Magazine Ciiko from Finnmarksløpet
Magazine Ciiko from Finnmarksløpet
FOTO: Ole-Johnny Myrvold ET FRIMAGASIN FRA FINNMARKSLØPET 2012 PROFILER FL-2012 Thomas Wærner | Elisabeth Edland | Far og sønn Brennodden | Nina Skramstad | Dag Broch REPORTASJER Den gode hjelper | Sauer er ålreit | Finnarveløpet | Plagg som gleder | Ritas ilddåp ANNET Program | Påmeldte | Kart 2 3 storslåtte utescener m a g i s k at m o s f æ r e Welcome! As I am writing this, there are not many days left before Finnmarksløpet 2012 starts. It is with mixt feelings I am tick off one day after the other as we draw closer to the start. The list of participants seems to get longer than ever, and we are really looking forward to seeing all the mushers starting out on Saturday 10th March. The last few months have gone fast, and we have worked with many different projects in addition to preparing the race. One of the more visible results maybe that Finnmarksløpet has been given a new graphic profile. We have worked with Tank Design in Tromsø and will now appear more clearly and fresher in our presentation of Finnmarksløpet. And be assured – the eyes are still there – not as a logo, but as part of our profile. Soon we will launch our new web-page, hopefully more user friendly, that we hope you will like! We are very pleased that this year we can receive the mushers at a new check point in Kirkenes, down town at Rica Arctic Hotel. It has been a pleasure to work closely with sled-dog enthusiasts, the volunteers and the business’ in town. We want it to be a party for everyone at all check points and in the whole of Finnmark when Finnmarksløpet is on, and feel we almost are there. As a rookie in this game, I am still at times surprised at how big this race really is. Not only is the trail covering an enormous geographical area, but it includes so many and so much. I wish to give a big thanks to all who are on the team. I am looking forward to seeing our partners, all the volunteers, inhabitants and guests during the race. And last, but not least, I wish all mushers all the best when out there on the trail! Finnmarksløpet 2012 will also be The best race ever! Regards Svanhild 5 CONTENT Ready to win? The good helper Page 8 Profiles FL-2012 Lederhunden Juta er en av heltene som skal være med i teamet til Inger-Marie Haaland når Finnmarksløpet starter 10. mars 2012. Various A MAGAZINE FROM FINNMARKSLØPET 2012 «Rask, utholdende og vedlikeholdsfri» Juta 2,5 år Features publisher editor layout Finnmarksløpet as PB 1248, 9504 Alta Trond A. Andersen Sanna Charlotte Kivijervi cover photo print contact Ole-Johnny Myrvold + 47 78 44 54 50 design Bjørkmanns as, Alta Edition: 500 Tank Design Tromsø www.finnmarkslø Thomas Wærner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Elisabeth Edland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Dag Broch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Nina Skramstad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 The Brennoddens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 The good helper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Delightful clothing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Rita’s debute . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Clothes, car and ship´s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Sheeps are quite alright . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Finnarveløpet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Best photo competition . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Mushing ABC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Last news . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Attendees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 6 7 Welcome to Finnmark! Norway is a long country, no doubt about that. When visitors stand at the county border, few realises that it is almost a whole country that reveals itself in, almost as big as Switzerland, Croatia or Denmark – yes, that is how vast Finnmark is. The last tenth of Norway’s mainland is ready to receive all of you who want to participate, help or just see and experience one of the world toughest sport events in spectacular nature. There is no doubt in my mind that it must be very attractive to be her; and the attention locally, nationally and internationally is formidable. It impresses me that so many around the world are following a sled-dog-race so far north. That tells me that we live in a fairy tale, and that there are many who would like to be part of the story. I think of all you who come here and I am sure you will get to experi- THE NAME CIIKO This is a free magazine from Finnmarksløpet about the race, mushers, volunteers and our partners. The name Ciiko has been picked from one of Sven Engholm’s legendary lead dogs. Ciiko was the first dog to cross the finish line in the very first Finnmarksløp in 1981. Sven named her using the word for bitch in Sami, Ciiku. Engholm chose to spell it with a ”o” at the end, and so did we. Not only was Ciiko the first finishing, she was a fantastic dog and was obviously used for breeding. In most of the famous kennels in Norway offspring are found with pedigree from Ciiko, a worthy dog to give name to our magazine. ence our hospitality. You will also get to see, taste and feel that you are in a grate county. The participants, handlers and all the winter tourists will also see what a good organization competence we have developed over years; we are not talking just about the race, but also facilitation and not least our cultural focus. The local happenings that take place around the trail and the check-points contribute even more to the good feeling we get in Finnmark these days in March; local culture is proudly presented and that should make us all proud. You are welcome to experience the atmosphere in Finnmarksløpet, regardless of how. For Finnmark County it is also natural to contribute so that more than those who are in Finnmark during the race get to see nice pictures and hear good stories from and about Finnmark. Extreme performance Runar Sjåstad Finnmark County Mayor Vi er med på laget! Kjørere, funksjonærer, gjester og publikum ønskes velkommen! Finnmarksløphotellet Labb Ekstrem and Finnmarksløpet – leaders in their fields Enjoy the ride! 8 9 The Good Helper Trond A. Andersen PHOTO: Trond A. Andersen TEXT: Just like any elite sportsman, some of the dogs are troubled by sore muscles, swollen joints and other injuries. Heidrun Sandve Bergseng is a veterinarian who has specialized in chiropractic. For two seasons now she has practised her skills on dogs that do not function optimally and do not perform to their potential. We met Heidrun at the home of one of our winning candidates, Trine Lyrek. Heidrun has been her often this winter, and Trine is not in doubt: – We’ve benefitted allot from dog chiropractic. The dogs that are injured is sooner back, they are without pain and are generally better. If you are really unfortunate and get several important dogs injured one may have to pack up all ambitions of winning. We’re pleased to have a person like Heidrun. WILL LEARN MORE Heidrun is modest, but finds it very exciting. – It’s all about feeling all the joints, to see if they move normally. If there are lockups they are adjusted. The aim is to prevent pain and overuse, informs Bergseng who commends mushers for paying attention to their dogs. – My experience is that they are very good at observing and communicating to me if something isn’t OK. In order for me to succeed I’m depended on receiving detailed explanations about what it is that is wrong with the way the dog runs. Her experience is that many mushers do not hesitate to spend money on giving their athletes chiropractic if it is necessary. – This is something I’m going to continue with, and I’m going to get more courses. I really believe this is worth it’s while, says the veterinarian who originally comes from Smøla but now lives in Alta. PRIO INJURED Trine Lyrek, who is cooperating with last year’s winner, Roger Dahl, has been lucky. Lyrek is sponsored by Heidrun and it is she Heidrun has spent most time and expertize with. It is not a secret that Lyrek has ambitions to win Finnmarksløpet 2012. A key dog to success is Prio, Rogers super lead dog in 2011, where highly praised by Dahl after the race. Now the little dog with the one extra speed is injured, unfortunately. Neither Trine nor Heidrun can be sure about him being ready to start in 2012, he is now receiving treatment and will hopefully be in training soon. – I’m off all week during the race and I can’t deny that I’ll pay attention to how Trine is doing, Heidrun says. 10 11 Clothes that Warms NICE: This is what this year volunteer collection looks like. The models are Marie Romsdal and Rikke Elisabeth Nilsen. Photo: Trond A. Andersen Our main partner Sparebank 1 Nord-Norge has for many years given a nice fleece jumper to all the volunteers that work hard for Finnmarksløpet. The tradition continues this year and now Ishavskraft has also decided to show their appreciation to this hard working group. Ishavskraft’s gift is the winter hat Nordic Heater, produced by Fjällräven, which is one of our new partners. Both the fleece jacket and the hat have printed these partners’ logo on them as well as Finnmarksløpet’s new logo. We want to thank both Sparebank 1 Nord-Norge and Ishavskraft for their gifts to our fantastic volunteers. 12 13 PROFILE FL-1000: THOMAS WÆRNER Ready Converted Trond A. Andersen PHOTO: Geir Norling og Trond Ørslien TEXT: He has the King’s Cup, gold in NM, several WM/EM medals and has been one of the world’s best mushers, what also needs to be mentioned is that none of those honours are in long-distance racing. In the 1990’s Thomas Wærner raced in more than 30 km/h, with 16 or 18 long legged dogs bred for sprint. In 2003 he made a drastic choice; he quit sprint and became a part of the long-distance-community. came better with some experience, and in 2011 Thomas managed to climb up on the podium with a nice 3rd finish in WM/ Femundløpet; one month later he did a strong race in Finnmarksløp resulting in finishing 5th. IMPORTAN PARTNERS - The transition from 20-50 km races to ten times that, gave me two great challenges, says the 38 year old man from Torpa. - The first was the types of dogs I had; I did hold on to those genes for too long, which meant I had a team that didn’t have the medium speed. That speed is crucial in long-distance. This made me spend more time to become a good long-distancemusher than I had planned. The second may not be so unexpected, the challenge to be patient and to calm myself down, says Wærner who now is fully converted. He has proven so with increasingly better finishes the last few years. A major factor that makes Wærner a winning candidate in 2012, is his very gifted wife, Birgitte Næss Wærner. She is herself a very capable musher and obviously they benefit from sharing the training. -Birgitte is phenomenally good and has a little different view of some things than I. That creates constructive debates which gives results when the racing-season starts. Already in January the”Berserkkennel” cashed in their first victory. Birgitte won the 200 K-race, Hallingen. - We don’t have handlers, but are fortunate we can join forces about this. On my own I would never had the opportunity to fight for victories, confirms Thomas Wærner who is really looking forward to Finnmark in March. A SETBACK IN 2007 AN EXTREME EXPERIENCE He started in his first Finnmarksløp in 2007, but even with a good mix of his own dogs and some from Trond Ørslien’s, the trip was over when they arrived in Kirkenes. The team was then reduced to seven dogs and Wærner had learned an important lesson. Fortunately, giving up was not an alternative. The results be- - Finnmarksløpet is an extreme experience. You feel the pain but don’t want to be without it. The experience is huge, to see the team work and know all the training has paid off makes all the long training trips and money spent well worth it, confirms Wærner who has no doubt about this year’s goal: -I race to win! 14 15 Program Finnmarksløpet 2012 Thursday 8th March 19:00 – 20:00 Opening Ceremony, Borea- lis Winter festival, with presentation of mushers. At the park, down town Alta. Thursday 15th March 1000 mushers have a guest in their sledges. kjørere har med en gjest i sleden. Alta. Restart. Spectators are welcome to watch the restart and will be appointed parking at the west side of the Alta River. 16:45 – 20:00 Sparebank 1 Nord-Norges Start Banquet, Rica Hotel Alta. Tickets may be bought at Finnmarkløpets Service Office, In Kunnskapsparken, down town Alta. The sale starts Wednesday 7th March at 12.00. Baptism of Fire for Rita TEXT: Trond A. Andersen David Dale PHOTO: Saturday 10th March 10:45 – 11:00 Official Opening of Finnmarksløpet 2012, down town Alta. Finnmark Saturday 17th March 12:00 – 12:30 Victory Ceremony for FL- Monday 12th March 12:00 – 16:00 Forventet målgang FL-500, gågata Alta sentrum. Tuesday 13th March 18:00 – 18:30 Victory Ceremony for FL- ”While we are waiting” entertainment among others Finn Arve Sørbøe, down town Alta. 10:00 – 10:45 down town Alta. 19:00 - 20:00 Outdoor show with Scene 14:00 – 15:00 Sorrisniva, 15 km south of Friday 9th March 18:00 – 24:00 Expected finish FL-1000, 1000, down town Alta. 19:00 – 24:00 Finishing Banquet for all par- ticipants of Finnmarksløpet 2012, Rica hotell Alta. Mushers, handlers, volunteers, partners, press, guests, spectators and others. Tickets sold at Finnmarkløpets Service Office, Kunnskapsparken, down town Alta. Sale starts at Wednesday 7th March at 12:00. 500, down town Alta. 19:00 – 24:00 Rica Hotel Alta’s Finishing Banquet for FL-500, Rica Hotel Alta. Tickets may be bought at Finnmarkløpets Service Office, Kunnskapsparken, down town Alta. Sale starts Wednesday 7th March at 12:00. 11:00 – 13:00 START! First team out at 11.00 several times and been a handler will probably help in her new job. - My first choice would be to race, but when I don’t have enough time to prepare a team, it’s fun to be a part of the race through helping organize it, says the 40 year old who is living in Eiby outside Alta. PROUD OF THE RACE Finnmarksløpet has always had a goal of being the best sled-dog-race on the planet. There are probably other races which has the same goal. Rita thinks that Finnmarksløpet already is a race where things work well. –Together all parties involved have taken measures that have improved the mushers experience. I feel that we as judges and TDs have managed to set a good standard for how a successful race should be. We aren’t strict judges, but supervisors. Our motto has been and always will be: to make the race as fair as possible for all mushers. - When I was asked to be Race Marshal, I wasn’t sure and considered to say no. When I had thought about if for some time I decided it would work. I’ve got two fantastic partners in Don Lyrek and Kari Jæger who are race leaders for FL-1000 and FL-500. Now the tension increases. I’m looking forward to seeing all the teams leave the streets of Alta; then I will enjoy my work together with fantastic dogs, mushers and colleges. sharp. FL-500 starts first. The teams are running down the main street of Alta, FL- FOTO: Guro Storskjær This is the woman with the main responsibility for technicalities of the race. When Marit Hoveid Honerød, Race Marshall over a number of years, decided to make the 2011 her last race, there were many who wondered who would be able to fill this important position. Rita Hallvig is the one chosen, and she has some “big shoes to fill out”. - Those shoes doesn’t fit me, Rita laughs. – We are somewhat different personalities, so I think I’ll find my own style. Rita is very busy the last weeks before the race. There are many things to get acquainted with. She has been Technical Delegate (TD) many times before; now she is the boss for a prestigious sport-event. The fact that she has entered the race herself 16 Mehamn Nordkapp TA NA FJO RD EN Honningsvåg Havøysund N O R SKE HAVE T 888 98 891 Tana bru Varangerbotn PORS Hammerfest Vardø E 75 N OT N Båtsfjord 890 ANGE REVSB E 69 LA K SE FJ O R D EN Kjøllefjord 889 BA R E N T S H AV E T Berlevåg VA R A N G E RFJORDEN Vadsø FIN N M A RK E6 94 98 886 E6 Kirkenes Sirma Neiden E6 ALTAFJORDEN Lakselv Alta RUSSLAND Nikel Skoganvarre Start og mål E6 FINLAND Levajok Løypas nest lengste etappe: Neiden - Kirkenes 120 km E 75 Varmest: + 6,4 °C 2004 UTSNITT Jotka TROMS 1000 km tilsvarer avstanden fra Oslo til Mo i Rana. Løypas lengste etappe: Karasjok - Alta 141 km Karasjok 93 Kaldest: – 43,6 °C 2006 92 Jergul = 1000 km = 500 km 885 E6 30 km Kart © Kilde: 18 19 Clothing, Car and Boat PROFILE FL- 500 : ELISABETH EDLAND PHOTO: Gian-Rico Willy Always favourite TEXT: Ann Kristin Ødegaard Anita B. Svaler PHOO: In an already strong team of partners, others have turned up, wanting to be a part of the Finnmarksløpet team. One of them wants to give two of the volunteers a fantastic journey. SAFE WITH TOYOTA AND HARILA FJÄLLRÄVEN, WHO ELSE? During the race we have a great need for transport. Our partner on four wheels is the car company Harila. Reliable and winter friendly Toyotas from Harila will bring officials, veterinarians and TDs (race-judges) safely around our beautiful, but at times challenging county in wintertime. Harila has also decided to decorate several of their cars with our (according to ourselves) outstanding logo. The deal with Harila is highly appreciated and we hope for a long and lasting partnership. One does not need much knowledge about winter-clothing to know that Fjällräven delivers good quality clothing for arctic conditions. Now the giant in clothing is on the team. As we can read another place in Ciiko, will, among others, all volunteers keep their heads frost-free with the hat “Nordic Heater”. Many of our other partners have also chosen to buy quality-clothing from Fjällräven. Veterinarians and Race Marshals will be seen in nice parkas from the clothing company which has picked the name from the on land mammal with the least heat loss, namely the Arctic fox. Soon our web-shop will get in more products from Fjällräven. Everything will be available at nice prizes and with our logo. HURTIGRUTEN Hurtigruten ASA is for the first time a partner with Finnmarksløpet. This will be noticed in several ways, but the most apparent is that they are installing screens on two of their ships that are in Finnmark while the race is on. Here the guests will get live pictures and results from the race. These ships have together 1000 international guests who will get a good presentation of the event. Elisabeth is a fit grandma at 53. She lives at Asakskogen, Nannestad with her boyfriend Per Olav Gausereide, also he a musher. They run the kennel Flying Huskies with roughly 30 Alaskan-Huskies. It is a very experienced lady that will be ready to start out from Alta for her 7th time 10th March 2012. Elisabeth Edland started her career as a musher in medium distance, with very good results. She has won EM, Pirena and World Cup in medium distance before she converted to long distance, 6 or7 years ago. Even though the races got longer, she goes fast. Elisabeth has a very strong track record; several victories in Pasvik Trail and Gausdal Marathon; twice 2nd in Femundløpet 400 km, the last one during last year WM; she has won Finnmarksløpet 500 km twice, 2007 and last year. She also received the Norwegian Champion Title for 8 dogs team. So when Elisabeth Edland enters a race, she will always be one of the favourites, whether she likes it or not. when Elisabeth Edland enters a race, she will always be one of the favourites, whether she likes it or not.! 20 21 Everyone get GPS – Sheep are OK TEXT: Trond A. Andersen Magnar Haraldsen PHOTO: Surely you were surprised by this headline; what do sheep have to do with Finnmarksløpet? The explanation is to be found in a little grey box which means the world for the public’s interest in the race. The firm Telespor is one of our partners. Telespor deliver what is known as radiobells, yes, you got it, they are used on sheep. The last decade Telespor really has made this system work. Sheep and other farm-animals that are grazing can be monitored by the bells which contain a GPS/ GSM sender and receiver; the farmer can monitor the animal’s movements and have more control. WORK PERFECTLY ON DOG-TEAMS For the last few years some of these radiobells have been fitted to selected teams during Finnmarksløpet. The updatingfrequency has been turned up from three times a day to every 15th minute. The bells are better and in 2011 the system worked fine. Only in a few areas with poor GSM-signals did we lose signals from the musher. EVERYONE GET In 2011 we had 40 radio-bells at our disposal. This year, we can, due to goodwill and generosity from Telespor, inform that all the mushers will get the box fitted to their sledge. In short we may say it like this: Now everyone with access to internet can at any time find out where all the mushers are. Who says it is hard to follow Finnmarksløpet?! POPULAR WEB PAGE As if that was not enough, our eminent computer-programmer, K2 represented by Helge Johansen, improved our map-solution on which you can watch the signals from the mushers on our web-page. The zoom-function has been improved as well as the map itself. The updating-frequency will for most of the time be every five minute. Then the chance to have full control is very high. Maybe some of the thrill about who will first come to a checkpoint or who rests on the trail will disappear, but we can live with that so long as we can enjoy watching the race develop with such a phenomenal tool. 22 23 PROFILE FL- 500: DAG BROCH Dag Broch, Cuts Down on Chocolate TEXT: Ann Kristin Ødegaard Jørn Losvar PHOTO: After last year success with many contributions, Ishavskraft has no doubt: there will be a photo contest this year as well. Our eminent partner tempts with prizes as well as honour and glory for the best pictures sent in to them from Finnmarksløpet. A local jury at the Ishavskraft’s office in Alta will pick out the best pictures daily and distribute them on their own webpage. It will also be possible to see them on In 2011 had 57 million hits, so here is a good opportunity to get a lot of hits on you photograpy. You send the pictures to The winning pictures will be distributed and published 19th March, and the final deadline to send in is 18th March. Ishavskraft has easy requirements pictures entered. 1. A minimum of 5 megapixel resolution. 2. The pictures must have been taken during Finnmarksløpet 2012 3. This year theme is”action”. Clean your lenses and good luck! This year Dag is racing FL-500 for the fourth time. His all-time high is as number 14 (2010) so his aim is to finish among top 13. You need to be ambitious. His preparations for the race have been good; he returned from Røros where he finished as number 10 in Femund 400 among 98 teams. Dag works in the public culturalschool in Tana and runs Tana Husky. His dear Inkeri and partner Åshild Bye helps him. Dag is more than happy to bring along his guitar in the sledge when he has guests on a ride. His goal for the future is to race FL-1000, but he has plenty of time. He says that Finnmarksløpet is the greatest sled-dog-race in the world, and that he wants to take part for 30 more years, at least. DAG IS READY: From the start in 2011. Photo: Jørn Losvar. Ishavskraft’s Photo Contest Dag Broch (42) from Tana was a rookie in FL-500, 2009. He ate Finish chocolate till his fillings where popping out on his way to Skoganvarre. Åshild Bye got her hardest task as a handler: get hold of a dentist! At an outpost in Finnmark at 11pm on Saturday night. But on long races the creativity is abundant. One handler was a dentist and a volunteer from England had a dentist-kit. So, by using a teaspoon for mirror, Dag received a new filling that night and continued. During the race he also struggled with some dogs that had to be left behind, but he did finish. 24 25 PROFILE FL- 1000: NINA SKRAMSTAD Sponsors love her Trond A. Andersen PHOTO: Christiane Ødegaard / Dag Borgenhov /Jørn Losvar TEXT: Nina Skramstad is one of Norway’s best known mushers, even though she does not have much of a race-record. The 42 years old woman from Brandbu is ready for her sixth Finnmarksløp. In 2012 she will start out for the fifth time in the 1000 km. Her best finish was as a rookie in 2006, she finishing third in FL-500. Nina won the 200 km long Gausdal Marathon in 2009, but apart from these achievements there are no top three finishes. She is, just the same, well known and she is one of the few who can call themselves professional mushers. How is that possible? - I have many good partners or sponsors as some call it, but they don’t come easy. I’ve had a strong focus on tending to my sponsors. Everything about our team should be handled professionally; everything from how the dogs, the car and clothing looks, and to what I give in return. I give talks for my partners, take them out on trips and most importantly I keep them posted. I have several times heard that they don’t care as much for where I finish, as for how I finish, and being a team. In 2010 my best finish was 14th , but I received the prize for “Best Dog Care” during Finnmarksløpet. That was something my partners, as well as I, where proud of, says Skramstad who really looks forward to 1000 tough kilometres in the Finnmark nature. FINNMARKSLØPET IS A TREAT - For me Finnmarksløpet is something special. It is The Treat and our main goal every year. The last seasons the kennel that I and my boyfriend Didrik Sand own has gone through a shift of dogs, with new generations coming up. This year we start with solely our own dogs and we have many promising two-and-a-half year olds that we expect soon will take respon- sibility. Our ambition is to be among top ten, says the professional musher. PR IS IMPORTANT - I sometimes get somewhat sarcastic comments about me being too eager to get the spotlight on me when it comes to mushing. To those who might think so, the answer is simple: When journalists ask questions I answer and give them what they want; this has to be done if the goal is be professional. My partners get attention when I’m exposed in media. I also think that each time a musher is exposed we are ambassadors for this very fine sport. Even though NRK (national TV) shows allot from Finnmarksløpet, we still have to accept that we are considered a small and odd sport. 26 27 PROFILE FL 1000 : JO ARE AND KJELL BRENNODDEN “ It would have been fun if he beat me, but it’ll be tough” Junior Takes on the Old Timer TEXT: Trond A. Andersen Lill K. / Jørn Losvar PHOTO: As with most sports, we find that some participants are a “chip off the old block”. In the Brennodden family from Folldahl, two chips just happen to resemble the block. Jo Are and Ola both compete in long-distance mushing; the thing is that their father has not retired, far from it – he seems unbeatable. Kjell Brennodden (63) is one of Finnmarksløpet’s real profiles. Gubben (The Old Timer) as he says himself makes impressive placing year after year in the longest Finnmarksløp. Twice he has finished second; even more impressive is it that he has finished all his last ten races within top 10. Even though experience is an important factor one has to wonder how he can compete against 20 year younger women and men. – I’m fu… stubborn, Kjell concludes while he is thinking about other reasons. – Yes, I’ve got good dogs; they’ve only gotten better and better. Also, I haven’t been mushing from my youth. I was more than 40 when I started, so I haven’t reached the point where I’m tiered of it, says the man who starts in his 15th Finnmarksløpet in 2012. JUNIORS PLAN Those who follow the race has for many years expected that the oldest son, Jo Are Brennodden (36), should beat his father and come home to Folldal with the biggest grin. That has not happened. Three times Jo Are has completed the race, but without the joy of waving good bye to his father’s team. – This year I get to choose from among the best dogs. There’ll be many dogs that are tiered of my pa’s smell, so this should be good, says Jo Are. – I’m probably a bit more conservative than my dad; have often used young dogs and have had to take it easy on the first few legs, maybe a bit too easy. It’s likely that I’ll be more aggressive now in 2012, says the firstborn who is pleased that the old man still is part of the game. – It’s a great asset to have a rude and outspoken dad whom has to be brought down a notch or two, laughs Jo Are. – If I get to see him up front, I’ll bring out kicking-strength I still don’t know I possess. In 2012 this will become an amusing family contest within the race contest. If we take on a more serious hat, both Jo Are and Kjell want all the best for each other. A victory in Finnmarksløpet will be a great achievement regardless of who of the Brennodden takes home the trophy. Still, it is hard not to have an eye to the family-duel, especially when the son writes the following in his profile: -I’ll speak my mind and bring down my pa a notch or two, for real… - It would have been fun if he beat me, but it’ll be tough, chuckles Kjell. Follow the family-duel from 10th March 2012! 28 29 visit our new webpage Bruin 6 år «Fantastisk leder, herlig uberegnelig, særeste hund jeg har hatt» Robert Sørlies lederhund, Bruin, er klar for innsats i Finnmarksløpet. Se han i aksjon når Finnmarksløpet starter 10. mars 2012. The Finn Arve Race TEKST: FOTO: Trond A. Andersen Privat Few people in the region have as wide appeal as Finn Arve. He has made people collapse from laughter with his amassing characters in his På Tryne Theatre, he had a major part in Den Fordømte Nordlending and he has won several children’s heart with his program Ugler i Mosen. Lately we have enjoying his new program Helt Patent, where he plays at least a hundred different parts. Now he will give comic reports during NRK’s programs about Finnmarksløpet 2012. He has been on our wishlist for many years and finally we can announce that Finn Arve Sørbøe is coming to Finnmarksløpet 2012. it takes to finish the race – if possible, even less on how to finish first. But I’m curious, and shall now get the chance to ask stupid questions, listen to rough outdoor stories and play dog-whisperer. My part will be to represent all those who don’t know what Finnmarksløpet is all about, but still are fascinated. As the race moves on, I’ll travel along the trail and try my best to convey the atmosphere around the race, says the comedian from Tromø. ENTERTAINS AT THE START - Finally I’m going to experience Finnmarksløpet close up, the event everyone talks about every winter, cheers Sørbøe. – I don’t know the first thing about what As well as following the NRK’s team we have engaged Sørbøe to entertain in the thrilling hour before start the 10th March. Exactly what pranks we can ex- Norges råeste tilbud på internett til bedrifter! 100 Mbps kr 990,- pr. måned* pect is not clear at this point in time, but we can guarantee that the children in Alta that the smart thing to do will be to get themselves to the starting area from 10am. SLED-DOG It is just natural to ask Finn Arve, who has lots of experience with animals from his program Ugler i Mosen, what experience he has with dogs. - My own experience with dogs on trips is our late dachshund, she was placed in the backpack when the snow got too deep. We pulled the dog. Somewhat like a FinnArve-race. I understand that Finnmarksløpet is the other way around; the dogs pull us. This is going to be exiting! *les mer på Når Elisabeth Edland stiller til start, er det alltid som en av favorittene. Enten hun vil eller ikke! 30 31 The ABC of Mushing “total time”. In FL-1000 there are only two mandatory rests to pay attention to. One is for 16 hours and is often taken at checkpoint Tana, Neiden 1 or Kirkenes. When everyone has taken the 16 hour rest, the first on the trail is the first in the race. All the mushers must rest for 8 hours in checkpoint Karasjok. In other words, first in to Karasjok, first out. 4. TIME ADJUSTED Another factor one has to notice is “time adjusted”. The mushers start out with one minute intervals from Alta. The time adjustment for FL-500 is made in Karasjok, here the mushers must rest the numbers of minutes they started ahead of the musher starting last. In FL-1000 the time adjustment is made when they decides to take out their 16 hour mandatory rest. So, if you start out as number 55 out of 60 mushers, you rest 16 hours and 5 minutes. Mushing, or sled-dog driving, can at times be hard to understand. We have made a short ABC that we hope will help you to enjoy the race, but it is not complete. TEXT: Trond A. Andersen Geir Stian Altmann Larsen PHOTO: 1. HANDLER English expression for those who help the mushers at checkpoints. They may not enter the musher-only section or help with care of the dogs or equipment. They hand gear over to the musher from outside the musher-only section. They also take care of the dogs that have to be left behind, and drive the car with all the equipment. 2. DROPPED DOG / LEFT BEHIND DOG Often we hear about dogs that have been left behind or that a musher dropped three dogs from his team. That does not mean that the dogs are lost or dead. It only means that they no longer are part of the race and are taken good care of by the handler. 3. MANDATORY RESTING TIME AND MANDATORY REST In FL-500 there are 20 hour mandatory rest at checkpoints. At checkpoint Jergul everyone have to rest a minimum of six hours. Because of this it may be difficult to understand who is in the lead before they get to Jergul. What you should look for is “total rest” at result service. Some choose to rest a lot in the beginning and will therefore fall behind the front. A smart parameter to watch as well, is 5. MUSHER 8. SCOOTER BRAKE / MAT Also an English word that in this context means the person on the sled driving the dogs. It is a brake on the sledge. It used to be a piece of a scooter belt. In addition everyone has an ice-break and one or two snow hocks. 6. CHECKPOINT The stations the mushers come to during the race. Here they may take out mandatory resting time/mandatory rest, get depot bags, water and straw, and obviously rest in a cabin or caravan. They are clocked in and out of the checkpoint. You are allowed to rest on the trail, but that happen les now than before. 9. DEPOT The musher sends dog food, sled runners among other things they need to the different checkpoints. Some equipment is handed to them by their handler like paw-cream, dog-coats, wristwraps and other gear 10. TD/RACE MARCHAL 7. SNACKE When the musher snack the dogs, she or he stops on the trail and give the dogs some food. Often it is frozen and is quick to eat. A racing dog needs between 8-10 000 calories every day, so it is important to have a system so they get enough. TD is short for Technical Delegate, assigned by The Norwegian Musher Association to observer that mushers keep to the rules of the mushing association, the Norwegian Sport Association and Finnmarksløpet. The Race Marshal has the responsibility for the sport and technicalities of the race. In Finnmarksløpet we have one for each distance, and a leader for the whole race. 32 33 close to deadline WEB-CAMERA Finnmarksløpet works hard to get in place a good web camera solution for start and finish, as well as for some of the check points. High quality video cameras are already in place, now we need to get in place a high enough capacity. Last year more than 20 000 users tried to connect at the finish, that was too much for the server, and many were disappointed. We want to deliver a professional service that can handle extreme amount of users. We cannot make promises, but watch our web page just before the race starts. It will gush out news from our website in the days before the race. Here’s a sneak peek at what you can read more about the MODERN LEVAJOK FESTIVITY IN FINNMARK At our web page we will update you on what takes place during the race, not just the competition among the mushers, but also on events along the trail. It is good to see that many places we arrive at wants to make a good impression. Finnmark prepare for festivity from the 10th to 17th March. ALL-TIME HIGH Number of participants at the end of February is an all-time high. More than 120 on the list little more than a week before the start may give a new all-time high. 107 out from Alta is the standing record, it came in 2010. Most impressive is that 50 mushers have signed up for FL1000. We hope everyone are well prepared and can be part of a new record the 10th March. INTERNATIONALT FELLOWSHIP This year we will have to buy some new flags. Numbers of nationalities represented in FL-2012 are now 15. Just very pleasant, expenses for flags = pleasant expenses. Det er Polaris som lager spor til Finnmarksløpet foto: Foto: Reiulf Grønnevik, Altaposten. Something we can promise is that every- one who needs data capacity will get a positive surprise when they arrive at check point Levajok. With good help from Finnmark County Council and our data partner, Eltele, it is now installed a temporary fibre to the check point in Tanadalen. During the race we offer free broadband at check point Levajok. Vi leverer 1. premie i både 500 km og 1000 km BEST PÅ KUNDESERVICE Vinnervilje i vinterland Det lyser innsatsvilje lang vei. Energien gløder i øynene. Lederhunden anfører et nøye sammensatt team av hunder. Hundeføreren er en bedriftsleder, som må stille godt forberedt og der alt må klaffe for å bli en vinner. Riktig fôr. Utrustning som tåler tøffe forhold. I dette beinharde løpet kan ingen ting overlates til tilfeldighetene. Det er en prestasjon å fullføre. Finnmarksløpet illustrerer godt hvordan naturen og landsdelens egenart kan gi bærekraftig næringsvirksomhet. Vi berømmer innsatsen fra deltakere, arrangører og frivillige, og vi gleder oss over suksessen. SpareBank 1 Nord-Norge, generalsponsor. Bank. Vinnervilje. Og deg. Team Lyrek & Dahl: Norsk Kraftsalgsbarometer Ishavskraft er vinner 10 av 12 ganger Vinnervilje & Ishavskraft! Vi er stolte over å være aktiv samarbeidspartner med Finnmarksløpet også i 2012. For det er viktig å støtte lokale krefter som skaper spenning og trivsel. Så vi heier masse – på både hundekjørere, handlere, frivillige, arrangører, sponsorer og publikum! Imens gjør vi det vi er best til – å levere miljøvennlig, kortreist kraft her i verdens blåeste landsdel. Til glede for oss alle. Og miljøet. Blå kraft fra luft og vann. Årets premier er 1. Premie 500 km: Sportsman 500 EFI EU-traktor 1. Premie 1000 km: Ranger 400 4x4 EU-traktor 34 35 2012 Foto: Geir Stian Altmann Larsen Race entrants - 28.02.2012 FL-500 FOTO: Guro Storskjær Fernando Pardo Dag Broch Reidun Kolpus Eirik Leander Rotmo Bente Levorsen Jose Arias David Dale Elisabeth Edland Mathias Jenssen Ole Sigleif Johansen Mel Andrews Sølvi Monsen Kai Arne Berg Juho Ylipiessa Marçal Rocias Palau Wolfgang Simon-Nilsen Stein Tage Domaas Geir Wiik Monica Celius Katy Meier Kari Eldby Leif Wilhelmsen Sean Rebbeng Næss Stein Are Harder Merete Neset Jon Hearn Johanne Sundby Juha Pekka Björkstedt Jose Sacristan Ole Wingren Yvonne Rinne Einar-Andrè Dalen Egil Eliassen Vidar Uglebakken ESP NOR NOR NOR NOR CAT NOR NOR NOR NOR GBR NOR NOR FIN CAT NOR NOR NOR NOR SWE NOR NOR NOR NOR NOR ENG NOR FIN BAS FIN NOR NOR NOR NOR forts. FL-500 FL-1000 Yngve Opgård NOR Tommy Larsen NOR Tore J. Helistø NOR Aslak Prestbakmo NOR Vidar Løkeng NOR Arnt M. Bjørnø NOR John Øivind Selmer NOR Mats Nysæter NOR Trine Marie Flåtten NOR Camilla Bjørkli NOR Kim Frode Ophus NordsveenNOR Stian Hasfjord NOR Francois Pagnoux FRA Olivia Van Uytvanck BEL Maria Sparboe NOR Christian Høy Knudsen NOR Kenneth Gjemmestad SWE Philip John Gretton ENG Jose Valverde NOR Gerhard Hirz AUT Ingebrigt Storli NOR Øyvind Skogen NOR Espen Prestbakmo NOR Hanne Bakken Johansen NOR Pål Karlsen Haugsnes NOR Rolf-Helge Ellingsen NOR Nicole Burger NOR Katerina Paleckova CZE Ronny Wingren FIN Helge Markus Markusson NOR Rolf W. Johansen NOR Keijo Korpela NOR Krzysztof Nowakowski POL Nils Hesthag NOR Jon Børge Stina NOR Lars Monsen Aila Emilie Sarre Arne Liaklev Per Weddegjerde Thomas Wærner Miquel-Angel Martinez Mats Pettersson Øyvind Nordahl Næss Kjell Brennodden Jan Vidar Dahle Bernhard Klammer Torsten Kohnert Marius Moholdt Sigmund Alhaug Emil Inauen Stine Berget Nordvik Bernhard Schuchert Roger Fossøy Ketil Reitan Ben Voigt Trine Kristiansen Lyrek Jo Are Brennodden Bjørnar Andersen Jo Jøldal Mikael Jutila Nina Skramstad Tore Bergby Ronny Frydenlund Harald Tunheim Tove Sørensen Tore Albrigtsen Kristian Walseth Dag Torulf Olsen Inger-Marie Haaland Yngve Fagerli Robert Sørlie Thomas Rosencrantz Arne Karlstrøm Tom Frode Johansen Magne Storstein Eirik Nilsen Arnt Ola Skjerve Øyvind Mortensen Bernd Helmich Dries Jacobs Dariusz Morsztyn Bjørn-Hugo Kristoffersen Rune Johansen Bjørn Petter Kaltenborn Petter Karlsson Gerard Gaspard Jan Øystein Dervo Bernt Walseth NOR NOR NOR NOR NOR CAT SWE NOR NOR NOR AUT SWE NOR NOR SWI NOR GER NOR NOR GER NOR NOR NOR NOR FIN NOR NOR NOR NOR NOR NOR NOR NOR NOR NOR NOR SWI NOR NOR NOR NOR NOR NOR GER BEL POL NOR NOR NOR SWE FRA NOR NOR
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