Issue 1 - Marham Matters Online


Issue 1 - Marham Matters Online
Inside this Issue: News Outside the Wire Regulars Heavens Above News Goldstars Welcome New Boss
The official publication of Royal Air Force Marham Issue 1, 2015 £Free
Stow Maries Aerodrome
& 100 Years
Satisfying Seventh
in Macau for Lee Hardy Racing
RAF Marham’s
IX(B) Squadron
Turns 100!
RAF’s Senior Bombing
Squadron Turns 100
The RAF’s IX(B) Squadron,
which formed at St Omer
in France turned 100 in
December 2014 ......................... 8
Marham Happidojo
Judo Club News
A catch up on the British
Masters and Championships
for 10 and 11 year olds from
the back end of 2014 .................. 25
Satisfying Seventh in Macau
for Lee Hardy Racing
Lee Hardy racing based at
Marham teamed up with
John McGuiness for the
61st Macau GP .................................... 24
Clare Smith
Ext: 6739
Chris Keller
Email: chris@
Jayne Bailey
Tel: (01536) 526677
Email: jayne@
Lance Print Ltd
Tel: (01733) 390564
The views expressed by the contributors
to the Marham Matters are not necessarily
those of the Editor, MoD, RAF or the
publishers and do not reflect Station
policy. All precautions are taken to ensure
accuracy. Advertisements are accepted
on the understanding that they conform
to the British Code of Advertising Practice.
This magazine is published by kind
permission of the Station Commander. All
Images © Crown Copyright 2014, unless
otherwise stated.
The Surgery, Marham, Manor Farm Medical
Centre, Swaffham, Plowright Medical
Centre, Swaffham, The Surgery, Swaffham,
Howdale Surgery, Downham Market,
Hollies Veterinary Clinic, Downham Market,
The Crossings Veterinary Clinic, Downham
Market, The Grove Veterinary Surgery,
Swaffham, Priory Centre, Downham
Market, Lynn News, King’s Lynn, St
Martin’s at Shouldham VA Primary School,
Marham Infant School, Marham Junior
School, Downham Market High School,
Hamonds High School, Swaffham, Town
Halls in Downham Market, Kings Lynn and
Swaffham, BAE, Warton, Armed Forces
Careers Office in Norwich, Cambridge and
Peterborough, Royal Air Force Association
in Downham Market, Downham Market Air
Cadets, All other RAF bases
To view this
publication online
please scan the
QR code using
a smartphone
or tablet.
Stn Cdr’s Foreword
From the Station
31 Sqn Meets 31 Sqn
Cadets were invited to welcome
in the final Tornado GR4 from
overseas deployment ............................. 4
Heavens Above
From the Chaplaincy Team....... 5
Community Support Sqn
Full of community news
and upcoming events...............15
The Marham Interview… ...... 30
Stow Maries Aerodrome
January marked the 100 year
anniversary of the Zeppelin raid on
King’s Lynn ................................................... 10
BoB Veteran Remembered
RAF Marham paid tribute to
Wg Cdr Tony Whitehouse ............... 13
From the Editor
The Gold Service Scholarship
Launched in 2012, the
scholarship is an annual
competition aimed at front of
house young talents within the
hospitality industry ...................... 26
TIW Awarded Top Operational
Excellence Award
RAF Marham based TIW have
been awarded the prestigious
C5ISR award in support of PJHQ’s
operations over the past year ....... 20
Are Resolutions Worth
the Commitment
Do you start the year with a
resolution to lose weight to fit into
the holiday beach wear or a dress
that youve never worn? ......................... 30
ISSUE 1, 2015
SAC Hannah Beavers
Although we are already in February, this is the first
edition of Marham Matters for 2015 so it seems timely to
wish our readers a very Happy New Year
The year has already got off to
a brisk start with lots of your
news coming in. We hear this
month from OC Community
Support Flight who has news
of the shop front redevelopment,
the exciting new look shops
should be ready this month.
Please continue to keep
your stories coming in!
for Next Issue: Friday 13th February 2015
Please submit all entries for the next issue by the date stated above.
31 Sqn
31 Sqn
Happy New Year to you all - I trust
you had a well-deserved break over
the Christmas period.
2014 was an extraordinary
year, personified by our
incredibly high operational
tempo, and the inordinate
amount of time away from
home many of our people had
to endure. I thank you all for
your hard work, perseverance,
and professionalism.
Looking forward, my
main focus for this incoming
year is summed up in a
single word: predictability.
All things being equal,
I intend to attempt to
achieve some semblance of
predictability in Station life,
so that we can all make plans
to help improve our quality
of life, such as booking family
holidays. Of course, despite this
aspiration, we must never forget
that we are a premier front line
Station, and must remain ready
and flexible for whatever new
tasking may come our way.
In addition, we continue
to be committed to operations
in Iraq – in fact, I am writing
this month’s foreword on
a Voyager Tanker aircraft at
35,000’ as I fly to Cyprus to
visit IX(B) Sqn, who have been
deployed away from home
over Christmas and New Year
in support of Op SHADER. With
this operation set to endure, it
has now become main effort
for the Station. However, in
parallel to this, there are three
other areas of focus for this
next 12 months: regeneration
of our Expeditionary Air Wing
capability; Project HARRIS, which
involves the re-homing of IX(B)
Sqn to a new site on the Station;
and lastly, the beginning of
infrastructure development for
the arrival of F-35 Lightning.
So, with all of the above
in mind, I expect 2015 to be
another typically busy year
for RAF Marham, and I very
much look forward to working
with you all to make it even
more successful than 2014.
Cadets from 31
(Tower Hamlets)
Squadron were
excited to be
invited by 31
Squadron RAF to
welcome in the
final Tornado GR4
aircraft returning
from overseas
deployment in
The cadets were part of the
privileged few who attended
a welcome reception at the
base, before watching the
final approach of the Tornados
onto the runway. The cadets
have visited RAF Marham on
several occasions, including
during an annual camp, but
had never before had such an
exciting view of the Tornados
flying overhead and taxing
immediately past them as
they returned to the hangars.
Corporal Boaz Dixon, aged
14, said ‘I was really excited
to travel to RAF Marham to
welcome the Goldstars home
and to mark their contribution
in Afghanistan. To stand next
to the taxiway as the jets
taxied past was awesome
and the guided tour around
a GR4 was really interesting.’
The Tower Hamlets based
cadet unit further finished
2014 with a visit from Wing
Commander Rich Yates, the
outgoing OC of 31 Squadron
RAF. Wing Commander Yates
spoke to the cadets at length
about the challenges he has
faced whilst running a front
line RAF Squadron, and his
career highlights to date.
Having started his RAF career
as a navigator, many of the
cadets were keen to hear
about his flying experience
and what advice he would
give to all of the aspiring
pilots and navigators amongst
them. Wing Commander Yates
further presented 31 (Tower
Hamlets) Squadron with their
official badge as approved by
the College of Arms which
features to Goldstars’ five
pointed mullet in its design.
Tower Hamlets OC, Flight
Lieutenant Rex Nicholls said ‘It
was a real pleasure to welcome
Wing Commander Yates to our
Squadron and an honour to
receive our official badge from
a leading member of the 31
Squadron family. We are really
grateful for all the support we
have received from 31 Squadron
RAF and as a squadron will
continue to work closely with
31 Squadron RAF as it is an
excellent experience for the
cadets to be able to see the
Royal Air Force in action.’
Alpha Course
Here’s a top tip from the Padre: Don’t become a Christian
if you want a comfortable life! The Bible makes no such
promises, and instead teaches that life often becomes a
lot less comfortable when centred on trusting in Jesus.
Becoming a Christian is like
putting on a parachute during
an air flight. The parachute is
Jesus, and to ‘put Him on’ is to
simply ask God’s forgiveness
for the times we have
broken His moral Law (Ten
Commandments) and trust in
His self-sacrifice as having paid
the penalty that was due to us.
Putting on the parachute
will probably create a degree
of discomfort, and even
ridicule from others along
life’s flight… but when you
consider that at some point
we all have to fall out of life’s
aircraft, the parachute is the
one thing you need, and the
one thing which gives you
a sense of inner peace and
security during the flight itself.
We are all on that plane,
and no matter how much
we’re enjoying the flight, we
will all face the inevitable drop.
The only thing that can save
us, is a parachute. It cannot
be bought through church
attendance, money, ritual,
or by trying to be perfect.
Instead, it is freely available
to whoever places their trust
in what Jesus has done.
Putting on the parachute
is a simple, but eternally
important matter. If you
would like a friendly chat
about this parachute, or the
inevitable drop, then phone
us or pop into the Chaplaincy
Centre for a coffee.
Above: Sergeant Dedipya
Rimal receives the 31
(Tower Hamlets) Squadron
official badge from Wing
Commander Rich Yates.
Couples are warmly invited to take part in ‘The Relationship
Course’ at the RAF Marham Chaplaincy Centre over two days
on 24th February, 9am to 3pm and 3rd March, 9am to 3pm. It
will be held in a relaxed setting with Coffee, Cake and Lunch
provided. The course will cover areas including; Building
Strong Foundations, the Art of Communication, Resolving
Conflict, the Power of Forgiveness, Love in Action and Coping
with Times of Separation. This course can be booked via the
chaplaincy by emailing MRM-ChaplaincyCentreGroup@ the deadline for bookings is 17th February.
The Parenting Course
Lent Reflections & Study
Being a parent is an immense
challenge, privilege and
responsibility and one
for which we receive
very limited training and
preparation for the task.
The ‘Parenting Course’
is covering such areas as
Building Strong Foundations,
Meeting our Children’s Needs,
Setting Boundaries, Teaching
Healthy Relationships and
Allowing Children to Grow.
We are planning to run the
course in the Chaplaincy on
21st May. It will be held in a
relaxed setting with Coffee,
Cake and Lunch provided.
To enquire further or to
reserve a place please contact
the FDLS Reception on 01760
337261 Ext: 6116 or
During the season of Lent, beginning with Ash Wednesday on 18th
February, there will be a chance to gather together to study, reflect
and pray about our faith journeys through this special season on a
Monday evening from 7.30pm to 9.30pm. To enquire further or to
reserve a place please contact the Chaplaincy Clerk on 01760 337261
Ext: 7550 or
ICTHUS Youth Football
Church Services
For Boys and Girls aged 8– 13 years
inclusive (all abilities). ‘Pure Football
in a Christian environment,’ an hour
of simply playing football in a safe,
supervised environment, hosted
by the RAF Marham Chaplaincy
Centre. Every Thursday (during
term-time). Meet at Chaplaincy
Centre 3.45pm for drink/biscuit,
finishes at 5pm. It’s FREE, just
turn up! Contact Padre Phil
Layton for more details
• Sunday 1st February,
9.30am Morning Worship
(with children’s activities)
• Sunday 8th February,
9.30am Morning Worship
(with children’s activities)
• Sunday 15th February,
9.30am Sunday Breakfast,
• Wednesday 18th
February, 12 noon
Ash Wednesday
Holy Communion
• Sunday 22nd February,
9.30am Holy Communion
(with children’s activities)
• Sunday 1st March, 9.30am
Morning Worship (with
children’s activities)
A Group for Parents, Carers
and Pre School Children.
Frogs meets on a Tuesday
morning from 9.30am to
11am in St Margaret’s Church.
Frogs is a parent and toddler
group for pre school children,
their parents and carers; it
will involve toys, activities,
refreshments and a time of
singing. We look forward
to welcoming you.
Pictured: Tower
Hamlets cadets watch
the first GR4 return.
‘Deliver Battle Winning Air Power for Current and Future Operations’
The Relationship Course
Alpha is a series of interactive
sessions that freely explore the
basics of the Christian faith. No
pressure. No follow up. No charge.
It runs in churches, bars,
coffee shops and homes all
around the globe. Typically Alpha
has around ten sessions and
includes food, a short talk and
a discussion at the end where
you can share your thoughts.
Alpha really is for anyone
who’s curious. The talks are
designed to encourage debate
and explore the basics of the
Christian faith in a friendly, honest
and informal environment.
We are planning to run an
Alpha Course at RAF Marham
at lunchtimes beginning in
mid February, should you
wish to participate in this
course, then please contact
the Chaplaincy Clerk on 01760
337261 Ext: 7550 or MRMChaplaincyCentreGroup@
TEL: 01760440640 EMAIL:
Or go to for full details.
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RAF’s Senior
Squadron Turns
The RAF’s IX(B) Squadron, which
formed at St Omer in France, was 100
years old on 8th December 2014.
Personnel from IX(B) Sqn joined
association members and
French dignitaries for a day of
celebration at the Squadron’s
birthplace, a small airfield which
is 30 miles south of Calais
The day started with
presentations by serving airmen
from the Squadron about it’s
formation and development 100
years ago. A formal ceremony
followed and this was attended
by a number of high ranking
RAF officers, including Air Chief
Marshal Sir Stuart Peach, Vice
Chief of the Defence Staff, Air
Marshal Greg Bagwell, the
RAF’s senior combat pilot, Air
Vice-Marshal Peter Dye, Air
Commodore David Waddington,
the current Tornado Force
Commander and Air Commodore
Spike Milligan, the Chairman of
the IX Squadron Association. All
of these air officers had previously
served on the Squadron.
At exactly 1100hrs an RAF
Tornado conducting a training
sortie from its base in RAF
Marham performed a flypast over
the crowd that had gathered
by the memorial. Following
this, the St Omer Flying Club
hosted the guests in its light
aircraft hangar for lunch.
The RAF contingent then
travelled to Mendinghem Military
Cemetery, Poperinge, which is the
final resting place of twenty two
IX(B) Squadron Royal Flying Corps
Pilots and Observers who were
killed in the Great War. A small
cross was placed on the graves
of each of the IX(B) personnel
and a short piece was read out
about each of them by a current
member of the Squadron that
had researched each individual.
Officer Commanding IX(B)
Squadron, Wing Commander
Chris Snaith said “ Today has been
a truly amazing experience for
the personnel of IX(B) Squadron
and it’s association members. To
stand on the very spot where
this fantastic Squadron was
formed exactly 100 years ago
and to remember those brave
souls that have served on IX(B)
Sqn and given their lives for our
country was very emotional.”
As evening fell, guests
travelled to Ypres in Belgium
and attended the Menin Gate
Parade at 8pm. Due to the
special date in its history, the
Squadron took centre stage at
the parade and wreaths were
laid by Air Commodore Dave
Waddington, Air Commodore
Spike Milligan and Wing
Commander Chris Snaith.
Warrant Officer Dean Wood
from IX(B) Squadron said, “It has
taken a lot of planning and hard
work to bring the Squadron here
today but to see the guys looking
so proud and smart taking pride of
place at the Menin Gate ceremony
has made it all worth while. All
of the Squadron personnel who
attended today have taken a
personal interest in researching
those that have previously
served on the Squadron and
the one thing that has stood
out from all the research is the
sense of pride and camaraderie
that came with serving on this
historic Squadron and this is
exactly the same 100 years on.”
The Centenary event was
organised by Group Captain Alan
Ferguson, a former commanding
officer and Vice President of
the Association in tandem with
Squadron Leader Derrick Chatten,
on behalf of the current Squadron.
Special thanks must also go to
the leadership of the St Omer
Flying Club and RAF members
of the British Embassy who were
pivotal to making the event
such a memorable occasion.
• T he Sqn Crest features a
green bat (which was the
night camouflage colour in
1927) and the Sqn’s official
motto “Per Noctem Volamus”
(Throughout the night we fly).
• T he Sqn’s unofficial motto
is “There’s always bloody
something”, abbreviated to TABS.
• IX(B) Squadron was the first
squadron to use wireless
telegraphy -1915.
• IX(B) Squadron was the first
night bomber squadron -1917.
• IX(B) Squadron was the first
squadron to drop bombs in
WWII - 4th September 1939.
• IX(B) Squadron was the first
squadron to bomb from above
50,000ft - Canberras 1952.
‘Deliver Battle Winning Air Power for Current and Future Operations’
• IX(B) Squadron was
the world’s first
operational Tornado
squadron - June 1982.
• IX(B) Squadron was the first
squadron to operate the
Tornado GR4 - May 1998.
• A IX(B) Squadron
Association Memorial in
honour of IX(B) Squadron
personnel who gave
their lives during the
Second World War is
situated at the spiritual
home of the Squadron at
Bardney, Lincolnshire.
• A IX(B) Squadron
Association Memorial in
honour of IX(B) Squadron
personnel who gave their
lives during the Iraq War
in 2003 is situated at the
Squadron’s Headquarters
at RAF Marham, Norfolk.
• The IX(B) Squadron
Association have a display
at the Lincolnshire Aviation
Heritage Centre at East
Kirby, Spilsby, Lincolnshire.
• The IX(B) Squadron
Association have a huge
display at the Bardney
Heritage Centre in Bardney,
as they were the only
squadron to operate from
Bardney during WWII.
• The IX(B) Squadron
Association part-funded
the Tirpitz display at the
RAF Museum, Hendon.
• The IX(B) Squadron
Association made a
generous donation to
the Bomber Command
Memorial, Green Park,
London, which was
unveiled by HM The Queen
on 28th June 2012.
• T he IX(B) Squadron
Association have
designed a memorial to
celebrate it’s centenary
and it is hoped this will
be erected at the National
Arboretum in 2015.
In June 2013 a new Service
‘Outside the Wire’ was
launched at the Norfolk Show
for members of HM Forces,
reservists, veterans and their
families who have issues around
alcohol and drugs both non
prescribed and prescribed.
The Matthew Project has
been working in the drug
and alcohol field in Norfolk
and Suffolk for 30 years
and has established a
strong reputation locally
for providing high quality
services to both young
people and adults in
innovative and effective ways.
The service is provided
by The Junction which is part
of the Matthew Project. The
Junction has the capacity
to work across the whole of
Norfolk and provides a unique
and qualified insight into the
treatment needs and issues
faced by this client group.
What makes it stand
apart from other services
is that it is carried out by
workers who are themselves
ex-forces. Andy Wicks, The
Junction Team Manager
said: “The Outside The Wire
team offers innovative and
comprehensive support,
which includes confidential
meetings at locations of the
client’s choice. We’re also
sensitive to the complexities
of military life and the often
understandable resistance
to admitting the extent
of any personal issues,
especially those relating
to PTSD and other mental
health issues, alcohol and
drug use, domestic violence
and family related issues.
“Outside The Wire”’
offers a wide range of help
from specialist referrals, free
treatment services, relapse
prevention, advocacy to
help with stopping smoking.
We also provide outreach
support and undertake
home visits. Our clients
are assessed and receive
individual tailored support
which is free of charge. We
can offer group or one-toone sessions to our clients or
immediate families / partners.
We have attended various
events at RAF Marham and at
Robinson Barracks and can be
contacted via SSAFA on base.
Currently funded by The
Royal British Legion and Armed
Forces Community Covenant
we have the credibility to
deliver a first class service.
As a charity we are always
looking for further funding
so if anyone would like to
donate, know a bit more or
even want our help please call
01263 510900 or to speak with
Andy Wicks 07795 561246 or
visit www.matthewproject.
org/outside-the-wire for
further information.
Stow Maries Aerodrome
& 100 Years Remembered
Last month, January 2015 saw the
100 year anniversary of the Zeppelin
raid on King’s Lynn. The town
remembered 100 years ago and the
fear which gripped the local area
and the country.
Late last year a trip from RAF
Marham visited Stow Maries
airfield in Essex to learn about
the history of the Royal Flying
Corps and the formation of
the RAF, while recalling the
historic events which took
place so close to home.
Six CMU personnel
boarded a minibus and
ventured through the Suffolk
and Essex country lanes to
visit a distant aerodrome
bounded by fields. This was no
ordinary aerodrome, this was
Stow Maries; one of the RFC’s
first bases built in response
to a domestic crisis that was
developing during World War I.
There are some extraordinary
comparisons that can be made
between Stow Maries and RAF
Marham. Our aim was to get
a full appreciation of these
and look at the development
of aircraft, infrastructure and
operations of the biplane,
Tornado and Lightning II.
In January 1915, with
engines roaring, two German
Zeppelins forged their way
across a North Sea night sky
towards East Anglia on a
mission to bomb English soil.
The new concept of air warfare
had begun. King’s Lynn and
Great Yarmouth were both
struck which caused immediate
fear and anger across the
country. In response, Home
Defence Squadrons were
stood up, one of them being B
Flight of 37Sqn, at Stow Maries
in September 1916. Having
established an organisational
structure and undergone training
the first kinetic engagement
occurred over 23rd/24th May 1917
in response to a large Zeppelin
raid this time targeting London.
Later, aircraft were sent up to
counter Gotha bomber raids,
which one may argue was the first
aerial Battle of Britain. There were
truly heroic stories about the Stow
Maries operations, which were
made all the more challenging by
the temperamental aircraft and
a technology still in its infancy.
Through WWI, the initial
wooden sheds were replaced with
brick structures to provide better
protection from the elements.
At the end of the war, it became
surplus to requirement and
having been requisitioned earlier,
sold back to the original owner
at an auction. In WWII, both the
RAF and USAF realised that due
to land drainage problems, it
was unsuitable for their aircraft.
Coupled with accessibility
difficulties it was largely
untouched through subsequent
decades and left to quietly age
in the elements. This then is the
incredible part; Stow Maries is
where you can still see how the
RAF inherited much organisational
structure and operational
concepts from the RFC. Walking
around, you pass the Engine
Workshop, Airframe Workshop,
MT Yard, Ambulance hut, SHQ,
Officers Mess, Blacksmiths
(Workshops), accommodation
blocks for male and female, the
water tower, remnants of the
Service Institute (NAAFI) and
the Ops Building which looked
a carbon copy of the RAF
Akrotiri Armourer Line Hut. It
was a jaw dropping experience
to walk around the site even
with nothing being said. You
knew exactly where everything
would be to the inch before
you got to it. To say we were
bowled over by the experience
is not an overstatement.
For the Staff Ride element
we researched three topics
for three aircraft, the topics
being; a particular aircraft and
its development, the basing
requirements for that aircraft
type and finally the operations
it was involved in. Naturally,
the three aircraft were the
biplane, Panavia Tornado and
Lightning2. Standing on the
very ground where Air Power
was being developed and
being proven allowed each
topic to resonate through us.
We were able to identify so
many parallels between each,
the only real differences being
size, cost and complexity. Key
parallels were the need for
strong leadership, a coherent
organisational structure, training
and the welfare of the airmen.
Stow Maries is a superb
destination for a Staff Ride for all
ranks and trades as every aspect
of our current role and ethos
was born in a remote Essex
field. We were truly indebted
to the Curator, Ivor Dallinger,
who gave us a comprehensive
tour together with an incredibly
detailed history about many
aspects of the RFC at that time.
Have a look at their website at to find
directions and opening times.
RAF Marham
Tenpin Bowling
Team 2014
The first tournament of
2014 saw RAF Marham
take two teams to rugby in
february for the doubles.
After 12 games of qualifying
Duncan Edwards and Andy
Mercer made it through
to the stepladder final
qualifying in 2nd place
after a very close semi final
match they progressed
to the final where both
Duncan and Andy bowled
big games to win the title.
Taking only one team to
Nottingham for the trios in
March the team of Duncan
Edwards, Gary Fraser and
Dave North, bowled solid
scores through nine games
qualifying and helped the
team make the stepladder
final in 3rd place. After
some hard matches they
continued to bowl well as
a team and took the title.
Due to detachments and
other work commitments
only two bowlers, Duncan
Edwards and Dave North
travelled to RAF Brize
Norton in November for
the final tournament of
the Year. After nine games
qualifying Duncan qualified
1st and Dave in 4th, for the
round robin final. After
another hard fort five
games head to head in the
final Dave finished in 3rd
and Duncan took the title.
CheCk us out
In 2013 the RAF Benevolent Fund spent £254,853 at RAF Marham helping serving personnel and
their families with a wide range of issues from childcare, relationship difficulties and debt to injury,
disability and bereavement.
Every member of the RAF family is important to us so if you or your family are in need of our help, simply
give RAF Marham’s Chief Clerk a call on extension 6055 or find further information at
Image: © Terry Joyce
If you would like to get involved with fundraising
or volunteering for us, please call the regional team
on 01491 837 766 ext 5299 or email
‘Deliver Battle Winning Air Power for Current and Future Operations’
The RAFBF is a registered charity in England
and Wales (1081009) and Scotland (SC038109)
RAF Marham
Achieve Mission
Battle of Britain
Veteran Remembered
Royal Air Force Marham paid
tribute to a Battle of Britain
veteran ‘Wing Commander Tony
Whitehouse’ on Friday 16th
January 2015 at a Memorial Service
in St Margaret’s Church.
The service was attended by
members of his family, friends,
former colleagues and a large
number of personnel from
across RAF Marham and the
wider Royal Air Force with
HRH the Prince of Wales and
HRH the Duchess of Cornwall
being represented by Station
Commander Gp Capt Harvey
Wing Commander SAH
‘Tony’ Whitehouse was born
in London on 18th December
1919, educated at Harrow and
Oxford, he joined the RAF on
1st September 1939. Following
flying training and conversion
to Hurricanes he served with
to 32 Squadron at Biggin Hill
in July 1940 and then 501
Squadron at Gravesend in
August 1940. He was shot
down over Cranbrook on 25
October 1940, he bailed out
at 2000 feet, landing unhurt
he returned to Kenley in an
army car to serve another
day. He also served on 167
Squadron at Scorton as a Flight
Commander and also in India
and Burma later in the Second
World War. He was released
from the RAF in 1946 in the
rank of Wing Commander.
Our thoughts and prayers
remain with his widow Sylvia
and his son Anthony.
It couldn’t be
done, ‘THEY’
said! Impossible,
‘THEY’ said!
Personnel from RAF
Marham duly accepted,
‘THEIR’ challenge, and
have just achieved,
RAF Marham personnel
have just achieved what many
within the aviation industry
believed to be impossible; 12
months without a Category
A FOD (Foreign Object
Debris) engine rejection.
FOD is defined as ‘any
material that originates from any
source, either external to or part
of an aircraft, which can cause
damage to that aircraft and its
associated equipment (primarily
its engines)’ and it presents a
significant risk to air safety and
operational effectiveness with
potentially catastrophic results.
During 2011, as the
current ‘Focus on FOD’
campaign was initiated, a
total of 42 engines were
rejected across the Tornado
fleet, 7 of which were here at
Marham. The extraordinary
efforts from all at Marham,
resulting in 0 Category A
Engine FOD rejections in
2014, has improved both
flight safety and aircraft
availability rates and has also
helped to reduce unnecessary
maintenance burden and
additional operating costs.
This remarkable
achievement has mainly been
down to all station personnel
being more vigilant and
focused on any potential
FOD risk both within, and
out of the workplace, and
they subsequently taking the
appropriate and necessary
actions to mitigate against
those potential risks.
What is even more
impressive is that this
outstanding feat was
achieved during a time of
unprecedented operational
tempo for all at RAF Marham.
Congratulations to all on
station for a truly remarkable
achievement and let’s keep up
the good work to ensure 2015
is another FOD free year!
Below: FOD Damage to a RollsRoyce RB199 Engine.
Image: © Markus Mainka,
Flt Lt Gary Walker
Tel: (01760) 337261 Ext: 7491 or 95951 7491
Mob: 07740 799593
RAF Marham Community Library
Takes Delivery of New Books
The Community Library located
next to the SPAR shop has just taken
delivery of a new range of books,
many of them the latest releases.
The stock includes some of the
very latest titles, including drama,
crime and fiction and a large reference
collection on a wide variety of subjects.
The Library also boasts a wide range
of children’s books, which has also been
added to in the latest purchase of new titles.
The library also boasts free internet
and has a DII terminal for general use.
There is also a large meeting area,
equipped with the latest audio visual
equipment available for use simply
by booking through the HIVE.
Membership of the Library is open
to all, who are also welcome to use the
facility simply as somewhere to sit and
read or meet up with friends in a relaxed
and welcoming environment.
Soft Play Area Rules of Use!
The uptake of use the new children’s Soft
Play Area has been exceptional with a
large number of families now enjoying
the benefits of this excellent free facility.
However, it is clear that many using
the area have not acquainted themselves
with the Rules of Use before using
the facility, which, being managed on
an ‘unattended’ basis, could result in
injury to a child or at the very minimum
inconvenience to other users.
The rules on which the area operates
have been formulated under the auspices
of ROSPA, The Royal Society for the
Prevention of Accidents, who signed
off the initial inspection and who visit
from time to time, to conduct ‘spot’
inspections in order to ensure the area is
being properly and safely used, thereby
covering the ‘unattended’ nature of how
it was decided to operate the facility.
The alternative was to employ staff to
manage the area, which would have
meant charging for its use, something
Community Support were keen not to do
wishing it to be free for all. However, the
option to charge can still be introduced
and will be, if those using the area fail to
do their bit in both following the rules and
helping to keep the area clean and tidy.
The biggest area of concern
has been the frequent instances of
adults playing in the area with their
children, contrary to the rules and
all the published advice. Whilst it is
recognised that there may be occasions
when a child requires a parent to
attend to them in the area, this is not
meant to include parents taking it
upon themselves to use the facility in
order to play, something which, while
appearing entirely safe, could have
implications for other children using the
facility. Added to this, the construction
was never designed for use by parents,
with the added strain and wear that this
can bring to the structure and fabric.
In addition, the area, including the
seating area, is managed by Community
Support, the rationale behind the
‘unattended’ nature under which it is
currently operated being that all Users
would ensure they left the area clean
and tidy after use. Although there is no
objection to individuals taking food and
drinks purchased from the coffee bar in to
the area, it is incumbent upon all who do
so to return crockery and cutlery after use
and to clear up after themselves and not to
leave it in a mess for others to find. Indeed,
if you leave it in a mess that may be exactly
how you find it when you next visit.
So please help us to keep this facility
free for all in the Marham Community to
use, by abiding by the rules and keeping
the area clean and tidy for others.
Maydie Smith
Tel: (01760) 446121 or (01760)337261 Ext: 7425
Nikki Savage
Tel: (01760) 446121 or (01760) 337261 Ext: 6136
Zara Murfitt
Tel: (01760) 446121 or (01760) 337261 x 7425
Nikki Savage
Tel: (01760) 446121 or (01760) 337261 Ext: 6136
Flt Sgt Terry Norman
Tel: (01760) 446052, on base 95951 6052
Helpdesk: Freephone 0800 707 6000
Maintenance requests open 24/7
Allocations, furniture, move
in/out appointments
(open Monday to Friday
from 8am until 6pm)
RAF Marham Local
Customer Service Centre
3 Woodview Road above the
SCSO’s office (open from Monday
to Friday at 9am until 1pm)
Tel: (01760) 337261 Ext: 7158
Josie Wood
Tel: CS Hub on 01760 336136
Tom Smith
Tel: (01760) 446051 Ext: 6051
Liz Smith
Tel: (01760) 446900 Ext: 6900
Lynsey Butterfield
Tel: (01760) 337261 Ext: 6378
Tel: 07984 908622
Tel: 0845 456 4567 or 101
Flt Lt Clare Wells
Tel: (01760) 337261 Ext: 7489
Forces Financial,
Did You
Forces Financial has a heritage
of supporting the UK military
by offering Insurance, Money
and Travel products and
services, tailored to military
personnel and their families.
Forces Financial has
become part of the UK’s
largest financial services group
dedicated to the Armed Forces
Family. With £800million in
assets and over 30 years’
experience of providing support
services to over 180,000
members, operating as a
mutual organisation within
the military market allows us
to return even more to the
Armed Forces Community.
We have branches on
Bases in the UK, Germany
and Cyprus, providing easy
and convenient access for
the military community. Our
branches provide employment
opportunities for partners of
serving military personnel
and many of our friendly
staff come from military
families and backgrounds.
We have a competitive
range of products and services
that include important additional
benefits valued by the Forces,
but not readily available from
High Street insurance companies.
We offer up to 12
months FREE cover on kit and
personal accident insurance.
In 2014 we helped the military
community with our savings
On Friday 14th November, a
group of ladies and one male
got together to partake in a
three hour long Jazzercise
event for Children In Need.
With a mixture of aerobics’,
kick boxing, pilates, muscle
toning the ladies and
gentleman sweated their way
through the event raising the
sum of £193 for a very good
cause. The instructor and
many of the ladies travelling
in from Kings Lynn giving
up their Friday night to join
in with the fun, a massive
thank you goes out to all
that attended and helped
organise the evening.
ISA with over 3,000 families
saving regularly with £1.3million
of annual contributions.
We now have nearly
200 FREE to use ATMs
across the military estate
with over three million
transactions made in 2014.
Our personal, one to
one Forces Travel service, in
2014, made nearly 10,000
bookings for all holiday types
and travel arrangements.
Our fee FREE mortgage
advice service handled over
1,300 enquiries and helped
hundreds of military families to
move into their new homes.
We are proud to be
doing all we can to help
serving and retired members
of the Armed Forces with
their insurance, money and
travel needs. We pledged to
honour the Armed Forces
Corporate Covenant in 2014
and will continue to support
the Armed Forces community
through various avenues.
Further information
may be found at www.
or speak to your local
advisor, Daniel Cottis.
Email: daniel.cottis@
Mob: 07554 420 559
Mil: 942 612 354
ICTHUS Youth Football
For Boys and Girls aged
from 8 years to 13 years and
we welcome all abilities.
An hour of simply playing
football in a safe, supervised
environment, hosted by the RAF
Marham Chaplaincy Centre. We
meet every Thursday (during
term time) from 4pm to 5pm
on the Astro Pitch (meet first
Have A Go
West Anglia College are
holding ‘Have A Go’ a
series of sessions for those
wishing to find out more
about further education
The College is one
of the largest providers
of education and
training in Norfolk and
Cambridgeshire and one
of the most successful
colleges in the country.
The achievement and
success of students is the
clear focus of all that the
college does and it has an
excellent track record of
developing the skills and
talent of people both young
and old. It offers some of
the widest ranges of courses
available across Norfolk
and Cambridgeshire and
has amazing facilities for
anybody wishing to take
up further education.
More information is
available at the HIVE or simply
visit the College website
at the Chaplaincy Centre from
3.45pm for a pre game drink and
biscuit). It’s free, so just turn up
with trainers and shin pads!
We can be found on the left
before the barrier at RAF Marham
and any further infomation please
contact Padre Phil Layton on:
01760 337261 Ext: 7244 or email:
& Literacy
Free Functional
Skills Courses
1. Free tutor-led Functional
Skills (FS) courses in Maths
and English will start at
the Learning Centre on
Monday 2nd March.
The courses will
run for one week
as follows:
• Numeracy
(Maths): 2nd to
6th March 2015
• Literacy (English): 13th
to 17th April 2015
Courses are fullyfunded (for those who
do not already hold
Level 2 maths and
English/GCSE Grade C
or above) and are open
to Service personnel,
MoD civilians,
dependants, and
other Stn personnel
on a fill-up basis.
2. T here are ten places
(max) on each course and
priority will be given to
Service personnel who
need Level 2 Maths and
English for substantive
promotion to Cpl iaw
AP3379, Leaflet 1560.
3. Application forms
are available from
the Learning Centre
(Ext: 7291, 7167
and/or 7162). Once
authorised, applicants
are expected to attend
and withdrawals will
only be accepted
for strong Service or
compassionate reasons,
with written support
from the line manager.
‘Deliver Battle Winning Air Power for Current and Future Operations’
IGCSE (Maths
& English)
Courses Start
IGCSE courses in Maths and
English (two weeks each)
will start at the Learning
Centre on Monday 23rd
March. Dates are as follows:
Maths: 13th - 17th
April and 21st April
- 1st May (Exams
7th & 11th May)
English: 23rd - 27th
March and 20th 24th April (Exams
5th & 8th May)
Courses are £235 per subject
(Service Personnel may
reclaim up to £175 using
SLC) and are open to Service
personnel, MOD civilians,
dependants, and other Stn
personnel on a fill-up basis.
There are 15 places
(max) on each course and
priority will be given to
Service personnel who need
Level 2 Maths and English
for substantive promotion to
Cpl iaw AP3379, Leaflet 1560.
Application forms are
available from the Learning
Centre (Ext: 7291, 7167 or
7162). Once authorised,
applicants are expected to
attend and withdrawals will
only be accepted for strong
Service or compassionate
reasons, with written support
from the line manager.
Gets New
The long awaited work
on the Community Hub
shopping area is now nearing
completion with the final glass
screens having just been fitted
to the new covered walk way.
The new covered area
will offer better protection
from the elements for those
using the shops and will also
provide a covered seating area
for anybody wishing to sit and
have a coffee and a snack.
Whilst everything was
done to minimise the disruption
to customers using the shops
when the work was being
carried out it was inevitable that
there would be periods when
it would not be possible to
access the shops from the front
and we would like to thank
everybody for their patience
Further development
should see the addition of
a small children’s fenced
play area positioned on the
grass area outside the Hive
making the whole are a much
more friendly and family
orientated place to shop.
who do not have the confidence
to run around the local roads,
some of which are not paved
With the lighter nights on
the way there will be plenty of
Action adventure week
long trips £25 each.
26th July
Coalbrookdale, West
Midlands; 12-16yrs
(No Transport)
26th July
St Briavels,
Gloucester; 10-16yrs
(No Transport)
2nd August
St Briavels,
Gloucester; 10-16yrs
(No Transport)
9th August
Edale, Peak District; 10-16yrs
(Transport Provided)
9th August
Ravenstor, Peak
District; 8-9yrs
(Transport Provided)
The New Outdoor Fitness Trail
Work on the new outdoor
fitness trail is about to start
and is planned for completion
by the end of February.
The trail will be sited
around the Black Top car park
playing field and will consist
of a two meter wide bark
track with twelve different
outdoor exercise stationsw
situated around the route, with
each station will be clearly
marked with instructions on
how to use the equipment.
The fitness trail is similar
to many that can be found
in parks and is intended
for all to use, providing a
safe and easily accessible
area for those interested in
improving their fitness levels.
The track itself will also
be ideal for those who wish
to improve their running but
opportunities for individuals
of all levels of fitness and
ability to use the trail and to
improve their overall fitness
and sense of well being.
16th August
Edale, Peak District; 10-16yrs
(No Transport)
For any further
information please
contact: Jocelyne
Newman on 01760
337261 Ext: 6082.
CO’s Cup Dodgeball
Taking place on 18th February, choose your own team
identity. All you need to do to sign up is contact Ext 7094.
Use of official rules, balls and court. You will need a team
of 6-10 players and starts at 12:30pm in the gym.
RAF Marham AEMS (Aviation Error Management System)
Marham Respone to
Road Traffic Collision
In November 2014, there
was a road traffic collision
between two civilian vehicles
, driven by service personnel,
on a fairly remote part of
the Marham ring road.
Those first in attendance
handled the situation in a calm
and professional manner, Off
Station Emergency Services were
summoned by phoning 999.
The Medical Centre
were notified by one of its
routine phone numbers.
Phoning 222 was
considered, but incorrectly
believed that this number is only
used to initiate a fire response.
When On and Off Station
Emergency Services arrived at
the scene, they treated those
casualties that required first aid
and transferred them to hospital.
In the post accident wash
up it became apparent that
there had been some issues
with communication and
co-ordination of responses.
The Station Commander
intiated an Occurrence Safety
Investigation. The investigation
identified that many people
incorrectly believed Ext:
222 should only be used
in the event of a fire.
First on Scene?
For Non Aircraft
Emergencies Ext:222, they
coordinate all Emergency
Services. Or contact 01760
337261 for MoD Operator,
so put the number in
your mobile now!
The Relationship Course
Images: © Warren Goldswain, gpointstudio,
Couples are warmly
invited to take part in ‘The
Relationship Course’ at the
RAF Marham Chaplaincy
Centre over two days.
The first session will
take place on Tuesday 24th
February at 9am until 3pm and
the second session is on 3rd
March from 9am until 3pm.
This course can be
booked via the chaplaincy
by emailing MRMChaplaincyCentreGroup@ and the deadline
is Tuesday 17th February.
The course will cover
areas including Building
Strong Foundations, the
Art of Communication,
Resolving Conflict, the
Power of Forgiveness, Love
in Action and Coping with
Times of Separation.
Memorial Run
Creating a Memorial Wall
for the 453 fallen Service
Personnel, Thursday
26th February.
Run a mile for a fallen
Service Person and place their
picture on the Memorial Wall.
The event takes place
at the station gymnasium
from 7.30am to 5pm and is
open to all Service Personnel,
Dependants, Civil Servants
and MoD Contractors.
Once all 453 miles
have been completed,
a short service will take
place next to the Memorial
Wall (unless specifically
requested, individuals will at
random be allocated a fallen
Service Person to run for).
Minimum sponsorship
of £10 and to register your
place please contact: FS Darrel
Keane Ext: 7303 or Cpl Abby
Nascimento Ext: 7094.
‘Deliver Battle Winning Air Power for Current and Future Operations’
RAF Marham’s Goldstars
New Boss
RAF Marham’s 31 Squadron have
recently said goodbye to its Officer
Commanding Wing Commander
Rich Yates MBE and welcomed
their new Squadron boss Wing
Commander James Freeborough.
Tactical Imagery-Intelligence Wing
Awarded Top
Wing Commander Rich Yates
said “I’d like to say thank you
to 31 Squadron, it’s been a real
privilege to lead them over the
last two years. The highlights
of which include two very
successful operation HERRICK
tours and we must remember
No 31 Squadron wouldn’t
have succeeded without
the outstanding support of
everyone at RAF Marham.”
Wing Commander
Freeborough joined the Royal
Air Force after attending the
University of Bristol where
he studied Avionic System
Engineering. At university
he was an active member of
the University Air Squadron
as an RAF bursar. Following
graduation he progressed
through officer and pilot
flying training. No stranger
to RAF Marham Wg Cdr
Freeborough has served in
the past on IX (B) Squadron
as their Executive Officer.
On his appointment
to Officer Commanding 31
Squadron, Wing Commander
Freeborough said, “I consider
myself extremely fortunate
to have the opportunity to
command 31 Sqn and I am very
much looking forward to the
next two years. I have served
at RAF Marham before and
relish the chance to come back
to this part of the country.”
RAF Marham based Tactical
Imagery-Intelligence Wing (TIW)
have been awarded the prestigious
C5ISR Award for Operational
Excellence in support of PJHQ’s
Operations over the past year.
The Wing faced tough
competition from defences
other J2, J6 and ISTAR units,
but the panel headed up
by ACOS J2 (Intelligence)
and J6 (Communications)
at PJHQ selected TIW as
this years worthy winner.
The award, which
is sponsored by defence
contractor CSC , was presented
by the CSC Vice-President
Mr Chris Doutney to Officer
Commanding TIW, Wing
Commander Mark Smith.
Wing Commander Smith
said ‘it is a great honour to
receive such a prestigious award
WWI Memorial
in Little Dunham Village
The former WWI airfield located
near the village of Little Dunham
was officially known as Sporle
Landing Ground.
It was one mile south of
Little Dunham railway
station and within the
current parish of Little
Dunham. It was used by
51 Squadron and part
of the 47th Wing of the
6th Brigade, Royal Flying
Corps between 1916
and November 1918
as a satellite station to
RAF Marham for home
defence duties. The
airfield covered 43
acres and measured
520 yds by 440 yds. Facilities
at a Class 3 night landing
ground would have been very
basic - a hut for the pilots and
ground crew and paraffin
lighting for the landing strip.
Little Dunham Parish
Council have built a Memorial
ready to mark the 100th
Anniversary of the former WWI
airfield. A Tornado from RAF
Marham conducted a flypast at
10am on 11th December 2014.
The Memorial was unveiled
by Group Captain Harvey
RAF, the RAF Marham Station
Commander. It was dedicated by
the local Vicar, Rev Martin Joyce.
Local military historian,
Squadron Leader Richard James
visited the Norfolk and Suffolk
Aviation Museum in 2013 and
chatted to the Curator, Mr Huby
Fairhead, who told him about
Sporle Landing Ground.
Richard James mentioned
this to the Little Dunham Parish
Council, and suggested a Memorial
should be built. By co-incidence,
a few weeks later Richard was
reading the Breckland Council
newsletter when he found an
article offering up to £500 for
WWI projects in Breckland. This
too was passed to the Parish
Council and the Chairman, Simon
Fowler applied for the grant. The
application was successful thanks
to Councillor Mark Kiddle-Morris.
Richard James suggested a
memorial similar to the existing
Little Dunham village sign which
stands next to the village hall.
Richard then found a thick slate
base to an old snooker table in
Ipswich and bought it for £10.
Simon Fowler took
the slate to Bretts of Watton,
who made a superb job
of cutting and polishing
the slate, then etching the
inscription. The cost of this
was £609 and thanks to a
very generous donation
from the current owner of
the land, Mrs Griffin and
the grant from Breckland
Council, the bill was paid.
Simon Fowler applied
for, and received approval by
Highways. He also discussed
the project with Mrs Griffin,
who was very supportive.
Retired villagers
Ray Brolly and Richard James
volunteered to carry out the
building works, which they
started on 24th November 2014.
The ground was cut by
David Harris of Dunham Diggers
who donated his time and JCB.
Mr David Walker donated over
500 bricks, two tons of sand and
100 flints to the project. Just after
the start of the building, Ray and
Richard were joined by Chris Heslin,
whose expertise throughout the
build was invaluable. Chris Heslin
also donated 30 blocks for the
path to the Memorial from the
roadside. Thanks also to Ryan
Malin for all his assistance and for
providing fresh water on the site.
To complete the
construction works, engineering
plinth bricks were required and
Chris Heslin suggested specialist
builder’s merchant J Medler Ltd
of Taverham near Norwich.
Richard James wrote to them and
told them about the project and
they too were very supportive.
When Richard went to Taverham
to collect the plinth bricks and
cement, he was hoping for a
discount, but was delighted
when J Medler Ltd
donated all the bricks and
cement free of charge.
The building works were
completed on 2nd December
2014. Local farmer Henry Kilvert,
who is also the Regional Manager
of Countrywide Grounds
Maintenance then offered to
tidy up the whole site and lay
turf around the Memorial.
This memorial is dedicated
to the men and women who
served in The Royal Flying
Corps, The Royal Air Force, The
Royal Naval Air Service from
the landing ground located in
this field during the Great War
1914-1918 “Lest we forget.”
J Medler Ltd, Ray Brolly,
Simon Fowler, David Harris of
Dunham Diggers, Chris Heslin
of Norfolk Paving Ltd , Richard
James, Henry Kilvert, Regional
Manager of Countrywide
Grounds Maintenance, Ryan
Malin of Malin Landscaping
Ltd and David Walker.
RAF Marham & Cherry Tree Academy Wrapathon!
Children from the Cherry Tree
Academy in Marham joined forces
with personnel from RAF Marham to
pack and wrap boxes in support of
service people deployed across the
globe at Christmas.
on behalf of the personnel of
TIW, it is great to see the Wing’s
professionalism and dedication
recognized in this way.’
TIW have had an
exceptionally busy year
providing ISTAR support to UK
and coalition forces across the
globe; managing simultaneous
deployments. In addition
to their deployed role TIW
expertise has been at the
forefront, utilising cutting edge
technology to enable homebased ISTAR operations and
having continually supported
24/7 imagery exploitation from
their base at RAF Marham.
Over 250 welfare boxes
were packed with
confectionery, toiletries
and a Christmas card, by
children from the school
council team. The boxes are
a gift to all those personnel
who are spending Christmas
away from their loved ones.
‘Deliver Battle Winning Air Power for Current and Future Operations’
Gary Walker, Officer
Commanding Community
Support Flight at RAF
Marham said: “As the home
station we are always here
to support our people when
they are away, particularly
at this festive time. We
receive tremendous support
from the local community
throughout the year and
would today particularly like
to thank our local school in
helping to pack the gift boxes,
which I know will be very
gratefully received by those
deployed away from home.”
Mrs Cheryl Sharp, VicePrincipal of the Cherry Tree
Academy said, “It’s been an
absolute privilege packing the
boxes for all those personnel
deployed overseas during the
Christmas period. We are all
very proud of what they do and
are thinking of them during
this time, happily looking
forward to their return.”
In addition to those who
helped to pack the boxes
a huge thank you must go
to both RR and ISS for their
contributions in support
of this initiative, without
both of their very generous
donations this initiative
wouldn’t have been
possible. For the guys and
girls away over the Christmas
period this has made a
huge difference and this
has been acknowledged
by OC IX (B) Sqn Wg Cdr
Chris Snaith; “Tangible
gestures of support are
always appreciated, never
more so than at this time
of year. Everyone on the
Squadron is hugely grateful
for this support. The welfare
boxes went a long way to
ensuring that there was no
lack of festive cheer this
Christmas. Please pass on
my thanks to all involved.”
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Image: © foto infot,
for Lee Hardy Racing
Marham Happidojo
Judo Club News
Lee Hardy Racing based at Marham in Norfolk teamed
up with Morecambe’s John McGuinness for the 61st
Macau GP. The team have never competed at this event
before and were looking forward to taking part in such
an iconic road race around the city of Macau.
McGuinness has had an
injury-interrupted 2014 road
racing season however at the
weekend he finished with a
satisfying seventh place at
the Macau Grand Prix. Riding
the Pirtek Pro Bolt Honda,
the 21-times TT winner came
through from tenth on the
grid to claim his 15th top
ten finish around the 3.8mile Armco-lined course.
The 42-year old was having
his first outing since taking
third overall in last month’s
Stars at Darley meeting and
the week started well when
he placed a strong fifth in
the opening qualifying session.
John went quicker still in Friday’s
second and final session, reducing
his lap time by eight tenths of
a second to 2m 29.986s, but a
number of his rivals improved by
over two seconds and the end
result was that he found himself
bumped back to tenth overall.
It all meant he would have
to start Saturday’s 12-lap race
from the fourth row of the grid.
Riding the Lee Hardy Racing
CBR1000RR machine ridden this
season in the British Superbike
Championship by Peter Hickman,
a solid start by John saw him
complete the opening lap in
ninth place and for the next few
laps he was locked in battle with
BMW riders Jimmy Storrar and
Steve Mercer. By half race distance,
he’d moved up to seventh as he
overtook Mercer just as Storrar
retired and it was here where he
took the chequered flag for yet
another strong Macau GP finish.
Lee Hardy Racing teamed
up with Lee Johnson who rides
the Pirtek Honda for the event
giving a team name of Pirtek
Pro Bolt Honda, this team was
made up of John McGuinness
and Lee Johnson, Lee qualified
front row on his Pirtek Honda
and fought hard to try and stay
in a podium position, suffering
with Macau flu Lee pushed hard
but slipped back to 4th at the
finish. John brought the Pro Bolt
Honda home in seventh winning
the overall team award which
was an incredible achievement
for a first time team at Macau.
“I’ve been coming to Macau since 1998 and whilst I’ve
won before and stood on the podium a number of
times, I’m satisfied with the result this year.”
John McGuinness
‘Deliver Battle Winning Air Power for Current and Future Operations’
John McGuinness: “I’ve
been coming to Macau since
1998 and whilst I’ve won before
and stood on the podium a
number of times, I’m satisfied
with the result this year. It’s an
incredibly demanding course,
both physically and mentally,
and also very technical so it’s
all about being in the groove
and finding a good rhythm.
Everyone else out there has
had a full season of racing
under their belts so it was
always going to be difficult for
me given the little track time
I’ve had due to my wrist injury
but I couldn’t fault how the
race went. The bike went well,
I felt strong and competitive
and enjoyed myself so a big
thanks to everyone in the
team for all their hard work.”
Lee Hardy: “This is my first
time at Macau and I owe this
opportunity to John Mcguinness
for making it possible, John rode
really well considering he has
such little time on any bike this
year let alone ours, we have no
data for the track so set-up was
always going to be hard and we
never hit that sweet spot during
practice or qualifying, when
racing a circuit like Macau you
need to have a bike that gives
you the confidence needed to
go smooth and fast. The team
will definitely go back next year
for another shot at being on the
podium, thank you to Pro Bolt,
Mother Hubbards Fish & Chips,
Honda, Macau GP and everyone
else who helped with the trip.
British Masters
and British
for 10 and 11
Year Olds (A
Band Nationals).
Three members from Happidojo
Marham Judo Club travelled
to Kidderminster to compete
in the biggest Championships
for their ages. Head Coach
Colin McCallum was first up
to compete at The British
Masters Championships and
competed in the M2 U90kgs
category, managing to come
5th. He then competed again
in the afternoon in the Open
Dan Grade Competition, and
managed to secure a Bronze.
The next day were
the two younger members.
Unfortunately Cameron
McCallum had managed to
sprain his ankle just before
competing, but was still
determined to compete, and
managed to come 5th. Tae
Charlesworth fought in the
afternoon and had to compete
against a Scottish girl in a best
of three matches. Although
Tae weighed in at a mere 23kgs
(And was probably the lightest
competitor there) she had to
compete in the U28kgs category,
and successfully managed to
win all her contests, securing
herself a gold at her first ever
Nationals. A Massive well done!
Ten junior members travelled
to Thetford to compete in The
Eastern Area Mini Mon. They
all fought extremely well, even
at times having to compete
against their own club members.
In particular Emma Henderson
(who is only a red belt) had
to compete against her club
members who were orange
and green belt retrospectively.
Her club members helped
her to enjoy the competition,
and were a credit to the
club in their behaviour
both on and off the mat.
The results were as follows…
Gold: T ae Charlesworth,
Neith Charlesworth,
Zachary McCallum
Silver: C
ameron McCallum, Lewis
Henderson-Silver, Will
Simpson, Sarah Cusack
Bronze: M
aria Bang, Emma
Henderson, Daniel
Eight junior members travelled
to Lopham near Diss to compete
in an Interclub competition. Four
under eights from the club were
able to experience a “Competition
style experience” to allow them
to try first hand, what a real
competition would be like.
They thoroughly enjoyed
the whole experience, and were
able to learn not only the judo
etiquette expected on the mat,
but the terminology that is also
used (which is in Japanese).
The following four
achieved these results…
Gold: M
atthew Brumpton,
Connor Lane
Silver: K ipp Charlesworth
Bronze: L ewis McLeman
The next four competed in
the 8-14 year old category,
with Emma Henderson
getting a taste of her first
ever competition.
The Results…
Gold: E mma Henderson,
Lewis Henderson
Silver: Will Simpson,
Daniel Mcleman
The day was a great success
with the younger members
staying on to watch the
older ones compete.
Two junior members, Cailean
and Zachary McCallum,
travelled to Horncastle in
Lincoln, to train with two Gold
Commonwealth Glasgow
2014 medallists Colin Oates
and Nekoda Davis. The session
was enjoyable but informative,
and allowed the boys to gain
more insight into competitive
judo, and the strategies
used at such a high level.
The Gold Service
Written By: FS Steve Bowen, A4 Catering Assurance, RAF High Wycombe
Launched in 2012, the Gold Service
Scholarship is an annual competition
aimed at front of house young talents
within the hospitality industry.
Created by a select group
of leading hospitality
professionals, the Scholarship
offers the opportunity for a
young professional to refine
their skills and knowledge
through a years’ worth of
mentoring, learning, travel
and placement opportunities
from a group of the most
senior service professionals
in the UK and internationally.
To enter you have to be
aged 22 or above but
younger than 30 years of
age on 30th September.
Sgt Ian Stewardson
has been a regular Judge for
the three years it has been
running so the Trustees were
very keen for RAF Caterers to
become involved and enter the
competition. The A4 Logistics
Support Role Office in tandem
with the Catering Training
School at Worthy Down have
work hard to champion this
worthwhile event and invite
our Logistics Caterers to apply.
Those who expressed an
interest were invited to provide
an up-to-date Curriculum Vitae
along with a narrative outlining
the benefits they think that
entering the Scholarship can
bring for them. The volunteers
were then invited to enter
Stage 1 which involved
answering ten multiple choice
questions and analysing four
photographs of service aspects.
SAC Charlie McGonigle
from RAF Marham did well to
reach Stage 2, the Regional
Finals, on Wednesday 19th
November at the University of
West London; where she was
competing against 29 other
candidates from such exclusive
establishments as The Ritz,
Claridges, Le Manoir and the
Connaught Hotel to name a few.
The candidates were
invited to undertake a series
of individual tasks to test
their knowledge and catering
skills in different aspects of
food and beverage service.
These Included;
• Demonstrate and serve their
version of a Champagne Cocktail
• Spotting faults on a laid table
• Making 3 x napkin folds – two
of each for a banquet, dinner
service and tray service.
• A team event where you had
to decide priorities from three
cards chosen at random
• E xplaining food dishes
from a pre-chosen menu
• Completing a test paper
consisting of 50 multiple
choice questions
Catering Gold Service Scholarship
Written By: SAC McGonigle
A Unique Experience
When I first heard about the Gold
Service Scholarship from my Sgt I did
some research into the Scholarship
and decided to enter as the Royal Air
Force hadn’t competed before.
I wanted to push myself
and gain some experience
competing against our civilian
counterparts. I collated
everything I needed to enter
the competition and sent
it to the Catering Training
Squadron, Worthy Down to see
if my application was suitable.
After getting the green
light, I entered and waited to
hear from the Scholarship. I
received an email stating I was
successful in my application and
that I had been selected to go
to the Regional Finals. I had to
read the email a few times to
let it sink in. I then threw myself
into preparing for the Regional
Finals; to add more pressure, I
was the first and only Royal Air
Force applicant to reach this
stage. I researched the list of
scenarios and tasks I would be
completing on the day. Then
D-Day came and I headed to
RAF Northolt with FS Bowen and
we travelled to the University of
West London which was hosting
the event. On arrival we were
greeted by Edward Griffiths CVO,
Deputy Master of the Household,
Buckingham Palace and Silvano
The Crossings Veterinary Centre
Used and new military
clothing & equipment
39a St. Andrews Street
At the end of Stage 2 all
candidates were presented
with a Regional Finalist
Certificate and a copy of the
Certificate for their employer.
Of the 30 candidates,
the top two from the two
days plus the next best four
are invited to compete in the
National Finals to be held on
Monday 2nd February at the
Connaught Hotel in Mayfair.
SAC Charlie McGonigle
performed particularly well on the
day displaying a superb amount
of professional skill, deportment
and inter-personal attributes
throughout this ‘full on’ event;
earning considerable praise from
an array of accomplished judges.
She should certainly be proud
of her achievements where she
was an outstanding ambassador
for her Unit and the RAF.
Giraldin the Director of Roux
Restaurants; this made me
nervous beyond belief as these
are the specialists in my trade. I
then met the other candidates,
had some refreshments
then once the judges had
introduced themselves we
began the tasks. It was so
nerve wracking to be on a
one to one basis with some of
the judges but they did their
best to put you at ease. After
everyone had completed the
tasks we were then free to
leave. I can honestly say I’m so
glad I entered the Scholarship
as it was an experience that
money can’t buy; I would
thoroughly recommend it to
everyone. It has boosted my
confidence by being selected
from all the applicants to be in
the Regional Final and I shall
keep my fingers crossed I have
impressed enough to reach
the National Finals in February.
‘Deliver Battle Winning Air Power for Current and Future Operations’
01366 382219 (24 hours emergency cover)
Professional and Personal
Tel: 01223 576564
• An interview based on a
written paper the candidates
were tasked with preparing
prior to the Regional Finals
Saint John’s Way, Downham Market, Norfolk, PE38 0QQ
Sew Inn
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Our new purpose built premises continue to receive
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Telephone: 01366 387147
Open: 9am to 5.30pm closed Wed & Sun
Opening Times; Monday to Friday 8.30am-6pm Saturday 9.30am-12.30pm
Consultations; Open surgeries; Monday to Friday 9am-10am
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Opening hours:
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The team at Swaffham vets are pleased to offer:
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Phone: 01760 722054
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Name: Andy Wright
Where were you born:
Redhill, Surrey
Job title: Station
Time at RAF Marham:
18 months
This month we
speak to SAC
Andy Wright
one of the
at RAF Marham,
here’s what he
had to say…
What is your role
at RAF Marham?
To cover many aspects of
the stations activities from
engineering investigations to
VVIP visits. We also have the
Regional Printing Centre for
Photographic Sections in the
RAF, and are also responsible for
issuing deployable camera kits.
I can’t get through the
day without…?
A coffee first thing in the morning
Digital or wet film camera?
Book or film?
Which three words
best describe you?
Reliable, determined, honest
Who inspires you?
Friends and family
What is your
favourite pastime
outside work?
Watching the football
What is your
proudest moment?
Winning RAF
of the Year
If you could be
Stn Cdr for the day,
what would you do?
Go flying in a Tornado!
Are Resolutions Worth
the Commitment?
Do you start the year with a
resolution to lose weight to fit the
holiday beach wear or the new dress
that you have had in the wardrobe
several years and never worn?
Perhaps it’s a resolution to
take up your favourite sport
or do some outdoor fun
activities with the kids?
As January moves into
February you begin to feel
disheartened – the weight loss is
tough, you feel hungry and tired,
your energy won’t keep up with
your desire and the resolution
starts to feel a bit of a burden.
You end up saying, “I’m so weak
willed, I will never do this” and
to stop the despondency you
decide to try and forget all about
it and con yourself that you didn’t
really want to do this anyway.
Deep down, however you really
would like to make you resolution
real and feel that glow of
achievement. A real desire is worth
every ounce of commitment.
If you are in the resolution
doldrums you are in good
company – about 84% of the
population will be having
a similar experience.
So to clarify, it’s likely you
are not just weak willed; if you
are carrying too much weight
and you have blood sugar that
is up and down all day, probably
because you are trying to follow
a very restrictive or challenging
diet, it is most likely it’s your body
chemistry and not your will power
that is stopping you achieving
your resolution. You possibly
feel hungry much of the time,
quickly tetchy and angry and feel
tired much of the time, so the
thought of exercise leaves you
feeling exhausted to the core.
So what can you do
– there is always a way to
achieve realistic desires.
To begin with, stop the
negative despondent message
playing in your head and allow
the positive solutions to edge
their way to the front of your
mind. Life and eating can still be
pleasurable with the right plan. Do
you remember when you learnt
to ride a bike? The moment you
‘got’ the balance after endless
tumbles to the right or left – what
a sense of achievement! You
can have another such euphoric
moment with increased energy
and weight loss around the
Jane Rose-Land
BSc NutMed, BANT, CNHC reg
Nutrition in Norfolk
middle by following a Zest4life
programme and learning to eat
to balance your blood sugar with
real, nutrient dense foods. As one
person who chose to follow a
Zest4life programme with me said,
“I was overweight, I felt sluggish,
unmotivated and unconfident.
Since starting Zest4life I have lost
weight, I feel energised, positive
and confident. Zest4life has
given me a renewed zest for life.”
Another Zest4life convert, hadn’t
played football for 30 years and
now 1.5 stone lighter and shin
pads and football boots better
off, he has joined the match with
the kids and gives them the run
around in a pace to match theirs.
Group Zest4life
programmes run in Shouldham
in the School’s EcoLab, every
Wed. evening 7-9pm and anyone
can join the evening to see what
they have been missing – no
obligation. If you prefer the 1:1
approach that’s an option too.
For more information call Jane
on 01366 374452 or email jane@
And a date for your diary
– Thursday 26th March (7pm for
7:30pm): A Spring Celebration
Meal with a Little Spiel - on the
wonders of low GL food at Chalk
& Cheese – a fun, nutrient packed,
low GL menu to inspire the
spring to enter your step. More
details out soon. This will be a
charity event to support MIND.
‘Deliver Battle Winning Air Power for Current and Future Operations’