Dirty Laundry - Elephant Times Newspaper
Dirty Laundry - Elephant Times Newspaper
HOW DO YOU KNOW THERE IS AN ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM? elephant times I N V E S T I G A T I V E VOLUME 1, ISSUE 01 GREATER EDMONTON’S CRITICAL NEWS SOURCE N E W S P A P E R Dirty Laundry: the contamination of Edmonton’s political landscape BY DARREN BOISVERT J ohn Rudolph and Rudy Wigger, owners of the iconic Page the Cleaners franchise, have not payed any civic taxes or rent on their main plant site in Edmonton for over 10 !"#$%&' ()*"+%' ),' -)."$+/"+0' )123#4%' within both the Alberta Government and the City of Edmonton have known about this deal from the beginning. The land under the main plant of Page the Cleaners on 142nd street has been contaminated with high levels of perchloroethylene (perc) for 15 years, and business owners were allowed to squat rent-and-tax free for a decade. The workers were exposed to high-levels of toxic contaminants from chemicals purposefully dumped behind the Page plant by the previous owners who then abandoned all responsibility for the clean-up. 5630' %0#-"' 4"78' 93/' :)$)+;3<=' ,)$mer President of Edmonton Northlands, Tom Eapen, current member of the Municipal Government Board, and Christy Whelehan, prominent developer with several ‘Celtic’ corporations. Government silence, collusion and extreme corporosity has piled up over the years until it blossomed into a golden road apple worth 1.3 million dollars for Page. In other countries of the world they call this corruption. Around these parts, it’s called the Alberta Advantage. Less regulation. Less oversight. Less taxes. Our mantra and mission. Less regulation. Less oversight. Less taxes. The Acolytes of Klein promised this province a business paradise, and despite their apparent ineptitude, they delivered. Credit earned is credit due. This Progressive Conservative government knows what they’re doing. They also clearly told Albertans the truth. But if debt incurred is also debt owed, then perhaps it’s better to focus on the Great Slogan Wars underway in the City of Champions. Or is that the City of Potholes? The Land of Endless Construction? When’s the election? Edmonton should be proud of it’s legacy and arenas and make something attitude. It’s hard to argue. >;$'-)."$+/"+0')123#4%'2#+'?$#+@'#' steer as well as they brand a province. They can also turn shit into gold with the wagging of their tongues. It’s true. It’s shiny, but it still stinks. In Edmonton, squatting on land is met with police raids and strong public condemnation from our politicians. Homeless people originally set up Tent City in 2007 in a public park but A"$"'/)."@='0B"+',)$2"@')C'0B"'D3%%"44' Center’s private parking lot by Alberta Health, and eventually evicted from public land by the police. The 4 a.m. police raid on the Occupy protestors in 2011 resulted in 6 people being charged under the Provincial Trespassing Law for squatting on Melcor/park land. And every summer, the kids seeking shelter in the river valley have been the target of police raids and given speeches about civic responsibilities. Property rights have been vigorously enforced on public, private, and P3 park spaces -- except when PC bums are doing the squatting and polluting. Our politicians speak loud and clear in the media for the need to ‘clean out the squatters’, and the police move in. EB"' )+4!' 0B3+-' 4"7' ?"B3+@' 3%' #' B;-"' gaping hole in our justice system. For will our courts uphold a law imposed with force when it isn’t applied fairly towards all citizens regardless of their !"#$%"&%'(")'*+,!-!+". Debt incurred is debt owed. They can clean anything at Page the Cleaners, except the toxic chemicals in their backyard. >;$' -)."$+/"+0' )123#4%' B#."' ?""+' reckless with people’s health and reckless with the law. For ten years they have covered up their corruption and tainted our legal system. The arrests were unjust. This debt remains unpaid. Dirty Laundry is part one of a series of reports into the legacy of Page the Cleaners. It’s the culmination of a ninemonth investigation into the contamination under our feet and in our government. The information that forms the )123#4' $"2)$@' ),' "."+0%' #+@' @"23%3)+%' came from tax assessment rolls, corpo$#0"' F43+-%' G)7"+' 3+#22;$#0"H=' 4"-#4' 4#+@' 0304"'%"#$2B"%'G0B#+<'!);'I"+03+"4'%0#CH=' and transcripts from court proceedings. Despite hundreds of emails and phone calls to Alberta Environment, Alberta Health, Alberta Finance, and the City of Edmonton Corporate Communications Department, none agreed to provide a comprehensive, sit-down interview on this story before deadline. Some spokespeople quoted policy from their prefabricated website material, others claimed @312;403"%' 3+' F+@3+-' J0B"' $3-B0' K"$%)+L=' many simply never responded to emails or telephone messages. The fact that most of the past and current owners of Page agreed to an interview, while our city and provincial ofF23#4%'24#3/"@'3-+)$#+2"='3%'0B"'24"#$"%0' indictment on their public transparency policies. Their inability to deal with this issue 3+' #'A#!' 0B#0' ?"+"F00"@' 0B"' /#M)$30!' ),' Albertans, while protecting and promot3+-'0B)%"'3+.)4."@='3%'#'N;"%03)+'?"%0'4"7' to the citizens of this city and province. ELEPHANT TIMES . INVESTIGATIVE NEWSPAPER 2 Principals in story DAVID STARKO: Owner of Page the Cleaners from 1980 until several sales of assets and land in 1993-1996. Starko was a small residual investor in the company (but not the land) until 2000. DICK JOHNSTON: PC MLA in Lethbridge from 1975 until 1993. Johnston held several cabinet posts including Alberta Treasurer from 1987-1992. Passed away in 2003. TOM EAPEN: Former manager for several dry cleaning operations until he purchased Page in 1993. Eapen is the former President of the federal PC Constituency in Millwoods. JIM WORONUIK: President of Edmonton Northlands from 1996. Page owner since 1993. Passed away in 2006. CHRISTY WHELEHAN: Owner of Celtic Development/Homes. Page owner since 1993. JOHN RUDOLPH: Current owner and CEO of Page since 2000. Also owner of Alberta Carpet & Furnace Cleaning. RUDY WIGGER: Co-owner of Page since 2000. Also owner of FDY Furniture and Wigger Draperies (was represented in this story by business partner John Rudolph). STORY BEGINS 1992 EAPEN8' I0#$<)' #+@' O' A"$"' friends since 1980. I called David and said, “Do you have any ,$#+2B3%"%',)$'%#4"PQ'R"')C"$"@' to sell the main plant to me. I bought the assets and main operating plant at 11416 142 street (the ‘land’) of the company in 1992. During the 1992 PC leadership race, I was with Doug Main, and Jim Woronuik was also with Doug. At one of the receptions, Jim approached me and said, “I heard of your company, and I want to come in.” I gave him 15% to be the PR person for the company. It was a big mistake taking Jim into the business. STARKO8' O' A#%' #KK$)#2B"@' by a group to sell the business in 1992. Dick Johnston was the mastermind of the deal. He asked me to sell the operating assets, the land and building. My understanding was that he was chairman and managing director. I did all the negotiating and discussions with him. R"' #$$#+-"@' 0B"' 4)#+%' #+@' Fnancing and had an investment company at the time. EAPEN8' (#.3@L%' /"/)$!' 3%+L0' too good. The investors behind me were Christy Whelehan and Sam Johnson. In 1993, Dick Johnston, I used to talk to him when I would see him. I used to be involved in politics, I was the riding president for the PC Riding Association in Millwoods. I consulted with Dickie in Canmore at his home there for advice. He would 4))<'#0'/!'F+#+23#4'%0#0"/"+0%' and give me some advice. It was in 1996 that I asked him to negotiate for me on a consulting basis. STARKO8' O+' STTU=' 0B"!' K;$chased the franchise company (a separate entity), bought other Page locations, and the Mr. Suede and Trudeau names. JUNE 2, 1993 AB Environment inspects the operation. Clean report sent to David Starko. EAPEN8'V0'0B"'"+@'),'STTU='0B"' friction started. Jim was President of Edmonton Northlands, he was ashamed to introduce me to his friends. Jim is a crook and never tells the truth. And I can state that to anyone. He wanted me to get rid of Christy Whelehan and take him on board for his share. Most of the cash, he pocketed it, and he also went to the managers, and talked about much of a better job he could do than me. On February 28, 1998, I came back from India and Christy 2#44"@' /"' 3+0)' 0B"' )12"&' R"' said, “Your position has been eliminated.” He accused me of stealing money from the company. So I transferred my shares to Jim, made him majority shareholder of ‘518’. JUNE 15, 1993 23rd Alberta Legislative Assembly election occurs. Dick 9)B+%0)+' )123#44!' $"03$"%' from politics. JUNE 24, 1993 Eapen (as Page) authorizes a Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment (ESA). Clean report. STARKO8'EB"'"+.3$)+/"+0#4' report was the end step to negotiations. In 1993, they purchased the land, building and the pick up and delivery business. AUGUST 16, 1993 Starko sells the land to 559035 Alberta (‘559’). Owners were Jim Woronuik (693241 Alberta); Christy Whelehan (542685 Alberta) and Tom Eapen (Allied Trading Corporation). Starko sells the operational assets to 518906 Alberta (‘518’). WHELEHAN8' O' B#@' #+' #2countant named Sam Johnson, who knew these guys. I put my money down, and it was the biggest mistake of my life. Jim ran the company. WHELEHAN8' 93/' A#+0"@' 0)' take over the business, and I thought it was the right thing to do at the time. But I wasn’t there. That was Jim. EAPEN8' EB"' K$)K"$0!' )A+"$ship (‘559’) did not change. I didn’t want to shut the whole door closed. I thought the property would get me back at some point. (Since this time), I have had no communications with the my previous business partners. As far as I knew, both ‘559’ and ‘518’ went bankrupt at the same time. DECEMBER 11, 1998 AB Environment begins an 3+."%03-#03)+' #7"$' $"2"3.3+-' a report that ‘perc’ from the dry-cleaning process was being dumped into the sanitary sewer and upon the land behind the plant. EAPEN8' W"$2' /)."%' 43<"' /"$cury. It moves in waves like a snake across and into the ground. That is one of the nasty qualities of this product. FEBRUARY 03, 1999 VD' 5+.3$)+/"+0' +)03F"%' Page of its investigation. AUGUST 17, 1999 Phase 2 ESA (holes drilled) completed at the request of the owners of ‘518’. High perc levels found. STARKO8' O' A#%' $"+03+-' 0A)' properties (outlets) to Page. Their check bounced. So I called them up. I said, “Jim, your check bounced. I’m willing to work with you for 6 months or a year, and turn it around.” Jim said to me, exact words, XY;2<')C&Q OCTOBER 05, 1999 693241 Alberta (Whelehan) 3%'%0$;2<')C'0B"'V4?"$0#'Z)$porate Registry for failure to F4"&'["/#3+%'@3$"20)$'),'J\\TL' and his dissolved company retains 42.5% ownership of ‘518’. DECEMBER 29, 1999 J\S]L' GWV^5H' F4"%' ,)$' ?#+<ruptcy protection with $1.5 million in debt. (ATB loses $260,000 in secured debt). APRIL 04, 2000 Z30!' ),' 5@/)+0)+' F4"%' 0#6' +)03F2#03)+'#+@'K4#2"%'#'43"+' against the land. APRIL 20, 2000 _W`^' F4"%' #' K$)K)%#4' 3+' court saying that 790443 (Wigger and Rudolph) had )C"$"@' 0)' K;$2B#%"' 0B"' J\S]L' business, subject to a number of conditions. JUNE 01, 2000 Allied Trading Corporation (Eapen) holding 39% owner%B3K' 3+' J\\TL' 3%' %0$;2<' )C' 0B"' Alberta Corporate Registry ,)$',#34;$"'0)'F4"&' JUNE 06, 2000 Lawyer James Culkin appointed as Director of ‘518’. Eapen is struck from ownership. JUNE 15, 2000 Wigger Draperies (Rudy Wigger and partner John Rudolph in 790443 Alberta) hires AGRA to do a subsoil phase 2 ESA. JUNE 26, 2000 Ignoring an order from Alberta Government to conduct another Phase 2 ESA, Page submits same report as previous one. JUNE 29, 2000 Judge approves bankruptcy proposal, giving control of assets (but not land) to 790443 (Wigger and Rudolph). AUGUST 02, 2000 Z"$03F2#0"' ),' lis pendens (lawsuit) against the land by Venstar Financial. STARKO8'O+'abbb='O'$"/"/?"$' talking to the Venstar guy. He said “We don’t want anything to do with this land, too much liability to it.” There was a relationship between Venstar and Dick Johnston. SEPTEMBER 26, 2000 Environmental Clean-up order issued against ‘559’ and ‘518’. RUDOLPH8' O' )123#44!' %3-+"@' the deal on October 20th, I never heard anything about this cleanup order, before the deal. STARKO8'9)B+'<+"A'#?);0'0B"' contamination before he purchased the building. He knew. He knew. NOVEMBER 11, 2000 Environmental order attached as a lien against the Page property. EAPEN8' O+' abbbcabbS=' O' was asked to go to the AB 5+.3$)+/"+0#4' )12"&' I0#$<)' said I should go. He drove me to the meeting and waited outside. They were accusing me. Jim and Christy said I dumped. ELEPHANT TIMES . INVESTIGATIVE NEWSPAPER They wanted to charge me, but Christy was the director of the property. Jim had the majority of shares. AB Environment tried to negotiate. They said, “You are all sitting here, the people who are responsible for this company, the board of directors.” Jim and Christy told everyone that I had polluted the place. I was sending the perc every month to Swann Hills (reclamation centre). I knew how serious it can be. I was sitting on the Federal Government Perc Taskforce. I wasn’t going to ruin myself. So I said, “To hell with it. Sue me. Bring evidence to 0B"'2);$0&'O'B#."'%0#C'AB)'A344' vouch that I never polluted.” WHELEHAN8' O' +"."$' B#@' #' meeting with Alberta Environment. I got a call from them. But that was it. I had no responsibility for the day-to-day operations. JANUARY 08, 2001 d"+%0#$' F+#+23#4' B3$"%' AMEC to do a Phase 2 ESA on the site. MARCH 03, 2001 City of Edmonton (COE) tax bill is payed by someone. RUDOLPH8'O'4"#%"@'0B"'?;34@ing from Chris Whelehan, a corporation. Within a couple of years, a lawyer with Venstar sent me back some checks. Since then, I have been here lease free. I have never paid taxes. If I had payed tax, would I be the guy who was deemed to be owner of the property? No one else was paying the bill, would they then swoop in and force me to clean the land? At the time, they said I had nothing to worry about. WHELEHAN8' O' +"."$' $"ceived money from anyone #7"$'abbb&' MAY 28, 2001 Thomas Eapen makes assignment into bankruptcy. He was defended in court by lawyer James Culkin, who in 2001, became director of 542685, the same company 0B#0'#22;%"@'B3/'),'0B"7'#+@' JF$"@'B3/L&' 3 DECEMBER 19, 2001 Jim Woronuik makes assignment into bankruptcy. Law!"$' 0"%03F"%' 3+' 2);$0' 0B#0' B"' remains employed by the current dry cleaning business. “He is just an employee.” NOVEMBER 18, 2003 Letter between AB Environment and COE. “While it appears to be contained onsite...it has migrated west from the plant site towards 143 St.” FEBRUARY 28, 2002 AB Environment conducts another phase 2 ESA. FEBRUARY 06, 2004 Letter between AB Environment and COE. “We should know what the vapor concentrations are in the soil below the building at the location where the soil concentrations were highest in order to determine if the vapors that might migrate into the building...would be of a high enough concentration to cause human impacts.” APRIL 23, 2002 Z30!' ),' 5@/)+0)+' F4"%' #+other tax notice against the site. MAY 29, 2002 Letter to the owner of AllType business (north of Page property) from AB Environment. “If the contamination moves, 30'A344'e)A'A30B'0B"'-$);+@water to the southwest and away from your property.” SEPTEMBER 09, 2002 Someone pays the City of Edmonton tax bill. RUDOLPH8' EB"$"' A#%' %0;C' sent to Christy Whelehan’s business from the City, but Page didn’t receive a bill until a tax assessment arrived this year. MARCH 02, 2003 542685 Alberta (Woronuik) is struck from the Alberta Corporate registry for fail;$"'0)'F4"&'f#%0'#++;#4'$"0;$+' F4"@'I"K0"/?"$'ST0B='abbb&' AUGUST 02, 2003 ‘518’ is struck from the Alberta Corporate Regis!"#$%&"$%'()*"+$!&$,)+- Only %B#$"B)4@"$' 2B#+-"' F4"@' )+' June 14th, 2001. At time of @3%%)4;03)+8' \gaU]\' G 93/H' held 57.45% 693241 (Chris) held 42.55%. SEPTEMBER 02, 2003 559035 Alberta (owners of property) is struck from the corporate registry.' f#%0' #++;#4' $"0;$+' F4"@' May 29, 2001. At dissolution, Eapen, Whelehan and Woronuik are still listed as owners through their corporate entities. SEPTEMBER 13, 2003 AB Environment conducts anther phase 2 ESA. I see Eapen, Whelehan, three 4#A!"$%=' #+@' )0B"$%&' `!' F$%0' thought was ‘Uh oh’. One of 0B"' )123#4%' %#3@=' X:"' #$"' B"$"' because the property needs to be cleaned up. You were all involved, and we need money to clean it up.” I said, “It was clean when I bought the land and I sold it clean.” I could see where this was heading. I was the only one with money, and I thought they were going to hit me up for cash. I walked out of the meeting right away. I never heard back from anyone. APRIL 19, 2004 Z30!' ),' 5@/)+0)+' F4"%' #+other tax notice against the site. RUDOLPH8' :"' B#@' #' $);+@' table discussion. AB Environment, myself, my lawyer, Dave Starko, Chris Whelehan, and Jim Woronuik. It was pretty casual at that time. They asked us a bunch of questions, but they weren’t good at answering ours. APRIL 26, 2004 AMEC engineers report that elevated organic vapor concentrations were encountered, ranging from 5 to 2,500 parts per million. JUNE 19, 2007 Tom Eapen is appointed by City Council to sit on the Edmonton Tax Assessment Appeal board for a six-year term. DECEMBER 19, 2005 Letter between AB Environment and COE. “My manager did advise me that our clean up fund has been very burdened this year with Wabamum and to not be surprised if my request is de+3"@';+034');$'+"60'F%2#4'!"#$' which would be April 2006.” APRIL 2009 Page land is listed owing the City of Edmonton $105,011.34 in back taxes. NOVEMBER 10,2005 Letter between AB Environment and COE. “As you are aware, we never 2)/K4"0"4!' @"F+"@' B)A' ,#$' our plume goes and whether or not it has passed under 143 street or not. I understand that this may involve obtaining some fairly expensive permits.” NOVEMBER 14, 2011 Minister of Finance appropriates 11416-142 Street K$)K"$0!',)$'hS&'>+4!'43"+%'4"7' attached to the property are the environmental cleanup )$@"$'#+@'0B"'Z>5'0#6'+)03Fcation (2003-2011 inclusive). MARCH 12, 2007 f#%0' $"K)$0' F4"@' ,)$' K;?432' viewing on the public environmental portal website. SUMMER 2006 Jim Woronuik passes away. STARKO8' O' -)0' #' 2#44' 3+' 0B"' mid 2000’s, I forget the exact date, to come to the AB Envi$)+/"+0#4' )12"&' O'A#4<' 3+' #+@' APRIL 2010 First time the City of Edmonton put the land up for public auction for failure to pay taxes. STARKO8' V+)0B"$' K"$%)+' 3+' the industry came to me and asked why his competitor (Rudolph) could get away without paying taxes and rent. So I went to the City’s tax department and asked. I was told that the property and business were under ‘special rules’. Finally, he admitted that the provincial government had taken over the property. RUDOLPH8' O' A#%' 2)+0#20"@' by the Alberta Government af- ter they took the land over. A year later, we started (discussing this), it was clearer in April (2013) and (by the end of September), we should have a deal. We are looking at moving the business to another location. Reclamation here isn’t going to be a huge deal, but disruptive. I’m negotiating the deadline right now for moving. STARKO8' O' /"0' _".3+' W#-"' (with Alberta Finance) January 23rd, 2013. As a way of getting information, I told him I was interested in buying the property. He said, “We are not doing anything with it right now.” He kept saying “no-comment”, and “I am not at liberty to disclose that information”. I think the government has their head up their ass if they don’t insist on him paying taxes. For the government to allow someone to sit in a building they own, and not pay rent and taxes is insane. I know other people in the business and it is a huge advantage to not pay the rent. The market rate for lease is about $9,000 a month. Government should not subsidize a business like Page that is making money. [Editor’s note: the land was assessed at approximately $27,000 a year for taxes. Added to $108,000 a year for leasing, -/!,' %0$(-%,' -+' (' -%"' 1%(2' (*proximate total of $1.3 million !"' ,(3!"4,' 5+2' 6$)+7*/' (")' Wigger.] APRIL 23, 2012 John Rudolph, Alberta Carpet & Furnace Cleaning, was nominated as Directorat-large for the Better Business Bureau in Edmonton for 2013-2014 (currently sits on board). The BBB knows ),' +)' %3-+3F2#+0' -)."$+/"+0' actions involving Cleaning By Page. MARCH 21, 2013 Tom Eapen is appointed to the Municipal Government Board. “All board members are appointed by Order in Council (Alberta PC government cabinet) on the basis of their experience and knowledge of assessment, taxation, planning, development and quasijudicial processes.” ELEPHANT TIMES . INVESTIGATIVE NEWSPAPER 4 The Alberta Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act, 2000 Spinning Dirty Laundry “Person responsible”, when used with reference to a substance or a thing containing a substance, means (i) the owner and a previous owner of the substance or thing, (ii) every person who has or has had charge, management or control of the substance or thing, including, without limitation, the manufacture, treatment, sale, handling, use, storage, disposal, transportation, display or method of application of the substance or thing, (iii) any successor, assignee, executor, administrator, receiver, receiver-manager or trustee of a person referred to in subclause (i) or (ii). B00K8cc2#+433&2#c0cS@62U' Re Woronuik (Bankrupt), 2002 ABQB 0095 January 28, 2002 Dock Bk0387593 IN THE COURT OF QUEEN’S BENCH OF ALBERTA JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF EDMONTON IN THE MATTER OF THE BANKRUPTCY OF JAMES ROY WORONUIK _______________________________________________________ MEMORANDUM OF DECISION of M. FUNDUK, Registrar in Bankruptcy _______________________________________________________ VWW5V[ViZ5I8 Deloitte & Touche Inc. Trustee D. Stewart Stewart & Stewart for the bankrupt D. Tkachuk Reynolds Mirth Counsel for objecting creditor jSk'''''EB3%'3%'#+'#KK432#03)+',)$'@3%2B#$-"'?!'#'F$%0'03/"'?#+<$;K0&''EB"'?#+<$;K02!'3%'#' business driven bankruptcy. [2] The proved creditors total $497,064. [3] There were considerable verbal submissions by both Mr. Stewart, for the bankrupt, and Mr. Thachuk, for the objecting creditor, which were in substance evidence without evidence. [4] The bankrupt is 60 years old. In 1992 his 22 year employment was terminated. He rolled his employer pension plan into a locked in money purchase pension plan and worked for a short time for a successor employer. [5] He then went to work for a dry cleaning business and became a minority shareholder which turned out to be his downfall. He gave guarantees. jUk'''''EB"'@$!'24"#+3+-'?;%3+"%%'e);+@"$"@'#+@'A#%'"."+0;#44!'%)4@&''i)+"'),'0B#0'3%'3+' evidence. All I recall is that Bielby J. gave a written decision dealing with that. [7] The bankrupt remains employed by the current dry cleaning business. He is just an employee. [8] There is no point in prolonging the agony. [9] The trustee has no complaints. [10] There will be a 10 day suspended order of discharge simply because the exigible assets are not equal to 50 cents on the dollar. The following is a heavily edited extract of one email exchange between the City of Edmonton (COE) and Elephant Times for this story. 8!2-1'9($")21 (part one) was compiled without any information provided by the COE. For a complete transcript of all correspondence and a list of phone calls made to the COE Corporate Communications Department, please contact the Director, Public Communications at jason.darrah@edmonton.ca or COE Spokesperson holly.budd@ edmonton.ca. FEBRUARY 5, 2013 Reporter I have made repeated requests for all Phase 1/2/3 Environmen0#4'I30"'V%%"%%/"+0%'G5IVL%H&'V7"$');$'3+303#4'/""03+-='O'%"+0'#+' email on Tuesday, January 29th. Until I called on Monday, February 4th, I didn’t even receive a “receipt of message” response. I don’t believe this is consistent with your corporate communications guidelines. O'F+@'30'B#$@'0)'?"43"."'0B#0'!);$')A+'3+lB);%"'5IV'@#0#?#%"' would not provide a quick and easy reference for all ESA’s. I would prefer to not come to the conclusion that the City of Edmonton is deliberately delaying or denying the public crucial public health information. But to date, I have seen no evidence that this is not the case. For this reason, I have decided to appeal to more senior managers to resolve these contradictions. FEBRUARY 5, 2013 Jason Darrah I am aware that you have been in contact with members of our communications team and managers in operational areas over several weeks. You have also implied deliberate withholding of public information. This is a serious concern and it is important that we review the range of requests you have made and the responses. O0'/#!'?"'?"+"F23#4'0)'/""0'A30B'!);'#+@');$'/#+#-"$%'0)'-)' )."$'%)/"'),'0B"'3%%;"%='?"2#;%"'O'%""'%"."$#4'@3C"$"+0'@3$"203)+%' #+@'#%%;/K03)+%'3+'!);$'3+N;3$!'0B#0'/#!'+""@'24#$3F2#03)+& FEBRUARY 5, 2013 Reporter From my point of view there are two separate issues I am rais3+-'A30B'!);'#+@'0B"'Z30!'),'5@/)+0)+&'EB"'F$%0'3%'%23"+2"l?#%"@' inquiry into the many ESA’s that have/haven’t been conducted over the past 12 years, the results, and any action/inaction taken in regards to these studies. The second is related to disclosure. You correctly point out that I am only working on assumptions when it comes to the technical aspects of this story. I am no scientist or engineer. I acknowledge that ALL my assumptions may be incorrect with this story. I’m not sure a discussion, as you state, “to clarify my assump03)+%Q'3%'A#$$#+0"@&'O',;44!'3+0"+@'0)'F40"$'/!'#%%;/K03)+%'0B$);-B' 0B"'?"%0'"6K"$0%'O'2#+'F+@'0)'#%%3%0&'D;0'A30B);0'0B"'K$)K"$'0"2B+32#4'K#K"$%='O'2#++)0'?"-3+'0B"'K$)2"%%'),'24#$3F2#03)+& V%'O');043+"@'3+'/!'K$".3);%'"/#34='0B"'e)A'),'3+,)$/#03)+')+' this story is deeply troubling given the inherent public interest in possible contamination in our community. I have a hard time accepting the explanations for why ESA’s cannot be found, the 3+#?3430!'0)'F+@'#KK$)K$3#0"'K")K4"',)$'3+0"$.3"A%='0B"'%"4"203."' /"/)$!'4)%%'3+'$"-#$@%'0)'%K"23F2'@#0"%'#+@'K")K4"'2)+%;40"@=' etc. O'B)K"'!);'#KK$"23#0"'0B#0'O'B#."'F$%0'2)+0#20"@'!);'0)'@3%2;%%' these matters. To date, the failure to provide these documents seem to be in direct contravention of all the disclosure and information policies in place by the City of Edmonton with regards to the environmental. From my experience, yes, this is starting to look deliberate. If there is no story here --that too-- is worth informing the public. I would like nothing more than to write an article telling my readers there is nothing to worry about. For me, this is the best case scenario. HEARD on the 19th day of December, 2001. DATED at Edmonton, Alberta this 28th day of January, 2002. __________________________ M. FUNDUK Registrar in Bankruptcy APRIL 9, 2013 Holly Budd I’m attaching the ESA that was completed in 2009. This is the last document we will (provide) due to the amount of work that has gone into searching, locating and retrieving your document $"N;"%0%'0)'@#0"&'Y;0;$"'$"N;"%0%'A344'B#."'0)'?"'@)+"'?!'F443+-' out the required paperwork and submitting the fee. The Elephant Times is a subdivision of the Pachyderm Corporation, operating under the umbrella of the Elephant Herd Syndicate, and in association with about 50 numbered Alberta corporate entities you have never heard of, nor actually exist. All copyrights reserved. Please feel free to photocopy this issue and pass it along. This issue is not available online. To comment on this story or to advertise in upcoming issues, please email the Editor, Darren Boisvert, at elephanttimes@gmail.com.