Sivaprakash Muniani, Linbar 1 Estate Manager Mr Balakrishnan Muniappan, and Tindakon Estate Manager Mr Anthony Voo. undreds of job applicants thronged IOI Group’s booth at a job expo held on 22 and 23 September 2012 at Sandakan Harbour Mall. At the event officiated by Sabah Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Haji Aman, both Sandakan and Lahad Datu regions and its Human Resource personnel joined forces to recruit new Souvenir presented to Sabah Chief Minister employees. Over the two days, IOI Datuk Seri Musa Haji Aman. Group received a total of 378 applicants. Sabahan job seekers had Sabah Labour Department and Barisan Nasional Youth to thank as they made this event possible for them, especially the youngsters, to seek employment. Employers such as IOI Group took the opportunity to advertise vacancies and at the same time, conduct on-the-spot interviews to vet through the potential employees. 10 HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT BERITAIOI New Faces Let us welcome the following new members into IOI family! Ho Kwok Wing General Manager Property Division Mr Ho holds a Master’s and a Bachelor’s Degree of Science in Civil Engineering from Oklahoma State University. He has 22 years of experience in construction and engineering consultancy with involvement in projects such as shopping malls, high-end residences, office towers as well as commercial units. Prior to joining IOI Group, Mr Ho held various senior positions in Bina Goodyear Berhad and also worked with a few organisations in USA. In his present role, he will oversee all the projects in IOI Resort City. Mr Ho reports to the Property Director. Stefanie Lau Sin Chin Yuh Senior Manager (Group HR) Corporate Division Ms Lau holds a Master’s Degree in Human Resource Management from Leicester University, UK. She has 20 years of experience in human resource management, training and development, and office administration. Prior to joining IOI Group, Ms Lau was the Senior Manager of HR Performance Management in Ericsson with regional and global responsibilities. In her present role, she will oversee the Group Human Resources, Training & Organisational Development (OD) and Administration for the Corporate and Property Divisions. She will also co-ordinate selected HR and OD policies with the Plantation Division. Ms Lau reports to the Group Executive Director. Quality Assurance Manager Property Division Mr Sin holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Civil Engineering from University of Portsmouth. He is a graduate member of The Institution of Engineers Malaysia (IEM) and Board of Engineers Malaysia (BEM). Mr Sin brings with him 14 years of experience in quality assurance and quality control from both local and international construction companies in Malaysia and Qatar. He reports to the Senior General Manager – Marketing & Business Development and administratively to the Property Director. Alex Gwee Lee Haw Complex Manager, IOI Mall & IOI Mart, Kulai, Johor Property Division Mr Gwee obtained his Honours Degree in Marketing from University of Northumbria. Prior to join IOI Mall Kulai, Mr Gwee was attached with Johor Land Berhad and Henry Butcher Shopping Centre Consultants. He reports to the Senior General Manager and General Manager of JB Property Division. Making Sense Finance F of inance is serious business for any business. A sound understanding of ringgit and cents goes a long way in comprehending how your planning and decision-making affect the company’s bottom line. Realising this, a group of managers and senior executives with non-accounting background attended the “Finance for Non-Finance Managers and Executives” course organised by IOI Group’s Training & Organisational Development department on 2 and 3 August 2012. This course introduced the participants to common accounting and finance terminology, financial management techniques and the myriad of tools to effectively plan and manage financial aspects in their everyday business. Led by Mr Gerald Peries, who has trained and lectured on Finance and Accounting for more than 12 years, the participants were introduced to the world of finance and accounting, and guided on how to read and analyse financial statements, doing costing and budgeting for specific projects, among others. The course taught the participants to: • Comprehend the nature and purpose of finance • Recognise the importance of working capital and develop the necessary skills in making long-term investments • Know the ways economic events are measured, recorded and reported • Develop analytical skills in understanding financial statements to evaluate organisational performance and make appropriate recommendations After the training, the participants were able to make sense of finance and apply this knowledge in their everyday work. HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT BERITAIOI 11 I ndividuals who want to advance in their professional and personal lives must be equipped with effective communication skills to interact with the people they meet every day. Inspiring people change the world through the spoken word. Their ability to convey their vision with passion, confidence and clarity demands action. Getting the message across is one thing; but how confident are you in your ability to inspire others? The moment you rise to speak, your presentation skills become the focus of attention. Pro! Fabian (2nd from left) with the outstanding group presenters (Mah, Frank and Hasanuri). Present Like a Held on 19 July 2012, a workshop entitled “Impactful Presentation Skills” focused on presentation planning and delivery skills, enhancing an individual's ability to present with greater confidence, control and flexibility. Presentation styles were fine-tuned to develop a greater ability to inform, influence and convince. The participants learnt the importance of having the right attitude, behaviour and values, which contribute significantly to their growth as employees. They also understood the importance of developing impactful presentation skills to be more persuasive in their presentations. Hmm... how to sell our persentation better. The focus of the workshop was based on: • The importance of understanding your audience before and during a presentation • Having the right techniques and skills for impactful presentations • Creating and developing “bullet-proof” presentations • The importance of non-verbal communication in presentations • Applying effective voice techniques Mr Mah presenting his idea on how to market an IOI restaurant. Inspiring people change the world through the spoken word. Mr Ling presenting his topic on his Best Childhood Memory. IOI Group’s Training Specialist Mr Fabian Sidney Thomas taught the participants these: • Follow the essential requirements of persuasive presentation • Make “dry” presentations interesting • End your presentation (and it is not with Q & A) • Use pragmatic tools to enhance current skills in planning presentations, analysing the audience, creating key messages, and presenting confidently in front of small or large audiences • The skills to tailor the structure, content and delivery of presentations in the most persuasive manner suited for each audience, environment and presentation objective • Importance of rehearsal. Mr Tan with the “eyes-up” activity. 12 HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT BERITAIOI one y r e v E r e h t Toge ore! Achieves M . M . A . E . T gramme in ACTION Pro W orld class organisations today are abandoning the outmoded tradition of dividing work and dismantling unnecessary supervisory structures. Many are opting to make the workplace more challenging and rewarding to work in by empowering teams to enhance quality, improve customer responsiveness and increase efficiency and productivity. 27 participants attended a two-day “T.E.A.M. in ACTION” programme held on 29 and 30 August 2012 to learn achieving productive results through teamwork. IOI Group’s Training Specialist Mr Fabian Sidney Thomas provided current work-related examples and shared his knowledge and experiences, much to the participants’ benefit. The participants learnt the importance of working together as a team and how everyone 1 Thumbs up for the “T.E.A.M. in ACTION” programme! can benefit from effective teamwork. While performing their respective roles in their teams, it is important to take some form of leadership as 3 well. This was emphasised through an indoor activity called “Surviving the Alaskan Wilderness”! On the second day, various outdoor activities were conducted to ensure that they achieve these learning objectives: • Gain a higher level of synergy and commitment • Improve mutual understanding and respect within and among teams • Increase the sense of pride in work • Have better co-ordination and co-operation in daily work • Build better relationships with employers, employees and customers • Increase communication effectiveness • Eliminate blind spots and break outdated thinking paradigms • Work together as a team to achieve more for the organisation. 2 4 1. The winning yellow team for the hula hoop activity. 2. “We did it! We are 2nd best!” 3. Power up! –The blue team using their “chi” to energise. 4. Participants having an afternoon booster. IOI ERT Members Certified by Malaysian Red Crescent Society E very minute counts. In life-threatening emergencies, a second’s difference is enough to blur the line between life and death. An IOI Emergency Response Team (ERT) was set up on 18 February 2012 to mitigate the negative effects of incidents caused by natural disasters or interruptions of business operations by following a defined action plan. Thus, it is important for each ERT member to have first-aid/medical assistance knowledge to prepare for and respond to emergency incidents. 26 participants had a “First Aid & Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)” training conducted by Mr Somasuntharam Marimuthu from Malaysian Red Crescent Society on 8 and 9 August 2012. The participants were taught a series of first-aid know-hows such as: • How to dress a wound • How to treat a choking adult, child and pregnant woman • How to tie secure knots for a bandage such as an arm sling and elevation sling The engaging trainer also showed the participants how to deal with a person who is close to fainting or had actually fainted. Demonstration on wound dressing. Learning how to administer CPR can potentially save the life of a person who has suffered cardiac arrest. A person who stops breathing has only six minutes to live as lack of oxygen can cause irreversible brain damage hence knowing how to provide “rescue breathing” could mean the difference between life and death especially if the ambulance is still on the way. The CPR lesson started with a tutorial using the D.R.C.A.B (Danger, Response, Chest compression, Airway, Breathing) technique. Next, the participants practised on a real-life person rather than a dummy model to get first-hand experience. All the participants passed their first-aid tests and were certified by Malaysian Red Crescent Society. Practising CPR on a person rather than a dummy model. PROPERTY BERITAIOI Tan Sri Receives Certificate of Appreciation from IGP IOI Group Executive Chairman Tan Sri Dato’ Lee Shin Cheng was conferred a Certificate of Appreciation and presented with a memento award during the Balai League Table (BLT) Series 1/2012 award ceremony held in Balai Polis Puchong Jaya on 11 July 2012. Tan Sri was one of the outstanding individuals to receive the award from Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Ismail Omar for his crime prevention efforts for the community. Tan Sri Dato’ Lee Shin Cheng In 1998, IOI built the two-storey police station including police quarters and contributed receiving the award from IGP Tan Sri Ismail Omar. 12 units of police cars to safeguard the Puchong community. Since then, IOI has continued supporting crime prevention including the presentation of a mobile police unit, participation in the launching ceremony of Rakan Cop Puchong, provision of monthly snacks and drinks to the police station and the annual promotion of the ‘Balik Kampung Rumah Selamat’ campaign. The BLT was participated by 764 police stations nationwide to motivate its officers to increase productivity. The Puchong Jaya police station emerged as one of the five champions. SMART Expo for Smart Buyers IOI A contemporary Platino showroom. Properties Bhd, Johor Bahru was one of the exhibitors at the SMART Investment & International Property Expo held on 8 and 9 September 2012 at Sands Expo & Convention Center, Marina Bay Sands, Singapore. With over 20 expos in eight years, the SMART Expo showcased international property and investment opportunities in Australia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore and Thailand to investors in Asia. The Sales & Marketing team of IOI Properties Bhd was there to There were many regional property gurus reach out to visitors who were who gave insightful talks on property interested to purchase properties in investing at the SMART Expo. Malaysia. IOI Properties Bhd’s The Platino which is situated next to the proposed Paradigm Mall and D’Summit Residence located in Kempas, Johor Bahru were exhibited and garnered good response from property enthusiasts. IOI Properties Bhd’s booth received a lot of enquiries from the crowd. 13 14 PROPERTY BERITAIOI Rafflesia International School Sets Foot in O n 20 July 2012, Bandar 16 Sierra in Puchong notched a significant milestone as it welcomed Rafflesia Education Group to its growing township. Located within 16 Sierra itself, the Rafflesia International School offers both local and international curricula right up to pre-university level. A signing ceremony was held at 16 Sierra Sales Galleria to seal the deal between Lush Development Sdn Bhd (a subsidiary of IOI Properties Bhd) and Rafflesia Education Group. Witnessed by Deputy Education Minister Datuk Ir Dr Wee Ka Siong, IOI Properties Senior General Manager Mr Tan Keng Seng signed the agreement with Group Chief Executive Officer of Rafflesia Education Group Madam Teh Siew Lan. Also present were IOI Property Director Mr Teh Chin Guan and Chairman of Rafflesia Education Group En A. Shukor Bin S.A. Karim. This move to bring quality education closer to the community’s doorstep is guaranteed to bring cheers to the residents of 16 Sierra and surrounding townships. Exchanging of documents (from left: Mr Teh, Mr Tan, Datuk Ir Dr Wee, En A. Shukor, Madam Teh). Symbolic tree planting by the VIPs. PROPERTY BERITAIOI Running for a Good Cause at the All for a good cause! Here comes the “Road Runners”...Beep Beep! O n the bright morning of 8 July 2012, the 8th IOI Bandar Putra Charity Run 2012 attracted an overwhelming response of more than 3,000 runners from Bandar Putra community and nearby townships consisting of eager runners, families and students from various schools in Kulaijaya and Johor Bahru. Organised by IOI Properties Bhd, Johor Bahru, the event was officially flagged off by the President of Johor Athletic Association Dato’ Haji Mohd Rashidi Bin Mohd Noor. All participants were divided into seven categories running on three different routes. Students’ Category, with the highest number of participants, ran the 6.5km route together with the Women Veteran Category. The Open Category and Men Veteran Category participants ran the 10km route while the Family Category completed a 4km route. Participants who finished the race were rewarded with a Certificate of Participation along with goodie bags. Best of all, attractive cash prizes worth RM9,760 and special medals were given out to winners from various categories! One for the album from the team of IOI Properties Bhd, JB. The aim of the run was to foster community spirit amongst the residents of Kulaijaya and promote a healthy sporting lifestyle. Entry fees collected from the participants and cash sponsorships from IOI Group and its business associates were donated to a local charity. This year, an impressive total of RM58,000 was donated to Pertubuhan Kebajikan Amitabha, which runs the Amitabha Charity Village in Kulaijaya. IOI Properties Bhd Senior General Manager Mr Simon Heng presented the mock cheque to Mr Martin Koh of Pertubuhan Kebajikan Amitabha. Together with them were Ketua Masyarakat Kg Baru Kulai Mr Tan Ek Seng, IOI Properties Bhd Assistant General Manager Mr Lou Fu Leong and Mr Chong of the Johor Bahru Amitabha Centre. In return, The Amitabha Centre presented IOI Properties Bhd with an artpiece aptly named “Running for a Good Cause”. Souvenir presentation toVIP. 15 16 OLEOCHEMICALS BERITAIOI Fruitful Visits to Pan-Century P an-Century Edible Oils Sdn Bhd welcomed several guests from around the world recently to help them learn more about the company’s overall production operation. The visits included guided tours to the fatty acid and soap noodle plants, warehouse and packing facilities as well as a detailed presentation on IOI Oleochemical. Issues such as current and future price outlook, current scenario on shipments, production capabilities and capacities, and IOI Group’s commitment to the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) were discussed. These knowledge-sharing sessions were led by Head of Operations Mr Gurdev Singh, Marketing Manager Mr Chin Peng Boon, Soap Noodle Production Manager Mr Yusop Hj Mohamed, Quality Assurance Manager Mr Mohammed Kasman, and the respective Area Managers. Shemu PLC & Aynie Trading (Ethiopia) On 2 August 2012, Mr Wolday Kahsay of Shemu PLC was accompanied on this visit by IOI Oleochemical’s authorised agent in Ethiopia, Mr Aynalem Eshete of Aynie Trading. This visit concluded with a 100 MT order for white soap noodles and 36 MT for translucent soap noodles. Procter & Gamble International (Philippines, India, USA, UK, China & Egypt) On 3 August 2012, Pan-Century welcomed Asia Delivery & Bar Platform Leader Mr Charlie Salvador and his team from Procter & Gamble (P&G) International. The 10-member delegation was keen to get first-hand knowledge of Pan-Century’s operations and IOI Group’s plantation business. P&G, a well known multinational consumer goods company, is one of Pan-Century’s most prominent customers. The visit will certainly deepen the current positive partnership between both companies. India Tobacco Company Limited This Indian conglomerate visited Pan-Century back in September 2009, hence it was good to welcome India Tobacco Company (ITC) Limited again on 10 August 2012. Comprising its Head of Finance Mr Anil Garg, Head of Sciences Dr Suresh Ramamurthi and Lead Commodities Advisor Mr Kamal K. Vaidh, the visit was in line with ITC’s increased interest in IOI Oleochemical’s RSPO-certified soap noodles. They purchased 800 MT soap noodles in August 2012. ITC ranks 3rd among private sector corporations for pre-tax profit in India and recorded a turnover of over USD5 billion. Their business includes a wide range of industries such as tobacco, hotels, paper and packaging, agribusiness, food, IT, clothing, and other FMCG products. Blaine Personal & Home Care Corporation (Philippines) On 13 August 2012, Blaine Personal & Home Care Corporation Chief Executive Officer and Founder Mrs Nema Macatugob and her team visited Pan-Century. Founded in 1993, this company is a leading trader of personal and household items in the Philippines. While exchanging thoughts, they also shared with Pan-Century a presentation on their company’s 25th anniversary.£ OLEOCHEMICALS BERITAIOI Spreading Joy in ‘‘Fitrah Ramadan’’ I n conjunction with the holy month of Ramadan, PanCentury joined forces with radio station Johor FM, local daily Sinar Harian and broadcaster RTM (Radio Televisyen Malaysia) to lend a helping hand to orphans, single mothers and the less fortunate folks. The noble initiative, called “Fitrah Ramadan”, was held in Hotel Selesa, Pasir Gudang on 9 August 2012. Five single mothers and two less fortunate recipients received their Raya assistance to have a happy celebration this year. This contribution formed part of Pan-Century’s efforts in making the Ramadan and Hari Raya celebration a memorable one for those less fortunate.£ Jump Start Your Sales Results Today! W ith these in mind, 19 marketing staff from IOI Oleochemical, Prai and Pasir Gudang divisions honed their selling skills and tactics during a two-day “JumpStart Selling Workshop” conducted on 13 and 14 September 2012. Conducted by Mr Raymond Phoon, one of Asia’s leading speaker and trainer from PowerUp Success Group, participants were encouraged to think out of the box and how to deal with various possible scenarios during the selling process. The lively training focused on: • Key steps to stay motivated, focused and passionate as a sales professional • How to overcome personal deficiencies that hinder oneself from true greatness • Fundamentals of influencing customers and partners for a long-term success • Proven principles to build your sales pipeline • How to win big at sales, relationships and life The participants were motivated to achieve IOI Oleochemical’s goals and objectives with a greater sense of responsibility, interaction and stronger team spirit. Bearing in mind Mr Raymond’s words: “It’s not just what we do, but how we do something that defines the true achievements and experience behind our accomplishment”.£ “ Saying ”O Ex-Employees to n a sunny Saturday afternoon, seven Community Service (CS) members and two heads of department/section visited three ex-employees who had been medically boarded out. Mr Athinarayanan John, a long-serving employee of almost 32 years, was previously attached to the Store section. He received the group in high spirits! Mr M. Punlandran and family with CS members. Mr M. Punlandran previously worked in the WWTP section for about 15 years. Although he was in a frail condition, the group was glad to know he is slowly recovering.£ Ms Gan and her son with CS members. Ms Gan Sek Cheang had been working with the Procurement department for almost 26 years. She was well and cheerful as always. Mr A. John and family with CS members. 17 18 EDIBLE OILS BERITAIOI Dr Loek Favre Elected Influencer of the Year 2012 T he Annual Strategy Platform on Food and Beverage 2012, held on 25 and 26 September 2012 in Zeist, The Netherlands, elected Dr Loek Favre as Influencer of the Year 2012. The election was held between 175 senior representatives of the Dutch Food & Beverage Industry. Chief Operating Officer of IOI Loders Croklaan Europe and Chairman of the Ingredients For Food Innovators (IFFI) board Dr Loek Favre received the award in recognition of his efforts to raise professionalism in the industry, which he undertakes with great enthusiasm. Dr Loek accepted the award with his usual degree of modesty, referring to the responsibilities of IOI in the areas of sustainability, employment, education, and innovation.£ EXC & nnovation Meeting at IOI Loders Croklaan Europe EXCO members and key personnel from different regions came together for brainstorming. O n 11 and 12 September 2012, the Executive Committee (EXCO) of IOI Loders Croklaan held their bi-annual meeting, this time at the European headquarters. A customer strategy and innovation meeting was also held at the same time. The meetings were attended by sales directors and innovation directors of the different regions. The advantage of holding both meetings simultaneously at the same location is that the EXCO members were able to join parts of the customer strategy and innovation sessions and give their contributions. Developing a successful innovation strategy that supports our strategic customers in developing their business is of key importance to the global growth of IOI Loders Croklaan. The discussions and outcomes of the meetings confirmed that this view is shared throughout the senior management and Executive Committee. Next to the official programme, time was reserved for an inspection of the construction of the new Wormerveer deodorizer that is nearing completion and is scheduled for commissioning in October 2012. Find out more about this in the next issue of Berita IOI.£ Work in progress at Wormerveer. Candles & Palm Oil IOI Loders Croklaan Europe at Malaysia-Romania Palm Oil Trade & Seminar 2012 EDIBLE OILS BERITAIOI A New Combination O n 18 September 2012, Malaysian Palm Oil Council (MPOC) and Malaysian Palm Oil Board (MPOB) organised the Palm Oil Trade Fair & Seminar (POTS) in Bucharest on the benefits of palm oil, strengthening its market potential in Romania. Several representatives of the Romanian government were present to welcome this initiative. The seminar, themed “MPOC’s Romania & Malaysia: A Smart Partnership Towards Meeting Oils and Fats Demand”, was attended by around 300 participants from, mainly, the Eastern European market. The event was opened by Chairman of MPOC Dato’ Lee Yeow Chor and included an inspiring keynote speech by Malaysian Minister of Plantation Industries and Commodities Tan Sri Bernard Dompok. Romania is set to become an ideal gateway for Malaysian palm oil to penetrate East European markets. Dato’ Lee said Romania was no longer a net exporter of oils and fats, unlike in the earlier years as demand for oils and fats, in the past three years, has surpassed local production capacity. IOI Loders Croklaan Europe was present with a booth to interact with potential customers. During the afternoon programme, Application Fellow Mr Hennie Slager captured the attention of the audience with a presentation on the benefits of palm oil fractions in food applications. In between speeches and sessions, various customers visited the booth where animated discussions took place and business was done. The event presented an excellent opportunity for IOI Loders Croklaan to make a significant contribution to the development of palm oil application in Eastern Europe.£ Sales Manager (Eastern Europe) Mr Silvano Mulas greeting customers with a smile and a handful of useful information. Highlighting the advantages of sustainable palm oil for the candle industry. I n Europe, the market for candles is still growing. The warm light of candles is used to create a nice atmosphere and for decorative reasons. Traditionally candles are made with paraffin wax, a material derived from mineral oil. However palm oil products have proven to be a very good alternative to paraffin wax in the past years. More and more candle producers have started to use palm oil products in the production of their candles and IOI Loders Croklaan Europe has been a major contributor to this new segment. On 3 and 4 September 2012, a conference on the use of paraffin raw materials was held in Krakow, Poland. Sales Manager of IOI Loders Croklaan Europe Mr Bart Jurrjens was invited to do a presentation on the use of palm oil for the production of candles. He highlighted the benefits of palm oil as an alternative for paraffin wax and the advantages of sustainable palm oil for the candle industry. The many representatives of the candle manufactures who were present responded enthusiastically on the possibilities of palm oil and many questions were raised during the informal meetings after the conference. Palm oil and candles certainly are a combination that will grow in the future!£ 19 20 EDIBLE OILS BERITAIOI Mr Arthur Tuytel (left) demonstrating his artisanal skills. in Creative Studio Europe O n 5 and 6 September 2012, a group of Polish customers kicked off a brand new workshop in the Creative Studio Europe. Named Hot, Cold & Creamy, the workshop was entirely dedicated to the melting behaviour of different fats and how this behaviour can be used to create chocolate and bakery products with unique flavour sensations. Customers learnt how certain fats can give a cool sensation when eaten, and how these characteristics can be used to create products with qualities that appeal to the modern consumer. The two-day workshop consisted of an artisanal and an industrial part. On the first day, expert chocolatier Mr Arthur Tuytel used his artisanal skills to inspire the participants to make all kinds of creative chocolate and bakery creations. On the second day, the Creative Studio team took over and helped our customers to translate their ideas into recipes that are suitable for industrial processing. Participants also learnt about the characteristics of the different fats in IOI Loders Croklaan portfolio and how to pick the right fat for their specific requirements. After two days of hard work, the participants left with a bagful of products and a headful of ideas to help them to create the perfect product for consumers in the Polish market!£ Knowledge E change Programme P eople and knowledge are some of the most important assets of IOI. To benefit from the knowledge of all our people around the globe, it is important to find ways to share and exchange. This is the reason that a Knowledge Exchange Programme has been developed between the Asian and European branches, which took off in 2008. The programme is focused on the Quality and Research & Development departments with the goal to create better co-operation between the regions and contribute to an improved quality control during the production of crude palm oil. Over the years, several colleagues have taken part in the exchange programme. Natasha Koh worked as a trainee for IOI Loders Croklaan Europe for 3½ years. A year ago, she returned to Malaysia, where she is now working on an improvement programme for Quality Assurance and Quality Control at the IOI mills. Asked about her experience, Natasha said, “The trainee programme has taught me to take a more pragmatic approach in my work. Not to draw conclusions from a first observation but gather information and then talk with data.” EDIBLE OILS BERITAIOI at 21 Creative Studio US in 2013 IOI 3D artistic rendering of the bakery lab. Loders Croklaan Americas has broken ground on their new state-of-the-art 16,000 sq ft Creative Studio and executive facility located in Channahon, Illinois which will open in February 2013. The first Creative Studio was opened in the Netherlands in June 2010 and has been a great success story sparking IOI Loders Croklaan Asia to embrace this concept with their launch of Creative Studio Asia in March 2011. Vice President of Research & Development (R&D) Dr Gerald McNeill stated, “The Creative Studio is a dedicated environment combining expertise and creativity to collaborate, and innovate with our customers as long-term partners. The Creative Studio is intended to be a place where customers can switch off from the day-to-day demands and grind of their business to focus on the creative process, making it the ideal place for new product development.”£ Steel and framework of the new Creative Studio. A ground breaking ceremony attended by (from right): Group CEO Mr Julian Veitch,VP of Finance Mr Mike Mollenkamp,VP of Operations Mr Bill Troy and VP of R&D Dr Gerald McNeill. Fairoz Aziz spent nine months in the European lab in 2011. He is also positive about his experience and feels it is important that the European and Asian organisations exchange knowledge on technologies and developments to the advantage of both. In July 2012, three colleagues started simultaneously in the exchange programme. Evelyn Koh (Quality Assurance), Sin Yi Hoe (Quality Control) and Wai Seng Wong (Research & Development) are currently working on extending their knowledge and experience to the benefit of our increasingly global organisation.£ A picture of perfect smiles, thanks to the vital exchange. Experience a world of knowledgeable difference. 22 EDIBLE OILS BERITAIOI at Creative Studio Asia Chef Frederic Oger showing a demo while participants eagerly look on. T he overwhelming response for Creative Studio Asia’s “Secret Spices” workshop led the team to conceptualise a workshop on innovative fillings themed “Fill To Thrill” that was attended by customers from eight different nationalities on 19 and 20 September 2012. Led by Innovation Manager Mr Imro’t Zand, the team taught the participants on the various innovative fillings in bakery and confectionary applications. They had a lesson on oils and fats as Raspberry Rose Macaroon. well as the latest trends in the food industry. The first day of the workshop saw artisanal Chef Frederic Oger captivating participants with six different types of artisanal products with aerated, chewy, multilayered, soft and flowing, spongy and cool melting fillings. Chef Frederic, who is from France, has earlier worked as Executive Pastry Chef in some renowned hotels across the globe. He is currently based in Kuala Lumpur as a tutor in pastry arts. On the second day, the participants were led by Application & Technical Manager Mr Balachandar Selvamohan in developing industrial products inspired by Chef Frederic’s artisanal desserts. The industrial-translated products maintained similar properties like aeration, soft flowing and cool melting as artisanal products but with longer shelf life and durability. Mr Bala said that the industrial translation is to provide new ideas for customers who are in search of product innovation. Partners from Rikiveta Singapore delivered a special presentation on “Food The workshop allows participants in groups and Emulsifiers and their Application in Food Industry” while partners from Givaudan get hands-on knowledge product development. provided the required flavours for the concept. Ms Anel Janse van Vuuren from Kees Beyers Chocolates, South Africa commended the workshop for being informative to unsolved queries she had previously. She said, “The intensive two-day workshop was rewarding as it had made the participants understand the different types of innovative fillings which can be introduced to their products in future.” All participants were each given a certificate of attendance after the workshop which ended with an exciting tour around the production site and sumptuous tasting session on products made by the participants. Seeing the event’s success, the concept will be extended for many more customers in October and December 2012.£ Team Manager Mr Bala guiding the participants with the industrial application of Chef Oger’s desserts. Delightful smiles from the participants with IOI Loders Croklaan Asia’s team. EDIBLE OILS BERITAIOI Ting Hsin & Wei Chuan’s Visit to IOI Loders Croklaan Asia Taking a quick tour around the well-equipped Creative Studio. A delegation from Ting Hsin International Group & Wei Chuan Food Corporation, Taiwan visited IOI Loders Croklaan Asia on 15 September 2012 to explore palm oil business opportunities with IOI and to learn about the specialty oils and fats business. The delegation was welcomed by IOI Group Executive Chairman Tan Sri Dato’ Lee Shin Cheng and Executive Director Mr Lee Yeow Seng at its facility in Pasir Gudang, Johor. Ting Hsin International Group’s Group Chairman Mr Wei Ying Chiao and Wei Chuan Foods Corporation’s Chairman Mr Wei Yin Chun were among the delegates who were present. During their visit, the delegates showed special interest in the production of human milk fat replacer Betapol® which uses advanced enzymatic lipid modification technology. The delegates were also impressed with the factory’s large scale commercial operations and the technologies. The delegates visited IOI Loders Croklaan Asia’s Creative Studio and toured its 18-acre factory. Mr Teo Kok Leong delivering a brief presentation on the company. Ting Hsin International Group is a Taiwanese-owned company based in Tianjin, PR China. It is China’s largest instant noodle maker, and owns the Kang Shi Fu brand, also known as Masterkong or Ting Yi through its partly held associate, Tingyi (Cayman Islands) Holding Corporation. Wei Chuan Food Corporation is a Taiwan-based manufacturer of Chinese condiments, canned goods, drinks, and frozen goods. Its more popular, widely recognised products include canned pickles, soy sauce and oyster sauces, and frozen dumplings and wontons. The visit was a fruitful effort to strengthen sustainable trade and investment opportunities between both companies as IOI Group has market access to a number of items originating in both countries. It was a timely initiative to deepen existing economic and trade relations between both countries. The team had rounds of discussions after the presentation. 23 24 EDIBLE OILS BERITAIOI Ms Susan Holzner (right) attending to a visitor’s queries. F What a successful collaboration. rom 18 to 20 September 2012, IOI Loders Croklaan Latin Americas made its appearance at the Food Ingredients South America 2012 (FISA 2012) held in Sao Paolo, together with Mastersence, its business agent from Brazil. Customers from different countries around South America traveled far to Sao Paolo to visit the annual exhibition to seek new leads in business opportunities and technical feeds. General Manager of IOI Loders Croklaan Latin Americas Ms Susan Holzner and Application and Technical Support team member from IOI Loders Croklaan Asia Ms Tey Meei Shya were present to provide commercial and technical support at site. IOI Loders Croklaan delivered a talk titled “The Filling Mystery” at a customer seminar on 18 September 2012 organised by Mastersense. 60 guests from different regions learnt to develop different texture of filings with our fats. FISA 2012 was a success and will drive IOI Loders Croklaan’s growth in this important and fast developing market. Joining Forces at FISA 2012 Mr Marcelo Gouveia (centre) from Mastersense with chocolate and fats sample. No rebel forces in sight at the expo. IOI Loders Croklaan Asia’s Hari Raya Gathering O n 30 August 2012, IOI Loders Croklaan Asia’s employees celebrated a wonderful Hari Raya Gathering in front of the main office building. The event was organised by the Human Resources Events committee to foster a better relationship among employees. The highlight of the event was the arrival of Chief Operating Officer Mr Michael van Sallandt who came in full Baju Melayu attire which included songkok and samping. He was cheered by the employees and given a round of applause. Everyone enjoyed a great time feasting with colleagues. The employees made a beeline for the delicious food. CEO Mr Michael van Sallandt (2nd from left) was cheered for being such a good sport. IOI MALL BERITAIOI Datuk Seri Chor (left) officiating the Ops Raya launch together with Datuk Wan (right). K eeping road users safe and ensuring adequate safety manpower on duty are a recurring theme each year whenever there is a major festival around the corner. Witnessed by the Fire and Rescue Department Director-General Datuk Wan Mohd Nor Ibrahim, the Ops Raya 2012 was launched by Housing and Local Government Minister Datuk Seri Chor Chee Heung in IOI Mall Puchong. Road users were assured that there will be over 9,000 firefighters patrolling the roads and highways to rescue accident victims as part of Ops Raya 2012. Patrol units will also monitor the 151 black spots identified as accident-prone areas. At the launch, the crowd was treated to a simulated accident crash involving two cars and a motorcycle as fire fighters demonstrated rescue procedures. Flagged Off at IOI Mall Puchong IOI Mall General Manager Mr Ronnie Francis (left) receiving a Fire Certificate from Datuk Seri Chor. VIPs present at the launch. Fire fighters in action. 25 26 IOI MALL BERITAIOI No auntie, this is not the palm reading counter, it’s a glucose test kiosk. Even Spidey agrees that good health is important! Measuring blood pressure. Get Healthy Live a Fit Life! and H ealth-conscious residents turned up in droves to attend the “Health Expo” conducted by Hope On Wheels and Adventist Community Health Centre in IOI Mall Puchong on 15 and 16 July 2012. Armed with a mission to create health awareness to the Puchong community, the team provided complimentary health screening to the public. The visitors took the opportunity to check their Body Mass Index (BMI), blood pressure and glucose levels, percentage of body fat and “Health’s Age”. The results were interpreted by health counselors with proper advice given to each individual on how to adopt a healthier lifestyle. In addition, there were Healthy Living cooking demonstrations, hydrotherapy activities and massage training. Children were happily occupied in the designated Children’s Corner. They were taught how to choose the right food, the importance of drinking quality water and many more healthy tips. The children were also exposed to their danger of smoking via interesting experiments. These proved to be effective as some of them swear against smoking and will persuade their grandparents and parents to quit smoking! Healthy Living cooking demonstrations. Children’s corner helped to keep them occupied while their parents take the health test. Patiently waiting for their turns during health counseling. IOI MALL BERITAIOI Canines’ Day ut Proud canine owners came from all over Malaysia with their pets in tow. A total of 110 different dog breeds was paraded and groomed to vie for top honours in the seven categories offered: Parading the pedigree in front of the judges. A dorable yelps and barks were heard at Centre Atrium in IOI Mall Bandar Putra, Kulai as it held the “IOI Mall 5th Dogs Show 2012” on 15 July 2012. The show was also the 333rd and 334th “MKA All Breed Championship Show” by Malaysian Kennel Association (MKA). The judges were Mr Robert Dawson from Philippines, Mr Keith Brown from New Zealand and Dr S.R. Dev from Malaysia. Best Minor Puppy in show Best in Show (All Breed) Best Puppy in Show Best Junior in Show Best Intermediate in show Best Veteran in Show Best Malaysia Breed in Show Upon registration, the participants were given a goody bag each consisting of dog food sponsored by PROFormance Pet. Owners and their four-legged friends received their prizes from the judges, much to the crowd’s delight. “Look at my beautiful tresses!” Prizes up for grabs. Owners grooming their pets. Aww... such an adorable puppy. How much do you weigh? 27 28 IOI MALL BERITAIOI Bubur Lambuk Galore at IOI Mall Kulai F or six consecutive years, IOI Mall Bandar Putra, Kulai organised its ‘Pertandingan Bubur Lambuk Antara Masjid/Surau & Majlis Berbuka Puasa Bersama Anak-Anak Yatim’ inconjunction with the Ramadan month celebration. Co-organised with Majlis Agama Islam Kulaijaya, the event received good response with nine participating teams from various masjid and surau in the area. Judged by En Sharulizam Bin Othman and Mdm Enon Binti Hj Wan Ibrahim for their cleanliness, Bubur Lambuk recipe and dish presentation, Surau Al-Ehsan was declared the winning team, while second place went to Surau Ibnu Sina and Surau Al-falah came in third. The other participating teams were from Masjid Kg Melayu Bkt Batu, Surau Al-Muhajir, Pergerakan Wanita Umno, Kumpulan WI, Surau Ibnu Hiban and Surau Taman Aman. The Bubur Lambuk was then distributed to IOI Mall’s visitors. IOI Mall staff also joined in the fun by preparing dodol and selling it to the public at RM5 per packet. The funds collected were then distributed to the orphans. The event also saw 21 students showcasing their talent during the Azan Competition in front of two Uztaz judges from Majlis Agama Islam Kulaijaya. Muhammad Mukhlis B Abdul Razak and his brother Muhammad Munir Bin Abdul Razak won the first and second prize, and Fathul Fansuri Mohd Esa emerged as the third prize winner. Later in the evening, IOI Mall staff joined 50 orphans to buka puasa together. The children received RM50 cash each as well as hampers courtesy of IOI Mall. Making dodol for charity. Participants with their special bubur lambuk. Breaking fast together. HOTEL BERITAIOI Marriott Putrajaya Adopts Hotel Environment O ne reason the air is cleaner and fresher at Putrajaya Marriott Hotel & Spa is because as of 17 September 2012, guests will be enjoying a smoke-free zone! The smoke-free policy is implemented in an effort to maintain good health and a healing environment for all walks of life. According to General Manager of Putrajaya Marriott Hotel Mr Simon Yong, “We are taking the bold initiative towards providing a healthier environment for all our guests by providing a smoke-free environment for them. For your information, all Marriott International Lodging brands in the USA and Canada became smoke-free as of 16 October 2006 and they have had numerous positive feedbacks from guests and we are almost certain that our guests will do too.” A majority of guests favour a non-smoking hotel environment, hence this preference has been applied by not allowing smoking within the building and providing designated smoking areas outside the building to accommodate the needs of guests who smoke. Smoking is now strictly prohibited in and around the hotel public areas such as the lobby, restaurant and lounges, banquet halls, restrooms as well as other air-conditioned facilities within the hotel. Concurrently, Marriott Putrajaya Hotel will continue its efforts and remain committed to make the hotel a safe and clean environment to welcome its guests and associates. Spacious and breezy, smoke in comfort at the Outdoor Smoking Hut. 29 30 HOTEL BERITAIOI Mooncake Mania T he early dusk of 20 September 2012 was filled with a magical aura as the team at Putrajaya Marriott Hotel & Spa created an escape to a folklore tale. They brought in Mooncake Festival early and organised an evening corporate cocktail at the Executive Lounge themed Mooncake Mania. Corporate clients and in-house guests were greeted with an oriental touch of Chinese lanterns décor and hotel associates in traditional Chinese wear. All the guests were treated to a light selection of delicious gourmet finger foods including foods symbolic to the festival such as pomelo, mini yams, and mooncake that got everyone going for second helpings as they sampled Summer Palace Restaurant’s home-made Crystal skin mooncakes, especially the one with durian paste filling! The air was filled with classic hits serenaded by strollers from the Philippines. General Manager of Putrajaya Marriott Hotel Mr Simon Yong explained the idea of the theme, “It would be a great fun and cultural experience for all while we get acquainted.” To that a long-stay guest commented, “This is such an interesting concept and we are very delighted to be invited. My missus and I got to know the team at Marriott Putrajaya better and it made me feel more at home while away from home.” Everyone enjoyed the evening thoroughly and thought the event was put together very well to bring an excellent group of people together. HOTEL BERITAIOI Ramadan Charity Kids from Nur Barakah. E very year during the month of Ramadan, Palm Garden Hotel organises its annual Ramadan Charity for underprivileged children. This year, 50 children from Teratak Nur Barakah and Shepherd’s Home were feted at the Perdana Ballroom on 26 July 2012. Teratak Nur Barakah is located in Shah Alam and currently has 35 children aged from six to 12 years old while Shepherd’s Home is located in Dengkil and cares for 15 children aged eight years old and above. The event started with the welcome of the adorable children by the management and staff of Palm Garden Hotel and a warm welcoming speech by General Manager of Palm Garden Hotel Mr Anthony Wee. Then everyone broke fast together while being entertained by the hotel’s Ghazal band, Mahligai Ghazal. The hotel’s associates and invited guests took the opportunity to serve and mingle with the children and their guardians. The associates also performed the Maghrib prayers with the Muslim children from Teratak Nur Barakah. The children also received not just one packet but four packets of duit raya each thanks to the management and staff of the hotel as well as the hotel’s guests. The children were very happy with the four raya packets and the attention given. 31 32 HOTEL BERITAIOI Hari Raya Charity Open House I n conjunction with the Hari Raya Aidilfitri and Hari Merdeka celebrations, Palm Garden Hotel held a Hari Raya Charity Open House on 28 August 2012 for 156 children from Sekolah Menengah Pendidikan Khas (Cacat Penglihatan) Setapak along with business partners from the corporate and government sectors. The event aimed to create a memorable and fun evening for everyone with sumptuous Raya offerings and more. The evening kicked off with a speech from General Manager of Palm Garden Hotel Mr Anthony Wee who shared that, “This Hari Raya and Merdeka Open House is an annual event for Palm Garden Hotel and we invite different charitable organisations to join us each year. And today’s event is more of a celebration for these special children than anything else.” The children and guests feasted on the Hari Raya delicacies such as lemang, ketupat, rendang, lontong, ayam masak merah, nasi tomato and much more. One of the main collaborators of the event was Traxxfm, the English Radio channel under Radio Television Malaysia. The station’s own DJs Hisham, Prajit, Mary and Gary not only became the masters of ceremony but also performed Hari Raya and contemporary songs and games to entertain the crowd. Independent performers from Twozhe Band and Seri Mahligai Ghazal also lit up the air. The students mesmerised everyone with their beautiful vocals. After their performance, Mr Anthony distributed duit raya to all the children. The duit raya was contributed by the staffs and their family members of Palm Garden Hotel and the management. Generous individuals, Encik Rosly Ahmad and Encik Zaki, also gave duit raya to the children. Adding a thrilling highlight to the event was the attendance of the Gabungan Bikers Malaysia with some 15 Ducati and Can-Am superbikes. Some of the children were game to experience a ride on these powerful and beautiful vehicles. All the children were given a goody bag each and prizes for the games courtesy of the hotel and partners, namely Nestle, X Sunz and Traxxfm. Palm Garden Hotel also thanked Dreamland Tours and Limousine Services which sponsored transportation for the event. In all, the children had a fun evening. Mr Anthony Wee and Ms Audrey Yap helping the children to have a memorable evening. FOUNDATION BERITAIOI 69 Students Receive YAA 2012 Award presentation ceremony at Pan-Century Oleochemical Sdn Bhd, Johor A proud day for the YAA recipients and their parents. H ard work paid off for 69 students as they received the Young Achievers’ Award (YAA) in June. These all-rounders were rewarded by Yayasan Tan Sri Lee Shin Cheng for not only scoring well in the academic examinations, but also doing exceptionally well in extra-curricular activities. 23 top students were recognised for their excellent results in UPSR, PMR and SPM examinations in a YAA presentation ceremony on 16 June 2012. They were congratulated and received their YAA from Head of Operations Mr Gurdev Singh at Pan-Century Oleochemical Sdn Bhd’s new Training Centre. Meanwhile, on 30 June 2012, presentation ceremonies were held simultaneously in Johor and Penang. IOI Properties Berhad (IOIP) in Johor Bahru held its YAA presentation ceremony in IOI Palm Villa Golf & Country Resort whereby nine deserving students received their certificates and plaques from Senior General Manager Mr Simon Heng. Also present were General Manager Mr Lim Beng Yeang (his son Zhi Syuen was the gold award recipient) and HR & Admin Manager Ms Ang Siew Heong. Well done! The YAA recipients with their proud parent. Continues on next page. Award presentation ceremony at IOI Properties Berhad, Johor Mr Simon Heng (6th from left), Mr Lim (4th from right) and Ms Ang (right) with YAA recipients. 33 34 FOUNDATION BERITAIOI Continued from previous page. 69 Students Receive YAA 2012 Over in IOI Oleochemical in Prai, 37 top achievers and parents were warmly welcomed by Executive Director Mr Tan Kean Hua to the YAA presentation ceremony. They had done well in the UPSR, PMR, SPM and STPM examinations. Worth noting is the fact that 13 of these students were past recipients of YAA! Mr Tan told them, “Life doesn’t require that we be the best, only that we try our best. When we try our best and never give up, we inevitably become the best at the thing we are trying so hard to do.” After the award presentation, IOI Group’s Corporate Video was played followed by a motivational talk titled “Building Positive Parent-Children Relationship” by Dr Alvin Tan. Congratulations to the YAA recipients! Dr Alvin engaging with the parents and students during the motivational talk. Award presentation ceremony at IOI Oleochemical Sdn Bhd, Prai Accompanied by his parents, the only STPM recipient Lee Zhi Yuan receiving his YAA certificate from Mr Tan. Mr Tan (in yellow tie) with the YAA recipients. Nine Students Adopted into the Ranks of SAP 8 August 2012 was a happy day for Sekolah Kebangsaan Sung Siew, Sandakan as nine of its students were selected to be part of Yayasan Tan Sri Lee Shin Cheng’s Student Adoption Programme (SAP). The primary school’s principal Madam Florence Chong, who witnessed the cheque presentation ceremony held within the school’s ground, applauded IOI Group for its commitment to uphold its corporate social responsibility and continuous support extended to the school. Sandakan Region’s Plantation Controller Mr Baba @ Ashwin Kumar and Senior Account Executive Madam Nalia Rudin were led on a guided tour of the school, and came away happy with the difference that IOI Group’s contribution has made to S.K. Sung Siew. One of the four “mushroom” sheds donated by IOI Group. Posing with the SAP students: Madam Florence with Ms Maureen of S.K Sung Siew (left), and Mr Baba with Madam Nalia (right) posing with the SAP students.
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