17 October - 30 October 2014


17 October - 30 October 2014
17 October - 30 October 2014
Your FREE Newspaper
News: Page 6
Features: Page 5
Features: Page 7
EThekwini does it again
Deputy Minister
of Co-Operative
Governance and
Affairs (Cogta)
Andries Nel,
MEC for Cogta Nomusa
and eThekwini
Mayor James
Nxumalo share
in celebrating
the Municipality’s recognition.
THEKWINI Municipality is reaping
the rewards for
excellent service
delivery. The City
scooped four awards this
month, three at the KwaZulu-Natal Municipal Excellence Awards and one at the
PMR Africa Awards.
The Municipal Excellence
Awards seeks to recognise
excellence in municipal
practices that improve
administration and service
MEC for Co-operative
Governance and Traditional
Affairs Nomusa Dube said:
“We are recognising the municipalities who enhanced
Mayor James Nxumalo
walked away with the award
for the “Best Performing
Mayor” for his commitment
to the upliftment of communities, as well as his positive leadership and vision,
while the City’s Cornubia
Project won the award for
the “Best Community Proj-
ect”. This multibillion-rand
public-private joint venture
provides more than 24 000
affordable housing units for
commercial and residential
use. It will also stimulate
employment and economic
The third award was for the
“Best Implemented Integrated Development Plan
(IDP)” which recognised
the Municipality’s efforts in
implementing this crucial
long-term plan. It guides
development and service
delivery by responding
to community needs and
achievable targets.
Nxumalo attributed these
awards to consistent com-
munity involvement. “This
was a result of collaboration between the City and
residents. We appreciate
staff members, councillors
and residents who cast their
votes. We would not have
achieved this feat without
the support of the community, especially during the
IDP Public Participation
Meanwhile, at the PMR
Awards, Durban Solid
Waste Unit won the Golden
Arrow Award for its efforts
towards proper waste
management. The Unit has
achieved a score of 3.92 out
of five, which is regarded as
excellent and worthy of the
prestigious award.
DSW provides 100%
domestic service delivery
to the residents within
eThekwini Municipality.
Deputy Head: Strategic and
New Development at DSW
Robert Abbu said: “DSW
has been recognised due to
many programmes on the
go that promote effective
and sustainable waste management. These include
community clean-up programmes, recycling initiatives, adopt a spot, schools
and tertiary level training, as
well as promoting beautification.”
IDZ boost for City’s economy EThekwini warns
of dam levels drop
THE recently launched
Dube TradePort Industrial
Development Zone (IDZ)
is expected to contribute
R5.6 billion to the country’s
Gross Domestic Product by
2060 and has the potential
to unlock about 150 225 jobs
during the same period.
Handing over the IDZ
operator permit to the Dube
TradePort Management last
week, President Jacob Zuma
said: “During my 2014 State
of the Nation Address, I
made it clear that the economy would take centre stage
in our country for the next
five years and today we are
witnessing just that.”
Zuma said the Government
has identified industrialisation as a key to economic
growth strategy nationwide.
“Minister of Trade and
Industry Rob Davies said
he was certain that this IDZ
ETHEKWINI residents are
urged to use water sparingly
to avert a looming water
crisis in northern parts of
the City due to below average rainfall in the past 15
Umgeni Water, the City’s
bulk water supplier, has
instructed the Municipality
to reduce water consumption by 20 percent in areas
BUILDING THE ECONOMY: President Jacob Zuma hands over the IDZ operator supplied by the Hazelmere
permit to Dube TradePort Board Chairperson Bridgette Gasa. Looking on, from Water Works. This is due to
water levels in the Haleft, are Trade and Industry Minister Rob Davies, Premier of KwaZulu-Natal
zelmere Dam dropping to
Senzo Mchunu and eThekwini Mayor James Nxumalo. Picture: SUPPLIED a critical level of 46 percent
and if there are no rains in
the catchment areas the
situation could worsen.
will produce positive results network.
change people’s lives for the The Hazelmere supply area
because it was located near
Mayor James Nxumalo
better and bring lots of hope include Verulam, Grange,
King Shaka International
said: “It is indeed a proud
in terms of job creation.”
Redcliffe, Everest Heights,
Airport and a busy port, as
moment for eThekwini
Waterloo, oThongathi,
well as vital road and rail
residents. It will definitely
Illegal Dumping. Report illegal dumping on 031 311 8804
Westbrook, La Mercy, Sea
Tides, Hambanathi, Trenace, Emona, Burbreeze and
Umdloti. Areas under the
Ilembe District Municipality, including Ballito, are also
Mayor James Nxumalo said
all residents should adopt
water-saving habits.
“We urge our people to
respond positively to this
warning. If we do not reduce
water consumption drastically in the coming weeks,
we may be forced to implement water restrictions and
rotate the supply of water to
the affected communities.
“We are requesting all
residents of eThekwini to
co-operate with us because
if we do not get the rain
soon other dams may also
be affected,” he said.
Now see water-saving tips on Page 2
Page 2
The eZasegagasini Metro is the
official eThekwini Municipality
publication through which ratepayers and residents are informed
of news and perspectives in
greater Durban. It is a forum for
readers’ views and is published
fortnightly on a Friday, with
400 000 copies distributed. To
contact us: eZasegagasini Metro,
PO Box 5588, Durban, 4000
Newsroom: 031 311 4813/
Fax: 031 332 8051
Reception: 031 311 4827
Editor: Tozi Mthethwa
Deputy Editor: Mandla Nsele
News Editor: Themba Nyathikazi
Content Editing: Langa Khanyile
Writers: Nonduduzo Ngcongo,
Romita Hanuman, Themba
Khumalo, Sane Shandu, Sohana
Singh, Khaya Sengani, Gugu
Mdlalose, Vuyolwethu Ndlovu,
Priah Dass, Slindile Maluleka,
Simphiwe Dlamini, Rodney Moore
and Jessie Singh
Photographer: Gugu Mqadi
Translations: Legal Services
Graphics: Zama Zwane, Zakhe
Ntshingila, Amith Sewparsad and
Sandile Sokhela
17 October - 30 October 2014
Fast-tracking service
THE Department of Home
Affairs and eThekwini Municipality formalised their
partneship to implement
the national population
register at the Inkosi Albert
Luthuli International Convention Centre recently.
EThekwini Municipality will
work with local councillors,
ward committees and local
volunteers to ensure that all
citizens born in our municipality are properly and
legally documented.
This will ensure that the
Government can plan effectively and ensure that all
government services reach
the correct beneficiaries.
Mayor James Nxumalo said
he was very pleased that
eThekwini had signed the
MOU with the Department
of Home Affairs.
Minister of Home Affairs
Malusi Gigaba said: “The
signing of the MOU signals
a strategic partnership
to strengthen inter-governmental relations and
enhance service delivery to
our people.”
He said the partnership will
serve to enhance service
delivery by improving the
efficiency of the National
Population Registration
Campaign Project.
DAMAGING Municipal
infrastructure costs the City
millions of rand each year
and disrupts the the roll-out
of municipal services tothe
country at large.
The Clean and Maintain
My City programme was
introduced and it is a drive
to teach citizens about the
importance of caring for
infrastructure, cleaning it
and conservating the environment.
In recent months, stealing of cables and metal
plates caused a suspension
bridge carrying the City’s
750mm diameter water
main to collapse, leaving
residents in the northern
parts of Durban affected
with limited water supply.
This is a clear example of
residents being irresponsible by destroying Municipal
infrastructure they should
be protecting for their good
and that of others.
City Manager Sibusiso
Sithole said that people
often talk about the service
delivery being shoddy while
they destroy infrastructure.
He urged residents to stop
destroying infrastructure.
“This is their infrastructure
and they must take care of
stations open
on weekends
PARTNERSHIP: Home Affairs Minister Malusi Gigaba and eThekwini Mayor
James Nxumalo have signed a Memorandum of Understanding at the ICC to
strengthen inter-governmental relations and enhance service delivery.
Among key stakeholders
who were present at the
MOU signing were Home
Affairs Deputy Minister Fatima Chohan, KwaZulu-Natal
it,” he said.
“Imagine if infrastructure
that was developed five
years ago was to be destroyed; it simply means
that there would be no
funds to reconstruct it. As
result, further development
would be minimal because
the focal point would be to
rebuild infrastructure that
gets destroyed,” he added.
The Municipality is working towards championing
and minimising threats that
could cost the City large
sums of money in the long
run, but needs the community to play their part.
City readies for more wards
MEC for Health Sibongiseni
Dhlomo and the City’s Executive Committee members,
including the Chairperson
of Governance and Human
Resources Committee Nondumiso Cele.
2016 the number of wards
will increase from 103 to
THE Municipality has
107, while the number of
welcomed the proposed
councillors is expected to
additional wards by the Mu- increase from the curnicipal Demarcation Board
rent 206 to 234, including
proportional representative
The increase in wards was
announced recently at
Mayor James Nxumalo said
Durban City Hall by a public he Municipality was ready
presentation during the Mu- to absorb the new proposed
nicipal Ward Delimitation
process for 2013 to 2015.
“We are aware of the chalMDB’s Lize Mazibuko
lenges that exist in some of
said wards were increased
these wards.
to handle the increasing
We are assessing them to
number of registered voters see how we can best meet
during elections.
these challenges,” Nxumalo
It is proposed that by
Members of the Executive
Committee, led by Nxumalo, recently met a delegation
from the Vulamehlo Local
Municipality and conducted
site visits to four wards that
will be incorporated into
eThekwini Municipal area
in 2016.
Three of the Wards are currently part of the Vulamehlo
Local Municipality under
the Ugu District Municipality, while the fourth ward is
under the Mkhambathini
Local Municipality in Umgungundlovu District.
THE Municipality would like to
inform residents that the testing stations at Verulam and
Winklespruit are now open
every first and third weekend
of the month. Services offered include learner driver’s
and driver’s licence booking,
card collections and licence
renewals. The centres are
open at the following days
and times:
Weekdays from 7h30-14h00;
Saturdays from 07h3014h00 (first and third Saturday only)
Sundays from 07h30-12h00
(first and third Sunday only)
For more information, contact the Verulam centre on
031 322 1786/9.
Water saving
All residents are urged to refrain from damaging
infrastructure as it hinders service delivery
Mayor for UN posting
Correction of
street name
COUNCIL approved the
correction of the name of
Dr Pixely kaSeme (formerly
West) Street to Dr Pixley
kaIsaka Seme Street.
Early this year, Council engaged in a process of public
consultation after it had
come to the Municipality’s
attention that the current
spelling distorted the real
meaning of the name.
Council rescinded its decision
of 14 May 2008 to rename
West Street to Dr Pixley
kaSeme, and authorised the
correction of the spelling of
the street name.
Damaging infrastructure is a no-no
ETHEKWINI Municipality
and Mayor James Nxumalo
have been appointed to the
position of the Permanent
Secretariat of the Africa
Forum for Urban Safety
(AFUS). The appointment
of Nxumalo gives him a
mammoth task of profiling AFUS within various
regional bodies such as the
African Union (AU), United
Cities and Local Governments of Africa, the Africa
Development Bank, UN
agencies and other international bodies. Director of
Programme Division at the
Illegal dumping. Report illegal dumping on 031 311 8804
UNations Human Settlement Programme (UN Habitat) Alioune Badiane has
congratulated the Mayor on
his appointment.
The Head of Safer Cities
and iTrump Unit, Martin
Xaba, said Nxumalo’s first
task will be to establish a
Steering Committee and to
recruit a project co-ordinator that will support him.
Before November, Mayor
Nxumalo will travel to Kenya to meet the Chairman of
the AU to discuss the terms
of reference for the working
group and the AFUS’s Strategic Committee he chairs.
• Avoid washing cars if possible or wash using bucket
water instead of hose pipe;
• Do not leave the tap
running when brushing
your teeth or for any other
• A 2 min shower is better
than bathing in a bath tub;
• Instead of washing clothes
everyday with half load, wash
every alternate day with a full
• Avoid washing clothes,
dishes, vegetables and other
food under running water,
rather fill basin or dish
• Read your meter on a
daily basis to ensure there
are no internal leaks in your
• If you are going away close
the main valve;
• Report leaks and illegal
water connections to our call
centre 080 13 13 013, sms
to 083 707 3013 or email
from Mayor
MAYOR Nxumalo would like to
express his deepest condolences to the families of three
men who lost their lives after
they were electrocuted while
reportedly trying to make illegal electricity connections at
Nqabeni Informal Settlement,
in uThongathi, last Tuesday, 7
October 2014.
17 October - 30 October 2014
Lights on
for informal
Page 3
Home for old lady
RESIDENTS of Nsimbini in
Folweni, southern Durban,
have commended Operation Sukuma Sakhe (OSS)
for its quick response in
attending to the needs of
the community. This follows
the handing over of a fully
furnished house by Mayor
James Nxumalo to an elderly person recently.
Mayor James Nxumalo said
OSS is a vehicle to bring
Government services closer
to where people reside: “We
also want to address social
ills, because many of the
problems we have in our
communities emanate from
Southern region OSS Co-ordinator Bheki Mngwengwe
ELECTRIFYING: The eThekwini Municipality is makhe was moved when he
ing progress in electrifying informal settlements as said
heard the ordeal of Sizakele
part of the basic interim services programme.
Makhawula, the recipient
Picture: SLINDILE MALULEKA of the house. “This family
was living in unbearable
conditions. At times more
and R1.871m was allocatSLINDILE MALULEKA
than five people of different
ed for the eTafuleni Phase
sexes had to share one bed.
COUNCIL has approved a
1C project in Ward 56 in
Makhawula has even been
budget of over R5.4 million
sexually assaulted by her
for the upgrade of infraThe electrification project
own son.”
structure to provide for new is part of the Municipality’s
The son has since been
electricity connections in
programme to extend interarrested.
informal settlements.
im services to people living
Mayor Nxumalo has beHuman Settlements and
in informal settlements and
moaned the incident and
Infrastructure Committee
to extend services to the
urged the community to be
Chairperson Nigel Gumede City’s residents.
vigilant and look after one
has applauded the approved Head of the Electricity
budget, which will change
Unit Sandile Maphumulo
the lives of residents.
said the Municipality has
“It is of great importance
electrified more than 15 000
that we continue to imunits in informal settleprove the lives of the City’s
ments in the past financial
residents in all corners of
year through the Integrated
Durban, which is why the
National Electrification
Municipality is working on
projects like these,” he said.
“This financial year, the
Council mandated the
Municipality has set a target IN LINE with eThekwini
Electricity Unit to spend
of electrifying 20 000 inforMunicipality’s mandate of
R2.637m to extend the
mal dwellings across the
providing service delivery,
existing medium and low
City,” he added.
the Municipality is planning
voltage reticulation system
The Municipality’s apto build a temporary fire
to provide for new electrici- proach to electrify informal station at Folweni township,
ty connections for Umbhayi dwellings will assist to curb
southern Durban.
Informal Settlements in
electricity losses that cost
At present, the City is
Ward 61 in oThongathi.
the City about R40m a year
sourcing funds and land for
A further R909 373 was
and reduce the number of
a permanent structure.
set aside for the Khululeka
lives lost through illegal
This comes after the MuDrive Informal Settlement
nicipality had conducted
in Ward 21 in KwaDabeka
NEW BEGINNING: Mayor James Nxumalo and Ward 94 Councillor Sipho Dlamini
handing over a fully furnished house to recipient Sizakele Makhawula of Nsimbini, in
Folweni. Picture: SIYABONGA NDLELA
another: “Such incidents
should never happen. I don’t
care what substance you are
using, but to do this to your
own mother is inhumane.”
Makhawula said if she
were to pass away today she
would die a happy person:
“People talk about how the
Government is failing us,
but I think it is high time
that we give credit where it
is due. When I went to Izwi
Lomzansi radio station and
asked for help, the Municipality and other government
agencies made sure that I
got all the support I needed.”
Folweni to get own fire station
the Accessibility of Community Social Services exercise,
which revealed that there
was a need for additional
fire stations for underserviced areas.
Chairperson of the Emergency and Community Services Community Zandile
Gumede said Folweni is one
of the areas identified as
having a dire need for a fire
station. She said: “The total
area that will be serviced
by the new Folweni temporary fire station is 10 240ha.
The wards that are going to
benefit are Ward 67, 94, 95,
95 and 100. This will also
include Philani Shopping
Complex in Umlazi, road
transport infrastructure
along the R603 and M35
carriageways, as well as the
Umbumbulu Development
Mark Te Water, Head of
Fire and Emergency Ser-
vices Unit said currently
the Central Fire Station in
Centenary Road that is undergoing major renovations
will enable the Municipality
to deliver an effective fire
service since it has severe
limitations in accommodating existing staff and the
number of ever expanding
support functions within
the service.
Western Aqueduct on track City designers showcase
THE Western Aqueduct is
well on track with at least
35 percent of the break
pressure tank that is under
construction in Ashley
Drive, Hillcrest, completed.
A second break pressure
tank, which will hold 20
megalitres of water, will be
constructed in Wyebank.
The tender for this project is
due to go out in the fourth
quarter of this year, with
construction expected to
commence at the beginning
of 2015.
Project manager for eThekwini Water and Sanitation
(EWS) Martin Bright said
the estimated overall cost of
the second phase of the bulk
water project, Western
Aqueduct is well under
way with the key components of the pipeline
expected to be complete
by 2017.
at SA Fashion Week
EIGHT local fashion
designers will showcase
at this year’s SA Fashion
Week (SAFW) Autumn/
Winter Collection 2015 in
up to 400 megalitres per day, Johannesburg this weekend thanks to opportunisignificantly strengthening
water project and associated the capacity of bulk water
ties created by eThekwini
branch pipelines is R1.8 bil- supply and meeting the
Municipality’s Economic
lion.“The Western Aqueduct needs of the greater eTheDevelopment and Investis intended to replace and
ment Promotion (ED & IPU)
kwini region for the next 30
augment existing infraUnit.
years,” he explained.
structure that brings water
All designers received
To date, approximately 15
from Midmar Dam and the
percent of the second phase mentorship from the Kwarecently constructed Sprin- of the bulk water project has Zulu-Natal Fashion Council
grove Dam into Durban. It is been completed.
(KZNFC), established in
ultimately expected to inject
silindile.maluleka@durban.gov.za 2009 to grow and support
Illegal Dumping. Report illegal dumping on 031 311 8804
the local fashion design
Siyethemba Duma, a former Durban University of
Technology fashion design
student, said showcasing for
the first time at SA Fashion
Week is a dream come true.
“This is a fashion student’s
ultimate goal. I’m excited
and nervous, but grateful to
have this opportunity.”
Spearheading the progress
of the KZNFC is ED & IPU
Programme Manager Anu
Pather. Pather said that
the SA Fashion Week gives
designers international
exposure and has made an
impact on the economy.
“Showcasing our designers
internationally will increase
demand for local products,
which is critical in developing the ability of the industry to compete internationally,” said Pather.
The KZN designers are
Larisa Terblanche (Larisa
MODA), Thembeka Vilakazi
(Yadah Exclusive Designs),
Nabeela Osman (Uniform), Amanda Govender
(Amanda May), Hanrie Lues
(Mej Lues), Brenda Waring
(Whatevs Design) and Sarojini Moodley (Khyris).
17 October - 30 October 2014
Page 4
Government puts people first
In September we celebrated Public Service Month, a call by the Minister of Public Service and Administration where
all spheres of Government revitalise service delivery. EThekwini senior officials, along with other spheres of Government, heeded this call and went out to check on services rendered, the way they were provided and how they can be
improved through unannounced site visits. Romita Hanuman and Nonduduzo Ngcongo report
HIS year’s theme
for Public service
Month was “Reinventing the way
Public Servants
Work: Batho Pele Putting
the People First”. Five
teams led by Deputy City
Managers (DCMs) engaged
with customers about their
satisfaction with the level of
service they were receiving
and assessed if staff adhered
to the principles of Batho
Some of the issues raised at
these unannounced site visits included lack of signage,
access for people living with
disabilities, and shortage of
proper seating and ventilation facilities. One of the
major issues raised was
the need for an additional clinic in the Glenwood
area to make municipal
services more accessible.
Recommendations by the
teams were submitted to
the relevant Units where
they will be implemented
over the next three years.
This included wheelchair
ramps being built, installing
of proper ventilation as well
as an improved complaints
management system.
DCM for the Corporate and
Human Resources Cluster
Dumisile Nene visited various departments, including
Development Planning
where she interacted with
customers, many of whom
were builders and town
planners who were there
to submit their proposed
plans. Nene said the visits
had helped senior management to identify gaps in
the provision of services to
communities. “Staff must
also be trained on how to
deal with the public and
about the importance of
customer service because
people need to benefit from
our services as the City,”
she added. Mayor James
Nxumalo visited Cato Crest,
did a clean-up of the area
and planted trees.
An exhibition from other
departments like Home Affairs and the South African
Social Security Agency was
held where services to the
Cato Crest and surrounding
community were provided.
The community, Ward
councillors and Ward committee members came out
in their numbers to support
this initiative.
The Mayor said that it
was important that public
servants render the best
service, but must work with
He said: “We encourage
all civil servants to take the
baton forward by giving
off their best and partnering with the people on the
ground. Let us educate our
communities on the importance of cleanliness.”
Volunteers, armed with
gloves and cleaning gear
took to the street to clean
up the area. Batho Pele
Co-ordinator Dimakatso
Moloi said that the month’s
activities went well and all
participants made sure that
they promoted the eleven
principles of Batho Pele.
“Officials covered about
80% of the sites that they
were allocated to visit unannounced and their reports
will be submitted to the Department of Public Service
and Administration,” said
SERVING THE PEOPLE: (Top and bottom left) Mayor James Nxumalo and Ward councillor Mkhipheni Ngiba
planted trees during the Clean and Maintain my City campaign in Cato Crest. Nxumalo also visited staff
at their work stations. (Bottom right) Deputy City Manager for the Corporate and Human Resources
Dumisile Nene spoke to staff during her site visits.
Every public servant should work in
accordance with the 11 Batho Pele Principles:
1. Consultation
You should be consulted
about the level and quality
of the public services you
receive and should be given
a choice about the services
2. Service Standards
Citizens should be told
what level and quality of
public services they receive
so they are aware of what to
3. Access
All citizens should have
equal access as they are
entitled to it;
4. Courtesy
Everyone should be treated
with courtesy and consideration;
5. Information
Full and accurate information must be supplied to the
6. Openness and
Citizens should be told
about how the Municipality
is run, how much it costs
and who is in charge;
7. Redress
If the promised services
are not rendered, citizens
should receive an apology,
a full explanation and a
speedy, effective remedy;
8. Value for Money
Services should be provided economically and
EThekwini moves to change
the face of the workplace
9. Encouraging innovation
and rewarding excellence
Always encourage creativity and innovation and
recognise the work done
by rewarding them accordETHEKWINI Municipality
is determined to implement
its 2014-2018 Employment
10. Service delivery
Equity Plan (EEP), which
seeks to ensure equal repThrough the efforts to
resentation in the workimprove service delivery,
positive impacts need to be place. The Employment
Equity Plan is in line with
felt at community level;
the amended Employment
Equity Act 55 of 1998.
11. Leadership and
The City’s Employment
strategic direction
Equity demographics
Leaders should set the
direction and lead by exam- show that male employees
dominate the Municipality’s
ple. All work must be done
23 000-strong workforce.
in a conducive environFemale staff constitute
about 32.90%, while their
male counterparts are about
Illegal dumping. Report illegal dumping on 031 311 8804
67.10% of the total workforce. Council recently directed the City Management
to fast-track employment of
people living with disabilities to ensure that the target
of two percent is achieved
within 18 months through
the implementation of the
plan. Deputy City Manager
for Corporate and Human
Resources Cluster Dumisile
Nene said this plan serves to
create diversity in the workplace in order to redress the
imbalances of the past.
“Female employees from
all racial groups are under-represented and we
need to reach 50:50 equity
between males and females
as per Provincial Economically Active People (EAP)
statistics. Currently, People
with Disabilities (PWD)
represent 0.58% of the total
workforce. We, therefore,
need to achieve 2% PWD by
“There is still a long way
to go to achieve employment equity, but we have
introduced an integrated
approach to ensure that we
achieve our targets. As a
result new advertised positions will be in line with the
Employment Equity Plan,”
added Nene.
17 October - 30 October 2014
Page 5
Durban’s green transport
THE eThekwini Municipality’s vibrant dedicated infrastructure plan for the Non-Motorised Transport network
will include sidewalks, off-road paths, safe crossings, pedestrian bridges and cycle areas for recreational and
community purposes, writes Slindile Maluleka.
HE vision of the
NMT is to have a
safe, functional
and attractive
environment for
NMT users that will give
people good access to
opportunities, an improved
quality of life, stimulate
growth and create a sustainable City for the future.
EThekwini Mayor James
Nxumalo recently launched
the NMT network at the
Green Hub on the banks of
uMngeni River, where he
arrived dressed in cycling
gear and riding a bicycle.
He said the success of the
NMT will be judged on how
it delivers on four pillars.
“Its ability to connect
people to places and communities, how it enhances
lifestyles and results in an
environment that is safer,
how it promotes economic
growth and prosperity and
whether it is delivered in
an efficient and sustainable
way,” he said.
Since 2010 to date, about
R50 million has been spent
on the establishment and
upgrade of pedestrian and
cycling routes. The City
plans to provide lanes for
commuter cyclists and
walkers beyond the Beachfront precint, which has
DEDICATION: Mayor James Nxumalo (in blue tracksuit) and City leadership at
the launch of the NMT. (Far right) As part of the NMT Network infrastructure,
cycle lanes have been implemented on eThekwini roads. (Bottom) Team Abantu and SA’s most prolific cycle race winner Nolan Hoffman and other cycle
riders. Pictures: SUPPLIED
been already developed.
“We will be creating NMT
networks across the City
that will include uMlazi,
KwaMashu, Chatsworth,
Inanda, KwaXimba, Umbumbulu and Buffelsdraai.
The long-term goal is that
as these intra-city mini
networks grow, they will
connect various areas of the
City,” Nxumalo said.
Non-motorised transport
modes are healthy, non-polluting, versatile and reliable.
As a City that benefits
from excellent weather
all year round, the impact
of the dedicated cyclist
and pedestrian areas built
in and around Durban’s
beachfront, uMhlanga
promenade, the Suncoast
promenade and the Moses
Mabhida Stadium area, has
seen the rise of bicycle users
both professionally and
Nxumalo said the NMT
network was part of the
service delivery for future
“We want to create a
system that is viable for our
children and grandchildren,
providing a legacy that will
Crackdown on overloaders of learners
A SPECIAL team from Metro
Police is cracking down on
illegal scholar transporters
in the eThekwini region.
In their quest to promote
road safety and eliminate illegal learner transportation,
the Metro Police usually
confiscates about 50 empty
beer crates on a daily basis,
which are used as makeshift seats in taxis.
Often there are situations
where a taxi is involved in
an accident and 20 passengers are injured in a vehicle
certified to carry 15.
Metro Police Superintendent Eric Khuzwayo urges
the public to report overloading.
“Take down the registration
plates and call our control
room on 031 361 0000,” he
‘Operation Omalume’ is an
on-going scholar transport
blitz targeting illegal operators who are loading children in bakkies and goods
vehicles instead of adhering
to the legal requirements.
AS SOUTH Africa celebrates
National Transport Month,
eThekwini Transport Authority (ETA), the KZN Department of Transport and
the Passenger Rail Agency of
South Africa, are conducting
road safety campaigns in
public transport ranks.
The campaigns will take
place until the end of October with the aim of creating
awareness around pedestrian and driver safety.
According to eThekwini’s
Road Safety Plan for 20122016, the vision is to create
a City with a road safety
Illegal Dumping. Report illegal dumping on 031 311 8804
Work events that encourage
people to leave their cars
at home, which will have
a significant impact on
carbon emissions and traffic
pollution,” he added.
Keeping roads in
good condition
THE eThekwini Municipality is spending R110 billion
to refurbish existing roads
for improved riding quality
and strengthening road
layers to carry current and
future traffic.
The major road rehabilitation programme is part of
paign is to encourage public the Municipality’s proactransport operators, drivers tive maintenance aimed at
keeping the roads in good
and passengers to work together to create a safer road condition throughout their
design lifespan of 20 years
environment. The operawith periodic maintenance.
tors must ensure that they
Rehabilitation is currently
provide a high quality and
place in different
reliable service. The drivers
parts of the Muncipality.
must adhere to all road
rules and be courteous at all The Municipality’s Area
Project Technologist, Daniel
times. The passengers have
Mthimkhulu, said the proa responsibility to refrain
COMMUTING: EThekwini Municipality and stakefrom overloading, encourag- gramme runs on two -year
cycles, with the current
holders are conducting road safety campaigns in
ing the driver to speed and
programme running until
various public transport ranks. Picture: GUGU MQADI
This campaign is part of the June 2016.
“Roads are economic
ongoing road safety
culture that will lead to a
the fatalities in eThekwini
therefore good
reduction of injuries and
by a minimum of 15 percent initiatives aimed at making
roads result in an improved
fatalities on the roads.
over the next five years.
economy of the area and
The mission is to reduce
The purpose of this camjessie.singh@durban.gov.za
Safety programme for taxi ranks
remain long after we are
“We would like to encourage people of all ages to
walk and cycle, and in the
near future we hope to host
city cycle events or Ride to
the country. If roads are
maintained and are kept in
good condition, it will result
in reduced road user cost
and reduced travel time,” he
The process begins with
investigations conducted by
a team of civil engineers or
consultants. They are tasked
with find solutions that will
ensure that the rehabilitated
road carries traffic through
its design life.
“The solution should also
take into consideration
environmental matters,
sustainability and cost. The
road network assessment
process involves driving
on every road within the
Municipal area, logging all
visible distresses, analysing
the data using complex
mathematical models to
predict future road deterioration and then prioritising
which roads need to be
rehabilitated and when,”
Mthimkhulu added.
Page 6
17 October - 30 October 2014
City and DUT do joint
beachfront clean-up
Living standards
data collection
begins in earnest
ETHEKWINI Municipality
and the Durban University
of Technology’s Maritime
Students Chapter conducted a successful clean-up
and awareness day at the
Durban Beachfront on
Friday last week, 10 October
They displayed placards
and banners with messages
to keep the City Clean and
save the environment. This
event was in celebration of
National Marine Week, as
well as Transport Month. It
also fell under the umbrella
of the Municipality’s Clean
and Maintain My City Programme.
Durban’s promenade came
alive with about 75 students
promoting an important
message. Chairperson
of the Youth Chamber of
Shipping in Africa Siyabonga Ngema led the clean-up.
He said: “The majority of
students are passionate
about the maritime industry. For it to thrive, we need
to have an ocean that is
free from pollution. This is
why we decided to partner
with the Municipality’s
Clean and Maintain My City
Programme and we fully
support it.”
People on the promenade
curiously asked questions
about the campaign, many
appreciated the initiative.
John Wilkins, who was
taking a leisurely stroll, said
:“This is impressive. It is
great to see the youth taking
the lead in the fight against
climate change. Every little
step counts.”
Approximately four tons
of waste was collected.
Manager at Parks, Leisure
and Cemeteries Preggie
Moodley said: “We need to
make everyone aware of
the impact of litter on the
environment. This was successfully done and we have CAMPAIGNERS: DUT students proudly show off
had a successful clean-up
about 4 tons of litter they collected during the
clean-up campaign STATISTICS South Africa
(Stats SA) commenced
collecting data for its Living
Conditions Survey (LCS) for
2014-2015 on Monday, 13
October 2014.
Stats SA Survey Officers
are visiting households
throughout the country
collecting data that is used
to monitor and profile the
poverty levels in the country
and also provides the necessary data to inform the
development and maintenance of household national accounts and monitor
Executive Manager for
Household Survey Operations at Stats SA Moses
Mnyaka said the information they are collecting is
used to update the consumer price index basket.
“This basket is a list of
the goods and services the
average household spends
its money on and is used
Picture: ROMITA HANUMAN to calculate the monthly
inflation rate. About 32 000
households have been selected to participate and the
survey runs over 12 months.
A survey officer will visit
households once a week for
four weeks to complete a
questionnaire and each visit
will last 30 minutes,” said
Myaka further mentioned
that the selected households
are requested to keep a
weekly diary of expenses for
two weeks and during any of
the four visits all members
of household will be measured and weighed.
He said that will be done in
order to determine person’s
nutrition status.
Households will be asked
to answer questions relating
to the provision of services,
education, health, income
and employment.
Survey officers can be
recognised through their ID
card with their names, surnames and persal number.
Breakthrough in jobs for sale saga
City’s climate change
strategies an eye-opener
SEVENTEEN provincial
municipalities attended a
three-day day workshop
last week to learn about the
ground-breaking initiatives
and strategies adopted by
eThekwini Municipality to
combat climate change and
to harness renewable energy
in the country.
The Municipality, in partnership with Local Governments for Sustainability
– Africa (ICLEI – Africa),
hosted the knowledge-sharing exchange session, which
was facilitated by the Municipal Institute of Learning
Manager in the eThekwini
Municipality’s Climate Protection Unit Sean O’Donoghue said climate change
adaptation is essential to
local government as it is
the closest link between the
Government and citizens.
He added that local governments are among the first
responders to the impact
and opportunities of climate
Senior Manager in eThekwini Energy Office Derek
Morgan led the discus-
THE Municipality, working
together with the South African Police Service (SAPS),
have made a breakthrough
in the jobs for sale saga after
one person was arrested last
The arrest follows an intense investigation by City
Integrity and Investigations
Unit (CIIU) after numerous
complaints were received
from members of the public
who have been swindled by
people who promise to give
them jobs at the Municipality.
Investigators received a tip-
off from a member of the
public about a person purporting to be a Municipal
employee, demanding to be
paid money in order to find
a job for the victim. A trap
was set up and an exchange
took place outside City Hall.
The culprit was arrested on
the spot.
“We would like to thank
members of the public for
their co-operation and for
coming forward with information that has led to the
arrest,” said Mbuso Ngcobo, the Head of CIIU. “The
Municipality has recently
issued several warnings to
the public to be aware of
fraudsters who use different modus operandi to rob
Last month, the Municipality became aware of
fraudulent advertisements
for “Municipal vacancies”
placed on the Gumtree and
AdsAfrica websites. These
advertisements always include a fee to be paid by the
applicant in order to register
or apply.
The public is urged to continue to report these cases
to the City Integrity and
Investigations Unit on 0800
20 20 20.
Revenue to introduce
Smartphone Application
IN SYNC: KWAZUL-NATAL District and Local Municipalities that are members of the Central KwaZulu-Natal Climate Change Compact meet some of
the City’s leading climate change champions.
sion on the importance of
identifying a climate change
champion to drive the
message and highlighted
creative ways of gaining
access to funding that are
successful at eThekwini.
Morgan said that the learning exchange was extremely
successful in discussing
climate change challenges
faced by other municipalities. “It has become evident
that there is a real need
for KZN municipalities to
enter into joint ventures,”
concluded Morgan.
Customers will be able
to use their smartphones to access
revenue bills in the near
Illegal Dumping. Report illegal dumping on 031 311 8804
“It will also allow for a
communication channel
FROM November this year,
and customers will have the
techno-savvy customers can opportunity to view their
look forward to an Applibills as and when required,”
cation that is compatible
said Du Plessis.
with all smartphones, which Customers will need to
will provide access to their
register to be able to downrevenue bills.
load the application. Look
Head of Revenue Peet du
out for more details closer
Plessis said that the applica- to the launch of the Smart
tion will make it easier to ac- Application this year and
cess account balances and
you will find amazing ways
other revenue information.
of accessing your revenue
“The use of technology fits bills.
into the future strategies
Customers are encouraged
of Revenue, with the idea
to use the e-Services online
of a ‘virtual office’ concept.
facility. Register on www.
Services include alerts,
durban.gov.za, click on Tools
general communication to
and then on the e-Services
the public and all account
information, even that going
back years before.
17 October - 30 October 2014
Page 7
Ensuring food security
In an effort to ensure economic development, job opportunities and food security, the Municipality’s Agribusiness initiative has made a difference in the lives of poor families. The
Edamame (Vegetable Soybean) Programme based at Mariannhill Monastery Research
farm, which is at the centre of Soybeans development in South Africa, has created about
137 permanent jobs in just two years, Nonduduzo Ngcongo reports.
HE City’s Economic Development
and Investment
Promotion Unit
entered into a
three year partnership deal
with the programme and
invested R5 million from
2012. The project is also
supported by the Jobs Fund
with an investment of about
R19 million.
Edamame Programme
Director Water Coughlan reported during the Economic
Development and Planning
Committee meeting last
week that within two years
since this programme was
adopted by the Municipality
the number of permanent
jobs created has dramatically increased from 32 to
137, short-term jobs went
to 149 from 102 and trained
beneficiaries are now 469
instead of 102.
Edamame also has 100
homestead growers in
Umbumbulu, Hambanathi,
Waterloo, Cliffdale, Cliffbux
and Mariannhill, which also
translate as jobs, and have
34 emerging farmers trained
and mentored weekly.
Coughlan said within this
term they have managed to
form relationships with food
cities to
meet in
WITH the City’s plans in
place to extend the Port of
Durban and develop a Dry
Port around Cato Ridge, the
14th AIVP World Conference
of Cities and Ports themed
“Smart Port City Concept”
will take place on 3-6 November at Elangeni Hotel.
The aim is to discuss the
best ports practice.
Mayor James Nxumalo said
in just two weeks’ time, over
300 international and local
maritime and port industry
experts, decision-makers,
researchers, academics and
other partners, will gather
in Durban to discuss best
practice and showcase global port projects.
The conference will also
provide cities with a platform to showcase latest
developments of ports projects, exchange experiences,
and reinforce transversal
exchanges between the various decision-makers in orFRUITS OF THEIR TOIL: Members of the community who benefit from the Edamane garden project are
der to initiate consultation
now able to feed their families. Picture: SUPPLIED and new working methods
as well as maritime offerings
in business, lifestyle, leisure
experiences and commerretailers such as Food Lovers Economic Development
Municipality was happy that tion and job creation.”
Market, Oxford Market in
and Planning Committee,
the initiative is serving its
The Mariannhill Monastery cial opportunities.
The four-day conferHillcrest and were negotisaid this programme was
purpose.“We appreciate the Research Farm is leased to
ating with national Wooladopted by the Municipality work that has been done
operate as a fully supportive ence will include plenary
sessions, workshops and
worth’s agent (Fresh2go).
with the aim of ensuring
in the field of agriculture,
research farm and research
technical visits to the Port of
Deputy Mayor Nomvuzo
food security and creating
which benefit communities processing site.
Durban and the Waterfront.
Shabalala, who chairs the
employment. She said the
in terms of poverty allevianonduduzo.ngcongo@durban.gov.za
Durban prepares envoys Crowd Management
Unit deployed at Glebe
HEADS of Mission who will
represent South Africa in
various countries have left
Durban very pleased after
listening to presentations
and visiting key areas in
the city and the Province of
The ambassadors were in
Durban to learn more about
investment opportunities.
International and Governance Relations Head Eric
Apelgren said: “The purpose of the visit was for the
ambassadors-designate to
familiarise themselves with
all the development opportunities that we have to offer
as a City and Province.”
Mayor James Nxumalo has
congratulated and wished
all ambassadors-designate
great success: “I have no
doubt that you will all do
us proud and represent our
country with distinction.”
He said the vision of the
eThekwini Municipality is
to strive to be Africa’s most
caring and liveable City by
He said: “We want to work
in partnership with you to
help us realise this vision
through strategic partner-
THUMBS-UP: Mayor James Nxumalo has congratulated all ambassadors-designate who will represent
South Africa in various countries.
ships with the international
partners in the mission you
will be based at.”
Nxumalo said the Municipality was always looking for
international and national
partners to share knowledge, technical expertise
“to build the capacity of our
staff and councillors to meet
the challenges faced by local
Head of the delegation
Mninwa Mahlangu said they
will represent the country
with honour. “The interest
of the country will be our
priority as Heads of Mission.
We will promote investments and ensure that we
foster partnerships that will
benefit our country.”
MEMBERS of the newly
formed highly specialised
Metro Police Crowd Management Unit have been
deployed at the Glebelands
Community Residential
Units (CRU), formerly hostels, in Umlazi to maintain
law and order following recent murders in the hostel.
About 70 of the 300-strong
Crowd Management
Unit members have been
stationed at the CRU since
last week to deal with any
volatile situation that may
arise in the area.
The Metro Police deployment is in response to the
recent call made by Premier
Senzo Mchunu that security
measures should be beefed
up at Glebelands to combat
crime and unrest.
Metro Police Director Rajen
Chin said the Metro Police
previously did not have the
capacity to fully manage
volatile situations, but the
70 members that are being
deployed to Glebelands
Community Residential
Illegal Dumping. Report illegal dumping on 031 311 8804
PEACEKEEPERS: Metro Police Crowd Management
Unit members are briefed about their new deployment to the Glebelands Community Residential
Unit to maintain law and order.
Unit are highly trained.
“Members of the Crowd
Management Unit will be
working closely with the
members of the South African Police Service already
deployed at the hostel,” he
Metro Police Captain Don
Govender said the officers
underwent intense crowd
control management training in Pretoria.
“The officers have been
trained to restore order
where there is unrest, as
well as manage spontaneous unplanned marches,
protests and public gatherings,” he added.
Page 8
Public transport
is everyone’s
as Transport
Month in
South Africa.
It is a period when we
remind ourselves about
the importance of road
safety for both pedestrians and motorists.
Over the years the emphasis has gone beyond just road
safety messages as we now look at
the overall transportation system,
with the main focus on improving
the public transport offering for
our residents.
As eThekwini Municipality we
have already taken giant steps
towards ensuring a reliable wallto-wall public transport system
through the R20 billion investment in the Integrated Rapid
Public Transport System (IRPTN) –
Go!Durban. A reliable and efficient
public transport system does not
only link communities and parts
of the City that have been disconnected for decades, but it is also
the cornerstone of our economy.
This has proven to be the main
feature of every successful city in
the world.
In the same vein, the City is also
promoting the use of non-motorised transportation, including
walking, bicycles, skateboards, etc,
and we are providing dedicated
cycle lanes to ensure that residents
have a safe place to cycle to their
places of work. As the first citizen
of the City, I have personally taken
up cycling as a regular routine
to encourage a healthy style of
living and contribute to lower-
ing the carbon
footprint in our
City. Last week
Nxumalo I was happy to
participate in my
eThekwini second Amashova cycle race
from Hillcrest to
the Durban city
Meanwhile, the
past week ended on a high note for
the City when we received three
more awards in the Municipal
Excellence Awards that was hosted
by the KwaZulu-Natal Department
of Corporate Governance and Traditional Affairs. The three awards
are Best Implemented IDP: for the
overall implementation of service
delivery programmes as outlined
in the Integrated Development
Plan and in keeping with national
government’s priorities; Best Community Project: for the successful
launch and implementation of the
multibillion-rand Cornubia Human Settlements project, which is
expected to provide more than 25
000 housing units for the people
of eThekwini and the Best Mayor
in the KwaZulu-Natal province, as
voted for by the people of this City.
This category serves as an assurance and a reflection of growing
levels of satisfaction from our
constituencies and furthermore,
serves as motivation for us to keep
reaching for the skies in our quest
to move the City forward.
We thank our citizens for showing
confidence in our administration
and I urge you to work with us to
resolve service delivery backlogs
and bottlenecks.
Telephone: 031 311 1111
Telephone: 031 361 0000
Telephone: 0801 313 111
Telephone: 0800 202 020
Fax: 031 311 4115
Telephone: 0800 311 961
Fax: 031 324 5111
Telephone: 0801 313 013
SMS: 083 707 3013
Fax: 031 311 8220
Telephone: 0800 331 011
Telephone: 0800 235 338
Telephone: 0861 000 834
Report all acts of fraud corruption, maladministration and human
rights violations in the Municipality to the City Integrity and Investigations Unit. Make sure you do the right thing even when nobody is
watching and help us rid the city of corruption.
0800 20 20 20
10th Floor,
41 Margaret Mcadi Avenue
Durban 4001
17 October - 30 October 2014
Latin Composition
HITTING HIGH NOTES: The KwaZulu-Natal Philharmonic Orchestra proudly closes its Spring
symphony season with a performance of Carmina Burana under the baton of esteemed
German maestro Justus Franz. Carmina Burana is an epic work made up of 21 poems for
soloists, a choir and a huge orchestra. The orchestra will be supported by a combined choir of
150 voices from the Clermont Community Choir, Durban Symphonic Choir and Sounds of Joy.
Orchestra Chief Executive & Artistic Director Bongani Tembe, celebrates his 20th anniversary
with the KZN Philharmonic. The performance will be held at the Durban City Hall at 19h30 on
23 October. Tickets are available through Computicket with special discounts for groups of 10
or more. Picture: SUPPLIED
Thumbs-up for our
Fire Department
Our leaders
are selfless
I WISH to thank our local Fire Department for their ongoing support, their
commitment and attention to detail
for performing annual surveys and
fire risk management audits.
Mount Edgecombe had a number of
fires at our neighbouring properties,
but the quick responses and dedication from the Fire Department team
have to be applauded.
I would also like to thank the Local
Fire Chiefs, Gopal Govender and
Innocent Jojo, for their management
and support for all projects.
Tony Chetty
Altech Multimedia (Pty) Ltd
UEC House, 1 Montgomery Drive
limit their devastating consequencMount Edgecombe
Mr Chetty’s kind words will be conIT IS encouraging to know that the
efforts of our staff to deliver services veyed to the staff concerned and will
no doubt inspire them to continually
of a high standard are appreciatseek ways to improve services aimed
ed, not only emergency response
at improving the quality of life of our
services but also the less obvious
contribution made by staff whose
primary role is to prevent fires and
AS A fair minded citizen of eThekwini
Municipality, I would like to commend the eThekwini Mayor for his
good leadership. I read his article in
Metro Ezasegagasini, (19 September
- 02 October, page 7) that skills development should be improved in our
country. It is encouraging to note that
most stakeholders who are in leadership positions are keen to address
issues of inequality as enshrined in
our democratic Constitution.
We all fought for a new dispensation
and it is encouraging to have people
who understand that we lost our
loved ones during the struggle for
Zwelisha Khuzwayo,
Ward 21, Clermont.
THANK you for those words of
wisdom. Mayor James Nxumalo is a
hands-on leader, a people’s person,
compassionate and committed to
the upliftment of our community.
Thank you for revamping Pinetown roads
I WOULD like to thank eThekwini
Municipality for doing up the roads
and signs in Westville and Pinetown.
We know that it will be a long time
before it is all done, but we know it
will be worth the inconvenience in
the end. There is still a lot to do. If
everybody looks after their walls and
verges, Pinetown will be back to its
original tidiness.
M Marrs
THANKS. EThekwini Municipality
is humbled to get such positive
compliments. The Municipality will
continue to provide the necessary
Send your letters to: The Editor, Letters, PO Box 5588, Durban, 4000; or email: themba.nyathikazi@durban.gov.za
We reserve the right to edit and shorten letters.
Illegal Dumping. Report illegal dumping on 031 311 8804
Hoffman makes it two
in a row in Amashova
TEAM Abantu’s Nolan Hoffman clinched the coveted
first place for the second
consecutive year in the
2014 Tsogo Sun Amashova
Durban Classic, in what was
a perfect morning for cycling on Sunday, 12 October
This year’s race attracted
more than 12 000 cyclists
from all over the country
and it was divided into
three categories, namely the
106km cycle challenge, the
65km Half Challenge and
the 35km Fun Ride.
EThekwini Mayor James
Nxumalo took part in the
35km Fun Ride, which
stated at Lillies Quarter in
Hillcrest and finished at
Suncoast Casino.
“This was my second year
doing the 35km Fun Ride.
Next year, I will do the main
race from Pietermaritzburg
to Durban. This race has
once again re-affirmed our
position as an events capital
and Africa’s playground. I
have taken up cycling to
Mike Dowsley, Executive Director of Suncoast Casino, Hotels & Entertainment,
Nolan Hoffman the 2014 Tsogo Sun Amashova Durban Cycle Classic Winner,
and eThekwini Mayor, Councillor James Nxumalo.
encourage people to use
non-motorised transport to
and from work, as well as to
promote a healthy lifestyle
for eThekwini residents,” he
Hoffman, 28, said he was
excited that he was able to
defend his title. “It would
have not been possible
EThekwini trio
shines in Bremen
THE Durban trio dominated
the top 5 of the prestigious
Bremen 10km Marathon in
Germany last week.
Sthembile Radebe of
Ntshongweni, Puseletso
Dladla of KwaNyuswa and
Nompilo Cele of Mpumalanga township took positions 1, 2 and 4 respectively,
leaving Germans chasing
their shadows.
The trio had participated
in the Bremen 10km as part
of the Intercultural Durban/
Bremen Youth Exchange
Programme. The City of Bremen is eThekwini’s German
sister City.
Head of Parks, Recreation
and Culture Unit Thembinkosi Ngcobo said it was not
the first time the athletes
had participated in the
“This is part of strategy of
ensuring that our athletes
don’t get lost in the system.
We have a five-year development plan that we tabled
to our stakeholders a year
ago. We have a consistent
athletes’ development strategy and we hope it will help
us to achieve our mandate
as the department,” said
to foster unity
without my team. Durban
weather is perfect for
cycling. I look forward to
competing here next year.”
Lambie in rugby coaching clinic
an opportunity to take him
to the school for a coaching
NATAL Sharks and the South clinic.
African Rugby Union Player “We have formally adopted
Patrick Lambie, Jockey
Eqinisweni Primary School.
South Africa and TAG Rugby With Lambie and Tag Rugby
SA conducted a Tag Rugby
South Africa’s expertise,
coaching clinic with 50
Eqinisweni will receive
learners from Eqinisweni
quarterly coaching from
Primary School in Inanda
dedicated Tag Rugby coachlast week Wednesday, 08
es. In ensuring continuity,
October 2014.
the school’s sports staff will
Eqinisweni Primary School
also be coached so that they
is a beneficiary of Jockey
continue with training when
and the school receives doLambie and Tag Rugby SA
nations of Jockey underwear coaches are not there, “said
for the learners each year.
Bennie. The learners had an
SPORTY: Learners with their sports hero Patrick
Jockey Marketing Assoopportunity to meet their
ciate Natalie Bennie said
idol and to brush up on
Lambie at Inanda during their rugby coaching
Lambie is Jockey’s brand
their tag rugby skills.
ambassador and they saw
Basketball glory days beckon for INK area
THE KwaMashu Sport
Federation is determined
to bring back glory days in
basketball and reaffirm it as
one of the popular sports in
the area. This was said by
the federation after hosting
a basketball tournament, in
partnership with the City’s
Sport Development and
Recreation Department at
the Indoor Sport Centre in
KwaMashu early this week.
Federation’s Committee
member Lerato Mtopeng
said the intention of the
tournament was to revive
basketball in the INK area:
“We want to encourage
young people to take part in
basketball. This is also to ensure that the youth are kept
busy through sports so that
they can also avoid drugs
and criminal activities.”
Rising Stars captain Lungelo Makhathini said the
youth was happy that the
Municipality had provided
them with such a platform.
“We hope that such pro-
grammes will continue in
future, so that basketball
can develop further.” The
City’s Sport Department’s
Sport Officer Trevor Siziba
said: “We realised that the
City was very strong in
other codes as compared to
Illegal Dumping. Report illegal dumping on 031 311 8804
YOUTH IN ACTION: Youngsters enjoying a moment
of glory at Emakhehleni sport field.
2020. This tournament is
a vehicle to help us realise
THE Isinqawunqawu Youth
that dream.”
Cup launch took place at the About 16 teams, made up
Emakhehleni sport fields, in of players from various age
KwaMashu recently.
groups, participated in the
“Isinqawunqawu” is
launch which culminated in
the popular moniker for
the final played between M
section and Besters clubs.
The tournament will
The final was won by Besters
be played in June, Youth
in penalties, after the the
Month, in honour of
two teams had played to a
KwaMashu’s fallen heroes
goalless draw.
and heroines.
Sports and Recreation
It is organised by the
Development Department
KwaMashu Community
Sports Officer Trevor Siziba
Development Foundation
said the tournament will
(KCDF). KCDF’s Chairperaugure well for the develson Sthuli Gumede said the opment of sport in the City.
competition will have 32 un- “We are proud to be associder-20 development teams
ated with the tournament.
that will play against one
This plan targets almost
80% of Salga (South African
Gumede said: “Currently,
Local Government Associawe (KwaMashu) have 14
tion) codes, wich will ensure
players plying their trade
that we have a bigger pool to
in the Premier Soccer
select from when it comes
League (PSL) and other
to the annual youth games
major leagues. Our goal is
hosted by Salga,” he added.
to double that number by
The place for eThekwini jobs, calls for proposals, tenders & notices
Applications are invited from suitably qualified persons for the vacancies advertised here
Priority will be given to applicants who are under represented in terms of race, gender and disability within the occupational level of the respective advertised posts. Applicants who have not been
contacted within three months from the closing date should consider themselves unsuccessful. An employee may be deployed to any of the office, depot or workplaces of the municipality within
its area of jurisdiction. Canvassing councillors or officials in respect of these positions will lead to disqualification of the applicants. Applicants may be required to participate in a comprehensive
assessment process and must be deemed competent. Work sample and / or psychometrics test’s may be undertaken as part of the selection process. You shall be required to undergo a
pre-engagement medical examination to be conducted by a medical officer in the employ of the Municipality.
Please note: All enquiries regarding the below vacancies to be directed to the helpdesk on 031 322 6050. Incomplete applications will not be considered.
REF NO: 71000006
Salary Negotiable
Grade 20
Benefits included in the Total
Value of Remuneration Package Range (Pension, 13th
Cheque, Medical Aid, Housing Subsidy and Locomotion)
are payable in accordance
with the rules/requirements
of the respective benefit
schemes and any revisions
that may occur from time
to time which may alter the
Total Value of Remuneration
Package. In addition other
allowances may be payable
(where applicable)
Job Purpose: To determine
and implement Corporate
Accounting Policies and Procedures and co-ordinate the
preparation of the Operating
and Capital Budget and Annual Financial Statements.
Key Responsibility Areas:
•Formulate and implement corporate accounting
policies, procedures and
ensure compliance thereof including legislation.
•Control and co-ordinate the
preparation and submission
of the Annual Capital and
Operating Budget, Monthly
Comparative Statements,
Annual Financial Statements
and relevant statistics.
•Ensure the following are
reviewed, maintained and is
in compliance with legislation i.e. Tarrifs, VAT, Assets.
•EnsurVe statistics are kept
and submitted to the relevant authority as requested. •Manage the function
of Accounts Payable, in
particular the processing of
creditors payments. •Ensure
that changes are accurately
calculated and distributed
to all departmental accounting sections. •Co-ordinate
all capital savings declared
and requests for allocations
from savings and report to
the relevant working group
/ committee. •Undertake
feasibility studies as required by the Head Income
Expenditure. •Undertake
special projects as requested
Respond to the report of the
Auditor General.
Essential Requirements:
•At least one of the following B.Com or equivalent CA
(SA) Associate membership
of CIS or IMFO. •7 years
experience at a management
level of which at least 2 years
must be at a senior management level.
Preferred Requirements:
•MBA or MBL or equivalent.
•8 years Local Government
experience in Finance
Accounting in a Senior Management position.
Special Conditions: The
ability to interact with Councillors, Senior Staff and other
External Organisations.
Post is interchangeable with
posts at a similar grade and
managerial level within the
Treasury Cluster
To apply go to www.durban.
gov.za and click on e-careers
link – closing date is Friday,
REF NO: 71000012
Total Remuneration Package
R674 644.00/ R858 973.00 PA
Grade 17
Benefits included in the
Total Value of Remuneration
Package Range (Pension,
13th Cheque, Medical Aid,
Housing Subsidy) are payable
in accordance with the rules/
requirements of the respective
benefit schemes and any revisions that may occur from
time to time which may alter
the Total Value of Remuneration Package. In addition
other allowances may be
payable (where applicable)
Job Purpose: Manage the
system of Financial and
Accounting Control within
the allocated Cluster by providing direction with respect
to control, compliance,
reporting and operational
Key Responsibility Areas:
•Control and coordinate,
under the direction of the
Head: Income and Expenditure, the operation of the
system of financial and
accounting control of the
Community and Emergency
Services Cluster. •Provide a
financial advisory service to
the Deputy City Managers
/ Heads of the respective
clusters. •Co-ordinate and
control the preparation
of the Budgets, Annual
Financial Statements,
Asset Register and Year End
Working Papers. •Co-ordinate the preparation
financial and management
reports and submissions of
reports. •Monitor operating
and capital expenditure
Co-ordinate and control the
preparation of tariff review
reports Provides a financial
advisory service to the specific unit Head Manages the
functioning of the department in respect of human
capital, finance and plant
and equipment. •Undertake
feasibility studies as required
by the Head: Income &
Expenditure and Heads of
line departments. •Ensure
that the city complies with
the requirements of MFMA,
Supply Chain Policy and
other related legislation with
regards to its purchasing and
service delivery process.
Essential Requirements: •B.
Comm or equivalent degree.
•6 Years Accounting and Administration experience.
Preferred Requirements:
•MBA or MBL or equivalent.
•7 years experience at a
management level in Local
Government, Finance/Accounting/Revenue of which
at least 2 years must be at a
senior management level.
Special Conditions: The
ability to interact with Councillors, Senior Staff and other
External Organisations.
To apply go to www.durban.
gov.za and click on e-careers
link – closing date is Friday,
REF NO: 36000136
Total Remuneration Package
R919 196.00/R1 175 093.00 pa
Grade 18
Benefits included in the Total
Value of Remuneration Package Range (Pension, 13th
Cheque, Medical Aid, Housing Subsidy and Locomotion)
are payable in accordance
with the rules/requirements
of the respective benefit
schemes and any revisions
that may occur from time
to time which may alter the
Total Value of Remuneration
Package. In addition other
allowances may be payable
(where applicable.)
Job Purpose: Manages the
processes and result indicators of creating optimum
eco-efficiency in the built
environment through the
provision of a professional
management consultancy
service disseminating advice
and guidance on international best practice trends,
design, specification, procurement and implementation sequences in respect
of architectural projects and
monitoring and reporting on
the outcomes of the branch.
Key Responsibility Areas:
Identifies and defines the
immediate, short and long
term objectives/plans associated with the delivery of
a sustainable Architectural
service in order to ensure
critical performance indicators are identified and specific measures established to
enable and guide the branch
to plan, manage and/or
prioritize outcomes accordingly. •PRODUCTIVITY/
Directs and controls outcomes associated with the
utilization, productivity and
performance of personnel
within the Architecture and
Project Management Branch
in order to ensure a climate
conducive to promoting
and sustaining motivational
levels, productivity, performance and improvement
to the quality of work-life is
cultivated and maintained
enabling the department
to meet its service delivery
objectives. •FINANCIAL
CONTROL: Prepares capital
and operating estimates for
the Branch and approves
and controls project related
expenditure against the
budget allocations in order
to ensure accurate estimates
are prepared in relation to
requirements and fiscal control is maintained in terms
of legislation and policies of
the municipality.
and aligns processes related
to defining contractual obligations against the general
principles of law and statutory regulations in order
to ensure contractual terms
and conditions entered
into and agreed upon are
complied with and specific
responsibilities discharged
accordingly without any risk
to the Council.
and controls essential activities and interrelationships
involving client organization
and multi-disciplinary design teams in order to ensure
the activities, projects and
assignments associated
with the branch are monitored, deviations addressed
and corrective measures
introduced to curb non-conformance, poor quality and
performance enabling the
department to deliver in
accordance with the laid
down objectives, procedure
and cost parameters. •RELATIONSHIP MANAGMENT
Disseminates strategic,
functional and operational
information on the immediate, short and long-term
objectives and current
developments, problems
and constraints in order to
ensure information, advice
or opinions on relevant matters is made available and/or
communicated through the
various mediums and accurately interpreted through
the provision of adequate
and clear explanations.
Essential Requirements:
•Registration as a Professional Architect with the
relevant statutory registering
bodies, and registration as a
Candidate Professional Construction Project Manager,
provided that full registration as a Professional Construction Project manager is
achieved during a one year
period from commencement of duties. •Valid motor
vehicle drivers license (Code
B). •Appropriate level of
secondary education. •Valid
motor vehicle drivers license
(Code EB). •6 Years relevant
experience. •Computer
To apply go to www.durban.
gov.za and click on e-careers
link – closing date is Friday,
REF NO: 36000028
Total Remuneration Package
R805 330.00/R1 027 292.00 pa
Grade 17
Benefits included in the Total
Value of Remuneration Package Range (Pension, 13th
Cheque, Medical Aid, Housing Subsidy and Locomotion)
are payable in accordance
with the rules/requirements
of the respective benefit
schemes and any revisions
that may occur from time
to time which may alter the
Total Value of Remuneration
Package. In addition other
allowances may be payable
(where applicable.
Job Purpose: Manages the
key performance areas and
result indicators associated with creating optimum
eco-efficiency in our built
environment through the
provision of a professional
management consultancy
service disseminating advice
and guidance on international, national and provincial best practises, trends,
statutory requirements,
design, specification, procurement and implementa-
tion sequences in respect of
major capital architectural
projects and developmental
projects with sophisticated
design and detail content
and, monitoring and reporting on the outcomes of the
Key Responsibility Areas:
Identifies and defines the
immediate, short and long
term objectives/plans
associated with the delivery
of a sustainable Strategic
Architectural Development
Project service through
evaluation of performance
indicators, measurements
and presenting conceptual
and controls outcomes
associated with utilization,
productivity and performance of personnel within
the •Strategic Architectural Development Projects
Branch in order to ensure
a climate conducive to
promoting and sustaining
motivational levels, productivity, performance and
improvement to quality
of work-life is cultivated
and maintained enabling
the department to meet its
service delivery objectives.
Prepares capital and operating estimates for the Branch
and approves and controls
project related expenditure
against allocations in order
to ensure accurate estimates
are prepared in relation
to requirements enabling
the Branch to contribute
positively towards meeting
objectives and sustaining
the quality and standards of
service delivery.
•LEGAL AND CONTRACTURAL PROCEDURES: Manages and aligns processes
related to defining contractual obligations against the
general principles of law
and statutory regulations
in order to ensure contractual terms and conditions
entered into and agreed
upon are complied with
and specific responsibilities
discharged accordingly without any risk to the Council.
and controls essential activities and interrelationships
involving client organisation
and multi-disciplinary
design teams with respect
to strategic architectural
projects and developmental
projects in order to ensure
the activities, projects and
assignments associated
with the branch are monitored, deviations addressed
and corrective measures
introduced to curb non-conformance, poor quality and
performance enabling the
department to deliver in accordance with the laid down
objectives, procedures and
cost parameters.
strategic, functional and operational information on the
immediate, short and long
term objectives and current
developments, problems
and constraints in order to
ensure information, advice
or opinions on relevant matters is made available and/or
communicated through the
various mediums and accurately interpreted through
the provision of adequate
and clear explanation. •RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT: Provides input and/
or considers the applicability
of recommendations into
architectural approaches,
methodologies and best
practices in order to ensure
research stimulates new
approaches that is responsive to the strategic vision
of shaping the built environment around the habits,
thoughts and aspirations of
those living in it.
Essential Requirements:
•Registration as a Professional Architect with the
relevant statutory registering
bodies, and registration as
a Candidate Professional Construction Project
Manager, provided that full
registration as a Professional Construction Project
manager is achieved during
a one year period from commencement of duties. •Valid
motor vehicle drivers license
(Code B). •6 Years relevant
management experience
and exposure to urban design and workings in respect
of complex strategic projects
and developmental projects
associated with the built
environment professions.
To apply go to www.durban.
gov.za and click on e-careers
link – closing date is Friday,
REF NO: 36005182
Total Remuneration Package
R805 330.00 / R1 027 292.00 pa
Grade 17
Benefits included in the Total
Value of Remuneration Package Range (Pension, 13th
Cheque, Medical Aid, Housing Subsidy and Locomotion)
are payable in accordance
with the rules/requirements
of the respective benefit
schemes and any revisions
that may occur from time
to time which may alter the
Total Value of Remuneration
Package. In addition other
allowances may be payable
(where applicable.
Job Purpose: Manages the
provision of a professional
Architectural development
and project management
service through the formulation of the short to
medium term objectives for
the Division and input to
the strategic intent, determination and control of
the process of analysing,
investigating, assessing,
defining, conceptualizing,
designing and project implementation of major complex
and high risk physical built
occupancy interventions in
the environment, overseeing contractual compliance
with professional practice
principles and the process
of dispute resolution and
providing information, advice and recommendations
on best practices to guide,
Page 11
enable and ensure delivery
of a diverse, complex and
integrated range of architectural products that responds
to the needs of the end user,
is economically sustainable,
adaptable to the future state
of buildings and the built
environment and conforms
with environmental, social
and legislative prescripts
regulating development
within a major metropolitan
city and its environs.
Key Responsibility Areas:
and aligns the immediate,
short and medium term
objectives/plans for the
architectural development
functional area in support of
the strategic focus and intent
of the Branch’s Architectural
and Project management responsibilities in order to ensure the focus and strategy
of the Architectural Development function contributes
positively to the delivery
of key interventions that
relates to the broader intent
of the Branch in terms of
project delivery of complex
architectural initiatives with
specific socio-cultural, economical, energy efficiency
and aesthetic requirements.
MANAGEMENT: Directs and
controls outcomes associated with the utilization, productivity and performance
of personnel in order to
ensure a climate conducive
to promoting and sustaining
motivational levels, productivity, performance and
improvement to the quality
of work-life is cultivated
and maintained enabling
the department to meet its
service delivery objectives.
Prepares financial estimates
and controls expenditure
in respect of interventions associated with the
functional area in order to
ensure estimates to support
execution are determined
and made available for
budgetary provisioning and
procedures and controls applied to enable conformance
with costing frameworks.
Researches and contributes
to policy development and
determines controls and
standards to guide Architectural consulting and
advisory services and project
management responsibilities across a wide spectrum
of complex architectural
interventions in order to ensure the behaviours, actions,
decisions, processes and
applications relating to the
key responsibility areas are
controlled and the execution
complies with organizational directives and acceptable
codes of practice. •PROJECT
PLANNING: Directs the
planning of Architectural
Development projects in
order to ensure critical and
impacting variables are
given careful consideration
during the project planning
phase and requirements relating to agreement, funding,
appointments, communication, etc. are given attention
and addressed. •PROJECT
the implementation of key
deliverable phases and reporting requirements in respect of major complex projects in order to milestones
and broader objectives
associated with efficiency,
quality and cost- effectiveness are realized and
implementation outcomes
achieved. •CONFLICT MAN-
AGEMENT: Applies professional principles to resolve
conflicts through engagement and mediation in order
to ensure project risk and
failure is minimized and an
enabling climate is created
to support integration and
seamless delivery of key engineering developmental interventions. •MAINTAINING
and evaluates compliance
requirements with respect to
public and private development proposals/applications in order to ensure the
environment is protected
against unsound practices
and that undertakings that
could severely affect public
health and safety is suitably
addressed. •COMMUNICATION: Interacts internally
and externally disseminating
technical and professional
information with recommendations, solutions and
alternatives on proposed
and current Architectural
Development projects and
completed works in order
to ensure the interaction
and communication creates
awareness of best practices and provides solutions
that contributes towards
enabling stakeholders in
public/private developmental partnerships to progress
with major complex or high
risk building projects more
Manages the administrative
information consolidation
and reporting requirements
associated with the key
performance and result indicators of the functionality
in order to ensure administrative sequences dictating
and directing the reporting
requirements and approval
procedures are complied
with and correspondence
responded to through the
provision of accurate information on the key performance areas.
Essential Requirements:
•Registration as a Professional Architect with the
relevant statutory registering
bodies, and registration as a
Candidate Professional Construction Project Manager,
provided that full registration as a Professional Construction Project manager is
achieved during a one year
period from commencement
of duties. •Valid motor vehicle drivers license (Code B).
•6 Years relevant experience.
•Computer Literacy.
Preferred Requirements:
•8 Years relevant experience.
To apply go to www.durban.
gov.za and click on e-careers
link – closing date is Friday,
REF NO: 36000276
Total Remuneration Package
R805 330.00 / R1 027 292.00 pa
Grade 17
Benefits included in the Total
Value of Remuneration Package Range (Pension, 13th
Cheque, Medical Aid, Housing Subsidy and Locomotion)
are payable in accordance
with the rules/requirements
of the respective benefit
schemes and any revisions
that may occur from time
to time which may alter the
Total Value of Remuneration
Package. In addition other
allowances may be payable
(where applicable.
Job Purpose: Manages the
performance and the resultant indicators associated
with maintaining efficiency
in the repair and re-construction phase through the
provision of a professional
Architectural Maintenance
Management Service
encompassing implementation of technical procedural
applications that support
effective and reliable cost
management valuation and
estimating of Architectural
Maintenance Projects and
contributes towards achieving value for money from
investing in buildings.
Key Responsibility Areas:
Identifies and defines the
immediate short and long
term objectives/plans
associated with he delivery
of a Architectural Maintenance Management Service
in order to ensure critical
performance indicators are
identified and specific measures established to enable
and guide the Branch to
plan, manage and or prioritize outcomes accordingly.
MANAGEMENT: Directs and
controls outcomes associated with the utilization,
productivity and performance of personnel within
the Architectural Maintenance Branch in order to
ensure a climate conducive
to promoting and sustaining
motivational levels, productivity, performance and
improvements to the quality
of work-life is cultivated and
maintained enabling the department to meet its service
delivery objectives.
Prepares capital and operating estimates for the
Branch and approves and
controls project related
expenditure against the
budget allocations in order
to ensure accurate estimates
are prepared in relation
to requirements enabling
the Branch to contribute
positively towards meeting
objectives and sustaining
the quality and standards of
service delivery.
•CONTRACT MANAGEMENT: Manages the formulation of specific contracts
and tender documents
and controls contractual
obligations in order to ensure contractual terms and
conditions entered into and
agreed to are complied with
and specific responsibilities
discharged accordingly without any risk to the council.
and controls the key activities/programmes associated
with Architectural Maintenance interventions in order
to ensure a professional
value adding service is made
available to clients, work undertaken meets quality and
cost standards and overall
customer satisfaction.
MANAGEMENT AND COMMUNICATION: Disseminates strategic, functional
and operational information
on the immediate, short
and long-term objectives
and current developments,
problems and constraints
in order to ensure information, advice or opinions on
relevant matters is made
available and/or communicated through the various
mediums and accurately
interpreted through the provision of adequate and clear
Essential Requirements:
•Registration as a Professional Architect with the
relevant statutory registering
bodies, and registration as
a Candidate Professional Construction Project
Manager, provided that full
registration as a Professional Construction Project
manager is achieved during
a one year period from commencement of duties. •Valid
motor vehicle drivers license
(Code B). •6 Years relevant
Preferred Requirements:
•8 Years relevant experience.
To apply go to www.durban.
gov.za and click on e-careers
link – closing date is Friday,
REF NO: 36000030
Total Remuneration Package
R676 637.00/R860 242.00 pa
Grade 16
Benefits included in the
Total Value of Remuneration Package Range (Pension, 13th Cheque, Medical
Aid, Housing Subsidy and
Locomotion) are payable in
accordance with the rules/requirements of the respective
benefit schemes and any revisions that may occur from
time to time which may alter
the Total Value of Remuneration Package. In addition
other allowances may be
payable (where applicable.
Job Purpose: Manages
major complex strategic
Architectural Development
projects through efficient
and professional initiation,
planning, specification,
design, documentation, procurement and implementation to enable achievement of integrated and
sustainable delivery of key
architectural development
interventions with major
environmental, economical
and social impact which
ultimately, influences the
positioning of a major City
in the local, national and
international context.
Key Responsibility Areas:
AND FUNCTIONAL CO-ORDINATION: Forward planning. Plans the implantation
of strategic development
projects through analysis of
requirements, legislation,
researching and developing
architectural philosophy
and trends, mentoring
and guiding professional
personal in order to ensure
broader objectives and
strategies associated with
Integrated Development
plans, reports and assessments to determine and
present the sustainability,
feasibility, need and impact
of proposals and applies
professional knowledge
to co-ordinate design and
detail requirements for
major complex strategic
architectural development
projects in order to ensure
impacting variables are analysed and alternatives and
best practices investigated
and aligned towards accomplishing the objectives
of major complex strategic
architectural developments,
policies, plans and strategies
towards socioeconomic upliftment, improved quality
of life and conservation and
protection of the environment. •PROJECT MANAGEMENT - PLANNING AND
Manages developmental
and project management
processes associated with
the scoping, resourcing,
implementation, monitoring and communication
phases of major complex
Strategic Architectural
Developmental projects in
order to ensure key deliverables and interventions
are accurately assessed and
communicated supporting the accomplishment
of established outcomes
with positive impact on the
environment. •CONTRACT
processes associated with
the preparation of contracts
17 – 30 October 2014
and resolves conflicts and/
or defends actions in order
to ensure adequate coverage
and protection is provided within the contractual
terms and conditions in
accordance with statutory
requirements and consents,
guiding the accomplishment of objectives with
Interacts internally and
externally disseminating
technical and professional
information with recommendations, solutions and
alternatives on current or
proposed strategic architectural development projects
and completed works in
order to ensure the interaction and communication
creates project efficiencies
and awareness of best practices and provides solutions
that contributes towards
enabling the City to progress
with its developmental
aims more effectively.
into architectural, planning
and urban development
approaches, methodologies,
strategies and best practices
in order to ensure research
stimulates new approaches
that are responsive to the
strategic vision of shaping the built environment
around the habits, thoughts,
needs and aspirations of
those living in it.
Essential Requirements:
•Registration as a Professional Architect with the
relevant statutory registering bodies, and registration
as a Candidate Professional Construction Project
Manager, provided that full
registration as a Professional •Construction Project
manager is achieved during
a one year period from commencement of duties. •Valid
motor vehicle drivers license
(Code B). •5 years Architectural/Project Management
To apply go to www.durban.
gov.za and click on e-careers
link – closing date is Friday,
REF NO: 36005114
Total Remuneration Package
R676 637.00/R860 242.00 pa
Grade 16
Benefits included in the
Total Value of Remuneration
Package Range (Pension,
13th Cheque, Medical
Aid, Housing Subsidy and
Locomotion) are payable in
accordance with the rules/
requirements of the respective benefit schemes and any
revisions that may occur
from time to time which
may alter the Total Value of
Remuneration Package. In
addition other allowances
may be payable (where
Job Purpose: Provides input
into objectives and controls
the delivery of a professional Architectural Maintenance Service through the
management of the process
of analysing, investigating,
assessing, defining, conceptualizing and monitoring
major complex building restoration and rehabilitative
interventions in the built
environment and preparing
and defending contractual
terms, or resolving disputes
and providing information
and advice on best practices
to guide, enable and ensure
delivery of architectural
maintenance service that
responds to diverse end
user requirements and
complements the status
and intent of the building
Key Responsibility Areas:
•CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT: Provides input into
the process of defining
policies, determining strategy and positioning of the
Branch with respect to the
provision of a professional
Architectural Maintenance
service in order to ensure
in-depth and detailed comments are made available to
enable and support the department in its strategic and
objective setting processes
and achieving synergy between economic and social
development Demands.
•SUPERVISON AND CONTROL: Controls outcomes
associated with utilization,
productivity and performance of personnel within
the branch in order to ensure a climate conducive to
promoting and sustaining
motivational levels, productivity, performance and
improvement to the quality
of work-life is cultivat4ed
and maintained enabling
the department to meet its
service delivery objectives.
determine and present the
feasibility of major complex
architectural maintenance
projects in order to ensure
impacting variables are
analysed and alternatives
and best practices are investigated and aligned towards
accomplishing objectives.
Manages projects through
the various processes and
phases as a professional
specialists i.e. scoping, resourcing, implementation,
monitoring and communication of major complex
Architectural Maintenance
projects in order to ensure key deliverables and
interventions are accurately
accessed and communicated supporting the accomplishment of established
outcomes with positive
impact on the environment.
Applies professional knowledge of Architectural design
policies, applications, principles and the understanding of associated disciplines
to analyze, comment and
co-ordinate restoration
and rehabilitative requirements associated with
major complex maintenance interventions to built
structures in order to ensure
constraints and alternatives
are explored and addressed
enabling production of
a design proposal that
responds appropriately to
client needs. •CONTRACT
processes associated with
the preparation of contracts and resolves conflicts
and/or defends actions, in
order to ensure adequate
coverage and protection
is provided within the
contractual terms and
conditions in accordance
with statutory requirements
and consents, guiding
the accomplishment of
objectives with minimum
internally and externally
disseminating technical and
professional information
with recommendations
solutions and alternatives
on current Architectural
Maintenance projects and
completed works in order
to ensure the interaction
and communication creates
awareness of best practices and provides solutions
that contributes towards
enabling clients to progress
with building projects more
Essential Requirements:
•Registration as a Pro-
17 – 30 October 2014
fessional Architect with
the relevant statutory
registering bodies, and
registration as a Candidate
Professional Construction
Project Manager, provided
that full registration as a
Professional •Construction
Project manager is achieved
during a one year period
from commencement of
duties. •Valid motor vehicle
drivers license (Code B). •5
years Architectural/Project
Management experience.
•Computer Literacy.
Preferred Requirements:
•M Arch and Registration as
a Professional Architect and
Professional Construction
Project Manager
To apply go to www.durban.
gov.za and click on e-careers
link – closing date is Friday,
REF NO: 36001466
R123 692.76 / R160 565.88 pa
Grade 07
Job Purpose: Performs
tasks/ activities associated
with the transportation of
material/ equipment and
personnel to/ from work
sites and operation of heavy
mechanical plant and/ or
specialised vehicles during
roads and storm water
maintenance activities.
Key Responsibility Areas:
•Performs specific tasks/
activities at the Depot and
worksite prior to and on
completion of allocated
maintenance assignments.
•Performs specific tasks
associated with the operation of heavy specialised mechanical plant and vehicles
during road and storm water
drainage maintenance activities. •Completes internal
transactional documentation and related forms.
Essential Requirements:
•An appropriate level of
secondary education. •Valid
Code C1 drivers license.
•Valid Professional Drivers
Permit. •Certification of
competency in the operation
of truck mounted cranes
and operation of Heavy
Plant. •12 Months relevant
Special Conditions:
•Required to work in all
weather conditions. •Required to work outside normal working hours during
emergencies and planned
overtime. •The post is
interchangeable with other
Heavy Plant Operator posts
within the Department and
staff can be reassigned at
the discretion of the Deputy
Physical Requirements:
The physical attributes required for the performance
of tasks associated with specific key performance areas
in this post necessitates that
the incumbent be physically
fit and able bodied.
Applications must reach The
Human Resources Administration, Engineering Unit,
166 Ke Masinga (Old Fort)
Road, Durban, 4001 or P.O.
Box 680, Durban, 4000 (Telephone 031-3117740) or apply
via the web www.durban.
gov.za not later than Friday
2014-10-31 at 12:00 (Midday)
REF NO: 22000102
Total Remuneration Package
R607 774.00 / R770 828.00 pa
Grade 15
Benefits included in the Total
Value of Remuneration Package Range (Pension, 13th
Cheque, Medical Aid, Housing Subsidy & Locomotion)
are payable in accordance
with the rules/requirements
of the respective benefit
schemes and any revisions
that may occur from time
to time which may alter the
Total Value of Remuneration
Package. In addition other
allowances may be payable
(where applicable).
Job Purpose: Applies investment promotion & economic development principles
to define/source relevant
market intelligence, feasibility studies & other research
information to support the
development of FDI project
Key Responsibility Areas:
•Prepares business/project
plans relative to SDBIP listings and/or correct investor
demand to determine and
present the sustainability of
key investment promotion
and economic development
projects. •Manages processes associated with Service
Provider contracting and,
resolves conflicts and/or
defends actions relating to
complex foreign investment
promotion and economic development projects.
•Oversees, facilitates and
controls project management processes associated
with the monitoring, evaluation and alignment phases
of strategic complex foreign
investment promotion and
economic development
projects. •Manages Projects operating expenditure
budget, leverages in external
financial support, plus the
consolidation of project
financial performance information relating to various
foreign investment promotion projects. •Engages and
addresses the information
requirements and responses
with regards to investment
promotion projects at various stages of the investor
engagement or project cycle.
•Interacts internally and
externally disseminating
technical and professional
information with recommendations, solutions and
alternatives relating to foreign investment promotion
and economic development.
•Addresses administrative
functional reporting and
recordkeeping requirements.
Essential Requirements:
•Relevant 3 year tertiary
qualification i.e Diploma
or Degree in Business,
Economics, Project Management or Development
studies or a related relevant
qualification. •Valid motor
vehicle drivers license (Code
B). •4 years relevant experience in Business Financial
Services or Project Management.
Preferred Requirements:
•Relevant post graduate
qualification in Business,
Economics, Project Management or Development
studies or a related relevant
qualification and appropriate professional registration.
•6 Years relevant experience.
To apply go to www.durban.
gov.za and click on e-careers
link – closing date is Friday,
REF NO: 21000284
Total Remuneration Package
R510 583.00 / R645 992.00 pa
Grade 15
Benefits included in the
Total Value of Remuneration
Package Range (Pension,
13th Cheque, Medical Aid,
Housing Subsidy) are payable
in accordance with the rules/
requirements of the respective
benefit schemes and any revisions that may occur from
time to time which may alter
the Total Value of Remuneration Package. In addition
other allowances may be
payable (where applicable).
Job Purpose: To provide a
customer focussed Building
Development and Land
Use advisory service that
will proactively engage with
investors and developers.
Key Responsibility Areas:
•Provide a comprehensive
information and advice
service with respect to
development parameters,
procedures/ applications
and process. •Facilitate a
large scale and complex
developments. •To keep
abreast, review and provide
advice on changing development legislation and its
impact on information and
consultation services provided. •Manage and direct
technical and professional
staff. •Oversee the quality of
projects managed and produces by staff in the division.
•Project manages large and
complex planning projects.
Essential Requirements:
•Relevant 3 year tertiary
qualification. •Valid motor
vehicle drivers license (Code
B). •4 Years relevant experience.
Preferred Requirements:
•Relevant 3 year tertiary
qualification in either of the
following fields (Town and
Regional Planning, Building
field, Commerce with Economics as a major or Information Technology qualification within Planning
Development field). •6 Years
Management experience as
a Group and Team leader in
the Development and Planning Environment including
specific experience in the
following (GIS-Information
Technology with Management and Maintenance of
System Information) and a
good working knowledge of
Town Planning Ordinance in
particular the Town Planning
To apply go to www.durban.
gov.za and click on e-careers
link – closing date is Friday,
REF NO: 21000660/21000720/
21000722/ 21000658/
R176 546.28 / R229 166.40 pa
Grade 10
Job Purpose: To conduct
inspections on major impact
developments to ensure
compliance with applicable
legislation and regulations,
public health and safety
requirements and conduct
appropriate enforcement
action in instances of
Key Responsibility Areas:
•Undertakes on site inspections in relation to major
impact building plan applications. •Undertakes compulsory inspections of major
impact building projects under construction. •Monitors
progress on approved plans.
•Undertakes inspection of
major impact subdivision
applications. •Undertakes
inspection of advertising
and signage control. •Issues
completion or occupation
certificates. •Monitors and
controls hoarding and
demolition conditions.
•Investigates Sectional Title
applications in terms of the
National Building Regulations. •Conducts building
control enforcement, as a
Peace Officer in accordance
with correct legal procedures. •Provides technical
advice and guidance on all
building related matters.
•Conducts site inspections
relating to business licence
Essential Requirements:
•National Technical Certificate (III). •Must be eligible
for registration as a Peace
Officer. •Valid motor vehicle
drivers’ license (Code EB)
- Unendorsed. •2 Years
relevant experience in the
building industry.
Preferred Requirements:
•3 Years relevant experience
in a supervisory capacity in
the building industry.
Physical Requirements:
•Must be able to conduct
on-site inspections of development sites, construction
sites and buildings.
To apply go to www.durban.
gov.za and click on e-careers
link – closing date is Friday,
REF NO: 34004102
R246 063.96 / R319 390.68 pa
Grade 12
Job Purpose: To ensure
effective maintenance and
operation of sewer reticulation within their area of
Key Responsibility Areas:
•Controls subordinate staff.
•Controls the technical and
administrative operations
of the division. Liaises with
the public other municipal
departments and outside
organisations with regards
to authorities, notices and
investigations. •Actively promotes safety and accident
prevention with respect
to staff on site including
contractors which includes
training and adherence to
Occupational Health and
Safety Act. •Undertaking
related assignments.
Essential Requirements:
•Qualified Artisan in a relevant building trade. •Valid
motor vehicle drivers licence
(Code EB). •3 Years relevant
experience in sewerage
maintenance and construction work 1 years relevant
experience in the supervision and organization of
subordinate staff.
Preferred Requirements:
•4 Years relevant experience
in maintenance and operating a large sewer network
and associated staff and
To apply go to www.durban.
gov.za and click on e-careers
link – closing date is Friday,
REF NO: 34007248
R208 413.84 / R270 532.20 pa
Grade 11
Job Purpose: To provide
technical expertise, support
and computer support for
the branch.
Key Responsibility Areas:
•Provides technical support
to the Engineer and/or Manager. •Assesses applications
from industry for permission
to discharge trade effluent to
sewer. •Assesses applications
for relaxation / variations of
Bylaws Quality Limits. •Assesses permit requirements
of the more complex industries. •Investigates standards
and norms to be applied on
different types of industry
throughout the Municipal
area. Undertakes research
and investigations of a
specialist technical nature.
•Undertakes regular audits
of existing industries. Co-ordinates and prepares all
legal evidence and case files.
•Reviews industrial building
and development plans as
delegated by engineer and
set technical requirements
for plans approval. •Provides
end-user and computer
support to the branch.
•Co-ordinates and provides
technical support in the
control of pollution from
premises to watercourses on
a catchment management
basis. •Provides odour and
nuisance control expertise.
•Provides technical expertise
in evaluation of environmental impact assessments.
•Supervision and control of
subordinate staff. •Provides
Page 12
technical training to the
Pollution Branch.
Essential Requirements:
•Relevant 3 year tertiary
qualification, i.e. Diploma or
Degree. •Valid motor vehicle
drivers license (Code B). •1
Year relevant experience
Special Conditions:
1. Flexi-time may need to be
scheduled by management
on a roster system to maximize the working day.
2. Incumbents must be prepared to tow trailer carrying
spill containment equipment.
3. This post may require
standby to be worked or
after hours callouts.
Physical Requirements:
1. Physically fit to walk rivers
/ infrastructure and pick up
manhole covers.
2. Ability to work in a
disruptive and non-routine
To apply go to www.durban.
gov.za and click on e-careers
link – closing date is Friday,
REF NO: 34001340
R176 546.28 / R229 166.40 pa
Grade 10
Job Purpose: Supervise and
controls activities at specified customer service centre
in order to utilise and develop resources effectively.
Key Responsibility Areas:
•Supervise the administration function of all staff
assigned to the centre.
•Interview and attend to
public queries whenever supervisors require assistance.
•Attend to and support
referrals from the Manager.
•Undertakes administrative
duties including authorising
credit facilities and debt
collection. •Liaise with
other Service Units who use
“Coins” consumer package.
•Assist supervisor on more
complex quires. •Maintain statistics for Regional
Customer Centre. •Providing
an adequate reception and
telephonic service. •Actively
support and promote safety
and accident prevention
in the work place. •Liaise
with security and cleaning
personnel to attend to the
physical needs of security
and working conditions of
Essential Requirements:
•Matric/Grade 12 plus relevant certificate accredited by
SAQA. •Valid motor vehicle
drivers license (Code B). •2
Years relevant experience.
•Computer Literacy.
Preferred Requirements:
•Relevant 3 year tertiary
qualification, i.e. Diploma
or Degree. •3 Years relevant
To apply go to www.durban.
gov.za and click on e-careers
link – closing date is Friday,
REF NO: 34002734B
R176 546.28 / R 229 166.40 pa
Grade 10
Job Purpose: Co-ordinates
and controls specialized/
technical plumbing tasks/
Key Responsibility Areas:
•Interprets and co-ordinates specific pre-work/site
requirements with regards
to installation, repairs and
maintenance. •Completes all
internal procedural documentation. •Co-ordinates
fault finding with regards
to disruptions in the supply
of water. •Co-ordinates the
repair and restoration of
supply of water.
Essential Requirements:
•Qualified Artisan Plumber
or Water Service Hand in
terms of relevant legislation.
•Valid motor vehicle drivers
license (Code C1). •Valid
Professional Drivers Permit.
•Certification in Basic First
Aid and Basic Safety to be
completed within 6 to 12
months from date of appointment. •3 Years relevant
experience at an Artisan
level in Municipal plumbing with knowledge of large
diameter water reticulation
mains. •Computer Literacy.
Preferred Requirements:
•Relevant 3 year tertiary
qualification, i.e. Diploma
or Degree. •Valid driver’s
license (Code EC) plus PrDP
•4 Years relevant experience.
To apply go to www.durban.
gov.za and click on e-careers
link – closing date is Friday,
REF NO: 34000296
R123 692.76 / R160 565.88 pa
Grade 07
Job Purpose: Undertake the
effective management of the
stores process.
Key Responsibility Areas:
•Ensures that the correct
routine and procedures
are followed relative to the
control of stocks received.
•Ensures that the correct
routine and procedures
are followed by all persons
involved in the issuing
function. •Checks that the
items are stored neatly and
in their place. •Ensures that
the correct routine, controls
and procedures are followed
when goods are despatched.
•Enforces correct handling
and storage procedures.
•Ensures that all steps are
taken to secure and safely
store all goods. •Ensures that
a high standard of housekeeping is maintained in all
storage areas. •Supervision
and control of subordinate
staff. •Performs random
stock checks of planned and
unplanned stock counts.
•Investigates and resolves
stock discrepancies and
follow up and resolve stock
discrepancy reports. •Attend
to queries relating to the
stores operations. •Updates
any records required including capturing of all stores
related documents onto the
computer system.
Essential Requirements:
•Matric/Grade 12. •Valid
motor vehicle drivers license
(Code B). •12 Months relevant experience. •Computer
Preferred Requirements:
•Matric plus relevant
certification accredited by
SAQA. •18 Months relevant
Applications must reach the
Human Resources Administration Division, EThekwini
Water Services, 3 Prior Road,
Durban, P.O Box 1038,
Durban, 4000 or visit www.
durban.gov.za and click
on e-careers. (Telephone
3118779 / 8780) not later
than Friday 2014-10-31at
12.00 (Midday)
REF NO: 34007982
R102 318.12 / R132 817.80 p.a
Grade 06
Job Purpose: Attends to the
treatment of wastewater
through the application of
operating procedures.
Key Responsibility Areas:
•Operation of machinery,
plant and ancillary equipment in the Wastewater
Treatment Works Process.
Communicates plant performance status. •Provides
information to support
personnel on specific requirements and attends to
deviations. •Conducts tests
and/ or collects samples
of the various stages of
the treatment process and
tanker bays. •Records flow
measurements. •Applies
operational procedures for
the correct processing and
safe disposal of end and by
Page 13
products. •Prepares and uses
regular process chemicals
such as lime, coagulants,
flocculants. •Undertakes the
clearing of minor sump and
pump blockages and fixing
leaks. •Verbally transmitting
information on water quality, bio solids quality, plant
condition, performance, and
Essential Requirements:
•Option 1: Std 8 / Grade 10
(or NTC1) plus Maintenance
Workers Certificate OR
Std 8 / Grade 10 (or NTC1)
plus Water and Wastewater
Treatment Practice N1 OR
Options 2: Std 9 / Grade
11 plus Operators Certificate OR NTC II in Water
and Wastewater Treatment
Practice AND Valid motor
vehicle drivers’ license (Code
B). Option 1: •Class 1: 2
Years relevant experience.
•Class 2: 5 Years relevant
experience. OR Option 2:
Class 1: 6 •Months relevant
experience. •Class 2: 2 Years
relevant experience. •Class 3:
7 Years relevant experience.
Preferred Requirements:
•Matric (or NTC III) plus
Wastewater Treatment Practice N3 OR NTC III in Wastewater Treatment Practice.
•Class 2: 6 Months relevant
experience. •Class 3: 3 Years
relevant experience.
Special Conditions:
1. Required to work shifts.
2. Posts of Process Controller
are interchangeable within
the Department at the discretion of the
Senior Manager (Works).
Applications must reach the
Human Resources Administration Division, EThekwini
Water Services, 3 Prior Road,
Durban, P.O Box 1038,
Durban, 4000 or visit www.
durban.gov.za and click
on e-careers. (Telephone
3118779 / 8780) not later
than Friday 2014-10-31at
12.00 (Midday)
REF NO: 34006470 (Various)
R78 829.44 / R99 924.12 pa
Grade 04
Job Purpose: Performs
general labouring activities
associated with construction
and maintenance work.
Key Responsibility Areas:
Undertakes general tasks
which are mostly of a physical nature using small plant
Essential Requirements:
•An appropriate level of primary education. •1 Month
relevant experience.
Preferred Requirements:
•An appropriate level of
secondary education. •3
Months relevant experience.
Applications must reach the
Human Resources Administration Division, EThekwini
Water Services, 3 Prior Road,
Durban, P.O Box 1038,
Durban, 4000 or visit www.
durban.gov.za and click
on e-careers. (Telephone
3118779 / 8780) not later
than Friday 2014-10-31at
12.00 (Midday)
REF NO: 34000424/34000422
R102 318.12 /R132 817.80 pa
Grade 06
Job Purpose: To provide an
efficient and professional
interface to all eThekwini residents in relation to
services related to water
accounts (billing), water,
wastewater, storm water,
roads and traffic (engineering fault reporting).
Key Responsibility Areas:
•To ensure that the customer
is given accurate information and is satisfied with the
service provided. •Captures
all related engineering faults
effectively. •Undertakes the
screening of all ‘no water’
complaints. •Administers
the Water Control E-mail
box. •Prioritises and classifies the faults in terms of
severity. •Updates the consumer and accounts details
on the Billing system with
regard to terminations and
transfers. •Authorises reconnection of water services
on receipt of full payment.
•Follows up on electronic
payments to banks and third
party agencies. •Follows up
on queries referred to meter
shop, meter audit division.
•Undertake the adjustments
of accounts.
Essential Requirements:
•An appropriate level of
secondary education. •6
Months relevant experience.
•Computer Literacy.
Preferred Requirements:
•Matric/Grade 12. •12
Months relevant experience.
Special Conditions:
Shift work environment.
Applications must reach the
Human Resources Administration Division, EThekwini
Water Services, 3 Prior Road,
Durban, P.O Box 1038,
Durban, 4000 or visit www.
durban.gov.za and click
on e-careers. (Telephone
3118779 / 8780) not later
than Friday 2014-10-31at
12.00 (Midday)
REF NO: 34000030
R123 692.76 / R160 565.88 pa
Grade 07
Job Purpose: Supervises
messenger services to ensure
efficient distribution of all
Key Responsibility Areas:
•Supervise the work processes and staff through the
allocation of work and the
monitoring of performance,
time and attendance, training, safety and discipline.
•Oversees the work routines
of messengers and ensures
quality of service with
respect to time, quality and
costs. •Provides assistance
with general administration, office cleaning and tea
service. •Undertakes related
Essential Requirements:
•An appropriate level of secondary education. •Relevant
Drivers Licence. •2 Years
relevant experience.
Applications must reach the
Human Resources Administration Division, EThekwini
Water Services, 3 Prior Road,
Durban, P.O Box 1038,
Durban, 4000 or visit www.
durban.gov.za and click
on e-careers. (Telephone
3118779 / 8780) not later
than Friday 2014-10-31at
12.00 (Midday)
REF NO: 34003330/34003332
Basic Salary R123 692.76 / R160
565.88 p.a.
Grade 07
Job Purpose: To drive and
operate departmental plant.
Key Responsibility Areas:
•Operates items of plant.
•Performs administrative
functions. •Relieves drainage supervisors and driver/
operators. •Liaises with
general public with regard
to the operation of his plant.
•Supervises staff.
Essential Requirements:
•An appropriate level of
secondary education. •Valid
motor vehicle drivers licence
(EC1) - Valid PRDP. •12
Months relevant experience.
Preferred Requirements:
•18 Months relevant experience.
Applications must reach the
Human Resources Administration Division, EThekwini
Water Services, 3 Prior Road,
Durban, P.O Box 1038,
Durban, 4000 or visit www.
durban.gov.za and click
on e-careers. (Telephone
3118779 / 8780) not later
than Friday 2014-10-31at
12.00 (Midday)
REF NO: 34000164
R102 318.12 / R132 817.80 p.a
Grade 06
Job Purpose: To carry out
general administration and
data capture duties.
Key Responsibility Areas:
•Carries out data capture
duties. •Undertakes general
administration duties such
as running reports, investigations, liaison, issuing and
receipting Controls petty
cash within the branch.
•Undertake general duties
such as filing, faxing and
Essential Requirements:
•An appropriate level of
secondary education. •Valid
motor vehicle drivers license
(Code B). •6 Months relevant
experience. •Computer
Preferred Requirements:
•Matric/Grade 12. •12
Months relevant experience.
Applications must reach the
Human Resources Administration Division, EThekwini
Water Services, 3 Prior Road,
Durban, P.O Box 1038,
Durban, 4000 or visit www.
durban.gov.za and click
on e-careers. (Telephone
3118779 / 8780) not later
than Friday 2014-10-31at
12.00 (Midday)
REF NO: 61000914
Grade to be Advised
PLEASE NOTE: Employees
employed on permanent
conditions of service who
successfully apply for appointment to a temporary
contract post will relinquish
their permanent contract of
employment upon appointment to the temporary post.
Job Purpose: The purpose of
the programme is to provide
Graduates who possess a
formal (M + 3) HR qualification an opportunity to
acquire experience in the HR
Key Responsibility Areas:
•Understanding and participating in the recruitment
and selection of suitable
candidates for the eThekwini Municipality. •Learning to
set up and facilitate a grievance hearing and process.
•Understanding the procedures of the disciplinary
process. •Understanding
the elements of the grading
process. •Being able to assist
employees with personal
problems that affect their
performance in the workplace. •Understanding and
explaining to line management and employees in what
circumstances each policy,
procedure and agreement
could be implemented.
Essential Requirements:
•Relevant 3 year tertiary
qualification, i.e. Diploma or
Preferred Requirements:
•Valid motor vehicle drivers
Applications to The Human
Resources (Finance), Ground
Floor, Florence Mkhize
Building, 251 Anton Lembede
Street, Durban 4001or P.O.
Box 828, Durban 4000 or (Tel
031 311 1630) not later than
Friday, 2014-10-31 at 12:00
REF NO: 61000142
R102 318.12 / R132 817.80 pa
Grade 06
Job Purpose: To provide a
complete secretarial service
to the Human Resources
Key Responsibility Areas:
•Schedules and updates
appointments on behalf of
the Senior Manager (Human
Resources). •Confirms travel
and accommodation details,
and briefs management
on itinerary and specific
requirements prior to departure. •Prepares, formats
and copy types documentation and correspondence.
•Arranges and schedules
meetings with internal/
external departments,
professionals contractors.
•Records details of discussions, actions at meetings
and prepares draft minutes
for perusal and confirmation
prior to circulation. •Attending to the filing of confidential/general documentation
and correspondence for the
Essential Requirements:
•Matric/Grade 12. •12
Months relevant experience.
Preferred Requirements:
•Matric/Grade 12 plus relevant certificate accredited by
SAQA. •18 Months relevant
Applications must reach
Human Resources Administration, Ground Floor, Shell
House, 221 Anton Lembede
Street, Durban 4001 or P.O
Box 5892, Durban 4000 or
apply online at e-careers
www.durban.gov.za (Telephone 031-3113172) not later
than Friday 2014-10-31 at
12.00 (Midday)
Ref No: 70000684
Total Remuneration Package
R450 331.00/ R567 771.00 pa
Grade: 14
Benefits included in the
Total Value of Remuneration
Package Range (Pension,
13th Cheque, Medical Aid,
Housing Subsidy) are payable
in accordance with the rules/
requirements of the respective
benefit schemes and any revisions that may occur from
time to time which may alter
the Total Value of Remuneration Package. In addition
other allowances may be
payable (where applicable)
Job Purpose: To manage
the Bank Reconciliation,
Receipting and Pay Administration Sections ensuring
validity, accuracy, timorousness and authorisation for
all transactions. To this end
ensure systems, procedures
and controls are in place in
compliance with relevant
Key Responsibility Areas:
•Managing all aspects of
the Bank Reconciliation,
Receipting and Pay Administration subsections
including the operating
structures, business policies,
methodologies and technologies. •Manage Productivity/
Performance and personnel through assessing the
outcomes associated with
utilisation, productivity and
performance of personnel
within the Reconciliations
Branch. •Compile the
monthly progress report
and Sub-Section activity
report for consideration by
the Deputy Head and Senior
Management. •Represent
the Department and Deputize for Senior Management
as and when required.
•Monitoring and controlling
Branch Budgets. •Deputize
for the Senior Manager In-
17 – 30 October 2014
ternal Control and Business
Essential Requirements:
•B Comm. Degree Valid
motor vehicle drivers license
(Code B). •4 Years relevant
accounting experience.
•Computer Literacy.
Preferred Requirements:
•Relevant post graduate
qualification. •6 Years relevant experience.
To apply go to www.durban.
gov.za and click on e-careers
link – closing date is Friday,
(2 Year Fixed Term Contracts)
REF NO: 99971581
R176 546.28/R229 166.40 pa
Grade 10
Job Purpose: To Provide
engineering support to the
project team in the electrical engineering and energy
efficiency fields
Key Responsibility Areas:
•Actively participate in
practical field work. •Record
details of experience gained
in formal reports and submit
to manager. •Submit interim
reports as required by manager. •Engage in planning,
organisation and execution
of construction and maintenance projects. •Investigate
practical and execution of
construction, maintenance
and operational issues as
assigned. •Engage in drafting
technical specifications and
bid reports and the quality and testing of material
purchased. •Draft technical codes of practices and
work procedures. •Engage
in supervisory installations
and control panel work.
•Engage in the design and
maintenance of three-phase
power metering. •Engage in
design and implementing
of street lighting and flood
lights projects. •Engage in
investigations regarding
electricity tariffs and liaise
with consumers in respect to
tariffs. •Attend departmental
meetings and seminars.
Essential Requirements:
•National Diploma in
Engineering (Electrical or
Electronic). •Eligible for
immediate registration as a
Candidate Technician with
the Engineering Council of
South Africa (ECSA) within 6
months of appointment.
Preferred Requirements:
•Registered as a Candidate
Special Conditions:
Hours of Work - 40Hr, 5days
a weeks. Flexi-time – no.
Shift Work – no. Standby - as
and when required
Special Allowances – no.
Incentive bonus – no. Overtime - Incumbents must be
prepared to work overtime
when required to meet the
exigencies of the service.
Locomotion – no. Transfer/
Relocation - Incumbents
will be subject to transfer/
relocation to any of the
Units depots or divisions as
Physical Requirements:
Must be physically capable
of carrying out duties. Must
be physically fit and in good
health as determined by the
City Medical Office. Must be
able to climb ladders and
lattice structures and work
at heights. Must be able to
physically lift heavy objects
and equipment normally
required by a Technician.
Must have necessary dexterity to work with tools and
To apply go to www.durban.
gov.za and click on e-careers
link – closing date is Friday,
Ref No: 71001884/ 71001886
R102 318.12 / R132 817.80 pa
Grade 06
Job Purpose: Logging-in
of all debts handed over for
collection onto the Debt
Collection Computer System
and prepares debts for the
Debt Recovery process or
otherwise for write off.
Key Responsibility Areas:
•Opens all new bad debt
jackets and captures relevant
details onto the computer
system. •Attends to queries
i.e. counter, telephone and
correspondence. • Undertakes filing of documents
including issuing and receiving of files and documents.
Essential Requirements:
•An appropriate level of
secondary education. •6
Months relevant experience.
•Computer Literacy.
Preferred Requirements:
•Matric/Grade 12. •12
Months relevant experience.
Applications to The Human
Resources (Finance), Ground
Floor, Florence Mkhize
Building, 251 Anton Lembede
Street, Durban 4001or P.O.
Box 828, Durban 4000 not
later than Friday 2014-10-31
at 12:00 (Midday)
REF NO: 71000232/236/248/25
R102 318.12 / R132 817.80 pa
Grade 06
Job Purpose: To identify
and respond to customers
seeking assistance with
revenue related queries and
on services provided by the
eThekwini Municipality.
Key Responsibility Areas:
•Provides a prompt service
for all customer in relation
to revenue related queries
on services provided by the
municipality. •Provides relevant eThekwini Municipality
revenue related information
on services provided by
the municipality. •Perform
Administration functions
to maintain a high standard of customer service.
Processing all applicable
administrative requirements
for registration of new
and or existing municipal
customers •Processing all
administrative requirements
for termination of existing
municipal customers. •Processing all administrative
requirement for all name
change requests. •Attending
to all valuation roll changes
and property registration
enquiries. •Contribute in
initiatives aimed at maintaining high standards and
improving customer service.
•Adhering to contact centre
culture and using technology to ensure effective, efficient and prompt customer
Essential Requirements:
•An appropriate level of secondary education. • 2 years
relevant Contact Centre/
Clerical experience. •Computer Literacy
Preferred Requirements:
•Matric/Grade 12. •3 years
relevant experience in
customer care/customer
management processes in a
contact centre.
Applications to The Human
Resources (Finance), Ground
Floor, Florence Mkhize
Building, 251 Anton Lembede
Street, Durban 4001 or P.O.
Box 828, Durban 4000 or (Tel
031 311 1630) not later than
2014-10-31 (Midday) at 12:00
REF NO: 71000330
R102 318.12 / R132 817.80 pa
Grade 06
Job Purpose: To ensure all
incoming correspondence
is recorded and distributed
17 – 30 October 2014
Key Responsibility Areas:
•Scruitinize and scanning
of incoming correspondence through fax and posts
and allocate for attention.
•Update the system with
postal address changes and
customer contact details.
•Advising consumers if
their correspondence is
to be forwarded to other
departments. •Record and
forward all correspondence
pertaining to water insurance claims to Metro Water
Department. •Attend to code
letter replies in correspondence section. •Perform
Administration functions to
maintain high standard of
customer service. Processing
all applicable administrative
requirements for registration of new and or existing
municipal customers.
•Processing all applicable
administrative requirements
for termination of existing
customers. Capture and
maintain all records on the
document tracking system.
Essential Requirements:
•An appropriate level of
secondary education. •12
Months relevant experience.
Preferred Requirements:
•Matric/Grade 12. •Computer Literacy. •Good letter
writing skills. •Experience in
dealing with large volumes
of correspondence.
Applications to The Human
Resources (Finance), Ground
Floor, Florence Mkhize
Building, 251 Anton Lembede
Street, Durban 4001 or P.O.
Box 828, Durban 4000 or
(Tel 031 311 1630) not later
than 2014-10-31 (Midday)
at 12:00
Ref No: 33001898
Total Remuneration Package
R607 774.00 / R770 828.00 pa
Grade 15
Benefits included in the
total value of remuneration
package (Pension; 13th
Cheque; Medical Aid; Housing Subsidy) are payable in
accordance with the rules/
requirements of the respective
benefit schemes and any revisions that may occur from
time to time which may alter
the total value of remuneration package. A car Allowance maybe payable and a
non-pensionable Market
Allowance may be payable
in terms of the Scarce Skills
Job Purpose: Provides advice on professional project
management applications
and technical maintenance
requirements, work programmes and administrative
Key Responsibility Areas:
•Conducts inspections,
investigations, trial testing
and research, commissioning and accepting new plant
based on suitability and
conformity of materials.
•Provides technical advice
and controls the technical
administration division of
the HV Network Control
Branch. • Provides specialist support to HV Operations technical personnel.
•Implements procedures
and system to monitor and
control maintenance work
programmes. •Controls
specialised stock availability,
setting measures to monitor
storage. •Communicate and
initiates accident prevention
programmes to improve
understanding of workplace
safety and capability to comply with the Occupational
Health and Safety Act. •Verifies schedules, bills of quantities, tender documents
and cost estimates prepared
by technical personnel.
•Compiles project briefs for
complex projects.
Essential Requirements:
•Relevant B.Tech plus registration as a Professional
Technologist (Pr. Technologist) with the Engineering
Council of South Africa
(ECSA). •Valid motor vehicle
drivers license (Code B).
•5 years experience in the
Electricity Supply Industry,
including Project Management.
To apply go to www.durban.
gov.za and click on e-careers
link – closing date is Friday,
Ref No: 33000820/33000830/
R102 318.12 / R132 817.80 pa
Grade 06
Job Purpose: To effectively
acquire and capture electricity meter readings.
Key Responsibility Areas:
•Read electricity meter and
entering data on handheld
terminals or cards. •Disconnect and re-connect “safe”
electricity suppliers. •Report
suspended misappropriation of electricity. •Promote
and maintain effective
customer relations. •Drive
vehicles, when required
to read meters or perform
“safe” re-connections and
disconnections. •Complete
daily log sheets, to record vehicle movement. •Wash and
clean meter reading vehicle
and resolve access problems.
•Identify and report on placing and sequencing of meter.
•Report on broken and
missing meter room doors
and locks. •Access computer systems for information
relevant to meter readings.
•Download vehicle monitoring information.
Essential Requirements:
•An appropriate level of
secondary education. •Valid
motor vehicle drivers license
(Code B). •6 months relevant
experience in meter reading.
Preferred Requirements:
•Matric/Grade 12. •12
Months relevant experience.
Applications must be lodged
at the Human Resources
Administration Division,
Electricity Unit, 1 Jelf Taylor
Crescent, (Opposite Kingsmead Cricket Stadium)
Durban 4001 or P.O. Box 147,
Durban, 4000 or Apply via
the web www.durban.gov.
za (Telephone Enquiries:
not later than Friday2014-10-31 (Midday)
Ref No: 33006024
R78 829.44 /R99 924.12 pa
Grade 04
Job Purpose: To assist the
survey technician to position
and relocate Low Voltage,
Medium Voltage and High
Voltage, underground and
overhead electrical equipment.
Key Responsibility Areas:
•Assist the survey technician with survey equipment. •Load and offload all
survey equipment vehicles
including cable detectors
and battery packs. •Bush
cutting and clearing for peg
location. •Assist survey technician to relocate beacons,
control points and any other
survey related information.
•Clean, maintain and lubricate all survey equipment.
•Keep the survey store in a
clean and tidy condition.
•Paint survey pegs and
control points. •Re-charge
batteries for global positioning systems equipment.
• Set out traffic cones and
safety signs. •Place wooden
pegs and nails in surveyed
Essential Requirements:
•An appropriate level of
secondary education. •6
Months relevant experience.
Preferred Requirements:
•12 Months relevant experience.
Physical Requirements:
•Must be physically capable
of carrying out all the duties
of the post. •Must be physically fit and in good health
as determined by the City
Medical Officer of Health.
•Must be able to physically
lift heavy objects and equipment normally required of a
Survey Assistant.
Applications must be lodged
at the Human Resources
Administration Division,
Electricity Unit, 1 Jelf Taylor
Crescent, (Opposite Kingsmead Cricket Stadium)
Durban 4001 or P.O. Box 147,
Durban, 4000 or Apply via
the web www.durban.gov.
za (Telephone Enquiries:
not later than Friday 201410-31 (Midday)
Ref No: 31000576
R246 063.96 / R319 390.68 pa
Grade 12
Job Purpose: Responsible
for the installation and management of effective supplier
Key Responsibility Areas:
•Supervises and provides
technical support / assistance to Assistant Supplier
Database, Administrator
Data Capturers, users and
suppliers. •Manages the designs and creation of logical
data models from business
requirements. •Educates
staff and users about data
concepts and technology
and perform technical tasks.
•Develops policies, standards and procedures with
regards to the data administration function. •Manages
the data administration
function. •Manages the
data repository by providing
technical and administrative
expertise and support.
Essential Requirements:
•Relevant 3 year tertiary
qualification, i.e. Diploma or
Degree. •Valid motor vehicle
drivers licence (Code EB). •3
Years relevant experience.
Preferred Requirements:
•IS- IT specific qualification.
•4 Years relevant experience.
To apply go to www.durban.
gov.za and click on e-careers
link – closing date is Friday,
REF NO: 42000078
R176 546.28/ R229 166.40 pa
Grade 10
Job Purpose: To provide
an effective and efficient
administration service for
vehicle licences in terms of
laid down procedures and
Key Responsibility Areas:
•Ensures that all financial
functions are completed
timeously and accurately.
•Supervision and control of
staff. •Attends to queries and
provides assistance to the
public. •Calculates outstanding fees and waivers certain
fees. •Obtains affidavits
to assist with wavering of
certain fees. •Maintains an
adequate level of stock, e.g.
stationery, documents and
forms. •Prepares and responds to all incoming mail
/ documentation. •Issues
statements regarding theft
and fraud cases. •Attends
court to submit evidence
and supporting documentation. •Co-ordinates and
controls all electronic equipment, computers, printers,
furniture and stock requirements.
Essential Requirements:
•Matric/Grade 12 plus relevant certificate accredited
by SAQA. •2 Years relevant
Preferred Requirements:
•Relevant 3 year tertiary
qualification, i.e. Diploma
or Degree. •3 Years relevant
To apply go to www.durban.
gov.za and click on e-careers
link – closing date is Friday,
Ref No: 42000262
R156 803.88/ R203 532.48 pa
Grade 09
Job Purpose: To provide
an effective and efficient
administration service with
regard to receiving, distribution and collection of all
summonses issued in terms
of laid down policies and
Key Responsibility Areas:
•Co-ordinates and controls
the general administration,
allocation and issue of
summonses to servers and
on-line in terms of current
legislation. •Ensures that all
investigations in respect of
repeat offenders or vehicles
are amalgamated. •Ensures
that the database is continuously updated. •Attends to
telephone and public counter queries relating to summons. •Compiles weekly/
monthly statistical reports.
•Supervision and control
of staff. •Co-ordinates
and controls all electronic
equipment, computers,
printers, furniture and stock
requirements. •Prepares and
responds to all incoming
mail / documentation.
Essential Requirements:
•Matric/Grade 12 plus relevant certificate accredited
by SAQA. •2 Years relevant
Preferred Requirements:
•Relevant 3 year tertiary
qualification, i.e. Diploma
or Degree. •3 Years relevant
To apply log on to www.
durban.gov.za and click
on e-careers Link or Applications Must Reach The
Recruitment Division Of
Metro Police And Emergency Services Unit, Human
Resources , Metro Police
Hq, 16 Archie Gumede Place
(Old Fort Place), Ground
Floor, Durban, 4000, Or
P.O.Box 1172, Durban, 4000,
(Telephone: 031-31129
No Later Than Friday, 201410-31 At 12.00 (Midday).
Ref No: 11000080
R277 030.08 /R359 605.92 pa
Grade 13
Job Purpose: To manage
and provide Geographical Information Systems
technical leadership to the
maintenance of the Land Information System within the
Corporate GIS Department.
Key Responsibility Areas:
•Manages and recommends
on decisions related to the
management of the Land
Information System (LIS).
•Advises the Geographic
Information System (GIS)
Support Manager on Technical issues related to the
management and maintenance of the Land Information System. •Ensure quality
control and assurance on all
Page 14
deliverables from contractors. •Manages all aspects related to the maintenance of
the enterprise LIS database
and enforce its standards.
•Provides technical support
on matters relating to LIS
base data to staff, GIS Units
and general public. •Manages Spatial Data maintenance staff and facilities in
the selection, training and
evaluation of GIS personnel.
Represent the Corporate GIS
on Local, Regional or National task group on matters
relating to LIS base data.
Essential Requirements:
•Relevant 3 year tertiary
qualification, i.e. Diploma or
Degree. •Valid motor vehicle
drivers license (Code B). •3
years experience including
land surveying practices and
methods, GPS systems, CAD,
mapping and spacial analysis principles. •Ability to supervise, direct and evaluate
GIS technical personnel.
Preferred Requirements:
•Post graduate qualification
in spatial sciences. •4 Years
relevant experience.
To apply go to www.durban.
gov.za and click on e-careers
link – closing date is Friday,
Ref No: 53000006
R123 692.76 / R160 565.88 pa
Grade 07
Job Purpose: Co-ordinates
activities and requirement
associates with the unit
through the application and
administrative and secretarial duties.
Key Responsibility Areas:
•Attends to all telephonic
calls and general queries.
•Attends to highly confidential matters of complex
nature, including documents and correspondence.
• Liaises with councillors/staff and the public.
•Maintains and updates all
files. •Updates the diary of
the head: Regional Centres. •Co-ordinates travel
arrangements relating to
Municipal business for
all staff and councillors of
EThekwini Municipality.
•Performs secretarial/administrative duties in respect
of the office head: Regional
Centres. •Undertakes related
Essential Requirements:
•Matric/Grade 12 plus relevant certification accredited
by SAQA, as applicable.
•Relevant National Diploma.
•2 Years relevant experience.
Preferred Requirements:
•3 Years relevant experience.
Applications must reach
Human Resources Administration, Ground Floor, Shell
House, 221 Anton Lembede
Street, Durban 4001 or P.O
Box 5892, Durban 4000 or
apply online at e-careers
www.durban.gov.za (Telephone 031-3113172) not later
than Friday 2014-10-31 at
12.00 (Midday)
Ref No: 51000266
R123 692.76 / R160 565.88 pa
Grade 07
Job Purpose: Responsible
for providing a complete
secretarial service.
Key Responsibility Areas:
•Provides a dictation service.
•Co-ordinates and controls
mail directed to the executive level and drafts replies
to routine correspondence
and returns. •Performs
a client liaison service at
Executive level. •Co-ordinates itineraries and makes
travel and business arrange-
ments. •Directs and controls
telephone calls. •Maintains
a filing system. •Compiles
and distributes agendas,
takes minutes and undertakes typing duties utilising
a word processor / personal
computer and dictating/
transcribing equipment.
•Controls and maintains
executive stationery and
miscellaneous requirements.
•Undertakes research.
•Reconciles delivery notes,
invoices and other forms.
•Authorises payment for services rendered and verifies
claims for services rendered
by external contractors.
Essential Requirements:
•Matric/Grade 12. •3 Years
relevant experience. •Computer Literacy.
Preferred Requirements:
•Secretarial Diploma 3 Years
relevant experience including excellent organizing and
communication ability and
interpersonal skills (tact,
diplomacy and initiative).
•Appropriate dictation /
dictaphone / transcribing
experience. •Proficiency
in Word Perfect / MS Word
Applications must reach
Human Resources Administration, Ground Floor, Shell
House, 221 Anton Lembede
Street, Durban 4001 or P.O
Box 5892, Durban 4000 or
apply online at e-careers
www.durban.gov.za (Telephone 031-3113172) not later
than Friday 2014-10-31 at
12.00 (Midday)
Ref No: 35006276
R208 413.84/R270 532.20 pa
Grade 11
Job Purpose: To provide
effective operation of the
transfer station.
Key Responsibility Areas:
•Supervision and control of
subordinate staff. •Ensures
that all plant and equipment
available is serviceable and
staff is correctly trained
to use it. •Arranges for the
repairs of all plant and
equipment. •Monitors and
controls allocated budget.
•Monitor, investigate and
take remedial action in cases
of illegal material on site.
•Investigate complaints, reports and enquiries regarding illegal matters concerning operational aspects of
the landfill. •Undertakes a
liaison service with public,
other municipal departments and outside organisations regarding landfill
issues. •Promotes safety and
accident prevention in the
working environment.
Essential Requirements:
•Relevant 3 year tertiary
qualification. •Valid motor
vehicle drivers license (Code
B). •3 Years relevant experience.
Preferred Requirements:
•4 Years relevant experience.
To apply go to www.durban.
gov.za and click on e-careers
link – closing date is Friday,
Ref No: 35006146/ 35006148
R176 546.28/R229 166.40 pa
Grade 10
Job Purpose: To carry out
planned and unplanned
maintenance on vehicles.
Key Responsibility Areas:
•Replaces and services components. •Tows and recovers
vehicles including changing
of wheels / tyre breakdowns. •Undertakes engine
tuning. •Re-assembles and
adjusts, where necessary
the clutches, gearboxes,
Page 15
propeller shafts etc. •Operates compression testers,
fuel pump pressure gauges
to assist with fault finding.
•Undertakes inspection of
vehicles and record / fix
defects on various makes
and models, both petrol
and diesel. •Maintenance of
cooling systems. •Supervises
and trains apprentices. •Repairs hydraulic systems on
vehicles. •Carries out other
repairs and maintenance
work applicable to the trade
of diesel / plant / petrol
mechanic. •Move vehicles
from one point to another.
•Undertakes the testing of
vehicles. •Completes job
cards, time sheets, vehicle
trip sheets etc. •Installs over
head cables and maintenance of pulleys and bearings. •Attends to technical
repairs on roadside, liaise
with workshop superintendent and suppliers for
required spares. •Diagnosing
of defects on a variety of vehicles. •Required to comply
with all OHS inspections and
repairs. •Responsible for the
workshops during late afternoon and week-end duty.
Essential Requirements:
•Qualified Artisan Diesel
Mechanic. •Valid motor
vehicle drivers license (Code
EC) with PrDP. •2 Years
post-qualifying experience.
Preferred Requirements:
•Some knowledge of petrol
engines and hydraulics.
To apply go to www.durban.
gov.za and click on e-careers
link – closing date is Friday,
Ref No: 35004490/ 35006154/
R123 692.76/R160 565.88 pa
Grade 07
Job Purpose: To provide
waste removal service for
EThekwini Municipality.
Key Responsibility Areas:
•Drives specialised refuse
removal vehicles to and from
various workplaces. •Transports staff and equipment
to and from street cleaning
areas and public conveniences. •Supervises staff.
•Provides administrative
services in the Solid Waste
Department. •Attends to
Safety Matters. •Deputises
for Area Cleansing Officer.
•Undertakes related assignments.
Essential Requirements:
•An appropriate level of
secondary education. •Valid
motor vehicle drivers license
(Code C or EC) plus PrDP.
•12 Months relevant experience.
Preferred Requirements:
•Matric/Grade 12. •18
Months relevant experience.
Applications Must Reach the
Human Resources Administration Section, Cleansing
& Solid Waste, 7 Meller
Road, Pinetown, 3610 Or P
O Box 49, Pinetown 3600
or apply via the web www.
durban.gov.za (Telephone
311 6255/311 6260) not later
than 2014- 10-31at 12:00
Ref No: 35006
R123 692.76 / R160 565.88 pa
Grade 07
Job Purpose: To operate
the refuse transfer station
Key Responsibility Areas:
• Ensure effective running of
the transfer station. •Operate the static compactor
and liaising with drivers.
•Supervise the hitching up
and disengaging of full and
empty containers to and
from compact and ensure
safe operation. •Ensure
those containers are ready
for transporting by supervising the placement of
the cages on the container.
•Keep record of number of
containers filled each day.
•Supervision and control of
Essential Requirements:
•An appropriate level of
secondary education. •12
Months relevant experience.
Preferred Requirements:
•Matric/Grade 12. •18
Months relevant experience.
Applications Must Reach the
Human Resources Administration Section, Cleansing
& Solid Waste, 7 Meller
Road, Pinetown, 3610 Or P
O Box 49, Pinetown 3600
or apply via the web www.
durban.gov.za (Telephone
311 6255/311 6260) not later
than 2014- 10-31at 12:00
Ref No: 35001648
R102 318.12/R132 817.80 pa
Grade 06
Job Purpose: Responsible for
the administrative tasks and
supervises the maintenance
of the depot and immediate
Key Responsibility Areas:
•Performs administrative tasks. •Supervises the
maintenance of cleanliness
Ref No: 35006076/ 78/80/82
R102 318.12/132 817.80 pa
Grade 06
of the depot and immediate environment. •Ensures
the drivers maintain radio
contact and communicates
with them with regards to
referrals. •Ensures that stock
items are available. •Issues
daily stock items such as
operational consumables.
•Updates computer records
referred to the depot on the
help line and communicates
with head office through
Group Wise mail. •Performs
first aid functions on injured
staff. •Undertakes related
Essential Requirements:
•An appropriate level of
secondary education. •Valid
first aid certificate or be in
a position to obtain one
within 6 months of appointment. •6 Months relevant
Preferred Requirements:
•Matric/Grade 12. •12
Months relevant experience.
Applications Must Reach the
Human Resources Administration Section, Cleansing
& Solid Waste, 7 Meller
Road, Pinetown, 3610 Or P
O Box 49, Pinetown 3600
or apply via the web www.
durban.gov.za (Telephone
311 6255/311 6260) not later
than 2014- 10-31at 12:00
Job Purpose: Responsible
for noting data pertaining to
customer and type of load
on vehicle.
Key Responsibility Areas:
•Notes all data pertaining
to customer and type of
load on the vehicle. •Raises
the correct disposal charge.
•Ensures that the customer’s
account is settled. •Control general workers on the
weighbridges. •Projects a
customer friendly attitude.
•Undertakes related assignments.
Essential Requirements:
•An appropriate level of
secondary education. •6
Months relevant experience.
Preferred Requirements:
•Matric/Grade 12. •Computer Literacy. •12 Months
relevant experience.
Applications Must Reach the
Human Resources Administration Section, Cleansing
& Solid Waste, 7 Meller
Road, Pinetown, 3610 Or P
O Box 49, Pinetown 3600
or apply via the web www.
durban.gov.za (Telephone
311 6255/311 6260) not later
than 2014- 10-31 at 12:00
Ref No: 35006150/ 35006152
R86 664.12/R112 500.36 pa
Grade 05
Ref NO: 35004522
R102 318.12/132 817.80 pa
Grade 06
Job Purpose: To provide
manual assistance to the
Artisan within the Plant and
Engineering Department.
Key Responsibility Areas:
•Provide support to the
Artisan during execution
of technical functions.
•Maintain cleanliness of the
workshop. •Undertake vehicle maintenance services
associated with the replacement of tyres and batteries.
Essential Requirements:
•An appropriate level of
secondary education. •3
Months relevant experience.
Preferred Requirements:
• 6 Months relevant experience.
Applications Must Reach the
Human Resources Administration Section, Cleansing
& Solid Waste, 7 Meller
Road, Pinetown, 3610 Or P
O Box 49, Pinetown 3600
or apply via the web www.
durban.gov.za (Telephone
311 6255/311 6260) not later
than 2014- 10-31 at 12:00
Job Purpose: •To ensure that
administrative functions
related to fleet management
for the Unit are carried out
effectively according to all
Key Responsibility Areas:
•Perform administrative
duties relating to vehicle
utilisation by employees
within the Unit. •Undertake
inspection of hired vehicles
for accident damages and
liaise with panel beaters for
repairs. •Ensure that insurance documents are up to
date for all vehicles. •Provide
monthly readings of fuel
consumption and vehicle
utilisation. •Identify any
vehicle abuse and escalate to
senior officials.
Essential Requirements:
•An appropriate level of
secondary education. •Valid
motor vehicle drivers license
(Code B). •6 Months relevant
experience. •Computer
Preferred Requirements:
•Matric/Grade 12. •12
Months relevant experience.
Applications Must Reach the
Human Resources Admin-
17 – 30 October 2014
istration Section, Cleansing
& Solid Waste, 7 Meller
Road, Pinetown, 3610 Or P
O Box 49, Pinetown 3600
or apply via the web www.
durban.gov.za (Telephone
311 6255/311 6260) not later
than 2014- 10-31 at 12:00
Ref No: 99950165
Basic Salary R37.90 per hour
Grade: 04
Job Purpose: Responsible
for the safety and care of
children separated from the
parents or guardians at the
beachfront until they are
Key Responsibility Areas:
•Report to the Law Enforcement Officer or the location
as directed on commencement and at the end and at
the end of the shift to sign
on and off duty. •Report to
and remain at the designated beach to which they are
deployed for the day unless
directed to relief at another
beach. •Erect the shelter/
tent at the beginning of the
shift and clean and pack
away at the end of them in
and the time and details
of the persons who the
children were reunited with.
•This information is to be
provided the Law Enforcement Officers. •Take care of
and pacify the children in
their custody and provide
them with refreshments and
blankets if necessary inform
the Law Enforcement off any
medical need, shortages in
food, blankets or bedding or
any overwhelming anxieties.
•Cook three meals a day for
children and ensure that
they have sufficient bedding
and clothing which has to be
kept clean and washed.
Essential Requirements:
•An appropriate level of primary education. •1 Month
relevant experience.
Preferred Requirements:
•An appropriate level of
secondary education. •3
Months relevant experience.
Special Conditions:
•Required to work either 8
hour or 12 hour shifts. •Wear
uniform provided.
Physical Requirements:
•Healthy and strong enough
to carry small children.
Applications Must Reach The
Human Resources Administration Section, Parks,
Recreation And Culture, 3
Rd Floor, Rennie House , 41
Margaret Mncandi (Victoria
Embankment) or P.O. Box
5426, Durban, 4000 or apply
via the Web Address www.
durban.gov.za (Telephone
311-4102) not later than
Friday 2014-10-31 at 12:00
Ref No: 99950134
R37.01 per hour
Grade 03
Job Purpose: Supervise and
control the general public
adequately in the use of the
beaches to ensure the safe
and harmonious use of the
Beach by all patrons.
Key Responsibility Areas:
•Control the crowd within
the confines of the Beach.
•Prevent the public from
bringing glass utensils into
the Beach and to remove any
found within the confines
of the Beach. •Assist the
Lifeguards as and when
required. •Report missing or
damaged equipment, facilities, signage or a Shortage of
bins to the Superintendent,
Law Enforcement. •Assist
with moving of equipment
or goods from stores. •Assist
with keeping the pool
surrounds litter free and advising the public not to litter.
•Care for separated children
until they are reunited with
their parents or guardians.
•Advise members of the
public and ensure that they
comply with the acceptable
code of dress and conduct.
•Alert the Lifeguards and/or
Superintendent to any emergency situation. •Attend
to complaints or enquiries
from members of the public.
Essential Requirements:
•Basic numeracy and literacy, i.e. an understanding
of basic written words and
number recognition. •No
experience required.
Preferred Requirements:
•An appropriate level of
primary education. •No
experience required.
Special Conditions:
•Required to wear uniform
Physical Requirements:
•Required to work in all
weather conditions.
Applications Must Reach The
Human Resources Administration Section, Parks,
Recreation And Culture, 3
Rd Floor, Rennie House , 41
Margaret Mncandi (Victoria
Embankment) or P.O. Box
5426, Durban, 4000 or apply
via the Web Address www.
durban.gov.za (Telephone
311-4102) not later than
Friday 2014-10-31 at 12:00
Supply of Executive
Corporate Gifts
Supply of Executive Corporate Gifts
EThekwini Municipality’s Special Programmes Department invites eligible and accredited
service providers to showcase their wares which reflect and represent the beauty
of eThekwini in terms of cultural diversity and promote the City to both local and
international visitors.
The artwork can be of a modern or traditional nature and be eligible for business
executives, international dignitaries and royalty.
The display will be held at City Hall, Albert Luthuli, exhibiters must be at the venue by no
later than 09h00 on Thursday 22/10/2014.
Nosisi Macoli – (Tel: 031 311 2076)
Email : Nosisi.Macoli@durban.gov.za
“Together, building eThekwini to be Africa’s most caring and liveable city”
Notice is hereby given in
terms of Section 14(2) of the
Municipal Finance Management Act No. 56 of 2003 and
the Supply Chain Regulations that it is the intention
of the Municipality to sell, in
freehold, by private treaty to
Velakuqala Pre-School and
Crèche the land described
as Erf 508 Umlazi A, Registration Division FT in the
Province of KwaZulu Natal,
in extent 1559m², as depicted
on Plan SJ 4569/9 at a price
of R1,140.00 (inclusive of
VAT). Copies of the Conditions of Sale No. 7096B will
be available for inspection
at the office of the Head:
Real Estate, Room 1702,
17th Floor, 75 Dr Langalibalele Dube (Winder) Street,
Durban (Ref 19/124-A/1:
Bathobile Ntobela), Contact
No. 031-311 4350, between
07:45 and 16:30, Monday
to Friday, for a period of 14
days, commencing on 17
October 2014.
Representation or objection
to the sale shall only be
considered as valid if:(a) The full names, Identity Number and physical
address and contact details
of the author are recorded
(b) The interest of the author
is recorded fully;
(c) The grounds thereof are
set out in detail; and
(d) Is lodged with the undersigned not later than 17:00
on 03 November 2014
Should the author fail to
comply substantially with
the criteria above, the representation and/or objection
may be regarded by the
eThekwini Municipality as
Sibusiso Sithole
City Manager
City Hall, Dr Pixley ka-Isaka
Seme Street, Durban
The place for eThekwini jobs, staff news, calls for proposals, tenders & notices
Sealed tenders, addressed to the CITY MANAGER, c/o GROUND FLOOR, MUNICIPAL BUILDING, 166 K.E. MASINGA ROAD (formerly OLD FORT
ROAD, DURBAN 4001, will be received at any time prior to but NOT LATER THAN 11:00 on the closing dates specified for the requirements indicated, when tenders will be opened publicly. Specifications and tender forms are obtainable from the service unit or consultants indicated
Tender documents (available
in English) are obtainable
from eThekwini Electricity,
Room 23, PRASA Offices,
Suite 215 Main Concourse,
Durban Station, Masabalala
Yengwa Avenue, Durban
(Cashier times are from
08:00 to 15:00, Mondays to
Fridays. Closed on public
All enquiries: Tel. No.: 031311 9420 (Tumo Mpetsane)
E.9269 Design, manufacture, testing, supply and
delivery of distribution
transformers during a
36-month period (R1000
non-refundable tender
charge per document - cash
or bank guaranteed cheques
Closing date: 14 November
E.9272 Manufacturing, supply, delivery, cable storage
and cable cutting of low
and medium voltage power
cables during a 36-month
period (R1000 non-refundable tender charge per
document - cash or bank
guaranteed cheques only)
Closing date: 21 November
Tender documents (available
in English) are obtainable
from the Cashier, Basement,
Engineering Unit, Municipal
Centre, 166 KE Masinga (Old
Fort) Road, Durban
(between 08:00 and 12:30
and from 13:15 to 15:15)
CSA.0912-4(iii) Ward 101:
Cato Manor Museum: Phase
1B Heritage Centre: Supply
and installation of a 150KVA
diesel generator (R100
non-refundable tender fee
– cash or bank guaranteed
cheques only)
Closing date: 31 October
A compulsory site meeting
will be held at 10:00, on
2014-10-23, at 2 Kalanden
Road, Mayville. Tenders submitted by tenderers who do
not attend this compulsory
meeting will not be considered. Only those tenderers
who are registered with
the CIDB, or are capable of
being registered prior to the
evaluation of submissions,
in a contractor grading designation equal to or higher
than a contractor grading
designation determined in
accordance with the sum
tendered for a 2EB class of
construction work or higher,
are eligible to tender.
All enquiries: Tel. No.: 031536 7300 (L. Ngcobo, Igoda
CSA.0912-4(v) Ward 101:
Cato Manor Museum: Phase
1B Heritage Centre: Supply
and installation of Business
Management System (BMS)
(R100 non-refundable
tender fee – cash or bank
guaranteed cheques only)
Closing date: 31 October
All enquiries: Tel. No.: 031536 7300 (L. Ngcobo, Igoda
CSA.2159A Ward 10: 2
Longforgan Avenue, Gillitts:
Operations Satellite Centre
(R100 non-refundable
tender fee – cash or bank
guaranteed cheques only)
Closing date: 31 October
A compulsory site meeting
will be held at 10:00, on
2014-10-23, at 2 Longoforgan Avenue, St Heller,
Gillitts. Tenders submitted by
tenderers who do not attend
this compulsory meeting will
not be considered. Only those
tenderers who are registered with the CIDB, or are
capable of being registered
prior to the evaluation of
submissions, in a contractor
grading designation equal to
or higher than a contractor
grading designation determined in accordance with
the sum tendered for a 3GB
class of construction work or
higher, are eligible to tender.
All enquiries: Tel. No.: 031311 7895 (M. North).
CSA.2328(ii) Ward 98: Illovu
Fire Training Centre: Hot
ground LP gas and Kerosene
storage and distribution
installation (R100 non-refundable tender fee – cash
or bank guaranteed cheques
Closing date: 31 October
A compulsory site meeting
will be held at 10:00, on
2014-10-24, in the Salon
Boardroom, Architecture
Department, Old Fort Municipal Complex. Tenders
submitted by tenderers who
do not attend this compulsory meeting will not be
All enquiries: Tel. No.: 031764 7727 (Nigel King: Parsons & Lumsden Consulting
CSA.2328(iii) Ward 98:
Illovu Fire Training Centre:
Hot ground electrically
driven grey water pump
installation (R100 non-refundable tender fee – cash
or bank guaranteed cheques
Closing date: 31 October
A compulsory site meeting
will be held at 10:30, on
2014-10-24, in the Salon
Boardroom, Architecture
Department, Old Fort Municipal Complex. Tenders
submitted by tenderers who
do not attend this compulsory meeting will not be considered. Only those tenderers
who are registered with
the CIDB, or are capable of
being registered prior to the
evaluation of submissions,
in a contractor grading designation equal to or higher
than a contractor grading
designation determined in
accordance with the sum
tendered for a 2ME class of
construction work or higher,
are eligible to tender.
All enquiries: Tel. No.: 031764 7727 (Nigel King: Parsons & Lumsden Consulting
construction work or higher,
are eligible to tender.
All enquiries: Tel. No.: 031209 7903/4 (V. Sookan).
CSA.2555 Mariannridge
Swimming Pool: 1 Serrens
Place, Mariannridge: Tiling
of pool: Ward 13 (R100
non-refundable tender fee
– cash or bank guaranteed
cheques only)
Closing date: 31 October
A compulsory site meeting
will be held at 10:00, on
2014-10-23, at 1 Serrens
Place, Mariannridge. Tenders submitted by tenderers
who do not attend this
compulsory meeting will not
be considered. Only those
tenderers who are registered with the CIDB, or are
capable of being registered
prior to the evaluation of
submissions, in a contractor
grading designation equal to
or higher than a contractor
grading designation determined in accordance with
the sum tendered for a 2GB
class of construction work or
higher, are eligible to tender.
All enquiries: Tel. No.: 031311 2506 (J. Msomi).
CSA.0912-4(iv) Ward 101:
Cato Manor Museum: Phase
1B Heritage Centre: Supply
and installation of exhibition LED spot lights (R250
non-refundable tender fee
– cash or bank guaranteed
cheques only)
Closing date: 31 October
Only those tenderers who
are registered with the
CIDB, or are capable of
being registered prior to the
evaluation of submissions,
in a contractor grading designation equal to or higher
than a contractor grading
designation determined in
accordance with the sum
tendered for a 3EB class of
construction work or higher,
are eligible to tender.
All enquiries: Tel. No.: 031536 7300 (L. Ngcobo, Igoda
CSA.2565 KwaDabeka Bus
and Taxi Rank, KwaDabeka: Removal of dangerous
structures – Ward 20(R100
non-refundable tender fee
– cash or bank guaranteed
cheques only)
Closing date: 7 November
A compulsory site meeting
will be held at 09:00, on
2014-10-27, at KwaDabeka
Bus and Taxi Rank, KwaDabeka. Tenders submitted by
tenderers who do not attend
this compulsory meeting will
not be considered. Only those
tenderers who are registered with the CIDB, or are
capable of being registered
prior to the evaluation of
submissions, in a contractor
grading designation equal to
or higher than a contractor
grading designation determined in accordance with
the sum tendered for a 2GB
class of construction work or
higher, are eligible to tender.
All enquiries: Tel. No.: 083
255 3330 (S. Naidu).
CSA.2535 Flower Road
Market, 81 Flower Road,
Clairwood: Re-sheeting of
truckers off-loading roof Ward 66 (R250 non-refundable tender fee – cash or
bank guaranteed cheques
Closing date: 07 November
A compulsory site meeting
will be held at 12:00, on
2014-10-28, at Flower Road
Market, 81 Flower Road,
Clairwood. Tenders submitted by tenderers who do
not attend this compulsory
meeting will not be considered. Only those tenderers
who are registered with
the CIDB, or are capable of
being registered prior to the
evaluation of submissions,
in a contractor grading designation equal to or higher
than a contractor grading
designation determined in
accordance with the sum
tendered for a 3GB or 3SL
class of construction work or
higher, are eligible to tender.
All enquiries: Tel. No.: 083
255 3330 (S. Naidu).
CSA.2579 Ward 42 - Ntuzuma Library: Rehabilitation
of structure (R100 non-refundable tender fee – cash
or bank guaranteed cheques
Closing date: 7 November
A compulsory site meeting
will be held at 10:00, on
2014-10-28, at Ntuzuma Library, 26 Inhlendla Avenue,
Ntuzuma. Tenders submitted by tenderers who do
not attend this compulsory
meeting will not be considered. Only those tenderers
who are registered with
the CIDB, or are capable of
being registered prior to the
evaluation of submissions,
in a contractor grading designation equal to or higher
than a contractor grading
designation determined in
accordance with the sum
tendered for a 3GB class of
CSA.2553 Tills Crescent
Swimming Pool: Tiling of
pool and paving - Ward
31 (R250 non-refundable
tender fee – cash or bank
guaranteed cheques only)
Closing date: 31 October
A compulsory site meeting
will be held at 14:00, on
2014-10-23, at Tills Crescent
Swimming Pool, 22 Randles
Road, Sydenham. Tenders
submitted by tenderers who
do not attend this compulsory meeting will not be considered. Only those tenderers
who are registered with
the CIDB, or are capable of
being registered prior to the
evaluation of submissions,
in a contractor grading designation equal to or higher
than a contractor grading
designation determined in
accordance with the sum
tendered for a 3GB class of
construction work or higher,
are eligible to tender.
All enquiries: Tel. No.: 031311 7115 or 071 607 8084
(Des Catin).
CSA.2554 LT King Swimming Pool: Tiling of pool:
Ward 66 (R250 non-refundable tender fee – cash or
bank guaranteed cheques
Closing date: 31 October
A compulsory site meeting will be held at 10:00,
on 2014-10-24, at LT King
Swimming Pool, 41 Smith
Drive, Bluff. Tenders submitted by tenderers who do
not attend this compulsory
meeting will not be considered. Only those tenderers
who are registered with
the CIDB, or are capable of
being registered prior to the
evaluation of submissions,
in a contractor grading designation equal to or higher
than a contractor grading
designation determined in
accordance with the sum
tendered for a 3GB class of
construction work or higher,
are eligible to tender.
All enquiries: Tel. No.: 031311 7123 or 076 817 4706
(Suresh Deonundan).
CSA.2547 Kings Park
Athletic Stadium: Upgrade
of KwaZulu Natal Athletic Track: Ward 27 (R500
non-refundable tender fee
– cash or bank guaranteed
cheques only)
Closing date: 31 October
A compulsory site meeting
will be held at 10:00, on
2014-10-23, at Kings Park
Athletic Stadium, Walter Gilbert Road, Durban. Tenders
submitted by tenderers who
do not attend this compulsory meeting will not be
All enquiries: Tel. No.: 031311 7115 (D. Catin).
CSA.2425 Ward 34: Seacowlake: New 132/11kV
Springpark Sub-station for
eThekwini Electricity (R1000
non-refundable tender fee
– cash or bank guaranteed
cheques only)
Closing date: 14 November
Only those tenderers who
are registered with the
CIDB, or are capable of
being registered prior to the
evaluation of submissions,
in a contractor grading designation equal to or higher
than a contractor grading
designation determined in
accordance with the sum
tendered for a 7GB class of
construction work or higher,
are eligible to tender.
All enquiries: Tel. No.: 031311 7119 or 083 723 9151
(Anand Rampersad).
Tender documents (available
in English) are obtainable
from the Cashier, Basement,
Engineering Unit, Municipal
Centre, 166 KE Masinga (Old
Fort) Road, Durban
(between 08:00 and 12:30
and from 13:15 to 15:15)
1D-14528 224 Florence
Nightingale Drive, Westcliff,
Chatsworth: Stormwater repairs (R100 non-refundable
tender charge - cash or bank
guaranteed cheques only)
Closing date: 31 October
A compulsory site inspection
will be held at 10:00, on
2014-10-24, at 224 Florence
Nightingale Drive, Westcliff, Chatsworth. Tenders
submitted by tenderers who
do not attend this meeting
will not be considered. Only
those tenderers who are registered with the CIDB, or are
capable of being registered
prior to the evaluation of
submissions, in a contractor
grading designation equal to
or higher than a contractor
grading designation determined in accordance with
the sum tendered for a 3CE
class of construction work or
higher, are eligible to tender.
Tender documents must be
collected no later than 3 days
from close of tender.
All enquiries: Tel. No.: 031322 7256 (M. Dlamini).
1D-14877 Culvert Crossing
at 83857 TRK (R100 non-refundable tender charge
- cash or bank guaranteed
cheques only)
Closing date: 31 October
A compulsory site inspection
will be held on 2014-10-23.
Tenderers to meet at 10:30
at the intersection of M37 &
Sheleni Road (30º49’30”E,
30º2’5”S), to proceed to
Golokodo River Crossing at
83857 TRK. Tenders submitted by tenderers who do not
attend this meeting will not
be considered. Only those
tenderers who are registered with the CIDB, or are
capable of being registered
prior to the evaluation of
submissions, in a contractor
grading designation equal to
or higher than a contractor
grading designation determined in accordance with
the sum tendered for a 2CE
class of construction work or
higher, are eligible to tender.
Tender documents must be
collected no later than 3 days
from close of tender.
All enquiries: Tel. No.: 031311 7433 (Nicholas Bell).
1M-123404 Enquiry for
crack sealing on various
roads located within the
North Central Region of
eThekwini Municipality for
24 months (R250 non-refundable tender charge
- cash or bank guaranteed
cheques only)
Closing date: 14 November
A compulsory site inspection
will be held at 09:00, on
2014-10-24, at the Engineering Training Centre, 8
Page 17
Electron Road, Springfield,
Durban (Use entrance gate
at Roads & Stormwater
Maintenance Depot). Tenders submitted by tenderers
who do not attend this
meeting will not be considered Only those tenderers
who are registered with
the CIDB, or are capable of
being registered prior to the
evaluation of submissions,
in a contractor grading designation equal to or higher
than a contractor grading
designation determined in
accordance with the sum
tendered for a 2CE class of
construction work or higher,
are eligible to tender. Tender
documents must be collected
no later than 3 days from
close of tender.
All enquiries: Tel. No.: 031311 7429 (Zama Skhosana).
1M-123405 Enquiry for
crack sealing on various
roads located within the
North Region of eThekwini
Municipality for 24 months
(R100 non-refundable
tender charge - cash or bank
guaranteed cheques only)
Closing date: 14 November
A compulsory site inspection
will be held at 09:00, on
2014-10-24, at the Engineering Training Centre, 8
Electron Road, Springfield,
Durban (Use entrance gate
at Roads & Stormwater
Maintenance Depot). Tenders submitted by tenderers
who do not attend this
meeting will not be considered. Only those tenderers
who are registered with
the CIDB, or are capable of
being registered prior to the
evaluation of submissions,
in a contractor grading designation equal to or higher
than a contractor grading
designation determined in
accordance with the sum
tendered for a 2CE class of
construction work or higher,
are eligible to tender. Tender
documents must be collected
no later than 3 days from
close of tender.
All enquiries: Tel. No.: 031311 7429 (Zama Skhosana).
1M-123406 Enquiry for
crack sealing on various
roads located within the
South Central Region of
eThekwini Municipality for
24 months (R250 non-refundable tender charge
- cash or bank guaranteed
cheques only)
Closing date: 14 November
A compulsory site inspection
will be held at 09:00, on
2014-10-24, at the Engineering Training Centre, 8
Electron Road, Springfield,
Durban (Use entrance gate
at Roads & Stormwater
Maintenance Depot). Tenders submitted by tenderers
who do not attend this
meeting will not be considered. Only those tenderers
who are registered with
the CIDB, or are capable of
being registered prior to the
evaluation of submissions,
in a contractor grading designation equal to or higher
than a contractor grading
designation determined in
accordance with the sum
tendered for a 2CE class of
construction work or higher,
are eligible to tender. Tender
documents must be collected
no later than 3 days from
close of tender.
All enquiries: Tel. No.: 031311 7429 (Zama Skhosana).
1M-123407 Enquiry for
crack sealing on various
roads located within the
South Region of eThekwini
Municipality for 24 months
(R100 non-refundable
tender charge - cash or bank
guaranteed cheques only)
Closing date: 14 November
A compulsory site inspection
will be held at 09:00, on
2014-10-24, at the Engineering Training Centre, 8
Electron Road, Springfield,
Durban (Use entrance gate
at Roads & Stormwater
Maintenance Depot). Tenders submitted by tenderers
who do not attend this
meeting will not be considered. Only those tenderers
who are registered with
the CIDB, or are capable of
being registered prior to the
evaluation of submissions,
in a contractor grading designation equal to or higher
than a contractor grading
designation determined in
accordance with the sum
tendered for a 2CE class of
construction work or higher,
are eligible to tender. Tender
documents must be collected
no later than 3 days from
close of tender.
All enquiries: Tel. No.: 031311 7429 (Zama Skhosana).
1M-123408 Enquiry for
crack sealing on various
roads located within the
West Central Region of
eThekwini Municipality for
24 months (R250 non-refundable tender charge
- cash or bank guaranteed
cheques only)
Closing date: 14 November
A compulsory site inspection
will be held at 09:00, on
2014-10-24, at the Engineering Training Centre, 8
Electron Road, Springfield,
Durban (Use entrance gate
at Roads & Stormwater
Maintenance Depot). Tenders submitted by tenderers
who do not attend this
meeting will not be considered. Only those tenderers
who are registered with
the CIDB, or are capable of
being registered prior to the
evaluation of submissions,
in a contractor grading designation equal to or higher
than a contractor grading
designation determined in
accordance with the sum
tendered for a 2CE class of
construction work or higher,
are eligible to tender. Tender
documents must be collected
no later than 3 days from
close of tender.
All enquiries: Tel. No.: 031311 7429 (Zama Skhosana).
1M-123409 Enquiry for
crack sealing on various
roads located within the
West Region of eThekwini
Municipality for 24 months
(R100 non-refundable
tender charge - cash or bank
guaranteed cheques only)
Closing date: 14 November
A compulsory site inspection
will be held at 09:00, on
2014-10-24, at the Engineering Training Centre, 8
Electron Road, Springfield,
Durban (Use entrance gate
at Roads & Stormwater
Maintenance Depot). Tenders submitted by tenderers
who do not attend this
meeting will not be considered. Only those tenderers
who are registered with
the CIDB, or are capable of
being registered prior to the
evaluation of submissions,
in a contractor grading designation equal to or higher
than a contractor grading
designation determined in
accordance with the sum
tendered for a 2CE class of
construction work or higher,
are eligible to tender. Tender
documents must be collected
no later than 3 days from
close of tender.
All enquiries: Tel. No.: 031311 7429 (Zama Skhosana).
1R-11405 Construction
of Bus Route 3.1, Phase
2 (Nombonjane Mtshali
Drive), Inanda – Ward 57
(R1000 non-refundable
tender charge - cash or bank
guaranteed cheques only)
Closing date: 14 November
A compulsory project clarification meeting will be held
at 11:00, on 2014-10-24, at
the Conference Room (Room
213), on the 2nd Floor, Roads
Provision Department
Building, 30 Archie Gumede
(Old Fort) Place, Durban.
A site inspection will take
place after the meeting if
required by the tenderers
present. Tenders submitted
by tenderers who do not
attend this meeting will not
be considered. Only those
tenderers who are registered with the CIDB, or are
capable of being registered
prior to the evaluation of
submissions, in a contractor
grading designation equal to
or higher than a contractor
grading designation determined in accordance with
the sum tendered for a 6CE
class of construction work or
higher, are eligible to tender.
Enquiries: Technical: Tel.
No.: 031-311 7624 (Y. Pillay);
General: Tel. No.: 031-311
7630 (G. Lombard).
1R-14666 Construction of
Honeysuckle Place in Ward
60 (R100 non-refundable
tender charge - cash or bank
guaranteed cheques only)
Closing date: 31 October
A compulsory site inspection will be held at 10:00,
on 2014-10-23, at the end of
Honeysuckle Place, Verulam.
Tenders submitted by tenderers who do not attend this
meeting will not be considered. Only those tenderers
who are registered with
the CIDB, or are capable of
being registered prior to the
evaluation of submissions,
in a contractor grading designation equal to or higher
than a contractor grading
designation determined in
accordance with the sum
tendered for a 2CE class of
construction work or higher,
are eligible to tender. Tender
documents must be collected
no later than 3 days from
close of tender.
All enquiries: Tel. No.: 031311 7261(V. Sewpersad).
1R-14896 Rick Turner Road
and Sphiwe Zuma Avenue
(Farmon Road) Intersection
Improvement in Umbilo Ward 101 (R250 non-refundable tender charge - cash or
bank guaranteed cheques
Closing date: 31 October
A compulsory site inspection
will be held at 11:00, on
2014-10-27, at the Intersection of Rick Turner (Francois
Road) and Sphiwe Zuma Avenue (Farmon Road) – Opposite UKZN Gate 3 Debonairs Pizza (30º58’40.156”E,
29º52’565”S). Tenders
submitted by tenderers who
do not attend this meeting
will not be considered. Only
those tenderers who are registered with the CIDB, or are
capable of being registered
prior to the evaluation of
submissions, in a contractor
grading designation equal to
or higher than a contractor
grading designation determined in accordance with
the sum tendered for a 3CE
class of construction work or
higher, are eligible to tender.
Tender documents must be
collected no later than 3 days
from close of tender.
All enquiries: Tel. No.: 031311 7601 (J. Dilrajh).
1R-15168 Construction of
access roads in Ward 16 &
19 (R500 non-refundable
tender charge - cash or bank
guaranteed cheques only)
Closing date: 31 October
A compulsory site inspection
will be held at 11:00, on
2014-10-23, at the Intersection of Wyebank Road
and Dahlia Drive, Kloof,
(29º46’46.4”S 30º51’58.5”E).
Tenders submitted by tenderers who do not attend this
meeting will not be considered. Only those tenderers
who are registered with
the CIDB, or are capable of
being registered prior to the
evaluation of submissions,
in a contractor grading designation equal to or higher
than a contractor grading
designation determined in
accordance with the sum
tendered for a 5CE class of
construction work or higher,
are eligible to tender. Tender
documents must be collected
no later than 3 days from
close of tender.
All enquiries: Tel. No.: 031311 7601 (J. Dilrajh).
1R-15473 Construction of
sidewalks in Phoenix (R250
non-refundable tender
charge - cash or bank guaranteed cheques only)
Closing date: 31 October
A compulsory site inspection
will be held at 10:00, on
2014-10-23, at Fordingbridge
Place, Phoenix. Tenders
submitted by tenderers who
do not attend this meeting
will not be considered. Only
those tenderers who are registered with the CIDB, or are
capable of being registered
prior to the evaluation of
submissions, in a contractor
grading designation equal to
or higher than a contractor
grading designation determined in accordance with
the sum tendered for a 4CE
class of construction work or
higher, are eligible to tender.
Tender documents must be
collected no later than 3 days
from close of tender.
All enquiries: Tel. No.:
031-311 7608 (Noluthando
1R-15700 Intersection
improvements, sidewalks
Sydenham: RD Naidu/
Howell/Crocus - Ward 25
and Bus Bay: Rippon Road –
Ward 31 (R250 non-refundable tender charge - cash or
bank guaranteed cheques
Closing date: 31 October
A compulsory site inspection
will be held at 12:00, on
2014-10-23, at the Intersection of Roslyn and RD Naidu
Road, Sydenham. Tenders
submitted by tenderers who
do not attend this meeting
will not be considered. Only
those tenderers who are registered with the CIDB, or are
capable of being registered
prior to the evaluation of
submissions, in a contractor
grading designation equal to
or higher than a contractor
grading designation determined in accordance with
the sum tendered for a 4CE
class of construction work or
higher, are eligible to tender.
Tender documents must be
collected no later than 3 days
from close of tender.
All enquiries: Tel. No.: 031311 7728 (L. N. J. Cloete).
1R-15701 Nkonka Road Phase 3 – KwaMashu, Ward
45 (R250 non-refundable
tender charge - cash or bank
guaranteed cheques only)
Closing date: 31 October
A compulsory site inspection
will be held at 14:00, on
2014-10-23, at the Intersection of Nkonka Road,
KwaMashu - Off Impungushe off Mqhawe Road
– Ward 45 (Ntuzuma B).
Tenders submitted by tenderers who do not attend this
meeting will not be considered. Only those tenderers
who are registered with
the CIDB, or are capable of
being registered prior to the
evaluation of submissions,
in a contractor grading designation equal to or higher
than a contractor grading
designation determined in
accordance with the sum
tendered for a 3CE class of
construction work or higher,
are eligible to tender. Tender
documents must be collected
no later than 3 days from
close of tender.
All enquiries: Tel. No.: 031311 7728 (L. N. J. Cloete).
4V-13115 Ushukela Drive
Upgrade, Stage 1 - Tongaat
(Gopalall Hurbans Road to
High Street) (R500 non-refundable tender charge
- cash or bank guaranteed
cheques only)
Closing date: 31 October
A compulsory site inspection will be held at 10:00,
on 2014-10-24, at Tongaat
Town Hall. Tenders submitted by tenderers who do not
attend this meeting will not
be considered. Only those
tenderers who are registered with the CIDB, or are
capable of being registered
prior to the evaluation of
submissions, in a contractor
grading designation equal to
or higher than a contractor
grading designation determined in accordance with
the sum tendered for a 6CE
class of construction work or
higher, are eligible to tender.
Tender documents must be
collected no later than 3 days
from close of tender.
All enquiries: Tel. No.:
031-311 6053 or 031-311
6096 (Pam Moodley/Vinesh
Tender documents (available
in English) are obtainable
from the Cashier, Basement,
Engineering Unit, Municipal
Centre, 166 KE Masinga (Old
Fort) Road, Durban
(between 08:00 and 12:30
and from 13:15 to 15:15)
1H-15717 Material supply
and wage disbursements
for 50 top structures at
lower Thornwood Phase 1
and Mpola Phases 1 and 2
Upgrade and Formalisation
Housing Project (R250
non-refundable tender
charge - cash or bank guaranteed cheques only)
Closing date: 14 November
A compulsory site inspection
will be held at 10:00, on
2014-10-31, at the GA Room,
17 – 30 October 2014
New Germany Library, 90
Qashana Khuzwayo Road,
New Germany. Tenders submitted by tenderers who do
not attend this meeting will
not be considered. Tender
documents must be collected
no later than 3 days from
close of tender.
All enquiries: Tel. No.: 031311 6513 (Fikile Sigwebela).
Tender documents (available
in English) are obtainable
from the Cashier, Basement,
Engineering Unit, Municipal
Centre, 166 KE Masinga (Old
Fort) Road, Durban
(between 08:00 and 12:30
and from 13:15 to 15:15)
1C-7059 Manufacture, delivery and maintenance of
a fully equipped command
vehicle for Disaster Management for a 36-month period (R500 non-refundable
tender charge - cash or bank
guaranteed cheques only)
Closing date: 14 November
A compulsory briefing session will be held at 09:00, on
2014-10-31, in the Boardroom, Disaster Management
Centre, 3 Jelf Taylor Crescent,
Durban. Tenders will not be
considered from tenderers
who do not attend.
Enquiries: Technical: Tel.
No.: 031-361 0011 (Mervyn
Govender); General: Tel.
No.: 031-367 0010 (Luleka
Sele/ Bridget Maphumulo).
Tender documents (available
in English) are obtainable
from the Cashier, Basement,
Engineering Unit, Municipal
Centre, 166 KE Masinga (Old
Fort) Road, Durban
(between 08:00 and 12:30
and from 13:15 to 15:15)
S.4089 Supply and delivery of flower seeds for 24
months (R100 non-refundable tender charge - cash or
bank guaranteed cheques
Closing date: 14 November
Enquiries: Technical: Tel.
No.: 031-311 4038 (Kate
Emge); General: Tel. No.:
031-311 7535 (B. Mathibeli).
S.5008 Supply and delivery
of pine bark for 24 months
(R100 non-refundable
tender charge - cash or bank
guaranteed cheques only)
Closing date: 14 November
Enquiries: Technical: Tel.
No.: 031-311 4038 (Kate
Emge); General: Tel. No.:
031-311 7535 (B. Mathibeli).
S.5011 Supply and delivery
of road traffic signal head
assemblies and associated
apparatus for a period of 24
months (R250 non-refundable tender charge - cash or
bank guaranteed cheques
Closing date: 14 November
Enquiries: Technical: Tel.
No.: 031-311 7667 (R. Freitas); General: Tel. No.: 031311 7424 (Harry Sirriram).
S.5014 Supply and delivery
of brush cutter nylon for 24
months (R250 non-refundable tender charge - cash or
bank guaranteed cheques
Closing date: 14 November
Enquiries: Technical: Tel.
No.: 031-311 4028 (Law-
17 – 30 October 2014
rence Schneider); General:
Tel. No.: 031-311 7535 (B.
1E-15751 Rental of office
accommodation for Housing Department, eThekwini
Municipality for a 36-month
period (R1000 non-refundable tender charge - cash or
bank guaranteed cheques
Closing date: 14 November
Compulsory site briefing to
be held at 10h00 on Friday
31 October 2014 at 75 Langalibelele Street. Tenderers
at to meet on the 18th floor,
Boardroom No: 2
Moodley Tel: 0313114328
031 311 7532
1L-15351 Appointment of a
supplier to provide support
and maintenance on the
Roads & Stormwater Maintenance Works Management System for a period of
3 years (R500 non-refundable tender charge - cash or
bank guaranteed cheques
Closing date: 14 November
A compulsory briefing session will be held at 09:00, on
2014-10-23, in the 8th Floor
Boardroom, Rennies House,
41 Margaret Mncadi Avenue,
Durban. Tenders will not be
considered from tenderers
who do not attend.
Enquiries: Isquotes2@
1P-15752 Management
and maintenance of Papwa
Sewgolum Golf Course (R1000 non-refundable
tender charge - cash or bank
guaranteed cheques only)
Closing date: 14 November
A compulsory briefing
session will be held at 09:00,
on 2014-10-31, at Papwa
Sewgolum Golf Course, Sirripat Road, Reservoir Hills.
Tenders will not be considered from tenderers who do
not attend.
Enquiries: Technical:
Tel. No.: 031-322 4352 (I.
Phewa); General: Tel. No.:
031-311 7532 (R Kooblal).
Tender documents (available
in English) are obtainable
from the Cashier, Ground
Floor, Water & Sanitation
Customer Services Building,
133 KE Masinga (Old Fort)
Road, Durban (between
08:00 and 12:30 and from
13:15 to 15:15)
WS.6553 Crowder Pumpstation – Electrical panel
design and installation
(R100 non-refundable tender charge - cash or bank
guaranteed cheques only)
Closing date: 7 November
A compulsory site inspection will be held at 10:00,
on 2014-10-23, at Bosch
Projects, 1 Holwood Park,
5 Canegate Road, La Lucia
Ridge. Tenders will not be
considered from tenderers
who do not attend. Only
those tenderers who are registered with the CIDB, or are
capable of being registered
prior to the evaluation of
submissions, in a contractor
grading designation equal to
or higher than a contractor
grading designation determined in accordance with
the sum tendered for a 2EB
class of construction work or
higher, are eligible to tender.
Tender documents must
be collected no later than 3
days from close of tender.
All enquiries: Tel. No.: 031535 6167 (John Brandon).
WS.6554Nyokeni Pumpstation – Electrical panel
design and installation
(R100 non-refundable tender charge - cash or bank
guaranteed cheques only)
Closing date: 7 November
A compulsory site inspection will be held at 10:00,
on 2014-10-23, at Bosch
Projects, 1 Holwood Park,
5 Canegate Road, La Lucia
Ridge. Tenders will not be
considered from tenderers
who do not attend. Only
those tenderers who are registered with the CIDB, or are
capable of being registered
prior to the evaluation of
submissions, in a contractor
grading designation equal to
or higher than a contractor
grading designation determined in accordance with
the sum tendered for a 2EB
class of construction work or
higher, are eligible to tender.
Tender documents must
be collected no later than 3
days from close of tender.
All enquiries: Tel. No.: 031535 6167 (John Brandon).
WS.6558Blackburn Reservoir – The construction of
a 17.5 Megalitre Reservoir,
Inlet & Outlet Pipe Work and
Associated Works (R1000
non-refundable tender
charge - cash or bank guaranteed cheques only)
Closing date: 14 November
A compulsory site inspection
will be held at 10:00, on
2014-10-31, in Room 301,
3rd Floor, eThekwini Water
and Sanitation Services
Building, 3 Prior Road,
Durban. Tenders will not be
considered from tenderers
who do not attend. Only
those tenderers who are registered with the CIDB, or are
capable of being registered
prior to the evaluation of
submissions, in a contractor
grading designation equal to
or higher than a contractor
grading designation determined in accordance with
the sum tendered for a 7CE
class of construction work or
higher, are eligible to tender.
All enquiries: Tel. No.: 031265 6007 (J. Burath).
WS.6659Belvedere 1 and
Magabheni 2 Reservoir
Pumpstations – Electrical
panel design, construction
and installation: Wards 61
& 99 (R250 non-refundable
tender charge - cash or bank
guaranteed cheques only)
Page 18
Closing date: 7 November
A compulsory site inspection will be held at 10:00,
on 2014-10-23, at Mott
MacDonald PDNA, 635
Peter Mokaba (Ridge) Road,
Overport. Tenders will not
be considered from tenderers
who do not attend. Only
those tenderers who are registered with the CIDB, or are
capable of being registered
prior to the evaluation of
submissions, in a contractor
grading designation equal to
or higher than a contractor
grading designation determined in accordance with
the sum tendered for a 3EB
class of construction work or
higher, are eligible to tender.
Tender documents must
be collected no later than 3
days from close of tender.
All enquiries: Tel. No.: 031275 6900 (Dick Govender).
WS.6681 Leachate, stormwater and silt management
at the Mariannhill landfill
site (R250 non-refundable
tender charge - cash or bank
guaranteed cheques only)
Closing date: 7 November
A compulsory site inspection
will be held at 10:00, on
2014-10-24, at the Landfill
Boma, Mariannhill Landfill Site. Tenders will not be
considered from tenders who
do not attend. Only those
tenderers who are registered with the CIDB, or are
capable of being registered
prior to the evaluation of
submissions, in a contractor
grading designation equal to
or higher than a contractor
grading designation determined in accordance with
the sum tendered for a 3CE
class of construction work or
higher, are eligible to tender.
Tender documents must
be collected no later than 3
days from close of tender.
All enquiries: Tel. No.: 031275 6900 (Vijay Domun).
Tender documents (available in English) are obtainable from Zanele Njapha at
the Communications Unit
Administration, 7th Floor,
Rennie House, 41 Margaret
Mncadi Avenue, Durban
COM.042 Appointment of a
creative and branding service provider for a period of
36 months (R1000 non-refundable tender fee – cash
or bank guaranteed cheques
Closing date: 14 November
A compulsory briefing meeting will be held at 10:00, on
2014-10-24, in the Communications Boardroom,
7th Floor Rennies House, 41
Margaret Mncadi Avenue,
Durban. Tenders submitted
by tenderers who do not attend this compulsory meeting will not be considered.
All enquiries: Tel. No.: 031311 4824 (Collin Pillay).
Sibusiso Sithole
City Manager
The Municipality’s Business Support, Tourism and Markets Unit invites people residing in Durban and surrounding areas to apply for street trading sites at the following trading areas:
CBD 01
CBD 01
CBD 01
CBD 01
CBD 01
CBD 01
CBD 01
CBD 01
CBD 01
CBD 01
CBD 01
CBD 02
CBD 02
CBD 02
CBD 02
CBD 02
CBD 02
CBD 02
CBD 02
CBD 02
CBD 02
CBD 02
CBD 03
CBD 03
CBD 03
Anton Lembede (Smith Street )
Broad Street
Dr AB Xuma (Commercial Street)
Dr Pixley Ka-Isaka Seme (West Street )
Hooper Lane
Foundary Lane
Monty Naiker Road (Pine Street)
Joseph Nduli (Russel Street)
Plowright Lane
School Lane
Smith Street Kiosk
Johannes Nkosi Str (Alice Street)
Dr Yusuf Dadoo Str ( Grey Street)
Dr Goonam Street (Prince Edward)
Denis Hurley Street (Queen Street)
Soldiersway Bus Rank
Bertha Mkhize
Brook Street A
Brook Street B
Brook Street Kiosk
Brook Street Taxi Rank
Umgeni Road
Derby Street
Osbourne Road
Canongate Road
Block 11
Block 13
Block 14
Block 15
Block 22
Block 24
Block 27
Block 30
Block 32
Block 33
Block 35
Brook Street Beadwork
09 Tables
01 Table
07 Tables
Demarcated: 07
Non- Demarcated
sites: 24 tables
2 Tables
2 Tables
06 Tables
11 Tables
EMMANUEL NZUZA 031 201 2453 /071 574 3315.
Bus Rank
Moss Street
Ireland Street
Taxi Rank Lower
Bus Rank
ANDREAS MKHIZE 031 322 1781 OR 083 377 6174.
Phoenix Plaza
NOSISA MABASO 031 311 4612 /082 576 4539.
Hammarsdale Taxi Rank
Wiggins Hive
Promenade Beach
Winklespruit Beach
Trolley pushers
North Beach Photographers 04
Block 11 C
Arts & Crafts
Arts & Crafts
ABI-Coca Cola Products
Arts & Crafts
VUMI MCHUNU, 031 368 1660 OR 083 626 9669.
Potential applicants are invited to write an application letter for the above should they
meet the following criteria:
• Trading on full time basis
• Unemployed or have no other trading site within eThekwini Municipality Area
Applications should include these requirements:
• Trading activity/Product to be sold
• State if you are physically challenged and supply proof
• Full address and provide us with proof of address
• State your gender
• ID copy
Applications should be directed to the Area Managers, with the above given.
Closing date is 30 October 2014, at 12:00 noon.
Sibusiso Sithole
City Manager
Page 19
17 – 30 October 2014
The Durban Pension Fund Department of eThekwini Municipality 6th floor Florence Mkhize Building, 251 Anton Lembede Street is looking for the relatives,
parents or guardians of the below listed beneficiaries who were fathered by the employees of eThekwini who died in service. Anyone who may assist the fund
in paying the pension benefits can contact Thami Mtshali on 031-311 1603.
Decease Name & Surname
Date of Death
Beneficiaries Name/s
Thembinkosi Cedrick Khubheka
14 April 2003
Durban Transport
Thembelihle Nokuphiwa Kubheka.
Andries Mzuwakhe Mtshali
28 April 2003
Durban Transport
Sambulo Mjaja
Mkakeni Mnwabe
15 December 2002
Silindile Dlamini
Muntu Philemon Madlala
13 August 2005
Sebenzile Boja , Banele Boja.
Mkhonzeni George Mhlongo
15 November 2003
Lindani Mhlongo
Khangelani Happy Zukulu
17 December 2006
Siphumelele Zukulu, Nolwazi MJiyako.
Lungisani Eric Ngoyi
26 February 2004
City Health
Ntombizimbili Hlengiwe Nxumalo, Nsebenzo Workers Thusi.
Michael Mboniseni Zulu
02 June 2007
City Health
Sinegugu Zongalo
Nikithemba Vincent Cele
13 November 2003
Sabelo Famous Cele
Sibusiso Agripa Manqele
07 July 2007
Siyabonga Manqele
Musawenkosi Jerome Maseko
09 August 2007
Nosihle Mhlongo.
Kwazikhwakhe Nsimbi
10 May 2002
Phumla Phumezi Nsimbi, Halala Yameka Duma.
Mthandeni Mduduzi Mthembu
26 January 2004
Zandile Luthuli, Nontobeko Nxumalo
Philani Thembalethu Madikizela
10 February 2003
Amanda Hlengwa
Nkosini Bhekokwakhe Ndlovu
27 December 2004
Bongamadla Ndlovu
Mxolisi Herman Mtshali
22 December 2005
Ntandoyenkosi Ngidi
Mkhethwa Fano Mbanjwa
18 October 2003
Nosihle Tshoba, Nelisiwe Thembeka Khwela, Siphesihle osika Xaba.
Thwaku Majola
23 September 2002
Sicelo Majola.
France Luthuli
16 September 1998
Samukelisiwe Gwala.
Tende Ngema
25 February 2003
Sibongakonke Ngcobo
Mzokhona Nsindane
12 November 2005
Nokuzama Cele
Mandla Chitheka Biyela
31 May 2004
Saneliso Gawuza Tabu
Kwazikwakhe Musawenkosi Nsimbi
10 May 2002
Sizwe Sandile Nsimbi
Mbuyiseni John Nkabinde
10 June 2006
City Engineers
Kwandokuhle Mazibuko
Amon Zamokwakhe Mdleko
11 March 2003
City Engineers
Nkanyiso Innocent Dlomo
Nondwayiza Msweli
10 June 1997
City Engineers
Xolile Msweli
Bafana James Mpanza
7 November 1999
City Engineers
Mashiyana Siyabonga Mpanza
Bonginkosi Mtsheneni Mgenge
31 July 2008
City Engineers
Anele Lindokuhle Mahlonto.
Paulos Khumalo
17 February 2003
City Engineers
Mondli Khumalo,Mfanafuthi Emmanuel Magewu
Vusi Luke Dubazane
15 January 1996
City Police
Asanda Nene
Gwazendlini Ndlovu
24 May 1996
Thobani Mlamla
Sibusiso Sithole
City Manager
CONTRACT NO. 7G-15914:
Investigation of youth
education and employment interventions in
Request for Proposals for a
service provider to investigate the variety of youth
education and employment interventions within
the eThekwini Municipal
Area (EMA) within the
context of persistently high
youth unemployment.
This project falls within the
scope of the Economic Development and Investment
Promotion Unit. Interested parties can collect the
Terms of Reference document which outlines the
requirements for this proposal from the Economic
Development and Investment Promotion Unit
offices on the 11th Floor, 41
Margaret Mncadi Avenue
(Victoria Embankment),
work days, between 8:00
and 16:00, or can contact
Ms. Caili Forrest by email
for an electronic copy:
za. The document can also
be downloaded from the
Council website: http://
Tel enquiries: 031-311
4247/4227. The closing
date for submissions of
proposals is 11:00, on the
31st October 2014.
Sibusiso Sithole
City Manager
The Municipality’s Festive Season Management Committee (FESMAC) wishes to inform
all event organisers, companies and individuals who want to hold events/activities in
Durban and/or along the beaches during the festive season that the cut-off date for
applications to hold such events is Friday, 07 November 2014. The festive season
period is from 05 December 2014 to 31 January 2015.
This applies to areas/beaches in central Durban, southern and northern.
Central Beach Front
From Blue Lagoon to
Ushaka Marine World
Isipingo South
La Mercy
Warner Beach
Application forms to stage your event/ program must be obtained and returned to the
Events Office, Loram house, 70 Masabalala Yengwa Avenue (Previously MNR Avenue)
or emailed to Archel.somaroo@durban.gov.za. Activities must be interactive and attract
public involvement. Please note that sending an application does not guarantee
permission. The applicant will be notified whether the application has been successful
or not.
For enquiries contact: 031 311 4721
“Together, building eThekwini to be Africa’s most caring and liveable city”
Notice is hereby given that
eThekwini Municipality
Water and Sanitation has
applied for environmental authorisation for the
Sewer Reticulation System
installation in Wood and
Limpus Road, Sarnia,
Environmental Authorisation and Licensing is
conducted in accordance
with the following legislation:
• Environmental Authorisation from the KZN Department of Agriculture
and Environmental Affairs
in terms of the National
Environmental Management Act, 1998 (Act No.
107 of 1998) (NEMA) and
associated Environmental
Impact Assessment (EIA)
Regulations (GNR. 544, 18
June 2010).
proposed site is located in
Wood and Limpus Roads,
which falls within the
jurisdiction of the City of
eThekwini Municipality,
KwaZulu-Natal Province.
PROCESS: GIBB Engineering and Architecture
have been appointed as
an independent Environmental Assessment
Practitioner (EAP) by
eThekwini Municipality
Water and Sanitation to
undertake the environmental authorisation
and associated public
participation processes
in support of the above
DRAFT BASIC ASSESSMENT REPORT: Interested and Affected Parties
(I&AP’s) are invited to
register and/ or comment
on the draft Basic Assessment Report (BAR).The
public review period will
be from Thursday, 11 September 2014 to Wednesday, 22 October 2014. The
draft BAR is available for
comment at the following
The Draft Basic Assessment Report is also available on the GIBB website
at the following link:
• http://projects.gibb.co.
• A CD copy is available
upon request. Please
contact Katherine de Jong
on the details provided
• A hard copy placed at
the Pinetown Centre Library, Josiah Gumede Rd,
Pinetown. Please do not
remove the hard copies
from the library.
Should you wish to be
registered as an I&AP,
obtain additional information or comment on
the proposed project,
please contact the Public
Participation Office by no
later than Wednesday 22
October 2014 using the
contact details hereunder.
Attention: Katherine de
Jong: Tel: 031-267 8560;
Fax: 031-266 3310; Post:
PO Box 1365, Westville,
3630; Email:
The Public Participation
Office is open during
office hours from Monday
to Friday, excluding Public
Sibusiso Sithole
City Manager
17 – 30 October 2014
The Human Settlements & Infrastructure Cluster, Engineering Unit, is offering excellent opportunities to South African
citizens interested in a rewarding career, in Architecture,
Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering or Mechanical
Engineering, within the Unit.
The successful applicants
will be required to enter into
a bursary agreement, with
the eThekwini Municipality, to attend courses at an
approved local university
leading to a Bachelor’s degree in one of the abovementioned fields. The benefits of
the bursary, which include,
accommodation, tuition
fees, examination fees, and a
book/equipment allowance,
are payable throughout the
bursary period, (subject to
compliance with the agreement). Preference will be
given to applicants who have
passed at least their first year
of studies at a recognised
institution, and applicants
must include their full academic record. Priority will be
given to applicants who are
under represented in terms
of race, gender and disability.
Applications must reach The
Human Resources Administration, Engineering Unit, 166
Ke Masinga (Old Fort) Road,
Durban, 4001 Or P.O. Box 680,
Durban, 4000, (Telephone
031-3117740) or apply via
the web www.durban.gov.za
not later than 2014-10-31 at
12:00 (Midday)
Please Note: Applicants who have not been contacted or
notified within ten weeks from the closing date of this advert
should consider themselves unsuccessful.
CONTRACT NO. 7G-15913:
Recycling Value Chain Analyses: Organic Waste
Request for Proposals for a
service provider to undertake research into recycling
within key organic waste
value chains. This project
falls within the scope of the
Economic Development and
Investment Promotion Unit.
Interested parties can collect
the Terms of Reference
document which outlines
the requirements for this
proposal from the Economic
Development and Investment Promotion Unit offices
on the 11th Floor, 41 Margaret Mncadi Avenue (Victoria
Embankment) work days,
between 8:00 and 16:00, or
can contact Ms. Caili Forrest
by email for an electronic
copy: Caili.Forrest@durban.
gov.za. The documentcan
also be downloaded from
the Council website: http://
Tel enquiries: 031-311
The closing date for submissions of proposals is 11:00,
on the 31st October 2014.
Sibusiso Sithole
City Manager
- 2014/15
The Communications Unit
invites qualified social or
market research service providers to submit quotations
to undertake a Clean My City
Campaign Survey -2014/15
for a sample of 500 respondents to provide Municipal
decision makers with a
scientific basis for assessing
the perceptions of Residents,
Municipal Staff and Business
regarding their adoption of
the Clean my City Campaign.
1) Project preparation
including (training, logistics
plan, finalisation of the questionnaire, detailed schedule
with fieldwork and timelines
for the project).
2) Fieldwork including (pilot,
questionnaire revision, fieldwork and back checking).
3) Data Entry including
(coding, data entry, quality
Page 20
4) Data Analysis including
(table production).
5) Report Writing including
(reporting on frequencies
and cross tabs).
The project brief can be collected from Reception Area,
7th Floor, Rennie House, 41
Margaret Mncadi Avenue,
Durban or by email from Sindy.Mtolo@durban.gov.za
The brief is also available on
website : www.durban.gov.za
Sealed quotations addressed
to the Communications Unit
and marked: “Contract Number : 2014-15/019” CLEAN
must be placed in the
quotation box located in the
Reception Area, 7th Floor,
Rennie House, 41 Margaret
Mncadi Avenue Durban, not
later than 16h00 on 31October 2014.
ENQUIRIES: For more information contact Sindy Mtolo,
on 0313114802 email:
Sibusiso Sithole
City Manager
UShaka Marine World hereby invites all prospective
suppliers to tender for the
supply and delivery of an
Ozone Generator
The successful tenderers
will be listed on the supplier
database on our website. The
intent is to provide opportunities to all potential suppliers and to promote Black
Economic Empowerment
through the development of
SMME and HDI Businesses
in terms of our Procurement
Policy. Tender documentation may be collected at
our offices located at 1 King
Shaka Avenue, Durban:
Venue: The Procurement
From: 2014-10-17
Closing date: 2014-10-31, at
Times for collection of tenders: 09:00 to 16:00
Tender documentation
will not be available for
collection on all public
holidays and weekends. A
non-refundable documentation fee of R100.00 will be
applicable [Cheques to be
made payable to Durban
Marine Theme Park]. Late
tender submissions will not
be accepted. Kindly note that
telegraphic, telexed, emailed
or telefaxed proposals WILL
NOT be accepted. A compulsory site meeting will be
held at 09:00, on 2014-10-24,
at the uShaka Marine World.
All prospective suppliers
are to meet at the uShaka
Marine World Welcome
Centre. Tenders will not be
accepted from suppliers who
do not attend the compulsory site meeting. Sealed
proposals addressed to the
Tenders Section and marked:
“UMW.134 – The Supply
and Delivery of an Ozone
Generator for uShaka Marine
World” must be placed in
the tender box located on
the Ground Floor, Municipal
Buildings, 166 KE Masinga
(Old Fort) Road not later
than 11:00, on 2014-10-31.
Sibusiso Sithole
City Manager
Proposed draft tender 1H15353 for the professional
services appointment for
PDA approval and design
detail for a period of sixty
(60) months for eThekwini
in terms of Section 33 of the
Local Government Municipal Finance Management
Act, No .56 of 2003 that the
eThekwini Municipality
intends advertising a tender
for the Professional Services
Appointment for PDA Approval and Design Detail for
a period of sixty (60) months.
The resultant contract(s) that
may arise from the proposed
tender will impose a financial
obligation on the Municipality
for a period of longer than the
thirty six (36) months covered
in the annual budget for the
financial year 2014/2015.
in accordance with Section
21A and Section 21 of the
Local Government Municipal
Systems Act, No. 32 of 2000
that:(a) The local community and
other interested persons are
invited to submit comments
or representations to the
Municipality in respect of
the proposed draft tender
which may result in contract(s) exceeding thirty six
(36) months Such comments
or representations must be
received by no later than
Friday, 14 November 2014 via
electronic mail on the email
provided below or be delivered to the mailing address at
PO Box 1014, Durban, 4000
or lodged at the Tender Box
located on the Ground Floor,
City Engineers Building, 166
KE Masinga Road, Durban
marked, Section 33 Process
for Professional Services Appointment for PDA Approval
and Design Detail.
(b) Copies of the proposed
draft tender which may result
in contract (s) and information statement summarising
the Municipality’s obligation
in terms of the draft tender
which may result in contract
(s) are available for inspection
at all Municipal Libraries and
will also be accessible on the
official website www.durban.
gov.za as well as the Cashier,
Basement, Engineering
Unit, 166 KE Masinga Road,
Durban, 4000.
(c) Further details and clarity
may be requested via email on
(d) Persons who are physically
disabled or unable to write
but need to participate in the
process may present themselves during office hours
at the offices of the Supply
Chain Operations, Contract
Department, at Ground Floor,
MMB, 166 Archie Gumede
Place, Durban where a staff
member will assist them to
transcribe the relevant comments or representations.
Sibusiso Sithole
City Manager
1st Floor, City Hall
Dr Pixley Ka-Isaka Seme Street
Contract No. 1C-7059
Manufacture, delivery and maintenance of a fully equipped command
vehicle for Disaster Management for a 36-month period
(R500 non-refundable tender charge - cash or bank guaranteed cheques only)
Closing date: 14 November 2014
* A compulsory briefing session will be held at 09:00 am, on 2014-10-31,
in the Boardroom, Disaster Management Centre, 3 Jelf Taylor Crescent,
Durban. Tenders will not be considered from tenderers who do not attend.
* Tender documents (available in English) are obtainable from the Cashier,
Basement, Engineering Unit, Municipal Centre, 166 KE Masinga (Old Fort)
Road, Durban (between 08:00 and 12:30 and from 13:15 to 15:15).
Technical: Tel. No.: 031-361 0011 (Mervyn Govender);
General: Tel. No.: 031-367 0010 (Luleka Sele/ Bridget Maphumulo).
Sibusiso Sithole
City Manager
“Together, building eThekwini to be Africa’s most caring and liveable city”