los cuatro azules


los cuatro azules
catalogue autumn 2008
los cuatro azules
Ediciones y publicaciones de libros infantiles
New | october 2008
La historia de Noé
Stephanie Rosenheim | Elena Odriozola
33 x 24 cm | 24 pages | hardback
isbn 978 84 936292 3 6 | 15 euros
Noah’s Ark story, so many times told in out culture,
appears illustrated by Elena Odriozola in a big format
picture book. The counterpoint, between the great
volume of water and the impressive nature against
the weakness of the Ark and its inhabitants,
gives as a result a poetic book. The book, with its
double-page format tries to strike the children
with every living creature above the earth
that deserves to be protected.
New | october 2008
Un niño, un perro y una rana
Mercer Mayer
13 x 18 cm | 32 pages | hardback
isbn 978 84 936292 4 3 | 9 euros
Without words, only through illustrations, we enjoy
an exciting adventure in a river with a striking ending.
A boy, a dog, a frog and a summer afternoon.
Who will get wetter?
The gestures of the characters, the plot and the possibility
given to young readers to write their own words
for the illustrations, make this forty-year-old book
a fabulous precursor of the today picture book.
april 2008
Jutta Bauer
14,8 x 10,5 cm | 48 pages | hardback
isbn 978 84 936292 2 9 | 8 euros
Talk to Selma if you want to know what
happiness is. She will answer to you peacefully.
Life is easy; happiness, too. Selma will show
you the importance of rituals in her calm daily
life. She exudes life as she fully enjoys her days
and her night-time sleep. The book will charm
readers with its schematic, graceful, subtly
coloured line drawings.
april 2008
El sueño de Pablo
Antonio Ventura | Pablo Auladell
23,5 x 29 cm | 24 pages | hardback
isbn 978 84 936292 1 2 | 15 euros
Pablo dreams of fishes in blue prairies
and cows that seem to slide over green seas.
Pablo has not ever been by the sea. He does not
even know how to read, but he dreams because
he knows lots of stories. Many people go
to Pablo and tell him about things of life:
his grandfather, his parents, his brother, his
friend. Alaudell illustrations takes the reader
into the world of Pablo and his dreams.
april 2008
Al señor Zorro
le gustan los libros
Franziska Biermann
16 x 23 cm | 56 pages | hardback
isbn 978 84 936292 0 5 | 12,50 euros
It is hard being a fox and not getting one’s favourite meal.
He has tried in the book shop and in the library,
but… it is not that easy!
It is so hard, that he has to Start robbing
so as to satisfy his hunger. But books theft
is severely punished by law…
What if Mr. Fox become an author?
If I write the books, may I eat them?
What if I find an editor?
los cuatro azules
Ediciones y publicaciones de libros infantiles
avenida comunidad de madrid 3 · portal 7 · 1 b
28224 pozuelo de alarcón | madrid | spain
editorial@loscuatroazules.com | www.loscuatroazules.com
distribution in spain
UDL Libros
belfast 15 · naves 3-4 | polígono las mercedes | 28022 madrid
teléfono [+34] 91 748 11 90 | fax [+34] 91 329 25 85
info@udllibros.com | www.udllibros.com
distribution in latinamerica
Pujol & Amadó, S.L.L.
cuenca 35 | 17220 sant feliu de guixols
girona | spain
teléfono y fax [+34] 972 32 33 66